CDM Umbrella Guidelines for MSW in China
CDM Umbrella Guidelines for MSW in China
CDM Umbrella Guidelines for MSW in China 0011691 Draft Final Report February 2004 ENVIRONMENTAL RESOURCES MANAGEMENT CDM UMBRELLA METHODOLOGY FOR MSW PROJECTS IN CHINA 1 CONTENTS 1 DEFINITIONS 2 AIM OF THE GUIDELINES 12 2.1 2.2 2.3 2.4 AUDIENCE FOR THE GUIDELINES AIM OF THE GUIDELINES FOR PROJECT DEVELOPERS AIM OF THE GUIDELINES FOR THE CARBON FUND PERSONNEL ORGANISATION OF THIS DOCUMENT 12 12 13 13 3 BACKGROUND SECTION 14 3.1 3.2 3.3 3.4 3.5 14 16 28 35 3.6 3.7 3.8 OVERVIEW OF DIFFERENT WASTE DISPOSAL TECHNIQUES ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACTS OF MSW TECHNOLOGIES OVERVIEW OF MSW SITUATION IN CHINA CALCULATING GH EMISSIONS IMPACT OF DIFFERENT MSW MANAGEMENT TECHNIQUES ON CHINA’S CO2 EMISSIONS BACKGROUND ON THE CLEAN DEVELOPMENT MECHANISM CDM MSW IN CHINA KEY STEPS OF THE MSW UMBRELLA APPROACH FOR CHINA 4 GUIDELINES SECTION 67 4.1 4.2 4.3 4.4 4.5 4.6 4.7 ORGANISATION OF THE GUIDELINES PROJECT DESCRIPTION AND BOUNDARIES SECTOR AND POLICY CONTEXT PROJECT ELIGIBILITY ANALYSIS IN RELATION TO CDM BASELINE STUDY FOR MSW PROJECTS IN CHINA DURATION OF THE PROJECT ACTIVITY AND CREDITING PERIOD CALCULATING BASELINE EMISSIONS AND EXPECTED PROJECT’S EMISSION 67 67 69 76 79 91 40 46 59 65 93 DEVELOPMENT OF THE MSW PROJECT VERIFICATION AND MONITORING PLAN 98 NON GHG ISSUES 101 IDENTIFYING AND ASSESSING RISKS 103 NEXT STEPS 103 REDUCTIONS 4.8 4.9 4.10 4.11 3 1 DEFINITIONS Additionality: According to Kyoto Protocol Article 12 on the Clean Development Mechanism and Article 6 on Joint Implementation (JI), Certified Emissions Reductions (CERs) and Emissions Reduction Units (ERUs) will be awarded to project-based activities provided that the project activities achieve reductions in greenhouse gases (GHGs) that are ‘additional to those that would have occurred in the absence of the project activity’. Environmental additionality requires that emission reductions represent a physical reduction or avoidance of emissions over what would have occurred under a business as usual scenario specific to the project and location under consideration’. Anaerobic Digestion (AD): Anaerobic digestion is the microbiological degradation of organic material under anaerobic conditions resulting in the generation of a methane-rich biogas. A number of more recently built AD plants in Europe that take mixed MSW or source-separated organic waste consist of a two-step system. The anaerobic digestion phase is generally followed by the addition of compostable bulking material (eg large pieces of wood screened out before the process) and a second aerobic maturation phase of equal time or longer. The resulting product is compost whose quality mainly depends on the feedstock. Attributable: See ‘measurable and attributable ‘. Baseline: The baseline for a CDM project activity is the scenario that reasonably represents the anthropogenic emissions by sources of greenhouse gases that would occur in the absence of the proposed project activity. A baseline shall cover emissions from all 6 greenhouse gases, sectors and source categories listed in Annex A (of the Kyoto Protocol) within the project boundary. The forecast emissions are obtained using a business as usual scenario, often referred to as the ‘baseline scenario’: expected emissions in the absence of the proposed emission reduction activities. This baseline scenario takes into consideration the economic, financial, technological, regulatory and political circumstances of the project. Baseline approach: A baseline approach is the basis for a baseline methodology. The CDM Executive Board agreed that the three approaches identified in sub-paragraphs 48 (a) to (c) of the CDM modalities and procedures are the only ones applicable to CDM project activities. They are: Existing actual or historical emissions, as applicable; or Emissions from a technology that represents an economically attractive course of action, taking into account barriers to investment; or The average emissions of similar project activities undertaken in the previous five years, in similar social, economic, environmental and technological circumstances, and whose performance is among the top 20 per cent of their category. Baseline methodology: A methodology is an application of an approach as defined in paragraph 48 of the CDM modalities and procedures, to an ENVIRONMENTAL RESOURCES MANAGEMENT CDM UMBRELLA METHODOLOGY FOR MSW PROJECTS IN CHINA 3 individual project activity, reflecting aspects such as sector and region. No methodology is excluded a priori so that project participants have the opportunity to propose a methodology. In considering paragraph 48, the Executive Board agreed that, in the two cases below, the following applies: (a) Case of a new methodology: In developing a baseline methodology, the first step is to identify the most appropriate approach for the project activity and then an applicable methodology; (b) Case of an approved methodology: In opting for an approved methodology, project participants have implicitly chosen an approach. Baseline - approved methodology: A baseline methodology approved by the Executive Board is publicly available along with relevant guidance on the UNFCCC CDM website ( or through a written request sent to [email protected] or Fax: +(49-228) 815-1999. Baseline - new methodology: Project participants may propose a new baseline methodology established in a transparent and conservative manner. In developing a new baseline methodology, the first step is to identify the most appropriate approach for the project activity and then an applicable methodology. Project participants shall submit a proposal for a new methodology to a designated Operational Entity by forwarding the proposed methodology in a draft Project Design Document Project Design Document (CDM-PDD), including the description of the project activity and the identification of the project participants. The proposed new methodology will be treated as follows: If the designated Operational Entity determines that it is a new methodology, it will forward, without further analysis, the documentation to the Executive Board. The Executive Board shall expeditiously, if possible at its next meeting but not later than four months review the proposed methodology. Once approved by the Executive Board it shall make the approved methodology publicly available along with any relevant guidance and the designated Operational Entity may proceed with the validation of the project activity and submit the Project Design Document for registration. In the event that the COP/MOP requests the revision of an approved methodology, no CDM project activity may use this methodology, until the revisions requested by the COP/MOP have been made and approved. The project participants shall revise the methodology, as appropriate, taking into consideration any guidance received. CDM Executive Board (EB) - The CDM Executive Board is comprised of ten members, five representing each of the UN Regional Groups, two representing Annex B countries (countries that have committed to emission reduction targets through the Kyoto Protocol), two representing non-Annex B countries (countries that have not committed to emission reduction targets through the Kyoto Protocol) and one representing small island developing states. It is responsible for supervising the CDM including making recommendations on procedures, accreditation of Designated Operational Entities, regional distribution of projects and accreditation of DOEs. In addition, the EB publicizes information as part of the CDM and acts as a record keeper for ENVIRONMENTAL RESOURCES MANAGEMENT CDM UMBRELLA METHODOLOGY FOR MSW PROJECTS IN CHINA 4 CDM projects. China currently has an alternate member of the EB, Mr Lu Xuedu. Certification: Certification is the written assurance by the designated Operational Entity that, during a specified time period, a project activity achieved the reductions in anthropogenic emissions by sources of greenhouse gases (GHG) as verified. Certified Emission Reductions (CERs): A certified emission reduction or CER is a unit issued pursuant to Article 12 and requirements thereunder, as well as the relevant provisions in the CDM modalities and procedures, and is equal to one metric tonne of carbon dioxide equivalent, calculated using global warming potentials defined by decision 2/CP.3 or as subsequently revised in accordance with Article 5 of the Kyoto Protocol. CERs are the official unit for carbon reductions from CDM projects and can only be created through the certification process for CDM projects carried out by the DOEs and recognised by the CDM Executive Board. CERs can be used by Annex B countries for compliance with quantified emission limitation and reduction commitments under Article 3 or the Kyoto Protocol. Clean Development Mechanism (CDM): The CDM was established by Article 12 of the Kyoto Protocol and refers to climate change mitigation projects undertaken between Annex 1 countries and non-Annex 1 countries. This mechanism has two purposes: to assist Parties not included in Annex I in achieving sustainable development and in contributing to the ultimate objective of the Convention, and to assist Parties included in Annex I in achieving compliance with their quantified emission limitation and reduction commitments under Article 3 of the Protocol. The emissions reductions obtained through a CDM project must be independently certified. Emission reductions from CDM projects must be real, measurable and long-term. Participation by non-Annex I countries in CDM is voluntary, and each CDM project must be approved by the host country and by the CDM Executive Board (EB), a body of the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC). Each non-Annex I country has the prerogative to determine the sustainable development criteria for CDM projects within that country. Conservative: see ‘Transparent and conservative’. Crediting period: The crediting period for a CDM project activity is the period for which reductions from the baseline are verified and certified by a designated Operational Entity for the purpose of issuance of Certified Emission Reductions Certified Emission Reductions (CERs). Project participants shall choose the starting date of a crediting period to be after the date the first emission reductions are generated by the CDM project activity. A crediting period shall not extend beyond the operational lifetime of the project activity. The project participants may choose between two options for the length of a crediting period: (i) fixed crediting period or (ii) renewable crediting period, as defined in paragraph 49 (a) and (b) of the CDM Modalities and Procedures. ENVIRONMENTAL RESOURCES MANAGEMENT CDM UMBRELLA METHODOLOGY FOR MSW PROJECTS IN CHINA 5 Crediting period – fixed (also fixed crediting period): ‘Fixed Crediting Period’ is one of two options for determining the length of a crediting period for a CDM project. In the case of this option, the length and starting date of the period is determined only once for a project activity, with no possibility of renewal or extension once the project activity has been registered. The length of the fixed period can be a maximum of ten years for a proposed CDM project activity. (paragraph 49 (b) of CDM modalities and procedures). Crediting period – renewable (also renewable crediting period): ‘Renewable crediting period’ is one of two options for determining the length of a crediting period of a CDM project. In the case of this option, a single crediting period may be of a maximum of seven years. The crediting period may be renewed at most two times (maximum 21 years), provided that, for each renewal, a designated Operational Entity determines that the original project baseline is still valid or has been updated taking account of new data, where applicable, and informs the Executive Board accordingly (paragraph 49 (a) of the CDM modalities and procedures). The starting date and length of the first crediting period has to be determined before registration. Degradable Organic Carbon (DOC)(1): DOC is the organic carbon that is accessible to biochemical decomposition. It is based on the composition of waste, and can be calculated from a weighted average of the carbon content of various components of the waste stream. See Section 3.4 for equation. Designated National Authority: Countries participating in the CDM are required to designate a National Authority (DNA) for the CDM. The DNA carries out two types of functions: a regulatory function and promotional functions. The regulatory function is a prerequisite for the CDM project validation and certification process in the country in question and must be performed by all DNAs in order to comply with international regulations. This function involves a national evaluation and approval process and includes the annual reporting of activities. The national evaluation and approval process must assess whether potential projects contribute to sustainable development in the host country and to ensure that projects being implemented within its territory pursue the objectives of the CDM in a manner coherent with relevant national policies and strategies. The national evaluation should also assess whether projects will result in real, measurable and long-term benefits related to mitigation of climate change. Based on these national evaluation criteria, the DNA approves CDM projects, on a project-byproject basis, in its country for registration by the CDM EB and for implementation by the project participant. The promotional functions involve capacity building and marketing. These are optional functions and do not have any international regulations. A National Authority may choose to design these functions unilaterally to fit the country’s needs associated with the CDM projects in that country. Designated Operational Entity: A Designated Operational Entity under the CDM is either a domestic legal entity or an international organization (1) IPCC Good Practice Guidance and Uncertainty Management in National Greenhouse Gas Inventories (2001) ENVIRONMENTAL RESOURCES MANAGEMENT CDM UMBRELLA METHODOLOGY FOR MSW PROJECTS IN CHINA 6 accredited and designated by the Executive Board (EB) as qualified to validate proposed CDM project activities as well as verify and certify reductions in anthropogenic emissions by sources of greenhouse gases (GHG). A designated Operational Entity shall not perform validation or verification and certification on the same CDM project activity. Upon request, the Executive Board may however allow a single DOE to perform all these functions within a single CDM project activity. Until today, the CDM Executive Board has not accredited and recommended for designation any entity. The Board is in the process of considering 17 applications, who are known in the interim as Applicant Entities. COP, at its eight session, decided that the Executive Board may designate on a provisional basis operational entities (please refer to decision 21/CP.8). Fixed Crediting Period: See crediting period – fixed. Fraction dissimilated DOC (DOCF)(1): DOCF is an estimate of the fraction of DOC that is degraded and converted to landfill gas. Experimental values in the order of 0.5-0.6 (including lignin C) have been used in the Netherlands (Oonk and Boom, 1995) and demonstrated to give reliable estimates of landfill gas generated and recorded in the Netherlands. A DOCF of 0.77 should be used only when lignin C is excluded. As it is good practice to use a value of 0.5-0.6 (including lignin C) as the default, this report assumes DOCF to be an average of 0.55. Host Party: A Party not included in Annex I to the Convention on whose territory the CDM project activity is physically located. A project activity located in several countries has several host Parties. At the time of CDM project registration with the CDM Executive Board, a host Party shall meet the requirements for participation as defined in paragraphs 28 to 30 of the CDM Modalities and Procedures. Issuance of certified emission reductions: Issuance of CERs refers to the instruction by the Executive Board to the CDM registry administrator to issue a specified quantity of CERs for a project activity into the pending account of the Executive Board in the CDM registry, in accordance with paragraph 66 and Appendix D of the CDM modalities and procedures. Upon issuance of CERs, the CDM registry administrator shall, in accordance with paragraph 66 of CDM modalities and procedures, promptly forward the CERs to the registry accounts of project participants involved, in accordance with their request, having deducted the quantity of CERs corresponding to the share of proceeds to cover administrative expenses for the Executive Board and to assist in meeting costs of adaptation for developing countries vulnerable to adverse impacts of climate change, respectively, in accordance with Article 12, paragraph 8, to the appropriate accounts in the CDM registry for the management of the share of proceeds. Leakage: Leakage is defined as the net change of anthropogenic emissions by sources of greenhouse gases (GHG) which occurs outside the project boundary, and which is measurable and attributable to the CDM project activity. ENVIRONMENTAL RESOURCES MANAGEMENT CDM UMBRELLA METHODOLOGY FOR MSW PROJECTS IN CHINA 7 Measurable and attributable: In an operational context, the terms measurable and attributable in paragraph 51 (project boundary) of the CDM modalities and procedures should be read as ‘which can be measured’ and ‘directly attributable’, respectively to the specific CDM project activity in question. Methane Correction Factor (MCF)(1): The MCF reflects the lower methanegenerating potential of unmanaged sites. It recognises that some developing countries or countries with economies-in-transition may have a minimal number of well-managed waste disposal sites, with the majority of sites less well-managed or unmanaged, often shallow and with lower methane generating potential. Monitoring: The systematic measurement of a CDM project’s performance and record keeping of performance-related indicators relevant in the context of the Kyoto Protocol (KP) and project agreements (World Bank Prototype Carbon Fund definition). Monitoring methodology: A monitoring methodology refers to the method used by project participants for the collection and archiving of all relevant data necessary for the implementation of the monitoring plan. Relevant data will include all data necessary for determining the baseline, measuring anthropogenic emissions by sources of greenhouse gases (GHG) within the project boundary of a CDM project activity and leakage, as applicable. Monitoring methodology - approved: A monitoring methodology approved by the Executive Board and made publicly available along with relevant guidance. Monitoring methodology - new: Project participants may propose a new monitoring methodology. In developing a monitoring methodology, the first step is to identify the most appropriate methodology bearing in mind good monitoring practice in relevant sectors. Project participants shall submit a proposal for a new methodology to a designated Operational Entity by forwarding the proposed methodology described in a draft Project Design Document (CDM-PDD), including a description of the project activity and identification of the project participants. A new proposed methodology will be treated as follows: If the designated Operational Entity determines that it is a new methodology, it will forward, without further analysis, the documentation to the Executive Board. The Executive Board shall expeditiously, if possible at its next meeting but not later than four months, review the proposed methodology. Once approved by the Executive Board it shall make the approved methodology publicly available along with any relevant guidance and the designated Operational Entity may proceed with the validation of the project activity and submit the Project Design Document for registration. In the event that the COP/MOP requests the revision of an approved methodology, no CDM project activity may use this methodology until the revisions requested by the cOP/MOP have been made and approved. The project participants shall revise the methodology, as appropriate, taking into consideration any guidance received. ENVIRONMENTAL RESOURCES MANAGEMENT CDM UMBRELLA METHODOLOGY FOR MSW PROJECTS IN CHINA 8 Municipal solid waste (MSW): MSW is defined to include refuse from households, non-hazardous solid waste from industrial, commercial and institutional establishments (including hospitals), market waste, yard waste and street sweepings. MSW management encompasses the functions of collection, transfer, treatment, recycling, resource recovery and disposal of municipal solid waste. (UNDP/UNCHS/WB 1996) Operational lifetime of a CDM project activity: It is defined as the period during which the CDM project activity is in operation. No crediting period shall end after the end of the operational lifetime (calculated as from starting date). Party: In this glossary, the term ‘Party’ is used as defined in the Kyoto Protocol: ‘Party’ means, unless the context otherwise indicates, a Party to the Protocol. ‘Party included in Annex I’ means a Party included in Annex I to the Convention, as may be amended, or a Party which has made a notification under Article 4, paragraph 2(g), of the Convention. Project activity: A project activity is a measure, operation or an action that aims at reducing greenhouse gases (GHG) emissions. The Kyoto Protocol and the CDM modalities and procedures use the term ‘project activity’ as opposed to ‘project’. A project activity could, therefore, be identical with or a component or aspect of a project undertaken or planned. The definition of a specific ‘project activity’ is the basis for calculating baselines and additionality under the CDM. Project boundary: The project boundary shall encompass all anthropogenic emissions by sources of greenhouse gases (GHG) under the control of the project participants that are significant and reasonably attributable to the CDM project activity. The Panel on methodologies (Meth Panel) shall develop specific proposals for consideration by the Executive Board on how to operationalize the terms ‘under the control of’, ‘significant’ and ‘reasonably attributable’, as contained in paragraph 52 and appendix C, paragraphs (a) (iii) and (b) (vi) of the CDM modalities and procedures. Pending decisions by the Executive Board on these terms, project participants are invited to explain their interpretation of such terms when completing and submitting a Project Design Document (CDM-PDD). Project participants: In accordance with the use of the term project participant in the CDM modalities and procedures, a project participant is either a Party involved or, in accordance with paragraph 33 of the CDM modalities and procedures, a private and/or public entity authorized by a Party to participate, under the Party’s responsibility, in CDM project activities. Project participants are Parties or private and/or public entities that take decisions on the allocation of CERs from the project activity under consideration: At registration, a statement signed by all project participants shall be provided clarifying the modalities of communicating with the Executive Board and the secretariat, in particular with regard to instructions regarding allocations of CERs at the point of issuance. In common commercial ENVIRONMENTAL RESOURCES MANAGEMENT CDM UMBRELLA METHODOLOGY FOR MSW PROJECTS IN CHINA 9 terms, ‘project participants’ are the developers, co-developers, investors and/or sponsors of a specific project activity under the CDM. Registration: Registration is the formal acceptance by the Executive Board of a validated project activity as a CDM project activity. Registration is the prerequisite for the verification, certification and issuance of CERs related to that project activity. Renewable crediting period: See Crediting period - renewable Stakeholders: Stakeholders mean the public, including individuals, groups or communities affected, or likely to be affected, by the proposed CDM project activity or actions leading to the implementation of such an activity. Starting date of a CDM project activity: The starting date of a CDM project activity is the date at which the implementation or construction or real action of a project activity begins. Project activities starting as of the year 2000 (1 January 2000) and prior to the adoption of decision 17/CP.7 (10 November 2001) have to provide documentation, at the time of registration, showing that the starting date fell within this period. Transparent and conservative: Establishing a baseline in a transparent and conservative manner (paragraph 45 (b) of the CDM modalities and procedures) means that assumptions are made explicitly and choices are substantiated. In case of uncertainty regarding values of variables and parameters, the establishment of a baseline is considered conservative if the resulting projection of the baseline does not lead to an overestimation of emission reductions attributable to a CDM project activity (that is, in the case of doubt, values that generate a lower baseline projection shall be used). Validation: Validation is the process of independent evaluation of a project activity by a designated Operational Entity against the requirements of the CDM as set out in decision 17/CP.7 its annex and relevant decisions of the COP/MOP, on the basis of the Project Design Document (CDM-PDD). Validation of a project by the DOE must occur before a project is reviewed by the DNA in the project’s Host Country and before registration occurs by the EB. Verification: Verification is the periodic independent review and ex post determination by a designated Operational Entity of monitored reductions in anthropogenic emissions by sources of greenhouse gases (GHG) that have occurred as a result of a registered CDM project activity during the verification period. There is no prescribed length of the verification period. It shall, however, not be longer than the crediting period. In practice, verification is expected to be carried out on an annual basis, since project participants will be keen to receive CERs annually. Verification Report: A report prepared by an Operational Entity, or by another independent third party, pursuant to a Verification, which reports the ENVIRONMENTAL RESOURCES MANAGEMENT CDM UMBRELLA METHODOLOGY FOR MSW PROJECTS IN CHINA 10 findings of the Verification process, including the amount of reductions in emission of greenhouse gases that have been found to have been generated. A glossary of terms and abbreviations can be found in Annex A. ENVIRONMENTAL RESOURCES MANAGEMENT CDM UMBRELLA METHODOLOGY FOR MSW PROJECTS IN CHINA 11 2 AIM OF THE GUIDELINES The aim of these Municipal Solid Waste Clean Development Mechanism’s (CDM) ‘umbrella’ guidelines is to provide a standardised approach for project developers to develop municipal solid waste projects in China under applicable international and Chinese CDM rules and procedures. 2.1 AUDIENCE FOR THE GUIDELINES The audience for these guidelines is twofold: 2.2 • Project developers in China seeking to develop municipal solid waste (MSW) CDM projects in co-operation with the World Bank Carbon Finance team. • World Bank personnel to help them estimate and evaluate MSW projects from China introduced by project developers in a standardised, fast-track framework. AIM OF THE GUIDELINES FOR PROJECT DEVELOPERS The aim of the present guidelines is to provide help to project developers in China seeking to develop MSW projects under the CDM and willing to introduce these projects to the PCF. The guidelines offer an ‘umbrella’ approach under which eligible MSW projects in China can be handled by the Bank in a common manner that serves to expedite project evaluation and approval for valid projects. The umbrella guidelines offer advice on developing a concise methodology that will help reduce transaction costs, regulatory delay and uncertainty surrounding project approvals, as long as the guidelines are effectively followed. The procedure to develop an eligible CDM project is complex and requires a detailed analysis of the project characteristics and potential to comply with all the CDM rules. Thus, this umbrella guideline proposes a standardised approach for project developers, aiming to simplify a difficult process while ensuring that all the key issues required to assess whether a project complies with the CDM rules are included in the project’s CDM analysis, and leading to the development of a document describing the project and its potential for CDM approval -- the Project Design Document (PDD)1. 1 The Project Design Document, PDD, is a template document developed by the CDM executive Board that every project developer should fill in for its project to be assessed as a CDM project. A copy can be found on the CDM web site: ENVIRONMENTAL RESOURCES MANAGEMENT CDM UMBRELLA METHODOLOGY FOR MSW PROJECTS IN CHINA 12 2.3 AIM OF THE GUIDELINES FOR THE CARBON FUND PERSONNEL The guidelines will also simplify the MSW project revision process for the World Bank Carbon Fund personnel by ensuring that a standard approach has been followed by the project developers and by ensuring that project developers are aware of all the key issues that they need to address. 2.4 ORGANISATION OF THIS DOCUMENT The report is divided in two main sections. The background section provides information to set the scene for the use of Carbon Credits for municipal waste management in China (Section Error! Reference source not found.). It includes a review of municipal solid waste (MSW) technologies and their environmental impacts, an overview of MSW in China; the general principles of the Clean Development Mechanism (CDM); and introduces the key steps of the MSW CDM Umbrella approach methodology. The second section of this document (Section 4), the guideline section, provides recommendations to project developer for each step of the MSW CDM Umbrella methodology. ENVIRONMENTAL RESOURCES MANAGEMENT CDM UMBRELLA METHODOLOGY FOR MSW PROJECTS IN CHINA 13 3 BACKGROUND SECTION The aim of this background section is to set the scene for the use of Carbon Credits for municipal waste management in China. 3.1 OVERVIEW OF DIFFERENT WASTE DISPOSAL TECHNIQUES In this report, four specific techniques of MSW management are considered: landfilling, anaerobic digestion, composting and vermicomposting. Thermal MSW management techniques, such as incineration, are not covered. 3.1.1 Landfill/Landfill Gas The traditional method of disposing of waste in many countries of the world is to simply deposit the waste on a designated (unused) area of land. When undertaken in an uncontrolled way, as is the case in many developing countries, the result is an ‘open dump’. Open dumps give rise to a number of potential health and environmental problems including the spread of disease by flies, rats and other vectors, pollution of surface waters and, as the waste is frequently set on fire by scavengers, and air pollution. In order to overcome these particular problems, more advanced forms of disposing of waste to land have been developed. The first stage of upgrading from open dumps is to apply a degree of control to the actual operation of depositing the waste – by working in controlled areas and covering the waste to prevent windblown litter, fires and scavenging by animals. The most sophisticated forms of disposing of waste to land, known as sanitary landfilling, involve extensive civil engineering, to contain the wastes and isolate them from the surrounding environment, the use of dedicated plant and equipment to place and compact the waste, and extensive control and monitoring of the whole process of waste deposition and subsequent degradation of the waste once in place. Once deposited, waste tends to decompose or degrade by a combination of physical, chemical and biological processes. In particular, the organic components of the waste, such as food wastes, wood and paper, are broken down by the biochemical action of microbes. Where there is a supply of air, these processes are aerobic resulting, ultimately, in the generation of carbon dioxide. This is happens when waste is composted, by placing it in windrows for example. In the case of most landfills, however, as the air trapped within the deposited waste is used up and/or displaced by the generation of carbon dioxide, the conditions gradually become anoxic and then anaerobic degradation processes start to dominate. The ultimate product from the anaerobic degradation of organic matter is a ‘biogas’ or ‘landfill gas’ (LFG) which comprises mainly ENVIRONMENTAL RESOURCES MANAGEMENT CDM UMBRELLA METHODOLOGY FOR MSW PROJECTS IN CHINA 14 carbon dioxide and methane in approximately equal proportions together with a great many higher organic compounds present at trace levels. Landfill gas can give rise to a number of potential health and safety hazards, primarily due to its flammable (explosive in confined spaces) nature. Conversely, landfill gas also represents a potential source of energy and, in the right circumstances, may be captured and used as a fuel, thereby replacing fossil fuels. It can be used directly, such as a boiler fuel or for the firing of bricks, or can be used to power internal combustion or gas turbine engines for the generation of electricity. Of recent concern has been the potential impact of landfill gas on the global environment because of its global warming potential. In particular, methane is 21 times more potent than carbon dioxide in terms of global warming. Thus, there is a definite environmental benefit of capturing and burning the gas in a flare because the methane is thereby converted to carbon dioxide. If the gas can be captured and utilised, there is the double benefit of converting the methane to carbon dioxide and also displacing the use of another fuel, which would otherwise have been burnt and created additional carbon dioxide. 3.1.2 Anaerobic Digestion An alternative means of treating organic waste is to digest it in purposely-designed Anaerobic Digestion (AD) plants. The same processes occur in an AD plant as occur in a landfill site but, because the process conditions can be more carefully controlled, the conversion of organic matter to biogas is more efficient and occurs more quickly. It is also easier to ensure that all the gas is captured. Conversely, because the process involves a lot more sophisticated plant and equipment, it is a lot more expensive than landfill. Part of the cost is offset by the income from selling excess electricity from a ‘renewable’ source to the grid. The residues from the process must also be disposed. Depending on the source of the waste material accepted by the AD plant, it may be possible to compost the residues and then use them as a soil improver (see below). If a mixed source of waste is used, however, the level of contamination may be too high so the residues may need to be landfilled directly or aerobically composted and then landfilled. In either case, there will be a residue of organic material and/or a reject stream that will each contain organic material that will degrade further when landfilled. Thus, there will still be a potential for landfill gas generation and release to atmosphere if it is not captured, although the total volume of gas escaping to atmosphere is likely to be much less than in the case of the landfilling of untreated waste. ENVIRONMENTAL RESOURCES MANAGEMENT CDM UMBRELLA METHODOLOGY FOR MSW PROJECTS IN CHINA 15 3.1.3 Composting Composting comprises the aerobic treatment of organic waste to produce a humus-like material that may be used as a soil conditioner. A continuous supply of oxygen is essential to ensure that the process continues and that pockets of the waste do not go anoxic which would result in emission of methane and malodours. Keeping the waste aerated may be achieved by placing it in rows or small heaps and physically turning it regularly, or by employing more sophisticated plant and equipment to force air through the waste. In order to get a good quality end product, free from contaminants that might adversely affect its suitability as a soil improver (and hence its value), it is important that only appropriate wastes are used as the feedstock. Although mixed wastes may be used and screened prior to the composting process, it is very difficult to ensure a good final product quality without restricting the source of the waste. Typically kitchen and garden wastes provide the best feedstock. Thus, composting can never be regarded as the sole solution for treating municipal solid waste (or even all the organic components of MSW) and it can only be used in combination with other waste management techniques such as recycling, incineration and/or landfilling. 