Cover page for Jan. `04 newsletter
Cover page for Jan. `04 newsletter
Volume 6, Issue 1 January 2004 Paul and Barbara Flykt’s 1957 Cadillac Coupe Deville at the Annual Sunday Brunch at the Chart House Restaurant THE HERALD NORTHSTAR REGION CADILLAC LASALLE CLUB, INC. January 2004 Page 2 January, 15, 2004 (Thu) January 18, 2004 (Sun) Club Events Calendar Board Meeting. New Location. Richfield Bloomington Credit Union, 345 E. 77th Street, Richfield, MN, 55432, phone number 612-869-1037. Time: 7:00PM. All members are welcome. Holiday Party. Chez Daniel Bistro, 2800 W. 80th Street, Bloomington, MN (inside Embassy Suites Hotel). Time: 11:30AM. Price is $20.95 per person, includes tax, gratuity, coffee, orange juice and Champagne . Please notify Duane and Linda Warren if you are going to attend, Ph.# 763-420-7980. Exit off I-494 at Penn Ave., go South to 80th Street and then turn right (West) and go approx. two blocks to the Embassy Suites Hotel. February 19, 2004 (Thu) Burger Run. Tavern On Grand, 656 Grand Avenue, St. Paul, MN 55105. Phone # 651-228-9030. Time: 6:30PM. This restaurant is known for their famous Walleye Fish and Black Angus Beef. Please notify Duane and Linda Warren if you are going to attend, Ph. # 763-420-7980. March 18, 2004 (Thu) Burger Run. Sunsets Restaurant, 700 E. Lake Street, Wayzata, MN 55391-1713. Phone # 952-473-5353. Time: 6:30PM. Upscale casual dining. Please notify Duane and Linda Warren if you are going to attend, Ph. # 763-420-7980. April 22, 2004 (Thu) Burger Run. Mancinis Char House Restaurant, 531 W. 7th Street, St. Paul, MN 55102-3091. Phone # 651-224-7345. Time: 6:30PM. You will be able to order steak, fish or chicken. Please notify Duane and Linda Warren if you are going to attend, PH. # 763-420-7980. They are know for their fabulous food and service, we always have a great time there. May 20, 2004 (Thu) Burger Run. Doolittles Air Café, 550 Winnetka Avenue N., Golden Valley 55427. (near Hwy. 55 and Winnetka) Time: 6:30PM. Phone # 763-542-1931. Please notify Duane and Linda Warren if you are going to attend, Ph. # 763-420-7980. Casual dining. CLC Web Site: Car Info. Web Site: NorthStar Region Web Site: Correction This is a correction for the phone number for Angela Trotta Thomas. She is the artist that drew up the picture of the Christmas scene at the station that was used for the front cover of the November/December 2003 newsletter. Her correct phone number is 1-570-5860774. I hope some of you have or are going to order some of her cards or paintings. Ramblin Roy’s Ramblings Rambling Roy’s Ra mbling’s takes us to Vi rginia this month. (The State Of, not the lady) So what! This article has nothing to do with Virginia (either one of them) except that’s where I found the AAF Tank Museum and along the way we found these books, *CARS, one of the: FASCINATING ‘40’s, FABULOUS ‘50’s, SIZZLING ‘60’s and SENSATIONAL ‘70’s. I was hooked as soon as I saw they were mostly pictures with the text in the form of captions, bullet points and paragraphs. That’s for me, books that don’t read like a dictionary or War and Peace. As I settled into these books, evenings in the motels (yes motels, we took the car only on this trip, not the motor home) it emphasized an issue that’s been on my mind for some time, actually ever since I started hanging around the CLC. These folks are, for the most part, talking a language I don’t have a dictionary for, Cadillac LaSalle ees, I.E. There seems to this reporter, to be a “Series” number for every Cadillac and LaSalle ever made not to mention a veritable Encyclopedia of trivia. At the risk of boring some, but with the opportunity to help others of us being more informed. I’ve extracted the following interesting trivia. 1940 - Last year of the LaSalle saw sales up 41% to 24,130 cars, while total Cadillac and LaSalle sales were only 371,136 cars. Last year of the fender mounted spares. Series Sixty Special Sedans could be ordered with a (Ramblin Roy continued on page 3) THE HERALD NORTHSTAR REGION CADILLAC LASALLE CLUB, INC. January 2004 Inside This Issue Calendar of Events 2 Correction 2 Ramblin Roy’s Ramblings 2&3 New Member’s Story 3&4 Editorial 4 President’s Letter 4 Roy’s Pictures 4&5 Sunday Brunch Pictures 6 & 11 Advertising 7, 8, 9 & 10 Club Items 10 Classifieds 11 Email Change For Herb Karow 11 2004 Grand National Information 11 Cadillac Standard Of The World (Ramblin Roy continued from page 2) “Sunshine Turret-Top Roof,” a precursor to today’s sunroof. 