Township of Georgian Bluffs Council Agenda


Township of Georgian Bluffs Council Agenda
Township of Georgian Bluffs
Council Agenda
Wednesday April 20, 2016 @ 7:00 PM
1. Call to Order:
2. Declaration of Pecuniary Interest and the General Nature Thereof:
3. Additions to the Agenda:
(if required)
4. Minutes of Previous Meeting:
1) April 6, 2016 Council Meeting Minutes and April 13, 2016 Committee of the
Whole Meeting Minutes
Recommended (move, Second)
That the April 6, 2016 Council Meeting Minutes and April 13, 2016 Committee
of the Whole Meeting Minutes be adopted as presented, including any
revisions to be made.
5. Hearing of Delegations or Deputations:
6. Adoption of Consent Agenda:
With the adoption of the Consent Agenda, all recommendations found within
previous Committee Reports or Minutes are then approved or received by
Council as noted. The Consent Agenda content is available to the public when
the Agenda is finalized, but is not subject to discussion from the floor at this time.
However, representations may be made at subsequent meetings on matters of
Recommended (move, Second)
That the Council of the Township of Georgian Bluffs adopts the Consent Agenda
of April 20, 2016 as circulated, less any items requested for separate review and
discussion and direct staff to proceed with all necessary administrative actions.
7. Correspondence:
For Council Action:
Correspondence from Multi Municipal Wind Turbine Working Group
supporting the Huron County Health Unit investigation into health complaints
from residents living near Industrial Wind Turbines
(For council’s consideration)
Township of Georgian Bluffs
Council Agenda
April 20, 2016
Correspondence from Multi Municipal Wind Turbine Working Group
Resolution regarding CO2 emissions
(For council’s consideration)
Correspondence from Multi Municipal Wind Turbine Working Group
Resolution regarding the availability of documentation
(For council’s consideration)
8. Reports and Recommendations:
Environmental Committee:
Award Tender for East Linton Water System Extension
Recommend (move, second)
That the Council of the Township of Georgian Bluffs awards the tender for the
East Linton Water System Extension to Maram Building Corp in the amount of
$107,960.20 including HST. This will be funded from the East Linton Water
Finance Committee:
Tax Relief
Recommend (move, second)
That the Council of the Township of Georgian Bluffs directs that the 2015 taxes
and penalties be waived for 620 003 12700 at Part Lot 1, Concession 16, former
Township of Keppel.
Payment of Unfinanced Deficit
Recommend (move, second)
That the Council of the Township of Georgian Bluffs directs that the remaining
portion of the Shallow Lake Community Centre deficit, in the amount of
$45,824.11, be paid as a 2015 Operating Expense.
Recreation and Property Committee:
Shallow Lake Community Centre Water Heater
Recommend (move, second)
That the Council of the Township of Georgian Bluffs approves the payment of
Invoice 003122 from Mundle Electrical and Mechanical for the replacement of the
hot water heater at the Shallow Lake Community Centre in the amount of
Township of Georgian Bluffs
Council Agenda
April 20, 2016
$7,480.42 plus HST to be funded from Shallow Lake Community Centre
equipment and repair maintenance fund.
Transportation Committee:
9. Public Question Period:
10. By-laws:
By-law 35-2016 – Zoning By-law Amendment for Bumstead (Z-04-16)
Recommended (move, Second)
That By-law No. 35-2016 be read a first, second and third time, finally passed,
signed by the Deputy Mayor and Clerk, sealed with the Seal of the Corporation
and engrossed in the By-law Book. By-law No. 35-2016 being a By-law for a
Zoning By-law Amendment for Lots 8 & 9, Plan 390, to permit development on a
lot that does not have direct access onto an improved public street. (580-00312600).
By-law 36-2016 – By-law to authorize the stopping up, closing and transfer of
a public highway in the geographic Township of Keppel.
Recommended (move, Second)
That By-law No. 36-2016 be read a first, second and third time, finally passed,
signed by the Deputy Mayor and Clerk, sealed with the Seal of the Corporation
and engrossed in the By-law Book. By-law No. 36-2016 being a By-law authorize
the stopping up, closing and transfer of a public highway in the geographic
Township of Keppel to Johann and Monika Mesko and further described as Part
Lot 12, Colpoy’s Range, Part 1, 16R-10596. (620-006-33800)
By-law 37-2016 – Agreement with John Drake
Recommended (move, Second)
That By-law No. 37-2016 be read a first, second and third time, finally passed,
signed by the Deputy Mayor and Clerk, sealed with the Seal of the Corporation
and engrossed in the By-law Book. By-law No. 37-2016 being a By-law to
authorize an agreement with John Drake.
By-law 38-2016 – Agreement with Sinopec Holdings Inc.
Recommended (move, Second)
That By-law No. 38-2016 be read a first, second and third time, finally passed,
signed by the Deputy Mayor and Clerk, sealed with the Seal of the Corporation
and engrossed in the By-law Book. By-law No. 38-2016 being a By-law to
authorize an agreement with Sinopec Holdings Inc.
Township of Georgian Bluffs
Council Agenda
April 20, 2016
By-law 39-2016 – Agreement with Perry Jarmuszewski
Recommended (move, Second)
That By-law No. 39-2016 be read a first, second and third time, finally passed,
signed by the Deputy Mayor and Clerk, sealed with the Seal of the Corporation
and engrossed in the By-law Book. By-law No. 39-2016 being a By-law to
authorize an agreement with Perry Jarmuszewski.
By-law 40-2016 Integrated Accessibility Standards Policy
Recommend (move, second)
That By-law No. 40-2016 be read a first, second and third time, finally passed,
signed by the Deputy Mayor and Clerk, sealed with the Seal of the Corporation
and engrossed in the By-law Book. By-law No. 40-2016 being a By-law to adopt
an Integrated Accessibility Standards Policy (PER-008-16).
By-law 41-2016 Establish a Municipal Service Board
Recommend (move, second)
That By-law No. 41-2016 be read a first, second and third time, finally passed,
signed by the Deputy Mayor and Clerk, sealed with the Seal of the Corporation
and engrossed in the By-law Book. By-law No. 41-2016 being a By-law to
establish a Municipal Service Board for the Township of Georgian Bluffs and
further that this Board will be named the Shallow Lake Village Improvement
Project Board.
By-law 42-2016 Fire Service Agreement with the Town of South Bruce
Recommend (move, second)
That By-law No. 42-2016 be read a first, second and third time, finally passed,
signed by the Deputy Mayor and Clerk, sealed with the Seal of the Corporation
and engrossed in the By-law Book. By-law No. 42-2016 being a By-law to enter
into an Agreement for Fire Protections Services with the Town of South Bruce
By-law 43-2016 Establish and Levy Tax Rates
Recommend (move, second)
That By-law No. 43-2016 be read a first, second and third time, finally passed,
signed by the Deputy Mayor and Clerk, sealed with the Seal of the Corporation
and engrossed in the By-law Book. By-law No. 43-2016 being a By-law to
Establish and Levy Tax Rates for the Township of Georgian Bluffs purposes and
further that By-law 24-2016 be rescinded.
Township of Georgian Bluffs
Council Agenda
April 20, 2016
By-law 44-2016 Appoint a Building Inspector
Recommend (move, second)
That By-law No. 44-2016 be read a first, second and third time, finally passed,
signed by the Deputy Mayor and Clerk, sealed with the Seal of the Corporation
and engrossed in the By-law Book. By-law No. 44-2016 being a By-law to
appoint Russ Gilkinson as a Building Inspector.
By-law 45-2016 Appoint a Municipal Law Enforcement Officer and Property
Standards Officer
Recommend (move, second)
That By-law No. 45-2016 be read a first, second and third time, finally passed,
signed by the Deputy Mayor and Clerk, sealed with the Seal of the Corporation
and engrossed in the By-law Book. By-law No. 45-2016 being a By-law to
appoint Russ Gilkinson as a Municipal Law Enforcement Officer and Property
Standards Officer.
By-law 46-2016 Appoint a Weed Inspector
Recommend (move, second)
That By-law No. 46-2016 be read a first, second and third time, finally passed,
signed by the Deputy Mayor and Clerk, sealed with the Seal of the Corporation
and engrossed in the By-law Book. By-law No. 46-2016 being a By-law to
appoint Russ Gilkinson as Weed Inspector.
By-law 47-2016 Authorize an Agreement with Maram Building Corp for the
purposes of awarding a tender for the East Linton Water System Extension
Recommend (move, second)
That By-law No. 47-2016 be read a first, second and third time, finally passed,
signed by the Deputy Mayor and Clerk, sealed with the Seal of the Corporation
and engrossed in the By-law Book. By-law No. 47-2016 being a By-law to
authorize an Agreement with Maram Building Corp for the purposes of awarding
a tender for the East Linton Water System Extension.
