SENFT, W. HERBERT. Dependence of light
SENFT, W. HERBERT. Dependence of light
Limnol. Oceanogr., 23(4), 1978, 709-718 @ 1978, by the American Society of Limnology and Oceanography, Dependence of light-saturated on intracellular concentrations W. Herbert Department Inc. rates of algal photosynthesis of phosphorus Senftl of Ecology and Behavioral Biology, University of Minnesota, Minneapolis 55455 Abstract Specific rates of photosynthesis at saturating irradiances (PO,J by laboratory populations of Chlorella and Anabaena depend on intracellular phosphorus (Q). A hyperbolic model of the is used to describe this relationship for three measurements of form Popt = PoptR (1 -&/Q) biomass (cell number, cell volume, and chlorophyll a). Chlorophyll a provides the most adequate fit to the model. When chlorophyll a is used as the measure of population size, both the maximal specific rate of photosynthesis (PO,:) and the subsistence cell quota (Ka) for Anabaena are much larger than for Chlorella. The model provides a conceptual basis for understanding the relationship between rates of photosynthesis and intracellular nutrients in populations of planktonic algae. difficult to measure (Jassby and Goldman I975), even though they may be important in determining species dominance and succession (Porter 1973; O’Brien 1974). This means that the relationship of growth to cellular nutrients must be reexamined in terms of a fundamental process that can be measured in situ in order to analyze the effects of nutrients on natural populations. It seems highly probable that the dependence of growth rates on intracellular nutrients in laboratory populations reflects a more fundamental dependence of photosynthesis on intracellular nutrients. A decrease in photosynthesis corresponding to a lowered growth rate associated with nutrient deficiency has been described by Healey (1973), Eppley and Renger (1974), and Pickett (1975). Since photosynthesis supplies the energy stores and carbon skeletons used in growth, it is important to examine the relationship between photosynthesis and cellular nutrients. Because rates of photosynthesis are easily measured in the field, these relationships, unlike those for growth, can then be applied to natural populations. I have investigated the photosynthetic characteristics of a blue-green and a green alga in response to changes in intracellular phosphorus and have found major differences in the photosynthetic responses of these algae to a fixed nutritional status. Ball I thank R. Megard for advice and en709 Laboratory investigations have shown that growth rates of algal populations depend on cellular levels of limiting nutrients. Mackereth (1953) observed that the growth rate of the freshwater diatom Asterionella .formosa is related to its intracellular phosphorus level. Caperon (1968) showed that the growth rate of the marine alga lsochrysis galbana could be hyperbolically related to the inferred cellular nitrate pool size, and Droop (1968) observed a similar hyperbolic relationship between the growth rate of Monochrysis Zutheri and intracellular concentrations of vitamin Bj2. Fuhs (1969) proposed an exponential equation for the relationship that he found between growth rates of Cyclotella nana and Thalassiosira $uviatilis and cellular phosphorus concentrations. The relationships between growth rate and intracellular nutrient concentrations have also been described by hyperbolic functions (Droop 1973; Rhee 1973; Tilman and Kilham 1976). These relationships were discerned by analyzing growth rates of algal populations in batch, continuous, or semicontinuous culture. Growth is a net process involving both production and loss terms, Under laboratory conditions, population losses are well controlled. A lake, in contrast, often has large loss factors that are ’ Present address: Department State University, Muncie, Indiana of Biology, 47306. 