ETI show 16 pager
ETI show 16 pager Over 25 years of quality service to the pcb industry WWW.EQUIPTECH.COM OVER 25 YEARS OF QUALITY SERVICE Hitachi Router ESI Laser Drill Posalux Ultra Speed Drill Pluritec Router Excellon Uniline Hitachi 5-Spindle Drill Hitachi C02 Laser Drill Piergiacomi Target Drill Pluritec Minima Drill Pluritec Giga Drill Excellon 2001 LBF Drill Pluritec Multipla Drill Schmoll Excellon Mark VI Hitachi DRILLERS Dynamotion Single Spindle 110k rpm Air Bearing, Sieb & Meyer Controller, Laser Broken Bit Detectors, Diameter check, long bit check & 110 tool ESI UV 5330 Yag Laser Fully rebuilt with software. We are the exclusive rebuilder of ESI laser systems. Each drill will be factory certified with updated software included. All models in stock, 5200 and 5330. Software, warranty and installation included. Call us with your requirements. Excellon Concept 4 CNC 7 Controller, Independent Z-Axis, 110k rpm Air Bearing Spindles, Touch Screen Controls, 2 Available Excellon Mark VI C, D, E & F 110k rpm Westwind Spindles, 4 & 5 Head Available, CNC 6 Controller, Large Tool Management System, Broken Bit Detectors, Many Available Excellon EX 200 2 Heads, 110k rpm Air Bearing Spindles, 9 Tool Changers per Station, CNC 6 Controller, 2 Available Excellon System 2001 LBF CNC 7 Controller, 5 Heads, 125k rpm Spindles, Tool Management System, Broken Bit Detectors, 5 Available Excellon System 2000 4 & 5 Head, 125k rpm Air Bearing Spindles, CNC 7 Controller, Broken Bit Detectors, Large Tool Management System, 5 Available Excellon Uniline 2000 Single Head Driller with CNC 7 Controller, 120k rpm Air Bearing Spindle, Laser Broken Bit Detectors, Control Depth Drilling, Large Tool Management System, Heat Exchanger, Air Dryer, 2 Available Hitachi LC-1C21C/1C CO2 Blind Via Laser Drills Auto Load & Unload, 3 Available, 19992000 Hitachi ND5E210E 5 Stations, H-Mark 20 D Controller, (2002), 3 Available KlingeInberg MIC76K-6D 6-125k rpm Spindles, (2000), 10 Available Piergiacomi Target Single head target driller with load and unload; Windows based controller, S/N: 37 Pluritec Giga 8888 8-125k rpm Spindles, Sieb & Meyer Controller, Broken Bit Detectors & Large Tool Management System, (1999-2000), 6 Available Pluritec Inspecta X-ray Single Head (1997), Factory Rebuilt with 3 Months Warranty Pluritec Multistation 125k rpm Spindles, Sieb & Meyer Controller, Broken Bit Detectors & Large Tool Management System, 2 Available Posalux Ultra Speed 6000 CNC 3000 Controller, 3 Avilable, 20012002 Posalux Multifor 25 CNC 2000 Controller, 5 - 110k rpm Spindles, Broken Bit Detectors & Large Tool Management System, 2 Available 1999 Schmoll XL6-21 6-125k rpm Spindles, 535mm x 650mm Work Space, (2001-2002), 6 Available ROUTERS Excellon/Kennard Tri-Mill Belt Driven 40k rpm Spindles, 3 Heads, CNC 6 controller Hitachi NR5E210E 5 Stations, 21 x 27 inches, 50k rpm Spindles, ATC 10, H-Mark 10 R Controller, 1 spare spindle per machine, (1998), 2 Available Pluritec PND 4- 80k rpm Air Bearing Spindles, Sieb & Meyer Controller, (2002) DRILLERS/ROUTERS Dynamotion Smart Drill Driller/Router 125k rpm Air