Floor Plans - Walter E. Washington Convention Center
Floor Plans - Walter E. Washington Convention Center
Floor Plans Wal t e r E . Was h i n g ton C on v e n t i on C e n t e r Lower Level (Level L) Exhibit Halls A, B & C Lower Level Lower Level Halls A, B & C Capacities and Dimensions (Level L) (Level L) Hall A Audio and Video at Multiple Boxes 151,000 square feet XLR mic and line connectors HALL B Plumbing 194,000 square feet 3-inch drain HALL C On Columns: 128,000 square feet Electrical TOTAL CONTIGUOUS SQUARE FEET 473,000 2,500 booths (10 feet x 10 feet) COLUMNS Predominantly 90-foot centers; 60-foot centers on the northeast sides of Halls B and C CEILING HEIGHT Predominantly 30 feet; 10,000 square foot area at 12 feet on south side of Hall A FREIGHT DOCKS 120/208 volt, single phase and 3 phase Paging, video, multipin audio connectors Plumbing Comp. Air Overhead A-1 X A-2 A-3 X A-4 A-4+ X A-5 A-6 X A-7 A-8 X A-8+ A-9 X A-10 A-11 X A-12 A-12+ A-13 A-14 X A-15 A-16 X A-16+ X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X 20/208 volt, single phase and 3 phase FOOD SERVICE Three permanent concession stands SHOW OFFICES Overlooking halls, see Concourse Level 350 lbs. per square foot FIRST AID LIGHTING Permanent room; access from inside Hall A and loading dock Floor Boxes on 30 foot centers contain: Electrical 120/208 volt, single phase and 3 phase Telephone/Data Voice and data outlets; single mode and multimode fiber connections 107.7m x 410.5m 107.7m x 283.4m 107.7m x 291.8m 107.7m x 118.9m 107.7m x 164.6m 84.1m x 127.1m 473,000 345,000 322,000 151,000 194,000 128,000 43,943.1 32,051.5 29,914.8 14,028.4 18,023.2 11,891.6 30' 30' 30' 30' 30' 30' 9.1 9.1 9.1 9.1 9.1 9.1 Comp. Air Nat. Gas Water, Natural Gas & Compressed Air Service Column # Water 7 sets of men’s and women’s rooms, (2 in Halls A and C, 3 in Hall B) UTILITIES AND SERVICES Usable Usable Ceiling Height Sq Ftsq Metersftm Subtotals based on maximum room configuration capacity Hall A FREIGHT ACCESS Hi Bay flourescent and dimmable incandescent. 353'7" x 1347' w 353'7" x 929'9" w 353'7" x 957'7" w 353'7" x 390'4" w 353'7" x 540' w 275'10" x 416'10" w 1-inch water line; 1-inch compressed air pipe; can be routed to floor boxes via conduit in floor RESTROOMS FLOOR LOAD CAPACITY Hall ABC Hall AB Hall BC Hall A Hall B Hall C Usable Dimensions M, length x width Audio and Video at Multiple Columns 39 enclosed docks 3 drive-in doors (25 feet wide x 15 feet high) 2 overhead doors (19 feet wide x 15 feet high) Usable Dimensions Room # FT, length x width KITCHEN 8,000-square-foot service kitchen on south side of Hall A Hall B Nat. Gas X X X X X Hall C Column # Water Comp. Air B-1 B-2 B-3 B-4 B-4+ B-5 X B-6 B-7 X B-8 B-8+ B-9 B-10 X B-11 B-12 X B-12+ B-13 B-14 X B-15 B-16 X B-16+ B-17 X B-18 B-19 X B-19 + B-20 B-21 B-22 X B-23 B-23 + X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X Column number with ”+” indicates eastern wall in line with previous column Nat. Gas X X X Column # Water C-1 X C-2 X C-3 X X C-4 X C-4+ X C-5 X C-6 X X C-7 X C-8 C-8+ X X C-9 X X C-10 X C-11 X X C-12 C-12+ X C-13 X C-14 X X C-15 X C-16 C-16+ X X C-17 X X C-18 X C-19 X X C-20 X C-20+ A C-21 C-22 C-23 C-24 C-24+ X X X Concourse (Level C) Exhibit Halls A, B & C Concourse (Level C) Exhibit Halls A, B & C Show Offices (overlooking halls) HALL A 1,050 square feet HALL B 800 square feet HALL C 800 square feet All the show offices on this level have restrooms. Street Level (Level 1) Capacities and Dimensions Room # 101 102AB 102A 102B 103AB 103A 103B 140AB 140A 140B 141 142 143ABC 143AB 143BC 143A 143B 143C 144ABC 144AB 144BC 144A 144B 144C 145AB 145A 145B 146ABC 146AB 146BC 146A 146B 146C 147AB 147A 147B 148 149AB 149A 149B 150AB 150A 150B 151AB 151A 151B 152AB 152A 152B 153 154AB 154A 154B 155 156 157 158AB 158A 158B 159AB 159A 159B 160 Usable Dimensions Usable Dimensions FT, length x width M, length x width 52'6" x 38'2" 72'3"x 45'9" 45'9" x 29'6" 53'9" x 36'9" 78'7" x 47'8" 47' x 48' 42'3" x 36'9" 62'8" x 51'8" 51'8" x 30'6" 51'8" x 30'6" 28'3" x 29' 29'7" x 27'8" 85' x 56'6" 57'6" x 56'6" 57'6" x 56'6" 56'6" x 27'6" 56'6" x 30' 56'6" x 27'6" 87'1" x 56'6" 59'3" x 56'6" 57'6" x 56'6" 56'6" x 27'6" 56'6" x 30' 56'6" x 27'6" 74'2" x 73' 74'2" x 36'6" 74'2" x 36'6" 153'10" x 82'2" 102'11" x 82'2" 102'11" x 82'2" 82'2" x 50'11" 82'2" x 52' 82'2" x 50'11" 74'2" x 74'7" 74'2" x 36'6" 74'2" x 36'6" 28' x 25'1" 64' x 27' 37'7" x 27' 27' x 28'11" 70'10" x 73'1" 70'10" x 37' 70'10" x 37' 63'4" x 89'2" 63'4" x 42' 63'4" x 42' 70'10" x 74' 70'10" x 37' 70'10" x 37' 28' x 25'1" 76'8" x 27' 37'7" x 27' 39'11" x 27' 37'2" x 22'4" 48'7" x 28'9" 28'2" x 18'3" 59'3" x 27' 22'6" x 24' 22'6" x 24' 59'3" x 24' 22'6" x 24' 22'6" x 24' 24' x 19'7" 16m x 11.6m 22m x 13.9m 13.9m x 8.9m 16.4m x 11.2m 23.9 x 14.6 14.3 x 14.6 12.8 x 11.2 19.1m x 15.7m 15.7m x 9.3m 15.7m x 9.3m 8.6m x 8.8m 9m x 8.4m 25.9m x 17.2m 17.5m x 17.2m 17.5m x 17.2m 17.2m x 8.4m 17.2m x 9.1m 17.2m x 8.4m 26.5m x 17.2m 18.1m x 17.2m 17.5m x 17.2m 17.2m x 8.4m 17.2m x 9.1m 17.2m x 8.4m 22.6m x 22.3m 22.6m x 11.1m 22.6m x 11.1m 46.9m x 25m 31.4m x 25m 31.4m x 25m 25m x 15.5m 25m x 15.8m 25m x 15.5m 22.6m x 22.7m 22.6m x 11.1m 22.6m x 11.1m 8.5m x 7.6m 19.5m x 8.2m 11.5m x 8.2m 8.2m x 8.8m 21.6m x 22.3m 21.6m x 11.3m 21.6m x 11.3m 19.3m x 27.2m 19.3m x 12.8m 19.3m x 12.8m 21.6m x 22.5m 21.6m x 11.3m 21.6m x 11.3m 8.5m x 7.6m 23.4m x 8.2m 11.5m x 8.2m 12.2m x 8.2m 11.3m x 6.8m 14.8m x 8.8m 8.2m x 5.6m 18.1m x 8.2m 6.9m x 7.3m 6.9m x 7.3m 18.1m x 7.3m 6.9m x 7.3m 6.9m x 7.3m 7.3m x 5.9m Usable Usable Ceiling Height Sq Ftsq Metersft m Theater* Banquet** CLASSroom*** 2000 3700 1400 2300 4240 2500 1740 3500 1800 1800 800 840 4800 3250 3250 1600 1650 1600 4800 3250 3250 1600 1650 1600 5600 2800 2800 12500 8300 8300 4200 4100 4200 5600 2800 2800 