strategic - Governo do Estado do Rio de Janeiro
strategic - Governo do Estado do Rio de Janeiro
S T R AT E G I C PLAN S TAT E G O V E R N M E N T O F R I O D E J A N E I R O 2 0 1 2 -2 0 3 1 RIO DE JANEIRO, MARCH, 2012 Photo: Cláudia Elias Photo: Cláudia Elias S T R AT E G I C PLAN STAT E G OV E R N M E N T O F R I O D E JA N E I R O 2 0 1 2 -2 0 3 1 S E C R E TA R I AT O F P L A N N I N G A N D M A N AG E M E N T – S E P L AG RJ SECRETARIAT OF PLANNING AND MANAGEMENT – SEPLAG RJ SUBSECRETARIAT OF PLANNING ERASMO BRAGA ST., 118 – 5TH FLOOR CEP – 20020-000 – RIO DE JANEIRO – RJ PHONES: 55 (21) 2333-1914 / 55 (21) 2333-1846 FAX: 55 (21) 2332-6092 SITE: THE GOVERNMENT OF THE STATE OF RIO DE JANEIRO Governor Sérgio Cabral State Secretary of Planning and Management – SEPLAG Sérgio Ruy Barbosa Guerra Martins General Subsecretary of Planning and Management – SUBGEP Francisco Antônio Caldas Andrade Pinto Chief of Cabinet – GAPLA Marcio C. Colmerauer dos Santos Subsecretary of Planning – SUBPL Cláudia Uchôa Cavalcanti Superintendence of Institutional Planning – SUPLI Haidine da Silva Barros Duarte Bibliographical Standardization Rio de Janeiro. State Secretariat of Planning and Management – SEPLAG. Subsecretariat of Planning – SUBPL. 2012 – 2031 The State of Rio de Janeiro Strategic Plan – Rio de Janeiro, 2012. Words from the Governor. Presentation of the Secretary. 1. Context and Trends. 2. Vision of Rio de Janeiro for 2031. 3. Scenarios and Forecasts. 4. Long Term Sectorial Challenges. 5. Sectorial Strategies. 6. Programmed Sectorial Investments. Bibliography. Glossary. Superintendence of Strategic Management – SUGES Heitor Luiz Maciel Pereira Technical Team Vitor Acselrad - Project Coordinator Alberto Duarte Kovarik Bernardo Bastos Ferreira Diego Gil Figueiredo Carral Maria Cristina Hora Viviane da Silva Azevedo Collaborator Bruno Coutinho de Souza Oliveira MEMBERS OF THE SUBSECRETARIAT OF PLANNING Alberto Duarte Kovarik Álvaro da Silva e Abrantes Bernardo Bastos Ferreira Bruno Coutinho de Souza Oliveira Cláudia Uchoa Cavalcanti Cátia Maria Cavalcanti Pereira Diego Gil Figueiredo Carral Elizabeth da Costa M. Oliveira de Menezes Fernando Costa Rodrigues Francisco Filomeno de Abreu Neto Frederico Lavourinha Félix Glenda Neves Lino Haidine da Silva Barros Duarte Heitor Luiz Maciel Pereira João Batista de Mello Jomar Lessa José Ricardo da Silva Viégas Julia Alfradique Leite Julius Cesar Celin Leandro Carneiro Fossá Leila Freitas de Oliveira Luiz Henrique Carneiro Lemos Maria Cristina Hora Maria Teresa Soares de Oliveira Pinto Marco Túlio Cicero Honaiser Marcos Thimoteo Dominguez Marcus Vinicius Barros da Silva Mônica Nasif Bayeh Natasha Freitas Assaife Renata Paes Teixeira Rita de Cássia Machado De Brito Roberto Amarante Campos Rosali Souza Mayrink Sebastião Antônio Quinault Dellareti Valdemar dos Santos Vitor Acselrad Viviane da Silva Azevedo Wagner Ricardo dos Santos STATE SECRETARIES OF RIO DE JANEIRO GOVERNMENT Secretary of the Treasury - SEFAZ Renato Augusto Zagallo Villela dos Santos Secretary of Planning and Management - SEPLAG Sérgio Ruy Barbosa Guerra Martins Secretary of Government - SEGOV Wilson Carlos Cordeiro da Silva Carvalho Secretary of the Executive Office - SCC Regis Fichtner Secretary of Economic Development, Energy, Industry and Services - SEDEIS Júlio César Carmo Bueno Secretary of Public Works - SEOBRAS Hudson Braga Secretary of Public Safety - SESEG José Mariano Beltrame Secretary of Penitentiary Administration - SEAP Cesar Rubens Monteiro de Carvalho Secretary of Health - SES Sérgio Luiz Côrtes da Silveira Secretary of Civil Defense - SEDEC Sérgio Simões Secretary of Education - SEEDUC Wilson Risolia Rodrigues Secretary of Science and Technology - SECT Alexandre Aguiar Cardoso Secretary of Housing - SEH Rafael Carneiro Monteiro Picciani Secretary of Transportation - SETRANS Julio Luiz Baptista Lopes Secretary of Environment - SEA Carlos Minc Baumfeld Secretary of Agriculture and Animal Husbandry - SEAPEC Christino Aureo da Silva Secretary of Regional Development, Supply and Fishing - SEDRAP Felipe dos Santos Peixoto Secretary of Labor and Income - SETRAB Sergio Zveiter Secretary of Culture - SEC Adriana Scorzelli Rattes Secretary of Social Services and Human Rights - SEASDH Rodrigo Neves Barreto Secretary of Sports and Leisure - SEEL Marcia Beatriz Lins Izidoro Secretary of Tourism - SETUR Ronald Abrahão Ázaro WO R D S F R O M T H E G OV E R N O R P R E S E N TAT I O N O F T H E S E C R E TA R Y 1. CONTEXT AND TRENDS 2 . V I S I O N O F R I O D E JA N E I R O F O R 2 0 3 1 S UM M A RY 3. SCENARIOS AND FORECASTS 4 . LO N G T E R M S EC TO R I A L C H A L L E N G E S 5 . S E C T O R I A L S T R AT E G I E S 6. P R O G R A M M E D S EC TO R I A L I N V E STM E N TS BIBLIOGRAPHY G LO S S A R Y 8 ST R AT E G I C PL AN 2012-203 1 ST R AT E G I C PL ANO WORDS FROM THE GOVERNOR A 9 2012-203 1 PRESENTATION OF THE SECRETARY The vision of the set of strengths and weaknesses, threats and opportunities The integration between the State and Federal Governments’ agendas T process in our State. The construction of a strategic view on the Strategic Plan for the period between 2012 and 2031, which mirrors future represents the consolidation of long term planning in the State public and their respective impact on the creation of the future is supported by a the concern of my Government with the consolidation of the process makes the attraction of resources feasible, so that interventions administration. It will identify constraints and opportunities for the development model that mocks scenarios that, when combining intrinsic and extrinsic to restructure our State. Thinking of the future, as it is done herein, is of structuring characteristics are made in several areas. Actions of of the economic, social and environmental reality in which we live. factors, constitute trends for possible development. Reality may, however, to identify the paths that enable the public administration to drive its urbanization, construction of homes, sewage collection and treatment, The 2012-2031 Strategic Plan of the State Government of Rio de Janeiro, reveal itself stylized, presenting traces of more than one scenario and management towards ensuring its legacy. offer of treated water, recovery of hydric bodies, delivery of safety, the result of an update made to the version published in 2007, has the heterogeneous consequences. The new insertion of Rio de Janeiro in the national agenda shall be health and education services, urban mobility and transportation confer virtue to point, in a period of 20 years, the axis where the Executive Power Structured in conformity with the organization of the State, this Plan presents highlighted. Today, it is reflected in its economic and social development. a better synergy to the performance of the Government, when analyzed will have to perform in order to promote the necessary adjustments to long term sectorial challenges and the strategies built in order to drive the I, in parallel, stress the potentialities favorable to the improvement of under an integral perspective in relation to planning tools. the model of public management driven to results. This study shows data, action of the government towards the targets established and already being our territory. Among the forces that hold a better future for the citizens Therefore, during my mandate, I believe I ensure the necessary analyses and forecasts based on a deep collective thinking made by the pursued by means of successful actions that have been in force since 2007. in our State, important strategic assets shall be mentioned. conditions to the execution of the priority actions in my Government. State Government team in the last five years. With the awareness that the desired future is constructed day after Oil and gas reserves, based on a significant productive chain in The preparation of the 2012-2031 Strategic Plan provides visibility to The cooperation agenda of the State, which involves public and private day, the publication of a work that starts from present realizations the energy sector; the human capital, represented by colleges and the performance of the State public administration and creates the players, keeps its focus on the efficiency of the management, striving for and contemplates applicable formulations in a twenty-year horizon research institutions, which are responsible for the construction of an perspective for continuity, able to ensure a promising future for the fiscal balance and the best offer of public services. It also intends to provide represents undoubtedly a significant opportunity for reflection about the expressive amount of knowledge and technology production in our State of Rio de Janeiro. the improvement of the business environment and the promotion of development of the State of Rio de Janeiro. t the moment when the State of Rio de Janeiro meets again its country; and, above all, the grandness of our natural, artistic, historic identity, as a result of the management model implemented and cultural worth, all of them accounting for the creation of the since 2007, I am proud to deliver to the population the Rio de Janeiro brand. SÉRGIO CABRAL Governor he Government of the State of Rio de Janeiro is very pleased to present individual guarantees. Likewise, the Strategic Plan, materializes the purpose to the society the outcome of another contribution to the planning of identifying possible paths for the construction of sustainable development. SÉRGIO RUY BARBOSA GUERRA MARTINS State Secretary of Planning and Management ST R AT E G I C PL AN 11 2012-203 1 CONTEXT 1 Photo: Fernanda Almeida AND TRENDS T he identity of the State of Rio de Janeiro status in the federation. In the Brazilian political bonded to the income of Southeastern states is undergoing the moment of its context, Rio de Janeiro should become an entity is typical manifestations of the identity of other consolidation. Detached from the federal similar to the other. Brazilian states that are conscious of their own capital in 1960 and unified with the State of The political experience of the State as a regional interests. The trade-off between the Guanabara in 1974, Rio has preserved its position federation member has lately been recognized, lack and the excess of identity poses serious risks among the country’s state economies. However, bringing positive outcomes. The relationship and recommends a balance between these two its position in the national political context with the Federal Government stepped up in opposite poles. would not be the same, a fact that has caused a terms of quality. The State clearly entered the Rio de Janeiro reinforces the trajectory of its great deal of effect to the state administration, as national agenda for development policies development when it embraces an agenda well as to its population. Having headquartered and investments have increased, favoring the of policies which is intended to meet the national institutions traditionally aimed at economic growth in its territory. expectations of the population, with a special thinking subjects that are relevant to the country The question referring to the identity cannot be attention being given to segments that are in as a whole, Rio has seen, since the 1960’s, several disregarded by any state. When immoderate, need of essential public services. In its diversity, of them moving to Brasília, taking their technical it penalizes the federation, whereas a faded the State will join its forces inasmuch as, by body with them. The new State of Rio de Janeiro identity causes internal atomization and external the universalization of policies that enhance started its way together with the long transition fragility. Past and present political pressures human development, it reaches the identity of it has gone through in order to achieve its new from federation members on resources legally all its people. The long term is, by its own nature, the horizon significant legacy. Governments are right when to be reached by the State policies. It represents they try to look ahead and understand the future the time until a new generation will be ready desired by the society, when they announce to inherit the achievements of those who came their initiatives and ideas to lead the state to this before them. It is also the time needed for the desired future and disclose their expectations to completion of large-scale projects, which leave a accomplish such targets. L EGACY, PLANNING AND M A N AG E M E N T 12 ST R AT E G I C PL AN 2012-203 1 ST R AT E G I C PL AN 13 2012-203 1 Significant legacies are those which depend on horizon of the State – which will stay, despite become less necessary due to this fact. to Latin American countries and to other states pharmaceutical chains can be highlighted. stake in the economy. Likewise, changes have State’s commitment with objective results and changes decided in the election process in A plan is much more than the expression of a in Brazil. Its level of economic activity is already In the latest years, the oil and mechanical been observed in the State Government, who require long maturity periods. This is impossible relation to who is to rule. commitment of the State with the transparency comparable to that of the forty richest countries industries located out of the metropolitan searches for the strengthening of management when there is neither planning nor management. The 2012-2031 Strategic Plan of the State of government actions. It constitutes a pact in the world (SEFAZ, 2010). region achieved a higher growth. Despite that, and planning cycle in order to build a legacy A government that plans to the long term Government of Rio de Janeiro was prepared made between government entities and citizens, In the economy of the State, commerce, services this region still concentrates the largest part of that accentuates the angle of the improvement confirms the real interest for its legacy. In the under this perspective. It intends to revise the helping government members to manage their and the Oil & Gas, metal work and chemical- the population being responsible for the largest curve of social welfare indicators. short term of four years, the Pluriannual Plan, Strategic Plan made by the government for the activities, promote convergence of efforts within whose preparation is set forth in the Constitution, years 2007-2027, updating data, analyses and each entity, maintain the coherence of their is the legal planning tool for projects and forecasts for the next twenty years. A special acts in relation to the purposes for which the finalistic actions of the State. Conversely, the reference is made to sectorial plans related programs are conceived, drive and concentrate initiative to prepare a Strategic Plan comprising to the period of the new 2012-2015 PAP. The resources to achieve targets and, thus, line up the years 2012 to 2031 generally depends on a short duration of government cycles does not the daily management to the objectives that government choice to study the best ways for favor long term planning, thus, a strategic plan respond to the challenges and needs indicated its entities to act, pointing them in the long term is surrounded by uncertainty, but it does not by previously performed sectorial diagnosis. In Brazil, among the 26 States and the Federal prosperous in the country, being its economy District, Rio de Janeiro presents the second one of the dynamic axis. highest GDP and the third largest population. The characteristics of the State of Rio contribute In terms of territory extension, it is the fourth to the full territorial coverage of public policies, smallest state in the federation. However, as well as to the conversion of ports and logistic it has the third longest shoreline. It is in the structures in privileged platforms for exportation heart of the Southeastern Region, the most of local and regional goods to other continents, STAT E O F R I O D E JANE I R O P R O F I L E A MO N G OT H E R BRA Z I L I A N STAT E S Photo: SEDEIS Photo: SEDEIS 14 ST R AT E G I C PL AN 2012-203 1 ST R AT E G I C PL AN organization of exams in order to select and hire services rendered by the State, as well as by the new auditors, as well as a new policy to encourage creation of new services. improved productivity in this sector. The The development of new corporate systems professionalization of the State administration, added technological tools to the planning and for years restricted to the status of a secondary management areas. Among these tools, the government project – due to the lack of resources new System of Intelligence in Planning and As of 2007, the main continuity factor in Rio de or commitment – was leveraged when hiring Management (SIPLAG), in conformity with the Janeiro was the reelection of the governor elected processes were conducted to new careers in the central planning institution’s drive to render in 2006 to stay for another four year period as state civil service. services to the Government, will introduce the the leading figure of State Executive Power. That The redesign of the salary structure is part of monitoring of projects and finalistic activities in the was the first time in which the State of Rio saw this agenda. Adjustments and incorporations State Secretariats. Managerial resources included an election that ended up with no change in granted in 2010 brought careers to a situation in the system shall provide the officers in charge the command of the government. In 2014, eight of normality and increased the wage of others. of each Secretariat with a tool that will enable years of the governor’s administration will have Providing a necessary correction of actual them to closely follow the execution of the 2012- been achieved. The few changes made in the losses in wage values and the reduction of the 2015 PPA and to qualify the necessary decisions to high ranking government officials meant the gap between state wages and the amounts correct the route of sectorial programs. option for maintaining the course of a great part paid to similar activities in other civil entities, The importance of the agenda for management of the policies already in force. Together with new this initiative aims at modernizing personnel modernization was reinforced by the words said programs, the 2012-2015 State Pluriannual Plan management, rationalizing careers and gradually by the Governor, for whom management and included programs that were already going on introducing additional bonuses for qualification its accomplishments were the driving force of during the previous period. and performance, which will stimulate the government since 2007. The governor recognized Changes started in 2007. Quietly, the Government generation of better outcomes in management. that the reason of every accomplishment in his first took actions in order to improve management, Servants who are temporarily out of their roles mandate was the investment in management and promoting adjustments in the budget expenses and retired servants, also contemplated by the public exams. For him, investing in management and making an effort in order to strengthen benefits brought by the salary redesign, were shall be the basis of the second mandate the State’s Revenue System. This included the also benefitted by the qualification of the pension (VALOR ECONÔMICO, 29/12/2010). FAC TO RS O F CO N T I N U I T Y A N D CHANGE ST R AT EG I C G EO ECO N O M I C P OS I T I O N O F R I O D E JA N E I R O I N B R A Z I L A N D I N T H E WO R L D BRAzIL S TAT E O F R I O D E JA N E I R O 15 2012-203 1 16 ST R AT E G I C PL AN 2012-203 1 ST R AT E G I C PL AN 17 2012-203 1 “THE GOVERNOR RECOGNIZED THAT THE REASON OF EVERY ACCOMPLISHMENT IN HIS FIRST MANDATE WAS THE INVESTMENT IN MANAGEMENT AND PUBLIC EXAMS.” The implementation of new administrative units in the State, after the natural disasters that occurred In all Government sectors, the most important and the State, which was among the actions that aim in the Hills Region in 2011 and due to the most complex long term challenge is to maintain and at improving the management of public policies recent results brought by the evaluation of the enhance the professionalization and qualification and operational activities, shows some aspects that high school education provided by State Schools of management, which cannot stagnate, under characterize the sectorial guidelines of 2007 and managed by the Government. the risk of making a set of necessities still present more recent actions. An example is the creation of organs such as the Inea (2007), the Ceperj (2009), the SEDEC (2011) and the SEDRAP (2011) – working in Environment, Planning, Civil Defense and Development respectively. In some cases, the substitution of highly ranked personnel in the Government indicated the adoption of a new drive. Particularly, the creation of secretariats dedicated to the Regional Development and to Civil the Education derived from the need that the Government felt to place a stronger effort in these areas. The identification of this need has to do with the new economic geography arising in Photo: Cláudia Elias Photo: Cláudia Elias Defense, and the change in the command of ST R AT E G I C PL AN 2012-203 1 in our society perpetrate, since they can be found support to the long term economic improvement changes were also significant in the period from in several areas of the state civil service, as the in the State of Rio de Janeiro. 