Gujarati Samaj of Atlanta
Gujarati Samaj of Atlanta
CONSTITUTIOhIAh{DBY-LAWS OF GUJARATISAMAJ,INC Atlanta,Georgia 1 Registered Office G 2 O b j e c t i v e.s. . . uj n Definitions..., ........2 5. Membership . . . ." . . . .3 6" E x e c u t i vCeo m m i t t e.e. . . . . . . . . . .3 Asseta s n dL i a b i l i t i e s . . . . ." . 5 10. Meetings lt. MemberOblisations 12" D i s c i p l i n aA r vc t i o n. . . . t3. A m e n d m e n"t s 14. Dissolution . . . . . ." ' 5 . . . . . .6 ."".'""7 a nt Elections la q. ........"..5 At B o a r do f G o v e r n o .r .s of 8. aj am iS at ar 4}, ."".7 Page1 of 10 All amendments Incorporated 09'29-2003 CONSTITUTION AND BY-LAWS OF CUJARATI SAIvIAJ' INC. Atlanta. Georgia Whereasa largenumberof peopleaffiliated with and interestedin GujaratiCulture and Heritage are settling in Georgiaas permanentresidents,it has beenfelt that a non-profitand non-political organizationbe formed as to provide a forum for meeting,sharingand fosteringtheir literary and while facilitatingtheir growth irr the and continuanceof their original identir.vcultural advancernent Lrroadframeworkof Arlerican Socielv"With this it resolvedtherefore: G 3. OBJECTIVES: j. j To undertakeand promotesuchatherlawful activitiesas may be deemed ctftheseobjectives. achieveandin fi.rrtherance necessar!,to (a) The Samajshalinat participatenor intervenein any politicsor pclitical campaignsas its purposeto be a non-poiiticalorganiintiort. (b) 4. a nt la j.6 At 3.5 amongits memberszutdthoseof other To fosterfriendshipandunderstanding origins' ethnic.nationalandreligious To provideandsecuremeansfrom amongthe membersof the organization,and otherresourcesfor educationalandmeciicalneedsof needyanddeserv'ingpeople. of 3 "4 aj am 3.2 in preservingandpromotingGujarati To bring togetherpersonsinterested lrrdia. of Literature Cultureanci To organizeand developcharitable,culturai,religious,scientificand educational activitiesfor the interestof its members' iS j.1 at ar uj Z. The nameof this organizationshallbe "GujaratiSamaj,lnc.", hereinafterknown as Samaj. StoneMountain,GA 30088 office shall be:667 LeightonWa,v*, The registered L any otherprovisionof thesearticles,this corporationshall Nofwithstanding (a) a noi cafry on any otheractivitiesnot permittedto be canied on by (3) of (c) 501 section ur:rder Tax Income Federal ,o.porution exemptfrom any of provisions corresponding the 1954 or Codeof theIntemalRevenue (b) corporation's a or Law future lJnited state Intemai-l Revenue contributionswhich are deductibleundersection170(c) (2) of the provisionsof InternalRevenueCodeof 1954or any othercoffesponding any fufure United StatesRevenueCode' DEFtr..{TTIONS: 4. i 4.2 and Far:rily:The tenn, "Family",shal!meanhrsband,wife andunmarriedchildren jointly householda single as living spouse shallincluderetiredp**ntr of either shallhavevcting rightsequivalentto trvo (2) votes' Everyfarnilymembeiship andthe Member:The terrn,"Member."shallmeanboth masculineandfeminine Page? of 10 All amendments incorporated 09-29-2003 4.3 .+.4 pronoun."hen"useclin the ConstitutionandByiawsstrallalsomean"she." OffrcialFinancialYear:The FinancialYearof the Samajshallbe the calendatyear i to Decemberi l. from JanuarY The term.'BOARD" shallmeanBoardof Governorsandthe tenn "Executive Body" shallmeanExecutiveComrnittee' MEMBERSHIP: containedin Afticle 3. subject to the objectiv'e Membershipshallbe opento ali r.vhosubscribe to thefollowingProvisions: R85 5.i i8 yearsof ageandabovemav Membership:Any'persCIn indiviclual/single annualdues' pa.ving current by becgmea memberof the Samaj G 5.2 Studelt Membership:Any personpursuingfull-timestudiesmay becomea memberof the samajby payingcurrentannualdues. R85 5.4 by exceptthe renewals,mustbe sponsored applications. Any new rnembership Executive the b-v Govemors of Board the to two curent memberiand submitted