Class of - University of Texas at El Paso


Class of - University of Texas at El Paso
Class of
One-Hundred Twenty-Fifth
December 11, 2010
Board of Regents
The University of Texas System
H. Scott Caven, Jr., Chairman..........................................Houston
Colleen McHugh, Chairman ................................. Corpus Christi
Paul L. Foster, Vice Chairman .......................................... El Paso
Janiece Longoria, Vice Chairman...................................Houston
James D. Dannenbaum...................................................Houston
Printice L. Gary.................................................................... Dallas
R. Steven “Steve” Hicks .................................................... Austin
Brenda Pejovich................................................................... Dallas
Wm. Eugene “Gene” Powell .................................. San Antonio
Robert L. Stillwell............................................................Houston
Kyle J. Kalkwarf (Student Regent).......................... San Antonio
Francie A. Frederick
General Counsel to the Board of Regents
Senior Administrative Officials
The University of Texas System
Francisco G. Cigarroa, M.D.
David B. Prior, Ph.D.
Executive Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs
Kenneth I. Shine, M.D.
Executive Vice Chancellor for Health Affairs
Scott C. Kelley
Executive Vice Chancellor for Business Affairs
Morning Ceremony 9 a.m.
Diana Natalicio
President of the University, Presiding
Concert ............................................................ The University Symphonic Winds
Ronald A. Hufstader, Conducting
Professor, Music
Academic Procession ...................................... Roy S. Malpass, Grand Marshal
Professor, Psychology
National Anthem ............................................. The Audience and The University
The Star Spangled Banner (Key) Symphonic Winds
Welcome and Introductions ............................ Diana Natalicio, President
Presentation of Graduates and
Candidates’ Names .................................. Howard Daudistel, Interim Provost
Conferral of Degrees ....................................... Diana Natalicio, President
The College of Liberal Arts .............................. Patricia Witherspoon, Acting Dean
The University College...................................... J. Scott McDonald, Chair of Faculty
The Graduate School ....................................... Benjamin S. Flores, Acting Dean
Announcement of Graduates and
Candidates’ Names .................................. Richard Pineda
Associate Professor, Communication
Yvonne Carranza, Coordinator Student Services, Liberal Arts
University Faculty Marshals of Students ....... Irasema Coronado
Professor, Political Science
James H. Holcomb
Associate Professor
Economics and Finance
Graduates will recess through the center aisle and out the south tunnel of the Don Haskins
Center. Family members may meet their graduate in Lot P-11. Refer to the diagram on page 7 of
the program.
Order of Academic Procession
Morning Ceremony 9 a.m.
Roy S. Malpass
Grand Marshal of the University
Karina Zazueta
The University Banner
Stephanie A. Quezada
Graduate School Banner
Sondra K. Jones
University College Banner
Patrick Michael Almodovar
Liberal Arts Banner
Diana Natalicio
Howard Daudistel
Interim Provost
Roberto Osegueda
Richard Padilla
Vice President for Student Affairs
Vice President for Research
Benjamin S. Flores
Carl S. Lieb
President, Faculty Senate
Acting Dean of the Graduate School
Mary Helen Padilla
Melanie Thomas
President, Alumni Association
Chair, Staff Council
Diana Gloria
Student Government Association
Members of the Faculty
The Graduate School
Lawrence Ellzey, Marshal
Benjamin S. Flores, Acting Dean
The University College
The College of Liberal Arts
Lowell E. Graham, Marshal
Patricia Witherspoon, Acting Dean
Faculty of the College
Mary Cuadrado, Marshal
J. Scott McDonald, Chair of Faculty
Faculty of the College
Graduates and
Candidates for the Degree
The Graduate School
The College Banner Bearer
Charles H. Ambler
Faculty Marshal of Students
Ade Yuliani
Liberal Arts
Brandon G.K. Jordan
University College
Student Marshals
Graduates and Candidates for the Degree
The University College
The College Banner Bearer
Bradley W. Lane
Faculty Marshal of Students
Heather R. Gunn
Student Marshal
Graduates and Candidates for the Degree
The University Librarians
Sebastian Diaz, Marshal
The University Staff
Diana Guerrera, Marshal
The College of Liberal Arts
The College Banner Bearer
Harmon M. Hosh
Faculty Marshal of Students
Susana Yvette Maese
Student Marshal
Graduates and Candidates for the Degree
Student Seating and
Family Waiting Areas
9 a.m. Ceremony
Winter Commencement • Saturday, December 11, 2010
Afternoon Ceremony 2 p.m.
Diana Natalicio
President of the University, Presiding
Concert ............................................................ The University Symphonic Winds
Ronald A. Hufstader, Conducting
Professor, Music
Academic Procession ...................................... Elaine M. Hampton, Grand Marshal
Associate Professor, Teacher Education
National Anthem ............................................. The Audience and The University
The Star Spangled Banner (Key) Symphonic Winds
Welcome and Introductions ............................ Diana Natalicio, President
Presentation of Graduates and
Candidates’ Names .................................. Howard Daudistel, Interim Provost
Conferral of Degrees ....................................... Diana Natalicio, President
The College of Education ................................ Josefina Villamil Tinajero, Dean
The College of Business Administration.......... Robert Nachtmann, Dean
The Graduate School ....................................... Benjamin S. Flores, Acting Dean
Announcement of Graduates and
Candidates’ Names .................................. Elena Izquierdo
Associate Professor, Teacher Education
Yvonne Carranza, Coordinator Student Services, Liberal Arts
University Faculty Marshals of Students ....... James H. Holcomb
Associate Professor
Economics and Finance
Judith H. Munter
Associate Dean, Education
Graduates will recess through the center aisle and out the south tunnel of the Don Haskins
Center. Family members may meet their graduate in Lot P-11. Refer to the diagram on page
11 of the program.
Order of Academic Procession
Afternoon Ceremony 2 p.m.
Elaine M. Hampton
Grand Marshal of the University
Rubi K. Yañez
The University Banner
Edward Charles Hyatt
Graduate School Banner
Jeanette Morales
Avilia Bueno
Business Administration Banner
Education Banner
Diana Natalicio
Howard Daudistel
Interim Provost
Gregory L. McNicol
Associate Vice President for
Business Affairs
Gary Edens
Associate Vice President and
Dean of Students
Benjamin S. Flores
Carl S. Lieb
President, Faculty Senate
Acting Dean of the Graduate School
Mary Helen Padilla
Melanie Thomas
President, Alumni Association
Chair, Staff Council
Diana Gloria
Student Government Association
Members of the Faculty
The Graduate School
Lawrence Ellzey, Marshal
Benjamin S. Flores, Acting Dean
The College of Education
Patrick Smith, Marshal
Josefina Villamil Tinajero, Dean
Faculty of the College
The College of Business
Erik Devos, Marshal
Robert Nachtmann, Dean
Faculty of the College
Graduates and
Candidates for the Degree
The Graduate School
The College Banner Bearer
John Daresh
Fernanda Garcia
Faculty Marshals of Students
Michael V. Calderazzo
Business Administration
Jonathan P. Flores, Education
Student Marshals
Graduates and Candidates for the Degree
The College of Business
The College Banner Bearer
Mary Stevens
Faculty Marshal of Students
Jose D. Guerra
Student Marshal
Graduates and Candidates for the Degree
The University Librarians
Charles Gaunce, Marshal
The University Staff
Maria E. Silva, Marshal
The College of Education
The College Banner Bearer
Maria Teresa de la Piedra
Faculty Marshal of Students
Melody Bolton
Student Marshal
Graduates and Candidates for the Degree
Student Seating and
Family Waiting Areas
Winter Commencement • Saturday, December 11, 2010
Evening Ceremony 7 p.m.
Diana Natalicio
President of the University, Presiding
Concert ............................................................ The University Symphonic Winds
Ronald A. Hufstader, Conducting
Professor, Music
Academic Procession ...................................... Jack A. Dowdy, Grand Marshal
Professor, Mechanical Engineering
National Anthem ............................................. The Audience and The University
The Star Spangled Banner (Key) Symphonic Winds
Welcome and Introductions ............................ Diana Natalicio, President
Presentation of Graduates and
Candidates’ Names .................................. Howard Daudistel, Interim Provost
Conferral of Degrees ....................................... Diana Natalicio, President
The College of Engineering . ........................... Richard Schoephoerster, Dean
The College of Science ..................................... Anny Morrobel-Sosa, Dean
The College of Health Sciences........................ Kathleen A. Curtis, Dean
The School of Nursing....................................... Elias Provencio-Vasquez, Dean
The Graduate School ....................................... Benjamin S. Flores, Acting Dean
Announcement of Graduates and
Candidates’ Names .................................. Richard Teschner
Professor, Languages and Linguistics
Irma M. Lopez, Assistant Director
Human Resource Services
University Faculty Marshals of Students ....... James H. Holcomb
Associate Professor
Economics and Finance
Harry H. Meeuwsen, Associate Provost
Stephen W. Stafford
Professor, Metallurgical and Materials Engineering
Graduates will recess through the center aisle and out the south tunnel of the Don Haskins
Center. Family members may meet their graduate in Lot P-11. Refer to the diagram on page
15 of the program.
Order of Academic Procession
Evening Ceremony 7 p.m.
Jack A. Dowdy
Grand Marshal of the University
Zenia A. Garcia
The University Banner
Ngawang Rabten
Graduate School Banner
Joseph A. Hernandez
Mark Samuel Navarro
Engineering Banner
Health Sciences Banner
Juan Carlos Villareal
Roberto Alvarado
Science Banner
Nursing Banner
Diana Natalicio
Howard Daudistel
Interim Provost
Stephen Riter
Richard Padilla
Vice President for Student Affairs
Vice President for Information
Resources and Planning
Carl S. Lieb
Benjamin S. Flores
President, Faculty Senate
Acting Dean of the Graduate School
Mary Helen Padilla
Melanie Thomas
President, Alumni Association
Chair, Staff Council
Diana Gloria
Student Government Association
Members of the Faculty
The College of Engineering
The Graduate School
Larry Murr, Marshal
Richard Schoephoerster, Dean
Faculty of the College
Lawrence Ellzey, Marshal
Benjamin S. Flores, Acting Dean
The College of Science
Sandor Dorgo, Marshal
Kathleen A. Curtis, Dean
Faculty of the College
Carl W. Dirk, Marshal
Anny Morrobel-Sosa, Dean
Faculty of the College
The College of Health Sciences
The School of Nursing
Sabrina Kao, Marshal
Elias Provencio-Vasquez, Dean
Faculty of the College
Graduates and
Candidates for the Degree
The College of Engineering
The College Banner Bearer
Noe Vargas-Hernandez
Faculty Marshal of Students
Sergio A. Navarro
Student Marshal
Graduates and Candidates for the Degree
The College of Science
The College Banner Bearer
Eric A. Hagedorn
Faculty Marshal of Students
Sarah Ann Sepulveda
Student Marshal
Graduates and Candidates for the Degree
The University Librarians
Robert Klapthor, Marshal
The University Staff
Mayanin V. Acuña, Marshal
The Graduate School
The College Banner Bearer
Joao B. Ferreira-Pinto
Eric MacDonald
Faculty Marshals of Students
Gustavo G. Sosa, Engineering
Katrina Marie Weber, Science
Ysela Virgen, Health Sciences
Bernadette Herrera, Nursing
Student Marshals
Graduates and Candidates for the Degree
The College of Health Sciences
The College Banner Bearer
Nancy Torres
Faculty Marshal of Students
Carrie Elizabeth Green
Student Marshal
Graduates and Candidates for the Degree
The School of Nursing
The College Banner Bearer
Velma McInnis-Edmonds
Faculty Marshal of Students
Celina Padilla
Student Marshal
Graduates and Candidates for the Degree
Student Seating and
Family Waiting Areas
7 p.m. Ceremony
Winter Commencement • Saturday, December 11, 2010
distinguished Alumni
The University of Texas at El
Paso is proud to recognize its 2009
Distinguished Alumni Award recipients
presented by the UTEP Alumni
Association. The award is the highest
honor bestowed upon graduates who
have excelled in their professions
and sustained a commitment to the
Our 2010 distinguished alumni are
Hank Cohen, Mike Loya, and Cecilia
Miles Mulvihill.
Hank Cohen
The fast-paced
life Hank
Cohen ’78
leads as CEO
and partner
in Trifecta
& Media seems
far removed from his days at The
University of Texas at El Paso
playing Miner baseball for his dad,
El Paso legend Andy Cohen.
The 2001 College of Liberal
Arts Gold Nugget recipient
has had a successful career in
television: As CEO of MGM
Television, he helped produce
and distribute such hit series
as Stargate SG-1 and its spinoffs, as well as Dead Like Me,
Jeremiah and the syndicated
hit show She Spies. However,
Trifecta, the fully integrated
multimedia development,
production, distribution, sales
and programming company
Cohen created with his ex-MGM
management team, promises to
be his crowning achievement.
With his degree in
communications and a love of
live theater, Cohen set off to tour
the country in dinner theater for
several very enjoyable years. “Not
to be trite,” he said, “but if you
find what you love, you’ll not only
succeed, but you’ll never feel like
you’re even working.”
Cohen never did consider
performance as work, but when
it was time to start making a
living he headed to Burbank,
Calif. A connection between UTEP
mentor John Siqueiros and The
Tonight Show producer, El Paso
native Rudy Tellez, gained him
an interview at NBC. Starting
as a page, he followed a rapid
trajectory as he moved to his first
network executive job at ABC a
short time later. It was that leap
that eventually propelled him to
the top of MGM.
UTEP’s inclusive, “grounded”
atmosphere laid a solid foundation
for Cohen’s endeavors. The
security of acceptance on his own
terms lent resilience when the
bumps and disappointments came.
And when he became president at
MGM, he said, he knew he could
either transform into what the
high-flying television business
expected him to become or “stay
me.” He decided to stay Hank
Cohen, UTEP Miner.
Mike Loya
Mike Loya ’77
calls engineering
“the best first
degree” a
student can
have, describing
his UTEP
education as
“second to none.” He earned his
B.S. in mechanical engineering,
a field that teaches an analytical
and disciplined perspective that
provides a solid foundation for
further study and professional
The maturity and confidence
nurtured by faculty and peer
interactions in the encouraging
environment at UTEP served him
well. His background as a Miner —
along with solid family foundations
and a competitive nature — made
for a successful transition from El
Paso to Harvard Business School,
where he received his M.B.A. in
Loya heads Vitol Inc., an
independent oil trading company
that sees much success through the
efficiency and diversity of products
and partnerships that are hallmarks
of its powerful global presence.
He built his career on the drive to
be the best, parlaying his talents
and initiative into an early move
to London and the global markets,
where his trajectory accelerated. Competition has always been a
factor in Loya’s success. “I always
wanted to be the best at what I
did … You’re proving yourself to
yourself,” he said. Early on, the
object was to get ahead, but now
“it’s more internal: can I stay on top
of the game?” he said.
Now based in Houston, Loya,
the 2006 Gold Nugget from
the College of Engineering,
has embraced new challenges,
particularly in social and economic
development and arts and
education initiatives. His interests
include being involved in local arts
and service organizations as well
as supporting institutions of higher
education, among them UTEP and
The University of Texas Health
Science Center at Houston. He is
passionate about his service on
the Board of Directors of YES Prep
Public Schools, a system that, like
UTEP, is dedicated to enhancing
the educational attainment of
traditionally underserved students.
Ceci Miles
Cecilia Miles
’69 heads
the successful
personnel and
business services
firm based in El Paso that has been
ranked since 1993 as one of the
top 500 Hispanic companies in
the country by Hispanic Business
magazine. As the president of a
3,000-plus-employee operation
focused on human resources, she
has the opportunity to build on her
passion for people.
Miles Mulvihill’s interest in the
business goes back to a part-time
job in the personnel office at The
Popular department store. She
worked for college expenses, but
the job turned out to be something
she loved. It also helped her
organize her time between work,
sorority, clubs and attending Miner
football and basketball games.
UTEP enabled Miles Mulvihill
to open her horizons, which
culminated in a bachelor’s degree
in education. It was at the
University that she learned in her
first Spanish class to be careful not
to come to conclusions until she
had all the facts. She has carried
this and other valuable lessons to
the staffing industry, where issues
dependent on less-than-obvious
data, such as employment risk,
company viability and worker
compensation require skillful
Although she had enjoyed
the challenge of teaching young
students, she continued her
association with her father’s
customs brokerage business — in
the personnel office. Ultimately,
she decided to channel her
powerful empathy for working
adults into Integrated Personnel
Services, which evolved into today’s
Miles Mulvihill’s dedication to
people has extended to numerous
community groups, including
the El Paso Zoological Society,
the Regional Economic and
Development Corp. (REDCo) and
the Paso del Norte Group, and last
fall she was one of 35 role models
honored by the Paso del Norte
Entrepreneurship Oral History
Project. The 2006 UTEP Department
of Education Gold Nugget gives
tirelessly to UTEP, serving on the
Centennial Commission, Centennial
Campaign Leadership Council,
Development Board, College of
Education Advisory Board and
the newly formed UTEP 2014
Ex alumnos Distinguidos
La Universidad de Texas en El
Paso se enorgullece en anunciar a
los ganadores del Reconocimiento
al Ex - Alumno Distinguido 2009,
que presenta la Asociación de Ex Alumnos de UTEP. Este galardón es
la distinción de mayor rango que se
otorga a los ex -alumnos que han
sobresalido en sus profesiones y por
su compromiso hacia la universidad.
Los reconocimientos al ExAlumno Distinguido 2010 se
otorgan a Hank Cohen, Mike Loya, y
Cecilia Miles Mulvihill..
Hank Cohen
El acelerado
ritmo de vida
que lleva
Hank Cohen,
del 78, como
Ejecutivo y
socio de la
compañía Trifecta Entertainment
& Media, está muy lejos del que
llevaba durante su época en la
Universidad de Texas en El Paso
cuando jugaba beisbol como
Minero para su papá Andy Cohen,
la leyenda de El Paso.
El ganador del reconocimiento
Gold Nugget 2001 de la Facultad
de Artes Liberales ha tenido una
exitosa carrera en televisión:
como Director Ejecutivo de MGM
Television ayudó a producir y
distribuir las populares series
Stargate SG-1 y sus derivados, así
como Dead Like Me, Jeremiah y el
exitoso programa de distribución
a otras redes televisivas She Spies.
Sin embargo, la que promete ser
su máximo logro es Trifecta, una
compañía totalmente integrada
de desarrollo, producción,
distribución, ventas y programación
de multimedia que fue establecida
por Cohen y su antiguo equipo
administrativo de MGM.
