razesa ritter plus slx razesa ritter sl
razesa ritter plus slx razesa ritter sl
RAZESA TEAM PRO SLX RAZESA RITTER PLUS SLX 1 Designed with frame stiffness as the first consideration we have employed the finest in framebuilding materials including: Columbus SLX tubing, Cinelli investment cast lugs, bottom bracket, fork crown, and seat stay bridge. Classic styling with decorated engraved seatstays(not plugs) and fork crown. Special New Pearlescent colors, multicoated paint, and lacquer overcoat. Finished with chromed drop-outs, fork crown and chainstay this frame is a classic in European frame building. Colors: Dark Nordic Green, Red, and White. Sizes: 46-64cm (including 55 & 57 cm) BCSthreading-27.2 seatpost diameter. Double water bottle braze-ons, Campy front der. braze-on. f-fWtii• Aowu worn.f'AM MiiWMMlt Frame M e « S G S ? inches 19 Top tube length This frameset is currently being used by two professional teams in 1985; the ZOR team from Spain and the FAGOR team from France. Tubing is Columbus SLX with Cinelli investment cast bottom bracket and fork crown, Campy short drop-outs and all braze-ons including double water bottles. Aero flattened fastback seatstay ends with internal seat post bolt give this frame a clean streamlined look and feel. Painted with a \ process developed by RAZESA over 6 years ago called I 'Velo-Chrome' the frame is completely chromed and ^ later painted over with red or blue special finish with . « the exception of the fork, chainstay, and deraiileur J^ m braze-on. Colors: Blue & Red. Sizes: 46-64cm j f j \ B , (including 55 & 57 cm) SjfiF 54 198 2 0 5 2 1 2 495 530 M S 1® c&n&Kt 56 M 22 6 0 e inches t ' j p t u t * length 22 8 2 3 6 2 4 4 2 5 2 Fork rake 550 565 570 575 575 575 Fort, rake 46 35 35 JS 35 35 35 35 35 Head angle 70 7! 12 73 '35 73 73 73 73 Seat angle 76 75 75 75 74 5 74 Wheel base Frame w e M Head angle Scat »» 'W j* Wheel base 73 5 73 5 73 5 975 979 9 79 965 990 995 995 995 995 Bottom Bracket He«jht ?68mm Chainstay I e f ^ t h 405mm Bottom Bracket Heigh! 268mm Chainstay I eogth 405mm Threading Engitsh throughout with ?? ? head tube and 26 4 6 seat post o n Threading English throughout with 22 2 head tube and 26 4-6 seat post o n all Columbus si framesets Short rear.') brafceset on Columbus si through all Columbus si framesets S h o d reach brafcesef o n C o l u m b u s si through- out Iramefiets out framesets rmsmsmsTW RAZESA ELITE FRAMESET RAZESA RITTER SL A completely handmade frameset with Columbus Aelle main frame and chrome-moly seamless fork and stays. Forged Gipiemme dropouts with eyelets and all braze-ons included. Investment cast fork crown and reinforced brazed-on seat lug bolt fitting. Price includes installed Zeus headset with rectified bearring surfaces. The price and light weight make this an attractive frame for light touring and triathlon use. Colors: light blue metallic, new opaque red, and anthracite. BSC thread - 26.6 seatpost. a \ Sizes: 46-64. By far the most popular new model for 1985, this frameset is almost identical to the Ritter Plus's model but with Columbus SL tubing throughout, Cinelli investment cast fork crown, brake bridge, and all braze-ons including double water bottles. Classic styling with decorated engraved seat stays (not plugs) and fork crown. Colors: Blue, Ivory, and Red pearlescent paints. Sizes: 46-64cm (including 55 & 57cm) Frwite dmwrwora/Ml mw«ur*m*o» center In canter Frame sure , Inches 48 50 5? 54 19 '.98 30 5 2 ) 2 56 22 58 Frame sire 60 62 64 22 8 23 6 24 4 2 5 2 Top tube length 495 530 535 550 565 570 575 575 575 Fork rake 45 3$ 35 36 35 35 35 35 35 Head angle 70 71 72 73 73 5 73 73 73 73 76 75 75 75 74 5 74 Seat angle Wheel base 7 3 5 7 3 5 73 5 975 9 79 979 965 390 995 995 995 995 Bottom Bracket Heigh! 268mm Chainstay l e n g t h 405mm Threading English throughout « - i n 22 ? heao tube and 26 4-6 seat post o n all Columbus sj framesets Short roach 0Mk>»set on C o l u m b u s si through out framesets Inches Top tube length Fork rake Head angle Seal angle Wheel base B o t t o m Bracket Height ?68mm Chainstay Length 405mm Threading English throughout with 7? 2 head tube arid 26 4 6 .seat post on all Columbus si tramesets Short r«acr» brakeset o n C o l u m b u s si t h r o w n out tramesets
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