FROELICH, P. N. Analysis of organic carbon in marine sediments
FROELICH, P. N. Analysis of organic carbon in marine sediments
564 Notes ganics in lakes, p. 119-143. Zn S. D. Faust and J. V. Hunter [eds.], Organic compounds in aquatic environments. Dekker. DOBBS, R. A., R. H. WISE, AND R. B. DEAN. 1972. The use of ultra-violet absorbance for monitoring the total organic carbon content of water and wastewater. Water Res. 6: 1173-1180. GHASSEMI,M.,AND R.F. CHRISTMAN. 1968. Properties of the yellow organic acids of natural waters. Limnol. Oceanogr. 13 : 583-597. LEVESQUE, M. 1972. Fluorescence and gel filtration of humic compounds. Soil Sci. 113: 346- OTSUKI, A., AND R. G. WETZEL. 1973. Interaction of yellow organic acids with calcium carbonate in freshwater. Limnol. Oceanogr. 18: 490493. -, AND -. 1974. Calcium and total alkalinity budgets and calcium carbonate precipitation of a small hard-water lake. Arch. Hydrobiol. 73: 14-30. SMART, P. L., B. L. FINLAYSON, W. D. RYLANDS, AND C. M. BALL. 1976. The relation of fluorescence to dissolved organic carbon in surface waters. Water Res. 10: 805-811. SPAIN, J. D., AND S. C. ANDREWS. 1970. Water mass identification in a small lake using conserved chemical constituents. Proc. 13th Conf. Great Lakes Res. 1970: 733-743. SWIFT, R. S., AND A. M. POSNER. 1971. Gel chromatography of humic acid. J. Soil Sci. 22: 237249. TAN, K. H., AND J. E. GIDDENS. 1972. Molecular weights and spectral characteristics of humic and fulvic acids. Geoderma 8: 221-229. WASSERMAN, A. E. 1965. Absorption and fluorescence of water-soluble pigments produced by four species of Pseudomonas. Appl. Microbial. 13: 175-180. WETZEL, R. G., AND A. OTSUKI. 1974. Allochthonous organic carbon of a marl lake. Arch. Hydrobiol. 73: 31-56. 353. LEWIS, W. M., AND D. CANFIELD. 1977. Dissolved organic carbon in some dark Venezuelan waters and a revised equation for spectrophotometric determination of dissolved organic carbon. Arch. Hydrobiol. 79: 441445. AND J. A. TYBURCZY. 1974. Amounts and spkctral properties of dissolved organic compounds from some freshwaters of the southeastern U.S. Arch. Hydrobiol. 74: 8-17. MANTOURA, R. F., AND J. P. RILEY. 1975. The analytical concentration of humic substances from natural waters. Anal. Chim. Acta 76: 97-106. OGURA, N., AND T. HANYA. 1966. Nature of ultraviolet absorption of sea water. Nature 2 12: 758. -,AND -. 1967. Ultra-violet absorption of the sea water, in relation to organic and in1: organic matters. Int. J. Oceanogr. Limnol. 91-102. Limnol. Oceanogr., 25(3), 1980, 564-572 0 1980, by the American Society of Limnology Analysis of organic and Oceanography, Inc. carbon in marine Abstract-A method is presented for measuring organic carbon in both carbonate-rich and carbonate-poor marine sediments. Samples are sonicated with phosphoric acid to remove carbonates. The spent acid supernatant is analyzed for dissolved organic carbon, the solid residue for total carbon; their sum yields the organic carbon content of the sample. The technique is free from carbonate interferences, involves no losses due to acid solubilization, and has excellent precision (better than -+0.02% C,,,) and accuracy (better than 22%). Three general techniques have been developed for the measurement of organic carbon in marine sediments. In the first, wet oxidation of organic carbon is effected by a strong oxidant. In some l This research DES-76-02318. Submitted: 4 June 1979 Accepted: 2 November 1979 was supported by NSF grant sediments’ cases, the remaining oxidant (originally added in known excess) is measured by back-titration (e.g. Allison 1935; Duursma 1961; Froelich et al. 1971). In other