Cohen, con un título en Ciencias
de la Comunicación y su amor al
teatro en vivo, decidió recorrer
el país durante algunos años
disfrutando la presentación de
obras mediante “dinner theater”.
“Aunque suene trillado” comentó,
“cuando haces lo que te gusta
no solamente tienes éxito sino
que incluso no sientes que estás
Cohen nunca consideró el
teatro como trabajo, pero cuando
llegó el momento de empezar
a ganarse la vida se dirigió a
Burbank, California. Cohen obtuvo
una entrevista con NBC gracias a
un contacto entre John Siqueiros,
su mentor de UTEP y Rudy Téllez,
originario de El Paso y productor
del programa The Tonight Show.
Empezando como mensajero,
continuó con una rápida trayectoria
que poco tiempo después lo llevó
a su primer trabajo ejecutivo en
televisión en la ABC. Fue un salto
que con el tiempo lo lanzaría a la
cima de MGM.
El ambiente integral y de buen
aprendizaje de UTEP fue una sólida
base para el esfuerzo de Cohen y
pudo hacer frente a las dificultades
y decepciones, gracias a su firme
aceptación de las condiciones
que él mismo se había impuesto.
Cuando llegó a ser presidente de
MGM dijo que él sabía que podía
convertirse en lo que el prometedor
negocio de la televisión esperaba
o que podía “seguir siendo el
mismo”. Decidió seguir siendo
Hank Cohen, Minero de UTEP.
Mike Loya
Mike Loya,
generación del
77, dice que la
Ingeniería es “la
primera y mejor
que puede tener
un estudiante
mientras al tiempo que describe
“insuperable” su educación en
UTEP. Loya obtuvo su título en
Ingeniería mecánica, una rama que
enseña una perspectiva analítica
y disciplinada y ofrece una sólida
base para continuar estudiando y
alcanzar la excelencia profesional.
La madurez y confianza que le
brindaran sus maestros así como la
interacción entre sus compañeros
en el animoso ambiente de UTEP
le fueron de gran utilidad. Su
formación como Minero – así como
las firmes bases familiares y su
carácter competitivo – le ayudaron
en su transición de El Paso a la
Escuela de Administración de
Harvard, donde obtuvo su maestría
en 1979.
Loya dirige Vitol Inc., una
empresa comercializadora de
petróleo independiente que
asegura grandes resultados a través
de la eficiencia y diversidad de
productos y asociaciones que son
el sello distintivo de su dinámica
presencia mundial. Forjó su carrera
pensando en ser el mejor y utilizó
su iniciativa y talento trasladándose
anticipadamente a Londres y a los
mercados globales, donde aceleró
su trayectoria.
La competencia siempre ha sido
clave en el éxito de Loya. “Siempre
quise ser el mejor en lo que
hacía… uno se prueba a sí mismo”,
comentó que en un principio el
objetivo era salir adelante, pero
ahora “es algo más personal:
¿puedo seguir en la cúspide?”.
Ganador del reconocimiento
Gold Nugget 2006 de la Facultad de
Ingeniería y ahora establecido en
Houston, Loya se ha comprometido
en nuevos retos, particularmente
en iniciativas de desarrollo social
y económico así como en arte y
educación. Sus intereses incluyen
seguir involucrado en el arte y en
organizaciones locales de servicio
así como apoyar instituciones de
educación superior, incluyendo
UTEP y el Centro de Ciencias de la
Salud de la Universidad de Texas
en Houston. Le apasiona su puesto
en el Consejo Directivo de YES de
escuelas preparatorias públicas,
un sistema que como UTEP, está
dedicado a mejorar los logros
educativos de estudiantes que
comúnmente no se atienden.
Ceci Miles
Cecilia Miles
del 69, dirige
RMPersonnel, la
exitosa empresa
de servicios
de personal y de administración
establecida en El Paso y que
desde 1993 ha sido clasificada
por la revista Hispanic Business
como una de las 500 principales
compañías hispanas en el país.
Como presidenta de una operación
de más de 3,000 empleados que se
enfoca en recursos humanos, tiene
la oportunidad de desarrollarse en
base a su pasión por la gente.
El interés de Miles Mulvihill
en este ramo se remonta a un
empleo de tiempo parcial que tuvo
en la oficina de personal de la
tienda departamental The Popular.
Trabajaba para pagarse sus estudios
universitarios pero terminó
amando lo que hacía. Esto también
le ayudó a organizar su tiempo
entre el trabajo, la fraternidad
estudiantil, organizaciones y asistir
a los juegos de fútbol americano y
basquetbol de los Mineros.
UTEP permitió que Miles
Mulvihill expandiera sus horizontes,
lo que culminó en una licenciatura
en educación. Fue en su primera
clase de español en la universidad
donde aprendió que hay que
ser prudente y no formarse un
juicio hasta no tener todos los
hechos. Ha llevado éste y otros
valiosos conocimientos al ramo de
personal, donde existen asuntos
como riesgos del empleo, viabilidad
empresarial y compensación laboral
que dependen de una información
menos obvia, requieren de una
diestra evaluación.
Aunque disfrutó del reto de
enseñar a jóvenes estudiantes,
continuó asociada con la agencia
aduanal de su padre — en la oficina
del personal. Al final, decidió
canalizar la fuerte empatía que
sentía por los trabajadores adultos
en Integrated Personnel Services,
empresa que posteriormente
evolucionó a lo que hoy en día es
La dedicación de Miles Mulvihill
hacia la gente se ha extendido a
numerosos grupos comunitarios,
incluyendo la Sociedad Zoológica
de El Paso, el Grupo Paso del
Norte y la Regional Economic
Development Corp (REDCo). Fue
uno de los 35 modelos a seguir
reconocidos el otoño pasado por
el Paso del Norte Entrepreneurship
Oral History Project. La ganadora
del premio Gold Nugget 2006
del Departamento de Educación
de UTEP contribuye de manera
incansable con UTEP como miembro
de la Comisión del Centenario,
del Consejo de Liderazgo de la
Campaña del Centenario, del
Consejo de Desarrollo, del Consejo
Asesor de la Facultad de Educación
y de la Comisión de UTEP 2014,
recientemente integrada.
Traducciones al español por Victoria Alicia Garcia
“No man is an island
No man stands alone”
-John Donne
Today we pay tribute to the accomplishments of the graduates of the University
of Texas at El Paso. For them, this ceremony marks both the culmination of years of
hard work and commitment to this goal, and a prelude to many future opportunities.
We congratulate them and wish them well as they pass this major milestone in their
Of equal importance to us, however, is the opportunity to recognize you, the
family members and friends of the graduates. For today as we honor these graduates, we honor you as well. We see in their success the love and support of parents,
grandparents, brothers, sisters, spouses and children – all of you who have so willingly made many sacrifices because you believed in the importance of their education.
You invest many todays to achieve a brighter tomorrow, and we are all enriched
by your commitment. The faculty and staff of the University of Texas at El Paso thank
you for your support, and we congratulate you, too, for we know that these graduates’ achievements are not theirs alone. Your presence here today illuminates this
ceremony with warmth and love.
´ hombre es una isla
Ninguno existe solo”
-John Donne
Rendimos homenaje hoy a los logros de quienes se reciben de la Universidad de
Texas en El Paso. Para ellos, esta ceremonia representa no sólo sino también la culminación de años de trabajo y de compromiso personal hacia esta meta, el preludio a
innumerables oportunidades en el futuro. Los felicitamos y les deseamos lo mejor en
esta ocasión de crucial importancia en su vida.
Pero nos parece indispensable también aprovecharnos del momento presente
para brindarles nuestro reconocimiento a ustedes, los familiares y amigos de los
graduados, puesto que al honrar éstos honramos además a todos ustedes. Vemos
en el éxito de ellos el amor y el apoyo de padres, abuelos, hermanos, esposos e hijos
todos los que han hecho de buen grado sacrificios porque han creído firmemente en
la importancia de la educación de sus seres queridos.
Ustedes han hecho la inversión provechosa de su presente para alcanzar un
porvenir mejor, y todos nosotros nos hemos beneficiado por su empeño en esta labor.
Los profesores y empleados de la Universidad de Texas en El Paso les agradecemos su
apoyo y los felicitamos también, porque comprendemos que lo que han conseguido
estos graduados no lo han conseguido solos. Iluminan ustedes nuestra ceremonia
hoy con su presencia aquí, con su calor humano y su cariño.
for Degrees
College of Engineering
Bachelor of Science in Civil
Monique Annette Agrawala
Marisol Alonso
Oscar Armando Arzaga
Michael Edward Bevilacqua
Oscar Eduardo Burciaga
Luke Wayne Caraway
Ricardo Alberto Felix
Gary Galindo
Dan Elias Gaspar
Martha Maria Gonzalez
Edgar Goytia
Oscar Aaron Maciel
Jose Madrid
Luis Demetrio Maldonado-
Pedro Damian Manriquez
Saul Mejia
Jesus Javier Molinar
Sergio Armando Navarro
Adalberto Ordonez
Oscar Ivan Ortega
Manuel A. Palma
Daniel Gustavo Perez
Andrea Rios
Jesus Mario Rivera
Isaac Daniel Rodriguez
Alejandro Saenz
Mario Andres Sandoval
Carlos Alberto Sida
Martin Jesus Sotelo
Magaly Tapia
Jesse Valles
Jesus Francisco Viramontes
Bachelor of Science in
Computer Science
Luis D. Garcia
Michael W. Havens
Essau Mr Ramirez
Alejandro Vega
Benjamin Haslam Walker
Bachelor of Science in
Electrical Engineering
Carlos Aguilera
Carlos Aponte
Carlos A. Arroyo
Jay Houston Barton
Delilah Buenrostro
Rosanna Cabrera
Francisco Antonio Cano
Jaime Cervantes
Adrian Rene Chacon
Mario Alejandro Delgado
Carlos Oscar Di Stefano
Jose Angel Diaz
Joseph Paul Diaz
Todd Wayne Dorethy
Marco Ernesto Escudero
Francisco Arturo Fierro
Ingrid Dayan Flores Puente
Joseph J. Fraire
Alberto Gonzalez Galache
Christina Michelle Gasca
Jose F. Giron
Cassie Dennise Gutierrez
Eduardo Jose Hernandez
Christopher Robin Kleinz
Cristopher Abel Lopez
Enrique Alfonso Lopez
Dan Mares
Richard Prince Maskill
Aaron Mendoza Marquez
Erasmo Morales
Oscar Morales
Farid Adrian Barbosa Olascoaga
Jorge Alejandro Orozco-Carrera
Luis Octavio Parga
Oscar Joel Phillips
Juan Lino Puebla
Pablo Rangel
Matthew Joseph Reilly
Eder Ricardo Rodriguez
Jose Rodriguez
Ismael Sanchez
Jose Sanchez
Aaron Torres
Jose Alberto Valdez
Andres A. Valenzuela
Aaron Vasquez
Kathleen Anna Zurlinden
Bachelor of Science in
Industrial Engineering
Anuar Jesus Aguirre
Alberto Adrian Avila
Eric Adan Chavez
Yvette Lupita Deras
Jose Alberto Garza
Maria Veronica Gonzalez Corrales
Enrique Alan Gutierrez
Jesusita Ibarra
Aaron Martinez
Luis Roberto Munoz
Clara Dennisse Olivas
Jesus Maria Olivas
Raul Alfonso Rodriguez
Bachelor of Science in
Mechanical Engineering
Sergio Alvarez
Mark Bustamante
Adrian Calderon
Jose Guadalupe Cerino
Armando Delgado
Alma Janeth Duarte
Gerardo Escudero
Ricardo Aaron Espinoza
Isaac Fernandez
Jorge Alberto Frias
Zenia Alejandra Garcia
Gilberto Gabriel Gutierrez
Luis Guzman
Gregory M. Harper
Humberto Hernandez
Joseph Andres Hernandez
Carlos Gonzalo Ibanez Alcala
Jeffrey David Kroeger
Jennifer Jazmin Kuchle Ituarte
Raul Alex Lopez
Jonathan Marcos Lozano
Jonathan N. Marshall
Ricardo Martinez Hernandez
Jose Javier Motta-Mena
Otto Nitschmann
Lorenzo Manuel Olivas
Renato Orpinel Romero
Guillermo Mijail Pischansky
Jennifer Ramos
Eric Paul Reyes
Jaime Eduardo Rios
Carlos Rodriguez
Emmanuel Rodriguez
David Andrew Rosales
Edgar Azahed Sanchez
Luis Terrazas-Sepulveda
Victor Manuel Valadez
Carlos Alejandro Valdez
Gabriel R. Villa
Stephen Josiah Wells
Francisco Emilio Zevallos
Bachelor of Science in
Metallurgical and Materials
Victor Roberto Chacon
Johnathan Noe Ramirez
College of Liberal Arts
Bachelor of Arts
Grethel Espinoza
Rafael Angel Franco
Nathan Guy Montalvo
Karla Vanessa Montanez
Ana Morales
Cesar Aguayo
Jaime Humberto Aranda
Jackie Corpus
Mikeal Joseph Deharo
Karina Duran
Luisa Alejandra Goribar
Ivan Liberato
Omar A. Martinez
Patricia Mcintyre
Victoria M. Mckellips
Maria Picazo
Jaime Ruiz
Shirley Anne Talley
Art/Media Advertising/
Martha Yahareli Aguilera Rubio
Communication Studies/
Jessica Pasaret Hernandez
Jenny Hejean Rhyu
Cristina Rivera
Carla Anai Torres
Cody James Valadez
Creative Writing
Raymundo Aguirre
Valerie I. Guerra
Cynthia Hill
Francisco Huerta
Sunshine Mendez
Amanda Kylene North
Michael Ocegueda
Criminal Justice
Saul Adame
Felipe M. Adel
Denise Baca
Alfredo Barrios
Melissa R. Carrillo
Elizabeth Castaneda
Luciana Maria Caudillo
Itzel Janeel Chaparro
Patricia Cordero
Martha Guzman De Lao
Geraldo Jose Diaz
Raul Dorado
Steven Lee Douglas
Jonathan J. Downey
Carmen C. Galindo
Kristian Gallardo
Eric Garcia
Lisa Y. Garcia
Patricia Garcia
Vanessa Guadalupe Garcia
Gloria Elena Gomez
Ivan Eloy Gurrola
Steve Andrew Gutierrez
Joanna Hernandez
Luis Alberto Ledesma
Brenda Raquel Leyva
Joseph A. Leyva
Amy Jean Mc Lamore
Gabriel G. McCulley
Robert T. Melendez
Daila M. Moncada
Jose Alfredo Montes
Virginia Montes
Jonathan Dennis Moore
Fabiola Mora
Gabriel Daniel Morales
Carlos Munoz
Patricia Irene Myers
Elena Rose Navarro
Nicholas J. Ortega
Maria Elena Pangborn
Samuel Pena
George Perez
Juan Antonio Perez
Eduardo Ponce
James R. Portillo
Alyssa Rae Rangel
Diana Tatiana Rodriguez
Nora Rodriguez
Karla Isabel Romero
Edna Salcido
Carmen Beatriz Sanchez
Raymundo Sanchez
Jacob Sean Serna
Tania S. Soon
Isabel Trejo
Marco Antonio Vazquez
Carlos Alberto Vizcarra
Nidia G. Zapata
Criminal Justice/Creative Writing
Stefanie Renee Montes
Criminal Justice/Psychology
Manuel Antonio Bencomo-Sanchez
Nadia Cabrera
Crystal Castillo
Monica Nevarez
Ellenna Louise Scarbrough-Grant
Electronic Media (Mass
Patrick Michael Almodovar
Susana Arzate
Lorenzo John Burleson
Daisy Marie Canales
Perla Magaly Chaparro
Rudis Alexis Flores
Eduardo Alejandro Garcia Olivas
David Anthony Gomez
Michael Anthony Huante
Ana Karla Lopez Legarreta
Bernardo Maese
Alejandro Morales
Paul David Oliver
Joseph Anthony Ortiz
Arthur Rene Perez
Daisy Jeannette Perez
Stanley John Petraitis
Jasmine Marie Rivera
Jeanette Guadalupe Rodarte
Herman Rojas
Ricardo Rojas
Ashley Morgan Thompson
Electronic Media (Mass
Communication)/Theatre Arts
Octavio Pulido
Esteban Enriquez
Lauren Michelle Frankson
Brenda R. Gallardo
Kristin Amber Hammack
Hilda Herrera
Kenneth Jose High
Victor Ivan Jurado
Miguel Omar Ortiz
Robyn L. Pelking
Brenda Mary Powers
Marie Ulloa Vega
English and American Literature
Michelle Alarcon
Randi Michelle Bossie
Brandon Brock
Jasmine Vega Cardona
Mark Andrew Dominguez
Jessica Jasmine Estrada