2007 to 2010. The international economic crisis in recent past indicates. New factors have redefined the angle of the 2008-2009, unparalleled since the crack in 1929, Among the opportunities emerging in the trajectory to place the State of Rio de Janeiro questioned the evolution of production and horizon, the renewal of the strategic partnership on the development track. The conquest of the income indicators, forcing the reformulation of with the Rio de Janeiro city’s Government and with right to host international sports mega events several forecasts. In the short term, it influenced the Federal Government is highly relevant. This – from the 2011 Military Games to the 2016 in the forecasts of revenues and in the general partnership is often mentioned as one of the main Olympic and Paralympic Games – builds a unique scenario of population needs and priorities assets that the State of Rio de Janeiro has owned opportunity for global visibility to Rio de Janeiro when it comes to management of administration in the latest years. It has helped Rio to strengthen and, moreover, for the creation of a legacy to the resources. The first impact of the crisis, immediately its position in the national scenario, bringing state population, going beyond punctual and felt in the mineral commodity sector, unbalanced objective results, which are compatible with the temporary gains concentrated in limited social the oil industry and the exportation of ore. The importance that the economy of the State has for segments. The calendar of great load events has oscillation in the recovery of the economic activity the country. Sanctioned by the 2010 presidential already started and goes on, in the very short in the US and the risk of new credit acquisitions election, the continuity of the coalition with the term, with the United Nations Conference on and the demand caused by the daunting financial Federal Government renewed the commitment Sustainable Development – Rio+20 to be held in situation of countries in the Euro zone revealed of the country with investments that, through the June 2012 and the visit of the Pope, in July 2013. that uncertainties remained and instability in the Growth Acceleration Program (PAC), will provide In areas out of the Government’s reach, some international context was more than just a promise. ST R AT E G I C Photo: Fernanda Almeida 18 PL AN 2012-203 1 19 20 ST R AT E G I C PL AN 2012-203 1 ST R AT E G I C PL AN by the international economic scenario over the economic agents, especially of price makers, Among them, it is known that the international Brazilian economy – with a moderation of the strengthens crisis had a short immediate impact on Rio de inflow of investments, a reduction in trading and contributes to the consolidation of such scenario. Janeiro, which was quickly reverted in 2009, credit restrictions, among other transmission The Central Bank’s committee also considers being totally overcome in 2010. As shown by data channels. Notwithstanding this, the Copom stated that the intended primary surplus target will be analyzed by foreign agencies, out of a total of 150 that income and credit expansion, among other achieved for 2012. world metropolitan cities that represent 46% of factors, would support the domestic demand – The reduction in inflation and interest rates, the global GDP, Rio was among those ten that best especially due to household consumption – in macroeconomic stability, institutional progress, recovered from the crisis, being ahead of all other the next quarters. Brazil’s economic growth rates, primary surplus and the trend for the reduction Brazilian large cities evaluated (Metropolitan despite the recent moderation in the market of the public indebtedness/GDP are factors that Policy Program, 2010). More than participating place dynamism, would have reached sustainable currently contribute to the consistency of the of that moment of national prosperity, Rio levels in the long term. liquidity indicators in the Brazilian economy. In the contributed to the economic impulse currently After eight consecutive years of successful Copom’s point of view, “all such transformations observed in Brazil. achievements of national inflation targets, the are characterized by a high degree of stability – In January, 2012, prospective assessments made Copom stated that inflation rates for 2012 will although, due to economic cycles, punctual and by the Monetary Policy Committee (Copom) keep declining and that the base interest rates of temporary drawbacks may occur” (BCB, 2012). from the Brazilian Central Bank forecasted the the economy shall follow their current movement, The sustainability of this picture is consequently continuation of the deterioration effects caused reaching one digit rates. The expectation of another positive indicator in the national context. these forecasts and cyclically Photo: Fernanda Almeida Photo: Cláudia Elias (…) ALL SUCH TRANSFORMATIONS ARE CHARACTERIZED BY A HIGH DEGREE OF STABILITY – ALTHOUGH, DUE TO ECONOMIC CYCLES, PUNCTUAL AND TEMPORARY DRAWBACKS MAY OCCUR (...).” Uncertainties, however, did not offset facts. 21 2012-203 1 The power of the domestic demand in the country had the most resilient reaction in this context, can be seen by the decision for no changes in these according to the study previously mentioned. For growth rates, while the world is going through an the economy of the State, it shall be observed that unprecedented crisis since the 1930’s, when there the Central Bank considers the recent behavior are still no inflexion points in the horizon. Rio de of commodity prices in the foreign market as a Janeiro was the Brazilian metropolitan city that positive factor, with the low price of the Brent oil 22 ST R AT E G I C PL AN 2012-203 1 barrel being kept above US$100. managerial enhancement of the Revenue Service expectation with the recent increase in revenues In 2010, the State broadened its expectations was matched to a low risk state debt, money from the Service and Goods Circulation Tax towards the results of the fiscal policy adopted whose almost totality was obtained from the (ICMS) and of the continuous generation of in 2007, among which the obtainment of the Federal Government in loans whose terms are extraordinary revenues (monetization of State investment grade, granted by Standard & quite favorable to the State. assets, valorization of concessions, debt recovery Poor’s risk rating agency, shall be highlighted Associated to the rigor of the budget plan, the from third parties) allowed for a raise in salaries (SEFAZ, 2010). The improvement of fiscal and growth in revenues ensured enough fiscal room and a reduction in the term to pay suppliers, financial indicators achieved by the institutional so that public investment could be increased among other actions. strengthening, as well as the operational and and credits for that purpose could be hired. The The success of the plans for investment in ST R AT E G I C PL AN 2012-203 1 23 management and services directly rendered to the society will depend on a financial policy that is tuned with fiscal responsibility and in conformity with the continuous expansion of tax and nontax revenues. A strict planning becomes even more necessary in the current scenario, when the Government is enlarging its commitment with Health, Human Resources Policies in the Security Area and with subsidies granted to the transportation sector. Still regarding revenues, the medium and long term government plan broadens its horizons of reform is to be implemented. Such reform will be Photo: Fernanda Almeida able to eliminate historical distortions unfavorable to Rio de Janeiro. After the tax benefit policy was corrected in 2010, in order to prevent competitive Photo: Cláudia Elias potentialities, as at a Federation level a great tax ST R AT E G I C PL AN 2012-203 1 the Governments and on their institutional and and the construction of others continue, after tax reform needs to bury tax wars, improving the managerial capability. the resurrection of the naval industry. The flow of conditions to the rationalization of actions in this The improvement in the business environment capital already brings evident consequences to sector. It is especially necessary that it modifies the is the target that summarizes the state policy the countryside of the State of Rio, where private position of Rio de Janeiro in the Participation Fund to encourage the private economic activity. investments shall also be highlighted in the of the States, changing the charge of ICMS in the This policy involves aspects ranging from the automobile industry, attracting, as a consequence, destination, preserving rights acquired under the qualification of the management of regulatory car part suppliers. tendering of oil fields. agencies, which provide information to the Until 2020, the economic development area of The recent and new investments made by the market, to direct investments in infrastructure the Government estimates that more than R$ 210 PAC and the international sports mega events and transportation, passing also by the direct use billion will be invested within the State’s territory. are added to a set of public and private projects of public resources in partnerships with private The forecast is that R$ 83 billion will be driven to that promote the productive structure and entities, as well as by the granting of tax benefits oil exploration and production, R$ 41 billion in infrastructure of the State to a definitely new and subsidized credit lines. logistics, R$ 20.9 billion in urban infrastructure, status, which is historically decisive for the long The Oil & Gas sector – boosted by geopolitical R$ 20.1 billion in the steel industry, R$ 14.8 billion term perspectives in economic development. factors, by the international demand and by the in energy, R$14.6 billion in the petrochemical The transformation of such impulse in real accelerated growth of the domestic economy sector, R$ 9.5 billion in the naval industry and improvement in human development indicators – had an impulse at the beginning of the last R$ 7.9 billion in the transformation industry. It is in the State will depend on the commitment of decade and, in spite of the instability of foreign estimated that these projects will generate no less markets, will consolidate its definitive expansion, than 104 thousand new job vacancies in different triggered by the exploration of pre-salt reserves. regions of the State. High investments in the steel sector will, in the Among the projects that the development area of next years, turn Rio into the largest producer in the the Government has been following, some of them country. Iron exportation, by itself, is responsible can be mentioned as being the most important, for the creation of new logistic poles at the such as the amount estimated to the construction service of cargo transportation and of the State’s of Comperj (R$ 14,6 bn), of the Açu Port Complex foreign trade. The expansion of some shipyards (R$ 8,3 bn), of the Angra 3 Nuclear Power Plant Photo: SEDEIS inequalities among municipalities, the federal ST R AT E G I C PL AN 2012-203 1 25 Photo: Cláudia Elias 24 26 ST R AT E G I C PL AN 2012-203 1 ST R AT E G I C PL AN 27 2012-203 1 (R$ 4 bn), the re-urbanization of the port area in consumption, also revenue sources for the State. growth poles, Rio cannot think of its urbanization the cities has flourished through the articulation in each region, and also of the articulation of urban interventions and projects that are in the capital city (R$ 3,5 bi), the implementation The growth of new development poles in the process as a finished chapter in its history yet. with the prefectures. such players in what regards to planning and course or have been planned. Strengthening of the Metropolitan Ring (R$ 1,2 bn) and the State renews the interest for regional gifts and for The State knows today that the economic Inter and intraregional connections are vital for management. The expected result is a qualified the State’s partnership – with other levels of the refurbishment of the Maracanã Stadium (R$ the land occupation plan for their thorough and dynamism of its countryside is one of the the circulation of people, goods and services that and broad offer of services all over the State, administration and with the civil society, private 700 million) (SEDEIS, 2011). The logistics sector, orderly emergence. Since 1970 Rio de Janeiro keys for its growth. It is also understood that, allow for the integration of local markets and a favoring the reduction of inequality between initiative and research centers – and qualifying the leveraged by the exportation of ore and by the has been more urbanized than the whole Brazil together with already ongoing initiatives, much match between offer and demand, as well as the regions and the socioeconomic development. management and public services, together with commencement of the exploration in pre-salt of 2010. Notwithstanding this, it has followed the more can be done by territorial development creation of better opportunities for all. From the The main focus of the attention shall be legacy, stimuli to the development and modernization oil reserves, generates jobs and consolidates the national urbanization process and has maintained in Rio. Here, following the example of what has Médio Paraíba region to the North of the State, i.e. the outcome of these projects for the of the social and economic infrastructure, are the basis for the future dynamics of other productive itself in a more urban condition than all other been happening with the relationship with the many are the developments that promise a population, who represents the source of all paths by which the population will eventually be sectors. Together with the real state sector, it also states of the Federation. In this context, however, Federal Government, the partnership between change in the profile of our territory. This depends resources invested and those who will get along able to enjoy the benefits provided by the State impulses civil construction, family income and in the light of the creation of new regional urban the State Government and the administration of on the plurality mapping of the players involved with the balance (be it positive or negative) of policies in the next decades. Photo: João Calandrini Photo: João Calandrini Photo: Airton Soares Photo: Arquivo Neltur ST R AT E G I C PL AN 29 2012-203 1 VISION O F R I O D E JA N E I R O FOR 2031 2 Photo: Fernanda Almeida T he future glimmered by Rio de Janeiro in in Rio. Public and private investments being administration in research will turn Rio into an the most optimistic of the scenarios for made today will be sources of opportunities even more innovative State, committed with the year 2031 unveils a picture defined for tomorrow financial resources and for the scientific progress and creativity. by ten essential aspects, through which a new population seeking for a job. Competitiveness of Room for creativity and innovation produces State will be revealed. the State’s productive sector will be proved by its outcomes only in a State of plurality, In 2031, the consistent progress of the most the growing insertion of our goods and services where diversity and freedom feed themselves elementary condition for the exercise of in the international economy. mutually. The respect to cultural manifestations citizenship will have been consolidated: human Underlying this forecast we will see a more and personal drives, together with material security. In order to become a significantly efficient State, both in the public and in the encouragement to the several expressions safer State, Rio shall continue to improve its private sector. The continuous conscious effort arising from different social groups will underlie management of this area, keeping itself on the to combat all sources of waste will be hard. Due the thorough emergence of the creative spirit of way to democratize protection to the rights of to the efficient use of its material and human Rio’s population. life and freedom. resources and due to the intensive application of Among This pillar of citizenship will be linked to the life renewable resources, methods and technologies manifestation of plurality in Rio, we will see a quality of the population, who will be healthier. for intelligent production, we will see a more solidary State. The value of social integration So that this may occur, not only an expansion sustainable economy in the areas related to will not be notice by other means than by in the number of health units and new energy, transportation and industry, among productive inclusion of citizens who strive to technologies available at hospitals shall concur, several others. actively participate of our economic life. Social but also investments to enhance the structure, For such purpose, the effort for the formation of cooperation, including the cooperation among such as those scheduled to be made in housing an educated population will have proved to be the Three Powers of the Republic and three and basic sanitation. successful; a people with longer years at school, levels of the Federation, will take up the face of A prosperous State, whose economy will be a better distribution of those years among an institutional crusade towards the eradication boosted by a mix between an international the population and, especially, a people who of poverty. The adoption and expansion of and a national favorable environment, having a have access to qualified education, certified by citizenship income policies, added to a broad competent public administration, will have left to sectorial indicators of reference. The reflex of this commitment with the permanent reduction of the past the years of uncertainty and stagnation evolution and of a sincere belief of the public poverty rates, will help the positioning of the the main requirements for the 30 ST R AT E G I C PL AN 2012-203 1 ST R AT E G I C PL AN 31 2012-203 1 State onto a safe track to definitively reach a reduction on social injustice rates. In the horizon of the formation of a solidary, plural, safe and prosperous society will be the consolidation of an equitable State within our territory; a State that will bear public policies inspired in the most democratic principles of The future glimmered by Rio de Janeiro in the most optimistic of the scenarios for the year 2031 unveils a picture defined by ten essential aspects, through which a new State will be revealed. justice, with an effective social control and public and private agents who will be more committed with common welfare. EQUITABLE SOLIDARY Photo: Cláudia Elias PLURAL EDUCATED INNOVATIVE EFFICIENT SUSTAINABLE HEALTHY PROSPEROUS SAFE ST R AT E G I C PL AN 33 2012-203 1 SCENARIOS 3 Photo: Cláudia Elias AND FORECASTS S ynergies between the professional management in the public sector and qualified, applies the result of this revenue better, however, is a tool in the service of freedom, benefiting all citizens. inasmuch as it forecasts possible constraints and the economic growth are among those provides the best timely solutions. What matters that most empower human development in in prospecting scenarios is not knowing what will a democratic society. Therefore, they were FAC TO RS O F T H E SCENARIOS FOR THE PERIOD BETWEEN 2 0 1 2 -2 03 1 take place, but, before that, planning what shall areas of performance of the Government. The The preparation of scenarios is a common method strong or weak drive for growth. virtues of parsimony recommend a simplification to anticipate the future. Evidently, no scenario of scenarios with their