Bearing Spindle, Sieb & Meyer Controller, Broken Bit Detectors & Large Tool Management System, S/N: M103 WE Excellon EX 200 Driller/Router 2 Heads, 80k & 60k rpm Air Bearing Spindles, 9 Tool Changers per Station,CNC 6 Controller, 2 Available Excellon EX 110 Driller/Router Single Head with 80k & 60k rpm Air Bearing Spindle, 10 Tool Pods, CNC 6 Controller, 2 Available Excellon EX 300 Driller/Router 3 Heads, 60k rpm Spindles, 9 Tool Changers per Station, CNC 6 Controller BUY ★ SELL ★ TRADE WWW.EQUIPTECH.COM OVER 25 YEARS OF QUALITY SERVICE WWW.EQUIPTECH.COM OVER 25 YEARS OF QUALITY SERVICE Maintech CSL 2000 Hakuto 610i CSL Dynachem 1600IV CSL Dynachem 724 Vacuum Hakuto Exposure Unit Olec AX28 Exposure Unit Olec Accutray Tamarack 161 Expsoure Unit Colight UV Curer Barco SilverWriter ORC 7100 Optibeam Bacher Exposure Unit Dynachem 300 DRL Orc 680GW Olec Super 8 Exposure Unit LAMINATORS DuPont 1500 C Cutsheet Auto Centering, Excellent Condition (1996) DuPont HRL-24 Hot Roll 24’’ capacity with LC 2400 cleaner unit. Dynachem 1600-D Auto Cutsheet Load/Unload, Auto Centering, Allen Bradley PLC Controller, 30’’ Capacity, S/N: 06203208 (1999) Dynachem 1600 IV 30” Auto Cutsheet Automatic, Thin Panel Option (1998) Dynachem 724 Vacuum Rebuilt Vacuum Pump and New Seals Hakuto Mach 500 Cutsheet 18” Automatic Cutsheet Laminator, Auto Centering Hakuto Mach 610i Cutsheet 24’’ Automatic Cutsheet Laminator, Auto Centering Maintech 2000 Cutsheet THP-24 Pre-Heater, Windows 98 Based Controls, Touchscreen S/N: 080, (2000) Maintech 006 Preheater 6 heated rolls, 3 independant heater controls, 29’’ rollers, 200 volt, 3 phase (1997) Morton Dynachem 300 Hot Roll Includes Model 310 Vacuum Base, 24” Conveyor Optek DPL 24 Vacuum Differential Pressure, Drawer Type Western Magnum XRL-180 Hot Roll 18” Dynachem 300 24” Hot Roller Dynachem 800 Preheater EXPOSURE UNITS Argus 7125 UV Single-sided, 24” belt, 2-bulb Colight DMVL-1630 8kw, Double Drawer, Air Cooled, (1997) Colight DMVL-1330 5kw, Double Drawer, Air Cooled Colight DMVL-1530 5kw, Double Drawer, w/Air Conditioner Unit, CA Picard Pin Lam System, S/N: 74032600 DuPont Riston PC130 2-5kw, Double Drawer, Air Cooled Hakuto HAP-5050C Automatic 5kw, Double-Sided, Collimated Light, Automatic Feed, RegistrationOutput Innerlayer Exposure, (1999), S/N: EP139 Hitech 102-S 5kw, Double Drawer with Mylar frames, Built in Water Cooling Hitech 106L 7kw, Double Drawer, Built in Water Cooling, Large Format 43”x 55” Frame Size NuArc FT40APRNS Platemaker Double-Sided with Digital Controls Olec Accuprint AP-30 Super 8 8kw, Double Drawer, Built in Air Conditioning Olec Accuprint AP-30-5000 5kw, Double Drawer Olec Accuprint 6kw, Double Drawer, Built in Air Conditioning OLEC Accutray AT30 2 Camera 6 kw Unit, 24” x 30”, (1999) Olec Vacuum Frame Exposure System With Overhead, 5kw, Frame Size: 40” x 48” ORC 680-GW 7kw, Double Drawer, Internal Cooling, New Bulbs, New Water Jackets and Mylar Frames, 1996-1999. ORC 201B 3kw-5kw switchable, (1995) 2 Available Tamarack 161C 5kw, Double Drawer, Collimated Light Source, Auto alignment via 4-camera system, PC based