Jacob Galvan
Christopher Gonzalez
Elenie Gonzalez
Shaunta Amanda Henderson
April Michelle Hinojosa
Brenda Iglesias
Susana Yvette Maese
Victoria Minjarez
Angela Danielle Olmos
Justine Diana Salas
Veronica Vasquez
Jonathan E. Williams
Jacqueline Elodia Zambrano
English and American Literature/
Julio E. Chavez
Paul Richard Hernandez
Alberto Aguirre
Jennifer Candice Beeler
David Butron
Amanda Cereceres
Arturo Dominguez
Cris Estrada
Denisse Estrada
Robert Femath
David Gomez
Erica Ruby Gomez
Marcos Uriel Herrera
Ricardo Jaquez Corral
James Robert Keyes
KeAnne Lee Langford
Armando Lopez
Maria D. Luevano
Rodolfo Macias
Berenice Maldonado
Roberto Manso
Armando Medina
Raquel Marta Mena
Frank Monroe Moorer
Manuel Moreno
Carlos Paniagua
Jesus Ruben Peralta
Christina Rivera
Laura E. Rodriguez
Mariana Ruiz
Lorenzo Soto
Christian Tinoco
Yvette Valdez
Laura Elena Chavez
Abraham Husam Jallad
Luisa Fernanda Lopez
Lizzeth Celeste Pattison
Anna Marie Marshall
Leonor Daniela Robles
Robert Rodriguez
Julian Elias Valdes
Media Advertising/Communication/
Print Media/Communication
Esmeralda Almanza
Organizational and Corporate
Gina Christine Barnett
Tobias Berger
Sarah Cortez
Mark Austin Denton
Jesus D. Espinoza
Elizabeth Diana Estrada
Gabriela Garcia
Diana Mariel Gutierrez
Daniela Horcasitas
Jorge Ricardo Lopez
Melissa Stephanie Marquez
Jennifer Maturino
Cornelius Allen Miller
Candice Shauntea Munoz
Monserrat Orozco
Hector Ruben Rodela
Jamie Enchinton
Erick H. Trevizo
Mandy Perez
Philosophy/Criminal Justice
Luis Christian Rojas
Philosophy/English and American
Kristen Holly Hernandez
Media Advertising/Communication
Mariel Alexa Avila
Adrian Alfredo Blanco
Tamara L. Del Valle
Alan Gabriel Escobedo
Ignacio Esparza
Fernando Hernandez-Garza
Luis Raul Jasso
Marie-Therese Joyce
Claudia Ivette Malibran
Armando Martinez
Karen Palacios
Jesus Perez
Marianna Poggio
Political Science
Brenda Mariana Aldas
Laura Belem Barron
Andrea Benitez
Kenneth Charles Bier
Pamela Lizette Cruz
Matthew Estrada
Richard Sebastian Flores
Jessica Claudette Garza
Ana Yazmeli Gonzalez
Angelica Monique Gonzalez
America Yvonne Guevara
Reginald M. Harris
Nickole M. Heater
Luis A. Gandara
Cassandra Hernandez
Maxine Herrera
Jose Macias
Richard Aubrey Massey
Isaac Esteban Perez Bolado
Nicole Stephanie Simons
Diamante Leon Williams
Kacy Wittek
Political Science/Criminal Justice
Lorena Barron
Airam Eunice Huntsman
Political Science/French
Cesar Arturo Cortez Lujan
Political Science/History
Francisco Adofo Sanchez
Political Science/Sociology
Christina E. Garcia
Print Media/Communication
Heather Lee Calvillo
John Pangelinan Del Rosario
Matthew James Maldonado
Carlos Mario Silva
Christopher Stephen Silva
Cristela Alcantar
Merissa Christine Amerena
Alfredo Arce
Georgina Armendariz
Manuel Caballero
Robert Anthony Camacho
Taylor Victoria Cortinas
Flor Angelica Delgado
Karla V. Dominguez
Emmanuel Escandon
Teresa Perez Frias
Christina Gutierrez
Nazanin Mina Heydarian
Ivan Jaquez
Savannah Jacqueline Laneaux
Carolina Lara
Laura Teresa Marquez
Luis Alberto Medina
Turina Mendoza
Amanda Kathleen Munoz
Perla Denisse Munoz
Andrea Ogrey
Elizabeth Olivas
Daniel Pablo Ortega
Pricila Magan Overton
Michelle Y. Rawlings
Brandi Lynn Ribecky
Stephanie Nicole Rodriguez
Fernanda Ruiz
Alexandra Valdez
Karina Zazueta
Cesar Abraham Zubia
Psychology/Criminal Justice
Erica Vanessa Balcazar
Sammy Cardoz
Cristina Camille Hinojosa
Gisel Colorbio Smith
Yvonne Vazquez
Psychology/Organizational and
Corporate Communication
Brenda Berenice Amador
Joseph Richard Bernal
Cecilia Aguirre
Maribel Landa
Mayela Lopez
Virginia Beatriz Lozada
Guadalupe Marquez
Vera Norez
Michelle Cortez
Natalia Alvarez
Dorian Angeles
Myrna Marcela Balderrama
Sandra Elizabeth Camacho
Michelle Renee Devora
Jose Luis Garcia
Alejandra Gomez
Sandra Lorena Guillen
Alejandra Mayer
Maria C. Ramos
Adriana Salinas
Daniel Alfredo Vega
Maria Vega
Spanish/Criminal Justice
Armando Torres
Mayra Lucia Larios
Theatre Arts
Jesus Ramiro Fraire
Bachelor of Fine Arts
Studio Art: Metals
Melodie Escamilla
Isabella Hernandez
Diana Elizabeth Ochoa
Studio Art: Painting
Sergio Adrian Bolanos
Jesus A. Gardea
Irma Elia Gonzalez
Irma Hernandez
Sean Micheal O.’Toole-Pitts
Victor Manuel Sanchez
Emilio Santana
Studio Art: Painting/Studio Art:
Lacey Bibiana Mills
Irene A. O’Leary
Studio Art: Painting/Studio Art:
Graphic Design
Edgar Borunda
Studio Art: Printmaking
Aaron Adrian Venegas
Studio Art: Printmaking/Studio Art:
Eddie Correa
Studio Art: Ceramics
Elijah Daniel Escobar
Studio Art: Ceramics/Studio Art:
Yolanda Banuelos
Studio Art: Drawing
Andres David Candelaria
Susan Y. Kim
Studio Art: Graphic Design
Eric Betancourt
Edmundo Chavez
Raul De La Cruz
David Arturo Gonzalez
Theron Robert Nicholson
Karla Viridiana Ortiz
Mayra Partida-Murillo
Emmanuel Portillo
Samuel Saenz
Isaac Villalpando
Bachelor of Music
Commercial Music
Shelly Lavon Gahan
Music Performance: Vocal
Isabel Velazquez
Benjamin E. Vincent
Music: General
Antonio Alcantar
Chris John Cintron
Abel Gandara
Andrea Mojica Godinez
Albert Michael Hernandez
Steve Hernandez
Rebecca E. Soto
Bachelor of Science
Maria A. Baca
Jesse Charles Dryer
Guadalupe Flores
Cynthia Gutierrez
Reynaldo Leyva
Griselda Lino
Miriam Idali Ochoa
Sabrina Chantell Parras
Rebeca Eloisa Rivera
Alyssa Marie Romero
Yadira Salazar
Rebecca Elizabeth Sanchez
Cynthia Ann Torres
College of Science
Bachelor of Arts
Hui Ru Sharon Li-Liu
Bachelor of Science
Applied Mathematics
Maria A. Baca
Applied Mathematics/Geophysics
Jorge Ivan Alonso
Biological Sciences
Melissa Aguilar
Monica Patricia Aguirre
Irma Luz Almanza
Mauro Alvarado
Priscilla Alvarado
Ana Maria Amador
Lilia Barragan
Alan Barraza
Crystal Campos
Ruth Elizabet Castillo
Sylvia Cristal Correa
Lauren Michaela Cushion
Rosio De Leon
Gabriel Espinoza
Marissa Flores
Shannon Kathleen Foght
Cynthia Fraire
Janette Gamboa
Ervin Garcia
Jessica M. Garcia
Terry Griselda Gomez
Sean Hamdan
Cecilio Manuel Hernandez
Hermila Hernandez
Kristen Ruth Hernandez
Fernando Herrera
Manuel Antonio Hinojos
Elissa Ane Hughes
Ahmad Kahled Ismail
Carolina Jimenez
Margarita A. Lara
Jacqueline Lomeli
Olga Paulina Lopez
Krystal Ann Lozano
Ariana H. Lugo
Maria Isabel Macias
Jason Salvador Martinez
Jesus Alonso Melendez-Pereyra
Nicole Patricia Miller
Crystal Jo Mora
Nannette Mildred Morazan
Jonathan K. Murphy
Tiffany Ann Palmer
Jessica Arlene Pena
Francisco Jose Portillo
Karla Prieto
Alba Leticia Quiroz
Jennifer Christine Ramos-Chavez
Elisa Ivette Rivera
Sandra Gabriela Rivera
Jennifer Marie Robles
Ana Lucia Saenz
Heidi Silva
Heang S. Sundermann
Sarah Valdez
Ivette Vasquez
Adam Villalba
Beatriz H. Wancho
Juan Carlos Zaragoza
Monica Alonzo
Carlos Alberto Cervantes
Maria Isabel Hernandez De Morales
Ashley Marie Lopez
Sarah Ann Sepulveda
Environmental Science
Danielle Nicole Aragon
Adelyn Celyna Baray
Enoc Reyes
Alyssa Rae Solis
Cristina Subt
Geological Sciences
Teira Solis
Adrian Arturo Lopez
Clifford Austin Campbell
Maritza Diaz
Daniel Fernando Dorado
Wylly Garcia
Agatha Lopez
Melisa Meza
Jasmine M. Montanez
Rosa M. Moreno
Jeremy Lee Ramirez
Berenice Salazar
Juan Carlos Villarreal
Daniel I. Almeida
Carlos Rodrigo Alvarez
Christine Avila
Omar Farouk Baker
Rosemarie Barrios
Lizeth Marie Cardoza
Angie Marie Greer
Shaun Ross Hilburn
Reynaldo Leyva
Jorge Lopez
Melissa Kaye Manuelito
Hector Jesus Marquez
Abraham Matamoros
Almendra Del Carmen Muro Martinez
Luis Mario Reyes
Nadia Catalina Rocha
Adriana H. Saldivar
Rafael Torres
Kayla M. Vasquez
Mario Javier Bencomo
College of Education
Bachelor of Interdisciplinary
Lorena G. Acosta
Roxanne Acosta
Gisela Aguilar
Diana Rocio Aguirre
Juan Carlos Aguirre
Larry L. Aguirre
Denisse Alejandra Almaraz-Salazar
Christine Alvarado
Maria Imelda Alvarado
Eduardo Carlos Alvarez
Monica M. Antuna
Celia Apodaca
Cintia Irene Apodaca
Irene Arango
Liliana Araujo
Daniel Isaac Arellano
Amber Armendariz
Claudia Arroyo
Jasmin Danielle Arvizu
Laura Esther Avalos
Griselda Avendano
Ethel Avila
Jose Martin Ayala
Ricardo Ayala
Martha Daniela Azcarate
Victoria Anna Barroso
Erika Becerra
Melody Suzanne Bolton
Viridiana Alejandra Bonilla
Patricia Borrego
Margie L. Brown
Veronica Viera Brown
Kristine Marie Burton
Salina Bustillos
Susana Magdalena Calderon
Lucia A. Calixtro
Christopher Camacho
Yury Camarena
Nancy Campero
Ruben R. Campos
Miriam Cantrell
Daisy Carbajal
Brenda Carrillo
Alejandra Casiano
Teresa Cassoday
Brenda Castanon
Daniela Castellanos
Raul Caudillo
Elva Nayelie Chavira
Melissa Rae Clark
Nancy Tellez Cobb
Daniel David Cordova
Rebecca I. Corral
Judith Correa
Deborah Michelle Cruz
Maria Elvira Cruz
America Evelyn Davila
Jessica A. Del Pino
Elia Sara Delgado
Diana Diaz De Leon
Christina Dominguez
Elizabeth Duarte
Fatima Zuleika Duarte
Selina Jude Erivez-Marquez
Angelica Estrada
Crystal Marie Estrada
Erin Ruth Ewing
Lilian Ferman
Cynthia A. Flores
Diana Flores
Maribel Flores
Monica Cristin Flores
Lorena Alejandra Font
Elsa Kristina Franco
Maxine Gallegos
Yolanda Gallo
Carlos Gamez
Karla Michelle Garay
Daniel Garcia
Maria Fernanda Garcia
Melissa Nicole Garcia
Victoria Maria Garcia
Irene Elizabeth Garibay
Armida Fresquez Garza
Marisela Garza
Andree Elaine Genereau
Abir M. Ghneim
Amy M. Given
Cruz Elena Godinez
Eunice Gomez
Genevieve Gomez
Sally Gomez
Anabel Gonzalez
Rachel Gonzalez
Irene Guerrero
Jessica Guerrero
Erika Guevara
Jessica N. Gutierrez
Stephanie Ann Harris
Dorothy Vanessa Hernandez
Betty Hidrogo
Holly M. Holland
April Huerta
Andrea Ibarra de Aguilar
Chaunte Leialoha Jackson
Alejandro Jasso
Liliana Jimenez
Amanda D. Johnson
Cynthia Lucille Jury
Renee J. King
Guadalupe Landeros
Diana Lara
Elizabeth Nicole Leeser
Susan Ferguson Lettunich
Magdalena Leyva
Leticia Limones
Gabriella Adriana Lopez
Lorraine Lopez
Nancy Lopez
Martha Irene Lozoya
Mayra Luevano
Maureen Diane Lydon
Cynthia Madrid
Chelsea Marie Mapes
Christina Martinez
Cristina Rubio Martinez
Cynthia Martinez
Daniel Alejandro Martinez
Denise Martinez
Lauren Martinez
Raul Martinez
Susana Martinez
Eric Joel Mata
Sharon Lynn McNair
Nathalie Sade Medina
Ruth Medina
Soledad Menchaca
Deborah Mendez
Patricia A. Mendez
Claudia Catalina Mendez de Espinoza
Sarai Mede Mendez Munguia
Blanca Yamel Mendoza
Rodolfo Mendoza
Bernice Meza
Silvia Veronica Miranda
Raquel Molina
Esther Monarrez
Margarita Mora
Erika Morales
Jeanette S. Morales
Graciela Moreno
Laura Berenice Moreno
Laura Edith Moreno
Yadira Munoz
Adriana Narvaez
Naomi Isabel Nunez
Ruth Olivas
Cassandra Denise Ortega
Veronica Elvira Ortega
Crystal Estelle Ortiz
Joshua A. Ortiz
Veronica Pacheco
Kimberly J. Pelech
Miriam Erika Pena
Claudia Perez
Ericka Perez
Tippitina Perez
Sheila Perkins
Cynthia Y. Quinones
Michelle Ramirez
Elisa Renteria
Yvonne Renteria
Jorge Edgar Reyes
Priscilla Nicole Reyes
Sandra Rincon
Cynthia Rivera
Maria DeRosario Rivera
Maria Esther Rivera
Ofelia Rivera
Silvia Susana Rivera
Christina Robles
Diana Rodriguez
Rubi Rodriguez
Cynthia Iveth Rojas
Patricia Lee Roman
Nancy Paola Rosales
Claudia Alejandra Ruiz
Samuel Ruiz
Diana Saenz
Adriana Salas
Imelda Salgado
Maria Velia Samaniego
Annabel Sanchez
Iris A. Sanchez
Alma Doris Santos
Carol Jeanette Smith
Janelle Mariana Solis
Sarah Elizabeth Stevens
Ana Berenice Stopyra
Esmeralda Rojo Subia
Nydia I. Tarango
Valerie Thomas
Yvonne A. Thompson
Rosa H. Tovar
Celene Trejo
Michael J. Truax
Michelle R. Tynan
Marissa Ureno
Kim Lee Valadez
Melissa Valadez
Sandra Valdespino
Perla Rubi Vaquera
Araceli Vargas
Manuel Maria Vela
Desiree Lee Velasquez
Sonia Cathleen Villareal
Patricia Ann Vincent
Kristina Marie Williams
Mary Helen Wood-Zozzaro
Rubi Karina Yanez
Maria Luisa Zamora
Zuri G. Zaragoza
College of Business Administration
Bachelor of Business
Alejandro Salazar
MarySue Louisa Soto
Luz E. Aguilar
Anthony Roger Beltran
Karen Esther Borgaro
Ricky Briceno
Jonathan Owen Julis Childress
Ruth Elizabeth Cruncleton
Mario Alberto Delgado
Javier Andres Escobar
Laura Edith Estrada
Lirio Falliner
Melissa Regina Fernandez
Michael Andrew Fernandez
Rebecca Alday Garcia
Norma C. Gonzalez
Marisol Gutierrez
Jesus Alonzo Guzman
Miriam Hanley
Cindy Huerta
Barbara Eniko Joy
Paige Michele Langlinais
Lucilda Loya
Ricardo Montenegro
Danielle E. Moreno
Ruben Moreno
Linda Angelica Parga
Matthew J. Rivera
Efrain Robles
Jessica Rocha
Yanelly Rodriguez
Norman Adrian Romero
Perla Abril Ronquillo
Gloria Maria Sanchez
Abraham Jesus Serrato
Steven Sierra
Maribel Trevino
Randal Williams
Accounting/General Business
Karla Yiselle Alvarez
Zorayda Cabrales
Rosario Fabiola Fernandez
Mayra Cristina Huerta
Carmen Isela Melgosa
Frida Fernanda Palencia
Daisy Almanza
Computer Information Systems
William Thomas Emler
Robert Alan Escamilla
Carlos Escobar
Obed Isai Garcia
Alejandro Lopez
Maribel Mapula
Salvador Moreno
Israel Ortiz
Kenneth Joseph Parris
Daniel Rivera
Jorge I. Romero
Fabian Aurelio Saenz
David Zamora
Computer Information Systems/
Andrea Monique Almonte
Computer Information Systems/
Diana Madrid
Computer Information Systems/
Anai Marina Franco
Ivan Alejandro Herrera
Jacob Salazar
Richard Christopher Sapien
Juan Pedro Cardenas
Marcela Moreno Montoya
Claudia Yvonne Delarocha
Avilia Bueno
Ana Luisa Alcocer
Matthew Blair Ambrose
David A. Bencomo
Leonardo Camargo
James Michael Carey
Bernardo Agustin Chavez
Ricardo David Christobal
Cynthia Cruz
Samantha Michelle Dominguez
Heidi Duarte
Nita C. Falvey
Arturo Gomez
Jose Carlos Gonzalez
Jeremy Herrera
Carly Elizabeth Jordan
Victor Manuel Martinez
Marta Bronislawa Micula
Sarah Muriel
Leslie Murillo
Edward F. O’Hara
Steven Lucas Perez
Hector M. Portillo
Adriana Prieto-Garcia
Ricardo Esteban Ramos
Enrique Rivera
Imelda Rodriguez
Robert Romero
Sarina Simental
Harold Galin Stephens
Cody Thomas Wells
Jesus Alberto Zepeda
Jose Domingo Guerra
Finance/General Business
Michelle Lilia Arnold
Cristina Bejarano
Melinda Martinez
Harold D. Russell
Jacqueline Ledezma
Luis Eduardo Tamez
Kristen Caroline White
Finance/Operations and Supply
Chain Management
Jose Jesus Nunez
General Business
Laura Marcela Arana
Carlos Ivan Avila
Ana Dorador
Sergio A. Jimenez
Tania Noemi Jimenez
Arnulfo Rodriguez
Rosa Maria Saucedo
Joy Urbina
Sandra Patricia Van Haselen
Jaime Vasquez
General Business/Economics
Cynthia Carolina Teran Lopez
Diana Villavicencio
General Business/Finance
Berenice Herrera
