HIE E ELECTRONIC THEODOLITES WITH REC MODULE ‘III'— —_Z:I PIEEH.BRI.IGG _- il'|'*"' uIII""" ... -P--—-—— TWO ELECTRONIC THEODOLITES WITH OUTSTANDING PERFORMANCE it THE ECONOMIC THE UNIVERSAL THEOMAT" Wild T1000 3" (1 mgon) TH EOMIITH” Wild T 1600 1,5” (0.5 mgon) in The economic Wiltl T1000 electronic theoclolite is the perfect instrument for routine tasks in detail and eatlastral surveys, topographic surveys, and engineering surveys. lt offers alt the advantages of modern electronics for nreasuretnent. data acquisition, and data The electronic Wild 'l‘1IEi(lU is a theodolitc for universal use. It is the ideal instrument for difficult surveying tasks: for traversing, control surveys, in engineering surveys. anti wherever you need hi gh accuracy and additional eoortlinate-geometry functions. processing. In addition to its higher angleqneasurernent aceuraev and all the functions of the Wild T1000, the Wild T1600 has the followiiig application-oriented features: I Instantly ready for measurement I Single-key command for main functions, including distance measurement and data recording I Computation of coordinates I Optionally available with REC module ' I Computation and display nfsetting-out differences I Eight practical coordinate-geometry functions for the computation oi‘ tie distance, resection, area, etc. I Provision for input of REM words I Compensation of circle eccentricity ensures high anglemeasurement accuracy of pointings in one telescope position only 255.32 DIST HEP H..=:i QLL TEST CODE DSP STOP Dill v.-it Oi SET REC H30 II‘! .-._—Z l I-lfiftl THJUU .|-.— _., I- l»l”it’a' TttI~r1ltI' The ct panel ofthe Wild TIOUO (left) aria’ T1500 frigittlh-This lets yoa co ot‘ arid monitor all the t'rtstrtt.otettt’s ftotctiorts. Its practical design aria‘ lpfoat are the best proteetiott against inpttt errors and make your work at ataxiotttm ef t.=iettcy. _ ‘I .1 . | l I | I. I _ I 1". u-1-|.—-—-.i-i. ... i. . WILD T1000 T1600 0 VERSATILE MODULAR TOTAL STATIONS WITH OUTSTAI t 4 Choice o models: I Electro thcodol keyhoa displays faces. F later in: of optic lor RE! I Record ,-vzz -" Touch the AI I er once to nicasiiit. and record distaiice and angle are 4- Angle-nieasuring Small, light, Absolute angle Built in interface handy scanning at stein tot on-line Lon1|ii1te1 to DIN 1872 1 Wt Tllltltl it ” I nieoi Wild 1 lhllll l *3” (U "'1l‘l‘l"t)I1) Weiitlis only -l T L3, {Ill lh ~l or]| iI'lLI‘LlIlIll"1£{ liltlI.L{l‘l"r' nsuies instaiit ictitiiiicss toi l'l'lCti‘sLlIC'l’l"lLll'[ Aioitls '[llIIL.-‘i'-. astinv I-Ulilfttl ll'liIIilllr"tIl.1Dl'l 1 lTICll_'IL||l3 lad-J__]_: OI THE ELECTRONIC TOTI-I TH EODOLITE /tzz - acciiracv theodol inst ,4/1 .' -,,_-¢ :-:- IDING FEATURES: UNIVERSAL TOTAL STATION ,-tr! -' zz - Iomprchensive angc of accessories eoinpatihle with any ielapts the ctiiiipmeiit o practically any iirveying task. ncludes ti GLUE laser eyepiece and GAKI iortli-fiiicliiig gyrocope. and tlala terminal. for eitpaiisitiii to an BIQCIFUIIIC IOIHI '5-TFIIIOI1 ‘~"-"ilI1 01‘ Wl'[l1Ul.1Ii data l"c'~7‘3"'d1“g- Modular system Wilel DISTOMAT“ THAT TURNS INTO A UNIVERSAL TOTAL STATION _-4 ='-I /t'Z.t' - /41'! -' 41/ -' Low povier consumption Colour coded theodolite Cable socket tor data ici iniiial in Even tlie small plug-iii haitery provities enough poivei Ioi ihniii nine liours With i DIQTQMAT dlltlhhtd I0 II1-1» theoclolite it is enough toi al:-out 200 angle and elistanec ineasiirernents key [1413]-(I largo t_,,;1'-'-;"i,—I(]|-|_[\,t_, piaetieal Lential tgiiirtsl 9| ,1|| tunetioiis ineliidine ]:‘)]ST[)\t[A"[ ,,,~,,_i elat l tei initial (it coniiected) tntetl hase Clilile does not atteet insti unient iiiovenieni OR RECORDING TOTAL STATION JZZ ,4/Z j Choice of two models: I Electronic - theodolite with I-tc yboa rel and displays on hotli faces. Allows later installation of optional