3.1.4 Vermicomposting A variation of ‘standard’ composting is the process of vermicomposting whereby instead of relying solely on the action of aerobic microbes, the organic material is broken down by the natural digestion process of redworms and earthworms. Since the worms consume the waste, the organic material is converted into body mass, as the worms grow and multiply, and worm castings, which can be used in place of chemical fertilizers. The worms themselves may also be utilised as fish bait or animal feed. The disadvantages compared with conventional composting are that the process is relatively new and conditions need to be carefully controlled, and there can be problems with fly infestation in warmer climates. 3.2 ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACTS OF MSW TECHNOLOGIES The following section provides further details about the different MSW technologies, introduced in Section 2.1.1 and assesses their environmental impacts. 3.2.1 Landfill Gas Recovery Development of the Technology The rate at which landfill gas is generated by a landfill site, and the amount of gas that is available for utilisation, are dependent on a number of factors. The most important of these are as follows: ENVIRONMENTAL RESOURCES MANAGEMENT CDM UMBRELLA METHODOLOGY FOR MSW PROJECTS IN CHINA 16 • the rate at which waste is being deposited and the amount of waste already in place; • the waste composition – in particular the amount and type of the degradable organic matter present in the waste; • moisture content of the waste; • chemical composition and physical properties of the waste; • climate/meteorological conditions at the landfill site – in particular ambient temperatures and levels of incident rainfall; • the geometry of the landfill site and the way in which it is filled; and • the timing and method of collecting gas from the waste. All the above factors have a particular impact on either the rate of gas generation or the efficiency at which gas can be collected for utilisation. Clearly, the larger the volume of waste in place and the higher the rate of waste deposition, the higher is the potential rate of gas generation. The landfill gas is generated from the degradation, under anaerobic conditions, of the organic components within the waste. Thus, if there is a high percentage of readily degradable organic materials (such as food waste) there will tend to be large volumes of gas that are generated more quickly than if the organic material is less readily degradable (such as paper and wood). However, if the initial stages of degradation result in conditions in the waste becoming too acidic, this may inhibit the action of the methanogenic (methane forming) bacteria. In general, the higher the moisture content and the higher the ambient temperature, then the more rapid will be the degradation of the waste and the higher the rate of landfill gas generation. The physical properties of the waste (such as density) and the way the site is operated can effect the moisture content by affecting the ingress of rainwater or its movement through different parts of the waste. At some sites leachate is collected from the base of the site and recirculated through the waste to ensure as much mixing of nutrients, bacteria and moisture as possible. Clearly, the geometry of the site and the way it is operated can influence the ease with which gas is captured. Ideally a site is operated in phases, each of which is rapidly filled and into which wells are then installed to extract the gas. Alternatively, for deeper sites, it may be necessary to build the wells up with the waste and to start extracting the gas before final waste levels are reached. If the wells are not installed quickly enough then some of the gas ENVIRONMENTAL RESOURCES MANAGEMENT CDM UMBRELLA METHODOLOGY FOR MSW PROJECTS IN CHINA 17 will be ‘lost’ thereby resulting in emission of greenhouse gases (methane and carbon dioxide) directly to atmosphere and reducing the potential for energy generation. Inevitably it is impossible to capture all of the gas because there tends to be an exponential decay to the gas generation curve and, after a certain period, it is no longer commercially viable to collect the small quantities of gas still being generated. At the most efficient sites, it is estimated that approximately 70% of the total gas that is generated is collected and utilised. Theoretical Calculation of Landfill Gas Generation As discussed above, the rate at which landfill gas is generated is dependent on a number of inter-related factors. This makes the theoretical calculation of landfill gas generation rates very difficult. A number of models have been developed to estimate the rate of gas generation such as the US EPA first order decay model equation, presented in the US EPA manual ‘Turning a Liability into an Asset: A Landfill Gas to Energy Handbook for Landfill Owners and Operators’ (December 1994). Section II of the email describes the following equation: LFG=2LoR(e-kc-e-kt) Where LFG = total landfill gas generated in current year (cf) Lo = theoretical potential amount of landfill gas generated (cf/lb) (theoretical maximum yield i.e. the total amount of landfill gas that one pound of waste is expected to generate over its lifetime [cubic feet per pound of refuse] – based on expert estimates for given technology). R = waste disposal rate (lb/year) t = time since landfill opened (years) c = time since landfill closed (years) k = rate of landfill gas generation (1/year) Other, more sophisticated, models have also been developed which seek to take into account some of the other factors affecting landfill gas generation and capture efficiency. One of the most comprehensive of these is the GasSim model, recently developed on behalf of the UK Environment Agency. This model defines rate constants for three types of degradable waste – rapidly, moderately and slowly degradable waste and takes account of waste moisture content. Key Risk Factors in LFG to Energy Projects There are a number of risks in implementing any landfill gas to energy project relating to the following factors: ENVIRONMENTAL RESOURCES MANAGEMENT CDM UMBRELLA METHODOLOGY FOR MSW PROJECTS IN CHINA 18 • • • the generation rate and availability of the LFG; the technology used to collect and utilise the LFG; and the potential source(s) of project revenue. As discussed above, the rate of landfill gas generation is dependent on a great many inter-related parameters and, as such is quite difficult to predict. There is therefore a risk that the amount of gas available for energy generation in future years is less than that predicted by whatever model is used. Even if the rate of gas generation is predicted reasonably accurately, there will be a risk in terms of how much gas is collected and utilised. In particular, landfill gas is very corrosive and the design and operation of utilisation equipment must take this into account. Inevitably, a certain amount of ‘downtime’ of the utilisation equipment will occur for routine maintenance. If there are unexpected breakdowns or if more extensive maintenance is required the availability of the utilisation plant may be less than planned. Finally there is a risk in terms of the revenue that is obtained from the sale of the energy generated from the landfill gas. This will depend on market forces within the energy sector as well as any local or national subsidies that might be available. Positive Environmental Impacts Landfill gas (LFG) consists of approximately 50% methane (CH4), 50% carbon dioxide (CO2), and less than 1% trace compounds(1)(2). When LFG is captured and burned, the CH4 fraction is converted to water vapour and CO2, whose Global Warming Potential (GWP) is assumed to be 21 times less than that of CH4(3). LFG contains over 150 trace components that can cause local and global environmental effects such as odour nuisances, stratospheric ozone layer depletion, and ground-level ozone depletion(4)(5). High temperature flaring destroys the main trace constituents that are responsible for odour emissions from landfills (1) and combustion of LFG is said to remove the risks of toxic effects on the local community and local environment (4). The recovery of LFG prevents its uncontrolled accumulation inside the landfill, which sometimes leads to LFG migration and the potential for dangerous methane concentrations(6) inside buildings, risk of fires and/or explosions (4). (1) The World Bank (2003) Handbook for the preparation of landfill gas to energy projects in Latin America and the Caribbean (2) Revised 1996 IPPC Guidelines for National Greenhouse Gas Inventories: Reference Manual - Chapter 6 Waste (3) IPPC (1995) (4) EcoSecurities Ltd (2002) Evaluation of the emission reductions potential of the NovaGerar Landfill Gas to Energy Project (5) Grontmij Climate & Energy (2003) Ho Chi Minh City Landfill Project (6) ICF Consulting (2000) Liepaja Regional Solid Waste Management - Monitoring and Verification Protocol ENVIRONMENTAL RESOURCES MANAGEMENT CDM UMBRELLA METHODOLOGY FOR MSW PROJECTS IN CHINA 19 Due to LFG’s relatively high CH4 content, it is considered a low/medium grade fuel(1). Using LFG for the production of electricity is environmentally more beneficial than flaring because not only is the CH4 converted into CO2, but LFG also replaces the use of fossil fuel and, hence results in reduced overall atmospheric pollution and reduced CO2 emission. Where methane is used for electricity generation, operational practices at the landfill are sometimes improved thus contributing to sustainable development (4). Specifically for landfills, a more sustainable operation means accelerating waste stabilisation such that the landfill degradation processes occur more rapidly. This also ensures that both leachate and methane are more carefully managed and controlled. Negative Environmental Impacts The flaring of LFG releases CO2, a recognised GHG, to the atmosphere. At least 15-30% of LFG from waste degradation is always released to the atmosphere(1)(2), because it is technologically not feasible to collect all of the gas produced in the landfill. Some (approximately 10%) of this methane will be oxidised to CO2 by microbes in the cover soils placed on top of the waste but the remainder will be emitted unchanged to the atmosphere. Combustion of LFG for electricity generation can also result in the release of organic compounds and trace amounts of toxic materials, including mercury and dioxins(1)(2). These emissions are also viewed as significantly less harmful than the continued uncontrolled release of LFG. LFG electricity generators can produce emissions of nitrogen oxides that vary widely from one site another, depending on the type of generator and the extent to which steps have been taken to minimise such emissions(2). There may be some increase in noise from the site associated with energy recovery, although the engines can be housed to reduce noise emissions(1)(2), and these impacts are likely to be marginal given the noise typically associated with operations at landfills. Placement of energy recovery facilities at the landfill site may also increase the visual presence of the site, however, again the impacts are expected to be marginal given the visual intrusion associated with the waste disposal operations anyway(1) (2). (1) Grontmij Climate & Energy (2003) Ho Chi Minh City Landfill Project (2) EcoSecurities Ltd (2002) Evaluation of the emission reductions potential of the NovaGerar Landfill Gas to Energy Project ENVIRONMENTAL RESOURCES MANAGEMENT CDM UMBRELLA METHODOLOGY FOR MSW PROJECTS IN CHINA 20 3.2.2 Composting Development of the Technology(1) There are a number of different established composting methods, each with associated environmental impacts. Open systems consist of placing the mixture of raw materials in long narrow piles, or windrows, which are turned mechanically on a regular basis for aeration. Turning the material alone does not necessarily ensure consistent oxygenation. For this reason, the material must be turned frequently and the height of the piles should not exceed 3m. In forced aerated static piles, a blower provides air to the composting material and no turning of the material is required once the pile has been formed. There are two methods used to oxygenate the piles in forced aeration systems, these are as follows: • • bottom suction, which draws air through the pile by the imposition of negative pressure; and bottom blowing, which is blows air through the pile (positive pressure). In-vessel composting refers to a group of methods that enclose the composting material within a building, container or vessel. There are a number of in-vessel composting methods with different combinations of vessels, aeration systems and turning mechanisms. The most commonly used methods are continuous vertical reactors and horizontal reactors. Continuous vertical reactors usually require material to be loaded through the top of the reactor and discharged from the bottom, with oxygenation provided by forcing air up through the composting mass. Although these composting systems can handle large quantities of material, the height of material is extremely critical in terms of ensuring adequate ventilation. In horizontal reactors, the material is arranged along the length of the unit and the depth is kept below a maximum of two or three meters. The ability to control the process more effectively means that the temperature can be regulated more efficiently and the composting material can be more uniformly oxygenated. Positive Environmental Impacts Composting involves the aerobic decomposition of organic material in the waste whereby the degradable part of organic carbon is converted to and emitted as CO2. Provided that the waste is kept fully aerated there should be no emissions of CH4. Thus all of the degradable carbon is emitted as CO2 and the release of CH4, which occurs when waste is landfilled, is avoided. (1) Biocycle (1997) What are the similarities and differences in composting systems that can be operated in open or in-vessel systems - with or without worms? Tanya Vece, April, pages 57-59. ENVIRONMENTAL RESOURCES MANAGEMENT CDM UMBRELLA METHODOLOGY FOR MSW PROJECTS IN CHINA 21 The visual impact of composting facilities, even large-scale ones, is relatively low since these plants are usually reasonably low structures, if any building is present at all. In-vessel composting may be an exception to this. Composting stabilises waste in controlled conditions and faster than the anaerobic decomposition that occurs in landfills. The product resulting from composting of source separated organic waste is generally of high quality and is used to improve soil structure and nutrient content. On soils where it is applied, this tends to lead to increased plant growth, replacement of organic matter, reduced usage of fertilisers, decreased run-off, etc. The composting process stabilises the volatile organic materials of organic waste. Negative Environmental Impacts Compared with LFG utilisation or AD with utilisation of gas, no use is made of the energy potential of the carbon released to the atmosphere. Concerns have recently been expressed regarding the potential health impacts associated with the creation of bio-aerosols and the emission of volatile organic compounds (VOCs) from open composting piles/windrows. Similarly, odour emissions may give rise to a local nuisance. These negative impacts may be overcome by the use of in-vessel composting although these techniques tend to be much more complex and expensive. As noted above, if source-segregated waste is used, a high quality end product can be produced which has a relatively high value. The alternative to using source-segregated waste is to pre-heat mixed MSW to screen out as many of the unwanted components as possible. Inevitably, this approach is not as effective at avoiding unwanted materials and the final produce is likely to be contaminated with glass, plastics and other materials. This lower quality compost will have a much lower value but may still find a use in road construction, as landfill cover etc. 3.2.3 Anaerobic Digestion Development of the Technology(1) The first anaerobic digestion (AD) systems were developed on the basis of a mixed waste feedstock and, as a result, were mostly dry fermentation systems because of the high-solids content of the organic fraction coming from MSW. As source-separate collection of biowaste was implemented, further systems were developed that were more suitable for the wet organic fraction obtained in source separate collection. (1) Internal Report ENVIRONMENTAL RESOURCES MANAGEMENT CDM UMBRELLA METHODOLOGY FOR MSW PROJECTS IN CHINA 22 In the last five years, facilities have been built in the range of 50 000 – 100 000t/yr (compared to 10 000 - 20 000 t/yr facilities built 10-15 years ago), indicating the relative maturity of the technology. In addition, more complex organic fractions derived from rest/ grey waste or mixed waste is being treated through anaerobic digestion. Recent developments show an increase in integrated projects in which anaerobic digestion of one fraction of the waste stream is combined with aerobic composing of the organic wastes. In these plants, the digested residue of the anaerobic plant is subsequently mixed with an organic fraction that still needs to be composted. The digested residue provides the moisture with the fresh organic fraction providing the necessary structure to the mixture in order to enable efficient aeration during the composting process. Initially, all plants were operating at mesosphilic temperatures, but after thermophilic operation was proven feasible on a large scale, over 10 years ago, the total capacity in either temperature range has been increasing at about the same rate. For dry and wet fermentation, both types of systems have been applied and each represents about 50% of the total capacity in Europe. In 2002, two-phase plants only represent about 10% of the available capacity. The additional investment required, as well as additional need for process control, do not seem to compensate the expected benefits. Co-digestion has also proven to be more cumbersome than expected and remains limited to around 5% of the total capacity. Regulations and standards, as well as economics, make it apparently difficult to combine different substrates on a practical scale. Positive Environmental Impacts The methane-rich biogas that is produced is typically used for electricity generation. This avoids the burning of fossil fuel and related atmospheric pollution. AD stabilises waste under controlled conditions and more quickly than the ‘natural’ decomposition that occurs in landfills. There is no escape of biogas from the anaerobic digestion to the atmosphere because the process occurs in closed silos (called digesters). Therefore, the collection rate of biogas generated in AD plants is 100%, so there is no residual release of CH4 to the atmosphere as occurs on landfill sites and no CO2 emissions as for composting(1). (1) Personal correspondence with Luc de Bare based on practical experience in working in the waste treatment/consultancy industry ENVIRONMENTAL RESOURCES MANAGEMENT CDM UMBRELLA METHODOLOGY FOR MSW PROJECTS IN CHINA 23 Emissions of VOCs can also be controlled so that these should be no health risks or odour problems in the vicinity of the plant (1). The compost product resulting from anaerobically digested and aerobically matured (ie AD is a two phase process in more recent plants) source-separated organic waste tends to be of adequate quality to be used to improve soil structure and nutrient content. On soils where it is applied, this tends to lead to increased plant growth, replacement of organic matter, reduced run-off, etc. Negative Environmental Impacts The visual impact of an AD plant is comparable to other waste management treatment plants. Moreover, it is assumed that the visual impact of incinerators is greater and the visual impact of composting plants is smaller in comparison to an AD facility. The compost product resulting from anaerobically digesting non-segregated MSW tends to be of lower quality in comparison to conventional compost. As for the compost made from non-segregated MSW, it tends to be used in road construction, as landfill cover etc. If the product from the anaerobic digestion stage is not composted, the only alternative may be to landfill it. In the case there will be further degradation of the organic material with subsequent generation and release of (some) methane to the atmosphere. 3.2.4 Vermicomposting Development of the Technology(2) Traditional open systems of vermicomposting have been based on beds or windrows on the ground. Recently, there has been increased interest in the development of in-vessel vermicomposting systems. Some systems have used bins or larger containers, often stacked in racks. Nevertheless, container and small-scale methods are more widely used. However, there are a number of drawbacks when these small-scale methods are applied on a larger scale, including the following issues: • • • considerable handling and lifting machinery; problems adding water; and difficulties additional layers of material inputs. Batch reactors (containers raised on legs above the ground) have proved a more promising technique as they allow feed-stock to be added at the top from modified spreaders or mobile gantries and collected mechanically at the bottom through mesh floors using breaker bars. Such methods have been developed and tested at the National Institute for Agricultural Engineering in (1) Environment Agency (2000) Life Cycle Inventory Development for Waste Management Operations: Composting and Anaerobic Digestion (2) Biocycle (1997) What are the similarities and differences in composting systems that can be operated in open or in-vessel systems - with or without worms? Tanya Vece, April, pages 57-59. ENVIRONMENTAL RESOURCES MANAGEMENT CDM UMBRELLA METHODOLOGY FOR MSW PROJECTS IN CHINA 24 Silsoe, England and are currently used in several places in the US. They range from relatively low technology systems using manual loading and collection, to completely automated and hydraulically driven continuous flow reactors. These reactors can process three feet deep layers of suitable organic waste in less than 30 days as the waste is continuously turned and mixed by the burrowing worms. Worms multiply quickly; under optimum conditions eight worms can produce 1500 new worms within six months. Worm castings contain high concentrations of nitrates, potassium, calcium, phosphorous, and magnesium. The actual worms are also high in protein and are often sold as fish bait or used to supplement animal feed. Successful composting and vermicomposting require adequate processing systems and control criteria. For example, source separating the organics from the waste stream before being fed to the worms can reduce problems associated with potential heavy metal contamination. Positive Environmental Impacts Vermicomposting avoids the release of CH4 in comparison to the emissions of untreated LFG. The visual impact of vermicomposting facilities, even large-scale ones, is very low since these plants are usually reasonably low structures, if any building is present at all. Due to much lower temperatures and nitrogen losses, vermicompost is likely to contain higher levels of nitrogen than windrow compost. The product resulting from composting source separated organic waste is generally of high quality and is used to improve soil structure and nutrient content. On soils where it is applied, this tends to lead to increased plant growth, replacement of organic matter, reduced usage of fertilisers, decreased run-off, etc. Vermicompost can supply a suitable mineral balance, improve nutrient availability and act as complex-fertilizer granules. It can also provide a great reduction in waste bulk density(1). Vermicomposting may bring about a greater decrease of bioavailable heavy metals than in the composting process and there is also evidence to suggest that the final product may contain hormone like compounds that accelerate plant growth(2). It is generally accepted that the thermophilic stage during the composting process eliminates populations of pathogenic micro-organisms, but research suggests that pathogens are also eliminated during vermicomposting as the use of earthworms increases and accelerates this nitrogen mineralisation rate. Nevertheless, Langouche (1998) reports that heavy metal accumulation can occur in earthworm tissue, and that pathogens may survive in the worm (1) BioCycle (1997) What are the similarities and differences in composting systems that can be operated in open or in-vessel systems – wit or without worms. Researched by Tanya Vece, April, pages 57-59. (2) BioCycle (1997) What are the similarities and differences in composting systems that can be operated in open or in-vessel systems – wit or without worms. Researched by Tanya Vece, April, pages 57-59. ENVIRONMENTAL RESOURCES MANAGEMENT CDM UMBRELLA METHODOLOGY FOR MSW PROJECTS IN CHINA 25 castings since high process temperatures are not achieved to kill pathogenic micro-organisms. Leachate from vermicomposting operations is often regarded as beneficial in the sense that when collected it can be used a liquid fertiliser, sometimes know as ‘worm tea’(1). Negative Environmental Impacts As with all processing operations, vermicomposting has the potential to cause pollution, particularly in relation to the leachate from outdoor processing beds and in terms of greenhouse gas emissions. Research in vermicomposting has not yet been developed to the same level as for composting, but is necessary to know and understand the whole process better, in order to make it more efficient and to be able to control potential environmental impacts(2). Open-air vermicomposting beds covered by only permeable sheeting allow rainfall to percolate through the waste applied to the surface of beds, earthworm casts and then through the bedding material. The rainfall may dissolve and suspend organic material, which will mix with any liquid seepage coming from the waste, and create a leachate(3). In open-air systems this leachate has the potential to percolate into the soil beneath beds and also to pollute watercourses. Nevertheless, research suggests that leachate from vermicomposting beds has low Chemical Oxygen Demand (COD) levels even compared with the later stages of composting and consistently low levels of Biological Oxygen Demand (BOD), suggesting that vermicomposting leachate would be less polluting than leachate from composting sites(4). Nitrous oxide emissions from vermicomposting is a potentially serious and, as yet, not fully researched problem. The ranges of nitrous oxide fluxes in vermicompost are 100-1000 times higher than in garden soil. Research identified vermicomposting as one of the most significant point sources of nitrous oxide emissions yet discovered(5). Emissions of bio-aerosols and VOCs are other potential adverse health and environmental impacts. Compared with LFG utilisation or AD with utilisation of gas, no use is made of the energy potential of the carbon released to the atmosphere. (1) Integrated Waste Systems Open University and Urban Mines Ltd () Vermicomposting trial at the Worm Research Centre (2) BioCycle (1997) What are the similarities and differences in composting systems that can be operated in open or in-vessel systems – wit or without worms. Researched by Tanya Vece, April, pages 57-59. (3) Integrated Waste Systems Open University and Urban Mines Ltd () Vermicomposting trial at the Worm Research Centre, page 58. (4) Integrated Waste Systems Open University and Urban Mines Ltd () Vermicomposting trial at the Worm Research Centre, page 59. (5) Integrated Waste Systems Open University and Urban Mines Ltd () Vermicomposting trial at the Worm Research Centre, page 60. ENVIRONMENTAL RESOURCES MANAGEMENT CDM UMBRELLA METHODOLOGY FOR MSW PROJECTS IN CHINA 26 Although visual impacts of vermicomposting are low, the traditional open systems, which are based on beds or windows on the ground contain materials up to 18 inches deep, require large areas of land for large-scale production and process organic waste relatively slowly(1). 3.2.5 Integrated MSW Management The concept of an integrated waste management system promotes the use of a range or combination of waste management options in an interconnected system to enable waste to be channelled via different treatments as economic or environmental conditions change. An effective waste management system needs to retain the flexibility to design, adopt and operate its systems in ways which best meet social, economic and environmental conditions, which will inevitably change over time and vary by geography. The interactions between various operations in any waste management system require that the whole waste management system be considered in a holistic way to ensure that the overall environmental impacts of the system are understood, and that the system operates economically efficiently. Therefore, achieving an economically and environmentally sustainable waste management system is only likely if it is integrated, market-orientated and flexible. A holistic approach recognises that all disposal and treatment options could have a role to pay as the overall objective is to optimise the whole system, rather than promote a single waste management treatment method. Furthermore, Landfill is the only method that can handle all waste alone, since recycling, composting and incineration all leave some residual material that needs to be finally disposed of. The combination of treatment methods employed in a system will differ according to the quantities and composition of the waste to be dealt with, the geographic differences in the availability of some treatment/disposal options and in the maturity of markets for products. Establishing the preferred system for a region will also be dependant on the economic costs of treatment facilities and the minimisation of associated environmental impacts to an acceptable level. 3.2.6 Transport In order to select the best practical environmental option (BPEO) for managing waste in a defined geographical area, environmental impacts and benefits of the treatment facilities themselves are not the only aspects need to be considered. Other issues such as transport, financial costs and revenues, health effects, policy and legislation, and public acceptability must be taken into account. From these issues, transport is frequently a determining factor in choosing the best option, because the atmospheric pollution caused by road transport is an important impact in site/treatment selection. ENVIRONMENTAL RESOURCES MANAGEMENT CDM UMBRELLA METHODOLOGY FOR MSW PROJECTS IN CHINA 27 3.3 OVERVIEW OF MSW SITUATION IN CHINA In the last decades, China’s economic development has focused on three areas on the eastern coastline of China, which are known as Beijing-Tianjing Development Area, Yangtze Delta Development Area and Pearl Delta Development Area respectively. The major cities in Yangtz Delta Development Area include Shanghai, Hangzhou, Suzhou and Nanjing etc. The major cities in Pearl Delta Development Area include Guangzhou and Shenzhen etc. In addition, during the past five years, substantial progress has been made in the economic development of the western areas of China, especially in cities like Chongqing and Chengdu, due to the promotion of the ‘Western Development Programme’. 3.3.1 Waste Generation According to a study undertaken by the World Bank in 1999(1), urban MSW generation of China was approximately 0.79 kg/capita/day in 1999 and expected to be 0.9 kg/capita/day in 2025. According to the Chinese Annual Environmental Report 2002, the quantity of municipal solid waste (MSW) collected in 2002 was approximately 136.4 million tonnes. China had a population of approximately 1.29 billion in 2002. Commissioned by the Ministry of Construction, a MSW survey(2) was undertaken by Beijing Zhonglian Environmental Engineering Co, Ltd in 1996. This survey selected 258 representative cities, out of a total of 640 cities in China, for study. These 258 cities include three autonomous municipalities, 16 vice province level cities, 153 region level cities and 86 county level cities. It is worth noting that Chongqing was a vice province level city in 1996 and was approved as an autonomous municipality by the State Council in 1997. Waste generation in different areas and cities from the survey are summarized in Table 3.1 and Table 3.2 respectively. Table 3.1 Waste Generations in Different Area in 1996(2) Area East* Middle* West* Urban population (million people) 70.53 39.77 17.19 Annual MSW generation quantity (million tonnes) 24.22 15.47 5.44 Annual MSW generation quantity per capita (kg) 453.57 400.27 328.72 Daily MSW generation quantity per capita (kg) 1.24 1.09 0.90 Note: *The report of this survey does not clarify how these three areas were classified, but based on a common sense approach, the best guess is as follows: the east area should include the provinces along the east coast line and three provinces in the northeast of China; the middle area probably consists of Provinces from Guangxi northwards up to Shan’xi; the remaining area is considered as within the west area. (1) Urban Development Sector Unit, World Bank (1999) What a Waste: Solid Waste Management in Asia (2) Science and Technology Division, Ministry of Construction, PRC (1998) Strategic Research for Sustainable Development of MSW Disposal in China ENVIRONMENTAL RESOURCES MANAGEMENT CDM UMBRELLA METHODOLOGY FOR MSW PROJECTS IN CHINA 28 Table 3.2 Waste Generation in Different Cities in 1996(2) Category Autonomous Municipalities Vice-provincial level city Regional level city County-level city Urban population (million people) 22.63 Annual MSW generation quantity (million tonnes) 10.87 Annual MSW generation quantity per capita (kg) 480.37 1.32 36.57 13.78 376.75 1.03 58.93 7.26 20.53 3.19 348.41 439 0.95 1.2 Daily MSW generation quantity per capita (kg) Also according to this study, urban MSW generation in China is expected to be 153 million tonnes in 2005 and 181 million tonnes in 2010. Table 3.3 summarises the MSW collection quantities in major cities in China from an article(1) published on the Chinese New Energy Website. The population of these cities accounts for approximately 15% of the total population of the country. Table 3.3 MSW Generation in Major Cities of China in 1995(2) City Autonomous municipalities Beijing Shanghai Tianjin Chongqing Vice province level cities Hangzhou Guangzhou Nanjing Chengdu Harbin Wuhan Shenyang Ji’nan Changchun Xiamen Xi’an Shenzhen Ningbo Dalian Dingdao Regional level province capital cities Total population Urban (million people) population (million people) Annual MSW generation quantity (million tonnes) 10.70 13.01 8.95 15.20 6.97 9.22 5.08 4.06 4.40 3.72 1.80 0.95 5.98 6.47 5.22 9.72 5.34 7.10 6.67 5.42 6.67 1.21 6.48 0.99 5.26 5.35 6.85 1.91 3.95 2.59 3.01 3.19 4.07 4.15 2.22 4.15 0.53 2.56 0.75 1.15 2.50 2.49 0.65 1.55 0.77 0.88 2.06 1.66 2.33 0.56 2.33 0.24 0.70 0.48 0.25 0.77 0.68 (1) (2) ENVIRONMENTAL RESOURCES MANAGEMENT CDM UMBRELLA METHODOLOGY FOR MSW PROJECTS IN CHINA 29 City Total population Urban (million people) population (million people) 8.46 1.78 4.11 1.22 5.62 1.40 3.95 1.53 5.84 1.84 5.63 1.60 2.73 1.03 0.48 0.39 1.68 1.15 3.75 1.56 0.38 0.13 2.71 1.43 1.09 0.66 0.89 0.48 1.21 0.53 Shijiazhuang Hefei Fuzhou Nanchang Zhengzhou Changsha Nanning Haikou Guiyang Kunming Lasa Lanzhou Xining Yichuan Xiamen Annual MSW generation quantity (million tonnes) 0.51 0.22 0.44 0.46 0.58 0.63 0.29 0.25 0.45 0.42 0.06 0.55 1.03 0.17 0.24 Table 3.4 provides information on MSW production of China’s major cities and how the MSW is handled. Information on MSW data for other Autonomous municipalities, vice province level cities and Regional level province capital cities is provided in Annex 1. Table 3.4 Review of MSW in China Major Cities City Beijing Summary of MSW facilities Beijing is the capital city of China. According to the Fifth National Population Census conducted in 2000, Beijing has a population of 13.57 million people. Beijing’s estimated annual emissions growths for 1985-1998 is 3.9% while economic growth was about 15%. In 90's (1990-98) however, it is estimated that the annual growth of emissions are around 2% for Beijing despite the fact that economic growth rates are over 15%, showing a decoupling of economic growth and GHG emissions(2). Beijing has 17 waste treatment/disposal facilities. In 2002, these 17 facilities received on average, 8,800 tonnes per day, which accounts for 70% of the total waste generation of Beijing. 