cases, the evolved CO, is measured directly (e.g. Hartmann et al. 1976; Mills and Quinn 1979). Second, organic carbon is measured as the difference in total carbon before and after dry combustion at some high temperature (usuallv 450”600°C) (e.g. Trask 1932; Radar and Grimaldi 1961; Betzer et al. 1974; Heath et al. 1977). In the third technique, the sample is leached with acid to eliminate CaCO,, and the residue solid is analyzed for total carbon (e.g. Hiilsemann 1968; Gibbs 1977). Each of these is susceptible to systematic errors. Wet oxidation may be affected by redox interferences (oxidation of reduced species other than organic carbon: 565 Notes Nino et al. 1969), uncertainties concerning the redox state of sedimentary organic carbon, and inability to oxidize refractory organic materials completely by wet oxidation. Techniques of difference on combustion may suffer from the inability to separate inorganic and organic carbon by dry combustion (Gibbs 1977; see below) and from the statistical problem of subtracting one large number from another to obtain a small, uncertain residual (in carbonate-rich sediments). Analyses of total carbon after acid leaching may be systematically low due to loss of acid-soluble organic carbon during carbonate dissolution (Roberts et al. 1973; Heath et al. 1977; see below). To circumvent such problems, I have developed a new technique to measure organic carbon in marine sediments. This technique has been used to analyze samples from the Atlantic and Pacific oceans (Table 1; Froelich 1979). I thank J. G. Q uinn for the use of his Oceanography International carbon analyzer and M. E. Q. Pilson for the use of his Carlo Erba CHN/OS microanalyzer. G. Mills assisted in the DOC analyses. N. Luedtke perftirmed the neutron activation calcium analyses. The general approach is to remove CaCO, from a dried sediment sample by treatment with H,PO+ The solid residue is then analyzed for total carbon by instrumental CHN microanalysis and the acidic supernatant for acid-soluble organic carbon by a modified dissolved organic carbon (DOC) method (Menzel and Vaccare 1964; Kerr 1977). The sum of the two determinations equals the organic carbon content of the sediment. Samples are air- or freeze-dried, powdered, and oven-dried at 110°C for several hours. Mills and Quinn (1979) found no loss of organic carbon from samples dried at 110°C for 4 h. All glassware should be Pyrex, fired at 550°C overnight to remove traces of organic carbon. Reagents used in the DOC analysis are as described by Strickland and Parsons (1968), with the following modifications. An organic carbon-free 1 M (6%) H,PO, solution is prepared by Table 1. Locations and water depths samples analyzed for organic carbon. 5GCl 10GCl 14GCl 27GCl 28GCl 7BC15B2 9BC26B2 Atlantic (G-76-5) 2”51.8’N,6”42.7’W 1”05.1’N,8”11.6’W 0”00.1’s,12”19.3’w 4”59.1’N,5”06.0fW 4”55.9’N,5”05.4’W Pacific (M-INMD77-I) 8”49.0’N,103”59.8’W 6”33.2’N,92”45.4’W of core 4,563 4,956 4,170 80 229 m m m m m 3,116 m 3,568 m adding 10 g of potassium persulfate (K&O,) and 60 ml of concentrated (85%) H,PO, to 1 liter of tapwater. This solution is refluxed gently for about 4 h and then cooled and stored in a tightly stoppered, prefired, all-glass bottle. Organic carbonfree water is prepared in the same manner. A 200-ppm-C primary DOC standard is prepared by adding 0.9500 g of reagent grade sucrose to 2 liters of C-free water. Working standards can be prepared easily by spiking the primary standard directly into ampoules containing 5 (or 10) ml of DOC-free H,PO,. Acetanilide or nicotinic acid (Natl. Bur. Std. reference materials) are used to calibrate the response