controller w/ touch screen controls, HEPA filter WWW.EQUIPTECH.COM OVER 25 YEARS OF QUALITY SERVICE WWW.EQUIPTECH.COM OVER 25 YEARS OF QUALITY SERVICE Chemcut 604 Chemcut 107i IS Pumex Ishii Hyoki Scrubber Wesero Scrubber IS Pumiflex Burkle Roller Coater CA DP-10 CA DP-1500 WE BUY AND SELL Argus LPI Spray Coater Argus LPI Oven I.S. Deburrer DEBURRERS Billco 712 Double Sided, w/High Pressure Rinse, Heat Dryer Ishii Hyoki Double Sided 4 Brushes with High Pressure Rinse, Filtering System & Double Heated Dryer Somaca WB 6224J 24’’ Double Sided Deburrer with Oscillation, Rinse & Dryer Chemcut 604 24’’ Conveyor, 1 Top & 1 Bottom Brush with Rinse & Dryer. Ready to Ship From our Warehouse. Marseco HDDBS-2-30 2 Brushes w/ High Pressure Rinse and Filter S/N: 045012 (1999) Wesero 24’’ Double Sided with Rinse & Dryer Chemcut 605 24”Conveyor, 2 Top Brushes, 2 Bottom Brushes with Oscillation & High Pressure Rinse Schmid 4 Brushes, 24” Conveyor with High Pressure Rinse and Dryer Wesero 601 With Ultrasonics, High Pressure Rinse & Sand Filter, S/N: M10215 I.S. Scrubber/Deburrer 4 Brushes, Automatic Brush Control, Preclean, 5HD Dryer, (2000) SCRUBBERS Billco 24’’ Conveyor, 2 Brushes, Dryer Century Pumice 24”, High Pressure Rinse, Heated Dryer, Filtering System for Inner & Outer Layer Chemcut 107 24” Double Sided, 2 Brushes with Rinse & heated Dryer Chemcut 107i 24” Double Sided, 2 Brushes with Rinse & heated Dryer I. S. Pumiflex Series 2000 Pumice 24’’ Conveyor with High Pressure Rinse, Filtrex 2000; for Inner & Outer Layer, (1996) I. S. 24 “ Double Scrub Complete with rinse, dryer and Filtering System, (1998) I.S. Pumiflex Pumice 24” with Thick Panel Option, SHD Dryer, Filtrex 2000 Filter System and Acid Clean Module (1996). System Has Less Than 300 Hours! Call for more details! I.S. Pumex 24’’ High Pressure Rinse, SHD Dryer, Set up for Aluminum Oxide or Pumice, Filtrex 2000 Filter System. Ready to Ship!! Ishii Hyoki IDE 2000 Blind Via Scrubber 8 Ceramic Brush Scrubbing System for Blind Via Copper/Silver Paste, Auto Brush Adjustment, Rinsing and Drying, S/N: SS00029911, (1999) Ishii Hyoki Jet Aluminum Oxide, Includes Preclean, Jet Scrub, High Pressure Rinse And Dryer, Fully Rebuilt, (2000) Marseco WSS2-24 24’’ Double Sided with 2 brushes and rinse with dryer Somaca SBC 224K 24’’ Double Sided with 2 Oscillating Brushes, Rinse & Dryer Somaca SBC 224L 24’’ Double Sided with 2 Oscillating Brushes, Rinse & Dryer Wesero EC600 Scrubber/Deburrer 2 Brush Unit with Back-up Rollers, Bag Filtration, Recirculating Rinse, High Pressure Module Option, S/N: 504, (2000), SCREENING & LPI Argus LPI Spray Coater Single-sided with conveyorized IR oven Argus 9324 LPI Spray Coater Double-sided with conveyorized IR oven, (1999), Rebuilt and installed Bassi 1.5 Tunnel Oven Bottom Load Electric Heat Circuit Automation DP1500 2X LPI Screener Double Sided, to be fully rebuilt, swing out arms, gold screening heads Circuit Automation DP1000 LPI Screener With Screen Frames and Operations Manual (1997) Circuit Automation DP10 LPI Screener Double Sided Automatic Screener Elite Table Top Hand Screen Table with