1 - Cenidet
1 - Cenidet
S.E.P. S.E.S. D.G.E.S.T. CENTRO NACIONAL DE INVESTIGACIÓN Y DESARROLLO TECNOLÓGICO cenidet ANALYSIS AND DESIGN OF THREE PHASE REFERENCE GENERATORS AND AC/AC CONVERTERS TO ENHANCE POWER QUALITY D I S S E R T A T I O N submited to obtain the degree of: Doctor of Science in Electronic Engineering. P R E S E N T S : JOSE ANTONIO HOYO MONTAÑO ADVISORS DR. JORGE HUGO CALLEJA GJUMLICH DR. JAIME EUGENIO ARAU ROFFIEL SEPTEMBER 9, 2005 CUERNAVACA, MORELOS, MÉXICO S.E.P. S.E.S. D.G.E.S.T. CENTRO NACIONAL DE INVESTIGACIÓN Y DESARROLLO TECNOLÓGICO cenidet ANÁLISIS Y DISEÑO DE GENERADORES DE REFERENCIA TRIFÁSICA Y CONVERTIDORES CA/CA PARA MEJORAR LA CALIDAD DE LA ENERGÍA ELÉCTRICA T E S I S PA R A O B T E N E R E L G R A D O D E : DOCTOR EN CIENCIAS EN INGENIERÍA ELECTRÓNICA P R E S E N T A : JOSE ANTONIO HOYO MONTAÑO DIRECTORES DE TESIS DR. JORGE HUGO CALLEJA GJUMLICH DR. JAIME EUGENIO ARAU ROFFIEL 9 DE SEPTIEMBRE DE 2005 CUERNAVACA, MORELOS, MÉXICO cenidet Centro Nacional de Investigación y Desarrollo Tecnológico ACEPTACIÓN DEL TRABAJO DE TESIS DOCTORAL Cuernavaca, Mor., a 9 de Noviembre de 2005 Dr. Enrique Quintero Mármol Márquez Jefe del Departamento de Ingeniería Electrónica P r e s e n t e. Los abajo firmantes, miembros del Comité Tutorial de la tesis doctoral del alumno José Antonio Hoyo Montaño, manifiestan que después de haber revisado su trabajo de tesis titulado “Análisis y Diseño de Generadores de Referencia Trifásica y Convertidotes CA/CA para Mejorar la Calidad de la Energía Eléctrica”, realizado bajo la dirección del Dr. Jorge Hugo Calleja Gjumlich y el Dr. Jaime Eugenio Arau Roffiel, el trabajo se ACEPTA para proceder a su impresión. ATENTAMENTE _______________________________ DRA. MARÍA COTOROGEA PFEIFER CENIDET _____________________________ DR. LUIS GERARDO VELA VALÉS CENIDET ______________________________ DR. ABRAHAM CLAUDIO SÁNCHEZ CENIDET ________________________________ DR. VICTOR M. CÁRDENAS GALINDO UASLP ___________________ DR. PASAD N. ENJETI TEXAS A&M UNIVERSITY JABC*JOH*SSS*mev INTERIOR INTERNADO PALMIRA S/N, COL, PALMIRA , A.P. 5-164, CP. 62490, CUERNAVACA, MOR. - MÉXICO TELS. (777) 312 23 14, 318 77 41, FAX (777) 312 24 34 EMAIL [email protected] cenidet Centro Nacional de Investigación y Desarrollo Tecnológico Sistema Nacional de Institutos Tecnológicos ANEXO No. 12 AUTORIZACIÓN DE IMPRESIÓN DE TESIS M11 Cuernavaca, Mor., a 8 de noviembre del 2005 C. M.C. José Antonio Hoyo Montaño Candidato al grado de Doctor en Ciencias en Ingeniería Electrónica Presente. Después de haber sometido a revisión su trabajo final de tesis titulado: “Análisis y Diseño de Generadores de Referencia Trifásica y Convertidores CA-CA para Mejorar la Calidad de la Energía Eléctrica”, y habiendo cumplido con todas las indicaciones que el jurado revisor de tesis le hizo, le comunico que se le concede la autorización para que proceda con la impresión de la misma, como requisito para la obtención del grado de Doctor en Ciencias en este Centro. Reciba un cordial saludo. Atentamente _____________________________________ C. Dr. Enrique Quintero-Mármol Márquez Jefe del Departamento de Ingeniería Electrónica c.c.p. Subdirección Académica Departamento de Servicios Escolares Expediente 1 Reglamento del Programa Académico de Doctorado ACKNOWLEDMENTS I would like to express my sincere appreciation and gratitude to my two advisors, Dr. Hugo Calleja and Dr. Jaime Arau, for their guidance, encouragement, support and patience through the course of this work, but most of all, for their friendship. I would like to thank my committee members, Dr. Maria Cotorogea, Dr. Abraham Claudio, Dr. Gerardo Vela, Dr. Víctor Cárdenas and Dr. Prasad Enjeti, for their valuable suggestions and discussions regarding this work. I would also want to acknowledge my fellow classmates, the Electronics Engineering Department faculty and the cenidet staff for providing a friendly and enjoyable working atmosphere. Special thanks are due to M.Sc. Janeth Alcalá for her help in the building and initial testing of the power converter prototype (and the endless discussions about why it burned out). Another special mention must be made to all my teammates of the “Real Sociedad” for allowing me to share four straight championships with them. It would be unforgivable not to give a special acknowledgement to the European Friday Confraternity for sharing many relaxing moments of chat and snack at the heat of a cold glass of wine. Without them, life in cenidet would be unthinkable and hollow. In particular, I would like to thank my wife, Leticia, my children, José Carlos and Laura Leticia, for their love, understanding, support and sacrifice during the course of my Sc. D. study, specially this last year, without them this would not be completed. Finally, I would like to thank the National System of Technological Education Council (CoSNET) for its economical support during my staying at cenidet, and the Hermosillo Technological Institute for giving me the opportunity to pursue a higher education. i AGRADECIMIENTOS Quisiera expresar mi más sincero aprecio y gratitud a mis dos directores de tesis, los doctores Hugo Calleja y Jaime Arau, por su guía, estímulo, apoyo y paciencia durante el desarrollo de este trabajo, pero sobre todo, por su amistad. Quisiera agradecer a los miembros de mi comité, Dra. María Cotorgea, Dr. Abraham Claudio, Dr. Gerardo Vela, Dr. Víctor Cárdenas y Dr. Prasad Enjeti, por sus valiosas sugerencias y discusiones sobre este trabajo. Quisiera también agradecer a mis compañeros de studio, a los profesores del Departamento de Ingeniería Electrónica y al personal de apoyo del cenidet por generar un ambiente de trabajo amistoso y agradable. Un agradecimiento especial para la M.C. Janeth Alcalá por su ayuda en la construcción y pruebas iniciales del prototipo del convertidor de potencia (y las interminables discusiones sobre el por qué se quemaba). Otra mención especial para todos mis compañeros de la “Real Sociedad” que me permitieron compartir con ellos cuatro campeonatos en fila. Sería imperdonable el no dar un agradecimiento especial a la Cofradía del Viernes Europeo por compartir muchos momentos de relajación compartiendo charlas y bocadillos al calor de un vaso frío de vino. Sin ellos, la vida en cenidet sería impensable y vacía. De manera particular, quiero agradecer a mi esposa, Leticia, a mis hijos, José Carlos y Laura Leticia, por su amor, comprensión, apoyo y sacrificio durante el transcurso de mis estudios de doctorado, especialmente este último año, sin ellos esto no estaría completo. Finalmente, quisiera agradecer al Consejo del Sistema Nacional de Educación Tecnológica (CoSNET) por su apoyo económico durante mi estancia en cenidet, y al Instituto Tecnológico de Hermosillo por darme la oportunidad de proseguir con estudios de postgrado. ii DEDICATORY To God, Who always has given me what I need instead of what I want, for His love, caring and blessings. To my father José Hoyo y Rubio† (R.I.P.) for his dedication to his family, his endless interest in learning new things, his love to my mother and myself, and specially for teaching me the pleasure of teaching. To my mother Laura Montaño vda. de Hoyo for her caring, guidance, love and discipline; for teaching me the value of the family and work. To my wife Leticia, for her strength and support during this period of our life, for her patience, advices and right words at difficult times, but above all, for her love and completing my life. To my children José Carlos and Laura Leticia, for being a reason to achieve this goal and look for new ones, for their smiles and hugs, but most important for their love. To my mother-in-law Rogelia Díaz Santana for her love, concern and prayers. To my extended family, Gussy, Jaqueline, Julianita, Kikito, Juanito, Lili, Roger, Jaime, Madga, Mauricio, and Raúl, for bearing me. To cenidet and the Hermosillo Technological Institute, for their support and help in the course of my studies. To all my workmates at cenidet, with whom I have grown both as a person an as a professional, for allowing me to express my ideas and arguments (telling me most of the time that I was wrong, he, he, he). iii DEDICATORIA A Dios, Quien siempre me ha dado lo que necesito en vez de darme lo que quiero, por su amor, cuidados y bendiciones. A mi padre José Hoyo y Rubio† (Q.E.P.D.) por su dedicación a su familia, su eterno interés por aprender cosas nuevas, su amor a mí madre y a mí, y de manera muy especial por enseñarme el placer de enseñar. A mi madre Laura Montaño vda. de Hoyo por su cariño, guía, amor y disciplina; por enseñarme el valor de la familia y el trabajo. A mi esposa Leticia, por su fuerza y apoyo durante este periodo de nuestra vida, por su paciencia, consejos y sus palabras en los momentos difíciles, pero sobre todo, por su amor y por completar mi vida. A mis hijos José Carlos y Laura Leticia, por ser una razón para alcanzar esta meta y buscar otras nuevas, por sus sonrisas y abrazos, por mas importante por su amor. A mi suegra Rogelia Díaz Santana por su amor, preocupación y rezos. A mi familia expandida, Gussy, Jaqueline, Julianita, Kikito, Juanito, Lili, Roger, Jaime, Madga, Mauricio, y Raúl, por soportarme. A cenidet y el Instituto Tecnológico de Hermosillo, por su apoyo y ayuda durante el transcurso de mis estudios. A todos mis compañeros de trabajo en cenidet, con quienes he crecido personal y profesionalmente, por permitirme expresar mis ideas y argumentos (y diciéndome casi siempre que estaba equivocado, ja, ja, ja). iv TABLE OF CONTENTS ABSTRACT .................................................................................................................viii RESUMEN .................................................................................................................x LIST OF FIGURES ..........................................................................................................xii LIST OF TABLES ............................................................................................................xvii LIST OF SYMBOLS ........................................................................................................ xix CHAPTER I. INTRODUCTION ................................................................................1 I.1. MOTIVATION ............................................................................................................1 I.2. STATE OF THE ART REVIEW .................................................................................2 I.2.1. POWER ELECTRONICS SYSTEMS USED IN SAG COMPENSATION .......2 I.2.2. CONTROL STAGE AND REFERENCE SIGNAL GENERATION IN THREE PHASE POWER ELECTRONICS SYSTEMS .....................................4 I.2.3. SUMMARY ..........................................................................................................9 I.3. PURPOSE AND GOALS .............................................................................................10 I.4. DISSERTATION OUTLINE .......................................................................................12 CHAPTER II. PROPOSED SINUSOIDAL REFERENCE SIGNAL GENERATOR ......................................................................................13 II.1. INTRODUCTION ......................................................................................................13 II.2. PROPOSED SINUSOIDAL REFERENCE SIGNAL GENERATOR ......................13 II.3. DIGITAL METHODS FOR SINUSOIDAL SIGNAL GENERATION ....................14 II.3.1. METHODS REVIEW .........................................................................................15 II.3.1.1. ωt (π − ωt) function .................................................................................15 II.3.1.2. Modified Taylor Series Cosine function .................................................16 II.3.1.3. Look-Up Table ........................................................................................17 II.3.1.4. Direct logic synthesis of LUTs ................................................................19 II.3.1.5. Selection of the converter ........................................................................21 II.4. SYNCHRONIC SYSTEMS FOR REFERENCE SIGNAL GENERATORS ............22 II.4.1. ANALOG PLL ....................................................................................................22 II.4.1.1. Phase Detector .........................................................................................23 II.4.1.2. Voltage Controlled Oscillator (VCO) ......................................................25 II.4.1.3. Loop Filter ...............................................................................................25 II.4.1.4. Performance parameters ..........................................................................27 II.4.2. DIGITAL PLL ....................................................................................................27 II.4.3. ALL-DIGITAL PLL ...........................................................................................32 II.4.3.1. Phase detector ..........................................................................................32 II.4.3.2. Digital filter .............................................................................................36 v II.4.3.3. Digitally controlled oscillator (DCO) ..................................................... 38 II.5. PROPOSED SINUSOIDAL REFERENCE SIGNAL GENERATOR DESIGN ...... 39 II.5.1. PHASE TO AMPLITUDE CONVERTER ........................................................ 39 II.5.2. ALL-DIGITAL PLL ........................................................................................... 44 II.5.3. PHASE SHIFT CORRECTOR .......................................................................... 48 II.5.4. DECISION BLOCK ........................................................................................... 50 II.5.5. CLOCK SIGNALS GENERATOR ................................................................... 56 II.5.6. ANALOG INTERFACE .................................................................................... 57 II.6. SUMMARY ............................................................................................................... 58 CHAPTER III. SINGLE-STAGE AC/AC CONVERTERS ....................................... 61 III.1. INTRODUCTION .................................................................................................... 61 III.2. VOLTAGE AND CURRENT BI-DIRECTIONAL SWITCHES ............................ 61 III.3. SINGLE-PHASE PWM AC/AC CONVERTERS IN CONTINUOUS CONDUCTION MODE ............................................................................................ 63 III.3.1. BUCK-BOOST CONVERTER ........................................................................ 67 III.3.1.1. Simulation of an AC/AC buck-boost Converter .................................... 72 III.3.2. CUK CONVERTER ......................................................................................... 77 III.3.2.1. Simulation of an AC/AC Cúk converter ................................................ 79 III.4. SINGLE-PHASE PWM AC/AC CONVERTERS IN DISCONTINUOUS CONDUCTION MODE ........................................................................................... 81 III.4.1. FLYBACK CONVERTER ............................................................................... 81 III.4.1.1. Simulation of an AC/AC flyback converter ........................................... 86 III.5. THREE-PHASE PWM AC/AC CONVERTERS IN CONTINUOUS CONDUCTION MODE ............................................................................................ 90 III.6. SELECTION OF THE CONVERTER FOR EXPERIMENTAL TESTING............ 92 III.7. CONVERTER DESIGN ........................................................................................... 93 III.8. CONTROL STAGE DESIGN .................................................................................. 95 III.8.1. FREQUENCY RESPONSE OF THE CONVERTER ...................................... 95 III.8.2. DESIGN OF THE COMPENSATOR .............................................................. 97 III.8.3. SYNCHRONOUS GENERATION OF PWM SIGNALS ............................... 99 III.8.4. PWM SIGNALS DISTRIBUTION CIRCUIT ................................................. 101 III.9. SUMMARY .............................................................................................................. 103 CHAPTER IV. EXPERIMENTAL PROTOCOLS AND DATA ANALYSIS PROCEDURE....................................................................................... 105 IV.1. INTRODUCTION ..................................................................................................... 105 IV.2. TESTING PROTOCOLS .......................................................................................... 105 IV.2.1. SINUSOIDAL REFERENCE SIGNAL GENERATOR................................... 106 IV.2.2. POWER ELECTRONICS VALIDATION CIRCUIT....................................... 108 IV.3. DATA ANALYSIS PROCEDURE........................................................................... 109 IV.3.1. STATISTICAL ANALYSIS PROCEDURE..................................................... 109 IV.4. SUMMARY............................................................................................................... 111 vi CHAPTER V. SINUSOIDAL REFERENCE SIGNAL GENERATOR TESTING AND PERFORMANCE ANALYSIS................................113 V.1. INTRODUCTION .......................................................................................................113 V.2. EXPERIMENTAL TESTING .....................................................................................113 V.2.1. TEST 1: HOLD RANGE AND CENTRAL FREQUENCY...............................113 V.2.2. TEST 2: PULL-IN RANGE.................................................................................117 V.2.3. TEST 3: FREQUENCY JITTER .........................................................................119 V.2.4. TEST 4: PHASE SHIFT OF ADPLL ..................................................................121 V.2.5. TEST 5: TOTAL HARMONIC DISTORTION OF THE SINUSOIDAL OUTPUT SIGNAL...............................................................................................124 V.2.6. TEST 6: AMPLITUDE AND OFFSET LEVEL OF THE SINUSOIDAL OUTPUT SIGNAL ..............................................................................................123 V.2.7. TEST 7: LINE FAULT THRESHOLD ...............................................................129 V.2.8. TEST 8: RULE DECODER.................................................................................131 V.3. SIMULATION OF A REFERENCE SIGNAL GENERATOR FOR COMPARISON ...........................................................................................................132 V.3.1. Case 1: Input voltages balanced in both amplitude and phase.............................134 V.3.2. Case 2: Input voltages with unbalanced amplitude and balanced phase. ............135 V.3.3. Case 3: Input voltages with unbalanced amplitude and phase.............................137 V.3.4. Case 4: Balanced input voltages in both amplitude and phase and with a 10% third harmonic component shifted 10º in each phase...................................139 V.4.- SUMMARY ...............................................................................................................141 CHAPTER VI. THREE PHASE PWM AC/AC CÚK CONVERTER TESTING AND PERFORMANCE ANALYSIS .................................................143 VI.1. INTRODUCTION .....................................................................................................143 VI.2. EXPERIMENTAL TESTING ...................................................................................143 VI.2.1. TEST 1: OUTPUT VOLTAGE REGULATION ..............................................144 VI.2.2. TEST 2: OUTPUT VOLTAGE TOTAL HARMONIC DISTORTION ...........146 VI.2.3. TESTS 3-8: RESPONSE TIME TO INPUT STEPS .........................................150 IV.4. SUMMARY ..............................................................................................................150 CHAPTER VII. CONCLUSIONS AND FUTURE WORKS ......................................151 APPENDIX A. SINUSOIDAL REFERENCE SIGNAL GENERATOR SCHEMATICS AND CODING .........................................................153 APPENDIX B. AC/AC CÚK CONVERTER AND CONTROL SCHEMATICS ....161 APPENDIX C. PRINTED CIRCUIT BOARDS ..........................................................165 REFERENCES .................................................................................................................169 vii ABSTRACT This dissertation introduces a new approach for the design and development of a three-phase sinusoidal reference signal generator synchronized with the utility. The generator is intended for power electronic systems applied to voltage sag compensation, in particular for AC/AC converters. In order to be used with either analog or DSP-based control circuits, the proposed generator was implemented in a CPLD, but can be easily translated into a FPGA for system-on-a-chip (SoC) applications. The proposed generator consist of four major blocks: an All-Digital PLL (ADPLL), a phase shift corrector, a phase-to-amplitude converter, and a decision block. The operation of these blocks depends upon the state of the utility voltages. The array ADPLL – phase shift corrector provides an in-phase representation of the utility phase angle. The phase-toamplitude converter translates this phase angle to a digital representation of a sine waveform, and generates two more waveforms: D120 and D240. These waveforms are digital signals shifted 120º and 240º from the fundamental component of the sine waveform generated, and are intended to be used as reference replacements by the ADPLLs when an utility voltage is outside the allowed minimum value. Chapter II covers the design of the proposed generator. Four basic methods used to generate sinusoidal waveforms digitally were evaluated for their implementation in CPLD. Based on the method selected the phase-to-amplitude was designed, and its equations are presented. Basic theory of PLL circuits is also covered, from analog to all-digital implementations. This part is important for the understanding of the synchronicity mechanism, as well as for the selection and development of the component blocks of the ADPLL and the phase shift compensator. The decision block glues together the three ADPLL blocks. It has to determine whenever an utility phase is below a predefined threshold and substitute it with an adequate signal for the operation of the ADPLL. The AC/AC converters are reviewed in chapter III, both single and three phase topologies. The operation of single phase converters with different loads is covered. The additional modes of operation required to transfer energy from the load side to the utility (when the load is R-L or non-linear) are explained. The converters studied were confined to the buck-boost derived topologies. This type of converters do not require low-frequency transformers to compensate voltage sags or swells. The three phase converters reviewed are suited for symmetrical voltage sag compensation, but their performance under unbalanced conditions is not adequate. This drawback has lead to the use of independent single phase converters for three phase compensation. With this option in mind, the design procedure of the converter and its control stage is presented. The test of the proposed generator, operating alone, and with the AC/AC converter, was performed following the procedures included in two protocols. The first protocol is designed to obtain the performance parameters of the generator: holding frequency, jitter, THD levels of the sinusoidal waveform, etc. The second protocol is designed to verify the performance of the generator in static and dynamic conditions when operates in noisy environments. The protocols are included in chapter IV. viii The tests included in the protocols were performed several times in order to reduce the effect of instrument misreading and random disturbances. All the data measured and recorded has been analyzed using statistical tools to verify that the performance parameters are inside the allowed limits. Several equations were developed to describe the behavior of some parameters. A comparison of the proposed generator against a basic generator reported in the literature was also performed at simulation level. Three distorted conditions were studied: amplitude unbalance with nominal phase shift, amplitude and phase unbalance, and amplitude and phase balance with a 10% third harmonic. These cases were compared with each other and with the ideal amplitude and phase balance condition. Finally, a summary of the dissertation and its conclusions is presented. The papers written based on this research, and some future works related to both the sinusoidal reference signal generator and single-phase AC/AC Converters are also included. ix RESUMEN Esta tesis presenta un nuevo esquema para el diseño y desarrollo de un generador trifásico de referencias sinusoidales sincronizado con la red eléctrica. El generador está pensado para su uso en sistemas de electrónica de potencia enfocados a compensación de bajas de voltaje transitorias, de manera particular para convertidores CA/CA. Para su uso tanto en circuitos de control analógicos, como en los basados en DSP, el generador propuesto se implementó en un dispositivo CPLD, sin embargo, puede ser fácilmente implementado en un dispositivo FPGA para su aplicación en dispositivos tipo SoC (siglas en inglés de System-on-a-Chip). El generador propuesto está formado por cuatro bloques principales: un circuito de amarre de fase totalmente digital (ADPLL, por las siglas en inglés de All-Digital PhaseLocked Loop), un corrector de corrimiento de fase, un convertidor de fase-a-amplitud, y un bloque de toma de decisiones. La operación de estos bloques depende del estado de los voltajes de la red eléctrica. El arreglo formado por el ADPLL y el corrector de corrimiento de fase proporciona una representación en fase de los ángulos de fase de los voltaje de la red eléctrica. El convertidor de fase-a-amplitud convierte este ángulo de fase a una representación digital de la amplitud de la onda sinusoidal, y genera dos formas de onda adicionales: D120 y D240. Estas formas de onda son señales digitales que están desfasadas 120º y 240º con respecto a la componente fundamental de la señal sinusoidal generada, y su finalidad es la de ser utilizadas como reemplazo de las señales de referencia de los ADPLL cuando alguno de los voltajes de la red eléctrica sea menor a un valor mínimo permitido. En el capítulo II se trata el diseño del generador propuesto. Cuatro métodos básicos usados para la generación de formas de onda sinusoidales por medios digitales fueron evaluados para su posible implementación en dispositivos CPLD. Basados en el método seleccionado se diseñó el convertidor de fase-a-amplitud, incluyéndose sus ecuaciones en el texto. También se presenta la teoría básica de los circuitos de amarre de fase (PLL), cubriendo desde la implementación analógica hasta la completamente digital. Esta sección es importante para el entendimiento del mecanismo de sincronía, así como para la selección y desarrollo de los bloques que conforman el ADPLL y el compensador de corrimiento de fase. El bloque de toma de decisiones une los tres bloque ADPLL. Este bloque debe determinar cuando un voltaje de la red eléctrica se encuentra por debajo del nivel mínimo fijado y substituirlo por una señal adecuada para la operación del ADPLL. Los convertidores CA/CA, tanto en topologías monofásicas como trifásicas, son estudiados en el capítulo III. La operación de los convertidores monofásicos con diferentes cargas es cubierta. Se explican los modos de operación adicionales requeridos para la transferencia de energía del lado de la carga hacia la red eléctrica (cuando las cargas son RL o no lineales). Los convertidores estudiados se confinaron a las topologías derivadas de la reductora-elevadora. Este tipo de convertidores no requieren el uso de transformadores de baja frecuencia para compensación de bajas o altas de voltaje transitorias. Los convertidores trifásicos revisados son apropiados para compensación de bajas de voltaje simétricas, pero su desempeño en condicione de desbalance de voltaje no son adecuadas. Esta desventaja ha impulsado el uso de convertidores monofásicos independientes para compensación trifásica. x Con esta visión, se presenta el procedimiento de diseño para el convertidor y su etapa de control. La prueba experimental del generador propuesto, operando solo, y con el convertidor CA/CA se realizó siguiendo los procedimientos incluidos en dos protocolos. El primer protocolo se diseñó para obtener los parámetros de desempeño del generador: la frecuencia de amarre, la variación de frecuencia (jitter en inglés), los niveles de distorsión armónica total de la señal generada, etc. El segundo protocolo se diseñó para verificar el desempeño del generador en condiciones estáticas y dinámicas cuando se opera en ambientes ruidosos. Los protocolos se incluyen en el capítulo IV. Las pruebas incluidas en los protocolos fueron repetidas varias veces para reducir el efecto de malas mediciones y perturbaciones aleatorias. Todos los datos medidos y registrados fueron analizados usando herramientas estadísticas para verificar que los parámetros de desempeño se encuentran dentro de los límites permitidos. Varias ecuaciones se desarrollaron para describir el comportamiento de algunos parámetros. También se llevó a cabo una comparación del generador propuesto contra un generador básico reportado en la literatura. Se estudiaron tres condiciones no ideales o distorsionadas: desbalance de amplitud con ángulos de fase nominales, desbalance de amplitud y fase, y amplitud y fase balanceadas con un tercer armónico del 10% . Estos casos se compararon entre sí y contra la condición de amplitud y fase nominal. Por último, se presenta un resumen de la tesis y sus conclusiones. Se incluyen también, los artículos escritos basados en esta investigación, y algunos de los posibles trabajos futuros relacionados tanto al generador de señales de referencia sinusoidales y los convertidores CA/CA monofásicos. xi LIST OF FIGURES CHAPTER I. INTRODUCTION Fig. I.1. Three-phase AC/AC buck converter..................................................................... 3 Fig. I.2. Three-phase AC/AC boost converter. (MODIFICAR FIGURA) ......................... 3 Fig. I.3. Block diagram of the control system reported in [16]. ......................................... 4 Fig.I. 4. Block diagram of the series inverter control reported in [17]. .............................. 5 Fig. I.5. Block diagram of the active power filter control reported in [31]. ....................... 5 Fig. I.6. Block diagram of the active power filter control reported in [32]. ....................... 6 Fig. I.7. Block diagram of the active power filter control reported in [33, 34]. ................. 6 Fig. I.8. Block diagram of the DVR control reported in [35]. ............................................ 7 Fig. I.9. Block diagram of the DVR control reported in [36]. ............................................ 7 Fig. I.10. Block diagram of the DVR control reported in [37]. ......................................... 8 Fig. I.11. Block diagram of the basic topology of the conventional PLL.......................... 8 Fig. I.12. Block diagram of a three-phase PLL.................................................................. 9 Fig. I.13. Block diagram of the proposed three-phase sine-wave reference signal generator............................................................................................................. 11 CHAPTER II. PROPOSED SINUSOIDAL REFERENCE SIGNAL GENERATOR Fig. II.1. Fig. II.2. Fig. II.3. Fig. II.4. Block diagram of proponed sinusoidal reference signal generator. .................. 13 Block diagram of a direct digital synthesizer.................................................... 14 Simulation results using a 10bits word width to calculate the Taylor Series.... 17 Block diagram of the generator using quarter-wave sinusoidal wave symmetry. .......................................................................................................... 18 Fig. II.5. Basic block diagram of PLL.............................................................................. 22 Fig. II.6. Multiplier PD input signals. (a) signal u1(t) is a sinusoidal waveform. Dashed line with q1=0; solid line with q1>0. (b) signal u2(t) is a square waveform. Dashed line with q2=0; solid line with q2>0 ................................. 24 Fig. II.7. Filter used in PLL applications. ........................................................................ 26 Fig. II.8. Most often used PDs in hybrid PLLs ................................................................ 27 Fig. II.9. Waveforms of the XOR gate PD under (a) zero phase error, and (b) phase error greater than zero ...................................................................................... 28 Fig. II.10. Phase detector output signal vs. phase error of the XOR gate PD. ................... 29 Fig. II.11. Waveforms of the edge-triggered JK flip-flop PD under (a) zero phase error, and (b) phase error greater than zero ...................................................... 30 Fig. II.12. Phase detector output signal vs. phase error of the edge-triggered flip-flop PD ....................................................................................................... 30 Fig. II.14. Phase detector output signal vs. phase error of the PFD. .................................. 32 Fig. II.15. Block diagram of an all-digital PLL. ................................................................ 32 Fig. II.16. Schematic diagram of edge-triggered JK flip-flop modified phase detector. ... 34 Fig. II.17. Modified PFD phase detector ........................................................................... 34 Fig. II.18. Block diagram of the modified PFD ................................................................. 35 Fig. II.19. Modified PFD ................................................................................................... 35 Fig. II.20. Difference detector circuit. (a) hybrid implementation, (b) digital equivalent.. 