of the CHN analyzer. About 200 mg of powdered, dried sample is weighed accurately into a 40-ml centrifuge tube. Thirty milliliters of the 1 M H,PO, solution is added slowly until the reaction ceases and then more rapidly to wash down the walls of the tube. The tube and its contents are suspended in a sonication bath for about 30 min. Sonication drives CO, from solution and thus speeds the reaction CaCO, + 2H+ + Ca”+ + H,O + CO,. The tubes are then centrifuged until the supernatant is clear. Aliquots (5 or 10 ml, depending on concentration) are pipetted into DOC ampoules. After addition of 0.2 g of K&O, the sample is bubbled with N, for 6 min to remove dissolved inorganic carbon. The ampoules are then sealed and heated to 110°C for at least 1 h. Substantial practice is needed to achieve reliable sealing Notes 566 Table 2. Comparison of carbon and nitrogen standards against NBS acetanilide with the Carlo Erba 1106. m NBS acetanilide: (n =8) C senstivity: 6.624 x 10e4 pg-C/unit-CO,-area N sensitivity: 1.764 x 1O-3 pg-N/unit-N,-area theoretical %C = 71.09 theoretical %N = 10.36 0.8 so 00 OI NBS nicotinic %C found theoretical %N found theoretical 0.4 0.0 0 0.8 0.4 w,: 1.2 w, Fig. 1. Plot of residual weight after carbonate dissolution (W,:W,) vs. weight expected if only CaCO, were dissolved [l - (%CaCO,/lOO)]. The 1: 1 line represents expected relationship. Lines +3% and -3% represent systematic gain (or loss) of 3% of material other than CaCO,. For example, dashed line represents weight loss due to washout of interstitial sea salts (~2%). and consistent blanks. Standards and blanks are carried through the same procedure. Acidification of samples is unnecessary because enough excess acid remains after decalcification (see Menzel and Vaccaro 1964; Strickland and Parsons 1968; Kerr 1977; Goulden and Anthony 1978). The DOC concentrations were measured with an Oceanography International model 0524 carbon analyzer which detects CO, with a nondispersive infrared detector and integrates the CO, peak areas automatically. The DOC should be analyzed in duplicate if the acid-soluble fraction (%SOC/%C,,p) is likely to be >15% or so of the total organic carbon. Otherwise, single analyses are sufficient, if ampoule breakage (and sample loss) during heating is minimal. The unused spent acid solution is carefully decanted from each centrifuge tube. The residue is resuspended and washed with organic carbon-free water to remove most calcium salts and excess H,PO*, the rinse discarded after a second centrifuging, and the tubes are dried at 110°C. The discarded rinse should be checked occa- acid: (n =3) = 59.22kO.37 = 58.54 = 11.32k0.11 = 11.38 sucrose: (n =3) %C found = 42.07kO.10 theoretical = 42.11 %N found = 0.08-+0.002 theoretical = 0.00 sionally for DOC to prevent unintentional carbon loss. The DOC levels in this rinse were always ~0.5% of the total organic carbon. After the sediment is quantitatively recovered, weighed, and powdered, aliquots are weighed into sample boats and analyzed for total carbon by CHN analyzer. Tin sample boats are used in a Carlo Erba model 1106 CHN/OS analyzer which flash combusts carbon to CO, in an oxygenated Cr,O, reactor at 1,600”C. This instrument recovers >99% of the carbon in graphite, and thus presumably combusts even the most refractory organic materials (Pella and Colombo 1973). The CO, is separated by gas chromatography and detected by thermal conductivity with automatic electronic integration. In general, this analysis (CHN) is not done in duplicate, except where values are extremely low and additional precision is desired. Total carbon (organic carbon plus inorganic carbon in carbonates) is obtained by analyzing an unacidified sample by CHN analyzer. Organic carbon is obtained by summing soluble organic carbon (SOC) and residual organic carbon (ROC). %C,,, = %SOC + %ROC %SOC = lt;; I (1) (2) 567 Notes Table 3. Carbon and nitrogen responses of the Carlo Erba 1106: NBS acetanilide C Core analyzed Boat batch No. std. lOGC1 lOGC1 lOGC1 lOGC1 Test Test Operating N sensitivity* 3 5 3 3 4 2 Ref G-l Test 5GCl 14GCl 5GCl 14GCl 27GCl 27GCl standard. 