X-Y Adjustments, Back Lighting WWW.EQUIPTECH.COM OVER 25 YEARS OF QUALITY SERVICE WWW.EQUIPTECH.COM OVER 25 YEARS OF QUALITY SERVICE Schmid Clean Line Atotech Clean Line Atotech SES Line Schmid SES Line MacDermid Black Hole Line Comac Dryer I.S. Devmaster I.S. SES Chemcut 547XL-30" Developer ABOUT ETI Equipment Technologies Inc. (ETI) has been buying, selling, and rebuilding top-quality used PCB equipment for the last 25 years. We take pride in our work. Our team of experts will rebuild equipment for you from start to finish into like-new condition using manufacturers specifications or your custom requirements. Our staff has extensive experience in international shipping, banking, documentation and customer service. We also perform certified equipment appraisals recognized by many of the leading financial institutions thru the Association of Machinery and Equipment Appraisers (AMEA). ETI has 3 facilities worldwide to provide service to the pc board fabrication industry. ETI headquarters is located in Hudson, NH, USA. To support our US west coast customers, ETI West stands ready to provide service and sales. In addition, to support our Pacific Rim customer base, ETI China is based in Guangzhou, South China and always ready to assist our offshore customers. For our European customers, ETI Europe is able to serve your equipment needs. ETI stands behind each piece of rebuilt equipment with our 100% customer satisfaction guarantee and a complete parts and labor warranty. Our selection is the best you will find anywhere. We have over 75,000 square feet of warehouse space filled with quality equipment at our 4 different locations. Call on ETI for any of the following services: • equipment rebuilding • facility liquidations • certified AMEA equipment appraisals • full service technical department • installation and repair • facility design and layout • complete PCB facility sales • turn-key facility and equipment • worldwide customer support WE BUY SELL TRADE WET PROCESS Atotech 547XL-30” Fluid Head Clean Line Input, Main Chamber, Rinse, Micro Etch, Rinse, Fluid Head Dryer & Exit Chemcut 547XL-30” Ferric Etching System Input, Main Chamber, Quad Rinse Cascade, Dryer & Exit Hollmuller Multibond 30” Line 2m/min line in excellent condition (2001). Print and drawings available. Call for more information. Atotech OSP Line 1.5 Meters per minute, (2002) Chemcut 547XL-30” Preclean Line Input, 48” Main Chamber, Single Rinse Recirculating, Single Rinse, Fluid Head Dryer & Exit Hollmuller 24” DES Line Thin core Transport Single develop, dual etch and strip. Print and drawings available Chemcut 547XLi-30” Stripper Input, Main Chamber, Rinse Recirculating, Rinse, Fluid Head Dryer with Barrel Filter System I.S. 30” Develop-Etch-Strip Line With Cupric Chloride Etcher, 2 meters/minute, (1999) Brat III Table Top Etcher With Rinse Chemcut 547XLi-30” Clean Line Input, Main Chamber, Rinse, Micro, Rinse, Fluid Head Dryer & Exit Chemcut 547XLi-30” Clean Line ICDM: Input conveyor drive; TRSM: Large process Micro etch or conditioner heated and cooled; DSM/RSM: Double recirculating