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23 Regulatory Recoding 1 J o h n F. A t k i n s a n d R a y m o n d F. G e s t e l a n d 1 , 2 d e p a r t m e n t of Human Genetics and Howard Hughes Medical Institute, University of Utah Salt Lake City, Utah 84112 2 Some messenger RNAs encode not only an amino acid sequence, but also special signals that alter the mechanism of ribosomal readout. These programmed alterations of decoding, termed recoding, include ribosomal frameshifts at particular sites, reading of stop codons as sense, and ribosomal jumping where some nucleotides are skipped in the mRNA. Recoding by frameshifting and stop codon read-through (Gesteland et al. 1992) is now known to be quite widely used for gene expression. In most cases, the function is to provide a set ratio between two products that have a common amino-terminal sequence. However, there are some cases where regulation is operative. Two known cases of autoregulatory frameshifting are in decoding the genes for mammalian antizyme and Escherichia coli release factor 2 (RF2). In other cases, frameshifting is part of a regulatory pathway. The level of frameshifting in yeast transposable elements and some bacterial insertion sequences is responsive to the physiological state of the cell and in turn governs the level of element mobility. Regulatory roles are only suspected in some of the other cases of frameshifting and stop codon read-through. In programmed frameshifting, ribosomes initiate translation in the zero frame and translate conventionally to the shift site where some fraction of them are directed to one of the other two frames (+1 or - 1 ) where they continue to the next stop codon in the new frame. Typically, only a minority of the ribosomes shift frame, whereas the majority continue on in the zero frame. The result is two protein products from the same mRNA that differ in their carboxy-terminal sequence. Usually, the lengths are quite different, and in some cases, the zero frame product is quite short and has no known function. In these latter cases, the act of synthesis, however, may be important to get ribosomes to the site where some can shift and go on to make the crucial elongated transframe product. Translational Control © 1 9 % Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory Press 0-87969-458-0/96 $5 + .00 Translational Control © 1996 Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory Press 0-87969-458-0 For conditions see 653 654 J.F. Atkins and R.F. Gesteland In the known cases of programmed +1 frameshifting, where the ribosome-tRNA complex slips forward along the mRNA by one nucleotide, a single tRNA is involved in the shift to the new frame. The base 3 ' to the codon where the shift occurs is either involved in re-pairing with the shifty tRNA or occluded by the tRNA in the original frame. In either case, there is competition for use of this codon base between the shift event and standard decoding of the next codon in the zero frame. Often, this next codon has reduced ability to compete for decoding, being either a stop codon or a rare codon, providing an opportunity for regulation. A stop codon directly after a shift site makes that site especially slippery. Programmed - 1 frameshifts are different in that the great majority have tandem shift sites involving two tRNAs and no stop codon. In this case, A and P ribosomal sites are occupied by tRNAs that simultaneously shift - 1 and re-pair in the new frame. Frequently, the codon-anticodon pairing between the tRNA in the A-site and the pre-slip codon is weak, perhaps contibuting to the tendency to slip and re-pair. This may be enhanced by correspondingly stronger re-pairing by this tRNA with the - 1 codon. However, there is considerable latitude in the rules. For both +1 and - 1 programmed frameshifting, additional mRNA structures or sequences are often necesssary to stimulate the level of frameshifting at the shift site to a useful efficiency. AUTOREGULATORY FRAMESHIFTING Mammalian Antizyme A +1 ribosomal frameshift is required to decode mammalian antizyme, and the efficiency of this frameshifting is regulated by polyamines (Rom and Kahana 1994; Matsufuji et al. 1995). Antizyme tags ornithine decarboxylase (ODC), a key enzyme in polyamine synthesis, for proteolytic degradation by the 26S proteosome (Murakami et al. 1992b; Tokunaga et al. 1994; for review, see Hayashi and Canellakis 1989). High levels of polyamines result in high levels of frameshifting and hence antizyme, with resultant diminution of the amount of ODC and polyamines. The converse also holds such that with low polyamine levels, frameshifting decreases, resulting in less antizyme and longer-lived ODC (Fig. 1, top) (Rom and Kahana 1994; Matsufuji et al. 1995). Consequently, not only is ODC short-lived like other proteins that control important cellular processes (Goldberg and St. John 1976), but its turnover is also regulated. (A second less well characterized function of antizyme is that it represses polyamine uptake, thereby enabling sharper shut-down of polyamine accumulation in cells [Mitchell et al. 1994; Suzuki et al. 1994].) Translational Control © 1996 Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory Press 0-87969-458-0 For conditions see Regulatory Recoding 655 ANTIZYME mRNA > +1 FRAMESHIFTING 1 Figure 1 {Top) Autoregulatory circuit for polyamine synthesis. Polyamine concentration influences antizyme synthesis, via frameshifting, and antizyme in turn influences polyamine synthesis, via ornithine decarboxylase stability. {Bottom) Site of +1 frameshifting in decoding antizyme m R N A . The first 35 amino acids of antizyme are encoded in the zero (initiating) frame, ORF1 (there may actually be 68 amino acids from ORF1 as there are two potential initiation codons for ORF1 and it is unclear which is used in vivo) (Miyazaki et al. 1992). The known antizyme functions are localized to the ORF2 product from the +1 frame, suggesting that the role of ORF1 is not for its protein product per se, but rather to provide recoding regulation by polyamines. The part of antizyme needed for interaction with ODC is encoded by ORF2. Cells stably transfected with ORF2 supplied with an in-frame initiator codon show antizyme activity that is not stimulated by exogenous polyamines (Murakami et al. 1992a). ORF1, through the act of its translation, provides a means to access Translational Control © 1996 Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory Press 0-87969-458-0 For conditions see 656 J.F. Atkins and R.F. Gesteland 0RF2. However, it is not ruled out that ORF1 or its product may have some additional role. The antizyme shift sequence, UCC-UGA-U, is unlike other known shift sites (Fig. 1, bottom). In vitro protein synthesis experiments in reticulocyte lysates established that serine (UCC) is the last amino acid encoded in the zero frame and aspartic acid (GAU) is the first amino acid from the +1 frame. Unlike other known cases of programmed frameshifting (except Ty3 as described below) peptidyl-tRNA does not re-pair in the new frame but instead either reads or occludes a fourth base, UCC U (Matsufuji et al. 1995). The stop codon in the initiating frame (UGA) is important for frameshifting, but any stop codon at this position will suffice (they all start with U). Shifting into the - 