9.963 9.976 10.140 9.984 9.761 9.863 conditions 2.772 2.688 2.750 2.687 2.647 2.548 altered 5 8 3 3 2 3 5 3 6.630 6.624 6.587 6.399 6.387 6.411 6.528 6.531 1.838 1.764 1.767 1.723 1.715 1.745 1.817 1.812 9BC26B2 7BC15B2 C 4 6.619 1.818 9BC26B2 7BC15B2 C 4 6.340 1.814 9BC26B2 7BC15B2 28GCl C 3 6.552 1.769 28GCl C 4 6.517 1.785 9BC26B2 7BC15B2 28GCl C 6 6.459 1.811 28GCI D 4 6.571 1.785 Means 2 SE of means - (6) 9.9420.13 6.511kO.096 It 1.4% (14) (20) C.V. * In (pg-C/unit-CO,-area) x lo-* or (pg-N/unit-N,-area) x 2.68-cO.08 1.783kO.038 +2.4% 10e3. has been determined independently (Fig. 1). Almost all the data fall within +3% of the expected 1:l line, suggesting (3) that the W,:W, term can be safely replaced with 1 - (%CaCO,/lOO) if CaCO, is known, eliminating the need for a secwhere DOC is mass of dissolved organic carbon in 30 ml of spent acid (in pg-C), ond weighing of the residual solids. W, is initial weight of sample (in mg), W, However, small random errors in %CaCO, is weight of sample residue after decal(or in W,:W,) are magnified in the calcification (in mg), and (CHN) is concenculated Co,, when %CaCO, is >80%. In tration of carbon in the residual decalcisediments containing >9O% CaCO, analfied sample (in ,ug*mg-I). The ratio W,:W, yses must be accurate to better than + 1% (Eq. 3) is equal to 1 - (%CaCO,/lOO) if to make this replacement safely. In sedonly CaCO, is lost upon acidification. iments containing >95% CaCO,, WR may This assumption has been tested in a be difficult to recover and weigh accuwide variety of sediments containing O- rately. This problem can be minimized 90% CaCO,, where the CaCO, content by prior taring of the centrifuge tubes and a/ROC = cCHN) ’ wR 0 10 x w* zz (CHN) 1 _ %CaC03 10 100 [ 1 Notes 568 Table 4. Carbon and nitrogen blanks in tin sample boats with the Carlo Erba 1106. N C Boat batch No. blanks A B C D 8 5 5 5 Means ? SE of means n=4 n=2 Cleaning method Ccl,, acetone Hexane, acetone Hexane, acetone Hexane, acetone by increasing the weight of sample and volume of acid. Washout of interstitial salts will account for about a 2% weight loss not due to CaCO, dissolution (see Fig. 1). No correction has been made here for this error. Below are given operational blanks, instrumental sensitivities, and checks on the internal consistency of some of the data collected with the technique. Carbon standards must be crosschecked against each other to establish consistency between the instrumental CHN and DOC analyses (Table 2). The Table 5. Carbon blanks (early blanks were high due to inexperience in the ampoule sealing step) and responses with the Oceanography International 0524 carbon analyzer (DOC): Sucrose standard. No. blanks Blank* /a-c No. std. Sensitivity! 