Program Book - Genetics Society of America
Program Book - Genetics Society of America
The Genetics Society of America Conferences 56th Annual Drosophila Research Conference March 4-8, 2015 • Chicago, IL PROGRAM GUIDE BestGene Inc. BestGene Inc. BestGene BestGeneInc. Inc. 2140 Grand Ave. Suite#205 Chino Hills, CA 91709 2140 Grand Ave. Suite#205 2140 Grand Ave. Suite#205 2140 Grand Ave. U.S.A. Chino Hills, CA 91709 Chino Hills, CA 91709 Chino Hills, CA 91709 U.S.A. U.S.A. U.S.A. Tel: +1-888-821-9155 Fax: +1-888-822-8445 Tel: +1-888-821-9155 Tel: +1-888-821-9155 Tel: +1-888-821-9155 [email protected] Fax: +1-888-822-8445 Fax: +1-888-822-8445 Fax: +1-888-822-8445 [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] The cheapest price for the best service!Starting Startingfrom from $200 Thecheapest cheapestprice pricefor forthe thebest bestservice! service! $200 The $200 The cheapest price for the best service! Starting Startingfrom from $200 per perinjection. injection. per per injection. injection. User tracking of of service serviceprogress progress Userfriendly friendlysystem! system! Real Real timetracking tracking progress User User friendly friendlysystem! system!Real Realtime time trackingofofservice service progress online. online. online. online. Inject200+ 200+embryos embryosper perservice. service. Inject 200+ embryos per service. Inject 200+ embryos per service. Delivertransformed transformedand/or and/orbalanced balancedflies. flies. We do the crosses! Deliver transformed and/or balanced flies.We Wedo dothe the crosses! Deliver crosses! Deliver transformed and/or balanced flies. We do the crosses! Oneshipping shipping& handlingcharge chargeper per order! No matter how One shipping &&handling handling charge perorder! order!No Nomatter matter how how One shipping & handling charge per order! No matter how manyservices servicespurchased. purchased. many services purchased. many services purchased. 1118, yw or your own strain for 1118 1118 Selectionof ofw Selection ywor oryour yourown ownstrain strainfor for Selection of ww 1118,,,yw yw or your own strain for Selection of w transposable-element injection. transposable-element injection. transposable-element injection. transposable-element injection. PhiC31integrase-mediated integrase-mediatedsite-specific site-specifictransgenesis transgenesis- -the PhiC31 PhiC31 integrase-mediated site-specific transgenesis -the the PhiC31 integrase-mediated site-specific transgenesis the broadest selection of attP sites. broadest selection broadest selectionof ofattP attPsites. sites. broadest selection of attP sites. + + + + ,+ Screenfor for w y ,+ v and/or and/or GFP/RFP/DsRed/YFP. Screen Screen for w w++,, yy++,,vv+ and/orGFP/RFP/DsRed/YFP. GFP/RFP/DsRed/YFP. + Screen for w , y , v and/or GFP/RFP/DsRed/YFP. MiMICinjection injection service. MiMIC MiMIC injection service. service. MiMIC injection service. CRISPR,TALEN TALEN andZFN ZFN injectionservice. service. CRISPR, CRISPR, TALENand and ZFNinjection injection service. CRISPR, TALEN and ZFN injectionwere service. Over 60,000 individual constructs successfullyinjected injected Over 60,000 individual constructs were successfully Over 60,000 individual constructs were successfully injected andover over 320,000 transformants delivered! Over 60,000 individual constructs were successfully injected and 320,000 transformants delivered! and and over over 320,000 320,000 transformants transformants delivered! delivered! • Meeting Organizers Greg Beitel Michael Eisen Marc Freeman Ilaria Rebay • Follow this meeting on Twitter #DROS2015 Drosophila Board of Directors Officers President President-Elect President-Elect Past-President Past-President & Elections Chair Treasurer 2014 2015 2016 2013 2012 Ken Irvine David Bilder Laura Johnston Amy Bejsovec Michael O’Connor Deborah Andrew Regional Representatives International Representatives Canada Great Lakes Mountain Southeast California Heartland New England Mid-Atlantic Midwest Australia/Oceana Asia Europe Latin America Laura Nilson Scott Barolo Sarah Certel Andrea Page-McCaw Angelika Stathopoulos Michael Galko Giovanni Bosco Jessica Triesman Seth Blair Gary Hime Shigeo Hiyashi Daniel St. Johnston Mariana Melani Primary Undergraduate Institution Representative Alexis Nagengast Sponsored by: The Genetics Society of America 9650 Rockville Pike, Bethesda, Maryland 20814-3998 Telephone: (301) 634-7300 • Fax: (301) 634-7079 E-mail: [email protected] • Web site: Conference Web site: Table of Contents Schedule of Events ................................................................................................................................2 Sheraton Chicago Hotel & Towers Map ...............................................................................................7 General Information ..............................................................................................................................9 Education Opportunities ......................................................................................................................11 Awards Larry Sandler Memorial Lecture ....................................................................................................12 The Victoria Finnerty Memorial Fund for Undergraduate Travel Award ......................................12 The DeLill Nasser Award for Professional Development in Genetics ...........................................13 Poster Award Competition .............................................................................................................13 Sponsors & Exhibitors.........................................................................................................................14 Posters and Exhibits Map ....................................................................................................................18 Opening General Session and Plenary Sessions ..................................................................................19 Workshops ...........................................................................................................................................21 Concurrent Platform Sessions .............................................................................................................27 Poster Sessions ....................................................................................................................................41 Speaker and Author Index ...................................................................................................................82 Keyword Index ..................................................................................................................................106 Flybase Genetic Index to Abstracts ...................................................................................................111 Future Drosophila Research Conference Meeting Dates 2016 th 57 Annual Drosophila Research Conference @ The Allied Genetics Conference July 13-17 Orlando, FL 2017 58th Annual Drosophila Research Conference March 29-April 2 San Diego, CA 2018 59th Annual Drosophila Research Conference April 11-15 Philadelphia, PA 2019 60th Annual Drosophila Research Conference March 27-31 Dallas, TX 2020 61st Annual Drosophila Research Conference March 25-29 San Diego, CA SCHEDULE OF EVENTS WEDNESDAY, March 4 10:30 am - 4:00 pm 12:00 noon - 6:00 pm 3:00 pm - 6:30 pm 3:00 pm - 6:00 pm 3:30 pm - 9:00 pm 4:00 pm - 7:00 pm 5:00 pm - 7:00 pm 5:00 pm - 12:00 am 7:00 pm - 9:15 pm 7:00 pm 7:10 pm 7:20 pm 7:25 pm 7:55 pm 8:00 pm 9:00 pm 9:15 pm - 11:00 pm GSA Trainee Boot Camp Separate registration required Ecdysone Workshop Organizers: Laurie von Kalm, University of Central Florida ; and Nick Sokal, Indiana University Speaker Ready Room Drosophila Board of Directors Meeting Registration and Book/T-Shirt Pick Up Open Workshop - Preparing your Educational Resources for Online Publication Separate registration required GSA Education Special Interest Group Mixer Posters Open Opening General Session Moderators: Ilaria Rebay, University of Chicago, IL; and Greg Beitel, Northwestern University, Evanston, IL Welcome and Opening Remarks Ilaria Rebay, University of Chicago, IL GSA Update Adam Fagen, Genetics Society of America, Bethesda, MD Presentation of Larry Sandler Award Erika Bach, NYU Langone Medical Center, NY Larry Sandler Award Lecture Keynote Address Introduction Greg Beitel, Northwestern University, Evanston, IL Drosophila: Assuming the Mantle of Leadership in Biological Research Allan Spradling, HHMI and Carnegie Institution for Science, Baltimore, MD GSA Awards Presentation Lynn Cooley, GSA Board Member and Yale University, New Haven, CT Mixer/Reception Sponsored by the Journals GENETICS and G3: Genes|Genomes|Genetics 2 Ohio Chicago 8 Columbus A Michigan A/B Sheraton/Chicago Ballroom Promenade Ohio Mississippi River Exhibit Hall Sheraton/Chicago Center Sheraton 1-3 and Promenade SCHEDULE OF EVENTS THURSDAY, March 5 12:01 am - 12:00 am 7:00 am - 3:00 pm 7:15 am - 8:30 am 7:15 am - 8:30 am Posters Open Speaker Ready Room Undergrad Mixer with Continental Breakfast Ticket required How To Get Published Continental Breakfast Ticket required Continental Breakfast 8:00 am - 5:00 pm Registration and Book/T-Shirt Pick Up Open 8:30 am - 12:00 noon 4:30 pm - 6:30 pm Plenary Session 1 Moderator: Marc Freeman, HHMI & University of Massachusetts Medical School, Worcester, MA Image Award Presentation Michelle Arbeitman, Florida State University College of Medicine, Tallahassee Cell Division and Epithelial Tissue Morphogenesis Yohanns Bellaiche, Genetics and Developmental Biology Department, Institut Curie, Paris, France Genetic Conflicts During Meiosis Drive Innovation in Centromeric Proteins Harmit Malik, Dept Basic Sci & HHMI, Fred Hutchinson CA Res Ctr, Seattle, WA Coordinate Migration of Mesoderm Cells in the Drosophila Embryo Angela Stathopoulos, Division of Biology and Bioengineering, Caltech, Pasadena, CA Break Signaling Kinetics in the Early Embryo Stanislav Shvartsman, Lewis-Sigler Institute for Integrative Genomics, Princeton University, Princeton, NJ Addressing Complexity of Notch in Cancer: When Less is More Maria Dominguez, Neuroscience Institute of Alicante, UMHCSIC, San Juan de Alicante Spain Using Drosophila Neuroblasts as a Model for Stem Cell Biology and Tumorigenesis Juergen Knoblich, IMBA - Institute of Molecular Biotechnology, Vienna, Austria The Genetics Conference Experience By invitation GSA Career Luncheon Ticket required FlyBase Demo Room Open for Tutorials & Discussions Presentations: 2:00-2:15 pm: Human Disease Models and Gene Groups in FlyBase 2:20-2:35 pm: New Views in GBrowse2: Release 6 melanogaster Assembly, RNA-Seq data, and more Exhibits Open & Poster Presentations Presentations - 2:00 pm EVEN Posters, 3:00 pm ODD posters Concurrent Platform Sessions 8:00 pm - 11:00 pm Cell Division & Growth Control Neural Development Organogenesis & Gametogenesis Exhibits Open & Poster Viewing 7:15 am - 8:30 am 8:30 am 8:35 am 9:05 am 9:35 am 10:05 am 10:30 am 11:00 am 11:30 am 8:30 am - 12:30 pm 12:45 pm - 2:00 pm 1:00 pm - 5:00 pm 2:00 pm - 4:00 pm 3 River Exhibit Hall Columbus A Sheraton 2 Sheraton 3 Sheraton/Chicago Ballroom Promenade Sheraton/Chicago Ballroom Promenade Sheraton/Chicago Center Sheraton 1 Sheraton 2 Mayfair River Exhibit Hall Sheraton 4/5 Chicago 6/7 Chicago 8-10 River Exhibit Hall SCHEDULE OF EVENTS FRIDAY, March 6 12:01 am - 12:00 am 7:00 am - 3:00 pm 8:15 am - 5:00 pm Posters Open Speaker Ready Room Registration and Book/T-Shirt Pick Up Open 8:30 am - 10:15 am Concurrent Platform Sessions 10:15 am - 10:45 am Cell Cycle & Cell Death Evolution & Quantitative Genetics I Neurophysiology & Behavior I Coffee Break 10:45 am - 12:30 pm Concurrent Platform Sessions 12:30 pm - 1:30 pm 1:00 pm - 6:00 pm Evolution & Quantitative Genetics II Chromatin & Epigenetics Neurophysiology & Behavior II GSA Advocacy Lunch Ticket required FlyBase Demo Room Open for Tutorials & Discussion River Exhibit Hall Columbus A Sheraton/Chicago Ballroom Promenade Sheraton 4/5 Chicago 6/7 Chicago 8-10 Sheraton/Chicago Ballroom Promenade Chicago 6/7 Sheraton 4/5 Chicago 8-10 Huron Mayfair Presentations: 1:45 pm - 3:45 pm 3:45-4:00 pm: Human Disease Models and Gene Groups in FlyBase 4:05-4:20 pm: New Views in GBrowse2: Release 6 melanogaster Assembly, RNA-Seq data, and more Plenary Session and Workshop for Undergraduate Researchers Concurrent Workshops Michigan A/B 2:00 pm - 4:00 pm 4:30 pm - 6:30 pm Communicating Your Drosophila Research to Scientific and Non-scientific Audiences Feeding Behavior, Nutrition and Metabolism Integration of Computational Approaches and Big Data to Tackle Systems-Biology Problems in Drosophila and other Model systems Tools for Functional Genomics Analyses Harnessing Community Resources for Drosophila Neuroscience Dedicated Exhibit Time Concurrent Platform Sessions Physiology, Organismal Growth & Aging I Pattern Formation (4 Talks) and RNA Biology (4 Talks) Techniques & Resources Special Screening of The Fly Movie Exhibits Open & Poster Presentations Presentations - 8:00 pm "C" Posters, 9:00 pm "B" Posters, 10:00 pm "A" Posters Sheraton 4/5 Chicago 6/7 Chicago 8-10 Sheraton 4/5 River Exhibit Hall 1:30 pm - 4:00 pm 6:30 pm-8:00 pm 8:00 pm - 11:00 pm 4 Missouri Chicago 8-10 Sheraton 2 Sheraton 1 Sheraton 3 River Exhibit Hall SCHEDULE OF EVENTS SATURDAY, March 7 12:01 am - 10:00 pm 7:00 am - 3:00 pm 8:15 am - 3:00 pm Posters Open Speaker Ready Room Registration and Book/T-Shirt Pick Up Open 8:30 am - 10:15 am Concurrent Platform Sessions 10:15 am - 10:45 am Cell Biology & Signal Transduction Drosophila Models of Human Disease I Regulation of Gene Expression I Coffee Break 10:45 am - 12:30 pm Concurrent Platform Sessions River Exhibit Hall Columbus A Sheraton/Chicago Ballroom Promenade Sheraton 4/5 Chicago 6/7 Chicago 8-10 Sheraton/Chicago Ballroom Promenade Sheraton 4/5 Chicago 6/7 Chicago 8-10 River Exhibit Hall 4:00 pm - 6:00 pm Cell Biology & Cytoskeleton I Drosophila Models of Human Disease II Gene Expression & Chromatin II Exhibits Open & Poster Presentations Presentations - 1:30 pm ODD Posters, 2:30 pm EVEN posters Concurrent Platform Sessions Sheraton 4/5 Chicago 6/7 Chicago 8-10 6:45 pm - 8:45 pm Cell Biology & Cytoskeleton II Stem Cells Immunity & Pathogenesis (4 talks) and Physiology, Organismal Growth & Aging II (4 talks) Concurrent Workshops 7:00 pm - 10:00 pm 9:15 pm - 11:15 pm Diverse Applications of CRISPR-Cas9 Genome Engineering Sheraton 3 Drosophila Research and Pedagogy at Primarily Sheraton 1 Undergraduate Institutions (PUI) Everything You Ever Wanted to Know About Sex Missouri Cracking the Cis Regulatory Code: New Computational Sheraton 2 and Physical Approaches Exhibits Open & Poster Viewing River Exhibit Hall Concurrent Workshops 1:30 pm - 3:30 pm Homologous Recombination Mechanisms and Metrics Sheraton 1 Developmental Mechanics Sheraton 2 New Tools and Approaches for Behavioral Phenotyping in Sheraton 3 Drosophila 5 SCHEDULE OF EVENTS SUNDAY, March 8 8:30 am - 12:00 noon 8:30 am 8:35 am 9:05 am 9:35 am 10:05 am 10:30 am 11:00 am 11:30 am Plenary Session II Sheraton/Chicago Moderator: Michael Eisen, HHMI & University of California, Center Berkeley Poster Awards Presentation Ilaria Rebay, University of Chicago, IL How Zelda Promotes Enhancer Activity During Zygotic Genome Activation C. Rushlow, Department of Biology, New York University, New York, NY Asymmetric Stem Cell Division in Drosophila Testis Yukiko Yamashita, Ctr Stem Cell Biol, Univ Michigan, Ann Arbor, Ann Arbor, MI; Howard Hughes Medical Institute Mechanisms and Functions of RNA Silencing Pathways Phillip Zamore, RNA Therapeutics Institute, University of Massachusetts Medical School, Worcester, MA 01605 Break Control of Proliferative and Immune Homeostasis in the Aging Intestine Heinrich Jasper, Buck Institute for Research on Aging, Novato, CA Decapentaplegic and the Control of Growth in the Drosophila Wing Imaginal Disc Matthew Gibson, Stowers Institute for Medical Research, Kansas City, MO 64110 USA Flies and Alcohol: Interplay of Nature and Nurture Ulrike Heberlein, HHMI/Janelia Farm Research Campus, Ashburn, VA 6 HOTEL MAP 7 HOTEL MAP 8 GENERAL INFORMATION Badges Badges are required for admission to all sessions, the opening mixer, and the posters and exhibits in the Exhibit Hall. Security officers will not allow individuals without badges to enter the Exhibit Hall. If you lose your badge, a replacement may be requested at the Registration and Information Counters during posted registration hours. Badges may not be used by anyone other than the registered attendee. Each attendee must have his/her own badge. Employment Opportunities/Seeking Employment Notices – Convention Registration Desk, Ballroom Foyer Individuals and institutions offering or seeking employment may post notices and résumés on the "Employment Opportunities" bulletin boards set up near the Registration and Information Counters at the Convention Registration Desk. Be sure to stop by the GSA Booth and ask about the Jobs Board online at Family Room/Childcare – Tennessee, Level 2 A Family Room for nursing mothers will be available at the Sheraton Chicago Hotel & Towers. Please note that parents and guardians are responsible for providing infant care supplies. The Family Room is unsupervised and The Genetics Society of America is not responsible for any accidents or injuries that may occur. Onsite childcare services may be available through your hotel concierge. It is the responsibility of the parent(s), guardian, legal guardian, or individual requesting childcare services to screen caregivers and to make a determination as to the appropriateness of the caregiver. The Genetics Society of America does not screen any of the childcare services and assumes no responsibility with respect to these services and accepts no liabilities. FlyBase Demonstrations – Mayfair FlyBase invites all Conference registrants to come to the demo room to learn how to make the best use of the new FlyBase tools and features for your research and teaching. Throughout the afternoon, other than the scheduled group presentations noted below, FlyBase personnel are available in the demo room for one-on-one tutorials, troubleshooting and discussions. Any thoughts on improvements we can make to FlyBase are gratefully appreciated. Thursday 1:00pm - 5:00pm Demo room open for tutorials and discussions Presentations: 2:00pm-2:15pm: 2:20pm-2:35pm: "Human Disease Models and Gene Groups in FlyBase" "New views in GBrowse2: release 6 melanogaster assembly, RNA-Seq data, and more" Friday 1:00pm - 6:00pm Demo room open for tutorials and discussions Presentations: 3:45pm-4:00pm: 4:05pm-4:20pm: "Human Disease Models and Gene Groups in FlyBase" "New views in GBrowse2: release 6 melanogaster assembly, RNA-Seq data, and more" Internet Access Complimentary high speed internet access is available in the Sheraton/Chicago Ballroom Promenade (DROS2015) as well as in your guest room (Sheraton Guest) and in the hotel lobby (Sheraton Lobby). No password is required. Meals Please note there are two food functions included in your meeting registration: the Opening Mixer on Wednesday night (with light hors d’oeuvres and a cash bar) and the Continental Breakfast on Thursday morning. All other meals are not included in your conference registration. For all other meals you may choose from options within the hotel or at nearby locations. Please see the hotel concierge for a list of area dining options. Message Boards – Conference Registration Area Message boards will be located in the Conference Registration area. Parking Valet overnight parking is available at the Sheraton Chicago Hotel & Towers at a rate of $61 per 24 hours with in/out privileges. Daily parking is available for $51 per day. There are many less expensive parking lots within walking distance of the hotel. 9 GENERAL INFORMATION Photography Absolutely no photography is allowed in the exhibit hall/poster display areas. Poster Sessions and Exhibits – River Exhibit Hall, Level 1 All posters will be displayed in the River Exhibit Hall. The Hall will be open to Conference registrants on a 24-hour basis beginning at 5:00 pm, Wednesday, March 4, until 10:00 pm, Saturday, March 7. Security will be posted at the entrance to the Hall and only individuals with official Drosophila Conference registration badges will be admitted. All attendees are responsible for their own personal items and should not leave things unattended. Guest pass requests may be made at the registration counter during regular registration hours. Exhibit representatives will be in their booths: Thursday, March 5: 2:00 pm–4:00 pm and 8:00 pm–11:00 pm Friday, March 6: 2:00 pm–4:00 pm and 8:00 pm–11:00 pm Saturday, March 7: 1:30 pm–3:30 pm and 7:00 pm–10:00 pm Authors are expected to be present at their boards according to the following schedule: Thursday, March 5: 2:00 pm–3:00 pm Even-Numbered Posters 3:00 pm–4:00 pm Odd-Numbered Posters 8:00 pm–11:00 pm Open poster viewing (Authors not required to be present) Friday, March 6 2:00 pm–4:00 pm 8:00 pm–9:00 pm 9:00 pm–10:00 pm 10:00 pm–11:00 pm Open poster viewing (Authors not required to be present) “C” posters “B” posters “A” posters Saturday, March 7: 1:30 pm-2:30 pm 2:30 pm-3:30 pm 7:00 pm–10:00 pm Odd-Numbered Posters Even-Numbered Posters Open poster viewing (Authors not required to be present) All posters must be removed from poster boards no later than 11:00 pm on Saturday, March 7. After that time, remaining posters will be removed by vendors and may be lost. The GSA Administrative Office does not take responsibility for posters that are not removed by 11:00 pm on Saturday. Registration, Book and T-Shirt Pickup – Ballroom Promenade, Level 4 Conference registration and book pickup will be open as follows: Wednesday, March 4 Thursday, March 5 Friday, March 6 Saturday, March 7 3:30 pm–9:00 pm 8:00 am–5:00 pm 8:30 am–5:00 pm 8:30 am–3:00 pm Note that attendees must be registered before attending the Opening General Session on Wednesday, March 4, 7:00 pm in order to attend that session. Those who purchased t-shirts can pick them up at any time during normal registration hours but BEFORE noon on March 7. A limited number of additional t-shirts have been ordered and will be available for sale onsite. Speaker Ready Room – Columbus A, Lobby Level 3 All Speakers are required to load and check their presentation at least four hours (preferably the day before) in advance of the start of the session (not your specific time slot but the overall session time) in the Speaker Ready Room. Here is a schedule of the times that the Speaker Ready Room will be open: Wednesday, March 4 Thursday, March 5 Friday, March 6 Saturday, March 7 3:00 pm-6:30 pm 7:00 am-3:00 pm 7:00 am-3:00 pm 7:00 am-3:00 pm IMPORTANT – Even if you have loaded your presentation before the conference you still must check in at the Speaker Ready Room. Presentations cannot be loaded in the meeting rooms. 10 EDUCATION OPPORTUNITIES There are great opportunities for undergraduate researchers; graduate student and postdoctoral trainees; genetics students at local undergraduate institutions; and genetics educators. Wednesday, March 4 10:30 am-4:00 pm: GSA Trainee Boot Camp Advanced Registration Required Based on feedback from trainees both in focus groups and individual conversations, GSA will implement a pre-conference “bootcamp” with a series of professional development workshops. Open to Grad Students and Postdocs only. 4:00-7:00 pm: Preparing your Educational Resources for Online Publication Advanced Registration Required Educators who have been wondering how to prepare their teaching resources for publication in an online repository should apply for this workshop, which will guide attendees through the submission process for both CourseSource and GSA PREP, and give them a dedicated time to work on their submissions. Robin Wright, Editor-in-Chief for CourseSource and GSA Education Committee member; Sarah (Sally) Elgin, GSA Education Committee member and member of the GSA Board of Directors; and Beth Ruedi (GSA) will be on hand to describe the two resource portals, answer questions, and provide guidance to attendees. 5:00-7:00 pm: GSA Education Special Interest Group Mixer Faculty with a passion for genetics education are encouraged to attend this event, where they can mix and mingle with other educators. Current members of the Education SIG can catch up on actions taken by GSA with regards to the education initiative, and those who are not yet SIG members can learn about the Education SIG. Information about GSA PREP, the Primers in GENETICS, and other education-related opportunities will also be available. Thursday, March 5, 2015 7:15-8:30 am: Undergraduate Mixer On the first full day of the conference, undergraduate researchers will network on their own during breakfast, forming a peergroup that will help provide lasting support for the remainder of the meeting. 8:30 am–12:30 pm: “The Genetics Conference Experience” Invitation-only The GSA Genetics Conference Experience provides students from genetics classes at local undergraduate institutions with the unique opportunity to observe distinguished career scientists present their current research in a conference setting. The students, accompanied by their professor, will receive a background lecture and participate in an interactive discussion before attending part of a plenary session. This informative and engaging program is meant to give students a glimpse into the real world of genetic research, and is NOT intended for students who are already involved in scientific research, but rather will provide students with the opportunity to learn about current scientific research outside of a textbook, witness the communication of scientific research first-hand, and ideally will foster an interest in furthering their science education. It is free of cost, and invitation-only. 12:45-2:00 pm: GSA Career Luncheon Ticket Required The GSA Career Luncheon is an excellent opportunity for undergraduates, graduate students, and postdoctoral fellows to have informal conversations with senior career scientists regarding the unique challenges and rewards of a scientific career. The luncheon is organized by topic table. Topics may include things like: transition to independence, work-family balance, teaching at undergraduate institutions, careers outside traditional academia, the job search, the postdoc search, choosing the right advisor, etc. Friday, March 6, 2015 1:30 – 4:00 pm: Plenary Session and Workshop for Undergraduate Researchers Undergraduate conference attendees will attend an “Undergraduate Plenary Session” from 1:30-2:45 pm, with two talks presented at a level appropriate for an undergraduate audience. From 3:00-4:00 pm, undergraduates will have a chance to talk to a panel of graduate students about applications, interviewing, admission, choosing a lab, and quality of life in grad school. Saturday, March 7, 2015 6:45 PM–8:45 PM: Drosophila Research and Pedagogy at Primarily Undergraduate Institutions (PUI) This workshop provides a platform for presentation and discussion of Drosophila research and pedagogy at primarily undergraduate institutions (PUIs). The goals include: 1) promoting undergraduate research by providing a forum for students to make oral presentations; 2) connecting people interested in research and teaching at a PUI with current PUI faculty; 3) establishing a network among current PUI faculty to promote discussion and collaboration, and to provide support on professional issues that differ from those at large institutions; 4) sharing concepts and techniques that encourage the integration of Drosophila as a teaching tool in the classroom and laboratory. 11 AWARDS Larry Sandler Memorial Lecture The Larry Sandler Memorial Lecture was established in 1988 by the colleagues, friends and students of Dr. Larry Sandler after his untimely death in February 1987. The award serves to honor Dr. Sandler for his many contributions to Drosophila genetics and his exceptional dedication to the training of Drosophila biologists. Any student completing his Ph.D. in an area of Drosophila research in the calendar year preceding the annual Drosophila Research Conference is eligible and may be nominated by his/her dissertation advisor. The Selection Committee for 2015 includes chair, Erika Bach, and committee, Daniela Drummond-Barbosa, Wes Grueber, Artyom Kopp and Louisa Wu. The Committee reviews nominations, reads the dissertations of the finalists, and selects the awardee. Past recipients of this honor are: Bruce Edgar, 1988 Kate Harding, 1989 Michael Dickinson, 1990 Maurice Kernan, 1991 Doug Kellogg, 1992 David Schneider, 1993 Kendal Broadie, 1994 David Begun, 1995 Chaoyong Ma, 1996 Abby Dernburg, 1997 Nir Hacohen, 1998 Terence Murphy, 1999 Bin Chen, 2000 James Wilhelm, 2001 Matthew C. Gibson, 2002 Sinisa Urban, 2003 Sean McGuire, 2004 Elissa Hallem, 2005 Daniel Ortiz-Barrientos, 2006 Yu-Chiun Wang, 2007 Adam A. L. Friedman, 2008 Timothy Weil, 2009 Leonardo Barbosa Koerich, 2010 Daniel Babcock, 2011 Stephanie Chen, 2012 Weizhe Hong, 2013 Ruei-Jiun Hung, 2014 The Victoria Finnerty Memorial Fund for Undergraduate Travel Award This fund, which honors the memory of Victoria Finnerty, has been established to support travel costs for undergraduates engaged in research to attend the Annual Drosophila Research Conference. Vickie, who died in February 2011, was a longtime member of the Genetics Society of America and served the Drosophila community and the Genetics community at large in many capacities. A wonderful geneticist, Vickie’s ground-breaking work as a graduate student used high resolution recombination analysis to dissect gene structure. This set the stage for a 35 year career in which she excelled as a gifted teacher as well as research scientist. Congratulations to this year’s winners: Jonathan Cohen, Swarthmore College Alexander Kneubehl, Ohio Northern University Kiu Ming April Kong, York University Meera Namireddy, Rice University Irina Pushel, Michigan State University Anna Zeidman, Brown University To make a tax deductible contribution, send your check to the attention of Adam Fagen, Executive Director, The Genetics Society of America, 9650 Rockville Pike, Bethesda, MD 20814-3998. Please write “Finnerty Fund” in the memo portion of the check. Or you can make an online donation by visiting 12 AWARDS The DeLill Nasser Award for Professional Development in Genetics The DeLill Nasser Award for Professional Development in Genetics was established by The Genetics Society of America in mid-2001 in honor of the late DeLill Nasser, who served for 22 years as the program director of the Eukaryotic Genetics Section at the National Science Foundation. The award fund, made possible by contributions from her family and friends. It recognizes Dr. Nasser’s contributions to the field of genetics and her strong support of young scientists. Travel and tuition awards will be made annually to allow graduate students and postdoctoral trainees to attend meetings or enroll in laboratory courses. So far this year eight awards have been given, four of which were used to attend the Drosophila Research Conference. DeLill Nasser Awards have two rounds of applications per year; one for courses and conferences occurring between January 1 and June 30, and another for courses and conferences occurring between July 1 and December 31. Monitor the GSA e-News and homepage ( for updates regarding application windows. The GSA encourages all of its members and friends to donate. Please make your check payable to The Genetics Society of America and send it to Adam Fagen, Executive Director, GSA, 9650 Rockville Pike, Bethesda, MD 20814-3998. Please write “Nasser Fund” on the bottom left of the check. Poster Award Competition Posters are an important component of the Drosophila meeting and the Poster Award appropriately highlights the work that goes into a professional presentation of outstanding science. Nine awards will be given for the best poster designs. First ($500), second ($300) and third ($200) place prizes will be given to the undergraduate students, graduate students and postdocs judged to have the best posters. Both scientific merit and clarity of visual presentation will be evaluated. To be eligible, your poster must be displayed from 11:00 pm on March 4 through 10:00 pm on March 7, 2015. Additionally, your poster number, which will be preset, should not be moved or covered. Posters that are removed, not displayed or don’t adhere to poster display guidelines will not be considered. This competition is only open to students and postdocs who are members of GSA. PI's are not eligible. If you are a session chair you should submit your selections for top undergraduate, graduate and postdoc in your section via e-mail to Marc Freeman ([email protected]) by 7:00 p.m. on Friday, March 6. Please put “poster awards” in the subject line. Award Winners – Please bring and display your poster in the Sheraton/Chicago Ballroom Promenade on Sunday, March 8 by 7:00 a.m. (boards will be available beginning at 5:00 p.m. on Saturday, March 7). Your award will be presented during the Sunday morning Plenary Session. 13 SPONSORS AND EXHIBITORS We would like to thank the following companies for their support of the 56th Annual Drosophila Research Conference . Please visit the exhibits in the Exhibit Hall and take advantage of the opportunity to see the new products, publications and services available from these companies. GRAND SPONSOR SILVER SPONSOR EVENT SPONSORS The journals GENETICS and G3: Genes|Genomes|Genetics Sponsors of the Opening Reception on Wednesday, March 4 14 SPONSORS AND EXHIBITORS Drosophila Genomics Resource Center (DGRC) Booth #503 Indiana University 1001 E 3rd Street Bloomington, IN 47405 Phone: 812/855-5510 E-mail: [email protected] URL: Archon Scientific Booth #102 2236B Ferrell Rd. Durham, NC 27704 Phone: 919/450-6744 E-mail: [email protected] URL: Quality fly food - ready to use. Better than instant! Bitplane Inc. 425 Sullivan Ave., Suite 3 South Windsor, CT 06076 Phone: 560/290-9211 E-mail: [email protected] URL: The Drosophila Genomics Resource Center ( serves the Drosophila community by collecting and distributing clones and cell lines of general interest and by assisting the community in using these materials. Visit our booth for information about upcoming services or to speak to DGRC personnel about our materials. Booth #501 Bitplane is the world’s leading interactive microscopy image analysis software company and was founded in 1992. Through their constant innovation and a clear focus on 3D and 4D image visualisation and analysis, Bitplane actively shapes the way scientists process multi-dimensional microscopic images. Bitplane is part of Oxford Instruments plc, a leading provider of high technology tools and systems for industry and research. Genesee Scientific Booths #401, 403, 304 8430 Juniper Creek Lane San Diego, CA 92126 Phone: 800/789-5550 E-mail: [email protected] URL: Don’t miss new additions to Genesee’s comprehensive “Flystuff™” catalog (available worldwide) featuring the new INVICTUS™ Drosophila-specific incubator; new advancements on our patented vial reload system, the environmentally responsible and cost effective alternative to preracked vials; and also our latest innovations in Drosophila Anesthesiology! We offer interactive demonstrations and expert consultation. Darwin Chambers Company Booth #301 2945 Washington Ave. St. Louis, MO 63103 Phone: 877/783-6774 E-mail: [email protected] URL: Darwin Chambers specializes in providing custom insect rearing chambers and rooms. Our liquidcircuited cooling with electric reheat increases energy efficiency, and minimizes corrosion concerns. Builtin redundancy in our thermoelectric systems provides unsurpassed reliability. Other advantages are reduced noise and vibration, durability, and ease of maintenance. Options include diurnal lighting and ultrasonic humidification. Booth #402 Genetic Services Inc. 16 Craig Road Sudbury, MA 01776 Phone: 617/252-9100 E-mail: [email protected] URL: Genetic Services Inc. offers a variety of services for the Drosophila Community including, P-element and site directed injections, fosmid, Bac and mimic injections, transgenic production, Talen and Crispr mutant stock production, mosquito injections, fly food production, stock maintenance, in vitro mutagenesis, DNA and RNA preparation and more. Let us speed up your research and make your lab more competitive! 15 SPONSORS AND EXHIBITORS Genetics Society of America Booth #102 9650 Rockville Pike Bethesda, MD 20814-3998 Phone: 301-634-7371 E-mail: [email protected] URL: MoorAgar, Inc. 2351 Sunset Blvd, Suite 170-102 Rocklin, CA 95765 Phone: 916/787-8721 E-mail: [email protected] URL: Come explore the resources and opportunitities that GSA has to offer including education, career development, and policy; meet members of the GSA staff and leadership; and find out about publishing in GENETICS and G3: Genes|Genomes|Genetics. MoorAgar, Inc., as we’re known today, (formally Moorhead & Co) has produced and distributed quality agar~agar and related products throughout North America for Drosophila research. Gelidium is the higher quality of agar and is extracted from the red algae Rhodophyceae type form Gelidium Genera. GenetiVision Corporation 8874 Interchange Dr. Houston, TX 77054 Phone: 832/838-4441 E-mail: [email protected] URL: Booth #203 Booth #303 NIGHTSEA Booth #104 34 Dunelm Rd. Bedford, MA 01730 Phone: 781/791-9508 E-mail: [email protected] URL: GenetiVision offers comprehensive transgenic and molecular biology services. We provide P-element and site-specific transgenesis, MiMIC and CRISPR injections, cloning, gene synthesis, and NGS. We also offer a duplication stock collection covering chromosomes 2 and 3. Our pricing is the most competitive with the best guarantee. Start your riskfree trial today! SILVER SPONSOR Economical fluorescence microscopy? Not an oxymoron any longer thanks to the NIGHTSEA Stereo Microscope Fluorescence Adapter for all your research, teaching, and outreach needs. Screen, sort, dissect on any existing microscope. Now with 5 available excitation/emission combinations plus ‘darkness on demand’. Stop by to see all the latest. Bring your own samples to test! Lab Express 3876 Trade Center Dr. Ann Arbor, MI 48108 Phone: 734/761-8148 E-mail: [email protected] URL: Parter Medical Products 17015 Kingsview Ave. Carson, CA 90746 Phone: 800/666-8282 E-mail: [email protected] URL: Booth #202 Booth #201 Parter Medical is the leading manufacturer of high quality plasticware for Drosophila research. Our disposable/reusable vials and bottles are made in a wide selection of sizes, materials, and packaging choices. All of our products are manufactured for optimum durability and offer excellent value. Stop by and see why our fresh ideas lead to great Drosophila products. LabExpress provides weekly fresh-made fly food to Drosophila research community. Besides food with Bloomington recipe (type B), we offer food with higher agar percentage (type M), higher nutrients (type R), and antibiotics (w/ Amp). We also sell grape agar plates, dry mixes of fly food, vials, bottles, trays/dividers etc. 16 SPONSORS AND EXHIBITORS Vienna Drosophila Resource Center (VDRC) Booth #204 Dr. Bohr - Gasse 3 Vienna, Austria 1030 Phone: +43 1 7962324 7027 E-mail: [email protected] URL: Percival Scientific, Inc. Booth #404 505 Research Drive Perry, IA 50220 Phone: 515-465-9363 E-mail: [email protected] URL: Percival Scientific's cutting edge technology is at the core of our commitment to delivering the best products on the market today. This commitment is clear with the Percival DR-36 and DR-41 Series which are dedicated to offer the best features for Drosophila research. Sable Systems International 6000 S. Eastern Ave. Bldg 1 Las Vegas, NV 89119 Phone: 702/269-4445 E-mail: [email protected] URL: The VDRC is a non-profit research organization maintaining and distributing over 40,000 transgenic fly stocks to the world-wide Drosophila community. Current stocks include a genome-wide RNAi collection and Vienna Tiles Gal4 lines. We welcome donations of new resources and are open to collaborations for further development. Booth #302 Sable Systems International is the widely cited, international standard in high resolution metabolic screening and calorimetry. Our systems can measure Drosophila gas exchange in real time. Technical support is by published experts in insect respirometry. Please drop by our booth and discuss what we can do for your research. 17 POSTERS AND EXHIBITS MAP OPENING AND PLENARY SESSIONS Wednesday, March 4 7:00 PM–9:15 PM Thursday, March 5 8:30 AM–12:00 NOON Opening General Session Plenary Session I Co-Moderators: Ilaria Rebay, University of Chicago, IL and Greg Beitel, Northwestern University, Evanston, IL Moderator: Marc Freeman, HHMI & University of Massachusetts Medical School, Worcester, MA Room: Sheraton/Chicago Center Presentations: Room: Sheraton/Chicago Center Presentations: 8:30 am Image Award Presentation. Michelle Arbeitman. Florida State University College of Medicine, Tallahassee. 7:00 pm Welcome and Opening Remarks. Ilaria Rebay. University of Chicago, IL. 7:10 pm GSA Update. Adam Fagen. Genetics Society of America, Bethesda, MD. 8:35 am Cell division and epithelial tissue morphogenesis. Yohanns Bellaiche. Genetics and Developmental Biology Department, Institut Curie, Paris, France. 7:20 pm Presentation of Larry Sandler Award. Erika Bach. NYU Langone Medical Center, NY. 9:05 am Genetic conflicts during meiosis drive innovation in centromeric proteins. Harmit Malik. Dept Basic Sci & HHMI, Fred Hutchinson CA Res Ctr, Seattle, WA. 7:25 pm Larry Sandler Award Lecture. 7:55 pm Keynote Address Introduction. Greg Beitel. Northwestern University, Evanston, IL. 9:35 am Coordinate Migration of Mesoderm Cells in the Drosophila Embryo. Angela Stathopoulos. Division of Biology and Bioengineering, Caltech, Pasadena, CA. 8:00 pm Drosophila: Assuming the Mantle of Leadership in Biological Research. Allan Spradling. HHMI and Carnegie Institution for Science, Baltimore, MD. 10:05 am - Break 9:00 pm GSA Awards Presentation. Lynn Cooley. GSA Board of Directors and Yale University, New Haven, CT. 10:30 am Signaling kinetics in the early embryo. Stanislav Shvartsman. Lewis-Sigler Institute for Integrative Genomics, Princeton University, Princeton, NJ. 11:00 am Addressing complexity of Notch in cancer: When less is more. Maria Dominguez. Neuroscience Institute of Alicante, UMH-CSIC, San Juan de Alicante Spain 11:30 am Using Drosophila neuroblasts as a model for stem cell biology and tumorigenesis. Juergen Knoblich. IMBA - Institute of Molecular Biotechnology, Vienna, Austria. 19 OPENING AND PLENARY SESSIONS Notes Sunday, March 8 8:30 AM–12:00 NOON Plenary Session II Moderator: Michael Eisen, HHMI & University of California, Berkeley Room: Sheraton/Chicago Center Presentations: 8:30 am Poster Awards Presentation. Ilaria Rebay. University of Chicago, IL. 8:35 am How Zelda promotes enhancer activity during zygotic genome activation. C. Rushlow1, Y. Sun1, C.-Y. Nien1, SM. Foo1, H.-Y. Liu1, K. Chen2, J. Zeitlinger2. 1) Department of Biology, New York University, New York, NY; 2) Stowers Institute for Medical Research, Kansas City, MO. 9:05 am Asymmetric stem cell division in Drosophila testis. Yukiko Yamashita1,2. 1) Ctr Stem Cell Biol, Univ Michigan, Ann Arbor, Ann Arbor, MI; 2) Howard Hughes Medical Institute. 9:35 am Mechanisms and Functions of RNA Silencing Pathways. Phillip Zamore. RNA Therapeutics Institute, University of Massachusetts Medical School, Worcester, MA 01605. 10:05 am - Break 10:30 am Control of Proliferative and Immune Homeostasis in the Aging Intestine. Heinrich Jasper. Buck Institute for Research on Aging, Novato, CA. 11:00 am Decapentaplegic and the control of growth in the Drosophila wing imaginal disc. Matthew Gibson, Takuya Akiyama. Stowers Institute for Medical Research, Kansas City, MO 64110 USA. 11:30 am Flies and Alcohol: Interplay of Nature and Nurture. Ulrike Heberlein1, Ulrike Heberlein, past and current lab members2. 1) HHMI/Janelia Farm Research Campus, Ashburn, VA; 2) University of California at San Francisco, San Francisco, CA. 20 WORKSHOPS Wednesday, March 4 12:00 NOON–6:00 PM Friday, March 6 1:45 PM–3:45 PM Ecdysone Workshop Communicating Your Drosophila Research to Scientific and Non-scientific Audiences Room: Chicago 8 Organizers: Laurie von Kalm, University of Central Florida , and Nick Sokal, Indiana University The Ecdysone Workshop welcomes all those interested in insect endocrinology. Importantly, this workshop is a forum to discuss the role of different hormones (e.g., 20-hydroxyecdysone, juvenile hormone, peptide hormones, insulin) and the crosstalk between their signaling pathways. The topics covered include, but are not limited to, hormone synthesis and secretion, and hormonal control of transcription, differentiation, morphogenesis, growth, metabolism, timing and behavior. Platform talks of 15 minutes will be selected from interested applicants and grouped into sessions, with each session highlighted by an invited speaker. To apply and/or receive the final program, please email the organizers. Laurie von Kalm, University of Central Florida ([email protected]), Nick Sokal, Indiana University ([email protected]) Room: Michigan A/B Organizers: Joyce Fernandez, Miami University, Oxford, OH, and Raeka Aiyar, Genetics Society of America, Bethesda, MD, and Andreas Prokop, The University of Manchester, UK This workshop will focus on science communication. First, we will discuss its importance for our research productivity, explaining relevant communication skills and how they can improve our publications, grant applications, presentations, to effectively communicate relevance of the research. We will then explain Drosophila-specific strategies for science communication, providing examples from University, lay audience and school contexts. It will become clear how science communication can improve our own research and the use of our model organism Drosophila, its recognition by non-fly researchers and the general public, and even science teaching at schools. There will be ample opportunity for discussion. Friday, March 6 1:30 PM–4:00 PM Friday, March 6 1:45 PM–3:45 PM Plenary Session and Workshop for Undergraduate Researchers Feeding Behavior, Nutrition and Metabolism Room: Missouri Organizers: Alexis Nagengast, Widener University, Chester, PA, and Beth Ruedi, Genetics Society of America, Bethesda, MD Undergraduate conference attendees will attend an “Undergraduate Plenary Session” from 1:30-2:45 pm, with two talks presented at a level appropriate for an undergraduate audience. From 3:00-4:00 pm, undergraduates will have a chance to talk to a panel of graduate students about applications, interviewing, admission, choosing a lab, and quality of life in graduate school. Room: Chicago 8-10 Organizers: Tânia Reis, University of Colorado School of Medicine, Denver, and William W. Ja, The Scripps Research Institute, La Jolla, CA Drosophila has become as a powerful model system for studying how diet and nutrition can influence a wide range of metabolic processes. This workshop is designed to assemble a diverse group of presentations that highlight recent advances in the field of nutrition and metabolism. The goal of this workshop is to foster discussions and encourage collaborations among individuals interested in topics ranging from food intake as a fundamental parameter of metabolism to the effects of diet on energy storage and utilization. 21 WORKSHOPS Friday, March 6 1:45 PM–3:45 PM Friday, March 6 1:45 PM–3:45 PM Integration of Computational Approaches and Big Data to Tackle Systems-Biology Problems in Drosophila and other Model systems Tools for Functional Genomics Analyses Room: Sheraton 1 Organizers: Stephanie Mohr, Harvard Medical School, Boston, MA; Norbert Perrimon, Harvard Medical School, Boston, MA; and Lizabeth Perkins, Harvard Medical School, Boston, MA The workshop will focus on online tools for analysis of functional genomics data. We will present functional genomics pipelines that utilize tools developed for the community by our group (DIOPT, COMPLEAT, RSVP, etc.) and others (DAVID, Cytoscape etc.). We will emphasize tools relevant to analysis of datasets from various types of studies, tools for identifying reagents for large-scale studies, and tools for network representation of data sets, e.g. from in vivo RNAi screens. Attendees will then be able to use the tools to analyze test data, and ask questions, provide feedback, and discuss the need for additional tools and resources. Room: Sheraton 2 Organizers: Marc S. Halfon, University at BuffaloSUNY; Molly Duman-Scheel, Indiana University School of Medicine, South Bend, IN and the University of Notre Dame, Notre Dame, IN; Alexander Fletcher, Oxford University, England; Greg Reeves, North Carolina State University, Raleigh; and Jeremiah Zartman, University of Notre Dame. With the rapid advancement of molecular biology and gene editing tools, the concept and rationale of simpler model organisms is being blurred, yet it is clear that Drosophila still has a great deal to offer the scientific community in both fundamental and applied research in many areas for a long time to come. In this workshop, speakers will discuss how computation and big data approaches can employ Drosophila either as a tool or a test bed to break down barriers between individual fields as well as a powerful system that provides the impetus and the means to advance into unexplored intellectual territories. The goal is to provide a forum for investigators working on computational and big data problems to discuss how Drosophila researchers can extend their studies to impact a wide range of both medically and agriculturally relevant questions, learn about available resources and techniques, and form new collaborations. Friday, March 6 1:45 PM–3:45 PM Harnessing Community Resources for Drosophila Neuroscience Room: Sheraton 3 Organizers: Cahir O'Kane, University of Cambridge, UK, and David Osumi-Sutherland, European Bioinformatics Institute, Cambridge, UK Drosophila allows the dissection of neuronal circuits on a tractable scale, in an organism that exhibits sophisticated behaviour. The emergence of characterized connectome-scale reagent collections and other transgenes to visualise and manipulate neurons underpins advances towards this goal. A major challenge is to integrate these reagents and rich accompanying datasets with each other and the wider literature, while providing public access through efficient text and image-based searches. This workshop will highlight emerging experimental, genetic and informational resources for this purpose, crystallise the needs of the user community, and discuss how reagents and datasets can be made better accessible. 22 WORKSHOPS Saturday, March 7 6:45 PM–8:45 PM Saturday, March 7 6:45 PM–8:45 PM Diverse Applications of CRISPR-Cas9 Genome Engineering Everything You Ever Wanted to Know About Sex Room: Missouri Organizers: Michelle Arbeitman, Florida State University, and Mark Siegal, New York University, and Artyom Kopp, University of California, Davis, and Mark VanDoren, Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore, MD The workshop will cover the molecular genetics, development, neurobiology, genomics, evolution, and population genetics of sexual dimorphism, with an emphasis on cross-disciplinary interactions. Presentations by invited speakers and selected abstracts from each discipline will be followed by moderated discussions. The speakers are encouraged to summarize the key ideas behind their research for people working in other fields, outline the main unsolved questions, offer their opinions about future directions, and suggest connections that could be built with other disciplines. Room: Sheraton 3 Organizers: Jill Wildonger, University of Wisconsin, Madison; Kate O'ConnorGiles, University of Wisconsin, Madison; and Melissa Harrison, University of Wisconsin, Madison In the short time since its first application, the CRISPR-Cas9 system has transformed genome engineering in Drosophila. This workshop will detail new advances, highlight successful application of the system to address diverse biological questions, and encourage discussion of methods for further expanding the utility of this technology. Following six 15-minute presentations, a question-and-answer discussion forum will promote a dynamic exchange of information for successfully applying CRISPR technology and ideas on creative strategies for future applications. Saturday, March 7 6:45 PM–8:45 PM Drosophila Research and Pedagogy at Primarily Undergraduate Institutions (PUI) Saturday, March 7 6:45 PM–8:45 PM Cracking the Cis Regulatory Code: New Computational and Physical Approaches Room: Sheraton 1 Organizers: Josefa Steinhauer, Yeshiva University, New York, NY, and David Roberts, Franklin and Marshall College, Lancaster, PA, and Eric Stoffregen, Lewis-Clark State College, Lewiston, ID, and Rebeccah Kurzhals, Southeast Missouri State University This workshop provides a platform for presentation and discussion of Drosophila research and pedagogy at primarily undergraduate institutions (PUIs). The goals include: 1) promoting undergraduate research by providing a forum for students to make oral presentations; 2) connecting people interested in research and teaching at a PUI with current PUI faculty; 3) establishing a network among current PUI faculty to promote discussion and collaboration, and to provide support on professional issues that differ from those at large institutions; 4) sharing concepts and techniques that encourage the integration of Drosophila as a teaching tool in the classroom and laboratory. Room: Sheraton 2 Organizers: David Arnosti, Michigan State University, and Saurabh Sinha, University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign, and Hernan Garcia, University of California, Berkeley Because of the complex and redundant nature of cis regulatory information, conventional genomics approaches have yet to crack the DNA regulatory code driving metazoan gene expression. Drosophila affords a uniquely powerful system to uncover the action of complex transcriptional regulation involving proximal and distally acting enhancers, laying the path towards the predictive understanding of developmental programs. This workshop will focus on new approaches from biophysics, computational biology, and mathematical modeling that offer important opportunities to significantly move this field of research forward. 23 WORKSHOPS Saturday, March 7 9:15 PM–11:15 PM Saturday, March 7 9:15 PM–11:15 PM Homologous Recombination Mechanisms and Metrics New Tools and Approaches for Behavioral Phenotyping in Drosophila Room: Sheraton 1 Organizers: Mitch McVey, Tufts University, and Jeff Sekelsky, University of North Carolina, and Jan LaRocque, Georgetown University The goal of this workshop is to promote discussion between researchers working at the interface of recombination, repair, and genome evolution. Major themes will include factors that influence the timing and location of meiotic and mitotic crossovers, chromatin effects on recombination, and systems for measuring recombination. Room: Sheraton 3 Organizers: Pavel M Itskov, Champalimaud Centre for the Unknown, Lisbon, Portugal, and Giorgio F Gillestro, Imperial College London, UK, and Carlos Ribeiro, Champalimaud Centre for the Unknown Analyzing behavior and interpreting behavioral data can be a tedious, complicated and intimidating task for non experts. The workshop will focus on state-ofthe-art behavioral phenotyping tools that have been created for the broader Drosophila community. The aim is to introduce recent advances and to foster new collaborations. The workshop will emphasize automated unbiased approaches using open source technologies enabling next generation highthroughput behavioral screening. The workshop will include, but will not be limited to, the following topics: video tracking and automated classification of adult and larval behavior, automated methods to monitor feeding behavior, circadian activity and sleep. Saturday, March 7 9:15 PM–11:15 PM Developmental Mechanics Room: Sheraton 2 Organizers: Rodrigo Fernandez-Gonzalez, University of Toronto, and Guy Tanentzapf, University of British Columbia D’Arcy Thompson in his seminal book on growth and form proposed that physical forces play a central role in animal development. Over the last twenty years, the establishment of tools to measure and manipulate mechanical forces in living organisms has demonstrated that indeed mechanical forces influence molecular dynamics and cell behaviors during tissue morphogenesis. In this workshop, we will review the most recent technical advances to visualize and quantify force generation during Drosophila development, and we will discuss the latest results demonstrating the interplay between physical forces, molecular dynamics and tissue morphogenesis. 24 SCHEDULE OF EVENTS, EXHIBITOR LIST, REGISTRANT LIST, AND MORE AVAILABLE ON YOUR SMARTPHONE To use the above QR code, go to your app store or you can go to to find the QR code reader for your mobile phone. Click on the reader to get further instructions and a quick link to download the application. Install the application on your device. 25 Thank You! To the Organizers and Session Chairs who spent countless hours reviewing abstracts and developing the program. Organizers Greg Beitel Michael Eisen Marc Freeman Ilaria Rebay Session Chairs Erika Bach Utpal Banerjee Patricia Beldade Giovanni Bosco Sarah Bray Nicolas Buchon Xin Chen Joanna Chiu Tiffany Cook Bruce A. Edgar Felice Elefant John Ewer Rodrigo FernandezGonzalez Guanjun Gao Melissa Harrison Tony Ip Lan Jiang Erin Kelleher Mitzi Kuroda Nelson Lau Cheng-Yu Lee Tom Lloyd Susan Lott Erika Matunis Marek Mlodzik Denise Montel Masayuki Miura 26 Todd Nystul Kate O’Connor-Giles Renee Read Oren Schuldiner Ali Shilatifard Neal Silverman Nic Tapon David Walker Coral Warr Mariana Wolfner Zeba Wunderlich Andrew Zelhof Sheng Zhang CONCURRENT PLATFORM SESSIONS THURSDAY, MARCH 5 4:30-6:30 PM Presenting author is in bold. Full abstracts can be found online. Cell Division and Growth Control Neural Development Co-Moderators: Giovanni Bosco, Geisel School of Medicine at Dartmouth, Hanover, NH and Nic Tapon, Cancer Research UK London Research Institute, UK Co-Moderators: Cheng-Yu Lee, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor and Oren Schuldiner, Weizmann Institute, Rehovot Room: Chicago 6/7 Room: Sheraton 4/5 9 - 4:30 Dscam Switches Slit Repulsion to Attraction via the Robo Receptor. Maryam Alavi, Minmin Song, Gracie Andrews, Taylor Gillis, Thomas Kidd. Dept. of Biology/MS 314, University of Nevada Reno, Reno, NV. 1 - 4:30 A quantitative study of the de novo nucleolus formation in Drosophila melanogaster embryos. Hanieh Falahati1,2, Barbra Pelham-Webb2, Shelby Blythe2, Eric Wieschaus2. 1) Lewis-Sigler Institute for Integrative Genomics; 2) Howard Hughes Medical Institute, Department of Molecular Biology, Princeton University, Princeton NJ. 08544. 10 - 4:45 Drosophila S6 kinase like inhibits neuromuscular junction growth by downregulating the BMP receptor Thickveins. Guoli Zhao1, Yingga Wu1, Li Du2, Qifu Wang1, Wenhua Li1, Yongqing Zhang1. 1) institute of genetics and developmental biology, CAS, Beijing, China; 2) College of Life Science, Hubei University, Wuhan, Hubei, China. 2 - 4:45 Examining chromatin structure in different states of G0. Yiqin Ma, Laura Buttitta. MCDB, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, MI. 3 - 5:00 Chromatin Modifier Trithorax Regulates Systemic Signaling during Drosophila Imaginal Disc Regeneration. Andrea Skinner, Sumbul Jawed Khan, Rachel K. Smith-Bolton. Cell & Developmental Biology, University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign, Urbana, IL. 11 - 5:00 Hippo and its negative regulator Strip regulate synapse formation at Drosophila larval neuromuscular junctions. Takahiro Chihara1,2, Chisako Sakuma1, Yoshie Saito1, Tomoki Umehara1, Keisuke Kamimura3, Timothy Mosca4, Nobuaki Maeda3, Masayuki Miura1,2. 1) Dept Gen, Grad Sch Pharm, Univ Tokyo, Tokyo, Tokyo, Japan; 2) CREST, JST, Japan; 3) Dept of Brain Dev and Neural Reg, Tokyo Metro Inst of Med Sci, Japan; 4) Dept of Biol, HHMI, Stanford Univ, Stanford, CA. 4 - 5:15 Growth coordination during regeneration occurs through nitric oxide regulation of steroid hormone production. Jacob Jaszczak, Jacob Wolpe, Anh Dao, Adrian Halme. Department of Cell Biology, University of Virginia School of Medicine, Charlottesville, VA. 12 - 5:15 Tenectin (Tnc) recruits Integrins to stabilize postsynaptic structures at the Drosophila NMJ. Qi Wang, TaeHee Han, Mihaela Serpe. NICHD/NIH, Bethesda, MD. 5 - 5:30 Both damage-responsive WNT expression and an age-dependent decline in regenerative capacity are mediated by a bipartite regulatory element in the WNT cluster. Robin Harris, Joshua Saul, Iswar Hariharan. MCB, University of California, Berkeley, Berkeley, CA. 13 - 5:30 Specification of individual adult motor neuron morphologies by combinatorial transcription factor codes. Jonathan Enriquez1, Myungin Baek2, Meredith Peterson1, Lalanti Venkatasubramanian1, Ulkar Aghayeva1, Richard Mann1. 1) Department of Biochemistry and Molecular Biophysic, Columbia University Medical Center, New York, NY; 2) NYU Neuroscience Institute, Department of Neuroscience and Physiology, NYU School of Medicine. 6 - 5:45 Identification of the Dilp8 receptor and characterization of its role in the coordination of organs growth and developmental transitions. Julien Colombani, Ditte S. Andersen, Pierre Leopold. Institut of Biology Valrose (iBV), CNRS UMR7277 / INSERM UMR1091 / UNS, Nice, France. 14 - 5:45 Molecular Dissection of a Cell Specification Regulatory Cascade. Johannes Stratmannn1, Hugo Gabolindo2, Jonathan Benito-Sipos2, Stefan Thor1. 1) Department of Clinical and Experimental Medicine, Linköping University, SE-581 83 Linköping, SWEDEN; 2) Departamento de Biología, Universidad Autónoma de Madrid, Cantoblanco, E 28049 Madrid, SPAIN. 7 - 6:00 Identification of the ligand-receptor system that governs tumorsuppressive cell competition. Tatsushi Igaki1,2, Masatoshi Yamamoto1, Kei Kunimasa1, Shizue Ohsawa1. 1) Laboratory of Genetics, Graduate School of Biostudies, Kyoto University, Kyoto, Japan; 2) PRESTO, Japan Science and Technology Agency. 15 - 6:00 Morphogenesis and development of the postembryonic cortex glial niche. Renee Read, Coston Rowe. Pharmacology, Emory University School of Medicine, Atlanta, GA. 8 - 6:15 Localization of Warts activation in vivo. Shuguo Sun1, Venu Reddy2, Ken Irvine1. 1) Waksman Institute, piscataway, NJ; 2) Tata Memorial Center, Navi Mumbai, Maharashtra, India. 16 - 6:15 A novel neurotrophic pathway regulates core features of neuronal identity. Colleen McLaughlin, Heather Broihier. Case Western Reserve University, Cleveland, OH. 27 CONCURRENT PLATFORM SESSIONS THURSDAY, MARCH 5 4:30-6:30 PM Presenting author is in bold. Full abstracts can be found online. Organogenesis and Gametogenesis Notes Co-Moderators: Lan Jiang, Oakland University, Rochester, MI and Erika Matunis, Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore, MD Room: Chicago 8-10 17 - 4:30 Molecular and cellular mechanism of epithelial invagination in the Drosophila salivary gland. Se-Yeon Chung, Sangjoon Kim, Deborah Andrew. Dept Cell Biol, Johns Hopkins Univ, Baltimore, MD. 18 - 4:45 Two Forkhead transcription factors regulate cardiac progenitor specification by controlling the expression of receptors of the fibroblast growth factor and Wnt signaling pathways. Shaad M. Ahmad1, Pritha Bhattacharyya1, Neal Jeffries2, Stephen S. Gisselbrecht3, Alan M. Michelson1. 1) Laboratory of Developmental Systems Biology, National Heart, Lung and Blood Institute, NIH, Bethesda, MD; 2) Office of Biostatistics Research, National Heart, Lung and Blood Institute, NIH, Bethesda, MD; 3) Division of Genetics, Department of Medicine, Brigham and Women's Hospital and Harvard Medical School, Boston, MA. 19 - 5:00 The adult midgut progenitor cells are established through asymmetric cell division. Jessica R. K. Seifert1,2, Ruth Lehmann2. 1) Farmingdale State College, Farmingdale, NY; 2) NYU School of Medicine, New York, NY. 20 - 5:15 The Wnt signaling and cytoskeletal regulator APC2 controls stem cell niche size, architecture, and stem cell number in the Drosophila ovary. Stacie Oliver, Ezgi Kunttas-Tatli, David Vinson, Brooke McCartney. Biological Sciences, Carnegie Mellon University, Pittsburgh, PA. 21 - 5:30 Investigating the role of pHi in promoting stem cell differentiation. Bryne Ulmschneider1, Bree Grillo-Hill2, Diane Barber2, Todd Nystul1. 1) Anatomy, University of California, SF, San Francisco, CA; 2) Cell and Tissue Biology, University of California, SF, San Francisco, CA. 22 - 5:45 Sex-lethal, Set1, and sexual identity in the adult female germline. Anne Smolko, Helen Salz. Department of Genetics and Genome Sciences, Case Western Reserve University, Cleveland, OH. 23 - 6:00 The role of the PIWI/piRNA pathway in the maintenance of genomic integrity. S. Mani, M. Zhong, N. Liu, H. Lin. Cell Biology, Yale University, New Haven, CT. 24 - 6:15 Follicular adrenergic signaling plays an essential and conserved role in Drosophila ovulation. Lylah Deady1, Jianjun Sun1,2. 1) Physiology and Neurobiology, University of Connecticut, Storrs, CT; 2) Institute for Systems Genomics, University of Connecticut, Storrs, CT. 28 CONCURRENT PLATFORM SESSIONS FRIDAY, MARCH 6 8:30-10:15 AM Presenting author is in bold. Full abstracts can be found online. Cell Cycle and Cell Death Evolution and Quantitative Genetics I Co-Moderators: Bruce A. Edgar, DKFZ & Center for Molecular Biology, University of Heidelberg, Germany and Masayuki Miura, The University of Tokyo, Japan Co-Moderators: Patricia Beldade, Instituto Gulbenkian de Ciência, Portugal and Erin Kelleher, University of Houston, TX Room: Chicago 6/7 Room: Sheraton 4/5 32 - 8:30 The couch potato gene mediates life history plasticity in Drosophila melanogaster. Katherine R. O'Brien1,2, Paul S. Schmidt2. 1) Biology, University of Nebraska , Lincoln, NE; 2) Biology, University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, PA. 25 - 8:30 A novel regulator of cell death, Bulsa, controls nuclear shrinkage during apoptosis. Yunsik Kang1, Gina Castelvecchi1,2, Doug Braun1, Arash Bashirullah1. 1) University of Wisconsin-Madison, Madison, WI; 2) Washington University, St. Louis,MO. 33 - 8:45 Investigating the molecular basis of species interactions: Saccharomyces cerevisiae mitochondria are required for optimal attractiveness to Drosophila melanogaster. Kelly Schiabor1, Allison Quan1, Michael Eisen1,2. 1) Molecular and Cell Biology, University of California, Berkeley, Berkeley, CA; 2) Howard Hughes Medical Institute, Berkeley, CA. 26 - 8:45 Neural stem cell progeny regulate stem cell death in Notch and Hox dependent manner. Richa Arya, Tatevik Sarkissian, Kristin White. CBRC, MGH/HARVARD, CHARLESTOWN, MA. 27 - 9:00 A Krebs cycle component and the mitochondria limit the rate of caspase activation during spermatid remodeling. Lior Aram, Carmel Braverman, Yosef Kaplan, Liat Ravid, Eli Arama. Department of Molecular Genetics, Weizmann Institute of Science, Rehovot, Israel. 34 - 9:00 Mitochondrial DNA x nuclear DNA interactions and environment modify fitness in the Drosophila Genetic Reference Panel (DGRP). Jim Mossman, Leann Biancani, Marissa Holmbeck, Lei Zhu, David Rand. Ecology and Evolutionary Biology, Brown University, Providence, RI. 28 - 9:15 Extracellular reactive oxygen species drive apoptosis-induced proliferation. Caitlin Fogarty, Jillian Lindblad, Neha Diwanji, Meghana Tare, Andreas Bergmann. Dept of Cancer Biology, University of Massachusetts Medical School, Worcester, MA. 35 - 9:15 Contribution of sex, genotype, and environment to individual gene expression profiles. Kseniya Golovnina1, Yanzhu Lin2, Zhenxia Chen1, Haiwang Yang1, Hina Sultana1, Brian Oliver1, Susan Harbison2. 1) NIH/NIDDK, Bethesda, MD; 2) NIH/NHLBI, Bethesda, MD. 29 - 9:30 The role of innate immune pathways in cell competition. Stefanie N. Meyer1, Marc Amyoel2,3, Cora Bergantinos2, Konrad Basler1, Laura Johnston2. 1) University of Zurich, Zurich, Switzerland; 2) Columbia University, New York, NY USA; 3) New York University School of Medicine, NY, NY USA. 36 - 9:30 The evolution of maternal mRNA deposition and zygotic genome activation across 14 Drosophila species. Joel Atallah, Susan E. Lott. Evolution & Ecology, University of California - Davis, Davis, CA. 30 - 9:45 Fly-FUCCI - a versatile tool for studying cell proliferation in complex tissues. Norman Zielke, Jerome Korzelius, Monique van Straaten, Katharina Bender, Gregor Schuhknecht, Devanjali Dutta, Jinyi Xiang, Bruce Edgar. Deutsches Krebsforschungszentrum (DKFZ) - Zentrum für Molekulare Biologie der Universität Heidelberg (ZMBH) Allianz, Im Neuenheimer Feld 282, 69120 Heidelberg, Germany. 37 - 9:45 Logic and mechanism of natural variation in the compound eye. Ariane Ramaekers1, Simon Weinberger1, Annelies Claeys1, Erich Buchner2, Reinhard Wolf3, Bassem Hassan1. 1) VIB KULeuven,Belgium; 2) University Hospital Würzburg, Germany; 3) University of Würzburg, Germany. 31 - 10:00 Indispensable pre-mitotic endocycles promote aneuploidy in the Drosophila rectum. Kevin Schoenfelder1, Ruth Montague1, Sarah Paramore1, Ashley Lennox1, Anthony Mahowald2, Donald Fox1. 1) Duke University, Durham, NC; 2) University of Chicago, Chicago, IL 38 - 10:00 The molecular mechanism behind the evolution of a novel sexspecific trait. Gavin Rice1, Olga Barmina1, Michelle Arbeitman2, Artyom Kopp1. 1) Evolution and Ecology, University of California at Davis, Davis, CA; 2) College of Medicine, Florida State University, Tallahassee, FL. 29 CONCURRENT PLATFORM SESSIONS FRIDAY, MARCH 6 8:30-10:15 AM Presenting author is in bold. Full abstracts can be found online. Neurophysiology and Behavior I Notes Co-Moderators: Coral Warr, Monash University, Clayton, Australia and John Ewer, Universidad de Valparaiso, Chile Room: Chicago 8-10 39 - 8:30 Talking Flies: Predator-induced changes in behavior can be socially communicated from exposed to naïve flies. Giovanni Bosco1, Balint Kacsoh1, Julianna Bozler1, Mani Ramaswami2. 1) Genetics & Norris Cotton Cancer Ctr, Geisel Sch Med at Dartmouth, Hanover, NH; 2) Trinity College, Dublin, Ireland. 40 - 8:45 Charaterization of a long-distance neurotransmitter recycling pathway essential for Drosophila visual transmission. Ratna Chaturvedi, Hong-Sheng Li. Department of Neurobiology , University of Massachusetts Medical School, Worcester, MA. 41 - 9:00 Maturation of central brain flight circuit in Drosophila requires Fz2/Ca2+ signaling. Tarjani Agrawal, Gaiti Hasan. NCBS-TIFR, Bangalore, India. 42 - 9:15 Systematic characterization of sensorimotor transformations in the Drosophila larva. Luis A. Hernandez Nunez, Mason Klein, Lindsey Claus, Aravinthan Samuel. Department of Physics and Center for Brain Science, Harvard University, Cambridge, MA. 43 - 9:30 Drosophila exercise-training requires octopaminergic neuron activity. Alyson Sujkowski, Robert Wessells. Wayne State School of Medicine, Detroit, MI. 44 - 9:45 Sensorimotor transformation of cooling in the Drosophila larva. M. Klein1, B. Afonso1,2, M. Berck1, L. Hernandez-Nunez1, L. Ni3, M. Zlatic2, P. A. Garrity3, A. D. T. Samuel1. 1) Dept. of Physics and Center for Brain Science, Harvard University, Cambridge, MA; 2) HHMI Janelia Farm Research Campus, Ashburn, VA; 3) Dept. of Biology, Brandeis University, Waltham, MA. 45 - 10:00 An RNAi/CRISPR screen for novel regulators of synaptic development and function. C. Dustin Rubinstein1, Caley A. Hogan2, Nathan J. Carpenter1, Emily M. Fong1, Grace HeglundLohman1, Anna E. Zeidman1,3, Gene H. Thiede1, Kate M. O'Connor-Giles1,4. 1) Laboratory of Cell and Molecular Biology, U. of Wisconsin-Madison, Madison, WI; 2) Genetics Training Program, U. of Wisconsin-Madison, Madison, WI; 3) IBS-SRP, U. of Wisconsin-Madison, Madison, WI; 4) Department of Genetics, U. of Wisconsin-Madison, Madison, WI. 30 CONCURRENT PLATFORM SESSIONS FRIDAY, MARCH 6 10:45 AM-12:30 PM Presenting author is in bold. Full abstracts can be found online. Evolution and Quantitative Genetics II Chromatin and Epigenetics Co-Moderators: Mariana Wolfner, Cornell University, Ithaca, New York and Susan Lott, University of California, Davis Co-Moderators: Felice Elefant, Drexel University, Philadelphia, PA and Xin Chen, Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore, MD Room: Chicago 6/7 Room: Sheraton 4/5 46 - 10:45 Krüppel expression levels are maintained through compensatory evolution of shadow enhancers. Zeba Wunderlich1, Meghan D. J. Bragdon1, Ben J. Vincent1, Jonathan White2, Angela H. DePace1. 1) Systems Biol, Harvard Med Sch, Boston, MA; 2) Swarthmore College, Swarthmore, PA. 53 - 10:45 Three-step mechanism for the spatial and cell-cycle dynamics of pericentric chromatin. Eric Joyce, Tharanga Senaratne, Ting Wu. Department of Genetics, Harvard Medical School, Boston, MA. 54 - 11:00 Mrg15-dependent binding of Cap-H2 to chromatin is required for chromosome organization and regulation of gene expression. Heather Wallace1, Huy Nguyen1, Julianna Bozler1, Gregory Rogers2, Giovanni Bosco1. 1) Genetics, Geisel School of Medicine at Dartmouth, Hanover , NH; 2) Department of Cellular and Molecular Medicine University of Arizona, Tucson, Arizona. 47 - 11:00 Evolution of the Novel Gene Zeus. Robert Arthur1,3, Benjamin Krinsky1,2, Kevin White1,2,4, Manyuan Long1. 1) Ecology and Evolution, University of Chicago, Chicago, IL; 2) Institute for Genomics and Systems Biology, University of Chicago, Chicago, IL; 3) Committee on Evolutionary Biology, University of Chicago, Chicago, IL; 4) Department of Human Genetics, University of Chicago, Chicago, IL. 55 - 11:15 Trimethylation of Histone H3 at lysine 27 by Polycomb Repressive Complex 2 and its role in epigenetic memory. Rory T. Coleman, Gary Struhl. Department of Genetics and Development, Columbia University College of Physicians and Surgeons, New York, NY. 48 - 11:15 Mapping genetic background effects on transvection. Teresa Rzezniczak, Thomas J. S. Merritt. Department of Chemistry & Biochemistry, Laurentian University, Sudbury, Ontario, Canada. 56 - 11:30 Tip60 HAT Action in Environmental Enrichment induced Cognitive Restoration. Songjun Xu. Biology, Drexel University, Philadelphia, PA. 49 - 11:30 Intragenomic conflict and satellite DNA evolution in Drosophila. Amanda M. Larracuente, Daniel E. Khost, Anthony Geneva. Department of Biology, University of Rochester, Rochester, NY. 57 - 11:45 Dietary restriction reduces transposable element expression in aging Drosophila heads. Jason G. Wood, Brian C. Jones, Nan Jiang, Stephen L. Helfand. Dept. of Molecular Biology, Cell Biology, and Biochemistry, Brown University, Providence, RI. 50 - 11:45 P-element invasion of Drosophila simulans. Andrea Betancourt, Tom Hill, Robert Kofler, Viola Nolte, Christian Schlötterer. Institute for Populationsgenetik, Vetmeduni Vienna, Vienna, Austria. 58 - 12:00 A novel chromatin factor Enhancer of Polycomb acts in somatic cells to maintain germ cell identity and activity in Drosophila adult testis. Lijuan Feng, Zhen Shi, Xin Chen. Biology, Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore, MD. 51 - 12:00 African and European admixture in southeast US and Caribbean Islands populations of Drosophila melanogaster affect postmating reproductive phenotypes. Joyce Kao1,2, Asif Zubair1, Matthew Salomon1, Seana Lymer1,2, Sea Hwang1, Albert Sung1, Daniel Campo1, Sergey Nuzhdin1. 1) University of Southern California, Los Angeles, CA; 2) New York University, New York, NY. 59 - 12:15 Impacts of centromere misregulation on genome stability and cancer progression in a Drosophila model of glioblastoma. Nicole Beier1,2, Renee Read3, Gary Karpen1,2. 1) Department of Molecular and Cell Biology, University of California Berkeley; 2) Genome Sciences Division, Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory; 3) Emory University. 52 - 12:15 Natural Selection Shapes the Mosaic Ancestry of the Drosophila Genetic Reference Panel and the D. melanogaster Reference Genome. John Pool. Laboratory of Genetics, University of Wisconsin - Madison, Madison, WI. 31 CONCURRENT PLATFORM SESSIONS FRIDAY, MARCH 6 10:45 AM-12:30 PM Presenting author is in bold. Full abstracts can be found online. Neurophysiology and Behavior II Notes Co-Moderators: Coral Warr, Monash University, Clayton, Australia and John Ewer, Universidad de Valparaiso, Chile Room: Chicago 8-10 60 - 10:45 Physiological connectivity and inter-clock coupling in the Drosophila circadian clock neuron network. Zepeng Yao, Jenna Clem, Amy Bennett, Orie Shafer. Department of Molecular, Cellular, and Developmental Biology, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, MI. 61 - 11:00 Dynamic central neuron activities that underlie courtship pursuit in Drosophila male. S. Kohatsu, D. Yamamoto. Graduate School of Life Sciences, Tohoku University, Sendai, Japan. 62 - 11:15 Previous socio-sexual experience modulates the mating investmentof male Drosophila melanogaster. Woo Jae Kim1, Yuh Nung Jan2, Lily Yeh Jan2. 1) Department of Cellular and Molecular Medicine, Faculty of Medicine, University of Ottawa, Ottawa, Ontario, Canada; 2) Howard Hughes Medical Institute, Departments of Physiology, Biochemistry, and Biophysics, University of California San Francisco, San Francisco, California 94158, USA. 63 - 11:30 Physiological and behavioural correlates of natural variation in an insect olfactory receptor. Katherine H. Shaw1,2, Alisha Anderson2, Marien de Bruyne1, Coral G. Warr1. 1) Biological Sciences, Monash University, Clayton, VIC, Australia; 2) Ecosystems Sciences, CSIRO, Black Mountain, ACT, Australia. 64 - 11:45 New Pheromones and Olfactory Receptor Pathways Mediating Behavior in Larvae. Jonathan T. Clark, Anandasankar Ray. University of California, Riverside, Riverside, CA. 65 - 12:00 Innexin7 containing gap junctions in Drosophila Antennal Lobe Projection Neurons contribute to synchronous neuronal activity and olfactory responses. Jorge M. Campusano1, Nicolás Fuenzalida-Uribe1, Bryon Silva1, Diane K. O'Dowd2. 1) Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile, Santiago, Chile; 2) Dept. Developmental and Cell Biology, University of California Irvine. 66 - 12:15 Photoreceptor neurotransduction requires a conserved Ncc69 activating kinase cascade specifically in glia. Drew Stenesen1, Jeffrey Schellinger2, Aylin Rodan2, Helmut Krämer1. 1) Neuroscience, UT Southwestern Medical Center, Dallas, TX; 2) Internal Medicine, UT Southwestern Medical Center, Dallas, TX. 32 CONCURRENT PLATFORM SESSIONS FRIDAY, MARCH 6 4:30-6:30 PM Presenting author is in bold. Full abstracts can be found online. Physiology, Organismal Growth and Aging I Pattern Formation (4 Talks) and RNA Biology (4 Talks) Co-Moderators: David Walker, University of California, Los Angeles and Joanna Chiu, University of California, Davis Co-Moderators: Marek Mlodzik, Mt. Sinai School of Medicine, New York and Zeba Wunderlich, University of California, Irvine and Mitzi Kuroda, Harvard Medical School, Boston, MA and Nelson Lau, Brandeis University, Waltham, MA Room: Sheraton 4/5 67 - 4:30 Male Costs of Reproduction are Self-Imposed and Mediated by Perception of the Opposite Sex. Zachary Harvanek1, Emily Feuka1, Sean Kelly1,2, Scott Pletcher1. 1) Mol/Int Physiology, Univ. of Michigan, Ann Arbor, MI; 2) Univ. of Rochester, Rochester, NY. Room: Chicago 6/7 75 - 4:30 Muscle migration is directed by a combination of intrinsic polarity and short-range signaling. Elly Ordan1, Marko Brankatschk2, Barry Dickson3, Frank Schnorrer4, Talila Volk1. 1) molecular genetics, Weizmann Institute of Sc1-Department of Molecular Genetics, Weizmann Institute of Science, Rehovot 76100, Israelience, Rehovot, Israel; 2) 2-Institute of Molecular Pathology (IMP), A-1030 Vienna, Austria. Present address: Max Planck Institute of Molecular Cell Biology and Genetics, Dresden, Germany; 3) Institute of Molecular Pathology (IMP), A-1030 Vienna, Austria; 4) 4-Max Planck Institute of Biochemistry, 82152 Martinsried, Germany. 68 - 4:45 Tissue specific orchestration of nutrient dependent responses in D. Melanogaster. Guiping Du, Patrick Wai-Lun Li, Artem Zykovich, Kazutaka Akagi, Sean D. Mooney, Simon Melov, Pankaj Kapahi. Buck Institute for Research on Aging, Novato, CA. 69 - 5:00 A novel role for Dpp as an endocrine signal potentially linking growth status to the regulation of ecdysteroidogenesis and developmental progression. Linda Setiawan, Iswar K. Hariharan. Department of Molecular and Cell Biology, University California Berkeley, Berkeley, CA. 76 - 4:45 Understanding EGFR activation in patterning the proximal-distal axis of the Drosophila leg. S. Tozier1, R. Voutev2, R. S. Mann2. 1) Biological Sciences, Columbia University, New York, NY; 2) Biochemistry and Molecular Biophysics, Columbia University, New York, NY. 70 - 5:15 Metabolic processes implicated in developmental robustness under thermal stress. Steven G. Kuntz1, Anthony T. Iavarone1, Kelly M. Schiabor2, Peter A. Combs3, Michael B. Eisen1,4. 1) QB3, UC Berkeley, CA; 2) Molecular and Cell Biology, UC Berkeley, CA; 3) Biophysics Grad Group, UC Berkeley, CA; 4) HHMI, Berkeley, CA. 77 - 5:00 Nemo kinase: a multi-step regulator of planar cell polarity. Giovanna M. Collu1, Konstantin Gaengel1, Ivana Mirkovic1, Wang A. Yanfeng1, Mei-Ling Chin1, Andreas Jenny2, Marek Mlodzik1. 1) Developmental and Regenerative Biology, Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai, New York, NY; 2) Department of Developmental and Molecular Biology Department of Genetics Albert Einstein College of Medicine. 71 - 5:30 A new mechanism of sexual differentiation controls sexually dimorphic physiology in the adult intestine. Bruno Hudry, Irene Miguel-Aliaga. MRC Clinical Sciences Centre, Imperial College London, London, United Kingdom. 78 - 5:15 Notch-Dependent Tissue Folding Determines Boundary between Developmental Fields. Hui-Yu Ku1,2, Y. Henry Sun1,2. 1) Institute of Molecular Biology, Academia Sinica, Taipei, Taiwan; 2) Institute of Genome Sciences, National Yang-Ming University, Taipei, Taiwan. 72 - 5:45 Activinβ/TGF-β signaling in skeletal muscle controls insulin signaling and metabolism to influence final body size. Lindsay Moss-Taylor1, Michael O'Connor2. 1) Molecular, Cellular, Developmental Biology, and Genetics Program, University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, MN; 2) Department of Genetics, Cell Biology and Development, University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, MN. 79 - 5:30 Systematic analysis of protein-RNA interactions in Drosophila. John Laver1, Xiao Li1, Hong Na1, Juhyun Jeon1, Fateh Singh1, Timothy Westwood2, Philip Kim1, Sachdev Sidhu1, Quaid Morris1, Craig Smibert1,3, Howard Lipshitz1. 1) Department of Molecular Genetics, University of Toronto, Toronto, Ontario, Canada; 2) Department of Cell and Systems Biology, University of Toronto; 3) Department of Biochemistry, University of Toronto. 73 - 6:00 Let-7 Overexpression Extends Longevity and Alters Fat Metabolism in Female Drosophila Melanogaster. Christi Gendron, Scott Pletcher. The Geriatric Center and the Molecular and Integrative Physiology Department, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, MI. 80 - 5:45 Targeted degradation of Gadd45 mRNA by the nonsense-mediated decay pathway is essential for viability. Jonathan O. Nelson, Alex Chapin, Mark M. Metzstein. Department of Human Genetics, University of Utah, Salt Lake City, UT. 74 - 6:15 Regulation of protein consumption by an ovarian peptide transporter. Sonali Deshpande, William Ja. Metabolism and Aging, The Scripps Research Institute, Jupiter, FL. 81 - 6:00 Cis-regulation of miRNA clusters tempers strong miRNA phenotypes. Mary Truscott1, Abul Bmmk Islam2, Maxim Frolov1. 1) Biochemistry & Molecular Genetics, University of Illinois at Chicago, Chicago, IL; 2) Genetic Engineering & Biotechnology, University of Dhaka, Dhaka, Bangladesh. 33 CONCURRENT PLATFORM SESSIONS FRIDAY, MARCH 6 4:30-6:30 PM Presenting author is in bold. Full abstracts can be found online. 88 - 5:45 An automated image analysis tool to track cell divisions during Drosophila axis elongation. Michael F. Z. Wang1, Rodrigo Fernandez-Gonzalez1,2,3. 1) Institute of Biomaterials and Biomedical Engineering, University of Toronto, Toronto, Canada; 2) Cell and Systems Biology, University of Toronto, Toronto, Canada; 3) Developmental and Stem Cell Biology Program, The Hospital for Sick Children, Toronto, Canada. 82 - 6:15 The evolution of Drosophilid piRNA generating clusters is extremely rapid and variable. Gung-wei Chirn1, Reazur Rahman1, Yuliya Sytnikova1, Jessica Matts1, Cosmas Arnold2, Alexander Stark2, Michael Yu3, Bonnie Berger3, Nelson Lau1. 1) Biology, Brandeis University, Waltham,MA, USA; 2) Research Institute of Molecular Pathology, Vienna Biocenter, Austria; 3) Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence Laboratory, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, MA USA. 89 - 6:00 FlyVar: a database for genetic variation in Drosophila melanogaster. Rui Chen1,2, Lichu Jiang1, Yong Chen4, Nele Haelterman3, Hugo Bellen2,3,5, Fei Wang4. 