35 xii Fig. II.21. PFD waveforms ..................................................................................................36 Fig. II.22. Digital filter using a UP/DOWN counter ..........................................................36 Fig. II.23. K counter digital filter ........................................................................................37 Fig. II.24. Recursive filter block diagram. ..........................................................................37 Fig. II.25. Block diagram of a ÷N counter DCO.................................................................38 Fig. II.27. Block diagram of modified ID counter...............................................................39 Fig. II.28. Block diagram of phase-to-amplitude converter with complementor blocks.....43 Fig. II.29. Experimental waveform obtained with the generator.........................................43 Fig. II.30. Block diagram of an ADPLL with divide-by-N counter in the feedback loop. .44 Fig. II.31. Block diagram of ADPLL. .................................................................................46 Fig. II.32. ADPLL with reduction jitter connection. ...........................................................46 Fig. II.33. Schematic diagram of the K-counter filter. ........................................................47 Fig. II.34. Schematic diagram of ID counter DCO. ............................................................47 Fig. II.35. Block diagram of the first proposed modification..............................................48 Fig. II.36. Block diagram of the second proposed modification. ........................................49 Fig. II.38. Digital window comparator. ...............................................................................51 Fig. II.39. Digital counter of the line-fault detector. ...........................................................52 Fig. II.41. Window comparator with glitch-remover circuit. ..............................................53 Fig. II.42. Line-fault detector. .............................................................................................54 Fig. II.43. Initial clock signals generator.............................................................................56 Fig. II.44. Final block diagram of the clock generator. .......................................................56 Fig. II.45. Block diagram for the prototype.........................................................................57 Fig. II.46. ADC input circuit (per phase). ...........................................................................57 Fig. II.47. DAC output circuit (per phase). .........................................................................58 CHAPTER III. SINGLE-STAGE AC/AC CONVERTERS Fig. III.1. Basic bi-directional switch topologies. . .............................................................61 Fig. III.2. Basic bi-directional switch implemented with reverse-blocking IGBTs. ...........62 Fig. III.3. Cascode array of SiC JFET and Si MOSFET. ...................................................62 Fig. III.4. Inductor current waveform..................................................................................63 Fig. III.5. Capacitor voltage ripple waveform. ....................................................................64 Fig. III.6. AC/AC buck-boost converter..............................................................................67 Fig. III.7. Operating modes with linear resistive load. ........................................................68 Fig. III.8. Operating modes with linear inductive-resistive load.........................................69 Fig. III.9. Operating modes with non-linear capacitive load...............................................71 Fig. III.10. Control signals and voltage and current waveforms of the converter operating with resistive load. ............................................................................74 Fig. III.11. Control signals and voltage and current waveforms of the converter operating with R-L load. ...................................................................................75 Fig. III.12. Non-Linear Load. ..............................................................................................76 Fig. III.13. Control signals and voltage and current waveforms of the converter operating with non-linear capacitive load. ......................................................77 Fig. III.14. AC/AC buck-boost converter............................................................................78 Fig. III.15. Operating modes with resistive load. ................................................................79 Fig. III.16. Control signals and voltage and current waveforms of the converter operating with resistive load. ...........................................................................80 xiii Fig. III.17. AC/AC flyback converter................................................................................. 81 Fig. III.18. Operating modes with linear resistive load. ..................................................... 82 Fig. III.19. Operating modes with linear inductive-resistive load. ..................................... 83 Fig. III.20. Operating modes with non-linear capacitive load. ........................................... 85 Fig. III.21. Control signals and voltage and current waveforms of the converter operating with resistive load. ........................................................................... 87 Fig. III.22. Control signals and voltage and current waveforms of the converter operating with R-L load. .................................................................................. 88 Fig. III.23. Control signals and voltage and current waveforms of the converter operating with non-linear capacitive load. . .................................................... 89 Fig. III.24.- Transformation process of a single phase PWM AC/AC buck converter into a three phase PWM AC/AC buck converter. ........................................... 90 Fig. III.25. Three-phase PWM AC/AC converters. .......................................................... 92 Fig. III.26.- Block diagram of the three phase PWM AC/AC converter including its control stage................................................................................................. 93 Fig. III.27. Small signal equivalent circuit. ........................................................................ 95 Fig. III.28. Open loop frequency response of the converter. .............................................. 96 Fig. III.29. Pole-zero distribution for the compensating network ...................................... 97 Fig. III.30. Frequency compensating circuit....................................................................... 97 Fig. III.31. Open loop frequency response of the compensated converter. ........................ 99 Fig. III.32. Master-Slave connection of UC3526. .............................................................. 100 Fig. III.33. PWM signals. CH1 Master, CH2 Slave1, CH3 Slave2.................................... 100 Fig. III.34. Master-Slave connection of UC3526. .............................................................. 101 Fig. III.35. PWM signals. CH1 Master, CH2 Slave1, CH3 Slave2.................................... 102 Fig. III.36. One-shoot circuit to limit the maximum duty cycle......................................... 102 Fig. III.37.- Block diagram of the control circuit. .............................................................. 102 CHAPTER IV. EXPERIMENTAL PROTOCOLS AND DATA ANALYSIS PROCEDURE Fig. IV.1. Laboratory setup for the first seven tests............................................................ 106 Fig. IV.2. Laboratory setup for the Rule Decoder test........................................................ 106 Fig. IV.3. “Eye pattern” proposed for jitter measurement.................................................. 107 CHAPTER V. SINUSOIDAL REFERENCE SIGNAL GENERATOR TESTING AND PERFORMANCE ANALYSIS Fig. V.1. Location of confidence interval measured for the hold range limits. .................. 116 Fig. V.2. Location of confidence interval measured for the pull-in range limits. ............. 118 Fig. V.3. Oscillogram of jitter measurement. ..................................................................... 119 Fig. V.4. Location of confidence interval measured for the jitter period limits. ................ 120 Fig. V.5. Input – Output ADPLL response......................................................................... 121 Fig. V.6. Oscillogram of phase shift correction measurement. .......................................... 122 Fig. V.7. Ideal phase error response of the ADPLL. .......................................................... 123 Fig. V.8. Measured phase error response of the ADPLL.................................................... 123 Fig. V.9. Measured phase error response of the ADPLL with the phase shift correction circuit. ................................................................................................. 124 xiv Fig. V.10. Recorded data used to perform the THD analysis in MATLAB........................125 Fig. V.11. Measured THD values of the sinusoidal output signal. .....................................125 Fig. V.12. Effect of DCO frequency variation over the input bus of the combinational ROM............................................................................................126 Fig. V.13. Amplitude...........................................................................................................128 Fig. V.14.- Location of confidence interval measured for the amplitude of the generated signal..................................................................................................129 Fig. V.15.- Location of confidence interval measured for the amplitude of setting flag limit.............................................................................................................130 Fig. V.16.- Location of confidence interval measured for the amplitude of resetting flag limit.............................................................................................................131 Fig. V.17. Rule decoder.......................................................................................................131 Fig. V.18. Phase-to-phase angle. .........................................................................................132 Fig. V.19. Reference generator presented by Chung [33]. ..................................................133 Fig. V.20. Circuits used to simulate the reference signal generators. .................................134 Fig. V.21. Voltage sources used to simulate a balanced voltage case. ...............................134 Fig. V.22. Simulation with balanced amplitude conditions. ...............................................135 Fig. V.22. Simulation with unbalanced amplitude conditions. ...........................................137 Fig. V.24. Resistor array used to generate a virtual ground for the SRSG. ........................137 Fig. V.25. Simulation with amplitude and phase unbalance conditions..............................138 Fig. V.26. Simulation with 10% third harmonic component. .............................................140 CHAPTER VI. THREE PHASE PWM AC/AC CÚK CONVERTER TESTING AND PERFORMANCE ANALYSIS Fig. VI.1. Block diagram of AC/AC converter and its control stage. .................................143 Fig. VI.2. Laboratory setup. ................................................................................................144 Fig. VI.3. Converter output voltage.....................................................................................144 Fig. VI.4. Regulation error vs. input voltage.......................................................................145 Fig. VI.5. THD levels vs. input voltage. .............................................................................146 Fig. VI.6. Harmonic components of output voltages, highest and lowest levels per phase. ............................................................................................................147 Fig. VI.7. Zero-crossing distortion of Van, Vbn and Vcn...................................................148 Fig. VI.8. Converter output voltage.....................................................................................149 Fig. VI.9. System response to input voltage steps...............................................................150 Fig. VI.10. ITIC curve. .......................................................................................................150 APPENDIX A. SINUSOIDAL REFERENCE SIGNAL GENERATOR SCHEMATICS AND CODING Fig. A.1. Fig. A.2. Fig. A.3. Fig. A.4. Fig. A.5. Fig. A.6. Fig. A.7. Schematic diagram of the SRSG .......................................................................153 ADPLL schematic diagram ...............................................................................154 Phase detector schematic diagram .....................................................................154 Module K schematic diagram ............................................................................155 ID counter schematic diagram ...........................................................................155 Feedback counter program coding ....................................................................156 Shift corrector schematic diagram .....................................................................156 xv Fig. A.8. Shifted signals generator program coding ........................................................ 157 Fig. A.9. Phase-to-Amplitude converter schematic diagram ........................................... 157 Fig. A.10. Sine-wave program coding ............................................................................... 159 Fig. A.11. Clock generator schematic diagram ................................................................. 160 APPENDIX B. AC/AC CÚK CONVERTER AND CONTROL SCHEMATICS Fig. B.1. Schematic diagram of a single-phase AC/AC Cúk converter module .............. 161 Fig. B.2. Schematic diagram of a control circuit for AC/AC Cúk converter (PWM section) .................................................................................................. 162 Fig. B.3. Schematic diagram of a control circuit for AC/AC Cúk converter (Reference output section) ................................................................................ 163 Fig. B.4. Schematic diagram of a control circuit for AC/AC Cúk converter (Feedback section) ............................................................................................. 164 APPENDIX C. PRINTED CIRCUIT BOARDS Fig. C.1. Fig. C.2. Fig. C.3. Fig. C.4. Top layer of the PCB layout of the SRSG (not at 1:1 scale) ............................. 165 Bottom layer of the PCB layout of the SRSG (not at 1:1 scale) ....................... 165 Top layer of the PCB layout of the AC/AC Cúk converter (not at 1:1 scale) ... 166 Bottom layer of the PCB layout of the AC/AC Cúk converter (not at 1:1 scale) ................................................................................................ 166 Fig. C.5. Top layer of the PCB layout of the control stage (not at 1:1 scale) .................. 167 Fig. C.6. Bottom layer of the PCB layout of the control stage (not at 1:1 scale) ............. 167 xvi LIST OF TABLES CHAPTER II. PROPOSED SINUSOIDAL REFERENCE SIGNAL GENERATOR Table II.1. Table II.2. Table II.3. Table II.4. Table II.5. Table II.6. Table II.7. Table II.8. Table II.9. Table II.10. Table II.11. Table II.12. THD of modified Taylor series.......................................................................17 THD as a function of k and m ........................................................................19 Number of macrocells.....................................................................................20 Number of macrocells needed to implement ..................................................21 Summary of converters parameters. ...............................................................21 CPLD needed to implement the......................................................................22 PLL equations for different kinds of filters ....................................................26 Values of data(n) for k=9 and m=8.................................................................40 Expected duty cycle vs. Phase Detector .........................................................45 Code listing for the generation of internal reference signals. .........................50 Decision rules .................................................................................................54 Rule decoder coding. ......................................................................................55 CHAPTER III. SINGLE-STAGE AC/AC CONVERTERS Table III.1.- Equations for the passive elements of AC/AC buck-boost derived topologies........................................................................................................65 Table III.2.- Equations of the voltage stress for the elements of AC/AC buck-boost derived topologies in P.U. referred to output voltage.....................................65 Table III.3.- Equations of the current stress for the elements of AC/AC buck-boost derived topologies in P.U. referred to output current. ....................................66 Table III.4.- Characteristics of PWM AC/AC converters for AC line conditioning...........92 CHAPTER IV. EXPERIMENTAL PROTOCOLS AND DATA ANALYSIS PROCEDURE Table IV.1. Specific Tests Guide for SRSG. .....................................................................107 Table IV.2. Rule decoder input/output relationship...........................................................108 Table IV.3. Specific tests guide for the validation circuit. ................................................109 CHAPTER V. SINUSOIDAL REFERENCE SIGNAL GENERATOR TESTING AND PERFORMANCE ANALYSIS Table V.1. Measured hold range .........................................................................................114 Table V.2. Adjusted measured hold range limits ................................................................115 Table V.3. Measured pull-in Range ....................................................................................117 Table V.4. Adjusted measured pull-in range limits.............................................................117 Table V.5. Measured frequency variation. ..........................................................................120 Table V.6. Measured phase shift. ........................................................................................121 Table V.7. Measured THD of the output signal. .................................................................124 Table V.8. Measured amplitude and offset level of the output signal.................................128 xvii Table V.9 Measured threshold line fault limits. ................................................................. 129 Table V.10. Measured phase angle between output signals. .............................................. 132 Table V.11. Simulated nominal output values of the compared generators. ..................... 135 Table V.12. Simulation results of study case 2................................................................... 136 Table V.13. Simulation results of study case 3................................................................... 138 Table V.14. Simulation results of study case 4................................................................... 140 CHAPTER VI. THREE PHASE PWM AC/AC CÚK CONVERTER TESTING AND PERFORMANCE ANALYSIS Table VI.1. Table VI.2. Table VI.3. Table VI.4. xviii RMS value of the output voltage. .................................................................. 145 THD value of the output voltage.................................................................... 146 Harmonic components exceeding the standard limit. .................................... 148 Response time of the converter under input voltage step. ............................. 149 LIST OF SYMBOLS A a AD(i) ADC_ck Aj B C C c C0 C1 D D̂ d̂ D(i) D’ D120 D240 e F f() F() fc fclk fCP1,2 fCZ3 fDCO fi fout fP1 fP2 fP3 freq fsw fxo fZ1 fZ2 fµ Ho maximum peak value. PWM-switch active terminal. value of the ith input address bit of the combinational ROM (i=0,1..k-3). ADC start of conversion signal. value of the jth equivalent address bit (j=0,1..8). minimum peak value. capacitance. capacitance of non-linear load. PWM-switch common terminal. output capacitor. input capacitor. maximum converter duty cycle. PWM-switch perturbed duty cycle. PWM-switch perturbed variation of duty cycle. value of the ith output data bit of the phase-to-amplitude converter (i=0,1..m-1). 1-D. 120º shifted signal. 240º shifted signal. error signal. line frequency. time function. Fourier function. central frequency of the ADPLL. digital clock frequency. complex-pair pole frequency of the converter function (Hz). third converter zero frequency (Hz). clock signal of the DCO. ith frequency sample value. output frequency. first compensator pole at the origin. second compensator pole frequency (Hz). third compensator pole frequency (Hz). frequency in Hertz. converter’s switching frequency. compensator crossover frequency (Hz). first compensator zero frequency (Hz). second compensator zero frequency (Hz). samples mean frequency. zero frequency transfer function gain. xix IP îa îc îo î p inductor peak current. PWM-switch perturbed active terminal current. PWM-switch perturbed common terminal current. PWM-switch perturbed output current. PWM-switch perturbed passive terminal current. is î1 î2 k K Kd KI Ko KV L0 L1 LCL Li m M Mfc n N converter input current. PWM-switch perturbed supply current. PWM-switch perturbed input capacitance current. word-width of the phase angle. power of 2, maximum count of the digital filter, gain of the PD. inductor current ripple factor. VCO gain factor. capacitor voltage ripple factor. output inductor. input inductor. lower control limit. ith recorded value of the lower limit frequency. word-width of the amplitude. power of 2, defines the clock frequency of the digital filter. digital clock frequency of the ADPLL filter. integer ranging from 0 to 2k-2-1. power of 2, maximum count of a feedback counter of a PLL circuit. digital clock frequency of the ADPLL DCO. number of samples. transformer turn ratio. digital representation of a sine waveform. PWM-switch passive terminal. first conjugated pair of poles frequency (rad/seg). second conjugated pair of poles frequency (rad/seg). converter output power. ADPLL quality factor. resistence. main resistance of non-linear load. value of the ith output bit of the combinational ROM. (i=0,1..7). load resistance. series resistance of non-linear load. sample standard deviation from the expected value. line period. critical value of t for a level of significance α/2 and N-1 Nfc Ns Nt OUT() p p1,2 p3,4 Po Q R R1 Ri Rload Rs s T tα ,df 2 degrees of freedom (df). xx u1(t) U10 u2(t) U20 UCL ud Udud(t) Ud+ uf(t) Ui V*as V*bs V*cs V*de V*qe V*α V*β V1 V3 V5 Vab Van Vap Vas Vbc Vbn Vbs Vc Vca Vcn Vcs Vde V̂g PLL reference signal. peak value of the PLL reference signal. VCO output signal. peak value of the VCO output signal. upper control limit. digital state of the PD. digital low state of the PD. output signal of the PD. digital high state of the PD. output signal of the PLL’s loop filter. ith recorded value of the upper limit frequency. reference phase voltage A. reference phase voltage B. reference phase voltage C. reference direct voltage in the rotating reference frame. reference quadrature voltage in the rotating reference frame. reference direct voltage in the static reference frame. reference quadrature voltage in the static reference frame. RMS value of the fundamental. RMS value of the third harmonic. RMS value of the fifth harmonic. line to line voltage AB. line to neutral voltage A. active-to-passive terminals voltage. phase voltage A. line to line voltage BC. line to neutral voltage B. phase voltage B. capacitor peak voltage. line to line voltage CA. line to neutral voltage C. phase voltage C. direct voltage in the rotating reference frame. PWM-switch perturbed supply voltage. Vo vo Vqe VS vs Vsmin Vα Vβ W x x1 peak value of the output voltage. converter output voltage. quadrature voltage in the rotating reference frame. peak value of the input voltage. converter input voltage. minimum input voltaje. direct voltage in the static reference frame. quadrature voltage in the static reference frame. digital window comparator signal. mean value of the samples. gate signal of converter switch M1. xxi x2 x3 x4 XL xlower xnom xupper Y z1,2 z3 Zload ∆ ∆F ∆f ∆I ∆Vc ∆ωt α δ φ(n) φAB φBC φCA φe φec η ϕ µ0 µ̂1 µ̂ 2 θ θe σ ω ω1 ω2 ωc ωn ωt ζ xxii gate signal of converter switch M2. gate signal of converter switch M3. gate signal of converter switch M4. inductive reactance. minimum allowed value of a parameter. nominal value of a parameter. maximum allowed value of a parameter. three-phase four wire connection. first conjugated pair of zeros frequency (rad/seg). third real zero frequency (rad/seg). load impedance. three-phase three wire connection. difference between the frequency of the input signal and the ADPLL central frequency. holding range of the ADPLL. inductor current ripple. capacitor voltage ripple. phase angle increment. significance level. duty cycle of PLL output signal. integer representation of the phase angle. angle shift between phases A and B. angle shift between phases B and C. angle shift between phases C and A. phase shift between the ADPLL reference and its output signals. corrected phase shift between the ADPLL reference and its output signals. efficiency. power factor angle. process mean value. lower limit of the confidence interval, upper limit of the confidence interval, phase angle. phase error. population standard deviation. angular frequency. angular frequency of the reference signal, angular frequency of the VCO output signal. central frequency of the VCO. filter natural frequency. phase angle. filter dumping factor. CHAPTER I.- INTRODUCTION I.1.- MOTIVATION In recent years, power quality and energy supply reliability have gained special importance among industrial, commercial and domestic customers. Poor power quality might disrupt the operation of computers, motor drives, and industrial controls among several loads, resulting in data losses, equipment malfunction, production and/or economic losses, and in extreme cases user injuries. One of the most costly disturbances affecting power quality is the momentary voltage drop, commonly referred as voltage sag. This disturbance, when not compensated, can be responsible for huge economical losses in a wide range of customers like paper mills, radio and TV broadcast facilities, data centers, etc. These economical losses are related to the costs of product waste, broadcasting time lost, computer information disruption, etc. These costs have driven many different efforts to eliminate, or at least mitigate, the effect of voltage sags. There are several power electronics solutions for this problem with applications in distribution, mid-voltage and low-voltage levels. One thing these solutions have in common is the need of sinusoidal reference signals for their proper operation. In most cases, these signals also need to be synchronized with the power grid. Traditionally, for three-phase applications, the reference signals generation has been performed using Clark and/or Park Transformations, implemented in DSP’s, to translate the power grid three-phase voltage to a quadrature reference frame. The resulting signals are used to extract the phase information of the grid voltage. The sinusoidal reference signals are generated by applying the inverse Clark and/or Park Transformation. One particular drawback of this approach is the error induced by voltage unbalances in the power grid, and although several solutions have been developed, in some cases the cost on computational time can be critical. This is particularly true in DSP-based controls of distributed power electronics systems, and in systems performing complex control laws It is desirable to free the DSP from this task, and to have a reliable solution that behaves satisfactorily under voltage unbalance of the power grid. One way to achieve these goals is by implementing the reference signal generator in hardware, using programmable logic devices such as CPLD’s and FPGA’s. The hardware implementation can be interfaced to simple analog control circuits via a Digital-to-Analog Converter, and to DSP-based complex control circuits. 1 I.2.- STATE-OF-THE-ART REVIEW The review of the state of the art can be divided into two parts: the first part includes the power electronics systems for voltage sag mitigation, with special emphasis in singlestage AC/AC converters. The second part is a review of some of the control schemes and their methods to generate the sinusoidal reference signals. At the end of the section a summary of the review is presented. I.2.1.- POWER ELECTRONICS SYSTEMS USED IN SAG COMPENSATION Momentary voltage drops (from now on we will refer to them as sags) are defined as reductions on the RMS nominal voltage value during a short lapse, whose length is between half line cycle and a few seconds [2], [4], [5], [6]. Sags are caused mainly by short circuits, either in the costumer installations or in the utility distribution systems [1]. However, there are some other sag generation processes: high power electric motor starting [1], [4], [6], [7], lighting strikes over the electric grid [2], [7] and fast recovery of circuit breakers [5]. Regardless of its origin, due to the wide use of sensitive loads, even short sags can cause process interruptions, whose associated costs can be high [1], [3], [7]. These costs explain the growing interest in developing sag mitigation techniques [1]. Among many options available, dynamic voltage restorers (DVR) [8-14] are used to mitigate voltage sag effects on the distribution lines; power active filters [15-17] had raised interest among the power quality community as power conditioners capable of mitigate disturbances. Static VAR compensators (SVC or SVAr) have been used to improve the power factor and to stabilize transmission systems [18], [19]. A traditional approach to produce a high quality AC voltage is based on AC/DC/AC energy conversion systems, just as the one reported in [20]. This structure corrects the input power factor and regulates the output voltage. As a drawback the structure has two stages, this means a low efficiency. A more efficient approach is to use bi-directional current and voltage switches to modify the CD/CD converter structures, such as: the buck converter [21], boost converter [22-25] or full bridge converter [26-28]. The buck converter presented in [21], and shown in Figure I.1, is connected just like a DVR, this means that the voltage sag level that can be mitigated depends on the injection transformer and the maximum duty cycle allowed. The voltage sag mitigation capability reported is 75%. 2 L1 V1 Y1 L2 V2 TX1 C1 X1 X2 C2 Y2 TX2 L3 X3 C3 Y3 V3 TX3 CONTROL PWM Fig. I.1.- Three-phase AC/AC buck converter. Another implementation of a buck converter to compensate voltage sags is presented in [22]. The converter is connected as a DVR, providing voltage compensation only when needed. It can compensate voltage sags up to 30% and was tested in a 1.5kVA single-phase application. This approach is proposed to be integrated into a distribution transformer. The boost converters reported in [23-25] are connected as voltage regulators. These converters can mitigate voltage sags in the 77 to 84% range. In [25], the converter used is a single-phase type, and offers input power factor correction; to implement a three-phase solution it is necessary to use three independent circuits. Figure I.2 shows the schematic of a three-phase boost converter. Va,o Va Vb S1 Vb,o CARGA Vc S3 Vc,o S4 S2 S6 S5 C C C Fig. I.2.- Three-phase AC/AC boost converter. (MODIFICAR FIGURA) In [26-28], an AC/DC/AC structure is reported. It is built with a boost converter connected in series with a full bridge converter that includes a resonant circuit for zero voltage switching. The system can mitigate voltage sags up to 78% and performs input power factor correction. The reported efficiencies for a 1.5kW system are in the 74 to 94% range. 3 I.2.2.- CONTROL STAGE AND REFERENCE SIGNAL GENERATION IN THREE-PHASE POWER ELECTRONICS SYSTEMS The performance of DVRs [12], [13], [16], universal power conditioners [17], SVARs [19], active power filters [12] among others, rely in a proper power stage and control loop design, and the system output must follow the reference signal as closely as possible. With this concept in mind, the review of some closed loop controls used by those power electronics systems was carried on, paying special attention to the reference signal generation. Figure I.3 shows the block diagram of the control system used for the series active filter in [16]. The filter behaves as a sinusoidal current source in phase with the supply voltage. The error “e” between the rms values of the load voltage and the reference is processed in the fuzzy controller. Its output K is multiplied by a sinusoidal template current synchronized to the corresponding phase voltage of the mains to produce the reference current Iref. Fig. I.3.- Block diagram of the control system reported in [16]. The control for the multilevel converter used by Tolbert [17] to regulate the load voltage is based on the short time window sampling technique proposed by Joos and Moran [30]. The load reference voltage, which must be synchronized with the source phase voltages, is generated directly from the sampling of the two line-to-line source voltages over a short time frame. By using these voltages, a synchronization signal can be obtained, even if one or two of the phase voltages collapses to zero, as in the case of a single or double line to ground solid fault [17]. Figure I.4 shows the proposed controller. The control scheme proposed for an active power filter by Perales et al [31] is shown in Figure I.5. Once measured, load currents (iLr, iLs, iLt) and voltages (vr, vs, vt), are converted to α-β co-ordinates using the Clark transformation. These components are filtered using a Self-Tuned Vector Filter (STVF), calculating the main (50Hz) component of voltage and current. The current vector is then projected over the voltage, producing a vector in the same direction of V, and with modulo I·cos(ϕ), being the active component of current. This vector is subtracted from the measured current to generate the current necessary to compensate harmonics and reactive power. A component intended to 4 compensate DC-link voltage variations is also added, and after performing a reverse Clarke transformation the current reference signals are generated. Fig.I. 4.- Block diagram of the series inverter control reported in [17]. Fig. I.5.- Block diagram of the active power filter control reported in [31]. In [32], a PLL (phase locked loop) is used to extract the magnitude and phase of the direct fundamental voltage component out of the input voltage. This component will be subtracted from the total voltage signal to separate the disturbing components. The difference between the desired voltage and the direct voltage provided by the PLL is added to the disturbing component through Park inverse transformation to form the reference voltage as shown in Figure I.6. 5 In photovoltaic systems connected to the grid [33], [34] the control of the power factor is known as one of the most important techniques required to ensure perfect transmission of generated power without circulating energy. To achieve this goal it is necessary to accurately detect the phase of the utility voltage. The block diagram shown in Figure I.7 describes a three-phase PLL based current reference signal generator used to control an inverter. The generator bases its operation in the transformation of the threephased utility voltage signals into single-phased signals to operated a PLL structure. The output of the PLL is then passed to a reverse transformation block to obtain the reference signals in phase with the utility. Vdir desired VA VB VC S in δ d + Vq=Vd - Mesure of Vd andδd with a PLL Cosδ d Transformation 2/3 Vd=0 Vr3 Vr1 Vr2 S in δ d Cosδ d + Transformation 2/3, Vq - VA + + + - VB + + - VC Vref_A + + + Vref_B Vref_C Fig. I.6.- Block diagram of the active power filter control reported in [32]. Fig. I.7.- Block diagram of the active power filter control reported in [33, 34]. In [35], the control scheme presented for a DVR, shown in Figure I.8, is based on the two step transformation of the source voltages to the synchronous reference frame. The angle ωot can be generated by a PLL connected to the utility. When the utility is balanced, e e its synchronous reference frame equivalents vsq and v sd are filtered and stored as 6 e* e* references v sq and v sd . These references are updated in a continuous way. When a voltage sag is detected, the last reference values stored are locked and used to calculate the compensation command. The command voltages for the inverter are drawn from the difference between v se* and vse . The inverter command voltages are then translated to the three-phase system. The disturbance filter (DF) blocks are included to attenuate highfrequency disturbances, such as voltage spikes. The last values of v se* are locked when the positive-sequence component of vse is below K% of the positive-sequence of v se* . Utility vssq abc vsabc s d q vsqe _ d s qs e d q s vssd vinvqe* e* sq v vinvde* + e vesd _ vsde* + LPF DF PWM s d q s k (vsqe*)2 +(ve*sd)2 S/H DF vsabc de q e Vth Inverter start Lock Critical Loads LPF v-esq -e sd v vLabc + x2 Compare Vpos + x2 sag detector Fig. I.8.