Board of Supervisors - Southern University System
Board of Supervisors - Southern University System
Southern University Board of Supervisors 4:00 p.m. Friday, October 25, 2007 Board of Supervisors’ Meeting Room nd 2 Floor, J. S. Clark Administration Building Southern University - Baton Rouge AGENDA 1. Call to Order 2. Roll Call 3. Adoption of the Agenda 4. Public Comments 5. Action Items a. Minutes of the September 21, 2007 regular Board Meeting b. Committee Reports and Recommendations 1.) Academic and Student Affairs Committee 2.) Athletics Committee 3.) Facility and Property Committee 4.) Finance and Audit Committee 5.) Legal Affairs Committee 6.) Personnel Affairs and Policy Committee c. Resolutions 6. Informational Item(s) a. System and Campuses’ Monthly Reports 7. Other Business 8. Adjournment Board Item 6a BOARD Item 6b The Chancellor’s Report to the Southern University Board of Supervisors NAME OF CHANCELLOR: Freddie Pitcher, Jr. CAMPUS: Southern University Law Center DATE: October 2007 SIGNIFICANT EVENTS/ACCOMPLISHMENTS Chancellor Addresses Alumni & Friends at Washington Reception More than 100 alumni and friends attended Southern University Law Center’s reception in Washington, D.C., September 27, in recognition and celebration of the Center’s 60th anniversary. The event, one of several held or being held across the state of Louisiana and throughout the country in cities that have a large concentration of Law Center alumni, was held in the Senate Dirksen Building thanks to Louisiana Senator Mary Landrieu. Local arrangements were also spearheaded by Ben Cannon, ‘82 of BP International. Senator Landrieu and Congressman William Jefferson were in attendance and addressed the gathering acknowledging the significant contributions to the legal community that the Law Center has provided in Louisiana and throughout the country where law graduates practice. The two also complimented Chancellor Pitcher for the outstanding leadership that he has given the Law Center in his five-year tenure. Chancellor Pitcher told the group that the anniversary celebration has a three-fold purpose: Paying Tribute to Our Past; Celebrating the Achievements of the Present; and Preparing to Meet the Challenges of the Future. The electronic media production of the Law Center’s 2006-07 highlights were presented and reception guests were invited to the November 9 black-tie anniversary gala. In addition to law graduates from the Washington, D.C., areas, including Maryland, New York and Philadelphia, a number of Louisiana residents, who were in the nation’s capitol for the Congressional Black Caucus week, were present at the reception. Others in attendance included Southern University System President Ralph Slaughter; System Vice President Andrea Jefferson; State Representative Donald Cravins of Opelousas; and National Bar Association Vice President Sonya Hoskins of Dallas, Texas. Speaking Engagements to be made by Chancellor Pitcher Chancellor Pitcher has a number of media and personal speaking engagements on the calendar leading up to the 60th Anniversary. - October 22nd - Appearance on WBRZ-TV’s 2une-In - October 29th - Address the Baton Rouge Press Club - October 30th - Address the Terrebonne Parish Bar Association Southern University Law Center Holds Anniversary Gala This fall, the SULC kicked off a media extravaganza highlighting its 60th Anniversary carrying the theme “Sixty Years and Counting ...Changing the World Forever.” This media extravaganza will culminate with a black-tie anniversary gala on Friday, November 9 at 7:00 p.m. at the Holiday Inn Select. Chancellor Pitcher announced that Louisiana Supreme Court Justice Pascal F. Calogero, will be the keynote speaker at the gala. The Law Center’s administration, faculty, staff and students look forward to a spectacular evening where they hope to bring back nearly one-third of the 3,000 plus alumni. SULC ENDOWED PROFESSORSHIPS 2007 Chancellor Freddie Pitcher, Jr., and the SULC Faculty and Staff will honor the SULC Endowed Professors and Donors with a reception on Thursday, October 11, 2007 from 6-8 p.m. at The University Place. The recipients are as follows: Professor Alfreda Sellers Diamond Justice Revius O. Ortique, Jr. Endowed Professor of Law Professor Ernest Easterly, III B. K. Agnihotri Endowed Professor of Law Professor Michelle R. Ghetti Louisiana Outside Counsel Endowed Professor of Law Professor Stanley A. Halpin, Jr. Kendall Vick Foundation Endowed Professor of Law Professor Russell L. Jones Jesse N. Stone Endowed Professor of Law Professor Okechukwu Oko Dodson & Hooks Endowed Professor of Law -2- Professor Evelyn L. Wilson Horatio C. Thompson Endowed Professor of Law Clyde C. Tidwell Endowed Professorship Johnny Cochran, Jr. Endowed Professorship Office of Admissions The Office of Admission is counseling persons inquiring about admission to the Southern University Law Center. On-going requests for applications for the fall 2008 session are constantly being received. All applications are being acknowledged once received. Applicants are encouraged to check on their files periodically. Law Center Alumni Stephanie Finley ‘91 has been selected as a Lt. Colonel in the United States Air Force Reserves and as the Senior Litigation Counsel for the U.S. Attorney’s Office in the Western District of Louisiana. Ms. Finley is a 1991 cum laude graduate of the Law Center where she served as Editor in Chief of the Law Review. Charlene Patterson ‘02, a former Assistant Attorney General for the Louisiana Attorney General’s Office, now works full time in her Baton Rouge based real estate title company, Enelrahc Title & Escrow Services, LLC. Dwayne M. Murray ‘87, an active and visible attorney in Baton Rouge has been elected Grand Polemarch for Kappa Alpha Psi Fraternity. He served four years as a member of the Grand Board of Directors and Chairman of the Grand Board of Appeals. He was elected senior Grand Vice Polemarch in 2003 and re-elected in 2005. He has served as chairman of the Council of