
November 2013
Fall Colour Tour 2010
Club Officers
President’s Message
Vice President’s Message
New MMGG Members
Editor’s Notes
From the Garage
MMGG Annual Meeting Agenda
A Rock and a Hard Place
Fish –n- Chips Photos / Report
Fall Colour Tour Report
MG Girl Corner
MMGG Technical Advisers
Calendar of Events
MMGG Holiday Party
Rally in the Valley 2014
GOF 2014
Page No.
Things for Sale, Service and Wanted
MG Group Membership Form
Page No.
November Highlights
• Annual MMGG Meeting – November 2nd
• MG Girl Craft Day – November 16th
November 2013
Minnesota MG Group Officers - Executive Board
Name & Title
E-mail Address &
Phone Number
Bob (Andy) Anderson
Vice President
Dawn Williams
Past President
Robert (Bob) Jensen
Joan Petroff &
John Petroff assisting.
Bonnie Bergquist
Newsletter Editor
Diane Rindt
Regalia Coordinator
Jennie Anderson
Steve Rindt
1316 Martha St N
Stillwater MN 55082
951 18 1/2 Ave NE
Minneapolis MN 55418
5355 Monarda Ave North
Stillwater MN 55082
5017 Kingsdale Drive
Bloomington, MN 55437
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
1116 Freedom Avenue
New Prague MN 56071
4271 North Shore Drive
Eau Claire, WI 54703
8700 Chicago Ave. So
Bloomington, MN 55420
4271 North Shore Drive
Eau Claire, WI 54703
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
Minnesota MG Group Coordinators & Representatives
Name & Title
New Member Coordinator
Bill McReaken
InterMarque Representative
James Pennoyer
Tech Session Coordinator
10905 27th Ave S
Burnsville MN 55387
4209 Decatur Ave N
New Hope MN 55428
Anyone interested
contact Andy (President)
[email protected]
4209 Decatur Ave N
New Hope MN 55428
Minnesota MG Girls
Cindy Pennoyer
E-mail Address &
Phone Number
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
Visit us on the web at:
The Minnesota MG Group was founded in 1987 and is dedicated to the preservation,
restoration, maintenance and enjoyment of the MG cars. MG car ownership is not
necessary to be a member of the Minnesota MG Group. Correspondence can be
addressed to: Minnesota MG Group - 1316 Martha St N Stillwater MN 55082.
The MMGG Gazette welcomes all articles, features and letters.
Please submit as text in E-mail, or attach a Word Document or PDF file. All articles, features and
letters will be subject to editing but all efforts will be made to not change the meaning of the
submitted document. Please submit articles for publication in the Gazette by the 15th of the
month to [email protected]
November 2013
and get a B like my almost new 80B. So now it
is time to determine if re-building and moving
garage shelves and work benches will give me
the extra room I need to squeeze 2 Bs in on one
side of the garage. If not I’ll be scrapping ice
all winter from the Honda.
Message From the President
But enough about me, the next BIG MMGG
event is the Annual Business Meeting (Saturday
2 Nov @ Shamrock’s Bar in St. Paul – 11 a.m.
– 2 p.m.). The Agenda for the meeting is
elsewhere in the Gazette and some of you may
already have seen in via email.
According to last year’s minutes we had about
30 people at the event; just about 1/3 of the
number of memberships in MMGG and about
¼ of the number of members. I hope we have
many more this year.
(Bob /Andy) Anderson
President MMGG
Message from the President
Okay, by the time you read this I will have been
retired for about 2 months now. So far I have
confirmed only one thing about retirement –
How did I ever have time to go to work! I find
myself reflecting on going back to work for a
chance to actually sit down for a while. This
may all change when winter arrives and I can
no longer do car and yard work.
I did make it back from Montana, after a side
trip to Nebraska to visit eldest daughter, Ulrike.
I have been driving my 80B pretty much every
day since I returned. For those of you joining
me on several recent weekend trips, we all
know what wonderful cold, wet drives we have
been having. I have not taken the top down in
weeks now, and I am even using the heater.
In addition to bringing everyone present up to
date on club activities, there will nominations
and elections for Secretary and Treasurer
positions, as well as starting to put together our
calendar of events for 2014. We still have no
nominations or volunteers to run for either
office. It will be an interesting year ahead if no
one is willing to serve in either position.
Please try to attend the Annual Business
Meeting. And please email me that you are
coming. Nothing like anticipating 60 people to
show up and only 30 do.
See ya’ on the road (until the snow flies that is),
The most recent drive by Mark & Eileen
through the hamlets around Minnetonka was
most interesting and I got a first hand view of
where all lottery winners must be living. I also
got a first hand view of what Mark has
managed to collect over the years. If we ever
have a year where we have no one to nominate
for Scrounge of the Year, we can simply give
the award to Mark by default.
Bob (Andy) Anderson
I have not sold my 72B yet! It appears most
would like to pay my asking price for the 72
November 2013
Message From the Vice President:
Dawn Williams
(Madam Vice)
This has been a
disappointing summer
for all of us. As I talk
to my MG friends I
hear from everyone that the summer has been
way too short with not nearly enough good
weather for our English sports cars to be on the
road. But I am sure that next year will be
another time for us to get together as many of
us have already begun to make reservations for
2014 events. I think we all feel a little
melancholy at this time of year as we bundle up
our cars, plug in the battery trickle charger, put
fabric softener in the seats, chemical stuff in the
gas tank (what is that stuff anyway?) and take
our little car offshore or to a dry storage facility
or to a corner of our garage. There must have
been something missing in my list of
preparations. I think we had a tech session once
on putting our cars into storage, if we didn’t, we
should have one next year and I will take notes.
I have been busy getting my yard ready for the
coming winter. My sister, who lives in Milaca,
only 65 miles north, had 2 inches of snow in her
yard yesterday with more coming down as we
were talking. From that I was already late with
my preparations. Nevertheless, I continued and
I threw out the wilted plants, washed the pots
and put them in the garage. Put away the
ceramic animals that have been living in my
gardens and washed the deck and covered up
my lawn furniture. I was exhausted. Sure glad
my brother in law took out the window air
conditioners a few weeks ago. I’m real sure
there won’t be another use for them this year.
The only thing left to do this fall is rake those
blasted leaves. I started a few days ago and
came in the house to get something and when I
went back outside the wind he had come up and
it didn’t look as though I had put a dent in the
leaves at all. I think I will wait until they are all
on the ground but by then they will probably be
under a foot of snow. Such is the year of 2013.
The fall color tour that Mark and Eileen
Brandow hosted in October was great. There
were quite a few of us that came out that cold
and damp morning but the colors of the trees
were worth it and we had a great time eating
chili and other great foods while meeting new
MG members and seeing old friends again. I
left Eileen’s studio with 2 Christmas presents
that I am real excited about. Her studio is
always a delightful experience. Then we had a
great turnout at the annual fish and chips at
Tom and Barb Belongia’s home. Again it was
cold and a little misty but that didn’t dampen
the day as everyone was outside catching up
with other MG members, meeting new people
and checking out each other’s car. This is
always a good event and wonderful way to try
out new food. I love potlucks.