1 frame is not detectable. A pseudoknot 3 ' of the antizyme shift sequence is also important. Although 3 ' pseudoknots are well known for stimulating - 1 frameshifting and stop codon read-through, this is the only known case where a downstream structure stimulates +1 frameshifting. However, the present evidence from in vitro experiments indicates that the antizyme pseudoknot is less important than its counterparts for - 1 frameshifting, and it is also closer to its shift site (Matsufuji et al. 1995). Clearly, further work is required to characterize the antizyme pseudoknot and assess the significance of its differences from other pseudoknots. However, there are some provocative similarities. In the antizyme pseudoknot, there is a single base, A, between the two stems just as there is in the pseudoknot that stimulates mouse mammary tumor virus (MMTV) gag pro - 1 frameshifting (Chen et al. 1995). In the MMTV pseudoknot, this A is wedged between the two stems, offsetting them from coaxial stacking producing a bent shape (Shen and Tinoco 1995). Shen and Tinoco (1995) suggest that the MMTV structure has some resemblance to a codonanticodon complex. They raise the interesting possibility that this structure is recognized by a component of the translation apparatus responsible for stabilizing tRNA-codon interaction, and so influences frameshifting. The original antizyme sequence was obtained from rat (Miyazaki et al. 1992), but both human (Tewari et al. 1994) and Xenopus (Ichiba et al. 1995) antizyme cDNA sequences also require frameshifting for their expression. The identity, or great similarity, of the shift sites and pseudoknots means that the basic mechanism is widely conserved. Curiously, when the antizyme frameshifting cassette is expressed in Saccharomyces cerevisiae cells, frameshifting occurs at the same site but is predominately - 2 rather than +1 (Matsufuji et al. 1996) (-2 frameshifting yields an extra amino acid in the sequence). Although this finding raises interestSer Translational Control © 1996 Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory Press 0-87969-458-0 For conditions see Regulatory Recoding 657 ing questions, it is discouraging for attempts to isolate meaningful mutants of ribosomal components that would be useful in the elucidation of the details of +1 antizyme frameshifting. Perhaps the most striking facet of antizyme regulation is the stimulation of frameshifting by polyamines. The mechanism is unknown. The site of action of polyamines is not the pseudoknot since the lower level of frameshifting in the absence of the pseudoknot is still stimulated by polyamines. However, distortion of the decoding site is a possible mode of action (Matsufuji et al. 1995). Although it is very interesting that signals in mRNA can cause the ribosome to alter decoding in response to the concentration of small ubiquitous molecules, the mechanism will be difficult to dissect, however, because polyamines are an intimate part of the translation apparatus. Bacterial Release Factor 2 RF2 causes polypeptide chain release at UGA and UAA codons, perhaps by direct interaction with stop codons in the decoding site on the 30S ribosomal subunit (Brown and Tate 1994). How this protein:RNA recognition is mediated is unknown. RF2 is the only release factor that acts at UGA (RF1 mediates release at UAA and UAG but not UGA). The number of RF2 molecules per E. coli cell increases from 5900 to 24,900 as the growth rate is increased from 0.3 to 2.4 doublings per hour (Adamski et al. 1994). The putative promoter for the RF2 gene, prfB, has a stringent discriminator (Kawakami et al. 1988), which presumably contributes to coordinate regulation in response to growth demands. There is also the added complexity that the specific activity of the expressed product is proportional to the level of expression, suggesting that a specific deactivation or activation mechanism may exist to control RF2 activity posttranslationally (Adamski 1992). However, much of the regulation of RF2 expression is via control of obligatory ribosomal frameshifting (Fig. 2). The efficiency of this shift can be as much as 40% or more in vivo with wild-type cells. The first 25 amino acids of E. coli RF2 are encoded by the zero or initiating frame of the prfB gene, and the other 340 amino acids are encoded by its +1 frame (Fig. 2) (Craigen et al. 1985; Kawakami et al. 1988). The 25th and 26th zero frame codons are CUU UGA. To synthesize RF2, ribosomes shift +1 just before encountering the UGA stop codon. The cognate tRNA for CUU is t R N A L e u (anticodon 3 ' GAG-5'). t R N A (very likely tRNA|- ) dissociates from the CUU leucine codon at position 25 and slips +1 to re-pair with the overlapping L e u eu Translational Control © 1996 Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory Press 0-87969-458-0 For conditions see 658 J.F. Atkins and R.F. Gesteland 5' Degradation Figure 2 Elements important for the +1 frameshifting in decoding RF2 m R N A . The shift of t R N A ^ " from pairing with C U U to pairing with U U U is influenced by the stop codon and the m R N A rRNA interaction of translocating ribosomes. 1 UUU (Weiss et al. 1987). Re-pairing requires first position U:G wobble pairing. t R N A ^ may be aided in re-pairing by lack of a bulky modification at the base 3 ' to the anticodon (1T4G37) (see Curran 1993). Direct evidence indicates that the obligatory frameshifting in RF2 decoding is autoregulatory. Exogenously added RF2 represses in vitro expression of the RF2 gene (Craigen and Caskey 1986) by decreasing frameshifting to just a few percent (Donly et al. 1990). In addition, diminution of RF2 levels in vivo by mutants in the RF2 gene leads to increased RF2 frameshifting to levels that can approach 100% (Kawakami and Nakamura 1990). The 3 ' U of the UUU codon involved in re-pairing is the first base of the UGA codon (Weiss et al. 1987; Curran and Yarus 1989). The availability of the UGA codon and hence its first base is governed by the amount of RF2. When the RF2 level is low, UUU is available for re-pairing by peptidyl t R N A , and translation continues in the +1 frame to synthesize more RF2, thereby helping to correct the deficit. Conversely, in excess RF2, termination at the UGA codon is more likely to ensue, establishing competition between termination and frameshifting. The small peptide originating from termination at codon 26, UGA, is rapidly degraded (Brown 1989; see Williams et al. 1989; Donly and Tate 1991). However, at the time the frameshifting occurs, the 25 mer is likely to be wholly contained within the exit channel of the ribosome. So far, eu Leu Translational Control © 1996 Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory Press 0-87969-458-0 For conditions see Regulatory Recoding 659 there is no reason to think that this peptide affects the frameshifting since the 16-nucleotide frameshifting cassette containing only four of the codons for the 25 mer (see below) efficiently gives regulated frameshifting in heterologous contexts. However, a direct test has not been done, and in the case of the highly efficient 50-nucleotide translational bypass in decoding T4 gene 60, part of the nascent peptide is important for recoding (Weiss et al. 1990a). When removed from its RF2 gene environment, alterations of the CUU UGA shift