- Block diagram of the DVR control reported in [35]. Newman et al [36] propose a sag compensation control based on the combination of source voltage feed-forward and a PI d-q load voltage feedback, shown in Figure I.9. The phase angle required to transform the three-phase voltages to the synchronous reference frame is generated by a PLL. This angle is also used for the generation of the output reference signals. To reduce the effect of phase jumps, the phase of the reference signals are controlled to vary slowly during transients. The feed-forward loop calculates the modulation required for compensating the load voltage. The feedback loop is used to compensate the inductor and the transformer drops in the DVR in steady state. The voltage sag detection strategy is based on the rms of the error vector. It allows the detection of balanced and unbalanced voltage sags as well as phase jumps. VLoad(abc) VSupply(abc) θPLL abc α−β α−β d-q abc α−β α−β d-q VDVR(d-q) + θPLL - - (Feedback) + + VDVR,Ref(d-q) PI + + θPLL d-q α−β (Feedforward) Injection limiting α−β abc VDVR(abc)* Saturation Control IInverter Fig. I.9.- Block diagram of the DVR control reported in [36]. 7 Nielsen et al [37] present a simpler approach for the control of a DVR, shown in Figure I.10. An open loop feed-forward control is used. This control transforms the threephase supply voltages into the synchronous reference frame, again the angle required for the transformation is provided by a PLL. A voltage sag is detected by measuring the error generated by the d-q equivalent of the supply voltages and the reference values vd_ref and vq_ref. vd_ref is set to the rated voltage and Vq_ref to zero. Supply - uDVR + 3 + usupply - RST 6 αβ θ ud_ref=325 uq_ref=0 Load Converter PLL αβ + uload - 6 θ dq PWM θ _ dq + _ + 2 αβ αβ 3 RST Fig. I.10.- Block diagram of the DVR control reported in [37]. At this point of the literature review, some characteristics of the reference signal generation systems can be summarized: - The actual state of the source signals (voltage and/or current) has to be sensed. Some of them transform the three-phase source signals into a single-phase reference frame (Clark and Park transformations). Some of them use a PLL block to synchronize with the utility. DSP based. The most common PLL topologies can be classified as zero-crossing structures in which the detection of phase and frequency disturbances is based on the zero crossing instants of the input signal, resulting in a slow structure. Additionally, the voltage controlled oscillator (VCO) block demands a dc input signal. Hence, a low-pass filter is required, thus contributing to further constrain the dynamic performance of the PLL [34] (Figure I.11). Input Signal Phase Detector Low-pass Filter Voltage Controlled Oscillator Phase Fig. I.11.- Block diagram of the basic topology of the conventional PLL. 8 A basic configuration of a three-phase PLL system that coped with this issue is reported in [38, 39, 40] and shown in Figure I.12. The phase voltages Vas, Vbs, Vcs are obtained from sampled line-to-line voltages. These stationary reference frame voltages are then transformed to voltages Vde, Vqe using a Clark transformation followed by a Park transformation. The angle θ* used in these transformations is obtained by integrating a frequency command ω*. If the frequency command ω* is identical to the utility frequency, the voltages Vde and Vqe appear as dc values. Fig. I.12.- Block diagram of a three-phase PLL. In this method, a PI regulator is used to obtain that value of θ* (or ω*) which drives the feedback voltage Vde to a commanded value Vde*. The magnitude of the controlled quantity Vde determines the phase difference between the utility voltages and sin(θ*) or cos(θ*). The method results not only in the utility frequency ω*, but also allows one to lock at an arbitrary phase angle θ* with respect to the utility angle θ. As was mentioned, before these structures base their implementation on DSP systems. Its performance will depend upon the speed of the DSP and the skills of the programmer to design an optimum algorithm and code. I.2.3.- SUMMARY In the review performed, the control schemes for three-phase power electronics systems base their operation in the use of the Clark and Park Transformations to convert the three-phase reference frame into a single-phase reference frame. Those circuits sense the line voltage phase angle to synchronize its operation. To gather this data it is necessary to track the voltage signal fundamental component. The tracking system must satisfy at least three conditions [42]: 9 1.- high convergence speed, 2.- precision at frequency estimation, and 3.- noise immunity. Several methods have been proposed to satisfy these conditions. One of them bases its synchronization on the line voltage zero crossing detection [41], [42]. In spite of the voltage polarity change, it gives enough information about the cycle beginning. In practice, this voltage signal is often distorted. This is particularly important when the distortion occurs in the neighborhood of the zero crossing. Another method used to generate synchronized signals is based on (three-phase) PLL [32], [33], [34], [38], [39]. Voltage notches, unbalance, sags, phase losses, and frequency variations are common operating conditions for equipments connected to the utility; any PLL working under these conditions must be capable not only to lock the phase generated as fast as possible, but also to generate a low distortion signal [39]. The synchronization systems reported in [32], [33], [34], [38], [39] are based on three-phase PLL circuits that incorporate the Clark and Park transforms. A software PLL that uses the Clark and Park transforms, exhibits some problems when sags or voltage unbalance occur at the line voltage. These problems can be solved by programming the DSP to perform compensations on the equations defining the PLL [33, 34, 39]. In order to generate reference signals synchronized with the input voltages, the implementation of Clark and Park reverse transforms is required, adding computing time to the DSP program. One case not mentioned in the literature is the one regarding voltage sags with phase jumps. Recapitulating, it is interesting to develop a synchronization and/or reference signal generation systems having the following characteristics: 1.- independent from Clark and Park transforms, 2.- not implemented in a DSP system, 3.- immune to noise and harmonic components present in the line voltage, 4.- with good dynamic response in the locked phase frequency range, 5.- with stable operation under line voltage unbalance, and 6.- with stable operation under single line to ground fault and line to line fault. I.3.- PURPOSE AND GOALS The Doctoral Research work is aimed to develop a three-phase reference signal generation system that complies with the above-mentioned characteristics. The development includes simulation and experimental tests. 10 Figure I.13 shows a block diagram of the proposed scheme. It is based on three PLL circuits commanded by a decision block, and a phase-to-amplitude converter. The decision block must change its outputs when a fault at the input voltage is detected. It has also been mentioned the intention of not using a DSP with the goal of reducing the number of system elements. Therefore, it is necessary to use programmable logic devices, which provide a flexible platform to implement the all digital PLL and the other blocks. The general objective of this doctoral research work is focused on the development of a highly integrated three-phase sinusoidal reference signal generation system synchronized with the utility line, that can be incorporated to the control system of power electronic equipments such as uninterruptible power supplies, DVRs, active power filters or AC/AC converters. In particular, the work aims at: 1.- Developing a three-phase digital reference signal generation system based on PLL that does not use Clark and Park transformations. 2.- Developing a system with a good performance in power grids operating either with 50 Hz or 60 Hz frequencies. 3.- Developing a system with high noise immunity and high lock speed. 4.- Building a prototype to perform laboratory tests using a power electronics structure mentioned in the general objective. 5.- Performing comparative simulations and experimental tests of the prototype. DECISION BLOCK ADPLL_A ADC_A[0:7] ADC_A FB_A All Digital PLL N[0:k-1] PHASE A[0:k-1] SHIFT CORRECTOR Phase-to-Amplitude Converter D[0:m-1] D A PHASE A D120 D240 DA120 DA240 ADPLL_B ADC_B[0:7] All Digital PLL N[0:k-1] ADC_B FB_B PHASE A[0:k-1] SHIFT CORRECTOR Phase-to-Amplitude Converter D[0:m-1] D A PHASE B D120 D240 DB120 DB240 ADPLL_C ADC_C[0:7] ADC_C FB_C All Digital PLL N[0:k-1] PHASE A[0:k-1] SHIFT CORRECTOR Phase-to-Amplitude Converter D[0:m-1] D A PHASE C D120 D240 DC120 DC240 Fig. I.13.- Block diagram of the proposed three-phase sine-wave reference signal generator. 11 I.4.- DISSERTATION OUTLINE In Chapter II, the proposed sinusoidal reference signal generator is presented, and its required performance parameters are set. The background for the design of each block is reviewed. First, the review of some of the methods used to generate digitally a sinusoidal waveform is performed, giving special attention to the distortion level of the generated waveform and the number of logic elements needed. Then, the basic concepts of phaselocked loops are reviewed, making special emphasis on the characteristics of the inner block of the all-digital phase-locked loop. Finally, the design procedure for the proposed generator is presented. Chapter III presents a review of the single-stage AC/AC converters in particular the topologies derived from the buck-boost topology, and both discontinuous and continuous conduction mode are covered. In order to validate the proper operation of the proposed sinusoidal reference signal generator, a three-phase four-wire AC/AC converter is presented along with its design procedure and performance parameters. Finally, the control stage for the converter and its design are included. The testing protocols for both sinusoidal reference signal generator and the AC/AC converter used to validate its operation are presented in Chapter IV. The data analysis procedure is also presented in this chapter. Chapter V presents the experimental data and their analysis of the sinusoidal reference signal generator. The design performance parameters are compared with the experimental results. Based on these comparisons, many of the parameters are presented using the average value obtained along with its maximum variation. Also, the performance of the proposed generator is compared against a generator reported in the literature. The comparison is made using data gathered from simulation tests under four different input voltage amplitude and phase conditions. The AC/AC converter experimental data are presented in Chapter VI. These data are analyzed and compared with the performance parameter defined in Chapter III. Finally, Chapter VII presents a summary of the dissertation and its conclusions. The papers published based on this research and some future works related to both the sinusoidal reference signal generator and the single-phase AC/AC converter are also included. 12 CHAPTER II.- PROPOSED SINUSOIDAL REFERENCE SIGNAL GENERATOR. II.1.- INTRODUCTION This chapter presents the basic block diagram of the proposed sinusoidal reference signal generator and its performance parameters. Before the design procedure is presented, the basic theory for generating sinusoidal signals using digital methods is reviewed, taking special care on the minimum THD levels of the generated signal and the amount of hardware needed for implementation. Also, the basic theory of PLLs used for synchronization purposes is covered. Finally, the design procedure of each of the component blocks of the proposed generator is presented. II.2.- PROPOSED SINUSOIDAL REFERENCE SIGNAL GENERATOR The proposed sinusoidal reference signal generator (SRSG), shown in Figure II.1, is based on three single-phase sinusoidal signal generators synchronized with the power grid and controlled by a decision block. The decision block determines the state of each of the voltage phases of the power grid and takes the corresponding action to keep the output signals of the single-phase signal generators shifted 120 degrees from each other. The synchronizing action is performed with three independent All-Digital PLLs (ADPLL) configured as frequency multipliers. CK60 Init of Conv. st Van G + Offset A D C ADC_A[0:7] G + Offset A D C ADC_B[0:7] G Offset + eoc PHASE A[0:k-1] SHIFT CORRECTOR Phase-to-Amplitude Converter D[0:m-1] D A D A C G + Vcnref + Vcnref + Vcnref Offset D120 D240 Nfc All Digital PLL ADPLL_B N[0:k-1] ADC_B FB_B PHASE A[0:k-1] SHIFT CORRECTOR Phase-to-Amplitude Converter D[0:m-1] D A D A C Mfc G Offset D120 D240 Nfc DB120 DB240 st Vcn ADC_A FB_A N[0:k-1] DA120 DA240 eoc A D C All Digital PLL ADPLL_A Mfc eoc st Vbn Mfc Nfc Clock Signals Generator ADC_C[0:7] All Digital PLL ADPLL_C N[0:k-1] ADC_C FB_C PHASE A[0:k-1] SHIFT CORRECTOR Phase-to-Amplitude Converter D[0:m-1] D A D A C D120 D240 Mfc G Offset Nfc DC120 DC240 DECISION BLOCK M4A3-512/160 Fig. II.1.- Block diagram of proponed sinusoidal reference signal generator. 13 One PLL’s characteristic that must be eliminated is the phase shift that occurs when the frequency of its input signal moves away form the central frequency. The SRSG includes a phase shift corrector to perform this task. Additionally, the SRSG has two analog interfaces, the first one, implemented by three synchronized analog-to-digital converters, provides phase and amplitude information of the power grid voltage signals. The second interface is considered as optional, the digital representation of the sinusoidal reference signal is converted with a digital-to-analog converter to be used with analog PWM control IC’s. All the clock signals required for the operation of each of the component blocks of the SRSG are derived form a single source: a 3.6864MHz crystal oscillator for 60Hz grid frequency, or a 3.072MHz crystal oscillator for 50Hz grid frequency. The design of the three-phase sinusoidal reference signal generator must meet the following specifications: 1.- center Frequency of 60Hz, 2.- hold Range of ± 5% of the central frequency, 3.- reduced jitter, 4.- output Signals in-phase with the power grid, 5.- THD level of output signal below 1% at central frequency, and 6.- fault line threshold set at 50% of nominal value. II.3.- DIGITAL METHODS FOR SINUSOIDAL SIGNAL GENERATION Sinusoidal signal generators are usually referred as direct digital synthesizers [43], and its basic structure is shown in Figure II.2. The phase accumulator generates the digital representation of the phase angle θ of the sinusoidal signal to be generated. Its complexity depends greatly upon the kind of phase-to-amplitude selected, it can be implemented as an accumulator or, in some simpler implementations, as a binary counter [44]. Phase Accumulator ∆ωt k Phase Register Phase k Amplitude m Output Filter fout k fclk Fig. II.2.- Block diagram of a direct digital synthesizer. There are several ways to implement a phase-to-amplitude converter, some are based on mathematical functions, while others rely on look-up tables or direct functions. In order to select the converter that allowed to achieve the THD level of less than 1%, a comparison of maximum THD level and circuit complexity was performed. 14 The methods studied for the implementation of the converter were: 1.- ωt (π – ωt) function [45], 2.- modified Taylor series cosine function [45], 3.- look-up table [45], and 4.- direct logic synthesis of LUTs. II.3.1.- METHODS REVIEW II.3.1.1.- ωt (π - ωt) function An approximation to a sinusoidal wave can be achieved using ⎧ 4 ⎪ π 2 ωt (π − ωt ) 0 ≤ ωt ≤ π ( ) f ωt = ⎨ 4 ⎪ 2 ωt (π + ωt ) − π ≤ ωt ≤ 0 ⎩π (II.1) This yields after a Fourier analysis to F (ωt ) = 32 ⎛ 1 1 ⎞ sin(ωt ) + 3 sin(3ωt ) + 3 sin(5ωt ) + L⎟ 3 ⎜ π ⎝ 3 5 ⎠ (II.2) The third and fifth harmonics are 1/27th and 1/125th of the fundamental component and could be neglected. However, since one of our design goals is to achieve a THD below 1%, it is necessary to calculate its value using: THD = V32 + V52 V1 (II.3) where V3 is the RMS value of the third harmonic, V5 is the RMS value of the fifth harmonic, and V1 is the RMS value of the fundamental. Equation (II.2) yields: THD(%) = ( 32 π3 ⋅ 313 ⋅ ) +( 1 2 2 32 π 3 32 π3 ⋅ 1 2 ⋅ 513 ⋅ ) 1 2 2 ⋅100 = 3.7891% This THD value is higher than our design goal, and therefore this method of generating a sinusoidal waveform was discarded. 15 II.3.1.2.- Modified Taylor Series Cosine function Given the Taylor Series for sin(ωt) and cos(ωt): sin(ωt ) = ωt − cos(ωt ) = 1 − ωt 3 ωt 5 ωt 7 3! + 5! − ωt 2 ωt 4 ωt 6 2! + 4! − +L (0 ≤ ωt ≤ π/2) (II.4) +L (0 ≤ ωt ≤ π/2) (II.5) 7! 6! These series can be truncated to use only the first three terms in order to reduce the computational effort associated with raise to power operations. The calculation of sin(ωt) is more complex than the one of cos(ωt) since its first three terms involve ωt, and obtaining ωt5 requires an extra multiplication. To reduce the complexity of the hardware needed to implement (II.5), the equation can be approximated by ωt cos(ωt ) = 1 − 2 2 + ωt 4 (0 ≤ ωt ≤ π/2) 32 (II.6) The replacement of 4! with 32 is done to simplify the division, since 32 is a power of 2 and can be implemented with a shifting operation. This is a quarter wave representation of the cosine waveform. To reduce the error produced by this approximation, the constant term of (II.6) must be replaced by 1.043448 to generated a near zero output when ωt is π/2. f (ωt ) = cos(ωt ) = 1.043448 − ωt 2 ωt 4 2 + 32 (0 ≤ ωt ≤ π/2) (II.7) The Fourier series representation of the reduced Taylor series with only the first three harmonic components is: F (ωt ) = 1.05 cos(ωt ) − 0.007453 cos(3ωt ) + 0.001067 cos(5ωt ) (II.8) The sinusoidal wave obtained in this approximation has a theoretical THD of approximately 0.7170%. The actual value of the THD depends upon the width of the digital representation of the operands in (II.7). Figure II.3 shows the waveforms obtained in simulation for a 10 bits word width. Table II.1 shows the simulation results using data widths form 8 to 16 bits, and the number of CPLD macrocells needed for its implementation using three different structures for calculating ωt2. 16 (a) MATLAB simulation (b) Pspice simulation Fig. II.3.- Simulation results using a 10bits word width to calculate the Taylor Series. Data width (bits) 16 12 10 8 Table II.1.- THD of modified Taylor series Matlab Pspice CPLD CPLD THD (%) THD (%) Macrocells Macrocells (array (Wallace tree multiplier) multiplier) 0.7173 0.7319 936 919 0.7221 0.7352 763 761 0.8007 0.7892 706 691 1.6460 18.5721 575 422 CPLD Macrocells (optimized squarer) 750 660 457 272 From Table II.1, the data width that gives a THD level below 1% and uses the minimum number of macrocells is 10 bits. The calculus of ωt2 and ωt4 uses up to 90% of the macrocells needed (16 bits case with array multiplier). To reduce the number of macrocells used to implement the modified Taylor series, the multiplier function used to calculate ωt2 and ωt4 must be replaced with a smaller, yet fast, implementation. II.3.1.3.- Look-Up Table The use of look-up tables (LUT) to implement a phase-to-amplitude converter, is usually accomplished with a ROM that contains the LUT. LUT-based generators use two words to represent the phase and amplitude information of the sinusoidal waveform. The phase information is represented using a k-bit wide word, and can be expressed in terms of the sample value or the phase increment value ∆ωt. The output frequency is a function of the clock frequency fclk, the phase register width k and the phase increment ∆ωt, as follows: f OUT = ∆ωt ⋅ f clk , 2 k rads ∆ωt < 2 k −1 rads (II.9) Equation (II.9) can be simplified if ∆ωt is set to its minimum value. The result is: f OUT = f clk 2k (II.10) 17 and in this case the length of the table is 2k. The amplitude information is represented using an m-bit word; this width defines the DAC resolution. The output sequence of the table is given by φ (n ) ⎞ ⎛ OUT (n ) = sin⎜ 2 ⋅π ⋅ k ⎟ 2 ⎠ ⎝ (II.11) where φ(n) is an integer representing the nth value of the phase register. The size of the ROM is m x 2k. When sizing the ROM, there are several trade-offs involving the phase and the amplitude quantification errors. A small phase quantification error can only be achieved with a large number of memory locations (a large k), but the larger the ROM, the higher the energy consumption. In turn, a small amplitude quantification error requires a wide word for the data stored into the ROM (a large m). A wide word means that more than one ROM should be connected in parallel, increasing cost, board area and energy requirements. To obtain a shorter table, it is always possible to take advantage of the quarter-wave symmetry in the sinusoidal wave. In this case, the length reduction is obtained at the expense of two additional complementor (1’s complement) blocks, one at each end of the LUT as shown in Figure II.4. In this approach, the LUT contains only one-quadrant of the sinusoidal wave data, usually corresponding to the first one. The two most significant bits (MSB) of the phase register are used to decode the wave quadrant, and the remaining bits are used to address the LUT. The MSB determines the polarity of the output wave, and the second MSB determines the slope of the amplitude. Fig. II.4.- Block diagram of the generator using quarter-wave sinusoidal wave symmetry. In this case, several combinations of m and k had to be tested to find the total harmonic distortion (THD) of the synthesized sinusoidal wave before filtering. A series of Pspice simulations were performed using the scheme of Figure II.2, with several values for k and m. The results are listed in Table II.2. 18 k 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 THD8 (m = 8) 11.3761 5.6689 2.8684 1.4518 0.7906 0.5013 0.3812 0.3385 Table II.2.- THD as a function of k and m THD12 THD15 Memory Cells/Memory device (m = 12) (m = 16) (m = 8) (m = 12) (m = 16) 11.3720 11.3722 16 / 27C64 16 / 27C516 16 / 27C516 5.6584 5.6582 32 / 27C64 32 / 27C516 32 / 27C516 2.8326 2.8315 64 / 27C64 64 / 27C516 64 / 27C516 1.4180 1.4162 128 / 27C64 128 / 27C516 128 / 27C516 256 / 27C64 256 / 27C516 256 / 27C516 0.7082 0.7081 512 / 27C64 512 / 27C516 512 / 27C516 0.3578 0.3541 1024 / 27C64 1024 / 27C516 1024 / 27C516 0.1792 0.1772 2048 / 27C64 2048 / 27C516 2048 / 27C516 0.0872 0.0831 The values listed in the table were obtained taking into account the first 50 harmonics (f50=3 kHz). According to the Fourier analysis of the generated waves, the first two harmonic components to appear are 2k-1 and 2k+1. Therefore, if k is incremented by one, the frequency of the first harmonic component will be nearly doubled. Also, for k < 8, the width of the data word used in the LUT does not have a noticeable effect on the THD, and the filtering requirements to obtain a high-quality sinusoidal wave can be higher. For k ≥ 8, there is an improvement on the THD values. On the other hand, it can be seen that, for a fixed value of k (k ≥ 8), there is a noticeable improvement in the THD when m is increased from 8 to 12. However, when m is further increased from 12 to 16, the THD improvement is quite low. Therefore, k and m can be restricted to the following ranges: a) 11 ≥ k ≥ 8 b) 12 ≥ m ≥ 8 The final values for k and m can be selected taking into account factors such as cost, board space, energy consumption, etc. This approach can be used with FPGAs that provide the capability of integrating ROM modules. CPLDs have fewer gates than FPGAs, and cannot be used to implement LUTs directly. II.3.1.4.- Direct logic synthesis of LUTs LUTs can be transformed into a set of m combinational logic functions with k input signals. It should be noted that, depending on the actual values of k and m, this could result in a set of awfully large functions. This drawback can be solved, however, through a judicious selection of k and m. The combinational logic functions can be obtained using any of the various methods available for minimizing logic function, like Karnough maps or the Quine-McClusky method. A further reduction or rearrangement can be obtained when the programming file is generated. Since the CPLD structure is based on logic macrocells, and a fixed number of cells is available, it is important to obtain the simplest possible combinational functions. 19 The number of inputs to the logic functions is reduced when the scheme in Figure II.4 is selected for the task, since in this case, these functions will only generate the data for the first quadrant of the sinusoidal wave. Its inputs are the k-2 least significant bits at the output of the phase accumulator block, and will generate 2k-2 output data values. The values of the output data words needed to generate a sinusoidal wave, in terms of m and k, are given by: ⎛ 2 ⋅π data (n ) = ( 2 m−1 − 1) ⋅ sin⎜ n ⋅ k 2 ⎝ ⎞ m−1 ⎟+2 ⎠ n = 0,1, 2,L, 2 k −2 − 1 (II.12) where n is the equivalent of φ(n) used in equation (II.11). Suitable values of m and k must be selected to implement the approach. Our goal is to obtain a THD level below 1%. Taking into account the ranges previously specified for m and k, setting m equal to 8 yields the minimum number of logic functions required for the transformation of the LUT. In order to select k, it is important to keep in mind that the complexity of the combinational logic functions is proportional to this factor. Looking at Table II.2, it can be seen that k values greater than 7 provide the desired THD level. Once the minimum limit for k is set, a second criterion must be used to obtain suitable values of k and m. A natural choice for this criterion is the silicon area needed for the implementation. Table II.3 shows the number of macrocells needed to implement the LUT and the complementor blocks. On the other hand, table II.3 shows the number of macrocells needed to implement the LUT plus the phase accumulator and the complementor blocks. k 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 20 Table II.3.- Number of macrocells needed to implement the LUT m=8 m = 12 m = 16 macrocells macrocells macrocells 8 8 11 14 20 30 42 49 12 12 16 20 27 47 76 111 16 16 20 28 36 56 86 180 Table II.4.- Number of macrocells needed to implement the sine-wave generator and its THD level. m=8 m = 12 m = 16 k macrocells/THD(%) macrocells/THD(%) macrocells/THD(%) 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 28 / 11.3761 32 / 5.6689 35 / 2.8684 38 / 1.4518 45 / 0.7906 61 / 0.5013 70 / 0.3812 83 / 0.3385 33 / 11.3720 36 / 5.6584 39 / 2.8326 45 / 1.4180 53 / 0.7082 77 / 0.3578 100 / 0.1792 149 / 0.0872 37 / 11.3722 41 / 5.6582 43 / 2.8315 50 / 1.4162 64 / 0.7081 97 / 0.3541 137 / 0.1772 214 / 0.0831 To achieve the objective of a THD level below 1%, the values of m and k should both be at least 8. II.3.1.5.- Selection of the converter The converters studied, and their parameters to achieve our THD level are summarized in Table II.5. Converter Table II.5.- Summary of converters parameters. Parameters Implementation Macrocells ωt (π – ωt) Taylor series LUT THD < 1% N Y Y 10 bits data words k≥8 FPGA, CPLD FPGA, EPROM 457- 706 - Direct logic Y m = 8, k ≥ 8 FPGA, CPLD 45 – 83 Comments Does not meet goal Multiplier needs redesign Not suitable for CPLD Very compact, suitable for CPLD implementation Given the fact, that the devices available for the development of the sinusoidal reference signal generator are CPLDs, the type of converter that fulfils the THD level and requires a minimum of resources (macrocells) is the direct logic synthesis of LUTs. For this converter, the value of m has been set to 8. This value was selected to minimize the number of logic functions to be implemented. To select the value of k, another criteria were set. A single-IC sinusoidal generator suitable for working with both analog and digital PLL circuits providing the lowest THD level in the smallest package had to be designed. This criterion was set to allow control circuits for single-phase AC power electronics systems to use a low distortion sinusoidal waveform for its reference signal requirements in a single IC. Table II.6 shows the THD levels for each value of k and the related devices of the Lattice MACH 4A family of CPLDs, and their packages. From this table, it can be seen that the combination of k and m that matches this criteria is k=9 and m=8, an M4A5-64/32 device. Therefore, this combination will also be used for the three-phase sinusoidal reference signal generator. 21 k 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 Table II.6.- CPLD needed to implement the sine-wave generator. THD CPLD (%) (Package) 11.3761 M4A5-32/32 (PLCC 44) 5.6689 M4A5-32/32 (PLCC 44) 2.8684 M4A5-64/32 (PLCC 44) 1.4518 M4A5-64/32 (PLCC 44) M4A5-64/32 (PLCC 44) 0.7906 M4A5-64/32 (PLCC 44) 0.5013 MA45-96/48 (TQFP 100) 0.3812 MA45-96/48 (TQFP 100) 0.3385 II.4.- SYNCHRONIC GENERATORS SYSTEMS FOR REFERENCE SIGNAL Synchronization of reference signals for power electronics systems has been widely studied. The review of the state of the art presented in Chapter I showed that many of those control systems use phase-locked loops (PLL) as the synchronization method. The following sections describe the basic operational principles of both analog and digital implementation of PLLs. II.4.1.- ANALOG PLL The operational principles of PLLs had been widely described since its first description by de Bellescize in “La Reception Synchrone” published in L’Onde Electrique in June of 1932 [46]. Gardner [46], Wolaver [47] and Best [48] present a clear description of both the general operation and the characteristics of the block components of the PLLs. The PLL has three basic components (Figure II.5): 1.- phase detector, 2.- loop filter, and 3.- voltage controlled oscillator. Input Signal u 1(t) u2(t) Phase detector Output Signal ud(t) Loop Filter VCO Fig. II.5.- Basic block diagram of PLL. 22 uf(t) The phase detector (PD) compares between the phase of a periodic input signal and the phase of the signal generated by the voltage controlled oscillator (VCO). The result of this comparison is the phase difference between these two waves and it is represented as a voltage signal. This voltage is then averaged using a filter and applied as control voltage for the VCO. The control voltage on the VCO performs changes in the output frequency in order to reduce the phase difference in the PD. When the PLL reaches the locked state, the control voltage provided by the filter is such that the output frequency of the VCO is the same of the input signal. In order to maintain the voltage needed to keep the PLL in locked state, the output voltage of the PD must be nonzero, meaning that the PLL will operate with some phase error. A good loop design can minimize this error. Some of the signals of interest in a PLL circuit can be defined as: 1.- angular frequency ω1 of the reference signal u1(t), 2.- angular frequency ω2 of the VCO output signal u2(t), 3.- output signal ud(t) of the PD, 4.- output signal uf(t) of the loop filter, and 5.- phase error θe II.4.1.1.- Phase Detector As stated before, the PD compares the phases of the reference signal against the VCO output signal, and provides a voltage that is proportional to the phase error θe, this is valid within a limited range. ud (t ) = K d θ e (II.13) where Kd is the gain of the PD. In the analog (or linear as referred by Best [48]) PLL the PD is implemented with a four-quadrant analog multiplier. Most of the times, the input signal u1(t) is a sinusoidal waveform with an angular frequency ω1; the VCO output signal u2(t) is a 50% duty cycle square waveform with an angular frequency ω2, as shown in Figure II.6. For this kind of PD, the input signal is usually defined as: u 1 (t ) = U 10 sin (ω 1 t + θ 1 ) (II.14) and the VCO output signal is usually a square waveform that can be written as a Walsh function: u2 (t ) = U 20 w(ω 2t + θ 2 ) (II.15) 23 u1 θ1 (a) u2 1 θ2 -1 (b) Fig. II.6.- Multiplier PD input signals. (a) signal u1(t) is a sinusoidal waveform. Dashed line with θ1=0; solid line with θ1>0. (b) signal u2(t) is a square waveform. Dashed line with θ2=0; solid line with θ2>0. Equation (II.15) can be replaced by its Fourier series: 4 ⎡4 ⎤ u2 (t ) = U 20 ⎢ cos (ω 2t + θ 2 ) + cos (3ω 2t + θ 2 ) L⎥ 3 π π ⎣ ⎦ (II.16) The output signal of the PD is obtained by multiplying u1(t) and u2(t): ud (t ) = u1 (t ) u2 (t ) = U 10 U 20 sin(ω1t + θ1 ) 4 ⎡4 ⎤ × ⎢ cos (ω 2t + θ 2 ) + cos (3ω 2t + θ 2 ) + L⎥ 3π ⎣π ⎦ (II.17) In locked state, the frequencies of u1(t) and u2(t) are identical and (II.17) becomes ⎡2 ⎤ ud (t ) = U 10 U 20 ⎢ sin θ e + L⎥ ⎣π ⎦ where θe is the phase error θ1 – θ2. 24 (II.18) The first element of the series is the “dc” component required for the control input of the VCO. The loop filter would eliminate the remaining elements of the series. If the phase error is small, equation (II.18) can be rewritten as: ud (t ) = Kd θ e (II.19) with Kd = 2U 10 U 20 π , called detector gain. (II.20) Equation (II.19) represents the linear model of this phase detector. II.4.1.2.- Voltage Controlled Oscillator (VCO) The frequency of the output signal of the VCO is set by the voltage signal uf(t), applied to its control input. When uf is zero, the VCO generates an output signal at a frequency called central frequency. The changes in this output frequency are proportional to the control voltage: ω 2 = ω c + Ko u f (t ) where (II.21) ω2 is the frequency of the VCO’s output signal, ωc is the central frequency of the VCO, Ko is the VCO gain factor. II.4.1.3.- Loop Filter There are two kinds of loop filters widely used (Figure II.7): passive and active filters. Passive filters are simple and their performance is satisfactory in many cases. Active filters, on the other hand, require the use of a high-gain DC amplifier. Applying a Laplace transformation to equations (II.19) and (II.21) and using F(s) as the equation describing the filters of Figure II.7, the transfer function of the PLL can be written as: Ko K d F (s ) Θ (s ) H (s ) = 2 = Θ1 (s ) s + Ko K d F (s ) where (II.22) Θ2(s) is the phase angle of the VCO’s output signal, Θ1(s) is the phase angle of the input signal. By replacing the filter equations of Figure II.7, the transfer functions, undamped natural frequency and damping factor of the PLL can be deducted. These equations are shown in Table II.7. The expressions of the transfer functions show that the PLL is a second-order system and classic control theory methods can be applied in the design. 25 ud(t) Uf(s) = sC1R2 + 1 U (s) sC1(R1 + R2) + 1 d uf(t) Uf(s) = C1 sC2R2 + 1 U (s) C2 sC1R1 + 1 d uf(t) Uf(s) = sC1R2 + 1 Ud(s) sC1R1 uf(t) (a) ud(t) (b) ud(t) (c) Fig. II.7.- Filter used in PLL applications. Filter Fig. II.7 (a) Table II.7.- PLL equations for different kinds of filters Undamped natural Damping factor Transfer function frequency F(s) ξ ωn 2 ⎛ ω n ⎞⎟ 2 s⎜ 2 ζ ω n − + ωn Ko K d 1 1 ω ⎛⎜ C R + ⎜ Ko K d ⎟ n⎜ 1 2 ⎝ ⎠ 2 C1 (R1 + R2 ) Ko K d ⎝ 2 2 s + 2 ζ ωn s + ωn ⎡⎛ Fig. II.7 (b) G ⎢ s⎜ 2 ζ ω n − ⎜ ⎢⎣ ⎝ ⎤ ⎞ ⎟ +ω2⎥ n Ko K d ⎟ ⎥⎦ ⎠ 4 ωn 2 2 s + 2ζ ωn s + ωn Fig. II.7 (c) 26 2 2 ζ ωn s + ωn 2 ⎞ ⎟⎟ ⎠ 2 s + 2 ζ ωn s + ωn Ko K d C1 R1 Ko K d C1 R1 1 1 ω ⎛⎜ C R + 2 n ⎜⎝ 2 2 K o K d 1ω C R 2 n 1 2 ⎞ ⎟⎟ ⎠ II.4.1.4.- Performance parameters PLL circuits have several performance parameters [51], [56-60]. Four of the most important are the hold range, the pull-in range, pull-out range and the lock-in range. Hold Range.- It is defined as the frequency range in which the PLL is able to statically maintain phase tracking. The PLL is conditionally stable only within this range. Pull-in Range.- It is defined as the frequency range in which the PLL will acquire a locked state. Pull-out Range.- It is defined as the limit of dynamic stability for the PLL. Lock-in Range.- It is defined as the frequency range over which the PLL acquires phase without slips. II.4.2.- DIGITAL PLL The so-called “digital” PLL is basically an analog PLL [49], but with the phase detector implemented digitally. It should be more properly called a hybrid PLL. The three most important digital phase detectors used in hybrid PLLs are shown in Figure II.8: 1.- the XOR gate [49, 50, 51], 2.- the edge triggered JK flip-flop [49, 50, 51], and 3.- the phase-frequency detector (PFD) [49, 50, 51]. UB u1(t) Ud(t) u2(t) “1” u1(t) Q D Ck (a) UP P FF CLR Ud(t) u1(t) J Q FF u2(t) _ Q K (b) CLR Ud(t) u2(t) ck “1” D FF Q DN N (c) Fig. II.8.- Most often used PDs in hybrid PLLs. (a) XOR gate, (b) edge triggered JK FF, (c) phase-frequency detector. 