Quiz List—Reading Practice
Quiz List—Reading Practice
Page 1 Quiz List—Reading Practice Printed Friday, January 6, 2012 10:43:30 AM School: Canal Winchester Middle School Reading Practice Quizzes Quiz Number Lang. Title Points Word Count F/NF 9.7 6.0 28,269 NF MG 3.9 5.0 37,552 F Author IL Caputo, Philip MG Wardlaw, Lee ATOS BL 102321 EN 18751 EN 10,000 Days of Thunder: A History of the Vietnam War 101 Ways to Bug Your Parents 128370 EN 11 Birthdays Mass, Wendy MG 4.1 7.0 51,075 F 124151 EN 13 Brown, Jason Robert MG 4.1 5.0 38,464 F 146272 EN 13 Gifts Mass, Wendy MG+ 4.5 13.0 89,334 F 101453 EN 13 Little Blue Envelopes Johnson, Maureen UG 5.0 9.0 63,156 F 136675 EN 13 Treasures Harrison, Michelle MG 5.3 11.0 73,953 F 39863 EN 145th Street: Short Stories Myers, Walter Dean UG 5.1 6.0 36,430 F 80002 EN Nye, Naomi Shihab UG 5.8 2.0 14,957 F 84865 EN 19 Varieties of Gazelle: Poems of the Middle East 1906 San Francisco Earthquake Cooke, Tim MG 6.1 1.0 3,815 NF 36116 EN Feinstein, Stephen MG 8.3 2.0 8,658 NF 36115 EN Feinstein, Stephen MG 8.0 1.0 6,643 NF 36114 EN Feinstein, Stephen MG 8.0 1.0 7,049 NF 36099 EN Feinstein, Stephen MG 8.2 1.0 7,167 NF 36098 EN Feinstein, Stephen MG 7.8 1.0 7,306 NF 120186 EN 1940s from World War II to Jackie Robinson, The 1950s from the Korean War to Elvis, The 1960s from the Vietnam War to Flower Power, The 1970s from Watergate to Disco, The 1980s from Ronald Reagan to MTV, The 20,000 Leagues Under the Sea Bowen, Carl MG 3.0 0.5 2,859 F 523 EN Verne, Jules MG 10.0 28.0 138,138 F 11592 EN 20,000 Leagues Under the Sea (Unabridged) 2095 Scieszka, Jon MG 3.8 1.0 10,043 F F 86347 EN 24 Girls in 7 Days Bradley, Alex MG+ 4.3 9.0 62,805 111710 EN 50 Cent Marcovitz, Hal MG 7.6 2.0 8,681 31170 EN 6th Grade Nickname Game, The Korman, Gordon MG 4.3 3.0 24,076 F 113730 EN 7 Days at the Hot Corner Trueman, Terry UG 5.4 4.0 27,834 F 71428 EN 95 Pounds of Hope Gavalda, Anna MG 4.3 2.0 11,860 F 64593 EN Abarat Barker, Clive MG 5.5 15.0 98,039 F 81642 EN Abduction! Kehret, Peg MG 4.7 6.0 39,470 F 65575 EN Abhorsen Nix, Garth UG 6.6 16.0 99,206 F 86479 EN Gutman, Dan MG 4.2 5.0 34,035 F 54089 EN Abner & Me: A Baseball Card Adventure Above the Veil Nix, Garth MG 5.3 7.0 44,306 F 73397 EN Fleischman, Sid MG 6.2 7.0 40,124 NF 55867 EN Grabowski, John F. MG 5.8 1.0 8,962 NF 17651 EN Abracadabra Kid: A Writer's Life, The Abraham Lincoln: Civil War President Absent Author, The Roy, Ron LG 3.4 1.0 8,535 F 129562 EN Absolute Pressure Brouwer, Sigmund MG 3.9 3.0 21,058 F 143788 EN Absolute Value of Mike, The Erskine, Kathryn MG 3.9 8.0 54,651 F 11577 EN Absolutely Normal Chaos Creech, Sharon MG 4.7 7.0 50,001 F 117771 EN Alexie, Sherman UG 4.0 6.0 44,275 F 12573 EN Absolutely True Diary of a Part-time Indian, The Absolutely True Story...How I Visited Yellowstone with the Terrible Rupes, The Roberts, Willo Davis MG 5.1 6.0 36,851 F NF Page 2 Quiz List—Reading Practice Printed Friday, January 6, 2012 10:43:30 AM School: Canal Winchester Middle School Reading Practice Quizzes Quiz Number Lang. Title Author IL ATOS BL Points Word Count F/NF NF 116695 EN Abusing Prescription Drugs Wolny, Philip MG 8.0 1.0 6,344 32353 EN Accident, The Strasser, Todd MG 4.3 6.0 38,635 F 106126 EN Accidents of Nature Johnson, Harriet McBryde UG 4.5 8.0 52,571 F 139040 EN Accomplice Corrigan, Eireann MG+ 4.9 10.0 67,554 F 24909 EN Achingly Alice Naylor, Phyllis Reynolds UG 4.9 4.0 27,725 F 21626 EN Acquaintance with Darkness, An Rinaldi, Ann MG+ 3.6 10.0 72,993 F 102 EN Across Five Aprils Hunt, Irene MG 6.6 10.0 61,778 F 18801 EN Across the Lines Reeder, Carolyn UG 6.3 10.0 58,885 F 17602 EN Gregory, Kristiana MG 5.5 4.0 28,726 F 86533 EN Across the Wide and Lonesome Prairie: The Oregon Trail Diary of Hattie Campbell Adam Canfield of the Slash Winerip, Michael MG 5.4 9.0 59,049 F 133140 EN Adam Canfield, the Last Reporter Winerip, Michael MG 4.7 10.0 68,161 F 118142 EN Adam Canfield, Watch Your Back! Winerip, Michael MG 4.8 9.0 57,961 F 133728 EN Adam Lambert Bednar, Chuck MG 8.1 2.0 9,632 NF 79182 EN Adam Sandler Epstein, Dwayne UG 8.4 4.0 21,985 NF 145072 EN Addie on the Inside Howe, James MG 5.0 3.0 20,771 F 46516 EN Adolf Hitler: A Study in Hate Roberts, Jeremy UG 6.3 2.0 11,261 NF 104880 EN Haugen, Brenda MG 7.3 2.0 11,959 NF 122297 EN Adolf Hitler: Dictator of Nazi Germany Adoration of Jenna Fox, The Pearson, Mary E. UG 3.8 9.0 62,853 F 126759 EN Adrian Peterson Currie, Stephen MG 5.8 2.0 10,792 NF 137294 EN Adventures of a Cat-Whiskered Girl Pinkwater, Daniel MG 4.5 6.0 43,011 F 20251 EN Pilkey, Dav MG 4.3 1.0 5,731 F 109990 EN Adventures of Captain Underpants, The Adventures of Tom Sawyer, The Hall, M.C. MG 2.4 0.5 2,411 F 13603 EN Adventures of Tom Sawyer, The Twain, Mark MG 8.0 12.0 69,066 F 502 EN Twain, Mark MG 8.1 12.0 68,079 F 54090 EN Adventures of Tom Sawyer (Unabridged), The Aenir Nix, Garth MG 5.2 6.0 41,531 F 72622 EN Afghanistan Kazem, Halima MG 9.8 4.0 20,995 NF 80416 EN African Myths and Legends Ardagh, Philip MG 5.6 2.0 11,067 F 68888 EN After Prose, Francine UG 5.4 9.0 55,707 F 135012 EN After Ever After Sonnenblick, Jordan MG 5.2 7.0 45,586 F 112018 EN After School Ghost Hunter Banscherus, J. MG 3.9 1.0 4,534 F 66080 EN After the Death of Anna Gonzales Fields, Terri UG 3.9 1.0 6,869 F 14751 EN After the First Death Cormier, Robert UG 6.8 10.0 61,244 F 352 EN After the Rain Mazer, Norma Fox UG 3.7 8.0 60,076 F 120399 EN After Tupac and D Foster Woodson, Jacqueline UG 4.7 4.0 29,251 F 71140 EN Afterlife, The Soto, Gary UG 5.2 5.0 35,211 F 14651 EN Afternoon on the Amazon Osborne, Mary Pope LG 2.6 1.0 4,517 F 140625 EN Agent Q, or The Smell of Danger! Anderson, M.T. MG 5.1 6.0 40,244 F 69241 EN Agnes Parker...Girl in Progress O'Dell, Kathleen MG 4.0 4.0 30,783 F 87326 EN Agnes Parker...Happy Camper? O'Dell, Kathleen MG 3.9 4.0 27,784 F 115389 EN Agnes Parker...Keeping Cool in Middle School O'Dell, Kathleen MG 3.6 4.0 27,106 F Page 3 Quiz List—Reading Practice Printed Friday, January 6, 2012 10:43:30 AM School: Canal Winchester Middle School Reading Practice Quizzes Quiz Number Lang. Title Author IL ATOS BL Points Word Count F/NF 30,164 F 201 EN Agony of Alice, The Naylor, Phyllis Reynolds MG 5.3 5.0 13503 EN Air Assault Teams Stapleton, Gerard MG 6.5 0.5 2,733 NF 49814 EN Taylor, Theodore MG+ 8.7 6.0 30,726 NF 71424 EN Green, Michael MG 5.3 0.5 1,813 NF 102137 EN Air Raid--Pearl Harbor! The Story of December 7, 1941 Air Superiority Fighters: The F/A-22 Raptors Airball: My Life in Briefs Harkrader, Lisa MG 4.4 6.0 42,160 F 77198 EN Airborn Oppel, Kenneth MG+ 5.1 15.0 101,042 F 122978 EN Airhead Cabot, Meg MG 5.3 11.0 74,494 F 119440 EN Airman Colfer, Eoin MG 5.8 16.0 101,119 F 143032 EN Akata Witch Okorafor, Nnedi MG+ 4.2 10.0 70,715 F 83024 EN Akhenaten Adventure, The Kerr, P.B. MG 5.7 13.0 85,761 F 2187 EN King, David C. MG 8.5 2.0 12,356 NF 74909 EN Al Capone and the Roaring Twenties Al Capone Does My Shirts Choldenko, Gennifer MG 3.5 7.0 49,509 F 131868 EN Al Capone Shines My Shoes Choldenko, Gennifer MG 3.8 9.0 65,391 F 86662 EN Stewart, Mark MG 7.6 1.0 5,957 NF 16098 EN Alamo, February 23-March 6, 1836, The Alamo in American History, The Sorrels, Roy MG 7.7 4.0 20,423 NF 20708 EN Alanna: The First Adventure Pierce, Tamora UG 4.5 7.0 49,061 F 132715 EN Albert Einstein Krull, Kathleen MG 8.1 4.0 22,543 NF 78247 EN Albino Animals Halls, Kelly Milner MG 7.1 2.0 13,512 NF 21050 EN Alcatraz Prison in American History Oliver, Marilyn Tower MG 7.8 4.0 20,299 NF 115134 EN Alchemyst, The Scott, Michael MG 6.4 14.0 85,926 F 46916 EN Alcohol and Your Liver: The Incredibly Disgusting Story Aleutian Sparrow Booley, Theresa Anne MG 6.8 1.0 5,950 Hesse, Karen MG 5.7 2.0 10,459 F Shecter, Vicky Alvear MG 6.4 4.0 22,885 NF Burgan, Michael MG 6.9 2.0 13,863 NF NF 73207 EN 107773 EN 108149 EN 118492 EN Alexander the Great Rocks the World Alexander the Great: World Conqueror Alfred Kropp: The Seal of Solomon Yancey, Rick MG+ 5.1 10.0 68,153 F 124102 EN Alfred Kropp: The Thirteenth Skull Yancey, Rick MG+ 4.6 9.0 64,376 F 81023 EN Algeria Habeeb, William Mark MG 8.7 4.0 19,371 NF 49815 EN Alice Alone Naylor, Phyllis Reynolds UG 5.1 7.0 49,415 F 8504 EN Alice in April Naylor, Phyllis Reynolds UG 4.5 5.0 31,677 F 11575 EN Alice In-Between Naylor, Phyllis Reynolds UG 5.0 5.0 33,067 F 17751 EN Alice in Lace Naylor, Phyllis Reynolds UG 4.8 5.0 31,237 F 5052 EN Alice in Rapture, Sort Of Naylor, Phyllis Reynolds UG 4.9 6.0 38,004 F 31183 EN Alice on the Outside Naylor, Phyllis Reynolds UG 4.9 5.0 34,893 F 123204 EN Alicia Harrison, Lisi MG+ 5.5 3.0 22,550 F 31159 EN Alida's Song Paulsen, Gary MG 5.3 2.0 13,977 F 78792 EN Aliens Herbst, Judith MG 5.5 1.0 6,842 NF 75491 EN Werther, Scott P. MG 5.2 1.0 3,619 NF 125821 EN Alive! Airplane Crash in the Andes Mountains All About Sleep From A to Zzzz Scott, Elaine MG 6.9 2.0 10,040 NF 34798 EN All Alone in the Universe Perkins, Lynne Rae MG 4.8 4.0 29,413 F 62974 EN All-American Girl Cabot, Meg UG 5.9 11.0 71,648 F Page 4 Quiz List—Reading Practice Printed Friday, January 6, 2012 10:43:30 AM School: Canal Winchester Middle School Reading Practice Quizzes Quiz Number Lang. Title Author IL ATOS BL Points Word Count F/NF 6601 EN All but Alice Naylor, Phyllis Reynolds UG 5.0 5.0 35,035 F 109690 EN All Hallows' Eve: 13 Stories Vande Velde, Vivian MG 6.2 6.0 38,507 F 115390 EN All-In Hautman, Pete UG 4.7 5.0 30,752 F 105510 EN All-Night Party Stine, R.L. UG 3.2 3.0 21,785 F 109071 EN All of the Above Pearsall, Shelley MG 5.3 5.0 32,911 F 74678 EN Rallison, Janette UG 5.1 7.0 48,825 F 122279 EN All's Fair in Love, War, and High School All Shook Up Pearsall, Shelley MG 5.7 8.0 49,802 F 50401 EN All That Remains Brooks, Bruce UG 5.5 5.0 29,087 F 129384 EN All the Broken Pieces Burg, Ann E. MG+ 4.1 2.0 15,158 F 24951 EN All the Days of Her Life McDaniel, Lurlene UG 4.8 5.0 32,726 F 121675 EN Hahn, Mary Downing MG 4.5 6.0 43,252 F 53782 EN All the Lovely Bad Ones: A Ghost Story All the Way Home Giff, Patricia Reilly MG 4.5 5.0 33,785 F 146009 EN All These Things I've Done Zevin, Gabrielle UG 4.4 13.0 90,447 F 116545 EN Alley of Shadows Brezenoff, Steve MG 3.9 1.0 8,514 F 82196 EN Allies of the Night Shan, Darren MG+ 5.3 6.0 40,187 F 128920 EN Alligator Bayou Napoli, Donna Jo MG+ 3.1 7.0 55,264 F 14301 EN Alligators Zola, Melanie MG 5.8 1.0 3,238 NF 69949 EN Almost Forever Testa, Maria MG 4.6 0.5 3,017 F 130118 EN Along for the Ride Dessen, Sarah UG 4.7 15.0 98,980 F 107898 EN Alphabet of Dreams Fletcher, Susan UG 5.0 12.0 79,137 F 132771 EN Alphas Harrison, Lisi MG+ 4.9 8.0 50,840 F 130955 EN Always a Witch MacCullough, Carolyn UG 5.1 10.0 63,607 F 87137 EN Benton, Jim MG 5.6 2.0 12,028 F 55838 EN Am I the Princess or the Frog? by Jamie Kelly Amandine Griffin, Adele UG 4.7 5.0 30,700 F 128146 EN Amaranth Enchantment, The Berry, Julie MG+ 4.7 9.0 62,468 F 107359 EN Paulsen, Gary MG+ 4.6 2.0 13,812 F 55308 EN Pratchett, Terry UG 4.3 9.0 63,231 F 73777 EN Amazing Life of Birds: (The Twenty-Day Puberty Journal of Duane Homer Leech), The Amazing Maurice and His Educated Rodents, The Amber Brown Is Green with Envy Danziger, Paula MG 4.1 3.0 17,914 F 20253 EN Amber Brown Sees Red Danziger, Paula MG 3.7 2.0 11,354 F 12760 EN Amber Brown Wants Extra Credit Danziger, Paula MG 3.7 2.0 12,060 F 17753 EN Amber Cat, The McKay, Hilary MG 4.6 4.0 30,367 F 44562 EN Amber Spyglass, The Pullman, Philip UG 6.7 26.0 156,664 F 40129 EN Amelia's War Rinaldi, Ann MG 4.0 7.0 52,592 F 123367 EN Dougherty, Terri MG 5.3 0.5 2,290 NF 70184 EN America's Deadliest Day: The Battle of Antietam America's Great Disasters Sandler, Martin W. MG 8.3 3.0 18,478 NF 111766 EN American Born Chinese Yang, Gene Luen MG+ 3.3 1.0 8,229 126840 EN American Idol Judges Whiting, Jim MG 7.2 2.0 10,396 NF 69054 EN American Plague: The True and Terrifying Story of the Yellow Fever Epidemic of 1793, An Murphy, Jim UG 9.0 6.0 29,029 NF F Page 5 Quiz List—Reading Practice Printed Friday, January 6, 2012 10:43:30 AM School: Canal Winchester Middle School Reading Practice Quizzes Quiz Number Lang. Title Points Word Count F/NF 8.7 2.0 10,208 NF MG+ 5.0 15.0 101,162 F Author IL Murray, Stuart MG Spiegler, Louise ATOS BL 87193 EN 100110 EN American Revolution (Revised Edition) Amethyst Road, The 61380 EN Among Friends Cooney, Caroline B. UG 4.6 6.0 38,759 F 69053 EN Among the Barons Haddix, Margaret Peterson MG 4.8 6.0 37,343 F 59349 EN Among the Betrayed Haddix, Margaret Peterson MG 4.9 5.0 33,881 F 78248 EN Among the Brave Haddix, Margaret Peterson MG 5.1 7.0 48,549 F 87624 EN Among the Enemy Haddix, Margaret Peterson MG 5.3 7.0 43,625 F 106210 EN Among the Free Haddix, Margaret Peterson MG 5.6 7.0 42,794 F 29501 EN Among the Hidden Haddix, Margaret Peterson MG 4.8 5.0 32,127 F 50379 EN Among the Impostors Haddix, Margaret Peterson MG 4.9 5.0 34,305 F 73958 EN Amulet of Samarkand, The Stroud, Jonathan MG+ 5.9 19.0 122,300 F 44806 EN Meyer, Carolyn MG 5.8 5.0 30,832 F 4448 EN Woods, Michael MG 7.3 2.0 12,745 NF 17202 EN Anastasia: The Last Grand Duchess Ancient Agriculture: From Foraging to Farming Ancient China Cotterell, Arthur MG 8.4 1.0 5,852 NF 86731 EN Ancient Chinese, The Schomp, Virginia MG 7.9 2.0 12,852 NF 47095 EN Woods, Michael MG 7.3 2.0 10,664 NF 47096 EN Woods, Michael MG 7.5 2.0 10,112 NF 47097 EN Woods, Michael MG 7.6 2.0 9,767 NF 17203 EN Ancient Communication: From Grunts to Graffiti Ancient Computing: From Counting to Calendars Ancient Construction: From Tents to Towers Ancient Egypt Hart, George MG 8.0 1.0 7,979 NF 80417 EN Ardagh, Philip MG 5.9 2.0 11,653 F 86732 EN Ancient Egyptian Myths and Legends Ancient Egyptians, The Perl, Lila MG 9.2 3.0 15,776 NF 17204 EN Ancient Greece Pearson, Anne MG 7.8 1.0 7,121 NF 80418 EN Ancient Greek Myths and Legends Ardagh, Philip MG 6.2 2.0 11,658 F 86733 EN Ancient Greeks, The Lassieur, Allison MG 8.3 3.0 14,094 NF 86737 EN Ancient Inca, The Calvert, Patricia MG 8.1 3.0 17,833 NF 86735 EN Ancient India Schomp, Virginia MG 8.2 3.0 15,627 NF 4449 EN Woods, Michael MG 7.5 2.0 11,320 NF 4450 EN Woods, Michael MG 8.3 2.0 11,355 NF 86736 EN Schomp, Virginia MG 7.9 2.0 12,721 NF 6685 EN Ancient Machines: From Wedges to Waterwheels Ancient Medicine: From Sorcery to Surgery Ancient Mesopotamia: The Sumerians, Babylonians, and Assyrians Ancient One, The Barron, T.A. UG 6.1 14.0 87,356 F 86739 EN Ancient Romans, The Lassieur, Allison MG 8.6 4.0 18,834 NF 17205 EN Ancient Rome James, Simon MG 8.1 2.0 8,796 NF 4451 EN Woods, Michael MG 7.7 2.0 12,792 NF 47099 EN Woods, Michael MG 7.7 2.0 11,546 NF 69405 EN Ancient Transportation: From Camels to Canals Ancient Warfare: From Clubs to Catapults And in the Morning Wilson, John UG 6.1 7.0 43,779 F 102138 EN And Nobody Got Hurt! The World's Weirdest, Wackiest True Sports Stories Berman, Len MG 5.9 2.0 15,123 NF Page 6 Quiz List—Reading Practice Printed Friday, January 6, 2012 10:43:30 AM School: Canal Winchester Middle School Reading Practice Quizzes Quiz Number Lang. Title Author IL ATOS BL Points Word Count F/NF F 8852 EN And Then There Were None Christie, Agatha UG 5.7 8.0 52,656 5402 EN Fritz, Jean MG 5.3 1.0 3,279 NF 26976 EN Simon, Charnan MG 5.4 0.5 2,524 NF 49966 EN And Then What Happened, Paul Revere? Andrew Carnegie: Builder of Libraries Andy Warhol: Pioneer of Pop Art Ford, Carin T. MG 7.5 3.0 17,850 NF 59712 EN Angel Factory, The Blacker, Terence UG 4.9 8.0 54,693 F 109186 EN Ferguson, Alane UG 5.0 9.0 57,239 F 44545 EN Angel of Death: A Forensic Mystery, The Angel of Hope McDaniel, Lurlene UG 4.9 6.0 40,644 F 32674 EN Angel of Mercy McDaniel, Lurlene UG 4.9 6.0 39,040 F 53467 EN Angel on the Square Whelan, Gloria MG 5.6 8.0 48,359 F 68070 EN Jacques, Brian MG 5.2 15.0 99,534 F 16744 EN Angel's Command: A Tale from the Castaways of the Flying Dutchman, The Angels Watching over Me McDaniel, Lurlene UG 4.3 4.0 29,407 F 41551 EN Angus, Thongs and Full-Frontal Snogging Animal Farm Rennison, Louise UG 5.1 6.0 41,958 F Orwell, George UG 7.3 5.0 29,060 F Animal Mummies: Preserved Through the Ages Anne Frank: Beyond the Diary Wilcox, Charlotte MG 5.1 0.5 1,853 NF Rol, Ruud van der UG 6.8 3.0 16,099 NF Anne Frank's Tales from the Secret Annex Anne Frank: The Anne Frank House Authorized Graphic Biography Anne of Green Gables (Unabridged) Annie, Between the States Frank, Anne UG 5.9 5.0 33,857 NF Jacobson, Sid MG+ 5.3 3.0 17,343 NF Montgomery, L.M. MG 7.3 17.0 97,364 F Elliott, L.M. UG 5.5 16.0 100,110 F Smith, Erica UG 6.4 1.0 7,164 Sachs, Marilyn MG 4.2 4.0 31,618 F F 727 EN 60469 EN 8453 EN 68770 EN 139476 EN 203 EN 82151 EN 24342 EN 21775 EN Anorexia Nervosa: When Food Is the Enemy Another Day 30835 EN Anson's Way Schmidt, Gary D. MG 6.2 8.0 49,188 14302 EN Ants Greenland, Caroline MG 5.5 1.0 3,550 124686 EN Antsy Does Time Shusterman, Neal MG+ 5.8 10.0 60,376 F 78853 EN Anybodies, The Bode, N.E. MG 4.6 7.0 49,408 F 129385 EN Anything But Typical Baskin, Nora Raleigh MG 4.1 5.0 35,780 F NF NF 6801 EN Apeman's Secret, The Dixon, Franklin W. MG 6.7 6.0 36,224 F 55094 EN McLaren, Clemence UG 5.8 5.0 33,399 F 145772 EN Aphrodite's Blessings: Love Stories from the Greek Myths Apothecary, The Meloy, Maile MG+ 4.9 11.0 75,862 F 728 EN April Morning Fast, Howard UG 6.1 9.0 52,796 F 58249 EN Aquamarine Hoffman, Alice UG 5.6 1.0 9,500 F 133255 EN ArchEnemy Beddor, Frank MG+ 7.9 13.0 71,358 F 106501 EN Archer's Quest Park, Linda Sue MG 4.6 5.0 33,054 F 134003 EN Rennison, Louise UG 4.2 7.0 48,774 F 88692 EN Are These My Basoomas I See Before Me? Are We There Yet? Levithan, David UG 4.9 6.0 41,909 F 5055 EN Are You There God? It's Me, Margaret. Blume, Judy MG 3.6 4.0 30,340 F Page 7 Quiz List—Reading Practice Printed Friday, January 6, 2012 10:43:30 AM School: Canal Winchester Middle School Reading Practice Quizzes Quiz Number Lang. Title Author IL ATOS BL Points Word Count F/NF 106408 EN Ark Angel Horowitz, Anthony MG+ 5.0 12.0 78,466 F 29539 EN Armageddon Summer Yolen, Jane UG 5.2 9.0 59,720 F 17208 EN Arms & Armor Byam, Michele MG 8.9 1.0 4,740 NF 146321 EN Around the World Phelan, Matt MG 4.6 1.0 6,692 F 140626 EN Around the World in 100 Days Blackwood, Gary MG 5.6 11.0 73,596 F 42449 EN Art of Keeping Cool, The Lisle, Janet Taylor MG 5.0 7.0 47,438 F 54675 EN Artemis Fowl Colfer, Eoin MG 5.0 9.0 56,684 F 59973 EN Artemis Fowl: The Arctic Incident Colfer, Eoin MG 5.0 9.0 58,517 F 133156 EN Colfer, Eoin MG 4.1 3.0 17,815 F 139060 EN Artemis Fowl: The Arctic Incident: The Graphic Novel Artemis Fowl: The Atlantis Complex Colfer, Eoin MG 6.2 12.0 76,673 F 68990 EN Artemis Fowl: The Eternity Code Colfer, Eoin MG 5.0 10.0 66,357 F 123264 EN Artemis Fowl: The Graphic Novel Colfer, Eoin MG 3.6 2.0 12,085 F 109333 EN Artemis Fowl: The Lost Colony Colfer, Eoin MG 5.3 13.0 83,441 F 87709 EN Artemis Fowl: The Opal Deception Colfer, Eoin MG 5.7 12.0 75,028 F 123436 EN Artemis Fowl: The Time Paradox Colfer, Eoin MG 5.6 13.0 82,921 F 50007 EN Arthritis Gold, Susan Dudley MG 6.4 1.0 8,258 123005 EN Artichoke's Heart Supplee, Suzanne MG 5.1 10.0 68,204 NF F 137460 EN Perkins, Lynne Rae MG+ 5.0 9.0 61,463 F 137461 EN As Easy as Falling Off the Face of the Earth As Simple as It Seems Weeks, Sarah MG 5.3 5.0 34,864 F 144175 EN Carroll, Michael MG+ 4.7 13.0 90,978 F 59702 EN Ascension: A Super Human Clash, The Ashes of Roses Auch, Mary Jane UG 4.4 8.0 58,637 F 111374 EN Ashton Kutcher Dougherty, Terri UG 7.9 3.0 17,076 NF 31199 EN Ashwater Experiment, The Koss, Amy Goldman MG 4.6 5.0 34,388 F 131876 EN Ask and the Answer, The Ness, Patrick UG 4.6 16.0 112,668 F 104089 EN Ask Me No Questions Budhos, Marina MG+ 4.8 5.0 37,113 F 102995 EN Assassin Myers, Anna MG+ 5.2 8.0 51,886 F 75414 EN Green, Michael MG 5.2 0.5 1,548 NF 30837 EN Assault Amphibian Vehicles: The AAVs At Her Majesty's Request Myers, Walter Dean MG 7.1 3.0 18,504 NF 66886 EN At the Crossing Places Crossley-Holland, Kevin MG 4.4 12.0 80,057 F 136702 EN Athena: Grey-Eyed Goddess O'Connor, George MG 4.1 1.0 4,810 F 29862 EN Athletes Strudwick, Leslie MG 5.7 1.0 6,565 NF 53833 EN Athletes and Actors Ganeri, Anita MG 4.9 0.5 2,401 NF 5929 EN Athletic Shorts: Six Short Stories Crutcher, Chris UG 6.0 6.0 36,023 F 121819 EN Attack of the Fiend Delaney, Joseph MG 5.7 14.0 88,733 F 111996 EN Attack of the Paper Bats Dahl, Michael MG 3.5 0.5 760 F 79889 EN Attack of the Tagger Van Draanen, Wendelin MG 3.4 2.0 17,938 F 32173 EN Coville, Bruce MG 4.9 3.0 22,372 F 143920 EN Lubar, David MG 4.0 5.0 38,743 F 54157 EN Attack of the Two-Inch Teacher, The Attack of the Vampire Weenies and Other Warped and Creepy Tales Attack on Pearl Harbor: The True Story of the Day America Entered World War II Tanaka, Shelley MG 5.7 1.0 8,166 NF Page 8 Quiz List—Reading Practice Printed Friday, January 6, 2012 10:43:30 AM School: Canal Winchester Middle School Reading Practice Quizzes Quiz Number Lang. Title Author IL ATOS BL Points Word Count F/NF 122068 EN Audrey, Wait! Benway, Robin UG 4.6 12.0 80,340 F 115906 EN Aurora County All-Stars, The Wiles, Deborah MG 4.5 6.0 44,566 F 64436 EN Lawton, Clive A. UG 7.5 1.0 7,375 41280 EN Auschwitz: The Story of a Nazi Death Camp Austere Academy, The Snicket, Lemony MG 6.7 6.0 33,697 F 51445 EN Autism Edwards, Michele Engel UG 10.3 4.0 20,392 NF 101195 EN Autobiography of My Dead Brother Myers, Walter Dean UG 4.9 6.0 38,845 F 121012 EN Autopsies: Pathologists at Work Jeffrey, Gary MG 5.3 1.0 3,419 NF NF 15405 EN Avalanche Kramer, Stephen MG 5.6 1.0 4,084 NF 137651 EN Avalanche Freestyle Ciencin, Scott MG 2.7 0.5 1,418 F 103834 EN Avalon High Cabot, Meg MG+ 5.1 10.0 65,913 F 83909 EN Avi Sommers, Michael A. MG 7.6 2.0 12,775 NF 78874 EN Away Laughing on a Fast Camel Rennison, Louise UG 4.8 7.0 46,187 F 17209 EN Aztec, Inca & Maya Baquedano, Elizabeth MG 7.9 1.0 5,687 78559 EN B for Buster Lawrence, Iain UG 4.7 11.0 74,663 F 36037 EN Gutman, Dan MG 4.3 4.0 29,788 F 8506 EN Babe & Me: A Baseball Card Adventure Baby MacLachlan, Patricia MG 4.0 2.0 17,381 F 117927 EN Baby Monniger, Joseph UG 3.9 6.0 40,723 F 13795 EN Baby Be-Bop Block, Francesca Lia UG 5.8 4.0 22,904 F 19679 EN Baby-Sitter Burglaries, The Keene, Carolyn MG 4.3 4.0 30,549 F 8202 EN Babysitter II, The Stine, R.L. UG 5.8 5.0 30,361 F 8203 EN Babysitter III, The Stine, R.L. UG 3.7 4.0 30,081 F 82770 EN BabySitter IV, The Stine, R.L. UG 3.3 3.0 26,086 F 8201 EN Babysitter, The Stine, R.L. UG 5.3 5.0 32,911 F 9997 EN Backfield Package Dygard, Thomas J. UG 5.8 6.0 40,951 F 120150 EN Backup Goalie Maddox, Jake MG 4.1 1.0 4,888 F 32219 EN Backwater Bauer, Joan MG 5.1 6.0 40,684 F 25232 EN Bad, Badder, Baddest Voigt, Cynthia MG 5.8 8.0 47,795 F 41281 EN Bad Beginning, The Snicket, Lemony MG 6.4 4.0 24,130 F 49772 EN Bad Boy: A Memoir Myers, Walter Dean MG 6.5 8.0 45,884 NF 121615 EN Bad Connection Carlson, Melody UG 4.5 9.0 58,681 F 50380 EN Bad Girl Blues Warner, Sally MG 4.9 6.0 41,791 F 17756 EN Bad Girls Voigt, Cynthia MG 4.3 8.0 55,922 F 131185 EN Bad Girls Don't Die Alender, Katie MG+ 4.4 10.0 67,936 F 60644 EN Bad Girls in Love Voigt, Cynthia MG 4.7 7.0 49,288 F 145213 EN Bad Island Tennapel, Doug MG 2.3 1.0 5,624 F 130524 EN Gallagher, Diana G. MG 3.4 1.0 8,642 F 17657 EN Bad Luck Bridesmaid: The Complicated Life of Claudia Cristina Cortez Bald Bandit, The Roy, Ron LG 3.2 1.0 6,566 F 14989 EN Ballad of Lucy Whipple, The Cushman, Karen MG 5.8 7.0 42,089 F 66893 EN Ballad of Sir Dinadan, The Morris, Gerald MG 5.3 8.0 52,867 F 75398 EN Ballistics Rollins, Barbara B. MG 5.3 0.5 1,706 82153 EN Bambert's Book of Missing Stories Jung, Reinhardt MG 6.1 3.0 20,952 NF NF F Page 9 Quiz List—Reading Practice Printed Friday, January 6, 2012 10:43:30 AM School: Canal Winchester Middle School Reading Practice Quizzes Quiz Number Lang. Title Author IL ATOS BL Points Word Count F/NF 7.0 50,801 F 137295 EN Bamboo People Perkins, Mitali MG 4.4 101454 EN Bang! Flake, Sharon G. UG 3.6 7.0 52,499 F 207 EN Banner in the Sky Ullman, James Ramsey MG 5.1 11.0 69,628 F 112599 EN Barack Obama Devaney, Sherri UG 10.3 3.0 16,818 NF 35027 EN Barefoot Heart Hart, Elva Trevino UG 5.7 13.0 84,327 NF 10894 EN Barn, The Avi MG 3.9 2.0 13,996 F 81836 EN Bartlett and the Forest of Plenty Hirsch, Odo MG 4.5 8.0 52,796 F 120545 EN Mercado, Nancy E. MG 4.9 5.0 36,587 F 130241 EN Baseball Crazy: Ten Short Stories that Cover All the Bases Baseball Great Green, Tim MG 5.1 7.0 46,156 F 87195 EN Baseball (Revised Edition) Kelley, James MG 6.6 1.0 6,038 NF 25883 EN O'Grady, Scott MG 7.0 5.0 31,956 NF 5354 EN Basher Five-Two: The True Story of F-16 Fighter Pilot Captain Scott O'Grady Basket Counts, The Christopher, Matt MG 4.3 2.0 13,567 F 34809 EN Basketball: A History of Hoops Stewart, Mark MG 8.7 10.0 54,113 NF 86972 EN Basketball All-Star, A Ingram, Scott MG 7.7 2.0 10,243 NF 36289 EN Basketball in Action Crossingham, John MG 5.2 0.5 2,252 NF 120660 EN Kaufman, Gabriel MG 7.7 1.0 6,635 NF 120661 EN Harrow, Jeremy MG 6.8 1.0 6,641 NF 29497 EN Basketball in the Big Ten Conference Basketball in the PAC-10 Conference Bat Six Wolff, Virginia Euwer MG 5.1 8.0 54,948 F 135539 EN Batboy, The Lupica, Mike MG 5.7 8.0 50,167 F 120151 EN Batter Up! Maddox, Jake MG 4.0 1.0 5,127 F NF 17210 EN Battle Holmes, Richard MG 9.1 1.0 5,151 105927 EN Battle Drift Strasser, Todd UG 4.6 6.0 39,847 F 121443 EN Battle for Skandia, The Flanagan, John MG 6.7 14.0 81,299 F 62716 EN DeAngelis, Gina MG 6.2 1.0 3,837 69273 EN Battle of Gettysburg: Turning Point of the Civil War, The Battle of Jericho, The NF Draper, Sharon M. UG 4.7 10.0 67,340 F 122983 EN Battle of the Labyrinth, The Riordan, Rick MG 4.1 12.0 85,079 F 16100 EN Ferrell, Nancy Warren MG 7.2 3.0 19,834 NF 129157 EN Lubar, David MG 4.2 6.0 40,520 F 86697 EN Battle of the Little Bighorn in American History, The Battle of the Red Hot Pepper Weenies: And Other Warped and Creepy Tales, The Battle Scars Wilson, John MG 5.8 6.0 36,036 F 137931 EN Battles of the Clans Hunter, Erin MG 6.0 6.0 36,981 F 133249 EN Be a Genie in Six Easy Steps Chapman, Linda MG 4.0 8.0 59,272 F 123164 EN Gallagher, Diana G. MG 3.1 1.0 9,568 F 8205 EN Beach Blues: The Complicated Life of Claudia Cristina Cortez Beach House Stine, R.L. UG 4.1 5.0 37,857 F 9632 EN Beardance Hobbs, Will MG 5.7 8.0 48,974 F 5057 EN Bearstone Hobbs, Will MG 5.0 6.0 37,440 F 112000 EN Beast Beneath the Stairs, The Dahl, Michael MG 3.4 0.5 684 F 76347 EN Beast, The Myers, Walter Dean UG 4.7 5.0 34,255 F 18803 EN Beasties, The Sleator, William UG 4.8 6.0 39,313 F Page 10 Quiz List—Reading Practice Printed Friday, January 6, 2012 10:43:30 AM School: Canal Winchester Middle School Reading Practice Quizzes Quiz Number Lang. Title Author IL ATOS BL Points Word Count F/NF 119495 EN Beastly Flinn, Alex UG 3.7 8.0 59,872 F 106527 EN Beasts of Clawstone Castle, The Ibbotson, Eva MG 6.1 8.0 47,333 F 141736 EN Beaten Weyn, Suzanne UG 4.0 2.0 11,713 F 58721 EN Beatles, The Roberts, Jeremy MG 6.7 3.0 16,246 NF 147558 EN Beautiful Chaos Garcia, Kami MG+ 4.2 18.0 127,836 F 134708 EN Beautiful Creatures Garcia, Kami MG+ 4.5 21.0 147,695 F 140589 EN Beautiful Darkness Garcia, Kami MG+ 4.4 19.0 131,284 F 137265 EN Beautiful Dead: Jonas Maguire, Eden MG+ 4.5 8.0 57,741 F 7003 EN McKinley, Robin UG 6.2 11.0 68,706 F 114704 EN Beauty: A Retelling of the Story of Beauty and the Beast Bec Shan, Darren MG+ 4.8 9.0 61,387 F 65076 EN Because of Anya Haddix, Margaret Peterson MG 4.6 3.0 21,002 F 39557 EN Because of Winn-Dixie DiCamillo, Kate MG 3.9 3.0 22,123 F 124496 EN Becoming Billie Holiday Weatherford, Carole Boston UG 5.8 2.0 11,397 F 72230 EN Becoming Joe Dimaggio Testa, Maria MG 5.0 0.5 2,238 F 110554 EN Becoming Me, by Caitlin O'Conner Carlson, Melody MG+ 5.8 9.0 59,480 F 82864 EN Becoming Naomi Leon Ryan, Pam Muñoz MG 5.4 6.0 41,686 F 80285 EN Beekman's Big Deal de Guzman, Michael MG 4.1 5.0 36,699 F 304 EN Beezus and Ramona Cleary, Beverly MG 4.8 3.0 22,018 F 132408 EN Mann, Charles C. MG 8.1 5.0 29,274 NF 66720 EN Before Columbus: The Americas of 1491 Before the Creeks Ran Red Reeder, Carolyn MG 6.5 14.0 86,972 F 70876 EN Begging for Change Flake, Sharon G. MG 3.7 6.0 44,437 F 139477 EN Behemoth Westerfeld, Scott MG+ 5.4 13.0 86,699 F 109373 EN Abrahams, Peter MG+ 4.1 9.0 61,260 F 110254 EN Behind the Curtain: An Echo Falls Mystery Behind the Mask Choi, Yangsook LG 3.7 0.5 1,234 F 78840 EN Behind You Woodson, Jacqueline UG 4.1 3.0 20,637 F 89827 EN Beijing Barber, Nicola MG 8.9 2.0 10,474 NF 53421 EN Being Dead Vande Velde, Vivian UG 5.3 6.0 41,886 F 130576 EN Being Nikki Cabot, Meg MG+ 5.3 12.0 75,528 F 140161 EN Belle of the Brawl Harrison, Lisi MG+ 6.2 7.0 42,119 F 15791 EN Belle Prater's Boy White, Ruth UG 4.4 5.0 37,288 F 54093 EN Belle Teal Martin, Ann M. MG 4.8 6.0 39,377 F 10755 EN Bellmaker, The Jacques, Brian MG 5.7 14.0 90,191 F 122750 EN Beneath My Mother's Feet Qamar, Amjed MG 4.9 8.0 50,868 F 101350 EN Benito Mussolini Roberts, Jeremy MG 7.5 3.0 17,538 NF 101336 EN Olson, Kay Melchisedech MG 4.0 0.5 2,530 NF 72260 EN Benjamin Franklin: An American Genius Benny and Omar Colfer, Eoin MG 4.0 8.0 56,088 F 143700 EN Berlin Boxing Club, The Sharenow, Robert MG+ 5.7 13.0 83,308 F 87209 EN Best Foot Forward Bauer, Joan MG+ 4.2 5.0 37,342 F 8207 EN Best Friend, The Stine, R.L. UG 3.6 4.0 28,782 F 129371 EN Best Friends and Drama Queens Cabot, Meg MG 4.9 5.0 35,780 F 83053 EN Best Friends for Never Harrison, Lisi MG+ 4.9 6.0 41,726 F 10212 EN Best School Year Ever, The Robinson, Barbara MG 5.4 3.0 21,821 F Page 11 Quiz List—Reading Practice Printed Friday, January 6, 2012 10:43:30 AM School: Canal Winchester Middle School Reading Practice Quizzes Quiz Number Lang. Title Author IL ATOS BL Points Word Count F/NF 139869 EN Betrayal Shields, Gillian UG 5.1 11.0 69,754 F F 49638 EN Beware, Princess Elizabeth Meyer, Carolyn UG 7.2 8.0 46,567 111713 EN Beyoncé Waters, Rosa MG 7.0 1.0 8,761 8553 EN Beyond the Chocolate War Cormier, Robert UG 5.7 10.0 66,101 F NF 58634 EN Beyond the Deepwoods Stewart, Paul MG 4.9 7.0 49,656 F 130961 EN Beyond the Grave Watson, Jude MG 4.0 5.0 38,504 F 101196 EN Beyond the Valley of Thorns Carman, Patrick MG 6.2 8.0 51,659 F 5058 EN BFG, The Dahl, Roald MG 4.8 6.0 37,568 F 2681 EN Bicycle Stunt Riding! Catch Air Hayhurst, Chris MG 6.0 1.0 4,975 NF NF 5902 EN Big Cats Simon, Seymour MG 5.8 1.0 3,483 120560 EN Big Field, The Lupica, Mike MG 5.3 8.0 55,494 F 59202 EN Big Mouth and Ugly Girl Oates, Joyce Carol UG 5.1 8.0 54,902 F 137291 EN Big Nate: In a Class by Himself Peirce, Lincoln MG 3.1 2.0 13,810 F 145762 EN Big Nate on a Roll Peirce, Lincoln MG 2.9 2.0 14,077 F 140498 EN Big Nate Strikes Again Peirce, Lincoln MG 3.0 2.0 14,342 F 139959 EN Big Stink, The Lubar, David MG 3.6 4.0 29,779 F 139564 EN Big Time, The Green, Tim MG 4.8 7.0 49,734 F F 6656 EN Big Wander, The Hobbs, Will MG 5.1 8.0 52,223 14306 EN Bighorn Sheep Ivy, Bill MG 5.2 0.5 2,490 NF 47492 EN Bill Gates Lesinski, Jeanne M. MG 7.4 3.0 15,014 NF 7657 EN Bill Peet: An Autobiography Peet, Bill MG 6.9 3.0 17,358 NF 62575 EN Billie Holiday Alagna, Magdalena MG 7.1 2.0 10,856 NF 118384 EN Bioterror: Deadly Invisible Weapons Rudy, Lisa Jo UG 6.0 1.0 6,592 NF 83572 EN Bipolar Disorder Abramovitz, Melissa UG 11.6 4.0 20,718 NF 79148 EN Bird Johnson, Angela MG+ 4.2 3.0 20,508 F 125318 EN Bird Murphy, Rita MG 6.2 5.0 30,734 F 122352 EN Bird Lake Moon Henkes, Kevin MG 4.9 4.0 28,429 F 140149 EN Birth of a Killer Shan, Darren MG+ 5.9 8.0 48,560 F 136400 EN Birthday Ball, The Lowry, Lois MG 5.2 4.0 27,878 F 136279 EN Birthmarked O'Brien, Caragh M UG 5.4 16.0 104,491 F 8 EN Black Beauty (Unabridged) Sewell, Anna MG 7.7 11.0 59,635 F 124995 EN Black Box Schumacher, Julie MG+ 4.1 4.0 31,176 F 132348 EN Black Circle, The Carman, Patrick MG 4.7 5.0 34,142 F 106281 EN Black Duck Lisle, Janet Taylor MG 4.8 8.0 54,851 F 119786 EN Black Eyed Peas, The Sanna, E.J. MG 7.5 1.0 8,464 129615 EN Black Heart Somper, Justin MG 4.7 16.0 108,379 74581 EN Black Holes (Lucent) Nardo, Don UG 10.1 4.0 21,268 NF 54115 EN Black Mirror Werlin, Nancy UG 4.7 8.0 55,346 F 104 EN Black Pearl, The O'Dell, Scott MG 5.4 4.0 23,678 F NF F 80120 EN Black Water MacHale, D.J. MG 4.6 17.0 119,521 F 145082 EN Blackhope Enigma, The Flavin, Teresa MG+ 4.8 10.0 64,952 F 32494 EN Blackwater Bunting, Eve MG 3.6 3.0 25,477 F 11150 EN Blackwater Swamp Wallace, Bill MG 4.2 5.0 34,844 F 137043 EN Blade: Out of the Shadows Bowler, Tim UG 2.7 7.0 54,905 F Page 12 Quiz List—Reading Practice Printed Friday, January 6, 2012 10:43:30 AM School: Canal Winchester Middle School Reading Practice Quizzes Quiz Number Lang. Title Author IL ATOS BL Points Word Count F/NF 129938 EN Blade: Playing Dead Bowler, Tim UG 2.9 7.0 52,437 F 139496 EN Blast from the Past Cabot, Meg MG 5.2 6.0 38,320 F 133412 EN Blessing's Bead Edwardson, Debby Dahl MG+ 4.9 6.0 39,968 F 107317 EN Blind Faith Wittlinger, Ellen UG 4.5 10.0 65,690 F 114311 EN Lewis, Michael UG 7.2 19.0 108,886 127517 EN Blind Side: Evolution of a Game, The Blizzard! Maddox, Jake MG 3.1 1.0 4,942 F 63020 EN Blizzard's Wake Naylor, Phyllis Reynolds MG 5.9 8.0 51,477 F 118493 EN Blood Beast Shan, Darren MG+ 4.4 8.0 54,269 F 122833 EN Blood Captain Somper, Justin MG 4.5 18.0 120,744 F 105303 EN Blood Fever Higson, Charlie MG+ 5.6 14.0 92,086 F 78954 EN Blood Gold Cadnum, Michael MG 7.2 7.0 37,920 F 78141 EN Blood Is Thicker Langan, Paul MG+ 4.8 4.0 27,452 F 139871 EN Blood on My Hands Strasser, Todd UG 4.9 9.0 62,109 F 106127 EN Carbone, Elisa MG 5.3 7.0 47,770 F NF 88590 EN Blood on the River: James Town 1607 Blood Red Horse Grant, K.M. MG 6.3 13.0 77,933 F 129853 EN Bloodhound Pierce, Tamora MG+ 4.8 25.0 167,010 F 101948 EN Bloodline Cary, Kate MG+ 5.4 10.0 65,491 F 113334 EN Bloodline: Reckoning Cary, Kate MG+ 5.6 10.0 65,288 F 9522 EN Bloody Country Collier, James Lincoln MG 5.2 6.0 39,847 F 61382 EN Meyer, L.A. MG+ 5.6 11.0 72,568 F 34713 EN Bloody Jack: Being an Account of the Curious Adventures of Mary "Jacky" Faber, Ship's Boy Bloomability Creech, Sharon MG 5.2 7.0 45,170 F 6453 EN Blubber Blume, Judy MG 3.8 4.0 26,941 F 104779 EN Blue Djinn of Babylon, The Kerr, P.B. MG 5.9 14.0 89,818 F 34509 EN Blue Door, The Rinaldi, Ann MG 3.7 7.0 54,496 F 57126 EN Blue Eyes Better Wallace-Brodeur, Ruth MG 3.8 3.0 19,824 F 76587 EN Blue Fingers: A Ninja's Tale Whitesel, Cheryl Aylward MG 5.2 8.0 53,303 F 128971 EN Blue Like Friday Parkinson, Siobhán MG 4.5 5.0 34,207 F 105650 EN Blue Noon Westerfeld, Scott MG 5.2 13.0 85,875 F 18705 EN Blue Ribbon Blues Spinelli, Jerry LG 2.7 1.0 6,555 F 106 EN Blue Sword, The McKinley, Robin MG 6.8 17.0 101,620 F 145763 EN Bluefish Schmatz, Pat MG+ 4.0 6.0 44,279 F 30593 EN Blues: Its Birth and Growth Elmer, Howard MG 7.3 1.0 4,705 132820 EN Bluestar's Prophecy Hunter, Erin MG 4.5 16.0 111,419 F 41621 EN Bluish Hamilton, Virginia MG 3.2 3.0 19,011 F 109965 EN BMX Bully Maddox, Jake MG 3.2 1.0 4,646 F 145395 EN BMX Challenge Maddox, Jake MG 3.3 1.0 5,407 F 75400 EN BMX Design and Equipment Fiske, Brian D. MG 4.6 0.5 1,523 NF 75401 EN BMX Events Fiske, Brian D. MG 4.9 0.5 1,637 NF 52417 EN BMX Freestyle Maurer, Tracy Nelson MG 5.0 1.0 5,374 NF 111886 EN Board Rebel Maddox, Jake MG 3.6 1.0 5,193 F 29740 EN Bob Marley Dolan, Sean MG 9.0 5.0 24,095 NF NF Page 13 Quiz List—Reading Practice Printed Friday, January 6, 2012 10:43:30 AM School: Canal Winchester Middle School Reading Practice Quizzes Quiz Number Lang. Title Author IL ATOS BL Points Word Count F/NF 56712 EN Body Doubles: Cloning Morgan, Sally UG 8.7 3.0 14,772 NF 43267 EN Body of Christopher Creed, The Plum-Ucci, Carol UG 5.3 11.0 70,627 F 124688 EN Bog Child Dowd, Siobhan UG 3.6 9.0 64,930 F 32745 EN Boltzmon! Sleator, William UG 4.8 5.0 32,100 F 2074 EN Bomb Detection Dogs George, Charles MG 4.8 0.5 2,861 14454 EN Bomb, The Taylor, Theodore UG 5.6 6.0 35,752 NF F 118873 EN Bone by Bone by Bone Johnston, Tony MG 4.2 5.0 37,221 F 128122 EN Bone: Crown of Horns Smith, Jeff MG 2.4 1.0 9,115 F 16189 EN Jackson, Donna M. MG 7.8 2.0 9,579 NF 105434 EN Bone Detectives: How Forensic Anthropologists Solve Crimes and Uncover Mysteries of the Dead, The Bone: Eyes of the Storm Smith, Jeff MG 2.6 1.0 9,375 F 121741 EN Bone: Ghost Circles Smith, Jeff MG 2.5 1.0 9,259 F 116793 EN Bone: Old Man's Cave Smith, Jeff MG 2.7 1.0 9,387 F 81999 EN Bone: Out from Boneville Smith, Jeff MG 2.4 1.0 10,235 F 114660 EN Smith, Jeff MG 2.2 1.0 7,268 F 131789 EN Bone: Rock Jaw: Master of the Eastern Border Bone: Rose Smith, Jeff MG 2.6 1.0 7,659 F 110445 EN Bone: The Dragonslayer Smith, Jeff MG 2.6 1.0 11,150 F 101208 EN Bone: The Great Cow Race Smith, Jeff MG 2.4 1.0 7,437 F 124572 EN Bone: Treasure Hunters Smith, Jeff MG 2.9 1.0 9,030 F 124689 EN Bonechiller McNamee, Graham UG 3.8 9.0 67,594 F 48941 EN Bones: Our Skeletal System Simon, Seymour MG 6.5 0.5 2,317 117766 EN Book of a Thousand Days Hale, Shannon MG+ 5.3 9.0 61,954 F 82261 EN Book of Dead Days, The Sedgwick, Marcus MG+ 4.7 9.0 58,563 F NF 70368 EN Book of Enchantments Wrede, Patricia C. MG 5.6 8.0 51,495 F 101042 EN Book of Mordred, The Vande Velde, Vivian MG 5.7 16.0 100,471 F 104415 EN Book of Story Beginnings, The Kladstrup, Kristin MG 4.5 10.0 71,774 F 36682 EN Book of the Lion, The Cadnum, Michael UG 6.9 8.0 50,173 F 116761 EN Book of Time, The Prévost, Guillaume MG 5.6 9.0 55,859 F 137761 EN Book That Ate My Brother, The Dahl, Michael MG 2.8 0.5 1,463 F 112001 EN Book That Dripped Blood, The Dahl, Michael MG 3.2 0.5 950 F 106101 EN Book Thief, The Zusak, Markus UG 5.1 18.0 118,933 F 88384 EN Avi MG 4.4 5.0 37,164 F 15152 EN McLoone, Margo LG 3.6 0.5 976 NF NF 73018 EN Book Without Words: A Fable of Medieval Magic, The Booker T. Washington: A Photo-Illustrated Biography Booking a First Gig Schaefer, A.R. MG 4.9 0.5 1,687 125271 EN Boost Mackel, Kathy MG+ 3.9 7.0 51,995 F 116382 EN Boot Camp Strasser, Todd UG 4.6 8.0 53,009 F 105987 EN Born to Rock Korman, Gordon MG+ 5.3 8.0 49,239 F 59162 EN Elish, Dan MG+ 4.0 4.0 29,040 F 53469 EN Born Too Short: The Confessions of an Eighth-Grade Basket Case Boston Jane: An Adventure Holm, Jennifer L. MG 4.9 8.0 56,161 F 14752 EN Both Sides of Time Cooney, Caroline B. UG 5.3 7.0 48,518 F 116752 EN Bounce Friend, Natasha MG 3.3 5.0 39,842 F Page 14 Quiz List—Reading Practice Printed Friday, January 6, 2012 10:43:30 AM School: Canal Winchester Middle School Reading Practice Quizzes Quiz Number Lang. Title Author IL ATOS BL Points Word Count F/NF 36,064 F 82027 EN Bound Napoli, Donna Jo MG+ 5.4 6.0 75416 EN Bow Hunting Weintraub, Aileen MG 5.0 0.5 3,061 122353 EN Box Out Coy, John MG+ 3.5 6.0 43,685 NF F 122286 EN Boxer and the Spy, The Parker, Robert B. UG 3.7 5.0 34,033 F 27974 EN Boxes, The Sleator, William MG 4.5 6.0 43,739 F 44871 EN Boy and the Samurai, The Haugaard, Erik Christian UG 5.1 9.0 59,174 F 48513 EN Mazer, Harry MG 3.8 3.0 22,015 F 109097 EN Lockhart, E. UG 4.9 7.0 43,698 F 80432 EN Boy at War: A Novel of Pearl Harbor, A Boy Book: (A Study of Habits and Behaviors, Plus Techniques for Taming Them), Th Boy from the Basement, The Shaw, Susan MG 3.0 6.0 45,567 F 41701 EN Boy in the Burning House, The Wynne-Jones, Tim UG 4.8 8.0 56,490 F 109203 EN Boy in the Striped Pajamas, The Boyne, John UG 5.8 7.0 46,778 F 86340 EN Boy Kills Man Whyman, Matt UG 5.6 6.0 37,530 F 83433 EN Boy Next Door, The Stine, R.L. MG+ 3.1 3.0 25,526 F 80955 EN Boy No More, A Mazer, Harry MG 3.5 4.0 27,004 F 9543 EN Boy: Tales of Childhood Dahl, Roald MG 6.0 6.0 35,928 NF 130526 EN Gallagher, Diana G. MG 2.9 1.0 7,963 F 78198 EN Boy Trouble: The Complicated Life of Claudia Cristina Cortez Boy Who Couldn't Die, The Sleator, William MG 5.0 8.0 50,606 F 121004 EN Boy Who Dared, The Bartoletti, Susan Campbell MG 4.9 5.0 33,914 F 6305 EN Boy Who Owned the School, The Paulsen, Gary MG 5.5 2.0 14,324 F 558 EN Boy Who Reversed Himself, The Sleator, William MG 4.7 7.0 46,149 F 70572 EN Boy Who Saved Baseball, The Ritter, John H. MG 4.4 7.0 51,362 F 105495 EN Giblin, James Cross LG 4.6 1.0 8,683 F 85980 EN Boy Who Saved Cleveland: Based on a True Story, The Boy2girl Blacker, Terence MG 5.2 9.0 61,139 F 86305 EN Lockhart, E. UG 4.7 7.0 49,684 F 8210 EN Boyfriend List: (15 Guys, 11 Shrink Appointments, 4 Ceramic Frogs and Me, Ruby Oliver), The Boyfriend, The Stine, R.L. UG 3.7 4.0 32,193 F 12369 EN Boys Against Girls Naylor, Phyllis Reynolds MG 5.0 4.0 27,261 F 131600 EN Boys R Us Harrison, Lisi MG+ 4.9 9.0 57,127 F 135014 EN Boys Without Names Sheth, Kashmira MG 4.2 10.0 71,672 F 30977 EN Brad Pitt Dempsey, Amy MG 7.5 1.0 8,186 NF 136703 EN Brain Camp Kim, Susan MG+ 2.4 1.0 5,730 F 132417 EN Brain Finds a Leg, The Chatterton, Martin MG+ 6.3 8.0 47,896 F 136413 EN Brain Full of Holes, The Chatterton, Martin MG 5.6 9.0 55,098 F 139478 EN Brain Jack Falkner, Brian MG+ 5.6 12.0 77,988 F 51236 EN Brain: Our Nervous System, The Simon, Seymour MG 6.3 0.5 2,294 132224 EN Brand-New Emily Rue, Ginger MG 4.7 10.0 68,048 NF F 86099 EN Bras & Broomsticks Mlynowski, Sarah MG+ 3.8 10.0 71,740 F 120830 EN Bratfest at Tiffany's Harrison, Lisi MG+ 5.0 7.0 47,760 F 138670 EN 7.5 7.0 37,502 NF EN Wooldridge, Connie Nordhielm Lipsyte, Robert MG+ 6907 Brave Escape of Edith Wharton, The Brave, The UG 4.2 5.0 35,215 F Page 15 Quiz List—Reading Practice Printed Friday, January 6, 2012 10:43:30 AM School: Canal Winchester Middle School Reading Practice Quizzes Quiz Number Lang. Title Author IL ATOS BL Points Word Count F/NF 65425 EN Braving the Fire Severance, John B. MG 5.6 6.0 40,074 F 110098 EN Bread and Roses, Too Paterson, Katherine MG 4.9 9.0 60,875 F 41702 EN Breadwinner, The Ellis, Deborah MG 4.5 4.0 29,181 F 7179 EN Break with Charity, A Rinaldi, Ann MG+ 4.7 8.0 57,600 F 124537 EN Breaking Dawn Meyer, Stephenie UG 4.8 28.0 186,542 F 59203 EN Breaking Point Flinn, Alex UG 3.5 7.0 48,425 F 54159 EN Breaking Through Jiménez, Francisco MG 5.3 7.0 43,806 F 70392 EN Breakout Fleischman, Paul UG 5.4 4.0 28,475 F 113963 EN Breakup Bible, The Kantor, Melissa UG 6.1 9.0 54,599 F 51121 EN Breast Cancer Peacock, Judith UG 6.8 2.0 10,885 NF 73763 EN Breath Napoli, Donna Jo UG 4.2 7.0 47,453 F 106369 EN Breathe: A Ghost Story McNish, Cliff MG 4.8 8.0 56,541 F 121584 EN Brett McCarthy: Work In Progress Padian, Maria MG+ 4.7 8.0 56,993 F 76894 EN Brian's Hunt Paulsen, Gary MG+ 5.9 3.0 21,890 F 25297 EN Brian's Return Paulsen, Gary MG 5.5 4.0 23,780 F 11704 EN Brian's Winter Paulsen, Gary MG 5.9 5.0 31,140 F 8554 EN Briar Rose Yolen, Jane UG 5.0 8.0 50,341 F 42800 EN Briar's Book Pierce, Tamora UG 5.9 9.0 57,671 F 75411 EN Brickyard 400, The Schaefer, A.R. MG 4.3 0.5 1,611 11 EN Bridge to Terabithia Paterson, Katherine MG 4.6 5.0 32,888 F 106039 EN Reinhardt, Dana UG 5.4 9.0 57,293 F 133139 EN Brief Chapter in My Impossible Life, A Brief History of Montmaray, A Cooper, Michelle MG+ 6.5 12.0 71,543 F 46124 EN Brimstone Journals, The Koertge, Ron UG 4.2 1.0 8,491 F 125940 EN Brisingr Paolini, Christopher UG 7.8 45.0 254,629 F 78875 EN Bro Peck, Robert Newton UG 4.5 4.0 24,172 F 114787 EN Flake, Sharon G. MG 3.5 3.0 22,143 F 28522 EN Broken Bike Boy and the Queen of 33rd Street, The Broken Days Rinaldi, Ann UG 3.9 8.0 55,068 F NF 8212 EN Broken Hearts Stine, R.L. UG 3.9 6.0 40,368 F 113093 EN Broken Moon Antieau, Kim UG 4.2 5.0 32,160 F 55292 EN Bronx Masquerade Grimes, Nikki UG 4.5 4.0 24,229 F 124429 EN Brooklyn Bridge Hesse, Karen MG 4.2 6.0 42,192 F 2184 EN Brooklyn Bridge, The Pascoe, Elaine MG 7.0 1.0 4,284 128147 EN Gratz, Alan MG 5.0 9.0 62,404 F 78142 EN Brooklyn Nine: A Novel in Nine Innings, The Brothers in Arms Langan, Paul MG+ 4.1 4.0 28,726 F 4404 EN Bruce Lee Tagliaferro, Linda MG 8.4 2.0 13,309 NF 138433 EN Bruiser Shusterman, Neal UG 5.5 10.0 63,431 F 52618 EN Buccaneers, The Lawrence, Iain UG 5.0 9.0 60,887 F 80633 EN Bucking the Sarge Curtis, Christopher Paul MG 5.8 10.0 66,051 F 29554 EN Bud, Not Buddy Curtis, Christopher Paul MG 5.0 8.0 52,179 F 69789 EN Buddha Boy Koja, Kathe UG 5.6 4.0 24,217 F 121298 EN Buddha's Diamonds, The Marsden, Carolyn MG 4.6 2.0 12,739 F 81812 EN Buddhism Teece, Geoff MG 6.9 1.0 7,211 NF NF Page 16 Quiz List—Reading Practice Printed Friday, January 6, 2012 10:43:30 AM School: Canal Winchester Middle School Reading Practice Quizzes Quiz Number Lang. Title 24344 EN 128271 EN Bulimia Nervosa: The Secret Cycle of Bingeing and Purging Bull Rider Points Word Count F/NF 6.9 1.0 7,865 NF MG 4.1 9.0 60,390 F F Author IL Burby, Liza N. UG Williams, Suzanne Morgan ATOS BL 8455 EN Bull Run Fleischman, Paul UG 5.3 2.0 13,507 120106 EN Bullies Jones, Jen MG 4.7 0.5 2,043 78147 EN Bully, The Langan, Paul MG+ 4.7 5.0 35,887 F 118863 EN Bullyville Prose, Francine MG+ 5.8 7.0 45,339 F 137044 EN Bulu: African Wonder Dog Houston, Dick MG 4.8 9.0 59,911 NF 67000 EN Bumblebee Flies Anyway, The Cormier, Robert UG 5.6 10.0 65,031 F 30907 EN Bungee Jumping Glaser, Jason