651-438-7499 - Minnesota Bed and Breakfast Association
651-438-7499 - Minnesota Bed and Breakfast Association
Welcome to Minnesota Dear Gentle Guests, Welcome to Minnesota! You come to a Bed and Breakfast to get away, to renew, refresh and regroup. Your Minnesota Bed and Breakfast host is committed to help you achieve these goals with comfort, delicious breakfasts and a true Minnesota experience. Your true Minnesota experience takes place in a diverse state known for its lakes, rivers, prairies, forests, wilderness areas and dynamic cities and towns. The best way to experience this diversity is to stay at a Quality Assured MBBA member inn. Adding to your experience is the knowledge that your Bed and Breakfast is part of a community and also our changing world. Our industry is committed to making a low impact on our natural environment. Many of our members have written and follow sustainable practice statements that indicate goals that often include recycling and conserving resources. This guidebook begins your journey to all our members. As you visit and experience the hospitality of your chosen Bed and Breakfasts, may your memories bring a smile. The MBBA innkeepers look forward to serving you again and again. S i n c e r e l y , Barbara Young for the MBBA Board M B BA President Elect Po plar Creek Guesthouse B & B, Gra nd Mara i s 2 Bed & Breakfast and Historic Inns All Minnesota Bed and Breakfast Association members in this guidebook participate in the Quality Assurance Program. This review recognizes standards of quality endorsed by the Minnesota Bed and Breakfast Association in the areas of cleanliness, safety, guest comfort and host professionalism and integrity. All members are licensed by the State of Minnesota and undergo inspections by the State Health Department. This B & B G uide makes t ra vel planning easy in M innesota. B ut realize all MBBA members are on t he web s ite w ww. m i n n e s oa t b b . o rg to o . Tra vel considera tions: Be su re to ask about re s e r va tion, deposit a nd cancellation policies when making your re s e r va tion. Also ask about scheduled check-in and check-out times. P l e a se mention when inqu i r i n g about a re se r vation that yo u f o u nd their B & B in the 20 09 E x p l o re Minnesota B & B and H i s toric Inns Guide. Photo by Don Trueman ©Minnesota Bed & Breakfast Association Guide 2009. Printed in the U.S.A. All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be printed or otherwise reproduced without written permission. While due care has been exercised in the compilation of this guide, we are not responsible for errors or omissions. The publisher accepts no responsibility for typographical or other errors. Inclusion in this guide does not constitute endorsement or recognition by the Minnesota Bed & Breakfast Association or the Explore Minnesota Tourism. It is intended as a guide to assist in providing information to the pu blic and the listings are offered as a pu blic service. Each listing is based on i n fo rm a tion provided by the business and is as current as possible. Info rm a tion is subject to change without notice. Cover photo: Afton House Inn, Afton, MN by Don Trueman L i s ted o n the National R e g i s ter o f H istoric P laces Pa r ticipant i n t he M BBA G ift C erti fi c a te P ro g ra m This Publication is produced f or t he M innesota Bed & Bre a k fast Association in cooperation w ith E xpl o re M innesota To u r i s m . 3 Index of Cities City Region Page Afton . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . M etro . . . . . . . . . Alexandria . . . . . . . . . . . . . H e a r t l a n d. . . . . . . 