insert for REC module Plug in RECording module /it/Z Flexible recording format All l racking mode Reeoicls angles and NUHIBIIL input on central keyhoaid C ipaeiis foi about for inasiniurri distances at to record point “>00 data bloeks liitereliaiigeahle Theodolite displays versatility and etticient use of available memory one-second intervals numhei and eoeled t ata rccoi deel data I Recording tlieodolite with inst or REC inotitiie on face 2 at-115‘-‘““"m' OR A RECORDING TOTAL STATION Il- .41! ANGLES, DISTANCE, AND REDUCTION AT THE TOUCH OF A SINGLE KEY Switch on and measure Accessories for universal use Modular economy Position-coded circles form the basis for the absolute electronic aiiglc-scanning system of the T1000 and T1600. They relieve the user of time-wasting initialization, because the instrument is instantly ready to measure. Angle measurement is continuous, with instant updates of the display as you turn the telescope. Botli the Wild T1000 and the T1600 are compatible with the versatile range of Wild theoelolitc accessories: parallel-plate micrometers; objective and solar prisms; diagonal, zenith, laser, autocollimation, aiiei interchangeable eyepieees; northfinding gyroscope; and targets. Wild modular design allows you to get the maximum use out of every one of your instruments, whatever the job. ivleasurc with or without a DISTOMAT, with or You can reset the horizontal circle to 0 or any other azimuth by keyboard input, and measure the horizontal angle clockwise or anticlockwise. vast choice of accessories available to adapt ALL key g Attach a Wild DISTOMAT to either the Wild T1000 or the Wild T1600 and turn it into a powerful, extra-fast total station. Then simply touch the ALL key once to measure the distance and automatically record it, including both angles and point number. __.-i I [1 Ask for brochure G1 2?9e and discover the your T 10-till or T1600 to practically any task. without recording the data, as the task requires. That simplifies logistics and gives you a much higher return on your investment. If you already own a DISTUMAT, the Wild T1000 and T1600 theodolitcs arc an even better investment. When you buy one, you are in fact getting a modular electronic total station at no extra cost. The modular design lets you benefit immediately and at little cost from future developments in the dynamic fields of distance measurement. data recording, and software engineering. It's the economical way to stay abreast of progress. THE DISTOMAT RANGE Wild DISTOMAT DI 1000 short range, for surveys and setting-out Range 1.6 km Standard deviation 5 mm + 5 ppm Wild DISTOMAT DIES medium range, more accurate Range 5 km Standard deviation 3 min + 2 ppm Wild DISTOMAT DI3tl00tDlUR30l]2 long range, for triangulation and control surveys Range 14 kin Standard deviation 3 mm to 5 nun + l ppm Measures in only 0.8 s DIOR 3002 measures up to 250 iii without reflectors Wild DISTOMAT DI 2000 You can use the Wild THEOMAT T1000 for precision distance measurement and Tl tlti with any Wild DISTOMAT. In Range _-4 km Standard deviation I mm + 1 ppm this combination, no cable is necessary to power any of the DlSTCtl‘v'lATs shown here or to control it automatically from the theodolite keyboard. Eseept with the DI3000 and DIUR3002, the telescope remains fully transiting. A typical example of the way the product policy of Wild I-leerbrugg protects your investment is the fact that with the Wild T1000 and T'lti00 theodolitcs you can also use older DISTOMAT Models not shown here: D14, Dl4L. DI 5. and DI 20. We shall maintain this policy in future developments of the Wild modular system, to give you maximum cost effectiveness for decades to come. Wild THEGMAT Tfddt? with a recording modiiie and the Wild DISTUMA T DH000 forms an extremely compact modular total station for