Lampasas • Lometa • Kempner
Lampasas • Lometa • Kempner
Fully interactive and searchable on your desktop. ■ Unrestricted desktop printing print as many as you need! ■ Zip Codes ■ Historical Markers & Cemeteries ■ Overview Map P U B L I S H I N G PO Box 308 • Bulverde, TX 78163 830-885-4668 • © 2005 True North Publishing ISBN 0-9672181-9-5 Street level detail for all of Lampasas County and surrounding areas, including: Lampasas • Lometa • Kempner Lampasas County Map Book Map Book Layout This map book is produced in two scales. Maps 1-26 cover the entire county (except for the southern tip) at a scale of 1"=4400’. Maps with three digit numbers are scaled at 1"=2200’ and cover areas that are more densly populated. The gaps in the numbering system are intentional to allow for future coverage. Interactive Features The entire book is searchable - use the Acrobat Reader’s search function to find any text. Legend Table of Contents Cover................................................................ 1 Locator Map...................................................... 2 Index Highways and Streets............................ 3 Cemeteries.............................................. 6 Historical Markers................................... 7 Map Pages...................................................... 12 84 ......................................US Highways 36 ...................................State Highways 932 ....................Farm-To-Market Roads ..........................Zip Code Boundary 76550 ..........................................Zip Code TRUE NORTH PUBLISHING PO Box 308 Bulverde, TX 78163 830-885-4668 HM 10 ...................................Historical Marker ..............................................Cemetery Use these symbols on the map pages to navigate through the book: Click this symbol to return to this LOCATOR MAP page. Click this symbol to go to the map Click! indicated. MAP 4 Click this symbol to go to the MAP 24 larger scale page of the same area. Printing To print the map book in book form, go to your printer’s "Properties" and select "book printing" or "manual duplex". Locator Map - click any map number to go to that map page 575 MCGIRK LIBERTY 281 2005 HAMILTON 36 84 1047 183 84 STAR 2414 2 84 S PA 1047 572 2412 930 84 EVANT SOUTH PURMELA 183 281 AS GOLDTHWAITE 36 3023 PURMELA M CENTER CITY 932 LA 2005 1 LEVITA 1241 183 MILLS 84 PEARL RIV ER BEE HOUSE MOLINE 3 572 183 5 4 1047 1783 KING 6 116 1690 CORYELL 581 ADAMSVILLE 183 CO 7 LO RA 8 9 2942 DO 140 581 141 IZORO PIDCOKE 581 11 10 12 281 LAMPASAS 580 1690 LOMETA 190 TOPSEY 2527 RIV ER 581 13 3415 14 15 190 580 580 580 17 16 116 18 281 19 183 580 KEMPNER 580 CHAPPEL True North Publishing LAMPASAS 1494 21 22 SAN SABA c 190 2313 NIX 23 187 188 24 281 190 190 25 191 3170 2808 COPPERAS COVE 190 3046 192 26 183 BURNET Visit Our Website For: OKALLA Wall Maps Maps of Surrounding Counties Free Downloadable Maps and Files 193 2657 1478 NARUNA HOOD 20 1113 580 BEND 501 FORT 580 RUMLEY BELL Lampasas County Index Abbreviations The following abbreviations are used throughout this index in the “LOC” column to indicate a general area. BELL........................BELL COUNTY BRNT .......................BURNET COUNTY CNLC.......................CENTRAL LAMPASAS CO. CORY ......................CORYELL COUNTY COVE ......................COPPERAS COVE ESLC .......................EASTERN LAMPASAS CO. EVNT .......................EVANT FTHD .......................FORT HOOD HAML ......................HAMILTON COUNTY KEMP ......................KEMPNER LAMP ......................LAMPASAS SSAB ...................... SAN SABA COUNTY LOME ......................LOMETA WSLC ..................... WESTERN LAMPASAS CO. MILL ........................MILLS COUNTY NOLC ......................NORTHERN LAMPASAS CO. SOLC ......................SOUTHERN LAMPASAS CO. Cities, Towns, and Communities NAME MAP GRID LOC* ADAMSVILLE .............................11 BEE HOUSE ..............................6 BEND .........................................13 COPPERAS COVE ....................20 C6 D4 J9 T4 CNLC CORY SSAB CORY NAME MAP GRID LOC* EVANT ....................................... 2 FORT HOOD ............................. 20 IZORO ....................................... 12 KEMPNER ................................. 26 L8 K12 E5 C3 HAML CORY ESLC ESLC NAME MAP GRID LOC* LAMPASAS ................................24 LOMETA ....................................9 MOLINE .....................................3 NARUNA ....................................22 H9 T2 K4 U14 SOLC WSLC NOLC BRNT NAME MAP GRID LOC* NIX ............................................. 15 OKALLA ..................................... 26 PEARL ....................................... 6 RUMLEY .................................... 18 T5 WSLC U14 BRNT C11 CORY G8 ESLC Highways, Roads, and Streets – Numbers below names (i.e. 3400-3600) indicate address ranges NAME MAP GRID LOC* NAME US HIGHWAYS US HWY 84 ................................1 US HWY 84 ................................2 US HWY 183 ..............................8 US HWY 183 ..............................15 US HWY 183 ..............................16 US HWY 183 ..............................23 US HWY 183 ..............................24 US HWY 183 ..............................24 US HWY 183 ..............................140 US HWY 183 ..............................187 US HWY 190 ..............................7 US HWY 190 ..............................8 US HWY 190 ..............................15 US HWY 190 ..............................16 US HWY 190 ..............................19 US HWY 190 ..............................20 US HWY 190 ..............................23 US HWY 190 ..............................24 US HWY 190 ..............................24 US HWY 190 ..............................25 US HWY 190 ..............................26 US HWY 190 ..............................140 US HWY 190 ..............................187 US HWY 190 ..............................188 US HWY 190 ..............................190 US HWY 190 ..............................192 US HWY 281 ..............................2 US HWY 281 ..............................5 US HWY 281 ..............................11 US HWY 281 ..............................17 US HWY 281 ..............................24 US HWY 281 ..............................187 STATE HIGHWAYS L9 HAML M13 CORY L8 WSLC H9 CNLC R8 CNLC A15 SOLC B1 SOLC M10 SOLC O12 WSLC E5 SOLC U9 WSLC T10 WSLC G8 CNLC R8 CNLC T15 COVE Q7 COVE A15 SOLC G10 SOLC B2 SOLC H7 SOLC B8 ESLC T10 WSLC D4 SOLC O6 SOLC H8 SOLC B2 ESLC R5 NOLC J5 NOLC M5 CNLC L5 CNLC O4 BRNT C6 SOLC ST HWY 257 ..............................187 N14 LAMP FARM-TO-MARKET ROADS FM 116 .......................................20 FM 116 .......................................20 FM 116 .......................................193 FM 183 .......................................2 FM 183 .......................................5 FM 183 .......................................6 FM 183 SPUR ............................6 FM 501 .......................................13 FM 572 .......................................3 FM 580 .......................................12 FM 580 .......................................13 FM 580 .......................................13 FM 580 .......................................14 FM 580 .......................................15 FM 580 .......................................17 FM 580 .......................................18 FM 580 .......................................22 FM 580 .......................................23 FM 580 .......................................24 FM 580 .......................................187 FM 580 .......................................187 FM 581 .......................................9 FM 581 .......................................10 FM 581 .......................................11 FM 581 .......................................11 FM 581 .......................................14 FM 581 .......................................140 FM 581 .......................................141 S2 G1 D11 O11 B15 D7 E5 L6 J9 U15 R12 T7 Q7 T4 T14 F9 A14 C5 B10 F14 M7 K10 B10 E3 E3 A11 U14 O3 COVE CORY SOCC CORY NOLC CORY CORY SSAB MILL ESLC WSLC WSLC WSLC WSLC CNLC ESLC SOLC SOLC SOLC SOLC LAMP CNLC CNLC CNLC CNLC WSLC WSLC WSLC MAP GRID LOC* NAME FM 1047 ..................................... 3 FM 1047 ..................................... 9 FM 1113 ..................................... 19 FM 1113 ..................................... 20 FM 1478 ..................................... 22 FM 1478 ..................................... 23 FM 1478 ..................................... 24 FM 1478 ..................................... 187 FM 1494 ..................................... 23 FM 1690 ..................................... 6 FM 1690 ..................................... 11 FM 1690 ..................................... 12 FM 2313 ..................................... 18 FM 2313 ..................................... 19 FM 2313 ..................................... 26 FM 2313 ..................................... 191 FM 2313 ..................................... 191 FM 2414 ..................................... 1 FM 2527 ..................................... 11 FM 2527 ..................................... 18 FM 2657 ..................................... 19 FM 2657 ..................................... 26 FM 2657 ..................................... 192 FM 2657 ..................................... 193 FM 2808 ..................................... 26 FM 2808 ..................................... 191 FM 2808 ..................................... 192 FM 2942 ..................................... 8 FM 2942 ..................................... 140 FM 3046 ..................................... 20 FM 3046 ..................................... 26 FM 3046 ..................................... 192 FM 3046 ..................................... 193 FM 3170 ..................................... 25 FM 3170 ..................................... 25 FM 3170 ..................................... 26 FM 3170 ..................................... 191 FM 3415 ..................................... 14 FM 3415 ..................................... 15 M14 MILL C15 CNLC J10 COVE O1 COVE U14 BRNT O7 BRNT K3 SOLC U5 LAMP G11 SOLC F10 CORY M14 CNLC F5 ESLC Q10 ESLC U1 COVE B2 ESLC D3 ESLC D3 ESLC H15 HAML Q14 CNLC E3 ESLC U15 COVE B14 ESLC G14 ESLC U1 SOLC E6 ESLC K12 ESLC K12 ESLC N15 WSLC H14 WSLC U2 COVE C15 ESLC F14 ESLC E2 SOCC D15 SOLC D15 SOLC G1 ESLC P3 ESLC G15 WSLC D2 WSLC CR 16 ......................................... 5 CR 18 ......................................... 5 CR 34 ......................................... 6 CR 40 ......................................... 6 CR 79 ......................................... 6 CR 101 ....................................... 23 CR 101 ....................................... 24 CR 104 ....................................... 22 CR 105 ....................................... 22 CR 106 ....................................... 22 CR 106 ....................................... 23 CR 111 ....................................... 23 CR 113 ....................................... 12 CR 114 ....................................... 12 CR 114 ....................................... 12 CR 115 ....................................... 12 CR 116 ....................................... 2 CR 126 ....................................... 7 CR 134 ....................................... 7 CR 138 ....................................... 6 CR 139 ....................................... 6 CR 153 ....................................... 6 CR 154 E ................................... 