1941 - Trade mark egg crate grill introduced, Olds Hydra-Matic available as an option, Air-Conditioning is introduced, Cadillac sales up 80% to 66,130 cars, 7th in the industry and a Cadillac record, headlights were fully in the fenders and the claim “Standard of the World” first appeared in product literature. 1942 - Pontoon fenders and bullets added to the grille/bumper, Cadillac’s 40th Anniversary, Hydra-Matic’s accounted for 40% of sales, fender skirts were made standard and production ended Feb. 4, 1942 for the war effort with 2,150 “Blackout Specials”. 1943 - 1945 - Only 139 passenger cars were built in America in 1943, all for military use. In 1944 one B-24 Liberator Bomber was produced every hour and a jeep every two minutes. The HydraMatic transmission improved tremendously during the war due to extensive use in military vehicles. Cadillac produced at least six military vehicle mo dels. (see photos) 1946 - Production begins Oct. 17, 1945, few changes were made to pre-war Page 3 models plus a four-month UAW labor strike held production down to 29,214 cars, 14th in the industry. The new CADILLAC block letters adorned the front fenders and the “V” was on the hood and trunk and post war inner tubes were butyl synthetic rubber. 1947 - Again, few changes, the block letters on the quarter-panel changed to script, Hydro-Electric power windows available on some series, “Sombrero” hubcaps introduced, Hydra-Matic’s reached 92%, Cadillac outpaced Packard for the second time, doubling to 61,926 cars and leaving 96,000 orders unfilled. It would take Cadillac until 1950 to out sell Packard for good. 1948 - Complete redesign with introduction of fins, Cadillac, along with Oldsmobile, introduced the first all-new post war design by the big three car manufactures. Late introduction due to new design makes it a nine-month model year with 52,706 units and 15th in the industry. The new “Standard of the World” was the by-line. 1949 - Few body changes but a new 331-cid overhead valve V8 @ 160 hp, One Millionth Cadillac built, production up 76% to 92,554 cars, but still 15th in the industry. The new motor was 200 pounds lighter and five inches shorter than the “L “ head it replaced and a power driver’s seat was available. Next month we’ll pick a few interesting tidbits from the ’50’s. If anyone wants to borrow these books just ask, or you can find them at the Cracker Barrel Restaurants. The books are by James M. Flammang and the Auto Editors of Consumer Guide. See Roy’s pictures on page 4. Roy Boone, Club Columnist New Members Story Monty Robinson and I (Mary Ann Robinson) joined the NorthStar Region/Cadillac LaSalle Club this last Spring after Monty purchased a 1955 Cadillac in Phoenix. We joined with a bit of hesitation. We had previously joined car clubs, only to find that we never felt that we were welcome. One other club, who shall remain nameless, was very cliquey, and as much as we tried to be friendly, we were never made to feel a part of the group. So with this background, we hesitated to join the fall tour. It sounded like a lot of fun, we really did want to be part of the group. We decided to join the fall tour, but we made contingency plans, just in case. We have friends who have a cabin in the Bayfield area and we arranged with them that we could “visit” them if we were unhappy with the group. Much to our surprise, and delight, we were made to feel welcome and a part of the group immediately. We were part of the group that met at the Cracker Barrel in Brooklyn Park. We were early, the first to arrive. Audrey and John Sword were the next couple to arrive. Audrey and John immediately welcomed us to everyone as they arrived, giving us a little background on each couple. Everyone was very friendly and made us feel a part of the group. The group was considerate enough to have brought an extra radio so that we could stay in touch with the group as we headed out. When we met up with the second half of the group, Audrey again took the time to introduce us to everyone that we had not met at Breakfast. Again, everyone welcomed us and we felt like we had known these people for years, when we had only met hours, or even minutes before. We were asked our opinion and included in the discussions about side tours, and the barbecue arrangements. Saturday morning when we were discussing the trip to Madeline Island and whether we wanted to take all the cars, Earl and Jill invited us to join them. It was a pleasure to