Province Polemarchs for four years and actively supported the 30th Grand Polemarch in the administration’s vision set forth in the Kappa Score Kard. Financial Aid The Office of Financial Aid has reviewed all of the student financial aid awards for the 2007 2008 school year. The research assistant program continues to operate smoothly and all payrolls are processed on a timely basis. This office continues to assist students and the public regarding their financial aid questions and concerns. -3- Career Counseling & Development Fall 2007 On Campus Recruitment/Resume Collect program continues through October 31, 2007. Approximately 19 employers will participate in October. The Sunbelt Minority Recruitment Program was held in Dallas, TX on Friday, September 7, 2007. The following SULC students participated: Ezinne Abengowe Marc Batte Brandy Branford Harry Brown, Jr. RaShema Collins Paul DeRouselle Kenya Ellis Koshaneke Gilbert LaDonna Jackson LaToya Jones Tracy Joseph Yodit Tweolde The Equal Justice Works Career Fair was held on Friday, and Saturday, October 6-7, 2007 in Washington, D.C. The following students and alumni registered. Tamesha Bendaw Ashley Darville Lillian Dunn Kinnisha Firstley Danté McKay Chevita Phifer Daphne Tervathan Crystal Turner LaKetha Walker The Lexis Career Research Tools seminar was held on September 13, 2007 at 12:00 p.m., presented by Susan Cedotal Lexis representative. Publications and Electronic Media During the month of September 2007, the staff of the Office of Publications and Electronic Media produced or helped produce five publications: the 2008 Studies Abroad brochure, 6 Reasons /Save the Date Anniversary brochure, Washington D.C. Anniversary Reception Invitation, Endowed Professors and Donors Reception Invitation, and SULC Application reprints. The 2007-08 Speakers Series posters/programs, 2006-07 Annual Report, Reflections, endowed Professors of SULC brochure, and anniversary advertisements/billboard/invitations are in production. Recruitment Services As of September 30, 2007, 588 applications were received for fall 2008. On September 21, 2007, 100 students from Tennessee State University toured the Law Center facility. Recruitment Committee scheduled Honors Colloquium Class Meeting October 2007. -4- During the month of October, the following visits will be made: McNeese State University University of Lafayette-Monroe University of Arkansas-Pine Bluff Grambling State University University of North Florida Florida State University Tuskegee University University of Georgia Fort Valley State University Lemoyne Owen Florida Memorial University Tulane, Loyola Florida Atlantic SUNO Bethune Cookman LSU Xavier/Dillard Atlanta Law Forum Phi-Alpha Delta pre-Law Conference Paul Quinn Southern University Academic Support Programs and Academic Counseling 1. Academic Assistance Component A. B. C. D. E. A total of 4,080 tutorial hours were provided to first year students through individual and group sessions. Held 204 one-on-one weekly sessions with 34 Teaching Assistants. Provided daily supervision to 34 Teaching Assistants. Reviewed 34 Teaching Assistants weekly assignments. Attended and/or monitored four (4) Tuesday and (4) Thursday academic assistance bi-weekly sessions. (1) Basic Civil Procedure (2) Contracts (3) Criminal Law (4) Torts 1 F. G. Provided Orientation to 34 Teaching Assistants. A total of 121 entering students participated in the pilot program Students were introduced to the following essential skills: Preparing Your Life for Law School, Note Taking, Case Briefing and Course Outlining, Learning Styles and Study Strategies, analytical Skills and Preparing, approaching and Mastering Law School Exams. Law Library The month of September was a month of upgrading the effective ness and efficiency of the Law Library. Staffers were involved with in-house activities to upgrade our level of service to faculty, staff, students and outside patrons. The monthly Professional Librarians meeting was held on Tuesday, September 4, 2007 at 2:15 P.M. The main topic of discussion was the continued preparation for the ABA visit in 2008. -5- The monthly Staff Meeting was held on Wednesday, September 5, 2007 at 2:15 PM. The entire staff was again reminded of housekeeping duties and other changes which have been effected to better serve out patrons. Staffers were also reminded of the ABA site visit. The Supervisors (and some staff members) in Library Services completed and submitted a “First Draft” for their respective sections to be included in a Library Services Procedures Manual. After review and editing by the Director, each Section will be compiled into a Library Services Procedures Manual. Current plans are to also cross train staff members to become competent in performing duties in sections other than their own. His will allow for better library coverage in the absence of key personnel. Clinical Education Clinics Active Cases Closed Cases Enrollment Criminal Law Externs Placement 40 3 34 Divorce Law 48 4 2 Juvenile Law 42 3 7 Administrative/Civil Law 34 4 5 Non-Support 27 3 Elder Law 22 2 8 Low-Income Taxpayer Law 25 6 7 Mediation Law Evening Program 43 23 7 9 Motion Practice (none) (none) 10 Significant Events The Mediation Law Clinic students are unique among the clinics in that students do not represent clients. They instead serve as neutral third parties to help individuals in disputes involving evictions, personal injuries. Katrina insurance claims, and age discrimination cases. In September, they visited the America Arbitration Center, located in New Orleans, LA. Criminal Law Clinic Students represented a client in an Expungement case. The student attorneys were able to have the client’s record cleared. -6- Special Problems Significant Administrative or Policy Changes None -7- CHANCELLOR’S REPORT to the Southern University Board of Supervisors October 18-19, 2007 SUNO Alumni Making a Difference! Victor Ukpolo, Ph.D. Chancellor Southern University at New Orleans A. DIVISION OF ACADEMIC AFFAIRS