rinse; AKM: Fluid head dryer; OCM: Exit. 208/240 or 480 volts, customer choice. Chemcut 547XL-30” Develop Line Input, Main Chamber, Rinse Recirculating, Rinse, Fluid Head Dryer & Exit Chemcut 547-30” Develop Line Input, Main Chamber, Rinse Recirculating, Rinse, Dryer & Exit Chemcut 547XL-20” Develop Line Input, Main Chamber, Water Rinse & Exit Chemcut 547-30” Etching System Input, Main Chamber, Flood Rinse, Rinse Recirculating, Rinse, Dryer & Exit Chemcut 547XL-30” Etching System Input, Main Chamber, Flood Rinse, Water Rinse Recirculating, Water Rinse, Fluid Head Dryer & Exit Chemcut 547XL-30” Stripper Input, Main Chamber, Single Rinse Recirculating, Rinse, Fluid Head Dryer & Exit with Barrel Filter System Eidschun ASI Phoenix Series 24” Developer Input, Main Chamber, Rinse Recirculating, Rinse, Dryer & Exit Eidschun ASI Ninety 25 Developer 24” Develop Line Conveyor with Input, Main Chamber, Double Rinse, Dryer & Exit Eidschun ASI Phoenix Series 24” Etching System Input, Main Chamber, Flood Rinse, Water Rinse Recirculating, Water Rinse, Dryer & Exit Eidschun ASI Phoenix Series Stripper Input, Main Chamber, Rinse Recirculating, Rinse, Dryer & Exit I.S. Devmaster 30” Input, Double Develop Chamber, Quad Rinse Cascade, Dryer & Exit I.S. Devmaster 24” Input, Main Develop Chamber, Quad Rinse Cascade, Dryer & Exit I.S. 30” Strip Etch Strip Line With Stripmaster, Titanium Etchmaster, Tin Strip complete with Thin Core Transport Package & Fluid Head Dryer, (1999) I.S. Stripmaster 30”, Double Chamber with Drum Filter System and the following modules: Input, Double Strip, Cascade Rinses, Dryer & Exit. (1997) Schmid Combi-Line 24” DevelopEtch-Strip Line Double Develop, Double Etch, Double Strip, Inner layer, Cupric Etching, S/N: 45-98-025, 21-98-027, 46-98-083, (1998) Schmid Combi-Line 24” Strip-EtchStrip Line (1998) ETCHERS • STRIPPERS • DEVELOPERS • CLEAN LINES • PRECLEAN LINES • POST CLEAN LINES WWW.EQUIPTECH.COM OVER 25 YEARS OF QUALITY SERVICE WWW.EQUIPTECH.COM OVER 25 YEARS OF QUALITY SERVICE ATG A3 Tester Camtek Orion 604 Optek 924 Innervision Luther Maelzer Tester Mania Speedy Orbotech AOI Microcraft Emma TTI Double Sided Double Density Tester Probot 6D Everett Charles 9090 Orbotech Blaser Glenbrook X-Ray 2001 AOI TESTERS ATG A2 Flying Probe Tester Excellent Condition! (1999) ATG Flying A3 Probe Tester 8-Probes, (4) Upper, (4) Lower (2000) S/N: 001000A3061 Everett Charles 9090 Bare Board Tester Double Sided, (1999), Grid Size: 10” x 19” , Touch Screen Controls & Maintenance Cart, S/N: T-9090-187 Everett Charles 9090 Bare Board Tester Double Sided, Single Density, 19 x 25 Grid Size Top & Bottom, Touch Screen Monitor, (1997) Tested & Ready to Ship!! Luther Maelzer LM100/10A Tester (1993), S/N: 101008 Mania Cube Tester Model 3764 Single Sided, 40 Volts Mania MPP4048/24 Tower Tester Double Sided, Double Density, Grid Sizes: 19.125’’ x 16’’ single density top & bottom; 9.5’’ x16’’ double density top & bottom. S/N: 48145293 Micro VU X-Y-Z Measuring Machine With Video, Model: M24X18, S/N: 4443, Price $ 9,500. Microcraft EMMA Flying Probe Tester (1998 - 2000) 3 Available