700 1800 1000 800 5300 2700 2700 6000 3100 3100 5300 2700 2700 700 2100 1000 1100 800 1500 530 1500 750 750 1500 750 750 600 185.8 343.7 130.0 213.7 393.9 232.3 161.7 325.1 167.2 167.2 74.3 78.0 445.9 301.9 301.9 148.6 153.3 148.6 445.9 301.9 301.9 148.6 153.3 148.6 520.3 260.1 260.1 1,161.3 771.1 771.1 390.2 380.9 390.2 520.3 260.1 260.1 65.0 167.2 92.9 74.3 492.4 250.8 250.8 557.4 287.9 287.9 492.4 250.8 250.8 65.0 195.1 92.9 102.2 74.3 139.4 49.2 139.4 69.7 69.7 139.4 69.7 69.7 55.7 12'6" 12'6" 12'6" 12'6" 12'5" 12'5" 12'5" 18' 18' 18' 18' 18' 17'7" 17'7" 17'7" 17'7" 17'7" 17'7" 17'7" 17'7" 17'7" 17'7" 17'7" 17'7" 17'3" 17'3" 17'3" 17'–22' 17'–22' 17'–22' 17'–22' 17'–22' 17'–22' 17'3" 17'3" 17'3" 14' 17'6" 17'6" 17'6" 17'3" 17'3" 17'3" 17'3" 17'3" 17'3" 17'3" 17'3" 17'3" 14' 17'6" 17'6" 17'6" 14' 17'6" 14' 14' 14' 14' 14' 14' 14' 14' 3.8 3.8 3.8 3.8 3.8 3.8 3.8 5.5 5.5 5.5 5.5 5.5 5.4 5.4 5.4 5.4 5.4 5.4 5.4 5.4 5.4 5.4 5.4 5.4 5.3 5.3 5.3 5.2–6.7 5.2–6.7 5.2–6.7 5.2–6.7 5.2–6.7 5.2–6.7 5.3 5.3 5.3 4.3 5.3 5.3 5.3 5.3 5.3 5.3 5.3 5.3 5.3 5.3 5.3 5.3 4.3 5.3 5.3 5.3 4.3 5.3 4.3 4.3 4.3 4.3 4.3 4.3 4.3 4.3 206 357 130 228 424 242 174 384 180 180 70 77 545 364 364 117 117 117 546 364 364 117 117 117 684 285 285 1458 918 918 432 522 432 560 285 285 56 192 96 84 594 270 270 609 288 288 594 270 270 48 228 108 108 74 144 40 140 65 65 140 65 65 45 120 190 70 120 212 130 87 200 80 80 40 40 240 160 160 80 80 80 240 160 160 80 80 80 300 120 120 670 430 430 240 210 240 300 120 120 30 100 40 40 300 150 150 300 150 150 300 150 150 30 100 40 50 40 80 20 80 40 40 80 40 40 20 72 132 42 70 170 99 70 150 54 54 24 24 200 128 128 54 54 54 200 128 128 54 54 54 264 108 108 529 319 319 189 193 189 264 108 108 16 60 30 24 242 108 108 234 110 110 242 108 108 24 72 30 30 24 70 18 54 24 24 54 24 24 18 * Theater capacities based on chairs set 36" from front edge to front edge. ** Banquet capacities based on 10 chairs per 6' round table set on 11' centers. *** Classroom capacities based on 3 chairs per 8' x 18" table and 2 chairs per 6' x 18" table. Street Level (Level 1) Grand Lobby/Registration/Salons A–I Meeting Rooms 101–103 & 140–160 Loading Dock Entrance RETAIL Street Level Level Two (Level 1) Grand Lobby (Level 2) FLOOR LOAD CAPACITY Glass and wood walls with a dramatic staircase 100 lbs. per square foot SQUARE FEET FLOOR 15,000 Carpeted CEILING HEIGHT LIGHTING More than 80 feet Fluorescent and dimmable incandescent LIGHTING UTILITIES AND SERVICES Electrical Dimmable incandescent with uplighting on skylights FLOOR Granite Complimentary WiFi FOOD SERVICE Café and lounge; access to restaurant below RESTROOMS 2 sets of men’s and women’s rooms East & West Salons SQUARE FEET 40,000 Wall: 100 amp/208 110 volt 3 phase; 400 amp/208 110 volt 3 phase Floor: 30A 3 phase Telephone/Data Voice and data outlets; single mode and multimode fiber connections Meeting Rooms 101–103 & 140–160 