Our annual meeting is the next big thing (after
the Halloween party) and I hope that everyone
puts this on their calendar. For the past few
years we have not had good attendance and that
makes it difficult to plan things and make good
decisions for the entire club. So please exercise
your right to participate and vote by coming to
this meeting. We are in need of two people to
volunteer, one for our club treasurer and the
other for our club secretary. Joan and John
Petroff have been our treasurer in the past and
Bonnie Bergquist has been secretary. Both are
at the end of their term and ready to step down.
We thank them for their service to the club,
they have done a great job and we appreciate
their time and commitment. Please let our
President, Bob Anderson, or me know if you
would like to volunteer for either of these roles.
November 2 is the big day. I will look for you
so please put this on your calendar and come
out so your voice is heard. There is more about
this meeting in the Gazette so keep on reading.
The MG Girls have been busy and we have
more things planned. We are having our next
book club meeting at my house; 951-18 ½
Avenue NE in Northeast Minneapolis, on
November 2013
November 10 at 1 p.m. We are continuing to
read “The Book Thief”. Several of us who had
not finished this book were encouraged by
those who had to continue reading so we are
holding this book over one more month. Come
on out and join us even if you haven’t read the
book. Bring something to share as we always
have a potluck lunch.
Then on November 16, The MG Girls are
getting together at Quality Coaches from noon
until 5, for a craft day to make the centerpieces
for the holiday party. This year we are going to
decorate birdhouses again with MG car parts.
They were such a hit a few years ago that we
have been asked to do it again. I am delighted
because I never got one and would love to have
one for my deck. If anyone has any car parts to
donate for this project please get them to an
MG Girl or bring them to the annual meeting.
We would appreciate any additions you can
The MG Girls have been getting together for
lunch monthly and the next lunch is scheduled
for Monday, November 25, at Nicollet Island.
The time will be noon and I hope everyone
can come. Elena Biessener has been our point
woman so let her know if you can come so she
can make the reservation for us. What great fun
the girls have at our events. Come on out and
join us.
The MG Holiday party is set for January 18 and
will be at the Lost Spur in Mendota Heights
again. Val and Dick Wallrich, Ken and Diane
Merrill and I, Dawn Williams are your hosts
this year and hope that everyone plans on
coming. This was a new venue last year and we
all liked the room, the location and the food was
great. We are planning entertainment again so
put on your dancing shoes and put the date on
your calendar. There is a flyer in this Gazette
for you to tape to your refrigerator so you don’t
forget. You can bring any donations for the
raffle that you want to donate, on the night of
the party. This is always a wonderful event and
one that I look forward to every year. Hope to
see you there.
I think that’s about it for now so take care, stay
warm and maybe I will see you at the storage
Safety Fast!
New Members!
Kenn and Diane Johnson
Waite Park, MN
1970 MGB
If you have any questions, please feel free to contact any of the MMGG
board members; contact information is on page 2 of Gazette.
November 2013
Notes from the Editor:
Diane Rindt
Editor MMGG Gazette
By the time you read this the
Halloween Party will be over
and the annual meeting will be
this coming Saturday. I always
look forward to the Annual
Meeting. It’s fun to start planning the events
for the upcoming year. Next summer is going
to be a busy one. In May you can start the
driving season with the InterMarque Car Show
in Osseo, MN and Rally in the Valley in Eau
Claire, WI. In June there’s Rendezvous in
Thunder Bay, Canada and NAMGBR in French
Lick, Indiana. In July there’s the GOF in
Chaska, Minnesota and GT-39 in Ottawa,
Ontario. In August there’s Brit Fest in Hudson,
WI and the John Twist Summer Party in Grand
Rapids, MI. These events are just some of the
highlight’s… our club will add tours, picnics,
tech sessions, various car shows and parties to
the yearly calendar too. So make sure you
don’t miss out on all the planning and make
your way to the annual meeting on November
Steve and I have been busy getting ready for
winter, as I’m sure most of you are. We’ve got
the wood stacked (17 face cord) and currently
we’re getting new windows and siding on the
house. It’s not done yet but the house feels
warmer already!
Steve has most of his car collection put away
for the winter with some good intensions of
working on two of his own cars through the
winter. I hope he has success with that! Every
year he runs out of time working on customer
cars and never gets to his own projects. I still
have to wash my car before I cover her up and
tuck her in for the winter. I had plans to get
some things done on my car before the season
was over but time has slipped away and I fear I
will have to set my goals for sometime in the
On the front page of this issue I used a photo I
took from a Fall Colour Tour we went on in
2010. This is terrible to admit but I can’t
remember this couple’s name. It was just three
years ago when Steve and I were returning
home a Minnesota MG Group gathering and we
stopped for a bite to eat at the Taco Bell in
Hudson. While we were eating our meal this
young man came in to inquire about our MG
parked out in the parking lot. While visiting
with him we found he owned a MG Midget.
We told him about the Minnesota MG Group
and shortly after that he and his wife joined the
club. This is a photo of them. I’m not sure if
they are still active members in the club but if
you are please be sure to email me so I can
identify you in the December Gazette. With
that in mind I’d like to encourage all MMGG
members to submit a nice photo of themselves
with their car. It could end up on the front
Now on to updating you on Rally in the Valley
2014. Registrations have started to roll in and
everything is coming along as scheduled. I
completed the promotional video and some of
you have already viewed it via email, facebook
or our website. I have yet to create a facebook
(F.B.) page for the event but that is next on my
list of things to do. I did post it on the
Minnesota MG F.B, InterMarque F.B. and
Chicagoland MG Club F.B. I’ll bring it to the
meeting on November 2nd for folks to view and
hope to play it at the Holiday Party. But to
ensure I get the word out to all MMGG
members I’ve included the link now in this
column. Select the link below to watch the
One more thing, at the annual meeting there
will be an opportunity for MMGG members to
sign up to help with Rally in the Valley. Steve
and I have most of it covered but there will be
few things we could use some help. I’ll explain
it at the meeting, see you there!
November 2013
“If you get DOT 5 anywhere close to your
shop in which you paint, you will get fisheyes
in the finish.”
From the Garage
by Dave Braun
Silicone Brake Fluid
Ever since I researched,
evaluated, and decided to
install DOT 5 (Silicone
Based Brake Fluid) in Tommy, the 1952 TD,
I’ve been bemused by the misinformation
floating out there on the ʼnet regarding DOT 5
and its suitability for use. So I thought I would
sit down at my computer and offer my best
thoughts on the subject. For reference, DOT 3,
DOT 4 and DOT 5.1 are all fluids which are
poly-glycol-ether based which we will shorten
to glycol based here.