10GCl 1 4.15 5 4.176 5GCl 3 3.13-t0.88 8 4.050 14GCl 4 2.54kO.59 7 3.847 27GCl 8 1.0350.27 3 4.017 9BC26B2 7BC15B2 28GCl 6 1.59kO.62 4 3.876 9BC26C2 7BC15B2 28GCl 8 1.71 -t-O.61 5 4.000 28GCl 7 1.32k0.26 5 3.994 (6)$ - 1.8920.79 - (7) - 3.994&0.110 k2.8940 Means -+SE of means C.V. * lo-ml volumes for all blanks. t In (pg-C/unit-CO,-area) X 10e3. $ Omitting 10GCl. 10.58*0.88* 10.24?0.85* 1.15+0.22 0.9520.35 1.05*0.14 1.31kO.28 - * High N blanks due to inadvertent use of impure oxygen in 0, pulse A and B have been omitted from calculation of nitrogen means. Core analyzed 1.29+0.11 1.35kO.12 1.6350.21 0.95+0.16 mode. “Zero oxygen” was used for batches C and D. Batches measured carbon values are within + 1% of theoretical values. Long term (2 month) stability of the Carlo Erba 1106 instrument is excellent (Table 3): its responses varied by only about +1.4% for carbon, mostly due to small daily fluctuations in operating conditions. The instrument is reportedly capable of +0.3% on a short term (singlerun) basis (Pella and Colombo 1973). Thus the residual carbon values (CHN) reported here are accurate to better than * 1%. Blanks for instrumental CHN microanalysis were generally about 1.3 + 0.3 @g-C, although for any one batch of tin sample boats, the variability in blanks was consistently smaller, between +-0:l and +0.2 ,ug-C (Table 4). These data indicate that the overall accuracy of the residual organic carbon data (CHN) is better than +l%, with a precision of better than kO.3 ,ug-C. Long term variability in the response of the Oceanography International 0524 (DOC analyses) averaged about +2.8% (Table 5). Short term variability (due to instrument drift) is only slightly better than *2%, though this is difficult to demonstrate. DOC blanks averaged 1.9 + 0.8 ,ug-C (0.19 * 0.08 mg. liter-‘). With care, DOC blanks cl.0 + 0.4 pg-C (0.10 2 0.04 mg-liter-l) can be obtained routinely (G. Mills pers. comm.). The accuracy of the DOC analyses (DOC) is believed to be better than +2%, with a precision of about kO.8 pg-C. The overall reliability of the method can be estimated with the above data and one additional piece of information: the 569 Notes fraction of organic carbon soluble in acid (%s0c/%c,,,) increases roughly with %CaCO, (Fig. 2). This allows estimation of the maximum uncertainty (cumulative error) in the final calculated Co,, as a function of %CaCO,, taking account of variabilities in blanks and accuracy for the component DOC and CHN analyses. In sediments containing >80% CaCO,, the accuracy is limited by the reliability in W,:W, (or %CaCO,), regardless of the organic carbon concentration. In less calcareous sediments analyses of highly organic samples are limited primarily by the accuracy in residual carbon measurements (CHN). For less organic sediments, the accuracy is limited by the residual carbon blank (CHN). For sediments with little CaCO,, %SOC/ %Cor, is small, whereas for highly calcareous sediments the weighing error is relatively large. Thus, the blank and variability in DOC measurements do not contribute significantly to errors in calculated C,,, values. These estimates of precision and accuracy in the component parts of the procedure indicate that the overall accuracy of the technique is about -+2%, with a precision better than *0.02% Corg, for sediments with <90% CaCO,. Replicate analyses of one open-ocean, highly calcareous core-top sample (Ref. G-l, 90% CaCO,) yielded a SD of about +0.004% co,, , equivalent to a C.V. of about 22% (Table 6). Replicate analyses of this same sample by Mills and Quinn (1979) yielded a value within 0.011% Co,, of this determination (bottom of Table 6). Table 6. Replicate analyses WI Run of reference WE mg 1 2 3 4 202.0 181.4 126.3 66.7 18.0 15.8 11.0 5.7 DOC pg.30 ml-’ 80 of Ref. G-l by Mills - m 50 - 40 - v v 0 5GCIo IOGCI 14GCI 27GCI 28GCI 1582 2682 0 * 8 073 l o OOO . v A A v •I 20 IO 0 0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 % sot %%rcJ Fig. 2. Plot of acid-soluble organic carbon fraction (%SOC/%C,,J vs. %CaCO,, showing increase in acid-soluble fraction with increase in %CaCO,. These data are consistent with my estimates of accuracy and precision. One way to check for systematic errors in carbon data from sediments is to see whether inorganic carbon values are consistent with calcium values, since almost all calcium and inorganic carbon are in CaCO,. Calcium is plotted against inor- CHN mg-’ %SOC %ROC 19.46, 19.88 19.20 19.83, 20.37 20.31 0.066, 0.069 0.069 0.069 0.060,0.070 0.173,0.177 0.167 0.173, 0.177 0.173 0.243 0.236 0.244 0.238 0.067-+0.004 0.173+0.004 0.240+0.004 (4) (6) and Quinn vv v.. * v w v .