5th Supplemental report to the 22nd Report of the Manager
5th Supplemental report to the 22nd Report of the Manager
~x 199 BAY STREET, SUITE 2200 P.O. B0X.447, COMMERCE COURT POSTAL STATION TORONTO, ON CANADA MST, I O4 TELEPHONE: (416) 777-0101 FnesImit-E: (416) 865-1398 hitp://www,dick insonwright.corn RIGHTLL DICKIN LISA S. CORNS [email protected] (416) 646-4608 December 9, 2014 VIA E-MAIL Goodmans LLP Bay Adelaide Centre 333 Bay Street, Suite 3400 Toronto, ON M5H 2S7 Attention: Brian Empey and Mark Dunn Dear Sirs: Re: Motion relating to the Fee Allocation of Schonfeld Inc.(the "Manager") We are in receipt of the Manager's 22nd Report (the "Report") seeking, inter cilia, approval of its proposed fee allocation methodology, which was served on December 3, 2014, as well as the supporting fee affidavit of Harlan Schonfeld, for the Manager, served on December 5, 2014 (the "Schonfeld Affidavit") and the fee affidavit of Brian Empey, for Goodmans LLP, served on December 8,2014(the"Empey Affidavit"), We have the following questions in response to the Report and would appreciate receiving your reply by the end of this week: 1. How did the Manager measure or calculate its effort and involvement and that of its counsel with respect to each of the categories utilized in the allocation methodology? 2. We are having difficulty determining the amount of time spent by the Manager and its counsel in connection with the property municipally known as 1485 Dupont Street, Toronto, Ontario (the "Dupont Property") based upon the time dockets attached to the Schonfeld Affidavit and the Empey Affidavit. We note that both the Manager and its counsel have provided their dockets in blocks oftime which include work performed on a variety of different properties without breaking out the amount of time directly attributable to each property. We would ask that you provide a breakdown of your docket entries in order to identify the amount of time spent specifically in relation to the Dupont Property. 3. On what basis did the Manager establish values for each of the properties owned by the Schedule 13 and Schedule C Companies? Did the Manager consider factors which would DETROIT 1 NASHVILLE I WASHINGTON, D.C. I TORONTO ; PE-IOENIX TROT TORONTO 58495-1 934748 LAS VEGAS j COLUMBUS ANN ARDOR I LANSING I GRAND RAPIDS I SAMNA Ver DICK1NSON WRIGHT LLP Goodmans LLP December 9,2014 Page 2 decrease value such as environmental contamination? Did the Manager consider appraisals? If so, please provide us with copies of same, which we undertake to keep confidential. 4. Our client is of the view that the Manager has contributed some, but not significant value anywhere close to the $226,392,96 in fees claimed under the Manager's proposed allocation methodology. Please detail whether: (a) the Manager completed renewal Agreements in respect of any of the leases that existed at the time of the initial order of Justice Newbould dated November 5, 2013; (b) whether any extensive repair and maintenance work was required and if so, whether it was completed; and (c) what steps, if any, the Manager took to address the deterioration of the building on the Dupont Property ordered repaired by the City of Toronto work order issued on June 5, 2013? 5. Advise what complex legal issues arose in connection with the Dupont Property? 6. In terms of the quantum of the fees for which approval is being sought, please provide a description of the accomplishments of the Manager and its counsel with respect to the Dupont Property. In addition to the foregoing, we note that the amount indicated as having been borrowed by the Manager in connection with its administration of the Dupont Property is not supported by documentation or by way of any explanation in the Report. Please identify the manner in which the $215,000 borrowed in respect of the Dupont Property was used and provide backup documentation in respect of such expenses. We look forward to your prompt reply. Very truly yours, DICKENS° RIGHT LLP Lisa S. Come 1_,SC:rnjb Counsel for the Lien Claimants of the Dupont Property Client OETROFT NASHVILLE TROY TORONTO 58495-1 934748 WASHINGTON. D.C. ! T(:)RONTO ANN ARBOR. PHOENIX LAS VEGAS ; COLUMBUS LANSING ! GRAND RAPIDS 3 SAGINAW Barristers & Solicitors 3- otr.. I Bay Adsiarcle Centre 333 Bay Street, Suite 3400 Toronto. Ontario M511 257 Telephone: 416.979.2211 Facsimile: 416..919.1234 good reansta Direct Line: 416.849.6895 indunnftoodinans.ca December 14.2014 Our File No.: 140074 By E-mail Dickinson Wright 1,P P.O. Box 124 18th Floor 222 Bay Street Toronto, Ontario M5K 11-I I Attention: Lisa S. Come Dear Ms. Come: Re; ORM:Spadina et al. v. Norma Walton - fee allocation This letter is in response to your letter dated December 9, 2014. The answers below follow numbering in that letter, 1. The Manager assigned values to each of the categories used in the allocation methodology based on a review of its records and discussions with counsel. More specifically, the values were reviewed and assigned by Harlan Schonfeld and James Merryweather of the Manager and. Brian Empey (the partner at our office with overall carriage of the tile), Ken. Heflin (the partner in our office that has supervised the real estate work required on behalf of the Manager)and myself. With respect to the property at 1485 Dupont St. (the "Dupont Property") specifically, the values assigned reflect the following: Active 'Properly Management (3): When the Manager was appointed, the interior of the Dupont Property had been demolished but reconstruction had only just begun. No funds were available to complete this work and several tenants continued to occupy the building. Many of the issues that arose in connection with the Dupont Property were addressed by the property manager hired by the Manager but others required the Manager's input and involvement. As a result, the Manager spent significant time addressing the Dupont Property's environmental and construction issues, either directly or by providing instructions to its property manager. Although funds were not available to complete the extensive renovations contemplated prior to the Manager's appointment, the Manager had to ensure that the Page 2 fi property complied with all applicable building and environmental codes and was safe for tenant use. This required the Manager's involvement in, among other things, the following: a. Construction co-ordination: the Manager had to perform significant maintenance to the Dupont Property to prevent further deterioration. This required, among other things, the supervision of contractors and negotiation with contractors who had not been paid prior to the Manager's appointment. The most significant issues addressed by the Manager are described in the following paragraphs. i. When the Manager took possession of the Dupont Property, th.e heating system was not properly connected to the building's mechanical and electrical system. As a result, th.e building could not be heated. The Manager contracted with Gentry Environmental to connect the heating units to the ducting system and supervised its work. Once this work was performed, the Manager hired Norel Electric to perform electrical work required to connect the heaters to the building systems. ii In addition, at the time of the Manager's appointment, several trenches had been dug on the first floor of the Dupont Property as part of an environmental remediation effort that was commenced before the Manager was appointed but not completed. The Manager retained Ground Force Environmental to advance its work to the point where the ground floor of the Dupont Property was safe and useable. iii. Unfinished electrical work posed a significant safety hazard at the Dupont Property when the Manager was appointed. In order to ensure tenant safety and compliance with applicable codes,the Manager hired Norel Electric to address these issues. iv. The elevator shaft of the Dupont Property was also deficient when the Manager was appointed. The Manager hired Roman Construction to address this issue. Invoices relating to the work performed on the Dupont Property are attached. b. Work Order: as you note in your letter, the Manager received a work order dated June 5, 2013, which required significant structural repairs. The Manager hired Roman Construction to complete this work. Addressing the work order also required several meetings between the Manager and the City Page 3 in order to address the City's concerns and ensure that the Dupont Property complied with all applicable codes. c. Tenant management: the Manager spent significantly time interacting with tenants of the building. Many of these tenants were induced to enter into These leases by promised improvements to the Dupont Property. appointment and the improvements were not completed prior to the Manager's owner of the Dupont Property, Dupont Developments Inc. ("Dupont Developments") did not have funds to complete further work. The Manager had several discussions with tenants who threatened to withhold rental payments as a result of the owner's failure to complete the promised work and the general state ofthe building. All of these disputes were resolved and the Manager collected all the rent owed while it was managing the Dupont Property. The Manager's interaction with the tenants was further complicated by the fact that several of the tenants had no written leases. We understand that this situation arose during your clients' ownership of the building. d. Cash flow forecasting and creditor management: the Dupont Property operated at a loss at all material times, The Manager secured funds to continue the operation of the Dupont Property and managed cash flow to ensure that the building could continue to operate. Interaction with stakeholders (3): the Manager spent time interacting with your clients and with other stakeholders. The interaction with your clients was significantly more complicated because of your clients' unexplained refusal to enter into a confidentiality agreement. The other stakeholders consulted by the Manager included the various parties with liens registered against the Dupont Property. Negotiated Agreements of Purchase and Sale (3).: the Manager and its counsel negotiated and executed three separate agreements of purchase and sale, each of which was terminated during the due diligence stage.. Legal complexity (3): the Dupont Property required significant legal work. Shortly after the Manager's appointment, the Manager learned that Dupont .Developments had entered into a lease with Maxx the Mutt (an art school) which required that Dupont Developments complete extensive renovations to the Dupont Property. Dupont Developments was unable to fund these renovations. The Manager's counsel conducted research with respect to its ability to disclaim the lease and, if necessary, vest the lease off oftitle to the Dupont Property so that it could be sold. Page 4 Subsequently, your clients served a motion to lift the stay of proceedings so that they could commence enforcement proceedings originally returnable in June 2014. Your clients resisted taking possession of the Dupont Property and, as a result, the Manager was forced to draft and serve a motion for its discharge. Your clients threatened to oppose this motion and force the Manager to remain in possession of the Dupont Property against its will. Both motions were ultimately adjourned to October 9, 2014. Prior to the return of your clients' motion, we wrote several times to confirm the Manager's understanding that your clients would make appropriate arrangements to take possession. We did. not receive the courtesy of a response to these e-mails and your office subsequently took the position that your clients meant all along to leave the Dupont Property unattended. My e-mail describing these events (which also did not receive the courtesy of a response is attached. The foregoing eYents required a further attendance by the Manager to ensure that stakeholders and the Court understood the position that your clients put the property in and added further legal complexity to this aspect ofthe Manager's mandate. in addition, the Manager's counsel drafted three Agreements of Purchase and Sale relating to the Dupont Property, together with various collateral documents relating to each agreement. The fact that three separate Agreements of Purchase and Sale were negotiated and then terminated added further legal complexity. Claims Process (0): no claims process was conducted in connection with the Dupont Property and therefore there is no portion of the fee allocation ascribed to that category. Property value (2): the value of the Dupont Property was determined to be between $5 million and $10 million based on the Manager's discussions with CBRE and potential purchasers. The Manager's dockets have all been produced. No further breakdown exists. In the Manager's view, a strict accounting to allocate time among the assets that were the subject of the Novernber 5 Order receivership would not be cost-effective and would drive up the overall cost of the proceeding. The Manager's 22nd Report sets out what is, in the Manager's view, a fair method of allocating costs among the properties. As noted above, no specific value has been assigned. This portion of the allocation is based on a range of values determined by the Manager based on its marketing activities. It implicitly accounts for environmental contamination since that contamination impacted the value of the offers made to the Manager. It is not based on any appraisals of the Dupont Property. • Goo Page 5 Jai Without accepting that your c.:lients' subjective assessment of the value contributed by the Manager is relevant, we advise as follows: 4. (a) No renewal agreements were completed with existing tenants. Given the state of repair of the Dupont Property, the Manager was of the view that prospective purchasers may decide to conduct extensive renovations or even demolish the existing 'building, Long-terra tenancies would potentially complicate such efforts and decrease the sale value of the property. The Manager also notes that no stakeholders (including your clients) took the position that the Manager should seek to enter into renewal agreements with tenants of the Dupont Property, (b) The Manager's repair work is described above. That work was required to ensure that the Dupont Property was safe and. useable for tenants. No funding was available for more extensive renovation. (c) The steps taken by the Manager are described above, the City of Toronto was satisfied with these steps and the work order was lifted. 5the legal issues relating to the Dupont Property are described above. 6. The meaning of this question is not clear. The Manager fulfilled its mandate pursuant to the Order of Justice Newbould dated November 5, 2013. lts activities and accomplishments are described above and in its reports. 7. With respect to funds borrowed to support the Dupont Property, please see attached a cash flow which describes how funds were used and invoices to support the Manager's expenditures. We trust the foregoing addresses your questions. We look forward to receipt of particulars of your clients' objection to the fee allocation and proposed alternate allocation. Yours very truly, Goodmans LIT Mark Dunn Encl. 6403379.1 Dupont Developments Ltd. Manager Cashflow Report 2013 2014 I Nov5-30Dec 1.31 14,769 1,762 Opening Balance Receipt 9,741 1,822 Rental Receipts 50,000 Mangsr Funduig. 