UTILITIES AND SERVICES Electrical Wall: 100 amp/208 110 volt 3 phase; 400 amp/208 110 volt 3 phase Floor: 30A 3 phase Telephone/Data 18 feet Voice and data connections; single mode and multimode fiber connections EAST FREIGHT ACCESS Audio and Video CEILING HEIGHT Service elevators located on east side for access to Halls D and E loading docks above XRL mic and line connectors WEST FREIGHT ACCESS Fluorescent and dimmable incandescent 1 service elevator located on the west side for access to Halls A, B and C loading docks below RESTROOMS LIGHTING Capacities and Dimensions: Meeting Rooms 201–210 Room # Usable Dimensions Usable Dimensions FT, length x width M, length x width 201 86'11" x 45' 202AB 78'9" x 99'4" 202A 78'9" x 52'3" 202B 78'9" x 48' 203AB 57'11" x 26'3" 203A 28'9" x 23' 203B 28'9" x 23' 204ABC 97'7" x 41'11" 204AB 59'5" x 41'11" 204BC 68' x 41'11" 204A 42'1" x 29'2" 204B 42'1" x 30' 204C 42'2" x 38'2" 205 26'6" x 20'4" 206 85' x 45' 207AB 78'9" x 99'4" 207A 78'9" x 52'3" 207B 78'9" x 48' 208AB 57'11" x 23' 208A 28'9" x 23' 208B 28'9" x 23' 209ABC 88'2" x 42'1" 209AB 59'2" x 42'1" 209BC 58'11" x 42'1" 209A 42'1" x 29'2" 209B 42'1" x 30' 209C 42'2" x 28'9" 210 24' x 21'10" East Overlook 48' x 31' West Overlook 38'3" x 31' 26.5m x 13.7m 24m x 30.3m 24m x 15.9m 24m x 14.6m 17.6m x 8m 8.8m x 7m 8.8m x 7m 29.7m x 12.8m 18.1m x 12.8m 20.7m x 12.8m 12.8m x 8.8m 12.8m x 9.1m 12.8m x 11.6m 8.1m x 6.2m 25.9m x 13.7m 24m x 30.3m 24m x 15.9m 24m x 14.6m 17.6m x 7m 8.8m x 7m 8.8m x 7m 26.9m x 12.8m 18m x 12.8m 17.9m x 12.8m 12.8m x 8.8m 12.8m x 9.1m 12.8m x 8.8m 7.3m x 6.7m 14.63 x 9.45 11.66 x 9.45 Usable Usable Ceiling Height Sq Ftsq Metersft m Theater* Banquet** CLASSroom*** 4000 8100 4200 4000 1500 800 750 4200 2600 2900 1300 1300 1600 600 4000 8100 4200 4000 1500 800 750 3800 2600 2500 1300 1300 1200 550 1254 1063 371.6 752.5 390.2 371.6 139.4 74.0 69.7 390.2 241.5 269.4 120.8 120.8 148.6 55.7 371.6 752.5 390.2 371.6 139.4 74.3 69.7 353.0 241.5 232.3 120.8 120.8 111.5 51.9 116.5 98.7 17'4" 16'9" 16'9" 16'9" 13'6" 13'6" 13'6" 16'9" 16'9" 16'9" 16'9" 16'9" 16'9" 16' 17'4" 16'9" 16'9" 16'9" 13'6" 13'6" 13'6" 16'9" 16'9" 16'9" 16'9" 16'9" 16'9" 16' 18 18 5.3 5.1 5.1 5.1 4.1 4.1 4.1 5.1 5.1 5.1 5.1 5.1 5.1 4.9 5.3 5.1 5.1 5.1 4.1 4.1 4.1 5.1 5.1 5.1 5.1 5.1 5.1 4.9 5.5 5.5 440 912 538 484 120 60 54 450 252 306 99 121 160 42 440 912 538 484 120 60 54 406 252 250 110 110 110 40 331 229 180 400 240 180 80 40 40 210 120 150 60 60 90 30 180 400 240 180 80 40 40 180 120 120 60 60 60 30 166 115 168 384 195 169 60 24 24 165 88 110 42 42 56 20 168 384 195 169 60 24 24 154 88 88 42 42 42 16 133 92 * Theater capacities based on chairs set 36" front edge to front edge. ** Banquet capacities based on 10 chairs per 6' round table set on 11' centers. *** Classroom capacities based on 3 chairs per 8' x 18" table and 2 chairs per 6' x 18" table. 