Report of Activities September, 2007 and Achievements for Student Success Committee is working on several initiatives. One subcommittee is working on developing a report on student success for First Year Freshmen and another subcommittee is working on designing a program to implement learning communities. Quality Enhancement Plan first draft is completed. Effective October 14, 2007, the QEP committee will have a Town Hall meeting with each college to include faculty, staff and students. This is to ensure that everyone in the Southern University at New Orleans family will have an opportunity to share ideas and make suggestions so that our QEP will be the best that it can be with full campus contribution. AACTE. Southern University at New Orleans was visited by a team from AACTE in preparation for their conference in New Orleans in February, 2008. They visited three schools in the area: Sophie B. Wright Middle School, Martin Luther King Elementary and O. Perry Walker High School. They are planning to visit the schools at their national conference and make book contributions to each of these schools. Southern University at New Orleans (SUNO) was privileged to have world renowned motivational speaker and entrepreneur Les Brown to serve as keynote speaker for the kickoff luncheon for our Leadership and Mentoring Program for Students initiative (LAMPS). The event took place Wednesday, September 26, at Zea’s Restaurant on St. Charles Avenue. Attorney Warren A. “Chip” Forstall, a member of the Southern University Board of Supervisors, underwrote the cost of the luncheon. Mr. Brown, a longtime friend of Dr. Donna Grant, Executive Director for Enrollment Management Services, gave an inspirational presentation designed to encourage each of us to expand our minds and fight to accomplish our goals. The goal of the LAMPS program is to effectively address the issue of retention among freshmen. In addition to thanking Dr. Grant for graciously working to secure Mr. Brown for this event, College of Arts and Sciences: Report on Major College of Arts and Sciences Activities: September, 2007 Department of Social Sciences: Dr. John. Penny and Dr. George Amedee chaperoned students for a trip to Jena, LA to witness and observe civil disobedience and political protest in action. Dr. Penny was interviewed by WVUE-TV television station regarding violent crime amongst women. He was also interviewed by a local public service station in regards to the civil rights movement with Dr. Martin Luther King. Dr. Guillarne. Leary, Dr. Joseph. Coleman and Dr. Christopher Linn participated as faculty advisors for the SUNO Psychology Club. Dr. Linn had a publication: “The adaptive advantage of prolonged mating: a test of alternative hypotheses” published in Animal Behaviour, a top tier journal in behavioral science. He also has a manuscript in preparation concerning the effect of male locomotion and mate search strategies on reproductive success in animals. Dr. Joseph Coleman has submitted his in the article “The Challenges to the Foster Care System Post Katrina and Rita“, which will be published in the Africana Review Journal. Dr. Ashraf Esmail, along with Dr. Adnan Omar and Dr. Lisa Eargle, presented at the JK Haynes Conference in Baton Rouge, La. Dr. Esmail has also accepted to be part of the Freshman Mentor Program at Southern University at New Orleans. Dr. Ashraf Esmail recently published a book chapter entitled “Hurricane Katrina and Its Impact on Education” in the Sociology of Katrina: Perspectives on Modern Castastrophe. Dr. Lisa Eargle and Dr. Shyamal Das served as coauthors He also recently presented a paper entitled “Coexistence Of” or “Clash Between” Islamic Orthodoxy and the Support for Democratic System: Which face is more Egalitarian in Six Muslim Societies?” presented at the American Page 2 Southern University at New Orleans Sociological Association Conference in New York, New York. Dr. Lisa Eargle and Dr. Shyamal Das served as copresenters. Dr. George Amedee attended the "Advancing Excellence and Public Trust in Governmental Symposium," in Washington D.C. at the National Press Club. He also served on a panel of the National Task Force for Advancing Excellent and Public Trust in Government. Dr. Amedee also met with Opehlia Wilson of the University Partnership Office of the Department of Housing and Urban Development in Washington D. C. to discuss the SUNO University Rebuilding America Partnership project. He also traveled to Shreveport to participate in Regional Grant writing Workshop at SUSLA. Dr. Amedee attended two meetings of the City Planning Commission. Dr. Amedee and Dr. Cynthia Honere-Collins attended a meeting of the SUNO University Faith Based Partnership at St. Matthew Lutheran Church. Dr. Collins attended the Pontilly Neighborhood Collaborative meeting and supervised student volunteers in a survey of Pontilly neighborhood. Natural Sciences Department Activities for September 2007 Ms. Cynthia Singleton gave a presentation at the Fourth Annual J. K. Haynes Teacher Preparation Conference, at the Southern University at Baton Rouge, September 18 & 19, 2007. The title of the presentation was “E-learning for college Mathematics: What Works and What Does not Work”. Dr. Zheng Chen gave a presentation at the Fourth Annual J. K. Haynes Teacher Preparation Conference, at the Southern University at Baton Rouge, September 18 & 19, 2007. The title of the presentation was “Visualization in Volumes of Solids of Revolution”. Dr. Penney Heath and Dr. Ibrahim Ekaidi gave a presentation at the Fourth Annual J. K. Haynes Teacher Preparation Conference, at the Southern University at Baton Rouge, September 18 & 19, 2007. The title of the presentation was “Using PowerPoint to Personalize Instruction”. Dr. Mostafa Elaasar, Dr. Murty Kambhampati, Joe Omojola, Dr. Solomon Adekunle, and Ms. Cynthia Singleton became members in the Freshmen Mentor Program. Dr. Lisa Mims-Devezin organized a workshop on the new RiboPrinter for microbial characterization system August 