1 Annandale . . . . . . . . . . . . . H e a r t l a n d. . . . . . . 1 Anoka . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . M etro . . . . . . . . . Battle Lake . . . . . . . . . . . . . H e a r t l a n d . . . . . . Bemidji . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . H e a r t l a n d . . . . . . Brainerd . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . H e a r t l a n d . . . . . . Center City . . . . . . . . . . . . M etro . . . . . . . . . Chaska . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . M etro . . . . . . . . . Chatfield . . . . . . . . . . . . . . S o u t h e r n . . . . . . . Cold Spring . . . . . . . . . . . . H e a r t l a n d . . . . . . Dexter. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . S o u t h e r n . . . . . . . Duluth . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . A rrowhead. . . . . . 1 Duquette. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . A rrowhead. . . . . . 2 Ely . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . A rrowhead. . . . . . 2 Farmington . . . . . . . . . . . . . M etro . . . . . . . . . 4 Fergus Falls. . . . . . . . . . . . . H e a r t l a n d . . . . . . Fertile . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . H e a r t l a n d . . . . . . Grand Marais . . . . . . . . . . A rrowhead. . . . . . 2 Grand Rapids . . . . . . . . . . A rrowhead . . . . . 2 Hastings . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . M etro . . . . . . . . . 4 Henderson . . . . . . . . . . . . . S o u t h e r n . . . . . . . Hendricks . . . . . . . . . . . . . . S o u t h e r n . . . . . . . Hibbing. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . A rrowhead . . . . . 2 Hinckley . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . A rrowhead . . . . . 2 Janesville . . . . . . . . . . . . . . S o u t h e r n . . . . . . . Jordon. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . M etro . . . . . . . . . 4 Kenyon . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . S o u t h e r n . . . . . . . Lake Benton . . . . . . . . . . . . S o u t h e r n . . . . . . . Lake City . . . . . . . . . . . . . . S o u t h e r n . . . . . . . Lanesboro. . . . . . . . . . . . . . S o u t h e r n . . . . . . . Litchfield . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . S o u t h e r n . . . . . . . 2 Mankato. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . S o u t h e r n . . . . . . . 2 Marine on St. Croix . . . . . M etro . . . . . . . . . 4 Marshall . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . S o u t h e r n . . . . . . . 2 Mentor . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . H e a r t l a n d. . . . . . . 1 Minneapolis. . . . . . . . . . . . M etro. . . . . . . . . . Monticello . . . . . . . . . . . . . M etro. . . . . . . . . . Montrose . . . . . . . . . . . . . . M etro. . . . . . . . . . Nevis. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . H e a r t l a n d. . . . . . . 1 New Ulm . . . . . . . . . . . . . . S o u t h e r n . . . . . . . New York Mills . . . . . . . . . H e a r t l a n d. . . . . . . 