2014 Festival Programme - Biggar Little Festival
2014 Festival Programme - Biggar Little Festival
www.biggar-little-festival.com Festival Programme 16 - 26 October Printing kindly sponsored by Border Biscuits Biggar Little Festival 2014 www.biggar-little-festival.com Biggar Little Festival 2014 www.biggar-little-festival.com Welcome to the 12th Biggar Little Festival Hello and a very warm welcome to the Biggar Little Festival programme for 2014. May I introduce myself, my name is Anne Swan and I am extremely honoured to be the Interim Chair of the BLF committee whilst Jim Softley is travelling in Europe. It is fitting to start with a big thank you to Jim and recognition for all the hard work and commitment he has put into the Biggar Little Festival over the years. This year’s festival promises to be the best ever yet in terms of quality, variety and class of acts, performances, exhibitions and participative events. There is truly something for everybody to enjoy and the really good news is, we have kept all ticket prices at rates that should be affordable and accessible and… even better we are very proud that The Open Studios, The Biggar Day Out, which is always a winner, and The Fireworks Extravaganza are completely free! The Festival would not be possible of course, without our marvelous sponsors. These vital sources of income not only provide an important source of funds that enables us to keep ticket prices low or free. It also gives recognition to the aims of the Festival, which are to bring economic and cultural benefits locally and to bring Art, Music and Culture to the heart of our community. Box Office Information Chair, Biggar Little Festival We are seeking, as always, to improve all elements of the festival, so this year for example, we have introduced eticketing. We are keen to recruit new committee members to keep our planning both novel and vibrant and we are always seeking new sources of funds that will sustain the festival in future years. Any thoughts, feedback, offers of support or indeed any donations are always very welcome. Finally it is very important I thank all members of the committee for their tireless and unstinting commitment and hard work. It remains for me to thank you all for supporting the festival by joining in and coming along to as much as you would like, please book early to avoid any disappointment. I do hope you enjoy all your festival experiences. With Every Best Wish BLF Chair Contents Programme details are correct at the time of going to print but may be subject to change. Up to date information on events is available on-line at www.biggar-little-festival.com or you can call the Box Office. At a Glance 6-12 Pre-Festival events 13-14 Festival Events 15-17, 24-26, 33-40 Open Studios18-21 Venues22-23 Biggar Day Out 27-32 Post Festival Events 41 Exhibitions42-43 The Festival Box Office is located at the Gillespie Centre, High Street, Biggar ML12 6BJ from Saturday 04 October. Opening hours are Monday to Friday, 11am - 3pm and Saturdays, 10am - 4pm it will also be open on Sunday 19 October (Biggar Day Out) from 12noon to 4pm. Tickets will be available for most events from the Festival website from Saturday 23rd August. The Festival committee is introducing an e-ticketing system this year which will be tested on a small number of events. These will be identified on the website. You can contact the Box Office by phone on 07837 026007 (an answering service is available outwith Box Office hours) Anne Swan Our sincere thanks to ....... Carol Taylor for the cover artwork and artwork throughout the programme. Tickets for many events are usually available at the door. However we have tried to indicate where advance booking for an event is essential or advisable. Last year several events sold out, so please book early to avoid disappointment! Ken Foulis, Claire Watson and Helen Barrington for taking pictures on behalf of Biggar Little Festival and allowing them to be used in the programme. Biggar Little Festival – Registered Scottish Charity SC036411 The Lanarkshire Printhouse for printing this year’s programme. Lesley Armstrong for collating this year’s programme. Jillian Jones for designing the tickets. Sarah Peters at Douglas Design & Print for getting the whole thing ready for print. PAGE 3 SPONSORS Biggar Little Festival 2014 Biggar Little Festival 2014 www.biggar-little-festival.com Biggar Little Festival can only happen with the generous support of local businesses and individuals providing financial support by way of sponsorship. We are extremely grateful to all our sponsors. www.biggar-little-festival.com Silver Sponsors: ATLAS WINCH & HOIST SERVICES LTD. Individual Event Sponsors Printing of the Programme Sponsors of the Comedy Night Sponsors of Biggar Little Love Train Disco Night AHL Scaffolding Ltd Atkinson-Pryce Bookshop Atlas Winch Company Bedford Opto Technology Broughton Ales Brown Brothers Art Gallery at the Corn Exchange & Daisy Frame Picture Framing Lawrie Construction Ltd The Co-operative Food The Crown Inn The Mill Inn The Olive Tree Walker Carpets Bronze Sponsors: Armac Vet Group * APL * Burgundy * Cornhill House Hotel Harperhall Music Healthy Pets * James Harvie & Sons Re-max * Taylors of Biggar Ice Cream Sponsors of Biggar Day Out Sponsors of the Festival Clubs Other Sponsors and Sponsors in Kind: Borderline Garage * D M Clarkson * Gordon Young Helen Barrington Photography * Ken Foulis, Biggar Gallery Simple Simons Pies * South Lanarkshire Leisure and Culture Ltd The Gillespie Centre ( Box Office Facilities) * Biggar Sound Gold Sponsor: The Elphinstone Hotel PAGESPONSORS 4 An up to date list can be found on our website SPONSORS PAGE 5 At A Glance www.biggar-little-festival.com DATE & TIME EVENT VENUE TICKETS PN PRE-FESTIVAL EVENTS At A Glance DATE & TIME EVENT VENUE TICKETS PN 10am to 12noon Children’s Art Workshop – Halloween Shadow Box Biggar Public Library (13) £12 (inc materials & refreshments) 15 10am to 4pm biggART Gillespie Centre (1) FREE 42 10am to 12noon 12.30pm to 2.30pm 3pm - 5pm Family Carving Sessions Rachan by Broughton (22) £20 per workshop (inc materials) 16 11am to 4pm Douglas Davies Open Studio Loanfoot, Skirling (H) FREE 18 11am to 4pm Medwyn Art Exhibition Masonic Hall (17) FREE 43 2pm to 4.30pm ‘Hook’ & Custard Pie Fight Biggar Puppet Theatre (12) £6 16 6pm to 10pm Biggar Little Beer Festival Biggar Youth Project (20) FREE 17 7pm to 8.30pm ‘The Love Punch’ Biggar Puppet Theatre (12) £6 16 7.30pm to 9.30pm Shine Youth Music Theatre in Concert Municipal Hall (3) £8 17 7.30pm to 9.30pm Lulo Reinhart plus band Crawfordjohn Hall (24) £12 17 7.30pm to 10pm BTW presents The Cripple of Inishmaan Corn Exchange (2) £10 17 9pm till late Festival Club The Crown Inn (6) FREE 17 Saturday 04 October 7.30pm to 11pm BBC Radio Scotland Young Traditional Musician Award SemiFinals Concert Coulter Hall (23) £10 / £6 conc Family ticket (2 adults & 2 children £30) 13 Wednesday 08 October 7.30pm to 10pm Seaside Skiffle Corn Exchange (2) £7 13 Monday 13 October 10am to 4pm biggART Gillespie Centre (1) FREE 42 Tuesday 14 October 10am to 4pm biggART Gillespie Centre (1) FREE 42 1.30pm to 3pm Pips and Panda meet the Toothfairy Biggar Puppet Theatre (12) £8 13 Wednesday 15 October 10am to 4pm biggART Gillespie Centre (1) FREE 42 1.30pm to 3pm The Tinderbox Biggar Puppet Theatre (12) £8 14 7.30pm to 10pm BTW presents The Cripple of Inishmaan Corn Exchange (2) £8 14 www.biggar-little-festival.com Saturday 18 October FESTIVAL EVENTS All day The Commonwealth Games as seen by children High Street Shops FREE 42 Thursday 16 October 9.30am to 4pm Biggar High School Art Exhibition Biggar Public Library (13) FREE 43 All day The Commonwealth Games as seen by children High Street Shops FREE 42 9.30am to 4pm Trout at Transition: becoming a water steward Biggar Public Library (13) FREE 42 10am to 4pm biggART Gillespie Centre (1) FREE 42 10am to 3pm Millinery Workshop (Day 1) Merry and Bright (9) Painting your Pet Portrait Biggar Puppet Theatre (12) £20 (inc lunch & materials) 15 £75 (inc materials) 24 10am to 2pm 10am to 5pm Albion Museum Open Day 24 Douglas Davies Open Studio Loanfoot, Skirling (H) FREE 18 Albion Museum ( behind Gladstone Court) (15) FREE 11am to 4pm 2pm to 3pm Sing and Dance with Mr Boom St Mary’s Hall (7) £4 15 10am to 5pm Biggar Youth Project (20) FREE 43 3pm to 4.30pm The Tinderbox Biggar Puppet Theatre (12) £8 15 Biggar Camera Club Photographic Exhibition 3pm to 8pm Trout at Transition: becoming a water steward Biggar Public Library (13) FREE 42 10.30am to 4pm Antiques Uncovered Biggar Kirk (4) FREE 24 10.45am to 1pm The ABC of Square Dance St Mary’s Hall (7) 24 3pm to 8pm Biggar High School Art Exhibition Biggar Public Library (13) FREE 43 £5 Under 12’s free 7.30pm to 10pm BTW presents The Cripple of Inishmaan Corn Exchange (2) £10 15 10am to 4pm biggART Gillespie Centre (1) FREE 42 10am to 4pm Craig McMaster Open Studio Ballgreen Road, Biggar (B) FREE 10am to 4pm Robin Fox Open Studio Rowan Cottage, Roberton (J) Friday 17 October All day The Commonwealth Games as seen by children High Street Shops FREE 42 9.30am to 