28-29 College of Business: Report on Major College of Business Activities: September, 2007 Accreditation: The College of Business & Public Administration (CBA) completed an initial draft of its AACSB Accreditation Gap Analysis, September 4, 2007. While the CBA faculty is working on revisions of the draft Gap Analysis, several copies of the draft have been sent to external reviewers for additional input. Ms. Denise Shanklin, President, Expancia Consulting Group, conducted an intensive workshop with CBA faculty and Staff, September 21-22, 2007, to review and revise CBA’s Strtegic Plan. The initial focus of the workshop was the evaluation of the current CBA vision, mission, and goals, to see if they are understood by the faculty, and if they correctly capture the essence of the college. Thereafter, the participants embarked on an exercise aimed at revising the vision, mission, and goals to make them the primary drivers of CBA’s activities. Other workshops are planned for the months of October and November. The final Strategic Plan will be completed by Spring 2008. Dr. Julius Alade, Dean, School of Business & Technology, University of Maryland Eastern Shore, accepted an invitation to serve as CBA’s Gap Analysis consultant. He visited SUNO from September 23 to 25, 2007. During his visit, he met the faculty and administration to clarify and modify various aspects of the draft Gap Analysis to ensure a holistic view of AACSB standards during the accreditation effort. Research: (Publications & Working Papers) Drs. Louis Mancuso, Robert Hardy, and James Pittman, “The Results of Teaching Minority Undergraduate Students Entrepreneurial Business Planning Concepts Using Androgogy and Service Learning,” (working paper) Drs. Obyung Kwun, Adnan Omar, and Mr. Samuel Eweni, “Moderating Effects of Attributional Style on the Relationship between User Participation and Fairness Perception of Information Systems Development” (working paper) Page 3 Southern University at New Orleans Dr. Obyung Kwun, “The Effect of Organizational Culture on E-Commerce Adoption” (working paper) Conferences/Seminar: Dr. James Pittman, Chair of Public Administration Department, participated in the Advancing Excellence & Public Trust in Government Conference in Washington, D.C., September 17, 2007. The event was sponsored by Auburn University. Dr. James Pittman, Chair of Public Administration Department, met with the Personnel Director and key public administrators for the City of Baton Rouge (September 26, 2007) to discuss opportunities for creating access to Public Administration courses to city and state employees in the Baton Rouge area. University/Community Services: Dr. Frank Martin, Chair of Business Entrepreneurship Department served as a member of the Disadvantaged Business Enterprise Panel to review applications for DBE certification for Aviation Board, Sewage and Water Board and City of New Orleans, September 28, 2007 September Highlights – Division for Student Affairs Board of Supervisors Meeting – October, 2007 Highlights of the Division for Student Affairs activities that were conducted during the month of September are presented below. Thurgood Marshall College Fund Representative’s Visit Thurgood Marshall College Fund (TMCF) representative, Ms. Candice Staples, visited the SUNO campus on September 67, 2007. The purpose of the visit was to recruit students for the TMCF Leadership Conference to be held in New York in early November. Over 30 juniors and seniors were interviewed by Ms. Staples and six were selected to attend the conference. A TMCF Student Ambassador and some of the six students will be included in TMCF’s internship pool for consideration for internship positions in the summer of 2008. Voter Registration Drive The A.C. Carey Political Science Club and Phi Beta Sigma Fraternity, Inc. hosted a voter registration drive on campus on September 12, 2007. The fraternity provided music and a festive atmosphere which resulted in a number of students coming out to register. Meeting with TMCF Vice President of Programs Dr. Adrell Pinkney, Director of Student Activities and Organizations/Housing and who also serves as the TMCF Campus Coordinator, attended a dinner meeting with Ms. Eve Hall, Vice President of Programs for TMCF. The purpose of the meeting, which was held on September 12, 2007, was to discuss the exciting opportunities that TMCF is offering to students via its partnership with SUNO. During the meeting, Ms. Hall committed to the TMCF/SUNO partnership and to providing services to SUNO students. Fraternity Informational Phi Beta Sigma Fraternity, Inc. hosted an on-campus informational on September 12, 2007, to provide information to those young men interested in seeking membership in the organization. Page 4 Southern University at New Orleans Jena Six Peace and Protest Rally On September 20, 2007, approximately 200 SUNO students, staff and faculty donned in black boarded four chartered buses and traveled to Jena, Louisiana to participate in the Jena Six Peace and Protest Rally. The trip was coordinated by Ms. Yolanda Mims, Director of Services for Students with Disabilities. The rally was televised nationwide and was held to show support of the six African American Jena High School students accused of beating a white student after a racially propelled incident. One of the Jena Six students, Michael Bell, was initially charged as an adult and was incarcerated for nine months. The alleged beating occurred after three nooses were hung from a tree where several African American students decided to congregate. Until recently, only white students socialized under the tree. Miss SUNO and Royal Court Attend SUBR Coronation Miss Southern University at New Orleans, Niesha Williams, and her Royal Court traveled to Southern University at Baton Rouge (SUBR) to participate in the Coronation of Miss SUBR. The ladies wore beautiful lavender evening gowns and their escorts wore black tuxedos with matching vests and ties. Royal Jewels Dance Team Performs