MG 4.5 0.5 2,237 254 EN Howe, Deborah MG 4.2 2.0 14,558 F 32448 EN Bunnicula: A Rabbit-Tale of Mystery Bunnicula Strikes Again! Howe, James MG 4.8 3.0 18,670 F 35190 EN Burger Wuss Anderson, M.T. UG 3.5 6.0 43,855 F 80773 EN Burn Journals, The Runyon, Brent UG 3.8 12.0 83,565 NF 106349 EN Burning Bridge, The Flanagan, John MG 6.3 12.0 71,840 F 83001 EN Burning, The Lasky, Kathryn MG 5.4 6.0 41,966 F 25296 EN Burning Up Cooney, Caroline B. UG 5.0 8.0 53,665 F 65474 EN Sloan, Christopher MG 8.5 2.0 11,543 NF 83795 EN Bury the Dead: Tombs, Corpses, Mummies, Skeletons, & Rituals Busted! Hicks, Betty MG 4.1 5.0 33,051 F 42215 EN Busted! Jenkins, Jerry B. MG 4.4 3.0 18,344 F 17211 EN Butterfly & Moth Whalley, Paul MG 8.6 1.0 7,128 NF NF NF 79372 EN Buttermilk Hill White, Ruth MG 4.9 5.0 35,660 F 137503 EN By Royal Command Higson, Charlie MG+ 5.5 14.0 92,982 F 212 EN By the Shores of Silver Lake Wilder, Laura Ingalls MG 5.3 9.0 57,240 F 133413 EN Bystander Preller, James MG+ 4.2 5.0 35,039 F 17457 EN Cabinet, The Feinberg, Barbara Silberdick UG 9.4 2.0 10,281 NF 107066 EN Caddy Ever After McKay, Hilary MG 5.2 5.0 35,730 F 18804 EN Cage, The Sender, Ruth Minsky UG 3.7 6.0 45,027 NF 5914 EN Cages Kehret, Peg UG 4.5 5.0 36,184 F 89830 EN Cairo Bowden, Rob MG 8.5 2.0 9,420 NF 134833 EN Calamity Jack Hale, Shannon MG 3.2 1.0 9,075 F 122452 EN Calder Game, The Balliett, Blue MG 5.8 8.0 52,971 F 53784 EN Caleb's Story MacLachlan, Patricia MG 2.9 2.0 14,304 F 21054 EN Altman, Linda Jacobs MG 8.3 4.0 19,561 NF 57703 EN California Gold Rush in American History, The California Gold Rush, The Monroe, Judy MG 5.3 1.0 4,498 NF 14136 EN Call Me Francis Tucket Paulsen, Gary MG 5.5 3.0 20,794 F 107 EN Call of the Wild, The London, Jack MG 8.0 7.0 37,058 F 139545 EN Call, The Grant, Michael MG 4.7 6.0 37,717 F 54962 EN Call to Vengeance, The Watson, Jude MG 4.9 4.0 24,496 F 79026 EN Call Waiting Stine, R.L. UG 3.7 4.0 27,007 F 8512 EN Calling on Dragons Wrede, Patricia C. MG 4.9 8.0 55,819 F 17660 EN Cam Jansen and the Mystery of the Babe Ruth Baseball Adler, David A. LG 3.8 1.0 4,980 F Page 17 Quiz List—Reading Practice Printed Friday, January 6, 2012 10:43:30 AM School: Canal Winchester Middle School Reading Practice Quizzes Quiz Number Points Word Count F/NF 3.9 1.0 5,596 F LG 3.8 1.0 5,186 F Adler, David A. LG 3.7 1.0 5,079 F Adler, David A. LG 3.9 1.0 5,945 F Adler, David A. LG 3.4 1.0 4,902 F Adler, David A. LG 3.4 1.0 4,899 F Adler, David A. LG 3.4 1.0 5,818 F Regan, Dian Curtis MG 5.9 11.0 68,681 F Magoon, Kekla MG 3.7 5.0 37,076 F Camp Can't: The Complicated Life of Claudia Cristina Cortez Camp Creepy Time Gallagher, Diana G. MG 3.5 1.0 9,868 F Gershon, Gina MG 5.6 8.0 48,724 F Benton, Jim MG 5.9 2.0 11,922 F Barton, Chris MG 6.8 3.0 20,813 NF Strasser, Todd UG 3.9 6.0 43,869 F Lang. Title Author IL Cam Jansen and the Mystery of the Circus Clown Cam Jansen and the Mystery of the Dinosaur Bones Cam Jansen and the Mystery of the Gold Coins Cam Jansen and the Mystery of the Monster Movie Cam Jansen and the Mystery of the Television Dog Cam Jansen and the Mystery of the U.F.O. Cam Jansen and the Snowy Day Mystery Cam's Quest: The Continuing Story of Princess Nevermore and the Wizard's Apprentice Camo Girl Adler, David A. LG Adler, David A. ATOS BL 7605 EN 7606 EN 17662 EN 17664 EN 18708 EN 14661 EN 83533 EN 112400 EN 142973 EN 116080 EN 114873 EN 106298 EN 143033 EN 76336 EN Can Adults Become Human? by Jamie Kelly Can I See Your I.D.? True Stories of False Identities Can't Get There from Here 115153 EN Can You Get an F in Lunch? Krulik, Nancy MG 4.0 3.0 21,032 F 20014 EN Canary Caper, The Roy, Ron LG 3.4 1.0 8,317 F 8556 EN Candidate for Murder, A Nixon, Joan Lowery UG 5.1 7.0 48,337 F 132845 EN Candor Bachorz, Pam UG 2.9 8.0 62,327 F 86681 EN Candy Brooks, Kevin UG 4.5 13.0 89,064 F 140165 EN Candymakers, The Mass, Wendy MG 5.0 15.0 102,497 F 69572 EN Grant, Cynthia D. UG 5.3 6.0 36,014 F 102041 EN Cannibals: Starring Tiffany Spratt, The Cannibals, The Lawrence, Iain MG 4.6 8.0 57,604 F 6033 EN Canyons Paulsen, Gary MG 5.5 5.0 30,900 F 34624 EN Pilkey, Dav MG 4.7 1.0 5,595 F 34629 EN Pilkey, Dav MG 4.4 1.0 4,668 F 54477 EN Pilkey, Dav MG 4.4 1.0 7,389 F 6753 EN Captain Underpants and the Attack of the Talking Toilets Captain Underpants and the Invasion ... Incredibly Naughty Cafeteria Ladies from Outer Space Captain Underpants and the Wrath of the Wicked Wedgie Woman Captive Witness Keene, Carolyn MG 5.4 5.0 33,595 F 70101 EN Capture, The Lasky, Kathryn MG 4.8 7.0 44,960 F 110144 EN Immel, Mary Blair MG 5.9 4.0 27,194 F 87202 EN Captured! A Boy Trapped in the Civil War Car Sutton, Richard MG 7.5 1.0 7,349 NF 10290 EN Car, The Paulsen, Gary UG 4.8 6.0 38,546 F 102546 EN Car Trouble DuPrau, Jeanne MG+ 4.7 6.0 43,897 F 128924 EN Carbon Diaries 2015, The Lloyd, Saci UG 4.4 10.0 67,646 F Page 18 Quiz List—Reading Practice Printed Friday, January 6, 2012 10:43:30 AM School: Canal Winchester Middle School Reading Practice Quizzes Quiz Number Lang. Title Author IL ATOS BL Points Word Count F/NF 135490 EN Carbon Diaries 2017, The Lloyd, Saci UG 4.4 12.0 80,685 F 137056 EN Sachar, Louis MG 5.0 9.0 62,410 F 14310 EN Cardturner: A Novel About a King, a Queen, and a Joker, The Caribou Ross, Judy MG 5.8 0.5 3,097 NF 47446 EN Carl Sagan Butts, Ellen R. MG 8.7 3.0 15,662 NF 29764 EN Carlota O'Dell, Scott MG 5.4 4.0 29,061 F 45117 EN Naylor, Phyllis Reynolds MG 5.5 4.0 28,424 F 130539 EN Carlotta's Kittens and the Club of Mysteries Carnival of Horrors Preece, Philip MG 3.4 1.0 5,450 F 63667 EN Carnivorous Carnival, The Snicket, Lemony MG 6.6 7.0 43,681 F 130683 EN Carrie Underwood Jeffery, Marika MG 6.5 2.0 9,821 120220 EN Springer, Nancy MG 7.4 6.0 31,979 F 130009 EN Springer, Nancy MG 7.5 5.0 29,881 F 136711 EN Springer, Nancy MG 7.3 5.0 31,337 F 124698 EN Springer, Nancy MG 7.3 6.0 35,135 F 19666 EN Case of the Bizarre Bouquets: An Enola Holmes Mystery, The Case of the Cryptic Crinoline: An Enola Holmes Mystery, The Case of the Gypsy Good-bye: An Enola Holmes Mystery, The Case of the Peculiar Pink Fan: An Enola Holmes Mystery, The Case of the Twin Teddy Bears, The Keene, Carolyn MG 4.2 4.0 30,418 F 116704 EN Cassandra's Sister Bennett, Veronica UG 6.3 10.0 59,866 F 47662 EN Castaways of the Flying Dutchman Jacques, Brian MG 5.4 12.0 80,305 F 119186 EN Castaways, The Lawrence, Iain MG 4.9 9.0 59,666 F 54095 EN Castle Nix, Garth MG 5.7 6.0 39,939 F 49236 EN Castle Life Reid, Struan MG 6.1 1.0 5,311 NF 119942 EN Castles Under Siege Dargie, Richard MG 6.2 1.0 4,398 NF 17213 EN Cat Clutton-Brock, Juliet MG 7.3 1.0 7,983 NF 213 EN Cat Ate My Gymsuit, The Danziger, Paula MG 3.9 4.0 25,993 F 131457 EN Cat Burglar Black Sala, Richard MG+ 2.7 1.0 8,145 F 69436 EN Cat Who Came for Christmas, The Amory, Cleveland UG 7.3 13.0 72,382 NF 88165 EN Catch a Tiger by the Toe Levine, Ellen MG 3.7 5.0 35,413 F NF 5357 EN Catch That Pass! Christopher, Matt MG 3.9 2.0 13,747 F 25209 EN Catcher's Mask, The Christopher, Matt LG 4.2 1.0 6,457 F 132824 EN Catching Fire Collins, Suzanne MG+ 5.3 16.0 101,564 F 81369 EN Cathedrals and the Church Levy, Patricia MG 8.7 1.0 7,253 8693 EN Catherine, Called Birdy Cushman, Karen UG 6.4 8.0 47,808 F 123747 EN Cats of the Clans Hunter, Erin MG 6.8 2.0 12,222 F 65234 EN Caught! Roberts, Willo Davis MG 4.8 6.0 37,778 F 58202 EN Paulsen, Gary MG 6.3 3.0 19,875 NF 74082 EN Caught By the Sea: My Life on Boats Caught in a Lie McNicoll, Sylvia MG 4.5 7.0 50,348 F 129437 EN Caught in the Web Krulik, Nancy MG 4.2 3.0 24,280 F 75404 EN Cause of Death Rollins, Barbara B. MG 5.2 0.5 1,640 NF 104296 EN Bolden, Tonya MG 9.5 7.0 35,279 NF 120318 EN Cause: Reconstruction America, 1863-1877 Cave of the Bookworms Dahl, Michael MG 3.0 0.5 710 F 59376 EN Cavern of the Fear Rodda, Emily MG 5.1 5.0 29,983 F 108 EN Cay, The Taylor, Theodore MG 6.7 5.0 26,145 F NF Page 19 Quiz List—Reading Practice Printed Friday, January 6, 2012 10:43:30 AM School: Canal Winchester Middle School Reading Practice Quizzes Quiz Number Lang. Title Author IL ATOS BL Points Word Count F/NF 660 EN Celery Stalks at Midnight, The Howe, James MG 4.0 2.0 16,015 F 80419 EN Celtic Myths and Legends Ardagh, Philip MG 6.3 2.0 11,221 F 35163 EN Center Court Sting Christopher, Matt MG 3.9 3.0 18,585 F 87461 EN Chain Letter, The Schumacher, Julie MG 4.2 6.0 45,352 F 125530 EN Chains Anderson, Laurie Halse MG 5.2 11.0 75,475 F 108534 EN Chance Fortune and the Outlaws Berryhill, Shane MG 5.5 9.0 55,561 F 121301 EN Chanda's Wars Stratton, Allan UG 3.5 9.0 67,977 F 131623 EN Change-Up: Mystery at the World Series Changes in Latitudes Feinstein, John MG 5.0 10.0 69,881 F Hobbs, Will UG 4.8 5.0 35,951 F Heiligman, Deborah MG 7.6 11.0 65,340 NF Fedorko, Jamie MG 7.1 1.0 7,239 NF 73924 EN 127228 EN 130261 EN Charles and Emma: The Darwins' Leap of Faith Charles Barkley 20 EN Charlie and the Chocolate Factory Dahl, Roald MG 4.8 5.0 30,644 F 5063 EN Dahl, Roald MG 4.4 5.0 32,107 F 115222 EN Charlie and the Great Glass Elevator Charlie Bone and the Beast Nimmo, Jenny MG 4.5 9.0 62,363 F 88697 EN Nimmo, Jenny MG 4.9 10.0 66,296 F 107039 EN Charlie Bone and the Castle of Mirrors Charlie Bone and the Hidden King Nimmo, Jenny MG 4.6 10.0 71,724 F 78185 EN Charlie Bone and the Invisible Boy Nimmo, Jenny MG 4.9 10.0 65,586 F 126497 EN Charlie Bone and the Shadow Nimmo, Jenny MG 4.9 10.0 68,929 F 71302 EN Charlie Bone and the Time Twister Nimmo, Jenny MG 4.7 9.0 63,385 F 79373 EN Charlie's Raven George, Jean Craighead MG 4.6 6.0 40,523 F 65235 EN Charlotte's Rose Cannon, A.E. MG 4.1 6.0 45,716 F 19 EN Charlotte's Web White, E.B. MG 4.4 5.0 31,938 F 133936 EN Harrison, Lisi MG 4.5 5.0 31,532 F 113949 EN Charmed and Dangerous: The Rise of the Pretty Committee: The Clique Prequel Chase Haas, Jessie MG 4.5 7.0 46,855 F 63089 EN Rosen, Michael J. MG 5.7 5.0 28,754 F 135872 EN ChaseR: A Novel in E-mails/Don't Shoot! Chase R's Top Ten Reasons Not to Move to the Country Chasing Brooklyn Schroeder, Lisa MG+ 3.1 4.0 28,848 F 128375 EN Chasing Lincoln's Killer Swanson, James L. MG+ 7.5 6.0 36,243 NF 17762 EN Chasing Redbird Creech, Sharon MG 5.0 7.0 45,689 F 86639 EN Chasing the Falconers Korman, Gordon MG 4.9 4.0 27,138 F 78186 EN Chasing Vermeer Balliett, Blue MG 5.4 6.0 39,699 F 214 EN Cheaper by the Dozen Gilbreth, Frank B. MG 6.0 10.0 61,162 NF 122219 EN Cheat Sheet Krulik, Nancy MG 4.4 3.0 20,364 F 68144 EN Cheat, The Koss, Amy Goldman MG 4.2 4.0 26,931 F 8214 EN Cheater, The Stine, R.L. UG 3.8 4.0 29,248 F 120152 EN Cheer Challenge Maddox, Jake MG 3.7 1.0 4,951 F 101317 EN Cheer Spirit: Revving up the Crowd Jones, Jen MG 5.2 0.5 2,132 NF 75117 EN Cheerleader/Deadly Offer, The Cooney, Caroline B. UG 4.6 5.0 36,613 89754 EN Cheerleaders, The Maurer, Tracy MG 5.5 1.0 3,639 NF 68429 EN Cheerleading in Action Crossingham, John MG 5.8 1.0 4,389 NF F Page 20 Quiz List—Reading Practice Printed Friday, January 6, 2012 10:43:30 AM School: Canal Winchester Middle School Reading Practice Quizzes Quiz Number Lang. Title Author IL ATOS BL Points Word Count F/NF 2,633 NF NF 14343 EN Cheetahs Smyth, Alia MG 5.7 0.5 11058 EN Chemistry Newmark, Ann UG 8.3 1.0 5,748 8557 EN Chemo Kid, The Lipsyte, Robert UG 4.1 4.0 31,467 F 83613 EN Chestnut Soldier, The Nimmo, Jenny MG 5.2 8.0 52,059 F 106079 EN Schlosser, Eric MG 8.1 9.0 50,768 NF 67164 EN Chew on This: Everything You Don't Want to Know About Fast Food Chewing the Cud King-Smith, Dick MG 6.9 7.0 41,700 NF 119922 EN Tayleur, Karen MG 3.6 1.0 10,286 F 88484 EN Chicken! Be Brave with David Mortimore Baxter Chicken Boy Dowell, Frances O'Roark MG 5.1 5.0 36,044 F 12476 EN Chief, The Lipsyte, Robert UG 4.4 5.0 36,342 F 122751 EN Chiggers Larson, Hope MG 2.2 1.0 4,928 F 122732 EN Chihuahuas Gagne, Tammy MG 4.2 0.5 1,949 NF 36564 EN Child Called "It", A Pelzer, Dave UG 5.8 5.0 32,404 NF 128272 EN Ellis, Deborah MG+ 5.5 4.0 25,679 NF 67346 EN Children of War: Voices of Iraqi Refugees Chill Wind McDonald, Janet UG 5.2 4.0 29,312 F 142570 EN Chime Billingsley, Franny UG 4.4 13.0 88,026 F 14344 EN Chimpanzees Greenland, Caroline MG 5.3 0.5 2,714 NF 31890 EN Chinese Cinderella Mah, Adeline Yen UG 5.7 8.0 49,573 NF 14755 EN Chinese Handcuffs Crutcher, Chris UG 6.0 10.0 65,195 F 80420 EN Chinese Myths and Legends Ardagh, Philip MG 6.1 2.0 11,104 F 36101 EN Sanford, William R. MG 6.7 3.0 17,255 NF 32350 EN Chisholm Trail in American History, The Chocolate-Covered Contest, The Keene, Carolyn MG 4.3 4.0 27,593 F 256 EN Chocolate Touch, The Catling, Patrick Skene MG 4.7 2.0 11,444 F 5260 EN Chocolate War, The Cormier, Robert UG 5.4 8.0 51,115 F 109093 EN Choice, The Skurzynski, Gloria MG 5.6 9.0 58,317 F 28283 EN Choosing Up Sides Ritter, John H. UG 4.2 5.0 35,136 F 122903 EN Chosen Dekker, Ted MG+ 4.8 8.0 52,772 F 111714 EN Chris Brown Hooper, James MG 7.0 1.0 7,959 NF 100584 EN Chris Crutcher Sommers, Michael A. MG 8.2 2.0 13,281 NF 133731 EN Chris Daughtry Marcovitz, Hal MG 7.8 2.0 9,797 NF 81813 EN Christianity Teece, Geoff MG 7.3 1.0 7,010 NF 87203 EN Christianity Wilkinson, Philip MG 8.4 1.0 4,149 NF 55193 EN Lasky, Kathryn MG 5.4 5.0 33,065 F 44702 EN Christmas After All: The Diary of Minnie Swift Christmas Carol (Unabridged), A Dickens, Charles MG 6.7 5.0 28,448 F 64594 EN Christmas in Canaan Rogers, Kenny MG 5.4 8.0 54,074 F 45857 EN Christmas Sonata, A Paulsen, Gary MG 4.4 1.0 9,171 F 106140 EN Ferguson, Alane UG 5.1 9.0 61,976 F 26044 EN Christopher Killer: A Forensic Mystery, The Christopher Reeve Howard, Megan MG 7.6 3.0 15,013 NF 125220 EN Cincinnati Bengals, The Stewart, Mark MG 5.5 1.0 4,757 NF 120949 EN Cincinnati Reds, The Stewart, Mark MG 5.4 1.0 4,967 NF 54030 EN Cinderella 2000 Jukes, Mavis MG 4.0 4.0 31,468 F Page 21 Quiz List—Reading Practice Printed Friday, January 6, 2012 10:43:30 AM School: Canal Winchester Middle School Reading Practice Quizzes Quiz Number Lang. Title Author IL ATOS BL Points Word Count F/NF 36466 EN Cinderellis and the Glass Hill Levine, Gail Carson MG 4.3 2.0 10,858 F 59161 EN Circle of Time, A Montes, Marisa UG 4.6 9.0 60,040 F 2485 EN Circuit, The Jiménez, Francisco MG 5.3 4.0 27,007 F 46948 EN Circulatory System, The Oleksy, Walter MG 7.7 1.0 6,239 59118 EN Cirque Du Freak Shan, Darren MG+ 4.8 7.0 50,174 F 69274 EN City of Ember, The DuPrau, Jeanne MG 5.0 9.0 59,937 F 83796 EN City of Light, City of Dark Avi MG 2.7 1.0 11,155 F 62925 EN City of the Beasts Allende, Isabel UG 7.8 15.0 86,288 F 59046 EN City of the Rats Rodda, Emily MG 5.1 4.0 24,823 F 41507 EN Civil War Sandler, Martin W. MG 8.6 1.0 6,620 NF 87204 EN Civil War Stanchak, John MG 7.7 2.0 8,630 NF 44894 EN Civil War on Sunday Osborne, Mary Pope LG 3.4 1.0 5,991 F 134179 EN Claim to Fame Haddix, Margaret Peterson MG 5.2 9.0 57,423 F 124647 EN Claire Harrison, Lisi MG+ 5.2 5.0 29,706 F 101340 EN Lassieur, Allison MG 4.1 0.5 2,343 133250 EN Clara Barton: Angel of the Battlefield Clash of the Demons Delaney, Joseph MG 5.7 10.0 65,154 F 119184 EN Clash of the Sky Galleons Stewart, Paul MG 7.3 14.0 82,869 F 66887 EN Claws Weaver, Will UG 4.2 7.0 46,711 F 127528 EN Claws in the Snow Dahl, Michael MG 3.0 0.5 838 F 108037 EN Clay Almond, David MG 3.2 6.0 44,308 F 24565 EN Clearing: A Mystery, The Miller, Dorothy Reynolds MG 4.6 4.0 29,304 F F NF NF 32238 EN Cleopatra VII: Daughter of the Nile Gregory, Kristiana MG 6.2 6.0 34,805 109099 EN Cleveland Browns, The Stewart, Mark MG 5.9 1.0 4,865 NF 120950 EN Cleveland Indians, The Stewart, Mark MG 5.4 1.0 5,024 NF 86514 EN Vega, Denise MG 4.4 8.0 55,185 F 122419 EN Click Here: (To Find out How I Survived Seventh Grade) Climbing the Stairs Venkatraman, Padma MG+ 4.8 7.0 50,158 F 79924 EN Clique, The Harrison, Lisi MG+ 4.9 7.0 45,989 F 115553 EN Cliques Jones, Jen MG 5.0 0.5 1,848 142571 EN Cloaked Flinn, Alex MG+ 3.5 9.0 70,019 F 140864 EN Cloaked in Red Vande Velde, Vivian MG+ 5.9 4.0 26,771 F 18531 EN Clockwork or All Wound Up Pullman, Philip MG 5.7 2.0 12,443 F 140350 EN Clockwork Three, The Kirby, Matthew J. MG 4.5 15.0 100,530 F 136288 EN Clone Codes, The McKissack, Patricia MG 4.7 6.0 37,673 F 59344 EN Clones, The Skurzynski, Gloria UG 5.7 7.0 45,582 F 82267 EN Close Kin Dunkle, Clare B. MG+ 5.4 10.0 66,402 F 79620 EN Close Out Strasser, Todd UG 4.3 7.0 48,954 F 28512 EN Close to a Killer Qualey, Marsha UG 4.6 6.0 42,255 F 130870 EN Closed for the Season Hahn, Mary Downing MG 4.4 6.0 43,034 F 142132 EN Closer Gordon, Roderick MG 6.6 22.0 132,598 F 88201 EN Cloud Chamber, The Maynard, Joyce MG+ 5.6 9.0 60,120 F 139538 EN Cloud Searchers, The Kibuishi, Kazu MG 2.7 1.0 6,801 F 106144 EN Club Dread Sorrells, Walter UG 4.0 7.0 51,078 F 5609 EN Clue of the Broken Locket, The Keene, Carolyn MG 5.4 5.0 34,828 F NF Page 22 Quiz List—Reading Practice Printed Friday, January 6, 2012 10:43:30 AM School: Canal Winchester Middle School Reading Practice Quizzes Quiz Number Lang. Title Points Word Count F/NF 4.8 5.0 30,735 F MG 5.0 5.0 30,039 F Bartoletti, Susan Campbell MG 5.5 6.0 41,226 F Author IL Clue of the Linoleum Lederhosen, The Clues Challenge, The Anderson, M.T. MG Keene, Carolyn ATOS BL 106751 EN 55206 EN 42429 EN 112567 EN Coal Miner's Bride: The Diary of Anetka Kaminska, A Cobra King of Kathmandu, The Kerr, P.B. MG 5.8 14.0 91,662 F 40648 EN Cobra Threat/Cobra Strike Brouwer, Sigmund MG 4.6 4.0 24,385 F 16160 EN Cocaine and Crack Carroll, Marilyn UG 9.0 3.0 17,850 NF 131225 EN Code of the Clans Hunter, Erin MG 5.4 6.0 38,181 F 101282 EN Code Orange Cooney, Caroline B. MG+ 6.2 8.0 47,721 F 85819 EN Bruchac, Joseph MG 6.4 9.0 56,150 F 7665 EN Code Talker: A Novel About the Navajo Marines of World War Two Coffin on a Case Bunting, Eve MG 3.7 2.0 16,168 F 59204 EN Cold Fire Pierce, Tamora UG 5.6 13.0 84,594 F 70134 EN Cold Tom Prue, Sally MG 4.4 4.0 28,345 F 77279 EN College Weekend Stine, R.L. MG 3.2 3.0 23,640 F 24055 EN Collie, The Wilcox, Charlotte MG 3.9 0.5 2,002 35834 EN McKissack, Patricia C. MG 4.9 5.0 36,399 F NF 86645 EN Color Me Dark: The Diary of Nellie Lee Love Color of Fire, The Rinaldi, Ann MG+ 4.0 5.0 33,099 F 114830 EN Come Juneteenth Rinaldi, Ann MG 4.3 7.0 52,243 F 11560 EN Comeback Challenge, The Christopher, Matt MG 5.1 4.0 25,783 F 59205 EN Comfort Dean, Carolee UG 4.8 8.0 56,630 F 36634 EN Coming Evil, A Vande Velde, Vivian MG 5.2 7.0 43,450 F 108288 EN Coming of Hoole, The Lasky, Kathryn MG 5.2 6.0 42,526 F 14457 EN Companions of the Night Vande Velde, Vivian UG 6.1 9.0 55,173 F 4663 EN Composite Guide to Baseball, The Macht, Norman L. MG 7.2 2.0 9,876 NF 4694 EN Tuttle, Dennis MG 7.0 2.0 8,983 NF 4701 EN Macht, Norman L. MG 7.7 2.0 9,722 NF NF 4702 EN Composite Guide to Basketball, The Composite Guide to Track & Field, The Composite Guide to Wrestling, The Gallagher, Jim MG 8.3 2.0 9,299 122908 EN Compound, The Bodeen, S.A. MG+ 4.1 8.0 54,955 24345 EN Ward, Christie L. UG 6.9 1.0 7,818 64500 EN Compulsive Eating: Feeding the Hunger Inside Con-fidence Strasser, Todd MG 4.1 4.0 27,823 F 17805 EN Confess-O-Rama Koertge, Ron UG 3.7 6.0 43,103 F 83434 EN Confession, The Stine, R.L. UG 3.4 4.0 28,228 F 76895 EN Confessions of a Not It Girl Kantor, Melissa UG 5.2 9.0 58,770 F 34776 EN Confessions of a Teenage Drama Queen Congressional Committees Sheldon, Dyan UG 5.0 9.0 60,746 F Sandak, Cass R. UG 9.8 2.0 10,903 NF Davis, Barbara MG 4.8 0.5 2,036 NF Feinberg, Barbara Silberdick UG F NF 17458 EN 122733 EN 17459 EN Conquering England: The Battle of Hastings Constitutional Amendments 10.2 3.0 16,545 NF 5262 EN Contender, The Lipsyte, Robert UG 4.5 5.0 36,119 F 86565 EN Convicts, The Lawrence, Iain MG 4.7 8.0 56,194 F Page 23 Quiz List—Reading Practice Printed Friday, January 6, 2012 10:43:30 AM School: Canal Winchester Middle School Reading Practice Quizzes Quiz Number Lang. Title Author IL ATOS BL Points Word Count F/NF 5969 EN Cookcamp, The Paulsen, Gary MG 5.0 3.0 19,544 F 48321 EN Cool as Ice Mantell, Paul MG 4.4 4.0 26,140 F 74143 EN Cool Moonlight, A Johnson, Angela MG 4.1 2.0 16,072 F 24261 EN Coping with Self-Mutilation Clarke, Alicia UG 8.1 4.0 21,242 NF 136065 EN Copper Kibuishi, Kazu MG 2.4 1.0 5,079 F 104029 EN Copper Sun Draper, Sharon M. UG 5.2 11.0 70,243 F 60645 EN Coraline Gaiman, Neil MG 5.1 5.0 30,640 F 107686 EN Blume, Lesley M.M. MG 5.5 9.0 57,473 F 63410 EN Cornelia and the Audacious Escapades of the Somerset Sisters Corner of the Universe, A Martin, Ann M. UG 4.5 6.0 42,500 F 80608 EN Corvette Stacy, Lee MG 5.7 0.5 3,043 NF 15312 EN Corvette: America's Sports Car Schleifer, Jay UG 5.6 1.0 7,574 NF 135015 EN Cosmic Boyce, Frank Cottrell MG 4.5 9.0 63,350 17214 EN Costume Rowland-Warne, L. MG 8.4 1.0 5,232 36566 EN Cougar Griffith, Helen V. MG 4.5 3.0 21,790 14312 EN Cougars Grier, Katherine MG 5.1 0.5 3,089 23666 EN Count Karlstein Pullman, Philip MG 6.2 8.0 50,701 F 15804 EN Countdown Mikaelsen, Ben MG 4.6 8.0 52,748 F 137204 EN Countdown Wiles, Deborah MG 4.4 9.0 59,266 F 43256 EN Counterfeit Son Alphin, Elaine Marie UG 5.6 7.0 42,981 F 58661 EN Countess & Me, The Kropp, Paul MG 4.8 5.0 30,883 F 104748 EN Counting on Grace Winthrop, Elizabeth MG 4.5 8.0 52,141 F 59206 EN Counting Stars Almond, David UG 4.5 6.0 41,847 F F NF F NF 6663 EN Cousins Hamilton, Virginia MG 3.7 4.0 25,743 F 137751 EN Coven of Witches, A Delaney, Joseph MG 5.5 5.0 33,997 F 115985 EN Feinstein, John MG+ 4.9 10.0 70,250 F 29333 EN Cover-Up: Mystery at the Super Bowl Cowboy Ghost Peck, Robert Newton MG 4.5 5.0 35,662 F 145398 EN Cowboy Up Maddox, Jake MG 3.4 1.0 4,916 F 14313 EN Coyote Greenland, Caroline MG 5.4 0.5 2,978 NF 115399 EN Coyote Road: Trickster Tales, The Datlow, Ellen UG 5.6 22.0 141,369 57327 EN Manley, Claudia B. MG 7.9 1.0 6,067 102567 EN Crack and Your Circulatory System: The Incredibly Disgusting Story Crackback Coy, John UG 3.2 5.0 37,791 F 110627 EN Cracker! The Best Dog in Vietnam Kadohata, Cynthia MG 4.9 9.0 62,338 F 110393 EN Jovinelly, Joann MG 7.4 1.0 8,166 NF 110515 EN Jovinelly, Joann MG 7.9 1.0 7,542 NF 110516 EN Jovinelly, Joann MG 7.4 1.0 7,678 NF 110517 EN Jovinelly, Joann MG 7.9 1.0 8,074 NF 66888 EN Crafts and Culture of a Medieval Cathedral, The Crafts and Culture of a Medieval Guild, The Crafts and Culture of a Medieval Manor, The Crafts and Culture of a Medieval Monastery, The Crandalls' Castle Wright, Betty Ren MG 4.6 5.0 33,909 F 14993 EN Crash Spinelli, Jerry MG 3.6 4.0 31,485 F 14759 EN Crazy Horse Electric Game, The Crutcher, Chris UG 5.5 10.0 62,670 F F NF Page 24 Quiz List—Reading Practice Printed Friday, January 6, 2012 10:43:30 AM School: Canal Winchester Middle School Reading Practice Quizzes Quiz Number Lang. Title Author IL ATOS BL Points Word Count F/NF 112585 EN Crazy in Love Mackall, Dandi Daley UG 3.9 7.0 53,103 F 2476 EN Crazy Jack Napoli, Donna Jo MG 3.5 4.0 29,308 F 8513 EN Crazy Lady! Conly, Jane Leslie MG 3.8 5.0 36,399 F 70125 EN Creek, The Holm, Jennifer L. MG 4.9 8.0 52,890 F 120320 EN Creeping Bookends, The Dahl, Michael MG 3.1 0.5 865 F 140675 EN Crescendo Fitzpatrick, Becca UG 4.8 15.0 101,611 F 20327 EN Crime & Detection Lane, Brian MG 8.8 1.0 4,665 NF 19662 EN Crime in the Queen's Court Keene, Carolyn MG 5.2 5.0 30,936 F 133727 EN Crimson Cap, The Howard, Ellen MG 5.1 6.0 42,763 F 108313 EN Crispin: At the Edge of the World Avi MG 4.8 7.0 46,344 F 58513 EN Crispin: The Cross of Lead Avi MG 5.0 7.0 48,194 F 137465 EN Crispin: The End of Time Avi MG 4.8 7.0 45,816 F 101361 EN Criss Cross Perkins, Lynne Rae MG+ 5.5 7.0 48,221 F 133870 EN Crocodile Tears Horowitz, Anthony MG+ 5.4 14.0 93,851 F 14345 EN Crocodiles Carver, Peter MG 6.4 1.0 3,055 NF 89142 EN Crooked River Pearsall, Shelley MG 5.5 7.0 43,799 F 145201 EN Crookedstar's Promise Hunter, Erin MG 3.9 15.0 106,273 F 118772 EN Cross My Heart and Hope to Spy Carter, Ally MG+ 6.1 9.0 54,706 F 114874 EN Cross Your Heart, Connie Pickles Durrant, Sabine MG+ 4.3 8.0 55,458 F 139503 EN Crossbones, The Carman, Patrick MG 5.3 4.0 28,484 F 147776 EN Crossed Condie, Ally UG 4.2 12.0 83,432 F 11706 EN Crossing, The Paulsen, Gary UG 5.8 3.0 21,935 F 105478 EN Crossing the Wire Hobbs, Will MG 4.3 8.0 52,760 F 119219 EN Crow, The Croggon, Alison MG+ 7.1 26.0 151,685 F 138720 EN Crowfield Curse, The Walsh, Pat MG 5.8 10.0 62,158 F 82886 EN Cruise Control Trueman, Terry UG 5.1 4.0 25,852 F 138804 EN Cruisers, The Myers, Walter Dean MG 5.3 3.0 21,317 F 136408 EN Crunch Connor, Leslie MG 3.3 7.0 53,078 F 34777 EN Crusader Bloor, Edward UG 3.8 20.0 142,980 F 84012 EN Cryptid Hunters Smith, Roland MG 4.9 11.0 70,780 F 17216 EN Crystal & Gem Symes, R.F. MG 8.2 1.0 7,362 NF 116696 EN Crystal Meth Harrow, Jeremy MG 5.6 1.0 6,218 NF 74753 EN Cuba 15 Osa, Nancy UG 4.9 9.0 60,562 F 132774 EN Cupcake Queen, The Hepler, Heather MG+ 4.4 8.0 58,423 F 85549 EN Cupidity Goode, Caroline UG 6.0 8.0 47,057 F 121466 EN Curse Dark As Gold, A Bunce, Elizabeth C. MG 5.9 17.0 105,878 F 66623 EN Curse of a Winter Moon Casanova, Mary MG 5.0 4.0 29,933 F 122765 EN Curse of Raven Lake, The Kreie, Chris MG 3.8 1.0 4,883 F 109770 EN Curse of the Bane Delaney, Joseph MG 5.7 12.0 77,867 F 78252 EN Meyer, L.A. MG+ 5.7 21.0 135,172 F 117266 EN Curse of the Blue Tattoo: Being an Account of the Misadventures of Jacky Faber, Midshipman and Fine Lady Curse of the Campfire Weenies, and other Warped and Creepy Tales, The Lubar, David MG 3.8 5.0 36,887 F Page 25 Quiz List—Reading Practice Printed Friday, January 6, 2012 10:43:30 AM School: Canal Winchester Middle School Reading Practice Quizzes Quiz Number Lang. Title Author IL ATOS BL Points Word Count F/NF 85628 EN Curse of the Gloamglozer, The Stewart, Paul MG 5.4 12.0 77,419 F 109666 EN Curse of the Wendigo: An Agate and Buck Adventure, The Curses, Inc. and Other Stories Welvaert, Scott R. MG 4.1 1.0 10,470 F Vande Velde, Vivian MG 5.7 7.0 41,636 F Dahl, Michael MG 3.8 1.0 9,944 F McCormick, Patricia UG 4.6 5.0 35,663 F 20799 EN 123105 EN 44857 EN Curtains! A High School Musical Mystery Cut 78881 EN Cut Back Strasser, Todd UG 4.5 7.0 51,462 F 125606 EN Cybele's Secret Marillier, Juliet MG+ 6.1 20.0 124,599 F 107346 EN Cyberpals According to Kaley Regan, Dian Curtis LG 4.9 2.0 11,187 F 65973 EN Cycling in Action Crossingham, John MG 5.5 1.0 4,336 NF 83910 EN Cynthia Rylant McGinty, Alice B. MG 6.9 2.0 12,542 NF 51124 EN Cystic Fibrosis Monroe, Judy UG 6.6 2.0 9,629 NF 119217 EN Daemon Hall Nance, Andrew MG 4.6 8.0 52,228 F 143701 EN Dagger Quick, The Eames, Brian MG 4.6 11.0 72,612 F 106282 EN Dairy Queen Murdock, Catherine Gilbert MG+ 5.3 10.0 65,934 F 45702 EN Daja's Book Pierce, Tamora UG 5.7 8.0 52,137 F 48322 EN Dakota Dream Bennett, James UG 5.3 7.0 45,133 F 104809 EN Dallas Cowboys, The Stewart, Mark MG 5.5 1.0 4,547 NF 72979 EN Hopkins Ph.D, Andrea MG 8.0 2.0 8,345 NF 116081 EN Gallagher, Diana G. MG 3.2 1.0 8,512 F 101232 EN Damsels Not in Distress: The True Story of Women in Medieval Times Dance Trap: The Complicated Life of Claudia Cristina Cortez Dancing at the Odinochka Hill, Kirkpatrick MG 5.5 8.0 52,137 F 754 EN Dancing Carl Paulsen, Gary MG 5.0 3.0 22,725 F 45118 EN Dancing in Cadillac Light Holt, Kimberly Willis MG 5.1 6.0 37,886 F 67492 EN Dancing in My Nuddy-Pants Rennison, Louise UG 5.2 6.0 36,806 F 20106 EN Dancing on the Edge Nolan, Han MG 4.7 9.0 60,783 F 138721 EN Danger Box, The Balliett, Blue MG 5.0 7.0 47,067 F 71110 EN Danger on the Great Lakes Keene, Carolyn MG 4.6 4.0 30,358 F 71239 EN Danger, The Korman, Gordon MG 5.3 4.0 26,481 F 14298 EN Danger Zone Klass, David MG 5.2 9.0 56,399 F 124183 EN Dangerous Days of Daniel X, The Patterson, James MG+ 4.6 5.0 35,449 F 78940 EN Dangerous Path, A Hunter, Erin MG 5.9 12.0 72,990 F 83161 EN Chotjewitz, David MG+ 5.0 9.0 58,803 F 10766 EN Daniel Half Human: And the Good Nazi Daniel's Story Matas, Carol MG 4.9 5.0 32,149 F 127276 EN Daniel X: Alien Hunter Patterson, James MG 3.0 1.0 10,900 F 131928 EN Daniel X: Watch the Skies Patterson, James MG+ 6.6 6.0 37,314 F 104042 EN Medearis, Angela Shelf MG 6.4 1.0 8,841 67001 EN Dare to Dream: Coretta Scott King and the Civil Rights Movement Dark and Deadly Pool, The NF Nixon, Joan Lowery UG 4.5 7.0 45,657 F 133063 EN Dark Calling Shan, Darren MG+ 5.0 7.0 43,457 F 144387 EN Dark City, The Fisher, Catherine MG+ 4.2 7.0 51,623 F 139123 EN Dark Deeps, The Slade, Arthur MG+ 4.6 10.0 69,414 F 136997 EN Dark Fire d'Lacey, Chris MG 5.2 14.0 90,119 F Page 26 Quiz List—Reading Practice Printed Friday, January 6, 2012 10:43:30 AM School: Canal Winchester Middle School Reading Practice Quizzes Quiz Number Lang. Title Author IL ATOS BL Points Word Count F/NF 140506 EN Dark Game: True Spy Stories, The Janeczko, Paul B. MG 9.6 9.0 44,400 NF 86676 EN Dark Hills Divide, The Carman, Patrick MG 6.1 10.0 59,679 F 109 EN Dark Is Rising, The Cooper, Susan MG 6.2 13.0 82,143 F 136705 EN Dark Life Falls, Kat MG 4.8 9.0 62,350 F 35400 EN Dark Lord of Derkholm Jones, Diana Wynne UG 5.5 18.0 118,147 F 80688 EN Dark Pond, The Bruchac, Joseph MG 5.3 4.0 24,182 F 43476 EN Dark Portal, The Jarvis, Robin MG 5.3 10.0 64,296 F 33623 EN Dark Rival, The Watson, Jude MG 4.6 3.0 21,736 F 119907 EN Dark River Hunter, Erin MG 4.3 10.0 69,857 F 24982 EN Dark Side of Nowhere, The Shusterman, Neal UG 5.8 8.0 48,339 F 100575 EN Dark Sons Grimes, Nikki MG 4.8 2.0 12,611 F 145190 EN Dark Souls Morris, Paula MG+ 5.3 10.0 67,562 F 40320 EN Darkangel, The Pierce, Meredith Ann UG 5.8 9.0 56,264 F 80704 EN Darkest Evening, The Durbin, William MG 5.0 6.0 40,854 F 67025 EN Darkest Hour Cabot, Meg UG 5.1 10.0 63,232 F 82929 EN Darkest Hour, The Hunter, Erin MG 6.3 12.0 73,472 F 48136 EN Darkness Before Dawn Draper, Sharon M. UG 4.8 8.0 56,079 F 113392 EN Shusterman, Neal MG+ 5.4 11.0 69,340 F 122766 EN Darkness Creeping: Twenty Twisted Tales Darkroom, The Ross, Gerard MG 3.7 1.0 5,128 F 119935 EN Darkside Becker, Tom MG 5.4 8.0 54,822 F 116705 EN Darkwing Oppel, Kenneth MG 5.0 14.0 96,383 F 129820 EN Darkwood Breen, M.E. MG+ 4.7 9.0 64,390 F 142173 EN Darlings Are Forever, The Kantor, Melissa MG+ 5.2 11.0 75,386 F 145596 EN Angleberger, Tom MG 4.6 3.0 22,554 F 14913 EN Darth Paper Strikes Back: An Origami Yoda Book Dateline: Troy Fleischman, Paul UG 5.6 1.0 7,471 F 109075 EN Daughter of Light Walker, Pamela MG 5.3 7.0 42,965 F 11709 EN Daughters of Eve Duncan, Lois UG 5.4 10.0 65,762 F 137070 EN Daughters, The Philbin, Joanna MG+ 4.7 10.0 66,843 F 35635 EN Dave at Night Levine, Gail Carson MG 3.6 8.0 58,717 F 133733 EN David Cook Snyder, Gail MG 7.9 2.0 9,793 704 EN David Copperfield (Unabridged) Dickens, Charles UG 9.5 66.0 339,112 29670 EN David Letterman Lefkowitz, Frances UG 8.3 5.0 26,633 NF 103835 EN Dawn Hunter, Erin MG 5.1 11.0 73,983 F 359 EN Day No Pigs Would Die, A Peck, Robert Newton UG 4.4 4.0 31,091 F 86562 EN Day of Tears: A Novel in Dialogue Lester, Julius MG+ 4.8 4.0 25,393 F 133141 EN O'Brien, Johnny MG+ 5.7 10.0 61,801 F 20015 EN Day of the Assassins: A Jack Christie Novel Day of the Dragon King Osborne, Mary Pope LG 3.3 1.0 5,607 F 74145 EN Day of the Iguana Winkler, Henry MG 4.1 4.0 25,143 F 77700 EN Tanaka, Shelley MG 6.6 2.0 10,178 NF 77701 EN Day That Changed America: D-Day: They Fought to Free Europe from Hitler's Tyranny, A Day That Changed America: Gettysburg, A Tanaka, Shelley MG 6.8 1.0 8,221 NF NF F Page 27 Quiz List—Reading Practice Printed Friday, January 6, 2012 10:43:30 AM School: Canal Winchester Middle School Reading Practice Quizzes Quiz Number Lang. Title Points Word Count F/NF 6.0 6.0 38,615 F MG 6.0 1.0 3,522 NF Author IL Hentoff, Nat UG Pernoud, Regine ATOS BL 11710 EN 4438 EN Day They Came to Arrest the Book, The Day with a Miller, A 4440 EN Day with a Noblewoman, A Pernoud, Regine MG 7.1 1.0 4,796 NF 4442 EN Day with a Stonecutter, A Pernoud, Regine MG 7.0 1.0 3,806 NF 4443 EN Day with a Troubadour, A Pernoud, Regine MG 6.4 1.0 4,533 NF 82198 EN Days of Magic, Nights of War Barker, Clive MG 5.4 19.0 123,939 75412 EN Daytona 500, The Schaefer, A.R. MG 4.2 0.5 1,734 NF 142475 EN Pimm, Nancy Roe MG 5.9 2.0 10,949 NF 138722 EN Daytona 500: The Thrill and Thunder of the Great American Race, The Dead Boys, The Buckingham, Royce MG 5.3 5.0 30,924 F 107133 EN Dead Connection Price, Charlie UG 4.7 8.0 52,209 F 146010 EN Dead End in Norvelt Gantos, Jack MG 5.7 12.0 73,597 F 136768 EN Dead Guy Spy Lubar, David MG 3.8 4.0 31,099 F 128858 EN Dead Is a State of Mind Perez, Marlene UG 4.7 5.0 36,882 F 140163 EN Dead Is Just a Rumor Perez, Marlene UG 4.3 6.0 41,600 F 143522 EN Dead Is Not an Option Perez, Marlene UG 4.5 7.0 48,681 F 130037 EN Dead Is So Last Year Perez, Marlene UG 4.7 6.0 41,673 F 128168 EN Dead Is the New Black Perez, Marlene UG 4.5 6.0 42,263 F 15816 EN Byars, Betsy MG 3.8 3.0 24,234 F 5410 EN Dead Letter: A Herculeah Jones Mystery Dead Man in Indian Creek, The Hahn, Mary Downing MG 4.9 4.0 29,322 F F 62218 EN Dead Man's Gold and Other Stories Yee, Paul MG 5.9 3.0 22,011 F 116547 EN Dead Man's Map Peschke, M. MG 4.2 1.0 10,080 F 122569 EN Dead & the Gone, The Pfeffer, Susan Beth MG 4.3 12.0 82,768 F 118240 EN Deadline Crutcher, Chris UG 5.1 10.0 63,487 F 115425 EN Deadly Doll, The Burke, J. MG 3.4 1.0 5,145 F 20016 EN Deadly Dungeon, The Roy, Ron LG 3.4 1.0 8,350 F 45858 EN Deadly Game of Magic, A Nixon, Joan Lowery UG 4.3 6.0 39,856 F 101657 EN Dealer, The Muchamore, Robert UG 5.1 10.0 68,045 F 5917 EN Dealing with Dragons Wrede, Patricia C. MG 5.5 8.0 50,540 F 14898 EN Dean Duffy Powell, Randy UG 4.6 6.0 40,286 F 43464 EN Lyons, Mary E. MG 5.6 5.0 32,621 F 7133 EN Dear Ellen Bee: A Civil War Scrapbook of Two Union Spies Dear Mom, You're Ruining My Life Van Leeuwen, Jean MG 4.0 5.0 34,344 F 24 EN Dear Mr. Henshaw Cleary, Beverly MG 4.9 3.0 18,145 F 142831 EN Death Cloud Lane, Andrew MG+ 6.3 12.0 72,409 F 108275 EN Death Collector, The Richards, Justin MG+ 5.5 11.0 70,801 F 146928 EN Death Cure, The Dashner, James MG+ 5.3 13.0 87,385 F 123263 EN Death in the Air Peacock, Shane MG 6.2 10.0 60,377 F 102987 EN Death Mountain Shahan, Sherry MG 4.3 6.0 39,117 F 59119 EN Death on the Amazon Zindel, Paul MG 5.3 4.0 27,747 F 125980 EN Death Run Higgins, Jack MG+ 4.7 9.0 59,705 F 126576 EN Death's Shadow Shan, Darren MG+ 5.1 8.0 49,877 F Page 28 Quiz List—Reading Practice Printed Friday, January 6, 2012 10:43:30 AM School: Canal Winchester Middle School Reading Practice Quizzes Quiz Number Lang. Title Points Word Count F/NF 6.7 12.0 73,918 F MG 4.5 3.0 20,158 F Author IL Smith, Alexander Gordon MG+ Jenkins, Jerry B. ATOS BL 145215 EN 42220 EN Death Sentence: Escape from Furnace Death Strike 43415 EN Declaration of Independence, The Mazer, Anne MG 4.3 2.0 16,162 F 18808 EN Deenie Blume, Judy UG 4.2 5.0 33,298 F 114624 EN Hahn, Mary Downing MG 4.0 7.0 50,774 F 121722 EN Deep and Dark and Dangerous: A Ghost Story Deep Down Popular Stone, Phoebe MG 5.3 8.0 52,953 F 76726 EN Deep End of Fear, The Chandler, Elizabeth UG 4.6 11.0 75,342 F 114831 EN Cheng, Terrence MG 6.0 9.0 58,777 F 131222 EN Deep in the Mountains: An Encounter with Zhu Qizhan Deep, The Dunmore, Helen MG+ 4.3 11.0 74,516 F 69834 EN Deep, The Korman, Gordon MG 5.6 4.0 27,183 F 50405 EN Deep Wizardry Duane, Diane UG 6.1 11.0 70,314 F 145764 EN Deep Zone Green, Tim MG 4.9 7.0 49,840 F 128703 EN Deeper Gordon, Roderick MG 6.8 27.0 159,624 F 51125 EN Deer Hunting Frahm, Randy MG 4.9 0.5 3,355 100506 EN Defiance Hobbs, Valerie MG 4.0 3.0 22,040 F 41465 EN Define "Normal" Peters, Julie Anne MG 3.6 6.0 41,092 F 89832 EN Delhi Rowe, Percy MG 8.6 2.0 10,530 NF NF 86691 EN Deliver Us from Normal Klise, Kate MG 4.1 6.0 42,152 F 129142 EN Demigod Files, The Riordan, Rick MG 4.3 3.0 23,809 F 122497 EN Demon Apocalypse Shan, Darren MG 4.7 7.0 50,865 F 47257 EN Demon in My View Atwater-Rhodes, Amelia MG+ 6.4 4.0 26,782 F 48145 EN Demon in the Teahouse, The Hoobler, Dorothy MG+ 5.3 6.0 38,868 F 134468 EN Demon King, The Chima, Cinda Williams MG+ 5.3 20.0 128,920 F 106871 EN Demon Thief Shan, Darren MG+ 4.4 9.0 61,558 F 142167 EN Demonglass Hawkins, Rachel MG+ 5.4 12.0 75,407 F 109374 EN Demons of the Ocean Somper, Justin MG 5.1 10.0 63,044 F 147216 EN Desert Angel Price, Charlie UG 4.3 8.0 53,560 F 87991 EN Destiny of Linus Hoppe, The Bondoux, Anne-Laure MG+ 4.6 5.0 31,085 F F 15825 EN Detour for Emmy Reynolds, Marilyn UG 4.4 11.0 76,004 104810 EN Detroit Pistons, The Stewart, Mark MG 5.5 1.0 4,555 41251 EN Devil and His Boy, The Horowitz, Anthony MG 4.6 6.0 39,635 F 80147 EN Devil on My Heels McDonald, Joyce UG 4.5 10.0 67,542 F 6998 EN Devil's Arithmetic, The Yolen, Jane MG 4.6 6.0 38,286 F NF 8516 EN Devil's Bridge DeFelice, Cynthia MG 4.7 3.0 18,159 F 136603 EN Devil's Kiss Chadda, Sarwat MG+ 4.6 10.0 68,567 F 21744 EN Devil's Race Avi MG 3.4 4.0 27,451 F 126132 EN Myron, Vicki UG 5.7 11.0 70,359 NF 86953 EN Dewey: The Small-Town Library Cat Who Touched the World Diabetes Bryan, Jenny MG 9.2 2.0 9,615 NF 23305 EN Dial-a-Ghost Ibbotson, Eva MG 5.8 6.0 37,954 F 108515 EN Dial L for Loser Harrison, Lisi MG+ 3.9 8.0 54,855 F 125598 EN Diamond of Darkhold, The DuPrau, Jeanne MG 5.2 10.0 62,576 F 117767 EN Diamonds in the Shadow Cooney, Caroline B. MG 5.1 8.0 53,213 F Page 29 Quiz List—Reading Practice Printed Friday, January 6, 2012 10:43:30 AM School: Canal Winchester Middle School Reading Practice Quizzes Quiz Number Lang. Title Author IL ATOS BL Points Word Count F/NF 88561 EN Diary of a Fairy Godmother Codell, Esmé Raji MG 4.9 5.0 30,692 F 113950 EN Diary of a Wimpy Kid Kinney, Jeff MG 5.2 3.0 19,784 F 147741 EN Diary of a Wimpy Kid: Cabin Fever Kinney, Jeff MG 5.8 3.0 20,757 F 133167 EN Diary of a Wimpy Kid: Dog Days Kinney, Jeff MG 5.2 3.0 19,591 F 119441 EN Kinney, Jeff MG 5.2 3.0 20,165 F 127979 EN Kinney, Jeff MG 5.4 3.0 21,084 F 140879 EN Diary of a Wimpy Kid: Rodrick Rules Diary of a Wimpy Kid: The Last Straw Diary of a Wimpy Kid: The Ugly Truth Diary of a Young Girl, The Kinney, Jeff MG 5.5 3.0 18,979 F Frank, Anne MG+ 6.5 14.0 82,762 NF Yan, Ma MG+ 5.0 5.0 33,654 NF 530 EN 88289 EN 110 EN Diary of Ma Yan: The Struggles and Hopes of a Chinese School Girl, The Dicey's Song Voigt, Cynthia MG 5.0 11.0 73,519 F 21788 EN Different Beat, A Boyd, Candy Dawson MG 4.2 6.0 40,003 F 46949 EN Digestive System, The Morrison, Ben MG 8.3 1.0 6,726 64313 EN Dillon Dillon Banks, Kate MG 4.1 3.0 24,593 F 5360 EN Dirt Bike Runaway Christopher, Matt MG 5.3 5.0 30,703 F 135873 EN Dirty Little Secrets Omololu, C.J. MG+ 5.5 10.0 61,557 F 122759 EN Disappeared, The Whelan, Gloria UG 5.3 4.0 28,201 F 137466 EN Guiberson, Brenda Z. MG 7.9 7.0 41,883 NF 69278 EN Disasters: Natural and Man-Made Catastrophes Through the Centuries Discovery, The Korman, Gordon MG 5.5 4.0 26,741 F 28248 EN Disney's Animation Magic Hahn, Don MG 8.0 2.0 8,837 121946 EN Lockhart, E. MG+ 5.5 9.0 59,635 F 129918 EN Weyn, Suzanne MG+ 5.5 11.0 69,471 F NF NF 7032 EN Disreputable History of Frankie Landau-Banks, The Distant Waves: A Novel of the Titanic Dither Farm Hite, Sid UG 5.6 9.0 60,360 F 64314 EN Dive Right In Christopher, Matt MG 4.7 3.0 23,013 F 70139 EN Divide, The Kay, Elizabeth MG 5.3 11.0 70,576 F 110555 EN Divine Madness Muchamore, Robert UG 6.4 14.0 84,906 F 109807 EN Do Not Pass Go Hill, Kirkpatrick MG 5.4 6.0 41,001 F 62175 EN Do the Funky Pickle Spinelli, Jerry MG 4.0 3.0 23,798 F 115811 EN Lichtman, Wendy MG+ 5.9 4.0 27,785 F 122735 EN Barnhill, Kelly Regan MG 4.3 0.5 2,001 NF 14773 EN Do the Math: Secrets, Lies, and Algebra Do You Know Where Your Water Has Been? The Disgusting Story Behind What You're Drinking Dog Clutton-Brock, Juliet MG 7.1 1.0 7,980 NF 607 EN Dog Called Kitty, A Wallace, Bill MG 4.2 4.0 29,376 F 75506 EN Dog Days Lubar, David MG 3.8 1.0 8,067 F 109548 EN Dog for Life, A Matthews, L.S. MG 5.2 5.0 35,811 F 101885 EN Martin, Ann M. MG 5.1 5.0 36,247 F 106283 EN Dog's Life: The Autobiography of a Stray, A Dogboy Russell, Christopher MG 6.2 7.0 43,470 F 18761 EN Dogs Don't Tell Jokes Sachar, Louis MG 3.8 5.0 32,666 F Page 30 Quiz List—Reading Practice Printed Friday, January 6, 2012 10:43:30 AM School: Canal Winchester Middle School Reading Practice Quizzes Quiz Number Lang. Title Author IL ATOS BL Points Word Count F/NF 360 EN Dogsong Paulsen, Gary MG 5.2 5.0 34,815 F 5008 EN Doll in the Garden, The Hahn, Mary Downing MG 4.8 4.0 24,991 F 258 EN Dollhouse Murders, The Wright, Betty Ren MG 4.3 5.0 33,979 F 59163 EN Dolores: Seven Stories About Her Brooks, Bruce UG 6.1 4.0 21,837 F 57132 EN Dolphin in the Deep Baglio, Ben M. MG 4.2 4.0 24,876 F 117750 EN Don't Call Me Ishmael Bauer, Michael Gerard MG 5.6 9.0 58,742 F 132213 EN Don't Judge a Girl by Her Cover Carter, Ally MG+ 5.8 9.0 59,608 F 757 EN Don't Look Behind You Duncan, Lois UG 6.2 9.0 55,084 F 14760 EN Don't Scream Nixon, Joan Lowery UG 4.7 5.0 35,652 F 60038 EN Don't Tell Chandler, Elizabeth UG 5.0 7.0 47,323 F 17808 EN Haddix, Margaret Peterson UG 4.9 4.0 27,987 F 48324 EN Avi MG 3.6 4.0 29,904 F 133621 EN Don't You Dare Read This, Mrs. Dunphrey Don't You Know There's a War On? Doom Machine, The Teague, Mark MG 4.5 13.0 91,105 F 14537 EN Doom Stone, The Zindel, Paul MG 5.2 5.0 33,207 F 63021 EN Doomed Queen Anne Meyer, Carolyn UG 6.9 9.0 52,602 F 141590 EN Brennan, Herbie MG+ 5.6 10.0 63,529 F 124049 EN Doomsday Box: A Shadow Project Adventure, The Door of No Return, The Mussi, Sarah MG+ 5.2 14.0 88,822 F 80835 EN Doormat McWilliams, Kelly MG+ 4.8 3.0 21,772 F 111997 EN Doorway to Darkness Banks, John MG 3.7 1.0 6,330 F 121396 EN Doppelganger Hautman, Pete MG+ 4.2 4.0 31,357 F 59351 EN Double Dutch Draper, Sharon M. MG 4.9 7.0 44,912 F 61267 EN Double Fudge Blume, Judy MG 3.6 5.0 38,860 F 77858 EN Double Helix Werlin, Nancy UG 5.0 9.0 58,173 F 101056 EN Double Identity Haddix, Margaret Peterson MG 5.0 8.0 53,099 F 124148 EN Double or Die Higson, Charlie MG+ 5.2 14.0 93,862 F 41622 EN Dovey Coe Dowell, Frances O'Roark MG 5.4 6.0 37,055 F 48519 EN Down a Dark Hall Duncan, Lois UG 5.3 7.0 48,922 F 51446 EN Down Syndrome Girod, Christina M. UG 9.5 4.0 18,612 NF 86936 EN Abrahams, Peter MG+ 4.3 10.0 70,449 F F 48325 EN Down the Rabbit Hole: An Echo Falls Mystery Down the Yukon Hobbs, Will UG 5.4 7.0 46,695 116697 EN Downers: Depressant Abuse Porterfield, Jason MG 8.6 1.0 6,133 NF 7006 EN Downriver Hobbs, Will UG 4.9 8.0 54,721 F 30843 EN Downsiders Shusterman, Neal MG 7.2 11.0 61,426 F 111715 EN Dr. Dre Marcovitz, Hal MG 8.0 2.0 8,762 62975 EN Dr. Franklin's Island Halam, Ann UG 5.0 10.0 63,491 F 61171 EN Marrin, Albert UG 7.6 3.0 18,593 NF 26042 EN Dr. Jenner and the Speckled Monster: The Search for the Smallpox Vaccine Dracula Streissguth, Tom MG 7.5 3.0 15,600 NF 10029 EN Dracula (Unabridged) Stoker, Bram UG 6.6 25.0 153,595 F 54610 EN Dragon Cauldron Yep, Laurence MG 5.5 10.0 61,657 F 124846 EN Dragon Heir, The Chima, Cinda Williams MG+ 5.0 19.0 126,306 F NF Page 31 Quiz List—Reading Practice Printed Friday, January 6, 2012 10:43:30 AM School: Canal Winchester Middle School Reading Practice Quizzes Quiz Number Lang. Title Author IL ATOS BL Points Word Count F/NF 127529 EN Dragon in the Desert Dahl, Michael MG 3.3 0.5 812 F F 88562 EN Dragon Keeper Wilkinson, Carole MG 5.4 12.0 75,151 120084 EN Dragon Legends Doeden, Matt MG 4.7 0.5 2,099 NF 120085 EN Dragon Life Doeden, Matt MG 4.3 0.5 1,900 NF 129813 EN Dragon of Trelian, The Knudsen, Michelle MG 5.6 14.0 89,560 F 127619 EN Dragon Princess, The Baker, E.D. MG 5.3 8.0 50,108 F 82162 EN Dragon Rider Funke, Cornelia MG 4.9 16.0 104,713 F 124996 EN Dragon Road Yep, Laurence MG+ 5.5 10.0 63,865 F 10271 EN Dragon's Bait Vande Velde, Vivian UG 5.9 5.0 33,520 F 14458 EN Dragon's Blood Yolen, Jane MG+ 5.8 8.0 51,193 F 75911 EN Dragon's Breath Baker, E.D. MG 5.3 10.0 64,000 F 121308 EN Yep, Laurence MG 4.4 4.0 24,866 F 10113 EN Dragon's Child: A Story of Angel Island, The Dragon's Gate Yep, Laurence MG+ 5.3 10.0 66,348 F 113815 EN Dragon's Keep Carey, Janet Lee MG+ 5.2 11.0 72,204 F 83013 EN Dragon's Nest Rodda, Emily MG 5.4 5.0 35,530 F 127530 EN Dragon Theft Auto Dahl, Michael MG 3.3 0.5 804 F 87565 EN Dragon Throne, The Cadnum, Michael MG 7.7 7.0 40,847 F 28467 EN Dragon War Yep, Laurence UG 5.9 11.0 70,473 F 120086 EN Dragonatomy Doeden, Matt MG 4.7 0.5 1,641 11711 EN Dragonflight McCaffrey, Anne UG 6.9 14.0 83,832 F 11712 EN Dragonquest McCaffrey, Anne UG 6.9 19.0 109,471 F 146323 EN Dragons of Silk Yep, Laurence MG 5.7 11.0 66,901 F 59246 EN Dragonsdawn McCaffrey, Anne UG 7.5 25.0 140,544 F 6914 EN Dragonsong McCaffrey, Anne UG 6.8 9.0 53,019 F 111 EN Dragonwings Yep, Laurence MG+ 5.3 10.0 68,278 F 146341 EN Drawing from Memory Say, Allen MG 4.1 1.0 7,281 F 41466 EN Drawing Lessons Mack, Tracy UG 4.4 3.0 22,143 F 87560 EN Dread Locks Shusterman, Neal MG+ 4.8 6.0 39,770 F 59047 EN Dread Mountain Rodda, Emily MG 5.1 4.0 26,334 F 124513 EN Collier, James Lincoln MG 4.1 6.0 43,360 F NF 9994 EN Dreadful Revenge of Ernest Gallen, The Dreadful Sorry Reiss, Kathryn UG 4.9 13.0 84,280 F 70126 EN Dream