or rejectionwithin thirr"vfor acceptzurce Committeewith tlic'irrecornmendations within thirfy (30) days. the Board to (j0) days.Applicantwill haverightto appeal is rejected. if theaPPlication aj am iS K " Family Membership:Any famil.vmay securefamily membershipby paying currentannualdues' at --qA 5.3 ar uj Rti of the GeneralBodv The aboveprovisionsmay be revisedfrorntinreto time on approvalof by a simplemajoritY. EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE: 6,2 (a) President (b) Vice-President (c) SecretarY" (d) AssistantSecretan (e) Treasurer (fl AssistantTreasurer (g) of the committees Chairpersons a nt 6.1.1 T'heactivitiesof the Samajshallbe organizedandconductedby an Executive Body consistingof: la 6.I At 6. will be Treasurer Personsfor the positionsof AssistantSecretaryandAssistant selectedby the ExecutiveCommittee' of the ExecutiveCommittee: l)utieszurdResponsibilities Page3 of 10 Atl amendmentsincorporated09-29-2003 (a ) president. The hesident shallbe the chiefexecutiveofficer of the Samaj.He to the GeneralBodV ehqltnreqidpnvprthe meetinssandshallbe answerable thecommitteesand ail of member the ex-officio fbr all his actions.He shallbe of supervisicnand duties powers zurd general subcommitteesandshallhavethe a corpration. He of President ofthe rsually vestedin ttreoffice management (five hundred to up $500.00 to authorizear expenditwe shailhavethepcrrvers will appoint He dollan)ultimatelyto be approvedby the Bgard' with othermembersof the in consultation r-haimer,qons for eomrnittees ExecutiveCommittee.He will be an ex-officiomemberof the Boardof Governorsfor a periodof oneyear following the completionof his term' Jt r(rrr (b) uj G (c) IJr Y Lr v LJrgv u rv ar wili presideoverthe meetingsand Vice-president;The vice-president in the office of the Presidentin the vested porvers shali exerciseali the administrativesupportto the provide shall He absenceof the President. or if he is unable presidentandilo his work in absence of the Presrdent to t'ulfill his duties. of minutesanci for maintenance shallbe responsible Secretarl;:TheSecretary H e sh al I b e recordsof ail meetings,discussionsandpresentations. work of the andadministrative responsible for uil rorr*tpondence at Samaj. rv HC ' aj am (e) AssistantSecretary: He shallprovideadministrativesupportto the Seffetar.l.anddo his work in absenceof the Secretaryor if he is unable to tulfili his duties. duesand for collectingmembership Treusurer.' He shtilll-reresponsible by the Samaj'' payable and authorized sums all disburse shall and receipts iS (d) rllitil ,r r r.^- *o-irr{in "-.-;Ll- iUl n - -C -f e- 5- lri i - i l i \ l r l l u . ' r; eal n/ t n' l r t ii inr oj s r ; n r rg f i n a n c i a l S t a n } S t n t h e u rf tr h PglltlutL -'__-* r c) - .c.*lt^...:*- - c *,^ irl iJliL ltdj !uliu!llli; of tsoard.He shallmaintainupto-date recor,JsandprepareannualStatementof to the GeneralBody meetins A+cor-mts. *.ettheitrauditeCfcrpresentation of Governorsfor a period Board of the *.mber He wili be an ex-officio .-asnlnfinn vu:4iy'1!sr'-'it nf L'I h i q tae$ r' rr"n &r4!' At {": 1 hie drrtiee f h-rir.narsrrnq +f fnmmiffees: a nt t^ f'rlfil! la to the .,1::!:!:::: Trs{:syrs: *- *ha!! provir-leadministrntivesupnor-t is unable if he or Treasurer the of absence in work Treasurerand do his FxecrrriveCommittee in cernsultationwith the Board of Govemors will selectthe oi' Chairpersons of Commifiees froin the Hxecutive Comminee- Board 6-3.2. under as listed the Committees larse for at finvernnrc nr memberc 6\ ? Committees (a,) ? 