1) HGSC,Baylor College of Medicine, Houston, TX; 2) Department of Molecular and Human Genetics, Baylor College of Medicine, Houston, Texas; 3) Program of Developmental Biology, Baylor College of Medicine, Houston, Texas; 4) Information Processing, Department of Computer Science and Technology, Fudan University, Shanghai, China; 5) Howard Hughes Medical Institute. Techniques and Resources Co-Moderators: Guanjun Gao, Tsinghua University, Beijing and Kate O’Connor-Giles, University of Wisconsin, Madison Room: Chicago 8-10 83 - 4:30 Development of high pressure freezing and correlative light/electron microscopy for Drosophila larvae identifies novel subcellular lumen intermediates. Linda Nikolova1,2, Mark Metzstein1. 1) Dept Human Gen, Univ Utah, Salt Lake City, UT; 2) Electron Microscopy Core Laboratory, Univ Utah, Salt Lake City, UT. 90 - 6:15 Identification of novel drug targets for Tuberous Sclerosis Complex by cross-species synthetic screens combining CRISPRbased knockouts with RNAi. Benjamin E. Housden1, Alexander J. Valvezan2, Colleen Kelley1, Richelle Sopko1, Yanhui Hu1, Charles Roesel1, Shuailiang Lin1, Michael Buckner1, Rong Tao1, Bahar Yilmazel1, Stephanie E. Mohr1, Brendan D. Manning2, Norbert Perrimon1,3. 1) Department of Genetics, Harvard Medical School, Boston, MA; 2) Department of Genetics and Complex Diseases, Harvard School of Public Health; 3) Howard Hughes Medical Institute.90 - 6:15 Ribosomal protein RACK1 is a specific host factor required for IRES-mediated translation of fly and human viruses. Carine Meignin1, Karim Majzoub1, Mohamed Lamine Hafirassou2, Stefano Marzi3, Franck Martin3, Thomas Baumert2, Catherine Schuster2, Jean-Luc Imler1. 1) IBMC UPR9022, University of Strasbourg, Strasbourg, France; 2) UMR 1110, University of Strasbourg, Strasbourg, France Institut de Virologie; 3) IBMC UPR9002, University of Strasbourg, Strasbourg, France. 84 - 4:45 A genome-wide resource for the analysis of gene function and protein localization in Drosophila. Mihail Sarov1, Christiane Barz2, Katja Finkl2, Marco Hein2, Stephan Janosch1, Nicole Plewka2, Bettina Stender2, Dana Suchold1, Vinay Vikas3, Matthias Mann2, Mani Ramaswami4, K. VijayRaghavan3, Pavel Tomancak1, Frank Schnorrer2. 1) Max Planck Institute of Cell Biology and Genetics, Dresden, Germany; 2) Max Planck Institute of Biochemistry, Martinsried, Germany; 3) National Centre for Biological Sciences, Bangalore, India; 4) Trinity College Dublin, Ireland. 85 - 5:00 Computational tissue labeling: Tissue and Cellular Recognition in Developing Drosophila Embryos. Soile V. E. Keranen1, Jonathan T. Barron2, Pablo Arbeláez2, Mark D. Biggin1, Jitendra Malik2, David W. Knowles1. 1) Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, Berkeley, CA; 2) University of California Berkeley, Berkeley, CA. Notes 86 - 5:15 Model-driven data visualization and quantitative animation of developmental signaling. Bomyi Lim1, Carmeline Silva2, Adam Finkelstein3, Ioannis Kevrekidis2, Stanislav Shvartsman1. 1) Department of Chemical and Biological Engineering and LewisSigler Institute for Integrative Genomics, Princeton University, NJ; 2) Department of Chemical and Biological Engineering and Program in Applied and Computational Mathematics, Princeton University, NJ; 3) Department of Computer Science, Princeton University, NJ. 87 - 5:30 High-throughput Investigation of Drosophila Brains via StructureBased Similarity. Florian Ganglberger1, Laszlo Tirian2, Florian Schulze1, Andrew Straw2, Katja Bühler1. 1) VRVis Research Center, Vienna, Austria; 2) Institute of Molecular Pathology, Vienna, Austria. 34 CONCURRENT PLATFORM SESSIONS SATURDAY, MARCH 7 8:30-10:15 AM Presenting author is in bold. Full abstracts can be found online. Cell Biology and Signal Transduction Drosophila Models of Human Disease I Co-Moderators: Utpal Banerjee, University of California, Los Angeles and Andrew Zelhof, Indiana University, Bloomington Co-Moderators: Tom Lloyd, Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine, Baltimore, MD and Sheng Zhang, University of Texas Health Science Center, Houston Room: Sheraton 4/5 Room: Chicago 6/7 91 - 8:30 Cooperation of Mad and Akt signaling in a Drosophila model of epithelial plasticity. Courtney Onodera4,5, Björn Gärtner6, Katrina S. Gold2,5, Samantha Aguinaldo-Wetterholm2,5, David Casso2,5, J. Alex Rondon2,5,7, Yoko Katsuno2,5, Samuel Meier6, Aiguo Tian2,5,8, Rik Derynck1,2,3,5, Jun S. Song4,5,9, Julia Zeitlinger6, Katja Brückner1,2,3,5. 1) Eli and Edythe Broad Center of Regeneration Medicine and Stem Cell Research; 2) Department of Cell and Tissue Biology; 3) Cardiovascular Research Institute; 4) Institute for Human Genetics; 5) University of California San Francisco, CA; 6) Stowers Institute for Medical Research, Kansas City, MO; 7) present address: Genentech; 8) present address: UT Southwestern; 9) present address: University of Illinois at UrbanaChampaign. 98 - 8:30 Human and fly genetics implicate a CD2AP/cindr susceptibility network at synapses in Alzheimer’s disease. Nikolaos Giagtzoglou1,2, Paula Porter1,2, Kathleen Quast1,2, Benjamin Arenkiel1,2, Joshua Shulman1,2. 1) Baylor College of Medicine, Houston, TX; 2) Duncan Neurological Research Institute, Houston, TX. 99 - 8:45 The PINK1/Parkin Pathway Regulates the Mitochondrial Outer Membrane Localization and Translation of Select NuclearEncoded Respiratory Chain Component mRNAs. Stephan Gehrke1,Zhihao Wu1, Michael Klinkenberg2, Georg Auburger2, Su Guo3, Bingwei Lu1. 1) Department of Pathology, Stanford University School of Medicine, Stanford, CA 94305, USA; 2) Experimental Neurology, Goethe University Medical School, Theodor Stern Kai 7, 60590 Frankfurt am Main, Germany; 3) Department of Biopharmaceutical Sciences, Programs in Biological Sciences and Human Genetics, University of California, San Francisco, CA 94143, USA. 92 - 8:45 Cis-interactions between Notch and its ligands block ligandindependent Notch activity. William Palmer, Dongyu Jia, Wu-Min Deng. Dept Biological Sci, Florida State Univ, Tallahassee, FL. 93 - 9:00 Drosophila Matrix Metalloproteinase 2 mediates long-distance attenuation of follicle stem cell proliferation by cleaving Dlp to inhibit Wg diffusion. Xiaoxi Wang1,2, Andrea Page-McCaw1,2,3. 1) Development of Cell and Developmental Biology, Vanderbilt University Medical Center, Nashville, TN; 2) Program in Developmental Biology, Vanderbilt University Medical Center, Nashville, TN; 3) Development of Cancer Biology, Vanderbilt University Medical Center, Nashville, TN. 100 - 9:00 The ALS/FTD C9ORF72 hexanucleotide expansion disrupts nucleocytoplasmic transport via RanGAP1. Ke Zhang1, Christopher Donnelly2, Aaron Haeusler3, Rita Sattler2, Jiou Wang3, Jeffrey Rothstein1,2,4,5, Thomas Lloyd1,4. 1) Department of Neurology, Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore, MD. 21205; 2) Brain Science Institute, Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore, MD. 21205; 3) Department of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore, MD. 21205; 4) The Solomon H. Snyder Department of Neuroscience,Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore, MD. 21205; 5) Department of Cellular and Molecular Medicine, Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore, MD. 21205. 94 - 9:15 Ion channel function regulates Dpp release to correctly specify pattern. Emily Bates, Giri Dahal, Sarala Pradhan, Colleen Bartman. Department of Pediatrics, University of Colorado Denver, Aurora, CO. 95 - 9:30 Secretion and exovesicle mediated transport of the Hedgehog morphogen is regulated by the ESCRT complex. T. Matusek, F. Wendler, M. Fürthauer, S. Pizette, G. D'Angelo, P. Thérond. Institute of Biology Valrose, UNS - CNRS UMR7277 - Inserm U1091, Faculté des Sciences, Parc Valrose, 06108, Nice cedex 2, France. 101 - 9:15 Inter-cellular transmission of huntingtin aggregates in the Drosophila central nervous system. Margaret Pearce1, Ellen Spartz1, Weizhe Hong1,2, Liqun Luo1,2, Ron Kopito1. 1) Stanford University, Stanford, CA; 2) Howard Hughes Medical Institute. 102 - 9:30 Neuronal mitochondrial defects elevate synthesis of lipid droplets in glia and promote neurodegeneration. Lucy Liu1, Ke Zhang2, Hector Sandoval3, Shinya Yamamoto3,4,5, Manish Jaiswal3,6, Elisenda Sanz7, Zhihong Li3, Jessica Hui7, Brett Graham3, Albert Quintana7,8,9, Hugo Bellen1,2,3,4,5,6. 1) Department of Neuroscience, Baylor College of Medicine; 2) Structural and Computational Biology & Molecular Biophysics Graduate Program, Baylor College of Medicine; 3) Department of Molecular and Human Genetics, Baylor College of Medicine; 4) Program in Developmental Biology, Baylor College of Medicine; 5) Jan and Dan Duncan Neurological Research Institute at Texas Children’s Hospital; 6) Howard Hughes Medical Institute, Baylor College of Medicine, Houston, TX 77030; 7) Center for Integrative Brain Research, Seattle Children’s Research Institute; 8) Center for Developmental Therapeutics,; 9) Department of Pediatrics, University of Washington, Seattle, WA, 98195. 96 - 9:45 Nanotubes mediate the niche-stem cell signaling in Drosophila testis. M. Inaba1,2,3, M. Buszczak2, YM. Yamashita1,3. 1) Life Sciences Institute, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, MI; 2) Department of Molecular Biology, University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center at Dallas, Dallas, TX; 3) Howard Hughes Medical Institute, University of Michigan Ann Arbor, MI. 97 - 10:00 Rme-8 depletion perturbs Notch recycling and predisposes to pathogenic signalling. Maria J. Gomez-Lamarca1, Laura A. Snowdon1, Ekatarina Seib2, Thomas Klein2, Sarah J. Bray1. 1) Physiology, Development and Neuroscience, University of Cambridge, Cambridge, United Kingdom; 2) Institute of Genetics, Heinrich-Heine-University Düsseldorf, Universitätsstr. 1 40225 Düsseldorf, Germany. 35 CONCURRENT PLATFORM SESSIONS SATURDAY, MARCH 7 8:30-10:15 AM Presenting author is in bold. Full abstracts can be found online. 103 - 9:45 The Bubblegum model of Adrenoleukodystrophy provides a basis for new therapeutic approaches. Hannah B. Gordon, Anthea Letsou. Eccles Institute of Human Genetics, University of Utah, Salt Lake City, UT. 111 - 10:00 Differential binding and activation of enhancers by Bcd and Otd in the embryo. Rhea Datta1, Danyang Yu2, Stephen Small1. 1) Department of Biology, New York University, New York, NY; 2) Fairleigh Dickinson University, 1000 River Road, Teaneck NJ 07666. 104 - 10:00 Mutations in SLC25A, a mitochondrial carrier protein, protect against systemic manganese-induced neuronal toxicity. Jan R. Slabbaert1,2, Sabine Kuenen1,2, Ana Clara Fernandes1,2, Jef Swerts1,2, Valerie Uytterhoeven1,2, Jaroslaw Kasprowicz1,2, Ronny Blust3, Patrik Verstreken1,2. 1) Center for the Biology of Disease, VIB, Leuven, Vlaams-Brabant, Belgium; 2) Center for Human Genetics and Leuven Research Institute for Neurodegenerative Diseases (LIND), KULeuven, Leuven, Vlaams-Brabant, Belgium; 3) Department of Biology, University of Antwerp, Antwerp, Belgium. Notes Regulation of Gene Expression I Co-Moderators: Sarah Bray, University of Cambridge, England and Melissa Harrison, University of Wisconsin, Madison Room: Chicago 8-10 105 - 8:30 Early zygotic dosage compensation in Drosophila melanogaster is Sxl dependent. Susan E. Lott1,2, Jacqueline E. Villalta3, Michael B. Eisen2,3. 1) Evolution and Ecology, University of California, Davis, Davis, CA; 2) Department of Molecular and Cell Biology, University of California, Berkeley, CA; 3) Howard Hughes Medical Institute, University of California, Berkeley, CA. 106 - 8:45 Low affinity binding site clusters confer Hox specificity and regulatory robustness. Justin Crocker1, Namiko Abe2, Lucrezia Rinaldi2, Alistair P. McGregor3, Nicolás Frankel4, Shu Wang5, Ahmad Alsawadi6,7, Philippe Valenti6,7, Serge Plaza6,7, François Payre6,7, Richard S. Mann2, David L. Stern1. 1) HHMI Janelia, Ashburn, VA; 2) Columbia University Medical Center; 3) Oxford Brookes University; 4) Universidad de Buenos Aires; 5) New Jersey Neuroscience Institute; 6) Centre de Biologie du Développement; 7) CNRS. 107 - 9:00 A cell type specific transcriptional repressor directs selective upregulation of terminal differentiation program. Jongmin Kim, Margaret Fuller. Stanford University, Stanford, CA. 108 - 9:15 Genome-wide futile cycling by Hairy transcriptional repressor reveals mechanism for development of nascent gene regulatory networks. Kurtulus Kok2, Ahmet Ay3, David Arnosti1,2. 1) Dept Biochem & Molec Biol, Michigan State Univ, East Lansing, MI; 2) Program in Genetics, Michigan State University, East Lansing, MI; 3) Departments of Biology and Mathematics, Colgate University, Hamilton NY. 109 - 9:30 Color vision: Single base differences in a shared cis-regulatory element are critical for rhodopsin expression in distinct photoreceptor subtypes. Jens Rister, Claude Desplan. Department of Biology, New York University, New York City, NY. 110 - 9:45 Integration of repressive and patterning inputs at cardiac gene loci. Jemma Webber, Ilaria Rebay. Ben May Dept Cancer Res, University of Chicago, Chicago, IL. 36 CONCURRENT PLATFORM SESSIONS SATURDAY, MARCH 7 10:45 AM-12:30 PM Presenting author is in bold. Full abstracts can be found online. Cell Biology and Cytoskeleton I Drosophila Models of Human Disease II Co-Moderators: Rodrigo Fernandez-Gonzalez, University of Toronto. Ontario and Denise Montel, University of California, Santa Barbara Co-Moderators: Erika Bach, NYU School of Medicine, New York and Renee Read, Emory University, Atlanta, GA Room: Chicago 6/7 Room: Sheraton 4/5 119 - 10:45 Malignant Drosophila tumors interrupt insulin signaling to induce cachexia-like wasting. Alejandra Figueroa-Clarevega, David Bilder. Molecular and Cell Biology, UC Berkeley, Berkeley, CA. 112 - 10:45 An Evolutionarily Conserved Polybasic Motif Mediates the Plasma Membrane Targeting of Lgl and Its Regulation by Hypoxia. Yang Hong, Wei Dong, Xuejing Zhang, Weijie Liu, Yi-jiun Chen, Juan Huang. Dept Cell Biol & Physiology, Univ Pittsburgh Med Sch, Pittsburgh, PA. 120 - 11:00 Tumor progression by a genetic heterogeneity of cell clones with distinct oncogenic activities. M. Enomoto1, D. Takemoto1, T. Igaki1,2. 1) Laboratory of Genetics, Graduate School of Biostudies, Kyoto University, Japan; 2) PRESTO, Japan Science and Technology Agency (JST), Japan. 113 - 11:00 Huntingtin transports a novel class of vesicles on Drosophila larval axons. J. White, E. Anderson, K. Zimmerman, K. H. Zheng, R. Rouhani, T. Kelsang, S. Gunawardena. Biological Sciences, University at Buffalo, Buffalo, NY. 121 - 11:15 Conserved Rab-11 regulation of intestinal inflammation as potential therapeutic targets in colon cancer. Yingchao Nie1, Shiyan Yu3, Alla Amcheslavsky1, Qi Li1, Zhong Jiang2, Nan Gao3, Tony Ip1. 1) Program in Molecular Medicine, UMASS Medical School, Worcester, MA; 2) Department of Pathology, UMASS Medical School, Worcester, MA; 3) Department of Biological Sciences, Rutgers University, Newark, NJ. 114 - 11:15 Maturation of cytokinetic ring and abscission in Drosophila polarized epithelial cells. Roland Le Borgne, Emeline Daniel, Irina Kolotueva. Institut de Génétique et Développement de Rennes, CNRS UMR 6290, Rennes, France. 115 - 11:30 Detachment versus cohesion: novel roles for PDZ-GEF and Rap1 during collective cell migration. Ketki Sawant1,2, George Aranjuez2,3, Jocelyn McDonald1,2,3. 1) 1Department of Biological, Geological and Environmental Sciences, Cleveland State University, OH; 2) Department of Molecular Genetics, Lerner Research Institute, Cleveland Clinic , OH; 3) Department of Genetics, School of Medicine, case Western Reserve University, OH. 122 - 11:30 Using Drosophila to Develop Drug Cocktails to Treat Multiple Cancer Networks. T. K. Das, J. Esernio, R. L. Cagan. DRB, Mount Sinai School of Medicine, New York. 123 - 11:45 Mechanism of the metabolic shift induced by activating oncogenic pathways in Drosophila tumorigenesis. Cheng-Wei Wang1, Arunima Purkayastha1, Kevin T. Jones1, Wei Liao1, Utpal Banerjee1,2,3,4,5. 1) Department of Molecular, Cell and Developmental Biology; 2) Department of Biological Chemistry; 3) Molecular Biology Institute; 4) Broad Stem Cell Research Center; 5) Minor in Biomedical Research, UCLA, Los Angeles, CA 90095. 116 - 11:45 Linking epithelial apical-basal polarity to cell height determination via the microtubule minus end protector Patronin. Michiko Takeda, Yu-Chiun Wang. Laboratory for Epithelial Morphogenesis, RIKEN Center for Developmental Biology, Kobe, Hyogo, Japan. 124 - 12:00 Obesity-induced Cardiac Dysfunction in StarvationSelected Drosophila. Christopher Hardy1, Ryan Birse2, Matthew Wolf3, Allen Gibbs1. 1) School of Life Sciences, University of Nevada Las Vegas, 4505 S. Maryland Pkwy., Las Vegas, NV. 89154; 2) Development, Aging and Regeneration Program, Sanford Burnham Medical Research Institute, 10901 North Torrey Pines Road, La Jolla, CA. 92037; 3) School of Medicine Cardiology, Duke University, DUMC 103208, Durham, NC, 27710. 117 - 12:00 An essential morphogenetic role for Integrins in regulating tissue level tensile force by modulation of cell mobility. Emily Lostchuck1, Stephanie J. Ellis1, Katharine E. Goodwin1, Teresa Zulueta-Coarasa2, Daniela Gunne1, Sabrina Wistorf1, Rodrigo Fernandez-Gonzalez2, James Feng3, Guy Tanentzapf1. 1) Cell and Physiological Sciences, University of British Columbia, Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada; 2) Department of Cell and Systems Biology at the University of Toronto, Ontario, M5S 3G5, Canada; 3) Dept of Mathematics, University of British Columbia, Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada. 125 - 12:15 Muscle specific depletion of twinstar in Drosophila phenocopies Nemaline Myopathy. Mridula Balakrishnan1,2, Shannon F. Yu1, Mary K. Baylies1. 1) Developmental Biology, Sloan Kettering Institute, New York, NY; 2) Weill Cornell Graduate School of Medical Sciences, New York, NY. 118 - 12:15 Combining imaging and genetics to elucidate how integrin adhesion sites are built. Nicholas H. Brown1,2, Natalia Bulgakova1,2, Annabel G. M. Griffiths1,2, Yoshiko Inoue1,2, Maddy Parsons3, Robert Stojnic2. 1) Gurdon Institute, Univ Cambridge, Cambridge, UK; 2) Dept of Physiology, Development and Neuroscience, Univ Cambridge, Cambridge, UK; 3) Randall Division of Cell and Molecular Biophysics, King’s College London, London, UK. 37 CONCURRENT PLATFORM SESSIONS SATURDAY, MARCH 7 10:45 AM-12:30 PM Presenting author is in bold. Full abstracts can be found online. Gene Expression and Chromatin II Notes Co-Moderators: Ali Shilatifard, Northwestern University, Evanston, IL and Tiffany Cook, Cincinnati Children's Hospital Medical Center, OH Room: Chicago 8-10 126 - 10:45 Transcriptional activation by a low-complexity domain is a conserved feature of Zelda and orthologous proteins. Danielle Hamm, Eliana Bondra, Melissa Harrison. Dept. of Biomolecular Chemistry, University of Wisconsin, Madison, WI. 127 - 11:00 Discovery of Novel Enhancers Using Natural Variation. Ashley Jermusyk, Sarah Gharavi, Gregory Reeves. Chemical and Biomedical Engineering, North Carolina State University, Raleigh, NC. 128 - 11:15 Shadow enhancers enable Hunchback bifunctionality in the Drosophila embryo. M. Staller, B. Vincent, M. Bragdon, J. Estrada, Z. Wunderlich, A. DePace. Systems Biol, Harvard Med Sch, Boston, MA. 129 - 11:30 Changes in a P-MAD binding site underlie species diversity of wishful thinking patterning. Rob Marmion1, Milica Jevtic2, George Pyrowolakis2, Nir Yakoby1. 1) Biology Department and Center for Computational and Integrative Biology, Rutgers University, Camden, NJ; 2) Institute for Biology I, Albert-Ludwigs University of Freiburg, Freiburg, Germany. 130 - 11:45 A genetic screen for new Polycomb group genes. James Kennison, Monica Cooper. Genomics of Differentiation, Eunice Kennedy Shriver National Institute of Child Health and Human Development, NIH, Bethesda, MD. 131 - 12:00 Super-resolution imaging of chromatin nanostructure reveals tight coupling of epigenetic state and 3D genome organization. Alistair Boettiger1, Bogdan Bintu2, Jeff Moffitt1, Brian Beliveau4, Chaoting Wu4, Xiaowei Zhuang1,2,3. 1) Chemistry and Chemical Biology, Harvard University, Cambridge, MA; 2) Department of Physics, Harvard University, Cambridge, MA; 3) Howard Hughes Medical Institute, Harvard University, Cambridge, MA; 4) Department of Genetics, Harvard Medical School, Boston, MA. 132 - 12:15 The RNA binding protein Arrest (Aret) regulates myofibril maturation in Drosophila flight muscle. M. Spletter1, C. Barz1, A. Yeroslaviz1, C. Schönbauer1, D. Gerlach3, I. Ferreira1, M. Sarov4, A. Stark2, B. Habermann1, F. Schnorrer1. 1) Max Planck Institute for Biochemistry, Martinsried, Germany; 2) Research Institute of Molecular Pathology, Vienna, Austria; 3) Boehringer Ingelheim RCV GmbH & Co KG, Vienna, Austria; 4) Max-Planck-Institute of Cell Biology and Genetics, Dresden, Germany. 133 - 12:30 Ultraconserved core elements are an essential feature of insect enhancers. Thomas Brody, Ward Odenwald. Neural Cell-Fate Determinants Section, NINDS/NIH, Bethesda, MD. 38 CONCURRENT PLATFORM SESSIONS SATURDAY, MARCH 7 4:00-6:00 PM Presenting author is in bold. Full abstracts can be found online. 141 - 5:45 Coordinated cell area contractions drive the formation of new cell contacts in germband extension. Deqing Kong1, Lars Reichl2, Yujun Zhang1, Fred Wolf2, Jörg Groβhans1. 1) Institute for Developmental Biochemistry, Medical School, University of Göttingen, Justus-von-Liebig Weg 11, 37077 Göttingen, Germany; 2) Max Planck Institute for Dynamics and Self-Organization, Am Faβberg, 37077 Göttingen, Germany. . Cell Biology and Cytoskeleton II Co-Moderators: Denise Montel, University of California, Santa Barbara and Rodrigo Fernandez-Gonzalez, University of Toronto, Ontario Room: Sheraton 4/5 Stem Cells 134 - 4:00 Wash interacts with Lamin and affects global nuclear organization. J. Verboon, H. Rincon-Arano, B. Sugumar, T. Werwie, D. Scalzo, V. Nandakumar, J. Delrow, M. Groudine, S. Parkhurst. Div Basic Sci, Fred Hutchinson Cancer Res Ctr, Seattle, WA. Co-Moderators: Todd Nystul, University of California, San Francisco and Tony Ip, University of Massachusetts Medical Center, Worcester 135 - 4:15 Compliance sensing by actomyosin self-organization determines the direction of tensile force during morphogenesis. Soline Chanet1, Callie Miller2, Bard Ermentrout3, Eeshit Vaishnav1, Lance Davidson4, Adam Martin1. 1) Department of Biology, MIT, Cambridge, MA; 2) Bioengineering, University of Pittsburgh, Pittsburgh PA; 3) Mathematics, University of Pittsburgh, Pittsburgh PA; 4) Bioengineering, Developmental Biology, and Computational and Systems Biology, University of Pittsburgh, Pittsburgh PA. Room: Chicago 6/7 142 - 4:00 Neuroblasts build their own adhesive daughter cell niche through activation of PI3-Kinase signaling. Sarah Siegrist, Susan Doyle, Matthew Pahl. Biology Department, University of Virginia, Charlottesville, VA. 143 - 4:15 The conserved Misshapen-Warts-Yorkie pathway acts in the epithelial niche to regulate intestinal stem cell division. Qi Li1, Shuangxi Li2, Sebastian Mana-Capelli3, Rachel J. Roth Flach1, Laura V. Danai1, Alla Amcheslavsky1, Yingchao Nie1, Satoshi Kaneko1, Xiaohao Yao1, Xiaochu Chen1, Jennifer L. Cotton4, Junhao Mao4, Dannel McCollum3, Jin Jiang2, Michael P. Czech1, Lan Xu1, Tony Ip1. 1) Molecular Medicine, UMass medical school, Worcester, MA; 2) Department of Developmental Biology, University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center, Dallas, TX; 3) Department of Biochemistry and Molecular Pharmacology, UMass medical school, Worcester, MA; 4) Department of Cancer Biology, UMass medical school, Worcester, MA. 136 - 4:30 Endocytosis drives junctional and cytoskeletal protein redistribution to promote rapid embryonic wound repair. Miranda V. Hunter1, Rodrigo Fernandez-Gonzalez1,2,3. 1) Cell and Systems Biology, University of Toronto, Toronto, Canada; 2) Institute of Biomaterials and Biomedical Engineering, University of Toronto, Toronto, Canada; 3) Developmental and Stem Cell Biology Program, The Hospital for Sick Children, Toronto, Canada. 137 - 4:45 Dunk stabilizes the tensile actomyosin network at the leading edge of the cleavage furrows during Drosophila cellularization. Bing He1, Adam Martin2, Eric Wieschaus1,3. 1) Department of Molecular Biology, Princeton University, Princeton, NJ; 2) Department of Biology, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, MA; 3) HHMI, Princeton University, Princeton, NJ. 144 - 4:30 Identification of Novel Factors Required for Triggering the Drosophila Intestinal Stem Cell Response to Tissue Damage. Julieta A. Maldera, Marwa Elrefaey, Christine Gläβer, Bruce A. Edgar. DKFZ-ZMBH Alliance, Heidelberg, Germany. 145 - 4:45 Septate Junction Proteins are Required in the Testis Niche for Stem Cell Differentiation. Cameron Berry, Jaclyn Lim, Margaret Fuller. Stanford University, Menlo Park, CA. 138 - 5:00 A Balance between Arf and Rho1 G Protein Pathways Patterns the Early Drosophila Embryo. Donghoon Lee, Tony Harris. Cell and Systems Biology, University of Toronto, Toronto, Ontario, Canada. 146 - 5:00 The tumor suppressor homolog Rbf maintains hub cell quiescence and identity, and prevents ectopic niche formation. Leah Greenspan, Erika Matunis. Department of Cell Biology, Johns Hopkins School of Medicine, Baltimore, MD, 21205. 139 - 5:15 Cellular Mechanisms of Heart Morphogenesis and Lumen Formation in Drosophila. Georg Vogler1, Jiandong Liu3, Timothy W. Iafe4, Ede Migh2, József Mihály2, Rolf Bodmer1. 1) Development and Aging, Sanford Burnham Medical Research Institute, La Jolla, CA; 2) Biological Research Centre, Hungarian Academy of Sciences, Institute of Genetics, H-6726 Szeged, Hungary; 3) Dept. of Pathology and Laboratory Medicine, and McAllister Heart Institute, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, Chapel Hill, NC 27599; 4) New York University School of Medicine, New York, NY 10016. 147 - 5:15 A somatic permeability barrier around the germline is essential for Drosophila spermatogenesis. Michael Fairchild, Christopher Smendziuk, Guy Tanentzapf. Cell and Developmental Biology, University of British Columbia, Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada. 148 - 5:30 c-Fos targeting by the Piwi-piRNA pathway regulates Drosophila ovarian germline. Jonathon D. Klein1, Chunxu Qu2, Chunlao Tang2, Jamy C. Peng1. 1) Developmental Neurobiology, St. Jude Children's Research Hospital, Memphis, TN; 2) Computational Biology, St. Jude Children's Research Hospital, Memphis, TN. 140 - 5:30 Myosin light chain phosphatase regulates actomyosin contractility in the Drosophila follicular epithelium. M. D. Martin-Bermudo1, I. Grosheva1, D. Gómez-Mígues2. 1) Dept Developmental Biol, CSIC, Seville, Spain; 2) 2Departamento de Física de la Materia Condensada, Univ. Autonoma de Madrid, Madrid, Spain. 39 CONCURRENT PLATFORM SESSIONS SATURDAY, MARCH 7 4:00-6:00 PM Presenting author is in bold. Full abstracts can be found online. 149 - 5:45 Role of non-coding RNAs in stem cell regulation. Megha Ghildiyal1,3, Blaise Li2, Hervé Seitz2, Allan Spradling1,3. 1) Department of Embryology, Carnegie Institution for Science, Baltimore, MD, 21210, USA; 2) Institute of Human Genetics, CNRS UPR 1142, Montpellier, France; 3) Howard Hughes Medical Institute. 152 - 4:30 The acetate switch of an intestinal pathogen disrupts host insulin signaling and lipid metabolism. S. Hang1, A. Purdy1, W. Robins2, Z. Wang1, M. Mandal1, S. Chang1, J. Mekalanos2, P. Watnick1. 1) Division of infectious Diseases, Boston Children's Hospital, Boston, MA; 2) Department of Microbiology and Immunobiology, Harvard Medical School, Boston, MA. Immunity and Pathogenesis (4 talks) and Physiology, Organismal Growth and Aging II (4 talks) 153 - 4:45 Armadillo modulates intracellular titers of Wolbachia bacteria in Drosophila gonads. Ajit Kamath, Michelle Toomey, Rama Krishna Simhadri, Horacio Frydman. Biology, Boston University, Boston, MA. Co-Moderators: Neal Silverman, University of Massachusetts, Medical School, Worcester and Nicolas Buchon, Cornell University, Ithaca NY and Joanna Chiu, University of California Davis 154 - 5:00 Preventing age-related metaplasia promotes homeostasis of the gastrointestinal tract and extends lifespan. Hongjie Li1,2, Yanyan Qi1, Heinrich Jasper1. 1) Buck Institute for Research on Aging, Novato, CA; 2) University of Rochester, Biology Department, Rochester, NY. Room: Chicago 8-10 150 - 4:00 Genome wide transcriptional analysis of Drosophila larvae towards entomopathogenic nematodes. Md. Badrul Arefin1, Lucie Kučerová1, Pavel Dobeš2, Pavel Hyršl2, Michal Žurovec3, Ulrich Theopold1. 1) Department of Molecular Biosciences, The WennerGren Institute, University of Stockholm, 10691 Stockholm, Sweden; 2) Department of Animal Physiology and Immunology, Institute of Experimental Biology, Masaryk University, Kotlářská 2, 611 37 Brno, Czech Republic; 3) Biology Centre of the AS CR, Institute of Entomology, Branišovská 1160/31, 370 05 České Budějovice, Czech Republic. 155 - 5:15 Regulation of metabolism and insulin sensitivity by Sir2 in Drosophila. Rebecca A. S. Palu, Carl S. Thummel. Human Genetics, University of Utah School of Medicine, Salt Lake City, UT. 156 - 5:30 Systemic organ wasting induced by localized expression of the secreted insulin/IGF antagonist ImpL2. Young Kwon1, Wei Song1, Ilia Droujinine1, Yanhui Hu1, John Asara3,4, Norbert Perrimon1,2. 1) Department of Genetics, Harvard Medical School, Boston, MA; 2) Howard Hughes Medical Institute, Harvard Medical School, Boston, MA; 3) Department of Medicine, Harvard Medical School, Boston, MA; 4) Division of Signal Transduction, Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center, Boston, MA. 151 - 4:15 Investigating the immune function of the Drosophila melanogaster MACPF protein Torso-like. L. J. Forbes Beadle1, T. Crossman1, J. C. Whisstock2, C. G. Warr1. 1) School of Biological Sciences, Monash University, Clayton VIC 3800 Australia; 2) Department of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, Monash University, Clayton VIC 3800 Australia. 157 - 5:45 Mechanism of Body Fat Regulation by Split ends. Kelsey Jensen, Tânia Reis. Department of Medicine, University of Colorado Medical School, Aurora, CO. Notes 40 POSTER SESSIONS See Page 10 for presentation schedule. Poster board number and presenter are in bold. Full abstracts can be found online. POSTER LEGEND Cell Biology and Cytoskeleton .................................................... 158A-224A Cell Biology and Signal Transduction ....................................... 225B-266A Cell Cycle and Cell Death............................................................ 267A-289C Cell Division and Growth Control ............................................. 290A-334C Physiology, Organismal Growth, and Aging ............................. 335A-388C Gametogenesis and Organogenesis ............................................ 389A-431A Stem Cells...................................................................................... 432B-458A Immunity and Pathogenesis .........................................................459B-477B Neural Development .................................................................... 478C-515A Neurophysiology and Behavior................................................... 516B-577C Drosophila Models of Human Diseases ...................................... 578A-672B Evolution and Quantitative Genetics ......................................... 673C-757C Pattern Formation........................................................................ 758A-780B Regulation of Gene Expression ................................................... 781C-838C Chromatin and Epigenetics ......................................................... 839A-880C RNA Biology ................................................................................. 881A-901C Techniques and Resources .......................................................... 902A-929A Educational Initiatives ................................................................. 930B-934C 41 POSTER SESSIONS See Page 10 for presentation schedule. Poster board number and presenter are in bold. Full abstracts can be found online. 168B F-actin turnover is essential for apical constriction and tissue morphogenesis. J. N. Jodoin1, M. Tworoger1, L. Perkins2, N. Perrimon2,3, A. C. Martin1. 1) Biology, MIT, Cambridge, MA; 2) Genetics, Harvard, Boston, MA; 3) HHMI, Harvard, Boston, MA. Cell Biology and Cytoskeleton 158A Quantification of mechanical force driving left-right asymmetric morphogenesis of the embryonic gut in Drosophila. Mai Adachi1, Naotaka Nakazawa2, Shukei Sugita3, Takeo Matsumoto3, Kenji Matsuno1. 1) Osaka University, Osaka, Japan; 2) National University of Singapore, Lower Kent Ridge Road ,Singapore; 3) Nagoya Inst. of Tech, Aichi, Japan. 169C Identifying a Kelch-Cullin3 ubiquitin ligase substrate. Katelynn Mannix, Andrew Hudson, Lynn Cooley. Department of Genetics, Yale School of Medicine, New Haven, CT. 159B Differential roles of the unconventional Dock family members Myoblast city and Sponge in Drosophila development. Bridget H. Biersmith1, Erika R. Geisbrecht2. 1) University of Missouri Kansas City, Kansas City, Missouri, MO; 2) Kansas State University, Manhattan, KS. 170A Rho GAPs are required for proper organization of the apical actomyosin cortex and epithelial invagination. Frank Mason, Michael Tworoger, Adam Martin. Department of Biology, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, MA. 171B Characterization of twinfilin mutants in denticle formation. Jane M. McCullough, Kayla Antle, Jennifer Sallee. North Central College, Naperville, IL. 160C Defining the role of CG1674 in adult muscle development. Marilyn Cisneros, Richard Cripps. Biology, University of New Mexico, Albuquerque, NM. 172C A coupled in vitro-in vivo approach to dissect APC-Diaphanous mediated actin assembly. Olivia Molinar1, Richa Jaiswal2, Ezgi Kunttas-Tatli1, Aneliya Rankova2, Vince Stepanik1, Bruce L. Goode2, Brooke M. McCartney1. 1) Biological Sciences, Carnegie Mellon University, Pittsburgh, PA; 2) Biology, Rosenstiel Basic Medical Sciences Research Center, Brandeis University, Waltham, MA. 161A Compound Heterozygosity of Meckel-Gruber Syndrome Proteins. Nicole M. Clark, Marcus L. Basiri, Andrew Ha, AvidorReiss Tomer. Biological Sciences, University of Toledo, Toledo, OH. 162B Pavarotti/MKLP1 regulates microtubule sliding and neurite outgrowth in Drosophila neurons. U. del Castillo, W. Lu, M. Winding, M. Lakonishok, V. Gelfand. Feinberg School of Medicine, Cell and Molecular Biology Dept, Northwestern University, Chicago, IL. 173A Actomyosin network dynamics during epithelial cell alignment. Katy Ong, Stephen DiNardo. Cell and Developmental Biology Department, University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia. 163C Branched F-actin dynamics regulate contact length during Drosophila eye morphogenesis. Steven Del Signore, Victor Hatini. Dev, Mol, & Chem Biology, Tufts Univ Sch Med, Boston, MA. 174B A novel concept of local homeostasis for the long-term maintenance of neuronal axons. Andreas Prokop1, Yue Qu1, Ines Hahn1, Meredith Lees1, Jill Parkin1, Zhen Zang2, Pakorn Tony Kanchanawong2. 1) Faculty of Life Sciences, The University of Manchester, Manchester, United Kingdom; 2) MBI, Singapore. 164A Dynamic analysis of the function of the actin cable during Drosophila dorsal closure. Antoine Ducuing1, Maxime Dureau1, Charlotte Keeley2, Bertrand Mollereau1, Stéphane Vincent1. 1) Laboratory of Molecular Biology of the Cell, Ecole Normale Supérieure de Lyon, Lyon, France; 2) Department of Biological Engineering, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, MA, USA. 175C Key features of the axon initial segment are present in Drosophila neurons. Melissa M. Rolls1, Michelle M. Nguyen1, Daniel J. Goetschius1, Timothy J. Jegla2. 1) Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, Penn State, University Park, PA; 2) Biology, Penn State, University Park, PA. 165B Integrins regulate apical constriction via microtubule stabilization in the Drosophila eye disc epithelium. Vilaiwan M. Fernandes1, Kasandra McCormack1, Lindsay Lewellyn2, Esther M. Verheyen1. 1) Simon Fraser University, Burnaby, BC, Canada; 2) Butler University, Indianapolis, Indiana, USA. 176A Mutations in Drosophila crinkled/Myosin VIIA disrupt denticle morphogenesis. Jennifer Sallee1,2, Janice Crawford2, Vinay Singh2, Daniel Kiehart2. 1) Biology, North Central College, Naperville, IL; 2) Dept of Biology, Duke University, Durham, NC. 166C Clic functions to regulate Moesin phosphorylation during Drosophila rhabdomere formation. Kara J. Finley1, Robert Hikida2, Mark Berryman2, Soichi Tanda1. 1) Department of Biological Sciences, Ohio University, Athens, OH; 2) Department of Biomedical Sciences, Ohio University, Athens, OH. 177B Actin regulators are important for regeneration in Drosophila melanogaster wing imaginal discs. Mabel Seto, Amanda R. Brock, Rachel K. Smith-Bolton. Department of Cell and Developmental Biology, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, Urbana, IL. 178C An optogenetic approach to assess tissue mechanics in epithelial wound detection. Erica Shannon1, Monica Lacy2, M. Shane Hutson2, Andrea Page-McCaw1. 1) Cell and Developmental Biology, Vanderbilt University Medical Center, Nashville, TN; 2) Department of Physics, Vanderbilt University Collage of Arts and Sciences, Nashville, TN. 167A Biochemical optimization of the purification of the C-terminal domains of ck/MyoVIIA. Thomas Halverson, Jennifer Sallee. Science, North Central College, Naperville, IL. 42 POSTER SESSIONS See Page 10 for presentation schedule. Poster board number and presenter are in bold. Full abstracts can be found online. 189B Dachsous, Fat and actin modulators contribute to planar cell polarity in the Drosophila ventral epidermis. Gregory Osborn, Dan Ly, Kynan Lawlor, Stephen DiNardo. Department of Cell and Developmental Biology, University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, PA. 179A Polarized cytoskeletal organization in the Drosophila embryo. Alison Spencer1, Shinya Yamamoto2, Vafa Bayat2, Manish Jaiswal2, Nele Haelterman2, Hugo J. Bellen2, Jennifer A. Zallen3. 1) Gerstner Sloan Kettering Graduate School of Biomedical Sciences, New York, NY; 2) HHMI and Program in Developmental Biology, Baylor College of Medicine, Houston, TX; 3) HHMI and Developmental Biology Program, Sloan Kettering Institute, New York, NY. 190C Exploring the mechanism of Prickle/Spiny-legs isoforms’ control of microtubule polarity and symmetry breaking in planar cell polarity. Katherine Sharp1,2, Jessica Olofsson1,3, Jeffrey Axelrod1. 1) Department of Pathology, Stanford University School of Medicine, Stanford, CA; 2) Department of Genetics, Stanford University School of Medicine, Stanford, CA; 3) Department of Physiology and Pharmacology, Karolinska Institutet, Stockholm, Sweden. 180B Apico-basal forces exerted by apoptotic cells drive epithelium folding. Bruno Monier1, Melanie Gettings1, Guillaume Gay2, Thomas Mangeat1, Sonia Schott1, Ana Guarner3, Magali Suzanne1. 1) LBCMCP, Toulouse University /CNRS, Toulouse, France; 2) DamCB company, Marseille, France; 3) Centro de Biología Molecular Severo Ochoa (C.S.I.C.-U.A.M.), Universidad Autónoma de Madrid, , Madrid, Spain. 191A Planar polarity and oriented cell division generate an epithelial square grid in the Drosophila embryo. Masako Tamada1,2, Jennifer Zallen1,2. 1) Howard Hughes Medical Institute; 2) Dev Biol, Sloan Kettering Institution, New York, NY. 181C New cellular sites of prostaglandin regulated Fascin activity: the nucleus and nuclear periphery. Christopher Groen, Tina Tootle. Anatomy and Cell Biology, University of Iowa, Iowa City, IA. 192B Parkinson’s disease gene Vps35 regulates autophagy in Drosophila neurons. Y.-J. Ho, R. Linhart, D. Kaing, E. Hou, D. Sohal, R. Fedrizzi, A. Tsang, D. Fong, R. Eismati, J. Rosales, A. Dawson, J. Ly, C. Kim, K. Venderova. Physiology and Pharmacology, University of the Pacific, Stockton, CA. 182A A composite scaffold provides structural integrity to myonuclei. Shuoshuo Wang, Talila Volk. Molecular Genetics, Weizmann Institute of Science, Rehovot, Israel. 183B Examining the regulation of Drosophila Rho kinase by phosphorylation. Y. Zhang, T. Jiang, T. Harris. University of Toronto, Toronto, Canada. 193C A rapid, membrane-dependent pathway directs furrow formation through RalA in the early Drosophila embryo. R. Holly, L. Mavor, Z. Zuo, T. Blankenship. University of Denver, Denver, CO. 184C Continuous ROCK activity sustains apical constriction in a folding epithelium through the maintenance of centripetal tension. Jonathan Coravos, Adam Martin. Biology, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, MA. 194A Rab8 directs tubulation and furrow ingression during epithelial formation in Drosophila melanogaster. L. M. Mavor, Z. Zuo, J. T. Blankenship. Biological Sciences, University of Denver, Denver, CO. 185A Tuning of a Par-1-Par-3-centrosome pathway to couple epithelial cell polarity and adhesion. Tao Jiang, Andrew McKinley, Tony Harris. Cell & Systems Biology, University of Toronto, Toronto, ON, Canada. 195B Dynamin-mediated endocytosis promotes cell intercalation during epithelial tube morphogenesis in the Drosophila ovary. Nathaniel Peters, Kamsi Odinammadu, Celeste Berg. Department of Genome Sciences, University of Washington, Seattle, WA. 186B hosphorylation of DE-Cadherin Controls Adherens Junction Dynamics During Apical-Basal Polarization. Yang Hong, Yi-Jiun Chen, Juan Huang. Dept Cell Biol & Physiology, Univ Pittsburgh Med Sch, Pittsburgh, PA. 196C The ArfGAP Asap is required for plasma membrane furrow formation in the syncytial Drosophila embryo. Francisco Rodrigues, Tony Harris. Cell and Systems Biology, University of Toronto, Toronto, Ontario, Canada. 187C The role of Moesin in specialized membrane domain formation during early Drosophila embryogenesis. Danielle Howell1, Michael Ludwig2, Xiao Sun3, Richard Fehon4. 1) Development, Regenerative and Stem Cells Biology, University of Chicago, Chicago, IL; 2) Department of Ecology and Evolution, University of Chicago, Chicago, IL; 3) Peking University, Beijing, China; 4) Molecular Genetics and Cell Biology, University of Chicago, Chicago, IL. 197A Sequential trafficking events target White transporter to pigment granules. DS Chen1, J. Xiong1,3, YN Rui1, A. Tito1,3, Z. Chen1, Z. Xu1, L. Ye1, G. Jiang4, S. Zhang1,2,3. 1) Inst Mol Med; 2) Dept Neurobio Anatomy, UTHSC-H; 3) Programs in HMG and Neuroscience, University of Texas Graduate School of Biomedical Sciences, Houston, TX; 4) Shandong Univ, School of Medicine, China. 188A Intracellular mechanisms involving post-translational modifications of the PIP5K Skittles regulate PI(4,5)P2 associated cell polarity. Julie Jouette, Antoine Guichet, Sandra Claret. Institut Jacques Monod, Paris, France. 198B Polarization of the epithelial layer is required for apical localization of the integrin heterodimer, αPS3βPS, to promote engulfment. Tracy Meehan1, Sarah Kleinsorge2, Allison Timmons1, Jeffrey Taylor1, Kimberly McCall1. 1) Department of Biology, Boston University, Boston, MA; 2) Graduate Program of Genetics and Genomics, Boston University Medical Center, Boston, MA. 43 POSTER SESSIONS See Page 10 for presentation schedule. Poster board number and presenter are in bold. Full abstracts can be found online. Kobe Hyogo, Japan; 2) Department of Biology, Kobe University Graduate School of Science, 1-1 Rokkodai-cho, Nada-ku, Kobe, Hyogo, 657-8051, Japan. 199C Polarized transport and selective retention localizes the signaling center for bristle cell elongation. T. Otani1, K. Oshima1, A. Kimpara1, M. Takeda1, U. Abdu2, S. Hayashi1. 1) Lab Morphogenetic Signaling, RIKEN Ctr Dev Biol, Kobe, Japan; 2) Dept of Life Sciences, Ben-Gurion Univ, Beer-Sheva, Israel. 209A The Role of Mechanical Cross-linking in Basement Membrane Repair. Angela Howard1,2, Gautam Bhave1,3, Andrea PageMcCaw1,2,4. 1) Cell and Developmental Biology, Vanderbilt University Medical Center, Nashville, Tennessee; 2) Program of Developmental Biology, Vanderbilt University Medical Center, Nashville, Tennessee; 3) Department of Medicine, Vanderbilt University Medical Center, Nashville, Tennessee; 4) Department of Cancer Biology, Vanderbilt University Medical Center, Nashville, Tennessee. 200A Novel smad protein dysmorphic regulates Drosophila tracheal tube size through luminal matrix maintenance. Rachana Radhamani Chandran, Lan Jiang. Department of Biological sciences, Oakland University, Rochester, MI. 201B Dosage-sensitive interactions between Kinesin-1 and transiently expressed Halo regulate lipid-droplet transport. Michael Welte, Gurpreet Arora, Susan Tran, Nicholas Rizzo. Dept Biol, RC Box 270211, Univ Rochester, Rochester, NY. 210B Identification and Analysis of Ras Pathway Candidate Genes. Peter Lyon, Sathiya Manivannan, Ashley Heinaman, Nanki Hura, Molly Josifov, Amanda Simcox. Department of Molecular Genetics, The Ohio State University, Columbus, OH. 202C Content release from salivary-gland secretory vesicles is mediated by a dynamic acto-myosin network. Eyal Schejter, Tal Rousso, Ben-Zion Shilo. Dept Molecular Genetics, Weizmann Institute of Science, Rehovot, Israel. 211C Defining the role of Canoe in apical-basal polarity establishment in early Drosophila embryogenesis. Teresa T. Bonello1, Kaelyn Sumigray2, Mark Peifer1. 1) Department of Biology, University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill, NC; 2) Department of Cell Biology, Duke University School of Medicine, NC. 203A Myosin activity at the periphery of the border cell cluster promotes its compact shape during migration between nurse cells. George Aranjuez1,2, Pralay Majumder1, Ashley Burtscher1, Jocelyn McDonald1,2. 1) Molecular Genetics, Cleveland Clinic Foundation, Cleveland, OH; 2) Genetics and Genome Sciences, Case Western Reserve University, Cleveland, OH. 212A Continuous Talin function is required to maintain apposition of myofibrils between cardiomyocytes. Duygu Cevik1, Simina Bogatan1, Abdullah Panchbhaya1, Valentin Demidov2, Alex Vitkin2, J. Roger Jacobs1. 1) Biology, McMaster University, Hamilton, Ontario, Canada; 2) Medical Physics, University of Toronto, Ontario, Canada. 204B Tsp66E, the KAI1 homologue, functions in the border cell migration and maintaining the adhesion of premature border cells in Drosophila. Haemin Jeong, Seung Yeop Han, Minjung Lee, Soojin Lee, Myeong Cheol Shin, Young Jae Jeon, Kyoung Sang Cho. Department of biological sciences, Konkuk university, Seoul, South Korea. 213B Phenotypic Analysis of Genes in Retinal Basal Glial cells. YenChing Chang1,2, Y. Henry Sun1,2. 1) Institute of Molecular biology, Academia sinica, Taipei, Taipei, Taiwan; 2) Department of Life sciences and Institute of Genome sciences, National YangMing University, Taipei, Taiwan, Republic of China. 205C LAMININS ARE REQUIRED FOR PROPER MIGRATION OF EMBRYONIC HAEMOCYTES IN DROSOPHILA MELANOGASTER. Besaid J. Sánchez-Sánchez1, J. M. Urbano2, K. Comber3, W. Wood3, M. D. Martín-Bermudo1. 1) CABD, CSIC, Sevilla, Spain; 2) PDN Department, University of Cambridge, UK; 3) Department of Developmental Biology, University of Bristol, UK. 214C Biophysical approach to elucidate molecular links between PCP and adhesion/cytoskeleton dynamics. Nabila Founounou1, Reza Farhadifar2, Marek Mlodzik1. 1) Developmental and regenerative biology, Mt. Sinai School of Medicine , New York, NY; 2) Department of Applied Physics, Center for Systems Biology, Harvard University, Cambridge, MA,. 206A Role of ADP ribosylation factors and their regulators in collective cell migration. Carlos Zeledon, Xiaojuan Sun, Gregory Emery. Université de Montréal, Montréal, Canada. 215A Uncovering a fundamental requirement for septate junction genes during morphogenesis. Sonia Hall, Robert Ward. Molecular Biosciences, University of Kansas, Lawrence, KS. 207B A novel role for secreted hemolymph proteins in Drosophila muscle attachment. Nicole Green1, Nadia Odell2, Clara Bazjek3, Mitch Dushay3, Erika Geisbrecht1. 1) Bioch. & Mol. Biophysics Dept., Kansas State University, Manhattan, KS; 2) Cell Biol. & Biophysics Dept., University of Missouri-Kansas City, Kansas City, MO; 3) Biology Dept., Illinois Institute of Technology, Chicago, IL. 216B An E-Cadherin trafficking defect reveals its role in maintenance of intercellular bridges anchoring. Roland Le Borgne, Nicolas Loyer, Irina Kolotueva. Institut de Génétique et Développement de Rennes, CNRS UMR 6290, Rennes, France. 217C The transmembrane protein Crumbs displays complex dynamics during follicular morphogenesis and is regulated by Moesin, aPKC, the cortical cytoskeleton and endocytosis. Kristin Sherrard, Richard Fehon. Molecular Genetics and Cell Biology, University of Chicago, Chicago, IL. 208C A fat body-derived apical extracellular matrix enzyme is transported to the tracheal lumen and regulates tube morphogenesis in Drosophila. Shigeo Hayashi1,2, Dong Bo1, Guanxia Miao1,2. 1) Lab Morphogenetic Signaling, Riken Center Develop Biology, 44 POSTER SESSIONS See Page 10 for presentation schedule. Poster board number and presenter are in bold. Full abstracts can be found online. 218A Tracking vertices in epithelial tissues for the analysis of coordinated cell shape changes during epithelial morphogenesis. Rodrigo Cilla, Steven Del Signore, Victor Hatini. Tufts University, Boston, MA. 228B Characterization of a conserved, negative regulator of Wg/Wnt signaling in Drosophila melanogaster. Michael Suchanek, Varun Chaudhary, Gerrit Erdmann, Michael Boutros. German Cancer Research Center (DKFZ), Div. Signaling and Functional Genomics and University of Heidelberg, Department of Cell and Molecular Biology, Faculty of Medicine Mannheim, D-69120 Heidelberg, Germany. 219B Huntingtin (HTT) transports a novel class of synaptic vesicles during axonal transport: Identification of a moving HTT-Rab4 vesicle in Drosophila larval axons. Joseph A. White II1, Eric Anderson1, Katherine Zimmerman1, Kan Hong Zheng1, Harsh Saxena2, Ge Yang2, Shermali Gunawardena1. 1) Department of Biological Sciences, The State University of New York at Buffalo, Buffalo, NY 14260,; 2) Lane Center for Computational Biology and Department of Biomedical Engineering, Carnegie Mellon University, Pittsburgh, PA 15213. 229C Sol narae (Sona) is required for cleavage of exosomal Wingless and generation of a soluble Wingless fragment. Jong-Hoon Won1, Go-Woon Kim2, Ja-young Kim1, Ok-Kyung Lee1, Sang-Soo Lee1, Orkhon Tsogtbaatar1, Su-Jin Nam1, Yeon Kim1, Kyung-Ok Cho1, Go-Woon Kim. 1) Biological Science, KAIST, Daejeon, South Korea; 2) Center for Theragnosis, Biomedical Research Institute, Korea Institute of Science and Technology, Seoul, Korea. 220C Asymmetric mRNA segregation during neuroblast division. Jens Januschke, Anne Ramat. Cell & Developmental Biology, University of Dundee College of Life Sciences, Dundee, United Kingdom. 230A Latency of a Drosophila BMP-prodomain complex is prevented by proconvertase cleavage within the prodomain. Edward Anderson, Eric Tung, Kristi Wharton. MCB, Brown University, Providence, RI. 221A Transmembrane and secreted MMPs are required for heart morphogenesis in Drosophila. Qanber S. Raza, Jessica Vanderploeg, Roger Jacobs. McMaster Univeristy, 1280 Main St West, Hamilton, ON,CA L8S4L8. 231B A DPP-mediated Feed-Forward Loop canalizes morphogenesis during Drosophila dorsal closure. Antoine Ducuing1, Charlotte Keeley2, Bertrand Mollereau1, Stéphane Vincent1. 1) Laboratory of Molecular Biology of the Cell, Ecole Normale Supérieure de Lyon, Lyon, France; 2) Department of Biological Engineering, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, MA, USA. 222B Expression of the testis-specific paralog of ATP synthase subunit d in Drosophila flight muscle. Dennis Akrobetu, Brian Johnson, Lindsay Regruto, Eric Sawyer, Karen Hales. Department of Biology, Davidson College, Davidson, NC. 232C Dpp signaling antagonism is mediated by the formation of a chondroitin sulfate sink. Matthew Moulton, Gregory Humphreys, Anthea Letsou. Human Genetics, University of Utah, Salt Lake City, UT. 223C F-box proteins in Drosophila muscle. C. Clark1, K. Bauman2, M. Kelly2, E. Geisbrecht1. 1) Dept. of Biochem. & Mol. Biophysics, Kansas State University, Manhattan, KS; 2) Cell Biology & Biophysics Dept., University of Missouri KC, Kansas City, Mo. 233A Uncovering a role for the TGF-β/Activin factor Myoglianin in regulating wing imaginal disc growth through analysis of dSmad2 protein null mutants. Ambuj Upadhyay, Aidan J. Peterson, Michael B. O'Connor. Dept. of Genetics, Cell Biology and Development, University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, MN. 224A The Role of Ubiquitin Specific Protease 5 in Drosophila melanogaster. Gorica Ristic, Sokol Todi. Pharmacology, Wayne State University School of Medicine, Detroit, MI. 234B Dissecting the nuclear co-repressor complex(es) of Notch. Stephen Chan, Gustavo Cerda-Moya, Bettina Fischer, Robert Stojnic, Sarah Bray. Anatomy Building, Department of Physiology, Development and Neuroscience, Cambridge University, Cambridge, United Kingdom, CB2 3DY. Cell Biology and Signal Transduction 225B Characterization of a novel Wnt signaling factor regulating tissue homeostasis and regeneration in the aging Drosophila intestine. Anna-Lisa Boettcher, Teresa Eichenlaub, Claudia Strein, Michael Boutros. German Cancer Research Center (DKFZ), Division of Signaling and Functional Genomics and Heidelberg University, D-69120 Heidelberg, Germany. 235C The Ecdysone and Notch pathways regulate Cut via a shared cut enhancer region for proper dorsal-ventral (D/V) boundary formation in Drosophila wing disc. Allison Jevitt, Dongyu Jia, Jamal Bryant, Wu-Min Deng. Florida State University, Tallahassee, FL. 226C Ras activated Dsor1 promotes Wg signaling in Drosophila development. Eric T. Hall, Esther M. Verheyen. Simon Fraser University, 8888 University Dr. Burnaby, BC, Canada V5A 1S6. 236A Deciphering the Function of midline within Insulin/dAKT and cJun N-terminal Kinase Signaling Pathways during Larval CNS and Eye Development. Sandra Leal, Q. Brent Chen, Visic Petra, Buford Ken. Dept Biological Sci, Univ Southern Mississippi, Hattiesburg, MS. 227A Testing models of the APC tumor suppressor/β-catenin interaction reshapes our view of the destruction complex in Wnt signaling. David Roberts, Robert Yamulla, Eric Kane, Alexandra Moody, Kristin Politi, Nicole Lock, Andrew Foley. Department of Biology, Franklin & Marshall College, Lancaster, PA. 45 POSTER SESSIONS See Page 10 for presentation schedule. Poster board number and presenter are in bold. Full abstracts can be found online. 237B The Drosophila glucoside xylosyltransferase Shams is a novel ligand-specific regulator of Notch signaling. Tom Lee1, Hamed Jafar-Nejad1,2. 1) Molecular & Human Genetics, Baylor College of Medicine, Houston, TX; 2) Program in Developmental Biology, Baylor College of Medicine, Houston. TX. 247C Cdk8 and Sgg control the intensity and range of the BMP-activity gradient in developing Drosophila tissues. Abigail Aleman, Hugo Urrutia, Edward Eivers. California State University Los Angeles 248A Epithelia patterning and body plan mapping in the Drosophila egg chamber. Alexis L. Braun, Bhavna Chanana, Isabel M. Palacios. Zoology, University of Cambridge, Cambridge, United Kingdom. 238C A screen for tyrosine phosphatases redundant with Eyes absent. Charlene Hoi, Trevor Davis, Ilaria Rebay. Ben May Department of Cancer Research, University of Chicago, Chicago, IL. 249B Spatiotemporal Patterning of Polyamine Metabolism during Drosophila Development. Miranda Burnette, Gabrielle Dohmen, Galvin Loughran, Steven Penny, Jeremiah Zartman. Chemical Engineering, Univ of Notre Dame, Notre Dame, IN. 239A Exploring the Relationship Between ETS-Family Transcription Factor Polymerization and RTK Signaling Output. Matthew Hope1, John Reinitz2, Ilaria Rebay2. 1) Department of Biochemistry and Molecular Biophysics; 2) Department of Molecular Genetics and Cell Biology, University of Chicago, Chicago, IL. 250C Exploring potential downstream targets of Atrophin in Fat/Dachsous PCP signaling using DamID. C. Kuok1,2, A. Soltyk3, M. Fanto4, T. Westwood3, H. McNeill1,2. 1) Department of Molecular Genetics, University of Toronto, Toronto, Ontario, Canada; 2) The Lunenfeld-Tanenbaum Research Institute, Mount Sinai Hospital, Toronto, Ontario, Canada; 3) Department of Cell and Systems Biology, University of Toronto Mississauga, Mississauga, Ontario, Canada; 4) MRC Centre for Developmental Neurobiology, King’s College London, London, UK. 240B Cellular and temporal dynamics of the Pointed-Yan network during cell fate specification in the Drosophila eye. Jean-Francois Boisclair Lachance1,3, Nicolás Peláez2,3, Luís Amaral2,3, Richard Carthew2,3, Ilaria Rebay1,3. 1) University of Chicago, Chicago, IL; 2) Northwestern University, Evanston, IL; 3) Chicago Center for Systems Biology (CCSB), Chicago, IL. 251A Poly: a novel protein with an essential role in metabolism and Type 2 Diabetes. Ioanna Panagakou, Margarete M. S. Heck. University of Edinburgh, Queen's Medical Research Institute, 47 Little France Crescent, Edinburgh, EH16 4TJ, UK. 241C In vivo screen for a novel small molecule inhibitor of PLCγ in Drosophila. Chitra Naidu, Claire Rosenwasser, Todd Rosenberg, Michelle Latino, Justin Thackeray. Biology, Clark University, Worcester, MA. 252B The role of G protein o alpha subunit in the eye development and aging in Drosophila. Silvia Plascencia Oliveros1,2, Marlène Cassar1, Doris Kretzschmar1. 1) Oregon Institute of Occupational Health Sciences, OHSU, Portland, OR; 2) Biology, University of Portland, Portland, OR. 242A Uncovering a novel interplay between the EGFR and JNK signaling pathways in Drosophila dorsal closure. Ze'ev Paroush, Tatyana Shestkin, Sharon Mezuman, Shaked Cohen, Ayala Smotrich, Aharon Helman. Department of Developmental Biology and Cancer Research, IMRIC, Faculty of Medicine, The Hebrew University, Jerusalem, Israel. 253C The Abelson kinase prevents photoreceptors from adopting pigment cell fate. Nicelio Sanchez-Luege1,2, Ilaria Rebay3. 1) Development, Regeneration, and Stem Cell Biology, University of Chicago, Chicago, IL; 2) Medical Scientist Training Program, University of Chicago, Chicago, IL; 3) Ben May Department for Cancer Research, University of Chicago, Chicago, IL. 243B Characterization of Dis3 in Drosophila melanogaster. Lindsay Petsch1, Danielle Bazelak1, Mark Snee2, Hemlata Mistry1, James Skeath2. 1) Dept. of Biology, Widener University, Chester, PA; 2) Dept. of Genetics, Washington University School of Medicine, St Louis, MO. 254A The phenotypic effects associated with loss of PKN function are manifest upon perturbation of cell death in Drosophila melanogaster. Georgette Sass, Jessica Schoenherr. Biology, Grand Valley State University, Allendale, MI. 244C Src42A Modulates Tumor Invasion and Cell Death via Ben/dUev1a-JNK Signaling in Drosophila. Xianjue Ma, Yingyao Shao, Hongyu Zheng, M. Li, Wenzhe Li, Lei Xue. Department of Interventional Radiology, Shanghai Key Laboratory of Signaling and Disease Research, Shanghai 10th People's Hospital, School of Life Science and Technology, Tongji University, Shanghai 200092, China. 255B Coordinated regulation of tissue remodeling and insulin signaling during Drosophila metamorphosis. Craig Woodard, Giulia Notarangelo, Bezawit Woldemeskel, Hanna Cho, Yeonhee You, Efthymia Papalexi. Department of Biological Sciences, Mount Holyoke College, South Hadley, MA. 245A Investigation of novel epidermal growth factor receptor signaling target genes implicated in Drosophila development. Connor Zale, Sean Thomas, Jeffrey Perluke, Michael Warkala, Lisa Kadlec. Dept. of Biology, Wilkes University, Wilkes-Barre, PA. 256C Targeted mutagenesis and functional analysis of Drosophila adipokinetic hormone gene. M. Zurovec1, S. Sajwan1, R. Sidorov1, Y. Takasu2, T. Staskova1, A. Zaloudikova1, D. Kodrik1. 1) Biology Centre Czech Acad. Sci., Ceske Budejovice, Czech Republic; 2) 2National Institute of Agrobiological Sciences, 1-2 Owashi, Tsukuba, Ibaraki 305-8634, Japan. 246B Invadolysin: a novel metalloprotease plays an important role in metabolism. Kanishk Abhinav, Margarete M. S. Heck. University of Edinburgh, Queen’s Medical Research Institute, 47 Little France Crescent, Edinburgh, EH16 4TJ, UK. 46 POSTER SESSIONS See Page 10 for presentation schedule. Poster board number and presenter are in bold. Full abstracts can be found online. 266A Chromatic Assembly Factor Complex Component p180 is a Potential Component of the Hippo Pathway. William B. Yee, Patrick Delaney, Pamela Vanderzalm, Richard Fehon. Molecular Genetics and Cell Biology, University of Chicago, Chicago, IL. 257A Multiple roles for the Netrin receptor, Frazzled, in EMT. S. Golenkina1, R. Manhire-Heath1, R. Saint2, M. J. Murray1. 1) The University of Melbourne, Australia; 2) The University of Adelaide, South Australia. Cell Cycle and Cell Death 258B Functional understanding of Ral signaling in Drosophila melanogaster. Helene Knaevelsrud1, Marc Therrien1,2. 1) IRIC, Universite de Montreal, Montreal, Quebec, Canada; 2) Département de pathologie et de biologie cellulaire, Université de Montréal. 267B In vivo RNAi knockdown of the Drosophila N-acetyltransferase NatA causes cell death. Joseph Ahlander1, Kelsey Dozier2, Ethan Hayman2, Pamela Martin1, Amanda Scholes2. 1) Department of Natural Sciences, Northeastern State University, Tahlequah, OK; 2) Department of Biological Sciences, Univeristy of Arkansas, Fayetteville, AR. 259C Nanobody-mediated morphogen trapping - Growth and patterning in the absence of a Dpp gradient. S. Harmansa, M. Affolter, E. Caussinus. Biozentrum, Universität Basel, Basel, Switzerland. 268C dCAF1 is required for the cell death sensitivity of rbf1 mutant cells. Heather Collins, Nam-Sung Moon. McGill University, Montreal, QC, Canada. 260A Dissecting signaling crosstalk in the midgut with dynamic transcriptional reporters. David P. Doupé1, Benjamin E. Housden1, Li He1, Richard Binari1, Norbert Perrimon1,2. 1) Dept of Genetics, Harvard Medical School, Boston, MA; 2) Howard Hughes Medical Institute, Boston, MA. 269A Engulfment receptor, Draper, and its ligand for the clearance of dead cells in the developing Drosophila optic lobe. Ryosuke Nakano1, Masashi Iwamura1, Akiko Obikawa1, Ryo Iizuka1, Hiromi Akagawa1,2, Hidenobu Tsujimura1. 1) Developmental Biology, Tokyo University of Agriculture and Technology, Fuchushi, Tokyo, Japan; 2) Department of Biological Production Science, Tokyo University of Agriculture and Technology, Fuchushi, Tokyo, Japan. 261B Computational modeling of transient EGFR signaling in the early embryo. Yogesh Goyal1,2, Bomyi Lim1,2, Andreas Raue3, Birgit Schoeberl3, Stanislav Shvartsman1,2. 1) Department of Chemical and Biological Engineering, Princeton University, Princeton, NJ; 2) Lewis-Sigler Institute for Integrative Genomics, Princeton University, Princeton, NJ; 3) Merrimack Pharmaceuticals, 1 Kendall Square, Cambridge, MA. 270B Sensitivity to apoptosis is differentially regulated by cell growth pathways. Sarah Neuman, Yunsik Kang, Arash Bashirullah. University of Wisconsin-Madison, Madison, WI. 262C The Hippo Signaling Pathway Interactome. Young Kwon1, Arunachalam Vinayagam1, Xiaoyun Sun3, Noah Dephoure4, Steven Gygi4, Pengyu Hong3, Norbert Perrimon1,2. 1) Department of Genetics, Harvard Medical School, Boston, MA; 2) Howard Hughes Medical Institute, Harvard Medical School, 77 Avenue Louis Pasteur, Boston, MA; 3) Department of Computer Science, Volen Center for Complex Systems, Brandeis University, Waltham, MA; 4) Department of Cell Biology, Harvard Medical School, Boston, MA 02115. 271C Non-autonomous protective effect of dying and undead cells. Tin Tin Su, Angela Delano, Annika Gustafson. MCD Biology, University of Colorado, Boulder, CO. 272A Tousled-like kinase mediates a new type of apoptosis in Drosophila. Yu Zhang1, Lei Liu1,2. 1) College of Life Sciences,PKU, Beijing, Beijing, China; 2) Beijing Institute for Brain Disorder and Beijing Tiantan Hospital, Capital Medical University, Beijing 100069, China. 263A microRNA-9a canalizes myotendinous junction assembly via targeting of muscle-specific genes. Andriy Yatsenko, Halyna Shcherbata. Max Planck Research Group of Gene Expression and Signaling, Max Planck Institute for Biophysical Chemistry, Am Fassberg 11, 37077, Goettingen, Germany. 273B Non-autonomous control of nurse cell death by follicle cells in the Drosophila ovary. Albert Mondragon, Allison Timmons, Claire Schenkel, Jon Iker Etchegaray, Jeffrey Taylor, Kim McCall. Boston University, Boston, MA. 264B Proteomic discovery of a novel mechanism linking calcium signaling and p38MAPK pathway activation. Vladimir Belozerov, Lisa Shim, April Kong, Reza Amirzadeh, Arthur Hilliker, Spencer Mukai, John McDermott. Department of Biology, York University, Toronto, ON, Canada. 274C Cell Survival in Muscle Development. Tatevik Sarkissian, Richa Arya, Kristin White. MGH/ Harvard Medical School, Boston, MA. 275A A heat shock protein regulates caspase-mediated autophagy. Courtney Choutka1,2, Lindsay DeVorkin1,2, Nancy Erro Go1,2, Claire Hou1, Annie Moradian3, Gregg Morin1,3, Sharon Gorski1,2. 1) Molecular Biology and Biochemistry, Simon Fraser University, Burnaby, British Columbia, Canada; 2) The Genome Sciences Centre, BC Cancer Research Centre, Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada; 3) Medical Genetics, University of British Columbia, Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada. 265C Mitochondria are maintained by local fusion and mitophagy at neuromuscular junction synapses. Ryan Insolera1, Ruohan Wang1, Pushpanjali Soppina1, Grace Kim1, Eric Robertson1, Yih-Woei Fridell2, Catherine Collins1. 1) MCDB Department, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, MI; 2) University of Connecticut, Allied Health Sciences, Storrs, CT. 47 POSTER SESSIONS See Page 10 for presentation schedule. Poster board number and presenter are in bold. Full abstracts can be found online. 276B Investingating survival mechanisms in transformed Drosophila cells following oncogene withdrawal. Ashley Heinaman1,2, Sathiya Manivannan1,2, Nanki Hura1, Molly Josifov1, Amanda Simcox1. 1) Molecular Genetics, The Ohio State University, Columbus, OH; 2) Molecular, Cellular, and Developmental Biology, The Ohio State University, Columbus, OH. 286C The NuA4 complex coordinates proper cell cycle gene expression with phase, which impacts the transition to a post-mitotic state. Kerry Flegel, Olga Grushko, Kelsey Bolin, Ellen Griggs, Nicholas Rachmaninoff, Laura Buttitta. University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, MI. 277C The NF-kB factor Relish Controls Drosophila Salivary Gland Degradation During Metamorphosis. Anubhab Nandy, Lin Lin, Eric Baehrecke, Neal Silverman. University of Massachusetts Medical School, Worcester, MA. 287A Using gene expression profiling and quantitative proteomics to study E2F/Dp function in Drosophila. Ana Guarner, Robert Morris, Michael Korenjak, Myriam Boukhali, Sridhar Ramaswamy, Wilhelm Haas, Nick Dyson. MGH Cancer Center (Massachusetts General Hospital / Harvard Medical School). 149 13th Street, 02129. Charlestown, MA. USA. 278A Mitochondrial fission plays a key role in neuronal necrosis downstream of the epigenetic alteration in Drosophila. Lianggong Ding1, Lei Liu1,2. 1) State Key Laboratory of Biomembrane and Membrane Biotechnology, School of Life Sciences, Peking University, Beijing 100871, China; 2) Beijing Institute for Brain Disorder and Beijing Tiantan Hospital, Capital Medical University, Beijing 100069, China. 288B The role of E2F in regulating muscle growth is necessary and sufficient for fly viability. Maria Paula Zappia, Maxim V. Frolov. Biochemistry and Molecular Genetics, University of Illinois at Chicago, Chicago, IL. 289C Scalloped and Yorkie are required for cell cycle re-entry of quiescent cells after tissuge damage. J. H. Meserve1, R. J. Duronio1,2,3,4. 1) Curriculum in Genetics & Molecular Biology, UNC, Chapel Hill, NC; 2) Integrative Program for Biological and Genome Sciences, UNC, Chapel Hill, NC; 3) Departments of Biology and Genetics, UNC, Chapel Hill, NC; 4) Lineberger Comprehensive Cancer Center, Chapel Hill, NC. 279B Genetic screen to identify new mechanisms of spreading apoptosis induced by necrotic neurons in Drosophila. Lin Hou1, Rong Cai1, Lei Liu1,2. 1) State Key Laboratory of Biomembrane and Membrane Biotechnology, School of Life Sciences, Peking University, Beijing 100871, China; 2) Beijing Institute for Brain Disorder and Beijing Tiantan Hospital, Capital Medical University, Beijing 100069, China. Cell Division and Growth Control 280C The Roles of Cyclins A, B, and B3 in Drosophila Female Meiosis. Mohammed Bourouh, Rajdeep Dhaliwal, Ketki Rana, Sucheta Sinha, Zhihao Guo, Andrew Swan. Biological Sciences, University of Windsor, Windsor, Ontario, Canada. 290A CG10126, a calcium-binding microtubule-associated protein, promotes mitosis during Drosophila development. Q. Nie, S. Spencer. Saint Louis University, Saint Louis, MO. 291B Protein phosphatase 1 antagonizes Aurora B kinase in maintaining chromosome structure and cohesion in Drosophila oocytes. Arunika Das, Rachel A. Battaglia, Kim S. McKim. Waksman Institute, Rutgers University, Piscataway, NJ. 281A The mitotic role of SCF-Skp2 in maintaining genome stability. Nilanjana Das, Biju Vasavan, Andrew Swan. Dept. of Biological Sciences, University of Windsor, Windsor, Ontario, Canada. 292C Synaptonemal complex assembly is regulated by multiple cohesion complexes in Drosophila meiosis. Mercedes Gyuricza, Kathryn Landy, Vandana Apte, Kim McKim. Waskman Institute, Rutgers University, Piscataway, NJ. 282B Characterization of a Drosophila ortholog of the Cdc7 kinase: Differential requirement for Dbf4/Chiffon in distinct DNA replication programs within Drosophila. Robert Stephenson1, Marcus Hosler1, Navnath Gavande2, Arun Ghosh2,3, Vikki Weake1,3. 1) Department of Biochemistry, Purdue University, West Lafayette, IN; 2) Departments of Chemistry and Medicinal Chemistry, Purdue University, West Lafayette, IN; 3) Center for Cancer Research, Purdue University, West Lafayette, IN. 293A Increased Oxidative Stress in Drosophila Oocytes Leads to Loss of Meiotic Cohesion and Chromosome Segregation Errors. A. T. Perkins, E. M. Morse, T. M. Das, C. A. Jeffreys, B. A. Toffey, L. A. Oberg, S. E. Bickel. Dartmouth College, Hanover, NH. 283C Drosophila RNase ZL links mitochondrial RNA processing and cell cycle progression. Xie Xie, Veronica Dubrovskaya, Edward Dubrovsky. Biological Sciences, Fordham University, Bronx, NY. 294B Organization of the dynamic centrosome structure in rapidly dividing embryos. Dorothy A. Lerit1, John S. Poulton2, Holly A. Jordan1, Carey J. Fagerstrom1, Brian J. Galletta1, Karen M. Plevock1,2, Mark Peifer2, Nasser M. Rusan1. 1) Cell Biology and Physiology Center. NHLBI, NIH. Bethesda, MD; 2) Department of Biology. University of North Carolina. Chapel Hill, NC. 284A Drosophila Mcm10 is required for female reproductive success. Michael C. Reubens, Sidney Bedsole, Megan Biller, Lucas Hopkins, Elizabeth T. Ables, Tim W. Christensen. Department of Biology, East Carolina University, Greenville, NC. 285B Determining the role of FancM, Blm, and HelQ helicases in the repair of double strand breaks. Julie Cox, Adam Thomas, Mitch McVey. Tufts University, Medford, MA. 48 POSTER SESSIONS See Page 10 for presentation schedule. Poster board number and presenter are in bold. Full abstracts can be found online. 305A Context dependent regulation of proliferation and cellular growth by Hippo-Yorkie signaling. Zhiqiang Shu, Wu-Min Deng. Department of Biological Science, Florida State University, Tallahassee, FL 32306. 295C The microcephaly protein Wdr62/CG7337 is required to maintain centrosome asymmetry in Drosophila neuroblasts. Anjana Ramdas Nair1, Priyanka Singh1, David Rodriguez Crespo2, David Salvador1, Borris Egger2, Clemens Cabernard1. 1) Biozentrum,University of Basel,Klingelbergstrasse 50-70,4056 Basel,Switzerland; 2) Department of Biology,University of Fribourg,Chemin du Musée 10,CH-1700, Fribourg,Switzerland. 306B Acinus Links Autophagy and Hippo Signaling. Lauren Tyra, Nilay Nandi, Helmut Krämer. Neuroscience, UT Southwestern Medical Center, Dallas, TX. 296A 3D-structured illumination microscopy of Centriolar and Centrosomal proteins in Drosophila melanogaster neuroblasts. Anjana Ramdas Nair, Priyanka Singh, Alexia Loynton-Ferrand, Clemens Cabernard. Biozentrum, University of Basel, Klingelbergstrasse 50-70, 4056 Basel, , Switzerland. 307C Following dedifferentiation in cells with inactivated Rb and Hippo pathways. Battuya Bayarmagnai, Maxim V. Frolov. Department of Biochemistry and Molecular Genetics, University of Illinois at Chicago, 900 S Ashland Avenue, Chicago, IL 60607. 308A Quantitative analysis of EGFR-regulated size control in the Drosophila epidermis. Pavel A. Brodskiy1, Jochen Kursawe2, Cody Narciso1, Ruth Baker2, Alexander Fletcher2, Jeremiah J. Zartman1. 1) Department of Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering, University of Notre Dame, Notre Dame, IN; 2) Wolfson Centre for Mathematical Biology, Mathematical Institute, University of Oxford, Oxford, United Kingdom. 297B Relationship between localization and function of the Chromosomal Passenger Complex in Drosophila melanogaster oocytes. Rachel A. Battaglia, Sarah J. Radford, Kim S. McKim. Waksman Institute of Microbiology, Rutgers University, Piscataway, NJ 08854. 298C Spindle Matrix Formation is Required for Cell Cycle Progression. Jorgen Johansen, Changfu Yao, Chao Wang, Yeran Li, Jack Girton, Kristen Johansen. Biochem, Biophys & Molec Biol, Iowa State Univ, Ames, IA. 309B Motor neuron dependent regulation of myoblast proliferation uses the EGF signaling pathway. Joyce Fernandes, Kumar Vishal. Biology Dept, Miami Univ, Oxford, OH. 299A Cooperation between the kinesin motors KLP61F, Subito, and NCD promotes spindle and chromosome organization in Drosophila oocytes. Sarah J. Radford1, Allysa Marie M. Go1,2, Kim S. McKim1,2. 1) Waksman Institute, Rutgers University, Piscataway, NJ; 2) Department of Genetics, Rutgers University, Piscataway, NJ. 310C Insulin signaling acts downstream of ecdysone to mediate intraorgan growth coordination in Drosophila larvae. Rewatee Gokhale1, Takashi Hayashi2, Christopher Mirque3, Alexander Shingleton3,4. 1) Department of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, Michigan State University, East Lansing, MI 48824; 2) Division of Developmental Genetics, National Institute of Genetics, Mishima, Shizouka 411-8540, Japan; 3) Department of Biology, Lake Forest College, Lake Forest, IL 60045; 4) Department of Zoology, Michigan State University, East Lansing, MI 48824. 300B The roles of the Doublefault protein in chromosome segregation and cytokinesis. Stefano Sechi, Anna Frappaolo, Giorgio Belloni, Roberto Piergentili, Maria Grazia Giansanti. IBPM, Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche, Rome, Italy. 311A Junctional tumor suppressor Dlg interacts with 14-3-3 proteins to control planar alignment of the mitotic spindle in Drosophila epithelia. Yu-ichiro Nakajima1, Zachary Lee1, Matthew C. Gibson1,2. 1) Stowers Institute for Medical Research, Kansas City, MO; 2) Department of Anatomy & Cell Biology, University of Kansas Medical Center, Kansas City, KS. 301C Myosin dynamics during asymmetric stem cell division. Anna Tsankova, Clemens Cabernard. Biozentrum, University of Basel, Klingelbergstrasse 50-70, 4056 Basel, Switzerland. 302A snoRNAs are a novel class of biologically relevant Myc targets. Peter Gallant1,2, Eva Herter1,2, Maria Stauch1,2, Maria Gallant1,2, Elmar Wolf1,2, Thomas Raabe3. 1) Biochemistry & Molecular Biology, University Wuerzburg, Wuerzburg, Germany; 2) Comprehensive Cancer Center Mainfranken, University Wuerzburg, Wuerzburg, Germany; 3) Inst for Medical Radiation and Cell Research, University Wuerzburg, Wuerzburg, Germany. 312B Non-cell autonomous tumor progression by cellular senescence. Mai Nakamura1, Shizue Ohsawa1, Tatsushi Igaki1,2. 1) Kyoto University, Kyoto, Japan; 2) PRESTO, JST, Japan. 313C Genetic control of tissue specific growth in the larval trachea of Drosophila. Erin Suderman, Alex Matlock, Collin Clay, Robert Ward. Molecular Biosciences, Univ. Kansas, Lawrence, KS. 303B Mitochondrial Growth & Dynamics During Drosophila melanogaster Oogenesis. Jasmin Imran Alsous1, Matheus Viana2, Susanne Rafelski2, Stanislav Shvartsman1. 1) Princeton University , Princeton , NJ; 2) University of California Irvine, Irvine, CA. 314A The big bang gene: a novel interactor of crumbs. Giorgos Tsoumpekos, Linda Nementscke, Elisabeth Knust. Max Planck Institute (MPI-CBG) , Dresden, Germany. 304C Conditional screen for growth mutants identifies two negative regulators of Hedgehog signaling with distinct overgrowth phenotypes. Jacob Kagey, Frank Adamini, Erik Coopes, Shannon Moore, Jordan Stewart. Biology, University of Detroit Mercy, Detroit, MI. 49 POSTER SESSIONS See Page 10 for presentation schedule. Poster board number and presenter are in bold. Full abstracts can be found online. 324B JNK-Yki mediated signal amplification loop promotes tumorigenesis in epithelial cells. Indrayani Waghmare1, Shilpi Verghese1, Austin Roebke1, Hailey Kwon1, Amit Singh1,2,3, Madhuri Kango-Singh1,2,3. 1) Department of Biology, University of Dayton, Dayton, OH; 2) Premedical Programs, University of Dayton, Dayton OH 45469; 3) Center for Tissue Regeneration and Engineering at Dayton (TREND), Department of Biology SC333, University of Dayton, 300 College. 315B Functions of Yorkie and the polarity proteins at the cell cortex. Jiajie Xu1, Pamela Vanderzalm2, Richard Fehon1. 1) University of Chicago, Chicago, IL; 2) John Carroll University, University Heights, OH. 316C The Drosophila tumor suppressor Tid glycosylates TNFR to control Hippo signaling. Geert de Vreede1,2, Holly Morrison1, Ditte Andersen3, Julien Colombani3, Pierre Leopold3, David Bilder1. 1) Molecular and Cell Biology, University of California, Berkeley, Berkeley, CA; 2) Developmental Biology, Utrecht University, Utrecht, The Netherlands; 3) University of NiceSophia Antipolis, CNRS, INSERM, Institute of Biology Valrose, Parc Valrose, Nice, France. 325C Regulation of cell competition by the cytokine Spätzle. Lale Alpar1, Laura Johnston2. 1) Department of Biological Sciences, Columbia University, New York, NY; 2) Department of Genetics and Development, Columbia University 701 W168th Street, New York, NY. 317A Time series Profiling identifies co-regulated genes involved in RasV12- immortalization of muscle precursors. Mary-Lee Dequeant1, D. Fagegaltier2, Y. Hu1, A. Simcox3, G. Hannon2, Norbert Perrimon1. 1) Harvard Medical School, Boston, MA; 2) Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory, NY; 3) Ohio State University, OH. 326A Analysis of Toll-related receptor function in triggering cell death during cell competition. C. Bergantinos, L. Johnston. Department of Genetics & Development, Columbia University Medical Center, 701 West 168th Street, HHSC 704, New York, NY, 10032. 327B Defining the loser cell identity in cell competition. Iwo Kucinski, Eugenia Piddini. GURDON INSTITUTE, UNIVERSITY OF CAMBRIDGE, CAMBRIDGE, United Kingdom. 318B Nucleoporins Nup98-96 are required for normal tissue growth and proper cell cycle regulation. Kiriaki Kanakousaki, Olga Grushko, Laura Buttitta. Molecular, Cellular and Developmental Biology, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, MI. 328C Delineating the machanism of postmitotic cell competition. Sarayu Row, Pang-Kuo Lo, Dongyu Jia, Yoichiro Tamori, Wu-Min Deng. Department of Biological Science, Florida State University, Tallahassee, FL. 319C Drosophila C-terminal Src kinase regulates growth via Hippo signaling pathway. Hailey J. Kwon1, Indrayani Waghmare1, Shilpi Verghese1, Aditi Singh4, Amit Singh1,2,3, Madhuri Kango-Singh1,2,3. 1) Department of Biology, University of Dayton, Dayton, OH; 2) Center for Tissue Regeneration and Engineering at Dayton, Dayton, OH; 3) Premedical Programs, University of Dayton, Dayton, OH; 4) Centerville High School, Centerville, OH. 329A Cell shape homeostasis against differential proliferation during epithelial cell competition. Alice Tsuboi1, Shizue Ohsawa2, Kenji Matsuno1, Tatsushi Igaki2, Koichi Fujimoto1. 1) Dept. of Biol. Sci., Grad. Sch. of Sci., Univ. of Osaka, Osaka, Japan; 2) Grad. Sch. of Biostudies, Univ. of Kyoto, Kyoto, Japan. 320A Impaired Hippo Signaling Promotes Rho1-JNK Dependent Growth. Xianjue Ma1,2, Yujun Chen2, Duojia Pan1, Lei Xue2. 1) Molecular Biology & Genetics, Johns Hopkins School of Medicine, Baltimore, MD; 2) School of Life Science and Technology, Tongji University, Shanghai, China. 330B Pumilio regulates regenerative growth in Drosophila imaginal discs. Syeda Nayab Fatima Abidi, Amanda Brock, Rachel SmithBolton. Cell and Developmental Biology Dept, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, Urbana, IL. 321B The DHHC palmitoyltransferase approximated regulates Fat signaling and Dachs localization. Hitoshi Matakatsu1,2, Seth Blair2, Richard Fehon1. 1) MGCB, The University of Chicago, Chicago, IL; 2) Dept. Zoology, Univ. Wisconsin-Madison, WI. 331C A genetic screen in wing imaginal discs for regeneration genes. Amanda R. Brock, Mabel Seto, Rachel K. Smith-Bolton. Cell and Developmental Biology, University of Illinois at UrbanaChampaign, Urbana, IL. 322C Ras-ERK signaling controls growth in imaginal discs and intestinal stem cells via synthesis of rRNA and tRNA. Shrivani Pirahas, Savraj S. Grewal. Clark H. Smith Brain Tumour Centre, Southern Alberta Cancer Research Institute, Department of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, University of Calgary, Calgary, AB, Canada. 332A Investigating the role of Extracellular Matrix (ECM) remodeling during wing disc regeneration in Drosophila. Amanda Sul, Sumbul Khan, Rachel Smith-Bolton. University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, Urbana, IL. 333B Abscission is regulated by the ESCRT-III protein Shrub in Drosophila germline stem cells. Neuza Reis Matias1,2, Juliette Mathieu1,2, Jean-René Huynh1,2. 1) Department of Genetics and Developmental Biology, Institut Curie, Paris, France; 2) CNRS UMR3215; Inserm U934 F-75248 Paris, France. 323A Apical delamination of pro-tumor cells in intrinsic tumor hotspots initiates tumorigenesis. Yoichiro Tamori1, Emiko Suzuki1, WuMin Deng2. 1) Structural Biology Center, National Institute of Genetics, Mishima, Shizuoka, Japan; 2) Department of Biological Science, Florida State University, Tallahassee, FL. 50 POSTER SESSIONS See Page 10 for presentation schedule. Poster board number and presenter are in bold. Full abstracts can be found online. 343C Signaling and starvation: effects of activity reduction of central metabolic pathway genes in AKH and dILP2 producing cells on starvation resistance. Erik Lavington1, Eugene Brud2, Matthew Talbert3, Walter Eanes2. 1) Graduate Program in Genetics, Stony Brook University, Stony Brook, NY; 2) Department of Ecology and Evolution, Stony Brook University, Stony Brook, NY; 3) Department of Biology, University of Louisiana at Monroe, Monroe, LA. 334C Deciphering the Functional Collaboration of Mid and Bric-a-Brac 2 as Potential Regulators of Cellular Proliferation within Adult Drosophila Ovaries. Petra Visic, Sandra Leal. Biological Sciences, University of Southern Mississippi, Hattiesburg, MS. Physiology, Organismal Growth, and Aging 344A The Drosophila Lactate Dehydrogenase gene promotes production of the oncometabolite 2-hydroxyglutarate during normal juvenile growth. Hongde Li, Alexander Hurlburt, Jason Tennessen. Indiana University Bloomington, IN 47405. 335A Intertissue control of the nucleolus via a myokine-dependent longevity pathway. Fabio Demontis1, Vishal K. Patel2, William R. Swindell3, Norbert Perrimon2. 1) Department of Developmental Neurobiology, St. Jude Children's Research Hospital, Memphis, TN 38105, USA; 2) Department of Genetics, Harvard Medical School/HHMI, Boston, MA 02115, USA; 3) Department of Dermatology, University of Michigan Medical School, Ann Arbor, MI 48109, USA. 345B Regulation of lipid and energy homeostasis by the nuclear receptor DHR78. Stefanie Marxreiter, Carl S. Thummel. Human Genetics, University of Utah, Salt Lake City, UT. 336B Heart function, flight performance, and stress resistance in Drosophila. James N. Kezos, Larry G. Cabral, Laurence D. Mueller, Michael R. Rose. Ecology and Evolutionary Biology, University of California, Irvine, Irvine, CA. 346C Metabolic studies and the insulin pathway in Drosophila species. María T. Peña-Rangel, Deyannira OteroMoreno, Juan Manuel Murillo-Maldonado, Juan R. RiesgoEscovar. Neurobiologia del Desarrollo y Neurofisiología, Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México, Querétaro, Querétaro, Mexico. 337C Drosophila p38 MAP Kinase Regulates Age-dependent Protein Homeostasis. Sarah M. Ryan1, Amelia M. Burch2, Subhabrata Sanyal2,3, Alysia D. Vrailas-Mortimer1,2. 