1 39 1 1 39 12 12 12 39 39 25 12 25 9 1 1 0 13 13 1 2 0 25 25 2 2 26 0 26 26 26 27 8 8 0 8 4 41 41 41 4 29 4 Mentor Bemidji Fertile Gr Walker Nevis Osage Park Rapids Detroit Lakes Vergas FargoMoorhead Frazee Crosby New York Mills Perham Battle Lake Staples Brainerd Fergus Falls I-94 Alexandria St. Cloud Starbuck Foley Cold Spring Annandale Paynesville Monticello Spicer Willmar Minneapolis Litchfield Montrose Excelsior Chaska Jordan Henderson Farm Redwood Falls Hendricks Ivanhoe Marshall Tracy New Ulm Sleepy Eye Lake Benton Mankato Waseca Janesville Truman Luverne Sherburn Worthington 4 I-90 Map of Minnesota City Orr Ely Grand Marais Hibbing Grand Rapids Silver Bay by Two Harbors Duluth I-35 Duquette Finlayson Heartland Region Northwest Hinckley North Branch Arrowhead Region Northeast Center City Page 2 9 3 0 4 0 0 31 2 2 3 33 33 33 5 2 6 6 43 5 33 4 3 6 4 7 4 5 5 6 6 Taylors Falls cello Southern Region Marine-on-St. Croix Anoka Stillwater olis St. Paul elsior a Afton Metro Region Hastings Red Wing Farmington ca Region North Branch . . . . . . . . . . . Me t r o . . . . . . . . . 4 Northfield . . . . . . . . . . . . . . S o u t h e r n . . . . . . . 2 Orr . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . A rrowhead . . . . . 2 Owatonna . . . . . . . . . . . . . Southern . . . . . . . 3 Park Rapids . . . . . . . . . . . . Heartland. . . . . . . 1 Preston . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . S o u t h e r n . . . . . . . 3 Reads Landing . . . . . . . . . . S o u t h e r n . . . . . . . 3 Red Wing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . S o u t h e r n. . . . . . . . Redwood Falls . . . . . . . . . . S o u t h e r n . . . . . . . 3 Rushford . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . S o u t h e r n . . . . . . . 3 Silver Bay . . . . . . . . . . . . . . A rrowhead . . . . . 2 Sleepy Eye . . . . . . . . . . . . . Southern . . . . . . . Spicer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Southern . . . . . . . Spring Valley . . . . . . . . . . . S o u t h e r n . . . . . . . St. Cloud. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . H e a r t l a n d . . . . . . 1 St. Paul . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Me t r o . . . . . . . . . 4 Staples . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . H e a r t l a n d . . . . . . 1 Starbuck . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . H e a r t l a n d . . . . . . 1 Stillwater. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Me t r o . . . . . . . . . Taylors Falls . . . . . . . . . . . . Metro . . . . . . . . . 4 Tracy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Southern . . . . . . . Truman . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . S o u t h e r n . . . . . . . 3 Two Harbors. . . . . . . . . . . . Arrowhead . . . . . 2 Vergas . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Heartland . . . . . . 1 Wabasha . . . . . . . . . . . . . . S o u t h e r n . . . . . . . 3 Walker . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . H e a r t l a n d . . . . . . 1 Waseca. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . S o u t h e r n . . . . . . . 3 Winona . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . S o u t h e r n . . . . . . . 3 Worthington . . . . . . . . . . . . Southern . . . . . . . 3 Zumbro Falls. . . . . . . . . . . . Southern . . . . . . . 3 Zumbrota . . . . . . . . . . . . . . S o u t h e r n . . . . . . . 3 Northfield Cannon Falls Lake City Reads Landing Zumbrota Wabasha Kenyon Zumbro Falls Dundas Winona I-35 Rochester Owatonna Dexter Chattfield Spring Valley Rushford Lanesboro Preston Houston Minneapolis, Mn Galena, Il Chicago, Il Madison, Wi M i l wa u kee, Wi Green Bay, Wi Fa rgo, Nd Des Moines, Ia Grand Rapids, Mi 9 317 40 0 260 330 270 244 243 580 27 283 389 250 318 260 254 266 577 Locations of cities are approximate. For tourism information call the Explore Minnesota Office at: 800-657-3700 651-296-5029 5 122 156 333 195 262 253 359 225 511 154 364 470 332 399 331 318 395 649 67 392 474 335 403 344 174 308 652 264 474 580 441 510 442 428 505 759 Bed & Breakfast