1 \ , n l I,-) (d) / i') { t t (er) '[ Youth and Educati,rnCommiitee: ire Comrninee sheii be responsi'nie fnr orcranizinp vnutlr and educationa! activities for different groups. Speciiil Er eut Committce. lr4emherqhin Cnm m i fJee. Cuordiiiationand Lcgal Aifairs Ccrnmittee' Prrh!icafi rn Clmrnitteet-'illtlllllftee | '1tng cominittec I Euilcing \4arntenarlr-'e ; C:nt';ittee Paon 4 af !0 Alt amendments incorporated 09'29'2003 shallhetle activememherof theExecutive of eache+mn:itJ*e Thecilairyersons Ccm rirtee.Eachof them ivill sublettlie prapcsalsin regardto the activitiescf' theircomnitteesro the HxecutiveCommitteefor approvalof the necessaryfunds. 6.4 7. ASSETSAND LIABILITIES: by a Boardof Govemonconsisting of AssetsandLiabilitiesof the Sarnaj'shallbeadministered The nineor elevenmemberswho w:iil appointa Chairmanfrom amongstthemselves. controls and exercisingbudgetary for fund-raising,seekingdonations, Boardshallberesponsible of theExecutiveBodv. appmvingthefinancialproposals 8. BOARD OF GOVERI{CRS; ElectedMemher:Theresirailbe niag ElectedMembers.Eaehmember shall hold oflice for four yeers.Trvo or th{eeof the niqemembersshal! retireevery-vearin rotation.Twg-q$Kmembers shall be elected eachl-earat the anttualgeneralmeetingto replacethe retiring as a member. members.Any retiring membermay seekreelection Not moretllan The electicnsComrnitteeshalladministerthe electic,n. onememberin a family maybe electedto serveon theBoardand/or the ExecutiveComrnitteeat anrt'given time. Al-so,no electedmember of the Boardshallbe a memberof the ExecutiveComminee. n" iS at ar uj G shallbe of LheSama.,i Ex-officio l{embers.' ThePresidentandTreasurer period of Board one 6f fiavernorsfor a ex-clihciomembersof the 1'earfollcrvingthe completianof theirterm. aj am b coiiti'il;i;tiaii. ;ul;siar;iiai Lontributing &iembers'ln recognii.iunuitirc for a one-year member(s) contributing additional co-opt may the Board c" t tle {0-i}i}lioti J t . 1" .. of tgr{ii. oi r.}uu tlutiluq;l .-. --,..-1- --- *1^-'ll ilrsiliiJc.t 5tidli L- .l^C-*.-"1 ,,-+11 u{; |.rt-lcll\-|"r utrlrr +L-- tir! eligibility of an additionalcontributorsothat only evennumberof - riiL ...!._* - ai,*..-, Lil d'.i:li\. Lu-'.ruiuu At r iit€llii-jcr: Structure: The Boardof Goventorsofthe Samaishallconsistof at 8. I g? Tlc:enrisc' The Bcard 3p{ ihe ExeetttiveCommiftee shall fill a-nv vacencv fcr the balanceof the tenure af the vacant Ccvernorship due to resignatian cr otherwise a nt 9" la ica-stiitiic tttemDers. ELECTTOI\S: q.I Celeral: l"he ofTjce-bearers,viz..: President.Vice-President-Secretar]' genera!meeting .ri{ Tre:1., "h=11he eierted fnce a vear at the annr:al v'eek of the tltird thzur not later held be rvhich shall of the S*maj. .I.;lwynrlt nf enqh vEilr No membershallbe eligibieto holdoitice if hehaldsor iikeiy'to hold an . . r ' I . . . . r " , ; , . " " rJ r l ll {- I I r .} ) | rl-!!!llJ r \,\-ut_!:!51*:-r tglJJ1li. 'rj", msrr:!:er.:ha!! a* el!.:ihle to contesttor election to the same office f!:rrmor,: than trvc {2) conser-util'eteriils" ' i ! l { t ' i , r i r r ' ' Paoe5 etf1s All annendmentsincorporated 09-29---u; (a\ (b) Ru, A,NominatingSub-comrnittee, consistingof threepersons(not ecutivemembers).appointedby the ExecutiveCommiftee" si,:.1solicit and scrutinizenominationsfrom the regularmembers for all electivepositionsof the Samaj.This Committeeshall eler-tionsalso. supervise (c) The electionshall be by a secretballotby the memberspresent only, anda simplemajorityshallgovem. (d) by Otherdetailedprocedures for the electionsshallbe determined the ExecutiveBody andthe NominatingCommittee. (e) Only one memberfrom a family is eligibleto hold the positionas a ExecutiveCommitteeor the Memberof the Board of Governors. G 10. -Ail regularmembersof the Sarnajshallhavea right to vote and to contestfor the electionof the ExecutiveCommiftee. MEETINGS: uj 10.I 10.2 iS at ar All meetinesshallbe calledbv the secretaryin consultationwith the Executivebommittee.In caseof emergency,the Secretarymay convene the meetingin consultationwith the Presidentor, in his absence, in with the Vice-president consultation or in consultationwith the Chairman of the Boardof Governors. aj am Regularmeetingof the ExecutiveCommineeshall be held preferablyoncea month.Emergencymeetingof the ExecutiveCommitteeshall becalled whenevernecessary" of (a) At suchmeeting,the ExecutiveCommittee,in consultationand agreementwith the Board of Governors,may invite person(s)for a specificpurposeto solicittheir opinionon any issueat hand. However,suchperson(s)shallhaveno right to vote. R% The quorumfor a meetingof the ExecutiveCommitteeshallbe a majority of the strenglhof the regularbody. 