1) Department of Biological Sciences, University of Denver, Denver, CO; 2) Department of Cell Biology, Emory University, Atlanta, GA; 3) BiogenIdec, Boston, MA. 347A dFatp Regulates Nutrient Distribution and Long-term Physiology in Drosophila. Chelsea R. Richardson, Alyson L. Sujkowski, Robert J. Wessells. Physiology, Wayne State University, Detroit, MI. 338A Fecundity vs. Starvation Resistance: Resource Allocation in Starvation-Selected Drosophila. Timothy J. Saitta, Allen G. Gibbs. Univesity of Nevada, Las Vegas School of Life Sciences 4505 Maryland Parkway Las Vegas, NV 89154. 348B Age and Gender Effects on Anoxia Tolerance in Drosophila melanogaster Mirror Patterns in Mammals. James C. Sargent, Jacob B. Campbell, Jon F. Harrison. School of Life Sciences, Arizona State University, Tempe, AZ 85287. 339B Innate immune aging mediated by ecdysone signaling in response to water stress. Wenjing Zheng2, Florentina Rus1, Marc Tatar2, Neal Silverman1. 1) Med/Div Infectious Dis, Univ Massachusetts Med Sch, Worcester, MA; 2) Dept. Ecology and Evol. Biology Brown University. 349C Drosophila metabolic and transcriptomic responses to its gut symbiont Lactobacillus plantarum point enhancement of host dietary protein digestion and fatty acids beta-oxidation as key features of bacterial growth-promoting effect. Gilles Storelli, François Leulier. IGFL/ENS Lyon, Lyon Cedex 07, Lyon, France. 340C Arginine methyltransferases regulate longevity and stress resistance in Drosophila melanogaster. Su Yeun Yu1, Gwang-Ic Son1, Bodokhsuren Tsogbadrakh2, Yunjeong Kim1, Joong-Jean Park3, Yongchul Lim4, Eunil Lee1. 1) Preventive medicine, College of Medicine, Korea University, Seoul, Korea; 2) Department of Internal medicine, Seoul National University Hospital, Seoul, Korea; 3) Department of Physiology, College of Medicine, Korea University, Seoul, Korea; 4) Department of Surgery, Samsung Medical Center, Sungkyunkwan University, School of Medicine, Seoul, Korea. 350A Drosophila Mitochondrial Pyruvate Carrier mutants display defects in carbohydrate metabolism and hallmarks of diabetes. Dona Wisidagama, Daniel K. Bricker, Carl S. Thummel. Human Genetics, University of Utah, Salt Lake city, UT. 351B Hsc70 regulates fat metabolism during Drosophila aging. Yan Yan1, Hao Wang2, Renjie Jiao1,3. 1) State Key Laboratory of Brain and Cognitive Scienc, Institute of Biophysics, the Chinese Academy of Sc, Beijing, China; 2) Department of Chemistry and Biology, National University of Defense Technology, Changsha 410072, China; 3) Guangzhou Hoffmann Institute of Immunology, School of Basic Sciences, Guangzhou Medical University, Dongfengxi Road 195, Guangzhou 510182, China. 341A Unprogrammed presentation number 342B The biological roles of Iron-Sulfer protein in Drosophila. KaiTing Huang1,2, Jian-Chiuan Li1, Hsiao-Yen Chan1, Chu-Ya Cheng1, Po-Lin Chen1, Ya-Chen Lin1,2, Horng-Dar Wang2, ChunHong Chen1. 1) National Health Research Institutes, Miaoli, Taiwan; 2) National Tsing Hua University, Hsinchu, Taiwan. 352C Absence of a peritrophic matrix in drop-dead mutant flies. Sean Conway1, Christine L. Sansone1, Johan Billen2, Jozef Vanden Broeck2, Edward M. Blumenthal1,2. 1) Biological Sciences, Marquette University, Milwaukee, WI; 2) Zoological Institute, University of Leuven, Leuven, Belgium. 51 POSTER SESSIONS See Page 10 for presentation schedule. Poster board number and presenter are in bold. Full abstracts can be found online. 362A Autophagy in prothoracic gland controls developmental timing in Drosophila melanogaster. Xueyang Pan1,2, Michael O'Connor1. 1) Department of Genetics, Cell Biology and Development, University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, MN; 2) Molecular, Cellular, Developmental Biology and Genetics Program, University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, MN. 353A Stunted is a fat body-derived factor that remotely couples insulin secretion with nutrient availability through its receptor Methuselah. Renald Delanoue, Neha Agrawal, Meschi Eleonore, Leopold Pierre. iBV, CNRS UMR 7277/INSERM UMR 1091/UNS, Nice, France. 354B FLIC: High-throughput, continuous analysis of Drosophila feeding behaviors. Jennifer Ro1, Zachary Harvanek3, Scott Pletcher2. 1) Cellular and Molecular Biology Program, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, Michigan; 2) Department of Molecular and Integrative Physiology and Geriatrics Center, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, Michigan; 3) Medical Scientist Training Program, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, Michigan. 363B A genome-wide in vivo RNAi screen in Drosophila identifies regulators of cholesterol-dependent steroid production. Morten Moeller1, E. Thomas Danielsen1, Naoki Yamanaka2, Kirst KingJones3, Michael O'Connor4, Kim Rewitz1. 1) Biology, University of Copenhagen, Copenhagen, Copenhagen, Denmark; 2) Entomology, University of California, Riverside, USA; 3) Biological Sciences, University of Alberta, Alberta, Canada; 4) Genetics, Cell biology and Development, University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, USA. 355C The importance of a balanced diet: The effect of protein-tocarbohydrate ratio on body and organ size in Drosophila. Yuqing Zhu1, Josephine R. Masandika1, Lily S. Thorsen1, Diego R. RojasToledo1, Christen K. Mirth2, Alexander W. Shingleton1,3. 1) Department of Biology, Lake Forest College, Lake Forest, IL; 2) Instituto Gulbenkian de Ciencia, Oeiras, Portugal; 3) Department of Zoology, Michigan State University, East Lansing, MI 48824, USA. 364C A novel ecdysteroidogenic gene noppera-bo encoding glutathione S-transferase regulates cholesterol behavior. Enya Sora1, Yuko Shimada-Niwa1, Fumihiko Igarashi2, Masatoshi Iga3, Hiroshi Kataoka3, Tetsuro Shinoda4, Ryusuke Niwa1,5. 1) Graduate School of Life and Environmental Sciences, University of Tsukuba, Tsukuba, ibaraki, Japan; 2) Biotechnology Research Center, Toyama Prefectural University, Toyama, Japan; 3) Graduate School of Frontier Sciences, University of Tokyo, Japan; 4) Division of Insect Science, National Institute of Agrobiological Sciences, Japan; 5) PRESTO, JST, Japan. 356A Reverse genetic screen for identification of non-autonomous growth signal(s) originating in the larval fat body. O. Carreño, M. Gallant, P. Gallant. Lehrstuhl für Biochemie and Molekularbiologie, University Würzburg, Germany. 365A Regulation of enterocyte cell death by dMyc modulates intestinal barrier function and lifespan in D. melanogaster. Kazutaka Akagi, Subhash Katewa, Kenneth Wilson, Subir Kapuria, Amit Sharma, Arshad Ayyaz, Heinrich Jasper, Pankaj Kapahi. Buck Inst Research Aging, Novato, CA. 357B Functional significance of the enzymatic and transcriptional coregulator activities of dLipin. Michael Lehmann, Sandra Schmitt, Qiuyu Chen. Dept Biological Sci, Univ Arkansas, Fayetteville, AR. 358C A role for tyrosine in mediating progression through oogenesis in Drosophila. Danielle Scheunemann, Tyler J. Halicek, Edward M. Blumenthal. Biological Sciences, Marquette University, Milwaukee, WI. 366B Lifespan extension by ginseng berry extract and its active component syringaresinol. Kyung-Jin Min1, Shin-Hae Lee1, HyeYeon Lee1, Si-Young Cho2, Ju-Won Kim2, Sang Joon Lee2. 1) Department of Biological Sciences, Inha University, Incheon, South Korea; 2) R&D Center, Amorepacific Corporation, Gyeonggi-do, South Korea. 359A The Drosophila Estrogen-Related Receptor acts as a nutrient sensor to coordinate larval growth with nutrient availability. Maria C. Sterrett, Samantha L. St. Clair, Jason M. Tennessen. Indiana University, Bloomington, IN. 367C Mitonuclear AxGxE: Genetic and dietary interactions are as important as single factors in explaining Drosophila lifespan and healthspan. David Rand, C.-T. Zhu, J. Mossman, J. Santiago, A. Spierer, L. Biancani, T. Devlin, J. Dewey, B. Frankin, M. McAteer, Z. Pataki, C. HalE-Phillips, D. Yoon. Ecology & Evolutionary Biol, Brown Univ, Providence, RI. 360B Juvenile Hormone regulates body proportion in Drosophila. Christopher D. Mirque1, James J. Haney1, Lauren M. Lyon1, Thomas Flatt2, Christen K. Mirth3, Alexander W. Shingleton1,4. 1) Department of Biology, Lake Forest College, Lake Forest, IL 60045, USA; 2) Department of Ecology and Evolution, University of Lausanne, UNIL Sorge, Biophore, CH1015, Switzerland; 3) Instituto Gulbenkian de Ciencia, Oeiras, Portugal; 4) Department of Zoology, Michigan State University, East Lansing, MI 48824, USA. 368A Analysis of the cSOD-Null Mutant Phenotypes of Drosophila melanogaster Across a Suite of Genetic Backgrounds. Courtney E. Lessel1, Thomas J. S. Merritt1, Tony L. Parkes2. 1) Biology Dept, Laurentian University, Sudbury ON; 2) Biology and Chemistry Dept, Nipissing University, North Bay ON. 361C A novel function of the hippo-pathway member, warts, in modulating organism size of drosophila. Morten E. Møller1, E. Thomas Danielsen1, Michael B. O'Connor2, Kim F. Rewitz1. 1) Department of Biology, University of Copenhagen, Copenhagen, Denmark; 2) Department of Genetics, Cell Biology and Development, University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, Minnesota, USA. 369B The Role of miR-310s in ovarian soma in response to dietary conditions. Ibrahim Omer Cicek, Halyna R. Shcherbata. Gene Expression and Signaling, Max Planck Institute, Goettingen, Germany. 52 POSTER SESSIONS See Page 10 for presentation schedule. Poster board number and presenter are in bold. Full abstracts can be found online. 380A Metabolic and genetic implications of survival in anoxia. Jacob Campbell, Jon Harrison. Arizona State University, Tempe, AZ. 370C How does diet regulate lifespan? Organ-specific, Tor-dependent transcriptomic responses to essential amino acids. Adam Dobson1, Mingyao Yang1,2, Xiaoli He1, Eric Blanc3, Matthew Piper1. 1) Institute of Healthy Ageing, Department of Genetics, Evolution and Environment, University College London, London, UK; 2) Institute of Animal Genetics and Breeding, Sichuan Agricultural University, Chengdu, Sichuan, China; 3) Medical Research Council (MRC) Centre for Developmental Neurobiology, King's College London, London, UK. 381B Activation of Transposable Elements Across Multiple Tissues in Aging Drosophila. Brian C. Jones, Jason G. Wood, Cheng-yi Chan, Stephen L. Helfand. Molecular Biology, Cell Biology, Biochemistry, Brown University, Providence, RI. 382C The Effects of Aging on DNA Double-Strand Break Repair. Faraz Sohail, Elisa Bienenstock, Jeannine LaRocque. Human Science, Georgetown University, Washington, DC. 371A Absence of mitochondrial SOD2 in Drosophila induces a novel peroxidase, which plays an essential role during adult wing maturation. Dondra Bailey, Sanjay Nag, Mohammed Basar, Atanu Duttaroy. Dept Biol, Howard Univ, Washington, DC. 372B The FIT in fat: Mating behavior and metabolism are influenced by fat body FIT expression and secretion into hemolymph. Hina Iftikhar, Ginger Carney. Biology, Texas A&M University, College Station, TX. 383A Control of pupation timing by transcription factors Blimp-1 and FTZ-F1 in fat body during prepupal period. Haruka Nishida, Abdel-Rahman Sultan, Kazutaka Akagi, Moustafa Sarhan, Azusa Koie, Takumi Nakayama, Hitoshi Ueda. Graduate School of Natural Science and Technology, Okayama University, Okayama, Japan. 373C Mitochondrial knockdown using tissue specific expression of mitochondrially-targeted restriction enzymes against mtDNA as a model for the decline in organismal performance. Adam N. Spierer, A. Pascal, R. Mabeza, David M. Rand. Ecology and Evolutionary Biology, Brown University, Providence, RI. 384B Evaluating toxicity of silver nanoparticles in Drosophila melanogaster. Ananya Sharma, Ajay Srivastava. Biology and Biotechnology Center, WKU and the Gatton Academy of Math and Science ,Western Kentucky University, Bowling Green, KY 42101. 374A Endurance exercise and selective breeding for longevity extend Drosophila healthspan by overlapping mechanisms. Alyson Sujkowski1, Brian Bazzell3, Kylie Carpenter3, Robert Arking2, Robert Wessells1. 1) Wayne State School of Medicine, Detroit, MI; 2) Wayne State University, Detroit, MI; 3) Univ of Michigan, Ann Arbor, MI. 385C Identifying Novel UNC-45 Interacting Partners in Drosophila melanogaster. Daniel Smith1, Carmen Carland1, Majid Mekany1,2, Sanford Bernstein1. 1) Biology Department, San Diego State University, San Diego, CA; 2) Cell and Molecular Biology Joint Doctoral Program, San Diego State University and UC San Diego, San Diego, CA. 375B The nuclear receptor dHNF4 coordinates a transition towards oxidative phosphorylation and glucose-stimulated insulin secretion at the onset of adulthood. William E. Barry, Carl S. Thummel. Department of Human Genetics, University of Utah School of Medicine, Salt Lake City, UT. 386A The speck gene, discovered in 1910, is a mutation in a transcript of the Dopamine acetyltransferase (Dat) gene. Eric P. Spana, Amanda B. Abrams. Department of Biology, Duke University, Durham, NC. 387B Microarray analysis of Drosophila Cdk5/p35 kinase mutants. J. Spurrier1,2, K. McLinden1, E. Giniger1. 1) NINDS, National Institutes of Health, Bethesda, MD; 2) CMDB, Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore, MD. 376C Elucidating the role of CyclinB3 in mediating lifespan extending effects of reduced insulin signaling in Drosophila. Ekin Bolukbasi1, Jennifer Regan1, Linda Partridge1,2. 1) Insitute of Healthy Ageing, UCL, London, United Kingdom; 2) Max Planck Institute for Biology of Ageing, Cologne Germany. 388C Activation of innate immune response induces age-related caspase activation in Or42b neuron. Ken-ichi Takeuchi1, Takahiro Chihara1,2, Masayuki Miura1,2. 1) Department of Genetics, Graduate School of Pharmaceutical Sciences, The University of Tokyo, Hongo, Bunkyo-ku, Tokyo, Japan; 2) CREST, Japan Science and Technology Agency (JST), Gobancho, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo, Japan. 377A Tissue-specific effects of insulin signaling on female attractiveness. Tatyana Fedina, Scott Pletcher. Molecular & Integrative Physiology, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, MI. 378B The sex determination gene transformer controls male-female differences in growth. Elizabeth Rideout1,2, Savraj Grewal1. 1) Clark H. Smith Brain Tumour Center, Dept. Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, University of Calgary, Calgary, AB, Canada; 2) Dept. Cellular and Physiological Sciences, University of British Columbia, Vancouver, BC, Canada. Gametogenesis and Organogenesis 389A Nuclear Spermatid Transition Proteins involved in chromatin condensation in Drosophila. Zain Alvi, Angela Klaus, Tin-Chun Chu. Department of Biological Sciences, Seton Hall University, South Orange, NJ 07079. 379C Connections between the effects of various chemicals on the development of Drosophila melanogaster and Homo sapiens. Amy Brenner. Biology Department, Olivet Nazarene University, Bourbonnais, IL. 53 POSTER SESSIONS See Page 10 for presentation schedule. Poster board number and presenter are in bold. Full abstracts can be found online. 402B Three RNA Binding Proteins Form a Complex to Promote Differentiation of Germline Stem Cell Lineage in Drosophila. Di Chen1,2, Chan Wu1,2, Shaowei Zhao1,2, Qing Geng1,2, Yu Gao1,2, Xin Li1,2, Yang Zhang1,2, Zhaohui Wang1,2. 1) State Key Laboratory of Molecular Developmental Biology, Institute of Genetics and Developmental Biology, Chinese Academy of Sciences; 2) The University of Chinese Academy of Sciences. 390B A function for Syncrip in the Drosophila male germline. Catherine Baker, Emily Taing, Margaret Fuller. Dept Developmental Biol, Stanford Univ Sch Medicine, Stanford, CA. 391C Characterization of the function of AAA ATPase Nmd in Drosophila spermatogenesis and in vitro. Tucker Bates, James Winkle, Karen Hales. Department of Biology, Davidson College, Davidson, NC. 403C Disrupting Laminin function reveals an unexpected role for an ovarian muscle tissue in shaping the Drosophila egg. Darcy Andersen, Sally Horne-Badovinac. Department of Molecular Genetics and Cell Biology, The University of Chicago, Chicago 392A The Role of Ribbon in the Drosophila Testis. Andrew P. Droste, Diane Silva, Jennifer Jemc. Biology, Loyola Univ Chicago, IL. 393B Dynamic expression of Suppressor of Hairy-wing [Su(Hw)] in spermatogenesis underlies a role in male fertility. Tingting Duan, Pamela Geyer. Dept of Biochemistry, Univ of Iowa, Iowa City,IA. 404A Evidence that the planar polarized localization of Fat2 in Drosophila follicle cells depends on microtubule-based transport. F. Aurich, C. Dahmann. Technische Universität Dresden, Dresden, Germany. 394C Phospholipid-derived signaling molecules in Drosophila spermatogenesis. Yosef Frenkel, Eli Miller, Josefa Steinhauer. Department of Biology, Yeshiva University, New York, NY. 405B Evidence the dot chromosomes help organize chromosome movements during female meiotic prometaphase I in Drosophila melanogaster.. William Gilliland, Eileen Colwell, David Osiecki. Department of Biological Sciences, DePaul University, Chicago 395A Characterization of age related effects on spermatogenesis in the DGRP. Michelle Giedt, Douglas Harrison. Biology, University of Kentucky, Lexington, KY. 406C Blm and mei-MCM Complex Coordinately Regulate Crossover Control in Drosophila. Talia Hatkevich, Kathryn Kohl, Susan McMahan, Jeff Sekelsky. University of North Carolina Chapel Hill, Chapel Hill, NC. 396B Characterization of AAA ATPase proteins Nmd and CG4701 through an analysis of mitochondrial dynamics, cytokinesis, and microtubule organizing centers during Drosophila melanogasterspermatogenesis. Devon Harris, Bethany Wagner, Sarah Pyfrom, Jessica Gerard, Melissa Lorenzo, James Winkle, Lindsay Regruto, Karen Hales. Davidson College Department of Biology, Davidson College, Davidson, NC. 407A A tunable, secretion-based mechanism for basement membrane remodeling during egg chamber elongation. Adam Isabella1,2, Sally Horne-Badovinac1,2. 1) Department of Molecular Genetics & Cell Biology, University of Chicago, Chicago, IL; 2) Committee on Development, Regeneration, and Stem Cell Biology, University of Chicago, Chicago, IL. 397C Snail is required for maintenance of male germline stem cells. Gary Hime1, Aviv Gafni1, Arjun Chahal1, Agnes Gany1, Franca Casagranda1, Nicole Siddall1, Kate Loveland2, Helen Abud2. 1) Anatomy and Neuroscience, University of Melbourne, Parkville, Victoria, Australia; 2) Anatomy and Developmental Biology, Monash University, Clayton, Victoria, Australia. 408B The Ecdysone and JAK/STAT pathways synergize to suppress Notch-induced Broad for proper morphogenetic movement in the follicular epithelium. Dongyu Jia, Jamal Bryant, Wu-Min Deng. Department of Biological Science, Florida State University, Tallahassee, FL. 398A A Visual Screen for Centriolar Mutants. S. Hynek, T. Janowicz, S. Baghdy, K. Arum, A. Marcano, M. S. Choi, N. Scheanwald, T. Avidor-Reiss. Biological Sciences, University of Toledo, Toledo, OH. 409C Characterizing a Role for the Misshapen Kinase in Growth of the Germline Ring Canals in the Developing Egg Chamber. Ashley Kline, Lindsay Lewellyn. Department of Biological Sciences, Butler University, Indianapolis, IN. 399B Overexpression of erpL22 leads to increased proliferation, decreased fertility, and a shortened lifespan. Catherine Mageeney, Alex Chen, Jennifer Colquhoun, Michael Kearse, Vassie Ware. Biological Sciences, Lehigh University, Bethlehem, PA. 410A Diversification and redundancy of Drosophila septins Sep2 and Sep5. Ryan O'Neill, Denise Clark. Department of Biology, University of New Brunswick, Fredericton, New Brunswick, Canada. 400C Notch Signaling is Active in Stem Cell Lineages of Testes. C. Ng, C. Schulz. Department of Cellular Biology, University of Georgia, Athens, Athens, GA. 411B Diversity of epithelial morphogenesis among drosophilid eggshells. Miriam Osterfield1, Trudi Schüpbach1, Eric Wieschaus1,2, Stanislav Shvartsman1. 1) Lewis-Sigler Inst, Princeton Univ, Princeton, NJ; 2) Howard Hughes Medical Institute (HHMI), USA. 401A Differential gene expression associated with X-linked sex-ratio meiotic drive in Drosophila affinis. Robert Unckless, Andrew Clark. Molecular Biology and Genetics, Cornell University, Ithaca, NY. 54 POSTER SESSIONS See Page 10 for presentation schedule. Poster board number and presenter are in bold. Full abstracts can be found online. 424C Signaling through Rickets, a G-protein-coupled receptor, is crucial for polarity and migration of the border cells in Drosophila. Lauren Anllo, Trudi Schupbach. Dept. of Molecular Biology, PRINCETON UNIVERSITY, PRINCETON, NJ. 412C small ovaries (sov) is required for establishment and maintenance of the Drosophila melanogaster ovary. Cale Whitworth1, Kevin Cook2, Brian Oliver1. 1) National Institutes of Health, National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases, Bethesda, MD, USA; 2) Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center, Dept. of Biology, Indiana University, Bloomington, IN, USA. 425A Exploring the Role of Raw in the Embryonic Nervous System. Emily R. Temple-Wood, Diane Silva, Jennifer Jemc. Department of Biology, Loyola University Chicago, Chicago, IL, IL. 413A Imaginal disc growth factors regulate dorsal-appendage tube morphogenesis. Sandra Zimmerman, Celeste Berg. Department of Genome Sciences, University of Washington, Seattle, WA. 426B Dynamic protein modification: Variable tissue-specific modification and localization of eRpL22-like during fly eye development. Brett Gershman, Michael Kearse, Vassie Ware. Biological Sciences, Lehigh University, Bethlehem, PA. 414B Studying the cis- and trans- regulation of Sex lethal in the germline. Raghav Goyal, Pradeep Bhaskar, Mark Van Doren. Biology Department, Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore, MD. 415C Sexual differentiation of the Drosophila germline stem cell niche regulated by doublesex and fruitless. Hong Zhou, Cale Whitworth, Mark Van Doren. Department of Biology, Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore, MD. 427C Kette and WASP act antagonistically during F-actin formation in fusion competent myoblasts. A. Loewer1, G. Schaefer2, J. Hamp3, S. Oenel1. 1) Entwicklungsbiologie, Philipps-Universitaet Marburg, Marburg, Germany; 2) Institute for Genetics, Marburg, Germany; 3) Fresenius Kabi GmbH, Bad Hersfeld, Germany. 416A Transfer and processing of the seminal fluid protein Antares during and after mating in Drosophila melanogaster. Kaitlyn Baranowski1, Mariana Wolfner2, Geoffrey Findlay1,2. 1) Department of Biology, College of the Holy Cross, Worcester, MA; 2) Department of Molecular Biology and Genetics, Cornell University, Ithaca, NY. 428A Loh: a matricellular protein required for cardiac function. Bárbara Rotstein1, Maik Drechsler2, Ariane Wilmes1, Achim Paululat1. 1) Osnabrueck University, Department of Developmental Biology, Osnabrueck, Germany; 2) University of Cambridge, Department of Zoology, Cambridge, England. 417B Interactions between akirin and pannier during embryonic myogenesis. Dyana C. Brooks, Emily R. Champion, Scott J. Nowak. Department of Biology and Physics, Kennesaw State University, Kennesaw, GA. 429B Dynamic Notch signaling sequentially specifies cell fate in the secretory lineage of Drosophila spermathecae. Wei Shen1, Fabio Carvalho1, Jianjun Sun1,2. 1) Physiology and Neurobiology, University of Connecticut, Storrs, CT; 2) Institute for Systems Genomics, University of Connecticut, Storrs. 418C Examination of the Roles of RhoGEF2 and Ribbon in Gonad Morphogenesis. Fatma B. Ciftci, Jennifer Jemc. Loyola University Chicago, Chicago, IL. 430C Genes expressed in the secondary cells of the male accessory gland are essential for the female post mating response. Jessica Sitnik1, Dragan Gligorov2, Robert Maeda2, Fancois Karch2, Mariana Wolfner1. 1) Department of Molecular Biology and Genetics, Cornell University, Ithaca, NY; 2) Department of Genetics and Evolution and NCCR Frontiers in Genetics, University of Geneva, Geneva, Switzerland. 419A The smooth muscles cells of the Drosophila testes arise by myoblast fusion. Katharina Fritzen, Jessica Kuckwa, Renate Renkawitz-Pohl. Philipps-University, Marburg, Hessen, Germany. 420B Noncanonical roles for Tropomyosin during myogenesis. Jessica Williams, Nathan Boin, Juliana Valera, Aaron Johnson. Dept Integrative Biology, Univ Colorado, Denver, Denver, CO. 431A Investigatingon of the Roles of Mrityu in Egg Activation in Drosophila melanogaster. Zijing Zhang1, Amber Krauchunas2, Mariana Wolfner1. 1) Molecular Biology and Genetics, Cornell University, Ithaca, NY; 2) Waksman Institute of Microbiology, Rutgers University, New Brunswick, NJ. 421C The Role of the BTB Family Proteins Lola and Rib in Gonad Morphogenesis. Diane Silva, Christopher P. Lenkeit, Edwin Chaharbakhshi, Andrew Droste, Jennifer Jemc. Loyola University, Chicago, IL. 422A Transcriptome analysis of embryonic tendon and muscle cells during myotube elongation. Juliana Valera, Aaron Johnson. Department of Integrative Biology, University of Colorado Denver, Denver, CO. 423B Genetic Analysis of Conserved Eya Protein Domains in Drosophila. M. Jin, G. Mardon. Pathology Dept, Baylor College of Medicine, One Baylor Plaza, Houston, TX, 77030. 55 POSTER SESSIONS See Page 10 for presentation schedule. Poster board number and presenter are in bold. Full abstracts can be found online. Stem Cells 442C Uncovering the role of adipocyte-derived collagen type IV in regulating Drosophila oogenesis. Lesley Weaver, Daniela Drummond-Barbosa. Department of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore, MD. 432B Investigating the role of Hrb27C in the regulation of female germline stem cell activity. Danielle Finger, Elizabeth Ables. Dept. of Biology, East Carolina University, Greenville, NC. 443A Rapid Evolution of a Germline Stem Cell Maintenance Factor. Daniel Zinshteyn, Michael McGurk, Aaron Chen, Daniel Barbash. Molecular Biology and Genetics, Cornell University, Ithaca, NY. 433C Identification of Germline sex defining signals in Drosophila melanogaster. Pradeep K. Bhaskar, Raghav Goyal, Kelly Baxter, Mark Van Doren. Department of Biology, Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore, MD. 444B Regeneration in the adult Drosophila brain. Kassi L. Crocker1,2, Stacey Rimkus2, Grace Boekhoff-Falk1,2. 1) Genetics Training Program, University of Wisconsin-Madison, Madison, WI; 2) Cell and Regenerative Biology, University of Wisconsin-Madison, Madison, WI. 434A Niche signaling promotes stem cell survival in the Drosophila testis via the Jak-STAT target DIAP1. Salman Hasan1, Phylis Hetie1,2, Dr Erika Matunis1. 1) Johns Hopkins Medical Institute, Baltimore, MD; 2) Harvard University, Cambridge, MA. 445C Induction of malignant neural stem cells through early evasion of temporal patterning in Drosophila. Cedric Maurange, Karine Narbonne-Reveau, Caroline Eple, Elodie Lanet, Sophie Foppolo. IBDM (Aix-Marseille University/CNRS), Marseille, France. 435B Aging delays the S phase progression of normal and tumorous germline stem cell division cycles distinct from the effect of diet. Shih-Han Kao1, Chen-Yuan Tseng1,2, Chih-Lin Wan1, YuHan Su1, Hwei-Jan Hsu1. 1) Insitute of Cellular and Organismic Biology, Academia Sinica 128 Academia Road, Section 2, Nankang, Taipei 11529, Taiwan, R.O.C; 2) Graduate Institute of Life Sciences, National Defense Medical Center, Taipei, Taiwan. 446A Regulators of mushroom body neuroblast apoptosis. Matthew Pahl, Sarah Siegrist. Biology, University of Virginia, Charlottesville, VA. 436C Heparan sulfate proteoglycans regulate germline stem cell behavior and niche organization in the Drosophila testis. Daniel C. Levings1, Hiroshi Nakato2. 1) Molecular, Cellular, Developmental Biology and Genetics Program, University of Minnesota-Twin Cities, Minneapolis, MN; 2) Department of Genetics, Cell Biology and Development, University of Minnesota-Twin Cities 447B The Drosophila Sp8 Transcription Factor Buttonhead Prevents Premature Differentiation of Intermediate Neural Progenitors. Yonggang Xie1, Xiaosu Li1, Xian Zhang1, Shaolin Mei1, Hongyu Li1, Andreacarola Urso2, Sijun Zhu1. 1) Neuroscience and Physiology, SUNY Upstate Medical University, Syracuse, NY; 2) Department of Biology, Syracuse University, Syracuse, NY. 437A Loss of the Nuclear Lamina protein Otefin reveals a novelgermline stem cell checkpoint . Kaylee E. Lovander, Lacy Barton, James Bullard, Pamela Geyer. Department of Biochemistry, University of Iowa, Iowa City, IA. 448C dSox9 is required for intestinal stem cell proliferation and differentiation in the adult Drosophila midgut. Qing Lan, Min Cao, Huaqi Jiang. Department of Developmental Biology, University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center, Dallas, TX. 438B Wnt signaling regulates escort cell-expressed Thickveins to constrain Dpp activity within the Drosophila ovarian stem cell niche. Lichao Luo1,2, Huashan Wang1, Chao Fan1. 1) Temasek Life Science Laboratory, Singapore, Singapore, 117604; 2) Department of Biological Sciences, Natl University of Singapore 449A Cell fate determination in intestinal stem cell progeny. Jérémy Sallé, Allison Bardin. Institut Curie, Paris, France. 450B Defining tissue injury responses at the midgut/hindgut boundary with single-cell resolution. Jessica Sawyer, Emily Bowie, Ruth Montague, Donald Fox. Pharmacology & Cancer Biology, Duke University, Durham, NC. 439C Up-regulation of germline stem cell division frequency in response to mating. Manashree Malpe, Karl Kudyba, Chun Ng, Cordula Schulz. Cellular Biology, University of Georgia, Athens, GA. 451C Epithelial-derived BMPs are the niche signals for Drosophila intestine stem cell self-renewal. Ai-Guo Tian, Jin Jiang. Department of Developmental Biology, UT Southwestern Medical Center, Dallas, TX. 440A Gap junction-mediated signalling regulates the proliferation and differentiation of somatic cyst cells in the Drosophila testis. Christopher M. Smendziuk, Fayeza Islam, Anat Messenberg, Guy Tanentzapf. Department of Cellular and Physiological Sciences, University of British Columbia, Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada. 452A "Receptome-wide" RNAi screen in vivo identifies novel regulators of ISC activity in Drosophila midgut. Charles Xu1, Claire Hu1, Junjie Luo2, Norbert Perrimon1. 1) Genetics Department, Harvard Medical School, Boston, MA; 2) Neurosciences Research Institute, University of California, Santa Barbara, CA. 441B Insulin Signaling-Mediated Control of the ‘Failed Axon Connections’ Protein in the Niche Maintains Germline Stem Cells in Response to Diet. Yu-Han Su, Hwei-Jan Hsu. Institute of Cellular and Organismic Biology, Academia Sinica 128 Academia R.d., Sec 2, ICOB R337, Nankang, Taipei 115, Taiwan, R.O.C. 56 POSTER SESSIONS See Page 10 for presentation schedule. Poster board number and presenter are in bold. Full abstracts can be found online. 462B Dual role of Beadex in Drosophila immunity. Arunita Chatterjee, Kumar Aavula, Esha Patnaik, Upendra Nongthomba. Dept of Molecular Reproduction, Development and Genetics, Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore, India. 453B Sensory regulation of calcium signalling in hematopoiesis. Katrina Gold1, Kalpana Makhijani2, Brandy Alexander1, Jenny Kim1, Katja Brückner1,3,4. 1) Dept of Cell and Tissue Biology, UCSF, San Francisco, CA; 2) Dept of Pharmaceutical Chemistry, UCSF, San Francisco, CA; 3) Eli and Edythe Broad Center of Regeneration Medicine and Stem Cell Research, UCSF, San Francisco, CA; 4) Cardiovascular Research Institute, UCSF, San Francisco, CA. 463C The microbiota induces Pvf2 to activate the antiviral ERK pathway in the Drosophila gut. Jonathan Cohen, Christine Sansone, Ari Yasunaga, Jie Xu, Beth Gordesky-Gold, Sara Cherry. Department of Microbiology, University of Pennsylvania School of Medicine, Philadelphia, PA. 454C Gal4 screening for introducing new insights into Drosophila hematopoiesis. T. Tokusumi, Y. Tokusumi, M. Brahier, V. Lam, J. Stoller-Conrad, P. Kroeger, R. Schulz. Biological Sci, Univ Notre Dame, Notre Dame, IN. 464A zfh2 is an in vivo mediator of hypercapnic immune suppression. Ryan Haake, James Kwon, Greg Beitel. Dept. of Molecular Biosciences, Northwestern University, Evanston, IL. 455A Differential levels of PI3K/TOR signalling determine the outcome of competition between stem cells for differentiation. Marc Amoyel1,2, Kenzo-Hugo Hillion1, Shally Margolis1, Erika Bach1,2. 1) Biochemistry and Molecular Pharmacology, New York University School of Medicine, New York, NY, USA; 2) The Helen L. and Martin S. Kimmel Center for Stem Cell Biology, New York University School of Medicine, New York, NY, USA. 465B A chromatin remodeling factor contributes to innate immune homeostasis in intestine. Xiaomeng He, Lei Pan. Institute of Biophysics,CAS, Beijing, China. 466C Molecular mechanisms of neuroinflammatory response in a Drosophila Parkinson’s model. Anna Moyer, Janis O'Donnell. Biological Sciences, University of Alabama, Tuscaloosa, AL. 456B Quiescent cells in the adult Drosophila testis niche are not replenished after damage. P. Hétié, M. de Cuevas, E. Matunis. Department of Cell Biology, Johns Hopkins School of Medicine, Baltimore, MD 21205. 467A Investigating host-microbe interactions in Drosophila. Meera Namireddy1, Ching-On Wong2, Yufang Chao2, Hongxiang Hu2, Kartik Venkatachalam2. 1) Rice University, Houston, TX; 2) The University of Texas Health Sciences Center-Houston 457C Investigating a Role for JAK/STAT Cytokine Signaling in Mushroom Body Neuroblast Apoptosis. Xin Yuan, Sarah Siegrist. Biology, University of Virginia, Charlottesville, VA. 468B Post-mating reduction of immune defense in Drosophila melanogaster females: testing the hormonal pleiotropy hypothesis. Robin Schwenke, Brian Lazzaro. Cornell University, Ithaca, NY. 458A Ecdysteroids and miRNA cooperate in regulating differentiation of germline stem cell progeny. Annekatrin König, Andriy S. Yatsenko, Halyna R. Shcherbata. Research Group of Gene Expression and Signaling, Max Planck Institute for Biophysical Chemistry, Göttingen, Germany. 469C Regulatory Roles of Bromodomain Containing Proteins (BCPs) and Jumonji Domain Containing Proteins (JDCPs) in Immunity and Inflammation. J. Sharrock, M. S. Dionne. Centre of Molecular and Cellular Biology of Inflammation (CMCBI), Kings College London. Immunity and Pathogenesis 459B Drosophila crystal cells undergo pyroptosis to release prophenoloxidase at wound sites. Robert Krautz1, Zhi Wang1, Robert Markus2, Ulrich Theopold1. 1) Department of Molecular Biosciences, The Wenner-Gren Institute, Stockholm University, Stockholm, Stockholm, Sweden; 2) University of Nottingham School of Life Sciences E100, E Floor, Medical School, Queen's Medical Centre, Clifton Boulevard, Nottingham NG7 2UH. 470A The physiological genetic basis of immune-energetic interactions in Drosophila. Justin Buchanan, Colin Meiklejohn, Kristi Montooth. Biological Science, University of NE - Lincoln, 471B Determinants of paralytic behavior after viral infection. Jonathan Chow, Jonathan Kagan. Harvard University and Boston Children's Hospital, Boston, MA. 460C Belle is functionally required for the expression of transgenes and subsets of transposable elements. Pang-Kuo Lo, Yi-Chun Huang, William Palmer, Wu-Min Deng. Department of Biological Science, Florida State University, Tallahassee, FL. 472C Production of Nora virus ORF1 monospecific antisera. Tad Fuchs, Kirsten Lipps, Brad Ericson, Darby Carlson, Kimberly Carlson. Biology, University of Nebraska at Kearney, Kearney, NE. 461A Role of a lysosomal chloride transporter in the phagocytic degradation of bacteria. Ching-On Wong, Hongxiang Hu, Yufang Chao, Meera Namireddy, Kartik Venkatachalam. Integrative Biology and Pharmacology, University of Texas Health Science Center at Houston, Houston, TX. 473A Dissecting the mechanisms by which cAMP-producing toxins disrupt junctional trafficking. Annabel Guichard1, Stephen Chin1, Beatriz Cruz Moreno1, Janet Liu2, Lin Zhu1, Berenice Aguilar2, Victor Nizet2,3, Ethan Bier1. 1) Dept of Biology, Univ. California, San Diego, La Jolla, CA; 2) Dept of Pediatrics, Univ. California, San Diego, La Jolla, CA; 3) Skaggs School of Pharmacy , Univ. California, San Diego, La Jolla, CA. 57 POSTER SESSIONS See Page 10 for presentation schedule. Poster board number and presenter are in bold. Full abstracts can be found online. 484C HSPG-dependent Regulation of Dendrite Development. Amy R. Poe, Chun Han. Graduate Field of Genetics, Genomics, and Development, Department of Molecular Biology and Genetics, Cornell University, Ithaca, NY. 474B The genetic architecture of defense as tolerance and resistance. Virginia Howick, Brian Lazzaro. Entomology, Cornell University, Ithaca, NY. 485A FOXO Regulates Dendrite Branching. J. Sears, H. Broihier. Neurosciences, Case Western Reserve University, Cleveland, OH. 475C Production of Nora virus ORF2 monospecific antisera. Alexis Page, Brad Ericson, Darby Carlson, Kimberly Carlson. Biology, University of Nebraska at Kearney, Kearney, NE. 486B Short stop exerts differential effects on class-specific dendritic homeostasis. Sarah Trunnell, Shatabdi Bhattacharjee, Daniel N. Cox. Neuroscience Institute, Georgia State University, Atlanta, GA. 476A Drosophila melanogaster Nora virus virus-like particles: in vitro assembly. Ryan Sowle, Kellie Licking-Murray, Brad Ericson, Darby Carlson, Kimberly Carlson. Biology, University of Nebraska at Kearney, Kearney, NE. 487C Endocytic Pathways Downregulate the L1-type Cell Adhesion Molecule Neuroglian to Promote Dendrite Pruning in Drosophila. Heng Zhang1, Yan Wang1,2, Jack Jing Lin Wong1,2, Kah-Leong Lim3,4,5, Yih-Cherng Liou1, Hongyan Wang2,3,5, Fengwei Yu1,2,3. 1) 1Temasek Life Sciences Laboratory and Department of Biological Sciences, National University of Singapore, 1 Research Link, Singapore 117604, Singapore; 2) NUS Graduate School for Integrative Sciences and Engineering, Centre for Life Sciences, Singapore 117456, Singapore; 3) Neuroscience and Behavioural Disorders Program, Duke-NUS Graduate Medical School, Singapore 169857, Singapore; 4) National Neuroscience Institute, Singapore 308433, Singapore; 5) Department of Physiology, National University of Singapore 477B The POU/Oct transcription factor nubbin (nub) is necessary for a beneficial gut microbiota and for normal adult life-span of Drosophila. Ylva Engström1, Widad Dantoft1, Daniel Lundin2. 1) Dept. of Molecular Biosciences, The Wenner-Gren Institute, Stockholm University, SE-10691 Stockholm, Sweden; 2) Bioinformatics Infrastructure for Life Sciences, Science for Life Laboratory, Box 1031, SE-171 21 Solna, Sweden. Neural Development 478C Study of the Brain Tumor protein role in the midline axon guidance during Drosophila neural development. Elise Arbeille, Melissa Hernandez, Jonathan Levin, Greg Bashaw. Department of Neuroscience, University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, PA. 488A Examining the Effects of Oxidative Stress on the Development of a Defined Neural Circuit in Drosophila melanogaster. Ryan Doan, Parag Bhatt, Wendi Neckameyer. Pharmacological & Physiological Science, Saint Louis University School of Medicine, Saint Louis, MO. 479A Functional requirements of Abelson tyrosine kinase in the nervous system. Han S. J. Cheong, Jessica C. Love, Mark F. A. VanBerkum. Biological Sciences, Wayne State University, Detroit, MI. 489B Autophagy affects glutamate receptor localization at the Drosophila neuromuscular junction. Elizabeth Isbell, Faith Libel. Biological Sciences, Southern Illinois UniversityEdwardsville, Edwardsville, IL. 480B A characterization of growth cone morphodynamics in a livepathfinding axon. Akanni Clarke1,2, Ramakrishnan Kannan1, Irina Kuzina1, Edward Giniger1. 1) NINDS/NIH, Bethesda, MD; 2) The George Washington University. 490C TDRD3 works with an RNA topoisomerase and Fragile X mental retardation protein to promote synapse formation. S. Lee1, W. Shen1, Y. Xue1, D. Xu1,3, S. Zou2, W. Wang3. 1) Lab of Genetics, National Institute on Aging, National Institute of Health, Baltimore, MD 21224; 2) Translational Gerontology Branch, National Institute on Aging, National Institute of Health, Baltimore, MD 21224; 3) College of Life Sciences, Peking University, Beijing, China. 481C Axon targeting of Gr32a-expressing neurons is dependent on octopamine expression. David Hess-Homeier1, Gilia Patterson1, Jessica Bailey1, Sarah Certel1,2. 1) Department of Biological Sciences, University of Montana, Missoula, MT; 2) Neuroscience Graduate Program, University of Montana, Missoula, MT. 482A The transmembrane protein Off-track 2 is implicated in the guidance of embryonic motor neurons. David J. Robinson, Samantha Alsbury. University of Greenwich, Medway Campus, Central Avenue, Chatham Maritime, Kent. ME4 4TB. UK. 491A Kismet affects synaptic transmission and endocytosis at the Drosophila Neuromuscular Junction. Carley Gridley, Taylor Delaney, Faith Liebl. Biological Sciences, Southern Illinois University Edwardsville, Edwardsville, IL. 483B Dissecting the roles of Homeodomain and Hox transcription factors in mediating dendritic development. Sarah G. Clark, Lacey Graybeal, Srividya C. Iyer, Myurajan Rubaharan, Eswar Prasad R. Iyer, Daniel N. Cox. Neuroscience Institute, Georgia State University, Atlanta, GA. 492B MicroRNA-8 promotes robust motor axon targeting by coordinate regulation of cell adhesion molecules during synapse development. Cecilia Lu1,2, Bo Zhai2, Alex Mauss3,4, Matthias Landgraf3, Steve Gygi2, David Van Vactor1,2. 1) Okinawa Institute of Science and Technology, Onna-son, Okinawa, Japan; 2) Department of Cell Biology, Harvard Medical School, Boston, Massachusetts, USA; 3) Department of Zoology, University of Cambridge, Cambridge, UK; 4) Max Planck Institute of Neurobiology, Martinsried, Germany. 58 POSTER SESSIONS See Page 10 for presentation schedule. Poster board number and presenter are in bold. Full abstracts can be found online. 503A Drosophila miR-34 overexpression results in neural remodeling defect of mushroom body γ neurons. Yen-Wei Lai1,2, HungHsiang Yu3, Chun-Hong Chen2. 1) Molecular and Cellular Biology, Taipei, Taiwan; 2) Molecular and Genomic Medicine, National Health Research Institutes, Zhunan, Taiwan; 3) 3.Institute of Cellular and Organismic Biology, Academia Sinica, Taipei, Taiwan. 493C Neto-mediated intracellular interactions shape postsynaptic structures at the Drosophila neuromuscular junction. Cathy Ramos, Oghomwen Igiesuorobo, Qi Wang, Mihaela Serpe. NICHD, NIH, Bethesda, MD. 494A The Ig Transmembrane Protein Borderless Is Required for Synaptic Development and Function in the Drosophila Visual System. Hunter S. Shaw, Scott Cameron, Wen-Tzu Chang, Yong Rao. Centre for Research in Neuroscience, Department of Biology, Department of Neurology and Neurosurgery, McGill University, 1650 Cedar Avenue, Montreal, Quebec H3G 1A4, Canada. 504B Kinesin-1-powered microtubule sliding drives axonal regeneration in Drosophila cultured neurons. Wen Lu, Margot Lakonishok, Vladimir Gelfand. Department of Cell and Molecular Biology, Northwestern University, Feinberg School of Medicine, Chicago, IL. 495B Conserved interactions between Sorting nexins and Nervous wreck reveal a role for SH3PX1 at synapses. Fiona P. Ukken, Joseph J. Bruckner, Kate O'Connor-Giles. UW-Madison, Madison, WI. 505C Gap junctions are required for glia-glia communication and survival in Drosophila PNS. M. Das, V. Auld, C. Rankin. University of British Columbia, Vancouver. 496C Separable intrinsic and extrinsic timers regulate terminal differentiation of a target-dependent gene in Drosophila neurons. Anthony Berndt1, Jonathan Tang2, Tianshun Lian1, Ridyard Marc1,Douglas Allan1. 1) Cellular and Physiological Sciences, University of British Columbia, Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada; 2) Department of Genetics, Harvard Medical Schol, 77 Avenue Louis Pasteur, Boston, MA 02115. 506A An evolutionarily conserved gene function underlying the Glial Regenerative Response in the living injured larval CNS. Maria Losada-Perez, Neale Harrison, Alicia Hidalgo. Biosciences, University of Birmingham, Biermingham, Birmingham, United Kingdom. 507B Role of integrins in glial phagocytosis of apoptotic cells during Drosophila embryogenesis. Boris Shklyar, Flonia LevyAdam, Estee Kurant. Department of Genetics and Developmental Biology, The Rappaport Family Institute for Research in the Medical Sciences, Faculty of Medicine, Technion - Israel Institute of Technology, Haifa, Israel. 497A Antp controls the differential survival and morphology of adultspecific neurons in the thoracic vs. subesophageal ganglia. Kathleen Bell, Christine Murphy, Amy Patterson, Ginna Freehling, Alexandra Panzarino, Erin Schuler, Elizabeth Marin. Biology Department, Bucknell University, Lewisburg, PA. 498B Genetic regulation of cell fate determination in the Drosophila ocelli. A. K. Mishra, S. G. Sprecher. Department of Biology, University of Fribourg, Fribourg, Switzerland. 508C Ecdysone Receptor and Ultraspiracle Mediate Activation and Repression in Mushroom Body γ Neuron Pruning. Kathryn Lee, Rachael Wachter, Adam Windham, Alper Dincer, Christopher Dunne, Devin Gordon-Hamm, Elizabeth Marin. Biology Department, Bucknell University, Lewisburg, PA. 499C A temporal series of transcription factors in mushroom body precursors. Anthony M. Rossi, Claude Desplan. Biology, New York University, New York, NY. 509A Investigating the molecular mechanisms of Crimpy-Gbb signaling at the NMJ. Kendall Hoover, Rebecca James, Heather Broihier. Department of Neurosciences, Case Western Reserve University School of Medicine, Cleveland, OH 44106. 500A Investigating the Transcriptional Programs that specify Axon Targeting of Adult Leg MNs. Lalanti Venkatasubramanian, Jonathan Enriquez, Richard Mann. Columbia University Medical Center, New York, NY. 510B Pak (p21-activated kinase) mutations cause defects in brain structure and neurite-arbor morphogenesis through regulation of non-muscle myosin. Sara A. Lewis1,2,3, Linda L. Restifo1,2,3. 1) Neuroscience Graduate Program, University of Arizona, Tucson, AZ; 2) UA Neuroscience; 3) UA Neurology. 501B RNA stability regulates balance between neuroblasts division and differentiation. Lu Yang1, Richard Parton1, Tomasz Dobrzycki1, Yoav Arava2, David Ish-Horowicz3, Ilan Davis1. 1) Biochemistry Dept., University of Oxford, Oxford, United Kingdom; 2) Department of Biology, Technion, Israel Institute of Technology, Haifa, Israel; 3) MRC for Molecular Cell Biology, University College London, London, United Kingdom. 511C The role of sialic acid in Drosophila nervous system. H. Scott1, R. Islam1, C. Caster1, M. Zoran2, V. Panin1. 1) Department of Biochemistry and Biophysics, Texas A&M University, College Station, TX; 2) Department of Biology, Texas A&M University, College Station, TX. 502C How does the misexpression of CHMP2B affect the wing development of Drosophila melanogaster? Pralaksha Gurung, Andrew Rhoads, S. Tariq Ahmad. Colby College, Waterville, ME. 512A Expression of Sox Neuro in development of adult nervous system. Shweta Singh, John Nambu. Florida Atlantic University, Biological Sciences, 5353 Parkside Drive, Jupiter FL-33458. 59 POSTER SESSIONS See Page 10 for presentation schedule. Poster board number and presenter are in bold. Full abstracts can be found online. 513B Identification of a New Regulator of Neuron Glia Interaction during Development. Diana Luong, Roni Milgrom, Jennifer Jemc. Biology, Loyola University Chicago, Chicago, IL. 523C Molecular characterization of noxious cold detection in Drosophila larvae. Benjamin Williamson1, Harold Burke1, Kevin Armengol2, Daniel Cox2, Susan Halsell1. 1) Biology, James Madison University, Harrisonburg, VA; 2) Neuroscience Institute, Georgia State University, Atlanta, GA. 514C Self-renewal capacity of sensory organ precursor cells. Joseph Ayeni1, Agnès Audibert2, Pierre Fichelson3, Martin Srayko1, Michel Gho2, Shelagh Campbell1. 1) Dept Biological Sci, University of Alberta, Edmonton, AB, Canada; 2) Laboratoire de Biologie du Développement (LBD-IBPS) Université Pierre et Marie Curie [UPMC] - Paris VI UPMC UMR 7622, Université Paris 06. 9, Quai St. Bernard 75005 Paris; 3) Health Interactions Admiral House, London, EC1V 9AZ. 524A Neuronal insulin signaling negatively regulates SV release in response to high protein diet. Rebekah Mahoney, Jorge Azpurua, Benjamin Eaton. Physiology, UTHSCSA, San Antonio, TX. 525B GLUTAMATE CLEARANCE BY ASTROCYTE-LIKE GLIA REGULATES NEURONAL EXCITABILITY AND SYNAPSE GROWTH IN DROSOPHILA LARVAL MOTONEURONS.Jhan-Jie Peng1,2, Shu- 515A Autophagy serves as a backup cell-death mechanism to ensure the removal of unwanted cells in chordotonal organ development. Adel Dunayevskyy, Adi Salzberg. Department of Genetics, Rappaport Faculty of Medicine and Research Institute, Technion-Israel Institute of Technology, Haifa, Israel. Hui Lin1, Tzu-Li Yen1, Chi-Kuang Yao1,2. 1) NPAS and Institute of Biological Chemistry, Academia Sinica, Taipei, Taiwan; 2) Institute of Biochemical Sciences, National Taiwan University, Taipei, Taiwan. 526C The role of ER morphology in the control of synaptic transmission and locomotor behavior. James Summerville, Joseph Faust, Miguel Betancourt, Joseph Formella, James McNew, Michael Stern. BioSciences, Rice University, Houston, TX. Neurophysiology and Behavior 516B Alcohol addiction affects stress tolerance, movement behavior and female reproductive ability in Drosophila melanogaster: A possible link to dopamine synthesis pathway. Anathbandhu Chaudhuri1, Karlson Udebuani1, Elizabeth Caver1, Mary , J. Krotzer1, Janis O’Donnel2. 1) Department of Natural Sciences, Stillman College, Tuscaloosa, AL; 2) Biological Sciences, University of Alabama, Tuscaloosa, 35487, AL. 527A Ca2+ influxes via Flower facilitate Clathrin-mediated and bulk endocytosis at the Drosophila neuromuscular junction. Chi-Kuang Yao1,2,3, Shu-Hui Lin1, Jing-Ming Chen1, Tzu-Li Yen1, Yu-Tzu Liu1. 1) Institute of Biological Chemistry, Academia Sinica, Taipei, Taiwan; 2) NPAS, Academia Sinica, Taipei, Taiwan; 3) Institute of Biochemical Sciences, National Taiwan University, Taipei, Taiwan. 517C Ecdysone Receptor Modulates Nociception in Drosophila melanogaster. A. McParland, T. Follansbee, GK. Ganter. University of New England, Biddeford, ME. 528B Unable to forget in mutants of homologs of autism susceptibility genes in Drosophila. Tao Dong1, Jing He1, Shiqing Wang1, Lianzhang Wang1, Yi Zhong1,2. 1) School of Life Sciences, Tsinghua University, Beijing 100084, P.R. China; 2) Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory, Cold Spring Harbor, NY 11724, USA. 518A Ecdysis triggering hormone is necessary for fertilization of oocytes in Drosophila melanogaster. Matthew Meiselman, Michael Adams. University of California-Riverside, Riverside, CA. 519B Differential Effects of Global Depletion of Ecdysteroid or its Receptor on Nociception. Gwendolyn Vesenka, Geoffrey Ganter. Biology Department, University of New England, Biddeford, ME. 529C Importin limits long-term memory consolidation in Drosophila. Qian Li1, Xuchen Zhang1, Xitong Liang1, Wantong Hu1, Fang Zhang1, Lianzhang Wang1, Yi Zhong1,2. 1) School of Life Sciences, Tsinghua University, Beijing 100084, PR China; 2) Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory, Cold Spring Harbor, NY 11724, USA. 520C Suppression of GADD45 and stress-activated protein kinase pathways reduces severity of neurological phenotypes displayed by a voltage-gated sodium channel Drosophila mutant, Shudderer.H. Chen1, P. Landson1, J. Kasuya2, T. Kitamoto1,2. 1) Interdisciplinary Genetics Ph. D. Program, University of Iowa, Iowa City, IA; 2) Department of Anesthesia, University of Iowa, Iowa City, IA. 530A A dopamine-modulated neural circuit regulating taste memory in Drosophila. P. Masek1, K. Worden1, Y. Aso2, G. Rubin2, A. Keene1. 1) Biology Department, University of Nevada Reno, Reno, NV; 2) 2. Janelia Farms Research Campus, 19700 Helix Drive, Ashburn, VA 20147. 521A Effects of diet on neurological phenotypes of a voltage-gated sodium channel mutant, Shudderrer. J. Kasuya1, P. Lansdon2, H.L. Chen2, T. Kitamoto1,2. 1) Dept Anesthesia,; 2) Interdisciplinary Graduate Program in Genetics, University of Iowa, Iowa City, IA. 531B Effect of hsp83 on Drosophila melanogaster courtship behavior. Ekaterina Nikitina1,2, Marianna Shabanova2, Elena Savvateeva-Popova1. 1) neurogenetics, Pavlov Institute of Physiology RAS, St-Petersburg, Russian Federation; 2) Herzen State Pedagogical University, St-Petersburg, Russian Federation. 522B Effects of diet on sleep of Shudderer, a Drosophila voltage-gated sodium channel mutant that displays seizure-like behaviors. Patrick Lansdon1, Emily Petruccelli1, Toshi Kitamoto1,2. 1) Interdisciplinary Ph.D. Program in Genetics, University of Iowa, Iowa City, IA; 2) Department of Anesthesia, University of Iowa, Iowa City, IA. 532C The Genetic Basis of Learning and Thermotolerance in Drosophila Melanogaster. Anna M. Perinchery, James Mrkvicka, Elizabeth King, Troy Zars. University of Missouri, Columbia, MO. 60 POSTER SESSIONS See Page 10 for presentation schedule. Poster board number and presenter are in bold. Full abstracts can be found online. 533A Neural pathways routing early memory decay in Drosophila. Yichun Shuai1, Areekul Hirokawa1, Yulian Ai1, Wanhe Li2, Yi Zhong1. 1) Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory, NY; 2) Laboratory of Genetics, Rockefeller University, New York, NY. 543B Expression of a mutant form of human CHMP2B in the Drosophila CNS is capable of disrupting circadian rhythms. Christopher Krasniak, Joshua Kavaler, Tariq Ahmad. Department of Biology, Colby College, Waterville, ME. 534B A new method for reliable scoring of olfactory preferences and learning in Drosophila melanogaster. Elisabetta Versace1,2, Julia Reisenberger1, Christian Schlötterer1. 1) Institut für Populationsgenetik, Vetmeduni Vienna, Wien, Austria; 2) Center for Mind/Brain Sciences, University of Trento, Rovereto, Italy. 544C RNA-Seq Reveals Age-Induced Changes in Rhythmicity in the Drosophila Transcriptome. Rachael Kuintzle1, Eileen Chow2, Jadwiga Giebultowicz2, David Hendrix1,3. 1) Biochemistry & Biophysics, Oregon State University, Corvallis, OR; 2) Integrative Biology, Oregon State University, Corvallis, OR; 3) School of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, Oregon State University, Corvallis, OR. 535C Evidence for PKA Dependent Regulation of Tomosyn, a Syntaxin Binding Protein. Sarah J. Zinn1, Szi-Chieh Yu1, Martin Schwärzel2, Carolin Wichmann3, David E. Featherstone1, Janet E. Richmond1. 1) Biological Sciences, University of Illinois, Chicago, 2) Institute for Biology/Genetics, Free University Berlin D-14195 Berlin, Germany; 3) Dept of Otolaryngology, University of Göttingen, 37075 Göttingen,Germany. 545A Analyses of alcohol induced behavior in Drosophila period mutants. Jennifer Liao, Tariq Ahmad. Colby College, Waterville, ME. 546B Investigating the roles of glial cells in supporting circadian function and healthy aging. Dani Long, Jadwiga Giebultowicz. Integrative Biology, Oregon State University, Corvallis, OR. 536A Study of the courtship behavior in some sibling species of the Drosophila virilis group. Elena G. Belkina1, Oleg E. Lazebny1, Varvara Yu. Vedenina2. 1) Russian Academy of Sciences, Koltzov INSTITUTE of DEVELOPMENTAL BIOLOGY, Moscow, Russian Federation; 2) Russian Academy of Sciences, Kharkevich Institute for Information Transmission Problems, Moscow, Russian Federation. 547C Sleep abnormalities in a Drosophila knock-in model of human generalized epilepsy with febrile seizures-plus (GEFS+). Emily Petruccelli, Patrick Lansdon, Toshihiro Kitamoto. University of Iowa, Iowa City, IA. 537B Effect of Central Brain Histamine Deficiency on Courtship Behavior in Drosophila melanogaster. Tina Daniels1, Laura Schroeder1, Martin Burg1,2. 1) Biomedical Sciences, Grand Valley State University, Allendale, MI; 2) Cell & Molecular Biology, Grand Valley State University, Allendale, MI. 548A Neurexin regulates sleep by modulating the Na+/K+ ATPase activity. Huawei Tong, Qian Li, Wei Xie, Junhai Han. Institute of Life Sciences, Southeast University, Nanjing, Jiangsu, China. 549B Circadian Translational Profiling Of The Drosophila Head Fat Body. Amy Marie Yu, Yanmei Huang, F. Rob Jackson. Neurobiology, Tufts University Medical School, Boston, MA. 538C Mating Success is Influenced by Multiple Signal Modalities in Drosophila saltans. Jennifer M. Gleason, Kaila Colyott, Cynthia Odu. Ecology and Evolutionary Biology, University of Kansas, Lawrence, KS. 550C Genetic dissection of aggressive behavior in Drosophila melanogaster. Mahmoudreza Ramin, Claudiu Domocos, David Slawaska-Eng, Yong Rao. Centre for Research in Neuroscience, Department of Neurology and Neurosurgery, McGill University Health Centre, Montreal, Quebec, Canada. 539A Expression of the Female Specific Transformer Protein using the Trapped in endoderm-1 Promoter Decreases Wing Song Latency. P. Luu, D. Tran, R. French. Biological Sciences, San Jose State University, San Jose, CA. 551A Molecular and behavioral analysis of gustatory receptor neurons in pharyngeal organs as modulators of feeding in Drosophila larvae. Jaekyun Choi, Min Sung Choi, Jae Young Kwon. Department of Biological Sciences, Sungkyunkwan University, Suwon 440-746, South Korea. 540B The transcription factor dati is required for female courtship acceptance. Joseph Schinaman1, Rachel Giesey1, Claudia Mizutani1, Tamas Lukacsovich2, Rui Sousa-Neves1. 1) Case Western Reserve University, Cleveland, OH; 2) University of California, Irvine 552B The regulation of feeding and metabolism by activating insulin signaling in DSK neurons in Drosophila. Justin Palermo, Justin R. DiAngelo. Department of Biology, Hofstra University, Hempstead, NY. 541C Increased dietary macronutrients affect Drosophila melanogaster reproductive behavior. Janna Schultzhaus, Ginger Carney. Biology, Texas A&M, College Station, TX. 542A Complex social behavior in Drosophila: ethanol and natural genetic variation in courtship and aggression. Sarah Signor1, Mohammad Abbasi1, Brad Foley1, Paul Marjoram1, Sergey Nuzhdin1, Lauren McIntyre2. 1) Dept of Molecular and Computational Biology, University of Southern California, Los Angeles; 2) Dept of Molecular Genetics and Microbiology, University of Florida, Gainesville, FL. 553C The regulation of feeding and metabolism by the DSK receptor CCKLR-17D1 in Drosophila. Christopher Tenorio, Justin DiAngelo. Department of Biology, Hofstra University, Hempstead, NY. 61 POSTER SESSIONS See Page 10 for presentation schedule. Poster board number and presenter are in bold. Full abstracts can be found online. 563A Presynaptic gain control drives sweet and bitter taste integration. Bonnie Chu, Vincent Chui, Kevin Mann, Michael Gordon. Zoology, University of British Columbia, Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada. 554A Impaired climbing and flight behavior in D. melanogaster following carbon dioxide anesthesia. Nathan R. Bartholmew1, Jacob Burdett1, John M. VandenBrooks2, Michael Quinlan2, Gerald B. Call3. 1) Arizona College of Osteopathic Medicine (AZCOM), Midwestern University, Glendale, AZ; 2) Dept of Physiology, AZCOM, Midwestern University, Glendale, AZ; 3) Dept of Pharmacology, AZCOM, Midwestern University, Glendale, AZ. 564B Identification and characterization of gustatory second-order interneurons. K. Shimizu1, T. Miyazaki1, T. Y. Lin1, K. Ito2, C. H. Lee1, M. Stopfer1. 1) NICHD/NIH, Bethesda, MD 20892, USA; 2) IMCB, Univ. of Tokyo, Yayoi 1-1-1, Bunkyo-ku, Tokyo, 1130032, Japan. 555B Anxiolytic-like effects of an organic extract from the seaweed Sargassum platycarpum in anxiety-related behavior in Drosophila melanogaster. Zulmari Martínez, Jesica Vicente, Angeliz Rivas, Keysh Mejías, Jeslie Ramos, Grisel Robles, Valeria Pedraza, Claudia Ospina, Ricardo Chiesa. University of Puerto Rico at Cayey, NEC Building Cayey, PR 00736. 565C Ecdysis Triggering Hormone Receptor Splice Isoforms Govern Distinct Aspects of Drosophila Ecdysis Sequences. Feici Diao1, Fengqiu Diao1, Wilson Mena2, Brandon Mark2, Jonathan Shi3, Dongkook Park3, Paul Taghert3, John Ewer2, Benjamin White1. 1) national institute of mental health, Bethesda, MD; 2) CINV, Universidad Valparaiso, Valparaiso, Chile; 3) Washington University, St Louis. 556C Ethanol-Induced locomotion in Drosophila melanogaster is decreased by the administration of an organic extract of the seaweed Sargassum platycarpum. Adbiel Rodríguez, Noelia Acevedo, Karelis Pagán, Claudia Ospina, Ricardo Chiesa. University of Puerto Rico at Cayey Antonio R. Barcelo Avenue NEC Building Cayey, PR 00736. 566A Virtual Fly Brain - A Data Integration Hub for DrosophilaNeurobiology. David J. Osumi-Sutherland1, Marta Costa2, Robert Court3, Gregory S. X. E. Jefferis4, Helen Parkinson1, J. Douglas Armstrong3, Cahir J. O'Kane2. 1) EMBLEBI, Cambridge, UK; 2) Dept of Genetics, University of Cambridge, Cambridge, UK; 3) School of Informatics, University of Edinburgh, Edinburgh, UK; 4) MRC Laboratory for Molecular Biology, Cambridge, UK. 557A New genes required for mechanical nociception identified by a novel assay for mechanical pain sensitization. PJ Huang1,2, HT Turner2, SH Im2, MJ Galko2. 1) Department of Biochemistry & Cell Biology, Rice University, Houston, TX; 2) Department of Genetics, University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center, Houston, TX. 567B Failure to burrow while wandering: an indication of tracheal damage in mutants of the jim lovell (lov) gene. K. Beckingham, F. Zhou, K. Qiang, Y. Yuan, P. Yun, R. Dibbs, T. Ghanayem, R. Mohan, P. Frasse, N. Sankoorikkal. BioSciences, Rice University, Houston, TX. 558B Sensory control of larval epithelial cell layer redox status through ROS-mediated avoidance of atmospheric oxygen to maintain foraging stage food immersion. Wayne Johnson, Carder Justin. Dept Molec Physiol/Biophysics, Univ Iowa, Iowa City, IA. 568C Differential regulation of Drosophila Glutamate receptor subunit production by optimus-prime, a novel mRNA associated gene. Dina M. Beeler1, Julie E. Karr (Minibiole)2, Subhashree Ganesan1, David E. Featherstone1. 1) Department of Biological Sciences, University of Illinois at Chicago, Chicago, IL; 2) Department of Science and Mathematics Columbia College Chicago, Chicago, IL. 559C Factors affecting the release of and response to the Stress Odourant (dSO) by Drosophila melanogaster. Ian S. McDonald, Selwyn Chui, Andrew F. Greco, Shirley Q. Long, Jeremy N. McNeil, Anne F. Simon. Department of Biology, Faculty of Science, Western Ontario University, Ontario, London, Canada. 560A Reduced odor evoked neural responses during sleep and impaired response after prolonged waking in the Drosophila mushroom body (MB). Daniel B. Bushey, Giulio Tononi, Chiara Cirelli. Psychiatry, University of Wisconsin, Madison, WI. 569A Early life stress affects higher order procesisng in brain structures in Drosophila. Davinelle Daniels1, Andres Nieto2, Wendi Neckameyer2. 1) Academic Affairs, Harris-Stowe State University, St. Louis, MO; 2) Dept of Pharmacological & Physiological Science, Saint Louis University School of Medicine. 561B The Effect of Bacteria on Oviosition Preference of Drosophila melanogaster. Geon Ho Kim1, Peter Newell2, Angela Douglas1. 1) Entomology, Cornell University, Ithaca, NY; 2) Microbiology, State University of New York, Oswego, NY. 570B The Role of the BMP signaling family in the Induction of Allodynia. Taylor Follansbee1, Kayla Gjelsvik1, Michael Galko2, Geoffrey Ganter1. 1) University of New England, Biddeford ME; 2) UT Southwestern MD Anderson, Houston TX. 562C Complex and non-redundant signals from individual odor receptors that underlie chemotaxis behavior in Drosophila melanogaster larvae. Jeewanjot Grewal, Christina Cho, Karolina Kir, Nicole Fledderman, Kathryn Swain, Scott A. Kreher. Department of Biological Sciences, Dominican University, River Forest, IL. 571C Sex peptide receptor and myoinhibitory peptide modulate mating state-dependent choice behavior of Drosophila females. Ilona C. Grunwald Kadow1, Ashiq Hussain1, Mo Zhang1, Habibe Ucpunar1, Thomas Svenson2, Elsa Quillery2, Rickard Ignell2. 1) Sensory Neurogenetics Research group, Max-Planck Institute of Neurobiology, Martinsried, Germany; 2) Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences, Department of Plant Protection Biology, Division of Chemical Ecology. 62 POSTER SESSIONS See Page 10 for presentation schedule. Poster board number and presenter are in bold. Full abstracts can be found online. 580C Analysis of the Pruritic (Itch) Response in Drosophila melanogaster. Ciny John, John Nambu. Department of Biological Sciences, Charles E. Schmidt College of Science, Florida Atlantic University, Jupiter, FL. 572A Beadex function in the motor neurons is essential for female reproduction in Drosophila melanogaster. Subhash Kairamkonda, Upendra Nongthomba. Molecular Reproduction, Development and Genetics, Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore, India. 581A Effects of Lead Exposure on Development Time and Survival in Drosophila. Sarah E. McAdams1, Lenovia J. McCoy1, Yasmeen N. Hussain1,2, Shanshan Zhou1,2, Tatiana V. Morozova1,2, Trudy F. C. Mackay1,2, Robert R. H. Anholt1,2. 1) Department of Biological Sciences, North Carolina State University, Raleigh, NC; 2) W.M. Keck Center for Behavioral Biology, North Carolina State University, Raleigh, NC. 573B Response to stress in Drosophila is mediated by the hormonal milieu of the brain. Wendi Neckameyer, Andres Nieto. Dept Pharmac & Physiol Sci, St Louis Univ School Med, St Louis, MO. 574C princess glia, a novel gene required for neuronal and cellular homeostasis. Wendi Neckameyer1, Davinelle Daniels2, Andres Nieto1, Amer Avdagic1, Sarah Chan1, Anisha Chava1, Ryan Doan1. 1) Dept Pharmac & Physiol Sci, St Louis Univ School Med, St Louis, MO; 2) Academic Affairs, Harris-Stowe State University, St Louis MO. 582B Drosophila as a low complexity model for myeloproliferative neoplasms. Abigail M. Anderson, Elizabeth Rodkin, Erika Bach. Biochemistry and Molecular Pharmacology, NYU School of Medicine, New York, NY. 583C Identifying new modulators of blood cell development using Drosophila as a low complexity model of human myeloproliferative neoplams. Alessandro A. Bailetti, Abigail Anderson, Erika Bach. Biochemistry and Molecular Pharmacology, New York University School of Medicine , New York, NY. 575A Transposable element misexpression and neuronal decline. L. Prazak1,2, W. Li2,3, N. Chatterjee2, S. Grüninger4,5, L. Krug5, D. Theodorou6, J. Dubnau2,5. 1) Farmingdale State College, Farmingdale, NY; 2) Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory, Cold Spring Harbor, NY; 3) Graduate Program in Molecular and Cellular Biology, Stony Brook University, Stony Brook, NY; 4) Institute of Neuroinformatics, University of Zurich, 8057 Zurich, Switzerland; 5) Watson School of Biological Sciences, Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory; 6) Magistère de Génétique Graduate Program at Université Paris Diderot, Sorbonne Paris Cité. 584A The role of RecQ proteins, BLM and WRNexo, in DNA repair, aging, and tumorigenesis. Elyse Bolterstein1, Molly Ahern2, Rob Salomon3, Mitch McVey2. 1) Dept of Biology, Northeastern Illinois University, Chicago, IL; 2) Dept of Biology, Tufts University, Medford, MA; 3) Tufts University, School of Medicine, Boston, MA. 576B Determination of environmental factors affecting social space in Drosophila melanogaster. Alison R. McNeil1, Nicholas Choi1, Adesanya A. Akinleye2, Sam N. Jolley1, Zulekha Rouzyi2,Anne F. Simon1. 1) Department of Biology, Faculty of Science, Western Ontario University, Ontario, London, Canada; 2) Department of Biology, York College of the City University of New York, Jamaica, NY, USA. 585B Comparative genomics of Drosophila melanogaster and a butterfly, Cercyonis pegala, to model metastatic melanoma. Thomas Brown. Thomas M. Brown, Ph.D., President, Genectar Com LLC, 539 Kalispell Ave. Whitefish, MT 59937. 577C Characterization of a novel bang-sensitive gene in Drosophila melanogaster. Ghazal Stity, Christopher J. Jones. Biological Sciences, Moravian College, Bethlehem, PA. 586C Oncogene-specific effects of abnormal systemic metabolism on tumor growth and metastasis. Kiu Ming April Kong, Lisa Shim, Cemre Cetin, Arthur Hilliker, Spencer Mukai, Kyle Belozerov. Department of Biology, York University, Toronto, Canada. Drosophila Models of Human Diseases 587A TRIM3, a human ortholog of Drosophila brat, maintains asymmetric cell division of glioma stem cells by regulating NOTCH1 transport. Subhas Mukherjee1, Jun Kong2, Gang Chen1, Daniel Brat1,2. 1) Pathology and Laboratory Medicine, Winship Cancer Institute of Emory University, Atlanta, GA; 2) Department of Bioinformatics, Emory University, Atlanta, GA. 578A The JAK-STAT signaling pathway functions in GABAergic neurons to mediate the effects of ethanol on developmental and adult behavior. Kimberly McClure, Gabriella Ceresa, Amanda Menzie, Axel Munoz, Gina Trotto. Biology, Elmhurst College, Elmhurst, IL. 579B Effects of Ethanol Exposure on Development Time and Survival in Drosophila. Yasmeen N. Hussain1,2, Victoria A. Pray1, Eugenea V. Zhirnov2, Morgan Davis1, Rachel A. Lyman1, Lenovia J. McCoy1, Tatiana V. Morozova1,2, Robert R. H. Anholt1,2, Trudy F. C. Mackay1,2. 1) Department of Biological Sciences, North Carolina State University, NC; 2) W.M. Keck Center for Behavioral Biology, North Carolina State University. 588B Role for SETDB1 in maintaining blood cell homeostasis in the Drosophila larvae. Indira Paddibhatla. Biol Dept, Center for Cellular and Molecular Biology, Hyderabad, India. 589C JAK/STAT pathway control of cell competition during development. Poojitha Sitaram, Erika Bach. Department of Biochemistry and Molecular Pharmacology, New York University School of Medicine, New York, NY. 63 POSTER SESSIONS See Page 10 for presentation schedule. Poster board number and presenter are in bold. Full abstracts can be found online. 600B An investigation of the effects of HFD in the head of Drosophila melanogaster. Osvaldo Rivera, Jamon Harris, Silvienne Sint Jago, Siddhartha Dhakal, Matthew Talbert. Biology, University of Louisiana at Monroe, Monroe, LA. 590A Systemic Effects of Tissue Overgrowth on Hematopoiesis. Carrie Spratford, Banerjee Utpal. Molecular, Cell, and Developmental Biology, University of California, Los Angeles, CA. 591B Studying a model of Autism Spectrum Disorder in Drosophila. Marlene Cassar, Doris Kretzschmar. Oregon Institute of Occupational Health Sciences, OHSU, Portland, OR. 601C Metabolic Analysis of IDH Mutant Gliomas in Drosophila . M. Brown, J. Buccetti, J. Mills, M. Tipping. Biology, Providence College, Providence, RI. 592C Developmental ethanol exposure disrupts lipid metabolism and causes oxidative stress in Drosophila larvae. Payam Khodabakhshi, Theresa Logan-Garbisch, Tony Bortolazzo, Peter Luu, David Do, Rachael French. San Jose State University, San Jose, CA. 602A Effects of dim light at night through disruption of circadian rhythm on metabolism in Drosophila melanogester. Mary Kim1, Su-yeon Yu1, Yunjeong Kim1, Hyo Sun Lee1, Eunil Lee1, Joong-Jean Park2. 1) Department of Preventive Medicine,College of Medicine, Korea University, Seoul, Korea; 2) Department of Preventive Phyology, College of Medicine,Korea University, Seoul, Korea. 593A The ANKLE2 and VRK1 pathway: microcephaly in flies and humans. Nichole Link, Wu-Lin Charng, Jim Lupski, Hugo Bellen. Baylor College of Medicine, Houston, TX. 603B Metabolomics approach to understand the effect of genotype and diet on metabolic profile of Drosophila. Vishal Oza, Laura Reed. Department of Biological Sciences, University of Alabama, Tuscaloosa, AL. 594B Using Drosophila to characterise the human disease gene MEGF8. Deborah Lloyd, Andrew Wilkie, Tudor Fulga. Weatherall Institute of Molecular Medicine, University of Oxford, United Kingdom. 604C Dietary effects on the association between metabolite and gene expression using eigenvector metabolite analysis. Clare Scott1, Ronglin Che2, David Reif3, Allison Montsinger-Reif4, Laura Reed1. 1) Biological Sciences, Univ of Alabama, Tuscaloosa, AL; 2) SAS, Raleigh-Durham, NC; 3) Genetics, NC State University, Raleigh; 4) Bioinformatics Research Center, NC State University, Raleigh 595C Diminished MTORC1-Dependent JNK-Activation Underlies the Neurodevelopmental Defects Associated with Lysosomal Dysfunction. Ching-On Wong1, Michela Palmieri2, Dmitry Akhmedov1, Jiaxing Li3, Yufang Chao1, Geoffrey Broadhead1, Catherine Collins3, Rebecca Berdeaux1, Marco Sardiello2, Kartik Venkatachalam1,4,5. 1) Integrative Biology and Pharmacology, University of Texas, School of Medicine, Houston; 2) Department of Molecular and Human Genetics, Baylor College of Medicine, Jan and Dan Duncan Neurological Research Institute, Texas Children’s Hospital; 3) Department of Molecular, Cellular and Developmental Biology, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor,; 4) Program in Cell and Regulatory Biology (CRB), Graduate School of Biomedical Sciences, University of Texas School of Medicine, Houston; 5) Program in Neuroscience, Graduate School of Biomedical Sciences, University of Texas School of Medicine, Houston. 605A Altered dSERF gene expression impacts protein homeostasis during aging and in neurodegenerative disease models. Swagata Ghosh, Sarah Milian, Alice Bevins, Douglas Harrison, Brian Rymond. Biology Dept, University of Kentucky, Lexington, KY. 606B The effect of long-term selection on Drosophila melanogaster in a high-fat environment. Tanner L. Hallman, Laura K. Reed. Univ of Alabama, Dept. of Biological Sciences, Tuscaloosa, AL. 607C Population variation in phenotypic robustness to dietary perturbation. John C. Henderson, Laura Reed. University of Alabama, Dept. of Biological Sciences, Box 870344, Tuscaloosa AL 35487. 596A Characterization of the Drosophila insulin-signaling pathway. Laura Musselman1, Thomas Baranski2. 1) Biological Sciences, Binghamton University, State University of New York, Binghamton, NY; 2) Washington University School of Medicine, St. Louis, MO. 608A The influence of mutant gene Cam on life span, moving activity and Ca2+ concentration in dystrophy mutants of Drosophila melanogaster. Nataliia Holub, Vasylyna Borutska, Khrystyna Dronska, Yaroslava Chernyk. Genetics & Biotechnology, National University, Lviv, Ukraine, Hrushevskogo Str., 4. 597B QTL candidate gene expression correlation with diet-specific glucose levels. Jaron N. Nix, Laura K. Reed. The University of Alabama, Tuscaloosa, AL. 609B Myopathic lamin mutations cause reductive stress and activate the CncC (Nrf2)/Keap-1 pathway. Grant H. Young1, George Dialynas2, Om K. Shrestha3, Jessica M. Ponce4, Dylan A. Thiemann1, Steven Moore5, Liping Yu1,6, Lori L. Wallrath1. 1) Department of Biochemistry, University of Iowa, Iowa City; 2) Stowers Institute for Medical Research, Kansas City, MO; 3) Dept of Biochemistry, University of Wisconsin, Madison, WI 53706; 4) Interdisciplinary Graduate Program in Genetics, University of Iowa, Iowa City, IA 52241; 5) Department of Pathology, University of Iowa, Iowa City, IA 52241; 6) NMR Facility, Carver College of Medicine, University of Iowa,. 598C Metabolic impact of maternal obesity on offspring. Rita Brookheart, Christina Collins, Laura Cline, Jennifer Duncan. Pediatrics, Washington University in St. Louis, St. Louis, MO. 599A Lipid droplet flux in the larval midgut of Drosophila. Ron Dubreuil, Bianca Diaconeasa, Jamie Moy, Sneha Gummuluri. Dept Biological Sci, Univ Illinois, Chicago, IL. 64 POSTER SESSIONS See Page 10 for presentation schedule. Poster board number and presenter are in bold. Full abstracts can be found online. 610C Insulin-like Signaling Genes Chico and PGI Significantly Modify Neurotoxicity in Parkinson's Disease. Rami Ajjuri, Janis O'Donnell. The University of Alabama, Tuscaloosa, AL. 620A Role of a soy protein Lunasin in Aβ42 mediated neurodegeneration in Alzheimer’s Disease. Angela Giaquinto1, Michael Moran1, Ankita Sarkar1, Gillian Jones2, Ajay Srivastava2, Maduri KangoSingh1,3,4, Amit Singh1,3,4. 1) Department of Biology, University of Dayton, 300 College Park Drive, Dayton, OH; 2) Department of Biology and Biotechnology Center, Western Kentucky University, 1906 College Heights Blvd, Bowling Green, KY; 3) Premedical Program, University of Dayton,300 College Park Drive, Dayton,OH; 4) Center for Tissue Regeneration and Engineering at Dayton (TREND), University of Dayton, Dayton, OH. 611A Creb Binding Protein and histone acetylation levels in a Drosophila model of MJD. Colin Beals-Reid, John Warrick. Biology, University of Richmond, Richmond, VA. 612B The role of the glutamine-glutamate cycle in neuronal. Paola Bellosta, Maria Enrica Pasini. Biosciences, University of Milan, 621B Evaluating the potential therapeutic role of ACE inhibitors for Alzheimer’s Disease in Drosophila. Sarah M. Gomes1,2, Gabrielle L. Boulianne1,2. 1) The Hospital for Sick Children, Toronto, Canada; 2) University of Toronto, Toronto, Canada. 613C The role of the glutamine-glutamate cycle in neuronal degeneration induced by the mutant human Huntington PolyQ protein. M. E. Pasini1,3, M. Raneli1, L. Vernizzi1, N. Trong Tue2, P. Bellosta1,3. 1) Dept of Biosciences, University of Milan, Milan, Italy; 2) Center for Gene-Protein Research Hanoi Medical University, Hanoi, Vietnam; 3) Ministero degli Affari Esteri e Cooperazione Internazionale Piazzale della Farnesina, 1 00135 Roma. 622C Neuroinflammation and Hypoxia in a Neurodegenerative Disease Model. Marleshia Hall1, J. Gavin Daigle1,2, Rami Ajjuri1, O'Donnell Janis1. 1) Biological Sciences, University of Alabama, Tuscaloosa, AL; 2) Department of Human Genetics, LSU School of Medicine, New Orleans, LA. 614A Effects of nicotine on mitochondrial morphology and turnover in a Drosophila park25 mutant model of Parkinson's disease. Juliana M. Cackovic, Gerald Call, Krista Pearman, Justin Smith, Lori Buhlman. Biomedical Sciences, Midwestern Univ, Glendale, AZ. 623A Direct regulation of a conserved axon regeneration pathway by Protein Kinase A. Yan Hao, Catherine Collins. MCDB, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, MI. 615B Study of APP protective pathway in Drosophila. Marlene Cassar, Jill Wentzell, Bonnie Bolkan, Katia Carmine-Simmen, Doris Kretzschmar. Oregon Institute of Occupational Health Sciences, OHSU, Portland, OR. 624B A high throughput screen for chemical modifiers of a Drosophila model for Niemann-Pick type C. Tom Hartl, Ethan Perlstein. Perlstein Lab PBC, San Francisco, CA. 616C The role of intracellular dopamine handling in selective degeneration of dopaminergic neurons in Drosophila Parkinson’s disease models. Antonio Tito1,3, Shebna Cheema4, Zhen Xu1, Yanning Rui1, Zhihua Chen1, Wen-Ting Li5, Mian Jiang4, Hugo Bellen6,7, Sheng Zhang1,2,3. 1) The Brown Foundation Inst. of Molecular Med; 2) Dept of Neurobiology and Anatomy; 3) Human & Molecular Genetics and Neuroscience, University of Texas Graduate School of Biomedical Sciences The University of Texas Medical School, UTHEALTH; 4) University of HoustonDowntown Houston, TX, 77030; 5) Rice University; 6) Program in Developmental Biology; 7) Dept. of Molecular & Human Genetics and Neuroscience Baylor College of Med. Jan and Dan Duncan Neurological Research Inst. 625C Tau-spliceosome interactions in Drosophila models of Alzheimer’s disease. Yi-Chen Hsieh1, Martin P. Powers1, Janson White1, Joshua M. Shulman1,2. 1) Baylor College of Medicine, Houston, TX; 2) Jan and Dan Duncan Neurological Research Institute, Houston, TX. 626A Drosophila eye model to understand role of signaling pathways in Aβ42 mediated neurodegeneration. Madison Irwin1, Meghana Tare1,4, Michael Moran1, Madhuri Kango-Singh1,2,3, Amit Singh1,2,3. 1) Department of Biology, University of Dayton, Dayton, OH; 2) Premedical Program, University of Dayton, 300 College Park Drive, Dayton, OH; 3) Center for Tissue Regeneration and Engineering at Dayton (TREND), University of Dayton, Dayton, OH; 4) Department of Cancer Biology, University of Massachusetts Medical School, 55 Lake Avenue North, Worcester, MA. 617A Natural genetic modifiers of autosomal dominant retinitis pigmentosa. Clement Chow, Keegan Kelsey, Mariana Wolfner, Andrew Clark. Molecular Biology and Genetics, Cornell University, Ithaca, NY. 627B Aberrant immune activation in the Drosophila Adar mutant neurodegeneration. Liam Keegan1, Simona Paro2, Leeanne McGurk2, Xianghua Li2, Niamh Mannion2, Marion Hogg2, Robert Young2, Ian Adams2, Rui Zhang3, Jin-Billy Li3, Giusy Pemmetta4, Mary O,Connell1. 1) Central European Institute of Technology (CEITEC), Masaryk University, Kamenice 5, 625 000 Brno, Czech Republic; 2) MRC Human Genetics Unit, Institute of Genetics and Molecular Medicine at the University of Edinburgh, Crewe Road, Edinburgh EH4 2XU, UK; 3) Department of Genetics, Stanford University, 300 Pasteur Dr., Stanford, CA 94305, USA; 4) 3Centre for Integrative Physiology, Euan MacDonald Centre for Motor Neurone Disease Research, Hugh Robson Building, University of Edinburgh, George Square, Edinburgh, EH8 9XD. 618B Enhanced protein degradation protects against neurodegeneration in a Drosophila model of c9orf72-ALS. Kathleen M. Cunningham1, Ke Zhang1, James Machamer1, Thomas Lloyd1,2. 1) Department of Neurology, Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore , MD; 2) The Solomon H. Snyder Department of Neuroscience, Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore, MD. 619C Engineered Hsp70 suppresses amyloid-β neurotoxicity in Drosophila by binding extracellular amyloid-β aggregates. Pedro Fernandez-Funez, Jonatan Sanchez-Garcia, Lorena de Mena, Yan Zhang, Diego E. Rincon-Limas. Dept Neurology, Univ Florida, Gainesville, FL. 65 POSTER SESSIONS See Page 10 for presentation schedule. Poster board number and presenter are in bold. Full abstracts can be found online. 628C Role of Dpp signaling pathway in promoting survival of retinal neurons in Aβ42 mediated neurodegeneration. James Kirwan1,2, Ankita Sarkar2, Madhuri Kango-Singh2,3,4, Amit Singh2,3,4. 1) Drexel University, School of Biomedical Engineering, Science, and Health Systems, 3141 Chestnut Street, Philadelphia, PA; 2) Department of Biology, University of Dayton, 300 College Park Drive, Dayton, OH; 3) Premedical Program, University of Dayton,300 College Park Drive, Dayton, OH; 4) Center for TissueRegeneration and Engineering at Dayton (TREND), University of Dayton, Dayton, OH. 637C Activation of the wallenda/DLK pathway triggers adult photoreceptor degeneration. Kirk Mecklenburg2, Stephanie Freed1, Forrest Weghorst1, Joseph O'Tousa1. 1) Biology Dept., Indiana University at South Bend, South Bend, IN; 2) Dept. of Biological Sciences University of Notre Dame, Notre Dame, IN. 638A Co-Expression of human APP and BACE impairs short term memory as measured by the Aversive Phototaxis Suppression Assay in a Drosophila model of Alzheimer’s Disease. Ashka Patel, Paddock Brie. Biology Dept, Arcadia University, Glenside,PA. 629A Characterization of the molecular mechanisms underlying TARDBP mutation toxicity in drosophila. Magalie Lecourtois, Laetitia Miguel, Tracey Avequin, Thierry Frebourg, Dominique Campion. Inserm U1079, Normandie University, IRIB, Rouen, France. 639B The role of Synaptotagmin1 (SYT1) in a Drosophila model of MJD. Rachel Pearcy, John Warrick. University of Richmond 630B The calcineurin inhibitor, sarah, exasperates Aβ42 phenotypes in a Drosophila model of Alzheimer’s Disease. Soojin Lee, Se Min Bang, Yoon Ki Hong, Jang Ho Lee, Haemin Jeong, Seung Hwan Park, Kyoung Sang Cho. Biological sciences, Konkuk university, Seoul, Seoul, South Korea. 640C Cisplatin Induces Behavioral and Mitochondrial Changes in the Absence of Apoptosis in Drosophila Larvae Motor Neurons. Jewel Podratz, Han Lee, Patrizia Knorr, Stephanie Koehler, Steven Forsythe, Kelsey Lambreckt, Kiley Schmidt, Gabrielle Steinhoft, Goshya Yudinsev, Amy Yang, Eugenia Trushina, Anthony Windebank. Dept of Neurology, Mayo Clinic, Rochester, MN. 631C Bcl-2 homologues, Buffy and debcl, influence Drosophila models of Parkinson Disease. P. Githure M'Angale, Brian E. Staveley. Biology Department, Memorial University Of NFLD, St. John's, NL, Canada. 641A Alternative Splicing of Drosophila Nmnat Acts As A Switch Between NAD Synthetic and Neuroprotective Functions. K. Ruan, C. Li, RG. Zhai. Department of Molecular and Cellular Pharmacology, University of Miami Miller School of Medicine, Miami, FL. 632A Quantitative analysis of climbing deficits and nicotine effects in homozygous parkin mutant flies. Brady Mannett1, John M. Grose2, Krista Pearman3, Lori M. Buhlman1, Gerald B. Call3. 1) Biomedical Sciences, College of Health Sciences, Midwestern University, Glendale, AZ; 2) Arizona College of Osteopathic Medicine, Midwestern University, Glendale, AZ; 3) Dept of Pharmacology, AZCOM, Midwestern University, Glendale, AZ. 642B Role of Signaling Pathways in Aβ42 mediated neurodegeneration. A. Sarkar1, A. Singh1,2,3. 1) Department of Biology, University of Dayton, Dayton, OH; 2) 2)Premedical Program, University of Dayton,300 College Park Drive, Dayton,OH; 3) 3)Center for Tissue Regeneration and Engineering at Dayton (TREND), University of Dayton, Dayton, OH. 633B Examining spargel, the homologue of PGC-1α, in Drosophila models of Parkinson Disease. Eric Merzetti, Brian Staveley. Biology, Memorial University of Newfoundland, St. John's, Newfoundland, Canada. 