60-500 kV High Voltage Underground Power Cables
60-500 kV High Voltage Underground Power Cables
Liaisons terres angl 08-2011 2_Liaisons terres angl 05/08 17/10/11 15:55 Page1 60-500 kV High Voltage Underground Power Cables XLPE insulated cables Underground Power Cables ADWEA 400 kV INTERCON RCONNECTION ABU DHABI 1 circuit 3 x 1 x 2500 mm2 Cu enamelle namelled - 220/400 (420)kV XLPE Cable length of the link he link : 8600 m 2 3 SHANGHAÏ 500 kV 0 kV SHIBO PROJECT 1 circuit 3 x 1 x 2500 mm2 Cu Cu - 290/500 (550)kV XLPE Cable length of the link he link : 17150 m High voltage underground power cables High voltage underground power cables Contents page I III CABLE • Cable components Conductor Inner semi-conductor shield XLPE insulation Outer semi-conductor shield Metallic screen Outer protective jacket 9 9-10 11 12 • Metallic screens earthing 13 14 Grounding methods Earth cable protection Earthing diagrams • Laying methods II 6 7-8 9 9 Table of cable components Short-circuit operating conditions 4 page 14 15 16-17 18-19 • Cable reels 20 • Permissible bending radius 20 • Pulling tensions 20 • Fastening systems 21 • Cable system tests 21 • Technological developments 22 ACCESSORIES • Sealing Ends 23 Components 23 Outdoor sealing ends 24 Synthetic type Composite type Porcelain type Indoor sealing ends 24 Transformer sealing ends 25 GIS sealing ends 25 • Joints The designs Straight ungrounded and grounded joint Joint with screen separation Transition joints The technologies Taped joint 26 26 26 26 26 27 27 Premoulded joint Prefabricated joint 27 27 Miscellaneous equipment 28 High voltage underground power cables IV INSTALLATION • Sealing ends Erection • Cable laying 29 30 30 Protection of cable Type of installation Direct burial Laying in conduits 31 32 Laying in duct banks Laying in galleries Joint pits 33 34 35 Special civil engineering works Shaft sinking techniques Drilling methods 36 36 37 TABLES OF RATED CURRENTS Necessary information for designing a HV power line 38 Impact of laying method on the allowed current Conductor cross-section and rated current calculation 39 40 Correction factors 40 List of tables of rated currents 36/63 to 40/69 (72.5) kV aluminium conductor 41 42 36/63 to 40/69 (72.5) kV copper conductor 52/90 (100) kV aluminium conductor 52/90 (100) kV copper conductor 64/110 (123) kV aluminium conductor 64/110 (123) kV copper conductor 43 44 45 46 47 76/132 (145) kV aluminium conductor 76/132 (145) kV copper conductor 48 49 87/150 (170) kV aluminium conductor 87/150 (170) kV copper conductor 130/225 (245) kV aluminium conductor 50 51 52 130/225 160/275 160/275 200/345 (245) (300) (300) (362) kV kV kV kV copper conductor aluminium conductor copper conductor aluminium conductor 53 54 55 56 200/345 230/400 230/400 290/500 (362) (420) (420) (550) kV kV kV kV copper conductor aluminium conductor copper conductor aluminium conductor 57 58 59 60 290/500 (550) kV copper conductor 61 All the data given in this brochure is communicated for information only and is not legally binding to Nexans High voltage underground power cables 5 The cable General power circuit design This brochure deals with underground power circuits featuring three-phase AC voltage insulated cable with a rated voltage between 60 and 500 kV. These lines are mainly used in the transmission lines between two units of an electricity distribution grid, a generator unit and a distribution unit or inside a station or sub-station. These insulated cable circuits may also The voltage of a circuit is designated in accordance with the following principles: Example: Uo/U (Um) : 130/225 (245) Uo = 130 kV phase-to-ground voltage, U = 225 kV rated phase-to-phase voltage, Um = 245 kV highest permissible voltage of the grid be used in conjunction with overhead lines. 6 Phase-to-ground voltage, designated A high voltage insulated cable circuit Uo, is the effective value of the consists of three single-core cables or voltage between the conductor and one three-core cable with High the ground or the metallic screen. Voltage sealing ends at each end. Rated voltage, designated U, is the These sealing ends are also called effective phase-to-phase voltage. “terminations” or terminals. Maximum voltage, designated Um, When the length of the circuit is the permissible highest voltage for exceeds the capacity of a cable reel, which the equipment is specified joints are used to connect the unit (see also standard IEC 38). lengths. The circuit installation also includes grounding boxes, screen earthing connection boxes and the related earthing and bonding cables. The structure of high voltage cable facing surfaces indeed have a There are two designs of with synthetic cross-linked lower inductance than wires that conductor, compact round polyethylene insulation will always are further away (the inductance of stranded and segmental involve the following items: a circuit increases in proportion to “Milliken” stranded. the surface carried by the circuit). Conductor core The current tends to circulate in the 1. Compact round conductors, The aluminium or copper wires with the lowest inductance. composed of several layers of conductor carries the electrical In practice, the proximity effect is concentric spiral-wound wires. current. weaker than the skin effect and The conductor behaviour is rapidly diminishes when the cables In round stranded compact are moved away from each other. conductors, due to the low characterized by two particularly resistance electrical contacts noteworthy phenomena: the skin The proximity effect is negligible between the wires, the skin and effect and the proximity effect. when the distance between two proximity effects are virtually cables in the same circuit or in identical to those of solid plain The skin effect is the concentration two adjacent circuits is at least 8 conductor. of electric current flow around the times the outside diameter of the periphery of the conductors. cable conductor. It increases in proportion to the cross-section of conductor used. The short distance separating the phases in the same circuit generates the proximity effect. When the conductor diameter is relatively large in relation to the distance separating the three phases, the electric current tends to concentrate on the surfaces facing the conductors. The wires of the High voltage underground power cables High voltage underground power cables 7 The cable The cable Semi-conductor screen on conductor. 2. Segmental conductors, also known as “Milliken” conductors are composed of several segmentshaped conductors assembled together to form a cylindrical core. Enamelled copper wire Copper wire The large cross-section conductor is divided into several segment-shaped conductors. There are from 4 to 7 of these conductors, which are known as segments or sectors. They are insulated from each other by means of semi-conductive or insulating tape. The spiral assembly of the segments prevents the same conductor wires from constantly being opposite the other conductors in the circuit, thus reducing the proximity effect. 8 This structure is reserved for large cross-sections greater than 1200 mm2 for aluminium and at least 1000 mm2 for copper. The Milliken type structure reduces the highly unfavourable skin effect and proximity effect. Pre-spiralled segment Separating tape XLPE insulation. Typical diagram of an enamelled wire conductor Enamelled copper wire For copper conductors with a crosssection greater than 1600 mm2, enamelled wires (around two thirds of the wires) are included in the structure of the Milliken type segmental conductor. The proximity effect is almost completely eliminated, as each conducting wire follows a path alternating between areas that are far away from and areas close to the other phases conductors. AC90 resistance DC90 resistance The skin effect is reduced owing to the small cross-section of the wires used, each insulated from the others. In practice, a structure containing enamelled wires adds roughly a whole conductor cross-section. For example, a 2000 mm2 enamelled copper cable is equivalent to a 2500 mm2 non-enamelled copper cable. The connection of enamelled copper conductors requires a different technology, which Nexans has recently developed. Conductor structure Cross-section (mm2) Compact round stranded Milliken segmental stranded Milliken enamelled stranded 1600 1.33 1.24 1.03 2000 2500 1.46 1.62 1.35 ≈ 1.56 1.04 1.05 3000 1.78 ≈ 1.73 1.06 High voltage underground power cables • Draining the zero-sequence short-circuit currents, or part of them. This function is used to determine the size of the metallic screen. As its name suggests, the insulation insulates the conductor when working at high voltage from the screen working at earthing potential. The insulation must be able to withstand the electric field under rated and transient operating conditions. • The circulation of the currents induced by the magnetic fields from other cables in the vicinity. These circulating currents cause further energy loss in the cables and have to be taken into account when assessing the transmission capacity of a cable system. Semi-conductor screen on insulation. • The need to electrically insulate the metallic screen from earth over the greater part of the length of cable installed. Note: In the case of an overhead line, the insulation is formed by the air between the bare conductor and the ground. Several metres between the powered conductors and the ground are required to ensure adequate electrical insulation and to prevent arcing between the high voltage conductors and objects or living beings on the ground. Conductor SC conductor screen Insulation Reduction of the skin effect Milliken conductor construction To prevent electric field concentration, there is an interface of ultra-smooth semi-conductor XLPE between the conductor and the insulation. • Draining the capacitive current that passes through the insulation. This layer has the same function as the conductor screen: Progressive transition from an insulating medium, where the electric field is non- null, to a conductive medium (here the metal cable screen) in which the electric field is null. Metallic screen. When the voltage reaches tens or even hundreds of kV, a metallic screen is necessary. Its main function is to nullify the electric field outside the cable. It acts as the second electrode of the capacitor formed by the cable. Use of a metallic screen implies: SC insulation screen Metallic sheath 9 Anti-corrosion sheath • The need to protect the metallic screen from chemical or electrochemical corrosion. The second function of the metallic screen is to form a radial barrier to prevent humidity from penetrating the cable, particularly its insulation system. The synthetic insulation system should not be exposed to humidity. When humidity and a strong electric field are present together, the insulation deteriorates by what is called watertreeing, which can eventually cause the insulation to fail. • The need to connect it to earth at least at one point along the route. High voltage underground power cables Cable components The cable Different types of metallic screen Extruded lead alloy sheath Advantages: • Waterproofing guaranteed by the manufacturing process, • High electrical resistance, therefore minimum energy loss in continuous earthing links, • Excellent corrosion resistance. Drawbacks: • Heavy and expensive, • Lead is a toxic metal whose use is being restricted to a minimum following European directives, • Limited capacity to expel zero-sequence short-circuit currents. Concentric copper wire screen with aluminium tape bonded to a polyethylene or PVC jacket Advantages: • Lightweight and cost effective design, • High short-circuit capacity. Drawbacks: • Low resistance necessitating special screen connections (earthing at one point or crossbonding) in order to limit circulating current losses. Aluminium screen welded longitudinally and bonded to a polyethylene jacket Advantages: • Lightweight structure • High short-circuit capacity, • Impervious to moisture, guaranteed by the manufacturing process. Drawbacks: • Low resistance necessitating special screen connections (earthing at one point or cross-bonding) in order to limit circulating current losses. • Higher Eddy Current losses than with the previous screen types. Copper wire screen with extruded lead sheath This is a combination of the above designs. It combines the advantages of the lead sheath and concentric copper wire screen. Its main drawbacks lie in its cost and the lead content. The copper wire screen is placed under the lead sheath thus enabling it to share the anti-corrosion properties of the latter. Aluminium conductor core Copper conductor core SC insulation screen Semi-conductor screen XLPE insulation dry curing Swellable tape XLPE insulation Extruded semiconductor Copper wire screen Copper spiral binder tape Lead sheath Extruded semiconductor SC conductor screen Dry cross-linked PE insulation Semi-conductor screen The jacket has a dual function: • It insulates the metallic screen from ground (particularly for lines with special screen connections) • It protects the metal components of the screen from humidity and corrosion. The outer jacket must also withstand the mechanical stresses encountered during installation and service, as well other risks such as termites, hydrocarbons, etc. The most suitable material for this is polyethylene. PVC is still used but increasingly less so. Indeed, one of the advantages of PVC is its fire-retardant properties, although the toxic and corrosive fumes released are prohibited by many users. 