6 are large-scale sanitary landfill sites, 3 are small-scale sanitary landfill sites, 2 composting sites, 2 small-scale incinerators and 4 large waste transfer stations. The remaining 30% tends to be generated in the rural and peri-urban areas and is dumped in uncontrolled landfills or dumping sites ENVIRONMENTAL RESOURCES MANAGEMENT CDM UMBRELLA METHODOLOGY FOR MSW PROJECTS IN CHINA 30 City Shanghai Hangzhou Suzhou Chongqing Summary of MSW facilities Shanghai is located at the centre of the Yangtz Delta Development Area. According to the Fifth National Population Census conducted in 2000, Shanghai has a population of 16.73 million, of which permanent registered residents account for 13.22 million. The urban area of Shanghai primarily comprises of two parts, ie Puxi Old Area and Pudong New Development Area. In 2000, Puxi Old Area had a population of about 5.69 million people whilst Pudong New Area had a population of 2.40 million people. Shanghai’s estimated annual emissions growth for 1985-1998 is 12.3% while economic growth was about 15%. Similarly to Beijing, however, the annual growth of emissions was about 5% despite the fact that economic growth rates are over 15%(2). According to the Shanghai Environmental Quality Report 2000, the MSW collection quantity in Shanghai was 5.01 million tonnes in 2000. Shanghai has 2 landfills treating 4900t/day(1). Hangzhou is the capital city of Zhejiang Province. Hangzhou has a population of 5.98 million, of which the urban population accounts for 1.43 million. The statistical data for the MSW generation from 1991 to 1995 indicated that the increasing rate of MSW generation in Hangzhou is approximately 10% per year. The total amount of waste generated in Hangzhou urban area was about 0.65 million tonnes in 1995 Hangzhou has one major landfill, the Hangzhou Tianziling Landfill. Suzhou is one of the major cities in the Yangtz Delta Development Area In 2000 the estimated population of Suzhou was 1.17 million generating 0.45 million tonnes of MSW. It is projected that the population will increase to 1.64 million in 2010 generating 0.69 million tonnes of MSW. Chongqing is one of four autonomous municipalities in China (the remaining three are Beijing, Shanghai and Tianjing). The total population in the urban areas of Chongqing was estimated to be 3.12 million in 1996, rising to 5.5 million by 2020. Per capita waste generation has been assumed to rise from 0.95kg/capita/day in 1996 to 1.22 kg/capita/day in 2020. By 2020 it is expected that about 20% of wastes generated will be recovered for recycling, leaving the remainder requiring treatment and disposal. (1996 figures were the most recently available at the start of the study). Note 1: The table has been compiled with available information and is not a comprehensive description of the situation in China Note 2: Based on Municipal Solid Waste (MSW) Management Sector by Eui-Yong YOON and Sunghan JO – IGES Source: ERM China 3.3.2 Review of MSW Technologies Used in China Waste Composition According to a presentation from Municipal Construction Research Institute, Ministry of Construction, a typical MSW composition of Chinese autonomous municipalities is 60.2% organic waste, 12.74% inert waste, 9.51% plastic, 8.11% paper, 2.89% glass, 1.91% textile, 0.87% metal and 3.92% other wastes(1). According to the Strategic Research for sustainable development of MSW disposal in China (1998), the average waste composition of China is summarised in Table 3.5. (1) Xu, W.L. (2003) Presentation: Current Status and Countermeasures of MSW Disposal in China, Municipal Construction Research Institute, Ministry of Construction, PRC ENVIRONMENTAL RESOURCES MANAGEMENT CDM UMBRELLA METHODOLOGY FOR MSW PROJECTS IN CHINA 31 Table 3.5 The Average Composition of Urban MSW in China (%) Year 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 Kitchen waste 34.41 36.65 34.37 34.73 33.58 36.25 Paper Plastic Textile Wood 3.09 3.19 3.91 3.81 3.75 3.79 3.09 3.41 3.95 4.34 4.64 5.21 1.81 1.96 2.00 2.07 2.95 2.69 2.65 2.89 3.55 3.09 3.19 3.14 Fruit peel 10.15 10.57 10.67 11.78 12.15 12.24 Metal Glass 1.48 1.58 1.64 1.60 1.46 1.41 2.60 2.28 2.28 2.45 2.64 2.85 Sand& stone 29.78 29.29 30.56 28.44 27.43 25.48 Other 19.23 15.99 14.13 15.95 12.92 12.83 Landfill Gas Management Landfill, to varying standards, is currently the predominant means of waste disposal in China. According to the research carried out in China by ERM, landfill gas management is in its infancy in China. Currently most waste is dumped in uncontrolled landfills or on open ground. Where municipal authorities (mainly in the cities) have developed recognisable landfills, most will vent any methane generated directly to the atmosphere. It should be noted that many of these landfills will not use modern compaction equipment and hence much of the decomposition is likely to take place aerobically. According to ERM’s knowledge, less than 5% of recognisable landfill sites in China have landfill gas collection and flaring schemes and even less have gas utilization facilities. China’s first landfill gas-to-energy facility was built at Hangzhou Tianziling Landfill in 1998. In recent years, landfill gas utilization, especially for power generation, has drawn more and more government attention. With the aid of the Global Environmental Facility (GEF), the State Environmental Protection Administration (SEPA) (government agency has similar factions as US EPA) has developed a ‘National Action Plan for Municipal Solid Waste Management’(1) which was published in October 2002. According to this plan, landfill gas utilisation in China will be developed in three stages, which are described as follows: • Stage 1 (1997~2002): with the financial aid of GEF, three pilot projects have been developed for landfill gas utilization at three landfill sites, which are located in Nanjing, Ma’anshan and An’shan respectively. • Stage 2 (2002~2007): Plan to establish or upgrade 30 new or existing landfill sites with landfill gas utilization facilities. • Stage 3 (2007~2015): Large-scale promotion of landfill gas utilization technology (ie power generation or production of domestic fuel) and establish 300 facilities of this kind by 2015. (1) ENVIRONMENTAL RESOURCES MANAGEMENT CDM UMBRELLA METHODOLOGY FOR MSW PROJECTS IN CHINA 32 By the end of 2003, there were three landfill gas-to-energy facilities in China, located in Hangzhou, Guangzhou and Nanjing respectively, see Table 3.6. Moreover, in response to this National Action Plan, many cities have planned to establish landfill gas collection and utilization facilities at their municipal landfill sites. The forthcoming projects include Guangzhou Xingfeng Landfill and Shanghai Laogang Landfill Phase III. Table 3.6 Existing Landfill Gas Recovery Projects in China Project Name City First LFG recovery in China Hanghzou Hangzhou Tianziling landfill, in JIangsu province Province Characteristics Energy generation Status Total Investment Jiangsu LFG to energy project Yes, 2x 970 kW engine sets - Landfill: RMB 85 million -Power generation: 3.5 million US$ First 3 projects under the MSW national Action Plan Nanjing Shuige Nanjing Jiangsu LFG to energy landfill project An’Shan Yang’ergu An’Shan Landfill Ma’anshan landfill Liaoning Ma’anshan An’Hui Yes, capacity 1.25 MW Plus planned future expansion, for ultimate total of 5.2 MW. LFG utilisation Yes, project includes - LFG-generated power power is generation and consumed on site LFG - Purified and purification and compressed LFG is pressurization supplied to local public vehicles as fuel LFG collection Yes, and clinical Incinerator waste incineration facility. Prospective projects planned under the MSW National Action Plan Guangzhou Guangzhou Guandong LFG recovery No confirmed Xingfeng Landfill project report, but in Guandong possibility of province maximum capacity of 10 MW ENVIRONMENTAL RESOURCES MANAGEMENT Began to operate in October 1998 Operation began July 2003 -landfill: RMB 18 million - Power generation: NA The formal - Landfill: operation RMB 73 commenced in million August 2003 -Power generation: NA Expected to be - Gas completed end collection of 2003. and incinerator: RMB 6 million yuan Some biogas collection running in Jan 2004. - Landfill: NA - Power generation: NA CDM UMBRELLA METHODOLOGY FOR MSW PROJECTS IN CHINA 33 Project Name City Province Characteristics Energy generation Status Shanghai Laogang Landfill Phase III, and Phase IV Shanghai N/A (Shanghai is a municipality directly under the Central Government) LFG managementFirst franchise LFG project No report of LFG utilization for electricity Jiangsu LFG to energy project. The generation units will be developed and operated by domestic companies LFG management Yes, LFG power generation facilities 2 sets of generation units of 970 KW. Construction started in Nov 2003. Plant expected to be commission in first quarter of 2004 Reported that LFG Landfill Phase electricity I was finished generation in 2003 facilities will be £ other phases established in the to be finalised Landfill by 2005 Expected power generation half year after commissioning - Landfill: -Power generation: Power generation plant: RMB 20 Million LFG to energy project, currently screened for their potential as one CDM project by the Chinese Renewable Energy Industries Association (CREIA). PIN has been written, Yes, - Guangzhou Datianshan originally equipped with 1 set of generators 970 KW. It will be equipped with two new sets of generators of 970 KW. - Guangzhou Likeng, to be equipped with three sets of generators with capacity of 970 KW. - Zhongshan to be equipped with two sets of generators with capacity of 970 KW. - Landfill: NA -Power generation: NA Other MSW projects Taohuashan Wuxi Landfill in Wuxi, Jiangsu province Er’feishan in Wuhan, Hubei province Wuhan Hubei Projects currently screened for CDM ‘Landfill Gas Guangzhou Guandong Generation Project and of Guangdong Zhongshan Province’. - Guangzhou Datianshan landfill - Guangzhou Likeng landfill - Zhongshan landfill Phase III finalised Phase IV planned to start in 2004 Construction planned to start from March 2003 and finish in December 2003 The projects have not bee started yet. Total Investment - Landfill phase IV: RMB 0.9 billion - Power generation: NR - Landfill: RMB 139.6 million – includes 9.4 million euro loan from the Netherlands government -Power generation: NR Note: The table has been compiled with available information and is not a comprehensive description of the situation in China Source: ERM China, January 2004 ENVIRONMENTAL RESOURCES MANAGEMENT CDM UMBRELLA METHODOLOGY FOR MSW PROJECTS IN CHINA 34 Composting There are in total 35 cities in China adopting composting technologies for MSW treatment. Due to market constraints, composting facilities in China tend to be small scale. The composting technologies used including: • • • • • • natural ventilated static pile (37%); forced ventilated static pile (5%); windrow with mechanical turning (33%); high temperature aerobic fermentation (15%); in-vessel composting (4%); and others (6%). Overview and Potential of Anaerobic Waste Digestion Technologies in China Anaerobic digestion is currently not used for MSW disposal in China, although it has been recognised as a potential solution for organic MSW disposal, given the high organic content of waste in China. ERM could find no evidence that suppliers are actively promoting AD technology to the China MSW sector. Small-scale anaerobic digestion is however used in rural areas in China for agricultural waste. Since the 1970s, China has been promoting the use of underground, individual household scale, anaerobic digesters to process rural organic wastes (farm wastes) and in 1993 there were approximately 5 000 000 households using anaerobic digesters in China. The digesters produce biogas that is used as an energy source by the households, and produces a soil-enhancer that is used in agricultural production(1). 3.4 CALCULATING GH EMISSIONS 3.4.1 Landfill Gas Baseline 1: No LFG Capture/Recovery The following two equations are used for the calculation of landfill gas emissions in this report(2). The determination of annual CH4 emissions for a defined geographical area can be calculated from Equations 1 and 2: EQUATION 1 Methane emissions (Gg/yr) = (MSWT x MSWF x MCF x DOC x DOCF x F x 16/12 - R) x (1-OX) (1) Paul, J. H., 1994, Anaerobic Digestion in Rural China, City Farmer, (2) Revised 1996 IPCC Guidelines for National Greenhouse Gas Inventories: Reference Material ENVIRONMENTAL RESOURCES MANAGEMENT CDM UMBRELLA METHODOLOGY FOR MSW PROJECTS IN CHINA 35 Where MSWT = total MSW generated (Gg/yr) MSWF = fraction of MSW disposed to solid waste disposal sites MCF = methane correction factor (fraction – default is 0.8 for unmanaged, deep landfill sites) DOC = degradable organic carbon (fraction) DOCF = fraction DOC dissimilated F = fraction of CH4 in landfill gas (default is 0.5) R = recovered CH4 (Gg/yr) OX = oxidation factor (fraction - default is 0.1 for well-managed landfill sites) Using the values in Table, the DOC content of an ‘area’s’ waste could be calculated as shown in Equation 2. EQUATION 2 Per cent DOC (by weight) = 0.4 (A) + 0.17 (B) + 0.15 (C) + 0.30 (D) Where A = per cent MSW that is paper and textiles B = per cent MSW that is garden waste, park waste or other non-food organic putrescibles C = per cent MSW that is food waste D = per cent MSW that is wood or straw Figure 3.1 Baseline 1 Based on a typical waste composition for Shanghai 1 tonne of MSW to LF = 0.13 t DOC CO2 0.072 * 0.5 * 1.1 = 0.039 t C 100% fugitive emissions = 0.13 t DOC * 0.55 t DOCF = 0.072 t C CH4 0.072 * 0.5 * 0.9 = 0.032 t C In accordance with CDM methodology, only the CH4 emissions from landfill count towards anthropogenic GHG emissions. Thus for CDM purposes total GHG emissions equal 0.032 * 21 / 0.27 = 2.46 t CO2e Total emissions = 0.039 + (0.032 * 21) = 0.715 t Ce Total CO2e = 0.715 t / 0.27 = 2.62 t CO2e Scenario 1: LFG Flaring A capture rate of 70% of all LFG produced is assumed based on two ranges of capture rates. WISARD assumes a capture rate of 54-78%(1), whereas another (1) Environment Agency (2002) Life Cycle Inventory Development for Waste Management Operations: Composting and Anaerobic Digestion ENVIRONMENTAL RESOURCES MANAGEMENT CDM UMBRELLA METHODOLOGY FOR MSW PROJECTS IN CHINA 36 source suggests a rate of 50-60%(1). The remaining 20% of all LFG captured is flared. Figure 3.2 Scenario 1: Landfill Gas Flaring 70% LFG captured & flared 1 tonne of MSW to LF = 0.13 t DOC 30% fugitive emissions CO2 (See baseline 1) CO2 = 0.072 * 0.7 = 0.050 t C Total Ce = 0.050 + 0.21 = 0.26 t Ce CO2 (See baseline 1) CH4 (See baseline 1) In accordance with CDM methodology, only the CH4 emissions from landfill count towards anthropogenic GHG emissions. Thus for CDM purposes total GHG emissions equal 0.072 * 0.5 * 0.9 * 21 * 0.3 / 0.27 = 0.74 t CO2e CO2e = 0.715 * 0.3 = 0.21 t Ce Total CO2e = 0.26 / 0.27 = 0.96 t CO2e Scenario 2: LFG Utilisation The utilisation rate for electricity production is assumed to be 50% of all LFG produced. This is slightly higher than the maximum figure of 40% assumed by WISARD, which models just one size of energy utilisation plant. It is within the range of 43-51% from the other source. We consider that it is realistic to be able to use 50% of LFG for power generation because at different stages in the life of a landfill a combination of different size engines could be used to maximise electricity production. It is assumed that the conversion efficiency of the electricity generators is approximately 30% and that 5% of the power generated at landfill sites is used on the landfill site by the landfill gas extraction system (pumps) and the generation system itself(2). Each 1 MWe unit requires approximately 650 m3 (LFG) x h-1 at 50% CH4(3). The total amount of methane produced in the utilisation phase of the LFG production is divided by the requirements of each 1 MWe unit installed, and any excess is flared. Hence, 650 x 0.5 = 325 m3 of CH4 is necessary to generate 1 MWh. The standard conversation fro methane assumed is 0.00068 tonne/m3 CH4(4). (1) Personal correspondence with R. Gregory based on work undertaken while developing GasSim model for Environment Agency (2) Personal communication with Renewable Power Systems (3) Environment Agency (2000) Life Cycle Inventory Development for Waste Management Options: Landfill (4) ICF Consulting (2000) Liepaja Regional Solid Waste Management - Monitoring and Verification Protocol ENVIRONMENTAL RESOURCES MANAGEMENT CDM UMBRELLA METHODOLOGY FOR MSW PROJECTS IN CHINA 37 According to the ‘China Climate Change Country Study’ written by Research Team of China Climate Change Country Study in 2000, the emissions factor for ‘Energy conversion and Energy Industry’ (including thermal plants, heat plants, etc) in China in 1990 is 82.6 t CO2e/tJ. As 1 kWh = 3.6 * 106 J, the emissions factor shall then be 2.97 * 10-4 t CO2e/kWh. Figure 3.3 Scenario 2: LFG Utilisation 70% captured emissions CO2e 0.072 * 0.5 = 0.035 t C 50% converted to power CO2 0.072 * 0.2 = 0.014 t C 20% flared (See scenario 1) 1 tonne of MSW to LF = 0.13 t DOC CO2 30% fugitive emissions (See baseline 1) CH4 Total Ce 0.035 + 0.014 + 0.21 = 0.26 t Ce CO2e 0.21 t Ce (See scenario 1) (See baseline 1) In accordance with CDM methodology, only the CH4 emissions from landfill count towards anthropogenic GHG emissions. Thus for CDM purposes total GHG emissions from the landfill equal 0.072 * 0.5 * 0.9 * 21 * 0.3 / 0.27 = 0.74 t CO2e Total CO2e 0.26 / 0.27 = 0.96 t CO2e CO2e - Offset 0.96 t – 0.063 t = 0.90 t CO2e Tonnes of CO2e offset per tonne of waste landfilled: 0.07 * 0.5 = 0.035 t C as CH4 utilised 0.035 t C * 16/12 = 0.047 t CH4 0.04 / 0.00068 = 68.63 m3 CH4 68.63 m3 CH4 / 325 m3 CH4 per MWh = 0.21 MWh 0.21 MWh * 0.297 t CO2e per MWh = 0.063 t CO2e saved Net CO2e = 0.74 – 0.063 = 0.68 t CO2e 3.4.2 Anaerobic Digestion and Composting Baseline 2: Landfill of Organic Rich MSW The waste input for AD and composting facilities tends to be organic rich waste because that leads to the best end product, ie compost. Therefore, source-segregation of the organic rich fraction of MSW is required in order to collect the most appropriate waste stream for these waste treatment technologies. Consequently, the CO2e emissions from these technologies are best compared to a different baseline from the one used in the previous section. The new baseline consist of landfilling the same waste stream than is treated in AD and composting plants, so that one can compare the emissions from treating this waste stream more accurately. ENVIRONMENTAL RESOURCES MANAGEMENT CDM UMBRELLA METHODOLOGY FOR MSW PROJECTS IN CHINA 38 Figure 3.4 Baseline 2 This baseline is used for source-separated waste as used in composting or anaerobic digestion 1 t of organic rich MSW (0.125 * 0.4) + (0.859 * 0.15) + (0.016 * 0.3) = 0.18 t DOC 100% fugitive emissions = 0.18 t DOC * 0.55 t DOCF = 0.10 t C CO2 0.10 * 0.5 * 1.1 = 0.056 t C CH4 0.10 * 0.5 * 0.9 = 0.046 t C In accordance with CDM methodology, only the CH4 emissions from landfill count towards anthropogenic GHG emissions. Thus for CDM purposes total GHG emissions equal 0.046 * 21 / 0.27 = 3.54 t CO2e Total Ce 0.056 + (0.046 * 21) = 1.01 t Ce Total CO2e = 1.01 t / 0.27 = 3.71 t CO2e Scenario 3: Anaerobic Digestion of Organic Rich MSW Figure 3.5 Scenario 3: AD of Waste 100% captured CH4 converted to power 1 t of organic rich MSW = 0.35 t DOC 100 % capture of CH4 In accordance with CDM methodology, only the CH4 emissions from landfill count towards anthropogenic GHG emissions. Thus for CDM purposes there are no GHG emissions from anaerobic digestion. CO2 emissions from power generation & composting residue Total CO2e = 0.44 t CO2e CO2e - Offset 0.44 t – 0.055 t = 0.39 t CO2e Tonnes of CO2e offset per tonne of waste digested: 100 m3 biogas per tonne input 100 * 0.6 = 60 m3 CH4 60 m3 CH4 / 325 m3 CH4 per MWh = 0.18 MWh 0.18 MWh * 0.297 t CO2e per MWh = 0.055 t CO2e saved Net CO2e = 0 – 0.055 = -0.055 t CO2e Scenario 4: Composting of Organic Rich MSW According to a report undertaken for the US EPA(1), the best reduced models expected to adequately estimate CO2 yields on a per dry kilogram of MSW mixture basis (in g C/dry kg). EQUATION 3 gram of carbon / per dry kilogram of MSW (1) United States EPA (2003) A Laboratory Study to Investigate Gaseous Emissions and Solids Decomposition During Composting of Municipal Solid Wastes ENVIRONMENTAL RESOURCES MANAGEMENT CDM UMBRELLA METHODOLOGY FOR MSW PROJECTS IN CHINA 39 Y = (217.4 * FP) + (237.3 * FY) + (370.5 * FF) Where Y = amount of CO2 emitted in g C emitted per dry kg of MSW mixture FP, FY and FF = dry fractions of mixed paper, garden waste and food waste, respectively, in the mixture, with each of the FP, FY, FF values ranging from 0 to 1 and with FP+FY+FF always equal to 1. Figure 3.6 Scenario 4: Composting of Waste 1 t of organic rich MSW 100% fugitive emissions Total C (0.217 * 0.125) + (0.237 * 0.016) + (0.371 * 0.859) = 0.349 t C / 0.27 = 1.28 t CO2 CO2 In accordance with CDM methodology, only the CH4 emissions from landfill count towards anthropogenic GHG emissions. Thus for CDM purposes there are no GHG emissions from composting. Table 3.7 Summary of Estimated Savings in GHG Emissions for the Different Waste Management Technologies (compared with landfilling with no gas recovery) Scenario Waste Management Option 1 Landfill with LFG flaring Landfill with FLG utilisation Anaerobic digestion (a) Composting (a) 2 3 4 Baseline GHG Strategy GHG Potential saving in emissions emissions GHG emissions (b) (t CO2e / t waste) (t CO2e / t waste) (t CO2e / t waste) 2.46 0.74 1.72 2.46 0.68 1.78 3.54 -0.055 3.60 3.54 0 3.54 Notes: (a) Assumes source segregation of waste – t CO2e quoted per tonne of the organic rich source-separated waste (b) No account taken of any additional emissions as a result of increased transport or other effects. 3.5 IMPACT OF DIFFERENT MSW MANAGEMENT TECHNIQUES ON CHINA’S CO2 EMISSIONS 3.5.1 Landfill Gas Recovery Landfill Gas Recovery Potential for the Whole of China The same assumptions for landfilling of waste, methane generation, capture and utilisation are used as in Section 3.4.1. The most recently available MSW ENVIRONMENTAL RESOURCES MANAGEMENT CDM UMBRELLA METHODOLOGY FOR MSW PROJECTS IN CHINA 40 composition data(1) was used for the Chinese autonomous municipalities. The fraction called ‘organic waste’ was subdivided according to the less recent national composition figures(2) to allow a more accurate calculation of the DOC (see Section 3.3.2). Table 3.8 summarises the composition data used in the calculations below. Table 3.8 Typical MSW Composition of Chinese Autonomous Municipalities (%) Years Organic waste Inert Kitchen Fruit Wood waste waste peel 1996& 43.9 13.0 3.3 12.74 2003 Plastic Paper Glass Textile Metal Other wastes 9.51 2.89 1.91 3.92 8.11 0.87 From Eq. 2: DOC = [0.4 * (0.0811 + 0.0191)] + (0.17 * 0)+ (0.15 * 0.569) + (0.30 * 0.033) = 0.135 t DOC /t waste From Eq. 1: Methane generated form landfilled waste: (136 400 000(3) x 1 x 0.8(4) x 0.135 x 0.55(5) x 0.5(3) x 16/12 - 0) x (1 - 0.1(4)) = 4 861 296 tonnes of CH4/year Potential total methane production: 4 861 296 tonnes of CH4 / 0.00068 = 7 148 964 706 m3 of CH4 Therefore, methane available for power generation: 7 148 964 706 m3 x 0.5 = 3 574 482 353 m3 of CH4 Potential energy production from LFG produced in China, assuming 30% conversion efficiency and 5% used on site: 3 574 482 353 m3 of CH4 / 325 m3 of CH4 (MWh)-1 * 0.95 = approximately 10 500 000 MWh/yr Clearly this is a purely theoretical figure as it includes waste generated by small towns and villages, which will not be deposited in sites large enough to warrant the installation of LFG recovery systems. Shanghai (autonomous municipality) According to a recent study(1), the average MSW composition in Shanghai in 1999 is summarised in Table 3.9. (1) Xu, W.L. (2003) Presentation: Current Status and Countermeasures of MSW Disposal in China, Municipal Construction Research Institute, Ministry of Construction, PRC (2) Strategic Research for sustainable development of MSW disposal in China (1998) (3) Shanghai Environmental Quality Report 2000 (4) Revised 1996 IPCC Guidelines for National Greenhouse Gas Inventories: Reference Material (assumed on basis of improved landfill management compared to baseline) (5) IPCC Good Practice Guidance and Uncertainty Management in National Greenhouse Gas Inventories (2001) ENVIRONMENTAL RESOURCES MANAGEMENT CDM UMBRELLA METHODOLOGY FOR MSW PROJECTS IN CHINA 41 Table 3.9 A Summary of MSW Composition in Shanghai (1999) Composition Paper Percentage (%) 8 Plastic 14 Wood 1 Textile 3 Food waste 55 Metal 1 Glass 4 Other 14 From Eq. 2: DOC = [0.4 * (0.08 + 0.03)] + (0.17 * 0)+ (0.15 * 0.55) + (0.30 * 0.01) = 0.130 t DOC /t waste From Eq. 1: Methane generation potential: (5 010 000(2) x 1 x 0.8(3) x 0.130 x 0.55(4) x 0.5(3) x 16/12 - 0) x (1 - 0.1(4)) = 171 943 tonnes/year of CH4 Potential total methane production: 171 943 tonnes of CH4 / 0.00068 = 252 857 353 m3 of CH4 Therefore, methane available for power generation: 252 857 353 m3 x 0.5 = 126 428 676 m3 of CH4 Potential energy production from LFG produced in Shanghai, assuming 30% conversion efficiency and 5% used on site: 126 428 676 m3 of CH4 / 325 m3 of CH4 (MWh)-1 * 0.95 = approximately 370 000 MWh/yr Hangzhou (vice province level city) The typical waste composition for Hangzhou is summarised in Table 3.10. Table 3.10 MSW Composition of Hangzhou City (Urban Area)(5) Composition Kitchen waste Percentage (%) 25 Organic content Paper Plastic Fibre, grass Glass and wood 3 1.5 1.5 2 Inorganic content Metal Inert waste 2 65 From Eq. 2: DOC = [0.4 * (0.03 + 0)] + (0.17 * 0.015) + (0.15 * 0.25) + (0.30 * 0) = 0.052 t DOC /t waste (1) Yoon, E.Y., Jo, S.H. (2002) MSW Management and Energy Recovery, The International Workshop on Policy Integration towards Sustainable Urban Energy Use for Aisa Cities (2) Shanghai Environmental Quality Report 2000 (3) Revised 1996 IPCC Guidelines for National Greenhouse Gas Inventories: Reference Material (assumed on basis of improved landfill management compared to baseline) (4) IPCC Good Practice Guidance and Uncertainty Management in National Greenhouse Gas Inventories (2001) (5) ENVIRONMENTAL RESOURCES MANAGEMENT CDM UMBRELLA METHODOLOGY FOR MSW PROJECTS IN CHINA 42 From Eq. 1: Methane generation potential: = (650 000(2) x 1 x 0.8(3) x 0.052 x 0.55(4) x 0.5(3) x 16/12 - 0) x (1 - 0.1(4)) = 8923 tonnes/year of CH4 Potential total methane production: 8923 tonnes of CH4 / 0.00068 = 13 122 058 m3 of CH4 Therefore, methane available for electricity generation: 13 122 058 m3 x 0.5 = 6 561 029 m3 of CH4 Potential energy production from LFG produced in Hangzhou, assuming 30% conversion efficiency and 5% used on site: 6 561 029 m3 of CH4 / 325 m3 of CH4 (MWh)-1 * 0.95 = approximately 19 000 MWh/yr Suzhou (regional level province city) A summary of current status (1995-2000) and future estimation (2005-2020) of MSW composition in Suzhou is presented in Table 3.11. For the subsequent calculations the figures for 2000 are used. Table 3.11 MSW Composition of Suzhou City (Urban Area)(1) Year 1995 2000 2005 2010 2015 2020 Organic Kitchen waste 58.30 66.03 57.72 53.32 50.57 49.61 Inorganic Briquette ash, dumped soil 19.63 3.00 3.20 2.88 2.59 2.46 Paper Plastic Recyclable Metal Glass 7.91 7.00 11.20 14.56 17.47 19.22 7.17 11.00 12.65 13.28 12.75 12.70 0.29 0.28 0.27 0.25 0.25 0.25 1.68 2.50 3.75 3.94 3.66 3.30 Fibre, wood, etc 5.02 10.19 11.21 11.77 12.71 12.46 From Eq. 2: DOC = [0.4 (0.07 + 0)] +(0.17 * 0) + (0.15 * 0.6603) + (0.30 * 0.1019) = 0.158 t DOC /t waste From Eq. 1: Methane generation potential: = (450 000(2) x 1 x 0.8(3) x 0.158 x 0.55(4) x 0.5(3) x 16/12 - 0) x (1 - 0.1(4)) = 18 770 tonnes/year of CH4 (1) Pan, W., Current status of MSW management in Suzhou and countermeasures, Environment and Sanitation 2001 Issue 2 (2) Internal Report (3) Revised 1996 IPCC Guidelines for National Greenhouse Gas Inventories: Reference Material (4) IPCC Good Practice Guidance and Uncertainty Management in National Greenhouse Gas Inventories (2001) ENVIRONMENTAL RESOURCES MANAGEMENT CDM UMBRELLA METHODOLOGY FOR MSW PROJECTS IN CHINA 43 Potential total methane production: 18 770 tonnes of CH4 / 0.00068 = 27 602 941 m3 of CH4 Therefore, methane available for electricity generation: 27 602 941 m3 x 0.5 = 13 801 470 m3 of CH4 Potential energy production from LFG produced in Suzhou, assuming 30% conversion efficiency and 5% used on site: 13 801 470 m3 of CH4 / 325 m3 of CH4 (MWh)-1 * 0.95 = approximately 40 000 MWh/yr Table 3.12 summarises the potential power generation from landfilling all of the MSW in three different Chinese cities. These are just rough maximum estimates because it is highly unlikely that 100% of the waste would be sent to landfill in any of those cities. A fraction of it may be incinerated or composted for instance. Table 3.12 Potential Energy Production from LFG in the Whole of China and in Three Different Types of Cities Potential energy production (MWh/yr) 3.5.2 China Shanghai Hangzhou Suzhou 10 500 000 370 000 19 000 40 000 Integrated MSWM System for Shanghai As an example of what could be achieved if a city decided to implement a comprehensive CO2 emissions reduction programme, based on an integrated solid waste management (SWM) strategy, the following case study was developed. The assumed SWM strategy presented here consists of: • • composting 10% of the all MSW (organic rich fraction); and sending the remaining 90% to landfill, where LFG is recovered and utilised for energy production. It should be noted that composting 10% of the MSW of a city is an ambitious target considering the requirements for source separation of the organic fractions. The other assumptions remain the same as used in above scenarios (see Section 3.4). Baseline: all MSW is Landfilled without LFG Recovery Emissions of tonnes of C per year (as CH4) From Eq. 1: ENVIRONMENTAL RESOURCES MANAGEMENT CDM UMBRELLA METHODOLOGY FOR MSW PROJECTS IN CHINA 44 (5 010 000 x 1 x 0.8(1) x 0.124 x 0.55(2) x 0.5(3) - 0) x (1 - 0.1(4)) = 123 006 t/yr of C (as CH4) Ce emissions: 123 006 t/yr of C (emitted as CH4) * 21 = 2 583 116 t/yr of Ce CO2e emissions from landfilling counted in accordance with CDM methodology: 2 583 116 t/yr Ce / 0.27 = approximately 9 470 000 t/yr of CO2e Integrated SWM Programme for Reducing Potential CO2e Emissions in Shanghai Amounts of Waste in Different Waste Streams Amount of MSW to be landfilled: 5 010 000 * 0.9 = 4 509 000 t Amount of organic rich material to be composted: 5 010 000 * 0.1 = 501 000 t Since composting of organic rich waste emits only CO2, no emissions are counted in accordance with the CDM methodology. Waste Compositions Organic rich fraction: 0.08 (paper) + 0.01 (wood) + 0.55 (food waste) = 0.64 Percentages of threes waste types in organic rich material Paper: 0.08 / 0.64 = 0.125 Garden waste (wood): 0.01 / 0.64 = 0.016 Food waste: 0.55 / 0.64 = 0.859 DOC value of organic rich material to be composted (0.4 * 0.125) + (0 * 0.17) + (0.15 + 0.859) + (0.3 + 0.016) = 0.184 DOC DOC value of remaining MSW to be landfilled Total amount of degradable organic carbon: 5 010 000 t * 0.13 DOC = 651 300 t DOC Amount of degradable organic carbon to be composted: 501 000 t * 0.184 DOC = 92 009 t DOC DOC value for remaining MSW to be landfilled: (651 300 – 92 009) / 4 509 000 = 0.124 DOC From Eq. 1: 0.3 x (5 010 000 x 0.9 x 0.8(3) x 0.124 x 0.55(4) x 0.5(3) - 0) x (1 - 0.1(4)) = 33 211t/yr of C (as CH4) Ce emissions: 33 211 t/yr of C (emitted as CH4) * 21 (1) Revised 1996 IPCC Guidelines for National Greenhouse Gas Inventories: Reference Material (assumed on basis of improved landfill management compared to baseline) (2) IPCC Good Practice Guidance and Uncertainty Management in National Greenhouse Gas Inventories (2001) (3) Revised 1996 IPCC Guidelines for National Greenhouse Gas Inventories: Reference Material (assumed on basis of improved landfill management compared to baseline) (4) IPCC Good Practice Guidance and Uncertainty Management in National Greenhouse Gas Inventories (2001) ENVIRONMENTAL RESOURCES MANAGEMENT CDM UMBRELLA METHODOLOGY FOR MSW PROJECTS IN CHINA 45 = 697 441 t/yr of Ce CO2e emissions from reduction programme counted in accordance with CDM methodology: 697 441 t/yr Ce / 0.27 = approximately 2 600 000 t/yr of CO2e Emissions due to power generation from fossil fuels (energy otherwise provided by utilising LFG): 0.297 t CO2e/MWh(3.4.1) * 370 000 MWh/yr(3.5.1) = approximately 109 890 t/yr CO2e Total CO2e saved from reductions programme 9 471 434 t/yr CO2e +109 890 t/yr CO2e - 2 557 287 t/yr CO2e = approximately 7 000 000 t/yr CO2e 3.6 BACKGROUND ON THE CLEAN DEVELOPMENT MECHANISM This section provides a summary of the Clean Development Mechanism (CDM) definitions relevant to determine the potential eligibility of specific MSW projects in China by earning carbon credits under the CDM. To be recognised as a CDM project there are a set of specific rules and conditions that project activities need to follow. This section provides an overview of these rules and what steps project developers need to take to ensure that they comply with these rules. 3.6.1 What is the CDM – general principles The negotiations on Climate Change have led to the adoption of a Framework Convention on Climate Change, UNFCCC, adopted at the first Earth Summit in Rio de Janeiro in 1992. The Convention sets out a plan of action to stabilise the concentrations of greenhouse gases emitted by human action in the upper atmosphere to a level that would prevent it from ‘dangerous’ interference with the global climate system. The UNFCCC came into force on 21 March 1994 and contained various reporting obligations. Its aim was for developed countries and countries making the transition to a market economy (Annex I Parties) to reduce their emissions to 1990 levels by 2000. To achieve the objectives of the Convention, the Kyoto Protocol to the Convention was agreed and signed in December 1997. The Kyoto Protocol commits developed countries to achieve emission limitation and reduction commitments set as a percentage of their 1990 emissions by 2008-2012. The CDM is one of the mechanisms developed under the Kyoto Protocol. Its two key goals are: • To assist developing countries to achieve sustainable development ENVIRONMENTAL RESOURCES MANAGEMENT CDM UMBRELLA METHODOLOGY FOR MSW PROJECTS IN CHINA 46 • To provide developed countries with flexibility for achieving their emission reduction targets, by allowing them to take credits from emission reduction projects undertaken in developing countries. The CDM is a mechanism by which emission reductions achieved by projects which take place in countries that do not have Annex B commitments under the Kyoto Protocol can be credited and sold as Certified Emission Reductions (CER) in the GHG market to help countries with a commitment under the Kyoto Protocol to achieve their objectives. Project developers therefore have opportunities to use the value of Certified Emission Reductions from projects as an additional revenue stream for investments, by virtue of the market created by the demand for credits in Annex I countries. Box 3.1 illustrates the concept of CERs. Box 3.1 CDM emissions reductions1 C O2 e q u i v a l e n t s C D M & JI E m is s io n B a s e lin e A c tu a l e m issio n s v e r if ie d e m is s io n r e d u c tio n s f r o m b a s e lin e a r e “ C e r tif ie d E m is s io n R e d u c tio n s ” o r “ E m is s io n R e d u c tio n U n it s ” 2000 2005 2010 Source: ERM, 2002. Credits for Certified Emission Reductions (CERs) in developing countries could be valid from investments made from the beginning of 2000, which makes this the most important of the Kyoto Mechanisms in the period up to 2008. The CDM Executive Board, which was appointed at the 7th Conference of the Parties to the Kyoto Protocol (COP 7) and began its work in November 2001, is tasked with setting these CDM rules. It is responsible for approving methodologies for baselines, monitoring plans and project boundaries, accrediting operational entities, and developing and maintaining the CDM registry. 