I’ve since also installed DOT 5 in Maggie, the
“1970 MGB Wire Wheel Conversion that
Turned into a Restoration” and I’m preparing to
install it in Sammy, the “1974 Triumph Spitfire
that followed me home and thinks he is a Eurospec Spitfire of some late ʼ70s vintage”. I’m not
concerned about driving the cars hard, and for
the record the fluid in the clutch systems is
DOT 5 as well.
Well, yes and no. Glycol based fluids are
effective paint strippers and will remove paint
when spilled if they are not washed off and
flushed nearly immediately. Fisheyes occur
when silicone is left on the surface prior to
painting, but short of mixing your brake cleanup cloth with your painting cloth, or liberally
spraying DOT 5 about your shop as if you just
won the World Series and are out of
champagne, normal paint preparation practices
precludes the contamination of silicon. For
example, many polishing products contain
silicone and they must also be cleaned off a
surface prior to painting. In fact, parts of
Maggie were painted after her brake system
was rebuilt with silicone, and so were parts of
So what do the naysayers of Silicone Based
Fluid say?
“Factory cars of today don’t use DOT 5.”
The consequence of a PDWA failure. Note the
effective paint removal properties of glycol
Of course not. Most of today’s offerings have based brake fluid in use at the time.
some kind of Anti-Lock Braking System (ABS)
installed. The ABS generally involves “I don’t know any ASE certified mechanics
automatic threshold and cadence braking, by that use or install DOT 5.”
modulating the brake caliper pressure. This
results in more traction control (straighter stops) This may be true for an individual observer, but
but sacrifices some stopping distance on loose it isn’t true in general. A quick perusal of the
surfaces. The rapid piston movement (some internet found several ASE Certified Shops who
ABS systems modulate the brake up to 15 times install DOT 5, including some restoration
a second) may result in DOT 5 fluid entrapping shops. I found them because these shops have
air as small embedded bubbles and spoiling recommendations to follow in converting to
pedal feel (air is compressible, fluid is not). So Silicone Fluid posted on-line. I can only
don’t put DOT 4 in your modern cars designed surmise there are more who are willing to
for DOT 3 or 4 which are equipped with ABS.
November 2013
install DOT 5 but who don’t post the
instructions on line. Many ASE mechanics
won’t install DOT 5 because they work on cars
with ABS, don’t have time (= money) to
properly bleed the systems, and feel their
customers aren’t interested in the expense.
Many also don’t work on or install SU
Carburetors, so perhaps it is a case of being
unwilling to expand their knowledge or skill set
on brake fluids.
“My mechanic installed DOT 5 on a car and
the seals all turned to (insert favorite noun
representing a congealed mess here).”
Is your mechanic grizzled and white haired? If
so, this is possible as early (yellow)
formulations of DOT 5 from the early ʼ70s
may have contained swelling agents (that’s
right, all brake fluid is configured to cause
slight swelling of SBR cups, ethylene propylene
(EP) seals, natural rubber cups, and Neoprene
brake hoses to assist in sealing the hydraulic
pressure on the right side of the device).
However the current formulation (purple) has
been shown to be compatible with all of these
seal formulations and has been available since
prior to 1974. As an interesting aside, NAPA
Sil-Glyde, which John Twist uses liberally in
assembly of brake master and slave cylinders in
his videos is primarily silicone based. If plain
silicone attacked rubber brake parts, he would
have colossal problem on his hands, right?
NAPA’s Sil-Glyde is their private labeling of
AGS Sil-Glyde, and more information can be
found on AGS’ site.
converting the forward motion to heat will
create compressible vapor. This isn’t true, but
not for the reasons you may be thinking. It is
actually very difficult to get moisture into
silicone based brake fluid. Contrary to common
belief, it isn’t the vent in the cap of the brake
fluid reservoir that introduces most of the
moisture into brake fluid due to high humidity;
rather it is the porosity of the brake hoses under
the car that provides an entry point. Glycol
based fluids are as mentioned, hygroscopic.
This moisture enters the hoses from both the air
and from running though the inevitable puddle.
DOT 5, on the other hand becomes a barrier to
moisture intrusion into the brake hoses. In other
words, even though the DOT specs have
requirements for moisture absorption and the
resulting boiling points of various fluids, in
practice it is almost impossible to get DOT 5 to
absorb moisture. And if it can’t absorb moisture
and allow it to travel to the lowest point in the
system, it can’t very well cause corrosion or
boil, can it? The need to frequently flush the
brake hydraulics to expel moisture that is said
to be lurking in a DOT 5 system is simply nonexistent. Although there are folks who insist
that you do so more frequently than with glycol
based fluids, perhaps because of lingering guilt
that they don’t bleed their fluid even though
they know they should.
“The moisture that forms in DOT 5 will go to
the lowest point and (pick one or both)
rust/corrode my brake components or vaporize It is possible to have corrosion and seal
and become compressible causing loss of deterioration with glycol based fluid. In fact, it
is more likely than with DOT 5. This is a rear
wheel cylinder from Maggie.
Glycol based brake fluids are hygroscopic,
meaning they mix freely with and attract water. “DOT 5 will result in a mushy pedal and loss
Silicone brake fluids will not mix with water; of ‘feel’.”
instead the water goes to the lowest point. The
theory is that applying your brakes and I really don’t have an answer for this one.
November 2013
Either I’m clueless regarding how the brake
pedals are supposed to feel, or it simply isn’t
true. Silicone fluid is roughly three to five times
more compressible than glycol based fluids,
depending on temperature, but we are talking
about 1.8% vs. 0.4% (silicone vs. glycol based)
at 290°F. This translates to maybe a few tenths
of an inch in additional pedal travel. I defy
anyone to drive one of my cars and tell me
which brake fluid I have compared to any other
car. But I think I know how this one got started.
We said above that ABS modulation can create
entrained air in the brake system, especially
close to the brake calipers. These embedded air
bubbles are compressible, where the brake fluid
isn’t. Well, the same thing can happen when
installing DOT 5 and bleeding the brakes too
‘enthusiastically’. Pouring in the new fluid
slowly, and using slow, steady strokes without
bottoming the pedal will assure that the fluid
does not become turbulent enough to entrap air.
Then, the next day, bleed the system carefully
again to further reduce the chance of embedded
air. This is probably one of the reasons many
ASE Certified mechanics don’t endorse silicone
brake fluid. They may have to bring the car
back on the hoist after storing the car inside
overnight to make sure the job is done
properly… when the name of the game is to get
cars out the door.
the cylinder this rubber dust and the old fluid
with moisture in it tends to form clogs in the
silicone, creating a mess. So in truth, mixing the
two types of fluid is not a good idea, and will
negate many of the benefits of using one fluid
or the other.
“DOT 5 is only appropriate in ‘Trailer
Queens’ or cars that are more for show than
Sure, silicone fluid is fantastic in cars which
aren’t used often because it is very stable,
doesn’t absorb moisture and requires almost no
maintenance such as flushing the fluid or
rebuilding the systems. But it is also fantastic
for cars used on a regular basis and on long
trips because it doesn’t allow moisture
absorption through the hoses. Many of you
know that Diane and I try to restore our cars to
a high level of condition with the emphasis on
operation and usability top most in our efforts.