SUNO’s Royal Jewels Dance Team made their first performance for the semester on September 21, 2007 “on the yard.” The dance team, with the support of their sponsor, Ms. Joy Tillis, University Recruiter, provided the student body the opportunity to meet the newly selected members. The Royal Jewels are slated to perform at the Knights’ basketball games. The dance team was the brainchild of the former SGA President and Student Representative for the Southern University Board of Supervisors, the Honorable Quinten Atkins. Mr. Austin Badon Honored State Representative, Austin Badon, who serves as SUNO’s Community Service Learning Coordinator received the “Legislator of the Year Award” from the Alliance for Good Government. Mr. Badon received the award in September in honor of his outstanding service as a State Representative. Dr. Janice Winder Attends LACUSPA Conference Vice Chancellor for Student Affairs, Dr. Janice H. Winder, attended the Annual Conference of the Louisiana Association of College and University Student Personnel Administrators (LACUSPA). The Conference was held on September 24-26, 2007, at the Le Pavillion Hotel in New Orleans. The theme of the Conference was “Student Affairs in the Electronic Age.” SUNO Co-hosts HBCU Career Fair On September 25, 2007, Southern University at New Orleans served as co-host with Xavier University for the Annual HBCU Career Fair, which was held on the campus of Xavier University. Over 100 employing organizations and more than 50 SUNO students participated in this fair. Mr. Joseph Marion, Director of Career Counseling and Placement at SUNO, coordinated this activity for the SUNO campus. Harrahs’ Community Outreach Breakfast Mr. Joseph Marion, Director of Career Counseling and Placement, along with several other members of the SUNO family attended a Community Outreach Breakfast hosted by Harrahs’ Casino on September 27, 2007. Over 150 guests from local businesses, organizations, etc. were in attendance. The breakfast is held annually in an effort to foster partnerships between Harrahs and other institutions. These partnerships can result in internship, employment, and networking opportunities for students, staff and others, as well as provide grant opportunities for participating organizations. Page 5 Southern University at New Orleans Ice Cream Social Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, Inc. hosted an Ice Cream Social in the University Center on September 27, 2007. The purpose of this activity was to offer the student body an opportunity to meet and greet members of their organization. Community Service at Senior Citizens Center On September 28, 2007, the staff of Services for Students with Disabilities (SSD) and a student intern in that department visited Ferncrest Manor Living Center in New Orleans, where several graduates from SUNO’s Social Work Program are employed. Student intern Debra Robert coordinated this activity, which is just one of SSD’s community service activities. Residents of the Center, which included three SUNO alumni, were presented socks tied with colorful ribbons. The SSD staff and student intern also played Bingo with the residents. The winner of each game received $1.00 and $10.00 for the “blackout game.” Money for the Bingo activity was donated by the SSD staff. Hispanic Heritage Day The Student Development Center (SDC) organized the first ever Hispanic Heritage Day on Friday, September 28, 2007. Southern University at New Orleans currently has students from Costa Rica, Columbia, and Nicaragua. The guest speaker for this event was Dr. Diana A. Velasques, who gave an informative overview of the Latin culture. In addition, professional Latin American Dancers demonstrated several dances including the Salsa and Tango. To conclude this event, students, staff, faculty and administrators sampled several Latin dishes. There was an impressive turn out of approximately seventyfive attendees. “This event will now be an annual event which the SUNO community hopes to celebrate during the entire month of October,” stated Mrs. Josephine Okoronkwo, SDC Director. Hispanic Heritage Month began on September 15 and ends October 15. Page 6 SOUTHERN UNIVERSITY AGRICULTURAL RESEARCH AND EXTENSION CENTER CHANCELLOR’S REPORT Presented to: Southern University Board of Supervisors October 2007 Number 243-10 SOUTHERN UNIVERSITY AGRICULTURAL RESEARCH AND EXTENSION CENTER Community and Faith Leadership Development Conference Huge Success M ore than 200 leaders from community and faith-based organizations were exposed to the latest management and outreach techniques during the 2007 Community and Faith Leadership Development Conference September 26-28 at the Baton Rouge Marriott. The conference stems from the Southern University Ag Center's mission to engage leaders in community and economic development programming. This year, the center celebrates the conference's 10th year and hosted national speakers and local honorees along with emerging leaders interested in community empowerment. The 2007 Community and Faith Leadership Development Conference included tracks designed to spark leaders to move their organizations' visions, develop powerful mission statements, and design working programs and ministries that transform lives within their communities. This year marks a decade-long work of the Southern University Agricultural Research and Extension Center as it has used this conference and its agents, researchers and specialists to empower the citizens of Louisiana. Participants connected with other leaders and ministers who shared their wealth of knowledge and experiences to help each other explore opportunities for development and community transformation. October 2007 Chancellor’s report page 1 SOUTHERN UNIVERSITY AGRICULTURAL RESEARCH AND EXTENSION CENTER USDA/CSREES Liaison Visits Southern University Ag Center Southern University Ag Center Leodrey Williams Chancellor Adell Brown, Vice Chancellor for Finance and Administration Kirkland Mellad Vice Chancellor for