LANDFORM REGIONS OF CANADA We know how mountains are formed and how the movement of the earth’s plates can greatly affect us, now lets see what type of landforms we have in Canada. WHAT ARE THE 8 LANDFORM REGIONS? Landform Region Physical Characteristics 1. Western Cordillera Mountains and Volcanoes 2. Interior Plains Flat Landscape 3. Innuitian Mountains Cold Lower peaked mountains 4. Arctic Lowlands Tundra (treeless plains- so cold not much vegetation grows here. 5. Hudson Bay Lowlands Tundra and permafrost 6. Great Lakes- St Lawrence lowlands Escarpment (a steep slope) 7. Appalachians Older worn down mountains 8. Canadian Shield Mineral Deposits WESTERN CORDILLERA INTERIOR PLAINS INNUITIAN MOUNTAINS ARCTIC LOWLANDS HUDSON BAY LOWLANDS GREAT LAKES- ST. LAWRENCE LOWLANDS APPALACHIANS CANADIAN SHIELD WHAT CHARACTERISTICS DO THESE REGIONS HAVE? Landform Region Characteristics 1. Western Cordillera Rainforest, Tourism 2. Interior Plains Farming, Wheat fields 3. Innuitian Mountains Glaciers, Highlands 4. Arctic Lowlands North of treeline, permafrost 5. Hudson Bay Lowlands Wetlands, Muskeg 6. Great Lakes- St Lawrence lowlands Industrial heartland, Agriculture 7. Appalachians Grand Banks, lowlands 8. Canadian Shield Mining of copper and nickel CHECK IT OVER: FOUR ERAS OF GEOLOGIC TIME ARE... SHAPING THE LAND THE WORK OF WATER Water also has the ability to change the land and move rock and land debris. Water wears away rock and minerals. This process is called weathering. Weathering breaks rocks into pieces in two ways: 1. Mechanically: when water fills cracks, freezes then expands and puts pressure on the rocks 2. Chemically: when water dissolves some of the chemicals found in rock. EROSION When moving water, ice or wind carries away these small weathered pieces of rock, it is called erosion. Erosion involves movement, while weathering does not.