643C The Effects of Copper on Larval Motility and Larval Learning and Memory in a Drosophila Model of Alzheimer's Disease. Courtney Schoff, Brie Paddock. Arcadia University, Biology Department, Glenside, PA, 19038. 634C Targeting the interaction of Ataxin-3 and Rad23 for therapeutic purposes in the neurodegenerative disease Spinocerebellar Ataxia Type 3. Joanna R. Miller, Jessica Blount, Wei-Ling Tsou, Sokol Todi. PHARMACOLOGY, WAYNE STATE UNIVERSITY, DETROIT, MI. 644A Probing integrin signaling in neuronal maintenance in flies. Mumine Senturk1, Shinya Yamamoto2, Manish Jaiswal3, Hugo Bellen1,2,3,4. 1) Developmental Biology, Baylor College of Medicine, Houston, TX; 2) Department of Molecular and Human Genetics, Baylor College of Medicine, Houston, TX; 3) HHMI; 4) Department of Neuroscience; Neurological Research Institute at Baylor College of Medicine, Houston, TX. 635A Understanding the Molecular Pathology of Spinal and Bulbar Muscular Atrophy by Identifying Genetic Interactors of an ARHumanized Fly. Shaza Mokhtar1,2, Mark Trifiro1,2,3, Miltiadis Paliouras1,2,3. 1) Human Genetics, McGill University, MONTREAL, QC, Canada; 2) Lady Davis Institute for Medical Research, Jewish General Hospital, Montreal, QC, Canada; 3) Department of Medicine, McGill University, Montreal, QC, Canada. 645B The atrogin-nutcracker F-box protein family of genes in Drosophila models of degenerative disease. Brian Staveley, Eric Merzetti, Colleen Furlong, Poly Talukdar, Lindsay Dolomount, Maggie Hickey. Biology, Memorial Univ. of Newfoundland, St. John's, NL, Canada. 636B Roles of reticulons and REEPs in organisation of axonal endoplasmic reticlum in Drosophila. Belgin Yalcin, Niamh C. O'Sullivan, Martin Stofanko, Zi Han Kang, Annika Hartwich, Matthew Thomas, Cahir J. O'Kane. Department of Genetics, University of Cambridge, Cambridge, United Kingdom. 646C A Drosophila Model of Radiation-Induced Neurological Damage. Lisa Sudmeier1, Steven Howard2, Barry Ganetzky1. 1) Dept. of Genetics, University of Wisconsin, Madison, WI; 2) Dept. of Human Oncology, University of Wisconsin SMPH, Madison, WI. 66 POSTER SESSIONS See Page 10 for presentation schedule. Poster board number and presenter are in bold. Full abstracts can be found online. 647A Investigating the cell type specific roles of Neuropathy Target Esterase using Drosophila. Elizabeth Sunderhaus, Sudeshna Dutta, Doris Kretzschmar. Molecular and Medical Genetics, Oregon Health and Science University, Portland, OR. 655C Expansion of polyglutamine repeats in huntingtin perturbs the motility of Rab4 and Rab11 containing vesicles in Drosophila larval axons. Katherine Zimmerman, Joseph White, Dr. Shermali Gunawardena. University at Buffalo, Buffalo, NY. 648B Dysregulation of Dopamine Handling in Dopaminergic Neurons of Drosophila Parkinson’s disease models. Antonio Tito1,2,6, Shebna Cheema3, Zhen Xu2, Yanning Rui2, Sonal Jaiswal4, Zhihua Chen2, Wen-Ting Li5, Mian Jiang3, Hugo Bellen4,7, Sheng Zhang1,2,6. 1) Graduate Programs of Human Molecular Genetics & Neuroscience; 2) Institute of Molecular Medicine; 3) Dept of Natural Sciences, UHD; 4) Program in Developmental Biology. BCM; 5) Department of Natural Sciences, Rice; 6) UT-GSBS. UTMedical School. UTHEALTH; 7) Howard Hughes Medical Institute. 656A Compensatory signaling mechanisms related to Parkinson's disease in a fly model of dopamine loss. Karol Cichewicz1, Emma Garren1, Martin Darvas2, Jay Hirsh1. 1) Biology Department, University of Virginia, Charlottesville, VA; 2) Pathology, University of Washington, Seattle, WA. 657B Functional Studies of Spermine Synthase and Establishing a Drosophila Model for Snyder-Robinson Syndrome. C. Li, C. Bello, R. Zhai. Department of Molecular and Cellular Pharmacology, University of Miami Miller School of Medicine 649C Insights Into Ataxin-3’s Neuroprotective Function. Wei-Ling Tsou, Sokol Todi. PHARMACOLOGY & NEUROLOGY, WAYNE STATE UNIVERSITY, DETROIT, MI. 658C KCNT1 in Epilepsy with ID and Psychiatric Features: Modeling Human Disease in Drosophila. Chiao Xin Lim1,2, Sarah E. Heron1,2, Michael G. Ricos1,2, Leanne M. Dibbens1,2. 1) School of Pharmacy & Medical Sciences, University of South Australia, Adelaide, SA, Australia; 2) Sansom Institute for Health Research, University of South Australia, Adelaide, South Australia, Australia. 650A Loss of isocitrate dehydrogenase 3α causes synaptic transmission defects in the fly visual system via reduced alpha-ketoglutarate levels. Berrak Ugur1, Hector Sandoval2, Nele Haelterman1, Manish Jaiswal2,4, Shinya Yamamoto1,2, Hugo Bellen1,2,3,4. 1) Developmental Biology, Baylor College of Medicine, Houston, TX; 2) Department of Molecular and Human Genetics,Baylor College of Medicine, Houston, TX; 3) Department of Neuroscience, Baylor College of Medicine, Houston, TX; 4) Howard Hughes Medical Institute. 659A Adenosine suppresses seizure-like activity (SLA) and shortens recovery time in the Bang-sensitive (BS) paralytic mutants following mechanical shock. Chris Radlicz, Daniel Kuebler. Department of Biology, Franciscan University of Steubenville, Steubenville, OH. 651B Imaging of sub-synaptic LRRK translocation using a tagged genomic knock in, created by MiMIC replacement. Sven Vilain1,2, Roeland Vanhauwaert1,2, Sandra Fausia Soukup1,2, Raquel da Cunha1,2, Patrik Verstreken1,2. 1) VIB Center for the Biology of Disease, 3000 Leuven, Belgium; 2) KU Leuven, Department of Human Genetics and Leuven Research Institute for Neuroscience and Disease (LIND), 3000 Leuven, Belgium. 660B A Drosophila model of human DYT dystonia. Noriko Wakabayashi-Ito1, Rami Ajjuri2, Benjamin Henderson2, Olugbenga Doherty2, Xandra Breakefield1, Janis O'Donnell2, Naoto Ito1. 1) Neurology, Massachusetts General Hosp, Boston, MA; 2) Biological Science, University of Alabama, Tuscaloosa 652C Modeling TRPV4-mediated Hereditary Axonal Neuropathies in Drosophila. Brian M. Woolums, Morgan Yang, Catherine Mamah, Jeremy Sullivan, Amanda Le, Charlotte Sumner, Thomas Lloyd. Johns Hopkins School of Medicine, Baltimore, MD. 661C Dg-Dys-Syn1 signaling via microRNAs acts in a feedback loop to control the precision of Dystroglycan expression that is required for proper brain formation. Mariya M. Kucherenko, Andriy S. Yatsenko, April K. Marrone, Halyna R. Shcherbata. MPRG Gene expression and signaling, Max Planck Institute for biophysical chemistry, Goettingen, Lower Saxony, Germany. 653A α-Synuclein interacts with VPS35 in an improved Drosophila model of Parkinson’s Disease. Hui Ye1,2, Amit Chouhan1,2, Puja Yogi1,2, Elizabeth Kowalis1,2, Shreyasi Chatterjee3, George Jackson3, Joshua Shulman1,2. 1) Baylor College of Medicine, Houston, TX; 2) Jan and Dan Duncan Neurological Research Institute, Texas Children’s Hospital, Houston, TX; 3) University of Texas Medical Branch, Galveston, 662A Fluorescent Imaging of the Drosophila Melanogaster Model of Human Nephrolithiasis. Sohrab Naushad Ali, Dajung Kim, Thomas Tailly, Hassan Razvi, Hon Leong. Division of Urology, University of Western Ontario, London, Ontario, Canada. 663B Role of sodium-phosphate cotransporter MFS13 in Drosophila phosphate homeostasis. Clemens Bergwitz1,2, Jonathan Cohen2, Mark Wee2, Dana Drost1. 1) Medicine/Section Endocrinology, Yale School of Medicine, New Haven, CT; 2) Endocrine Unit, Massachusetts General Hospital 654B Loss of Nardilysin, a mitochondrial peptidase, causes a slow progressive neurodegeneration and affects the Krebs cycle by modulating oxoglutarate dehydrogenase activity. W. H. Yoon1,5, H. Sandoval1, M. Jaiswal1,5, S. Jaiswal1, S. Yamamoto1,2,6, N. Putluri4, V. Putluri4, A. Sreekumar4, T. Donti1, B. Graham1, H. J. Bellen1,2,3,4,5,6. 1) Molecular and Human Genetics; 2) Program in Developmental Biology; 3) Department of Neuroscience; 4) Department of Molecular and Cellular Biology, Baylor College of Medicine; 5) Howard Hughes Medical Institute; 6) Jan and Dan Duncan Neurological Research Institute, Texas Children’s Hospital, Houston, TX. 664C Role of cellular phosphate uptake for Drosophila life span. Clemens Bergwitz1,2, Jonathan Cohen2, Mark Wee2, Dana Drost1. 1) Section Endocrinology/Dept. Medicine, Yale School of Medicine, New Haven, CT; 2) Endocrine Unit, Massachusetts General Hospital, Boston, MA. 67 POSTER SESSIONS See Page 10 for presentation schedule. Poster board number and presenter are in bold. Full abstracts can be found online. 665A Drosophila Models of Genetic Renal Diseases. Margaret Nettleton, Fujian Zhang, Zhe Han. Center for Cancer and Immunology Research, Children's National Medical Center, Washington, DC. Evolution and Quantitative Genetics 673C In silico analysis of recombination rate variation across the Drosophila melanogaster genome based on multiple DNA motifs. Andrew Adrian, Josep Comeron. Biology, University of Iowa, Iowa City, IA. 666B A fly model to identify new treatments for hyperuricemia, uric acid stones and gout. S. Lang1, H. Lu1, T. Chi2, A. Kahn1, D. Killilea3, M. Stoller2, P. Kapahi1. 1) Kapahi Laboratory, Buck Institute, Novato, CA; 2) Department of Urology, University of California San Francisco (UCSF), San Francisco, California; 3) Nutrition and Metabolism Center, Children's Hospital Oakland Research Institute, Oakland, California. 674A The effect of spatially varying selection on transposable element insertions in Drosophila. Jeffrey Adrion1, David Begun2, Matthew Hahn1. 1) Department of Biology, Indiana University, IN; 2) Department of Evolution and Ecology, UC Davis, CA. 667C Toxicological and development effects of polymer-coated iron oxide nanoparticles in Drosophila. Evan A. Chavers1, Hunter B. Dean1,2, Ben W. Henderson1, Rami R. Ajjuri1, Yuping Bao2, Janis M. O'Donnell1. 1) Department of Biological Sciences, University of Alabama, Tuscaloosa, AL; 2) Department of Chemical Engineering, University of Alabama, Tuscaloosa, AL. 675B Annotation of Drosophila biarmipes contigs from euchromatic chromosome 3 as a control for the heterochromatic dot chromosome. Rachel Boody, Alexander Kneubehl, Lauren Guerriero, Jamie Sanford. Biological & Allied Health Sciences, Ohio Northern University, Ada, OH. 676C Genome evolution in three species of cactophilic Drosophila. Fernando Peñaloza1, Javier Carpinteyro Ponce2, Nestor Nazario Yepiz2, Mariana Ramirez Loustalot-Laclette2, Luciano Matzkin3, Cei Abreu Goodger2, Alejandro Sanchez Flores1, Therese Markow1,4. 1) Unidad Universitaria de Apoyo Bioinformatico, Instituto de Biotecnologia, UNAM, Cuernavaca Morelos, Mexico; 2) LANGEBIO, CINVESTAV Irapuato, Irapuato, Guanajuato, Mexico; 3) Department of Biological Sciences, The University of Alabama Huntsville, Huntsville, AL; 4) Division of Biological Sciences, UCSD, La Jolla, CA. 668A Analysis of the mechanism of action of the anti-migration/antimetastatic compound Dihydromotuporamine C, using a leg imaginal disc eversion assay. Corey Seavey1, Minpei Wang1, Aaron Muth2, Otto Phanstiel IV3, Laurence von Kalm1. 1) Department of Biology, University of Central Florida, Orlando, FL; 2) Department of Chemistry, University of Central Florida, Orlando, FL; 3) Department of Medical Education, College of Medicine, University of Central Florida, Orlando FL. 669B A Drosophila model to address genetic mechanisms preventing age-related muscle fiber loss. Lizzet Castillo, Richard Cripps, Anton Bryantsev. Department of Biology, University of New Mexico, Albuquerque, NM. 677A Population genomic analysis of the infectious and integrated Wolbachia pipientis genomes in Drosophila ananassae. Jae Young Choi, Jaclyn Bubnell, Charles Aquadro. Cornell University, Ithaca, NY. 670C Representing Drosophila Models of Human Disease in FlyBase. P. McQuilton1, S. Tweedie1, G. Millburn1, A. Schroder2, J. Goodman3, H. Attrill1, S. Marygold1, L. Ponting1, R. Stefancsik1, N. Brown1, FlyBase Consortium. 1) FlyBase-Cambridge, Department of Genetics, University of Cambridge, Cambridge, CB2 3EH. United Kingdom; 2) FlyBase-Harvard, Biological Laboratories, Harvard University, 16 Divinity Avenue, Cambridge, MA 02138. USA; 3) FlyBase-Indiana, Department of Biology, Indiana University, 1001 East 3rd Street, Bloomington, Indiana. 678B Evolutionary Analysis of the Drosophila Sex Peptide Network. Meaghan McGeary, Geoffrey Findlay. Department of Biology, College of the Holy Cross, Worcester, MA. 679C Evolutionary and functional characterization of saturn, a newly evolved testis-expressed protein required for fertility in Drosophila melanogaster. Anna Gubala1, Tery Vinh1, Mariana Wolfner2, Geoffrey Findlay1,2. 1) Department of Biology, College of the Holy Cross, Worcester, MA; 2) Department of Molecular Biology and Genetics, Cornell University, Ithaca, NY. 671A Investigating the mechanism of basement membrane repair and its implications in wound healing. William Ramos-Lewis1, Erica Shannon1, Andrea Page-McCaw1,2. 1) Cell and Developmental Biology, Vanderbilt University, Nashville, TN; 2) Cancer Biology, Vanderbilt University, Nashville, TN. 680A P-element invasion and the evolution of host repression. Yichen Zheng, Ricardo Azevedo, Erin Kelleher. Biology and Biochemistry, University of Houston, Houston, TX. 672B The role of Drosophila clueless in regulating mitochondrial morphology. Zong-Heng Wang1, Erika Geisbrecht1,2. 1) School of Biological Sciences, University of Missouri-Kansas City, Kansas City, MO; 2) Department of Biochemistry and Biophysics, Kansas State University, Manhattan, KS. 681B The Responder satellite as a model for satellite DNA evolution in Drosophila. Daniel E. Khost, Amanda M. Larracuente. University of Rochester, Rochester, NY. 682C The role of piRNA-mediated epigenetic silencing in the population dynamics of transposable elements in Drosophila melanogaster. Grace Yuh Chwen Lee. Ecology and Evolution, University of Chicago, Chicago, IL. 68 POSTER SESSIONS See Page 10 for presentation schedule. Poster board number and presenter are in bold. Full abstracts can be found online. 693B ConTExt: A Strategy for Studying the Structure and Population Dynamics of Transposable Element and Repeat Content. Michael P. McGurk, Daniel Barbash. Molecular Biology and Genetics, Cornell University, Ithaca, NY. 683A Diversity of short sequences among genomes of inversion strains in Drosophila pseudoobscura. Megan Lee1, Sandra Duggan2, Dianhui Zhu2,3, Stephen Richards2, Stephen Schaeffer1. 1) The Pennsylvania State University, University Park, PA; 2) Human Genome Sequencing Center, Baylor College of Medicine, One Baylor Plaza, Houston TX 77030; 3) Chevron, 1500 Louisiana St, Houston, Texas, 77002. 694C Sex determination and gene expression in the house fly, Musca domestica. Richard Meisel1, Jeffrey Scott2, Andrew Clark2. 1) University of Houston; 2) Cornell University. 684B Recurrent gene duplication of a rapidly evolving suppressor of transposable elements. Mia Levine1, Emily Hsieh1, Helen Vander Wende1, Harmit Malik1,2. 1) Division of Basic Sciences, Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center, Seattle, WA; 2) Howard Hughes Medical Institute. 695A Population genetics of Drosophila eremophila in Mexico. Alejandra J. Vieyra-Ramirez, Therese A. Markow. LANGEBIO - CINVESTAV, Irapuato, Guanajuato, Mexico. 696B Mating system of an invasive species, Zaprionus tuberculatus malloch, 1932, (diptera:Drosophilidae). Ergi D. özsoy1, Bahar Patlar1,2. 1) Hacettepe University, Department of Biology, 06800 beytepe campus, Ankara, Turkey; 2) Bielefeld University, Department of Evolutionary Biology, 33615, Bielefeld, Germany. 685C D. pseudoobscura Inversion Breakpoint Sequence Evolution. Haley Randolph1, Megan Lee1, Geovanny Montoya1, Atousa Jahanshahi1, Sandra Duggan2, Dianhui Zhu2,3, Stephen Richards2, Stephen Schaeffer1. 1) The Pennsylvania State University, University Park, PA 16801; 2) Human Genome Sequencing Center, Baylor College of Medicine, One Baylor Plaza, Houston TX 77030; 3) Chevron, 1500 Louisiana St, Houston, Texas, 77002. 697C Differential Gene Expression Patterns Of Chromosomal Inversion Karyotypes Provide Insight Into The Evolutionary Mechanisms Maintaining Third Chromosome Gene Arrangements ofDrosophila pseudoobscura. Zach Fuller1, Gwilym Haynes1, Shannon Duggan2, Dianhuiz Zhu2, Stephen Richards2, Stephen Schaeffer1. 1) Biology, Penn State, University Park, PA; 2) Human Genome Sequencing Center, Baylor College of Medicine, Houston, TX. 686A Effect of sex biased expression or regulation of transposable elements on the Drosophila melanogaster genome. Christopher Savell, Brian Counterman. Biological Sciences, Mississippi State University, Starkville, MS. 687B Evolutionary aspects of gene expression during Drosophila melanogaster spermatogenesis. Júlia Raíces, Maria Vibranovski. Genetics and Evolutionary Biology, University of Sao Paulo, Sao Paulo, SP, Brazil. 698A Genomic evidence for non-neutral evolution of In(3R)Payne, a major clinal chromosomal inversion in Drosophila melanogaster. Martin Kapun1, Jérome Goudet1, Paul Schmidt2, Thomas Flatt1. 1) Department of Ecology and Evolution, University of Lausanne, Switzerland; 2) Department of Biology, University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, USA. 688C Genetic architecture of parallel evolution of dark pigmentation in high-altitude populations of Drosophila melanogaster. Héloïse Bastide, Amir Yassin, John Pool. Laboratory of Genetics, University of Wisconsin-Madison, Madison, WI. 699B Widespread transposon landscape diversity amongst Drosophila cell cultures and fly strains. Reazur Rahman, Yuliya Sytnikova, Nelson Lau. Biology, Brandeis University, Waltham, MA. 689A Genetic Variation in Local Populations of Drosophila suzukii. Matthew DiMeglio1, Philip Freda1,2, John Braverman1. 1) Saint Joseph's University, Philadelphia, PA; 2) Kansas State University, Manhattan, KS. 700C The Molecular Basis of Segregation Distortion in Drosophila pseudoobscura. Randee E. Young1, Zachary L. Fuller2, Stephen W. Schaeffer2, Nitin Phadnis1. 1) Department of Biology, University of Utah, Salt Lake City, UT; 2) Department of Biology, Pennsylvania State University, University Park, PA. 690B Hybridization and the spread of Wolbachia through space and time in the yakuba complex of the Drosophila melanogaster subgroup. Brandon S. Cooper, Paul Ginsberg, Chenling Antelope, Michael Turelli. Evolution & Ecology, University of California, Davis, Davis, CA. 701A Dorsocross provides key to morphological divergence of extraembryonic development. F. Caroti, S. Lemke. Dept. of Molecular Developmental Biology and Physiology, Centre for Organismal Studies (COS), Heidelberg, Baden Württemberg, Germany. 691C Recombination rate variation among Drosophila melanogaster populations based on population genomic data. J. Cruz Corchado1, J. Comeron1,2. 1) Interdisciplinary Graduate Program in Genetics, University of Iowa, Iowa City, IA; 2) Department of Biology, University of Iowa, IA. 702B Exploring the origin of insect wings through functional analysis of vestigial in various insect species. C. M. Clark-Hachtel1, D. M. Linz1, X. Bellés2, E. Buschbeck3, Y. Tomoyasu1. 1) Department of Biology, Miami University, Oxford, OH; 2) Institut de Biologia Evolutiva, Barcelona, Spain; 3) Department of Biological Sciences, University of Cincinnati, Cincinnati, Ohio. 692A Rates of crossing over gradually increase over time in Drosophila melanogaster females. Chad Hunter, Matthew Robinson, Nadia Singh. Program in Genetics, Department of Biological Sciences, North Carolina State University, Raleigh, NC 27695. 69 POSTER SESSIONS See Page 10 for presentation schedule. Poster board number and presenter are in bold. Full abstracts can be found online. 714B Scanning Electron Microscopy of immature stages of Drosophila willistoni group. Rebeca Zanini1,2, Maríndia Deprá1,2, Vera Valente1,2. 1) Programa de Pós-Graduação em Biologia Animal UFRGS, Porto Alegre, Brazil; 2) Laboratório de Drosophila, Departamento de Genética - UFRGS, Porto Alegre, Brazil. 703C Dissecting the genetic basis and evolution of form using haploid wasps. Lorna Cohen, Jeremy A. Lynch. University of Illinois at Chicago, Chicago, IL. 704A Giant causes hybrid inviability in Drosophila. Jackie GavinSmyth1, Marty Kreitman1, John Reinitz1, Daniel Matute2. 1) Dept Ecology and Evolution, University of Chicago, Chicago, IL; 2) Biology Department, University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill, North Carolina. 715C Effects of space missions on stability of Drosophila estimated by fluctuating asymmetry. Denis V. Anisiforov, Alex M. Kulikov, Oleg E. Lazebny. Russian Academy of Sciences, Koltzov INSTITUTE of DEVELOPMENTAL BIOLOGY, Moscow, Russian Federation. 705B Conserved gene expression in the absence of sequence conservation: Uncovering a molecular mechanism by theoretical and experimental analysis of even-skipped expression from highly diverged sequences. Ah-Ram Kim1,2, Pengyao Jiang2, John Reinitz2. 1) Computer Science & Artificial Intelligence Laboratory, MIT, Cambridge, MA; 2) Department of Ecology and Evolution, Chicago Center for Systems Biology, University of Chicago. 716A Sexual traits as a measure of evolutionary divergence in Drosophila nasuta subgroup members. Shruthi Balachandra1, Kristipati Ravi Ram2, Saraf R. Ramesh1. 1) Department of Studies in Zoology, University of Mysore, Mysore, Karnataka, India; 2) Embryotoxicology, CSIR-Indian Institute of Toxicology Research, Lucknow, Uttar Pradesh, India. 706C A re-evaluation of bicoid in Diptera. Jeff Klomp, Urs SchmidtOtt. Organismal Biology and Anatomy, University of Chicago, Chicago, IL. 717B Mapping the genetic basis of wing rowing evolution in Drosophila yakuba and Drosophila santomea male courtship. Jessica Cande1, Gordon Berman2, Ugne Klibaite2, Benjamin Prud'homme3, Nicolas Gompel4, Joshua Shaevitz2, David Stern1. 1) Janelia Research Campus, Howard Hughes Medical Institute, Ashburn, VA; 2) Lewis-Sigler Institute for Integrative Genomics, Princeton University, Princeton, NJ; 3) Institut de Biologie du Développement de Marseille-Luminy (IBDML), Marseille, France; 4) Ludwig Maximilian University, Munich, Germany. 707A Genetic basis of pigmentation divergence between closely related Drosophila species: interactions between tan and yellow. Abigail M. Lamb1, Alisha V. John1, Arielle M. Cooley2, Lisa L. Sramkoski1, Patricia J. Wittkopp1,2. 1) Department of Molecular, Cellular, & Developmental Biology, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, MI; 2) Department of Ecology and Evolutionary Biology, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor 718C A genetic understanding of courtship song variation between Drososophila simulans and Drosophila mauritiana. Yun Ding, Augusto Berrocal, David Stern. Janelia Research Campus, HHMI, Ashburn, VA. 708B Recapitulating the evolutionary origin of ventral furrow formation. Silvia Urbansky, Paula Gonzalez, Steffen Lemke. Centre for Organismal Studies, Universitaet Heidelberg, Heidelberg, Germany. 719A Genetic determinants of RNA-editing levels of ADAR targets in Drosophila melanogaster. Yerbol Kurmangaliyev, Sammi Ali, Sergey Nuzhdin. Molecular and Computational Biology, University of Southern California, Los Angeles, CA. 709C Exploring the molecular basis of insect wing evolution: a transcriptomic approach. David Linz, Yoshinori Tomoyasu. Zoology Department, Miami University, Oxford, OH. 720B Complex genetic interactions characterize the rapid evolution of genital morphology in Drosophila. Stephen R. Frazee, Jessica Pagan, Brittany N. Smith, John P. Masly. Department of Biology, University of Oklahoma, Norman, OK. 710A The shared genetic architecture of sleep and reproductive fitness in Drosophila melanogaster. A. Lobell, R. Kaspari, S. Harbison. Laboratory of Systems Genetics, National Heart, Lung & Blood Institute, Bethesda, MD. 721C Genetic basis of genital evolution between Drosophila species. Maria D. S. Nunes1, Kentaro Tanaka1, Corinna Hopfen3, Matthew Herbert1, Christian Schloetterer2, John P. Masly4, Alistair P. McGregor1. 1) Biological and Medical Sciences, Oxford Brookes University, Oxford, United Kingdom; 2) Institute of Population Genetics, Department of Biomedical Sciences, University of Veterinary Medicine Vienna, Vienna, Austria; 3) Max Planck Institute for Biology of Ageing, Cologne, Germany; 4) Department of Biology, University of Oklahoma, OK, US. 711B The natural symbiosis of Drosophila and yeasts in a vineyard. Allison Quan1, Kelly Schiabor1, Michael Eisen1,2. 1) Department of Molecular and Cell Biology, UC Berkeley, Berkeley, CA; 2) Howard Hughes Medical Institute, Berkeley, CA. 712C Next-generation approaches to understanding the evolution of insect germline. Honghu Quan, Jeremy Lynch. University of Illinois at Chicago, Chicago, IL. 722A Sexually dimorphic pigmentation in Drosophila: lineage sorting and independent comparisons in multiple phenotypic transitions. Sarah Signor1, Artyom Kopp2. 1) Molecular and Computational Biology, University of Southern California, Davis, CA; 2) Evolution and Ecology, University of California, Davis. 713A Convergent evolution of female-limited color dimorphism in Drosophila. Amir Yassin1, Héloïse Bastide1, Justin Lack1, Jean David2, John Pool1. 1) Laboratory of Genetics, University of Wisconsin-Madison, Madison, WI; 2) Laboratoire Evolution, Génomes et Spéciation, CNRS, Gif-sur-Yvette, France. 70 POSTER SESSIONS See Page 10 for presentation schedule. Poster board number and presenter are in bold. Full abstracts can be found online. 723B Partial behavioral isolation between two divergent populations of Drosophila melanogaster and their mating potential with other wild type populations. Phillip Barnes, Phoebe Winn, Lucy Drayson, Melanie Argueta. Dept Biol, Connecticut Col, New London, CT. 734A Soft shoulders ahead: spurious signatures of soft and partial selective sweeps result from linked hard sweeps. Daniel Schrider1, Fábio Mendes2, Matthew Hahn2, Andrew Kern1. 1) Department of Genetics, Rutgers University, Piscataway, NJ; 2) Department of Biology, Indiana University, Bloomington, IN. 724C Identifying hybrid incompatibility genes in D. Pseudoobscura subspecies. Alyssa Black, Nitin Phadnis. Biology, University of Utah, Salt Lake City, UT. 735B Ecological adaptations for pigmentation in two colonizing Drosophila species: evidence for genotype-environment interaction. Veer Bhan. Department of Biotechnology, UIET, M D University, Rohtak, Haryana, India. 725A Presence of transposable elements is associated with the expression of hybrid incompatibility in Drosophila virilis-D. lummei hybrids with and without Penelope elements. Dean Castillo, Leonie Moyle. Biology Dept, Indiana University, Bloomington, IN. 736C The hydrogen isotopes 2H/1H involvement across different generations of Drosophila: patterns of molecular variation on w1118 strain. Gallia Butnaru, Sorina Popescu, Ioan Sarac. Banat Univ Agricultural Sci. "Regele Mihai I al Romaniei" Timisoara, Romania, Box 136, PO1. 726B Two loci contribute to a male pheromonal polymorphism associated with ecological adaption in African D. melanogaster populations. Henry Chung1, John E. Pool2, David W. Loehlin1, Jocelyn G. Millar3, Sean B. Carroll1. 1) Laboratory of Molecular Biology, University of Wisconsin, Madison, WI; 2) Department of Genetics, University of Wisconsin, Madison, WI; 3) Department of Entomology, University of California, Riverside 737A Longitudinal ethanol withdrawal and ethanol intake in outbred Drosophila melanogaster raised with and without ethanolcontaining food. Kairsten A. Fay1, Alexander Gearhart1, Megan Garlapow1, Trudy Mackay1,2. 1) Biological Sciences, program in genetics, North Carolina State University, Raleigh, NC; 2) W. M. keck Center for Behavioral Biology, North Carolina State University, Raleigh, 27695. 727C Revealing the Secrets of the X: Genomewide Expression Profiles in Drosophila. Danielle Herrig1, Ana Llopart1,2. 1) Interdisciplinary Program in Genetics, University of Iowa, Iowa City, IA; 2) Biology Department, University of Iowa, Iowa City 738B The genetic basis of phenotypic plasticity in the Drosophila energy budget. Elizabeth G. King, Vince S. Farinella, Anna Perinchery, Patrick D. Stanley. Division of Biological Sciences, University of Missouri, Columbia, MO. 728A Characterizing postzygotic isolation in the Drosophila nasuta species complex. Wynn Meyer, Doris Bachtrog. Integrative Biology, University of California, Berkeley. 739C Mitochondrial - nuclear interactions mediate genotype-specific transcriptional responses to hypoxia in Drosophila. Jim Mossman, Yawei Ge, Nan Li, Zhijin Wu, David Rand. Ecology and Evolutionary Biology, Brown University, Providence, RI. 729B Gene Expression Patterns Associated with Sex-Specific Pheromone Production in Drosophila simulans and D. sechellia. D. R. Swartzlander1, Jennifer M. Gleason2. 1) Molecular Biosciences, Univ of KS, Lawrence, KS; 2) Ecology and Evolutionary Biology, Univ of KS, Lawrence, KS. 740A Enhanced sleep is an evolutionarily adaptive response to starvation stress in Drosophila. Melissa E. Slocumb1, Josue M. Regalado1, Masato Yoshizawa3, Greg G. Neely4, Pavel Masek1, Allen G. Gibbs2, Alex C. Keene1. 1) Biology, University of Nevada, Reno, Reno, NV; 2) School of Science, University of Nevada, Las Vegas, Las Vegas, NV; 3) Biology, University of Hawai'i, Manoa; 4) Neuroscience Division, Garvan Institution, Sydney Austraulia. 730C Phylogenetic Analysis of Abdominal Pigmentation Evolution in the Drosophila montium Subgroup. Mubasher Ahmed, Paul Ginsberg, Chenling Antelope, Emily Delaney, Michael Turelli, Artyom Kopp. Department of Evolution and Ecology, University of California, Davis. 741B Ontogeny of metabolic rate and mitochondrial physiology in Drosophila. Cole Julick, Omera Matoo, Kristi Montooth. School of Biological Sciences, University of Nebraska-Lincoln, Lincoln, NE. 731A Ectoparasitic mites and their Drosophila hosts. Alejandra PérezLeaños1, Mariana Ramirez-Loustalot-Laclette1, Therese Markow1,2. 1) LANGEBIO, CINVESTAV , Irapuato, Guanajuato, México; 2) University of California, San Diego. 742C The investigation of biological effects of Methotrexate and Aminopterin on example of Drosophila melanogaster. O. Antosyuk, A. Marvin, N. Marvin, S. Shihova. Biological sciences, Ural State University, Yekaterinburg, Russian Federation. 732B Genes caught in the crossfire: Understanding the tension between genome defense and genomic "autoimmunity" by piRNAs. Alexandra Erwin, Michelle Wickersheim, Justin Blumenstiel. University of Kansas, Lawrence, KS. 743A Genome-wide test of a life-history model underlying seasonal adaptation in Drosophila. Alan Bergland1, Subhash Rajpurohit2, Dmitri Petrov1, Paul Schmidt2. 1) Dept. of Biology, Stanford University, Stanford, CA; 2) Dept. of Biology, University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, PA. 733C Molecular evolutionary analyses reveals positive selection in the rapidly-evolving synaptonemal complex in the Drosophila genus. Lucas Hemmer, Justin Blumenstiel. Ecology and Evolutionary Biology, University of Kansas, Lawrence, KS. 71 POSTER SESSIONS See Page 10 for presentation schedule. Poster board number and presenter are in bold. Full abstracts can be found online. 754C Drosophila visual receptor diversity through the lens of the i5K project. Markus Friedrich1, Jeffery Jones2, Megan Porter3, Daniel Hughes4, Shwetha Murali4, Kim Worley4, Richard Gibbs4, Stephen Richards4. 1) Dept Biological Sciences, Wayne State University, Detroit, MI; 2) UC Department of Pediatrics, Cincinnati Children's Hospital Medical Center, OH; 3) Department of Biology, University of South Dakota, Vermillion, SD; 4) Human Genome Sequencing Center, Department of Molecular and Human Genetics, Baylor College of Medicine, Houston, TX. 744B Sperm transfer and the enigma of copulation duration in Drosophila melanogaster. Cynthia Castro. LANGEBIO, CINVESTAV Irapuato, Irapuato, Guanajuato, Mexico. 745C Wing size evolution in high-altitude Ethiopian Drosophila melanogaster: developmental decanalization and the genetics of a complex adaptive trait. Justin Lack, Amir Yassin, John Pool. Genetics, University of Wisconsin-Madison, Madison, WI. 746A Mutational paths to repeated evolution of Alcohol Dehydrogenase gene function. David Loehlin, Sean Carroll. Howard Hughes Medical Institute, University of Wisconsin-Madison, Madison, WI. 755A Investigating sexual conflict in the facultative parthenogenetic species, Drosophila mercatorum. Nichole Rigby, Rob Kulathinal. Department of Biology, Temple University, Philadelphia, PA. 756B The importance of forest patches to the maintenance of genetic diversity of Drosophila in the Brazilian pampas. Vera Valente, Jean Lucas Poppe, Hermes José Schmitz. GENETICA, UFRGS, Porto Alegre, Porto Alegre RS, Brazil. 747B Functional evolution of alcohol dehydrogeanse in Drosophila. Mohammad Siddiq, Joe Thornton. Ecology and Evolution, University of Chicago, Chicago, IL. 748C The genomics of parthenogenesis: Insight from the facultative parthenogenetic fly Drosophila mercatorum. Craig Stanley1,6, Danny Miller2,3, Therese Markow4,5, R. Scott Hawley2,3, Rob Kulathinal1,6. 1) Department of Biology, Temple University, Philadelphia, PA, USA; 2) Stowers Institute for Medical Research, Kansas City, MO, USA; 3) Department of Molecular and Integrative Physiology, University of Kansas Medical Center, Kansas City, KS, USA; 4) Laboratorio Nacional de Genomica de la Biodiversidad, CINVESTAV, Irapuato, Guanajuato CP, Mexico; 5) Univserity of California San Diego, San Diego California, La Jolla, CA, USA; 6) Center for Computational Genetics and Genomics, Temple University, Philadelphia, PA, USA. 757C Detecting meiotic drive by whole-genome sequencing of pooled embryos. Kevin Wei, Shuqing Ji, Jimin Lee, Deanna Lin, Chandramouli Rathnam, Andrew Clark, Daniel Barbash. Molecular Biology and Genetics, Cornell, Ithaca, NY. Pattern Formation 758A Localised control of Torso receptor tyrosine kinase activation in Drosophila terminal patterning. Travis Johnson1,2, Michelle Henstridge1,2, James Whisstock1,3, Coral Warr2. 1) Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, Monash University, Clayton, Victoria, Australia; 2) School of Biological Sciences, Monash University, Clayton, Victoria, Australia; 3) Australian Research Council Centre of Excellence in Advanced Molecular Imaging, Monash University, Clayton, Victoria, Australia. 749A The genetic basis of a female-limited pigmentation polymorphism in the Drosophila montium subgroup. Emily K. Delaney1, Thaddeus Seher1, Nicholas Appleton2, Steve Chenoweth2, Artyom Kopp1. 1) Evolution and Ecology, University of California-Davis, Davis, CA; 2) University of Queensland, Australia. 759B Maternal lolal regulates Dpp and Screw transcription in dorsal/ventral patterning. Janine C. Quijano1, Osamu Shimmi2, Theodor Haerry3, Stuart Newfeld1. 1) Arizona State University, Tempe, AZ; 2) Institute of Biotechnology, University of Helsinki, Helsinki Finland; 3) Center for Molecular Biology & Biotechnology, Florida Atlantic University, Boca Raton, FL. 750B Quantitative genetics of food intake in Drosophila melanogaster. Megan Garlapow, Trudy Mackay. Department of Biological Sciences, Program in Genetics and W. M Keck Center for Behavioral Biology, NC State University, Raleigh, NC 276957614. 760C A gene expression approach to identify novel posterior signaling genes. Julia Wittes, Trudi Schüpbach. Department of Molecular Biology, Princeton University, Princeton, NJ. 751C Using artificial selection to validate single nucleotide polymorphisms affecting sleep duration in D. melanogaster. Susan Harbison1, Yazmin Serrano Negron1, Nancy Hansen2, Amanda Lobell1. 1) Laboratory of Systems Genetics, NHLBI, Bethesda, MD; 2) The NISC Consortium, NHGRI, Bethesda, MD. 761A Dpp Signaling Directs Nuclear Migration to its Source in the Blastoderm Embryo. Yongqiang Xue, Juan Chahda, Claudia Mizutani. Biology Department, Case western Reserve University, Cleveland, OH. 752A A Hidden Markov Model for testing GWAS association by the aggregate signal of multiple linked SNPs. Ziyad Knio, Keegan Kelsey, Andrew Clark. Department of Molecular Biology and Genetics, Cornell University, Ithaca, NY. 762B A dual-function motif explains dynamic positional specification in Drosophila melanogaster. Berta Verd1, Anton Crombach1, Nick Monk2, Johannes Jaeger1. 1) Centre for Genomic Regulation (CRG). C/ Dr. Aiguader 88, PRBB Building, 08003 Barcelona, Spain; 2) School of Mathematics and Statistics and Centre for Membrane Interactions and Dynamics. University of Sheffield. Hicks Building, Sheffield, S3 7RH, UK. 753B Investigating the female’s role in sperm competition in Drosophila melanogaster. Simone White, Jessica Sitnik, Clement Chow, Andrew Clark, Mariana Wolfner. Molecular Biology & Genetics, Cornell University, Ithaca, NY. 72 POSTER SESSIONS See Page 10 for presentation schedule. Poster board number and presenter are in bold. Full abstracts can be found online. 763C Pax6 and the Polycomb Repressive Complex Promote Eye Formation by Repressing Alternate Non-Ocular Fates. Jinjin Zhu, Justin Kumar. Department of Biology, Indiana University Bloomington, Bloomington, IN. 774B Background subtraction via nuclear Cactus increases the signal-tonoise ratio of the Dorsal gradient. Michael O'Connell, Gregory Reeves. Chemical & Biomolecular Engineering, North Carolina State University, Raleigh, NC. 764A Eyeless Participates in the Establishment and Maintenance of Dorsal-Ventral Patterning Within the Developing Eye. Luke R. Baker, Bonnie M. Weasner, Justin P. Kumar. Dept Biol, Indiana University, Bloomington, IN. 775C A mathematical approach to predicting the mechanisms underlying the evolution of eggshell patterning by the TGF-alpha-like ligand Gurken. Nicole Pope1, Nastassia Pouradier Duteil1, Matthew Niepielko1, Benedetto Picolli1, Nir Yakoby1,2. 1) Computational and Integrative Biology, Rutgers University, Camden, NJ; 2) Biology Department, Rutgers University, Camden, NJ. 765B Putting the Teashirt Family of Genes into context: Their role in Eye Development and Tissue Fate Segregation. Sneha Palliyil and Justin P. Kumar, Department of Biology, Indiana University.Sneha Palliyil, Justin Kumar. Bio Dept, IU, Bloomington. 776A From cells to pattern: A NetLogo model of Notch signaling. Elaine Reynolds1, Ryan Himmelwright1, Christopher Sanginiti1, Jeffrey Pfaffmann2. 1) Neuroscience Program, Lafayette Col, Easton, PA; 2) Computer Science Dept, Lafayette Col, Easton PA. 766C A screen for Notch-target enhancers that integrate homeotic factors and other signaling pathways. Elizabeth Stroebele, Timothy Fuqua, Ana Castro, Christian Noblett, Albert Erives. Department of Biology, University of Iowa, Iowa City, IA. 777B Evolution in silico of genes with multiple regulatory modules: gap genes vs pair-rule genes. Alexander Spirov1, David Holloway2. 1) Cntr Excellence in Wireless & Information Technol, State Univ New York, Stony Brook, NY; 2) Mathematics Department, British Columbia Institute of Technology, Burnaby, B.C., Canada. 767A Combgap and Eyes absent balance regional identities during retinal development. Trevor Davis, Ilaria Rebay. Committee on Development, Regeneration, and Stem Cell Biology, University of Chicago, Chicago, IL. 778C Robust patterning of the dorsal-ventral axis in the Drosophila melanogaster embryo. Sophia Carrell, Alexander Thomas, Jeramey Friedman, Gregory Reeves. Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering, North Carolina State University, Raleigh, NC. 768B Role of dve in patterning and growth during eye development. N. Gogia1, A. Singh1,2,3. 1) DEPARTMENT OF BIOLOGY, UNIVERSITY OF DAYTON, DAYTON, OH; 2) Premedical Program, University of Dayton, 300 College Park Drive, Dayton, OH; 3) Centre for Tissue Regeneration & Engineering at Dayton (TREND), University of Dayton, Dayton, OH. 779A The Instructive Epidermis: The Role of JNK Organizing Centers. Molly Jud, Anthea Letsou. Human Genetics, University of Utah, Salt Lake City, UT. 769C Defining the role of Glass, a zinc finger transcription factor, in photoreceptor differentiation. Carolyn A. Morrison, Jessica E. Treisman. Skirball Institute of Biomolecular Medicine, New York University School of Medicine, New York, NY. 780B Taranis buffers regenerating tissue from fate changes induced by the wound response in Drosophila. Keaton Schuster, Rachel Smith-Bolton. Cell & Developmental Biology, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, Urbana, IL. 770A A screen for negative regulators of damage-induced notum-towing transdetermination. Melanie I. Worley, Larissa Alexander, Iswar K. Hariharan. Molec & Cell Biol, Univ California, Berkeley, Berkeley, CA. Regulation of Gene Expression 781C Identification of the specific de2f1 transcript that is required for the formation of imaginal discs. Mary-Rose Bradley-Gill, Nam-Sung Moon. Biology, McGill, Montreal, Quebec, Canada. 771B A self-regulatory BMP signaling circuit drives sequential serosa and amnion specification in the scuttle fly Megaselia abdita. Chun Wai Kwan, Urs Schmidt-Ott. Organismal Biology and Anatomy, University of Chicago, Chicago, IL. 782A Genome wide identification of Smad2 target genes mediating TGFβ function during Drosophila imaginal development. Covadonga F. Hevia, Jose F. de Celis. Centro de Biología Molecular Severo Ochoa, Universidad Autónoma de Madrid, Cantoblanco, Madrid, Spain. 772C DV polarity establishment in the beetle Tribolium as revealed by RNAseq. Jeremy Lynch1, Siegfried Roth2. 1) Biological Sciences, University of Illinois at Chicago, Chicago, IL; 2) Institute for Developmental Biology University of Cologne Cologne, Germany. 783B The triia-s-2 gene encodes a male germ-line specific homolog of the small subunit of the TFIIA General Transcription Factor. Mark Hiller, Ashley Cowan, Leah Hirschman, Maura Coughlin. Dept of Biological Science, Goucher College, Baltimore, MD. 773A Genome-wide measurement of Bicoid binding states at single positions along the AP axis. Colleen E. Hannon, Shelby A. Blythe, Eric F. Wieschaus. Molecular Biology, Princeton University/HHMI, Princeton, NJ. 73 POSTER SESSIONS See Page 10 for presentation schedule. Poster board number and presenter are in bold. Full abstracts can be found online. 795B Identification of the Lola Transcriptional Targets during Embryonic Development. Edwin Chaharbakhshi, Christopher Lenkeit, Jennifer Jemc, Safiyah Elahi. Loyola University Chicago, Chicago, IL. 784C The dosage compensation protein CLAMP is involved in non sexspecific histone transcript misprocessing. Leila Rieder1, Anna Zeidman1, Katy Curry2, Bob Duronio2, Erica Larschan1. 1) Molecular Biology, Cellular Biology and Biochemistry, Brown University, Providence, RI; 2) Department of Genetics, University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill. 796C Identification of Transcriptional Targets of Longitudinals Lacking. Christopher P. Lenkeit, Jennifer Jemc, Edwin Chaharbahkshi. Loyola University Chicago, Chicago, IL. 785A Molecular Genetic Mechanism for Development of The Small Intestine in Drosophila Hindgut. Sarder Uddin1, Ryutaro Murakami2. 1) Biotechnology and Genetic Engineering Discipline, Khulna University, Khulna, Bangladesh; 2) Graduate School of Medicine, Yamaguchi University, Japan. 797A Instability element of retinoblastoma protein Rbf1 regulates apoptotic and developmental phenotypes. Rima Mouawad1, Jared Elenbaas2, Yiliang Wei2, Sandhya Payankaulam2, David Arnosti1,2. 1) Cell and Molecular Biology, Michigan State University, East lansing, MI; 2) Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, Michigan State University, East lansing, MI. 786B A Role for Valois and Piwi in the Maternal to Zygotic Transition. Shelby Blythe, Eric Wieschaus. Molecular Biology, Princeton University/HHMI, Princeton, NJ. 798B Transcriptional regulation of cell polarity determinants by the Retinoblastoma tumor suppressor protein (Rbf1) in Drosophila melanogaster. Sandhya Payankaulam1, Kelvin Yeung2, Helen McNeill2, William Henry1, David Arnosti1. 1) Department of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, Michigan State University, East Lansing, MI 48823, USA East Lansing, MI; 2) Samuel Lunenfeld Research Institute, Mount Sinai Hospital, 600 University Avenue, Room 881, Toronto, Ontario M5G1X5, Canada. 787C The role of SAGA subunits for its genome-wide recruitment to chromatin. G. Dialynas, S. Abmayr, A. Peak, A. Perera, C. Seidel, J. Workman. Stowers Institute For Medical Research, Kansas City , MO. 788A Notch alleles encoding variant polyQ tracts disrupt anteriorposterior patterning in Drosophila embryos. Albert Erives, Clinton Rice, Danielle Beekman, Rachel Harney, Megan Bowman, Sarah Coe, Liping Liu, Megan Tobias, Mark Vaske. Department of Biology, University of Iowa, Iowa City, IA. 799C Genome-wide effects of retinoblastoma family proteins on gene expression and chromatin state in Drosophila melanogaster development. Irina Pushel1, Sandhya Payankaulam1, Rima Mouawad2, David Arnosti1,2. 1) Biochemistry & Molecular Biology, Michigan State University, East Lansing, MI; 2) Cellular & Molecular Biology, Michigan State University, East Lansing, MI. 789B COMPASS-like coactivator complex regulation of the bantam miRNA enhancer. David J. Ford1, Claudia B. Zraly2, John S. Perez2, Andrew K. Dingwall1,2,3. 1) Molecular Biology/Biochemistry Program; 2) Oncology Research Institute; 3) Department of Pathology. Loyola University Chicago-Stritch School of Medicine, Maywood, IL. 800A Identification of potential Stat92E target genes that affect hematopoietic output in Drosophila. Aditi Vyas, Soichi Tanda. Biological Sciences, Ohio University, Athens, OH. 790C Akirin-Mediated Gene Regulation during cardiac development. Austin M. Howard, Scott J. Nowak. Department of Biology and Physics, Kennesaw State University, Kennesaw, GA. 801B Groucho and Rpd3-Caf1 regulate EGFR signaling by repressing rhomboid expression during Drosophila development. T. Zhang, W. Du. University of Chicago, Chicago, IL. 791A The transcriptional network of rhabdomeric photoreceptor differentiation. Xulong Liang, Simpla Mahato, Savanna Brewski, Andrew Zelhof. Biology, Indiana University Bloomington, Bloomington, IN 47405, IN. 802C A novel 899bp enhancer regulates Vestigial expression in the myoblast population of the notal region of the wing disc. Elizabeth Clarke, Tyanna Lovato, Richard Cripps. Biology, University of New Mexico, Albuquerque, NM. 792B Regulation of mitochondrial function by the transcriptional regulator KDM5. Xingyin Liu, Julie Secombe. Genetics, Albert Einstein Med College, Bronx, NY. 803A Identification of an evolutionarily-conserved CRM that recapitulates Scr expression in the primordia of the T-row and sex comb bristles of T1 leg. Ece Eksi1, Christopher McCallough1, Artyom Kopp2, Olga Barmina2, Teresa Orenic1. 1) Biological Sciences, University of Illinois at Chicago, Chicago, IL; 2) Dept of Evolution and Ecology, University of California, Davis. 793C Mapping the transcriptional network regulated by the conserved factor Grainyhead during embryonic development. Markus Nevil, Eliana Bondra, Melissa Harrison. Department of Biomolecular Chemistry, University of Wisconsin - Madison, Madison, WI. 794A Klumpfuss/Wilms’ tumor suppressor controls stochastic gene expression in the fly eye. Caitlin C. Anderson1, Ben Mormann2, Daniel Vasiliauskas2, James Taylor1, Robert Johnston1. 1) Biology, Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore, MD; 2) Biology, New York University, New York, NY. 804B REDfly: The Regulatory Element Database for Drosophila. Marc S. Halfon1,2,3,4,5, Steven M. Gallo4,6. 1) Department of Biochemistry, University at Buffalo, Buffalo, NY; 2) Department of Biological Sciences, University at Buffalo, Buffalo, NY; 3) Department of Biomedical Informatics, University at Buffalo,; 4) 74 POSTER SESSIONS See Page 10 for presentation schedule. Poster board number and presenter are in bold. Full abstracts can be found online. New York Center of Excellence in Bioinformatics and Life Sciences, Buffalo, NY; 5) Department of Molecular and Cellular Biology and Program in Cancer Genetics, Roswell Park Cancer Institute, Buffalo, NY; 6) Center for Computational Research, University at Buffalo. 814C Probing Structure/Function Relationships in the gurken 5’ UTR. Phillip A. Frankino1, Jacob A. Merle1, Ramses Rodriguez1, David DiPalma1, Allison H. H. Martin1, Matthew A. Fountain2, Scott B. Ferguson1. 1) Biology Department, Fredonia, NY; 2) Biochemistry and Chemistry Department, Fredonia, NY. 805C Do regulatory interactions that result in repression of transcription elongation dominantly interfere with activation by other enhancers at the same promoter? Michael Higgins1, Saiyu Hang2, Haiyue Zhang3, John Peter Gergen4. 1) Graduate Program in Biochemistry and Structural Biology, Stony Brook University, Stony Brook, NY; 2) Postdoctoral Fellow, Boston Children's Hospital, Boston, MA; 3) Nanjing University, Nanjing, China; 4) Department of Biochemistry and Cell Biology and the Center for Developmental Genetics, Stony Brook University, Stony Brook, NY. 815A Regulation of expression of RNP-4F splicing assembly factor in Drosophila melanogaster. Sushmita Ghosh, Lindsey Abraham, Jack Vaughn. Biology, Program in Cell Molecular and Structural Biology, Miami University, Oxford, OH. 816B Measuring the impact of microRNAs on in vivo gene expression at single cell resolution: Can microRNAs suppress noise in gene expression? R. Giri, R. Carthew. Department of Molecular Biosciences, Northwestern University, Evanston, IL. 806A Expression of eyes absent in the developing retina is controlled by a single enhancer composed of 3 separate cis-regulatory elements. Bonnie M. Weasner, Brandon P. Weasner, Justin P. Kumar. Dept Biol, Indiana Univ, Bloomington, IN. 817C Identifying Novel Drosophila Mutations That Affect gurken Translation in spindle B Mutants. John Hasper, Breanna Meyers, Malachi Blundon, Austie Lawrence, Scott Ferguson. Biology, SUNY Fredonia, Fredonia, NY. 807B Patched together: cis-regulatory control of the Hedgehog response. David Lorberbaum1,2, Andrea Ramos2, Scott Barolo1,2. 1) Cellular and Molecular Biology, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor; 2) Cell and Developmental Biology, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, MI. 818A A heterodimer-based regulatory role for Drosophila truncated dADAR protein isoform function. Fatemeh Kohram, Sushmita Ghosh, Jack Vaughn. Biology, Program in Cell Molecular and Structural Biology, Miami University, Oxford, OH. 808C A comparison of transvection effects at the Men and Tpi loci in Drosophila melanogaster. Patrick D. O'Donnell, Thomas J. S. Merritt. Laurentian University, Sudbury, Canada. 819B The Wright stuff: reinventing path analysis reveals novel components of the sex determination hierarchy in D. melanogaster. Justin Fear1,2, Michelle Arbeitman3, Matthew Salomon4, Justin Dalton3, John Tower4, Sergey Nuzhdin4, Lauren McIntyre2. 1) Genetics & Genomics, Univ Florida, Gainesville, FL; 2) Department of Molecular Genetics and Microbiology, University of Florida, Gainesville, FL; 3) Department of Biomedical Sciences, Florida State University, Tallahassee; 4) Molecular and Computational Biology, University of Southern California, Los Angeles, CA. 809A Control of transcription dynamics by shadow enhancers of Kruppel. Clarissa Scholes1,2, Alvaro Sanchez3, Angela DePace1. 1) Graduate Program in Molecular and Cellular Biology, Harvard University, Cambridge, MA; 2) Dept of Systems Biology, Harvard Med School, Boston, MA; 3) Rowland Inst at Harvard, Cambridge, 810B Genome wide identification of cis-regulatory elements from small cell population: Insights from the drosophila cardiac tube. Denis Seyres1, Yad Ghavi-Helm2, Celine Guichard3, Magali Torres1, Charles Girardot2, Eileen Furlong2, Laurent Perrin1. 1) TAGC U1090, Marseille, cedex 9, France; 2) European Molecular Biology Laboratory (EMBL), MeyerhofstraBe 1, 69117 Heidelberg, Germany; 3) Child and hess institute [Mount Sinai], 1468 madisson avenue, New York, USA. 820C Improved statistical methods enable greater sensitivity in rhythm detection for genome-wide data. Alan L. Hutchison1,2,3, Mark Maienschein-Cline4, Andrew H. Chiang3, S. M. Ali Tabei3, Herman Gudjonson2,3, Neil Bahroos4, Ravi Allada5, Aaron R. Dinner2,3,6. 1) Medical Scientist Training Program, University of Chicago, Chicago, IL; 2) Graduate Program in Biophysical Sciences, University of Chicago, Chicago, IL; 3) James Franck Institute, University of Chicago, Chicago, IL; 4) Center for Research Informatics, University of Illinois at Chicago, Chicago, IL; 5) Department of Neurobiology, Northwestern University, Evanston, IL; 6) Department of Chemistry, University of Chicago, Chicago, IL. 811C Enhancers by design. Ben Vincent1, Meghan Bragdon1, Garth Ilsley2, Zeba Wunderlich1, Javier Estrada1, Angela DePace1. 1) Department of Systems Biology, Harvard Medical School, Boston, MA; 2) Okinawa Institute of Science and Technology Graduate University, Japan. 821A Using structural equation modeling to detect regulatory interactions in the Inr/Tor pathway. Felicia New1, Michelle Arbeitman2, Nicole Newell2, Justin Fear1, Lauren McIntyre1. 1) Department of Molecular Genetics and Microbiology, University of Florida, Gainesville, FL; 2) Department of Biomedical Sciences, Florida State University, Tallahassee, FL. 812A A massively parallel reverse genetic screen for early embryonic patterning mutants. Peter Combs1, Michael Eisen2,3. 1) Biophysics Grad Group, UC Berkeley, Berkeley, CA; 2) Department of Molecular and Cell Biology, UC Berkeley, CA; 3) Howard Hughes Medical Institute, UC Berkeley, CA. 813B A transcriptomic approach to sex determination and the maternalto-zygotic transition in Nasonia. Deanna Arsala, Jeremy Lynch. Biological Sciences, University of Illinois at Chicago. 75 POSTER SESSIONS See Page 10 for presentation schedule. Poster board number and presenter are in bold. Full abstracts can be found online. 822B An imaging-based approach to quantitative in vivo analysis of gene regulatory networks. Radoslaw Ejsmont, Bassem Hassan. VIB Center for the Biology of Disease, VIB, Leuven, Belgium. 832C Uncovering mechanisms that regulate miRNA expression. Victoria Church, Sigal Kellman-Pressman, Richard Carthew. Northwestern University, Evanston, IL. 823C Metabolic gene linkages to long non-coding RNAs and allelespecific expression. Alison Gerken1, Justin Fear1,2, Sergey Nuzhdin3, Lauren McIntyre1. 1) Molecular Genetics and Microbiology, University of Florida, Gainesville, FL; 2) Genetics and Genomics Graduate Program, University of Florida, Gainesville, FL; 3) Molecular and Computational Biology, University of Southern California, Los Angeles, CA. 833A An in vitro study of Zelda as a pioneer factor. H. Crimmins, C. Rushlow, N. Kirov. Department of Biology, New York University, New York, NY. 834B Hypergravity-induced transcriptome profiling in Drosophila pupae via deep mRNA sequencing. Ravikumar Hosamani1, Shannon Hateley2, Lior Pachter2, Sharmila Bhattacharya1. 1) Space Bioscience Division, NASA Ames Research Center, Mountain View, CA; 2) Department of Molecular and Cell Biology, University of California, Berkeley. 824A Caudal drives Themira putris even-skipped stripe 2 expression in Drosophila melanogaster ? Ah-Ram Kim1, Pengyao Jiang2, Michael Ludwig2,3, John Reinitz2,3,4,5. 1) MIT Computational Biology Group, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, MA; 2) Ecology & Evolution, University of Chicago, Chicago, IL; 3) Institute for Genomics & Systems Biology, University of Chicago, Chicago, IL; 4) Department of Statistics, University of Chicago, IL; 5) Department of Molecular Genetics and Cell Biology, University of Chicago, IL. 835C Gene expression analysis of known CASK interacting proteins in CASK knockout fly lines. Alexander Kneubehl, Rachel Boody, Lauren Guerriero, Jamie Sanford. Ohio Northern University, 525 S. Main Street, Ada, OH 45810. 836A Regulation of the Master Regulatory Helix-Loop-Helix Proteins in Drosophila. Ke Li, Nicholas Baker. Department of Genetics, Albert Einstein College of Medicine, Bronx, NY. 825B Dissecting Miscadestral pigmentation (Mcp) in the AbdominalB (Abd-B) locus: establishment of a Recombination Mediated Cassette Exchange (RMCE) platform using the CRISPR/Cas9 method. Mario Metzler1,2, Martin Müller1, Markus Affolter1. 1) Biozentrum, Zellbiologie, Universität Basel, Basel, Switzerland; 2) Fellowships for Excellence, Biozentrum, Universität Basel, Basel, Switzerland. 837B miR-184 regulates the level of Gliotactin, a tricellular marker, through BMP signaling. Zohreh Sharifkhodaei1, Mary Gilbert1, Mojgan Padash-Barmchi1, Gayathri Samarasekera1, Tudor A. Fulga2, David Van Vactor2, Vanessa Auld1. 1) Department of Zoology, University of British Columbia, Vancouver, Canada; 2) Department of Cell Biology, Harvard Medical School, Boston 826C Evolutionary rates of redundant enhancers. Anne Sonnenschein, Ian Dworkin, David Arnosti. Michigan State University, East Lansing, MI. 838C Stochastic spineless expression in natural Drosophila variants. Cyrus Zhou1, Annie Cho1, Haziq Siddiqi1, India Reiss1, Caitlin Anderson1, Cameron Avelis2, Elijah Roberts2, Robert Johnston1. 1) Department of Biology, Johns Hopkins, Baltimore, MD; 2) Department of Biophysics, Johns Hopkins, Baltimore, MD. 827A Determining the role of 3D nuclear architecture in stochastic gene expression. Kayla C. Viets, Robert J. Johnston Jr.. Department of Biology, The Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore, MD. 828B Transcriptional regulation of the Insulin Receptor gene in Drosophila melanogaster. Y. Wei, R. Gokhale, W. Henry, D. Arnosti. Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, Michigan State University, East Lansing, MI. Chromatin and Epigenetics 839A How does Ago2 contribute to dosage compensation in Drosophila melanogaster? Nikita Deshpande, Victoria Meller. Wayne State University, Detroit, MI. 829C Mechanism of repo Regulation in Glial Cells of Drosophila melanogaster. Jamie L. Wood, Bradley W. Jones. Dept. of Biology, University of Mississippi, University, MS. 840B Identification and Characterization of a Novel Regulator of Interphase Chromosome Structure. Michael Nash, Nina Hann, Barbara Fasulo, Stephanie McClymont, John Tamkun. Molecular, Cell, & Developmental Biology, University of California, Santa Cruz, Santa Cruz, CA. 830A The cis-regulatory logic controlling Defective proventriculus (dve), a critical regulator of rhodopsin expression in the Drosophila eye. Jenny Yan1, Gregory Goldberg2, Robert Johnston1. 1) Biology, Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore, MD; 2) Immunology, Virology and Microbiology, The Rockerfeller University, New York, NY. 841C Zelda facilitates chromatin accessibility during the earliest stages of development. Katharine Schulz1, Eliana Bondra1, Jason Lieb2, Tommy Kaplan3, Daniel McKay4, Melissa Harrison1. 1) Biomolecular Chemistry, University of Wisconsin Madison, Madison, WI; 2) Department of Human Genetics, University of Chicago, Chicago, IL; 3) School of Computer Science and Engineering, The Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Israel; 4) Department of Biology, The University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill, NC. 831B Flexibility and Constraints of Hox complex configuration on Drosophila cis-regulatory modules. Arya Zandvakili, Juli Uhl, Ian Campbell, Yi Kuang, Brian Gebelein. Cincinnati Children's Hospital Medical Center, Cincinnati, OH. 76 POSTER SESSIONS See Page 10 for presentation schedule. Poster board number and presenter are in bold. Full abstracts can be found online. 852B The Mof Acetyltransferase Is Required for JIL-1 H3S10 Kinase Stability in Drosophila Males. Yeran Li, Weili Cai, Chao Wang, Huai Deng, Xiaomin Bao, Weiguo Zhang, Jack Girton, Jorgen Johansen, Kristen Johansen. Biochemistry, Biophysics & Molecular Biology, Iowa State University, Ames, IA. 842A Do the physiological effects of exercise depend on genetic background. Louis Watanabe, Nicole Riddle. Biology, University of Alabama at Birmingham, Birmingham, AL. 843B Precise induction of ectopic centromeres in Drosophila as a model for neocentromere formation. Jason Palladino, Barbara Mellone. Department of Molecular and Cell Biology, University of Connecticut, Storrs, CT. 853C Sequence-independent transcription is required for centromeric CENP-A deposition by its assembly factor. Chin-Chi Chen1, Sarion Bowers1, Zoltan Lipinszki2,3, Jason Palladino1, Emily Bettini1, Sarah Trusiak1, Leah Rosin1, Marcin Przewloka2, David Glover2, Rachel O'Neill1,4, Barbara Mellone1,4. 1) Molecular and Cell Biology, University of Connecticut, Storrs, CT; 2) Department of Genetics, University of Cambridge, Cambridge, CB2 3EH, UK; 3) Institute of Biochemistry, Biological Research Centre of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences, H-6701 Szeged, P.O. Box 521, Hungary; 4) Institute for Systems Genomics, University of Connecticut, Storrs, CT. 844C The impact of ectopic piRNAs on hetrochromatin assembly at a PEV reporter site. Kiri Ulmschneider, Sarah C. R. Elgin. Dept Biol, Washington University, St. Louis, MO. 845A New Evidence for Piwi Association with Specific Sites in the Drosophila Genome. N. Neuenkirchen, N. Liu, M. Zhong, H. Lin. Stem Cell Center and Department of Cell Biology, Yale University, New Haven, CT. 854A Tip60 mediated epigenetic control of cognition-linked genes. Priyalakshmi Panikker, Elefant Felice. Department of Biology, Drexel University, Philadelphia, PA. 846B Chromatin remodelers, nucleoplasm compartment and proteinopathies. Luca Lo Piccolo, Rosa Bonaccorso, Antonia Maria Rita Ingrassia, Maria Cristina Onorati. STEBICEF Dept, viale delle Scienze Edificio 16, Universita’ degli Studi di Palermo, 90128 Palermo. 855B Understanding Heterochromatin: Determination of DNA Elements That Influence Gene Expression. April Bauer, Sarah Elgin. Department of Biology, Washington University, St. Louis, MO. 847C The effects of knocking down the expression of TnaA, a trithorax group protein with a putative SUMO E3 ligase function in Drosophila melanogaster. Marco Rosales-Vega, Zoraya Palomero, Mario Zurita, Martha Vázquez. Univ. Nacional Autónoma de México. Cuernavaca, Morelos. México. 856C Comparative Genomics of the Muller F Element among Four Species. John Braverman1, Martin Burg2, Christopher Jones3, Nighat Kokan4, Leming Zhou5, Don Paetkau6, Joyce Stamm7, Christopher Shaffer8, Wilson Leung8, Sarah Elgin8, other faculty and students of the Genomics Education Partnership. 1) Saint Joseph's University, Philadelphia, PA; 2) Grand Valley State University, Allendale, MI; 3) Moravian College, Bethlehem, PA; 4) Cardinal Stritch University, Milwaukee, WI; 5) University of Pittsburgh, Pittsburgh, PA; 6) St. Mary’s College, St. Mary’s City, MD; 7) University of Evansville, Evansville, IN; 8) Washington University, St. Louis, MO. 848A The newly identified HMG-box proteins tHMG-1 and tHMG-2 interact during chromatin remodeling in Drosophila spermatogenesis. Silke Rothenbusch, Stefanie M. K. Gärtner, Ina Theofel, Christina Rathke, Renate Renkawitz-Pohl. Philipps University, Marburg, Hessen, Germany. 849B The dAdd1 proteins: The Drosophila orthologs of the aminoterminus of the ATRX vertebrate protein. Viviana Valadez1, Brenda López1, Silvia Meyer1, Benjamín Hernández1, Daniel Montero1, Adam Campos2, Enrique Rudiño2, Martha Vazquez1, Mario Zurita1. 1) Genetica del Desarrollo, Instituto de Biotecnologia, UNAM, Cuernavaca, Morelos, Mexico; 2) Medicina Molecular y Bioprocesos. Instituto de Biotecnología, UNAM, Cuernavaca, Morelos, México. 857A Investigation on the expansion of the Drosophila ananassae Muller F element. E. Chen, W. Leung, K. Ko, T. Quisenberry, S. Elgin. Washington University in St. Louis, Saint Louis, MO. 858B HP1B, A Member of the Heterochromatin Protein 1 Family. Tandy L. Dolin Petrov, Nicole C. Riddle. Biology, University of Alabama at Birmingham, Birmingham, AL. 850C Interactions between the Myb Oncoprotein and the Variant Histone H2A.V in the D.melanogaster Hematopoietic Organ. M. Grigorian1, H. DeBruhl2, J. Lipsick1. 1) Depts. of Pathology and Genetics, Stanford University, Stanford, Ca; 2) Dept. of Mol., Cell and Dev. Biology, University of California, Santa Cruz, Santa Cruz, Ca. 859C Repeat-induced Chromatin Silencing in Fruit Flies (Drosophila melanogaster). Michael Lee1, Tingting Gu2, April Bauer1, Sarah Elgin1. 1) Department of Biology, Washington University in St. Louis, St. Louis, MO; 2) Nanjing Agricultural University, Nanjing, China. 851A An ancient centromeric histone duplication in Drosophila. Lisa E. Kursel1,2, Harmit Malik1,3. 1) Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center, Seattle, WA; 2) University of Washington Molecular and Cellular Biology; 3) HHMI. 860A Comparative analysis of HP1a, HP1B, and HP1C functions in Drosophila melanogaster. Nicole Riddle. Biology, University of Alabama at Birmingham, Birmingham, AL. 77 POSTER SESSIONS See Page 10 for presentation schedule. Poster board number and presenter are in bold. Full abstracts can be found online. 869A Combgap is a DNA binding protein required for Polycomb group silencing. P. Ray, S. De, J. Kassis. NICHD/NIH, Bethesda, MD. 861B Heterochromatin spreading is a common signature of exposure to metals and organic compounds. Katherine Silkaitis1, Cristina Valente1,2, Alan Branco1, Bernardo Lemos1. 1) Environmental Health, MIPS, Harvard School of Public Health, Boston, MA; 2) Faculdade de Medicina, University of São Paulo, Brazil. 870B Role of epigenetic factors in aging. Dasari Vasanthi. CCMB, Hyderabad, India. 862C Using FCS methods to study chromatin compaction and the dynamics of heterochromatin formation. Amy Strom1,2, Gary Karpen1,2. 1) UC Berkeley, Berkeley, CA; 2) Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, Berkeley, CA. 871C Baseline X chromosome dosage compensation in heads. Zhen-Xia Chen, Brian Oliver. NIDDK, National Institute of Health, Bethesda, MD. 872A The 1.688 satellite is required for targeting of POF to a transgenic recruitment element. M. Kim, J. Larsson. Umeå University, Umeå, Sweden. 863A Structure/Function dissection of the Fab-7 boundary within the context of the bithorax complex: the role of the GAGA factor. Fabienne Cléard, François Karch. Dept Genetic and Evolution, Univ Geneva, Geneva, Switzerland. 873B How does the fly identify X chromatin during dosage compensation? Victoria H. Meller, Debashish U. Menon. Biological Sciences, Wayne State University, Detroit, MI. 864B The Bithorax Fab-7 insulator element: A paradigm for developmental modulation of insulator function. Daniel Wolle1, Fabienne Cleard2, Tsutomu Aoki1, Girish Deshpande1, Paul Schedl1, François Karch2. 1) Department of Molecular Biology, Princeton University, Princeton, NJ; 2) Department of Genetics and Evolution, University of Geneva, 30 quai E. Ansermet, 1211, Geneva-4, Switzerland. 874C New data suggests an ancient mechanism for a chromosomespecific factor. Anna Zeidman, Leila Rieder, Erica Larschan. Brown University, Providence, RI. 875A The role of chromatin organization in regulating histone gene repeats. K. Boltz, R. Duronio. Lineberger Comprehensive Cancer Center, Univ of North Carolina, Chapel Hill, NC. 865C Deposition of the histone H3K27me3 mark during fly embryogenesis. Sarah Bowman1,2, Aimee Deaton1,2, Heber Domingues3, Robert Kingston1,2, Welcome Bender3. 1) Dept. of Molecular Biology, Massachusetts General Hospital, Boston, MA; 2) Dept. of Genetics, Harvard Medical School, Boston, MA; 3) Dept. of Biological Chemistry and Molecular Pharmacology, Harvard Medical School, Boston, MA. 876B The role of PIWI-interacting RNA pathway genes in cell survival after telomere loss. Ana C. Gonzalez, Rebeccah L. Kurzhals. Southeast Missouri State University, Cape Girardeau, MO 63701. 866A Sex combs on midleg (SCM) is a subunit of both PRC1 and PRC2, and is required for H3K27 trimethylation. Hyuckjoon Kang1,2, Kyle McElory1,2,3, Youngsook Jung2,4, Artyom Alekseyenko1,2, Peter Park2,4,5, Mitzi Kuroda1,2. 1) Genetics and Medicine, Harvard Medical School, Boston, MA; 2) Division of Genetics, Department of Medicine, Brigham and Women's Hospital, Boston, MA; 3) Department of Molecular and Cellular Biology, Harvard University, Cambridge, MA; 4) Center for Biomedical Information, Harvard Medical School, Boston, MA; 5) Center for Functional Cancer Epigenetics, Dana-Farber Cancer Institute, Boston, MA. 877C Characterization of His2Av in cell survival after telomere loss. Lakshmi P. D. Pulavarthi, Rebeccah L. Kurzhals. Southeast Missouri State University, Cape Girardeau, MO. 878A Developmental stability and the maintenance of chromatin structure. Frédérique Peronnet1, Delphine Cuménal1, Camille Dupont1, Valérie Ribeiro1, Vincent Debat2, Neel B. Randsholt1. 1) UMR7622 - Developmental Biology, Institute of Biology Paris Seine, CNRS - UPMC, Paris, France; 2) UMR7205 - OSEB, Systematic and Evolution, MNHN - CNRS, Paris France. 867B A Positive Role of Polycomb in Transcription Regulation by Modulating H4K20me1 during Normal Development. Xiangdong Lv1, Zhijun Han2, Hao Chen1, Yuanxin Xia1, Yi Lu1, Chenyu Pan1, Lin Fu1, Hui Han1, Gang Wei2, Yun Zhao1. 1) State Key Laboratory of Cell Biology, Institute of Biochemistry and Cell Biology, SIBS, CAS, Shanghai, China; 2) Key Laboratory of Computational Biology, CAS-MPG Partner Institute for Computational Biology, SIBS, CAS, Shanghai, China. 879B Cosuppression of Adh gene in Drosophila melanogaster by insertion of inducible transgene follows typical RNAi pathway. Debabani Roy Chowdhury, Utpal Bhadra. Functional Genomics, Centre for Cellular and Molecular Biology, Hyderabad, Andhra Pradesh, India. 880C Digitor, an Essential Protein with Homology to Mammalian ATMIN is Involved in Brain Development and Oxidative Stress Pathways in Drosophila. Saheli Sengupta, Changfu Yao, Uttama Rath, Jack Girton, Jorgen Johansen, Kristen Johansen. Biochemistry, Biophysics & Molecular Biology, Iowa State University, Ames, IA. 868C Physical and functional interaction between PIWI and PC is required for transcriptional silencing in Drosophila. Tanmoy Mondal1, Utpal Bhadra2, Sncvl Pushpavalli2, Manika Pal Bhadra1. 1) Centre for Chemical Biology, Indian Institute of Chemical Technology, Uppal Road, Hyderabad-500007, India; 2) Functional Genomics and Gene silencing Group, Centre for Cellular and Molecular Biology, Uppal Road, Hyderabad-500007, India. 78 POSTER SESSIONS See Page 10 for presentation schedule. Poster board number and presenter are in bold. Full abstracts can be found online. 888B Temporal and spatial control of the Smaug RNA binding protein in the early embryo. Wendy Cao1, Alexander Marsolais2, Matthew Cheng2, Najeeb Siddiqui1, Craig Smibert1,2, Howard Lipshitz1. 1) Molecular Genetics, University of Toronto, Toronto, Ontario, Canada; 2) Biochemistry, University of Toronto, Toronto, Ontario, Canada. RNA Biology 881A A microRNA minimizes the phenotypic impact of genomic diversity. Justin Cassidy1, Aashish Jha2, Diana Posadas1, Ritika Giri1, Koen Venken3,4, Jingran Ji1, Hongmei Jiang5, Hugo Bellen3,4, Kevin White2, Richard Carthew1. 1) Molecular Biosciences, Northwestern University, Chicago, IL; 2) Institute for Genomics and Systems Biology, Departments of Human Genetics and Ecology and Evolution, University of Chicago, Chicago, IL; 3) Department of Molecular and Human Genetics, Howard Hughes Medical Institute, Program in Developmental Biology, Baylor College of Medicine, Houston, TX; 4) Verna and Marrs McLean Department of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, Baylor College of Medicine, Houston, TX; 5) Department of Statistics, Northwestern University, Evanston, IL. 889C Extensive cross-regulation of post-transcriptional regulatory networks in Drosophila. Marcus Stoiber1,2, Sara Olson3, Gemma May3, Michael Duff3, Jan Manent4, Robert Obar4, K. G. Guruharsha4,5, Spyros Artavanis-Tsakonas4,5, James Brown2,6, Brenton Graveley3, Susan Celniker2. 1) Department of Biostatistics, UC Berkeley, Berkeley, CA; 2) Department of Genome Dynamics, Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, Berkeley, CA; 3) Department of Genetics and Developmental Biology, Institute for Systems Genomics, University of Connecticut Health Center, Farmington, CT; 4) Department of Cell Biology, Harvard Medical School, Boston, MA; 5) Biogen Idec Inc, 14 Cambridge Center, Cambridge, MA 02142 USA; 6) Department of Statistics, University of California Berkeley 882B piRNA-mediated repression during female germline development. Pauline Marie, Stéphane Ronsseray, Antoine Boivin. Developmental Biology Laboratory, IBPS, CNRS, Universite Pierre et Marie Curie, Paris, France. 890A The RNA interactome of early Drosophila embryo. Vasily Sysoev, Bernd Fischer, Christian Frese, Sophia Föhr, Alfredo Castello, Matthias Hentze, Jeroen Krijgsveld. European Molecular Biology Laboratory, Heidelberg, Germany. 883C Subtelomeric regions and transposable element repression in D. melanogaster. Laure Teysset, Amna Asif-Laidin, Stephane Ronsseray. Developmental Biology Laboratory, IBPS, CNRS, Universite Pierre et Marie, Paris, France. 891B Isoform-specific function of Squid in bicoid mRNA localization. Evan Abbaszadeh, Elizabeth Gavis. Department of Molecular Biology, Princeton University, Princeton, NJ. 884A Dynamic turnover of transposable elements in the Drosophila simulans clade supports an evolutionary arms race with the host silencing machinery. Jeffrey Vedanayagam, Daniel Garrigan. Department of Biology, University of Rochester, Rochester, NY. 892C Independent and coordinate trafficking of single germ plasm mRNAs. Shawn Little1,2, Kristina Sinsimer1, Jack Lee1, Eric Wieschaus1,2, Elizabeth Gavis1. 1) Department of Molecular Biology, Princeton University, Princeton, NJ; 2) Howard Hughes Medical Institute. 885B Tagging the iab-8ncRNA of the bithorax complex with mCherry. Yohan El bali, Dragan Gligorov, Robert Maeda, François Karch. Dept of Genetic and Evolution University of Geneva, Switzerland. 893A Location, Location: whole genome study of subcellular RNA localization beyond the early Drosophila embryo. Ronit Wilk1,2, Jack Hu1, Henry Krause1,2. 1) The Terrence Donnelly Centre for Cellular and Bimolecular Research, University of Toronto, Toronto, ON, Canada; 2) Department of Molecular Genetics, University of Toronto, Toronto, ON, Canada. 886C Lobe-less RNA is a new member of Polycomb group genes and essential for mushroom body morphogenesis in Drosophila. Sachi Inagaki1, Masanao Sato3,4, Natsuki Nakamura2, Satoru Kobayashi3,4, Yuji Kageyama1,2. 1) Research Center for Environmental Genomics ,Kobe University, Kobe, Japan; 2) Department of Biology, Graduate School of Science, Kobe University, Kobe, Japan; 3) Okazaki Institute for Integrative Bioscience, Okazaki, Japan; 4) National Institute for Basic Biology, National Institutes of Natural Sciences, Okazaki, Japan. 894B Decreased expression of SR proteins alters lipid droplet morphology and triglyceride levels in Drosophila larvae. Leelabati Biswas1, Spencer Ng1, Bijal Kakrecha2, Alexis Nagengast1. 1) Biochemistry, Widener University, Chester, PA; 2) Biology, Widener University, Chester, PA. 887A Role of specialized ribonucleoprotein granules in germline development in Drosophila. Alexey L. Arkov1, Ming Gao1, Travis C. Thomson2, T. Michael Creed1, Shikui Tu3, Sudan N. Loganathan1, Christina A. Jackson1, Nhan Huynh1, Jimiao Zheng1, Patrick McCluskey1, Yanyan Lin1, Scott E. Collier5, Jarred Koerner1, Zachary Ryne1, Zhiping Weng3, Paul Lasko4, Melanie D. Ohi5. 1) Department of Biological Sciences, Murray State University, Murray, KY; 2) Program in Molecular Medicine, University of Massachusetts Medical School, Worcester, MA; 3) Program in Bioinformatics and Integrative Biology, University of Massachusetts Medical School, Worcester, MA; 4) Department of Biology, McGill University, Montreal, Canada; 5) Department of Cell and Developmental Biology, Vanderbilt University School of Medicine, Nashville, TN. 895C Using a histone replacement system to define co-transcriptional interactions between histone modifications and elongating RNA. Michael P. Meers1, A. Gregory Matera2. 1) Curriculum in Genetics and Molecular Biology; 2) Department of Biology, The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, Chapel Hill, NC. 896A The exon junction complex facilitates pre-mRNA splicing via modulation of transcription elongation. J. Akhtar1, N. Kreim1, F. Martini2, G. Mohana1, J. Mazur2, H. Binder2, JY Roignant1. 1) Institute of Molecular Biology, Mainz, Germany; 2) Institute for Medicine Biometrie, Epidemiologie and Informatic (IMBEI), Mainz, Germany. 79 POSTER SESSIONS See Page 10 for presentation schedule. Poster board number and presenter are in bold. Full abstracts can be found online. 906B CRISPR/Cas9 mediates efficient conditional mutagenesis in Drosophila. Zhaoyu Xue, Menghua Wu, Kejia Wen, Mengda Ren, Li Long, Xuedi Zhang, Guanjun Gao. School of Life Sciences, Tsinghua University, Beijing, Beijing, China. 897B Tet, the 5-methylcytosine Oxidase, is Essential in Drosophila. F. Wang, S. Minakhina, R. Steward. Waksman Institute, Piscataway, NJ. 898C The level of nuclear 80S ribosomes increases during cell stress. A. Abdullahi, S. Brogna. Bioscience, University of Birmingham, Birmingham, Birmingham, W. Midlands, United Kingdom. 907C Toward a Complete Set of Germline Null and Modifiable Mutations in Drosophila. Graeme Mardon, Ming Fa, Min Li, Rui Chen. GenetiVision Corporation, Houston, TX. 899A Translational regulation of the grk mRNA during Drosophila oogenesis. Ramses Rodriguez1, Jacob Merle1, Philip Frankino1, Danielle Hindes1, Malachi Blundon1, Maya Mills1, Matthew Fountain1,2, Scott Ferguson1. 1) Department of Biology, SUNY Fredonia, Fredonia, NY; 2) Department of Chemistry, SUNY Fredonia, Fredonia, NY. 908A Anchoring proteins away: a fast and regulated method to deplete proteins in the cell. Pablo Sánchez Bosch, Julia Pepperl, Konrad Basler. University of Zürich, Zürich, Switzerland. 909B Chemical control of gene expression in Drosophila melanogaster. Sachin Sethi, Jing W. Wang. Neurobiology Section, Div of Biological Sciences, Univ of California, San Diego 900B Long noncoding RNA-Proteins interaction module initiates heterochromain. Indira Bag1, Manika Pal Bhadra2, Utpal Bhadra1. 1) Centre for Cellular & Molecular Biology, Uppal Road, Hyderabad 500007, INDA; 2) Centre for Chemical Biology, Indian Institute of Chemical Technology, Uppal Road, Hyderabad 500007, India. 910C To Apply the CRISPR/Cas9 System in Drosophila. Jin Sun1, Xingjie Ren1, Zhihao Yang1, Jiang Xu1,2, Lu-Ping Liu1,2, Jian-Quan Ni1. 1) School of Medicine, Tsinghua University, Beijing, China; 2) Tsinghua Fly Center, Tsinghua University, Beijing, China. 901C Genome editing in Drosophila to reconstruct the evolutionary change in the transcriptional control and processing of RNase P RNA, an essential ribozyme. Geeta Palsule1, Sathiya Manivannan1, Lien Lai2, Venkat Gopalan1,2, Amanda Simcox1. 1) Molecular Genetics, The Ohio State University, Columbus, OH; 2) The Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry, The Ohio State University,Columbus, OH. 911A Application of CRISPR/Cas9 system and efficient mutants screening in Drosophila species. J.-S. Chen, C.-T. Ting. Dept Life Sci, National Taiwan Univ, Taipei, Taiwan, ROC. 912B Fly Facility: A resource to facilitate modern molecular genetics in Drosophila. Deepti Trivedi. Fly Facility, Centre for Cellular and Molecular Platforms, Bangalore, India. Techniques and Resources 913C CoinFLP: A system for efficient mosaic screening and for visualizing clonal boundaries in Drosophila. Justin A. Bosch, Ngoc Han Tran, Iswar K. Hariharan. Molecular and Cell Biology, University of California - Berkeley, Berkeley, CA. 902A On a wing and a chip - microfluidics for whole organ studies in Drosophila development. Cody Narciso1, Thomas Storey2, David Hoelzle2, Jeremiah Zartman1. 1) Department of Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering, University of Notre Dame, Notre Dame, IN; 2) Department of Aerospace and Mechanical Engineering, University of Notre Dame, Notre Dame, IN. 914A Resource Development for Investigation of Chromatin Modifying Proteins. Benjamin B. Mills. Biology Dept., University of Alabama at Birmingham, Birmingham, AL. 903B A rationally designed fluorogenic protease reporter visualizes spatiotemporal dynamics of apoptosis in vivo. Xiaokun Shu, TszLeung To, Beverly Piggott, Yuh-Nung Jan. Pharmaceutical Chemistry, UCSF, San Francisco, CA. 915B QuantiFly 4D: Learning to Count in 4 Dimensions. Richard M. Parton1, Dominic Waithe2, Lu Yang1, Ilan Davis1. 1) Biochemistry Dept., University of Oxford, Oxford, United Kingdom; 2) Wolfson Imaging Centre, University of Oxford, Oxford, United Kingdom. 904C High-throughput analysis of RNAi knockdown efficiency and offtarget effects. Hangnoh Lee1, Michael Buckner2, Quentin Gilly2, Haiwang Yang1, Hina Sultana1, Cale Whitworth1, Maria Jaime1, Satish Kumar1, Harold Smith1, Yanhui Hu2, Stephanie Mohr2, Norbert Perrimon2, Brian Oliver1. 1) Laboratory of Cellular and Developmental Biology, National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases, National Institutes of Health, Bethesda, MD 20892, USA; 2) Drosophila RNAi Screening Center, Department of Genetics, Harvard Medical School, Boston, MA 02115, USA. 916C Creation of a Drosophila ORFeome library. Johannes Bischof2, Emma Sheils1, Mikael Björklund1, Konrad Basler2. 1) University of Dundee, Dundee, United Kingdom; 2) Institute of Molecular Life Sciences, University of Zurich, Zürich, Switzerland. 917A Towards an automated experimental platform for Drosophila melanogaster. Matt Zucker1, Dave Zucker2. 1) Swarthmore College, Swarthmore, PA; 2) FlySorter LLC, Cambridge, MA. 905A The Transgenic RNAi Project: Reagents, Tools & Validation. Liz Perkins1, Claire Hu1, Laura Holderbaum1, J.-Q. Ni2, Shu Kondo3, Stephanie Mohr1, Norbert Perrimon1. 1) DRSC & TRiP, Harvard Medical School, Boston, MA; 2) TsingHua Univ, China; 3) NIG, Japan. 918B An LD-based approach for increasing coverage in pooled sequence experiments without additional cost. Hussein Al-Asadi, Matthew Stephens. University of Chicago 80 POSTER SESSIONS See Page 10 for presentation schedule. Poster board number and presenter are in bold. Full abstracts can be found online. 928C Manipulation of Gene Expression by Infrared Laser Heat Shock and Its Application to the Study of Tracheal Development in Drosophila. Guangxia Miao1,2, Shigeo Hayashi1,2. 1) Laboratory for Morphogenetic Signaling, RIKEN Center for Developmental Biology, 2-2-3 Minatojima-minamimachi, Chuoku, Kobe, Hyogo, 650-0047, Japan; 2) Department of Biology, Kobe University Graduate School of Science, 1-1 Rokkodai-cho, Nada-ku, Kobe, Hyogo, 657-8051, Japan. 919C A deep learning based universal representation for Drosophila Embryos Image Annotation. Qian Sun1, Wenlu Zhang2, Rongjian Li2, Sudhir Kumar3,4, Jieping Ye1, Shuiwang Ji2. 1) School of Computing, Informatics, and Decision Systems, Arizona State University, Tempe, AZ.Biodesign Institute, Arizona State University, Tempe, AZ; 2) Department of Computer Science, Old Dominion, Norfolk, VA; 3) Institute for Genomics and Evolutionary Medicine, Temple University, Philadelphia, PA; 4) Center of Excellence in Genomic Medicine Research, King Abdulaziz University, Jeddah, Saudi Arabia. 929A New stocks at the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center. Annette L. Parks, Kevin R. Cook, Thom C. Kaufman, Kathy A. Matthews. Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center, Dept. of Biology, Indiana University, Bloomington, IN. 920A FlyBase: A new and improved website coming to a browser near you. Josh Goodman, Victor Strelets, Jim Thurmond, Gary Grumbling, Thomas Kaufman. FlyBase, Department of Biology, Indiana University, Bloomington, IN, USA. Educational Initiatives 921B DRSC Informatics Tools for Functional Genomics Studies. C. Hu, I. Flockhart, C. Roesel, A. Vinayagam, B. Yilmazel, A. Comjean, L. Perkins, N. Perrimon, S. Mohr. Genetics, Harvard Medical School, Boston, MA. 930B Evidence-Based Inquiry Into the Remote: Using Drosophila's Phenoloxidase to Open the Door to ResearchBased Experiences in a High School Classroom. Rebecca Steiger1, Nicole Green2, Erika Geisbrecht2, Carolyn Ferguson3. 1) Junction City High School, Geary Co. USD 475, Junction City, KS; 2) Bioch. & Mol. Biophysics Dept., Kansas State University, Manhattan, KS; 3) Biology Dept., Kansas State University, Manhattan, KS. 922C Gene Groups in FlyBase. Steven Marygold, Helen Attrill, FlyBase consortium. FlyBase, Dept. of Genetics, University of Cambridge, Cambridge, United Kingdom. 931C The Council on Undergraduate Research- a resource for future faculty to integrate research and educational activities. Joyce Fernandes. Biology Dept, Miami Univ, Oxford, OH. 923A UAS-driven Cerulean and Venus hybrid reporters provide calibration standards for FRET analysis in Drosophila tissues. K. Mecklenburg1, H. Xia2, S. Freed3, J. E. O'Tousa3, D. F. Ready4. 1) Indiana Univ. South Bend, IN; 2) Weill Cornell Med. Coll., NY; 3) Univ. of Notre Dame, IN; 4) Purdue Univ., IN. 932A An Undergraduate Course Combining Authentic Research and Scientific Writing. Sarah E. Hynek, Tomer Avidor-Reiss. Biological Sciences, University of Toledo, Toledo, OH. 924B Targeted insertions in Drosophila cell lines using φC31 integrase. Lucy Cherbas1, Jennifer Hackney1,2, Lei Gong1,3, Claire Salzer1, Eric Mauser1, Dayu Zhang1, Peter Cherbas1. 