4.30pm Trout at Transition: becoming a water steward Biggar Public Library (13) FREE 42 9.30pm to 4.30pm Biggar High School Art Exhibition Biggar Public Library (13) FREE 43 PAGE 6 AT A GLANCE 04 OCT - 16 OCT 18 18 10am to 4pm Ken Russell Open Studio Lindsaylands Road, Biggar (A) FREE 19 10am to 4pm Moira Russell Open Studio Lindsaylands Road, Biggar (A) FREE 19 10am to 4pm Duncan Tattersall Open Studio Keeper’s Cottage, Coulter (D) FREE 19 10am to 4.30pm Madainn Group Open Studio Symington Village Hall (F) FREE 20 10am to 5pm Susheila Jamieson Open Studio Beechwood, Rachan, Broughton (L) FREE 19 17 OCT - 18 OCT AT A GLANCE PAGE 7 At A Glance www.biggar-little-festival.com www.biggar-little-festival.com DATE & TIME EVENT VENUE TICKETS PN At A Glance DATE & TIME www.biggar-little-festival.com EVENT VENUE TICKETS 10am to 5pm Susheila Jamieson Open Studio Beechwood, Rachan, Broughton (L) FREE 19 10am to 5pm Kay Booton Open Studio Sabhal Mor, Roberton (K) FREE 20 PN 10am to 5pm Kay Booton Open Studio Sabhal Mor, Roberton (K) FREE 20 10am to 5pm Trudi Breen Open Studio Libberton House, Libberton (M) FREE 20 10am to 5pm Mansefield Arts Open Studio Mansfield, Manse Road, Symington (G) FREE 20 10am to 5pm Trudi Breen Open Studio Libberton House, Libberton (M) FREE 20 10am to 6pm Carol Taylor Open Studio The Studio, Symington (E) FREE 21 10am to 5pm Mansefield Arts Open Studio FREE 21 11am to 4pm Biggar Botanical Art Group Open Studio Fernbank Cottage, West Row, Biggar (C) FREE 21 Mansfield, Manse Road, Symington (G) 10am to 5pm Biggar Youth Project (20) FREE 43 11am to 4pm Douglas Davies Open Studio Skirling (H) FREE 18 Biggar Camera Club Photographic Exhibition 11am to 5pm The Old School at Stobo Open Studio The Old School, Stobo (N) FREE 21 10am to 6pm Carol Taylor – Open Studio The Studio, Symington (E) FREE 21 11am to 2pm Masonic Lodge (17) FREE 29 11am to 5pm Kirsten Harris Open Studio Carnwath (I) FREE 21 Historic Masonic Lodge Museum Open Day 11am to 4pm Medwyn Art Exhibition Masonic Hall (17) FREE 43 11am to 4pm Biggar Botanical Art Group Open Studio Fernbank Cottage, West Row, Biggar (C) FREE 21 11am to 12noon (under 5’s) Build a Biggar Bear. Teddy Making Workshop Biggar Bears (18) £10 (inc materials) 25 11am to 4pm Douglas Davies Open Studio Skirling (H) FREE 18 12noon to 8pm Biggar Little Beer Festival Biggar Youth Project (20) FREE 25 11am to 5pm The Old School at Stobo Open Studio The Old School, Stobo (N) FREE 21 12noon onwards Lunch & Llama Walk Feufield’s Llamas Larder & Feufield Farm (16) £30 family of four 25 11am to 5pm Kirsten Harris – Open Studio Carnwath (I) FREE 21 12.30pm to 3.30pm A Literary Lunch with Kirsty Wark Elphinstone Hotel (5) £22 inc lunch 25 11am to 3.30pm Biggar Puppet Theatre Open Door Day Biggar Puppet Theatre (12) FREE ENTRY 29 1.30pm to 3pm Pips and Panda meet the Toothfairy Biggar Puppet Theatre (12) £8 25 Biggar Kirk (4) FREE 30 Afternoon Concert with Alison Bishop & Friends Corn Exchange (2) FREE 26 11.15pm to 12.15pm Festival Service 2pm to 3pm 2pm to 4.15pm Dance and Danceability St Mary’s Hall (7) £5 Under 12’s free 26 7.30pm to 10pm BTW presents The Cripple of Inishmaan Corn Exchange (2) £10 26 7.30pm to 10.30pm An Evening with Andy Fairweather Low Municipal Hall (3) £15 26 9pm till late Festival Club Elphinstone Hotel (5) FREE 26 Sunday 19 October BIGGAR DAY OUT All day The Commonwealth Games as seen by children High Street Shops FREE 42 10am to 12noon Rhythmbridge Community Drum Circle Corn Exchange (2) £5 Under 16’s free 29 10am to 3pm Millinery Workshop (Day 2) Merry and Bright (9) £75 (inc materials) 29 10am to 3.40pm Bargain Book Fair Biggar Puppet Theatre (12) FREE ENTRY 29 10am to 4pm Craig McMaster Open Studio Ballgreen Road, Biggar (B) FREE 18 10am to 4pm Robin Fox Open Studio Rowan Cottage, Roberton (J) 10am to 4pm Ken Russell Open Studio Lindsaylands Road, Biggar (A) 18 FREE 18 10am to 4pm Moira Russell Open Studio Lindsaylands Road, Biggar (A) FREE 18 10am to 4pm Duncan Tattersall Open Studio Keeper’s Cottage, Coulter (D) FREE 19 10am to 4.30pm Madainn Group Open Studio Symington Village Hall (F) FREE 20 PAGE 8 AT A GLANCE 18 OCT - 19 OCT 11am to 4pm Medwyn Art Exhibition Masonic Hall (17) FREE 43 11am to 12noon (under 5 years) 2pm to 3pm ( over 5 years ) Build-A-Biggar-Bear. Teddy Making Workshop Biggar Bears, High Street (18) £10 inc materials 29 12noon onwards Lunch & Llama Walk Feufield’s Llamas Larder & Feufield Farm (16) £30 family of four 31 12noon start BLF Fun Run Showfield (14) Adults £10. Ages 12 -16 £5 30 12noon to 3.30pm Henna Painting @ Taj Mahal Taj Mahal (8) Prices vary 31 12noon to 4.30pm Craft & Food Fair Municipal Hall & St Mary’s Hall (3) & (7) £1 Under 16’s free 28 12noon to 4.30pm Biggar Gasworks Steam Day Biggar Gasworks (19) FREE 31 12noon to 4pm biggART Gillespie Centre (1) FREE 42 12noon to 5pm Albion Museum Open Day Albion Museum ( behind Gladstone Court) (15) FREE 30 12noon to 8pm Biggar Little Beer Festival Biggar Youth Project (20) FREE 31 1pm to 5pm Open Stage Corn Exchange (2) FREE 31 2pm to 3pm Story trail – Room on the Broom Atkinson Pryce Bookshop (10) FREE 31 7pm to 9.30pm Eastfield & Harthilll Flute Orchestra St Mary’s Hall (7) £5 / £3 conc 32 8pm to 10pm A musical evening with Andy Munro & Flora Munro Corn Exchange (2) £8/£6 conc 32 19 OCT AT A GLANCE PAGE 9 EVENT VENUE At A Glance TICKETS PN All day The Commonwealth Games as seen by children High Street Shops FREE 42 9.30am to 4pm Trout at Transition: becoming a water steward Biggar Public Library (13) FREE 42 9.30am to 4pm Biggar High School Art Exhibition Biggar Public Library (13) FREE 43 11am to 4pm Medwyn Art Exhibition Masonic Hall (17) FREE 43 11am to 4pm Douglas Davies Open Studio Loanfoot, Skirling (H) FREE 18 5.30pm to 7.30pm & 8pm to 10pm Traditional Treats @ Taj Taj Mahal (8) Prices vary 33 6.30pm to 8.30pm Material Wreath Making Workshop www.biggar-little-festival.com DATE & TIME heART & Home (11) £15 (inc materials & refreshments) 33 Kenneth Steven Atkinson Pryce Bookshop (10) £7 33 All day The Commonwealth Games as seen by children High Street Shops FREE 42 11am to 4pm Douglas Davies Open Studio Loanfoot, Skirling (H) FREE 18 3pm to 8pm Trout at Transition: becoming a water steward Biggar Public Library (13) FREE 42 3pm to 8pm Biggar High School Art Exhibition Biggar Public Library (13) FREE 43 5.30pm to 7.30pm & 8pm to 10pm Traditional Treats @ Taj Taj Mahal (8) Prices vary 33 6.30pm to 8.30pm Felt Handbag Making heART & Home (11) £19 ( inc materials & refreshments) 33 Corn Exchange (2) £5 33 Tuesday 21 October 7.30pm to 9pm www.biggar-little-festival.com EVENT VENUE TICKETS PN All day The Commonwealth Games as seen by children High Street Shops FREE 42 10am to 3pm Block Printing Rachan by Broughton (22) £65 (inc materials & refreshments) 35 11am to 4pm Douglas Davies Open Studio Loanfoot, Skirling (H) FREE 18 1pm to 3pm Children’s Author Debi Gliori Biggar Public Library (13) £1 35 3pm to 8pm Trout at Transition: becoming a water steward Biggar Public Library (13) FREE 42 3pm to 8pm Biggar High School Art Exhibition Biggar Public Library (13) FREE 43 5.30pm to 7.30pm & 8pm to 10pm Traditional Treats @ Taj Taj Mahal (8) Prices vary 35 6.30pm to 8.30pm Child’s Dress Making Workshop heART & Home (11) £18 (inc materials & refreshments) 35 7pm till end of auction Contemporary Art Auction Corn Exchange (2) £2 entry fee 35 7pm to 9.30pm Young Musician Competition Biggar High School (13) £3 / £2 conc 36 7.30pm to 10.30pm The JSD Band Municipal Hall (3) £15 (£12 CFC Members) 36 All day The Commonwealth Games as seen by children High Street Shops FREE 42 9.30 am to 4pm Trout at Transition: becoming a water steward Biggar Public Library (13) FREE 42 9.30am to 4pm Biggar High School Art Exhibition Biggar Public Library (13) FREE 43 11am to 4pm Douglas Davies Open Studio Loanfoot, Skirling (H) FREE 18 11am to 4pm Medwyn Art Group Exhibition Masonic Hall (17) FREE 43 7.30pm to 10pm Comedy Night Corn Exchange (2) £12 36 9pm till late Festival Club Elphinstone Hotel (5) FREE 37 Thursday 23 October Monday 20 October 7.30pm to 9pm At A Glance DATE & TIME Hang on a tic ....It’s just a Minute Wednesday 22 October Friday 24 October All day The Commonwealth Games as seen by children High Street Shops FREE 42 11am to 4pm Douglas Davies Open Studio Loanfoot, Skirling (H) FREE 18 Saturday 25 October 5.30pm to 7.30pm & 8pm to 10pm Traditional Treats @ Taj Taj Mahal (8) Prices vary 34 All day The Commonwealth Games as seen by children High Street Shops FREE 42 5.30pm to 6.30pm Teenager Wirework Jewellery Making Workshop heART & Home (11)) £10 (inc materials & refreshments) 34 9.30 am to 4pm Trout at Transition: becoming a water steward Biggar Public Library (13) FREE 42 9.30am to 4pm Biggar High School Art Exhibition Biggar Public Library (13) FREE 43 6.45pm to 9.15pm Wirework Jewellery Making Workshop heART & Home (11) £30 (inc materials & refreshments) 34 10am to 4pm Mosaic Workshop Rachan by Broughton (22) £65 (inc materials & refreshments) 37 7pm to 8.30pm Biggar High School Fashion Extravaganza Biggar High School (13) £5 / £4 conc 34 