3.6.2 CDM project cycle The CDM project cycle consists of an initial project concept and design, monitoring, verification, and certification. A number of different of legal entities and organisations will be involved in the project cycle for CDM 1 The CDM and Joint Implementation emissions reductions are based on similar principles. ENVIRONMENTAL RESOURCES MANAGEMENT CDM UMBRELLA METHODOLOGY FOR MSW PROJECTS IN CHINA 47 projects: project developers, national authorities such as the host governments’ Designated National Authorities, accredited independent Operational Entities (i.e. an independent third party), and the UNFCCC CDM Executive Board. Figure 3.1 illustrates and explains each step of the CDM project cycle and the key actors involved. ENVIRONMENTAL RESOURCES MANAGEMENT CDM UMBRELLA METHODOLOGY FOR MSW PROJECTS IN CHINA 48 Figure 3.1 CDM project Cycle Project Design Description of project and estimation of carbon flows Host country approval Validation of project design by an Operational Entity Registration with the appropriate regulatory body Monitoring by project investors Verification by an Operational Entity Certification by an Operational Entity Issuance of Credit by the Executive Board Project Design At the design phase a project developer defines the project boundaries and lifetime, establishes its CDM eligibility, estimates baseline emissions, total project emissions and emission reductions expected over the project lifetime. Validation Confirmation that the project is in conformance with the Kyoto Protocol modalities and rules, with the rules under a specific scheme, and with the host country rules. Registration Register the project with the CDM Executive Board. Monitoring Ongoing (annual) estimates of actual emissions from the project. Verification Independent verification that emission reductions or enhanced sequestration is additional to baseline. Certification Written assurance of the emission reductions or enhanced sequestration. Issuance of Credits The CDM Executive Board issues Certified Emissions Reductions (CERs). Source: ERM, UNFCCC website, 2002. ENVIRONMENTAL RESOURCES MANAGEMENT CDM UMBRELLA METHODOLOGY FOR MSW PROJECTS IN CHINA 49 3.6.3 Project Design The first step in setting up a CDM project is the project design. For a project to be recognised as a CDM project, a specific evaluation of the project additionality, baseline, and an estimation of emission reduction must be carried out. The greenhouse-gas related aspects of the project must be described in a Project Design Document (PDD) provided in template form by the CDM Executive Board of the UNFCCC1. The project developer and advisors (consultants) on climate change usually carry out the project design. The key steps for CDM project design are summarised below. They are further explained in the Guidelines section. • • • • • • • • 3.6.4 Describe the project and its boundaries, and analyse the sector of the project activity Ensure that the project satisfies the sustainable development priorities of China Determine the project baseline and the additionality criteria – Baseline Study Estimate the project’s expected emissions and accounting for leakages Determine the crediting period during which emission reductions will be achieved and credited Calculate the expected emission reductions Develop a Monitoring and Verification plan, and Stakeholder consultation and environmental and social impacts assessment of the project Validation and Registration The purpose of this phase is to validate a project and its baseline and monitoring and verification plan as eligible under CDM, and subsequently register it with the CDM Executive Board. The CDM Executive Board, set up at COP7 in 2001, is responsible for supervising the CDM, it’s role includes approval of methodologies for baselines, monitoring plans and project boundaries, accreditation of operational entities, and development and maintenance of a registry for CERs that are sold under the CDM. Any project under the CDM must support the sustainable development process of the host country, as well as achieve emissions reductions that are additional to those that would otherwise occur in the absence of the project activity. An official independent verifier (i.e. an Operational Entity registered with the relevant authority - in the case of the CDM, this is the CDM Executive Board) will review the project. If the proposal is in conformance with the 1 Project Design Document templates can be obtained in Arabic, Chinese, English, French, Russian and Spanish on ENVIRONMENTAL RESOURCES MANAGEMENT CDM UMBRELLA METHODOLOGY FOR MSW PROJECTS IN CHINA 50 Kyoto Protocol rules of the CDM, the Operational Entity will declare that the project is eligible under CDM rules (i.e. validate the project). Once the validation is complete, the validation opinion is submitted to the Executive Board for registration of the project as a CDM project. The project developer may propose a new baseline and/or monitoring methodology, or use an existing approved methodology. The process by which Monitoring and Verification methodologies are approved or rejected by the Executive Board can be described as follows: • A project may only use Monitoring and Verification methodologies which have been approved by the CDM Executive Board (EB) and are included in the ‘repository of approved methodologies’. These methodologies are made publicly available along with any relevant guidance. • If no approved methodology exists in the repository, the Operational Entity (OE) must decide upon a new methodology, and get it approved by the Executive Board. • If the new methodology is approved, it is included in the ‘repository of approved methodologies’, and the project is registered as a CDM project activity. However, if the new methodology is rejected, the project cannot go ahead as a CDM project activity. If the Operational Entity proposes to use an approved methodology, it submits a request for the project’s registration, which is then reviewed by the Executive Board, and subsequently accepted and registered as a CDM project activity, or rejected. Validation and verification for CERs generated as a result of MSW and Landfill Gas to energy projects are primarily concerned with assessment of the project baseline, additionality, and measuring and monitoring issues. MSW projects have one very significant advantage over many projects or actions that may tend to yield emission reductions, that being that they are readily and easily verifiable using actual recorded data for both the measured flows and characterization of the LFG fuel that has been used. 3.6.5 Operational Entity An Operational Entity is an organisation (e.g. domestic legal entity or international organization) authorised1 by the CDM Executive Board to validate greenhouse gas mitigation projects, and to verify and certify emission reductions. Separate Operational Entities are likely to carry out the validation and verification/certification to avoid conflict of interest. Although this is not a specific requirement of the Kyoto Protocol, it has become a requirement of World Bank Carbon Funds’s projects, which applies similar principles. 1This authorisation is done through a process called accreditation, in which an Entity submits a request for accreditation to the CDM Executive Board, which, in turn, checks that this Entity fits the requirements for Operational Entities set by the UNFCCC. ENVIRONMENTAL RESOURCES MANAGEMENT CDM UMBRELLA METHODOLOGY FOR MSW PROJECTS IN CHINA 51 Until today, the CDM Executive Board has not authorised (i.e. accredited and designated) any Entity to become and Operational Entity. However, the CDM Executive Board is in the process of considering 17 applications for Operational Entities1, referred to as Applicant Entities on the interim basis. 3.6.6 General GHG Monitoring Considerations Once a project has been registered by the CDM Executive Board, the project’s GHG emissions are monitored throughout the project duration. Monitoring relates to the regular measurement, assessment and recording of GHG emission reductions by the emission reduction project. It is carried out by the project investors (i.e. Project Participants), who may choose to refer to another company to carry out this task. 3.6.7 Validation, Verification and Certification of Emissions Reductions Validation is an independent assessment of the project methodologies and performance, carried out by an Operational Entity (i.e. independent verifier). It provides independent assurance that expected emission reductions will be achieved from an emission reduction project according to a specified set of rules, during a specified period. In order to generate credits through the CDM projects, all projects must have their emission reductions independently verified before they can be claimed: this serves as the basis for certification. In other words, once the project’s emissions reductions have been verified and certified by the appropriate authority, the CDM Executive Board awards Certified Emission Reductions (CERs) (Figure 3.1) to the project developers. Certification gives assurance that the reductions have been achieved under the conditions laid out by the Kyoto Protocol and the CDM Executive Board (which are the conditions necessary for the certificates to have value for Parties to the Protocol). The operation of CDM may be described as follows: A legal entity invests in a project, which results in emissions reduction in a non-Annex I country. Once the emissions reductions occur, these are certified: the project generates CERs. In other words, CERs will be awarded to CDM projects following official "certification" of reductions by an independent third party certifier. 3.6.8 Underlying principles for CDM projects When developing a CDM project, it is essential that the project developers ensure that a series of key principles are satisfied, in order to increase the robustness of the project and reduce the risks associated with the CDM aspects of the project. 1 For a list of these Entities and updates on the stage of their applications, see ENVIRONMENTAL RESOURCES MANAGEMENT CDM UMBRELLA METHODOLOGY FOR MSW PROJECTS IN CHINA 52 The key principles that all CDM project activities are required to comply with were agreed in two decisions1 of the Marrakesh Accords2. Every project developer should ensure that the CDM project management complies with the key principles described below. This is a particularly important issue as the Designated Operational Entity will use these principles to validate and verify the project. These principles are: Accuracy: The relative measure of the exactness of relevant performance indicators. This should enable performance indicators and emission reduction estimates to be calculated as accurately as possible, i.e. by use of statistical techniques in order to reduce uncertainties and arrive at confidant numbers for emission reductions. Completeness: The project documentation and the scope of validation should cover all relevant greenhouse gases, sources and sinks, – if affected by the project activities. It should also include other indicators of project compliance, e.g. leakage effects or project effects beyond the chosen project boundaries, as appropriate. Comparability: Methods for estimation of emissions [and removals] should be comparable between the project baseline(s) and the project. This should enable comparison of the PCF project with the relevant baseline scenario(s) and subsequent determination of the selected baseline's applicability. Consistency: The project documents should address comparable key indicators which enable consistent review of project performance over time. To the extent possible, the methodologies and measurements identified in the baseline study should also be addressed and made verifiable via the Monitoring and Verification Protocol. Cost-effectiveness: The amount of costs and effort necessary to document, validate, monitor, report and verify a GHG project should be made dependent on the attained uncertainties and the amount of predicted emission reductions, i.e. by use of a risk-based assessment approach. Reliability: For the estimation of emission reductions from the project the most realistic and likely operational characteristics and most likely development relevant to the project shall be chosen as reference for projected These decisions are Decisions 15/CP.7 (Principles, nature and scope of mechanisms pursuant to Articles 6, 12 and 17 of the Kyoto Protocol) and Decision 17/CP.7 (Modalities and procedures for a clean development mechanism as defined in Article 12 of the Kyoto Protocol). 1 The Marrakesh Accords were agreed during the 7th conference of the Parties to the Kyoto Protocol in Marrakesh in 2001, among other issues this document specifies the modalities for the implementation of the CDM mechanism. See the UNFCCC web site for a copy of the Marrakesh accords:>document&screen=detail&mode=&language=en&%250=6000018 55 2 ENVIRONMENTAL RESOURCES MANAGEMENT CDM UMBRELLA METHODOLOGY FOR MSW PROJECTS IN CHINA 53 emissions and baseline. This also implies that the project’s crediting time must be conservative. Validity: For the estimation of emission reductions from the project it is crucial that factors or indicators used for baseline determination and the use of operational characteristics give opportunity for real measurements of achieved emission reductions. The baseline and operational characteristics used in the project documentation must therefore be based on factors or indicators that provide a plausible picture of the business a usual scenario, and being reflected in subsequent monitoring and reporting of the project operations. Transparency: Transparency is an imperative for all involved parties in a PCF validation process, and will be a significant means to create credible emission reductions. 3.6.9 Sustainable development Requirements Among the purposes of CDM project activities, one of the main objectives stated by the UNFCCC is ‘to assist Parties not included in Annex I in achieving sustainable development’, see Box 3.2. Box 3.2 Purposes of CDM project activities (a) To assist Parties not included in Annex I in achieving sustainable development and in contributing to the ultimate objective of the Convention; (b) To assist Parties included in Annex I in achieving compliance with their quantified emission limitation and reduction commitments under Article 3.11, 12, 13, 19; and (c) To assist developing country Parties that are particularly vulnerable to the adverse effects of climate change to meet the costs of adaptation by ensuring that a share of the proceeds of each project is assessed for this purpose Source: UNFCCC, 1999 Article 12 of the Protocol requires that CDM project activities contribute to sustainable development in host countries, but does not define ‘sustainable development’ as it is the host country’s prerogative to confirm whether a CDM project assists in achieving sustainable development. This was further confirmed in the Marrakesh Accords The Kyoto Protocol ascribes the responsibility for determining the procedures for approving CDM projects to host countries (i.e., developing countries). Without such approval, projects cannot be submitted to the CDM Executive Board. Therefore developing country governments wishing to host CDM projects must set up these procedures. Each national government will define its own sustainable development priorities. In order to do so, each host ENVIRONMENTAL RESOURCES MANAGEMENT CDM UMBRELLA METHODOLOGY FOR MSW PROJECTS IN CHINA 54 country is required to set up a Designated National Authority, which will be in charge of setting these requirements Thus, the project developer needs to gain an approval from the Designated National Authority that his project assist the sustainable developments objectives of China and that his project complies with the Chinese CDM rules. This approval must be given in the form of a written document 3.6.10 Additionality and Baseline issues for CDM projects The concept of additionality is the key indicator that was developed to ensure the environmental integrity of the clean development mechanism and ultimately of the Kyoto Protocol. The additionality criterion is also the foundation of generating emission reductions (ERs) through CDM projects. Art. 12, 5 (c) Kyoto Protocol requires that ‘Reductions in emissions […] are additional to any that would occur in the absence of the certified project activity’. The Marrakesh accords in the definition of the rules for CDM provides, in line with the Kyoto protocol definition, the official definition of the additionality concept, see Box 3.3. Box 3.3 Marrakesh Accords definition of Additionality concept Definition of Additionality concept ‘A CDM project activity is additional if anthropogenic emissions of greenhouse gases by sources are reduced below those that would have occurred in the absence of the registered CDM project activity.’ Source: UNFCCC The Marrakesh Accords & The Marrakesh Declaration (Decision 17/CP.7, #43) Additionality, thus requires that emission reductions represent a physical reduction or avoidance of emissions over what would have occurred under a business as usual scenario specific to the project and location under consideration. It means that a project developer needs to ensure that their projects will reduce emissions below what would have happen if the projects were not to be implemented. This means that he needs to estimate what would happen in the future if the project would not happen -- this is called the baseline scenario. Estimating the future is not a straightforward task; thus, rules have been agreed in the Marrakesh Accords as to what are acceptable methodologies to asses these future scenarios, see Box 3.4. ENVIRONMENTAL RESOURCES MANAGEMENT CDM UMBRELLA METHODOLOGY FOR MSW PROJECTS IN CHINA 55 Box 3.4 Marrakesh Accords Baseline Methodologies Criteria for CDM baseline methodology In choosing the baseline methodology, participants shall select from among the following approaches the one deemed more appropriate for the project activity and justify their choice: a) Existing or actual emissions, as applicable; or b) Emission from a technology that represents an economically attractive course of action, taking into account barriers to investment; or c) The average emissions of similar project activities undertaken in the previous 5 years, in similar social, economical, environmental and technological circumstances and whose performance is among the top 20 per cent of their category. Source: UNFCCC The Marrakesh Accords & The Marrakesh Declaration Decision 17/CP.7, #48 Still, some questions have arisen as to how to interpret the additionality requirements and how to implement these baseline approaches to specific projects. This is especially important as the baseline also affects the commercial attractiveness of a project to investors. If the baseline is too tough, investors may be discouraged unnecessarily, but if too lenient, then the environmental objective of the Kyoto Protocol may not be met. The CDM Executive Board (at its 10th session) has provided examples of tools that may be used to demonstrate that a project activity is additional and therefore not the baseline scenario1, these include, among others: a) A flow-chart or series of questions that lead to a narrowing of potential baseline options; b) A qualitative or quantitative assessment of different potential options and an indication of why the non-project option is more likely; and/or c) A qualitative or quantitative assessment of one or more barriers facing the proposed project activity (such as those laid out for small-scale CDM projects); and/or d) An indication that the project type is not common practice (e.g. occurs in less than [<x%] of similar cases) in the proposed area of implementation, and not required by a Party’s legislation/regulations. It is very useful to review how project developers have dealt with the additionality requirement in the past. Most recently the CDM Executive Board has approved or issued final recommendations for approval of four Municipal Solid Waste baseline methodologies. Thus it is particularly interesting to assess how these projects have interpreted and implemented the additionality issue, since they have succeeded in obtaining CDM EB approval. The baseline studies for these projects are summarized in Annex B . The analysis shows that each project has interpreted additionality in a very different way. The main justification for their choice lies in the analysis of the specific situation of the Host Country and the region where the project will be implemented. It rests in the hands of the project developers to define which 1 The Executive Board recommendations also state that the tool used in order to demonstrate additionality does not need to be linked to one of the three baseline approaches of paragraph 48 of the CDM modalities and procedures. ENVIRONMENTAL RESOURCES MANAGEMENT CDM UMBRELLA METHODOLOGY FOR MSW PROJECTS IN CHINA 56 additionality criteria and baseline approach is the more appropriate for its project activity and to justify their choice in a clear and transparent way. See section 3.7.3 on CDM additionality issues in China to see how the additionality issue will affect MSW projects in China 3.6.11 Leakage Leakage is the unplanned, indirect emission of CO2, resulting from the project activities. It occurs if emission reductions from a project are offset by increases in emissions elsewhere. It is important to ensure that the project boundaries are defined such that leakage is not a significant problem, or that emission estimates take leakage into account. Thus, the CDM rules require that each CDM project's management plan must address and account for potential leakage. One example of leakage for a MSW project could be the emissions resulting from generating the electricity used to pump the landfill gas in the additional collection equipment. In this example, the GHG emissions from this electricity would have to be substracted from the GHg reduction achieved by the project activity. Is no data is available to calculate or estimate the leakage, and uncertainty analysis should be done, and an adjustment factor, taking account of that uncertainty, should be applied to the project’s emission reductions. 3.6.12 Proceeds of the project and funding Finally, funding for CDM projects must not come from a diversion of official overseas development assistance (ODA) government funds. The project developer needs to confirm that this will not be the case and provide verifiable information on the sources of the project funding for the Operating entity to validate this claim. Two standard rules apply to the proceeds from ALL CDM project activities, as defined in the Marrakesh accords: • Some of the proceeds from carbon credit sales from all CDM projects will be used to cover administrative expenses of the CDM (the exact proportion of that is still to be decided by the CDM executive Board and/or the COP/MOP). • Two percent of the carbon credits awarded to a CDM project will be allocated to a fund to help cover the costs of adaptation in countries severely affected by climate change (the 'adaptation levy'). The project developer must take these financial issues into account when defining the project financial plan. ENVIRONMENTAL RESOURCES MANAGEMENT CDM UMBRELLA METHODOLOGY FOR MSW PROJECTS IN CHINA 57 3.6.13 Case of small scale CDM projects The sections above show that a detailed stream of monitoring, reporting, verification, certification and approval processes surrounds the development of a CDM project. The most important difference between small and large projects lies in their ability to absorb transaction costs associated with these processes, as small projects cannot absorb the same amount of transaction costs as large projects. Because of this, the Executive Board has developed simplified methodologies for the development of small-scale CDM project activities. The Executive Board clarified the rules for smaller projects at its seventh meeting in January 2003. The rules for small scale projects are available on the UNFCCC website: The rules recognise three overall types of small-scale CDM projects that are allowed to follow the simplified modalities: • Type (i) project activities: renewable energy project activities with a maximum output capacity equivalent to up to 15 megawatts (or an appropriate equivalent) (decision 17/CP.7, paragraph 6 (c) (i)) • Type (ii) project activities: energy efficiency improvement project activities which reduce energy consumption, on the supply and/or demand side, by up to the equivalent of 15 gigawatt hours per year (decision 17/CP.7, paragraph 6 (c) (ii)) • Type (iii) project activities: other project activities that both reduce anthropogenic emissions by sources and directly emit less than 15 kilotonnes of carbon dioxide equivalent annually (decision 17/CP.7, paragraph 6 (c) (iii)). Box 3.5 re-iterates the necessary steps for developing a CDM project activity and highlights the areas of simplification which apply to small scale CDM projects. Box 3.5 Simplifications for small-scale CDM project activity The CDM project cycle provides for differentiation between CDM project activities and CDM small-scale project activities. The following steps describe the areas of simplifications which apply to small-scale CDM projects. 1. Design the project activity: In order to propose a CDM project activity, the project developer is required to submit information on their project using the Project Design Document template developed by the CDM Executive Board. 1 The rules for small scale projects can be found in English at and in Chinese at ENVIRONMENTAL RESOURCES MANAGEMENT CDM UMBRELLA METHODOLOGY FOR MSW PROJECTS IN CHINA 58 2. For the small-scale CDM project activity, a simplified project design document1 was issued by the Executive Board, reflecting the simplified modalities and procedures (simplified M&P) for small-scale CDM project activities. Baseline and monitoring methodology: The project developer may propose a new baseline and/or monitoring methodology, or use an existing approved methodology. Small-scale projects may make use of the Simplified Baseline and Monitoring Methodologies, available. The areas of simplification include: 3. 4. 5. - Baseline: The document gives clear instructions for identification of the baseline for each of the thirteen project categories. - Monitoring: Monitoring requirements are simplified to reduce monitoring costs. An overall monitoring plan that monitors performance of activities on a sample basis may be proposed for bundled project activities - Additionality: Project proponents shall use a predefined list of barriers to demonstrate that their project would not have happened otherwise (see Annex II). - Project Boundary: The Project boundary is limited to the physical project activity. - Leakage: The requirements for leakage calculation are simplified and specified for each project category. Validation of the CDM project activity: The Project Design Document is then evaluated by a designated Operational Entity (independent evaluation) against the requirements of the CDM set out in Decision 17/CP.7 (Modalities and procedures for a clean development mechanism as defined in Article 12 of the Kyoto Protocol). Whereas under ‘regular’ modalities and procedures for CDM project activities, a designated Operational Entity may not both validate a project activity and verify and certify its emission reductions. In the case of small-scale CDM projects, a single designated Operational Entity should validate, verify, and certificate a small-scale CDM project activity or bundled small-scale CDM project activities. Registration of the CDM project activity: Registration is the formal acceptance by the Executive Board of a validated project as a CDM project activity. Certification and verification of the CDM project activity: A single designated Operational Entity should validate, verify, and certificate a small-scale CDM project activity or bundled small-scale CDM project activities. Whereas this is seen as a conflict of interest in a regular CDM project, it is a necessary simplification for the small-scale CDM project. Source: ERM, based on UNFCCC documents, January 2004 3.7 CDM MSW IN CHINA 3.7.1 Specific CDM Characteristics of China Background China’s climate change policy is embedded in its economic and sustainable development strategies. China clearly claims itself as a low-income developing country with a large population and takes economic development and poverty elimination as its top priorities. But the Chinese government has confirmed that Climate Change is a potential threat to the future. 1 Both the CDM project design document and the small-scale CDM project design document can be found on ENVIRONMENTAL RESOURCES MANAGEMENT CDM UMBRELLA METHODOLOGY FOR MSW PROJECTS IN CHINA 59 Considering the demand for GHG emission reductions by developed countries and the relatively low GHG emission per GDP in China, the Chinese Government now has a very positive attitude towards CDM projects. Related regulations and policies for CDM in China are now in the early stages of development , (see below). The viewpoints of the Chinese government on climate change could be summarised as following: • • • • Recognizs the potential impact of GHG emissions, although knowledge on the issues needs to be better understood. Most of the GHG emissions are caused by the developed countries. The most important aim and work for developing countries are to develop their own economies. Chinese government has decided to develop CDM projects positively. The CDM projects developed in China must comply with the requirements by the Chinese Government. They are as follows: • • • • • • The projects must comply with Chinese laws and regulations, and contribute to the Sustainable development of Chinese society The projects should not require China to bear any new obligations which are not included in the Kyoto Protocol The projects must be approved by Chinese government The fund for CDM projects must be extra to those under current obligations The projects should promote the transfer of advanced technologies, which are beneficial to the environment. The project should provide real, measurable GHG emission reduction The preferred major areas for CDM projects in China are Energy Efficiency (EE) and Renewable Energy (RE); biomass power generation with solid waste could be included in this area. Other eligible areas could include industry production procedure, energy replacement, etc. Currently, there are no particular requirements on the scale of a CDM project in China. Environmental or social criteria There are no particular environment or social laws and regulations special for CDM projects except for current ones. The CDM projects have to comply with current laws and regulations in China. Designated National Authority and Institutional framework The Chinese Government has confirmed to develop an efficient, transparent and simple managing system for CDM. The current institutional structure for CDM projects is as follows: ENVIRONMENTAL RESOURCES MANAGEMENT CDM UMBRELLA METHODOLOGY FOR MSW PROJECTS IN CHINA 60 • National Coordination Committee on Climate Change The National Coordination Committee on Climate Change is a crossministries body. It is responsible for deliberation and coordination on climate related policy issues, standards and activities, negotiations with foreign parties. • Validation board for CDM projects The Validation Board comprises the National Development and Reform Commission, Ministry of Science and Technology, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, SEPA, China Meteorological Administration, Ministry of Finance and Ministry of Agriculture. The responsibilities of the Board are mainly to validate the CDM projects, especially on the predicted GHG emission reduction. • National Development and Reform Commission (NDRC) NDRC is appointed as the Designated National Authority for China. It is responsible to approve CDM Projects together with Ministry of Science and Technology and Ministry for Foreign Affairs. It is also responsible for publicizing related certification documents on the behalf of Chinese government. • CDM Project Managing Centre The CDM Project Managing Center is under construction. Its major responsibility will be to accept the applications for CDM projects; organize the pre-verification procedure for CDM projects; report to the Validation Board of the Projects and execution status, establish the information system for CDM projects, etc. Before the establishment of the Managing Center, the Office of National Coordination Committee on Climate Change will be responsible for handling the application of CDM projects and organize verification of the Projects. The current approval and operation procedure for CDM projects development are the following. It has to be noted that all CDM projects have to go through the normal project approval procedure besides the CDM approval procedures. 1. The CDM project executing parties (Cities officials, Chinese enterprises or Chinese holding enterprises) apply to the Office of National Coordination Committee on Climate Change and provide their PDD documents. 2. The National Development and Reform Commission will then organize related Departments from Chinese government to examine the applied project. ENVIRONMENTAL RESOURCES MANAGEMENT CDM UMBRELLA METHODOLOGY FOR MSW PROJECTS IN CHINA 61 3. The National Development and Reform Commission will publicize those approved projects and notify the executing parties at the same time. 4. The executing parties will then invite Operational Entity to evaluate the PDD independently and report those validated projects to CDM Executive Board for registration 5. After getting the approval for the Executive Board, the executing parties shall report to the National Authority. China sustainable development criteria Chinese government has approved China's Agenda 21, the White Paper on China's Population, Environment, and Development in the 21st Century, as the guide document for the sustainable development. In Chapter 19 Environmentally Sound Management of Solid Wastes, Article C on Environmentally Sound Management of Municipal Solid Wastes, an aim is set that by the year 2010, all cities should have municipal refuse landfill sites or incinerating plants, which should meet environmental requirements, ensuring the disposal of all garbage. The safe disposal and recycling of urban refuse should be promoted in accordance with local conditions. The primary options for the safe disposal and recycling of MSW are sanitary landfill and composting, although some cities might employ incineration. The Science and Technology Outline for Sustainable Development (2001 – 2010) published by Ministry of Science and Technology mentioned that the priority areas for environmental pollution control include developing technology and equipment for urban refuse treatment, disposal and recycling. According to the Office of National Coordination Committee on Climate Change, the general criteria of Substantial Development is that CDM projects shall comply with and support the prior development areas in the Substantial Development strategy of National and Local governments, especially those priority technology development areas in the 10th Five Year Plan. In particular, the sustainable development criteria could be summarised as follows: • Be beneficial for the transfer of technology and special knowledge • Provide environment benefits • Enhance the health of the public and workers • Provide social benefits • Provide external social benefits, like reduce the reliance on foreign technologies The Office mentioned that whether a CDM project fits with the criteria, will be judged through approval by the Government, evaluation by the Experts or ENVIRONMENTAL RESOURCES MANAGEMENT CDM UMBRELLA METHODOLOGY FOR MSW PROJECTS IN CHINA 62 asking stakeholders comments. Thus, the analysis will be done on a project by project basis. 3.7.2 Concept for a MSW CDM Umbrella project in China One of the main problems associated with the development of CDM projects is the cost associated with the various requirements to demonstrate that the projects are in compliance with the CDM rules - these are known as transactions costs. In order to reduce these transaction costs, various options have been proposed over time. One of these options is to develop standardised baselines for certain types of project activities, another is to bundle small-scale projects together so as to share the transaction costs. Based on these ideas, the concept of developing an Umbrella project under which a series of projects of the same type could be utilised for MSW projects in China has emerged. The first example of such an Umbrella project has been implemented in Costa Rica for small-scale renewable energy projects. A total of 7 small-scale renewable energy projects (Hydro and wind projects) were identified, and the PCF and the Joint Implementation Office of Costa Rica (OCIC) set the framework for the umbrella project for renewable energy sources. Under this framework, the PCF has the opportunity to consider purchasing ERs from a number of small, renewable energy projects. The umbrella project has been implemented; to date three projects under the umbrella have been undertaken. Under the Costa Rica Umbrella project, one sectoral baseline common to all the projects was developed; one rule to assess the project’s additionality was defined; and one set of guidelines was provided on how to apply the sectoral baseline to all the projects. However, every project under the Umbrella remains independent from the other sub-projects and has to demonstrate independently that it complies with the CDM and the Umbrella requirements, obtaining final approval in its own right in each project case. The rules used to assess the sectoral baseline (which will be applied on a project by project basis) and the project additionality are defined as: • • The sectoral baseline is calculated for the sectoral Costa Rican and Central American integrated power system. A financial analysis is applied to determine the operating margin (or dispatch margin) using dispatch information, and the build margin (system expansion) using expansion planning information for the integrated power system. A proposed project is considered additional if the kWh generation costs clearly exceed the long-term marginal generation costs of the integrated power system when the sectoral baseline is applied to the given project. ENVIRONMENTAL RESOURCES MANAGEMENT CDM UMBRELLA METHODOLOGY FOR MSW PROJECTS IN CHINA 63 Based on this experience, the PCF has identified a similar opportunity in China for Municipal Solid Waste projects and is proposing to develop a similar Umbrella approach for MSW projects for China. 