respective determining occurs exactly as it had been described, as the factors: the State public management and its reality involving the set of indicators that interest economic context. Economic activity, when the Government is complex and its dynamics accelerated, and along the time is determined by several variables growing levels of revenue. Management, when in each sector of the administration. Planning, considered during the design of possible scenarios for the State of Rio de Janeiro in the period of 20 years between 2012 and 2031. Naturally, many are the variables that determine the level of indicators of interest of the multiple generates jobs, income be done if this or that perspective becomes a reality (PORTO, 2005). We admit, for the scenarios of the next 20 years, that the State management may be qualified or decadent and, likewise, economy may present a “WITH HIGH PER CAPITA TAX REVENUES NOWADAYS, RIO DE JANEIRO CAN HAVE MORE AND BETTER RESULTS SIMPLY WITH ACCOMPLISHMENTS IN MANAGEMENT.” Photo: Serviço Geológico do Estado do Rio de Janeiro - DRM-RJ 34 ST R AT E G I C PL AN 2012-203 1 ST R AT E G I C PL AN 35 2012-203 1 It shall be noted that the combination between The future is the time when the results of this the Government will be responsible for driving qualified management and slow growth is trajectory will be seen. It is also the time when future scenarios of the State to one closer to better than the mix involving a decadent the State Government and other public powers any of the four simulated above. Naturally, management and sharp growth for a mere able to reinforce the positive drives currently it is impossible to end the list of factors The optimum scenario for Rio de Janeiro until in tax collection and in the management Rio’s Government investments in infrastructure reason: The State of Rio has a per capita income verified shall perform. The prospection of corresponding to both dynamics. As continuity 2031 distinguishes itself by the constant search of the State public indebtedness will have will breathe in this new context, being, one that can be compared to that seen in countries possible scenarios for the State of Rio in the and change factors have already been for re-qualification of Government entities and generated new resources – which will arise more time, benefited by the increase in the where there are better indicators. This shows next 20 years shall be made together with the identified in another chapter of the Strategic policies, the tone of the State administration in from revenue, loans and agreements – so that tax revenue base. The Brazilian economy that social welfare of the State depends more indication of contexts and trends that could be Plan, their probable evolution in each scenario the last four years. This guidance will remain a all projects being executed can be completed. will confirm its way to sustainable social on the better channeling of resources than observed by the Government at the end of its is what shall now be considered, admitting that part of the virtuous circle which the State of Rio The policy for the recovery and expansion development, with higher growth rates and on their expansion, as suggested by the State first four-year mandate (2007-2010). the best of them would be to lead the State to de Janeiro has been going through. of the infrastructure – built and maintained more resources propelling the demand and Secretariat of The Treasury in 2008 (LEVY, 2008). Internal and external dynamics in relation to the future glimmered in the previous chapter. Selection by meritocracy, by means of public according to the best quality and efficiency public and private investment in the states. exams, rewards for performance and other standards – will be a key element to empower Investments for the World Cup Fifa 2014 and for managerial principles in administration will the economic growth. The heavy budget behind the 2016 Olympic Games, made in conformity have been integrated to the political culture this agenda will have supported itself not only with their time schedules, will play their expected of the State. The execution of researches and on the good management of revenues but also role for the natural course of these events that will diagnosis will underlie sectorial programs and on the competent political articulation between definitively reposition the image of Rio abroad. actions. The planning and management cycle the State and the Federal Government, who In 2031, Rio’s economy will continue to appear will be characterized by the technical rigor will already be long-term partners, instead of among the most dynamic in the country and its and by transparent commitment – reinforced a repetition of a past marked by disputes that profile will be highly diversified. It will be fueled by government corporate management tools overly punished Rio de Janeiro’s population. by sectors of intense knowledge and technology, – with targets, results and delivery to the Economies of more developed countries, which especially those included in what is called “green citizens. Professionalization of the State will be are sensitive to the induction policies of demand economy”, characterized by sustainability in a fact, bringing all its positive consequences for and are able to generate the public revenue the use of resources, due to the low carbon technical quality and institutional character of needed for the so-postponed fiscal adjustments, emissions and by social inclusion. Occupancy Government policies. will, again, move the Brazilian foreign trade rates will be equivalent to full employment, Until 2031, the efficient revenue management and income in exportation sectors in the State. income distribution will be substantially fairer, RIO DE JANEIRO IN ITS SCENARIOS FOR THE YEARS 2012-2031 OPTIMAL OPTIMAL Good REGULAR GE NA MA BAD NT ME OMY ECON QUALIFIED�GOVERNMENT MANAGEMENT�AND�SHARP ECONOMIC�GROWTH GOOD QUALIFIED�GOVERNMENT MANAGEMENT�AND�SLOW ECONOMIC�GROWTH REGULAR DECADENT�GOVERNMENT MANAGEMENT�AND�SHARP ECONOMIC�GROWTH BAD DECADENT�GOVERNMENT MANAGEMENT�AND�SLOW ECONOMIC�GROWTH OPTIMAL 36 ST R AT E G I C PL AN 2012-203 1 ST R AT E G I C PL AN 37 2012-203 1 the consolidation of the new economic poles indicators that will have extinguished the real or sectors of the Government in favor of citizenship Less abundant than in the previous scenario, infrastructure, as well as by social indicators. international reputation of the State. will count on the necessary infrastructure for a potential reasons for distribution conflicts. for all. Extreme poverty will have been eradicated public resources will be spent under the best The plan for land occupancy will play an Management founded on meritocracy and democratization of the benefits generated by The challenge of public safety, nowadays still and poverty will be reduced to minimum rates. concepts of efficiency. effective role in the efficient distribution of managerial principles, focused on results, the large investments planned. getting along with high criminality rates, will face Deficits in housing, sanity and access to water will The declining rhythm of the economic activity incentives to regional development. will have beneficial consequences for income In this scenario, peace will be increasingly serious obstacles in order to be fully equated in be almost totally overcome and the population will represent an opportunity for the conversion The State economic agents, facing a not so distribution, which will be more equitable and founded not only on essential policies for the next 20 years – being acceptable to expect will be able to enjoy not only basic public services of the energy matrix in the State, favoring sources favorable international and domestic reality, will in conformity with the democratic values of a disarming the population and recovering that, until 2031, “tolerable” criminality rates but also excellent education. Cultural products of low carbon emissions, whereas jobs in the be more capable to find business opportunities modern society. Extreme poverty will have been territories historically marked by social exclusion be achieved and maintained. The declining generated in Rio will also be enjoyed, both those green economy will gain room in a relatively than their competitors within the country eradicated and poverty, although resisting, will and government indifference, but also on trajectory of these rates will be robust, though, produced within the State’s territory and those cool marketplace in more traditional industrial or abroad and Rio de Janeiro will continue be reduced to one digit rates with lower severity employment, health, income and education due to the maintenance of policies by several produced outside Rio. sectors, still supported by outdated technologies. having one of the lowest unemployment degrees. This will be attributed to a more Efficiency will also be on the daily agenda in rates when compared to other Brazilian state emphatic social reaction and to redistribution the private sector, due to the relative scarcity of economies. The well succeeded performance policies resources available to economic agents. of the sports mega events will reveal the State’s environment. The progresses made in public Moreover, in the years 2012-2031, results of capability to resist the drawbacks of foreign safety will be crescent and robust. Together the progress made by the State management economies and will leave a legacy that will be with the virtuous circles in the management of GOOD in an unfavorable economic In the resulting scenario of growing qualification modern corporate management systems will mostly be applied in investments in essential qualification agenda will reflect on Rio’s compatible with the best expectations of the health and education, they will help the State of public management in a negative economic be preserved, regardless of who is in charge in areas, such as safety, infrastructure, education, economy, supported by excellent public population in terms of safety, infrastructure to consolidate quality and life expectancy context, the balance of the State policies will be the State Government. Transparency, quality in health and poverty eradication. The State’s public service and by an extended and renewed and transportation, which will be clear in the indicators that will be significantly better. clearly positive for the population until 2031. planning and management processes and the indebtedness and the preservation of fiscal The strategy for personnel development will efficacy of sectorial policies will be the major responsibility will ensure the sustainability of be increasingly subordinated to principles of points. The professionalization of the State will these investments, guarding the financial health meritocracy, with more public exams being held be granted, based on strategic Government of the Government, who will pay declining risk to select new civil servants and with the policy decisions and on the budgetary resources premiums. The sources of resources for the State to value public agents, recruited in qualification generated by the continuous strengthening of will still be relevant together with the Federal Until 2031, the scenario would be regular with which Rio’s Government would perform. and of the qualification of the public services levels which will be higher and higher in the State Revenue System. Government, with whom Rio de Janeiro will have the mix of a decadent public management and The stagnation of the professionalization of the State would end up in the preservation the marketplace. The effective adhesion to The resources arising from tax revenues will maintained the best partnership nationwide. a growing economy forming the context in strategy, of the valorization of civil servants of inefficient policies and in an abandonment REGULAR 38 ST R AT E G I C PL AN 2012-203 1 ST R AT E G I C PL AN 39 2012-203 1 of those enhanced by the investments already areas, where lack of infrastructure would be the of informal employment would stress this made in planning and management. The stage for deteriorated conditions of housing trend. In what regards the formal market, premature risk taken by governments when and irregular occupancy, enlarging the room for the net loss of job positions would happen adopting new but inefficient systems, unable political clientelism. The abandonment of the as a result of the loss of investments in a The worst scenario that Rio de Janeiro could and the Revenue System. Corporatism in subject to the despotic and predating behavior to add value to the public management, would modernization agenda for management would competition administrated face in the period between the years 2012 and technical entities and the political decadence of public and private agents, who would affect the progress expected for the execution also be felt by the environment, as it would areas, whose technological progress would 2031 would be characterized by a decadent in high government ranks will be translated be out of the democratic control that shall of plans and budgets. The State Revenue suffer the consequences of irregular exploration outperform Rio’s, being the worth generation State administration and a relatively stagnated into public policies whose results would be characterize the state. Inequality and poverty, Service would depend on the expansion of its of natural resources by great developments of employment in new sectors also inefficient. economy. This scenario would certainly give extremely poor or harmful. once again, would be moving to rates that are base, leveraged, above all, by the consumption made in the industrial and touristic sector. In-company training would only mitigate the birth to the most severe social conditions, Growing rates of criminality and violence, more intolerable than the present numbers. Rio of families whose income would be bound Environmental sources of poverty and harmful effects of ineffective public education. especially to the most vulnerable social groups, corruption, crisis on the sanitation system, de Janeiro would be a State unable to provide to sectors closer to the demand generated by morbimortality would be in increasingly evident. Growing aggregated income and technological unable to afford high quality private health, epidemics, a seemly life, with quality and hope to the vast foreign economies. With no support of high quality public policies or advances in the health system would, however, safety, education, housing and transportation environments, urban disorder and abusive Difficulties in the execution of investments for efficiency, the economic dynamics, mentioned account for a considerable increase in life services, among others. and disorderly exploration of the land, the sports mega events would come up and as one of the main reasons for the worsening expectancy for the population. The abandonment of the valorization and deterioration of the transportation system and would not contribute to redefine the image of of evils such as slum expansions, waste and Safety indicators would be worse due to renovation of the administrative personnel, of housing conditions for the population: these the State abroad. The huge projects in the capital environmental violations, would work as a backslid policies to fight corruption, renovate State policies would lose their best opportunity would be some of the main consequences of city and in the countryside would be a source of brake for some of these trends. The heritage left and valorize police personnel, socially occupy for technical qualification. Inefficiency would this highly undesirable scenario. Indicators of trouble for the population and would leave a by recent policies would equally have positive territories, control weapons and manage the worsen again, as State institutions would aggregated income and life expectancy would legacy that would be inferior to the resources effects on the population. penitentiary system. Public and private players not adhere to corporate systems, in terms grow simply because of their own trends, but they had consumed. The resources applied in Generations the would be driven by individual gains, in a clear of future government coalitions. Revenue at a snail’s pace. large investments and generated by the mega fundamental educational structure would be non-conformity with the democratic rights of would fall due to the inexpressive growth At an even worse scale, when compared to the events, in spite of being concentrated in sectors more apt to escape from poverty, although Rio’s citizens. The net balance of profits and of the base, to crescent tax evasion and to previous scenario, the wealthier social groups hired by the Government, would bring benefits they would be fated to move into this situation, losses of the society would be slightly better corruption, all these at a high speed of growth would have to count exclusively on private that the population would only partially enjoy. which would be moderately reduced, due than the scenario characterized by the match in several entities of the State administration. safety services, as well as others, whose quality The stress on inter and intra inequalities would not only to this reason, but also to the higher between a decadent public administration and The distribution conflict would dominate would be unsatisfactory. Unattended social be followed by the formation of new peripheral income economic stagnation. the public agenda, damaging public services groups would be even larger, being these currently gap. The embraced progressive by generation against better BAD pollution and unhealthy majority of its population in 2031. Photo: Cláudia Elias 40 ST R AT E G I C PL AN 2012-203 1 FORECA STS BY S C E N A R I OS Forecasts are made so that the society and responsible for making policies that are able to policies tested by government experience at an the Government have objective perspective revert declining paths. international level shall, under this perspective, on results that are theoretically out of their Governments management commence by the identification of the best reach. The best guesses also favor the setting of for results search for the best practices that objective results shown by the indicators of the achievable targets. The worst guesses work as a can be observed in their specific reach zone – sectors where the government performs. Aiming sign of alert for the society and for all players the zone of public policies. Benchmarking of at matching the advantages of forecasting committed to ST R AT E G I C PL AN 41 2012-203 1 the future behavior of these indicators and with thinking possible horizons for the State of expectation is that the State of Rio may or may the ones brought by the search for successful Rio through the current objective reality faced not reach better indicators as long as these experiences, the following forecasts have all by national states, whose indicators serve as a scenarios can be produced. The reference been produced based on the actual numbers of reference in the search for best practices in the for a positive or negative evolution of these countries listed in the United Nations’ database field of public policies. indicators is based on countries that present in corresponding In the four different scenarios, forecasts data which is better or worse than the numbers indicators in Rio de Janeiro. Eventually, it deals were made to 15 indicators until 2031. The recently seen in Rio de Janeiro. comparison with their F O R ECA ST E D I N D I CATO RS ECONOMY AND PUBLIC FINANCE HEALTH & ENVIRONMENT • NET DEBT / GDP • INFANT MORTALITY RATE • GDP PPP PER CAPITA • LIFE EXPECTANCY AT BIRTH • EXPORTS / GDP • POPULATION SUPPLIED BY WATER SUPPLY INDUSTRY Photo: Cláudia Elias • POPULATION SERVED BY MUNICIPAL WASTE COLLECTION INCOME, EQUALITY AND SAFETY HUMAN CAPITAL • UNEMPLOYMENT RATE • ADULT LITERACY RATE • GENDER INEQUALITY (IN UNEMPLOYMENT RATE) • NET ENROLMENT RATE, PRIMARY EDUCATION • POVERTY RATE (NATIONAL LEVEL) • NET ENROLMENT RATE, SECONDARY EDUCATION • INCOME INEQUALITY (GINI) • INTENTIONAL HOMICIDE / 100,000 POPULATION ST R AT E G I C PL AN ST R AT E G I C 2012-203 1 There is no indicator by which a State Secretariat and Municipal Governments – who are equally is important to identify the main demographic can respond by itself. An indicator may even responsible for the sectorial results actually aspects undergoing a transformation in the correspond to one government function – for observed. Each of the other Powers, besides the State’s territory. Below, an illustrated map of instance, indicators of safety (that depend on the Executive, are co-responsible for these results. demographic changes that happened in the performance of the Secretariats of Public Safety, Eventually, the economic context also influences Regions of Government in the State of Rio Penitentiary Administration, Education, Labor, in the evolution of social indicators. Thus, in Rio reflects new concentrations of population Social Development, among others) and health de Janeiro from 2012 to 2031, the 15 indicators in emerging economic poles out of the (that, one more time, depend on the Secretariats will have their behavior strongly determined by Metropolitan Region of the capital city. The of Health, Environment, Public Works, Education, the set of public agents and by the economic lighter colors (Centro-Sul, Serrana and Social Development, among others). activity as a whole. Nordeste) had the smallest growth from It is impossible to assess the performance of an Assessments in relation to the potential 2000 to 2010, being the highest growth rates entity by such indicators without considering trajectory of social indicators shall consider concentrated on the coastal regions out of the the other political institutions involved– Federal their current situation. Before that, however, it Metropolitan Region. PL AN 43 2012-203 1 REGIONAL POPULATION: GROWTH* BETWEEN 2000-2010 AND DISTRIBUTION IN 2010 CUMULATIVE POPULATION GROWTH 2000-2010 NOROESTE 7% 9% 22% 40% 45% NORTE CENTRO-SUL SERRANA MÉDIO PARAÍBA COSTA VERDE Photo: Cláudia Elias 42 BAIXADAS LITORÂNEAS METROPOLITANA RURAL-URBAN DISTRIBUTION URBAN POPULATION RURAL POPULATION SOURCE: IBGE (Demographic Census 2000/2010). * In approximate percentages. 