6 D15 D15 L2 P6 E14 T15 O2 Q11 O10 O12 O3 O12 A7 G10 H15 H12 Q5 Q1 O2 F15 E13 B12 H8 COUNTY ROADS IN SURROUNDING COUNTIES CORY CORY CORY CORY CORY BRNT BRNT BRNT BRNT BRNT BRNT BRNT CORY CORY CORY CORY CORY MILL MILL CORY CORY CORY CORY MAP GRID LOC* NAME CR 154 W ...................................6 CR 154 W ...................................6 CR 155 .......................................6 CR 155 .......................................6 CR 155 .......................................6 CR 156 .......................................6 CR 157 .......................................6 CR 158 .......................................6 CR 165 .......................................6 CR 207 .......................................24 CR 222 .......................................26 CR 223 .......................................26 CR 223 .......................................26 CR 223 A ....................................26 CR 224 E ....................................26 CR 225 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.......................................2 CR 421 .......................................2 CR 423 .......................................7 CR 423 .......................................8 CR 424 .......................................7 CR 425 .......................................7 CR 426 .......................................13 CR 427 .......................................7 CR 428 .......................................7 CR 429 .......................................7 CR 436 .......................................13 CR 442 .......................................21 CR 446 .......................................21 CR 523 .......................................1 CR 524 .......................................1 CR 525 .......................................1 CR 527 .......................................1 CR 528 .......................................1 CR 529 .......................................1 CR 530 .......................................1 CR 531 .......................................1 CR 531 .......................................2 CR 532 .......................................1 CR 533 .......................................1 CR 534 .......................................1 CR 535 .......................................1 CR 535 .......................................4 CR 537 .......................................1 CR 555 .......................................1 G4 CORY H6 CORY G3 CORY N6 CORY H3 CORY E4 CORY D5 CORY A5 CORY A4 CORY N8 BRNT M12 BRNT N4 BRNT T14 BRNT M6 BRNT R6 BRNT U2 BRNT U4 BRNT O14 BRNT N2 BRNT C4 MILL M1 MILL A11 MILL A11 MILL A2 MILL H1 MILL E1 MILL A1 MILL J5 MILL K7 MILL D1 SSAB E1 SSAB N5 SSAB B9 HAML N3 SSAB C9 HAML G10 HAML E5 HAML E9 MILL E2 MILL G12 MILL O9 MILL S7 SSAB E1 MILL O8 MILL D10 MILL J9 SSAB M1 SSAB E3 SSAB F4 HAML B11 HAML K14 HAML K12 HAML C14 HAML L5 HAML F3 HAML L15 HAML N1 HAML L10 HAML O2 HAML N1 HAML T5 HAML A7 HAML L8 HAML M8 HAML MAP GRID LOC* COUNTY ROADS IN LAMPASAS COUNTY CR 1002 CR 1020 CR 1024 CR 1025 CR 1030 CR 1045 CR 1045 CR 1045 CR 1048 CR 1049 CR 1050 CR 1053 CR 1054 CR 1139 CR 1154 CR 1205 CR 1225 CR 1225 CR 1255 CR 1255 CR 1255 CR 1255 CR 1268 CR 1274 CR 1281 CR 1287 CR 1299 CR 1301 CR 1320 CR 1360 CR 1403 CR 1403 CR 1415 CR 1427 CR 1435 CR 1436 CR 1438 CR 1438 CR 1438 CR 1457 CR 1508 CR 1563 CR 1563 CR 1563 CR 1610 CR 1610 CR 1638 CR 1638 CR 1715 CR 1720 CR 1750 CR 1758 CR 1775 CR 1935 CR 1935 CR 2001 CR 2001 CR 2001 CR 2001 CR 2010 CR 2023 CR 2033 .................................... 24 .................................... 23 .................................... 23 .................................... 23 .................................... 187 .................................... 23 .................................... 24 .................................... 187 .................................... 187 .................................... 187 .................................... 187 .................................... 187 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H15 G15 G14 J3 A15 C1 H5 E1 E1 E2 E3 F3 D5 J8 Q3 T13 A14 U6 B6 K10 H7 U5 D6 D5 G5 L10 O13 U8 G7 L15 S5 F3 E14 C9 U13 U13 G13 A14 S13 B12 U9 A9 T2 T4 A8 U4 B4 R14 S13 S11 Q10 U11 U6 A5 T4 D13 N7 S5 N9 M2 F15 SOLC SOLC SOLC SOLC SOLC SOLC SOLC SOLC SOLC SOLC SOLC SOLC SOLC SOLC SOLC CNLC CNLC SOLC WSLC SOLC SOLC SOLC WSLC SOLC SOLC SOLC SOLC CNLC CNLC WSLC WSLC WSLC WSLC WSLC WSLC WSLC WSLC WSLC WSLC WSLC WSLC WSLC WSLC WSLC WSLC WSLC WSLC WSLC WSLC WSLC WSLC WSLC WSLC WSLC WSLC WSLC CNLC CNLC WSLC CNLC CNLC CNLC Page 3 *See Page 3 for Location (LOC) Key NAME CR 2033 CR 2060 CR 2080 CR 2080 CR 2080 CR 2102 CR 2109 CR 2113 CR 2200 CR 2200 CR 2200 CR 2200 CR 2200 CR 2200 CR 2200 CR 2207 CR 2207 CR 2207 CR 2207 CR 2227 CR 2234 CR 2234 CR 2268 CR 2275 CR 2275 CR 2315 CR 2315 CR 2323 CR 2337 CR 2337 CR 2400 CR 2400 CR 2434 CR 2435 CR 2461 CR 2483 CR 2509 CR 2509 CR 2513 CR 2513 CR 2535 CR 2535 CR 2579 CR 2579 CR 2600 CR 2600 CR 2600 CR 2628 CR 2628 CR 2628 CR 2636 CR 2640 CR 2640 CR 2644 CR 2659 CR 2659 CR 2659 CR 2664 CR 2678 CR 2685 CR 2689 CR 2699 CR 2699 CR 2706 CR 2711 CR 2711 CR 2719 CR 2722 CR 2728 CR 2730 CR 2730 CR 2730 CR 2730 CR 2732 CR 2737 CR 2741 CR 2741 CR 2745 CR 2773 CR 2773 CR 2800 CR 2803 CR 2804 CR 2806 CR 2808 Page 4 MAP GRID LOC* NAME .....................................16 .....................................15 .....................................10 .....................................15 .....................................16 .....................................15 .....................................10 .....................................9 .....................................3 .....................................9 .....................................9 .....................................10 .....................................16 .....................................16 .....................................17 .....................................10 .....................................16 .....................................17 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..................................... 4 CR 2965 ..................................... 4 CR 2987 ..................................... 1 CR 2987 ..................................... 4 CR 2998 ..................................... 2 CR 3010 ..................................... 24 CR 3010 ..................................... 25 CR 3010 ..................................... 188 CR 3040 ..................................... 24 CR 3040 ..................................... 188 CR 3050 ..................................... 17 CR 3050 ..................................... 18 CR 3050 ..................................... 18 CR 3050 ..................................... 24 CR 3050 ..................................... 25 CR 3050 ..................................... 25 CR 3050 ..................................... 188 CR 3061 ..................................... 25 CR 3062 ..................................... 25 CR 3062 ..................................... 190 CR 3064 E 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..................................... 19 CR 3341 ..................................... 19 CR 3342 ..................................... 19 CR 3343 ..................................... 19 CR 3344 ..................................... 19 CR 3350 ..................................... 19 CR 3351 ..................................... 19 CR 3355 E ................................. 19 CR 3355 W ................................ 19 CR 3357 ..................................... 19 CR 3364 ..................................... 19 CR 3365 ..................................... 19 CR 3367 ..................................... 19 P4 NOLC B8 NOLC M15 NOLC Q1 NOLC E4 CNLC N15 NOLC L3 NOLC L14 NOLC K3 NOLC U2 NOLC E4 NOLC T4 NOLC B11 NOLC A15 NOLC U14 NOLC A14 NOLC R4 NOLC F10 SOLC A6 SOLC M4 SOLC B10 SOLC D5 SOLC U15 CNLC U2 ESLC U7 ESLC A13 SOLC D11 SOLC A5 SOLC A11 SOLC H5 SOLC G7 SOLC O1 SOLC F6 SOLC G5 SOLC F5 SOLC F6 SOLC F5 SOLC G9 SOLC N1 SOLC E6 SOLC D7 SOLC B4 SOLC A4 SOLC B4 SOLC E9 SOLC J4 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CR 3665 .....................................12 CR 3670 .....................................12 CR 3698 .....................................12 CR 3700 .....................................11 CR 3705 .....................................11 CR 3712 .....................................11 CR 3715 .....................................11 CR 3720 .....................................11 CR 3730 .....................................11 CR 3731 .....................................11 CR 3750 .....................................11 CR 3790 .....................................11 CR 3790 .....................................12 CR 3795 .....................................11 CR 3795 N .................................11 CR 3795 S ..................................11 CR 3800 .....................................5 CR 3800 .....................................11 CR 3830 .....................................5 CR 3831 .....................................5 CR 3900 .....................................5 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.....................................187 CR 4126 .....................................188 CR 4127 .....................................188 CR 4128 .....................................188 CR 4264 .....................................25 CR 4312 .....................................25 CR 4313 .....................................25 CR 4314 .....................................25 CR 4315 .....................................25 CR 4330 .....................................25 M3 ESLC J7 ESLC L8 ESLC N9 ESLC D7 SOLC G8 SOLC F8 SOLC F7 SOLC T14 CNLC C1 CNLC L10 CNLC B6 SOLC G12 LAMP N6 CNLC A5 SOLC R12 CNLC J4 ESLC B9 SOLC C2 SOLC M5 ESLC L11 CNLC K1 ESLC K15 CNLC G7 CNLC T12 CNLC B7 CNLC O15 CNLC O2 ESLC F7 ESLC S10 ESLC O13 ESLC E6 ESLC F3 ESLC M15 CNLC L1 ESLC P13 ESLC D6 ESLC P5 CNLC O9 CNLC O13 CNLC M14 CNLC M5 CNLC K6 CNLC J6 CNLC C7 CNLC A7 CNLC G3 ESLC A6 CNLC A7 CNLC A6 CNLC U6 NOLC A14 CNLC O5 NOLC O6 NOLC H5 NOLC J10 NOLC F6 NOLC E6 NOLC B6 NOLC C6 NOLC T11 LAMP T11 LAMP T11 LAMP T12 LAMP L7 SOLC L5 SOLC M6 SOLC L5 SOLC M9 SOLC J6 SOLC S12 LAMP L9 SOLC R15 LAMP U1 SOLC J8 SOLC S15 LAMP P7 SOLC R7 SOLC T7 SOLC J2 SOLC J5 SOLC K5 SOLC K5 SOLC J5 SOLC J6 SOLC MAP GRID LOC* CR 4330 .................................... 25 CR 4358 .................................... 25 CR 4359 .................................... 25 CR 4360 .................................... 25 CR 4390 .................................... 25 CR 4390 .................................... 190 CR 4450 .................................... 25 CR 4450 .................................... 190 CR 4492 .................................... 190 CR 4492 .................................... 191 CR 4493 .................................... 190 CR 4520 .................................... 26 CR 4520 .................................... 191 CR 4530 .................................... 26 CR 4530 .................................... 191 CR 4620 .................................... 191 CR 4630 .................................... 26 CR 4630 .................................... 191 CR 4641 .................................... 26 CR 4700 .................................... 26 CR 4700 .................................... 26 CR 4700 .................................... 192 CR 4700 .................................... 193 CR 4703 .................................... 192 CR 4704 .................................... 192 CR 4707 .................................... 192 CR 4742 .................................... 192 CR 4744 .................................... 192 CR 4744 .................................... 192 CR 4745 .................................... 192 CR 4746 .................................... 192 CR 4747 .................................... 192 CR 4748 .................................... 192 CR 4749 .................................... 192 CR 4755 .................................... 192 CR 4756 .................................... 192 CR 4756 .................................... 192 CR 4757 .................................... 192 CR 4765 .................................... 192 CR 4765 .................................... 192 CR 4766 .................................... 192 CR 4804 .................................... 26 CR 4804 .................................... 191 CR 4807 .................................... 191 CR 4807 .................................... 192 CR 4808 .................................... 191 CR 4808 .................................... 192 CR 4809 .................................... 192 CR 4810 .................................... 192 CR 4813 .................................... 192 CR 4814 .................................... 192 CR 4818 .................................... 26 CR 4818 .................................... 192 CR 4818 .................................... 192 CR 4820 .................................... 192 CR 4820 .................................... 192 CR 4820 .................................... 192 CR 4830 .................................... 191 CR 4830 .................................... 192 CR 4872 A ................................. 192 CR 4875 .................................... 192 CR 4876 .................................... 192 CR 4877 .................................... 192 CR 4878 .................................... 192 CR 4879 .................................... 192 CR 4881 .................................... 192 CR 4882 .................................... 192 CR 4883 .................................... 192 CR 4884 .................................... 