10 Aluminium conductor core Anti-corrosion protective jacket Aluminium tape applied lengthwise Semi-conductor tape Swellable tape PVC jacket Aluminium tape applied lengthwise PE jacket If “fire-retardant” is specified in accordance with IEC standards 332, HFFR (Halogen-Free Fire Retardant) materials will be used in preference to PVC. These materials however have mechanical properties that are inferior to those of polyethylene and are more costly. They should be reserved for installations or parts of installations where fire protection is required. To verify the integrity of the outer jacket, a semi-conducting layer is often applied to this jacket. This layer is made of semi-conducting polymer co-extruded with the outer jacket. Conductor XLPE insulation dry curing SC insulation screen Cu wire screen Lead sheath SC conductor screen Swellable tape Swellable tape PE jacket PE jacket Lead screen Copper wire/alu sheath High voltage underground power cables Smooth aluminium sheath Copper wire/lead sheath High voltage underground power cables 11 The cable The cable Item Conductor Internal semi-conductor Insulation 12 Function • to carry current - under normal operating conditions - under overload operating conditions - under short-circuit operating conditions • to withstand pulling stresses during cable laying. Composition S≤1000mm2 (copper) or ≤1200mm2 (aluminium) Compact round stranded cable with copper or aluminium wires S≥1000mm2 (copper) segmental S>1200mm2 (aluminium) segmental • To prevent concentration of electric field XLPE semi-conducting shield at the interface between the insulation and the internal semi-conductor • To ensure close contact with the insulation. To smooth the electric field at the conductor. • To withstand the various voltage field stresses during the cable service life: - rated voltage - lightning overvoltage - switching overvoltage XLPE insulation The internal and external semi-conducting layers and the insulation are co-extruded within the same head. External semi-conductor To ensure close contact between the insulation XLPE semi-conducting shield and the screen. To prevent concentration of electric field at the interface between the insulation and the external semi-conductor. Metallic screen To provide: • An electric screen (no electric field outside the cable) • Radial waterproofing (to avoid contact between the insulation and water) • An active conductor for the capacitive and zero-sequence short-circuit current • A contribution to mechanical protection. • Extruded lead alloy, or • To insulate the metallic screen from the surrounding medium • To protect the metallic screen from corrosion • To contribute to mechanical protection • To reduce the contribution of cables to fire propagation. Insulating sheath • Possibility of semi-conducting layer for dieletric tests • Polyethylene jacket • HFFR jacket Outer protective sheath High voltage underground power cables • Copper wire screen with aluminium bonded to a PE jacket • Welded aluminium screen bonded to a PE jacket • Combination of copper wires and lead sheath Metallic screens earthing When an alternating current runs through the conductor of a cable, voltage that is proportional to the induction current, to the distance between phases and to the length of the line will be generated on the metallic screen. The end that is not earthed is subjected to an induced voltage that needs to be controlled. Under normal operating conditions, this voltage may reach several tens of volts. Risks of electrocution can be prevented using some simple methods. In the case of a short-circuit current (several kA), the induction voltage proportional to the current can reach several kV. In practice however, this value remains lower than the voltage needed to perforate the outer protective jacket of the cable. On the other hand, in the case of lightning overvoltage or switching overvoltage, the voltage between earth and the insulated end of the screen may attain several tens of kV. There is therefore a risk of electric perforation of the anti-corrosion sheath insulating the metallic screen from the earth. It is therefore necessary to limit the increase in potential of the screen by using a Sheath Voltage Limiters (SVL) between the metallic screen and the ground. These sheath voltage limiters basically operate like non-linear electrical resistances. At low voltage (in the case of normal operating conditions), the sheath voltage limiters are extremely resistant and can be considered as non-conducting. In the event of lightning overvoltage or switching overvoltage, the sheath voltage limiters are subjected to extremely high voltage. They become conducting and thus limit the voltage applied to the protective jacket. This limitation voltage is sometimes called protection voltage. Finally, it is important to ensure that, in the case of a short-circuit in the circuit, the induction voltage in the screen is not higher than the rated voltage of the sheath voltage limiter. This final criteria determines the type of sheath voltage limiter to be used for a given power line. High voltage underground power cables 13 Sheath voltage limiter The cable The cable Short-Circuit Operating Conditions Short-circuit currents in an electric network are a result of the accidental connecting of one or more phase conductors, either together, or with ground. The neutral of the transformers is generally connected to ground in high voltage networks. The impedance of this connection can vary in size, according to whether the neutral is directly connected to ground or via an impedant circuit. Earth cable protection Different grounding methods Grounding method Continuous, at 2 points: The metallic screens are earthed at least at both ends of the line. At one point: The metallic screen is earthed at one end and connected to a voltage limiter (SVL) at the other. Cross-bonding: The metallic screens are earthed directly at each end. The cross-bonding of the screens cancels the total induced voltage generated in the screen of each phase. This is achieved by connecting the metallic screens using joints and screen separations. Line characteristics • Line length greater than 200m • Cable cross-section under or equal to 630 mm2 • Circuit length under 1 km • Long Circuits • High capacity, cross-section greater than 630 mm2 Cu • Joints • Number of sections: multiples of 3 of almost equal lengths Necessary equipment • R2V cable or • Sheath voltage limiter • Joints with screen separations • R2V cable or low • Coaxial cable voltage insulated • Sheath voltage limiter at the cable screen cross-bonding point Advantages • Easy to • Optimal use of • Optional equipotential cable implement transmission along the circuit • No equipotential capacity • No induced currents in the cable installed • Earth-cable screens along the circuit protection possible A ground cable protection is used for overhead or underground lines that are grounded at one point. This device allows any flaws in the cable to be detected. It prevents power from being restored to the defective cable by putting the line out of service. There are two types of short-circuit current: 14 1. Symmetrical short-circuits (3 phase short-circuits) where the currents in the three phases form a balanced system. These currents therefore only circulate in the main conductors of the cables. 2. Zero-sequence short-circuits result from an asymmetrical, i.e. unbalanced current system. Zero-sequence currents return via the ground and/or by the conductors that are electrically parallel to ground. These conductors are mainly: • ground conductors, • metallic screens connected to ground at the line terminations • the ground itself The metallic screens of the cables must therefore have a large enough cross-section to withstand these so-called zero-sequence short-circuits. Drawbacks low voltage insulated cable • Reduced • Equipotential transmission cable along the capacity circuit • No ground cable protection • Use of sheath voltage limiters possible High voltage underground power cables • Maintenance • Cost Principle A current transformer, CT, is installed on the earthing circuit of the screen. If there is a flaw in the overhead line, the transformer, located on the earthing circuit of the cable screen, will not detect any current. The CT is connected to a relay that closes the contact. The contact reports the flaw and prevents the line from being automatically re-energised. The advantage of the earth cable protection is to facilitate use of an overhead-underground line. It prevents risks of fire in galleries. Low in cost, it is especially used in hazardous locations such as power plants and galleries. INSTALLATION OF AN OVERHEAD-UNDERGROUND LINE with ground cable protection 15 High voltage limiter Voltage line Surge limiter for sheath voltage Protective grid Protective Tee connector Earth Cable Tee connector Insulated earthing cable HV cable Ground connection High voltage underground power cables Different Earthing Connection Types Earthing box Joint with screen separation cross bonding connection straight joint Cable sealing end Joint with ground connection equipotential cable: optional (according to earthing system configuration) sheath voltage limiter Earthing box Diagram of earth connection at both ends Diagram showing the principle of a power line with earthing at one point Cross-bonding system Other variant: Earthing at mid-point when there are 2 sections in one circuit or 1 joint in 1 section 16 17 Earthing system mid-point High voltage underground power cables High voltage underground power cables The cable The cable Laying methods Cables buried directly in trefoil formation Cables in the air inside a gallery in touching trefoil formation Cables directly buried in flat formation Mechanical considerations Apart from the electrical and thermal aspects of the cable design, it is necessary to consider the mechanical and thermomechanical stresses to which the cable system will be subjected during installation and service. Stresses due to winding and bending An elementary comparison can be made between a cable and a beam. When the cable is bent, the neutral fibre becomes the cable axis and the stretched fibre is elongated according to the following formula: 18 = Cables buried inside ducts in trefoil formation De Dp Cables buried flat in ducts Cables laid flat in the air inside a gallery : elongation where De is the outside diameter of the cable and Dp is the bending diameter. The compressed wire is subjected to the same deformation but with the opposite sign. It is customary to express the cable deformation limit by a minimum ratio between the bending or winding diameter and the outside diameter of the cable. This ratio is reciprocal to the maximum permitted deformation Emax. PVC ducts OD 200 mm ID 192 mm PVC ducts OD 160 mm ID 154 mm Concrete bank Concrete bank High voltage underground power cables High voltage underground power cables 19 The cable The cable Diagram of a metal reel with bearing plate for handling and stowing purposes Cable reels Fastening systems Cable system Tests The following rules are used to determine the barrel diameter of storage reels: Thermomechanical stresses When a cable heats up, it expands both radially and axially. These cable system tests can be grouped into three main categories: 1. Individual tests or “routine tests”. These non-destructive tests are performed on the complete delivery at the final production stage. maximum dimensions: flange diameter: 4,5m; width: 2,5m; load: 40t Choice of storage reel Minimum barrel diameter expressed as a multiple of the cable diameter Type of screen Lead screen with PVC jacket Welded aluminium screen with PE jacket Bonded aluminium screen Lead screen with co-extruded PE jacket 20 20 21 18 For installation, it is not the bending diameter that is used but the minimum bending radius or curve radius. 20 Use of a “ Chinese finger “ must be restricted to cases where the tensile load is below 500 daN. Standard pull heads have a rated strength of 4000 daN. Curve radius of cable Condition When pulling cable over rolls When pulling through ducts After installation without a cable former After installation with a cable former (cable clamps mounted along an uniform curve) These are general rules that can be reassessed according to the particularities of a project. Tensile stress and sidewall pressure When pulling a cable by applying a traction force at one end, most of the load is taken by the cable core. This supposes that the pull head is securely anchored to the cable core. Minimum curve radius expressed as a multiple of the cable diameter 30 35 20 15 Type of metallic screen The maximum tensile load on the conductor is given by the following formula: Max load on conductor = KxS (daN) S: cross-section of conductor (mm2) K: max stress (daN/mm2) K = 5 daN/mm2 for aluminium conductor cables K = 6 daN/mm2 for copper conductor cables Permitted sidewall pressure in daN/m Copper wire + aluminium-PE 1000 Copper wire + lead sheath 1000 Welded plain aluminium sheath + bonded PE jacket 2500 Lead sheath alone + PE jacket 1500 Lead sheath alone + PVC jacket 1000 High voltage underground power cables Radial expansion causes problems for the clamps used to fasten the cables, while axial expansion has to be controlled either: - By clamping the cable with clamps that are sufficiently close together to prevent the cable from buckling (rigid method), or - By fastening the cable using clamps that are sufficiently well spaced to allow the cable to bend within the allowed bend radius, and without risk of fatigue of the metallic screen due to these repetitive deformations. Electrodynamic stress due to a short-circuit event In the event of a short-circuit, intense currents can run through the cables. This results in high electrodynamic loads between the conductors. These loads have to be taken into account in the cable fastening system design, the accessory fastening devices and in the spacing of the cables. 2. Special tests, sometimes called “sample tests” by some standards. These tests, which can be destructive, are performed on part of the production at the final stage and at the frequency defined by the standards. The cables manufactured by Nexans are usually tested in accordance with international standards CEI 60 840 for voltages Um ≤ 170 kV and with IEC 62 067 for higher voltages. Test programs in accordance with national standards or client particular technical specifications may also be performed. 3. Type tests. These tests validate the cable system design, that is all the materials that make up a high voltage electrical power line. They are generally performed on a loop including a cable and all the accessories to deliver. The standards define the criteria for judging the relevance of a type test for different cable systems, such as cable with a different conductor cross-section but of the same voltage range and with identical accessories. The type tests also serve to qualify the materials used to manufacture the cable. High voltage underground power cables 21 Current development work Accessories, and technological changes sealing ends Our Research & Development Department is currently developing the next products, both cables and accessories: - Cable with insulated wire conductor, with low skin and proximity effects, for less energy loss and increasingly higher unitary carrying capacity. - Cable with welded aluminium screen bonded or not bonded to the outer synthetic jacket 22 - 150 kV cable with integrated optical fibre (which serves to control the temperature along the whole cable length offering better grid efficiency). A Nexans mainly development for the Benelux countries (Belgium, Netherlands and Luxemburg). - Joint with integrated mechanical, electrical and anti-corrosion (HOP type) protection for minimum volume, robust design and restricted number of on site manual operations. - Sealing ends with explosion-proof device for increased sub-station safety. - Fully synthetic sealing ends, for minimum maintenance. - Composite sealing ends, for greater safety and shorter procurement times. - Joint and sealing end with integrated partial sensors for early PD detection. - Dry GIS sealing end oil maintenance free. - Dry outdoor sealing end, fluid (gas or oil) maintenance free. - Step up joint between two different sizes and two different metals conductors. Accessories are used to join cables together by means of a joint or to joint a cable to the network by means of a sealing end. Each accessory is defined in detail according to its physical and electrical environment. SEALING ENDS Their function is to connect the power cable to the network via the substations or overhead and underground connections. They control the leakage path from the cable insulation to the insulating medium of the station (air in the case of an air-insulated substation or SF6 in the case of a gas-insulated substation). There are "outdoor" sealing ends with porcelain or synthetic insulators. The cables connected to gas-insulated substations have sealing ends with epoxy insulators.These mould themselves directly onto the substation pipes. Milliken aluminium conductor SC conductor screen XLPE insulation SC insulation screen Swellable tape Optical fibre Copper spiral binder tape Cu wire screen Swellable tape Bonded aluminium sheath Anti-corrosion jacket OUTDOOR SEALING ENDS These are defined by: • the type of insulator and its leakage path. The leakage path is directly in contact with the surrounding air. • whether or not a dielectric fluid is used. and the earthed screens. It avoids direct conduction by diverting the voltage into the surrounding fluid (air, gas or oil). The leakage path is a concept applicable to both indoor and outdoor type sealing ends.Indoors, the leakage path is unaffected by environmental factors. But outdoors, the level of voltage diverted through the air is a function of the electrical insulation resistance between the voltage point and the earthed point. This electrical resistance depends on environmental factors, such as relative humidity, salinity and atmospheric pollution. Thus outdoors, the leakage path has to be designed in line with environmental conditions. (SF6 gas or silicon oil). INSULATORS FILLED WITH INSULATING FLUID GLAZED PORCELAIN INSULATORS The insulator is made of brown or grey glazed porcelain and is closed by two aluminium flanges. There are several advantages to a porcelain sealing end: it is self supporting and does not require any top fastening system. Its surface is self-cleaning which makes it the best choice for the usage in severely polluted environments or highly saline atmospheres. 