710 Senft couragement. E. Gorham, J. Shapiro, D. Tilman, and three anonymous reviewers criticized the manuscript, J. Settles, J, Balogh, and M. Balogh helped with laboratory work. R. Thrift developed the simplex portion of the computer program. J. Wood and the Freshwater Biological Research Foundation provided laboratory space, computer facilities, and financial support. A portion of this work was also supported by ERDA contract E( 1 l-1)-1820 to R. Megard. Theory is the highest possible rate that a population could attain; as the physiology of the population approaches an “ideal” state, Popt -+ PoptS.(In a similar manner, P max + Pmax” as the algal cells become nutrient saturated.) Both Popt and PoptSare measured, short term, specific rates of photosynthesis obtained under constant illumination at a specified temperature. It was assumed that the relationship between measured specific rates of photosynthesis at saturating irradiances (Popt) and intracellular concentrations (Q) of nutrients is analogous to the relationship between growth and cellular nutrients. As intracellular concentrations of the limiting nutrient increase, the rate of photosynthesis approaches the nutrient-saturated rate (Popts). Furthermore, the intracellular nutrient concentration must exceed a subsistence level (Ka) in order for photosynthesis to occur. The KQ value for gross photosynthesis does not equal the KQ value for growth since at zero growth rate gross photosynthesis (equal to at least respiration) still occurs. Two equations relating light-saturated rates of photosynthesis and levels of intracellular nutrients, based on two previously published models of growth (Fuhs 1969; Droop 1968), are proposed: The specific rate of photosynthesis at saturating light is an important physiological measure of the photosynthetic capability of phytoplankton. It is referred to as the maximal rate of photosynthesis, P max, in mathematical equations used to describe and predict the photosynthesislight relationships of algae (Smith 1936; Steele 1962; Vollenweider 1965; Jassby and Platt 1976). In those equations which incorporate photoinhibition, the value of P max is usually much larger than the measured light-saturated rate of photosynthesis because of the way in which photoinhibition is built into the mathematical expression. Vollenweider (1965) and Fee (1969) introduced the term P,,t, the optipopt = &,,9[1 _ 2-I(O-W&1], cal rate of photosynthesis, to differentiate (1) the measured light-saturated rate of phoand tosynthesis from the theoretical light-saturated rate, Pm,,. Popt and P,,, become f’wt = po,,“(1 - f&/Q). (2) synonymous in those equations that do not incorporate photoinhibition (Smith These equations represent the first for1936; Jassby and Platt 1976). mulations of the relationship of photoThese definitions of PoPt and Pm,, do synthesis to cellular nutrient levels. not imply any knowledge about the nutritional state of the algal population. Methods When dealing with the effects of nutrient Axenic cultures of Anabaena cf. wislimitation on the magnitude of light-satconsinense Prescott Univ. Nebraska colurated rates of photosynthesis, we need lection NU No. 41,~ md Chlorella pyrmore precise terminology and I have enoidosa Chick (’ i-th Carolina Biol. used the following definitions here. The Supply Co. No. 15-L 470) were cultivated optimal specific rate of photosynthesis, ,dla (Stanier et al. in modified BGll attained P Ogt,is the rate of photosynthesis 1971). Stock culture were kept under under saturating light conditions. It varfluorest :nt lighting (0.30 ies according to the physiological state of continuous Ein. rnA2. h-l) in 250-ml flasks containing the algal population, The nutrient-saturated specific rate of photosynthesis, Pop?, BGll with a 1.6 PM ?-PO4 concentration E Intracellular and used to inoculate glass carboys containing 9 liters of 6.5 pM P-PO4 BGll medium adjusted to pH 7.2. These batch cultures were stirred with a magnetic stirrer and bubbled with sterile air at a flow rate of -0.1 liter.minBi under continuous white fluorescent light (==0.43 Ein. rno2. h-l) at a temperature of 23” rt 1°C. The cultures were harvested 48-192 h after inoculation and checked for contamination by plating onto a bacto-agar medium. By choosing the time of harvest, algal cells with various levels of cellular phosphorus could be obtained, since the population was required to share a finite, and eventually limiting, supply of P04. All