Optek X-Y Measuring Machine Digital Display Printer Included Probot Flying Probe Super 6D Tester 4 probe tester large 24’’x 24’’ panel size TTI 2600 Dual Access Universal Grid Bare Board Tester Double sided, Double Density, Grid Size: 12” x 14”, S/N: U10618 HOT AIR LEVELING Argus 5124 Leveler New Air Knives, Center Hoist, also available lead free Argus Precleaner 24” conveyor with rinses Avalon Avtec 2000 Hot Air Leveler Excellent Condition, Vertical Hoist (1998) Cemco HASL Horizontal Solder Leveler Model B consisting: preheat blower, preheat oven (200ºC) 45º, converter table, solder pot (inclusive of flux and oil applicator) 45º, hover table, double wash unit, dryer module and conveyor to unloading station, levelling speed 1.0 to 24m/min with Abbott air receiver Camtek Orion 604 HR AOI (2000) Call for details!, upgraded with software included Camtek 2V50AR AOI Software included, S/N: 539 (1998), 3 others available Optek Innervision 942X X-ray Inspection & Measurement System (2001) S/N: 536 Orbotech Blaser-AP AOI Vision 300 Series V-Blaser-AP AOI optical head laser scanner. No software included. Orbotech 1450 AOI Power conditioner & control cabinet. No software included. Orbotech PC14 Micro AOI Software, Ready to Ship! (Pb & Pb Free) Cemco Quicksilver SM Hot Air Leveling Tin/Lead, rebuilt heaters and solder pump, (1998), Max. Panel Size: Standard 2-pin fixturing 610 x 610 mm (24” x 24”), Optional 610 x 762 mm (24” x 30”), tooling punch available also Lantronic TT30 Hot Air Leveler 30” x 30” panels, Pb-free, vertical hoist Cemco Quicksilver Vertical Hot Air Leveling System Max. Panel Size: Standard 2-pin fixturing 610 x 610 mm (24” x 24”), Optional 610 x 762 mm (24” x 30”), tooling punch available also Teledyne HALCO 350 Hot Air Leveler Horizontal Hot Air Solder Leveler, cool down table, fluxer IS Post Washer 24” Post cleaner with 2 bristle brushed, rinse & dryer Teledyne HALCO 175 Hot Air Leveler Horizontal Hot Air Solder Leveler, cool down table, fluxer Avalon Avtec 4000 Vertical Hoist WWW.EQUIPTECH.COM OVER 25 YEARS OF QUALITY SERVICE WWW.EQUIPTECH.COM OVER 25 YEARS OF QUALITY SERVICE OEM Vacuum Press 2000 TMP Vacuum Press Burkle Vacuum Press 1999 2002 Burkle Vacuum Press OEM Vacuum Press OEM Vacuum Pres 2001 2001 Kuttler Loader ESI 100 Accumulator Lab Scope Kuttler Unloader Amtech Accumulator Nubal Accumulator APS Plasma B6 2001 Morton Dynachem HTC24 Cleaner Tecknek VCM750 Tacky Roller PRESSES Burkle LAMV150 Hot Oil Vacuum 8-Opening, 750mm x 850mm Platens, 3 Hot Presses, 2 Cold Presses, (1999) Burkle LAMV200 Hot Oil Vacuum 6-Opening, 750mm x 1150mm Platens, 2 Hot Presses, Cold Press, (2002) Burkle LAMV200 Hot Oil Vacuum 8-Opening, 30” x 40” Platens, 2 Hot Presses, Cold Press, Gas Fired, s/n 9144, (2002) Incal 2-Opening 24” x 24” Vacuum With built-in water cooling, 220 volt. Small footprint. Great press for prototype flex Lauffer 6-Opening Laminating Hot vacuum press & cool down press, conveyors for movement of materials and tools, lay up and breakdown stations, storage for tools, controls, and a caul plate cleaning machine. 