be chauffeured around the island by Earl. Sunday morn ing as we were preparing to leave for breakfast, we found that we were the only car that needed to stop for gas before heading home. Roger was kind (New members story cont. on page 4) THE HERALD NORTHSTAR REGION CADILLAC LASALLE CLUB, INC. January 2004 Page 4 (New member story cont. from page 3) enough to lead us to the gas station in town and then to the restaurant for breakfast. The entire weekend was a joy and a wonderful time. Everyone was friendly and when we separated Sunday evening at the last gas stop, there were hugs from everyone. We never even considered our “escape” plan. We were having too much fun. I also want to thank Duane for the Rain-X, we were actually able to see to drive the rest of the way home. Why is it that you don’t find out that the windshield wipers don’t work until it starts raining. If you have never joined the group on one of the tours, Monty and I highly recommend it. The people we met, Audrey and John, Linda and Duane, Paul and Millie, Earl and Jill, Roger and Geraldine, Richard and Shirley, Jerry, Zona and Jan, Dennis and Lennae and Jim were wonderful. We look forward to meeting others on future tours. MaryAnn Robinson. Club Member Editorial Well we made it to another year. I hope everyone had a great Holiday’s and everyone got what they wished for. I hope everyone enjoyed themselves welcoming in the New Year. This time of the year there isn’t much to talk about concerning our cars. I suppose some of you with heated garages are already getting your car or cars ready for this years of touring and car shows. If you are planning on going to the 2004 Grand National’s make sure you get your hotel registrations made soon and get your Grand National registration form in soon. The host hotel for the Grand Na tional’s is the Marriott in downtown South Bend, IN, 123 N St. Joseph Street, South Bend, IN, hotel phone number: 1-574-234-2000. The club rate is $104.00 a night. (when making registrations make sure you tell them you are a member of the Cadillac LaSalle Club) The registration forms for the Grand Na tional’s should be in the January, 2004 issue of The Self-Starter Newsletter. If you need another copy of the form let me know and I will send you a copy. Also check the CLC and NSR web sites for updated information concerning the Grand National’s in South Bend, IN. Make sure you look at the calendar of events so you don’t miss any of the events. Jan Gerecke has sent out the notices for 2004 NorthStar Region renewal memberships. Please send them in as soon as possible. Please, if you have an email address include it with the membership form. We need these email addresses so we can notify me mbers on important information or last minute changes concerning events. You will get a separate renewal notice from the Cadillac LaSalle Club, send them to the national address. We all had a great time at the Annual Sunday Brunch, Chart House Restaurant. About sixty members showed up to take part in this great event. The food was top notch. Also look at some of the pictures of the Chart House event on page 6 and 11. Well that’s about all for now. I’ll be talking to you next month. Richard Moeschter, Editor President’s Letter I hope everyone had a nice holiday season. We did very well at our house. It’s time to think about my New Year diet, however. 2004 for NSR has a very bright look to it. Our board has done a lot of planning and things are looking great. We do need someone or a couple to help with the Spring tour. Most of the planning for it is done so this is not a big commitment. Please call me or another board member if you can help. Participation in events for 2003 was off the chart. I don’t believe there is another car club that had the support of its members percentage-wise that the NSR had in the last year. Hopefully you will want to attend the events planned for this year to make it another record-setting year. Plans include more short driving tours that will be three or four hours long. Please inform the board of places you would like to visit and any other things you would like to do. I’ve had a lot of calls recently from people wanting to know how to fix a car or where to buy parts. All of them have been people with pre-’50’s cars. It is going to be great to see some of these vehicles on the road touring with us. Thanks for the calls. I am always happy to help someone to get on the road with these great cars, no matter what