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The Ostrich, Junie 1964 TENTH RINGING REPORT I G. R. Mclachlan I HoN. Onc.rlqsrn RrNcrNc This report covers the year 1 July 1959 to June 30 1960. In addition a short addendum is given of recoveries, which, for one reason or another, were omitted from previous reports, or were sent in too late for inclusion. The C.S.I.R. has continued its most valuable financial support and this has greatly eased the task of compiling these Annual Reports. As mentioned in the Ninth Report, Schedule "B" can now be done extremely quickly and a method of speeding up Schedule "C" has also been evolved. As usual we are indebted to the Director and staff of the Pretoria Zoological Gardens in Pretoria for their co-operation in forwarding all recoveries from Pretoria. This service must be a constant source of interruption and extra work; particularly as the scheme expands but the staff continues to do it for us cheerfully and efficiently. As may be seen from Schedule '0B", fewer birds were ringed than during the previous year but the total is still satisfactory bearing in mind the reduced activity of the Department of Agriculture with its Quelea survey. The most striking feature of this report is the large number of birds ringed here and recovered from Russia and other localities outside the Republic. These spectacular recoveries may not be the most important aspect of ringing but they do stimulate ringers to greater efforts and compensate for the tedious hours of routine ringing. The Latitude and Longitude of localities not mentioned before are as follows: Guriev, Russia: 47" 15'N.; 51" 52'E. Karabutaksk, Russia: 49" 55'N.; 60" 08'E. Luyaba, N. Rhodesia: 16" 10'S.; 27'2O'8. Makhach-Kala, Russia: 42' 58'N.; 47" 30'E. Mishkino, Russia: 55' 24'N.; 63" 55'E. Nakhakhaka, Russia: 49" 55'N.; 60" 08'E. Tunduru, S. Tanganyika: ll'2O'S.; 37'20'E. Yurginskoe, ljumen Reg., Russia: 56" 50'N.; 37" 20'E. Scsrpurr A The number of birds ringed by the various branchos and larger organisations during the year were as follows: Witwatersrand Bird Club Eastern Cape Wild Bird 165 4,799 Natal Bird Club .. :: 408 Pretoria Bird Club 1,091 863 Rhodesian Ornithological Society 686 Cape Bird Club t*:: Rondevlei. 3,494 Barbwspan 1,190 Scsrourr B RrruRN on Sprcrcs Rrucro 1958-59 6 Cape Dabchick Podiceps ruficollis 8 Black-browed Albatross Diomefua melanophris .. Cape Pigeon Daption capensis Silver-grey Fulmar Thalassoica antarctica Cape Gannet Morus capensis White-breasted Cormorant Phalacrocorax carbo.. Cape Cormorant Phalacrocorax capensis . . Reed Cormorant Phalacrocorax africanus Darter Anhinga rufa. . Grey Heron Ardea cinerea .. t4 15 44 47 48 50 52 54 101 I 51 I 25 1959-60 ; 1 3 I 2 The Ostrich, June 1964 55 56 58 59 60 6t 62 69 72 73 75 81 83 84 85 Black-headed Heron Ardea mehnocephala 58 2 Goliath Heron Ardea goliath Great White Heron Casmerodius albus Little Egret Egretta garzetta Yellow-billed Egret Mesophoyx intermedius Cattle Egret Bubulcus ibis Squacco Heron Ardeola ralloides Night Heron Nycticorax nycticorax Hamerkop Scopus umbretta Marabou Stork Leptoptilos crumeniferus - . 