23 The leakage path of a termination is determined by multiplying the pollution factor expressed in mm/kV and the maximum grid voltage. Pollution factor in mm/kV x maximum voltage = leakage path of the termination (mm). Leakage path The leakage path is the insulation distance measured along the surface separating the voltage point 1 x 2000 mm2 (150) kV + optical fiber High voltage underground power cables TYPES OF INSULATOR WITH OR WITHOUT FLUID High voltage underground power cables Porcelain sealing end SYNTHETIC INSULATOR Known as a composite or rigid synthetic sealing end in which the insulator is made of an epoxy resin glass-fibre reinforced tube, covered Accessories, sealing ends Sealing ends with silicon sheds and closed with two aluminium flanges. Composite sealing ends are particularly suited for the usage in industrial sites where the risks of explosion must be limited. self-supporting and therefore require a fastening system in order to suspend them. fluid or be dry. The epoxy insulator represents the limit of liability between the manufacturers of the GIS and the cable system. This is not necessary, if there is only one supplier for both New designs of GIS sealing ends have appeared on the market. These are dry type sealing ends without fluid. There are two types: inner cone and outer cone. TRANSFORMER SEALING END As their name indicates, this type of sealing end is used to connect the cable directly to a transformer. The interface between the cable and the transformer is governed by European standard EN 50299. As there are a great many models of transformers, they are not all compliant to this standard. It is therefore essential to know the transformer design in order to define the most suitable sealing end. In new plants, the sealing ends tend to be the GIS type. Flexible type dry sealing end 24 RIGID TYPE SEALING END The insulator is solid and the cable is connected directly by means of a deflector cone. Their design is similar to that of the sealing ends used in gas-insulated substations. Composite sealing end INSULATORS WITHOUT INSULATING FLUID The sealing ends are said to be "dry" as they do not contain any dielectric fluid. They can be rigid (self-supporting) or flexible. GIS OR CIRCUIT-BREAKER SEALING ENDS FLEXIBLE TYPE ENDS The insulator is fabricated of a stack of "skirts" made of silicon or a derived product. Due to their light weight, they are especially suited to being installed on pylons. Due to their lack of fluid they are environment-friendly and are often installed in industrial environments. These insulators are not These are used to connect the cable to the insulated set of bars. It is necessary to check that the sealing end of the cable is compatible with the type of connection at the substation. The standard interfaces between a GIS substation and the cable sealing end are defined in standard CEI62271-209. It can be filled with High voltage underground power cables If it is installed inclined or with the connection upside down, an expansion compensation tank will be necessary for oil-filled insulators. The electric field is controlled by means of a premoulded elastomer stress cone located on the cable insulation. Circuit-breaker sealing end the GIS and the cable, as it is the case with the French power grid. When there is no separating insulator, the filling fluid is the same as the GIS fluid. This is generally SF6 gas. When there is a separating insulator, it may be filled with SF6 or silicon oil. In the latter case, and if the sealing end is not vertical, the use of a compensation tank may be necessary according to the temperature of the oil. The information required to define the accessory is: • The position of the sealing end and of the cable • The type of fluid in which the sealing end is immersed (oil, gas or air). • The operating temperature • The standard or particular requirements. Transformer sealing ends that use an epoxy resin insulator are, totally immersed in the dielectric filling fluid (oil or gas) of the transformer. ENVIRONMENT-FRIENDLY The filling fluids are a potential source of pollution. SF6, which is a greenhouse gas, is one of the six gases that need to be closely monitored according to the Kyoto agreement. Silicon oil also has to be monitored, nevertheless to a lesser extent, as it could leak or ignite if the end should become damaged. For these reasons, dry sealing ends without filling fluid are being increasingly developed. This technology is used both for outdoor sealing ends and GIS or transformer sealing ends. Apart from the fact that they have less impact on the environment, dry sealing ends greatly reduce the risk of explosion with projectiles as well as the risk of fire. They also have the advantage of not requiring a system to control the pressure of the fluid. Transformer sealing end DIFFERENT MODELS OF SEALING END Porcelain sealing end with oil From 60 to 500 kV Utilization: Poles/structures Polluted environments Most commonly used Sealing end in indoor chambers of GIS substations with oil Indoor "Transformer" sealing end with oil 500 kV From 60 to 500 kV Outdoor composite sealing end with oil or SF6 gas From 60 to 500 kV Utilization: Risk of earthquakes and risks of explosion Installed on pylons Outdoor, flexible, dry sealing end From 60 to 145 kV Utilization: Restricted space Explosion and fire risks Restricted installation positions Installed on pylons Industrial use Sealing end in Indoor chambers for dry GIS substations From 60 to 400 kV High voltage underground power cables Indoor dry "Transformer" sealing end From 60 to 145 kV 25 Accessories, joints Joints THE TECHNOLOGY JOINTS These accessories are used to join two sections of a cable together in order to allow the power lines to stretch over many kilometers. There are many different solutions for joining cables. They may differ with regard to the core, materials or thicknesses of the cables. It is nevertheless essential to know the types of cables to be joined. The joints are named according to their technology as well as the available connections for earthing the screens. 26 The most commonly used technology for all voltages is the PREMOULDED joint. The taped joint is the technique that has been around the longest and is still used when there are low electrical stresses in the cable insulation. A transition joint is used to join cables with different types of insulation. When the only difference is in the dimensions or type of core (same type of insulation) the joint is called an adapter joint. PREMOULDED JOINT This consists of a premoulded elastomer body. It is pretested in the factory to ensure its reliability. The properties of the synthetic material of the premoulded joint ensures that sufficient pressure is maintained at the interface between the cable and the joint throughout the cable's service life. The dielectric properties of the material offer good electrical esistance under alternating current as well as to lightning and switching overvoltages. They are mounted either by expanding the premoulded joint or by slipping it onto the cable. Although the design of the premoulded joint is based on an assembly of prefabricated items, the preparation of the interfaces requires the skills of well-trained technicians. TRANSITION JOINT This is used to join cables based on different technologies, such as a paper-insulated cable with a synthetic cable. MODELS OF JOINTS ACCORDING TO THE EARTHING OF THE SCREENS STRAIGHT JOINT It consists of the same components as those used in the to be joined cables and ensures their physical and electrical continuity. Not earthed: This joint offers electrical continuity of the metal screens of the two cables to be joined. It is used in the case where earthing is at two points, or as an intermediate joint in other earthing systems. ADAPTER JOINT This is used when the cables which are to be joined, have the same type of insulation but are of different dimensions. There are several different methods, some of which are patented, for making these joints. Among these are: • A bi-metal joint to join an aluminium core to a copper core. • A tapered electrode to join two insulated cables of slightly different diameters using a standard premoulded joint. • A dissymmetrical premoulded joint to join cables with very different dimensions. Earthed: this joint ensures the continuity of the metal screens. There is also a connection which allows the screens to be connected to a local earthing point. This type of joint can be found in mid-point earthing systems and in screen switching systems. Joint with screen separation This joint separates the screen of the right hand cable from that of the left hand cable. It is used in the case of earthing with cross-bonding Cross-bonding involves creating interruptions in the screen circuits and making connections between the circuits of different phases in order to cancel out the induced voltages between two earthing points. Joints with screen separation have two earth connections using two single pole cables or a coaxial cable. TAPED JOINTS The cable insulation is made of synthetic tapes with good dielectric properties and self-bonding abilities. Its use is limited to maximum voltages of 110 kV. As this joint is made manually, its efficiency is directly related to the skill of the electrician. JOINT WITH SCREEN SEPARATION Transition joints and adapter joints always require specific design studies. Straight joint High voltage underground power cables High voltage underground power cables 27 Miscelleanous Installation equipment The metal screen of a high voltage power line must be earthed. This requires special components such as earthing boxes and sheath lightning conductors. MISCELLANEOUS EQUIPMENT Protective equipment In high voltage cable installations, the screens are grounded via direct connections or by means of internal or external voltage limiters. These clamps are fastened to rods and fixed or pivot mounts. When preparing the cable, it is necessary to prevent direct contact between the outer jacket of the cable and rough protrusions in the concrete. The cable is therefore laid inside a flexible plastic duct (such as the ringed type). This duct is a few centimetres above ground level at the outlet from the concrete (it is then closed with plaster). Liner: 5 to 10 mm thick Anchoring in a gallery The characteristics of the voltage limiters are as follows: - service voltage under continuous operation - allowed short-circuit voltage - energy dissipation power Approx. 2 m Approx. 1 m Suspension strap 28 Anchoring devices Clamps are used to fasten the cables laid along posts or pylons. Straps are used for cables laid in galleries. ERECTING SEALING ENDS Tightening strap or Type 1 (CT) or Type 2 (ID) High voltage underground power cables Type 1 (CT) Type 2 (ID) Protective grid Where the metallic screens are insulated from ground using voltage limiters, it is necessary to protect the cable layers from any power surges from the screens (up to 400 V under continuous operation and 20 kV under transient operating conditions) by means of an amagnetic grid. If the lower metal parts of the box (mount) are located at a height of over 3 m (for 400 kV in particular) this protective grid is not necessary. Cable clamps Where the cable is laid vertically, 2 or more clamps are used to fasten the cable to the structure. SEALING ENDS INSTALLED ON TOWERS Platform The connection with the overhead lines is via a retention chain. The cable sealing ends are installed on a horizontal platform at a minimum height of 6 m, surrounded by a protective safety fence (made of removable panels) in order to prevent unauthorized access to the tower structures (after locking out the work area). Screen overvoltage limiter In the case of special sheath connections, the overvoltage limiters are installed on the screens at the tower end to prevent retransmission of the “cable earthing protection”, as mentioned above, with an amagnetic grid or other system to protect the personnel (the CT is installed at the relay side). Cables Rising cables, clamped in place between the ground and the sealing ends are protected by a metal structure at least 2 m high, surrounding the three phases. High voltage underground power cables earthing cable continuity rack/screen ground cable core ground cable continuity earthing loop low voltage cable connected to the secondary of the core screen overvoltage limiter non magnetic grid Erecting sealing end 29 Type of installation Installation In-service experience has shown that the reliability of underground links is dependent on the careful transportation, reel handling and the quality of the cable installation on the site. CABLE LAYING Protection of the cable External aggression To ensure long service life of the installation, the cable protection is dependent on the cable laying conditions. In general, cables should be installed in such a way as to avoid any mechanical aggression, both on laying and during its service life. Mechanical Aggressions These may occur during transport, handling, pulling or installation of accessories. 