10am to 5pm Albion Museum Open Day Albion Museum (behind Gladstone Court) (15) FREE 37 8pm to 10pm Biggar Music presents DUO con CERTO Municipal Hall (3) £12 School Students free 34 10.30am to 12.30pm Songwriting Workshop Corn Exchange (2) £12 37 PAGE 10 AT A GLANCE 20 OCT - 22 OCT 23 OCT - 25 OCT AT A GLANCE PAGE 11 www.biggar-little-festival.com At A Glance PN DATE & TIME EVENT VENUE TICKETS 11am to 12 noon (under 5’s) 2pm to 3pm (over 5’s) Build a Biggar Bear. Teddy Making Workshop Biggar Bears (18) £10 (inc materials) 37 11am, 1.30pm & 3pm The Global Tradition Puppet Museum Tour Biggar Puppet Theatre (12) £4 38 11am to 4pm Douglas Davies Open Studio Loanfoot, Skirling (H) FREE 18 11am to 4pm Medwyn Art Group Exhibition Masonic Hall (17) FREE 43 12noon onwards Lunch & Llama Walk Feufield’s Llamas Larder & Feufield Farm (16) £30 family of four 38 1pm to 3pm Children’s Halloween Party Biggar Sports Centre (13) £3 per child, adults free 38 1.30pm to 3.30pm Singing Workshop Corn Exchange (2) £12 37 7.30pm to 11pm Biggar Little Love Train Municipal Hall (3) £10 38 8pm to 10pm The David Latto Band Corn Exchange (2) £7 38 9pm till late Festival Club The Crown Inn (6) FREE 39 All day The Commonwealth Games as seen by children High Street Shops FREE 42 10am to 4pm Stone Carving Rachan by Broughton (22) £80 39 11am to 4pm Douglas Davies Open Studio Loanfoot, Skirling (H) FREE 18 11am to 4pm Medwyn Art Group Exhibition Masonic Hall (17) FREE 43 12noon onwards Lunch & Llama Walk Feufield’s Llamas Larder & Feufield Farm (16) £30 family of four 39 12noon to 5pm Albion Museum Open Day Albion Museum (behind Gladstone Court) (15) FREE 39 12.30pm to 5pm Rag Rug Workshop heART & Home (11) £35 (inc materials & refreshments) 39 1.30pm to 3pm Pips and Panda meet the Toothfairy Biggar Puppet Theatre (12) £8 39 2pm to 3pm Afternoon Concert with Alison Bishop & friends Corn Exchange (2) FREE 40 5.45pm onwards Fireworks Spectacular Can be viewed from Burn Braes FREE 40 7.30pm to 10pm Jazz Jukebox Corn Exchange (2) £12 / £10 conc (over 65) 40 8pm to 10.30pm The John Hinshelwood Band, Kathy Stewart and The Frequent Flyers The Crown Inn (6) £8 40 Catriona McPherson & Dandy Gilver Atkinson Pryce Bookshop (10) £5 41 Concert in the Kirk Biggar Kirk (4) £5 41 PRE-FESTIVAL EVENTS BBC Radio Scotland Young Traditional Musician Award Semi-Finals Concert Saturday 4 October Coulter Hall (23) 7.30pm (11pm) £10 / £6 conc. Family ticket (2 adults & 2 children) £30 www.biggar-little-festival.com Seaside Skiffle Remembering Lonnie Donegan Wednesday 8 October Corn Exchange (2) 7.30pm (10pm) £7 Pips and Panda meet the Toothfairy Tuesday 14 October Biggar Puppet Theatre (12) 1.30pm (3pm) £8 Sunday 26 October ( inc materials & refreshments) Twelve young traditional musicians from all over Scotland compete to get into the grand final of the BBC Radio Scotland Young Traditional Musician Award. Six musicians will go through to the finals which are also broadcast on BBC Alba. Nostalgia with a twist as the Seaside Skifflers interpret the songs of Lonnie Donegan, The Vipers and Nancy Whiskey. Sing along and join in the kazoo orchestra. Highly infectiously enjoyable music, bring along a washboard to add to the ensemble! A fun story told with glowin-the-dark puppets – by the internationally renowned “Purves Puppets” now celebrating their 44th year in puppetry. Panda put his tooth under the pillow but the Toothfairy never came! So why didn’t she come? Pips and Panda travel on their adventures to Toothfairyland. Lots of laughter, fun and songs to join in! This spectacular performance keeps everyone entertained. Children, Mums and Dads can meet the puppets afterwards. Bring along your panda or monkey toy! Suitable for ages 1 to 6. Tickets available from the Puppet Theatre on 01899 220631. Also showing on Saturday 18 and Sunday 26 October Post Festival Events Monday 27 October 7.30pm to 9pm Tuesday 28 October 7.30pm to 10pm PAGE 12 AT A GLANCE 25 OCT - 28 OCT 04 OCT - 14 OCT PRE-FESTIVAL EVENTS PAGE 13 PRE-FESTIVAL EVENTS www.biggar-little-festival.com FESTIVAL EVENTS The Tinderbox Painting your Pet Portrait Wednesday 15 October Thursday 16 October Biggar Puppet Theatere (12) 1.30pm (3pm) £8 Biggar Puppet Theate (12) 10am (2pm) £20 includes snack lunch & all materials A family show for age 5 – adults, tells how Corporal Fitzpatrick meets the three dogs - Copper Dog (with eyes as big as teacups) - Silver Dog (with eyes as big as millwheels) - and Gold Dog (with eyes as big as the round tower of Copenhagen!) The music, specially written and adapted for this production, is another big feature, and there is fun, magic and mystery! Sing and dance with Mr Boom The Tinderbox Thursday 16 October Biggar Puppet Theatre (12) 3pm (4.30pm) £8 St Mary’s Hall (7) 2pm (3pm) £4 Thursday 16 October Please see Wednesday 15 October for details. Biggar Theatre Workshop presents : The Cripple of Inishmaan Thursday 16 October Suitable for all the family from 6 years. Tickets available from the Puppet Theatre on 01899 220631. Also showing on Thursday 16 October. Local Lanark artist - Alex Doak will help you paint your very own pet portrait. Whatever the pet - Dog, Cat , Goldfish – or spider!! Just bring along a photograph of your pet and be willing to give it a go. You can be a complete novice or advanced painter. Makes a great gift or make it for yourself. Includes all materials and tuition for your picture to take home. Biggar Theatre Workshop presents : The Cripple of Inishmaan Wednesday 15 to Saturday 18 October Suitable for age 14 to adult. Tickets available from the Puppet Theatre on 01899 220631 or www.purvespuppets.com Corn Exchange (2) 7.30pm (10pm) Wednesday £8, Thursday, Friday & Saturday £10 It’s 1934 on the small island of Inishmaan in Galway Bay. Life for crippled orphan Billy Claven is one of prejudice and mockery. Abandoned by his parents and treated as an outcast in a politically incorrect, rural community; he starts to look for ways to escape. A satirical, black comedy depicting the touching story of a boy’s struggle for acceptance. Tickets available from Brydens newsagents and www.biggarcornexchange.org.uk The Cripple of Inishmaan is written by Martin McDonagh and directed by Leah Moorhouse. PAGE 14 www.biggar-little-festival.com PRE-FESTIVAL EVENTS 15 - 18 OCTOBER 16 - 17 OCTOBER Corn Exchange (2) 7.30pm (10pm) £10 Please see Wednesday 15 October for details. Mr Boom – the children’s one man band from the moon - is known to a whole generation of Scottish children through performances in schools, theatres and at festivals over the past three decades and also through his television appearances on “Over the Moon” – a BBC2 Education programme, broadcast in the 1990’s. Fans from the early boom days are now bringing their own children along to join in his highly animated show. An exciting mix of song, dance and audience participation. Parent friendly cosmic fun for wee Earthlings. “Use your imagination”, “Jump, skip, dance around the sun”. Suitable for ages 3 to 8 years. Children to be accompanied by an adult. FESTIVAL EVENTS Children’s Art Workshop – Halloween Shadow Box Friday 17 October Biggar Public Library (13) 10am to 12 noon £12 (includes materials and refreshments) Create your very own Spooky ‘Shadow Box’ for Halloween with artist Catriona Ross. Suitable for age 7 years and over. Younger children are welcome to attend if accompanied by an adult. PAGE 15 FESTIVAL EVENTS www.biggar-little-festival.com Friday 17 October Shine Youth Music Theatre presents a selection of songs from stage and screen. This vibrant youth theatre sell-out productions wherever they go and look forward to entertaining crowds at Biggar Little Festival. “. . . one thing is certain: Lulo is a fantastic musician, worthy of the Reinhardt name” (London Evening Standard) ‘Reinhardt name’ refers to Lulo’s famous grand-uncle, Django Reinhart, the gypsy guitarist who created an entirely new way of playing. Lulo has played guitar from age 5, and has developed the wonderful rhythmic and melodic music of his birthright by adding Latin swing and flamenco rhythms to create a dynamic combination of musical styles and emotions. You will come away from this concert feeling much more than just impressed. “ ... the finest concert of acoustic guitar I have ever seen ...” (Sydney Morning Herald) PAGE 16 FESTIVAL EVENTS 17 OCTOBER 17 OCTOBER Friday 17 October Corn Exchange (2) 7.30pm (10pm) £10 Please see Wednesday 15 October for details. Why not kick back, relax, soak up the atmosphere and enjoy some fabulous live music at your local pub. The festival club showcases some of the best local musicians and entry is free. Check out the BLF website for the evening’s line up! This event is very kindly sponsored by heART & Home Biggar Little Beer Festival Friday 17 October Biggar Youth Project (20) 6pm (10pm) FREE ENTRY See Saturday 18 October for full details. Festival Club Tickets available from 1st June from Keith Black on 07962 120881 and Christine Barton on 01864 504181. Tickets also available from BLF website and Box Office. Biggar Theatre Workshop presents : The Cripple of Inishmaan