1) Dept Biol and Drosophila Genomics Resource Center, Indiana Univ, Bloomington, IN; 2) School of Math and Nat Sci, New College, Arizona State Univ, Phoenix, AR; 3) Hangzhou School of Agr and Food Sci, Zhejiang Agr. and Forestry Univ, Zhejiang Lin’an, Hangzhou, China. 933B An Inquiry Based Genetics Laboratory Utilizing Randomly Mating Populations of Drosophila melanogaster. M. Kimble, A. Schirmer, T. Campbell. Dept of Biology, Northeastern Illinois University, Chicago, IL. 934C The Genomics Education Partnership: Assessing and improving a research-based genomics project for undergraduates. D. W. Paetkau1, J. Braverman2, M. Burg3, J. DiAngelo4, C. Jones5, K. Jones6, L. Kadlec7, N. Kokan8, M. Manier9, A. Nagengast10, J. Sanford11, K. Saville12, C. Small13, R. Spokony14, J. Stamm15, C. Ting16, M. Wawersik17, L. Zhou18, W. Leung19, C. D. Shaffer19, S.C.R. Elgin19. 1) Saint Mary’s Col (IN); 2) St. Joseph U; 3) Grand Valley St U; 4) Hofstra U; 5) Moravian Col; 6) Huntingdon Col; 7) Wilkes U; 8) Cardinal Stritch U; 9) George Washington U; 10) Widener U; 11) Ohio Northern U; 12) Albion Col; 13) Medgar Evers Col; 14) Baruch Col; 15) U Evansville; 16) National Taiwan U; 17) Col of William and Mary; 18) U Pittsburgh; 19) Washington U at St. Louis. 925C A comprehensive and precise genome duplication kit in Drosophila. Ming Fa, Min Li, Rui Chen, Graeme Mardon. GenetiVision Corporation, Houston, TX. 926A An in vivo reporter system to trace aged cells in Drosophila. Xingchen Liu1, Lei Liu1,2. 1) State Key Laboratory of Biomembrane and Membrane Biotechnology, School of Life Sciences, Peking University, Beijing 100871, China; 2) Beijing Institute for Brain Disorder and Beijing Tiantan Hospital, Capital Medical University, Beijing 100069, China. 927B BioTapestry: Modeling Gene Regulatory Networks for Development. Suzanne Paquette, Kalle Leinonen, William Longabaugh. Institute for Systems Biology, Seattle, WA. 81 SPEAKER AND AUTHOR INDEX This index includes names and speakers for the Opening General Session and for Plenary Sessions I and II, and names of all authors of programmed abstracts. The number following the author’s name refers to the abstract program number. A, B, or C following a number indicates a poster presentation. The presenting author of an abstract is noted with an asterisk. Please note that the complete abstracts are available at Alsawadi, Ahmad .................................................................... 106 Alsbury, Samantha................................................................ 482A Alvi, Zain............................................................................ 389A* Amaral, Luís ..........................................................................240B Amcheslavsky, Alla ......................................................... 121, 143 Amirzadeh, Reza ...................................................................264B Amoyel, Marc ..................................................................... 455A* Amyoel, Marc ............................................................................ 29 Andersen, Darcy ..................................................................403C* Andersen, Ditte ......................................................................316C Anderson, Abigail ..................................................................583C Anderson, Abigail M. ..........................................................582B* Anderson, Alisha ....................................................................... 63 Anderson, Caitlin ...................................................................838C Anderson, Caitlin C. ........................................................... 794A* Anderson, E. ............................................................................ 113 Anderson, Edward .............................................................. 230A* Anderson, Eric .......................................................................219B Andrew, Deborah....................................................................... 17 Andrews, Gracie .......................................................................... 9 Anholt, Robert R. H. ................................................... 579B, 581A Anisiforov, Denis V. ............................................................715C* Anllo, Lauren .......................................................................424C* Antelope, Chenling ..................................................... 690B, 730C Antle, Kayla ...........................................................................171B Antosyuk, O. ........................................................................742C* Aoki, Tsutomu .......................................................................864B Appleton, Nicholas ............................................................... 749A Apte, Vandana .......................................................................292C Aquadro, Charles .................................................................. 677A Aram, Lior ................................................................................. 27 Arama, Eli ............................................................................... 27* Aranjuez, George .........................................................115, 203A* Arava, Yoav ...........................................................................501B Arbeille, Elise ......................................................................478C* Arbeitman, Michelle ............. Plenary Session 1*, 38, 819B, 821A Arbeláez, Pablo.......................................................................... 85 Arefin, Md. Badrul ................................................................ 150* Arenkiel, Benjamin .................................................................... 98 Argueta, Melanie ...................................................................723B Arking, Robert ...................................................................... 374A Arkov, Alexey L. ................................................................ 887A* Armengol, Kevin ...................................................................523C Armstrong, J. Douglas .......................................................... 566A Arnold, Cosmas ......................................................................... 82 Arnosti, D. .............................................................................828B Arnosti, David ............................. 108*, 797A, 798B, 799C, 826C Arora, Gurpreet ......................................................................201B Arsala, Deanna.....................................................................813B* Artavanis-Tsakonas, Spyros ..................................................889C Arthur, Robert.......................................................................... 47* Arum, K. ............................................................................... 398A Arya, Richa .................................................................... 26*, 274C Asara, John .............................................................................. 156 Asif-Laidin, Amna .................................................................883C Aso, Y. .................................................................................. 530A Atallah, Joel ............................................................................. 36* Attrill, H. ...............................................................................670C Attrill, Helen ..........................................................................922C Auburger, Georg ........................................................................ 99 Audibert, Agnès .....................................................................514C A Aavula, Kumar ...................................................................... 462B Abbasi, Mohammad .............................................................. 542A Abbaszadeh, Evan ............................................................... 891B* Abdu, U. ................................................................................ 199C Abdullahi, A. ....................................................................... 898C* Abe, Namiko ............................................................................106 Abhinav, Kanishk ................................................................ 246B* Abidi, Syeda Nayab Fatima................................................. 330B* Ables, Elizabeth .................................................................. 432B* Ables, Elizabeth T. ................................................................ 284A Abmayr, S. ............................................................................ 787C Abraham, Lindsey ................................................................. 815A Abrams, Amanda B. .............................................................. 386A Abreu Goodger, Cei .............................................................. 676C Abud, Helen .......................................................................... 397C Acevedo, Noelia .................................................................... 556C Adachi, Mai......................................................................... 158A* Adamini, Frank ..................................................................... 304C Adams, Ian ............................................................................ 627B Adams, Michael .................................................................... 518A Adrian, Andrew ................................................................... 673C* Adrion, Jeffrey .................................................................... 674A* Affolter, M. ........................................................................... 259C Affolter, Markus.................................................................... 825B Afonso, B. ..................................................................................44 Aghayeva, Ulkar ........................................................................13 Agrawal, Neha ...................................................................... 353A Agrawal, Tarjani ......................................................................41* Aguilar, Berenice .................................................................. 473A Aguinaldo-Wetterholm, Samantha .............................................91 Ahern, Molly ......................................................................... 584A Ahlander, Joseph ................................................................. 267B* Ahmad, Shaad M. .....................................................................18* Ahmad, S. Tariq .................................................................... 502C Ahmad, Tariq ............................................................. 543B, 545A Ahmed, Mubasher ............................................................... 730C* Ai, Yulian .............................................................................. 533A Ajjuri, Rami ................................................... 610C*, 622C, 660B Ajjuri, Rami R. ...................................................................... 667C Akagawa, Hiromi .................................................................. 269A Akagi, Kazutaka ................................................. 68, 365A*, 383A Akhmedov, Dmitry................................................................ 595C Akhtar, J. ............................................................................... 896A Akinleye, Adesanya A. .......................................................... 576B Akiyama, Takuya .............................................. Plenary Session II Akrobetu, Dennis ................................................................ 222B* Al-Asadi, Hussein ............................................................... 918B* Alavi, Maryam ...........................................................................9* Alekseyenko, Artyom............................................................ 866A Aleman, Abigail .................................................................. 247C* Alexander, Brandy ................................................................ 453B Alexander, Larissa................................................................. 770A Ali, Sammi ............................................................................ 719A Ali, Sohrab Naushad ........................................................... 662A* Allada, Ravi .......................................................................... 820C Allan, Douglas .................................................................... 496C* Alpar, Lale .......................................................................... 325C* 82 SPEAKER AND AUTHOR INDEX Bazelak, Danielle ...................................................................243B Bazjek, Clara .........................................................................207B Bazzell, Brian ....................................................................... 374A Beals-Reid, Colin................................................................ 611A* Beckingham, K. ...................................................................567B* Bedsole, Sidney .................................................................... 284A Beekman, Danielle ................................................................ 788A Beeler, Dina M. ...................................................................568C* Begun, David ........................................................................ 674A Beier, Nicole ............................................................................ 59* Beitel, Greg................................Opening General Session*, 464A Beliveau, Brian ........................................................................ 131 Belkina, Elena G. ................................................................ 536A* Bell, Kathleen ..................................................................... 497A* Bellaiche, Yohanns .......................................... Plenary Session 1* Bellen, H. J. ...........................................................................654B Bellen, Hugo ..................................... 89, 102, 593A, 616C, 644A, 648B, 650A, 881A Bellen, Hugo J. ..................................................................... 179A Bellés, X. ...............................................................................702B Bello, C. .................................................................................657B Belloni, Giorgio .....................................................................300B Bellosta, P. ...........................................................................613C* Bellosta, Paola .....................................................................612B* Belozerov, Kyle .....................................................................586C Belozerov, Vladimir ............................................................264B* Bender, Katharina ...................................................................... 30 Bender, Welcome ..................................................................865C Benito-Sipos, Jonathan .............................................................. 14 Bennett, Amy ............................................................................. 60 Berck, M. ................................................................................... 44 Berdeaux, Rebecca ................................................................595C Berg, Celeste............................................................... 195B, 413A Bergantinos, C. ................................................................... 326A* Bergantinos, Cora ...................................................................... 29 Berger, Bonnie ........................................................................... 82 Bergland, Alan .................................................................... 743A* Bergmann, Andreas ................................................................... 28 Bergwitz, Clemens.................................................. 663B*, 664C* Berman, Gordon ....................................................................717B Berndt, Anthony ....................................................................496C Bernstein, Sanford .................................................................385C Berrocal, Augusto ..................................................................718C Berry, Cameron ..................................................................... 145* Berryman, Mark.....................................................................166C Betancourt, Andrea .................................................................. 50* Betancourt, Miguel ................................................................526C Bettini, Emily ........................................................................853C Bevins, Alice ........................................................................ 605A Bhadra, Utpal ....................................................868C, 879B, 900B Bhan, Veer ...........................................................................735B* Bhaskar, Pradeep ...................................................................414B Bhaskar, Pradeep K. ............................................................433C* Bhatt, Parag .......................................................................... 488A Bhattacharjee, Shatabdi .........................................................486B Bhattacharya, Sharmila ..........................................................834B Bhattacharyya, Pritha ................................................................. 18 Bhave, Gautam ..................................................................... 209A Biancani, L. ...........................................................................367C Biancani, Leann ......................................................................... 34 Bickel, S. E. .......................................................................... 293A Bienenstock, Elisa..................................................................382C Bier, Ethan ............................................................................ 473A Biersmith, Bridget H. ...........................................................159B* Biggin, Mark D. ......................................................................... 85 Bilder, David ................................................................. 119, 316C Billen, Johan ..........................................................................352C Biller, Megan ........................................................................ 284A Binari, Richard...................................................................... 260A Binder, H. ............................................................................. 896A Auld, V.................................................................................. 505C Auld, Vanessa ....................................................................... 837B Aurich, F. ............................................................................ 404A* Avdagic, Amer ...................................................................... 574C Avelis, Cameron .................................................................... 838C Avequin, Tracey .................................................................... 629A Avidor-Reiss, T. .................................................................... 398A Avidor-Reiss, Tomer ............................................................. 932A Axelrod, Jeffrey..................................................................... 190C Ay, Ahmet ................................................................................108 Ayeni, Joseph ........................................................................ 514C Ayyaz, Arshad ....................................................................... 365A Azevedo, Ricardo .................................................................. 680A Azpurua, Jorge ...................................................................... 524A B Bach, Erika .....................Opening General Session*, 455A, 582B, 583C, 589C Bachtrog, Doris ..................................................................... 728A Baehrecke, Eric ..................................................................... 277C Baek, Myungin ...........................................................................13 Bag, Indira........................................................................... 900B* Baghdy, S. ............................................................................. 398A Bahroos, Neil ........................................................................ 820C Bailetti, Alessandro A. ........................................................ 583C* Bailey, Dondra ...................................................................... 371A Bailey, Jessica ....................................................................... 481C Baker, Catherine.................................................................. 390B* Baker, Luke R. .................................................................... 764A* Baker, Nicholas ..................................................................... 836A Baker, Ruth ........................................................................... 308A Balachandra, Shruthi ........................................................... 716A* Balakrishnan, Mridula ............................................................ 125* Banerjee, Utpal.........................................................................123 Bang, Se Min......................................................................... 630B Bao, Xiaomin ........................................................................ 852B Bao, Yuping .......................................................................... 667C Baranowski, Kaitlyn ............................................................ 416A* Baranski, Thomas.................................................................. 596A Barbash, Daniel ................................................ 443A, 693B, 757C Barber, Diane .............................................................................21 Bardin, Allison ...................................................................... 449A Barmina, Olga ................................................................. 38, 803A Barnes, Phillip ..................................................................... 723B* Barolo, Scott.......................................................................... 807B Barron, Jonathan T. ....................................................................85 Barry, William E. ................................................................ 375B* Bartholmew, Nathan R. ....................................................... 554A* Bartman, Colleen........................................................................94 Barton, Lacy .......................................................................... 437A Barz, C. ....................................................................................132 Barz, Christiane ..........................................................................84 Basar, Mohammed ................................................................ 371A Bashaw, Greg ........................................................................ 478C Bashirullah, Arash ........................................................... 25, 270B Basiri, Marcus L. ................................................................... 161A Basler, Konrad ..................................................... 29, 908A, 916C Bastide, Héloïse........................................................ 688C*, 713A Bates, Emily .............................................................................94* Bates, Tucker ...................................................................... 391C* Battaglia, Rachel A. ..................................................291B, 297B* Bauer, April...............................................................855B*, 859C Bauman, K. ........................................................................... 223C Baxter, Kelly ......................................................................... 433C Bayarmagnai, Battuya ......................................................... 307C* Bayat, Vafa............................................................................ 179A Baylies, Mary K. ......................................................................125 83 SPEAKER AND AUTHOR INDEX Brodskiy, Pavel A. .............................................................. 308A* Brody, Thomas ...................................................................... 133* Brogna, S. ..............................................................................898C Broihier, H. ........................................................................... 485A Broihier, Heather ............................................................ 16, 509A Brookheart, Rita...................................................................598C* Brooks, Dyana C..................................................................417B* Brown, James ........................................................................889C Brown, M.............................................................................601C* Brown, N. ..............................................................................670C Brown, Nicholas H. ............................................................... 118* Brown, Thomas ...................................................................585B* Bruckner, Joseph J. ................................................................495B Brückner, Katja.............................................................. 91*, 453B Brud, Eugene .........................................................................343C Bryant, Jamal .............................................................. 235C, 408B Bryantsev, Anton ...................................................................669B Bubnell, Jaclyn ..................................................................... 677A Buccetti, J. .............................................................................601C Buchanan, Justin ................................................................. 470A* Buchner, Erich ........................................................................... 37 Buckner, Michael............................................................. 90, 904C Bühler, Katja.............................................................................. 87 Buhlman, Lori ....................................................................... 614A Buhlman, Lori M. ................................................................. 632A Bulgakova, Natalia .................................................................. 118 Bullard, James ...................................................................... 437A Burch, Amelia M. ..................................................................337C Burdett, Jacob ....................................................................... 554A Burg, M. ................................................................................934C Burg, Martin ............................................................... 537B, 856C Burke, Harold ........................................................................523C Burnette, Miranda ................................................................249B* Burtscher, Ashley ................................................................. 203A Buschbeck, E. ........................................................................702B Bushey, Daniel B. ............................................................... 560A* Buszczak, M. ............................................................................. 96 Butnaru, Gallia.....................................................................736C* Buttitta, Laura ......................................................... 2, 286C, 318B Bintu, Bogdan ..........................................................................131 Birse, Ryan ...............................................................................124 Bischof, Johannes.................................................................. 916C Biswas, Leelabati ................................................................ 894B* Björklund, Mikael ................................................................. 916C Black, Alyssa ...................................................................... 724C* Blair, Seth ............................................................................. 321B Blanc, Eric............................................................................. 370C Blankenship, J. T. .................................................................. 194A Blankenship, T. ..................................................................... 193C Blount, Jessica ....................................................................... 634C Blumenstiel, Justin ......................................................732B, 733C Blumenthal, Edward M. ..............................................352C, 358C Blundon, Malachi ....................................................... 817C, 899A Blust, Ronny.............................................................................104 Blythe, Shelby ................................................................. 1, 786B* Blythe, Shelby A. .................................................................. 773A Bo, Dong ............................................................................... 208C Bodmer, Rolf............................................................................139 Boekhoff-Falk, Grace ............................................................ 444B Boettcher, Anna-Lisa .......................................................... 225B* Boettiger, Alistair ................................................................... 131* Bogatan, Simina .................................................................... 212A Boin, Nathan ......................................................................... 420B Boivin, Antoine ..................................................................... 882B Bolin, Kelsey ......................................................................... 286C Bolkan, Bonnie...................................................................... 615B Bolterstein, Elyse ................................................................ 584A* Boltz, K. .............................................................................. 875A* Bolukbasi, Ekin ................................................................... 376C* Bonaccorso, Rosa .................................................................. 846B Bondra, Eliana ..................................................... 126, 793C, 841C Bonello, Teresa T. ............................................................... 211C* Boody, Rachel ...........................................................675B*, 835C Bortolazzo, Tony ................................................................... 592C Borutska, Vasylyna ............................................................... 608A Bosch, Justin A.................................................................... 913C* Bosco, Giovanni ................................................................. 39*, 54 Boukhali, Myriam ................................................................. 287A Boulianne, Gabrielle L. ......................................................... 621B Bourouh, Mohammed.......................................................... 280C* Boutros, Michael .........................................................225B, 228B Bowers, Sarion ...................................................................... 853C Bowie, Emily ........................................................................ 450B Bowman, Megan ................................................................... 788A Bowman, Sarah ................................................................... 865C* Bozler, Julianna .................................................................... 39, 54 Bradley-Gill, Mary-Rose ..................................................... 781C* Bragdon, M. .............................................................................128 Bragdon, Meghan .................................................................. 811C Bragdon, Meghan D. J................................................................46 Brahier, M. ............................................................................ 454C Branco, Alan ......................................................................... 861B Brankatschk, Marko ...................................................................75 Brat, Daniel ........................................................................... 587A Braun, Alexis L. .................................................................. 248A* Braun, Doug ...............................................................................25 Braverman, Carmel ....................................................................27 Braverman, J. ........................................................................ 934C Braverman, John .................................................... 689A*, 856C* Bray, Sarah ............................................................................ 234B Bray, Sarah J. .............................................................................97 Breakefield, Xandra .............................................................. 660B Brenner, Amy ...................................................................... 379C* Brewski, Savanna .................................................................. 791A Bricker, Daniel K. ................................................................. 350A Brie, Paddock ........................................................................ 638A Broadhead, Geoffrey ............................................................. 595C Brock, Amanda ..................................................................... 330B Brock, Amanda R. .....................................................177B, 331C* C Cabernard, Clemens ......................................... 295C, 296A, 301C Cabral, Larry G. .....................................................................336B Cackovic, Juliana M. .......................................................... 614A* Cagan, R. L. ............................................................................. 122 Cai, Rong ...............................................................................279B Cai, Weili...............................................................................852B Call, Gerald........................................................................... 614A Call, Gerald B. ............................................................554A, 632A Cameron, Scott ..................................................................... 494A Campbell, Ian ........................................................................831B Campbell, Jacob.................................................................. 380A* Campbell, Jacob B. ................................................................348B Campbell, Shelagh ...............................................................514C* Campbell, T. ..........................................................................933B Campion, Dominique ............................................................ 629A Campo, Daniel ........................................................................... 51 Campos, Adam ......................................................................849B Campusano, Jorge M. .............................................................. 65* Cande, Jessica ......................................................................717B* Cao, Min ................................................................................448C Cao, Wendy .........................................................................888B* Carland, Carmen ....................................................................385C Carlson, Darby ................................................. 472C, 475C, 476A Carlson, Kimberly............................................ 472C, 475C, 476A Carmine-Simmen, Katia ........................................................615B Carney, Ginger............................................................ 372B, 541C 84 SPEAKER AND AUTHOR INDEX Chen, J.-S. ............................................................................ 911A Chen, K. .............................................................Plenary Session II Chen, Po-Lin..........................................................................342B Chen, Q. Brent ...................................................................... 236A Chen, Qiuyu ...........................................................................357B Chen, Rui ............................................................ 89*, 907C, 925C Chen, Xiaochu ......................................................................... 143 Chen, Xin................................................................................... 58 Chen, Yi-jiun ........................................................................... 112 Chen, Yi-Jiun .........................................................................186B Chen, Yong ................................................................................ 89 Chen, Yujun.......................................................................... 320A Chen, Z. ................................................................................ 197A Chen, Zhenxia............................................................................ 35 Chen, Zhen-Xia ...................................................................871C* Chen, Zhihua .............................................................. 616C, 648B Cheng, Chu-Ya ......................................................................342B Cheng, Matthew.....................................................................888B Chenoweth, Steve ................................................................. 749A Cheong, Han S. J. ............................................................... 479A* Cherbas, Lucy ......................................................................924B* Cherbas, Peter ........................................................................924B Chernyk, Yaroslava .............................................................. 608A Cherry, Sara ...........................................................................463C Chi, T. ....................................................................................666B Chiang, Andrew H. ................................................................820C Chiesa, Ricardo........................................................... 555B, 556C Chihara, Takahiro .......................................................... 11*, 388C Chin, Mei-Ling .......................................................................... 77 Chin, Stephen ....................................................................... 473A Chirn, Gung-wei ........................................................................ 82 Cho, Annie.............................................................................838C Cho, Christina ........................................................................562C Cho, Hanna ............................................................................255B Cho, Kyoung Sang ...................................................... 204B, 630B Cho, Kyung-Ok .....................................................................229C Cho, Si-Young .......................................................................366B Choi, Jaekyun ..................................................................... 551A* Choi, Jae Young ................................................................. 677A* Choi, Min Sung..................................................................... 551A Choi, M. S............................................................................. 398A Choi, Nicholas .......................................................................576B Chouhan, Amit...................................................................... 653A Choutka, Courtney .............................................................. 275A* Chow, Clement ......................................................... 617A*, 753B Chow, Eileen .........................................................................544C Chow, Jonathan ...................................................................471B* Christensen, Tim W. ............................................................. 284A Chu, Bonnie .......................................................................... 563A Chu, Tin-Chun ...................................................................... 389A Chui, Selwyn .........................................................................559C Chui, Vincent ........................................................................ 563A Chung, Henry ......................................................................726B* Chung, Se-Yeon....................................................................... 17* Church, Victoria ..................................................................832C* Cicek, Ibrahim Omer ...........................................................369B* Cichewicz, Karol ................................................................ 656A* Ciftci, Fatma B. ...................................................................418C* Cilla, Rodrigo ..................................................................... 218A* Cirelli, Chiara ....................................................................... 560A Cisneros, Marilyn ................................................................160C* Claeys, Annelies ........................................................................ 37 Claret, Sandra ....................................................................... 188A Clark, Andrew ..................401A, 617A, 694C, 752A, 753B, 757C Clark, C. ..............................................................................223C* Clark, Denise ........................................................................ 410A Clark, Jonathan T. .................................................................... 64* Clark, Nicole M. ................................................................. 161A* Clark, Sarah G. ....................................................................483B* Clarke, Akanni .....................................................................480B* Caroti, F. ............................................................................. 701A* Carpenter, Kylie .................................................................... 374A Carpenter, Nathan J. ...................................................................45 Carpinteyro Ponce, Javier.................................................... 676C* Carrell, Sophia .................................................................... 778C* Carreño, O. .......................................................................... 356A* Carroll, Sean.......................................................................... 746A Carroll, Sean B. ..................................................................... 726B Carthew, R. ........................................................................... 816B Carthew, Richard.............................................. 240B, 832C, 881A Carvalho, Fabio ..................................................................... 429B Casagranda, Franca ............................................................... 397C Cassar, Marlène ..................................................................... 252B Cassar, Marlene .......................................................591B*, 615B* Cassidy, Justin ..................................................................... 881A* Casso, David ..............................................................................91 Castello, Alfredo ................................................................... 890A Castelvecchi, Gina......................................................................25 Caster, C................................................................................ 511C Castillo, Dean ...................................................................... 725A* Castillo, Lizzet .................................................................... 669B* Castro, Ana............................................................................ 766C Castro, Cynthia.................................................................... 744B* Caussinus, E. ......................................................................... 259C Caver, Elizabeth .................................................................... 516B Celniker, Susan ..................................................................... 889C Cerda-Moya, Gustavo ........................................................... 234B Ceresa, Gabriella ................................................................... 578A Certel, Sarah .......................................................................... 481C Cetin, Cemre ......................................................................... 586C Cevik, Duygu ...................................................................... 212A* Chahal, Arjun ........................................................................ 397C Chaharbahkshi, Edwin........................................................... 796C Chaharbakhshi, Edwin...............................................421C, 795B* Chahda, Juan ......................................................................... 761A Champion, Emily R. .............................................................. 417B Chan, Cheng-yi ..................................................................... 381B Chan, Hsiao-Yen ................................................................... 342B Chan, Sarah ........................................................................... 574C Chan, Stephen ..................................................................... 234B* Chanana, Bhavna................................................................... 248A Chanet, Soline ........................................................................135* Chang, S. ..................................................................................152 Chang, Wen-Tzu ................................................................... 494A Chang, Yen-Ching............................................................... 213B* Chao, Yufang ................................................... 461A, 467A, 595C Chapin, Alex ..............................................................................80 Charng, Wu-Lin .................................................................... 593A Chatterjee, Arunita .............................................................. 462B* Chatterjee, N. ........................................................................ 575A Chatterjee, Shreyasi ............................................................... 653A Chaturvedi, Ratna .....................................................................40* Chaudhary, Varun ................................................................. 228B Chaudhuri, Anathbandhu..................................................... 516B* Chava, Anisha ....................................................................... 574C Chavers, Evan A.................................................................. 667C* Che, Ronglin ......................................................................... 604C Cheema, Shebna ........................................................616C*, 648B Chen, Aaron .......................................................................... 443A Chen, Alex ............................................................................ 399B Chen, Chin-Chi ..................................................................... 853C Chen, Chun-Hong ...................................................... 342B, 503A Chen, Di ................................................................................ 402B Chen, DS ............................................................................... 197A Chen, E................................................................................ 857A* Chen, Gang............................................................................ 587A Chen, H. .............................................................................. 520C* Chen, Hao ............................................................................. 867B Chen, H.-L............................................................................. 521A Chen, Jing-Ming.................................................................... 527A 85 SPEAKER AND AUTHOR INDEX Danai, Laura V. ....................................................................... 143 D'Angelo, G. .............................................................................. 95 Daniel, Emeline ....................................................................... 114 Daniels, Davinelle..................................................... 569A*, 574C Daniels, Tina........................................................................537B* Danielsen, E. Thomas ................................................. 361C, 363B Dantoft, Widad ......................................................................477B Dao, Anh ..................................................................................... 4 Darvas, Martin ...................................................................... 656A Das, Arunika ........................................................................291B* Das, M. ................................................................................505C* Das, Nilanjana .................................................................... 281A* Das, T. K. .............................................................................. 122* Das, T. M. ............................................................................. 293A Datta, Rhea ............................................................................ 111* David, Jean ........................................................................... 713A Davidson, Lance ...................................................................... 135 Davis, Ilan .................................................................. 501B, 915B Davis, Morgan .......................................................................579B Davis, Trevor ............................................................ 238C, 767A* Dawson, A. ............................................................................192B De, S. .................................................................................... 869A Deady, Lylah ........................................................................... 24* Dean, Hunter B. .....................................................................667C Deaton, Aimee .......................................................................865C Debat, Vincent ...................................................................... 878A DeBruhl, H. ...........................................................................850C de Bruyne, Marien ..................................................................... 63 de Celis, Jose F. .................................................................... 782A de Cuevas, M. ......................................................................456B* Delaney, Emily ......................................................................730C Delaney, Emily K. .............................................................. 749A* Delaney, Patrick.................................................................... 266A Delaney, Taylor .................................................................... 491A Delano, Angela ......................................................................271C Delanoue, Renald................................................................ 353A* del Castillo, U. .....................................................................162B* Delrow, J. ................................................................................ 134 Del Signore, Steven .................................................. 163C*, 218A de Mena, Lorena ....................................................................619C Demidov, Valentin................................................................ 212A Demontis, Fabio.................................................................. 335A* Deng, Huai.............................................................................852B Deng, Wu-Min ................... 92*, 235C, 305A, 323A, 328C, 408B, 460C DePace, A. ............................................................................. 128* DePace, Angela .......................................................... 809A, 811C DePace, Angela H. ..................................................................... 46 Dephoure, Noah .....................................................................262C Deprá, Maríndia .....................................................................714B Dequeant, Mary-Lee ........................................................... 317A* Derynck, Rik.............................................................................. 91 Deshpande, Girish..................................................................864B Deshpande, Nikita............................................................... 839A* Deshpande, Sonali ................................................................... 74* Desplan, Claude ............................................................. 109, 499C Devlin, T. ...............................................................................367C DeVorkin, Lindsay ............................................................... 275A de Vreede, Geert ..................................................................316C* Dewey, J. ...............................................................................367C Dhakal, Siddhartha ................................................................600B Dhaliwal, Rajdeep..................................................................280C Diaconeasa, Bianca ............................................................... 599A Dialynas, G. .........................................................................787C* Dialynas, George ...................................................................609B DiAngelo, J. ...........................................................................934C DiAngelo, Justin ....................................................................553C DiAngelo, Justin R.................................................................552B Diao, Feici ...........................................................................565C* Diao, Fengqiu ........................................................................565C Clarke, Elizabeth ................................................................. 802C* Clark-Hachtel, C. M. ........................................................... 702B* Claus, Lindsey ............................................................................42 Clay, Collin ........................................................................... 313C Cleard, Fabienne ................................................................... 864B Cléard, Fabienne ................................................................... 863A Clem, Jenna ................................................................................60 Cline, Laura........................................................................... 598C Coe, Sarah ............................................................................. 788A Cohen, Jonathan ............................................. 463C*, 663B, 664C Cohen, Lorna ....................................................................... 703C* Cohen, Shaked ...................................................................... 242A Coleman, Rory T. .....................................................................55* Collier, Scott E. ..................................................................... 887A Collins, Catherine............................................. 265C, 595C, 623A Collins, Christina................................................................... 598C Collins, Heather................................................................... 268C* Collu, Giovanna M. ..................................................................77* Colombani, Julien ........................................................... 6*, 316C Colquhoun, Jennifer .............................................................. 399B Colwell, Eileen ...................................................................... 405B Colyott, Kaila ........................................................................ 538C Comber, K. ............................................................................ 205C Combs, Peter ....................................................................... 812A* Combs, Peter A. .........................................................................70 Comeron, J. ........................................................................... 691C Comeron, Josep ..................................................................... 673C Comjean, A. .......................................................................... 921B Conway, Sean...................................................................... 352C* Cook, Kevin .......................................................................... 412C Cook, Kevin R....................................................................... 929A Cooley, Arielle M.................................................................. 707A Cooley, Lynn ......................................................................... 169C Cooper, Brandon S. ............................................................. 690B* Cooper, Monica ........................................................................130 Coopes, Erik .......................................................................... 304C Coravos, Jonathan ............................................................... 184C* Costa, Marta .......................................................................... 566A Cotton, Jennifer L. ....................................................................143 Coughlin, Maura ................................................................... 783B Counterman, Brian ................................................................ 686A Court, Robert ......................................................................... 566A Cowan, Ashley ...................................................................... 783B Cox, Daniel ........................................................................... 523C Cox, Daniel N. ............................................................483B, 486B Cox, Julie ............................................................................ 285B* Crawford, Janice ................................................................... 176A Creed, T. Michael .................................................................. 887A Crimmins, H. ....................................................................... 833A* Cripps, Richard ................................................ 160C, 669B, 802C Crocker, Justin .......................................................................106* Crocker, Kassi L.................................................................. 444B* Crombach, Anton .................................................................. 762B Crossman, T. ............................................................................151 Cruz Corchado, J. ................................................................ 691C* Cruz Moreno, Beatriz ............................................................ 473A Cuménal, Delphine ................................................................ 878A Cunningham, Kathleen M. .................................................. 618B* Curry, Katy............................................................................ 784C Czech, Michael P. ....................................................................143 D da Cunha, Raquel .................................................................. 651B Dahal, Giri..................................................................................94 Dahmann, C. ......................................................................... 404A Daigle, J. Gavin ..................................................................... 622C Dalton, Justin ........................................................................ 819B 86 SPEAKER AND AUTHOR INDEX Dibbens, Leanne M. .............................................................. 658C Dibbs, R. ............................................................................... 567B Dickson, Barry ...........................................................................75 DiMeglio, Matthew ............................................................... 689A DiNardo, Stephen ....................................................... 173A, 189B Dincer, Alper ......................................................................... 508C Ding, Lianggong ................................................................. 278A* Ding, Yun ............................................................................ 718C* Dingwall, Andrew K. ............................................................ 789B Dinner, Aaron R. ................................................................... 820C Dionne, M. S. ........................................................................ 469C DiPalma, David ..................................................................... 814C Diwanji, Neha ............................................................................28 Do, David .............................................................................. 592C Doan, Ryan............................................................... 488A*, 574C Dobeš, Pavel.............................................................................150 Dobrzycki, Tomasz ............................................................... 501B Dobson, Adam .................................................................... 370C* Doherty, Olugbenga .............................................................. 660B Dohmen, Gabrielle ................................................................ 249B Dolin Petrov, Tandy L. ........................................................ 858B* Dolomount, Lindsay .............................................................. 645B Domingues, Heber................................................................. 865C Domocos, Claudiu ................................................................. 550C Dong, Tao ........................................................................... 528B* Dong, Wei ................................................................................112 Donnelly, Christopher ..............................................................100 Donti, T. ................................................................................ 654B Douglas, Angela .................................................................... 561B Doupé, David P. .................................................................. 260A* Doyle, Susan ............................................................................142 Dozier, Kelsey ....................................................................... 267B Drayson, Lucy ....................................................................... 723B Drechsler, Maik ..................................................................... 428A Dronska, Khrystyna ............................................................... 608A Drost, Dana .................................................................663B, 664C Droste, Andrew ..................................................................... 421C Droste, Andrew P. ............................................................... 392A* Droujinine, Ilia .........................................................................156 Drummond-Barbosa, Daniela ................................................ 442C Du, Guiping..............................................................................68* Du, Li .........................................................................................10 Du, W. ................................................................................... 801B Duan, Tingting .................................................................... 393B* Dubnau, J. ............................................................................. 575A Dubreuil, Ron ...................................................................... 599A* Dubrovskaya, Veronica ......................................................... 283C Dubrovsky, Edward............................................................... 283C Ducuing, Antoine ................................................... 164A*, 231B* Duff, Michael ........................................................................ 889C Duggan, Sandra .......................................................... 683A, 685C Duggan, Shannon .................................................................. 697C Dunayevskyy, Adel ............................................................. 515A* Duncan, Jennifer ................................................................... 598C Dunne, Christopher ............................................................... 508C Dupont, Camille .................................................................... 878A Dureau, Maxime.................................................................... 164A Duronio, Bob......................................................................... 784C Duronio, R............................................................................. 875A Duronio, R. J. ........................................................................ 289C Dushay, Mitch ....................................................................... 207B Dutta, Devanjali .........................................................................30 Dutta, Sudeshna..................................................................... 647A Duttaroy, Atanu ................................................................... 371A* Dworkin, Ian ......................................................................... 826C Dyson, Nick .......................................................................... 287A E Eanes, Walter ......................................................... 343C Eaton, Benjamin .................................................... 524A Edgar, Bruce ...............................................................30 Edgar, Bruce A. ........................................................ 144 Egger, Borris.......................................................... 295C Eichenlaub, Teresa ................................................. 225B Eisen, Michael .......................................33, 711B, 812A Eisen, Michael B................................................. 70, 105 Eismati, R. ............................................................. 192B Eivers, Edward....................................................... 247C Ejsmont, Radoslaw .............................................. 822B* Eksi, Ece .............................................................. 803A* Elahi, Safiyah ........................................................ 795B El bali, Yohan ...................................................... 885B* Elenbaas, Jared ...................................................... 797A Eleonore, Meschi ................................................... 353A Elgin, S. ................................................................. 857A Elgin, Sarah ...................................... 855B, 856C, 859C Elgin, Sarah C. R. .................................................. 844C Ellis, Stephanie J....................................................... 117 Elrefaey, Marwa ....................................................... 144 Emery, Gregory ..................................................... 206A Engström, Ylva .................................................... 477B* Enomoto, M. ........................................................... 120* Enriquez, Jonathan......................................... 13*, 500A Eple, Caroline ........................................................ 445C Erdmann, Gerrit ..................................................... 228B Ericson, Brad .................................... 472C, 475C, 476A Erives, Albert ............................................ 766C, 788A* Ermentrout, Bard ...................................................... 135 Erro Go, Nancy ...................................................... 275A Erwin, Alexandra ................................................. 732B* Esernio, J. ................................................................. 122 Estrada, J. ................................................................. 128 Estrada, Javier........................................................ 811C Etchegaray, Jon Iker .............................................. 273B Ewer, John ............................................................. 565C F Fa, Ming ....................................................907C, 925C* Fagegaltier, D. ....................................................... 317A Fagerstrom, Carey J. ..............................................................294B Fairchild, Michael .................................................................. 147* Falahati, Hanieh ......................................................................... 1* Fan, Chao...............................................................................438B Fanto, M. ...............................................................................250C Farhadifar, Reza.....................................................................214C Farinella, Vince S. .................................................................738B Fasulo, Barbara ......................................................................840B Fausia Soukup, Sandra...........................................................651B Faust, Joseph..........................................................................526C Fay, Kairsten A. .................................................................. 737A* Fear, Justin..................................................... 819B*, 821A, 823C Featherstone, David E. ................................................ 535C, 568C Fedina, Tatyana .................................................................. 377A* Fedrizzi, R. ............................................................................192B Fehon, Richard.............................187C, 217C, 266A, 315B, 321B Felice, Elefant ....................................................................... 854A Feng, James ............................................................................. 117 Feng, Lijuan............................................................................. 58* Ferguson, Carolyn..................................................................930B Ferguson, Scott ........................................................... 817C, 899A Ferguson, Scott B...................................................................814C 87 SPEAKER AND AUTHOR INDEX Fuller, Margaret ..................................................... 107, 145, 390B Fuller, Zach..........................................................................697C* Fuller, Zachary L. ..................................................................700C Fuqua, Timothy .....................................................................766C Furlong, Colleen ....................................................................645B Furlong, Eileen ......................................................................810B Fürthauer, M. ............................................................................. 95 Fernandes, Ana Clara ...............................................................104 Fernandes, Joyce .....................................................309B*, 931C* Fernandes, Vilaiwan M. ...................................................... 165B* Fernandez-Funez, Pedro ...................................................... 619C* Fernandez-Gonzalez, Rodrigo .................................... 88, 117, 136 Ferreira, I..................................................................................132 Feuka, Emily ..............................................................................67 Fichelson, Pierre .................................................................... 514C Figueroa-Clarevega, Alejandra............................................... 119* Findlay, Geoffrey ........................................... 416A, 678B*, 679C Finger, Danielle ..................................................................... 432B Finkelstein, Adam ......................................................................86 Finkl, Katja ................................................................................84 Finley, Kara J. ..................................................................... 166C* Fischer, Bernd ....................................................................... 890A Fischer, Bettina ..................................................................... 234B Flatt, Thomas ............................................................. 360B, 698A Fledderman, Nicole ............................................................... 562C Flegel, Kerry ....................................................................... 286C* Fletcher, Alexander ............................................................... 308A Flockhart, I. ........................................................................... 921B FlyBase consortium ............................................................... 922C FlyBase Consortium .............................................................. 670C Fogarty, Caitlin ........................................................................28* Föhr, Sophia .......................................................................... 890A Foley, Andrew ....................................................................... 227A Foley, Brad ............................................................................ 542A Follansbee, T. ........................................................................ 517C Follansbee, Taylor ............................................................... 570B* Fong, D. ................................................................................ 192B Fong, Emily M. ..........................................................................45 Foo, SM............................................................. Plenary Session II Foppolo, Sophie .................................................................... 445C Forbes Beadle, L. J. ................................................................ 151* Ford, David J. ...................................................................... 789B* Formella, Joseph ................................................................... 526C Forsythe, Steven .................................................................... 640C Founounou, Nabila .............................................................. 214C* Fountain, Matthew ................................................................ 899A Fountain, Matthew A. ............................................................ 814C Fox, Donald..................................................................... 31, 450B Frankel, Nicolás .......................................................................106 Frankin, B. ............................................................................ 367C Frankino, Philip ..................................................................... 899A Frankino, Phillip A. ............................................................. 814C* Frappaolo, Anna .................................................................... 300B Frasse, P. ............................................................................... 567B Frazee, Stephen R.................................................................. 720B Frebourg, Thierry .................................................................. 629A Freda, Philip .......................................................................... 689A Freed, S. ................................................................................ 923A Freed, Stephanie .................................................................... 637C Freehling, Ginna.................................................................... 497A French, R. .............................................................................. 539A French, Rachael ..................................................................... 592C Frenkel, Yosef ..................................................................... 394C* Frese, Christian ..................................................................... 890A Fridell, Yih-Woei .................................................................. 265C Friedman, Jeramey ................................................................ 778C Friedrich, Markus ................................................................ 754C* Fritzen, Katharina ................................................................ 419A* Frolov, Maxim ...........................................................................81 Frolov, Maxim V. ........................................................288B, 307C Frydman, Horacio ....................................................................153 Fu, Lin ................................................................................... 867B Fuchs, Tad ........................................................................... 472C* Fuenzalida-Uribe, Nicolás ..........................................................65 Fujimoto, Koichi ................................................................... 329A Fulga, Tudor .......................................................................... 594B Fulga, Tudor A. ..................................................................... 837B G Gabolindo, Hugo ....................................................................... 14 Gaengel, Konstantin .................................................................. 77 Gafni, Aviv ............................................................................397C Galko, Michael ......................................................................570B Galko, MJ ............................................................................. 557A Gallant, M. ............................................................................ 356A Gallant, Maria ....................................................................... 302A Gallant, P. ............................................................................. 356A Gallant, Peter ...................................................................... 302A* Galletta, Brian J. ....................................................................294B Gallo, Steven M. ....................................................................804B Ganesan, Subhashree .............................................................568C Ganetzky, Barry .....................................................................646C Ganglberger, Florian ................................................................ 87* Ganter, Geoffrey ......................................................... 519B, 570B Ganter, GK. ...........................................................................517C Gany, Agnes ..........................................................................397C Gao, Guanjun .......................................................................906B* Gao, Ming............................................................................. 887A Gao, Nan .................................................................................. 121 Gao, Yu .................................................................................402B Garlapow, Megan ..................................................... 737A, 750B* Garren, Emma....................................................................... 656A Garrigan, Daniel ................................................................... 884A Garrity, P. A. ............................................................................. 44 Gärtner, Björn ............................................................................ 91 Gärtner, Stefanie M. K. ......................................................... 848A Gavande, Navnath..................................................................282B Gavin-Smyth, Jackie ........................................................... 704A* Gavis, Elizabeth .......................................................... 891B, 892C Gay, Guillaume......................................................................180B Ge, Yawei ..............................................................................739C Gearhart, Alexander .............................................................. 737A Gebelein, Brian ......................................................................831B Gehrke, Stephan......................................................................... 99 Geisbrecht, E. ........................................................................223C Geisbrecht, Erika ..............................................207B, 672B, 930B Geisbrecht, Erika R. ...............................................................159B Gelfand, V. ............................................................................162B Gelfand, Vladimir ..................................................................504B Gendron, Christi ...................................................................... 73* Geneva, Anthony ....................................................................... 49 Geng, Qing ............................................................................402B Gerard, Jessica .......................................................................396B Gergen, John Peter .................................................................805C Gerken, Alison .....................................................................823C* Gerlach, D................................................................................ 132 Gershman, Brett ...................................................................426B* Gettings, Melanie...................................................................180B Geyer, Pamela ............................................................. 393B, 437A Ghanayem, T. ........................................................................567B Gharavi, Sarah ......................................................................... 127 Ghavi-Helm, Yad...................................................................810B Ghildiyal, Megha ................................................................... 149* Gho, Michel ...........................................................................514C Ghosh, Arun ..........................................................................282B Ghosh, Sushmita ....................................................... 815A*, 818A Ghosh, Swagata .................................................................. 605A* 88 SPEAKER AND AUTHOR INDEX Griffiths, Annabel G. M. .......................................................... 118 Griggs, Ellen ..........................................................................286C Grigorian, M. .......................................................................850C* Grillo-Hill, Bree......................................................................... 21 Groβhans, Jörg ......................................................................... 141 Groen, Christopher ................................................................181C Grose, John M....................................................................... 632A Grosheva, I. ............................................................................. 