70,700 22,350 Funding-Walton 130,441 24,172 Total Receipts Disbursements 24z 75 24,375 Mortmge Utilities 43 Bell 1,620 Enbridge 3,755 4,730 Toronto Hydro City of Toronto eratin,g Expenses Adrian The Associated Bailiffs GMC Plumbin8 Goodbye Graffiti Lady Bug ?est Control Land-Can March Elevator Nla)tguard Alann Metro 14ardware Nexus Protective Noble Cleaning Protocom (2)tality Chemical R&T (Danie Manclawie) Signa Fire & Safety Sigtronix Signs TSSA United Messenms Wasteco Capital Exenses 50 GentD.,Env, Sistems 0.). -a000 Ground Force (y) 4,087 ,Tedcl Jones Norel Electric()c) Novacore4,074 Right & Square (c1) Roman Construction(e) Titan Plumbing 1,441 Property Management Insurance 800 46 Bank Fees 82,966 37,179 Total Disbursements Jan. 1-31 49,237 Feb 1-28 14,646 Mar 1-31 22,621 Apr 1-30 10,526 Mav 1-31 1,607 Jun 1-30 8.162 Jul 1-31 8,432 Aug 1-31 7,648 Sep 1-30 5,287 Oct 1-31 21,977 Nov 1-30 5,740 11,608 46,000 8,301 21,000 15,207 19,000 8,601 11,000 19,894 10,000 6,906 9000 19,672 7,000 8,033 14,000 23,200 17,000 16,339 8,000 3,000 57,608 29,301 34,207 19,601 29,894 15,906 26,672 22,033 40,200 24,339 3,000 5 92,199 16 21,326 49.237 14,646 22,621 Closing Balance (a) (b) (e) (4) (e) 1.762 , 57 62 120 2,459 7,057 7,901 11,805 6 887 14,818 412 240 439 ;006 125 763 509 599 2,159 1,556 346 179 299 719 2.220 1 787 864 3,164 2,571 • 57 57 3,101 1,431 6.606........_..._..._...6,188 269 1,489 57 222 3,487 307 60 70 3,789 57 187 3,237 66 66 509 339 599 170 299 170 299 299 1,582 161 173 179 864 1,582 157 39 57 79 2,263 512 170 299 613 121 pa 170 299 254 121 170 121 245 173 663 1,700 1,582 864 893 1a582 B64 1,582 1 787 1,582 1,695 56 378 16 79 8 198 3,663 301 . ,859 4 407 149,125 215,000 93,050 457,375 125_. _24_.75..._._. 170 299 844 484 TOTAL Noe 5/13 to Nov 30/14 14,769 22 119 303 105 23 80 2,486 362 2,451 226 514 00 4,068 1,041 80 80 2260 2,065 18,573 35,200 8,435 2,932 1,115 1,921 961 9,618 7122 4,351 5,622 1V00 32,790 4011 14 46,302 961 5,620 14 28,520 961 1,298 17 23,339 554 14 15,636 1,921 1,909 17 27,456 961 554 17 24,395 961 554 9 23,509 961 554 8 40,576 10,526 1,607 8,162 8,432 7,648 5,287 21,977 5,740 Completing book up of roof-top heating units. ducting and temperature control units Soil removal, compaction, concrete (Nov 2013) Electrical hookup of heating units, repair of deficient electrical Provide and install washroom doors Largely for repair work related to stucco and concrete falling from building (required punuani to City of Toronto work order) 701 961 .D,314). 9 7,368 1,372 '750 16,226 79,139 6,674 131 509 52 2,034 3,294 5,352 -` 5,692 864 179 9,624 15,227 301 418 15937 1,041 303 B45 69 1,319 52,260 20,637 4,887 35200 29,950 3,944 56,963 5,115 12,006 9,730 985 470,772 1,372 from: To: Cc: Subject: Date: Attachments: Dunn, Mark "Michael J. Brzezinski" Empev. Brian; LaBine. Jackie; "harlanschonfeldinc.com"; Mark S. Shapiro; James Merryweather; 'David P. Preger" RE: 1485 Dupont URGENT Sunday, October 19, 2014 7:57:58 PM image002.onq image003.oriu 1.1% •FIXX Xffli Further to my e-mail on Friday, I have now had an opportunity to review our correspondence relating to this matter. We remain of the view that your recitation of the facts is not correct and that the situation your client has now placed the Property in is unacceptable. Let me deal first with your assertion that you were forthright with respect to the fact that your client did not intend to take possession of the Property. I can state categorically that I had no knowledge at all of this intention. My client did not — and would not consent to the Property being left without anyone responsible for it. If we had known of your intention, we would have opposed it. The relevant facts are set out below: • When you first brought your motion in June 2014, I made it quite clear that our client would be seeking a discharge and your client would need to take possession. Your client did not want to take possession because of the various environmental issues and other factors relating to the Property. In fact, your client was so concerned about taking possession that it considered asking the Court to require that my client remain in place against its will. Ultimately, your client adjourned its motion because an offer was received by my client. That offer unfortunately did not result in a completed transaction and you rescheduled your client's motion; • 1 wrote to you on September 8, 2014, shortly after you rescheduled your motion for October 9 to reiterate this position: "As you know, our client will not oppose your motion to lift the stay and will seek a discharge from any responsibilities that it may have in respect of the Dupont property at the same time. I made it clear during our previous conversations that the Manager is not prepared to remain in place once the stay is lifted. Please confirm that your client has made, or is in the process of making, alternate arrangements for the management and preservation of the property pending completion its power of sale proceedings or whatever other enforcement steps it is planning once the stay is lifted." • I did not receive the courtesy of a response to my e-mail, so I wrote again on September 30, 2014 as follows: "I have not heard back from you in response to my e-mail below. As you know, we will be obtaining a discharge from any responsibility for 1485 Dupont. Kindly confirm that your clients have made appropriate arrangements to take possession." • Again, I did not receive the courtesy of a response. You called me a few days before the motion and advised that your client planned on withdrawing its motion. I advised that I was puzzled by this since my client had consistently and repeatedly advised that it did not object to lifting the stay but would seek a discharge. • In light of my e--mails on September 8 and 30, you cannot possibly have been confused about my client's position that if your client lifted the stay and my client was discharged, your client would need to take possession. Moreover, I asked you to have your client contact mine to make these arrangements. You said you would raise it with him. You never once raised the possibility of leaving the Property unattended. • Perhaps most troubling of all is that you now say that this was your intention all along when you drafted the Order. We will be putting these facts before the Court at the earliest opportunity and seeking advice and direction with respect to how we should proceed. Leaving everything else aside, we now have a situation where there is no party responsible for the Property. Our client has been discharged but its property manager (who is also discharged) is receiving calls from tenants who have no other contact. No one is available to respond to emergencies and it is not even clear if your client has secured insurance for the Property. Your client is not the only stakeholder with an interest in the Property. If, as you now assert, your client does not intend to take possession then alternate arrangements need to be made so that the Property is protected. Whatever these arrangements are, they will need to be funded by a charge that ranks ahead of your client's charge. We have been keeping track of all time spent on this issue separately and will ask that costs be awarded against your clients, payable forthwith. in the alternative, these costs will be added to the Manager's charge, which ranks ahead of your client's charge. Regards, Mark From: Michael J. Brzezinski [mailto:[email protected]] Sent: Friday, October 17, 2014 4:43 PM To: Dunn, Mark; Mark S. Shapiro Cc: Empey, Brian; LaBine, Jackie; '[email protected]; James Merryweather Subject: RE: 1485 Dupont URGENT Mark, The Order of Justice Pattillo does not require our clients to take possession of the Property. In fact, the Order was specifically worded so as to avoid that result. Rather, it lifts the stay and grants the Mortgagees the right to enforce the mortgage in whichever manner they see fit. Enforcement does not necessarily require possession and our clients are under no obligation to do so. We have been forthright about this from the get go. In any event, Mr. Brudner cannot be reached today as it is a Jewish holiday, We will seek instructions and advise how the Mortgagees wish to proceed early next week. Regards, Michael Michael J. Brzezinski Lawyer 199 Bay Street Suite 2200 Commerce Court West Toronto ON M5L 1G4 Prolific 1."--Card Phone 416-777-2394 Fax 416-865-1398 Email Elikrzezinskiedickinsonwrightmin DICKINSON VSet it, From: Dunn, Mark [rnailto:ndiiih(clgoodmans.ca] Sent: Friday, October 17, 2014 11:05 AM To: Mark S. Shapiro; Michael J. Brzezinski Cc: Empey, Brian; LaBine, Jackie; [email protected]; James Merryweather Subject: FW: 1485 Dupont URGENT Importance: High Gentlemen, Please see below. As you know,the Court Order clearly requires that your client take possession of the property from my client. Your client consented to this order. Your client's failure to act is putting the property at risk in a way that we cannot and will not accept. If your client does not arrange to take possession immediately we will be forced to bring an urgent motion to directions to the court and look to your delft for the costs incurred as a result of its inaction. I look forward to hearing from you. Regards, Mark Mark Dunn Goodmans LLP 416.849.6895 d odmans.ca Bay Adelaide Centre 333 Bay Street, Suite 3400 Toronto, ON M5H 287 goodmans.ca Atterilieli ossolidential_ !?rete.c.A Cr othofwF3::: - named oddivme.:(s) ond may contain iirorinfriton thAt keilded sdtely tbr {}h: not the. int.ended recipic!nt of Irorri (bsolom.kre. No waivtr .0f:confidence. privilege, preteeticin or isther=v;se is made. if VOU exArwouniciAlion. 3r wish to Linsubscrilkl. ph:else adk.ise Lis inunedialetv ai Drilmyofficertagootimans.cd ond deltie ih4 ni it vAthout .uod13.1g e.opvitig or forirarding 1.0 anyone. Good:LT)ans L 1.P, K;..; Bay Streol.. Suite. 3400.. Ton:Nita. ON. M5ii'57. wlvw.-oudinan,ga. You !nay urts1.11,5.5lita: to of-lain COtilMtitnatifyl 5. i ZO7':tMUI1ieaii011S 0: here. From: Andrus Kung [mailbYakunglthrlarlane,ca] Sent: Friday, October 17, 2014 10:28 AM To: 'Harlan Schonfeld'; jbrudriercasympatieo.ca Cc:'James Merryweather'; 'Susan Liberto'; LaBine, Jackie; Dunn, Mark Subject: RE: 1485 Dupont URGENT Importance: High None one has yet picked up the files or keys. Tenants and contractor continue to call us and we are not responding. This is a dangerous situation because there is no one responding to emergencies or keeping an eye on the property. if Tenants and contractors call should I direct them to Jack? Please advise as this is an Urgent issue. Thank you, Andrus From: Harlan Schonfeld Unallto:Harlan(d)schonfeldinc.coml Sent: Wednesday, October 15, 2014 12:49 PM To: jbrudner(d)sympatico.ca Cc: James Merryweather; Andrus Kung; Susan Liberto; LaBine, Jackie; Mark Dunn (rndunn0Qoodmans,40 Subject: 1485 Dupont URGENT Jack: The order is clear. The Manager is discharged of any responsibility. The mortgagee is in control of the property. Briarlane nor the Manager have any responsibility. You need to make immediate arrangements to manage and control the property. We've moved.... S. Harlan Schonfeld CPA, CIRP .S.C.121011FELDIN.c., 77 King Street West Suite 3000, P. O. Box 95 TO Centre North Tower Toronto, ON M5K 1G8 Tel 416.862.7785 Cell 418.254.1992 Fax 416.862.2136 + Tr Experience acquired. Experience applied. This email may contain confidential information and no rights to privilege have been waived. It you are not the Intended recipient, please notify us immediately. Thank you. Confidentiality Waming:—This messaqe and any attachments are intended only for the use of the intended recipient(s). are confidential and may be privileged. if you are not the intended recipient you are hereby notified that any review. retransmission, conversion to hard copy ropyinq. oirceiation or other use of this message and any .tttaertiniFtnts is strictly prohibited. If you are not the intended necin;isint please notify the sender immediately by return 3-illsit and ,.1c: :-.tr 7, It 1,3PSS:71•Llb end any attachments from your system arnsi que tout fthier qui y est joint. est crivcve é rintention oxcluais.'e de son ou de ties Informatial mtfidenlielle: Le presen.. taut conerituar une information prIvilogieys. Nous ays.trtissons toute porsonne e.utre qua le desti...atA:res: it est de nature confifinti.,.11 desti.lataire previ) que rexamen, I retie. h:.17lission, !Impression, la cope, Is dist.;butivii ou toute suite utilisation de ce message ei de; y est joint ezi sirinternem irit!L•cdit. Si vous :Yates pas le destinata:re prevu, VIT-Iiiie? en aviser immedietement rexpediteui tout fichiet par cetour of:war e! et sycJpeirner message et tOUt document joint de votie system-, From: To: Cc: Subject: Date: Dunn. Mark nthaei J. Brzezinski; Mark S. Shapiro La5ine. Jackie; Empey, Brian; "harlan(aschonfeldinc.com" RE: DBDC Spadina Ltd. et al v. Walton et al - Motion of the Mortgagees of 1485 Dupont Street Monday, September 08, 2014 9:36;01 AM Gentlemen, As you know, our client will not oppose your motion to lift the stay and will seek a discharge from any responsibilities that it may have in respect of the Dupont property at the same time. l made it clear during our previous conversations that the Manager is not prepared to remain in place once the stay is lifted. Please confirm that your client has made, or is in the process of making, alternate arrangements for the management and preservation of the property pending completion its power of sale proceedings or whatever ether enforcement steps it is planning once the stay is lifted. Regards, Mark Mark Dunn Goodnians LLP 416.849.6896 [email protected] Bay Adelaide Centre 333 Bay Street, Suite 3400 Toronto, ON 11/15H 2S7 goodrnans From: Luisa A. Salerno [mailto:[email protected]] Sent: Friday, September 05, 2014 9:09 AM To: Dunn, Mark; Empey, Brian; LaBine, Jackie; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; mmcmackinObtzlaw.ca; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected] Cc: Michael J. Brzezinski; Mark S. Shapiro Subject: DBDC Spadina Ltd. et al v. Walton et al - Motion of the Mortgagees of 1485 Dupont Street Counsel, Please be advised that the motion in this matter has been scheduled for October 9, 2014 at 10:00 a.m. for 2 hours. Thank you Luisa A. Salerno Legal Assistant 199 Bay Street Suite 2200 Commerce Court West Toronto ON M5L 1G4 Phone 416-777-2411 Fax 416-865-1398 Email LSalernoadickinsonwright.com DICKINSON WRIGHTL cv.re 'Mit) T t4 i . ,2n1, .2 messaoe and any altnr.hinents are iraended only for the use of tho tritoodod Conedentiality WernIng: and may be pri,,leued. 