General Business/Management
Liz Joanna Madrid
General Business/Marketing
Claudio Edgar Castanon
Abril Tavares
Ana Maria Tovar Gomez
Araceli Margarita Vega
General Business/Operations and
Supply Chain Management
Hilda Ramirez Castillo
Alyssa Acosta
Barbara Cynthia Allen
Ivette A. Bojorquez-Lassman
Joshua Allen Brown
Aaron N. Campos
Antonio Campos
Celeste D. Campos
Deborah Yvonne Cardona
Anaxagoras Castaneda
Janene Elisa Chavez
Jae Sung Peter Choo
Lucyana M. Cruz
Brenda Lee Eytcheson
Cecilia Gallardo
Cesar Muniz Garcia
Christian Emmanuel Garcia
Jose Antonio Garibay
Myrna Gonzalez
John Neumann Graesser
Pierce Benjamin-Santos Hunter
Yamel Concepcion Hurst
Rocio Ibanez
Anja Y. Kruger
Lorena A. Leyva
Flor I. Lujan
Rocio Anabel Mendoza
Margarita Meraz
Hugo Cesar Morales
Christopher Munoz
Fedra Munoz-Grajeda
Diana Cristina Navarrete
Rhina Gabriela Navarro
Anh Hoang Nguyen
Jonathan Marc Nicely
Sally Dene Parker
Amabel Pena
Dora Maria Perez
Crystal J. Ramirez
Stephen Ramirez
Ana Victoria Ramos
Michelle Reza
Crystal Rios
Mayra Rivera
Jonathan Rodarte
Jonathan Rodriguez
Jaclyn Marie Romero
Ana M. Sanchez
Christina Ramirez Sanchez
Andre Silva
Robert Bermillo Soleyjacks
Thomas Patrick Sudetic
James Edward Thomas
Jose A. Vasquez
Victoria Viggers
Itzel Villalpando
Ellis Vizcarra
Miguel Angel Aceves
Neyri Eden Acuna
Leandro Salvador Brandi
Hilda Flores
Ernesto Antonio Galicia
Gabriel Gonzalez
Esmeralda Hernandez
Jacob Jonathan Torres
Amanda Marie Ward
Sean Wesley Wilson
Erick Bustillos
Jose E. Carrillo
Odalys Carrion
Marcela Castro Ang
Kristina J. Cleavenger
Jaclyn Danielle Diaz
Jazmin Diaz De Leon
Sergio Dominguez
Tamara Dominguez
Lucia B. Galindo
Ayde Garcia
Mark Anthony Gomez
Selene Jeanet Gutierrez
Teresa Ann Hedicke
Celina Hernandez
Jeffrey Alexander Hill
Veronica Martinez
Alejandro Meza
Brianna Nicole Nevarez
Aaron Phillips
Finesse Pinon
Eliseo Quijas
Ashli Ryane Ridenour
Arisbe Ilayali Rivas
Paulina Andrea Salazar
Madison Danielle Smith
Ginesa R. Snelling
Francisco E. Torres
Mayra Torres
Operations and Supply Chain
Cynthia Alamillo
Paulina Alvarado
Veronica Mares
Patricia Nallely Reyes Botello
Mauricio Javier Rojas Maldonado
College of Health Sciences
Bachelor of Science
Health Promotion
Mercy Alvarado
Sujehy Arredondo
Mirsa Ramirez
Melissa Breanne Abraham
Stephanie Rita Almaraz
Chad Alan Beaven
Hector Santiago Bernal
Charles Edward Bombach
Raymond Campa
Zachary W. Chilson
Raquel Cueto
Kathleen Elaine Dominguez
Anna Rebecca Drewes
Stephanie Dutchover
Judith Escudero
Kathleen Renee Feltner
John Phil Gallegos
Eliu Garcia
Emmanuel Gonzalez
Jorge Alberto Gonzalez
Rafael Gonzalez
Victaria Latara Gonzalez
Carrie Elizabeth Green
Karla Elena Guadian
Gerson Oswaldo Guerra
Silvia Edith Gutierrez
Gilberto A. Herrera
Nikayla Manzano Hizon
Clayton Samuel Lester
Isaac Maldonado
Alberto Marin
Abel Martinez
Jesus Rafael Martinez
Oscar A. Martinez
Sarah Kirstin McKinley
Angel Eduardo Morales
Mark Samuel Navarro
Stephanie Crystal Nunez
Josie Prieto
Marco Antonio Quintana
Zuleika Ramirez
Randall Rosendo Rangel
Diana Susana Reyes
Luis Lorenzo Reyes
Valerie Marie Rivera
Lauren Nicole Rodriguez
Aidee Mayela Ruedas
Araceli Renee Sosa
Jose R. Valle
Alejandra Valles
Alejandra Villanueva
Bachelor of Social Work
Raul Varon Hernandez
Gloria Rivas
Samantha Louise Silva
School of Nursing
Bachelor of Science in Nursing
Nursing, Generic
Jessica Acosta
Carmen A. Alcala
Roberto Alvarado
Michelle Arroyos
Danielle E. Brondo
Heber Alexander Camarena
Jill Canales
Patricia Chavez
Erika Cordero
Sofia Del Olmo
Gabriela Cassandra Diaz
Rosemary Rodriguez Estebes
Jonathan Charles Estrada
Anabel Fernandez
Yvonne Jessica Fernandez
Laura Jaye Freydenfeldt
Crystal Elizabeth Fuller
Adriana Audrey Garcia
Jason Andrew Garcia
Miguel Garcia
Eduardo Gonzalez
Margarita Guerrero
Tanya R. Hall
Samantha Marie Harris
Zulema Hermosillo
Keishon G. Joseph
Jessica Kell
Fatemeh Khosravaninezhad
Elizabeth Larquier
Fallon Rene Long
Eduardo Lopez
Erika Lopez
Lorrie Lowe
Veronica Celina Maldonado
Jessica Maribel Martinez
Jose Omar Martinez
Jocelyn Medina
Alyssa Nicole Morales
Christopher Lawrence Morales
Michael D. Neligh
Felipe Andres Ochoa
Bianca Ortiz
Celina Padilla
Alexandra Palacios
George Ricardo Pedregon
Jesika Renee Perez
Miriam Aidee Quiroga
Jessica Reed
Alejandra Reyes
Cynthia Rios
Adrian Rodriguez
Laura Viridiana Salinas
Patricia Sanchez
Thania Sandoval
Myriam Yvonne Serna
Kayla Ann Smith
Griselda Soto
Jeannette Sutton
Ashley Rebecca Swann
John Toy
Natalie Marie Zuniga
Nursing, R.N.
Elizabeth Refugio Alvidrez
Beatrice Wemegah Gyebi
Orlando Olivares
Evalyne C. Sudoi
University College
Bachelor of Multidisciplinary
Zenia Acuna
Olufemi Bolanle Adeniji
Hilda Alarcon-Carrillo
Jessica Arredondo
Rasmiyeh Rishdi Asam
Ramy Habib Asfahani
Joel Avila
Andrew Michael Barragan
Thomas Larry Bedwell
Angela Denise Boyd
Leonardo Calderon
Eduardo Ilich Calderon Velez
Laurencia Camarena
Sarah Cardiel
Lydia M. Castanon
Ana Elda Chavez
Shaun Jermaine Coward
Joshua N. Crawford
Charlene Marie Crouchet
Chancey Jamelle Dariso
Olga Lizette De La Fuente
Marylu De Santiago
Alejandra Diaz
Angelo Diaz
Elisa Beatriz Diaz
Raymundo Diaz
Yolanda Martinez Dijols
Rosa Maria Enriquez
Pablo Amado Espinoza
Jose Ernie Esquivel Jr.
Peter Garcia Fonte
Eric Fournier
Agueda Edith Freundlich
Fanny Gallardo
Adrian Issac Garcia
Jerome A. Garcia
Luis C. Garcia
Manuel Ivan Garza
Elijah Kavika Goldtrap
Alfredo Alfonso Gonzalez
Carlos D. Gonzalez
Jesus Miguel Gonzalez
Lisa Marie Gonzalez
Allen D. Goodman
Heather R. Gunn
Ericka Paige Hartford
Amanda Diane Herrera
Russell C. Hiett
Joel Ibarra
Loni Johnnette Jaime
Marco A. Jaimez
Hannah Rose Jernigan
Erick Fabian Jimenez
Sondra K. Jones
Nicholas Conrad Komorowski
Rochelle Lynn Le Mire
Steven Lee
Bernadette E. Lopez
Guillermo Lopez
Elizabeth Lujan
Irene Macias
Betty Lou Mackey
Valerie Madrid
Michelle Marie Malone
Suzanne A. Marquez
Amanda Dawn Martin
Adrian Martinez
Jesus A. Martinez
Laura Martinez
Amy Corbet Mc Donnell
Mariana Medina
Juan Adrian Mena
Teresa De Jesus Mena
Juan Jose Mendoza
Joshua Sherwood Miller
Karla Justine Miller
Ricardo Morales
Anthony LeNorris Morrow
Daniel Robert Mott-Smith
Sandra Munoz
John Christopher Murray
Melissa Oquinn
Veronica Palma
Veronica Parga Lopez
Lizette P. Plascencia
Mario Miguel Portillo
Michael C. Powell
Malika Sara Ramirez
Mirta Dora Ramirez
Estefania Saenz Rascon
Michael Joseph Reveles
Norma Graciela Reyes
Luis Alfonso Reynoso
Caren Dominique Rico
Lizett Rincon
Yvette Renee Rivas
Christina M. Rivera
Martin P. Robledo
Rita Renea Robles
Eder Arturo Rosales
Luis Manuel Ruiz
Alejandra Sanchez
Tori Leigh Scott
Dennice Sepulveda
Jennifer Lynn Shumate-Lintz
Mario Oscar Silva
Rosa Maria Smith
Jessica Solis-Banuelos
Joshua Javan Soriano
Dianne Soto
Sally Felicity Straba
Caitlin Thomson
Autumn Leah Tomas
Fabiola Maria Torres
Deborah Kym Valdez
Adam Vazquez
Michael Wade White
Sharon Lynn Whitehouse
Jason Bryant Williams
Victor Melvin Woodall
University honors program
Fall 2010
Summer 2010
University Honors Degree
University Honors Degree
Biological Sciences
Hermila Hernandez
Jennifer Christine Ramos-Chavez
Carrie Elizabeth Green
Multidisciplinary Studies
Olufemi Bolanle Adeniji
Rita Renea Robles
Political Science
Nicole Stephanie Simons
Karina Zazueta
University Honors Certificate
Jonathan Owen Julis Childress
Environmental Science
Danielle Nicole Aragon
Interdisciplinary Studies
Crystal Marie Estrada
Ashli Ryane Ridenour
Lorrie Lowe
Political Science
Angelica Monique Gonzalez
Ana Maria Garcia
Graduate School
Doctor of Education
Educational Leadership and
Patricia Silva
Dissertation Title: “School and
Student Characteristics of NonGraduating Seniors due to TAKS
Failure in the Western ISD”
Doctor of Philosophy
Biological Sciences – Pathobiology
Jeffrey Ryan Kugelman
Dissertation Title: “The Role of
LEDGF/p75 in Transcriptional
Abhisek Mitra
Dissertation Title: “Identification
of a Novel Cytokine Inducible
STAT5 Phosphoserine Site (pS193)
that Positively Regulates its
Transcriptional Activity and is Found
Constitutively Activated in Certain
Hematopoietic Cancers”
Hugo Sandoval
Dissertation Title: “Coincident
Visual Retinotopy in Simultaneous
Slow Cortical Potentials and fMRI
Recordings: Validation of EEG as an
Imaging Tool”
Javier Vargas Medrano
Dissertation Title: “Phosphorylation
of the Glycine Transporter 1”
Zacariah Louis Hildenbrand
Dissertation Title: “Structural
Investigation of ATP-Utilizing
Enzymes: Structures involved in H+
Homeostasis and the Proliferation of
Hormone-Dependent Cancers”
Civil Engineering
Luis David Galicia Cabrera
Dissertation Title: “Decision Support
Tools for Bus Rapid Transit Corridor
Jose Maria Mares
Dissertation Title: “A GIS-Based
Emission and Air Quality Impact
Assessment for Evaluating
Transportation Mitigation
Computer Science
Jun Zheng
Dissertation Title: “Stochastic
Optimization for Learning-Based
Super-resolution: Algorithms and
Electrical and Computer
Jose Luis Cruz-Campa
Dissertation Title: “Simulation
and Optimization of Ultra Thin
Edson Francisco Estrada
Dissertation Title: “Computer-aided
Detection of Sleep Apnea and Sleep
Stage Classification using HRV and
EEG Signals”
Cristiano Jacques Miosso Rodrigues
Dissertation Title: “Compressive
Sensing with Prior Information
Applied to Magnetic Resonance
Environmental Science and
Beatriz Adriana Rocha-Gutierrez
Dissertation Title: “Study of PBDEs
in Wastewater, Water and Sludge
of El Paso del Norte Border Region
Chika Yamaguchi
Dissertation Title: “Using Soil-Borne
Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons
(PAHs) and Organic Carbon in Soil
for Projecting the Pollution States
of PAHs in Ambient Air”
Geological Sciences
Alberto Barud Zubillaga
Dissertation Title: “Urban
Development under Extreme
Hydrologic and Weather Conditions
for El Paso-Juarez: Recommendations
Resulting from Hydrologic Modeling,
GIS, and Remote Sensing Analyses”
Christian Rene Escudero Ayala
Dissertation Title: “Studies of
Earthquake Stress Drops, Seismic
Scattering, and Dynamic Triggering in
North America”
History - Borderlands History
Selfa Alejandra Chew-Smithart
Dissertation Title: “Race, Gender, and
Citizenship: The Removal of Japanese
and Japanese Mexicans from the
United States/Mexico Borderlands
during World War II”
Winifred Baumer Dowling
Dissertation Title: “The Border at
War: World War II along the United
States-Mexico Border”
Gladys Arlene Hodges
Dissertation Title: “El Paso, Texas,
and Ciudad Juárez, Chihuahua, 18801930: A Material Culture Study of
Borderlands Interdependency”
John Paul Nuño
Dissertation Title: “Making Africans
and Indians: Colonialism, Identity,
Racialization, and the Rise of
the Nation-State in the Florida
Borderlands, 1765-1837”
William Guzman
Dissertation Title: “Border Physician:
The Life of Lawrence A. Nixon, 18831966”
Interdisciplinary Health Sciences
Guillermina Solis
Dissertation Title: “The Co-Existence
of Type 2 Diabetes and Depression
Symptoms in Mexican American
Adults: Its Relation to Glucose Control,
Perceived Stress, and Physical Health”
International Business
Jason Patrick McNicol
Dissertation Title: “A Three Essay
Dissertation on: Do Strategic
Committees Matter?”
Materials Science and Engineering
Amit Joe Lopes
Dissertation Title: “Hybrid
Manufacturing: Integrating
Stereolithography and Direct Print
Ana Beatriz Arêas Da Luz Fontes
Dissertation Title: “An Investigation of
the Individual Differences in Cognitive
Factors that Contribute to Bilingual
Lexical Disambiguation”
Kevin Weston Jolly
Dissertation Title: “Now that
We’re Married, Does that Change
Anything?”: The Role of Change
in Romantic Relationships and the
Implications for Alibi Research”
Thomas Jefferson Taylor
Dissertation Title: “The Potential
Impact of Community Violence on
Post-Traumatic Stress and Substance
Use in Young Adults Living Along the
U.S./México Border”
Rhetoric and Composition
Marohang Limbu
Dissertation Title: “Cross-Cultural
Composition 2.0: Mapping/Remapping
Spaces of Language Minority Students
in the Contact Zones”
Phanindra Kumar Upadhyaya
Dissertation Title: “Politics of
Hegemony and Denial in the Rhetoric
of Language and Education Policy in
Nepal: A Critical Discourse Analysis of
Policy Documents and Government
Sponsored Textbooks (1960-2009)”
Doctor of Physical Therapy
Physical Therapy
Melissa Breanne Abraham
Christin Ann Boswell
Mark William Delgado
Lucia Adriana Esparza
Trent C. Henderson
Roy Elbert Kohn
Angelica Elizabeth Lopez
Jessica Vanessa Lopez
Nicole Clarisse Lopez
Karen Elizabeth Souza McClary
Lauren Harville Ontiveros
Daniel Anthony Paggen
Stacey Noel Smith
Tristan Tactay Tano
Clinical Psychology
John Andrew Sauceda
English and American Literature
Vivian Leigh Cervantes
Louis Aaron Herman
Jessica Lauren Holtzclaw
Cheryl Lea Becknell Patterson
Cecilia A. Ramos
Master of Accountancy
English: Rhetoric and Writing
Levi Ray Martin
Master of Arts
Experimental Psychology
Stephen Worth Michael
Abigail Elizabeth Moore
Stephanie A. Quezada
Shacina Renee Hughes
Robert Anthony Johnstone
Bertha Alicia Pineda
Jens Uwe Tillmanns
Art-Art Education
Angelica De La Cruz Nunez
Guadalupe Licona
Brenda Perry
Efrizal Adil
Jacqueline Aldana
Graciela Alsina
Alvaro Arvizo Jr.
Lilia Assef
Adolfo Balcazar
Gabriel Camacho
Lourdes Miriam Cueva Chacon
Alejandra Margarita Diaz
Paul Thomas Enger
Ana Xochitl Gonzalez
Shaummil Hadi
Indra Kristiawan Harwanto
Gang Huang-Ismail
Istiyarto Ismu
Jianmin Lang
Xiaohong Li
Perla Claudia Lozano
Gen Meng
Mario Alejandro Moises
Bobby Nopandry
Adriana Dolores Ochoa
Mauricio Jose Quijano
Suzianah Binti Ramlee
Eddy Santoso
Nani Saptariani-Wahyudi
Ade Yuliani
Francesca Alonso
Rosa Lorena Estala
Latin American and Border Studies
Jessica Ann Jones
Patricia Brannon Bradford
Felix Fernandez
Kenneth Wayne Sayles III
Political Science
Deidre LeaAnn Conklin
Jared K. Hundley
Mark Samuel Urban
Angelica Maria Forero
Aurelio Saldana Jr.
Jose Javier Vasquez
Leadership Studies
Georgina Antillon
Robert W. Armstrong Jr.
James Edward Baker
Lee Anthony Crain Jr.
Jaime Garza Jr.
Michael Lynn Hamilton
Brandon Girard Kidd Jordan
Chris Aziz Joudi
Matthew Louis Lujan
Melanie Ashley Lynch
Elena Mei Lin Madrid
Edward Leon McDonald
Rocky Reed Miracle
Urayoan Pomales
Anthony Joseph Riello Jr.