Festival Club Suitable for ages 12 plus. Tickets available from the Puppet Theatre on 01899 220631 or www. purvespuppets.com Municipal Hall (3) 7.30pm (9.30pm) £8 Friday 17 October The Crown Inn (6) 9pm till late FREE Festival Club Suitable for all the family from 6 years. Tickets available from the Puppet Theatre on 01899 220631 or www.purvespuppets.com Friday 17 October Festival Club Festival Club “Hook”u - Peter Pan has grown up to be a cut-throat lawyer, and is married to Wendy’s granddaughter. Captain Hook kidnaps his children, and Peter returns to Never Land with Tinkerbell. With the help of her and the Lost Boys, he must remember how to be Peter Pan again in order to save his children by battling with Captain Hook once more. Starring Robin Williams, Dustin Hoffman, Julia Roberts, Bob Hoskins and Dame Maggie Smith. There is a famous Imaginary food fight in the film, which has inspired us to have our own Custard Pie Fight again due to popular demand! DRESS AS A LOST BOY OR GIRL - Ready for the custard pie fight after the film! “The Love Punch” 12A - The Love Punch. A gloriously jolly romp starring Pierce Brosnan, Celia Imrie, Timothy Spall and the marvellous Emma Thompson who is nothing short of a national treasure. This is a lighthearted tale based on a company being taken over and and stripped of its assets without a single thought of what’s going to happen to the employees. With everyone having lost their financial security, Richard (Brosnan) makes a promise to sort everything out and with ex wife Kate (Thompson) he enlists the services of their neighbours (Imrie and Spall) and the computer expertise of their son to embark on an adventure to get back what is rightfully theirs. Set mainly in Paris and the sun drenched backdrop of the Cote d’Azur. Friday 17 October Crawfordjohn Hall (24) 7.30pm (9.30pm) £12 Shine Youth Music Theatre in Concert Festival Club Suitable for 6 years plus. Advance booking essential on 01899 830443 or [email protected] Biggar Puppet Theatre (12) 2pm (4.30pm) £6 Biggar Puppet Theatre (12) 7pm (8.30pm) £6 Lulo Reinhart plus band Festival Club 2 hour sessions for parents and children. These short sessions allow participants to try out carving tools and techniques in a light weight material. These workshops have proved very popular at past events - booking essential! Friday 17 October ‘The Love Punch’ Friday 17 October Festival Club Rachan by Broughton (22) 10am to 12 noon 12.30pm to 2.30pm 3pm to 5pm £20 per adult and child per workshop ( includes 2 pieces of material) ‘Hook’ and Custard Pie Fight (U) www.biggar-little-festival.com Festival Club Festival Club Family Carving Sessions FESTIVAL EVENTS FESTIVAL EVENTS PAGE 17 OPEN STUDIOS www.biggar-little-festival.com Open Studios FREE ENTRY Following the success of last year, local artists will once again be opening their hearts, souls and studios to let the public share in their creativity. Use the map in the centre pages of the programme to follow the artists trail. Douglas Davies Thursday 16 to Sunday 26 October Loanfoot, Skirling, ML12 6HD (H) 11am to 4pm Craig McMaster Photography Saturday 18 to Sunday 19 October 4 Ballgreen Road, Biggar ML12 6GP (B) 10am to 4pm FREE Ken Russell Saturday 18 to Sunday 19 October Janefield, 2 Lindsaylands Rd, Biggar ML12 6EQ (A) 10am to 4pm PAGE 18 An Exhibition of magnificent Black & White photographs of Scotland’s wildest landscapes taken by photographer Craig McMaster, author of “Elements” and “Greenock & the Firth of Clyde. See the craft behind his art. Selection of posters, cards and limited edition prints for sale. www.mcmasterart.com OPEN STUDIOS Duncan Tattersall Susheila Jamieson Saturday 18 to Sunday 19 October Saturday 18 to Sunday 19 October Keeper’s Cottage, Coulter ML12 6PZ (D) 10am to 4pm Robin Fox Saturday 18 to Sunday 19 October Rowan Cottage, Howgate Road, Roberton, by Biggar ML12 6RS (J) 10am to 4pm Over the past year Ken has been investigating long lost railways both local and in Edinburgh. This has resulted in a variety of new work including some offshoots into old and new Leith! His work can be seen on his web site www.inadifferentlight.co.uk Moira Russell Saturday 18 to Sunday 19 October Chat with the artist and enjoy an exhibition of landscape paintings from Scotland, France & Spain together with still lifes. www.douglasdaviesgallery.co.uk FESTIVAL EVENTS www.biggar-little-festival.com Robin invites you to his home and studio to view his mixed media sculpture. He is a local artist inspired by the stunning rural surroundings in which he lives. Most of Robin’s work features natural wildlife, including bird and animal sculpture. He looks forward to having a chat about his work. Pieces will be available to buy during the Open Studios event, and commissions are welcomed. Come along and enjoy some home made lemon cake and flapjack whilst you browse the art. www.theartfulrobin.com 16 - 26 18OCTOBER OCTOBER Janefield, 2 Lindsaylands Rd, Biggar ML12 6EQ (A) 10am to 4pm Duncan is a young artist producing work inspired by Scotland’s abandoned country houses. His love of 19th Century architecture and experimental treatment of materials combine in a varied portfolio comprising drawing, painting, collage and photography. Among his most recent works are a series of 3-dimensional pieces using reclaimed and traditional building materials. He invites you to visit his studio for a chance to view his past projects and current works in progress. A selection of original art pieces and limited edition photographic prints will be for sale, and side projects in costuming and corsetry will also be on display. www.ruination-scotland.com Beechwood, Rachan, Broughton, Biggar, ML12 6HH (L) 10am to 5pm FREE Local professional sculptor/ artist/arts educator Susheila Jamieson invites you to visit studios and garden at Rachan. Sculptures, mosaics and other artwork will be on display. All artwork for sale. Examples of public art and school and community projects will also be on display. www.rachan.co.uk Meet the artist and find out how her ideas are transformed through sketchbook research and development to the finished mixed media work. See more of her work on her web pages at www.inadifferentlight.co.uk 18 - 19 OCTOBER OPEN STUDIOS PAGE 19 FESTIVAL EVENTS www.biggar-little-festival.com Madainn Group Saturday 18 to Sunday 19 October Symington Village Hall (F) 10am to 4.30pm FREE Kay Booton Saturday 18 to Sunday 19 October Sabhal Mor, Roberton, by Biggar ML12 6RS (K) 10am to 5pm Trudi Breen Saturday 18 to Sunday 19 October Libberton House, Libberton, Lanark ML11 8LX (M) 10am to 5pm Exhibition of original artwork. Cards, prints and original work for sale. We are a group of contemporary artists, meeting for a full day weekly, who paint in a variety of styles using mixed media and assorted techniques. Our inspiration comes from years of formal tuition followed by periodic input from various professional artists, attendance at summer schools, workshops and Leith School of Art.We are passionate about our work, enjoying pushing boundaries and exploring new ways to express our vision. Our work includes still life, life drawing, landscapes and abstracts focusing on colour, tone and form. We exhibit widely.Come along and join us, view our work whilst enjoying some light refreshment. PAGE 20 I work regularly in oil, acrylic or pencil and have just started experimenting with mixed media. I love the beauty that can be found in flowers and natural forms but am equally intrigued by a piece of old rope or a rusty nail. Visitors will see a variety of different paintings and sketches on display, large and small pieces, cards and work in progress. My studio is located in the lovely village of Roberton on the A73, just a few miles out of Biggar. A friendly welcome with tea, coffee and home baking awaits you! Tel: 07814258495 for more information. Mansefield Arts Saturday 18 to Sunday 19 October Mansefield, Manse Rd, Symington (G) 10am to 5pm FREE OPEN STUDIOS The Old School at Stobo Saturday 18 to Sunday 19 October The Old School at Stobo, EH45 8NU (N) 11am to 5pm FREE The Old School is home to 3 different craft businesses. Mark Norris is a renowned harp maker. Colin Semple is more recently established making bespoke furniture and Lloidy Jeche makes glass bead sculptures. www.colinsemple.com Kirsten Harris Artist & Alexander Technique Teacher Saturday 18 to Sunday 19 October A warm welcome awaits you when you visit Eileen’s studio. Here you can catch up with her latest works, including paintings, handmade mini albums, paper crafts, soap stone carving and more. Eileen welcomes commissions to create portraits of animals and also specialised albums, (new baby, wedding, birthdays, etc.) www.mansefieldarts.com 18 - 19 OCTOBER FESTIVAL EVENTS www.biggar-little-festival.com Biggar Botanical Art Group Saturday 18 to Sunday 19 October Fernbank Cottage, West Row, Biggar ML12 6BX (C) 11am to 4pm With water, brush and palette, we transform the blank pages Inspired by natures bounty, evolved throughout the ages. Stem and branch, leaf and flower, we draw and paint with care And as a group from far