Index Bed and Breakfast A. Charles Weiss Inn 5 A.G. Thomson House 3 Afton House Inn 25 Alexander Mansion Historic B & B 4 Ann Bean Mansion 5 Arbor Inn Bed & Breakfast Asa Parker House 4 1 4 5 125-180 no no N12 no no no no yes 19 7 119-299 yes yes N12 no no yes yes yes 19 25 79-285 yes yes yes no no yes yes yes 39 4 149-220 no no N12 no no no yes yes 35 5 119-239 no no ask HC/no no yes yes yes 43 1 90-110 no yes N12 no no no yes yes 28 4 129-179 no no ask no no yes no yes 40 Auf Deutsche Strasse Bed and Bre a k fa s t 4 1 5 Aurora Staples Inn 5 2 5 1 109-169 no no ask no no yes yes no 29 129-249 yes no ask no no yes yes yes 43 Bakketopp Hus Bed and Breakfast 2 1 3 120-130 yes yes ask ask no yes yes yes 13 Baptism River Inn B & B 3 1 4 86-184 no no no HC/no no yes yes yes 23 Barteau House Bed and Breakfast 4 1 4 99-159 no no ask no no yes yes yes 36 Benton House 2 1 3 85-115 no no ask HC/no no yes no yes 26 Berries and Marigolds 4 4 75 no yes ask no no no no yes 16 Berwood Hill Inn 5 5 95-195 no no N12 no no yes yes yes 27 1 Beyer Haus Bed & Breakfast 4 4 129-199 no no ask HD/ask no yes yes yes 29 Bingham Hall B & B 4 4 99-219 no no ask HD/no no yes yes yes 29 5 125-168 yes yes ask HD/yes no yes no yes 21 6 120-185 no no ask no no yes yes yes 34 0 125 no no ask ask no no no yes 36 5 99-159 no no N12 no no yes yes yes 28 41 Blue Heron B & B, Inc 4 Bridgewaters Bed & Breakfast 6 Burr Oaks 2 Butler House Bed and Breakfast 5 1 5 Butterfly Inn 3 2.5 125-145 no no ask ask no yes yes yes The Candlelight Inn 5 5 119-229 no yes N12 no no yes yes yes 31 Carmel Apple Orchard Inn 2 2 90-125 no no ask no no no yes no 16 Carriage House Bed & Breakfast 4 4 99-159 no no N12 no no yes yes yes 35 42 Cathedral Hill Bed and Breakfast 2 1 2 115-165 no yes ask no no no no yes Cedar Rose Inn B & B 4 2 4 100-155 no no ask no no yes yes yes 11 Classic Rosewood Inn & Spa 7 1 8 117-277 no no ask ask no yes yes yes 40 1 1 120-140 no no no no no no yes yes 45 6 7 The Cottage Bed & Breakfast Cotton Mansion 1 Country Cove Bed & Breakfast 4 4 1 155-265 no no no no no yes yes yes 19 129-149 yes yes N12 no no yes yes yes 43 Country Gardens on Lake Mina 2 2 140 no no no no no yes yes yes 11 Cover Park Manor 4 4 99-195 yes yes ask ask no yes yes yes 43 Covington Inn 4 4 140-235 no yes no no no no yes yes 42 Crystal Dreams Bed & Breakfast 1 1 135-240 no no ask no no no yes yes 42 Dancing Winds Farmstay Retreat 2 2 115-135 no yes yes HD/ask no yes yes yes 26 6 Bed & Breakfast Index Bed and Breakfast Eagles on the River Bed and Breakfast 2 The Elephant Walk 4 The Ellery House 2 Embracing Pines Fenelon Place 2 169-229 no yes ask no no yes yes yes 34 4 139-289 no no ask HC/no no yes yes yes 44 4 109-189 no no yes no no no yes yes 19 3 1 95-145 no no ask no no no no yes 17 3 3 89-109 no no no no no no yes yes 26 20 The Firelight Inn on Oregon Creek 2 5 5 179-249 no no N17 no no yes yes yes Golden Lantern Inn 1 4 5 149-235 no no ask no no yes yes yes 31 Habberstad House Bed & Breakfast 3 3 6 115-225 no no N12 no no yes yes yes 27 Heartland Trails Bed and Breakfast 6 6 70-105 no no yes ask no no yes yes 14 Henderson House 4 2 95-125 no no ask ask no no no yes 25 Heritage House Bed and Breakfast 2 4 100-145 no no ask no no no yes yes 15 High Woods Bed and Breakfast 3 3 159-169 no no N12 no no no no yes 45 Hillcrest Hide-Away Bed and Breakfast 2 4 95-140 yes yes ask HC/no no no yes yes 27 35 2 2 Historic Dayton House 2 2 110-150 no no N12 no no no no yes Historic Heights B & B and Events 8 0 95-110 no no ask HD/no no no no yes 41 Historic Scanlan House B & B 6 6 100-225 no no N09 no no yes yes yes 27 Home in