3.7.3 Additionality issues and CDM strategy for Municipal solid waste projects in China – Following on the description of MSW in China (section Error! Reference source not found.) and the CDM requirements (section 3.6), it is important to assess how the issues of additionality and baseline methodologies will apply to MSW projects in China. This raises the question of which MSW projects will be additional in China and which baseline approaches and methodologies to use to demonstrate this additionality. Based on the difficulties associated with the definition of additionality and the selection of a baseline approach, project developers are recommended to always start by carrying out a pre-feasibility study to assess whether their project has the potential to be considered as additional, this should be done in parallel with a sectoral context analysis (more details in the guidelines, section 4.3 ). This pre-feasibility study should assess the existing policies requirements for MSW, the common practice for MSW technologies in the province or cities where the projects will be implemented and what barriers might exist to slow down this implementation. Moreover, taking into account the size of China, and the different progress in MSW practices, it would be reasonable to distinguish project baselines between different Chinese provinces, provincial-level bodies and Vice Provincial Level Cities according to their common and projected practices. ERM’s study has shown that China's largest cities have already started improving landfill management as part of their modernisation and best practices. This has taken place through the development of the National Action Plan for Municipal Solid Waste Management, published in October 2002, and through the White Paper on China's Population, Environment, and Development in the 21st Century, recommending that all cities should have municipal refuse landfill sites or incinerating plants and that the primary options for the safe disposal and recycling of MSW are sanitary landfill and composting. The implementation of the action plan is still in its early stages, with three landfill gas-to-energy facilities in China, located in Hangzhou, Guangzhou and Nanjing respectively, implemented by end 2003. However, the recommendations of the plan will have to be included in the additionality analysis and an assessment will be needed to identify the barriers that might stops its implementation. For more details see Section 4.4.1. ENVIRONMENTAL RESOURCES MANAGEMENT CDM UMBRELLA METHODOLOGY FOR MSW PROJECTS IN CHINA 64 3.8 KEY STEPS OF THE MSW UMBRELLA APPROACH FOR CHINA 3.8.1 Step by Step MSW umbrella project methodology The MSW Umbrella methodology provides a standard approach for project developers willing to develop MSW projects in China. The methodology provides guidelines to ensure that the MSW projects are in compliance with the CDM rules and the PCF requirements under one Umbrella. The guidelines provide a step by step approach that project developers must follow to develop project idea notes and project design documents for MSW projects in China under the MSW Umbrella project. The guideline provides advice on the main steps that need to be followed: • Project description and definition of project and baseline boundaries • Assessment of the project compliance with additionality, Sustainable Development and funding rules • Baseline study: o Advice on the baseline methodologies that can be used under the MSW umbrella to choose and if necessary develop the relevant sectoral baseline representing the baseline scenario for a given project in the region where it will be implemented, o Advice on how to apply the sectoral baseline to the MSW project and assess whether the project is additional compared to the sectoral baseline, • Project emissions calculation o Advice on the methodologies that should be used to calculate the project expected emissions and the expected emission reductions, • Definition of the Duration of the project activity and the project crediting period for emission reductions, • Development of a Monitoring and Verification Plan o Recommendations on how to develop a robust Monitoring and Verification plan to demonstrate the project performance over time, and • A review of the various non-GHG issues that need to be assessed such as environmental and social issues, but also risk assessments and contractual issues. ENVIRONMENTAL RESOURCES MANAGEMENT CDM UMBRELLA METHODOLOGY FOR MSW PROJECTS IN CHINA 65 GUIDELINES SECTION ENVIRONMENTAL RESOURCES MANAGEMENT CDM UMBRELLA METHODOLOGY FOR MSW PROJECTS IN CHINA 66 4 GUIDELINES SECTION 4.1 ORGANISATION OF THE GUIDELINES The Clean Development Mechanism (CDM) guidelines for Municipal Solid Waste (MSW) projects in China under the Umbrella approach based on the following step by step approach: • • • • • • • • • Project description and definition of project boundaries Assessment of project compliance with additionality, sustainable development and funding rules Additionality requirements Baseline study: o Advice on the choice of baseline approaches and methodologies that are the more relevant to identify the baseline scenario for a given project in the region where it will be implemented, o Advice on how to apply the baseline to the MSW project and assess whether the project is additional compared to the baseline, Project emissions calculation o Advices on the methodologies that should be used to calculate the project expected emissions and the expected emission reductions, Definition of the duration of the project activity and the project crediting period for emission reductions, Estimation of expected emission reductions Development of a Monitoring and Verification Plan o Recommendations on how to develop a robust Monitoring and Verification plan to demonstrate the project performance over time, and A review of the various non-GHG issues that need to be assessed such as environmental and social issues, as well as risk assessments and contractual issues. Each step is analysed in the sections below and advice for project developers on how to implement them is provided. 4.2 PROJECT DESCRIPTION AND BOUNDARIES The first step in the development of a CDM project design is to provide a description of the project activity. The initial project description, required in the first section of the Project Design Document (Section A.2), typically consists of a description of: • The current situation of the activity; ENVIRONMENTAL RESOURCES MANAGEMENT CDM UMBRELLA METHODOLOGY FOR MSW PROJECTS IN CHINA 67 • The proposed project and its expected outcome (e.g. upgrade of the collection system efficiency; projected annual electricity production; predicted emission reductions over the lifetime of the project); • How emission reductions will be achieved, which may include where the energy displaced comes from; • The local social and environmental impacts of the project with the aim to demonstrate that the project complies with the sustainable development criteria set by the host country. Some examples of MSW project benefits include the economic benefits of utilising revenues generated by LFG products sale; the social benefits of mitigating LFG migration and odour concerns; Following the initial project description a technical description of the project activity is required (Section A.4). It should provide precise technical information for the following aspects of the project: • Project location: A description of the location of the project activity with regards to significant developments (e.g. neighbouring residential areas, densely populated areas, commercial developments, proximity of electric power transmission lines, etc.). The physical and technical boundaries of the project should also be mentioned here. In terms of physical boundaries, it is recommended to describe the size of the landfill, the surrounding topography, adjacent land uses, ambient meteorological conditions and the site characteristics that impact LFG generation and collection. In addition, when the project also includes on-grid energy generation from LFG, the physical boundaries will also include the regional or even national electricity grid; • Project technology: The technology to be employed by the project activity. For example, in the case of a landfill gas to energy project, this will include a description of the landfill gas collection system and a description of the energy generation technology (e.g. modular reciprocating engine facility). For example, a typical LFG collection system is composed of an LFG collection field (wells and trenches); collection piping (laterals, subheaders, headers, etc); a condensate drop out and disposal system; a blower system and related appurtenances; possibly an LFG flare; • Expected emission reductions: An explanation of how emissions will be reduced by the proposed CDM project activity. This involves an analysis of the current situation. Essentially, this section sets the background for the choice of the baseline approach. The following step consists in showing that the proposed project will create real, verifiable, net GHG emission reductions. • Environmental and social impacts: A description of potential local impacts of LFG would be recommended: these include the odour, combustible and explosive nature of methane, LFG migration in air and groundwater, GHG ENVIRONMENTAL RESOURCES MANAGEMENT CDM UMBRELLA METHODOLOGY FOR MSW PROJECTS IN CHINA 68 emissions to the atmosphere. It is crucial for the project development document to illustrate a thorough understanding of existing and forthcoming regulatory requirements in the region of the proposed CDM project. For example, the main issues in the development of solid waste policy include the reduction of wastes; maximisation of waste reuse and recycling; promotion of healthy environmental waste deposition and treatment and extension of waste services.1 The CDM project development document then calls for a list of project participants (Section A.3 of the PDD template). The project sponsors, technical advisors (most likely consultants and the Operational Entity) and the CDM project facility (e.g. PCF) need to be named here. In some cases, the host country governmental authority in charge of reviewing the project may also be listed (i.e. the Designated National Authority). As part of the project description, the project developer should provide a clear description of the sources of the project funding, and demonstrate that no overseas development aid funding is included. 4.3 SECTOR AND POLICY CONTEXT Once the project developer has provided a clear description of the project and its boundaries he needs to carry out a detailed analysis of the project’s sector of activities. MSW projects can have two components, the MSW management component, such as landfill or anaerobic gas flaring, and the gas utilisation as an alternative energy source, such as electricity production or transport fuel. In each case the project developer needs to analyse each sectors that will be affected and that will affect his project. The sector analysis should include an assessment of the common practice of the sector and a policy analysis of all relevant programme, regulations and laws that will affect the sector in the future. China administrative arrangement is very specific and it must be taken into consideration in the sector, the administrative arrangements are summarised in Table 4.1. 1 World Bank Handbook for the preparation of landfill gas to energy projects in Latin America and the Caribbean, Draft, Oct 2003. ENVIRONMENTAL RESOURCES MANAGEMENT CDM UMBRELLA METHODOLOGY FOR MSW PROJECTS IN CHINA 69 Table 4.1 China administrative arrangement Provinces and Provincial Level Bodies • • 23 Provinces (including Taiwan) 9 other provincial-level bodies encompassing o 5 autonomous regions (i.e., minority areas such as Tibet and Inner Mongolia) o Directly administered cities (Beijing, Tianjin, Shanghai and Chongqing). Vice Provincial Level Cities In addition, eleven provincial capitals and four ‘Specially Listed Planning’ cities are treated as "Vice Provincial Level Cities", which have more economic independence from the national government than other cities. • 11 provincial capitals, Hanghzou, Guangzhou, Shenzhen, Nanjing, Chengdu, Harbin, Wuhan, Shenyang, Ji’nan, Changchun, Xiamen and Xi’an. • ‘Specially Listed Planning’ cities, Shenzhen, Ninbgo, Dalian and Qingdao Source: ERM China, Nov 2003 4.3.1 Sectoral context for the MSW management component of the project All the MSW projects will have to start by assessing the MSW sector in the provinces and cities where they plan to implement their project. They will also have to analyse the national MSW sector and see if this will in any way affect or be affected by their project. There are two key policy documents related to MSW management in China. The White Paper on China's Population, Environment, and Development in the 21st Century, as the guide document for the substantial development sets an aim that, by the year 2010, all cities should have municipal refuse landfill sites or incinerating plants, which should meet environmental requirements, ensuring the disposal of all garbage. The primary options for the safe disposal and recycling of MSW are sanitary landfill and composting, although some cities might employ incineration. The National Action Plan for Municipal Solid Waste Management 1 developed by the State Environmental Protection Administration (SEPA) and published in October 2002. The MSW National Action Plan provides requirements for landfill gas recovery with utilisation of the landfill gas, and no requirements for composting or anaerobic digestion. Landfill gas recovery The MSW National Action Plan will have to be taken into account when analysing the criteria for baseline and additionality of MSW projects in China, see section 4.4.1 below. In assessing the National Action Plans implications, it is important to understand the nature of such a plan in China and the status of the plan implementation. Based on a reading of the full text of the Action Plan, and similar actions plans in China, the MSW plan sets ‘recommendations’ to cities and provinces, it is not equivalent to a mandatory regulation. 1 ENVIRONMENTAL RESOURCES MANAGEMENT CDM UMBRELLA METHODOLOGY FOR MSW PROJECTS IN CHINA 70 The plan have identified that there were over 1,000 municipal refuse disposal sites in China in 2000, in which 70% were open dumps, amounting to about 700 sites. By 2015, if sanitary landfill technology and land fill gas recovery technology are adopted in 100 cities in the developed regions of China, and each city builds three landfills on average, the ratio of sanitary landfill and landfill gas recovery to the whole municipal refuse generation will be 50%.’ According to the plan, landfill gas utilization in China will be developed in three stages, which are described as follows: • Stage 1 (1997~2002): with the financial aid of GEF, three pilot projects have been developed for landfill gas utilization at three landfill sites, which are located in Nanjing , Ma’anshan and An’shan respectively • Stage 2 (2002~2007): Plan to establish or upgrade 30 new or existing landfill sites with landfill gas utilization facilities. • Stage 3 (2007~2015): Large-scale promotion of landfill gas utilization technology (i.e. power generation or production of domestic fuel) and establish 300 facilities of this kind by 2015. 12 In line with the action plan objectives by the end of 2003 there were three landfill gas-to-energy facilities in China, located in Hangzhou, Guangzhou and Nanjing respectively. Moreover, in response to this National Action Plan, many cities have planned to establish landfill gas collection and utilization facilities at their municipal landfill sites. The forthcoming projects include Guangzhou Xingfeng Landfill and Shanghai Laogang Landfill Phase III. Each of these project is summarised in Table 4.2. According to the responsible office in SEPA the 3 pilot projects in the Action Plan have been implemented successfully and will be finalized by 2004. However, no further developments have been announced publicly as part of the plan. A key issue for the implementation of the plan is the barriers that exist in various provinces and cities that hinder the implementation of the plan recommendations. Such barriers will include: • • • Institutional barriers: lack of special organization appointed to be in charge of the LFG recovery and lack of practical incentive policies; Economic barriers: lack of investment; Technical barriers: lack of experience on manufacturing, installing and operation of LFG recovery equipments. Regarding the economic barriers and the lack of investment the Action Plan emphasizes the importance to construct multiple financial channels to implement it, especially international assistant (e.g. GEF, ODA) and private participation. It specifies several possible investment sources including: ENVIRONMENTAL RESOURCES MANAGEMENT CDM UMBRELLA METHODOLOGY FOR MSW PROJECTS IN CHINA 71 • • • • • Government financial budget for MSW management Bilateral assistant or ODA financial support Global Environmental Fund (GEF) grant financing National Development Bank and commercial banks, and Private investment Thee first three projects under the plan were co-funded by the GEF. It would be interesting to assess whether the additional project finance brought by CDM credits could be considered as one of the investment sources in the Plan. More information can be obtained from the Foreign Economic Cooperation Office of SEPA. A summary of existing landfill gas projects in China, both under the plan and other projects, is provided in table 4.2. Annex C provides a more detailed description of these projects. Table4.2 Existing Landfill Gas recovery projects Project Name City Province Characteristics Energy generation Status Total Invest Yes, 2x 970 kW engine sets Began to - Landfill: operate in RMB 85 October 1998 million -Power generation: 3.5 million US$ Yes, capacity 1.25 MW Plus planned future expansion, for ultimate total of 5.2 MW. Yes, - LFG-generated power is consumed on site - Purified and compressed LFG is supplied to local public vehicles as fuel Yes, Incinerator Operation began July 2003 First LFG recovery in China Hanghzou Tianziling landfill, in JIangsu province Hangzhou Jiangsu LFG to energy project First 3 projects under the MSW national Action Plan Nanjing Shuige landfill Nanjing Jiangsu LFG to energy project An’Shan Yang’ergu Landfill An’Shan Liaoning LFG utilisation project includes power generation and LFG purification and pressurization Ma’anshan landfill Ma’anshan An’Hui LFG collection and clinical waste incineration facility. ENVIRONMENTAL RESOURCES MANAGEMENT The formal operation commenced in August 2003 -landfill: RMB 18 million - Power generation: NA - Landfill: RMB 73 million -Power generation: NA Expected to - Gas be completed collection end of 2003. and incinerator: RMB 6 million yuan CDM UMBRELLA METHODOLOGY FOR MSW PROJECTS IN CHINA 72 Prospective projects planned under the MSW National Action Plan Guangzhou Guandon g LFG recovery project Shanghai N/A LFG managementFirst franchise LFG project Taohuashan Wuxi Landfill in Wuxi, Jiangsu province Jiangsu Er’feishan in Wuhan Wuhan, Hubei province Hubei LFG to energy project. The generation units will be developed and operated by domestic companies LFG management Guangzhou Xingfeng Landfill in Guandong province Shanghai Laogang Landfill Phase III, and Phase IV - Landfill: NA - Power generation: NA - Landfill phase IV: RMB 0.9 billion - Power generation: NR No confirmed report, but possibility of maximum capacity of 10 MW No report of LFG utilization for electricity Some biogas collection running in Jan 2004. Yes, LFG power generation facilities 2 sets of generation units of 970 KW. Construction started in Nov 2003. Commission expected in first quarter of 2004 - Landfill: -Power generation: Power generation plant: RMB 20 Million Reported that LFG electricity generation facilities will be established in the Landfill Landfill Phase I was finished in 2003 3 other phases to be finalised by 2005. Expected power generation half year after commissioni ng - Landfill: RMB 139.6 million – includes 9.4 million euro loan from the Netherlands government -Power generation: NR Phase III finalised Phase IV planned to start in 2004 Other MSW projects Projects currently screened for CDM. Construction - Landfill: - Guangzhou NA planned to Datianshan -Power start from originally generation: March 2003 equipped with 1 and finish in NA set of generators 970 KW. It will be December 2003 equipped with The projects two new sets of generators of 970 have not bee Guangzhou started yet. KW. Datianshan - Guangzhou landfill Likeng, to be equipped with Guangzhou three sets of Likeng generators with landfill capacity of 970 - Zhongshan KW. landfill - Zhongshan to be equipped with two sets of generators with capacity of 970 KW. Note: The table has been compiled with available information and is not a comprehensive description of the situation in China Source: ERM China, January 2004 ‘Landfill Gas Generation Project of Guangdong Province’. Guangzhou Guandon g and Zhongshan ENVIRONMENTAL RESOURCES MANAGEMENT LFG to energy project, currently screened for their potential as one CDM project by the Chinese Renewable Energy Industries Association (CREIA). PIN has been written, CDM UMBRELLA METHODOLOGY FOR MSW PROJECTS IN CHINA 73 Anaerobic Digestion Anaerobic digestion is currently not used for MSW disposal in China, although it has been recognised as a potential solution for organic MSW disposal, given the high organic content of waste in China. Small-scale anaerobic digestion is however used in rural areas in China for agricultural waste. Since the 1970s, China has been promoting the use of underground, individual household scale, anaerobic digesters to process rural organic wastes (farm wastes) and in 1993 there were approximately 5,000,000 households using anaerobic digesters in China. The digesters produce biogas that is used as an energy source by the households, and produces a soilenhancer that is used in agricultural production. 1 . Further analysis should be carried out to ascertain the total amount of waste handled in this way in China, however, data is not easily available, and it can be estimated that this represent a non significant amount compare to China total waste production. It can thus be reasonably estimated that anaerobic digestion technologies should not be part of the sectoral baseline for MSW management projects in China. This assumption should be revised, during the first baseline revision period. Composting There are in total 35 cities in China adopting composting technologies for municipal solid waste (MSW) treatment. The Chinese government and research institutes have developed and promoted certain composting methods and equipment for the disposal of MSW. However, there are still a series of technical and market constraints for the further application of composting techniques and due to these constraints composting facilities in China tend to be small scale. The composting facilities of major cities are described Table 3.6.. Table 4.3 Composting facilities in major cities in China Location Disposal capacity (t/d) Maximum temperature (.C) Operation cost (RMB Yuan/t) Wu Xi Hangzhou 100 15 65 70 18 8~16 Wuhan 100 65 7 Shanghai 300 70 13 Tianjing 50 70 13 Source: Appendixes of National Action Plan According to the appendixes of the MSW Action Plan, these constraints are: • Technical constrains 1 Paul, J. H., 1994, Anaerobic Digestion in Rural China, City Farmer, ENVIRONMENTAL RESOURCES MANAGEMENT CDM UMBRELLA METHODOLOGY FOR MSW PROJECTS IN CHINA 74 • • • The lack of a separate collection for refuse has caused difficulty to conduct composting. The evidence of presence of glass, metal and plastics will greatly affect the quality of the compost. Inefficient composting equipment. Certain technical problems made it difficult to ensure that the composting equipment was able to operate continuously and in a stable manner. This has reduced the composting effects. Market constrains • There market demand for the composting products is very limited. In China, farmers have not realized the advantage and the importance of using organic fertilizer. Currently chemical fertilizers are preferred compared to organic fertilizers alternatives due to the apparent efficiency that the chemical fertilizer seems to bring. The argument made for anaerobic digestion can be made again in view of the limited usage of the technology. Thus it is reasonable to assume that composting and vermin-composting technologies do not need to be included in the baseline methodologies for MSW projects in China. This does not preclude Anaerobic Digestion and Composting projects to be developed as CDM projects, but the additionality criteria for these projects will be based on a comparison with landfill gas practices as the sectoral baseline for MSW management projects in China. 4.3.2 Sectoral context for the Gas usage component of the project There are a series of options available for using the gas generated by MSW treatment, depending on the usage planned the project developer will have to analyse the sectors that his project will affect. A series of options have been identified and are provided as examples with the type of sectoral analysis that needs to be carried out in each case. This list is not exhaustive and is given only as an indicative example of the type of studies a project developer needs to carry out to have a clear picture of the sector that his project will be affecting: 1. Grid connected electricity generation • need to analyse the regional or National electricity sector 2. Off-grid electricity generation • need to analyse the type and origin of the electricity that will be displaced by the electricity generated by the sub-project 3. Use of gas as fuel transport alternative • Need to analyse the transport sector and what types of fuel are being used and that will be displaced by the gas Table 4.2above shows how the various options have been implemented in the existing MSW management projects in China. ENVIRONMENTAL RESOURCES MANAGEMENT CDM UMBRELLA METHODOLOGY FOR MSW PROJECTS IN CHINA 75 4.4 PROJECT ELIGIBILITY ANALYSIS IN RELATION TO CDM 4.4.1 Additionality The CDM additionality criteria means that a project developer needs to ensure that his project will reduce greenhouse gas emissions below what would have happen in the absence of the project activity. This means that he needs to estimate what would happen in the future if his project would not be implemented, this scenario is called the baseline scenario. The Marrakech accords, in the definition of the rules for CDM, provide the definition of the additionality concept, in line with the Kyoto protocol definition, see Box 4.1. Box 4.1 Marrakech Accords definition of Additionality concept Definition of Additionality concept ‘A CDM project activity is additional if anthropogenic emissions of greenhouse gases by sources are reduced below those that would have occurred in the absence of the registered CDM project activity.’ Source: UNFCCC The Marrakech Accords & The Marrakech Declaration (Decision 17/CP.7, #43) In this Umbrella approach we recommend that as the first step of the CDM design, and before starting any complex analysis, the project developers need to carry out a pre-feasibility study to assess whether their project has the potential to be considered additional. In light of the difficulty to interpret the additionality criteria, the CDM Executive Board1 has provided examples of tools that may be used to demonstrate that a project activity is additional and therefore not the baseline scenario, these include, among others: e) A flow-chart or series of questions that lead to a narrowing of potential baseline options; f) A qualitative or quantitative assessment of different potential options and an indication of why the non-project option is more likely; and/or g) A qualitative or quantitative assessment of one or more barriers facing the proposed project activity (such as those laid out for small-scale CDM projects); and/or h) An indication that the project type is not common practice (e.g. occurs in less than [<x%] of similar cases) in the proposed area of implementation, and not required by a Party’s legislation/regulations. In the pre-feasibility study the project developer will have to assess how to best demonstrate the additionality criteria in view of the specific circumstances of the project and through the additionality tools recommended above. 1 The recommendation was made at the 10th session of the CDM EB. The Executive Board recommendations also state that the tool used in order to demonstrate additionality does not need to be linked to one of the three baseline approaches of paragraph 48 of the CDM modalities and procedures. ENVIRONMENTAL RESOURCES MANAGEMENT CDM UMBRELLA METHODOLOGY FOR MSW PROJECTS IN CHINA 76 For each project, the additionality analysis will have to take into account the MSW policies and recommendations in China, and there will be a need to carry out an analysis of existing barriers that might hinder the development of MSW management projects in specific cities and provinces. In light of the diversity of situation in different provinces and cities an argument could also be made for making a distinction between provinces and capital cities, depending on their MSW practices, and any barriers hindering MSW project implementation. Following the additionality tools proposed by the CDM EB, the project developer also has the option to assess, qualitatively or quantitatively, different potential options, or to provide and indication of why the non-project option is more likely. ERM’s study has shown that China's largest cities have already started improving landfill management as part of their modernisation and best practices. This has taken place through the development of the National Action Plan for Municipal Solid Waste Management, published in October 2002. As noted, the action plan sets recommendations for MSW management in China, and is not a mandatory policy. Moreover, a series of barriers have been identified that might hinder the implementation of the plan recommendations, in particular investment barriers should be analysed. The Plan emphasizes the importance to construct multiple financial channels to implement its recommendations, especially international assistant (e.g. GEF, ODA) and private participation. The case could be made to SEPA and the Designated National Authority that the additional finance from CDM credits could be part of this multiple financial channel. The development of MSW management projects in China is in its early phase, with only a series of landfill gas-to-energy facilities identified for all of China (see table ). Among which three, located in Hangzhou, Guangzhou and Nanjing, respectively, were implemented under the MSW national action plan by end 2003. The additionality issues, and various additionality criteria options, for MSW projects in China are summarised in Box 4.2 Box 4.2 Additionality issues for MSW CDM projects in China Provincial and Cities differences: In view of the size of China and the major differences between provinces and cities, there could be an argument for the baseline differentiate among provinces and cities, by emphasising specific barriers that might exist in on province, or by common MSW technologies in the region. National policy context: National Action Plan for Municipal Solid Waste Management The MSW National Action Plan sets recommendations for landfill gas recovery and gas utilisation in China. The plan provides recommendations and is not a mandatory regulation, however, it will have to be taken into account when defining the project additionality. In the existing CDM experience there have been examples of policy recommendations that have made the demonstration of additionality more difficult and required from the project developer to ENVIRONMENTAL RESOURCES MANAGEMENT CDM UMBRELLA METHODOLOGY FOR MSW PROJECTS IN CHINA 77 provide strong and convincing evidence of the claims for additionality. To address this issue, an analysis of the barriers that might hinder the implementation of the plan recommendations is recommended. Among those barriers, investment barriers should be analysed with particular attention. Barriers Analysis: additionality will be influenced by the analysis of barriers which might exist in different provinces and cities across China that could hinder the development of improved MSW projects. Such barriers could include: • Investment barriers: lack of available investment for MSW projects without CDM • Policy, legislation and planning barriers: such as grid connection policies for biomass power plants • Institutional barriers: difficulties in coordination among different government departments in developing MSW treatment projects • Project financial barriers, operational economic barriers: Electricity purchase price or Tax issues • Technology and equipment availability barriers • Environmental barriers: Waste produced by the MSW treatment projects Critical mass: Over time, there will only be a certain amount of MSW management and energy production projects using similar technologies that will be considered additional in each region as, over time, additionality for this type of technology will be more difficult to defend. However in light of the current status of MSW in China and the size of the country, it is expected that it will take a long time before the use of efficient MSW technologies, such as managed landfills, anaerobic digestion or composting, will become common practice. Thus, the baseline is not likely to shift during at least a decade during which the investors would buy the carbon offsets1. Source: ERM, January 2004 The issue of additionality is considered in parallel with the Sectoral Baseline in section 4.5 below. 4.4.2 Chinese Sustainable Development definition As explained in the CDM description, to comply with CDM rules the project needs to demonstrate that it will promote the sustainable development objectives of China. According to the Office of National Coordination Committee on Climate Change, the general criteria of Substantial Development is that CDM projects shall comply with and support the prior development areas in the Substantial Development strategy of National and Local governments, especially those priority technology development areas in the 10th Five Year Plan. In particular, the criteria could be concluded as following: • • • Be beneficial for the transfer of technology and special knowledge; Provide environment benefits; Enhance the health of the public and workers; 1 There are no explicit criteria stating what number of similar projects must first take place before reaching the threshold for the additionality criteria, this is a matter of argument for each project developer in each region and each project type. No simple answer is possible. ENVIRONMENTAL RESOURCES MANAGEMENT CDM UMBRELLA METHODOLOGY FOR MSW PROJECTS IN CHINA 78 • • Provide social benefits; Provide external social benefits, like reduce the reliance on foreign technologies. The analysis will be done on a project by project basis and the decision of whether a CDM project fits with the criteria will be judged through approval by the Government, evaluation by the Experts or through stakeholders comments. The project developer needs to receive a written approval from the Chinese authorities, the Designated National Authority, ensuring the project is in line with China sustainable development objectives and with CDM rules for CDM. 4.4.3 Sources of Funding The project developer needs to confirm that the project funding will not involve official development assistance (ODA) funds and provide verifiable information on the sources of the project funding for the Operating entity to validate this claim. 4.5 BASELINE STUDY FOR MSW PROJECTS IN CHINA 4.5.1 Issues on MSW baselines determination The baseline study, the baseline determination analysis recommended below, should only be undertaken if the pre-feasibility determination of additionality and sustainability (sections 4.4.1 and 4.4.2) for the project is positive. After having clearly described the project and analysed the context of the project’s sector of activities, the project developer needs to select the appropriate baseline approach and methodology that will allow him to calculate the baseline scenario that apply to his project. The key question the project developer needs to answer when it chooses and develops the baseline scenario, is ‘what would have happen if his project were not to take place?’