30 Corrosion Corrosion may be of chemical or electrochemical origin, or from sulphate reducing bacteria. In direct current supply areas (electric traction, trams, static or mobile industrial plant such as electrolyte refining plant, welding machines, etc.) the presence of stray-currents can give rise to extremely violent and rapid corrosion. Environmental constraints Some structures such as pipe lines and ducts require particular precautions when installed near to a high voltage line. The terrain (coastal area, water table, mining area, for example) and such natural obstacles as tree roots may also present further constraints. Installation of cable circuits - choice of route The following criteria apply: - Width of the available land, - Sub-soil conditions, - Particular features (drains, bridges, etc.), - Proximity of heat sources (other cables, district heating systems). In addition, the location of the joint chambers must take into consideration: - The maximum production lengths of cable, - The maximum pulling lengths, - The grounding technique used (cross-bonding). Proximity of telecommunications cables (other than those included in the cable installation, whose protection is integrated) and hydrocarbon pipes must be avoided owing to the problems caused by induction. The distances to be observed must comply with existing standards. Buried cables In most cases, insulated cable lines are laid inside underground ducts whose main characteristics are described below. Direct burial This cable laying technique is widely used in most countries. Its speed and relatively low cost are its main advantages. Use of light mortar or thermal filler instead of fine sand considerably improves the transmission performance of the circuit. Excavation depth These depths are necessary to ensure that the cables are protected from mechanical aggressions (vehicles, digging tools, etc …) and to ensure the safety of property and people in the event of an electric fault. public land: 1.30 m/1.50 m electricity stations: 1.00 m The electrodynamic effects of a fault are more severe with this laying method than when the cables are laid in a duct, as the duct acts as a decompression chamber. Excavation width The width depends on the laying method used and the spacing recommended by the cable-layer according to the currents to be transmitted. The width occupied by the cables is further increased to allow for: - the filling sand or mortar, - operations such as cable pulling on the excavation floor, - lacing: for safety reasons, lacing is compulsory for depths of over 1.30 m Excavation floor The cables must be layed on a bed of sand at least 15 cm thick or on a smooth surface. Smooth bed: A smooth bed of 100 kg mortar 5 to 10 cm thick is made at the bottom of the excavation. Distance between two lines: This distance depends on the thermal assumptions used for calculating the transmission capacity of each line. In practice, a minimum distance of 70 cm is recommended. Backfilling According to the laying method used, this is made in successive compacted layers. system to prevent stray-current corrosion) is placed near to the cables. Mechanical laying with light mortar This laying method, still quite uncommon, is only applicable for HV < 150 kV and more commonly for medium voltages, outside urban or suburban areas containing a dense utilities network (water, gas, electricity, telecommunications, district heating, etc.). Excavation width The minimum width is approximately 0.25m. This width (occupied by the cables) should be increased as indicated above. Excavation floor Cable pulling directly on the excavation floor is strictly prohibited. A clean bed of 100 kg mortar 5 to 10 cm thick must be made on the excavation floor. The clean bed and distance between lines are the same as in the conventional laying method.. Warning device According to the laying system used, this can be a cement slab, a warning grid or warning tape. Thermal backfill Experience has shown that the thermal characteristics of controlled backfill on public land can not be maintained over time (other works nearby, soil decompression or reduced earth resistivity). Thermal backfill should even be avoided in electricity stations wherever possible. In some exceptional cases, however, installation in soil that is unsuitable for compacting or manifestly hostile (rock, clinker, plastics, clay, chalk, pumice stone, basalt, vegetable matter), it will be necessary to use thermal backfill. Simple trench warning tape Earthing cable The insulated earthing cable, if used (for earthing of “special sheath connections” and/or installing a special drainage warning grid backfill flat formation High voltage underground power cables Warning device A warning device is placed around 10 cm above the top surface of the mortar on each line (grid, slab or steel plate, for example). High voltage underground power cables concrete cover type fine sand with selected granulometry or thermal backfill ( light mortar ) trefoil formation 31 Installation Buried conduits Close trefoil formation This cable laying method is generally used in urban areas as it offers good mechanical protection of the cables. 32 these are laid in a “snaking” fashion along the conduit. To maintain the cables when subjected to the electrodynamic loads resulting from a short-circuit, they must be clamped together at regular intervals, the distance of which depends on the quality of the clamping system and the forces developed. Warning device A warning device is placed above the conduit (at a depth of approximately 20 cm); this may be a grid, some bricks or a steel plate. LAYING IN CONDUIT Earthing cable In the case of special screen connections, the earthing cable will be placed in the conduit above the cable trefoil, as near as possible to the cables, in order to reduce induced voltage on the cables. The earthing cable will be transposed if the cables are not. In certain cases of areas with stray currents, an auxiliary earthing cable may be laid in the same way. Excavation depth The dynamic effects of a short-circuit necessitate particular precautions at shallow depths (in the particular case of reinforced concrete with cables laid in ducts). On public land, the minimum depth is 1.4 m at the excavation floor and 0.80 m inside electricity stations. It is essential to compact the filling material, tamping it after each 20 cm layer, in order to ensure that the ground is firmly reconstituted. Excavation width - Trenches The minimum excavation width must take into account the space needed for the workmen, the lacing if used, and when two lines are installed together, a minimum distance of 0.70 m between the two conduits. When lacing is used, an extra 4 cm must be allowed on either side of the excavation. - Between circuits This distance depends on the thermal assumptions used for calculating the transmission capacities of each line. In practice, a minimum distance of 0.70 m is recommended. Laying in conduits conduit fine sand base flat formation Ground level conduits These are mainly located inside electricity stations. Cable laying in air on a support To take lengthwise expansion of the cables into account, Cable-laying in ducts has a major advantage over conventional burial in that the civil engineering work can be done before laying the cables, thus avoiding the problems of leaving the trenches open for a prolonged period in urban areas. Note that the use of ducts meets the following requirements: - Limited duration of the installation works, - Efficient mechanical protection wherever the ground is subjected to particularly heavy loads and where there is considerable vibration (risk of lead crystallization), - Avoids having to reopen a trench for the same route. Telecommunication cables Telecommunication cables, known as “pilot cables” will always be laid inside concrete encased ducts, which offers excellent mechanical protection and facilitates access for repairs. Particular precautions Lacing is compulsory at depths over 1.3 m. LAYING IN DUCTS trefoil formation Laying in non-touching trefoil formation inside concrete encased PVC or PE ducts: This is the most common formation. Laying flat and non-touching in concrete encased PVC or PE ducts: This formation is generally reserved for particular cases (protected cables: 225 and 400 kV auxiliaries, road crossings, etc.). conduit fine sand Typical road crossing base flat formation trefoil formation Laying in buried conduits warning grid backfill fine sand reinforced concrete conduit PVC or PE pipe base flat formation High voltage underground power cables Non-touching trefoil formation Excavation depth The excavation floor depths are as follows: on public land: 1.50 m in electricity stations: 0.90 m A minimum thickness of 10 cm of concrete around the ducts is recommended. It is essential to compact the filling material to ensure that the ground is firmly reconstituted. Excavation width This depends mainly on the outside diameter of the duct used for the cable as well as on the necessary space for: - installing the ducts: 4 cm is allowed between the ducts for filling with concrete - lacing: an extra width of 4 cm on either side of the trench must be allowed for installing the lacing. There should be 10 cm between the lacing and the ducts to be filled with concrete. - space between two lines: This distance depends on the thermal assumptions used for calculating the transmission capacity of each power line. In practice, a minimum distance of 70 cm is recommended. Duct installation - The bend radius of the ducts must be 20 times their outside diameter. - The ducts are assembled together according to the pulling direction - A gauge of the appropriate diameter must be passed through the ducts (0.8 times the inside diameter of the duct). The ducts must be gauged and closed. - It is recommended to use tube supports to ensure the correct distance between the ducts (the distance between the “teeth” of the tube support is 10 times the outside diameter of the duct). Warning device In the case of cables laid in concrete encased ducts, a warning device is placed around 10 cm above the top of the concrete (grid, steel plate, slab, etc.). Earthing cable The insulated earthing cable, if any, is placed inside a PVC duct of OD 75 mm embedded in the concrete alongside the cable trefoil between two phases (as near as possible to the cables to reduce the induced voltages on the screens). For the same reason, the earthing cable must be transposed if the power cables are not. Thermal backfill As concrete has good thermal characteristics, there is no need to use thermal backfill. Shallow Laying (in reinforced concrete) In public areas, where the excavation depth is limited by certain obstacles, it is recommended to use reinforced concrete, while the cables cannot be laid at a depth of less than 0.60 m. Flat, in spaced ducts This laying technique is used in exceptional cases only. The laying technique is identical to that described above, while the distance between the ducts is calculated according to a thermal study. trefoil formation High voltage underground power cables 33 Installation LAYING IN GALLERIES Where there are several power links running along the same route, it may be decided to construct a gallery to house the cables. ADVANTAGES - Several cables can be installed in a limited space, without reducing the transmission capacity of each line due to thermal proximity, providing that the gallery is well aired or evenly ventilated, - Cables can be laid at different times by reopening the gallery, - Repair and maintenance work can be conducted inside the galleries. 34 DRAWBACKS - The main drawback is the high construction cost (water tightness, floor work, equipment) - The necessary fire prevention measures must be taken. TYPES OF GALLERY The gallery design must comply with the following minimum values: - Minimum height 2 m (under ceiling), regardless of the width, - Free passage 0.90 m wide (in the centre for cables installed on both sides or at one side). This minimum passage is used for installing and mounting cables, repairs, maintenance, gallery maintenance, etc. Maintenance Shaft Safety There must be at least two entrances to the gallery, regardless of its length, with a maximal distance of 100 m between two shafts to ensure the safety of workers in the event of an accident and to allow them to escape. Minimum cross-section of the shaft 0.9 m x 0.9 m (1.5 m x 1 m at the entrance). Ventilation Shaft When defining the cables to be installed in a gallery, the ambient temperature inside the gallery is assumed to be 20°C in winter and 30°C in summer. For a conventional HV or EHV line installation in a conduit, the energy loss per line is around 50 to 200 W/m, dissipated by conduction into the ground through the walls of the chase. This energy loss is also dissipated by the air in the gallery, the temperature of which should be maintained within the above temperatures. Gallery fittings The cables are generally suspended from fittings attached to the wall or in cable tray (BA or metal racks, etc.). In all cases, the metal fittings contained inside the gallery will be grounded (equipotential bonding lead). Cable fittings in galleries, tunnels or ground level conduits XLPE cables have the particularity of having a high expansion coefficient, both radially and longitudinally. To compensate for radial expansion, an elastomer (Hypalon or EPDM type) lining must be inserted between the clamp and the cable. For reasons of longitudinal expansion, and when the cables are installed in the air over long distances, they must be laid in a “snaking” fashion. The amplitude, sag and pitch of the snaking pattern will vary according to the electrical characteristics of the circuit. As a rule, a pitch of 25 times the cable diameter between two static supports and a sag amplitude equal to the cable diameter are used. There are different laying methods Flat Vertical Installation The cables are fastened to supports at regular intervals The cables snake vertically The cables can be clamped together between supports The cables may be unwound directly onto the support Flat Horizontal Installation The cables are fastened to supports at regular intervals or run along cable trays The cables snake vertically or horizontally The cables may be clamped together Touching Trefoil Formation Installation The cables are suspended on supports at regular intervals The cables can be strapped together between the supports The cables snake vertically Trefoil Formation on Rack As above An underground circuit may be composed of several sections jointed together inside what are called “jointing chambers” or joint pits, or joint vaults. trefoil formation vertical snaking configuration CONNECTION IN JOINTING CHAMBERS Before the joint boxes are installed, the jointing chambers are composed of a clean bed and water sump. Cable layout The cables are laid flat inside the splicing chamber to allow the joint boxes to be installed. Joint layout The layout will depend on the space available. We may cite the following types of layout: - offset joints: the most common layout - side-by-side joints, if the jointing chamber is wide and not very long - staggered joints: rarely used. Whatever the layout, the long side of the joint is always offset from the chamber axis in order to allow for expansion and contraction (expansion bend). flat formation on rack, with horizontal snaking trefoil formation on supports, vertical snaking maintening strap non magnetic cradle Telecommunication cables Telecommunication cables (carrier or fibre optic cables) which are always laid in duct banks, are installed in the above chambers or in a special chamber. BACKFILLING AND COMPACTING Ensure the following functions: - Safety in the event of a short-circuit, - Heat exchange with the ground (cable transmission capacity), - Mechanical strength of the ground (traffic, etc.), - Protect the cable against external impact. All excavations are filled in successive layers, well tampered between each layer. THERMAL BACKFILL Backfill with controlled thermal characteristics is used to compensate for thermal insufficiency at certain points along the cable route which limits the transmission capacity of the line. Natural sand can be used for this. Cable Temperature Control Thermocouples can be installed at particular points along the cable route, such as: - entrance to duct-banks, - galleries, - splice boxes, - cable crossings, - near heat sources. MARKING OF UNDERGROUND CABLES Self-extinguishing, self-tightening PVC labels are affixed at particular points along the cable route, such as: at the sealing end, at the jointing chambers: on either side of splices, in the galleries: upstream and downstream, in the duct banks and connection box: at the input and output of the bank and in elements belonging to other utilities, with a danger sign. Earthing cables, telecommunications cables and wiring boxes are marked in the same way. Type of joint pit Top view Join pit marker Cross bonding cabinet trefoil formation on rack, horizontal snaking Partial discharge cabinet Lenght L alternative according to the level of tension High voltage underground power cables High