11. Unfinished Business:
Appointees to the Maritime Memorial of the Upper Lakes Committee
Recommend (move, second)
That the Council of the Township of Georgian Bluffs appoints the following
members to the Maritime Memorial of the Upper Lakes Committee and
authorizes the Committee to make an application to the Trillium Fund:
Township of Georgian Bluffs
Council Agenda
April 20, 2016
Mayor Alan Barfoot
Councillor Sue Carleton
Councillor Tom Wiley
And further that this motion be forwarded to the Maritime Memorial of the Upper
Lakes Committee.
Cost of Living
Recommend (move, second)
That the Council of the Township of Georgian Bluffs approves a 1.82% Cost of
Living Allowance for all Non-Union employees retroactive to January 1, 2016
including employees under the control of Georgian Bluffs and contract
employees (unless specified otherwise in the respective contracts).
Airport Sign
Recommend (move, second)
That the Council of the Township of Georgian Bluffs award the production of the
temporary airport entrance sign to Austin Graphics at a cost of $820.00 plus
HST. This cost includes design, setup and installation. This will be funded from
the Airport 2016 Operating Budget.
Multi-Year Accessibility Plan Update
Recommend (move, second)
That the Council of the Township of Georgian Bluffs adopts the Multi-Year
Accessibility Plan Update for the Township of Georgian Bluffs.
Accessibility Statement
Recommend (move, second)
That the Council of the Township of Georgian Bluffs adopts the Accessibility
Statement for the Township of Georgian Bluffs.
12. New Business:
Drain Petition
Recommended (move, Second)
That the Council of the Township of Georgian Bluffs accepts the Drainage
Petition by John Charlton and further that staff notify the petitioner and the Grey
Sauble Conservation Authority as required pursuant to Section 5 (1) of the
Drainage Act.
Township of Georgian Bluffs
Council Agenda
April 20, 2016
13. In Camera Session:
Litigation or potential litigation
Personal matters about an identifiable individual, including municipal or local
board employees
Recommend (move, second)
That Council proceeds into a closed session regarding litigation or potential
litigation and personal matters about an identifiable individual, including
municipal or local board employees and that the following persons to remain in
attendance: CAO/Clerk Holly Morrison and Deputy Clerk Christine FraserMcDonald Item (1).
14. Confirmation By-law and Adjournment:
Recommended (Move, Second)
That By-law No. 48-2016 be read a first, second and third time, finally passed,
signed by the Deputy Mayor and Clerk, sealed with the Seal of the Corporation
and engrossed in the By-law Book. By-law 48-2016 being a By-law to confirm the
proceedings of the Council of the Township of Georgian Bluffs on April 20, 2016.
That this Council adjourns at ______ PM on a motion moved by Councillor
___________and seconded by Councillor _____________ meet again at the
next regular Council meeting on May 4, 2016 or at the call of the Mayor.
Township of Georgian Bluffs
Council Minutes
Wednesday April 6, 2016, 7:00 PM
Members Present:
Mayor – Alan Barfoot
Deputy Mayor – Dwight Burley
Councillor – Sue Carleton
Councillor – Paul Sutherland
Councillor – Ryan Thompson
Councillor – Tom Wiley
Members Absent:
Councillor – Carol Barfoot
Staff Present:
CAO/Clerk – Holly Morrison
Operations Assistant - Brian Anderson (Recording Secretary)
Matt Villeneuve
1. Call to Order:
Mayor Barfoot called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. A quorum was present.
The CAO introduced the new employees:
Jung Oh – Planner
Zach Carson – Facilities Coordinator
Larry Ceaser – Grader/Excavator Operator
David McGregor – Grader/Excavator Operator
2. Declaration of Pecuniary Interest and the General Nature Thereof:
None at this time.
3. Additions to the Agenda:
That the Agenda dated April 6, 2016 be amended with the following additions:
Moved by: Deputy Mayor Burley
Seconded by: Councillor Sutherland
New Business:
Meeting with Minister of Agriculture, Food and Rural Affairs on April 11th
University of Guelph Master of Science Candidate re: Giant Hogweed
Authorize opening a bank account for the Shallow Lake Village
Township of Georgian Bluffs
Council Minutes
April 6, 2016
Invoice for the repair of the hot water heater at the Shallow Lake Arena
4. Minutes of Previous Meeting:
1) March 16, 2016 Council Meeting Minutes and March 21, 2016 Special
Council Meeting Minutes
Moved by: Councillor Wiley
Seconded by: Councillor Sutherland
That the March 16, 2016 Council Meeting Minutes and March 21, 2016 Special
Council Meeting Minutes be adopted as presented, including any revisions to be
5. Hearing of Delegations or Deputations:
6. Adoption of Consent Agenda:
With the adoption of the Consent Agenda, all recommendations found within
previous Committee Reports or Minutes are then approved or received by
Council as noted. The Consent Agenda content is available to the public when
the Agenda is finalized, but is not subject to discussion from the floor at this time.
However, representations may be made at subsequent meetings on matters of
Motion Number: 84-2016
Moved by: Councillor Sutherland
Seconded by: Councillor Carleton
That the Council of the Township of Georgian Bluffs adopts the Consent Agenda
of April 6, 2016 as circulated, less any items requested for separate review and
discussion, and directs staff to proceed with all necessary administrative actions.
7. Correspondence
For Council Action:
1) COPA Flight 68 – Fly-in and Auto and Motorcycle Display at Wiarton Keppel
International Airport.
Council received for information and that the Airport is booked for that date.
2) Multi-Municipal Wind Turbine Working Group Resolution
Council deferred this until next meeting.
Township of Georgian Bluffs
Council Minutes
April 6, 2016
3) Municipality of Grey Highlands – Vote for Agnes McPhail
Motion Number: 85-2016
Moved by: Councillor Wiley
Seconded by: Councillor Carleton
That the Council of the Township of Georgian Bluffs supports the Bank of
Canada's invitation to nominate an iconic Canadian woman to appear on a new
bank note;
And that the Council nominates Agnes McPhail:
And that the Bank of Canada link be placed on the Municipal Website;
And that the residents of Georgian Bluffs be encouraged to vote for this
remarkable woman who resided in Grey County;
And further that a copy of the resolution be sent to the County of Grey, all lower
tier municipalities in Grey County for support.
8. Reports and Recommendations:
Environmental Committee:
Chair Dwight Burley had nothing to report.
The following recommendation was made:
1) Keppel Landfill 2016 Annual Monitoring Fees
Motion Number: 86-2016
Moved by: Deputy Mayor Burley
Seconded by: Councillor Thompson
That the Council of the Township of Georgian Bluffs recommends the approval of
the quote from GM Blueplan Engineering of $10,500.00 for monitoring and
reporting services at the Keppel Landfill for the 2016 season plus disbursements
estimated at $1,000.00, and
Further that the laboratory costs quoted at $8,500.00 be approved for payment
directly from the Township to Maxxam Analytics for the spring and fall water
testing at the Keppel Landfill.
And further that all of the above mentioned costs will be funded out of the 2016
landfill operating budget.
Finance Committee:
Chair Sue Carleton gave an update to Council.
Staff have issued an RFP for a replacement photocopier.
Committee recommended that the property taxes that were unpaid for a property
whose owners didn’t know they had inherited the property be waived.
Township of Georgian Bluffs
Council Minutes
April 6, 2016
There were no interested parties in being dog tag collectors this year. Staff had
approached the previous collectors, however, they were not interested either.
Amend minutes to show that there was 4 for banking and 5 for investment with 1
each being excluded. The follow up report will be completed for the next Finance
Committee meeting.
An Action Item list will now be included as part of the Agenda package starting at
the next meeting
Recreation and Property Committee:
Chair Ryan Thompson gave an update to Council.
The Shallow Lake Old Timers had proposed to renovate the washrooms this
year, however, due to the size and cost of the project they are now proposing to
do the whole job at a later time.
There was discussion about Boyd Cemetery possibly having a scattering
grounds on an unusable area for burials.
The following recommendation was made:
1) Waive Building Permit Fees
Motion Number: 87-2016
Moved by: Councillor Thompson
Seconded by: Deputy Mayor Burley
That the Council of the Township of Georgian Bluffs recommends waiving the
Building Permit fee for the construction of the Orange Lodge at the Grey Roots
Museum and Archives and further that this building will be modelled after the
existing building in the former Township of Sarawak.
Transportation Committee:
Chair Tom Wiley updated Council.
There has been some flooding in the Township and some of these issues will be
viewed on the Roads tour.
1) Surface Treatment 2016
Motion Number: 88-2016
Moved by: Councillor Wiley
Seconded by: Deputy Mayor Burley
That the Council of the Township of Georgian Bluffs awards the application of
single and double surface treatment to Duncor Enterprises at a price of $2.12/m2
Township of Georgian Bluffs
Council Minutes
April 6, 2016
and $4.14/m2 plus HST respectively for the 2016 season to a maximum of
$453,700 plus HST to be funded from the 2016 capital budget.