. This is linked to the additionality concept introduced in section 4.4.1, which required that the project reduces greenhouse gas emissions below the baseline scenario. One must distinguished between two important steps in the baseline design: the baseline approach and the baseline methodology. • The baseline approach is the basis for a baseline methodology. The three approaches identified in sub-paragraphs 48 (a) to (c) of the CDM modalities and procedures (see Box 4.3). are, according to the CDM EB, to be the only ones applicable to CDM project activities; • While a baseline methodology is the application of an approach as defined in paragraph 48 of the CDM modalities and procedures, to an ENVIRONMENTAL RESOURCES MANAGEMENT CDM UMBRELLA METHODOLOGY FOR MSW PROJECTS IN CHINA 79 individual project activity, reflecting aspects such as sector and region. No methodology is excluded a priori so that project participants have the opportunity to propose a methodology or to use an approved one. Box 4.3 Marrakesh Accords Baseline Methodologies Paragraph 48: Criteria for CDM baseline methodology In choosing the baseline methodology, participants shall select from among the following approaches the one deemed more appropriate for the project activity and justify their choice: a) Existing or actual emissions, as applicable; or b) Emissions from a technology that represents an economically attractive course of action, taking into account barriers to investment; or c) The average emissions of similar project activities undertaken in the previous 5 years, in similar social, economical, environmental and technological circumstances and whose performance is among the top 20 per cent of their category. Source: UNFCCC The Marrakesh Accords & The Marrakesh Declaration Decision 17/CP.7, #48 There are two options to develop the baseline study. The first option is to use a methodology approved by the CDM EB. In this case, projects’s participants have implicitly chosen an approach, as it is defined in the approved methodology. The baseline methodologies for MSW projects approved by the CDM EB include1: • ‘Greenhouse gas emission reductions through landfill gas capture and flaring where the baseline is established by a public concession contract’ AM0002 - Salvador Da Bahia landfill gas project o Approach used: ‘Emissions from a technology that represents an economically attractive course of action, taking into account barriers to investment.’ (Art 48b) • ‘Simplified financial analysis for landfill gas capture projects’ AM003 – Based on NM0005-rev: Nova Gerar Landfill gas to energy project in Brazil o Approach used for MSW management and for generation of electricity components: ‘Emissions from a technology that represents an economically attractive course of action, taking into account barriers to investment.’ (Art 48b) • ‘Cost and Investment Analysis for Electricity Auto-Generation’ (e.g. by municipalities) – Based on based on NM0010-rev, Durban landfill gas to electricity project in South Africa o Approach used: ‘Emissions from a technology that represents an economically attractive course of action, taking into account barriers to investment’ (Art 48b). A cost based analysis investment analysis is used to determine the baseline scenarios. 1 The methodologies can be found on the UNFCCC web site at: and ENVIRONMENTAL RESOURCES MANAGEMENT CDM UMBRELLA METHODOLOGY FOR MSW PROJECTS IN CHINA 80 • ‘Cerupt methodology for landfill gas recovery’ – Based on NM0021: Onyx gas recovery project, Brazil o Approach used: Emissions from a technology that represents an economically attractive course of action, taking into account barriers to investment (Art 48b) A summary of these methodologies is provided in Annex B . The project developer should also check the UNFCC CDM web site to verify if any new methodology that might be more relevant to his project has been approved by the CDM Executive Board. Currently, other MSW methodologies that are being reviewed include1: • • NM0022: Methane capture from swine manure treatment Peralillo NM0032: Municipal Solid Waste Treatment cum Energy Generation, Lucknow, India The second option, if none of the approved methodologies apply to the project, is to develop a new methodology for the project. In this case, the first step in the baseline study is to select the baseline approach among the three proposed in paragraph 48 (see box 4.3), and once this is done to develop the new methodology according to the CDM Executive Board requirements, Box 4.4. Developing a new methodology can be a stand-alone process which must be completed on the critical path of project development, for the first MSW CDM projects in China. The requirements for developing a new methodology are provided by the CDM Executive Board, Box 4.5 gives a summary of the main requirements. 1 The methodologies can be found on the web sit: ENVIRONMENTAL RESOURCES MANAGEMENT CDM UMBRELLA METHODOLOGY FOR MSW PROJECTS IN CHINA 81 Box 4.4 Steps for developing a new baseline methodology Main steps in developing a new baseline methodology 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 4.5.2 Title of the proposed methodology: Description of the methodology: 2.1. General approach (Please check the appropriate option(s)) o Existing actual or historical emissions, as applicable; o Emissions from a technology that represents an economically attractive course of action, taking into account barriers to investment; o The average emissions of similar project activities undertaken in the previous five years, in similar social, economic, environmental and technological circumstances, and whose performance is among the top 20 per cent of their category. 2.2. Overall description (other characteristics of the approach): Key parameters/assumptions (including emission factors and activity levels), and data sources considered and used: Definition of the project boundary related to the baseline methodology: Describe and justify the project boundary bearing in mind that it shall encompass all anthropogenic emissions by sources of greenhouse gases under the control of the project participants that are significant and reasonably attributable to the project activity. Please describe and justify which gases and sources included in Annex A of the Kyoto Protocol are included in the boundary and outside the boundary. Assessment of uncertainties: Indicate uncertainty factors and how those uncertainties are to be addressed Description of how the baseline methodology addresses the calculation of baseline emissions and the determination of project additionality: Description of how the baseline methodology addresses any potential leakage of the project activity: Leakage is defined as the net change of anthropogenic emissions by sources of greenhouse gases which occurs outside the project boundary and which is measurable and attributable to the CDM project activity. Criteria used in developing the proposed baseline methodology, including an explanation of how the baseline methodology was developed in a transparent and conservative manner: Assessment of strengths and weaknesses of the baseline methodology: Other considerations, such as a description of how national and/or sectoral policies and circumstances have been taken into account: Choice of appropriate baseline approaches and methodology for MSW projects in China Based on the MSW context analysis in China, it has been establish that it is reasonably to estimate that anaerobic digestion and composting technologies should not be part of the baseline for MSW management projects in China. This assumption should be revised, during the first baseline revision period. This does not preclude Anaerobic Digestion and Composting projects to be developed as CDM projects, but the additionality criteria for these projects will be based on landfill gas practices as the alternatives scenario for MSW management projects in China. This section provides recommendation to project developers on how to choose the baseline approach appropriate to their project and the methodology to calculate the baseline adapted to their project characteristics. As mentioned above, there are two main options for the baseline study, a project developer can either use a methodology that has been approved by the CDM Executive Board, or he can develop and propose a new methodology to the CDM Executive Board. In both cases, when developing the baseline study, the project developer must ensure that he provides clear and transparent ENVIRONMENTAL RESOURCES MANAGEMENT CDM UMBRELLA METHODOLOGY FOR MSW PROJECTS IN CHINA 82 reasons for his choice and that he justifies the approach and methodology that he chooses to apply. A distinction should be made between the different possible types of MSW projects. The proposed approach is schematised in the chart flow below. Figure 4.1 Flow Chart of Baseline for CDM MSW projects in China China MSW Context Sector and Policy Context MSW National Action Plan Common practice LFG with no partial recovery of gas LFG recovery and electricity generation recovery Barriers LFG recovery with alternative energy recovery Baselines and additionality APPROACH Emissions from a technology that represents an economically attractive course of action, taking into account barriers to investment (option 48 b) Baselines and additionality METHODOLOGY Project baseline and additionality methodology 1 Project baseline and additionality methodology 2 Project baseline and additionality Methodology 3 Project baseline and additionality Methodology 4 Approved methodology “Cerupt methodology for landfill gas recovery” (NM0021) - Using barriers analysis and common practice in the province as reference Approved methodology “Simplified financial analysis for landfill gas capture projects” (based on NM0005-rev) - with 20% discount factor “Cost and Investment Analysis for Electricity Auto-Generation” (e.g. by municipalities) – powerpurchase agreements New methodology Applying baseline and additionality methodology to Project types Project Type I Landfill Gas LFG recovery Emission reductions calculation MVP LFG & Power purchase agreement Emission reductions calculation MVP Project Type II Anaerobic Digestion LFG & Electricity generation Emission reductions calculation MVP LFG & Transport fuel Emission reductions calculation MVP Biogas & Electricity generation Emission reductions calculation MVP Biogas & Power purchase agreement Emission reductions calculation MVP Biogas & Transport fuel Emission reductions calculation MVP Project Type III Composting Vermicomposting Emission reduction calculation - MVP Waste management Emission reductions calculation MVP MSW management baseline study In view of the existence of MSW policy requirements in China (section 4.3), the differences of MSW management practices in various provinces and cities, and the early stage of implementation of efficient MSW management approaches ENVIRONMENTAL RESOURCES MANAGEMENT CDM UMBRELLA METHODOLOGY FOR MSW PROJECTS IN CHINA 83 in China, under this MSW umbrella approach, it is recommended to use for the baseline the approach 48b: • Emissions from a technology that represents an economically attractive course of action, taking into account barriers to investment. Having selected the baseline approach, a series of options for MSW baselines methodologies are available under the Umbrella approach. The simplest option, if applicable, is to select one of the methodologies approved by the CDM EB (see Annex B). However, the approved methodologies are specific to given project characteristics, thus a series of approved methodologies relevant to the MSW situation in China have been selected. The project developers will have to choose among these which is more relevant to the type of project being developed. For new landfill gas projects, or for those projects where no partial capture of LFG is taking place in an existing landfill, the methodology recommended under the umbrella approach is: • ‘Cerupt methodology for landfill gas recovery’ - Based on NM0021: Onyx gas recovery project, Brazil For those projects based on existing landfills where methane is already partially captured, or if the project is planning to generate electricity, it is recommended to follow the approved methodology: • ‘Simplified financial analysis for landfill gas capture projects’ - based on NM0005-rev: Nova Gerar Landfill gas to energy project in Brazil In the very specific case of a project generating electricity under a power purchase agreement the following methodology can be envisaged: • ‘Cost and Investment Analysis for Electricity Auto-Generation’ (e.g. by municipalities) – Based on based on NM0010-rev, Durban landfill gas to electricity project in South Africa. If none of these methodologies apply, the project developer will have to envisage developing a new methodology. In particular, no approved baseline methodology exists for the utilization of land fill gas, or anaerobic gas as alternative transport fuel. Similarly no approved baseline methodology exists for composting project. For such types of projects a new methodology will have to be developed. Cerupt methodology for landfill gas recovery This methodology is designed specifically for landfill gas recovery projects, and foresees the determination of a baseline in those cases where no capture of LFG is foreseen. This methodology does not provide guidance for projects where methane is partially captured in the baseline scenario. ENVIRONMENTAL RESOURCES MANAGEMENT CDM UMBRELLA METHODOLOGY FOR MSW PROJECTS IN CHINA 84 As a starting point, the methodology assumes that it is accepted for LFG CDM projects to use the volume of the LFG actually captured as a conservative indication of the volume of gas(es) that would have been emitted without the project, and a financial economic test is used to determine whether this baseline may be applied. It calculates avoided GHG emissions ex post by measuring the captured methane. This methodology emphasizes the use of economic and financial criteria to determine whether the proposed project activity is additional and next a key factor analysis to establish the baseline scenario and calculate baseline emissions. Sequence in the analysis is: • • determine project additionality. determine baseline scenario. The methodology recommends using economic and financial criteria to determine whether the proposed project activity is additional, while it also investigates the regulatory framework to see whether any future legal obligation would enforce the project to take place anyway, it analyses the common MSW practice in the host country, Brazil in this case, and it assesses the project barriers. This approach covers the additionality issues for MSW in China identified in Section 4.4.1. In the CERUPT methodology the Project additionality is determined in three steps: • • • Step 1: Assessment of legal requirements. Step 2: Assessment of economic attractive courses of action. Step 3: Assessment of barriers and common practice. In Step 1, the methodology recommends to carry out a policy context analysis, and stipulates that an LFG recovery project is not additional if it complies with any existing or foreseeable – at least for the duration of the crediting time – legislation. To carry out this analysis refer to the policy context analysis in Section 4.3. In Step 2, the baseline methodology prescribes to develop several economic alternatives for the particular landfill site in order to determine what would have the most logical course of action to determine the additionality. For MSW projects in China, the following alternative scenarios are proposed: 1. Reference scenario 1: open landfills without gas recovery, based on the assumptions that 70% of the existing landfill sites in China in 2000 were open dumps 2. Reference scenario 2: for existing landfills, BAU situation describing local specific situations with or without energy recovery ENVIRONMENTAL RESOURCES MANAGEMENT CDM UMBRELLA METHODOLOGY FOR MSW PROJECTS IN CHINA 85 3. Scenario 3: landfill gas recovery with utilization of the gas as recommended in the MSW national action plan. 4. Scenario 4: Composting of municipal solid waste to partially replace the current landfilling operation 5. Scenario 5: Construction and operation of anaerobic digestion plant with or without gas utilization 6. Scenario 6: Construction and operation of a waste incineration facility to partially replace the current landfilling operation The project developer will have to choose which among these scenarios are realistic in the circumstances of the specific project and develop a detailed scenario analysis for them. These scenarios must then be compared by making a long term cost calculation, assuming no or little income from electricity generation. In case income from electricity generation is considerable, IRR calculation should be used (or refer to following recommended methodology ‘Simplified financial analysis for landfill gas capture projects’). If the economic or financial analysis shows that the proposed CDM project activity has higher cost, i.e. lower IRR than one of the other scenarios, it is considered to be additional. The application of the methodology to the gas project in Brazil, for which the methodology was developed, identified the following alternative scenarios: • • Reference scenario 1: LFG is vented to reduce the risk of explosions. The LFG is emitted into the atmosphere. This is required by law. Scenario 2: Extract and use the LFG as a fuel for a separate leachate evaporation installation and flare excess LFG Based on the additionality analysis, the baseline scenario identified for the particular landfill site is to vent the LFG, the economic alternative 1. On that basis, the project developer has developed a first order decay model to estimate the production of LFG and consequently to estimate the amount of CERs. In Step 3, a barriers analysis is carried out. In particular, in cases where the CDM project activity raises income from electricity generation, financial analysis might point out that the project scenario has higher IRR than one of the other scenarios. However, situations exist that justify that ‘the proposed CDM project activity’ is additional even if it is the most attractive course of action based on the economic or financial analysis. This methodology identifies two procedures to determine that without the ability to register under the CDM, the proposed project activity would be, or would have been, unlikely to occur. Barriers to investment can require that the risks of the proposed project be mitigated by relying on benefits related to registration of the proposed project activity under the CDM. Such barriers can be identified in countries where no ENVIRONMENTAL RESOURCES MANAGEMENT CDM UMBRELLA METHODOLOGY FOR MSW PROJECTS IN CHINA 86 developed markets exist. Barriers must be clearly identified, justified, and documented. Possible barriers are: a. Investment barrier: the absence of access to capital in undeveloped markets to finance the proposed project activity would have led to higher emissions; b. Technological barrier: a less technologically advanced alternative to the project activity involves lower risks due to the performance uncertainty or low market share of the new technology adopted for the project activity and so would have led to higher emissions; c. Barrier due to prevailing practice: prevailing practice or existing regulatory or policy requirements would have led to implementation of a technology with higher emissions; d. Other barriers: without the project activity, for another specific reason identified by the project participant, such as institutional barriers or limited information, managerial resources, organizational capacity, financial resources, or capacity to absorb new technologies, emissions would have been higher. In case the project scenario is economically the most attractive course of action compared to the other scenarios, the second approach recommended under step 3, is to assess the common practice for MSW in the region were the project will be implemented. The methodology recommends that a project that is economically the most attractive course of action can be additional if there is an indication that the project type is not common practice (e.g. occurs in less than 5 percent of similar cases) in the proposed area of implementation, and is not required by recent/pending legislation/regulations. The baseline scenario is the scenario that is most likely to occur in absence of the proposed project. I.e. from the above analysis it is either: • • the scenario with the lowest cost / highest IRR. the scenario that would occur after considering common practice or the barriers to investment. Simplified financial analysis for landfill gas capture projects For those projects planning to generate electricity, the following approved methodology is recommended: • ‘Simplified financial analysis for landfill gas capture projects’ (with 20% discount factor) - based on NM0005-rev: Nova Gerar Landfill gas to energy project in Brazil. The methodology assumes that the business-as-usual scenario is the only other plausible alternative scenario to the propose project activity, and requires the application of a 20% discount factor to ensure the conservativeness of the baseline and to account for any changes in regulations during the first crediting period of the project. ENVIRONMENTAL RESOURCES MANAGEMENT CDM UMBRELLA METHODOLOGY FOR MSW PROJECTS IN CHINA 87 The methodology is applied in two steps: • Step 1: Additionality is assessed by analysing the economic attractiveness of the project alternative without the revenue from carbon credits using an IRR calculation and comparing the results with a reasonable expected return on investment in the host country. The project is additional if the project IRR is clearly and significantly lower than the IRR in the host country. • Step 2: The baseline scenario is determined based on an analysis of current practices and current and foreseeable regulations in the waste management sector, or the business as usual situation. The IRR calculation must be conservative and use the incremental investment as well as operation, maintenance and all other costs of upgrading the BAU scenario to the proposed project activity, and it must include all revenues generated by the project activity except carbon revenues. An IRR is calculated conservatively, if assumptions made tend to result in a rather higher than a lower IRR. The baseline scenario is defined as the most likely future scenario in the absence of the proposed CDM project activity. Establishing this future scenario requires an analysis and comparison of possible future scenarios using a comparison methodology that is justified for the project circumstances. The alternative scenarios identified for MSW projects in China as the same as those under the CERUPt Methodology: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Reference scenario1: open landfills without gas recovery, based on the assumptions that 70% of the existing landfill sites in China in 2000 were open dumps Reference scenario 2: for existing landfills, BAU situation describing local specific situations with or without energy recovery Scenario 3: landfill gas recovery with utilization of the gas as recommended in the MSW national action plan. Scenario 4: Composting of municipal solid waste to partially replace the current landfilling operation Scenario 5: Construction and operation of anaerobic digestion plant with or without gas utilization Scenario 6: Construction and operation of a waste incineration facility to partially replace the current landfilling operation In order to select which are the plausible scenarios that provide an alternative to the proposed project, an analysis of existing legislation and common practice in the region is carried. The alternative scenarios which are found to be un-realistic are excluded. The scenario selection should be clearly justified, and the MSW policy and sector’s context analysis should be used to justify this choice. This methodology assumes that after the selection, the business-asENVIRONMENTAL RESOURCES MANAGEMENT CDM UMBRELLA METHODOLOGY FOR MSW PROJECTS IN CHINA 88 usual scenario is the only other plausible alternative scenario to the propose project activity. This will have to be demonstrated for the MSW project in China. The two plausible scenarios must then be analysed and compared through a financial analysis, the aim is to determine whether the project is an economically attractive course of action compared to the BAU situation. If it can be proven that the project is not an economically attractive course of action, the only remaining plausible baseline scenario is Alternative 1, i.e. the continuation of the status quo (BAU) without any LFG treatment. The methodology assumes that the main potential financial returns derived from the collection of gas is the sale of electricity, the feasibility of this type of project is, thus, dependent on factors related to energy sector and to the decentralisation of electricity generation. A sectoral analysis of the energy sector is required to identify the characteristic of the energy grid and factors that will affect the project financial performance. This will include analysing the sources of energy production, the projected expansion plans, historical tariffs, agreements for selling electricity to the grid and associated risks, Having identified the BAU situation as the baseline scenario, the methodology recognises that the main determinants of this baseline are landfill regulations applicable to the site and the economics of landfill gas utilization. Furthermore, the methodology recognises that it is possible that future regulatory requirements for landfills in Brazil will necessitate some level of LFG collection in the baseline scenario. If this occurs, the future baseline scenario will include compliance with such regulations. Thus, in the interests of conservatism, and to enhance the environmental integrity of the proposed project, the methodology requires that all emission reductions arising from the project shall be discounted by 20%. The project crediting time is proposed to be 3 times 7 years, and it is anticipated that by discounting emission reductions by 20% the project will account for any regulatory changes, or improvements in waste management practice over the first 7 years of the project. The baseline assumptions will then be revisited every 7 years to ensure that the assumptions made in the baseline scenario still hold true, or they will be revised accordingly. Through this approach the methodology captures the introduction of host country legislation regarding the collection and flaring of landfill gas, or the improvement of the best practice benchmark. The application of the methodology to the NovaGerar Brazilian project identified the alternatives scenarios for the Brazilian landfills as: • Alternative 1: The landfill operator could continue the current business as usual practice of not collecting and flaring landfill gas from his waste ENVIRONMENTAL RESOURCES MANAGEMENT CDM UMBRELLA METHODOLOGY FOR MSW PROJECTS IN CHINA 89 • • operations. In this case, no power would be generated at the sites and the power system would remain unaffected. Alternative 2: The landfill operator would invest in some LFG collection and flaring but not in power generation. The power system would remain unaffected. Alternative 3: The landfill operator would invest in power generation from LFG (the proposed project activity). The operation would marginally reduce the generation of power for other grid-connected sources. The comparison analysis identified the baseline scenario as the continued uncontrolled release of landfill gas to the atmosphere, similarly to most landfills in Brazil. The results of the financial analysis conducted clearly show that that implementation of this type of project is not the economically most attractive course of action, thus, the analysis concludes this kind of project is not part of the baseline scenario, and the NovaGerar Project is additional. Cost and Investment Analysis for Electricity Auto-Generation For projects planning to generate electricity under a power purchase agreement, ensuring a pre-determined electricity price, the following approved methodology can be used: • ‘Cost and Investment Analysis for Electricity Auto-Generation’ (e.g. by municipalities) – Based on based on NM0010-rev, Durban landfill gas to electricity project in South Africa. The methodology is a simplified application of investment analysis based on current and future electricity prices paid by the decision maker. However, it has very restrictive requirement for its application and the project developers will have to ensure that they comply with all the conditions before implementing this methodology. The methodology is only valid to determine the most likely baseline scenario under the following conditions: A) The set of plausible alternative scenarios is comprised of two alternatives only: (1) the proposed auto-generation of electricity, and (2) the BAU scenario or an investment option unrelated to power generation. B) Purchase of a significant amount of electricity by the project proponent from electricity suppliers (e.g. national utility) at predetermined electricity prices, e.g. a power purchase agreement. C) The baseline and monitoring methodologies are complementary in the sense that monitoring identifies relevant elements of the baseline scenario that are not (fully) determined ex ante and described for the baseline scenario, such as future regulations and electricity prices. Under these assumptions, the project would not be implemented and thus is additional if the auto-generation costs exceed expected market prices. ENVIRONMENTAL RESOURCES MANAGEMENT CDM UMBRELLA METHODOLOGY FOR MSW PROJECTS IN CHINA 90 The baseline methodology requires limited specific information, the correctness of which is to be confirmed by a Designated Operational Entity. Moreover, it does not require information on emissions factors and activity levels as well as future regulation, as these can be monitored in real time or calculated ex post during project operation, nor does it include a barriers analysis. The information required is at least: • • • 4.6 Conservative cost calculation for the proposed project (as explained above). Data sources: Project proponent, feasibility study, and other relevant project planning information. Information on power prices paid by the auto-generator. Data sources: PPAs, market data. Information on key factors with an impact on future electricity prices (unless directly monitored), such as power sector conditions, system expansion options, LRMC, technologies. Data source: National utility or sector planning authority, information from technology suppliers, independent experts, planned power projects in the country etc. DURATION OF THE PROJECT ACTIVITY AND CREDITING PERIOD As an important aspect of the project description the project developer needs to describe the expected duration of the project. This has a direct implication on the length of time emission reduction credits will be generated. The time period during which the project is expecting to be credited with emission reduction is called the crediting period. The crediting period is ‘the period for which reductions from the baseline are verified and certified by a designated Operational Entity for the purpose of issuance of Certified Emission Reductions (CERs).’1 It is up to the project developer to determine this crediting period, according to certain rules and criteria laid out by the CDM Executive Board: • • • 1 The starting date of a crediting period needs to be after the date the first emission reductions are generated by the CDM project activity. A crediting period cannot extend beyond the operational lifetime of the project activity. The project participants may choose between two options for the length of a crediting period: it may be a fixed crediting period (for 10 years) or a renewable crediting period (baseline revised every 7 years, up to two times). This is in line with the Marrakesh accords requirements, see Box 4.5. Glossary of terms used in the CDM project design document, ENVIRONMENTAL RESOURCES MANAGEMENT CDM UMBRELLA METHODOLOGY FOR MSW PROJECTS IN CHINA 91 Box 4.5 Marrakech Accords requirements for Crediting Period Criteria for CDM baseline methodology Project participants shall select the crediting period for a project activity from on of the two alternatives • A maximum of 7 years which may be reviewed at most two times, provided that the validity of the original baseline or updated baseline is assessed by an OE. • A maximum of 10 years with no option of renewal Source: UNFCCC The Marrakesh Accords & The Marrakesh Declaration (decisions 48/Add2) In the case of a ‘fixed crediting period’, the length and starting date of the period is determined once for a project activity with no possibility of renewal or extension once the project activity has been registered. The length of the period can be a maximum of ten years for a proposed CDM project activity. In the case of a ‘renewable crediting period’, a single crediting period may be of a maximum of seven years. The crediting period may be renewed at most two times (maximum 21 years), provided that, for each renewal, a designated Operational Entity determines that the original project baseline is still valid or has been updated taking account of new data, where applicable, and informs the Executive Board accordingly. The project developer must be aware that the starting date and length of the first crediting period has to be determined before registration of the project as a CDM project with the Executive Board.). Moreover when defining crediting period there are four main types of variation over time 1 that can be considered. 1. Constant or no revision baseline: parameters do not vary over crediting lifetime, which values are set on the project start date; 2. Time-varying, no revision baseline: parameters vary over crediting lifetime according to calculations agreed at the start of the project date; 3. Constant, periodic revision baseline: parameters do not vary during the periods, but values are revised at given times in the project life time, the length of the period may be or may not be equal; 4. Time-varying, periodic revision baselines: parameters may vary over given periods according to calculations agreed at the project start date, the parameter variation can change and be re-agreed upon at the beginning of each new period. When deciding which option to choose, it is important to note that at each renewal period, the baseline will have to be revalidated by an Operational Entity. CDM project activities opting for a renewable crediting period could obtain CERs from the project for a longer period of time. However, as the baseline needs to be reviewed and go through a new validation process, the project runs the risk of having its baseline reviewed or not re-approved. The project developer needs to take into account the possibility of the revision of the baseline and the impacts it could have on the amount of expected emission 1 Guidance for UK Emission Trading Projects, UK DTI, April 2002 ENVIRONMENTAL RESOURCES MANAGEMENT CDM UMBRELLA METHODOLOGY FOR MSW PROJECTS IN CHINA 92 reduction in the revised periods. It should also assess the risks of the project not being considered additional in the following crediting periods. 4.7 CALCULATING BASELINE EMISSIONS AND EXPECTED PROJECT’S EMISSION REDUCTIONS At this stage having identified the project baseline, the general approach is to estimate the baseline emissions and the project’s emissions. This will then allow calculating the expected emissions reductions as the difference between the baseline and the projects emissions and taking . ER = (Baseline emissions – projects emissions) - leakages. However, in MSW management projects there is a specific aspect that simplifies this calculation, as it can be assumed that project emissions from conversion of methane from organic source into CO2 can be considered nil, this is explained in the paragraphs below . For Landfill gas facilities it is agreed that the destruction of methane in flares and engines will lead to a conversion of methane emissions to CO2 emissions. In anaerobic digestion installation the methane produces is converted in CO2 in the energy generator. While in composting installations only CO2 emissions are emitted. In all these cases, the methane or the CO2 originates from organic material that can be classified as biomass, and the CO2 emissions originating from biomass forms part of the natural organic CO2 cycle. Thus, the CO2 emissions resulting from the flaring or electricity generation of this methane, or from composting, do not contribute to climate change, and as such do not have to be accounted for as project emissions. This means that for MSW projects involving transformation of organic material, project emissions are nil. Treatment of project emissions as nil under these conditions was assumed in two baseline methodologies which have been approved by the CDM Executive Board1. Thus for all projects that utilize or flare the landfill gas recovered, the calculation of project emission reductions (ER) is equal to the baseline emissions minus nil. In practice this will equivalent to the amount of LFG extracted from the landfill. ER = (Baseline emissions – 0) - leakage. In case the energy generation displaces other energy sources, emission reductions from these sources will have to be accounted for separately, and added to the emission reductions from methane recovery. 