192 CR 4889 .................................... 192 CR 4901 .................................... 192 CR 4902 .................................... 192 CR 4903 .................................... 192 CR 4930 .................................... 192 CR 4930 .................................... 193 CR 4931 .................................... 192 CR 4931 .................................... 193 CR 4932 .................................... 193 CR 4933 .................................... 193 CR 4935 .................................... 193 CR 4936 .................................... 193 CR 4937 .................................... 193 CR 4938 .................................... 193 CR 4953 .................................... 192 CR 4953 .................................... 193 L8 SOLC M7 SOLC M8 SOLC L8 SOLC H9 SOLC P2 SOLC E11 SOLC J6 SOLC J15 SOLC J1 SOLC H15 SOLC G2 ESLC N3 ESLC N2 ESLC P3 ESLC J10 KEMP F8 ESLC M15 ESLC L5 ESLC G12 ESLC L15 ESLC M8 ESLC S4 ESLC N9 ESLC N8 ESLC P7 ESLC L11 ESLC L12 ESLC M14 ESLC L13 ESLC K14 ESLC K14 ESLC M14 ESLC M13 ESLC N13 ESLC Q14 ESLC N14 ESLC N14 ESLC S14 ESLC R14 ESLC S13 ESLC D8 ESLC F15 KEMP F15 KEMP C3 ESLC E15 KEMP D1 ESLC E1 ESLC G1 KEMP C3 ESLC B3 ESLC D11 ESLC F5 ESLC L7 ESLC K6 KEMP J4 KEMP F4 ESLC R14 ESLC L8 ESLC C12 ESLC D12 ESLC D11 ESLC D12 ESLC F11 ESLC E11 ESLC G11 ESLC F11 ESLC E11 ESLC E12 ESLC H14 ESLC A14 COVE A14 ESLC A14 ESLC L15 ESLC K2 ESLC M15 ESLC M2 ESLC L2 ESLC L1 ESLC K3 ESLC J3 ESLC J2 ESLC K3 ESLC N15 ESLC M2 ESLC *See Page 3 for Location (LOC) Key NAME MAP GRID LOC* NAME CR 4961 .................................... 192 CR 4962 .................................... 192 CR 4963 .................................... 192 CR 4964 .................................... 192 CR 4964 .................................... 193 CR 4965 .................................... 193 PR 1015 ..................................... 187 PR 1019 ..................................... 23 PR 1019 ..................................... 187 PR 1236 ..................................... 22 PR 1296 ..................................... 22 PR 1381 ..................................... 21 PR 1424 ..................................... 140 PR 1731 ..................................... 13 PR 1789 ..................................... 13 PR 1803 ..................................... 7 PR 1923 ..................................... 7 PR 1923 ..................................... 13 PR 2525 ..................................... 140 PR 2643 ..................................... 8 PR 2703 ..................................... 3 PR 2709 ..................................... 9 PR 2768 ..................................... 3 PR 2831 ..................................... 5 PR 2919 ..................................... 5 PR 2930 ..................................... 5 PR 3011 ..................................... 188 PR 3020 ..................................... 188 PR 3035 ..................................... 188 PR 3044 ..................................... 188 PR 3050 ..................................... 190 PR 3059 ..................................... 25 PR 3060 ..................................... 25 PR 3072 ..................................... 25 PR 3090 ..................................... 18 PR 3093 ..................................... 25 PR 3093 ..................................... 190 PR 3120 ..................................... 18 PR 3180 ..................................... 18 PR 3184 ..................................... 18 PR 3184 ..................................... 25 PR 3191 ..................................... 18 PR 3300 F ................................. 19 PR 3301 ..................................... 191 PR 3376 F ................................. 19 PR 3376 G ................................. 19 PR 3376 R ................................. 19 PR 3376 T ................................. 19 PR 3376 V ................................. 19 PR 3376 Y ................................. 19 PR 3384 G ................................. 19 PR 3384 T ................................. 19 PR 3410 ..................................... 187 PR 3460 ..................................... 18 PR 3464 ..................................... 18 PR 3487 ..................................... 18 PR 3580 ..................................... 11 PR 3810 ..................................... 6 PR 3815 ..................................... 6 PR 3920 ..................................... 5 PR 3949 ..................................... 11 PR 4001 ..................................... 187 PR 4033 ..................................... 187 PR 4270 ..................................... 25 PR 4302 ..................................... 25 PR 4306 ..................................... 25 PR 4332 ..................................... 25 PR 4337 ..................................... 25 PR 4338 ..................................... 25 PR 4350 ..................................... 25 PR 4352 ..................................... 25 PR 4361 ..................................... 25 PR 4362 ..................................... 25 PR 4363 ..................................... 25 PR 4364 ..................................... 25 PR 4366 ..................................... 25 PR 4368 ..................................... 25 PR 4370 ..................................... 25 PR 4372 ..................................... 25 PR 4405 ..................................... 25 PR 4405 ..................................... 190 PR 4456 ..................................... 25 PR 4458 ..................................... 190 PR 4462 ..................................... 25 PR 4462 ..................................... 190 P14 ESLC Q15 ESLC Q15 ESLC Q15 ESLC R1 ESLC S1 ESLC S2 LAMP H15 SOLC Q1 SOLC B13 SOLC K11 SOLC M13 SOLC U13 WSLC R12 WSLC J8 WSLC U10 WSLC U8 WSLC A8 WSLC H5 WSLC E14 WSLC J14 NOLC Q10 CNLC T9 NOLC O4 NOLC K3 NOLC G4 NOLC L6 SOLC Q11 SOLC J12 SOLC J10 SOLC H6 SOLC H4 SOLC H5 SOLC B3 SOLC U8 ESLC C9 SOLC E4 SOLC U8 ESLC T14 ESLC T15 ESLC A13 SOLC U8 ESLC U2 ESLC E4 KEMP K7 ESLC K7 ESLC L7 ESLC K8 ESLC K8 ESLC K8 ESLC L9 ESLC M8 ESLC F10 SOLC P7 ESLC O4 ESLC J1 ESLC R9 CNLC T4 NOLC S3 NOLC G10 NOLC D5 CNLC T11 LAMP R14 LAMP K3 SOLC J4 SOLC J4 SOLC J5 SOLC J6 SOLC L6 SOLC L7 SOLC M7 SOLC L9 SOLC J6 SOLC J6 SOLC H8 SOLC H7 SOLC H8 SOLC J8 SOLC J7 SOLC J12 SOLC R9 SOLC E11 SOLC J6 SOLC E12 SOLC H8 SOLC MAP GRID LOC* NAME PR 4486 ..................................... 25 PR 4486 ..................................... 190 PR 4487 ..................................... 25 PR 4487 ..................................... 190 PR 4613 ..................................... 191 PR 4659 ..................................... 192 PR 4660 ..................................... 192 PR 4717 ..................................... 26 PR 4740 ..................................... 192 PR 4801 ..................................... 191 PR 4805 ..................................... 191 PR 4806 ..................................... 191 PR 4811 ..................................... 192 PR 4816 ..................................... 192 PR 4819 ..................................... 192 PR 4825 ..................................... 192 PR 4839 ..................................... 192 PR 4872 ..................................... 192 PR 4904 ..................................... 192 PR 4905 ..................................... 192 PR 4950 ..................................... 193 PR 4951 ..................................... 193 PR 4952 ..................................... 193 PR 4953 C ................................. 193 PR 4953 D ................................. 193 PR 4953 R ................................. 193 PR 4953 V ................................. 193 PR 4953 W ................................ 193 D13 SOLC H11 SOLC D13 SOLC H11 SOLC H4 ESLC M3 ESLC M4 ESLC K11 ESLC M11 ESLC K14 ESLC K15 ESLC K15 ESLC K3 ESLC L3 ESLC L7 ESLC E5 ESLC K11 ESLC B12 ESLC A14 ESLC B14 ESLC N1 ESLC N1 ESLC N1 ESLC P1 ESLC Q1 ESLC O2 ESLC M2 ESLC N2 ESLC 1ST ST E ................................... 187 1ST ST N ................................... 141 1ST ST S ................................... 141 1ST ST W .................................. 187 1ST ST W .................................. 187 2ND ST E ................................... 187 2ND ST N .................................. 141 2ND ST S ................................... 141 2ND ST W ................................. 187 3RD ST E ................................... 187 3RD ST E ................................... 187 3RD ST N .................................. 141 3RD ST S ................................... 141 3RD ST W ................................. 187 4TH ST E ................................... 187 4TH ST E ................................... 187 4TH ST N ................................... 141 4TH ST S ................................... 141 4TH ST W .................................. 187 4TH ST W .................................. 187 5TH ST E ................................... 187 5TH ST N ................................... 141 5TH ST N ................................... 141 5TH ST S ................................... 141 5TH ST W .................................. 187 6TH ST E ................................... 187 6TH ST N ................................... 141 6TH ST S ................................... 141 6TH ST W .................................. 187 6TH ST W .................................. 187 7TH ST E ................................... 187 7TH ST N ................................... 141 7TH ST S ................................... 15 7TH ST S ................................... 141 7TH ST S ................................... 141 7TH ST W .................................. 187 8TH ST E ................................... 187 8TH ST N ................................... 141 8TH ST S ................................... 141 8TH ST S ................................... 141 8TH ST W .................................. 187 9TH ST ...................................... 141 9TH ST ...................................... 141 9TH ST E ................................... 187 9TH ST W .................................. 187 10TH ST .................................... 141 10TH ST W ................................ 187 M9 LAMP T1 WSLC U1 WSLC O3 LAMP M8 LAMP M10 LAMP U1 LOME T1 WSLC N7 LAMP M10 LAMP J12 LAMP S1 WSLC U2 WSLC N7 LAMP N9 LAMP N15 LAMP S1 WSLC U2 WSLC N8 LAMP P3 LAMP O9 LAMP Q1 LOME S2 WSLC T3 WSLC O8 LAMP O9 LAMP Q2 WSLC T3 WSLC O8 LAMP P4 LAMP O10 LAMP Q2 WSLC A2 LOME S3 WSLC T4 WSLC O8 LAMP O10 LAMP R3 WSLC S4 WSLC U5 WSLC P9 LAMP U5 WSLC S4 WSLC P9 LAMP P9 LAMP U5 WSLC P8 LAMP A ST ......................................... 141 AVE A EAST .............................. 187 AVE A EAST .............................. 187 AVE A EAST .............................. 187 AVE A WEST ............................. 187 AVE A WEST ............................. 187 AVE B EAST .............................. 187 AVE B EAST .............................. 