918 95 96 97 98 99 100 Sacred lbis Threskior nis ae t hiopicus Glossy lbis Plegadis falcinellus Hadeda Hagedashia hagedash 159 t6t 162 167 t7t 181 183 57 820 262 162 24 2 84 29 j l1 149 2 1 Natal Francolin Franco I inus natalensis Swainson's Francolin Francolinus swainsoni 188 Red-necked Francolin Pternistis afer t92 Crowned Guinea-fowl Numida meleagris 208 Purple Gallinule Porphyrio porphyrio 210 Moorhen G allinula chloropus 212 Red-knobbed Coot Fulica cristata 185 ) -) 3 ) I I 2 2 I I , 2 2 2 , 6 t4 I 1 20 3 102 ,f 6l J 6 Black-shouldered Kite Elanus caeruleus Black Eagle Aquila veteauxi Wahlberg's Eag|e Aquila wahlbergi Booted Eagje Hieraadtus pennatus. . African Hawk Eagle Hieraa1tus spilogaster Crowned Eagle Stephanoaetus coronatus Black-breasted Snake-eagle Circahtus pectoralis Fish Eagle Haliadtus vocifer Buzzard Buteo buteo Black Goshawk Accipiter melanoleucus Little-banded Goshawk Accipiter badius .. Gabar Goshawk Micronisus gabar. African March Harrier Circus raniyorus Banded Harrier-hawk Polyboroides typicas Cape Francolin Francol inus capensis ts4 50 111 1 130 146 149 16 t7 l4t Greater Kestrel Falco rupicoloides 141 143 7 131 I Rock Kestrel Falco tinnunculus Yellow-billed Kite Milvus aegyptius 139 7 2 122 137 5 135 Cape Teal Arws capensis Hottentot Teal Annas panctata 123 129 133 I I Red-bilt Teal Anas erythrorhyncha. Lanner Falcon Falco biarmicus 391 I Yellowbill Anas undulata 114 122 2 Black Duck Anas sparsa il3 I I j Cape Shoveller Spatula capensis to7 I J 3 African Shelduck Tadorna cana Cape Vulture Gyps coprotheres White-backed Vulture Gyps afr icanus Peregrine Falcon Falco peregrinus 198 ; Saddlebill Ephippiorhynchus senegalensis White-faced Dtck Dendrocygno viduata to2 S.A. Pochard Netta erythropthalma 103 Maccoa Duck Oxyura maccoa 105 Secretary Bird Sagittarius serpentarius 106 2 1 I Spoonbill Platalea alba 86 Greater Flamingo Phoenicopterus ruber 87 Lesser Flamingo Phoeniconaias minor 88 Spurwing Goose Plectropterus gambensis 89 Egyptian Goose Alopochen aegyptiacus 90 94 4 ?\ I 7 I 3 5 4 26 305 408 The Ostrich, Junie 1964 African Jacana Actophilornis africanus 230 Painted Snipe Rostratula benghalensis 231 Black Oystercatcher Hae matopus moquini 233 Ringed Plover Charadrius hiaticula 235 White-fronted Sandplover Charadrius marginatus 237 Kittlitz's Sandplover Charadrius pecuarius 238 Three-banded Sandplover Charadrius tricollaris .. 242 Crowned Plover Stephanibyx coronatus 245 Blacksmith Plover Hoplopterus armatus .. 247 Wattled Plover Afribyx senegallus 250 Ethiopian Snipe Capella nigripennis 251 Curlew Sandpiper Calidris testacea 228 253 255 Little stint calidris minuta . . Sanderling Crocethia alba .. 256 Ruff Philomachus pugnax 257 Terek Sandpiper Xenus cinereus 258 Common Sandpiper Actitis hypoleucos 262 Marsh Sandpiper Tringa stagnatilis 264 Wood Sandpiper Tringa glareola .. 270 Black-winged Stilit Himantopus himantopus 275 Cape Dikkop Burhinus capensis 287 Black-backed Gtll Larus dominicanus 288 Grey-headed GulT Larus citocephalus 289 Hartlaub's Gull Larus hartlaubii . . 291 Common Tern Sterna hirunda 304 White-winged Lake Tern Chlidonias leucoptera . . 311 Rock Pigeon Columba guinea 314 Red-eyed Turtle Dove Streptopelia semitorquata. 316 Cape Turtle Dove Streptopelia capicola 317 Laughing Dove Stigmatopelia senegalensis 3r8 Namaqua Dove Oena capensis 321 Emerald-spotted Wood-dove Turtur chalcospilos 343 Red-chested Cuckoo Cuculus solitarius 348 Jacobin Cuckoo Clamator jacobinus 352 Diederik Cuckoo Chrysococcyx caprius .. 356 Burchell's Coucal Centropus superciliosus, 359 Barn Owl Tyto alba .. 