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From: To: Cc: Subject: Date: Dunn, Mark "Michael 3. Brzezinski"; "Mark S. Shapiro' LaBine, Jackie; Emnev, Brian; "harlao(aschonfeldinc.com" RE: DBDC Spadina Ltd. et al v. Walton et al - Motion of the Mortgagees of 1485 Dupont Street Tuesday, September 30, 2014 4:5S:34 PM have not heard hack from you in response to my e-mali below. As you know, we will be obtaining a discharge from any responsibility for 1485 Dupont. Kindly confirm that your clients have made appropriate arrangements to take possession. Mark Dunn Goodmans LLP 416 849 6895 [email protected] Bay Adelaide Centre 333 Bay Street, Suite 3400 Toronto, ON M51-i 2S7 goodmans.ca From: Dunn, Mark Sent: Monday, September 08, 2014 9:36 AM To: Michael J. Brzezinski; Mark S. Shapiro Cc: LaBine, Jackie; Empey, Brian; [email protected]` Subject: RE: DBDC Spadina Ltd. et al v. Walton et al - Motion of the Mortgagees of 1485 Dupont Street Gentl ewer, As you know, our client will not oppose your motion to lift the stay arid will seek a discharge from any responsibilities that it may have in respect of the Dupont property at the same time. I made it clear during our previous conversations that the Manager is not prepared to remain in place once the stay is lifted. Please confirm that your client has made, or is in the process of making, alternate arrangements for the management and preservation of the property pending completion its power of sale proceedings or whatever other enforcement steps it is planning once the stay is lifted. Regards, Mark Mark Dunn Goodmans LLP 416,649.6895 [email protected] Bay Adelaide Centre 333 Bay Street, Suite 3400 Toronto, ON M5H 2S7 goodmans.ca From: Luisa A. Salerno [mailto:LSalernodickinson-wright.corn] Sent: Friday, September 05, 2014 9:09 AM To: Dunn, Mark; Empey, Brian; LaBine, Jackie; sroyalitigate.com; pgriffin©litigate.com; pveelnlitigate.com; nwalton(aroseandthistle.ca; cohencohensabsay.com; andreaLe_eAgiaholt.com; mmcmackinbtzlaw.ca; a.contecontelaw.ca; arnoldazweiglaw.com; craigCamacklawyers.ca; jclkakwlaw.net Cc: Michael J. Brzezinski; Mark S. Shapiro Subject: DBDC Spadina Ltd. et al y. Walton et al - Motion of the Mortgagees of 1485 Dupont Street Counsel, Please be advised that the motion in this matter has been scheduled for October 9, 2014 at 10:00 a.m. for 2 hours. Thank you Luisa A. Salerno Legal Assistant 199 Bay Street Suite 2200 Commerce Court West Toronto ON M5L 1G4 Phone 416-777-2411 Fax 416-865-1398 Email LSalernoedickinsonwright.com CK1NSON.WR1.G14.3L1.l+ Dl IC#11 PRI1019A hiVADM OHIO TENNE':::r:i.34+ au= are any attachments intended only,for the use of the intended recipient(s' ;, are coaifidente! Confidentiality Waming: "rials message and and may be privilege.d. If yeu are not the intended recipient you are hereby notified Vivat any review, retransmission, conversion to hard copy, copying, circulation or other use of this message and any attachments is strictly prohibited. if you are not the intended recipient please notify the sender it Imediately by return e-mall and delete this message And any attachments from your system. cranfide.ntielle Information SfE., La présent message, ainsi que tout fichier qui y est joint, rest envoyé l'intention exclusive de son 'A! destinataires.; est de nature confidentielle et peut constituer une pnviiegiee. Nous avertissons toute personne autre que le destinataire prévu que l'examen, la retransmission, l'impression. la copie, la distribution ou toute autre utilisation de co message et de tout fichier qui y Cr` oit est strictement interdit. Si vous n'étes pas is destinataire prévu, veuillez en aviser immediaterTient rexpedite.ur oar retour de munie] et supprimer: ..s2 message et documentjoint de votre système. information tout tr Environmental Systems CUSTOM SHEET METAL \IPNT!LATINC3 -NR CON:n.10!-.'iNG ktE.(:HANICAL- MAINTENANC!:: Due.ot-4.7 Dor-ortLePlAeWr- . INVOICE No ;NVO.;CE DATE P.1"-OUNTS PAYABLE Descriplion rtmou "11 heAt • •• -12, hallway MUA •F — :., t- 5, Fr -2P.5 DRAW #5 $44,247. Includes Commissioning liyr healing only. TC INVOICE Ground Force Environmental Inc. 75 Ardelt Place Kitchener Ontario N2C 2C8 Invoice # 12710 11/30/2013 itIC Solutionsfor Earth Tel: Fax: Invoice Date (519)664-0767 (519)664-0772 Project: Sales To: Dupont Developments Ltd c/o Rose & Thistle Properties 30 Hazelton Avenue Toronto ON M5R 2E2 397-2013 1485 Dupont St. Toronto ON Attn: Project Manager: Mark Goldberg 11/09/2013 Item Code Draw Order# Billing Period From David Blaymires Description / Change Description 4 not available 11/30/2013 Contract Quantity Unit of M Contract IJ/1P Contract Amount Value Quantity Prior Invoiced Prior Invoiced 1 Preparations,Mobilization,Locates,SSHSP 1.000 LS 8,552.79 8,552.79:. 1.000 8,552.79 2 Breaking,Cutting,Removal,T&D of Concrete in 1.000 LS ' 7,833.21. 7,833.21 1.000 7,833.21 21,505.29 Quantity This Invoice Value This Invoice Source Area Source excavation, Removal, T&D on Non-Haz 3 500.000 MT 500.000 64.1.9 32,097.45 1 335.000 20,184.81 Impacted Soil MT 40.37 428.180 17,285.46 5 Drilling and Injection Well Installation 44.000 wells 751.85 33,061.51: 46.000 34,585.22 6 Installation of VES Wells 31.000 • wells 442.33 13,712.16 41.000 18,135.44 4 7 I • 8 Supply, Transport, Place and Compact Gran B Concrete Cutting of trenches 656.000 m 11.97 7,854.00 594.700 7,120.08 Concrete Removal,Transport and Recycling 105.000 MT 93.50 9,8.17.50 81.340 7,605.29 m 36.90 29,521.80 805.900 from Trenches 9 Installation of Injection Line and VES Horizontal 800.000 . 29,706.311 piping 10 m2 Concrete restoration of Source Rooms - 8Y OWNER 11 Concrete Restoration of Ali Trenches 156.000 m2 118.46 18,480.00 12 Demobilization 1.000 LS 3,465.00 3,465.00 13 Supply, Transport, Installation of Windmills 8.000 • ea 366.71. 2,933.70 8.000 ea 41.87 334.95 1.000 i 14 Supply, Transport, Installation of Lockable Cam 1.000 3,465,00 8.000 334.95 120.500 14,274.62 1.000 2,243.30 24.300 1,754.16 Locks 15 Bio-Feasibility Testing for Future Injections 16 Supply, Installation of Tracer Wire 17 • Supply, Installation of 20 mil HDPE Vapour LS 2,243.30 680.000 m 0.42 286.44 381.000 160.49 1.000 LS 1,017.33 1,017.33 1.000 1,017.33 24.000 i m2 72.19 1,732.50 2,243.30 - Barrier 18 Restoration of Asphalt Parking Lot CO 1 Change Order #1 Removal of an Unknown Page 1 of 2 EN CeliMErf oil. INC Solutionsfor Earth Ground Force Environmental Inc. 75 Ardelt Place Kitchener Ontario N2C 2C8 INVOICE Tel: Fax: Invoice Date Invoice # (519)664-0767 (519)664-0772 Project: Sales To: Dupont Developments Ltd c/o Rose & Thistle Properties 30 Hazelton Avenue Toronto ON M5R 2E2 397-2013 1485 Dupont St. Toronto ON Attn: Project Manager: Mark Goldberg Item Code CO 2 11/09/2013 David Blaymires Draw # Order# Billing Period From 12710 11/30/2013 to Description / Change Description 4 not available 11/30/2013 Contract Quantity Unit of M Contract U/P Contract Amount Quantity Value Prior Invoiced Prior Invoiced Buried Tank 1.000 12,342.00 1.000 12,342.00: Change Order #2 Compressor Room - North 1.000 4,385.00 : 4,385.00 1.000 4,385.00 1.000: 3,855.00 3,855.00 ' 1.000 3,855.00 1.000 ' 5,255.00 5,255.00 !E 1.000 ! 5,255.00 1.000 7,410.00 7,410.00 1.000 i 7,410.00 12,342.00 Quantity This Invoice Value This Invoice Side of Br CO 3 Change Order #3 Break and remove extra concrete fo CO 4 Change Order #4 Break and remove extra 2nd floor i CO 5 Change Order#5 Brick wall & extra 2nd concrete Flo- ' CO 6 7 Remove Slag in Trenches 1.000 1,080.00 1,080.00 CO 7 8 Dig Trench to 10" depths 1.000 1,455.00 1,455.00 CO 8 9 Remove Slag and dig trench to 10" 1.000 700.00 700.001. CO 9 10 Removal of Scrap Steel 1.000 540.00 540.00 CO 10 11 Supply and Deliver 8'' Well Cover 1.000 355.90 385.90 CO 11 12 Heat Trace and Insulation 1.000 1,315.40 1,315.40 CO 12 13 Extra Bedding Sand For Trench 1.000 345.32 345.32 232 217.07 TOTAL Contract Value Billed to Date Remaining Holdback Contract 193,148.45 175,578.94 17,569.51 17,557.89 Changes 39,068.62 33,247.00 5,821.62 3,324,70 Total 232,217.07 208,825.94 23,391.13 20,882.59 Page 2 of 2 Total Less Holdback Sub-Total GST/HST Invoice Total 190,553.86 80916 0864 RT0001 18 272,08 18,272.08 1,827.21 16,444,87 2,137.83 18 582.70 EN k 0 MENTA Solutions iv Earth Ground Force Environmental Inc. 75 Ardelt Place Kitchener Ontario N2C 2C8 Tel: Fax: (519)664-0767 (519)664-0772 INVOICE Invoice # : Invoice Date : 12731 12/11/2013 Project: Sales To: Dupont Developments Ltd c/o Rose & Thistle Properties 30 Hazelton Avenue Toronto ON M5R 2E2 397-2013 1485 Dupont St. Toronto ) Project Manager: Attention: David Blaymires Order# Billing Period From Descriptor) Quantity 1 Unit Amount Unit Price 1,827.21 Holdback Amount for Inv. 12710 Draw #4 1,827.21 S.T.No: 80916 0864 RT0001 Total Sale 1,827.21 0.00 Less Holdback Sub-Total H.S.T. Invoice Total Due upon receipt. 2% per month over 30 days! 1,827.21 237.54 2,064.75 Page: 1 of 1 Invoice 20 Edgecliffc Golfway Unit 703 Toronto, Ontario M3C 3A4 Tel: 416-445-7000 Date Invoice # 2014-01-15 10774 P.O. No. Fax: 416-445-7003 Terms Invoice To Dupont Developments Ltd. C/O The Rose and Thistle Group Ltd. 30 llazelton Ave. Toronto, ON M5R2E2 Yvonne Liu Project: 1485 Dupont Ave. Amount Description Qty 3,350.00 Project: Miscellaneous Work As per your request, we are pleased to provide you with a quote to supply all labour and materials, tools and supervision to complete all electrical work as listed below for the above mentioned project 1. Supply and install one (1) new wall pack light fixture 70watt outside above the front door as per Danny's (site super) request during our site visit 2. Replace existing front entrance vestibule light with new 3. Supply and install power to the hot water tank at the second floor 4. Supply and install power,complete with wiring, disconnect and breakers for three (3) additional furnace units that were not discussed during our original walk through GST On Sales Thank you for your business Subtotal HST Total GST/HST No. 805758117 435.50 $3,350.00 $435.50 $3,785.50 Invoice 20 Edgecliffe Golfway Unit 703 Toronto, Ontario M3C 3A4 Tel: 416-445-7000 Date Invoice # 2013-12-24 10748 P.O. No. Fax: 416-445-7003 Terms Invoice To Dupont Developments Ltd. C/O The Rose and Thistle Group Ltd. 30 Hazelton Ave. Toronto, ON M5R2E2 Yvonne Liu Project: 1485 Dupont Ave. Amount Description Qty 21,000.00 The following is for the work listed bellow GENERAL 1. Supply and install balance of necessary distribution equipment and infrastructure in order to power up all the furnaces 2. Supply and install additional lighting at the north entrance vestibule as per the site super Danny GROUND FLOOR 1. Supply and install power to eight(8)furnaces c/w breakers and local disconnect switches on the units for servicing as per code throughout as per our walk through with the mechanical contractor SECOND FLOOR 1. Supply and install power to five (5)furnaces c/w breakers and local disconnect switches on the units for servicing as per code throughout as per our walk through with the mechanical contractor 2. Supply and install power to one (1) make up unit c/w breakers and local disconnect switches on the units for servicing as per code throughout as per our walk through with the mechanical contractor TI-11RD FLOOR 1. Supply and install power to ten (10)furnaces c/w breakers and local disconnect switches on the units for servicing as per code throughout as per our walk through with the mechanical contractor 2. Supply and install power to one (1) make up unit c/w breakers and local disconnect switches on the units for servicing as per code throughout as per our walk through with the mechanical contractor Price agreed $ 21,000.00 2,730,00 GST On Sales Thank you for your business Subtotal HST Total GST/HST No. 805758117 $21,000.00 $2,730,00 $23,730,00 Invoice 20 Edgeeliffe Golfway Unit 703 Toronto, Ontario M3C 3A4 Tel: 416-445-7000 Date Invoice # 2013-12-27 10750 P.O. No. Fax: 416-445-7003 Terms Invoice To Dupont Developments Ltd. C/O The Rose and Thistle Group Ltd. 30 liaze1ton Ave. Toronto, ON M5R2E2 Yvonne Liu Project: 1485 Dupont Ave, Amount Description Qty 6,800.00 The following is for the work listed bellow 1. Supply and install four (4) emergency battery units and thirteen (13)new exit lights and eleven (11)twin emergency heads throughout the ground, second and third floors 2, Supply and install two (2) hand dryers and emergency heads in the public washrooms For the price of $ 6,800.00 884.00 GST On Sales Thank you for your business Subtotal HST Total GST/HST No. 805758117 $6,800,00 $884.00 $7,684.00 Ro Sewices RomanArtisa 357 ROUGE HILL CRT PICKERING, ONTARIO, LIV 6L5 647-282-4246 fax 416-792-7877 invoice No. 90922 P.O. No. 444770 GST No.806 843 603 RT0001 INVOICE Customer Name: Dupont Developments Ltd.cio Briariane Rental Address: 85 Spy Court Unit 100 City: Prov: ON PC; L3R4Z4 Markham Phone: Suite # Qty Roof 1 Description Supply & install 34 feet of roof edge fall protection railing with the 4 feet wide deck (cat walk) on the 4th floor roof top Supply & install 25 feet of roof edge fall protection railing with the 4 feet wide deck (cat walk) on the 3rd floor roof top Date: Building Address: City: 19/06/2014 1486 Dupont St Unit Price Total Toronto $3,850.00 $3,850.00 r• jThx-t-t-O-A-1 / 4- k14.1: Llifs".. 4 .w./..i it_ Ng LI, '?9), SubTotal Payment • Cash Cheque O Credit Card O TaxeV $500.50 TOTAL Name CC # Expires J Thank you for your business $3,850.00 $4,350.50 RomanArtisanServicesinc Ro 357 ROUGE HILL CRT PICKERING, ONTARIO, L1V 6L5 647-282-4246 fax 416-792-7877 Se wices Invoice No. 62476 P.O. No. 441757 GST No.Boe 843 603 RT0001 IIVVOICE Customer '\ [Name: Dupont Developments Ltd.c/o Briarlane Rental Address: 85 Spy Court Unit 100 PC: L3R4Z4 City: Prov: ON Markham Phone: Suite # Building Date: Building Address: `City: Unit Price Description 1 REPLACED LINTEL AT THE WINDOW ON THE LANEWAY SIDE, , ..i i $4,975,00 14/08/2014 1485 Dupont St Toronto Total $4,975.00 ., t to tf14 IrP PI II k()-5 Istit- 71_14 5,G0 . 1C Payment (;) Cash Cheque 0 0 Credit Card Name CC # Expires x Thank you for your business • Ro • an Services anServices1 nc 357 Rd LL CRT PICKERING, ONTARIO, L1V 6L5 647-282-4246 fax 416-792-7877 Invoice No. 91558 P.O. No. 441764 GST No,806 843 603 RTOD01 INVOICE Customer ie Name: Dupont Developments Ltd.c!o Brlariane Re Unit 100 Address: 85 Spy Court City: Markham Prov: ON . L3R42,4 Phone: \._ Sul e # Q Building 1 Date: Building Address: City: Description 14/08/2014 1485 Dupont St Toronto rota Linft Price SUPPLY LABOR AND MATERIAL TO PERFORM STUCCO REPAIRS ON THE FACADE Ati#ti*litOt $40,965,00 AS PER QUOTE . ... c., A • 0 0. • - -' ? 1 • "'"v. LH GI 14/1 / 1 4t- 4 Vim.t )N kY? Tile/ ,. \003c..9... Z 621 1.- 3. jy TL-Stfg. . TL(42 d It_ok....., fl-f-,t.c ti-C, (9.90, 4- (if/ (7)_e( 0 VIO i ( 1--f-1 lkieY 1 SubT tat Payment Cash 0 Cheque 0 Credit Card 0 Taxes Name CC# Expires 2 Thank you for your business $40,965,00 HST $5,325.45 TOTA $46290,45 Barristers &.S.olk;i1nrs Bay Adelaide Centre 333 Bay Street, Suite 3400 Toronto, Ontario M5H 2S7 e"--1 SIO Telephone: 416.979.2211 Facsimile: 416.9/9.1234 goodmans.ca Direct Line: 416.849.6895 mdunrigjgoodmans.ca December 14, 2014 Our File No.: 140074 By E-mail Dickinson Wright LLP P.O. Box 124 1.8th Floor 222 i3ay Street Torontc.), Ontario M5K11I1 Attention: Lisa S. Corns Dear Ms. Come: Re; DBDC Spadina et al. v, Norma Walton - fee allocation This letter is in response to your letter dated December 9, 2014. The answers 'below follow the numbering in that letter. 