other nutrients were present in excess. Rates of photosynthesis and respiration were estimated from changes in concentrations of oxygen in transparent and opaque BOD bottles (300-ml capacity). Replicate transparent and opaque bottles were exposed to a range of light intensities in an incubator similar to that described by Fee (1973). In initial experiments, four 600-W quartz-iodide photoflood lamps were used as a light source; in later experiments two of the quartz-iodide lamps were replaced by 750-W self-ballasted mercury vapor lamps. Both light sources provided a range of light intensities great enough to produce a complete photosynthesis-light (P vs. I) relationship. Spectral changes associated with the different light sources do not significantly alter the photosynthetic response of these algae (Senft et al. in prep.). Incubation lasted for about 2 h at 23” -r- 1°C. 0 xygen in the BOD bottles was determined titrimetrically by the azide modification of the Winkler procedure (Am. Public Health Assoc. 1971). Irradiance was measured with an underwater quantum sensor (Lambda Instr. Co.) fitted with a specially designed spherical collector developed by W. Combs. In general, the light intensity received by any bottle in the incubator varied by no more than 10% as it rotated through the light field. Concentrations of chlorophyll a were determined from the SCORKJNESCO phosphorus 711 equations of Strickland and Parsons (1965). Samples were filtered onto 0.45-p glass-fiber filters, ground in 90% acetone, and extracted for 10 min. Subsamples of algae were preserved with Lugol’s solution and counted on an inverted microscope. Concentrations of phosphorus were determined on filtered (0.45-p pore size) samples (Am. Public Health Assoc. 1971) with ascorbic acid as the reducing agent. Four analytical fractions of cellular phosphorus were separated. Total cellular phosphorus was assumed to equal particulate P, which was measured after digestion with K2S208 in an autoclave for 45 min (Menzel and Corwin 1965). Surplus P, a measure of luxury phosphorus stored as cellular polyphosphates, was extracted according to Fitzgerald and Nelson (1966) with 0.05 M Tris buffer (pH 7.7). The acid-soluble phosphorus fraction, which contains acid-soluble 7-min polyphosphates, ortho P, nucleotidic labile P, and polyphosphate A, was extracted with 10% TCA at 4°C for 45 min (Kanai et al. 1965); the supernatant was then digested as in particulate P. Free inorganic phosphorus in the cells-cellular-ortho Pwas measured by adding acid-washed, activated charcoal to the supernatant obtained from TCA-treated samples and assaying immediately for PO4 (Terry and Hooper 1970). Rem1 ts Relationships between gross photosynthesis and light for batch cultures of Anabaena and Chlorella are illustrated in Fig. 1. Both species show large variations in photosynthesis-light curves as a function of cellular phosphorus. Phosphorus nutrition influences the rates of photosynthesis at saturating irradiances. In Chlorella, the highest light-saturated rate measured is more than twice the lowest; the highest light-saturated rate in Anabaena is more than three times the lowest. The range of light saturation for Chlorella is wide, 0.75-6.0 Ein. rne2. h-l, much narrower (0.75-1.75 Ein. rnw2. h-‘) for Anabaena. Photosynthesis in Ana- 712 Senft plied by the user. The error function chosen here was a least-squares fit of the form ANABAENA 9 (Y t=1 ‘k % 5 I $ I I I I I 1 1 a.7 k P s. 0.6 CHLORELLA - W-J Li Lu EO’ Q=135 Q=74 z > x “0 6 2 0.2 Q=15 Q=3 F-1 0 1 LIGHT Ii 2 3 INTENSITY I 4 I 5 ( Einrteinr- I I I J 6 7 8 9 m-‘-h -’ I Fig. 1. Photosynthesis-light curves for batch cultures of Anabaena and Chlorella with different cellular phosphorus levels, Q (nmoles P*pg Chl-‘), Vertical bars represent 95% confidence limits calculated from pooled variance of light and dark bottles. Curves are hand drawn. baena is inhibited at high illumination, decreasing to only 60% of the lightsaturated rate at intensities of 6.0 Ein. m-2. h-1 Equations 1 and 2 were evaluated by using the photosynthetic responses of Anabaena and ChZoreZZa to various levels of intracellular phosphorus. Popt was chosen as the