voltage underground power cables 35 Installation SPECIAL CIVIL ENGINNERING WORKS The techniques used for sinking shafts and boring galleries have specific advantages when tackling particular problems such as road, motorway, railway, canal, river or bank crossings. SHAFT SINKING TECHNIQUE same cross-section as the gallery to be made, which is either horizontal or on a slight slope, without affecting the obstacle to be crossed (road, etc.). Horizontal Directional Drilling This method (HDD) is particularly useful for water crossings (rivers or canals). Two microtunneling techniques exist, depending on project specifics: - Pilot Soil Displacement System - Slurry Spoil Removal System The diagrams opposite gives an example of the horizontal directional drilling process, showing some of the equipment used. Drilling methods Pilote hole This process is specially designed for installing prefabricated, reinforced concrete, large diameter (>1000 to <3,200mm) pipe sections with the Tubing The product pipe is then installed by auger spoil removal, with the pilot rods being progressively disconnected in the target shaft. PILOT SOIL DISPLACEMENT SYSTEM 36 Hollow steel pilot rods are first jacked from the start shaft, steered by a laser beam. 37 When the tip of the first pilot rod has arrived in the target shaft, an auger system is then connected to the last pilot rod that has been inserted. Boring SLURRY SPOIL REMOVAL SYSTEM The cutting head is steered by a laser beam. The microtunneling machine steering head advances and pipes are successively pushed forward by hydraulics jacks. A slurry spoil system excavated earth. Pulling High voltage underground power cables High voltage underground power cables Cable laying methods and cross-sections Laying method Necessary information for designing a HV power line and for determining the necessary accessories for a high voltage line Position of the line in the grid, Atmospheric environment, Type of transformer, if applicable, Accessory installation height Temperatures (min and max) 800 mm2 cuivre At 1 point flat N1 : s = 180 mm Conductor cross-section and type Metallic screen Thermal resistivity of ground = 2 K.m/W earthing system Ground temperature = 35°C Laying method Laying depth L = 2000 mm Laying diagram 630 mm2 aluminium At 2 points Touching trefoil formation T1 1600 mm2 copper (segmental - enamelled wire) At 1 point flat N1 : s = 450 mm Ground température = 20°C Laying depth L = 800 mm Direct burial – 1 circuit In cable gallery Conductor cross-section 300 mm2 and type aluminium Metallic screen At earthing system 2 points Laying method Touching trefoil formation Laying diagram T2 Conductor cross-section 800 mm2 and type aluminium Metallic screen At Thermal resistivity of ground = 2 K.m/W earthing system 2 points Ground temperature = 35°C Laying method Touching trefoil formation Laying depth L = 800 mm Laying diagram T3 : s = 200 mm x 700 Cable in concrete-embedded ducts - 2 circuits IMPACT OF LAYING METHOD ON THE ALLOWED CURRENT We can seen in the above table that different cross-sections are required for the same current transmission, depending on the cable laying conditions which affect the electrical efficiency of the cable. This is why it is necessary to know these parameters before calculating the cross-section. High voltage underground power cables 400 MVA 220 kV 1050 A 1000 m 400 mm2 aluminium At 2 points Touching trefoil formation T1 Air temperature = 40°C 38 120 MVA 132 kV 523 A 300 m Conductor cross-section and type Metallic screen earthing system Laying method Laying diagram Direct burial - 1 circuit Thermal resistivity of ground = 1 K.m/W Grid voltage Length of power line Current to be transmitted Laying method Maximum laying depth Short-circuit current value and duration Ground and air temperature Proximity of heat sources (cable, hot water pipes for example) Thermal resistivity of the ground Transmission capacity Phase-to-phase voltage Current Circuit Length High voltage underground power cables 630 mm2 copper At 1 point flat N2 : s = 180 mm 2000 mm2 copper (segmental - enamelled wire) At 1 point flat N3 : s = 400 mm x 2500 mm 39 Tables of rated currents Tables of current ratings for copper and aluminium conductors The metallic screens are designed to withstand short-circuit current as per the table below. Phase-to-Phase Voltage kV Short-circuit current 63 ≤ U < 220 20 kA – 1 sec 220≤ U ≤ 345 31,5 kA – 1 sec 345< U ≤ 500 63 kA – 0,5 sec load factor: 100% The figures given in the following tables allow an initial estimation to be made of the necessary cable cross-section. 40 They can not replace the calculation made by Nexans’ High Voltage Technical Department that integrates all the necessary parameters. Conductor cross-section and calculation of current rating The conductor cross-section is determined by the transmission capacity or the current transmitted by each phase according to the following formula I= S V3xU in amperes I: current rating S: apparent power of the line in kVA U: rated phase-to-phase voltage. insulation due to the resistance losses and dielectric losses generated in the cable is compatible to its resistance to heat. The current ratings in amps given in the following tables need to be corrected according to the different parameters. 36/63 à 40/69 (72,5)kV aluminium conductor 42 36/63 à 40/69 (72,5)kV copper conductor 43 52/90 (100)kV aluminium conductor 44 These rated temperatures are as follows for XLPE insulation: These parameters are: • the laying conditions, buried or in air • the thermal resistivity of the ground, • the temperature of the ground, • the temperature of the air, • the proximity effect from 2, 3 or 4 circuits 52/90 (100)kV copper conductor 45 64/110 (123)kV aluminium conductor 46 64/110 (123)kV copper conductor 47 76/132 (145)kV aluminium conductor 48 76/132 (145)kV copper conductor 49 87/150 (170)kV aluminium conductor 50 87/150 (170)kV copper conductor 51 130/225 (245)kV aluminium conductor 52 130/225 (245)kV copper conductor 53 160/275 (300)kV aluminium conductor 54 160/275 (300)kV copper conductor 55 200/345 (362)kV aluminium conductor 56 200/345 (362)kV copper conductor 57 230/400 (420)kV aluminium conductor 58 230/400 (420)kV copper conductor 59 290/500 (550)kV aluminium conductor 60 290/500 (550)kV copper conductor 61 - Temperature under rated operating conditions - Temperature under emergency operating conditions - Temperature in the event of a short-circuit (< 5 sec) 90 °C 105 °C 250 °C Correction factors Laying depth in meters Correction factor 1,0 1,2 1,3 1,5 2,0 2,5 3,0 3,5 4,0 4,5 5,0 1,031,01 1,00 0,98 0,95 0,93 0,91 0,89 0,88 0,87 0,86 Thermal resistivity of the ground 0,8 1,0 1,2 1,5 2,0 2,5 Correction factor 1,091,00 0,93 0,85 0,74 0,67 Ground temperature in °C Correction factor 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 1,071,04 1,00 0,96 0,92 0,88 0,84 Air temperature in °C Correction factor 10 20 30 40 50 60 1,171,09 1,00 0,90 0,80 0,68 Proximity effects distance between 2 circuits (mm) 400 600 800 1000 1 2 3 4 1,00 0,79 0,70 0,64 1,00 0,83 0,75 0,70 1,00 0,87 0,78 0,74 1,00 0,89 0,81 0,78 circuit circuits circuits circuits The conductor cross-section must be such that the heating of the cable High voltage underground power cables High voltage underground power cables 41 Voltage 36/63 to 40/69 (72,5)kV Aluminium Conductor Voltage 36/63 to 40/69 (72,5)kV Copper Conductor Constructional data (nominal) Constructional data (nominal) Aluminium screen DC Nominal Conductor Thickness conductor Electrostatic Sectional Outside Weight diameter of resistance capacitance area* diameter of cable* section area insulation at 20°C of cable* mm2 mm mm Ω/km µF/km mm2 Copper wire/lead sheath Sectional Outside Weight area* diameter of cable* copper of cable* screen kg/m mm2 mm kg/m mm Copper wire/alu sheath Corrugated Alu sheath Lead sheath Sectional Outside Weight Sectional Outside Weight Sectional Outside Weight area* diameter of cable* area* diameter of cable* area* diameter of cable* copper of cable* of cable* of cable* screen mm2 mm kg/m mm2 mm kg/m mm2 mm kg/m Aluminium screen DC Nominal Conductor Thickness conductor Electrostatic Sectional Outside Weight diameter of resistance capacitance area* diameter of cable* section area insulation at 20°C of cable* mm2 mm mm Ω/km µF/km mm2 mm Copper wire/lead sheath Sectional Outside Weight area* diameter of cable* copper of cable* screen kg/m mm2 mm kg/m Copper wire/alu sheath Corrugated Alu sheath Sectional Outside Weight Sectional Outside Weight Sectional Outside Weight area* diameter of cable* area* diameter of cable* area* diameter of cable* copper of cable* of cable* of cable* screen mm2 mm kg/m mm2 mm kg/m mm2 mm kg/m 185 R 16.2 10.9 0.1640 0.18 190 55 3 95 60 7 105 56 3 250 64 3 810 63 12 185 R 15.9 11.0 0.0991 0.18 190 55 4 95 60 8 105 56 5 250 64 4 820 63 240 R 18.4 10.5 0.1250 0.20 200 56 3 95 62 8 105 58 4 260 65 3 810 64 12 240 R 18.4 10.5 0.0754 0.20 200 56 5 95 62 9 105 58 5 260 65 5 810 64 14 300 R 20.5 10.5 0.1000 0.22 190 59 3 95 64 8 100 60 4 270 67 4 810 66 12 300 R 20.5 10.5 0.0601 0.22 190 59 5 95 64 10 100 60 6 270 67 6 810 66 14 400 R 23.3 10.7 0.0778 0.23 180 62 4 90 67 9 100 64 4 310 72 4 820 69 13 400 R 23.2 10.7 0.0470 0.23 180 62 6 95 67 11 100 63 7 310 72 7 820 69 15 500 R 26.4 10.9 0.0605 0.25 180 65 4 85 71 9 100 67 5 330 76 5 810 72 13 500 R 26.7 10.9 0.0366 0.25 180 66 7 85 71 12 100 68 8 330 76 8 810 72 16 630 R 30.3 11.1 0.0469 0.27 190 70 5 85 76 10 95 72 5 350 80 6 800 76 14 630 R 30.3 11.1 0.0283 0.27 190 70 9 85 76 14 95 72 9 350 80 9 800 76 18 800 R 34.7 11.4 0.0367 0.29 190 75 6 80 81 11 90 77 6 400 87 7 800 80 15 800 R 34.7 11.4 0.0221 0.29 190 75 11 80 81 17 90 77 11 400 87 12 800 80 20 1000 R 38.2 11.5 0.0291 0.31 170 79 7 75 85 13 90 81 7 420 91 7 790 84 15 1000 R 38.8 11.5 0.0176 0.31 180 79 13 75 85 19 90 81 14 430 91 14 800 84 22 1200 R 41.4 11.6 0.0247 0.33 180 82 7 65 88 14 85 84 8 470 95 8 810 87 16 1000 S 40.0 11.6 0.0176 0.33 180 82 14 65 88 20 85 84 14 470 95 15 810 87 23 1600 S 48.9 11.9 0.0186 0.37 210 92 9 55 98 17 80 94 10 560 106 11 800 96 18 1200 S 42.5 11.7 0.0151 0.34 190 85 15 65 91 22 85 87 16 490 98 16 810 90 24 1600 S 48.9 12.6 0.0113 0.36 170 93 20 50 100 29 80 96 21 570 108 22 780 98 29 1 600 S En 48.9 12.6 0.0113 0.36 170 93 20 50 100 29 80 96 21 570 108 22 780 98 29 R : round stranded S : segmental stranded *Indicative value Continuous current ratings (Amperes) Laying conditions : Trefoil formation Nominal section area Earthing conditions 240 R 300 R 400 R Avec With courant circulating de currents circulation 500 R 630 R 800 R Direct burial Laying conditions : Trefoil formation In air, in gallery D 1.3 m induced current in the metallic screen D 2D D 1.3 m D 2D Nominal section area Nominal section area D T = 1,0 T = 20°C T = 1,2 T = 30°C T = 30°C T = 50°C T = 1,0 T = 20°C T = 1,2 T = 30°C T = 30°C T = 50°C mm2 mm2 350 305 435 345 375 325 505 405 185 R 185 R Earthing conditions Direct burial T = 30°C T = 50°C mm2 445 385 555 440 480 415 645 515 185 R courant With circulating de currents circulation 510 440 645 510 555 480 765 610 240 R 570 490 730 580 630 540 875 700 300 R 635 550 835 660 715 615 1 010 810 400 R 755 815 700 1 175 940 500 R 375 595 475 240 R 240 R 420 680 545 300 R 300 R 515 445 670 530 560 485 795 635 400 R 400 R 580 500 770 610 645 555 925 735 500 R 500 R 710 610 955 1 210 960 courant 940 805 1 425 1 310 1 040 de 1 015 870 1 560 1 300 circulation 1 230 1 055 1 940 1 550 870 745 1200 R 930 800 1600 S circulation 1 130 970 1 640 1 155 Without circulating current Sans 1 150 985 1 260 courant 1 225 1 050 1 715 1 360 de 1 320 1 130 2 040 1 625 1200 S 1 100 1 860 1 475 circulation 1 405 1 205 2 215 1 770 1600 S 1 190 2 015 1 600 1 535 1 315 2 420 1 930 1600 S En 735 635 1 080 860 630 R 630 R 860 740 1 155 915 835 720 1 250 1 000 800 R 800 R 820 1 310 1 040 1 135 1000 R 1000 R 1 045 895 1 455 1 245 1200 R 1000 S Without Sans circulating courant current 955 1 130 970 1 590 1600 S 1200 S de 1 210 1 035 1600 S circulation 1 285 1 385 1600 S En High voltage underground power cables D Avec 490 850 2D T = 1,2 T = 30°C 435 740 D T = 1,0 T = 20°C 460 930 D Nominal section area T = 50°C 405 1 070 2D 1.3 m T = 30°C 510 595 1.3 m T = 1,2 T = 30°C 580 675 In air, in gallery T = 1,0 T = 20°C 350 695 Direct burial induced current in the metallic screen D 390 785 Earthing conditions D 1.3 m induced current in the metallic screen 405 Without circulating current Sans Laying conditions : Flat formation In air, in gallery 455 Sans Without circulating courant current de 1000 R Earthing conditions 43 Continuous current ratings (Amperes) Laying conditions : Flat formation In air, in gallery 1.3 m induced current in the metallic screen mm2 185 R Direct burial 13 R : round stranded S : segmental stranded S En : segmental stranded enamelled *Indicative value 42 Lead sheath 925 795 1 360 1 085 630 R 1 040 895 1 560 1 245 800 R 1 755 1 400 1000 R 1 870 1 495 1000 S High voltage underground power cables Voltage 52/90 (100)kV Aluminium Conductor Voltage 52/90 (100)kV Copper Conductor Constructional data (nominal) Constructional data (nominal) Aluminium screen DC Nominal Conductor Thickness conductor Electrostatic Sectional Outside Weight diameter of resistance capacitance area* diameter of cable* section area insulation at 20°C of cable* mm2 mm mm Ω/km µF/km mm2 Copper wire/lead sheath Sectional Outside Weight area* diameter of cable* copper of cable* screen kg/m mm2 mm kg/m mm Copper wire/alu sheath Corrugated Alu sheath Lead sheath Sectional Outside Weight Sectional Outside Weight Sectional Outside Weight area* diameter of cable* area* diameter of cable* area* diameter of cable* copper of cable* of cable* of cable* screen mm2 mm kg/m mm2 mm kg/m mm2 mm kg/m Aluminium screen DC Nominal Conductor Thickness conductor Electrostatic Sectional Outside Weight diameter of resistance capacitance area* diameter of cable* section area insulation at 20°C of cable* mm2 mm mm Ω/km µF/km mm2 mm Copper wire/lead sheath Sectional Outside Weight area* diameter of cable* copper of cable* screen kg/m mm2 mm kg/m Copper wire/alu sheath Corrugated Alu sheath Sectional Outside Weight Sectional Outside Weight Sectional Outside Weight area* diameter of cable* area* diameter of cable* area* diameter of cable* copper of cable* of cable* of cable* screen mm2 mm kg/m mm2 mm kg/m mm2 mm kg/m 240 R 18.4 12.4 0.1250 0.18 190 59 3 95 65 8 100 61 4 280 68 4 820 67 12 240 R 18.4 12.4 0.0754 0.18 190 59 5 95 65 9 100 61 5 280 68 5 820 67 14 300 R 20.5 11.4 0.1000 0.20 190 60 3 95 65 8 100 61 4 300 70 4 810 67 12 300 R 20.5 11.4 0.0601 0.20 190 60 5 95 65 10 100 61 6 300 70 6 810 67 14 400 R 23.3 10.1 0.0778 0.24 190 60 4 95 65 8 100 62 4 300 70 4 810 67 13 400 R 23.2 10.1 0.0470 0.24 190 60 6 95 65 11 100 62 7 300 70 6 810 67 15 500 R 26.4 11.3 0.0605 0.24 180 65 4 85 71 9 100 67 5 330 76 5 810 72 13 500 R 26.7 11.2 0.0366 0.24 180 65 7 85 71 12 100 67 8 330 76 8 810 72 16 630 R 30.3 10.4 0.0469 0.28 180 68 5 85 73 10 95 70 5 340 78 5 820 74 14 630 R 30.3 10.4 0.0283 0.28 180 68 9 85 73 14 95 70 9 340 78 9 820 74 18 800 R 34.7 12.4 0.0367 0.27 190 76 6 80 82 12 90 78 6 410 88 7 810 82 15 800 R 34.7 12.4 0.0221 0.27 190 76 11 80 82 17 90 78 12 410 88 12 810 82 20 1000 R 38.2 10.8 0.0291 0.32 190 76 6 75 83 12 90 79 7 410 88 7 820 82 15 1000 R 38.8 10.5 0.0176 0.33 190 77 13 75 83 19 90 79 13 410 88 13 790 82 22 1200 S 41.4 11.4 0.0247 0.33 180 81 7 75 87 14 90 83 8 460 94 8 790 86 16 1000 S 40.0 12.0 0.0176 0.31 180 81 13 75 87 20 90 83 14 460 94 14 790 86 22 1600 S 48.9 11.2 0.0186 0.39 200 90 9 60 96 17 85 93 10 520 104 10 810 95 18 1200 S 42.5 12.0 