1. The Manager assigned values to each of the categories used in the allocation methodology based on a review of its records and discussions with counsel, More specifically, the values were reviewed and assigned by Harlan Schonfeld and James Merryweather of the Manager and Brian Empey (the partner at our (Alice with overall carriage of the file), Ken Heflin (the partner in our office that has supervised the real estate work required on behalf of the Manager) and myself. With respect to the property at 1485 Dupont St, (the "Dupont Property.") specifically, the values assigned reflect the following: Active Property Management(3): When the Manager was appointed, the interior of the Dupont Property had been demolished but reconstruction had only just begun. No funds were available to complete this work and several tenants continued to occupy the building. Many of the issues that arose in connection with the Dupont Property Nvere addressed by the property manager hired by the Manager but others required the Manager's input and involvement. As a result, the Manager spent significant time addressing the Dupont Property's environmental. and construction issues, either directly or by providing instructions to its property manager. Although funds were not available to complete the extensive renovations contemplated prior to the Manager's appointment, the Manager .had to ensure that the Page 2 property complied with alt applicable building and environmental codes and was safe for tenant use. This required. the Manager's involvement in, among other things, the following: a. Construction co-ordination.; the Manager had to perform significant maintenance to the Dupont .Property.' to prevent further deterioration. This required., among other things, the supervision of contractors and negotiation with contractors who had not been paid prior to the 'Manager's appointment. The most significant issues addressed by the Manager are described in the following- paragraphs. When the Manager took possession of the Dupont Property, the heating system was not properly connected to the building's mechanical and electrical system. As a result, the building could not be heated. The. Manager contracted with Gentry -Environmental to connect the heating units to the ducting system and supervised its work. Once this work was performed, the Manager hired 'Morel Electric to perform electrical work required to connect the heaters to the building systems. ii. In addition, at the time of the Manager's appointm.ent, several trenches had been dug on the first floor of the Dupont Property as part of an environmental remediation effort that was commenced before the Manager was appointed but not completed. The Manager retained Ground 'Force Environmental. to advance its work to the point where the ground floor ofthe Dupont Property was safe and useable. iii. Unfinished electrical work posed a significant safety hazard at the Dupont Property when the Manager was appointed. In order to ensure tenant safety and compliance with applicable codes, the Manager hired No.rel Electric to address these issues. iv. The elevator shaft of the Dupont Property was also deficient when the Manager was appointed. The Manager hired Roman Construction to address this issue. Invoices relating to the work performed on the Dupont Property are attached. b. Work Order: as you note in your letter, the Manager received a work order dated. June 5, 2013, which required significant structural repairs, The Manager hired Roman. Construction. to complete this work. Addressing the work ord.er also required several. meetings between the Manager and the City Page 3 fi in order to address the City's concerns and ensure that the Dupont Property complied with all applicable codes. c. Tenant management: the Manager spent significantly time interacting with tenants of the building. Many of these tenants were induced to enter into These leases by promised improvements to the Dupont Property, improvements were not completed prior to the Manager's appointment and the owner of the Dupont Property, Dupont Developments Inc, ("Dupont Developments") did not have funds to complete further work. The Manager had several discussions with tenants who threatened to withhold rental payments as a result of the owner's failure to complete the promised work and the general state of the building. All of these disputes were resolved and the Manager collected all the rent owed while it was managing the Dupont Property. The Manager's interaction with the tenants was further complicated by the fact that several of the tenants had no written leases. We understand that this situation arose during your clients' ownership ofthe building. d. Cash flow forecasting and creditor management: the Dupont Property operated at a loss at all material Ti mes, The Manager secured funds to continue the operation of the Dupont Property and managed cash flow to ensure that the building could continue to operate. Interaction with stakeholders (3): the Manager spent time interacting with your clients and with other stakeholders. The interaction with your clients was significantly more complicated because of your clients' unexplained refusal to enter into a confidentiality agreement. The other stakeholders consulted by the Manager included the various parties with liens registered against the Dupont Property. Negotiated Agreetnents of Purchase and Sale (3): the Manager and its counsel negotiated and executed three separate agreements of purchase and sale, each of which was terminated during the due diligence stage. Legal complexity (3): the Dupont Property required significant legal work. Shortly after the Manager's appointment, the Manager learned that Dupont Developments had entered into a lease with Maxx the Mutt (an art school) which required that Dupont Developments complete extensive renovations to the Dupont Property. Dupont Developments was unable to fund these renovations. The Mana.ger's counsel conducted. research with respect to its ability to disclaim the lease and, if necessary, vest the least off of title (0 the Dupont Property so that it could be sold. Page 4 Subsequently, your clients served a motion to lift the stay of proceedings so that they could commence enforcement proceedings originally returnable in June 2014. Your clients resisted taking possession of the Dupont Property and, as a result, the Manager was forced to draft and serve a motion for its discharge. Your clients threatened to oppose this moti.on and force the Manager to remain in possession of the Dupont Property against its will. Both motions were ultimately adjourned to October 9, 2014. Prior to the return of your clients' motion, vve wrote several times to confirm the 'Manager's understanding that your clients would make appropriate arrangements to take possession. We did not receive the courtesy of a response to these e-mails and your office subsequently took the position that your clients meant all along to leave the Dupont Property unattended. .My e-mail describing these events (which also did. not receive the courtesy of a response) is attached. The foregoing events :required a further attendance by the Manager to ensure that stakeholders and the Court understood the position that your clients put the property in and added further legal complexity to this aspect of the Manager's mandate. in addition. the Manager's counsel drafted three Agreements of Purchase and Sale relating to the Dupont Property, together with various collateral documents relating to each agreement The fact that three separate Agreements of Purchase and Sale were negotiated and then terminated added further legal complexity. Claims Process (O.): no claims process was conducted in connection with the JJupont Property and therefore there is no portion of the fee allocation ascribed to that category. Property value (2): the value of the. Dupont Property was determined to he between $5 and $10 million based on the Manager's discussions with CBRE and potential purchasers. The Manager's dockets have all been produced. No further breakdown exists. In the Manager's view, a strict accounting to allocate time among the assets that were the subject of the November 5 Order receivership would not be cost-effective and would drive up the overall cost ofthe proceeding. The Manager's 22nd Report sets out what is, in the. Manager's view, a fair method of allocating costs among the properties. As noted above, no specific value has been assigned. This portion of the allocation is based on a range of values determined by the Manager based on its marketing activities. it implicitly accounts for environmental contamination since that contamination impacted the value of the offers made to the Manager. It is not based on any appraisals of the Dupont Property. Page 5 Without accepting that your clients' subjective assessment of the value contributed by the Manager is relevant, we advise as follows: (a) No renewal agreements were completed with existing tenants. Given the state of repair of the Dupont Property, the Manager was o.f the view .that prospective purchasers may decide to conduct extensive renovations or even dem.ol.ish the existing building. Long-term tenancies would potentially complicate such efforts and decrease the sale value of the property. "If he Manager also notes that no stakeholders (including your clients) took the position that the Manager should seek to enter into renewal agreements with tenants of the Dupont Property. (b) The Manager's repair work is described above. That work was required to ensure that the Dupont Property was safe and .useable for tenants. No funding was available for more extensive renovation. (c) The steps taken by the .Manager are described above, the City of Toronto was satisfied with these steps and the work order was lilted. 5. The legal issues relating to .the Dupont Property are described above. The meaning of this question is not clear. The Manager fulfilled its .mandate pursuant to the Ord.er of Justice Newbo-uld dated November 5, 2013. its activities and accomplishments are described above and in its reports. 7. With respect to fonds borrowed to support the Dupont Property, please see attached a cash flow which describes how funds were used and invoices to support the Manager's expend itures. We trust the foregoing addresses your questions. We look forward to receipt of .particulars of your clients' objection to the fee allocation and proposed alternate allocation. Yours very truly, Gooduaans LLP &.3e.t.7.!A Mark Dunn Encl. 6403379.1 Mangelinden, Miguel To: Subject: Dunn, Mark RE: 1485 Dupont St From: James Merryweather Sent: June-06-14 12:20 PM To:'Jack Brudner' Cc: Harlan Schonfeld Subject: RE: 1485 Dupont St Hi Jack: Please find attached the following: 1. Rent roll for June 2014 2. Receiver's weekly Cashflow for the period November 5 to May 30; you will see that the property is not selffunding 3. Contact information for property manager is Briarlane Property Management Mr. Andrus Kung, VP Operations (905)943-7303 akungPbriarlane.ca With respect to the sale process, you may recall that we entered into an APS with a potential purchaser a few months back; that purchaser terminated the APS during the due diligence phase. Currently, we are negotiating with another potential buyer, and if the proposed transaction is completed, the sale price will be sufficient to deal with the secured claims on the property. When we initially spoke in January, I suggested that you tour the building; have you had an opportunity to do so? If not, would you like me to arrange something? James Merryweather, CGA SCHONFELD INC. Receivers + Trustees 438 University Avenue, 21st Floor Toronto, ON M5G 2K8 Tel Fax 416.862.7785 416.862.2136 ext. 3 Experience acquired. Experience applied. This email may contain confidential information and no rights to privilege have been waived. If you are not the intended recipient, please notify us immediately. Thank you. From: Jack Brudner [mailto:[email protected]] Sent: June-06-14 8:47 AM To: James Merryweather 1 Cc: Harlan Schonfeld Subject: Re: 1485 Dupont St Good morning James, Would you please forward a copy of the current Rent Roll to me as well as the name of the present property manager, the contact person and his/her phone number and email address. When l last spoke with Harlan he advised he was negotiating on two Offers on the property. May l have an up-date on the status of those two (or any others since) Offers. Your prompt reply would be appreciated. Regards Jack Brudner, on behalf of Millwood Management Limited Original Message I.J.prozPm From James Merryweather kb. To: ijbrudnersvmpatico.ca' Cc: Harlan Schonfeld Sent: Tuesday, May 13, 2014 10:27 AM Subject: 1485 Dupont - Insurance Atf#244 6SK,L) Aar' sv L7.4717.V. Hi Jack: Hope all is well with you. As requested, please find attached the certificate of insurance for the above property, expiring December 15, 2014. James Merryweather, CGA SCHONFELD INC. Receivers + Trustees 438 University Avenue, 21st Floor Toronto, ON M5G 2K8 Tel Fax 416.862.7785 416.862,2136 ext. 3 Experience acquired. Experience applied. This email may contain confidential information and no rights to privilege have been waived. if you are not the intended recipient, please notify us immediately. Thank you. 2 Rent Billing fer 06/01/2014 Dupont Dcvelpments Ltd. Building. A85 21 Block: Lot.: r TL 00.,01 DupontCmay g,f, Posting Dater Master Unit Tenant Cd/ Invoice* tot Pattison7 2014-06 1491 201 202 205 301 307 05/30/2014 Page: 11:26AM Meagan Develpments Ltd. Name/ Aud Grp Aud Unit From Bate 8111 Space. Code Rent Cmu Emu Basi StiL 500.00 50.00 65-00 13.000 6.50 13.000 521.50 Rc 1491 Emu 2,216.00 Basi 1,769.92 230.09 13-000 2,000.01 Rc -00 201 Cmu 1,804.00 Basi 2,017.70 262.30 13.000 2,200_00 Rc 7,286.06 202 202 202 202 202 Cmu Cmu Emu Cmu Emu 2,260.00 Bast Ins Taxe Cam Utll 2,165.03 56.50 310.75 951.08 659.1/ 281.56 7.35 40.40 123.64 05.69 13.000 13.000 13.000 13-000 13.000 4,681.91 Rc Refer (Unit) Unit Type Pattison Outdoor Advertising LP 00410696 0001 12/01/2000 12/01/2000 001 001 RonRosen 2014-06 Ron Rosenes 00410656 0002 01/01/2014 DuboisMal 2014-06 Dubois/Malakain 00410696 0003 01/01/2014 Hendersol7 Henderson Resource Group Inc. 00410696 0004 11/0112013 2014-06 11/01/2019 11/01/2013 11/01/2013 11/01/2013 To Date Tax Amount Tax Pro A/R Total Rate Cat A/R Balance PYmt Method on Inv -621.50 On Inv On Inv On Inv 10/31/2014 10/21/2018 10/91/2015 10/31/2018 10/31/2018 4,463.20 On Inv Mint 2014-06 Mint 00410696 0005 01/01/2014 205 Emu 2,534.00 Basi 2,232.75 290.26 13.000 2,523.01 Rc 5,045.18 Blackbur5 2014-06 Slackburn/Martinelic 00410696 0006 01/01/2014 301 Cmu 1,958.00 Basi 1,500.00 195.00 13.000 1,695.00 Rc .00 BatHyWor 2014-06 Eat My Words 00410696 0007 01/01/2011 307 Emu 1,572.00 Basi 1,100.00 143.00 12.000 1,243.00 Rc .00 Vacant Vacant Vacant Vacant Vacant 00410697 00410627 00410697 00410697 00410697 On Inv On Inc 12,338.00 Total billing 101 103 1489 204 208 11 0001 0002 0003 0004 0005 Description Billing, . Rent Receivable commercial Harmonized Sales Tax Basic Rent Taxes Common Area Maintenance Utility Recovery Insurance Recoverable Vacancy; Basic Rent Basic Rent End of report. 06/01/2014 06/0112014 06/01/2014 06/01/2014 06/01/2014 06/30/2014 06/30/2014 06/30/2014 06/30/2014 06/30/2014 Allocation G,TL,I48,0301.10 0,21,148,1E21.200 0,21,140,3200 0,21,148,3210 0,21,118,3210 0,21,145,3220 0,21,148,3213 0,21,148,3200 0,21,148,3290 101 103 1489 204 208 10,221.00 2,030.00 3,081.00 954.00 7,262.00 a015 01.1 Emu Emu Cmu 13,313.70 Basi Basi Basi Basi Basi 1,730.72 15,044.49 21,625.00 1,860.00 2,567.50 795.06 6,051.61 21.625.00 1,665.83 2,567.59 755.50 6,051.67 Total vacancy 29,540.00 32,903.00 Total lease/space 11,886.00 47,947-49 A/R Tax Revenue 15,044.49 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 -1,730.79 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 -11,206-20 -310.75 -951.08 -709.17 -56.50 -32,901.00 .00 Vacancy Audit Grp .00 00410696 .00 .00 CO .00 .00 .00 .00 00410697 32,903.00 15,044.49 -1,700.79 -46,216.70 32,903.00 2019 16,0E6.94 ElerustnieVe alto 11 „Faintly ()wiled_ Companies Cal h flow W Acural 843,luy-13 {Sapid Openinu Balance 1.7posits 1..easkoR8;ew.w F um!ngristanager Futtcling- Waltnu Sale ef Real Prupwo (,00 Disburs.