Bearer, The Myers, Walter Dean MG 4.5 5.0 36,202 F 114832 EN Dream Factory Barkley, Brad UG 4.9 9.0 59,937 F 123936 EN Dream Girl Mechling, Lauren MG 5.4 12.0 81,093 F 83676 EN Dream of Freedom: The Civil Rights Movement from 1954 to 1968, A Dream Where the Losers Go, The McWhorter, Diane MG 9.1 7.0 38,571 NF Goobie, Beth UG 4.4 7.0 46,120 F Dreamhunter: Book One of the Dreamhunter Duet Dreamland Knox, Elizabeth MG+ 5.9 16.0 98,476 F Dessen, Sarah UG 5.8 12.0 74,604 F Dreamquake: Book Two of the Dreamhunter Duet Knox, Elizabeth MG+ 5.7 18.0 114,663 F 43380 EN 105197 EN 41467 EN 113528 EN Page 32 Quiz List—Reading Practice Printed Friday, January 6, 2012 10:43:30 AM School: Canal Winchester Middle School Reading Practice Quizzes Quiz Number Lang. Title 18762 EN Author IL Lasky, Kathryn MG Points Word Count F/NF 4.5 4.0 30,180 F ATOS BL 29666 EN Dreams in the Golden Country: The Diary of Zipporah Feldman, a Jewish Immigrant Girl Drew Carey Gaines, Ann Graham UG 7.6 3.0 17,191 NF 105850 EN Drita, My Homegirl Lombard, Jenny MG 3.9 4.0 25,835 F 27727 EN Drive-By Ewing, Lynne MG 3.6 2.0 12,548 F 10893 EN Driver's Ed Cooney, Caroline B. UG 4.6 7.0 48,990 F 108647 EN Schlitz, Laura Amy MG 4.7 11.0 71,790 F 87321 EN Drowned Maiden's Hair: A Melodrama, A Drowned Wednesday Nix, Garth MG 5.9 13.0 79,539 F 64315 EN Drowning Anna Mayfield, Sue UG 3.5 5.0 39,945 F 100187 EN Drums, Girls & Dangerous Pie Sonnenblick, Jordan MG+ 5.9 8.0 49,066 F 108535 EN Duckling Ugly Shusterman, Neal MG+ 5.1 8.0 54,014 F 130572 EN St. George, Judith MG 7.5 4.0 22,430 NF 135862 EN Duel: The Parallel Lives of Alexander Hamilton & Aaron Burr, The Dugout Rivals Bowen, Fred MG 3.8 3.0 18,156 F 64307 EN Dunk Lubar, David UG 3.8 9.0 63,068 F 105949 EN Dunk Under Pressure Wallace, Rich MG 4.5 2.0 15,510 F 51787 EN Duplicate, The Sleator, William UG 4.7 6.0 41,021 F 759 EN Durango Street Bonham, Frank UG 4.6 7.0 48,137 F 146281 EN Dust & Decay Maberry, Jonathan UG 5.1 18.0 115,900 F 122465 EN Dylan Harrison, Lisi MG 5.1 4.0 24,364 F 78075 EN Eagle Strike Horowitz, Anthony MG+ 5.1 10.0 65,662 F 14316 EN Eagles Switzer, Merebeth MG 5.3 0.5 2,640 11713 EN Ear, the Eye, and the Arm, The Farmer, Nancy UG 4.7 12.0 84,136 66123 EN Bagley, Katie MG 5.7 1.0 3,720 54162 EN Denenberg, Barry MG 5.6 3.0 19,650 11059 EN Early American Industrial Revolution, 1793-1850, The Early Sunday Morning: The Pearl Harbor Diary of Amber Billows Earth VanRose, Susanna UG 8.5 1.0 6,289 70914 EN Mackler, Carolyn UG 5.3 8.0 55,083 F 45043 EN Earth, My Butt, and Other Big Round Things, The Earthquake! Jenkins, Jerry B. MG 4.1 3.0 24,706 F NF F NF F NF 51896 EN Earthquake in the Early Morning Osborne, Mary Pope LG 3.3 1.0 5,882 F 113003 EN Roza, Greg MG 6.9 1.0 5,781 NF 61640 EN Earthquake: True Stories of Survival Earthquakes Simon, Seymour MG 6.5 0.5 1,706 NF 126137 EN Earthquakes in Action McLeish, Ewan MG 8.3 2.0 10,102 NF 11714 EN Earthshine Nelson, Theresa UG 5.1 7.0 46,921 F 71134 EN East Pattou, Edith UG 6.1 16.0 100,593 F 24346 EN Chiu, Christina UG 6.4 1.0 7,535 NF NF 28252 EN Eating Disorder Survivors Tell Their Stories Eating the Plates Penner, Lucille Recht MG 4.9 1.0 9,896 126399 EN Eclipse Hunter, Erin MG 4.3 10.0 68,731 F 116960 EN Eclipse Meyer, Stephenie UG 4.5 22.0 148,971 F 11060 EN Ecology Pollock, Steve UG 9.5 1.0 6,080 114754 EN Edenville Owls Parker, Robert B. MG+ 3.7 4.0 32,772 NF F Page 33 Quiz List—Reading Practice Printed Friday, January 6, 2012 10:43:30 AM School: Canal Winchester Middle School Reading Practice Quizzes Quiz Number Lang. Title Author IL ATOS BL Points Word Count F/NF 117963 EN Edward's Eyes MacLachlan, Patricia MG 3.1 2.0 12,281 F 114833 EN Eggs Spinelli, Jerry MG 3.6 4.0 32,391 F 217 EN Egypt Game, The Snyder, Zilpha Keatley MG 6.4 7.0 43,004 F 58527 EN Egyptian Box, The Curry, Jane Louise MG 5.6 6.0 40,205 F 103250 EN Platt, Richard MG 5.9 2.0 13,836 F 132409 EN Egyptian Diary: The Journal of Nakht Eidi Bredsdorff, Bodil MG 5.2 4.0 23,539 F 145481 EN Eight Keys LaFleur, Suzanne MG 3.8 6.0 44,910 F 116596 EN Eighth Grade Bites Brewer, Heather MG+ 5.4 7.0 42,383 F 89884 EN Eldest Paolini, Christopher UG 7.0 36.0 213,516 F 8464 EN Freedman, Russell MG 7.8 6.0 31,985 NF 32276 EN Garner, Eleanor Ramrath UG 6.4 15.0 90,266 NF 17463 EN Eleanor Roosevelt: A Life of Discovery Eleanor's Story: An American Girl In Hitler's Germany Electing the President Feinberg, Barbara Silberdick UG 8.5 2.0 10,209 NF NF 11061 EN Electricity Parker, Steve UG 8.5 1.0 4,765 117768 EN Elephant Run Smith, Roland MG 5.0 10.0 64,434 F 142767 EN Downer, Ann MG 8.8 3.0 17,584 NF 14346 EN Elephant Talk: The Surprising Science of Elephant Communication Elephants Kelsey, Elin MG 5.6 0.5 2,626 NF 77176 EN Eleven Myracle, Lauren MG 4.1 6.0 43,811 F 136090 EN Eleventh Grade Burns Brewer, Heather MG+ 5.3 11.0 70,346 F 146476 EN Eleventh Plague, The Hirsch, Jeff MG+ 5.0 11.0 73,167 F 46534 EN Bayer, Linda UG 7.6 2.0 11,510 NF 117751 EN Elie Wiesel: Spokesman for Remembrance Elijah of Buxton Curtis, Christopher Paul MG 5.4 12.0 77,916 F 32239 EN Lasky, Kathryn MG 5.5 6.0 39,990 F 14317 EN Elizabeth I: Red Rose of the House of Tudor Elk Martin, Pamela MG 5.4 0.5 2,670 17769 EN Ella Enchanted Levine, Gail Carson MG 4.6 8.0 52,994 F 119244 EN Gross, Elly Berkovits MG 5.1 2.0 14,525 NF 102017 EN Elly: My True Story of the Holocaust Elsewhere Zevin, Gabrielle MG+ 4.3 9.0 60,779 F 121467 EN Elvis & Olive Watson, Stephanie MG 4.5 5.0 35,586 F 137047 EN Elvis & Olive: Super Detectives Watson, Stephanie MG 4.1 6.0 41,251 F 77557 EN Emako Blue Woods, Brenda UG 3.5 3.0 21,269 F 62717 EN Martin, Michael J. MG 6.3 1.0 4,150 143205 EN Emancipation Proclamation: Hope of Freedom for the Slaves, The Emerald Atlas, The Stephens, John MG 4.9 15.0 101,794 F NF NF 11715 EN Emergency Room Cooney, Caroline B. UG 5.3 6.0 36,408 F 119118 EN Kessler, Liz MG 4.3 6.0 42,714 F 107134 EN Kessler, Liz MG 3.7 6.0 42,761 F 79185 EN Emily Windsnap and the Castle in the Mist Emily Windsnap and the Monster from the Deep Eminem Lane, Stephanie UG 8.0 4.0 21,216 NF 111716 EN Eminem Mattern, Joanne MG 7.5 2.0 8,792 NF 129822 EN Emma-Jean Lazarus Fell in Love Tarshis, Lauren MG 5.5 4.0 24,037 F Page 34 Quiz List—Reading Practice Printed Friday, January 6, 2012 10:43:30 AM School: Canal Winchester Middle School Reading Practice Quizzes Quiz Number Lang. Title Points Word Count F/NF 5.2 4.0 29,252 F UG 5.8 10.0 63,818 F Author IL Tarshis, Lauren MG Pierce, Tamora ATOS BL 113689 EN 18811 EN Emma-Jean Lazarus Fell out of a Tree Emperor Mage 143757 EN Emperor of Nihon-Ja, The Flanagan, John MG 6.2 19.0 118,509 F 136780 EN Emperor's Code, The Korman, Gordon MG 5.3 6.0 42,231 F 58901 EN O'Connor, Jane MG 6.8 1.0 3,788 NF NF 53840 EN Emperor's Silent Army: Terracotta Warriors of Ancient China, The Emperors and Gladiators Ganeri, Anita MG 4.6 0.5 2,614 139210 EN Empire of Night Somper, Justin MG 5.0 16.0 106,393 F 140702 EN Empty Weyn, Suzanne MG+ 5.1 7.0 45,453 F 24939 EN Empty Envelope, The Roy, Ron LG 3.5 1.0 6,595 F 83504 EN Empty Mirror, The Collier, James Lincoln MG 4.4 5.0 37,970 F 136409 EN Enchanted Glass Jones, Diana Wynne MG 5.2 11.0 71,022 F 18716 EN Sobol, Donald J. MG 4.2 1.0 8,436 F 44897 EN Encyclopedia Brown and the Case of the Midnight Visitor Encyclopedia Brown Gets His Man Sobol, Donald J. MG 4.4 1.0 10,304 F 18717 EN Encyclopedia Brown Saves the Day Sobol, Donald J. MG 3.9 1.0 8,992 F 18718 EN Encyclopedia Brown Sets the Pace Sobol, Donald J. MG 4.6 1.0 10,138 F 115427 EN End of the Line, The Crew, Gary MG 3.6 1.0 4,801 F 110253 EN End, The Snicket, Lemony MG 7.3 9.0 51,747 F 137652 EN End Zone Thunder Ciencin, Scott MG 3.4 0.5 1,594 F 28441 EN Ender's Game Card, Orson Scott UG 5.5 16.0 100,609 F 32282 EN Ender's Shadow Card, Orson Scott UG 5.9 22.0 140,695 F 361 EN Hautzig, Esther MG 6.3 10.0 61,776 NF 108710 EN Endless Steppe: Growing up in Siberia, The Endymion Spring Skelton, Matthew MG 6.3 13.0 82,202 F 87374 EN Enemy Spy Van Draanen, Wendelin MG 3.5 3.0 20,015 F 11063 EN Energy Challoner, Jack UG 7.8 1.0 5,840 83805 EN Enna Burning Hale, Shannon MG+ 5.5 12.0 74,939 F 142514 EN Enter the Zombie Lubar, David MG 3.8 5.0 32,725 F 116709 EN Entertainer and the Dybbuk, The Fleischman, Sid MG 3.7 2.0 16,313 F 130507 EN Low, Dene MG 6.5 6.0 38,950 F 126998 EN Entomological Tales of Augustus T. Percival: Petronella Saves Nearly Everyone, The Eon: Dragoneye Reborn Goodman, Alison UG 5.5 21.0 134,943 F 143199 EN Eona: The Last Dragoneye Goodman, Alison UG 5.4 25.0 161,828 F 87205 EN Epidemic Ward, Brian MG 8.1 1.0 5,654 136363 EN Epitaph Road Patneaude, David UG 4.9 9.0 61,760 73019 EN Equipping a Band Schaefer, A.R. MG 5.0 0.5 1,859 74404 EN Eragon Paolini, Christopher UG 5.6 25.0 157,220 F 135070 EN Erak's Ransom Flanagan, John MG 6.1 17.0 103,745 F 46103 EN Ersatz Elevator, The Snicket, Lemony MG 6.6 7.0 39,933 F NF NF F NF 71682 EN Escape from Memory Haddix, Margaret Peterson UG 4.8 8.0 52,210 F 120319 EN Escape from the Pop-Up Prison Dahl, Michael MG 3.3 0.5 872 F 30584 EN Giddens, Sandra UG 5.5 1.0 8,527 44286 EN Escape: Teens Who Escaped the Holocaust to Freedom Esperanza Rising Ryan, Pam Muñoz MG 5.3 6.0 41,905 NF F Page 35 Quiz List—Reading Practice Printed Friday, January 6, 2012 10:43:30 AM School: Canal Winchester Middle School Reading Practice Quizzes Quiz Number Lang. Title Author IL ATOS BL Points Word Count F/NF 46878 EN Essential Boating for Teens Thompson, Luke MG 5.3 1.0 3,842 NF 46879 EN Essential Camping for Teens Hooks, Kristine MG 5.3 1.0 3,417 NF 46883 EN Essential Hiking for Teens Hooks, Kristine MG 6.1 0.5 3,075 NF 46884 EN Essential Snowmobiling for Teens Payan, Gregory MG 5.8 1.0 3,249 NF 123122 EN Ever Levine, Gail Carson MG 3.7 6.0 41,298 87206 EN Everest Stephens, Rebecca MG 8.4 1.0 5,165 63434 EN Everest Book One: The Contest Korman, Gordon MG 5.1 4.0 25,328 F 63435 EN Everest Book Three: The Summit Korman, Gordon MG 5.2 4.0 27,895 F 63436 EN Everest Book Two: The Climb Korman, Gordon MG 5.2 4.0 26,333 F 145088 EN Everfound Shusterman, Neal MG+ 6.4 20.0 121,724 F 109454 EN Everlost Shusterman, Neal MG+ 5.6 12.0 75,471 F 134206 EN Everwild Shusterman, Neal MG+ 5.9 16.0 101,065 F 135900 EN Rubalcaba, Jill MG+ 7.6 6.0 35,383 NF 43404 EN Every Bone Tells a Story: Hominin Discoveries, Deductions, and Debates Every Cloud Has a Silver Lining Mazer, Anne MG 4.4 2.0 16,667 F 89717 EN Mercado, Nancy E. UG 4.5 5.0 35,400 F 126118 EN Every Man for Himself: Ten Short Stories About Being a Guy Every Soul a Star Mass, Wendy MG 4.7 11.0 77,369 F 133937 EN Everything for a Dog Martin, Ann M. MG 5.4 7.0 47,150 F 128273 EN Everything Is Fine. Ellis, Ann Dee UG 3.0 4.0 28,618 F 75292 EN Everything New Under the Sun Mazer, Anne MG 3.5 2.0 14,001 F 48071 EN Everything on a Waffle Horvath, Polly MG 5.8 5.0 32,159 F 24294 EN Beal, Eileen UG 7.4 1.0 7,508 NF 24312 EN Sheftel-Gomes, Nasoan UG 7.1 1.0 8,127 NF 11506 EN Reybold, Laura UG 7.4 1.0 7,547 NF 114307 EN Everything You Need to Know About ADD/ADHD Everything You Need to Know About Racism Everything You Need to Know About the Dangers of Tattooing and Body Piercing Evil Genius Jinks, Catherine MG 4.9 21.0 140,866 F 106861 EN Evil Star Horowitz, Anthony MG+ 4.7 13.0 86,626 F F NF 11064 EN Evolution Gamlin, Linda UG 8.5 1.0 7,395 117049 EN Brande, Robin MG+ 4.9 8.0 55,618 F 130075 EN Evolution, Me & Other Freaks of Nature Evolution of Calpurnia Tate, The NF Kelly, Jacqueline MG 5.3 12.0 80,972 F 141586 EN Hosler, Jay MG 6.9 4.0 25,486 F 133938 EN Evolution: The Story of Life on Earth Ex-mas: A Love/Hate Story Brian, Kate MG+ 5.9 7.0 46,953 F 120567 EN Exile Lasky, Kathryn MG 5.3 6.0 41,726 F 140151 EN Exiled Queen, The Chima, Cinda Williams MG+ 5.1 23.0 152,097 F 51148 EN Exotic Cat, The Mattern, Joanne MG 5.0 1.0 3,516 NF 17220 EN Explorer Matthews, Rupert MG 8.5 1.0 5,888 NF 6723 EN Exploring the Bismarck Ballard, Robert D. MG 6.6 2.0 13,127 NF 564 EN Exploring the Titanic Ballard, Robert D. MG 6.6 3.0 17,209 NF 127569 EN Tayleur, Karen MG 3.7 1.0 10,515 F 130571 EN Exposed! In the Spotlight with David Mortimore Baxter Extra Credit Clements, Andrew MG 5.3 5.0 29,843 F Page 36 Quiz List—Reading Practice Printed Friday, January 6, 2012 10:43:30 AM School: Canal Winchester Middle School Reading Practice Quizzes Quiz Number Lang. Title Author IL ATOS BL Points Word Count F/NF 47663 EN Extra Innings Peck, Robert Newton UG 5.4 5.0 35,009 F 102415 EN Yancey, Rick MG+ 4.9 10.0 64,543 F 61551 EN Extraordinary Adventures of Alfred Kropp, The Extraordinary People Ashby, Ruth MG 7.7 1.0 7,965 119699 EN Extras Westerfeld, Scott MG+ 5.1 12.0 81,681 30908 EN Extreme Wakeboarding McKenna, Anne T. MG 4.3 0.5 2,115 112002 EN Eye in the Graveyard, The Dahl, Michael MG 3.1 0.5 792 F 134052 EN Eyeball Collector, The Higgins, F.E. MG+ 6.6 8.0 46,732 F 42788 EN Eyes of Kid Midas, The Shusterman, Neal UG 6.0 6.0 37,472 F 89207 EN Eyes of the Emperor Salisbury, Graham MG+ 3.9 6.0 42,894 F 32271 EN Face in Every Window, A Nolan, Han UG 5.4 11.0 71,520 F NF F NF 5349 EN Face-Off Christopher, Matt MG 4.3 2.0 14,974 F 109966 EN Face-Off Maddox, Jake MG 3.2 1.0 4,348 F 5268 EN Face on the Milk Carton, The Cooney, Caroline B. UG 4.8 6.0 41,909 F 83437 EN Face, The Stine, R.L. MG+ 3.0 4.0 27,008 F 84404 EN Face the Music Carlson, Melody MG+ 5.4 8.0 51,310 F 8519 EN Face to Face Bauer, Marion Dane MG 5.3 6.0 41,342 F 27608 EN Facing the Future Jenkins, Jerry B. MG 5.4 4.0 26,842 F 5010 EN MacLachlan, Patricia MG 5.7 4.0 24,074 F 67254 EN Facts and Fictions of Minna Pratt, The Fade Cormier, Robert UG 6.3 14.0 86,003 F 130799 EN Fade McMann, Lisa UG 3.8 6.0 45,981 F 137293 EN Fading Echoes Hunter, Erin MG 4.4 9.0 65,294 F 71752 EN Faerie Wars Brennan, Herbie MG+ 5.2 14.0 93,337 F 53562 EN Fair Weather Peck, Richard MG 4.7 4.0 28,225 F 109084 EN Fairest Levine, Gail Carson MG+ 4.1 8.0 58,129 F 132506 EN Valentino, Serena MG+ 5.8 6.0 39,315 F 73833 EN Fairest of All: A Tale of the Wicked Queen Fairway Phenom Mantell, Paul MG 4.3 3.0 24,041 F 41121 EN Fairy's Mistake, The Levine, Gail Carson MG 4.0 1.0 7,898 F 63668 EN Fairy's Return, The Levine, Gail Carson MG 3.8 1.0 10,825 F 130928 EN Faith, Hope, and Ivy June Naylor, Phyllis Reynolds MG 5.8 9.0 59,307 F 108513 EN Buller, Laura MG 5.7 3.0 18,294 NF 89084 EN Faith Like Mine: A Celebration of the World's Religions Through the Eyes of Children, A Fake ID Sorrells, Walter UG 4.0 8.0 59,351 F 25211 EN Falcon's Feathers, The Roy, Ron LG 3.3 1.0 7,264 F 100576 EN Falcondance Atwater-Rhodes, Amelia MG+ 6.1 8.0 48,591 F 119908 EN Fall of the Templar, The Benz, Derek MG 5.9 11.0 69,975 F 54104 EN Fall, The Nix, Garth MG 5.9 6.0 35,371 F 11716 EN Fallen Angels Myers, Walter Dean UG 4.2 11.0 74,968 F 109231 EN Fallen, The Langan, Paul MG+ 4.2 3.0 24,647 F 135343 EN Falling Up Carlson, Melody MG+ 4.8 8.0 54,911 F 77249 EN Family Reunion Cooney, Caroline B. UG 5.2 6.0 42,691 F 132844 EN Family Secret, A Heuvel, Eric MG 3.2 1.0 9,833 F Page 37 Quiz List—Reading Practice Printed Friday, January 6, 2012 10:43:30 AM School: Canal Winchester Middle School Reading Practice Quizzes Quiz Number Lang. Title Points Word Count F/NF 6.9 1.0 5,987 NF UG 5.3 9.0 58,502 F Author IL Geary, Rick MG+ Hobbs, Will ATOS BL 131136 EN 17813 EN Famous Players: The Mysterious Death of William Desmond Taylor Far North 363 EN Farewell to Manzanar Houston, Jeanne MG 6.7 7.0 41,732 NF 761 EN Fast Sam, Cool Clyde, and Stuff Myers, Walter Dean UG 4.8 7.0 44,816 F 68161 EN Fat Kid Rules the World Going, K.L. UG 4.7 8.0 55,231 F 54117 EN Fatality Cooney, Caroline B. UG 5.7 7.0 45,181 F 13797 EN Fate Totally Worse Than Death, A Fleischman, Paul MG 4.8 3.0 20,836 F 26657 EN Father Water, Mother Woods Paulsen, Gary MG 6.2 6.0 36,120 NF 113352 EN Feathers Woodson, Jacqueline MG+ 4.4 4.0 26,624 F 58251 EN Feeling Sorry for Celia Moriarty, Jaclyn MG+ 5.7 9.0 55,593 F 121107 EN Fell Clement-Davies, David UG 6.1 22.0 136,833 F 73927 EN Fell Kerr, M.E. UG 4.2 5.0 33,597 F 73929 EN Fell Down Kerr, M.E. UG 4.3 5.0 36,463 F 737 EN Fellowship of the Ring, The Tolkien, J.R.R. UG 6.1 29.0 177,227 F 111143 EN Fergus Crane Stewart, Paul MG 5.6 4.0 25,322 F 80609 EN Ferrari Stacy, Lee MG 5.9 1.0 3,227 NF 15319 EN Ferrari: Red-Hot Legend Schleifer, Jay UG 5.5 1.0 8,287 NF 83650 EN Fetal Alcohol Syndrome Stewart, Gail B. UG 8.3 4.0 21,679 NF 107690 EN Fetch, The Humphreys, Chris MG+ 4.8 12.0 81,466 F 130368 EN Fetch, The Whitcomb, Laura MG+ 5.8 14.0 89,970 F 42961 EN Fever, 1793 Anderson, Laurie Halse UG 4.4 7.0 51,076 F 146531 EN Feynman Ottaviani, Jim UG 4.4 4.0 28,766 NF 101351 EN Fidel Castro Butts, Ellen MG 8.4 3.0 16,925 NF 70127 EN Field Guide, The DiTerlizzi, Tony MG 4.2 1.0 9,844 69081 EN McPherson, James M. MG 8.0 4.0 22,695 NF 14461 EN Fields of Fury: The American Civil War Fifth of March, The Rinaldi, Ann MG+ 5.7 10.0 64,208 F 21063 EN Nash, Carol Rust MG 9.0 3.0 16,132 NF 48475 EN Fight for Women's Right to Vote in American History, The Fighting Ruben Wolfe Zusak, Markus UG 3.6 4.0 31,730 F 13942 EN Fighting Tackle Christopher, Matt MG 4.7 3.0 23,427 F 29424 EN Final Cut, The Bowen, Fred MG 4.3 2.0 14,573 F 147251 EN Final Hour, The Klavan, Andrew UG 4.6 10.0 65,373 F 21607 EN Final Journey, The Pausewang, Gudrun UG 5.3 6.0 42,052 F 136091 EN Finally Mass, Wendy MG 4.6 9.0 64,422 F 47410 EN Finding Hattie Warner, Sally MG 6.5 8.0 45,833 F 87398 EN Finding Lubchenko Simmons, Michael UG 5.1 10.0 68,273 F 86301 EN Sternberg, Libby MG+ 5.0 8.0 52,647 F F 75406 EN Finding the Forger: A Bianca Balducci Mystery Fingerprint Evidence Rollins, Barbara B. MG 5.1 0.5 1,735 145773 EN Fingertips of Duncan Dorfman, The Wolitzer, Meg MG 5.2 9.0 59,346 F 14462 EN Finishing Becca Rinaldi, Ann MG+ 4.6 10.0 69,788 F 70122 EN Fire and Ice Hunter, Erin MG 5.4 11.0 71,216 F 45703 EN Fire Bringer Clement-Davies, David UG 6.0 25.0 154,387 F 79071 EN Fire-Eaters, The Almond, David MG 3.6 5.0 37,751 F NF Page 38 Quiz List—Reading Practice Printed Friday, January 6, 2012 10:43:30 AM School: Canal Winchester Middle School Reading Practice Quizzes Quiz Number Lang. Title Author IL ATOS BL Points Word Count F/NF 122984 EN Fire Eternal, The d'Lacey, Chris MG 4.8 12.0 82,948 F 116591 EN Fire from the Rock Draper, Sharon M. MG 5.0 9.0 59,236 F 108881 EN Fire In The Hills Napoli, Donna Jo MG 4.2 6.0 43,354 F 137747 EN Fire in the Sky Hunter, Erin MG 5.0 9.0 61,226 F 137058 EN Fire Opal, The McBride, Regina MG 6.7 11.0 67,648 F 16985 EN Fire Pony, The Philbrick, Rodman MG 4.9 5.0 35,817 F 111259 EN Fire Star d'Lacey, Chris MG 4.8 12.0 84,106 F 20111 EN Fire, The Cooney, Caroline B. UG 4.5 6.0 42,891 F 87157 EN Fire Within, The d'Lacey, Chris MG 4.1 7.0 49,527 F 143878 EN Fire World d'Lacey, Chris MG 4.9 15.0 98,832 F 135907 EN Engle, Margarita MG+ 6.2 1.0 8,182 F 106747 EN Firefly Letters: A Suffragette's Journey to Cuba, The Firegirl Abbott, Tony MG 4.1 4.0 31,458 F 145083 EN Fires Beneath the Sea, The Millet, Lydia MG 5.1 9.0 57,572 F 20800 EN Fires of Merlin, The Barron, T.A. MG 5.0 9.0 63,109 F 118241 EN Firestar's Quest Hunter, Erin MG 5.5 19.0 123,370 F 63237 EN Firewing Oppel, Kenneth MG 5.0 12.0 76,874 F 102141 EN First Boy Schmidt, Gary MG 5.5 6.0 41,673 F 105860 EN First Collier, The Lasky, Kathryn MG 5.5 6.0 37,808 F 146038 EN First Descent Withers, Pam MG+ 5.6 11.0 67,449 F 125847 EN First Escape, The Taylor, G.P. MG 4.7 4.0 26,982 F 5012 EN First Four Years, The Wilder, Laura Ingalls MG 5.8 4.0 24,046 F 69790 EN Bagdasarian, Adam UG 5.9 5.0 29,930 F 31197 EN First French Kiss and Other Traumas First Horse I See, The Keehn, Sally M. MG 3.6 6.0 41,801 F 146614 EN First Kill Brewer, Heather MG+ 5.7 11.0 67,339 F 115393 EN First Light Stead, Rebecca MG 4.8 10.0 65,686 F 70717 EN First Part Last, The Johnson, Angela UG 4.7 3.0 19,391 F 117769 EN First Shot Sorrells, Walter UG 3.9 8.0 58,059 F 137048 EN First Strike Higgins, Jack MG 5.2 8.0 52,002 F 44707 EN First Test Pierce, Tamora MG 5.3 8.0 54,853 F 143320 EN FitzOsbornes in Exile, The Cooper, Michelle MG+ 6.6 18.0 109,244 F 64596 EN Kehret, Peg MG 6.6 5.0 29,327 NF 110134 EN Five Pages a Day: A Writer's Journey Fix Margolis, Leslie MG+ 4.9 8.0 50,688 F 85629 EN Flags of War, The Wilson, John MG 5.8 5.0 32,998 F 73374 EN Flames of the Tiger Wilson, John Alexander MG 5.2 5.0 34,256 F 14347 EN Flamingos Switzer, Merebeth MG 5.7 1.0 3,185 14539 EN Flash Fire Cooney, Caroline B. UG 5.8 6.0 37,723 F 103552 EN Flashcards of My Life Harper, Charise Mericle MG 5.4 6.0 37,638 F 145001 EN Flat Broke Paulsen, Gary MG 5.1 3.0 18,884 F 70854 EN Flavor of the Week Shaw, Tucker UG 4.1 5.0 32,863 F 114 EN Fledgling, The Langton, Jane MG 5.0 6.0 40,081 F 142481 EN Marrin, Albert MG 7.4 6.0 31,736 NF 6046 EN Flesh & Blood So Cheap: The Triangle Fire and Its Legacy Flight #116 Is Down Cooney, Caroline B. UG 5.1 7.0 45,719 F NF Page 39 Quiz List—Reading Practice Printed Friday, January 6, 2012 10:43:30 AM School: Canal Winchester Middle School Reading Practice Quizzes Quiz Number Lang. Title Author IL ATOS BL Points Word Count F/NF 54118 EN Flight of the Raven Tolan, Stephanie S. UG 6.3 10.0 61,205 F 71213 EN Flip Lubar, David MG 4.1 9.0 63,935 F 53684 EN Flipped Van Draanen, Wendelin UG 4.8 8.0 55,502 F 142175 EN Floating Islands, The Neumeier, Rachel MG+ 6.1 17.0 106,084 F 48073 EN Floodland Sedgwick, Marcus MG 3.7 4.0 27,479 F 738 EN Flowers for Algernon Keyes, Daniel UG 5.8 13.0 82,873 F 101038 EN Flush Hiaasen, Carl MG 5.0 9.0 59,559 F 138921 EN Fly Away Rock, Nora MG 4.2 4.0 25,323 F 105950 EN Fly by Night Hardinge, Frances MG 7.1 19.0 109,186 F 144173 EN Fly Trap Hardinge, Frances MG 7.0 23.0 137,867 F 48949 EN Flying Machine Nahum, Andrew MG 7.9 1.0 5,345 32047 EN Flying Solo Fletcher, Ralph MG 3.9 3.0 23,989 F 105651 EN Flyte Sage, Angie MG 6.0 16.0 100,234 F 54119 EN Fog, The Cooney, Caroline B. UG 5.1 7.0 48,842 F 135016 EN Foiled Yolen, Jane MG 3.2 1.0 7,519 F 121309 EN Fold, The Na, An MG 4.6 7.0 51,035 F 145800 EN Following Christopher Creed Plum-Ucci, Carol UG 5.3 13.0 86,900 F 49782 EN Following Fake Man Holmes, Barbara Ware MG 3.7 6.0 41,392 F 19544 EN Bode, Janet MG 5.3 5.0 32,225 NF 87013 EN Food Fight: A Guide to Eating Disorders for Preteens and Their Parents Football Buckley Jr., James MG 7.5 1.0 6,464 NF NF 86973 EN Football All-Pro, A Ingram, Scott MG 7.6 2.0 10,260 NF 131137 EN Football Champ Green, Tim MG 5.3 8.0 50,609 F 115892 EN Football Genius Green, Tim MG 4.8 7.0 47,643 F 121938 EN Football Hero Green, Tim MG 5.1 9.0 57,412 F 135062 EN Football: How It Works Biskup, Agnieszka MG 5.7 1.0 4,443 NF 49350 EN Football in Action Crossingham, John MG 5.8 1.0 4,883 NF 116636 EN Football in the Big 12 Sommers, Michael MG 7.6 1.0 6,509 NF 116638 EN Football in the Big Ten Kaufman, Gabriel MG 8.0 1.0 6,369 NF 116639 EN Football in the Pac-10 Hofstetter, Adam B. MG 7.5 1.0 6,187 NF 116640 EN Roza, Greg MG 7.0 1.0 6,286 NF 54512 EN Football in the SEC (Southeastern Conference) Football Nightmare Hirschfeld, Robert MG 4.7 3.0 20,749 F 58056 EN For All Time Cooney, Caroline B. UG 5.7 8.0 52,207 F 136099 EN For Keeps Friend, Natasha UG 3.7 7.0 54,063 F 116355 EN For Now Friesen, Gayle MG 3.9 7.0 51,505 F 26735 EN For Your Eyes Only Rocklin, Joanne UG 4.3 2.0 17,421 F 11065 EN Force & Motion Lafferty, Peter UG 7.8 1.0 6,350 42962 EN Glenn, Mel UG 5.1 3.0 19,043 F 106398 EN Foreign Exchange: A Mystery in Poems Foreshadowing, The Sedgwick, Marcus MG 4.5 8.0 55,173 F 132134 EN Forest Born Hale, Shannon MG+ 5.4 14.0 88,849 F 128926 EN Forest of Hands and Teeth, The Ryan, Carrie UG 5.8 14.0 86,485 F 73953 EN Forest of Secrets Hunter, Erin MG 5.8 11.0 71,926 F NF Page 40 Quiz List—Reading Practice Printed Friday, January 6, 2012 10:43:30 AM School: Canal Winchester Middle School Reading Practice Quizzes Quiz Number Lang. Title Author IL ATOS BL 87625 EN Forest of the Pygmies Allende, Isabel UG 7.9 Points Word Count F/NF 11.0 61,299 F 59064 EN Forests of Silence, The Rodda, Emily MG 5.0 4.0 26,811 F 138365 EN Forever Stiefvater, Maggie UG 5.3 17.0 109,899 F 27724 EN Forever Amber Brown Danziger, Paula MG 3.8 1.0 9,726 F 112353 EN Brashares, Ann UG 4.4 11.0 77,665 F 122192 EN Forever in Blue: The Fourth Summer of the Sisterhood Forever Rose McKay, Hilary MG 5.4 8.0 50,725 F 140499 EN Forge Anderson, Laurie Halse MG 5.4 10.0 64,682 F 14814 EN Forged by Fire Draper, Sharon M. MG 4.7 5.0 33,416 F 45120 EN Forgotten Fire Bagdasarian, Adam UG 5.7 9.0 56,474 F 148120 EN Forgotten Warrior, The Hunter, Erin MG 5.2 11.0 71,079 F 73020 EN Forming a Band Schaefer, A.R. MG 4.8 0.5 1,747 NF 59664 EN Forts of the West Patrick, Bethanne Kelly MG 8.6 1.0 7,898 NF 85474 EN Nelson, Marilyn MG 5.6 0.5 2,125 F 122280 EN Fortune's Bones: The Manumission Requiem Fortune's Fool Karr, Kathleen MG 5.0 6.0 41,715 F 17223 EN Fossil Taylor, Paul D. MG 8.2 1.0 6,572 121302 EN Found Haddix, Margaret Peterson MG 5.0 9.0 59,017 F 113042 EN Four Dorothys, The Ruditis, Paul MG 5.2 9.0 56,058 F 58893 EN Perl, Lila MG 7.3 4.0 22,272 NF 100062 EN Four Perfect Pebbles: A Holocaust Story Four Steps to Death Wilson, John MG 6.1 7.0 41,669 F 103228 EN Harrington, Jane MG 5.6 4.0 26,423 F 134469 EN Four Things My Geeky-Jock-of-a-Best-Friend Must Do in Europe Fourth Apprentice, The Hunter, Erin MG 5.4 11.0 71,638 F 218 EN Fox Steals Home, The Christopher, Matt MG 4.5 4.0 24,596 F NF 8566 EN Foxman, The Paulsen, Gary UG 4.9 3.0 23,445 F 108316 EN Framed Boyce, Frank Cottrell MG 4.2 9.0 64,688 F 138136 EN Framed Korman, Gordon MG 5.2 6.0 39,402 F 85983 EN Framed! Rose, Malcolm MG+ 5.0 6.0 43,331 F 13618 EN Frankenstein Shelley, Mary MG 12.2 17.0 74,769 F 116527 EN Frankenstein (Graphic Revolve) Burgan, Michael MG 3.0 0.5 3,134 F 5331 EN Freak the Mighty/The Mighty Philbrick, Rodman UG 5.5 5.0 35,442 F 5067 EN Freaky Friday Rodgers, Mary MG 4.4 4.0 29,768 F 73465 EN Freaky Green Eyes Oates, Joyce Carol UG 5.0 7.0 49,309 F 137050 EN Frederick Douglass: A Noble Life Adler, David A. MG 7.8 6.0 34,806 NF 55875 EN Lutz, Norma Jean MG 4.7 1.0 8,856 NF 45928 EN Bull, Angela LG 5.7 1.0 5,203 NF 103765 EN Frederick Douglass: Abolitionist and Author Free at Last: The Story of Martin Luther King, Jr. Free Baseball Corbett, Sue MG 4.3 5.0 35,523 F 123134 EN Free Climb Maddox, Jake MG 3.4 1.0 5,187 F 59165 EN Free Radical Murphy, Claire Rudolf UG 4.4 6.0 43,435 F 109967 EN Free Throw Maddox, Jake MG 2.8 1.0 4,534 F 52592 EN Freedom's Wings: Corey's Underground Railroad Diary Wyeth, Sharon Dennis MG 3.0 1.0 9,950 F Page 41 Quiz List—Reading Practice Printed Friday, January 6, 2012 10:43:30 AM School: Canal Winchester Middle School Reading Practice Quizzes Quiz Number Lang. Title Points Word Count F/NF 7.7 3.0 17,804 NF UG 6.4 15.0 91,833 NF Gordon, Roderick MG 6.5 25.0 152,609 F Author IL Freedman, Russell MG Freedom Writers ATOS BL 107528 EN 119161 EN 135752 EN Freedom Walkers: The Story of the Montgomery Bus Boycott Freedom Writers Diary: How a Teacher and 150 Teens Used Writing to Change Themselves and the World Around Them, The Freefall 106043 EN Freeglader Stewart, Paul MG 6.4 13.0 78,957 F 47850 EN Freewill Lynch, Chris UG 3.8 5.0 32,894 F 101288 EN Macy, Sue MG 8.6 3.0 16,674 NF 70421 EN Freeze Frame: A Photographic History of the Winter Olympics Freeze Tag Cooney, Caroline B. UG 5.1 5.0 35,333 F 32206 EN Frenchtown Summer Cormier, Robert MG 6.4 1.0 8,031 F 113279 EN Pomere, Jonas UG 7.3 1.0 7,376 NF 144858 EN Mucha, Corinne MG+ 2.4 1.0 7,722 F 68062 EN Frequently Asked Questions About Self-Mutilation and Cutting Freshman: Tales of 9th Grade Obsessions, Revelations, and Other Nonsense Friction Frank, E.R. UG 4.0 6.0 42,146 F 111254 EN Friend at Midnight, A Cooney, Caroline B. UG 5.0 7.0 46,597 F NF 85596 EN Friend Called Anne, A Lee, Carol Ann MG 6.7 5.0 31,111 123167 EN Gallagher, Diana G. MG 3.1 1.0 8,335 F 112565 EN Friends Forever? The Complicated Life of Claudia Cristina Cortez Friendship for Today, A McKissack, Patricia C. MG 4.1 6.0 39,681 F 2114 EN Frightful's Mountain George, Jean Craighead UG 4.7 8.0 53,484 F 16637 EN Frindle Clements, Andrew MG 5.4 2.0 16,232 F 68474 EN Frog Princess, The Baker, E.D. MG 4.8 7.0 49,050 F 131142 EN Frog Scientist, The Turner, Pamela S. MG 6.3 1.0 7,741 NF 14318 EN Frogs Ivy, Bill MG 5.2 0.5 3,024 NF 107126 EN Frogs & French Kisses Mlynowski, Sarah MG+ 3.6 9.0 68,183 F 29 EN Konigsburg, E.L. MG 4.7 5.0 30,906 F 68677 EN Woodson, Jacqueline UG 4.0 3.0 23,267 F 133142 EN From the Mixed-Up Files of Mrs. Basil E. Frankweiler From the Notebooks of Melanin Sun Front and Center Murdock, Catherine Gilbert UG 5.5 10.0 62,284 F 122285 EN Frozen Fire Bowler, Tim UG 3.8 12.0 86,026 F 137467 EN Frozen in Time Sparkes, Ali MG 5.1 10.0 66,261 F 5220 EN Fudge-a-Mania Blume, Judy LG 3.3 3.0 25,389 F 88919 EN Fugitive Factor, The Korman, Gordon MG 5.1 4.0 25,703 F 120153 EN Full Court Dreams Maddox, Jake MG 3.7 1.0 5,481 F 20265 EN Full Court Fever Bowen, Fred MG 4.3 2.0 14,565 F 69057 EN Full Tilt Shusterman, Neal UG 5.0 7.0 49,998 F 26305 EN Fundamental Basketball Klinzing, Jim MG 5.7 1.0 7,516 NF 26307 EN Fundamental Gymnastics Bragg, Linda Wallenberg MG 6.7 1.0 5,901 NF 26309 EN Fundamental Mountain Biking King, Andy MG 5.5 1.0 5,676 NF 26310 EN Fundamental Snowboarding Lurie, Jon MG 6.4 1.0 6,986 NF 26312 EN Fundamental Softball Nitz, Kristin Wolden MG 5.8 1.0 8,193 NF 26303 EN Fundamental Strength Training Savage, Jeff MG 6.5 1.0 6,275 NF Page 42 Quiz List—Reading Practice Printed Friday, January 6, 2012 10:43:30 AM School: Canal Winchester Middle School Reading Practice Quizzes Quiz Number Lang. Title Author IL ATOS BL Points Word Count F/NF NF 26314 EN Fundamental Volleyball Jensen, Julie MG 5.2 1.0 4,818 82245 EN Funerals & Fly Fishing Bartek, Mary MG 4.3 4.0 29,622 F 134306 EN Marcus, Leonard S. MG 6.3 7.0 44,086 NF 49783 EN Schwartz, David M. MG 5.4 1.0 8,017 NF 113743 EN Funny Business: Conversations with Writers of Comedy G Is for Googol: A Math Alphabet Book Gabriel's Horses Hart, Alison MG 4.6 5.0 37,328 F 121468 EN Gabriel's Journey Hart, Alison MG 5.1 6.0 36,780 F 116714 EN Gabriel's Triumph Hart, Alison MG 4.6 6.0 38,964 F 46858 EN Gadget, The Zindel, Paul UG 4.5 4.0 25,615 F 14767 EN Gallows Hill Duncan, Lois UG 6.9 9.0 52,987 F 119931 EN Game Myers, Walter Dean MG 4.9 6.0 42,246 F 79707 EN Game of Sunken Places, The Anderson, M.T. MG 4.6 8.0 56,111 F 10280 EN Game Plan Dygard, Thomas J. UG 5.8 6.0 39,896 F 112427 EN Games Gorman, Carol MG+ 3.8 8.0 59,994 F 18155 EN Ganges, The Pollard, Michael MG 7.3 1.0 8,176 74756 EN Garden of Angels McDaniel, Lurlene UG 4.9 8.0 53,804 F 126449 EN Prévost, Guillaume MG 5.7 10.0 63,108 F 131219 EN Gate of Days: The Book of Time II, The Gatekeepers Liparulo, Robert MG 4.0 7.0 49,820 F 44063 EN Gathering Blue Lowry, Lois UG 5.0 7.0 47,893 F 221 EN Gathering of Days, A Blos, Joan W. MG 6.7 5.0 28,763 F 66991 EN Gathering of Gargoyles, A Pierce, Meredith Ann UG 4.7 9.0 63,387 F 143321 EN Gathering, The Armstrong, Kelley MG+ 4.2 11.0 77,206 F 14348 EN Gazelles Dalton, Sheila MG 5.8 0.5 3,135 121939 EN Generation Dead Waters, Daniel UG 5.4 14.0 90,541 102297 EN Genetically Engineered Foods Bledsoe, Karen E. MG 8.8 1.0 6,556 121757 EN Genius Squad Jinks, Catherine MG 5.3 20.0 129,128 F 140289 EN Genius Wars, The Jinks, Catherine MG 5.3 18.0 117,169 F 55877 EN Adelson, Bruce MG 7.5 1.0 8,409 NF 4405 EN George Gordon Meade: Union General George Lucas White, Dana MG 7.4 4.0 20,575 NF NF NF NF F NF 6215 EN George Washington's Mother Fritz, Jean LG 2.5 0.5 2,262 12477 EN George Washington's Socks Woodruff, Elvira MG 5.0 6.0 36,816 F 132419 EN Georges and the Jewels, The Smiley, Jane MG 5.2 9.0 60,775 F 116583 EN Getting Air Gutman, Dan MG 4.1 5.0 32,270 F 69598 EN Crowe, Chris UG 8.7 5.0 24,471 NF 103553 EN Getting Away with Murder: The True Story of the Emmett Till Case Getting in the Game FitzGerald, Dawn MG 5.6 5.0 34,451 F 32742 EN Getting Near to Baby Couloumbis, Audrey UG 5.1 6.0 41,096 F 69791 EN Getting the Girl Zusak, Markus UG 4.4 6.0 41,460 F 123371 EN Miller, Connie Colwell MG 4.5 0.5 1,962 NF 86659 EN Getting to Know Your Toilet: The Disgusting Story Behind Your Home’s Strangest Feature Gettysburg, July 1-3, 1863 January, Brendan MG 7.5 1.0 5,962 NF 145076 EN Ghetto Cowboy Neri, G. MG 4.0 5.0 35,915 F Page 43 Quiz List—Reading Practice Printed Friday, January 6, 2012 10:43:30 AM School: Canal Winchester Middle School Reading Practice Quizzes Quiz Number Lang. Title Author IL ATOS BL Points Word Count F/NF 30654 EN Ghost Belonged to Me, The Peck, Richard MG 5.8 6.0 41,093 F 43585 EN Ghost Boy Lawrence, Iain UG 4.4 11.0 76,839 F 5014 EN Ghost Brother Adler, C.S. MG 4.2 5.0 32,604 F 14944 EN Ghost Camp Stine, R.L. MG 3.1 3.0 19,527 F 20113 EN Ghost Canoe Hobbs, Will MG 5.9 8.0 48,137 F 10896 EN Ghost Comes Calling, The Wright, Betty Ren MG 4.3 2.0 12,997 F 139114 EN Ghost Dog Secrets Kehret, Peg MG 4.6 6.0 40,235 F 137704 EN Ghost Hunter Paver, Michelle MG 4.6 8.0 53,090 F 25243 EN Ghost in the Family, A Wright, Betty Ren MG 4.2 2.0 16,077 F 6364 EN Ghost in the House, A Wright, Betty Ren MG 4.4 5.0 32,392 F 133617 EN Ghost in the Machine Carman, Patrick MG 5.0 4.0 28,320 F 31178 EN Ghost in the Tokaido Inn, The Hoobler, Dorothy MG+ 5.1 7.0 45,861 F F 5419 EN Ghost in the Window, A Wright, Betty Ren MG 5.5 5.0 31,942 29503 EN Ballard, Robert D. MG 7.0 1.0 8,526 140166 EN Ghost Liners: Exploring the World's Greatest Lost Ships Ghost of Crutchfield Hall, The Hahn, Mary Downing MG 4.4 4.0 28,440 F 122767 EN Ghost of J. Stokely, The Temple, Bob MG 3.5 1.0 5,005 F 123492 EN Ghost of Spirit Bear Mikaelsen, Ben MG 4.8 5.0 34,383 F 101953 EN Ghost's Grave, The Kehret, Peg MG 5.0 6.0 41,966 F 109667 EN Ghost's Revenge, The Peschke, M. MG 4.3 1.0 9,950 F 108563 EN Ghost School Purkiss, Sue MG 4.0 1.0 10,126 F 9264 EN Ghost Ship Mystery, The Warner, Gertrude Chandler LG 4.0 3.0 17,951 F NF 50392 EN Ghost Sitter, The Griffin, Peni R. MG 4.8 4.0 25,229 F 138137 EN Ghostopolis TenNapel, Doug MG 2.4 1.0 6,450 F 8523 EN Ghosts of Mercy Manor, The Wright, Betty Ren MG 4.8 5.0 34,202 F 76900 EN Ghosts of Now, The Nixon, Joan Lowery UG 4.2 6.0 43,490 F 131226 EN Smithson, Ryan UG 5.2 10.0 65,622 NF 143455 EN Ghosts of War: The True Story of a 19-Year-Old GI Ghoul Next Door, The Harrison, Lisi MG+ 4.5 7.0 49,844 F 125592 EN Giant Problem, A DiTerlizzi, Tony MG 4.3 2.0 16,340 F 5269 EN Gift of Magic, A Duncan, Lois UG 6.0 7.0 41,583 F 141560 EN Gift, The Patterson, James MG+ 5.2 9.0 57,541 F 102997 EN Gifted Evangelista, Beth MG+ 5.9 7.0 44,554 F 80490 EN Gifts Le Guin, Ursula K. MG+ 5.6 9.0 57,846 F 137858 EN Gimme a Call Mlynowski, Sarah MG+ 3.0 8.0 61,512 F 14349 EN Giraffes Switzer, Merebeth MG 5.7 0.5 2,862 NF 62557 EN Wayland, April Halprin UG 4.2 1.0 7,880 F 29363 EN Girl Coming in for a Landing: A Novel in Poems Girl Death Left Behind, The McDaniel, Lurlene UG 3.8 4.0 26,263 F 61461 EN Girl in a Cage Yolen, Jane MG 4.9 9.0 59,335 F 50151 EN Girl in Blue Rinaldi, Ann MG 5.0 9.0 61,489 F 15809 EN Girl Named Disaster, A Farmer, Nancy UG 5.1 14.0 90,379 F 146036 EN Girl Named Faithful Plum: The True Story of a Dancer from China and How She Achieved Her Dream, A Bernstein, Richard MG 6.6 11.0 68,890 NF Page 44 Quiz List—Reading Practice Printed Friday, January 6, 2012 10:43:30 AM School: Canal Winchester Middle School Reading Practice Quizzes Quiz Number Lang. Title Author IL ATOS BL Points Word Count F/NF 119442 EN Girl Overboard Headley, Justina Chen UG 6.6 14.0 85,012 F 141064 EN Girl, Stolen Henry, April MG+ 4.7 7.0 48,044 F 32208 EN Turner, Ann MG 5.1 5.0 34,298 F 5069 EN Girl Who Chased Away Sorrow: The Diary of Sarah Nita, The Girl Who Owned a City, The Nelson, O.T. MG 4.7 7.0 49,217 F 129941 EN Girlfriend Material Kantor, Melissa UG 5.4 9.0 57,632 F 8223 EN Girlfriend, The Stine, R.L. UG 4.1 5.0 32,776 F 133856 EN Girls Acting Catty Margolis, Leslie MG 4.2 5.0 37,072 F 146326 EN Girls Don't Fly Chandler, Kristen UG 3.8 9.0 65,741 F 56460 EN Girls in Love Wilson, Jacqueline UG 4.4 5.0 33,252 F 84371 EN Brashares, Ann UG 4.5 10.0 68,830 F 74757 EN Girls in Pants: The Third Summer of the Sisterhood Girls in Tears Wilson, Jacqueline UG 4.3 5.0 35,431 F 67255 EN Girls out Late Wilson, Jacqueline UG 4.2 6.0 44,437 F 41790 EN Girls, The Koss, Amy Goldman MG 4.7 3.0 22,765 F 61386 EN Girls Under Pressure Wilson, Jacqueline UG 4.3 6.0 44,734 F 47260 EN Give a Boy a Gun Strasser, Todd UG 5.3 4.0 26,728 F 8568 EN Giver, The Lowry, Lois MG 5.7 7.0 43,617 F 74760 EN Glass Café, The Paulsen, Gary UG 5.6 2.0 11,581 F 119759 EN Glitch in Sleep, The Hulme, John MG 6.6 9.0 53,333 F 136285 EN Glitter Girls and the Great Fake Out Cabot, Meg MG 5.0 5.0 35,065 F 143925 EN McCaughrean, Geraldine MG 6.5 11.0 67,613 F 10943 EN Glorious Adventures of the Sunshine Queen, The Glory Field, The Myers, Walter Dean UG 5.0 12.0 79,758 F 7108 EN Go Ask Alice Anonymous UG 5.6 7.0 46,854 F 121111 EN Go Big or Go Home Hobbs, Will MG 4.7 6.0 40,162 F 108507 EN Ball, Johnny MG 6.7 3.0 17,825 NF 111887 EN Go Figure! A Totally Cool Book about Numbers Go-Kart Rush Maddox, Jake MG 3.4 1.0 4,725 F 67165 EN Goalkeeper in Charge Hirschfeld, Robert MG 4.2 3.0 24,163 F 69394 EN Goblin Wood, The Bell, Hilari MG 5.5 11.0 68,650 F 58059 EN God of Beer Keizer, Garret UG 5.9 8.0 48,702 F 70160 EN God Went to Beauty School Rylant, Cynthia MG 3.8 0.5 3,554 F 59378 EN Goddess of Yesterday Cooney, Caroline B. MG 5.1 11.0 71,123 F 78884 EN Godless Hautman, Pete UG 4.1 6.0 39,910 F 40650 EN Going for Gold! Donkin, Andrew LG 5.6 1.0 3,510 NF 20076 EN Going Solo Dahl, Roald MG 6.1 9.0 57,047 NF 41785 EN Gold Dust Lynch, Chris MG 4.6 7.0 45,189 F 120321 EN Golden Book of Death, The Dahl, Michael MG 3.5 0.5 738 F 15085 EN Golden Compass, The Pullman, Philip UG 7.1 19.0 112,815 F 116710 EN Alexander, Lloyd MG 4.6 9.0 61,918 F 11077 EN Golden Dream of Carlo Chuchio, The Golden Gate Bridge, The Doherty, Craig A. MG 6.9 1.0 5,676 17567 EN Golden Glove, The Bowen, Fred MG 4.1 2.0 13,003 F 20316 EN Golden Goblet, The McGraw, Eloise Jarvis MG 6.3 11.0 67,994 F 85601 EN Golden Goose, The King-Smith, Dick MG 5.0 1.0 9,100 F NF Page 45 Quiz List—Reading Practice Printed Friday, January 6, 2012 10:43:30 AM School: Canal Winchester Middle School Reading Practice Quizzes Quiz Number Lang. Title Author IL ATOS BL Points Word Count F/NF 6.0 39,206 F 114312 EN Golden Tree, The Lasky, Kathryn MG 5.5 17007 EN Goldfish Hirschfeld, Robert MG 6.3 1.0 4,519 82165 EN Golem's Eye, The Stroud, Jonathan MG+ 5.9 24.0 148,603 F 146327 EN Goliath Westerfeld, Scott MG+ 5.3 14.0 94,171 F 124168 EN Gone Grant, Michael UG 4.3 18.0 127,678 F 135748 EN Gone McMann, Lisa UG 3.6 5.0 39,589 F 534 EN Gone with the Wind Mitchell, Margaret UG 7.1 71.0 418,053 F NF 52623 EN Good Dog, The Avi MG 3.7 5.0 34,763 F 140428 EN Good Horse, A Smiley, Jane MG 5.3 10.0 66,310 F 30833 EN Good Liar, The Maguire, Gregory MG 5.1 3.0 20,145 F 115900 EN Schlitz, Laura Amy MG 5.6 2.0 12,495 F 124699 EN Good Masters! Sweet Ladies! Voices from a Medieval Village Good Neighbors: Kin, The Black, Holly MG+ 2.7 1.0 5,833 F 133955 EN Good Neighbors: Kith, The Black, Holly MG+ 2.6 1.0 4,739 F 1969 EN Good Night, Maman Mazer, Norma Fox UG 3.5 4.0 30,556 F 139489 EN Stone, Tanya Lee MG 7.5 5.0 27,239 NF 139957 EN Good, the Bad, and the Barbie: A Doll's History and Her Impact on Us, The Goop Soup Lubar, David MG 3.7 4.0 31,873 F 46846 EN Goose Chase Kindl, Patrice UG 6.5 8.0 50,941 F 73116 EN Goose Girl, The Hale, Shannon MG+ 5.9 14.0 91,163 F 28321 EN Goose's Gold, The Roy, Ron LG 3.3 1.0 7,273 F 14350 EN Gorillas Switzer, Merebeth MG 6.3 0.5 2,738 NF 54129 EN Gospel According to Larry, The Tashjian, Janet UG 5.6 5.0 32,820 F 105737 EN Gossamer Lowry, Lois MG 4.4 4.0 24,507 F 74146 EN Gossip Times Three Koss, Amy Goldman MG 6.5 6.0 34,543 F 79027 EN Gothic! Ten Original Dark Tales Noyes, Deborah UG 5.4 7.0 44,704 F 83798 EN Gotta Get Some Bish Bash Bosh Allen, M.E. MG+ 3.8 4.0 27,690 F 11965 EN Gown of Spanish Lace, A Oke, Janette UG 4.8 10.0 69,093 F 44709 EN Gracie's Girl Wittlinger, Ellen MG 4.9 7.0 43,866 F 7138 EN Grand Escape, The Naylor, Phyllis Reynolds MG 5.0 4.0 29,301 F 106002 EN Grand & Humble Hartinger, Brent UG 4.3 6.0 40,722 F 71135 EN Granny Torrelli Makes Soup Creech, Sharon MG 4.2 2.0 15,390 F 71753 EN Grape Thief/Cuss Franklin, Kristine L. MG 4.2 8.0 58,157 F 125535 EN Graveyard Book, The Gaiman, Neil MG+ 5.1 10.0 67,380 F 146477 EN Gray Wolf Throne, The Chima, Cinda Williams MG+ 5.5 21.0 134,321 F 131627 EN Fleming, Candace MG 7.0 5.0 30,520 NF 75342 EN Great and Only Barnum: The Tremendous, Stupendous Life of Showman P.T. Barnum, The Great and Terrible Beauty, A Bray, Libba UG 5.1 14.0 95,605 F 128929 EN Great Bear Lake Hunter, Erin MG 5.2 11.0 73,101 F 61473 EN Great Blue Yonder, The Shearer, Alex MG 5.1 8.0 50,502 F 133411 EN Great Death, The Smelcer, John MG 6.1 5.0 30,951 F 16112 EN Fremon, David K. MG 6.8 3.0 19,790 NF 707 EN Great Depression in American History, The Great Expectations (Unabridged) Dickens, Charles UG 9.2 35.0 183,349 F Page 46 Quiz List—Reading Practice Printed Friday, January 6, 2012 10:43:30 AM School: Canal Winchester Middle School Reading Practice Quizzes Quiz Number Lang. Title Author IL ATOS BL Points Word Count F/NF 14532 EN Great Fire, The Murphy, Jim UG 7.6 4.0 22,281 NF 116 EN Great Gilly Hopkins, The Paterson, Katherine MG 4.6 5.0 33,591 F 51863 EN Great Good Thing, The Townley, Roderick MG 4.4 4.0 29,533 F 24975 EN Hest, Amy MG 3.9 2.0 17,698 F 127256 EN Great Green Notebook of Katie Roberts, The Great Powers Outage, The Boniface, William MG 6.2 9.0 56,450 F 11414 EN Great Quarterback Switch, The Christopher, Matt MG 4.2 2.0 16,143 F 121310 EN Blackwood, Gary MG 7.9 6.0 33,459 NF 31190 EN Gregory, Kristiana MG 5.7 5.0 34,321 F 81584 EN Great Race: The Amazing Round-the-World Auto Race of 1908, The Great Railroad Race: The Diary of Libby West, The Great Sockathon, The Delaney, Michael MG 3.9 5.0 35,424 F 67217 EN Great Wall of China, The DuTemple, Lesley A. MG 7.8 3.0 14,505 NF 125937 EN Great Wide Sea, The Herlong, M.H. MG+ 4.1 9.0 66,550 F 46859 EN Greatest: Muhammad Ali, The Myers, Walter Dean UG 7.8 6.0 31,117 NF 6770 EN Greek Symbol Mystery, The Keene, Carolyn MG 4.6 4.0 27,497 F 67494 EN Green Angel Hoffman, Alice UG 5.2 3.0 17,363 F 13514 EN Green Berets, The Streissguth, Tom MG 6.4 0.5 2,335 NF 108326 EN Green Day: Keeping Their Edge Doeden, Matt MG 6.2 1.0 4,538 NF 109556 EN Green Glass Sea, The Klages, Ellen MG 4.6 10.0 67,707 F 33 EN Grey King, The Cooper, Susan MG 6.2 9.0 55,841 F 127519 EN Gridiron Bully Maddox, Jake MG 3.0 1.0 5,144 F 81705 EN Grim Grotto, The Snicket, Lemony MG 6.5 8.0 48,671 F 76340 EN Grim Tuesday Nix, Garth MG 6.0 10.0 64,987 F 137059 EN Grimm Legacy, The Shulman, Polly MG 4.0 11.0 79,585 F 42820 EN Grooming of Alice, The Naylor, Phyllis Reynolds UG 4.9 7.0 44,512 F 14320 EN Grouse Théberge, John T. MG 5.1 0.5 2,768 126982 EN Guardian Lester, Julius UG 5.2 3.0 20,418 2076 EN Guide Dogs George, Charles MG 4.3 0.5 2,612 NF 116082 EN Gallagher, Diana G. MG 3.5 1.0 8,509 F 57136 EN Guilty! The Complicated Life of Claudia Cristina Cortez Guinea Pig in the Garage Baglio, Ben M. MG 4.4 3.0 23,129 F 120188 EN Gulliver's Travels Lemke, Donald MG 3.2 0.5 2,818 F 78148 EN Gun/Payback, The Langan, Paul MG+ 4.7 3.0 22,409 F 46280 EN Paulsen, Gary MG 6.5 4.0 23,486 NF 80658 EN Schwager, Tina UG 7.6 10.0 58,416 NF 143038 EN Guts: The True Stories Behind Hatchet and the Brian Books Gutsy Girls: Young Women Who Dare Guys Read: Funny Business Scieszka, Jon MG 5.1 8.0 53,113 F 87588 EN Guys Write for Guys Read Scieszka, Jon MG 6.2 9.0 56,314 F 117053 EN Gym Candy Deuker, Carl UG 4.6 9.0 63,932 F NF F 64332 EN Gymnastics in Action Kalman, Bobbie MG 5.6 1.0 4,160 116369 EN Walden, Mark MG 7.5 12.0 65,909 F 120449 EN H.I.V.E.: Higher Institute of Villainous Education H.I.V.E.: The Overlord Protocol NF Walden, Mark MG 7.7 14.0 80,300 F 17816 EN Habibi Nye, Naomi Shihab UG 5.2 8.0 50,259 F Page 47 Quiz List—Reading Practice Printed Friday, January 6, 2012 10:43:30 AM School: Canal Winchester Middle School Reading Practice Quizzes Quiz Number Lang. Title Author IL ATOS BL Points Word Count F/NF 139500 EN Half Brother Oppel, Kenneth MG+ 4.4 13.0 89,973 F 105928 EN Half-Moon Investigations Colfer, Eoin MG 4.2 9.0 61,086 F 8226 EN Halloween Party Stine, R.L. UG 4.7 5.0 32,432 F 16165 EN Hallucinogens Robbins, Paul R. UG 9.0 3.0 15,684 NF 57329 EN Cefrey, Holly MG 7.0 1.0 4,897 NF 140347 EN Hallucinogens and Your Neurons: The Incredibly Disgusting Story Halt's Peril Flanagan, John MG 5.8 17.0 108,268 142814 EN Sommer, Shelley MG 7.3 4.0 22,453 NF 60541 EN Hammerin' Hank Greenberg: Baseball Pioneer Hana's Suitcase Levine, Karen MG 5.0 2.0 