4 sets of men’s and women’s rooms Capacities and Dimensions: Halls D and E Usable Dimensions Room # FT, length x width Hall DE Hall D Hall E 225'11" x 781'8" 225'11" x 449'3" 225'11" x 332'11" Subtotals based on maximum room configuration capacity Usable Dimensions M, length x width 68.8m x 238.2m 68.8m x 136.9m 68.8m x 101.4m Usable Usable Ceiling Height Sq Ftsq Metersftm 230,000 111,000 119,000 21,367.7 10,312.2 11,055.4 40'–52'9" 12.2–16.1 40'–52'9" 12.2–16.1 40'–52'9" 12.2–16.1 Level Two (Level 2) GRAND LOBBY BRIDGE Exhibit Halls D & E Meeting Rooms 201–210 East and West Overlook Level Two Level Three (Level 2) Halls D & E HALL D 111,000 square feet HALL E 119,000 square feet TOTAL CONTIGUOUS SQUARE FEET 230,000 1,000 booths (10 feet x 10 feet) COLUMNS 180-foot clear span between “east to west” columns 90-foot centers between “north to south” columns CEILING HEIGHT Ranges from 30 to 50 feet FREIGHT DOCKS Hall D: 10 covered docks Hall E: 10 covered docks FREIGHT ACCESS Hall D: 1 drive-in (16 feet wide x 15 feet high), 2 overhead (16 feet wide x 15 feet high) (Level 3) On Columns: Electrical 120/208 volt, single phase and 3 phase Room # Audio and Video at Multiple Columns 301 302 303 304 305 306 Paging, video and multipin audio connectors Plumbing 1-inch water line; 1-inch compressed air pipe; can be routed to floor boxes via conduit in floor Overhead 120/208 volt, single phase and 3 phase FOOD SERVICE SHOW OFFICES Hall D: 140 square feet (south wall of Hall D) Hall E: 1,400 square feet (overlooks north side of Hall E) LIGHTING Electrical Hi Bay fluorescent and dimmable incandescent 100 amp/208 volt 3 phase; 400 amp/208 volt 3 phase Permanent room; access from inside Hall D and loading dock Floor boxes on 30 foot centers contain: Telephone/Data Electrical Voice and data connections; single mode and multimode fiber connections XLR mic and line connectors RJ45 audio inputs Plumbing 3-inch drain 71.9 71.9 71.9 71.9 71.9 71.9 10' 10' 10' 10' 10' 10' 3 3 3 3 3 3 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 30 30 30 30 30 30 * Theater capacities based on chairs set 36" front edge to front edge. ** Banquet capacities based on 10 chairs per 6' round table set on 11' centers. *** Classroom capacities based on 3 chairs per 8' x 18" table and 2 chairs per 6' x 18" table. Room # Meeting Rooms 201–210 East and West Overlook Audio and Video at Multiple Boxes 775 775 775 775 775 775 4 sets of men’s and women’s rooms, (2 sets in Hall D, 2 sets in Hall E) 350 lbs. per square foot Single mode and multimode fiber connections 7.6m x 8.8m 7.6m x 8.8m 7.6m x 8.8m 7.6m x 8.8m 7.6m x 8.8m 7.6m x 8.8m Capacities and Dimensions: Ballroom ABC FLOOR LOAD CAPACITY Telephone/Data 25' x 28'10" 25' x 28'10" 25' x 28'10" 25' x 28'10" 25' x 28'10" 25' x 28'10" Usable Usable Ceiling Height Sq Ftsq Metersftm Theater* Banquet** CLASSroom*** RESTROOMS FIRST AID 120/208 volt, single phase and 3 phase Usable Dimensions Usable