(,:rnent Skagailts Proposty Tans 138T 11111 Wes op.roing skirl,[ler, Pr4licm Supp Eicm Properly Mutuipettnetit i.or.c. t34ok Feco (11,4 Poreitase(lteckapt100) Ciosiag ltaianoe(Fund in g 14414) AtItusl 154`los-13 Actual 22,N0.-13 Autttut 13 294340s , Actual 13 64)e() , Actual 13-D.'-l] Enda3 Actual 2O-Dee-13. Actual 27431.,c-13 14,769 4 131 1,826 1,762 504371 70 52,0711 52,070 0 0 7...350 127 0 0 1,695 0 0 0 0 0 7,741 0 65,950 11 0 4.750 2,000 50.000 3.243 o U 0 0 0 0 0 (24,375) 0 0 0 0 o o 0 0 0 o o (24,375) a (3„755) 0 41 0 (43) 0 o 1247( 11 Q 0 0 0 o U 0 0 {) 0 0 (251 0 11 {21) 4 131 1.426 (9;X41) 1,762 (7e11) 50.071 {4,730) 0 0 0 0 o 4) U 0 0 0 1.219 0 0 70 62.970 52:070 (50.000) ACitaal 17-.1au-14 Actual 19-3 tri-14 Aclual 3-Jan-14 52.480 Actual 31-1sre14 Actual 24-Jan-14 29,183 18,8(11 („520 240 5,430 1,695 0 0 30.036 !coo° o c 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 (1.31.31 (24,375) o 0 16,8147) 0 0 0 0 (125) o 0 0 0 (3,005) 0....769 0 o 0 o o 0 (1,441) 0 (23,730) 0 o a 0 o o o (20) i) 51449 9 0 29.1,63 11 0 1 g ,R01 0 0 /1,520 (5( 0 14,646 (36.757) (I (3,:495) (961) (299) • 184 rus.tei OVA-to n ,loartly 4.1,pmed ,Compti C'ashfluev Wcck Actual 3-Pc-0-14 Dupont Opening Batanee. 13,81105115 1.,=sing Rovenue Funding-Manage( I= undilig- Wzdtpri Sate e1 Real Properly(mg Disburserserss Mortgazes Propeay Tiros GIST (leaks Operating 2uppllers Project Suppliers Inwerty Malawi...I-not 1 teeiranec 13xiik fees (3It Purchase(14ede ntrelne)) Closing Painnee(pending N 14,645 1,243 0 11 0 V 0 0 (2,459) 0 0 0 0 0 0 15.430 Ad.() 14-Fel, -14 15,430 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 (14,938) (22) 0 0 0 0 0 4711 Aciuul 21-1,e6-14 470 0 0 0 41 ll 11 o (429) 0 0 0 0 0 0 31 Actual 21843dt-14 31 5,058 21,000 0 0 0 0 0 0 (2,452) 0 0 0 {lb) 0 22.821 Actual 7-M e(-14 22,621 8p.53. 0 0 C) 0 0 0 (4,2(4) (3.371) (L3,550) (961) 0 0 0 9,480 Actual 14-1,,IN--14 9,480 21-Mar-14 17,155 Av uat 28-1,4ar-14 10,425 „Palm! 4-Apr-44 13,6,85 0 18,000 0 0 I,140 1,000 0 0 5,113 0 0 0 8,601. 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 (10,225) 0 0 0 0 1) 17,155 0 0 0 41.900 (962) 0 0 0 0 0 10,425 0 0 0 0 (293) 0 (961) 0 11 0 13,685 0 0 0 (3,145) 0 0 0 ) (58622 174) 41 13.507 Actual 1 t -Apr-14 Actual 15-Apr-14 Adak 21-.Apt-,44 Acttat ?-May-14 13,507 1396 1,322 6,100 0 2,000 0 0 0 111111 11 41 0 2,000 0 0 8,561 0 0 0 0 0 0 41 (2,261) 0 (9611 0 0 0 6,1011 0 0 0 (412) (4.920) 0 0 0 (14) 0 9,256 0 0 0 (11.„805) V 0 0 (57) (2,305) 0 0 13 0 0 1,395 (1,012) 0 0 0 0 0 I 322 Aertiste 1w1Vgatron Juudl v Owned Cmuym CosIdlom- t4 te-upont. Ugtalue Kalet.te Deposi14 Leasing Revenue Moulinä-Manager Putbding-Walinn SaltofRd.21 Prepire (ina) Disburstioeute Morigage hupe:Gy Taxe GST titele Operuang Suppt1ere Ptuj,....:t Surr Acr3 Matulgeractit Prop hati:aace Vcro Kurcluse(Itadeeoption.) Closing Fiplenee(Pnrd]ngNadl Weck Eild0d Actual Actuol 231 av-,14 1 6-114ny -[4 Aetim I 30-Ma -14 Ae.t0a1 30 V,' n duti 30-Mov-14 9,256 8,399 3,377 5,180 14,769 4,335 0 0 6,090 0 1,810 4,686 4,900 75.174 157,000 9:4,050 i1 0 0 0 0 (4.331) (1,3781 ii 0 13 0 II 8390 (1,793) 0 8 II 8 8 8 II 0 (1,298) 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 (6,922.). 3,377 5,186 0 1) 6 0 (2A751 (2,2K) (961) 13 (17) 0 KI02 (72,12) 0 (76,787) (48,764) (119,583) (6,243) (6.919) (911) Ii 8,1.62 Mangalindan, Miguel To: Subject: Dunn, Mark RE: 1485 Dupont URGENT From: Dunn, Mark Sent: Sunday, October 19, 2014 7:58 PM To:'Michael J. Brzezinski' Cc Empey, Brian; LaBine, Jackie; [email protected]; Mark S. Shapiro; James Merryweather; 'David P. Preger' Subject: RE: 1485 Dupont URGENT Further to my e-mail on Friday, 1 have now had an opportunity to review our correspondence relating to this matter. We remain of the view that your recitation of the facts is not correct and that the situation your client has now placed the Property in is unacceptable. Let me deal first with your assertion that you were forthright with respect to the fact that your client did not intend to take possession of the Property. I can state categorically that I had no knowledge at all of this intention. My client did not — and would not — consent to the Property being left without anyone responsible for it. If we had known of your intention, we would have opposed it. The relevant facts are set out below: • When you first brought your motion in June 2014, I made it quite clear that our client would be seeking a discharge and your client would need to take possession. Your client did not want to take possession because of the various environmental issues and other factors relating to the Property. In fact, your client was so concerned about taking possession that it considered asking the Court to require that my client remain in place against its will. Ultimately, your client adjourned its motion because an offer was received by my client. That offer unfortunately did not result in a completed transaction and you rescheduled your client's motion; • l wrote to you on September 8, 2014, shortly after you rescheduled your motion for October 9 to reiterate this position: "As you know, our client will not oppose your motion to lift the stay and will seek a discharge from any responsibilities that it may have in respect of the Dupont property at the same time. I made it clear during our previous conversations that the Manager is not prepared to remain in place once the stay is lifted. Please confirm that your client has made, or is in the process of making, alternate arrangements for the management and preservation of the property pending completion its power of sale proceedings or whatever other enforcement steps it is planning once the stay is lifted." • I did not receive the courtesy of a response to my e-mail, so 1 wrote again on September 30, 2014 as follows: "I have not heard back from you in response to my e-mail below. As you know, we will be obtaining a discharge from any responsibility for 1485 Dupont. Kindly confirm that your clients have made appropriate arrangements to take possession." • Again, I did not receive the courtesy of a response. You called me a few days before the motion and advised that your client planned on withdrawing its motion. I advised that I was puzzled by this since my client had consistently and repeatedly advised that it did not object to lifting the stay but would seek a discharge. • In light of my e-mails on September 8 and 30, you cannot possibly have been confused about my client's position that if your client lifted the stay and my client was discharged, your client would need to take possession. Moreover, I asked you to have your client contact mine to make these arrangements. You said you would raise it with him. You never once raised the possibility of leaving the Property unattended. 1 • Perhaps most troubling of all is that you now say that this was your intention all along when you drafted the Order. We will be putting these facts before the Court at the earliest opportunity and seeking advice and direction with respect to how we should proceed. Leaving everything else aside, we now have a situation where there is no party responsible for the Property. Our client has been discharged but its property manager(who is also discharged) is receiving calls from tenants who have no other contact. No one is available to respond to emergencies and it is not even clear if your client has secured insurance for the Property. Your client is not the only stakeholder with an interest in the Property. If, as you now assert, your client does not intend to take possession then alternate arrangements need to be made so that the Property is protected. Whatever these arrangements are, they will need to be funded by a charge that ranks ahead of your client's charge. We have been keeping track of all time spent on this issue separately and will ask that costs be awarded against your clients, payable forthwith. In the alternative, these costs will be added to the Manager's charge, which ranks ahead of your client's charge. Regards, Mark From: Michael J. Brzezinski [mailto:[email protected]] Sent: Friday, October 17, 2014 4:43 PM To: Dunn, Mark; Mark S. Shapiro Cc: Empey, Brian; LaBine, Jackie; [email protected]; James Merryweather Subject: RE: 1485 Dupont URGENT Mark, The Order of Justice Pattillo does not require our clients to take possession of the Property. In fact, the Order was specifically worded so as to avoid that result. Rather, it lifts the stay and grants the Mortgagees the right to enforce the mortgage in whichever manner they see fit. Enforcement does not necessarily require possession and our clients are under no obligation to do so. We have been forthright about this from the get go. In any event, Mr. l3rudner cannot be reached today as it is a Jewish holiday. We will seek instructions and advise how the Mortgagees wish to proceed early next week. Regards, Michael Michael J. Brzezinski Lawyer 199 Bay Street Suite 2200 Commerce Court West Toronto ON M5L 1G4 .1...„.v Phone 416-777-2394 416-865-1398 Fax Email MBrzezinskiOdickjnsonwright.com I ICKINSON OFF43:i eassEE:W.AFKISPATON D.C, .7cr 'WM From: Dunn, Mark [maitto:mdunnPgoodmans.ca] Sent: Friday, October 17, 2014 11:05 AM To: Mark S. Shapiro; Michael J. Brzezinski Cc: Empey, Brian; LaBine, Jackie; [email protected]'; James Merryweather 2 Subject: FW: 1485 Dupont URGENT Importance: High Gentlemen, Please see below. As you know,the Court Order clearly requires that your client take possession of the property from my client. Your client consented to this order. Your client's failure to act is putting the property at risk in a way that we cannot and will not accept. If your client does not arrange to take possession immediately we will be forced to bring an urgent motion to directions to the court and look to your client for the costs incurred as a result of its inaction. I look forward to hearing from you. Regards, Mark Mark Dunn Goodmans LLP 416.849.6895 mdunnacioodmans.ca Bay Adelaide Centre 333 Bay Street, Suite 3400 Toronto, ON M5H 2S7 goodmans.ca **1,40` Attention" 44* This communication is intended solely for the named addressee(s)and may contain intinmation that is privileged, confidential, protected or otherwise exempt from disclosure. No waiver of confidence, privilege; protection or otherwise is made.If you are not the intended recipient ofthis communication, or wish to unsubscribe, please advise us immediately at nrivac officers oodmans,ea and delete this email without reading, copying or forwarding it to anyone. Goodmans LLP,:333 Bay Street, Suite 3400, Toronto,ON,NISH 257, www.goodmans.ca. You may unsubscribe to certain mormmications by clicking here. From: Andrus Kung [mailto:akung©briarlanexa] Sent: Friday, October 17, 2014 10:28 AM To:'Harlan Schonfeld; [email protected] Cc:'James Merryweather'; 'Susan Liberto'; LaBine, Jackie; Dunn, Mark Subject: RE: 1485 Dupont URGENT Importance: High None one has yet picked up the files or keys. Tenants and contractor continue to call us and we are not responding. This is a dangerous situation because there is no one responding to emergencies or keeping an eye on the property. If Tenants and contractors call should I direct them to Jack? Please advise as this is an Urgent issue. Thank you, Andrus From: Harlan Schonfeld [rnailto:Harlan(thschonfeldinc.com] Sent: Wednesday, October 15, 2014 12:49 PM To: jbrudnerOsympatico,ca 3 Cc: James Merryweather; Andrus Kung; Susan Liberto; LaBine, Jackie; Mark Dunn (mdunngoodmans.ca) Subject: 1485 Dupont URGENT Jack: The order is dear. The Manager is discharged of any responsibility. The mortgagee is in control of the property. Briarlane nor the Manager have any responsibility. You need to make immediate arrangements to manage and control the property. We've moved.... S. Harlan Schonfeld CPA, CIRP SCHONFELD INC. Receivers + Trustees 77 King Street West Suite 3000, P. 0. Box 95 TD Centre North Tower Toronto, ON M5K 1G8 Tel 416.862.7785 Cell 416.254.1992 Fax 416.862.2136 Experience acquired. Experience applied. This email may contain confidential information and no rights to privilege have been waived. If you are not the intended recipient, please notify us immediately. Thank you. Confidentiality Warning; This message and any attachments are Intended only for the use of the intended recipient(s), are confidential and may be privileged. If you are not the intended recipient you are hereby noted that any review, retransmission, conversion to hard copy, copying, circulation or other use of this message and any attachments is strictly prohibited. If you are not the Intended recipient please notify the sender immediately by rettim e-mall and delete this message and any attachments from your system. Information confidentielle Le présent message, ainsi que tout fichier qui y est joint, est envoyé a 'Intention exclusive de son ou de ses destinataires; il est de nature confidentielle et peut constituer une information privilégiée. Nous avertissons toute personne autre que le destinataire prévu que rexamen, la retransmission, l'impression, la copie, la distribution ou toute autre utilisation de ce message et de tout fichier qui y set joint est strictement interdit, Si vous n'ètes pas le destinataire prévu, veuillez en aviser Immédiatement rexpéditeur par retour de courdel et supprimer ce message et tout documentjoint de votre système. 4 Mangalindan, Miguel To: Subject: Dunn, Mark RE: 1485 Dupont / 300 Campbell From: Ronald Rosenes <[email protected]> Date: October 28,2014 at 11:49:46 PM EDT To: harlan Schonfeld <[email protected]> Cc: Jeanne GRIERSON <[email protected]>, Ron Rosenes <[email protected]>, Cory Blackburn <[email protected]>, Arline Malakian <[email protected]>, Blair Henderson <[email protected]> Subject: Fwd:1485 Dupont/ 300 Campbell Hello Harlan, On behalf of the tenants at the below address, l am wondering if you are able to provide us with any information regarding the identity of the Mortgagee for this property. l have been a tenant here since 2004 and to this point, am concerned that we have not been contacted regarding future arrangements. Can you be of assistance in helping to identify the Mortgagee for 300 Campbell Ave and letting us know what the future might hold for the remaining tenants in the building? To date, Briarlane has not been forthcoming or able to provide such information. Thank you for any and all information you might be able to provide. Ron Ron Rosenes CM 1491 Dupont St. Toronto, ON M6P 352 C 416.726.5147 T 416.901.5147 Begin forwarded message: From:"Meagan Wint" <mwint(briarlane.ca> Subject: 1485 Dupont 1300 Campbell Date: October 27, 2014 at 3:36:48 PM EDT To:'Ronald Rosenes"' <ronarosene&com> Cc:"'Andrus Kung" <[email protected]>,'Aura Epure" <aebure©briarlane.ca> Good Afternoon, Please see the attached letter regarding 1485 Dupont / 300 Campbell. Thank you, Meagan 1 Meagan Whit I Commercial Administrator www.briarlane.ca Briarlane Rental Property Management Inc. 905,944.9406 ext. 306 (office) 905.944.1976 (fax) [:=4 address This e-mail is confidential, if you are not the intended recipient, please notify us by telephone or return e-mail immediately and delete this e-mail from your system without making a copy. Any unauthorized use or disclosure of this e-mail is prohibited. 