Marc Antonio Romeo
Tamanh Tran
Theater Arts
David Christopher Rout
Master of Arts in Teaching
Wendy Ahumada
Samten Wangchuk
Amy Bejarano-Alarcon
Christina Guadalupe Guerra-Gallego
Ngawang Rabten
Catherine M. Tabor
Master of Arts in
Interdisciplinary Studies
Melissa Vanessa Munoz
Erin Leigh Quevedo
Master of Business
Business Administration
Lilia B. Abbud
Daniel Avila Aguilera
Allen Eric Almeda
Alvaro Amador Muniz
Anna Marie Apodaca
Nicholas Claude Austin
Angelica Avila Jordan
Bret William Ayers
Jason Dominic Bonham
Steven Marcus Brandon
Nancy Cadena
Alvaro Genaro Camorlinga II
Carlos Alberto Campos
Adrian David Canales
Michelle Corina Clemente
Karina Contreras-Meza
Daniel Reshod Crumby
Herbert De Nova
Marvin Jimmy Dominguez
Jennifer Lee Dowdy
Adaliz Duran
Emmanuel Bwire Eleyae
Gregory Freeman Farah
Elizabeth Flores
Melissa Gonzalez
Sofia Maria Gonzalez-Garcia
Gustavo Hernandez
Miguel Angel Hernandez Sr.
Jessica Lizeth Herrera
Jesus Roberto Horton
Ivonne Ruiz Jimenez
Elizabeth Lares-Ramos
Lawrence James Lugo
Gabriela Marquez
Francisco Martinez
Joy Martinez
Talisha A. Mason
Jeremiah McCrimmon
Erica Renee Mejia
Karin Marie Melson
Nathalie Mendoza
Andres Roman Moran
Priscilla Moran
Irma Ramona Munoz
Javier Munoz
Fernando Padilla
Rolando Perea Jr.
Alfredo Javier Portillo
Aileen Ramirez
Jesus Ramos
Jose Ignacio Rodriguez
Karla Maria Rodriguez
Margarita Viridiana Roldan
Lorraine Sanchez
Irma Ivonne Sandoval
Hector Yuri Santana Ramirez
Luis Carlos Talavera
Efren Tarango Jr.
Soren Oliver Trejo Sanchez
Hsuan-Ming Tsao
Manish Vatsayayan
Ilushka Velazquez
Ariel Villalobos
Catzin Viveros
Combined Master of Business
Administration and Master of Public
Michael Vincent Calderazzo
Min Kyu Choi
Edward Charles Hyatt
Master of Education
Educational Administration
Elda Acosta
Ashley Ann Andrews
David Cervantes
Gerardo Cruz Sr.
Yadira Ivette De La Cruz
Maria De La Paz Dean
Gary Clark Edwinson
Paul Nakachii Ereng
Veronica Gallegos
Evva Gamboa
Abelardo Sanchez Gonzalez Sr.
Scott Salvador Gray
Juan Pedro Guzman
Roxanne Martinez
Mary Byrd Mcdeavitt
Andres Alonso Oroz
Maria Del Pilar Padilla
Sebastian Quijano
Beverly Rivera
Marc Franz Rosch
Erin Renee Sanchez
Tomas Sigala
Roy Torres
Jonathan Valdez
Guidance and Counseling
Myrna Avalos
Karina Balderrama
Amanda Jo Bustamante
Melissa Ann Cabral
Coby Christopher Callender
Maria De Lourdes Canizales
Elizcha Del Rey
Yvonne Dominguez
Saul Garcia
Diana Jessica Medina
Erica Rivera
Cynthia Magda Rodriguez
Sandra MaeWeston-Honts
Instructional Specialist
Maria Isabel Acosta Bernal
Olivia Perches Aguilar
Adriana Alvarez
Federico Hugo Anoveros
Elsa R. Arevalo
Rebecca Lynn Arnold
Amy Avina
Elizabeth Avitia
Karen Marie Butler
Lauren Horvath Cano
Miguel Angel Carrera
Jeanaline Celis
Nora Chavez
Ashley Jean Cohen
Kimberly Florence Contreras
Michael Contreras Sr.
Patricia Elizabeth Contreras
Paola Cecilia Cordero
Kathleen Houston Cruz
Dorothy Englisbee Denham
Gabriela Adriana Diaz
Isela O. Diaz
Maria Mayela Diaz
Northa Lee Dobbins
Monica F. Elizondo
Jonathan Patrick Flores
Rebecca Helen Flores
Lisa Kathleen Gailey
Eva Yvonne Gamboa
Maria Garcia
Desi Lee Gonzales
Jessica Rose Goulette
Melissa Gracey
Esther Lou Gray
Jana S. Green
Lluvia Michelle Guevara
Jeri Marie Hallberg Harmon de Tamez
Marvin J. Hanley
Manuel Hernandez
Vivian Hernandez
Cynthia Ann Herrera
Jaime S. Huerta
Jacqueline Joisten
Torsten Knauerhase
Isela Lujan
Marcela Macias
Diana Gloria Madrid
Francisco Moreno Martinez
Dwayne Sanford McElroy
Justin Ray McFarland
Ryan Grady Mclaughlin
Christy Mendoza
Christina Kay Mitchell
Imelda Morales
Olga Castillo Najera
Luz Maria Nevarez
Angel Novelo
Angelica Ortega
Annmarie Janeen Parrino-Scruggs
Monica Beatriz Perez
Abigail H. Quintana
Veronica Elizabeth Reyes
Virginia Reyes
Monica Reyes-Rico
Edna Chiu Rodriguez
Daisy Marie Sanchez
Rosa M. Sanchez
Kristine Theresa Sarabia
Melissa Margareta Sharpling
Fonnie Lee Stephens
Adriana Tellez
Emily Jo Thompson
Christopher R. Ulibarri
Luis Felipe Urquizo
Georgeena Valdez
Desiree Ann Valdivia
Anthony Valenzuela
Yirah Mariana Valverde
Daniel Vasquez
Myra Velasquez
Eduardo Ivan Velazquez
Myrna Veronica Villa
Karen Lynn Villanueva Davis
Piper Ann Vondran
Tabitha Hope Williams
Reading Education
Karla Ivett Solis
Michelle Denise Wagoner
Special Education
Sonia Castro
Evanyelin M. Gaytan
Norma Alicia Ramirez
Sarah Elizabeth Seamans
Selma Tombosky
Monica Graciela Trevino Razura
Rachael Trujillo
Jose Villalobos
Angel Sergio Wallace
Caroline Selina Whitworth
Jennifer Ann Zuniga
Master of Fine Arts
Creative Writing
Diego Javier Bustos
Laura Cesarco Eglin
Richard Thomas Helmling
Master of Occupational
Michelle C. Fonseca
Mario Gamboa Gardea
Andrea Huerta
Leslie Patricia Jackson
Natalia Lazcano-Akers
Ursel H. Lovett
Ernesto Samuel Perez
Carlos Saucedo
Nancy Evelyn Taylor
Nicole Underwood
Annette Uribe
Leopoldo Virgen
Ysela Virgen
Master of Public
Public Administration
Michael John Taylor
Combined Master of Public
Administration and Master of
Business Administration
Michael Vincent Calderazzo
Min Kyu Choi
Edward Charles Hyatt
Master of Public Health
Miguel A. Cervantes
Rosina Rodarte
Joanna Berenice Valencia
Master of Science
Marco Antonio Rodriguez Escapita
Sravya Tamma
Biological Sciences
Katrina Marie Weber
Civil Engineering
Iraki Ibarra
Jorge Alberto Martinez
Salvador Solis Jr.
Gustavo G. Sosa
Computational Science
Javier Ivan Gomez
Computer Science
Cyrus Alan Brooks
Somdev Chatterjee
Pedro Flores
Ari Kassin-Fuentes
Cuauhtemoc Munoz Sr.
Avranil Tah
Mario Elizalde
Electrical Engineering
Sundeep Reddy Avuthu
Poornima Bhushan
Anusha Borra
Abel Rafael Bustillos
Ivan Calzada
Daniel Alberto Esparza
Ashwin Kollengode Ganesh
Sree Vaishnavi Mereddy
Shams Tabreiz Zafar Mohammed
Veenarai Moram
Roderic C. Quinn
Vidyasagar Sadhanala
Nitin Premprakash Sharma
Swetha Vurugonda
Fernando Cervantes
Environmental Science
Edith Jaurrieta de Velasco
Geological Sciences
Abdusalam Ali Agail
Suzan Aranda Luna
Joseph Daniel Louis Lori
William Sheriff
Shane Alan Carley
Brian Eugene Eslick
Industrial Engineering
Vasukumar Devarajam Chenna
Aditya Chilukuri
Prashanth Devaram
Carlos Marco Ituarte
Imelda Guadalupe Juarez
Kishan Kumar Kharade
Luis Fernando Lopez-Amador
Jessica Gabriela Ochoa
Milad Zarei
Intelligence and National Security
Daniel Omar Lopez
Cassandra Robin Gabriel
Joy Lee Segars
Renee Smalling
Charles Wayne Wheeler
Mechanical Engineering
Gerardo Aceves Degollado
Kritarth Vasant Swadas
Manufacturing Engineering
Roberto Camorlinga
Luis Rene Diaz
Jesus David Mendoza Garcia
Alejandro Prieto
Sridhar Pusa
Anoop Janglu Randive
Orlando Rivera
Erika Patricia Ruiz
Evelisa Sotomayor
Mario Salvador Valtierra Sr.
Metallurgical and Materials
Shravan Kumar Matham
Systems Engineering
Carlos Francisco Diaz
Jose Luis Falliner
Alberto Garcia
Jorge Eduardo Herrera
Nisha Rani Alfred Machado
Nathan James Pierluissi
Aaron Thomas Prokopchuk
Beverly Ann Rivera
Gilberto Santacruz
Master of Science in
Environmental Engineering
Tejaswini Anand
Veronica Guerrero
Ricardo Sabino Marmolejo
Master of Science in
Interdisciplinary Studies
Markus Georg Boenisch
Leslie Elizabeth Grijalva
Master of Science in
Information Technology
Nursing Practitioner
Brisa Elena Carmona
Monica Marissa Denning
Mayela Garcia
Johnna Faye Green
Jon A. Haden
Bernadette Herrera
Cesar M. Maese
Gabriel Sanchez
Rosalia Ruiz Slape
Haydee Vanessa Talavera
Master of Science in Nursing
Nursing Systems Management
Celia Patricia Duarte
Rubie Herrera
Jose Alejandro Ramos
Harika Devi Alluru
Isaac Alonso Gonzalez-Canales
Srinivasa Ashwin Gudipati
Steven Robert Mueller
Maria Elena Ordonez
Jessica Alejandra Reyes
Evelyn Torres
Enrique Vazquez
Pradeep K. Venishetti
Nurse Clinical Specialist
Mandy Jo Anderson
Julie M. Hudson
Lynette Jean Parker
Summer 2010
Participating in the
December 2010 commencement
College of Engineering
Bachelor of Science in Civil
Bachelor of Science in
Industrial Engineering
Leslie Paola Bernice Duran
Eric Raul Navarro
Ever R. Ramirez
Arlette Maria Chavez
Juan Jaime Estrada
Itzel Kuchle
Bachelor of Science in
Computer Science
Bachelor of Science in
Mechanical Engineering
Alberto Hernandez
Paden Portillo
Bachelor of Science in
Electrical Engineering
Victor Steven Chacon
Lilia Alejandra Chaparro
David Espinoza
Manuela Espinoza
Jose Ruben Hernandez Ramirez
Issac Jacquez
Raul H. Lezama
Joel Celis
Andres Gonzalez
Bachelor of Science in
Metallurgical and Materials
Zephyr Iyk Hernandez
Guy Georges Srzednicki
Daniel Brendan Voglewed
College of Liberal Arts
Bachelor of Arts
Kevin James Pierce
Thomas James Sziszak II
Anthropology/Electronic Media
(Mass Communication)
Lilian Martinez
Eliazar Coyoc-Noh
Jorge Alejandro Madrigal
David Ruiz
Victor Armando Sarabia
Chicano Studies
Maria D. Montoya
Communication Studies/
Adrian Donnell Hopson
Eugene Keil Reyes
Creative Writing
Miryam Margarita Chozet
Carl Adrian Dekoatz
Bernice Ann Mielke
Criminal Justice
David Acosta
Andres Jose Andrade
Carlos Jaime Armendariz
Gilbert Avila
Alejandro F. Baeza
Mitzy B. Carrillo
Fabiola Duenas
Laura Estrada
Valeri C. Garcia
Edward Gomez
Leonel Hernandez
Lily Edna Hernandez
Hector Herrera
Diana M. Jones
Justin Kaufman
Daisy Y. Lopez
Paulo Enrique Mata
Angelique Nevarez
Christopher Phillips
Joel Ponce
Yvette Alarcon Ramirez
Jose Alfredo Reta
Adrian T Soliz
Cynthia Vianey Talamantes
Moises Rey Vasquez
Kassandra Lee Wicker
Criminal Justice/Psychology
Oliver Angel Rodriguez
Electronic Media (Mass
James Elijah Benson
Johnna Renee Crowe
Claudia Elizabeth De La Rosa
Adam George Diaz
Robert Dale Gilliland
Martah Alondra Lozano
Mariana Narvaez
Ashley Nicole Oropeza
Adrian M. Reyes
Robert Joseph Rodriguez
Isaac Paul Vasquez
Abraham C. Villalobos
Lisa Diane Estala
Lucia Fernandez
Sandra Flores
Nicole Lia Gonzalez
English and American Literature
Michael Gene Garcia
Andrea Rosario Lara
Blake Olney Marvel
Arianne Alyssa Rodriguez
English and American Literature/
Adrian Valdez
Diana Diaz
Andrea Gonzalez
Zulema Acosta
Ricardo Avalos
Russell Ryan Booth
Corina De La Cruz
Veronica De La Cruz
Diana Veronica Esparza Lara
Jorge A. Gamez
Jessica Anne Henley
Joe Michael Hernandez
Zacnicte Hunter
Deniz Marie Pinkerton
Erick Posadas
Andrew Rodriguez
Stephanie Rose
Gilbert Jesus Sanchez
Rudy Tapia
Adam G. Zamarripa
History/Political Science
Aaron Alvarez
Media Advertising/Communication
Selina Ann Ahumada
Jesus Daniel Hernandez
Jennifer Marie Villanueva
Organizational and Corporate
Nidia Gallegos
Kassie Alyse Garza
Judith Ochoa
Jessica Rubinstein
Jessica Ellen Sanchez
Organizational and Corporate
Communication/Chicano Studies
Theresa De Jesus Valenzuela
Organizational and Corporate
Communication/Media Advertising
Alfonso Rodriguez
Paulina Elva Kababie
Marco Elias Santacruz
Political Science
Gabriel Alvarez
Jennifer Arredondo
Jose Alberto Cortes
Benjamin Ryan Diamond
Eraclio Diaz
Daniel Arturo Estrada
Sarah Marie Guerrero
Lisa Leigh Hairston
Matthew Josh Persall
Francisco J. Rodriguez
Ryan Christopher Rodriguez
Nancy Romero
Thomas Gilberto Sotomayor
Christian Alexander Wolff
Keila Atai Reyes
Print Media/Communication
Elida Soledad Perez
Pamela Prieto
Arely Rodriguez
Cassandra Myshelle Yardeni
Theatre Arts
Shanna Kay Gobin
Print Media/Communication/French
Ana Karel Gamboa
Yedid A. Abogado
Jose Azar
Melissa Benitez
Sedrick Deshaud Franklin
Anais Hernandez
Irma Hernandez
Jessica Ontiveros
Eric Gilbert Payan
Guadalupe Rodriguez
Ana Gabriela Segovia
Fernanda Estefania Vilchis
Laura Enriqueta Mendoza
Manuel Hernan Hernandez
Diane I. Otero
Daniel Sanchez
Neresa Toya Taylor
Bachelor of Fine Arts
Amanda Paura Mena
Studio Art: Painting
Gabriel Diaz
Studio Art: Graphic Design/Studio
Art: Painting
Amy Nadine Bocanegra
Bachelor of Music
Music Performance: Orchestra/BandInstruments
Mariana Aun
Music Performance: Keyboard
David Moreno
Bachelor of Science
Patricia Contreras
Clarissa Lizette De La Torre
Denise Natalia Delgado
Joanna Ramirez
Ignacio R. Troncoso
Omar Zaragoza
College of Science
Bachelor of Science
Biological Sciences
Joaquin Rogelio Arce
Karen Lillian Burden
Alejandro Chacon
Judith Chavira
Araceli Gomez
Jossue Herrera
Jorge A. Mancilla