27 The output of these PDs is used to control the count direction of the digital low-pass filter (DLPF), but each one of them does it in a different way. The XOR gate PD requires that both the input reference signal and the VCO’s output signal be square waves. When the PLL is in locked state, the input signals of the PD are 90º out of phase with each other. This condition represents a zero phase error, θe = 0 (Figure II.9 (a)). The output signal generated by the XOR gate PD has twice the frequency of u1 and a duty cycle of 50%. Under this condition the average value of ud is considered as zero, or more properly as the normal quiescent point of the detector. The real analog value depends upon the high and low levels of the signal. When u2 lags u1, the phase error becomes positive and the duty cycle of ud increases; this increase makes the average value of ud to become positive, as shown in Figure II.9 (b). θe = 0 u1 u2 _ ud = 0 ud (a) u1 u2 θe > 0 _ ud > 0 ud (b) Fig. II.9.- Waveforms of the XOR gate PD under (a) zero phase error, and (b) phase error greater than zero. The linear range of operation of this PD is bounded to –π/2 < θe < π/2, when θe is between these limits, ud is proportional to the phase error: ud = Kd θe (II.23) The transfer function (ud/θe) of the XOR gate PD can be represented as a non-linear function of the phase error as shown in Figure II.10. state): The value of Kd depends upon the values of Ud+ (in the high state) and Ud- (in the low U −U d − Kd = d + π 28 (II.24) _ ud Kd _π 2 -π - π_ 2 0 π_ 2 π θe -Kd _π 2 Fig. II.10.- Phase detector output signal vs. phase error of the XOR gate PD. One important drawback of the XOR gate PD is its performance when u1 and u2 are asymmetrical. If this condition occurs, the output signal ud is clipped at some intermediate level. This reduction of ud yields to a reduction of the loop gain of the PLL, smaller lockrange, etc. The edge-triggered JK flip-flop (FF) PD operates properly with asymmetrical input signals. The FF used in this detector differs from a regular JK FF in the way its output is triggered. This FF is edge-triggered by the J and K signals instead of the normal clock signal. When a positive-going edge is applied to the J input, the FF triggers its output to a high state. On the other hand, when a positive-going edge appears in the K input, the FF output is set to a low state. When the PLL is in locked state, θe = 0, u1 and u2 have opposite phase, as shown in Figure II.11 (a). Under this condition, the PD output signal is in-phase with u1, it has a 50% duty cycle and its frequency is the same of u1. If the phase error becomes positive, the duty cycle of ud increases and the average value of ud becomes positive (Figure II.11 (b)). The linear operating range of operation of the Flip-Flop phase detector is bounded to -π < θe < π. Within these limits, the phase error is defined using equation (II.23). The phase detector output signal can be represented as a saw-tooth function of the phase error, as shown in Figure II.12. The value of Kd is half of the XOR gate PD: U −U d − Kd = d + 2π (II.25) 29 θe = 0 u1 u2 _ ud = 0 ud (a) u1 u2 θe > 0 _ ud > 0 ud (b) Fig. II.11.- Waveforms of the edge-triggered JK flip-flop PD under (a) zero phase error, and (b) phase error greater than zero. _ ud Kd π -π 0 π θe -Kd π Fig. II.12.- Phase detector output signal vs. phase error of the edge-triggered flip-flop PD. The PFD differentiates itself from the XOR gate and edge-triggered JK FF detectors in the fact that its output depends on both the phase error, θe, and the frequency error, ωe=ω1–ω2. The basic structure of the PFD is built around two D-FFs (Figure II.8 (c)), whose non-inverted outputs are denoted UP and DN, respectively. When the PFD generates a state where both UP and DN signals are in a high state, a clear signal is generated to reset the FF outputs. This action limits the allowed states of ud to: ⎧+ 1, DN = 0 , UP = 1 ⎪ ud = ⎨ 0 , DN = 0 , UP = 0 ⎪− 1, DN = 1, UP = 0 ⎩ 30 (II.26) The state change is produced by the positive-going edge of the input reference and the VCO’s output signals. Figure II.13 shows the signals generated by this detector; when u1 and u2 have a positive-going edge simultaneously, the output ud is in its 0 state, meaning that u1 and u2 are in-phase (Figure II.13 (a)). When u1 leads u2 (Figure II.13 (b)), the PFD toggles its output ud from the 0 state to the +1 state. If u1 lags u2 (Figure II.13 (c)), the output ud is toggled from 0 state to the –1 state. The phase error range of the detector is from –2π to 2π. Within this range, ud is defined by equation (II.23). The value of Kd for this detector is: U −U d − Kd = d + 4π (II.27) The phase output signal variation of the PFD is shown in Figure II.14. θe = 0 u1 u2 +1 PFD 0 state -1 _ ud = 0 (a) θe > 0 u1 u2 θe +1 PFD 0 state -1 (b) θe < 0 u1 u2 θe +1 PFD 0 state -1 (c) Fig. II.13.- Waveforms of the PFD under (a) zero phase error, (b) phase error greater than zero, (c) phase error lesser than zero. 31 _ ud Kd 2π -4π -2π 0 2π 4π θe -Kd 2π Fig. II.14.- Phase detector output signal vs. phase error of the PFD. II.4.3.- ALL-DIGITAL PLL There are several differences between the all-digital PLL (ADPLL) and the “digital” PLL of the previous section. The first one is the way they use the output signal of the phase detector [51]. The digital-PLL uses the output of the PD to generate an analog voltage in the continuous time. In the other hand, the ADPLL recognizes the output of the PD as a digital quantity, either if it is a pulse train or a multi-bit word. Additionally, the ADPLL replaces the analog loop filter with some kind of digital filter and the VCO with a digitally controlled oscillator (DCO). Figure II.15 shows the block diagram of an ADPLL. In the remaining of this section, various implementations of each of its blocks are presented. Input Signal u 1(t) u2(t) Phase detector Output Signal ud(t) Digital Loop Filter uf(z) DCO Fig. II.15.- Block diagram of an all-digital PLL. II.4.3.1.- Phase detector In the previous section, three digital phase detectors were presented. Those detectors can be equally used in ADPLL circuits. The XOR gate and the edge-triggered JK flip-flop can be used without modification, however, in the case of the PFD, the transistor output circuit must be replaced by a digital equivalent. Another consideration that must be made, is the value of Kd (equations (II.24), (II.25) and (II.27)). For all-digital PLLs, the values of Ud+ and Ud- must be set to +1 and –1 respectively. This assignment yields to: Kd = 32 2 π (XOR gate) (II.28) Kd = Kd = 1 π 1 2π (edge-triggered JK flip-flop) (II.29) (PFD) (II.30) The duty cycle (δ) of the signal u2(t) generated by an ADPLL might be of interest in some applications, and for the previously mentioned phase detectors their duty cycle is defined as: ⎛ ⎝ 1⎞ ⎟ N⎠ (XOR gate) (II.31) ⎛ ⎝ M ⎞ ⎟ 2 K N ⎟⎠ (edge-triggered JK flip-flop) (II.32) ⎛ ∆F ⎞ (PFD) (II.33) δ = 0.5 ⎜ 1 ± δ = 0.5 ⎜⎜ 1 ± δ = 0.5 ⎜⎜ 1 + ⎝ ⎟ fc ⎟⎠ where N is a power of 2, and represents the maximum count of a feedback counter connected between the DCO and the phase detector. M is a power of 2, and multiplied by the ADPLL’s central frequency defines the clock frequency of the digital filter, K is a power of 2, and represents the maximum count of the digital filter, ∆F is the difference between the actual frequency of the input signal and the ADPLL central frequency, fc is the central frequency of the ADPLL. Additionally, there are several implementations of phase detectors reported, some of them use single-bit input signals [52], [54], [55], while others use multi-bit input signals [52]. For the development of this thesis, the emphasis is focused on single-bit detectors. One variation of the edge-triggered JK flip-flop is presented in [52]. In this detector, a n-bit counter is added to obtain a representation of the phase error, shown in Figure II.16. The phase error is proportional to the output count. The operation of the counter is controlled by the output Q of the flip-flop and the reference signal u1(t). The rising edge of u1(t) is used to both reset the counter to zero, and set the output Q to a high state. The counter is stopped when a rising-edge of u2(t) is applied to the flip-flop. 33 N = content ~ θe U1 t U2 U1 S U2 Flip-Flop R Q t Enable Counter Clock Reset Q t High-frequency Clock N Content t Fig. II.16.- Schematic diagram of edge-triggered JK flip-flop modified phase detector. Olsson and Nilsson [54] present a modification of the PFD that reduces the deviation of the phase error measured from the real one. This detector introduces three new output signals: DIRECTION indicates if u2(t) is leading or lagging u1(t), EVENT gives an indication of the phase error, and UPDATE a control signal for the filter loop of the ADPLL. Figure II.17 shows the phase detector and the waveforms produced when u2(t) leads and lags u1(t). u1(t) “1” u1(t) Q D Ck u2(t) UP UP DIRECTION FF DN DIRECTION CLR EVENT UPDATE (b) EVENT u1(t) CLR u2(t) ck “1” D u2(t) FF Q DN UPDATE UP DN DIRECTION (a) EVENT UPDATE (c) Fig. II.17.- Modified PFD phase detector. (a) schematic diagram. (b) waveforms u2(t) leading u1(t). (c) waveforms u2(t) lagging u1(t). Another variation of the basic PFD is presented by Cheng et al [55]. This detector structure is designed to reduce the jitter problem caused by current mismatch when the PFD is used with charge pump circuits in hybrid PLLs. Figure II.18 shows the block diagram of the detector. For the implementation of the phase detector, the basic structure of the PFD (Figure II.8 (c)) is replaced by an edge detector built with inverter delay chains and nand gates; and the flip-flops are replaced by transistor arrays. Figure II.18 shows the schematic diagram and its all-digital version. The operation of the phase detector can be summarized as follows: when the risingedge of u1(t) arrives, the state of the U and D signals is not affected. When the rising-edge of u2(t) arrives, the state of U and D changes from low to high. If the falling-edge of u2(t) arrives, 34 the state of U is reset to low, meanwhile, D remains unchanged. If the falling-edge of u1(t) arrives, the state of D is reset to low, and U remains unchanged. u1(t) PHASE DETECTOR u2(t) U UP D DOWN Fig. II.18.- Block diagram of the modified PFD. “1” D Q D Q U ck R Rd u1(t) D Rd u1(t) “1” u2(t) D ck Sd R Sd u2(t) U Su Su Fig. II.19.- Modified PFD. (a) schematic diagram, (b) all-digital equivalent. The difference detector circuit is used to balance the currents processed by a charge pump circuit (in an hybrid PLL). Figure II.20 shows the hybrid circuit implemented along with a digital version for ADPLL applications. The circuit provides a pulse width difference between U and D. The waveforms obtained with this phase detector are shown in Figure II.21 with u2(t) leading, lagging and in-phase with u1(t). UP D U UP D U DOWN U D DOWN Fig. II.20.- Difference detector circuit. (a) hybrid implementation, (b) digital equivalent. u1(t) u1(t) u2(t) u2(t) Rd Rd Sd Sd Su Su D D U U UP UP DOWN DOWN (a) (b) 35 u1(t) u2(t) Rd Sd Su D U UP DOWN (c) Fig. II.21.- PFD waveforms, (a) u2(t) leads u1(t), (b) u2(t) lags u1(t), (c) u2(t) is in-phase with u1(t). II.4.3.2.- Digital filter When selecting a digital filter for an ADPLL, it is important to match the output signals of the phase detector with its control signals [51], [52]. For most of the phase detectors presented in 4.3.1, the digital filter can be implemented with a k-bit counter [51], [52]. If the DCO has a center frequency equal to the nominal counter value, K = 2k, and the UP pulses increases the counter value meanwhile DOWN pulses decreases it, the counter output can be considered as an average of the pulses generated by the phase detector: kout (z ) = ⎛⎜ 1 + z −1 + z − 2 + z −3 + L⎞⎟ θ e (z ) ⎝ ⎠ (II.34) this can be translated to the equation of a digital integrator as: kout (z ) 1 z = = 1 − θ e (z ) 1 − z z −1 (II.35) A digital filter is using an ordinary UP/DOWN counter as shown in Figure II.22. This kind of filter preferably should be operated by an PD providing separated UP and DOWN signals, but can be adapted to be used by single output PD. A pulse-forming network is used to convert its input signals into a counting clock and a direction (up/dn) signal. This filter does not give information about the size of the phase error, it only tells whether the phase u1(t) is leading or lagging u2(t). UP content K ~ uf DN UP from Phase detector DN Clock Pulse forming circuit __ UP/DN (a) UP/DOWN counter Clock __ UP/DN (b) Fig. II.22.- Digital filter using a UP/DOWN counter. (a) block diagram, (b) waveforms. 36 The K counter [50], [52], Figure II.23, is one of the most important digital filters. This filter always works with the XOR gate or the JK flip-flop PDs. It consists of two independent up counters labeled as “UP counter” and “DOWN counter”. K is the modulus of both counters, i.e. they both can count from 0 up to K-1, and the modulus can be controlled using the K modulus control input, which is an integer binary number (k) that comply with K = 2k. The clock signal used by this digital filter (K clock) is by definition M times the center frequency of the ADPLL, M must be a power of 2 integer. Both counters reset to 0 when their count exceeds K-1. The most significant bit of both counters are used as output (Carry for the UP counter and Borrow for the DOWN counter). The positive-going edges of these signals are used to control the frequency of the next stage DCO. 1 cycle of u1(t) K clock Up counter K clock __ DN/UP Up counter Carry Dn counter Borrow (a) Dn counter K modulus control 8 0 __ DN/UP 16 8 K/2 0 8 K/2 0 Carry Borrow (b) Fig. II.23.- K counter digital filter. (a) block diagram. (b) waveforms. UPDATE EVENT T2d DIRECTION UPDATE REGISTER +/REGISTER + 0.5 X W Fig. II.24.- Recursive filter block diagram. A different filter is presented in [54], and it is designed to work with the modified PFD of Figure II.17. The filter consists of two main functions: the time to digital (T2d) block and 37 the recursive filter block, shown in Figure II.24. The time to digital block consist on a counter that measures the phase error. The clock signal of this counter is connected to the output of the DCO. This measurement is filtered by the recursive filter. The output of the filter is used as a control word for the DCO. II.4.3.3.- Digitally controlled oscillator (DCO) Digitally controlled oscillators (DCO) can be implemented in numerous ways. Perhaps the simplest DCO is built using an n-bit counter [52], shown in Figure II.25. This counter is used to scale down the signal generated by a high-frequency oscillator. The n-bit parallel output signal of the digital filter is used to control the scaling factor of the counter. from loop filter N modulus control ÷ N Counter ≈ OUT Fixed high-frequency oscilator Fig. II.25.- Block diagram of a ÷N counter DCO. The Increment-Decrement (ID) counter DCO [50, 52] is shown in Figure II.26. This DCO is designed to operate with digital filters that generate CARRY and BORROW signals. It is sensitive to positive-going edges of the input signals; in the absence of carry and borrow signals, the ID counter just divides the ID clock frequency by 2. Internally the ID counter has a flip-flop (TFF), that toggles on every positive-going edge of the ID clock if there are no carry and borrow signals. If a carry pulse appears at its INC input, it will be processed only in the period when the TFF is set to 1. If the carry appears when the TFF is set to 0, the TFF output is set to 1 during the next positive-going edge of the ID clock. It will stay at 0, however, during two ID clock intervals thereafter. This means that the next IDout pulse is advanced in time by one ID clock period. If the carry becomes 1 when the TFF is set to 1, the TFF output is set to 0 onto the next two ID clocks. The output frequency of the ID counter cannot be as high as the frequency of the ID clock, but at most two-thirds of that value. A modified version of the ID counter is presented in [50]. This DCO overcomes the non-homogeneous generation of output pulses. The state of the CARRY and BORROW signals is sampled at each rising-edge of the ID clock. If a rising-edge of the CARRY signal is detected, the internal counter (inside the LOADER block) is decremented by one. However, if a rising-edge of the BORROW signal is detected, the internal counter is increased by one. If any other condition of the CARRY and BORROW signals is present the counter preserves its contents. The DIVIDER block is built using a down counter, which simply divides the ID clock and when it reaches underflow state, the ID output is toggled and the DIVIDER loads the contents of the LOADER. The CARRY and BORROW signals continuously adjust the count of the LOADER. Figure II.27 shows the block diagram of the DCO. 38 ID clock CP Carry INC Borrow DEC OUT IDout ID clock ID clock Toggle - FF Toggle - FF Carry (a) advanced Borrow IDout IDout (e) (c) ID clock Toggle - FF ID clock IDout Toggle - FF (b) delayed Carry advanced IDout (d) Fig. II.26.- ID counter DCO. (a) block diagram. (b) waveforms with absence of CARRY and BORROW signals. (c), (d) waveforms when a CARRY signal appears. (e) waveforms when a BORROW signal appears. CARRY ID clock BORROW LOADER DIVIDER ID clock ID clock ID output ID clock Fig. II.27.- Block diagram of modified ID counter. II.5.- PROPOSED SINUSOIDAL REFERENCE SIGNAL GENERATOR DESIGN II.5.1.- PHASE TO AMPLITUDE CONVERTER As stated in 3.1.5, the phase to amplitude converter structure selected is the direct logic synthesis of LUTs, and the values set for k and m are 9 and 8, respectively. These values allow the generation of a low distortion waveform with relatively small equations for each of the output signals. The converter is based on the block diagram of Figure II.4. The use of the quarter wave symmetry of the sinusoidal signal ease the obtension of the logical functions. Table II.8 lists the values of data(n) obtained for k = 9, and m = 8. The eight logic functions correspond to R0 to R7. The address is obtained with the k-2 least-significant-bits at the output of the phase accumulator. 39 Table II.8.- Values of data(n) for k=9 and m=8. data(n) R4 R3 n Address R7 R6 R5 R2 R1 R0 0 0000000 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0000001 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 0000010 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 3 0000011 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 4 0000100 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 5 0000101 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 6 0000110 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 7 0000111 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 8 0001000 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 9 0001001 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 10 . . 119 0001010 . . 1110111 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 0 1 0 1 1 0 1 120 1111000 1 0 1 0 1 1 0 1 121 1111001 1 0 1 0 1 1 1 0 122 1111010 1 0 1 0 1 1 1 0 123 1111011 1 0 1 0 1 1 1 0 124 1111100 1 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 125 1111101 1 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 126 1111110 1 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 127 1111111 1 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 The value of Address is formed by the signals A6, A5, A4, A3, A2, A1, and A0, and it is used as the input for Ri. The individual expressions for R0 through R6 can be simplified using standard techniques such as Karnough maps. R7 is equal to 1. R 6 = AD 6 + AD 5 ⋅ AD 4 + AD 6 ⋅ AD 5 ⋅ AD 4 ⋅ AD 3 ⋅ AD 2 (II.36) R 5 = AD 6 ⋅ ( AD 5 + AD 4 ) + AD 6 ⋅ AD 5 ⋅ AD 4 ⋅ ( AD 3 + AD 2 ⋅ AD1) ( + AD 6 ⋅ AD 5 ⋅ AD 4 ⋅ AD 3 + AD 2 (II.37) ) + AD 6 ⋅ AD 5 ⋅ AD 4 ⋅ ( AD 3 + AD 2 ⋅ AD0 + AD 2 ⋅ AD1) R 4 = AD6 ⋅ AD 5 + AD 6 ⋅ AD 5 ⋅ AD 4 ⋅ AD 3 ( ) + AD6 ⋅ AD 5 ⋅ AD 4 ⋅ AD 3 ⋅ AD 2 + AD 3 ⋅ AD1 + AD6 ⋅ AD 4 ⋅ AD 4 ⋅ AD 3 ( ) + AD6 ⋅ AD 5 ⋅ AD 4 ⋅ ( AD 3 ⋅ AD 2 + AD 3 ⋅ AD1 ⋅ AD0 ) + AD6 ⋅ AD 5 ⋅ AD 4 ⋅ AD 3 + AD 2 + AD6 ⋅ AD 5 ⋅ AD 4 ⋅ ( AD 3 ⋅ AD 2 + AD 3 ⋅ AD1 ⋅ AD0 ) 40 (II.38) R 3 = AD6 ⋅ AD 5 ⋅ AD 4 + AD6 ⋅ AD 5 ⋅ AD 4 ⋅ ( AD 3 + AD 2 ⋅ AD1 + AD 2 ⋅ AD0 )AD1 + AD6 ⋅ AD 5 ⋅ AD 4 ⋅ AD 3 ( ) (II.39) + AD6 ⋅ AD 5 ⋅ AD 4 ⋅ ( AD 3 ⋅ AD 2 + AD 3 ⋅ AD1 + AD 2 ⋅ AD1 ⋅ AD0 ) + AD6 ⋅ AD 5 ⋅ AD 4 ⋅ ( AD 3 ⋅ AD 2 + AD 3 ⋅ AD 2 ⋅ AD1) + AD6 ⋅ AD 5 ⋅ AD 4 ⋅ ( AD 3 ⋅ AD 2 + AD 3 ⋅ AD 2 + AD 3 ⋅ AD1 ⋅ AD0 + AD 3 ⋅ AD1 ⋅ AD0 ) + AD6 ⋅ AD 5 ⋅ AD 4 ⋅ ( AD 3 ⋅ AD 2 ⋅ AD1 + AD 3 ⋅ AD 2 ⋅ AD1 + AD 3 ⋅ AD 2 ⋅ AD0 ) + AD 6 ⋅ AD 5 ⋅ AD 4 ⋅ AD 3 ⋅ AD 2 + AD 3 ⋅ AD1 + AD 3 ⋅ AD 2 ⋅ AD1 ⋅ AD0 R 2 = AD6 ⋅ AD 5 ⋅ AD 4 ( + AD6 ⋅ AD 5 ⋅ AD 4 ⋅ ( AD 3 ⋅ AD 2 + AD 2 ⋅ AD1 + AD 3 ⋅ AD1 ⋅ AD0 ) + AD6 ⋅ AD 5 ⋅ AD 4 ⋅ ( AD 2 ⋅ AD1 + AD 3 ⋅ AD1 ⋅ AD0 + AD 2 ⋅ AD1 ⋅ AD0 ) + AD6 ⋅ AD 5 ⋅ AD 4 ⋅ AD 3 ⋅ AD 2 + AD 3 ⋅ AD1 ⋅ AD0 + AD 3 ⋅ AD 2 ⋅ AD1 ⋅ AD0 ) ⎛ AD 3 ⋅ AD 2 ⋅ AD1 + AD 3 ⋅ AD 2 ⋅ AD0 + AD 3 ⋅ AD 2 ⋅ AD1 ⎞ ⎟⎟ ⎝ + AD 2 ⋅ AD1 ⋅ AD0 + AD 3 ⋅ AD 2 ⋅ AD1 ⋅ AD0 ⎠ + AD6 ⋅ AD 5 ⋅ AD 4 ⋅ ⎜⎜ ⎛ AD 3 ⋅ AD 2 ⋅ AD1 + AD 3 ⋅ AD 2 ⋅ AD1 + AD 3 ⋅ AD 2 ⋅ AD0 ⎞ ⎟⎟ + AD6 ⋅ AD 5 ⋅ AD 4 ⋅ ⎜⎜ ⎝ + AD 2 ⋅ AD1 ⋅ AD0 + AD 3 ⋅ AD1 ⋅ AD0 ⎠ (II.40) ⎛ AD 3 ⋅ AD 2 ⋅ AD0 + AD 3 ⋅ AD 2 ⋅ AD1 + AD 3 ⋅ AD1 ⋅ AD0 ⎞ ⎟⎟ ⎝ + AD 3 ⋅ AD 2 ⋅ AD1 ⋅ AD0 + AD 3 ⋅ AD 2 ⋅ AD1 ⋅ AD0 ⎠ + AD6 ⋅ AD 5 ⋅ AD 4 ⋅ ⎜⎜ ⎛ AD 3 ⋅ AD 2 ⋅ AD1 + AD 3 ⋅ AD 2 ⋅ AD0 + AD 3 ⋅ AD 2 ⋅ AD1 ⎞ ⎟⎟ + ⋅ ⋅ + ⋅ ⋅ ⋅ AD 3 AD 1 AD 0 AD 3 AD 2 AD 1 AD 0 ⎝ ⎠ + AD 6 ⋅ AD 5 ⋅ AD 4 ⋅ ⎜⎜ 41 R1 = AD 6 ⋅ AD 5 ⋅ AD 4 ⋅ ( AD 3 + AD 2 ⋅ AD1) ⎛ AD 2 ⋅ AD1 + AD 2 ⋅ AD1 ⋅ AD0 + AD 3 ⋅ AD 2 ⋅ AD1 ⎞ ⎟⎟ ⎝ + AD 3 ⋅ AD 2 ⋅ AD0 ⎠ + AD6 ⋅ AD 5 ⋅ AD 4 ⋅ ⎜⎜ ⎛ AD 3 ⋅ AD1 ⋅ AD0 + AD 3 ⋅ AD 2 ⋅ AD1 + AD 3 ⋅ AD 2 ⋅ AD1 ⎞ ⎟⎟ ⎝ + AD 3 ⋅ AD 2 ⋅ AD1 ⋅ AD0 + AD 3 ⋅ AD 2 ⋅ AD1 ⋅ AD0 ⎠ + AD6 ⋅ AD 5 ⋅ AD 4 ⋅ ⎜⎜ ⎛ AD1 ⋅ AD0 + AD 3 ⋅ AD1 + AD 2 ⋅ AD1 + AD 3 ⋅ AD 2 ⋅ AD0 ⎞ ⎟⎟ AD 3 AD 2 AD 1 AD 0 + ⋅ ⋅ ⋅ ⎝ ⎠ + AD6 ⋅ AD 5 ⋅ AD 4 ⋅ ⎜⎜ ⎛ AD 3 ⋅ AD1 ⋅ AD0 + AD 3 ⋅ AD 2 ⋅ AD0 + AD 3 ⋅ AD 2 ⋅ AD1 ⎞ ⎟⎟ ⎝ + AD 3 ⋅ AD1 ⋅ AD0 + AD 3 ⋅ AD 2 ⋅ AD1 ⋅ AD0 ⎠ + AD6 ⋅ AD 5 ⋅ AD 4 ⋅ ⎜⎜ ⎛ AD 3 ⋅ AD 2 ⋅ AD1 + AD 3 ⋅ AD 2 ⋅ AD0 + AD 3 ⋅ AD1 ⋅ AD0 ⎞ ⎜ ⎟ + AD6 ⋅ AD 5 ⋅ AD 4 ⋅ ⎜ + AD 2 ⋅ AD1 ⋅ AD0 + AD 3 ⋅ AD 2 ⋅ AD0 + AD 3 ⋅ AD 2 ⋅ AD1 ⎟ ⎜ + AD 3 ⋅ AD1 ⋅ AD0 + AD 2 ⋅ AD1 ⋅ AD0 ⎟ ⎝ ⎠ + AD6 ⋅ AD 5 ⋅ AD 4 ⋅ ( AD 2 ⊕ AD1 ⊕ AD0 ) ⎛ AD 3 ⋅ AD 2 ⋅ AD1 + AD 2 ⋅ AD1 ⋅ AD0 + AD 2 ⋅ AD1 ⋅ AD0 ⎞ ⎟⎟ ⎝ + AD 2 ⋅ AD1 ⋅ AD0 ⎠ + AD 6 ⋅ AD 5 ⋅ AD 4 ⋅ ⎜⎜ ( (II.41) ) R0 = AD 6 ⋅ AD 5 ⋅ AD 4 ⋅ AD 3 ⋅ ( AD 2 ⊕ AD1) ⎛ AD 3 ⋅ AD1 + AD1 ⋅ AD0 + AD 2 ⋅ AD1 ⎞ ⎟⎟ ⎝ + AD 3 ⋅ AD1 ⋅ AD0 + AD 3 ⋅ AD 2 ⋅ AD0 ⎠ + AD6 ⋅ AD 5 ⋅ AD 4 ⋅ ⎜⎜ ⎛ AD 2 ⋅ AD1 ⋅ AD0 + AD 3 ⋅ AD 2 ⋅ AD0 + AD 3 ⋅ AD 2 ⋅ AD0 ⎞ ⎟⎟ ⎝ + AD 2 ⋅ AD1 ⋅ AD0 ⎠ + AD6 ⋅ AD 5 ⋅ AD 4 ⋅ ⎜⎜ ⎛ AD 3 ⋅ AD 2 ⋅ AD0 + AD 3 ⋅ AD 2 ⋅ AD0 + AD 3 ⋅ AD 2 ⋅ AD1 ⎞ ⎟⎟ ⎝ + AD 3 ⋅ AD 2 ⋅ AD0 + AD 3 ⋅ AD 2 ⋅ AD1 ⋅ AD0 ⎠ + AD6 ⋅ AD 5 ⋅ AD 4 ⋅ ⎜⎜ (II.42) ⎛ AD 2 ⋅ AD1 ⋅ AD0 + AD 2 ⋅ AD1 ⋅ AD0 + AD 3 ⋅ AD 2 ⋅ AD0 ⎞ ⎟⎟ ⎝ + AD 3 ⋅ AD 2 ⋅ AD1 ⋅ AD0 + AD 3 ⋅ AD 2 ⋅ AD1 ⋅ AD0 ⎠ + AD6 ⋅ AD 5 ⋅ AD 4 ⋅ ⎜⎜ ⎛ AD 3 ⋅ AD1 ⋅ AD0 + AD 3 ⋅ AD1 ⋅ AD0 + AD 3 ⋅ AD 2 ⋅ AD1 ⎞ ⎟⎟ ⎝ + AD 3 ⋅ AD 2 ⋅ AD0 + AD 3 ⋅ AD 2 ⋅ AD1 ⋅ AD0 ⎠ + AD6 ⋅ AD 5 ⋅ AD 4 ⋅ ⎜⎜ + AD6 ⋅ AD 5 ⋅ AD 4 ⋅ AD1 ( + AD 6 ⋅ AD 5 ⋅ AD 4 ⋅ AD1 ⋅ AD0 + AD 3 ⋅ AD1 + AD 3 ⋅ AD1 ⋅ AD0 + AD 3 ⋅ AD 2 ⋅ AD0 ) As stated before, in this approach two additional complementor blocks are needed. The relationship that applies to the one located at the output of the phase-accumulator is: AD (i ) = A(i )⋅ A( k − 2) + A(i )⋅ A( k − 2) 42 i = 0,1, 2, ... , k − 3 (II.43) where A(i) is the ith bit of the phase-accumulator, and A(k-2) is the second MSB of the phaseaccumulator. In turn, the relationship that applies to the complementor block at the output of the phase-to-amplitude converter is: D (i ) = R (i )⋅ A(k − 1) + R (i )⋅ A( k − 1) i = 0,1, 2, ... , m − 1 (II.44) where R(i) is the ith output bit generated by the combinational logic functions block, and A(k-1) is the MSB of the phase-accumulator. These equations can be implemented using XOR functions. The block diagram of the phase to amplitude converter with the complementor blocks is shown in Figure II.28. COMPLEMENTOR A0 I15 A1 I14 I13 I12 I11 R2 AD3 R3 AD4 R4 AD5 R5 AD6 R6 D1 R2 D2 R3 D3 R4 D4 R5 I3 AD6 I9 AD2 D0 R1 I4 AD5 I10 A6 A7 R1 I5 AD4 A5 AD1 R0 I6 AD3 A4 R0 I7 AD2 A3 AD0 I8 AD1 A2 COMPLEMENTOR COMBINATIONAL AD0 D5 R6 I2 I18 A8 I17 D6 D7 Fig. II.28.- Block diagram of phase-to-amplitude converter with complementor blocks. To complete the scheme of Figure II.4, the phase accumulator must be replaced with a 9 bit binary counter. This counter generates the input signals A0 to A8, and will be used in the feedback path of the ADPLL. Figure II.29 shows the sinusoidal waveform obtained with this generator controlled by an analog PLL; the generator included a shift correction scheme. Fig. II.29.- Experimental waveform obtained with the generator. 43 II.5.2.- ALL-DIGITAL PLL The design of the ADPLL for the sinusoidal reference signal generator is based on the block diagram of Figure II.30. The ADPLL is configured as a frequency multiplier. The number of bits (n) of the ÷N counter is defined by the input word of the phase-to-amplitude converter designed in section 5.1 (n=9) and sets a value of 512 for N. MFc ADPLL u1(t) u1 u2(t) u2 Output NFc MFc ud(t) Input PHASE_DETECTOR uf(t) Output N uO(t) DCO out Digital Controlled Oscilator Digital Low-Pass Filter MSB Nfc Control Output ck FEEDBACK COUNTER Fig. II.30.- Block diagram of an ADPLL with divide-by-N counter in the feedback loop. The phase detector must be selected taking the duty cycle of the generated signal as the primary restriction. This restriction is set by the goal of the sinusoidal reference signal generator to produce a symmetrical sinusoidal signal. Using equations (II.31), (II.32) and (II.33), the variation of the duty cycle can be found. For equation (II.32), the value of M can be derived from [52]: 2K N M ⋅ fc 2⋅ K ⋅ N (II.45) M ∆f = 2 ⋅ K ⋅ N fc (II.46) ∆f = yielding where: fc is the central frequency of the ADPLL, set at 60Hz, ∆f is the holding range of the ADPLL, set at ± 3Hz. Substituting the values of ∆f and fc in equation (II.46): 44 M 3 1 = = 2 ⋅ K ⋅ N 60 20 (II.47) ∆F is equivalent to (II.46), yielding the same result fc of equation (II.47). Table II.9 shows the expected duty cycle values for the different phase detector evaluated. It becomes clear that the phase detector that has the narrowest variation around 50% is the XOR gate detector, given the design restrictions on holding range. For equation (II.33), the value of Table II.9.- Expected duty cycle vs. Phase Detector Duty Cycle Phase Detector Minimum (%) Maximum (%) XOR gate 49.90 50.09 Edge-Triggered JK FF 47.50 52.50 50 52.50 PFD (at central (at both limits of frequency) the holding range) From the Digital Filters reviewed in section 4.3.2, the best suited to be used with an XOR phase detector is the K-counter filter. To select the values of K and M, equation (II.45) is used again to obtain their relationship: M ∆f ⋅ 2 ⋅ N = K fc (II.48) Since there are two variables one must be set “arbitrarily”. In this case, the value of K has been set at 32 (5-bit counter). Using this value in equation (II.48), the resulting value of M is 1638.4. But, since by definition M must be a power of two (1638.4=210.67), this value must be rounded up to the next power of two (M=211=2048). If a lower value (M=210=1024) is used, the holding range is reduced. With these new values of K and M, the holding range of the ADPLL is: ∆f = M ⋅ fc 2048 × 60 Hz = 3.75 Hz = 2 ⋅ K ⋅ N 2 × 32 × 512 (II.49) The DCO typically used with a K-counter filter is the ID counter. Its clock frequency is set using: NFc = 2 ⋅ N ⋅ fc (II.50) In our case: NFc = 2 ⋅ 512 ⋅ 60 Hz = 61,440 Hz (II.51) 45 Figure II.31 shows the block diagram of the ADPLL using the selected components. MFc ADPLL u1(t) u2(t) u1 NFc MFc dec Enable dec Nfc Out Dn/Up u2 inc PHASE_DETECTOR K-COUNTER ID-COUNTER Digital Filter Digital Controlled Oscilator N Qn DCO out inc ck FEEDBACK COUNTER Fig. II.31.- Block diagram of ADPLL. The ADPLL of Figure II.31 can be modified to reduce the jitter effect [52], [53]. This reduction can be achieved by modifying the basic structure of the K-counter filter introducing an enable input (EN) to control its operation. This input is connected to the output of the XOR gate phase detector. The second modification is using the second most-significant-bit of the ÷N counter to control the direction of the count of the filter (Dn/Up). The modified structure is shown in Figure II.32. MFc ADPLL u1(t) u2(t) u1 NFc MFc dec Enable dec Nfc Out EN u2 inc Dn/Up PHASE_DETECTOR DCO out inc K-MODULUS ID-COUNTER Digital Low-Pass Filter Digital Controlled Oscilator Qn-1 Qn N FEEDBACK COUNTER Fig. II.32.- ADPLL with reduction jitter connection. For this structure the holding range is defined [52] as: ∆f = 46 M ⋅ fc (2 ⋅ K + 1) ⋅ 2 ⋅ N (II.52) It becomes clear that, in order to maintain a holding range of ±3 Hz, one of the variables in equation (II.52) must to be adjusted. From equation (II.52) we have: M= ∆f ⋅ (2 ⋅ K + 1) ⋅ 2 ⋅ N (II.53) fc Using K=32, N=512, fc=60 Hz and ∆f = 3 Hz, equation (II.53) yields to value of M of 3328. Once again, this value (3328=211.7) needs to be rounded to the next power of two. The new value of M is set to 212=4096, which sets the holding range to 3.692 Hz. The frequency of the K-counter clock can now be calculated as: Mfc = M ⋅ fc (II.54) The value of Mfc is set to 245,760 Hz. Summarizing, the parameters needed for the design of the functional blocks of the ADPLL are: N = 29 = 512, K = 25 = 32, M = 212 = 4096, Nfc = 61,440 Hz, Mfc = 245,760 Hz. The schematic diagrams of the actual implementation of the K-counter filter and the IDcounter DCO are shown in Figures II.33 and II.34, respectively. DnUp En D Q D Q D Q D Q D Q D Q D Q dec D Q D Q D Q D Q D Q inc MFc Fig. II.33.- Schematic diagram of the K-counter filter. nNFc NFc x5 x17 x1 x1 inc x5 x9 x13 x17 x9 x5 x11 x7 x17 nNFc x3 dec x13 nNFc x7 NFc x15 Nfc x14 x11 x16 x14 x5 x17 x3 J Q x17 IDout K Fig. II.34.- Schematic diagram of ID counter DCO. 47 II.5.3.- PHASE SHIFT CORRECTOR In a PLL, there is a phase shift or phase error φe between the input and output signals. In the case of the ADPLL, this phase shift depends upon the type of phase detector [52]. For a XOR gate detector the error is between –π/2 and π/2, and is zero at the central frequency. This performance parameter is very important for the operation of the phase-toamplitude converter. One of the design objectives is the generation of a sinusoidal waveform in phase with the utility. At first glance, there are two options: to externally correct the shift before generating the sinusoidal signal, or to modify the shift within the ADPLL. The first option requires the measurement of the phase shift error so that it can be corrected. Measuring phase shift error at the rising edge of the input signal, the correction is made by subtracting the error from the current value of the ÷N counter. The proposed implementation is shown in Figure II.35. M fC u1(t) u2(t) Phase Detector Qn-1 EN K Counter (FILTER) N fC ID Counter (DCO) ID output N Qn LATCH n BITS n BITS ADDER CORRECTED PHASE Fig. II.35.- Block diagram of the first proposed modification. The second approach requires that the ÷N counter be adjusted in order to “move” the central frequency of the ADPLL. The feedback ÷N counter is replaced by an ÷N/L counter followed by an ÷L counter. The ÷L counter is used to measure the phase shift between the input signal and the ADPLL output. The ÷N/L counter is used to adjust the loop central frequency. The adjustments of this counter must be made when the ADPLL is in the locked condition, so a Lock Detector is needed. The block diagram of the approach is shown in Figure II.36. This solution is more complex than the previous one because the lock condition must be achieved first, and then the modulus of the N/L counter must be adjusted accordingly with the phase error sampled in the latch. In order to restrain the circuitry from growing unnecessary, the option shown in Figure II.35 was chosen. 48 M fC u1(t) Phase Detector u2(t) EN N fC K Counter (FILTER) Qn-1 ID Counter (DCO) ID output N/L L Qn N/L MODULUS ADJUST PHASE DATA LATCH LOCK DETECTION LOCK DETECTOR Fig. II.36.- Block diagram of the second proposed modification. The scheme shown in Figure II.35 uses an addition operation instead of a subtraction. To perform the phase adjustment an inverted output in the latch is needed. This approach is simple and effective, and the schematic diagram is shown in Figure II.37. U1 N0 N1 N2 N3 N4 N5 N6 N7 N8 D D D D D Q Q Q Q Q Q CI B SUM CO A CI B SUM A CO CI B SUM A CO CI B SUM A CO CI B SUM A CO A5 A4 A3 A2 A1 B SUM CO A D A0 A7 A6 CI B SUM A CO A8 CI B SUM CO A Q CI B SUM A CO Q D Q D D Fig. II.37.- Schematic diagram of Phase Shift Corrector. 49 The phase shift corrector has also been assigned the task of generating two additional signals D120 and D240. These signals are 120 and 240 degrees shifted from the mostsignificant-bit of the corrected phase A8. The decision block uses D120 and D240 as reference signals for the ADPLL when it detects a faulty line voltage. The listing of the code used to generate these signals is shown in Table II.10. Table II.10.- Code listing for the generation of internal reference signals. MODULE PHASE_BC INTERFACE (N0, N1, N2, N3, N4, N5, N6, N7, N8 -> D120, D240); TITLE 'PHASES B and C' DECLARATIONS N8..N0 pin; D120, D240 pin; EQUATIONS D120 = (!N8 $ (N7 & (N6 # N5 & (N4 # N3 & (N2 # N1 & N0))))); D240 = (N8 $ (N7 # N6 & (N5 # N4 & (N3 # N2 & N1)))); END II.5.4.- DECISION BLOCK The decision block consists of two sub-blocks: the line-fault detector and the rule decoder blocks. The line-fault detector is designed around two functions: a digital window comparator that indicates when the input signal is in the neighborhood of the zero crossing point; and a fault detector that measures how long the window is active. A flag must be set when the maximum time allowed for the near zero window is exceeded, indicating that the input signal is either absent or just below its minimum amplitude. In order to implement the logic array, which decides what to do when a voltage sag or an interruption occurs, we needed a circuit to signal when a line voltage was absent or out of range. In this case we set the threshold at 50% of the nominal value. With this threshold defined, the search for alternatives to develop the line fault detection (LFD) circuit was carried out. The structure should include a window comparator centered at zero and a counter to measure how long the signal is inside the window. If it remains for a long time, a flag must be set, meaning that there is a line fault. The digitalized signal obtained form an 8 bit ADC has the zero level at 07Fh or 080h, the window width was set at 06h, so the lower limit of the windows is 07Ch and the upper limit is 083h. This window represents five conversion cycles for a nominal voltage waveform using an 8-bit ADC with a 32.55 µs sampling rate. For a 50% input signal this window represents eleven cycles. 50 The digital window comparator is based on two adder structures coupled together with a NOR gate. The first adder detects when the input signal in entering the window from values greater than 083h and its structure is based on the following operation: (digitalized number) + 083h, if carry = 1, the number is outside the window, otherwise (carry = 0) the number can be inside the window. The second adder detects if the input signal is entering the window from values lower than 07Ch and its structure is based on the following operation: not(digitalized number) + 083h, if carry = 1, the number is outside the window, otherwise (carry = 0) the number can be inside the window. The output signals of these two structures are combined into an OR gate (to obtain an active low signal) or a NOR gate (to obtain an active high signal). A reduced logic circuit of the window comparator is shown in Figure II.38. A7 A6 A5 A4 A3 A2 A7 A6 A5 A4 A3 A2 1 BUF 1 2 3 4 5 U77 2 U78 1 6 OR5 A7 1 BUF A6 A5 A4 A3 A2 1 2 3 4 5 U83 2 1 2 U81 AND5 2 U79 AND2 3 1 2 U82 NOR2 U80 NOR2 3 window 3 6 Fig. II.38.- Digital window comparator. The circuit that determines if the input signal has remained for too long near zero is built with a four-bit counter that stops counting when it reaches eleven. When the counter reaches eleven, it sets a flag (active low) meaning that the input signal is out of range or missing. The flag remains set until the window comparator output signal is set low. The circuit diagram of the counter is shown in Figure II.39. Combining the circuits of Figures II.38 and II.39, we can build a single-phase line fault detector. For a three-phase implementation we need to use three of them. The first tests of the line-fault detector where aimed at verifying the behavior of the window comparator. The amplitude of the input signal was lowered and the window area enlarged at the zero crossing point. However, when the amplitude was low enough to set the line-fault flag, the flag remained reset. After further review, analysis and simulation, the fault was traced to a glitch occurring during the 011111xxb to 100000xxb (and vice versa) transitions at the input (Figure II.40). 