2 RentalProperty Management Inc. Notice to: All Tenants From: The Property Management 1485 Dupont St. and 300 Campbell Ave. Subject: Mortgagee Date: October 9, 2014 Dear Tenant, Schonfeld Inc, Receivers + Trustees, was appointed Manager of the property in which you occupy premises pursuant to a lease, by an Order of the Ontario Superior Court of Justice on November 5, 2013. Please be advised effective October 9, 2014 Schonfeld Inc, Receivers + Trustees is no longer Manager and Briarlane Rental Property Management is no longer Property Manager of the property in which you occupy, pursuant to a lease, by an Order of the Ontario Superior Court of Justice on October 9, 2014. The Mortgagee of the building has taken over and we have no further information at this time. If in the future the Mortgagee decides to retain us as the Property Management we will let you know. It was a pleasure working with all of you. Yours truly, Dupont Developments Ltd. By its Authorized Agent and Manager BRIARLANE RENTAL PROPERTY MANAGEMENT INC, per; Andrus Kung, Vice President, Commercial Properties and Operations 85 Spy Court, Suite 100, Markham, Ontario, L3R 4Z4 Tel: (905) 944-9406 Fax: (905) 944-9083 www.briarlane.ca Mangalindan, Miguel From: Sent: To: Subject: Dunn, Mark Monday, February 02, 2015 2:12 PM Mangalindan, Miguel FW: 1485 Dupont URGENT Follow Up Flag: Flag Status: Follow up Flagged From: David P. Preger [mailto:DPreger(adickinson-wright.corn] Sent: Monday, October 20, 2014 2:47 PM To: Dunn, Mark Cc: Mark S. Shapiro; Michael J. Brzezinski; Empey, Brian; LaBine, Jackie; Christina E. Corrente Subject: RE: 1485 Dupont URGENT Mark, Now that it is discharged of any responsibilities in relation to the property, l do not see any basis for the Manager making an issue over this. I have read the October 19 Order of Pattilio J. There is nothing compelling our client to go into possession. Moreover, it is not clear to me how a Judge could or would compel our client to take possession. In any event, l am not available to be in Court tomorrow morning and do not see any urgency. l trust that any motion you intend to bring will be scheduled either at a 9:30 am chambers appointment returnable when l am available, or in consultation with me. Meanwhile, our client needs to know how much, if any, your client asserts is payable to the Manager for fees and borrowings in priority to our client's security. Could you please get that information to me as soon as possible, together with the appropriate back up. David P. Preger Partner 199 Bay Street Suite 2240 Commerce Court West Toronto ON N151_ 1G4 Phone 416-646-4606 Fax 416-865-1398 Email DProgerAclickinsonwriciht.com <image002.png><image003.png> <image004.jpg> From: Dunn, Mark [mailto:mdunragoodmans.cal Sent: Sunday, October 19, 2014 8:18 PM To: David P. Preger Cc: Mark S. Shapiro; Michael J. Brzezinski; Empey, Brian; LaBine, Jackie; Christina E. Corrente Subject: FW: 1485 Dupont URGENT David, I am forwarding to you an e-mail in which Mr. Brudner indicates that Dr. Bernstein is somehow responsible for the property. Dr. Bernstein was never responsible for the management of the property, even before my client was appointed. He certainly has no such responsibility now. The owner company remains within my client's mandate. It has no ability to manage or preserve the property now that my client has been discharged. Furthermore, your client's request for "a little time"from Briarlane is difficult to understand. Briarlane is the property management company retained by my client, their mandate relating to the property ended when our mandate did. It is not in a position to grant anyone time to do anything. It is also difficult to understand why your client would need more time to decide what to do since it has had about five months since serving its motion materials to consider a path forward. When we spoke this afternoon, you said that your client intended that the property simply be left without anyone responsible for it. The e-mail below is not consistent with such a position and some clarity would be helpful moving forward. I would have expected that we would have a shared interest in preserving this property. As stated in my previous e-mail, we will be bringing a motion for directions, Regards, Mark From: Jack Brudner <[email protected]> Date: October 19, 2014 at 11:13:22 AM EDT To: Harlan Schonfeld <Harlan(aschonfeldinc.com> Subject: Re: 1485 Dupont URGENT Harlan, We believe you are misinformed. True, you have been discharged but that's the only thing ordered as far as responsibility for the property is concerned. Since the mortgagees have yet to decide what actions they should take, your benefactor Dr. Bernstein is now responsible for the property as owner and which we shall be monitoring very closely. We have spoken to Briarlane and asked them for a little time to allow mortgagees to consider their position. In the meantime can you please advise us when we may expect to receive from you the documents, reports, marketing plan etc.as ordered by the Court. Jack *4.44 Attention Am.** This connnunication is intended solely for the named addle, eis)and may contain information that is privileged, confidential, protu,led or otherwise exemptfrom diaclosare. No waiver of canfitlenco. priv ili e,proteolion or otherwise is Inside. If you. are not the inWndecl recipient ofthis communication,or %ki.sh to unsubscribe, please advise us immediately at priysiagfrice414,_rollikaan,i,cA and delete this email without reading,copying or ibrwarding it to anyone, Goodniar,s ILP,333 Bay Street, Suite 3400,Toronto,ON,M51-I 2S7, VAVW.vocimans.ca. You truly unsubscribe to certain communications by clicking here. Original Message roni: Harlan Schollferd Wl27-Tkl4A/PARRE4 ,.;, 74;;.M;;VZ,F:0W•ikiti. .;9-.`E qi To:jbrudnerasympaticaca Cc: James Merryweather ; Andrus Kung (akundabriariane,ca) ; 'Susan Liberto' ; LaBine, Jackie ; Mark Dunn ([email protected]) Sent: Wednesday, October 15, 2014 12:48 PM Subject: 1485 Dupont URGENT V,' ."" I 2 Jack: The order is clear. The Manager is discharged of any responsibility. The mortgagee is in control of the property. Briarlane nor the Manager have any responsibility. You need to make immediate arrangements to manage and control the property. We've moved.... S. Harlan Schonfeld CPA, C1RP SCHONFELD INC. Receivers + Trustees 77 King Street West Suite 3000, P. 0. Box 95 TD Centre North Tower Toronto, ON M5K 1G8 Tel 416.862.7785 Cell 416.254.1992 Fax 416.862.2136 Experience acquired. Experience applied. This email may contain confidential information and no rights to privilege have been waived. If you are not the Intended recipient, please notify us immediately. Thank you. Confidentiality Warning: This message and any attachments are intended only for the use of the intended recipient(s), are confidential and may be privileged. If you are not the intended recipient you are hereby notified that any review, retransmission, conversion to hard copy, copying, circulation or other use of this message and any attachments is strictly prohibited. If you are not the intended recipient please notify the sender immediately by return e-mail and delete this message and any attachments from your system. Information confidentielle : Le présent message, ainsi que tout fichier qui y estjoint, est envoyé 6 l'intention exclusive de son ou de ses destinataires; il est de nature confidentielle et peut constituer une information priviiegiée. Nous avertissons toute personne autre que le destinataire prévu que l'examen, la retransmission,!Impression, le copie, is distribution ou toute autre utilisation de ce message et de tout fichier qui y est joint est strictement interdit. Si vous n'êtes pas le destinataire prévu, veuillez en aviser immédiatement l'expéditeur par retour de cowriel et supprimer ce message et tout document joint de votre système. 3 Barristers & Soliollars Goodman§ Bay Adelaide Centre 333 Bay Strut, Suite 3400 Toronto, Ontario M511257 TolopOorre: 41E979,2211 Facsitnile 116,979.1234 goodaians.ca Direct lAne: 416,849.6895 In do nri@goodman s.ca October 22, 2014 Our File No_: 14-0074 Via E-mail Joe DiPietTo c/o the Commercial List Of 330 University Avenue, 7th Floor Toronto, Ontario M6.1,2N9 Dear Mr, DiPietro: Re: DBDC Spading Ltd. et al v. Norma Walton et al Court File No. 13-10280-90CL We are counsel to Schonfeld Inc, in its capacity as, ainong other things, court-appointed Manager of 1485 Dupont. Street (the "Dupont Property") pursuant to the Order of Justice. Newbould dated November 5, 2013. We. would appreciate it if you could bring this letter. to Justice Newbould's attention, This correspondence relates to the motion brought by the holders of a first ranking charge against the Dupont Property (the "Dupont Mortgagees") for an Order, among other things, lifting the stay of proceedings as against the Dupont Property and the Manager's cross-motion for a discharge of any responsibility for the preservation, protection and rnanagernent of .the Property. These motions were granted on consent on October 9, 2014 by 'justice Patil[o, Justice's Patillo's Order (the "October 9 Order")and Endorsement are attached for ease ofreference, When it consented to the Order sought. by the Dupont Mortgagees, the Manager understood that the Dupont Mortgagees planned to take over possession and control ofthe .Dupont Property from the Manager, The Dupont Mortgagees have since advised that this is not correct. The Dupont Mortgagees have not taken possession of the Dupont Property and have no apparent intention of doing so. The Manager has been discharged of any responsibility for the Dupont Property pursuant to the terms of the October 9 Order. Accordingly, there is presently no one Man aging or controlling the .Dupont Property, which is a partially .finished building with six tenanted units, Goodman§ Page 2 Although the Manage• has been discharged from any responsibility for the Dupont Property, the Manager is concerned that neither affected stakeholders nor the Court could reasonably have anticipated the present circumstances and, accordingly, feel that it is appropriate to bring the matter to the Court's attention, The Manager respectfully requests the earliest available attendance before Justice Newbouid to seek advice and directions with respect to what, if any, steps are required to preserve and protect the Property, Yours truly, Goodmans LLP 7 4 , Mark i)unn 6380838 Ccir q *uzt Nie NORMA WALTON,et ul le.ebToni.lertg DBDC SPADIN.el LTD., et al Applicants ONTARIO SUPIRIOR COURT Of JUSTICE List 2(94- Lg:6r5e 11 I\r-13-10280-00C-1, > v-A—cee--› , >4.4 2 'gen=cvci ai Te,r04210 'ti"2 Vc.0,-JS - (cti Mies : %1\ib t1.1, . 0..".4...!.e..g.CORD OF vv",,c›,SeJ;e3,1, Go-EL e-\ k.,, , #-Q ()\A D-4 - •Öch2L‘l Mtre-Q.5 ‘u, t.C_C.kh0 nm MANAGER, c.fioNEEED uNc. â4ian. ro: b~Zsgn a1 Mseager's abltatiens Te,pett of 1485 Dupadt,renn-nabie Oceaber 9,2014) tnas ", .A;7 (nae,t ra&1-1,eJ k Ael (40 (Lyzu kp M09)e-thet AkeK cw,,c,,,,i)eä Sf , k,n.-tti_V\ 2de,4- "11., ?resx-4-4, b bt. v„,„\,.4.1us CJAb - C-OODMANS 1.12 Barristen & SnLieiton 13;13' Adekitte Centre 333 Bay Street, Suite 3400 Toronto,Canada mefi 2S7 74 gcce-,d Man 1-+-repey LS1IC-4:30640G Mark S.D..np LSUCK 55510L Tel:(416)979-M11 Fax: ole 979-1234 Lawyors for The Merager Ni',14-0075 6376E57 Court File No. CV-13-10280-00CE ONTARIO SUPERIOR COURT OF JUSTICE COMMERCIAL LIST TIONOTIRABLE MR. IHURSDAY,THE 9.114 ) JUSTICE PAT I ) DAY OF OCTOBER,2014 DBDC SPADIKA LTD,, RPORA PIONS LISTED ON SCHEDULE"A" 1:1-E'RETO Applicants - and . NORMA -WALTON,RON-AULD w.A.uroN, THE ROSE & THISTLE GROUP LTD, andECILINTON CASTLE INC, Respondents - and THOSE CORPO'RATIONS LISTED INT SCHEDULE "B' MUT°,TO BE BOUND BY 11-i12, RESULT ORDER TEIIS MOTION, made by Florence _Leaseholds Limited, Beatrice Leaseholds Litnited and Ada Leaseholds Limited (collectively, the "Mortgagees")for an Order in respect of the property owned by the Schedule "B" Corporation; Dupont Developments Ltd. ("Dupont Developments"), at the address limn &pally known as 1485 Dupont Street, Toronto, Ontario, the buildings thereon and all appurtenant lauds subject to the first ranking mortgage (the "Mortgage") held by the Mortgagees (the ".0upotit Property"), and the CROSS-MOTION by Schonield Inc,(the "'Manager")for an Order discharging it don any responsibilities that it may have had with respect to the management, control, preservation or protection of the Dupont Property were heard this day at 330 University Avenue, Toronto, Ontario. ON READING the Affidavit of Jack Brudner and the Twelfth Report of the iVianager dated :June 6,2014 and en bearing the submissions of counsel for the Mortgagees and counsel for the Manager in :its capacity .as manager of certain companies listed at Schedule "B" to the Order of Justice Ne'wbould dated November 5, 2013 the "C,ompanies").,1- together with the real estate properties owned by the Companies n.o one,appearing for any other person on the service list: 1. THIS COURT ORDERS that the time for service ofthe Notice Of Motion and the Motion Record of the Mortgagees and the Notice of Cross-Motion and Motion Record of the Manager are hereby abridged so that this motion and this cross-motion are properly returnable today and hereby dispenses: with further service thereof. 2. THIS COURT ORDERS that the stay of proceedings imposed pursuant to paragraphs 12 and 13 of the Order of the Honourable Justice Newbould dated November 5, .2013 (the "November 5 Order"), as it pertains to the Dupont Property and. Dupont Development, is hereby lifted -for the purpose of allowing the Mortgagees to enforce their security, including the -Mortgage, against the Dupont Properly and Dupont 12evelopments. 3. THIS COT,IRT ORDERS that the Manager is hereby discharged of any responsibilities that the Manager may have had under the November„.5 Order, the relevant Order of Honourable Justice Newcixxid dated jannary 20, 2014 (collectively, the "Orders") or otherwise with respect to the management, control; preservation, protection, marketing andlor sale of the Dupont Property.and with respect to reporting to affected Persons (as defined the November 5 Order) in respect ofthe Dupont Property. 4. • . COIIRT ORDERS that the Manager disclose (to the extent that disclosure is not prohibited by any obligation to third parties) and. provide to the Mortgagees any and all information, reports andlor documentation in the Manager's possession relating to any past and ongoing efforts to rernediate the adverse soil'and groundwater conditions currently affecting the Dupont Property, including any plans, studies and other specifics of the steps take-n, to date, to • implement any such remediation. The. Manager shall provide to tho Mortgagees the same information, on. the same tams as provided to prospective purchaser of the Dupont Property. I Schedule "B" was aruende-d by Order dated Jan. tary 16, 2014, -35, 11-118 COURT ORDERS that the Manager disclose (to the extent that disclosure is not prohibited by any obligation In third parties) and provide to the Mortgagees any and all material information., reports and./or .documentation pertaining To its efforts to sell the Dupont_ :Property during the term of its appoiattnent, inch:Kling but not limited to any marketing report prepared by CBRE Limited and if no such resort exists, to request of CBRE Limited to prepare and deliver same, and that it does so on an expedited basis. 