site to CUU UXX, where UXX is not a stop codon, give only a very low level of frameshifting (Weiss et al. 1987). (In the RF2 gene context [see below], some sense codon substitutions can give up to 11% frameshifting [Curran and Yarus 1989], and this can be greatly elevated by a ribosomal mutant with increased accuracy [Sipley and Goldman 1993].) The stop codon elevates the level about tenfold and has been called a "shifty stop" (Weiss et al. 1987). The stop may act by causing a long pause in decoding. However, a mechanism that involves some early stage in the termination reaction needs to be seriously considered (Weiss et al. 1990b). Considerable evidence exists that the recognition sites for release factors are effectively quadruplets (e.g., UGAN) (Brown et al. 1990). UGAC is the rarest context of the UGA and UAA terminators used in E. coli genes (Brown et al. 1993) and is the poorest termination signal (Poole et al. 1995). The nucleotide 3 ' to the UGA terminator at codon 26 in the RF2 gene is C. This unfavorable context for termination contributes to high-level frameshifting (Poole et al. 1995). There is another case where a C 3 ' to UGA is utilized to dampen the possibility of termination at that site (for review, see Tate and Brown 1992). In the E. coli formate dehydrogenase gene (fdhF and fdhG) where an internal UGA specifies selenocysteine and not termination, the nucleotide 3 ' to the UGA is also C (Bock et al. 1991). UGA C is inefficient as a terminator in competition with suppressor tRNA in reporter systems (Miller and Albertini 1983; Stormo et al. 1986; Buckingham et al. 1990; Kopelowitz et al. 1992). Some of these suppressor studies revealed the importance of the 3 ' codon (when it was a particular leucine codon which surprisingly is not decoded by a rare tRNA) rather than merely the 3 ' base (Miller and Albertini 1983; Raftery et al. 1984), and results consistent with this have been found with some natural terminators (Atkins and Gesteland 1983; N.M. Wills et al., unpubl.). The codon immediately 3 ' o f the UGA stop codon at position 26 in the RF2 gene is CUA. t R N A | , which decodes CUA, is a rare tRNA, but whether the 3 ' codon rather than just the 3 ' base effects release at codon 26 in the RF2 gene is unknown. eu Translational Control © 1996 Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory Press 0-87969-458-0 For conditions see 660 J.F. Atkins and R.F. Gesteland An additional and crucial signal in the RF2 gene stimulates the frameshifting fivefold above that which occurs at CUU UGA on its own. The additional element is a Shine-Dalgarno (SD) sequence located three bases 5 'of the CUU codon (Weiss et al. 1987, 1988b, 1990b; Curran and Yarus 1988). Its action is not dependent on the presence of the stop codon, i.e., it still acts with a CUU UXX shift site, where UXX is not a stop codon (Weiss et al. 1987). Base pairing between the anti-SD sequence at the 3 ' e n d of 16S rRNA in translocating ribosomes and the AGGGGG sequence 5 ' of the shift site stimulates the shift (Weiss et al. 1988b). This implies that the 3 ' e n d of 16S rRNA of elongating ribosomes must scan mRNA for potential pairing during ribosome translocation. Pairing with an internal SD sequence presumably causes some conformational change at the decoding site that stimulates frameshifting. Although it has not yet been tested, the rRNA mRNA interaction may cause ribosome slowing or pausing and, if so, this would likely have a role, but spacing arguments (see below) suggest that the stimulatory effect is not solely due to pausing. The distance of three nucleotides between the shift site and the SD sequence is critical: Moving it even one base in either direction greatly reduces frameshifting (Weiss et al. 1987). The spacing corresponds to the minimal distance between AUG start codons and their associated SD sequence (see Ringquist et al. 1992). In decoding the dnaX gene, SD interactions stimulate - 1 frameshifting, and the ten-nucleotide distance between the shift site and the SD sequence is close to the maximal distance between AUG start codons and their associated SD sequences (Larsen et al. 1994). The reason for the spacing distinction between the RF2 gene and dnaX is unclear, but perhaps the rRNA:mRNA pairing results in tension in the - 1 case or compression in the +1 case that is relieved by mRNA slippage in the appropriate direction (Larsen et al. 1994). Insertion of an additional SD sequence positioned 15 nucleotides upstream of the RF2 shift site strongly interferes with the stimulatory effect of the normal SD, as if sequestration of the rRNA anti-SD sequence by the upstream additional SD was maintained sufficiently long to preclude interaction with the correctly positioned SD (Weiss et al. 1990b). The UGA C stop codon in the RF2 gene frameshifting cassette is twoto threefold more susceptible to in-frame read-through by suppressor tRNAs than the UGA G stop codon at the end of the RF2 gene (see Curran and Yarus 1988; Adamski et al. 1993). Previous suppression studies on these four-nucleotide terminator codons in "reporter" genes yielded the opposite result (see above), implying that the RF2 context is special. This increased suppression efficiency gives a measure of the extent to Translational Control © 1996 Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory Press 0-87969-458-0 For conditions see Regulatory Recoding 661 which RF2 is less effective at this site than at UGA codons in "normal" contexts. Recent experiments suggest that the SD interaction has a role in decreasing the efficiency of termination in addition to its direct stimulation of the frameshifting (B. Larsen et al., unpubl.). Another feature to be considered is the nature of the penultimate amino acid encoded before the stop codon. In a test system, it has been shown that the acidic/basic property of the amino acid at that position affects termination efficiency at UGA stop codons (Mottagui-Tabar et al. 1994). This feature has not been tested in the RF2 context. Evidence has been found for a specific interaction between RF2 and the last peptidyl tRNA, serine/phenylalanine, in termination at UGA (Arkov et al. 1993), but this is not relevant to the required frameshifting in RF2 decoding as the last peptidyl tRNA is neither phenylalanine nor serine. Release factor 3 (RF3) enhances release, in collaboration with RF1 and RF2, at the three stop codons but especially at UGA (Grentzmann et al. 1995). Consequently, the level of RF3 influences the level of termination at the codon-26 UGA terminator within the RF2 gene, and hence the amount of frameshifting and RF2 synthesis (Grentzmann et al. 1995). The amount of RF3 present during different growth conditions has not yet been determined, and thus its role in regulation of RF2 synthesis is unknown. The genes for RF2 in both Salmonella typhimurium (Kawakami and Nakamura 1990) and Bacillus subtilis (Pel et al. 1992) show striking conservation of the frameshift sequence with their E. coli counterpart. The SD requirement for initiation in B, subtilis seems to be stricter than in E. coli, with less tolerance for spacing shorter than optimal (Vellanoweth and Rabinowitz 1992). The Bacillus RF2 gene shift sequence is AGG GGG ucu CUU UGA C compared to the E, coli sequence AGG GGG uau CUU UGA C. (The SD and shift/stop