44 ST R AT E G I C PL AN 2012-203 1 is another factor to be attentively observed. In Recent estimations from the IBGE for the more than 217 million people and the State’s all eight regions, urban population growth was State’s population from 2011 to 2031 shall nearly 18 million. Rio would host, if this is the most accelerated, even in regions where also be taken into account. According to true, a gradually smaller share of the country’s the growth rates were smaller, in which the those, the population of Rio will grow at a population, due to a decrease in birth rates. 204 217 that the Brazilian population will have reached 216 referring to infrastructure. 216 regional population by the housing conditions 215 above 17 million. In 2031, the expectation is 214 challenges to their governments, such as those 213 in the last decade. The distribution of the 212 inhabitants, whereas Rio will have slightly 211 process moves forward, presenting strategic 210 rates, as it was the case in the Northwest Region, 209 2021, Brazil may have more than 208 million 207 208 2010. All around the State, the urbanization 206 in regions going through the smallest growth 205 country’s population will grow 0,54% p.a. In 202 17.4% of the total number of inhabitants in 201 of demographic shrinking can be observed 199 rate of 0,48% p.a in this period, while the 198 rural population represented from 14.3% to 197 Considering intraregional distinctions, cases ST R AT E G I C PL AN 45 2012-203 1 SITUATION OF RIO DE JANEIRO ACCORDING TO RECENT DATA INDICATOR Net Debt / GDP PPP GDP Per Capita Exports / GDP Unemployment Rate Gender Inequality Poverty Rate (national level) Income Inequality (GINI) Intentional Homicide Infant Mortality Rate Life Expectancy At Birth DEMOGRAPHIC TRENDS* BRAZIL AND RIO DE JANEIRO 2012-2031 Pop. With Water Supply Industry 17,9 17,8 17,7 17,7 17,6 17,6 17,5 17,4 17,3 17,3 17,2 17,1 17,0 16,9 16,8 16,7 16,6 16,5 16,4 16,3 Pop. Served by Waste Collection Adult Literacy Rate Net Enrolment Rate - Primary BRAZIL RIO DE JANEIRO SOURCE: IBGE. *MILLION PEOPLE. 2009 2009 2009 2010 2010 2009 2009 2010 2008 2009 2010 2010 2009 2009 2009 1 2 1 1 3 1 4 5 6 7 1 1 8 1 1 13,3 $ 13,901.25 10,0 5,6 2,0 15,7 54,1 29,1 14,3 73,8 83,7 96,6 96,0 95,1 49,5 2031 2030 2029 2028 2027 2026 2025 2024 2023 2022 2021 2020 2019 2018 2017 2016 2015 2014 2013 2012 Net Enrolment Rate - Secondary RIO DE JANEIRO 1 Percentage; 2 Dollars PPP; 3 Difference between unemployment rates by gender (Higher rate over the lower rate); 4 GINI coefficient; 5 Number of intentional murders per 100 thousand inhabitants; 6 Number of children’s death (before 1 year old) per 1.000 children born live; 7 In years; 8 Percentage of people at 15 years old or older. Sources: IBGE; Brazilian Central Bank (Bacen); Ministry of Development, Industry and Foreign Trade (MDIC); Institute of Studies on Labor and Society (IETS); National Annual Report on Safety; DATASUS. 46 ST R AT E G I C PL AN 2012-203 1 ST R AT E G I C PL AN 47 2012-203 1 When translated into dollars, calculated State in the world ranking of the indicator similar to Iceland’s. Unemployment, income Life expectancy would be comparable to In a good scenario, unemployment, income than the current ones, getting similar to according to the Purchasing Power Parity would be currently similar to that occupied inequality and intentional homicide rates that in Japan and the net enrolment rate for inequality, life those seen in countries like the Netherlands, (PPP), the per capita GDP in Rio de Janeiro in by Chile. In 2031, the best scenario could could reach levels seen in countries like primary education would be close the one expectancy and the net enrolment rate in the Philippines, Paraguay, Austria, and 2009 was US$ 13,901.25. The position of the lead the State to reach a per capita GDP Switzerland, Israel and the USA, respectively. seen in Belgium. primary education would reach better levels Australia, respectively. FORECAST OF INDICATORS OF THE STATE OF RIO DE JANEIRO RESULTS 2031 SCENARIOS 1 3 2 4 FORECAST OF INDICATORS OF THE STATE OF RIO DE JANEIRO intentional homicides, RESULTS 2021 SCENARIOS 1 3 2 4 Net Debt / GDP 1 -36,0 6,2 20,0 23,0 PPP GDP Per Capita 2 $ 24,067 $ 17,913 $ 20,844 $ 14,120 Exports / GDP 1 21,3 17,1 10,4 6,4 Unemployment Rate 1 4,5 5,0 6,6 7,7 Gender Inequality 3 1,6 1,7 2,2 2,7 29,0 Poverty Rate (national level) 1 7,2 10,9 14,3 21,9 64,3 Income Inequality (GINI) 4 46,1 48,8 56,2 59,2 36,0 49,0 Intentional Homicide 5 11,3 18,5 32,5 38,2 7,0 24,0 53,2 Infant Mortality Rate 6 7,0 9,6 19,2 30,1 80,5 78,0 75,0 Life Expectancy At Birth 7 78,7 77,4 76,1 74,5 92,7 74,6 52,9 Pop. With Water Supply Industry 1 91,3 88,3 78,8 65,8 100,0 100,0 78,2 60,0 Pop. Served by Waste Collection 1 98,4 98,4 86,5 75,3 8 99,8 99,5 98,3 96,1 Adult Literacy Rate 8 98,1 97,9 97,3 96,0 1 98,7 97,0 92,0 86,8 Net Enrolment Rate - Primary 1 97,0 96,1 93,4 90,4 1 82,2 72,1 28,0 10,7 Net Enrolment Rate - Secondary 1 65,3 60,8 36,3 21,4 Net Debt / GDP 1 -85,4 -0,8 26,8 32,7 PPP GDP Per Capita 2 $ 38,023 $ 22,126 $ 29,213 $ 14,306 Exports / GDP 1 39,9 26,7 10,7 4,4 Unemployment Rate 1 3,7 4,5 7,7 10,3 Gender Inequality 3 1,3 1,5 2,4 3,6 Poverty Rate (national level) 1 3,8 8,0 13,3 Income Inequality (GINI) 4 39,8 44,5 58,2 Intentional Homicide 5 4,8 12,2 Infant Mortality Rate 6 4,0 Life Expectancy At Birth 7 83,0 Pop. With Water Supply Industry 1 98,7 Pop. Served by Waste Collection 1 Adult Literacy Rate Net Enrolment Rate - Primary Net Enrolment Rate - Secondary 1 Percentage; 2 Dollars PPP; 3 Difference between unemployment rates by gender (Higher rate over the lower rate); 4 GINI coefficient; 5 Number of intentional murders per 100 thousand inhabitants; 6 Number of children’s death (before 1 year old) per 1.000 children born live; 7 In years; 8 Percentage of people at 15 years old or older. 1 Percentage; 2 Dollars PPP; 3 Difference between unemployment rates by gender (Higher rate over the lower rate); 4 GINI coefficient; 5 Number of intentional murders per 100 thousand inhabitants; 6 Number of children’s death (before 1 year old) per 1.000 children born live; 7 In years; 8 Percentage of people at 15 years old or older. ST R AT E G I C PL AN 2012-203 1 ST R AT E G I C PL AN 49 2012-203 1 different levels of tax revenues only. Anyway, State’s economy would be reflected in the ratio rates among men and women would be similar. plan of the SESEG established a target for the even better, in what regards to the ratio between 2 is just regular, due to the deceleration of the in both scenarios the coverage of the network between exportations and State GDP. For a In 2010, the unemployment rate among women reduction in intentional homicide of 22.9 per the State’s net debt and its GDP. economy. Scenario 3 would be considered will be sharply and decisively amplified. Waste State that has a modern administration, even was twice the number verified among men in Rio 100 thousand inhabitants until 2014. In this The table below shows annual growth rates of good, in this case, with the economic activity collection services, under the responsibility of an unfavorable economic context would be an de Janeiro. In the best scenarios forecasted, this plan, the projection of this reduction is 4.8 until each of the indicators that the State of Rio will going through better times. Among these the municipalities, would have total coverage, opportunity for further penetration of its goods difference would become comparable to that in 2031 in Scenario 1 and 12.2 in Scenario 2. Both present if it moves towards the forecasts made scenarios, we can imagine that the State of Rio being supported by the State Government in and services in international markets. Argentina or, at least, in Costa Rica. In the worst scenarios characterized by a decadent public for 2021 and 2031 in each of the four Scenarios. would reach GDP per capita levels close to those both scenarios characterized by a significant Great challenges are presented to Rio in scenarios, especially due to the lack of action of administration – those in which public safety verified in Portugal or even in Italy. Like the GDP improvement in management quality. Losses education, as the question of quality and net the public power, it could reach levels closer to shall be considered bad or awful – justify the per capita, life expectancy would be growing of coverage in Scenarios 3 and 4 are predictable registration rates in high school education – those seen in countries like Jordan or Yemen. forecast of increase for this rate, that could go in all scenarios, but at different paces, being due to management failures matched to i.e. the number of people between 15 and 17 Income inequality, which shall decrease in up to levels seen in countries like Malawi or, practically stagnated in the worst of them. possible inter and intraregional migrations to years old registered in high schools divided a context of more modern, efficient and worse than that, in Venezuela. It is reasonable to Between Scenarios 1 and 2, the difference in new peripheral areas, formed by precarious by the total population of people within this effective imagine that criminality rates in general would the results of the expansion of water supply housing conditions. age band – suggest. Attendance of youngsters tend to conversely grow again in scenarios be frightening in the two worst scenarios. installations would be a consequence of Gains in competitiveness obtained by the between 15 and 17 years old to high schools is characterized by the decadence of government Regarding public finance, the ratio between difficult, due to their long stay in fundamental quality. The risk would be the worsening of the the net debt of the State Government and education and to the strong attraction over this reality measured by the GINI coefficient, which the State’s GDP was better than that of Minas age band exercised by the marketplace. A fall could reach levels closer to those verified in Gerais, São Paulo, Rio Grande do Sul and other can be predicted to this rate in Scenarios 3 and countries like Colombia or, in the worst of the Brazilian states in 2009. Even in a scenario 4. In these, the drop on the net registration rate guesses, Botswana. favored by the dynamism of the economy, a in fundamental education would not nullify Intentional homicide rates, still very high risky management of the State debt could revert some effects of the high rates seen nowadays, in 2010, would have a hard way to go in a its recent trajectory, leading it to levels noticed among which the reduction of illiteracy levels scenario of a qualified administration and a in South Africa or worse than this. Scenarios among adults. negative economic context. In this case, we characterized by the continuous improvement In the marketplace, the definitive increase in the could hardly consider Scenario 2 as a good of public administration could, conversely, lead coverage of education and policies that are able situation and Scenario 3 could be deemed bad the government to enjoy a financial situation to fight gender inequalities, unemployment or even awful. Actually, the current strategic that would be similar to that in New Zealand, or Photo: Cláudia Elias For the indicator of GDP per capita, Scenario management practices, would Photo: Serviço Geológico do Estado do Rio de Janeiro - DRM-RJ 48 50 ST R AT E G I C PL AN 2012-203 1 ANNUAL GROWTH RATES SCENARIOS 1 3 2 PL AN 51 2012-203 1 The challenges of the State of Rio de Janeiro more effective, as it succeeds in disarming international scale, as well as keeping it as a are huge and numerous in order to improve its criminals leading force in the national scenario. indicators and progress in those which capture consolidated while the social and democratic Human, technological and material resources realities whose reversion is made urgently State was away. are essential for the State’s indicators related necessary. Recent examples of success point Only when social and safety policies work to health. Quality of life, which depends on the to promising paths towards this goal. together, will it be possible to ensure the control of disease vectors, is a mission under A priority for the present government, necessary conditions for the full exercise of the responsibility of the environmental area of the and the reciprocal animosity Net Debt / GDP 1 -4,9 p.p. -0,7 p.p. 0,7 p.p. 1,0 p.p. PPP GDP Per Capita 2 4.7% 2.1% 3.4% 0.1% which fundamental rights that constitute citizenship the Government. Transportation and housing Exports / GDP 2 6.5% 4.6% 0.3% -3.6% recovered areas that have, until recently, itself. The policy for the eradication of poverty appear among the sectors in which the State Unemployment Rate 2 -1.9% -1.1% 1.5% 2.9% been controlled by armed groups, showed shall be highlighted here, as it has just been Government has to act in a partnership with Gender Inequality 2 -2.2% -1.6% 0.8% 2.7% the fragility of these groups when facing a adopted by the State of Rio with no loss to its other levels of the public administration. Poverty Rate (national level) 2 -6.2% -3.0% -0.7% 2.8% sharp and planned intervention of the State commitment to fight poverty. All other sectors for which the Government Income Inequality (GINI) 2 -1.4% -0.9% 0.3% 0.8% in territories previously belonging to crime. For this purpose, it is equally important to is responsible deserve attention and may Intentional Homicide 2 -8.2% -4.1% 1.0% 2.5% Simultaneously, evident increase the quality and reach of the public receive Infant Mortality Rate 2 -5.4% -3.1% 2.3% 5.9% absence of the democratic State, providing education network. The most strategic of the results. They shall be monitored by the State Life Expectancy At Birth 2 0.5% 0.4% 0.2% 0.1% room for these areas to be under the control initiatives to benefit a society corresponds and by the society as well. Modern planning Pop. With Water Supply Industry 2 0.8% 0.5% -0.5% -2.2% of violent, but clearly vulnerable groups. to the investment in its human capital – the and management tools available now for state Pop. Served by Waste Collection 2 0.2% 0.2% -1.0% -2.2% More than ever, however, it is important best material symbol of its expectations. The entities have a key role to play in supporting Adult Literacy Rate 2 0.2% 0.2% 0.1% 0.0% the government sectors intervene together urgent improvements firmly carried out by the these institutions. Then, they will deliver the Net Enrolment Rate - Primary 2 0.2% 0.1% -0.1% -0.4% providing services in the areas of safety, education sector of the State Government shall, best results to empower citizenship. Net Enrolment Rate - Secondary 2 2.3% 1.7% -2.6% -6.7% health, social development, infrastructure, ideally, work together with the investments in education, work and culture – to convert technical education for youngsters who are them in territories of citizenship, ruled only about to join the marketplace. In parallel to by the feeling of equality, leaving behind that, investments in research and technology the sensation of fear and abandonment. are needed for taking the State of Rio to better In the long term, pacification will be even positions in the field of development at an 1 Reductions and increases expressed in percentage per year; 2 Relative growth in the year. Photo: SEAPEC 4 ST R AT E G I C so-called pacification it unveiled policy, the investments that enhance their ST R AT E G I C PL AN 53 2012-203 1 LONG TERM S EC TO R I A L CHALLENGES 4 I n conformity with the majority of the Pluriannual Plan. They are also useful 2031. Below is a list of long term sectorial the State to summarize the strategic challenges challenges for the State of Rio de Janeiro. Secretariats adopt, every four years, that each Secretariat may expect, as After them, short term sectorial plans have the the responsible organ for each area of their guidance expressed by means of their meaning of all their respective actions in results, to overcome between 2012 and current most elementary aspects. macro Government objectives that summarize LONG TERM SECTORIAL CHALLENGES (2012-2031) SEPLAG SEFAZ SEGOV CASA CIVIL Photo: Fernanda Almeida programs, SEDEIS SEOBRAS PROMOTE THE INTEGRATED PLANNING AND ENHANCE PUBLIC MANAGEMENT STRIVE FOR EXCELLENCE IN THE FISCAL POLICY AND WELFARE OF THE POPULATION SUPPORT THE INSTITUTIONAL ARTICULATION OF THE GOVERNMENT SUPPORT THE ARTICULATION OF GOVERNMENT ACTIONS ENHANCE BUSINESS ENVIRONMENT PROVIDE THE INFRASTRUCTURE FOR THE SOCIAL AND ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT 54 ST R AT E G I C PL AN 2012-203 1 ST R AT E G I C PL AN 55 2012-203 1 SEAPEC PROMOTE THE PRODUCTION AND CONSUMPTION OF HIGH QUALITY FOOD SETRAB QUALIFY AND PROMOTE PRODUCTIVE INCLUSION SEDRAP PROMOTE THE SOCIAL FUNCTION, INTEGRATION AND SUSTAINABILITY OF THE TERRITORY SEASDH ERADICATE EXTREME POVERTY AND PROMOTE EQUALITY AND HUMAN RIGHTS SETRANS SETUR IMPROVE MOBILITY FOCUSING ON THE CITIZEN MAKE THE TOURISTIC POTENTIAL OF THE TERRITORY COME TRUE SEH CHALLENGE THE DEFICIT IN HOUSING SES ENSURE ACCESS, INTEGRALITY AND QUALITY OF THE ATTENTION GIVEN TO HEALTH SEA PROMOTE SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT INTEGRATING STRATEGIC AGENDAS SEDEC PREVENT DISASTERS AND MITIGATE IMPACTS SESEG SEAP SEEDUC SECT SEC SEEL MAINTAIN CRIMINALITY AT TOLERABLE LEVELS EXPAND THE SYSTEM AND RE-SOCIALIZE UNIVERSALIZE EDUCATION IN THE STATE AND KEEP IT AMONG THE BEST IN THE COUNTRY PROMOTE SCIENCE, INNOVATION AND TRAINING TO REDUCE INEQUALITIES VALORIZE IDENTITY AND DIVERSITY SUPPORT MEGA EVENTS AND FOSTER SPORTS ST R AT E G I C PL AN 57 2012-203 1 SECTORIAL 5 Photo: SEC S T R AT E G I E S S ec r e ta r i at of Planning a n d M a n ag e m e n t - S E P L AG Promote the Integrated Planning and Enhance Public Management management is the main contribution that and flows are benefited. The potential for SEPLAG brings to its direct clients: State innovation will be thoroughly explored only entities and civil servants. when they are applied to perfecting public The modeling of policies and their execution policies, as are monitoring tools at the SIPLAG favors the establishment of targets based on and career management tools at the SIGRH. indicators; their firm pursuit; the convergence Training and support provided for the full and of resources for their implementation; the effective use of the systems will be gradually correlated control of internal centrifugal forces; followed by the distribution of members a clear commitment with results; the liability of of new careers at the SEPLAG, pari passu public agents, transparency and social control with the progress in the implementation of – all those mechanisms encouraging efficacy the Planning and Management Assistance Planning and management are subjects that and efficiency of public