Liebherr LTM 1150-6.1 Product Advantages
Liebherr LTM 1150-6.1 Product Advantages
Mobile Crane LTM 1150-6.1 Max. lifting capacity: 150 t Max. lifting height: 93 m Max. working radius: 76 m Mobile crane LTM 1150-6.1 6-axle taxi crane from Liebherr 2 LTM 1150-6.1 A long telescopic boom, high capacities, an extraordinary mobility as well as a comprehensive comfort and safety configuration distinguish the mobile crane LTM 1150-6.1 from Liebherr. The 150-ton crane offers state of the art technology for more convenience for the practical operation. •66 m long telescopic boom and 14 m telescopic boom extension (2 x 7 m) •Capacity 7.8 t at the 66 m long telescopic boom •19 m long double swing-away jib, optional hydraulically adjustable •12-speed ZF-TC-TRONIC gearbox with torque converter •72 t total weight incl. 15 t ballast at 12 t axle load •Chassis width 2.75 m with tyres 445/95 R 25 (16.00 R 25) •Active, speed depending rear axle steering, all axles steered •Air operated disk brakes LTM 1150-6.1 3 Drive train •8-cylinderLiebherrturbo-diesel engine,400kW/544HPat1900rpm, max.torque2546Nmat1500rpm •AutomatedZFTC-TRONICgearbox, 12 forward and 2 reverse speeds •ZF-intarderdirectlyatgearbox •Torqueconverter •Axles2,4and5driven,optionalaxle1 4 LTM 1150-6.1 Most modern chassis and drive technology High mobility and efficiency Apowerful8-cylinderLiebherrturbo-dieselenginewith400kW/544HPensures swiftdrivingperformance.Theautomatic12-speedpowershiftsystemZF-TCTRONICwithtorqueconverterandintarderprovidesahighlevelofcosteffectiveness and excellent comfort. •Reducedfuelconsumptionduetothelargenumberofgearsandthehigh efficiency of the dry clutch. •Excellentmanoeuvrabilityduetointegratedtorqueconverter •WearfreebrakingwithZF-intarder Compact, agile and weight-optimised Thankstoitsextremelycompactdesign,theLTM1150-6.1canalsooperateon the smallest of construction sites. •Chassislengthonly13.48m •Smallestturningradiusonly11.08m •Vehiclewidthonly2.75m,evenwithtyres445/95R25(16.00R25) •Tailswingradiusonly4.3m 15915 4000 4300 26° 22° 12 t 445/95 R 25 (16.00 R 25) 12 t 12 t 12 t 12 t 12 t 13485 16080 9257 12 R 30 0 R= =1 2750 5384 R= R= 4900 10 80 127 90 9279 Hydro-pneumatic suspension Niveaumatik Pneumatic disc brakes •Maintenance-freesuspension cylinders •Improveddirectionalstability •Largedimensionstocopewithaxle loadsofupto40t •Suspensiontravel+150/-100mm •Highlateralstabilitywhencornering •Choiceofdrivingstatesusingfixed programmes 6848 8314 300 R=4 S2275 •Highbrakingpower,improvedcontrol •Noreductionofbrakingforceathighbraking temperatures(fading) •Longerservicelife •Shorterlabourtimesforchanging thebrakingpads •Brakepadswithwearindicators LTM 1150-6.1 5 5 steering programmes •Selectionofprogrammebysimple push button •Clearlayoutofcontrolelementsand displays •Programmeschangeableduring driving •Crabsteeringcomfortablycontrolled by steering wheel 6 LTM 1150-6.1 Variable steering concept Active rear-axle steering The rear axles are actively electro-hydraulically controlled in accordance with the speed and steering angle of the front axle. Fivedifferentsteeringprogrammes(P)canbeselectedbytouchbutton. •Remarkablyreducedtyrewear •Improvedmanoeuvrability •Stabledrivingconditionevenathighspeeds •All6axlessteerable,noliftingofcentreaxleoncrabsteering High safety standards – entire know-how from Liebherr •Centringcylinderforautomaticstraighteningofrearaxlesincaseoffailure •Twoindependenthydrauliccircuitswithwheel-andenginedrivenhydraulic pump •Twoindependentcontrolcomputers P1 Road steering The axles 1 and 2 