We then drive our cars extensively on club and
solo trips and often get caught in the rain. Diane
and I think nothing of hopping in any of our
cars and driving over a thousand miles with
little or no preparation. We have traveled with
DOT 5 to Niagara Falls, several trips to the
Upper Peninsula, and trips to Chicago,
Oshkosh, and more, besides using the cars on a
daily basis in the nicer months. Since installing
DOT 5 we haven’t had to crack open a single
brake system and the fluid still looks like new.
“You can’t mix DOT 5 with glycol based brake
Originally, DOT 5 was to be a ‘universal’ brake
fluid, compatible with all others. Even when
mixed with other fluids, it separates out. When
added to a system it rises to the top, above the
other fluids and moisture in the system. In
practice, DOT 5 is ‘slipperier’ than glycol based
fluids. It prevents wear in the seals that other
fluids have allowed to scrape loose from the
cylinders and that rubber dust may be floating
in the original brake fluid. When blend down to
Maggie and Diane (on the far right on the
Anderson Drive in May, 2013). Yes, they ran
into some rain! Note her ‘daily driver’ license
plate. Photo by Jen Anderson.
Silicone brake fluids have several advantages
November 2013
that may convince you to give them a try in
your classic MG besides keeping the paint
intact on your inner fender when your PDWA
valve springs a major leak, or you clutch master
cylinder decides it’s time for your worn seal to
completely let go. Silicone fluid has a much
higher boiling point than glycol based brake
fluids which means you can apply your brakes
much more severely than you can with glycol
based fluids, although admittedly, the
compressibility goes up with temperature.
However, this is a lot different than the
vaporization you may experience with glycol
based fluids under the same conditions. Our
cousins in the (Ohio) Buckeye Triumphs have
one of my favorite sites regarding DOT 5,
/Brakes/Fluid/Fluid.htm , , and I encourage you
to check their site out. Some of their research
contributed to my comments above. Although
the pictures of mixed brake fluid on the site are
interesting, the portion I found really helpful is
the comparison of various brake fluids and their
boiling points, and moisture and chlorine
absorption. Because DOT 5 silicone fluid will
not readily absorb water, its boiling point is
much more stable. The conclusions by the
Society of Automotive Engineers (SAE) showed
that glycol based fluids reach 3.5% moisture
after only 24 months of use, while DOT 5 fluid
reached only 0.3% moisture during the same
period. Simple hose immersion tests conducted
by SAE showed that DOT 5 fluid will also
absorb much less chlorine (the corrosive
component in road salt), at <1 part per million
(ppm) compared to 143 ppm for glycol based
fluids. This means that silicone fluid will give
years of trouble free use, which cannot be said
about glycol based fluids, even if you do flush
the fluid every two years.
Because of the tendency for our brake and
clutch systems to have their bleed nipples
positioned in such a manner that you are
bleeding the lines, and not the cylinders
themselves, bench bleeding and other means are
sometimes needed when servicing our hydraulic
systems regardless of the type of fluid involved.
For this reason, I like to recommend that the
change-over to DOT 5 be accomplished during
a total brake system rebuild in order to remove
all traces of glycol based fluid and any moisture
or crud left behind. Yes, there are people who
simply flush and fill the systems and have had
success, but for thoroughness, I like to
completely service each wheel and slave
cylinder; blow brake cleaner and compressed
air through each brake and clutch line, or
replace with new lines; replace the brake and
clutch hoses; and rebuild the master cylinders
and bench bleed those. DOT 5 is more slippery
than glycol based fluids, so special attention
needs to be given to all the flared fittings or
copper sealing washers to assure a good fluid
seal. You can replace the copper washers or
heat them to cherry red with a propane torch
and dunk them after heating in a bucket of
water. As an aside, copper isn’t like steel, as
work hardening is the culprit that makes them
too hard to seal properly and heating relieves
that stress regardless of how they are cooled.
Although rebuilding your system may sound
like a lot of effort, it is the last time you are
going to be doing any of this for many, many
years, and you do want to make sure everything
is as good as you can make it. The hydraulic
portions of our brake and clutch systems are
truly independent from the mechanical (shoes,
brake pads, rotors and clutch disks) so at some
point you will be back to replace those
mechanical components, and some bleeding
may be required. You can let me know then
what you find in your brake fluid, compared to
your past experiences.
If you look closely, you may note the slightly
purplish tinge of the DOT 5 fluid in the brake
master cylinder. I don’t plan on having to flush
or change this fluid for many years, nor do I
expect the seals to fail. This isn’t saying I don’t
November 2013
check the fluid and monitor its condition
because as pads and shoes wear, fluid from the
reservoir is depleted. But if the seals do fail, I
won’t be repainting the engine compartment,
unless Diane changes her mind about the color!
As usual, working on your car requires a
thoughtful approach, especially with something
as critical as the brakes. If you are
uncomfortable with anything in this article,
DON’T DO IT! Or engage the assistance of a
trusted shop or mentor to guide you through the
process. Many of the things we find on the
internet are helpful, just as is the advice of
many of those who have been involved in the
hobby before us and have seen many things.
Some ideas however, are anecdotal and
repeated enough that the truth and the legend
becomes blurred. I switched to DOT 5 in my
British cars many years ago, and I am more
than satisfied. You may be as well.
Safety Fast!
Dear MMGG Members:
The MMGG Annual Business Meeting is only a
few weeks away. Please recall that at this
meeting we need to elect a new Treasurer and a
new Secretary. As of today, no one has offered to
run for either position on the MMGG Board of
Officers. Nominations for these positions are
open until the election segment of the Meeting. I
have included below the preliminary Agenda for
the Meeting. A final Agenda will be available at
the meeting.
I need a count of members intending to attend the
Meeting. Please reply to me if you are planning
to attend the meeting. I need your responses by
Friday 25 Oct 2013.
Please reply to:
[email protected].
Annual Business Meeting
Saturday – 2 Nov 2013
Social Hour - 11:00 a.m. with Appetizers &
beverages provided by MMGG
(alcoholic beverages are at one’s own expense)
Meeting - 12:00 p.m to 1:00 or 2:00 p.m.
Shamrock Bar
995 W 7th Street
Saint Paul, MN
Welcome by President
Introduction of Officers
Treasurer’s Report
Regalia Report
President’s Report
Membership numbers
Past Year’s Activities
NAMGAR Representative Update
Update - Election
Nominations for Secretary & Vote
Nominations for Treasurer & Vote
Speakers from Floor
Holiday Party Update
Kick-off Brunch Update
Rally in The Valley Update
T-Register Regional Gathering Invite
Brit Fest Update
Open Floor
Calendar for 2014
Closing Remarks & Motion to Adjourn
Bill and Lorna McReaken
Bob and Lorie Jensen
Fall 2012
November 2013
A Rock and a Hard Place
MMGG Member Terry Nydeen
The NAMGBR 2013 convention in Corvallis, Oregon had as its slogan: MG Along The Oregon
Trail. My wife Arlie and I were feeling adventurous so we decided to go it alone without the other
covered wagons. I wonder how many other pilgrims of past years made that decision and found
themselves in trouble with no way to call for assistance. Actually we were not following in the
path of the wagon trains so much as retracing some of the western parts of the 1804 Lewis and
Clark journey. We had also built in a couple of extra days on the way west as I had wanted to see
Klamath Falls where my father had sought work as a timber grader in 1931.