10.4 GeneralBodyof membersshallmeetat leastoncea yearfor the annualelectir:n, as well as to approve reports, accounts and to carry out other necessary . The ExectrtiveCommittee,if it deernsnecessary, shall convenean generalmeetingof the members to discuss any special issue emergency which needsurgentconsideration.Quorumnecessaryfor all the general body meetings, including the emergency meeting shall be 25% (twenty-five percent) of the dues paid membersof the Samaj for that fiscal year.As an exceptionin emergencyif a quorumis not present,the meeting shall be adjourned for half an hour and the adjournedmeeting canwork without a quorum. 10.5 An emergencygeneralbodymeetingmay be petitionedby one-fourth(1/4) of the regulardues-paidmembersin writing, filed with the Secretaryor President of the Samaj. 10.6 All executiveandgeneralbody meetingsshall be chairedby the President, in whoseabsence the Vice-President shallassumehis responsibiliry.nil BoardmeetingsandAnnual and SpeciaiGeneralBody meetingsshallbe chairedby the Chainnanof the Boardof Govemors. a nt la At 10.3 Page6 of 10 All amendments incorporated 09-29-2003 1tJ.7 11. Minutesof ail meetingsshallberecoru;dandmaintainedby tlre Secretaryand at the nextmeeting. shallbe presented MEMBER OBLIGATIOI{: All membersof the Samajshallstriveto fulfill theaimsandobjectivesof the Samaj,andshallnot indulgein any activitiesdetrimentaito tire honorand prestigeof IndianHeritage,tndianComrnunify(or GujaratiSamaj).nor or incometowardsotherthanthe aimsand engageit or its funds.properLy of the Samaj. objectives I l.? All sen'iceandeffortsof themembersconffibutedtowardsany of the shallbe voluntary'.No compensation Sarnajactivitiesshall be considered efforts and above the for labor donated or paidto any-ntemberfor the time pocket expenses the out-of for only services.Memberscanbe compensated inctrredhv themfor the Samajactivities.The definitionof "Member" underthis sectionshallincludespouseandchildrenof themembersof the Samaj. uj G I 1.1 DISCIPLINARY ACTIOI{ ar 12. of Article 11"or Any membersindulgingin anyactivitvin ccntravention for any improprieqvor misconductshallbe liableto disciplinary responsible uponby the ExecutiveCornmitteeby actionwhich shallbe rdecided majority. [n caseof an impropriefyon the partof any memberof the Executive Committee.the ExecutiveCommitteeshall havethe right to unseatthat memberfiom the ExecutiveCommitteeby trvo-thirds(213)vote of the ExecutiveCommittee. aj am 12.2 iS at 12.1 Any ExecutiveCommitteememberwho remainsabsentfor three consecutivemeetingsof the ExecutiveCommitteervithoutprior and properintimationto eitherthe Presidentor the Secretaryshall be actionb-vthe ExecutiveCommiftee. for disciplinar.v' considered lZ.4 Any memberof the Boardof Governorswho remainsabsentfor three Boardmeetingswithout prior and properintimationto the consecutive for the disciplinaryactionby the Board. shallbe considered Chainrran of 12.3 a nt la At 13. AMEI{DMENT l j.l li.? 13.3 l j.4 Amendmentto the Bylawsshailbe submittedin writingto the Secretary with the signatureof not lessthantwenty(20) cunentlypaid membersof theSamaj. TheexecutiveCommitteezurdthe Boardof Governorsshallconsiderthe andforwardthe samewith its recommendations propgsedamendment(s) to the generalbodY. shallbe submittedto a vote of the membersat the general Arnendments bodymeeting.Vlodificatirrnto the amendmentmay be presented from the floor. A trvo-thirds(2/3) affirmativevote of the memberspresentin the to generalbody meetingshallbe requiredfor adoptionof an amendment the Bl'laws. Page 7 of 10 All amendmentsincorporated09-29-2003 L4. R8' 14.I Shouldthe Sarnajdisband,the assetsof the Samajshallbe donatedto one or havingobjectivessimilarto morenon-profit,non-politicalorganization(s) the Samaj.Approval by two-thirds (213)memberspresentat the general meetingis requiredfor suchdistribution,if ever required. 