FRIDAY, JULY 29, 2016 | Nemadji Golf Course
FRIDAY, JULY 29, 2016 | Nemadji Golf Course
presents FRIDAY, JULY 29, 2016 | Nemadji Golf Course – Rain or Shine Team Check-in: 10:30 -11:30 am | Shotgun Start: 12:00 pm Register at or Call 715-392-3136 BUST OUT YOUR WILDEST SOCKS AND WIN PRIZES! For a chance to win a door prize, donate a pack of new socks for survivors! Golf Sock Prizes for “If These Socks Could Talk” Award Best Socks | Best Mismatch Best Team Socks and more! Team Entry $90/person – Teams of 5 *Includes cart, green fees, team photo and complimentary dinner after the event. Features Include Proximity Prizes, Mulligans, plus, a chance to win BIG with the 50/50 Raffle! Proceeds go to the Center Against Sexual & Domestic Abuse, Inc. (CASDA), which provides supportive services to individuals hurt by domestic violence, sexual assault and child abuse while advocating for a community effort to end violence. SILVER SPONSORS: Holden’s Insurance Agency, Inc. Scott Wallin, CPA Johnson Insurance Consultants US Bank 16 CASDA Golf Scramble 2.indd 1 5/9/16 7:52 PM
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