Dimensions FT, length x width M, length x width Permanent concession stand inside Hall D, food court outside Hall D, café overlooking Hall E Hall E: 1 drive-in (20 feet wide x 15 feet high), 1 overhead (20 feet wide x 15 feet high) UTILITIES AND SERVICES Capacities and Dimensions: Meeting Rooms 301–306 Audio and Video XRL mic and line connectors Audio inputs Lighting Fluorescent with bi-level switching and dimmable incandescent RESTROOMS 4 sets of men’s and women’s rooms Usable Dimensions Usable Dimensions FT, length x width M, length x width Ballroom ABC 267'11" x 140'2" Ballroom AB 186'9" x 140'2" Ballroom BC 186'9" x 140'2" Ballroom A 140'2" x 97'2" Ballroom B 140'2" x 89'6" Ballroom C 140'2" x 97'2" 81.7m x 42.1m 56.9m x 42.1m 56.9m x 42.1m 42.1m x 29.6m 42.1m x 27.2m 42.1m x 29.6m Usable Usable Ceiling Height Sq Ftsq Metersftm Theater* Banquet** CLASSroom*** 52000 33000 33000 19000 14000 19000 4830.9 3065.8 3065.8 1765.2 1300.6 1765.2 40'–48' 40'–48' 40'–48' 40'–48' 40'–48' 40'–48' 12.2–14.6 12.2–14.6 12.2–14.6 12.2–14.6 12.2–14.6 12.2–14.6 * Theater capacities based on chairs set 36" from front edge to front edge. ** Banquet capacities based on 10 chairs per 6' round table. *** Classroom capacities based on 4 chairs per 8' x 18" table and 3 chairs per 6' x 18" table. Water, Natural Gas & Compressed Air Service Hall D Hall E Column # Water West entrance wall East entrance wall D-1 D-2 D-3 D-4 D-5 D-6 D-7 D-8 Comp. Air X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X Nat. Gas X X Column # Water E-1 E-2 E-3 E-4 E-5 E-6 E-7 E-8 E-9 X X X X X X X X X Comp. Air X X X X X X X X X Nat. Gas X X 4600 2800 2800 1633 1400 1633 2780 1300 1300 840 780 840 2460 1512 1512 800 700 800 Level Three (Level 3) Ballroom Meeting Rooms 301–306 Kitchen Level Three (Level 3) Ballroom BALLROOM A 19,000 square feet (16,400 square feet plus 2,600-square-foot balcony) Telephone/Data Voice and data connections; single mode and multimode fiber connections Audio and Video 14,000 square feet XLR mic and line connectors; paging, video, multipin audio connectors on walls and in floor; A/V Mezzanine across southside of ballroom BALLROOM C DRESSING ROOMS BALLROOM B 19,000 square feet (16,400 square feet plus 2,600-square-foot balcony) TOTAL USABLE SQUARE FEET 52,000 CEILING HEIGHT 40 to 48 feet high; 10 feet under balconies South PRE-FUNCTION A. 48' x 20'; restrooms with no showers B. 20' x 25’; restrooms with no showers RESTROOMS 2 sets of men’s and women’s rooms KITCHEN 20,000-square-foot kitchen adjacent to the ballroom 30,000 square feet with natural light Meeting Rooms 301–306 FLOOR LOAD CAPACITY LIGHTING 100 lbs. per square foot FREIGHT ACCESS 2 service elevators LIGHTING Hi Bay fluorescent and dimmable incandescent; multiple preset options UTILITIES AND SERVICES Electrical 100 amp/208 volt 3 phase; 200 amp/208 volt 3 phase; 400 amp/208 volt 3 phase; 60 amp/208 volt 3 phase