140 Groudine, M. ........................................................................... 134 Grumbling, Gary ................................................................... 920A Grüninger, S. ........................................................................ 575A Grunwald Kadow, Ilona C. ..................................................571C* Grushko, Olga............................................................. 286C, 318B Gu, Tingting ..........................................................................859C Guarner, Ana ............................................................ 180B, 287A* Gubala, Anna .......................................................................679C* Gudjonson, Herman ...............................................................820C Guerriero, Lauren ....................................................... 675B, 835C Guichard, Annabel .............................................................. 473A* Guichard, Celine ....................................................................810B Guichet, Antoine................................................................... 188A Gummuluri, Sneha ................................................................ 599A Gunawardena, Dr. Shermali ...................................................655C Gunawardena, S. ...................................................................... 113 Gunawardena, Shermali .......................................................219B* Gunne, Daniela ........................................................................ 117 Guo, Su ...................................................................................... 99 Guo, Zhihao ...........................................................................280C Guruharsha, K. G. ..................................................................889C Gurung, Pralaksha................................................................502C* Gustafson, Annika .................................................................271C Gygi, Steve ............................................................................492B Gygi, Steven ..........................................................................262C Gyuricza, Mercedes .............................................................292C* Giagtzoglou, Nikolaos ................................................................98 Giansanti, Maria Grazia ...................................................... 300B* Giaquinto, Angela ............................................................... 620A* Gibbs, Allen .............................................................................124 Gibbs, Allen G. .......................................................... 338A, 740A Gibbs, Richard ...................................................................... 754C Gibson, Matthew ............................................. Plenary Session II* Gibson, Matthew C. .............................................................. 311A Giebultowicz, Jadwiga ................................................544C, 546B Giedt, Michelle .................................................................... 395A* Giesey, Rachel ...................................................................... 540B Gilbert, Mary......................................................................... 837B Gilliland, William ............................................................... 405B* Gillis, Taylor ................................................................................9 Gilly, Quentin........................................................................ 904C Giniger, E. ............................................................................. 387B Giniger, Edward .................................................................... 480B Ginsberg, Paul .............................................................690B, 730C Girardot, Charles ................................................................... 810B Giri, R. ................................................................................ 816B* Giri, Ritika ............................................................................ 881A Girton, Jack ...................................................... 298C, 852B, 880C Gisselbrecht, Stephen S. .............................................................18 Gjelsvik, Kayla ...................................................................... 570B Gläβer, Christine ......................................................................144 Gleason, Jennifer M. .................................................538C*, 729B Gligorov, Dragan.........................................................430C, 885B Glover, David ........................................................................ 853C Go, Allysa Marie M. ............................................................. 299A Goetschius, Daniel J. ............................................................. 175C Gogia, N. ............................................................................. 768B* Gokhale, R. ........................................................................... 828B Gokhale, Rewatee ............................................................... 310C* Gold, Katrina....................................................................... 453B* Gold, Katrina S...........................................................................91 Goldberg, Gregory ................................................................ 830A Golenkina, S. ....................................................................... 257A* Golovnina, Kseniya ..................................................................35* Gomes, Sarah M. ................................................................. 621B* Gomez-Lamarca, Maria J. ........................................................97* Gómez-Mígues, D. ...................................................................140 Gompel, Nicolas.................................................................... 717B Gong, Lei .............................................................................. 924B Gonzalez, Ana C. .................................................................. 876B Gonzalez, Paula ..................................................................... 708B Goode, Bruce L. .................................................................... 172C Goodman, J. .......................................................................... 670C Goodman, Josh .................................................................... 920A* Goodwin, Katharine E. .............................................................117 Gopalan, Venkat.................................................................... 901C Gordesky-Gold, Beth ............................................................ 463C Gordon, Hannah B.................................................................. 103* Gordon, Michael ................................................................. 563A* Gordon-Hamm, Devin ........................................................... 508C Gorski, Sharon ...................................................................... 275A Goudet, Jérome ..................................................................... 698A Go-Woon Kim....................................................................... 229C Goyal, Raghav...........................................................414B*, 433C Goyal, Yogesh ..................................................................... 261B* Graham, B. ............................................................................ 654B Graham, Brett ...........................................................................102 Graveley, Brenton ................................................................. 889C Graybeal, Lacey .................................................................... 483B Greco, Andrew F. .................................................................. 559C Green, Nicole ............................................................207B*, 930B Greenspan, Leah ..................................................................... 146* Grewal, Jeewanjot ................................................................. 562C Grewal, Savraj ....................................................................... 378B Grewal, Savraj S.................................................................... 322C Gridley, Carley ...................................................................... 491A H Ha, Andrew..............................................................................161A Haake, Ryan ..........................................................................464A* Haas, Wilhelm .........................................................................287A Habermann, B. ........................................................................... 132 Hackney, Jennifer .................................................................... 924B Haelterman, Nele .................................................... 89, 179A, 650A Haerry, Theodor....................................................................... 759B Haeusler, Aaron ......................................................................... 100 Hahn, Ines ................................................................................ 174B Hahn, Matthew ............................................................. 674A, 734A HalE-Phillips, C. ...................................................................... 367C Hales, Karen ....................................................... 222B, 391C, 396B Halfon, Marc S. ..................................................................... 804B* Halicek, Tyler J........................................................................ 358C Hall, Eric T. ........................................................................... 226C* Hall, Marleshia ...................................................................... 622C* Hall, Sonia .............................................................................215A* Hallman, Tanner L. ................................................................ 606B* Halme, Adrian ............................................................................... 4 Halsell, Susan .......................................................................... 523C Halverson, Thomas ................................................................167A* Hamm, Danielle ....................................................................... 126* Hamp, J.................................................................................... 427C Han, Chun ................................................................................ 484C Han, Hui .................................................................................. 867B Han, Junhai ..............................................................................548A Han, Seung Yeop ..................................................................... 204B Han, TaeHee ................................................................................ 12 Han, Zhe ................................................................................665A* Han, Zhijun .............................................................................. 867B Haney, James J. ....................................................................... 360B 89 SPEAKER AND AUTHOR INDEX Hétié, P. ................................................................................... 456B Hetie, Phylis ............................................................................434A Hevia, Covadonga F. .............................................................782A* Hickey, Maggie ....................................................................... 645B Hidalgo, Alicia.........................................................................506A Higgins, Michael ................................................................... 805C* Hikida, Robert ......................................................................... 166C Hill, Tom ..................................................................................... 50 Hiller, Mark ........................................................................... 783B* Hilliker, Arthur ............................................................. 264B, 586C Hillion, Kenzo-Hugo ...............................................................455A Hime, Gary ............................................................................ 397C* Himmelwright, Ryan ...............................................................776A Hindes, Danielle ......................................................................899A Hirokawa, Areekul...................................................................533A Hirschman, Leah ...................................................................... 783B Hirsh, Jay .................................................................................656A Ho, Y.-J. ................................................................................ 192B* Hoelzle, David .........................................................................902A Hogan, Caley A. .......................................................................... 45 Hogg, Marion .......................................................................... 627B Hoi, Charlene ......................................................................... 238C* Holderbaum, Laura ..................................................................905A Holloway, David ...................................................................... 777B Holly, R. ................................................................................ 193C* Holmbeck, Marissa ...................................................................... 34 Holub, Nataliia.......................................................................608A* Hong, Pengyu .......................................................................... 262C Hong, Weizhe ............................................................................ 101 Hong, Yang.................................................................. 112*, 186B* Hong, Yoon Ki ........................................................................ 630B Hoover, Kendall.....................................................................509A* Hope, Matthew ......................................................................239A* Hopfen, Corinna ...................................................................... 721C Hopkins, Lucas ........................................................................284A Horne-Badovinac, Sally ................................................ 403C, 407A Hosamani, Ravikumar ........................................................... 834B* Hosler, Marcus......................................................................... 282B Hou, Claire ..............................................................................275A Hou, E...................................................................................... 192B Hou, Lin................................................................................. 279B* Housden, Benjamin E. ..................................................... 90*, 260A Howard, Angela .....................................................................209A* Howard, Austin M. ................................................................ 790C* Howard, Steven ....................................................................... 646C Howell, Danielle .................................................................... 187C* Howick, Virginia ................................................................... 474B* Hsieh, Emily ............................................................................ 684B Hsieh, Yi-Chen ...................................................................... 625C* Hsu, Hwei-Jan .............................................................. 435B, 441B Hu, C. .................................................................................... 921B* Hu, Claire ..................................................................... 452A, 905A Hu, Hongxiang.............................................................. 461A, 467A Hu, Jack ...................................................................................893A Hu, Wantong............................................................................ 529C Hu, Y. ......................................................................................317A Hu, Yanhui ................................................................ 90, 156, 904C Huang, Juan ..................................................................... 112, 186B Huang, Kai-Ting .................................................................... 342B* Huang, PJ...............................................................................557A* Huang, Yanmei ........................................................................ 549B Huang, Yi-Chun....................................................................... 460C Hudry, Bruno ............................................................................. 71* Hudson, Andrew ...................................................................... 169C Hughes, Daniel ........................................................................ 754C Hui, Jessica ................................................................................ 102 Humphreys, Gregory ............................................................... 232C Hunter, Chad..........................................................................692A* Hunter, Miranda V. .................................................................. 136* Hura, Nanki .................................................................. 210B, 276B Hang, S..................................................................................... 152* Hang, Saiyu ............................................................................. 805C Hann, Nina .............................................................................. 840B Hannon, Colleen E. ............................................................... 773A* Hannon, G. .............................................................................. 317A Hansen, Nancy ........................................................................ 751C Hao, Yan ............................................................................... 623A* Harbison, S. ............................................................................. 710A Harbison, Susan............................................................... 35, 751C* Hardy, Christopher ................................................................... 124* Hariharan, Iswar ............................................................................. 5 Hariharan, Iswar K. .................................................69, 770A, 913C Harmansa, S. ......................................................................... 259C* Harney, Rachel ........................................................................ 788A Harris, Devon ........................................................................ 396B* Harris, Jamon .......................................................................... 600B Harris, Robin ................................................................................ 5* Harris, T. ................................................................................. 183B Harris, Tony ........................................................ 138, 185A*, 196C Harrison, Douglas ........................................................ 395A, 605A Harrison, Jon ........................................................................... 380A Harrison, Jon F. ....................................................................... 348B Harrison, Melissa .................................................. 126, 793C, 841C Harrison, Neale ....................................................................... 506A Hartl, Tom ............................................................................. 624B* Hartwich, Annika .................................................................... 636B Harvanek, Zachary .......................................................... 67*, 354B Hasan, Gaiti.................................................................................. 41 Hasan, Salman ....................................................................... 434A* Hasper, John .......................................................................... 817C* Hassan, Bassem ................................................................. 37, 822B Hateley, Shannon .................................................................... 834B Hatini, Victor ................................................................163C, 218A Hatkevich, Talia .................................................................... 406C* Hawley, R. Scott ..................................................................... 748C Hayashi, S. .............................................................................. 199C Hayashi, Shigeo........................................................... 208C*, 928C Hayashi, Takashi ..................................................................... 310C Hayman, Ethan ........................................................................ 267B Haynes, Gwilym ...................................................................... 697C He, Bing ................................................................................... 137* He, Jing ................................................................................... 528B He, Li ...................................................................................... 260A He, Xiaoli ................................................................................ 370C He, Xiaomeng ....................................................................... 465B* Heberlein, Ulrike ............................................... Plenary Session II* Heck, Margarete M. S. ..................................................246B, 251A Heglund-Lohman, Grace .............................................................. 45 Hein, Marco ................................................................................. 84 Heinaman, Ashley ....................................................... 210B, 276B* Helfand, Stephen L. ........................................................... 57, 381B Helman, Aharon ...................................................................... 242A Hemmer, Lucas ..................................................................... 733C* Henderson, Benjamin .............................................................. 660B Henderson, Ben W. ................................................................. 667C Henderson, John C. ............................................................... 607C* Hendrix, David ........................................................................ 544C Henry, W. ................................................................................ 828B Henry, William........................................................................ 798B Henstridge, Michelle ............................................................... 758A Hentze, Matthias ..................................................................... 890A Herbert, Matthew .................................................................... 721C Hernández, Benjamín .............................................................. 849B Hernandez, Melissa ................................................................. 478C Hernandez-Nunez, L. ................................................................... 44 Hernandez Nunez, Luis A. ......................................................... 42* Heron, Sarah E. ....................................................................... 658C Herrig, Danielle ..................................................................... 727C* Herter, Eva .............................................................................. 302A Hess-Homeier, David ............................................................ 481C* 90 SPEAKER AND AUTHOR INDEX Jan, Yuh-Nung .......................................................................903B Janis, O'Donnell .....................................................................622C Janosch, Stephan ........................................................................ 84 Janowicz, T. .......................................................................... 398A Januschke, Jens ....................................................................220C* Jasper, Heinrich ............................ Plenary Session II*, 154, 365A Jaszczak, Jacob .......................................................................... 4* Jefferis, Gregory S. X. E. ...................................................... 566A Jeffreys, C. A. ....................................................................... 293A Jeffries, Neal .............................................................................. 18 Jegla, Timothy J. ....................................................................175C Jemc, Jennifer ............................ 392A, 418C, 421C, 425A, 513B, 795B, 796C Jenny, Andreas........................................................................... 77 Jensen, Kelsey ....................................................................... 157* Jeon, Juhyun .............................................................................. 79 Jeon, Young Jae .....................................................................204B Jeong, Haemin .......................................................... 204B*, 630B Jermusyk, Ashley................................................................... 127* Jevitt, Allison .......................................................................235C* Jevtic, Milica ........................................................................... 129 Jha, Aashish .......................................................................... 881A Ji, Jingran.............................................................................. 881A Ji, Shuiwang ..........................................................................919C Ji, Shuqing .............................................................................757C Jia, Dongyu ............................................... 92, 235C, 328C, 408B* Jiang, G. ................................................................................ 197A Jiang, Hongmei ..................................................................... 881A Jiang, Huaqi ...........................................................................448C Jiang, Jin ........................................................................143, 451C Jiang, Lan ............................................................................. 200A Jiang, Lichu ............................................................................... 89 Jiang, Mian ................................................................. 616C, 648B Jiang, Nan .................................................................................. 57 Jiang, Pengyao .......................................................... 705B, 824A* Jiang, T. .................................................................................183B Jiang, Tao ............................................................................. 185A Jiang, Zhong ............................................................................ 121 Jiao, Renjie ............................................................................351B Jin, M. ..................................................................................423B* Jodoin, J. N. .........................................................................168B* Johansen, Jorgen ............................................. 298C*, 852B, 880C Johansen, Kristen ..............................................298C, 852B, 880C John, Alisha V. ..................................................................... 707A John, Ciny............................................................................580C* Johnson, Aaron ......................................................... 420B*, 422A Johnson, Brian .......................................................................222B Johnson, Travis ................................................................... 758A* Johnson, Wayne ...................................................................558B* Johnston, L. .......................................................................... 326A Johnston, Laura ................................................................ 29, 325C Johnston, Robert .............................................. 794A, 830A, 838C Johnston Jr., Robert J. ........................................................... 827A Jolley, Sam N.........................................................................576B Jones, Bradley W. ..................................................................829C Jones, Brian C. ............................................................... 57, 381B* Jones, C. ................................................................................934C Jones, Christopher..................................................................856C Jones, Christopher J. ..............................................................577C Jones, Gillian ........................................................................ 620A Jones, Jeffery .........................................................................754C Jones, K. ................................................................................934C Jones, Kevin T. ........................................................................ 123 Jordan, Holly A......................................................................294B Josifov, Molly ............................................................. 210B, 276B Jouette, Julie ....................................................................... 188A* Joyce, Eric ............................................................................... 53* Jud, Molly ........................................................................... 779A* Julick, Cole ............................................................................741B Hurlburt, Alexander ................................................................ 344A Hussain, Ashiq ........................................................................ 571C Hussain, Yasmeen N. ..................................................579B*, 581A Hutchison, Alan L. ................................................................ 820C* Hutson, M. Shane .................................................................... 178C Huynh, Jean-René ................................................................... 333B Huynh, Nhan ........................................................................... 887A Hwang, Sea .................................................................................. 51 Hynek, S. ............................................................................... 398A* Hynek, Sarah E...................................................................... 932A* Hyršl, Pavel ................................................................................ 150 I Iafe, Timothy W. ......................................................................139 Iavarone, Anthony T. .................................................................70 Iftikhar, Hina ....................................................................... 372B* Iga, Masatoshi ....................................................................... 364C Igaki, T. ....................................................................................120 Igaki, Tatsushi ...................................................... 7*, 312B, 329A Igarashi, Fumihiko ................................................................ 364C Igiesuorobo, Oghomwen ....................................................... 493C Ignell, Rickard ....................................................................... 571C Iizuka, Ryo ............................................................................ 269A Ilsley, Garth........................................................................... 811C Im, SH ................................................................................... 557A Imran Alsous, Jasmin .......................................................... 303B* Inaba, M. ..................................................................................96* Inagaki, Sachi ...................................................................... 886C* Ingrassia, Antonia Maria Rita................................................ 846B Inoue, Yoshiko .........................................................................118 Insolera, Ryan ..................................................................... 265C* Ip, Tony ............................................................................ 121, 143 Irvine, Ken ...................................................................................8 Irwin, Madison .................................................................... 626A* Isabella, Adam .................................................................... 407A* Isbell, Elizabeth ................................................................... 489B* Ish-Horowicz, David ............................................................. 501B Islam, Abul Bmmk .....................................................................81 Islam, Fayeza ........................................................................ 440A Islam, R. ................................................................................ 511C Ito, K. .................................................................................... 564B Ito, Naoto .............................................................................. 660B Iwamura, Masashi ................................................................. 269A Iyer, Eswar Prasad R. ............................................................ 483B Iyer, Srividya C. .................................................................... 483B J Ja, William .................................................................................74 Jackson, Christina A. ............................................................. 887A Jackson, F. Rob ..................................................................... 549B Jackson, George .................................................................... 653A Jacobs, J. Roger ..................................................................... 212A Jacobs, Roger ........................................................................ 221A Jaeger, Johannes .................................................................... 762B Jafar-Nejad, Hamed............................................................... 237B Jahanshahi, Atousa ................................................................ 685C Jaime, Maria .......................................................................... 904C Jaiswal, M. ............................................................................ 654B Jaiswal, Manish ........................................102, 179A, 644A, 650A Jaiswal, Richa........................................................................ 172C Jaiswal, S............................................................................... 654B Jaiswal, Sonal ........................................................................ 648B James, Rebecca ..................................................................... 509A Jan, Lily Yeh ..............................................................................62 Jan, Yuh Nung............................................................................62 91 SPEAKER AND AUTHOR INDEX Khan, Sumbul Jawed ................................................................... 3 Khodabakhshi, Payam .........................................................592C* Khost, Daniel E.............................................................. 49, 681B* Kidd, Thomas .............................................................................. 9 Kiehart, Daniel...................................................................... 176A Killilea, D. .............................................................................666B Kim, Ah-Ram ........................................................... 705B*, 824A Kim, C. ..................................................................................192B Kim, Dajung ......................................................................... 662A Kim, Geon Ho......................................................................561B* Kim, Go-Woon ......................................................................229C Kim, Grace ............................................................................265C Kim, Ja-young .......................................................................229C Kim, Jenny.............................................................................453B Kim, Jongmin ........................................................................ 107* Kim, Ju-Won .........................................................................366B Kim, M. .............................................................................. 872A* Kim, Mary .......................................................................... 602A* Kim, Philip ................................................................................ 79 Kim, Sangjoon ........................................................................... 17 Kim, Woo Jae .......................................................................... 62* Kim, Yeon .............................................................................229C Kim, Yunjeong ........................................................... 340C, 602A Kimble, M............................................................................933B* Kimpara, A. ...........................................................................199C King, Elizabeth ......................................................................532C King, Elizabeth G. ...............................................................738B* King-Jones, Kirst ...................................................................363B Kingston, Robert ....................................................................865C Kir, Karolina ..........................................................................562C Kirov, N. ............................................................................... 833A Kirwan, James .....................................................................628C* Kitamoto, T................................................................. 520C, 521A Kitamoto, Toshi .....................................................................522B Kitamoto, Toshihiro...............................................................547C Klaus, Angela ....................................................................... 389A Klein, Jonathon D. ................................................................. 148* Klein, M................................................................................... 44* Klein, Mason ............................................................................. 42 Klein, Thomas ........................................................................... 97 Kleinsorge, Sarah...................................................................198B Klibaite, Ugne........................................................................717B Kline, Ashley .......................................................................409C* Klinkenberg, Michael ................................................................ 99 Klomp, Jeff ..........................................................................706C* Knaevelsrud, Helene ............................................................258B* Kneubehl, Alexander ................................................ 675B, 835C* Knio, Ziyad ......................................................................... 752A* Knorr, Patrizia .......................................................................640C Knowles, David W..................................................................... 85 Knust, Elisabeth .................................................................... 314A Ko, K. ................................................................................... 857A Kobayashi, Satoru ..................................................................886C Kodrik, D. ..............................................................................256C Koehler, Stephanie.................................................................640C Koerner, Jarred ..................................................................... 887A Kofler, Robert ............................................................................ 50 Kohatsu, S................................................................................ 61* Kohl, Kathryn ........................................................................406C Kohram, Fatemeh ............................................................... 818A* Koie, Azusa .......................................................................... 383A Kok, Kurtulus .......................................................................... 108 Kokan, N. ..............................................................................934C Kokan, Nighat........................................................................856C Kolotueva, Irina ............................................................. 114, 216B Kondo, Shu ........................................................................... 905A Kong, April ............................................................................264B Kong, Deqing ........................................................................ 141* Kong, Jun.............................................................................. 587A Kong, Kiu Ming April .........................................................586C* Jung, Youngsook ................................................................... 866A Justin, Carder ........................................................................ 558B K Kacsoh, Balint ............................................................................39 Kadlec, L. .............................................................................. 934C Kadlec, Lisa .......................................................................... 245A Kagan, Jonathan .................................................................... 471B Kagey, Jacob ....................................................................... 304C* Kageyama, Yuji..................................................................... 886C Kahn, A. ................................................................................ 666B Kaing, D. ............................................................................... 192B Kairamkonda, Subhash........................................................ 572A* Kakrecha, Bijal...................................................................... 894B Kamath, Ajit ...........................................................................153* Kamimura, Keisuke....................................................................11 Kanakousaki, Kiriaki ........................................................... 318B* Kanchanawong, Pakorn Tony................................................ 174B Kane, Eric ............................................................................. 227A Kaneko, Satoshi........................................................................143 Kang, Hyuckjoon ................................................................ 866A* Kang, Yunsik ................................................................ 25*, 270B Kang, Zi Han ......................................................................... 636B Kango-Singh, Madhuri .......................... 319C, 324B, 626A, 628C Kango-Singh, Maduri ............................................................ 620A Kannan, Ramakrishnan ......................................................... 480B Kao, Joyce ................................................................................51* Kao, Shih-Han ..................................................................... 435B* Kapahi, P. .............................................................................. 666B Kapahi, Pankaj ................................................................ 68, 365A Kaplan, Tommy..................................................................... 841C Kaplan, Yosef.............................................................................27 Kapun, Martin ..................................................................... 698A* Kapuria, Subir ....................................................................... 365A Karch, Fancois ...................................................................... 430C Karch, François .............................................. 863A*, 864B, 885B Karpen, Gary ................................................................... 59, 862C Karr (Minibiole), Julie E. ...................................................... 568C Kaspari, R. ............................................................................ 710A Kasprowicz, Jaroslaw ...............................................................104 Kassis, J................................................................................. 869A Kasuya, J. ................................................................. 520C, 521A* Kataoka, Hiroshi ................................................................... 364C Katewa, Subhash ................................................................... 365A Katsuno, Yoko ...........................................................................91 Kaufman, Thomas ................................................................. 920A Kaufman, Thom C. ................................................................ 929A Kavaler, Joshua ..................................................................... 543B Kearse, Michael...........................................................399B, 426B Keegan, Liam ...................................................................... 627B* Keeley, Charlotte........................................................ 164A, 231B Keene, A. .............................................................................. 530A Keene, Alex C. ...................................................................... 740A Kelleher, Erin ...................................................................... 680A* Kelley, Colleen ...........................................................................90 Kellman-Pressman, Sigal ...................................................... 832C Kelly, M. ............................................................................... 223C Kelly, Sean .................................................................................67 Kelsang, T. ...............................................................................113 Kelsey, Keegan .......................................................... 617A, 752A Ken, Buford........................................................................... 236A Kennison, James..................................................................... 130* Keranen, Soile V. E. .................................................................85* Kern, Andrew ........................................................................ 734A Kevrekidis, Ioannis.....................................................................86 Kezos, James N. .................................................................. 336B* Khan, Sumbul........................................................................ 332A 92 SPEAKER AND AUTHOR INDEX Landson, P. ............................................................................520C Landy, Kathryn ......................................................................292C Lanet, Elodie..........................................................................445C Lang, S.................................................................................666B* Lansdon, P. ........................................................................... 521A Lansdon, Patrick ....................................................... 522B*, 547C LaRocque, Jeannine .............................................................382C* Larracuente, Amanda M. ............................................... 49*, 681B Larschan, Erica ........................................................... 784C, 874C Larsson, J. ............................................................................. 872A Lasko, Paul ........................................................................... 887A Latino, Michelle.....................................................................241C Lau, Nelson.................................................................. 82*, 699B* Laver, John .............................................................................. 79* Lavington, Erik ....................................................................343C* Lawlor, Kynan .......................................................................189B Lawrence, Austie ...................................................................817C Lazebny, Oleg E. ........................................................ 536A, 715C Lazzaro, Brian ............................................................ 468B, 474B Le, Amanda ...........................................................................652C Leal, Sandra .............................................................. 236A*, 334C Le Borgne, Roland ..................................................... 114*, 216B* Lecourtois, Magalie ............................................................ 629A* Lee, C. H. ..............................................................................564B Lee, Donghoon ...................................................................... 138* Lee, Eunil ................................................................... 340C, 602A Lee, Grace Yuh Chwen ........................................................682C* Lee, Han ................................................................................640C Lee, Hangnoh ......................................................................904C* Lee, Hye-Yeon.......................................................................366B Lee, Hyo Sun ........................................................................ 602A Lee, Jack ................................................................................892C Lee, Jang Ho ..........................................................................630B Lee, Jimin ..............................................................................757C Lee, Kathryn ........................................................................508C* Lee, Megan ............................................................... 683A*, 685C Lee, Michael ........................................................................859C* Lee, Minjung .........................................................................204B Lee, Ok-Kyung ......................................................................229C Lee, S. ..................................................................................490C* Lee, Sang Joon.......................................................................366B Lee, Sang-Soo........................................................................229C Lee, Shin-Hae ........................................................................366B Lee, Soojin................................................................ 204B, 630B* Lee, Tom .............................................................................237B* Lee, Zachary ......................................................................... 311A Lees, Meredith .......................................................................174B Lehmann, Michael ...............................................................357B* Lehmann, Ruth .......................................................................... 19 Leinonen, Kalle .....................................................................927B Lemke, S. .............................................................................. 701A Lemke, Steffen.....................................................................708B* Lemos, Bernardo ...................................................................861B Lenkeit, Christopher ..............................................................795B Lenkeit, Christopher P. ............................................. 421C, 796C* Lennox, Ashley.......................................................................... 31 Leong, Hon ........................................................................... 662A Leopold, Pierre ..................................................................6, 316C Lerit, Dorothy A. .................................................................294B* Lessel, Courtney E. ............................................................. 368A* Letsou, Anthea .................................................... 103, 232C, 779A Leulier, François ....................................................................349C Leung, W. ................................................................... 857A, 934C Leung, Wilson .......................................................................856C Levin, Jonathan......................................................................478C Levine, Mia..........................................................................684B* Levings, Daniel C. ...............................................................436C* Levy-Adam, Flonia ................................................................507B Lewellyn, Lindsay ...................................................... 165B, 409C Lewis, Sara A. .....................................................................510B* König, Annekatrin ............................................................... 458A* Kopito, Ron ..............................................................................101 Kopp, Artyom ................................. 38, 722A, 730C, 749A, 803A Korenjak, Michael ................................................................. 287A Korzelius, Jerome .......................................................................30 Kowalis, Elizabeth ................................................................ 653A Krämer, Helmut............................................................... 66, 306B Krasniak, Christopher.......................................................... 543B* Krauchunas, Amber............................................................... 431A Krause, Henry ....................................................................... 893A Krautz, Robert ..................................................................... 459B* Kreher, Scott A.................................................................... 562C* Kreim, N. .............................................................................. 896A Kreitman, Marty .................................................................... 704A Kretzschmar, Doris................................ 252B, 591B, 615B, 647A Krijgsveld, Jeroen ................................................................. 890A Krinsky, Benjamin .....................................................................47 Kroeger, P. ............................................................................ 454C Krotzer, Mary , J. .................................................................. 516B Krug, L. ................................................................................. 575A Ku, Hui-Yu ..............................................................................78* Kuang, Yi .............................................................................. 831B Kučerová, Lucie .......................................................................150 Kucherenko, Mariya M. ...................................................... 661C* Kucinski, Iwo ...................................................................... 327B* Kuckwa, Jessica .................................................................... 419A Kudyba, Karl ......................................................................... 439C Kuebler, Daniel ..................................................................... 659A Kuenen, Sabine ........................................................................104 Kuintzle, Rachael ................................................................ 544C* Kulathinal, Rob .......................................................... 748C, 755A Kulikov, Alex M. .................................................................. 715C Kumar, Justin ..............................................................763C, 765B Kumar, Justin P. ....................................................... 764A, 806A* Kumar, Satish ........................................................................ 904C Kumar, Sudhir ....................................................................... 919C Kunimasa, Kei ..............................................................................7 Kunttas-Tatli, Ezgi .......................................................... 20, 172C Kuntz, Steven G. ......................................................................70* Kuok, C. .............................................................................. 250C* Kurant, Estee ......................................................................... 507B Kurmangaliyev, Yerbol ....................................................... 719A* Kuroda, Mitzi ........................................................................ 866A Kursawe, Jochen ................................................................... 308A Kursel, Lisa E. ..................................................................... 851A* Kurzhals, Rebeccah L................................................876B*, 877C Kuzina, Irina.......................................................................... 480B Kwan, Chun Wai ................................................................. 771B* Kwon, Hailey ........................................................................ 324B Kwon, Hailey J. ................................................................... 319C* Kwon, Jae Young .................................................................. 551A Kwon, James ......................................................................... 464A Kwon, Young ............................................................ 156*, 262C* L Lachance, Jean-Francois Boisclair ...................................... 240B* Lack, Justin .............................................................. 713A, 745C* Lacy, Monica ........................................................................ 178C Lai, Lien ................................................................................ 901C Lai, Yen-Wei ....................................................................... 503A* Lakonishok, M. ..................................................................... 162B Lakonishok, Margot .............................................................. 504B Lam, V. ................................................................................. 454C Lamb, Abigail M. ................................................................ 707A* Lambreckt, Kelsey ................................................................ 640C Lan, Qing ............................................................................ 448C* Landgraf, Matthias ................................................................ 492B 93 SPEAKER AND AUTHOR INDEX Liu, N. ............................................................................ 23, 845A Liu, Weijie ............................................................................... 112 Liu, Xingchen ..................................................................... 926A* Liu, Xingyin ........................................................................792B* Liu, Yu-Tzu .......................................................................... 527A Llopart, Ana...........................................................................727C Lloyd, Deborah ....................................................................594B* Lloyd, Thomas .................................................... 100, 618B, 652C Lo, Pang-Kuo ........................................................... 328C, 460C* Lobell, A. ............................................................................ 710A* Lobell, Amanda .....................................................................751C Lock, Nicole ......................................................................... 227A Loehlin, David .................................................................... 746A* Loehlin, David W. .................................................................726B Loewer, A. ...........................................................................427C* Loganathan, Sudan N............................................................ 887A Logan-Garbisch, Theresa .......................................................592C Long, Dani ...........................................................................546B* Long, Li .................................................................................906B Long, Manyuan.......................................................................... 47 Long, Shirley Q. ....................................................................559C Longabaugh, William ..........................................................927B* López, Brenda........................................................................849B Lo Piccolo, Luca ....................................................................846B Lorberbaum, David ..............................................................807B* Lorenzo, Melissa ...................................................................396B Losada-Perez, Maria ........................................................... 506A* Lostchuck, Emily ................................................................... 117* Lott, Susan E. .................................................................. 36, 105* Loughran, Galvin ...................................................................249B Lovander, Kaylee E. ........................................................... 437A* Lovato, Tyanna ......................................................................802C Love, Jessica C. .................................................................... 479A Loveland, Kate.......................................................................397C Loyer, Nicolas .......................................................................216B Loynton-Ferrand, Alexia ...................................................... 296A Lu, Bingwei ............................................................................... 99 Lu, Cecilia ...........................................................................492B* Lu, H......................................................................................666B Lu, W. ....................................................................................162B Lu, Wen ...............................................................................504B* Lu, Yi ....................................................................................867B Ludwig, Michael ......................................................... 187C, 824A Lukacsovich, Tamas ..............................................................540B Lundin, Daniel .......................................................................477B Luo, Junjie ............................................................................ 452A Luo, Lichao..........................................................................438B* Luo, Liqun ............................................................................... 101 Luong, Diana .......................................................................513B* Lupski, Jim ........................................................................... 593A Luu, P. ................................................................................ 539A* Luu, Peter ..............................................................................592C Lv, Xiangdong .....................................................................867B* Ly, Dan ..................................................................................189B Ly, J. ......................................................................................192B Lyman, Rachel A. ..................................................................579B Lymer, Seana ............................................................................. 51 Lynch, Jeremy ................................................ 712C, 772C*, 813B Lynch, Jeremy A. ...................................................................703C Lyon, Lauren M. ....................................................................360B Lyon, Peter ..........................................................................210B* Li, Blaise ..................................................................................149 Li, C. ........................................................................ 641A, 657B* Li, Hongde .......................................................................... 344A* Li, Hongjie .............................................................................154* Li, Hong-Sheng ..........................................................................40 Li, Hongyu ............................................................................ 447B Li, Jian-Chiuan ...................................................................... 342B Li, Jiaxing ............................................................................. 595C Li, Jin-Billy ........................................................................... 627B Li, Ke .................................................................................. 836A* Li, M. .................................................................................... 244C Li, Min ........................................................................907C, 925C Li, Nan .................................................................................. 739C Li, Patrick Wai-Lun....................................................................68 Li, Qi .............................................................................. 121, 143* Li, Qian .................................................................... 529C*, 548A Li, Rongjian .......................................................................... 919C Li, Shuangxi .............................................................................143 Li, W. .................................................................................... 575A Li, Wanhe.............................................................................. 533A Li, Wenhua .................................................................................10 Li, Wen-Ting ...............................................................616C, 648B Li, Wenzhe ............................................................................ 244C Li, Xianghua.......................................................................... 627B Li, Xiao ......................................................................................79 Li, Xiaosu .............................................................................. 447B Li, Xin ................................................................................... 402B Li, Yeran ...................................................................298C, 852B* Li, Zhihong ..............................................................................102 Lian, Tianshun ...................................................................... 496C Liang, Xitong ........................................................................ 529C Liang, Xulong ..................................................................... 791A* Liao, Jennifer ...................................................................... 545A* Liao, Wei..................................................................................123 Libel, Faith ............................................................................ 489B Licking-Murray, Kellie ......................................................... 476A Lieb, Jason ............................................................................ 841C Liebl, Faith .......................................................................... 491A* Lim, Bomyi ................................................................... 86*, 261B Lim, Chiao Xin.................................................................... 658C* Lim, Jaclyn ...............................................................................145 Lim, Kah-Leong .................................................................... 487C Lim, Yongchul ...................................................................... 340C Lin, Deanna ........................................................................... 757C Lin, H. ............................................................................. 23, 845A Lin, Lin ................................................................................. 277C Lin, Shuailiang ...........................................................................90 Lin, Shu-Hui............................................................... 525B, 527A Lin, T. Y. ............................................................................... 564B Lin, Ya-Chen......................................................................... 342B Lin, Yanyan........................................................................... 887A Lin, Yanzhu................................................................................35 Lindblad, Jillian..........................................................................28 Linhart, R. ............................................................................. 192B Link, Nichole ...................................................................... 593A* Linz, David.......................................................................... 709C* Linz, D. M. ............................................................................ 702B Liou, Yih-Cherng .................................................................. 487C Lipinszki, Zoltan ................................................................... 853C Lipps, Kirsten ........................................................................ 472C Lipshitz, Howard ............................................................. 79, 888B Lipsick, J. .............................................................................. 850C Little, Shawn ....................................................................... 892C* Liu, H.-Y. .......................................................... Plenary Session II Liu, Janet ............................................................................... 473A Liu, Jiandong............................................................................139 Liu, Lei .................................................. 272A, 278A, 279B, 926A Liu, Liping ............................................................................ 788A Liu, Lucy ................................................................................102* Liu, Lu-Ping .......................................................................... 910C M Ma, Xianjue .............................................................. 244C, 320A* Ma, Yiqin................................................................................... 2* Mabeza, R. .............................................................................373C Machamer, James ..................................................................618B 94 SPEAKER AND AUTHOR INDEX Mathieu, Juliette ....................................................................333B Matias, Neuza Reis ..............................................................333B* Matlock, Alex ........................................................................313C Matoo, Omera ........................................................................741B Matsumoto, Takeo ................................................................ 158A Matsuno, Kenji ...........................................................158A, 329A Matthews, Kathy A. .............................................................. 929A Matts, Jessica ............................................................................. 82 Matunis, Dr Erika ................................................................. 434A Matunis, E..............................................................................456B Matunis, Erika ......................................................................... 146 Matusek, T. .............................................................................. 95* Matute, Daniel ...................................................................... 704A Matzkin, Luciano ...................................................................676C Maurange, Cedric ................................................................445C* Mauser, Eric ..........................................................................924B Mauss, Alex ...........................................................................492B Mavor, L. ...............................................................................193C Mavor, L. M. ...................................................................... 194A* May, Gemma .........................................................................889C Mazur, J. ............................................................................... 896A McAdams, Sarah E. ............................................................ 581A* McAteer, M. ..........................................................................367C McCall, Kim ..........................................................................273B McCall, Kimberly ..................................................................198B McCallough, Christopher...................................................... 803A McCartney, Brooke.................................................................... 20 McCartney, Brooke M. ..........................................................172C McClure, Kimberly ............................................................. 578A* McCluskey, Patrick............................................................... 887A McClymont, Stephanie ..........................................................840B McCollum, Dannel .................................................................. 143 McCormack, Kasandra ..........................................................165B McCoy, Lenovia J....................................................... 579B, 581A McCullough, Jane M............................................................171B* McDermott, John ...................................................................264B McDonald, Ian S. ...................................................................559C McDonald, Jocelyn ........................................................115, 203A McElory, Kyle ...................................................................... 866A McGeary, Meaghan ...............................................................678B McGregor, Alistair P...................................................... 106, 721C McGurk, Leeanne ..................................................................627B McGurk, Michael.................................................................. 443A McGurk, Michael P. ............................................................693B* McIntyre, Lauren ................................... 542A, 819B, 821A, 823C McKay, Daniel.......................................................................841C McKim, Kim..........................................................................292C McKim, Kim S. ............................................... 291B, 297B, 299A McKinley, Andrew ............................................................... 185A McLaughlin, Colleen ............................................................... 16* McLinden, K..........................................................................387B McMahan, Susan ...................................................................406C McNeil, Alison R. ..................................................................576B McNeil, Jeremy N. .................................................................559C McNeill, H. ............................................................................250C McNeill, Helen ......................................................................798B McNew, James.......................................................................526C McParland, A. ......................................................................517C* McQuilton, P. ......................................................................670C* McVey, Mitch............................................................. 285B, 584A Mecklenburg, K. ................................................................. 923A* Mecklenburg, Kirk.................................................................637C Meehan, Tracy .....................................................................198B* Meers, Michael P. ................................................................895C* Mei, Shaolin ..........................................................................447B Meier, Samuel............................................................................ 91 Meiklejohn, Colin ................................................................. 470A Meisel, Richard....................................................................694C* Meiselman, Matthew .......................................................... 518A* Mejías, Keysh ........................................................................555B Mackay, Trudy ........................................................... 737A, 750B Mackay, Trudy F. C. .................................................. 579B, 581A Maeda, Nobuaki .........................................................................11 Maeda, Robert .............................................................430C, 885B Mageeney, Catherine........................................................... 399B* Mahato, Simpla ..................................................................... 791A Mahoney, Rebekah .............................................................. 524A* Mahowald, Anthony ...................................................................31 Maienschein-Cline, Mark ...................................................... 820C Majumder, Pralay .................................................................. 203A Makhijani, Kalpana ............................................................... 453B Maldera, Julieta A. ................................................................. 144* Malik, Harmit ..............................Plenary Session 1*, 684B, 851A Malik, Jitendra ...........................................................................85 Malpe, Manashree ............................................................... 439C* Mamah, Catherine ................................................................. 652C Mana-Capelli, Sebastian ...........................................................143 Mandal, M. ...............................................................................152 Manent, Jan ........................................................................... 889C M'Angale, P. Githure........................................................... 631C* Mangeat, Thomas .................................................................. 180B Manhire-Heath, R. ................................................................. 257A Mani, S. ....................................................................................23* Manier, M. ............................................................................ 934C Manivannan, Sathiya ........................................ 210B, 276B, 901C Mann, Kevin.......................................................................... 563A Mann, Matthias ..........................................................................84 Mann, Richard ................................................................. 13, 500A Mann, Richard S.......................................................................106 Mann, R. S. ................................................................................76 Mannett, Brady.................................................................... 632A* Manning, Brendan D. .................................................................90 Mannion, Niamh ................................................................... 627B Mannix, Katelynn ................................................................ 169C* Mao, Junhao .............................................................................143 Marc, Ridyard ....................................................................... 496C Marcano, A............................................................................ 398A Mardon, G. ............................................................................ 423B Mardon, Graeme .......................................................907C*, 925C Margolis, Shally .................................................................... 455A Marie, Pauline ..................................................................... 882B* Marin, Elizabeth ......................................................... 497A, 508C Marjoram, Paul...................................................................... 542A Mark, Brandon ...................................................................... 565C Markow, Therese.............................................. 676C, 731A, 748C Markow, Therese A. .............................................................. 695A Markus, Robert...................................................................... 459B Marmion, Rob ........................................................................129* Marrone, April K. .................................................................. 661C Marsolais, Alexander ............................................................ 888B Martin, A. C. ......................................................................... 168B Martin, Adam ..............................................135, 137, 170A, 184C Martin, Allison H. H. ............................................................ 814C Martin, Pamela ...................................................................... 267B Martin-Bermudo, M. D. ......................................................... 140* Martín-Bermudo, M. D. ........................................................ 205C Martínez, Zulmari ............................................................... 555B* Martini, F. ............................................................................. 896A Marvin, A. ............................................................................. 742C Marvin, N. ............................................................................. 742C Marxreiter, Stefanie............................................................. 345B* Marygold, S........................................................................... 670C Marygold, Steven ................................................................ 922C* Masandika, Josephine R. ....................................................... 355C Masek, P.............................................................................. 530A* Masek, Pavel ......................................................................... 740A Masly, John P. ...........................................................720B*, 721C Mason, Frank ...................................................................... 170A* Matakatsu, Hitoshi .............................................................. 321B* Matera, A. Gregory ............................................................... 895C 95 SPEAKER AND AUTHOR INDEX Montero, Daniel .....................................................................849B Montooth, Kristi ....................................................... 