187 Q2 L11 K11 L8 N3 M7 K10 L8 NUMBERED STREETS LETTER STREETS WSLC LAMP LAMP LAMP LAMP LAMP LAMP LAMP MAP GRID LOC* NAME AVE B WEST .............................20 AVE B WEST .............................187 AVE B WEST .............................187 AVE C EAST ..............................187 AVE C EAST ..............................187 AVE C WEST .............................187 AVE C WEST .............................187 AVE D EAST ..............................20 AVE D EAST ..............................187 AVE D EAST ..............................187 AVE D WEST .............................187 AVE E EAST ..............................187 AVE E EAST ..............................187 AVE E WEST .............................187 AVE F EAST ..............................187 AVE F EAST ..............................187 AVE G EAST ..............................187 AVE G EAST ..............................187 AVE H EAST ..............................187 AVE H EAST ..............................187 AVE I EAST ...............................187 AVE I EAST ...............................187 AVE J EAST ...............................187 AVE L .........................................187 O2 N3 M7 L8 K10 N3 M6 P4 K8 K10 L7 H13 J10 K7 K9 H14 J9 H13 G13 H10 G12 H9 H9 G10 ABBOTT LN ...............................193 ACORN PL .................................187 ALAN ARBOR LN ......................19 ALEXANDER LN ........................187 ANDERSON MTN RD ...............20 ANNA ST ....................................2 ANTELOPE LN ..........................23 ANTELOPE LN ..........................191 ANTELOPE RD ..........................20 APACHE ST ...............................192 ARBOLADO CALZADA .............193 ARISTA RUEDA ........................193 ARMADILLO LN .........................191 ARNOLD ST N ...........................187 ARNOLD ST S ...........................187 ARROWHEAD DR .....................193 ASHLEY DR ...............................19 ATAKA CIR ................................193 ATKINSON AVE ........................193 BARNES ST ...............................187 BELL ST N .................................2 BELL ST S .................................2 BELLAIRE ST ............................187 BENJAMIN CIR ..........................193 BIG DIVIDE RD ..........................19 BIG DIVIDE RD ..........................192 BIGHAM ST ...............................187 BIG VALLEY RD ........................193 BILL BROWN ST .......................191 BLACKBEAR LN ........................191 BLACKHAWK LN .......................192 BLAKLEY RD .............................6 BOBCAT LN ...............................191 BUCKBOARD TRL ....................19 BOXCAR ST ..............................191 BOYS RANCH RD .....................193 BOYS RANCH RD .....................193 BRAZOS ON ..............................191 BRETT LN ..................................193 BRIDGE ST ................................187 BRIDGET DR .............................193 BRIGGS ST ...............................187 BRINIGAR RD ...........................193 BROAD ST N .............................187 BROAD ST S .............................187 BROOK ST .................................187 BROOK ST .................................187 BROOKS DR W .........................2 BROOKS DR W .........................2 BROOKS ST ..............................140 BROWN ST ................................187 BROWN ST ................................187 CACTUS LN ...............................20 CADDELL RD ............................5 CADDELL RD ............................6 CALDWELL RD .........................1 CAMERON DR ..........................187 CAMPBELL ST ..........................187 CAMPBELL ST E .......................2 CAMPBELL ST W ......................2 D12 SOCC N4 LAMP T12 COVE P13 LAMP M5 FTHD G6 EVNT F14 LAMP J15 KEMP A9 FTHD H4 KEMP N12 BELL M10 BELL J14 KEMP M5 LAMP O6 LAMP E5 SOCC J15 COVE P5 BELL A4 COVE R10 LAMP F4 EVNT G4 EVNT Q11 LAMP B5 COVE T10 ESLC A5 ESLC N5 LAMP C4 SOCC G6 KEMP J14 KEMP G2 KEMP S5 CORY H15 KEMP S12 COVE F5 KEMP O14 BELL M3 BELL G9 KEMP L3 BELL N12 LAMP M3 ESLC N12 LAMP C5 SOCC L7 LAMP N8 LAMP J10 LAMP K10 LAMP G3 EVNT G5 EVNT U15 LOME M13 LAMP P12 LAMP B2 CORY G14 CORY G3 CORY D14 HAML O4 LAMP J9 LAMP H4 EVNT G3 EVNT ALPHABETICAL LISTINGS COVE LAMP LAMP LAMP LAMP LAMP LAMP COVE LAMP LAMP LAMP LAMP LAMP LAMP LAMP LAMP LAMP LAMP LAMP LAMP LAMP LAMP LAMP LAMP MAP GRID LOC* CAPRICE LN ............................. 187 CARDINAL LN ........................... 193 CASBEER ST ............................ 187 CASTLEBERRY ST .................. 187 CAVALRY RD ........................... 19 CEDAR ST E ............................. 141 CEDAR ST W ............................ 141 CEDAR GROVE RD ................. 19 CENTRAL TEXAS EXPY .......... 187 CHAFIN LN ................................ 6 CHANDLER DR ........................ 19 CHAPMAN LN ........................... 2 CHEROKEE ST ......................... 191 CHEROKEE TRL ...................... 191 CHERRY ST E .......................... 141 CHERRY ST W ......................... 141 CHESTNUT ST N ...................... 187 CHESTNUT ST S ...................... 187 CHESTNUT ST S ...................... 187 CHEVY WAY ............................. 187 CHEYENNE ST ......................... 191 CHISHOLM TRL ........................ 19 CHRIS AVE ............................... 187 CHIRS JAMES AVE .................. 187 CIRCLE DR ............................... 2 CIRCLE T DR ............................ 19 CLARKE RD .............................. 20 CLARKE RD .............................. 20 CLIFF VIEW RD ........................ 21 CLOUD ST E ............................. 187 COCKERELL ST ....................... 187 COFFEE ST .............................. 187 COLLEGE ST ............................ 187 COLORADO DR ........................ 19 COLORADO LN ........................ 191 COLORADO BEND PARK RD . 21 COL WALTER L PRUGH EXPY ........................................ 191 COMANCHE ST ........................ 191 COMMERCE ............................. 193 CONDUCTOR ST ..................... 191 CONNELL .................................. 193 COPPERAS COVE RD ............. 20 COPPERHEAD LN .................... 191 COUGAR LN ............................. 191 COYOTE LN .............................. 191 CR 4965 .................................... 192 CREEK ST ................................. 187 CRIDER LN ............................... 187 CROMEANS RD ....................... 5 CROMEANS RD ....................... 6 CROSS TIMBERS LN ............... 6 CYPRESS ................................. 193 DANA DR .................................. 187 DANZIG DR ............................... 193 DEADWOOD RD ....................... 193 DEB LYNN AVE ........................ 187 DEER TRL ................................. 23 DEER TRL ................................. 193 DEL NORTE ST ........................ 187 DENT ST ................................... 187 DEPOT AVE .............................. 191 DIAMOND RIDGE DR ............... 187 DOGWOOD DR ........................ 193 DOVE LN ................................... 19 DOYLE DUNCAN RD ............... 12 DUNCAN RD ............................. 19 EAGLE LN ................................. 192 EAST RAILWAY ST N .............. 141 EAST RAILWAY ST S ............... 141 EDWARD DR ............................ 193 ELIJAH RD ................................ 20 ELM ST ...................................... 2 ELM ST E .................................. 141 ELM ST N .................................. 187 ELM ST S .................................. 187 ELM ST W ................................. 141 ESTER RESA ST ...................... 140 ETTA KAY LN ........................... 193 FAIRVIEW DR ........................... 187 FALCON LN .............................. 192 FIELDSTONE DR ...................... 193 FRANK ST ................................. 187 FREEDOM LN ........................... 19 FREEDOM LN ........................... 19 S3 LAMP M14 BELL G13 LAMP O2 LAMP R11 COVE R2 LOME S1 LOME M15 COVE O14 LAMP F13 CORY U12 COVE H3 EVNT G11 KEMP H11 KEMP U3 LOME U2 LOME K8 LAMP M9 LAMP Q10 LAMP S3 LAMP F12 KEMP S12 COVE K2 LAMP T3 LAMP F6 EVNT U13 COVE M13 FTHD S13 FTHD M9 SOLC N12 LAMP O5 LAMP M13 LAMP N11 LAMP P12 COVE J8 KEMP M2 SSAB G7 KEMP G11 KEMP A6 COVE E5 KEMP E9 SOCC S11 FTHD E14 KEMP G14 KEMP G15 KEMP S15 ESLC M12 LAMP R12 LAMP J14 CORY J2 CORY T3 NOLC H9 BELL L1 LAMP P6 BELL C5 SOCC S3 LAMP F15 LAMP L5 BELL Q11 LAMP O11 LAMP F4 KEMP U3 LAMP G9 SOCC F8 CORY D14 CORY A6 CORY N7 KEMP R1 LOME T3 LOME L4 BELL A5 FTHD F5 EVNT S2 LOME J9 LAMP M10 LAMP U1 LOME U14 LOME L8 BELL N4 LAMP M7 KEMP B8 SOCC H14 LAMP S11 COVE R13 COVE Page 5 *See Page 3 for Location (LOC) Key NAME MAP GRID LOC* NAME FT PANIC RD .............................19 GAMEL ST .................................187 GILA BEND ................................193 GILLEN CT .................................187 GLADYS ST ...............................2 GLASS RD .................................19 GOLDMAN LN ...........................187 GRAND CANYON DR ...............187 HACKBERRY ST .......................187 HARMAN RD .............................12 HARRADURA CALZADA ..........193 HARRELL ST .............................187 HAWK LN ...................................192 HEMPEL RD ..............................19 HEMPEL RD ..............................20 HERB RD ...................................19 HETHERLY ST ..........................187 HICKORY LN .............................191 HICKORY ST .............................141 HIGH ST .....................................141 HIGHWAY AVE ..........................20 HILL ST ......................................191 HILLCREST CT .........................187 HILLCRESDT ST .......................187 HILLSDALE RD .........................12 HOLLYWOOD ST ......................187 HOOVER ST ..............................187 HOPI LN .....................................192 HORSESHOE BEND .................193 HOWE ST N ...............................187 HOWE ST S ...............................187 IVY GAP RD ...............................193 JACKRABBIT LN .......................191 JAMIE CIR .................................193 JAVELINA LN .............................191 KATIE LN ...................................187 KEY AVE N ................................187 KEY AVE S ................................187 KIOWA LN ..................................192 KUBITZ RD ................................19 LAMPASAS ST E .......................141 LAMPASAS ST W ......................140 LAMPASAS ST W ......................141 LANDON LN ...............................187 LANGFORD COVE RD .............2 LEATHERS LN ..........................6 LIGHTFOOT LN .........................19 LITTLEFIELD RD .......................12 LIVELY LN .................................187 LIVE OAK ST .............................141 LIVE OAK ST E ..........................2 LIVE OAK ST S ..........................187 LIVE OAK ST W .........................2 LOBO LN ....................................19 LOCUST ST ...............................141 LOIS LN ......................................193 LOMAS RODANDO CALZADA .193 LONESOME OAK DR ................20 LONE STAR DR ........................193 LUTHERAN CHURCH RD ........19 MAGNOLIA ST ..........................141 MAIN RD ....................................21 MAIN RD ....................................21 MAIN RD ....................................22 MAIN ST E .................................141 MAIN ST N .................................187 MAIN ST S .................................20 MAIN ST S .................................187 MAIN ST S .................................187 B4 CORY J10 LAMP C6 SOCC P3 LAMP H3 EVNT G14 CORY P14 LAMP U1 LAMP J10 LAMP C8 CORY N11 BELL N3 LAMP N6 KEMP B15 CORY C2 CORY L9 CORY N13 LAMP H5 KEMP U4 LOME R3 LOME Q1 COVE E5 KEMP O12 LAMP P12 LAMP B9 CORY P12 LAMP H11 LAMP H4 KEMP B10 SOCC M5 LAMP O6 LAMP F12 BELL F14 KEMP A5 COVE G14 KEMP L3 LAMP L8 LAMP N9 LAMP G2 KEMP C12 CORY T3 LOME U15 LOME U1 LOME O4 LAMP P7 CORY S4 CORY T14 COVE J15 CORY P3 LAMP Q3 LOME H5 EVNT N10 LAMP G3 EVNT U14 COVE Q2 LOME L7 BELL M12 BELL E1 CORY N4 BELL D11 CORY Q1 LOME K14 SOLC L11 SOLC J2 SOLC S2 LOME L9 LAMP Q3 COVE P10 LAMP O10 LAMP MAP GRID LOC* NAME MAIN ST W ................................ 140 MAIN ST W ................................ 141 MANDY CIR .............................. 193 MANNING RD ........................... 6 MATHEWS DR .......................... 187 MCANELLY ST .......................... 141 MCCLEAN ST ........................... 187 MCCLEAN ST ........................... 187 MEADOWLAKE LN ................... 193 MEDART RD ............................. 6 MEMORY LN N ......................... 2 MEMORY LN S ......................... 2 MERRIOT RD ............................ 6 MESQUITE LN .......................... 191 MID RIVER RD .......................... 21 MILL ST ..................................... 187 MIMOSA DR .............................. 193 MOON RD ................................. 19 MORSE RD ............................... 26 MOUNTAIN VIEW RD ............... 193 MULBERRY DR ........................ 193 MULBERRY ST ......................... 15 MULBERRY ST ......................... 141 MUSKOGEE .............................. 20 NARUNA RD ............................. 187 NARUNA RD ............................. 187 NIX RD ....................................... 187 NORTH AVE EAST ................... 187 NORTH AVE EAST ................... 187 NORTH AVE WEST .................. 187 NORTH AVE WEST .................. 187 NORTHINGTON ST .................. 187 NORTH RIVER RD ................... 21 OAK ST E .................................. 141 OAK ST W ................................. 141 OAK HILL DR ............................ 19 OAK SPRINGS RD ................... 19 OAK SPRINGS RD ................... 19 OGLETREE PASS .................... 19 OLD CONVENT RD .................. 187 OLD COPPERAS COVE RD .... 20 OLD GEORGETOWN RD ......... 20 OLD GEORGETOWN RD ......... 187 OLIVE ST ................................... 141 OLIVE ST ................................... 187 OMAHA LN ................................ 