* ? 0 60 $ .“I - 70- MeanskSE of means (n) Analysis v v sample G-l. w 133, 140 126 87 40,47 90 1979: 0.251kO.007 (3) (6) %Co, 570 Notes % ORGANIC 0 0 I Cu I 0 0 G76-5-IOGCI 0 E20 2.0 I I 0 PI IO CARBON 1.0 kO 0 0 0 0 2 4 6 % c 8 IO INORG Fig. 3. Inorganic carbon (Cotal - C,,,) plotted vs. calcium in same samples. Calcium determined by instrumental neutron activation analysis. Solid line-theoretical line for CaCO, diluted with CaDashed line-theoretical and Cinorg-free material. line for CaCO, diluted with Cinorp-free aluminosilicate containing 2% calcium (see text). ganic carbon for all samples analyzed for total and organic carbon and for calcium in Fig. 3 (core locations given in Table 1). In general, the data lie along the solid line that would be expected if CaCO, were being diluted only by Ca- and Cinorgfree phases. If the dilution is by an inorganic carbon-free but calcium-containing aluminosilicate phase, the data will lie slightly above the solid line (the dashed line shows the influence of a diluting phase contributing 2% calcium on a total sediment basis). It seems clear that the method yields a consistent measure of inorganic carbon. Thus, the organic carbon values cannot contain large systematic errors. During the development of this method, it was possible to infer something of the nature of organic carbon in marine sediments. Several experiments were done to determine if C,,, and Cinorg could be separated by ignition (difference-oncombustion technique). First, total and organic carbon were measured in samples from a core in the eastern equatorial Atlantic (G-76510GC 1). Each sample was then split and ashed either in a muf- la. VO w30 I3 O. MV 0 a v 0 Cl v 0 0 v 0 40 ; i 50 1 1 0 0 0 0 v v 0 0 v 0 v 0 Fig. 4. Organic carbon vs. depth in a core from the eastern equatorial Atlantic: 0-unashed, Vashed at 250°C for 24 h, A-ashed at 500°C for 24 h, O-low-temperature ashed (oxygen plasma) at 250 W for 24 h. fle furnace at 250°C or 500°C for 24 h or in a low-temperature asher (LFE Corp., model 505) at 250 W for 24 h. The results (Fig. 4) indicate that about 66 + 9% of the organic carbon is combusted at 250°C about 90 + 4% at 5OO”C, and about 72 of: 8% by low-temperature ashing. This is consistent with Gibbs’ (1977) finding that complete combustion of organic carbon at temperatures below 1,OOO”C is difficult. Second, a single aliquot of the uppermost sample in core lOGC1 was repeatedly pyrolized at increasing temperatures. The results (Fig. 5) show the absence of a bimodal CO, release that would be expected if organic carbon and inorganic carbon could in fact be separated by thermal degradation. (Pyrolysis 571 Notes was performed with a Chemical Data System 900/382 extended pyroprobe/ CHN analyzer. Pyrolysis products are converted to CO,, which is detected after gas Chromatographic separation by thermal conductivity. Unfortunately the instrument cannot be calibrated reliably in terms of either carbon or temperature. Thus, the CO, and temperature values have only relative significance.) It is commonly thought that biogenic calcite does not decompose below about 800°C. I