6 3.75” openings with 32” x 48” steel platens, Electric heat. (1996) OEM 8-Opening Hot Oil Lamination Vacuum Model 140-400TF, w/ Model 140400TF 8-Opening, Cold Press, s/n 206-B, Applicable Manuals and Software, Platen Size 26’’ x 32’’, with Load and Unload, (1997). s/n 206-A. Note: low profile OEM Vac-Q-Lam 3-Openings Lamination Model: 85 2626 3 EW, 27” x 27”, (1998) S/N: 215 V087 OEM Vac-Q-Lam 6-Opening Lamination Vacuum 31” x 31”, electric heat with built in water cooling, 480 volt 3 phase. TMP 5-Opening 30’’ x 30’’, Electrically Heated Platens, Separate Cool Down Press, 175 Ton, Chart Recorder TMP 6-Opening Vacuum Oil heat, 26 x 36’’ Platen Size, Hot & Cold all in one , 2 Zones per Platen, Footprint 9’ x 6’ x 110’’ high, (1997),high temp with oil boiler included turn key system. S/N: 20542 TMP 6-Opening 30’’ x 30’’ Platens with Electric Heat, Swing doors MATERIAL HANDLING Accumulators Loaders Conveyors & Turn Amtech 100 Station Accumulator Amtech Loader/Unloaders w/50 Station Accumulators and Feed Conveyor, 15 Available Corema 90° Turn Corema 100 Station Accumulator ESI 100 Station Accumulator Kuttler Loader Model: KEA60, 5 Available Nubal 50 Station Accumulator, 24” Kuttler Loaders Model: RLE-102A, S/N: 2475 & 2477, (2000), 6 Available Eidschun 50 Station Buffer New in crate Innerlayer Trays Inside dimensions 26” x 29” x 3” deep, Over 500 available, Sold in lots of 50 Kuttler Buffers New, Never Used, 3 Available MISCELLANEOUS Berg 25 Ton Chiller Almost new Concept 1000 Artwork Stabilization Storage Cabinets Dry Box Storage Unit 8 doors, 4 on each side with openings of 20” wide x 26” deep, one full length door on bottom Dynachem Diazo Developer 24” Hoffman 30hp Vacuum System Hoffman 15hp Vacuum System Nuarc Vacuum Frames 30” x 40”- Vacuum Pump Nuarc Vacuum Frame Model: VF-DP, 50’’ x 62’’, (1996) Omega Meter 600 SMD 24”x24” Test Cell, Operable and Ready to Ship! Spencer 15hp Vacuum System 3500 rpm, 200V/3ph/60hz, S/N: 304445 Spencer 5hp Vacuum System 3470 rpm, 200V/3ph/60hz, S/N: 303665 Teknek VCM750 Tacky Roll Cleaning Machine 30”, Vertical, 110 volt, Like New, 5 Available Teknek 24” Tacky Roll Cleaning Machine Teknek Tacky Roller Double-sided, w/ numerical counter, anti-static bars, conveyor speed adjustment, variable height, 110 volt, in line application & 27’’ rollers APS Plasma Etch Vertical Rack, Vacuum Pump, Rebuilt (2001) WWW.EQUIPTECH.COM OVER 25 YEARS OF QUALITY SERVICE WWW.EQUIPTECH.COM OVER 25 YEARS OF QUALITY SERVICE 2000 CA TC120 Oven PAL Plating Line Accu-Score AS-200-JM V- Score Multiline Post Etch Punch Cedal Bonder 1999 Filotec Jump Score 1999 2002 CA Picard Post Etch Punch Multiline Film Punch Cedal Auto Bonder Shoda Techtron S PA R E PA RT S S PA R E PA RT S S PA R E PA RT S ETI Supplies Spare Parts to customers worldwide. We: • Stock Spare Parts • Source Spare Parts • Make Spare Parts Let Our Professionals Save You 30-70% on Spare Parts S PA R E PA RT S S PA R E PA RT S S PA R E PA RT S OVENS Bassi Thermo-Matic Tunnel 2.0 Bottom Conveyor C-Sun Bake Double door, stainless steel interior, cross flow ventilaiton, electric C-Sun Dual Chamber Cart Stainless steel, 