highest rate of gross photosynthesis measured in a P vs. I curve, since the curves from the photosynthesis incubator always included at least one point in the light-saturated region. Bestfit values for the two parameters (Pop? and KQ) of both models were found with a computer program incorporating a simplex optimization procedure. This method simultaneously optimizes values for the parameters of a theoretical relationship by minimizing an error function sup- - YtJ2, (3) where the differences between experimental (y) and predicted (yt) points are squared and summed for all points (n). Values of yt less than zero were set equal to zero, since rates of gross photosynthesis, unlike rates of growth, can never be negative. If values of yt are allowed to be negative, the theoretical curve is forced through the datum point with the lowest cell quota (QmJ since yt + --OOif KQ > of simQ min. Theoretical considerations plex optimization are detailed elsewhere (Spendley et al. 1962; Nelder and Mead 1965; Deming and Morgan 1973; Morgan and Deming 1974; King et al. 1975). On the basis of two criteria (visual comparison and the magnitude of the error function, Eq. 3), the hyperbolic model (Eq. 2) provides a better fit for all the observed relationships. Further discussion here is limited to this model. Three measurements of biomass (cell number, cell volume, and chlorophyll a) were used to estimate population levels in the cultures. Cell number (identified by asterisks) and cell volume (identified by primes) were chosen because they are widely used estimates of algal densities in laboratory populations. Chlorophyll a was chosen for two reasons: it is an important photosynthetic pigment, and it is a practical measure of biomass for natural phytoplankton populations. The conceptual model (Eq. 2) was tested separately using each of these parameters. Optimal rates of gross photosynthesis and cellular phosphorus levels per individual alga are shown in Fig. 2. Both the minimal cell quota, &*(lO+ pmoles Pm individual-l) and the maximum rate of photosynthesis, Pop:*( low7 pmoles 0,. individual-l - h-l) for Anabaena are much larger than the values for Chlorella. This might be expected since an individual Anabaena is composed of several cells (i.e. a filament) as opposed to the single-celled Chlorella . The experi- . Intracellular 0 ANABAENA - 713 phosphorus ANABAENA PS ap,* = 2.37 2.90 - K&= 0.68 CHLORELLA PS * op, K;= l q 0.97 0.07 l 0 KQ= I 1.2 0 I Q* (IO-B individual -1 mental results for either species, however, do not provide a close fit to the model. The relationship is different if cell volume is used as the estimate of population size (Fig. 3). In this case, the maximal ANABAENA I PARTICULATE ) Fig. 2. Light-saturated rates of gross photosynthesis vs. particulate phosphorus for Anabaena and Chlorella. Values of P,Pc* and KQ* are best-fit results from simplex optimization of hyperbolic model. 19.4c Fig. 4. 0 1.2 2.4 PARTICULATE Fig. 3. Q’ 3.6 ( lo-” gmoles As Fig. 2, for P&’ = 20.6 4.8 P. pmm3 ) and I&‘. 6.0 6” (nmolesP I 200 Kg-Chl-’ I ) As Fig. 2, for Pop? and KQ. rate of gross photosynthesis, Pop:’ (lo-l1 pmoles Oz. prnm3* h-l), is lower for Anabaena than for ChZoreZZa. Minimal cell quotas, I&‘( lo-l1 flmoles P~prn-~), are similar in the two species. The clearest expression of the relationship defined by Eq. 2 is provided when chlorophyll a is used to measure population size (Fig. 4). This can be seen by performing a linear transformation of the model. Equation 2 can be rewritten in the form p P&( I 150 I 0 4.8 pmoles P. I II I 1 3.6 2.4 PARTICULATE 2.9 opt = POPtS - (PoPtK2wQ). (4) Plotting Popt vs. l/Q yields a straight line with y-intercept PoptS and x-intercept l/&. Estimates of Pop? and Ke obtained in this manner are only marginally different from those of simplex optimization. Values of the correlation coefficient, r, for Anabaena from the regression using cell number, cell volume, and chlorophyll a as the measure of population size are 0.66, 0.71, and 0.86. Chlorophyll a also provides a better correlation for Chlorella (r = 0.73) than either cell volume (r = 6.71) or cell number (r = 0.56). 