1 ‘Simplified financial analysis for landfill gas capture projects’ with 20% discount - based on NM0005-rev: Nova Gerar Landfill gas to energy project in Brazil and • ‘Cost and Investment Analysis for Electricity Auto-Generation’ (e.g. by municipalities) – Based on based on NM0010-rev, Durban landfill gas to electricity project in South Africa. ENVIRONMENTAL RESOURCES MANAGEMENT CDM UMBRELLA METHODOLOGY FOR MSW PROJECTS IN CHINA 93 This section provides recommendations on how to estimate the baseline emissions for the various baseline methodologies proposed and how to take into account potential leakages. These methods can be used to calculate a gross estimate of the expected baseline emissions; however, it might be necessary to use more specific parameters from the project to calculate a more accurate estimation of the baseline emissions. 4.7.1 Landfill gas recovery without energy generation After the completion of the landfill gas project, the baseline emissions can be determined ex post by monitoring the amount of LFG extracted. During the baseline study, an estimation of baseline emissions ex ante is necessary to assess the expected emission reductions. To calculate the expected emissions from the landfill gas operations we recommend using the IPCC formulas provided in the ‘Revised 1996 IPCC Guidelines for National Greenhouse Gas Inventories’. . The IPCC Equations for calculation of emissions from landfill gas operations provided below use default values for parameters defining landfill gas characteristics, however, if the project developer can supply specific factors for those parameters based on their project characteristic, those should be given preference. This approach is used in the baseline methodology ‘Cerupt methodology for landfill gas recoverynt regional baseline study’. A first model decay1 is recommended for the estimation of methane to be emitted through time: Qx = L0.R.(e-ke-ekt) (equation 1) In which Qx = total methane released in year x (m3/yr) L0 = theoretic potential amount of methane generated (m3/ton). This amount is dependent on the composition of the waste and may vary from less than 100 to over 200 m3/ton. R = waste disposal rate (ton/yr) t= time since landfill opened (yrs) c= time since landfill closed (yrs) k = rate of landfill gas generation (yr-1). Values may range from less than 0.005 to 0.4 per year. Higher k values are associated with greater moisture content. In case of an existing landfill, the current amount of methane emitted from the landfill can be estimated by measuring the methane flow on several locations and extrapolating these data tot the total landfill. Using these data, a more accurate estimate of k can be made. 1 1 Revised 1996 IPCC Guidelines for National Greenhouse Gas inventories: Reference Manual, Chapter 6, Waste ENVIRONMENTAL RESOURCES MANAGEMENT CDM UMBRELLA METHODOLOGY FOR MSW PROJECTS IN CHINA 94 To determine the project emission reductions, it is first necessary to estimated how much of the emitted methane will be recovered. The rate of landfill gas recovery generally ranges between 50 and 90 percent of the total emission, according to the Cerupt approved methodology1. A description should be given on how this rate is determined, as it is strongly dependent on the technologies used and the way the landfill will be filled. The following formulae are used to estimate the greenhouse gas emission in the project situation: Qc= E x Qx (equation X) In which Qc = total methane recovered in year x (m3/yr) Qx = total methane released in year x (m3/yr) E = extraction efficiency (%) Qp= Qx- Qc (equation x) Qp = total methane emitted in project situation in year x (m3/yr) Qx = total methane released in year x (m3/yr) Qc = total methane recovered in year x (m3/yr) To calculate the methane emissions expressed in tonnes per year the following formula is used. M = (0.016 x Qx)/22.4 (equation 2) In which M = methane emissions (ton/yr) 0.016 = molecular weight methane (ton/kmol) 22.4 = molecular volume at 0 °C( m3/kmol) (to be adapted for different temperatures) Qx = total methane generated in year x (m3/yr) The greenhouse gas emissions are calculated as follows: GHGb = 21 x M (equation 3) In which GHGb = Baseline GHG emissions (ton CO2e/yr) 21= GWP of methane (ton CO2e/ton methane) 2 1‘Cerupt 2 methodology for landfill gas recovery’ - Based on NM0021: Onyx gas recovery project, Brazil 2 Revised 1996 IPCC Guidelines for National Greenhouse Gas inventories. ENVIRONMENTAL RESOURCES MANAGEMENT CDM UMBRELLA METHODOLOGY FOR MSW PROJECTS IN CHINA 95 M= methane emissions in baseline situation (ton/yr) An upgrade of this first order decay model is preferred if available, making use of site-specific characteristics, e.g. temperature in landfill, waste composition, landfill depth etc. 4.7.2 Landfill gas with energy recovery The annual CO2 emissions displaced by the project through methane combustion to generate electricity and flares can be calculated using the following approach1, recommended by the ‘Simplified financial analysis for landfill gas capture projects’ approved baseline methodology. The approach first estimates the methane combustion in electricity generators, and the methane combustion from flares. The projected expected emission reductions from the projects can then be estimated directly as they are equal to the landfill gas recovered and used for electricity generation and flaring. The annual CO2 emissions displaced by a LFG project through methane combustion to generate electricity and flares can be calculated using the following approach2, recommended by the ‘Simplified financial analysis for landfill gas capture projects’ approved baseline methodology. The approach estimates the methane combustion in electricity generators, and the methane combustion from flares. STEP 1 – Methane combustion in generator Eme = (Elec x HR) x conversion factor x GWPCH4 In which: Eme = displaced emissions from electricity generation (tonnes CO2 equivalent) E = metered gross annual (aggregated from monthly readings) electricity produced by the project (MWh) HR = generator heat rate (GJ/MWh) Conversion factor = Convert GJ to equivalent tonnes of methane (using factors 0.0357 GJ/m3 CH4 and 0.000679 tCH4/m3CH4) (tonnes of CH4) GWPCH4 = Global Warming Potential of methane (21 tCO2e) STEP 2 – Methane combustion in flares Emf = Vf x CH4 f x Eff f x conversion factor x GWPCH4 1 ‘Simplified financial analysis for landfill gas capture projects’ with 20% discount - based on NM0005-rev: Nova Gerar Landfill gas to energy project in Brazil 2 ‘Simplified financial analysis for landfill gas capture projects’ with 20% discount - based on NM0005-rev: Nova Gerar Landfill gas to energy project in Brazil ENVIRONMENTAL RESOURCES MANAGEMENT CDM UMBRELLA METHODOLOGY FOR MSW PROJECTS IN CHINA 96 In which Emf = Annual emission reductions due to methane combustion in flares (tonnes of CO2 equivalent) Vf = Volume of landfill gas channelled to flares (m3) CH4 f = methane fraction of landfill gas ( readings from the gas analyser) Eff f = flare efficiency (98 %) Conversion factor = volume: mass conversion factor (0.00067899 tCH4 = 1m3 CH4) (tonnes of methane) GWPCH4 = Global Warming Potential of methane (21 tCO2e) The total emission reductions (in tonnes of CO2 equivalent) from the project are the summation of results from Step 1 and Step 2. ER = Step 1 + Step 2 Moreover, the baseline methodology applies a discount factor of 20% to account for the implementation of regulatory requirements or improvements in waste management practices over the first 7 year crediting period. If this methodology is choosen as the baseline methodology, the total amount of estimated emission reductions will then be: ERdiscounted = (Results of Step 1 + Step 2) –20% In case other significant greenhouse gas emissions arise within the selected project boundary, e.g. from the use of fuel for the ignition of a flare, these have to be calculated as well. 4.7.3 Emissions from Energy recovery If the methane is used for the production of electricity, or as an alternative energy source, additional emission reductions will be the result of, mostly offsite, displaced energy. It is possible that the project will displace the power from other existing power plants, or that the project will make an investment in a new power plant unnecessary, or that it will displace fossil fuels use in cars.. The greenhouse gas emissions achieved through displacement of grid electricity can be estimated by multiplying the amount of kWh injected into the grid by an appropriately conservative carbon emission rate, measured as kgCO2/kWh. For a gross estimate of the emission reductions from displaced electricity project developers can use the 1990 emission factor for the Chinese ‘Energy conversion and Energy Industry’ , provided in the "China Climate Change Country Study" written by the research team of China Climate Change Country Study in 2000, the factor is: China electricity emission factor = 2.97 x 10-4 tCO2eq/kWh. ENVIRONMENTAL RESOURCES MANAGEMENT CDM UMBRELLA METHODOLOGY FOR MSW PROJECTS IN CHINA 97 However, a detailed an analysis of the regional and national electricity grid will be required to assess the type of electricity generation that is being displaced, and to determine the project expected emission reductions. If the methane is used as an alternative energy source, such as transport fuel, a methodology for calculating the displaced emission will have to ebe developed on a project by project basis in line with the project characteristics. 4.7.4 Leakages Leakage is the unplanned, indirect emission of CO2, resulting from the project activities. It occurs if emission reductions from a project are offset by increases in emissions elsewhere. The project developer needs to describe the formulae used to estimate leakage due to the project activity, (for each gas, source, formulae/algorithm, emissions in units of CO2 equivalent), or that no increased in emissions are discernable other than those targeted and directly monitored by the project. It has been estimated that for landfill gas recovery projects, no leakage risks are identified during the landfill operation, as landfill operation is considered a closed system that does not influence off-site emissions. This has been approved by the CDM Executive Board1 and should be use as an argument by the project developers. The only GHG emissions outside the project boundaries will occur during the construction of the LFG collection and utilization system. These emissions are however insignificant and would likely also occur if alternative landfill gas management or power generation capacity were to be constructed at alternative sites. 4.8 DEVELOPMENT OF THE MSW PROJECT VERIFICATION AND MONITORING PLAN All CDM project activities must have a Monitoring and Verification Plan, to ensure that the project meets the requirements that the emission reductions must be real, additional and verifiable (Article 12 of the Kyoto Protocol). The purpose of the monitoring plan is to define a standard against which the project will be continuously evaluated and audited. The key overarching project performance indicators to monitor and verify in a CDM project activity are the GHG emission reductions and the conformance with the relevant CDM criteria. The monitoring plan must provide the requirements and instructions for: 1 ‘Cerupt methodology for landfill gas recovery’ – Based on NM0021: Onyx gas recovery project, Brazil - ENVIRONMENTAL RESOURCES MANAGEMENT CDM UMBRELLA METHODOLOGY FOR MSW PROJECTS IN CHINA 98 • • • Establishing and maintaining the appropriate monitoring system for GHG emissions reduction estimation and environmental impacts. Preparing the necessary measurement and management operations. Preparing for the requirements of an independent, third party audit. First, the project monitoring plan should define the project boundaries affecting the monitoring of the project emissions reductions. These may be the geographical boundaries (e.g. size of landfill sites, amount of MSW waste, composition of MSW, emission from electricity generation, indirect emission from use of gas, leakages, etc.); technical boundaries (e.g. introduction to activities proposed by each project); time boundary (i.e. justification of the choice of crediting period). The plan should also contain a justification of the choice of monitoring methodology and its adequacy for the project being monitored. Table 4.4 provides recommendations for data gathering. Table 4.4 Examples of data to be included in the MVP for MSW projects Type of data Waste characteristics1 Emissions data Data required Landfill volume consumed Possible methodology Annual topographic surveys. Waste input Weighed on calibrated scales. Waste composition Waste classified according to its composition. Measured by flow meter. Flare gas: gas flow (m3/hr); combustion temperature (ºF) Percentage methane in LFG (%): concentrations of CH4, CO2, CO measured in gas extraction wells Measured by gas quality analyser. Refuse wells: well pressure (Pa); well flow (m3/hr); LFG concentration of CH4 & CO2 (%) Gas extraction wells monitoring. Leachate evaporatoration: gas flow (m3/hr); steam temperature (ºF); leachate volume (m3/hr) Totalising meter. Flare efficiency (%) Generator heat rate (GJ/MWh) Gas flow measured prior and subsequent to the flare. LFG collected by control group (%) Above ground piping and wellheads. Electricity generation (if relevant) Revision of baseline (if relevant) 1This Gross electricity produced (MWh) Projects annual power sales Whether sufficient gas collection wells are in place; depth of the wells in relation to the depth of the sites; number of gas collection wells operating satisfactorily/ not operating (i.e. gas flowing); number of flares operating satisfactorily (i.e. burning LFG); whether sites apply suction to the wells; whether the site is appropriately capped; Visual inspections ensuring their integrity. Average annual emission rate for grid electricity Information provided by expert advisors at every baseline revision. data can be compared with the landfill phasing assumptions used in the LFG production model. ENVIRONMENTAL RESOURCES MANAGEMENT CDM UMBRELLA METHODOLOGY FOR MSW PROJECTS IN CHINA 99 efficiency of the flares used. Amount of GHG flaring taking place (common industry practice at that point in the future) within control group companies. Control group could be formed and surveyed at each baseline revision point. Energy use of collection system. Pumping equipment metered. ‘Significant" and "reasonably attributable’ increased emissions outside the project boundary, and environmental impacts of the project (if appropriate). Auditing and Quality assurance and control procedures for the monitoring process; verification Procedures for the periodic calculation of the reductions of anthropogenic emissions standards of the proposed CDM project activity (by sources), and for leakage effects; Documentation of all steps involved in the calculations of emission reductions. Source: ERM, based on approved methodologies from CDM EB, January 2004. Leakage estimation The monitoring plan also requires to describe the means by which relevant data will be collected (i.e. methods of measurement and calibration methods, explanations of how to deal with missing data) and archived (electronic spreadsheets, paper format); the frequency of data collection; how long the data will be archived for; how future leakage may be assessed and estimated; what the control procedures are, and how quality control for the monitoring process is dealt with; how the data on non greenhouse gas environmental impacts will be collected and archived. The monitoring plan must be designed to enable project managers and operators to meet international auditing and verification standards. The monitoring plan should provide a methodology for GHG data management, control and reporting systems (e.g. instructions, procedures, record keeping systems, assumptions, technical equations, models and other means that support complete, accurate and conservative CER estimates). It should also clearly identify the frequency of, responsibility and authority for monitoring, measurement and data recording activities and sufficiently describes quality control/ quality assurance/ management control procedures. The project developer may use an existing monitoring plan which has been approved by the CDM Executive Board. To date, only four methodologies for MSW projects have been approved and are available on the UNFCCC website1, see Annex B for a summary of these approved Monitoring and Verification plan. If no existing approved methodology applies to the CDM project activity proposed, the project developer must design a new methodology. The methodology must be validated by an Operational Entity who will propose it to the CDM Executive Board for approval as a new approved methodology. The plan needs to include a provision for the validation of the project baseline and monitoring plan and the verification of the project activities. The verification process must lead to the conclusion that GHG reductions from the 1These are available on All three methodologies have been approved, although the last two listed here have not yet been formatted nor assigned an approved methodology reference number. ENVIRONMENTAL RESOURCES MANAGEMENT CDM UMBRELLA METHODOLOGY FOR MSW PROJECTS IN CHINA 100 project are real and credible to the buyers of the Certified Emissions Reductions (CERs). The verification aims to verify that the actual monitoring systems and procedures are in compliance with the monitoring plan; evaluate that the GHG emission reduction data has a sufficient level of accuracy; and that reported GHG emission data is sufficiently supported by evidence (i.e. monitoring records). Several guidelines can be referred to when developing the monitoring and verification plan. In particular, the GHG protocol and the forthcoming PCF / IETA CDM and JI Validation and Verification Manual (VVM)1 are recommended. Finally, the monitoring plan will have to be approved by the CDM Executive Board as part of the Project Design Document or the new baseline methodology. 4.9 NON GHG ISSUES 4.9.1 Assessing environmental impacts The CDM Project Design Document needs to include documentation on the analysis of environmental impacts. For this, an Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) of the project is needed. The EIA will be carried out according to the host country laws. In this context, the expert advisor needs to determine the environmental impacts of the project, as well as the stakeholder concerns it will generate. Municipal Solid Waste (MSW) in open dumps are likely to result in the following problems: • • • • Contaminated leachate and surface run-off from landfills can affect downgradient ground and surface water quality affecting the local environment. The uncontrolled release of landfill gas can also impact negatively on the health of the local environment and the local population and lead to risks of explosions in the local surroundings. The uncontrolled release of landfill gas results in odour emissions leading to adverse conditions with regards to the quality of life in the area of the landfill. Release of LFG to the atmosphere, including significant volumes of methane, a powerful greenhouse gas (GHG). Properly managed landfill sites greatly reduce the environmental health risks and the potential for explosions. MSW projects are also expected to have a small positive impact on employment in the local areas, as additional staff will be required to run and manage the new operation. Other possible economic benefit includes the diminished dependency on grid- supplied electricity and better management of the landfill. 1 Background information on the manual can be found on ENVIRONMENTAL RESOURCES MANAGEMENT CDM UMBRELLA METHODOLOGY FOR MSW PROJECTS IN CHINA 101 4.9.2 Assessing stakeholders concerns A final requirement of the Project Design Document phase is that local stakeholders be invited to comment on it. Indeed, the CDM Project Design Document includes a section on stakeholder comments where a brief description of the process for gathering the comments; a summary of the comments received; and a report on how due account was taken of any comments received are required. Stakeholders include individuals, communities or other groups who may be affected by the project (e.g. NGOs: the Marrakesh Accords specifically refer to ‘accredited NGOs’). Stakeholder input is a critical part of the CDM project. In order to keep the project transparent, the CDM PDD requires that project developers: invite local stakeholders to comment on the project design document; provide a summary of the comments received; and review comments received and provide a report, demonstrating how relevant concerns were addressed. This report has to be submitted for validation by the designated operational entity. It is important to note that this local stakeholders consultation process is distinct from the invitation for comments from stakeholders by the designated Operational Entity, during the project validation phase (see section 3.3.2). At that time, international stakeholders, such as NGOs, have an opportunity to provide their comments regarding the specific CDM components of the activity. In contrast to local stakeholders, the international stakeholders are not actively approached for the stakeholder comments of the PDD. They are simply given the opportunity to review the Project Design Document on the web. Incorporating two rounds of stakeholder consultations is intended to promote democratisation of the CDM process and allow both local and international stakeholders to express their concerns regarding the efficacy and appropriateness of the selected projects. In host countries with a clear project planning process in place, a project developer can follow that country ’s established guidelines for public consultation and participation. However, the project developer is advised to check with the designated national authority whether the existing rules apply to the project type and the CDM process. Project developers are also advised to verify the rules for public consultation discuss with the relevant authorities and invite comments from civil society on the project design document. In cases where the public consultation procedures are not established, the project developer should design its own consultative exercise. Annex B provides examples of how stakeholder comments from the Environmental Impact Assessment are gathered and used in methodologies that have been approved by the CDM Executive Board. ENVIRONMENTAL RESOURCES MANAGEMENT CDM UMBRELLA METHODOLOGY FOR MSW PROJECTS IN CHINA 102 4.10 IDENTIFYING AND ASSESSING RISKS There are a number of risk factors related to MSW management projects and carbon finance. These risk factors can focus on either the generator of the emission reduction credits or the purchaser of the credits. It is recommended that a risk assessment is carried out in the early stages of the project, to ensure the smooth development of the CDM project design and avoid any unwanted surprise at later stages. The potential sources of risk that shall be review for MSW projects include: • • • • • • • • 4.11 Technology Risk Risk related to testing new methodologies and ensuring adequate performance Market Risk o Waste collection o Power Sale o Manure Sale Regulatory Risk Baseline Risk (revision after end of crediting period is appropriate) Environmental and Social Risks Sponsors risks o Time issues related to both obtaining contracts and validation of the emission reductions; o Term length of contracts insufficient for project to be economical; o Value of emission reductions over time; o Potential liabilities for projects not achieving sufficient emission reductions; Scientific accuracy of project selection, monitoring and controlling. NEXT STEPS 4.11.1 Initial steps in CDM project design Before assessing whether a project has a potential to be eligible as a CDM project in China, the project developer should carry out a series of initial steps to assess that the key actors on CDM in China will support the project and that the projects fits within the CDM rules for China. The main national contact is the Designated National Authority. As a first step, the project developers should always contact the Designated National Authority (DNA) for China, which will be able to provide them with up to date information on the latest CDM decision made by the Chinese government and by the international community under the Kyoto Protocol. It is also important to ensure the support of the DNA who will be the body that ENVIRONMENTAL RESOURCES MANAGEMENT CDM UMBRELLA METHODOLOGY FOR MSW PROJECTS IN CHINA 103 will have to provide the project developer with the approval that the project complies with the Chinese requirements for CDM and that it will contribute to the Sustainable Development objectives of China. The project developer would also want to assess the state of the market and who are the potential buyers of the emission reductions generated by the project, the Certified Emission Reductions (CER). This umbrella methodology is specifically made to provide input to project developers willing to work with the World Bank PCF; thus, contact details for the Bank and PCF are provided. However, there are other potential buyers in the market that the project developer can engage with. Finally, the project will have to be validated and verified by a recognised third party, a designated operating entity (DOE), the project developer is not require to engage with the DOE at the start of the project but must plan for this important step at the start of the project. China Designated National Authority The National Development and Reform commission is the China Designated National Authority (details in section 3.7). The National Coordination Committee on Climate Change lays in the Department of Territorial Economics of the Commission. Detailed contacts are the following: Mr. Gao Guangsheng, Head of the National Coordination Committee on Climate Change No. 38, Yue Tan South Road, West City District, Beijing, Tel: +86 010 68501705 The WB Carbon Funds If a project developer is willing to introduce its project with the World Bank Carbon Funds, the project developer must at an early stage sent a project idea note (PIN) to the PCF providing a quick summary of the project description and its potential as CDM project and potential emission reductions. The project developer should ask for feedback to assess whether the PCF is interested in the project as a potential source of emission reduction credits. This project idea note should be sent to : Carbon Trust (Please provide contact detail if relevant) Designated Operating Entity Until today, the CDM Executive Board has not accredited and recommended for designation any entity, however it is in the process of considering 17 applications (called Applicant entities AE). It is recommended that the project developer should select as a third party validator among the applicant entity. A list of such applicant entities can be found on the UNFCCC web site: ENVIRONMENTAL RESOURCES MANAGEMENT CDM UMBRELLA METHODOLOGY FOR MSW PROJECTS IN CHINA 104 4.11.2 Development of Project Design Document The final objective for the project developer is to develop a Project Design Document (PDD) as requested by the CDM Executive Board. The PDD template electronic version can be found, in Chinese and English, on the UNFCCC CDM web site at: . In order to complete the PDD the project developer will have to develop the following studies and reports in line with the recommendations of these guidelines: • • • • • Sectoral and policy assessment. The Baseline Methodology Study. The Monitoring and Verification Plan. The analysis of non-GHG issues, including environmental and social impacts assessment (EIA and SIA) and stakeholder consultation. Project financial analysis with and without the emission reductions credits. 4.11.3 Contractual issues The final step for the CDM project is to establish a contract for selling the CERs. Contracts are required to establish agreements between all parties participating in the project. As part of engaging in any type carbon trading activities, contracts need to be established between: • • • • all parties involved in carrying out the emission reducing project. the carbon fund or any other entity providing funds to finance the project and the project participants. the DOE selected to evaluate, validate and verify the emission reductions produced by the project and the project participants. the CDM funding entity and the project participants (upon registration of the funding). The details of these agreements should be established in project contracts. The five legal documents currently used by the PCF in its emission reduction purchase transactions are: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. • Letter of Project Endorsement or No Objection (LoE); Letter of Intent (LoI); Letter of Approval (LoA); Emission Reductions Purchase Agreement (ERPA); and Host Country Agreement (HCA) – note that this is only required for Joint Implementation (JI) projects. The LoE is written from the project's host country (Host Country) to the World Bank acting as Trustee for the PCF (Trustee). The LoE is a unilateral endorsement by the Host Country of the Project and is usually sought by the PCF once a potentially viable project has been identified. The purpose ENVIRONMENTAL RESOURCES MANAGEMENT CDM UMBRELLA METHODOLOGY FOR MSW PROJECTS IN CHINA 105 of the LoE is to minimize the risk to the PCF that a Host Country may later determine that the project is not in line with its sustainability criteria and (or for other reasons) refuse to issue a LoA. In circumstances where a LoA has already been granted, or will be available within a very short period of time, the Trustee may waive the requirement for the LoE. • The LoI is the first written document signed between the Project Entity and the Trustee. The LoI is primarily a letter of exclusivity, which provides the PCF the exclusive rights to negotiate the terms of purchase of emission reductions from the Project Entity. If the Project Entity unilaterally withdraws from the negotiations, the LoI requires it to repay a capped amount of project preparation costs. • The LoA is a formal letter from the Host Country in which the Host Country grants formal approval of the project for the purpose of Article 12 of the Kyoto Protocol. One of the key requirements of the LoA is the confirmation that the project contributes towards the Host Country's sustainable development. The LoA is required by the Kyoto Protocol and is therefore critical in the acceptance of the project by the UNFCCC. • The ERPA is the principal legal document governing the purchase and sale of emission reductions by the PCF. Under the ERPA, the project entity agrees to sell all rights, title and interests in and to all, or a specified part of, the greenhouse gas reductions generated by the project. The group of rights, title and interests is defined as the "Emission Reductions" (or ERs). The Trustee agrees to pay the specified purchase price on delivery of the verification report verifying the number of greenhouse gas emission reductions produced. In addition to the key purchase and sale provisions within the ERPA are a number of sections relating to various obligations, representations and warrantees as well as conditions precedent the disbursement of funds which cover activities such as the successful implementation of the project and management of identified project risks. • The HCA is required for JI projects only, and is entered into between the Host Country and the Trustee. Within the HCA, the Host Country agrees to transfer the amount of Protocol. 