51 U70 ck FALLA window U75 1 2 3 1 HI 4 2 3 Q 5 CLK K Q 6 4 R AND3 J JKFFR U71 1 2 Q 5 CLK K Q 6 4 R 3 J 1 2 3 4 NAN4 U86 5 FALLA JKFFR U72 U76 1 1 3 2 2 Q 5 CLK K Q 6 R 3 J 4 AND2 JKFFR U84 1 4 3 J Q 5 CLK K Q 4 AND3 2 6 R U85 1 2 3 JKFFR Fig. II.39.- Digital counter of the line-fault detector. Fig. II.40.- Simulation waveforms. The upper waveform is the window comparator output. The lower waveform is the T-type FF output. Several solutions were proposed and tested, both in simulation and experimentally. The first one was aimed at eliminating the propagation time causing the glitch. To accomplish this task, the definition of the window comparator was changed from: W= ( ADC_07 ∗( ADC_06 + ADC_05 + ADC_04 + ADC_03 + ADC_02)) + ( ADC_07 + ( ADC_06 ∗ ADC_05 ∗ ADC_04 ∗ ADC_03 ∗ ADC_02 )) (II.55) W= ADC_07 ∗ ADC_06 ∗ ADC_05 ∗ ADC_04 ∗ ADC_03 ∗ ADC_02 + ADC_07 ∗ ADC_06 ∗ ADC_05 ∗ ADC_04 ∗ ADC_03 ∗ ADC_02 (II.56) to This modification worked very well in the simulator, however, when it was programmed into the CPLD, the glitch still appeared. Some other changes were tried, all of them focused at eliminating the glitch, but none of them worked. This led to pursue a different solution. Instead of eliminating the glitch, it would be better to eliminate its effect upon the 52 fault detector. This meant a major change in the interface between the window comparator and the fault detector. Originally, the low state of W was used as a reset for the counter inside the fault detector, but the glitch forced us to change this scheme. The first change performed was the addition of a glitch-remover circuit to the window comparator. The glitch-remover was designed around a two-bit counter whose outputs is 00b, 10b, 11b, and is reset when the digital input is 011110xxb or 100001xxb. After the counter is reset to 00b, the first rising edge at the window comparator’s output causes the counter to increase its count to 10b. When the glitch appears, the count is further increased to 11b. The MSB of the counter is used as a glitch-free version of the window comparator output. Two additional output signals were added to the structure: cwindow (complementary to window), and clrw (clear window), to be used in the line-fault detector. The final structure of the window comparator is shown in Figure II.41. WINDOW COMPARATOR A7 A6 A5 A4 A3 A2 GLITCH-REMOVER cwindow I54 I75 I58 I80 I53 W1 D Q kk D Q window I56 C C I84 I52 I57 I55 I85 clrw clrw I98 I104 I103 I102 I91 I101 I97 I92 I100 I96 I95 I94 I90 I93 I99 Fig. II.41.- Window comparator with glitch-remover circuit. The second change was the inclusion of a hysteresis control for the flag latch. This is a combinational circuit that generates a trigger signal whenever the state of the flag latch needs to be changed; i.e., when the analog input falls below the minimum threshold (the flag must be set) and when the analog input returns to a level above this threshold (the flag must be reset). The circuit designed is shown in Figure II.42. The hysteresis feature was added to eliminate the bouncing of the flag state when the analog input signal is close to the threshold. The threshold for setting the line-fault flag was set at 4.28 Vp and the reset threshold at 4.34 Vp. The task of the Rule Decoder Circuit is to define what should be done when one or more line voltage signals are out of range. Since there are three input voltage signals, the number of rules to be dealt with is eight, as shown in Table II.11. A line voltage was considered as out of range when its instantaneous value is less than 50% of nominal for more than 11 sampling cycles; otherwise, it was considered as in range. 53 Fig. II.42.- Line-fault detector. Table II.11.- Decision rules Rule 54 Condition 1 All three line voltages are in range. 2 Only line voltage phase A is out of range. 3 Only line voltage phase B is out of range. 4 Only line voltage phase C is out of range. 5 Only line voltage phase C is in range. 6 Only line voltage phase B is in range. 7 Only line voltage phase A is in range. 8 All three line voltages are out of range. Action Use MSB of line voltage digitalization as input for ADPLL. Use MSB of ADPLL phase C feedback bus shifted 120° as input for ADPLL phase A. Use MSB of ADPLL phase A feedback bus shifted 120° as input for ADPLL phase B. Use MSB of ADPLL phase B feedback bus shifted 120° as input for ADPLL phase C. Use MSB of ADPLL phase C feedback bus shifted 120° as input for ADPLL phase A. Use MSB of ADPLL phase C feedback bus shifted 240° as input for ADPLL phase B. Use MSB of ADPLL phase B feedback bus shifted 240° as input for ADPLL phase A. Use MSB of ADPLL phase B feedback bus shifted 120° as input for ADPLL phase C. Use MSB of ADPLL phase A feedback bus shifted 120° as input for ADPLL phase B. Use MSB of ADPLL phase A feedback bus shifted 240° as input for ADPLL phase C. Use CK60 as input for ADPLL phase A. Use MSB of ADPLL phase A feedback bus shifted 120° as input for ADPLL phase B. Use MSB of ADPLL phase A feedback bus shifted 240° as input for ADPLL phase C. These rules are implemented using the coding shown in Table II.12. Table II.12.- Rule decoder coding. MODULE D_BLOCK INTERFACE (F1, F2, F3, ADC_A_07, ADC_B_07, ADC_C_07, DA120, DA240, DB120, DB240, DC120, DC240, CK60 -> ADPLL_A, ADPLL_B, ADPLL_C); TITLE 'DECISION BLOCK' F1, F2, F3 pin; "Fault Flags ADC_A_07, ADC_B_07, ADC_C_07 pin; DA120, DA240 pin; DB120, DB240 pin; DC120, DC240 pin; CK60 pin; ADPLL_A pin; ADPLL_B pin; ADPLL_C pin; FF = [F3..F1]; "Fault Condition EQUATIONS "FAULT DECODER EQUATIONS Va Vb Vc when (FF == 7) then { ADPLL_A = ADC_A_07; ADPLL_B = ADC_B_07; ADPLL_C = ADC_C_07;}" 1 1 1 when (FF == 1) then { ADPLL_A = ADC_A_07; ADPLL_B = DA120; ADPLL_C = DA240; }" 1 ADPLL_A = DB240; ADPLL_B = ADC_B_07; ADPLL_C = DB120; }" 0 1 0 ADPLL_A = DC120; ADPLL_B = DC240; ADPLL_C = ADC_C_07;}" 0 0 1 ADPLL_A = ADC_A_07; ADPLL_B = ADC_B_07; ADPLL_C = DB120; }" 1 1 0 ADPLL_A = ADC_A_07; ADPLL_B = DA120; ADPLL_C = ADC_C_07;}" 1 0 1 ADPLL_A = DC120; ADPLL_B = ADC_B_07; ADPLL_C = ADC_C_07;}" 0 1 1 ADPLL_A = CK60; ADPLL_B = DA120; ADPLL_C = DA240;}" 0 0 when (FF == 2) then { when (FF == 3) then { when (FF == 4) then { when (FF == 5) then { when (FF == 6) then { when (FF == 0) then { 0 0 0 END 55 II.5.5.- CLOCK SIGNALS GENERATOR The clock generator block provides the timing required by the A/D converters (ADC_ck), the ADPLL´s digital filter (MFc) and DCO (NFc). The frequencies provided comply with the following relationships: MFc = M ⋅ fc = 4096 ⋅ 60Hz = 245,760 kHz = 3'686,000Hz/15 (II.57) NFc = 2 ⋅ N ⋅ fc = 2 ⋅ 512 ⋅ 60 Hz = MFc/4 = 61,440 Hz (II.58) ADC_ck = 512 ⋅ 60 Hz = 30,720 Hz (II.59) These frequencies are derived from the main crystal generator using the circuit shown in Figure II.43. As an aid in circuit debugging, a pulse train with a 0.4666 duty cycle is generated with I26, I17 and I28. NFc I38 ADC_ck q5 I33 q6 D I32 Q I31 D MFc Q D q5 I37 I36 q1 q2 q3 q4 Q q6 I35 D I26 Q MFc I29 C I28 clr I17 q1 I8 q2 D Q I7 q3 D Fck Q q1 I6 q4 D Q D q2 C C I12 Q q3 C I11 I5 C I10 I9 I16 clr Fig. II.43.- Initial clock signals generator. LINE_FREQ CKin CK60 I39 xtal * I4 * FREQ_DIV ADC_ck * I3 MFc * I2 NFc * I5 Fck I1 ADC_ck MFc NFc Fig. II.44.- Final block diagram of the clock generator. 56 I40 CK60 To provide the 60 Hz signal required by the modification in the rule decoder, the ADC_ck signal is simply divided by 512 using a nine-bit counter. The final structure of this block is shown in Figure II.44. II.5.6.- ANALOG INTERFACE The sinusoidal reference signal generator (SRSG) must be interfaced with the power grid to obtain information about frequency, amplitude and phase of the input voltages. In some cases, it requires an interface with analog processing stages. The block diagram of the array is shown in Figure II.45, and the schematics for both input and output stages are shown in Figures II.46 and II.47. Mfc Va ADC DAC V’a Vb ADC DAC V’b Vc ADC DAC V’c Fig. II.45.- Block diagram for the prototype. R17 adj1 3k 4 8 1 10k 10k R19 2 2 U9 LM10 6 U10 Va1 Va1 2 3 Vin GND 7 5 adj1 3 ref1 ref1 Ci2 0.1u + 3 R18 - 1 2 VCC Vcc ref1 clk 1 +5v ADCA_ck Ci1 0.1u 4 5 6 7 Ci3 10u 1 16 R16 Vref Vdd J16 Va CONVST CS RD BUSY D7 D6 D5 D4 D3 D2 D1 D0 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 ADCA_7 ADCA_6 ADCA_5 ADCA_4 ADCA_3 ADCA_2 AD7819 Fig. II.46.- ADC input circuit (per phase). The analog to digital interface is built using a LM10 (op-amp with programmable voltage reference) and an AD7819 (8-bit ADC with 4.5 µs conversion time). The LM10’s main amplifier is configured as a difference amplifier. This configuration is required to introduce an offset level and attenuate the AC voltage derived from the power grid, in order to provide an unipolar signal at the input pin of the ADC. The offset level is adjusted by varying the gain of the reference voltage amplifier. The clock signal generator block of the SRSG provides the start-of-conversion signal; when the conversion is completed, the ADC sends an end-of-conversion signal back to the SRSG. When this signal is acquired, the SRSG latches the result of the conversion and proceeds with the process. 57 +5v +5v Ca1 Ca2 0.1u 11 7 5 VOUT VOSENSE CS CE 15 14 ro R4 10k 3 2 + U2 J13 6 1 2 LM10 HEADER 2 ref GND VOSELECT 16 4 8 1 D0 D1 D2 D3 D4 D5 D6 D7 12 10 9 0.1u ro ref 13 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 VCC DA0 DA1 DA2 DA3 DA4 DA5 DA6 DA7 GND DA0 DA1 DA2 DA3 DA4 DA5 DA6 DA7 U1 AD558 Ca3 0.1u R6 10k ro -5V R5 J12a 10k 1 2 3 GND -5v TP1 1 1 2 R7 1k 3 DAC +5v HEADER 3 Fig. II.47.- DAC output circuit (per phase). The digital to analog interface can be described as a mirror structure of the analog to digital interface explained above. The interface is built using an AD558 (8-bit DAC with a 1.5 µs settling time) and a LM10. The AD558 provides an analog equivalent of the digital output generated by the SRSG. This signal is unipolar and needs to be adjusted in amplitude and shifted to form an AC signal. Once again the voltage reference amplifier of the LM10 is used to provide an offset level, converting an unipolar signal into a bipolar or AC signal. The main amplifier of the LM10 is configured as an adder amplifier, and its gain is adjusted to provide an amplitude adequate for the control stage. II.6.- SUMMARY In this chapter, the structure of the sinusoidal reference signal generator was presented, as well as its design specifications. The basic operational principles of the phase-to-amplitude converters and phase-locked loops were also covered. Among several methods reported for generating sinusoidal waveforms, four of them were studied as possible ways to implement the phase-to-amplitude converter. Each method was studied and characterized in terms of THD of the generated signal, complexity of implementation and silicon real state. In the study of synchronizing method for reference signal generators, the basic theory of PLL was covered. Even though the proposed SRSG is a digital system, the analog and hybrid implementation of PLL were studied to have a clear vision of their behavior. Also, as in the case of hybrid PLL, the phase detector structures can be used in the all-digital implementations. For the ADPLL, several implementations reported for building digital loop filters and oscillator stages were analyzed. Then the selection and design of each of the component blocks of the SRSG was performed. The phase-to-amplitude converter was selected using the theoretical THD level of 58 the sinusoidal waveform and the amount of silicon resources needed for its implementation in a CPLD. The converter designed is based in a direct implementation of look-up tables and its logic equations were presented. For the selection of the phase detector, digital loop filter and DCO, an input to output approach was used. First, the phase detector was selected using the symmetry of the generated signal as a restriction, resulting in the selection of the XOR gate phase detector. Then, a review of the available loop filters was performed, using their compatibility with the XOR gate phase detector as the decision factor. Under this procedure, the K-counter filter was selected. To complete the ADPLL, the DCO was selected using a similar approach: looking for compatibility with the loop filter. The DCO selected was the ID counter. With the basic design of the ADPLL completed, a modification was introduced to reduce the jitter of the generated signal. This modification changed the clock frequency of the loop filter to maintain the holding range of the ADPLL. Once the ADPLL was completely designed, the phase shift corrector was presented. Its task is to eliminate the phase shift between the input and output signals in locked state. This shift depends on the type of phase detector used to build the PLL. The solution presented is simple, easy to implement and should reduce the shift to nearly zero. The phase-to-amplitude converter, the ADPLL and the phase shift corrector are the component blocks needed to generate a sinusoidal waveform in-phase with the power grid. However, the SRSG requires some decision-taking process when the power grid voltages fall below a certain threshold. This process can be divided into two stages: the evaluation of the input voltage amplitude using a window comparator to estimate its slope at the zero crossing neighborhood, and decision-taking using this evaluation as input of a rule decoder. This block replaces the faulty input signals with new ones for the ADPLLs in order to keep their proper operation. The last digital block presented was the clock signals generator. This block has the task of deriving, from a single crystal oscillator, all the timing signals needed for the proper operation of the SRSG. It generates the clock signals required for the operation of the analog input interface, the clock signals for the loop filters and DCOs, and a 60 Hz signal to replace the power grid signals. Finally, the structure and operation of the two analog interfaces were presented. The analog-to-digital interface is described as a key element for the correct behavior of the SRSG, since it gives a digital expression of the amplitude of the power grid voltage. On the other hand, the digital-to-analog interface is only necessary when the SRSG is used with an analog control stage. 59 CHAPTER III.- SINGLE-STAGE PWM AC/AC CONVERTERS III.1.- INTRODUCTION This chapter presents the basic operation principles of single stage PWM AC/AC converters, derived from DC/DC converter topologies, in both single and three phase configurations. Bi-directional switch arrays are reviewed first. Next, the operating principles, in both discontinuous and continuous conduction mode, of some single phase PWM AC/AC converters are studied. The topologies presented are selected because of their capability of compensating both voltage sags and swells. Three phase converters are also studied, and their advantages and disadvantages for voltage sag compensation are discussed. The selection and design of the PWM AC/AC converter is presented. Finally, for the control stage, an analog control circuit based on commercial DC/DC PWM integrated circuits is designed. Its synchronization process and pulse distribution for three phase applications is presented. III.2.- VOLTAGE AND CURRENT BI-DIRECTIONAL SWITCHES Bi-directional switches are used to build commutation cells for different power electronic systems. Among the power electronic systems that require this type of switch, we found solid-state tap-changer transformers [61], matrix converters [62], [63] and PWM AC/AC converters [64]. Bi-directional switches are built using uni-directional devices, and IGBTs are the most popular [61], [64], [65], [66], [67], [70], [71]. GTOs [62], [69], reverse-blocking IGBTs [63], [65], [70] and MOSFETs [68], [72] are also used. There are four basic topologies for the bi-directional switch [63], [64], [65]: the embedded switch, anti-series common emitter, anti-series common collector, and antiparallel, as they are shown in Figure III.1. g1 e1 g1 e g2 e1 g2 g1 e2 ac ac ac ac ac ac ac ac g e2 g2 e (a) (b) © (d) Fig. III.1.- Basic bi-directional switch topologies. (a) embedded switch, (b) anti-series common emitter, (c) anti-series common collector, and (d) anti-parallel. 61 The embedded switch topology is implemented using fast recovery diodes in the bridge. This topology has high conduction losses due to the series operation of two diodes and the transistor. The anti-series and anti-parallel topologies improve their performance by having only one diode and the transistor generating the losses when the array is turned on. The anti-series common emitter topology has the advantage of providing only three control connections (g1, g2 and e), instead of the four points required in the common collector and the anti-parallel topologies. The fourth topology consists in the connection of two unidirectional transistors in anti-parallel configuration, the diode is required to eliminate the effect of the body diode of the transistor. This array has been modified in [65] and [70], where the blocking diode is eliminated and the IGBT is replaced by a reverse-blocking IGBT. This new array is shown in Figure III.2. g1 e1 ac ac e2 g2 Fig. III.2.- Basic bi-directional switch implemented with reverse-blocking IGBTs. Another array can be derived from the uni-directional switch structure proposed by Baliga in 1996, as referred by Mihaila [73]. The cascode connection of a high voltage SiC JFET and a low voltage Si MOSFET. This array is shown in Figure III.3, both in unidirectional (a), and bi-directional (b) configurations. g1 s1 g s - + ac ac (a) s2 g2 (b) Fig. III.3.- Cascode array of SiC JFET and Si MOSFET. (a) uni-directional array, (b) bi-directional array. The cascode array [68] presents several advantages over the “traditional” diodeIGBT array: - 62 low on-state resistance, high switching frequency, high blocking voltage. III.3.- SINGLE-PHASE PWM AC/AC CONTINUOUS CONDUCTION MODE CONVERTERS IN PWM AC/AC single stage structures have been selected to carry on performance analysis of the signal generator. The PWM AC/AC converters were selected due to the fact that they are a single stage structures and have the ability of producing voltage levels higher and/or lower than the input voltage signal without the use of low-frequency transformers [74], [75]. The PWM AC/AC topologies suited for both sag and swell compensation were buck-boost, Cúk, SEPIC and zeta. The analysis and design methods developed for DC/DC converters have been extended to AC/AC structures as reported in [74], [75], [76]. In [76], Venkataramanan presents the equations for the design of three phase PWM AC/AC converters. These equations take into consideration parameters such as percentage of current and voltage ripple in passive components. With these parameters as guide, some considerations for the development of the passive elements equations have been used. Consideration 1 To calculate the value of the inductors, instead of using ∆I as an absolute value, a proportional value of the input current is assumed. This consideration is based on the desired inductor current waveform shown in Figure III.4. I A sin(ωt) Ip sin(ωt) B sin(ωt) t Fig. III.4.- Inductor current waveform. The inductor current ripple is then defined as: ∆I (t ) = ( A − B ) ⋅ sin(ωt ) = K ⋅ I P ⋅ sin(ωt ) I (III.1) which yields: KI = and A− B IP (III.2) 0 < KI < 1 63 Consideration 2 To calculate the value of the capacitor, instead of using ∆Vc as a absolute value, a proportional value of the voltage is used. This consideration is based on the desired voltage waveform shown in Figure III.5. V A sin(ωt) VC sin(ωt) B sin(ωt) t Fig. III.5.- Capacitor voltage ripple waveform. The inductor current ripple is then defined as: ∆VC (t ) = ( A − B )⋅ sin(ωt ) = K ⋅VC ⋅ sin(ωt ) V (III.3) which yields: KV = and A− B VC (III.4) 0 < KV < 1 This consideration is only applied to the input stage capacitor of the Cúk, SEPIC and zeta converters. Consideration 3 Since the output stage of the converters is a low pass, a cutoff frequency approach can be used to calculate the value of the output capacitor. The cutoff frequency is set at one tenth of the switching frequency. This allows the output capacitor to have a small value, as compared with the ones used in DC/DC applications. C0 = 100 2 4π 2 L0 f sw where L0 fsw 64 is the output inductor, is the switching frequency. (III.5) Table III.1 shows the equations obtained for the AC/AC buck-boost derived topologies using these considerations, whilst Tables III.2 and III.3 show the equations describing the electrical stresses of the converter elements. Table III.1.- Equations for the passive elements of AC/AC buck-boost derived topologies. Element/ Parameter Buck-Boost D Vs V0 − L1 V0 (1− D) f sw K I I P (1 − D) L0 100 2 2 4π L1 f sw C1 C0 Element − Cúk SEPIC Zeta D Vs D Vs D Vs (1 − D) (1 − D) (1 − D) VS D VS D VS D f sw K I I in P in f sw K f sw K I I in P in I I in P in V (1 − D) 0 f sw K I I out P out V (1 − D) 0 f sw K I I out P out V (1 − D) 0 f sw K I I out P out Po (1 − D ) 2 f sw KV VS Po (1 − D ) 2 f sw KV VS Po (1 − D ) 2 f sw KV VS 100 2 2 4π L0 f sw 100 2 2 4π L0 f sw 100 2 2 4π L0 f sw Table III.2.- Equations of the voltage stress for the elements of AC/AC buck-boost derived topologies in P.U. referred to output voltage. Peak Voltage Buck-boost Cúk SEPIC L1 ⎛ 1 − Dmin ⎞ ⎜ ⎟ ⎜ D ⎟ ⎝ min ⎠ C1 ⎛ KV ⎞ ⎜⎜ 1 + ⎟ 2 ⎟⎠ ⎝ L2 CO Sa (main sw.) ⎛ 1 ⎞ ⎜ ⎟ ⎜D ⎟ ⎝ min ⎠ S’a (aux. sw.) ⎛ 1 ⎞ ⎜ ⎟ ⎜D ⎟ ⎝ min ⎠ ⎛ 1 − Dmin ⎞ ⎜ ⎟ ⎜ D ⎟ ⎝ min ⎠ ⎛ KV ⎞ ⎛ 1 − 2 D ⎜ min ⎞⎟ 1 ⎟⎜ ⎜⎜ 1 + 2 ⎟⎟ ⎜ D ⎟ min ⎠ ⎠⎝ ⎝ ( ) ⎛ 2(1 − Dmin ) + Dmin KV + 1 − 2 Dmin KV ⎜ 1 2 ⎜ 2 D ⎜ min ⎝ ⎛ KV ⎞ ⎜ 2⎟ ⎜1 + 2 ⎟ ⎜ ⎟ ⎝ ⎠ ⎛ KV ⎞ ⎛ 1 − 2 D ⎜ min ⎞⎟ 1 − D 1 ⎟⎜ 1 + ⎜⎜ min 2 ⎟⎟ ⎜⎝ Dmin ⎟⎠ ⎠ ⎝ ( ⎛ KV ⎞ ⎜ 1⎟ ⎜⎜ 1 + 2 ⎟⎟ (1 − 2 Dmin ) ⎠ ⎝ ) ⎞ ⎟ ⎟ ⎟ ⎠ zeta ⎛ 1 − Dmin ⎞ ⎜ ⎟ ⎜ D ⎟ ⎝ min ⎠ ⎛ KV ⎞ ⎛ 1 − D ⎜ min ⎞⎟ 1 ⎟⎜ ⎜⎜ 1 + 2 ⎟⎟ ⎜ D ⎟ ⎠ ⎝ min ⎠ ⎝ ⎛ 1 − Dmin ⎞ ⎜ ⎟ ⎜ D ⎟ ⎝ min ⎠ ⎛ KV ⎞ ⎜ 1⎟ ⎜1 + 2 ⎟ ⎜ ⎟ ⎝ ⎠ ⎛ KV ⎞ ⎛ 1 − D ⎜ min ⎞⎟ 1 ⎟⎜ ⎜⎜ 1 + 2 ⎟⎟ ⎜ D ⎟ min ⎠ ⎝ ⎠ ⎝ ⎛ 1 − Dmin ⎞ ⎜ ⎟ ⎜ D ⎟ ⎝ min ⎠ ⎛ KV ⎞ ⎜ 2⎟ ⎜1 + 2 ⎟ ⎜ ⎟ ⎝ ⎠ ⎛ KV ⎞ ⎜ 2⎟ ⎜1 + 2 ⎟ ⎜ ⎟ ⎝ ⎠ ⎛ 1 - Dmin ⎞ ⎟ ⎜ D ⎟ ⎝ min ⎠ ⎛ 1 - 2 Dmin ⎞ ⎜ ⎟ ⎜ D ⎟ min ⎠ ⎝ ⎛ 1 ⎞ ⎜ ⎟ ⎜D ⎟ ⎝ min ⎠ ⎛ 1 ⎞ ⎜ ⎟ ⎜D ⎟ ⎝ min ⎠ 2⎜ 65 Element L1 C1 Table III.3.- Equations of the current stress for the elements of AC/AC buck-boost derived topologies in P.U. referred to output current. Peak Current Buck-boost Cúk ⎛ K I ⎞ ⎛ Dmax ⎞ ⎟ ⎜1 + ⎟⎜ 2 ⎠ ⎜⎝ 1 - Dmax ⎟⎠ ⎝ ⎛ KI ⎞ ⎜ 1 ⎟ ⎛ Dmax ⎞⎟ ⎟ ⎜⎜ 1 + 2 ⎟⎟ ⎜⎜ 1 − D ⎝ max ⎠ ⎠ ⎝ ⎛ Dmax K I ⎜1+ 2 ⎜ ⎜ 1 - Dmax ⎜ ⎝ ⎛ KI ⎞ ⎜ 1 ⎟ ⎛⎜ Dmax ⎞⎟ 1 + ⎜⎜ 2 ⎟⎟ ⎜⎝ 1 − Dmax ⎟⎠ ⎠ ⎝ ⎞ ⎟ ⎟ ⎟ ⎟ ⎠ L2 CO Sa (main sw.) ⎛ K I ⎞ ⎛ Dmax ⎞ ⎟ ⎟⎜ ⎜1 + 2 ⎠ ⎜⎝ 1 - Dmax ⎟⎠ ⎝ S’a (aux. sw.) Element ⎛ K I ⎞ ⎛ Dmax ⎞ ⎟ ⎟⎜ ⎜1 + 2 ⎠ ⎜⎝ 1 - Dmax ⎟⎠ ⎝ L1 C1 L2 CO Sa (main sw.) S’a (aux. sw.) 66 ⎛ KI ⎞ ⎞ 1 ⎜ 2 ⎟⎛ ⎟⎟ ⎜⎜ 1 + 2 ⎟⎟ ⎜⎜ 1 − 2 D ⎝ max ⎠ ⎠ ⎝ ⎛ 4 Dmax + K I ⎞ ⎜ 2⎟ ⎟ ⎜⎜ 1 − 2 D max ⎟ ⎠ ⎝ ⎞ ⎛ K I1 ⎞⎛ Dmax ⎞ ⎛ K I2 ⎞⎛ 1 ⎟ + ⎜1 + ⎟ ⎜1 + ⎟⎜ ⎟⎜ 2 ⎟⎜ 1 − D 2 ⎟⎜ 1 − 2D ⎜ ⎟ ⎜ ⎟ ⎝ ⎠⎝ ⎠⎝ max ⎠ ⎝ max ⎠ ⎞ ⎛ K I1 ⎞⎛ Dmax ⎞ ⎛ K I2 ⎞⎛ 1 ⎟ + ⎜1 + ⎟ ⎜1 + ⎟⎜ ⎟⎜ 2 ⎟⎜ 1 − D 2 ⎟⎜ 1 − 2D ⎜ ⎟ ⎜ ⎟ ⎝ ⎠⎝ ⎠⎝ max ⎠ ⎝ max ⎠ SEPIC ⎞ ⎟ ⎛ Dmax ⎞ ⎟⎟ ⎟⎟ ⎜⎜ 1 - D ⎝ max ⎠ ⎠ ⎝ ⎛ KI ⎞ ⎜ 1 ⎟ ⎛ Dmax ⎞⎟ ⎟ ⎜⎜ 1 + 2 ⎟⎟ ⎜⎜ 1 - D ⎝ max ⎠ ⎠ ⎝ ⎛ KI ⎞ ⎜ 2⎟ ⎜1 + 2 ⎟ ⎟ ⎜ ⎠ ⎝ ⎛ K I Dmax + K I (1 − Dmax ) ⎞⎛ D ⎜1 + 1 ⎟⎜ max ⎞⎟ 2 ⎜ ⎟⎜⎝ 1 − Dmax ⎟⎠ 2Dmax ⎝ ⎠ K ⎞ ⎛ KI ⎞ ⎛ I ⎞⎛ D ⎜ 1 + 1 ⎟⎜ max ⎟ + ⎜ 1 + 2 ⎟ 2 ⎟ 2 ⎟⎜ 1 − D ⎜ ⎟ ⎜ ⎠ ⎠⎝ ⎝ max ⎠ ⎝ ⎛ K I1 ⎞⎛ Dmax ⎞ ⎛ K I2 ⎞ ⎟ + ⎜1 + ⎟ ⎟⎜ ⎜1 + 2 ⎟ 2 ⎟⎜ 1 − D ⎜ ⎟ ⎜ ⎠ ⎠⎝ ⎝ max ⎠ ⎝ zeta ⎞ ⎟ ⎛ Dmax ⎞ ⎟⎟ ⎟⎟ ⎜⎜ 1 − D ⎝ max ⎠ ⎠ ⎝ ⎛ KI ⎞ ⎜ 1 ⎟ ⎛ Dmax ⎞⎟ ⎟ ⎜⎜ 1 + 2 ⎟⎟ ⎜⎜ 1 − D ⎝ max ⎠ ⎠ ⎝ ⎛ KI ⎞ ⎜ 2⎟ ⎜1 + 2 ⎟ ⎟ ⎜ ⎠ ⎝ ⎛ KI ⎜ 1 ⎜⎜ 1 + 2 ⎛ KI ⎜ 1 ⎜⎜ 1 + 2 KI 2 2 ⎛ ⎜1 + ⎜ ⎝ ⎛ ⎜1 + ⎜ ⎝ K I ⎞⎛ D ⎞ max ⎟ + ⎛⎜ 1 + 1 ⎟⎜ 2 ⎟⎜ 1 − D ⎟ ⎜ ⎠⎝ max ⎠ ⎝ K I ⎞⎛ D ⎞ max ⎟ + ⎛⎜ 1 + 1 ⎟⎜ 2 ⎟⎜ 1 − D ⎟ ⎜ ⎠⎝ max ⎠ ⎝ KI ⎞ ⎟ ⎟ ⎠ KI ⎞ 2⎟ 2 ⎟ ⎠ 2 2 where VS Vo L1 L0 C1 C0 fsw KI IP Po KV is the peak value of the input voltage, is the peak value of the output voltage, is the input filter inductor, is the output filter inductor, is the energy transfer capacitor (output capacitor in the buck-boost converter), is the output filter capacitor, is the switching frequency, is the inductor current ripple factor, is the inductor peak current, is the output power, is the capacitor voltage ripple factor. In the next two sections, the operation of the buck-boost and Cúk converters is explained. The operation with resistive, R-L and non-linear capacitive loads is covered. III.3.1.- BUCK-BOOST CONVERTER The AC/AC buck-boost converter of Figure III.6 has different operating modes depending on the load it feeds. The load defines if there is a uni-directional or bi-directional power flow between the input source and the load. g4 e4 g1 e1 +vs +vo e2 g2 e3 g3 L1 C1 L O A D Fig. III.6.- AC/AC buck-boost converter. Case 1.- Operation with resistive load When the converter is feeding a linear resistive load, there is an uni-directional flow of energy from the AC line to the load. In this case the converter operation is very much related to the two operating modes of two DC/DC converter connected in anti-parallel. With this load, the converter has four operating modes as shown in Figure III.7. 67 D1 M1 +vs -vo C1 L1 i +vs -vo M3 L O A D L1 MODE 1 i +vo M2 D2 i C1 L1 MODE 3 C1 L O A D MODE 2 D4 -vs D3 M4 -vs L O A D +vo L1 i C1 L O A D MODE 4 Fig. III.7.- Operating modes with linear resistive load. Mode 1: When the input voltage is positive, switch M1 is turned on and the current flows through L1, D1 and M1. Energy is stored in the inductor. The output capacitor supplies energy to the load. Switches M2, M3 and M4 are kept off. Mode 2: This mode is the complementary of Mode 1. Switch M1 is turned off and switch M3 is turned on. The energy stored in the inductor is transferred to the output capacitor and the load through D3 and M3, while switches M1, M2 and M4 are kept off. Mode 3: When the input voltage is negative, switch M2 is turned on and the current flows through L1, D2 and M2. Energy is stored in the inductor. The output capacitor supplies energy to the load. Switches M1, M3 and M4 are kept off. Mode 4: This mode is the complementary of Mode 3. Switch M2 is turned off and M4 is turned on. The energy stored in the inductor is transferred to the output capacitor and the load through D4 and M4. Switches M1, M2 and M3 are kept off. Case 2.- Operation with R-L load When the converter is feeding a R-L load, there is a bi-directional flow of energy between the power supply and the load. In this case, during some portions of the mains cycle, the converter returns the energy stored in the load to the line side. This is done by operating simultaneously the switches at the output stage in the complementary PWM cycle. With this load, the converter has eight operating modes as shown in Figure III.8. 68 D1 M1 +vs -vo L1 i C1 +vs M3 L O A D L1 MODE 1 D1 -vo D4 +vo M2 D2 L1 i i C1 +vo M3 L O A D L1 D2 i C1 L O A D +vo L1 D4 -vo M2 D2 i i L1 MODE 7 L O A D C1 MODE 6 M1 +vs M4 -vs MODE 5 D1 L O A D C1 MODE 4 +vo L1 D3 i D4 M2 M4 -vs MODE 3 -vs L O A D C1 MODE 2 M1 -vs D3 C1 M4 +vs L O A D -vo M3 L1 D3 i C1 L O A D MODE 8 Fig. III.8.- Operating modes with linear inductive-resistive load. Mode 1: When the input voltage is positive and the input current is positive, switch M1 is turned on and the current flows through L1, D1 and M1. Energy is stored in the inductor. The output capacitor supplies energy to the load. Switches M2, M3 and M4 are kept off. Mode 2: This mode of operation is the complementary of Mode 1. Switch M1 is turned off and switch M3 is turned on. The energy stored in the inductor is transferred to the output capacitor and the load through D3 and M3, while switches M1, M2 and M4 are kept off. 69 Mode 3: When the input voltage is negative and the input current is positive, switch M1 and M2 are turned on, so the current flows through L1, D1 and M1. D2 and M2 reduce the reverse voltage applied to M1 and D1. Energy stored in the inductor is transfer to the AC line. The output capacitor supplies energy to the load. Switches M3 and M4 are kept off. Mode 4: This mode of operation is complementary to Mode 3, switches M1 and M2 are turned off, switches M3 and M4 are turned on and energy from the load is stored in the inductor. Mode 5: When the input voltage is negative and the input current is negative, switch M2 is turned on and the current flows through L1, D2 and M2. Energy is stored in the inductor. The output capacitor supplies energy to the load. Switches M1, M3 and M4 are kept off. Mode 6: This mode of operation is the complementary of Mode 5. Switch M2 is turned off and M4 is turned on. The energy stored in the inductor is transferred to the output capacitor and the load through D4 and M4, while switches M1, M2 and M3 are kept off. Mode 7: When the input voltage is positive and the input current is negative, switch M1 and M2 are turned on, so the can current flows through L1, D2 and M2. Energy stored in the inductor is transfer to the AC line. The output capacitor supplies energy to the load. Switches M3 and M4 are kept off. Mode 8: This mode of operation is complementary to Mode 7 witches M1 and M2 are turned off, switches M3 and M4 are turned on and energy from the load is stored in the inductor. Case 3.- Operation with non-linear capacitive load When the converter is feeding a non-linear load comprised by a full-wave rectifier, a capacitive filter and a resistance, in order to obtain a sinusoidal output voltage waveform the output capacitor has to be discharged. With this type of load, the converter has eight operating modes as shown in Figure III.9. 70 D1 M1 +vs -vo C1 L1 i +vs -vo M3 L O A D L1 MODE 1 D4 i M4 D1 -vo i C1 M1 +vs -vo M2 L O A D D2 MODE 4 D4 -vs +vo D2 i C1 L1 +vo L O A D L1 -vs +vo MODE 7 i L O A D C1 MODE 6 D1 L1 M4 -vs MODE 5 M3 L O A D C1 L1 i MODE 3 M2 L O A D C1 MODE 2 +vs L1 D3 D3 i C1 M1 -vs L O A D +vo M2 D2 i L1 C1 L O A D MODE 8 Fig. III.9.- Operating modes with non-linear capacitive load. Mode 1: When the input voltage is positive and the voltage error signal (difference between the reference and the feedback voltages) is positive, switch M1 is turned on and the current flows through L1, D1 and M1. Energy is stored in the inductor. The output capacitor supplies energy to the load. Switches M2, M3 and M4 are kept off. 71 Mode 2: This mode of operation is the complementary of Mode 1. Switch M1 is turned off and M3 is turned on. The energy stored in the inductor is transferred to the output capacitor and the load through D3 and M3, while switches M1, M2 and M4 are kept off. Mode 3: When the input voltage is positive and the voltage error signal is negative (output voltage greater than the reference), the output capacitor has to be discharged. Switch M4 is turned on to transfer energy from the capacitor to the inductor. Switches M1, M2 and M3 are kept off. Mode 4: This mode of operation is complementary to Mode 3. The energy stored in the inductor has to be transfer to the AC line. Switch M4 is turned off and switches M1 and M2 are turned on. Current flows from the inductor through M2 and D2 to the AC line. Mode 5: When the input voltage is negative and the voltage error signal is positive, switch M2 is turned on and the current flows through L1, D2 and M2. Energy is stored in the inductor. The output capacitor supplies energy to the load. Switches M1, M3 and M4 are kept off. Mode 6: This mode of operation is the complementary of Mode 5. Switch M2 is turned off and switch M4 is turned on. The energy stored in the inductor is transferred to the output capacitor and the load through D4 and M4. Switches M1, M2 and M3 are kept off. Mode 7: When the input voltage is negative and the voltage error signal is negative, the output capacitor has to be discharged. Switch M3 is turned on to transfer energy from the capacitor to the inductor. Switches M1, M2 and M4 are kept off. Mode 8: This mode of operation is complementary to Mode 7. The energy stored in the inductor has to be transfer to the AC line. Switch M3 is turned off and switches M1 and M2 are turned on. Current flows from the inductor through M1 and D1 to the AC line. III.3.1.1.- Simulation of an AC/AC buck-boost Converter To assess the operational behavior described above, some simulations were performed. The converter has the following operating parameters: - 72 Input voltage (Vs): Output power (Po): Minimum input voltage (Vsmin): Switching frequency (fsw): Maximum duty cycle (D): Inductor current ripple (KI) Line frequency (f) 220Vrms 1 kVA 132 Vrms 75 kHz 0.63 0.20 60 Hz The values of L1 and C1 can be obtained using the equations from Table III.1. Assuming Pi = Po, the maximum rms value of the inductor current can be calculated from: is = Po vs (III.6) is = 1000 VA = 7.57 A , and therefore I P = 2 is = 2 ⋅ 7.57 A = 10.71 A 132V (III.7) and V (1 − D) 220 V (1 − 0.63) = L1 = 0 = 506.7 µH 75000 Hz ⋅ 0.1⋅ 10.71 A f sw K I I P C1 = 100 100 = = 888 nF 2 2 2 4π L1 f sw 4π ⋅ 506.7 µH ⋅ (75000 Hz)2 (III.8) (III.9) Case 1.- Operation with resistive load In the case of a resistive load, the value of the load resistor is found from: V 2 (220V )2 Rload = o = = 48.4 Ω Po 1000 VA (III.10) The simulation results using the values from equations (III.7) through (III.10) are shown in Figure III.10. The figure represents the control signals in the gate of the switches, the input voltage and inductor current, and the output voltage and current. (a) 73 (b) (c) Fig. III.10.- Control signals and voltage and current waveforms of the converter operating with resistive load. (a) Voltage and current waveforms during three line cycles, (b) Switching waveforms in modes 1 and 2, (c) Switching waveforms in modes 3 and 4. Case 2.- Operation with R-L load In the case of the R-L load, the values of the load resistor and inductor depend on the power factor of the array. For this simulation a power factor of 0.7 is set, therefore: PF = 0.7 = cos (ϕ ) (III.11) ϕ = cos −1 (0.7 ) = 45.6 deg (III.12) V 2 (220V )2 Z load = o = = 48.4 Ω Po 1000 VA (III.13) Z load = X L2 + RL2 (III.14) X L = Z load ⋅ sin(ϕ ) = 2π f Lo (III.15) ⋅ sin(ϕ ) Z Lo = load 2π f (III.16) Rload = Z load ⋅ cos (ϕ ) (III.17) From equations (III.16) and (III.17) the values of Lo and Rload are 91.68 mH and 33.88 Ω. The simulation results using these element values are shown in Figure III.11. The figure represents the control signals at the gate of the switches, the input voltage and inductor current, and the output voltage and current. 74 (a) (b) (d) (c) (e) Fig. III.11.- Control signals and voltage and current waveforms of the converter operating with R-L load. (a) Voltage and current waveforms during three line cycles, (b) Switching waveforms in modes 1 and 2, (c) Switching waveforms in modes 3 and 4, (d) Switching waveforms in modes 5 and 6, (e) Switching waveforms in modes 7 and 8. 75 Case 3.- Operation with non-linear capacitive load In the case of the non-linear capacitive load, the load circuit is a full-bridge rectifier with a capacitive filter (Figure III.12), as the one described by the IEC62040-3 standard [77] for testing UPS systems having a power factor of 0.7. The values of the resistors and capacitor are defined as: Rs = 0.04 V 2 S (III.18) R1 = VC2 0.66 S (III.19) 7.5 f R1 (III.20) C= Vc = 1.22 ⋅V (III.21) Rs V Vc Fig. III.12.- Non-Linear Load. (a) 76 C R1 (b) (c) (d) (e) Fig. III.13.- Control signals and voltage and current waveforms of the converter operating with non-linear capacitive load. (a) Voltage and current waveforms during three line cycles, (b) Switching waveforms in modes 1 and 2, (c) Switching waveforms in modes 3 and 4, (d) Switching waveforms in modes 5 and 6, (e) Switching waveforms in modes 7 and 8. In these equations, V is the rms value of the input voltage, VC is the DC bus voltage with a 5% ripple, and S is the apparent power of the circuit. From equations (III.18) through (III.21), the values of Rs, R1 and C are 1.936 Ω, 109.15 Ω and 1145.2 µF respectively. The simulation results using these element values and parameters are shown in Figure III.13. The figure shows the control signals at the gate of the switches, the input voltage and inductor current, and the output voltage and current. III.3.2.