and wide, together our skills we share. The seasons offer the inspiration, for our botanical theme today. And hope all enjoy as we have done, our creations on display Carol Taylor Saturday 18 to Sunday 19 October The Studio, 20 Carding Street, Symington, by Biggar ML12 6LS (E) 10am to 6pm Local artist Carol Taylor invites you to join her in her garden studio to view a variety of new paintings, drawings and limited edition Giclee prints. Carol paints full-time in the studio, so there is quite a variety of art works to see or you can chat about the ideas that are the inspiration for her original paintings. e.g. Large acrylics painted on linen/ canvas of the Sea and landscapes, water colour paintings, drawings and dried flower specimen photography. www.castaylor.com 07769628820.07769628820. Berry Knowe Cottage, Westsidewood, Carnwath, South Lanarkshire ML11 8LI (I) 11am to 5pm Paintings, Drawings, Cartoons and Art Cards for sale. Current Themes - Animals, Horses, Vintage Cars. www.kirstenharrisart.com 18 - 19 OCTOBER OPEN STUDIOS PAGE 21 Biggar Little Festival Main Venues 1. Gillespie Centre & Festival Box Office 2. Corn Exchange 3. Municipal Hall 4. Biggar Kirk 5. Elphinstone Hotel 6. The Crown Inn 7. St Marys Hall 8. Taj Mahal 9. Merry & Bright 10. Atkinson Pryce Bookshop 11. heART & Home 12. Biggar Puppet Theatre 13. Biggar High School, Library & Sports Centre 14. Biggar Showfield 15. Albion Museum 16. Feufield Llamas Larder 17. Masonic Hall and Lodge 18. Biggar Bears 19. Biggar Gasworks 20. Biggar Youth Project I M 14 21. Feufield Farm, Symington, Biggar 22. Rachan by Broughton 23. Coulter Hall 24. Crawfordjohn Hall 4 Open Studios PAGE 22 H 15 Venues outside Biggar Biggar A. Ken Russell/Moira Russell, Biggar B. Craig McMaster C. Biggar Botanical Art Coulter D. Duncan Tattersall Symington E. Carol Taylor F. Madainn Group G. Mansfield Arts Skirling H. Douglas Davis Carnwath I. Kirsten Harris Roberton J. Robin Fox K. Kay Booton Rachan L. Susheila Jamieson Libberton M. Trudi Breen Stobo N. The Old School © Crown Copyright. All rights reserved. 10004458 Venues in Biggar 3 18 19 C A 21 23 24 D E F G J K 16 10 9 7 8 6 17 5 2 1 11 12 22 N L 20 13 B PAGE 23 FESTIVAL EVENTS www.biggar-little-festival.com Millinery Workshop 2 day workshop Saturday 18 October Merry & Bright (9) 10am to 3pm £75 includes materials Have you ever wanted to make your own hats? If so then this workshop if for you. Join Hazel Henderson and learn how to block a felt hat using professional millinery techniques. Materials provided but bring along feathers, beads or anything you like to decorate your finished creation. Please also bring a packed lunch. Suitable for adults only. Places limited, booking essential. Day two of the workshop is on Sunday 19 October Albion Museum Open Day Saturday 18 October Albion Museum (behind Gladstone Court Museum) (15) 10am to 5pm FREE - Donations welcomed Discover the Albion story and view our collection of memorabilia, parts and vehicles at the heart of the spiritual home of The Albion Motor Company. Museum also open on Sun 19, Sat 25 and Sun 26 October. Antiques Uncovered Saturday 18 October The ABC of Square Dance Saturday 18 October St Mary’s Hall (7) 10.45am to 1pm £5 Children under 12 free Square Dancing is a centuriesold social dance form with European roots, alive and growing in many parts of the world. The Caller, Erik Pluylaar (NL), will take you on a journey through America where the modern western square dance has evolved. Join in a fun, easy beginner square dance with no experience needed and for all ages 8 to adult. Children under 12 should be accompanied by an adult. Build-A-Biggar-Bear Teddy Making Workshop Saturday 18 October Biggar Bears (18) 11am to 12noon (under 5 years) 2pm to 3pm (5 to 12 years) £10 Come and join us for a fun filled hour and create your very own biggar bear! Fill them up with stuffing, add a heart, a wish and some fairy dust. Then name your new best friend and enjoy a teddy bear picnic, story and a visit from our giant bear friends!! www.biggar-little-festival.com Lunch and Llama Walk Saturday 18 October Llamas Larder (16) and Feufield Farm, Symington, Biggar ML12 6HX (22) Lunch 12noon to 2pm Festival Offer - Family of Four - £30 Enjoy a soup and sandwich lunch at Feufield’s Llamas Larder before visiting Feufield Farm for a Llama Walk. Special festival offer – Lunch and Walk, family of four £30 (normal price £80). Booking essential (24hrs notice) 01899 220844. Also on Sunday 19, Saturday 25 & Sunday 26 October. Biggar Little Beer Festival Saturday 18 October Biggar Youth Project (20) 12 noon to 8pm FREE ENTRY Biggar Kirk (4) 10.30am to 4pm FREE A Literary Lunch with Kirsty Wark Saturday 18 October Elphinstone Hotel (5) 12.30pm to 3.30pm £22 (includes lunch) Atkinson-Pryce hosts a lunch with journalist and TV presenter Kirsty Wark to celebrate publication of the paperback edition of her novel “The Legacy of Elizabeth Pringle”. Tickets available from AtkinsonPryce Bookshop only. Purchasers need to confirm menu choices at the time of purchase. Pips and Panda meet the Toothfairy Saturday 18 October FESTIVAL EVENTS Biggar Puppet Theatre (17) 1.30pm (3pm) £8 Following the success of previous years, Biggar Little Beer Festival will once again host its very popular Beer Festival giving you a chance to sample traditional crafted beers from throughout the UK with a strong focus on local Scottish brewers. Over 18’s only. Ever wondered if that old family heirloom languishing in the attic is worth a fortune? Experts from Edinburgh auction house Lyon & Turnbull will be on hand to share their knowledge about those family heirlooms, be it jewellery, ceramics, furniture etc. PAGE 24 FESTIVAL EVENTS 18 OCTOBER 18 OCTOBER Please see Tuesday 14 October for details. FESTIVAL EVENTS PAGE 25 FESTIVAL EVENTS www.biggar-little-festival.com Saturday 18 October Corn Exchange (2) 2pm (3pm) FREE (Donations welcome) Biggar Theatre Workshop presents : The Cripple of Inishmaan Saturday 18 October Corn Exchange (2) 7.30pm (10pm) £10 A light and varied programme of songs by local performers. Dance and Danceability Saturday 18 October St Mary’s Hall (7) 2pm (4.15pm) £5 Under 12’s free An Evening with Andy Fairweather Low Saturday 18 October Elphinstone Hotel (5) 9pm till late FREE Why not kick back, relax, soak up the atmosphere and enjoy some fabulous live music at your local pub. The festival club showcases some of the best local musicians and entry is free. Check out the BLF website for the evening’s line up! This event is very kindly sponsored by heART & Home Municipal Hall (3) 7.30pm (10.30pm) £15 Since the 1960`s Andy has carved out a glittering career in the music business. From his early days as lead singer with Amen Corner Andy has been sought after by almost every big name you can think of. He toured for years as a stalwart of the Eric Clapton Band and has played with the likes of Bob Dylan, Van Morrison, George Harrison, Elton John, BB King and hundreds more. The ultimate guitarist`s guitarist, he has recently launched a new album and is coming to Biggar with his own star band. Andy Fairweather Low Come to the Assembly! Country dancing to live music with Nell and Nicolas Broadbridge. Dance in long sets and experience two styles of dance – the elegance of Jane Austen, and the excitement of American Contra Dancing. Come with or without a partner, no one will be a wallflower! Wear comfortable clothes and shoes. Suitable for age 8 to adult. Children under 12 to be accompanied by an adult. PAGE 26 Festival Club Festival Club Please see Wednesday 15 October for details. Festival Club Saturday 18 October Festival Club Festival Club Afternoon Concert; Alison Bishop and Friends BIGGAR BIGGAR DAY OUT www.biggar-little-festival.com DAY OUT SUNDAY 19 OCTOBER VARIOUS VENUES Street entertainment Food & craft fair 12 noon to 5pm FREE Yes its Biggar Day Out once again as Biggar Little Festival pulls out all the stops for its biggest and best day out ever! Together with the town’s shops, cafes, arts groups and others our aim is to provide a family feast of fun day out. What do you want to do? How about taking part in an event, rummaging through the food & craft fair, letting the kids go off exploring in our storytelling trail ‘Room on the Broom’ or getting them on the bouncy dome to burn off some energy? For those with less energy what about visiting an exhibition, enjoying a show, doing a bit of impromptu shopping or just moseying round the town? It’s all there for you on Biggar Day Out. Come along, join in and help get the town buzzing. BIGGAR DAY OUT kindly sponsored by Story Homes FESTIVAL EVENTS 18 OCTOBER 19 OCTOBER BIGGAR DAY OUT PAGE 27 BIGGAR DAY OUT- BIGGAR DAY OUT - BIGGAR DAY OUT - BIGGAR DAY OUT - BIGGAR DAY OUT - BIGGAR DAY OUT Street Entertainment A quick stroll down Biggar High St and nearby brings you a host of entertainment. We have Horse & Carriage rides, open mic, pipe band, Albion Bus together with Biggar Gasworks Steam day, Puppet Theatre & Albion Museum open days. We also have lots to keep the children entertained with a bouncy castle, play bus, face