360 Grass Owl Tyto capensis 361 Marsh Owl Asio capensis 364 White-faced Owlet Otus leucotis 368 Spotted Eagle Owl Bubo africanus 369 Giant Eagle Owl Bubo lacteus 372 Rufous-cheeked Nightjar Caprimulgus rufigena . . Natal Nightjar Caprimulgus natalensis Mozambique Nightjar Caprimulgus fossii. . Black Swift Apus barbatus -. White-rumped Swift Apus caffer Horus Swift Apus horus Little Swift Apus affinis Speckled Mousebird Colius striatus White-backed Mousebird Colius coliw Red-faced Mousebird Urocolius indicus Pied Kingfisher Ceryle rudis Half-collared Kingfisher Alcedo semitorquata 397 Malachite Kingfisher Corythornis cristata 398 Natal Kingfisher Ispidina picta 399 Angola Kingfisher Halcyon senegalewis . . 402 Brown-hooded Kingfisher Halcyon albiventris 37s 376 380 383 384 385 390 391 392 394 396 404 European Bee-eater Merops apiaster 103 68 2 1 28 97 257 35 2 39 29 224 9 6 10 & 3 2t I 131 308 707 1;511 I 4 3 2 6 10 I 19 4 10 10 ; 4 2 420 :)) 225 lt9 6 9 I 5 I 2 3 221 92 442 282 I 2 I 3 2 I I t2 23 6 2 3 8 3 2 4 5 I 2 5 4 : I 3 4 65 78 69 t4 n t9 t6 t9 12 t4 9 I 2 8 4 3 I I 2 5 aa 48 The Ostrich, June 1964 White-fronted Bee-eater Mellittophagas bullockoifus African Hoopoe Upupa africana .. Black-collared Barbet Lybius torquatus Pied Barbet Tricholaema leucomelas Yellow-fronted Tinker Barbet Pogoniulw chrysoconus 437 439 Crested Barbet Trachyphonus vaillantii 440 Greater Honey-guide Indicator indicator .. 442 Lesser Honey-gaide Indicator minor t9 409 418 431 432 Golden-tailed Woodpecker Campethera abingoni Red-breasted Wryneck Jynx ruficollis Rufous-naped Lark Mirafra africana Long-billed Lark Certhilauda caryirostra European Swallow Hirundo rustica White-throated Swallow Hirundo albigularis Wire-tailed Swallow Hirundo smithii 497 Blue Swallow Hirundo atrocaerulea 498 Pearl-breasted Swallow Hirundo dimidiata 501 Red-breasted Swallow Cecropis semirufa 502 Larger Striped Swallow Cecropis cucullata 503 Lesser Striped Swallow Cecropis abyssinica 504 Cliff Swallow Petrochelidon spilodera 447 453 458 475 493 495 496 506 Rock Martin Ptyonoprogne fuligula House Martin Delichon urbica 508 Sand Martin Riparia riparia 509 African Sand Martin Riparia paludicola 510 Banded Sand-Martin Riparia cincta 513 Black Cuckoo-Shrike Campephaga phoenicia 517 Fork-tailed Drongo Diuurus adsimilis 5r9 Golden Oriole Oriolus oriolus 521 Black-headed Oriole O riolus larvatus <)) Pied Crow Corvus albus s27 Black Tit Parus niger s32 Spotted Creeper Salpornis spilonota 561 s64 Mountain Chat Oenanthe monticola 553 557 15 5 J I I 4 3 2 2 744 488 95 87 J j 4 J 23 77 81 109 258 69 93 639 293 I t2 I 34 17 43 5 1 8 2 I 3 3 : 2 13 27 6 51 L79 6 2 2 42 I 7 70 Yellow-breasted Bulbul Chlorocichla flaviventris Sombre Bulbul Andropadus importunus Kurrichane Thrush Turdus libonyanus Cape Thrush Turdus olivaceus Groundscraper Thrush Turdus litsit sirupa Short-toed Rock Thrush Monticola brevipes 552 2 2 5 .. I 533 Arrow-marked Babbler Turdoides jardineii s43 Cape Bulbul Pycnonotus capensis .. 544 Red-eyed Bulbul Pycnonotus nigricans s45 Black-eyed Bulbul Pycnonotus barbatus s5l 2 J 7 9 2 507 550 3 2 4 1 I Capped Wheatear Oenanthe pileata Familiar Chat Cercomela familiaris 572 Sickle-wing Chat Cercomela sinuata 573 Mocking Chat Thamnolaea cinnamomeiventris 575 Ant-eating Chat Myrmecocichla formicivora 576 Stone Chat Saxicola torqaata 568 I 570 2 t04 I 7 2 )- I I 1 The Ostrich, Junie 1964 579 s80 Natal Robin Cossypha natalensis .. White-browed Robin Cossypla heuglini .. 