- CUK CONVERTER The AC/AC Cúk converter of Figure III.14 has different operating modes as well, depending on the kind of load it feeds. The type of load defines if there is a uni-directional or bi-directional power flow between the input source and the load. In order to simplify this section, only the linear resistive load case is reviewed. 77 +vs L1 M2 D2 C1 D1 M1 L0 M4 D4 +vo D3 M3 C0 L O A D Fig. III.14.- AC/AC buck-boost converter. Operation with resistive load When the converter is feeding a resistive load, there is an uni-directional flow of energy from the AC line to the load. In this case, the converter operation is very much related to the two operating modes of two DC/DC converters connected in anti-parallel. With this kind of load, the converter has four operation modes as shown in Figure III.15. Mode 1: When the input voltage is positive, switch M1 is turned on and the input current flows through L1, D1 and M1. Energy is stored in the inductor L1. The coupling capacitor C1 transfers its stored energy to the output capacitor C0, inductor L0 (storing energy) and the load. Switches M2, M3 and M4 are kept off. Mode 2: This mode of operation is the complementary of Mode 1. Switch M1 is turned off and switch M3 is turned on. The energy stored in the inductor L1 is transferred to coupling capacitor C1 through D3 and M3. Output inductor L0 transfers its energy to the output capacitor C0 and the load. Switches M1, M2 and M4 are kept off. Mode 3: When the input voltage is negative, switch M2 is turned on and the input current flows through L1, D2 and M2. Energy is stored in the inductor L1. The coupling capacitor C1 transfers its stored energy to the output capacitor C0, inductor L0 (storing energy) and load. Switches M2, M3 and M4 are kept off. Mode 4: This mode of operation is the complementary of Mode 3. Switch M2 is turned off and switch M4 is turned on. The energy stored in the inductor L1 is transferred to coupling capacitor C1 through D4 and M4. Output inductor L0 transfers its energy to the output capacitor C0 and the load. Switches M1, M2 and M3 are kept off. 78 L1 +vs C1 L0 -Vo +vs L1 C1 L0 D1 i1 D3 C0 i2 M1 L O A D i1 MODE 1 L1 -vs M3 L O A D C0 i2 MODE 2 C1 L0 +vo -vs L1 C1 M2 i1 -vo L0 +vo M4 i2 D2 C0 L O A D i1 MODE 3 D4 C0 i2 L O A D MODE 4 Fig. III.15.- Operating modes with resistive load. III.3.2.1.- Simulation of an AC/AC Cúk converter To assess the operational behavior described above, a simulation was performed. The converter has the following operating parameters: - Input voltage (Vs): Output power (Po): Minimum input voltage (Vsmin): Switching frequency (fsw): Maximum duty cycle (D): Input inductor current ripple (KIi): Output inductor current ripple (KIo): Capacitor voltage ripple (KV): Line frequency (f) 220Vrms 1 kVA 132 Vrms 75 kHz 0.63 0.15 0.25 0.6 60 Hz The values of L1, L0, C1 and C0 can be obtained using the equations from Table III.1. The maximum rms value of the input inductor current is also given by equation (III.7). L1 = VS D 132V ⋅ 0.63 = = 690 µH 75000 Hz ⋅ 0.15 ⋅ 10.71 A f sw K I I P (III.22) C1 = Po (1 − D ) 1000 VA (1 − 0.63) = 471 nF = f sw KV Vs2 75000 Hz ⋅ 0.60 ⋅ ( 132 V )2 (III.23) For the output inductor, the value of the peak current IP is found from: IP = 1000 VA Po 2 = 6.428 A 2= 220 V Vo (III.24) 79 and V (1− D ) 220 V (1 − 0.63) = = 675 µH L0 = 0 75000 Hz ⋅ 0.25 ⋅ 6.428 A f sw K I I P C0 = (III.25) 100 100 = = 667 nF 2 4π 2 ⋅ 675 µH ⋅ ( 75000 Hz )2 4π 2 L0 f sw (III.26) The value of the load resistor is already given by equation (III.10). The simulation results using these element values and parameters are shown in Figure III.16. It represents the control signals at the gate of the switches, the input voltage and inductor current, and the output voltage and current. (a) (b) (c) Fig. III.16.- Control signals and voltage and current waveforms of the converter operating with resistive load. (a) Voltage and current waveforms during three line cycles, (b) Switching waveforms in modes 1 and 2, (c) Switching waveforms in modes 3 and 4. 80 III.4.SINGLE-PHASE PWM AC/AC DISCONTINUOUS CONDUCTION MODE CONVERTERS IN Throughout the state of the art review, no paper was found regarding the behavior of AC/AC converters operating in discontinuous conduction mode. One good reason for this could be that, if their behavior is similar to the DC/DC converters, the switches will be subjected to high current and voltage stresses. However, it seems interesting to verify if the power factor correcting capabilities of the topologies with boost characteristics still apply. An AC/AC flyback converter (Figure III.17) operating in DCM was studied working under different types of loads: a) resistive load, b) R-L load, and c) non-linear capacitive load. D1 M1 +vs D3 M3 +vo M2 D2 M4 L1 D4 L2 C0 L O A D Fig. III.17.- AC/AC flyback converter. III.4.1.- FLYBACK CONVERTER Case 1.- Operation with resistive load When the converter is feeding a resistive load, as stated in previous sections, there is an uni-directional flow of energy from the AC line to the load. With this kind of load, the converter has four operation modes as shown in Figure III.18. Mode 1: When the input voltage is positive and the error signal (difference between the reference and the feedback voltages) is positive, switch M1 is turned on and the current flows through L1, D1 and M1. A gating signal is kept at switch M3, and the current flowing through it is controlled by D3, which is reverse biased during this operation mode. The energy is stored in the flyback transformer. The output capacitor supplies energy to the load. Switches M2 and M4 are kept off. Mode 2: This mode is the complementary of Mode 1. Switch M1 is turned off and D3 is forward biased by the voltage at L2. The energy stored in the flyback transformer is transferred to the output capacitor and the load through D3 and M3, while switches M2 and M4 are kept off. 81 D1 M1 +vs +vs M3 D3 M3 +vo i1 L1 C0 i0 L2 +vo L O A D L O A D C0 L2 L1 MODE 1 i0 MODE 2 -vs -vs -vo M2 i1 D2 M4 L1 L2 MODE 3 C0 i0 -vo L O A D M4 L2 L1 D4 i0 C0 L O A D MODE 4 Fig. III.18.- Operating modes with linear resistive load. Mode 3: When the input voltage is negative and the error signal is positive, switch M2 is turned on and the current flows through L1, D2 and M2. A gating signal is kept at switch M4, and the current flowing through it is controlled by D4, which is reverse biased during this operation mode. The energy is stored in the flyback transformer. The output capacitor supplies energy to the load. Switches M1 and M3 are kept off. Mode 4: This mode is the complementary of Mode 5. Switch M2 is turned off and D4 is forward biased by the voltage present at L2. The energy stored in the flyback transformer is transferred to the output capacitor and the load through D4 and M4. Switches M1 and M3 are kept off. Case 2.- Operation with R-L Load When the converter is feeding a R-L load, there is a bi-directional flow of energy between the power supply and the load. During some portions of the mains cycle, the converter returns the energy stored in the load to the line side. With this kind of load, the converter has eight operation modes as shown in Figure III.19. Mode 1: When the input voltage is positive and the output current is positive, switch M1 is turned on and the current flows through L1, D1 and M1. A gate signal is kept at switch M3, the current flowing through M3 is controlled by D3, which is reverse biased during this operation mode. The energy is stored in the flyback transformer. The output capacitor supplies energy to the load. Switches M2 and M4 are kept off. Mode 2: This mode is the complementary of Mode 1. Switch M1 is turned off and D3 is forward biased by the voltage across L2. The energy stored in the flyback transformer is transferred to the output capacitor and the load through D3 and M3, while switches M2 and M4 are kept off. When the energy of the flyback transformer is completely transferred to the output capacitor, the current through L2 reaches zero. 82 D1 M1 +vs +vs M3 D3 M3 +vo i1 L1 C0 i0 L2 +vo L O A D L1 MODE 1 -vs L2 i0 C0 MODE 2 D3 -vs M3 D1 M1 -vo M4 L1 L O A D D4 i0 L2 C0 -vo L O A D i1 L1 MODE 3 L O A D C0 i0 L2 MODE 4 -vs -vs -vo M2 D2 M4 i1 L1 C0 i0 D4 L2 -vo L O A D M4 L1 MODE 5 +vs L2 M4 MODE 7 C0 +vs M3 +vo L2 i0 L O A D MODE 6 D3 L1 D4 D4 i0 C0 +vo L O A D M2 i1 D2 L1 L2 C0 i0 L O A D MODE 8 Fig. III.19.- Operating modes with linear inductive-resistive load. Mode 3: When the input voltage is negative and the output current is positive, the switches M3 and M4 are turned on to transfer energy from the load to the flyback transformer. The current flows through M3, D3, and L2. Switches M1 and M2 are kept off. Mode 4: This mode is complementary to Mode 3. The energy stored in the flyback transformer is returned to the AC source by turning on switch M2. Switch M1 is kept off. Mode 5: When the input voltage is negative and the output current is negative, switch M2 is turned on and the current flows through L1, D2 and M2. A gating signal is kept at switch M4, and the current flowing through it is controlled by D4, which is reverse biased during this operation mode. The energy is stored in the flyback transformer. The output capacitor supplies energy to the load. Switches M1 and M3 are kept off. 83 Mode 6: This mode is the complementary of Mode 5. Switch M2 is turned off and D4 is forward biased by the voltage across L2. The energy stored in the flyback transformer is transferred to the output capacitor and the load through D4 and M4. Switches M1 and M3 are kept off. When the energy of the flyback transformer is completely transferred to the output capacitor, the current through L2 reaches zero. Mode 7: When the input voltage is positive and the output current is negative, the switches M3 and M4 are turned on to transfer energy from the load to the flyback transformer. The current flows through M4, D4, and L2. Switches M1 and M2 are kept off. Mode 8: This mode is complementary to Mode 7. The energy stored in the flyback transformer is returned to the line side power supply by turning on switch M1. Switch M2 is kept off. Case 3.- Operation with non-linear load When the converter is feeding a non-linear load comprised of a full-wave rectifier, a capacitive filter and a resistance, in order to obtain a sinusoidal output voltage waveform, the output capacitor has to be discharged. With this kind of load, the converter has eight operating modes as shown in Figure III.20. Mode 1: When the input voltage is positive and the voltage error signal (difference between the reference and the feedback voltages) is positive, switch M1 is turn on and the current flows through L1, D1 and M1. Switch M3 is kept on, the current flowing through M3 is controlled by D3, which is reverse biased during this operation mode. The energy is stored in the flyback transformer. The output capacitor supplies energy to the load. Switches M2 and M4 are kept off. Mode 2: This mode is the complementary of Mode 1. Switch M1 is turned off and D3 is forward biased by the voltage present at L2. The energy stored in the flyback transformer is transferred to the output capacitor and the load through D3 and M3, while switches M2 and M4 are kept off. When the energy of the flyback transformer is completely transferred to the output capacitor, the current through L2 reaches zero. Mode 3: When the input voltage is positive and the voltage error signal is negative, the switches M1, M2 and M4 operate at half the normal switching frequency. Switch M4 is turned on to transfer its stored energy to the AC line through the flyback transformer. The current flows through M4, D4, and L2. Switches M1, M2 and M3 are kept off. Mode 4: This mode is complementary to Mode 3. Switch M4 is turned off and switches M1 and M2 are turned on to transfer the energy stored in the flyback transformer to the AC line. Switch M3 is kept off. 84 D1 M1 +vs +vs M3 D3 M3 +vo i1 L1 C0 i0 L2 +vo L O A D L1 MODE 1 +vs D1 M1 M2 D2 L2 i0 L O A D C0 MODE 2 +vs +vo M4 L1 D4 i0 L2 C0 +vo L O A D i1 L1 MODE 3 L O A D C0 L2 MODE 4 -vs -vs -vo M2 D2 M4 i1 L1 D4 L2 C0 i0 -vo L O A D M4 L1 MODE 5 -vs D3 D1 M1 M2 D2 L2 L2 -vs M3 MODE 7 i0 i0 L O A D C0 MODE 6 -vo L1 D4 C0 -vo L O A D i1 L1 L2 C0 L O A D MODE 8 Fig. III.20.- Operating modes with non-linear capacitive load. Mode 5: When the input voltage is negative and the voltage error signal is positive, the switch M2 is turn on and the current flows through L1, D2 and M2. A gate signal is kept at switch M4, and the current flowing through it is controlled by D4, which is reverse biased during this operation mode. The energy is stored in the flyback transformer. The output capacitor supplies energy to the load. Switches M1 and M3 are kept off. Mode 6: This mode is the complementary of Mode 5. Switch M2 is turned off and D4 is forward biased by the voltage present at L2. The energy stored in the flyback transformer is transferred to the output capacitor and the load through D4 and M4. Switches M1 and M3 are kept off. When the energy of the flyback transformer is completely transferred to output capacitor, as in mode 2, the current through L2 reaches zero. Mode 7: When the input voltage is positive and the voltage error signal is negative, the switches M1, M2 and M3 operate at half the normal switching frequency. Switch M3 is 85 turned on to transfer its stored energy to the AC line through the flyback transformer. The current flows through M3, D3, and L2. Switches M1, M2 and M4 are kept off. Mode 8: This mode is complementary to Mode 7, switch M3 is turned off and switches M1 and M2 are turned on to transfer the energy stored in the flyback transformer to the AC line. Switch M4 is kept off. III.4.1.1.- Simulation of an AC/AC flyback converter The design equations are derived from the ones used in DC/DC converters. The output requirements for the AC/AC flyback are: - Input voltage (Vs): Output power (Po): Minimum input voltage (Vsmin): Switching frequency (fsw): Maximum duty cycle (D): Efficiency (η) Line frequency (f) ( 127Vrms 200VA 70 Vrms 60 kHz 0.56 0.80 60 Hz ) η Vsmin D 2 0.80 (70 Vrms ⋅ 0.56 )2 L1= = = 51.2 µH 2 f sw Po Nt = D Vsmin Vo (η − D ) = 2 ⋅ 60 kHz ⋅ 200 VA 0.56 ⋅70 Vrms = 1.286 127 Vrms ⋅ (0.81 − 0.56 ) L2 = Nt 2 ∗ L1 = 1.286 2 ⋅ 51.2 µH = 84.7 µH CO = 100 100 = = 8.3 µF 2 L 2 ⋅ (60 kHz )2 ⋅ 84.7 µH 4 π 2 f sw 4 π 2 (III.27) (III.28) (III.29) (III.30) Case 1.- Operation with resistive load In the case of the Resistive Load, the value of the load resistor is found from: V 2 (127V )2 Rload = o = = 80.6 Ω Po 200 VA 86 (III.31) The simulation results using these element values and parameters are shown in Figure III.21. The figure shows the control signals at the gate of the switches, the input voltage and inductor current, and the output voltage and current. (a) (b) (c) Fig. III.21.- Control signals and voltage and current waveforms of the converter operating with resistive load. (a) Voltage and current waveforms during three line cycles, (b) Gating signals and transformer current of mode 1 and 2, (c) Gating signals and transformer current of mode 3 and 4. Case 2.- Operation with R-L load In the case of the R-L Load, the values of the load resistor and inductor depend on the power factor of the array. For this simulation a power factor of 0.7 is selected, so that the phase angle obtained in equation (III.12) is still valid. V 2 (127V )2 Z load = o = = 80.6 Ω Po 200 VA (III.32) 87 Using equations (III.16) and (III.17), the values of Lo and RL are 152.7 mH and 56.45 Ω. The simulation results using these element values and parameters are shown in Figure III.22. It represents the control signals at the gate of the switches, the input voltage and inductor current, and the output voltage and current. (a) (b) (c) (d) (e) Fig. III.22.- Control signals and voltage and current waveforms of the converter operating with R-L load. (a) Voltage and current waveforms during three line cycles, (b) Gating signals and transformer current of mode 1 and 2, (c) Gating signals and transformer current of mode 3 and 4, (d) Gating signals and transformer current of mode 5 and 6, (e) Gating signals and transformer current of mode 7 and 8. 88 Case 3.- Operation with non-linear load In the case of the non-linear load, the load circuit is again the one described by the IEC62040-3 standard [77]. (a) (b) (c) (d) (e) Fig. III.23.- Control signals and voltage and current waveforms of the converter operating with non-linear capacitive load. (a) Voltage and current waveforms during three line cycles, (b) Gating signals and transformer current of mode 1 and 2, (c) Gating signals and transformer current of mode 3 and 4, (d) Gating signals and transformer current of mode 5 and 6, (e) Gating signals and transformer current of mode 7 and 8. 89 Using equations (III.18) through (III.21), the values of Rs, R1 and C are 3.2258 Ω, 181.86 Ω and 687.31 µF. The simulation results using these element values and parameters are shown in Figure III.23. The figure shows the control signals at the gate of the switches, the input voltage and inductor current, and the output voltage and current. III.5.THREE-PHASE PWM AC/AC CONTINUOUS CONDUCTION MODE CONVERTERS IN Ventakataramanan [75] presents the transformation process from a single phase PWM AC/AC buck converter into a three phase converter as shown in Figure III.24. The original buck converter (Figure III.24a) is transformed by rearranging the position of switches Sa and Sb in relation with Sa’ and Sb’, to take advantage of the structure of halfbridge semiconductor modules as shown in Figure III.24b. The circuit in Figure III.24c splits both the input source and the output filter/load into two sections. By using symmetry, the circuit on Figure III.24c is extended into the three phase topology of Figure III.24d. L L Sb +vs +vO Sa Sa’ +vs X Sa’ X’ R C R C +vO Sa Sb’ Sb’ Sb (a) (b) L L R +vSA R Sa +vOA Sa’ C Sa C Sa’ L L R +vSB R Sb +vOB C Sb’ Sb Sb’ (c) C L +vSC R Sc +vOC Sc’ C (d) Fig. III.24.- Transformation process of a single phase PWM AC/AC buck converter into a three phase PWM AC/AC buck converter. (a) original topology, (b) switches rearrangement, (c) input source and output filter/load split into two sections, (d) final three phase topology. 90 PWM AC/AC converters can be considered as the functional equivalent of transformers [75], [78]. Some topologies behave just like step-down transformers (buck converters [75], [76], [78-83], others like step-up transformers (boost converters [84], [87]) and some others as selectable step-up/step-down transformers (buck-boost [86] and Cúk [87] converters). Figure III.24 shows the schematic diagrams of the four basic three-phase PWM AC/AC converters. The switches of the converters in Figure III.25 are operated in two groups. The first group is formed by S1, S3 and S5, while the second group is formed by S2, S4 and S6. The operation of the converters can be divided into two operational modes. In the first mode, switches S1, S3 and S5 are turned on for a lapse DT, and during this lapse switches S2, S4 and S6 are turned off. In the second mode, switches S2, S4 and S6 are turned on for a lapse (1-D)T, during this lapse switches S1, S3 and S5 are turned off. This operation leaves the duty cycle (D) as the only variable available for control purposes. For an AC line conditioner, one important performance characteristic of the AC/AC converters is their response to unbalanced input voltage. Ideally, the converter should be able to provide a balanced output voltage. In [80] and [85], a buck and a boost converters were tested under unbalanced voltage sags. In both cases, the amplitude of output voltages was compensated, but they could not achieve their nominal values. To overcome this drawback, it has been suggested to implement an individual control for each phase [80], or the use of single-phase converters for each phase [81-83]. L C S2 L b S3 C S4 L c S5 C S6 (a) a S2 L C S1 b S4 L C S3 c S6 L C S5 THREE-PHASE LOAD S1 THREE-PHASE LOAD a (b) 91 S2 L b S3 C S4 L c C S6 S5 L C a L1 THREE-PHASE LOAD S1 THREE-PHASE LOAD a L0 C1 S1 S2 C0 b L1 L0 C1 S3 S4 C0 c L1 L0 C1 S5 (c) S6 C0 (d) Fig. III.25.- Three-phase PWM AC/AC converters. (a) buck. (b) boost. (c) buck-boost, (d) Cúk topologies. III.6.- SELECTION OF THE CONVERTER FOR EXPERIMENTAL TESTING There are two approaches to implement the PWM AC/AC converter needed for the testing of the sinusoidal reference signal generator: using a converter from Figure III.25, or using three single-phase converters. Both approaches have pros and cons. The first one uses a reduced number of switches, but it does not behave well with unbalance input voltages; the second approach uses twice the number of switches, but is able to provide a balanced output voltage under unbalanced input voltages. In this case, the correction of unbalanced input conditions has been given a higher priority, resulting in the selection of three singlephase converters. To select the single-phase topology, a comparison between the four basic structures has to be performed. Table III.4 summarizes some of the main characteristics of the converters required for AC line conditioning. Table III.4.- Characteristics of PWM AC/AC converters for AC line conditioning. PHASE TRANSFER STEP-UP STEP-DOWN INPUT CURRENT CONVERTER PRESERVATION RATIO VOLTAGE VOLTAGE Buck Boost Buck-Boost Cúk 92 D 1 1− D −D 1− D −D 1− D NO YES DISCONTINUOUS YES YES NO CONTINUOUS YES YES YES DISCONTINUOUS NO YES YES CONTINUOUS NO The buck and boost converters are not suitable for AC line conditioning since they can only compensate swells and sags respectively, but not both; to eliminate this shortcoming they require the use of transformers. The buck-boost converter can compensate both swells and sags, but it has a discontinuous input current, which is undesirable from the power quality point of view. A discontinuous current represents a high harmonic distortion that has to be filtered. On the other hand, the Cúk converter has this filter incorporated into its structure, providing continuous conduction of the input current. Since the input filter is required for the Buck-Boost converter to reduce the current harmonic content, and the Cúk converter has already included the input filter into its structure, there is no difference in the number of elements required to implement an AC line conditioner. Therefore, the structure chosen is the Cúk converter. The structure for the three phase PWM AC/AC converter, including the control stage is shown in the block diagram of Figure III.26. n c c’ δc n b’ b Vac n δb a’ a n XFRM RSG XFRM δa Fig. III.26.- Block diagram of the three phase PWM AC/AC converter including its control stage. III.7.- CONVERTER DESIGN The converter has the following operating parameters: Nominal input voltage (Vin): Nominal output voltage (Vout): Output power (Po): Switching frequency (fsw): Maximum duty cycle (D): Input inductor current ripple (Ki1): 127 Vrms 127 Vrms 200 VA 75 kHz 0.63 0.30 93 Output inductor current ripple (Ki2): Input capacitor voltage ripple (Kv): Line frequency (f): 0.60 0.20 60 Hz From these specifications, the peak value of the minimum input and output voltages, as well as, input and output currents must be obtained. Vs = 1− D 1 − 0.63 2 Vin = ⋅ 2 ⋅ 127V D 0.63 (III.33) Vs = 105.48 V I Pin = 2 ⋅ 200 VA 2 Po = ⎛ 1 − 0.63 ⎞ ⎛1− D ⎞ ⎟ ⋅ 127 V ⎜ ⎟Vin ⎜ ⎝ 0.63 ⎠ ⎝ D ⎠ (III.34) I Pin = 3.792 A Vo = 2 Vout = 2 ⋅ 127 V (III.35) Vo = 179.6 V I Pout = 2 Po 2 ⋅ 200 VA = Vout 127 V (III.36) I Pout = 2.227 A Using the equations in Table III.1, the values of the inductors and capacitors are: L1 = Vs D 105.48 V ⋅ 0.63 = f sw K I1 I Pin 75000 Hz ⋅ 0.30 ⋅ 3.792 A (III.37) L1 = 778 µH Lo = Vo (1 − D ) 179.6 V (1 − 0.63) = f sw K I 2 I Pout 75000 Hz ⋅ 0.60 ⋅ 2.227 A (III.38) Lo = 663 µH P (1 − D ) 200 VA (1 − 0.63) C1 = o = 2 f sw KV Vs 75000 Hz ⋅ 0.20 ⋅ (105.48 V )2 94 (III.39) C1 = 443 nF C0 = 100 4π 2 2 f sw Lo = 100 (III.40) 4 ⋅ π ⋅ (75000 Hz )2 ⋅ 663 µH 2 C0 = 679 nF For the lab implementation, the values of the components were adjusted to: L1 = 880 µH, Lo = 608 µH, C1 = 0.470 µF, and C0 = 0.940 µF III.8.- CONTROL STAGE DESIGN The design of the control stage is divided in three steps: design of the compensator, synchronization of the PWM generators for three-phase application, and design of the distributor circuit for the PWM signals. In order to design a good compensator circuit, the model of the converter must be obtained. This topic is covered in the next subsection. III.8.1.- FREQUENCY RESPONSE OF THE CONVERTER The frequency response can be obtained by substituting the transistors in the schematic with its PWM-switch model in continuous conduction mode [88]. The corresponding circuit is shown in Figure III.27. ^i 2 ^i a ^i 1 Z1 ^ Vg ^i D c a Z2 ^i p d^ Ic + - ^i o Z3 p + ^V D ap + d^ vap Z4 D D’ re c Fig. III.27.- Small signal equivalent circuit. The resulting circuit can be analyzed using the electric circuit standard techniques. The converter transfer function, from the control input to the power output, can be expressed as H ( s) = H 0 a 3 s 3 + a 2 s 2 + a1 s + a 0 b4 s 4 + b3 s 3 + b2 s 2 + b1 s + b0 (III.41) 95 The values of the elements used to build the converter and needed to obtain a numerical representation of equation (III.41) are: L1 = 880 µH, Lo = 608 µH, C1= 470 nF, Co = 970 nF, r1=17.2 Ω r3=1 Ω r2 = 80 mΩ r4 = 80 mΩ Using these values, the following results are obtained: H0 = 421.7 z1,2 = 1 x 104 (0.211 ± 2.06j) rad/sec z3 = - 1.0638 x 106 rad/sec p1,2 = 1 x 104 (- 1.09 ± 1.12 j) rad/sec p3,4 = 1 x 104 (- 0.534 ± 5.97 j) rad/sec The Bode diagram is shown in Figure III.28. Since the Cúk converter transfer function involves an unstable response, it is necessary to design a frequency-compensating network such that a closed-loop stable response is obtained. Fig. III.28.- Open loop frequency response of the converter. 96 III.8.2.- DESIGN OF THE COMPENSATOR A suitable pole-zero pattern for the compensator is shown in Figure III.29 [89]. There is a first pole located at the origin, followed by two zeros, located at fZ1 and fZ2 respectively, and two more poles, at fP2 and fP3. The schematic of an active circuit that can provide such a response is shown in Figure III.30. A -20 dB/dec 20 dB/dec f fz1 fz2 fp2 fp3 Fig. III.29.- Pole-zero distribution for the compensating network C2 C3 Vo R2 R3 R1 C1 Vcomp Vref + Fig. III.30.- Frequency compensating circuit The transfer function for the circuit can be obtained through routine analysis. The result is: H ( s) = (sC 2 R 2 + 1)(sC 3( R1 + R 3) + 1) ⎛ C1 C 2 R 2 ⎞ + 1⎟⎟ sR1(sC 3 R 3 + 1)(C 1 + C 2 ) ⎜⎜ s ⎝ C1 + C 2 ⎠ (III.42) The elements in the circuit are calculated as follows. As a first step, a crossover frequency fXO is set as: f xo ≤ 0.2 fs (III.43) 97 Let fCP1,1 be the location of the first complex-pair pole in the transfer function. The location of the first zero in the compensator design is set to: f f z1 = CP1,2 5 (III.44) The location of the second zero should be within the range f CP1,2 < f z 2 < 1.2 f CP1,2 (III.45) f z 2 = 1.1 f CP1,2 (III.46) and: The third zero of the converter gives the location of the second pole f P 2 = f CZ 3 (III.47) In turn, the third pole should meet the following criteria: f P 3 > 1.5 f xo (III.48) Next, the necessary gain required to bring the control-to-output transfer function to 0 dB at the crossover frequency fxo is: ⎞ ⎛ f ⎛ Vo ⎞ G2 = 20 log ⎜⎜ xo ⎟⎟ − 20 log ⎜⎜ nom ⎟⎟ ⎝ Vinmin ⎠ ⎝ f CP3 ,4 ⎠ (III.49) and ⎛ G2 ⎞ ⎜ ⎟ ⎜ 20 ⎟ ⎠ A2 = 10 ⎝ (III.50) Additionally, the gain at the region of the two compensating zeros is obtained from: ⎛ f ⎞ G1 = G2 + 20 log ⎜⎜ xo ⎟⎟ ⎝ f P2 ⎠ C1 = 1 2 π f xo A2 R1 R2 = A1 R1 98 (III.51) (III.52) (III.53) C2 = 1 2 π f z1 R 2 R R3 = 2 A2 C3 = 1 2 π f z 2 R3 (III.54) (III.55) (III.56) For the response of the power stage, the zero-crossing point of the compensator is set at 1500 Hz, the value of R1 is set at 10 kΩ, and the values of the components in the compensator are the following: C1 = 220nF, C2 = 820nF, C3 = 6.8nF, R1 = 10kΩ, R2 = 57Ω, R3 = 1.1kΩ. The open-loop frequency response, including the compensator, is shown in Figure III.31. Fig. III.31.- Open loop frequency response of the compensated converter. III.8.3.- SYNCHRONOUS GENERATION OF PWM SIGNALS To generate the PWM pulses required for the three-phase structure, the PWM IC UC3526 was selected. This IC allows synchronic operation by connecting the SYNC and CT signals of the master device with the slaves [90]. However, in practice this arrangement 99 does not allow synchronization. Two options were tested in the lab. The first one connects the SYNC and CT signals of the master PWM to the SYNC and CT terminals of the slave PWMs through a buffer, as shown in Figure III.32. The PWM signals generated using this scheme are shown in Figure III.33. SLAVE VC VCC 14 17 RST SHDN SYNC 5 8 12 3 4 10 11 9 VREF COMP CSS CT RT RTMG UC3526 18 7 6 U2 8 1 2 ISENSE+ ISENSE- 13 16 ERR+ OUTA ERR- OUTB VC VCC BUFFER 14 17 RST SHDN SYNC 5 8 12 VREF COMP CSS CT RT RTMG 3 4 10 11 9 ISENSE+ ISENSE- U1 UC3526 18 7 6 1 2 ERR+ OUTA ERR- OUTB 13 16 MASTER + 3 1 0 2 - R1 1k V- RT 10K 1 TL082 RTslave 10k 8 4 2 OUT U3B 5 + 0 V+ CT 10n U3A V+ 3 - V- OUT 6 7 4 TL082 Fig. III.32.- Master-Slave connection of UC3526. Fig. III.33.- PWM signals. CH1 Master, CH2 Slave1, CH3 Slave2. When this configuration was tested, it was implemented in a protoboard. It worked well, however, when implemented in a PCB, it presented several synchronization problems. The second option connects the timing elements RT and CT in each of the PWM ICs. In this configuration, each of the PWM ICs must be tuned to the desired switching frequency. Synchronicity is achieved by connecting the SYNC signal of the master PWM to the SYNC terminals of the slave PWMs, as shown in Figure III.34. The timing signals generated using this scheme are shown in Figure III.35. 100 C16 102 3 R17 50K 2 C17 102 3 R18 50K 2 1 17 GND VCC CT C18 102 15 RST SHDN SYNC S1 5 8 12 CSS VREF CT RT RTMG 18 U8 UC3526 4 10 11 9 3 ISENSE+ VC ISENSE7 6 COMP 14 13 16 ERR+ OUTA ERR- OUTB 1 2 17 VCC GND 15 S1 5 8 12 RST SHDN SYNC 18 VREF CSS CT RT RTMG CT2 R16 1k 1 U7 UC3526 4 10 11 9 3 COMP 14 ISENSE+ VC ISENSE7 6 13 16 ERR+ OUTA ERR- OUTB 1 2 17 VCC GND 15 RST SHDN SYNC CT S1 5 8 12 CSS VREF CT RT RTMG 18 U6 UC3526 4 10 11 9 3 COMP 14 ISENSE+ VC ISENSE7 6 1 2 ERR+ OUTA ERR- OUTB 13 16 This configuration presented no problems when implemented in PCB, and was the one selected. One important characteristic of the PWM pulses generated is that they are inverted, i.e. their width is equal to (1-d). 3 R19 50K 2 1 VCC Fig. III.34.- Master-Slave connection of UC3526. Fig. III.35.- PWM signals. CH1 Master, CH2 Slave1, CH3 Slave2. III.8.4.- PWM SIGNALS DISTRIBUITON CIRCUIT To avoid operation with an extremely large duty cycle, the control circuit includes a maximum duty cycle limiter, implemented using a one-shoot circuit. Since the three PWM generators are synchronized, only one limiter pulse is needed, as shown in Figure III.36. The maximum duty cycle allowed is 70%. A GAL26CV12 is used to send the PWM pulses to the power switches of the AC/AC converters accordingly to the input voltage polarity. The block diagram of the control circuit is shown in Figure III.37. 101 VCC C7 16 0.1u 14 15 3 R3 504 VCC C R/C CLR Q Q 13 4 U5A 74LS123 8 2 3 VCC C8 221 A B GND 1 2 1 VCC Fig. III.36.- One-shoot circuit to limit the maximum duty cycle. POLARITY A POLARITY B POLARITY C C1 C2 C3 C4 B1 B2 B3 B4 A1 A2 A3 A4 POWER STAGE PWM C UC3526 MASTER UC3526 SLAVE 1 UC3526 SLAVE 2 REF B OUT B REF A SYNC OUT A SYNC REF C OUT C 74LS123 ONE SHOOT PWM B ∆MAX PWM A GAL26CV12 FEEDBACK ADQUISITION STAGE Fig. III.37.- Block diagram of the control circuit. The logic equations defined for the distribution of the PWM pulses are functions of the maximum duty cycle (dmax), the polarity of the reference signal (pol_x) and the PWM pulse (pwm_x), where ‘x’ is the name of the phase (A, B and C). 102 x1 = not ( pol _ x AND (d max AND not ( pwm _ x ))) (III.57) x 2 = not (not ( pol _ x ) AND (d max AND not ( pwm _ x ))) (III.58) x 3 = not ( pol _ x AND not (d max AND not ( pwm _ x ))) (III.59) x 4 = not (not ( pol _ x ) AND not (d max AND not ( pwm _ x ))) (III.60) The equations are defined as active low functions, due to the fact that the interface between the control circuit and the MOSFETs driver circuit is a inverting-TTL gate optocoupler (HCPL2611). III.9.- SUMMARY In this chapter, several topics related to single stage PWM AC to AC conversion were covered. The first topic, the implementation of bi-directional switches using unidirectional devices, was covered from classical approaches using IGBT switches through the use of cascode arrays using silicon carbide JFETs and silicon MOSFETs. Then, the basic operational principles of PWM AC/AC converters were presented. Single-phase topologies were covered in both continuous and discontinuous conduction modes. Besides the classical approach of studying their operation with linear resistive load, the converters were studied operating with linear inductive-resistive and non-linear capacitive loads. The additional operational modes and gate signals were also derived for these loads. Simulations were presented to validate these operational modes. Three-phase PWM AC/AC converters were also reviewed, but in a lighter way. The response of three-wire PWM AC/AC converters working under un-balanced input conditions was reviewed. Even when these converters are able to compensate voltage sags and/or swells, they are not able to provide a balanced output voltage. The approach selected to compensate three-phase unbalanced voltage was the use of three single-phase AC/AC converters connected in a three-phase four wires configuration. Finally, the design of the AC/AC Cúk converter and its control stage was presented. The design of the compensating circuit was based on the methods available for DC/DC converters and gave good results. The control stage presented was based in commercial PWM ICs for DC converter applications. These ICs required a synchronization scheme, and two variations of the manufacturer’s synchronization method were also presented and tested. A programmable device responsible of distributing the PWM signals to the proper converter switch completed the control stage. 103 CHAPTER IV.- EXPERIMENTAL PROTOCOLS AND DATA ANALYSIS PROCEDURE IV.1.- INTRODUCTION This chapter presents the set of tests performed to validate the design and implementation of the sinusoidal reference signal generator (SRSG) as well as the data analysis procedure used. The test procedure is based on two protocols. The first one is aimed at obtaining the performance parameters of the SRSG needed for its characterization. The second one requires the use of a PWM AC/AC Cúk converter as a validation circuit working in closed loop, to verify the performance of the SRSG under noisy conditions. IV.2.- TESTING PROTOCOLS The testing of the SRSG and the validation circuit was carried out following a modular approach. The goal was to characterize the relevant performance parameters and to perform a statistical analysis with the measured data. Objective To obtain the performance characteristics of the SRSG and the validation circuit. The parameters of the SRSG involved were the frequency tracking, frequency hold range, frequency pull-in range, line detection threshold, reference signal substitution (decision taking process) and output signal characteristics. For the validation circuit, the parameters involved were the output characteristics of the power stage such as amplitude level, distortion and response time to input disturbances. Methodology To verify the performance of the SRSG and the validation circuit, a set of eight tests was specifically designed for each parameter. The measurements were recorded in tables and in data files, in a format suitable for mathematical analysis in packages such as MATLAB. The analysis is based on statistical methods for large number of samples (≥30), and the results were summarized in a special format. General Procedure The tests performed required the use of a previously calibrated oscilloscope, a precision waveform generator and a three-phase AC voltage source. For the SRSG, each test required specific settings for the input signals, both in amplitude and frequency. The variation of the input signal parameters was performed manually until the desired operating condition was achieved. For the validation circuit, in the static input condition tests, the input value was set at various levels, and the measurements were taken after the circuit had reached steady state. In the dynamic input condition tests, the input signal was reduced using a step function and the measurements were taken at the instant of the step. 105 Data were processed in two steps: first, the average value and standard deviation of the set of measurements were obtained; then, using these values and some statistical tools, the confidence level and confidence interval of the performance parameters were calculated. IV.2.1.