policies. Network (APG). The professionalization process are intrinsically entwined and with which the In the years to come, the SEPLAG’s strategy of the management, on which the necessary mission of the SEPLAG is more identified than will be driven by the guidelines of continuity continuity of successful policies and their that of any administrative entity. Planning is and the improvement depends, currently counts on a tool in the service of freedom, as it foresees responsible management of general and the renovation and qualification of personnel. possible constraints and provides the best individual budgets of the State, the actions The implementation of the APG network is timely solutions. It deals with compensating implemented will persevere in the struggle for a must in qualification and multiplication negative external factors with internal actions modernization of the automated management efforts for the deliveries of the Government able to meet minimum expectations for of processes in the planning and management to society. Investing in career and technical changes of the reality or of the indicators areas (budget, logistics, human resources, and personnel development, in modernization of object wanted to be managed. Management, real estate) through the development and processes, in the generation of information at in turn, is the locus of the search for the most integration between information systems. As each stage of the management cycle related to intelligent application of scarce resources. new modules of the systems deployed start monitoring and assessment is, simultaneously, Investment in the promotion of integrated to operate and their new versions are made objective and means of the strategic programs planning and the enhancement of public in a new programming language, interfaces carried out by the SEPLAG in the next years. consolidation. In parallel to 58 ST R AT E G I C Strive for Excellence in the Fiscal Policy and Welfare of the Population 2012-203 1 ST R AT E G I C PL AN 59 2012-203 1 Revenues experienced great changes after a more of Rio in the national movement to introduce be included. In emergency cases, this Secretariat is a remarkable participation. technical approach was employed, as well as the Digital Recording Public System, and responsible for providing assistance to other State Quality management of the services under the the launching of IT software and improvements after the commitment of the population entities and also to municipalities affected. responsibility of this entity aims at the integration in with the Revenue Service was strengthened In the special operations referred to above, between the Government and the society. As an the SEGOV’s performance is based on the interface element, the SEGOV builds bridges offer of training to civil servants and on the in between the citizens and the public authority, loco monitoring of the quality of the services organizing local demands and supervising the rendered. The local presence is one of the special quality of services provided to meet the citizens’ trademarks of the institution, which counts requests. Its in loco monitoring work completes on a specific subsecretariat for the capital city, the tasks performed with a specific focus on one for the metropolitan region and a third projects by the Executive Office, as well as that one for the countryside, in addition to regional which has been developed since 2012 by the supervisors for the entire territory of the State. SEPLAG for monitoring the best performance The articulation of the Government with the of finalistic actions and priority projects for the cities is, then, another area where the SEGOV has State Secretariats. people’s management, including the performance of four public exams to select by the program called Cupom Mania. After auditors and the nomination of other 200 new the creation of a system for the delivery of professionals. Productivity at the Revenue information by electronic means and its Service was boosted by measures that included consequent comparison with other records, the S ec r e ta r i at o f G ov e r n m e n t S EG OV Support the Institutional Articulation of the Government partnerships, the adoption of work standards subjective risk for agents in non-compliance practiced in neighbor states, the conclusion of IT with their tax obligations was established. In January 2010, the SEFAZ published its systems and the integration among databases. Nowadays, the SEFAZ participates of the State In the latest years, the SEGOV was focused on strategic plan to establish referenced aimed Results in the fiscal area include the current commitment with the dynamism of our economy performing specific operations to support at direct the actions taken by the entity in the availability of quantitative and qualitative data and with the quality of life of its population, different government sectors and municipalities. years to come. This tool contains the current for the construction of historical series, able to with no damage to the obligations set forth Institutional articulation is, then, the strategic challenges and a vision that can be summarized subsidize estimations and needs of State entities in the Fiscal Responsibility Law in relation to challenge under the responsibility of the entity in by the search for excellence in the fiscal policy without violating the fiscal discipline. Lack of Government Acts. Thus, the long term horizon the reach of the State Executive Power. and for an improvement in the welfare of the criteria and priority for payments, the need for presents the enhancement of mechanisms that The so-called Lei Seca, Barreira Fiscal and SOS Saúde population – through an increase in investments centralization in forwarding liquidation to the preserve the liquidity of the State and ensure, operations were actions aimed at providing direct and in the economic activity as a whole. The Treasury and overlapping functions were some of then, the sustainability of government programs. support to the control and qualification of activities general aspect of the plan – containing actions, the problems faced. Auditing advanced together The automation of the Tax Administrative developed by the Secretariats of Public Safety, targets and accountability – confers it a peculiar with services to taxpayers, who, in several Process, the expansion of remote service to Treasury and Health. In the scope of the program quality standard. processes, migrated into the virtual environment, taxpayers and the implementation of integrated called Quality Management in Public Services the Revenue management in the latest years what generated more comfort for each citizen digital auditing are also part of this agenda for a operation called Warriors Against the Dengue was characterized by clear progresses in the and speed to the Government. planned and effective fight against tax dodging, Fever (Guerreiros Contra a Dengue) and several Treasury (inspection and customer service) and The modernization of the Revenue Service elision and evasion, aiming at a sustainable other actions to assess the quality of essential expenditures (fiscal management and payment). had a gain after the participation of the State growth of revenues. Public Safety, health and education services can Photo: Cláudia Elias Secr e ta r i at of t h e T r e a s u ry SEFA Z PL AN 60 ST R AT E G I C Secr e ta r i at of t h e E x ec u t i v e Offi c e - S CC PL AN 2012-203 1 ST R AT E G I C PL AN 61 2012-203 1 companies are in the agenda of the development For restructuring and modernizing the control policy, together with strong tax benefits and of company registrations, improvements in the Secretariat of Economic Development, Energy, Industry and Services SEDEIS crescent financial incentives. physical structure are expected to be implemented The attraction of investments and the fostering of in the duly state entity, as well as the automation the productive activity will count on a considerable of all its services and the decentralization of the amount of resources if the target to raise the capital process to file for registration. For the next years, an of the State Development Bank from R$ 2 billion action intended to analyze risks of environmental in 2011 to R$ 5 billion in 2014 is achieved. The disasters is expected. This will be made by a financial incentive shall be granted aiming at the geological mapping and studies that will support generation of jobs and income in micro, small and initiatives taken by the Environment and Civil Enhance Business Environment medium sized companies. The performance of the Defense areas. The addition of economic value shall entities reporting to the SEDEIS equally involves happen together with the prevention of accidents as its activity gained in volume, being driven segments that need access to IT equipment to several fronts in which the Government and the Internet are also expected, as well was acting. Following the interventions made as initiatives to prevent or correct negative by the Growth Acceleration Program (PAC, in impacts on federal works being conducted in Portuguese) in needy communities has been poor or risky areas. one of these fronts in recent years. Until 2016, Improvements the Secretariat of the Executive Office will also agreements will be necessary in order to The performance of the State Secretariat of be committed to the mission of managing prevent difficulties that may affect the the Executive Office of Rio has been driven to the great load events that will be held in Rio. capability of the State in raising public several essential needs of the Government, This challenge has already commenced, and resources through these instruments. At the such as the coordination of actions and it includes the coordination of actions for the same time, the management of structuring The SEDEIS is the entrance door for the private sector the articulation efforts between the different that might destroy it. the management of institutional activities organization of the State’s participation in the projects in the State shall be enhanced. in Rio. It understands that factors of institutional Government spheres and the enterprises, trying The actions that reduced the average time for concerning to government relations with United Nations Conference on Sustainable Excellence of car licensing services will essence, pulsing market and a good government to reach a favorable environment to business opening a business in Rio from ten days to 48 international entities, the Federal Government Development – Rio+20. depend on actions at the reach of the indirect are key elements to attract new investments. The development in the State. hours illustrate the progress already made by the and with other entities belonging to the The modernization of the communication administration entities linked to the Secretariat third factor comprehends the mission to which the The potential of regional economies may benefit SEDEIS. This is done through the Internet, by the State Executive Power. The support to the process by the management of the State’s of the Executive Office. The same shall be said Secretariat intends to focus on in the long term: both from this mechanism and from those created to system called Integrated Company Registration articulation of Government actions is the main information is a strategic task whose results in respect to consumer defense services, which enhancing the State’s business environment. foster local productive arrangements. There will also System (Regin), which had been deployed in 45 aim of the Secretariat of the Executive Office. will benefit the public entities – with the already count on the recent performance of To support public and private initiatives in favor of be – in cities contemplated by Law 6.069, of 2011 – cities until the middle of 2011. In 2010, the State Entities of the indirect administration linked Electronic Management of Documents – public exams to select and hire the necessary investment in Rio de Janeiro, the SEDEIS works by credit granting for projects that generate jobs and also reached the target of being the greatest to the Secretariat perform multiple functions, and Rio’s citizens – with a better flow of the number of permanent civil servants. The entities that are in charge of attracting new projects, income, which will aid industries, agro-industries, job generator in Brazil. Ensuring the progress of these indicators, the attraction of investments Support the Articulation of Government Actions in the management of which could not be thoroughly explained in state bureaucracy and higher transparency qualification of public services provided to the stimulating the strengthening of production chains, family agriculture, micro and small businesses, this presentation. of the Government actions. Initiatives for population by private agents will depend on managing the use of mineral resources, providing among others. The tax benefits set forth in Law, and the strengthening of productive services The creation of the Project Management Office the dissemination of electronic services the necessary improvement to be made on the business registrations and maintaining certification of January 2010, will be distributed according to is, in summary, the objective of the economic was the object of crescent attention, inasmuch provided by the Government in favor of social audit of concessions and permits. actions going on. Training and qualification of analyses of projects to be made by the SEDEIS. development policy implemented in Rio. 62 ST R AT E G I C PL AN 2012-203 1 ST R AT E G I C PL AN GROSS DOMESTIC PRODUCT ANNUAL GROWTH* (1999-2009) AND REGIONAL COMPOSITION (2009) the municipality will be implemented, aiming at in projects like the expansion of the subway meeting the demands for regional development. system in the capital city, modernization of train Out of the boundaries of this region, improvements wagons and expansion of sanitation systems, in the infrastructure of municipalities and recovery among others. The investment in roads – opening works in those struck by catastrophes will also be new ones, repaving and duplicating lanes and under the responsibility of the SEOBRAS. improving shoulders – is another facet of the It is estimated that the State of Rio would still have policy that governs public works in Rio. The more than two thousand kilometers of unpaved Metropolitan Arch will generate a direct impact roads. In four years, using a mix of own resources over the whole region comprising from Itaboraí and external loans, there is a hope that half or The SEOBRAS is a sui generis entity, whose and São Gonçalo – where the Comperj and the more of this need will be supplied. It is acceptable strategic cross performance does not make it new port will respectively be located – to Itaguaí – to expect that, well before 2031, all these roads accountable for a specific Government function, where the dynamics of another port arises, as well have been paved. though. It is an entity that is co-responsible for as that of neighboring industries to the Sepetiba The social agenda of the SEOBRAS represents projects in diverse areas, such as economy, Bay, like CSA. Investments in sanitation and inter- another front of intense action. The urbanization transportation, housing, health, education, municipal consortiums promoted by the State for of low income communities in the capital environment, among others. It is impossible the creation of landfills will also be decisive for the city and the resettlement of dwellers of areas to describe its agenda without mentioning future scenarios of Rio de Janeiro. threatened by hundreds of potential landslides other Secretariats. Rio’s infrastructure requires The renovation of the Maracanã complex must in the countryside shall occur in parallel to several interventions due to extreme and be highlighted when the plans for the 2013 the renovation works performed in the public old needs, partially connected to economic and 2014 international football championships schools and to the refurbishing of police stations. difficulties by which the State has passed are mentioned. The expansion in water Eventually, the initiatives of this entity in favor through. Thus, in the long term, the greatest supply networks and sewage systems will be of the territorial planning and management of challenge of the SEOBRAS consists in providing fundamental for the improvement of health the Metropolitan region renew the chances that the infrastructure for social and economic and environment indicators in the Metropolitan several indicators are recovered due to intra- development in Rio de Janeiro. region. There, strategic projects reaching beyond government coordination. NOROESTE 2,6 3,0 3,1 3,5 4,5 8,5 8,8 10,9 Provide the Infrastructure for Social and Economic Development NORTE CENTRO-SUL SERRANA MÉDIO PARAÍBA COSTA VERDE In the Metropolitan region, resources are applied S ec r e ta r i at o f P u b l i c Wo r ks S EO B R A S ANNUAL GROWTH RATE OF REGIONAL GDP BAIXADAS LITORÂNEAS METROPOLITANA REGIONAL COMPOSITION INDUSTRY SERVICES RURAL ECONOMY SOURCE: IBGE (2011). Values are adjusted by the IPCA index. 63 2012-203 1 ST R AT E G I C Secr e ta r i at of Ag r i c u lt u r e and A n i m a l Husba n d ry SE AP EC PL AN 2012-203 1 ST R AT E G I C PL AN 2012-203 1 the genetic development of the cattle, the community relations in a given geographic specific actions to preserve and modernize revitalization of channels, the promotion of space, due to the traditional extensive use laboratories and research centers. agroindustry and agricultural mechanization of the land for its activities. The profitability These labs are intended to develop and the modernization of management of these activities fosters the settlement cultivation systems for organic products and structures of the entities in charge of these of the population in the rural areas or in its provide such knowledge to distinct regions sectorial programs. urban surroundings, preventing disorderly in the State. Actions to control and eradicate Rio’s agriculture, even because of its lower occupancy of metropolitan peripheral areas, diseases and plagues will be essential to the Promote the Production and Consumption of Quality Food expression in the national context, bears as well as the undesirable effects of the lack agribusiness sustainability. They are being a great potential to be explored by means of infrastructure and the rupture of people’s performed by 27 centers of agriculture and of the appropriate investments. Regarding networks social, animal husbandry defense. The maintenance The short term drive of the agricultural intensive production in techniques of free economic and public safety indicators. The and repair of roads is also been carried out, policy of the Government of Rio de Janeiro cultivation of industrial inputs that are encouragement of the production of food involving 17 mechanized patrolling teams. is sectorial harmful to health, agriculture is in conformity holds the potential to elevate the economic It is impossible to conceive promising expectations for the next twenty years to with sustainable development and moves dynamism of the territory and to improve strategies of regional development without be started in 2012. It can be translated into itself to the category of a powerful ally of several life quality indicators. the due inclusion of rural economy in the the challenge to foster the production and the green economy. Recent changes in the In a partnership with the World Bank, the plans for this purpose. Alternatives for consumption of quality foods in the State. qualitative profile for food consumption in SEAPEC is currently promoting actions driven employment generation and the promotion The SEAPEC is responsible for policies that, high per capita income countries generate to organizing communities based on family of activities and businesses in other places until 2014, aim at sustainability, special the opportunity for policies that stimulate agriculture in order to make them adopt best are equally necessary, so as to mitigate the support to family agriculture, the recovery sustainable agriculture in Rio de Janeiro practices, aiming at transferring technology effects of centripetal forces that, with the of side roads, the defense of agriculture and broaden the international horizons for its and notions of sustainability in the use maturity of the investments made, will have animal husbandry, technological research, rural producers. of resources. In the short term sectorial a growing repercussion in the geography of technical assistance, support to rural tourism, Agriculture is, by nature, a hatchery of agenda, other initiatives can be seen, such as the State. compatible with the best over environmental, 65 Photo: Cláudia Elias 64 66 ST R AT E G I C Secr e ta r i at of R eg i o n a l Deve lo pm e n t, Supp ly a n d Fish i n g - S E D R A P PL AN 2012-203 1 ST R AT E G I C PL AN 67 2012-203 1 item in this agenda corresponds to the numerous areas will be vital in the search for a solution. the short term agenda of the SETRANS. Contributing to this same process, inter-regional direct investments – planned or already in course The Metropolitan Arch, the Comperj, the ports of Improvements in land and sea access to the and interstate connections will be awarded – in several quadrants of the State territory. They Itaguaí, Barra do Furado and Açu, together with port of Rio are some of the State projects that with improvements that have already been intrinsically bring a promise for impacts that shall be their respective industrial complexes, may play the are matched to the municipal cooperation. The planned to be made on roads managed under as high as the opportunities they represent. main role in the process for mitigating or worsening construction of the lines 3 and 4 of the subway concessions granted by the State of Rio. The symptoms that maintain our regional aspect regional unbalance. The demographic dynamics system and the expansion of the line 1, together Upswings made to the airport system shall be in evidence arose again after the data published by of places affected – both the places or their with the integration of subway stations with the complemented by the deployment of new future municipal BRTs build the collaboration helipoints. There is also a plan to renovate the agenda between the State Government and the airports located in the cities of Resende, Parati, The SETRANS responds for the design of projects Prefecture of Rio de Janeiro, preparing the city Angra dos Reis, Maricá and Itaperuna, as well as the and will face, along the years to come, the to host the Olympic Games in 2016. The railroad waterway that connects the capital city to Niterói. challenge that also corresponds to its long term connection between the Comperj and Rio, Açu Renovations will also benefit 89 train stations, and target: improve mobility conditions focusing on and Itaguaí ports has a strategic characteristic for 94 trains will be overhauled. Suburban trains will the citizens, delivering to the society results in the cargo transportation. In the port sector, there will be transformed into surface subways. 