Beatriz Eugenia Mendoza
Stephen Anthony Murga
Hosna Rastegary
Veronica Rocha
Ruben Rodriguez
Alma M. Sierra
Leonel Barreda
Daniel Castillo
Matthew Warren Folmar
Emmanuel Zubia
Environmental Science
Andrea Christine Erivez
Edna Flores
Miguel A. Moreno
Blanca Ivette Ramirez Chavez
Geological Sciences
Omar Chavez
Adrian Emmanuel Gutierrez
Hector Alejandro Zamora
Eduardo Penaflor
Alexandra Falcon
Adriana Galindez
Ana Maria Garcia
Brenda Guadalupe Hernandez
Olivia Molinar
Ana Isabel Teran Dominguez
Margarita Itzel Trinidad Gomez
College of Education
Bachelor of Interdisciplinary
Jaclyn Marta Al-Hanna
Elizabeth Marie Alvarado
April Alvarez
Sara Yvonne Celaya
Eric Luis Colorado
Ana Ruth Contreras
Saharon Aydee Estrada
Amy Favela
Isela Fortolis
Estela Galindo
Jose Julio Galindo
Ann Margaret Gallardo
Jessica N. Garcia
Clarissa I. Garza
Omar Gonzalez
Joanne Marie Gutierrez
Marquice Antoine Hamilton
Sandra Jasso
Kristina Nicolle Kniest
Nicole Alice Lechuga
Ana Laura Lewis
Victoria A. Marquez
Zurisaday Mendoza
Nancy Escarsega Montelongo
Elda Morales
Kyoko Moromi
Adriana Olivas
Anabel Angelica Posada
Teresa Quintana
Kassie Nicole Reyna
Ceyra Odilette Ropele
Cynthia Sagaribay
Frances A. Sanchez
Josefina Sanchez
Maria Guadalupe Santillan
Vanessa Marie Sepulveda
Veronica Solis
Laura Jean Stanley
Stephanie Michelle Tarango
Linda Carrol Taylor
Cynthia Edlin Trevino
Yassira Stefani Uribe
Jennifer Kristy Van Brocklen
College of Business Administration
Bachelor of Business
Sandra Aurora Aguilera
Jorge Roberto Almuina
Melanie Anaya
Jacquelyn Danielle Barron
Carman Marie Callahan
Julia Elena Carrasco-Ortiz
Sharon Estela Hoppes
Adrian Leal
Kelley L. Lyons
Julian Martinez
Ernestina Munoz
Daniel Alberto Portillo
Luz Elena Prieto
Mary Cruz Reyes
Macario Ruiz
Dominic Kiprono Tanui
Jessica Amanda Tavarez
Abraham Valenzuela
Lizette Paola Portillo
Computer Information Systems
Jesus M. Acosta
Alexis Cardoza
David Monarez
Daniel Ochoa
Abel Saucedo
Veronica Villanueva
Computer Information Systems/
Alan Anthony Nance
Computer Information Systems/
Ivan Soto
Ramon Mario Lopez
Pedro Nino
Romel Alvarado
Alejandro Andrade
Andrea Rae Berg
Gabriela Diaz
Isaac Michael Gordon
Ricardo Grajeda
Omar Gutierrez
Aaron A. Huerta
Francesca Marie Jacobo
Cristina Elena Mendia
Jesus Jose Placencia
Daniel Rojas
Sabrina K. Starkey
Finance/General Business
Nayelli Corro
Christiane Melano
Armando Terrazas
William Abraham
Jose Arturo Herrera
Corey A. Saenz
Luis Alonso Baca
General Business
Carlos Eugenio Barba
Jose Luis Bustillos
Ricardo Duarte
Nidal Freitekh
Maria Lourdes Macias
Natalie Rose Martell
Miguel Fernando Mayagoitia
Diana Iveth Rojas
Cindy Georgina Weidner
Natalie Claire Zaragoza
General Business/Finance
Omar Herrera
General Business/Management
Jesus J. Cardenas
General Business/Marketing
Marvin Ivan Chavez
Andres Moriel
Hector Christian Ramirez
General Business/Operations and
Supply Chain Management
Anna Elvia Candia
Cecilia M. Aguirre
Maria Veronica Alderete
Robert Arriaga
Richard A Baeza
Adrian Barraza
Paola Delgado
Mary Lou Espinoza
G. Miguel Garcia
Aileen Gutierrez
Christopher Aaron Miranda
Andres Martin Ortiz
Roman Sandoval
Andrea Colunga
Jose Luis Vargas
Eddie Mario Algarin
Issa Talal Atiyah
Chelsea Elizabeth Cory
Perla Flores
Adrian Gallardo
Ismael Jimenez
Stacye Lynne Kasnick
Ashley Elizabeth Marchena
Christopher Brijido Montoya
William Vincent Osolinsky
Tomas Enrique Rodriguez
Laura Elena Ruiz
Nohely Sanchez
Jeremy Blake Urrutia
College of Health Sciences
Bachelor of Science
Michael Brandon Durling
Jordan Ashley Freiberg
Brittany E. Goos
Melissa Herrera
Karen Ivette Macias
Naomi Magallanes
John Donato Marchese
Darrell Anthony McCrory
Mitzie Rojas
Sarah Wolf
Bachelor of Social Work
Graciela Diaz
School of Nursing
Bachelor of Science in Nursing
Nursing, Generic
Nicole Kristin Aguirre
Adrian Arredondo
Javier Barajas
Ruby Ann Barber
Gaston Baza
Samuel Bentley
Peter Andrew Brock
Diana Christine Broesicke
Yvonne Damian Cabral
Kelly Eileen Cano
Carlos Samuel Castillejos
Vania Maria Cazares
Jesus Chacon
Maria DeLourdes Chiszar
Susan De La Cruz
Samantha Ariel Deshaies
Madiagne Diouf
Devon Lynna Doornwaard
Perla Leticia Dorado
Cynthia Vanessa Duenas
David Alonso Erives Rosas
Ana L. Esquivel
Hugo A. Fernandez
Adril Gandara
Daisy America Garay
Crystal Alejandra Garcia
Angel Daniel Gonzalez
Sandra Lee Granados
Alejandro Jose Gutierrez
Maritza Guzman
Cesar Hernandez
Linda Jazmin Hernandez
Rolando E. Hinojo
Miriam Holguin
George Jauregu
Claudia Leon
Nadia Vanessa Lopez
Alene Davis Marrott
Laura P. Marrufo
Nancy Martinez
Maria G. Moreno
Miriam Ornelas
Angel Pineda
Rafael Ponce
Veronica Quezada
Eva Yvette Ramirez
Luis Abraham Rascon
Rebecca Reyes
Sarah Christina Ruiz
Jesus Saenz
Ricardo Serrano
Leah Ann Smith
Federico Valenzuela
Gilberto Valenzuela
Marisol C. Valenzuela
Gisela Vargas
Yvonne Valverde Waters
Randall Roderick Winton
Elaine Paula Yu
Nursing, Registered Nurse
Jessica D. Alley
Renae Monique Black
Donald Earl Booth
Susan A. Brown
Yolanda Chavez
Melissa Ann Dupree
Sarah Nicole Gentry
Linda Ann Hall
Steven A. Herrera
Patrice Teresa Ihry
Krystal Lynn Kim
Kathy M. Marullo
Norma Guadalupe Melendez
Leah Ann Ortega
Carlos Prado
Francisco Javier Provencio
Kelly Ramirez
Joe L. Rojas
Barbara Stafford Rush
Laurie L. Scheid
Maili Sevaaetasi
Sandra G. Simpson
Jason Aaron Virgadamo
Crystil Dawn Wade
Ramona Williams
University College
Bachelor of Multidisciplinary
Joshua Aguilera
Elvin Oscar Alves
Sophia K. Anderson
Myrna L. Arvizo
Magdalena Barraza
Kaysie M. Bentley
Leonard Brown
Miriam Gabriela Campos
Oscar Candia
Valerie A. Cardenas
Juan Jaime Castillo
Yvette Gallegos Chavez
Samuel Isiah Cole
Ana Luisa Contreras
Vanessa Marie De La Rosa
Eddie Albert Delgado
Teresa H. Diaz
Vanessa Veronica Dominguez
Joseph H. Dorgan
Diane Elisa Duran
Tanisha LaGail Ende
Damon Eugene Flemings
Rita P. Freeman
Elizabeth H. Gallardo
Elva Menchaca Garcia
Jesus Antonio Godines
Carly Gonzalez Graf
Timothy Haller
Maria D. Hernandez
Best Agugua Ihegborow
Yvonne Lee Kurczewski
Bailey Reed Leverton
Yurid Lira
Cesar Dalirruby Liriano
Rosana Lopez
Linda Marie Mais
Victoria Meraz
Bryanna Amanda Michel
Jacqueline Molinar
Samantha Morales
Mary Ellen O’Brien
Drury Minton Puckett
Amanda Jo Radcliffe
William Reyes-Narvaez
Tory T. Robinson
Leticia Romero
Ricardo Rosales
Orlando Abelardo Saenz
Nicole Janoe Schichtl
Amy L. Terrazas
Mary J. Torres
Roberta Valdiviez
Xavier Alfredo Vazquez
Joseph Anthony Velasquez
Jose P. Villa
Ricardo Villagran
Jessica Jerene Wilson
Sandra Zamudio
Yesenia Isel Zuniga
Graduate School
Doctor of Education
Educational Leadership and
Kathleen Susan Black
Dissertation Title: “Closing the
Achievement Gap: Impact of
Inclusion upon Achievement Rates of
Students with Special Needs”
Leslie D. Gonzales
Dissertation Title: “Faculty inside a
Changing University: Constructing
Roles, Making Spaces”
Edith Aimee Orozco
Dissertation Title: “A Comparison
of Career Technical Education
– 16 Career Pathway High School
Participants with Non-Participants
on Academic Achievement, School
Engagement, and Development of
Technical Skills”
Doctor of Philosophy
Biological Sciences - Pathobiology
Jose Adrian Garcia
Dissertation Title: “Evaluating the
Role of Evolutionarily Conserved
Regions of LEDGF/p75 in HIV-1
David Chavez
Dissertation Title: “Conversion of
Racemic Ibuprofen to (S)-Ibuprofen”
Tyrone Justin Hogenauer
Dissertation Title: “A New
Photochemical Method for the
Preparation of Amino Acid-αPhenylthioesters and Peptide-αPhenylthioesters”
Yong Zhao
Dissertation Title: “Physical and
Biochemical Assessment of Mexican
Palo Verde Response to Chromium
Computer Science
Pearl Weaver Martin Brazier
Dissertation Title: “Ontology-Driven
Discovery of Scientific Computational
David Alberto Herrera
Dissertation Title: “Gaze, Turn-Taking
and Proxemics in Multiparty versus
Dyadic Conversation across Cultures”
Electrical and Computer Engineering
Ernesto Rodrigo Vazquez-Ceron
Dissertation Title: “Acoustic
Reflectometry using GaussianModulated Sinusoidal Waves and the
Ware-AKI Algorithm”
Huiying Yu
Dissertation Title: “Categorization
of Functional Impairments in Human
Locomotion Using the Methods of
the Fusion of Multiple Sensors and
Computational Intelligence”
Environmental Science and
Analila Rojo
Dissertation Title: “Granulometry
and Geochemistry of Dust Emission
from Owens (Dry) Lake, California”
Geological Sciences
Stevan Christian Benker
Dissertation Title: “Results of New
Petrologic and Remote Sensing
Studies in the Big Bend Region”
Materials Science and Engineering
Luis Alonso Pinales
Dissertation Title: “Spectroscopic
Study of the Inhibition of Calcium
Oxalate Calculi by Larrea Tridentata”
Jennifer Hilda Taylor
Dissertation Title: “Examination
of the Cognitive Mechanisms
Underlying Evaluative and Semantic
Priming Effects by Varying Task
Instructions: An ERP Study”
Rhetoric and Composition
Hector Carbajal
Dissertation Title: “Recasting the
Role of Memory in the History of
Rhetoric: The Case of Nineteenth
Century Autobiographies by Rhetors
of Color”
Christie Lynn Daniels
Dissertation Title: “Remapping Evil:
Locating, Spatializing, and Depicting
Master of Accountancy
Nora Alaniz-Bouqayes
Stephanie Nicole Bertka
Tessa Marie Caldarella
Jessica Fisher
Julia Kokina
Edward Seek Yu
Master of Arts
Monica Victoria Alvillar
English: Rhetoric and Writing Studies
Ingrid Guadalupe De Alba
Leadership Studies
Mark Anthony Abowd
Catherine Michelle Aboy
Gary John Bonkowski Jr.
John W. Christie
Alissa Lee Clark
Maurice Perez Dominguez
Margaret Martinez Grace
Mark Hamstra
Jeffrey John Mackell
Brandon Louis Odom
Matthew William Perez
Nicholas Sattler
Clifford Scott Jones Jr.
Jaime Ontiveros
Lance Levi Williams
Alejandra Olivas-Davila
Political Science
Sergio Ivan Garcia
Willivaldo Delgadillo Jr.
Master of Arts in Teaching
Delia Mai Comeau
Camila Danielle Pena
Master of Business
Business Administration
Andy Boettjer
Eric A. Frassa
Julio Cesar Guerrero
Saul Navia
Amanda Portillo
Marco Aaron Rosales
Master of Education
Educational Administration
Monica Aguirre
Teresa Baeza
Matthew Andrew Braxton
Virginia Elisa Bustos
Erika Rubi Castilleja
Carmen Beatriz Chavira
Juron Diane Chenausky
Abril Fernandez Cordova
Maria Del Pilar Cueto
Molly Lyn Dyer
Rocio Argentina Espino-Martinez
Elizabeth Ann Flores-Vidales
Sylvia Torres Hernandez
Nan Elizabeth Leffler
Peggy Josephine Leyva
Alicia Alvarez Lopez
Elizabeth Sarita Lozoya
Gilbert McClure Sr.
Sinai Meza
Elena Miranda
Alejandro Antonio Navarro
Amy Barrios Rivera
Reymundo Sanchez
Amber Dawn Voyles Driskill
Guidance and Counseling
Julie Ann Argondizza
Adriana Eliza Flores
Christina Celeste Jimarez
Carolina Laureano
Michelle Ortega
Tania Ugarte Valdez
Instructional Specialist
Yasmin Aurora Aboytes
Timothy Scott Blodgett
Bernice Chavez
Aurora Flores
Araceli Francisca Garcia
Martha Lorena Gardea
Patricia Gatei
Elaine Evans Gonzalez
Mary Christine Hayden
Kimberly Ruth Lewis
Sehila De Jesus Lujan
Aurora Martinez
Karen Ann Mccarty
Lily Beatriz Montes
Jorge Nava
Ulises Gabriel Neira-Galaviz
Becky Perez
Josey Marie Pickett
Cecilia Ramirez
Staci J. Rojas
Juanita Sanchez Saldana
Kaleena Valles
Master of Music
Music Performance
Keith Robert Rose
Master of Occupational
Rocio Silva Alvarez
Lyla Almager De La Rosa
Jesus Delgado
Lizett Guevara
Frederick Dean Little
Dianna Michelle Medina
Stephanie Katherine Perez
Roberto Regalado
Ruth Zavala
Master of Science
Prasanna Kolli
Srilaxmi Nerella
John Enriquez
Christina Marie Gonzalez
Jeffrey Edward Hernandez
Robert Moreno Jr.
Civil Engineering
Sumanth Chettu
Carlos Duran
Joanne Michelle Moyer
Gabriel Alejandro Valdez
Marilyn Valdez
Raul Anton Munoz
Electrical Engineering
Sergio Fabian Almeida Loya
Aryzbe Diaz
Chandra Sekhar Pappu
Nathan Jonathan Castro
Peyman Chaichi
Gisselle Vanessa Gonzalez
Irazema Solis Rojas
Environmental Science
Jesica Navarrete
Geological Sciences
Lynnette Elaine Crocker
Lennox Emmanuel Thompson
Health Promotion
Isela De Baca
Intelligence and National Security
Rene Flores
Master of Public
Hiromasa Takano
Master of Physical Therapy
Manufacturing Engineering
Jose Pedro Corral Jr.