- SINUSOIDAL REFERENCE SIGNAL GENERATOR The SRSG was submitted to eight specific tests. The objective, as mentioned before, was to measure its performance characteristics. For the first seven tests, the laboratory setup was as shown in Figure IV.1. To test the rule decoder, the function generator was replaced by a three-phase AC voltage source, as shown in Figure IV.2. Fig. IV.1.- Laboratory setup for the first seven tests. Fig. IV.2.- Laboratory setup for the Rule Decoder test. The tests performed are summarized in Table IV.1. The procedure followed was simple: for tests 1, 2 and 7, the signal source was set near the input limit for the parameter being measured, then the input signal was varied very slowly until the desired output condition was met. For tests 3, 4, 5, and 6, the input signal was set at several specific frequencies and the output characteristics under study were measured and recorded. The eighth test was carried out generating all possible conditions defined for the rule decoder (Table IV.2). The signal source was connected to the SRSG using a transformer array as an interface. 106 Table IV.1.- Specific Tests Guide for SRSG. Test number 1 2 Main Block ADPLL ADPLL 3 ADPLL NA 4 SSG Phase shifting compensator Phase error 5 SSG NA Output THD 6 SSG NA Output amplitude Fault decoder Fault decoder Fault decoder Line Fault Detector Line Fault Detector 7a 7b 8 Sub-block Parameter Remarks NA NA Hold range Pull-in range Jitter in locked state Obtain upper and lower limits Obtain upper and lower limits To measure the ADPLL’s jitter (∆F), the oscilloscope will be triggered on the positive edge of the feedback signal at 50 percent of the signal amplitude, displaying an “eye pattern” similar to the one shown in Figure IV.3. The Tmin and Tmax points of the pattern will provide the value of ∆F, according to: Rule Decoder To be tested at different frequencies within the hold range To be tested at different frequencies within the hold range To be tested at different frequencies within the hold range Set threshold Reset threshold Rule Table To be tested at all possible input conditions defined in table X FB_A Tmin t Tmax Fig. IV.3.- “Eye pattern” proposed for jitter measurement. 107 Rule 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Table IV.2.- Rule decoder input/output relationship. Action F1 All three line voltages Use MSB of line voltage ADC_A_7 are within range. digitalization as input for ADPLL. Use MSB of ADPLL phase C Only line voltage phase feedback bus shifted 120° as input DC120 A is out of range. for ADPLL phase C. Use MSB of ADPLL phase A Only line voltage phase feedback bus shifted 120° as input ADC_A_7 B is out of range. for ADPLL phase C. Use MSB of ADPLL phase B Only line voltage phase feedback bus shifted 120° as input ADC_A_7 C is out of range. for ADPLL phase C. Use MSB of ADPLL phase C feedback bus shifted 120° as input Only line voltage phase for ADPLL phase A. DC120 C is within range. Use MSB of ADPLL phase C feedback bus shifted 240° as input for ADPLL phase B. Use MSB of ADPLL phase B feedback bus shifted 240° as input Only line voltage phase for ADPLL phase A. DB240 B is within range. Use MSB of ADPLL phase B feedback bus shifted 120° as input for ADPLL phase C. Use MSB of ADPLL phase A feedback bus shifted 120° as input Only line voltage phase for ADPLL phase B. ADC_A_7 A is within range. Use MSB of ADPLL phase A feedback bus shifted 240° as input for ADPLL phase C. Use CK60 signal as input for ADPLL phase A. Use MSB of ADPLL phase A All three line voltages feedback bus shifted 120° as input CK60 are out of range. for ADPLL phase B. Use MSB of ADPLL phase A feedback bus shifted 240° as input for ADPLL phase C. Condition Output F2 F3 ADC_B_7 ADC_C_7 ADC_B_7 ADC_C_7 DA120 ADC_C_7 ADC_B_7 DB120 DC240 ADC_C_7 ADC_B_7 DB120 DA120 DA240 DA120 DA240 IV.2.2.- POWER ELECTRONICS VALIDATION CIRCUIT It is important to test the reference signal generator operating under "normal noisy" conditions; that is, operating with a power electronic system. The PWM AC/AC Cúk converter used for this purpose was implemented with a closed loop control. The tests were divided in two groups: static and dynamic tests. From the static tests, the effect of the switching noise on the SRSG can be observed. The dynamic tests were designed to observe the SRSG’s rule decoder performance. Table IV.3 shows the tests performed to the PMW AC/AC Cúk converter. 108 Table IV.3.- Specific tests guide for the validation circuit. Test Test Group Parameter Remarks number Obtain regulation curve and Voltage regulation 1 regulation limits STATIC Obtain THD curve at central THD level 2 frequency Single phase fault, step applied at 90 3 degrees in phase A. Two phase fault, step applied at 90 4 degrees in phase B and 150 degrees in phase C. Two phase fault, step applied at 90 5 degrees in phase C and 30 degrees in phase B. DYNAMIC Response time Three phase fault, step applied at 90 6 degrees in phase A, 210 degrees in phase C and 330 degrees in phase B. Three phase fault, step applied at 90 7 degrees in phase B, 210 degrees in phase A and 330 degrees in phase C. Three phase fault, step applied at 90 8 degrees in phase C, 210 degrees in phase B and 330 degrees in phase A. IV.3.- DATA ANALYSIS PROCEDURE This section presents the analysis of the data gathered in the experimental and simulation tests. The measured data are compared against the design value using the measurements mean value and the tolerance limits imposed. Curve fitting methods and quality control charts are also used to describe the behavior of several parameters. A brief introduction to the statistical methods applied is presented. Finally, the analysis of the performance of the SRSG operating under unbalanced input conditions is presented, as well as, some possible improvements. IV.3.1.- STATISTICAL ANALYSIS PROCEDURE Within the methods available for the statistical analysis, statistical inference (particularly interval estimation) [91], and quality control charts have been selected for the analysis of the experimental data. Interval estimation is used to define an interval that contains the parameter of interest, within some level of confidence. There are two methods to estimate the confidence interval for the mean of a set of samples: with known population variance and with unknown population variance. Since the variance of the parameters measured is unknown, the method selected to define the confidence interval (mean with unknown variance) uses the samples mean and student’s t-distribution. The upper and lower limits of the confidence interval are defined as: µˆ 1 = x − tα / 2 ,df s Ns (IV.1) 109 µˆ 2 = x + tα / 2 ,df where µ̂1 µ̂ 2 x s tα ,df 2 Ns s Ns (IV.2) is the lower limit of the interval, is the upper limit of the interval, is the mean value of the samples, is the standard deviation of the samples, is the critical value of t for a level of significance α/2 and N-1 degrees of freedom (df), and is the number of samples. Quality control charts, and specifically an x chart, is a graphical tool that has a central value, about which the experimental data fluctuate, and two limits: the upper control limit (UCL) and the lower control limit (LCL). The two limits define the region where the measured data falls when the process is in control. The control limits are defined as: UCL = µ0 + 3σ N (IV.3) LCL = µ0 − 3σ N (IV.4) and where µ0 σ is the process mean value, and is the population standard deviation. The procedure applied is the following: 1.- Each measured parameter has a nominal design value xnom. 2.- A tolerance TOL is defined for the parameter. 3.- The mean and standard deviation of the set of measurements is calculated. 4.- The upper limit of the design value is calculated using: xupper = xnom (1 + TOL ) (IV.5) 5.- The lower limit of the design value is calculated using: xlower = xnom (1 − TOL ) 6.- The upper limit of the confidence interval µ̂ 2 is calculated. 7.- The lower limit of the confidence interval µ̂1 is calculated. 110 (V.6) 8.- Verification that the confidence interval is within the parameter tolerances. xlower < µˆ 1 < µˆ 2 < xupper (IV.7) IV.4.- SUMMARY This chapter presented the testing protocols for both the sinusoidal reference signal generator and the PWM AC/AC Cúk converter, as well as the statistical analysis procedure applied to the experimental data gathered. The general objectives, methodology and procedures of the testing protocols were described. The testing of the SRSG was divided in eight tests. Some test measured the performance parameters of the ADPLL+phase-shiftcorrector sub-blocks, such as, holding range, pull-in range, frequency jitter and input-output phase shift. A second set of tests measured the static characteristics of sinusoidal signals (THD levels and amplitude). The performance of the rule decoder was also tested. The tests for the PWM AC/AC Cúk converter were divided in two groups: static and dynamic tests. Static tests were aimed at measuring the THD and output voltage regulation of the converter. These tests showed the performance of the SRSG under noisy steady state conditions. The dynamic tests, on the other hand, were aimed at measuring the time response of the converter under deep sags, they also provide an insight of the ability of the rule decoder to maintain a steady set of reference signals. Finally, a summary of the statistical tools used to analyze the data gathered from the experimental process was presented. 111 CHAPTER V.- SINUSOIDAL REFERENCE SIGNAL GENERATOR TESTING AND PERFORMANCE ANALYSIS V.1.- INTRODUCTION This chapter presents the experimental data gathered using the testing protocol designed for the SRSG, along with their analysis. Also, a comparison between the proposed SRSG and a reference generator reported in the literature is presented. For the analysis of the performance parameters of the generator, the maximum tolerance allowed for the hold range, pull-in range, frequency jitter, output voltage amplitude and input threshold level is set at ±0.5%. The level of confidence is set at 90% (equivalent to 0.90, and α = 0.1). The mean value µ0 is defined as the expected design (or adjusted) value. The experimental data is assumed to have a normal distribution function and the number of samples (N) per parameter is at least 30. V.2.- EXPERIMENTAL TESTING V.2.1.- TEST 1: HOLD RANGE AND CENTRAL FREQUENCY From Test 1, the values of central frequency and hold range of the ADPLL could be derived. The mean value, and its deviation from the expected value were calculated using: n ∑ fi fu = i =1 Ns (V.1) n ∑ ( fi − fc )2 s = i =1 where: (V.2) Ns − 1 fµ Ns fi s fc is the samples mean frequency, is the number of frequency samples (30), is the ith frequency sample value, is the sample standard deviation from fc, is the expected central frequency (60 Hz). Test 1 was designed to record the upper and lower frequency limits were the ADPLL lost the locked state. The frequency values used to calculate the central frequency and its deviation from the expected designed value were derived from: fi = U i + Li 2 (V.3) where: 113 Ui Li is the ith recorded value of the upper limit frequency, is the ith recorded value of the lower limit frequency. Using the data generated in (V.3), the central frequency of the ADPLL (fµ) is 59.771983 Hz. This value has a standard deviation of 0.231915 Hz from the expected value of 60 Hz. The difference between the central frequency obtained and its expected value represents an error of -0.38%. This error is caused by the frequency of the crystal oscillator used to generate the fm and fn clock signals of the ADPLL. The hold range was determined using equations (V.1) and (V.2). The upper and lower limits were determined using a central frequency of 60 Hz. Table V.1 shows the measured values of the upper and lower holding frequencies, their standard deviation from the expected value and relative error. Upper Frequency Lower Frequency Table V.1.- Measured hold range EXPECTED MEASURED MEAN STANDARD VALUE (Hz) VALUE (Hz) DEVIATION (Hz) 63.692308 63.536267 0.158710 56.307692 56.007700 0.305121 ERROR (%) 0.244992 0.532773 For a confidence level of 0.90, the value of significance level (α) is 0.10, and using the student’s t distribution tables the value of tα / 2 ,df , with df equal to 29 is 1.69127. The upper limit of the range is verified first. • Upper frequency limit From equations (IV.1) and (IV.2) the limits of the confidence interval are: µˆ 1 = 63.487032 Hz µˆ 2 = 63.585501 Hz The limits imposed by the tolerance of ±0.5% (using equations (IV.5) and (IV.6)) to the upper hold frequency (fnom=63.692308 Hz) are: f1 = 63.373846 Hz f 2 = 64.010769 Hz Substituting these values in (IV.7): ( f1 = 63.373846 Hz )< (µˆ 1 = 63.487032 Hz )< (µˆ 2 = 63.585501 Hz )< ( f 2 = 64.010769 Hz ) The measured upper limit of the holding range is within the design restrictions with a 90% confidence level. 114 • Lower frequency limit The lower limit of the range is verified, again using equations (IV.1) and (IV.2): µˆ 1 = 55.913046 Hz µˆ 2 = 56.102353 Hz For fnom = 56.307692 Hz, the limits f1 and f2 are: f1 = 56.026153 Hz f 2 = 56.589230 Hz Substituting these values in (IV.7): ( f1 = 56.026153 Hz ) > (µˆ 1 = 55.913046 Hz )< (µˆ 2 = 56.102353 Hz )< ( f 2 = 56.589230 Hz ) Since f1 is greater than µ̂1 , the confidence interval for the measured lower limit of the holding range is not within the design restriction for the parameter. This noncompliance is due to the frequency variation of the crystal oscillator. If this analysis is performed again with a new value of fc (59.771983 Hz), and a new pair of limits for the hold range found using: ∆f = ± M ⋅ fc ( 2 ⋅ K + 1) ⋅ 2 ⋅ N (V.4) ∆f = ± 3.678 Hz. With this new hold range, the values of the lower and upper limit were calculated. Table V.2 shows the standard deviation and percent error. Upper frequency Lower frequency Table V.2.- Adjusted measured hold range limits EXPECTED MEASURED MEAN STANDARD VALUE (Hz) VALUE (Hz) DEVIATION (Hz) 63.450259 63.536267 0.087479 56.093707 56.007700 0.087479 ERROR (%) -0.135551 0.153327 Now, the new upper limit of the range is verified, the limits of the confidence interval are: µˆ 1 = 63.509129 Hz µˆ 2 = 63.563406 Hz For fnom = 63.450259 Hz, the limits f1 and f2 are: f1 = 63.133007 Hz 115 f 2 = 63.767510 Hz Substituting these values in (V.7): ( f1 = 63.133007 Hz )< (µˆ 1 = 63.509129 Hz )< (µˆ 2 = 63.563406 Hz )< ( f 2 = 63.767510 Hz ) Once again, the measured upper limit of the holding range is within the design restrictions with a 90% confidence level. Now, the lower limit of the range is tested again: µˆ 1 = 55.980562 Hz µˆ 2 = 56.034837 Hz For fnom = 56.093707 Hz, the limits f1 and f2 are: f1 = 55.813238 Hz f 2 = 56.374175 Hz Substituting these values in (V.7): ( f1 = 55.813238 Hz )< (µˆ 1 = 55.980562 Hz )< (µˆ 2 = 56.034837 Hz )< ( f 2 = 56.374175 Hz ) In this occasion, the confidence interval is inside the new design restrictions. Figures V.1a and b shows the confidence interval (shaded area) inside the area defined by the expected parameter and its tolerance. (a) (b) Fig. V.1.- Location of confidence interval measured for the hold range limits. (a) Lower hold limit, (b) Upper hold limit. 116 V.2.2.- TEST 2: PULL-IN RANGE From Test 2, the value of pull-in range of the ADPLL can be derived. The mean value, and its deviation from the expected value were calculated using (V.1) and (V.2). Test 2 was designed to record the upper and lower frequency limits were the ADPLL went into locked state. The expected limits for this range, since this is a digital implementation, are the same as the hold range. Table V.3 shows the measured values of the upper and lower holding frequencies, their standard deviation from the expected value and relative error. Upper Frequency Lower Frequency Table V.3.- Measured pull-in Range EXPECTED MEASURED MEAN STANDARD VALUE (Hz) VALUE (Hz) DEVIATION (Hz) 63.692308 63.5360 0.15905379 56.307692 56.0076 0.30518864 ERROR (%) 0.245523 0.532891 These values are also affected by the change of the central frequency of the ADPLL, therefore, their analysis is performed using the value of 59.771983 Hz for fc, and the new limits for the pull-in range is found using equation (V.4): ∆f = ± 3.678 Hz. With this new pull-in range, the values of the lower and upper limit were calculated. Table V.4 shows the standard deviation. Upper frequency Lower frequency Table V.4.- Adjusted measured pull-in range limits EXPECTED MEASURED MEAN STANDARD VALUE (Hz) VALUE (Hz) DEVIATION (Hz) 63.450259 63.5360 0.087205 56.093707 56.0076 0.087546 ERROR (%) -0.135131 +0.153446 • Upper frequency limit The new upper limit of the range is verified, using equations (IV.1) and (IV.2), the limits of the confidence interval are: µˆ 1 = 63.508947 Hz µˆ 2 = 63.563052 Hz For fnom = 63.450259 Hz, the limits f1 and f2 are: f1 = 63.133007 Hz f 2 = 63.767510 Hz 117 Substituting these values in (IV.7): ( f1 = 63.133007 Hz )< (µˆ 1 = 63.508947 Hz )< (µˆ 2 = 63.563052 Hz )< ( f 2 = 63.767510 Hz ) The measured upper limit of the holding range is within the design restrictions with a 90% confidence level. • Lower frequency limit Now, the lower limit of the range is verified: µˆ 1 = 55.980441 Hz µˆ 2 = 56.034758 Hz For fnom = 56.093707 Hz, the limits f1 and f2 are: f1 = 55.813238 Hz f 2 = 56.374175 Hz Substituting these values in (IV.7): ( f1 = 55.813238 Hz )< (µˆ 1 = 55.980441 Hz )< (µˆ 2 = 56.034758 Hz )< ( f 2 = 56.374175 Hz ) The confidence interval is inside the new design restrictions. Figures V.2a and b shows the confidence interval (shaded area) inside the area defined by the expected parameter and its tolerance. (a) (b) Fig. V.2.- Location of confidence interval measured for the pull-in range limits. (a) Lower pull-in limit, (b) Upper pull-in limit. 118 V.2.3.- TEST 3: FREQUENCY JITTER The frequency jitter test was made using two approaches, the first one was made using the scheme shown in Figure IV.3, applying a frequency sweep from 56.3 Hz through 63.0 Hz. Figure V.3 shows one oscillogram of the performed measurement. Fig. V.3.- Oscillogram of jitter measurement. The measured period variation of the output signal (∆T) has a mean value of 16.2766 µs (61,436.92 Hz) with a standard deviation of 0.262 µs. The expected value is 16.2760 µs (61,440 Hz) ±0.08138 µs. Using equations (IV.1), (IV.2), (IV.5) and (IV.6), the confidence interval and the parameter limits are: µˆ1 = 16.195323 µs µˆ 2 = 16.357876 µs T1 = 16.194620 µs T2 = 16.357380 µs These values do not comply with the relationship in equation (V.7) since T2 < µ̂ 2 , however, µ̂ 2 is +0.503% away form the central value of 16.276 µs. Figure V.4 shows the confidence interval (shaded area) and the area defined by the expected parameter and its tolerance. 119 Fig. V.4.- Location of confidence interval measured for the jitter period limits. The second approach used was to measure the output frequency generated at several input points. Table IV.5 shows the measured data. The mean value and its deviation from the expected value were calculated using (V.1) and (V.2). INPUT FREQUENCY (Hz) 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 Table V.5.- Measured frequency variation. OUTPUT FREQUENCY STANDARD THEORETICAL MEASURED DEVIATION UPPER LIMIT MEAN VALUE (mHz) (Hz) (Hz) 57.0014 3.871917 56.9471 58.0021 7.988772 57.9452 59.0005 7.290333 58.9433 60.0007 0.783854 59.9414 60.9971 8.323771 60.9394 62.0015 9.133732 61.9374 62.9998 2.592957 62.9354 THEORETICAL LOWER LIMIT (Hz) 57.0529 58.0548 59.0567 60.0586 61.0606 62.0626 63.0646 The design of the ADPLL included a ripple reduction scheme. The XOR phase comparator provides a 50% duty cycle output. The ADPLL, by design, has a frequency relationship defined as: fo = 1 1 1 ± fi f DCO (V.5) where fDCO is the clock signal of the digital controlled oscillator of the ADPLL. A rough approximation for (V.5) is: fo = fi ± 0.000984 ⋅ fi 120 (V.6) After analyzing the experimental data (Table V.5), the relationship between input and output frequencies can be defined by: fo = 0.0001238 fi2 + 0.985 fi + 0.466 (V.7) Fig. V.5.- Input – Output ADPLL response. The output frequency showed a maximum deviation from the ideal nominal value of 9.265 mHz when the input frequency was set at 62 Hz, and is within the expected values defined by (V.7). V.2.4.- TEST 4: PHASE SHIFT OF ADPLL The phase shift measurement was taken making an input frequency sweep from 57 to 63 Hz. Figure V.6 shows the shift correction performed on the ADPLL output signal, the upper signal is the ADPLL input signal, the middle signal is the normal ADPLL output signal, the lower signal is the corrected output signal. Table V.6 shows the measured data. The mean value and its deviation from the expected value were calculated using (V.1) and (V.2). Table V.6.- Measured phase shift. INPUT MEASURED STANDARD FREQUENCY (Hz) MEAN VALUE (deg) DEVIATION (deg) 57 -0.8104 0.8250 58 -0.7599 0.7742 59 -0.6589 0.6704 60 -0.5382 0.6107 61 -0.7056 0.7179 62 -0.8054 0.8198 63 -0.7265 0.7392 121 Fig. V.6.- Oscillogram of phase shift correction measurement. Upper: input signal, Middle: normal output signal, Lower: corrected output. Recalling that the phase shift of the ADPLL depends upon the type of its phase detector, for a XOR detector, this error is between –90° and 90°, and it is zero at central frequency. The phase error, expressed in degrees, can be determined using: φe = ( 360° ⋅ 2 ⋅ K ⋅ N ⋅ fi − fc ) kd ⋅ M ⋅ fc (V.8) where kd fi is the gain of the phase detector (kd = 2 for an XOR detector) is the input frequency, Using K=32, N=512, M*fc=245,760 Hz, kd=2 and fc=60 Hz, the ADPLL phase error behavior defined as (Figure V.7): φ e = 24 ⋅ fi − 1440 (V.9) With the data gathered in test 4, an analysis was performed and a new function was defined: φ e = 24.018 ⋅ fi − 1442 (V.10) Figure V.8 shows the measured phase error response of the ADPLL. The measured data exhibited a maximum deviation of 1.03 degrees from the expected ideal value. This error response, inherent to the PLLs, is not suitable for the generation of the sinusoidal 122 output waveform. To correct this response, the Phase Shift Correction circuit should be able to provide a near zero phase error response. The analysis of the measured response of the Phase Shift Correction circuit shows that the phase shift is bounded between -0.538261º and –0.810423º, and has a maximum deviation of 0.825071º from the expected value of zero. Fig. V.7.- Ideal phase error response of the ADPLL. Fig. V.8.- Measured phase error response of the ADPLL. The phase shift presents a sinusoidal behavior as shown in figure V.9, and is defined as: ⎧0.155 * sin(0.822 * fi − 4.48) − 0.65, ⎩0.155 * sin(1.161* fi − 4.48) − 0.65, φec = ⎨ fi ≤ fc fi > fc (V.11) 123 Fig. V.9.- Measured phase error response of the ADPLL with the phase shift correction circuit. The frequency and phase shift characteristics of the ADPLL seen by the phase-toamplitude converter module are described by equations (V.7) and (V.11). V.2.5.- TEST 5: TOTAL HARMONIC DISTORTION OF THE SINUSOIDAL OUTPUT SIGNAL The THD measurement was taken applying an input frequency sweep from 57 to 63 Hz. Figure V.10 shows the one of the data sets recorded to perform the THD analysis in MATLAB. Table V.7 and Figure V.11 show the measured data. The mean value and its deviation from the expected value were calculated using (V.1) and (V.2). The expected THD values were obtained by simulation. INPUT FREQUENCY (Hz) 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 Table V.7.- Measured THD of the output signal. EXPECTED THD MEASURED THD VALUE (%) MEAN VALUE (%) 2.5245 2.4609 2.3678 2.4534 1.5805 1.8864 0.5528 0.8603 1.3077 1.3319 1.9310 1.9446 1.9785 2.0463 STANDARD DEVIATION (%) 0.091980 0.094563 0.312726 0.314364 0.076379 0.061377 0.076249 The THD pattern of the signal generator can be related with the gain behavior of a band-reject filter. One equation that describes this behavior is: Gain( freq) = (2 * π * freq * j )2 + (ωQo − Ho )* (2 * π * freq * j ) + ωo 2 (2 * π * freq * j )2 + (ωQo )* (2 * π * freq * j ) + ωo 2 where freq 124 is the input frequency in Hertz, (V.12) ωo Q Ho j is the central frequency of the filter in rad/seg, is the quality factor of the filter, is the width of the rejection band in rad/seg. is the imaginary operator. Fig. V.10.- Recorded data used to perform the THD analysis in MATLAB. Fig. V.11.- Measured THD values of the sinusoidal output signal. The process to find a single equation describing this behavior is still under way. However, a first approach has been drafted using equation (V.12) as a guide: 125 ⎧⎪ Ho e Q Gain( freq) + 0.315 freq ≤ fc THD( freq) = ⎨ 1075 − freq Q ⎪⎩ Ho Gain( freq) + 0.366 freq ≥ fc 0.1 e freq (V.13) where freq Q Ho fc is the input frequency in Hertz, is the equivalent band pass quality factor of the ADPLL, is the value of the module K filter, is the central frequency of the ADPLL in Hertz. The fit obtained with this equation still needs further adjustments but clearly relates the design parameters of the ADPLL with the distortion present in the output sinusoidal waveform. Using equation (V.13) as a guide, the data measured was fitted, and only the constant terms of the equation had to be adjusted as shown in equation (V.14) and figure V.11. ⎧⎪ Ho e Q Gain( freq) + 0.64 freq ≤ fc THD( freq) = ⎨ 1200 − freq Q ⎪⎩ 0.Ho Gain( freq) + 0.72 freq ≥ fc 122 e freq (V.14) This variation in the THD value of the generated sinusoidal signal is due to the functional characteristic of the digital controlled oscillator (DCO) in the ADPLL. In an analog or hybrid PLL, the voltage controlled oscillator adjust its output frequency linearly according to the input control signal; in an all-digital PLL, the output frequency of the DCO has a fixed input frequency equals to 2*N*fc, and it “simulates” an adjustment in its output frequency by skipping and passing clock pulses. The effect of this behavior over the phaseto-amplitude converter can be deduced from the variation of its input bus. Figure V.12 shows the equivalent signal generated by this bus when the input frequency is 57 Hz and it is compared with an “ideal” equivalent signal. Fig. V.12.- Effect of DCO frequency variation over the input bus of the combinational ROM. 126 This effect can be reduced, but not eliminated, by redesigning the ADPLL, specially the values of holding range and the equivalent Q-value. By reducing the holding range the equivalent Q-value is automatically increased. From equation (V.4), the relationship between the holding range and the ratio N/M can be obtained: N fc = M 2 ∆f (2 K + 1) (V.15) From equation (V.15), a reduction in ∆f represents an increase in the ratio of N/M. Now lets us examine the equation that defines the equivalent Q-value of the ADPLL: Q= 2 π fK ⎛ N ⎞ ⎜ ⎟ Kd ⎝ M ⎠ (V.16) An increment in the value of the N/M ratio produce a direct increment in the value of Q. Substituting (V.15) in (V.16) a new equation relating the holding range with the equivalent Q-value can be obtained: Q= πK ⎛ fc ⎞ ⎜ ⎟ Kd (2 K + 1) ⎜⎝ ∆f ⎟⎠ (V.17) To improve the THD performance of the system by increasing the equivalent Qvalue of the ADPLL some considerations should be taken: a) the value assigned to K must be a power of 2, b) the value assigned to N must be a power of 2 (this affects the minimum holding range value). With this considerations in mind, the only ADPLL parameter that can be “freely” changed is the value of M. Changing the value of M to a value different from a power of 2 represents the need of two crystals, or some other method for providing the clock signals to the ADPLL’s Module-K counter and the DCO. This approach was tested using simulations and the maximum THD value obtained at 57Hz was 1.87%, still a high value. Most likely, an improvement in this performance can be achieved by adding a filtering stage after the phase-to-amplitude converter. V.2.6.- TEST 6: AMPLITUDE AND OFFSET LEVEL OF THE SINUSOIDAL OUTPUT SIGNAL The amplitude and offset level measurements were taken applying an input frequency sweep from 57 to 63 Hz. Table V.8 shows the measured data. The mean value and its deviation from the expected value were calculated using (V.1) and (V.2), the expected amplitude level was set to 2.5 Vpeak with an offset level of 0V. 127 INPUT FREQUENCY (Hz) 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 Table V.8.- Measured amplitude and offset level of the output signal. MEASURED STANDARD MEASURED STANDARD EXPECTED PEAK-TO-PEAK DEVIATION OFFSET DEVIATION PEAK-TOMEAN VALUE (mV) LEVEL (mV) (mV) PEAK (V) (V) 5.0 4.9746 25.8346 5.8276 5.9279 5.0 4.9736 26.9233 5.0387 5.1278 5.0 4.9732 27.2447 6.0060 6.1106 5.0 4.9778 22.6185 2.9367 2.9928 5.0 4.9795 20.8851 3.9112 4.0016 5.0 4.9802 20.1987 4.1181 4.1913 5.0 4.9792 21.2540 4.3782 4.4542 Fig. V.13.- Amplitude The amplitude of the reference signal generated depends greatly on the adjustment procedure of the op-amp used to eliminate the offset level at the DAC output. Due to the output low frequency, a non-significant drift in amplitude is expected within the holding range of the DSG. With the data of Table V.8 and the tolerance assigned, the amplitude of the generated signal is tested using equations (IV.1), (IV.2), (IV.5), (IV.6) and (IV.7). The measured amplitude of the output signal has a mean value of 4.976927 Vpp with a standard deviation of 23.37 mVpp. The confidence interval and the parameter limits are: µˆ 1 = 4.974186 Vpp µˆ 2 = 4.979667 Vpp V1 = 4.975Vpp V2 = 5.025Vpp 128 These values do not comply with the relationship in equation (IV.7) since V1 < µ̂1 , however, µ̂1 is -0.516% away form the central value of 5 Vpp. Figure V.14 shows the confidence interval (shaded area) and the area defined by the expected parameter and its tolerance. Fig. V.14.- Location of confidence interval measured for the amplitude of the generated signal. V.2.7.- TEST 7: LINE FAULT THRESHOLD The design limit for the detection of a fault line was set at 4.28 Vp, and the detection of the return to a safe level was set at 4.34 Vp. For this test, the analog input signal had been decreased from the nominal value (6 Vrms or nearly 8.5 Vp) until the line fault flag was set. In a similar way, once the flag was set, the analog input signal had been increased until it was reset. Table V.9 shows the measured values of the upper and lower holding values, their standard deviation from the expected limit and relative error. The mean value and its deviation from the expected value were calculated using (V.1) and (V.2). Setting flag limit Resetting flag limit Table V.9- Measured threshold line fault limits. STANDARD EXPECTED MEASURED MEAN DEVIATION VALUE (Vp) VALUE (Vp) (mVp) 4.28 4.2759 6.6563 4.34 4.3360 6.5132 ERROR (%) 0.096 0.093 With this data and the tolerance assigned, the amplitude of the generated signal is tested using equations (IV.1), (IV.2), (IV.5), (IV.6) and (IV.7). The measured amplitude of the setting flag limit has a mean value of 4.2759 Vp with a standard deviation of 6.6563 mVp. The confidence interval and the parameter limits are: µˆ 1 = 4.273835 Vp 129 µˆ 2 = 4.277964 Vp V1 = 4.2586 Vp V2 = 4.3014 Vp These values comply with the relationship in equation (IV.7). Figure V.15 shows the confidence interval (shaded area) and the area defined by the expected limit and its tolerance. Fig. V.15.- Location of confidence interval measured for the amplitude of setting flag limit. The setting flag point also can be defined as: Vi( SETTING ) = 4.2759 ± 0.01996 V The measured amplitude of the resetting flag limit has a mean value of 4.3360 Vp with a standard deviation of 6.5132 mVp. The confidence interval and the parameter limits are: µˆ 1 = 4.333979 Vp µˆ 2 = 4.338020 Vp V1 = 4.3183Vp V2 = 4.3617 Vp These values also comply with the relationship in equation (IV.7). Figure V.16 shows the confidence interval (shaded area) and the area defined by the expected limit and its tolerance. 130 Fig. V.16.- Location of confidence interval measured for the amplitude of resetting flag limit. The resetting flag point also can be defined as: Vi( RESETTING ) = 4.3360 ± 0.01953 V , with a 90% confidence level. V.2.8.- TEST 8: RULE DECODER The test of the rule decoder was carried on by simulating the eight different input conditions defined in Table IV.2. The measured data were processed using (V.1) and (V.2) to obtain the mean value, and its deviation, of the phase angle between the output analog signals. The expected phase angle between the output signals is 120 deg. Fig. V.17.- Rule decoder 131 Table V.10.- Measured phase angle between output signals. φBC φCA φAB φAB φBC φCA MEASURED MEASURED MEASURED INPUT STANDARD STANDARD STANDARD MEAN MEAN MEAN CONDITION DEVIATION DEVIATION DEVIATION VALUE VALUE VALUE (deg) (deg) (deg) (deg) (deg) (deg) 1 120.4239 0.4530 120.0471 0.1651 119.3965 0.6377 2 120.0633 0.2517 120.3068 0.5269 120.4452 0.5610 3 121.2144 1.2471 120.5739 0.5924 120.0452 0.1550 4 121.2591 1.3119 120.6862 0.7886 119.9452 0.1708 5 120.7240 0.7484 120.2556 0.3322 120.3527 0.3918 6 121.3196 1.3539 120.8833 0.9084 119.3129 0.7127 7 120.4288 0.4560 120.7921 0.8113 120.6457 0.6704 8 120.6987 0.7150 120.8757 0.8938 119.8949 0.1348 OVERALL 120.7665 0.8987 120.5528 0.6673 120.0048 0.4806 From the data in Table V.10, the value of the phase-to-phase angle of the output signal can be defined as both a single value for every input condition and as a function of the input condition (rule used to maintain the output signal). Using the data measured, the average values of the phase-to-phase angle, with a 90% (a two standard deviation tolerance) confidence level, are defined as: φ AB = 120.7665° ± 1.7974° , φ BC = 120.5528° ± 1.3346° , φCA = 120.0048° ± 0.9612° . Fig. V.18.- Phase-to-phase angle. V.3.- SIMULATION OF A REFERENCE SIGNAL GENERATOR FOR COMPARISON The proposed SRSG was designed to operate properly with four wire three-phase voltage sources with no phase-jumps and no harmonic content. The performance of the SRSG operating with amplitude balanced and unbalanced input voltages should be 132 compared with the performance of one reference generator reported in the literature. Phasejump and low order harmonic content conditions should be also reviewed. * Vde * Vβ Vqe e LOW PASS FILTER ^ ω VCO ^θ Vα V de * * * V bs * V cs V qe Vas * Vas Vα Vβ REFERENCE VOLTAGES V bs LINE VOLTAGES V cs Fig. V.19.- Reference generator presented by Chung [33]. The reference generator selected for comparison is the one presented by Chung [33] (Figure V.19). This generator provides reference signals synchronized with the power lines, it uses a single PLL controlled by the direct value extracted from the three-phase transformation to a rotary reference frame. The PLL provides the value of the angle θ required to perform the reference frame transformation. It is also used to perform the inverse transformations required to generate the reference signals of amplitude V*de. The PLL was designed to have a natural frequency equal to the line frequency and a dumping factor of 0.7071 using the equations described by Chung. Four input voltage conditions were simulated: input voltage balanced in both amplitude and phase, input voltage with amplitude unbalance, input voltage with both amplitude and phase unbalance, and input voltage balanced in both amplitude and phase with a third harmonic. The comparison generator was simulated using MATLAB/SIMULINK (Figure V.20a), meanwhile the SRSG was simulated using Pspice (Figure V.20b). (a) MATLAB/SIMULINK circuit. 