30 units have logistics and cargo and passenger transportation be the implementation of the Barra do Furado been delivered and other 90 will be acquired. The areas. A portfolio of projects – what Rio has been Logistic Complex. In the railway sector, progress implementation of the single pass, highlighted in longing for for years – will result of the conclusion of has been seen regarding the construction of the recent years, is now able to subsidize fares and its the State Plan for Cargo Logistics, created to inform part of the railroad located in Rio that will integrate expansion is already forecasted. the sectorial planning until 2030. By its turn, the the Brazilian Transcontinental railway, which will The reactivation of touristic railroads in the S ec r e ta r i at o f T r a n s p o rtat i o n SETRANS Improve Mobility Focusing on the Citizen the 2010 Census. They indicated the creation of new neighboring areas – will be strongly altered, due to poles of economic concentration in the countryside crucial direct (distributive) and indirect (regulatory) of the State and the fragility of productive structures interventions in the infrastructure, supply, mobility of nearby municipalities that presented stagnation and employment and income generation. All or even a demographic shrink in the last decade. these modifications are an integrating part of One of the greatest challenges of the State Created in January 2011, the SEDRAP aims at the SEDRAP’s planning. Their dominating effects Government is to face the historical issue of regional promoting, among other aspects, the social will be powered by progresses or drawbacks development, to which scarce attention has been function to which the territory might serve, the in government management and in external paid by successive administrations. The creation of rational distribution of greengroceries and the economic factors linked to the best or worst future new economic poles makes new and old planning sustainable development of the fishing activity. scenarios forecasted to the State. needs emerge, and, in the long term, challenge Bottle necks in the transportation logistics shall It is necessary to provide support to municipalities SEDRAP to promote the social function, integration also be discussed by this institution, as well as the that host or will host these great load projects. updated Directive Plan for Urban Transportation connect the shore of the State to the Pacific Ocean. countryside and the Light Rail Vehicle of Macaé and sustainable management of the territory. ones affecting the production and processing of Territory and partnership will be the axis of the mission will rule public investments in this area, pointing Investments and will provide a better reach for the performance The most common challenge in this field is the fishing products. They cause problems directly of regional development organs in the next twenty out solutions for systems under the responsibility especially in the port sector, together with of the SETRANS in the State. This participation coordination of actions, which requires – due associated to the formation of the price paid to years. The virtuous circle of the regional economies of the State (inter-municipal bus lines, trains, ferry the new shipyards and industries located in in the countryside and the improvements in to distinct legal responsibilities, institutional producers and the concentration of sales in the in the State will depend on the collaboration among boats and subway systems) in connection with their surroundings promise to consolidate metropolitan transportation systems are urgent capabilities and local characteristics – a high Metropolitan region. Regarding these questions, federation entities and the aid these will provide to the municipal bus lines. The preparation of the the strategic position of the State to outflow and essential initiatives to foster quality of life for degree of inter-federation articulation. A new the coordination among several government private agents and to the civil society. sectorial strategic plan is also an integrating part of all goods produced in the Southeast region. the population in Rio. Promote the Social Function, Integration and Sustainability of the Territory in the cargo segment 68 ST R AT E G I C Secr e ta r i at o f Tour i s m - S E T U R 2012-203 1 touristic potential of the territory come true touristic destinations in the State build the in the next decades. framework to accelerate the expansion of The SETUR currently responds for actions the flow of Brazilian and foreign visitors. This ST R AT E G I C PL AN 69 2012-203 1 inherent to the conclusion of this long cycle of out for precarious settlements are equally a part construction of houses make solutions in this of this sectorial program. The improvement S ec r e ta r i at of Housing - SEH sector require medium and long term planning. in housing conditions requires structural The housing deficit is composed by the cases interventions in poor communities. Property of precarious houses, by families who forcefully legalization is another key subject, except in Challenge the Housing Deficit live together, by rented dwellings with excessive cases in which risky areas or areas protected densification, by dwellers of units whose purpose by environment laws were occupied. In these is not residential and by tenants who cannot situations, Civil Defense and Environment whose purpose is to directly promote tourism means, among other issues, investing in the through partnerships made between the adequacy of the sector to legal parameters public and private sectors. The State intends that The State management of tourism will to explore its potential of natural and cultural professionalization on the one hand and The housing deficit in Brazil and in the State of Rio afford the payment of a rent with their personal authorities shall have their say. face, in the medium term, opportunities resources, aiming at generating employment safety and qualification of services on the was worsened by decades when an unbalanced or family income. In what regards the construction of new units, for transformation that few sectors will and income, as well as better conditions for other hand. economic dynamism got along with scarce The preparation of the State Housing Plan will the decisive partnership between the State and the Federal Government generated progresses Make the Touristic Potential of the Territory Come True Photo: Guilherme Mocellin PL AN promote formal employment and experience so intensely. The 2016 Olympic populations located in the touristic poles in The governance of the sector shall gain with attention or competency of governments in play a strategic role then. It follows the programs Games in the capital city, together with the diverse regions. It is expected that the the strengthening of regional boards and relation to social structural needs. In the long of the SEH, which forecast the delivery of a total that can be consolidated, from now on, by the parallel events or great load events that will sector undergoes a transformation into a of the State board. The sustainability of the term, the SEH will face the challenge to keep number of 100 thousand units in Rio until 2014. SEH. Such improvements are attributable to take place before it anticipates modifications quality model in Brazil. Leisure and business touristic activity, a decisive element of effective and improve the current fight against this deficit, The construction of Integrated Housing Centers the program called “My House, My Life” (Minha that will have evolved fast at the end of the share the space in this sectorial agenda. strategies for social development in sectorial breaking the continuity of a long past of a relative was conceived to meet the demand for residential Casa Minha Vida). To make up for the fact that this program is focused on larger cities, the cycle of sports events. In the track of the In these two items, the State of Rio needs economic poles, depends on the democratic omission from the public power in this sector. units near the axis defined by great developments creation of new development poles in the incentives in order to reach its goals for 2031. management of resources and on the collective The numbers known suggest that the total now going on in Rio de Janeiro. The rehabilitation SEH designed actions intended to contemplate State, the SETUR will strive for making the Promoting, consolidating and multiplying vision of its long term rational use. number of units that should be built or adapted of state properties located in the downtown municipalities in the countryside of the for the solution of the housing deficit in the State region of the capital city is another promising State, so as to prevent a higher demographic of Rio could reach 480 thousand. At the first horizon of this agenda, putting together the concentration in the metropolitan region. As the steps of this cycle, a bottle neck can be found revitalization and redesign of a region that is regional workshops have been concluded, the to be blocking the progress of the current State currently receiving heavy public investments and State Housing Plan under the Social Interest of policy that deals with this issue: the location needs residential densification. the State will result in a basic diagnosis for the and availability of areas for construction. The The recovery works in housing developments investments the State will make cities according magnitude of the problem and the deadlines and the traditional urbanization process carried to their housing plans and needs. 70 ST R AT E G I C PL AN 2012-203 1 ST R AT E G I C PL AN 71 2012-203 1 of problem-solving capability of actions Prevention and assistance are the two main concerning first aid services, the entrance door focuses of this sectorial policy. The plan to the public health system, by which numerous designed by the Government forecasts the internments could be avoided. Internments strengthening of basic, pre-hospital, hospital, resulting from conditions sensitive to first aid, ambulatory and pharmaceutical care, with which could be avoided through actions taken a plan for the implementation of new units at this level of patient care, are an indicator of and the modernization of existing ones. access and quality of the services rendered at Urgencies for cases involving low or medium the “front desk” of the system. The percentage complexity, which have been given increasing The SES’ mission consists of formulating, of such internments varies a lot among the attention in recent years, will be even more implementing and managing health policies in Health Regions in the State of Rio. cared for, with new Retail Health Clinics (UPAs, the State, driven by the vision of providing health The SES has what is called the Regional Integration in portuguese) that will provide pre-hospital as a right of the citizen, promoting the defense Assistance, which responds for the inter- services, general physicians, pediatricians and of life and based on the values of humanization, federation pact for a regionalization of services dentists. Appointments, exams and medicine, transparency, responsibility, based on principles that include, among others, continuously offered in more than 40 UPA’s democratic and participative management, flexibility – according to regional particularities – opened until 2011, will have their numbers commitment and innovation. The challenge of and co-management. The Technical Consulting multiplied after the expected opening of more guaranteeing access to integrality and the quality Area in Strategic Management of the SES has 15 units until 2015. of the attention paid to health is permanent a team driven by the mission of building the The current UPA’s have reached the number and is partially supported by gradual progresses bridge between the Government and the society of 12 thousand patients a day. In October, 10 made after the introduction of technological for a democratic management headed to the million patients had been attended by them. and managerial innovation. The granting of strengthening of the other pillar that sustains According to statistics, less than 1% of the public resources and a growing inter-federative the SUS: social participation. In the years to patients needed to be transferred to hospitals. commitment with this sector constitute strategic come, the expansion and social participation in This apparent success does not make it clear levels for the pursuit of this target. the management of the SUS will be a part of the that 80% of the cases dealt with should have been Health strongly depends on the degree Health System planning. not only of low or medium complexity, but also SUBNORMAL AGGLOMERATIONS * 2010 Secretariat of Health - SES TOTAL POPULATION LIVING IN SUBNORMAL AGGLOMERATIONS Ensure Access, Integrality and Quality of the Attention Paid to Health 0 259 a 892 1.061 a 20.263 25.117 a 47.322 60.009 a 79.623 1.393.314 GOVERNMENT REGION METROPOLITANA NORTE BAIXADAS LITORÂNEAS MÉDIO PARAÍBA SERRANA NOROESTE CENTRO-SUL COSTA VERDE Total Population Growth in S. Agglomerations 2000-2010 463,903 68,759 63,385 32,883 12,801 1,110 0 0 SOURCE: IBGE (2010 Demographic Census). *The expression refers to irregular settlements known as “favelas”, invasions, grottos, lowlands, communities, villas, “ressacas”, “mocambos”, “palafitas”, among others. ethics, probity, Photo: SES 72 ST R AT E G I C PL AN 2012-203 1 subject to prevention, needing the duly primary significant percentage of deaths. Strategic renovation of neonatal units of Rocha Faria care. The inter-federation commitment gains, indicators for health conditions also include Hospital are some examples of these initiatives. again, a strategic importance, due to primary care children and mother mortality rates – the former Other just-implemented specialized units shall – whose results are seen in the long term. at reasonable levels in Rio, whereas the latter is contribute for significant improvement in When characterizing the social-demographical still high, according to the United Nations. middle and high complexity care. profile and morbimortality in the State of Rio, The performance of the Government in the In the management area, the focus is on inter- the sharp decrease in fertility rates and the aging modernization of the equipment dedicated to municipal consortiums, an idea that cannot of the population shall be highlighted. They specialized care contemplates mothers’ health. be discarded. The drive in favor of health concur pari passu for the growing importance The construction of Heloneida Studart Women’s care that characterizes the federal system of of medical care driven to the prevention of Hospital, the modernization of the maternity resource transfers may be attenuated by means cardiovascular diseases, responsible for a sector of Albert Schweitzer Hospital and the of contractualization made with Rio’s cities, for the fixation of health targets that result in ST R AT E G I C PL AN 73 2012-203 1 PERFORMANCE RATES OF THE UNIFIED HEALTH SYSTEM (SUS) 2012 SUS PERFORMANCE INDEX 3,4 a 4,1 4,1 a 4,8 4,8 a 5,4 5,4 a 6,0 6,0 a 6,7 6,7 a 7,4 payments inasmuch as such goals are achieved by the local manager. The SES adopted, between 2008 and 2011, a Program for the Excellence in Management, whose premise states that the greatest challenge faced by a health manager has a managerial nature. The program has its guidelines – reduce the bureaucracy of the processes and deploy a culture of humanization and continuous improvement of the services – as well as its objectives – provide support for the Photo: Cláudia Elias improvement in management, in order to reach excellence in this field. Both guidelines and objectives should be the pillars for the State’s health policy. SOURCE: Ministério da Saúde (2012). *SUS Performance Rates (IDSUS) makes a contextualized measurement of the performance of the Unified Health System in relation to access (potential or actual) and effectiveness of Primary, Ambulatory and Hospital Care, as well as Urgencies and Emergencies. 74 ST R AT E G I C PL AN are seven sanitary landfills operating appropriately depends – will occur in parallel to the construction next to 62 controlled landfills and land waste sites. of land waste sites, some of them resulting In the Blue Agenda, river, lake and sea resource from incentive to inter-municipal consortiums, management can be found. The Green Agenda and from the purchase of the garbage that is comprises actions to protect and recover forests. deposited by the municipalities in them. It shall The eradication of landfills and the expansion be mentioned that, currently, 86% of the garbage from 30% to 60% the amount of sewage treated produced in the State is collected. are the main targets of the Government in the The accelerated growth of the economy – Environmental area until 2015. Being aware governed by the demand and by investments in In recent decades, sustainable development was that the Environmental policy responds for the the oil industry and in sectors like the port, steel, just one of the main slogans of civil and institutional infrastructure of a policy driven to defending transportation and civil construction – confers activism for the defense of the Environment. The health and life, environmental management relevance and urgency to the intent of the SEA to SEA has already made its commitment clear in terms invests in sanitation aiming at decontaminating promote a development model that is in line with of an economy that is suitable with the provisions hydric bodies, means and cause of children the concepts preached by the green economy. set forth in the Environmental Legislation. Thus, the mortality. The closing of 46 disposal sites and Cities like London and Vancouver currently use current issue is to encourage development based landfills – of which the majority of the cities in Rio these concepts in their planning process. Secr e ta r i at o f Environment - SEA Promote the Sustainable Development Integrating Strategic Agendas ST R AT E G I C 2012-203 1 PL AN 75 2012-203 1 SITUATION OF BASIC SANITATION* 2010 TOTAL POPULATION WITH INADEQUATE SANITATION NOROESTE 773 3.082 3.236 6.049 6.524 9.602 11.084 30.707 NORTE CENTRO-SUL SERRANA MÉDIO PARAÍBA COSTA VERDE on the legal framework of sustainability, rejecting BAIXADAS LITORÂNEAS METROPOLITANA the opposition between these two purposes. the way for sustainable development. The so-called Brown Agenda, for instance, contemplates activities to control pollution by means of an expansion in the sewage collection and treatment, and of the creation of the infrastructure of solid waste. The sewage material treated in the State is now equivalent to 30% of the total produced, and there Photo: Luiz Morier Three priority items placed in the SEA’s agenda pave REGIONAL COMPOSITION INADEQUATE ADEQUATE SEMI-ADEQUATE SOURCE: IBGE (2010 Demographic Census). Adequate: sanity for people who live in places supplied by water from a general network, sewage treatment made by a general network or sump and garbage collected directly or indirectly. Semi-adequate: sanity for people who live in places that have at least one form of sanitation considered adequate. Inadequate: All kinds of sanitation are considered inadequate. 