nucleotides are in capitals; note that the penultimate codon before the stop encodes a neutral amino acid in both cases.) This conservation is much greater than the 20.7% in rRNA between E. coli and B. subtilis, which are thought to have diverged 1500 million years ago (Ochman and Wilson 1987). There is 37.2% identity between the amino acid sequences of E. coli RF1 and RF2, and many of the substitutions are conservative. This is likely to reflect a common ancestor for these two genes, rather than convergent evolution for partially overlapping binding sites and some common functions. Despite the apparently strong selection for the utilization of frameshifting in RF2 gene decoding, there is no programmed frameshifting in the synthesis of RF1 or RF3 (Craigen et al. 1985; Grentzmann et al. 1994; Mikuni et al. 1994). There may be some other Translational Control © 1996 Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory Press 0-87969-458-0 For conditions see 662 J.F. Atkins and R.F. Gesteland mechanism for the control of RF1 synthesis. The gene for RF1, in both E. coli and S. typhimurium, is close to the 3 ' end of the hemA gene which is terminated by UAGC, a putative "poor" stop. Elliott (1989) proposed that the concentration of RF1 is sensed by its action at this UAGC stop, with low levels of RF1 permitting read-through to the next stop codon. The second stop codon is UGAC (RF2-specific), and it is very close to the poor ribosome-binding site for the RF1 gene. Elliott proposed that termination at this UGA codon, which would be dependent on RF2, would "feed" ribosomes for initiation of RF1 synthesis (see Elliott and Wang 1991). Whether this model is right or not, the only evidence available hints that RF1 levels are governed by RF2 levels (for review, see Tate et al. 1993; Adamski et al. 1994). Why RF2 and not RF1 should apparently be the primary regulatory focus is unknown. Although genes with UGA stop codons are used equally to those with UAA at low growth rates, genes with UAA are predominant at high growth rates. There is evidence for differential context effects for the release factors at UAA codons (Martin et al. 1988). If the genes for both molecules derived from a common ancestor, as seems likely, the question arises as to whether the programmed frameshifting arose before the split and was lost from the ancestral RF1 gene or was acquired by the ancestral RF2 gene after the split. Either way, the degree of conservation of the signals between E. coli and B. subtilis suggests an ancient origin. A Possible Case: Tryptophanase Tryptophanase allows bacteria to use tryptophan as a sole carbon source. Expression of the tryptophanase operon of E. coli is induced by tryptophan in a growth medium lacking a catabolite-repressing carbon source. Induction requires the translation of a 24-codon gene located in the 319-nucleotide transcribed leader region preceding the structural gene for tryptophanase. This leader-coding region contains a single tryptophan codon, UGG, at position 12. Mutagenic and suppressor studies have shown that translation of the codon at position 12 by tRNA P is essential for induction (Gollnick and Yanofsky 1990 and references therein). Consistent with the importance of the tryptophan codon, it and its flanking sequence are highly conserved in Proteus vulgaris (Kamath and Yanofsky 1992). Despite much work (see Gish and Yanofsky 1993), the mechanism of tryptophan-mediated induction is unknown. Current studies implicate the leader peptide in induction and the participation of an out-of-frame stop codon, UGA, in the p-mediated termination that is Tr Translational Control © 1996 Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory Press 0-87969-458-0 For conditions see Regulatory Recoding 663 relieved upon induction (K. Gish and C. Yanofsky, pers. comm.). How the out-of-frame stop codon, which occurs after codon 12, is sensed by ribosomes is not clear, but further work may reveal novel features of importance to our understanding of recoding. Tryptophan Repressor A low-level shift to the +1 frame has been reported in decoding the E. coli tryptophan repressor gene, trpR (Benhar and Engelberg-Kulka 1993). In a trpR-lacZ fusion construct, an intriguing translational bypass has been found (Benhar and Engelberg-Kulka 1993). The bypass uses a set of rules different from those of the T4 gene-60 bypass (see below). Benhar et al. (1993) have shown that the level involved is dependent on the efficiency of translation initiation. However, it remains to be seen whether these findings are significant for trpR expression (see Engelberg-Kulka and Schoulaker-Schwarz 1994). MOBILE GENETIC ELEMENTS AND REGULATORY FRAMESHIFTING Transposition a n d the G e n e r a t i o n of Variability Transposition of resident mobile genetic elements is a major cause of mutation. In bacteria, this has been documented both in growing cells (Rodriguez et al. 1992) and in resting cells maintained in stabs (Naas et al. 1994). Interestingly, starvation conditions seem to increase the transposition of some mobile elements (Hall 1988; Shapiro and Higgins 1989; Mittler and Lenski 1990). Some of the diversity of genetic combinations created by insertion sequence (IS) movement is advantageous (see Arber 1991; Naas et al. 1994). In several bacterial IS elements, there is a direct correlation between frameshifting, which generates a fusion polypeptide, and transposition (Chandler and Fayet 1993). Similar considerations are likely to apply in yeast (Voytas and Boeke 1993; see below). Stationary-phase E. coli show higher frameshifting levels with certain test sequences (J. Gallant, unpubl.); the effect of starvation conditions is described below. Yeast Ty Elements Yeast transposable elements, Ty, replicate by a retrovirus-like mechanism involving an RNA intermediate and are widely dispersed throughout the genome of S. cerevisiae. Ty elements contain two genes TYA and TYB that are analogs of retroviral gag and pol genes (in Ty3, the genes Translational Control © 1996 Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory Press 0-87969-458-0 For conditions see 664 J.F. Atkins and R.F. Gesteland Ty1 LEU GAU I I l\ C U U A GGC Rare Codon Ty3 LEU GLY GAU CCG III II I CUU A GGC a CGC IN CAI III G C G A GUU Rare Codon Figure 3 The +1 frameshifting in Tyl decoding involves tRNA mRNA repairing, whereas that involved in Ty3 decoding utilizes mRNA base occlusion instead of re-pairing. are called GAG3 and POL3 instead of TYA and TYB). In marked contrast to mammalian retroviruses, except spumaretroviruses (foamy viruses), TYB is in the +1 frame relative to TYA. Ribosome entry to the TYB gene requires +1 frameshifting near the end of the TYA gene. For T y l , the frameshift signal is CUU AGG C, and the CUU decoding special leucine tRNA shifts +1 to re-pair with the underlined UUA triplet (Fig. 3). Subsequent decoding continues in this new frame (Belcourt and Farabaugh 1990). An important ingredient of the mechanism is that the zero frame AGG arginine codon is a rare codon with a correspondingly sparse tRNA (Belcourt and Farabaugh 1990). Overexpression of the single gene for this arginine tRNA results in reduced frameshifting (Belcourt and Farabaugh 1990; Xu and Boeke 1990) and consequently reduced Ty transposition since the TYA TYB fusion product is