6. THIS COURT ORDERS that the Orders continue in full force and effect except as inodified by this Order in respec't ofthe Dupont Property, 7. THIS COURT ORDERS that the Mortgagees shall be at liberty to apply to this Coart to seek a variation of the priority and quantum of the :Manager's Charge and the Manager's :Borrowing Ch.arge (as dciincd in the November 5 Order) as these charges relate to the Dupont Pr°petty, 70riONTO ENTEiiEr.'; 1,7 iN6C.PIT ON BOOK NO.: NO:: LE / DANS LE FIECATTIF-tE OCT 9 2014 A. Anissimova Hec;fattk.,1- Schedule A Companies I. Dr. Bernstein Diet Clinics Ltd. 2. 22'72551 Ontario Limited, 3. DBDC Investments Atlantic Ltd. 4, DBDC Investments Pape Ltd, 5. DBDC Investments Highway 7 Ltd. 6. DBDC Investnaents Treryt Ltd, 7, DBDC Investments St. Clair Ltd. DBDC iuvestinents Tisdale Ltd. 9. DBDC Investments Leslie Ltd. 10. DBDC investments Lesilebrook Ltd, 11. aB1)0 Fraser Properties Ltd. 12. DBDC Fraser Lands Ltd, 13. DBDC Queen's Corner Ltd, 14. DBDC Queen's Plate Holdings Inc,. 15. DBDC Dupont Developments Ltd. 16. DBDC Red Door Developments Inc. 17, DBDC Red Door Lands Inc. 18. D13DC Global Mills Ltd.. 19. DBDC Donalda Developments Ltd, 20. DBDC Sannon River Properties Ltd, 21, DBDC City),,iew Lands Ltd. 22, DBDC Weston Lands Ltd, 23. DBDC Double Rose Developments Ltd, 24. DBDC Skyway Holdings Ltd. • 25. DBDC West Mall Holdings Ltd. 26. DBDC Royal Elate Holdings Ltd, 27. DBDC Dewhurst Developments Ltd. 28.TRIDC'Eddystone Place Ltd, 29. DBDC Riehtmind Row Holdings Ltd. Schedule B Companies 1. Twin. DragOns Corporation 2. Bannockburn Lands Inc. / Skyline 1185 Eglinton Avenue Inc.. 3, Wynford Professional C6ntre Ltd, 4. Liberty Village Properties Ltd, 5. Liberty Village Lands Inc, 6. Riverdqle Mansion Ltd. 7. Royal Agincourt Corp. 8. Hidden Gem Development Inc, 9, • Ascalon Lands Ltd. 10. Tisdale Mews .Inc, 11. Leslieb.rook Holdings Ltd. 12, Lesliebrook Lands Ltd. 13. Fraser Properties Corp. 14. Fraser Lands Ltd. 15. Queen's Corner Corp. 16. Northern Dancer Lands Ltd. 17. Dupont Developments Ltd. 18: Red Door Developments Inc. and Red Door Lands,' Ltd. 19. Global Mills Inc. 20. Donalda Developments Ltd. 21, Salmon River Properties Ltd. 22. Cityview Industrial Ltd. 23, Weston Lands Ltd. 24. Double Rose Developments Ltd. 25. Skyway Holdings Ltd. 26. West Mall Holdings Ltd. 27, Royal Gate Holdings Ltd, 28. Royal Gate Nominee Inc. 29. Royal Gate (Land) Nominee Inc, 30, Dewburst Development Ltd. . 3L Eddystone Place Inc, 32. Richmond Row Holdings Ltd. 31 El-Ad (1500 Don Mills) Limited 34. i.65 Bathurst Inc. DREW SPA-DINA_ LTD. a al Applicants -and- NORMA -WALTON et al Respondents Court Fie No_ C 13-10280-00CI. ONTAR/0 SUPERIOR COURT or JUSTICE. COMMERCIAL LIST PROCEEDING commecEn TORONTO ORDER DICKINSON WRIGHT LLP Barristers & Solicitors 199 Bay Street Suite 2200, P..0. Box 447 Commerce Court Postal Station Toronto, Ontario, M5L 104 Nil-4AM(S.SHAPIRO (38458B) i-nhapiroicicinsonwright.corn Tel: (416)646-4603 Fax: (416) 865-1398 TvlICl/AEL J. BRZEZINSKI(63573R) Email: mbrzezinSici(Zdielcinsonwrig.iit.corn Tel: (416) 777-2394 Fax: (416)865.-1398 Lawyers for the Mortgagees ToRoNTo 58495-1 980767v1 JACK COPELOVICI BARRISTER 1220 Sheppard Avenue East, Suite 204 Toronto, Ontario M2K 2S5 Tel:(416) 494-0910 Fax:(4.16) 494-5480 email:jack@eopel-lameom January 11, 2015 Delivered by email Mr. Mark Dunn Mr. Brian Empey Ms. Jacqueline LaBine GOODMANS LLP Barristers & Solicitors Bay Adelaide Centre 333 Bay Street, Suite 3400 Toronto, Canada M5H 2S7 email: [email protected] email : [email protected] email : [email protected] Dear Sirs and Madam: Re: Fox and Laser liens — 1,9 and 11 City View Drive, Toronto The following are questions for the Manager arising out of the 22nd Report and related documents. These questions are without prejudice to our right to cross examine on the fees on the suggested date of January 21, 2015. Also, in the event that we deem the answers to these questions are not fully responsive, we will be seeking leave to cross examine the Manager on the answers given and any issues arising therefrom. General questions regarding fees: 1. Please provide the backup documentation for the time spent by the Manager on the Cityview properties for the period June 2,2014 onwards . . It is our position that, given the fact that the allocations are being sought to be done now,rather than at the time that the previous accounts were accepted by the Court, that we are entitled to all backup documentation for Active Property Management of the Cityview properties from the time the Manager was first appointed. 2. 3. Please provide the backup documentation for the time spent by the Goodman's lawfirm on the Cityview properties for the period May 29,2014 onwards. Page 2 General questions regarding the borrowing of monies from the Bernstein companies: 4. Ts it correct that the monies borrowed from the Bernstein companies to fund the projects was borrowed at 15%? 5. Is it correct that the Bernstein companies were repaid on their mortgages registered as against title, with monies borrowed from the Bernstein companies at 15%? 6. What attempts were made to borrow monies from entities other than Bernstein companies to fund the projects? General questions regarding the proposed allocation: 7. As at the date, November 5,2013, of the Order of Justice Newbould granting the superpriority for fees, was any thought given at that time as to the method of allocation of fees and funding as against the Cityview properties? 8. Was any thought given at that time as to how this allocation would impact the lienholders' claims on Cityview? 9. Is it correct that, as at February 21,2014 ofthe Order of Justice Spence creating the holdback fund for the benefit of the mortgagee and the lien claimants that there was no indication from the Manager as to the proposed method of allocation of fees and funding? 10. Is it correct that assurances were given by the Manager's counsel as at the date of the Justice Spence Order in February , 2014 that the sale of 9-11 Cityview would generate enough funds to pay out the mortgages and the lien claims ? 11. In hindsight, should the Manager not have advised the lien claimants as at February, 2014 that the Manager's fees and fund allocations sought to be recovered from Cityview generated funds would have a substantial reductive impact on the funds ultimately available to the lien claimants? 12. If not, why not? 13. Why was the proposed allocation not circulated until well after the Cityview mortgages had been paid out as per the MOS? QUESTIONS REGARDING FORMULA USED FOR ALLOCATION TO CITYVIEW PROPERTIES. Appendix 2 of the Motion Record contains the weighting factors with respect to each ofthe Schedule B and Schedule C properties, including Cityview. Please provide answers to the following questions: 40% Active Property Management: 14. Please ensure that the backup documentation to be provided shows the time actually spent for active property management for the Cityview properties. 15. How much interest was paid to the mortgagee from the time that you were advised that the mortgagee and the lien claimants had entered into an agreement, which was pursuant to their MOS that was provided to you? 16. How much interest was paid to the mortgagee after the first cheque to pay out the mortgagee was returned? Page 3 17. Has the interest amount that was paid after the first cheque been factored so as to reduce the amount sought to be paid to the Manager for Active Property Management ofthe Cityview properties? 18. If not, why not? 19. A review of the Cashflow chart for the Bernstein/Walton Jointly owned companies shows that the Cityview properties had a positive cash flow in each of the months. Is that correct? 20. If so, where were the excess funds spent? 21. For the week ended January 10, 2014 there is a notation of"Funding-Manager" of $156,400.00. Why were these funds needed? 22. Did they come from funds borrowed from the Bernstein companies? 23. For the week ended January 17, 2014 there is a notation of"Funding-Manager" of $13,500.00. Why were these funds needed? 24. Did they come from funds borrowed from the Bernstein companies? 25. Have any of the excess funds from the rental revenue generated from Cityview properties get used to pay the ongoing expenses of the Cityview properties? 26. Did the rental revenue generated from Cityview properties exceed the ongoing expenses ofthe Cityview properties? 27. If they did exceed, by how much did they exceed? 28. If there was an excess, where was that excess applied? 29. Was any ofthat excess applied towards Management fees or funding? 30. If not, why not? 10% APS Negotiation. 31. Please advise as to the work done by the Manager under this heading. 32. Please advise why the sale price ofthe property was dropped by $50,000.00 33. What efforts were made by the Manager to sell 9-11 Cityview during the period February to August, 2014? 25% Legal Complexity: 34. Please advise as to the work done by the Manager under this heading. 10% Claims Process: 35. Please advise as to the work done by the Manager under this heading. 36. Why have the lien claims still not been valuated? 5% Property value 37. Please advise as to the method of calculation and the sums for Management Fees and Management Funding that are produced as a result. 38. Has any allowance in the Manager's Fees or Funding been made for the fact that the lien claimants contributed to the increase in value ofthe Cityview properties? I look forward to having these questions answered shortly. These questions are provided without prejudice to ask more questions should it be found in the interests of my clients to do so. Page 4 Yours very truly, C. Jack Copelovici Signed electronically JC:kv cc.' cc: cc: clients' Mr. Bram Zinman OLDFIELD, GREAVES,D'AGOSTINO Mr. Edward L. D'Agostino Attention: email: [email protected]; email: speiou(i-aellnet.ca email: [email protected] 13ottistcrs & Sotiritats -roodmang Bay Adelaide Centre 333 Bay Stint, Suite 3400 Ti3rerito, Ontario trISH 2s7 Tskunone: 416.979.2.211 Facsimile: 416 979.1234 gm/data na.ca Direct Line: 416.5491495 mdtwinQgoottmans.cit January 26,2015 Our File No.: 14.0074 BY E-MAIL Jack Copelovici Banister 1220 Sheppard Avenue East, Suite 204 Toronto, Ontario M2K 2S5 Dear Sirs/Mesdames: Re: Fox and Laser liens -1,9 and 11 Citty View Drive, Toronto The Manager's answers to the questions posed in your letter dated January 11, 2015 are set out below. For ease of reference, your questions have been reproduced below. General questions regarding fees: Please provide the backup documentation for the time spent by the Manager on the Cityview properties for the period June 2, 2014 onwards. It is our position that, given the fact that the allocations are being sought to be done now, rather than at the time that the previous accounts were accepted by the Court, that we are entitled to all backup documentation for Active Property Management of the Cityview properties from the time the Manager was first appointed. Manager's response: the meaning of this request is unclear. Dockets describing time spent by the Manager and. its counsel have been produced. Kindly clarify what "backup documentation" is being sought so that we may consider your request. 2. Manager's response: this number was left blank in your letter. 3. Please provide the backup documentation for the time spent by the Goodman's law firm on the Cityview properties for the period ivlay 29,2014 onwards. Manager's response: as set out above, the. meaning of this request is unclear. Goodmans' dockets have been provided. Kindly clarify ‘what "backup documentation" is being sought so that we may consider your request. Goocimanis Page 2 General questions regarding the borrowing of monies from the .Bernstein companies: 4. Is it correct that the monies borrowed from the Bernstein companies to fund the projects was borrowed at 15%? Manager's response: The Manager's borrowing arrangements were described in its Second Report and approved by the by Order dated January 16,2014. Is it correct that the Bernstein companies were repaid on their mortgages registered as against title, with monies borrowed from the Bernstein companies at 15%? Manager's response: This is incorrect. 'Funding in January was only used on Cityview to pay property taxes, which was necessary to obtain the severance. What attempts were made to borrow monies from entities other than Bernstein companies to fund the projects? Manager's response: the Manager's rationale for the funding arrangement entered into with the Applicants was described in the Second Report. General questions regarding the proposed allocation: 7. As at the date. November 5,2013, of the Order of Justice Newbould granting the superpriority for fees, was any thought given at that time as to the method of allocation of fees and funding as against the Cityview properties? Manager's response: The Manager was aware that a method of allocation would ultimately be required but determintal that the allocation should be assessed later in the process, when the amount of time and effort spent on the various properties could be ascertained with greater certainty. Was any thought given at that time as to how this allocation would impact the lienholders' claims on Cityview? Manager's response: Assuming this question also references to the time in and around November 5, 2013 , the answer is no. At that time, the Manager was not aware of the lienholders' claims. The interests of all stakeholders were considered in preparing the allocation methodology. „Too ,nal Page 3 Is it correct that, as at February 21 ,2014 of the Order of Justice Spence creating the holdback fund for the benefit of the mortgagee and the lien claimants that there was no indication from the Manager as to the proposed method ofallocation offees and funding? Manager's response: In February 2014, the Manager had not made any recommendation with respect to the proposed allocation and there was no discussion of how fees would be allocated. 1p Ts it correct that assurances were given by the Manager's counsel as at the date of the Justice Spence Order in February . 2014 that the sale of 9-11 Cityview would generate enough funds to pay out the mortgages and the lien claims ? Manager's Response: No. It was apparent to all stakeholders that the sale of 9-11 Cityview (which was the first of two parcels that together comprise the Cityview Property to be sold) would not generate sufficient proceeds to pay lien claimants and mortgagees. The relevant Order was specifically structured to address this issue by providing for a holdback to pay amounts claimed by the lien claimants if they succeeded in proving validity, entitlement and priority over the mortgages. In fact, the sale of 9-11 Cityview did not pay the first mortgage in full. 1 Cityview was not sold until later in 2014. 11 In hindsight, should the Manager not have advised the lien claimants as at February. 2014 that the Manager's fees and fund allocations sought to be recovered from Cityview generated funds would have a substantial reductive impact on the funds ultimately available to the lien claimants? Matinees Response: No. The sale was approved because it was, in the Manager's view, the best sale available. There is no evidence that a more advantageous sale could have been achieved. Moreover, it was (or ought to have been) clear to the lienholders and other stakeholders that the Manager's Charge and Manager's Borrowing Charge was in first priority on the Cityview Property and that the Cityview Property would need to bear an appropriate share of the cost of the proceeding. In addition, the Manager notes that, at the time ofthe February 2014 sale, one parcel of the Cityview sale remained to be sold and so the total proceeds available for creditors was not known at that time. 12 if not, why not? See above. 