Han Gong
Fernando Moreno
Carlos Carmona
Zaraida Ann Dominguez
Daniel Anthony Paggen
Cesar David Ayala
Mechanical Engineering
Jose Gabriel Davila Rangel
Angel Ernesto Delgado
Chance Paul Garcia
Carlos Francisco Gomez
Satya Kiran Gullapalli
Jorge Ivan Rodriguez Devora
Cesar Adrian Terrazas
Metallurgical and Materials
Bhargavareddy Vantari
Speech-Language Pathology
Mindy Robin Stribling
Nichole Doreen Weisbrod
Angel Davalos
Master of Science in
Environmental Engineering
Teresa Sosa
Master of Science in Nursing
Nurse Clinical Specialist
Joanne Sandra Desso
Lori Leigh Neubauer
Nursing Practitioner
Michelle Lee Calderon
Cecilia Gray
Veronica Maria Guardado
Sharon Anne Gutierrez
Kim Anita Halow
Lauretta Ndidiamaka Imo
Ivette Jones
Sondra Susan Skory
Monica Saucedo Vasquez
Honors Candidates
December 2010
College of Business
Leandro Salvador Brandi
Avilia Bueno
Kristina J. Cleavenger
Ruth Elizabeth Cruncleton
Rebecca Alday Garcia
Jose Domingo Guerra
Jesus Alonzo Guzman
Jacqueline Ledezma
Alejandro Lopez
Marta Bronislawa Micula
Brianna Nicole Nevarez
Ricardo Esteban Ramos
Yanelly Rodriguez
Jaclyn Marie Romero
Richard Christopher Sapien
Steven Sierra
Harold Galin Stephens
Cynthia Carolina Teran Lopez
Cody Thomas Wells
Kristen Caroline White
College of
Lorena G. Acosta
Diana Rocio Aguirre
Denisse Alejandra Almaraz-Salazar
Eduardo Carlos Alvarez
Monica M. Antuna
Liliana Araujo
Martha Daniela Azcarate
Erika Becerra
Melody Suzanne Bolton
Veronica Viera Brown
Kristine Marie Burton
Salina Bustillos
Susana Magdalena Calderon
Yury Camarena
Miriam Cantrell
Daisy Carbajal
Brenda Carrillo
Alejandra Casiano
Teresa Cassoday
Brenda Castanon
Daniela Castellanos
Judith Correa
Jessica A. Del Pino
Christina Dominguez
Elizabeth Duarte
Fatima Zuleika Duarte
Angelica Estrada
Crystal Marie Estrada
Erin Ruth Ewing
Monica Cristin Flores
Lorena Alejandra Font
Maxine Gallegos
Carlos Gamez
Daniel Garcia
Victoria Maria Garcia
Marisela Garza
Andree Elaine Genereau
Abir M. Ghneim
Betty Hidrogo
Holly M. Holland
Andrea Ibarra de
Chaunte Leialoha Jackson
Cynthia Lucille Jury
Renee J. King
Diana Lara
Susan Ferguson Lettunich
Gabriella Adriana Lopez
Martha Irene Lozoya
Mayra Luevano
Cynthia Madrid
Chelsea Marie Mapes
Cristina Rubio Martinez
Lauren Martinez
Sharon Lynn McNair
Nathalie Sade Medina
Deborah Mendez
Sarai Mede Mendez Munguia
Blanca Yamel Mendoza
Silvia Veronica Miranda
Esther Monarrez
Jeanette S. Morales
Laura Edith Moreno
Laura Berenice Moreno
Yadira Munoz
Naomi Isabel Nunez
Ruth Olivas
Kimberly J. Pelech
Claudia Perez
Elisa Renteria
Yvonne Renteria
Maria Esther Rivera
Silvia Susana Rivera
Diana Rodriguez
Rubi Rodriguez
Patricia Lee Roman
Nancy Paola Rosales
Claudia Alejandra Ruiz
Diana Saenz
Imelda Salgado
Maria Velia Samaniego
Alma Doris Santos
Sarah Elizabeth Stevens
Esmeralda Rojo Subia
Manuel Maria Vela
Desiree Lee Velasquez
Patricia Ann Vincent
Mary Helen Wood-
Rubi Karina Yanez
Maria Luisa Zamora
College of
Carlos Aguilera
Anuar Jesus Aguirre
Maria Veronica Gonzalez Corrales
Armando Delgado
Todd Wayne Dorethy
Isaac Fernandez
Zenia Alejandra Garcia
Christina Michelle Gasca
Joseph Andres Hernandez
Carlos Gonzalo Ibanez Alcala
Ricardo Martinez Hernandez
Richard Prince Maskill
Aaron Mendoza Marquez
Jose Javier Motta-Mena
Sergio Armando Navarro
Luis Octavio Parga
Oscar Joel Phillips
Pablo Rangel
Ismael Sanchez
Martin Jesus Sotelo
Alejandro Vega
Benjamin Haslam Walker
Stephen Josiah Wells
College of Health
Melissa Breanne Abraham
Stephanie Rita Almaraz
Hector Santiago Bernal
Stephanie Dutchover
Victaria Latara Gonzalez
Carrie Elizabeth Green
Mark Samuel Navarro
Luis Lorenzo Reyes
College of Liberal
Cesar Aguayo
Michelle Alarcon
Esmeralda Almanza
Patrick Michael Almodovar
Georgina Armendariz
Maria A. Baca
Jennifer Candice Beeler
Tobias Berger
Kenneth Charles Bier
Randi Michelle Bossie
Sandra Elizabeth Camacho
Perla Magaly Chaparro
Chris John Cintron
Pamela Lizette Cruz
Tamara L. Del Valle
Geraldo Jose Diaz
Arturo Dominguez
Karina Duran
Jamie Enchinton
Alan Gabriel Escobedo
Matthew Estrada
Richard Sebastian Flores
Rafael Angel Franco
Shelly Lavon Gahan
Carmen C. Galindo
Jose Luis Garcia
Jessica Claudette Garza
Alejandra Gomez
America Yvonne Guevara
Diana Mariel Gutierrez
Shaunta Amanda
Albert Michael Hernandez
Hilda Herrera
Nazanin Mina Heydarian
Marie-Therese Joyce
James Robert Keyes
KeAnne Lee Langford
Carolina Lara
Mayra Lucia Larios
Susana Yvette Maese
Berenice Maldonado
Guadalupe Marquez
Richard Aubrey Massey
Alejandra Mayer
Irene A. O’Leary
Angela Danielle Olmos
Miguel Omar Ortiz
Sabrina Chantell Parras
Lizzeth Celeste Pattison
Robyn L. Pelking
Brenda Mary Powers
Maria C. Ramos
Laura E. Rodriguez
Martha Yahareli Aguilera Rubio
Mariana Ruiz
Samuel Saenz
Justine Diana Salas
Yadira Salazar
Shirley Anne Talley
Christian Tinoco
Isabel Trejo
Julian Elias Valdes
Daniel Alfredo Vega
Karina Zazueta
School of Nursing
Roberto Alvarado
Margarita Chapman
Erika Cordero
Anabel Fernandez
Laura Jaye Freydenfeldt
Crystal Elizabeth Fuller
Adriana Audrey Garcia
Zulema Hermosillo
Alyssa Nicole Morales
Celina Padilla
Jesika Renee Perez
Miriam Aidee Quiroga
Jessica Reed
Patricia Sanchez
Kayla Ann Smith
Ashley Rebecca Swann
John Toy
College of Science
Danielle Nicole Aragon
Omar Farouk Baker
Rosemarie Barrios
Mario Javier Bencomo
Clifford Austin Campbell
Carlos Alberto Cervantes
Hermila Hernandez
Ahmad Kahled Ismail
Maria Isabel Macias
Melisa Meza
Nicole Patricia Miller
Alba Leticia Quiroz
Jennifer Christine Ramos-Chavez
Ana Lucia Saenz
Sarah Ann Sepulveda
Heidi Silva
Kayla M. Vasquez
Juan Carlos Villarreal
Beatriz H. Wancho
University College
Hilda Alarcon-Carrillo
Leonardo Calderon
Alejandra Diaz
Fanny Gallardo
Heather R. Gunn
Loni Johnnette Jaime
Marco A. Jaimez
Sondra K. Jones
Guillermo Lopez
Elizabeth Lujan
Laura Martinez
Amy Corbet Mc Donnell
Daniel Robert Mott-
Michael Joseph Reveles
Norma Graciela Reyes
Caren Dominique Rico
Dianne Soto
Sally Felicity Straba
Caitlin Thomson
Honors Graduates
Summer 2010
College of
Estela Galindo
Jose Julio Galindo
Jessica N. Garcia
Joanne Marie Gutierrez
Sandra Jasso
Nicole Alice Lechuga
Ana Laura Lewis
Victoria A. Marquez
Elda Morales
Kyoko Moromi
Adriana Olivas
Anabel Angelica Posada
Maria Guadalupe Santillan
Vanessa Marie
Laura Jean Stanley
Linda Carrol Taylor
Sandra Aurora Aguilera
Isaac Michael Gordon
Adrian Leal
Andres Moriel
College of
Andres Gonzalez
College of Health
Michael Brandon Durling
College of Liberal
Aaron Alvarez
Mariana Aun
James Elijah Benson
Miryam Margarita Chozet
Lisa Diane Estala
Sandra Flores
Shanna Kay Gobin
Andrea Gonzalez
Lisa Leigh Hairston
Irma Hernandez
Adrian Donnell Hopson
Maria D. Montoya
Matthew Josh Persall
Erick Posadas
Pamela Prieto
Adrian M. Reyes
Eugene Keil Reyes
Stephanie Rose
Omar Zaragoza
School of Nursing
Samuel Bentley
Renae Monique Black
Susan A. Brown
Carlos Samuel Castillejos
Cynthia Vanessa Duenas
Melissa Ann Dupree
Ana L. Esquivel
Rolando E. Hinojo
George Jauregui
Krystal Lynn Kim
Claudia Leon
Alene Davis Marrott
Nancy Martinez
Carlos Prado
Eva Yvette Ramirez
Sarah Christina Ruiz
Laurie L. Scheid
Leah Ann Smith
Marisol C. Valenzuela
University College
Kaysie M. Bentley
Juan Jaime Castillo
Elizabeth H. Gallardo
Ricardo Villagran
Jessica Jerene Wilson
College of Science
Joaquin Rogelio Arce
Leonel Barreda
Alejandro Chacon
Matthew Warren Folmar
Ana Maria Garcia
Stephen Anthony Murga
Hector Alejandro Zamora
Emmanuel Zubia
Student Honors
Members of the Graduating Class
Men and Women of Mines
Alejandra M. Acosta
Clifford A. Campbell
Alejandro Chacon
Ana Maria L. Garcia
Justine E. Jimenez
Davi I. Kallman
Ramon A. Lucero
Nicole J. Martinez
Abraham Matamoros
Silvia L. Natividad
Who’s Who Among Students
in American Colleges and Universities
Alejandra M. Acosta
Clifford A. Campbell
Alejandro Chacon
Ana Maria L. Garcia
Justine E. Jimenez
Davi I. Kallman
Ramon A. Lucero
George Mansouraty
Nicole J. Martinez
Silvia L. Natividad
Andres A. Oroz
Danielle L. Riddick
Lela M. Ruck
ROTC Commission as Second Lieutenant
United States Army, United States Army Reserve Summer 2010 Graduates
Gaston Baza, Jr.
Gilbert Valenzuela
Fall 2010 Candidates
Carrie E. Greens
Tanya Hall
Ericka P. Hartford
Rochelle L. Lemire
Gary Mota
Chris Sturns
Alan Valle
Honors Regalia
University Academic Honors candidates are recognized by cords with the following designations:
3.9 - 4.0
Summa Cum Laude (Highest Honors).....................................................................................Gold
3.8 - 3.89
Magna Cum Laude (High Honors).........................................................................................White
3.5 - 3.79
Cum Laude (Honors)...................................................................................................College Color
Business Administration........................................................................................................................................Drab
Education.......................................................................................................................................................Light Blue
Engineering....................................................................................................................................................... Orange
Health Sciences.................................................................................................................................................. Salmon
Liberal Arts.................................................................................................................................................... Royal Blue
Science....................................................................................................................................................Golden Yellow
University College................................................................................................................................................. Wine
Honors Degree ............................................................................................................................................ Gold Stole
Honors Certificate...................................................................................................................................................Lilac
Honors Senior Thesis................................................................................................................................. Dark Green
College of Business Administration
Beta Gamma Sigma - Blue/Gold.....................................................................National Business and Management
Academic Honor Society
Beta Alpha Psi - Red/White......................................................................... International Professional Accounting
Honorary Fraternity
College of Education
Chi Sigma Iota - Blue/White..............................................................................National Counseling Honor Society
Kappa Delta Pi..............................................................................................International Education Honor Society
Double Gold
3.9 - 4.0
Double White
3.8 - 3.89
3.5 - 3.79
3.25 - 3.49
College of Engineering
Alpha Pi Mu - White Cowl............................................................................ Industrial Engineering Honor Society
Chi Epsilon - Purple Cowl........................................................................National Civil Engineering Honor Society
Eta Kappa Nu - Red/Blue................................................................ National Electrical Engineering Honor Society
Pi Tau Sigma - White Cowl.........................................................National Mechanical Engineering Honor Society
Tau Beta Pi - Brown/White or White Cowl...................................................National Engineering Honor Society
Upsilon Pi Epsilon - White/Burgundy...................................................National Computer Science Honor Society
College of Health Sciences
Eta Sigma Gamma....................................................................National Professional Health Education Honorary
Kelly Green/Gold
3.5 - 4.0
Kelly Green
3.0 - 3.49
Pi Theta Epsilon - Blue/Gold...........................................................National Occupational Therapy Honor Society
School of Nursing
Sigma Theta Tau - White/Purple........................................................................... National Nursing Honor Society
College of Liberal Arts
Honors Graduates - Navy/Silver............................................................................Law School Preparation Institute
Honor Society - Purple/Gold................................................................................Career Opportunities in Research
Lambda Pi Eta - White/Red..................................................................................... Communication Honor Society
Pi Sigma Alpha - Red/White/Black with a Red/White Medallion.........National Political Science Honor Society
Psi Chi - Gold Double Cords with Blue/Gold Tassels.................................. National Honor Society in Psychology
College of Science
Alpha Epsilon Delta - Red/Lavender................................................................ National Pre-Health Honor Society
Sigma Gamma Epsilon - Antique Gold Cords............................ National Honor Society for Geological Sciences
University Honor Societies/Programs
Alpha Chi - Royal Blue/Emerald Green....................................... National Honor Society for Juniors and Seniors
Alpha Lambda Delta - Red, White and Gold Honor Cords...............................................National Honor Society
for Freshmen Year Students
Golden Key - Gold Medallion/Blue and Gold Ribbon.......................................................National Honor Society
Mortar Board - Silver/Gold or Gold Medallion/White Ribbon..............................National Senior Honor Society
National Order of Omega - Gold/Black....................................................................National Greek Honor Society
National Society of Collegiate Scholars - Gold/Maroon or Gold Sash (officers)......................... National Society
of Collegiate Scholars for First and Second Year Students
Phi Kappa Phi - Navy Blue/Gold...........................................................................................National Honor Society
University Honors Council - Royal Blue/Orange................................................... Honors Program Honor Society
Prior to 1980, The University
of Texas at El Paso (and its
predecessors, the Texas College
of Mines and Metallurgy and
Texas Western College) borrowed
regalia for ceremonial occasions.
In 1980, Drama Department
faculty member C.L. Etheridge
suggested that the time had come
for UTEP to have its own unique
regalia. President Haskell Monroe
established the University Heritage
Commission to raise funds for
the creation of official regalia, to
include a mace, chains of office
for the President and the Vice
President for Academic Affairs,
a UTEP banner and seal, and a
banner and seal for each of the
A University seal, depicting
El Paso’s sun, mountains and
river, had been created for
Texas Western College in
1949 by renowned local artist
José Cisneros. This seal was
incorporated into the official
heraldic layout for the University
banner designed by Art
Department faculty member Sally
Bishop Segal, who also designed
seals for the colleges of Liberal
Arts, Science, Nursing and Allied
Health (now the College of Health
Sciences), and the Graduate
School. Albert Ronke, Drama
Department faculty member,
designed the seals for the colleges
of Business Administration,
Education, and Engineering. All
eight seal designs in their heraldic
layout were then crafted into
fabric by Esther “Terrie” Cornell.
In 2001, the seals for Engineering,
Business and Health Sciences were
updated by Sally Segal to reflect
new programs offered by those
UTEP alumnus James Love
created the Chain of Office for the
President, consisting of eight seals
reproduced on two-inch-diameter
enameled disks; the Chain of
Office for the Vice President
for Academic Affairs; and the
University Mace.
C.L. Etheridge developed
the ceremonial rituals used in
University commencement since
Among the many traditions
associated with commencement,
the presentation of the
ceremonial University and
College banners symbolizes the
accomplishments of the graduates
whom we honor on this occasion
and the University’s commitment
to their success. Each banner
bears a unique seal placed on a 4
x 6-foot heraldic field, or saltire,
and each incorporates symbols
and colors that define it:
University Banner
Colors: Orange, White and Blue
Symbols: Open Book – the learning
process; the Sun, Mountains and River
– the city of El Paso; Star – The Lone Star
of Texas; Laurel Branch – high academic
achievement; Oak Branch – solidity and
Business Administration
Colors: Brown - Business and Accounting
Copper - Economics
Symbols: Flame - depicts knowledge and
enlightenment; Miner’s pick - represents
unity with the University’s identity;
Column - symbolic of strength and an
emblematic inference to the importance
of international accreditation; Scroll associated with commerce and contracting;
Laurel branches - denote academic and
professional success; Globe -international
Color: Light Blue
Symbols: Lamp – lamp of learning; Book
– learning and literacy; Sigma – Greek
symbol for “all-encompassing”; Book,
Ruler and Compass – the tools of learning
Color Stripes denote disciplines within
liberal arts: Brown for Fine Arts, Crimson
for Journalism, Pink for Music, Dark Blue
for Philosophy, Violet for Psychology,
Scarlet for Religion, Citron for Social Work
and Silver Gray for Speech and Drama
Color: Golden Yellow
Symbols: Clouds/Sky – the atmosphere
surrounding the earth; Globe – earth
and geography; Methane Molecule
– chemistry, biology and physics; Five
Mathematical Symbols – basic and
higher math concepts; Tree – the history
of science; and the Mountains, Earth
and Strata – geology
University College
Symbols: Castle Structure – civil
engineering; Gear – mechanical
engineering; Bolt of Lightning
– electrical engineering; Hammer and
Assaying Scale – metallurgical and
mining engineering; Human Form
– industrial engineering; Computer Card
and Binary Numbers – computer science
Colors: University colors of Orange, White
and Blue and other colors representing
the different academic disciplines from
which students draw the concentrations
that comprise their degree
Symbols: Bhutanese tower – represents
UTEP and the solid foundation of
learning that is at the very root of our
institution; Torch – torch of learning
that integrates knowledge and creates
wisdom; Book – book of knowledge
that must always remain open for lifelong learning to continue; and Laurel
Branches – high academic achievement
Health Sciences
Graduate School
Colors: Apricot – Nursing
Green – Healing Arts
Colors: University colors of Orange,
White and Blue and other colors from
academic areas offering graduate study
Color: Dark Orange
Symbols: Dark Red Field – blood
of life; White Shield and Red Cross
– humanitarian aid; Human Figure
– physical care and therapy; Beaker,
Needle and Test Tube – laboratory
research and application
Liberal Arts
Color: White – Humanities, Arts and Letters
Symbols: Alpha/Omega – first and last
letters of Greek alphabet symbolizing
the scope of studies in Liberal Arts;
Torch – knowledge; Open Book – the
learning process and literacy
Symbols: Rainbow – the spectrum of
disciplines forming the Graduate School;
Star – the Lone Star of Texas and the
skyward direction of the flames; Pan of
Flames – group knowledge; and Laurel
Branches – high academic achievement
Color: Apricot
Symbols: Maltese Cross - exceptional
service to humanity; Lamp of Knowledge
- tribute to Florence Nightingale; Eternal
Flame - lifelong quest for knowledge;
Laurel Leaves - honor; “Corpus Sanare”
- healing the body; Burnt Orange Ring
- School of Nursing becomes part of
The University of Texas System in 1972;
Columbia Blue and Navy Blue - past and
present shades of blue designated as
official colors; Stars - the State of Texas
with Miner orange.
The mace, originally a
weapon of combat, has been
associated with civil and academic
ceremonies from at least the
14th century, and symbolizes the
authority and dignity of office.
The University Mace is made
of materials indigenous to this
region. The head of the Mace,
which is joined to the shaft by
the University Seal, consists of
a group of flanges which are
made of silver and gold-plated
copper; within these is mounted
a rose quartz stone. The design
resembles an abstract flower bud,
with the rose quartz about to
break through the flanges that
surround it. This symbolizes the
attainment of knowledge, the
student’s growth from novice to
The tradition of the gown, cap
and hood worn at UTEP events
dates back to universities in the
Middle Ages, when such garments
had very practical applications.
The gown and hood kept the chill
away as students and teachers
labored in halls of learning that
were often damp and drafty.
Originally, the mortar board,
or flat square cap, was a hat
which, when removed, provided
its wearer with a flat writing
surface. Writing instruments
and paper were kept in the long
sleeves of the gown.
Until modern times, caps
and gowns were made of black
fabric to illustrate the gravity
of learning. Although today’s
gowns, caps and tassels are
available in a variety of colors, the
symbolism of color remains. For
example, students who graduate
from UTEP wear a tassel whose
color represents the college from
which they receive their degrees.
The hood drapes over the
shoulders and is worn by those
who have earned a master’s or
doctoral degree. It consists of
a black shell, lined in satin, and
bears the color of the institution
that conferred the degree. The
hoods worn by UTEP graduates
have an orange lining crossed
with a white chevron. The velvet
on the border bears the color of
the field of learning in which the
degree was earned.
Commencement Stoles
The University of Texas at El
Paso Alumni Association honors
the Student Marshals, Banner
Bearers and University Banner
Bearer with an orange satin stole
bearing the Class Medallion and
Alumni Association logo.
Inaugurated in May 2004,
the stoles are proudly worn by
students who were selected to
represent their college based
on their exceptional academic
The University Banner Bearer
— selected based on academic
achievement, leadership and
campus involvement — is
considered the highest honor
bestowed upon a student during
commencement. This student
follows the Grand Marshal and
leads the college banners in
the processional. The University
Banner Bearer is the second to
receive their diploma in their
respective college.
In the second phase of the
processional, undergraduate and
graduate Student Marshals lead
their fellow candidates and are
the first in their college to receive
their diploma.
The College Banner Bearers
carry their college banner and
lead their college in the second
phase of the processional. These
students are second in their
college to receive their diploma
except in the college represented
by the University Banner Bearer.