581 582 s86 588 594 595 596 599 603 604 608 616 White-throated Robin Bessonornis hameralis Kalahari Scrub Robin Erythropygia paena White-browed Scrub Robin Erythropygia leucophrys Whitethroat Sylvia communis Garden Warbler Sylvia borin Icterine Warbler Hippolais icterina Willow Warbler Phylloscopus trochilus Great Reed Warbler Acrocephalus arundinaceus Cape Reed Warbler Calamocichla gracilirostris . . European Sedge Warbler Acrocephalus schoenobaenus . . Fan-tailed Warbler Schoenicola breviros tris Grassbird Sphenoeacus afer Crombek Sylvietta rufescens 622 Bar-throated Apalis Apalis t horacica 628 Grey-backed Bush-warbler Camaroptera brevicaudata . . 618 621 Common Fantail Cisticola Cisticola iuncidis Cloud Cisticola Cisticola textrix .. Neddicky C is t ico la fulv ic apilla Grey-backed Cisticola Cisticola subruficapilla 646 le Vaillants's Cisticola Cisticola tinniew .. 649 Tawny-flanked Prinia Prinia subflava I I 3 58 J 54 1 l I I 2 7 5- t4 2 11 4 4 6 I I I I 629 3 631 637 638 19 l 4 3 3 ;J 6 Black-chested Prinia Prinia flavicans 3 8 7 650 6sl Karroo Priria Prinia maculosa J 17 6s4 Spotted Flycatcher Muscicapa striata Dusky Flycatcher Muscicapa adusta 656 Blue-grey Flycatcher Muscicapa cinerea 658 Tit-Babbler Parisoma subcaeruleum 661 Marico Flycatcher Bradornis mariquensis 662 Mouse-coloured Flycatcher Bradornis pallidus 663 Chat Flycatcher Bradornis infuscatus 664 Black Flycatcher Melaenornis pammelaina 665 Fiscal Flycatcher Sigelus silens 668 Mashonaland Flycatcher Hyliota australis 672 Cape Flycatcher Batis capensis 682 Paradise Flycatcher Terpsiphone viridis 686 Cape Wagtail Motacilla capensis .. 692 Richard's Pipit Anthus richardi 693 Nicholson's Pipit Anthus similis 655 703 707 Cape Longclaw Macronyx capensis Fiscal Shrike Lanius collaris 708 Red-backed Shrlke Lanius collurio. 709 Boubou Shrike Laniarius ferrugineus 711 Crimson-breasted Shrike Laniarius atro-coccineus 712 Puflback Shrike Dryoscopus cubla 714 Three-streaked Tchagra Tchagra australis 715 Black-crowned Tchagra Tchagra senegala 722 Bokmakierie Telophorus zeylonus .. 731 Brubru Shrike Nilaas afer .. 733 European Starling Sturnus vulgaris Indian Myna Aqidotheres tristis . Wattled Starling Creatophora cinerea 736 Plum-coloured Starling Cinnyricinclus leucogaster 734 735 Cape Glossy Starling Lamprocolius nitens Blue-eared Glossy Starling Lamprocolius chalybaeus 745 Red-winged Starling Onychognathus morio 746 Pied Starling Spreo bicolor .. 737 738 105 5 3 : 2 1 2 8 2 6 I 1 ; 7 I 3 4 r00 2 7 99 2 3 I 1 57 t2 4 1 3 J 1 7 1 10 ; 2 109 174 : -5 4 ; I I) l The Ostrich, June 1964 751 Malachite Sunbird Nectariniafamosa 755 Marico Sunbird Cinnyris mariquensis 760 Lesser Double-collared Sunbird Cinnyris chalybeus 763 White-breasted Sunbird Cinnyris talitala. 766 Olive Sunbird Cyanomitra olivacea 772 Black Sunbird Chalcomitra amethystina T5 !7^7 Cape White-eye Zosterops pallidui t*9t!ow White-eye Zosterops senegalensis Cape Sparrow passer melanurw Grey-headed Sparrow passer diffusus Yellow-throated Sparrow petriiia superciliaris l!! ]!f lcalv-feathered Finch Sporopipes sqiamifrons 791 Fpectacled Weaver Hyphanturgw oiularius 793 ' Bed-headed We.aver Anaplectis rubriceps. 797,SJotted-backed Weaver ploceus cucullitus 799 9?pgYeaver !9f 816 8I8 820 .. 9olde,n orix Coliuspasser capensis Bird, Euplectes afer 3 I 18 16 173 I @euereaquerea Red Bishop Bird, Euplectei Itg gqglUldeBird 812 Bishop I I -1 .. ploceiiapensis 19 184 mahali domesticus 786 797 . ) 1 .. White-browed Sparrow-weauer plo""porr", l!9 784 House Sparrow passer 808 . 6 .. .. 170 1,170 975 59 52 66 1 3 65 15 3 I I 11 35 34 5 445 2,620 104 784 : 22 381 215 9t Red-sho.Uldered Widow-bird Ciliuspasser axillaris LorJq-tailed Widow-bird Diatropuri progne Red-headed Finch Amadina erythroiephata 2 11 13 7 !i9 837 q18 4 Melba Finch pytelia metba Red-billed Firefinch Lagonosticta senegala Orange-breasted Waxbill Amandava ri,bfloro 10 17 9 10 q40 Violet-eared Waxbill Granatina granatina. . 