essential and rate limiting for transposition (Xu and Boeke 1990). The gene for the sparse arginine tRNA, HSX1, is involved in the heat shock response (Kawakami et al. 1992, 1993), and thus this system qualifies as being bona fide regulatory. Another yeast transposon, Ty3, is distinctly different from Tyl and has similarities to the Drosophila retrovirus gypsy (Hansen et al. 1988; Kim et al. 1994; Song et al. 1994). Transposition of Ty3 is dependent on the cell cycle (Menees et al. 1994). Frameshifting at the end of the Ty3 gag analog has also been investigated. A "hungry" rare codon is also involved in the corresponding Ty3 frameshifting, but it is an AGU serine codon. The shift site is GCG AGU U, but in this case, the tRNA for the initial zero frame codon GCG does not re-pair with CGA: Instead, the Translational Control © 1996 Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory Press 0-87969-458-0 For conditions see Regulatory Recoding 665 base A is skipped and GUU is read as the next codon (Farabaugh et al. 1993). Replacing the zero frame codon GCG with all other sense codons showed that only eight tRNAs can stimulate the +1 shift, consistent with there being special features of active peptidyl tRNAs (Vimaladithan and Farabaugh 1994). Interestingly, overproducing the tRNA for the first +1 frame codon stimulated the frameshifting (Pande et al. 1994) and provides evidence that the first codon has a role in the new frame, "fixing" the frameshifting event. However, further work is necessary to understand the mechanism for base skipping. The sequence of 14 nucleotides (CU AAC CGA UCU UGA, shown in codons of the initiating frame) 3 ' to the shift site is important for the frameshifting (Farabaugh et al. 1993). It is not thought to be structured (P.J. Farabaugh et a l , pers. comm.), but how it acts is unknown. Initiation Factor 3 a n d Bacterial Insertion S e q u e n c e 911 1S911 encodes an orfA gene product, an orfB gene product (orfB begins 52 nucleotides 5 ' o f the orfA terminator), and an orfAB gene product. In the overlap region between the orfA and orfB ORFs is a "slippery" double-shift site A AAA AAG followed by a complicated stem-loop sequence. The structure stimulates - 1 frameshifting to yield the orfAB gene fusion product important for transposition (for review, see Chandler and Fayet 1993). Immediately 5 ' of the A AAA AAG shift site is an in-frame AUU codon preceded by an appropriately positioned SD sequence (Prere et al. 1990; Polard et al. 1991). This codon serves for initiation of synthesis of the OrfB protein whose function in transposition is unknown. AUU initiators are very uncommon and are only known elsewhere in the gene for initiation factor 3, infC, and in phage T4 gene 26* (Sacerdot et al. 1982; Nivinskas et al. 1992). The infC AUU initiator has been shown to be a site for autoregulation by initiation factor 3 (IF3) (Butler et al. 1987; Hartz et al. 1990; La Teana et al. 1993 and references therein). In the case of I S 9 i i , O. Fayet and colleagues (M.-F. Prere et al., unpubl.) have found that the level of orfB synthesis is influenced in the same manner by IF3 concentration. The obvious implication is that altered IF3 levels are an indicator of some adverse circumstances and that IS977 uses this monitor to modulate the synthesis of at least one of the three products potentially important for transposition. However, there is at present no direct evidence for this model. The previous findings with infC mRNA could be interpreted as revealing a device for the maintenance of homeostasis. The I S 9 / / findings to date hint that IF3 levels may also have a sensory role. Translational Control © 1996 Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory Press 0-87969-458-0 For conditions see 666 J.F. Atkins and R.F, Gesteland Interestingly, IF3 is known to bind the 3 ' e n d of 16S rRNA of 30S ribosomal subunits (Wickstrom 1983). The SD sequence 5 ' o f the IS9/J AUU initiator is essential for obtaining the maximum level of frameshifting (M.-F. Prere et al., unpubl.). The initial interpretation —that this was wholly a reflection of IF3 involvement —is very likely to be only partially true. The SD sequence is 11 bases 5 ' of the A AAA AAG shift sequence. This arrangement is virtually the same as that in E. coli dnaX - 1 frameshifting discussed above where pairing between rRNA and mRNA is important for high-level frameshifting (Larsen et al. 1994). In IS9/i decoding, in translocating ribosomes near the end of the orfA gene, the 3 ' e n d of 16S rRNA presumably pairs with the mRNA SD sequence. Whether there is continued in-frame translation with nearby termination, initiation at the AUU initiator, or frameshifting at the A AAA AAG depends, in part, on IF3 levels (M.-F. Prere et al., unpubl.). OTHER STUDIES O N LIMITATION OF AMINOACYL tRNA Limitation of an aminoacyl tRNA reduces the potential for pairing by a cognate tRNA, and the waiting ribosomes adopt a much more open structure than normal (Ofverstedt et al. 1994). Such limitation is natural, commonly encountered, and potentially a serious problem. It is not surprising that this is at the center of several control systems. As considered above, limitation of particular aminoacyl tRNAs is important for Ty frameshifting. It, or its corollary, has also been found to mediate frameshifting in several other cases, as well as being involved in quite a number of unrelated control systems. The degree of aminoacylation of tRNAs is a sensitive indicator of cellular activity, and this measure in bacteria is used to operate several specific controls. Specific aminoacylation levels are detected by leader peptide gene translation and consequent attenuation in the expression of gram-negative amino acid biosynthetic operons. Uncharged tRNA directly pairs with leader RNA in gram-positive aminoacyl tRNA genes and effects attenuation by a different means (Grundy and Henkin 1994). tRNA aminoacylation levels also control certain translation factor genes, as well as the highly pleiotropic stringent control system (Gallant 1979; Cashel and Rudd 1987) and the expression of genes with rare codons early in the gene (Chen and Inouye 1994). Aminoacylation levels in turn are governed by several factors including the supply of amino acids and the expression levels of tRNAs in relation to synthetase levels. Limitation of aminoacylated tRNA is also found in several human mitochondrial disease states, and the protein synthesis defect has been Translational Control © 1996 Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory Press 0-87969-458-0 For conditions see Regulatory Recoding 667 partially characterized in one case of myoclonus epilepsy with ragged red fiber encephalomyopathy (Enriquez et al. 1995). However, products arising from frameshifting have not yet been found. Frameshifting as a Sensor In vitro protein synthesis studies of MS2 RNA (Atkins et al. 1979; Dayhuff et al. 1986), in vivo studies of phage and bacterial frameshift mutants (Gallant and Foley 1980; Weiss et al. 1988a), and in vivo studies of overexpressed genes with tandem rare codons (Spanjaard et al, 1990) showed that alteration of the balance of aminoacylated tRNAs could have dramatic effects on ribosomal frameshifting (Gallant and Lindsley 1993). Even high-level expression of a mammalian gene in