76 ST R AT E G I C PL AN 2012-203 1 ST R AT E G I C PL AN 77 2012-203 1 cleaner technologies. advantage is to save human and material in the improvement of logistic and human of this new economy. They are the reduction of demolishing of the units located in irregular areas. The SEA has a target to be reached, which is resources for the exclusive purpose of this new resources, greenhouse gas emissions, the sustainable use of In environmental management, incentives can planting 24 million trees in the period from 2007 entity. At the same time, policies will be under its entities and making partnerships and natural resources and social inclusion. come under a set of conditions, such as those to 2016. It also aims at increasing the number of their officers’ accountability. Besides that, the agreements. The use of renewable sources of energy, efficiency inherent to the obtainment of environmental visitors to State Parks, growing from 200 thousand creation of the SEDEC potentially benefits the cooperation with the Federal Government, in the use of traditional energy sources and the licenses for developments that generate any kind nowadays to 800 thousand, transforming these citizen, providing more visibility to the budget partnerships shall involve the municipalities recycling of waste are actions that correspond to of damage to natural resources. They can also be parks in more profitable and, consequently, more managed by this sector. in the State, due to local specificities related the first component. The efficient use of resources provided in the form of subsidy, as in the case of preserved sites. It is expected that this initiative will The actions of this Secretariat are also to the nature of events whose consequences also contemplates the second component, which environmental forest and ciliary woods preservation turn them into assets to local populations and to decentralized through the Fire Brigade. As shall be controlled. demands the valorization of environmental services services, paid for by the green tax on service and the countryside economies. The preservation of Environment, infrastructure and income are the magnitude of climatic events increase, and the preservation and research of biodiversity. goods circulation (ICMS Verde), being the payments land and water ecosystems is a requirement for the decisive items in the agenda for the prevention due to global warming, as well as the lack The third element recommends the expansion of made to partner agriculturists. The counterparts preservation of biodiversity, a source of the most of disasters caused by severe natural events, of legal norms for the use of the land or for access to clean and cheap energy, sanitation, water required during the license concession process in valorized resources in future scenarios for scientific such as heavy storms and their consequent its inspection by the State, the importance and housing, as well as the offer of what is called Comperj and Açu projects shall ensure access to and technological development. flooding, erosion and landslides. However, in of an effective and fast action of civil green employment. Access to housing currently water and basic sanity in regions to be affected. After the State Institute of the Environment other areas, there are also useful actions for defense professionals also grows. Damages counts on the support of assisted purchase, that The policy for compensations shall leverage the (INEA) to unify the indirect administration of the disaster prevention and mitigation of their caused by natural anthropogenic (humanly helps families who lost their houses to find a quality of life when incentivizing the adoption of environmental area of the Government, the decision impacts. In the municipal administration, the caused) or mixed disasters gain magnitude to decentralize the licensing of medium and large qualification of Directive Plans is a crucial and dramaticity in this harsh context. The size projects favoring municipalities participating element. In the state administration, among work performed by the SEDEC in this front of the agreement is intended to develop the other functions, the Government makes use shall be improved in parallel to routine institutional capability of the prefectures. Moreover, of legal, human and material resources under and enhancement actions for emergency it aims at accelerating impact assessment projects. the responsibility of the agents and entities medical care, hospital transfers and removal The SEA’s intent is put speed and rigor together of the SEDEC. of casualties, as well as rescues at beaches in these processes, turning this formula into a The SEDEC, previously integrated to the along our vast coastal line. In the years to competitive advantage of the State in order to Health area of the Government, resulted from come, and at a continuous pace during the attract investments. the decentralization of responsibilities, whose next two decades, the SEDEC shall invest S ec r e ta r i at of Civil Defense S E D EC Prevent Disaster and Mitigate their Impact Photo: Cláudia Elias new place to live, and, only after that, allows the Photo: Guilherme Mocellin It is a matter of stimulating the three components institutional development Particularly, besides of the 78 ST R AT E G I C Secr e ta r i at of L a b o r a n d Inco m e - S E T R A B PL AN 2012-203 1 and Income Agencies promote, even before this its actions to local needs is one of the means interface, the issuance of Employment Record to prevent demographic evasion in cities Documents and professional qualification. These already lacking alternatives of work for their ST R AT E G I C PL AN 79 2012-203 1 S ec r e ta r i at o f S o c i a l S e rv i c e s a n d H um a n R i g h ts - S E A S D H reduction of income insufficiency. In order to restaurants. These restaurants shall have their defend essential citizenship rights, it is now capacity increased soon. The contribution for responsible for eradicating extreme poverty fighting poverty is amplified by the offer of and fight inequality in several areas. housing and social rental subsidy for families The fight against extreme poverty is currently moved out of risky areas or struck by disasters. one of the sources where the most intense Actions directed to social development in articulation between the Federal and State pacified territories are essential to make the Governments can be noticed. The program efforts of the government to re-integrate are, among others, natural activities inherent to populations. So, the territorial planning agenda the employment policy of the Government. necessarily involves another entity of the Projects to stimulate microcredit for nano, micro Government administration. and small businesses – important generators of For the promotion of the quality in employment, The SETRAB’s program for the years 2012 to employment and historically abandoned by the more than re-insertion in the marketplace, the I 2015 contain the guidelines that typically drive – State – and to foster popular solidary economy State Conference of Employment and Decent called Rio without Poverty (Rio sem Miséria), these urban areas to the effective control of its whose target is to benefit 1,3 million people safety policies worthy. Training and generation until 2014, represents the active and pioneering of opportunities and income are fronts in participation of the State in income transfer, which the State’s social policy is performing by means of direct payments supplementing in areas now benefited by works made by the the Federal Program called Family Shopping Federal Government, as well as by the policy of Bag (Bolsa Família). It also means the search territorial occupancy, inserted into the public for structural solutions for severe destitution safety plan of the State Government. by means of financial incentives granted to The students in the public education network, marginalization and vulnerable children and helping this teenagers are attended by entities bound to program with the support for re-insertion the SEASDH. Social rehabilitation centers will in the marketplace. Another clear reach of demand actions in order to have their physical poverty can be identified in nutritional needs, structure improved. Investments will continue against which the food safety program of the to be made for the protection of youngsters in Government activates its network of popular situations of risk and to provide psycho-social Qualify and Promote Productive Inclusion Eradicate Extreme Poverty and Promote Equality and Human Rights and shall really drive – labor and income policies are integrating parts of the short term agenda of Work was held in Rio, in December 2011. This In democratic societies nothing is more in the State for the next 20 years. Its mission is the SETRAB. Particularly, activities involving the forum debated, among other subjects, the prominent than the fight against extreme to provide support to workers searching for support to youngsters between 18 and 29 years equality of opportunities for more vulnerable poverty. If no material conditions are made jobs. Qualifying the workforce and promoting old in the marketplace and the encouragement social groups, the valorization of the minimum available for all, no democracy is able to productive social inclusion are the bullets that to solidary economy, based on Law 5.872 of salary, the eradication of slave and children’s thoroughly perform the human development summarize the main means and goals of the 2011 will be the focus of this sectorial policy. labor, policies to encourage solidary economy, potential. Poverty is manifested in the most Government in this field. After the transference of the administration of sustainable development, rural employment diverse aspects of life – from the right to SETRAB’s target resides on the idle share of the 53 state agencies of the National Employment and the promotion of a tripartite democratic one’s own life to the right to leisure, passing Economically Active Population and it promotes System – located in several cities of the State conversation. The theme related to quality by items such as income, housing, access to the unemployment – to their respective prefectures, and after in employment, in spite of the progress seen infrastructure and public services, education insurance. In order to attenuate the problem the emergence of new economic poles in in formal employment in Brazil, remains as and opportunities to work, culture, etc. In a related to idleness, it interfaces workforce for the countryside of Rio, the SETRAB has the one of the most relevant issues in a State that society where there are abundant resources, application for the the public and private sector. In order to ensure opportunity and urgency to invest in the has relatively lower idleness rates than other only both insertion and permanence of the worker in generation of employment in distinct regions regions in the country. A lot can be done in this situations of poverty. Against all these the marketplace, the State Labor, Employment in the State, knowing that the adequacy of field until 2031. factors, the SEASDH maintains actions for the extreme inequality can perpetrate the people benefitted by adult population victimized by 80 ST R AT E G I C PL AN 2012-203 1 violation. Human rights, whose violation is also a reflex of inequalities that challenge democracy, require special attention. This attention shall POPULATION PERCENTAGE IN EXTREME POVERTY be given by actions dedicated to the victims of 1,4% 1,5% 1,6% 1,7$ 2,1% 2,2% 2,3% 2,7% state violence or of different kinds of prejudice –against women, Negroes, elders, handicapped people and sexual orientation. The modernization in the SEASDH’s structure until 2014 is a fundamental item of an agenda NORTE CENTRO-SUL SERRANA and social re-integration of people living in MÉDIO PARAÍBA vulnerable or risky conditions. Continuous qualification of the social assistance network of the Government is a necessary condition to provide citizenship to segments of the COSTA VERDE BAIXADAS LITORÂNEAS METROPOLITANA population hidden behind the most unfair social and economic indicators of the State. GOVERNMENT REGION METROPOLITANA NORTE BAIXADAS LITORÂNEAS MÉDIO PARAÍBA SERRANA NOROESTE CENTRO-SUL COSTA VERDE Total Population in Extreme Poverty 2010 178,343 21,804 16,706 12,341 11,241 7,032 5,690 3,984 SOURCE: IBGE (2010 Demographic Census). *Percentage of people in the population whose household nominal monthly per capita income does not exceed R$ 70.00. For Rio’s Government, extreme poverty includes a larger number of people because it is defined as being that when the household nominal monthly per capita income is lower than R$ 100.00. 81 2012-203 1 The SESEG’s work while in charge of its duly tasks Democratization of public safety involves not – police functions – sees a promising horizon if only the expansion of police services to poor we consider the present efforts made by the top communities, but also the replacement of members of public safety issues and the special the previous State, which had a profile strictly conditions that the generation of employment based on the presence of the police, by a State and income in the country and in the State committed to social welfare. provide at this moment to entities dedicated to The investment in UPP’s is strategically bound The challenge of public safety in Rio de Janeiro fight the parallel economy fueled by crime. The to that for the professionalization of the police is nowadays experiencing a meeting with the progresses made after the implementation of forces – through the training and renovation common expectation about the feasibility the Pacifying Police Units (UPP, in Portuguese) of personnel, valorization of the work and fight of solutions for problems that, for decades, in territories previously controlled by criminals against corruption. The program becomes seemed inherent in the identity of the State. are a necessary, although insufficient condition more consistent and credible with this bet Following a strategic plan made for the period for their transformation into territories where on qualification of personnel management, between 2010 and 2014, the current public citizenship has its place. The territorial issue will followed by the equally important qualification safety policy intends to reach tolerable levels demand urgent fight, and it shall be highlighted of information systems, which have been of criminality. As the complete eradication of that this has to occur in regions benefited by modernized crime is improbable in any society, it is expected great load economic development taken up by integrated. Intelligence shall be constructed that the levels of criminality indicators are kept different cities. in the field of management – with qualified under control by the State until 2031. For this Where UPP’s have already been installed, agents and fast and accurate information purpose, the SESEG shall guarantee security the intervention of different Government – and in what regards to direct police and reduce the feeling of fear by means of sectors – such as health, social development, performance – through technical entities of prevention and repression policies, with infrastructure, education and labor – the inspection. The implementation of the new strategic drives, intelligence and information to integration of these new areas under the headquarters of the SESEG and of the Police the society about the results reached. control of police forces will be essential. City will provide the structure needed for an Keep Criminality at Tolerable Levels NOROESTE that has effective actions for the full protection PL AN S ec r e ta r i at o f P u b l i c Sa f e t y - S E S EG EXTREME POVERTY* 2010 support to victims of family violence and sexual ST R AT E G I C and must be continuously Photo: Cláudia Elias 82 ST R AT E G I C PL AN 2012-203 1 integrated operation among police forces. commitment to public safety during the Eventually, integration processes shall converge international football championships and to the consolidation of what is called Integrated the Olympic and Paralympic Games will Regions of Public Safety (RISP, in portuguese), demand the Government in terms of its the future vision for human safety all around the capability to deliver objective results to the State. These regions are constituted by several society. Cooperation among the duly entities Integrated Areas of Public Safety and represent in all levels of the administration helps the geographic spaces where there is overlapping achievement of such results. The international work of Civil Police (police stations) and Military visibility of Rio increases the social control on Police Units (headquarters). In these regions, it crime rates and help fighting violence that is is possible to monitor results of the team work not connected to the armed drug deal and to involving all the SESEG’s structure, conferring property – i.e. crimes related to intolerance, rationality to diagnosis and feasibility to violence against the gender, violence in traffic, administrative decisions. among other attacks against human life. The It shall be highlighted that the recovery of human rights area of public safety entities territories can be added to the qualification gains a special relevance in this context of of the professional team, by the identification social conflicts. of agents involved in the illegal exploration In parallel to other projects, related actions, such of services in communities now free from the as technological modernization, the integration ruling of drug dealers. The strengthening of between the polices, modernization of police the Internal Affairs Office of the police will be equipment, valorization of professional and the decisive for this item of the sectorial agenda in investment in intelligence and management – the next years. will be at the service of the SESEG’s mission, The international sports events represent whose short and long term horizon consists in the window of opportunity for the progress improving qualified prevention and repression defined by the safety policy. The SESEG’s to criminality. ST R AT E G I C PL AN 83 2012-203 1 VIOLENT LETHALITY* 2010 INTEGRATED REGIONS OF PUBLIC SAFETY ** CASES OF VIOLENT LETHALITY PER 100 THOUSAND PEOPLE 12 25 34 35 39 49 6ª RISP 7ª RISP 5ª RISP 3ª RISP 4ª RISP 1ª e 2ª RISP REGIONAL COMPOSITION ARREST RESISTENCE FOLLOWED BY DEATH INTENTIONAL HOMICIDE ROBBERY OR INJURY FOLLOWED BY DEATH SOURCE: IBGE (2010 Demographic Census) and ISP (2011). *Number of cases of intentional homicides, robbery followed by death, body injury followed by death and resistance to prison followed by death per 100 thousand inhabitants. ** Data referring to the two RISP’s located in the capital city were aggregated. 