192 ORCHARD ST ........................... 191 OSAGE LN ................................ 192 PARK LN ................................... 187 PARK RD ................................... 21 PARK ST N ................................ 187 PARK ST S ................................ 187 PATTERSON ............................. 193 PAULA ....................................... 193 PAWNEE LN ............................. 192 PEACH ST ................................. 187 PEACH ST ................................. 191 PEARL RD ................................. 6 PECAN DR ................................ 193 PECAN ST ................................. 141 PECAN ST ................................. 191 PECAN ST N ............................. 187 PECAN ST S ............................. 187 PECAN COVE DR ..................... 19 PECOS LN ................................ 191 PEDERNALES LN ..................... 191 PEGGY NELL ST ...................... 187 PERKINS RD ............................. 2 PERKINS ST ............................. 187 T15 LOME T1 LOME A5 COVE F10 CORY N4 LAMP U4 LOME G11 LAMP H11 LAMP P5 BELL A14 CORY F4 EVNT G4 EVNT N4 CORY G6 KEMP N9 SOLC M12 LAMP G8 SOCC B7 CORY R15 BRNT C5 SOCC E7 SOCC A3 LOME U6 LOME K15 FTHD T7 LAMP U4 LAMP M4 LAMP M9 LAMP L11 LAMP M7 LAMP O3 LAMP J11 LAMP L7 SOLC T4 LOME U3 LOME P14 COVE H9 CORY L10 CORY S15 COVE H8 LAMP T14 FTHD K6 FTHD N13 LAMP Q2 LOME H12 LAMP K5 KEMP G5 KEMP H4 KEMP Q12 LAMP J10 SOLC L6 LAMP N7 LAMP A5 COVE A5 COVE G3 KEMP Q10 LAMP G6 KEMP C11 CORY J7 BELL R2 LOME G5 KEMP J9 LAMP M10 LAMP S15 COVE H9 KEMP H9 KEMP Q4 LAMP K9 HAML O3 LAMP MAP GRID LOC* NAME PICADILLY ST ...........................187 PINE CIR ....................................193 PONY EXPRESS LN .................19 POPLAR DR ..............................193 PORTER ST N ...........................187 PORTER ST S ...........................187 POST OFFICE RD .....................19 POWELL DR ..............................187 PUTNAM ST ..............................2 QUAIL CREEK DR ....................193 RACE ST N ................................187 RACE ST S ................................187 RAMSEY LN ..............................187 RATTLESNAKE ST ...................191 RAWHIDE RD ............................19 RENEE ST .................................192 RETAMA DR ..............................193 RICE ST N .................................187 RICE ST S ..................................187 RIDGE ST N ..............................187 RIDGE ST S ...............................187 RIVERVIEW DR .........................187 ROBERTSON AVE ....................20 ROBERTSTOWN RD ................19 ROBIN LN ..................................193 ROCKY MOUNTAIN DR ...........187 ROLLINS ST ..............................187 RONNIE AVE .............................2 ROYAL OAKS LN ......................12 SALLY CIR .................................193 SAMAC LN .................................187 SAN SABA ST E ........................141 SAN SABA ST W .......................141 SANTA FE LN ............................187 SANTA FE ST ............................191 SAUL DR ....................................187 SELF RD ....................................6 SEMINOLE LN ...........................192 SENTERFITT ST E ....................141 SENTERFITT ST W ...................141 SHELDON RD ...........................2 SHEPPARD LN ..........................187 SIGNAL ST ................................191 SIKES DR ..................................193 SKIPCHA TRL ...........................187 SKYLINE DR ..............................19 SKYLINE DR ..............................187 SKYRIDGE RD ..........................21 SKYVIEW DR ............................187 SLATER RD ...............................6 SLATER RD ...............................12 SNELL ST ..................................187 SNOW RD ..................................193 SOUTH ST .................................187 SOUTH RIVER RD ....................21 SPARKS DR W ..........................2 SPRING ST N ............................187 SPRING ST S ............................187 STANDERFER ST .....................187 STANLEY ST .............................187 STEELE ST ................................187 STEELE RANCH RD .................19 STOKES ST ...............................187 SUE ANN ST .............................187 SUE ANN ST .............................187 SUJA RD ....................................19 SUJA RD ....................................192 SUMMER ST N ..........................187 SUMMER ST S ..........................187 Q12 LAMP F7 SOCC S12 COVE E8 SOCC M5 LAMP O5 LAMP S13 COVE P4 LAMP G5 EVNT L3 ESLC M6 LAMP O7 LAMP P13 LAMP G13 KEMP S12 COVE B14 ESLC N5 BELL N3 LAMP O4 LAMP L7 LAMP O8 LAMP P10 LAMP R5 COVE L14 COVE N14 BELL U2 LAMP J12 LAMP E5 EVNT A7 CORY M8 BELL O2 LAMP S2 LOME T1 LOME J13 LAMP E3 KEMP L2 LAMP N7 CORY H2 KEMP T3 LOME U1 LOME P8 CORY U3 LAMP E5 KEMP L7 BELL N1 LAMP Q13 COVE Q13 LAMP H12 SOLC O4 LAMP T11 CORY C7 CORY Q13 LAMP B9 SOCC P10 LAMP N10 SOLC F2 EVNT M6 LAMP O7 LAMP K11 LAMP H12 LAMP N4 LAMP G10 CORY K12 LAMP Q11 LAMP Q12 LAMP U13 COVE A9 COVE M6 LAMP N6 LAMP MAP GRID LOC* SUMMERS RD .......................... 19 J14 COVE SUNSET DR .............................. 187 O11 LAMP SURPLUS AVE ......................... 187 P2 LAMP TANGLEWOOD DR .................. 193 D10 SOCC TANK DESTROYER BLVD ....... 20 N9 FTHD TAYLOR ST ............................... 187 M14 LAMP TAYLOR ST ............................... 191 F4 KEMP TOM SAWYER ST .................... 2 F5 EVNT TONKAWA LN ........................... 192 J4 KEMP TONKAWA RD .......................... 193 C4 SOCC TRACK RD ................................ 2 Q7 CORY TRUELOVE DR ......................... 19 U12 COVE TURKEY RUN RD ..................... 20 H12 FTHD TWIN HILLS RD ........................ 193 A7 SOCC TWIN MOUNTAIN RD ............... 19 D13 CORY UPTON DR ................................ 193 O5 BELL US HWY 190 ............................. 191 G9 KEMP UTE LN ...................................... 192 J2 KEMP VIGILANTE RD ......................... 193 C5 SOCC VINE ST ..................................... 187 Q10 LAMP WALNUT LN .............................. 191 H6 KEMP WALNUT ST E .......................... 141 U3 LOME WALNUT ST N .......................... 187 L8 LAMP WALNUT ST S .......................... 187 M8 LAMP WALNUT ST W ......................... 141 U3 LOME WATER ST ................................ 187 P10 LAMP WATERWORKS LN .................. 191 F4 KEMP WELLS DR ................................ 193 M4 BELL WELLS DR ................................ 193 P6 BELL WENDY LN ................................ 193 N14 BELL WESTERN AVE N ..................... 187 L9 LAMP WESTERN AVE S ..................... 187 N10 LAMP WEST RAILWAY ST N ............. 141 S1 LOME WEST RAILWAY ST S .............. 141 T2 LOME WHISPERING OAKS DR .......... 20 F1 CORY WHITE ST ................................. 140 U15 LOME WILLIS ST N .............................. 187 N2 LAMP WILLIS ST S .............................. 187 Q3 LAMP WILLOW LOOP ......................... 193 C8 SOCC WILLOW LOOP ......................... 193 D9 SOCC WINCHESTER DR .................... 19 S11 COVE WOLFE DR ................................ 187 T4 LAMP WOLFE DR ................................ 187 T3 LAMP WURTS DR ............................... 2 G5 EVNT YELLOWSTONE DR ................. 187 U3 LAMP YUMA LN ................................... 192 J1 KEMP ZUNI LN ..................................... 192 J4 KEMP Cemeteries NAME MAP GRID LOC* BAILEY ...................................... 24 BEE HOUSE ............................. 6 BEND ......................................... 13 CENTER .................................... 16 CHADWICK ............................... 7 COLONY ................................... 13 COOK ........................................ 187 GARNER ................................... 18 GOTCHER ................................ 19 GROVES ................................... 17 HARMONY RIDGE ................... 7 Page 6 R13 F4 J9 A1 O12 N5 H6 E5 N10 L14 Q2 BRNT CORY SSAB CNLC WSLC SSAB LAMP ESLC CORY CNLC SSAB NAME MAP GRID LOC* HIGGINS ....................................6 HILLSDALE ...............................12 HINES CHAPEL ........................5 HOPE .........................................6 HURST RANCH .........................1 IMMANUEL CHURCH ...............19 KINGSBURY ..............................1 KNOX .........................................4 LANGFORD ...............................2 LOMETA ....................................141 LONG COVE .............................8 G3 CORY B9 CORY K5 NOLC C6 CORY N2 HAML F13 CORY M10 HAML C8 NOLC O7 CORY P1 LOME D12 WSLC NAME MAP GRID LOC* MEDLIN ..................................... 14 MURPHREE .............................. 2 NIX ............................................. 15 OAK HILL .................................. 187 O'NEAL ...................................... 3 PAYNE GAP .............................. 3 PEARL ....................................... 6 PICKETT ................................... 191 PILGRIMS REST ...................... 5 ROCK CHURCH ....................... 18 SENTERFITT ............................ 14 P14 H8 U5 F2 S11 H7 C13 F1 A6 J9 B8 WSLC HAML WSLC LAMP NOLC MILL CORY ESLC NOLC ESLC WSLC NAME MAP GRID LOC* SMITH ........................................11 STANLEY CHAPEL ...................11 STRALEY ..................................11 TOWNSEN ................................11 R15 T5 B7 H9 CNLC CNLC CNLC CNLC Historical Markers NO. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 NAME MAP GRID NO. C. C. Abney House 187 O7 Built in 1883 by P. M. Hargraves. Methodist parsonage, 1913-27. Construction featured beaded wainscoting and carved beveled glass. Recorded Texas Historic Landmark, 1964 Abney Plunge, Site of 187 L9 In 1902, local businessmen hired the American Drilling Co. to drill for oil at this site on W. B. Abney's property. Early the next year, the crew struck sulphur water, which was noted for having medicinal qualities. They also found sources of salt and surface water. On several occasions, water stopped flowing at Abney's well. A new well was drilled next to the old well in 1926, and the following year Abney and his son built the Abney swimming pool. The large pool, known as Abney's Plunge, became a popular attraction for residents and visitors each year. The school district bought the property in 1937 and used the pool for many years until converting the site into a play area in 1954. Walter P. Acker (grave marker) 187 K4 Walter Acker joined the Confederate Army in Paulding, Mississippi at age 16. He arrived in Lampasas in 1875 as an attorney with his second wife, Elizabeth. He was elected district attorney in 1878. state representative in 1883, and mayor in 1901. In 1910 Acker moved to Harris County and served three terms in the State Legislature from that district. In 1930 he was honored as the last confederate veteran to serve in the Texas Legislature. He died at the Confederate Home in Austin J. A. Adkins House 187 N13 Built 1868 by pioneer doctor, J. A. Adkins. House material came from patients paying in stone rather than cash. Recorded Texas Historic Landmark, 1966. Atherton School 10 B4 The first educational facility in this area, a boarding school for boys, opened in the 1880s. It was housed in a two-story structure built on land owned by F. M. Farley. A local schoolteacher, Abbie Atherton, applied to the U.S. Government for a post office for the community in 1892. The post office was named Atherton, and Abbie Atherton served as first postmistress. Eventually, the community and the school also became known as Atherton. In addition to educational facilities, the school provided a meeting place for local church congregations and community activities. W. T. Nelson donated an acre of land at this site for the school in 1904. The school building was enlarged over the years as student attendance increased, and another acre of land was deeded to the school in 1918 by W. T. Nelson. Atherton school served families in a large rural area, with some students traveling as many as five miles to school each day. Atherton School continued to serve residents of this area until 1942, when it was consolidated with the Lometa School System. The school building was later moved to Lometa in 1956. Battle Branch 25 J3 Battle Branch This branch of Sulphur Creek was named for an event in the Horrell-Higgins Feud. On the morning of March 26, 1877, Tom and Mart Horrell were going to Lampasas to attend district court. En route, they were ambushed by gunmen