15,484 NF 59209 EN Handbook for Boys: A Novel Myers, Walter Dean UG 4.9 5.0 36,278 F 14467 EN Rinaldi, Ann UG 4.0 9.0 64,767 F 59978 EN Hang a Thousand Trees with Ribbons:The Story of Phillis Wheatley Hanging on to Max Bechard, Margaret UG 3.3 5.0 37,442 F F 64607 EN Hannah, Divided Griffin, Adele MG 5.2 6.0 36,982 F 125812 EN Hannibal: Rome's Worst Nightmare Brooks, Philip MG+ 6.5 2.0 12,017 NF 46536 EN Axelrod, Toby UG 7.9 2.0 12,083 NF 125659 EN Avi MG 4.6 5.0 35,078 F 104774 EN Hans and Sophie Scholl: German Resisters of the White Rose Hard Gold: The Colorado Gold Rush of 1859: A Tale of the Old West Hard Hit Turner, Ann MG+ 5.1 1.0 4,885 F 31582 EN Hard Love Wittlinger, Ellen UG 4.4 7.0 47,914 F 135864 EN Hardcourt Comeback Bowen, Fred MG 4.0 3.0 18,288 F 114458 EN Harlem Summer Myers, Walter Dean MG+ 5.1 5.0 34,383 F 75417 EN Harley-Davidson Motorcycles Preszler, Eric MG 4.4 0.5 1,559 112938 EN Harmless Reinhardt, Dana UG 5.0 8.0 53,867 NF F 62558 EN Harmony Murphy, Rita MG 5.1 4.0 24,347 F F 8569 EN Harmony Arms, The Koertge, Ron UG 4.2 6.0 43,007 55881 EN Lutz, Norma Jean MG 4.9 1.0 8,727 5332 EN Paulsen, Gary MG+ 5.7 5.0 33,240 F 32081 EN Rowling, J.K. MG 6.7 14.0 84,799 F 116230 EN Rowling, J.K. MG+ 6.9 34.0 198,227 F 40670 EN Harriet Tubman: Leader of the Underground Railroad Harris and Me: A Summer Remembered Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire Rowling, J.K. MG 6.8 32.0 190,858 F 89154 EN Rowling, J.K. MG+ 7.2 29.0 169,441 F 69785 EN Rowling, J.K. MG 7.2 44.0 257,154 F 32082 EN Rowling, J.K. MG 6.7 18.0 106,821 F 26759 EN Rowling, J.K. MG 5.5 12.0 77,508 F 139481 EN Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone Harvey Bouchard, Hervé MG 3.8 1.0 3,829 F 367 EN Hatchet Paulsen, Gary MG 5.7 7.0 42,328 F 70123 EN Hatching Magic Downer, Ann MG 7.2 9.0 52,736 F 88920 EN Hatchling, The Lasky, Kathryn MG 5.0 7.0 45,144 F NF Page 48 Quiz List—Reading Practice Printed Friday, January 6, 2012 10:43:30 AM School: Canal Winchester Middle School Reading Practice Quizzes Quiz Number Lang. Title Author IL ATOS BL Points Word Count F/NF 13.0 89,516 F 133077 EN Hate List Brown, Jennifer UG 4.9 126983 EN Hate That Cat Creech, Sharon MG 5.0 1.0 7,213 F 109096 EN Hattie Big Sky Larson, Kirby MG+ 4.4 10.0 70,376 F 67359 EN Haunted: A Tale of the Mediator Cabot, Meg UG 5.1 8.0 52,079 F 31059 EN Haunted Hotel, The Roy, Ron LG 3.4 1.0 8,287 F 115429 EN Haunted Playground, The Tan, Shaun MG 4.0 1.0 4,824 F 139549 EN Haunted, The Verday, Jessica MG+ 4.1 14.0 97,135 F 119924 EN Tayleur, Karen MG 3.6 1.0 10,217 F 130541 EN Haunted! The Scary Life of David Mortimore Baxter Haunting, The Chapman, Mary MG 3.2 1.0 5,218 F 25061 EN Haunting, The Nixon, Joan Lowery MG 4.7 7.0 44,222 F 47411 EN Have Wheels, Will Travel Mazer, Anne MG 4.0 3.0 21,093 F 14322 EN Hawks Switzer, Merebeth MG 5.4 0.5 2,365 74758 EN Hawksong Atwater-Rhodes, Amelia MG+ 6.9 9.0 52,092 F F 7044 EN Haymeadow, The Paulsen, Gary UG 5.4 6.0 36,952 81370 EN Health and Medicine Pirotta, Saviour MG 8.3 1.0 7,545 NF NF 8571 EN Heart of a Champion Deuker, Carl UG 4.2 8.0 53,041 F 32049 EN Heart of a Chief, The Bruchac, Joseph MG 4.7 6.0 37,696 F 8128 EN Heart of the Wilderness Oke, Janette UG 4.8 10.0 69,735 F 51238 EN Heart: Our Circulatory System, The Simon, Seymour MG 7.2 0.5 2,611 14468 EN Heart's Blood Yolen, Jane MG+ 5.3 9.0 61,603 F 77515 EN Heartbeat Creech, Sharon MG 5.0 2.0 13,157 F 106285 EN Heat Lupica, Mike MG 5.3 9.0 58,934 F 133948 EN Heath Ledger: Talented Actor Watson, Stephanie MG 7.8 2.0 12,857 NF 27949 EN Heaven Johnson, Angela MG 4.7 3.0 22,403 F 48329 EN Heaven Eyes Almond, David MG 3.4 5.0 38,235 F 117436 EN Heaven Looks a Lot Like the Mall Mass, Wendy UG 5.4 5.0 35,407 F NF 80289 EN Heck Superhero Leavitt, Martine MG 4.2 5.0 32,076 F 123923 EN Heck: Where the Bad Kids Go Basye, Dale E. MG 6.0 8.0 53,005 F 509 EN Heidi (Unabridged) Spyri, Johanna MG 8.2 16.0 89,242 F 62559 EN Heir Apparent Vande Velde, Vivian MG 5.6 11.0 72,682 F 136305 EN Heist Society Carter, Ally MG+ 5.5 9.0 58,905 F 34985 EN Helen Keller Davidson, Margaret MG 3.9 1.0 9,846 112886 EN Hell Phone Sleator, William UG 4.5 7.0 49,129 NF F 134385 EN Hell's Heroes Shan, Darren MG+ 5.2 8.0 49,885 F 62184 EN Strasser, Todd MG 3.8 3.0 18,704 F 62187 EN Strasser, Todd MG 4.0 3.0 21,418 F 13793 EN Strasser, Todd MG 3.6 3.0 20,805 F 69876 EN Help! I'm Trapped in a Professional Wrestler's Body Help! I'm Trapped in an Alien's Body Help! I'm Trapped in My Teacher's Body Hemophilia Britton, Beverly UG 10.6 4.0 19,523 NF 16166 EN Hepatitis Silverstein, Alvin UG 9.5 3.0 15,848 NF 144847 EN Hera: The Goddess and Her Glory O'Connor, George MG 3.7 1.0 5,260 F 124690 EN Here Lies Arthur Reeve, Philip MG 5.6 11.0 70,627 F 145504 EN Here Lies Linc Ray, Delia MG 5.2 11.0 70,630 F Page 49 Quiz List—Reading Practice Printed Friday, January 6, 2012 10:43:30 AM School: Canal Winchester Middle School Reading Practice Quizzes Quiz Number Lang. Title Author IL ATOS BL Points Word Count F/NF 106411 EN Here Lies the Librarian Peck, Richard MG 5.1 4.0 29,762 F 10119 EN Here's to You, Rachel Robinson Blume, Judy UG 4.3 6.0 39,102 F 20916 SP Hermanas Paulsen, Gary MG 5.4 1.0 7,939 F 28591 EN Hermit Thrush Sings, The Butler, Susan MG 5.4 9.0 56,210 F 139482 EN Hero Lupica, Mike MG 4.6 8.0 52,225 F 41459 EN Childress, Alice UG 5.6 5.0 32,932 F 227 EN Hero Ain't Nothin' but a Sandwich, A Hero and the Crown, The McKinley, Robin MG 7.0 15.0 87,370 F 109470 EN Hero Revealed, The Boniface, William MG 6.1 8.0 49,759 F 28548 EN Heroes Cormier, Robert UG 5.9 4.0 25,086 F 88487 EN Mazer, Harry MG 4.0 3.0 21,975 F 105276 EN Lipsyte, Robert MG 7.4 4.0 24,361 NF 16167 EN Heroes Don't Run: A Novel of the Pacific War Heroes of Baseball: The Men Who Made It America's Favorite Game Heroin Woods, Geraldine UG 8.5 3.0 14,919 NF 135901 EN Hex Hall Hawkins, Rachel MG+ 5.2 10.0 66,528 F 109809 EN Cook, Sally LG 5.8 1.0 4,449 NF 30585 EN Kustanowitz, Esther UG 5.7 1.0 9,170 NF 144389 EN Hey Batta Batta Swing! The Wild Old Days of Baseball Hidden Children of the Holocaust: Teens Who Hid from the Nazis, The Hidden Coronet, The Fisher, Catherine MG+ 4.2 8.0 55,016 F 32916 EN Hidden Talents Lubar, David UG 4.2 7.0 51,399 F 19950 EN Rosenberg, Maxine B. MG 5.9 6.0 37,071 NF 67225 EN Hiding to Survive: Stories of Jewish Children Rescued from the Holocaust High Heat Deuker, Carl UG 4.2 10.0 72,949 F 102037 EN High Rhulain Jacques, Brian MG 5.5 15.0 99,186 F 68287 EN High Tide in Hawaii Osborne, Mary Pope LG 3.4 1.0 6,222 F 50408 EN High Wizardry Duane, Diane UG 6.2 9.0 58,453 F 110101 EN Higher Power of Lucky, The Patron, Susan MG 5.9 5.0 29,977 F 81818 EN Hinduism Teece, Geoff MG 7.6 1.0 7,418 NF 111717 EN Hip-Hop: A Short History Waters, Rosa MG 8.5 2.0 8,762 NF 56435 EN Hippolyta and the Curse of the Amazons Hippopotamus Yolen, Jane MG 5.0 7.0 48,823 Banks, Sally MG 4.9 0.5 2,618 NF Gallagher, Diana G. MG 3.4 1.0 9,095 F F 14351 EN 130527 EN 103705 EN Hired or Fired? The Complicated Life of Claudia Cristina Cortez Hiroshima Grant, R.G. MG 9.2 2.0 10,822 NF 117802 EN Hiroshima Dreams Easton, Kelly MG 3.6 5.0 37,432 F 86965 EN History of Cheerleading Valliant, Doris MG 8.1 2.0 8,686 NF 63865 EN History of Country Music, The Kallen, Stuart A. UG 8.9 6.0 29,500 NF 103605 EN Hatch, Thomas MG 3.6 0.5 2,385 NF 116865 EN History of Hip-Hop: The Roots of Rap, A History of Indie Rock, The Skancke, Jennifer UG 9.6 5.0 23,354 NF 116866 EN History of Punk Rock, The Masar, Brenden UG 9.3 4.0 22,655 NF 107813 EN History of Rap and Hip-Hop, The Baker, Soren UG 9.8 5.0 25,566 NF 100612 EN History of Reggae, The Kallen, Stuart A. UG 9.6 5.0 26,910 NF 63843 EN History of Rock and Roll, The Kallen, Stuart A. UG 9.6 6.0 32,051 NF Page 50 Quiz List—Reading Practice Printed Friday, January 6, 2012 10:43:30 AM School: Canal Winchester Middle School Reading Practice Quizzes Quiz Number Lang. Title Author IL ATOS BL Points Word Count F/NF 102285 EN History of the Blues, The Koopmans, Andy UG 9.9 5.0 26,357 NF 8228 EN Hit and Run Stine, R.L. UG 3.8 4.0 30,238 F 107303 EN Hit the Road Cooney, Caroline B. UG 5.3 7.0 48,879 F 68982 EN Hitler's Daughter French, Jackie MG 4.3 3.0 23,266 F 87191 EN Bartoletti, Susan Campbell MG 7.8 6.0 31,785 NF 30586 EN Dvorson, Alexa UG 7.3 1.0 8,373 NF 80442 EN Hitler Youth: Growing Up in Hitler's Shadow Hitler Youth: Marching Toward Madness, The Hoaxes Herbst, Judith MG 5.6 1.0 6,559 NF 511 EN Hobbit, The Tolkien, J.R.R. UG 6.6 16.0 95,022 F 145399 EN Hockey Meltdown Maddox, Jake MG 3.7 1.0 5,312 F 51134 EN Hodgkin's Disease Peacock, Judith UG 6.9 2.0 9,554 NF 86535 EN Hold Me Tight Grover, Lorie Ann MG+ 3.0 4.0 34,583 F 59167 EN Hole in My Life Gantos, Jack UG 5.7 7.0 47,392 NF 28081 EN Holes Sachar, Louis MG 4.6 7.0 47,079 F 73215 EN Hollow Kingdom, The Dunkle, Clare B. MG+ 5.6 11.0 70,964 F 134208 EN Hollow, The Verday, Jessica MG+ 5.2 17.0 109,250 F 81578 EN Holy Enchilada! Winkler, Henry MG 4.6 4.0 25,161 F 368 EN Homecoming Voigt, Cynthia MG 4.4 16.0 110,893 F 35670 EN Homeless Bird Whelan, Gloria UG 5.3 5.0 34,459 F 103771 EN Homework Machine, The Gutman, Dan MG 4.8 4.0 26,448 F 105168 EN Honey Bea Siegelson, Kim L. MG 6.4 7.0 45,344 F 137468 EN Honey Bees: Letters from the Hive Buchmann, Stephen MG 9.0 6.0 32,721 NF 26738 EN Gutman, Dan MG 4.3 3.0 23,417 F 127520 EN Honus and Me: A Baseball Card Adventure Hoop Hotshot Maddox, Jake MG 3.7 1.0 5,127 F 766 EN Hoops Myers, Walter Dean UG 4.6 7.0 49,976 F 68778 EN Hoopster, The Sitomer, Alan Lawrence UG 4.9 6.0 41,261 F 61464 EN Hoot Hiaasen, Carl MG 5.2 9.0 61,113 F 44672 EN Hope Was Here Bauer, Joan MG 5.1 6.0 41,673 F 41253 EN Horizontal Man, The Dahl, Michael MG 4.6 7.0 44,574 F 134637 EN Allen, Kathy MG 5.2 0.5 2,342 NF 17225 EN Horrible, Miserable Middle Ages: The Disgusting Details About Life During Medieval Times, The Horse Clutton-Brock, Juliet MG 7.6 1.0 7,913 NF 612 EN Horse and His Boy, The Lewis, C.S. MG 5.8 8.0 49,425 F 60409 EN Horse Thief Peck, Robert Newton UG 5.1 7.0 44,796 F 13993 EN Horseback Riding Stewart, Gail B. MG 4.6 0.5 2,453 NF 49356 EN Horseback Riding in Action Calder, Kate MG 5.8 1.0 3,950 NF 36254 EN Hostage Roberts, Willo Davis MG 5.4 5.0 30,388 F 53273 EN Hostile Hospital, The Snicket, Lemony MG 6.9 6.0 37,752 F 117628 EN Hot Hand Lupica, Mike MG 5.0 4.0 27,566 F 5984 EN Doyle, Arthur Conan UG 8.3 11.0 57,689 F 126281 EN Hound of the Baskervilles (Unabridged), The House of Dark Shadows Liparulo, Robert MG 4.2 7.0 52,504 F 57590 EN House of Sports Russo, Marisabina MG 4.9 10.0 65,966 F Page 51 Quiz List—Reading Practice Printed Friday, January 6, 2012 10:43:30 AM School: Canal Winchester Middle School Reading Practice Quizzes Quiz Number Lang. Title Author IL ATOS BL Points Word Count F/NF 61393 EN House of the Scorpion, The Farmer, Nancy UG 5.1 15.0 100,214 F 80960 EN House on the Gulf, The Haddix, Margaret Peterson MG 4.9 8.0 52,681 F 65168 EN How Angel Peterson Got His Name Paulsen, Gary MG 6.0 3.0 20,562 NF 86359 EN How Basketball Works Thomas, Keltie MG 6.3 3.0 17,425 NF 49241 EN How Castles Were Built Hicks, Peter MG 7.3 1.0 5,220 NF 10947 EN How I Changed My Life Strasser, Todd UG 5.1 6.0 30,735 F 25065 EN Strasser, Todd UG 3.7 5.0 33,364 F 77534 EN Ripslinger, Jon UG 4.0 7.0 46,804 F 77705 EN McMullan, Margaret MG+ 4.9 4.0 26,770 F 80148 EN How I Created My Perfect Prom Date How I Fell in Love & Learned to Shoot Free Throws How I Found the Strong: A Civil War Story How I Live Now Rosoff, Meg UG 6.7 8.0 46,920 F 65351 EN Strasser, Todd UG 4.5 5.0 32,737 F 32166 EN How I Spent My Last Night on Earth How I Survived Being a Girl Van Draanen, Wendelin MG 5.0 5.0 31,662 F 114095 EN How It Happened in Peach Hill Jocelyn, Marthe MG 4.6 8.0 55,184 F 142575 EN Allen, Crystal MG 3.5 7.0 54,705 F 46281 EN Warner, Sally UG 4.7 4.0 25,979 F 109456 EN How Lamar's Bad Prank Won a Bubba-Sized Trophy How to Be a Real Person (In Just One Day) How to Be Popular Cabot, Meg MG+ 5.2 9.0 57,228 F 124691 EN How to Ditch Your Fairy Larbalestier, Justine MG 4.1 9.0 61,057 F 147220 EN How to Save a Life Zarr, Sara UG 4.4 12.0 86,114 F 106247 EN How to Speak Dragonese Cowell, Cressida MG 6.5 5.0 27,703 F 136661 EN How to Survive Middle School Gephart, Donna MG 3.9 6.0 43,772 F 5021 EN Howliday Inn Howe, James MG 4.0 4.0 29,813 F 108942 EN Hugging the Rock Brown, Susan Taylor MG 4.3 2.0 12,192 F 67519 EN Human Genome Project, The Toriello, James UG 9.0 1.0 7,779 122357 EN Humming of Numbers, The Sensel, Joni UG 5.9 8.0 50,644 NF F 132854 EN Hunchback Assignments, The Slade, Arthur MG+ 4.8 9.0 63,217 F 131195 EN Hunger: A Gone Novel Grant, Michael UG 4.0 19.0 133,597 F 123740 EN Hunger Games, The Collins, Suzanne MG+ 5.3 15.0 99,750 F 127050 EN Hunt for the Seventh, The Morton-Shaw, Christine MG+ 4.5 9.0 59,942 F 123144 EN Hunter's Code, The Maddox, Jake MG 3.5 1.0 4,783 F 79166 EN Hunters of the Dusk Shan, Darren MG+ 5.7 6.0 38,488 F 59345 EN Hunting of the Last Dragon, The Jordan, Sherryl UG 6.0 8.0 52,626 F 104775 EN Hunting the Hunter Korman, Gordon MG 5.3 4.0 26,261 F 121676 EN Hurricane Trueman, Terry MG 4.6 4.0 26,099 F 130930 EN Hurricane Gold Higson, Charlie MG+ 5.1 14.0 91,800 F 108833 EN Palser, Barb MG 7.8 2.0 12,240 NF 40651 EN Hurricane Katrina: Aftermath of Disaster Hurricane Power Brouwer, Sigmund UG 3.7 3.0 23,720 F 123803 EN Volponi, Paul MG 5.4 4.0 27,609 F 87015 EN Hurricane Song: A Novel of New Orleans Hurricane & Tornado Challoner, Jack MG 7.7 1.0 5,496 NF 36866 EN Hurricanes Allen, Jean MG 5.5 1.0 3,461 NF 29912 EN Hurricanes and Tornadoes Morris, Neil MG 6.0 0.5 2,952 NF Page 52 Quiz List—Reading Practice Printed Friday, January 6, 2012 10:43:30 AM School: Canal Winchester Middle School Reading Practice Quizzes Quiz Number Lang. Title 18253 EN 108317 EN Hurricanes: Earth's Mightiest Storms Hurt Go Happy Points Word Count F/NF 6.0 1.0 7,505 NF MG 5.2 9.0 62,361 F Author IL Lauber, Patricia MG Rorby, Ginny ATOS BL 55199 EN Hush Woodson, Jacqueline MG 4.2 4.0 28,427 F 134761 EN Hush, Hush Fitzpatrick, Becca UG 4.5 12.0 85,363 F 35197 EN Hush Little Baby Cooney, Caroline B. UG 5.3 8.0 50,275 F 89657 EN Arnothy, Christine MG+ 6.5 5.0 27,311 NF 28291 EN I Am Fifteen: And I Don't Want to Die I Am Mordred: A Tale from Camelot Springer, Nancy UG 5.4 7.0 44,831 F 47665 EN Springer, Nancy UG 5.6 9.0 57,567 F 65221 EN I Am Morgan le Fay: A Tale from Camelot I Am Not Esther Beale, Fleur UG 4.1 7.0 48,270 F 117629 EN I Am Not Joey Pigza Gantos, Jack MG 5.3 8.0 50,574 F 139745 EN I Am Number Four Lore, Pittacus MG+ 4.4 14.0 100,385 F 121469 EN Shields, Charles J. MG 8.3 10.0 53,584 NF 5270 EN I Am Scout: The Biography of Harper Lee I Am the Cheese Cormier, Robert UG 5.2 7.0 47,096 F 87986 EN I Am the Wallpaper Hughes, Mark Peter MG+ 4.4 8.0 52,885 F 102130 EN I, Coriander Gardner, Sally MG 5.5 10.0 66,497 F 106309 EN Carter, Ally MG+ 5.9 10.0 66,015 F 123106 EN I'd Tell You I Love You, but Then I'd Have to Kill You I Dare You! Brezenoff, Steve MG 3.3 1.0 10,039 F 123014 EN I Do! Carlson, Melody MG+ 4.8 8.0 54,493 F 74147 EN I Got a "D" in Salami Winkler, Henry MG 4.4 4.0 28,116 F 11717 EN I Hadn't Meant to Tell You This Woodson, Jacqueline UG 4.1 3.0 20,121 F 17819 EN Bitton-Jackson, Livia UG 4.8 8.0 53,017 NF 116754 EN I Have Lived a Thousand Years: Growing Up in the Holocaust I Heard a Rumor Krulik, Nancy MG 4.0 3.0 20,905 F 121977 EN I Heart You, You Haunt Me Schroeder, Lisa UG 3.2 2.0 15,503 F 767 EN I Know What You Did Last Summer Duncan, Lois UG 4.7 7.0 47,515 F 8660 EN I Know Why the Caged Bird Sings Angelou, Maya UG 6.7 13.0 78,384 NF 13537 EN I'll Be Seeing You McDaniel, Lurlene UG 4.3 4.0 30,857 F 126900 EN Silvey, Anita MG 8.3 2.0 13,379 NF 29379 EN I'll Pass for Your Comrade: Women Soldiers in the Civil War I'm Not Who You Think I Am Kehret, Peg MG 4.6 4.0 28,296 F 146329 EN Rubalcaba, Jill MG 7.9 3.0 17,784 NF 126884 EN I.M. Pei: Architect of Time, Place, and Purpose I, Q: Independence Hall Smith, Roland MG 4.5 9.0 60,723 F 139708 EN I, Q: The White House Smith, Roland MG 4.5 7.0 48,199 F 127255 EN I So Don't Do Mysteries Summy, Barrie MG 3.8 8.0 55,171 F 134379 EN I So Don't Do Spooky Summy, Barrie MG 4.0 7.0 52,370 F 17624 EN Hansen, Joyce MG 5.0 5.0 31,831 F 135781 EN I Thought My Soul Would Rise and Fly: The Diary of Patsy, a Freed Girl I Thought We Were Friends! Krulik, Nancy MG 4.4 3.0 24,162 F 20115 EN I Want to Live McDaniel, Lurlene MG 4.4 3.0 22,537 F 115074 EN Lugovskaya, Nina MG+ 6.9 16.0 92,331 NF 35642 EN I Want to Live: The Diary of a Young Girl in Stalin's Russia I Was a Rat! Pullman, Philip MG 5.2 4.0 26,228 F Page 53 Quiz List—Reading Practice Printed Friday, January 6, 2012 10:43:30 AM School: Canal Winchester Middle School Reading Practice Quizzes Quiz Number Lang. Title Author IL ATOS BL Points Word Count F/NF 32022 EN I Was a Sixth Grade Alien Coville, Bruce MG 4.7 4.0 26,290 F 8470 EN Lewin, Ted UG 5.5 3.0 16,466 NF 14849 EN I Was a Teenage Professional Wrestler Ice Naylor, Phyllis Reynolds UG 5.3 8.0 50,287 F 421 EN Ice Magic Christopher, Matt MG 4.8 2.0 16,265 F 144383 EN Ice Shock Harris, M.G. MG 4.2 11.0 75,924 F 145216 EN McPherson, Stephanie Sammartino Simon, Seymour MG 8.1 5.0 26,363 NF NF 61643 EN Iceberg, Right Ahead! The Tragedy of the Titanic Icebergs and Glaciers MG 5.5 0.5 2,114 115275 EN Icebound Land, The Flanagan, John MG 6.8 13.0 75,314 F 88382 EN Icefire d'Lacey, Chris MG 4.4 10.0 67,553 F 79913 EN Hannigan, Katherine MG 5.3 5.0 35,137 F 83653 EN Ida B...and Her Plans to Maximize Fun, Avoid Disaster, and (Possibly) Save the World Idi Amin Barter, James UG 10.5 6.0 27,079 NF 129462 EN If I Grow Up Strasser, Todd UG 4.2 6.0 44,054 F 130072 EN If the Witness Lied Cooney, Caroline B. MG+ 4.6 8.0 52,085 F 87847 EN If We Kiss Vail, Rachel MG+ 4.0 7.0 53,334 F 25181 EN If You Come Softly Woodson, Jacqueline UG 4.0 4.0 28,934 F 126119 EN Bosch, Pseudonymous MG 5.2 9.0 59,209 F 5022 EN If You're Reading This, It's Too Late Iggie's House Blume, Judy MG 3.5 3.0 22,666 F 12787 EN Iliad, The Homer UG 11.3 25.0 118,622 F 41513 EN Immigrants Sandler, Martin W. MG 7.6 1.0 4,128 132778 EN Immortal Shields, Gillian UG 5.0 11.0 70,467 F 139418 EN Immortals, The Stewart, Paul MG 7.7 30.0 169,224 F 46950 EN Immune System, The Derkins, Susie MG 9.4 1.0 6,593 125274 EN Impossible Werlin, Nancy UG 4.6 12.0 80,663 F 75428 EN In Darkness, Death Hoobler, Dorothy MG+ 5.2 6.0 40,180 F 64333 EN In-Line Skating Crossingham, John MG 5.4 1.0 4,844 NF NF NF NF 2682 EN In-Line Skating! Get Aggressive Kaminker, Laura MG 6.4 1.0 4,493 122076 EN Meyer, Carolyn MG+ 6.5 12.0 75,148 F 10292 EN In Mozart's Shadow: His Sister's Story In My Father's House Rinaldi, Ann UG 4.4 10.0 71,668 F 34749 EN Opdyke, Irene Gut UG 6.0 11.0 67,609 NF 115813 EN In My Hands: Memories of a Holocaust Rescuer In or Out Gabel, Claudia MG+ 5.4 7.0 45,654 F 114608 EN In Search of Mockingbird Ellsworth, Loretta UG 4.2 5.0 32,703 F 110103 EN Meyer, L.A. MG+ 5.9 23.0 141,802 F 30587 EN Axelrod, Toby UG 6.2 1.0 8,460 102533 EN In the Belly of the Bloodhound: Being an Account of a Particularly Peculiar Adventure in the Life of Jacky Faber In the Camps: Teens Who Survived the Nazi Concentration Camps In the Coils of the Snake Dunkle, Clare B. MG 5.8 12.0 73,260 F 55101 EN Mace, Nancy UG 7.4 11.0 60,676 NF 32149 EN In the Company of Men: A Woman at the Citadel In the Forests of the Night Atwater-Rhodes, Amelia MG+ 5.4 4.0 22,879 F NF Page 54 Quiz List—Reading Practice Printed Friday, January 6, 2012 10:43:30 AM School: Canal Winchester Middle School Reading Practice Quizzes Quiz Number Lang. Title 30588 EN Points Word Count F/NF 6.1 1.0 8,349 NF UG 5.2 7.0 46,574 F MG 3.9 7.0 53,228 F St. George, Judith MG 7.3 3.0 20,154 NF Cormier, Robert UG 5.5 6.0 38,381 F Tanaka, Shelley MG 6.2 1.0 8,089 Lord, Bette Bao MG 4.6 4.0 26,776 F Author IL In the Ghettos: Teens Who Survived the Ghettos of the Holocaust In the Hand of the Goddess Ayer, Eleanor H. UG Pierce, Tamora In the Land of the Lawn Weenies and Other Misadventures In the Line of Fire: Presidents' Lives at Stake In the Middle of the Night Lubar, David ATOS BL 20709 EN 102435 EN 36665 EN 10945 EN 64129 EN 229 EN 134211 EN In the Time of Knights: The Real Life Story of History's Greatest Knight In the Year of the Boar and Jackie Robinson In Too Deep Watson, Jude MG 4.0 6.0 45,016 F 110569 EN Incantation Hoffman, Alice MG+ 5.0 4.0 27,465 F 134835 EN Incarceron Fisher, Catherine MG+ 4.6 14.0 96,201 F 119 EN Incident at Hawk's Hill Eckert, Allan MG 7.2 9.0 51,061 F 230 EN Incredible Journey, The Burnford, Sheila MG 7.6 5.0 30,851 F 231 EN Indian in the Cupboard, The Banks, Lynne Reid MG 4.6 6.0 44,004 F 110308 EN Indian Ocean Tsunami, The Roza, Greg LG 6.5 0.5 1,860 NF 58061 EN Indigo Hoffman, Alice UG 5.8 2.0 9,609 F 81579 EN Indigo's Star McKay, Hilary MG 4.9 7.0 46,130 F 21073 EN McCormick, Anita Louise MG 8.8 4.0 20,022 NF 109771 EN Industrial Revolution in American History, The Infernal Devices Reeve, Philip MG+ 6.4 15.0 89,277 F NF 12463 EN Infield Hit Dygard, Thomas J. UG 5.1 5.0 30,710 F 109464 EN Ingo Dunmore, Helen MG+ 3.9 10.0 74,794 F 116698 EN Inhalant Abuse Robinson, Matthew MG 8.0 1.0 6,408 NF 16168 EN Inhalants Weatherly, Myra UG 8.8 3.0 13,962 NF 147778 EN Inheritance Paolini, Christopher UG 7.5 49.0 280,712 F 125633 EN Inkdeath Funke, Cornelia MG 5.4 29.0 191,035 F 71683 EN Inkheart Funke, Cornelia MG 5.4 23.0 146,809 F 100861 EN Inkspell Funke, Cornelia MG 5.6 29.0 184,486 F 48332 EN Inline Skater Hirschfeld, Robert MG 4.7 3.0 19,269 F 102419 EN Innocent Soldier, An Holub, Josef UG 4.6 7.0 47,989 F 73391 EN Inside Out Trueman, Terry UG 4.6 3.0 20,821 F 142622 EN Inside Out & Back Again Lai, Thanhha MG 4.8 2.0 14,925 F 69986 EN Inside the Alamo Murphy, Jim MG 8.5 5.0 27,018 NF 64786 EN Instruments of Music, The Kallen, Stuart A. UG 9.5 5.0 27,368 NF 7008 EN Interstellar Pig Sleator, William UG 5.6 8.0 48,505 F 140152 EN Intertwined Showalter, Gena UG 4.4 16.0 107,792 F 115806 EN InterWorld Gaiman, Neil MG 5.5 8.0 53,809 F 54097 EN Into Battle Nix, Garth MG 5.5 6.0 37,397 F 121918 EN Abrahams, Peter MG+ 4.2 8.0 55,020 F 138971 EN Into the Dark: An Echo Falls Mystery Into the Gauntlet Haddix, Margaret Peterson MG 4.6 9.0 62,541 F 65426 EN Into the Labyrinth Townley, Roderick MG 4.7 5.0 34,844 F Page 55 Quiz List—Reading Practice Printed Friday, January 6, 2012 10:43:30 AM School: Canal Winchester Middle School Reading Practice Quizzes Quiz Number Lang. Title Author IL ATOS BL Points Word Count F/NF 11470 EN Into the Land of the Unicorns Coville, Bruce MG 6.0 5.0 32,762 F 116745 EN Into the Mist Carman, Patrick MG 5.8 10.0 61,976 F 45050 EN Into the Storm Jenkins, Jerry B. MG 4.5 4.0 26,484 F 127277 EN Into the Volcano Wood, Don MG 2.2 1.0 10,983 F 67278 EN Into the Wild Hunter, Erin MG 5.6 10.0 62,751 F 130793 EN Into the Woods Krulik, Nancy MG 4.4 4.0 24,479 F 102289 EN Invasion of the Boy Snatchers Harrison, Lisi MG+ 4.4 8.0 54,558 F 102436 EN Lubar, David MG 3.9 5.0 36,245 F 77845 EN Invasion of the Road Weenies: And Other Warped and Creepy Tales Inventing Elliot Gardner, Graham UG 5.1 7.0 45,606 F 87018 EN Invention Bender, Lionel MG 8.4 1.0 6,993 113692 EN Selznick, Brian MG 5.1 4.0 25,083 41514 EN Invention of Hugo Cabret: A Novel in Words and Pictures, The Inventors Sandler, Martin W. MG 9.3 1.0 6,056 87510 EN Invisible Hautman, Pete MG+ 4.6 4.0 28,884 F 138138 EN Invisible City Harris, M.G. MG+ 4.5 11.0 76,962 F 31060 EN Invisible Island, The Roy, Ron LG 3.6 1.0 8,689 F 126386 EN Invisible Man, The Geary, Rick MG 4.4 1.0 7,223 F 116597 EN Cohen, Tish MG 4.7 7.0 44,628 F NF F NF 7875 EN Invisible Rules of the Zoë Lama, The Invisible Thread, The Uchida, Yoshiko UG 6.5 5.0 32,471 NF 72762 EN Iqbal D'Adamo, Francesco MG 5.1 4.0 25,943 F 121311 EN Iranian Revolution, The January, Brendan MG 8.0 5.0 25,955 NF 72624 EN Iraq Balcavage, Dynise MG 9.0 3.0 15,644 NF 118700 EN Avi MG 4.3 4.0 27,752 F 123532 EN Iron Thunder: The Battle Between the Monitor & the Merrimac: A Civil War Novel Ironhand Fletcher, Charlie MG 6.6 15.0 87,416 F 13900 EN Ironman Crutcher, Chris UG 5.5 9.0 57,746 F 77859 EN Ironwood Tree, The DiTerlizzi, Tony MG 4.3 1.0 9,444 F 136281 EN Is It Night or Day? Chapman, Fern Schumer MG 5.3 7.0 45,331 F 110355 EN Strasser, Todd MG 4.8 3.0 19,319 F 118643 EN Strasser, Todd MG 4.3 3.0 18,828 F 114459 EN Strasser, Todd MG 4.4 3.0 20,410 F 100065 EN Is That a Dead Dog in Your Locker? Is That a Glow-in-the-Dark Bunny in Your Pillowcase? Is That a Sick Cat in Your Backpack? Isabel Factor, The Friesen, Gayle MG 4.2 8.0 53,142 F 41554 EN Isabel: Jewel of Castilla Meyer, Carolyn MG 6.6 5.0 30,740 F 81819 EN Islam Teece, Geoff MG 7.5 1.0 7,620 58026 EN Island Book One: Shipwreck Korman, Gordon MG 4.6 3.0 23,435 F 58027 EN Island Book Three: Escape Korman, Gordon MG 4.9 4.0 23,878 F 58028 EN Island Book Two: Survival Korman, Gordon MG 4.8 4.0 25,688 F 29968 EN Island of Dangerous Dreams, The Nixon, Joan Lowery UG 4.7 6.0 44,036 F 45 EN Island of the Blue Dolphins O'Dell, Scott MG 5.4 6.0 40,531 F 5273 EN Island, The Paulsen, Gary UG 5.7 8.0 53,791 F 20791 EN Islander, The Rylant, Cynthia MG 5.3 1.0 8,609 F NF Page 56 Quiz List—Reading Practice Printed Friday, January 6, 2012 10:43:30 AM School: Canal Winchester Middle School Reading Practice Quizzes Quiz Number Lang. Title Author IL ATOS BL Points Word Count F/NF 133780 EN Islands of the Blessed, The Farmer, Nancy MG 5.4 17.0 111,504 F 75125 EN Isle of Illusion, The Rodda, Emily MG 5.3 5.0 30,605 F 84314 EN Isle of the Dead Rodda, Emily MG 5.2 6.0 39,525 F 135344 EN It's a Green Thing Carlson, Melody MG+ 4.3 8.0 53,071 F 111934 EN It's a Mall World After All Rallison, Janette UG 5.0 8.0 54,431 F 126974 EN It's All Downhill From Here Krulik, Nancy MG 4.1 4.0 26,579 F 2122 EN It's All Greek to Me Scieszka, Jon MG 3.7 1.0 8,979 F 111935 EN It's My Life, by Caitlin O'Conner Carlson, Melody MG+ 5.7 9.0 56,685 F 44711 EN It's Not Easy Being Bad Voigt, Cynthia MG 5.1 7.0 43,973 F 113800 EN It's Not Easy Being Mean Harrison, Lisi MG+ 4.4 5.0 37,090 F 129439 EN Benton, Jim MG 5.5 2.0 13,994 F 5274 EN It's Not My Fault I Know Everything by Jamie Kelly It's Not the End of the World Blume, Judy UG 3.4 4.0 32,209 F 123412 EN It's Only Temporary Warner, Sally MG 5.4 4.0 26,924 F 127531 EN It Screams at Night Dahl, Michael MG 3.2 0.5 758 F 770 EN Izzy, Willy-Nilly Voigt, Cynthia UG 4.9 12.0 79,695 F 25906 EN Jack London: A Biography Dyer, Daniel UG 7.8 8.0 47,749 NF 102231 EN Jack's Run Smith, Roland MG 4.8 7.0 46,053 F 110099 EN Ellis, Deborah MG 5.5 7.0 44,566 F 6925 EN Jackal in the Garden: An Encounter with Bihzad Jackaroo Voigt, Cynthia UG 5.6 14.0 92,686 F 60720 EN Jacket, The Clements, Andrew MG 4.1 1.0 9,533 F 40653 EN Gutman, Dan MG 4.3 4.0 28,887 F 57190 EN Robinson, Sharon UG 7.3 4.0 21,669 NF 68162 EN Jackie and Me: A Baseball Card Adventure Jackie's Nine: Jackie Robinson's Values to Live By Jackie's Wild Seattle Hobbs, Will MG 4.6 8.0 52,081 F 41245 EN Jade Green: A Ghost Story Naylor, Phyllis Reynolds MG 5.8 5.0 33,221 F 44930 EN Jaguar's Jewel, The Roy, Ron LG 3.5 1.0 8,751 F 74086 EN Jake, Reinvented Korman, Gordon UG 5.2 6.0 40,266 F 30595 EN Jam! The Story of Jazz Music Lee, Jeanne UG 7.9 1.0 5,646 232 EN James and the Giant Peach Dahl, Roald MG 4.8 4.0 23,843 55882 EN Greene, Meg MG 8.2 2.0 8,585 NF 128393 EN Ryals, Lexi MG 7.2 4.0 20,575 NF NF F 709 EN James Ewell Brown Stuart: Confederate General Jammin' with the Jonas Brothers: An Unauthorized Biography Jane Eyre (Unabridged) Brontë, Charlotte UG 7.9 33.0 183,858 72992 EN Jane Yolen Daniel, Susanna MG 7.6 2.0 12,291 NF 32722 EN Janey's Girl Friesen, Gayle UG 4.0 6.0 43,675 F 114843 EN Jango Nicholson, William MG 4.8 14.0 94,099 F 41791 EN Janitor's Boy, The Clements, Andrew MG 5.4 4.0 27,784 F 16114 EN Fremon, David K. MG 7.3 3.0 19,252 NF 67167 EN Japanese-American Internment in American History Jason and Marceline Spinelli, Jerry UG 3.8 6.0 45,567 F 76138 EN Jason and the Gorgon's Blood Yolen, Jane MG 5.1 8.0 50,423 F 32529 EN Jason's Gold Hobbs, Will UG 5.5 8.0 52,737 F 132411 EN Jasper Dash and the Flame-Pits of Delaware Anderson, M.T. MG 4.8 8.0 54,614 F F Page 57 Quiz List—Reading Practice Printed Friday, January 6, 2012 10:43:30 AM School: Canal Winchester Middle School Reading Practice Quizzes Quiz Number Lang. Title Author IL ATOS BL Points Word Count F/NF NF 111718 EN Jay-Z Barnes, Geoffrey MG 8.5 2.0 8,742 27715 EN Jazmin's Notebook Grimes, Nikki MG 5.8 3.0 18,345 F 127573 EN Tayleur, Karen MG 3.7 1.0 10,457 F 59657 EN Jealous! On the Sidelines with David Mortimore Baxter Jefferson Memorial, The Ferry, Joseph MG 8.8 1.0 6,054 NF 45688 EN Lanier, Shannon MG 7.1 6.0 34,911 NF 145768 EN Bradley, Kimberly Brubaker MG+ 3.9 11.0 81,452 F 136613 EN Jefferson's Children: The Story of One American Family Jefferson's Sons: A Founding Father's Secret Children Jekel Loves Hyde Fantaskey, Beth UG 5.5 12.0 76,823 F 126984 EN Jellicoe Road Marchetta, Melina UG 5.0 12.0 78,189 F 119799 EN Jennifer Lopez Lemmens, MaryJo MG 7.1 2.0 8,814 NF 5940 EN Jennifer Murdley's Toad Coville, Bruce MG 4.6 4.0 30,266 F 109552 EN Mass, Wendy MG 4.5 11.0 76,093 F 58683 EN Jeremy Fink and the Meaning of Life Jericho Walls Collier, Kristi MG 3.9 6.0 40,784 F 14568 EN Jesse Owens: Olympic Star McKissack, Patricia MG 3.4 0.5 1,394 130472 EN Fantaskey, Beth UG 4.9 14.0 91,037 F 36093 EN Jessica's Guide to Dating on the Dark Side Jim Bowie: Hero of the Alamo NF Gaines, Ann Graham UG 7.7 3.0 17,688 NF 29665 EN Jim Carrey Hughes, Mary UG 7.9 3.0 18,210 NF 120214 EN Gutman, Dan MG 4.2 6.0 38,802 F 106286 EN Jim & Me: A Baseball Card Adventure Jim Thorpe: Original All-American Bruchac, Joseph MG 5.8 10.0 62,703 NF 102232 EN Jimi & Me Adoff, Jaime MG+ 3.2 4.0 30,380 F 116746 EN Jinx Cabot, Meg MG+ 4.7 9.0 60,093 F 14992 EN Jip: His Story Paterson, Katherine MG 5.3 7.0 46,876 F 45124 EN Joey Pigza Loses Control Gantos, Jack MG 4.9 7.0 45,926 F 29525 EN Joey Pigza Swallowed the Key Gantos, Jack MG 4.9 5.0 35,620 F 4407 EN John Glenn (A&E Biography) Streissguth, Tom MG 8.9 3.0 14,902 NF 46308 EN John Glenn's Return to Space Vogt, Gregory MG 7.6 2.0 10,066 NF 79403 EN John Lennon Preszler, June MG 4.5 0.5 1,601 NF 109085 EN Madden, John MG 7.5 6.0 35,044 NF 23466 EN John Madden's Heroes of Football: The Story of America's Game Johnny and the Bomb Pratchett, Terry MG 4.3 7.0 47,508 F 104427 EN Johnny and the Dead Pratchett, Terry MG 4.4 6.0 38,268 F 132244 EN Johnny Depp: Movie Megastar Kushner, Jill Menkes MG 5.9 1.0 5,280 NF 55886 EN Ditchfield, Christin MG 6.5 1.0 7,897 NF 54846 EN Joseph E. Johnston: Confederate General Joshua's Song Harlow, Joan Hiatt MG 4.0 4.0 27,214 F 50162 EN Myers, Walter Dean MG 5.2 4.0 25,974 F 27944 EN Murphy, Jim MG 5.7 6.0 36,983 F 31189 EN Myers, Walter Dean MG 5.0 4.0 28,769 F 59356 EN White, Ellen Emerson MG 5.9 7.0 44,282 F 34709 EN Journal of Biddy Owens: The Negro Leagues, The Journal of James Edmond Pease: A Civil War Union Soldier, The Journal of Joshua Loper: A Black Cowboy, The Journal of Patrick Seamus Flaherty: United States Marine Corps, The Journal of Scott Pendleton Collins: A World War II Soldier, The Myers, Walter Dean MG 5.0 4.0 25,831 F Page 58 Quiz List—Reading Practice Printed Friday, January 6, 2012 10:43:30 AM School: Canal Winchester Middle School Reading Practice Quizzes Quiz Number Lang. Title 32210 EN Author IL Durbin, William MG Points Word Count F/NF 5.9 5.0 32,382 F ATOS BL 6672 EN Journal of Sean Sullivan: A Transcontinental Railroad Worker, The Journey MacLachlan, Patricia MG 3.8 2.0 12,593 F 29761 EN Journey Back, The Reiss, Johanna UG 3.5 6.0 42,815 NF 5073 EN Journey Home Uchida, Yoshiko MG 5.3 4.0 26,944 F 71435 EN Journey, The Lasky, Kathryn MG 5.1 7.0 48,893 F 17627 EN Lasky, Kathryn MG 6.0 4.0 26,370 F 58234 EN Journey to the New World: The Diary of Remember Patience Whipple, A Journey to the River Sea Ibbotson, Eva MG 5.6 12.0 75,226 F 81820 EN Judaism Teece, Geoff MG 7.4 1.0 8,132 108424 EN McDonald, Megan LG 3.3 2.0 11,783 F 89010 EN McDonald, Megan LG 3.4 2.0 11,233 F 56498 EN Judy Moody: Around the World in 8 1/2 Days Judy Moody Declares Independence Judy Moody Gets Famous! McDonald, Megan LG 3.5 1.0 9,214 F 138802 EN Judy Moody, Girl Detective McDonald, Megan LG 3.5 2.0 14,937 F 125144 EN Judy Moody Goes to College McDonald, Megan LG 3.7 1.0 10,303 F 80135 EN McDonald, Megan LG 3.2 2.0 11,948 F 70047 EN Judy Moody, M.D.: The Doctor Is In! Judy Moody Predicts the Future McDonald, Megan LG 3.1 1.0 10,795 F 62253 EN Judy Moody Saves the World McDonald, Megan LG 3.6 1.0 10,649 F 48375 EN McDonald, Megan LG 3.5 1.0 11,049 F 104752 EN Judy Moody Was in a Mood. Not a Good Mood. A Bad Mood. Julia's Kitchen Ferber, Brenda A. MG 3.9 4.0 32,066 F NF 49 EN Julie of the Wolves George, Jean Craighead MG 5.8 6.0 36,049 F 124163 EN Juliet Club, The Harper, Suzanne MG+ 5.7 12.0 75,862 F 43261 EN Glenn, Mel UG 4.9 2.0 15,570 F 120154 EN Jump Ball: A Basketball Season in Poems Jump Serve Maddox, Jake MG 3.9 1.0 5,132 F 6614 EN Jump Ship to Freedom Collier, James Lincoln MG 5.3 7.0 43,839 F 105951 EN Jumping the Scratch Weeks, Sarah MG 5.2 5.0 30,452 F 78605 EN Valentine, James MG+ 4.5 8.0 54,855 F 1626 EN JumpMan: Rule 1: Don't Touch Anything Jupiter Brimner, Larry Dane LG 5.1 0.5 1,159 132194 EN Just Another Hero Draper, Sharon M. UG 4.3 9.0 61,646 F NF 771 EN Just as Long as We're Together Blume, Judy UG 3.7 7.0 52,102 F 105193 EN Just Ask Carlson, Melody MG+ 5.0 8.0 54,944 F 34884 EN Just Ella Haddix, Margaret Peterson UG 5.5 6.0 41,514 F 109465 EN Just for You to Know Harness, Cheryl MG 4.8 9.0 58,552 F 105494 EN Just Listen Dessen, Sarah UG 4.9 15.0 98,151 F 146754 EN Just Run Loughead, Deb MG 4.6 3.0 22,045 F 143075 EN Bieber, Justin MG 5.5 5.0 29,132 NF 124561 EN Justin Bieber: First Step 2 Forever: My Story Juvie Three, The Korman, Gordon MG+ 4.9 8.0 50,781 F 129943 EN Kaleidoscope Eyes Bryant, Jen MG 5.6 5.0 32,346 F 14352 EN Kangaroos Ivy, Bill MG 5.6 0.5 2,994 NF 81153 EN Karate Cook, Harry MG 5.7 1.0 3,233 NF Page 59 Quiz List—Reading Practice Printed Friday, January 6, 2012 10:43:30 AM School: Canal Winchester Middle School Reading Practice Quizzes Quiz Number Lang. Title Author IL ATOS BL Points Word Count F/NF 5,061 F NF 123135 EN Kart Crash Maddox, Jake MG 3.4 1.0 15364 EN Kayaking Lund, Bill MG 4.2 0.5 1,833 14474 EN Keep Smiling Through Rinaldi, Ann MG 3.9 5.0 32,614 F 137052 EN Keeper Appelt, Kathi MG 5.0 8.0 53,741 F 102145 EN Keeper Peet, Mal MG+ 5.1 8.0 54,893 F 68983 EN Keeper of the Night Holt, Kimberly Willis UG 4.4 5.0 36,736 F 65357 EN Keepers of the Flame, The Armstrong, Jennifer UG 5.1 9.0 56,833 F 118146 EN Keeping Corner Sheth, Kashmira MG+ 4.8 8.0 55,158 F 32707 EN Keeping the Moon Dessen, Sarah UG 4.8 8.0 56,063 F 69793 EN Keesha's House Frost, Helen UG 4.4 2.0 15,469 F 108318 EN Keturah and Lord Death Leavitt, Martine MG+ 5.3 8.0 51,513 F 78844 EN Key to the Golden Firebird, The Johnson, Maureen UG 4.6 10.0 70,380 F 142169 EN Kick Myers, Walter Dean MG+ 4.7 5.0 36,699 F 114175 EN Kicker Bossley, Michele Martin MG 4.1 3.0 21,328 F 17573 EN Kid Coach, The Bowen, Fred MG 4.0 2.0 13,881 F 178 EN Kid in the Red Jacket, The Park, Barbara MG 3.9 3.0 21,227 F 43418 EN Kid Who Became President, The Gutman, Dan MG 4.9 5.0 34,098 F 17779 EN Kid Who Ran for President, The Gutman, Dan MG 4.7 3.0 23,029 F 106864 EN Korman, Gordon MG 5.1 4.0 24,570 F 109862 EN Korman, Gordon MG 5.2 4.0 26,124 F 106865 EN Kidnapped Book One: The Abduction Kidnapped Book Three: The Rescue Kidnapped Book Two: The Search Korman, Gordon MG 5.0 4.0 24,968 F 44931 EN Kidnapped King, The Roy, Ron LG 3.4 1.0 8,710 F 74762 EN Nixon, Joan Lowery UG 4.5 8.0 56,773 F 32558 EN Kidnapping of Christina Lattimore, The Kids on Strike! Bartoletti, Susan Campbell UG 7.0 6.0 34,169 NF 147664 EN Kill You Last Strasser, Todd UG 4.6 7.0 47,801 F F 10839 EN Killer Angels, The Shaara, Michael UG 4.7 15.0 101,851 118386 EN Rauf, Don UG 5.8 1.0 7,167 28443 EN Killer Lipstick and Other Spy Gadgets Killer's Cousin, The Werlin, Nancy UG 4.2 7.0 50,571 F 111916 EN Killer's Kiss Stine, R.L. UG 3.3 3.0 24,269 F 87180 EN Killers of the Dawn Shan, Darren MG+ 5.4 6.0 38,860 F 772 EN Killing Mr. Griffin Duncan, Lois UG 4.8 8.0 57,350 F 111920 EN Killing Sea, The Lewis, Richard MG 5.1 7.0 43,146 F 108530 EN Killing, The Muchamore, Robert UG 5.9 12.0 73,138 F 68640 EN Kiln, The Armstrong, Jennifer UG 5.0 7.0 46,476 F 128826 EN Kind of Friends We Used to Be, The Kindling, The Dowell, Frances O'Roark MG 5.8 6.0 40,314 F Armstrong, Jennifer UG 5.0 8.0 54,255 F Hall, M.C. MG 3.0 0.5 2,641 F Sheinkin, Steve MG 6.4 6.0 34,979 NF Turner, Megan Whalen MG+ 5.7 14.0 87,218 F Cooper, Susan MG 6.2 8.0 48,002 F 59175 EN 109986 EN 122754 EN 103361 EN King Arthur and the Knights of the Round Table King George: What Was His Problem? King of Attolia, The 34721 EN King of Shadows NF Page 60 Quiz List—Reading Practice Printed Friday, January 6, 2012 10:43:30 AM School: Canal Winchester Middle School Reading Practice Quizzes Quiz Number Lang. Title Author IL ATOS BL Points Word Count F/NF 82290 EN King of the Middle March Crossley-Holland, Kevin UG 4.2 12.0 82,237 F 69069 EN Crutcher, Chris UG 6.8 9.0 56,254 NF 101283 EN King of the Mild Frontier: An Ill-Advised Autobiography King of the Pygmies Fuqua, Jonathon Scott MG 4.6 7.0 46,313 F 78482 EN Kingdom of the Golden Dragon Allende, Isabel UG 8.3 17.0 90,290 F 68853 EN Kings Are Already Here, The Freymann-Weyr, Garret UG 4.7 6.0 38,213 F 137507 EN Kings of Clonmel, The Flanagan, John MG 6.1 16.0 100,949 F 87848 EN Kipling's Choice Spillebeen, Geert MG 5.4 4.0 28,463 F 74071 EN Kira-Kira Kadohata, Cynthia MG 4.7 7.0 44,326 F 129818 EN Kiss in Time, A Flinn, Alex UG 3.9 10.0 74,668 F 130073 EN Kiss of Life Waters, Daniel UG 4.9 14.0 91,081 F 28514 EN Kissing Doorknobs Hesser, Terry Spencer UG 4.4 5.0 35,547 F 36754 EN Kit's Wilderness Almond, David UG 3.7 6.0 42,200 F 60012 EN Kite Rider, The McCaughrean, Geraldine MG 6.5 10.0 62,607 F 125938 EN Griffin, Adele MG 4.6 4.0 26,891 F 124840 EN Knaveheart's Curse: A Vampire Island Story, The Knife of Never Letting Go, The Ness, Patrick UG 4.4 16.0 112,022 F 17228 EN Knight Gravett, Christopher MG 7.7 1.0 6,011 NF 6327 EN Knight at Dawn, The Osborne, Mary Pope LG 2.9 1.0 5,340 F 119945 EN Knights and Castles Dargie, Richard MG 6.2 1.0 4,893 NF 59210 EN Knocked out by My Nunga-Nungas Rennison, Louise UG 4.4 4.0 27,544 F 11046 EN McKinley, Robin UG 6.6 9.0 55,783 F 20119 EN Spinelli, Jerry MG 6.0 5.0 32,432 NF 124997 EN Scieszka, Jon MG 4.6 2.0 15,830 NF 14353 EN Knot in the Grain and Other Stories, A Knots in My Yo-Yo String: The Autobiography of a Kid Knucklehead: Tall Tales & Almost True Stories of Growing up Scieszka Koalas MacLeod, Elizabeth MG 5.0 0.5 2,392 NF 14200 EN Kokopelli's Flute Hobbs, Will MG 5.3 6.0 36,364 133740 EN Kris Allen Bednar, Chuck MG 8.0 2.0 9,645 F 123769 EN Kristen Harrison, Lisi MG+ 5.1 4.0 24,614 30961 EN Kurt Cobain Gracie, Andrew MG 7.1 1.0 8,507 NF 30599 EN Wilson, Sule Greg MG 6.5 1.0 8,237 NF 123373 EN Kwanzaa! Africa Lives in a New World Festival Labradoodles Larrew, Brekka Hervey MG 5.0 0.5 2,121 NF 123136 EN Lacrosse Attack Maddox, Jake MG 3.5 1.0 5,212 F 103768 EN Lacrosse Face-Off Peters, Stephanie True MG 4.7 2.0 14,898 F 64335 EN Lacrosse in Action Crossingham, John MG 5.5 1.0 3,547 NF 126764 EN LaDainian Tomlinson Lace, William W. MG 7.2 2.0 11,489 NF 114394 EN Lady Friday Nix, Garth MG 6.0 10.0 63,092 F 61332 EN Lady Knight Pierce, Tamora MG+ 5.6 16.0 101,390 F 53427 EN Yep, Laurence MG 5.3 8.0 54,324 F 124975 EN Lady of Ch'iao Kuo: Warrior of the South Lady of the Manor Butterfield, Moira MG 6.9 2.0 9,224 NF 138914 EN Freedman, Russell MG 8.4 3.0 17,815 NF 115986 EN Lafayette and the American Revolution Laika Abadzis, Nick MG 2.8 2.0 13,587 F NF F Page 61 Quiz List—Reading Practice Printed Friday, January 6, 2012 10:43:30 AM School: Canal Winchester Middle School Reading Practice Quizzes Quiz Number Lang. Title Author IL ATOS BL Points Word Count F/NF 100995 EN Lake of Souls, The Shan, Darren MG+ 5.9 8.0 52,144 F 59066 EN Lake of Tears, The Rodda, Emily MG 5.4 4.0 25,723 F 15327 EN Lamborghini: Italy's Raging Bull Schleifer, Jay UG 6.0 1.0 8,766 117964 EN Land of the Silver Apples, The Farmer, Nancy MG 5.0 17.0 110,902 F NF 54637 EN Land, The Taylor, Mildred D. MG 5.0 18.0 118,345 F 122762 EN Landing, The Ibbitson, John MG 5.8 5.0 34,655 F 31641 EN Landry News, The Clements, Andrew MG 6.0 4.0 26,433 F 100256 EN Haugen, Brenda MG 6.6 2.0 12,713 NF 109086 EN Langston Hughes: The Voice of Harlem Larklight Reeve, Philip MG 7.0 13.0 73,760 F 124998 EN Larry and the Meaning of Life Tashjian, Janet UG 5.4 6.0 38,862 F 619 EN Last Battle, The Lewis, C.S. MG 5.6 7.0 43,333 F 45221 EN Last Book in the Universe, The Philbrick, Rodman MG 5.0 6.0 43,292 F 77439 EN Last Chance Texaco, The Hartinger, Brent UG 4.5 6.0 43,467 F 146951 EN Last Council, The Kibuishi, Kazu MG 2.8 1.0 7,103 F 105652 EN Last Dance McDaniel, Lurlene MG+ 3.9 3.0 22,687 F 67367 EN Last Dog on Earth, The Ehrenhaft, Daniel UG 4.3 8.0 58,069 F 82274 EN Last Holiday Concert, The Clements, Andrew MG 5.4 4.0 28,656 F 117772 EN Bell, Hilari MG+ 6.1 12.0 76,849 F 59108 EN Last Knight: A Knight and Rogue Novel, The Last Lobo, The Smith, Roland MG 4.7 5.0 35,238 F 68902 EN Last Mall Rat, The Esckilsen, Erik E. UG 5.3 6.0 42,306 F 16917 EN Last Man's Reward, The Patneaude, David MG 4.2 5.0 36,234 F 62983 EN Last Mission, The Mazer, Harry UG 4.3 6.0 43,506 F 122760 EN Last of the High Kings, The Thompson, Kate MG 5.9 9.0 53,852 F 88520 EN Last of the Sky Pirates, The Stewart, Paul MG 5.7 12.0 75,194 F 130543 EN Last Olympian, The Riordan, Rick MG 4.3 13.0 89,002 F 10933 EN Last Safe Place on Earth, The Peck, Richard UG 4.4 5.0 36,665 F 85215 EN Last Shot: A Final Four Mystery Feinstein, John MG 4.8 9.0 59,719 F 130147 EN Last Thing I Remember, The Klavan, Andrew UG 4.7 10.0 67,262 F 86826 EN Last Universe, The Sleator, William MG+ 4.5 7.0 46,679 F 136094 EN Last Wilderness, The Hunter, Erin MG 5.3 9.0 61,595 F 14596 EN Later, Gator Yep, Laurence MG 4.0 3.0 23,431 F 83913 EN Laurence Yep Lawrence, Katherine MG 7.6 2.0 12,012 NF 115808 EN Lawn Boy Paulsen, Gary MG 4.3 2.0 14,323 F 137661 EN Lawn Boy Returns Paulsen, Gary MG 5.6 3.0 16,054 F 122755 EN Bruchac, Joseph MG 4.7 2.0 13,409 F 75347 EN Lay-ups and Long Shots: An Anthology of Short Stories Leap Day: A Novel Mass, Wendy UG 4.9 10.0 65,029 F 116019 EN Leap of Faith Bradley, Kimberly Brubaker MG 4.2 6.0 38,797 F 18817 EN Leaving Fishers Haddix, Margaret Peterson UG 5.2 8.0 51,680 F 78023 EN Leaving Protection Hobbs, Will MG+ 5.2 6.0 39,059 F 87615 EN LeBron James Hareas, John LG 6.4 1.0 3,615 NF 136161 EN LeBron James: Basketball Legend Worthy, Shanya MG 1.9 0.5 209 NF 103662 EN LeBron James (Freestyle) Stewart, Mark MG 5.6 1.0 5,255 NF Page 62 Quiz List—Reading Practice Printed Friday, January 6, 2012 10:43:30 AM School: Canal Winchester Middle School Reading Practice Quizzes Quiz Number Lang. Title Author IL ATOS BL Points Word Count F/NF 79339 EN LeBron James: The Rise of a Star Morgan Jr., David Lee UG 7.4 8.0 45,541 NF 61556 EN Ashby, Ruth MG 7.4 1.0 7,277 NF 115148 EN Lee vs. Grant: Great Battles of the Civil War Leepike Ridge Wilson, N.D. MG 4.8 7.0 49,165 F 59211 EN Nelson, Pete UG 8.3 11.0 59,965 NF 47128 EN Left for Dead: A Young Man's Search for Justice for the USS Indianapolis Legacy of Lies Chandler, Elizabeth UG 5.4 6.0 38,504 F 107902 EN Paulsen, Gary MG 5.8 6.0 35,380 F 30337 EN Legend of Bass Reeves: Being the True Account of the Most Valiant Marshal in the West, The Legend of Luke, The Jacques, Brian MG 5.7 16.0 104,414 F 7115 EN Legend of Sleepy Hollow, The Irving, Washington UG 11.0 3.0 12,213 F 123137 EN Legend of the Lure Maddox, Jake MG 3.7 1.0 4,756 F 114141 EN Lemonade Mouth Hughes, Mark Peter UG 5.3 14.0 92,962 F 59380 EN Snicket, Lemony MG 7.3 3.0 19,817 F 25238 EN Lemony Snicket: The Unauthorized Autobiography Leon's Story Tillage, Leon Walter MG 4.9 2.0 10,845 NF 73088 EN Leonidas: Hero of Thermopylae Morris, Ian Macgregor MG 7.7 2.0 12,163 NF 63650 EN Leopard Sword, The Cadnum, Michael UG 7.3 7.0 40,298 F 88672 EN Blumenthal, Karen MG 8.7 6.0 34,491 NF 83683 EN Benton, Jim MG 6.1 1.0 8,094 F 237 EN Let Me Play: The Story of Title IX: The Law That Changed the Future of Girls in America Let's Pretend This Never Happened by Jamie Kelly Let the Circle Be Unbroken Taylor, Mildred D. MG 5.7 15.0 97,583 F 8533 EN Letters from Rifka Hesse, Karen MG 4.2 4.0 28,448 F 77347 EN Letters from Wolfie Sherlock, Patti MG 4.6 8.0 56,352 F 36152 EN Leukemia Silverstein, Alvin UG 9.3 3.0 