2010/5/26 1 Orthoses 希臘文” Orthos”:making straight 中文:輔具 英文: ◦ Orthotics: the application of exoskeletal devices ◦ Orthosis: exoskeletal devices 定義:(ISP&O) External applied device Modify structural & functional NM skeletal system 範圍: 上肢、下肢、脊柱 2010/5/26 2 Orthoses Benefits 功用(Benefits) ◦ ◦ ◦ ◦ ◦ ◦ 協助肌力不足動作(Support) 矯正變形肢體(Align or correct) 預防進一步傷害(Prevent) 減輕疼痛(Relieve pain) 協助術後固定以促進癒合(Promote healing) 改善肢體功能(Improve function) 2010/5/26 3 Orthoses Drawbacks 皮膚不易清潔:黴菌感染、濕疹 壓瘡 壓力分布不均 穿戴方式不良 皮膚感覺受損 脊椎旁肌肉萎縮 關節活動度減少 任意運動脊椎 2010/5/26 4 脊椎輔具 減輕患者不適 矯正不正常脊柱曲度 保持脊柱穩定度 限制某些運動 預防進一步神經傷害 協助脊椎術後固定以促進癒合 2010/5/26 5 3-point principle ◦ 支點:上下兩點 ◦ 施力點:中間 ◦ 施力臂(lever arm)要長,接觸面要大 Total contact molded system ◦ 石膏取模 ◦ 接觸面積延伸全部軀體 ◦ 壓力分布平均 2010/5/26 6 處方脊椎輔具 考慮須限制的脊椎運動方向 輕重 價格 耐用性 舒適性 有效性 穿戴時間與注意事項 輔具材質 2010/5/26 7 Subgroups of Spine for Orthoses Upper cervical(C1-C2) Mid-cervical (C3-T1) Thoracic(T2-T10) Thoracolumbar(T11-L1) Lumbar(L1-L4) Lumbosacral(L4-S1) 2010/5/26 8 Subgroups of Spinal Orthoses Cervical orthoses (CO) Head cervical orthoses(HCO) Cervical thoracic orthoses(CTO) Cervical thoracic lumbar sacral orthoses(CTLSO) Thoracolumbosacral orthoses(TLSO) Lumbosacral orthoses(LSO) 2010/5/26 9 Cervical spine Seven vertebrae Cervical motion ◦ ◦ ◦ Flexion-extension(C5-C6 >C6-C7 >C4C5) Lateral bending(C2-C6) Rotation(C1-C2) The most mobile The smallest skin surface Vital structures within this small area 2010/5/26 10 Cervical Orthoses Collar(soft collar, rigid collar) Head Cervical Orthoses Cervicothoracic orthoses Halo devices 2010/5/26 11 Collars Soft collars ◦ Foam rubber ◦ Restriction 3% flexion 26% extension 17% rotation ◦ Warmth & comfort ◦ Reminder ◦ Support 2010/5/26 12 Collars Rigid collars ◦ Polyethylene band ◦ Restriction 70% flexion- extension 30% lateral bending 50% rotation ◦ Discomfort ◦ 持續配戴仍有3-25%傷害 ◦ 追蹤及衛教 2010/5/26 13 Head Cervical Orthosis Additional support occiput to chin Stiffneck collar ◦ Prehospital immobilization ◦ Mandible,Occiput >32mmHg Philadelphia collar ◦ Restriction 71% flexion- extension 34% lateral bending 66% rotation Miami, Newport… Indication: stable midcervical injury Stiffneck collar 2010/5/26 14 Head Cervical Orthosis Miami collar Philadelphia collar 2010/5/26 15 Cervical Thoracic Orthoses Provide restriction in mid to lower Cspine Yale cervicothoracic orthoses & Philadelphia Halo Poster design ◦ 4-poster orthses ◦ 2-poster orthses ◦ SOMI(sterno-occipital-mandibular immobilizer) 2010/5/26 16 Yale Orthoses An extended Philadelphia collar Continueing down the thorax anteriorly & posteriorly A strap for a higher occipital support More restriction in flexion-extension & rotation 2010/5/26 17 Poster brace 4-poster orthoses Bilateral mandibuar and occipital supports ◦ Struts attaching to thoracic plates 2010/5/26 18 Poster brace 2-poster brace (Guilford brace) ◦ Chin & occipital supports by anterior and posterior struts 2010/5/26 19 SOMI Named for attachment 3 aluminum bars(2 from the occipital & 1 from the mandibular) to the anterior sternal chest plate Don & doff during lying Restriction ◦ 76% flexion- extension ◦ 50% lateral bending ◦ 68% rotation 2010/5/26 20 Halo Most restrictive Attached with fixation pins into the skull C1-C2 stable fracture Restriction ◦ 96% flexion- extension ◦ 92% lateral bending ◦ 97% rotation Snaking phenomenon Avoiding shoulder shrugging & abduction >90 2010/5/26 21 Halo Complication ◦ ◦ ◦ ◦ ◦ ◦ ◦ Pin loosening Infection Pin discomfort Pressure sores Scars