hiding in the brush near this location. The Horrells returned fire and the attackers rode away. Mart took his wounded brother to a nearby residence and continued to town for help. He led a squad of Texas Rangers to the site, but officers never caught the attackers. Many believed a Higgins faction had set up the ambush. The feud would continue, with additional gunfighting, for several more months. (2003) James Jackson Beeman (grave marker) 187 K4 (December 21, 1816 - December 7, 1888) One of the first settlers in Dallas and Weatherford. Born in Madison County, Ill., came to Texas 1840. He helped cut first road in Trinity Bottoms, name Turtle Creek (1841), and plat city of Dallas, 1842. He guided Texas President Sam Houston to Indian parley, 1843; joined California Gold Rush, 1849; pioneered, Parker County, 1854; aided in rescue of Comanche captive Cynthia Ann Parker, 1860. Returned to Dallas to live, 1864. Died in Lampasas. Centenary College and St. Dominic’s Villa 187 E7 Centenary College Preparatory School, Lampasas' first coeducational college, was founded 1883 by the local Methodist Episcopal Church, on the centennial of the organization of Methodism in the United States. First president was The Rev. Marshall McIlhaney, at a salary of $125 per month. Two 3-story buildings comprised the plant. First-year enrollment was 174 and tuition was $25 per 5month semester; Christmas break lasted 1-1/2 days. In 1894 the property was sold and classes moved to the vacant Park Hotel; when the hotel burned a year later, the college closed. St. Dominic's Villa, a Catholic boarding academy for girls of all faiths, opened in 1900 in the former Centenary College buildings. Under the able, spirited direction of the Dominican Sisters, it made progress for two decades. Its former students recalled their villa days as ones of "girlhood happiness". Sister Mary Catherine, director, and her dedicated staff developed an atmosphere of home-like contentment and high scholastic 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 NAME MAP GRID standards. The college had two 5-month semesters; to gain school days, Easter vacation was not observed. Peak enrollment of 70 was reached in the second year. Anti-Catholic activity of the "Ku Klux Klan" helped influence the villa to close, 1925. Central Christian Church 187 N8 This Disciples of Christ congregation was organized as early as 1879. V. R. Stapp served as the first full-time pastor. In 1905, this church building was erected to replace an earlier sanctuary located on Fourth Street. Constructed of hand-quarried, native limestone, the Central Christian Church building exhibits some influences of the Romanesque revival style. Outstanding features include the masonry work and the corner tower. Chadwick’s Mill 7 U5 Famous pioneer sawmill, flour mill, and cotton gin. Built 1874 by Henry A. Chadwick and son Milam. A sturdy oak dam across river supplied power. A millrace chiseled in sandstone channeled water to millstones. Mill and gin house were also sandstone. A fish trap in millrace offered food and sport to customers, who often had to wait several days for a turn at the mill. This scenic spot grew to be a popular resort around 1900, with hotel and dance platform. Attracted hundreds of campers. Change in course of river, 1915, forced mill to be abandoned. Clear Creek Baptist Church 192 F14 According to oral tradition, this congregation was organized in 1872 as the Clear Creek Missionary Baptist Church by six families who resided in this area of east Lampasas County. The church petitioned for membership in the Leon River Baptist Association in 1876 and sent delegates to the associational meeting the following year. The Rev. Ambrose W. Elledge (d. 1884) served as first pastor and is buried in the nearby cemetery. In 1889 Joseph M. and Alice Carnes formally deeded land at this site to the church deacons, although a sanctuary had been here since the late 1870s. During the last few years of the 19th century, the congregation joined the newly formed Lampasas Baptist Association and grew to a membership of 66 under the leadership of The Rev. C. C. Greer. In 1912, a tornado and then a hailstorm caused damage to the sanctuary, but repairs sufficed to keep the building standing until the decision to rebuild was made in 1940. Over the years a brush arbor and later an open air tabernacle were used for revivals. Baptisms were held in the Lampasas River (5 mi. S) until 1975. The oldest legible tombstone in the nearby church cemetery is dated 1872. Cook Cemetery 187 P11 This cemetery, Lampasas' oldest, was established as a pioneer community graveyard in the mid-1850s. The first marked burial here was that of Rebecca Hughes in 1854. The cemetery is named after Arkansas natives William M. and Cynthia Cook who moved to Texas about 1856 and bought the land containing this graveyard in 1861. No recorded burials occurred here after that of J. S. Brown (d. 1873), due, it is believed, to major flooding here in 1873. The cemetery has been altered by highway and business development. It was deeded to the Lampasas County Historical Commission in 1978. Old Cook Home, 1861 187 Q11 Of white native stone and lumber hauled here by wagons. First cemetery in county is nearby. Recorded Texas Historic Landmark 1966. First State Meeting of the Daughters of the Republic of Texas1 8 7 N11 On April 20, 1892, thirteen members of the Daughters of the Lone Star Republic met in joint session with the Texas Veterans Association in Lampasas. Having been organized the previous November in Houston, the Daughters had been at work in the interim preparing a constitution and bylaws. Guy M. Bryan, vice president of the Texas Veterans Association, presided at the 1892 annual convention in the Lampasas County Courthouse. Mrs. Willie Ashe of Houston, representing her grandmother, Mrs. Anson Jones, President of the Daughters, addressed the gathering and eloquently stated the goals and objectives of the new organization. Following the adjournment of the Texas Veterans' meeting on April 21, the Daughters of the Lone Star Republic reconvened at the Lampasas Methodist Church (2 blocks east). With Mrs. Anson Jones presiding, the members changed the name of the association to the Daughters of the Republic of Texas and adopted a constitution. The first state meeting of the DRT solidified the members' desire to organize and inaugurated a Texas institution dedicated to the preservation of the heritage of the Republic era. Shadrick Denson House 188 K8 Built in Civil War era by Shadrick T. Denson, soldier of Forney's Brigade in the Confederate Army. Builder was Lampasas County sheriff, 1870-74, in time of deadly feuds. Shot in the line of duty, later died as result of wound. Recorded Texas Historic Landmark - 1964 First Baptist Church 187 N8 Originally known as Sulphur Springs Baptist Church, this congregation was Page 7 Historical Markers - continued NO. 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 NAME MAP GRID NO. organized in 1856, the same year the town and county of Lampasas were created. Moses Hughes, one of the earliest settlers in the area, was 24 instrumental in the church's formation. The first pastor was The Rev. Richard Howard (1817-82), a native of South Carolina who was active in the establishment of several pioneer Texas churches. A sanctuary built along Sulphur Creek served the congregation until 1872 when a new building was constructed at Main and Fourth streets. By the late 1880s a larger facility was needed and a new building was begun at Third and Key streets. A lack of funds caused delays and it remained partially built until the 1890s. Under the direction of The Rev. J. M. Carroll, local residents donated property to the church. Funds from the sale of the land were used to complete the building. A fire destroyed the structure in 1937 and new facilities were built on the same site. Since the earliest days of the city, the First Baptist Church of Lampasas has been an active leader in civic development, missions, and Baptist associational work. Many prominent pastors and community leaders have been associated with the congregation. First Public School in Lampasas 187 L9 Erected 1895 to replace rented sites and aid in raising standards. In constant use. RTHL, 1965 First United Methodist Church 187 P13 Methodists in Lampasas were holding church services as early as 1866. The Rev. William F. Cummins is the first known pastor to have served the Methodist circuit in this area. Although the exact details of the organization of the First United Methodist Church of Lampasas are unclear, it is known that a sanctuary was built on Fourth Street in 1880, during the pastorate of The Rev. E. F. Kahle. Four years later, the congregation sponsored the opening of 25 Centenary College. The Christian Boarding and Preparatory School was located in Lampasas and was in operation for about ten years. In 1900, under the leadership of The Rev. J. S. Braswell, the fellowship moved to a new church home on Key Avenue. The congregation relocated to Highway 190 26 East and Alexander Drive (1 mi. N) in 1966. Mergers with the Black Methodist congregation known as Alice Chapel and a rural Methodist church at Ogles have strengthened the membership. With ties to the Reconstruction Era in 27 Texas history, the First United Methodist Church of Lampasas has played a long and distinguished role in the leadership of this community. Descendants 28 of some of the earliest known members still worship with the congregation. James S. Gillett (grave marker) 187 K4 (1810-1874) Lawyer and frontier fighter. Born in Kentucky. Attained rank of Major in Mexican War, 1846-49. He was elected to the 3rd Texas Legislature, serving 1849-50. Appointed by Gov. P. H. Bell, he was Adjutant General of Texas, Nov. 24, 1851, to Feb. 4, 1856. He was again in the Texas Rangers in 1859-60 and served under Confederacy in Civil War, 1861-65. He married Elizabeth Harper. One of their children was famed Texas Ranger James B. 29 Gillett. Garrison Greenwood (grave marker) 187 K4 (December 19, 1799-October 18, 1859) A Ranger in Republic of Texas, 30 Greenwood left Illinois to avoid Indian Wars. Arrived in Texas (then part of Mexico) in 1833 with wagon train of Baptist Daniel Parker. In 1835 he helped found Fort Houston (in present Anderson County); set up a Ranger post on 31 Trinity River to fight Indians. In 1836 he led local settlers fleeing to Louisiana in front of Santa Anna's army in "Runaway Scrape." Spent rest of life as Texas farmer. Had 14 children. Hancock Springs 187 R8 First white settlers in 1850's found Indians using curative waters here. Town 32 was quickly developed around the springs. Stage and freight routes and many cattle drives came this way. The springs took the name of landowner, John Hancock. On a hill to the north about 1882, promoters of the Santa Fe Railway built a 200-room "Park Hotel," with boardwalk to the springs, bathhouses, many other luxuries. It gained wide fame as South's finest health resort. 