year. See you at the January Holiday Party. Jerry Steelman, President Ramblin Roy’s Pictures U.S. M42A1 Duster This is a Anti-Aircraft Tank. This unit was made by Cadillac & American Car & Foundry. Built in the 1950’s. Weight is 25 tons, six man crew, operating range 100 miles and speed 47 mph. The Duster is considered obsolete today. Cost to build in 1952, $92,821.00. (Ramblin Roy’s pictures continued on page 5) THE HERALD NORTHSTAR REGION CADILLAC LASALLE CLUB, INC. January 2004 Page 5 Ramblin Roy’s Pictures continued from page 4 U.S. M5 Stuart Light Tank. Built by Cadillac in 1942. Tank weight is 16.5 tons, 4 men crew, range 100 miles-road, engine twin Cadillac, 16 cylinder, V8, 4 cycle, 148 h.p., fuel used gasoline, fuel cap. 89 gallons and armament 1 pc M6 37 mm cannon and 2 pc.30 cal M1919A4 machine gun. Used in WWII. XM706E1 Armoured Car (V-100) Built by Cadillac in 1962. Weight of Armoured car 8 tons, crew 3 men plus 9 passengers, range 600 miles-road, speed 62 mph, engine Chrysler V-8, 361 C.I., fuel gasoline, fuel cap. 393 litres, armament 2 pcs 7.62 mm machine guns and is amphibious. U.S. M41A3 Walker Bulldog Light Tank. Built by Cadillac in the 1950’s. Weight 26 tons, 4 men crew, range 100 miles, speed 45 mph, engine-Continental-6 cylinder air cooled supercharged, fuel gasoline and 140 gallons (.7 mpg). U.S. M37 105mm Self-Propelled Howitzer. Built by Cadillac in 1945. Weight 21 tons, 7 men crew, range 100 miles, speed 30 mph, engine Model 44T24 Cadillac V-8 liquid cooled, fuel gasoline, and fuel cap. 110 gallons (9 mpg). U.S. M56 Scorpion Self-Propelled Gun. Built by Cadillac in June 1958. Weight 15,500 lbs., 4 men crew, engine Continental AOI402 - 403.2 C.I. Displacement 6 cylinder - horizontally opposed - air cooled, speed 28 mph, range 140 miles and fuel gasoline. THE HERALD NORTHSTAR REGION CADILLAC LASALLE CLUB, INC. January 2004 Page 6 Sunday Brunch at the Chart House Restaurant Some of the other Cadillac’s at this event Kelly (Herb’s daughter) and Herb Karow L. to R. Roy Boone and Roger Koelln L. to R. Phyllis Latour and Thomas Love, Jean and Duane Shuck, and Earl Faulkner Sr. L. to R. (front) Carol and Dick Ducharme, (back) Jill Faulkner and Daughter L. to R. John and Audrey Sword, and Nancy Voss (Sunday Brunch pictures continued on page 11) THE HERALD NORTHSTAR REGION CADILLAC LASALLE CLUB, INC. January 2004 Page 7 Advertisements Please support these advertisers Collector Car Appraisals And Insurance Roger Huber Insurance Agency 15026 Glazier Avenue, Apple Valley, MN 55124 Office Phone: (952) 432-1120 Home Phone: (952) 432-2767 Fax: (952) 432-4699 1200 E. Hwy. 36 Maplewood, MN 55109 (651) 484-8489 Jim Valenziano Lori Valenziano Owner / Operator [email protected] 25th Anniversary Year Supporter Place Your Ad Here QUALITY PRE-OWNED VEHICLES Place Your Ad Here 20950 Rogers Drive Rogers, Minnesota 55374 Phone Number 612-428-7337 Open seven days a week From 10:00 AM—5:00 PM Latuff Brothers Auto Body Before After FAMILY OWNED AND OPERATED FOR TOTAL QUALITY SINCE 1933 880 UNIVERSITY AVE. St. Paul, MN 55104 Phone: 651-224-2828 Fax: 651-291-0677 Peter and Michael Latuff Proprietors (Advertising continued on page 12) THE HERALD NORTHSTAR REGION CADILLAC LASALLE CLUB, INC. January 2004 Page 8 Advertisements continued from page 7 Please support these advertisers 25th Anniversary Year Supporter 25th Anniversary Year Supporter BRIDGESTONE Firestone 25th Anniversary Year Supporter 25th Anniversary Year Supporter 25th Anniversary Year Supporter 25th Anniversary Year Supporter 25th Anniversary Year Supporter 25th Anniversary Year Supporter (Advertising continued on page 13) THE HERALD NORTHSTAR REGION CADILLAC LASALLE CLUB, INC. January 2004 Page 9 Advertisements continued from page 8 Please Support these advertisers 25th Anniversary Year Supporter 25th Anniversary Year Supporter 25th Anniversary Year Supporter 25th Anniversary Year Supporter Special Newsletter Notice: Being our Club Web Site is up and running now, we are asking any of our members if they would rather just read the newsletter on the Web rather than get the newsletter via U.S mail. Please advise me, your editor. This would be a savings for us. 25th Anniversary Year Supporter 25th Anniversary Year Supporter (Advertising continued on page 14) THE HERALD NORTHSTAR REGION CADILLAC LASALLE CLUB, INC. January 2004 Page 10 NorthStar Region Lapel Pin $10.00 National Window Decal $1.50 NorthStar Window Decal $1.50 NorthStar Jacket Patch $5.00 National Jacket Patch $3.00 Club Items For Sale Contact Jan Gerecke For Purchasing Items Advertisements continued from page 9 25th Anniversary Year Supporter THE HERALD NORTHSTAR REGION CADILLAC LASALLE CLUB, INC. January 2004 Page 11 Classifieds Cadillac items for sale or wanted will be printed for two months free of charge to NorthStar Region Member’s. Ad’s from non-members will be printed on a space available status. Cars for Sale Cars For Sale 1974 Cadillac Sedan DeVille, one owner. Owned by one of the best Mechanics Herb knows. Car is the Closest to new as you can find. Price $4,000 or?? Approx. 