84 ST R AT E G I C PL AN 2012-203 1 ST R AT E G I C PL AN 85 2012-203 1 differentiated treatment that aims at re-socializing whole set of actions respond for the effective cooperation capability among public entities and in 15 Administrative Regions and 15 Educational the universe of prisoners. safety of all the population. The fair treatment and generates coverage risks. Responding for the offer Regions, in February 2011, is an integral part of The redesign and renovation in physical the opportunity to be re-inserted in the society of nearly 100% of the vacancies in the high school the plan to recover school infrastructure and and logistic structures of the system and the by means of work are tools in the service of the public education network and having, currently, to orient meritocracy, which shall encourage qualification of its professionals are necessary prevention of a recurrence in crime. Technical 47% of its students registered in fundamental cooperation and reward the best results. initiatives in a penitentiary management model qualification of the professionals who work in the education, the State of Rio got caught by the Nowadays, in a partnership with the SEASDH, that meets the expectations of the society in terms system, also an item in the SEAP’s agenda, will issue of coverage, which made quality decrease. the SEEDUC fights the evasion and the distortion of public safety. Besides keeping and custody, contribute for the valorization of the civil servant Inter-federation cooperation, another item in the age-grade with benefits granted to youngsters which are operational activities, catering, medical and to improve the relationship between the strategic agenda of the SEEDUC for the next years, going to high school, whose families live in a and psychological services to the people serving state and the people serving their sentences. requires the transference of the accountability for condition of extreme poverty. Partnerships with The SEAP’s functions are fundamental for the public their sentence, the issue to be dealt with today and The implementation of the Criminological fundamental education to the municipalities. the private sector are made due to the success of safety policy in Rio de Janeiro. Underestimating the in the years to come is the professional training Observation Center, of the Penitentiary The SEEDUC’s plan to qualify the education Educational Practice Units (UPE, in Portuguese), in investment in penitentiary administration is one of of this population, preparing the penitentiaries Management School, and of a Maximum Security became more evident than those presented by all provided by the state network without which companies respond for the management of the components in the formula that set the ground in such a way that this work can permanently be Penitentiary shall allow for a centralized diagnosis other Government sectors. The strategic objective damaging the constant quantitative challenge the idle time of the schools and supply resources for organized crime in the State at levels that performed inside them. of the situation of the prisoners, the training of of the SEEDUC can certainly meet these needs, of offering vacancies involves dimensions that to modernize the infrastructure and vocational demanded increasingly more complex and difficult The expansion of the system is one of the penitentiary agents and a better balance between as it aims to lead Rio’s educational system to the include the payment of bonuses for meritocratic orientation. New partnerships may still be seen solutions. In what regards the most immediate conditions for the safety of the society and of the Federal and State penitentiary systems. The fifth position in IDEB’s ranking among all states criteria. The investment in infrastructure is also a with the SECT in the creation of CVTs together with concerns of the sector, people serving their the prisoners. Violation of rights – in the cases of offer of hospital care to prisoners is one of the until 2014, and to the first position until 2023. The key element in this action. The achievement of schools that have available room for construction. sentences and professionals of the penitentiary overcrowded prisons and maltreatment – and needs of the sector, which, in a partnership with need to achieve enrolment rates close to 100% targets set in terms of pass rates, proficiency and The SEEDUC’s communication plan, tuned with system are the focus of the attentions. However, the of duties – in the cases of corruption – is the the SES, has built its first UPA in the West Zone persists. Then, until 2031, one can expect that infrastructure indicators drives the distribution the special context that we have been currently population of the State should understand that the expression of a reality that the State is committed complex located in the capital city. This prevents Rio tries to universalize education and keep itself of bonuses to effective civil servants in the units experiencing, stimulates youngsters to enjoy Secr e ta r i at of P e n i t e n t i a ry Adm i n i st r at i o n SE AP Expand the System and Re-socialize S ec r e ta r i at o f E d u cat i o n SEEDUC Universalize Education and Keep it Among the Best in the Country In the recent year balance of management in the State of Rio, challenges posed by education quality of the system – in relation to the security of to extinguish, so as not to see it neutralizing the the use of ordinary health units for the prompt at the same level of the best public educational and in regional offices. the opportunity window that Rio de Janeiro the units and to the rights of the prisoners – is a vital serious work that has been carried out in the other urgency care provided to criminals. It is expected systems maintained by Brazilian states. The partnership made with the SEOBRAS is provides as a result of the increased investments, condition for the development of a democratic and sectors, including police and assistance actions, that, in the next 20 years, the system may offer Set forth in the Federal Constitution, team vital for the physical renovation of the schools. employment and income generation, as well as modern society. Thus, the expansion of the system as well as the generation of real alternatives increasingly better conditions for the success of work among states and municipalities towards Regional educational projects are followed by a the perspectives brought by the re-insertion of the is as relevant as its structural adjustment for a to earning a living from criminal activities. This the public safety policy of the State as a whole. fundamental minimum syllabus. The re-division of the State State in the national and international agenda. education challenges the 86 ST R AT E G I C Secr e ta r i at of S c i e n c e a n d Tech n o lo gy SECT PL AN 2012-203 1 Professional education and the qualification social protection, as the cooperation with the of its offer, with a closer focus on the specificity SECT contributes in terms of civil defense and of each demand, have found recent support public safety, respectively, for the prevention in the implementation of the Technological of natural disasters and the study of the Vocation causes of violence. Centers (CVT, in Portuguese). ST R AT E G I C PL AN 87 2012-203 1 S ec r e ta r i at o f C u lt u r e - S EC which increase the level of organization and to be managed so as to increase their audience participation of their respective populations, and expand their own revenues, turning access to who demand their rights to be benefited by culture and the maintenance of its apparels into Value Identity and Diversity policies to foster the economy. targets that mutually strength each other. This is the what is expected from the contractualization of The valorization of diversity and The SECT and its entities form the executive The SEC sees in its path a complex agenda democratization of the access to culture are its management, when such concession will be the CVTs are small schools dedicated to train fostering, research, training and expansion of policies driven to value cultural diversity the axis of the State policy that contributes to granted to social organizations. and qualify technicians to meet demands chain of the State. It can increase its role in in the State, considering social and local the construction of a plural identity of Rio de In parallel to that, creative economy was and generated by local productive arrangements, the positive change of the State’s indicators. traditions that, as a whole, represent the Janeiro. The preparation of the State Culture will continue being necessary so that cultural Located among the most powerful vectors emerging supply chains and economic poles The economy based on knowledge, an identity of Rio de Janeiro. Plan and the construction of new libraries manifestations achieve a better economic of social development, knowledge requires as a whole. They are also intended to support emerging source of development at global The bonds between the complexity of and of the new Museum of Image and Sound expression, growing incentive to be produced and innovation and entrepreneurship. Until 2010, scale, shall be the focus of the performance of problems involving culture and the social are initiatives that move forward under the artists feasible. Incentives to the audiovisual spread. The SECT, responsible for the three 29 of these centers were opened. Tens of new this executive chain all around the State. and regional issues are strong. Social inspiration in these principles. sector, by their turn, may be increased by State Universities in Rio de Janeiro and for units shall be created in the next years. growth of segments of the population The public and private material asset and the means of policies that support projects created other educational and research entities, will, The decentralization of resources provided previously marginalized depends not only memories it represents require preservation in the State. The expansion of the State Culture however, play a key role opening the paths to State Universities incorporates the State’s on their adaptation to dominating values, actions, which are already in course. Culture System shall, eventually, consolidate the set of that lead to the best scenarios forecasted to regions to the research, college education and by means of formal education, but also apparels, such as theaters, museums, etc., need sectorial policies. the State in the next 20 years. Encouragement after graduation courses network. Distance on the valorization of their own cultural to innovation, education today equally contributes to the aspects, which start, then, to promote technical training and education for the spreading of knowledge and opportunities vertical mobility. The channeling of public citizens are the natural objectives of this in favor of groups and regions whose access resources towards regional development agenda in the Government. It also has the aim to the formal education public network. depends not only on business opportunities to drive its efforts towards the reduction of Incentives to the development or acquisition generated by different cities, but also on the social inequalities. of new technologies may also contribute for strength of identity shown by local cultures, research, technological Photo: Cláudia Elias Characterized by their wide territorial scope, Promote Science, Innovation and Training to Reduce Inequalities making professionalization of 88 ST R AT E G I C PL AN 2012-203 1 ST R AT E G I C PL AN S ec r e ta r i at o f S p o rts a n d Leisure - SEEL the World Cup Fifa 2014 and by the Olympic gains arising from the training of professionals and Paralympic Games in 2016, projects in to work in this segment and those from the progress and investments that follow them improvement of the services in the business – as well as the obligation to deliver them field across the territory of the State. on reasonably inflexible deadlines – ensure Partnerships with other levels of the State the creation of an important legacy for the Government, with Federal and municipal State’s population. It is the quality of this entities and also with the private sector will As the international mega events of 2014 legacy that now builds the main concern of support the organization of high performance and 2016 are about to be held and due to the population. competitions, as well as local championships the boost provided by the great load events The SEEL shall contribute to qualify the and sports social projects, aiming at fitting the held in 2011 (Military World Games) and 2013 heritage of the international events to be held needs of regional vocations that characterize (Federations Cup and Workers World Games), in the State. On the one hand, it shall invest in different places in Rio de Janeiro’s territory. sports in the State of Rio have the historical training for sports managers and supporting This brings the expectation that sports culture opportunity to receive the necessary incentive professionals to the sector. On the other hand, and, in parallel, social inclusion and territorial to make professional sports practice take off, it shall promote fund raising for business areas development as well as its practice as a recreation. Due to associated to sports and leisure. It will count State, turning Rio de Janeiro into a national the certainty about resources to be invested on actions designed to aid the execution reference for the sector and improving its and to the beneficial recent trajectory of of the sports mega events, as well as to position among the preferred destinations for cooperation with the Federal Government, multiply their positive effects. The creation professionals and people interested in sports. the future scenario for the sector is one of the of the State Sports Policy is, however, the most benefited by extrinsic factors. It is under greatest contribution expected from the SEEL the accountability of the SEEL to translate in order to empower the benefits brought current opportunities into long term results. by the organization of these international Especially triggered by the commitment with tournaments. It shall be able to explore the Support the Mega Events and Foster Sports Photo: Cláudia Elias 89 2012-203 1 will be enhanced in the ST R AT E G I C PL AN 91 2012-203 1 PROGRAMMED S EC TO R I A L INVESTMENTS 6 T he large budget approved by a law so which shall decisively contribute for the full especially to finalistic activities and projects that the entities of the Government execution of sectorial programs. planned, equal R$ 75.2 billion. According to of Rio de Janeiro can execute their The resources allocated for the State the plan, they will be distributed as shown in programs from 2012 to 2015 corresponds to Secretariats in the 2012-2015 PPA, referring the graphic below. the Pluriannual Plan (PPA). So that the sectorial actions planned are effectively performed, it is the responsibility of each entity to work toward the suitable allocation of its resources according to the budgetary laws passed for each of the next four years. The challenge of 2012-2015 PPA RESOURCE ALLOCATION BY GROUP OF EXPENDITURES each Secretariat to accomplish their targets also resides in the challenge to execute annual budgets, as resources are granted to NON-BUGGET EXPENSES be converted into expenses only when the necessary institutional capability is identified in the entities responsible for the programs. The planning cycle involves, therefore, FINALISTIC ACTIVITIES 49% 8% PROJECTS 43% the permanent management of budget granting and its execution. The capacity building inside planning units of the State, Photo: Fernanda Almeida so that they can execute the PPA and annual budgets appropriately, is a mission shared by all Government entities. The execution process of the 2012-2015 PPA will count on the support of the Planning and Management Intelligence System (SIPLAG, in portuguese), SOURCE: SIPLAG. 92 ST R AT E G I C The plan is to allocate around R$ 40 billion in finalistic activities, characterized by their PL AN 2012-2015 PPA RESOURCE ALLOCATION BY GOVERNMENT ENTITY* 2012-203 1 ST R AT E G I C PL AN The special quality of the projects to be funded by budgetary resources is the fact that they represent direct drive to the population, rather than government investments planned for the period in administrative and personnel expenses. between 2012 and 2015. The distribution of To projects, characterized by their period of execution e its subsequent conclusion, around R$ 34.7 billion were allocated in this PPA, i.e. 43% of the total amount corresponding to the resources of the plan. An additional and smaller share of these resources shall arise from partnerships entered into by the Government and it corresponds to non-budgetary expenses, equivalent to 8% of the resources allocated. The distribution of resources by organ reveals that the Secretariats of Public Works, Health and Transportation hold the highest granting. They represent 53% of the budget established by the PPA. The resources dedicated to activities, however, vary between them and become particularly relevant in some Secretariats. It is by means of these projects that new initiatives in the Government can be followed, based on the application of resources in a more flexible philosophy. SEOBRAS SES SETRANS SEEDUC SEA SCC SECT SESEG SEASDH SEDEIS SEH SEAP SEC SETUR SEEL SEDEC SEAPEC SEPLAG SEFAZ SETRAB SEDRAP SEGOV 93 2012-203 1 R$ 14.571,73 R$ 13.947,36 R$ 11.155,27 R$ 6.836,06 R$ 5.411,69 R$ 5.172,77 R$ 4.133,28 R$ 2.533,60 R$ 2.461,71 R$ 2.203,63 R$ 2.109,69 R$ 855,51 project resources by function of Government 2012-2015 PPA PROJECT RESOURCES BY GOVERNMENT FUNCTION illustrates the importance of the programs planned by the entities and their intentions or conditions to make new investments. The largest shares of the total amount in resources attributed to projects in the 2012-2015 PPA will be driven to Sanitation Works (R$ 5.6 TRANSPORT 16% billion), Transportation (R$ 5.4 billion) and Urban URBAN REFORMS 15% Works (R$ 5.2 billion). This distribution reveals the relevance gained by the services and investments in the area of infrastructure in the State. Actions associated to the functions of Environmental R$ 735,84 Management (R$ 3.4 billion), Education (R$ R$ 617,80 3.2 billion) and Housing (R$ 2.4 billion) will be R$ 529,10 ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT OTHERS 10% 13% highlighted in the allocation of resources for the R$ 514,75 projects. In the other functions, that altogether INDUSTRY R$ 258,36 count on a forecasted amount of around R$ R$ 245,29 9.36 billion for projects, Social Development, 3% R$ 197,14 Public Safety, Health and Industry outstand. R$ 141,85 Respectively, they have 4%, 4%, 3% and 3% of the R$ 490,84 R$ 77,20 16% SANITATION SOURCE: SIPLAG. *In millions of Reais. resources from the PPA driven to projects. EDUCATION HEALTH 3% PUBLIC SECURITY 4% SOCIAL SERVICE 4% HOUSING 7% 9% SOURCE: SIPLAG. 94 ST R AT E G I C The investment strategy of Rio’s Government is split into sectorial strategies, which currently involve investments made with resources 2012-2015 PPA RESOURCES FOR PROJECTS* assessed according to the graphic below. SEOBRAS SETRANS SEA SEEDUC SEH SEASDH SECT SES SCC SETUR SEDEIS SESEG SEAPEC SEC SEAP SEPLAG SEDEC SEDRAP SEGOV SEEL SEFAZ SETRAB Photo: Pedro Kirilos R$ 11.641,81 4.989,68 4.759,77 R$ 2.505,88 R$ 2.013,66 R$ 1.427,71 R$ 1.204,76 R$ 1.105,62 R$ 542,96 R$ 534,29 R$ 509,74 R$ 507,26 R$ 398,97 R$ 287,76 R$ 272,47 R$ 248,58 R$ 103,12 R$ 95,99 R$ 77,20 R$ 54,88 R$ 48,07 R$ 15,32 SOURCE: SIPLAG. *In millions of Reais. R$ R$ PL AN 2012-203 1 ST R AT E G I C PL AN 95 2012-203 1 Organized by the values to be exclusively when the second graphic – total amount The reach of the projects, when observed invested in projects of the 2012-2015 PPA, of resources per entity in the PPA – and the separately, is equally variable. An advantage the Secretariats of Transportation and last – project resources only – are compared, of large-scale projects is the fact that they Environment acquire higher importance, is consistent with the planned distribution concentrate more attention dedicated by inferior only to that of the SEOBRAS. In a of resources by functions, among which the responsible entities and facilitate the minor scale, the same can be said about the Sanitation, Transportation, Environmental monitoring of their execution. This is a relevant Secretariats of Housing and Social Services. Management, Housing, and in a minor ratio, aspect for a State that needs investments and, The change of position between these entities, Social Services shall be highlighted. above all, results. 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