9. Public Question Period:
10. By-laws:
By-law 10-2016 – Authorize Construction and Installation of Streetlights in
Sutacriti Subdivision
Motion Number: 89-2016
Moved by: Councillor Wiley
Seconded by: Deputy Mayor Burley
That By-law No. 10-2016 be read a first, second and third time, finally passed,
signed by the Mayor and Clerk, sealed with the Seal of the Corporation and
engrossed in the By-law Book. By-law No. 10-2016 being a By-law to authorize
the construction and installation of streetlights in Sutacriti Subdivision.
2) By-law 31-2016 – Agreement with Kilsyth United Church
Motion Number: 90-2016
Moved by: Councillor Carleton
Seconded by: CouncillorThompson
That By-law No. 31-2016 be read a first, second and third time, finally passed,
signed by the Mayor and Clerk, sealed with the Seal of the Corporation and
engrossed in the By-law Book. By-law No. 31-2016 being a By-law to authorize
an Agreement with the Kilsyth United Church for the annual use of the Derby
Community Centre Arena Floor and Kitchen.
3) By-law 32-2016 – Agreement with Canada 150 Community Infrastructure
Motion Number: 91-2016
Moved by: Councillor Carleton
Seconded by: CouncillorThompson
That By-law No. 32-2016 be read a first, second and third time, finally passed,
signed by the Mayor and Clerk, sealed with the Seal of the Corporation and
engrossed in the By-law Book. By-law No. 32-2016 being a By-law to authorize
an agreement with Canada 150 Community Infrastructure Program Contribution.
Township of Georgian Bluffs
Council Minutes
April 6, 2016
4) By-law 33-2016 – Agreement with Grey Bruce Telecom Incorporated
Motion Number: 92-2016
Moved by: Deputy Mayor Burley
Seconded by: Councillor Thompson
That By-law No. 33-2016 be read a first, second and third time, finally passed,
signed by the Mayor and Clerk, sealed with the Seal of the Corporation and
engrossed in the By-law Book. By-law No. 33-2016 being a By-law to authorize
an agreement with Grey Bruce Telecom Incorporated.
11. Unfinished Business:
1) Offers of Employment
Motion Number: 93-2016
Moved by: Councillor Thompson
Seconded by: Councillor Carleton
That the Council of the Township of Georgian Bluffs authorizes the hiring of Zach
Carson as the Facilities Coordinator effective April, 4, 2016 as per the Offer of
Motion Number: 94-2016
Moved by: Councillor Wiley
Seconded by: Councillor Sutherland
That the Council of the Township of Georgian Bluffs authorizes the hiring of
David McGregor as a Grader/Excavator Operator effective April 4, 2016 as per
the Offer of Employment.
Motion Number: 95-2016
Moved by: Councillor Wiley
Seconded by: Councillor Sutherland
That the Council of the Township of Georgian Bluffs authorizes the hiring of Larry
Ceaser as a Grader/Excavator Operator effective April 4, 2016 as per the Offer of
Township of Georgian Bluffs
Council Minutes
April 6, 2016
12. New Business:
1) Notice of Request for Drain Maintenance and/or Repair
Motion Number: 96-2016
Moved by: Councillor Sutherland
Seconded by: Councillor Carleton
Whereas the Township of Georgian Bluffs has received correspondence under
date of March 30, 2016 from Garry Johnson requesting a clean-out and repair of
the Johnson Municipal Drain on his property at Part Lots 4 and 5, Concession 5
in the geographic Township of Derby;
Now therefore the Council of the Township of Georgian Bluffs instructs Drainage
Superintendent Ian Eriksen of GM BluePlan to conduct an inspection of the
Johnson Municipal Drain at Part Lots 4 and 5, Concession 5 in the geographic
Township of Derby and to make a report to Council of his findings.
2) Notice of Request to Rescind Drainage Petition
Motion Number: 97-2016
Moved by: Councillor Sutherland
Seconded by: Councillor Carleton
That the Council of the Township of Georgian Bluffs acknowledges the request
from John Charlton to rescind his drainage petition dated February 8, 2016.
3) Meeting with Minister of Agriculture, Food and Rural Affairs on April 11th
Mayor Barfoot is attending the meeting, requested discussion topics from
4) University of Guelph Master of Science Candidate re: Giant Hogweed
Graduate student wanting to do research on giant hogweed.
Motion Number: 98-2016
Moved by: Councillor Sutherland
Seconded by: Councillor Carleton
That the Council of the Township of Georgian Bluffs authorizes Staff to
correspond to the request of a Graduate Student with the University of
Guelph to study the control of giant hogweed. And further that locations
within the municipality can be discussed with her,
Township of Georgian Bluffs
Council Minutes
April 6, 2016
Shallow Lake Arena hot water tank invoice
The direction was given to pay Mundle Electrical & Mechanical and that a
formal motion will come forward on the next Council agenda.
Shallow Lake Village Improvement Bank Account
Motion Number: 99-2016
Moved by: Councillor Carleton
Seconded by: Councillor Thompson
That the Council of the Township of Georgian Bluffs authorizes the Treasurer
and CAO to open up a bank account in the name of the Shallow Lake Village
Improvement Fund and further that signing authorities will be the Treasurer or the
CAO in addition to one signature (Treasurer or Alternate) from the Shallow Lake
Village Improvement Committee.
Ombudsman’s response regarding the Derby Community School
Mayor Barfoot gave a brief update to Council.
E-mail regarding Derby Community School books to third world schools
Council will wait until the fate of Derby Community School is known.
Another Wind Turbine Study for the Health Unit
Bill Walker Editorial on Bill 100
Direction from Council to Staff to put Bill Walkers editorial from last week
on our website for two weeks.
E-mail re: Derby Community School playground equipment could be
moved to the Kilsyth Arena – Mayor Barfoot will respond that we would
find an area in the community.
13. In Camera Session:
1) Education or Training Session
2) Personal matters about an identifiable individual, including municipal or local
board employees
Township of Georgian Bluffs
Council Minutes
April 6, 2016
Motion Number: 100-2016
Moved by: Councillor Carleton
Seconded by: Deputy Mayor Burley
That Council proceeds into a closed session regarding education or training
Session and personal matters about an identifiable individual, including municipal
or local board employees and that the following person remains in attendance:
CAO/Clerk Holly Morrison.
Moved by: Deputy Mayor Burley
Seconded by: Councillor Carleton
That the regular Council meeting be reconvened at 9:35 PM.
1) Training Report
Moved by: Councillor Carleton
Seconded by: Councillor Sutherland
That Council accept the CAO’s 2016 training report as presented In-Camera.
2) AMO Sessions – Tuesday Lunch Sessions
Direction to Staff to register attendees
3) Education Session to review comprehensive by-law
Special Council meeting April 25 at 5:30 PM
14. Confirmation By-law and Adjournment:
Moved by: Councillor Thompson
Seconded by: Councillor Wiley
That By-law No. 34-2016 be read a first, second and third time, finally passed,
signed by the Mayor and Clerk, sealed with the Seal of the Corporation and
engrossed in the By-law Book. By-law 349-2016 being a By-law to confirm the
proceedings of the Council of the Township of Georgian Bluffs on April 6, 2016.
That this Council adjourns at 9:46 PM on a motion moved by Councillor Carleton
and seconded by Councillor Wiley to meet again at the next regular Council
meeting on April 20, 2016 or at the call of the Mayor.
Mayor Alan Barfoot
Recording Secretary
Brian Anderson
Township of Georgian Bluffs
Committee of the Whole Minutes
Wednesday April 13, 2016, 7:00 PM
Members Present:
Mayor – Alan Barfoot
Deputy Mayor – Dwight Burley
Councillor – Carol Barfoot
Councillor – Sue Carleton
Councillor – Paul Sutherland
Councillor – Ryan Thompson
Councillor – Tom Wiley
Staff Present:
CAO/Clerk - Holly Morrison
Deputy Clerk – Christine Fraser-McDonald (recording secretary)
Planner – Jung Oh
Chief Building Official – Josh Planz
1. Call to Order:
Mayor Barfoot called the meeting to order at 7:00 PM.
2. Declaration of Pecuniary Interest and the General Nature Thereof:
3. Additions to Agenda:
The agenda dated April 13, 2016 was amended by adding the following items:
New Business:
Municipal Summit on OMB Reform
Hawk’s Nest Competition
Canada Day
4. Hearing of Delegations or Deputations:
7:00 PM – Public Meeting to consider a proposed Zoning By-law Amendment
Application for Justin and Jennifer Bumstead at Lots 8 and 9, Plan 390,
geographic Township of Sarawak.