75,000 miles. Bob Olinger, 507-387-7542. Lead from Herb Karow. radio, heater, very good upholstery, poor headliner. Car has minor rust, needs paint, chrome and good tires. Car runs and drives, engine sounds good, but needs a tune-up. Car has been in same family since new and is . totally original and complete. Call Gordon Thomas 952-920-3467 or call Herb Karow 612-889-1835. 1973 Cadillac Eldorado Convertible. Nice original car only needs a new Home, just in time for summer. Under 100,000 miles, very clean. $7,500 or close offer, Orin Gottlieb, 612-861-7184. Lead from Herb Karow 1971 Cadillac Model 75 Formal. It has been repainted, new carpet, new brakes, new transmission and tires. It meets all safety standards for comme rcial Limo. I have $7,500 into it, but I will sell it for that. Peter Hustad, 612-529-1337 1970 Cadillac DeVille convertible. Car for sale or tow away. Car runs, rusty, boxed frame, bad top - parts car or a real project. Keith, 763-786-5128. Found by Ramblin Roy. 1967 Cadillac Coupe DeVille. Newly rebuilt engine, new vinyl top. New brakes, radiator, battery, water pump and climate control. New tires and upholstery. All power windows, seats. Paint is 3-4 years old. Car located in St. Paul-Mpls. Area. Call Dick 651-6049125, lead fro m Bob Campbell. 1957 Cadillac Eldorado Seville. Restored, excellent condition, 63,000 miles. White exterior, brown vinyl top and brown leather interior. Price $25,000 OBO. Bob Ba wek 1-507-4332078. Lead from Bob Campbell. 1941 Cadillac 4 door, 6219 D. This is a good winter project for someone. Has a standard transmission, fog lamps, Important info. for 2004 G.N.’S Parts needed for 1951-52 Cadillac. 6 volt starter, 6 volt generator. Front door upper and lower hinges. Stainless Steel side trim, both sides, coupe mo dels. (fake scoop) Call Ivar Jensen, cell 011-47-9138-6603 (Norway) or call Deen Braathen, 612-250-5005. 1980 Cadillac Eldorado Coupe. V-8 engine 368 cu. in.. Black exterior, black leather interior. Black vinyl cabriolet roof top. 65,000 miles. Florida car. No rust, always garaged, no winter driving. Price $4,000.00. Fred Joseph, 952-474-2486. Lead from John Francis. The 2004 Cadillac LaSalle Club Grand National’s will be held in South Bend , IN. The dates for the Grand National is Wednesday, June 23, thru Saturday, June 26, 2004. The host hotel is the downtown Marriott, 123 N. St. Joseph Street, South Bend IN. Hotel phone number is 1-574-234-2000. Cadillac LaSalle Club rate is $104.00 per night. (4 nights) When making reservations make sure you mention you are a member of the Cadillac LaSalle Club to get the special rate. Make your reservations as soon as possible. The car’s being judged will be displayed inside the Century Center. To get more info. go on the CLC Web Site: Also check the Self-Starter for info. and registration forms for the Grand National. (Sunday Brunch pictures continued from page 6) 1958 Cadillac 4 door Hard Top. 95,000 miles. Model 6239E. Good shape. New brakes. Asking $7,500.00. Call 763-424-5654. Car located in Maple Grove. Lead from Earl Faulkner Sr. and Grayle Leech. Parting out a 1966 and 1969 Cadillac Sedan DeVilles. Many parts like new. Call with your needs. Both cars are in running order. Roger Koelln, 715-3862538 WI. Notice: Herb Karow’s new email address is: [email protected] This is due to a computer problem. L. to R. Jim Elliot and Deen Braathen The Herald Richard Moeschter, Editor 1262 Etna Street St. Paul, MN 55106 First Class
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Cover page for March. `04 newsletter
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Click Here - Northstar Region Cadillac LaSalle Club
been repainted, new carpet, new brakes,
new transmission and tires. It meets all
safety standards for commercial Limo. I
have $7,500 into it, but I will sell it for
that. Peter Hustad, 612-529-1337...