overhead Fluorescent with bi-level switching and dimmable incandescent UTILITIES AND SERVICES Electrical 100 amp/208 volt 3 phase Telephone/Data Voice and data connections Audio and Video XLR mic and line connectors Multipin audio connectors Salons (Level 1) Capacities and Dimensions: Salons A–I Usable Dimensions Usable Dimensions Usable Usable Ceiling Height Salon # FT, length x width M, length x width Sq Ft sq Meters ft m Theater*Banquet**CLASSroom*** East Salon A 42' x 72' B 44' x 72' C 78' x 80' AB 72' x 88' ABC 152' x 164' AB with Prefunction 72' x 116' ABC with Prefunction 116' x 152' Meeting Rooms D 13' x 39' E 13' x 36' F 31' x 76' West Salon G 42' x 82' H 44' x 82' I 54' x 63' GH 82' x 86' GI 96 x 86 GHI 86' x 136' GH with Prefunction 82' x 111' GHI with Prefunction 111' x 136' RETAIL 12.8 x 21.9 13.4 x 21.9 23.7 x 24.4 21.9 x 26.8 46.3 x 49.9 21.9 x 35.3 35.3 x 46.3 3205 3462 6177 6667 12844 11311 17488 3.9 x 11.9 3.9 x 10.9 9.4 x 23.2 566 532 2163 12.8 x 24.9 13.4 x 24.9 16.4 x 19.2 24.9 x 26.2 29.3 x 24.9 26.2 x 41.5 24.9 x 33.8 33.8 x 41.5 3748 3767 5770 7515 7515 13285 10282 16052 976.9 1055.2 1882.7 2032.1 3914.9 3447.6 5330.3 5.5 5.5 5.5 5.5 5.5 5.5 5.5 260 300 578 552 1166 667 1 166 120 140 290 280 580 330 580 85 100 240 240 372 220 372 172.6 10'5"3.2 162.2 10'5"3.2 659.3 10'5"3.2 36 32 178 20 20 80 13 12 55 304 304 442 612 840 932 1240 1605 160 160 260 300 480 480 380 803 115 115 150 234 342 360 264 642 1142.4 1148.2 1758.7 2290.1 2290.1 4049.2 3134.1 4892.7 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 * Theater capacities based on chairs set 36" front edge to front edge. ** Banquet capacities based on 10 chairs per 6' round table set on 11' centers. *** Classroom capacities based on 3 chairs per 8' x 18" table and 2 chairs per 6' x 18" table. 5.5 5.5 5.5 5.5 5 .5 5.5 5.5 5 .5 E E E E Salons (Level 1) Ceiling height 18 feet East Freight Access 2 service elevators located on east side for access to Halls D and E loading docks above West Freight Access 1 service elevator located on the west side for access to Halls A, B and C loading docks below Floor load capacity 100 lbs per square foot Utilities and Services Electrical 20 amp/120 volt on walls at 15 foot centers 100 amp/208 volt on walls at 30 foot centers Telephone/Data Voice and data outlets; single mode and multimode fiber connections Lighting Dimmable fluorescent with bi-level switching and dimmable incandescent Audio and Video XRL mic and line connectors Audio inputs Rooms 103AB Electrical 100 amp/208 volt 3 phase; 400 amp/208 volt 3 phase Telephone/Data RJ45 voice and data connections; single mode and multimode fiber connections Audio and Video XRL mic and line connectors Audio inputs Lighting Dimmable fluorescent and incandescent 202.249.3000 800.368.9000 800.635.6338 202.789.7000 www.dcconvention.com www.destinationdc.com
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