17,163 NF 132849 EN Leviathan Westerfeld, Scott MG+ 5.3 12.0 77,962 F 57705 EN Lewis and Clark Expedition, The Bursell, Susan MG 5.9 1.0 4,437 NF 30784 EN Edwards, Judith MG 7.7 3.0 16,538 NF 143634 EN Lewis and Clark's Journey of Discovery in American History Lewis & Clark Bertozzi, Nick MG 2.9 1.0 9,311 F 86660 EN Anderson, Dale MG 6.4 1.0 6,394 NF 142993 EN Lexington and Concord, April 19, 1775 Liar, Liar Paulsen, Gary MG 5.8 3.0 21,277 F F 8072 EN Liars Petersen, P.J. MG 4.0 6.0 41,034 30589 EN Tito, E. Tina UG 6.0 1.0 8,920 24962 EN Liberation: Teens in the Concentration Camps...Teen Soldiers Who Liberated Them Library Card, The Spinelli, Jerry MG 4.3 4.0 27,458 F 137845 EN Lies: A Gone Novel Grant, Michael UG 3.9 13.0 94,917 F 11067 EN Life Burnie, David UG 8.4 1.0 6,449 NF 59713 EN Life and Death of Adolf Hitler, The Giblin, James Cross UG 9.2 11.0 58,802 NF 19199 EN Life and Death of Crazy Horse, The Freedman, Russell MG 7.2 6.0 34,674 NF 109087 EN Life as We Knew It Pfeffer, Susan Beth MG+ 4.7 14.0 95,192 F 51609 EN Life in a Nazi Concentration Camp Saldinger, Anne Grenn UG 8.9 6.0 32,884 NF 51610 EN Life in America During the 1960s Kallen, Stuart A. UG 9.8 7.0 33,457 NF NF Page 63 Quiz List—Reading Practice Printed Friday, January 6, 2012 10:43:30 AM School: Canal Winchester Middle School Reading Practice Quizzes Quiz Number Lang. Title Author IL ATOS BL Points Word Count F/NF 51613 EN Life in Ancient China Allison, Amy UG 10.5 7.0 34,081 NF 83659 EN Life in Ancient China Challen, Paul MG 7.3 1.0 5,400 NF 29452 EN Life in the Deserts Baker, Lucy MG 5.8 0.5 2,223 NF 28445 EN Life in the Fat Lane Bennett, Cherie UG 4.0 9.0 63,651 29453 EN Life in the Mountains Bradley, Catherine MG 5.6 0.5 2,025 NF 29455 EN Life in the Polar Lands Byles, Monica MG 6.3 1.0 3,189 NF 29450 EN Life in the Rainforests Baker, Lucy MG 6.1 0.5 2,223 NF 29451 EN Life in the Woodlands Hooper, Rosanne MG 4.9 0.5 2,543 NF 42964 EN Life Is Funny Frank, E.R. UG 4.7 8.0 55,352 F 83609 EN Rallison, Janette MG 5.0 7.0 46,054 F 137072 EN Life, Love, and the Pursuit of Free Throws Life of Glass, The Cantor, Jillian MG+ 5.2 11.0 70,248 F 43788 EN Life on Ellis Island Rebman, Renee C. UG 9.3 4.0 19,049 NF 143034 EN Strahan, Jonathan MG 5.9 15.0 94,650 F 55590 EN Life on Mars: Tales from the New Frontier Life on the Coastlines Hooper, Rosanne MG 5.4 1.0 3,318 NF 55591 EN Life on the Islands Hooper, Rosanne MG 5.4 1.0 3,479 NF 124042 EN Lifeblood Becker, Tom MG+ 5.6 8.0 50,501 F 17822 EN Lifted Up by Angels McDaniel, Lurlene UG 4.3 6.0 40,097 F 32207 EN Hesse, Karen MG 5.3 4.0 29,310 F 32451 EN Light in the Storm: The Civil War Diary of Amelia Martin, A Lightbulb, The Wallace, Joseph MG 7.7 2.0 10,773 NF 15421 EN Lightning Kramer, Stephen MG 5.4 1.0 3,530 NF 36587 EN Lightning Simon, Seymour LG 6.5 0.5 1,893 NF 89885 EN Lightning Thief, The Riordan, Rick MG 4.7 13.0 87,223 F 140486 EN Riordan, Rick MG 3.1 1.0 10,290 F 119801 EN Lightning Thief: The Graphic Novel, The Lil Wayne Rockworth, Janice MG 7.3 2.0 9,184 17781 EN Lily's Crossing Giff, Patricia Reilly MG 4.6 5.0 36,019 F 71854 EN Lily's Ghosts Ruby, Laura MG 4.3 8.0 53,394 F F NF 238 EN Lincoln: A Photobiography Freedman, Russell MG 7.7 5.0 28,244 NF 21076 EN Somerlott, Robert MG 7.4 3.0 19,643 NF 59658 EN Lincoln Assassination in American History, The Lincoln Memorial, The Marcovitz, Hal MG 8.1 1.0 6,174 NF 138139 EN Jarrow, Gail MG 7.8 3.0 19,355 NF 124562 EN Geary, Rick MG 6.5 2.0 10,509 NF 25891 EN Garland, Sherry MG 5.6 6.0 35,507 F 136316 EN Lincoln's Flying Spies: Thaddeus Lowe and the Civil War Balloon Corps Lindbergh Child: America's Hero and the Crime of the Century, The Line in the Sand: The Alamo Diary of Lucinda Lawrence, A Line, The Hall, Teri MG 5.3 8.0 52,313 F 137259 EN Linebacker Block Maddox, Jake MG 3.7 1.0 4,714 F 137470 EN Linger Stiefvater, Maggie UG 5.4 14.0 91,396 F 52 EN Lewis, C.S. MG 5.7 6.0 36,363 F 75913 EN Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe (Unabridged), The Lionboy Corder, Zizou MG 5.7 12.0 74,908 F 82409 EN Lionboy: The Chase Corder, Zizou MG 5.4 11.0 69,148 F Page 64 Quiz List—Reading Practice Printed Friday, January 6, 2012 10:43:30 AM School: Canal Winchester Middle School Reading Practice Quizzes Quiz Number Lang. Title Author IL ATOS BL Points Word Count F/NF 102039 EN Lionboy: The Truth Corder, Zizou MG 4.9 8.0 56,900 F 102023 EN Lioness and Her Knight, The Morris, Gerald MG 5.1 11.0 73,963 F 20711 EN Lioness Rampant Pierce, Tamora UG 5.0 11.0 70,890 F 14355 EN Lions MacLeod, Elizabeth MG 5.4 0.5 2,870 NF 18727 EN Lions at Lunchtime Osborne, Mary Pope LG 3.0 1.0 5,313 F 49645 EN Lirael: Daughter of the Clayr Nix, Garth UG 7.1 23.0 133,828 F 106310 EN Listen! Tolan, Stephanie S. MG 5.4 6.0 41,727 F 89524 EN Listening for Lions Whelan, Gloria MG 5.7 7.0 45,280 F 137448 EN Little Blog on the Prairie Bell, Cathleen Davitt MG+ 5.1 11.0 72,463 F 104428 EN Little Divas Boles, Philana Marie MG 4.1 5.0 33,664 F 179 EN Little House in the Big Woods Wilder, Laura Ingalls MG 5.3 5.0 33,586 F 53 EN Little House on the Prairie Wilder, Laura Ingalls MG 4.9 8.0 52,038 F 537 EN Little Men Alcott, Louisa May UG 8.1 19.0 105,312 F 124 EN Little Princess (Unabridged), A Burnett, Frances Hodgson MG 6.0 11.0 66,117 F 327 EN Little Town on the Prairie Wilder, Laura Ingalls MG 5.4 9.0 61,542 F 66727 EN Little Women: Book One Alcott, Louisa May MG 7.4 15.0 88,213 F 44820 EN Krull, Kathleen MG 8.5 3.0 18,145 NF 26763 EN Lives of Extraordinary Women: Rulers, Rebels and What the Neighbors Thought Lives of the Artists Krull, Kathleen MG 7.8 3.0 16,389 NF 17370 EN Lives of the Athletes: Thrills, Spills and What the Neighbors Thought Lives of the Musicians Krull, Kathleen MG 7.9 3.0 16,466 NF Krull, Kathleen MG 6.9 3.0 15,514 NF Krull, Kathleen MG 8.2 4.0 21,681 NF Krull, Kathleen MG 7.2 3.0 16,831 NF Landau, Elaine MG 8.0 1.0 4,081 NF 8473 EN 24989 EN 14477 EN 27046 EN Lives of the Presidents: Fame, Shame and What The Neighbors Thought Lives of the Writers: Comedies, Tragedies and What the Neighbors Thought Living with Albinism 108567 EN Living with Vampires Strong, Jeremy MG 3.7 1.0 4,654 F 14324 EN Lizards Ivy, Bill MG 6.0 0.5 3,080 NF 78550 EN Schmidt, Gary D. MG 5.9 10.0 63,580 111720 EN Lizzie Bright and the Buckminster Boy LL Cool J Baughan, Brian MG 7.9 2.0 8,785 73761 EN Loamhedge Jacques, Brian MG 5.3 19.0 121,162 17477 EN Lobbying Sandak, Cass R. UG 10.1 2.0 12,195 NF F NF F 11723 EN Loch Zindel, Paul UG 5.4 6.0 35,894 F 121303 EN Lock and Key Dessen, Sarah UG 5.3 17.0 113,464 F 135792 EN Lockdown Myers, Walter Dean MG+ 4.7 7.0 45,613 F 135875 EN Lockdown: Escape from Furnace Smith, Alexander Gordon MG+ 6.5 12.0 74,294 F 5074 EN Locked in Time Duncan, Lois MG 6.5 10.0 59,059 F 44064 EN Locked Inside Werlin, Nancy UG 4.7 8.0 56,795 F 64368 EN Locomotion Woodson, Jacqueline MG 4.7 2.0 11,056 F 100113 EN London, 1850 Rook, Sebastian MG 5.3 7.0 47,995 F 109673 EN London Calling Bloor, Edward MG 4.0 10.0 68,146 F 120571 EN London Eye Mystery, The Dowd, Siobhan MG 4.1 7.0 52,780 F Page 65 Quiz List—Reading Practice Printed Friday, January 6, 2012 10:43:30 AM School: Canal Winchester Middle School Reading Practice Quizzes Quiz Number Lang. Title 13483 EN Points Word Count F/NF 8.3 1.0 5,576 NF MG 4.7 3.0 19,342 F MG 6.5 2.0 13,273 NF Author IL Lonely Eagles and Buffalo Soldiers: African Americans in World War II Long-Arm Quarterback McGowen, Tom MG Christopher, Matt Stewart, Mark ATOS BL 34971 EN 105476 EN 59176 EN Long Ball: The Legend and Lore of the Home Run Long Night of Leo and Bree, The Wittlinger, Ellen UG 4.0 4.0 25,924 F 20083 EN Long Patrol, The Jacques, Brian MG 6.0 15.0 93,572 F 127440 EN Long Shadows Hunter, Erin MG 5.3 11.0 74,437 F 140710 EN Park, Linda Sue MG+ 5.0 3.0 21,221 F 27940 EN Long Walk to Water: Based on a True Story, A Long Way from Chicago, A Peck, Richard MG 5.0 5.0 35,226 F 136367 EN Long Way Home, The Klavan, Andrew UG 4.6 10.0 67,471 F 370 EN Long Winter, The Wilder, Laura Ingalls MG 5.3 10.0 67,928 F 59055 EN Look Before You Leap! Mazer, Anne MG 3.7 3.0 19,015 F 15089 EN Look for Me by Moonlight Hahn, Mary Downing UG 4.6 7.0 45,526 F 59381 EN Looking for Red Johnson, Angela MG 4.6 3.0 17,454 F 109069 EN Looking Glass Wars, The Beddor, Frank MG+ 6.7 12.0 71,773 F 122999 EN Looks George, Madeleine UG 6.5 10.0 60,816 F 64506 EN Loose Threads Grover, Lorie Ann MG 3.5 3.0 22,398 F 43407 EN Lord Brocktree Jacques, Brian MG 5.5 16.0 103,126 F 100580 EN Lord Loss Shan, Darren MG+ 4.5 8.0 54,888 F 52614 EN Lord of the Deep Salisbury, Graham MG 4.0 5.0 32,575 F 744 EN Lord of the Flies Golding, William UG 5.0 9.0 59,900 F 68447 EN Lord of the Kill Taylor, Theodore UG 5.0 6.0 39,865 F 54164 EN Lord of the Nutcracker Men Lawrence, Iain MG 4.5 8.0 51,767 F 106979 EN Lord of the Shadows Shan, Darren MG 5.0 6.0 41,537 F 136287 EN Lord Sunday Nix, Garth MG 6.4 11.0 64,736 F 109103 EN Los Angeles Lakers, The Stewart, Mark MG 5.8 1.0 4,770 59382 EN Loser Spinelli, Jerry MG 4.3 5.0 36,204 F 142998 EN Loser List, The Kowitt, H.N. MG 3.4 2.0 18,462 F 61289 EN Losing Forever Friesen, Gayle MG 4.1 7.0 49,245 F 70856 EN Losing Is Not an Option Wallace, Rich UG 4.7 5.0 32,311 F 123158 EN Lost and Found Clements, Andrew MG 5.0 4.0 28,170 F 78143 EN Lost and Found Schraff, Anne MG+ 4.7 4.0 24,033 F 48148 EN Pelzer, Dave UG 5.1 9.0 60,299 NF 138717 EN Bul Dau, John MG+ 5.6 5.0 29,006 NF 86061 EN Lost Boy: A Foster Child's Search for the Love of a Family, The Lost Boy, Lost Girl: Escaping Civil War in Sudan Lost Bullet Rose, Malcolm MG+ 5.1 6.0 40,473 F NF 66731 EN Lost City of Faar, The MacHale, D.J. MG 4.9 17.0 113,816 F 132137 EN Lost Conspiracy, The Hardinge, Frances MG 6.8 22.0 130,604 F 144390 EN Lost Heiress, The Fisher, Catherine MG+ 4.3 7.0 49,074 F 140427 EN Lost Hero, The Riordan, Rick MG 4.5 19.0 127,859 F 14745 EN Lost in Cyberspace Peck, Richard MG 3.9 4.0 31,568 F 141657 EN Lost in the River of Grass Rorby, Ginny MG+ 4.4 8.0 54,938 F Page 66 Quiz List—Reading Practice Printed Friday, January 6, 2012 10:43:30 AM School: Canal Winchester Middle School Reading Practice Quizzes Quiz Number Lang. Title Author IL ATOS BL Points Word Count F/NF 147170 EN Lost Songs, The Cooney, Caroline B. UG 4.7 9.0 61,901 F 17998 EN Lost Years of Merlin, The Barron, T.A. MG 5.1 12.0 79,769 F 10895 EN Lostman's River DeFelice, Cynthia UG 5.4 6.0 37,906 F 371 EN Lottery Rose, The Hunt, Irene MG 5.6 7.0 42,382 F 108302 EN Cushman, Karen MG 4.6 7.0 50,536 F 72997 EN Loud Silence of Francine Green, The Louis Sachar Greene, Meg MG 7.3 2.0 13,022 NF 36074 EN Gaines, Ann Graham MG 8.4 3.0 18,268 NF 57706 EN Louisiana Purchase in American History, The Louisiana Purchase, The Jaffe, Elizabeth D. MG 6.0 1.0 4,127 NF 29541 EN Love Among the Walnuts Ferris, Jean UG 5.7 8.0 49,091 F 56461 EN Love and Other Four-Letter Words Mackler, Carolyn UG 5.7 7.0 45,815 F 116007 EN Love Is a Many Trousered Thing Rennison, Louise UG 4.9 7.0 45,358 F 115987 EN Love, Stargirl Spinelli, Jerry UG 3.8 8.0 60,904 F 52616 EN Love That Dog Creech, Sharon MG 4.5 1.0 3,935 F F 6280 EN Love You, Soldier Hest, Amy LG 3.4 1.0 7,346 16169 EN LSD Littell, Mary Ann UG 7.6 3.0 17,554 NF 71259 EN Lucas Brooks, Kevin UG 4.7 14.0 98,360 F 73555 EN Lucinda's Secret DiTerlizzi, Tony MG 3.9 1.0 9,838 F 16925 EN Luckiest Girl, The Cleary, Beverly MG 5.9 10.0 62,880 F 124160 EN Lucky Vail, Rachel MG+ 4.2 7.0 50,788 F 44932 EN Lucky Lottery, The Roy, Ron LG 3.8 1.0 8,386 F 56463 EN Lucy the Giant Smith, Sherri L. UG 4.0 7.0 46,953 F 111721 EN Ludacris Scott, Celicia MG 8.3 2.0 8,789 145078 EN Lunch-Box Dream Abbott, Tony MG 4.9 5.0 32,323 F 88626 EN Lunch Money Clements, Andrew MG 5.2 6.0 38,550 F 109876 EN Lush Friend, Natasha MG+ 3.2 5.0 37,120 F 134180 EN Luv Ya Bunches Myracle, Lauren MG 4.4 7.0 45,427 F 6024 EN Lyddie Paterson, Katherine MG 5.6 9.0 55,187 F 115814 EN M Is for Magic Gaiman, Neil UG 5.5 7.0 46,954 F 115154 EN Madame President Krulik, Nancy MG 3.9 3.0 21,225 F 77821 EN Graydon, Shari UG 8.6 4.0 23,290 NF 74694 EN Made You Look: How Advertising Works and Why You Should Know Maggie's Door Giff, Patricia Reilly MG 5.0 5.0 30,913 F 43408 EN Magic Can Be Murder Vande Velde, Vivian MG 6.1 7.0 45,090 F NF 41470 EN Magic Steps Pierce, Tamora MG 5.7 9.0 59,195 F 134345 EN Magic Under Glass Dolamore, Jaclyn MG+ 4.6 8.0 55,787 F 133242 EN Magician's Elephant, The DiCamillo, Kate MG 5.0 4.0 23,335 F 622 EN Magician's Nephew, The Lewis, C.S. MG 5.4 6.0 41,317 F 123315 EN Magician, The Scott, Michael MG 6.1 17.0 105,012 F 109810 EN Keehn, Sally M. MG 4.4 5.0 33,947 F 86518 EN Magpie Gabbard and the Quest for the Buried Moon Magyk Sage, Angie MG 6.0 18.0 112,921 F 109557 EN Mailbox, The Shafer, Audrey MG 5.0 6.0 41,033 F 9466 EN Make Lemonade Wolff, Virginia Euwer UG 5.0 5.0 32,030 F Page 67 Quiz List—Reading Practice Printed Friday, January 6, 2012 10:43:30 AM School: Canal Winchester Middle School Reading Practice Quizzes Quiz Number Lang. Title Author IL ATOS BL Points Word Count F/NF 31,925 F 87583 EN Makeovers by Marcia Mills, Claudia MG 4.7 5.0 73021 EN Making a First Recording Schaefer, A.R. MG 5.7 0.5 1,898 NF 72628 EN Malaysia Radhakrishnan, Anand MG 8.9 3.0 16,183 NF 10129 EN Myers, Walter Dean UG 8.0 6.0 35,596 NF 22679 EN Malcolm X: By Any Means Necessary Mama's Babies Crew, Gary UG 6.4 5.0 31,520 F 130788 EN Man Behind the Mask, The Dahl, Michael MG 4.3 1.0 4,112 F 48133 EN Pelzer, Dave UG 5.9 15.0 94,302 NF 114425 EN Man Named Dave: A Story of Triumph and Forgiveness, A Man vs. Beast Muchamore, Robert UG 6.5 12.0 72,201 F 10130 EN Man Who Was Poe, The Avi UG 4.2 6.0 41,199 F 69677 EN Mango-Shaped Space, A Mass, Wendy MG 4.7 9.0 58,208 F 5075 EN Maniac Magee Spinelli, Jerry MG 4.7 5.0 35,427 F 142624 EN McClafferty, Carla Killough MG 8.2 5.0 26,128 NF 45209 EN Many Faces of George Washington: Remaking a Presidential Icon, The Many Stones Coman, Carolyn UG 5.0 5.0 35,239 F 5945 EN Many Waters L'Engle, Madeleine UG 4.7 10.0 67,767 F 123733 EN Cunxin, Li MG 5.9 11.0 67,160 NF 122347 EN Mao's Last Dancer: Young Readers' Edition March Toward the Thunder Bruchac, Joseph MG 5.7 10.0 64,849 F 132720 EN Partridge, Elizabeth MG+ 6.6 3.0 15,232 NF 50385 EN Marching For Freedom: Walk Together, Children, and Don't You Grow Weary Marco's Millions Sleator, William MG 4.9 5.0 33,049 F 145084 EN Margrave, The Fisher, Catherine MG+ 4.2 9.0 62,393 F 40137 EN Lasky, Kathryn MG 6.2 7.0 42,293 F F 7168 EN Marie Antoinette: Princess of Versailles Mariel of Redwall Jacques, Brian MG 5.7 16.0 103,689 16170 EN Marijuana Schleichert, Elizabeth UG 7.3 3.0 15,217 NF 46946 EN Stanley, Debbie MG 7.1 1.0 4,803 NF 17371 EN Marijuana and Your Lungs: The Incredibly Disgusting Story Mario Andretti Prentzas, G.S. MG 6.6 2.0 11,049 NF 146478 EN Meyer, L.A. MG+ 6.3 15.0 94,087 F 114857 EN Mark of the Golden Dragon: Being an Account of the Further Adventures of Jacky Faber, Jewel of the East, Vexation of the West, and Pearl of the South China Sea, The Marley: A Dog Like No Other Grogan, John MG 4.9 6.0 37,776 NF 28453 EN Marlfox Jacques, Brian MG 5.7 17.0 106,265 102233 EN Kraske, Robert MG 6.6 3.0 16,824 NF 20573 EN Marooned: The Strange but True Adventures of Alexander Selkirk the Real Robinson Crusoe Mars F Brimner, Larry Dane LG 5.6 0.5 1,377 NF 102536 EN Fletcher, Ralph MG 4.2 3.0 21,698 NF 74268 EN Marshfield Dreams: When I Was a Kid Martin Luther King Jr. Uschan, Michael V. UG 8.9 5.0 26,508 NF 10784 EN Martin the Warrior Jacques, Brian MG 5.5 14.0 88,502 F 64629 EN Martyn Pig Brooks, Kevin UG 3.7 8.0 58,026 F 2477 EN Mary, Bloody Mary Meyer, Carolyn UG 6.3 8.0 46,771 F Page 68 Quiz List—Reading Practice Printed Friday, January 6, 2012 10:43:30 AM School: Canal Winchester Middle School Reading Practice Quizzes Quiz Number Lang. Title Author IL ATOS BL Points Word Count F/NF 111748 EN Mary J. Blige Brown, Terrell MG 7.5 1.0 8,456 NF 62718 EN DeAngelis, Gina MG 6.5 1.0 3,558 NF 121958 EN Massachusetts 54th: African American Soldiers of the Union, The Massie Harrison, Lisi MG 5.2 4.0 25,674 F 103807 EN Massive Bell, Julia UG 4.2 8.0 58,015 F 139031 EN Masters of Disaster Paulsen, Gary MG 6.5 3.0 18,584 F 140501 EN Matched Condie, Ally UG 4.8 13.0 89,124 F 104421 EN Hopkins, Cathy UG 4.7 5.0 37,000 F 67347 EN Mates, Dates and Chocolate Cheats Mates, Dates and Cosmic Kisses Hopkins, Cathy UG 3.8 4.0 30,136 F 71217 EN Mates, Dates and Designer Divas Hopkins, Cathy UG 4.0 4.0 31,692 F 105402 EN Mates, Dates and Diamond Destiny Hopkins, Cathy UG 4.3 6.0 43,264 F 88136 EN Mates, Dates and Great Escapes Hopkins, Cathy UG 4.5 5.0 35,593 F 67348 EN Mates, Dates and Inflatable Bras Hopkins, Cathy UG 3.9 4.0 27,462 F 77822 EN Mates, Dates and Mad Mistakes Hopkins, Cathy UG 4.2 5.0 37,599 F 81348 EN Mates, Dates and Sequin Smiles Hopkins, Cathy UG 4.4 5.0 35,871 F 106772 EN Hopkins, Cathy UG 4.0 6.0 41,907 F 74319 EN Hopkins, Cathy UG 3.9 4.0 29,727 F 76724 EN Mates, Dates and Sizzling Summers Mates, Dates and Sleepover Secrets Mates, Dates and Sole Survivors Hopkins, Cathy UG 4.2 5.0 32,420 F 85914 EN Hopkins, Cathy UG 4.5 7.0 47,714 F 5429 EN Mates, Dates and Tempting Trouble Matilda Dahl, Roald MG 5.0 6.0 40,009 F 43469 EN Matilda Bone Cushman, Karen MG 5.7 5.0 32,677 F 78140 EN Matter of Trust, A Schraff, Anne MG+ 4.6 3.0 22,507 F 67200 EN Matthew Henson Weidt, Maryann N. MG 5.0 1.0 3,437 6050 EN Mattimeo Jacques, Brian MG 5.2 18.0 119,564 70909 EN Spiegelman, Art UG 3.2 3.0 20,737 NF 70910 EN Spiegelman, Art UG 3.1 2.0 18,985 NF 40654 EN Maus: A Survivor's Tale, I: My Father Bleeds History Maus: A Survivor's Tale, II: And Here My Troubles Began Maverick Mania Brouwer, Sigmund UG 4.5 3.0 23,087 F 30694 EN Max the Mighty Philbrick, Rodman MG 5.0 5.0 33,596 F 142954 EN Maximum Ride: Angel Patterson, James MG+ 4.8 8.0 52,182 F 136424 EN Maximum Ride: Fang Patterson, James MG+ 4.6 8.0 53,990 F 129633 EN Maximum Ride: Max Patterson, James MG+ 5.2 8.0 55,386 F 115173 EN Patterson, James MG+ 4.8 10.0 69,674 F 107068 EN Patterson, James MG+ 4.4 11.0 73,044 F 88565 EN Patterson, James MG+ 4.6 11.0 74,752 F 121551 EN Maximum Ride: Saving the World and Other Extreme Sports Maximum Ride: School's Out-Forever Maximum Ride: The Angel Experiment Maximum Ride: The Final Warning Patterson, James MG+ 5.0 7.0 45,678 F 107090 EN Maximum Security Muchamore, Robert UG 6.6 11.0 67,033 F 4408 EN Maya Angelou (A&E Biography) Kite, L. Patricia MG 7.1 3.0 15,853 NF 124051 EN Mayflower and the Pilgrims' New World, The Philbrick, Nathaniel MG+ 8.3 14.0 78,230 NF NF F Page 69 Quiz List—Reading Practice Printed Friday, January 6, 2012 10:43:30 AM School: Canal Winchester Middle School Reading Practice Quizzes Quiz Number Lang. Title Author IL ATOS BL Points Word Count F/NF 125985 EN Maze of Bones, The Riordan, Rick MG 4.3 7.0 45,905 F 133240 EN Maze Runner, The Dashner, James UG 5.3 15.0 101,182 F 28488 EN Maze, The Hobbs, Will MG 5.0 7.0 49,545 F 21080 EN Zeinert, Karen MG 8.4 3.0 18,703 NF 80136 EN McCarthy and the Fear of Communism in American History Me and Billy Collier, James Lincoln MG 4.7 7.0 45,813 F 144198 EN Me! (Just Like You, Only Better) Benton, Jim MG 5.7 2.0 14,672 F 146338 EN Gownley, Jimmy MG 2.6 1.0 9,918 F 135345 EN Meaning of Life...and Other Stuff, The Meant to Be Carlson, Melody MG+ 4.9 8.0 55,226 F 11809 EN Medicine Parker, Steve UG 9.1 1.0 6,046 NF 17230 EN Medieval Life Langley, Andrew MG 7.5 1.0 5,493 NF 145649 EN Medusa Plot, The Korman, Gordon MG 5.3 7.0 45,584 F 84287 EN Meet the Gecko Van Draanen, Wendelin MG 3.4 2.0 18,185 F 102111 EN Brian, Kate MG+ 4.4 9.0 61,798 F 110534 EN Megan Meade's Guide to the McGowan Boys Megiddo's Shadow Slade, Arthur MG+ 4.4 9.0 63,835 F 126463 EN Melting Stones Pierce, Tamora MG+ 4.3 11.0 75,490 F 143315 EN Memento Nora Smibert, Angie MG+ 4.7 6.0 41,036 F 14478 EN Memoirs of a Bookbat Lasky, Kathryn MG 5.0 6.0 38,419 F 117440 EN Memoirs of a Teenage Amnesiac Zevin, Gabrielle UG 4.6 10.0 68,391 F 36584 EN Gold, Alison Leslie MG 6.0 4.0 24,457 NF 41788 EN Memories of Anne Frank: Reflections of a Childhood Friend Memories of Summer White, Ruth MG 4.7 4.0 30,205 F 53439 EN Memory Prisoner, The Bloor, Thomas MG 5.4 4.0 25,187 F 124976 EN Merchant Hull, Robert MG 7.2 2.0 10,634 NF 66636 EN Merchant of Death, The MacHale, D.J. MG 5.0 18.0 117,136 F 20574 EN Mercury Brimner, Larry Dane LG 5.9 0.5 1,165 NF 136066 EN Mercury Larson, Hope MG+ 2.6 1.0 8,011 F 108536 EN Mergers Layne, Steven L. MG+ 6.3 9.0 57,192 F 16916 EN Merlin Yolen, Jane MG 4.9 2.0 13,674 F 125283 EN Merlin's Dragon Barron, T.A. MG 5.9 11.0 70,571 F 115473 EN Mesopotamia Steele, Philip MG 7.6 1.0 5,976 129291 EN Messed Up Lynch, Janet Nichols MG+ 4.5 9.0 60,548 F 77348 EN Messenger Lowry, Lois UG 4.9 5.0 36,627 F NF 66124 EN Mexican War, 1846-1848, The Haberle, Susan E. MG 5.8 1.0 4,384 102430 EN Mexico, 1850 Rook, Sebastian MG 5.5 7.0 42,588 NF 109104 EN Miami Dolphins, The Stewart, Mark MG 6.0 1.0 5,092 NF 104812 EN Miami Heat, The Stewart, Mark MG 5.6 1.0 4,406 NF 133950 EN Michael Jackson: King of Pop Pratt, Mary K. MG 7.4 2.0 12,806 NF 126749 EN Michael Jordan Hasday, Judy MG 7.6 2.0 9,903 NF 130729 EN Torsiello, David P. MG 6.1 1.0 6,438 NF 146904 EN Evans, Richard Paul MG+ 3.5 11.0 84,020 F 11480 EN Michael Phelps: Swimming for Olympic Gold Michael Vey: The Prisoner of Cell 25 Mick Harte Was Here Park, Barbara MG 4.5 2.0 16,668 F F Page 70 Quiz List—Reading Practice Printed Friday, January 6, 2012 10:43:30 AM School: Canal Winchester Middle School Reading Practice Quizzes Quiz Number Lang. Title Points Word Count F/NF 4.3 4.0 28,418 F MG 4.7 1.0 8,637 F Patterson, James MG 4.5 4.0 30,992 F Author IL Gutman, Dan MG Holm, Jennifer L. ATOS BL 68470 EN 116694 EN 144983 EN 11825 EN Mickey & Me: A Baseball Card Adventure Middle School Is Worse Than Meatloaf: A Year Told Through Stuff Middle School: The Worst Years of My Life Mideast After the Gulf War, The Steins, Richard UG 9.2 1.0 6,755 87627 EN Midnight Hunter, Erin MG 6.0 12.0 72,664 F 68471 EN Midnight for Charlie Bone Nimmo, Jenny MG 4.8 10.0 65,006 F 34516 EN Midnight Magic Avi MG 4.7 6.0 41,667 F 81581 EN Midnight Over Sanctaphrax Stewart, Paul MG 5.1 10.0 68,702 F NF 62978 EN Midnight Predator Atwater-Rhodes, Amelia MG+ 6.1 7.0 41,710 F 131146 EN Midnight Sun, The Kneece, Mark MG+ 3.0 0.5 3,423 F 16717 EN Midsummer Night's Dream, A Shakespeare, William UG 10.9 3.0 16,162 F 11553 EN Midwife's Apprentice, The Cushman, Karen MG 6.0 3.0 21,603 F 129418 EN Miles to Go Cyrus, Miley MG 5.2 7.0 43,512 NF 84279 EN Military Aircraft (Freestyle) Dowswell, Paul MG 6.6 1.0 8,078 NF 71828 EN Milkweed Spinelli, Jerry MG 3.6 7.0 49,864 F 73256 EN Millicent Min, Girl Genius Yee, Lisa MG 5.8 8.0 51,612 F 72355 EN Million Dollar Goal, The Gutman, Dan MG 4.8 4.0 29,419 F 57150 EN Million Dollar Kick, The Gutman, Dan MG 4.7 5.0 36,274 F 105954 EN Million Dollar Putt, The Gutman, Dan MG 3.8 4.0 30,990 F 26736 EN Million Dollar Shot, The Gutman, Dan MG 4.2 3.0 19,775 F 133416 EN Million-Dollar Throw Lupica, Mike MG 5.4 8.0 54,427 F 80738 EN Millions Boyce, Frank Cottrell MG 4.0 6.0 46,202 F 29002 EN Mind Drugs VI Hyde, Margaret O. UG 9.8 5.0 23,774 NF 70021 EN Mind Games Grunwell, Jeanne Marie MG 5.1 3.0 21,850 F 2118 EN Mind's Eye Fleischman, Paul UG 3.4 2.0 14,275 F 47414 EN Shusterman, Neal MG 5.2 5.0 32,701 F 35636 EN Shusterman, Neal MG 5.2 5.0 31,376 F 47415 EN Shusterman, Neal MG 5.9 5.0 32,196 F 110893 EN MindBenders: Stories to Warp Your Brain Mindquakes: Stories to Shatter Your Brain MindStorms: Stories to Blow Your Mind Miracle on 49th Street Lupica, Mike MG 4.7 8.0 56,784 F 41559 EN Miracle's Boys Woodson, Jacqueline UG 4.3 3.0 23,834 F 140507 EN Miracle Stealer, The Connelly, Neil UG 5.8 11.0 66,880 F 102971 EN DiCamillo, Kate MG 4.4 2.0 17,050 F 64750 EN Miraculous Journey of Edward Tulane, The Mirror, Mirror on the Wall: The Diary of Bess Brennan Mirror of Merlin, The Denenberg, Barry MG 6.0 4.0 22,733 F Barron, T.A. MG 5.4 9.0 59,748 F Couloumbis, Audrey MG 5.1 11.0 72,515 F 32741 EN 101209 EN 41284 EN Misadventures of Maude March, or, Trouble Rides a Fast Horse, The Miserable Mill, The Snicket, Lemony MG 6.2 5.0 28,990 F 54853 EN Misfits, The Howe, James MG 5.2 7.0 47,443 F 145802 EN Miss Peregrine's Home for Peculiar Children Riggs, Ransom UG 5.7 13.0 84,898 F Page 71 Quiz List—Reading Practice Printed Friday, January 6, 2012 10:43:30 AM School: Canal Winchester Middle School Reading Practice Quizzes Quiz Number Lang. Title Author IL ATOS BL Points Word Count F/NF 120993 EN Missing Girl, The Mazer, Norma Fox MG+ 4.6 6.0 43,916 F 27955 EN Missing Girls Metzger, Lois MG 4.1 5.0 39,007 F 19695 EN Missing Horse Mystery, The Keene, Carolyn MG 4.5 4.0 28,832 F 135337 EN Missing in Action Hughes, Dean MG+ 3.9 7.0 51,588 F 86251 EN Missing Manatee, The DeFelice, Cynthia C. MG 4.9 5.0 33,307 F 6673 EN Missing May Rylant, Cynthia MG 5.3 3.0 17,509 F 46482 EN Missing Mummy, The Roy, Ron LG 4.0 1.0 7,599 F 36121 EN Mission Trails in American History, The Mississippi Bridge Green, Carl R. MG 7.4 3.0 19,628 Taylor, Mildred D. MG 4.2 1.0 8,715 F Meyer, L.A. MG+ 6.0 25.0 158,452 F Crowe, Chris UG 5.5 9.0 58,164 F 5431 EN 117249 EN 59706 EN Mississippi Jack: Being an Account of the Further Waterborne Adventures of Jacky Faber, Midshipman, Fine Lady, and the Lily of the West Mississippi Trial, 1955 NF 70137 EN Mister Monday Nix, Garth MG 5.9 12.0 74,016 F 111906 EN Mistletoe Mystery, The Keene, Carolyn MG 5.0 5.0 30,074 F 6336 EN Mitch and Amy Cleary, Beverly MG 6.2 6.0 35,711 F 82148 EN Mob, The Martini, Clem MG 5.7 7.0 46,465 F 136100 EN Mockingbird Erskine, Kathryn MG 3.6 5.0 36,466 F 138972 EN Mockingjay Collins, Suzanne MG+ 5.3 15.0 100,269 F 81644 EN Paulsen, Gary MG 5.8 3.0 16,911 F 119519 EN Byng, Georgia MG 5.2 13.0 82,722 F 101040 EN Byng, Georgia MG 5.2 12.0 78,679 F 69127 EN Byng, Georgia MG 5.5 12.0 79,620 F 77847 EN Molly McGinty Has a Really Good Day Molly Moon, Micky Minus, & the Mind Machine Molly Moon's Hypnotic Time Travel Adventure Molly Moon's Incredible Book of Hypnotism Molly Moon Stops the World Byng, Georgia MG 5.3 11.0 69,954 F 14327 EN Monarch Butterfly Ivy, Bill MG 6.0 0.5 2,533 NF 87354 EN Money Cribb, Joe MG 8.2 1.0 6,135 NF 57597 EN Money Hungry Flake, Sharon G. MG 4.2 4.0 31,592 F 137973 EN Monica and the Bratty Stepsister Gallagher, Diana G. MG 2.8 1.0 9,074 F 145340 EN Gallagher, Diana G. MG 3.0 1.0 9,965 F 137974 EN Monica and the Crushworthy Cowboy Monica and the Doomed Dance Gallagher, Diana G. MG 3.1 1.0 8,949 F 137975 EN Gallagher, Diana G. MG 3.1 1.0 8,885 F 145341 EN Monica and the School Spirit Meltdown Monica and the Sweetest Song Gallagher, Diana G. MG 3.3 1.0 9,522 F 145343 EN Monica and the Weekend of Drama Gallagher, Diana G. MG 3.0 1.0 9,370 F 137976 EN Monica and the Worst Horse Ever Gallagher, Diana G. MG 3.1 1.0 9,424 F 100596 EN Monkey Stone, Jeff MG 4.3 5.0 38,161 F 2522 EN Mononucleosis Gedatus, Gustav Mark UG 5.5 1.0 5,680 NF 29945 EN Monster Myers, Walter Dean UG 5.1 5.0 32,846 F 147163 EN Monster Calls, A Ness, Patrick MG+ 4.8 5.0 33,446 F 139306 EN Monster High Harrison, Lisi MG+ 4.5 8.0 54,142 F 5947 EN Monster's Ring, The Coville, Bruce MG 3.9 2.0 14,266 F Page 72 Quiz List—Reading Practice Printed Friday, January 6, 2012 10:43:30 AM School: Canal Winchester Middle School Reading Practice Quizzes Quiz Number Lang. Title Author IL ATOS BL Points Word Count F/NF 58756 EN Monster Trucks Johnstone, Michael MG 7.0 1.0 2,982 NF 51138 EN Monster Trucks Schaefer, A.R. MG 4.2 0.5 1,780 NF 79468 EN Monster Trucks (Horsepower) Doeden, Matt MG 2.5 0.5 278 NF 80444 EN Monsters Herbst, Judith MG 6.0 1.0 7,201 NF 139117 EN Monsters of Men Ness, Patrick UG 5.6 21.0 132,040 F 133603 EN Monstrumologist, The Yancey, Rick UG 7.0 18.0 104,366 F 104776 EN Montmorency and the Assassins Updale, Eleanor MG 6.0 15.0 95,760 F 87256 EN Updale, Eleanor MG 6.3 12.0 71,275 F 113227 EN Montmorency on the Rocks: Doctor, Aristocrat, Murderer? Montmorency's Revenge Updale, Eleanor MG 5.2 10.0 68,859 F 77128 EN Updale, Eleanor MG 7.4 8.0 45,308 F 6933 EN Montmorency: Thief, Liar, Gentleman? Monument, The Paulsen, Gary UG 4.9 3.0 23,003 F 140091 EN Moon over Manifest Vanderpool, Clare MG 5.3 12.0 81,369 F 31649 EN Moon over Tennessee Crist-Evans, Craig MG 4.9 1.0 4,875 F 85831 EN Moon Runner Marsden, Carolyn MG 4.4 2.0 12,386 F 100080 EN Moonrise Hunter, Erin MG 5.8 11.0 67,787 F 123734 EN Olson, Arielle North MG 5.3 5.0 29,936 F 61016 EN More Bones: Scary Stories from Around the World More, the Merrier, The Mazer, Anne MG 3.3 2.0 17,462 F 132651 EN Morgue and Me, The Ford, John C. UG 5.0 11.0 70,536 F 6674 EN Morning Girl Dorris, Michael MG 4.9 2.0 12,469 F 128219 EN Morning in a Different Place McGuigan, Mary Ann MG+ 4.3 7.0 46,434 F 72629 EN Morocco Habeeb, William Mark MG 9.9 3.0 17,022 NF 74320 EN Mortal Engines Reeve, Philip MG+ 6.6 13.0 77,397 F 116548 EN Mosquito King: An Agate and Buck Adventure, The Mossflower Welvaert, Scott R. MG 4.3 1.0 10,161 F Jacques, Brian MG 5.1 17.0 112,806 F Philbrick, Rodman MG 5.6 7.0 45,255 F 6688 EN 127487 EN 114788 EN Mostly True Adventures of Homer P. Figg, The Mother-Daughter Book Club, The Frederick, Heather Vogel MG 4.6 8.0 56,772 F 115376 EN Motocross Double-Cross Maddox, Jake MG 3.7 1.0 4,917 F 79405 EN Motocross Freestyle Doeden, Matt MG 2.4 0.5 276 44555 EN Motown and Didi: A Love Story Myers, Walter Dean UG 5.1 7.0 45,885 84871 EN Mount St. Helens Green, Jen MG 6.7 1.0 3,586 NF 2679 EN Mountain Biking! Get on the Trail Hayhurst, Chris MG 6.2 1.0 4,406 NF 182 EN Mouse and the Motorcycle, The Cleary, Beverly MG 5.1 3.0 22,416 F 138346 EN Mouse Guard: Fall 1152 Petersen, David MG 3.5 1.0 4,397 F 5278 EN Mouse Rap, The Myers, Walter Dean UG 5.3 5.0 32,744 F 136806 EN Movers & Fakers Harrison, Lisi MG+ 6.2 8.0 47,487 F NF F 775 EN Moves Make the Man, The Brooks, Bruce UG 5.4 11.0 74,639 F 31188 EN Movie Star Mystery, The Warner, Gertrude Chandler LG 3.7 2.0 15,228 F 121665 EN Moving Day Cabot, Meg MG 5.0 6.0 39,959 F 7012 EN Mozart Season, The Wolff, Virginia Euwer UG 4.5 10.0 69,896 F 12366 EN Mr. Lincoln's Drummer Wisler, G. Clifton MG 5.3 5.0 33,707 F Page 73 Quiz List—Reading Practice Printed Friday, January 6, 2012 10:43:30 AM School: Canal Winchester Middle School Reading Practice Quizzes Quiz Number Lang. Title Author IL Blumenthal, Karen MG Points Word Count F/NF 8.2 6.0 35,033 NF ATOS BL 144174 EN 109968 EN Mr. Sam: How Sam Walton Built Wal-Mart and Became America's Richest Man Mr. Strike Out Maddox, Jake MG 2.7 1.0 4,383 F 11481 EN Mr. Tucket Paulsen, Gary MG 5.0 4.0 29,783 F 62 EN O'Brien, Robert C. MG 5.1 8.0 53,752 F 125600 EN Mrs. Frisby and the Rats of NIMH/The Secret of NIMH Much Ado About Anne Frederick, Heather Vogel MG 4.9 11.0 75,988 F 130156 EN Mudshark Paulsen, Gary MG 6.3 2.0 12,166 F 86957 EN Multiple Sclerosis Burnfield, Alexander MG 8.8 2.0 9,099 NF 41947 EN Mummies, Bones, & Body Parts Wilcox, Charlotte MG 6.4 1.0 7,731 NF 10644 EN Mummies in the Morning Osborne, Mary Pope LG 2.7 1.0 5,105 F 52017 EN Mummy Cooney, Caroline B. UG 5.6 8.0 50,170 F 13986 EN Mummy Putnam, James MG 7.4 1.0 7,248 NF 122768 EN Mummy at Midnight, The Brezenoff, Steve MG 3.5 1.0 5,047 F 6820 EN Mummy Case, The Dixon, Franklin W. MG 5.3 5.0 32,536 F 131871 EN Murder at Midnight Avi MG 4.3 5.0 38,334 F 376 EN Murder for Her Majesty, A Hilgartner, Beth MG 5.0 8.0 53,059 F 8876 EN Murder in Mesopotamia Christie, Agatha UG 6.3 11.0 64,816 F 107820 EN Currie, Stephen UG 9.7 3.0 17,763 NF 8878 EN Murder in Mississippi: The 1964 Freedom Summer Killings Murder Is Announced Christie, Agatha UG 6.2 12.0 71,093 F 109559 EN Murder of Bindy Mackenzie, The Moriarty, Jaclyn MG 5.5 14.0 93,211 F 20124 EN Murdered, My Sweet Nixon, Joan Lowery UG 4.6 6.0 43,633 F 46951 EN Muscular System, The White, Katherine MG 8.8 1.0 5,748 NF 17231 EN Music Ardley, Neil MG 8.0 1.0 5,580 NF 142832 EN Rubin, Susan Goldman MG 7.0 4.0 22,835 NF 127435 EN Music Was It: Young Leonard Bernstein Musician's Daughter, The Dunlap, Susanne MG 6.5 13.0 79,057 F 15333 EN Mustang: Power-Packed Pony Schleifer, Jay UG 5.5 1.0 7,034 NF 76343 EN Mutiny's Daughter Rinaldi, Ann MG 4.1 6.0 39,036 F 105479 EN My Almost Epic Summer Griffin, Adele MG+ 5.1 5.0 35,348 F 120216 EN Harrington, Jane MG 6.0 5.0 30,962 F 124734 EN Meyer, L.A. MG+ 5.9 18.0 115,072 F 55102 EN Bitton-Jackson, Livia UG 5.6 10.0 65,598 NF 55298 EN My Best Friend, the Atlantic Ocean, and Other Great Bodies Standing Between Me and My Life with Giulio My Bonny Light Horseman: Being an Account of the Further Adventures of Jacky Faber, in Love and War My Bridges of Hope: Searching for Life and Love After Auschwitz My Brother, My Sister, and I Watkins, Yoko Kawashima UG 4.9 8.0 55,309 F 88567 EN My Brother's Keeper McCormick, Patricia MG+ 5.3 6.0 39,042 F 40138 EN Osborne, Mary Pope MG 4.3 2.0 11,707 F 127 EN My Brother's Keeper: Virginia's Diary My Brother Sam Is Dead Collier, James Lincoln MG 4.9 7.0 49,683 F 73468 EN My Cup Runneth Over: The Life of Angelica Cookson Potts Whytock, Cherry MG+ 5.8 5.0 33,176 F Page 74 Quiz List—Reading Practice Printed Friday, January 6, 2012 10:43:30 AM School: Canal Winchester Middle School Reading Practice Quizzes Quiz Number Lang. Title 31191 EN 59214 EN 105612 EN Points Word Count F/NF 4.3 5.0 34,190 F UG 4.7 5.0 35,073 F MG 4.6 6.0 42,044 F Author IL My Heart Is on the Ground: The Diary of Nannie Little Rose, a Sioux Girl My Heartbeat Rinaldi, Ann MG Freymann-Weyr, Garret Durrant, Lynda ATOS BL 18778 EN My Last Skirt: The Story of Jennie Hodgers, Union Soldier My Life in Dog Years Paulsen, Gary MG 5.6 3.0 21,219 NF 138698 EN My Little Phony Harrison, Lisi MG+ 5.1 6.0 42,273 F 28086 EN My Louisiana Sky Holt, Kimberly Willis MG 4.6 5.0 37,153 F 114888 EN My Mother the Cheerleader Sharenow, Robert MG+ 5.1 6.0 41,866 F 84405 EN My Name Is Chloe, by Chloe Miller Carlson, Melody MG+ 4.7 8.0 55,587 F 5077 EN My Name Is Not Angelica O'Dell, Scott MG 4.8 4.0 25,729 F 147222 EN My Name Is Not Easy Edwardson, Debby Dahl MG+ 5.2 9.0 57,107 F 124693 EN My One Hundred Adventures Horvath, Polly MG 5.0 8.0 50,982 F 83684 EN Benton, Jim MG 6.2 1.0 8,508 F 62979 EN My Pants Are Haunted! By Jamie Kelly My Perfect Life Sheldon, Dyan UG 4.6 7.0 45,027 F 49668 EN My Pet Lizards Engfer, LeeAnne MG 4.6 1.0 5,591 132458 EN My Rotten Life Lubar, David MG 3.7 4.0 28,799 NF F 104033 EN Whytock, Cherry MG+ 5.5 5.0 33,047 F 82249 EN Whytock, Cherry MG 5.7 5.0 35,004 F 102132 EN Winkler, Henry MG 4.6 4.0 25,715 F 44821 EN Osborne, Mary Pope MG 5.5 4.0 26,529 F 18824 EN My Saucy Stuffed Ravioli: The Life of Angelica Cookson Potts My Scrumptious Scottish Dumplings: The Life of Angelica Cookson Potts My Secret Life as a Ping-Pong Wizard My Secret War: The World War II Diary of Madeline Beck My Sergei: A Love Story Gordeeva, Ekaterina UG 6.0 12.0 74,439 NF 64 EN My Side of the Mountain George, Jean Craighead MG 5.2 6.0 40,355 F 117875 EN My Swordhand Is Singing Sedgwick, Marcus MG 4.9 6.0 41,254 F 11482 EN My Teacher Flunked the Planet Coville, Bruce MG 5.0 5.0 30,419 F 11483 EN My Teacher Fried My Brains Coville, Bruce MG 4.8 4.0 26,818 F 11484 EN My Teacher Glows in the Dark Coville, Bruce MG 4.9 4.0 26,683 F 73836 EN My Thirteenth Winter: A Memoir Abeel, Samantha MG 7.1 9.0 53,533 NF 113371 EN Mysteries of the Mummy Kids Halls, Kelly Milner MG 8.1 4.0 19,948 NF 122839 EN Stewart, Trenton Lee MG 6.1 19.0 115,066 F 133674 EN Stewart, Trenton Lee MG 6.3 15.0 94,153 F 113801 EN Mysterious Benedict Society and the Perilous Journey, The Mysterious Benedict Society and the Prisoner's Dilemma, The Mysterious Benedict Society, The Stewart, Trenton Lee MG 5.6 18.0 118,460 F 117773 EN Konigsburg, E.L. MG 5.7 8.0 47,773 F 112026 EN Mysterious Edge of the Heroic World, The Mysterious Mask, The Banscherus, J. MG 3.5 1.0 4,590 F 5317 EN Mystery Behind the Wall Warner, Gertrude Chandler LG 3.5 2.0 17,026 F 60573 EN Mystery by Moonlight Keene, Carolyn MG 4.9 5.0 31,803 F 6822 EN Mystery of Smugglers Cove Dixon, Franklin W. MG 5.1 5.0 31,535 F 6823 EN Mystery of the Samurai Sword Dixon, Franklin W. MG 6.3 6.0 35,485 F 19693 EN Mystery on Maui Keene, Carolyn MG 5.1 4.0 28,187 F Page 75 Quiz List—Reading Practice Printed Friday, January 6, 2012 10:43:30 AM School: Canal Winchester Middle School Reading Practice Quizzes Quiz Number Lang. Title Author IL ATOS BL Points Word Count F/NF 5304 EN Mystery Ranch Warner, Gertrude Chandler LG 3.3 2.0 13,801 F 19792 EN Myth Maker: J.R.R. Tolkien Neimark, Anne E. UG 7.5 4.0 23,641 NF 87355 EN Mythology Philip, Neil MG 7.5 1.0 5,955 NF 87587 EN Mzungu Boy, The Mwangi, Meja MG 4.5 5.0 33,084 F 15821 EN Nixon, Joan Lowery UG 5.5 7.0 44,521 F 146339 EN Name of the Game Was Murder, The Name of the Star, The Johnson, Maureen MG+ 4.9 14.0 91,977 F 118321 EN Name of This Book Is Secret, The Bosch, Pseudonymous MG 5.6 9.0 59,485 F 79028 EN Names Will Never Hurt Me Adoff, Jaime UG 3.7 5.0 33,757 F 89071 EN Naming, The Croggon, Alison MG+ 6.3 24.0 147,263 F 108508 EN NASCAR Buckley Jr., James MG 6.7 1.0 5,015 NF 35958 EN Nascar Owens, Tom MG 6.2 1.0 9,143 NF 36120 EN Sanford, William R. MG 6.2 3.0 17,191 NF 125322 EN Natchez Trace Historic Trail in American History, The Nation Pratchett, Terry MG+ 5.2 16.0 103,128 17480 EN National Debt, The Sandak, Cass R. UG 9.8 2.0 8,855 NF 16120 EN McCormick, Anita Louise MG 9.6 4.0 21,741 NF 16272 EN Burton, Jane MG 5.2 0.5 1,619 NF 75717 EN Native Americans and the Reservation in American History Nature and Science of Sunlight, The Navajo Code Talkers Santella, Andrew MG 6.8 0.5 2,950 NF 39854 EN Nazi Olympics: Berlin 1936, The Bachrach, Susan D. UG 10.0 3.0 13,362 NF 121305 EN Neandertals: A Prehistoric Puzzle La Pierre, Yvette MG 8.7 3.0 18,418 NF 137662 EN Necromancer, The Scott, Michael MG 5.6 13.0 82,458 F 130733 EN Necropolis Horowitz, Anthony MG+ 5.1 16.0 103,010 F 114313 EN Pinkwater, Daniel MG 5.1 8.0 52,028 F 111750 EN Neddiad: How Neddie Took the Train, Went to Hollywood, and Saved Civilization, The Nelly Hooper, James MG 6.6 1.0 8,630 NF F 1630 EN Neptune Brimner, Larry Dane LG 4.6 0.5 1,129 NF 46952 EN Nervous System, The Oleksy, Walter MG 7.9 1.0 5,697 NF 133257 EN Never Cry Werewolf Davis, Heather MG+ 4.5 7.0 50,294 F 103127 EN Benton, Jim MG 5.7 2.0 10,407 F 78562 EN Never Do Anything, Ever by Jamie Kelly Never Mind! A Twin Novel Avi MG 3.6 5.0 35,741 F 133574 EN Never Slow Dance with a Zombie Van Lowe, E. MG+ 4.4 9.0 60,138 F 31648 EN Never Trust a Dead Man Vande Velde, Vivian UG 5.6 7.0 42,858 F 120454 EN Benton, Jim MG 5.7 2.0 13,466 F 70165 EN Never Underestimate Your Dumbness by Jamie Kelly Never War, The MacHale, D.J. MG 4.4 14.0 94,903 F 122072 EN New Blood McPhee, Peter UG 4.6 5.0 33,334 F 102868 EN New Boy Houston, Julian UG 6.1 12.0 75,430 F 126406 EN New Girl, The Cabot, Meg MG 5.2 6.0 39,952 F 119768 EN New Girl, The Krulik, Nancy MG 4.3 3.0 20,399 F 8235 EN New Girl, The Stine, R.L. UG 5.3 5.0 33,978 F 108713 EN New Moon Meyer, Stephenie UG 4.7 20.0 132,758 F 112354 EN New Policeman, The Thompson, Kate MG 5.1 8.0 50,702 F Page 76 Quiz List—Reading Practice Printed Friday, January 6, 2012 10:43:30 AM School: Canal Winchester Middle School Reading Practice Quizzes Quiz Number Lang. Title Author IL ATOS BL 3.2 Points Word Count F/NF 4.0 31,231 F 105340 EN New Year's Party, The Stine, R.L. MG 70566 EN Niagara Falls, or Does It? Winkler, Henry MG 4.3 3.0 21,463 F 58063 EN Nicholas Nickleby (Unabridged) Dickens, Charles UG 11.9 71.0 322,506 F 104012 EN Nicola and the Viscount Cabot, Meg UG 6.8 10.0 57,370 F 42231 EN Nicolae High Jenkins, Jerry B. MG 4.8 3.0 20,501 F 5279 EN Night Wiesel, Elie UG 4.8 4.0 28,404 NF 83430 EN Night Games Stine, R.L. MG+ 3.0 3.0 25,214 F 40657 EN Night Hoops Deuker, Carl UG 4.5 8.0 54,849 F 78556 EN Night I Flunked My Field Trip, The Winkler, Henry MG 4.2 4.0 25,596 F 57139 EN Night of the Bat Zindel, Paul MG 5.4 3.0 22,718 F 116706 EN Night of the Howling Dogs Salisbury, Graham MG 3.5 5.0 38,094 F 10680 EN Night of the Ninjas Osborne, Mary Pope LG 2.7 1.0 5,428 F 118249 EN Night of the Soul Stealer Delaney, Joseph MG 5.5 13.0 82,880 F 6825 EN Night of the Werewolf Dixon, Franklin W. MG 6.1 6.0 36,597 F 14967 EN Night the Heads Came, The Sleator, William MG 4.8 5.0 33,853 F 141174 EN Night Whispers Hunter, Erin MG 4.0 9.0 65,834 F 131140 EN Night Wings Bruchac, Joseph MG+ 5.7 6.0 35,823 F 9993 EN Nightjohn Paulsen, Gary MG 3.8 1.0 10,801 F 71685 EN Nightmare Nixon, Joan Lowery UG 4.9 6.0 40,852 F 139037 EN Nightmarys, The Poblocki, Dan MG 4.8 9.0 61,548 F 114461 EN Nightrise Horowitz, Anthony MG+ 4.7 15.0 98,823 F 140835 EN Nighttrap Becker, Tom MG 5.6 9.0 54,904 F 18173 EN Nile, The Pollard, Michael MG 7.2 1.0 6,921 84376 EN Rinaldi, Ann MG 4.5 5.0 37,240 F NF 71431 EN Nine Days a Queen: The Short Life and Reign of Lady Jane Grey Ninjas, Piranhas, and Galileo Smith, Greg Leitich MG 5.2 5.0 30,718 F 122154 EN Ninth Grade Slays Brewer, Heather MG+ 5.3 9.0 61,874 F 67029 EN Ninth Key Cabot, Meg UG 5.0 8.0 55,391 F 53082 EN Ninth Nugget, The Roy, Ron LG 3.7 1.0 9,616 F 117965 EN Nixie's Song, The DiTerlizzi, Tony MG 4.2 2.0 16,266 F 78892 EN No Dogs Allowed! Wallace, Bill MG 3.7 5.0 39,897 F 74172 EN No Laughter Here Williams-Garcia, Rita UG 4.4 4.0 27,574 F 129231 EN No Limits: The Will to Succeed Phelps, Michael UG 6.3 12.0 74,514 NF 32531 EN No Man's Land Bartoletti, Susan Campbell UG 4.6 4.0 29,058 F 48259 EN No More Dead Dogs Korman, Gordon MG 4.5 5.0 37,355 F 82868 EN No One Must Know Wiseman, Eva MG 4.3 6.0 39,272 F 146332 EN No Ordinary Day Ellis, Deborah MG 4.0 4.0 30,207 F 142995 EN No Passengers Beyond This Point Choldenko, Gennifer MG 3.9 7.0 50,273 F 111564 EN No Place for Magic Baker, E.D. MG 5.4 9.0 58,140 F 34774 EN No Pretty Pictures: A Child of War Lobel, Anita UG 5.0 8.0 51,933 NF 106145 EN No Right Turn Trueman, Terry UG 4.7 4.0 29,658 F 138922 EN No Safe Place Ellis, Deborah MG+ 4.5 6.0 41,985 F 68033 EN No Small Thing Ghent, Natale MG 4.6 7.0 49,130 F 115396 EN No Talking Clements, Andrew MG 5.0 4.0 23,704 F Page 77 Quiz List—Reading Practice Printed Friday, January 6, 2012 10:43:30 AM School: Canal Winchester Middle School Reading Practice Quizzes Quiz Number Lang. Title Author IL ATOS BL Points Word Count F/NF 18825 EN No Time to Cry McDaniel, Lurlene UG 4.7 4.0 26,298 F 55299 EN No Time to Die Chandler, Elizabeth UG 5.3 7.0 48,859 F 127454 EN No Way Out Kern, Peggy MG+ 4.1 3.0 24,053 F 114407 EN Nobody's Princess Friesner, Esther MG 5.8 11.0 67,885 F 122301 EN Nobody's Prize Friesner, Esther MG 5.6 11.0 70,013 F 43263 EN Nobody's There Nixon, Joan Lowery UG 5.0 7.0 43,411 F 122354 EN Noman Nicholson, William MG 4.5 12.0 82,219 F 80421 EN Norse Myths and Legends Ardagh, Philip MG 6.0 2.0 11,791 F 80422 EN Ardagh, Philip MG 5.6 2.0 11,031 F 104851 EN Revkin, Andrew MG 8.4 4.0 19,347 NF 67223 EN North American Myths and Legends North Pole Was Here: Puzzles and Perils at the Top of the World, The Northern Light, A Donnelly, Jennifer UG 4.5 13.0 92,597 F 15425 EN Northern Lights Souza, D.M. MG 6.3 1.0 3,721 120762 EN Northlander Burden, Meg MG+ 4.9 11.0 76,407 F 135537 EN Northward to the Moon Horvath, Polly MG 4.6 6.0 44,122 F 36700 EN Nory Ryan's Song Giff, Patricia Reilly MG 4.3 5.0 31,741 F NF 68636 EN Not as Crazy as I Seem Harrar, George UG 4.3 7.0 48,010 F 135342 EN Not-So-Simple Life, A Carlson, Melody MG+ 5.0 8.0 55,025 F 131462 EN Notes from the Dog Paulsen, Gary MG 4.7 4.0 25,789 F 109864 EN Notes from the Midnight Driver Sonnenblick, Jordan UG 5.5 7.0 45,263 F 113026 EN Notes on a Near-Life Experience Birdsall, Olivia MG+ 4.8 7.0 46,446 F 73837 EN Nothin' but Net Mantell, Paul MG 4.9 4.0 24,975 F 136011 EN Nothing Teller, Janne UG 6.1 5.0 29,370 F 7014 EN Nothing But the Truth Avi UG 3.6 4.0 29,041 F 111751 EN Notorious B.I.G. Marcovitz, Hal MG 7.4 1.0 8,559 118496 EN November Blues Draper, Sharon M. UG 4.6 11.0 72,033 F 32553 EN Now I Lay Me Down to Sleep McDaniel, Lurlene UG 4.7 5.0 33,472 F NF 83181 EN Now You See It... Vande Velde, Vivian UG 6.1 8.0 52,635 F 100020 EN Korman, Gordon MG 4.9 4.0 24,777 F 115905 EN Now You See Them, Now You Don't Number 8 Fienberg, Anna MG 4.5 12.0 81,902 F 379 EN Number the Stars Lowry, Lois MG 4.5 4.0 27,197 F 59767 EN Numbering All the Bones Rinaldi, Ann MG 4.2 5.0 33,632 F 124977 EN Nun Hull, Robert MG 7.7 2.0 10,645 NF 43740 EN McKissack, Patricia C. MG 5.6 3.0 17,619 F 131215 EN Nzingha: Warrior Queen of Matamba Oath Breaker Paver, Michelle MG 4.7 8.0 55,712 F 113363 EN Obesity Epidemic, The Miller, Michaela MG 8.7 2.0 8,436 NF 17233 EN Ocean MacQuitty, Miranda MG 7.7 1.0 6,570 NF 143881 EN Ocean of Blood Shan, Darren MG+ 6.1 7.0 43,657 F 10294 EN Oddballs