133 DSTM1 Implementation = XTAL ADC_ck S1 U1 IN+ OUT+ IN- OUTEVALUE V(%IN+, %IN-)/72+2.5 bin DB7 DB6 DB5 DB4 DB3 DB2 DB1 DB0 bin cin eoc_C cin 0 DC7 DC6 DC5 DC4 DC3 DC2 DC1 DC0 ADC_3Phase DB7 DB6 DB5 DB4 DB3 DB2 DB1 DB0 eoc_C DC7 DC6 DC5 DC4 DC3 DC2 DC1 DC0 DAC8break eoc_B DB7 DB6 DB5 DB4 DB3 DB2 DB1 DB0 U2 DOB7 DOB6 DOB5 DOB4 DOB3 DOB2 DOB1 DOB0 eoc_C DC7 DC6 DC5 DC4 DC3 DC2 DC1 DC0 SinRefSigGen 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 U3 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 1k 1k 0 ref_B R3 r 1k R4 1k 5 0 DB7 DB6 DB5 3 DB4 OUT DB3 DB2 4 DB1 REF DB0 AGND DAC8break R1 R2 5 DB7 DB6 DB5 3 DB4 OUT DB3 DB2 4 DB1 REF DB0 AGND DAC8break DOC7 DOC6 DOC5 DOC4 DOC3 DOC2 DOC1 DOC0 ref_A r o xtal DOA7 DOA6 DOA5 DOA4 DOA3 DOA2 DOA1 DOA0 o c eoc_B eoc_B DA7 DA6 DA5 DA4 DA3 DA2 DA1 DA0 DB7 DB6 DB5 3 DB4 OUT DB3 DB2 4 DB1 REF DB0 AGND ref_C R5 r 1k R6 o IN+ OUT+ IN- OUTEVALUE V(%IN+, %IN-)/72+2.5 E3 b ain DA7 DA6 DA5 DA4 DA3 DA2 DA1 DA0 eoc_A ADC_ck ck V V IN+ OUT+ IN- OUTEVALUE V(%IN+, %IN-)/72+2.5 E2 V a DA7 DA6 DA5 DA4 DA3 DA2 DA1 DA0 eoc_A V E1 eoc_A 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 V ain SRSG V ADC 1k 5 0 (b) Pspice circuit. Fig. V.20.- Circuits used to simulate the reference signal generators. V.3.1.- Case 1: Input voltages balanced in both amplitude and phase. For this simulation, a balanced voltage of 127 Vrms line-to-neutral was set, Figure V.21 shows the implementation of the input voltage sources in both MATLAB-SIMULINK (a) and Pspice (b). (a) (b) Fig. V.21.- Voltage sources used to simulate a balanced voltage case. (a) MATLAB-SIMULINK implementation. (b) Pspice implementation. Both generators provided sinusoidal signals of the expected amplitude and shifted 120 degrees from each other. The simulation results are presented in figures V.22a and b. 134 (a) MATLAB/SIMULINK (b) Pspice Fig. V.22.- Simulation with balanced amplitude conditions. The nominal values corresponding to this case are shown in Table V.11. The value inside the parenthesis is the converted line-to-line voltage. Table V.11.- Simulated nominal output values of the compared generators. Chung’s generator Proposed generator Amplitude (Vp) 2.5 2.5 (4.33) Phase (deg) 120 120 THD (%) 0 0.5 As expected, both reference generators performed according to their specifications. V.3.2.- Case 2: Input voltages with unbalanced amplitude and balanced phase. For the case of voltage unbalance, the amplitude of phase A was reduced to 70 Vrms (100 Vp), keeping phases B and C in their original values. The angle between phases was kept at 120 degrees. The characteristics measured from the resulted waveforms were amplitude, harmonic distortion and angle between phases. 135 The decrease of the amplitude of voltage phase A can be transformed from a four wire Y to a three wire ∆ connection for its use with the Chung’s generator, resulting in the following line-to-line voltages: vab = 244.6 V sin(ωt ) ( ) .3 π ) vca = 244.6 V sin (ωt + 129 180 .3 π vbc = 311.1V sin ωt − 101 180 The simulation performed in MATLAB-SIMULINK yielded the waveforms shown in Figure V.23a. The reference signals generated have constant amplitude (2.5 Vp), however, they are distorted and with non-symmetrical phase angles. The average THD of these signals is 5.61% and the phase angles are -117.25, -130 and -112.78 degrees. On the other hand, the simulation performed in Pspice, whose waveforms are presented in Figure V.23b, presented better distortion and phase angle values. The amplitude is in this case also constant. The average THD of the signals is 0.4955% and the phase angles are kept at 120 degrees. Under these input voltages, the Chung’s generator provides output signals of constant amplitude, but with high distortion, greater than 5%. In contrast, the proposed generator provides the nominal amplitude, phase angles and distortion values, clearly outperforming the Chung’s generator. The values obtained are shown in Table V.12. Phase Vab Vbc Vca Table V.12.- Simulation results of study case 2. Amplitude (Vp) THD (%) Angle (degree) “reference” proposed “reference” proposed “reference” proposed 2.5 2.5 5.41 0.51 0 0 2.5 2.5 5.47 0.48 -117.25 -120 2.5 2.5 5.95 0.48 +112.78 +120 (a) MATLAB/SIMULINK 136 (b) Pspice Fig. V.22.- Simulation with unbalanced amplitude conditions. V.3.3.- Case 3: Input voltages with unbalanced amplitude and phase. In this case, the voltage source was changed from four wire to three-wire configuration. The amplitude of the three phases were set at 173, 220 and 173 Vrms, for voltages AB, BC and CA. The phase angles were set to -130º, -128.65º and -101.35º. For the connection of the voltages to the SRSG, a virtual ground was generated using the resistor array shown in Figure V.24. a Ra 1k b Rb 1k c Rc 0 1k Fig. V.24.- Resistor array used to generate a virtual ground for the SRSG. Figure V.25a shows the waveforms obtained from the simulation performed in MATLAB-SIMULINK. The reference signals generated have constant amplitude, however, they are distorted and with non-symmetric phase angles. The average THD of these signals is 6.13% and the phase angles are -130.90º, -116.53º and -112.58º. Figure V.25b shows the waveforms obtained from the simulation performed in Pspice. The reference signals generated referred to the virtual ground have constant amplitude, but when translated to a three-wire system they are unbalanced, this is due to a phase unbalance. However, the distortion level and phase angles are better than the obtained in the MATLAB-SIMULINK simulation. The average THD of the signals is 0.6157% and the phase angles are -124.42º, -123.01º and -112.47º. 137 (a) MATLAB/SIMULINK (b) Pspice Fig. V.25.- Simulation with amplitude and phase unbalance conditions. The Chung’s generator, as expected, kept the amplitude constant at the nominal value, the phase angles of the output signals were degraded. Regarding the distortion of the output signals, they were greatly degraded to an average of 6.13%. On the other hand, the proposed generator provided output signals with unbalanced amplitude (the output of the generator is transformed from a Y to a ∆ system). On the bright side, the phase angles were improved. The distortion levels of the output signals were kept around 0.5% outperforming again the Chung’s generator. The values obtained are shown in Table V.13. Phase Vab Vbc Vca 138 Table V.13.- Simulation results of study case 3. Amplitude (Vp) THD (%) Angle (degree) “reference” proposed “reference” proposed “reference” proposed 2.5 3.94 6.01 0.52 0 0 2.5 4.61 5.86 0.46 -130.91 -121.2 2.5 4.23 6.53 0.42 +112.55 +111.1 V.3.4.- Case 4: Balanced input voltages in both amplitude and phase and with a 10% third harmonic component shifted 10º in each phase. In the last case simulated, a four-wire three-phase configuration was used. The input voltages were generated with a 10% third harmonic component. For the simulation in MATLAB-SIMULINK the voltage source was transformed into a three-wire configuration. The third harmonic component had a 10º shift from each of the phase voltages. Figure V.26a shows the waveforms obtained from the simulation performed in MATLAB-SIMULINK. The reference signals generated have constant amplitude, but the generated signals are distorted and with non-symmetric phase angles. The average THD of these signals is 3.64% and the phase angles are –112.19º (BC), and +128.37º (CA) from reference AB. There are also phase shifts between the input fundamental components and the references generated. These phase shifts are -3.82º, -3.99º and +0.41º for phases AB, BC and CA, respectively. Figure V.26b shows the waveforms obtained from the simulation performed in Pspice. The reference signals generated referred to the virtual ground have constant amplitude and low THD levels with an average value of 0.66%, but present phase unbalance of -124.55º (B) and +126.10º (C) from reference A. When translated to a threewire system, the amplitudes are unbalanced (+3.74%, -5.38% and +2.81% of the expected nominal value), due to the phase unbalance. However, the distortion levels are better than the one obtained in the MATLAB-SIMULINK simulation. The average THD of the signals is 0.47%, the phase angles are similar to the ones of the MATLAB-SIMULINK, -118.11º (BC), and +125.86º (CA) from reference AB. The phase shifts from the fundamental component are -2.85º, -0.94º and +2.97º for phases AB, BC and CA respectively. (a) MATLAB/SIMULINK 139 (b) Pspice . Fig. V.26.- Simulation with 10% third harmonic component. The Chung’s generator kept the amplitude constant at the nominal value, the angles of references Vbc and Vca with respect to Vab were shifted, this represents a phase jump induced by the harmonic distortion of the input signals. Regarding the distortion of the output signals, they were degraded to an average of 3.64%. Also, there are phase shift between the input fundamental component and the output signals. The proposed generator provided output signals with amplitude unbalance. On the bright side, the distortion levels of the output signals were kept around 0.5% outperforming again the Chung’s generator. The phase angles of phases Vbc and Vca were also shifted. There are also phase shifts with the input fundamental components. These last values are marginally better than the obtained by the Chung’s generator. The values obtained are shown in Table V.14. Table V.14.- Simulation results of study case 4. Amplitude (Vp) THD (%) Angle (degree) Shift in-out (degree) Phase “reference” proposed “reference” proposed “reference” proposed “reference” proposed Vab 2.5 4.43 3.77 0.49 0 0 -3.82 -2.85 Vbc 2.5 4.04 3.78 0.50 -112.19 -118.11 -3.99 -0.94 Vca 2.5 4.39 3.39 0.42 +128.37 +125.86 +0.41 +2.97 It becomes clear that further improvement in the structure of the proposed generator has to be performed to compensate unbalanced phase conditions. This can be done by expanding the function performed by the decision block and modifying the phase shift corrector block. The functions to be added in the decision block must identify the phase unbalance and decide which phase should be taken as the “reference” to balance the angles. For this scenario, the phase shift corrector block should not only compensate the phase error generated by the ADPLL but also balance the angle between the output signals accordingly to the control signals generated by the decision block. 140 V.4.- SUMMARY This chapter presented the experimental data gathered and their analysis of the sinusoidal reference signal generator. The testing was divided in eight tests. Some test measured the performance parameters of the ADPLL+phase-shift-corrector sub-blocks, such as, holding range, pull-in range, frequency jitter and input-output phase shift. A second set of tests measured the static characteristics of sinusoidal signals (THD levels and amplitude). The performance of the rule decoder was also tested. The measured data of the generator were compared with the design parameters and/or characterized with equations. The tolerance of the design parameters was small (±0.5%) and served to define the intervals where the measured data must be found. Most of the measured parameters were found inside these intervals. Only the jitter and the amplitude of the generated signals were slightly out of limits (0.003% and 0.016% respectively). The THD and phase angle between the output signals were characterized as equations. For the THD, a relationship with the design parameters of the ADPLL block and the behavior of a reject band filter was drawn. Additionally, a set of test simulations was performed. These simulations were designed to provide information about the performance of the SRSG when the input voltages are unbalanced. A reference generator reported in the literature was also simulated to be used as a reference frame. This testing showed that the proposed generator has an outstanding performance when voltage sags are presented in a four-wire Y system with no phase jumps. On the down side, its performance is diminished when phase jumps are present. 141 CHAPTER VI.- THREE PHASE PWM AC/AC CÚK CONVERTER TESTING AND PERFORMANCE ANALYSIS VI.1.- INTRODUCTION This chapter presents the experimental results obtained from a three phase PWM AC/AC Cúk converter. The tests complied with the protocols described in the previous chapter. For the analysis of the performance parameters of the converter, the maximum tolerance allowed for voltage regulation is set at ±3%, +5% for THD levels and the response time must comply with the ITIC curve. The experimental data is assumed to have a normal distribution function and the number of samples (N) per parameter is at least 30. VI.2.- EXPERIMENTAL TESTING The PWM AC/AC Cúk converter was submitted to eight specific tests. The block diagram of the system and the laboratory setup are shown in Figures VI.1 and VI.2. n c c’ δc b’ b Vac n δb a’ a n XFRM RSG δa XFRM n Fig. VI.1.- Block diagram of AC/AC converter and its control stage. 143 Fig. VI.2.- Laboratory setup. VI.2.1.-TEST 1: OUTPUT VOLTAGE REGULATION For this test, nineteen input voltages were selected, ranging from 70 Vrms through 165 Vrms. The output voltage was measured in all three phases. Figure VI.3 shows an oscillogram of the converter’s output voltages. The data recorded was processed with a MATLAB program to obtain the RMS values shown in Table VI.1. Fig. VI.3.- Converter output voltage. 144 Input Voltage (Vrms) 70 75 80 85 90 95 100 105 110 115 Phase A Output (Vrms) 125.4346 125.3023 125.4969 125.5224 125.5470 125.7557 125.6476 125.7034 125.7306 125.9966 Table VI.1.- RMS value of the output voltage. Phase B Phase C Input Phase A Output Output Voltage Output (Vrms) (Vrms) (Vrms) (Vrms) 125.6970 126.8737 125.9522 120 125.7795 126.9079 126.3292 127 125.7828 126.9259 126.3085 130 125.7978 126.8757 126.7756 135 125.8969 126.9387 127.1300 140 125.8493 126.8726 127.1312 145 125.8227 126.8608 127.3348 150 125.9316 126.9388 127.0411 155 126.0734 127.0411 126.8400 160 126.2081 127.1381 125.6178 165 Phase B Output (Vrms) 126.3140 126.8034 126.5932 127.1427 127.5059 128.0576 128.1557 129.0531 129.8056 130.5090 Phase C Output (Vrms) 127.3631 127.5249 127.5142 127.5804 127.7734 127.9391 128.0661 128.6144 128.5880 128.9275 Using the data in Table VI.1, the mean value of the phase-to-neutral output voltage over the input voltage range and the regulation error can be drawn. The mean value of the output voltage, and its percent drift are found to be: Van = 126.130 Vrms +0.955%, -0.656%, Vbn = 126.939 Vrms +2.812% -0.978%, Vcn = 127.463 Vrms +0.955% -0.656%. The regulation error vs. input voltage can be plotted using the data yield from: Regulation Error (%) = Vxn − 127V ⋅ 100 127V (VI.1) where Vxn is the phase to neutral output voltage. Fig. VI.4.- Regulation error vs. input voltage. From figure VI.4, it can be seen that the output voltage is always within a ± 3% of the nominal level (127 Vrms), complying with the design regulation goal. 145 VI.2.2.-TEST 2: OUTPUT VOLTAGE TOTAL HARMONIC DISTORSION For this test, as in test 1, nineteen input voltages were selected from 70 Vrms through 165 Vrms. The output voltage was measured in all three phases. The data recorded was processed with a MATLAB-SIMULINK program to obtain the THD values shown in Table VI.2. Input Voltage (Vrms) 70 75 80 85 90 95 100 105 110 115 Phase A Output THD (%) 2.505 2.661 2.533 2.527 2.501 2.419 2.149 2.200 2.141 1.988 Table VI.2.- THD value of the output voltage. Phase B Phase C Input Phase A Output Output Voltage Output THD (%) THD (%) (Vrms) THD (%) 3.459 2.627 1.935 120 3.872 2.675 2.010 127 3.837 2.766 1.980 130 3.723 2.855 2.000 135 3.999 2.801 140 2.271 3.762 2.695 145 2.359 3.828 2.788 150 2.653 3.508 2.707 155 2.913 3.467 2.653 160 3.246 3.457 2.451 165 3.914 Phase B Output THD (%) 3.331 3.114 3.245 3.112 3.075 3.133 3.126 3.284 3.498 3.673 Phase C Output THD (%) 2.229 2.218 2.233 2.191 2.142 1.966 2.126 2.274 2.326 2.431 The design goal regarding the THD was maximum 5%, which is 3 percentage points below the limit established in section 5.2.1 by the IEC62040-3. Another goal was to comply with the individual harmonic limits established in that section of the standard. Figure VI.5 shows the THD levels obtained for each output phase over the input voltage range. Fig. VI.5.- THD levels vs. input voltage. From figure VI.5, it is clear that the first goal was successfully achieved. To evaluate the second goal, the highest and the lowest THD level of each phase was processed with a MATLAB program. The results are shown in Figures VI.6a through VI.6f. 146 (a) Phase A highest THD level (b) Phase A lowest THD level (c) Phase B highest THD level (d) Phase B lowest THD level (e) Phase C highest THD level (f) Phase C lowest THD level Fig. VI.6.- Harmonic components of output voltages, highest and lowest levels per phase. All three phase signals with the highest THD levels exceeded the allowed limits of harmonic component 15, 21 and 27, and phases A and B also exceeded harmonic 33rd limit. The magnitude of these harmonic components and the difference with the limit are shown in Table VI.3. 147 Table VI.3.- Harmonic components exceeding the standard limit. Harmonic Measured Standard Difference Component Magnitude (%) Limit (%) 15 0.6757 0.3000 0.3757 21 0.5435 0.2000 0.3435 PHASE A 27 0.4092 0.2000 0.2092 33 0.2301 0.2000 0.0301 15 0.5109 0.3000 0.2109 21 0.4526 0.2000 0.2526 PHASE B 27 0.3326 0.2000 0.1326 33 0.2029 0.2000 0.0029 15 0.3894 0.3000 0.0894 PHASE C 21 0.3474 0.2000 0.1474 27 0.2504 0.2000 0.0504 These levels of THD and the non-compliance with the standard’s limits are mostly due to a poor adjustment on the offset level of the analog input signal feeding the ADC. This offset generates a displacement in the zero-crossing detector of the DSG. This displacement is transferred to the output signal of the PWM AC/AC converter as a zerocrossing distortion, as shown in Figure VI.7. This distortion can be easily reduced by properly adjusting the offset level of the analog input signal to the DSG. Fig. VI.7.- Zero-crossing distortion of Van, Vbn and Vcn. VI.2.3.- TESTS 3-8: RESPONSE TIME TO INPUT STEPS For Test 3 through 8, the threshold limit of the ADPLL’s line fault detector was shifted from 63.5 Vrms (line input) to 75 Vrms in order to activate the rule decoder under the test conditions. For tests 3 through 5, a step input voltage from 127 Vrms to 80 Vrms (a sag to 63%) had been applied. The sag was designed to start at 90° of one of the phases under test. The thirty digitalized output waveforms per phase were averaged using (V.1) in order to have a cleaner signal in which the measurement of the response time was easier. 148 The response time was measured using the error generated by the difference of the original steady state output waveform and the current output waveform, as described in: error (%) = VCURRENT −VSTEADY STATE ⋅100 VSTEADY STATE (VI.2) Using the waveform generated with equation (VI.2), the instants were the error falls below the 10 and 5% limit were found. The data was processed with a MATLAB program. Table VI.4.- Response time of the converter under input voltage step. RESPONSE RESPONSE RESPONSE PHASE A PHASE B PHASE C TIME TIME TIME TEST VOLTAGE VOLTAGE VOLTAGE PHASE A (mS) PHASE B (mS) PHASE C (mS) (Vrms) (Vrms) (Vrms) 10% 5% 10% 5% 10% 5% 8.11 17.46 125.3052 125.6528 3 6.04 7.71 6.89 10.76 125.2620 4 6.75 8.25 7.97 9.76 5 5.93 7.43 3.65 4.64 3.98 10.92 6 9.45 12.45 4.65 5.66 4.49 6.70 7 5.12 8.86 2.52 4.32 5.31 7.79 8 Fig. VI.8.- Converter output voltage. Figure VI.9 was drawn with the mean recovery times of the system. This figure shows that the steady state is reached in approximately 1.5 input cycles. This time should be seen within the ITIC curve (figure VI.10a) context. In this context, the maximum duration of an outage or an under voltage condition of 70% of nominal value is 20 ms (approximately 1.2 cycles), if the system recovery time is inserted into the ITIC curve (figure VI.10b). It can be seen that the system response is fast enough to keep the output voltage within the operational limits imposed by the curve. 149 Fig. VI.9.- System response to input voltage steps. (a) ITIC curve. (b) ITIC curve including the system response. Fig.VI.10.- ITIC curve. VI.3.- SUMMARY This chapter presented the experimental data gathered from the PWM AC/AC Cúk converter. The tests were divided in two groups: static and dynamic tests. Static tests were aimed at measuring the THD and output voltage regulation of the converter. These tests showed the performance of the SRSG under noisy steady state conditions. The dynamic tests, on the other hand, were aimed at measuring the time response of the converter under deep sags, they also provide an insight of the ability of the rule decoder to maintain a steady set of reference signals. The analysis of the behavior of the AC/AC converter showed that a tight regulation and low THD levels can be obtained using the proposed generator, both design specifications were easily complied. Only the amplitude of some particular harmonics were above the allowed levels, however, this can be corrected with better adjustment of the control stage. The performance of the converter under voltage sags was also very good. 150 CHAPTER VII.- CONCLUSIONS AND FUTURE WORKS This dissertation presented a new scheme for the implementation of a sinusoidal reference signal generator applied to AC-output power electronic systems with utility synchronization. The development of the proposed three-phase sinusoidal reference signal generator presented interesting challenges, which ranged from avoiding the use of Clark and Park transformations, while providing enough noise immunity, to obtain a minimum silicon implementation. The basic concepts behind the signal generator were presented in chapter II. These concepts led to the design of each of the component blocks of the proposed generator. The final implementation is compact and reliable. The basic operational principles of AC/AC converters were presented in chapter III. Single-phase topologies were covered operating in both continuous and discontinuous conduction modes. Besides the classical approach of studying the operation of the converters with a linear resistive load, modification in the driving of the switches pattern when feeding linear inductive-resistive and non-linear capacitive loads was also presented. The design of a three-phase AC/AC converter was presented from the selection of its components through the control stage implementation. A prototype to test the proposed generator was built. The generator used a basic analog-to-digital conversion stage and was controlled by the CPLD containing the digital structure. For the power electronic converter, additional stages of drivers, feedback conditioning and control stages were built to assemble a closed loop AC power conditioning system. The experimental procedure was divided in two parts. The first part was performed to the generator operating with ideal input signals. Several tests were carried out to each of the component blocks of the proposed generator. These tests were compiled in a testing protocol, and were designed to help characterizing the performance of the generator. The second part was designed to characterize the AC/AC converter in static and dynamic input conditions and to see the performance of the generator under noisy input signals. Additionally, some simulation test were performed for comparison of the proposed generator against a basic classic generator. These simulations were designed to provide information about the performance of the proposed generator when the input voltages are unbalanced. One particular result from the data analysis that looks very interesting was the relationship between the ADPLL design parameters, and the THD level of the sinusoidal reference signal generated. This relationship still needs further study, using various values of Q as well as different ADPLL structures, to develop a general equation for the THD levels generated by digital signal generators synchronized with the utility. Another important characteristic of the SRSG was the small phase error between the analog input signal and the reference signal generated (<1deg). The distortion problems associated with 151 zero crossing displacement, in applications such as UPS or AC regulation in a single stage, can be greatly reduced. The performance of the three-phase sinusoidal reference signal generator fulfilled the design specifications and expectations providing a stable three-phase sinusoidal waveform suitable for control applications. To test the immunity of the SRSG to noisy utility conditions, it was included in the control loop of a high-frequency PWM AC/AC Cúk converter. To test the stability of the reference signal generated, large sags signals were applied to the converter. In all the cases studied, both the SRSG and the PWM AC/AC Cúk converter presented a good response. Regarding the PWM AC/AC Cúk converter, the fact of having three independent converters to implement a three-phase solution raised the question of how the converters would interact. Several issues were taken into account: the PCB layout and the synchronization of the PWM controllers, among others. The structure proved to be stable and with no apparent interference between the converters. There are some issues related to PWM AC/AC converters that still need to be studied beyond the scope of this research: bidirectional switch implementation, the operation with non-linear loads, and the behavior under different control structures such as the one used with DC/DC converters for power factor correction in continuous conduction mode. The test under unbalance conditions showed that the proposed generator has an outstanding performance when voltage sags are presented in a four wire Y system with no phase jumps. However, for operation with phase jumps and harmonic components it became clear that further improvement in the structure of the proposed generator had to be performed. Expansion of the function performed by the decision block and modification of the phase shift corrector block should be explored as well as digital filters to eliminate the low frequency harmonic components. Finally, partial research results were used to generate publications in recognized international conferences and journals. Single Phase Voltage Sag Compensation System Based on a Modified Flyback Converter J. Hoyo, H. Calleja, J. Arau, IEEE 33rd POWER ELECTRONICS SPECIALISTS CONFERENCE PESC 2002. Cairn, Australia, June 23-27, 2002 Study of an AC-AC Flyback Converter Operating in DCM J. Hoyo, H. Calleja, J. Arau, IEEE 34th POWER ELECTRONICS SPECIALISTS CONFERENCE PESC 2003. Acapulco Mexico, June 15 – 19, 2003 A High Quality Output AC/AC Cuk Converter J. Hoyo, J. Alcalá, H. Calleja, IEEE 35th POWER ELECTRONICS SPECIALISTS CONFERENCE PESC 2004. Aachen, Germany, June 20-25, 2004 High-Quality Output PWM AC Voltage Regulator based on Cuk Converter J. Hoyo, H. Calleja, J. Alcalá, INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ELECTRONICS, APRIL 2005, VOL. 92, No. 4, pp. 231-242 Reference Generator for A Four-Wire Three-Phase AC/AC Converter J. Hoyo, H. Calleja, J. Arau, IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics (Submited for revision) 152 * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * ADC_A_07 ADC_A_06 ADC_A_05 ADC_A_04 ADC_A_03 ADC_A_02 ADC_B_CK ADC_B_07 ADC_B_06 ADC_B_05 ADC_B_04 ADC_B_03 ADC_B_02 ADC_C_CK ADC_C_07 ADC_C_06 ADC_C_05 ADC_C_04 ADC_C_03 ADC_C_02 * * ADC_soc I36 I1 I2 I3 I4 I5 I6 I19 I7 I8 I9 I10 I11 I12 I20 I13 I14 I15 I16 I17 I18 I21 CK60 DC120 DC240 ADPLL_C DB120 DB240 ADPLL_B DA120 DA240 I35 CK60 Mfc Nfc Nfc Mfc Nfc Mfc Mfc Nfc N0 N1 N2 Fin N3 N4 N5 N6 N7 N8 I27 ADPLL1 Mfc Nfc N0 N1 N2 Fin N3 N4 N5 N6 N7 N8 I24 ADPLL1 I32 D240 D120 A0 A1 A2 A3 A4 A5 A6 A7 A8 I26 D240 D120 A0 A1 A2 A3 A4 A5 A6 A7 A8 N0 N1 N2 N3 N4 N5 N6 N7 N8 I31 D240 D120 A0 A1 A2 A3 A4 A5 A6 A7 A8 SHIFT_CORRECTOR Fin N0 N1 N2 N3 N4 N5 N6 N7 N8 SHIFT_CORRECTOR Fin N0 N1 N2 N3 N4 N5 N6 N7 N8 DA04 DA03 DA02 D4 D3 D2 D0 I25 DB05 D0 D1 D2 D3 A0 A1 A2 A3 A4 A5 A6 A7 A8 DC01 DC00 D0 5555 Northeast Moore Ct. Hillsboro, Oregon 97124 Lattice Semiconductor Corp. I29 DC02 D1 DC03 DC04 DC05 DC06 DC07 D2 D3 D4 D5 D6 D7 DB00 DB01 DB02 DB03 DB04 DB06 D5 D4 DB07 D6 DA00 D7 ROM128 A0 A1 A2 A3 A4 A5 A6 A7 A8 ROM128 I30 DA05 D5 DA01 DA06 D6 D1 DA07 D7 ROM128 A0 A1 A2 A3 A4 A5 A6 A7 A8 Date: Name: Title: 15/07/2005 MAIN Sheet 1 of 1 SIGNAL ADC_ck CLOCK_GEN Mfc xtal Nfc ADC_C_02 I23 ADC_C_03 ADC_C_04 ADC_C_05 ADC_C_06 ADC_C_07 ADC_C_CK ADC_B_02 ADC_B_03 ADC_B_04 ADC_B_05 ADC_B_06 ADC_B_07 ADC_B_CK ADC_A_02 ADC_A_03 ADC_A_04 ADC_A_05 ADC_A_06 ADC_A_07 DECISION_BLOCK ADC_A_CK ADPLL_A Mfc Nfc N0 N1 N2 Fin N3 N4 N5 N6 N7 N8 I28 ADPLL1 SHIFT_CORRECTOR Fin REFERENCE XTAL I34 * ADC_A_CK Nfc Mfc APPENDIX A.SINUSOIDAL SCHEMATICS AND CODING GENERATOR Fig. A.1.- Schematic diagram of the SRSG. 153 Fig. A.2.- ADPLL schematic diagram. Fig. A.3.- Phase detector schematic diagram. 154 I12 DnUp En D I31 I11 D Q Q Q I9 D Q I7 D Q D Q dec Q inc I30 I25 I27 I24 I6 MFc I10 D I13 D D I28 Q I23 I5 Q I22 I4 D Q I20 I3 D Q I1 D Q D I29 I19 I18 I17 I16 I14 I26 Lattice Semiconductor Corp. Title: MODULE_K Name: 5555 Northeast Moore Ct. Hillsboro, Oregon 97124 Date: 05/08/2004 Sheet 1 of 1 Fig. A.4.- Module K schematic diagram. x13 I112 D inc Q x1 D Q x2 D Q x11 x3 I110 Tff I109 I107 Q x13 nNFc I111 I118 Tff J nNFc I54 I119 x14 NFc I108 D x5 dec D Q I106 x4 D Q I105 x5 D Q I63 Q IDout K I113 x6 I116 x12 I114 I104 D Q x14 Tff I115 I117 Lattice Semiconductor Corp. 5555 Northeast Moore Ct. Hillsboro, Oregon 97124 Title: ID_COUNTER Name: Date: 09/12/2004 Sheet 1 of 1 Fig. A.5.- ID counter schematic diagram. 155 MODULE feedback INTERFACE (ck -> U2, U3, N8, N7, N6, N5, N4, N3, N2, N1, N0); TITLE 'FEEDBACK COUNTER' DECLARATIONS ck pin; N8..N0 pin istype 'reg'; U2, U3 pin; Count = [N8..N0]; EQUATIONS Count.clk = ck; Count := Count + 1; U2 = N8; U3 = !N7; END Fig. A.6.- Feedback counter program coding. Fig. A.7.- Shift corrector schematic diagram. 156 MODULE PHASE_BC INTERFACE (N0, N1, N2, N3, N4, N5, N6, N7, N8 -> D120, D240); TITLE 'PHASES B and C' DECLARATIONS N8..N0 pin; D120, D240 pin; EQUATIONS D120 = (!N8 $ (N7 & (N6 # N5 & (N4 # N3 & (N2 # N1 & N0))))); D240 = (N8 $ (N7 # N6 & (N5 # N4 & (N3 # N2 & N1)))); END Fig. A.8.- Shifted signals generator program coding. Fig. A.9.- Phase-to-Amplitude converter schematic diagram. 157 MODULE COMBINATIONAL INTERFACE (AD0, AD1, AD2, AD3, AD4, AD5, AD6, AD7, AD8 -> R0, R1, R2, R3, R4, R5, R6); TITLE 'SINUSOIDAL TABLE' DECLARATIONS AD8..AD0 pin; R6..R0 pin; EQUATIONS R6 = AD6 # (AD5 & AD4) # !AD6 & AD5 & !AD4 & (AD3 & AD2); R5 = AD6 & (AD5 # AD4) # AD6 & !AD5 & !AD4 & (AD3 # AD2 & AD1) # !AD6 & AD5 & !AD4 & (!AD3 # !AD2) # !AD6 & !AD5 & AD4 & (AD3 # AD2 & AD0 # AD2 & AD1); R4 = AD6 & AD5 # AD6 & !AD5 & AD4 & (AD3) # AD6 & !AD5 & !AD4 & (!AD3 & !AD2 # !AD3 & !AD1) # !AD6 & AD5 & AD4 & AD3 # !AD6 & AD5 & !AD4 & (!AD3 # !AD2) # !AD6 & !AD5 & AD4 & (!AD3 & !AD2 # !AD3 & !AD1 & !AD0) # !AD6 & !AD5 & !AD4 & (AD3 & AD2 # AD3 & AD1 & AD0); R3 = AD6 & AD5 & AD4 # AD6 & AD5 & !AD4 & (AD3 # AD2 & AD1 # AD2 & AD0) # AD6 & !AD5 & AD4 & (!AD3) # AD6 & !AD5 & !AD4 & (!AD3 & !AD2 # !AD3 & !AD1 # AD3 & AD2 & AD1 & AD0) # !AD6 & AD5 & AD4 & (!AD3 & AD2 # !AD3 & AD1 # AD2 & AD1 & AD0) # !AD6 & AD5 & !AD4 & (AD3 & !AD2 # !AD3 & AD2 & AD1) # !AD6 & !AD5 & AD4 & (!AD3 & !AD2 # AD3 & AD2 # !AD3 & !AD1 & !AD0 # AD3 & AD1 & AD0) # !AD6 & !AD5 & !AD4 & (!AD3 & AD2 & AD1 # AD3 & !AD2 & !AD1 # AD3 & !AD2 & !AD0); R2 = AD6 & AD5 & AD4 # AD6 & AD5 & !AD4 & (!AD3 & !AD2 # !AD3 & !AD1 & !AD0 # AD3 & AD2 & AD1 & AD0) 158 MODULE COMBINATIONAL (cont.) # AD6 & !AD5 & AD4 & (!AD3 & AD2 # AD2 & AD1 # !AD3 & AD1 & AD0) # AD6 & !AD5 & !AD4 & (AD2 & !AD1 # AD3 & AD1 & !AD0 # !AD2 & AD1 & AD0) # !AD6 & AD5 & AD4 & (!AD3 & !AD2 & !AD1 # !AD3 & AD2 & AD0 # AD3 & AD2 & !AD1 # AD2 & AD1 & !AD0 # AD3 & !AD2 & AD1 & AD0) # !AD6 & AD5 & !AD4 & (!AD3 & AD2 & !AD1 # AD3 & !AD2 & AD1 # AD3 & !AD2 & AD0 # !AD2 & AD1 & AD0 # AD3 & AD1 & AD0) # !AD6 & !AD5 & AD4 & (AD3 & AD2 & AD0 # AD3 & !AD2 & !AD1 # AD3 & AD1 & !AD0 # !AD3 & AD2 & !AD1 & !AD0 # !AD3 & !AD2 & AD1 & AD0) # !AD6 & !AD5 & !AD4 & (!AD3 & AD2 & !AD1 # AD3 & AD2 & AD0 # AD3 & !AD2 & !AD1 # AD3 & AD1 & !AD0 # !AD3 & !AD2 & AD1 & AD0); R1 = AD6 & AD5 & AD4 & (AD3 # AD2 & AD1) # AD6 & AD5 & !AD4 & (!AD2 & AD1 # AD2 & !AD1 & !AD0 # AD3 & AD2 & !AD1 # AD3 & AD2 & !AD0) # AD6 & !AD5 & AD4 & (!AD3 & AD1 & !AD0 # !AD3 & AD2 & AD1 # AD3 & AD2 & !AD1 # !AD3 & !AD2 & !AD1 & AD0 # AD3 & !AD2 & AD1 & AD0) # AD6 & !AD5 & !AD4 & (!AD1 & AD0 # AD3 & !AD1 # AD2 & !AD1 # AD3 & AD2 & !AD0 # !AD3 & !AD2 & AD1 & !AD0) # !AD6 & AD5 & AD4 & (!AD3 & !AD1 & !AD0 # !AD3 & !AD2 & AD0 # !AD3 & AD2 & AD1 # AD3 & AD1 & !AD0 # AD3 & AD2 & !AD1 & AD0) # !AD6 & AD5 & !AD4 & (!AD3 & AD2 & !AD1 # !AD3 & AD2 & AD0 # !AD3 & !AD1 & AD0 # AD2 & !AD1 & AD0 # AD3 & !AD2 & !AD0 # AD3 & !AD2 & AD1 # AD3 & AD1 & !AD0 # !AD2 & AD1 & !AD0) # !AD6 & !AD5 & AD4 & (AD2 $ AD1 $ AD0) # !AD6 & !AD5 & !AD4 & (!AD3 & AD2 & !AD1 # !AD2 & AD1 & !AD0 # AD2 & !AD1 & !AD0 # AD2 & AD1 & AD0); R0 = AD6 & AD5 & AD4 & (!AD3 & (AD2 $ AD1)) # AD6 & AD5 & !AD4 & (AD3 & !AD1 # !AD1 & !AD0 # !AD2 & !AD1 # !AD3 & AD1 & AD0 # AD3 & AD2 & !AD0) # AD6 & !AD5 & AD4 & (!AD2 & AD1 & !AD0 # !AD3 & !AD2 & !AD0 # !AD3 & AD2 & AD0 # AD2 & !AD1 & AD0) # AD6 & !AD5 & !AD4 & (AD3 & !AD2 & AD0 # !AD3 & AD2 & AD0 # !AD3 & !AD2 & AD1 # !AD3 & !AD2 & !AD0 # AD3 & AD2 & AD1 & !AD0) # !AD6 & AD5 & AD4 & (AD2 & !AD1 & !AD0 # !AD2 & !AD1 & AD0 # AD3 & AD2 & !AD0 # !AD3 & AD2 & AD1 & AD0 # !AD3 & !AD2 & AD1 & !AD0) # !AD6 & AD5 & !AD4 & (AD3 & !AD1 & !AD0 # !AD3 & AD1 & !AD0 # AD3 & AD2 & AD1 # AD3 & !AD2 & AD0 # !AD3 & AD2 & !AD1 & AD0) # !AD6 & !AD5 & AD4 & (AD1) # !AD6 & !AD5 & !AD4 & (AD1 & !AD0 # AD3 & AD1 # !AD3 & !AD1 & AD0 # AD3 & !AD2 & AD0); END Fig. A.10.- Sine-wave program coding. 159 Fig. A.11.- Clock generator schematic diagram. 160 Vee4 of Document Number Size IN Date: OUT GND GND 4 1 1 2 0.1u Vcc4 GND4 6 + 1 2 7 5 1 2 G3 R3 TP10 10 GND SW3 1u HCPL2611 Vcc3 7 5 t2 + U29 8 0.1u C22 Vcc4 Vcc3 6 3.9k 1u HCPL2611 x3 8 U26 GND4 EC70 TP9 3 5 6 7 IN IN Vee3 7 8 9 10 11 12 C19 0.1u Vee4 1 C16 X3 7 8 9 10 11 12 1 4 C13 0.1u 3.9k U2 LM7805C 2 GND C20 R8 1 1 2 3 4 5 6 MIC4421 U31 10u GND4 TP5 t2 1 2 2 R7 MKT JUMPER VS OUT OUT 2 GND U30 VS OUT LM7805C 1 C14 2 U6b J7 8 10u t2 3 5 GND MIC4421 GND 6 7 8 VS IN 1 U27 C23 0.1u 0.1u U28 C24 C21 Title C17 0.1u VS OUT OUT 1 1 2 2 2 OUT C18 0.1u GND 1 C15 G4 G3 MKT OUT TP6 Vcc3 TP11 1 U6 Vcc4 Vee3 2 2 1 1 Salida Sheet Custom U4 AC/AC Cuk converter 1 Friday, July 15, 2005 Rev APPENDIX B.- AC/AC CÚK CONVERTER AND CONTROL SCHEMATICS J3 HEADER 2 2 1 t2 M4 HEADER 2 2 M3 HFA25TB60 D4 1IRFP460 3 IRFP460 J6 3 1 3 1 1 GND4 3 2 1 2 3 4 5 6 J4 D3 0 R11 JUMPER R12 1k 1k HFA25TB60 R4 1 2 G4 1 2 10 TP4 JP7 1 JP8 PWM_3 X2 Vee2 Vcc2 GND IN Vcc2 Vcc2 0.1u 7 5 GND2 6 8 1 2 R2 1u HCPL2611 Vcc1 7 5 C10 U23 + + 0.1u GND1 6 5 4 3 2 1 3.9k 1u HCPL2611 1 C7 C8 0.1u U20 6 8 3.9k 1 HFA25TB60 G2 10 1 J2 HEADER 2 HEADER 2 R9 1k R10 1 2 1k 1 2 1 U3 JP5 1 2 IN 3 GND 2 IN1 3 TP2 2 TP1 1 J1 EC70 2 6 5 4 3 2 1 Vcc1 1 2 GND1 1 GND2 12 11 10 9 8 7 D2 IRFP460 1 3 JUMPER 0 U1 12 11 10 9 8 7 J5 M1 C4 GND2 1 HFA25TB60 IRFP460 X1 Vee1 M2 C2 0.1u Vee2 1 LM7805C 2 GND GND2 3 TP3 U25 10u 4 1 2 1 R5 R6 D1 MIC4421 OUT GND VS OUT OUT IN IN VS OUT 2 U24 3 5 8 6 7 3 5 GND C11 0.1u 0.1u U22 LM7805C GND GND C1 10u C12 C9 1 2 GND 4 TP8 MIC4421 GND1 VS OUT OUT 10 SW1 2 R1 TP7 MKT 1 IN 2 U21 VS 8 0.1u G1 2 C5 0.1u G2 G1 1 6 7 1 C3 GND1 U5 Vcc1 Vee1 PWM_4 C6 Entrada PWM_1 JP6 PWM_2 Fig. B.1.- Schematic diagram of a single-phase AC/AC Cuk converter module. 161 Fig. B.2.- Schematic diagram of a control circuit for AC/AC Cuk converter (PWM section). 162 Fig. B.3.- Schematic diagram of a control circuit for AC/AC Cuk converter (Reference output section). 163 Fig. B.4.- Schematic diagram of a control circuit for AC/AC Cuk converter (Feedback section). 164 APPENDIX C.- PRINTED CIRCUIT BOARDS Fig. C.1.- Top layer of the PCB layout of the SRSG (not at 1:1 scale). Fig. C.2.- Bottom layer of the PCB layout of the SRSG (not at 1:1 scale). 165 Fig. C.3.- Top layer of the PCB layout of the AC/AC Cúk converter (not at 1:1 scale). Fig. C.4.- Bottom layer of the PCB layout of the AC/AC Cúk converter (not at 1:1 scale). 166 Fig. C.5.- Top layer of the PCB layout of the control stage (not at 1:1 scale). Fig. C.6.- Bottom layer of the PCB layout of the control stage (not at 1:1 scale). 167 REFERENCES [1] A. Sannino, M.G. Miller, M.H.J. Bollen, Overview of voltage sag mitigation, IEEE Power Engineering Society Winter Meeting 2000, 23-27 January 2000, Singapure Singapure, Vol. 4, pp. 2872 -2878 [2] Y. Yin, A.Y. Wu, T. Blackburn, Investigation of electric drive system responses to lightning related voltage sags, Record of 1999 Annual Pulp and Paper Industry Technical Conference,21-25 June 1999, Seattle WA USA, pp. 83 -93 [3] C.J. Melhorn, A. Braz, P. Hofmann, R.J. 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