Skull perforation Limitaion of activities Local wound care by Saline twice per day 2010/5/26 22 Halo 2010/5/26 23 TMBJ Thermoplastic Minerva body jacket Newer designs of Minerva Extends to the similar level of halo vest Excellent restriction Comfort No invasive pins Preschool children Offer similar halo support below C2 2010/5/26 24 Thoracic & Lumbosacral Spine Control systems: three-point pressure ◦ Trunk support ◦ Restrict Motion ◦ Anterior abdominal compression Straighten lumbar lordosis Decreases IV joint motion Decrease the load on the vertebrae and discs 2010/5/26 25 Thoracic & Lumbosacral Orthoses Stabilization ◦ Material ◦ Encompass spinal segment Impact function ◦ ↑energy consumption ◦ ↓respiratory function ◦ ↓cadence & stride length 2010/5/26 26 Thoracolumbosacral Orthoses Classification ◦ ◦ ◦ ◦ Corsets, belt, binder Rigid brace:chairback brace, Knight-Taylor Custom-molded body jacket:Boston, Aspen Hyperextension brace:Jewett,CASH 2010/5/26 27 Trochanteric Belt Encircles the pelvis Canvas or leather 2-3 inches Healing pelvic fx & SI pain 2010/5/26 28 Sacral Belt Iliac crest-pubic symphisis Gluteal fold 4-6 inches Postpartum & SI joint pain 2010/5/26 29 Corsets Sacroiliac Corsets Lumbar and lumbosacral Corsets Thoracolumbar Corsets Indication ◦ Low back pain ◦ Postpartum ◦ Posttraumatic stabilization 2010/5/26 30 Sacroiliac Corsets Lumbosacral Corsets Thoracolumbar Corsets 2010/5/26 31 Corsets Function ◦ ◦ ◦ ◦ Less restrict motion ↑abdominal pressure Stabilize the pelvic joints Reminds to maintain proper posture Disadvantage ◦ Weakening the muscles of trunk support ◦ Instruct proper exercise 2010/5/26 32 Thoracolumbosacral Orthoses Protect thoracic and lumbar spine below T6 Classification ◦ ◦ ◦ ◦ Corsets, belt, binder Rigid brace:chairback brace, Knight-Taylor Custom-molded body jacket:Boston, Aspen Hyperextension brace:Jewett,CASH 2010/5/26 33 Knight-Taylor brace (Taylor brace) TLS flexion-extension control orthosis Limits thoracic motion ◦ Axillary straps are tightened ◦ Ineffective if straps are loose Stable pathologiic fx Postsurgical stable T-L fracture Kyphosis Severe muscle strain 2010/5/26 34 Knight-Taylor brace (Taylor brace) Thoracic band Pelvic band Posterior paraspinal uprights Lateral bars Mid-thoracic transverse bar Abdominal apron Interscapular band 2010/5/26 35 Molded Spinal Orthoses Total contact CTLSO, TLSO, LSO More comfortable, expensive Stable compression fracture, post-op Three-point pressure design Boston type, Aspen type, CAMP type Restriction 70% motion in all plane Decrease 50 % lever arm Limitation of L4-5 2010/5/26 36 Molded Spinal Orthoses 2010/5/26 37 Hyperextension Brace TLS Flexion Control Orthosis Anterior compression fracture of VB Avoid flexion and kyphosis deterioration No abdominal support 3-point: sternum,pelvis,upper lumbar spine Contraindication: osteoporosis, posterior element instability or fracture, arthritis 2010/5/26 38 Hyperextension Brace Jewett brace Jewett brace 2010/5/26 39 CASH brace( cruciform anterior spinal hyperextension brace) • • • • • Limits flexion / extension T6 - T10 not limit lateral bending aluminum and polyethylene Anterior cross with posterior pad Hinged sternal, pectoral, pubic pads • • Indications: Kyphosis in Osteoporosis Thoracic vertebral body fractures (anterior compression fractures ) 2010/5/26 CASH brace 40 Lumbosacral Orthoses Classification ◦ ◦ ◦ ◦ Corsets(binder) Rigid brace:Chairback brace, Knight orthosis Custom-molded