Sleator, William UG 6.2 3.0 16,363 F 46287 EN Odysseus in the Serpent Maze Yolen, Jane MG 5.0 7.0 47,689 F 127436 EN Odyssey of Flight 33, The Kneece, Mark MG+ 4.2 1.0 6,381 F 139490 EN Odyssey, The Hinds, Gareth MG+ 5.1 3.0 16,892 F Page 78 Quiz List—Reading Practice Printed Friday, January 6, 2012 10:43:30 AM School: Canal Winchester Middle School Reading Practice Quizzes Quiz Number Lang. Title Author IL ATOS BL 5993 EN Odyssey, The Homer UG 10.3 Points Word Count F/NF 24.0 120,133 F 53475 EN Of Sound Mind Ferris, Jean UG 5.1 7.0 47,707 F 115075 EN Off Season, The Murdock, Catherine Gilbert UG 5.8 11.0 67,871 F 134613 EN Off the Bench Maddox, Jake MG 3.6 1.0 4,589 F 25215 EN Off the Rim Bowen, Fred MG 4.2 2.0 15,193 F 123736 EN Ellis, Deborah MG 5.4 7.0 45,414 NF 128840 EN Off to War: Voices of Soldiers' Children Ohio State Buckeyes, The Stewart, Mark MG 6.2 1.0 5,528 NF 143203 EN Okay for Now Schmidt, Gary D. MG 4.9 11.0 77,017 F 142516 EN Benton, Jim MG 5.9 3.0 16,376 F 101238 EN Okay, So Maybe I Do Have Superpowers by Jamie Kelly Old Country, The Gerstein, Mordicai MG 4.4 4.0 26,321 F 82156 EN Hahn, Mary Downing MG 4.2 7.0 46,383 F 14362 EN Old Willis Place: A Ghost Story, The Old World Monkeys Ivy, Bill MG 5.8 1.0 3,346 NF 66 EN Old Yeller Gipson, Fred MG 5.0 5.0 35,968 F 71432 EN Olive's Ocean Henkes, Kevin MG 4.7 4.0 30,235 F 13635 EN Oliver Twist (Abridged) Dickens, Charles MG 10.7 13.0 60,650 F 113690 EN Potter, Ellen MG 5.3 12.0 78,222 F 11559 EN Olivia Kidney and the Secret Beneath the City Olympic Dream Christopher, Matt MG 4.9 5.0 30,590 F 87356 EN Olympics Oxlade, Chris MG 8.3 1.0 5,210 NF 132724 EN Pollan, Michael MG+ 6.8 11.0 68,242 NF 134614 EN Omnivore's Dilemma: The Secrets Behind What You Eat, The On Guard Maddox, Jake MG 3.3 1.0 4,754 F 77889 EN Asher, Sandy MG 4.8 7.0 49,261 F 114708 EN On Her Way: Stories and Poems About Growing Up Girl On Location Calonita, Jen MG+ 5.0 8.0 54,252 F 128 EN On My Honor Bauer, Marion Dane MG 4.7 2.0 16,709 F 112216 EN On My Own, by Caitlin O'Conner Carlson, Melody MG+ 5.1 9.0 58,462 F 78699 EN On Pointe Grover, Lorie Ann MG 3.0 5.0 36,716 F 67 EN On the Banks of Plum Creek Wilder, Laura Ingalls MG 4.6 8.0 55,214 F 8666 EN On the Beach Shute, Nevil UG 6.3 14.0 88,350 F 100093 EN On the Bike with...Lance Armstrong Stout, Glenn MG 6.9 4.0 20,826 NF 50413 EN Rennison, Louise UG 4.7 6.0 40,727 F 124735 EN On the Bright Side, I'm Now the Girlfriend of a Sex God On the Court with...LeBron James Christopher, Matt MG 6.8 4.0 21,851 NF 35575 EN On the Court with...Michael Jordan Christopher, Matt MG 6.6 4.0 22,476 NF 7017 EN On the Devil's Court Deuker, Carl UG 4.9 9.0 57,483 F 630 EN On the Far Side of the Mountain George, Jean Craighead MG 4.5 6.0 38,891 F 45691 EN On the Field with...Derek Jeter Stout, Glen MG 6.8 4.0 22,198 NF 35576 EN On the Field with...Mia Hamm Christopher, Matt MG 7.0 4.0 24,074 NF 35564 EN On the Field with...Terrell Davis Christopher, Matt MG 6.7 3.0 19,763 NF NF 67173 EN On the Halfpipe with...Tony Hawk Stout, Glenn MG 7.9 3.0 14,368 109969 EN On the Line Maddox, Jake MG 3.5 1.0 4,775 35569 EN On the Mound with...Greg Maddux Christopher, Matt MG 6.2 4.0 22,373 NF 35578 EN On the Mound with...Randy Johnson Christopher, Matt MG 6.7 3.0 20,757 NF F Page 79 Quiz List—Reading Practice Printed Friday, January 6, 2012 10:43:30 AM School: Canal Winchester Middle School Reading Practice Quizzes Quiz Number Lang. Title Author IL ATOS BL Points Word Count F/NF 78843 EN On the Run Coleman, Michael UG 4.6 7.0 47,690 F 45056 EN On the Run Jenkins, Jerry B. MG 4.5 4.0 28,978 F 108500 EN On the Run Townson, Hazel MG 3.5 1.0 3,938 F 48335 EN On the Track with...Jeff Gordon Stout, Glenn MG 7.0 3.0 20,033 NF 114707 EN On the Wings of Heroes Peck, Richard MG 4.6 4.0 26,716 F 132413 EN Once a Witch MacCullough, Carolyn UG 5.0 10.0 67,072 F 143098 EN Once In a Full Moon Schreiber, Ellen UG 4.4 9.0 61,252 F 85752 EN Once Upon a Curse Baker, E.D. MG 5.6 9.0 55,583 F 62564 EN Once Upon a Marigold Ferris, Jean UG 5.7 8.0 48,980 F 122193 EN Once Upon a Time in the North Pullman, Philip MG 6.3 4.0 22,190 F 123851 EN One and Only Zoë Lama, The Cohen, Tish MG 4.6 6.0 39,323 F 135338 EN One Crazy Summer Williams-Garcia, Rita MG 4.6 7.0 45,483 F 44824 EN Denenberg, Barry MG 5.6 6.0 37,183 F 127226 EN One Eye Laughing, the Other Weeping: The Diary of Julie Weiss One False Note Korman, Gordon MG 4.9 5.0 35,127 F 776 EN One Fat Summer Lipsyte, Robert UG 4.2 6.0 40,215 F 117876 EN One Good Punch Wallace, Rich UG 4.5 3.0 20,539 F 109088 EN One-Handed Catch Auch, MJ MG 4.2 8.0 58,908 F 78317 EN Sones, Sonya UG 5.1 5.0 30,038 F 139484 EN One of Those Hideous Books Where the Mother Dies One Square Inch Mills, Claudia MG 4.9 6.0 37,298 F 114142 EN One Whole and Perfect Day Clarke, Judith UG 5.4 9.0 61,182 F 146043 EN Only Ones, The Starmer, Aaron MG+ 4.9 11.0 73,957 F 138294 EN Only the Good Spy Young Carter, Ally MG+ 5.0 8.0 54,406 F 58659 EN Only You Can Save Mankind Pratchett, Terry MG 3.9 5.0 38,738 F 115397 EN Open Court Clippinger, Carol MG+ 3.8 7.0 47,338 F 104777 EN Operation Red Jericho Mowll, Joshua MG 6.0 9.0 56,003 F 110648 EN Operation Typhoon Shore Mowll, Joshua MG 5.8 9.0 54,890 F 31327 EN Oprah Winfrey Presnall, Judith Janda UG 7.3 3.0 18,832 NF 68986 EN Rinaldi, Ann MG 4.0 6.0 46,213 F 62265 EN Or Give Me Death: A Novel of Patrick Henry's Family Orange Outlaw, The Roy, Ron LG 3.6 1.0 7,603 F 83610 EN Nimmo, Jenny MG 4.7 5.0 36,216 F 86078 EN Orchard of the Crescent Moon/Emlyn's Moon Order of Amelie, Hold the Fries, An Schindler, Nina UG 4.5 1.0 7,949 F 21084 EN Stefoff, Rebecca MG 7.1 3.0 20,343 NF 57707 EN Oregon Trail in American History, The Oregon Trail, The Jaffe, Elizabeth D. MG 5.5 1.0 4,356 NF 76943 EN Osama bin Laden Woolf, Alex MG 9.2 3.0 17,669 NF 14365 EN Ostrich Switzer, Merebeth MG 5.7 0.5 2,568 NF 6025 EN Other Bells for Us to Ring Cormier, Robert MG 5.9 4.0 27,755 F 28543 EN Other Shepards, The Griffin, Adele UG 5.0 6.0 42,604 F 15100 EN Other Side of Dark, The Nixon, Joan Lowery MG 4.0 6.0 45,591 F 124563 EN Other Side of the Island, The Goodman, Allegra MG+ 4.5 9.0 64,422 F 53694 EN Other Side of Truth, The Naidoo, Beverley UG 5.3 9.0 57,633 F Page 80 Quiz List—Reading Practice Printed Friday, January 6, 2012 10:43:30 AM School: Canal Winchester Middle School Reading Practice Quizzes Quiz Number Lang. Title Author IL ATOS BL Points Word Count F/NF 10269 EN Others See Us Sleator, William UG 5.8 6.0 35,375 F 488 EN Blume, Judy MG 3.5 4.0 26,372 F 124046 EN Rosen, Michael J. MG 6.0 5.0 31,942 NF 35294 EN Otherwise Known as Sheila the Great Our Farm: Four Seasons with Five Kids on One Family's Farm Our Only May Amelia Holm, Jennifer L. MG 4.8 7.0 46,545 F 19540 EN Freedman, Russell MG 6.7 2.0 10,201 NF 136421 EN Out of Darkness: The Story of Louis Braille Out of My Mind Draper, Sharon M. MG 4.3 8.0 56,872 F 102396 EN Out of Order Hicks, Betty MG 4.1 4.0 27,520 F 106170 EN Out of Patience Meehl, Brian MG 4.9 9.0 63,704 F 124999 EN Out of Reach Jones, V.M. MG+ 5.2 9.0 62,306 F 65964 EN Out of Sight, out of Mind Mazer, Anne MG 3.2 2.0 17,837 F 14996 EN Out of the Dark Wright, Betty Ren MG 4.8 4.0 29,239 F 18783 EN Out of the Dust Hesse, Karen MG 5.6 7.0 19,756 F 14774 EN Out of Time Cooney, Caroline B. UG 5.2 7.0 48,222 F 123123 EN Outcast Hunter, Erin MG 5.4 11.0 73,862 F 124149 EN Outcast Paver, Michelle MG 4.7 9.0 60,520 F 15097 EN Outcast of Redwall Jacques, Brian MG 6.3 15.0 93,717 F 100602 EN Outcast, The Lasky, Kathryn MG 5.1 6.0 41,646 F 76086 EN Outcasts of 19 Schuyler Place, The Konigsburg, E.L. MG 5.5 9.0 55,901 F 147775 EN Outcasts, The Flanagan, John MG 5.5 16.0 105,602 F 130074 EN Outlaw: The Legend of Robin Hood Lee, Tony MG 3.1 2.0 12,002 F 75590 EN Outlaws of Sherwood, The McKinley, Robin UG 6.9 19.0 113,590 F 16933 EN Outrageously Alice Naylor, Phyllis Reynolds UG 5.0 5.0 30,085 F 123124 EN Outside Beauty Kadohata, Cynthia MG+ 4.0 7.0 51,620 F 74763 EN Outside Shot, The Myers, Walter Dean UG 4.6 7.0 48,196 F 381 EN Outsiders, The Hinton, S.E. UG 4.7 7.0 48,523 F 129 EN Over Sea, Under Stone Cooper, Susan MG 5.4 12.0 75,001 F 41560 EN Over the Wall Ritter, John H. MG 4.2 10.0 70,358 F 66872 EN Overboard Fama, Elizabeth UG 5.1 6.0 37,123 F 64369 EN Overnight Griffin, Adele MG 4.4 5.0 32,301 F 5334 EN Owl in Love Kindl, Patrice UG 5.1 7.0 46,601 F 116699 EN OxyContin Abuse Slade, Suzanne MG 8.3 1.0 6,537 NF 86205 EN Saucerman, Linda MG 6.9 1.0 6,925 NF 129227 EN Ozzy Osbourne and Kelly Osbourne P.S. I Loathe You Harrison, Lisi MG+ 4.3 6.0 39,658 F 123094 EN P.S. I Really Like You Krulik, Nancy MG 4.2 3.0 23,068 F 20090 EN P.S. Longer Letter Later Danziger, Paula MG 4.5 5.0 34,394 F 29228 EN Pacific Crossing Soto, Gary UG 4.6 4.0 27,000 F 68294 EN Pack, The Carbone, Elisa UG 4.9 5.0 31,813 F 45795 EN Page Pierce, Tamora MG 5.4 9.0 61,436 F 123208 EN Pageant Perfect Crime Keene, Carolyn MG 4.7 4.0 28,954 F 116832 EN Paint the Wind Ryan, Pam Muñoz MG 5.3 6.0 40,870 F 79469 EN Paintball Sievert, Terri MG 4.1 0.5 1,786 NF 111888 EN Paintball Blast Maddox, Jake MG 3.9 1.0 5,630 F Page 81 Quiz List—Reading Practice Printed Friday, January 6, 2012 10:43:30 AM School: Canal Winchester Middle School Reading Practice Quizzes Quiz Number Lang. Title Author IL ATOS BL Points Word Count F/NF 5,198 F 120155 EN Paintball Invasion Maddox, Jake MG 3.8 1.0 137653 EN Paintball Punk Tulien, Sean MG 2.5 0.5 1,480 F 16980 EN Painting the Black Deuker, Carl MG 4.4 9.0 61,473 F 146230 EN Paulsen, Gary MG+ 4.9 5.0 30,375 F 128103 EN Paintings from the Cave: Three Novellas Palace of Mirrors Haddix, Margaret Peterson MG 5.4 10.0 65,010 F 147579 EN Palace of the Damned Shan, Darren MG 5.9 7.0 43,135 F 81026 EN Panama Freire, Carolina MG 10.0 4.0 20,089 NF 62266 EN Panda Puzzle, The Roy, Ron LG 3.5 1.0 8,544 F 14367 EN Pandas Switzer, Merebeth MG 5.7 0.5 2,740 NF 115638 EN Pants on Fire Cabot, Meg UG 5.0 9.0 59,467 F 14902 EN Parallel Journeys Ayer, Eleanor H. UG 7.2 10.0 56,930 NF 126188 EN Paralyzed Rud, Jeff UG 4.6 4.0 24,930 F 138915 EN Paranormalcy White, Kiersten MG+ 4.1 10.0 72,883 F 65223 EN Parasite Pig Sleator, William UG 5.5 8.0 51,434 F 109081 EN Parent Swap Blacker, Terence MG 5.2 8.0 52,737 F 100114 EN Paris, 1850 Rook, Sebastian MG 5.4 7.0 43,376 F 46852 EN Parsifal's Page Morris, Gerald MG 5.5 8.0 50,844 F 110405 EN Holt, Kimberly Willis MG 4.7 6.0 37,987 F 127492 EN Part of Me: Stories of a Louisiana Family Parties & Potions Mlynowski, Sarah MG+ 3.0 10.0 75,127 F 106249 EN Party Princess Cabot, Meg UG 5.3 9.0 56,019 F 123170 EN Gallagher, Diana G. MG 3.1 1.0 8,678 F 14481 EN Party! The Complicated Life of Claudia Cristina Cortez Passager Yolen, Jane MG 5.1 2.0 11,930 F 138119 EN Passing Strange Waters, Daniel UG 5.2 14.0 90,390 F 141387 EN Pathfinder Card, Orson Scott MG+ 6.3 29.0 175,160 F 77890 EN Patience, Princess Catherine Meyer, Carolyn UG 7.3 7.0 43,200 F 28289 EN Pawns Roberts, Willo Davis UG 5.4 6.0 38,031 F 139118 EN Payback Time Deuker, Carl MG+ 5.0 9.0 61,208 F 16174 EN PCP Newman, Gerald UG 9.0 3.0 17,089 NF 127432 EN Peace, Locomotion Woodson, Jacqueline MG 4.7 3.0 21,087 F 129944 EN Peace, Love, and Baby Ducks Myracle, Lauren UG 3.9 10.0 70,557 F 114836 EN Peak Smith, Roland MG+ 5.0 9.0 63,195 F 67003 EN Pearl of the Soul of the World, The Pierce, Meredith Ann UG 5.5 9.0 56,747 F 15829 EN Pearls of Lutra Jacques, Brian MG 6.1 18.0 108,908 F 124978 EN Peasant Hull, Robert MG 7.0 2.0 10,116 NF 47266 EN Winick, Judd UG 3.9 2.0 15,273 NF 122349 EN Pedro and Me: Friendship, Loss, and What I Learned Peeled Bauer, Joan MG 4.2 7.0 46,061 F 14329 EN Pelicans Savage, Candace MG 4.9 0.5 2,579 59068 EN Mazer, Anne MG 3.8 2.0 17,237 F 14846 EN Pen Is Mightier Than the Sword, The Penalty Shot Christopher, Matt MG 5.2 3.0 21,282 F 88005 EN Penderwicks: A Summer Tale of Four Sisters, Two Rabbits, and a Very Interesting Boy, The Birdsall, Jeanne MG 4.7 8.0 54,550 F NF Page 82 Quiz List—Reading Practice Printed Friday, January 6, 2012 10:43:30 AM School: Canal Winchester Middle School Reading Practice Quizzes Quiz Number Lang. Title Author IL ATOS BL Points Word Count F/NF NF 14369 EN Penguins Switzer, Merebeth MG 5.8 0.5 2,613 108040 EN Penny from Heaven Holm, Jennifer L. MG 4.0 7.0 46,792 F 6827 EN Pentagon Spy, The Dixon, Franklin W. MG 5.6 5.0 34,808 F 101791 EN Penultimate Peril, The Snicket, Lemony MG 7.4 7.0 40,557 F 80066 EN People of Sparks, The DuPrau, Jeanne MG 4.9 11.0 71,675 F 88858 EN Perfect Friend, Natasha MG 3.5 5.0 35,639 F 124511 EN Perfect Cover Keene, Carolyn MG 4.7 4.0 28,416 F 83438 EN Perfect Date, The Stine, R.L. UG 3.1 3.0 26,461 F 126284 EN Perfect Escape, The Keene, Carolyn MG 4.9 4.0 26,295 F 101802 EN Perfect Shot, The Alphin, Elaine Marie UG 6.1 14.0 85,206 F 34832 EN Perloo the Bold Avi MG 4.9 7.0 43,706 F 87995 EN Permanent Rose McKay, Hilary MG 4.7 6.0 41,413 F 127259 EN Persistence of Memory Atwater-Rhodes, Amelia MG+ 6.1 7.0 45,847 F 87357 EN Perspective Cole, Alison MG 11.2 2.0 9,828 NF 17015 EN Pet Reptiles Noonan, Daniel MG 6.4 1.0 4,284 NF 106223 EN Pet's Revenge Ogden, Charles MG 5.1 4.0 26,775 F 118702 EN Peter and the Secret of Rundoon Barry, Dave MG 5.6 14.0 91,496 F 107536 EN Peter and the Shadow Thieves Barry, Dave MG 5.3 16.0 101,788 F 83056 EN Peter and the Starcatchers Barry, Dave MG 5.2 13.0 83,150 F 110341 EN Peter Pan in Scarlet McCaughrean, Geraldine MG 5.9 9.0 57,686 F 100301 EN Peter Raven Under Fire Molloy, Michael MG 7.0 17.0 97,622 F 34834 EN Petey Mikaelsen, Ben MG 4.8 6.0 43,342 F 111580 EN Polzer, Tim MG 7.6 3.0 15,543 NF 130 EN Peyton Manning: Leader on and off the Field Phantom Tollbooth, The Juster, Norton MG 6.7 7.0 42,156 F 142264 EN Phantoms in the Snow Duble, Kathleen Benner MG 4.7 8.0 52,358 F 53847 EN Pharaohs and Embalmers Ganeri, Anita MG 4.5 0.5 2,200 NF 124694 EN Phenomena: Secrets of the Senses Jackson, Donna M. MG 9.0 5.0 25,082 NF 55887 EN Philip Sheridan: Union General Balcavage, Dynise MG 6.1 1.0 8,044 NF 125018 EN Philippa Fisher's Fairy Godsister Kessler, Liz MG 4.1 7.0 49,313 F 59708 EN Fleischman, John UG 7.4 2.0 12,994 NF 59129 EN Cross, Gillian UG 4.6 10.0 69,776 F 87358 EN Phineas Gage: A Gruesome but True Story About Brain Science Phoning a Dead Man/Calling a Dead Man Photography Buckingham, Alan MG 9.0 1.0 6,060 114723 EN Physik Sage, Angie MG 6.5 17.0 102,409 F 17636 EN McKissack, Patricia C. MG 4.6 5.0 37,516 F NF 74405 EN Picture of Freedom: The Diary of Clotee, a Slave Girl, A Picture Perfect Alphin, Elaine Marie UG 5.1 10.0 64,410 F 137212 EN Picture the Dead Griffin, Adele MG+ 5.2 7.0 45,691 F 61467 EN Pictures of Hollis Woods Giff, Patricia Reilly MG 4.4 5.0 31,319 F 780 EN Pigman, The Zindel, Paul UG 5.5 6.0 35,766 F 11434 EN Pilgrim Village Mystery, The Warner, Gertrude Chandler LG 4.2 2.0 15,867 F 116249 EN Pilgrims of Rayne, The MacHale, D.J. MG 4.3 22.0 153,884 F 34739 EN Pioneer Girl: Growing Up on the Prairie Warren, Andrea MG 6.2 3.0 18,695 NF Page 83 Quiz List—Reading Practice Printed Friday, January 6, 2012 10:43:30 AM School: Canal Winchester Middle School Reading Practice Quizzes Quiz Number Lang. Title Author IL ATOS BL 130506 EN Pip: The Story of Olive Kane, Kim MG 5.1 Points Word Count F/NF 8.0 52,027 F 17234 EN Pirate Platt, Richard MG 7.5 1.0 5,528 106779 EN Pirate Curse Meyer, Kai MG 5.7 12.0 74,344 NF F 114889 EN Pirate Emperor Meyer, Kai MG 6.0 12.0 72,309 F 122450 EN Pirate Wars Meyer, Kai MG 6.5 15.0 92,213 F 75433 EN Pirates! Rees, Celia UG 5.4 14.0 89,466 F 9291 EN Pirates Past Noon Osborne, Mary Pope LG 2.8 1.0 5,324 F 82281 EN Piratica Lee, Tanith MG 5.0 12.0 80,666 F 130550 EN Pit Crew Crunch Maddox, Jake MG 3.8 1.0 4,834 F 130551 EN Pitcher Pressure Maddox, Jake MG 3.4 1.0 5,120 F 109109 EN Pittsburgh Steelers, The Stewart, Mark MG 5.8 1.0 4,890 NF 32153 EN Places I Never Meant to Be Blume, Judy UG 5.3 8.0 51,075 F 145002 EN Plague: A Gone Novel Grant, Michael UG 4.1 15.0 105,525 F 26636 EN Plague of Sorcerers, A Zambreno, Mary Frances MG 5.0 8.0 53,058 F 115430 EN Plague, The Harlen, Jonathan MG 3.5 1.0 5,629 F 138405 EN Plain Kate Bow, Erin MG+ 4.4 9.0 65,190 F 66785 EN Planet Janet Sheldon, Dyan UG 6.0 8.0 50,361 F 103508 EN Planet Janet in Orbit Sheldon, Dyan MG+ 6.1 10.0 59,211 F 146039 EN Planet Middle School Grimes, Nikki MG 4.0 1.0 9,970 F 61389 EN Playing for Keeps Nixon, Joan Lowery UG 4.8 6.0 42,488 F 134615 EN Playing Forward Maddox, Jake MG 3.4 1.0 5,245 F 17588 EN Playoff Dreams Bowen, Fred MG 4.2 2.0 13,018 F 1629 EN Pluto Brimner, Larry Dane LG 4.9 0.5 1,224 106134 EN Pluto Project, The Haber, Melissa Glenn MG 5.5 10.0 61,762 F 121445 EN Engle, Margarita MG+ 6.3 2.0 12,804 F 59168 EN Poet Slave of Cuba: A Biography of Juan Francisco Manzano, The Point Blank Horowitz, Anthony MG 4.8 8.0 55,286 F 100129 EN Poison Wooding, Chris UG 6.3 13.0 81,139 F 79470 EN Poison Evidence Dahl, Michael MG 5.1 0.5 1,995 106425 EN Poison Ivy Koss, Amy Goldman MG 5.7 5.0 34,282 F 111999 EN Poison Pages Dahl, Michael MG 2.7 0.5 765 F 109664 EN Poison Plate Spirn, M. Sobel MG 3.4 1.0 10,325 F NF NF 2073 EN Police Dogs George, Charles MG 4.5 0.5 2,783 NF 17483 EN Political Parties Lindop, Edmund UG 10.0 2.0 11,129 NF 77536 EN Pool Boy Simmons, Michael UG 4.4 5.0 37,906 F 130528 EN Gallagher, Diana G. MG 3.1 1.0 8,173 F 131873 EN Pool Problem: The Complicated Life of Claudia Cristina Cortez Pop Korman, Gordon MG+ 5.1 8.0 52,682 F 9640 EN Popcorn Days & Buttermilk Nights Paulsen, Gary MG 5.1 4.0 25,347 F 14795 EN Poppy Avi MG 4.5 4.0 26,555 F 29505 EN Poppy and Rye Avi MG 4.3 5.0 36,513 F 124700 EN Porcupine Year, The Erdrich, Louise MG 5.6 6.0 36,882 F 80612 EN Porsche Stacy, Lee MG 6.0 0.5 3,119 NF 15335 EN Porsche: Germany's Wonder Car Schleifer, Jay UG 5.6 1.0 6,912 NF 121312 EN Postcard, The Abbott, Tony MG 4.0 9.0 64,956 F Page 84 Quiz List—Reading Practice Printed Friday, January 6, 2012 10:43:30 AM School: Canal Winchester Middle School Reading Practice Quizzes Quiz Number Lang. Title Author IL ATOS BL Points Word Count F/NF 7.0 46,981 F 35029 EN Postcards to Father Abraham Lewis, Catherine UG 4.0 113361 EN Poverty Senker, Cath MG 9.2 2.0 9,878 66943 EN Power of One, The Courtenay, Bryce UG 6.9 37.0 221,385 F 146436 EN Power of Six, The Lore, Pittacus MG+ 5.3 14.0 91,624 F 117244 EN Powers Le Guin, Ursula K. MG+ 6.0 18.0 111,818 F 14330 EN Prairie Dogs Lottridge, Celia B. MG 5.4 0.5 2,451 70569 EN Prairie Whispers Arrington, Frances MG 3.8 5.0 32,964 F 82589 EN Predator's Gold Reeve, Philip MG+ 6.5 14.0 81,944 F 83021 EN Premonitions Watson, Jude MG 3.8 7.0 49,805 F 16836 EN Jones, Rebecca C. UG 6.9 4.0 23,345 NF NF NF 11435 EN President Has Been Shot! True Stories of the Attacks on Ten U.S. Presidents, The Pressure Play/Line Drive to Short Christopher, Matt MG 4.3 4.0 24,894 F 102674 EN Pretties Westerfeld, Scott MG 5.7 13.0 80,363 F 104966 EN Pretty Committee Strikes Back, The Harrison, Lisi MG+ 4.6 8.0 57,956 F 135977 EN Pride and Prejudice and Zombies Grahame-Smith, Seth UG 8.0 18.0 102,534 F 714 EN Pride and Prejudice (Unabridged) Austen, Jane UG 12.0 27.0 121,342 F 80494 EN Prince Across the Water Yolen, Jane UG 5.1 11.0 75,875 F 634 EN Prince Caspian Lewis, C.S. MG 5.7 7.0 44,764 F 104732 EN Princess Academy Hale, Shannon MG 6.0 10.0 63,201 F 121692 EN Princess Ben Murdock, Catherine Gilbert MG 7.9 11.0 64,149 F 146044 EN Princess Curse, The Haskell, Merrie MG 5.4 10.0 67,199 F 26045 EN Princess Diana Krohn, Katherine MG 6.2 3.0 17,598 NF 44873 EN Princess Diaries, The Cabot, Meg UG 5.7 9.0 58,954 F 58064 EN Princess in Love Cabot, Meg UG 5.8 8.0 48,851 F 77562 EN Princess in Pink Cabot, Meg UG 6.0 9.0 54,810 F 51782 EN Princess in the Spotlight Cabot, Meg UG 5.7 8.0 47,832 F 86753 EN Princess in Training Cabot, Meg UG 5.5 8.0 54,246 F 68066 EN Princess in Waiting Cabot, Meg UG 6.1 8.0 50,763 F 112308 EN Princess on the Brink Cabot, Meg UG 4.7 7.0 47,404 F 77350 EN Morris, Gerald MG 5.2 10.0 68,854 F 131493 EN Princess, the Crone, and the Dung-Cart Knight, The Prism Kellerman, Faye MG+ 3.8 7.0 53,551 F 18827 EN Prisoner of Time Cooney, Caroline B. UG 5.3 6.0 42,022 F 14529 EN Hest, Amy MG 3.5 1.0 9,172 F 81841 EN Private Notebook of Katie Roberts, Age 11, The Private Peaceful Morpurgo, Michael MG 5.2 7.0 46,316 F 82659 EN Pelzer, Dave UG 6.9 9.0 55,883 NF 147567 EN Privilege of Youth: A Teenager's Story of Longing for Acceptance and Friendship, The Prized O'Brien, Caragh M. UG 4.6 14.0 97,731 F 781 EN Probably Still Nick Swansen Wolff, Virginia Euwer UG 4.6 6.0 41,348 F 115155 EN Benton, Jim MG 5.7 2.0 13,436 F 105480 EN Problem with Here Is That It's Where I'm From by Jamie Kelly, The Profiles in Sports Courage Rappoport, Ken MG 5.7 5.0 30,339 NF 119693 EN Project 17 Stolarz, Laurie Faria MG 4.8 7.0 49,185 F Page 85 Quiz List—Reading Practice Printed Friday, January 6, 2012 10:43:30 AM School: Canal Winchester Middle School Reading Practice Quizzes Quiz Number Lang. Title Author IL ATOS BL Points Word Count F/NF 87375 EN Project Mulberry Park, Linda Sue MG 4.3 6.0 41,876 F 128803 EN Project Sweet Life Hartinger, Brent MG+ 5.0 8.0 51,344 F 84641 EN Prom Anderson, Laurie Halse UG 4.1 7.0 50,267 F 41248 EN Promises to the Dead Hahn, Mary Downing MG 5.5 8.0 49,222 F 131597 EN Prophecy of the Sisters Zink, Michelle UG 5.4 13.0 82,180 F 106652 EN Prophet of Yonwood, The DuPrau, Jeanne MG 4.9 9.0 60,741 F 24288 EN Prozac: The Controversial Cure Packard, Helen C. UG 6.4 1.0 7,020 140159 EN PS Brothers, The Boelts, Maribeth MG 4.8 3.0 21,350 F 104013 EN Ptolemy's Gate Stroud, Jonathan MG 5.7 20.0 129,610 F 104045 EN Public Enemies Korman, Gordon MG 5.2 4.0 26,177 F 123375 EN Pugs Gagne, Tammy MG 4.5 0.5 2,127 112267 EN Pull of the Ocean, The Mourlevat, Jean-Claude MG 4.4 3.0 21,209 F 103231 EN Punished! Lubar, David LG 3.6 1.0 9,988 F 122769 EN Puppet's Eye, The Bone, Ian MG 3.2 1.0 5,103 F 14482 EN Paulsen, Gary MG 6.0 2.0 15,107 NF NF NF 58207 EN Puppies, Dogs and Blue Northers: Reflections on Being Raised by a Pack of Sled Dogs Pure Dead Magic Gliori, Debi MG 5.9 6.0 38,562 F 113744 EN Pure Spring Doyle, Brian UG 4.0 4.0 30,349 F 103839 EN Purple Emperor, The Brennan, Herbie MG+ 5.4 14.0 93,141 F 145080 EN Putting Makeup on the Fat Boy Wright, Bil UG 5.1 9.0 58,937 F 10584 EN Quarter Horse, The Stewart, Gail B. MG 5.1 0.5 2,185 NF 137261 EN Quarterback Comeback Maddox, Jake MG 3.6 1.0 4,832 F 27744 EN Korman, Gordon MG 4.3 2.0 15,044 F 120156 EN Quarterback Exchange: I Was John Elway Quarterback Sneak Maddox, Jake MG 3.8 1.0 4,751 F 4409 EN Queen Cleopatra (A&E Biography) Streissguth, Tom MG 8.5 3.0 15,348 NF 111753 EN Queen Latifah Snyder, Gail MG 7.3 1.0 8,426 NF 36676 EN Queen of Attolia, The Turner, Megan Whalen MG 6.7 14.0 82,579 F 143275 EN Queen of Hearts Brooks, Martha MG+ 4.4 6.0 43,448 F 142772 EN Queen of Water, The Resau, Laura UG 5.4 14.0 88,058 F 40715 EN Yolen, Jane UG 6.0 12.0 77,809 F 87376 EN Queen's Own Fool: A Novel of Mary Queen of Scots Queen Sophie Hartley Greene, Stephanie LG 4.8 3.0 22,184 F 123127 EN Quest Begins, The Hunter, Erin MG 5.4 12.0 74,929 F 110104 EN Quest of the Fair Unknown, The Morris, Gerald MG 5.0 9.0 56,749 F 124181 EN Queste Sage, Angie MG 5.8 18.0 111,781 F 61526 EN Quicksand Question, The Roy, Ron LG 3.7 1.0 9,416 F 86853 EN Quicksilver Spinner, Stephanie MG+ 5.3 4.0 27,325 F 106822 EN Quillan Games, The MacHale, D.J. MG 4.7 22.0 147,197 F 80081 EN Quilt, The Paulsen, Gary MG 5.1 2.0 14,690 F 62566 EN Quiver Spinner, Stephanie UG 5.0 4.0 23,450 F 119444 EN Aronson, Marc UG 8.8 11.0 58,836 NF 51852 EN Race: A History Beyond Black and White Racing the Past Deans, Sis MG 5.8 6.0 36,500 F 74062 EN Racism Gifford, Clive MG 8.7 2.0 9,027 NF Page 86 Quiz List—Reading Practice Printed Friday, January 6, 2012 10:43:30 AM School: Canal Winchester Middle School Reading Practice Quizzes Quiz Number Lang. Title Author IL ATOS BL Points Word Count F/NF 683 EN Racso and the Rats of NIMH Conly, Jane Leslie MG 5.0 8.0 50,472 F 53696 EN Rag and Bone Shop, The Cormier, Robert UG 5.7 4.0 24,734 F 53848 EN Raiders and Traders Ganeri, Anita MG 4.6 0.5 2,398 133795 EN Raiders' Ransom Diamand, Emily MG+ 4.5 11.0 77,780 F F NF 50386 EN Rain Is Not My Indian Name Smith, Cynthia Leitich MG 5.8 5.0 30,907 123376 EN Dougherty, Terri MG 5.3 0.5 2,044 81927 EN Raising the Flag: The Battle of Iwo Jima Rakkety Tam Jacques, Brian MG 5.5 16.0 104,505 F NF 336 EN Ralph S. Mouse Cleary, Beverly MG 5.1 3.0 19,655 F 32142 EN Ramona's World Cleary, Beverly MG 4.8 4.0 25,846 F 126599 EN Ramp Rats O'Donnell, Liam MG 3.2 1.0 5,882 F 5283 EN Ransom Duncan, Lois UG 4.9 7.0 44,269 F 47668 EN Ransom of Mercy Carter, The Cooney, Caroline B. UG 5.7 9.0 54,910 F 30596 EN Rap and Hip Hop Hashjin, S. Ayazi UG 7.7 1.0 5,490 NF 34705 EN Raptor Zindel, Paul MG 5.1 5.0 33,299 F 133143 EN Meyer, L.A. MG+ 5.9 18.0 113,615 F 122757 EN Rapture of the Deep: Being an Account of the Further Adventures of Jacky Faber, Soldier, Sailor, Mermaid, Spy Rapunzel's Revenge Hale, Shannon MG 3.2 1.0 11,023 F 106129 EN Rash Hautman, Pete MG 4.7 7.0 49,823 F 114097 EN Rat Life Arnold, Tedd MG+ 3.8 6.0 42,461 F 31409 EN Rat's Tale, A Seidler, Tor MG 5.4 5.0 32,864 F 43473 EN Rats Zindel, Paul MG 5.4 6.0 39,389 F 137760 EN Rats on the Page Dahl, Michael MG 3.0 0.5 1,502 F 14969 EN Rats Saw God Thomas, Rob UG 7.4 10.0 57,032 F 63646 EN Raven of the Waves Cadnum, Michael UG 5.5 7.0 46,020 F 122838 EN Raven Rise MacHale, D.J. MG 4.4 22.0 155,726 F 89053 EN Raven's Gate Horowitz, Anthony MG 4.4 10.0 66,657 F 136984 EN Raven Speak Wilson, Diane Lee UG 6.6 10.0 62,165 F 133796 EN Raven Summer Almond, David MG+ 3.3 5.0 35,676 F 143882 EN Raven, The Carman, Patrick MG 5.1 5.0 31,077 F 62580 EN Ray Charles Beyer, Mark MG 5.4 2.0 11,315 NF 128143 EN Gutman, Dan MG 4.2 4.0 30,592 F 53686 EN Ray & Me: A Baseball Card Adventure Razzle Wittlinger, Ellen UG 4.9 10.0 66,046 F 121281 EN Re-Gifters Carey, Mike UG 2.6 1.0 9,205 F 47420 EN Reach for the Stars Mazer, Anne MG 4.1 2.0 17,567 F 58065 EN Reach for Tomorrow McDaniel, Lurlene UG 4.4 5.0 31,266 F 89525 EN Cabot, Meg UG 5.0 8.0 55,799 F 120087 EN Ready or Not: An All-American Girl Novel Real-Life Dragons Doeden, Matt MG 4.6 0.5 1,599 82403 EN Real Time Kass, Pnina Moed MG 4.4 8.0 54,172 F NF 72386 EN Reality Bug, The MacHale, D.J. MG 4.5 15.0 105,864 F 130987 EN Reality Check Abrahams, Peter UG 4.6 9.0 64,687 F 18829 EN Realms of the Gods, The Pierce, Tamora UG 5.9 10.0 60,214 F Page 87 Quiz List—Reading Practice Printed Friday, January 6, 2012 10:43:30 AM School: Canal Winchester Middle School Reading Practice Quizzes Quiz Number Lang. Title Author IL ATOS BL Points Word Count F/NF 543 EN Rebecca Du Maurier, Daphne UG 6.8 26.0 152,798 F 100508 EN Rebel Angels Bray, Libba UG 4.6 19.0 128,523 F 139119 EN Reckless Funke, Cornelia MG 5.4 10.0 65,034 F 62712 EN Peacock, Judith MG 6.9 1.0 3,750 101457 EN Reconstruction: Rebuilding After the Civil War Recruit, The Muchamore, Robert UG 4.5 11.0 73,689 F 141739 EN Recruited Weyn, Suzanne UG 4.2 2.0 11,279 F 684 EN Red-Hot Hightops Christopher, Matt MG 4.2 3.0 21,288 F NF 58912 EN Red Midnight Mikaelsen, Ben MG 4.3 7.0 50,411 F 114098 EN Red Moon at Sharpsburg Wells, Rosemary MG+ 4.7 8.0 55,606 F 122453 EN Red Necklace, The Gardner, Sally UG 5.8 14.0 85,957 F 137173 EN Red Pyramid, The Riordan, Rick MG 4.5 18.0 124,305 F 102693 EN Red Rider's Hood Shusterman, Neal MG 4.8 7.0 45,603 F 17835 EN Jiang, Ji-li UG 5.0 8.0 54,473 NF 7129 EN Red Scarf Girl: A Memoir of the Cultural Revolution Redwall Jacques, Brian MG 5.6 16.0 101,289 F 29367 EN Reef of Death Zindel, Paul UG 4.6 4.0 29,470 F 130004 EN Jinks, Catherine MG+ 5.3 14.0 93,244 F 34833 EN Reformed Vampire Support Group, The Regular Guy Weeks, Sarah MG 5.5 3.0 17,476 F 121120 EN Reincarnation Weyn, Suzanne MG+ 5.4 10.0 65,993 F 17239 EN Religion Langley, Myrtle MG 8.0 1.0 6,038 6626 EN Reluctantly Alice Naylor, Phyllis Reynolds UG 5.0 6.0 43,211 F 65060 EN Allen, Thomas MG 6.1 2.0 10,248 NF 134838 EN Remember Pearl Harbor: American and Japanese Survivors Tell Their Stories Remembering Green Beake, Lesley MG 4.7 3.0 19,911 F NF 14966 EN Remembering Mog Rodowsky, Colby MG 5.5 6.0 35,916 F 124052 EN Reminder, The Michaels, Rune MG 4.0 5.0 34,486 F 59262 EN Renegades of Pern, The McCaffrey, Anne UG 6.9 21.0 121,590 F 77860 EN Report Card, The Clements, Andrew MG 4.9 5.0 31,355 F 63439 EN Report to the Principal's Office Spinelli, Jerry MG 4.5 4.0 24,735 F 46953 EN Reproductive System, The O'Donnell, Kerri MG 7.2 1.0 6,064 NF 17240 EN Reptile McCarthy, Colin MG 7.6 1.0 6,072 NF 41286 EN Reptile Room, The Snicket, Lemony MG 6.3 5.0 29,139 F 7199 EN Rescue Josh McGuire Mikaelsen, Ben MG 4.4 9.0 59,837 F 75126 EN Rescue, The Lasky, Kathryn MG 5.3 6.0 40,413 F 30590 EN Axelrod, Toby UG 6.0 1.0 8,377 NF 30591 EN Anflick, Charles UG 6.6 1.0 8,186 NF 46954 EN Rescuers Defying the Nazis: Non-Jewish Teens Who Rescued Jews Resistance: Teen Partisans and Resisters Who Fought Nazi Tyranny Respiratory System, The Lee, Justin MG 6.8 1.0 6,830 NF 74174 EN Restless: A Ghost's Story Wallace, Rich UG 4.4 4.0 30,392 F 115907 EN Noyes, Deborah UG 5.1 8.0 52,217 F 114914 EN Restless Dead: Ten Original Stories of the Supernatural, The Return of Meteor Boy?, The Boniface, William MG 6.2 11.0 65,930 F Page 88 Quiz List—Reading Practice Printed Friday, January 6, 2012 10:43:30 AM School: Canal Winchester Middle School Reading Practice Quizzes Quiz Number Lang. Title Author IL ATOS BL Points Word Count F/NF 11437 EN Return of the Home Run Kid Christopher, Matt MG 4.7 4.0 26,092 F 5286 EN Return of the King, The Tolkien, J.R.R. UG 6.2 22.0 134,462 F 75118 EN Cooney, Caroline B. UG 4.6 5.0 35,246 F 145097 EN Return of the Vampire/Evil Returns, The Return to Daemon Hall: Evil Roots Nance, Andrew MG+ 4.7 7.0 50,047 F 25231 EN Return to Hawk's Hill Eckert, Allan W. MG 7.4 7.0 38,696 F 67030 EN Reunion Cabot, Meg UG 5.0 8.0 56,558 F 101658 EN Haugaard, Erik Christian UG 5.7 10.0 62,652 F 104967 EN Revenge of the Forty-Seven Samurai, The Revenge of the Shadow King, The Benz, Derek MG 5.6 15.0 93,856 F 86283 EN Revenge of the Wannabes Harrison, Lisi MG+ 4.6 10.0 67,557 F 101692 EN Revenge of the Witch Delaney, Joseph MG 5.6 9.0 59,544 F 111754 EN Reverend Run (Run-D.M.C.) Brown, Terrell MG 7.0 1.0 8,366 NF 87996 EN Revolt, The Skurzynski, Gloria UG 5.5 10.0 64,804 F 140155 EN Revolution Donnelly, Jennifer UG 3.6 17.0 123,080 F 118284 EN Revolution Is Not a Dinner Party Compestine, Ying Chang MG 4.7 6.0 43,520 F 43682 EN Revolutionary War on Wednesday Osborne, Mary Pope LG 3.5 1.0 5,041 F 136706 EN Revolver Sedgwick, Marcus MG+ 5.2 5.0 32,545 F 31531 EN Rewind Sleator, William MG 4.1 3.0 24,275 F 136864 EN Rex Zero, the Great Pretender Wynne-Jones, Tim MG 3.8 6.0 44,615 F 18177 EN Rhine, The Pollard, Michael MG 7.4 1.0 7,367 NF 14376 EN Rhinoceros Switzer, Merebeth MG 5.4 0.5 2,220 NF 7745 EN Ribsy Cleary, Beverly MG 5.0 4.0 28,975 F 112890 EN Rich Girl, The Stine, R.L. MG 3.3 3.0 22,753 F 73000 EN Richard Peck Sommers, Michael A. MG 7.7 2.0 14,112 NF 108559 EN Riddle, The Croggon, Alison MG+ 6.8 25.0 146,565 F 87350 EN Riddles of Epsilon, The Morton-Shaw, Christine MG+ 4.0 10.0 72,590 F 36690 EN Ride into Morning, A Rinaldi, Ann UG 4.8 10.0 65,547 F 61327 EN Riding the Flume Pfitsch, Patricia Curtis MG 4.9 7.0 48,322 F 14483 EN Rifle, The Paulsen, Gary MG 6.8 3.0 16,877 F 75 EN Rifles for Watie Keith, Harold MG 6.1 14.0 86,265 F 5951 EN Myers, Walter Dean UG 5.4 4.0 28,823 F 135 EN Righteous Revenge of Artemis Bonner, The Ring of Endless Light, A L'Engle, Madeleine UG 5.2 11.0 75,407 F 134436 EN Riot Myers, Walter Dean MG+ 4.6 3.0 22,161 F 145219 EN Rip Tide Falls, Kat MG 5.3 10.0 67,475 F 106287 EN Rise of Lubchenko, The Simmons, Michael UG 5.0 7.0 49,778 F 112568 EN Rise of the Black Wolf, The Benz, Derek MG 6.1 12.0 76,731 F 139762 EN Rise of the Huntress Delaney, Joseph MG 5.6 11.0 69,134 F 75834 EN Rising Storm Hunter, Erin MG 6.1 11.0 71,407 F 56438 EN Rising Water Petersen, P.J. MG 3.8 4.0 32,193 F 24289 EN Ritalin: Its Use and Abuse Beal, Eileen UG 7.1 1.0 7,402 139491 EN Feinstein, John MG 5.4 9.0 57,242 F 136235 EN Rivalry: Mystery at the Army-Navy Game, The Rivals NF Green, Tim MG 5.2 7.0 48,937 F 73789 EN River Between Us, The Peck, Richard UG 4.9 5.0 35,154 F Page 89 Quiz List—Reading Practice Printed Friday, January 6, 2012 10:43:30 AM School: Canal Winchester Middle School Reading Practice Quizzes Quiz Number Lang. Title Author IL ATOS BL Points Word Count F/NF 4.0 28,693 F 25235 EN River Danger Dygard, Thomas J. UG 4.8 115640 EN River of Wind, The Lasky, Kathryn MG 5.3 6.0 40,357 F 111557 EN River Secrets Hale, Shannon MG+ 5.7 10.0 64,123 F 7023 EN River, The Paulsen, Gary MG 5.5 4.0 27,563 F 18831 EN River Thunder Hobbs, Will UG 5.0 7.0 49,338 F 89886 EN Rivers of Zadaa, The MacHale, D.J. MG 4.5 18.0 122,530 F 58218 EN Road to Balinor, The Stanton, Mary MG 4.2 4.0 29,672 F 5953 EN Road to Memphis, The Taylor, Mildred D. UG 4.5 12.0 82,966 F 110129 EN Road to Paris, The Grimes, Nikki MG 4.3 4.0 25,478 F 131463 EN Road to Revolution! Mack, Stan MG 3.4 1.0 10,207 F 84406 EN Road Trip Carlson, Melody MG+ 5.2 8.0 54,170 F 129388 EN Roar, The Clayton, Emma MG 6.0 18.0 109,670 F 123162 EN Robe of Skulls, The French, Vivian MG 4.7 5.0 32,156 F 69194 EN Robert Cormier Thomson, Sarah L. MG 7.4 2.0 13,424 NF 128560 EN Robert Pattinson: Eternally Yours Adams, Isabelle MG 7.7 5.0 30,244 NF 136102 EN Gutman, Dan MG 4.1 5.0 36,515 F 109989 EN Roberto & Me: A Baseball Card Adventure Robin Hood Shepard, Aaron MG 2.7 0.5 2,265 F 128762 EN Rock and the River, The Magoon, Kekla MG+ 3.9 8.0 59,211 F 109665 EN Rock Art Rebel Cosson, M.J. MG 3.9 2.0 10,983 F 35205 EN Rocket Boys/October Sky Hickam, Homer UG 5.9 21.0 129,931 NF 14784 EN Rocks & Minerals Symes, R.F. MG 8.3 1.0 5,150 NF 68142 EN Rodzina Cushman, Karen MG 4.8 6.0 41,138 F 127048 EN Bell, Hilari MG+ 5.9 14.0 89,132 F 116712 EN Rogue's Home: A Knight and Rogue Novel Rogues, The Yolen, Jane MG 5.5 12.0 75,423 F 101385 EN Roll Call Rose, Malcolm MG 4.9 6.0 42,312 F 136 EN Roll of Thunder, Hear My Cry Taylor, Mildred D. MG 5.7 10.0 65,606 F 52486 EN Roller Coasters Stone, Lynn M. MG 5.9 1.0 3,757 25219 EN Roller Hockey Radicals Christopher, Matt MG 4.3 3.0 23,804 F 72631 EN Romania Oprea, Tiberiu MG 10.0 4.0 18,969 NF NF 53875 EN Romeo and Juliet Shakespeare, William UG 8.6 5.0 25,599 F 141506 EN Romeo and Juliet Code, The Stone, Phoebe MG 5.3 9.0 58,166 F 32450 EN Romiette and Julio Draper, Sharon M. UG 4.7 10.0 66,868 F 15103 EN Rookie Arrives, The Dygard, Thomas J. UG 5.2 6.0 40,367 F 106750 EN Room One: A Mystery or Two Clements, Andrew MG 5.1 4.0 27,621 F 62573 EN Rope Trick, The Alexander, Lloyd MG 3.9 6.0 41,845 F 58070 EN Ropemaker, The Dickinson, Peter UG 6.3 21.0 128,537 F 6395 EN Rosa Parks, My Story Parks, Rosa UG 6.2 6.0 40,013 18554 EN Rose Daughter McKinley, Robin UG 6.8 24.0 141,511 F 8140 EN Roses for Mama Oke, Janette UG 5.1 9.0 59,349 F 35194 EN Rosey in the Present Tense Hawes, Louise UG 4.7 5.0 32,864 F 26040 EN Rosie O'Donnell Krohn, Katherine MG 6.4 2.0 12,967 NF NF Page 90 Quiz List—Reading Practice Printed Friday, January 6, 2012 10:43:30 AM School: Canal Winchester Middle School Reading Practice Quizzes Quiz Number Lang. Title Points Word Count F/NF 4.5 1.0 8,110 F UG 5.0 17.0 111,009 F MG 5.0 1.0 4,204 Heldring, Thatcher MG 3.6 6.0 46,507 F Author IL Rosy Cole's Memoir Explosion: A Heartbreaking Story about Losing Friends, Annoying Family, and Ruining Romance Rot & Ruin Greenwald, Sheila LG Maberry, Jonathan Blackwood, Gary L. ATOS BL 104753 EN 139855 EN 24891 EN 136103 EN Rough Riding Reformer: Theodore Roosevelt Roy Morelli Steps Up to the Plate 76725 EN Royally Jacked Burnham, Niki UG 5.4 6.0 41,373 F 58208 EN Ruby Holler Creech, Sharon MG 4.3 6.0 44,907 F 25239 EN Ruby in the Smoke, The Pullman, Philip UG 5.3 9.0 58,871 F 43423 EN Ruby Raven, The Dahl, Michael MG 4.9 7.0 45,577 F 143787 EN Ruby Red Gier, Kerstin MG+ 4.7 11.0 73,179 F 132516 EN Ruined Morris, Paula MG+ 6.0 12.0 76,354 F 89662 EN Ruins of Gorlan, The Flanagan, John MG 7.0 12.0 68,203 F 106154 EN Rules Lord, Cynthia MG 3.9 4.0 31,368 F 108590 EN Rules of Survival, The Werlin, Nancy UG 4.3 8.0 55,003 F 25068 EN Rules of the Road Bauer, Joan UG 5.0 6.0 41,948 F NF 782 EN Rumble Fish Hinton, S.E. UG 4.1 3.0 24,089 F 44303 EN Rumpelstiltskin Problem, The Vande Velde, Vivian MG 5.7 4.0 22,987 F 67174 EN Run for It Hirschfeld, Robert MG 4.0 3.0 22,117 F 48141 EN Run If You Dare Powell, Randy UG 4.6 6.0 38,228 F 109202 EN Runaway Van Draanen, Wendelin MG 4.7 9.0 59,561 F 65673 EN Runaway Racehorse, The Roy, Ron LG 3.6 1.0 8,364 F 123114 EN Runaway Skeleton, The Muldoon, Kathleen M. MG 3.7 1.0 10,306 F 132853 EN Runaway Twin Kehret, Peg MG 4.7 6.0 39,471 F 87367 EN Runner Deuker, Carl MG 4.3 6.0 44,959 F 113959 EN Runner Newton, Robert MG+ 4.5 7.0 49,140 F 27743 EN Korman, Gordon MG 4.2 2.0 13,892 F 137262 EN Running Back Conversion: I Was Barry Sanders Running Back Dreams Maddox, Jake MG 3.8 1.0 4,701 F 141591 EN Running Dream, The Van Draanen, Wendelin MG+ 4.1 9.0 60,309 F 14775 EN Running Loose Crutcher, Chris UG 5.2 7.0 45,621 F 14531 EN Running out of Time Haddix, Margaret Peterson MG 4.8 7.0 44,581 F 60662 EN Running Wild Dygard, Thomas J. UG 5.3 5.0 33,858 F 62567 EN Runt Bauer, Marion Dane MG 4.8 3.0 21,280 F 29661 EN Rusty Wallace Mello, Tara Baukus MG 6.1 1.0 9,104 NF 69195 EN S.E. Hinton Wilson, Antoine MG 7.4 2.0 13,180 NF 138718 EN Sabotaged Haddix, Margaret Peterson MG 5.0 11.0 70,466 F 17837 EN Sabriel Nix, Garth UG 7.3 16.0 90,195 F 35646 EN Sacajawea Bruchac, Joseph MG 5.7 8.0 51,809 F 101765 EN Sacrifice, The Duble, Kathleen Benner MG 4.6 5.0 34,619 F 74588 EN Saddam Hussein Stewart, Gail B. UG 8.9 4.0 23,131 NF 124432 EN Safe at Home Lupica, Mike MG 5.6 5.0 29,714 F 58687 EN Saffy's Angel McKay, Hilary MG 4.5 6.0 40,324 F Page 91 Quiz List—Reading Practice Printed Friday, January 6, 2012 10:43:30 AM School: Canal Winchester Middle School Reading Practice Quizzes Quiz Number Lang. Title Author IL Zimmerman, Dwight Jon MG+ Points Word Count F/NF 7.8 7.0 41,241 NF ATOS BL 147223 EN 49767 EN Saga of the Sioux: An Adaptation of Dee Brown's Bury My Heart at Wounded Knee Sailor Returns, A Taylor, Theodore MG 4.7 3.0 23,808 F 47476 EN Saint Joan of Arc Roberts, Jeremy MG 6.8 3.0 15,889 NF 10793 EN Salamandastron Jacques, Brian MG 5.7 16.0 100,920 F 118502 EN Salamander Spell, The Baker, E.D. MG 5.4 9.0 56,578 F 77817 EN Salamanders Heathcote, Peter MG 6.5 1.0 7,247 NF 4477 EN Salem Witch Trials, The Wilson, Lori Lee MG 8.8 4.0 21,812 NF 114107 EN Salome Gormley, Beatrice MG+ 5.6 9.0 56,546 F 61474 EN Same Stuff as Stars, The Paterson, Katherine MG 4.3 8.0 55,978 F 44716 EN Van Draanen, Wendelin MG 4.6 8.0 57,629 F 48079 EN Van Draanen, Wendelin MG 4.9 9.0 62,579 F 28507 EN Sammy Keyes and the Curse of Moustache Mary Sammy Keyes and the Hollywood Mummy Sammy Keyes and the Hotel Thief Van Draanen, Wendelin MG 4.6 6.0 40,273 F 34513 EN Sammy Keyes and the Runaway Elf Van Draanen, Wendelin MG 4.4 7.0 45,347 F 61273 EN Van Draanen, Wendelin MG 4.0 9.0 63,767 F 32155 EN Van Draanen, Wendelin MG 5.2 8.0 54,568 F 28508 EN Van Draanen, Wendelin MG 5.1 7.0 44,833 F 107735 EN Sammy Keyes and the Search for Snake Eyes Sammy Keyes and the Sisters of Mercy Sammy Keyes and the Skeleton Man Samurai Leavitt, Caroline MG 5.1 0.5 1,725 113364 EN Samurai Never Fears Death, A Hoobler, Dorothy MG+ 5.2 6.0 38,361 F 44874 EN Samurai's Tale, The Haugaard, Erik Christian UG 6.3 10.0 61,650 F 106131 EN Samurai Shortstop Gratz, Alan MG 4.9 9.0 59,142 F 112396 EN Samurai: Warlords of Japan Dean, Arlan MG 6.1 1.0 3,750 NF 104817 EN San Antonio Spurs, The Stewart, Mark MG 5.7 1.0 4,509 NF 45708 EN Sandry's Book Pierce, Tamora UG 5.5 9.0 58,666 F 107901 EN Sandy Koufax Doeden, Matt MG 6.5 3.0 20,874 NF 31174 EN Sang Spell Naylor, Phyllis Reynolds UG 5.2 7.0 44,705 F 36103 EN Sanford, William R. MG 6.7 3.0 18,234 NF 141389 EN Santa Fe Trail in American History, The Sapphique Fisher, Catherine MG+ 4.4 14.0 97,312 F NF 137 EN Sarah, Plain and Tall MacLachlan, Patricia MG 3.4 1.0 8,377 F 25237 EN Sarny: A Life Remembered Paulsen, Gary MG 4.6 5.0 35,340 F 79211 EN SARS Stewart, Gail B. UG 9.7 4.0 19,396 NF 34510 EN Sasquatch Smith, Roland MG 4.5 5.0 37,067 F 103588 EN Gutman, Dan MG 4.1 5.0 34,235 F 119754 EN Sturm, James MG 4.3 1.0 6,041 121961 EN Satch & Me: A Baseball Card Adventure Satchel Paige: Striking Out Jim Crow Saturday Night Dirt Weaver, Will MG+ 4.7 5.0 33,723 NF F 1628 EN Saturn Brimner, Larry Dane LG 4.8 0.5 1,201 39890 EN Savage Damsel and the Dwarf, The Morris, Gerald MG 5.3 7.0 44,477 NF F 125823 EN Savage, The Almond, David MG+ 4.6 1.0 6,992 F 81220 EN Saving Francesca Marchetta, Melina UG 4.8 9.0 58,782 F Page 92 Quiz List—Reading Practice Printed Friday, January 6, 2012 10:43:30 AM School: Canal Winchester Middle School Reading Practice Quizzes Quiz Number Lang. Title Author IL ATOS BL Points Word Count F/NF 13991 EN Saving Jessica McDaniel, Lurlene UG 4.5 4.0 28,802 F 17789 EN Saving Shiloh Naylor, Phyllis Reynolds MG 4.9 6.0 37,081 F 131941 EN Montgomery, Sy MG 5.5 3.0 18,869 NF 141650 EN Saving the Ghost of the Mountain: An Expedition Among Snow Leopards in Mongolia Saving Zasha Barrow, Randi MG 4.4 6.0 38,346 F 36670 EN Savion: My Life in Tap Glover, Savion MG 5.9 2.0 11,054 NF 122451 EN Savvy Law, Ingrid MG 6.0 9.0 57,148 F 60009 EN Say Yes Couloumbis, Audrey MG 3.6 5.0 40,093 F 89887 EN Scarecrow and His Servant, The Pullman, Philip MG 5.3 6.0 37,733 F 6680 EN Scared Stiff Roberts, Willo Davis MG 5.0 7.0 44,871 F 6681 EN Scariest Night, The Wright, Betty Ren MG 4.4 5.0 35,261 F 716 EN Scarlet Letter (Unabridged), The Hawthorne, Nathaniel UG 11.7 14.0 63,604 F 40659 EN Scarlet Thunder Brouwer, Sigmund MG 4.5 4.0 25,567 F 135786 EN Scarlett Fever Johnson, Maureen MG+ 4.8 13.0 85,785 F 18787 EN Schwartz, Alvin MG 4.3 2.0 11,444 F 18788 EN Scary Stories 3: More Tales to Chill Your Bones Scary Stories to Tell in the Dark Schwartz, Alvin MG 4.1 1.0 8,941 F 127433 EN Scat Hiaasen, Carl MG 5.5 12.0 79,109 F 17592 EN Schernoff Discoveries, The Paulsen, Gary MG 5.6 3.0 18,293 F 69219 EN School Skeleton, The Roy, Ron LG 3.7 1.0 8,690 F 50395 EN School Story, The Clements, Andrew MG 5.2 5.0 31,056 F 116008 EN Schooled Korman, Gordon MG 4.9 6.0 40,313 F 127455 EN Schooled Langan, Paul MG+ 4.9 4.0 24,790 F 80744 EN Schwa Was Here, The Shusterman, Neal MG+ 5.0 9.0 57,922 F 140107 EN Scorch Trials, The Dashner, James UG 5.0 15.0 96,869 F 138161 EN Stewart, Mark MG 5.9 2.0 12,363 NF 86813 EN Score! The Action and Artistry of Hockey's Magnificent Moment Scorpia Horowitz, Anthony MG 5.0 12.0 80,243 F 143608 EN Scorpia Rising Horowitz, Anthony MG+ 5.6 16.0 99,767 F 147559 EN Scorpio Races, The Stiefvater, Maggie UG 5.5 17.0 110,085 F 42785 EN Scorpion Shards Shusterman, Neal UG 6.1 10.0 63,638 F 386 EN Scorpions Myers, Walter Dean UG 3.7 6.0 44,653 F 106114 EN Scout Ford, Christine MG 4.3 4.0 27,902 F 139485 EN Scrawl Shulman, Mark MG+ 4.3 8.0 58,852 F 86104 EN Scrib: A Novel Ives, David MG+ 5.4 6.0 36,716 F 46853 EN Scribbler of Dreams Pearson, Mary E. UG 4.6 8.0 52,066 F 139963 EN Scumble Law, Ingrid MG 5.6 10.0 66,305 F 85477 EN Sea Legs Shearer, Alex MG 4.8 10.0 70,396 F 105933 EN Sea of Monsters, The Riordan, Rick MG 4.6 9.0 63,976 F 131464 EN Sea of the Dead Durango, Julia MG 5.3 3.0 21,212 F 81202 EN Sea of Trolls, The Farmer, Nancy MG 4.7 16.0 108,260 F 117125 EN Sealed with a Diss Harrison, Lisi MG+ 4.8 8.0 52,910 F 14333 EN Seals Switzer, Merebeth MG 5.5 0.5 2,982 NF 111755 EN Sean "Diddy" Combs Wittmann, Kelly MG 7.6 1.0 8,375 NF Page 93 Quiz List—Reading Practice Printed Friday, January 6, 2012 10:43:30 AM School: Canal Winchester Middle School Reading Practice Quizzes Quiz Number Lang. Title Author IL ATOS BL Points Word Count F/NF 123556 EN Séance, The Lawrence, Iain MG 4.4 9.0 59,252 F 783 EN Seance, The Nixon, Joan Lowery UG 4.7 5.0 37,125 F 103810 EN Search and Destroy Hughes, Dean MG 4.7 7.0 50,408 F 2075 EN Search and Rescue Dogs George, Charles MG 4.6 0.5 3,140 NF 86519 EN Search for Belle Prater, The White, Ruth MG 4.8 5.0 34,504 F 109229 EN Search for Safety Langan, John MG+ 4.2 3.0 23,500 F 14144 EN Search for the Shadowman Nixon, Joan Lowery MG 4.9 4.0 29,826 F 139492 EN Search for WondLa, The DiTerlizzi, Tony MG 5.2 11.0 74,098 F 45070 EN Search, The Jenkins, Jerry B. MG 4.3 4.0 28,731 F 6991 EN Searching for Dragons Wrede, Patricia C. MG 5.3 9.0 57,489 F 11580 EN Season for Goodbye, A McDaniel, Lurlene UG 4.4 5.0 33,852 F 132648 EN Season of Gifts, A Peck, Richard MG 4.6 5.0 32,011 F 100034 EN Season of the Sandstorms Osborne, Mary