33 Closed in a few years as a hotel, it later housed Centenary College, until it burned in 1895. Area is now a city park. Hanna Springs 187 N11 Famous health spa and resort of early Lampasas. These sulphur springs were first exploited by John Hanna, member of a locally prominent family. Hundreds came to camp and take the healing waters. As reputation of area grew, the Central Texas Town Co. was formed to promote park, 1884. A convention hall was built, and the 1892 State Democratic Convention, meeting here, voted to support Grover Cleveland for U.S. President and nominated James Hogg for Governor. (Both men won.) Hanna Hall was later converted into an opera house. The resort closed after 1900. Hart House 187 N10 Built soon after Civil War. At first was 2-room, 2-story stagecoach stand and hotel. During 1870's was enlarged twice, to board visitors of the local health resort. Also has been a tannery, and has survived two floods of Sulphur Creek. Page 8 NAME MAP GRID (1966) Horrell-Higgins Feud 187 N11 The Horrell and Higgins families were among the early settlers of Lampasas County. Tom, Mart, Merritt and Sam Horrell were accused of many crimes, including cattle rustling and murder. Pink Higgins was a cattleman and trail driver who, in 1876, began accusing the Horrell brothers of stealing his cattle. On January 22, 1877, Pink Higgins shot and killed Merritt Horrell in the Gem Saloon. This was the beginning of a six-month battle between the Horrell brothers and Pink Higgins, Bob Mitchell, Bill Wren and their followers. On March 26, Tom and Mart Horrell were ambushed on their way into Lampasas. Captain John C. Sparks of the Texas Rangers went in pursuit, but no one was captured. Higgins remained a fugitive, but eventually surrendered and was ordered to appear in court. On June 4, the Lampasas County District Clerk's Office was burglarized and District Court records were destroyed. Three days later, the biggest battle of the feud took place on the public square in Lampasas; one man from each side was killed. Major John B. Jones, commander of the Texas Ranger Frontier Battalion, came to Lampasas and sent Sergeant N. O. Reynolds and a company of Rangers out to capture the Horrells. The brothers were arrested and agreed to make peace by sending a letter of reconciliation to the Higgins party. This treaty was the formal end to one of the worst feuds in Texas history. What was perhaps the true termination of the feud came in 1878 in the town of Meridian, when Tom and Mart Horrell were murdered in their jail cell by a vigilante mob. Sam Horrell left Texas, resettled in Oregon and died of old age. Pink Higgins eventually settled near Spur in West Texas and went to work as a range detective. (2000) W. R. Hughes Home 25 A12 Built 1880 by W. R. Hughes, farmer, orchard grower. "Old Plantation" architecture; has ornate gables, dormers, glass. Recorded Texas Historic Landmark, 1966 Moses Hughes Home, 1856 23 B2 Family kept a mule tied to live oak in the yard, to bray and warn them of Indian attack. RTHL - 1966 Hughes’ Springs 188 M2 One of the Lampasas sulphur springs named in honor of first settler in this vicinity in 1853, Moses Hughes, whose wife regained health through its waters. Huling Cottage 187 N9 Built 1860-1872. Native limestone and cedar. New England colonial architecture. Bought 1872 for $3,000 in gold by Mrs. Elizabeth Bullock Smith Huling, who as an orphan from Kentucky was in the group of Texas families fleeing toward the Sabine River just ahead of Santa Anna's army in the 1836 "Runaway Scrape". Her husband, Thomas B. Huling (1805-1865), was in the revolution, and was later a Republic of Texas Congressman. W. N Huling Home, 1877 187 M9 Mrs. Huling, a Lampasas banker's daughter, was cousin to U.S. Treasury Secretary Andrew Mellon. Recorded Texas Historic Landmark, 1965 Old Huling Mansion 23 D9 Later the "Snap" Bean Ranch House. Built 1855 with slave labor, of native stone and cedar. Recorded Texas Historic Landmark, 1966 Keystone Hotel 187 M10 1870. Famous early-day stagecoach inn of J. L. N. Gracy. Windows have keystone arches. Native rock was hauled to site by oxen. In rear was grave of boy killed by Indians; also bell tower, house for employees. Wagon yard was across road. Recorded Texas Historic Landmark, 1965 Lampasas County 17 Q3 Formed from Travis and Bell counties; created February 1, 1856; organized March 10, 1856; The name Lampazos, first given to the river by the Spaniards, was suggested by the many cockle-burs in the region. First settlements about 1850; first railroad, 1882; county seat, Burleson, after 1856, called Lampasas. Lampasas County Courthouse 187 N11 After the Texas Legislature created Lampasas County in 1856, official business of the county was conducted from a variety of spaces and buildings. Land for the courthouse square was set aside when the town of Lampasas was platted in the 1850s. In 1882, the Gulf, Colorado and Santa Fe Railroad extended their tracks to the county seat, bringing significant growth and prosperity to the area. In 1883, the Commissioners Court, with county judge W. P. Beall presiding, hired Waco architect Wesley Clark Dodson to design the new courthouse. The building contractor (Kane Brothers) and the stone contractors (T. Lovell and Company) executed Dodson's plan, completing the building in 1884. Reflecting influences of the Second Empire and Italianate styles of architecture, the Lampasas County Courthouse features a central clock tower, arched windows and a mansard roof. In 1884, the Commissioners Court authorized the city to place a Seth Thomas clock in the tower. Since its construction, the courthouse has been a focal point for city and county activities, including local festivals. Floods in 1936 and 1957 damaged the Historical Markers - continued NO. 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 NAME MAP GRID NO. building, requiring repair and reconstruction. Today, the stately Lampasas County Courthouse remains an outstanding example of the golden era of courthouse construction in the state. It continues to serve as an important symbol of the county's growth and development and as an influence on the historic character of the county seat. Recorded Texas Historic Landmark 41 1965 Lampasas County Jail 187 N10 Built in 1883 of native stone with Romanesque trim. Later stuccoed. Supports of interior scaffold remain. Lampasas County, C. S. A. 187 N11 Organized 1856; had 1028 people in 1860; favored secession by 85 to 75 vote in 1861. Sent 2 units to serve in Texas State Troops, 2nd Frontier District; one unit to 17th Texas Infantry; 2 units to 27th Brigade, Texas Militia. Also had 48 Minute Men in 6 patrols to guard home front and property of men away at war. After a week of duty, each unit returned home to aid women and children tending cattle, crops. Helped supply frontier troops and miners in Longhorn Caverns. Indians still roamed here during Civil War, stealing horses, killing hunters and others. Gunfight at the Lampasas Saloon 187 T5 In the early 1870s Lampasas was a wild frontier town. In January 1873 Sheriff S.T. Denson was shot while arresting brothers Wash and Mark Short. The district judge sent men to apprehend the Short brothers, but the posse was 42 stopped by Ben, Tom, and Mart Horrell and several others. Sheriff Denson and the justices of the peace of Lampasas County appealed to Governor Edmund J. Davis for the assistance of the State Police. On February 10, Governor Davis issued a proclamation prohibiting the carrying of sidearms in Lampasas. On March 14, Captain Thomas Williams and seven state policemen entered Lampasas to enforce the proclamation. The State Police immediately arrested Bill Bowen for carrying a gun in town. Bowen persuaded Captain Williams and two of his men to enter Jerry Scott's Lampasas Saloon, this led to a gunfight 43 between the State Police and the Horrell brothers and their associates. Three officers were killed in the saloon and a fourth was fatally wounded while trying to escape. The police were buried in Lampasas, but Captain Williams was reinterred in the Texas State Cemetery in Austin. More State Police came to Lampasas and joined forces with the sheriff and Lampasas and Burnet County Minute Men companies to search for the Horrell Gang. They arrested four men connected with the incident. In early May the Horrell gang attacked the Georgetown Jail and released Mart Horrell and Jerry Scott form custody. The Horrell gang remained in the Lampasas area until September when they left for New Mexico. In 1874 they returned to Lampasas. In 1876 the Horrell brothers stood trial for the murder of the State Police, but were found not guilty. (2000) Lampasas Volunteer Fire Dept. 187 N9 Beginning with two hose-reel companies and one hook and ladder company in late 1880's this department has been constantly on call. Has fought many serious blazes; assisted during several disastrous floods. On Christmas Eve, the big red trucks carry food and clothing to the needy. Little Hotel 187 M9 After the nearby Gracy (now Keystone) Hotel was completed in 1870, it was 44 decided to use the leftover stone for the construction of a "Little Hotel." Built for J. L. N. Gracy and his bride, the structure contained a private apartment upstairs and rooms for travelers downstairs. It was constructed by Charles Green, a stonemason who worked on several other buildings in the area, including the Gracy Hotel and the Coleman County Courthouse and Jail. The Little Hotel now serves as a reminder of the pioneer heritage and craftsmanship of Lampasas. Long Cove Baptist Church 8 D13 The organizational meeting for the Long Cove Baptist Church was held on February 22, 1876, by The Rev. Noah T. Byars, a prominent early Texas Baptist minister. There were eight charter members in the congregation, which originally was known as Sims Creek Baptist Church. By 1885, the name Long Cove had been adopted. Membership grew under the leadership of itinerant pastors. The fellowship met for worship services for many years in the Long Cove schoolhouse, which was located near this site. The schoolhouse also served as a community social center. When the structure burned in 1925, the congregation, under the leadership of The Rev. D. K. Smith, constructed a wooden sanctuary. By 1981, membership had dwindled such that those remaining voted to disband. For more than a century, the church provided significant service and leadership to the Long Cove community and, through former members, to other areas as well. The cemetery at this site was long associated with the Baptist congregation. It is located on the grounds of the early school building and contains the graves of Civil War and World War II 45 veterans, and pioneers of the rural community. McAnelly Settlement 13 R13 NAME MAP GRID Threshold for settlement of Lampasas, San Saba counties. Commemorates homestead site of Robert D. McAnelly (1806-1888) who came here in early 1830's; was surveyor of large areas of surrounding land. McAnelly's Bend was named for him in 1858. His son, Cornelius, was first white child born in Lampasas County. Moline School Site 3 K14 The Moline community was settled on the north central boundary line of Lampasas County in the 1880s. Early families in the area were the Carswells, Cooks, Andersons, Woods, Bakers, O'Neals, Hairstons, Pattersons, Poes, Murphys, Adamses, and Woolseys. Children of the settlers attended school in Payne Gap (Mills County) or in the Gray community. Facilities at these schools grew too small to accommodate the number of children in the area. In 1916, Kenneth A. and Olive Patterson donated five acres of land for the Moline School. Prominently sited on a hill (100 yds. SE) overlooking the community, the original three-room building was constructed by G. C. O'Neal with the help of other citizens. From 1916 until 1949, Moline School grew to include five classrooms, a science lab, library, homemaking room, shop, lunchroom, and a four-room teacherage. During its peak enrollment in the early 1930s, Moline was the largest rural school in Lampasas County. Although the school closed in 1949 and Moline is now a ghost town, their history is an important part of the heritage of Lampasas County. Oak Hill Cemetery 187 K4 Hartwell Fountain sold ten acres of land to the City of Lampasas in 1872 to establish this cemetery. Originally known as City Cemetery, it was renamed Oak Hill Cemetery in 1908. The Ladies Cemetery Association, a group of concerned Lampasas women, maintained the cemetery from 1891 to 1948, when the city assumed responsibility. Among those buried here are local pioneers, prominent business people, veterans of wars including the Texas Revolution and the Civil War, and their descendants. Site of Old Opera House 187 M9 (1883-1894) Typical of the efforts of early communities to bring culture to the frontier, the Elks Opera House was also the scene of traveling theatricals, local amateur dramas, and reunions of Confederate veterans. Sometimes called the Barnes Opera House (for owner) it presented "Ten Nights in a Bar Room," "Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde," "East Lynn," and other popular plays of the late 19th century, as well as musical programs. Modern for the times, it was lighted by brilliant chandeliers and had brown leather chairs extending in tiers to the orchestra pit. The drop curtain was a woodland scene on a flaming red background. When the structure burned in 1894, it was not rebuilt. Several hundred opera houses sprang up in Texas between the decades of the Republic and World War I. Every major town had one, and opera companies from San Francisco, Chicago, and Cincinnati made annual tours, sometimes playing a town two weeks. Opera houses also helped curb the influence of theaters and music halls, whose public reputation unfortunately matched that of the saloons and gambling houses. With the advent of the automobile, radio, and motion picture in the early 20th century, however, audiences declined and the opera house era came to a close. Recorded Texas Historic Landmark, 1967 Operation Longhorn 15 A1 The close of World War II brought new tensions to America that led to the Cold War. Under fear of communism and nuclear assault, the U.S. Army and Air Force simulated a war in one of the largest maneuvers ever to be staged on American soil. Called Operation Long Horn, the simulation included thwarting an invasion and recovering from an atomic attack. To carry out the mock war, which began in late March 1952, ranchers between Waco and San Angelo signed easements to their land. Several Lometa-area ranches became sites of battles and campgrounds as more than 115,000 troops came to Texas for maneuvers. The town's population grew from 900 to 22,000, and the troops and supporting civilian staff members faced life in a small town. Local residents cooperated and participated by rationing and trading with troops, offering facilities for a mock U.S.O. (United Service Organizations) facility and attending programs and presentations given by soldiers. Such programs included an airdrop of 2,500 troops, as well as weapons, equipment and rations, in a training maneuver that pitted the 31st Infantry, 47th Infantry, and 1st armored division against the 82nd Airborne Division out of Fort Bragg, North Carolina. In a nationally publicized event, aggressor forces captured and occupied Lampasas (17 mi. SE), establishing mock control of media and setting curfews. The city was liberated near the end of the simulation on April 9, 1952. The $3,300,000 exercise left local residents with damaged ranch land, outbuildings, fences and gates, as well as spooked livestock, but also gave them an opportunity to experience war in their own community. (2004) John Patterson House 11 D6 Built 1879-1880 by John Patterson, first man to cultivate (in 1854) land in county, and a Minute Man during Civil War. Recorded Texas Historic Page 9 Historical Markers - continued NO. 