0.0151 0.33 190 85 15 65 91 22 85 88 16 490 98 16 790 90 24 1600 S 48.9 11.2 0.0113 0.39 200 90 20 60 96 28 85 93 21 520 104 21 810 95 29 1600 S En 48.9 11.2 0.0113 0.39 200 90 20 60 96 28 85 93 21 520 104 21 810 95 29 R : round stranded S : segmental stranded *Indicative value *Indicative value 44 Lead sheath Laying conditions : Trefoil formation Nominal section area Direct burial Laying conditions : Flat formation In air, in gallery Direct burial In air, in gallery D 1.3 m induced current in the metallic screen Earthing conditions 1.3 m induced current in the metallic screen D 2D D 1.3 m D 2D 45 Continuous current ratings (Amperes) Continuous current ratings (Amperes) Earthing conditions R : round stranded S : segmental stranded S En : segmental stranded enamelled Nominal section area Nominal section area D Earthing conditions Laying conditions : Trefoil formation Direct burial In air, in gallery Laying conditions : Flat formation Direct burial In air, in gallery D 1.3 m induced current in the metallic screen Earthing conditions 1.3 m induced current in the metallic screen D 2D D 1.3 m D 2D Nominal section area D mm2 T = 1,0 T = 20°C T = 1,2 T = 30°C T = 30°C T = 50°C T = 1,0 T = 20°C T = 1,2 T = 30°C T = 30°C T = 50°C mm2 mm2 T = 1,0 T = 20°C T = 1,2 T = 30°C T = 30°C T = 50°C T = 1,0 T = 20°C T = 1,2 T = 30°C T = 30°C T = 50°C mm2 240 R 405 350 510 405 435 375 590 470 240 R 240 R 510 440 645 515 555 480 755 605 240 R With With circulating circulating currents currents 565 490 730 580 630 540 870 695 300 R 635 545 830 660 715 615 1015 810 400 R 715 610 955 755 815 700 1175 935 500 R 630 R 300 R 400 R 500 R With With circulating circulating currents currents 630 R 800 R 1000 R 1200 S 1600 S Without Without circulating circulating current 455 390 580 460 490 420 675 540 300 R 300 R 515 440 670 530 560 485 795 635 400 R 400 R 580 500 770 610 640 550 920 735 500 R 500 R Without Without circulating current current Without 735 630 1085 865 630 R 630 R 860 740 1155 915 circulating 925 795 1365 1090 835 715 1245 995 800 R 800 R Without 955 820 1310 1040 1040 890 1550 1240 800 R 955 935 800 1430 1140 1000 R 1000 R 1035 890 1450 1150 1145 980 1765 1405 1000 R 1310 1035 1010 865 1565 1245 1200 S 1000 S 1130 970 1590 1260 1225 1050 1875 1495 1000 S 1645 1300 1230 1050 1950 1555 1600 S 1200 S circulating Without current circulating Without current circulating current 1205 1035 1715 1360 1315 1130 2035 1625 1200 S 695 595 930 735 780 670 1070 845 865 740 1205 930 795 1130 965 High voltage underground power cables current 1600 S 1265 1080 1850 1465 1400 1195 2225 1775 1600 S 1600 S En 1365 1170 2000 1585 1520 1305 2430 1935 1600 S En High voltage underground power cables Voltage 64/110 (123)kV Aluminium Conductor Voltage 64/110 (123)kV Copper Conductor Constructional data (nominal) Constructional data (nominal) Aluminium screen DC Nominal Conductor Thickness conductor Electrostatic Sectional Outside Weight diameter of resistance capacitance area* diameter of cable* section area insulation at 20°C of cable* Copper wire/lead sheath Sectional Outside Weight area* diameter of cable* copper of cable* screen kg/m mm2 mm kg/m Copper wire/alu sheath Corrugated Alu sheath Lead sheath Sectional Outside Weight Sectional Outside Weight Sectional Outside Weight area* diameter of cable* area* diameter of cable* area* diameter of cable* copper of cable* of cable* of cable* screen mm2 mm kg/m mm2 mm kg/m mm2 mm kg/m mm2 mm mm Ω/km µF/km mm2 mm 240 R 18.4 15.4 0.1250 0.16 180 66 4 85 72 9 100 68 5 330 77 4 800 73 300 R 20.5 14.7 0.1000 0.17 180 67 4 85 73 9 100 69 5 340 77 5 810 73 400 R 23.3 14.0 0.0778 0.19 190 69 4 85 74 10 95 71 5 340 79 5 810 500 R 26.4 13.4 0.0605 0.21 190 71 5 80 76 10 95 72 5 380 82 5 630 R 30.3 12.9 0.0469 0.24 180 73 5 80 79 11 90 76 6 390 85 6 800 R 34.7 12.9 0.0367 0.27 170 78 6 75 84 12 90 80 7 420 90 1000 R 38.2 13.1 0.0291 0.28 180 82 7 70 88 14 85 84 8 470 1200 R 41.4 13.3 0.0247 0.29 190 86 8 65 92 15 85 88 8 1600 S 48.9 13.6 0.0186 0.33 170 95 10 50 102 18 80 98 10 Aluminium screen DC Nominal Conductor Thickness conductor Electrostatic Sectional Outside Weight diameter of resistance capacitance area* diameter of cable* section area insulation at 20°C of cable* Copper wire/lead sheath Sectional Outside Weight area* diameter of cable* copper of cable* screen kg/m mm2 mm kg/m Copper wire/alu sheath Corrugated Alu sheath Sectional Outside Weight Sectional Outside Weight Sectional Outside Weight area* diameter of cable* area* diameter of cable* area* diameter of cable* copper of cable* of cable* of cable* screen mm2 mm kg/m mm2 mm kg/m mm2 mm kg/m mm2 mm mm Ω/km µF/km mm2 mm 13 240 R 18.4 15,4 0.0754 0.16 180 66 5 85 72 11 100 68 6 330 77 6 800 73 13 300 R 20.5 14,7 0.0601 0.17 180 67 6 85 73 11 100 69 7 340 77 6 810 73 15 75 13 400 R 23.2 14,0 0.0470 0.19 190 68 7 85 74 12 95 70 7 340 79 7 810 75 16 810 76 14 500 R 26.7 13,4 0.0366 0.22 190 71 8 80 77 13 95 73 8 380 82 9 820 77 17 800 79 14 630 R 30.3 12,9 0.0283 0.24 180 73 9 80 79 15 90 76 10 390 85 10 800 79 18 7 810 83 15 800 R 34.7 12,9 0.0221 0.27 170 78 11 75 84 17 90 80 12 420 90 12 810 83 20 95 8 800 87 16 1000 R 38.8 13,2 0.0176 0.28 180 83 13 65 89 20 85 85 14 470 96 14 810 88 23 490 99 9 790 90 16 1000 S 40.0 13,3 0.0176 0.29 190 86 14 65 92 21 85 88 15 490 99 15 790 90 23 580 110 11 800 100 19 1200 S 42.5 13,4 0.0151 0.31 200 89 16 60 95 23 85 91 16 510 101 17 790 93 24 1600 S 48.9 14,4 0.0113 0.32 170 97 21 50 104 29 80 100 22 650 112 23 790 101 30 1600 S En 48.9 14,4 0.0113 0.32 170 97 21 50 104 29 80 100 22 650 112 23 790 101 30 R : round stranded S : segmental stranded *Indicative value Continuous current ratings (Amperes) Nominal section area Earthing conditions 300 R 400 R 500 R Avec With courant circulating de currents circulation Earthing conditions D 2D D 1.3 m D 2D Nominal section area Nominal section area D T = 1,2 T = 30°C T = 30°C T = 50°C T = 1,0 T = 20°C T = 1,2 T = 30°C T = 30°C T = 50°C mm2 mm2 405 350 510 405 430 375 580 465 240 R 240 R 455 390 580 460 485 420 665 535 300 R 300 R 515 445 670 530 560 480 780 625 400 R 400 R 580 500 770 610 695 595 925 735 785 670 1 070 845 870 745 1 205 955 1200 R Sans Without courant circulating current de 930 795 1 305 1 035 circulation 1600 S circulation 1 135 975 1 645 1 305 800 R 1000 R 1.3 m T = 1,0 T = 20°C Without Sans circulating courant current de 630 R Laying conditions : Flat formation Direct burial In air, in gallery induced current in the metallic screen Earthing conditions Laying conditions : Trefoil formation Direct burial In air, in gallery Avec With courant circulating de currents circulation Earthing conditions Laying conditions : Flat formation Direct burial In air, in gallery D 1.3 m induced current in the metallic screen 1.3 m induced current in the metallic screen D 2D D 1.3 m D 2D Nominal section area D T = 1,0 T = 20°C T = 1,2 T = 30°C T = 30°C T = 50°C T = 1,0 T = 20°C T = 1,2 T = 30°C T = 30°C T = 50°C mm2 510 440 645 515 555 480 745 595 240 R 570 490 730 580 625 540 855 685 300 R 635 550 835 665 715 615 995 795 400 R 710 610 950 755 860 740 1 155 915 640 550 910 725 500 R 500 R 735 630 1 065 850 630 R 630 R 835 715 1 240 990 800 R 800 R Sans 960 820 1 310 1 040 935 800 1 410 1 125 1000 R 1000 R 1 040 895 1 455 1 010 865 1 545 1 230 1200 R 1000 S 1 230 1 055 1 925 1 535 1600 S 1200 S courant Without circulating de current circulation High voltage underground power cables 47 Continuous current ratings (Amperes) D 1.3 m induced current in the metallic screen mm2 240 R Laying conditions : Trefoil formation Direct burial In air, in gallery 14 R : round stranded S : segmental stranded S En : segmental stranded enamelled *Indicative value 46 Lead sheath 810 700 1 160 925 500 R 925 795 1 345 1 075 630 R 1 040 890 1 545 1 235 800 R 1 155 Sans Without courant circulating current de 1 145 985 1 735 1 385 1000 R circulation 1000 S 1 125 965 1 580 1 255 1 220 1 045 1 850 1 480 1 205 1 030 1 710 1 355 1 315 1 125 2 015 1 610 1200 S 1600 S 1 280 1 095 1 850 1 470 1 400 1 200 2 190 1 750 1600 S 1600 S En 1 380 1 185 2 005 1 590 1 525 1 310 2 390 1 910 1600 S En High voltage underground power cables Voltage 76/132 (145)kV Aluminium Conductor Voltage 76/132 (145)kV Copper Conductor Constructional data (nominal) Constructional data (nominal) Aluminium screen DC Nominal Conductor Thickness conductor Electrostatic Sectional Outside Weight diameter of resistance capacitance area* diameter of cable* section area insulation at 20°C of cable* mm2 mm mm Ω/km µF/km mm2 mm Copper wire/lead sheath Sectional Outside Weight area* diameter of cable* copper of cable* screen kg/m mm2 mm kg/m Copper wire/alu sheath Corrugated Alu sheath Lead sheath Sectional Outside Weight Sectional Outside Weight Sectional Outside Weight area* diameter of cable* area* diameter of cable* area* diameter of cable* copper of cable* of cable* of cable* screen mm2 mm kg/m mm2 mm kg/m mm2 mm kg/m Aluminium screen DC Nominal Conductor Thickness conductor Electrostatic Sectional Outside Weight diameter of resistance capacitance area* diameter of cable* section area insulation at 20°C of cable* mm2 mm mm Ω/km µF/km mm2 mm Copper wire/lead sheath Sectional Outside Weight area* diameter of cable* copper of cable* screen kg/m mm2 mm kg/m Copper wire/alu sheath Corrugated Alu sheath Sectional Outside Weight Sectional Outside Weight Sectional Outside Weight area* diameter of cable* area* diameter of cable* area* diameter of cable* copper of cable* of cable* of cable* screen mm2 mm kg/m mm2 mm kg/m mm2 mm kg/m 300 R 20.5 18.1 0.1000 0.15 180 74 5 80 80 10 90 76 5 400 86 6 810 80 14 300 R 20.5 18.1 0.0601 0.15 180 74 7 80 80 12 90 76 7 400 86 7 810 80 16 400 R 23.3 17.1 0.0778 0.17 190 75 5 80 81 11 90 77 6 400 87 6 800 80 14 400 R 23.2 17.1 0.0470 0.17 190 75 7 80 81 13 90 77 8 400 87 8 800 80 16 500 R 26.4 16.3 0.0605 0.19 190 76 5 75 83 11 90 79 6 410 88 6 810 82 14 500 R 26.7 16.2 0.0366 0.19 190 77 9 75 83 15 90 79 9 410 88 9 790 82 17 630 R 30.3 15.5 0.0469 0.21 170 79 6 75 85 12 90 81 6 420 91 7 790 84 15 630 R 30.3 15.5 0.0283 0.21 170 79 10 75 85 16 90 81 10 420 91 11 790 84 19 800 R 34.7 14.8 0.0367 0.24 180 82 7 70 88 13 85 84 7 470 95 8 800 87 16 800 R 34.7 14.8 0.0221 0.24 180 82 12 70 88 18 85 84 12 470 95 13 800 87 21 1000 R 38.2 14.7 0.0291 0.26 190 85 7 65 91 14 85 88 8 490 98 8 790 90 16 1000 R 38.8 14.8 0.0176 0.26 190 86 14 65 92 21 85 88 14 490 99 15 790 91 23 1200 R 41.4 14.9 0.0247 0.27 200 89 8 60 95 16 85 91 9 510 102 9 800 93 17 1000 S 40.0 14.9 0.0176 0.27 200 89 14 60 95 22 85 91 15 510 102 15 800 93 23 1600 S 48.9 15.3 0.0186 0.30 180 99 10 45 106 19 80 102 11 660 114 12 800 103 19 1200 S 42.5 15.0 0.0150 0.28 160 92 16 55 98 24 80 94 16 560 106 17 790 96 25 2000 S 54.0 15.5 0.0149 0.32 190 105 12 35 112 22 75 108 12 760 120 14 790 109 21 1600 S 48.9 16.4 0.0113 0.29 180 101 22 40 108 31 80 104 22 740 117 23 790 105 30 1600 S En 48.9 16.4 0.0113 0.29 180 101 22 40 108 31 80 104 22 740 117 23 790 105 30 2000 S 57.2 16.4 0.0090 0.32 160 110 25 25 117 35 75 113 25 870 126 27 830 114 34 2000 S En 57.2 16.4 0.0090 0.32 160 110 25 25 117 35 75 113 25 870 126 27 830 114 34 R : round stranded S : segmental stranded *Indicative value R : round stranded S : segmental stranded S En : segmental stranded enamelled *Indicative value 48 Lead sheath Continuous current ratings (Amperes) Nominal section area Earthing conditions 400 R 500 R With circulating currents 630 R 800 R 1000 R 1200 R 1600 S 2000 S 780 Without circulating current Earthing conditions Laying conditions : Flat formation Direct burial In air, in gallery D 1.3 m induced current in the metallic screen mm2 300R Laying conditions : Trefoil formation Direct burial In air, in gallery 1.3 m induced current in the metallic screen D 2D D 1.3 m D 2D 49 Continuous current ratings (Amperes) Nominal section area Nominal section area D T = 1,0 T = 20°C T = 1,2 T = 30°C T = 30°C T = 50°C T = 1,0 T = 20°C T = 1,2 T = 30°C T = 30°C T = 50°C mm2 mm2 455 390 575 460 485 420 655 525 300R 300 R 515 445 665 530 560 480 765 615 400 R 400 R 580 500 770 610 640 550 895 715 500 R 500 R 695 595 925 735 840 630 R 630 R 780 670 1065 845 865 745 1 200 950 Without circulating 835 current courant 735 630 1050 835 715 1225 980 800 R 800 R 935 800 1395 1115 1000 R 1000 R Earthing conditions Laying conditions : Trefoil formation Direct burial In air, in gallery Laying conditions : Flat formation Direct burial In air, in gallery D 1.3 m induced current in the metallic screen Earthing conditions 1.3 m induced current in the metallic screen D 2D D 1.3 m D 2D Nominal section area D T = 1,0 T = 20°C T = 1,2 T = 30°C T = 30°C T = 50°C T = 1,0 T = 20°C T = 1,2 T = 30°C T = 30°C T = 50°C mm2 570 490 730 585 625 540 840 675 300 R With circulating currents 640 550 835 665 710 615 980 785 400 R 710 610 955 760 810 700 1 140 915 500 R 860 740 1 150 915 920 795 1 325 1 060 630 R 780 670 1065 845 835 835 715 1225 980 800 R Sans 1 040 895 1 450 1 150 courant Without circulating de current circulation 1145 980 1 720 1 375 1 000 R 1215 1 045 1 830 1 465 1 000 S 1315 1 130 2 000 1 600 1 200 S 930 795 1 300 1 035 de 1010 865 1525 1220 1200 R 1000 S courant 1 125 965 1 575 1 250 1 135 970 1 635 1 295 circulation 1225 1055 1900 1520 1600 S 1200 S 1 215 1 040 1 715 1 360 1 255 1 075 1 845 1 465 1375 1180 2170 1735 2000 S 1600 S de Without circulation circulating current 1 275 1 095 1 840 1 460 1400 1 200 2 160 1 730 1 600 S 1 375 1 180 1 995 1 585 1525 1 305 2 360 1 890 1 600 S En 1600 S En High voltage underground power cables 2000 S 1 385 1 185 2 050 1 630 1535 1 315 2 435 1 945 2 000 S 2000 S En 1 540 1 315 2 290 1 815 1730 1 480 2 755 2 200 2 000 S En High voltage underground power cables Voltage 87/150 (170)kV Aluminium Conductor Voltage 87/150 (170)kV Copper Conductor Constructional data (nominal) Constructional data (nominal) Aluminium screen DC Nominal Conductor Thickness conductor Electrostatic Sectional Outside Weight diameter of resistance capacitance area* diameter of cable* section area insulation at 20°C of cable* Copper wire/lead sheath Sectional Outside Weight area* diameter of cable* copper of cable* screen kg/m mm2 mm kg/m Copper wire/alu sheath Corrugated Alu sheath Lead sheath Sectional Outside Weight Sectional Outside Weight Sectional Outside Weight area* diameter of cable* area* diameter of cable* area* diameter of cable* copper of cable* of cable* of cable* screen mm2 mm kg/m mm2 mm kg/m mm2 mm kg/m mm2 mm mm Ω/km µF/km mm2 mm 400 R 23.3 20.7 0.0778 0.15 180 82 6 65 88 13 85 85 6 470 95 7 810 87 500 R 26.4 19.6 0.0605 0.16 190 83 6 65 89 13 85 85 7 480 96 7 790 88 630 R 30.3 18.5 0.0469 0.19 190 85 7 65 91 13 85 87 7 490 98 8 810 90 Aluminium screen DC Nominal Conductor Thickness conductor Electrostatic Sectional Outside Weight diameter of resistance capacitance area* diameter of cable* section area insulation at 20°C of cable* Copper wire/lead sheath Sectional Outside Weight area* diameter of cable* copper of cable* screen kg/m mm2 mm kg/m Copper wire/alu sheath Corrugated Alu sheath Sectional Outside Weight Sectional Outside Weight Sectional Outside Weight area* diameter of cable* area* diameter of cable* area* diameter of cable* copper of cable* of cable* of cable* screen mm2 mm kg/m mm2 mm kg/m mm2 mm kg/m mm2 mm mm Ω/km µF/km mm2 mm 15 400 R 23.2 20.8 0.0470 0.15 180 82 8 65 88 15 85 85 9 470 95 9 810 87 15 500 R 26.7 19.5 0.0366 0.17 190 83 9 65 89 16 85 86 10 480 96 10 790 88 18 16 630 R 30.3 18.5 0.0283 0.19 190 85 11 65 91 17 85 87 11 490 98 12 810 90 20 17 800 R 34.7 17.6 0.0367 0.21 200 88 7 60 94 15 85 90 8 500 101 8 810 92 16 800 R 34.7 17.6 0.0221 0.21 200 88 12 60 94 20 85 