714 0.70 Senft ANABAENA t 0” 9 CHLORELLA 0 $0.70 - l P&, = 0.36 K0 = 1.5 I 20 0 SURPLUS Fig. 5. I 40 Q I 60 ( nmobs I 80 P pg-Chl-’ 100 l ) I0 As Fig. 4, but vs. surplus phosphorus. I 50 PARTICULATE The estimates of Pop: (kmoles 02*pg Chl-l-h-l) and KQ (nmoles P*pg Chl-l) show large differences between species (Fig. 4). Anabaena has a much higher maximal rate of gross photosynthesis than Chlorella. The minimal particulate P cell quota for Chlorella is much lower than that for Anabaena. Values of Pop{ and KQ for these two species show the same relationship when 0 35 -I ‘6 ? CELLULAR-ORTHO Q ( nmoks P-pg Chl“ 1 0” s ~070^a op 035 . . k= I I 20 ACID-SOLUBLE Fig. 6. lular-ortho I 40 2.0 I 80 I 60 Q ( nm&s Pepg Chl-’ As Fig. 4, but vs. acid-soluble phosphorus for Chlorella. 100 ) and cel- I 100 I 150 Q i nmoler I 200 Chl-’ ) Fig. 7. Respiration rates as a function of particulate phosphorus for Anabaena and ChZoreZZu. fractions of the total particulate pool are examined. For surplus P (Fig. 5), Anabaena has a higher maximal rate of photosynthesis and a higher minimal cell quota than Chlorella. In Chlorella, the estimates of the photosynthetic parameters for acid-soluble P compounds and cellular-ortho P (Fig. 6) are almost identical with the estimates for surplus P compounds (Fig. 5). This is not surprising since the analytical separations of these fractions are not physiologically precise. In theory, the estimates of Popt for a species obtained from plots of POPt vs. different phosphorus fractions should be identical. The estimates of Pop: from Figs. 4, 5, and 6 agree reasonably well within both species. Although the data for surplus, acid-soluble, and cellular-ortho P show a much closer agreement to the theoretical model, values of particulate P seem to provide an adequate measure of the nutritional condition of these algae. Rates of respiration by the two algal species show different relationships to intracellular levels of phosphorus (Fig. 7). Specific rates of respiration (pmoles 02- pg Chl-l. h-l) of ChZoreZZa are unre- Intracellular phosphorus 715 ADP, and to a lesser extent AMP, also stimulate O2 evolution when added to the chloroplasts. The increase in oxygen evolution from the pea chloroplasts is a hyperbolic function of the amount of ATP Discussion added. For the work reported here, the comThese results show that photosynthesis responses dein algal populations is a function of cel- parison of photosynthetic pends on the unit used to measure poplular phosphorus nutrition. The hypera is used bolic form of this relationship, similar to ulation size. When chlorophyll that of growth to cellular nutrition, is not as a biomass estimate, Anabaena shows a foregone conclusion because there are a much higher specific rate of gross phomany metabolic processes involved in tosynthesis and a much higher minimal concentration of cellular phosphorus growth other than photosynthesis (respiIf, however, cell volume ration, cell division, etc.). A limiting nu- than Chlorella. is used as the biomass estimate, the optrient may control a process such as cell posite situation holds. Since the amount division and so control the rate of growth. of chlorophyll per unit biomass can flucThese other processes may in turn regulate the photosynthetic rate by some tuate widely (Steele and Baird 1961, feedback mechanism. Nor need an in- 1962; Kuenzler and Ketchum 1962; Epcreased rate of photosynthesis induce a pley and Renger 1974), rates of photosynparallel increase in growth rate. End thesis are very dependent on the chloproducts of photosynthesis may simply rophyll:biomass ratio, Variations in this accumulate or leak out of the cell if the ratio can obscure the functional depenproper nutrients for protein synthesis, dency of photosynthesis on intracellular DNA replication, or cell wall synthesis concentrations of nutrients. are lacking. We need to know more about Comparisons of photosynthetic values the relationship of cellular growth to cel- P opt ’ and KQ) with corresponding growth lular photosynthesis in laboratory culparameters (j.