13. Why was the proposed allocation not circulated until well after the Cityview mortgages had been paid out as per the MOS? The Manager circulated the proposed allocation when most of the Properties had been sold and the costs associated with the various Properties could be ascertained with greater e certainty. The timing of the allocation proposal vvas also influenced by requests from other stakeholders that the allocation methodology be finalized, No such requests were received by die Manager until in and around October 2014. in any event, there is no reason to link the allocation methodology to payment of the mortgages. The mortgages were paid because sufficient funds were available to fund both the mortgages and there was no dispute after execution of the MOS that these mortgages were entitled to be paid ahead of other debts, QUESTIONS REGARDING FORMULA USED FOR ALLOCATION TO PROPERTIES. ernmEw Appendix 2 of the Motion Record contains the weighting factors Kith respect to each of the Schedule B and Schedule C properties, including Cityview. Please provide answers to the following questions: 40% Active Property Management: 14. Please ensure that the backup documentation to be provided shows the time actually spent for active property management for the Cityview properties. Manager's Response: The Manager did not track its time by Property. As the Manager has reported, this is a complex file involving more than thirty companies and numerous stakeholders. The Manager determined that it was neither practical nor economical to specifically track the time spent on each company and property. More specifically, tracking time spent by property would have been both:(i) difficult,. since often meetings, conference calls and court attendances related to more than one property; and (ii) expensive, since dividing out tirne by property or company would have taken a substantial amount oftime. iS Flow much interest was paid to the mortgagee from the time that you were advised that the mortgagee and the lien claimants had entered into an agreement, which was pursuant to their MOS that was provided to you? Manager's Response: the second mortgage accrued interest at a per diem rate of $36 per day. The timeline relevant to this inquiry is summarized below: • The Manager received a partially executed copy of the Minutes of Settlement(the "MOS") on October 16, 2014. The MOS did not contemplate- an immediate payment to the second mortgagee. To the contrary, it contemplated that the parties would "consent to an Order directing the Manager to pa}'" the second mortgage. The Manager understood that such an Order would be obtained in advance of payment. Good.mss Page 5 No Order was obtained but, on October 23, 2014, Mr. Copelovici asked when payment would be made to the second mortgagee. This correspondence did not state that payment should be made immediately or that no Order would be obtai ned. On October 29, 2014, Mr. Copelovici wrote asking the Manager's counsel to pay the amount owed to the second mortgagee as soon as possible. The Manager's counsel received a payout statement from the second mortgagee on October 31, 2014 and paid the amount shown on the payout statement to the mortgagee on November 3, 2014. However, there was an error on the first cheque sent to the second mortgagee and it was returned. 'The correct amount was paid by cheque dated November 13.2014. 16 How much interest was paid to the mortgagee after the first cheque to pay out the mortgagee was returned? The interest with respect to this ten day period was approximately $360. 17 Has the interest amount that was paid after the first cheque been factored so as to reduce the amount sought to be paid to the Manager for Active Property Management of the Cityvicw properties? No. If not, why not'? In the Manager's view, there is no basis for a deduction. 19 A review ofthe Cash.flow chart for the Bernstein/IA/alton jointly owned companies shows that the City-view properties had a positive cash Clow in each of the months, Is that correct? No. Interest was not paid on the outstanding mortgages from February to August due to lack offunds, If so, where were the excess funds spent? There were no excess funds. For the week ended. January 10, 2014 there is a notation of "Funding-Manager" of $156,400.00. Why were these funds needed? Funds of 5156,400 ÷ 513.500 in the following week were required to pay the outstanding 2013 realty taxes of $177,162. This is clearly shown on the cashflow. Page 6 Did they come from funds borrowed from the Bernstein companies? Yes. For the week ended January 17, 2014 there is a notation of "Funding-Manager" $13,500.00. Why were these funds needed? See 2 I above. 24. Did they come front funds borrowed from the Bernstein companies? Yes. Have any of the excess funds from the rental revenue generated frorn Cityview properties get used to pay the ongoing expenses ofthe Cityview properties? There were no excess runds. Revenue generated by the Cityview Property were used to pay ongoing expenses relating to the Cityview Property. Did the rental revenue generated from Cityview properties exceed the ongoing expenses of the Cityview properties? No. 27 if they did exceed, by how much did they exceed? N/A 28 If there was an excess. where was that excess applied? NIA 29 Was any of that excess applied towards Management fees or funding? N?A 30 if not, why not? N/A 10% APS Negotiation, 31. Please advise as to the work done by the Manager under this heading. This heading reflects the work performed by the Manager in connection with the negotiation of Agreements of Purchase and Sale in respect of the two Cityview Properties, The purchaser and financial terms of the agreement with respect to 9-11 000-MallS' Page 7 Cityview predated the Manager's appointment but the Agreement of Purchase and Sale had to be amended into a form acceptable to the Manager, which required that the Manager instruct counsel, review drafts and communicate with the purchaser, In respect of 1 Cityview, the Manager negotiated an Agreement of ?urchase and Sale with the Purchaser, instructed counsel, reviewed drafts and communicated with the purchaser. 32 Please advise why the sale price of the property was dropped by $50,000.00 The Agreement of Purchase and Sale entered into before -the appointment of the Manager contemplated that the vendor would complete various conditions, including securing, permits. When the Manager was appointed, no funds were available to fulfill these conditions. Moreover, the Agreement of Purchase and Sale was amended to omit representations and warranties that the Manager was not in a position to provide. Accordingly, the Manager and the purchaser negotiated a $50,000 price abatement to reflect the fact that the transaction was converted to an "as is" sale. 33 What efforts were made by the Manager to sell 9-11 Cityview during the period February to August, 2014? 9-11 Cityview was sold in February 2014. 25% Legal Complexity: 34. Please advise as to the work done by the Manager under this heading. Manager's response: the costs associated with this property include the legal work associated with the sale of both parcels of the Cityview Property, including both transactional and litigation work. All but one ofthe other Properties involved only one sale approval, In addition, the sale of 1 Cityview was opposed by Laser in circumstances that added significantly to the legal costs associated with the sale. More specifically, after several attempts to obtain an answer from counsel to LaSer with respect to what, it' any, position it intended to take on the sale, counsel advised that Laser intended to oppose the sale and intended to do so based on the opinion of its principal, who purported to be an expert on commercial real estate. This purported expert evidence (which did not comply with the rules of civil procedure) was not incorporated into an affidavit and, as a result, the Manager's counsel was forced to prepare to both object to the propriety of the evidence and, if necessary, cross-examine. Laser's principal ultimately did not testify because the matter was addressed in chambers but, by that time, the Manager's counsel had spent time preparing. Ultimately-,Justice Newbould approved the sale but, in light of. Laser's assertion that the sale price was insufficient, granted Laser an option to purchase at the (oodm Page 8 sale price offered. The principal of Laser purported to exercise this option but tendered --proof' of financing in the form of a commitment letter in trust for a company to be incorporated. This highly unusual (and ultimately meaningless) comrnitment letter required further work by the Manager's counsel to determine whether the commitment letter represented proof offinancing. The Manager ultimately determined that it. did not. In addition to the foregoing. Cityview Industrial Ltd. (which owned the Cityview Property) commenced litigation against a purported purchaser of the Cityview Property for its alleged breach of an Agreement of Purchase and Sale entered into before the Manager was appointed. The Manager has preserved this litigation. 10% Claims Process: 35. Please advise as to the work done by the Manager under this heading. Manager's'Response: The Manager has evaluated the quantum and validity of the liens filed by the lienholders. This amount also includes an allowance for future costs associated with resolution of disputes relating to the 25% costs claimed by the lienholders, which the Manager believes to be improper. The Manager also attended at the premises to inspect the completed building as well as reviewing documents and pictures that were taken during the construction phase. Why have the lien claims still not been valuated? The lien claims have been evaluated, the Ivlanager's response will be provided under separate cover. 5% Property value 37. Please advise as to the method of calculation and the sums for Management Fees and Manaaernent Funding that are produced as a result. Manager's response: this methodology is explained in the Manager's 22nd Report. 38 Has any allowance in the Manager's Fees or Funding been made for the fact that the lien claimants contributed to the increase in value of the Cityview properties? Manager's response: the value of the Property is relevant to the Manager's analysis. The reason that a particular property has a particular value is not relevant. 1 trust the foregoing is satisfactory. Page 9 (3 Jodmang Yours truiy, Goodnians LLP 1 Mark Denn MSD/cr FneL 641413X FINANCING COMMITMENT TO: 2431318 ONTARIO LTD. a LT BORROWER(S)" ROBERT LORION "THE GUN FROM: NTOR(S)" BRUNO BORTOLUS,in Trust for a company to be incorporated without any personal liability "THE LENDER" THE UNDERSIGNED LENDER IS PLEASED TO CONFIRM THAT THEY ARE PREPARED TO PROVIDE YOU THE FINANCING ON THE FOLLOWING TERMS AN)CONDITIONS SET OUT HEREIN: LENDER: BRUNO BORTOLUS,in Trust for a company to be incorporated without any personal liability (the "Leader') The Borrower(s) and/or Guarantor(s) acknowledge and agree that the Lender shall be entitled without consent of the Borrower(s) andfor Guaran tor(s), to assign this agreement to any person, firm or corporation whether now existing or not, and upon the Borrower(s) and/or Guarantor(s) receiving notice of such assignment, the Lender herein shall be relieved of all further liability hereunder Lind the Borrower(s) and/or Guarantor(s)shall complete the transaction with such assignee as if such assignee had originally been the Lender hereunder. BORROWER: 243I 318 ONTARIO LTD. (the "Borrower") GUARANTOR: ROBERT LORION (the -Guarantor") LOAN AMOUNT: THME!'itILLION ONE HUNDRED AND PIT TI iOUSAND DOLLARS ($3,150,000,00) CDN LNTEREST RATE: TEN PER CENT(10 %)per annum calculated as follows: calculated monthly and payable interest only and payable in monthly instalments. INTEREST ADJUSTMENT DATE: The Interest Adjustment Date shall be the date of the advance. PREPAYMENT OF LOAN: When not in default the Borrower and/or Guarantor shall have the privilege of repaying the whole or any part of the loan at any time or times without notice or bonus. TERM: ONE(I) YEAR PURPOSE OF LOAN: The loan is to be used by the Borrower and/or Guarantor exclusively for the following purpose: PURCHASE OF 1 CITYVIEW DRIVE,TORON'T'O, ONTARIO Page 2 The Borrower anchor Guarantor shall provide as security for the loan the following security ("Security"), in form, scope and substance satisfactory to the Lender at the Lender's sole discretion: SECURITY: a mortgage in FIRST position on. the lands legally (a) described as PART OF LOT 22. CONCESSION 2, FRONTING THE HUMBER,DESIGNATED AS PART 1, PLAN 6611-26674,CITY OF TORONTO BEING ALL OF PIN 07416-0035(LT) Municipally known as I 1 2 acres CITYVIEW,TORONTO,ONTARIO containing 2/ upon which there is erected a 27,000 square foot building which is leased. a General Assignment of Rents un (b) described above. ORDER.DATED AUGUST 20,2014: ACCEPTANCE OF THIS COMMITMENT: DATED at Vaughan, this 2 properly The Lender acknowledges having received a copy of the Order of the'Honourable Mr. Justice Newbould of the Ontario Superior Court of Justice dated August 20, 2014 with respect to the said property. This Commitment.is open for acceptance by the Borrower and/or Guarantor until 3:00 p.m.. an the 251 day of AUGUST, 2014 failing which it shall be null and void and the Lender shall be under no obligation whatsoever with respect to this Commitment, day of AU LENDER: 0 TOLUS,in. Trust for a company to incorporated without any personal liability =1..**************sitge********W****** The execution of the form of acceptance below attests that the party so executing has read and has fully understood this Commitment THIS COMMITMENT IS AC BORROWER: -1) as above this ' 24313 0 Per day of AUGUST,2014. 'DO1 - A.S.O. 1 have authority to bind the car )(Honor" GUARANTOR: B RT LORION Dayspring Circle Suite 702 Brampton, Ontario, P I13l Wellesley granch 56 Wellesley StreetW., Suite 103 Toronto °Mario MSS 2S3 416.928.6468 002296 Naminga vacation TraVel Insurince- is available at your ibtOrtips in four easy steps. Visit.tnefidiiincuipeitravei to view flux compreheritiiiii and affordable plans. Statement Period Ending: April 30,2013 Account Number: 9695164 Number of Cheques: 3 Cltyview Industrial Ltd. 30 Hazel ton Ave Toronto ON MSR 2E2 Deposit Accounts Chequing 0 Cityview Industrial Ltd. Account Activity Balance Forward Cheque Deposit Transfer In 7311954 wellesy cheq Cheque Deposit 05-Apr-2013 transfer out 7311954 weliesy cheq Cheque # 45 05-Apr-2013 09-Apr-2013 Combined Deposit 09-Apr-2013 Transfer Out # 053216500 7311954 wellesy cheq 10-Apr-2013 Transfer Out # 053432484 7311954 wellesy cheq Transfer In 18-Apr-2013 7311954'wellesy cheq 18-Apr-2013 Cheque # 30 19-Apr-2013 Transfer In 7311954 wellesy cheq 22-Apr-2013 Transfer In 7311954 wellesy cheq 24-Apr-2013 Transfer Out # 050847046. 7311954 wellesy cheq 26-Apr-2013 Cheque # 48 30-Apr-2013_ _ TransactioriFees Date 31-Mar-2013 04-Apr-2013 04-Apr-2014 Account Totals Withdrawals Deposits 12,148.25 14,500.00 636;403. .636,400.00 Balance 10T60 12,255.85 26,755.85 663,159.15 26,759.15 -700.00 92.15 9,435.25 8,735.25 -5,400.00 335.25 -26,667.00 9,343.10 2,950.00 3,285.25 2,000.00 1,307.75 3,307.75 2,000.00 5,307.75 -1,977.50 -2,000.00 3,307,75 -254,25 -5.25 3,053.50 3,048.25 676,404.00 679,344.65 3,048.25 Page 1 of 3