Motion No.: COW 1-2016-04-13
Moved by: Councillor Carleton
Seconded by: Councillor Wiley
That the Council of the Township of Georgian Bluffs recess the regular meeting
to hold a public meeting to consider a proposed Zoning By-law Amendment
Township of Georgian Bluffs
Committee of the Whole Minutes
April 13, 2016
Application for Justin and Jennifer Bumstead at Lots 8 and 9, Plan 390,
geographic Township of Sarawak. (580-003-12600)
The Mayor called the meeting to order at 7:00 PM. with four people in attendance
and asked the Deputy Clerk to give details of how the notice of Public Meeting
was given.
The Deputy Clerk gave details of how the notice of Public Meeting was given.
The Planner explained the purpose and effect of the proposed By-law and read
correspondence from the following:
Township of Georgian Bluffs Building Department no comments.
Township of Georgian Bluffs Operation Department no comments.
Grey Sauble Conservation Authority generally has no objection to the subject
application. They recommend that the EP area be remapped as per their
hazard mapping (correspondence dated March18, 2016, GSCA file: P11925).
Historic Saugeen Metis (HSM) Lands, Resources, and Consultation
Department has reviewed the relevant documents and has no objection or
opposition to the proposed development, land re-designation, rezoning, land
severance, Official Plan and/or Zoning By-law Amendments (email
correspondence dated March 10, 2016).
Grey County Planning and Development note that the subject lands are
adjacent to Georgian Bay. No Development shall be permitted within 30 metres
of the banks of a stream, river lake or Georgian Bay. According to the letter
from the Conservation Authority dated March 18, 2016, there are no anticipated
negative impacts with the proposed development.
Transportation Services have reviewed the file and have no objections.
Provided the recommendations from the Conservation Authority in the letter
dated March 18, 2016 are integrated, County Planning staff have no further
concerns with the subject application.
The Notice of Complete Application and Notice of Public Meeting was
circulated to all property owners within 120 m of the subject property. No
comments were received by the report submission deadline.
The Mayor asked if anyone present wished to make oral or written submissions
either in favour or opposed to the proposed application and if so that they give
their name and address to the Deputy Clerk.
The applicants were not present.
This will be brought forward as a By-law to the next Council meeting.
Moved by: Councillor Sutherland
Seconded by: Councillor Barfoot
That the public meeting be adjourned at 7:03 PM. and the regular Council
meeting resumed.
Township of Georgian Bluffs
Committee of the Whole Minutes
April 13, 2016
7:15 PM – Peter Lemon- Request for Assistance – Maritime Memorial of the
Upper Lakes
Mr. Lemon made a presentation to Council regarding the proposed Maritime
Memorial of the Upper Lakes.
It has been identified that Captain Owen’s landing place was Cobble Beach.
Two survey points have been located at Cobble Beach and preserved in their
original condition. This has been confirmed by an archeologist and Royal Navy
Mr. Lemon noted that in order to interpret Owen Sound’s maritime history, it is
necessary to interpret Georgian Bluff’s coastal heritage as well.
The Maritime Memorial will increase tourism and tourist dollars.
Under the rules of Trillium, Owen Sound is too large to apply for funding.
Georgian Bluffs is under the 20,000 residents level so the township can apply for
the Maritime Memorial of the Upper Lakes.
In order to meet the requirements of Trillium, Mr. Lemon is requesting that three
full voting members of the Maritime Memorial of the Upper Lakes Committee
must be appointed by Georgian Bluffs.
If Trillium funding is approved, all those funds would go to Georgian Bluffs. Only
funds received may be dispersed provided they are a part of the approved
Following the appointment of three members to the Committee, an application
would be made to Trillium to register Georgian Bluffs.
The grant will be applied to the memorial and plaques.
Council thanked Mr. Lemon for this presentation.
The selection of the appointees were discussed by Council.
The appointees will be Councillor Wiley, Councillor Carleton and Mayor Barfoot.
This will be brought forward as a motion to the next Council meeting.
5. Correspondence:
1) Correspondence from Ogilvie Site Furnishings
Council directed that this be forward to the Recreation and Property Committee
for further discussion.
6. Reports and Recommendations:
Corporate Services:
1) CL.16.13 – RFP for Website
Currently, the Township has a website that was created by and hosted by since 2009.
Township of Georgian Bluffs
Committee of the Whole Minutes
April 13, 2016
This website is not user friendly for staff and/or visitors. It is cluttered and hard to
navigate and search for a particular item. It is difficult for staff to make changes,
add in new material or delete outdated information.
The Township website was used as an example at a Social Media workshop on
how a website should not look or be designed. The website is also hard to view
on mobile devices.
Staff provided examples of award winning sites as well as a draft RFP.
Council directed staff to send out the RFP for a new website design.
2) CL.16.22 – Hepworth Shallow Lake Rotary Club
The Hepworth Shallow Lake Rotary Club is requesting the use of the meeting
room and kitchen at the Shallow Lake Community Centre in exchange for an
annual donation.
The Rotary Club’s meetings have been an ongoing activity, but have “booked”
through the Township. If this agreement is entered into with the Club, the facility
would be reserved on behalf of the Club. The Hepworth Shallow Lake Rotary
Club would make a donation by cash or “in kind” donations for the use of the
meeting room and kitchen. These “in kind” donations must be pre-approved by
To date, the Club has provided a storage building on the playground as well as
picnic tables and lettering for the Community Centre. They have also donated
$3,000 towards the facility.
Council directed staff to include a paragraph that the donation be an approximate
value to the cost of the rental for the year.
3) CL.16.23 – Temporary Airport Entrance Sign
In an effort to promote the airport and tourism, a new sign is required for the
entrance to the airport. This sign will also indicate that the airport is now in the
sole ownership of the Township.
Staff prepared a report for the Advisory Committee. The Committee
recommended that Austin Graphics be appointed to produce a temporary sign.
Staff created a basic outline of a sign for the entrance. It was recommended that
this proposed design be forwarded to the Committee of the Whole for their
The cost to design, and install the sign will be $820.00 plus HST. This will be
funded from the Airport 2016 Operating Budget.
The Committee of the Whole received the report and recommended to Council to
award the production of the temporary airport entrance sign to Austin Graphics at
a cost of $820.00 plus HST. This cost includes design, setup and installation.
Staff will contact Austin Graphics as soon as possible.
Township of Georgian Bluffs
Committee of the Whole Minutes
April 13, 2016
4) CL.16.24 – Big Bay Memorial Wall
Jim Halliday and Edith Galloway have offered to convey a portion of their lands to
the Township for the provision of a Memorial Wall and garden at Big Bay
To finish this project, the Township must complete the following:
Complete the deed registration and send a copy of the survey to the
Bereavement Authority of Ontario as there will be a new structure within the
cemetery. The Authority will issue a “Certificate of Consent”;
Once the “Certificate of Consent” is completed, amend By-law 80-2012 –
Cemetery By-law to allow for the memorial wall;
Decide on the fee to be charged for the inscription of the name on the wall;
Amend the Fees and Charges By-law; and
Install a fence on the northern boundary of the existing cemetery and new
Staff is recommending that as this is a memorial wall, only those people that
have passed will have their names on the wall.
The following financial items need to be considered:
Cost of the registration of the deed – funded from the 2016 Operating Budget.
Stone engraving – user pay – no cost to the Township.
Removal and replacement of old fence (north side) – funder from the Georgian
Bluffs Parkland Reserve Fund.
That a fee of $120.00 be charged to be placed in a fund for future maintenance.
Council directed staff to bring the fee of $120.00 for future maintenance forward
as an amendment to the Fees and Services By-law.
5) CL.16.25 – Dog Tag Contractor
Council had requested that a contractor be hired to go door-to-door to sell dog
The Deputy Clerk placed an advertisement in the Wiarton Echo and Owen Sound
Sun Times as well as on the Township website. This request was for quotations
from interested persons to go door-to-door selling dog tags to the residents of the
Township of Georgian Bluffs between April 1st and May 15th, 2016.
No proposals were received.
Staff is recommending that the position be re-posted with advertisements being
placed on the Canada Job Bank as well as the YMCA Employment Agency for
greater exposure.
The advertisement has been re-designed with a new time period for collecting
tags. This may make it more appealing for applicants so they are not travelling in
winter months. A draft was available for Council’s consideration.
Council directed staff to place the advertisement in the local newspapers.
Township of Georgian Bluffs
Committee of the Whole Minutes
April 13, 2016
6) CAO.16.13 – Cost of Living
Staff noted that the 2016 budget included funds for a 2.0% COLA for non-union
pay ranges, with a January 1st, 2016 effective date. This is an approximate cost
of $24,600.00.
The Committee directed staff to prepare a Cost of Living of 1.82% retroactive to
January 1, 2016. A motion will be brought forward to the next meeting.
7) CAO.16.14 – Accessibility Requirement Updates
The Accessibility of Ontarians with disabilities Act, 2005 (AODA) is law passed
by the Ontario legislature that allows the government to develop specific
standards of accessibility and to enforce them. The goal is to make the Province
of Ontario completely accessible by 2025.