painting and ‘Room on the Broom’ walk, while Dad’s may want to soak up some of the atmosphere and sample some of the real ales at the Beer festival. We are also expecting a visit from those madcap street entertainers Mischief Le Bas so keep your eyes peeled for The Elvis Cleaning Company and shop keepers beware as Irana Frump hits the shops! BIGGAR DAY OUT- BIGGAR DAY OUT - BIGGAR DAY OUT - BIGGAR DAY OUT - BIGGAR DAY OUT - BIGGAR DAY OUT Rhythmbridge presents a Community Drum Circle Sunday 19 October Corn Exchange (2) 10am to 12 noon £5 Children under 16 free Bargain Book Fair Sunday 19 October Biggar Puppet Theatre (12) 10am to 3.30pm FREE Build-A-Biggar-Bear Sunday 19 October Biggar Bears (18) 11am to 12noon (under 5 years) 2pm to 3pm (5 to 12 years) £10 See Saturday 18 October for details. Theatre Open Doors Day Sunday 19 October Festival Fair A community drum circle is a fun, family friendly event, where people empower each other in the act of celebrating community and life through rhythm and music. Hosted by Paul Dear Drum Circle Facilitator Extraordinaire. Suitable for all age ranges. Fine foods, arts, crafts jewellery and much more. Due to the success of extending the festival fair last year it will once again be held in both the Municipal and St Mary’s Hall providing even more choice for a superb shopping experience. We will also be serving teas, coffees and scrumptious home baking at St Mary’s Hall. Please see the Biggar Day Out Programme for a full list of stall holders. Millinery Making Workshop ( Day 2) Sunday 19 October Merry and Bright (9) 10am to 3pm £75 (includes materials) Book lovers and collectors – come and grab a bargain from our wide range of secondhand books on all sorts of subjects! Bargain prices, so empty your piggy bank! Biggar Puppet Theatre (12) 11am to 4pm FREE Biggar BFO Lodge 167 Museum Sunday 19 October Masonic Lodge (17) 11am to 2pm FREE See Saturday 18 October for details You’re welcome to pop in and we will show you around our wonderful Victorian-Style theatre. Guided Tours start at 11.00am, 1.30pm & 3.00pm. Tearoom will be open selling lunches and cakes! The Bargain Book Fair is also on the same day, in the tearoom. Puppet Shop, gardens and our own car park on site. Visit the historic Masonic Lodge and learn about its fascinating history. PAGE 28 BIGGAR DAY OUT 19 OCTOBER 19 OCTOBER BIGGAR DAY OUT PAGE 29 BIGGAR DAY OUT- BIGGAR DAY OUT - BIGGAR DAY OUT - BIGGAR DAY OUT - BIGGAR DAY OUT - BIGGAR DAY OUT Festival Service Sunday 19 October Biggar Kirk (4) 11.15am to 12.15 noon FREE Albion Museum Open Day Sunday 19 October Albion Museum (behind Gladstone Court Museum) (15) 10am to 5pm FREE – Donations welcome Please see Saturday 19 October for details. Lunch and Llama Walk Sunday 19 October Llamas Larder (16) and Feufield Farm, Symington, Biggar ML12 6HX (22) Lunch 12noon to 2pm Festival Offer - Family of Four - £30 BIGGAR DAY OUT- BIGGAR DAY OUT - BIGGAR DAY OUT - BIGGAR DAY OUT - BIGGAR DAY OUT - BIGGAR DAY OUT Henna Hand Painting Sunday 19 October The Taj Mahal (8) 12noon to 3.30pm Prices Vary Biggar Little Beer Festival Sunday 19 October Biggar Youth Project (20) 12noon to 8pm FREE ENTRY See Saturday 18 October for full details. See Saturday 18 October for details Storytrail - Room on a Broom Sunday 19 October Departs Atkinson Pryce Bookshop (10) 2pm (3pm) FREE Open Stage Sunday 19 October This family friendly service has become a regular feature of Biggar Little Festival, acknowledging and celebrating the spiritual side of the arts in Biggar. All are welcome. Henna painting is an ancient art and offers a non-permanent alternative to a tattoo. Choose from a range of creative designs then watch as the girls show off their henna painting skills. Pay at the door – prices vary depending upon the design chosen. Corn Exchange (2) 1pm to 5pm FREE ENTRY Join us for ‘Room on the Broom’. Come along to Atkinson Pryce Bookshop to follow the story trail. This is suitable for all preschool and infant primary children accompanied by adults. Henna paint is not suitable for anyone with an allergy to henna. Children must be accompanied by a responsible adult. Please come along and join in the fun in your favourite witchy costume. BLF 5km Fun Run Sunday 19 October Start and parking at the show field (14) 12noon Adults £10. Ages 12 - 16 £5 Join us in our second fun run, now an annual event! Run mostly on track with a little road work and amazing views. Why not run for your favourite charity or support the festival. Prizes for best fancy dress and 1st female and male home, also new this year 1st 12-16 boy and girl. Entry form to be completed with booking. PAGE 30 BIGGAR DAY OUT 19 OCTOBER Biggar Gas Works Steam Day Sunday 19 October Biggar Gas Works (19) 12noon to 4.30pm FREE Gasworks Tours with guide, Coal Fired boiler will be operating along with various items of steam driven plant. 19 OCTOBER Don’t miss a trip to the Corn Exchange on Biggar Day Out. The best of local talent will be waiting to entertain you with a fantastic line up. If you would like to ‘strut your stuff’ on the Open Stage details of how to sign up can be found on the Biggar Little Festival Website. BIGGAR DAY OUT PAGE 31 BIGGAR DAY OUT- BIGGAR DAY OUT - BIGGAR DAY OUT - BIGGAR DAY OUT - BIGGAR DAY OUT - BIGGAR DAY OUT Eastfield and Harthill Flute Orchestra in Concert A musical evening with Andy and Flora Munro Sunday 19 October Sunday 19 October St Mary’s Hall (7) 7pm (9.30pm) £5 / £3 concessions Corn Exchange (2) 8pm (10pm) £8 / £6 conc A night of musical entertainment from one of Lanarkshire’s Premier Flute Orchestras. Performance includes varied programme of old favourites to popular songs as well as Individual Solo pieces from our members. Interval Refreshments included in ticket price. You’ll be in for a treat with a night of Scottish Folksy Blues. Local songwriter and musician, Andy Munro, will be singing songs he’s written over the decades - as well as some traditional Scots songs and choice covers. His daughter Flora will join him and present her own versions of contemporary songs and standards with her uniquely beguiling jazzinfluenced vocals. The concert will also include songs Andy and Flora have contributed to a new Orkney Science Festival CD “Music for Maxwell” – on which poetry written by the great Scottish scientist, James Clerk Maxwell, is set to music. The flute is a family of musical instrument of the woodwind group. Unlike woodwind instruments with reeds, a flute is an aerophone or reedless wind instrument that produces its sound from the flow of air across an opening. Aside from the voice, flutes are the earliest known musical instruments. A number of flutes dating to about 43,000 to 35,000 years ago have been found in the Swabian Alb region of Germany. PAGE 32 BIGGAR DAY OUT FESTIVAL EVENTS www.biggar-little-festival.com Traditional Treats@ Taj Monday 20 October The Taj Mahal (8) 5.30pm to 7.30pm & 8pm to 10.30pm Prices vary A Festival Institution! Once again it’s time for the ladies to show off their cooking skills, bringing you mouth-watering homemade meals and a taste of the Punjab. An unforgettable taste experience! Available from Monday 20 to Thursday 23 October. Advance booking essential on 01899 220801. Material Wreath Making Workshop Monday 20 October heART & Home (11) 6.30pm to 8.30pm £15 (includes materials and refreshments) Kenneth Steven Monday 20 October Atkinson Pryce Bookshop (10) 7.30pm (9pm) £7 Widely published poet, novelist and children’s author Kenneth Steven joins Atkinson-Pryce for an evening of readings by the fireside. Adult event. Traditional Treats@ Taj Tuesday 21 October The Taj Mahal (8) 5.30pm to 7.30pm & 8pm to 10.30pm Prices vary See Monday 20th October for details 20 - 21 OCTOBER Tuesday 21 October heART & Home (11) 6.30pm to 8.30pm £19 (includes materials and refreshmenst) Learn how to use the ancient technique of Felt Work to create your own, absolutely unique Clutch Bag which you will be able to bring home at the end of the session. All high quality materials of merino wool & silk will be provided along with refreshments. Suitable for 16 years and over. Hang on a tic ....... It’s Just a Minute Tuesday 21 October Corn Exchange (2) 7.30pm (9pm) £5 Back by popular demand, Atkinson-Pryce Books is once again hosting an evening of wicked wit and hilarity when our peerless panel will possibly produce a perfect pot-pourri of paranomasia, and all without hesitation, deviation or repetition. Adult event. Fun and easy craft, ideal for all abilities. Design and make your own material wreath. All materials and accessories to complete the project will be provided along with refreshments. Any age welcome but parental supervision required for under 16 years. 