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 NAME MAP GRID NO. Landmark, 1965 Phantom Hill Road 8 T10 In 1851-52, in a major reorganization of the frontier defense system, the U.S. Army built a line of 7 forts between the Red River and the Rio Grande to protect the scattered remote settlements and travel routes to California. On Nov. 14, 1851, Fort Phantom Hill was established near present Abilene (120 miles NW) by Col. J. J. Abercrombie and the 5th Infantry. The Phantom Hill 54 Road, the vital transportation and communication link between the fort and military headquarters at Austin (80 miles SE), was the first road in Lampasas County, and crossed at this site. Supply trains of up to 24 wagons drawn by mules, horses, and oxen passed along this route to the frontier fort. The road was used primarily by the military until the abandonment of Fort Phantom Hill 55 on April 6, 1854, but also served as a thoroughfare for early settlers entering the region and continued in that capacity until after the Civil War. About 1870, traffic passing through the area was diverted to the Senterfitt Stage Station (1.5 miles SW), and this section of the road abandoned. Several isolated segments of the Phantom Hill Road remain in use in the county, and physical evidence of the Emy's Creek Crossing (200 yards S) still exists. Phillips and Trosper Buildings 187 N10 Many of Lampasas' downtown structures, including buildings on the site 56 owned by prominent developer John B. Higdon, were gutted by fire in August 1884. Higdon then sold one lot to David W. Phillips, who served in the State Legislature in 1898-1902. Late in 1884, Phillips erected the eastern half of this 57 pair of adjoining structures. Grocers J. M. and A. L. Trosper built the other half at about the same time. In 1888 the Trospers sold the property to noted civic leaders and druggists, H. N. and J. R. Key. The Key Brothers Drug Store occupied the Trosper building for 16 years. These buildings are good examples of late 19th century commercial storefront. They feature limestone construction, 4-bay facades, and round-arched transoms above the entry doors. The buildings have housed several businesses, including the Majestic Cafe, Donovan's Cafe, Hoover & Noyes Saloon, the Lampasas "Daily Leader" newspaper, the Bum's Domino Club, the workshop of a noted bootmaker, a bowling alley, grocery store, dance hall, furniture store, meat market, and 58 apartments. The Trosper and Phillips buildings, important elements of downtown Lampasas, are both listed in the National Register of Historic places. Recorded Texas Historic Landmark - 1995 Pierian Club 187 M9 Twenty civic-minded women in 1902 chartered the Pierian Club of Lampasas, which became a member organization of the General Federation of Women's Clubs and the Texas Federation of Women's Clubs that same year. The club was named for the mythical Pierian Spring, and the members focused on 59 literature, art, education, social issues, Texas heritage and philanthropy. In 1903, the Pierians joined with another group to begin a book collection for what would become the Lampasas Public Library. After more than a century, the club continues to support the library and to make substantial contributions to the betterment of the community. (2003) Pleasant Valley Farmers’ Alliance No. 1 16 P2 First chapter of the Farmers' Alliance in Texas. Founded 1877, it became one of the strongest arms of the national agrarian reform movement of the era. The 60 group was begun by John R. Allen on Donaldson Creek (1 mi. S) in a "rawhide" (rough) lumber school. Its main purpose was to improve ruinous 61 farm living and economic conditions. Missing livestock were traced by 2 secret officers known as "Grand Smokies". In 1887 the 3,000 sub-alliances merged with the "Farmers' Union", then helped spark the Populist Party drive of the 1890's; but by 1900 they had died out. Thomas Pratt (grave marker) 187 K4 62 (1807-1878). Veteran of Army of Republic of Texas, he was Captain of 1st Regt., T. J. Green's Brigade, in 1836. In Civil War (1861-65), served in Texas Militia, Confederate Army. In private life, was farmer and rancher. Owned land in Coleman and Lampasas counties. His wife Susan (1795?-1878) was a member of first Anglo colony in Texas. A kindly man, Pratt left funds in his will to provide meat for "poor and reputable widows". Salt Works, C. S. A. 15 A1 West of here, on the Colorado. Brine springs used by Indians as infirmary or health resort. Increased operations in Civil War to make Army supply, for the men, cavalry horses and mule teams; and for general use for table and ranch purposes. To pump brine from the spring, a horse driven in a circle operated a lift that filled troughs upon a 40-foot-high scaffold. Cedar boughs placed in the troughs concentrated the brine, which filtered down into iron kettles that boiled one bushel of salt out of 50 bushels of brine. Santa Fe Depot 187 M10 1904. Early-day center for news and social life. Replaced mule car from old depot to city square. Recorded Texas Historic Landmark, 1966 Scholten Railroad 15 A3 63 Page 10 NAME MAP GRID Owned by the "Scholten Brothers Cedar Company". A 25-mile narrow-gauge railroad that operated about 1912-1920 from Lometa to San Saba County. Constructed by Edward and Alfred Scholten (from Holland), line hauled cedar posts and piling to Santa Fe Line at Lometa to be distributed to fast-growing West Texas. Employees totaled 500. Headquarters were located 100 yards west. Site of Old Town of Senterfitt 14 C9 Named for Reuben S. Senterfitt, cattle king in this area in 1850's. Post office was established at early stage stand, 1877. Mr. Senterfitt laid out townsite and gave land for cemetery and school. Town served a large area producing wool, hides, cotton, pecans; had 400 people before removal to railroad about 1890. Senterfitt Cemetery 14 C9 Pioneer Reuben S. Senterfitt came to this area in the 1860s. A town named for him gradually built up and at its peak boasted hotels, mills, stores, saloons, a school, churches, a stage stop, and this cemetery. The town declined after it was bypassed by the railroad in the 1890s. The cemetery contains the graves of many early settlers. The oldest documented burial here is that of Joseph C. Howell, who died in 1877 at the age of three. Also interred in the graveyard are veterans of the Civil War, World War I, World War II, and Vietnam. Philip Smith House 11 R15 Built 1856 by Texas War for Independence teamster, Philip Smith. 24" walls of native rock; cedar framework. Recorded Texas Historic Landmark, 1966 Saint Mary’s Catholic Church 187 K8 Catholics in this area organized services in 1880 at a chapel on William Mark Wittenburg's ranch (about 23 mi. NW). In 1885 they built a church on West Fifth Street in Lampasas, dedicated to Saint Mary. Mass was celebrated once a month for a parish covering 3,200 square miles. After 1900 Father Joseph le Gardeur, chaplain at the nearby convent and school, offered weekly Mass. In 1907 he was made resident pastor of this congregation. Bishop Christopher E. Byrne (1867-1950) served briefly as acting pastor in 1921. A stone sanctuary built in 1940 on this site burned in 1970, replaced by a new building in 1972. Texas Sesquicentennial 1836 - 1986 Saint Mary’s Episcopal Church 187 N9 Built 1884 of native limestone. Oldest church in area still in use. Modeled after Gothic church in Rugby, England, birthplace of W. T. Campbell, pioneer communicant. Other parish founders include: A. H. Barnes, Dr. J. C. Bierbower, T. H. Haynie, W. C. Price, J. F. White, J. E. Raiburne, and W. H. Webber. Interior decor including oaken altar and pews is original. Sanctuary enhanced by famous Tintoretto panel. Recorded Texas Historic Landmark, 1969 Richard S. Stokes (grave marker) 8 D12 Joined Confederate Army, as a private, Aug. 7, 1861; was promoted to 1st Lt., Co. I, 8th Infantry, Miss. Regiment, on Aug. 29, 1864. Came to Texas in 1868, settled in Lampasas County as a rancher and farmer; married Elizabeth Rawson, and had seven children. On July 19, 1911, at Chadwick's Mill, on the Colorado River, at age 73, Stokes rescued Lillie B. Evetts, Eva Foster, and R. Ashley Greaves from drowning. For the feat, he received a Carnegie Hero Medal. Lee Straley House 5 S5 Mule-Drawn Street Car 187 M10 Santa Fe Syndicate (builder of this depot) operated the mule-drawn streetcar 1880's to turn of century. The syndicate was bringing guests to Park Hotel, near mineral springs in Hancock Park. Syndicate ads all over the U.S. promoted Lampasas as "Saratoga of the South". Texas Bankers Association 187 N11 Organized in 1885, this group is the oldest and largest (with 1,150 member banks as of 1969) State Bankers Association in the United States. Inspired by the ten-year success of the American Bankers Association, two young bankers of Lampasas Springs, Frank R. Malone and E. M. Longcope, composed on May 26, 1885, an enthusiastic letter presenting the need for a similar group in Texas. Being loyal citizens, they also promoted Lampasas Springs as the convention site, praising it as a "great spa" with "scenery...sure to inspire grand thoughts". Published in the "Galveston News", then the leading newspaper in the state, their plan brought immediate response. For the next six weeks an advertisement in the "News" each day announced the future meeting. Thus on July 23, 1885, thirty-one bankers from all over Texas convened here in the plush Park Hotel for a three-day organizational meeting, characterized by the many dynamic young (under 35) men present. Jas. F. Miller, member of Congress and of a private banking firm in Gonzales, was elected first president. The provisions of one of the resolutions passed at the meeting-- to provide for the chartering of state banks-- have been state law since 1905. Townsen’s Mill 11 F8 Historical Markers - continued NO. 64 65 NAME MAP GRID NO. Built on Mill Branch in 1872, Perry and Jasper Townsen's steam mill cut "rawhide" lumber and ground wheat and corn. Post office established 1881 moved in 1891 to Adamsville store of John Adams and The Rev. McCall Smith. Mr. Smith built, and was pastor of, earliest Presbyterian church there. United Presbyterian Church of Adamsville 11 D7 In late 1880, The Rev. McCall Smith and 19 charter members met in the home of L. Jasper and Mary Ann Townsen. They organized the Pleasant Valley Cumberland Presbyterian Church and held services in a schoolhouse or under a brush arbor. In 1903 "the tabernacle" was erected on camp grounds west of Adamsville. This meetinghouse was built in 1917 and the tabernacle was moved here in 1946 and used for several years. After a 1958 merger, this congregation became part of the United Presbyterian Church, U.S.A. Birthplace of Stanley Walker 11 R5 (1898 - 1962) Noted Texas journalist and editor. Began his career in Austin and Dallas. From 1920 to 1935 was with New York "Herald-Tribune", where as City Editor he trained many writers. Also was on staff of Philadelphia "Ledger". He wrote "The Night Club Era", "Mrs. Astor's Horse", 5 other books, many articles. Spent last years here. 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