iiigii-precision nieasitrernent. Standard deviation: angles L5", distance I inni. The teiescope remains fatty transiting with the Dilitititi attached. T RECORD COM PUTE, The design nl the I ltllltl and T ltitltl oltci s all the tI.'El]iIt'tl'Jllll\ ‘it'iLl need to reeoitl measuieineiits and otliei tlata and pioeess Bidirectional interchange of measured and computed data stored in the REC innelule makes efficient use of the built-in coordinatc-geometry functions. thei'i1 in the licltl Typical prograiiis available: T1600 GRM10 plug-in REC module, the most economical way to record and store survey data ihftiiiiitil t"oortlt'ittitt’ inpiit liistead of a control panel on face 2. the Wild T1000 and Tltillll can be fitted with an insert for the plug-in REC motltilc. The interchangeable GRM I0 is a pliig-in data-recording and storage unit that takes only a few seconds to insert or rciiiove. Each REC module can store abeuit Stltltltitii blocks. Simply use the number of modules you need to espand the memory to tiny size you want. You can call up the recorded data on the theodolite"s display at any time. Cotiipittrtttoii riftie rlistriiice Rc‘.i't’ti'llt’Jlt tihritiittrttiriii rif liorizoiital circle The iiiailahle REC niodule weighs only 70 g (Evil oz). C.'oiii,i:iitttttioii ofarea .‘irttiii,i.;'-oiit 'I‘ItJtIltl rind TIiitld t» _ "\ new it it eat GIF 10 data reader Llettii-iiiiiititi'tni of the lieiglit of r:il.i;'et‘t.i" This data reader is a universal iiitei'facc between REC module and computer. peripheral ec|uipment, or another REC module. Use the GIF lil to display, copy, or delete data to transfer them to a computer, and for on-line data input to a REC module "liai'§,'t.*t-p oitit e‘t}t‘J'l‘tlltttl'te’.t' T -“i ' - ,- Full automation with Wild software packages The Wild system permits automation of the data flow, from project preparation at the office to programmed surveying in the I‘ -.-' """_' field, all the way to the production of finished drawings. The theodolite’s built-in coordinategeometry functions and PRUFIS II software for Wild GRE data terminals make such automation possible. Ifyoii own a T1000 or T1600, you benefit from this versatility. " - AND PROGRAMMED SURVEYING PROFIS ll software library Unlimited possibilities with a Wild GRE3 or GRE4 data terminal and PROFIS software Free-station survey anti setting-out now with E, N, and H. For details of the flexible determination of the instrument station and other expanded programs. see software brochure G] 3l]Ue. Typical etamples oi PROFIS software; Wild GRE3 and GRE4 data terminals Well over a thousand ofthesc weatherproof tlata terminals with 64 l(l)_‘l.tlEt memory are in Flottittg progrotn _torr13 _olotters Free -strttiott .'\'l'i.l'l.'I'.'l' use worldwide. In conjunction with PROFIS software. they ensure mtotimum efficiency for coping with extremely complex computations. A BASIC module available for both models is freely userprogrammable. (Yotttptttotiott of coot'tlitttttes. pocltet-ettlcttlrttor functions lrtstttot cotttptttotiott of settirtg-out elettiertts ttrttl lntilding rtligtmtettt Ask for your copy of our brochure on Wild GRE data terminals. Detcrtnittrttion of rtaittttttlt l:_t-' sun Atttotrttttic cltecltirtg of ltori.-:'outitl ttttgies ottrl sets of tt't't'ec'tiotts ttigiits ‘I-v‘ Ali. -_— __ FIND .' I-1-lain!-n-III illlllll u-.,----\.| llemote otertsttre— merit ltttitti-R H115) Ctitttttttttttitlti of eo.rtittg, ttortltittg otttl lteigttt Jt Sitttpl}-' tottt.'lt the A L L ltejt to tttettsttre rrtrti recorri ttt the stone titrte. l-ilitlt its perfected sttreeyittg fttttctions, the tnorittlor Wilri Tliilllt? ottrl Tl illtl helps you cope with cotttpltot toslts in it otirti.-nurrt of titrte. t-rill! two instrttme*nts .