E. coli leads to enhanced ribosomal frameshifting as detected by increased |3galactosidase from lacZ frameshift mutants (Bogosian et al. 1990). It is not known if any of the signals identified in these studies are utilized for regulatory purposes, but it would be surprising if at least some of them are not. In fact, although the signals are different, as described above, it is clear that the +1 frameshifting utilized by mobile yeast Ty elements for generating their transposase is responsive to the level of certain charged tRNAs. In contrast, the sensing of aminoacyl tRNA limitation for programmed - 1 frameshifting is much less clear. Model systems using the signals from programmed - 1 shift sites show that it can occur, but there is as yet no clear evidence for its utilization. Most programmed - 1 frameshifting sites are of the general type X XXY YYZ, where X and Y, and sometimes even Z, can be the same base. These "double-shifty" sites permit two tRNAs to shift - 1 in tandem and are used by viruses, IS elements, and at least one cellular gene, E. coli dnaX, Is the level of frameshifting at this type of signal also responsive to the relative amounts of aminoacylated tRNAs? In E. coli, a U-rich double-shifty sequence, U UUU UUA (the gag pol shift site in HIV-1) has been tested. When the UUA codon is "hungry" due to leucine starvation, frameshifting is elevated sixfold when starvation reduced growth rate sevenfold. On leucine starvation, two thirds of the frameshifting results in phenylalanine insertion rather than leucine insertion at the shift site. This is presumably due to - 1 shifting before tRNA binding and incoming t R N A pairing with the U UU codon (Yelverton et al. 1994), although unstable initial pairing of t R N A to the UUA leucine codon cannot be ruled out. This ratio of phenylalanine to leucine is about double the ratio seen in unstarved E. coli and three times the ratio in reticulocyte lysates (Yelverton et al. 1994). In unstarved situations with phe P h e Translational Control © 1996 Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory Press 0-87969-458-0 For conditions see 668 J.F. Atkins and Ft.F. Gesteland different shift sites, the ratio of the two amino acids that correspond to the phenylalanine and leucine in the U UUA case just described may be quite different. For instance, with the HTLV-I shift cassette, the last four nucleotides of the shift site are A AAC, and in reticulocyte lysates, the amount of lysine compared to asparagine inserted is vanishingly small (Nam et al. 1993; AAA encodes lysine and AAC encodes asparagine). Starvation studies in E. coli done with a shift sequence with the same four last bases A AAA AAC from IS/ show a substantial increase in frameshifting, over a broad range of values, in response to asparagine starvation, which may serve as an indicator of nitrogen starvation (E. Yelverton, pers. comm.). Starvation for asparagine could allow either the ribosome to slip back prior to tRNA attachment or unstable pairing by lysine tRNA at the AAC codon, which by analogy with other studies would be expected to facilitate frameshifting by permitting easier detachment (see Tsuchihashi and Brown 1992). The subsequent re-pairing step by a tRNA y would be to a cognate codon (AAA), and although the relationship between good re-pairing possibilities and frameshifting is complex, this should contribute to elevated frameshifting (for review, see Atkins and Gesteland 1995). With the tandem lysine codon shift sequence, A AAA AAG, a reduced supply of aminoacyl tRNA for the 3 ' codon AAG by lysine starvation may not have the same effect on frameshifting since the - 1 frame codon for re-pairing is also a lysine codon (cf. Fu and Parker 1994) and may be less useful for regulation by this means. In E. coli, A AAA AAG is much more shifty than A AAA AAC (which is used in I S / ) (Weiss et al. 1989), but of course the nature of the stimulators greatly influences the level of programmed frameshifting. Furthermore, one study has shown that a stimulator influences the character of a shift, i.e., whether the amino acid encoded by the second slip codon is primarily that specified by the zero or - 1 frame codon (Weiss et al. 1989). Clearly, the role of aminoacyl tRNA limitation in regulated - 1 frameshifting is far from being resolved. L s POLYPROTEINS AND RATIO SETTING In the great majority of known programmed frameshifting cases, alteration of the ratio of products has not been reported. The ratio of shift and nonshift products appears set and not subject to regulation. However, the particular setting of the ratio varies widely. When frameshifting is used to generate polyproteins, the nonshift product is often used for viral structural purposes and is produced in large amounts, whereas the shift Translational Control © 1996 Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory Press 0-87969-458-0 For conditions see Regulatory Recoding 669 product, commonly a polymerase, is used for catalytic purposes and is produced in small amounts. The gag-pol - 1 frameshifting in S. cerevisiae double-stranded RNA virus, L-A, occurs at 1.9%; the XG-T shift occurs at 4%; the MMTV gag-pro shift occurs at 2 3 % (but a second shift, at the pro-pol junction, is required to give the Gag-Pro-Pol fusion and the component shifts have to be efficient to give a 5% ratio of GagPro-Pol fusion to Gag product). In E. coli dnaX, decoding the - 1 shift occurs at 50% and the two products are present in a 1:1 ratio in DNA polymerase III. Here, frameshifting is used to generate a truncated protein rather than a polyprotein. The precise set ratio of Gag product to Gag-Pol product seems to be important for retroviruses and retrotransposons (see, e.g., Dinman and Wickner 1992), with increases or decreases in frameshifting levels likely to be deleterious. Viral intolerance of altered retrovirus ratios has provoked thoughts of the possible utility of potential drugs that would change frameshifting (or stop codon read-through) efficiency without upsetting standard decoding. A key consideration is the degree of flexibility permitted with host programmed frameshifts. However, since only one case of mammalian cellular ribosomal frameshifting, in decoding antizyme, has been identified to date, the potential detrimental effect is difficult to evaluate. Close relatives of retroviruses, pararetroviruses, use various strategies other than frameshifting or read-through to generate their Gag-Pol polyprotein, so even with a similar gene organization, different strategies for generating Pol products are possible. There is no evidence for regulation of the set ratio in these viruses either (see Rothnie et al. 1994). The ratio of shift and nonshift products is set by the "slippery" nature of the shift sequence and the strength of the stimulatory signals. Efficient programmed - 1 frameshifting sites have double-shift codons, X XXY YYZ, preceding a potential pseudoknot or stem-loop at a defined distance, 7 + 2 (Jacks et al. 1988; Brierley et al. 1989; Weiss et al. 1989; ten Dam et al. 1990). Coronaviruses and MMTV gag-pro shifts use pseudoknots, whereas astrovirus (Marczinke et al. 1994), HTLV-II (Falk et al. 1993; Kollmus et al. 1994), and dnaX (see Tsuchihashi and Brown 1992) shifts use a stem-loop. However, not all - 1 programmed frameshifting