On July 12th we struck out in absolutely gorgeous weather in the 90's. It was top down and
sunburn time. By the morning of the 14th we left Missoula and took US 12 with our next layover
to be The Dalles, OR. We took Hwy 12 instead of staying on the Interstate because it was the
original path for Lewis and Clark but also the Lolo Trail as it is called in Idaho promised beautiful
scenery and enough twists and turns to bring smiles to an MG drivers face. It did a lot of that until
milepost 110. The speed limit had said 70 mph but while the MG might have done that the driver
was happy at 40-45. Besides, I wanted to enjoy the mountain trail, the woods and the clear cold
river alongside of us. We had the road almost to ourselves as we rounded a sharpest carved from
the side of a mountain. We had seen a sign warning of potential fallen rock but hey, this great road
was not going to harm us at 10:30 a.m. that warm Sunday morning. As we rounded that corner my
wife yelled, "rocks". And then there were horrible loud bangs and the momentary sensation of
going airborne. We could not have done much to avoid this calamity as on my right was the sheer
mountain cliff and on my left the first oncoming car we had seen that morning. Up ahead we were
approaching a short bridge. Fortunately the sturdy MGB held together and was I able to stop at a
pullover spot on the west side of the bridge. Shaken, we got out of the car to survey the damage.
Two blown tires and one damaged Panasport rim. Luckily there was no body damage nor
undercarriage destruction. Now came the bad part. We had no cell phone service and a suddenly
very lonely road in the middle of nowhere. We were about 25 miles from the nearest community,
Kooskia. We put up the hood and waited--and waited. Finally a bicyclist stopped. He said he
would call a flatbed towing service when he got to the nearest phone. The weird thing was that at
least four Forest Service vehicles went by in the next 4 hours but none stopped to offer assistance.
A little shade was available on the opposite side of the road but we had to share it with bees and
November 2013
gnats. We had one can of diet cola with us but that sure did not do much for thirst. That clear, cold
mountain stream was close but I would have had to scramble down a steep 20 foot embankment to
refill my can and I was not certain I could climb back up. We got to know that lovely, lonely spot's
every detail as we waited for salvation. A couple of motorists did finally stop and one found a
phone and called the Idaho HP. At 2:30 p.m. a flatbed pulled up, thanks to the bicyclist. About the
same time the Idaho HP showed up. On our way to a motel and tire store we had an interesting
conversation with flatbed driver. At first he had not been too happy leaving his family on that
lovely Sunday but as we asked him questions about this area he warmed up. They terrace farm the
mountainsides and the soil type does not allow much run off. The locals are proud of their clean
rivers and want to keep it that way. Oh yeah, the major crop is hops. Things are looking up.
The driver took us to Grangeville where he dropped our poor 'B' off at a closed tire store (Sunday)
and then to the Super 8. We thanked the driver and tipped him for his kindness. Luckily I taken the
advice of Dick Wallrich and purchased the $50 towing insurance from Hagerty. Thanks, Dick!
Thanks, Hagerty!
The story does not quite end here. This was a Super 8 and almost new. The woman at the desk was
able to provide us with a standard room for two nights but would have to switch us to a more
expensive room for the third. She suggested we reserve that third night now as they had two large
family reunions that week and were filling up fast. Noticing our scant luggage she asked where the
driver had left the car. We told her that the car and luggage were at the tire store 1/2 mile away.
She offered to let us use her car to go and get it! I suppose we looked a bit bedraggled at that
Grangeville is a crossroads community of about 4000 people. Very nice people we were finding
out. That Monday morning we went to the tire store and purchased two tires and had a wheel
FedEx'd from Moss. You got to love Moss's quick service! We got to see Grangeville close up.
Every storefront was open and business was brisk. I think it would be a great place to raise kids.
On Tuesday at noon we were crossing main street at a marked pedestrian crossing and heading for
lunch. An older gentleman in a shiny new SUV had stopped for us and we waved. All of a sudden
we heard a loud bang. Arlie and I must have jumped a couple of feet! A gal in a big Ford F250 had
just demolished the rear of the SUV. It looked as if she had been on her cell phone. Shaken again,
we went for lunch--and a beer. That afternoon we were switched to a slightly more expensive
room at the motel, the honeymoon suite, complete with a hot tub, skylight and deck. Sweet.
On Wednesday we headed for Corvallis and no more misfortunes. Western Oregon is beautiful.
The coastal drive from Newport to Florence ranks with the best on the west coast. The Mackenzie
route from Sisters and Bend is a fantastic MGB drive (top down, of course). The convention
organized by the Oregon MG people was very well done.
We ended that trek by swinging through BC's Okonagon valley (The locals call it the Canadian
Riviera). It is beautiful and it is wine country. We stopped by to see stunning Lake Louise and
spend a couple days in Banff. From there on to Lake Ponderay and Sand Point, ID., then home. I
have to mention that we have never seen as many white trucks of all trades in one area as we did
when on I-94 in ND. Oil boom translates to building boom I guess.
We have got a lot to be thankful for from not being under the falling rock to all the nice people we
have met and places we have been! We are ready for our next adventure but maybe not solo.
November 2013
Fish n’ Chips Photos
A fun time was had at Fish -n- Chips. It was overcast and cool outside but there was a nice
turnout. Time was spent visiting with car club members from the Minnesota MG Group and the
Minnesota MG T Register. All of us indulged in plenty of delicious food and drink!
Many thanks to Barb and Tom Belongia!
November 2013
Fall Colour Tour Report, by Jim Gevay
We had 12 MG's show up for the drive, and Dawn's BMW and Gary Laab and his wife in
their van. It was a very nice drive through the Lake Minnetonka area with all the nice colors
in some areas complimenting the wooded lots and their homes. Some of us had their tops
down and I think most were glad to stop at Mama’s Happy for a break and to warm up.
The shop is owned by a group of ladies and most of the things inside were country
furnishings and barn wood type of decorations. Then it was on the Mark's place and lunch,
which was great. We had chili, which was great after a chilly drive, and salads with other
treats. The guys got a chance to see Mark's old cars outside in the back.
The weather was windy and chilly all day, we had some breaks of sun early before the
start, but it turned overcast when the drive started and got a little darker and colder
as we went along. After lunch it started to sprinkle on and off and some of us put
our tops up for the drive home. I left mine down as I thought it was only scattered
sprinkles, and that's exactly what it was all the way home, mostly wet.