14.2 Any decisionregardingdisbandingor changingthe structureof the Samaj requiresthe consentof fwo thirds(213)of the memberspresentat the generalmeeting. GENERAL 15.1 food or mealsandloralcoholicdrinksor beverages shatrl Non-vegetarian not be slrved at any activitiessponsoredor organizedb.vSamaj. 15.2 Two authorizedsignafuresare requiredto sign any checkfor an expenditurefor theamountof $5000.00(five thousanddollars)andover.All shallbe pre-approvedby the Board. suchexpenditures Resolvingmembershipdisputes:Any conflict or disputerelatedto the membershipwill be directedto the Boardof Governorsand their decisionrvill be final. uj G RB5 15. DISSOLUTION 15.3 aj am iS at ar of a nt la At Page8 of 10 All amendmentslncorporated09-29-2009 16. Appendix A JOB DESCRIPTIONI OF GUJARATI SAMAJ OFFICERS GujaratiSamajis the largest,serviceoriented,Indianorganizationin metroAtlantain operationsince1980.It hasbeen admired by rnany other associationsfor its successfulprosnlrus,administration.dedicatedmembersand selfless serv'ices renderedby the membersof the Executivecomrnifieeandthe membersof the Board of Governors.Credit for andboardmembers. the successgoesto the pastandpresentmembersof the connmittee Here is a brief descriptionof responsibilitiesof the officers of Samaj.It is providedas a guidelineto distributethe work. Every one shouldrememberthat this is a public trust and everyetlbrt shouidbe madeto economizeand always think aboutreducingthe expensesand marimize the revenuefor the rainy days.AII mernbersmust attendthe monthly meetings,memberswho are absent"without a valid excuse,for threeconsecutivemeetingswill be askedto resignor will be replacedby theBoard. aj am iS at ar uj G I. PRESIDENT for the day-to-dayoperationof Samaj. D Presidentis the CHIEF EXECUTM OFFICERand is responsible c Presidesas the chairmanand conductsallthe meetings. a Coordinates allthe events tt Is authorizedto sign checks.If the amountexceeds55000.00ifive ttrousanddollars)a secondsignatureis required. D Treasureris the otherpersonrvhc is authorizedto sign. tr Presents the nominationsfor NominationCommitteeto the Boardin July of eachyear. tr Presentdatesfor the annualgeneralbody meeting, n Presentsthe monthly statusreportsat eachrnonthly meeting. n Presentsthe annualrepon at the generalbody meeting. il Presents tentativescheduleof eventsfor the yearat the first meetingto the Boardfor approval. a Make surethe incometax forms aremailedbeforeMarch I of eachyear. C Emphasizes on publicrelationswith Gujaraticornmunitvandoihersomfiunities. tr Works asthe liaisonofficer with otherorganizations. of a nt la At 2. WCE-PRESIDENT absenceor inabiliqv. n Fulfills the dutiesof Presidentin his,Arer C Coordinatesall eventsandmakesurethat enoughvolunteersareavaiiablefor the events. o Preparesbackupplansfor the events. A AssistsPresidentin preparingthe scheduleof eventsfor the ,v-ear. for publicrelations. e Responsible 3. SECRETARY r He/sheis the OFFICERFOR RECORDS. e Keepsall the recordsandcorrespondence. n Prepares the agendafor the meetingat leastoneweekbeforethemeetingand finalizewith the President. 