suspect, however, that the temperature of decomposition is reduced in naturally occurring biogenic calcites because they inMagnesium carbonclude magnesium. ates begin giving up CO, at 400°C. Apparently naturally occurring organic and inorganic carbon cannot be separated accurately by difference-on-ignition techniques because their thermal degradation temperatures overlap. Several investigators have cited evidence that some fraction of the organic matter in calcareous sediments is intimately associated with biogenic calcite and is solubilized (and often discarded) during acid decalcification procedures (Roberts et al. 1973; Heath et al. 1977). Indeed, Fig. 2 suggests that the fraction of acid-soluble organic carbon is greater in more calcareous sediments. The acidsoluble fraction is probably a complex mixture of marine humic compounds plus carbon peptized by acid from the organic matrix of calcite tests. Thus SOC need not be associated exclusively with CaCO,. It is clear, however, that discarding the acid wash during carbonate dissolution steps can result in the loss of 515% of the organic carbon in low-carbonate sediments and up to 45% or more in carbonate-rich, Co,,-poor sediments. Roberts et al. (1973) have also found acid solubilization of up to 40% of the organic carbon in modern shallow-water carbonate sediments. Attempts to circumvent this loss by acidification followed with evaporation to dryness result in the inclusion of nonstoichiometric calcium salts or excess acid, leading to physical problems in drying and reweighing. Unless the entire decalcified sample is ana- G76-5-10 GCI (O-2cm) r- 0 400 PYROPROBE 800 1200 SE TING, OC Fig. 5. Pyrolysis temperature scan of one surface sample to attempt thermal separation of organic and inorganic carbon (see text). Sample contains 0.06% C,,, and 7.53% Cinorp. lyzed in bulk without splitting and reweighing, serious errors can be incurred in C,,, determinations of carbonate-rich sediments. My technique allows organic carbon to be measured with an accuracy of 22% and a precision of about 20.02%. It is suitable for use with both carbonate-poor and carbonate-rich sediments and eliminates or minimizes systematic errors that have plagued other methodologies. I emphasize particularly that organic carbon cannot be determined by difference-on-ignition due to incomplete oxidation of organic carbon at temperatures <l,OOO"C, while at the same time preventing volatile carbon loss from inorganic carbonates at temperatures ~-500°C. Similarly, since a significant fraction of the organic carbon in marine sediments is acid-soluble, particularly in carbonatemethods in which the rich deposits, spent acid supernatant is discarded after decalcification will underestimate organic carbon. P. N. Froelich2 Graduate School of Oceanography University of Rhode Island Kingston 0288 1 References ALLISON, M. 1935. A titrametric mination of organic carbon 40: 311-318. method for deterin soils. Soil Sci. 2 Present address: Department of Oceanography, Florida State University, Tallahassee 32306. Notes 572 BETZER, P. R., K. L. CARDER, AND D. W. EGGIMANN. 1974. Light scattering and suspended particulate matter on a transect of the Atlantic Ocean at ll”N, p. 295-314. Zn R. J. Gibbs Led.], Suspended solids in water. Plenum. DUURSMA, E. K. 1961. Dissolved organic carbon, nitrogen and phosphorus in the sea. Neth. J. Sea Res. 1: 1-147. FROELICH, P. N. 1979. Marine phosphorus geochemistry. Ph.D. thesis, Univ. Rhode Island, Kingston. 322 p. -, B. GOLDEN, AND 0. H. PILKEY. 