Research Gina Eubanks Vice Chancellor for Extension Christopher Rogers Director of Technology Services Editors Bridget Udoh Candace Semien A. O. Williams Hall P.O. Box 10010 Baton Rouge, LA 70813 Tel: 225/771-2242 Fax: 225/771-2861 T he Southern University Ag Center hosted distinguished guests from United States Department of Agriculture (USDA)/Cooperative State Research, Education and Extension Service (CSREES) headquarters in Washington DC. Dr. Gary Jensen, CSREES liaison to LSU and SU visited our campus, September 26-28. Jensen was accompanied by Dr. Mark Poth, research director for the USDA National Research Initiative (NRI). They jointly presented a seminar on partnering with the USDA/CSREES and available funding opportunities. They also emphasized the importance of building infrastructure to gain competitive advantage in obtaining external funds. Faculty and staff of the Center as well as the College of Agricultural, Family and Consumer Sciences were in attendance. They gathered new information about funding opportunities for education, research, and extension programs. Additionally, faculty had an opportunity to dialogue with the guests resulting in the potential to create mutual benefits. The team presented a seminar on “Finding Your Competitive Advantage,” “Agency Liaison Partnership Initiative,” and “Competitive Programs”, on September 26. They toured the Center’s education, research, and extension facilities on September 27, and gave an exit report on the 28. The CSREES liaison position was created to foster stronger partnership between CSREES and land-grant institutions. In addition, it helps to carry out the mission of CSREES: to advance knowledge for agriculture, the environment, human health and well-being, and communities. Website: Southern University Agricultural Research and Extension Center, an entity of the Southern System, Leodrey Williams, Chancellor, Ralph Slaughter, System President, Johnny Anderson, Chairman, Board of Supervisors. It is issued in furtherance of the Cooperative Extension Work Act of December 1971, and the Agricultural Research Program, in cooperation with the U.S. Department of Agriculture. All educational programs conducted by the Southern University Agricultural Research and Extension Center are provided to all persons regardless of race, national origin, or disability. Cross sections of the workshop presented by the CSREES officials. Facing the audience, left to right are Kirkland Mellad, PhD, vice chancellor for research Southern University Ag Center, Gary Jensen, PhD, CSREES liaison, and Mark Poth, PhD, research director for the USDA National Research Initiative. October 2007 Chancellor’s report page 2 SOUTHERN UNIVERSITY AGRICULTURAL RESEARCH AND EXTENSION CENTER Southern University Ag Center Meat Facility Hosts USDA Training T wenty two USDA Livestock and Grain Market News employees conducted a correlation and meats demonstration at the Southern University Meat Laboratory, September 10-12. The trainers for the class included: Steve Olson, Orlando Phelps and Justin Ransom, from USDA, AMS; Curtis Chisley, and Albert Howard, Southern University Ag Center. The demonstrations were conducted on beef and pork “Institutional Meat Purchase Specification” (IMPS) cuts, skeletal and muscles identification. The trainees are expected to transfer the knowledge acquired to the meat market news reports. On September 13-14, the focus shifted to assisting the USDA, AMS Standardization Branch in processing approximately 60 goats and 30 beef pictorials to be used in the United Nations Economic Commission for Europe (UNECE) Standards. These photographs will be used to facilitate fair international trading of goat and beef in international markets to provide a common trading language for sellers and buyers, and promote consistency in products. Photos courtesy of John Oubre, Southern University, Baton Rouge October 2007 Chancellor’s report page 3 SOUTHERN UNIVERSITY AGRICULTURAL RESEARCH AND EXTENSION CENTER FF-NEWS Nominated For CSREES Award I n 1997, four 1890 Institutions in the Southwest Region formed a consortium to plan and implement a food stamp nutrition education program, working in collaboration with the Southwest Region Food and Nutrition Service. The Families First: Nutrition, Education and Wellness System (FF-NEWS) program in of support CSREES Plan of Work was born. Until the development of FF-NEWS, 1890 Institutions were not participating in the Food Stamp Nutrition Education Program. An award in recognition of successful multi-state efforts of the 1890 FF-NEWS Consortium in disseminating nutrition education information to culturally diverse audiences has been established to honor those who have gone beyond the call of duty. The Southern University Agricultural Research and Extension Center – Cooperative Extension Program along with Prairie View A&M University Cooperative Extension Program, Langston University Cooperative Extension Program and University of Arkansas at Pine Bluff Cooperative Extension Program have been nominated by Linda Williams-Willis, Dean and Extension Administrator, to receive this year’s award. The award ceremony will take place at the annual CSREES Day of Appreciation, October 10, in Washington, DC with all expenses paid for one individual of the winning team. Through FF-NEWS, food stamp recipients are taught to plan, select and prepare meals consistent with their cultural traditions and family resources, while improving their overall health and that of their family members. Eleven 1890 institutions are now members of the Consortium. Over $6 million has been generated by this program to support nutrition education activities in the 1890 System. Dr. Gina E. Eubanks, project director and Mrs. De’Shoin York-Friendship, project coordinator continue to provide leadership for the FF-NEWS in 12 Louisiana parishes. October 2007 Chancellor’s report page 4 SOUTHERN UNIVERSITY AGRICULTURAL RESEARCH AND EXTENSION CENTER Bayou State Trail Riders Award Scholarships to SU