are steered mechanically by thesteeringwheel.Theaxles3,4,5and6are steeredactivelyspeeddependingandsubjectto theaxlelockofthefrontaxles.From30km/hthe axles3and4aresettostraightdrivingand locked.Atspeedshigherthan60kmalso the axles 5 and 6 are set to straight drive andlocked. P2 All-wheel steering Theaxles3,4,5and6areturneddependingoftheaxlelockofthefrontaxlesbythe steering wheel so far that smallest turning radii are achieved. P3 Crab steering Theaxles3,4,5and6areturnedinthe samedirectionasthewheellockonaxles1 and 2 by the steering wheel. Centring cylinder at the rear axles •Automaticstraighteningofrear axles in case of failure P4 Reduced swing out Theaxles3,4,5and6areturneddependingontheaxlelockofthefrontaxles,so that the swing out of the chassis rear gets minimised. P5 Independent rear-axle steering The axles 1 and 2 are turned by using the steeringwheel;theaxles3,4,5and6are steered by push button independently from theaxlelockoftheaxles1and2. LTM 1150-6.1 7 The driver’s cab •Corrosion-resistantsteelplateexecution, cataphoretic dip-primed steel •Doorsinfibrecompositeexecution with electric window winders •Safetyglassonallsides •Tintedglass •Heatedandelectricallyadjustable outside mirrors •Air-sprungdriver’sseatwithlumbar support 8 LTM 1150-6.1 Comfort und functionality Modern driver’s cab and crane cab Boththemoderndriver’scabandtherearwardstiltablecranecabofferacomfortableandfunctionalworkingenvironment.Thecontrolelementsanddisplays areergonomicallyarranged.Thusasafeandfatiguefreeworkingisassured. Speedy and safe set-up Settingoftheoutriggers,counterweightassemblyandattachmentofadditionalequipmenthaveallbeendesignedwithspeed,safetyandcomfortinmind. Specificascents,handholdsandrailsareprovidedtoensurethesafetyofthe operating staff. Supporting crane on outriggers – quick, comfortable and safe •BTTbluetoothterminal,mobilecontrol and display unit •Electronicinclinationdisplay •Fullyautomaticlevellingbypushbutton •Enginestart/stopandspeedcontrol •Supportarealightingwithfourintegrated lights •Supportcylinderstroke:650mmfront, 700mmrear •Outriggerbeams2-stage,fully hydraulic, low-maintenance extension system •4supportbasisstandard 0/50/75/100% 700 The crane cab •Corrosionresistant,galvanizedsteel plate execution, powder coated •Safetyglassonallsides •Tintedglass,hingedfrontwindowfor opening •Roofwindowwithbulletproofglass •Operator’sseatwithlumbarsupport •Extendablesidelanding •20°tiltabletotherear LTM 1150-6.1 9 The fully automatic telescoping system „TELEMATIK“ •Increaseofcapacitiesatlongboomsand wider radii due to „light“ telescoping system •Singlestagehydrauliccylinderwithhydraulically activated drive pin •Maintenancefreetelescopingsystem •Telescopingfullyautomatic •Simpleoperation,monitoringofthetelescopingprocedureatLICCON-monitor 10 LTM 1150-6.1 2.9 m long assembly jib High lifting capacities and flexible boom system High-capacity, long telescopic boom and functional lattice extensions The telescopic boom comprises of the base section and 5 telescopic sections, which can be comfortably and automtically extended and pinned to the requestedlengthsbythethousandfoldprovensinglecylindertelescopingsystem TELEMATIK. •66mlongtelescopicboom •10.8m–19mlongdoubleswing-awayjib,attachableat0°,20°and40° •Hydraulicadjustmentoftheswing-awayjibunderfullloadfrom0°-40° (option),interpolationoftheloadcharts •Hydraulicassemblyassistanceforattachingoftheswing-awayjibwiththeBTT •2sections7meachforextendingthetelescopicboomforoperationwith swing-awayjib High lifting capacities both with full and partial