1971. Organic carbon in sediments of the North Carolina continental rise. Southeast. Geol. 13: 9197. GIBBS, R. J. 1977. Effects of combustion temperature and time, and of the oxidation agent used in organic carbon and nitrogen analysis of sediments and dissolved organic material. J. Sediment. Petrol. 47: 547-550. GOULDEN, P. D., AND D. H. ANTHONY. 1978. Kinetics of uncatalyzed peroxydisulfate oxidation of organic material in fresh water. Anal. Chem. 50: 953. HARTMANN, M., P. J. MULLER, E. SUESS, AND C. H. VAN DER WEIJDEN. 1976. Chemistry of Late Quaternary sediments and their interstitial waters from the NW African continental margin. Meteor Forschergeb. Reihe C 24: l-67. HEATH, R. T., T. C. MOORE, AND J. P. DAUPHIN. 1977. Organic carbon in deep-sea sediments, p. 605-625. Zn N. R. Anderson and A. Malahoff [eds.], The fate of fossil fuel CO, in the oceans. Plenum. H~LSEMANN, J. 1968. Calcium carbonate, organic carbon and nitrogen in sediments from drill Limnol. Oceanogr., 25(3), 1980, 572-576 @ 1980, by the American Society of Limnology and Oceanography, A sampler for cohesive sediment benthic boundary layer1 Abstruct-A sampling apparatus for collecting sediment suspensions from the benthic boundary layer has been developed and tested. Samples are collected in evacuated pressure-resistant bottles by activation of solenoid valves used to release the vacuum. The behavior of the apparatus with respect to water velocity is assessed from direction and inclinometer sensors attached to its main frame. The apparatus has been tested at a depth of 30 m in the Bristol Channel in water velocities of l-2 rn. s-l. Profiles of suspended sediment in the boundary layer are derived from gravimetric analysis of the samples collected. l This work was supported B4/02. by N.E.R.C. grant F60/ holes on the continental margin off Florida. U.S. Geol. Surv. Prof. Pap. 581-B. 10 p. KERR, R. A. 1977. The isolation and partial characterization of dissolved organic matter in seawater. Ph.D. thesis, Univ. Rhode Island. 163 p. MENZEL, D. W., AND R. F. VACCARO. 1964. The measurement of dissolved organic and particulate carbon in seawater. Limnol. Oceanogr. 9: 138-142. MILLS, G. L., AND J. G. QUINN. 1979. Determination of organic carbon in marine sediments by persulfate oxidation. Chem. Geol. 25: 155-162. NINO, K., K. 0. EMERY, AND C. M. KIM. 1969. Organic carbon in sediments of Japan Sea. J. Sediment. Petrol. 39: 1390-1398. PELLA, E., AND B. COLOMBO. 1973. Study of carbon, hydrogen and nitrogen determination by combustion-gas chromatography. Mikrochim. Acta 5: 697-7 19. RADAR, L. F., AND R. S. GRIMALDI. 1961. Chemical analysis for selected minor elements in Pierre shale. U.S. Geol. Surv. Prof. Pap. 391-A. 45 p. ROBERTS, A. A., J. G. PALACAS, AND I. C. FROST. 1973. Determination of organic carbon in modern carbonate sediments. J. Sediment. Petrol. 43: 1157-l 159. STRICKLAND, J. D., AND T. R. PARSONS. 1968. A practical handbook of seawater analysis. Bull. Fish. Res. Bd. Can. 167. TRASK, P. D. 1932. Origin and environment of source sediments of petroleum. Am. Pet. Inst. Gulf. Submitted: 16 February Accepted: 8 October 1979 1979 Inc. in the Accurate assessment of the concentrations of suspended solids in the benthic boundary layer is needed to estimate the transport of solids. Concentrations of these boundary layer solids can be higher than those of the overlying waters and therefore make highly significant contributions to sediment flux. Suspended solids concentrations are determined by two main methods: by in situ devices based on light transmission, i.e. silt meters, and by the gravimetric analysis of samples collected by water samplers. Optical measurements are limited by particle and concentrationsize, composition, the last producing a disproportionately