the Pines 2 2 89-99 no no ask no no no no yes 21 Homestead Inn 4 Hundred Acre Woods Bed and Breakfast 2 Hungry Point Inn 4 5 Ice Haus Bed and Breakfast 4 4 1 4 85 no no yes yes no no no yes 16 2 79-199 no no ask ask no yes yes no 23 149-229 yes yes ask ask no yes yes yes 31 65-125 yes yes no HD/no no yes no yes 25 1 The Inn at Maple Crossing 16 16 79-125 yes yes yes no no no yes yes 14 Jailhouse Inn 12 12 65-189 no yes ask ask no yes yes yes 30 James A Mulvey Inn 5 Lake Le Homme Dieu Bed & Breakfast 4 2 Lighthouse Bed and Breakfast 4 Log House & Homestead on Spirit Lake 4 LoonSong Bed & Breakfast 4 MacArthur House Bed & Breakfast 2 The Magic Door 3 The Marshall Estate B & B 5 1 Mathew Burrows 1890 Inn 2 3 Meadows Inn Bed and Breakfast 5 Mitchell-Tappan House 5 Moondance Inn 5 Moran Creek Villa 7 1 3 2 7 99-249 yes yes ask no no yes yes yes 44 4 145-175 no no N12 no no yes no yes 11 no 4 109-169 no no ask no yes no yes 23 5 110-215 no yes ask HDC/ask no yes yes yes 17 4 109-145 yes yes ask HD/ask no no yes yes 15 5 64-169 no yes N12 HD/no no yes no yes 21 3 100-195 no yes ask no no yes yes yes 29 1 85-140 no no yes no no no yes no 28 5 95-185 no no N12 HD/ask no no yes yes 20 5 108-150 no no yes no no yes no yes 32 22 1 5 2 4 1 75-150 no no yes no no no no yes 125-219 no no ask HD/no no yes yes yes 31 85-125 yes yes ask ask no no yes yes 16 7 Bed & Breakfast Index Bed and Breakfast Morning Glory Bed and Breakfast 4 Nature’s Nest Nicolin Mansion B & B 1 5 The Northrup Oftedahl House B & B 5 Oakenwald Terrace Bed and Breakfast 6 Olcott House B & B Inn 4 2 1 5 1 90-125 no yes N12 95-135 109-189 HD/no no yes yes yes 22 yes yes N12 no no yes yes yes 41 no yes ask no no yes yes yes 40 2 80-179 no no yes HD/ask no no yes no 30 6 110-235 no yes N12 no no no yes yes 25 6 6 Outing Lodge 3 6 9 1 135-235 no yes N16 no no yes yes yes 20 115-245 yes yes yes yes no yes yes yes 44 Park Street inn 3 1 4 95-135 no no ask no no yes no yes 14 The Peacock Inn 3 2 5 99-189 no no N12 no no yes yes yes 39 The Pillar Inn 3 3 79-149 no no ask no no yes no yes 12 Pine Cone Bed and Breakfast 3 1 4 70-120 no no ask no no yes yes no 34 Poplar Creek Guesthouse & B & B 2 1 3 115-148 no no ask HD/no no yes yes yes 21 Pratt-Taber Inn 3 3 110-150 no no ask HC/no no no yes yes 32 Rand House 4 4 115-175 no no N12 no no no yes yes 41 Red Gables Inn 4 4 125-150 no no ask HD/no no no no yes 26 2 125-149 yes yes no H D / H C n o no yes yes yes 30 2 150 no no ask no no yes yes 15 9 175-325 yes no N12 no no yes yes yes 44 5 159-249 no no N12 H D /ask no yes yes yes 32 5 99-125 no no N12 no no yes no yes 28 1 120 no yes N12 no no no yes no 42 5 20 River Nest B & B 2 Riverside Guest Haus 2 Rivertown Inn 9 Round Barn Farm B & B & B Scandinavian Inn 5 5 Soleil Levant Bed & Breakfast 1 4 no Solglimt on the Water 1 145-240 no no N12 no no yes yes yes Somewhere In Time Bed and Breakfast 4 4 80-120 no yes ask no no no yes yes 33 Spicer Castle Inn 18 18 10 116-187 no yes ask no no yes yes yes 33 Summit Inn B & B 2 1 3 95-175 no no N12 ask no yes yes yes 39 Superior Overlook 2 2 105-170 no no ask no no yes yes yes 22 Tatanka Bluffs B & B 3 3 100-110 no yes ask ask no yes yes yes 32 T. C. Davis Manor 3 3 95-185 no no ask HD/no no yes yes yes 40 Thayer’s Historic Bed n’ Breakfast 11 11 145-245 no no ask HC/ask no yes yes yes 11 8 117-277 no no ask ask no yes yes yes 40 4 110-175 no yes ask no no yes yes yes 39 55-75 no yes yes ask no no no yes 25 N12 HD/ask no no yes no 33 Thorwood - see classic rosewood 7 Ticknor Hill Bed & Breakfast 4 1 Triple L Farm Bed and Breakfast 4 1 2 Valentine Inn B & B 3 1 4 110-125 no yes