body jacket:Boston brace Hyperflexion brace:William’s orthosis 2010/5/26 41 Chairback brace LS flexion-extension control orthosis Thoracic band(Sternal pad) Pelvic band 2 LS paraspinal uprightsI Abdominal support ↓ Restriction:Flexion, extension, lateral rotation (45%) 2010/5/26 42 Knight Brace LS flexion-extension control orthosis Added lateral bars Indication: ◦ Low back pain ◦ Disc herniation A useful prognostic aid for spinal fusion 2010/5/26 43 Hyperflexion Brace LS extension control orthosis William’s orthosis Short, dynamic orthosis Indication: ◦ ◦ ◦ ◦ Over lordosis curve Facet joint arthritis Spondylolisthesis Muscle strain Contraindication: ◦ Anterior compression fracture 2010/5/26 44 Thoracolumbar Fracture No orthosis totally immobilize TL spine Instruction of activity restriction High level fracture(T1-T6): no consensus Low level fracture(below T6):body jacket or Jewett brace VB compression fracture without neurologic impairment-thoracoabdominal support Fracture with posterior element involvement Spine metastasis: ◦ Without instability:TLSO corset with rigid stay ◦ With neurologic deficits:body jacket 2010/5/26 45 Thoracolumbar Fracture A brace after surgery depends on ◦ The type of fracture ◦ Surgical procedure/stabilization Avoidance of excessive bending & heavy lifting continue for 3 months Rehabilitaion program: transfer, ambulaton, ADL 2010/5/26 46 ORTHOSES FOR SCOLIOSIS 2010/5/26 47 Scoliosis/Kyphosis Scoliosis: a lateral curve ◦ Age: infantile, juvenile, adolescence,or adult ◦ Cause: congenital, degenerative, idiopathic(Juvenile) ◦ Cobb angle; Risser’s sign(growth plate) Kyphosis: a sagittal or backward curve (T level >20-40) Rehabilitaion ◦ Exercise(spine extension X’s,pelvic tilt) ◦ Bracing 2010/5/26 48 2010/5/26 49 Scoliosis bracing Bracing or operation? 骨骼發育情形 Bracing: Operation: ◦ 單弧或雙弧,立體型式,旋轉,角度 ◦ 角度進展速度 ◦ 角度>20度且骨骼發育未成熟或年進展> 5度 ◦ 角度>30度 ◦ 適當輔具、足夠穿戴時間、穿到骨骼發育成熟 ◦ 角度>40度 ◦ 角度>30度且伴隨明顯旋轉 ◦ 雙弧>30度 2010/5/26 50 Scoliosis bracing CTLSO:apex above T8 TLSO:apex below T9 LSO: lumbar scoliosis Stimulate active corrective forces ◦ ◦ ◦ ◦ Milwaukee: 優於被動性限制輔具 輔具下端固定於骨盆 彎曲弧度頂點加塑膠片(軀幹壓力) 須具正常肌力、皮膚感覺、本體覺 2010/5/26 51 Scoliosis bracing 順從性: ◦ 好發青少年,穿戴輔具對外觀心理產生負 面影響,許多研究顯示病人穿戴時間不足 穿戴時間: ◦ 沒有定論,理想應穿戴一天23小時,只有 清潔拿下,穿到青春期結束,骨骼完全成 熟為止 ◦ 穿戴時間和效果成正比,穿戴時間不足, 會顯著降低輔具效果 2010/5/26 52 Scoliosis bracing Milwaukee CTLSO brace TLSO-body jacket Boston brace 2010/5/26 53 ORTHOSES OF LOW BACK PAIN 2010/5/26 54 Low Back Pain Etiology Diagnosis Treatment ◦ ◦ ◦ ◦ ◦ Medication Physical modality Operation Orthosis Exercise 2010/5/26 55 2010/5/26 56 Low Back Pain 2010/5/26 57 Core muscles Quadratus lumbarum Int oblique (local stability muscle) umbilicus內吸 穩定脊椎 2010/5/26 58 Core muscles Local stability muscle ◦ Umbilicus 內吸 ◦ 提供各脊椎椎體間穩定力 ◦ 脊椎維持正中區域 Global stability muscle ◦ 控制脊椎動作方向 ◦ 較大動作力矩 ◦ 對抗平衡衝擊於脊椎動作外力 2010/5/26 59 Core muscles strengthening 腹部、背部、臀部肌群 搭配徒手或器械 動作控制及身心靈平衡 功能性訓練 彼拉提斯(1880-1967) 低衝擊性肌耐力、伸展運動 ◦ 熱身運動 ◦ 主要運動 ◦ 緩和運動 2010/5/26 60 Core Muscles 融合腹式與胸式呼吸 法 • 吸氣橫膈下降 • ◦ 活動胸廓,增加肺活量 ◦ 增加腹腔壓力 深層核心肌群收縮 • 增加脊椎穩定 • 2010/5/26 61 2010/5/26 62 2010/5/26 63 2010/5/26 64 Orthoses of Low Back Pain Function: ◦ ◦ ◦ ◦ Restriction motion Heat or massagelike effect Trunk support Psychological support Check in sitting and standing position Check signs of irritation(disappear in 10 min) Check weight, comfort,function, appearance 2010/5/26 65 脊椎輔具 輔具適應症、輔具選擇、副作用 骨骼排列、肌力、神經學異常 衛教:為何穿、穿多久、穿到何時 正確穿戴輔具以及病人順從性是決定輔 具效果關鍵 2010/5/26 66