3 Available Circuit Automation TC-200 Tunnel S/N: TC200/12-003, (1996) Circuit Automation TC-150 Tunnel Grieve 333 Solder Mask 0 -250°F with 2 shelves DEPINNER Grieve 343 Solder Mask 0-350°F with 2 shelves, Cross Flow Ventilation, New Door Seats C.A. Picard Hydraulic Operation, Excellent Condition, Ready to Ship Precision Quincy 40D-350 Solder Mask Oven, 48” x 60” x 30” deep, Cross Flow Ventilation, New Door Seats PLATING Baker Technologies Rectifiers 500 & 700 AMP Available, Multi-tap Voltage, 190-240 Volt, 0-6 Volt Output. Baker Technologies S-Series Power Supply 12 available, input 190-250v, 50/60 hz, output 500 amps. Copper Tank Two cell with rectifier and rinse tanks. Great for small runs. Eidschun Electroless Line Automatic with flash plate, 36’ long with rail rider hoist system. Call for specs and details TOOLING & PUNCHING HBS Electroless Line 57’ long, low Ryder hoist system PAL Electroless Line Available for removal in 3 months POST ETCH PUNCH C.A. Picard XPF-3043 Punches film or cores of 20” x 26”, 23” x 28”, 26” x 30”, 26” x 32”; includes 2 cameras, S/N: XPF-3043-02, (1999) Multiline OPE With 3000 controller, Runs on DOS, .188 standard offset configuration Multiline ATP-1000 Technic Copper Tin Line 8-Camera system, Series 3000 Controller, Large Panel Format, 2 Rim-runner hoists with Chemring Standard .188 offset, S/N: ATP-1022, Pulse Plate Rectifiers, 12 copper staions, 3 tin, 6 – 18” x 24” per flite bar, (1997) (1998) FILM PUNCH Shoda Techtron CNC V-Score With Jump Scoring SCORING C.A. Picard XPF 3058SA01 S/N: 25334-000, (2001) Many film sizes CORE PUNCH Accu-Score Labs AS-150-JE Jump CNC Controlled, (1998) Filotec KSM 30 Jump Unit With Sieb & Meyer controller (1999) Multiline Artwork Semi-automatic, S/N: SAP-001 Accu-score Labs AS-200-JM V CNC Controlled, 300-FPM Feed Rate, 24” x 24”, (1999) Gecko Automation L02RM CNC with jump scoring Multiline Auto Artwork Series 3000 Controller, S/N: AAP-0060, AAP-0063 Radoll Score-to-Break Machine Accu-Score Labs AS-227-J Jump CNC Controlled, (1997) Barnaby 505 Machine Manual Telmec SL 13.7 Machine Multiline Acculine 24” x 24” Format, Standard .188 Offset Telmec SL 13.9 Machine Jump Score Capabilities, CNC Controller WWW.EQUIPTECH.COM OVER 25 YEARS OF QUALITY SERVICE YOUR GLOBAL PARTNER FOR USED PCB EQUIPMENT ETI Europe ETI Corporate Address: TMT - Tec Lam Pilgeramstrabe 3 67292 Kirchheimbolanden Phone: +49 (0) 63 52 - 78 99 02 Fax: +49 (0) 63 52 - 78 99 04 email: [email protected] 19 Park Avenue Hudson, NH 03051 Tel: 603-881-5253 Fax: 603-881-5304 E-mail: [email protected] ETI West: ETI Dongguan, China 660 California Way Longview, WA 98632 Tel: 360-423-8466 Fax: 360-423-8701 E-mail: [email protected] Phone: +86 (0) 769 8163 6321 Fax: +86 (0) 769 8163 6310 E-mail: [email protected] Skype: etichina Work In Process Hyoki Rebuilt Hyoki Work In Process Cemco Work In Process Argus Rebuilt Argus Rebuilt Cemco
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Water volume per minute: 6gal / 23ltr (AP 30 3500)
7gal / 27ltr (AP 30 5000)
9gal / 34ltr (AP 30 3600)
10gal / 38ltr (AP 30 8000)
Water temp: 45°f / 7°c