Students D uring the Bayou Black Rodeo in Monroe, the Bayou State Trail Riders Association presented two scholarships to Southern University animal science students in Baton Rouge. The $1,000 gold scholarship was awarded to Courtney Anderson of Rayville and the $500 silver scholarship went to Calvin Adams of Wisner. "We're very excited about this because scholarship programs through our livestock program are something new we're starting," said Renita Marshall, livestock program director at Southern University Ag Center. Marshall received the two awards on behalf of Anderson and Davis, who were notified of the awards. The awards were later presented to the recipients in Baton Rouge. Pictured left to right: Gina Eubanks, vice chancellor for extension, Calvin Adams, recipient of the silver scholarship award, Courtney Anderson, recipient of the gold scholarship award, and Renita Woods-Marshall, director of livestock show. October 2007 Chancellor’s report page 5 SOUTHERN UNIVERSITY AGRICULTURAL RESEARCH AND EXTENSION CENTER Bitter Sweet Farewells E mployees and administrators of Southern University Ag Center gathered on September 6 to say goodbye to Betty McCoy with some cake, ice cream and gifts. Ms. McCoy has moved on to embrace other opportunities after 28 years of service at the Center. It was bitter because Betty will be missed at the Center where she ended one career and sweet because she was starting a new one. McCoy hung up her hat as administrative assistant at the Livestock Office to become a counselor. Friends and well-wishers shared words of encouragement and advice as they parted ways. On September 24, the Center gathered again to bid farewell to Theresa Walsh (Teri). Teri had been with the Ag Center team for barely three years when opportunity came knocking. Ms. Walsh was research associate on the mixed species grazing project. She now works as a grain evaluator. Teri, left— receives gift and parting wishes from former supervisor, Sebhatu Gebrelul, professor, animal science. October 2007 Chancellor’s report page 6 Betty , left–standing, shares refreshment with colleague, James Mahomes, facility manager. SOUTHERN UNIVERSITY AGRICULTURAL RESEARCH AND EXTENSION CENTER Faculty and Staff Accomplishments and Activities Zhu Ning, professor of urban forestry, elected vice president of the International Society of Arboriculture Research and Education Academy During the 83rd annual conference of International Society of Arboriculture (ISA), Zhu H. Ning, PhD, professor of Urban Forestry, was elected the Vice President of the ISA Research and Education Academy. The International Society of Arboriculture is a world-wide professional organization dedicated to fostering a greater appreciation for trees and to promoting research, technology, and the professional practice of arboriculture. The Southern University Urban Forestry Program has been collaborating with ISA in research and education. Ning’s leadership position in ISA would certainly enhance the collaboration. She is also serving on the ISA Student Activity Committee to develop opportunities for Southern University Urban Forestry students. Besides her involvement in ISA, Ning also serves as the Chair elect of the Society of American Foresters (SAF) International Forestry, and co-chair of the SAF National Committee on Cultural Diversity. Zhu H. Ning, PhD, urban forestry presented three papers: • Ning, Z. H. et al. 2007. Climate Change and Its Impacts on the Coastal Ecosystems of the Gulf of Mexico, at the Oxford Roundtable on Global Warming and Sustainable Development: Governing a Crisis, Oxford, UK. • Ning, Z. H. et al. 2007. Enhance Teaching Effectiveness through Experiential Training, at the 4th Annual J. K. Haynes Teacher Preparation Conference, Baton Rouge. • Ning, Z. H. et al. 2007. Urban Forest Ecological Analysis in China, at the Joint session of the International Union of Forestry Research Organization (IUFRO) and the International Society or Arboriculture Research and Education Academy, International Society of Arboriculture 83rd Annual Convention. October 2007 Chancellor’s report page 7 SOUTHERN UNIVERSITY AGRICULTURAL RESEARCH AND EXTENSION CENTER Faculty and Staff Accomplishments and Activities contd. Vegetable Gardening and Consumption Workshop On Thursday, September 20, Southern University Ag Center conducted a vegetable workshop for producers and community members in Opelousas. The activity featured soil preparation, drip irrigation installation, seedling preparation, transplanting seedlings, nutritional benefits of vegetable crops, fall crop recipes, and free seedling give away. The coordinating team for the workshop included Yemane Ghebreiyessus, PhD, professor soil science, Chris Robichaux, PhD, agricultural county agent, LaVonya Malveaux, director, Southwest Center for Rural Initiatives, and Ronald Nicholas, county agent. The event was sponsored by Southern University Ag Center Mini-grant program. Certification: Judith Morris, internal auditor, Southern University Ag Center, recently passed the Certified Government Auditing Professional (CGAP) examination. CGAP is the Certified Government Auditor Professional designation issued by the Institute of Internal Auditors. Morris successfully completed the CGAP examination offered throughout the world. The CGAP exam is a specialty exam designed specifically for, and by audit practitioners in various levels of government. The CGAP exam explores comprehension of government auditing practice, methodologies, and environment. Related standards, including IIA standards and government auditing standards, are tested along with control/risk models. Publications: • Glenda S. Johnson, PhD, RD, associate professor, Southern University Ag Center, submitted a manuscript entitled “Documenting the Need for Nutrition and Health Intervention for Middle-aged and Older Adults in the Lower Mississippi Delta (LMD) Region" for publication. The manuscript has been accepted for publication in the Journal of Nutrition for the Elderly, Volume 