counterweight offer a wide operational range •Highlateralstabilityduetotheovalboomprofile •Optimisedloadchartsduetomultitudeofextensionversions •Load7.8tat66mlongtelescopicboom High capacities at unpinned telescopic lengths •Hightelescopableloadsduetointerpolation •Separateloadchartsforholdingtheloadsatunpinnedtelescopiclengths •DisplayatLICCON-monitor Holding capacity Unpinned telescope length Telescopable load Rooster sheave, sidewise folding Hydraulic assembly support for attaching the swing-away jib by BTT LTM 1150-6.1 11 Hydraulic swing away jib 20º 40º 98 m 96 94 92 90 88 86 84 82 80 78 76 74 72 70 68 66 64 62 60 58 56 54 52 50 48 46 44 42 40 38 36 34 32 30 28 26 24 22 20 18 16 14 12 10 8 6 4 2 0 Hydraulically adjustable swing-away jib (0° - 40°) Hose drum for hydraulic cylinder LTM 1150-6.1 12 Variable counterweight Counterweight assembly – a matter of minutes •Multiplecounterweightvariationsfrom4.4tto46.8t •Rapidballastingwithkeyholetechnologyfromwithinthecranecab •Compactcounterweightdimensions,at30.8tballastonly2.73mballastwidth •Tailswingonly4.3m •72ttotalweightincl.15tballastat12taxleload 2.9t 1.3 t 4.2t 3.0 t 2.6 t 8.0t 8.0t 3.85t+3.85t 2.5 t 2.2 t 4.4t Basicballast 30.8t Additional ballast 16.0 t Total 46.8 t 12 t 13 LTM 1150-6.1 12 t 12 t 12 t 12 t 12 t The hoist gear •Liebherrhoistwinchwithinternal planetary gear and spring loaded multiplediskbrake •Ropepull88kNattheouterlayer •Max.ropespeed110m/min •2.hoistgearoptional 14 LTM 1150-6.1 High-power crane drive With tried-and-tested components The drive components for crane operation are designed for high performance and ensure sensitive and precise load handling. They are specially designed to suit the crane’susageandhavebeensubjectedtohardendurancetests. •Craneengine:4-cylinderLiebherrturbodieselengine,129kW/175HPat 1800rpm,max.torque815Nmat1500rpm,optimisedfuelconsumptiondueto electronic engine management •Diesel-hydrauliccranedrive,openhydrauliccircuitswithelectronic“LOAD SENSING”control,4workingmovementssimultaneouslypossible •Electric/electronicSPScranecontrolthroughtheLICCONcomputersystem •Slewingsystemchangeablefromopentohydraulicallylockedasstandard,thus themovementcanbeadjustedtothedifferentoperationalconditions,e.g.sensitivecontrolforassemblyworkorfastcyclework •In-housemanufacturedLiebherrwinches,88kNropepullattheouterlayer,due to high rope pull less rope reeving necessary ControlsensorwithTouch-Displays LICCONmonitor Controlunit Luffing cylinder Hoistgear cylinder Hoistgear Slewinggear Controlblock Sensor Liebherr diesel engine Geartypepump Doublevariableaxial piston pump The slewing gear The central greasing •Liebherrplanetarygear,springloadedmultiple diskbrake •Centralgreasingdeviceforslewing bearing, boom bearing, luffing cylinder and winch bearing as standard •Changeableasstandard:openorhydraulically locked •Slewingspeedfrom0–1.7rpmsteplessadjustable •Evensupplywithgrease •Fillingamountintransparentcontainer visible at any time LTM 1150-6.1 15 The LICCON test system •Rapidlocalisationofproblemson screen without any measuring instruments •Displayoferrorcodes and descriptions •Convenientinteractivefunctionsfor monitoring all inputs and outputs •Displaysoffunctionsandallocationof sensors and actuators 16 LTM 1150-6.1 Intelligent crane control For functional and safe crane operation, the LICCON computer system The soft- and hardware of the mobile crane control is in house developed by Liebherr. In the centre is the LICCON computer system (Liebherr Computed Controlling). The system undertakes comprehensive