November 2013
The “MG Girl Corner”
MMGG Technical Advisors
MG Girl “Book Club”
Date: November 10, 2013
Time: 1:00 p.m.
Host: Dawn Williams
Location: 951 18 ½ Ave NE, Minneapolis,
Book: Continue with “The Book Thief” by
Markus Zusak.
R.S.V.P. to Dawn at: 612-363-5990
[email protected]
Electrical - Jeff Schlemmer 612-804-5543
[email protected]
MGA - Brian McCullough 651-462-0145
[email protected]
MGB - Randy Byboth 952-936-9335
[email protected]
Midgets - Brian McCullough (651)462-0145
Triple-M - Lew Palmer (651)436-7401
MG Girl Craft
Date: Saturday
November 16th
Time: 11:00 a.m.
Location: Quality Coaches, Nicollet & 38th,
Minneapolis, MN
T-types - Bob Figenskau (952)935-7909
Bodywork – Open
Tech Coordinator – Open
Val Wallrich is bringing chili and bread
there will be water, soda & coffee, bring a
dish to pass if you can, we usually have lots
of food.
Craft being made: Bird houses and
butterfly houses. Raid your husband’s
garage for car items! The birdhouses will
be used at the Holiday Party as centerpieces
and prizes.
R.S.V.P Val at: [email protected]
Or if you have questions call:
Val Wallrich: 763-208-1801
Diane Merrill: 651-455-5681 or
Dawn Williams :612-363-5990
November 2013
MMGG 2013 Calendar of Events
November 2nd
Event Location, Details and Contact
Annual MMGG Meeting Andy (Bob) Anderson,
Shamrock’s Bar, 995 W 7th St - St. Paul, MN
11 a.m. – 2 p.m.
[email protected]
November 16th
MG Girl Craft Day
Quality Coaches, Nicollet & 38th, Minneapolis, MN
More information on page 16.
MMGG Holiday Party
Dawn Williams [email protected] and Val Walrich
January 18, 2014
[email protected]
Location: Lost Spur Country Club
2750 Sibley Memorial Highway, Eagan, MN
See flier on page 18.
Rally in the Valley Eau Claire, Wisconsin
Thurs. – Sun.
(See pages 19 and 20 for more information)
May 29th - June 1st
Steve and Diane Rindt, (715) 832-8316, [email protected]
Saturday Morning British Breakfast at the
East Ender’s Saturday Morning Breakfast
Square Peg Diner
at the Sail Away Café
Open to all lovers of British cars.
A group of MG’ers have started a
Proprietor Phil Vanner, British car owner,
semimonthly East Enders Breakfast group.
For those MG (and any other) enthusiasts that
welcomes you. From 8:30 a.m. to 11:00 a.m.
(most people get there early).
want breakfast a little later and not have to
After breakfast we linger in the parking lot,
drive to Minneapolis. Join us on the
weather permitting, to “show off” our cars at:
1st and 3rd Saturdays each month, 9:00 a.m.
2021 East Hennepin Avenue, Minneapolis
1321 St. Croix Trail, Afton, MN.
North of County Road 18 and St. Croix Trail.
Other Car Club Events 2013
Event Location, Details and Contact
March 30th 2014
Thursday – Sunday
June 12th – 15th
Sunday - Thursday
June 15th - 19th
Thursday – Sunday
July 31st – Aug 3rd
Chicagoland MG Club Swap Meet & Auto Jumble
Chicagoland MG Club
Rendezvous, Nor’Western Best Western, Thunder Bay, Canada
Thunder Bay Vintage Sports Car Club John Colosimo [email protected]
NAMGBR, French Lick, Indiana
Event Web Site
GOF (Gathering Of Faithful) 2014
Chaska, Minnesota
More information on page 21.
November 2013
Date: January – 18 – 2013
Location: Lost Spur Country Club
2750 Sibley Memorial Highway, Eagan, MN
6:00p.m. - Cocktail hour
7:00p.m. – Buffet Dinner
Live entertainment from Tami and The Bachelor
Donations – Val and Dick Wallrich are in charge of donations.
Anyone can bring a donation to the party.
The Lost Spur is located on
Highway 13 just south of
494. It is on the East Side of
the road. Look for the
driveway that goes up a hill.
Buffet Dinner Reservations: Send to Val by Sat, Jan 5
Name:__________________________________ $25 each
Name:__________________________________ $25 each
($50 per couple)
Mail to: Val Wallrich, 16450 Kangaroo St. N.W., Ramsey, MN 55303
Make Check Payable to: Minnesota MG Group
November 2013
MAY 29TH – JUNE 1ST, 2014
Rally in the Valley 2014, A Northern Exposure is brought to you by the
Minnesota MG Group and hosted by Steve and Diane Rindt.
Rally in the Valley is returning for 2014 and you won’t want to miss it. Every
year Rally in the Valley has a specific theme and in 2014 the theme is A
Northern Exposure. For those returning to Rally in the Valley you know you’ll
be entertained. For those of you new to this event it’s best to describe your
experiences with one of laughter and surprise. Not only will you be awarded trophies from the various car
competitions you may be drawn into the entertainment during the famous Rally in the Valley awards
Saturday – May 31, 2014
Listed below is a tentative schedule of planned 8:45 a.m. – Rally to Carson Park and step back in
events. Visit our website time while we explore the authentic logging camp at
for updates and the Event Registration Form.
the Paul Bunyan Logging Camp Museum and tour
The Chippewa Valley Historical Museum.
Thursday- May 29, 2014
3:00 p.m. - Event Registration. Kick off the event 11:00 a.m. – 1:00 p.m. – Bullwinkle and Rocky
with the Su Mowog Party in the parking lot and at Classic Charity Car Show on the green.
Brewski’s Pub located at the host hotel, Best
1:00 – 3:00 p.m. – Participate in the Flying Squirrel
Friday – May 30, 2014
9:00 a.m. - Yukon Rally. Tour the beautiful
countryside, remember our rally’s are not for the
serious rallier. They are fun with easy directions
and are guaranteed spouse friendly. Our lunch
destination is the Historic Monarch Irish Pub in
Fountain City.
Friday Afternoon - MG Rolling Tech Session with
Steve Rindt and a special guest.
6:00 - 11:00 p.m. - Friday night we dine at the
Best Western hotel ballroom and finish the
evening with a live performance by The Night
Hawks (Formerly known as The Morris Garage
Band). Be sure to bring your dancing shoes!
6:00 – 11:00 p.m. – The famous Rally in the Valley
awards banquet and ceremony.
Sunday – June 1, 2014
Informal Farwell.
Be sure to make your reservations soon and mark
your calendars now. Our host hotel is the Best
Western Plus Trial Lodge Hotel and Suites in Eau
Claire, Wisconsin. We have a special rate for the
weekend. (20% off) $79.99 for a standard 2 Queen
and $89.99 for King Suite. Call (715)838-9989 or
Remember to visit our web site at for the Registration Form. Questions?