470A, 741B* Montoya, Geovanny ..............................................................685C Montsinger-Reif, Allison .......................................................604C Moody, Alexandra ................................................................ 227A Moon, Nam-Sung ....................................................... 268C, 781C Mooney, Sean D. ....................................................................... 68 Moore, Shannon.....................................................................304C Moore, Steven ........................................................................609B Moradian, Annie ................................................................... 275A Moran, Michael ..........................................................620A, 626A Morin, Gregg ........................................................................ 275A Mormann, Ben ...................................................................... 794A Morozova, Tatiana V. ................................................. 579B, 581A Morris, Quaid ............................................................................ 79 Morris, Robert ...................................................................... 287A Morrison, Carolyn A. ...........................................................769C* Morrison, Holly .....................................................................316C Morse, E. M. ......................................................................... 293A Mosca, Timothy ......................................................................... 11 Mossman, J. ...........................................................................367C Mossman, Jim .............................................................. 34*, 739C* Moss-Taylor, Lindsay .............................................................. 72* Mouawad, Rima........................................................ 797A*, 799C Moulton, Matthew ...............................................................232C* Moy, Jamie ........................................................................... 599A Moyer, Anna ........................................................................466C* Moyle, Leonie....................................................................... 725A Mrkvicka, James ....................................................................532C Mueller, Laurence D. .............................................................336B Mukai, Spencer ........................................................... 264B, 586C Mukherjee, Subhas ............................................................. 587A* Müller, Martin .......................................................................825B Munoz, Axel ......................................................................... 578A Murakami, Ryutaro ............................................................... 785A Murali, Shwetha.....................................................................754C Murillo-Maldonado, Juan Manuel .........................................346C Murphy, Christine ................................................................. 497A Murray, M. J. ........................................................................ 257A Musselman, Laura............................................................... 596A* Muth, Aaron ......................................................................... 668A Mekalanos, J.............................................................................152 Mekany, Majid ...................................................................... 385C Meller, Victoria ..................................................................... 839A Meller, Victoria H. .............................................................. 873B* Mellone, Barbara .......................................................843B, 853C* Melov, Simon .............................................................................68 Mena, Wilson ........................................................................ 565C Mendes, Fábio ....................................................................... 734A Menon, Debashish U. ............................................................ 873B Menzie, Amanda ................................................................... 578A Merle, Jacob .......................................................................... 899A Merle, Jacob A. ..................................................................... 814C Merritt, Thomas J. S. ............................................ 48, 368A, 808C Merzetti, Eric ............................................................633B*, 645B Meserve, J. H. ..................................................................... 289C* Messenberg, Anat .................................................................. 440A Metzler, Mario .................................................................... 825B* Metzstein, Mark .......................................................................83* Metzstein, Mark M. ....................................................................80 Meyer, Silvia ......................................................................... 849B Meyer, Stefanie N. ...................................................................29* Meyer, Wynn ...................................................................... 728A* Meyers, Breanna ................................................................... 817C Mezuman, Sharon ................................................................. 242A Miao, Guangxia ................................................................... 928C* Miao, Guanxia ....................................................................... 208C Michelson, Alan M.....................................................................18 Migh, Ede.................................................................................139 Miguel, Laetitia ..................................................................... 629A Miguel-Aliaga, Irene ..................................................................71 Mihály, József ..........................................................................139 Milgrom, Roni ....................................................................... 513B Milian, Sarah ......................................................................... 605A Millar, Jocelyn G. .................................................................. 726B Millburn, G............................................................................ 670C Miller, Callie ............................................................................135 Miller, Danny ........................................................................ 748C Miller, Eli .............................................................................. 394C Miller, Joanna R. ................................................................. 634C* Mills, Benjamin B. .............................................................. 914A* Mills, J. ................................................................................. 601C Mills, Maya ........................................................................... 899A Min, Kyung-Jin ................................................................... 366B* Minakhina, S. ........................................................................ 897B Mirkovic, Ivana ..........................................................................77 Mirque, Christopher .............................................................. 310C Mirque, Christopher D. ....................................................... 360B* Mirth, Christen K. .......................................................355C, 360B Mishra, A. K........................................................................ 498B* Mistry, Hemlata..................................................................... 243B Miura, Masayuki ............................................................. 11, 388C Miyazaki, T. .......................................................................... 564B Mizutani, Claudia ....................................................... 540B, 761A Mlodzik, Marek ............................................................... 77, 214C Moeller, Morten .................................................................... 363B Moffitt, Jeff ..............................................................................131 Mohan, R............................................................................... 567B Mohana, G............................................................................. 896A Mohr, S. ................................................................................ 921B Mohr, Stephanie ......................................................... 904C, 905A Mohr, Stephanie E. .....................................................................90 Mokhtar, Shaza ................................................................... 635A* Molinar, Olivia .................................................................... 172C* Møller, Morten E. ................................................................ 361C* Mollereau, Bertrand ................................................... 164A, 231B Mondal, Tanmoy ................................................................. 868C* Mondragon, Albert .............................................................. 273B* Monier, Bruno ....................................................................... 180B Monk, Nick ........................................................................... 762B Montague, Ruth ............................................................... 31, 450B N Na, Hong ................................................................................... 79 Nag, Sanjay........................................................................... 371A Nagengast, A. ........................................................................934C Nagengast, Alexis ..................................................................894B Naidu, Chitra .......................................................................241C* Nakajima, Yu-ichiro ........................................................... 311A* Nakamura, Mai ....................................................................312B* Nakamura, Natsuki ................................................................886C Nakano, Ryosuke ................................................................ 269A* Nakato, Hiroshi......................................................................436C Nakayama, Takumi ............................................................... 383A Nakazawa, Naotaka .............................................................. 158A Nam, Su-Jin ...........................................................................229C Nambu, John ............................................................... 512A, 580C Namireddy, Meera .................................................... 461A, 467A* Nandakumar, V. ....................................................................... 134 Nandi, Nilay ..........................................................................306B Nandy, Anubhab ..................................................................277C* Narbonne-Reveau, Karine......................................................445C Narciso, Cody ........................................................... 308A, 902A* Nash, Michael ......................................................................840B* Nazario Yepiz, Nestor............................................................676C Neckameyer, Wendi .......................... 488A, 569A, 573B*, 574C* Neely, Greg G. ...................................................................... 740A 96 SPEAKER AND AUTHOR INDEX O'Neill, Ryan ...................................................................... 410A* Ong, Katy ........................................................................... 173A* Onodera, Courtney..................................................................... 91 Onorati, Maria Cristina ........................................................846B* Ordan, Elly .............................................................................. 75* Orenic, Teresa ....................................................................... 803A Osborn, Gregory ..................................................................189B* Oshima, K. .............................................................................199C Osiecki, David .......................................................................405B Ospina, Claudia .......................................................... 555B, 556C Osterfield, Miriam ...............................................................411B* O'Sullivan, Niamh C. .............................................................636B Osumi-Sutherland, David J. ................................................ 566A* Otani, T. ...............................................................................199C* Otero-Moreno, Deyannira ......................................................346C other faculty and students of the Genomics Education Partnership ...............................................................................................856C O'Tousa, J. E. ........................................................................ 923A O'Tousa, Joseph ...................................................................637C* Oza, Vishal ..........................................................................603B* özsoy, Ergi D. ......................................................................696B* Nelson, Jonathan O. .................................................................80* Nementscke, Linda ................................................................ 314A Nettleton, Margaret ............................................................... 665A Neuenkirchen, N. ................................................................ 845A* Neuman, Sarah .................................................................... 270B* Nevil, Markus...................................................................... 793C* New, Felicia ........................................................................ 821A* Newell, Nicole ...................................................................... 821A Newell, Peter ......................................................................... 561B Newfeld, Stuart ..................................................................... 759B Ng, C. .................................................................................. 400C* Ng, Chun ............................................................................... 439C Ng, Spencer ........................................................................... 894B Nguyen, Huy ..............................................................................54 Nguyen, Michelle M. ............................................................ 175C Ni, Jian-Quan ........................................................................ 910C Ni, J.-Q. ................................................................................. 905A Ni, L. ..........................................................................................44 Nie, Q. ................................................................................. 290A* Nie, Yingchao ................................................................ 121*, 143 Nien, C.-Y. ........................................................ Plenary Session II Niepielko, Matthew ............................................................... 775C Nieto, Andres ................................................... 569A, 573B, 574C Nikitina, Ekaterina .............................................................. 531B* Nikolova, Linda..........................................................................83 Nishida, Haruka................................................................... 383A* Niwa, Ryusuke ...................................................................... 364C Nix, Jaron N. ....................................................................... 597B* Nizet, Victor .......................................................................... 473A Noblett, Christian .................................................................. 766C Nolte, Viola ................................................................................50 Nongthomba, Upendra ............................................... 462B, 572A Notarangelo, Giulia ............................................................... 255B Nowak, Scott J. ...........................................................417B, 790C Nunes, Maria D. S. .............................................................. 721C* Nuzhdin, Sergey .............................. 51, 542A, 719A, 819B, 823C Nystul, Todd...............................................................................21 P Pachter, Lior ..........................................................................834B Padash-Barmchi, Mojgan.......................................................837B Paddibhatla, Indira ...............................................................588B* Paddock, Brie ........................................................................643C Paetkau, Don..........................................................................856C Paetkau, D. W. .....................................................................934C* Pagan, Jessica ........................................................................720B Pagán, Karelis ........................................................................556C Page, Alexis .........................................................................475C* Page-McCaw, Andrea ................................ 93, 178C, 209A, 671A Pahl, Matthew ..............................................................142, 446A* Palacios, Isabel M. ................................................................ 248A Pal Bhadra, Manika .................................................... 868C, 900B Palermo, Justin.....................................................................552B* Paliouras, Miltiadis ............................................................... 635A Palladino, Jason ........................................................ 843B*, 853C Palliyil, Sneha ......................................................................765B* Palmer, William ............................................................... 92, 460C Palmieri, Michela...................................................................595C Palomero, Zoraya ...................................................................847C Palsule, Geeta ......................................................................901C* Palu, Rebecca A. S................................................................. 155* Pan, Chenyu ...........................................................................867B Pan, Duojia ........................................................................... 320A Pan, Lei ..................................................................................465B Pan, Xueyang ...................................................................... 362A* Panagakou, Ioanna .............................................................. 251A* Panchbhaya, Abdullah .......................................................... 212A Panikker, Priyalakshmi ....................................................... 854A* Panin, V. ................................................................................511C Panzarino, Alexandra ............................................................ 497A Papalexi, Efthymia.................................................................255B Paquette, Suzanne ..................................................................927B Paramore, Sarah ......................................................................... 31 Park, Dongkook .....................................................................565C Park, Joong-Jean ......................................................... 340C, 602A Park, Peter ............................................................................ 866A Park, Seung Hwan .................................................................630B Parkes, Tony L. ..................................................................... 368A Parkhurst, S............................................................................ 134* Parkin, Jill ..............................................................................174B Parkinson, Helen ................................................................... 566A Parks, Annette L. ................................................................ 929A* Paro, Simona..........................................................................627B O O,Connell, Mary.................................................................... 627B Obar, Robert .......................................................................... 889C Oberg, L. A. .......................................................................... 293A Obikawa, Akiko .................................................................... 269A O'Brien, Katherine R. ...............................................................32* O'Connell, Michael ............................................................. 774B* O'Connor, Michael ............................................... 72, 362A, 363B O'Connor, Michael B.................................................. 233A, 361C O'Connor-Giles, Kate ............................................................ 495B O'Connor-Giles, Kate M.............................................................45 Odell, Nadia .......................................................................... 207B Odenwald, Ward ......................................................................133 Odinammadu, Kamsi ............................................................. 195B O’Donnel, Janis ..................................................................... 516B O'Donnell, Janis ............................................... 466C, 610C, 660B O'Donnell, Janis M. ............................................................... 667C O'Donnell, Patrick D. .......................................................... 808C* O'Dowd, Diane K. ......................................................................65 Odu, Cynthia ......................................................................... 538C Oenel, S. ................................................................................ 427C Ohi, Melanie D. ..................................................................... 887A Ohsawa, Shizue ...................................................... 7, 312B, 329A O'Kane, Cahir J. ....................................................... 566A, 636B* Oliver, Brian............................................... 35, 412C, 871C, 904C Oliver, Stacie............................................................................20* Olofsson, Jessica ................................................................... 190C Olson, Sara ............................................................................ 889C O'Neill, Rachel ...................................................................... 853C 97 SPEAKER AND AUTHOR INDEX Plevock, Karen M. .................................................................294B Plewka, Nicole ........................................................................... 84 Podratz, Jewel ......................................................................640C* Poe, Amy R. ........................................................................484C* Politi, Kristin ........................................................................ 227A Ponce, Jessica M. ...................................................................609B Ponting, L. .............................................................................670C Pool, John .................................................52*, 688C, 713A, 745C Pool, John E. ..........................................................................726B Pope, Nicole ........................................................................775C* Popescu, Sorina .....................................................................736C Poppe, Jean Lucas..................................................................756B Porter, Megan ........................................................................754C Porter, Paula .............................................................................. 98 Posadas, Diana ...................................................................... 881A Poulton, John S. .....................................................................294B Pouradier Duteil, Nastassia ....................................................775C Powers, Martin P. ..................................................................625C Pradhan, Sarala .......................................................................... 94 Pray, Victoria A. ....................................................................579B Prazak, L. ............................................................................ 575A* Prokop, Andreas ..................................................................174B* Prud'homme, Benjamin..........................................................717B Przewloka, Marcin .................................................................853C Pulavarthi, Lakshmi P. D. ....................................................877C* Purdy, A................................................................................... 152 Purkayastha, Arunima.............................................................. 123 Pushel, Irina .........................................................................799C* Pushpavalli, Sncvl..................................................................868C Putluri, N. ..............................................................................654B Putluri, V. ..............................................................................654B Pyfrom, Sarah ........................................................................396B Pyrowolakis, George................................................................ 129 Paroush, Ze'ev ..................................................................... 242A* Parsons, Maddy ........................................................................118 Parton, Richard...................................................................... 501B Parton, Richard M. .............................................................. 915B* Partridge, Linda ..................................................................... 376C Pascal, A. .............................................................................. 373C Pasini, Maria Enrica .............................................................. 612B Pasini, M. E. .......................................................................... 613C past and current lab members, Ulrike Heberlein,Plenary Session II Pataki, Z. ............................................................................... 367C Patel, Ashka ........................................................................ 638A* Patel, Vishal K. ..................................................................... 335A Patlar, Bahar .......................................................................... 696B Patnaik, Esha ......................................................................... 462B Patterson, Amy ...................................................................... 497A Patterson, Gilia ...................................................................... 481C Paululat, Achim ..................................................................... 428A Payankaulam, Sandhya ................................... 797A, 798B*, 799C Payre, François .........................................................................106 Peak, A. ................................................................................. 787C Pearce, Margaret .................................................................... 101* Pearcy, Rachel ..................................................................... 639B* Pearman, Krista .......................................................... 614A, 632A Pedraza, Valeria .................................................................... 555B Peifer, Mark ................................................................211C, 294B Peláez, Nicolás ...................................................................... 240B Pelham-Webb, Barbra ..................................................................1 Pemmetta, Giusy ................................................................... 627B Peñaloza, Fernando ............................................................... 676C Peña-Rangel, María T.......................................................... 346C* Peng, Jamy C............................................................................148 Peng, Jhan-Jie...................................................................... 525B* Penny, Steven ........................................................................ 249B Pepperl, Julia ......................................................................... 908A Perera, A. .............................................................................. 787C Perez, John S. ........................................................................ 789B Pérez-Leaños, Alejandra ..................................................... 731A* Perinchery, Anna ................................................................... 738B Perinchery, Anna M. ........................................................... 532C* Perkins, A. T. ...................................................................... 293A* Perkins, L. ...................................................................168B, 921B Perkins, Liz ......................................................................... 905A* Perlstein, Ethan ..................................................................... 624B Perluke, Jeffrey ..................................................................... 245A Peronnet, Frédérique ........................................................... 878A* Perrimon, N. ................................................................168B, 921B Perrimon, Norbert90, 156, 260A, 262C, 317A, 335A, 452A, 904C, 905A Perrin, Laurent ...................................................................... 810B Peters, Nathaniel ................................................................. 195B* Peterson, Aidan J. .................................................................. 233A Peterson, Meredith .....................................................................13 Petra, Visic ............................................................................ 236A Petrov, Dmitri........................................................................ 743A Petruccelli, Emily ......................................................522B, 547C* Petsch, Lindsay ................................................................... 243B* Pfaffmann, Jeffrey ................................................................. 776A Phadnis, Nitin ..............................................................700C, 724C Phanstiel IV, Otto .................................................................. 668A Picolli, Benedetto .................................................................. 775C Piddini, Eugenia .................................................................... 327B Piergentili, Roberto ............................................................... 300B Pierre, Leopold ...................................................................... 353A Piggott, Beverly..................................................................... 903B Piper, Matthew ...................................................................... 370C Pirahas, Shrivani ................................................................. 322C* Pizette, S. ...................................................................................95 Plascencia Oliveros, Silvia .................................................. 252B* Plaza, Serge ..............................................................................106 Pletcher, Scott ...............................................67, 73, 354B*, 377A Q Qi, Yanyan............................................................................... 154 Qiang, K. ...............................................................................567B Qu, Chunxu.............................................................................. 148 Qu, Yue .................................................................................174B Quan, Allison ................................................................. 33, 711B* Quan, Honghu......................................................................712C* Quast, Kathleen ......................................................................... 98 Quijano, Janine C.................................................................759B* Quillery, Elsa .........................................................................571C Quinlan, Michael .................................................................. 554A Quintana, Albert ...................................................................... 102 Quisenberry, T. ..................................................................... 857A R Raabe, Thomas ..................................................................... 302A Rachmaninoff, Nicholas ........................................................286C Radford, Sarah J. ...................................................... 297B, 299A* Radhamani Chandran, Rachana .......................................... 200A* Radlicz, Chris ..................................................................... 659A* Rafelski, Susanne...................................................................303B Rahman, Reazur............................................................... 82, 699B Raíces, Júlia ...........................................................................687B Rajpurohit, Subhash .............................................................. 743A Ramaekers, Ariane................................................................... 37* Ramaswami, Mani ............................................................... 39, 84 Ramaswamy, Sridhar ............................................................ 287A Ramat, Anne ..........................................................................220C Ramdas Nair, Anjana .............................................. 295C*, 296A* Ramesh, Saraf R. .................................................................. 716A Ramin, Mahmoudreza ..........................................................550C* 98 SPEAKER AND AUTHOR INDEX Rivas, Angeliz .......................................................................555B Rivera, Osvaldo ...................................................................600B* Rizzo, Nicholas......................................................................201B Ro, Jennifer............................................................................354B Roberts, David .................................................................... 227A* Roberts, Elijah .......................................................................838C Robertson, Eric ......................................................................265C Robins, W. ............................................................................... 152 Robinson, David J............................................................... 482A* Robinson, Matthew ............................................................... 692A Robles, Grisel ........................................................................555B Rodan, Aylin.............................................................................. 66 Rodkin, Elizabeth ..................................................................582B Rodrigues, Francisco ...........................................................196C* Rodríguez, Adbiel ................................................................556C* Rodriguez, Ramses ................................................... 814C, 899A* Rodriguez Crespo, David .......................................................295C Roebke, Austin ......................................................................324B Roesel, C. ..............................................................................921B Roesel, Charles .......................................................................... 90 Rogers, Gregory......................................................................... 54 Roignant, JY ....................................................................... 896A* Rojas-Toledo, Diego R. .........................................................355C Rolls, Melissa M. .................................................................175C* Rondon, J. Alex ......................................................................... 91 Ronsseray, Stephane ..............................................................883C Ronsseray, Stéphane ..............................................................882B Rosales, J. ..............................................................................192B Rosales-Vega, Marco ...........................................................847C* Rose, Michael R. ...................................................................336B Rosenberg, Todd ....................................................................241C Rosenwasser, Claire ...............................................................241C Rosin, Leah ............................................................................853C Rossi, Anthony M. ...............................................................499C* Roth, Siegfried .......................................................................772C Rothenbusch, Silke ............................................................. 848A* Roth Flach, Rachel J. ............................................................... 143 Rothstein, Jeffrey ..................................................................... 100 Rotstein, Bárbara ................................................................ 428A* Rouhani, R. .............................................................................. 113 Rousso, Tal ............................................................................202C Rouzyi, Zulekha.....................................................................576B Row, Sarayu ........................................................................328C* Rowe, Coston ............................................................................ 15 Roy Chowdhury, Debabani ..................................................879B* Ruan, K. .............................................................................. 641A* Rubaharan, Myurajan.............................................................483B Rubin, G. .............................................................................. 530A Rubinstein, C. Dustin ............................................................... 45* Rudiño, Enrique .....................................................................849B Rui, Yanning............................................................... 616C, 648B Rui, YN ................................................................................ 197A Rus, Florentina.......................................................................339B Rusan, Nasser M. ...................................................................294B Rushlow, C. .......................................... Plenary Session II*, 833A Ryan, Sarah M. ....................................................................337C* Rymond, Brian...................................................................... 605A Ryne, Zachary....................................................................... 887A Rzezniczak, Teresa .................................................................. 48* Ramirez Loustalot-Laclette, Mariana .................................... 676C Ramirez-Loustalot-Laclette, Mariana .................................... 731A Ramos, Andrea ...................................................................... 807B Ramos, Cathy ...................................................................... 493C* Ramos, Jeslie ......................................................................... 555B Ramos-Lewis, William........................................................ 671A* Rana, Ketki............................................................................ 280C Rand, David ........................................................ 34, 367C*, 739C Rand, David M. ..................................................................... 373C Randolph, Haley.................................................................. 685C* Randsholt, Neel B. ................................................................ 878A Raneli, M............................................................................... 613C Rankin, C. ............................................................................. 505C Rankova, Aneliya .................................................................. 172C Rao, Yong .................................................................. 494A, 550C Rath, Uttama ......................................................................... 880C Rathke, Christina ................................................................... 848A Rathnam, Chandramouli ........................................................ 757C Raue, Andreas ....................................................................... 261B Ravid, Liat..................................................................................27 Ravi Ram, Kristipati.............................................................. 716A Ray, Anandasankar.....................................................................64 Ray, P. ................................................................................. 869A* Raza, Qanber S. ................................................................... 221A* Razvi, Hassan ........................................................................ 662A Read, Renee ....................................................................... 15*, 59 Ready, D. F. .......................................................................... 923A Rebay, Ilaria ....... Opening General Session*, Plenary Session II*, 110, 238C, 239A, 240B, 253C, 767A Reddy, Venu.................................................................................8 Reed, Laura ...................................................... 603B, 604C, 607C Reed, Laura K. ............................................................597B, 606B Reeves, Gregory .................................................. 127, 774B, 778C Regalado, Josue M. ............................................................... 740A Regan, Jennifer...................................................................... 376C Regruto, Lindsay .........................................................222B, 396B Reichl, Lars ..............................................................................141 Reif, David ............................................................................ 604C Reinitz, John.......................................... 239A, 704A, 705B, 824A Reis, Tânia ...............................................................................157 Reisenberger, Julia ................................................................ 534B Reiss, India ............................................................................ 838C Ren, Mengda ......................................................................... 906B Ren, Xingjie .......................................................................... 910C Renkawitz-Pohl, Renate ............................................. 419A, 848A Restifo, Linda L. ................................................................... 510B Reubens, Michael C. ........................................................... 284A* Rewitz, Kim ........................................................................ 363B* Rewitz, Kim F. ...................................................................... 361C Reynolds, Elaine ................................................................. 776A* Rhoads, Andrew .................................................................... 502C Ribeiro, Valérie ..................................................................... 878A Rice, Clinton ......................................................................... 788A Rice, Gavin...............................................................................38* Richards, Stephen .................................. 683A, 685C, 697C, 754C Richardson, Chelsea R. ....................................................... 347A* Richmond, Janet E................................................................. 535C Ricos, Michael G. .................................................................. 658C Riddle, Nicole .......................................................... 842A, 860A* Riddle, Nicole C. ................................................................... 858B Rideout, Elizabeth ............................................................... 378B* Rieder, Leila ..............................................................784C*, 874C Riesgo-Escovar, Juan R. ........................................................ 346C Rigby, Nichole .................................................................... 755A* Rimkus, Stacey...................................................................... 444B Rinaldi, Lucrezia ......................................................................106 Rincon-Arano, H. .....................................................................134 Rincon-Limas, Diego E. ........................................................ 619C Rister, Jens .............................................................................109* Ristic, Gorica ...................................................................... 224A* S Saint, R. ................................................................................ 257A Saito, Yoshie.............................................................................. 11 Saitta, Timothy J. ................................................................ 338A* Sajwan, S. ..............................................................................256C Sakuma, Chisako ....................................................................... 11 Sallé, Jérémy....................................................................... 449A* 99 SPEAKER AND AUTHOR INDEX Schnorrer, F. ............................................................................ 132 Schnorrer, Frank ................................................................ 75, 84* Schoeberl, Birgit ....................................................................261B Schoenfelder, Kevin ................................................................ 31* Schoenherr, Jessica ............................................................... 254A Schoff, Courtney ..................................................................643C* Scholes, Amanda ...................................................................267B Scholes, Clarissa ................................................................. 809A* Schönbauer, C.......................................................................... 132 Schott, Sonia ..........................................................................180B Schrider, Daniel .................................................................. 734A* Schroder, A. ...........................................................................670C Schroeder, Laura ....................................................................537B Schuhknecht, Gregor ................................................................. 30 Schuler, Erin ......................................................................... 497A Schultzhaus, Janna ...............................................................541C* Schulz, C. ..............................................................................400C Schulz, Cordula .....................................................................439C Schulz, Katharine.................................................................841C* Schulz, R. ..............................................................................454C Schulze, Florian ......................................................................... 87 Schupbach, Trudi ...................................................................424C Schüpbach, Trudi ........................................................ 411B, 760C Schuster, Keaton ..................................................................780B* Schwärzel, Martin ..................................................................535C Schwenke, Robin .................................................................468B* Scott, Clare ..........................................................................604C* Scott, H. ...............................................................................511C* Scott, Jeffrey ..........................................................................694C S.C.R. Elgin ...........................................................................934C Sears, J. ............................................................................... 485A* Seavey, Corey ..................................................................... 668A* Sechi, Stefano ........................................................................300B Secombe, Julie .......................................................................792B Seher, Thaddeus.................................................................... 749A Seib, Ekatarina ........................................................................... 97 Seidel, C. ...............................................................................787C Seifert, Jessica R. K. ................................................................ 19* Seitz, Hervé ............................................................................. 149 Sekelsky, Jeff .........................................................................406C Senaratne, Tharanga .................................................................. 53 Sengupta, Saheli ..................................................................880C* Senturk, Mumine ................................................................ 644A* Serpe, Mihaela ................................................................. 12, 493C Serrano Negron, Yazmin .......................................................751C Sethi, Sachin ........................................................................909B* Setiawan, Linda ....................................................................... 69* Seto, Mabel ............................................................... 177B*, 331C Seyres, Denis .......................................................................810B* Shabanova, Marianna.............................................................531B Shaevitz, Joshua.....................................................................717B Shafer, Orie................................................................................ 60 Shaffer, C. D. .........................................................................934C Shaffer, Christopher...............................................................856C Shannon, Erica .......................................................... 178C*, 671A Shao, Yingyao .....................................................................244C* Sharifkhodaei, Zohreh .........................................................837B* Sharma, Amit ........................................................................ 365A Sharma, Ananya...................................................................384B* Sharp, Katherine ..................................................................190C* Sharrock, J. ..........................................................................469C* Shaw, Hunter S. .................................................................. 494A* Shaw, Katherine H. .................................................................. 63* Shcherbata, Halyna ............................................................... 263A Shcherbata, Halyna R. ..................................... 369B, 458A, 661C Sheils, Emma .......................................................................916C* Shen, W. ................................................................................490C Shen, Wei ............................................................................429B* Sherrard, Kristin ..................................................................217C* Shestkin, Tatyana.................................................................. 242A Sallee, Jennifer ............................................... 167A, 171B, 176A* Salomon, Matthew .......................................................... 51, 819B Salomon, Rob ........................................................................ 584A Salvador, David ..................................................................... 295C Salz, Helen .................................................................................22 Salzberg, Adi ......................................................................... 515A Salzer, Claire ......................................................................... 924B Samarasekera, Gayathri ......................................................... 837B Samuel, A. D. T..........................................................................44 Samuel, Aravinthan ....................................................................42 Sanchez, Alvaro .................................................................... 809A Sánchez Bosch, Pablo ......................................................... 908A* Sanchez Flores, Alejandro ..................................................... 676C Sanchez-Garcia, Jonatan ....................................................... 619C Sanchez-Luege, Nicelio....................................................... 253C* Sánchez-Sánchez, Besaid J.................................................. 205C* S. Andersen, Ditte ........................................................................6 Sandoval, H. .......................................................................... 654B Sandoval, Hector ........................................................... 102, 650A Sanford, J. ............................................................................. 934C Sanford, Jamie .............................................................675B, 835C Sanginiti, Christopher............................................................ 776A Sankoorikkal, N..................................................................... 567B Sansone, Christine ................................................................. 463C Sansone, Christine L. ............................................................ 352C Santiago, J. ............................................................................ 367C Sanyal, Subhabrata ................................................................ 337C Sanz, Elisenda ..........................................................................102 Sarac, Ioan............................................................................. 736C Sardiello, Marco .................................................................... 595C Sargent, James C. ................................................................ 348B* Sarhan, Moustafa................................................................... 383A Sarkar, A. ............................................................................ 642B* Sarkar, Ankita ............................................................ 620A, 628C Sarkissian, Tatevik ........................................................ 26, 274C* Sarov, M...................................................................................132 Sarov, Mihail..............................................................................84 Sass, Georgette .................................................................... 254A* Sato, Masanao ....................................................................... 886C Sattler, Rita...............................................................................100 Saul, Joshua..................................................................................5 Savell, Christopher .............................................................. 686A* Saville, K............................................................................... 934C Savvateeva-Popova, Elena .................................................... 531B Sawant, Ketki .........................................................................115* Sawyer, Eric .......................................................................... 222B Sawyer, Jessica.................................................................... 450B* Saxena, Harsh........................................................................ 219B Scalzo, D. .................................................................................134 Schaefer, G. ........................................................................... 427C Schaeffer, Stephen............................................ 683A, 685C, 697C Schaeffer, Stephen W. ........................................................... 700C Scheanwald, N....................................................................... 398A Schedl, Paul........................................................................... 864B Schejter, Eyal ...................................................................... 202C* Schellinger, Jeffrey.....................................................................66 Schenkel, Claire .................................................................... 273B Scheunemann, Danielle ....................................................... 358C* Schiabor, Kelly.............................................................. 33*, 711B Schiabor, Kelly M. .....................................................................70 Schinaman, Joseph .............................................................. 540B* Schirmer, A. .......................................................................... 933B Schloetterer, Christian ........................................................... 721C Schlötterer, Christian ....................................................... 50, 534B Schmidt, Kiley ...................................................................... 640C Schmidt, Paul ............................................................. 698A, 743A Schmidt, Paul S. .........................................................................32 Schmidt-Ott, Urs .........................................................706C, 771B Schmitt, Sandra ..................................................................... 357B Schmitz, Hermes José ........................................................... 756B 100 SPEAKER AND AUTHOR INDEX Sohail, Faraz ..........................................................................382C Sohal, D. ................................................................................192B Soltyk, A. ...............................................................................250C Son, Gwang-Ic .......................................................................340C Song, Jun S. ............................................................................... 91 Song, Minmin .............................................................................. 9 Song, Wei ................................................................................ 156 Sonnenschein, Anne ............................................................826C* Sopko, Richelle .......................................................................... 90 Soppina, Pushpanjali..............................................................265C Sora, Enya ...........................................................................364C* Sousa-Neves, Rui...................................................................540B Sowle, Ryan ........................................................................ 476A* Spana, Eric P. ..................................................................... 386A* Spartz, Ellen ............................................................................ 101 Spencer, Alison ................................................................... 179A* Spencer, S. ............................................................................ 290A Spierer, A. ..............................................................................367C Spierer, Adam N. .................................................................373C* Spirov, Alexander ................................................................777B* Spletter, M. ............................................................................ 132* Spokony, R. ...........................................................................934C Spradling, Allan ........................... Opening General Session*, 149 Spratford, Carrie ................................................................. 590A* Sprecher, S. G. .......................................................................498B Spurrier, J. ...........................................................................387B* Sramkoski, Lisa L. ................................................................ 707A Srayko, Martin .......................................................................514C Sreekumar, A. ........................................................................654B Srivastava, Ajay .......................................................... 384B, 620A Staller, M. ................................................................................ 128 Stamm, J. ...............................................................................934C Stamm, Joyce .........................................................................856C Stanley, Craig ......................................................................748C* Stanley, Patrick D. .................................................................738B Stark, A. ................................................................................... 132 Stark, Alexander ........................................................................ 82 Staskova, T. ...........................................................................256C Stathopoulos, Angela ....................................... Plenary Session 1* Stauch, Maria ........................................................................ 302A Staveley, Brian.......................................................... 633B, 645B* Staveley, Brian E. ..................................................................631C St. Clair, Samantha L. ........................................................... 359A Stefancsik, R. .........................................................................670C Steiger, Rebecca ..................................................................930B* Steinhauer, Josefa ..................................................................394C Steinhoft, Gabrielle ................................................................640C Stender, Bettina ......................................................................... 84 Stenesen, Drew ........................................................................ 66* Stepanik, Vince......................................................................172C Stephens, Matthew.................................................................918B Stephenson, Robert ..............................................................282B* Stern, David ................................................................ 717B, 718C Stern, David L.......................................................................... 106 Stern, Michael........................................................................526C Sterrett, Maria C. ................................................................ 359A* Steward, R. ............................................................................897B Stewart, Jordan ......................................................................304C Stity, Ghazal ........................................................................577C* Stofanko, Martin ....................................................................636B Stoiber, Marcus....................................................................889C* Stojnic, Robert ............................................................... 118, 234B Stoller, M. ..............................................................................666B Stoller-Conrad, J. ...................................................................454C Stopfer, M. .............................................................................564B Storelli, Gilles ......................................................................349C* Storey, Thomas ..................................................................... 902A Stratmannn, Johannes .............................................................. 14* Straw, Andrew ........................................................................... 87 Strein, Claudia .......................................................................225B Shi, Jonathan ......................................................................... 565C Shi, Zhen ....................................................................................58 Shihova, S. ............................................................................ 742C Shilo, Ben-Zion ..................................................................... 202C Shim, Lisa ...................................................................264B, 586C Shimada-Niwa, Yuko ............................................................ 364C Shimizu, K. ......................................................................... 564B* Shimmi, Osamu ..................................................................... 759B Shin, Myeong Cheol .............................................................. 204B Shingleton, Alexander ........................................................... 310C Shingleton, Alexander W. ...........................................355C, 360B Shinoda, Tetsuro ................................................................... 364C Shklyar, Boris...................................................................... 507B* Shrestha, Om K. .................................................................... 609B Shu, Xiaokun....................................................................... 903B* Shu, Zhiqiang ...................................................................... 305A* Shuai, Yichun ...................................................................... 533A* Shulman, Joshua............................................................ 98*, 653A Shulman, Joshua M. .............................................................. 625C Shvartsman, Stanislav Plenary Session 1*, 86, 261B, 303B, 411B Siddall, Nicole ....................................................................... 397C Siddiq, Mohammad ............................................................. 747B* Siddiqi, Haziq........................................................................ 838C Siddiqui, Najeeb .................................................................... 888B Sidhu, Sachdev ...........................................................................79 Sidorov, R. ............................................................................ 256C Siegrist, Sarah ...................................................142*, 446A, 457C Signor, Sarah .......................................................... 542A*, 722A* Silkaitis, Katherine .............................................................. 861B* Silva, Bryon ...............................................................................65 Silva, Carmeline .........................................................................86 Silva, Diane .................................................... 392A, 421C*, 425A Silverman, Neal .........................................................277C, 339B* Simcox, A. ............................................................................ 317A Simcox, Amanda .............................................. 210B, 276B, 901C Simhadri, Rama Krishna ..........................................................153 Simon, Anne F. .......................................................559C*, 576B* Singh, A. .....................................................................642B, 768B Singh, Aditi ........................................................................... 319C Singh, Amit ................................. 319C, 324B, 620A, 626A, 628C Singh, Fateh ...............................................................................79 Singh, Nadia .......................................................................... 692A Singh, Priyanka .......................................................... 295C, 296A Singh, Shweta...................................................................... 512A* Singh, Vinay.......................................................................... 176A Sinha, Sucheta ....................................................................... 280C Sinsimer, Kristina .................................................................. 892C Sint Jago, Silvienne ............................................................... 600B Sitaram, Poojitha ................................................................. 589C* Sitnik, Jessica ............................................................430C*, 753B Skeath, James ........................................................................ 243B Skinner, Andrea..........................................................................3* Slabbaert, Jan R...................................................................... 104* Slawaska-Eng, David ............................................................ 550C Slocumb, Melissa E. ............................................................ 740A* Small, C................................................................................. 934C Small, Stephen .........................................................................111 Smendziuk, Christopher ...........................................................147 Smendziuk, Christopher M.................................................. 440A* Smibert, Craig ................................................................. 79, 888B Smith, Brittany N. ................................................................. 720B Smith, Daniel ...................................................................... 385C* Smith, Harold ........................................................................ 904C Smith, Justin .......................................................................... 614A Smith-Bolton, Rachel ....................................... 330B, 332A, 780B Smith-Bolton, Rachel K. .........................................3, 177B, 331C Smolko, Anne...........................................................................22* Smotrich, Ayala..................................................................... 242A Snee, Mark ............................................................................ 243B Snowdon, Laura A......................................................................97 101 SPEAKER AND AUTHOR INDEX Taylor, Jeffrey ............................................................ 198B, 273B Temple-Wood, Emily R. ..................................................... 425A* Tennessen, Jason .................................................................. 344A Tennessen, Jason M. ............................................................. 359A Tenorio, Christopher ............................................................553C* Teysset, Laure......................................................................883C* Thackeray, Justin ...................................................................241C Theodorou, D. ....................................................................... 575A Theofel, Ina........................................................................... 848A Theopold, Ulrich ............................................................ 150, 459B Thérond, P. ................................................................................ 95 Therrien, Marc .......................................................................258B Thiede, Gene H. ......................................................................... 45 Thiemann, Dylan A. ..............................................................609B Thomas, Adam.......................................................................285B Thomas, Alexander ................................................................778C Thomas, Matthew ..................................................................636B Thomas, Sean ....................................................................... 245A Thomson, Travis C. .............................................................. 887A Thor, Stefan ............................................................................... 14 Thornton, Joe .........................................................................747B Thorsen, Lily S. .....................................................................355C Thummel, Carl S.......................................155, 345B, 350A, 375B Thurmond, Jim...................................................................... 920A Tian, Ai-Guo........................................................................451C* Tian, Aiguo ................................................................................ 91 Timmons, Allison ....................................................... 198B, 273B Ting, C. ..................................................................................934C Ting, C.-T. .......................................................................... 911A* Tipping, M. ............................................................................601C Tirian, Laszlo ............................................................................. 87 Tito, A. ................................................................................. 197A Tito, Antonio ............................................................ 616C, 648B* To, Tsz-Leung .......................................................................903B Tobias, Megan ...................................................................... 788A Todi, Sokol ...................................................... 224A, 634C, 649C Toffey, B. A. ......................................................................... 293A Tokusumi, T. .......................................................................454C* Tokusumi, Y. .........................................................................454C Tomancak, Pavel ....................................................................... 84 Tomer, Avidor-Reiss ............................................................ 161A Tomoyasu, Y. ........................................................................702B Tomoyasu, Yoshinori.............................................................709C Tong, Huawei ..................................................................... 548A* Tononi, Giulio ...................................................................... 560A Toomey, Michelle .................................................................... 153 Tootle, Tina .........................................................................181C* Torres, Magali .......................................................................810B Tower, John ...........................................................................819B Tozier, S. ................................................................................. 76* Tran, D.................................................................................. 539A Tran, Ngoc Han .....................................................................913C Tran, Susan ............................................................................201B Treisman, Jessica E. ...............................................................769C Trifiro, Mark ......................................................................... 635A Trivedi, Deepti .....................................................................912B* Trong Tue, N. ........................................................................613C Trotto, Gina .......................................................................... 578A Trunnell, Sarah ....................................................................486B* Truscott, Mary ......................................................................... 81* Trushina, Eugenia ..................................................................640C Trusiak, Sarah ........................................................................853C Tsang, A. ...............................................................................192B Tsankova, Anna ...................................................................301C* Tseng, Chen-Yuan .................................................................435B Tsogbadrakh, Bodokhsuren ...................................................340C Tsogtbaatar, Orkhon ..............................................................229C Tsou, Wei-Ling ......................................................... 634C, 649C* Tsoumpekos, Giorgos ......................................................... 314A* Tsuboi, Alice ...................................................................... 329A* Strelets, Victor ...................................................................... 920A Stroebele, Elizabeth............................................................. 766C* Strom, Amy ......................................................................... 862C* Struhl, Gary ................................................................................55 Su, Tin Tin .......................................................................... 271C* Su, Yu-Han ...............................................................435B, 441B* Suchanek, Michael .............................................................. 228B* Suchold, Dana ............................................................................84 Suderman, Erin.................................................................... 313C* Sudmeier, Lisa .................................................................... 646C* Sugita, Shukei ....................................................................... 158A Sugumar, B...............................................................................134 Sujkowski, Alyson ...................................................... 43*, 374A* Sujkowski, Alyson L. ............................................................ 347A Sul, Amanda ........................................................................ 332A* Sullivan, Jeremy .................................................................... 652C Sultan, Abdel-Rahman .......................................................... 383A Sultana, Hina ................................................................... 35, 904C Sumigray, Kaelyn .................................................................. 211C Summerville, James ............................................................ 526C* Sumner, Charlotte ................................................................. 652C Sun, Jianjun ..................................................................... 24, 429B Sun, Jin................................................................................ 910C* Sun, Qian............................................................................. 919C* Sun, Shuguo ...............................................................................8* Sun, Xiao............................................................................... 187C Sun, Xiaojuan ........................................................................ 206A Sun, Xiaoyun ......................................................................... 262C Sun, Y. .............................................................. Plenary Session II Sun, Y. Henry.................................................................. 78, 213B Sunderhaus, Elizabeth ......................................................... 647A* Sung, Albert ...............................................................................51 Suzanne, Magali .................................................................. 180B* Suzuki, Emiko ....................................................................... 323A Svenson, Thomas .................................................................. 571C Swain, Kathryn...................................................................... 562C Swan, Andrew ............................................................ 280C, 281A Swartzlander, D. R. ............................................................. 729B* Swerts, Jef ................................................................................104 Swindell, William R. ............................................................. 335A Sysoev, Vasily ..................................................................... 890A* Sytnikova, Yuliya ............................................................ 82, 699B T Tabei, S. M. Ali ..................................................................... 820C Taghert, Paul ......................................................................... 565C Tailly, Thomas ...................................................................... 662A Taing, Emily.......................................................................... 390B Takasu, Y. ............................................................................. 256C Takeda, M. ............................................................................ 199C Takeda, Michiko ......................................................................116 Takemoto, D.............................................................................120 Takeuchi, Ken-ichi .............................................................. 388C* Talbert, Matthew .........................................................343C, 600B Talukdar, Poly ....................................................................... 645B Tamada, Masako ................................................................. 191A* Tamkun, John ........................................................................ 840B Tamori, Yoichiro ...................................................... 323A*, 328C Tanaka, Kentaro .................................................................... 721C Tanda, Soichi ............................................................. 166C, 800A Tanentzapf, Guy .................................................... 117, 147, 440A Tang, Chunlao ..........................................................................148 Tang, Jonathan ...................................................................... 496C Tao, Rong...................................................................................90 Tare, Meghana ................................................................ 28, 626A Tatar, Marc ............................................................................ 339B Taylor, James ........................................................................ 794A 102 SPEAKER AND AUTHOR INDEX Vernizzi, L. ............................................................................613C Versace, Elisabetta...............................................................534B* Verstreken, Patrik .......................................................... 104, 651B Vesenka, Gwendolyn ...........................................................519B* Viana, Matheus ......................................................................303B Vibranovski, Maria ..............................................................687B* Vicente, Jesica .......................................................................555B Viets, Kayla C..................................................................... 827A* Vieyra-Ramirez, Alejandra J............................................... 695A* VijayRaghavan, K...................................................................... 84 Vikas, Vinay .............................................................................. 