Georgian Bluffs is required to establish an Accessibility Advisory Committee
based on population.
Council directed staff to bring this policy forward to the next Council meeting.
Airport Manager
1) Airport Manager Monthly Update – March 2016
The activities at the airport for March 2016 were discussed.
This was received for Council’s information.
2) Airport Service Inquiries
Airport staff are receiving inquiries from the public and pilots regarding services
available at the airport.
There have been inquiries regarding hangar space and a restaurant.
This was received for Council’s information.
7. Public Question Period:
There were no questions from the public.
8. By-laws:
9. Unfinished Business:
1) Shallow Lake Village Improvement Board Terms of Reference
Staff noted that the Terms of Reference had been presented to the Shallow Lake
Village Improvement Group for review. A bank account has also been opened
on behalf of the group.
Council directed staff to bring this forward as a By-law to the next Council
Township of Georgian Bluffs
Committee of the Whole Minutes
April 13, 2016
10. New Business:
1) Report from Councillor Sue Carleton – LAS Workshop
Councillor Carleton updated Council on the LAS Workshop.
2) Proposed Bluegrass Festival at the Wiarton Keppel International Airport
Deputy Mayor Burley discussed the proposed Bluegrass Festival at the Airport.
The festival would run from July 15, 16 and 17, 2016. There would be no cost to
the Township. The group provides security and clean up.
The Deputy Mayor is seeking permission from Council that the Advisory
Committee be able to negotiate an agreement with the group.
Council directed that the Advisory Committee move forward with the festival.
3) Date and location for Christmas Party
As per the Christmas Party policy, a date and location must be confirmed by April
30th of each year.
Council directed staff to book Cobble Beach for November 26th.
4) Draft Article for Grey County Economic Development Newsletter authored
by Jim Norton, member of the Airport Advisory Committee.
This article was previously presented to the Airport Advisory Committee. The
Committee recommended that this be forwarded to the Committee of Whole for
approval prior to submission.
Council directed that Mr. Norton submit his article with amendments.
5) Canada Day
This will be held at Big Bay on July 1, 2016.
6) Hawk’s Nest
Council will not be sponsoring this event.
7) Municipal Summit – OMB Reform
This was noted and filed by Council.
8) The old operations truck will be taken to the Auction Sale on April 16th at
Township of Georgian Bluffs
Committee of the Whole Minutes
April 13, 2016
11. In Camera Session:
1) Litigation or potential litigation
2) Educational or training session
3) Personal matters about an identifiable individual, including municipal or local
board employees
Motion No.: COW 2-2016-04-13
Moved by: Councillor Carleton
Seconded by: Deputy Mayor Burley
That Council proceeds into a closed session regarding litigation or potential
litigation, educational or training session and personal matters about an
identifiable individual, including municipal or local board employees and that the
following persons to remain in attendance: CAO/Clerk Holly Morrison and
Deputy Clerk Christine Fraser-McDonald Items (1 and 2).
Moved by: Councillor Barfoot
Seconded by: Councillor Thompson
That the regular Council meeting be reconvened at 10:20 PM.
12. Adjournment:
That this Council adjourns at 10:23 PM on a motion moved by Councillor
Carleton and seconded by Councillor Sutherland to meet again at the next
regular Committee of the Whole meeting on May 11, 2016 or at the call of the
Mayor Alan Barfoot
Deputy Clerk,
Christine Fraser-McDonald
BEING a By-law to amend Zoning By-law No. 6-2003, as amended, of the Township of
Georgian Bluffs.
WHEREAS the Council of the Corporation of the Township of Georgian Bluffs deems it
in the public interest to pass a By-law to amend Bylaw No. 6-2003.
AND WHEREAS pursuant to the provisions of Section 34 of the Planning Act, R.S.O.
1990, as amended, By-laws may be amended by Councils of Municipalities;
By-law No. 6-2003, as amended, is hereby amended as it affects lands described
as Lots 8 & 9 Registered Plan 390, in the former Township of Sarawak, in the
Township of Georgian Bluffs, and shown on the schedule affixed hereto.
Schedule ‘A’ Map ‘11’ to By-law No. 6-2003, as amended, is hereby further
amended by changing the zone symbol from ‘EP’ Environmental Protection and
‘R2’ Inland Lake and Shoreline Residential to ‘R2-35-2016’ Inland Lake and
Shoreline Residential with exceptions and ‘EP’ Environmental Protection, as
shown on the Schedule attached hereto and forming part of this Bylaw.
That Section 11 be amended by adding the following section:
“11.5.71 Notwithstanding Section 4.8.1 to this bylaw, on lands described as Lots 8
& 9 Registered Plan 390, in the geographic Township of Sarawak, Township of
Georgian Bluffs, shown as ‘R2-35-2016’ on Map ‘11’, residential development is
permitted on a 0.77 acre lot that does not have direct access onto an improved
public street. The setback from the ‘EP’ area is 0 metres. All other provisions of
the bylaw shall apply.”
Schedule ‘A’ attached and all notations thereon are hereby declared to form part
of this By-law.
This By-law shall come into force and take effect upon being passed by Council
subject to any approval necessary pursuant to the Planning Act R.S.O. 1990, as
Read a first and second time this 20th day of April, 2016.
Read a third time and finally passed this 20th day of April, 2016.
Deputy Mayor – Dwight Burley
CAO/Clerk – Holly Morrison
I hereby certify that the foregoing is a true copy of By-law No. 352016 as enacted by the Council of the Corporation of the
Township of Georgian Bluffs this 20th day of April, 2016.
Holly Morrison, CAO/Clerk
Bumstead Z-04-16
20th day of April, 2016
SIGNED: _____________________
Deputy Mayor – Dwight Burley
CAO/Clerk- Holly Morrison
Parcel Zoned from ‘R2’ Restricted Rural and ‘EP’ Environmental Protection
to ‘R2-35-2016’ and ‘EP’.
Area zoned ‘EP’ Environmental Protection
Amending Schedule ‘A’, Map 11
Bumstead Z-04-16
BY-LAW NO. 36-2016
BEING a By-law to authorize the stopping up, closing and transfer of a public
highway in the geographic Township of Keppel.
WHEREAS Section 11 (3) of the Municipal Act, S.O. 2001, Chapter 25 as
amended, provides that a lower-tier municipality may pass By-laws respecting
AND WHEREAS Section 34 (1) of the Municipal Act, S.O. 2001, Chapter 25 as
amended, provides that a By-law permanently closing a highway does not take
effect until a certified copy of the By-law is registered in the proper land registry
AND WHEREAS it is deemed expedient to stop up and close a public highway in
the Township of Georgian Bluffs and to transfer the Township’s interest in the soil
and freehold of such stopped up public highway;
AND WHEREAS notice of this By-law and the stopping up, closing and transfer
of the public highway was given in accordance with the manner of notice
procedures as established on Schedule “A” to By-law No. 93-2007 being a Bylaw to establish procedures for notices as required under the Municipal Act,
NOW THEREFORE the Council of the Corporation of the Township of Georgian
Bluffs enacts as follows:
THAT part of the original shore road allowance in front of Part Lot 12,
Colpoy’s Range in the geographic Township of Keppel and further
described as Part 1 on RP 16R-10596, is hereby stopped up and closed.
THAT the Township transfers its interest in the soil and freehold of such
stopped up and closed public highway to the abutting property owner
Johann and Monika Mesko.
THAT the Township Solicitor is directed to take all necessary steps to
complete this transfer, and the Deputy Mayor and Clerk be authorized to
execute any documents in connection therewith.
THAT this By-law shall take effect on the date of its registration in the
proper land registry office.
Read a first and second time this 20th day of April, 2016.
Read a third time and passed this 20th day of April, 2016.
________________________________ ______________________________
Deputy Mayor – Dwight Burley
CAO/Clerk – Holly Morrison
I certify the foregoing By-law Number 36-2016 to be a true and exact copy as
enacted by the Council of the Township of Georgian Bluffs this 20th day of April,
Holly Morrison, CAO/Clerk
BY-LAW NO. 37-2016
BEING a By-law to authorize an Agreement with the John Drake.
WHEREAS Section 11 (2) of the Municipal Act S.O. 2001 as amended provides
that a lower-tier municipality and an upper-tier municipality may pass by-laws
respecting the health, safety, and well-being of persons;
AND WHEREAS the Council of the Corporation of the Township of Georgian
Bluffs deems it to be in the public interest to enter into Agreement with John
AND WHEREAS John Drake leases a portion of the Airport Lands, together with
certain rights-of-way, known as Unit 4;
AND WHEREAS this is an existing lease that has been modified to recognize the
new Landlord as the Township of Georgian Bluffs with a term of twenty (20)
years from November 15, 2003 to November 13, 2023.