Contact Diane Rindt at [email protected] or
call (715)379-6001.
November 2013
Rally in the Valley 2014, A Northern Exposure
Registration Form
May 29th – June 1st in Eau Claire, Wisconsin
State/Province/Postal Code:
E-mail Address:
(Include email address for confirmation of registration – none will be sent otherwise)
Vehicle/s to register:
Vehicle/s to register:
Friday “Yukon Rally” Lunch at the Historic Monarch Irish Pub.
(Cost includes tip and tax)
Adult per plate ($10.50) x Qty
Friday night ballroom dinner and live performance by The Night Hawks.
(Cost includes tip and tax)
Adult per plate ($25.00) x Qty
Saturday night the famous Rally in the Valley awards banquet and ceremony.
(Cost includes tip and tax)
Adult per plate ($35.00) x Qty
Saturday Morning Historical Museum Tour and/or The Paul Bunyan Logging Camp Tour.
Historical Museum Ticket
Logging Camp Tour
Both Tours:
1 – Adult ($9.00)
1 - Adult ($5.00)
1 - Adult ($5.00)
Rally in the Valley Registration Fee:
Registration includes one/two vehicles, two adults, children under 18, event trophies/door prizes, funkhanna and other event activities.
(Before March 29th, 2014) per / couple $ 50.00 (After March 29th, 2014) per / couple $60.00
Make Check payable to the Minnesota MG Group
Mail Check and Registration Form to:
Rally in the Valley, 4271 North Shore Drive, Eau Claire, WI 54703
Confirmation of registration will be through your email address only.
Cancellations before April 1st are subject to a $15.00 fee. No refunds after April 1st, 2014
Hotel Reservations:
3340 Mondovi Road, Eau Claire, WI 54701-6131 - Phone: (715)838-9989 or Toll Free 1-800-780-7234
For questions contact Diane Rindt (715)379-6001 or email [email protected]
November 2013
The Minnesota MG T Register
Invites you to GOF Central 2014
The Minnesota MG T Register heartily invites you to attend GOF Central 2014. Our club is
putting everything we’ve got into providing you with a wonderful GOF experience. We will be
hosting the event at Oak Ridge Hotel & Conference Center in Chaska Minnesota the same site we
used in 2007. As you can see from the picture below this is a first class accommodation and the
staff is as excited as we are to have you come spend some time in beautiful Minnesota.
Thursday, July 31, 2014
12pm - 5pm - Registration
6pm - 8pm - 1st Timers Show and BBQ
9pm - 10pm – Bonfire
Friday, August 1, 2014
9am - 11am - Car Show and Swap Meet
12pm - 5pm - Bus Trip to Mall of America
1pm - 4pm - Tech Sessions
7pm - 10pm – Auction
Saturday, August 2, 2014
9am - 11am - Rally/Tour
10am - 4pm - Guided Tours
1pm - 3pm - Funkana/Valve Cover Races
6pm - Reception
7pm - 10pm – Banquet
Sunday, August 3, 2014
9am - 12pm - Departures
Visit GOF Central Web Site for more details and Registration Form
November 2013
Minnesota MG Group member ads will run free for three months, unless you tell the editor to drop
them earlier or run them longer. The month/year the ad was placed will be listed.
Cost for commercial ads are as follows:
• Business Card—$10.00/issue
• 1/4 page—$20.00/issue
• 1/2 page-$30.00/issue
• Full page-N/A.
All commercial ads must run a minimum of 6 months and must be paid in advance.
Send money to 4271 North Shore Drive, Eau Claire, WI 54703. (c/o Diane Rindt) Make checks
payable to the MMGG. Send ad to [email protected] If you are a member, please indicate
this when placing the ad or notice, also provide your full name so information can be verified.
Date Posted
Description of Service or Sale and Contact
August 2013 I’m liquidating several MG parts for the widow of a former MG collector &
restorer. On hand are: 2 - 4 spd transmissions w/o OD, 1 rear-end differential for
wire wheels (appears rebuilt), 1 – 1800 engine block w/pistons and crank, 3 hubs (I
still need to determine F or R), 2 turned cranks (1800 – 5 main) – specs available
soon, 3 or 4 - 1800 cams – specs available soon, 2 – rear windows for MGBGT, 1 –
vent window for ??? (most likely GT), 2 valve covers (1800 ?), 1 rocker arm
assembly, MGB steering wheel assembly (wheel, column, wiring harness, switches
in place), I need to dig through the boxes (hood and trunk hinges, door arm rests,
MG hub emblems, little things in little boxes, etc.). No reasonable offer refused.
Ask I might have it if it is small.
I also have for a MGB - right side rocker panel (lower and upper parts), right side
floor panel, L & R dog legs, and a cross brace/frame arm for a T-5 transmission,
with rubber mount (as per the box).
Stay tuned for updates or contact Bob (Andy) Anderson for more details
([email protected] or 651.439.6876), all items located in Stillwater. No
reasonable offer/donation refused.
For Sale: 1972 MGB Yellow with O/D. Full repair record w/costs & dates of
repairs available upon email request. Main items replaced: tires, brake master
cylinder, clutch master cylinder, clutch, rear leaf springs, front shocks, left front A
arm assembly, steering boots, front brake hoses, heater core, water pump, fuel
pump, valve job, rebuilt distributor (Advanced Distributors), carpet set, zip out rear
window, upgraded interior. A fair to good daily driver. Needs more attention than I
have time. Reason for selling, bought a newer MGB. Many new and used
mechanical and body parts included, owners manual, repair manual. Asking $3,500
or BO. Bob (Andy) Anderson, 651.439.6876, [email protected] .
1969 B for sale through a friend. Current owner has owned car for 20 years, stored
past 2 years in garage at owner’s home in Shoreview. Wire wheels, 4 speed (nonOD), red paint 8 years old, engine replaced in (?), seats re-done, hub(s) rebuilt,
floors replaced; many, many repairs by Midwest Motor Sports and BMC (receipts
available). Price is in $5,000 range, but may be negotiable. Photos are available, for
[email protected] .
November 2013
Date Posted
Description of Service or Sale and Contact
October 2013 1979 MGB Green 60,000 miles, $7400
Spoke Wheels, Bucket Seats, Center Arm Rest(s),AM/FM Stereo, Looks Great!
Runs Excellent, Very Sporty!, 4 speed with overdrive. 60,000 miles
Call Steve at 612-965-3074 or email [email protected]
October 2013 1953 MG TD FOR SALE
Margee is a fine running car in good condition. All original, seats, body and
engine. Color Green, with Black top and bench seats. Wood frame is good.
Engine was rebuilt by Will Bowden at Ye Olde MG Shoppe in Clermont, Fla.