841 Black-cheeked Waxbill EstrildaLrythronotos 843 Common Waxbill Estrilda astrild'.. 846 Pin-tailed Whydah vidua mauoura 917 Shaft-tailed Whydah vidua resia 27 6 11 1 5 _ 59 ; 13 to I 11 4 P,aradise Whydah Steganuii paradisaea 11? 857 Cape Canary Serinus canicollis 859 Yellow-eye Canary Serinus mozambicus !60 !91 865 897 !11 9!? 2 1 J 4 I Black-throated Cinary Serinus atrogularis 3 4 6 White-throated Seed-eater Crithagra albigularis Streaky-headed Seed-eater poliosliza gri;;i, Lark-like Bunting Fringillaria impetuini Rock Bunting Fingilliria tahapiii. 5 6 6 Bully Seed-eater Crithagra sulphuraia 2 11 l2 874 Golden-breasted Bunting Eiberiza flaviniitri, 876 Marion Sheath-bill Chio-narchus miionensis 877 Southern Dunlin 878 Woodchat Shike Lanius senotor 1 Total ringed Total 106 ; species 13,422 11,510 213 234 The Ostrich, Junie 196+ Scxrour-e C ' C 1428 Juv. 526 4579 *536 6644 -Juv. RETURN oF RBcownrcs 7 WANDERING ALBATROSS DIOMEDEA EXULANS 12.1O.54 Recov. Australian Bieht 36" 2!'s:.118" 24'E. 10.11.59 4,500 m. ENE. Marion Island Island Bird Island Malagas Island Malagas Island Malagas Island Malagas 4 GANNET MORUS CAPENSIS 3.4.53 Recov. Malagas Island Woody CaPe 22.3.54 ,, Spanish Guinea 25.2.54 ,, Spanish Guinea 25.2.54 ,, Melkbosch Strand 20.2.51 ,, {536 7724 *536 7766 Jt;-. *555 4821 *555 4877 Juv. Juv. Westdene, Benoni Modder East 543 0571 554 0280 Juv. Juv. 60 YELLOWBILL EGRET EGRETTA GARZETTA I .2. 59 Recov. Delmas Modder East Bredasdorp 27.9.56 Rondevlei C Juv. Geduld C Juv. 95E Ad. 4436 *524 0388 Juv. 543 3390 Juv. *543 4444 luv. 553 0081 Juv. t553 0576 Juv. *553 24O4 \w. 553 3272 Juv. *553 3802 Juv. 553 3893 Juv. *553 7479 Jr; . 553 7795 Jt;-. 585 2416 lav524 3906 555 1424 ltw. 4525 1983 Juv. 525 4718 *554 6129 Juv. Juv. +586 0364 *586 0391 Juv. Juv. 555 4476 Juv. 555 5273 hl . *586 0340 Juv. C 546 546 546 555 2083 Juv. 4875 Ad. 4879 Ad. 4890 Ad. 0703 Ad. 555 0368 Ad. 555 0581 Ad. 555 0603 Ad. *555 0554 Ad. 555 0675 Ad. *555 0940 Ad. i553 5689 Juv. 586 722t Ad. 28. ,, 6I CATTLE EGRET BUBALCUS IBIS 4.1.53 Recov. Benoni Rondevlei Pietermaritzburg 3. Rondevlei Rondevlei Rondevlei Rondevlei FaithfulFountains Rondevlei Rondevlei Kinkelbos Kinkelbos Faithful Fountains Rondevlei Rondevlei 11 .53 Nov.55 12.11.55 13.10.56 13.11.56 17.11.56 13.12.57 3.11.57 11.11.57 19.12.58 30. 12. 58 11.12.59 West Bangweulu, ,, ,, Somerset ,, ,, ,, ,, ,, ,, ,, ,, ,, ,, Tiervlei Bonnievale Robertson Robertson Lake West Muldersvlei Bedford Klapmuts Underberg Somerset 16 m. W. Pietersburg Heidelberg Benoni Brakpan Springs Heidelberg Leeudoringsstad 39 EGYPTIAN GOOSE ALOPOCHEN AEGYPTIUS May 59 Recov. Rondevlei Victoria West 6.6.s9 Stampriet, S.W.A. 6. 6. 59 Victoria West 6.6. 59 Jonkershoek B.arberspan Barberspan Barberspan Barberspan Barberspan Barberspan Barberspan Barberspan Barberspan Barberspan 90 SHELDUCK TADORNA CANA Nov. 56 Recov. Graaff Reinet ,, Oct. 57 ,, Nov. 57 ,, Nov. 57 ,, 23.12.58 ,, Sept. 57 Putsof,derwater Clanwilliam Wesselsbron Setlagoli Hanover 94 CAPE SHOVELLER SPATULA CAPENSIS Rondevlei Rondevlei 3.7.59 15 m. E. 160 m. E. 26.3.60 10 m. 58 Recov. 30. 10. 59 ,, 9 . 12. 107 WNW. (letter date) .8,59 7.8.59 23 3.4.60 21.4.60 14.1.60 14. I .60 21.9.59 59 13.7 .59 19. I Humansdorp MalmesburY-Darling 1 . 14.7.59 31 . 