19 OCTOBER Felt Handbag Making Workshop FESTIVAL EVENTS PAGE 33 FESTIVAL EVENTS Traditional Treats@ Taj Wednesday 22 October The Taj Mahal (8) 5.30pm to 7.30pm & 8pm to 10.30pm Prices vary See Monday 20th October for details www.biggar-little-festival.com Wirework Jewellery Making Workshop Wednesday 22 October heART & Home (11) 6.45pm - 9.15pm £30 (includes materials & refreshments) Biggar Music presents DUO con CERTO Arta Arnicane piano Florian Rohn cello Wednesday 22 October Municipal Hall (3) 8pm (10pm) £12/School students free Block Printing Thursday 23 October Rachan by Broughton (22) 10am to 3pm £65 (includes all materials, refreshments and home baking) heART & Home (11) 5.30pm to 6.30pm £10 A perfect workshop for budding jewellery makers. You will have the opportunity to learn how to make a suede and charm jewellery bracelet from an experienced crafter. All materials including charms, beads, fixings and findings are included in the price and will be supplied at the workshop along with refreshments. Then you can take home your finished bracelet at the end of the session. Suitable for 12 to 18 years. Adult consent required for under 16’s PAGE 34 Traditional Treats@ Taj Thursday 23 October The Taj Mahal (8) 5.30pm to 7.30pm & 8pm to 10.30pm Prices vary See Monday 20th October for details Childs Dress Making Workshop Teenager Wirework Jewellery Making Workshop Wednesday 22 October FESTIVAL EVENTS www.biggar-little-festival.com Thursday 23 October Beginners and advanced jewellery crafters alike will enjoy this unique workshop where you will have the opportunity to learn how to make wire work jewellery from an experienced crafter. The jewellery will be made from your choice of Silver, Bronze or Brass. All materials including gemstone beads, fixings and findings which can then be turned into a choice of necklaces, bracelets, earrings & brooches are included in the price and will be supplied at the workshop along with refreshments. Suitable for over 16 years. Arta Arnicane, from Lithuania, has been nominated for numerous honours. She gave a stunning performance for us in 2013, and achieved the rare distinction of a standing ovation in Biggar. Now she returns with Florian Rohn, to play music by Dohnanyi and Chopin. If you have never heard a virtuoso international pianist, you will be amazed. Children’s Author & Illustrator Debi Gliori Thursday 23 October Biggar High School Fashion Extravaganz Biggar Public Library (13) 1pm (3pm) £1 Wednesday 22 October Children’s author Debi Gliori will be talking to school children about her picture books and illustrations at Biggar Library. A small number of tickets will be available for the public. Atkinson-Pryce bookshop will be selling Debi’s books at the event. Suitable for ages 6 to 9 years. Local primary school children will be invited. Some limited tickets available for children outwith the area. Biggar High School (13) 7pm (8.30pm) £5/£4 conc The Art Department at Biggar High School is holding a spectacular show of pupils costume, hat, jewellery and t-shirt designs. Please come along and see the creations as your friends and family strut their stuff on the catwalk. FESTIVAL EVENTS Using wood carving tools and techniques, design and carve an MDF panel, then ink up and take a series of prints from the carved panel. Take home carved wood block and prints. This workshop is suitable for age 15 and over. Places limited. Advance booking essential on 01899 830443. heART & Home (11) 6.30pm - 8.30pm £18 (includes materials and refeshments) 22 OCTOBER 23 OCTOBER Contemporary Art Auction Thursday 23 October Corn Exchange (2) 7pm till the end of the auction £2 entry to auction only An auction of contemporary art by both local and national artists. Hosted by the Art Gallery at the Corn Exchange all art will be auctioned by McTear’s Auctioneers of Glasgow, established in 1842. All art will be original pieces carefully selected to ensure the highest quality. Places are limited so book your seat early. We look forward to welcoming you to an evening of fun and excitement. You might just walk away with an heirloom. All art, jewellery, woodwork and ceramics to be auctioned will be on display in the Art Gallery at the Corn Exchange from Thursday 16th October . Sealed bids will also be accepted from this date. Bring your own sewing machine along to an enjoyable evening learning how to make a simple girls dress using a pillowcase. You can bring a pillowcase or have one provided. By the end of the workshop you’ll have a girl’s dress to take home or donate to “Dress a girl around the world” charity and the necessary skills to make more dresses yourself. Please provide your own sewing machine but all accessories will be provided along with refreshments. Any age welcome but parental supervision required for under 16 years. Ability to use a sewing machine safely essential. FESTIVAL EVENTS PAGE 35 FESTIVAL EVENTS Thursday 23 October Biggar High School (13) 7pm (9.30pm) £3/£2 conc A lively and entertaining evening of music from Biggar’s talented young musicians. Sponsored by the Rotary Club of Biggar, the performers will compete in three sections – Senior and Junior instrumentalist, and Young Singer. All are welcome to one of the most popular local events at the Festival. Clydesdale Folk Club presents folk legends – The JSD Band Thursday 23 October Municipal Hall (3) 7pm (10.30pm) £15/£12 CFC Members One of the most influential Scottish bands of all time, the JSD Band received worldwide recognition during the 1970`s for their unique blend of celtic and folk rock based music. Touring extensively during that time, the band built up a tremendous following that has been loyal over the years.We are absolutely delighted to have them perform at Biggar Little Festival. Comedy Night with John Gavin, Raymond Mearns & Junior Simpson Friday 24 October Corn Exchange (2) 7.30pm (10.00pm) £12 ‘Not to be missed’ PAGE 36 “One of the most influential Scottish bands of all time” Join us this year for a fantastic triple bill of top stand up comedians. Your host for the evening, John Gavin started his comedy career when his wife entered him for a stand up competition without his knowledge. A month later he found himself in the final of ‘So You Think You’re Funny’. John then went on to win Scottish Comedian of the Year. Opening comedian Raymond Mearns is described as ‘A genuine improvisational genius’. Whether engaged in hilarious audience interaction or simply sending down more gags a minute than a FESTIVAL EVENTS Glasow circuit judge, Raymond’s shows are unmissable. Our headline comedian Junior Simpson is a comedy favourite. A true observational comic Simpson finds his humour in the everyday and humdrum with anecdotes of his world travels as a comedian adding a personal originality to his set. Don’t miss this fantastic show! This event is very kindly sponsored by Sainsbury’s FESTIVAL EVENTS www.biggar-little-festival.com Festival Club Festival Club Festival Club Festival Club Festival Club Festival Club Festival Club Young Musician www.biggar-little-festival.com Festival Club Friday 24 October The Elphinstone Hotel (5) 9pm until late FREE Why not kick back, relax, soak up the atmosphere and enjoy some fabulous live music at your local pub. The festival club showcases some of the best local musicians and entry is free. Check out the BLF website for the evening’s line up! This event is very kindly sponsored by heART & Home Mosaic Workshop Saturday 25 October Rachan by Broughton (22) 10am to 4pm £65 (includes materials, refreshments and home baking) This workshop led by Susheila at her studio at Rachan, introduces participants to direct or indirect method mosaic making (participants choose). Simple designs look stunning when made in glass or ceramic mosaic. This workshop is suitable for age 15 and over. Places limited. Advance booking essential on 01899 830443 or susheila@ rachan.co.uk Build-A-Biggar-Bear Saturday 25 October Biggar Bears (18) 11am to 12noon (under 5 years) 2pm to 3pm (5 to 12 years) £10 Albion Museum Open Day See Saturday 18 October for details. Saturday 25 October Albion Museum (behind Gladstone Court Museum) (15) 10am to 5pm FREE – Donations welcome Songwriting Workshop & Singing Workshop Saturday 25 October Corn Exchange (2) Songwriting Workshop 10.30am to 12.30pm Singing Workshop 1.30pm to 3.30pm £12 per workshop (£20 for both workshops if prebooked) A rare opportunity to explore maximising your singing voice & or learn some tricks in songwriting through two separate workshops with Professional Singer/Songwriter PJ Lynch. Exploring song structures, how to develop a basic idea from a simple melody or a few written lines/poem, rhyming & telling a story in song. If you play a portable instrument, please bring it along but those who don’t play an instrument are very welcome too. The singing workshop will focus on getting the most from your voice including singing in public & with a microphone. Please note Limited Spaces bookings must be in advance. Suitable for age 16 and over. Please see Saturday 18 October for details. 