84 Vilain, Sven .........................................................................651B* Villalta, Jacqueline E. .............................................................. 105 Vinayagam, A. .......................................................................921B Vinayagam, Arunachalam......................................................262C Vincent, B. ............................................................................... 128 Vincent, Ben ........................................................................811C* Vincent, Ben J............................................................................ 46 Vincent, Stéphane ....................................................... 164A, 231B Vinh, Tery .............................................................................679C Vinson, David ............................................................................ 20 Vishal, Kumar........................................................................309B Visic, Petra ..........................................................................334C* Vitkin, Alex .......................................................................... 212A Vogler, Georg ........................................................................ 139* Volk, Talila ..................................................................... 75, 182A von Kalm, Laurence.............................................................. 668A Voutev, R................................................................................... 76 Vrailas-Mortimer, Alysia D. ..................................................337C Vyas, Aditi.......................................................................... 800A* Tsujimura, Hidenobu ............................................................. 269A Tu, Shikui.............................................................................. 887A Tung, Eric ............................................................................. 230A Turelli, Michael ...........................................................690B, 730C Turner, HT ............................................................................ 557A Tweedie, S............................................................................. 670C Tworoger, M. ........................................................................ 168B Tworoger, Michael ................................................................ 170A Tyra, Lauren ........................................................................ 306B* U Ucpunar, Habibe ................................................................... 571C Uddin, Sarder ...................................................................... 785A* Udebuani, Karlson................................................................. 516B Ueda, Hitoshi ........................................................................ 383A Ugur, Berrak........................................................................ 650A* Uhl, Juli ................................................................................. 831B Ukken, Fiona P. ................................................................... 495B* Ulmschneider, Bryne ................................................................21* Ulmschneider, Kiri .............................................................. 844C* Umehara, Tomoki ......................................................................11 Unckless, Robert ................................................................. 401A* Upadhyay, Ambuj ............................................................... 233A* Urbano, J. M.......................................................................... 205C Urbansky, Silvia .................................................................... 708B Urrutia, Hugo ........................................................................ 247C Urso, Andreacarola................................................................ 447B Utpal, Banerjee...................................................................... 590A Uytterhoeven, Valerie ..............................................................104 W V Wachter, Rachael ...................................................................508C Waghmare, Indrayani................................................ 319C, 324B* Wagner, Bethany ...................................................................396B Waithe, Dominic ....................................................................915B Wakabayashi-Ito, Noriko .....................................................660B* Wallace, Heather ..................................................................... 54* Wallrath, Lori L. ....................................................................609B Wan, Chih-Lin .......................................................................435B Wang, Chao ................................................................ 298C, 852B Wang, Cheng-Wei ................................................................. 123* Wang, F. ..............................................................................897B* Wang, Fei .................................................................................. 89 Wang, Hao .............................................................................351B Wang, Hongyan .....................................................................487C Wang, Horng-Dar ..................................................................342B Wang, Huashan......................................................................438B Wang, Jing W. .......................................................................909B Wang, Jiou ............................................................................... 100 Wang, Lianzhang ........................................................ 528B, 529C Wang, Michael F. Z. ................................................................ 88* Wang, Minpei ....................................................................... 668A Wang, Qi .......................................................................12*, 493C Wang, Qifu ................................................................................ 10 Wang, Ruohan .......................................................................265C Wang, Shiqing .......................................................................528B Wang, Shu ............................................................................... 106 Wang, Shuoshuo ................................................................. 182A* Wang, W. ...............................................................................490C Wang, Xiaoxi ........................................................................... 93* Wang, Yan .............................................................................487C Wang, Yu-Chiun .................................................................... 116* Wang, Z. .................................................................................. 152 Wang, Zhaohui ......................................................................402B Wang, Zhi ..............................................................................459B Wang, Zong-Heng ...............................................................672B* Vaishnav, Eeshit.......................................................................135 Valadez, Viviana ................................................................. 849B* Valente, Cristina.................................................................... 861B Valente, Vera ............................................................714B, 756B* Valenti, Philippe.......................................................................106 Valera, Juliana .......................................................... 420B, 422A* Valvezan, Alexander J................................................................90 VanBerkum, Mark F. A. ........................................................ 479A Vanden Broeck, Jozef ........................................................... 352C VandenBrooks, John M. ........................................................ 554A Vanderploeg, Jessica ............................................................. 221A Vander Wende, Helen ........................................................... 684B Vanderzalm, Pamela................................................... 266A, 315B Van Doren, Mark ............................................. 414B, 415C, 433C Vanhauwaert, Roeland .......................................................... 651B van Straaten, Monique................................................................30 Van Vactor, David.......................................................492B, 837B Vasanthi, Dasari .................................................................. 870B* Vasavan, Biju ........................................................................ 281A Vasiliauskas, Daniel .............................................................. 794A Vaske, Mark .......................................................................... 788A Vaughn, Jack .............................................................. 815A, 818A Vazquez, Martha ................................................................... 849B Vázquez, Martha ................................................................... 847C Vedanayagam, Jeffrey ......................................................... 884A* Vedenina, Varvara Yu. .......................................................... 536A Venderova, K. ....................................................................... 192B Venkatachalam, Kartik ................................... 461A, 467A, 595C* Venkatasubramanian, Lalanti ........................................ 13, 500A* Venken, Koen........................................................................ 881A Verboon, J. ...............................................................................134 Verd, Berta .......................................................................... 762B* Verghese, Shilpi ..........................................................319C, 324B Verheyen, Esther M.....................................................165B, 226C 103 SPEAKER AND AUTHOR INDEX Wolle, Daniel .......................................................................864B* Wolpe, Jacob ............................................................................... 4 Won, Jong-Hoon ..................................................................229C* Wong, Ching-On ........................................... 461A*, 467A, 595C Wong, Jack Jing Lin ..............................................................487C Wood, Jamie L. ....................................................................829C* Wood, Jason G. .............................................................. 57*, 381B Wood, W. ..............................................................................205C Woodard, Craig ...................................................................255B* Woolums, Brian M. .............................................................652C* Worden, K. ........................................................................... 530A Workman, J............................................................................787C Worley, Kim ..........................................................................754C Worley, Melanie I. .............................................................. 770A* Wu, Chan .............................................................................402B* Wu, Chao-ting ......................................................................... 131 Wu, Menghua ........................................................................906B Wu, Ting.................................................................................... 53 Wu, Yingga................................................................................ 10 Wu, Zhihao .............................................................................. 99* Wu, Zhijin .............................................................................739C Wunderlich, Z. ......................................................................... 128 Wunderlich, Zeba .......................................................... 46*, 811C Ward, Robert .............................................................. 215A, 313C Ware, Vassie ...............................................................399B, 426B Warkala, Michael .................................................................. 245A Warr, C. G. ...............................................................................151 Warr, Coral............................................................................ 758A Warr, Coral G. ............................................................................63 Warrick, John ............................................................. 611A, 639B Watanabe, Louis.................................................................. 842A* Watnick, P. ...............................................................................152 Wawersik, M. ........................................................................ 934C Weake, Vikki ........................................................................ 282B Weasner, Bonnie M. ................................................... 764A, 806A Weasner, Brandon P. ............................................................. 806A Weaver, Lesley.................................................................... 442C* Webber, Jemma ...................................................................... 110* Wee, Mark...................................................................663B, 664C Weghorst, Forrest .................................................................. 637C Wei, Gang ............................................................................. 867B Wei, Kevin .......................................................................... 757C* Wei, Y. ................................................................................ 828B* Wei, Yiliang .......................................................................... 797A Weinberger, Simon.....................................................................37 Welte, Michael .................................................................... 201B* Wen, Kejia ............................................................................ 906B Wendler, F. .................................................................................95 Weng, Zhiping ...................................................................... 887A Wentzell, Jill ......................................................................... 615B Werwie, T. ...............................................................................134 Wessells, Robert .............................................................. 43, 374A Wessells, Robert J. ................................................................ 347A Westwood, T. ........................................................................ 250C Westwood, Timothy ...................................................................79 Wharton, Kristi...................................................................... 230A Whisstock, James .................................................................. 758A Whisstock, J. C.........................................................................151 White, Benjamin ................................................................... 565C White, J. .................................................................................113* White, Janson ........................................................................ 625C White, Jonathan ..........................................................................46 White, Joseph ........................................................................ 655C White, Kevin ................................................................... 47, 881A White, Kristin .................................................................. 26, 274C White, Simone ..................................................................... 753B* White II, Joseph A. ................................................................ 219B Whitworth, Cale ............................................. 412C*, 415C, 904C Wichmann, Carolin ............................................................... 535C Wickersheim, Michelle ......................................................... 732B Wieschaus, Eric .................................... 1, 137, 411B, 786B, 892C Wieschaus, Eric F.................................................................. 773A Wilk, Ronit .......................................................................... 893A* Wilkie, Andrew ..................................................................... 594B Williams, Jessica ................................................................... 420B Williamson, Benjamin ......................................................... 523C* Wilmes, Ariane ..................................................................... 428A Wilson, Kenneth.................................................................... 365A Windebank, Anthony ............................................................ 640C Windham, Adam ................................................................... 508C Winding, M. .......................................................................... 162B Winkle, James .............................................................391C, 396B Winn, Phoebe ........................................................................ 723B Wisidagama, Dona .............................................................. 350A* Wistorf, Sabrina .......................................................................117 Wittes, Julia......................................................................... 760C* Wittkopp, Patricia J. .............................................................. 707A Woldemeskel, Bezawit .......................................................... 255B Wolf, Elmar........................................................................... 302A Wolf, Fred ................................................................................141 Wolf, Matthew .........................................................................124 Wolf, Reinhard ...........................................................................37 Wolfner, Mariana ............. 416A, 430C, 431A, 617A, 679C, 753B X Xia, H. .................................................................................. 923A Xia, Yuanxin..........................................................................867B Xiang, Jinyi................................................................................ 30 Xie, Wei................................................................................ 548A Xie, Xie ...............................................................................283C* Xie, Yonggang .......................................................................447B Xiong, J. ............................................................................... 197A Xu, Charles ......................................................................... 452A* Xu, D. ....................................................................................490C Xu, Jiajie..............................................................................315B* Xu, Jiang................................................................................910C Xu, Jie....................................................................................463C Xu, Lan .................................................................................... 143 Xu, Songjun ............................................................................. 56* Xu, Z..................................................................................... 197A Xu, Zhen ..................................................................... 616C, 648B Xue, Lei ...................................................................... 244C, 320A Xue, Y. ..................................................................................490C Xue, Yongqiang .................................................................. 761A* Xue, Zhaoyu ..........................................................................906B Y Yakoby, Nir ................................................................... 129, 775C Yalcin, Belgin ........................................................................636B Yamamoto, D............................................................................. 61 Yamamoto, Masatoshi ................................................................. 7 Yamamoto, S. ........................................................................654B Yamamoto, Shinya .................................. 102, 179A, 644A, 650A Yamanaka, Naoki ..................................................................363B Yamashita, YM.......................................................................... 96 Yamashita, Yukiko ..........................................Plenary Session II* Yamulla, Robert.................................................................... 227A Yan, Jenny .......................................................................... 830A* Yan, Yan ..............................................................................351B* Yanfeng, Wang A. ..................................................................... 77 Yang, Amy ............................................................................640C Yang, Ge ................................................................................219B Yang, Haiwang ................................................................ 35, 904C Yang, Lu ................................................................... 501B*, 915B Yang, Mingyao ......................................................................370C 104 SPEAKER AND AUTHOR INDEX Zhang, Fang ...........................................................................529C Zhang, Fujian ........................................................................ 665A Zhang, Haiyue .......................................................................805C Zhang, Heng ........................................................................487C* Zhang, Ke ............................................................ 100*, 102, 618B Zhang, Mo .............................................................................571C Zhang, Rui .............................................................................627B Zhang, S.............................................................................. 197A* Zhang, Sheng .............................................................. 616C, 648B Zhang, T. .............................................................................801B* Zhang, Weiguo ......................................................................852B Zhang, Wenlu ........................................................................919C Zhang, Xian ...........................................................................447B Zhang, Xuchen.......................................................................529C Zhang, Xuedi .........................................................................906B Zhang, Xuejing ........................................................................ 112 Zhang, Y. .............................................................................183B* Zhang, Yan ............................................................................619C Zhang, Yang ..........................................................................402B Zhang, Yongqing ....................................................................... 10 Zhang, Yu ........................................................................... 272A* Zhang, Yujun ........................................................................... 141 Zhang, Zijing ...................................................................... 431A* Zhao, Guoli .............................................................................. 10* Zhao, Shaowei .......................................................................402B Zhao, Yun ..............................................................................867B Zheng, Hongyu ......................................................................244C Zheng, Jimiao ....................................................................... 887A Zheng, Kan Hong ..................................................................219B Zheng, K. H. ............................................................................ 113 Zheng, Wenjing .....................................................................339B Zheng, Yichen ...................................................................... 680A Zhirnov, Eugenea V. ..............................................................579B Zhong, M. ....................................................................... 23, 845A Zhong, Yi......................................................... 528B, 529C, 533A Zhou, Cyrus .........................................................................838C* Zhou, F. .................................................................................567B Zhou, Hong ..........................................................................415C* Zhou, L. .................................................................................934C Zhou, Leming ........................................................................856C Zhou, Shanshan .................................................................... 581A Zhu, C.-T. ..............................................................................367C Zhu, Dianhui ............................................................... 683A, 685C Zhu, Dianhuiz ........................................................................697C Zhu, Jinjin ............................................................................763C* Zhu, Lei ..................................................................................... 34 Zhu, Lin ................................................................................ 473A Zhu, Sijun ............................................................................447B* Zhu, Yuqing.........................................................................355C* Zhuang, Xiaowei ..................................................................... 131 Zielke, Norman ........................................................................ 30* Zimmerman, K......................................................................... 113 Zimmerman, Katherine ............................................. 219B, 655C* Zimmerman, Sandra ........................................................... 413A* Zinn, Sarah J. .......................................................................535C* Zinshteyn, Daniel................................................................ 443A* Zlatic, M. ................................................................................... 44 Zoran, M. ...............................................................................511C Zou, S. ...................................................................................490C Zraly, Claudia B. ...................................................................789B Zubair, Asif................................................................................ 51 Zucker, Dave ...................................................................... 917A* Zucker, Matt ......................................................................... 917A Zulueta-Coarasa, Teresa .......................................................... 117 Zuo, Z. ........................................................................ 193C, 194A Zurita, Mario............................................................... 847C, 849B Zurovec, M. .........................................................................256C* Žurovec, Michal....................................................................... 150 Zykovich, Artem ........................................................................ 68 Yang, Morgan ....................................................................... 652C Yang, Zhihao......................................................................... 910C Yao, Changfu ..............................................................298C, 880C Yao, Chi-Kuang ....................................................... 525B, 527A* Yao, Xiaohao ...........................................................................143 Yao, Zepeng .............................................................................60* Yassin, Amir .................................................. 688C, 713A*, 745C Yasunaga, Ari........................................................................ 463C Yatsenko, Andriy ................................................................ 263A* Yatsenko, Andriy S. ................................................... 458A, 661C Ye, Hui ................................................................................ 653A* Ye, Jieping ............................................................................ 919C Ye, L. .................................................................................... 197A Yee, William B.................................................................... 266A* Yen, Tzu-Li ................................................................ 525B, 527A Yeroslaviz, A. ..........................................................................132 Yeung, Kelvin ....................................................................... 798B Yilmazel, B. .......................................................................... 921B Yilmazel, Bahar..........................................................................90 Yogi, Puja ............................................................................. 653A Yoon, D. ................................................................................ 367C Yoon, W. H. ........................................................................ 654B* Yoshizawa, Masato ............................................................... 740A You, Yeonhee........................................................................ 255B Young, Grant H. .................................................................. 609B* Young, Randee E. ............................................................... 700C* Young, Robert ....................................................................... 627B Yu, Amy Marie ................................................................... 549B* Yu, Danyang ............................................................................111 Yu, Fengwei .......................................................................... 487C Yu, Hung-Hsiang .................................................................. 503A Yu, Liping ............................................................................. 609B Yu, Michael................................................................................82 Yu, Shannon F..........................................................................125 Yu, Shiyan................................................................................121 Yu, Su-yeon .......................................................................... 602A Yu, Su Yeun ........................................................................ 340C* Yu, Szi-Chieh ........................................................................ 535C Yuan, Xin ............................................................................ 457C* Yuan, Y. ................................................................................ 567B Yudinsev, Goshya ................................................................. 640C Yun, P. .................................................................................. 567B Z Zale, Connor........................................................................ 245A* Zallen, Jennifer...................................................................... 191A Zallen, Jennifer A. ................................................................. 179A Zaloudikova, A. ..................................................................... 256C Zamore, Phillip................................................ Plenary Session II* Zandvakili, Arya ................................................................. 831B* Zang, Zhen ............................................................................ 174B Zanini, Rebeca .................................................................... 714B* Zappia, Maria Paula ............................................................ 288B* Zars, Troy .............................................................................. 532C Zartman, Jeremiah ...................................................... 249B, 902A Zartman, Jeremiah J. ............................................................. 308A Zeidman, Anna ..........................................................784C, 874C* Zeidman, Anna E. ......................................................................45 Zeitlinger, J. ...................................................... Plenary Session II Zeitlinger, Julia ..........................................................................91 Zeledon, Carlos ................................................................... 206A* Zelhof, Andrew ..................................................................... 791A Zhai, Bo................................................................................. 492B Zhai, R. ................................................................................. 657B Zhai, RG. ............................................................................... 641A Zhang, Dayu .......................................................................... 924B 105 KEYWORD INDEX The following index is composed of keywords selected by presenting authors from a list on the Abstract Submission Site. Abstract program numbers follow each keyword. hippo 266A DNA replication 284A live imaging 260A endocycle 31 cell junctions and adhesion 117 118 136 141 211C 212A 213B 214C 215A 216B 217C mitochondria 265C kinase/phosphatase/cyclin 280C 281A 282B cell migration 115 203A 204B 205C 206A morphogens 259C necrosis 278A 279B cell polarity 112 116 184C 185A 186B 187C 188A 189B 190C 191A networks 262C transcriptional regulation 286C 287A 288B Cell Biology and Cytoskeleton cytoskeleton 135 137 138 139 140 158A 159B 160C 161A 162B 163C 164A 165B 166C 167A 168B 169C 170A 171B 172C 173A 174B 175C 176A 177B 178C 179A 180B 181C 182A 183B endocytosis and membrane dynamics 192B 193C 194A 195B 196C 197A notch 92 97 234B 235C 236A 237B other signaling pathways 246B 247C 248A 249B 250C 251A 252B 253C 254A 255B 256C p38MAPK 264B Cell Division and Growth Control abscission 333B cell competition 7 325C 326A 327B 328C 329A epithelial cell abscission 114 receptor tyrosine kinase/phosphatase 238C 239A 240B 241C 242A 243B 244C 245A cell growth 302A 303B 304C 305A 306B extracellular matrix 207B 208C 209A 210B small gtpases 257A 258B centrosome 294B 295C 296A f-box proteins 223C tgfbeta 91 94 96 230A 231B 232C 233A cytokinesis 300B 301C intracellular transport 198B 199C 200A 201B wingless 93 225B 226C 227A 228B 229C meiosis 291B 292C 293A live imaging 113 218A 219B 220C 221A Cell Cycle and Cell Death mitosis 290A mitochondria 222B nuclear organization 134 proteases 224A secretion 202C Cell Biology and Signal Transduction canalization/robustness 263A computational models 261B hedgehog 95 apoptosis 26 28 267B 268C 269A 270B 271C 272A autophagy 275A 276B 277C organelle maintenance & replication 1 proliferation 334C regeneration 3 4 5 330B 331C 332A caspases 27 spindles and motors 297B 298C 299A cell competition 29 tissue growth 6 8 307C 308A 309B 310C 311A 312B 313C 314A 315B checkpoint 283C death mutants/genes 25 273B 274C developmental modulation 30 289C DNA repair 285B 106 tumor suppressors and oncogenes 2 316C 317A 318B 319C 320A 321B 322C 323A 324B KEYWORD INDEX Chromatin and Epigenetics chromatin assembly 843B 844C chromatin stress response 880C chromatin structure 131 839A 840B 841C 842A cosuppression 879B developmental stability 878A dosage compensation 871C 872A 873B 874C heterochromatin 57 855B 856C 857A 858B 859C 860A 861B 862C histone variants and modifications 55 56 59 850C 851A 852B 853C 854A insulators/boundary elements 863A 864B nuclear organization 53 54 875A polycomb/trithorax complexes 58 130 865C 866A 867B 868C 869A 870B remodeling complexes 845A 846B 847C 848A 849B telomeres 876B 877C drug discovery 667C 668A homeostasis & stress 104 605A 606B 607C metabolism 123 601C 602A 603B 604C mitochondrial morphology 672B muscle disorder 125 608A 609B neural degeneration 98 99 100 101 102 103 610C 611A 612B 613C 614A 615B 616C 617A 618B 619C 620A 621B 622C 623A 624B 625C 626A 627B 628C 629A 630B 631C 632A 633B 634C 635A 636B 637C 638A 639B 640C 641A 642B 643C 644A 645B 646C 647A 648B 649C 650A 651B 652C 653A 654B 655C meiotic drive 757C neural and behavioral evolution 754C pampas biome, drosophilidae 756B physiology 741B obesity 124 598C 599A 600B population variation 51 52 688C 689A 690B 691C 692A 693B 694C 695A 696B renal disease 662A 663B 664C 665A 666B sarcopenia 669B quantitative traits 715C 716A 717B 718C 719A 720B 721C 722A selection 732B 733C 734A wound healing 671A addiction 578A genomics education partnerships 934C behavior 579B 580C 581A k-12 curriculum 930B diabetes 596A 597B genotype-by-environment interaction 32 34 35 735B 736C 737A 738B 739C 740A non-coding RNAs 661C college/university curriculum 931C 932A 933B developmental disorders 591B 592C 593A 594B 595C genome-wide association 48 749A 750B 751C 752A 753B phylogenetics 730C 731A Educational Initiatives database 670C genome evolution 47 50 82 673C 674A 675B 676C 677A 678B 679C 680A 681B 682C 683A 684B 685C 686A 687B neural disorder 656A 657B 658C 659A 660B Drosophila Models of Human Diseases cancer 119 120 121 122 582B 583C 584A 585B 586C 587A 588B 589C 590A evolution and development 36 37 38 46 701A 702B 703C 704A 705B 706C 707A 708B 709C 710A 711B 712C 713A 714B sexual conflict 755A speciation 723B 724C 725A 726B 727C 728A 729B Gametogenesis and Organogenesis accessory gland 430C Evolution and Quantitative Genetics adaptation 33 742C 743A 744B 745C 746A 747B 748C chromosome structural variation 49 697C 698A 699B 700C 107 cell migration 424C 425A ectodermal derivatives 17 egg activation 431A endodermal derivatives 19 KEYWORD INDEX heart development and function 428A Neural Development imaginal disc morphogenesis 423B axon guidance 9 478C 479A 480B 481C 482A lineage specification 429B CNS 16 509A 510B 511C 512A mesodermal derivatives 18 417B 418C 419A 420B 421C 422A dendrites 483B 484C 485A 486B 487C muscle development 427C glia 15 505C 506A 507B oogenesis 23 403C 404A 405B 406C 407A 408B 409C 410A 411B 412C 413A hormonal control 508C ovulation 24 neuronal morphogenesis 502C 503A 504B post translational modification 426B neuronal specification 13 14 496C 497A 498B 499C 500A 501B pre-gametogenic germ cell development 22 PNS 513B sex determination 414B 415C sensory cell development 514C 515A sex-specific traits and molecules 416A somatic cell differentiation 20 Neurophysiology and Behavior Immunity and Pathogenesis cellular immunity 459B 460C 461A hypoxia behavior 567B ion channels 66 520C 521A 522B 523C learning/memory 39 528B 529C 530A 531B 532C 533A 534B 535C locomotion/flight 41 42 43 554A 555B 556C mating state dependent chemosensation 571C mechanosensation 557A neurotransmitters 40 516B synaptogenesis 10 11 12 488A 489B 490C 491A 492B 493C 494A 495B spermatogenesis 147 389A 390B 391C 392A 393B 394C 395A 396B 397C 398A 399B 400C 401A 402B hormones 517C 518A 519B aggression 550C nociception 570B olfaction 63 65 560A 561B 562C reproduction 572A social behaviour 576B stress 569A 573B bang-sensitive, seizures, disease model 577C synaptic function and organization 45 524A 525B 526C 527A chemosensation 64 558B 559C transposable elements 575A circadian rhythms and sleep 60 543B 544C 545A 546B 547C 548A 549B Pattern Formation host/pathogen interaction 152 470A 471B 472C 473A 474B 475C 476A circuits 44 565C 566A innate immunity 150 151 462B 463C 464A 465B 466C 467A 468B 469C courtship and mating 61 62 536A 537B 538C 539A 540B 541C 542A microbiomes 477B feeding behavior 551A 552B 553C Wolbachia 153 glutamate receptors 568C axis specification 76 758A 759B 760C 761A gustation 563A 564B canalization/robustness 778C cell migration 75 compartments and boundaries 78 764A 765B 766C computational models 774B 775C 776A 777B eye disc 77 767A 768B 769C homeostasis 574C 108 KEYWORD INDEX homeotics 763C nutrition 352C 353A 354B 355C networks 773A oxidative damage 368A non-Drosophila patterning 771B 772C physiology of adult organs 71 154 156 369B 370C 371A 372B 373C 374A organizing centers 779A pigmentation 386A stress response 70 335A 336B 337C 338A 339B 340C segmentation 762B RNA Biology Physiology, Organismal Growth, and Aging anoxia 380A dietary restriction 68 365A 366B 367C ecdysone 383A endocrine function 67 69 360B 361C 362A 363B 364C genome integrity 382C genomic damage 381B insulin signaling 72 375B 376C 377A 378B life cycle development 379C metabolism 73 155 157 342B 343C 344A 345B 346C 347A 348B 349C 350A 351B molecular aging 387B muscle development 385C nanoparticle toxicity 384B neural cell death 388C nutrient sensing 74 356A 357B 358C 359A enhancers 127 128 129 133 802C 803A 804B 805C 806A 807B 808C 809A 810B 811C expression analysis 835C miRNA 832C regeneration 780B wing disc 770A core promoters and general transcription factors 111 781C 782A 783B 784C 785A lncRNAs 885B 886C long non coding RNA 900B miRNA 81 881A pattern formation 812A pioneer factors 833A repressors/corepressors 107 108 110 794A 795B 796C 797A 798B 799C 800A 801B stochastic 838C transcript level regulation 105 piRNA 882B 883C 884A RNA binding proteins 79 887A 888B 889C 890A RNA transport and localization 891B 892C 893A transcription factors 836A transcription initiation/elongation/termination 786B transcription regulation by microRNAs 837B rnase P 901C splicing and its regulation 894B 895C 896A 897B stability/turnover 80 translation and its regulation 898C 899A Regulation of Gene Expression transcriptome analysis 834B translational regulation 814C 815A 816B 817C 818A Stem Cells follicle stem cell 21 activators/coactivators 126 787C 788A 789B 790C 791A 792B 793C germline stem cell 148 149 432B 433C 434A 435B 436C 437A 438B 439C 440A 441B 442C 443A alternative splicing 132 813B hematopoietic stem cells 453B 454C cis-regulatory logic 106 109 822B 823C 824A 825B 826C 827A 828B 829C 830A 831B intestinal stem cells 143 144 448C 449A 450B 451C 452A computational models 819B 820C 821A neural stem cells 142 444B 445C 446A 447B niche and other local signaling 145 146 455A 456B 457C 109 KEYWORD INDEX stem cell progeny differentiation 458A Techniques and Resources autosomal duplication kit 925C cell line targeted insertions 924B computational algorithms 86 87 88 919C gene targeting and modification 84 906B 907C 908A 909B 910C 911A 912B high-throughput phenotyping 915B 916C 917A infrared laser heat shock 928C microscopy 83 85 902A 903B molecular interactions 923A network modeling 927B next-generation sequencing 918B recombination systems 913C 914A reporter systems 926A resources 929A RNAi 904C 905A synthetic screening 90 webtools and databases 89 920A 921B 922C 110 FLYBASE GENETIC INDEX TO ABSTRACTS This is an index of genes mentioned in the abstracts. The current FlyBase-approved gene symbol is given in each case; non-current symbol synonyms or full names used in the abstracts are not indexed. The index was prepared computationally based solely on the FBgn & gene symbol information provided by authors during abstract submission. FlyBase has performed a cross-check between the FBgn and gene symbol provided to ensure the intended gene is indexed. FlyBase is not responsible for any omissions from the index where authors did not provide information, nor for any incorrect indexing where genes stated to feature in an abstract do not actually appear. Indexed terms are followed by abstract program numbers.: 1--157 are platform presentations and 158 and beyond are poster presentations. 14-3-3ε ............................... 311A 14-3-3ζ .....................298C 311A Aats-met ................................ 102 Aats-tyr-m .......................... 741B ab........................................ 458A abd-A ...................................... 26 Abd-B....................... 430C 825B Abl ...........................253C 479A Acn ..................................... 306B Actβ......................................... 72 Adar .............. 627B 815A 818A Adh .................................... 746A AGO2 ................................. 839A AGO3 ...................................... 23 Akh .................................... 256C AkhR ....................................... 67 Akt1 ..... 72 91 156 270B 455A AMPKα .............................. 358C Antp .........................483B 497A antr ..................................... 416A aop.............................. 110 239A aos ...................................... 241C ap........................................ 766C AP-2μ ................................. 195B Apc ..................................... 172C Apc2 ................................... 172C aPKC ............. 183B 217C 315B aret ........................................ 132 Arf51F................................ 473A arm ..................................... 226C armi .................................... 876B Arp3 ................................... 163C Art1 .................................... 340C Art4 .................................... 340C Asap ................................... 196C Asciz .................................. 880C Atg1 ................................... 192B Atg8a .................................. 255B atl ....................................... 526C ato ...................................... 822B Atpα ................................... 548A αTub84B ............................ 290A aub...................................... 876B aurB............... 291B 297B 333B awd .......................................... 70 bab1..........................334C 710A bab2.................................... 334C babo.................................... 233A ball ..................................... 593A ban...................................... 271C baz ...................................... 315B bcd................. 706C 773A 812A bel ...................................... 460C bgm ....................................... 103 bin3 .................................... 710A Blimp-1 .............................. 383A Blm .................................... 584A bnl ...................................... 928C borr ..................................... 297B br .............................. 235C 408B Bre1 ................................... 458A brk............................ 766C 908A brm......................................847C bru-3 .................................. 710A bsk ............. 28 102 258B 324B btd .......................................447B βTub56D ............................ 290A Burs ....................................424C bw ...................................... 197A bwk .................................... 413A Bx ............................ 462B 572A by .......................................... 118 byn ......................................450B c(2)M ....................... 292C 733C c(3)G ...................................733C C3G ....................................292C CaBP1 ................................ 269A cact......................................774B cad ..................................... 824A Cap-H2 ................................... 54 capt .....................................168B CASK .................................835C CCKLR-17D1 .....................553C Cdc42.................................... 139 Cdk5 ...................................387B Cdk5α .................................387B Ced-12 .......... 159B 269A 273B cg ............................. 767A 869A CG10126............................ 290A CG10249............................ 665A CG11658.............................645B CG13889............................ 161A CG14207.............................337C CG1461...............................358C CG14870............................ 161A CG1674...............................160C CG16857............................ 494A CG17931............................ 605A CG2025...............................654B Cg25C .................................205C CG32579............................ 269A CG32649............................ 665A CG34137............................... 137 CG42388............................ 710A CG42575.............................664C CG42678.............................636B CG42732.............................658C CG43313.............................232C CG4500................................. 103 CG5210.............................. 413A CG5961.................... 223C 645B CG7045.............................. 848A CG7046.............................. 848A CG7337...............................295C CG7466...............................594B CG8331...............................636B CG9281.............................. 788A CG9996...............................237B CHES-1-like ........................... 18 chic .....................................168B 111 chif ..................................... 282B CHIP................................... 337C Chro.................................... 298C cib ....................................... 168B cid ....................................... 851A cindr ........................................98 ck ...................167A 171B 176A Clamp .......................784C 874C Clbn .................................... 264B ClC-b .................................. 461A Clic ..................................... 166C Clk ...........................................62 clu ....................................... 672B cnc ...................................... 331C cnn ...................................... 294B cona .................................... 733C cora ............................. 147 837B corolla ................................. 733C cos ...................................... 304C cp309 .................................. 294B cpo ...........................................32 crb....................................... 217C crk....................................... 269A Crz ...........................................67 ct .........................37 235C 483B CtBP ................................... 800A ctp ....................................... 880C Cul3 .................................... 169C cyc ...........................................62 CycB.........................298C 892C CycE ................................... 289C CycG .................................. 878A da ........................................ 448C DAAM...................................139 Dat ...................................... 386A Dcp-1 .................................. 275A Det ...................................... 297B Dg .................. 263A 403C 661C Dhc64C ....................165B 199C dia .................. 163C 172C 202C Diap1 ............. 267B 273B 434A dl400C 761A 774B 778C 788A Dl.................................. 92 237B dlg1.......................... 311A 837B Dll................................. 76 803A dlp............................................93 dm5 302A 325C 326A 356A 365A dmGlut......................663B 664C dock .................................... 761A dom..................................... 877C Dp ....................................... 288B dpp69 91 94 96 233A 259C 438B 442C 451C 628C 759B 761A 766C 774B Dpse\Ovd ............................ 724C drd ...................................... 352C drm ..................................... 785A Dronc ............................ 28 324B Drp1 ................................... 672B drpr .......................... 269A 273B FLYBASE GENETIC INDEX TO ABSTRACTS ds ................... 189B 250C 262C dsh ...................................... 190C Dsk ........................... 552B 553C Dsor1 .................................. 226C dsx ..................................... 38 61 Duox........................................ 28 dve...................................... 830A E(z) .................................... 866A E2f1.................... 81 288B 781C E2f2.................................... 288B Eaat1 .................................. 525B east ..................................... 298C Eb1 ..................................... 182A EcR235C 255B 408B 432B 508C 828B EF2 .......................................... 70 Egfr ......... 76 226C 290A 308A elav ..................................... 373C endos .................................. 298C esc ...................................... 865C esg ...................... 19 397C 450B eve ......... 110 705B 811C 824A exd...................................... 483B ey............. 37 763C 764A 822B eya ...... 238C 765B 767A 806A Fas3 .................................... 492B Fatp .................................... 347A Fit1 ........................................ 118 fkh ................................ 17 448C FLASH ............................... 784C fln ....................................... 288B flw .............................. 140 510B Fmr1 ................................... 490C fng ...................................... 237B fog ........................................... 17 fon ...................................... 207B foxo ............... 485A 645B 828B fra ....... 221A 257A 479A 761A fray .......................................... 66 fru ....................................... 710A ft .................... 189B 250C 262C ftz-f1.........................255B 383A fwe ..................................... 527A fz .................................. 18 190C fz2 ........................................... 41 Gadd45 ......................... 80 520C gbb ...........................230A 451C gcl ......................................... 138 gcm .................................... 829C gig ........................................... 90 Git ......................................... 118 Gli ...................................... 837B Glt ......................................... 150 GNBP-like3........................... 150 Gr32a ................................. 481C Grasp65 .............................. 672B grh ...................................... 793C grim .............................. 26 446A grk ................. 814C 817C 899A gro ...................................... 801B gt ........................................ 704A Gug .................................... 250C gukh ................................... 761A h ............................................ 108 halo .................................... 201B hb ....................................... 812A Hdc ..................................... 537B hep............................ 520C 637C hh ............................. 369B 766C hid ............................254A 289C His2Av ..................... 850C 877C HLH106 ................................ 102 HmgD ..................................... 70 hoip .....................................420B hop ...... 582B 583C 589C 800A HP1b .................................. 860A HP1c .................................. 860A hpo 11 262C 289C 306B 329A Hr96 ....................................369B Hrb27C ...............................432B Hrs .......................................... 97 Hsap\SNCA ........................645B Hsc70-4...............................337C Hsp83................................. 275A hth .......................................483B htl ..................................18 263A htt .......................................... 113 Idgf1 .................................. 413A Idgf2 .................................. 413A Idgf3 .................................. 413A Idgf4 .................................. 413A Idgf5 .................................. 413A Idh .......................................601C if ................... 165B 263A 672B ik2 .......................................199C Ilk.......................................... 118 Ilp8............................................ 4 ImpL2 ................................... 156 ImpL3 ................................ 344A Incenp .................................297B InR ................. 226C 552B 828B Inx7 ......................................... 65 Irk2 ......................................... 94 jbug .....................................313C jhamt ...................................468B JhI-1 ....................................283C JIL-1 ........................ 752A 852B Jra ...................................... 779A jub .......................................289C jumu ........................................ 18 jvl ........................................199C kay .............................. 148 637C kel .......................................169C Khc .......................... 201B 504B kirre ................................... 710A kis .......................................847C klar ..................................... 182A Klp61F ............................... 299A klu ...................................... 794A Kr ..................................46 785A l(1)G0148............................282B l(1)G0156........................... 650A l(1)G0222........................... 593A l(2)gd1 ................................333B Lam ....................................... 134 LanA ........................ 205C 403C LanB1 ........... 205C 263A 403C LanB2 ...................... 205C 403C lea ...................................... 221A Leash...................................262C let-7 .................................... 458A lic ........................................264B lid ........................................792B Lin29...................................540B loh ...................................... 428A lok ...................................... 899A lolal .....................................759B lov .......................................567B Lpin ....................................357B Lpt ......................................789B 112 Lrrk..................................... 651B Lsd-2 .................................. 201B lush ..........................................62 Mad .............. 76 91 766C 837B mad2 ................................... 298C mago ................................... 896A Marf............................ 102 672B mbc .......................... 159B 269A Mbs..................................... 668A Mcm10 ............................... 284A Mcr .......................... 215A 837B Mdr49 ................................. 710A Mef2 ................................... 288B mei-41 ................................ 899A Mekk1 .....................................80 Met ..................................... 360B mew .................................... 165B Mhc ............................ 132 373C mid .......................... 236A 334C mir-11 ......................................81 mir-310 .....................369B 661C mir-311 .....................369B 661C mir-312 .....................369B 661C mir-313 .....................369B 661C mir-7 ................................... 881A mir-8 ................................... 492B mir-998 ....................................81 mir-9a ...................... 263A 881A Mmp1 ...................... 313C 332A Mmp2 ........................... 93 255B Mmus\Mfge8 ...................... 269A mmy ................................... 232C mod(mdg4) ......................... 460C Moe ............... 187C 217C 257A mof ..................................... 852B MRG15....................................54 mri ...................................... 431A msn ............................. 143 165B Msp300............................... 182A MT:DNA ............................ 373C Mtor.................................... 298C mute.................................... 784C mxc ..................................... 875A Myb .................................... 850C myo..................................... 233A mys118 165B 195B 198B 212A 263A 672B N19 26 92 97 235C 237B 400C 408B 586C 766C 776A 788A nab ...................................... 766C Ncc69 ......................................66 ncd ...................................... 299A nej ....................................... 611A nes ...................................... 394C NetA ........................ 221A 257A NetB ................................... 221A Nhe2 ........................................21 ninaE .................................. 617A Nmnat ................................. 641A nmo..........................................77 Nos ............................................4 nos ............................373C 892C Npc1a ................................. 624B NPF .........................................62 Nrg ..................................... 492B nrv3 .................................... 548A Nrx-1 .................................. 548A Nrx-IV ........................ 147 837B ntc ....................................... 645B nub............................450B 477B FLYBASE GENETIC INDEX TO ABSTRACTS Nup98-96 ........................... 318B oc........................................ 830A Or42a ................................. 562C Or42b ................................. 562C orb2 ......................................... 62 ord ............................ 292C 733C os ........................................ 457C osa ...................................... 847C osk ...................................... 892C otk2 .................................... 482A oys ...................................... 394C p38a.......................... 264B 520C p38b ......................... 264B 337C Pak ..................................... 510B pan........................................... 76 para .......................... 522B 547C park614A 632A 645B 648B 672B parvin .................................... 118 pav...................................... 162B Pax ........................................ 118 Pc .......... 130 865C 866A 868C Pdf ........................................... 62 PDZ-GEF .............................. 115 per ........................................... 62 pgc...................................... 892C PGRP-LC ........................... 339B Phf7 .............................. 22 433C pho ..................................... 763C PI31 .................................... 645B Pi3K92E ............................. 455A Pink1 ........................ 648B 672B pins..................................... 311A piwi ....... 148 786B 845A 868C pk ................................. 77 190C Pk17E ...................................... 10 Pkn ..................................... 254A ple ...................................... 656A pnt .............................. 110 447B Pof ............................872A 874C polo .............................. 18 298C Pp1-87B ............................. 291B ppk ..................................... 558B ppk23 ...................................... 67 PPO2 .................................. 459B prc ...................................... 428A pros .................................... 447B Prosβ5 ................................ 169C prtp ..................................... 269A ptc ............................ 304C 807B Pten .................................... 455A Pu ....................................... 660B puc...................................... 779A put ............................233A 451C Pvf1 .................................... 271C Pvf2 .................................... 271C Pvr ...................................... 590A Pxt ............................ 181C 394C Pyk ..................................... 899A R....................... 115 159B 473A Rab10 ................................. 407A Rab11 ...............121 194A 473A Rab19 .................................... 113 Rab23 ....................... 369B 594B Rab3 ...................................... 113 Rab4 ................................ 97 113 Rab5 ................................... 195B Rab7 ...................................... 113 Rab8 ................................... 194A Rab9 ................................... 208C Rac1 .........................159B 269A Rad23..................................855B Rala .....................................258B Ran......................................298C Ras85D ............ 122 317A 324B RasGAP1 ............................241C raw ................ 425A 513B 779A Rbcn-3A.................................. 83 Rbf ................... 146 288B 828B Rcd-1 ...................................... 47 Rcd-1r ..................................... 47 ref(2)P .................................337C Rel ..................................... 326A repo .....................................829C Ret ........................................ 122 Rfabg ................................. 599A Rgl ......................................258B rhea .............................118 212A rhi........................................876B rho...................... 76 788A 801B Rho1 ..... 138 202C 254A 668A RhoGDI ............................. 665A rib....................................... 779A Rip11 ................................. 473A rk.........................................424C rl ........................................ 254A Rme-8 ..................................... 97 Rnp4F ................................ 815A robo .................................... 221A Rok ..... 183B 184C 202C 203A roX1 ....................................873B roX2 ....................................873B Rpd3 ...................................801B RpL22 .................................399B RpL22-like ..........................426B rpr ........................................... 26 RpS27A .................................. 70 Rsp .......................................... 49 Rtf1 .................................... 458A Rtnl1 ........................ 526C 636B rumi ....................................237B S6k .......................................... 72 SA .......................................292C salm ............................132 830A SCAR ..................................163C scb.......................................198B Scm .................................... 866A Scr.................... 130 483B 803A scrib ......................... 311A 324B scw ......................................759B sd ........................................289C Sec15 ................................. 473A Sec5 ......................... 194A 258B sens .......................... 822B 881A Sep2 ................................... 410A Sep5 ................................... 410A Ser ................................. 92 237B serp .....................................208C Set1 ......................................... 22 Sfmbt ..................................763C shark ........................ 269A 413A shg ......................................195B shi .......................................195B shot .......................... 182A 486B shrb .......................... 208C 333B sicily ..................................... 102 skap ......................................... 27 skd ......................................847C Skeletor ...............................298C skl ...................................... 446A sktl ..................................... 188A 113 sl ......................................... 241C sli ........................................ 221A slp1 ..................................... 805C SMC1 ................................. 292C SMC3 ................................. 292C smg ..................................... 888B Smn .................................... 605A Smox ................. 72 233A 782A sn ..............................181C 510B sna ...................................... 397C SNCF .......................................70 Snmp1 .....................................62 sNPF ........................................62 so ............................. 765B 767A sog ...................................... 774B Sox100B ............................. 448C SoxN................................... 512A sp ........................................ 386A SP ....... 416A 430C 468B 678B Sp1 ..........................................76 Spc105R ............................. 291B spen .......................................157 spg ...................................... 159B spn-B .................................. 817C spn-E .................................. 460C spn-F................................... 199C spz ...................................... 325C sqh140 163C 165B 184C 203A 510B Src42A................................ 413A srl........................................ 633B srp ....................................... 785A ss .................. 794A 827A 830A ssh....................................... 668A st ......................................... 197A Stam ........................................97 Stat92E408B 433C 583C 589C 800A stck ........................................118 step ............................. 138 196C Strip .........................................11 Strn-Mlck ..............................132 stv ....................................... 337C Su(H) ....................... 766C 800A su(Hw) ................................ 393B Su(var)205 .......................... 860A sub ...................................... 299A sws ...................................... 647A Sxl ......................22 414B 433C Syp ..................................... 390B Syt1 .................................... 639B Tbh ..................................... 481C Tdc1 ................................... 358C Tdrd3 .................................. 490C Tep3 ......................................150 Tet ...................................... 897B TfIIA-S-2 ............................ 783B Tg ....................................... 207B Thor .........................................70 Tie ...................................... 271C Tig ...................................... 207B tim ...........................................62 tio ....................................... 765B tkv.................. 438B 451C 837B tll ........................................ 785A Tm2 .................................... 420B tna ....................................... 847C Tollo ................................... 326A Top3β ................................. 490C tor ....................................... 758A Tor .......................... 90 91 455A Torsin ................................. 660B FLYBASE GENETIC INDEX TO ABSTRACTS toy ...................................... 763C Tpl94D ............................... 389A tra .............................378B 539A Tre1 .................................... 539A trk ....................................... 758A Trl ...................................... 864B trol ...................................... 205C TrpA1 ................................. 452A trr........................................ 789B Tsc1.............................. 90 455A TSG101 .............................. 270B tsh....................................... 765B tsl........................................ 758A ttk ............................. 195B 369B twf ...................................... 171B Ubqn................................... 644A Ubx .................................... 497A uif ....................................... 313C unc-5 .................................. 221A unk ..................................... 766C up .......................................... 132 upd2 ................................... 785A Upf2 ........................................ 80 Uro ..................................... 666B usp ...................................... 508C vas ......................................... 138 vfl .................. 766C 812A 833A vg ....................................... 802C Vha68-2................................... 83 Vinc....................................... 118 vkg ..... 332A 407A 442C 451C vls ....................................... 786B Vmat......................... 616C 648B vn ............................................ 76 vnc...................................... 267B Vps26 ........................... 97 653A Vps35 .......................192B 653A vtd ...................................... 292C w ........................................ 197A wash ...................................... 134 wb ............................ 205C 403C wech ................................... 201B wg ........5 93 226C 324B 450B wit ....................129 233A 263A wnd .................................... 637C Wnk......................................... 66 Wnt6.......................................... 5 WRNexo ............................ 584A wts ............................ 262C 361C wupA..................................... 132 yki156 262C 289C 306B 315B 324B 586C zfh1 .................................... 710A zfh2 .................................... 464A zip .................... 139 202C 668A 114 NOTES 115 Two Journals, One Mission Scientific peer-review and publishing is a critical component of your research process that deserves to be handled with care, responsiveness, and speed. Trust your articles to GSA’s peer-edited sister journals. Your peers – practicing scientists – manage the review and make all decisions on manuscripts. We publish cross-journal article blocks including Genomic Selection, QTL mapping in multi-parental population, Mouse Collaborative Cross, Genetics of Sex Determination, and others. One month from submission until first decision means timely discovery of your research. And G3 and GENETICS articles feature interactive, one-click links to FlyBase, plus Altmetric statistics, and, in mid-2014, ORCID IDs to link all your research output. Want to see your artwork on the cover? Submit an entry! Not sure if your work is appropriate for GENETICS or G3? Submit a presubmission inquiry. Need to fast-track a paper? Let us know. VOLUME 194 • ISSUE 1 • PAGES 1–290 G ENETICS MAY 2013 • VOLUME 194 • ISSUE 1 • G ENETICS DECEMBER 2013 • VOLUME 3 • ISSUE 12 • • • • • • • • • • • • • Perspectives: Darwin’s illnesses MAY 2013 Breaking chromosomes Battling repeats How genes flow Our Neanderthal ancestry Why submit to G3? G3 provides a forum for the publication of high‐quality research that generates useful genetic and genomic findings. Topics include genome maps, single gene studies, genome‐wide association and QTL studies, mutant screen reports, sequence of novel species, plus datasets, research in human and medical genetics, and more. G3 believes that rapid dissemination of its published articles is the necessary foundation for analysis that leads to mechanistic insights. • Fully open-access journal • Rapid turnaround on submitted manuscripts • Early online publication within 2 weeks of acceptance; final publication within 4-8 weeks • Well-described studies with useful results • Mutant Screen Report format for quick submissions Because your research is important to you, it’s important to us. Don’t let your work get lost in a sea of papers! Submit to G3, increase your visibility, and support the genetics community. Why submit to GENETICS? To communicate significant, novel findings in genetics and genomics to a wide range of scientific investigators. GENETICS also publishes Methods, Technology and Resources; significant software advances; Toolbox reviews; Educational Primers; Commentaries, Perspectives, and more. • Fast decisions - average 34 days from submission to first decision • Thoughtful, thorough reviews improve the impact of your research • Clear decisions by peer-editors • Space to tell the whole story - no limits on page length, tables, or figures • Early online within 2 weeks of acceptance • Open-access option • Highlights and press releases promote exceptional stories and discoveries Submit your next manuscript to the GSA Journals ANNUAL REVIEWS Connect With Our Experts You rely on Annual Reviews journals to intelligently synthesize the overwhelming volume of scientific literature and deliver the ideas and citations that will advance your research further, faster. Since 1932, our invited experts have cut out the noise to save you valuable research time. Genetics Society of America Members: Save on ALL Annual Reviews Journals. Discounted pricing available for GSA members. Orders should be placed through the offices of the GSA. Annual Review of Genetics • Volume 49 • December 2015 Editor: Bonnie L. Bassler, Princeton University The Annual Review of Genetics, in publication since 1967, covers significant developments in the field of genetics. These include biochemical, behavioral, cell, and developmental genetics; evolutionary and population genetics; chromosome structure and transmission; gene function and expression; mutation and repair; genomics; immunogenetics; and other topics as related to the genetics of viruses, bacteria, fungi, plants, and animals, including humans. This journal is ideal for all geneticists, as well as those in the fields of cell and developmental biology, biochemistry, microbiology, and other life sciences. Annual Review of Genomics and Human Genetics • Volume 16 • September 2015 Co-Editors: A ravinda Chakravarti, Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine Eric Green, Bethesda, MD The Annual Review of Genomics and Human Genetics, in publication since 2000, covers significant developments in the field of genomics as they apply to human genetics and the human genome. The journal places particular emphasis on the areas of genomic technology, genome structure and function, genetic modification, human variation and population genetics, human evolution, and, importantly, all aspects of human genetic disease, including individualized medicine. This journal is ideal for genome scientists, human and mammalian geneticists, and physicians, as well as those in the fields of cell and developmental biology and other life sciences. Access all Annual Reviews journals via your institution at ANNUAL REVIEWS: Connect With Our Experts Tel: 800.523.8635 (us/can) | Tel: 650.493.4400 | Fax: 650.424.0910 | Email: [email protected] EDUCATION Renowned GSA Journal GENETICS now publishes Primers, articles designed to make current research papers accessible to students and instructors. Each Primer is tied to a current GENETICS article and includes: • Background information • Explanation of hypothesis/approach • Description of methodology • Guidance through the results • Summary of discussion • Instructor guidelines and questions can help! Model organism Primers describing genetic model systems are coming soon! Go to to access the Primers and their companion articles today! Publish your: • In-Class Exercises • Laboratory Exercises • Laboratory Protocols • Images/Animations • Whole lecture or lab courses As a citable peer-reviewed online publication. Submit the resource and a short justification, no need for detailed assessment data with instructional review board approval! Provide educators with high quality resources ready to put to use in the classroom or lab. Submit today at The Genetics Society of America is pleased to be working with you to support the 56th Annual Drosophila Research Conference. Founded in 1931, the Genetics Society of America (GSA) is a professional scientific society with more than 5,000 members worldwide working to deepen our understanding of the living world by advancing the field of genetics, from the molecular to the population level. GSA represents the collective interests of the genetics and model organism communities in advocating support for research, educating students and the public about the importance of genetics, and providing a respected and authoritative voice on genetic issues increasingly in the public eye. GSA promotes research and fosters communication through a number of GSA conferences including regular meetings that focus on cross-cutting areas of genetics and particular model organisms including C. elegans, Chlamydomonas, ciliates, Drosophila, fungi, mice, Xenopus, yeast, and zebrafish. GSA publishes two peer-edited scholarly journals: • GENETICS, which has published high quality original research across the breadth of the field since 1916, and • G3: Genes|Genomes|Genetics, an open-access journal launched in 2011 to disseminate high quality foundational research in genetics and genomics. The Society has a deep commitment to fostering the next generation of scholars in the field, including through providing career development activities and resources and offering travel grant programs including the GSA Undergraduate Travel Awards and DeLill Nasser Awards for Professional Development in Genetics. 2015 GSA Board of Directors Jasper D. Rine, President • Stanley Fields, Vice-President • Vicki L. Chandler, Immediate Past President • Anne M. Villeneuve, Secretary • Sue Jinks-Robertson, Treasurer • Angelika Amon • Lynn Cooley • Anna Di Rienzo • Sarah C.R. Elgin • Lauren M. McIntyre • Fernando Pardo-Manuel de Villena • Dmitri A. Petrov • Craig S. Pikaard • Deborah A. Siegele • Deborah Yelon • Brenda J. Andrews, Editor-in-Chief, G3: Genes|Genomes|Genetics • Mark Johnston, Editor-in-Chief, GENETICS Trainee Representatives: Andrew Adrian, Sonia Hall GSA Staff Adam P. Fagen, Executive Director • Mary Adams, Accounting/Membership • Raeka Aiyar, Communications & Engagement Manager • William Anderson, Web Designer • Suzy Brown, Senior Meetings Director • Yimang Chen, Director of Information Technology • Tracey DePellegrin Connelly, Executive Editor • Cristy Gelling, Journals Assistant Editor • Ruth Isaacson, Assistant Managing Editor • Anne Marie Mahoney, Senior Meetings Director • Beth Ruedi, Director of Education & Professional Development • Wendy Scott, Editorial Office Assistant • Mary Rose Stoltz, Office Services & Project Coordinator • Chuck Windle, Director of Finance & Administration • Hubert Zhang, IT Project Lead • Wujun Zhou, Computer System Analyst GeneticsGSA @GeneticsGSA Join us for the 57th Annual Drosophila Research Conference Orlando, Florida • July 13–17, 2016 Abstract Submission Opens January 2016 “Inspiring” “Enormously Informative” “Best Science in the Fly Community” “It’s All Here” CONCURRENT COMMUNIT Y MEETINGS • JOINT KEYNOTES POSTER SESSIONS • EXHIBITS • NET WORKING • CAREER DEVELOPMENT Keynote Speakers Cori Bargmann (HHMI/Rockefeller) Jef D. Boeke (NYU) Francis S. Collins (NIH) Hal Dietz (HHMI/Johns Hopkins) Jennifer A. Doudna (HHMI/UC Berkeley) Denis Duboule (EPFL/U Geneva) Jeffrey I. Gordon (Wash U) TAGC Coordinating Committee David M. Kingsley (HHMI/Stanford) Svante Pääbo (MPI Leipzig) Molly Przeworski (Columbia) Pamela C. Ronald (UC Davis) Amita Sehgal (HHMI/U Penn) Shirley M. Tilghman (Princeton) Leonard Zon (HHMI/Harvard) CO-CHAIRS: Phil Hieter Jeannie T. Lee COMMUNITY REPRESENTATIVES: Rebecca D. Burdine (Zebrafish) Susan Celniker (Drosophila) Kathleen Dumas (Trainee Representative) Geoffrey Kapler (Ciliates) Michael Lynch (Pop./Evol./Quant.) John C. Schimenti (Mouse) Michael Snyder (Yeast) Paul W. Sternberg (C. elegans) Bringing Genetics Together • July 13–17, 2016 NEW Editor-in-Chief: Ross Cagan Senior Editors: Monica Justice and George Tidmarsh DMM publishes research and reviews that focus on the use of model organisms to understand, diagnose and treat human disease. The journal is committed to promoting rigorous preclinical assessment of models and mechanisms to drive the development of novel and effective therapies. Key Author Benefits • Impact Factor: 5.5 • Open Access • PMC deposition • Accepted manuscripts online within 1 week • Indexed in Medline, ISI and Scopus Read the latest in translational research at: Speed Up Your Research and Get Results Quicker! Genetic Services Inc. The Company that Speaks the Language of the Fly Community. Contact us today Phone 617-872-3135 or 617-252-9100 Web Email [email protected] Ask us about our new partnership providing the best in CRISPR Services Supporting the fly community with professional services for over a decade Fast, Efficient Fly Injections and Transgenic Production Professional Genetic, Molecular and Injection Services • Transgenic production • Embryo injections • Fly food production • Non melanogaster injections • Site directed transgenesis • BAC and Fosmid Injections • Stock maintenance Specializing in CRISPR and Talen Services for the Drosophila community Introducing CRISPR and Talen One-Stop Shopping! Give us a sequence and we will send you mutant flies Genetic Services serves over 600 Drosophila labs in 48 U.S. states and 30 countries. We’ve injected over 10 million embryos. Let us help you today with your next project. © 2015 Genetic Services, Inc. All rights reserved.
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