NOW THEREFORE the Council of the Corporation of the Township of Georgian
Bluffs enacts as follows:
That an Agreement between John Drake and the Township of Georgian
Bluffs is hereby authorized.
That the Deputy Mayor and CAO/Clerk be authorized to sign the
Agreement attached hereto and which forms a part of this By-law.
This By-law shall come into full force and effect upon the final passing
Read a first and second time this 20th day of April, 2016.
Read a third time and finally passed this 20th day of April, 2016.
Deputy Mayor – Dwight Burley
CAO/Clerk – Holly Morrison
BY-LAW NO. 38-2016
BEING a By-law to authorize an Agreement with the Sinopec Holdings Inc.
WHEREAS Section 11 (2) of the Municipal Act S.O. 2001 as amended provides
that a lower-tier municipality and an upper-tier municipality may pass by-laws
respecting the health, safety, and well-being of persons;
AND WHEREAS the Council of the Corporation of the Township of Georgian
Bluffs deems it to be in the public interest to enter into Agreement with Sinopec
Holdings Inc.;
AND WHEREAS Sinopec Holdings Inc. leases a portion of the Airport Lands,
together with certain rights-of-way, known as Unit 1;
AND WHEREAS this is an existing lease that has been modified to recognize the
new Landlord as the Township of Georgian Bluffs with a term of twenty (20)
years from January 29, 2013 to January 29, 2033.
NOW THEREFORE the Council of the Corporation of the Township of Georgian
Bluffs enacts as follows:
That an Agreement between Sinopec Holdings Inc. and the Township of
Georgian Bluffs is hereby authorized.
That the Deputy Mayor and CAO/Clerk be authorized to sign the
Agreement attached hereto and which forms a part of this By-law.
This By-law shall come into full force and effect upon the final passing
Read a first and second time this 20th day of April, 2016.
Read a third time and finally passed this 20th day of April, 2016.
Deputy Mayor – Alan Barfoot
CAO/Clerk – Holly Morrison
BY-LAW NO. 39-2016
BEING a By-law to authorize an Agreement with the Perry Jarmuszewski.
WHEREAS Section 11 (2) of the Municipal Act S.O. 2001 as amended provides
that a lower-tier municipality and an upper-tier municipality may pass by-laws
respecting the health, safety, and well-being of persons;
AND WHEREAS the Council of the Corporation of the Township of Georgian
Bluffs deems it to be in the public interest to enter into Agreement with Perry
AND WHEREAS Perry Jarmuszewski leases a portion of the Airport Lands,
together with certain rights-of-way, known as Unit 8;
AND WHEREAS this is an existing lease that has been modified to recognize the
new Landlord as the Township of Georgian Bluffs with a term of twenty (20)
years from July 1, 2009 to June 30, 2029.
NOW THEREFORE the Council of the Corporation of the Township of Georgian
Bluffs enacts as follows:
That an Agreement between Perry Jarmuszewski and the Township of
Georgian Bluffs is hereby authorized.
That the Deputy Mayor and CAO/Clerk be authorized to sign the
Agreement attached hereto and which forms a part of this By-law.
This By-law shall come into full force and effect upon the final passing
Read a first and second time this 20th day of April, 2016.
Read a third time and finally passed this 20th day of April, 2016.
Deputy Mayor – Dwight Burley
CAO/Clerk – Holly Morrison
The Corporation of the Town of South Bruce Peninsula
By-law Number 42-2016
Being a By-law to authorize the Mayor and Clerk to Sign an
Agreement for Fire Protection Services with the Town of
South Bruce Peninsula
Whereas Section 2.(6) of the Fire Protection and Prevention Act, S.O. 1997 as may be
amended from time to time authorizes a municipality to enter into automatic aid agreements
to provide or receive the initial or supplemental response to fires, rescues and emergencies;
fire protection services;
And whereas the Corporation of the Town of South Bruce Peninsula is desirous of making
an agreement for the provision of fire services to an area in the Township of Georgian
Now therefore the Council of the Corporation of the Town of South Bruce Peninsula
enacts as follows:
That the Mayor and Clerk are hereby authorized to sign an agreement with the
Township of Georgian Bluffs for the provision of fire protection services.
That the agreement shall be attached hereto and form a part of this By-law.
That this By-law shall come into full force and effect upon the final passing hereof.
Read a first and second time this 20th day of April, 2016.
_______________________Deputy Mayor
Read a third time and finally passed this 20th day of April, 2016.
_______________________Deputy Mayor
The Corporation of the Town of South Bruce Peninsula,
Hereinafter referred to as “South Bruce Peninsula”
The Corporation of the Township of Georgian Bluffs,
Hereinafter referred to as “Georgian Bluffs”
Whereas Section 2.(6) of the Fire Protection and Prevention Act, S.O. 1997 as may be
amended from time to time authorizes a municipality to enter into automatic aid agreements
to provide or receive the initial or supplemental response to fires, rescues and emergencies;
fire protection services;
And whereas South Bruce Peninsula operates fire protection services and manages assets
suitable to meet municipal responsibilities required by the Fire Protection and Prevention
Act, through a fire department situated within South Bruce Peninsula;
And whereas South Bruce Peninsula is prepared to make available fire protection services
to Georgian Bluffs;
And whereas Georgian Bluffs is agreeable and request that South Bruce Peninsula
provides fire protection services to a defined area of Georgian Bluffs.
Now therefore the parties to this agreement covenant and agree as follows:
In this agreement, unless the context otherwise requires, the definitions in Section 1
shall apply.
Designate means a person who in the absence of the Fire Chief has the same
power and authority as the Fire Chief.
Fire Area means and is limited to the area of the Township of Georgian Bluffs
defined in Schedule A attached to and forming part of this agreement.
Fire Chief means the Chief of the Fire Department.
Fire Department means the Town of South Bruce Peninsula Fire Department.
Fire Protection Services means and is limited to the automatic aid activities defined
in this agreement.
Inter Township Fire Department means an organization not under the ownership,
care or control of the Town of South Bruce Peninsula which provides services to the
Township of Georgian Bluffs
Fire Protection Services
South Bruce Peninsula will supply fire protection services to all the properties and
residents situated within the fire area subject to the limitations and inclusions
contained herein.
Fire protection services which will be provided by South Bruce Peninsula to Georgian
Bluffs shall be:
2.2.1 Fire suppression
2.2.2 Fire rescue
2.2.3 Fire Department communications
2.2.4 Motor vehicle collision
2.2.5 Rescue/extrication
2.2.6 First Aid
2.2.7 Defibrillation
2.2.8 Hazardous materials response (awareness level only)
2.2.9 Shore based water rescue
Fire protection services to those properties accessed via private roads, private lanes
or private driveways may be limited by the condition of such road, lane or driveway.
Response times may vary or be impossible due to the condition of the private road,
private laneway or private driveway. The decision of the Fire Chief or designate as
to the suitability of these access roads is in each case final.
The parties agree that the supply of fire protection services does not include any fire
protection services to White Cloud Island, Griffith Island or to any other island except
to the extent that automatic aid as may be needed shall be provided at the Big Bay
Dock or other closest reasonable drop off point to assist with medical transport or
similar assistance.
Response Protocol
The fire apparatus and personnel of the Fire Department will respond in accordance
with this agreement to requests for fire protection services in the fire area in a like
manner as if the response were in the Town of South Bruce Peninsula.
The initial response shall be limited to one hour.
If the occurrence is deemed by the Fire Chief or designate to exceed more than one
hour, the Fire Department shall summon the Inter Township Fire Department to
respond to take over the occurrence.
Upon the arrival of the Inter Township Fire Department personnel on the scene of
the occurrence, a determination will be made by the Inter Township Fire
Department’s commanding officer and the Fire Department’s commanding officer
whether apparatus and personnel of the Fire Department are to remain at the scene
of the occurrence.
In the event it is determined that the Fire Department will remain at the scene of the
occurrence they shall do so under the same financial considerations as provided
Should the Fire Chief or designate require assistance or believe assistance may be
required by way of additional personnel, apparatus or equipment to an occurrence in
the fire area, such assistance may be summoned but the Fire Chief or designate
shall wherever possible make the first call for assistance to the Inter Township Fire
The Fire Chief or designate may refuse to supply responses if response personnel,
apparatus and/or equipment are required in the Town of South Bruce Peninsula or
elsewhere under the provisions of the Bruce County Emergency Fire Service Plan
and Program.
The Fire Chief or designate may order the return of such personnel, apparatus
and/or equipment that is responding to or is at the scene of an occurrence in the fire
area. In such cases the Fire Chief or designate may summon assistance in
accordance with Section 3.6.
The following responses shall be reported to the Inter Township Fire Department as
soon as practical:
All reported structure fires.
All reported water/ice rescue calls.
All reported high angle rescue calls.
Any other responses that in the opinion of the officer in charge may exceed
one hour in duration.
