Psychology in Medical Education


Psychology in Medical Education
Psychology in Medical
John E. Carr, Ph.D., ABPP
University of Washington
Medical Students
Primary Care Residents
Psychiatry Residents
Is Psychology Required?
Mind-body interactions
Patient behavior
Physician role and behavior
Physician-patient interactions
Social and cultural issues
Health policy and economics
(Institute of Medicine, 2004)
Special Issues
• 1. Teaching medical students requires
linking psychological and biological
sciences, and
• 2. The ability to define the mechanisms of
bio-behavioral interaction
• 3. Interdisciplinary collaboration requires
multidisciplinary knowledge
Opportunities and Barriers
Opportunity for psychology to evolve, to be
the science of bio-behavioral interaction
Barriers include…
-Disciplinary provincialism (anti-biological)
-Institutional Structures (discipline specific)
-Educational inertia (lack of breadth &
evolutionary change in training programs)
Implications for Psychology
• Failure to make psychology relevant to the
biological foundations of medicine will
result in psychology becoming minimally
relevant to medical education and practice
• Interdisciplinary collaboration in medical
research and practice requires
multidisciplinary training in all health care
Preparing for the Future
• Clinical Health psychologists need broader
multidisciplinary training, e.g.
– Behavioral Neurosciences
– Social Neurosciences
– Psychoneuroindocrinology
– Behavioral genetics
– Evolutionary Psychology
Role for APA
• Before APA can foster public
understanding of Psychology’s importance
in medicine, we must foster our own
understanding of that relevance
• We must be able to demonstrate our
knowledge of the links between
psychological and medical science

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