~,,, an d KJ are not easily tures. made. Several broad conclusions can be The mechanism responsible for the ob- reached, however. Regardless of the bioserved photosynthetic responses of cells mass measure used, the responses ofAnto increased phosphorus levels is un- abaena and Chlorella to a fixed level of known. One plausible mechanism may cellular phosphorus do differ dramaticalbe a precursor-product reaction. Phos- ly. This suggests that each algal species phorus-containing precursors can be may have a characteristic Popt and KQ valmaintained at higher levels (yielding ue, analogous to Rhee’s (1973) concept of faster reaction rates) when Q is large; specific values for growth parameters. such precursors might include the nu- Whether this difference is characteristic cleotides, ATP, ADP, and AMP, and in- of green and blue-green algae remains to organic polyphosphates. Miyachi et al. be seen. If such differences are the rule (1964) have suggested that under photoin natural systems, they would lend supsynthetic conditions polyphosphates “C” port to the ideas of Grenney et al. (1974) and “A” serve as intermediates in the and Tilman (1977) that the outcome of transfer of phosphate to the phosphatecompetition between two species decontaining compounds synthesized. At- pends on rates of both nutrient uptake kinson (1968) proposed that the levels of and nutrient utilization. AMP and ADP can influence the rate of The relationship of gross photosynthereactions involving ATP synthesis. Rob- sis and cellular phosphorus shown here inson and Wiskich (1976) have shown provides a basis for understanding the that the oxygen evolution of isolated pea role that nutrients play in the growth and cholorplasts is stimulated from two to maintenance of phytoplankton populatwelve times by the addition of ATP. tions. Previous studies on the constancy lated to cellular phosphorus. The regression of respiration on cellular phosphorus in Anabaena is significant, however. 716 Senft Cpl 10.71 KQ- E” k4 0 0 5 10 ( mg C ‘mg cl-’ i 0 200 400 Q ( pg organic 15 organic N 20 -I ) -i rv P A 0 60 PARTICULATE 0” I 0 600 N . mg 30 1 Q-’ I 50 (pg I 100 Chl [’ 0 121 15 6 I 1 90 120 .pmole P-’ ) I 200 I 150 800 C -1 ) Fig. 8. Photosynthesis vs. organic nitrogen content of’Phormidium molle: A-linear transformation of hyperbolic model; B-hyperbolic model. Value in brackets is 95% confidence limit for PoptS. of the photosynthesis:Chl:light relationship have produced conflicting results, The data presented here clearly indicate that the photosynthetic efficiency of a chlorophyll unit is not constant, as assumed by Tett et al. (1975) in their analysis of Chl:C ratios in marine phytoplankton, but rather varies with the nutritional state of the algal population. Equation 2 represents an explicit formulation of the dependence of light-saturated rates of gross photosynthesis on internal nutrient stores. Mathematical representations of photosynthesis-light relationships in phytoplankton do not incorporate this functional dependency and so a new photosynthesis-light expression is needed (Senft in prep.). These results are not unique to the two algae studied nor to phosphorus as a limiting nutrient. Keenan and Auer (1974) reported changes in the rate of photosynthesis of Anabaena jlos-aquae cells as levels of extractable phosphorus decreased. When I replotted Daley and PARTICULATE Q ( nmoles Chl-’ ) Fig. 9. Optimal photosynthesis vs. particulate phosphorus for Halsted Bay, Lake Minnetonka, 1974: A-linear transformation of hyperbolic model; B-hyperbolic model. Value in brackets is 95% confidence limit of Popts. Optimal rates of photosynthesis (P,,J were calculated from photosynthesisdepth curves of half-day incubations in situ. Brown’s (1973) data on oxygen evolution by Phormidium molle, I found a hyperbolic relationship similar to those discussed here (Fig. 8). Changes in the specific rates of gross photosynthesis of algae during development of a large phytoplankton bloom in Halsted Bay (Lake Minnetonka) corresponded to changes in the cellular phosphorus levels of the algae (Megard in prep.). This population, comprised predominantly of Aphanixomenon flos-aquae (K. Baker unpublished), has a photosynthesis-nutrient curve resembling that of Anabaena (cf. Fig. 4 and 9B). 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