Unsafe Condition
If at any time during the term of this agreement South Bruce Peninsula notifies
Georgian Bluffs of an unsafe condition in the fire area which would prevent the Fire
Department from responding as required herein, or which would endanger
unreasonably the firefighters or firefighting equipment of South Bruce Peninsula, the
Fire Chief or designate may notify Georgian Bluffs of the same and Georgian Bluffs
shall take all legal steps to correct the same.
If Georgian Bluffs fails to comply with the provisions in Section 4.1, South Bruce
Peninsula may refuse to respond to calls for assistance to the location of the unsafe
The decision of the Fire Chief or designate in this regard is final and will not be
questioned by Georgian Bluffs.
Decision of Fire Chief or Designate
The decision of the Fire Chief or designate pursuant to the provisions contained
herein shall in each case be final and not open to question by Georgian Bluffs.
If any claims against South Bruce Peninsula result from any decision of the Fire
Chief or designate, Georgian Bluffs will indemnify and save harmless South Bruce
Peninsula from all damages and costs provided the said decision of the Fire Chief or
designate was made in accordance with and complies with the provisions of this
Charge for the Provision of Fire Protection Services
6.1.1 South Bruce Peninsula will in January of each calendar year, calculate the
percentage of call volume within the fire area as compared to the total calls of the
Fire Department based upon the previous five (years).
6.1.2 The call volume as a percentage will be used to calculate the annual amount that
Georgian Bluffs will pay South Bruce Peninsula.
6.1.3 The payment calculation will be based upon the previous five year cost actuals of the
Fire Department, excluding depreciation.
6.1.4 Attached hereto as Schedule B shall be the calculation to be used in the first year of
this agreement.
6.2.1 Notwithstanding Section 6.1.1, Section 6.1.2 and Section 6.1.3 above, Georgian
Bluffs will also be charged a “non-resident premium” on all fire protection services.
6.2.2 The non-resident premium will be established by South Bruce Peninsula, at their sole
discretion and may be subject to change from time to time.
South Bruce Peninsula will invoice Georgian Bluffs on a monthly basis.
Non-payment of any invoice by the due date as established by South Bruce
Peninsula shall be subject to penalty and/or interest charges.
Georgian Bluffs will not withhold payment to South Bruce Peninsula.
All fees and charges will be adjusted from time to time by South Bruce Peninsula and
calculated by South Bruce Peninsula.
6.7.1 The term for payment for all invoices issued by South Bruce Peninsula to Georgian
Bluffs shall be net 30 (thirty) days.
6.7.2 Any amount outstanding after 30 (thirty) days shall accumulate and accrue penalty
and interest at a rate as established by South Bruce Peninsula.
The failure by Georgian Bluffs to pay the amounts required by this agreement will
entitle South Bruce Peninsula to terminate this agreement.
This agreement shall remain in full force and effect for a period not to exceed 5 (five)
years from the date of final execution by all parties hereto.
Provided that notice is given one party to the other a minimum of 180 (one hundred
eighty) days prior to the termination of this agreement, the parties hereto may
mutually consent to a further 5 (five) year extension to the agreement on the same
terms as provided herein.
Prior to the expiration of the agreement, either party may provide written notice of
termination at least 180 (one hundred eighty) days prior to the desired date of
This agreement may be amended at any time by the mutual consent of the parties.
The party desiring the amendment(s) shall give the other party a minimum of thirty
(30) days written notice of the proposed amendment(s).
Disagreement, Dispute and Arbitration
In the event of any disagreement between the parties with regard to the provisions in
this agreement, the parties hereto will make every effort to come to a mutually
agreed upon decision.
8.2.1 Where a disagreement cannot be settled between the parties within sixty (60) days
of the commencement of the dispute, either party shall in writing one party to the
other request that the dispute be resolved through arbitration by a single arbitrator
chosen by Georgian Bluffs and South Bruce Peninsula.
8.2.2 If South Bruce Peninsula and Georgian Bluffs cannot agree upon the arbitrator within
ten (10) days after the written request for arbitration by either party to the other,
either party may apply to a judge of the Superior County of Justice (Ontario) for the
appointment of an arbitrator in accordance with the provisions of the Arbitrations Act,
1991 (Ontario) S.O. 1991, c.17 or similar legislation then in force (the “Arbitrations
8.2.3 The provisions of the Arbitrations Act shall govern the arbitration and the decision of
the arbitrator shall be final and binding upon the parties.
8.2.4 The parties agree that any request for arbitration must be made good faith and on
reasonable grounds and such request for arbitration is not to be used for the purpose
of delay by either party.
Fire Area Boundary Adjustment
9.1.1 Georgian Bluffs shall at all times while this agreement is in effect and otherwise be
solely responsible to the extent required by law for compliance with Subsections
2(1)(a) and (2)(a) of the Fire Protection and Prevention Act, 1997 of Ontario.
9.1.2 Without limiting the foregoing Georgian Bluffs shall be solely responsible for notifying
in the manner and to the extend deemed necessary in law, residents and occupants
of the fire area, of procedures for reporting an emergency and of the services
provided by the Fire Department.
9.1.3 Should the parties agree that boundary changes to the fire area are required,
notification to the affected residents and occupants of such changes including
financial or otherwise shall be the sole responsibility of Georgian Bluffs.
9.1.4 No changes to the fire area shall come into effect until the changed fire area is
mutually agreed upon by both parties and approved by resolution of the Councils of
each party.
Notwithstanding anything herein contained, no liability shall attach or accrue to South
Bruce Peninsula for failing to supply Georgian Bluffs on any occasion, or occasions
any of the fire protection services provided for in this agreement and subject to the
following provisions:
10.1.1 Where the failure to provide the fire protection services arises as a result of the Fire
Department being unable to respond or continue to respond due to being engaged
elsewhere in accordance with their obligations to the residents of the Town of South
Bruce Peninsula or the County of Bruce.
10.1.2 Where the failure to provide the fire protection services is due to an act of God, a
strike or a riot.
10.1.3 Where the failure to provide the fire protection service is due to a decision by the Fire
Chief or designate as outlined in Section 4 hereof.
10.2.1 Each party to this agreement agrees each with the other that it is solely responsible
for its own actions or its own inactions in complying with any of the terms of this
10.2.2 Each party will take the necessary steps to inform its liability insurer of this
agreement in order to ensure that its respective insurer will provide coverage to it for
any liabilities arising from this agreement for which it is found to be responsible.
In the event that any covenant, provision or term of this Agreement should at any
time to be held by any competent tribunal void or unenforceable, then the agreement
shall not fail but the covenant, provision or term shall be deemed to be severable
from the remainder of this agreement which shall remain in full force and effect
mutatis mutandis.
Any notice required hereunder shall be delivered or mailed as follows and shall be
deemed received upon personal delivery or 5 (five) days after mailing.
Town of South Bruce Peninsula
Attention Clerk
315 George Street, PO Box 310
Wiarton ON N0H 2T0
Township of Georgian Bluffs
Attention CAO/Clerk
177964 Grey Rd 18, RR 3
Owen Sound ON N4K 5N5
The parties hereto have set their hands and corporate seals as attested to by their
duly authorized officers on their behalf this 20th day of April, 2016.
The Corporation of the Town of South Bruce Peninsula
We have the authority to bind the Corporation.
The Corporation of the Township of Georgian Bluffs
Deputy Mayor
We have the authority to bind the Corporation.
Schedule A
Map Showing Geographic Area Subject to Automatic Aid
Schedule B
Analysis of Georgian Bluffs Share of Wiarton Call Volume-Year One (2016)
Five Year Average
Total Calls
Calls In GB
Average Cost Per Call
$ 3,168.93
Georgian Bluffs Share
$ 56,406.89
Non Resident Premium
Total Recoverable From GB
% Calls
Actual Costs
GB Revenue
$ 38,792
$ 32,537
$ 43,474
$ 27,776
$ 37,372
$ 35,990
The annual 2016 cost will be pro-rated based on the effective date of both parties
signing, estimated to be May, 2016.
BY-LAW NO. 44-2016
BEING a By-law to appoint a Building Inspector for the Township of Georgian
WHEREAS Section 3 (2) of the Building Code Act, S.O. 1992, Chapter 23 as amended,
states that the Council of each Municipality shall appoint a Chief Building Official and
Inspectors as are necessary for the enforcement of the Building Code Act;
AND WHEREAS the Council of the Township of Georgian Bluffs deems it necessary
and expedient to appoint a Building Inspector for the Township of Georgian Bluffs;
NOW THEREFORE the Council of the Corporation of the Township of Georgian Bluffs
enacts as follows:
That Russ Gilkinson is hereby appointed a Building
Inspector for the Corporation of the Township of Georgian
That this By-law shall come into full force and effect upon the
final passing hereof.