90 13 500 101 13 810 92 21 1000 R 38.2 17.0 0.0291 0.23 200 90 8 60 96 15 85 92 9 520 103 9 810 94 17 1000 R 38.8 17.0 0.0176 0.23 200 91 15 55 97 22 85 93 15 550 105 16 780 95 23 1200 R 41.4 16.6 0.0247 0.25 160 92 9 55 99 17 80 95 9 560 107 10 800 97 18 1000 S 40.0 16.7 0.0176 0.25 170 92 15 55 99 23 80 95 15 560 107 16 800 97 24 1600 S 48.9 15.8 0.0186 0.30 180 100 10 45 107 19 80 103 11 670 115 12 780 104 19 1200 S 42.5 16.7 0.0151 0.26 170 95 16 50 102 25 80 98 17 580 110 18 800 100 25 2000 S 54.0 15.5 0.0149 0.32 190 105 12 35 112 22 75 108 12 760 120 14 790 109 21 1600 S 48.9 16.4 0.0113 0.29 180 101 22 40 108 31 80 104 22 740 117 23 790 105 30 1600 S En 48.9 16.4 0.0113 0.29 180 101 22 40 108 31 80 104 22 740 117 23 790 105 30 2000 S 57.2 16.4 0.0090 0.32 160 110 25 25 117 35 75 113 25 870 126 27 830 114 34 2000 S En 57.2 16.4 0.0090 0.32 160 110 25 25 117 35 75 113 25 870 126 27 830 114 34 R : round stranded S : segmental stranded *Indicative value R : round stranded S : segmental stranded S En : segmental stranded enamelled *Indicative value 50 Lead sheath Continuous current ratings (Amperes) Nominal section area Earthing conditions 500 R 630 R With circulating currents Earthing conditions D D D 2D Nominal section area Nominal section area D T = 1,2 T = 30°C T = 30°C T = 50°C T = 1,0 T = 20°C T = 1,2 T = 30°C T = 30°C T = 50°C mm2 mm2 515 445 665 530 555 480 755 605 400 R 400 R 580 500 765 610 635 550 880 705 500 R 500 R 690 595 920 730 730 630 1 035 830 630 R 630 R 780 670 1065 845 835 715 1225 980 800 R 800 R 865 745 1 195 950 935 800 1 300 1 035 1600 S 1 130 970 1 630 1 295 circulation 2000 S circulation 1 255 1 075 1 845 1 460 1200 R 2D 1.3 m T = 1,0 T = 20°C Sans Without courant circulating de current 1000 R 1.3 m induced current in the metallic screen Without 835 circulating courant current de 800 R Laying conditions : Flat formation Direct burial In air, in gallery D 1.3 m induced current in the metallic screen mm2 400 R Laying conditions : Trefoil formation Direct burial In air, in gallery 51 Continuous current ratings (Amperes) Earthing conditions Laying conditions : Trefoil formation Direct burial In air, in gallery With circulating currents Laying conditions : Flat formation Direct burial In air, in gallery D 1.3 m induced current in the metallic screen Earthing conditions 1.3 m induced current in the metallic screen D 2D D 1.3 m D 2D Nominal section area D T = 1,0 T = 20°C T = 1,2 T = 30°C T = 30°C T = 50°C T = 1,0 T = 20°C T = 1,2 T = 30°C T = 30°C T = 50°C mm2 640 550 835 665 710 615 960 775 400 R 715 615 955 760 810 700 1 125 900 500 R 860 740 1 145 910 920 795 1 305 1 045 630 R 780 670 1065 845 835 835 715 1225 980 800 R Sans Without courant circulating de current circulation 1000 R 930 800 1 375 1 100 1000 R 1000 R 1 040 895 1 445 1 150 1 010 865 1 515 1 210 1200 S 1000 S 1 130 970 1 575 1 250 1 225 1 050 1 895 1 515 1600 S 1200 S 1 210 1 040 1 705 1 355 1 375 1 175 2 170 1 735 2000 S 1 275 1 090 1 840 1 460 1 375 1 180 1 990 1 580 1 385 1 185 2 050 1 625 1 530 1 310 2 435 1 945 2000 S 1 535 1 315 2 290 1 815 1 725 1 480 2 750 2 200 2000 S En 1600 S 1600 S En 2000 S 2000 S En High voltage underground power cables Sans Without courant circulating de current circulation 1 140 980 1 700 1 360 1 220 1 045 1 815 1 455 1000 S 1 315 1 130 1 980 1 585 1200 S 1 395 1 200 2 160 1 730 1600 S 1 520 1 305 2 360 1 885 1600 S En High voltage underground power cables Voltage 130/225 (245)kV Aluminium Conductor Voltage 130/225 (245)kV Copper Conductor Constructional data (nominal) Constructional data (nominal) Aluminium screen DC Nominal Conductor Thickness conductor Electrostatic Sectional Outside Weight diameter of resistance capacitance area* diameter of cable* section area insulation at 20°C of cable* mm2 mm mm Ω/km µF/km mm2 mm Copper wire/lead sheath Sectional Outside Weight area* diameter of cable* copper of cable* screen kg/m mm2 mm kg/m Copper wire/alu sheath Corrugated Alu sheath Lead sheath Sectional Outside Weight Sectional Outside Weight Sectional Outside Weight area* diameter of cable* area* diameter of cable* area* diameter of cable* copper of cable* of cable* of cable* screen mm2 mm kg/m mm2 mm kg/m mm2 mm kg/m Aluminium screen DC Nominal Conductor Thickness conductor Electrostatic Sectional Outside Weight diameter of resistance capacitance area* diameter of cable* section area insulation at 20°C of cable* mm2 mm mm Ω/km µF/km mm2 mm Copper wire/lead sheath Sectional Outside Weight area* diameter of cable* copper of cable* screen kg/m mm2 mm kg/m Copper wire/alu sheath Corrugated Alu sheath Sectional Outside Weight Sectional Outside Weight Sectional Outside Weight area* diameter of cable* area* diameter of cable* area* diameter of cable* copper of cable* of cable* of cable* screen mm2 mm kg/m mm2 mm kg/m mm2 mm kg/m 400 R 23.3 21.6 0.0778 0.14 310 85 6 145 91 14 165 87 8 480 97 7 1290 93 21 400 R 23.2 21.6 0.0470 0.14 310 85 9 145 91 16 165 87 10 480 97 10 1290 93 23 500 R 26.4 22.2 0.0605 0.15 300 90 7 135 96 15 160 92 8 510 102 8 1280 97 21 500 R 26.7 22.1 0.0366 0.15 300 90 10 135 96 18 160 92 11 510 102 11 1280 97 24 630 R 30.3 20.4 0.0469 0.17 300 90 7 135 96 15 160 92 8 510 102 8 1290 97 22 630 R 30.3 20.4 0.0283 0.17 300 90 11 135 96 19 160 92 12 510 102 12 1290 97 26 800 R 34.7 18.4 0.0367 0.20 300 90 8 135 97 16 160 93 9 510 102 9 1290 98 22 800 R 34.7 18.4 0.0221 0.20 300 90 13 135 97 21 160 93 14 510 102 14 1290 98 27 1000 R 38.2 18.4 0.0291 0.21 290 94 9 130 100 17 155 96 10 560 107 10 1290 101 23 1000 R 38.8 18.1 0.0176 0.21 290 94 15 130 100 24 155 96 16 560 107 16 1290 101 29 1200 R 41.4 18.7 0.0247 0.22 300 98N 10 120 105 19 155 100 11 650 112 11 1280 105 24 1000 S 40.0 18.5 0.0176 0.22 300 97 16 120 104 25 155 100 17 640 111 17 1280 104 30 1600 S 48.9 18.5 0.0186 0.25 300 107 12 110 114 22 150 109 13 770 121 13 1270 113 26 1200 S 42.5 19.5 0.0151 0.22 290 102 18 115 109 27 150 104 19 740 116 19 1280 109 32 2000 S 54.0 20.1 0.0149 0.25 290 115 14 95 123 25 145 118 15 940 130 16 1280 121 28 1600 S 48.9 18.5 0.0113 0.25 300 107 23 110 114 33 150 109 24 770 121 24 1270 113 37 2500 S 63.5 19.2 0.0119 0.30 280 123 16 80 131 29 140 126 17 1 080 139 18 1260 128 30 1600 S En 48.9 18.5 0.0113 0.25 300 107 23 110 114 33 150 109 24 770 121 24 1270 113 37 40 R : round stranded S : segmental stranded *Indicative value 2000 S 57.2 18.5 0.0090 0.28 290 115 26 95 123 38 145 118 27 940 130 28 1280 121 2000 S En 57,2 18.5 0.0090 0.28 290 115 26 95 123 38 145 118 27 940 130 28 1280 121 40 2500 S En 63.5 19.2 0.0072 0.30 280 123 32 80 131 45 140 126 33 1080 139 35 1260 128 46 R : round stranded S : segmental stranded S En : segmental stranded enamelled *Indicative value 52 Lead sheath Continuous current ratings (Amperes) Nominal section area Earthing conditions Laying conditions : Trefoil formation Direct burial In air, in gallery Laying conditions : Flat formation Direct burial In air, in gallery D 1.3 m induced current in the metallic screen Earthing conditions 1.3 m induced current in the metallic screen D 2D D 1.3 m D 2D Nominal section area Nominal section area D T = 1,0 T = 20°C T = 1,2 T = 30°C T = 30°C T = 50°C T = 1,0 T = 20°C T = 1,2 T = 30°C T = 30°C T = 50°C mm2 mm2 400 R 525 455 675 540 555 480 750 600 400 R 500 R 600 520 780 625 630 545 870 700 630 R 680 585 910 725 725 625 1 025 820 765 660 1 045 830 820 705 1 200 960 mm2 800 R 850 730 1 180 935 1200 R Without circulating current Without 910 780 1 280 1600 S circulating 1 095 935 2000 S current 1 210 1 345 1000 R 2500 S Earthing conditions Laying conditions : Trefoil formation Direct burial In air, in gallery Earthing conditions Laying conditions : Flat formation Direct burial In air, in gallery D 1.3 m induced current in the metallic screen 1.3 m induced current in the metallic screen D 2D D 1.3 m D 2D Nominal section area D T = 1,0 T = 20°C T = 1,2 T = 30°C T = 30°C T = 50°C T = 1,0 T = 20°C T = 1,2 T = 30°C T = 30°C T = 50°C mm2 400 R 665 575 855 685 705 610 955 770 400 R 500 R 500 R 750 650 985 785 800 690 1 110 890 500 R 630 R 630 R 845 725 1 130 900 910 785 1 290 1 035 630 R 800 R 800 R 935 800 1 285 1 020 1 020 875 1 495 1 195 800 R 1 020 875 1 425 1 130 1 090 935 1 535 1 220 1 170 1 000 1 660 1 320 1 225 1 045 1 785 1 415 920 790 1 360 1 090 1000 R 1000 R 1 015 Without circulating Without current circulating 995 855 1 490 1 190 1200 R 1000 S 1 590 1 260 current 1 200 1 030 1 850 1 480 1600 S 1200 S 1 035 1 785 1 420 1 345 1 155 2 100 1 680 2000 S 1600 S 1 145 2 050 1 625 1 520 1 300 2 455 1 960 2500 S 1600 S En 1 315 1 125 1 930 2000 S 1 315 1 125 1 975 2000 S En 1 450 1 235 2500 S En 1 585 1 350 High voltage underground power cables 53 Continuous current ratings (Amperes) Sans Without courant circulating de current circulation Sans Without courant circulating de current circulation 1 125 965 1 680 1 345 1000 R 1 195 1 025 1 785 1 425 1000 S 1 285 1 105 1 935 1 550 1200 S 1 365 1 170 2 115 1 690 1600 S 1 530 1 480 1 270 2 305 1 840 1600 S En 1 565 1 490 1 275 2 370 1 895 2000 S 2 195 1 740 1 665 1 425 2 675 2 135 2000 S En 2 445 1 940 1 860 1 585 3 035 2 425 2500 S En High voltage underground power cables Voltage 160/275 (300)kV Aluminium Conductor Voltage 160/275 (300)kV Copper Conductor Constructional data (nominal) Constructional data (nominal) Aluminium screen DC Nominal Conductor Thickness conductor Electrostatic Sectional Outside Weight diameter of resistance capacitance area* diameter of cable* section area insulation at 20°C of cable* Copper wire/lead sheath Sectional Outside Weight area* diameter of cable* copper of cable* screen kg/m mm2 mm kg/m Copper wire/alu sheath Corrugated Alu sheath Lead sheath Sectional Outside Weight Sectional Outside Weight Sectional Outside Weight area* diameter of cable* area* diameter of cable* area* diameter of cable* copper of cable* of cable* of cable* screen mm2 mm kg/m mm2 mm kg/m mm2 mm kg/m Aluminium screen DC Nominal Conductor Thickness conductor Electrostatic Sectional Outside Weight diameter of resistance capacitance area* diameter of cable* section area insulation at 20°C of cable* Corrugated Alu sheath Sectional Outside Weight Sectional Outside Weight Sectional Outside Weight area* diameter of cable* area* diameter of cable* area* diameter of cable* copper of cable* of cable* of cable* screen mm2 mm kg/m mm2 mm kg/m mm2 mm kg/m mm Ω/km µF/km mm2 mm mm Ω/km µF/km mm2 mm 500 R 26.4 23.8 0.0605 0.14 290 93 8 130 100 16 160 95 9 560 106 9 1270 100 22 500 R 630 R 30.3 22.0 0.0469 0.16 290 93 8 130 100 16 155 96 9 560 107 9 1280 100 22 630 R 26.7 23.7 0.0366 0.14 290 93 11 130 100 19 160 95 12 560 106 12 1270 100 30.3 22.0 0.0283 0.16 290 93 12 130 100 20 155 96 13 560 107 13 1280 100 800 R 34.7 21.8 0.0367 0.17 300 97 9 125 104 18 155 100 10 640 111 10 1280 104 23 800 R 34.7 26 21.8 0.0221 0.17 300 97 14 125 104 23 155 100 15 640 111 15 1280 104 28 1000 R 38.2 20.2 0.0291 0.19 300 97 9 120 105 18 155 100 10 650 111 10 1280 104 23 1000 R 38.8 21.9 0.0176 0.19 290 101 16 115 108 26 150 104 1200 R 41.4 20.7 0.0247 0.20 290 102 10 115 109 20 150 104 11 740 116 12 1280 108 24 1000 S 40.0 20.4 0.0176 0.20 290 101 16 115 108 26 150 104 17 740 116 18 1270 108 30 17 670 115 18 1270 108 1600 S 48.9 22.4 0.0186 0.22 290 115 13 95 122 25 145 117 14 940 130 15 1270 120 27 1200 S 42.5 21.4 0.0151 0.20 300 106 18 110 113 28 150 108 30 19 770 121 20 1270 112 2000 S 54.0 23.5 0.0149 0.23 280 122 15 80 130 28 140 125 16 1040 138 17 1250 127 29 1600 S 48.9 22.4 0.0113 0.22 290 115 24 95 122 36 145 117 32 25 940 130 26 1270 120 38 2500 S 63.5 22.7 0.0119 0.26 300 130 17 60 138 31 135 133 18 1190 147 20 1260 135 31 1600 S En 48.9 22.4 0.0113 0.22 290 115 24 95 122 36 145 117 25 940 130 26 1270 120 38 2000 S 57.2 21.9 0.0090 0.25 280 122 27 80 130 40 140 125 28 1040 138 29 1250 127 41 2000 S En 57.2 21.9 0.0090 0.25 280 122 27 80 130 40 140 125 28 1040 138 29 1250 127 41 2500 S En 63.5 21.8 0.0072 0.27 290 129 33 65 136 47 135 131 34 1170 145 36 1270 134 47 *Indicative value 54 Lead sheath mm R : round stranded S : segmental stranded mm Sectional Outside Weight area* diameter of cable* copper of cable* screen kg/m mm2 mm kg/m Copper wire/alu sheath mm2 *Indicative value mm2 Copper wire/lead sheath Continuous current ratings (Amperes) Nominal section area Earthing conditions Laying conditions : Trefoil formation Direct burial In air, in gallery Laying conditions : Flat formation Direct burial In air, in gallery 1.3 m induced current in the metallic screen D 2D D 1.3 m D 2D Nominal section area Nominal section area D T = 1,0 T = 20°C T = 1,2 T = 30°C T = 30°C T = 50°C T = 1,0 T = 20°C T = 1,2 T = 30°C T = 30°C T = 50°C mm2 mm2 500 R 595 515 775 620 630 545 865 690 500 R 630 R 680 585 905 720 720 620 1 015 810 800 R 765 655 1 040 825 815 700 1 175 940 mm2 1000 R 1200 R 1600 S Without circulating Sans current courant 55 Earthing conditions Laying conditions : Trefoil formation Direct burial In air, in gallery Laying conditions : Flat formation Direct burial In air, in gallery D 1.3 m induced current in the metallic screen Earthing conditions 1.3 m induced current in the metallic screen D 2D D 1.3 m D 2D Nominal section area D T = 1,0 T = 20°C T = 1,2 T = 30°C T = 30°C T = 50°C T = 1,0 T = 20°C T = 1,2 T = 30°C T = 30°C T = 50°C mm2 500 R 750 645 980 780 795 690 1 100 880 500 R 630 R 630 R 840 725 1 125 895 905 780 1 280 1 025 630 R 800 R 800 R 930 800 1 275 1 015 1 015 870 1 465 1 175 800 R 1000 R 845 725 1 170 930 785 1 345 1 075 1000 R 1000 R 775 1 275 1 010 Without circulating Sans current 915 905 990 845 1 470 1 175 1200 R 1000 S 1 090 930 1 575 1 250 courant 1 195 1 025 1 810 1 450 1600 S 1200 S 2000 S de 1 210 1 035 1 775 1 410 de 1 340 1 145 2 060 1 650 2000 S 1600 S 2500 S circulation 1 330 1 135 2 025 1 605 circulation 1 505 1 285 2 400 1 920 2500 S 1600 S En High voltage underground power cables R : round stranded S : segmental stranded S En : segmental stranded enamelled Continuous current ratings (Amperes) D 1.3 m induced current in the metallic screen Earthing conditions 25 Sans Without courant circulating de current circulation 1 015 870 1 415 1 125 1 085 930 1 530 1 215 1 155 990 1 645 1 305 1 220 1 045 1 775 1 405 1 310 1 120 1 915 1 520 Sans Without courant circulating de current circulation 1 120 960 1 645 1 320 1 185 1 015 1 765 1 410 1000 S 1 275 1 095 1 910 1 530 1200 S 1 355 1 160 2 070 1 655 1600 S 1 475 1 260 2 260 1 805 1600 S En 2000 S 1 315 1 120 1 965 1 560 1 480 1 265 2 330 1 860 2000 S 2000 S En 1 450 1 235 2 185 1 735 1 660 1 420 2 630 2 100 2000 S En 2500 S En 1 565 1 330 2 425 1 920 1 840 1 570 2 990 2 385 2500 S En High voltage underground power cables Voltage 200/345 (362)kV Aluminium Conductor Voltage 200/345 (362)kV Copper Conductor Constructional data (nominal) Constructional data (nominal) Aluminium screen DC Nominal Conductor Thickness conductor Electrostatic Sectional Outside Weight diameter of resistance capacitance area* diameter of cable* section area insulation at 20°C of cable* Copper wire/lead sheath Sectional Outside Weight area* diameter of cable* copper of cable* screen kg/m mm2 mm kg/m Copper wire/alu sheath Corrugated Alu sheath Lead sheath Sectional Outside Weight Sectional Outside Weight Sectional Outside Weight area* diameter of cable* area* diameter of cable* area* diameter of cable* copper of cable* of cable* of cable* screen mm2 mm kg/m mm2 mm kg/m mm2 mm kg/m Aluminium screen DC Nominal Conductor Thickness conductor Electrostatic Sectional Outside Weight diameter of resistance capacitance area* diameter of cable* section area insulation at 20°C of cable* mm2 mm mm Ω/km µF/km mm2 mm mm2 500 R 26.4 25.7 0.0605 0.13 300 97 8 125 104 17 155 