Pope LG 3.9 2.0 11,815 F 62713 EN Peacock, Judith MG 6.6 1.0 3,638 27606 EN Secession: The Southern States Leave the Union Second Chance Jenkins, Jerry B. MG 4.9 4.0 28,152 F 113960 EN Parkinson, Siobhán MG 4.9 6.0 40,439 F 40661 EN Second Fiddle: Or How to Tell a Blackbird from a Sausage Second Stringer Dygard, Thomas J. UG 5.8 6.0 37,547 F 67499 EN Brashares, Ann UG 4.3 11.0 78,640 F 103377 EN Second Summer of the Sisterhood, The Secret Admirer Stine, R.L. MG+ 3.4 4.0 28,272 F 87335 EN Goldschmidt, Judy MG+ 4.7 6.0 39,725 F 137904 EN Secret Blog of Raisin Rodriguez, The Secret Fiend, The Peacock, Shane MG 5.3 9.0 59,440 F 78 EN Secret Garden (Unabridged), The Burnett, Frances Hodgson MG 6.3 13.0 80,398 F 77495 EN Secret Hour, The Westerfeld, Scott UG 4.8 10.0 64,768 F 75663 EN Secret Identity Van Draanen, Wendelin MG 3.3 2.0 14,955 F 6788 EN Secret in the Old Lace, The Keene, Carolyn MG 5.1 4.0 29,299 F 144178 EN Secret Kingdom, The Nimmo, Jenny MG 4.9 7.0 46,689 F 78525 EN Secret Language of Girls, The Dowell, Frances O'Roark MG 5.2 5.0 36,077 F 30691 EN Cameron, Ann MG 5.0 5.0 36,590 F 68836 EN Secret Life of Amanda K. Woods, The Secret Life of Bees, The Kidd, Sue Monk UG 5.7 15.0 93,316 F 19689 EN Secret of Candlelight Inn, The Keene, Carolyn MG 4.0 4.0 28,704 F 80188 EN Secret of Castle Cant, The Bath, K.P. MG 6.6 12.0 70,733 F 127495 EN Secret of Laurel Oaks, The Ruby, Lois MG+ 5.2 9.0 60,916 F 109382 EN Secret of Me, The Kearney, Meg MG+ 5.6 4.0 24,675 F 21572 EN Secret of Platform 13, The Ibbotson, Eva MG 5.8 7.0 46,046 F 6790 EN Secret of Shady Glen, The Keene, Carolyn MG 4.7 4.0 29,756 F 140359 EN MacDonald, Bailey MG 6.0 7.0 46,177 F 54692 EN Secret of the Sealed Room: A Mystery of Young Benjamin Franklin, The Secret Road, The Nordan, Robert MG 5.7 7.0 47,343 F 5921 EN Secret, Silent Screams Nixon, Joan Lowery UG 4.8 6.0 43,330 F 30651 EN Secret Soldier, The McGovern, Ann MG 4.1 1.0 6,883 NF NF Page 94 Quiz List—Reading Practice Printed Friday, January 6, 2012 10:43:30 AM School: Canal Winchester Middle School Reading Practice Quizzes Quiz Number Lang. Title Author IL Sandler, Martin W. MG Points Word Count F/NF 9.0 4.0 19,444 NF ATOS BL 129946 EN 73377 EN Secret Subway: The Fascinating Tale of an Amazing Feat of Engineering Secrets in the Fire Mankell, Henning MG+ 4.4 5.0 35,401 F 78144 EN Secrets in the Shadows Schraff, Anne MG+ 4.7 3.0 23,250 F 108593 EN Coleman, Janet Wyman MG 7.8 5.0 26,394 NF 106875 EN Secrets, Lies, Gizmos, and Spies: A History of Spies and Espionage Secrets of My Hollywood Life Calonita, Jen MG+ 4.5 8.0 57,201 F 65958 EN Secrets of Vesuvius, The Lawrence, Caroline MG 5.0 6.0 39,563 F 14991 EN See You Around, Sam! Lowry, Lois MG 4.4 3.0 20,507 F 19828 EN Seedfolks Fleischman, Paul MG 4.3 2.0 11,908 F 103455 EN Seeing Emily Wong, Joyce Lee UG 6.5 5.0 30,764 F 118018 EN Seeing Redd Beddor, Frank MG+ 7.6 13.0 75,288 F 55587 EN Seeing Stars Barwin, Gary MG 4.7 6.0 39,549 F 56401 EN Seeing Stone, The Crossley-Holland, Kevin MG 4.3 10.0 71,836 F 70129 EN Seeing Stone, The DiTerlizzi, Tony MG 4.0 1.0 9,347 F 53476 EN Seek Fleischman, Paul UG 4.7 4.0 24,402 F 106132 EN Seeker Nicholson, William MG 4.8 14.0 93,148 F 121299 EN Seer of Shadows, The Avi MG 5.2 6.0 38,755 F 114915 EN Seer, The Stahler Jr., David MG+ 5.1 10.0 67,285 F 35809 EN Sending of Dragons, A Yolen, Jane UG 5.9 8.0 47,908 F 131852 EN Sent Haddix, Margaret Peterson MG 5.0 9.0 59,174 F 27922 EN Sentries Paulsen, Gary MG 5.4 5.0 33,273 F 103935 EN September 11: Attack on America Langley, Andrew MG 7.6 2.0 9,959 126271 EN Aiken, Joan MG 6.2 17.0 107,630 F 124695 EN Serial Garden: The Complete Armitage Family Stories, The Seven Paths to Death Hoobler, Dorothy MG+ 4.9 6.0 40,170 F 28468 EN Seven Songs of Merlin, The Barron, T.A. MG 5.2 12.0 77,272 F NF 12478 EN Seven Spiders Spinning Maguire, Gregory MG 5.5 4.0 23,896 F 122677 EN Seven Wonders of Ancient Africa Woods, Michael MG 5.8 2.0 11,796 NF 122678 EN Seven Wonders of Ancient Asia Woods, Michael MG 6.2 2.0 11,595 NF 124554 EN Seven Wonders of Ancient Greece Woods, Michael MG 6.7 2.0 11,739 NF 135445 EN Bortz, Fred MG 6.9 3.0 14,984 NF 123227 EN Woods, Michael MG 6.0 2.0 11,055 NF 52327 EN Curlee, Lynn MG 8.2 1.0 5,691 NF 124632 EN Woods, Michael MG 6.1 2.0 10,968 NF 57930 EN Seven Wonders of Exploration Technology Seven Wonders of the Ancient Middle East Seven Wonders of the Ancient World Seven Wonders of the Ancient World Shades of Simon Gray McDonald, Joyce UG 6.1 10.0 61,119 F 57121 EN Shadow Club Rising, The Shusterman, Neal UG 5.7 7.0 45,010 F 5293 EN Shadow Club, The Shusterman, Neal UG 5.5 7.0 42,135 F 137298 EN Shadow Hunt, The Langrish, Katherine MG 4.3 10.0 71,913 F 32532 EN Shadow in the North Pullman, Philip UG 5.6 13.0 82,622 F 14962 EN Shadow of the Red Moon Myers, Walter Dean MG 4.4 5.0 33,748 F 135100 EN Shadow Project, The Brennan, Herbie MG+ 5.2 10.0 65,122 F Page 95 Quiz List—Reading Practice Printed Friday, January 6, 2012 10:43:30 AM School: Canal Winchester Middle School Reading Practice Quizzes Quiz Number Lang. Title Author IL ATOS BL Points Word Count F/NF 28438 EN Shadow Spinner Fletcher, Susan UG 4.6 8.0 56,412 F 146313 EN Shadowcry Burtenshaw, Jenna MG+ 6.1 12.0 75,695 F 128144 EN Shadowed Summer Mitchell, Saundra MG 5.1 7.0 45,250 F 82164 EN Shadowgate Rodda, Emily MG 4.7 6.0 38,798 F 146052 EN Shadowing: Hunted, The Slater, Adam MG+ 5.1 7.0 43,672 F 67031 EN Shadowland Cabot, Meg UG 4.9 9.0 57,774 F 75127 EN Shadowlands, The Rodda, Emily MG 5.3 5.0 31,925 F 11738 EN Shadowmaker Nixon, Joan Lowery UG 5.0 7.0 45,600 F 81842 EN Shadows of Ghadames, The Stolz, Joëlle MG 5.9 4.0 24,274 F 71686 EN Shadows on the Sea Harlow, Joan Hiatt MG 4.2 5.0 38,198 F 68614 EN Shakespeare Bats Cleanup Koertge, Ron MG 3.8 2.0 11,320 F 136104 EN Shakespeare Makes the Playoffs Koertge, Ron MG+ 3.5 3.0 19,700 F 44828 EN Shakespeare's Scribe Blackwood, Gary L. UG 6.1 10.0 62,357 F 101237 EN Shakespeare's Secret Broach, Elise MG 4.0 6.0 43,069 F 74074 EN Shakespeare's Spy Blackwood, Gary MG 5.7 11.0 72,819 F 28290 EN Shakespeare Stealer, The Blackwood, Gary L. UG 5.2 7.0 47,688 F 86644 EN Wojtyla, Karen MG 7.4 8.0 45,094 NF 60461 EN Shark Life: True Stories About Sharks & the Sea Shark! The Truth Behind the Terror Strong, Mike MG 4.0 0.5 2,607 NF 132415 EN Sharp Shot Higgins, Jack MG+ 5.2 8.0 52,469 F 109230 EN Shattered Langan, Paul MG+ 4.4 3.0 21,785 F 57931 EN Shattered Mirror Atwater-Rhodes, Amelia UG 5.9 6.0 36,246 F 59215 EN Shattered Sky Shusterman, Neal UG 6.4 25.0 152,177 F 141740 EN Shattered Star Simon, Charnan UG 3.2 2.0 12,772 F 68683 EN Shatterglass Pierce, Tamora MG 5.8 14.0 86,541 F 58066 EN Shattering Glass Giles, Gail UG 4.2 6.0 43,237 F 81926 EN Shattering, The Lasky, Kathryn MG 5.1 5.0 34,644 F 32552 EN She Died Too Young McDaniel, Lurlene UG 4.6 5.0 32,177 F 45372 EN Bernall, Misty UG 6.6 5.0 29,336 NF 120558 EN Alexander, Sally Hobart MG 6.9 2.0 14,478 NF 32414 EN She Said Yes: The Unlikely Martyrdom of Cassie Bernall She Touched the World: Laura Bridgman, Deaf-Blind Pioneer Sheepdog in the Snow Baglio, Ben M. MG 4.0 4.0 29,178 F 86547 EN Shelf Life Corbet, Robert UG 4.9 5.0 35,767 F 146356 EN Shelter: A Mickey Bolitar Novel Coben, Harlan UG 3.7 9.0 63,432 F 124564 EN Shepherd's Granddaughter, The Carter, Anne Laurel MG 4.1 6.0 40,492 F 113961 EN Shield of Stars Bell, Hilari MG+ 5.6 10.0 61,489 F 122857 EN Shift Bradbury, Jennifer UG 4.8 9.0 58,401 F 59070 EN Shifting Sands, The Rodda, Emily MG 5.2 4.0 26,579 F 123378 EN Shih Tzus Larrew, Brekka Hervey MG 4.7 0.5 1,632 5440 EN Shiloh Naylor, Phyllis Reynolds MG 4.4 4.0 29,617 F NF 13758 EN Shiloh Season Naylor, Phyllis Reynolds MG 4.8 5.0 31,674 F 137055 EN Ship Breaker Bacigalupi, Paolo MG+ 4.4 11.0 74,326 F 127525 EN Shipwreck! A Survive! Story Maddox, Jake MG 3.3 1.0 5,133 F 39882 EN Shiva's Fire Staples, Suzanne Fisher UG 6.8 11.0 65,626 F Page 96 Quiz List—Reading Practice Printed Friday, January 6, 2012 10:43:30 AM School: Canal Winchester Middle School Reading Practice Quizzes Quiz Number Lang. Title Author IL ATOS BL Points Word Count F/NF 131465 EN Shiver Stiefvater, Maggie UG 4.9 14.0 94,502 F 57144 EN Gutman, Dan MG 4.3 4.0 30,307 F 78680 EN Shoeless Joe & Me: A Baseball Card Adventure Shooter Myers, Walter Dean UG 4.8 5.0 34,724 F 119938 EN Shooting the Moon Dowell, Frances O'Roark MG 5.3 4.0 27,372 F 137864 EN Meyer, Stephenie UG 4.8 6.0 39,225 F 11442 EN Short Second Life of Bree Tanner: An Eclipse Novella, The Shortstop from Tokyo Christopher, Matt MG 3.9 2.0 12,603 F 137654 EN Shot Clock Slam Kreie, Chris MG 2.8 0.5 1,264 F 59710 EN Orgill, Roxane UG 7.8 7.0 41,704 NF 46193 EN Shout, Sister, Shout! Ten Girl Singers Who Shaped a Century Showdown, The Jenkins, Jerry B. MG 3.8 3.0 22,044 F 106224 EN Shug Han, Jenny MG 4.0 7.0 46,557 F 138719 EN Shutout Halpin, Brendan MG 5.6 7.0 42,807 F 16179 EN Sickle Cell Anemia Silverstein, Alvin UG 9.8 3.0 13,736 NF 108861 EN Side Effects Koss, Amy Goldman MG 4.5 5.0 35,053 F 5243 EN Sachar, Louis MG 3.3 3.0 20,395 F 107322 EN Sideways Stories from Wayside School Sidewayz Glory Strasser, Todd UG 4.1 5.0 37,311 F 131926 EN Siege of Macindaw, The Flanagan, John MG 6.2 13.0 79,176 F 78969 EN Siege, The Lasky, Kathryn MG 5.6 6.0 41,044 F 59131 EN Sight, The Clement-Davies, David UG 6.1 23.0 145,551 F 114862 EN Sight, The Hunter, Erin MG 4.9 12.0 78,527 F 138 EN Sign of the Beaver, The Speare, Elizabeth George MG 4.9 5.0 32,818 F 145300 EN Sign of the Black Rock, The Chantler, Scott MG 3.0 1.0 4,825 F 143901 EN Sign of the Moon Hunter, Erin MG 5.2 11.0 70,527 F 78012 EN Sign of the Qin Bass, L.G. MG 8.1 17.0 92,403 F 131875 EN Signal DeFelice, Cynthia MG 4.7 5.0 33,863 F 63725 EN Fradin, Dennis Brindell MG 7.7 3.0 14,520 NF 147104 EN Signers: The 56 Stories Behind the Declaration of Independence, The Silence Fitzpatrick, Becca UG 5.0 15.0 102,188 F 67229 EN Silent Boy, The Lowry, Lois MG 5.1 6.0 36,479 F 44292 EN Silent to the Bone Konigsburg, E.L. UG 5.4 7.0 47,795 F 145081 EN Silhouetted by the Blue Jones, Traci L. MG 4.6 6.0 42,191 F 18839 EN Silmarillion, The Tolkien, J.R.R. UG 7.9 21.0 116,396 F 133081 EN Silver Blade, The Gardner, Sally UG 5.4 10.0 65,741 F 639 EN Silver Chair, The Lewis, C.S. MG 5.7 8.0 52,436 F 107682 EN Silver Donkey, The Hartnett, Sonya MG 5.0 5.0 30,239 F 6041 EN Silver Kiss, The Klause, Annette Curtis UG 4.5 7.0 46,111 F 5266 EN Serraillier, Ian UG 5.5 6.0 40,851 F 88569 EN Silver Sword/Escape from Warsaw, The SilverFin Higson, Charlie MG+ 5.9 14.0 89,854 F 21734 EN Silverwing Oppel, Kenneth MG 4.7 9.0 58,706 F 59216 EN Simply Alice Naylor, Phyllis Reynolds UG 5.2 7.0 46,665 F 128804 EN Singing, The Croggon, Alison MG+ 6.7 24.0 143,991 F 49768 EN Single Shard, A Park, Linda Sue MG 6.6 6.0 33,726 F Page 97 Quiz List—Reading Practice Printed Friday, January 6, 2012 10:43:30 AM School: Canal Winchester Middle School Reading Practice Quizzes Quiz Number Lang. Title Author IL ATOS BL Points Word Count F/NF 580 EN Singularity Sleator, William MG 4.9 7.0 47,602 F 138142 EN Fleischman, Sid MG 7.0 5.0 32,139 NF 104413 EN Sir Charlie: Chaplin, the Funniest Man in the World Sir Thursday Nix, Garth MG 6.5 12.0 72,574 F 85878 EN Sister of the South, The Rodda, Emily MG 5.5 6.0 41,716 F 53483 EN Sisterhood of the Traveling Pants, The Sisters Brashares, Ann UG 4.5 9.0 60,216 F Paulsen, Gary UG 5.4 1.0 7,939 F Buckley, Michael MG 5.2 9.0 56,907 F Buckley, Michael MG 5.0 9.0 57,432 F Buckley, Michael MG 5.4 9.0 57,853 F 20916 EN 104622 EN 106219 EN 105934 EN 122758 EN Sisters Grimm: The Fairy-Tale Detectives, The Sisters Grimm: The Problem Child, The Sisters Grimm: The Unusual Suspects, The Sisters of the Sword Snow, Maya MG 5.9 9.0 56,601 F 121553 EN Six Innings Preller, James MG 4.5 4.0 30,142 F 103867 EN Schroeder, Peter W. MG 5.9 1.0 7,635 18834 EN Six Million Paper Clips: The Making of a Children's Holocaust Memorial Six Months to Live McDaniel, Lurlene UG 4.6 4.0 24,219 F 5086 EN Sixth Grade Secrets Sachar, Louis MG 3.7 5.0 35,690 F 581 EN Sixth-Grade Sleepover Bunting, Eve MG 4.2 4.0 24,942 F 126437 EN Skate Freak Choyce, Lesley MG 3.6 2.0 15,510 F 109970 EN Skate Park Challenge Maddox, Jake MG 3.3 1.0 4,145 F 123139 EN Skateboard Save Maddox, Jake MG 3.5 1.0 4,632 F 145403 EN Skateboard Struggle Maddox, Jake MG 3.5 1.0 5,272 F F NF 5385 EN Skateboard Tough Christopher, Matt MG 4.5 3.0 22,743 79407 EN Skateboarding Doeden, Matt MG 2.4 0.5 260 NF 79471 EN Skateboarding Preszler, Eric MG 4.0 0.5 1,602 NF 2683 EN Skateboarding! Surf the Pavement Burke, L.M. MG 6.3 1.0 6,334 NF 127526 EN Skater's Secret Maddox, Jake MG 3.5 1.0 4,667 F 129141 EN Skeleton Creek Carman, Patrick MG 4.8 4.0 25,370 F 69602 EN Skeleton Key Horowitz, Anthony MG+ 4.9 10.0 67,344 F 52617 EN Skeleton Man Bruchac, Joseph MG 4.8 3.0 20,776 F 28292 EN Skellig Almond, David MG+ 3.5 4.0 31,202 F 32275 EN Skin I'm In, The Flake, Sharon G. MG+ 4.1 4.0 30,782 F 7163 EN Skirt, The Soto, Gary MG 3.7 1.0 7,967 F 114891 EN Landy, Derek MG 4.9 10.0 67,424 F 43770 EN Skulduggery Pleasant/Scepter of the Ancients Sky Rider Springer, Nancy UG 4.8 3.0 23,117 F 16350 EN Sky Surfing Ryan, Pat MG 4.8 1.0 3,498 101561 EN Skybreaker Oppel, Kenneth MG+ 5.0 16.0 105,876 F 138973 EN SkyClan's Destiny Hunter, Erin MG 5.6 17.0 110,692 F NF 2685 EN Skydiving! Take the Leap Roberts, Jeremy MG 5.9 1.0 6,635 10209 EN Skylark MacLachlan, Patricia MG 3.2 1.0 10,511 NF F 139486 EN Weitzman, David MG 7.8 5.0 27,273 NF 15087 EN Skywalkers: Mohawk Ironworkers Build the City Slam! Myers, Walter Dean UG 4.5 8.0 55,306 F Page 98 Quiz List—Reading Practice Printed Friday, January 6, 2012 10:43:30 AM School: Canal Winchester Middle School Reading Practice Quizzes Quiz Number Lang. Title Author IL ATOS BL Points Word Count F/NF 80137 EN Slam Dunk Hirschfeld, Robert MG 4.4 3.0 22,182 F 129569 EN Slam Dunk Jaimet, Kate MG 4.7 4.0 25,559 F 115378 EN Slam Dunk Shoes Maddox, Jake MG 3.9 1.0 5,402 F 30790 EN Altman, Linda Jacobs MG 8.8 3.0 18,243 NF 110650 EN Slavery and Abolition in American History Slawter Shan, Darren MG+ 4.4 8.0 56,972 F 87630 EN Sledding Hill, The Crutcher, Chris MG+ 5.9 6.0 37,650 F 100082 EN Sleeping Freshmen Never Lie Lubar, David MG+ 3.8 9.0 63,778 F 104681 EN Slide or Die Strasser, Todd UG 4.6 5.0 35,203 F 70886 EN Murray, Martine MG 5.0 7.0 48,881 F 119523 EN Slightly True Story of Cedar B. Hartley, The Slippery Map, The Bode, N.E. MG 4.5 8.0 52,742 F 72848 EN Slippery Slope, The Snicket, Lemony MG 7.1 9.0 53,274 F 130007 EN Slob Potter, Ellen MG+ 5.0 7.0 46,467 F 142170 EN Slog's Dad Almond, David MG 2.9 0.5 2,507 F 10928 EN Slot Machine Lynch, Chris UG 4.7 8.0 56,523 F 5957 EN Sullivan, George MG 6.8 3.0 16,860 NF 136423 EN Sluggers: Twenty-Seven of Baseball's Greatest Small Free Kiss In the Dark, A Millard, Glenda MG+ 5.1 7.0 47,714 F 102722 EN Small Steps Sachar, Louis MG 4.2 7.0 48,441 F NF 16150 EN Small Steps: The Year I Got Polio Kehret, Peg MG 5.2 4.0 28,431 112004 EN Smashing Scroll, The Dahl, Michael MG 3.3 0.5 932 135787 EN Smile Telgemeier, Raina MG 2.6 1.0 8,270 F NF 86675 EN Smiler's Bones Lerangis, Peter MG 4.7 4.0 29,081 F 121944 EN Smiles to Go Spinelli, Jerry MG 3.3 5.0 38,888 F 130734 EN Smoke Mountain Hunter, Erin MG 4.8 9.0 62,289 F 43474 EN Smoke Screen Koss, Amy Goldman MG 4.4 4.0 25,993 F 111619 EN Price, Sean MG 3.6 0.5 1,839 85684 EN Rees, Douglas MG 4.1 6.0 41,903 F 34885 EN Smokestacks and Spinning Jennys: Industrial Revolution Smoking Mirror: An Encounter with Paul Gauguin Smugglers, The Lawrence, Iain UG 4.7 6.0 44,059 F NF 43475 EN Snail Mail No More Danziger, Paula MG 5.1 7.0 46,419 F 106099 EN Snake Stone, Jeff MG 4.4 5.0 38,173 F 82811 EN Snakecharm Atwater-Rhodes, Amelia MG+ 6.5 7.0 43,187 F 123000 EN Snakehead Halam, Ann UG 5.1 10.0 69,490 F 120294 EN Snakehead Horowitz, Anthony MG+ 5.4 14.0 93,593 F 77521 EN Snap McGhee, Alison MG 5.1 3.0 17,067 F 115414 EN Snarling Suspect, The Banscherus, J. MG 3.4 1.0 5,257 F 107294 EN Snatched Hautman, Pete MG+ 4.1 5.0 38,845 F F 7024 EN Sniper Taylor, Theodore UG 5.2 8.0 51,994 111756 EN Snoop Dogg Carlson-Berne, Emma MG 7.6 2.0 8,615 NF 787 EN Snow Bound Mazer, Harry UG 4.7 5.0 34,784 30910 EN Snow Mountain Biking Glaser, Jason MG 4.3 0.5 2,204 F 76146 EN Snow Spider, The Nimmo, Jenny MG 4.6 4.0 30,474 F 54126 EN Snow, The Cooney, Caroline B. UG 4.9 6.0 42,278 F NF Page 99 Quiz List—Reading Practice Printed Friday, January 6, 2012 10:43:30 AM School: Canal Winchester Middle School Reading Practice Quizzes Quiz Number Lang. Title Author IL ATOS BL Points Word Count F/NF 82206 EN Snowboard Champ Christopher, Matt MG 4.4 4.0 26,307 F 115379 EN Snowboard Duel Maddox, Jake MG 3.8 1.0 4,801 F 2678 EN Snowboarding! Shred the Powder Hayhurst, Chris MG 6.3 1.0 4,199 NF 5313 EN Snowbound Mystery Warner, Gertrude Chandler LG 3.4 3.0 19,493 F 78419 EN So B. It Weeks, Sarah MG+ 5.0 6.0 41,961 F 17641 EN Denenberg, Barry MG 4.4 3.0 21,309 F 387 EN So Far from Home: The Diary of Mary Driscoll, an Irish Mill Girl So Far from the Bamboo Grove Watkins, Yoko Kawashima MG 4.7 6.0 40,696 F 82253 EN So Hard to Say Sanchez, Alex MG+ 4.2 6.0 43,913 F 44561 EN So Much to Live For McDaniel, Lurlene UG 5.1 4.0 24,579 F 114629 EN So Totally Emily Ebers Yee, Lisa MG 3.9 9.0 61,356 F 2671 EN So What Is Citizenship Anyway? Luthringer, Chelsea UG 6.7 1.0 4,185 NF 2669 EN So What Is Justice Anyway? Luthringer, Chelsea UG 7.1 1.0 6,146 NF 2672 EN So What Is Patriotism Anyway? LaMachia, John UG 6.8 1.0 4,923 NF NF 2670 EN So What Is Tolerance Anyway? LaMachia, John UG 7.6 1.0 4,691 80126 EN So Yesterday Westerfeld, Scott UG 5.3 9.0 55,703 F 14491 EN So You Want to Be a Wizard Duane, Diane UG 5.9 11.0 66,777 F 87362 EN Soccer Hornby, Hugh MG 7.4 1.0 3,056 108862 EN Soccer Chick Rules FitzGerald, Dawn MG 5.3 6.0 36,434 F 40665 EN Soccer Duel Christopher, Matt MG 4.5 4.0 25,018 F 5386 EN Soccer Halfback Christopher, Matt MG 4.6 4.0 24,085 F 129947 EN Soccer Sabotage O'Donnell, Liam MG 3.7 1.0 7,411 F 115380 EN Soccer Shootout Maddox, Jake MG 4.0 1.0 4,752 F 123140 EN Soccer Spirit Maddox, Jake MG 3.2 1.0 4,998 F 133289 EN Soccer Team Upset Bowen, Fred MG 4.0 3.0 20,659 F 140485 EN Soccerland Choat, Beth MG+ 4.5 8.0 54,495 F 133144 EN Solace of the Road Dowd, Siobhan UG 3.8 8.0 57,218 F NF 84407 EN Sold Out Carlson, Melody MG+ 4.8 8.0 55,526 F 130529 EN Gallagher, Diana G. MG 3.3 1.0 8,544 F 55204 EN Sold! The Complicated Life of Claudia Cristina Cortez Soldier Boys Hughes, Dean MG 5.4 7.0 45,707 F 20135 EN Soldier's Heart Paulsen, Gary MG 5.7 2.0 15,206 F 46856 EN Soldier X Wulffson, Don L. UG 5.7 7.0 47,442 F 130735 EN Soldiers of Halla, The MacHale, D.J. MG+ 4.4 24.0 166,009 F 388 EN Solitary Blue, A Voigt, Cynthia MG 5.3 11.0 74,026 F 141390 EN Solitary: Escape from Furnace Smith, Alexander Gordon MG+ 6.5 10.0 63,504 F 121017 EN Jeffrey, Gary MG 5.2 1.0 4,012 75664 EN Solving Crimes with Trace Evidence Some Friend Bradby, Marie MG 4.0 6.0 44,815 F 109803 EN Somebodies, The Bode, N.E. MG 4.9 8.0 50,753 F 137852 EN Somebody Everybody Listens To Supplee, Suzanne UG 5.3 9.0 60,015 F 69321 EN Someday Koller, Jackie French MG 4.3 7.0 49,688 F 28288 EN Someone Like You Dessen, Sarah UG 5.1 10.0 67,826 F 115398 EN Someone Named Eva Wolf, Joan M. MG 5.1 7.0 44,432 F 78145 EN Someone to Love Me Schraff, Anne MG+ 4.5 4.0 29,771 F NF Page 100 Quiz List—Reading Practice Printed Friday, January 6, 2012 10:43:30 AM School: Canal Winchester Middle School Reading Practice Quizzes Quiz Number Lang. Title Author IL ATOS BL Points Word Count F/NF 10252 EN Someone Was Watching Patneaude, David UG 4.5 6.0 43,142 F 32518 EN Something for Joey Peck, Richard MG 5.9 8.0 52,832 NF 104754 EN Something Invisible Parkinson, Siobhán MG 4.4 4.0 27,890 F 138125 EN Something Like Fate Colasanti, Susane UG 3.5 7.0 52,840 F 105300 EN McClafferty, Carla Killough MG 8.3 5.0 26,687 NF 117770 EN Gratz, Alan UG 4.8 8.0 52,126 F 108569 EN Something out of Nothing: Marie Curie and Radium Something Rotten: A Horatio Wilkes Mystery Something Slimy on Primrose Drive Wallace, Karen MG 4.8 2.0 15,023 F 5958 EN Something Upstairs Avi UG 4.1 3.0 22,259 F 8587 EN Somewhere in the Darkness Myers, Walter Dean UG 4.4 6.0 42,055 F 146841 EN Son of Neptune, The Riordan, Rick MG 4.7 17.0 117,675 F 61177 EN Son of the Mob Korman, Gordon UG 4.8 8.0 51,844 F 82299 EN Son of the Mob: Hollywood Hustle Korman, Gordon UG 4.9 8.0 51,797 F 114610 EN Song of the Sparrow Sandell, Lisa Ann UG 5.0 6.0 38,577 F 32242 EN Song of the Wanderer Coville, Bruce MG 5.8 9.0 59,998 F 109692 EN Sons of Destiny Shan, Darren MG+ 5.5 7.0 45,984 F 144682 EN Lagos, Alexander MG+ 3.0 1.0 9,329 F 136713 EN Sons of Liberty: Death and Taxes, The Sons of Liberty, The Lagos, Alexander MG+ 3.5 1.0 9,620 F 126579 EN Sorcerer of the North, The Flanagan, John MG 6.1 13.0 79,518 F 62982 EN Sorceress Rees, Celia UG 5.6 10.0 66,774 F 130456 EN Sorceress, The Scott, Michael MG 6.1 18.0 108,723 F 69122 EN Wrede, Patricia C. UG 6.7 13.0 80,594 F 28506 EN Sorcery & Cecelia or the Enchanted Chocolate Pot Sort of Forever Warner, Sally UG 4.5 5.0 31,255 F 14492 EN SOS Titanic Bunting, Eve MG 4.5 6.0 41,313 F 113514 EN Soul Eater Paver, Michelle MG 4.8 9.0 62,473 F 86352 EN Hamilton, Bethany MG+ 6.0 5.0 30,303 NF 84 EN Soul Surfer: A True Story of Faith, Family, and Fighting to Get Back on the Board Sounder Armstrong, William H. MG 5.3 3.0 22,693 F 80423 EN Ardagh, Philip MG 5.7 2.0 10,755 F 105853 EN South American Myths and Legends Southpaw Wallace, Rich MG 4.3 2.0 16,329 F 17246 EN Space Exploration Stott, Carole MG 7.8 1.0 4,572 11490 EN Space Station Seventh Grade Spinelli, Jerry MG 4.8 8.0 56,351 F 7895 EN Sparrow Hawk Red Mikaelsen, Ben MG 4.2 6.0 41,898 F 32480 EN Speak Anderson, Laurie Halse UG 4.5 7.0 46,591 F 106651 EN Specials Westerfeld, Scott MG+ 6.1 12.0 76,787 F 83072 EN Specter, The Nixon, Joan Lowery MG 3.9 6.0 42,060 F 44293 EN Speed of Light Rosen, Sybil MG 3.9 6.0 39,778 F 137263 EN Speed Receiver Maddox, Jake MG 3.5 1.0 4,980 F 6992 EN Speeding Bullet Shusterman, Neal UG 6.6 8.0 46,750 F 111889 EN Speedway Switch Maddox, Jake MG 4.0 1.0 5,310 F 55306 EN Spellbound McDonald, Janet UG 4.4 4.0 30,356 F NF Page 101 Quiz List—Reading Practice Printed Friday, January 6, 2012 10:43:30 AM School: Canal Winchester Middle School Reading Practice Quizzes Quiz Number Lang. Title Points Word Count F/NF 5.5 8.0 50,146 F MG+ 3.5 9.0 67,991 F Bowers, Rick MG 10.1 4.0 21,974 NF Christopher, Matt MG 4.5 4.0 25,008 F Author IL Spelldown: The Big-Time Dreams of a Small-Town Word Whiz Spells & Sleeping Bags Luddy, Karon MG Mlynowski, Sarah ATOS BL 113494 EN 116363 EN 135869 EN 34972 EN Spies of Mississippi: The True Story of the Spy Network that Tried to Destroy the Civil Rights Movement Spike It! 85379 EN Spin Control Burnham, Niki UG 5.6 7.0 43,120 F 41479 EN Spindle's End McKinley, Robin UG 7.2 22.0 125,348 F 31871 EN Spinners Napoli, Donna Jo UG 4.3 6.0 41,449 F 7200 EN Spirit House, The Sleator, William UG 4.6 5.0 34,582 F 14776 EN Spirit Seeker Nixon, Joan Lowery UG 4.6 7.0 45,324 F 105015 EN Spirit Walker Paver, Michelle MG 4.8 10.0 68,161 F 142968 EN Spirits in the Stars Hunter, Erin MG 5.4 10.0 65,629 F 69017 EN Spitting Image Crum, Shutta MG 4.5 8.0 53,409 F 134778 EN Splendor Falls, The Clement-Moore, Rosemary UG 5.8 20.0 124,416 F 39886 EN Split Image: A Story in Poems Glenn, Mel UG 4.6 2.0 13,372 F 127626 EN Split Second, The Hulme, John MG 7.1 11.0 66,306 F 131223 EN Delaney, Joseph MG 5.6 4.0 24,967 F 87538 EN Spook's Tale: And Other Horrors, The Sports Hammond, Tim MG 7.4 1.0 5,538 136412 EN Sports Camp Wallace, Rich MG 4.9 4.0 26,731 F 101897 EN Bruchac, Joseph MG 5.4 3.0 19,317 F 79409 EN Sports Shorts: An Anthology of Short Stories Sprint Cars Schaefer, A.R. MG 4.3 0.5 1,597 NF 17247 EN Spy Platt, Richard MG 7.7 1.0 5,502 NF 120090 EN Spy Gear Martin, Michael MG 4.9 0.5 2,097 NF 103555 EN Butcher, A.J. MG+ 5.2 9.0 56,090 F 83379 EN Butcher, A.J. MG+ 5.1 9.0 60,354 F 78483 EN Spy High Mission Five: Blood Relations Spy High Mission Four: The Paranoia Plot Spy High Mission One Butcher, A.J. MG+ 5.2 8.0 50,706 F 82208 EN Butcher, A.J. MG+ 5.0 8.0 53,867 F 78478 EN Butcher, A.J. MG+ 4.9 8.0 56,093 F 87181 EN Spy High Mission Three: The Serpent Scenario Spy High Mission Two: Chaos Rising Spy X: Hide and Seek Lerangis, Peter MG 4.2 3.0 22,706 F 86695 EN Spy X: Proof Positive Lerangis, Peter MG 4.0 3.0 23,927 F 82284 EN Spy X: The Code Lerangis, Peter MG 3.9 3.0 24,007 F 87260 EN Spy X: Tunnel Vision Lerangis, Peter MG 3.9 3.0 24,079 F 57921 EN Square Root of Murder, The Zindel, Paul MG 5.0 4.0 27,121 F NF 6941 EN Squashed Bauer, Joan UG 5.5 8.0 48,391 F 49790 EN Squire Pierce, Tamora MG+ 5.6 15.0 95,520 F 31638 EN Squire, His Knight, & His Lady, The Morris, Gerald MG 5.2 7.0 47,282 F 28280 EN Squire's Tale, The Morris, Gerald MG 4.8 7.0 44,172 F 14336 EN Squirrels Peck, George MG 5.5 0.5 3,023 133668 EN Stage Fright Cabot, Meg MG 5.0 6.0 38,580 NF F Page 102 Quiz List—Reading Practice Printed Friday, January 6, 2012 10:43:30 AM School: Canal Winchester Middle School Reading Practice Quizzes Quiz Number Lang. Title Author IL ATOS BL Points Word Count F/NF 140366 EN Stalker Girl Graham, Rosemary UG 5.5 10.0 62,040 F 54130 EN Stalker, The Nixon, Joan Lowery UG 4.5 6.0 41,423 F 61275 EN Stand Tall Bauer, Joan MG 3.9 5.0 34,766 F 118072 EN Standard Hero Behavior Anderson, John David MG 5.6 12.0 76,665 F 25224 EN Osborne, Mary Pope MG 5.1 4.0 23,339 F 102425 EN Standing in the Light: The Captive Diary of Catharine Carey Logan Stanford Wong Flunks Big-Time Yee, Lisa MG 3.8 9.0 67,175 F 80746 EN Star of Kazan, The Ibbotson, Eva MG 6.1 16.0 96,516 F 126270 EN Starclimber Oppel, Kenneth MG+ 4.9 15.0 102,585 F 41481 EN Stardust Gaiman, Neil UG 6.2 10.0 59,001 F 125597 EN Stargazer Carman, Patrick MG 5.6 10.0 64,850 F 41562 EN Stargirl Spinelli, Jerry UG 4.2 6.0 41,214 F 106251 EN Starlight Hunter, Erin MG 5.9 12.0 75,199 F 6381 EN Blume, Judy MG 4.4 8.0 54,268 F 106820 EN Starring Sally J. Freedman as Herself Startled by His Furry Shorts Rennison, Louise UG 5.0 7.0 45,535 F 8588 EN Staying Fat for Sarah Byrnes Crutcher, Chris UG 5.2 9.0 62,066 F 134391 EN Stealing Death Carey, Janet Lee MG+ 4.8 12.0 79,883 F 124162 EN Stealing Heaven Scott, Elizabeth UG 4.0 8.0 57,543 F 50161 EN Ayres, Katherine MG 4.5 6.0 44,558 F 123534 EN Stealing South: A Story of the Underground Railroad Steel Trapp: The Challenge Pearson, Ridley MG 4.9 8.0 52,328 F 49813 EN Step from Heaven, A Na, An UG 4.2 6.0 38,953 F 6629 EN Stepping on the Cracks Hahn, Mary Downing MG 4.7 8.0 54,518 F 68147 EN Steps, The Cohn, Rachel MG 5.2 5.0 29,737 F F 8246 EN Stepsister, The Stine, R.L. UG 4.1 5.0 34,628 57337 EN Steroids and Your Muscles: The Incredibly Disgusting Story Stetson Spring, Albert MG 8.1 1.0 5,745 Rottman, S.L. UG 3.7 7.0 52,993 F McDonald, Megan LG 3.2 1.0 6,811 F McDonald, Megan LG 3.5 1.0 6,891 F NF 57932 EN 107295 EN 114236 EN 86218 EN Stink and the Incredible Super-Galactic Jawbreaker Stink and the World's Worst Super-Stinky Sneakers Stink: The Incredible Shrinking Kid McDonald, Megan LG 3.0 1.0 5,502 F 12386 EN Stitch in Time, A Rinaldi, Ann MG 4.1 9.0 61,478 F 130555 EN Stock Car Sabotage Maddox, Jake MG 3.3 1.0 4,742 F 122504 EN Stolen Bones, The Keene, Carolyn MG 4.0 4.0 30,832 F 132436 EN Stone Child, The Poblocki, Dan MG 5.2 9.0 58,218 F 32212 EN Stone Cold Hautman, Pete MG 4.3 5.0 37,197 F 293 EN Stone Fox Gardiner, John Reynolds MG 4.0 1.0 8,957 F 6841 EN Stone Idol, The Dixon, Franklin W. MG 5.5 5.0 32,063 F 62173 EN Stone in My Hand, A Clinton, Cathryn MG 3.6 4.0 31,284 F 114786 EN Stoneheart Fletcher, Charlie MG 5.3 14.0 93,624 F 133670 EN Stonekeeper's Curse, The Kibuishi, Kazu MG 2.5 1.0 6,673 F 121996 EN Stonekeeper, The Kibuishi, Kazu MG 2.0 1.0 4,398 F 124981 EN Stonemason Hull, Robert MG 7.3 2.0 10,274 NF 63649 EN Stoner and Spaz Koertge, Ron UG 3.5 4.0 27,876 F Page 103 Quiz List—Reading Practice Printed Friday, January 6, 2012 10:43:30 AM School: Canal Winchester Middle School Reading Practice Quizzes Quiz Number Lang. Title Author IL ATOS BL Points Word Count F/NF 18837 EN Stones in Water Napoli, Donna Jo UG 4.2 7.0 46,911 F 6012 EN Stonewords: A Ghost Story Conrad, Pam MG 4.7 4.0 28,222 F 124213 EN Stop in the Name of Pants! Rennison, Louise UG 5.1 8.0 54,299 F 2484 EN Sones, Sonya UG 4.8 1.0 8,898 F 60463 EN White, Matt MG 3.8 0.5 2,521 NF 120157 EN Stop Pretending: What Happened When My Big Sister Went Crazy Storm Chasers: On the Trail of Deadly Tornadoes Storm Surfer Maddox, Jake MG 3.3 1.0 5,181 F 109866 EN Storm Thief Wooding, Chris MG 5.8 13.0 81,701 F 137598 EN Storm Warning Park, Linda Sue MG 4.6 6.0 40,937 F 46293 EN Storm Warriors Carbone, Elisa MG 5.5 6.0 36,432 F 50390 EN Stormbreaker Horowitz, Anthony MG+ 5.1 7.0 47,510 F 58636 EN Stormchaser Stewart, Paul MG 5.4 11.0 68,296 F 30634 EN Story, A Story, A Haley, Gail E. LG 4.2 0.5 982 F 30507 EN Story of My Life, The Keller, Helen UG 6.8 12.0 71,219 NF 77522 EN Story Time Bloor, Edward MG+ 4.8 12.0 79,744 F 139120 EN Storyteller Giff, Patricia Reilly MG 4.2 4.0 30,517 F 11599 EN Stotan! Crutcher, Chris UG 5.8 9.0 55,783 F 44830 EN Stowaway Hesse, Karen MG 6.1 11.0 66,887 F 127532 EN Stowaway Monster Dahl, Michael MG 3.0 0.5 876 F 102146 EN Stowaway Solution, The Korman, Gordon MG 5.3 4.0 25,827 F 11492 EN Stranded Mikaelsen, Ben MG 4.2 8.0 53,360 F 127577 EN Tayleur, Karen MG 4.2 1.0 10,326 F 101634 EN Stranded! David Mortimore Baxter Gets Trapped Stranded in Boringsville Bateson, Catherine MG 4.7 4.0 28,950 F 76346 EN Strange Attractors Sleator, William UG 5.3 6.0 41,648 F 68685 EN Stevenson, Robert Louis UG 9.3 5.0 25,333 F 136271 EN Strange Case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde (Unabridged), The Strange Case of Origami Yoda, The Angleberger, Tom MG 4.7 3.0 18,857 F 11550 EN Stranger Here, A Wyss, Thelma Hatch UG 4.4 4.0 25,627 F 52024 EN Stranger, The Cooney, Caroline B. UG 4.5 5.0 36,891 F 6942 EN Stranger with My Face Duncan, Lois UG 6.1 9.0 58,320 F 88709 EN Stravaganza: City of Flowers Hoffman, Mary MG+ 6.2 19.0 114,553 F 75916 EN Stravaganza: City of Masks Hoffman, Mary MG+ 6.2 13.0 81,597 F 75560 EN Stravaganza: City of Stars Hoffman, Mary MG+ 6.1 18.0 110,405 F 54687 EN Straw into Gold Schmidt, Gary D. MG 5.9 8.0 50,088 F 111559 EN Street Love Myers, Walter Dean UG 5.4 2.0 13,659 F 48081 EN Street Magic Pierce, Tamora MG 5.8 11.0 70,232 F 5442 EN Strider Cleary, Beverly MG 4.8 3.0 21,363 F 85480 EN Stripes of the Sidestep Wolf Hartnett, Sonya MG 6.6 8.0 45,789 F 59373 EN Green, Michelle Y. MG 5.1 3.0 17,523 NF 194 EN Strong Right Arm: The Story of Mamie "Peanut" Johnson, A Stuart Little White, E.B. MG 6.0 3.0 18,841 F 41632 EN Stuck in Neutral Trueman, Terry MG 5.7 4.0 23,940 F 17842 EN Subtle Knife, The Pullman, Philip UG 6.2 16.0 98,641 F 122307 EN Suck It Up Meehl, Brian UG 5.2 11.0 74,194 F Page 104 Quiz List—Reading Practice Printed Friday, January 6, 2012 10:43:30 AM School: Canal Winchester Middle School Reading Practice Quizzes Quiz Number Lang. Title Author IL ATOS BL Points Word Count F/NF 141391 EN Sugar and Ice Messner, Kate MG 4.5 10.0 68,501 F 123486 EN Suite Scarlett Johnson, Maureen MG+ 4.8 13.0 87,182 F 113746 EN Summer Ball Lupica, Mike MG 5.3 10.0 64,608 F 30508 EN Summer of Fear Duncan, Lois UG 5.6 9.0 54,945 F 391 EN Summer of My German Soldier Greene, Bette MG 5.2 9.0 56,781 F 123111 EN Summer of Sabotage Temple, Bob MG 3.8 1.0 10,444 F 78146 EN Summer of Secrets Langan, Paul MG+ 4.6 4.0 25,270 F 88043 EN Summer's End Couloumbis, Audrey MG 4.4 6.0 45,092 F 790 EN Summer to Die, A Lowry, Lois UG 5.3 5.0 34,166 F 64512 EN Summerland Chabon, Michael MG 6.3 22.0 132,493 F 124107 EN Sun and Moon, Ice and Snow George, Jessica Day MG+ 5.4 11.0 69,445 F 58212 EN Sunchaser's Quest Stanton, Mary MG 3.9 4.0 25,906 F 130962 EN Sunrise Hunter, Erin MG 5.2 11.0 75,255 F 121470 EN Sunrise Over Fallujah Myers, Walter Dean UG 5.3 11.0 69,153 F 112311 EN Sunset Hunter, Erin MG 5.5 11.0 71,139 F 14885 EN Sunset of the Sabertooth Osborne, Mary Pope LG 3.0 1.0 4,926 F 87540 EN Super Bowl (Revised Edition) Buckley Jr., James MG 7.2 1.0 5,525 NF 27741 EN Korman, Gordon MG 4.1 2.0 14,735 F 136709 EN Super Bowl Switch: I Was Dan Marino Super Human Carroll, Michael MG 4.8 11.0 77,357 F 129828 EN Super Stock Rookie Weaver, Will MG+ 4.6 6.0 42,180 F 101397 EN Superbikes Marx, Mandy MG 2.8 0.5 318 NF 443 EN Superfudge Blume, Judy MG 3.4 4.0 31,398 F 123439 EN Superior Saturday Nix, Garth MG 6.1 9.0 56,428 F 78565 EN Supernaturalist, The Colfer, Eoin MG 4.8 9.0 63,394 F 144850 EN Supernaturally White, Kiersten MG+ 4.7 10.0 70,770 F 119156 EN Sure Fire Higgins, Jack MG+ 4.6 8.0 51,754 F 121475 EN Engle, Margarita MG 6.4 2.0 12,053 F 64752 EN Janke, Katelan MG 6.4 6.0 36,495 F 86855 EN White, Andrea MG+ 4.5 11.0 75,916 F 47667 EN Warren, Andrea UG 6.1 4.0 24,194 NF 60652 EN Surrender Tree: Poems of Cuba's Struggle for Freedom, The Survival in the Storm: The Dust Bowl Diary of Grace Edwards Surviving Antarctica: Reality TV 2083/No Child's Game Surviving Hitler: A Boy in the Nazi Death Camps Surviving the Applewhites Tolan, Stephanie S. MG 5.5 7.0 44,825 F 24981 EN Swallowing Stones McDonald, Joyce UG 5.6 9.0 60,265 F 73214 EN Swear to Howdy Van Draanen, Wendelin UG 3.8 4.0 26,278 F 26638 EN Sweet Creek Holler White, Ruth MG 4.6 7.0 45,429 F 119499 EN Sweet Far Thing, The Bray, Libba UG 4.8 30.0 205,196 F 135189 EN Sweet, Hereafter Johnson, Angela UG 4.6 2.0 16,063 F 109320 EN Cabot, Meg UG 5.5 2.0 12,153 F 146041 EN Sweet Sixteen Princess: A Princess Diaries Book Sweet Venom Childs, Tera Lynn MG+ 5.2 12.0 80,413 F 133983 EN Sweetheart of Prosper County, The Alexander, Jill S. MG+ 4.7 7.0 48,752 F 120293 EN Sweethearts Zarr, Sara MG 4.4 7.0 51,944 F 6398 EN Swiftly Tilting Planet, A L'Engle, Madeleine UG 5.2 10.0 63,606 F Page 105 Quiz List—Reading Practice Printed Friday, January 6, 2012 10:43:30 AM School: Canal Winchester Middle School Reading Practice Quizzes Quiz Number Lang. Title Author IL ATOS BL Points Word Count F/NF NF 64339 EN Swimming in Action Crossingham, John MG 5.2 1.0 3,810 119940 EN Swindle Korman, Gordon MG 4.9 5.0 34,653 F 127707 EN Stewart, Mark MG 5.9 2.0 11,822 NF 521 EN Wyss, Johann MG 9.7 23.0 116,681 F 83431 EN Swish: The Quest for Basketball's Perfect Shot Swiss Family Robinson (Unabridged), The Switched Stine, R.L. MG+ 3.4 3.0 25,997 F 23420 EN Switchers Thompson, Kate UG 5.7 8.0 52,256 F 68293 EN Yolen, Jane MG 5.1 10.0 68,004 F 126273 EN Sword of the Rightful King: A Novel of King Arthur Sword of Waters Bell, Hilari MG+ 5.6 12.0 78,576 F 88044 EN Hoobler, Dorothy MG+ 5.4 6.0 39,861 F 129581 EN Sword That Cut the Burning Grass: A Samurai Mystery, The Sword Thief, The Lerangis, Peter MG 4.4 4.0 30,067 F 133620 EN Syren Sage, Angie MG 5.9 18.0 114,466 F 131246 EN T-Minus: The Race to the Moon Ottaviani, Jim MG 3.4 2.0 15,380 F 125285 EN T4 LeZotte, Ann Clare MG 4.2 1.0 5,613 F 791 EN Tackle Without a Team Christopher, Matt UG 4.1 3.0 21,415 F 81157 EN Tae Kwon Do Amerland, David MG 6.1 0.5 2,768 53575 EN Taggerung: A Tale From Redwall Jacques, Brian MG 5.2 19.0 124,276 F 78081 EN Tail of Emily Windsnap, The Kessler, Liz MG 3.8 6.0 43,967 F 72632 EN Taiwan Ryan, Michaela MG 8.7 3.0 17,547 NF 142581 EN Take Me to the River Hobbs, Will MG 5.1 7.0 43,519 F 78681 EN Take Off Strasser, Todd UG 4.8 8.0 52,867 F 123142 EN Takedown Maddox, Jake MG 3.6 1.0 4,945 F 117953 EN Taken Bloor, Edward MG 4.3 9.0 62,790 F 52022 EN Takeoffs and Landings Haddix, Margaret Peterson UG 4.9 6.0 40,991 F 62570 EN Rinaldi, Ann MG 4.1 7.0 47,302 F 36552 EN Taking Liberty: The Story of Oney Judge, George Washington's Runaway Slave Taking of Room 114, The Glenn, Mel UG 4.6 3.0 18,752 F 6943 EN Taking Sides Soto, Gary MG 4.4 4.0 25,578 F 141155 EN Tale Dark and Grimm, A Gidwitz, Adam MG 4.6 6.0 42,491 F 70401 EN Tale of Despereaux, The DiCamillo, Kate MG 4.7 5.0 32,375 F 143919 EN Tale of Two Castles, A Levine, Gail Carson MG 4.3 9.0 65,273 F 719 EN Tale of Two Cities (Unabridged), A Dickens, Charles UG 9.7 27.0 135,420 F 142865 EN Tale of Two Pretties, A Harrison, Lisi MG+ 5.1 6.0 41,988 F 132957 EN Tales from a Not-So-Fabulous Life Russell, Rachel Renée MG 5.4 5.0 29,745 F 137932 EN Russell, Rachel Renée MG 5.1 4.0 24,123 F 144765 EN Russell, Rachel Renée MG 4.9 4.0 27,459 F 127341 EN Tales from a Not-So-Popular Party Girl Tales from a Not-So-Talented Pop Star Tales of Beedle the Bard, The Rowling, J.K. MG 8.3 2.0 12,483 F 14968 EN Thomas, Peggy UG 9.5 7.0 34,463 NF 74702 EN Talking Bones: The Science of Forensic Anthropology Talking T. Rex, The Roy, Ron LG 3.8 1.0 9,943 F 20139 EN Talking to Dragons Wrede, Patricia C. MG 4.6 10.0 69,304 F 142172 EN Tall Story Gourlay, Candy MG+ 4.3 7.0 47,405 F NF Page 106 Quiz List—Reading Practice Printed Friday, January 6, 2012 10:43:30 AM School: Canal Winchester Middle School Reading Practice Quizzes Quiz Number Lang. Title Author IL ATOS BL 139397 EN Tall Tales Smith, Jeff MG 3.0 Points Word Count F/NF 1.0 10,722 F 584 EN Taming the Star Runner Hinton, S.E. UG 4.7 6.0 38,840 F 21573 EN Tangerine Bloor, Edward MG 4.3 13.0 90,090 F 146046 EN Tanglewood Terror, The Scaletta, Kurtis MG 4.6 9.0 63,833 F 114328 EN Tantalize Smith, Cynthia Leitich UG 4.9 7.0 48,579 F 81028 EN Tanzania Wakabi, Wairagala MG 9.3 4.0 19,457 NF 18794 EN George, Jean Craighead MG 5.4 3.0 22,573 NF 15102 EN Tarantula in My Purse and 172 Other Wild Pets, The Tarzan of the Apes Burroughs, Edgar Rice UG 9.0 16.0 86,157 F 118025 EN Taste for Rabbit, A Zuckerman, Linda MG 4.8 10.0 68,004 F 295 EN Taste of Blackberries, A Smith, Doris Buchanan MG 4.0 2.0 10,904 F 72869 EN Taste of Danger, A Keene, Carolyn MG 5.0 5.0 35,681 F 112915 EN Tattoo Barnes, Jennifer Lynn MG+ 4.9 8.0 56,352 F 83176 EN Peck, Richard MG 4.7 6.0 38,642 F 12489 EN Teacher's Funeral: A Comedy in Three Parts, The Tears of a Tiger Draper, Sharon M. UG 4.3 4.0 26,282 F 82254 EN Technical Foul Wallace, Rich MG 4.1 2.0 16,827 F 80686 EN Teen Idol Cabot, Meg UG 5.2 9.0 61,353 F 117804 EN Teen, Inc. Petrucha, Stefan UG 5.0 8.0 55,901 F 19675 EN Teen Model Mystery, The Keene, Carolyn MG 4.6 5.0 32,590 F 83010 EN Teen Queens and Has-Beens Hopkins, Cathy UG 4.2 5.0 33,011 F 11841 EN Bachrach, Susan UG 8.7 2.0 11,294 NF 61391 EN Tell Them We Remember: The Story of the Holocaust Telling Christina Goodbye McDaniel, Lurlene UG 4.3 5.0 38,359 F 128371 EN Templar's Apprentice, A Black, Kat MG 5.0 9.0 61,975 F 142856 EN Templar's Gifts, A Black, Kat MG 4.6 9.0 59,381 F 143656 EN Ten Miles Past Normal Dowell, Frances O'Roark MG+ 5.8 7.0 46,228 F 14778 EN Tenderness Cormier, Robert UG 6.0 8.0 46,928 F 79098 EN Tending to Grace Fusco, Kimberly Newton MG+ 4.2 4.0 26,170 F 35563 EN Tennis Ace Christopher, Matt MG 4.7 3.0 20,421 F 10948 EN Tent, The Paulsen, Gary MG 4.9 2.0 11,731 F 133512 EN Tentacles Smith, Roland MG 5.0 11.0 71,173 F 106296 EN Tenth City, The Carman, Patrick MG 5.5 7.0 43,183 F 130904 EN Tenth Grade Bleeds Brewer, Heather MG+ 5.7 10.0 63,430 F 17494 EN Term Limits for Congress? Feinberg, Barbara Silberdick UG 9.9 2.0 11,052 NF 134638 EN Olson, Kay Melchisedech MG 5.3 0.5 2,460 NF 138499 EN Geary, Rick MG+ 6.1 1.0 5,312 F 111149 EN Terrible, Awful Civil War: The Disgusting Details About Life During America's Bloodiest War, The Terrible Axe-Man of New Orleans, The Terrier Pierce, Tamora MG+ 4.5 19.0 133,817 F 8937 EN Terror at the Zoo Kehret, Peg MG 4.6 5.0 31,297 F 127533 EN Terror Beach Dahl, Michael MG 3.3 0.5 848 F 18838 EN Terrorist, The Cooney, Caroline B. MG+ 5.2 6.0 40,777 F 393 EN Tex Hinton, S.E. UG 4.7 7.0 48,438 F 64034 EN Thanksgiving on Thursday Osborne, Mary Pope LG 3.3 1.0 6,131 F Page 107 Quiz List—Reading Practice Printed Friday, January 6, 2012 10:43:30 AM School: Canal Winchester Middle School Reading Practice Quizzes Quiz Number Lang. Title Points Word Count F/NF 5.8 2.0 14,345 F UG 5.8 8.0 51,541 F Author IL Benton, Jim MG Dessen, Sarah ATOS BL 134944 EN 17844 EN That's What Friends Aren't For by Jamie Kelly That Summer 135346 EN That Was Then... Carlson, Melody MG+ 4.3 8.0 53,968 F 792 EN That Was Then, This Is Now Hinton, S.E. UG 5.7 6.0 35,844 F 16734 EN Then Again, Maybe I Won't Blume, Judy MG 3.6 5.0 33,823 F 88061 EN Then He Ate My Boy Entrancers Rennison, Louise UG 4.8 7.0 50,101 F 137599 EN Theodore Boone: Kid Lawyer Grisham, John MG 5.2 8.0 50,657 F 144766 EN Theodore Boone: The Abduction Grisham, John MG 5.5 7.0 42,646 F 349 EN Sachar, Louis MG 3.4 5.0 36,671 F 32361 EN Vande Velde, Vivian MG 5.4 5.0 30,792 F 6945 EN There's a Boy in the Girls' Bathroom There's a Dead Person Following My Sister Around There's a Girl in My Hammerlock Spinelli, Jerry UG 3.5 5.0 37,787 F 136336 EN These Boots Are Made for Stalking Harrison, Lisi MG 5.5 8.0 49,131 F 497 EN These Happy Golden Years Wilder, Laura Ingalls MG 5.6 10.0 63,345 F 45131 EN They Cage the Animals at Night Burch, Jennings Michael UG 3.3 11.0 81,601 NF 8897 EN They Came to Baghdad Christie, Agatha UG 6.7 12.0 69,171 F 135018 EN They Never Came Back Cooney, Caroline B. MG+ 4.7 7.0 48,055 F 13992 EN They Never Came Home Duncan, Lois UG 5.2 7.0 46,397 F 31202 EN Krull, Kathleen MG 9.2 5.0 27,020 NF 107834 EN They Saw the Future: Oracles, Psychics, Scientists, Great Thinkers & Pretty Good Guessers Thief in the House of Memory, A Wynne-Jones, Tim MG+ 4.2 6.0 44,468 F 63446 EN Thief Lord, The Funke, Cornelia MG 4.8 13.0 85,591 F 14871 EN Thief of Always, The Barker, Clive UG 4.8 6.0 37,680 F 11543 EN Thief of Hearts Yep, Laurence MG+ 4.6 6.0 40,149 F 34822 EN Thief of Souls Shusterman, Neal UG 6.7 14.0 82,924 F 15792 EN Thief, The Turner, Megan Whalen MG+ 6.0 11.0 68,519 F 58242 EN Thieves of Ostia, The Lawrence, Caroline MG 5.2 6.0 37,796 F 123173 EN Thing in the Woods, The Brezenoff, Steve MG 3.3 1.0 5,411 F 109163 EN Things Hoped For Clements, Andrew MG+ 4.7 6.0 39,379 F 137905 EN Things I Know About Love le Vann, Kate UG 5.4 5.0 35,597 F 87158 EN Things Left Unsaid Hemphill, Stephanie MG+ 6.2 4.0 22,728 F 58220 EN Things Not Seen Clements, Andrew MG+ 4.5 9.0 62,641 F 125277 EN Things That Are Clements, Andrew MG+ 4.3 5.0 37,107 F 586 EN Third Eye, The Duncan, Lois MG 5.5 9.0 55,609 F 8898 EN Third Girl Christie, Agatha UG 6.1 12.0 71,502 F 25186 EN Thirsty Anderson, M.T. UG 4.2 7.0 50,244 F 120744 EN Thirteen Myracle, Lauren MG 4.1 8.0 54,505 F 136680 EN Thirteen Days to Midnight Carman, Patrick MG+ 5.0 9.0 62,398 F 9537 EN Bruchac, Joseph MG 4.6 0.5 1,703 F 119218 EN Thirteen Moons on Turtle's Back: A Native American Year of Moons Thirteen Reasons Why Asher, Jay MG 3.9 9.0 62,496 F 129882 EN Thirteenth Child Wrede, Patricia C. MG+ 6.0 14.0 86,615 F 133061 EN This Book Is Not Good For You Bosch, Pseudonymous MG 4.9 8.0 56,452 F Page 108 Quiz List—Reading Practice Printed Friday, January 6, 2012 10:43:30 AM School: Canal Winchester Middle School Reading Practice Quizzes Quiz Number Lang. Title Points Word Count F/NF 4.9 11.0 74,594 F UG 5.7 10.0 62,134 F MG 8.7 3.0 15,090 NF Author IL This Dark Endeavor: The Apprenticeship of Victor Frankenstein This Full House Oppel, Kenneth UG Wolff, Virginia Euwer Skurzynski, Gloria ATOS BL 145776 EN 128121 EN 136667 EN 115819 EN This Is Rocket Science: The True Story of the Risk-Taking Scientists Who Figure Out Ways to Explore Beyond Earth This Is What I Did Ellis, Ann Dee MG+ 3.8 4.0 28,326 F 61280 EN This Isn't About the Money Warner, Sally MG 5.2 5.0 36,065 F 140086 EN This Isn't What It Looks Like Bosch, Pseudonymous MG 5.3 11.0 69,334 F 57122 EN Partridge, Elizabeth UG 7.0 8.0 46,608 NF 59717 EN This Land Was Made for You and Me: The Life and Songs of Woody Guthrie This Lullaby Dessen, Sarah UG 5.4 15.0 94,435 F 64310 EN This Side of Paradise Layne, Steven L. UG 5.2 8.0 54,257 F 136013 EN This World We Live In Pfeffer, Susan Beth MG+ 4.2 9.0 62,429 F 67183 EN Tagliaferro, Linda MG 8.2 3.0 18,152 NF 121947 EN Thomas Edison: Inventor of the Age of Electricity Thoreau at Walden Porcellino, John MG 5.8 1.0 3,591 NF 138724 EN Three Black Swans Cooney, Caroline B. MG+ 4.7 10.0 66,780 F 59132 EN Three Clams and an Oyster Powell, Randy UG 4.1 6.0 42,463 F 127438 EN Thomson, Sarah MG 6.1 7.0 42,555 NF 52627 EN Three Cups of Tea: Young Readers Edition Three Days Napoli, Donna Jo MG 3.9 5.0 32,754 F 119448 EN Three Little Words: A Memoir Rhodes-Courter, Ashley UG 5.4 12.0 78,059 NF 136668 EN Richards, Jame UG 4.9 4.0 29,402 F 143960 EN Three Rivers Rising: A Novel of the Johnstown Flood Throne of Fire, The Riordan, Rick MG 4.8 17.0 113,038 F 27605 EN Through the Flames Jenkins, Jerry B. MG 4.9 4.0 28,019 F 48343 EN Through the Lock Hurst, Carol Otis MG 4.1 5.0 33,185 F 137963 EN Throwing