3 Prepares the rninutesof the rneeting. Il Presents the minutesof the meetingfor approvai. tr Sendsout meetingnoticesat leastone week before*re monthly meetingand one month before the annual meeting. tl Needsto be presentat all the events. A N,lakessurethat the annualregistralionis filed u'ith Secretaryof Stateswith appropriatefees. a preparesconsentforms for the newly electedor appointedofficers and membersof the committeealrd make surethat they aresigned. tr Submitsa copy of the meetingminutesto the REGISTEREDAGENT. C. ,4SST,SECRETARY absenceor inability. A Fulfills the dutiesof secretaryin his,ltrer f Remincisby phoneor a lettei ahoutthe monthlymeetingat leastone week beforethe meting.The meetingplace andtime to be confirmedwith the secretary' Page9 of 10 All amendmentsIncorporated09-29-2003 D 3 3 Assistsin selecting the venuefor the events. Assistsin keepingaccountof eacheventand ensuresthat the eventreportsaresubmittedto the committeeafter the eventto correctthe deficiencies. The reportshouldhavevenue,numberof personsatfendingthe event. Arrangesfor the videoandphotographers for eachevent. ar uj G TREASURER D He/sheis the CHIEF FNANCIAL OFFICER, 'l Presents the financialstatusat allthe monthlymeetings 3 Responsiblefor bookkeepingandreconciliationof the bank accountstatementeachmonth. D Files the annualincometa,\ returnsby March I of eachyear. tl Authorizedto sign checksup to $5000,00(five thousanddollars).The secondauthorizedpersonshouldsign checksabove$5000.00(five thousanddollars). tl No checkswill be issuedwithout a receiptor an expensevoucher. e The event coordinatormust approvethe expensevouchersor the Presidentor the p€rsonnominatedby the commifteefor suchresponsibility. E Must be presentat all eventswith a checkbookor checksfor emergencyuse. a lf unableto attendthe eventor the meeting,the relevantdocumentsfor the eventsmustbe givento the Assistant ffeasurerwho will fulfill the duties. o Submita copy of the financialrepoftof eachmonthto the REGISTEREDAGENT. iS at ,{,SSli TREASURER o Fulfills the dutiesof the treasurerin his,4rerabsenceor inabilir.v. 0 Responsiblefor the accountingfor eachevent. e Collectsthe feesand assiststhe freasurerand eventcoordinatorto keepthe recordsof the expenses. fl Makessurethat receiptsand expensevouchersareproperlyfilled out and subminedfor approvaland payment. aj am CHAIRJ'UN, BOARD OF GOVERNORS n Responsiblefor the completefinancialstatus,assetsand liabilitiesof the Samaj. tr Presidesas the chairmanat all the Board meetings. g Ensuresthat all meetingsare conductedin a profbssionalmannerand reservesthe right to defera controversial issueto be discussed peacefullyandresolvethe problems. D Presidesas the chairmanat the annualgeneralbody meeting. tr Must be presentat all the eventsand meetings. a Reviewsthe budgetfor the eventsand presentsto the board for approval.The Board must approveall expenses above$500,00(five hundreddollars). a Worksasthe liaisonofficer alongwith the President. o Assiststlre Executivecommitteeto securea list of volunteersfor an event. A Assistsin locatingplacesof major events. of a nt la At 8. MEMBER, BOARD OF GOVERNORS O Must be presentat all meetings.They carry a burden for the welfare of Samaj and are responsiblefor the financialstatus,assetsand liabilities. D Assiststhe eventcoordinatorin eacheventand providesnecessary VOLTINTEERS. tr Must be presentat all the eventsandensurethat the by-lawsandpoliciesof the Samajare followed. o Informs about a deathin the community to the Secretaryand GujaratDarpan/newslettereditor, a Reportsto the Board aboutFamilies in needand can requestan emergencymeetingdependingupon the severity of the situation. REGISTERED AGENT B Personappointedby the BoardandExecutivecommiftee. cl Representativefor legal matters. tl All legaland generalcorrespondence shouldbe addressed to the registeredofiice. n Responsiblefor distributionof correspondence to appropriateofficers. tr Custodianof all legalpapersincludingincornetax forms and meetingminutes. Page10 of 10 All amendments Incorporatsd 09-29-2003