23 - 24 OCTOBER 24 - 25 OCTOBER FESTIVAL EVENTS PAGE 37 FESTIVAL EVENTS www.biggar-little-festival.com Lunch and Llama Walk The David Latto Band Saturday 25 October Saturday 25 October Llamas Larder (16) and Feufield Farm, Symington, Biggar ML12 6Hx Lunch 12noon to 2pm Festival Offer - Family of Four - £30 Saturday 25 October Corn Exhange (2) 8pm (10pm) £7 Biggar Puppet Theatre (12) Tours 11am, 1.30pm & 3pm £4 See Saturday 18 October for details Theatre Director Ian Purves will take you around our puppetry collection from across the globe and talk about how many countries have a tradition of puppetry, starting with the cavemen! Come and see rare and unique puppets from the exotic orient to modern TV characters that you will recognize today. Our museum has often been featured on TV, most recently on the Culture Show BBC2. Every puppet has a tale to tell.. Guided tours at 11am, 1.30pm & 3pm. Limited entry so please book in advance! Suitable for age 7 and over. Tickets available from the Puppet Theatre on 01899 220631. Halloween Party Saturday 25 October Biggar High School Sports Centre (13) 1pm (3pm) £3 per child. Adults free Spookily spectacular children’s Halloween Party with bouncy castle, games and entertainment. Prizes for the best fancy dress outfit. Suitable from birth to six years. “I was born between two bridges” sings David Latto in honey-soaked tones on ‘Rollin’ On’. Those bridges aren’t in Madison County nor are they spanning rivers outside Nashville but no matter. Wherever they are it’s the quality of his achingly beautiful songwriting that soothes and knows no borders. He’s won over fans and festival goers the hard way: one by one, gaining a devoted following. Touring Europe with North Carolina legend Phil Lee led to a mutual admiration and now The David Latto Band play live in Biggar. Alt-country? Americana? Whatever. It’s just beautiful songs about love, loss and drinking. Festival Club Festival Club Festival Club Festival Club Festival Club Festival Club The Global Tradition Puppet Museum Tour Festival Club Saturday 25 October The Crown Inn (6) 9pm until late FREE This is the last of our free music nights starting at 9.00 pm and going through until late. We have some great local bands coming along to entertain you. The staff of The Crown will be pleased to welcome you to what will be a great close to the festival. This event is very kindly sponsored by heART & Home Stone Carving Workshop Sunday 26 October Rachan by Broughton (22) 10am to 4pm £80 (includes materials and refreshments) Stone carving is engaging, fun, challenging and therapeutic! This one day workshop introduces participants to stone carving techniques using hand tools. The workshop is held in a warm, well equipped studio near Broughton. No experience necessary. FESTIVAL EVENTS Lunch and Llama Walk Biggar Puppet Theatre (12) 1.30pm (3pm) £8 Llamas Larder (16) and Feufield Farm, Symington, Biggar ML12 6HX Lunch 12noon to 2pm Festival Offer - Family of Four - £30 This event is very kindly sponsored by The Royal Bank of Scotland See Saturday 18 October for details 25 OCTOBER Up cycle Pre-loved fabrics into fantastic art wall hangings, that you will be able to bring home at the end of the session, using traditional Rag Rug Techniques. All materials and use of equipment will be provided along with refreshments. Any age welcome but parental supervision required for under 16 years old. Pips and Panda meet the Toothfairy “The evening of non-stop partying never fails to leave the audience in a frenzy.” PAGE 38 Sunday 26 October heART & Home (11) 12.30pm to 5pm £35 includes materials and refreshments Suitable for age 15 and over. Workshop places are limited so advance booking essential on 01899 830443. Sunday 26 October Dance the night away with the 70`s legend Brutus Gold. “The Love Train “ show has received world wide acclaim including performing at the MTV awards and a host of celebrity parties. The ultimate disco show that will bring back memories and give everyone a night to remember. Rag Rug Making Sunday 26 October Biggar Little Love Train Saturday 25 October Municipal Hall (3) 7.30pm (11pm) £10 FESTIVAL EVENTS www.biggar-little-festival.com See Tuesday 14 October for details. Albion Museum Open Day Sunday 26 October Albion Museum (behind Gladstone Court Museum) (15) 12 noon to 5pm FREE – Donations welcome Please see Saturday 19 October for details. 25 - 26 OCTOBER FESTIVAL EVENTS PAGE 39 FESTIVAL EVENTS www.biggar-little-festival.com Not To Be Missed The John Hinshelwood Band, Kathy Stewart and the Frequent Flyers Catriona McPherson and Dandy Gilver are back! Fireworks Spectacular Sunday 26 October The Crown Inn(6) 8pm (10.30pm) £8 Atkinson-Pryce Books (10) 7.30pm (9pm) £5 Sunday 26 October Can be viewed from the Burnbraes 5.45pm FREE John and Kathy appeared at the 2012 festival with the City Sinners and tonight they will be doing separate sets with their own bands before joining together for a few songs to round off the evening. Both are accomplished singer / songwriters with several critically acclaimed recordings to their names, and this concert provides an opportunity to hear some of the finest American / Country influenced music currently available in Scotland. Come along and enjoy our spectacular fireworks finale! Jazz Jukebox Sunday 26 October Corn Exchange (2) 7.30pm (10pm) £12/£10 conc (over 65’s) After a string of sell-out performances, Anthony Bowers and Tim Young return with Jazz Jukebox – the show where you choose the tunes! Pick your favourite song from a repertoire of over 50 beautiful standards from the Great American Songbook and beyond, and Anthony will sing it for you. With a fabulous Jazz Trio led by Tim Young on Piano, it promises to be a unique evening of song and spontaneity. PAGE 40 FESTIVAL EVENTS POST - FESTIVAL EVENTS www.biggar-little-festival.com Monday 27 October Author Catriona McPherson is visiting from California with her latest Dandy Gilver sleuthing adventure. Come and join us at Atkinson-Pryce for an entertaining romp with Dandy and Catriona. Adult event. Concert in the Kirk with Coalburn Silver Band Tuesday 28 October Biggar Kirk (4) 7.30pm (10pm) £5 A midweek concert hosted by Biggar Rotary Club in the atmospheric setting of historical Biggar Kirk. Formed in 1902 as a public subscription band, Coalburn Silver Band is now the only surviving brass band in the South Lanarkshire area, having its roots in the coal mining industry. Afternoon Concert; Alison Bishop and Friends Sunday 26 October Corn Exchange (2) 2pm (3pm) FREE (Donations Welcome) A light and varied programme of songs by local performers. 26 OCTOBER 27 - 28 OCTOBER POST - FESTIVAL EVENTS PAGE 41 EXHIBITIONS biggART Monday 13 to Sunday 19 October Gillespie Centre (1) Mon to Sat 10am to 4pm Sun 12noon to 4pm FREE www.biggar-little-festival.com Trout at Transition: becoming a Water Steward Thursday 16 to Friday 24 October Biggar Public Library (13) Mon, Fri, Sat 9.30pm to 4pm, Tue & Thur 3pm to 8pm FREE Exhibition of Art to be included in the Contemporary Art Auction on Thursday 23 October Thursday 16 to Thursday 23 October Corn Exchange (2) Tues – Fri 10am to 4pm Saturday 10am to 5pm FREE This year we offer you abundant artistry and are delighted to have the fabulously talented Carol Taylor as our guest artist complimented by Betty Fraser Harris a well known Shetland Fleece Felter. We also have a vast array of local artists exhibiting their work. The Commonwealth Games as seen by Children Thursday 16 to Sunday 26 October Trout at Transition is collaboration between Biggar High School, the Clyde River Foundation and artist Holly Keasey that encourages children to develop a sense of pride in their local environment through an interdisciplinary approach to ecology. The project began with children raising brown trout in the classroom in P7 and they have continued to explore the local river environment following their transition into Biggar High School. This event will focus on artwork inspired by this year’s fieldwork on the Mouse, Camps and Glengonnar Waters. High Street Shops FREE EXHIBITIONS www.biggar-little-festival.com Biggar High School Art Exhibiton 2014 Thursday 16 to Monday 27 October Mon, Fri, Sat 9.30pm – 4pm, Tue & Thur 3pm to 8pm Biggar Public Library (13) FREE Medwyn Art Group Exhibition Friday 17 to Monday 20 and Friday 24 to Sunday 26 October Masonic Hall (17) 11am to 4pm FREE Biggar Camera Club Exhibition Saturday 18 to Sunday 19 October Biggar Youth Project, Clydesdale Close (20) 11am to 4pm FREE Biggar High School Exhibition of art works by senior school students. A little bit of art for a big festival! Something for everyone. This is an exhibition of original art that will be included in an auction on Thursday evening 23th October. It will be an auction of contemporary art by both local and national artists. Hosted by the Art Gallery at the Corn Exchange all art will be auctioned by McTear’s Auctioneers of Glasgow. All art will be original pieces carefully selected to ensure high quality. Places for the auction are limited so book your seat early. All art, jewellery, woodwork and ceramics to be auctioned will be on display in the Gallery from Thursday 16th . Sealed bids will also be accepted from this date. A photographic exhibition by Biggar Camera Club A Street Gallery displaying Biggar Nursery Class and Primary School children’s artwork in a range of media. The displays will focus on the different sports that are part of the Commonwealth Games. PAGE 42 EXHIBITIONS 13 - 26 OCTOBER 16 - 26 OCTOBER EXHIBITIONS PAGE 43