20 m. E. 1' 250 m. 12 m. N. NE. 90 m. ENE. 80 m. ENE. 80 m. ENE. I .60 20 m. E. 25 m. NE. 80 m. NNW. 480 m. W. 305 m. NE. 20.4.60 4 m. 7.2.60 20.1.60 31 .7 .59 22.4.60 E. 8 m. N. 5 m. Stil. 165 m. NNE. 23 m. S. 18.1.60 3.12.59 4- m. W. 4.2.60 20.6.60 12.4.60 1.12.59 8.12.59 20.1.60 28.7 10. I Harrismith District Dec. 57 130 m. ENE. 60 m. WNW. 7.12.59 Rondebosch 21.11.51 Recov. Brakpan 17 .2.57 Benoni ,, 3. 1l .57 Modder East ,, 3.2.57 ,, Westdene, Benoni 13.9.59 ,, near Springs 20.12.59 ,, Modder East 20.12.59 ,, Modder East 20.12.59 ,, Modder East 3.8.59 N. Tunduru, S. Tanganyika 31.3.60 1,700 m' NNE. 81 SACRED IBIS THRESKIORNIS AETHIOPICA Modder East 2, 450 m. 55 m. S. 23.6.60 Northern Rhodesia NIGHT HERON NYCTICORAX NYCTICORAX 28.10.55 Recov. Philippi 5,11.56 ,, 8.59 14.3.60 55 BLACK-NECKED HERON ARDEA MELANOCEPHALA 3.8.58 Recov. Machadodorp Rustenburg 23.6.59 ,, 69 Juv. 3.2.60 9.7.59 -9 m. NW. 28.8.59 2,450 m. N. .59 60 . April 60 5 m. S. 23 m. S. 155 m. SW. 28 m. WSW. 370 m. SSW. 480 m. WNW. 370 m. SSW. 245 m. SE. 400 m. SSW. .8.59 290 m. SW. 5.9.59 555 m. SW. 27 15.10.59 100 m. SSE. 14.7.59 40 m. NW. 7. ' 10 . 59 4.3.60 310 m. SSW. 360 m. E. 19.12.59 45 m. N. ! I I i The Ostrich, June 1964 96 YELLOWBILL DUCK ANAS UNDALATA *524 2155 Ad. 554 2529 Ad. *554 2701 Ad. *554 2865 Ad. *554 2975 Ad. 2.2.58 Recov, Geduld 27.10.59 I m. 12.4.57 ,, Bethlehem 1 9. 59 200 m. SE. 12.4.57 ,. Rysmierbult 27 .1.60 95 m. ENE. pietermaritzburg May 57 ,, Oct. 59 360 m. SE. 28.5.57 ,, Hoopstad 3 .3 .60 90 m. SSE. 18.5.56 ,, Matatiele-Kokstad June 60 335 m. SE. Mar. 58 ,, Bothaville 4.1.60 85m.SE. Mar. 58 ,, 15 m. NNE. Gaberones 14.12.59 145 m. N. Mar. 58 ,, Harrismith 3.12.59 245 m. SE. Mar. 58 ,, Setlagoli 7.1 .60 40 m. NW. May 58 ,, Miedol, Great Harts River 10.9.59 20 m. SSW. 8.4.59 ,, Kameel, Vryburg district 9.5.60 35 m. W. 5.6.59 ,, Coligny 2.11.59 50 m. ENE. 5.6.59 ,, Wolmaransstad 3. I .60 50 m. SSE. 23.6.59 ,, Viljoenskroon 6.11.59 95 m. ESE. 1.7.59,, Schweizer-Reinecke May 60 40 m. SSW. 13.8.59 ,, Kanye, Bechuanaland 26.12.59 120 m. NNE. 21.3.59 ,, I(lerksdorp district 3.2.60 70 m. SE. 60 m. N. Kimberley ,, 16.2.60 105 m. SSW. ?1.3.59 21.3.59 ,, Dewetsdorp 15.9.59 210 m. SSE. Modder East Barberspan Barberspan Barberspan Barberspan Barberspan Barberspan Barberspan Barberspan Barberspan Barberspan Barberspan Barberspan Barberspan Barberspan Barberspan Barberspan Barberspan Barberspan Barberspan *554 4562 Ad. Ad. 554 5115 Ad. 554 5248 Ad. *554 5289 Ad. ss4 5659 Ad. 554 7306 Ad. 554 7801 Ad. *554 7808 Ad. *554 8013 Ad. 554 8036 Ad. *554 8184 Ad. 587 0050 *587 0093 Ad. Ad. *587 0099 Ad. *554 5081 97 REDBILL TE,AL ANAS ERWHRORHYNCHA *543 543 543 *553 5905 Ad. 5934 Ad. 5961 Ad. 3617 *553 5749 Ad. Ad. 553 5935 Ad. 554 0585 Ad. Barberspan Barberspan Barberspan Sept. 57 Nov. 57 Mar. 58 2.6.57 Rondevlei Rondevlei Rondevlei 24.t2.s9 1.7 .59 Jonkershoek 16.7.56 *543 9126 - Krugersdorp Ad. Barberspan s4 5 m. N. Redelinghuys 29.3.60 lO0 m. N. VULTURE GYPS COPRO:THERES 106 CAPE Roberts Farm Roberts Farm Skeerpoort 582 4377 120 m. N. Ottosdal 4.9.59 30 m. SE. Westminster 27.11.59 205 ;. SE. Mongu, Barotseland 5,7 .59 l4OOm, N. Vredendal 3.7 .Sg t4O rn" I.i. Albertinia 2O.t2.Sg 180 m. E. 7.5.59 Recov. Malmesbury Dec. 59 55 m. N. 30.10.59,, WolfhuisoorSandberg 1.2.60 t30m.N. 508 1598 *508 1788 Juv. Juv. 508 2459 Juv. 554 7842 Ad, ,, " ,, ,, ,, ,, 98 CAPE TEAL ANAS CAPENSIS 553 5923 lst yr. Rondevlei 553 9308 Ist yr. Rondevlei *554 4198 Recov. Kanye, Bechuanaland 24.12.59 1.9.57 Recov. Bailen 1.9.58 ,, 27 .9.59 ,, C.p. near Rustenburg philipstown 21.2.59 12.11.59 114 LANNER FALCON FALCO BIARMICUS 8.9.57 Recov. Hekpoort-wes 2I2 RED.KNOBBED COOT FULICA CRISTATA July 57 Recov. Rondevlei Barberspan 5.6.59 Barberspan 365 m. NNW. 6.4.60 -365 m. SSW. 12.9.59 18 m. 29.9.59 670 m. SW. NW. Released 8.7.59 - 235 WHITE-FRONTED SANDPLOVER CHARADRIUS MARGINATUS Ad. Rondevlei 102446 Ad. Rondevlei 11.3.59 Recov. Strandfontein 237 KITLIT Z'S SANDPLOVER 14.g.59 4m.S. C H AR A D R I U S P E C U A R I U S 1.1.59 Recov. Milnerton 27.4.60 8 m. N. Killed by plane. 