Magnetic plug on the oil pan. Complete brakes, new shoes and rotors. Larger fan
was installed for better cooling. Side curtains, wing windows; black top is in near
new condition. Side wing shields. Luggage rack over the spare tire. Tonneau
cover is faded and I use it almost exclusively. Doors have safety catches. Original
latch on drivers side opens only from the inside. Paint looks very bright, but there
are a couple of bubbles, one on frame near the bonnet hinge, a small scrap on
driver’s rear fender. No fender body damage. Tires are in good shape. Wind
shield wipers work. Owned since 2002 and driven to a number of shows from
Orlando, Panama City, Clermont, Athens GA and around Tallahassee. Many,
many pictures online at:
Price $21,000.00 Contact [email protected] or phone (850) 893 8813,
answering machine will return your call. US Mail to Nancy Ayotte, 3127 Corrib
Dr. Tallahassee, FL 32309
Two (2) Panasport wheels, 15x6 with +6mm offset. Used but in very nice
condition. This is the wheel to use on MGB’s that might have a fender clearance
problem. They are also recommended for the TR-6 and 250. Moss lists them new
at $319. Panasports are easy to balance and run true, plus they are also very
sturdy. $150 for the pair or $85 each. Standard shipping or pick them up.
Contact me at [email protected]
'67 MGB-GT for sale. It is currently not running but would make an
excellent candidate for a restoration. Body is very solid and the interior
has been partially restored already. $1,500. Also have a set of 4 72
spoke painted wires. Interested? Contact Barry at: [email protected]
Convertible top frame for 1978 MGB. Like new. I converted back to the stowNovember
and-go frame. Asking for the moon ($150) - Make me an offer.
[email protected]
Date Posted
Description of Want Ad
October 2013 Looking for winter storage for car (MG).
Please contact Al Anderson 952-854-2505 and Dave Braun 612-237-0904
MMGG will not sell your information or share it with third parties for marketing or other purposes.
November 2013
4271 North Shore Drive, Eau Claire WI – 54703
Lowest Shop Rates in the Area - Steve Rindt 715-456-1174
Very Serious Buyer for: Jaguar, XK-XKE, MG-"T" series, MGA
Triumph, TR-2-3-4-250, Mercedes 190-220-230-250-280 SL
All open cars Porsche 356-911-914, Austin Healey, Riley, Alfa-Romeo,
Singer, 1964-1967 Ford Mustang, Model T, A
Entire Collections Possible
Generous Finder’s Fee. WILL PAY THE MOST !
1930's-1960's - Buying Restored Gas Pumps
Also other interesting cars - European and American made
(630) 553-9023 email [email protected]
November 2013
MMGG Member Gary Laabs
Here is a way to catch bugs and keep your
radiator clean.
The screen is easily installed
No drilling required.
Simple to clean. Wash with water or a
Great Price, Only $9.95
Contact Gary Laabs at
[email protected]
(Cell) 612-226-1192
(Home) 763-493-5615
November 2013
R&C Detailing , LLC
Professional Buffer & Detailer
Bob Enfield
4052 Mica Trail
Eagan, MN 55122
[email protected]
Office 651.681.8040
Cell 952.220.5779
Bob does professional buffing & detailing
for Barrett Jackson Auctions.
Introducing our second location!
We have just expanded our room and now offer
British Car Storage at our new location North of
Forest Lake between Wyoming, MN and East
Bethel. We will remain in the shop most are
familiar with but in order to serve our clients better,
we have decided to offer the expanded facilities.
Save yourself a costly tow in spring and store your
car with BMC this winter and we will start your car
for its spring awakening and ready it for your
Whether you require winter maintenance and need
your car in an accessible location or simply need
storage, contact Brian for reservations and further
[email protected]
Ring: 651.400.0145
SU Carburetor Rebuilds
Brighter & Safer Brake, Parking
& Turn Signals
SU Carburetors work best when in tip top
condition. We will rebuild your carburetors
paying special attention to throttle shafts
butterflies, floats, dampers and jet assemblies.
Speedy turn-around, responsive communication,
guaranteed work.
H, HS and HIF carburetor services are offered.
For a quote please email
[email protected] or visit
LED’s use less power, last longer and are
seen better than standard tail lamps.
Unlike some older type tail lamp bulb
replacements, these are actually cooler
and will not damage the lens.
LED’s for British Classics can be
purchased here:
Several videos on light replacement can
be found at:
November 2013
Shirts in various styles and colors with custom-embroidered Minnesota MG Logos are now
available for ordering. Items can be picked up at the next event or shipped directly to the address
you specify. A shipping & handling fee of $5.00 will be added. Add an additional fee of $3.00 if
you want your name stitched on your purchase. To place orders contact Jennie Anderson at
[email protected] Phone: 952-854-2505
MG Girl Patches
$14.00 ea
MMGG Patches
$14.00 ea
MG Girl Tank Top
$12.50 ea (MMGG Members)
MMGG Tank Tops
$12.50 ea (MMGG Members)
MMGG Polo Shirts
for men or women
$24.00ea to
MMGG Sweat Shirts
$28.00 each
MMGG Blanket
$20.00 each
MMGG hats
$15.00 ea
MMGG Denim Shirts
Long and Short Sleeve
$35.00 each
There are many more options of clothing not shown here when ordering MMGG Regalia. Ask Jennie
Anderson to see the various styles of Jackets (Summer/Fall and Winter) - Hats (Baseball, Stocking
Caps, Visors) - T-Shirts Short/Long Sleeve, Tank Tops, Denim Shirts Short/Long Sleeve, Polo Shirts,
Dress Shirts, Sweat Shirts Plain/Hooded, Pullover/Zipper. Jennie Anderson [email protected]
or Phone: 952-854-2505
November 2013
Minnesota MG Group Membership Form
The Minnesota MG Group was founded in 1987 and is dedicated to the preservation,
restoration, maintenance and enjoyment of all MG cars. MG car ownership is not necessary to
be a member of the Minnesota MG Group.
Membership is $35.00 with a $5.00 discount if paid before the spring MMGG Spring Kick-Off Brunch,
typically held in - March of each year. The membership year runs from January 1st to December 31st. New
members joining after August 31st of any given year shall be granted membership for the remainder of that
year and the next year as well. Use this form to join, renew or change your membership. Please compete
this form and include a check for $35 (or $30 if paying before or by the day of the MMGG Spring Kick-Off
Check Box if you DO NOT want your name, address, phone number and email
information available in an MMGG Members’ Roster.
Check Box if you DO want your name, address, phone number and email
information available in an MMGG Members’ Roster
Check this box if this is a renewal and circle any changed information.
Not indicating a preference will result in your information being added to the roster.
MMGG will not sell your information or share it with third parties for marketing or other purposes.
Mail this form to:
Make Check Payable to:
Minnesota MG Group
Minnesota MG Group
c/o Joan Petroff,
5017 Kingsdale Drive,
Bloomington, MN 55437
If you have any questions please contact Joan at [email protected]
Spouse/Partner’s Name:
State & Zip:
State & Zip:
MG’s Owned:
MG’s Owned:
Please list other MG club affiliations or memberships: (i.e NAMGAR, NAMGBR, MGCC, etc.)