Heat Bowen, Fred MG 3.9 2.0 17,184 F 41407 EN Throwing Smoke Brooks, Bruce MG 5.6 3.0 17,142 F 109095 EN Throwing Stones Collier, Kristi MG 4.0 6.0 45,696 F 78526 EN Thunder from the Sea Harlow, Joan Hiatt MG 4.2 5.0 38,565 F 11741 EN Thwonk Bauer, Joan UG 5.4 7.0 42,428 F 120743 EN Tide Knot, The Dunmore, Helen MG 4.0 11.0 78,562 F 115152 EN Tide of Terror Somper, Justin MG 5.2 14.0 93,452 F 32218 EN Ties That Bind, Ties That Break Namioka, Lensey MG 5.5 5.0 34,358 F 86521 EN Tiger Stone, Jeff MG 5.0 6.0 40,198 F 794 EN Tiger Eyes Blume, Judy UG 4.1 6.0 42,912 F 6044 EN Tiger in the Well, The Pullman, Philip UG 5.9 20.0 127,165 F 45130 EN Tiger Rising, The DiCamillo, Kate MG 4.0 3.0 19,369 F 89270 EN Tiger, Tiger Banks, Lynne Reid MG 5.4 7.0 43,873 F 29719 EN Tiger Woods Durbin, William C. MG 7.5 3.0 18,186 NF 53523 EN Raatma, Lucia MG 6.7 1.0 7,769 NF 14382 EN Tiger Woods (World Almanac Library) Tigers Ivy, Bill MG 5.7 0.5 2,692 NF Page 109 Quiz List—Reading Practice Printed Friday, January 6, 2012 10:43:30 AM School: Canal Winchester Middle School Reading Practice Quizzes Quiz Number Lang. Title Author IL ATOS BL 498 EN Tight End Christopher, Matt MG 4.3 Points Word Count F/NF 4.0 27,086 F 5338 EN Tiltawhirl John Paulsen, Gary UG 5.0 4.0 29,608 F 121401 EN Tim, Defender of the Earth Enthoven, Sam MG+ 5.7 12.0 73,941 F 17794 EN Time Cat Alexander, Lloyd MG 4.7 5.0 36,415 F 58676 EN Lasky, Kathryn MG 5.9 6.0 35,433 F 85879 EN Time for Courage: The Suffragette Diary of Kathleen Bowen, A Time Hackers, The Paulsen, Gary MG 5.2 3.0 19,787 F 12799 EN Time Machine (Unabridged), The Wells, H.G. UG 7.4 6.0 32,059 F 68619 EN Time Pieces: The Book of Times Hamilton, Virginia MG 3.2 4.0 27,468 F 124702 EN Time's Chariot Jeapes, Ben UG 5.8 13.0 83,056 F 105991 EN Time's Memory Lester, Julius MG 5.6 9.0 56,512 F 11070 EN Time & Space Gribbin, John R. UG 8.1 1.0 6,844 18840 EN Time to Let Go McDaniel, Lurlene UG 4.8 5.0 35,159 F 53817 EN Tin Princess, The Pullman, Philip UG 6.5 14.0 83,722 F 143791 EN Tink Bredsdorff, Bodil MG 4.9 3.0 22,059 F 40668 EN Titan Clash Brouwer, Sigmund MG 4.5 4.0 26,140 F 114711 EN Titan's Curse, The Riordan, Rick MG 4.2 10.0 72,995 F 87542 EN Titanic Adams, Simon MG 8.2 1.0 5,117 143884 EN Titanic Book One: Unsinkable Korman, Gordon MG 5.7 5.0 30,494 F 146269 EN Titanic: Book Three: S.O.S. Korman, Gordon MG 5.7 5.0 29,071 F 145093 EN Titanic Book Two: Collision Course Korman, Gordon MG 5.4 4.0 29,202 F 14854 EN Titanic Crossing Williams, Barbara MG 4.3 5.0 35,695 F 109868 EN To Be a King Lasky, Kathryn MG 5.3 6.0 41,195 F 7123 EN To Be a Slave Lester, Julius UG 6.9 5.0 30,393 NF NF NF 720 EN To Kill a Mockingbird Lee, Harper UG 5.6 15.0 99,121 F 48151 EN To Live Again McDaniel, Lurlene UG 4.9 4.0 28,339 F 136284 EN Toads and Diamonds Tomlinson, Heather MG 5.8 12.0 73,001 F 46964 EN Winters, Adam MG 7.0 1.0 5,225 116713 EN Heldring, Thatcher MG 4.2 6.0 45,267 F 65438 EN Tobacco and Your Mouth: The Incredibly Disgusting Story Toby Wheeler, Eighth-Grade Benchwarmer Together Apart NF Gray, Dianne E. UG 5.8 7.0 42,659 F 131752 EN Tom Brady Doeden, Matt MG 6.3 3.0 21,202 NF 126826 EN Tom Brady Miller, Calvin Craig MG 6.8 2.0 10,694 NF 143298 EN Sullivan, George MG 7.3 5.0 27,436 NF 125824 EN Tom Thumb: The Remarkable True Story of a Man in Miniature Tomorrow Code, The Falkner, Brian MG 5.7 13.0 81,860 F 31065 EN Tonight on the Titanic Osborne, Mary Pope LG 3.1 1.0 5,301 F 8593 EN Toning the Sweep Johnson, Angela UG 4.7 3.0 22,226 F 65691 EN Hawk, Tony MG 6.1 3.0 19,286 NF 75413 EN Tony Hawk: Professional Skateboarder Tony Stewart Leebrick, Kristal MG 4.2 0.5 1,806 NF 104736 EN Too Many Secrets Wright, Betty Ren MG 4.3 3.0 20,400 F 144039 EN Top of the Feud Chain Harrison, Lisi MG+ 6.3 8.0 46,307 F 145510 EN Torn Haddix, Margaret Peterson MG 5.0 9.0 62,090 F 46725 EN Torn Thread Isaacs, Anne UG 6.3 7.0 44,744 F Page 110 Quiz List—Reading Practice Printed Friday, January 6, 2012 10:43:30 AM School: Canal Winchester Middle School Reading Practice Quizzes Quiz Number Lang. Title Author IL ATOS BL Points Word Count F/NF NF 15444 EN Tornado Kramer, Stephen MG 6.1 1.0 4,663 101558 EN Totally Joe Howe, James MG+ 5.1 5.0 34,692 F 138805 EN Touch Blue Lord, Cynthia MG 4.4 5.0 35,593 F 86285 EN Touching Darkness Westerfeld, Scott MG 5.2 11.0 73,343 F 45132 EN Touching Spirit Bear Mikaelsen, Ben MG 5.3 9.0 56,025 F 693 EN Tough to Tackle Christopher, Matt LG 4.2 2.0 14,875 F 138500 EN Tower of Treasure Chantler, Scott MG 2.5 0.5 3,272 F 81378 EN Town Life Macdonald, Fiona MG 7.6 1.0 7,110 NF 647 EN Tracker Paulsen, Gary MG 5.3 2.0 16,108 113694 EN Burns, Loree Griffin MG 8.5 2.0 8,971 NF 74586 EN Tracking Trash: Flotsam, Jetsam, and the Science of Ocean Motion Tragedies of Space Exploration Mayell, Mark UG 10.6 5.0 22,992 NF 66125 EN Trail of Tears, 1838, The Salas, Laura Purdie MG 5.8 1.0 4,115 NF 63101 EN Trail of the Jedi, The Watson, Jude MG 4.6 3.0 23,482 F F 87543 EN Train Coiley, John MG 8.0 1.0 5,409 107750 EN Traitor Pausewang, Gudrun UG 5.1 8.0 54,200 NF F 115400 EN Traitors' Gate, The Avi MG 5.1 10.0 67,965 F 138918 EN Trance Gerber, Linda UG 4.2 8.0 58,322 F 20142 EN Transall Saga, The Paulsen, Gary UG 4.3 8.0 53,879 F 16134 EN Stein, R. Conrad MG 8.2 3.0 16,337 NF 146437 EN Transcontinental Railroad in American History, The Trap, The Grant, Michael MG 4.8 7.0 46,212 F 64037 EN Trap, The Nixon, Joan Lowery MG 4.8 6.0 41,892 F 109094 EN Trap, The Smelcer, John MG 6.2 5.0 31,092 F 141727 EN Trapped Northrop, Michael MG+ 5.3 9.0 56,057 F 146047 EN Aronson, Marc MG 7.1 4.0 22,259 NF 5091 EN Trapped: How the World Rescued 33 Miners from 2,000 Feet Below the Chilean Desert Trapped in Death Cave Wallace, Bill MG 4.2 5.0 32,729 F 112005 EN Trapped in Space Johnson, David MG 3.9 1.0 6,386 F 107903 EN Trash Darrow, Sharon MG 5.3 1.0 9,561 F 140092 EN Trash Mulligan, Andy MG+ 5.1 8.0 49,937 F 80501 EN Travel Team Lupica, Mike MG 5.4 11.0 71,695 F 128796 EN Jablonski, Carla MG 4.4 7.0 51,249 F 129453 EN Sorrells, Walter MG 4.4 7.0 46,174 F 129454 EN Sorrells, Walter MG 4.1 7.0 49,535 F 50421 EN Pierce, Meredith Ann UG 6.1 9.0 58,660 F 19678 EN Travelers: Book One: Pendragon, Before the War, The Travelers: Book Three: Pendragon, Before the War, The Travelers: Book Two: Pendragon, Before the War, The Treasure at the Heart of the Tanglewood Treasure in the Royal Tower, The Keene, Carolyn MG 4.7 5.0 30,881 F 109992 EN Treasure Island Coleman, Wim MG 3.0 0.5 2,280 F 522 EN Treasure Island (Unabridged) Stevenson, Robert Louis MG 8.3 12.0 66,950 F 131466 EN Lockhart, E. UG 4.9 8.0 53,821 F 58920 EN Treasure Map of Boys: Noel, Jackson, Finn, Hutch, Gideon-and me, Ruby Oliver, The Tree Castle Island George, Jean Craighead MG 4.0 7.0 48,347 F Page 111 Quiz List—Reading Practice Printed Friday, January 6, 2012 10:43:30 AM School: Canal Winchester Middle School Reading Practice Quizzes Quiz Number Lang. Title Author IL ATOS BL Points Word Count F/NF 78027 EN Tree Girl Mikaelsen, Ben UG 5.7 6.0 40,279 F 119449 EN Keller, Bill MG+ 9.5 5.0 27,962 NF 76147 EN Tree Shaker: The Story of Nelson Mandela Trial, The Bryant, Jennifer MG 6.1 2.0 15,280 F 69581 EN Trials of Death Shan, Darren MG+ 5.8 6.0 38,569 F 29950 EN Tribute to Another Dead Rock Star Powell, Randy UG 4.4 6.0 41,696 F 74765 EN Trickster's Choice Pierce, Tamora MG+ 5.8 19.0 118,720 F 82814 EN Trickster's Queen Pierce, Tamora MG+ 5.9 21.0 134,322 F 45717 EN Tris's Book Pierce, Tamora UG 5.5 9.0 55,940 F 63024 EN Triss Jacques, Brian MG 5.8 17.0 106,978 F 36568 EN Trolls, The Horvath, Polly MG 5.4 5.0 29,740 F 121472 EN Trouble Schmidt, Gary D. MG 5.7 12.0 79,230 F 61331 EN Trouble Don't Last Pearsall, Shelley MG 4.8 8.0 53,660 F 142177 EN Trouble with May Amelia, The Holm, Jennifer L. MG 4.0 5.0 38,244 F 198 EN Trouble with Tuck, The Taylor, Theodore MG 5.5 4.0 24,101 F 145085 EN Troublemaker Clements, Andrew MG 4.7 3.0 22,046 F 62761 EN Trout and Me Shreve, Susan MG 4.9 4.0 29,771 F 14538 EN Trout Summer Conly, Jane Leslie MG 4.3 7.0 49,809 F 126768 EN Troy Polamalu Whiting, Jim MG 6.8 2.0 11,115 NF 133623 EN Murphy, Jim MG 8.2 2.0 13,623 NF 77285 EN Truce: The Day the Soldiers Stopped Fighting TruckDogs: A Novel in Four Bites Base, Graeme MG 4.9 4.0 27,872 F 104747 EN True and Faithful Narrative, A Sturtevant, Katherine MG+ 5.9 10.0 62,622 F 45718 EN True Believer Wolff, Virginia Euwer UG 5.2 6.0 39,574 F 146492 EN True Blue Smiley, Jane MG 5.1 11.0 73,431 F 18843 EN Williams, Carol Lynch MG 3.5 4.0 32,694 F 5093 EN Avi MG 5.3 8.0 52,542 F 65172 EN True Colors of Caitlynne Jackson, The True Confessions of Charlotte Doyle, The True Meaning of Cleavage, The Fredericks, Mariah UG 4.0 7.0 50,198 F 117805 EN True Meaning of Smekday, The Rex, Adam MG 4.5 12.0 85,653 F 143703 EN True (...Sort Of) Hannigan, Katherine MG 3.4 6.0 46,328 F 134969 EN True Stories of D-Day Brook, Henry MG 8.4 6.0 33,490 NF 74498 EN Dowswell, Paul MG 8.6 7.0 35,557 NF 113802 EN True Stories of the Second World War True Talents Lubar, David UG 4.1 9.0 61,559 F 77119 EN Truesight Stahler Jr., David MG+ 6.0 8.0 50,772 F 90 EN Trumpet of the Swan, The White, E.B. MG 4.9 6.0 42,203 F 78879 EN Truth About Forever, The Dessen, Sarah UG 5.2 16.0 105,957 F 121314 EN Truth About My Bat Mitzvah, The Baskin, Nora Raleigh MG 4.1 4.0 28,849 F 46298 EN Zinnen, Linda MG 4.6 3.0 21,659 F 122874 EN Truth About Rats, Rules, & Seventh Grade, The Truth about Truman School, The Butler, Dori Hillestad MG 4.4 6.0 39,609 F 141422 EN Truth of the Matter, The Klavan, Andrew UG 4.7 9.0 64,519 F 107775 EN Karwoski, Gail Langer MG 7.2 2.0 12,788 NF 78459 EN Tsunami: The True Story of an April Fools' Day Disaster Ttyl Myracle, Lauren UG 3.8 6.0 47,035 F Page 112 Quiz List—Reading Practice Printed Friday, January 6, 2012 10:43:30 AM School: Canal Winchester Middle School Reading Practice Quizzes Quiz Number Lang. Title Author IL ATOS BL Points Word Count F/NF 247 EN Tuck Everlasting Babbitt, Natalie MG 5.0 4.0 27,848 F 32262 EN Tucket's Gold Paulsen, Gary MG 5.2 3.0 17,438 F 44730 EN Tucket's Home Paulsen, Gary MG 5.2 2.0 14,632 F 14146 EN Tucket's Ride Paulsen, Gary MG 4.8 3.0 17,256 F 61397 EN Tune in Anytime Cooney, Caroline B. UG 4.8 6.0 37,856 F 8594 EN Tunes for Bears to Dance To Cormier, Robert UG 5.2 3.0 19,609 F 120835 EN Tunnels Gordon, Roderick MG 7.0 20.0 118,959 F F 67638 EN Tunnels of Blood Shan, Darren MG+ 4.2 6.0 38,955 111757 EN Tupac Marcovitz, Hal MG 7.7 1.0 8,445 NF 79410 EN Tupac Shakur Olson, Nathan MG 4.5 0.5 1,577 NF 116892 EN Tupac Shakur Uschan, Michael V. UG 8.2 4.0 19,960 NF 133951 EN Harris, Ashley Rae MG 7.8 2.0 12,707 NF 47143 EN Tupac Shakur: Multi-Platinum Rapper Turnabout Haddix, Margaret Peterson UG 5.3 7.0 45,002 F 24652 EN Turning Points in the Civil War Wade, Linda R. MG 5.2 1.0 4,187 140207 EN Twelfth Grade Kills Brewer, Heather MG+ 5.1 11.0 71,416 NF F 53886 EN Twelfth Night Shakespeare, William UG 8.6 4.0 22,850 F 113861 EN Twelve Myracle, Lauren MG+ 4.0 6.0 44,211 F 18449 EN Mazer, Harry MG 4.8 8.0 51,888 F 5971 EN Twelve Shots: Outstanding Short Stories About Guns Twenty Pageants Later Cooney, Caroline B. UG 4.9 6.0 38,417 F 121714 EN Twice Upon a Marigold Ferris, Jean UG 5.1 8.0 53,245 F 84643 EN Twilight Cabot, Meg UG 4.5 8.0 58,349 F 109322 EN Twilight Hunter, Erin MG 5.5 11.0 73,678 F 101659 EN Twilight Meyer, Stephenie UG 4.9 18.0 118,975 F 106289 EN Twilight Child Warner, Sally MG 6.2 8.0 51,520 F 6800 EN Twin Dilemma, The Keene, Carolyn MG 5.3 5.0 30,246 F 56472 EN Twins Cooney, Caroline B. UG 4.9 5.0 34,958 F 16748 EN Twisted Summer Roberts, Willo Davis UG 5.4 7.0 46,416 F 594 EN Twisted Window, The Duncan, Lois MG 6.2 8.0 51,966 F 47830 EN Twister on Tuesday Osborne, Mary Pope LG 3.2 1.0 5,127 F 120322 EN Twister Trap, The Dahl, Michael MG 3.2 0.5 741 F 73774 EN Twists and Turns McDonald, Janet UG 5.4 4.0 29,052 F 59073 EN Two Heads Are Better Than One Mazer, Anne MG 3.6 2.0 18,093 F 117634 EN Two-Minute Drill Lupica, Mike MG 5.1 4.0 28,470 F 47670 EN Two Princesses of Bamarre, The Levine, Gail Carson MG 4.5 8.0 51,896 F 5295 EN Two Towers, The Tolkien, J.R.R. UG 6.3 23.0 143,436 F 13539 EN U.S. Army Rangers Koons, James MG 5.2 0.5 3,069 NF 13540 EN U.S. Navy Seals Streissguth, Tom MG 5.8 0.5 2,679 NF 78803 EN UFOs Herbst, Judith MG 5.6 1.0 7,472 NF 81008 EN Uganda Oghojafor, Kingsley MG 9.4 4.0 18,126 NF 86097 EN Uglies Westerfeld, Scott MG+ 5.2 13.0 87,274 F 55893 EN O'Shei, Tim MG 5.7 1.0 8,476 29534 EN Ulysses S. Grant: Military Leader and President Unbroken Haas, Jessie UG 4.1 7.0 47,135 NF F Page 113 Quiz List—Reading Practice Printed Friday, January 6, 2012 10:43:30 AM School: Canal Winchester Middle School Reading Practice Quizzes Quiz Number Lang. Title 144768 EN 69593 EN 136414 EN Points Word Count F/NF 5.3 9.0 61,988 F MG+ 5.1 8.0 51,781 F Molnar, Haya Leah MG+ 5.4 12.0 77,926 NF Elliott, L.M. UG 4.8 10.0 66,335 F Warren, Andrea MG 7.9 6.0 34,288 NF Author IL Uncommon Criminals: A Heist Society Novel Uncovering Sadie's Secrets Carter, Ally MG+ Sternberg, Libby Under a Red Sky: Memoir of a Childhood in Communist Romania Under a War-Torn Sky ATOS BL 57123 EN 129833 EN 107175 EN Under Siege! Three Children at the Civil War Battle for Vicksburg Under the Baseball Moon Ritter, John H. MG+ 4.7 9.0 58,924 F 11744 EN Under the Blood-Red Sun Salisbury, Graham MG+ 4.0 8.0 54,740 F 88794 EN Meyer, L.A. MG+ 5.7 23.0 144,329 F 100512 EN Under the Jolly Roger: Being an Account of the Further Nautical Adventures of Jacky Faber Under the Persimmon Tree Staples, Suzanne Fisher MG 5.9 9.0 58,225 F 64515 EN Undercurrents Roberts, Willo Davis MG 5.2 8.0 49,754 F 145509 EN Underdogs, The Lupica, Mike MG 5.2 9.0 61,744 F 62719 EN Monroe, Judy MG 5.7 1.0 3,820 NF 16135 EN Sawyer, Kem Knapp MG 8.4 3.0 18,352 NF 61560 EN Underground Railroad: Bringing Slaves North to Freedom, The Underground Railroad in American History, The Underground Railroad, The Ashby, Ruth MG 7.4 1.0 6,837 NF 42247 EN Underground, The Jenkins, Jerry B. MG 4.1 3.0 19,105 F 64592 EN Frank, Mitch MG 8.1 5.0 29,882 NF 131120 EN Understanding September 11th: Answering Questions About the Attacks on America Undertaker O'Shei, Tim MG 4.8 0.5 2,138 NF 132725 EN Unfinished Angel, The Creech, Sharon MG 4.4 3.0 20,941 F 145775 EN Unforgotten Coat, The Boyce, Frank Cottrell MG 4.4 2.0 13,987 F 18749 EN Unicorns Don't Give Sleigh Rides Dadey, Debbie LG 3.6 1.0 5,896 F 140508 EN Unidentified, The Mariz, Rae MG+ 5.2 9.0 59,984 F 24064 EN United States Air Force, The Green, Michael MG 4.8 0.5 2,614 NF 24065 EN United States Army, The Green, Michael MG 5.5 0.5 3,204 NF 24066 EN United States Marine Corps, The Green, Michael MG 5.7 1.0 3,389 NF 24067 EN United States Navy, The Green, Michael MG 5.1 0.5 2,665 NF 117806 EN Unmaking of Duncan Veerick, The Levin, Betty MG 4.3 7.0 50,355 F 125108 EN Unnameables, The Booraem, Ellen MG 4.8 10.0 66,186 F 25067 EN Unprotected Witness, The Stevenson, James UG 3.6 4.0 29,242 F 138919 EN Bausum, Ann MG 9.9 4.0 17,729 NF 20647 EN Unraveling Freedom: The Battle for Democracy on the Home Front During World War I Until Angels Close My Eyes McDaniel, Lurlene MG 4.0 5.0 38,623 F 78149 EN Until We Meet Again Schraff, Anne MG+ 4.8 4.0 25,682 F 105565 EN Unvisibles, The Whybrow, Ian MG 6.1 7.0 44,254 F 77275 EN Unwilling Umpire, The Roy, Ron LG 3.5 1.0 9,036 F 120008 EN Unwind Shusterman, Neal UG 5.0 14.0 95,297 F 249 EN Up a Road Slowly Hunt, Irene MG 6.6 8.0 50,588 F 128276 EN Up Close: Babe Ruth Hampton, Wilborn MG+ 6.8 6.0 33,667 NF 127004 EN Up Close: Bill Gates Aronson, Marc MG+ 7.9 5.0 28,596 NF Page 114 Quiz List—Reading Practice Printed Friday, January 6, 2012 10:43:30 AM School: Canal Winchester Middle School Reading Practice Quizzes Quiz Number Lang. Title Author IL ATOS BL Points Word Count F/NF 114228 EN Up Close: Johnny Cash Neimark, Anne E. MG+ 7.5 5.0 30,644 NF 113958 EN Up Close: Robert F. Kennedy Aronson, Marc MG+ 8.0 6.0 34,994 NF 124703 EN Up Close: Ronald Reagan Sutherland, James MG+ 8.4 7.0 40,334 NF 123163 EN Up Close: Thurgood Marshall Crowe, Chris MG 9.4 7.0 34,266 NF 61281 EN Up on Cloud Nine Fine, Anne MG 4.6 5.0 34,507 F 394 EN Upon the Head of the Goat Siegal, Aranka MG 5.5 10.0 61,910 NF 117966 EN Uprising Haddix, Margaret Peterson MG 5.6 14.0 89,272 F 143 EN Upstairs Room, The Reiss, Johanna MG 2.9 6.0 44,235 NF 1627 EN Uranus Brimner, Larry Dane LG 4.5 0.5 1,078 NF 53443 EN User Unfriendly Vande Velde, Vivian MG 5.0 10.0 66,070 111758 EN Usher Lord, Raymond MG 7.5 2.0 8,738 F 100510 EN Vacation, The Horvath, Polly MG 5.6 7.0 46,580 F 111897 EN Cabot, Meg UG 5.1 2.0 11,951 F 85687 EN Valentine Princess: A Princess Diaries Book Valley of Secrets, The Hussey, Charmian MG 7.0 18.0 107,973 F 50168 EN Garland, Sherry MG 6.2 6.0 34,801 F 137763 EN Valley of the Moon: The Diary of Maria Rosalia de Milagros Vampire Chapter, The Dahl, Michael MG 3.1 0.5 1,314 F NF 74767 EN Vampire High Rees, Douglas MG+ 4.0 7.0 52,522 F 116599 EN Vampire Island Griffin, Adele MG 5.0 4.0 26,676 F 73119 EN Vampire Kisses Schreiber, Ellen UG 4.1 6.0 40,904 F 102400 EN Vampire Kisses 2: Kissing Coffins Schreiber, Ellen UG 4.7 5.0 35,504 F 109483 EN Vampire Kisses 3: Vampireville Schreiber, Ellen UG 4.8 5.0 36,769 F 116013 EN Schreiber, Ellen UG 5.0 6.0 37,813 F 124508 EN Vampire Kisses 4: Dance with a Vampire Vampire Kisses 5: The Coffin Club Schreiber, Ellen UG 5.3 6.0 39,123 F 132823 EN Vampire Kisses 6: Royal Blood Schreiber, Ellen UG 4.5 6.0 38,854 F 137749 EN Vampire Kisses 7: Love Bites Schreiber, Ellen UG 4.3 5.0 37,051 F 144392 EN Vampire Kisses 8: Cryptic Cravings Schreiber, Ellen UG 4.4 7.0 47,983 F 67639 EN Vampire Mountain Shan, Darren MG+ 5.3 5.0 35,834 F 73218 EN Vampire Prince, The Shan, Darren MG+ 6.2 6.0 36,846 F 137750 EN Vampire Rising Henderson, Jason MG+ 5.5 7.0 47,141 F 67637 EN Vampire's Assistant, The Shan, Darren MG+ 4.2 6.0 42,205 F 75119 EN Cooney, Caroline B. UG 5.1 6.0 36,960 F 80082 EN Vampire's Promise/Fatal Bargain, The Vampire's Vacation, The Roy, Ron LG 3.5 1.0 8,500 F 144357 EN Vampire Stalker, The van Diepen, Allison MG+ 4.5 8.0 56,145 F 106541 EN Vandal Simmons, Michael UG 5.2 6.0 40,422 F 80445 EN Vanished Herbst, Judith MG 6.1 1.0 6,364 108043 EN Feinstein, John MG+ 4.8 10.0 65,708 F 133422 EN Vanishing Act: Mystery at the U.S. Open Vanishing Girl NF Peacock, Shane MG 5.5 11.0 71,955 F 6847 EN Vanishing Thieves, The Dixon, Franklin W. MG 5.3 5.0 29,988 F 27607 EN Vanishings, The Jenkins, Jerry B. MG 5.0 4.0 27,461 F 116717 EN Venom Singer, Marilyn MG 7.8 4.0 24,397 NF 20581 EN Venus Brimner, Larry Dane LG 4.8 0.5 1,246 NF Page 115 Quiz List—Reading Practice Printed Friday, January 6, 2012 10:43:30 AM School: Canal Winchester Middle School Reading Practice Quizzes Quiz Number Lang. Title Author IL ATOS BL Points Word Count F/NF 143674 EN Vespers Rising Riordan, Rick MG 5.0 8.0 54,570 F 82517 EN Victoria and the Rogue Cabot, Meg UG 6.8 9.0 55,886 F 54693 EN Victoria: May Blossom of Britannia Kirwan, Anna MG 6.2 6.0 37,534 F 107239 EN Victory Cooper, Susan MG 5.9 8.0 49,788 F 147557 EN Vietnam: I Pledge Allegiance Lynch, Chris MG+ 5.3 6.0 36,947 F 59698 EN Vietnam Veterans Memorial, The Ferry, Joseph MG 8.1 1.0 5,732 NF 108512 EN Vietnam War Murray, Stuart MG 7.9 2.0 8,744 NF 56548 EN Vietnam War, The Dowswell, Paul UG 10.0 3.0 14,781 NF 15098 EN View from Saturday, The Konigsburg, E.L. MG 5.9 7.0 42,685 F F 48687 EN Vile Village, The Snicket, Lemony MG 6.7 7.0 39,357 133212 EN Violent Volcanoes Jennings, Terry MG 6.4 1.0 3,868 NF 76111 EN Violent Volcanoes Spilsbury, Louise MG 5.6 1.0 3,909 NF 55211 EN Violet Keystone, The Nix, Garth MG 5.8 7.0 42,777 F 135753 EN Viper's Nest, The Lerangis, Peter MG 4.1 6.0 39,580 F 51156 EN Vipers George, Linda MG 4.7 0.5 2,952 NF 25236 EN Virtual War Skurzynski, Gloria UG 5.0 6.0 38,878 F 147227 EN Virtuosity Martinez, Jessica UG 4.8 9.0 59,851 F 142773 EN Visconti House, The Edgar, Elsbeth MG 4.5 8.0 52,968 F 13740 EN Voice on the Radio, The Cooney, Caroline B. UG 4.6 6.0 41,814 F 78566 EN Freedman, Russell MG 8.2 3.0 17,170 NF 16188 EN Voice That Challenged a Nation: Marian Anderson and the Struggle for Equal Rights, The Voices from the Streets Atkin, S. Beth UG 5.3 5.0 32,952 NF 17250 EN Volcano & Earthquake VanRose, Susanna MG 7.7 1.0 7,529 NF 126147 EN Volcanoes in Action Ganeri, Anita MG 7.3 2.0 10,038 NF 2091 EN Volkswagen Beetle, The Lally, Linda Jean MG 4.9 0.5 2,642 NF 77861 EN Vote for Larry Tashjian, Janet UG 5.8 7.0 45,782 F 123174 EN Gallagher, Diana G. MG 3.2 1.0 8,430 F 102148 EN Vote! The Complicated Life of Claudia Cristina Cortez Vox Stewart, Paul MG 6.3 13.0 77,628 F 59716 EN Voyage of the Arctic Tern, The Montgomery, Hugh UG 6.7 5.0 28,608 F 649 EN Voyage of the Dawn Treader, The Lewis, C.S. MG 5.9 9.0 53,758 F 5094 EN Voyage of the Frog, The Paulsen, Gary MG 6.0 5.0 29,874 F 25892 EN White, Ellen Emerson MG 6.5 5.0 31,318 F 65229 EN Voyage on the Great Titanic: The Diary of Margaret Ann Brady Waifs and Strays de Lint, Charles UG 5.6 16.0 103,384 F 106290 EN Wait for Me Na, An UG 4.3 5.0 37,269 F 596 EN Wait Till Helen Comes Hahn, Mary Downing MG 4.6 5.0 37,100 F 120221 EN Waiting for Normal Connor, Leslie MG 3.7 7.0 50,916 F 130105 EN Waiting for You Colasanti, Susane MG+ 3.8 9.0 66,230 F 121402 EN Wake McMann, Lisa UG 3.4 5.0 36,704 F 140167 EN Meyer, L.A. UG 6.3 22.0 133,847 F 141593 EN Wake of the Lorelei Lee: Being an Account of the Adventures of Jacky Faber, on her Way to Botany Bay, The Walk the Wild Road: A Story of Daring and Adventure Hinton, Nigel MG 5.2 10.0 66,066 F Page 116 Quiz List—Reading Practice Printed Friday, January 6, 2012 10:43:30 AM School: Canal Winchester Middle School Reading Practice Quizzes Quiz Number Lang. Title Author IL ATOS BL Points Word Count F/NF 45201 EN Walk to Remember, A Sparks, Nicholas UG 5.8 8.0 48,124 F 10299 EN Walk Two Moons Creech, Sharon MG 4.9 9.0 59,400 F 123742 EN Walls of Cartagena, The Durango, Julia MG 5.6 4.0 23,906 F 14337 EN Walrus Dingwall, Laima MG 5.4 0.5 2,504 NF 73005 EN Walter Dean Myers Burshtein, Karen MG 7.1 2.0 12,506 NF 35643 EN Wander Lindquist, Susan Hart MG 4.0 4.0 25,560 F 36678 EN Wanderer, The Creech, Sharon MG 5.2 6.0 39,546 F 16950 EN Wanted! Cooney, Caroline B. UG 5.2 6.0 41,452 F 32495 EN McGovern, Ann MG 3.8 1.0 5,497 6636 EN Wanted Dead or Alive: The True Story of Harriet Tubman War Comes to Willy Freeman Collier, James Lincoln MG 4.9 6.0 43,379 F 133423 EN Couloumbis, Audrey MG 4.6 7.0 48,318 F 114464 EN War Games: A Novel Based on a True Story War Horse Morpurgo, Michael MG 5.9 6.0 37,372 F 11846 EN War in the Persian Gulf Bratman, Fred UG 7.8 2.0 10,477 NF NF NF 66126 EN War of 1812, The Haberle, Susan E. MG 6.1 1.0 4,513 126403 EN War of the Ember, The Lasky, Kathryn MG 5.5 7.0 46,977 F 550 EN Wells, H.G. UG 9.1 11.0 59,828 F 138155 EN Freedman, Russell MG+ 9.1 6.0 30,893 NF 143792 EN War of the Worlds (Unabridged), The War to End All Wars: World War I, The War & Watermelon Wallace, Rich MG 3.9 5.0 39,331 F 144032 EN Warlock, The Scott, Michael MG 5.7 13.0 84,257 F 105945 EN Warrior Heir, The Chima, Cinda Williams MG+ 5.3 17.0 108,066 F 115641 EN Hunter, Erin MG 5.5 5.0 31,751 F 126496 EN Warriors Field Guide: Secrets of the Clans Washington at Valley Forge Freedman, Russell MG 8.8 3.0 17,501 NF 59701 EN Washington Monument, The Marcovitz, Hal MG 8.1 1.0 5,767 NF 126285 EN Watcher in the Woods Liparulo, Robert MG 4.3 8.0 52,618 F 25069 EN Watcher, The Howe, James MG 4.8 4.0 26,270 F 101832 EN Water Mirror, The Meyer, Kai MG+ 5.7 9.0 55,709 F 21092 EN Fremon, David K. MG 7.1 4.0 21,606 NF 130510 EN Watergate Scandal in American History, The Waters & the Wild, The Block, Francesca Lia MG+ 4.5 2.0 12,766 F 749 EN Watership Down Adams, Richard UG 6.2 25.0 156,154 F 11552 EN Curtis, Christopher Paul MG 5.0 8.0 50,225 F 31228 EN Watsons Go to Birmingham-1963, The Wave, The Strasser, Todd UG 4.5 5.0 32,106 F 101468 EN Waves: Energy on the Move Stille, Darlene R. MG 6.4 1.0 5,563 NF 70206 EN Way a Door Closes, The Smith, Hope Anita MG 4.0 1.0 4,094 F 116715 EN Way, The Bruchac, Joseph MG 5.2 5.0 33,193 F 123744 EN Ways to Live Forever Nicholls, Sally MG 3.9 4.0 31,619 F 11497 EN Sachar, Louis MG 3.3 3.0 24,003 F 5247 EN Wayside School Gets a Little Stranger Wayside School Is Falling Down Sachar, Louis MG 3.4 4.0 28,627 F 7028 EN We All Fall Down Cormier, Robert UG 5.7 10.0 60,785 F 115821 EN We Are So Crashing Your Bar Mitzvah!! Rosenbloom, Fiona MG+ 4.9 6.0 42,796 F Page 117 Quiz List—Reading Practice Printed Friday, January 6, 2012 10:43:30 AM School: Canal Winchester Middle School Reading Practice Quizzes Quiz Number Lang. Title Points Word Count F/NF 10.7 14.0 67,195 NF UG 7.1 8.0 44,287 NF Author IL Flannery, Tim UG Boas, Jacob ATOS BL 132726 EN 14905 EN 106982 EN We Are the Weather Makers: The History of Climate Change We Are Witnesses: Five Diaries of Teenagers Who Died in the Holocaust We Remember the Holocaust Adler, David A. MG 6.0 4.0 22,250 NF 5297 EN Weasel DeFelice, Cynthia MG 5.0 4.0 23,960 F 14299 EN Weather Cosgrove, Brian MG 7.6 1.0 7,634 NF 10184 EN Weather Simon, Seymour MG 6.3 0.5 2,250 NF 85688 EN Wedding Planner's Daughter, The Paratore, Coleen Murtagh MG+ 4.9 5.0 33,225 F 114653 EN Wednesday Wars, The Schmidt, Gary D. MG 5.9 12.0 73,675 F 69798 EN Wee Free Men, The Pratchett, Terry UG 4.7 11.0 72,878 F 104757 EN Weedflower Kadohata, Cynthia MG 4.8 7.0 49,485 F 63085 EN Week in the Woods, A Clements, Andrew MG 5.5 7.0 42,195 F 8598 EN Weekend Was Murder!, The Nixon, Joan Lowery UG 5.1 7.0 44,016 F 20145 EN Weetzie Bat Block, Francesca Lia UG 5.0 2.0 15,009 F 19053 EN Welcome to the Ark Tolan, Stephanie S. UG 5.3 8.0 55,554 F 18900 EN Well Wished Billingsley, Franny MG 5.8 6.0 37,568 F 130542 EN Werewolf High Nobleman, Marc Tyler MG 3.1 1.0 4,981 F 18799 EN West to a Land of Plenty: The Diary of Teresa Angelino Viscardi Westing Game, The Murphy, Jim MG 5.2 6.0 41,123 F Raskin, Ellen MG 5.3 8.0 50,966 F Worth, Richard MG 8.1 3.0 17,515 NF Papastavrou, Vassili MG 6.6 1.0 6,642 NF 144 EN 60749 EN 13987 EN Westward Expansion and Manifest Destiny in American History Whale 49654 EN Whale Talk Crutcher, Chris UG 6.1 10.0 63,247 F 36686 EN What Became of Her Kerr, M.E. UG 4.8 6.0 43,855 F 28087 EN What Child Is This? Cooney, Caroline B. UG 5.3 5.0 30,948 F 5966 EN What Daddy Did Shusterman, Neal UG 4.5 7.0 49,870 F 102556 EN What Gloria Wants Withrow, Sarah MG+ 4.1 6.0 41,567 F 110653 EN What Happened to Cass McBride? Giles, Gail UG 3.6 4.0 31,517 F 143325 EN What Happened to Goodbye Dessen, Sarah UG 4.8 16.0 105,444 F 10891 EN What Hearts Brooks, Bruce UG 6.1 6.0 36,042 F 100514 EN What I Believe: A Novel Mazer, Norma Fox MG 4.6 3.0 22,359 F 102633 EN What I Call Life Wolfson, Jill MG 4.4 8.0 53,931 F 118798 EN What I Meant... Lamba, Marie MG+ 3.9 10.0 69,719 F 126404 EN What I Saw and How I Lied Blundell, Judy UG 4.1 8.0 58,490 F 15819 EN What Jamie Saw Coman, Carolyn UG 5.4 3.0 17,203 F 42986 EN What Janie Found Cooney, Caroline B. UG 4.8 6.0 39,860 F 135347 EN What Matters Most Carlson, Melody MG+ 4.5 7.0 51,443 F 89148 EN What Mr. Mattero Did Cummings, Priscilla MG+ 4.6 7.0 50,166 F 116251 EN What My Girlfriend Doesn't Know Sones, Sonya UG 5.1 5.0 31,937 F 53820 EN What My Mother Doesn't Know Sones, Sonya UG 5.3 3.0 18,697 F 129620 EN What's Hot Davis, Caitlyn MG+ 3.7 4.0 31,821 F 5445 EN What's the Big Idea, Ben Franklin? Fritz, Jean MG 5.5 1.0 4,956 NF Page 118 Quiz List—Reading Practice Printed Friday, January 6, 2012 10:43:30 AM School: Canal Winchester Middle School Reading Practice Quizzes Quiz Number Lang. Title Points Word Count F/NF 9.5 3.0 15,087 NF MG 5.0 9.0 59,029 F Resau, Laura MG 4.7 10.0 70,994 F Gantos, Jack MG 5.1 8.0 53,435 F Cooney, Caroline B. UG 4.7 7.0 44,829 F Gallagher, Diana G. MG 3.4 1.0 8,767 F F Author IL What's the Deal? Jefferson, Napolean, and the Louisiana Purchase What-the-Dickens: The Story of a Rogue Tooth Fairy What the Moon Saw Blumberg, Rhoda MG Maguire, Gregory What Would Joey Do?/What Would Joey Pigza Do? Whatever Happened to Janie? ATOS BL 35385 EN 119114 EN 108830 EN 63671 EN 9996 EN 116083 EN 44965 EN Whatever! The Complicated Life of Claudia Cristina Cortez Wheel Wizards Christopher, Matt MG 4.3 3.0 21,141 2055 EN Wheelchair Basketball Labanowich, Stan MG 4.8 0.5 2,087 NF 2054 EN Wheelchair Field Events Little, James R. MG 5.1 0.5 2,159 NF 2057 EN Wheelchair Road Racing Little, James R. MG 4.8 0.5 2,076 NF 2056 EN Wheelchair Track Events Labanowich, Stan MG 4.9 0.5 2,303 NF 141594 EN Macy, Sue MG 8.5 3.0 17,318 NF 49889 EN Wheels of Change: How Women Rode the Bicycle to Freedom (with a Few Flat Tires Along the Way) When Dad Killed Mom Lester, Julius UG 4.8 9.0 58,656 F 118706 EN When I Crossed No-Bob McMullan, Margaret MG 5.0 7.0 43,367 F 86149 EN When I Was a Soldier Zenatti, Valerie UG 6.4 9.0 53,187 NF 58224 EN When My Name Was Keoko Park, Linda Sue MG 4.6 8.0 54,951 F 20146 EN When She Was Good Mazer, Norma Fox UG 3.7 5.0 39,754 F 119450 EN When the Black Girl Sings Wright, Bil MG 4.7 9.0 57,979 F 17648 EN Denenberg, Barry MG 6.6 3.0 20,827 F 131144 EN When Will This Cruel War Be Over? The Civil War Diary of Emma Simpson When You Reach Me Stead, Rebecca MG 4.5 6.0 39,253 F 121590 EN When You Wish Harmel, Kristin MG+ 4.4 8.0 56,848 F 34759 EN Holt, Kimberly Willis UG 4.5 6.0 43,833 F 59358 EN White, Ellen Emerson MG 5.8 6.0 35,841 F 67232 EN When Zachary Beaver Came to Town Where Have All the Flowers Gone? The Diary of Molly McKenzie Flaherty Where I'd Like to Be Dowell, Frances O'Roark MG 5.4 6.0 40,145 F 85630 EN Where I Want To Be Griffin, Adele MG 4.8 5.0 32,788 F 95 EN Where the Red Fern Grows Rawls, Wilson MG 4.9 11.0 75,528 F 5447 EN Fritz, Jean MG 5.9 1.0 4,514 84292 EN Where Was Patrick Henry on the 29th of May? While You Were Out Kuns, Judith Irvin MG 4.5 4.0 25,024 F NF 146 EN Whipping Boy, The Fleischman, Sid MG 3.9 2.0 13,280 F 25062 EN Whirligig Fleischman, Paul UG 4.9 5.0 30,760 F 81586 EN Whispering to Witches Dale, Anna MG 5.3 9.0 61,423 F 6995 EN Whispers from the Dead Nixon, Joan Lowery UG 4.4 6.0 44,271 F 19045 EN Whistling Toilets, The Powell, Randy UG 4.3 7.0 49,533 F 112409 EN White Darkness, The McCaughrean, Geraldine MG+ 5.5 12.0 77,520 F 11747 EN White Dragon, The McCaffrey, Anne UG 6.6 21.0 129,277 F 110100 EN White Elephant, The Fleischman, Sid MG 4.3 1.0 9,139 F Page 119 Quiz List—Reading Practice Printed Friday, January 6, 2012 10:43:30 AM School: Canal Winchester Middle School Reading Practice Quizzes Quiz Number Lang. Title Author IL ATOS BL Points Word Count F/NF 72204 EN White Fang (Unabridged) London, Jack MG 7.4 13.0 72,071 F 44728 EN Paulsen, Gary MG 4.8 6.0 38,705 F 126600 EN White Fox Chronicles: Escape, Return, Breakout, The White Gates, The Ramthun, Bonnie MG 5.1 8.0 55,552 F 138723 EN White Horse Trick, The Thompson, Kate MG 5.7 11.0 68,295 F 82572 EN White Lies and Barefaced Truths Hopkins, Cathy UG 3.9 5.0 32,390 F 124705 EN White Sands, Red Menace Klages, Ellen MG 4.2 10.0 67,408 F 96 EN White Stag, The Seredy, Kate MG 6.6 2.0 14,415 F 25139 EN White Water Petersen, P.J. MG 3.9 3.0 22,114 F 75425 EN White-Water Kayaking Graf, Mike MG 4.8 0.5 2,702 NF 83391 EN White Wolf, The Roy, Ron LG 3.6 1.0 9,006 F 133797 EN Whiteout Sorrells, Walter UG 3.7 8.0 58,784 F 101956 EN Whittington Armstrong, Alan W. MG 4.9 5.0 35,423 F 78610 EN Flake, Sharon G. MG+ 4.0 5.0 32,722 F 31175 EN Who Am I Without Him? Short Stories About Girls and the Boys in Their Lives Who Are You? Nixon, Joan Lowery UG 4.2 6.0 42,886 F 109485 EN Who I Am, by Caitlin O'Conner Carlson, Melody MG+ 5.6 10.0 61,556 F 14917 EN Glenn, Mel UG 5.0 2.0 12,961 F 8600 EN Who Killed Mr. Chippendale? A Mystery in Poems Who Killed My Daughter? Duncan, Lois UG 7.3 15.0 88,867 NF 5298 EN Spinelli, Jerry MG 3.5 7.0 51,888 F 126980 EN Who Put That Hair in My Toothbrush? Who's Got Spirit? Krulik, Nancy MG 4.2 3.0 23,788 F 65361 EN Who the Man Lynch, Chris MG 4.3 6.0 38,736 F 57657 EN Who Was Albert Einstein? Brallier, Jess M. MG 5.8 1.0 8,922 6447 EN Avi MG 2.7 3.0 26,292 F 60425 EN Who Was That Masked Man, Anyway? Who Will Tell My Brother? Carvell, Marlene UG 6.6 2.0 14,124 F 113748 EN Whole Sky Full of Stars, The Saldaña Jr., René UG 4.2 4.0 28,365 F 129834 EN Why I Fight Oaks, J. Adams UG 4.9 7.0 44,579 F 41287 EN Wide Window, The Snicket, Lemony MG 6.3 5.0 31,699 F 120565 EN Wild Cats: Past & Present Becker, John E. MG 7.6 3.0 17,514 NF 101239 EN Wild Dogs: Past & Present Halls, Kelly Milner MG 6.7 2.0 13,228 NF 131881 EN Wild Girl Giff, Patricia Reilly MG 4.3 4.0 26,091 F 117801 EN Wild Girls, The Murphy, Pat MG 4.1 9.0 66,605 F 123145 EN Wild Hike Maddox, Jake MG 3.6 1.0 5,278 F 123056 EN Halls, Kelly Milner MG 8.2 2.0 12,752 NF 143793 EN Wild Horses: Galloping Through Time Wild Life DeFelice, Cynthia MG 5.5 5.0 33,890 F 18847 EN Wild Magic Pierce, Tamora UG 4.9 9.0 63,646 F 59177 EN Wild Man Island Hobbs, Will UG 5.1 7.0 44,318 F 129621 EN Wild Things Carmichael, Clay MG 5.3 9.0 56,600 F 144179 EN Wild Wings Lewis, Gill MG 4.1 6.0 39,064 F NF 66127 EN Wilderness Road, 1775, The Salas, Laura Purdie MG 5.4 1.0 4,078 138923 EN Wildfire Run Garretson, Dee MG 4.5 7.0 46,998 NF F 112434 EN Wildwood Dancing Marillier, Juliet MG+ 5.4 17.0 111,868 F Page 120 Quiz List—Reading Practice Printed Friday, January 6, 2012 10:43:30 AM School: Canal Winchester Middle School Reading Practice Quizzes Quiz Number Lang. Title Points Word Count F/NF 4.8 6.0 38,214 F MG 5.0 1.0 4,231 Author IL Calkhoven, Laurie MG Mitchell, Susan K. ATOS BL 142178 EN 132842 EN Will at the Battle of Gettysburg, 1863 Will Ferrell (Second Series) 102724 EN Will of the Empress, The Pierce, Tamora MG 5.7 21.0 132,824 111759 EN Will Smith Corrigan, Jim MG 7.2 1.0 8,473 NF 132727 EN Kneece, Mark MG+ 3.3 1.0 4,270 F 114110 EN Goldschmidt, Judy MG+ 4.8 6.0 39,136 F 5449 EN Fritz, Jean MG 5.8 1.0 4,158 NF NF NF F 55895 EN Will the Real Martian Please Stand Up? Will the Real Raisin Rodriguez Please Stand Up? Will You Sign Here, John Hancock? William Sherman: Union General Remstein, Henna R. MG 6.9 1.0 8,206 121315 EN Willoughbys, The Lowry, Lois MG 5.2 4.0 23,990 F 100996 EN Willow Run Giff, Patricia Reilly MG 4.2 4.0 31,079 F NF 4410 EN Wilma Rudolph Ruth, Amy MG 7.2 3.0 15,457 134616 EN Win or Lose Maddox, Jake MG 3.6 1.0 5,197 F 5098 EN Wind in the Door, A L'Engle, Madeleine MG 5.0 7.0 48,484 F 524 EN Grahame, Kenneth MG 8.2 11.0 58,286 F 59075 EN Wind in the Willows (Unabridged), The Windmill Windup Mantell, Paul MG 4.5 4.0 25,045 F 26721 EN Window, The Dorris, Michael UG 5.2 3.0 21,946 F 124495 EN Wings: A Fairy Tale Baker, E.D. MG 5.7 12.0 76,192 F 45219 EN Wings of Merlin, The Barron, T.A. MG 5.8 14.0 88,109 F 12493 EN Winning Stroke, The Christopher, Matt MG 4.9 4.0 28,605 F 34964 EN Winter Hawk Star Brouwer, Sigmund MG 4.4 3.0 24,249 F 113016 EN Winter Knights, The Stewart, Paul MG 7.2 13.0 74,545 F 17650 EN Gregory, Kristiana MG 5.5 4.0 28,833 F 398 EN Winter of Red Snow: The Revolutionary War Diary of Abigail Jane Stewart, The Winter Room, The Paulsen, Gary MG 5.0 3.0 19,255 F 133425 EN Winter's End Mourlevat, Jean-Claude UG 5.2 15.0 96,781 F 120735 EN Winter War, The Durbin, William MG+ 5.0 7.0 45,405 F 61234 EN Paulsen, Gary UG 6.0 10.0 63,193 NF 109870 EN Winterdance: The Fine Madness of Running the Iditarod Wintersmith Pratchett, Terry UG 4.8 13.0 87,523 F 72358 EN Wish List, The Colfer, Eoin UG 4.0 7.0 49,357 F 39907 EN Wish, The Levine, Gail Carson MG 3.5 5.0 35,011 F 134540 EN Wish Upon a Star Krulik, Nancy MG 4.3 3.0 19,794 F 134420 EN Wish You Were Dead Strasser, Todd UG 4.4 8.0 56,986 F 20149 EN Witch Baby Block, Francesca Lia UG 5.1 3.0 18,070 F 107539 EN Witch Catcher Hahn, Mary Downing MG 4.4 8.0 55,172 F 52028 EN Witch Child Rees, Celia UG 6.0 9.0 53,398 F 74603 EN Aronson, Marc MG 8.8 8.0 42,612 NF 98 EN Witch-Hunt: Mysteries of the Salem Witch Trials Witch of Blackbird Pond, The Speare, Elizabeth George MG 5.7 9.0 60,027 F 82581 EN Witch's Monkey & Other Tales, The Lubar, David MG 3.9 4.0 26,574 F 134887 EN Witch & Wizard Patterson, James MG 4.9 7.0 47,884 F Page 121 Quiz List—Reading Practice Printed Friday, January 6, 2012 10:43:30 AM School: Canal Winchester Middle School Reading Practice Quizzes Quiz Number Lang. Title 145004 EN 89248 EN Witch & Wizard: Battle for Shadowland Witches & Magic-Makers Points Word Count F/NF 3.6 1.0 7,245 F MG 9.1 1.0 2,929 NF Author IL Patterson, James MG+ Hill, Douglas ATOS BL 6448 EN Witches, The Dahl, Roald MG 4.7 5.0 35,987 F 146048 EN Schanzer, Rosalyn MG 7.8 4.0 20,062 NF 25913 EN Witches! The Absolutely True Tale of Disaster in Salem Within Reach: My Everest Story Pfetzer, Mark UG 6.0 11.0 70,192 NF 147228 EN Without Tess Pixley, Marcella UG 4.6 8.0 54,816 F 54110 EN Witness Hesse, Karen MG 5.0 2.0 14,825 F 25965 EN Witnesses to War Leapman, Michael MG 7.3 6.0 33,431 NF 18849 EN Wizard Abroad, A Duane, Diane UG 5.6 12.0 79,232 F 63635 EN Wizard Alone, A Duane, Diane UG 5.8 13.0 82,794 F 115809 EN Wizard Heir, The Chima, Cinda Williams MG 5.0 17.0 113,224 F 136609 EN Wizard of Mars, A Duane, Diane UG 6.0 22.0 140,214 F 30562 EN Wizard of Oz, The Laiken, Deidre S. MG 5.1 2.0 15,157 F 525 EN Baum, L. Frank MG 7.0 7.0 40,508 F 50420 EN Wizard of Oz/The Wonderful Wizard of Oz (Unabridged), The Wizard's Dilemma, The Duane, Diane UG 6.0 16.0 100,814 F 43430 EN Wizard's Hall Yolen, Jane MG 5.0 4.0 24,126 F 73220 EN Wizard's Holiday Duane, Diane UG 5.7 16.0 104,951 F 101459 EN Wizards at War Duane, Diane UG 5.7 22.0 140,235 F 69251 EN Wizards of the Game Lubar, David MG 4.1 5.0 33,439 F 85992 EN Wolf Brother Paver, Michelle MG 4.5 8.0 57,371 F 130158 EN Wolf Island Shan, Darren MG+ 4.9 7.0 46,775 F 16645 EN Wolf Rider: A Tale of Terror Avi UG 3.6 5.0 34,277 F 18850 EN Wolf-Speaker Pierce, Tamora UG 5.1 10.0 65,211 F 109219 EN Wolfcry Atwater-Rhodes, Amelia MG+ 6.0 8.0 52,767 F 11499 EN Wolfling, The North, Sterling MG 5.6 7.0 45,688 F 137472 EN Wolven Toft, Di MG 5.9 9.0 55,831 F 24991 EN Woman in the Wall, The Kindl, Patrice UG 5.1 6.0 38,939 F 20710 EN Pierce, Tamora UG 5.5 8.0 51,569 F 66128 EN Thoennes Keller, Kristin MG 5.9 1.0 3,920 108325 EN Woman Who Rides Like a Man, The Women Suffrage Movement, 1848-1920, The Won't Know Till I Get There Myers, Walter Dean MG 5.0 7.0 46,939 F 146551 EN Wonderstruck Selznick, Brian MG 5.4 4.0 26,125 F 134843 EN Woods Runner Paulsen, Gary MG+ 5.5 5.0 32,659 F 5307 EN Woodshed Mystery, The Warner, Gertrude Chandler LG 4.3 5.0 35,745 F 6950 EN Woodsong Paulsen, Gary MG 5.6 5.0 30,485 NF 120323 EN Word Eater, The Dahl, Michael MG 3.3 0.5 780 130573 EN Word Snoop, The Dubosarsky, Ursula MG 6.3 4.0 25,237 NF 141508 EN Words In the Dust Reedy, Trent MG 4.6 10.0 65,765 F 103232 EN World According to Kaley, The Regan, Dian Curtis LG 5.6 1.0 8,551 F 36898 EN World's Fastest Cars, The Cook, Nick MG 5.1 1.0 3,485 NF 36896 EN Burgan, Michael MG 4.7 0.5 3,347 NF 87548 EN World's Wildest Roller Coasters, The World War I Adams, Simon MG 8.2 1.0 6,731 NF NF F Page 122 Quiz List—Reading Practice Printed Friday, January 6, 2012 10:43:30 AM School: Canal Winchester Middle School Reading Practice Quizzes Quiz Number Lang. Title Author IL ATOS BL Points Word Count F/NF 87549 EN World War II Adams, Simon MG 8.3 1.0 5,751 NF 103712 EN World War II Senker, Cath MG 9.0 2.0 10,460 NF 120092 EN World War II Spies O'Shei, Tim MG 5.2 0.5 2,129 NF 142617 EN World Without Heroes, A Mull, Brandon MG+ 5.1 19.0 124,250 F 77184 EN Worlds Afire Janeczko, Paul B. MG 5.2 1.0 5,490 F 114615 EN Worlds Apart Johnson, Lindsay Lee MG+ 4.3 5.0 36,728 F 137301 EN Worldshaker Harland, Richard MG+ 4.6 13.0 87,122 F 43428 EN Worm Tunnel, The Dahl, Michael MG 5.1 6.0 37,079 F 137702 EN Benton, Jim MG 5.6 3.0 17,078 F 81843 EN Worst Things in Life Are Also Free by Jamie Kelly, The Wrath of Mulgarath, The DiTerlizzi, Tony MG 4.4 2.0 13,043 F 127027 EN Wrath of the Bloodeye Delaney, Joseph MG 5.7 13.0 81,728 F 104613 EN Wreath for Emmett Till, A Nelson, Marilyn UG 6.3 0.5 2,185 F 101804 EN Wrecked Frank, E.R. UG 3.8 8.0 60,370 F 20150 EN Wreckers, The Lawrence, Iain UG 4.2 6.0 45,379 F 68442 EN Wrestling in Action Crossingham, John MG 5.9 1.0 4,269 105862 EN Wright 3, The Balliett, Blue MG 5.7 7.0 44,500 F 32512 EN Wright Brothers at Kitty Hawk, The Sobol, Donald J. MG 4.5 3.0 22,441 NF 5913 EN Freedman, Russell MG 7.7 4.0 20,820 NF 17800 EN Wright Brothers: How They Invented the Airplane, The Wringer Spinelli, Jerry MG 4.5 5.0 37,410 F NF 150 EN Wrinkle in Time, A L'Engle, Madeleine MG 4.7 7.0 49,965 F 124157 EN Writing on the Wall, The Lichtman, Wendy MG+ 5.7 5.0 34,867 F 127307 EN Walker, Sally M. UG 9.0 6.0 32,062 NF 724 EN Written in Bone: Buried Lives of Jamestown and Colonial Maryland Wuthering Heights (Unabridged) Brontë, Emily UG 11.3 23.0 107,945 F 133243 EN Wyrm King, The DiTerlizzi, Tony MG 4.4 3.0 20,747 F 117956 EN Wyvernhail Atwater-Rhodes, Amelia MG+ 5.9 7.0 42,347 F 85882 EN X'ed-Out X-Ray, The Roy, Ron LG 3.8 1.0 8,793 F 60467 EN Young, Ian MG 4.1 0.5 2,528 NF 18187 EN X Games: Action Sports Grab the Spotlight Yangtze, The Pollard, Michael MG 7.4 1.0 8,291 NF 100869 EN Yao Ming: Basketball's Big Man Young, Jeff C. MG 7.1 2.0 10,807 NF 44671 EN Year down Yonder, A Peck, Richard MG 4.5 4.0 29,815 F 139125 EN Year Money Grew on Trees, The Hawkins, Aaron R. MG 5.2 10.0 62,728 F 24942 EN Freeman, Martha MG 4.3 5.0 37,652 F 119968 EN Year My Parents Ruined My Life, The Year My Sister Got Lucky, The Friedman, Aimee MG 5.7 13.0 85,366 F 136593 EN Levy, Debbie MG 5.8 2.0 12,238 NF 6638 EN Year of Goodbyes: A True Story of Friendship, Family, and Farewells, The Year of Impossible Good-byes Choi, Sook Nyul MG 5.6 7.0 45,897 F 77133 EN Year of Secret Assignments, The Moriarty, Jaclyn MG+ 5.9 12.0 77,165 F 130574 EN Year of the Bomb, The Kidd, Ronald MG 3.7 5.0 40,085 F 44732 EN Year of the Griffin Jones, Diana Wynne UG 5.9 14.0 90,138 F 61396 EN Year of the Hangman, The Blackwood, Gary L. UG 5.9 10.0 61,993 F Page 123 Quiz List—Reading Practice Printed Friday, January 6, 2012 10:43:30 AM School: Canal Winchester Middle School Reading Practice Quizzes Quiz Number Lang. Title Author IL ATOS BL Points Word Count F/NF 725 EN Yearling, The Rawlings, Marjorie UG 5.0 19.0 128,886 F 117775 EN Yellow Flag Lipsyte, Robert UG 4.3 6.0 42,429 F 5303 EN Yellow House Mystery, The Warner, Gertrude Chandler LG 3.2 3.0 24,472 F 106044 EN Yellow Star Roy, Jennifer Rozines MG 4.3 3.0 23,750 F 86483 EN Yellow Yacht, The Roy, Ron LG 3.9 1.0 8,632 F 128120 EN Pinkwater, Daniel Manus MG 4.7 6.0 38,991 F 101957 EN Rosenbloom, Fiona MG+ 4.6 5.0 35,421 F 135543 EN Flake, Sharon G. UG 3.6 5.0 38,489 F 46861 EN Yggyssey: How Iggy Wondered What Happened to All the Ghosts, Found out Where They Went, and Went There, The You Are So Not Invited to My Bat Mitzvah! You Don't Even Know Me: Stories and Poems About Boys You Don't Know Me Klass, David UG 6.4 11.0 69,431 F 146873 EN You Have to Stop This Bosch, Pseudonymous MG 5.4 8.0 54,464 F 20248 EN Murphy, Jim UG 7.7 3.0 18,527 NF 136106 EN Bradford, Chris MG+ 6.7 13.0 78,986 F 47117 EN Young Patriot: The American Revolution as Experienced By One Boy, A Young Samurai: The Way of the Sword Your Travel Guide to Ancient Egypt Day, Nancy MG 7.3 3.0 14,505 NF 47118 EN Day, Nancy MG 6.9 2.0 13,536 NF 47120 EN Day, Nancy MG 6.0 2.0 13,992 NF 47121 EN Day, Nancy MG 6.5 2.0 14,458 NF 5299 EN Your Travel Guide to Ancient Greece Your Travel Guide to Civil War America Your Travel Guide to Colonial America Z for Zachariah O'Brien, Robert C. UG 5.6 9.0 58,168 F 57152 EN Zach's Lie Smith, Roland MG 4.3 7.0 46,717 F 103629 EN Zap Fleischman, Paul UG 3.2 2.0 14,726 F 136715 EN Zebrafish Emerson, Sharon MG 2.3 0.5 3,721 F 14384 EN Zebras Ivy, Bill MG 5.6 0.5 2,980 NF 17850 EN Zel Napoli, Donna Jo UG 4.0 6.0 46,315 F 118707 EN Zen and the Art of Faking It Sonnenblick, Jordan MG 5.2 7.0 47,463 F 143705 EN Zero Gravity Roman, Dave MG 3.6 2.0 15,763 F 80963 EN Paulsen, Gary UG 6.3 6.0 37,006 NF 135019 EN Zero to Sixty: The Motorcycle Journey of a Lifetime Zeus: King of the Gods O'Connor, George MG 3.5 0.5 3,161 F 70858 EN Zigzag Wittlinger, Ellen UG 4.9 12.0 78,271 F 41634 EN Zink Bennett, Cherie MG 4.1 6.0 39,243 F 75450 EN Zippity Zinger, The Winkler, Henry MG 4.4 4.0 24,549 F 18800 EN Zoe Rising Conrad, Pam MG 4.8 3.0 22,349 F 123815 EN Zombie Blondes James, Brian MG+ 5.4 10.0 61,766 F 147229 EN Zombie Mommy Anderson, M.T. MG 4.5 4.0 29,785 F 87386 EN Zombie Zone, The Roy, Ron LG 3.8 1.0 8,662 F 133351 EN Zoobreak Korman, Gordon MG 4.9 5.0 36,322 F 140510 EN Zora and Me Bond, Victoria MG 5.3 5.0 31,748 F Number of Quizzes: 4,846
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