99 9 640 111 9 1270 104 22 500 R 630 R 30.3 23.9 0.0469 0.15 300 97 8 125 104 17 155 100 9 640 111 10 1270 104 23 630 R mm Copper wire/lead sheath Sectional Outside Weight area* diameter of cable* copper of cable* screen kg/m mm2 mm kg/m Copper wire/alu sheath Corrugated Alu sheath Sectional Outside Weight Sectional Outside Weight Sectional Outside Weight area* diameter of cable* area* diameter of cable* area* diameter of cable* copper of cable* of cable* of cable* screen mm2 mm kg/m mm2 mm kg/m mm2 mm kg/m mm Ω/km µF/km mm2 mm 26.7 25.5 0.0366 0.13 300 97 11 125 104 20 155 99 12 640 111 12 1270 104 25 30.3 23.9 0.0283 0.15 300 97 12 125 104 21 155 100 13 640 111 14 1270 104 26 800 R 34.7 21.8 0.0367 0.17 300 97 9 125 104 18 155 100 10 640 111 10 1280 104 23 800 R 34.7 21.8 0.0221 0.17 300 97 14 125 104 23 155 100 15 640 111 15 1280 104 28 1000 R 38.2 22.1 0.0291 0.18 290 101 10 115 108 19 150 104 11 740 116 11 1270 108 24 1000 R 38.8 21.9 0.0177 0.19 290 101 16 115 108 26 150 104 17 740 116 18 1270 108 30 1200 R 41.4 22.6 0.0247 0.19 300 106 11 110 113 21 150 108 12 770 120 12 1270 112 25 1000 S 40.0 22.6 0.0176 0.19 300 106 17 110 113 27 150 108 18 770 120 19 1260 112 31 1600 S 48.9 22.4 0.0186 0.22 290 115 13 95 122 25 145 117 14 940 130 15 1270 120 27 1200 S 42.5 21.4 0.0151 0.20 300 106 18 110 113 28 150 108 19 770 121 20 1270 112 32 2000 S 54.0 23.5 0.0149 0.23 280 122 15 80 130 28 140 125 16 1040 138 17 1250 127 29 1600 S 48.9 22.4 0.0113 0.22 290 115 24 95 122 36 145 117 25 940 130 26 1270 120 38 2500 S 63.5 22.7 0.0119 0.26 300 130 17 60 138 31 135 133 18 1190 147 20 1250 135 31 1600 S En 48.9 22.4 0.0113 0.22 290 115 24 95 122 36 145 117 25 940 130 26 1270 120 38 2000 S 57.2 22.0 0.0090 0.25 280 122 27 80 130 40 140 125 28 1080 138 30 1250 128 41 2000 S En 57.2 22.0 0.0090 0.25 280 122 27 80 130 40 140 125 28 1080 138 30 1250 128 41 2500 S En 63.5 22.7 0.0072 0.26 300 130 34 60 138 48 135 133 35 1190 147 36 1250 135 48 R : round stranded S : segmental stranded *Indicative value R : round stranded S : segmental stranded S En : segmental stranded enamelled *Indicative value 56 Lead sheath Continuous current ratings (Amperes) Nominal section area Earthing conditions Laying conditions : Trefoil formation Direct burial In air, in gallery Laying conditions : Flat formation Direct burial In air, in gallery D 1.3 m induced current in the metallic screen Earthing conditions 1.3 m induced current in the metallic screen D 2D D 1.3 m D 2D Nominal section area Nominal section area D T = 1,0 T = 20°C T = 1,2 T = 30°C T = 30°C T = 50°C T = 1,0 T = 20°C T = 1,2 T = 30°C T = 30°C T = 50°C mm2 mm2 500 R 595 510 770 615 625 540 855 685 500 R 630 R 675 580 900 715 715 615 1 005 805 800 R 755 650 1 035 820 810 695 1 175 935 910 780 1 330 980 840 1 455 1 185 1 010 1 805 1 445 mm2 1000 R 1200 R Without circulating Sans current courant 840 720 1 165 925 900 770 1 265 1 000 Without 910 circulating Sans current 1 080 920 1 565 1 240 courant Earthing conditions Earthing conditions Laying conditions : Flat formation Direct burial In air, in gallery D 1.3 m 1.3 m induced current in the metallic screen D 2D D 1.3 m D 2D Nominal section area D T = 1,0 T = 20°C T = 1,2 T = 30°C T = 30°C T = 50°C T = 1,0 T = 20°C T = 1,2 T = 30°C T = 30°C T = 50°C mm2 500 R 745 640 975 775 790 685 1 090 870 500 R 630 R 630 R 835 715 1 120 890 900 770 1 265 1 010 630 R 800 R 800 R 925 790 1 270 1 005 1 005 865 1 460 1 170 800 R 1 065 1000 R 1000 R 1000 R 1 160 1200 R 1000 S 1600 S 1200 S 2000 S de 1 200 1 020 1 770 1 400 de 1 330 1 135 2 055 1 640 2000 S 1600 S 2500 S circulation 1 315 1 115 2 015 1 595 circulation 1 490 1 270 2 395 1 910 2500 S 1600 S En circulation High voltage underground power cables Laying conditions : Trefoil formation Direct burial In air, in gallery induced current in the metallic screen Sans Without courant circulating de current 1600 S 57 Continuous current ratings (Amperes) 1 010 860 1 410 1 120 1 075 920 1 515 1 200 1 145 980 1 640 1 300 1 210 1 030 1 765 1 400 1 300 1 105 1 910 1 510 Sans Without courant circulating de current circulation 1 110 950 1 645 1 310 1 175 1 010 1 740 1 390 1000 S 1 265 1 080 1 905 1 520 1200 S 1 345 1 150 2 065 1 650 1600 S 1 460 1 250 2 250 1 800 1600 S En 2000 S 1 305 1 105 1 960 1 550 1 470 1 250 2 320 1 850 2000 S 2000 S En 1 435 1 220 2 180 1 720 1 645 1 400 2 620 2 090 2000 S En 2500 S En 1 550 1 315 2 410 1 905 1 820 1 550 2 965 2 365 2500 S En High voltage underground power cables Voltage 230/400 (420)kV Aluminium Conductor Voltage 230/400 (420)kV Copper Conductor Constructional data (nominal) Constructional data (nominal) Aluminium screen DC Nominal Conductor Thickness conductor Electrostatic Sectional Outside Weight diameter of resistance capacitance area* diameter of cable* section area insulation at 20°C of cable* Copper wire/lead sheath Sectional Outside Weight area* diameter of cable* copper of cable* screen kg/m mm2 mm kg/m Copper wire/alu sheath Corrugated Alu sheath Lead sheath Sectional Outside Weight Sectional Outside Weight Sectional Outside Weight area* diameter of cable* area* diameter of cable* area* diameter of cable* copper of cable* of cable* of cable* screen mm2 mm kg/m mm2 mm kg/m mm2 mm kg/m mm2 mm mm Ω/km µF/km mm2 mm 500 R 26.4 31.6 0.0605 0.12 400 110 10 195 117 22 240 112 12 860 124 12 1840 119 630 R 30.3 29.8 0.0469 0.13 400 110 11 195 117 22 240 113 12 860 124 12 1850 119 800 R 34.7 27.7 0.0367 0.15 400 110 11 195 118 22 240 113 13 860 125 12 1850 1000 R 38.2 26.1 0.0291 0.16 410 110 11 195 118 23 240 113 13 860 125 13 1850 1200 R 41.4 24.6 0.0247 0.18 410 111 12 195 118 23 240 113 13 870 125 13 1860 1600 S 48.9 25.8 0.0186 0.20 420 122 15 170 131 28 230 125 16 1030 137 16 1840 2000 S 54.0 24.7 0.0149 0.22 430 125 16 165 134 30 230 128 17 1100 141 18 1840 2500 S 63.5 25.8 0.0119 0.24 430 138 19 140 146 35 220 140 20 1290 154 21 3000 S 70.0 26.1 0.0099 0.25 420 145 21 120 154 39 220 148 23 1450 162 24 Copper wire/lead sheath Sectional Outside Weight area* diameter of cable* copper of cable* screen kg/m mm2 mm kg/m Copper wire/alu sheath Corrugated Alu sheath Sectional Outside Weight Sectional Outside Weight Sectional Outside Weight area* diameter of cable* area* diameter of cable* area* diameter of cable* copper of cable* of cable* of cable* screen mm2 mm kg/m mm2 mm kg/m mm2 mm kg/m mm mm Ω/km µF/km mm2 mm 31 500 R 26.7 31.5 0.0366 0.12 400 110 13 195 117 25 240 113 15 860 124 15 1840 119 34 31 630 R 30.3 29.8 0.0283 0.13 400 110 15 195 117 26 240 113 16 860 124 16 1850 119 35 119 31 800 R 34.7 27.7 0.0221 0.15 400 110 16 195 118 28 240 113 18 860 125 18 1850 119 36 119 32 1000 R 38.8 25.8 0.0176 0.17 410 111 18 195 118 29 240 113 19 860 125 19 1860 119 38 120 32 1000 S 40.0 24.6 0.0176 0.18 410 111 18 195 118 30 240 113 20 860 125 19 1860 119 38 130 35 1200 S 42.5 25.3 0.0151 0.18 420 115 20 185 123 32 240 118 21 930 129 21 1860 123 40 133 36 1600 S 48.9 25.8 0.0113 0.20 420 122 26 170 131 39 230 125 27 1030 137 27 1840 130 46 1860 144 39 1600 S En 48.9 25.8 0.0113 0.20 420 122 26 170 131 39 230 125 27 1030 137 27 1840 130 46 1830 152 41 2000 S 57.2 25.5 0.0090 0.22 450 131 29 155 139 44 230 133 30 1180 146 31 1840 138 49 2000 S En 57.2 25.5 0.0090 0.22 450 131 29 155 139 44 230 133 30 1180 146 31 1840 138 49 2500 S En 63.5 25.8 0.0072 0.24 430 138 35 140 146 51 220 140 37 1290 154 38 1860 144 56 3000 S En 70.0 26.1 0.0060 0.25 420 145 39 120 154 57 220 148 40 1450 162 42 1830 152 59 *Indicative value 58 Continuous current ratings (Amperes) Nominal section area Earthing conditions Laying conditions : Trefoil formation Direct burial In air, in gallery Laying conditions : Flat formation Direct burial In air, in gallery 1.3 m induced current in the metallic screen D 2D D 1.3 m D 2D Nominal section area Nominal section area D T = 1,0 T = 20°C T = 1,2 T = 30°C T = 30°C T = 50°C T = 1,0 T = 20°C T = 1,2 T = 30°C T = 30°C T = 50°C mm2 mm2 500 R 585 505 760 605 620 535 835 670 500 R 630 R 665 570 885 705 710 610 980 785 800 R 750 640 1 015 810 805 690 1 140 910 mm2 1000 R 1200 R 1600 S Without circulating Sans current courant 825 705 1 145 910 880 750 1 245 985 1 050 895 1 530 1 210 Without circulating Sans current courant Earthing conditions Laying conditions : Trefoil formation Direct burial In air, in gallery Laying conditions : Flat formation Direct burial In air, in gallery D 1.3 m induced current in the metallic screen Earthing conditions 1.3 m induced current in the metallic screen D 2D D 1.3 m D 2D Nominal section area D T = 1,2 T = 30°C T = 30°C T = 50°C T = 1,0 T = 20°C T = 1,2 T = 30°C T = 30°C T = 50°C mm2 500 R 735 630 960 765 785 680 1 065 850 500 R 630 R 630 R 825 705 1 100 875 890 765 1 235 990 630 R 800 R 800 R 910 780 1 250 990 995 855 1 420 1 135 800 R 1000 R 900 770 1 305 1 040 1000 R 1000 R 970 825 1 435 1 145 1200 R 1000 S 1 165 995 1 765 1 410 1600 S 1200 S de 1 150 975 1 720 1 360 de 1 295 1 105 2 020 1 610 2000 S 2500 S circulation 1 265 1 070 1 955 1 545 circulation 1 455 1 235 2 335 1 860 2500 S 1 360 1 150 2 150 1 695 1 590 1 350 2 605 2 075 3000 S High voltage underground power cables 59 T = 1,0 T = 20°C 2000 S 3000 S R : round stranded S : segmental stranded S En : segmental stranded enamelled Continuous current ratings (Amperes) D 1.3 m induced current in the metallic screen Earthing conditions Lead sheath mm2 R : round stranded S : segmental stranded *Indicative value Aluminium screen DC Nominal Conductor Thickness conductor Electrostatic Sectional Outside Weight diameter of resistance capacitance area* diameter of cable* section area insulation at 20°C of cable* Sans courant Without circulating 1600 S de current 1600 S En circulation 985 840 1 385 1 100 1 095 935 1 605 1 285 1 050 895 1 490 1 180 Sans 1 160 990 1 715 1 370 1000 S 1 115 950 1 600 1 270 courant Without de circulating current circulation 1 245 1 060 1 860 1 485 1200 S 1 170 995 1 720 1 360 1 255 1 065 1 855 1 470 1 320 1 125 2 015 1 610 1600 S 1 430 1 220 2 195 1 755 1600 S En 2000 S 1 245 1 055 1 890 1 495 1 430 1 215 2 255 1 800 2000 S 2000 S En 1 360 1 150 2 090 1 650 1 590 1 355 2 540 2 025 2000 S En 2500 S En 1 470 1 245 2 325 1 835 1 765 1 495 2 880 2 295 2500 S En 3000 S En 1 510 1 275 2 425 1 915 1 825 1 545 3 025 2 410 3000 S En High voltage underground power cables Voltage 290/500 (550)kV Aluminium Conductor Voltage 290/500 (550)kV Copper Conductor Constructional data (nominal) Constructional data (nominal) Aluminium screen DC Nominal Conductor Thickness conductor Electrostatic Sectional Outside Weight diameter of resistance capacitance area* diameter of cable* section area insulation at 20°C of cable* mm2 mm mm Ω/km µF/km mm2 mm Copper wire/lead sheath Sectional Outside Weight area* diameter of cable* copper of cable* screen kg/m mm2 mm kg/m Copper wire/alu sheath Corrugated Alu sheath Lead sheath Sectional Outside Weight Sectional Outside Weight Sectional Outside Weight area* diameter of cable* area* diameter of cable* area* diameter of cable* copper of cable* of cable* of cable* screen mm2 mm kg/m mm2 mm kg/m mm2 mm kg/m Aluminium screen DC Nominal Conductor Thickness conductor Electrostatic Sectional Outside Weight diameter of resistance capacitance area* diameter of cable* section area insulation at 20°C of cable* mm2 mm mm Ω/km µF/km mm2 Copper wire/lead sheath Sectional Outside Weight area* diameter of cable* copper of cable* screen kg/m mm2 mm kg/m mm Copper wire/alu sheath Corrugated Alu sheath Sectional Outside Weight Sectional Outside Weight Sectional Outside Weight area* diameter of cable* area* diameter of cable* area* diameter of cable* copper of cable* of cable* of cable* screen mm2 mm kg/m mm2 mm kg/m mm2 mm kg/m 1000 R 38.2 37.0 0.0291 0.13 420 133 15 150 141 31 225 136 17 1210 149 18 1840 140 36 1000 R 38.8 36.7 0.0176 0.13 420 133 22 150 141 37 225 136 23 1210 149 24 1840 140 42 1200 R 41.4 35.5 0.0247 0.14 420 133 16 150 141 31 225 136 17 1210 149 18 1840 140 36 1000 S 40.0 35.4 0.0176 0.14 420 133 22 150 141 37 225 136 24 1210 149 24 1840 140 42 1600 S 48.9 31.3 0.0186 0.17 420 134 17 150 142 32 225 137 18 1260 150 19 1850 141 37 1200 S 42.5 34.2 0.0151 0.15 420 133 23 150 141 38 225 136 25 1210 149 26 1840 140 43 2000 S 54.0 30.1 0.0149 0.19 430 137 18 140 145 34 225 140 20 1280 153 21 1850 144 38 1600 S 48.9 31.3 0.0113 0.17 420 134 28 150 142 43 225 137 29 1260 150 30 1850 141 48 2500 S 63.5 30.9 0.0119 0.21 420 148 21 110 157 39 215 151 23 1480 165 24 1830 155 41 1600 S En 48.9 31.3 0.0113 0.17 420 134 28 150 142 43 225 137 29 1260 150 30 1850 141 48 3000 S 70.0 30.9 0.0099 0.22 450 155 23 95 164 42 210 158 25 1650 173 27 1820 161 43 *Indicative value R : round stranded S : segmental stranded 2000 S 57.2 32.0 0.0090 0.19 410 144 31 125 153 49 220 147 33 1440 161 35 1860 151 52 2000 S En 57.2 32.0 0.0090 0.19 410 144 31 125 153 49 220 147 33 1440 161 35 1860 151 52 2500 S En 63.5 30.9 0.0072 0.21 420 148 37 110 157 55 215 151 39 1480 165 41 1830 155 58 3000 S En 70.0 30.9 0.0060 0.22 450 155 41 95 164 60 210 158 43 1650 173 45 1820 161 61 R : round stranded S : segmental stranded S En : segmental stranded enamelled *Indicative value 60 Lead sheath Continuous current ratings (Amperes) Nominal section area Earthing conditions 1000 R Earthing conditions 1.3 m induced current in the metallic screen D 2D D 1.3 m D 2D Nominal section area Nominal section area D T = 1,0 T = 20°C T = 1,2 T = 30°C T = 30°C T = 50°C T = 1,0 T = 20°C T = 1,2 T = 30°C T = 30°C T = 50°C mm2 mm2 820 700 1 120 890 890 765 1 245 1 000 1000 R 880 750 1 220 970 1 035 880 1 505 1 190 2000 S Without Sans circulating courant current 1 135 960 1 695 1 340 2500 S de 1 250 1 055 1 930 1 520 Without circulating current Sans 3000 S circulation 1 335 1 120 2 115 1 665 courant 1600 S Laying conditions : Flat formation Direct burial In air, in gallery D 1.3 m induced current in the metallic screen mm2 1200 R Laying conditions : Trefoil formation Direct burial In air, in gallery 61 Continuous current ratings (Amperes) Earthing conditions Laying conditions : Trefoil formation Direct burial In air, in gallery Laying conditions : Flat formation Direct burial In air, in gallery D 1.3 m induced current in the metallic screen Earthing conditions 1.3 m induced current in the metallic screen D 2D D 1.3 m D 2D Nominal section area D T = 1,0 T = 20°C T = 1,2 T = 30°C T = 30°C T = 50°C T = 1,0 T = 20°C T = 1,2 T = 30°C T = 30°C T = 50°C mm2 1000 R 985 840 1 365 1 080 1 085 930 1 540 1 230 1000 R 960 820 1 370 1 095 1200 R 1000 S 1 040 885 1 455 1 155 1 145 980 1 640 1 315 1000 S 1 150 980 1 720 1 370 1600 S 1200 S 1 105 940 1 575 1 250 1 230 1 055 1 790 1 430 1200 S 1 280 1 085 1 965 1 565 2000 S 1600 S 1 435 1 215 2 275 1 810 2500 S 1600 S En 1 155 980 1 700 1 340 1 240 1 050 1 835 1 450 2000 S Without circulating Sans current courant 1 560 1 320 2 535 2 015 3000 S 1 240 1 050 1 875 2000 S En de 1 360 1 150 2 080 2500 S En circulation 1 460 1 230 1 535 1 285 3000 S En High voltage underground power cables 1 305 1 110 1 965 1 565 1600 S 1 410 1 200 2 140 1 705 1600 S En 1 480 Without circulating Sans current courant 1 415 1 205 2 195 1 750 2000 S 1 640 de 1 585 1 345 2 470 1 970 2000 S En 2 305 1 815 circulation 1 745 1 475 2 815 2 240 2500 S En 2 490 1 960 1 875 1 580 3 105 2 470 3000 S En High voltage underground power cables Notes Notes 62 63 High voltage underground power cables High voltage underground power cables NEXANS France S.A.S au capital de 70 000 000 € - Headquarter 16 rue de Monceau 75008 PARIS FRANCE RCS PARIS 428 593 230 - APE 313Z www.nexans.com G2J 0327275080 - Edition 10/2011 4 -10 rue Mozart - F-92587 CLICHY Cedex - Phone : 33 (0)1 56 69 84 00 - Fax : 33 (0)1 56 62 78 47