involves double slippery codons. Potato virus M utilizes a single slipshift site (Gramstat et al. 1994), and the same is likely to be true for several bacterial IS elements (see Chandler and Fayet 1993). Furthermore, in phage T7 gene-/0 frameshifting, the shift site is at best a degenerate double-shift site (Condron et al. 1991). Putative +1 frameshifting sites are more difficult to identify. The known cases occur Translational Control © 1996 Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory Press 0-87969-458-0 For conditions see 670 J.F. Atkins and R.F. Gesteland directly before stop or rare codons, but this on its own is not an easy identifier. When re-pairing is involved as in RF2 and T y l , only one 3 ' nucleotide is utilized for re-pairing, and in other cases, Ty3 and probably antizyme re-pairing is not utilized. Viruses Viral genomes are a rich source for recoding. This is especially true for plant viruses even though the efficiency of individual events in plant virus decoding tends to be low (for review, see Rohde et al. 1994; Miller et al. 1995). One issue raised by the frequent occurrence of recoding in viral expression is whether infection causes a change in host-protein synthesis to facilitate its particular kind of recoding event. This has been addressed for some retroviruses that utilize frameshifting at the end of their gag genes and also for murine leukemia virus (MLV) where ribosomes enter its pol gene by reading through the gag stop codon. The tRNAs that decode the shift site in several retroviruses are specifically undermodified on infection with the retrovirus in question (Hatfield et al. 1989). However, no alteration in the efficiency of frameshifting has been detected with the HIV-1 gag-pol shift sequence in cell lines from different tissues or species (Vickers and Ecker 1992; Reil et al. 1993; Cassan et al. 1994). Furthermore, the efficiency of frameshifting from a plasmid-borne copy of the HIV-1 shift cassette is unaffected by HIV-1 infection (Cassan et al. 1994; Reil et al. 1994). Earlier, it was reported that the minor glutamine tRNA that mediates read-through of the MLV gag UAG terminator was elevated in infected mouse cells (Kuchino et al. 1987). However, other investigators have found no alteration of glutamine tRNA or level of this programmed read-through on infection (Panganiban 1988; Feng et al. 1989; Berteaux et al. 1991). Orosophlla Gypsy There is now good evidence that Gypsy is an invertebrate retrovirus (Kim et al. 1994; Song et al. 1994), and it is likely that - 1 frameshifting (probably at a U-rich sequence similar to that in HIV-1) is required for ribosomes to enter its pol analog. Transposition of Gypsy is under the tissue-specific control of the flamenco gene, which, however, is likely to act on expression of the env analog (Pelisson et al. 1994) rather than at the presumptive frameshifting. Translational Control © 1996 Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory Press 0-87969-458-0 For conditions see Regulatory Recoding 671 Nonproduct Roles On occasion, the reason for recoding may not be to produce a "new" protein product per se, but rather to ensure ribosome movement into "special" locations (see Atkins et al. 1990). For instance, one speculative possibility is that the passage of some ribosomes into the 3 ' -untranslated region may influence mRNA half-life by affecting mRNA structure. Only a small number of specific suggestions have been made, among them are frameshifting near the end of the RNA phage MS2 synthetase gene affecting replicase progression (Dayhuff et al. 1986) and frameshifting at the end of the lacZ gene to deliver ribosomes to the lacY SD (see Weiss et al. 1987), but these have not been proven. Perhaps the ongoing investigations of the tryptophanase leader region decoding (see above) will reveal a nonproduct role. SHUNTS AND HOPS The leader sequences of cauliflower mosaic virus and other caulimoviruses are long (>600 nucleotides) and contain several ORFs. Detailed analysis has led to the proposal that ribosomes enter at the cap site and begin scanning. Subsequently, a "shunt" can occur such that the ribosomes transfer to the 3 ' end of the leader to initiate synthesis at the main ORF without scanning through the central portion of the leader (Fiitterer et al. 1993). A related mechanism may be used for synthesis of the X protein of the parainfluenza virus, Sendai (Curran and Kolakofsky 1988). In E. coli, although direct entry of ribosomes to at least the first gene on a polycistronic mRNA is the norm, terminated but not released ribosomes can, with moderate efficiency, scan mRNA for restart codons at least 46 nucleotides distant (Adhin and van Duin 1990). Shunting of scanning ribosomes has not been detected in E. coli, but a bypass of 50 nucleotides by translating ribosomes is being studied in detail (Huang et al. 1988; Weiss et al. 1990a; Herbst et al. 1994). The hop, which occurs in decoding phage T4 gene 60, is highly efficient, but no regulatory function is known. STOP C O D O N READ-THROUGH Although there are many known cases of functional read-through of stop codons, none are known to be regulated. Before the E, coli gene for RF2 was sequenced, the possibility existed that its expression would be regulated by read-through of an in-frame UGA stop codon early in the gene. As described above, sequencing revealed that it does have UGA as codon Translational Control © 1996 Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory Press 0-87969-458-0 For conditions see 672 J.F. Atkins and R.F. Gesteland 26, but expression and regulation require frameshifting rather than stop codon read-through. Why? Perhaps stop codon read-through cannot be made to operate at the required 30-50% efficiency without elaborate mechanisms. None of the many known cases of stop codon read-through with insertion of one of the 20 standard amino acids occur with more than 12% frequency, even though one category of read-through, that found in MLV and related retroviruses, uses an elaborate structure, a pseudoknot, as stimulator. The decoding of certain UGA codons as the 21st amino acid, selenocysteine, occurs at 100% efficiency, but a special tRNA is required. In E. coli, elegant work has revealed the crucial nature of a stem-loop 3 ' of the UGA selenocysteine codon and a special elongation factor (Bock et al. 1991). (In mammalian cells, a critical mRNA element in the 3 ' -untranslated region is required instead of the 3 ' -flanking stem-loop [Berry et al. 1993].) One component of the optimization of selenocysteine insertion is presumably the minimization of termination and release factor access. Could the mRNA structure component of the E. coli mechanism be modified to permit 40% read-through of UGA codons with insertion of a standard amino acid and be regulated by RF2? Quite a number of cases of the utilization of read-through of UAG or UGA stop are known but none are known for UAA, which is the most commonly used terminator. In general, a very small, special 3'context is required to make UGA an inefficient terminator and thus prone to readthrough. In addition, in at least some cases of UAG read-through, the identity of the six 3 ' nucleotides (Skuzeski et al. 1991; Zerfass and Beier 1992a) or even a pseudoknot is important (Wills et al. 1991, 1994; Feng et