26, Issue 3/4. • Yadong Qi, PhD, urban forestry, and her undergraduate student, Sonya Self, recently published a refereed research article entitled “Effects of Tree Growth Regulator on Growth Performance of Three Tree Species” in The HBCU-UP SMART Findings, An Undergraduate STEM Research Journal 1 (1):20-24. October 2007 Chancellor’s report page 8 SOUTHERN UNIVERSITY AGRICULTURAL RESEARCH AND EXTENSION CENTER Faculty and Staff Accomplishments and Activities contd. Gloria London, director of Center for Rural and Small Business Development and Eual Hall, business development outreach specialist: • Sponsored Entrepreneurial Training at Southern University Ag Center, September 4. • Conducted Focus Group Meeting at Southern University Ag Center, September 11. • Attended “Funding Opportunity” meeting, September 13. • Paid site visits to Tangipahoa, St. Helena, East Feliciana, and Iberville Parishes, September 18. • Attended the “Community and Faith Leadership Development Conference,” September 26-28. Fatemeh Malekian, Ph.D., associate professor, nutrition: • Set up a nutrition education table with handouts at the Youth Summit in Saint Landry and St. Martin Parishes, August 17, 24, and 31st. • Gave a presentation on New Dietary Guidelines and MyPyramid and handed out educational materials as a part of YWCA Alpha & Omega Project at Shiloh Baptist Church, September 4. • Accepted an invitation to serve as a member of the “Louisiana Obesity Council,” headed by the Department of Health and Hospitals to fight childhood obesity. • Gave a presentation on New Dietary Guidelines and MyPyramid and helped to coordinate and prepare healthy meals at the “Vegetable Gardening and Health Benefits” workshop in Opelousas, September 29. • Accepted an invitation to participate and judge foods at the Culinary Classic event in Baton Rouge, September 24. • Participated with a display of nutrition and health educational materials and facilitated the “Health Ministry” session at the Community and Faith Leadership Development Conference, September 26-28. James McNitt, PhD, professor of animal science: • Hosted a visitor from Makouti Agro Entreprise, Cap Haitien, Haiti to provide training and information on rabbit production, September 13-17. • Met with the Wisconsin Rural Leadership Program to describe poultry and rabbit research activities at Southern University Ag Center, September 18, 2007. October 2007 Chancellor’s report page 9 SOUTHERN UNIVERSITY AGRICULTURAL RESEARCH AND EXTENSION CENTER Faculty and Staff Accomplishments and Activities contd. Southern University Ag Center Scientists Attend ARD Committee Meeting Four research scientists, Yadong Qi, PhD, professor, urban forestry, Sebhatu Gebrelul, PhD, professor animal science, Fatemeh Malekian, PhD, associate professor and Fulbert Namwamba, PhD, associate professor, urban forestry attended the 1890 Association of Research Directors (ARD) Strategic Initiative for Enhancing Multi-institution Research Collaboration Workshop, September 5-7 in Atlanta, GA. The scientists actively participated in eight strategic initiative committee sessions: Bio-energy and Biobased Product, Bioremediation and Environmental Quality, Food Safety, Human Nutrition and Obesity, Special Crops, Meat Coat and Other Alternative Livestock, Small Farm & Rural and Community Development, Water Quality and Quantity. The workshop was very productive and successful in identifying top research priorities in those areas. The partnerships established with other institutions will forge collaborations among 1890 and other communities to seek research funding in the future. Sarah Sims- Extension Aide Madison Parish organized: • 1st Thursday Homemakers program • Home visits, YES youth • Fall Garden • Council On Aging • Staff Conference • Historical Society meeting • Teddy Bear Festival Planning meeting • City of Tallulah Beautification meeting • Civil Defense Training and certification— American Red Cross • Delta Head start Parent Advisory • Family Services • Resettlement Conference Hampton, Virginia • Workshop – School Based Health • Farmer’s Market • Youth garden project • HWY 65 meeting • USDA Commodities mini nutrition demonstration • Home visits, rural communities • Hand washing workshop with 83 participants At the New Del Resettlement Conference, Hampton, Virginia Hand washing workshop October 2007 Chancellor’s report page 10 SOUTHERN UNIVERSITY AGRICULTURAL RESEARCH AND EXTENSION CENTER Up Coming Events • October 18, “The River Road African American Museum: Preserving Our Rural Treasures”, seminar presented by Kathe Hambrick Jackson, Museum Curator, and Owusu Bandele, PhD, professor, horticulture, Southern University Ag Center. • October 27, Southern University Ag Center to hold Sustainable Ag Workshop and Tour. The event will include tours of the Red Stick Farmers Market, the LSU organic community garden, Greenhand Nursery, Yardbird Farm, and Southern University Ag Center hibiscus and organic mustard trial fields. Bus Tour begins promptly at 8:00 a.m. from Southern University Ag Center. Lunch featuring local farm products will be provided. For further information, call Owusu Bandele, PhD, professor, plant science at 225-771-2262 or via email: [email protected]. For directions on getting to Southern University Ag Center, visit us at: The event is jointly sponsored by Southern University and Louisiana State University Sustainable Agriculture Research and Education Professional Development Project • November 1, “You break it, You bought it: How not to pay for unnecessary mistakes”, a review of Southern University Ag Center Policies and Procedures, seminar presented by Kretrice Joseph. • November 15, “What Happens in Europe Stays in Europe”, seminar presented by Doze Butler, PhD, associate dean, College of Agricultural, Family and Consumer Sciences. • November 29, “Production of Vegetable Crops Using Drip Irrigation in the Underserved Communities”, seminar presented by Yemane Ghebreiyessus October 2007 Chancellor’s report page 11