information, control and monitoringtasks.Thecontrolcomponentshaveproventhemselvesworldwide in the various climate conditions. LICCON configuration and operating programme •Applicationprogrammes: -Safeloadindicator(LMB) -Configurationprogrammewithconfigurationdisplay -Operatingprogrammewithoperatingdisplay - Telescoping programme with telescoping display •Settingoftheconfigurationbyconvenientinteractivefunctions •Displayofallimportantdatausinggraphicsymbols •Reliablecut-offwhenpermissibleloadmomentsareexceeded •Winchindicationsforhighlypreciselifting/loweringofload Data bus technology Liebherr mobile cranes are fully interlaced using data bus systems. All major electric and electronic components are fitted with their own microprocessors and communicate with each other via only a small number of data cables. Liebherr has developed a bus system to meet the special demands of mobile cranes (LSB - Liebherr-System-Bus). The data bus technology increases reliability, comfortandsafetywhendrivingandoperatingthecranes: •Improvedreliabilityduetogreatlyreducednumberofelectriccablesand contacts •Constantself-testingofthe‘intelligentsensors’ •Extensivediagnosispossibilities,fastfaultfinding The LICCON work area limitation system (optional) •Reliefforthecraneoperator’sjobbyautomaticallymonitoringworkspacerestrictions such as bridges, roofs, power lines, etc. •Simpleprogramming •Fourdifferentlimitationfunctions: −Pulley-headheightlimitation −Radiuslimitation −Slewinganglelimitation −Edgelimitation The LICCON works planner (optional) •Computerprogrammeforplanning, simulating and documenting crane operationsonaPC •Representationofallthecrane’sload charts •Automaticsearchforsuitablecrane based on entry of load, radius and lifting height parameters •Simulationofcraneoperationswith outline functions and supporting force display LTM 1150-6.1 17 The new control generation – LICCON2 The new generation of the Liebherr crane control offers an extended customer value and higher control comfort by additional user possibilities. The base for this is the modern and future oriented control architecture with components,whichhavebeenoptimizedforcomputing power and capacity. Attaching and detaching the hook block TheBTT-Bluetoothterminalallowsthe crane driver to attach the hook block to or detach it from the front bumper within view by remote control of the hoist gear and the luffing cylinder of the telescopic boom. Crane support ByuseoftheBTTthemobilecranewill be setup comfortably and safely. Engine start/stop and speed regulation, electronic inclination display and automaticlevellingarestandard.Optionally theBTTcanalsodisplaytheoutrigger forces. Remotecontrol(optional) PN186.00.E12.2009 Colour monitor Touch displays The readability of the data on themonitoroftheLICCON2 control unit in the crane cabin is improved by the colour display.Warningindications and crane utilisation are more clearly visible. Belowthejoysticksintegrated in the arm rest touch displays are provided with which variousworkingfunctionscanbe selected.Besideothersthese are the drive and steering programmes of the carrier, the axle suspension, the supportingofthecrane,theadjustmentoftheworkingfloodlights as well as the heating and ventilation control. Thepicturescontainalsoaccessoriesandspecialequipmentwhicharenotincludedinthestandardscopeofdelivery.Subjecttomodification. Liebherr-Werk Ehingen GmbH Postfach1361,89582Ehingen,Germany +497391502-0,Fax+497391502-3399,E-Mail:[email protected]
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