Class Medallion
The first class medallion was
created to commemorate UTEP’s
100th Commencement ceremony
in May 1998 at the Sun Bowl
featuring The Honorable George
W. Bush, then Governor of Texas.
Because of the medallion’s
popularity, University officials
decided to create a Class
Medallion for each year’s
graduating class starting in the
new millennium. The proceeds
from the sale of these medallions
go to the Medallion Endowed
Scholarship Fund. The sale of
the medallions has endowed
the scholarship fund to ensure
opportunities for future students.
Now in their twelfth year,
the medallions have become
a tradition and part of the
regalia worn by graduates at
commencement ceremonies.
La Universidad de Texas en El
Paso, al igual que sus antecesoras,
Texas College of Mines and
Metallurgy y Texas Western
College, pedían prestados los trajes
que se usaban en algunas ocasiones
solemnes que tuvieron lugar antes
de 1980. En el verano de dicho
año, el profesor C.L Etheridge,
miembro del cuerpo docente del
Departamento de Arte Dramático,
sugirió que ya era hora de que
UTEP contara con sus propios
trajes de ceremonia. El Presidente
Haskell Monroe fundó la Comisión
Patrimonial de la Universidad con el
fin de recaudar fondos destinados
a la creación de una serie de
elementos decorativos oficiales,
que incluirían un bastón de mando,
collares emblemáticos de los
cargos de Rector y Vicerrector de
Asuntos Académicos, el estandarte
universitario y el escudo, así como
estandartes y escudos para cada
una de las facultades.
En 1949, el renombrado pintor
paseño José Cisneros creó un
escudo universitario para Texas
Western College. Más tarde, se
incluyó el escudo que representaba
el sol, las montañas y el río de El
Paso en el diseño heráldico oficial
del estandarte de la universidad,
diseñado por la profesora y pintora
Sally Bishop, quién también creó
los diseños de los emblemas
para las facultades de Artes
Liberales, Ciencias, Enfermería y
Ciencias Afines (actual facultad
de Ciencias de la Salud), y la
Escuela de Graduados. A su vez,
Albert Ronke, profesor de arte
dramático y escenógrafo, concibió
los diseños de los escudos para las
Facultades de Administración de
Empresas, Educación e Ingeniería.
Los ocho diseños de los escudos
y su disposición heráldica fueron
plasmados en tela por Esther
“Terrie” Cornell. En el 2001,
los escudos de la Facultad de
Ingeniería, de Administración de
Empresas y de Ciencias de la Salud
fueron rediseñados para que se
incluyeran los nuevos programas
ofrecidos por dichas facultades.
Un ex-alumno, James Love,
artista y joyero de El Paso, elaboró
el collar del cargo oficial de
Rector, que comprendía ocho
escudos reproducidos sobre discos
esmaltados de dos pulgadas de
diámetro, así como el collar de
cargo de Vicerrector de Asuntos
Académicos y el bastón de mando
de la Universidad.
Los procedimientos y
procesiones ceremoniales que se
siguen actualmente fueron ideados
por C.L Etheridge y fueron puestos
en práctica desde 1981.
Entre las diversas tradiciones
relacionadas con la Ceremonia de
Graduación, la presentación de
los estandartes ceremoniales de
la Universidad y de las Facultades
simboliza los logros alcanzados por
los graduados a los cuales honramos
en cada ocasión, así como el
compromiso de la Universidad para
que tengan éxito. Cada estandarte
ostenta el escudo oficial de la
universidad colocado en un campo
heráldico de cuatro por seis pies, y
cada uno de ellos muestra los colores
y símbolos que identifican a cada una
de las facultades.
Colores: Naranja, Blanco y Azul.
Símbolos: Libro Abierto-el proceso de
aprendizaje; el Sol, las Montañas y el
Río-La ciudad de El Paso; La Estrella- La
Estrella Solitaria de Texas; La Rama de
Laurel-logros académicos superiores,
La Rama de Roble-solidaridad y
Administración de Empresas
Colores: Café- Administración y Contabilidad
Cobre – Economía
Símbolos: Flama – conocimiento e
iluminación. Pico Minero – unidad con la
identidad de la Universidad, Columna –
Fortaleza y es una inferencia emblemática
a la importancia de la acreditación
internacional, Pergamino – relacionado
al comercio y contratos, Ramas de Laurel
– éxito académico y profesional, Mapa
Mundi – internacional
Ciencias de la Salud
Color: Enfermería – Albaricoque
Artes de Curación – Verde
Símbolos: Campo Rojo Oscuro – la
sangre de la vida, Campo Blanco y Cruz
Roja– ayuda humanitaria; Figura
Humana – cuidado y terapia física; Vaso
de precipitado / Aguja / Tubo de Ensaye
– investigación de laboratorio y su
Artes Liberales
Color: Humanidades, Filosofía y LetrasBlanco
Símbolos: Alpha / Omega – Primera
y última letra del alfabeto Griego
simbolizando los ámbitos de estudio
en las Artes Liberales; Antorcha –
conocimiento; Libro abierto – el proceso
de aprendizaje y el alfabetismo.
Las franjas de colores denotan las
disciplinas que forman parte de las Artes
Liberales: Café para las Bellas Artes,
Carmesí para Periodismo, Rosa para
Música, Azul Rey para Filosofía, Violeta
para Psicología, Escarlata para religión,
Verde Lima para trabajo Social y Gris
plateado para Declamación y Drama.
Color: Azul cielo
Símbolos: Lámpara- luz del
conocimiento; Libro – aprendizaje y
alfabetismo; Sigma – símbolo griego que
significa “que lo abarca todo” ; Libro,
regla y compás- las herramientas del
Color: Amarillo dorado
Color: anaranjado oscuro
Simbolos: Castillo – ingeniería civil;
Engranaje – ingeniería mecánica;
Relampago – ingeniería eléctrica;
Martillo y Bascula de Ensaye – ingeniería
metalúrgica y materiales; Forma
Humana – ingeniería industrial; Tarjeta
de Computadora y Números Binarios
– Informática
Símbolos: Nubes/ cielo – la atmósfera
que rodea la tierra; Globo – la Tierra
y la geografía; Molécula de Metano –
química, biología y física; Cinco Símbolos
Matemáticos – conceptos matemáticos
básicos y superiores; Árbol – la historia
de la ciencia; y las Montañas, la Tierra y
el Estrato –geología
Colegio Universitario
Colores: Naranja, Blanco y Azul y otros
colores que representan las diferentes
disciplinas académicas de las cuales los
estudiantes sacan las concentraciones
cuales forman su título.
Símbolos: Torre de Bhutan – representa
a UTEP y la fundación sólida de aprendizaje que esta a la raíz de nuestra institución; antorcha – antorcha de aprendizaje que integra el conocimiento y crea
sabiduría; libro – libro de conocimiento
que siempre deberá mantenerse abierto
para la continuación de aprendizaje
de por vida; y ramas de laurel – logros
académicos superiores
Escuela de Graduados:
Colores de la Piedra Angular: los colores
universitarios Anaranjado, Blanco y Azul
y otros colores de áreas académicas que
ofrecen estudios para graduados
Símbolos: Arco iris – el espectro de
las disciplinas que forman la escuela
de graduados; Estrella – la estrella
solitaria de Texas y las flamas dirigidas
hacia el cielo; Bandeja de Flamas –
conocimiento grupal; y Ramas de Laurel
– conocimiento académico superior.
Color: Albaricoque
Símbolo: Cruz de Malta - Servicio excepcional
a la humanidad; Lámpara del Conocimiento
- Tributo a Florence Nightingale; La Llama
Eterna - Búsqueda del conocimiento durante
toda la vida; Hojas de Laurel - Honor; “Corpus
Sanare” - Sanador de cuerpo; Aro Naranja
Quemado - La Escuela de Enfermería forma
parte del Sistema de la Universidad de Texas
en 1972; Azul Columbia y Azul Marino - Tonos
anteriores y actuales del color azul designados
como oficiales; Estrella – El estado de Texas con
el color naranja de los Mineros.
El bastón de mando, un arma de
origen bélico, está asociado con las
ceremonias académicas y civiles por
lo menos desde el siglo catorce y
simboliza la autoridad y dignidad de
un cargo.
El bastón de mando
universitario está hecho de
materiales autóctonos de esta
región. La cabeza del bastón está
unida al asta por medio del escudo
de la Universidad y tiene un grupo
de rebordes hechos de plata y de
cobre bañados en oro dentro de los
cuales se haya incrustada una piedra
de cuarzo color rosa. El diseño
semeja un capullo abstracto de
una flor a punto de brotar a través
de los rebordes que lo encierran
y simboliza el florecimiento del
intelecto, la trayectoria recorrida
por el estudiante de neófito a
La tradición del uso de las
togas, birretes y esclavinas que
se utilizan en las ceremonias de
UTEP tiene su origen en los albores
de las universidades medievales,
cuando dicha vestimenta tenía usos
prácticos. La toga y la esclavina
eran utilizadas por los estudiantes y
profesores para abrigarse del frío y
la humedad imperantes dentro de
los salones de aprendizaje.
En un principio, el birrete, o sea
la gorra plana cuadrada, se utilizaba
para cubrir la cabeza del estudiante,
y cuando se quitaba podía
emplearse como una superficie
plana para escribir (el papel y
los instrumentos para escribir se
guardaban en las amplias mangas
de la toga).
Incluso actualmente, las togas
y los birretes se fabrican con tela
negra para simbolizar el aspecto
sombrío de la educación. Aunque
hoy en día existe variedad en los
colores de las togas, birretes y
borlas, el simbolismo del color
permanece. Por ejemplo, los
estudiantes que se gradúan de UTEP
utilizan borlas cuyo color representa
la facultad de la cual se están
La esclavina la portan
únicamente aquellos que han
obtenido un grado de Maestría o
Doctorado. Consiste en una capa
negra forrada en satín que cuelga
sobre la espalda de la toga; el
color del forro varía según el color
de la institución que confiere el
título. Las esclavinas que portan los
graduandos de UTEP ostentan un
forro color naranja atravesado por
un listón blanco. El terciopelo del
borde ostenta el color del campo de
estudios del cuál se está obteniendo
el título.
estudiantes de licenciatura y de
posgrado que fueron designados
como Marshals guían a sus
compañeros graduandos y son los
primeros en recibir el diploma de su
Los Portadores del Estandarte de
la Facultad llevan el que representa
a su escuela, sirven de guía para
los graduandos de la misma en la
segunda fase de la ceremonia y son
los segundos en recibir el diploma
de su facultad, a excepción de la
representada por el Portador del
Estandarte Universitario.
Estolas distintivas de
Medallón de la
La Asociación de Ex-Alumnos de
la Universidad de Texas en El Paso
honra con una estola de satín color
naranja que ostenta el Medallón de
la Generación y el Emblema de la
Asociación a aquellos estudiantes
que fueron distinguidos para fungir
como Marshals, como portadores
del estandarte universitario y de la
insignia de cada facultad.
Los estudiantes que llevan con
orgullo estas estolas instauradas en
mayo de 2004, son seleccionados
para representar a su escuela en
base a sus logros académicos.
Ser Portador del Estandarte
Universitario, es el mayor honor
que se otorga durante la ceremonia
de graduación a un estudiante que
ha sido elegido por su desempeño
académico, liderazgo y participación
en el campus. El galardonado
sigue al Grand Marshal, guía a
los estandartes de las facultades
durante la ceremonia y es el
segundo en recibir el diploma en la
facultad que le corresponde.
En la segunda fase de
la procesión ceremonial, los
El primer Medallón de la
Generación fue ideado con el fin
de conmemorar la Ceremonia de
Graduación del Centenario de UTEP
en mayo de 1998 en el Estadio Sun
Bowl. La ceremonia contó con la
presencia del Honorable George W.
Bush en ese entonces, Gobernador
de Texas.
Debido a la popularidad
del medallón, los funcionarios
universitarios decidieron crear uno
para cada generación a partir del
nuevo milenio. La recaudación
de la venta de estos medallones
se destina al Fondo de Becas
del Medallón, que garantiza
oportunidades a los futuros
Los medallones, ahora en su
doceavo año, se han convertido en
toda una tradición y en parte de
las decoraciones, insignias y trajes
que los graduados portan en las
ceremonias de graduación.
Traducciones al español por Richard Ford y Victoria Alicia Garcia
Previous Commencement Speakers
May 15, 2010
May 16, 2009 & December12, 2009
Dr. Diana Natalicio
President, The University of Texas at El Paso
officiating morning, afternoon and
evening ceremonies
December 13, 2008
Dr. Richard Jarvis
Provost, The University of Texas at El Paso
officiating morning ceremony
December 13, 2008
Dr. Diana Natalicio
President, The University of Texas at El Paso
officiating afternoon and evening ceremonies
May 10, 2008
Antonia Hernández
President and CEO
California Community Foundation
December 15, 2007
Henry A. de La Garza
Chairman and CEO
de La Garza Public Relations
May 12, 2007
The Honorable Shana Dale
Deputy Administrator, NASA
December 9, 2006
Brian J. Haley
The University of Texas System
Student Regent
May 13, 2006
Gilberto Perez
President of U.S. Operations, CEMEX
December 10, 2005
John Brooks Slaughter
President and CEO
National Action Council for Minorities
in Engineering Inc.
May 7, 2005
Steffen E. “Steve” Palko
President, XTO Energy Inc.
December 11, 2004
The Honorable Carlos de Icaza
Ambassador of Mexico to the
United States
May 8, 2004
Bob Malone
Chief Executive, BP Shipping Limited
December 13, 2003
Robert Wingo
President and CEO
SWG&M Advertising
May 10, 2003
The Honorable Antonio O. Garza Jr.
U.S. Ambassador to Mexico
December 14, 2002
Dr. Rita R. Colwell
Director, National Science Foundation
May 11, 2002
Dr. Irving Wladawsky-Berger
Vice President of Technology and
Strategy, IBM
December 15, 2001
Dr. Bonnie Dunbar
Astronaut and Assistant Director
NASA Johnson Space Center
May 12, 2001
The Honorable Henry Cuellar
Texas Secretary of State
December 16, 2000
John Daniel Olivas
NASA Astronaut
May 13, 2000
Sara Martinez Tucker
President and CEO
Hispanic Scholarship Fund
December 18, 1999
The Honorable Richard W. Riley
U.S. Secretary of Education
May 12, 1995
The Honorable James R. Jones
U.S. Ambassador to Mexico
May 15, 1999
The Honorable Lucille Roybal-Allard
U.S. Representative
33rd Congressional District, California
December 16, 1994
Mario E. Ramirez, M.D.
The University of Texas System Regent
December 19, 1998
David Satcher
U.S. Surgeon General
May 15, 1998
The Honorable George W. Bush
Texas Governor
December 20, 1997
Adair Margo
Member, Texas Higher Education
Coordinating Board
Carlos Villa
Member, Texas Higher Education
Coordinating Board
May 17, 1997
The Honorable Silvestre Reyes
U.S. Representative
16th Congressional District, Texas
December 21, 1996
C. Paul Robinson
President, Sandia Laboratories
May 18, 1996
The Honorable Kay Bailey Hutchison
United States Senator, Texas
Dr. France Cordova
Chief Scientist, NASA
December 16, 1995
Dr. Felix Gutierrez
Vice President and Executive Director,
The Freedom Forum, Pacific Coast
El Gran Paseño Award Recipient
May 13, 1994
The Honorable Ronald Kirk
Texas Secretary of State
December 17, 1993
Carol Bellamy
Director, U.S. Peace Corps
May 15, 1993
Dr. Luther S. Williams
Assistant Director for Education and
Human Resources,
National Science Foundation
December 18, 1992
Dr. Herminio Blanco
Chief Negotiator of the Free Trade
Agreement for Mexico,
Undersecretary of Foreign Trade
May 15, 1992
Maestro Abraham Chavez Jr.
Commencement Performance
December 13, 1991
Ellen C. Temple
The University of Texas System Regent
May 11, 1991
The Honorable Dan Morales
Texas Attorney General
December 14, 1990
Dr. John D. Negroponte
U.S. Ambassador to Mexico
May 12, 1990
Sam Donaldson
ABC News Journalist
December 15, 1989
Allen Born
Chairman, CEO and President of
May 17, 1986
The Honorable Wilhelmina R. Delco
Chair, Texas House Committee on
Higher Education
May 13, 1989
The Honorable Jaime Oaxaca
Corporate Vice President,
Northrop Corp.
December 20, 1985
Helen Houser Popovich
President, Florida Atlantic University
December 16, 1988
The Honorable Katherine D. Ortega
U.S. Treasurer
May 11, 1985
Wilson H. Elkins
President Emeritus
University of Maryland
May 14, 1988
The Honorable William Sessions
Director, Federal Bureau of
December 21, 1984
Dr. Hans Mark
The University of Texas System
December 18, 1987
Daniel W. Foster, M.D.
Outstanding Ex-Student 1987
Professor of Internal Medicine
UT-Dallas-Health Science Center
May 12, 1984
Rudy Tellez
President, Telco Productions Inc.
May 17, 1987
The Honorable George H. W. Bush
Vice President of the United States
December 19, 1986
Bobby Ray Inman
CEO, Microelectronics and Computer
Technology Corp.
December 18, 1983
Dr. Gerald W. Thomas
President, New Mexico State University
May 14, 1983
Major General James P. Maloney
Commanding General, U.S. Army Air
Defense Center and Fort Bliss
December 19, 1982
The Honorable Wallace E. Snelson
Texas Senator
Committee on Commencement
Yvonne Carranza...............................................................College of Liberal Arts
Olympia Caudillo........................................................................ Graduate School
Richard Daniel................................................................ Alumni Relations Office
Holly Denney............................................................................... Veterans Affairs
Ofelia Dominguez.............................................................................Union Office
Gary Edens..................................................................................... Student Affairs
Hector Flores.................................................................Disabled Student Services
Charles Gibbens................................................................................Miner Village
Diana Gloria..................................................... Student Government Association
Pete Hensgen...............................................................................University Police
James H. Holcomb.................................................Economics and Finance, Chair
Beto Lopez............................................................................. University Relations
Catie McCorry-Andalis.................................................................. Student Affairs
Lisa Moten.................................................................................. Facilities Services
Alex Muñoz......................................................................................Food Services
Fernando Padula..................................................................University Bookstore
Miguel Sifuentes............................................... Registration and Records Office
Mike Spence.......................................................................... Don Haskins Center
Craig Thompson............................................................................ Career Services

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