4.11.4 Project implementation, monitoring and verification After finalisation of the project CDM design, the validation of the project baseline and Project design document, the project implementation can go ahead including the implementation of the monitoring and verification plan. ENVIRONMENTAL RESOURCES MANAGEMENT CDM UMBRELLA METHODOLOGY FOR MSW PROJECTS IN CHINA 106 Annex A Glossary of Terms and Abbreviations AD Anaerobic Digestion, see Definitions (section 1). Adaptation adjustment in natural or human systems to a new or changing environment. Adaptation to climate change refers to adjustment in natural or human systems in response to actual or expected climatic stimuli or their effects, which moderates harm or exploits beneficial opportunities. Additionality see Definitions (section 1). Adverse effects potential negative effects of climate change as well as the impact of the implementation of response measures. Such effects or impacts include sea level rise, change in precipitation or other weather patterns, and reduced demand for fossil fuels or other energy intensive products. Impacts of climate change can be positive as well as negative. Annex I Countries Annex I to the UNFCCC lists all the countries in the Organization of Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) in 1990, plus countries with economies in transition, Central and Eastern Europe (excluding the former Yugoslavia and Albania). By default the other countries are referred to as NonAnnex I countries. Under Article 4.2 (a & b) of the Convention, Annex I countries commit to returning individually or jointly to their 1990 levels of GHG emissions by the year 2000. Annex II Countries Annex II to the Climate Convention lists all countries in the OECD in 1990. Under Article 4.2 (g) of the Convention, these countries are expected to provide financial resources to assist developing countries comply with their obligations such as preparing national reports. Annex II countries are also expected to promote the transfer of environmentally sound technologies to developing countries. Annex B Countries Annex B in the Kyoto Protocol lists those developed countries that have agreed to a commitment to control their greenhouse gas emissions in the period 2008 –12, including those in the OECD, Central and Eastern Europe and the Russian Federation. In addition to Annex B, Annex I includes Turkey and Belarus, while Annex B includes Croatia, Monaco, Liechtenstein and Slovenia. Anthropogenic Emissions GHG emissions associated with human activities. These include burning of fossil fuels for energy, deforestation and land-use changes. Articles 4.8 & 4.9 adverse impacts of climate change, the impact of measures taken to respond to climate change, and ENVIRONMENTAL RESOURCES MANAGEMENT CDM UMBRELLA METHODOLOGY FOR MSW PROJECTS IN CHINA A1 compensation for these impacts is referred to in Articles 4.8 & 4.9 of the Convention. This issue is also addressed under Article 3.14 of the Kyoto Protocol. Article 12 Kyoto Protocol provisions on transfers of certified emission reductions from CDM projects in developing countries to industrialised countries. Assigned Amount quantified national emission limits for industrialised countries under the Kyoto Protocol. Attributable see Definitions (section 1). AE Applicant Entity, see Definitions (section 1). Baseline also baseline approach; baseline methodology; baseline approved methodology and new methodology: see Definitions (section 1). Biomass the total dry organic matter or stored energy content of living organisms. Biomass can be used for fuel directly by burning it (e.g. wood), indirectly by fermentation to an alcohol (e.g. sugar) or extraction of combustible oils (e.g. soybeans). BOD Biological Oxygen Demand BPEO Best Practical Environmental Option Capacity Building process of constructive interaction between developing countries and the private sector to help them develop the capability and skills needed to achieve environmentally sound forms of economic development. Under current negotiations, capacity building should assist developing countries to build, develop, strengthen, enhance and improve their capabilities to achieve the objective of the Convention and their participation in the Kyoto Protocol process. CDM Clean Development Mechanism, see Definitions (section 1). CER Certified Emission Reduction Units see Definitions (section 1). Certification see Definitions (section 1). Climate System the totality of the atmosphere, hydrosphere, biosphere and geosphere and their interactions. COD Chemical Oxygen Demand CO2, CH4, N2O greenhouse gases: carbon dioxide, methane, and nitrous oxide. ENVIRONMENTAL RESOURCES MANAGEMENT CDM UMBRELLA METHODOLOGY FOR MSW PROJECTS IN CHINA A2 HFC, PFC, SF6 the “new” greenhouse gases: hydrofluorocarbons, perfluorocarbons, and sulphur hexafluoride. CO2 equivalent the unit for an amount of greenhouse gases taking into account their relative radiative forcing potential (i.e. their contribution to global warming over a specified year time frame). Commitment period the period for which industrialised countries’ national quantified emission commitments have been set under the Kyoto Protocol: 2008 to 2012. Conservative see ‘transparent and conservative’, Definitions (section 1). COP Conference of the Parties of the UNFCCC. COP/MOP COP that serves as the Meeting of the Parties to the Kyoto Protocol to the UNFCCC. Crediting period see Definitions (section 1). DNA Designated National Authority, see Definitions (section 1). DOE Designated Operational Entity, see Definitions (section 1). Earth Summit held in 1992 in Rio de Janeiro, where the UNFCCC was signed by more than 150 countries. EB CDM Executive Board that will oversee the operation of the CDM, see Definitions (section 1). ERUs Emission Reduction Units, obtained through Joint Implementation projects and unit of trade in emissions trading systems. GEF Global Environmental Facility, a joint funding programme established by developed countries to meet their obligations under various international environmental treaties. GEF serves as the interim financial mechanism for the UNFCCC, in particular to cover the cost of reporting by non-Annex I countries. GHG Greenhouse gas(es) GWP Global Warming Potential, time-dependent index used to compare the radiative forcing, on a mass basis, of an impulse of a specific greenhouse gas, relative to that of CO2 (GWP of CO2 is defined as 1). Gases included in the Kyoto Protocol are weighted in the first commitment period according to their GWP over ENVIRONMENTAL RESOURCES MANAGEMENT CDM UMBRELLA METHODOLOGY FOR MSW PROJECTS IN CHINA A3 a 100-year time horizon, as published in the 1995 Second Assessment Report of the IPCC. Host Party JI see Definitions (section 1). Joint Implementation, projects that limit or reduce emissions or enhance sinks among developed countries (Article 6 of the Kyoto Protocol). As JI occurs between Annex B countries (who have emissions caps), no new emissions units are generated (unlike the case with projects under the CDM). Kyoto Mechanisms Procedures that allow Annex 1 Parties to meet their commitments under the Kyoto Protocol based on actions outside their own borders. As potentially market-based mechanisms they have the potential to reduce the economic impacts of greenhouse gas emission-reduction requirements. They include Joint Implementation (Article 6), the Clean Development Mechanism (Article 12) and Emissions Trading (Article 17). Kyoto Protocol Protocol under the UNFCCC, which strengthened industrialised Parties climate change commitments. Agreed in Kyoto (Japan) December 1997. LFG Landfill Gas Legal entities firms, organisations or individuals; any entities other than Parties. Leakage see Definitions (section 1). Monitoring also monitoring methodology (approved/new), see Definitions (section 1). MSW municipal solid waste, see Definitions (section 1). NGO non-governmental organisation. OE Operational Entity: an accredited third party who is competent and authorised to verify emissions. PP Project Proponent: the entity that develops a CDM project. Operational lifetime Party see Definitions (section 1). see Definitions (section 1). Project activity see Definitions (section 1). Project boundary see Definitions (section 1). ENVIRONMENTAL RESOURCES MANAGEMENT CDM UMBRELLA METHODOLOGY FOR MSW PROJECTS IN CHINA A4 Project participants Registration Sinks see Definitions (section 1). see Definitions (section 1). any process or activity or mechanism which removes a greenhouse gas or a precursor from the atmosphere. SWM Solid Waste Management Stakeholders see Definitions (section 1). UNFCCC United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change, agreed in Rio June 1992 (see Earth Summit). Validation see Definitions (section 1). Verification VOC also Verification Report, see Definitions (section 1). Volatile Organic Carbon ENVIRONMENTAL RESOURCES MANAGEMENT CDM UMBRELLA METHODOLOGY FOR MSW PROJECTS IN CHINA A5 Annex B Summary of baseline methodologies approved by the CDM Executive Board This Annex reviews and summarises four CDM projects which baseline methodology has either been approved or has received a positive recommendations by the CDM executive board, these are: • • • • Table 1 “Greenhouse gas emission reductions through landfill gas capture and flaring where the baseline is established by a public concession contract” AM0002 - Salvador Da Bahia landfill gas project “Simplified financial analysis for landfill gas capture projects” AM003 – Based on NM0005-rev: Nova Gerar Landfill gas to energy project in Brazil “Cost and Investment Analysis for Electricity Auto-Generation” (e.g. by municipalities) – Based on based on NM0010-rev, Durban landfill gas to electricity project in South Africa “Cerupt methodology for landfill gas recovery” – Based on NM0021: Onyx gas recovery project, Brazil Greenhouse gas emission reductions through landfillgas capture and flaring where the baseline is established by a public concession contract Step of CDM Description Study Name and Reference of approved methodology applied to the project activity Methodology Greenhouse gas emission reductions through landfill gas capture and flaring based on where the baseline is established by a public concession contract (AM0002)approved MSW based on Salvador Da Bahia landfill gas project (NM0004) project. Project activity Project activities that reduce GHG emissions through Landfill Gas capture and flaring where the baseline is established by a public concession. Baseline and additionality approach and methodology Additionality It is ensured if the amount of methane flared is greater than the required quantity flared in the contract, the baseline and additionality criteria is thus defined in the contract. Baseline Based on “Emissions from a technology that represents an economically approach attractive course of action, taking into account barriers to investment.” (dec. 48b). Baseline The baseline is defined as a requirement to demonstrate that the amount of methodology methane to be flared reflects performance “amongst the top 20 % in the previous five years for landfills operating under similar social, economic, environmental and technological circumstances” in South Africa Emission projection are measure using decay model Calculation of project’s emission reductions Calculation of Direct measurement of the amount of landfill gas captured and destroyed at Emission the flare platform. The monitoring plan provides for continuous Reductions measurement of quantity and quality of LFG burned. Baseline revision Conversion factors used to calculate the baseline will be updated as reporting guidelines are modified and as more scientific information becomes available. Data to be collected in order to monitor emissions from the project activity; how this data will be archived. Data • Quantity of waste actually received at the landfill (monitored directly at the weigh bridge). requirements • Quantity of methane actually flared (amount of landfill gas collected, in m3, percentage of landfill gas that is methane, flare ENVIRONMENTAL RESOURCES MANAGEMENT CDM UMBRELLA METHODOLOGY FOR MSW PROJECTS IN CHINA B1 • Data Archiving working hours, methane content of flare emissions analysed quarterly) To estimate leakage the electricity used by the pumping equipment for the collection system needs to be metered. Electronic spreadsheets (daily), paper (monthly). Also annual archiving of data on electronic spreadsheets and paper. Data will be archived for the duration of the project lifetime. Significant potential sources of emissions reasonably attributable to the project activity and not included in project boundary. Identification of if and how data will be collected and archived. Emissions The total amount of electricity used for gas pumping will be continuously outside project measured and archived electronically (daily) and on paper (monthly). boundary The GHG emissions per kWh of electricity used will then be calculated and estimated annually and archived on paper. Relevant data necessary for determining baseline of anthropogenic emissions by sources of GHG within project boundary. Identification of if and how data will be collected and archived. Conversion Baseline is determined as the contractual amount of gas to be collected and Factors. burned. The baseline calculation requires data on factors used for • converting methane to carbon dioxide equivalents and • to estimate mass of methane (tonne) from volume of methane (m3). Quality control (QC) and quality assurance (QA) procedures being undertaken for data monitored. Quality control QA/QC procedures for the data collected will be included in Landfill ISO and Quality 9000/14000 certification scope. assurance practices The monitoring plan will also use an approved methodology for determining the emission factor for the electricity consumed. Stakeholders comments Following an official announcement in three local newspapers, a public presentation Stakeholders and meeting with local stakeholders was organised. The meeting was recorded on comments video. It included the project developers, the press, NGOs, public authorities, private methodology sector and universities. During this presentation, an agreement was signed between the project developer and a University aiming to develop a project entitled “Landfills and Climate Change- how to improve biogas management”. A meeting with the press resulted in the publications and presentations of the project were also diffused in a local newspaper, a television channel and a broadcasting station. The project developer also posed material on its website. Two other public presentations were carried out and consultants carried out an independent technical review. The only comments received were technical comments from the independent consultants: these will be presented to the validator and the project will be modified to include the comments of the consultants and the validator. Table 2 Simplified financial analysis for landfill gas capture projects Step of CDM Description Study Name and Reference of approved methodology applied to the project activity ENVIRONMENTAL RESOURCES MANAGEMENT CDM UMBRELLA METHODOLOGY FOR MSW PROJECTS IN CHINA B2 Methodology based on approved MSW project. Project activity Simplified financial analysis for landfill gas capture projects (AM0003: ) based on Nova Gerar Landfill gas to energy project in Brazil (NM0005-rev) Project activities that reduce GHG emissions through Landfill Gas capture and flaring Baseline and Additionality approach and methodology Additionality • IRR to low to justify project activity. The additional value derived from the sale of carbon credits appears to increase the project’s financial returns to a level sufficient to justify the inherent risks associated with long-term investment decisions and capital allocation for landfill gas collection systems and electricity generation equipment. • Not required by policy: An analysis of Brazilian regulations and policy and demonstration that the project clearly exceeds the requirements of Brazilian regulations • Not a common practise: Analysis of the current market for electricity production and demonstration that given that there isn’t a single landfill site in Brazil generating electricity, this is seen as ‘unproven’ technology by local investors Baseline The baseline approach is based on on “emissions from a technology that approach represents an economically attractive course of action” (para 48b)., the baseline study analysed historical series of landfill management and landfill gas utilisation in Brazil, based on the historical patterns of utilisation (or, in fact, non utilisation) of landfill gases in Rio de Janeiro and Brazil as a whole. Baseline MSW component: methodology • Based on this assumption the baseline scenario for MSW management is landfill without any gas collection or utilisation schemes in place, with LFG emissions discounted for possible future regulation. • A discount factor of 20% of total emission is apply to take into account possible regulations Electricity generation Factor • The baseline study is based on the future electricity generation scenario in Brazil and the carbon intensity of the Brazilian grid electricity system, based on the Brazilian Government’s recent push to reduce reliance on hydropower and increase the use of natural gas for security of electricity supply. Calculation of project’s emission reductions Calculation of Direct measurement of the amount of landfill gas captured and destroyed at Emission the flare platform: every ton of methane collected and destroyed equals one Reductions ton of methane not released to the atmosphere, thus one ton of methane emission reduced. This means that the calculation of emissions reductions does not rely on information about the baseline emissions. However, if certain collection and treatment of LFG is already part of the baseline and information on the efficiency of the collection system is available, the calculation of emissions reductions can be corrected by applying an Adjustment Factor. Adjustment Factor In the interest of making a conservative claim of emissions reductions, the monitoring plan proposes to reduce directly monitored Emissions Reductions by an ‘effective adjustment factor’ (e.g. 20%). This factor is deduced from the amount that would have been flared in the absence of the projects, based on regulatory requirements at the time of the inception of the project, or at the time of revision of the baseline (i.e. end of crediting periods). Baseline revision Revision of the Adjustment Factor: In order to account for the implementation of new regulatory requirements and improvements in waste management practices in the host country, a control group will be formed and surveyed at each baseline revision point. The survey will determine the amount of GHG flaring taking place as part of common industry practice at that point in the future, within the companies ENVIRONMENTAL RESOURCES MANAGEMENT CDM UMBRELLA METHODOLOGY FOR MSW PROJECTS IN CHINA B3 of the control group. At every baseline revision the expert advisors will provide information on the following: • Whether sufficient gas collection wells are in place; • depth of the wells in relation to the depth of the sites; • number of gas collection wells operating satisfactorily (i.e. gas flowing); • number of gas collection wells not operating; • number of flares operating satisfactorily (i.e. burning LFG); • whether sites apply suction to the wells; • whether the site is appropriately capped (to avoid venting); • efficiency of the flares used. In addition, after the first two crediting periods, the expert advisor will determine whether electricity generation has become the most attractive course of action. Data to be collected in order to monitor emissions from the project activity; how this data will be archived. Data Emissions reductions are directly monitored and calculated using: requirements • Flow of landfill gas to flares (m3) • Gross electricity produced (MWh) • Generator heat rate (GJ/MWh) • Flare efficiency (%) • Percentage methane in LFG (%) • LFG collected by control group (%) Data Archiving Electronic spreadsheets Significant potential sources of emissions reasonably attributable to the project activity and not included in project boundary. Identification of if and how data will be collected and archived. Emissions Emissions from construction of LFG collection and utilisation system will outside project not be monitored. These emissions are considered insignificant and would boundary occur if an alternative power generation facility was constructed. Relevant data necessary for determining baseline of anthropogenic emissions by sources of GHG within project boundary. Identification of if and how data will be collected and archived. Not applicable, as the project directly monitors and calculates emissions reductions. Quality control (QC) and quality assurance (QA) procedures being undertaken for data monitored. Quality Daily monitoring records; gas field monitoring records; routine reminders assurance for site technicians; site audits; outstanding work notice; permit to work practices scheme; service sheets; calibration of measurement equipment; corrective actions; preparation of an Operation Manual. Stakeholders comments Consultation process based on meetings and interviews, targeting five interest Stakeholders groups: public sector; NGOs, private sector; an international climate change comments organisation (IETA) and scavengers. Other interest groups have been contacted by methodology telephone or mail. All groups have been asked for their comments or no-objection regarding the technical, environmental and social issues. Scavengers were interviewed and their socio-economic situation was analysed, with the aim of reintegrating them in the landfill operations. All organisations have agreed with the project concept and most of them emphasized the environmental importance of the landfill, compared to the existing situation in Brazil. All comments received in the context of the environmental licensing and Operation permits processes have been included into the project. The documentation is publicly available, on request. The project is publicly available at the project sponsor and the World Bank websites. ENVIRONMENTAL RESOURCES MANAGEMENT CDM UMBRELLA METHODOLOGY FOR MSW PROJECTS IN CHINA B4 The fuel resource recovery is essentially a second activity on the waste management site. The methodology described in Table 4.4 may be combined with the methodologies described above. Indeed, in the case of a MSW project involving LFG capture and utilisation, the project monitoring plan is likely to include two methodologies. This is the case of the Durban, South Africa Landfill to Gas Electricity Project: the methodology described in Table 4.3 is combined with the following methodology (Table 4.4). Table 3 Cost and Investment Analysis for Electricity Auto-Generation Step of CDM Description project design Name and Reference of approved methodology applied to the project activity Methodology “Cost and Investment Analysis for Electricity Auto-Generation” (e.g. by based on municipalities) – Based on based on NM0010-rev, Durban landfill gas to approved MSW electricity project in South Africa): project. Project activity Displaced grid electricity Baseline and additionality approach and methodology Additionality The project is additional if the cost of power generation is higher than the electricity tariff and the electricity system long-run marginal cost. Baseline approach: Baseline The baseline is determined using a cost based investment analysis to approach demonstrate that the baseline scenario represents “emissions from a technology that represents an economically attractive course of action, taking into account barriers to investment.” (Art. 48b). Baseline • MSW management component: The only plausible baseline scenario under this assumption is the business-as-usual (BAU) situation, or the methodology continuation of landfilling of MSW and compliance with all relevant regulations, including partial flaring of landfill gas collected for safety reasons, and no generation of electricity from the landfill gas produced in the landfill • Electricity generation component: the baseline selected is the emission rate for the South African electricity Grid based on current power grid characteristics and current projections for future power generation. Calculation of project’s emission reductions Calculation of GHG emissions achieved through displacement of grid electricity can be Emission estimated by multiplying the amount of kWh injected into the grid by an Reductions appropriately conservative carbon emission rate, measured as kgCO2/kWh, for the national grid. This methodology has low transaction costs, as it only involves computations based on data routinely collected by the project operator. Baseline revision Baseline is based on annual average emission rates of the national grid: these are updated each year, in Eskom’s (national grid operator) annual reports. Data to be collected in order to monitor emissions from the project activity; how this data will be archived. Data Only data routinely collected by the project operator: requirements • Average annual emission rate for grid electricity • Projects annual power sales CDM project’s emissions reductions from displacement of grid electricity will be calculated by multiplying annual power sales from the project by average emission rate for that year. Data Archiving Electronic spreadsheets, data will be aggregated monthly and yearly. ENVIRONMENTAL RESOURCES MANAGEMENT CDM UMBRELLA METHODOLOGY FOR MSW PROJECTS IN CHINA B5 Significant potential sources of emissions reasonably attributable to the project activity and not included in project boundary. Identification of if and how data will be collected and archived. Emissions No such emission sources have been identified. outside project boundary Relevant data necessary for determining baseline of anthropogenic emissions by sources of GHG within project boundary. Identification of if and how data will be collected and archived. Annual average emission rate, as derived from Eskom annual reports. Quality control (QC) and quality assurance (QA) procedures being undertaken for data monitored. Quality Quality assurance procedures involve calculation of emission reductions assurance using two different methods and two partially different sets of monitored practices variables. See monitoring plan methodology described in Table 4.3. Stakeholders comments Local municipality calls for regular meetings of a Monitoring Committee. The Stakeholders proposed CDM project was discussed in one of these meetings: the environmental comments and social impacts of the project were described and discussed. Also, the methodology environmental and social specialists carrying out the IEA are in contact with the Councellor and community representatives of the area. The comments received are summarised in the PDD, which also directs attention to the CDM Watch website which posts some of the individual and NGO comments. Finally, the PDD reports describes how account of the comments received is taken. The comments will be addressed through public meetings, the specialists performing the IEA will be working with community members, and the carbon purchaser will fund an additional project or program selected by the local lower income communities living near or working at the landsite. Table 4 Cerupt methodology for landfill gas recovery Step of CDM Description project design Name and Reference of approved methodology applied to the project activity Methodology “Cerupt methodology for landfill gas recovery” – Based on NM0021: Onyx based on gas recovery project, Brazil approved MSW project. Project activities that reduce GHG emissions through Landfill Gas capture and Project activity flaring: • Installation of a landfill gas recovery network over the future disposal areas of the site; • Optimisation of the landfill gas extraction system (Drilling of additional extraction wells, interconnection of horizontal drains); • Increase in flaring capacity; • Implementation of a landfill gas fueled power generator to supply onsite This project does not envisage to feed electricity to the grid. Baseline and additionality approach and methodology Additionality The methodology uses economic and financial criteria to determine whether the proposed project activity is additional, it also investigates the regulatory framework to see whether any future legal obligation would enforce the project to take place anyway, the common MSW practice in Brazil and it assesses the project barriers Baseline approach: ENVIRONMENTAL RESOURCES MANAGEMENT CDM UMBRELLA METHODOLOGY FOR MSW PROJECTS IN CHINA B6 Baseline approach Baseline methodology Emissions from a technology that represents an economically attractive course of action, taking into account barriers to investment (Art 48 b) Baseline methodology: Economic alternatives identified: • Reference scenario LFG is vented to reduce the risk of explosions. The LFG is emitted into the atmosphere. This is required by law. • Extract and use the LFG as a fuel for a separate leachate evaporation installation and flare excess LFG Based on the additionality analysis, the baseline scenario for this particular landfill site is to vent the LFG, the economic alternative 1. ONYX has developed a first order decay model to estimate the production of LFG and consequently to estimate the amount of CERs Justification of the choice of the methodology and why it is applicable to the project activity Calculation of Direct measurement of landfill gas amount and composition recovered for Emission combustion: gas flow and concentrations of CH4, CO2, CO measured in gas extraction wells, prior to the evaporator unit and prior to the flare. Visual Reductions inspections of above ground piping and well heads to ensure their integrity. Measures will also be made for: • Landfill volume consumed : o Annual topographic surveys are conducted to determine the consumed and remaining landfill volume. This data will be compared with the landfill phasing assumptions used in the LFG production model. • Waste input : o All waste entering the site is weighed on calibrated scales. The annual waste input will be compared with the assumed input used in the model. • Waste composition o Waste accepted at the SASA landfill must be classified according to its composition. This will enable review of the model assumptions. This information is maintained onsite. This will enable review of the model assumptions concerning waste types and associated carbon content. Baseline The baseline has a 10-year fixed crediting period; it will not be revised. revision Data to be collected in order to monitor emissions from the project activity; how this data will be archived. Data Emissions reductions are directly monitored and calculated using data from: requirements • Refuse wells (well pressure, Pa; well flow, m3/hr; LFG concentration of CH4 & CO2, %); • Leachate evaporator (gas flow, m3/hr; steam temperature, ºF; leachate volume m3/hr); • Flare (gas flow, m3/hr; combustion temperature, ºF); • Well and pipe inspected for integrity. Data Archiving Electronic spreadsheets: daily and continuous monitoring. Significant potential sources of emissions reasonably attributable to the project activity and not included in project boundary. Identification of if and how data will be collected and archived. Emissions Boundaries exclude: outside project • Emissions from the transport of waste to the site boundary • transportation of the leachate, as they are not significant compare to the baseline Occurrence of leakage is unlikely. No data will be collected. Relevant data necessary for determining baseline of anthropogenic emissions by sources of GHG within project boundary. Identification of if and how data will be collected and archived. Conversion Data not required, as all combusted landfill gas is considered emission Factors. reductions. ENVIRONMENTAL RESOURCES MANAGEMENT CDM UMBRELLA METHODOLOGY FOR MSW PROJECTS IN CHINA B7 Quality control (QC) and quality assurance (QA) procedures being undertaken for data monitored. Quality control QA/QC procedures for the data collected will be included in Lanfill ISO and Quality 14001 certification scope. assurance practices QA/QC procedures are planned for all data. In refuse wells, the monitoring data will be used immediately by the technician to adjust well vacuum. Other data will be reviewed as part of daily monitoring. Stakeholders comments SASA invited local stakeholders for a meeting where they discussed the Kyoto Stakeholders Protocol Concepts and SASA’s Landfill Gas Recovery Project. No comments were comments received. methodology Since 1999, the “Open House “ program, a 2-hour site tour showing the facility and explaining activities developed by SASA has been developed. Most of the stakeholders invited to the meeting had participated in this program ENVIRONMENTAL RESOURCES MANAGEMENT CDM UMBRELLA METHODOLOGY FOR MSW PROJECTS IN CHINA B8 Annex C Summary Municipal Solid Waste Projects in China This Annex reviews and summarises existing municipal solid waste projects in China (January 2004). Existing Landfill Gas recovery projects in China Location Description Hanghzou Tianziling landfill, in JIangsu province First landfill gas-to-energy facility built at Hanghzou Tianziling Landfill in 1998 Landfill description: • Total investment: RMB 85 million • Area: 46 hectares • Capacity: 6 million m³ • Designed operation limit: 13 years • Commencement of operation: 1991 • Occupied capacity (until 2002): approx. 5 million tonnes • Estimated date of closure: end of 2003 The power generation systems began to operate in October 1998, which was invested by American Huimin Group with a total investment of 3.5 million US dollars. This power generation system comprises of two 970 kw engine sets. The lifetime of landfill gas generation is approximately 20~30 years and the power generation facility’s life time is estimated to be 20 years.13 Under the National Action Plan for Municipal Solid Waste Management, three pilot projects were developed for landfill gas utilisation at three landfill sites during 1997~2002 with the financial aid of GEF (Global environmental fund). Nanjing Shuige landfill is the first pilot project under the National action plan. Nanjing Shuige Landfill description: landfill, in Jiangsu province • Total investment: RMB 18 million • Area: 36 hectares • Capacity: 2.4 million m³ • Designed operation limit: 15 years • Commencement of operation: 1993 • Leftover capacity (until 2002): approx. 2.5 million tonnes • Average daily treatment quantity: 1,200 tonnes & An’Shan Yang’ergu Landfill, in Liaoning province Ma’anshan landfill, in An’Hui province The construction of LFG power generation facilities was completed in May 2002. The trial operation commenced on May 15 2002. The formal operation started in July 25 2003. The current capacity of the power generation systems is 1.25 MW, which can generate electrical power 30,000 kwh per day and 8.7 million kwh. In addition, the Nanjing site has reserved the place for three engines set for future expansion. The planned ultimate capacity for power generation is 5.2 MW. An’Shan Yang’ergu Landfill is the second pilot project under the National Action Plan for Municipal Solid Waste Management Landfill description: • Total investment: RMB 73 million • Area: 45 hectares • Capacity: 9 million tonnes • Designed daily treatment capacity: 800~1,000 tonnes • Designed operation limit: 20 years • Commencement of operation: 1998 • LFG utilization period: 30 years LFG utilisation project includes power generation and LFG purification and pressurization. The LFG-generated power is consumed by Yang’eryu Landfill site to run their electrical equipments. As a clean energy, the purified and compressed LFG is supplied to local public vehicles as fuel. The construction of LFG utilization facilities was completed in March 2003. The formal operation commenced in August 2003. The third pilot project, Ma’anshan LFG Utilisation Project was finally launched in 2003. In this project, LFG will be used as fuel for clinical waste incineration facility. The construction of the LFG collection and clinical waste incineration facility is expected to be completed at the end of 2003. Project description • an investment of RMB 6 million yuan. • The incineration facility will occupy a total area of 430 m2. • The proposed treatment capacity of clinical waste incinerator will be 6 tonnes per day. ENVIRONMENTAL RESOURCES MANAGEMENT CDM UMBRELLA METHODOLOGY FOR MSW PROJECTS IN CHINA C1 Prospective Landfill Gas recovery projects in China under the MSW National Action Plan Location Description Prospective projects planned under the National Action Plan for Municipal Solid Waste Management include the following two landdfills Xingfeng Landfill was commissioned in 2002 with the disposal capacity of 2000 tons per Guangzhou Xingfeng day. It is designed and operated by ONYX, a French company. Xingfeng Landfill Phase II Landfill in Guandong was placed into operation in the end of 2003 and Phase III is under constructing and is province predicted to be finished in 2004. Shanghai Laogang Landfill Phase III, and Phase IV ONYX has also signed a contract with the local government to develop an LFG recovery project at the Xingfeng Landfill project, for power generation. Although certain biogas collection system has been established in the Landfill, there is no confirmed report on existing utilization of LFG for electricity generation. In theory, LFG produced in Xingfeng Landfill could be used for electricity production for at least 20 years and with the maximum capacity of 10 MW. Phase III of Shanghai Laogang was commissioned in 2001 and is now finished. Phase IV is planned to start in 2004 as a major project in Shanghai’s second round of “Three Year Environmental Protection Plans”. Solid Waste Disposal and Utilization is one of the six focus areas of the second round of “the plan. Phase III description: • Area: 3.3 Km2 • Commencement of operation: 2001 • Average daily treatment quantity: 7,500 tonnes Phase IV description: • Total investment: RMB 0.9 billion • Area: 361 hectares • Designed operation limit: 45 years • Commencement of construction: 2004 • Average daily treatment quantity: 4,900 tonnes The actual disposal quantity of Phase III has achieved 9,000 tons/day, representing 120% of the designed capacity. Phase IV will be invested, designed, constructed and operated by a project company (including ONYX) with the franchise offered by the Government. The franchise will last for 20 years and the project will be transferred to Shanghai municipal government for free after the franchise has expired. It is the first franchise project in the MSW field. ERM have not found any reports on LFG utilization for electricity generation in this Landfill. Other MSW Landfill Gas recovery projects in China Location Description Other MSW projects Taohuashan Landfill in The disposal amount of municipal solid waste at Taohuashan Landfill is more than 1400 Wuxi, Jiangsu province tons. According to experts, the biogas produced in the Landfill could be used for 25 to 30 years. Er’feishan in Wuhan, Hubei province The construction of LFG power generation facilities at Taohuashan Landfill was started in November 2003. The total investment of the LFG power generation plant is RMB 20 Million with 2 sets of generation units of 970 KW. The generation units will be developed and operated by domestic companies. It is predicted that the power plant will be commissioned in the first quarter of 2004 and the electricity generation could achieve 16 GWh per year with a firedamp consumption of about 10 million m3. Er’feishan Landfill Phase I was finished in 2003 with a disposal rate of 800 tons per day. On the completion of the other 3 phases by 2005, the disposal rate will achieve 1200 tons per day. The total investment of the Landfill will be RMB 139.6 million, which includes a 9.4 million euro loan from the Netherlands government. It is reported that LFG electricity generation facilities will be established in the Landfill and will start to electricity generation half a year after commissioning. Proposed CDM Landfill Gas recovery projects in China ENVIRONMENTAL RESOURCES MANAGEMENT CDM UMBRELLA METHODOLOGY FOR MSW PROJECTS IN CHINA C2 Location Description LFG projects in three Landfills in Guandong province are currently being prepared to bedeveloped as One CDM project. The projects were planned to start from March 2003 and finish in December 2003. CREIA(Chinese Renewable Energy Industries Association) are preparing to compile the projects as CDM projects Guangzhou Datianshan Guangzhou Datianshan landfill occupies an area of 16000 m2. The quantity of waste is landfill, Guandong 4.20 million tons. It produce methane with 0.24 million m3. It is originally equipped with province one set of generators with 970 KW capacity, and will be equipped with two new sets of generators with 970 KW. Guangzhou Likeng landfill, Guandong province Guangzhou Likeng landfill occupies an area of 13000 m2. The quantity of waste is 4.00 million tons. It produces 0.20 million m3 of Methane. It will be equipped with three sets of generators with capacity of 970 KW. Zhongshan landfill, Guandong province Zhongshan landfill occupies an area of 1 hectare. The quantity of waste is 3.20 million tons. It will be equipped with two sets of generators with capacity of 970 KW. Note: The table has been compiled with available information and is not a comprehensive description of the situation in China Source: ERM China, January 2004 ENVIRONMENTAL RESOURCES MANAGEMENT CDM UMBRELLA METHODOLOGY FOR MSW PROJECTS IN CHINA C3
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