-'-'_'_d .l The Wild system permits bidirectional riete flow frotri the field to the office ortcl vice verso. - The Wild A W0 TABTM TA iii precision plotting table produces firtishetl plotted’ or scrilzted drawings with rtrt nccttrocy oftite order of 0.0} mm. -——.-.-r r ' ; -_h$T:._l_ . -on , —-_ .- i2 r-?-‘:1: ' A re" I _____ I "‘ '~ . I I “i_t F . ,‘.- _-1;. ._ - " J . . .. If Y"-2. ts: -.. 1- eieree " .t|t||t|n|:r|t|t j I . . . ‘El rtzcntttcttt tmrtt r-‘tingle measu retttettt Updates Units {select as required} Smallest nttit displayed V He-=»-=-Mes REC tnodule 0 CMOS tnetnory o Capacity lo ltbyte or about Still data blocks 0 Dimensions Y4 mm >4 (ill mm 1‘-<1 ltl tntn (I-5" ><: are >t -ts") o Weight i'tJg [2i*’1tJit_) continuous: absolute encoder 0.1 s to (1.3 s 360° sesagesimal. 3otl° decimal =it]{l gon. £3400 mil Tlllllll l".tl_t'1t')tl5"' t_l.UU1gon. tl.Ul mil ' T1600 1". tl.t}lll.ll“" tl.tl-U1 gon. tl.tltl1 mil Standard tle viation Hr 3" (tl.t}t_l1go|t] tr.tl'Illi“sllS'?23 ‘v’ 3" (tl.tlUlgott_] [mean pointing in both telescope positions} t‘~tttton1atic power-off ' [ll.tlUll5go|t]| ._'"J-J-. 1-..-. {ll.t]=tltligott] Uperating liI'e of batteries (between eltarges} . jI-Ill- Automatic intles W rk't rit r Seiiin; ticciiit'%ii:y pendulum compensator 3:3’ iU.l t ' ii" l_it.l.l_lliiiii-li;iti5'.itttt) Telescope I lvlagntftcattott I withslandardeyepicce Objective aperture Shortest focusing distance coaztial. erect image _ 3tJ:4 42 mm 1.? tn Field olview at lttttttm 2? m Focusing coarse and line I2 ‘v’ DC‘ about t].t]tiA {angle tneasuretnent. without backliglit to display} about 3 minutes after last keyboard input Power sttpply Power consumption (;E,1~]77 GEBTD Plug-in battery Small battery i “l““"i) h about 35 h about llll l1 '1‘1[}[t]tT1tjtj|[]\.i.=it|1 [J] |[j|[][]_." [}]1[||]tj;[]I3{][][_} 2 H|_~_,Uut_’1jU about1UUU about35UU 2 ;_1h(_]u[?_0U about SUU about ESUU ’["1[1[]|];'j‘1r?,[|[| -,.,,it|1 315 -- - 1 ti‘;-.".tttt|nu-.1|1.ts ope ratton _ - l'*\-ttmbcr of angle and dtstttttre |tit.tsurcn1t.'nts . T|lltit.1tTlolllJ —55'“ (—t5Ugon)to zenith T l tlll[llT liillli with D I 1t'ltlt'l.-' I) I 55 Height of tilting aids Position 1 --55° {_-6t'}gon_} to zenith above trilztrach dish Position 2 —3U° ( —30gon} to zenith LEWIS (5en5im.i,[}, per 2 mm) 3 Lt.?Ds on both faces. each display Keyboard L-omact pressure _ Spherical level in tribraclt with sign. 8 figures. decimal point. llags. and symbols to guide users Ttlotllar level tn theodolite p cal Phlmm weatherproof. l-"-l multiple-function keys 30 g M gtti ti Temperature range Distance nteasnretttettt with Wild DlSTt_)l‘vlAT attached tlluttomattc corrections Horizontal-colltmatton error Vertical-index error Earth curvature and tnean refraction Weight T 1l]l]l.i orTlt5[l'[l without tribracb Eccentricity ol'Hz and V circles or battery . . ' . . . (T ltitlljonlyj Two models - lv’lcasLll'cI11cI1t Storei E e GEBTT plug-in battery 2 keyboards. displays both faces or keyboard and display lace I . slot for REC module face 2 Wild THEUMA T rtoes ttttti Tit?-tilt? EEEZE U-ihmch 196 mtn H’.-“'2 tn nt 30".-*2 tn nt in tribracb L’ >< -are to +s0"c (-4=*1'=-is —|-1E2°l*') -ttrc: to +ri_re (—=ll.l'"Fto +1ss='F) 4.5 kg tl.2kg U.9lcg 3.'5Jl~;g {ltl lb} (Tor) ['2 lb) (8-.tilb) TM THEtItlvlt\'I'. DIS'I"UivtAT. and AVIUTAB are trademarks of Wiltl l-leerbrugg Ltd 7////;;Wll.D l.El'I'Z . Wild TA CH YMA T and (see brocl'.-are GI 28=iejl Wild Heerbrugg Ltd - 9435 Heerbrugg (Switzerland) Precision Engineering, Optics. Electronics T l -ph 131 $:ll;l;;gYg:;2HEErbn1gg Fart +-tttept 'i'lJ317U Illustrations. descriptions. and technical data are not binding and may be changed withottt noticeEir13ti5e »-}tIl.iiii— Printed in Switzerland Wild Heerhrngg Ltd. I leerbrugg "' — - Universal battery _ Tim-"“D'iTlm-H] l Tilting range . . Displays GEBTI 'Ii'—_..i' HEERHHIJGG Trademarks of world—l'amous products from the Wild Lcitz Group