al. 1992) to stimulate read-through. Starting with the initial finding of UGA stop codon read-through in the RNA phage Qp (Weiner and Weber 1973) and later in numerous plant viruses (see Pelham 1978; Schmitt et al. 1992; Zerfass and Beier 1992b; Brault et al. 1995; for review, see Miller et al. 1995) and a variety of animal viruses, such as retroviruses (Philipson et al. 1978; Yoshinaka et al. 1985), and some alphaviruses (Li and Rice 1993; Shirako and Strauss 1994), stop codon read-through is quite frequently used in viral gene expression. Interestingly, in the latter case, there is a hint that the level of UGA read-through, which in reticulocyte lysates is temperature-dependent, may affect the timing of the regulation switch and be different in insect and mammalian hosts (see Wang et al. 1994; Shirako and Strauss 1994). In contrast to viruses, programmed read-through of stop codons is hardly known in chromosomal gene expression. There is an in-frame UGA stop codon within the kelch gene of Drosophila species that is known to be read-through (Xue and Cooley 1993), However, it is not Translational Control © 1996 Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory Press 0-87969-458-0 For conditions see Regulatory Recoding 673 known whether the levels of termination and read-through product vary in different tissues or developmental stages. Independently of read-through, the translation termination process can be involved in the regulated expression of downstream genes. This is best exemplified in the translational control of the GCN4 gene of S. cerevisiae where the ten bases downstream from a stop codon are important for a strong translational barrier (Grant and Hinnebusch 1994; see Hinnebusch, this volume). Ribosome release is also known to modulate the basal level of E. coli trp operon expression (Roesser and Yanofsky 1988). FRAMESHIFTING A N D READ-THROUGH AFFECT HUMAN DISEASE No diseases are yet known to be due to defects in recoding, and no drugs have been identified that affect recoding and not standard decoding. Although the ratio of Gag to Gag-Pol product of retroviruses is known to be critical, it is unclear how useful recoding specific drugs would be for their effects on retroviruses. However, the leakiness of premature UGA stop codons and of certain frameshift mutations in certain contexts is important to disease progression. Mutants of the human cystic fibrosis transmembrane conductance regulator with UGA instead of the Gly-542 codon or Arg-553, which are about one third of the way through the gene, cause less severe pulmonary problems than some missense mutants (Cuppens et al. 1990; Cutting et al. 1990; Kerem et al. 1990), presumably because the UGA is decoded as sense at some efficiency. A study with UGA premature stop codons at the equivalent positions of a member of the same protein family in yeast revealed that one was read-through with an efficiency of 10% (Fearon et al. 1994). Similarily, frameshift mutant leakiness has been described for patients from several families with defects in their carbonic anhydrase II, whose loss results in osteopetrosis. Patients in each of five families have the same single-base deletion. Compensatory ribosomal frameshifting 12 codons 3 ' o f the mutation site yields a low level of active product with less severe consequences than expected. Even though the lesion in each of the families is the same, they manifest different levels of symptoms (Hu et al. 1994, 1995). The reason for this has not yet been determined. It will be interesting to see whether frameshift mutant leakiness influences the course of dominant inherited diseases as well, although this will be more difficult to investigate than in recessive inherited diseases. One class of late-onset familial polyposis patients has fewer polyps and later-onset cancer than classical cases (Leppert et al. 1990) despite havTranslational Control © 1996 Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory Press 0-87969-458-0 For conditions see 674 J.F. Atkins and R.F. Gesteland ing either frameshift mutations or premature stops relatively early in an important region of the adenomatous polyposis coli (APC) gene (Spirio et al. 1993). Ribosomal frameshifting or read-through has not been shown to be responsible for the better prognosis in this instance, but sensitive tests are required in this and other cases. Not only can frameshift mutant leakiness alleviate a disease, but, on occasion, it can also help an infectious agent evade therapy. The drug acyclovir is frequently used to treat herpes infections. It is activated by herpes thymidine kinase. Viruses can become resistant to acyclovir by inactivation of their thymidine kinase (tk), but null mutants fail to reactivate from latent infections of sensory ganglia. Several acyclovir-resistant frameshift mutants of the viral thymidine kinase gene yield a low level of active thymidine kinase, which permits reactivation from latency and other pathogenic phenotypes (Hwang et al. 1994). Despite its benign appearance when first discovered in the early 1970s, the ribosomal frameshifting responsible for frameshift mutant leakiness is a two-edged sword that would be nice to control. LOOKOUT How best to spot further cases of frameshifting? Since two out of the three known cases of cellular frameshifting are regulatory, the subject is of considerable interest (retrotransposons and IS elements, although integrated in nuclear DNA, are not included in this count). Searches of the databases for adjacent or overlapping ORFs in different frames, especially where each has homology with different domains of a single protein, are under way. Although it is clearly desirable to keep sequencing errors in the databases to a low level, care needs to be taken not to sanitize the entries of programmed frameshifting. It seems likely that recoding is less frequent in decoding cellular mRNAs than in viruses, retrotransposons, and IS elements with their compact genomes. However, detailed knowledge is often necessary to spot such events especially if they are below the 10% level. Direct inspection of sequences for shifty sites can be rewarding. Cases of - 1 frameshifting are often flagged by double slippery sequences, X XXY YYZ, but especially with +1 frameshifting, predictions are currently difficult. For instance, it is suspected that +1 frameshifting may be required for ribosomes to enter the pol gene of foamy viruses (spumaretroviruses), but sequence inspection of the appropriate region has not been productive. Another approach is to search for pseudoknots with tightly defined lengths of the stems and loop 1 and a maximum size for loop 2. Following the work of Shen and Tinoco Translational Control © 1996 Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory Press 0-87969-458-0 For conditions see Regulatory Recoding 675 (1995) and Chen et al. (1995), this is being done with or without the important wedged A between the two stems. This analysis is generating numerous candidates which require analysis. However, if many people keep a lookout, the outlook is good! ACKNOWLEDGMENTS We thank Fran Adamski, Bente Larsen, Senya Matsufuji, and Norma Wills for their comments on the manuscript and C. Yanofsky for communicating unpublished information. 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