Read a first and second time this 20th day of April, 2016
Read a third time and finally passed this 20th day of April, 2016
Deputy Mayor – Dwight Burley
CAO/Clerk – Holly Morrison
BY-LAW NO. 44-2016
BEING a By-law to confirm the proceedings of the Special Council meeting of the
Corporation of the Township of Georgian Bluffs held on April 20, 2016.
WHEREAS Section 19(1) of the Municipal Act 2001, S.O. 2001, Chapter 219 as
amended, grants powers of a Municipal Corporation to be exercised by its Council; and
WHEREAS Section 19(3) of the Municipal Act 2001, S.O. 2001, Chapter 219 as
amended, provides that powers of every Council are to be exercised by By-law unless
specifically authorized to do otherwise;
AND WHEREAS it is deemed expedient that the proceedings of the Council meeting held
on April 20, 2016 are confirmed and adopted by By-law;
NOW THEREFORE the Council of the Corporation of the Township of Georgian Bluffs
enacts as follows:
1) That the actions of the Council of the Corporation of the Township of Georgian
Bluffs, at its meeting held on April 20, 2016 in respect to each motion and resolution
passed, reports received and direction given by the Council at the said meeting,
are hereby adopted and confirmed.
2) The Mayor and the proper Officials of the Corporation are hereby authorized and
directed to do all things necessary to give effect to the said actions of the Council.
3) The Mayor and Clerk are authorized and directed to execute all documents
necessary in that behalf, and the Clerk is authorized and directed to affix the Seal
of the Corporation to all such documents.
4) That this By-law shall come into full force and effect upon the final passing hereof.
Read a first and second time this 20th day of April, 2016.
Read a third time and finally passed this 20th day of April, 2016.
Mayor Alan Barfoot
CAO/Clerk, Holly Morrison
BY-LAW NO. 45-2016
BEING a By-law to appoint a Municipal Law Enforcement Officer and Property
Standards Officer for the Township of Georgian Bluffs.
WHEREAS the Police Services Act Section 15 (1) (2) gives a Municipal Council the
authority to appoint persons to enforce the By-laws of the Municipality;
AND WHEREAS Municipal Law Enforcement Officers are Peace Officers for the
purpose of enforcing Municipal By-laws;
AND WHEREAS Peace Officers are designated pursuant to the Provincial Offences Act
as Provincial Offences Officers;
AND WHEREAS the Provincial Offences Act empowers Provincial Offences Officers to
issue parking tickets and Provincial Offences tickets and any summons that may be
necessary to enforce the Township of Georgian Bluffs By-laws;
AND WHEREAS the Solicitor General of Ontario has designated all Municipal Law
Enforcement Officers as Provincial Offences Officers;
AND WHEREAS the Corporation of the Township of Georgian Bluffs has in effect
Property Standards By-laws;
AND WHEREAS the Council of the Township of Georgian Bluffs deems it necessary
and expedient to appoint a Municipal Law Enforcement Officer and Property Standards
Officer for the Township of Georgian Bluffs;
That Russ Gilkinson is appointed a Municipal Law
Enforcement Officer for the Corporation of the Township of
Georgian Bluffs to enforce the By-laws of the Township.
That Russ Gilkinson is appointed a Property Standards
Officer for the Corporation of the Township of Georgian
Bluffs to enforce the Property Standards By-laws of the
That this By-law shall come into full force and effect upon the
final passing hereof.
Read a first and second time this 20th day of April, 2016.
Read a third time and finally passed this 20th day of April, 2016.
Deputy Mayor – Dwight Burley
CAO/Clerk – Holly Morrison
BY-LAW NO. 46-2016
BEING a By-law to appoint a Weed Inspector for the Township of Georgian Bluffs.
WHEREAS Section 207 Subsection 45 of the Municipal Act, RSO 1990 as amended,
states that the Council of every Municipality may appoint such officers and employees
as may be necessary for the purposes of the Corporation;
AND WHEREAS Section 8 (1) of the Weed Control Act, R.S.O. 1990, Chapter W.5 as
amended, states that the Council of any Municipality may by by-law appoint one or
more persons as Municipal Weed Inspectors to enforce the Weed Control Act;
AND WHEREAS the Council of the Township of Georgian Bluffs deems it necessary
and expedient to appoint a Weed Inspector for the Township of Georgian Bluffs;
NOW THEREFORE the Council of the Corporation of the Township of Georgian Bluffs
enacts as follows:
That Russ Gilkinson is appointed Weed Inspector for the
Corporation of the Township of Georgian Bluffs.
That this By-law and Appointment shall come into full force
and effect upon the final passing hereof.
Read a first and second time this 20th day of April, 2016.
Read a third time and finally passed this 20th day of April, 2016.
Deputy Mayor – Dwight Burley
CAO. Clerk – Holly Morrison
BY-LAW NO. 47-2016
BEING a By-law to authorize an Agreement with Maram Building Corp.
WHEREAS Section 11 (2) of the Municipal Act S.O. 2001 as amended provides
that a lower-tier municipality and an upper-tier municipality may pass by-laws
respecting the health, safety, and well-being of persons;
AND WHEREAS the Council of the Corporation of the Township of Georgian
Bluffs deems it to be in the public interest to enter into an Agreement with Maram
Building Corp for the purposes of awarding a tender for the East Linton Water
System Extension;
NOW THEREFORE the Council of the Corporation of the Township of Georgian
Bluffs enacts as follows:
That an Agreement between Maram Building Corp. and the Township of
Georgian Bluffs is hereby authorized.
That the Deputy Mayor and CAO/Clerk be authorized to sign the
Agreement attached hereto and which forms a part of this By-law.
This By-law shall come into full force and effect upon the final passing
Read a first and second time this 20th day of April, 2016.
Read a third time and finally passed this 20th day of April, 2016.
Deputy Mayor – Dwight Burley
CAO/Clerk – Holly Morrison
BY-LAW NO. 47-2016
BEING a By-law to confirm the proceedings of the Special Council meeting of the
Corporation of the Township of Georgian Bluffs held on April 20, 2016.
WHEREAS Section 19(1) of the Municipal Act 2001, S.O. 2001, Chapter 219 as
amended, grants powers of a Municipal Corporation to be exercised by its Council; and
WHEREAS Section 19(3) of the Municipal Act 2001, S.O. 2001, Chapter 219 as
amended, provides that powers of every Council are to be exercised by By-law unless
specifically authorized to do otherwise;
AND WHEREAS it is deemed expedient that the proceedings of the Council meeting held
on April 20, 2016 are confirmed and adopted by By-law;
NOW THEREFORE the Council of the Corporation of the Township of Georgian Bluffs
enacts as follows:
1) That the actions of the Council of the Corporation of the Township of Georgian
Bluffs, at its meeting held on April 20, 2016 in respect to each motion and resolution
passed, reports received and direction given by the Council at the said meeting,
are hereby adopted and confirmed.
2) The Mayor and the proper Officials of the Corporation are hereby authorized and
directed to do all things necessary to give effect to the said actions of the Council.
3) The Mayor and Clerk are authorized and directed to execute all documents
necessary in that behalf, and the Clerk is authorized and directed to affix the Seal
of the Corporation to all such documents.
4) That this By-law shall come into full force and effect upon the final passing hereof.
Read a first and second time this 20th day of April, 2016.
Read a third time and finally passed this 20th day of April, 2016.
Mayor Alan Barfoot
CAO/Clerk, Holly Morrison
BY-LAW NO. 48-2016
BEING a By-law to confirm the proceedings of the Special Council meeting of the
Corporation of the Township of Georgian Bluffs held on April 20, 2016.
WHEREAS Section 19(1) of the Municipal Act 2001, S.O. 2001, Chapter 219 as
amended, grants powers of a Municipal Corporation to be exercised by its Council; and
WHEREAS Section 19(3) of the Municipal Act 2001, S.O. 2001, Chapter 219 as
amended, provides that powers of every Council are to be exercised by By-law unless
specifically authorized to do otherwise;
AND WHEREAS it is deemed expedient that the proceedings of the Council meeting held
on April 20, 2016 are confirmed and adopted by By-law;
NOW THEREFORE the Council of the Corporation of the Township of Georgian Bluffs
enacts as follows:
1) That the actions of the Council of the Corporation of the Township of Georgian
Bluffs, at its meeting held on April 20, 2016 in respect to each motion and resolution
passed, reports received and direction given by the Council at the said meeting,
are hereby adopted and confirmed.
2) The Deputy Mayor and the proper Officials of the Corporation are hereby
authorized and directed to do all things necessary to give effect to the said actions
of the Council.
3) The Deputy Mayor and Clerk are authorized and directed to execute all documents
necessary in that behalf, and the Clerk is authorized and directed to affix the Seal
of the Corporation to all such documents.
4) That this By-law shall come into full force and effect upon the final passing hereof.
Read a first and second time this 20th day of April, 2016.
Read a third time and finally passed this 20th day of April, 2016.
Deputy Mayor Dwight Burley
CAO/Clerk, Holly Morrison