54 102426 Ad. 18.12.58 Recov. Guriev, 54 102057 Ad. Rondevtei Rondevle.i 581 581 28085 17710 Ad. Ad. Rondevlei Rondevlei A 6355 Ad, Rondevlei *A 553 5622 Jw, 4582 Juv. 21 253 .lf .58 ,, ;. Russia Makhach_Kala, Russia LITTLE STINT CIZIDRIS MINUTA 14.10.59 Recov. Athlone 19. 1 .59 ,, Karabutaksk, Russia 269 AVOCET RECURVIROSTRA AVOSETTA 22.2.58 Recov. pearston District 288 GREY-HEADED GULL LARUS CIRROCEPHALUS Westdene, Benoni 6.7.58 Recov. Durban Westdene, Benoni 6.7.58 ,, Lourenco Marques 108 [+_ . 251 CURI-EW SANDPIPER CALIDRIS TESTACEA 15.8.59 25.8.59 31.10.59 23.9.59 13.11 II .59 .6.59 5,700 m. NNE. 5,000 m. NNE. 1O m. N. 6,000 m. NNE. 400 m. ENE. 300 m. SE. 11.1.60 27Om.E. The Ostrich, lunie 1964 311 ROCK PIGEON COLUMBA GUINEA *554 O7O7 A rA *B 3I5 CAPE TURTLE DOVE STXEPTOPELIA CAPICOLA 24.8.59 7.8.59 Recov. Plumstead 6962 Ad. Plumstead 15.1.60 Plumstead 31.10.59 ,, 5997 Ad. Plumstead 13.11.59 Plumstead 24.8.58 ,, 6733 Ad. Plumstead - *B 9220 Ad. Plumstead 8.7.58 Recov. Villiersdorp Jonkershoek - 7.1.50 25m.8. 3I7 LAUGHING DOVE S:TIGMAT:OPELIA SENEGALENSIS *5O2 5434 Ad. E. Sandringham 5.3.60 Recov. Plumstead 2S .4 .57 ,, Germiston 348 JACOBIN CUCKOO CLAMATOR TACOBINUS 5O2 7113 12'3.60 Recov. Bulawavo Juv. Bulawayo Mar.60 5 -2.60 -5 m. SSE- 23-3-60 lm. 502 LARGER STRIPED SWALLOW CECROPIS CUCULLATA 1.5.55 Recov. Southfield 50 0784 Ad. Plumstead Plumstead 54 8412 *57 4562 -Juv. Bryanston 74.2.59 ,, 8.3.58 ,, Plumstead Half-way House 552 KURRICHANE THRUSH TURDUS LIBONYANUS Bulawayo 25.5.57 Recov. Hillside, Bulawavo . 553 CAPE THRUSH TURDUS OLIVACEUS *502 6859 Ad. Bryanston 29.3.59 Recov. Inanda,Jhbg. 50 103403 *50 Ad. 104305 *502 4827 - Hillside, 581 CAPE ROBIN COSSYPIIA CAFFRA 1.1.55 Recov. Onrust Onrust 17.10.59 18.3.60 5. 10.59 -l0 m. NE. 5.4.60 20.9.59 t6.1.50 733 EUROPEAN STARLING STUXNU,S VULGARIS 2. 5. 55 Recov. Military Camp, Wynberg 19. Ad,. Rondebosch 1 m. SE' 1 1 . 59 5 m. NW. 368 SPOTTED EAGLE OWL BUBO AFRICANUS 29.7.58 Recov. Wvnberg 526 1666 Juv. Pinelands 102909 *502 5494 5 m. S. Released 383 WHITE-RUMPED SWIFT 50 20.10.59 IPUS CAFFER 14.11.54 Recov. Bergvliet Ad. Bergvliet 15.2-60 - 392 RED-FACED MOUSEBIRD UROCOLIUS INDICUS - 5.9.56 Recov. Norwood,Johannesburg 27.1.60 7m.SE. Bryanston 404 EUROPEAN BEE-EATER MEROPS APIASTER 29.11.58 Recov. Yzerfontein 502 5053 Ad. Yzerfontein 13.12.59 ,, 5o2 6318 Ad. Yzerfontein 493 EUROPEAN SWALLOW HIRUNDO RUSTICA 14.12.58 Recov. Mahagi, Lake Albert Ad. Athlone lstyr. Rondevlei Athlone 23071 *5O2 6042 Juv. Rondevlei 5O2 6241 Juv. Rondevlei 57 581 581 Wellington 27609 17603 13.1.59 ,, 7 .3.60 ,, 16.2.58 ,, 16.2.58 ,, Russia 13.12.59 18'2'50 -55 m' 26.9.59 25,6.59 Tjumen reg. nr. Yurginskoe' 18.6.60 Mishkino, Russia Stellenbosch Retreat SE' 2,600 m' NNE. 6,500 m. NNE. 6,700 m. NNE 18.8.59 25rn'E' 9.9.59 - 746 PIED STARLING SPREO BICOLOR 5OZ 3210 Juv. HarwinSprings 4.5.53 Recov. Brakpan 10.12.59 - 784 HOUSE SPARROW PASSER DOMESTICUS 54 104999 - Potchefstroom Aug.58 Recov. Potchefstroom 23.9.59 - 786 CAPE SPARROW PASSER MELANURUS 582 5432 - Sandringham 12.4.59 Recov. Sandringham 12.4.60 - 799 CAPE WEAVER PLOCEUS CAPENSIS 54 lO2O24 Ad, Rondevlei 50 *50 54 101937 103818 102988 Ad. Meyer's Park Juv. Pretoria 4.4.58 Recov. Kommetjie 4.8.59 12 m. SW 803 MASKED WEAVER PLOCEUS VELATUS 1.6.58 Recov. Silverton 16.12.57 ,, May 58 Ad. Barberspan 582 0038 Ad, Potchefstroom Aue.58 ,, 109 Baviaanspoort Lichtenburg Potchefstroom 20.6.59 6.2.60 I .6. 59 -50 m. NE. 3.8.59 - J The Ostrich, June 1964 55 *55 55 )) 57 *57 .9.56 Bon 28405 Ad. 29577 Ad. 11327 Ad. Rietvlei, Johannesburg 25.8.57 Rietvlei, Johannesburg 12.9.57 10.9.57 1847 Ad. 3 21353 - 581 18328 - 20634 - Recov, 30. 10. 57 Ventersdorp Barberspan Oct. 843 COMMON 55 55 805 BED.BILLED OUELEA QUELEA QUELEA --Standerton - Accord Bryanston 12819 Ad. 17178 Ad. Rondevlei 57 Brits l0 m. S. Johannesburg Alberton Standerton ,, 10.8.59 110 17.12.59 Brandfort t6.12.59 Jan. Sept. m. SE. 35 m. NNW. 60 59 -155 m. SE. 24.10.59 155 m. SSE. WAXBILL AS|:RILDA ASTRILD ll .12.57 Recov. Muizenberg 22.7.59 85I STEEL-BLUE WIDOW-FINCrI HYPOCHERA AMAUROPTERYX Hillside. Bulawavo 2.8.59 Recov. North End, Bulawayo 28.12.59 3 m. S. - 837 RED.BILLED FIREFINCH LAGONOSTICTA SENEGALA Bulawayo 18.10.56 Recov. Bulawayo 27.7.59 - ADDENDUM The following birds, for one reason or another, were ommitted from previous reports:- *c 9760 *C 543 *553 *553 7538 Juv. 7679 Jlv. 0511 Juv. 3704 Juv. +554 6162 Juv. Juv. 555 447O Juv. *508 1126 Ad 50 REED CORMORANT PHALACROCORAX AFRICANUS 6.1.57 Recov. Dunnottar 15.8.57 12 m. SSE. Modder East 61 CATTLE EGRET BABULCUS IBIS 27.1O.54 Recov. Firgrove Rondevlei Durban Bay' .56 ,, 9.11.56 ,, 22.10.57 ,, 4.11 Rondevlei Rondevlei Orlando Vredendal Philippi 8I SACRED IBIS THRESKIORNIS AETEIOPICA ModderEast 3.11.57 Recov. Sesheke Westdene, Benoni 3.2.57 ,, Eikenhof, Tvl. 88 SPURWING GOOSE PLECTROP'TERUS GAMBENSIS 509 0431 Ad. Barberspan Barberspan 554 1808 Ad. *554 5328 Ad. Barberspan Barberspan 15.6-57 Recov. nearBenoni 22.6.57 ,, Leeuwdoringsstad 96 YELLOWBILL DUCK ANAS UNDULATA Oct. 56 Recov. Vryburg Mar. 58 ,, near Barberspan 97 REDBILL TEAL ANAS ERYTHRORHYNCHA *543 5459 Ad. Barberspan 20.10.55 Recov. Luyaba,N.RLodesia iD 543 9576 Juv. A 3797 Jav. 4 m. E. 4.7.58 700 m. NW. 20 m. SW. 17.6.57 8.5.59 28 .4. 165 m. ENE. 58 60 m. SE. 7.4.58 60 m. WSW. 25.4.59 3 . - 3.59 720 m. N. 288 GREY.HEADED GULL LARUS CIRROCEPHALUS Benoni 3.8.58 Recov, Benoni Benoni 6.7.58 ,, Letaba Westdene, Westdene, Westdene, Westdene, Benoni Benoni 6.7.58 ,, .6.57 ,, 23 Nigel Loo."rco Marques 24.4.57 2,000 m. NW. 17.9.s8 28 . I .59 -200 m. NE. (letter date) 6.10.58 May 59 20 m. SE. 290 m. E. 317 LAUGHING DOVE STIGMATOPELIA SENEGALENSIS 6904 Ad. Plumstead 4.12.5t Recov. plumsread 4.2.59 _ 4024 Ad. Princess VIei 7 .3 .Sg Southfield 15 .5.59 2 m. NE. ,, *502 5573 +502 0914 *57 10.5.59 286 ANTARCTIC 2932 Ad, Marion Island *543 0688 Juv. *543 9542 Juv. *A B SKUA CATHARACTA SKUA 14,1.57 Recov. 20m. N. Walvisch Bay 28.3.59 l5 m. E. 24.7.57 305 m. NW. 19.9.58 170 m. N, Ad. - 26911 Ad. 402 BROWN HOODED KINGFISHER HALCYON ALBIVENTRIS Inhaca Island 26.9.57 Recov. Inhaca Island 21.12-SB Ashton 803 MASKED WEAVER PLOCEUS YELAT:US 79.7 .51 Recov. Ashton WAXBILL ESTRILDA ASTRILD 7.7.58 Recov. Menlo Park 15.1.56 - 843 COMMON Menlo Park, Pta. 22.9.58 - The recovery date of the European Swallow 581 17603, recovered at Kurgan in Russia and mentioned in the Ninth Report, should be 25.6.59 and not 13.1.59 which is the date ofringing. *Indicates ring Unless otierwise stated seen. all birds were found dead. ll0