Victorian Oaks Bed and Breakfast 2 1 0 89-140 no no ask no no no yes yes 15 Villa Calma B & B 4 2 89-139 no no N16 no no no no yes 12 2 8 Bed & Breakfast Index Bed and Breakfast W.W. Smith Inn 3 2 3 Water Street Inn 23 18 41 4 5 Whistle Stop Inn Whiteley Creek Homestead 5 Whittler’s Lady Bed & Breakfast 5 95-175 no no ask no no yes yes yes 33 99-229 yes no yes ask s o m e yes yes yes 45 70-165 yes yes ask ask no yes yes yes 14 95-125 no yes ask no no no yes yes 12 5 65-85 no yes ask no no no no no 34 45 1 William Sauntry Mansion 6 6 129-249 no yes no no no yes yes yes Willow Creek B & B 4 1 70 no yes ask no no no yes yes 13 Windom Park Bed & Breakfast 5 6 120-195 no no N12 HD/no no yes yes yes 35 Woodland Trails Bed and Breakfast 5 5 155-225 no no N12 HD/no no yes yes yes 22 Xanadu Island Bed & Breakfast & Resort 5 5 105-165 no yes N12 HD/no no yes yes yes 12 1 3 KEY: Children N/12 = no children under 12 years PETS HD = House dog HC = House cat We recommend checking with individual innkeepers, all details subject to change. Photos: Solglimt on the Water, Duluth 9 It has been quite a trip! This area is fantastic, so much to see and do. Yesterday we visited Lake Itasca headwaters for the mighty Mississippi. Then it was on to some great birding - we spotted prairie chickens, bobolinks, chestnut collared longspur. Our innkeepers gave us binoculars to use and even packed us an extra early bag breakfast. I know we will see you again... and again... a n d a g a i n . 10 Rooms/Suites: 4 Price Range: $100 - $155 Web: www.cedarroseinn.com E-mail: [email protected] ALEXANDRIA Cedar Rose Inn 422 7th Ave W Alexandria, MN 56308 888-203-5333, 320-762-8430 Florian & Aggie Ledermann 1903 Tudor Revival style home located near downtown antique and specialty shops in the ‘silk stocking’ historic district. Original unique molded plaster and woodwork with beautiful stained glass windows. All rooms have private baths; two with whirlpools. Full country breakfast. Children over 12. Birding Packages available. Rooms/Suites: 2 Price Range: $140 Web: www.countrygardensonlakemina.com E-mail: [email protected] ALEXANDRIA Country Gardens on Lake Mina 360 Karens Way NW Alexandria, MN 56308 320-762-8502 Larry Zilliox Nestled in the hills surrounding beautiful Lake Mina and minutes from Alexandria, Country Gardens is more than a place to visit. It’s a picnic for the heart and soul. Meditation sites and hiking trails nourish the spirit and relieve the tensions of everyday life. Birding opportunities abound! Rooms/Suites: 4 Price Range: $145 - $175 Web: www.llbedandbreakfast.com E-mail: [email protected] ALEXANDRIA Lake Le Homme Dieu Bed & Breakfast 441 S. LeHomme Dieu Drive NE Alexandria, MN 56308 800-943-5875, 320-846-5875 Steve & Judy Radjenovich Lake home, peaceful nights, cheerful mornings. Fireplace in lakeside living room. Each room uniquely furnished, queen-sized beds, private baths, 3 w/large whirlpool tubs, TV/VCR. Biking, golf, skiing, shopping. Full breakfast. Children 12+. No pets/smoking. Rooms/Suites: 11 Price Range: $145 - $245 Web: www.thayers.net E-mail: [email protected] A N N A N DA L E Thayer’s Historic Bed n’ Breakfast 600 West Elm Street, P.O. Box 246 Annandale, MN 55302 Phone: 320-274-8222 800-944-6595 Sharon Gammell This romantic 1895 Old West B&B is in the Top 10 Best USA haunted places to stay, home to psychic, Sharon Gammell, two Main Coon kitties and ghosts. Psychic readings, ghost hunting, murder mystery dinners, authentic antiques, great food with special diets are welcomed and yes, Thayer’s is really haunted. 11 Rooms/Suites: 5 Price Range: $105 - $165 Web: www.xanadu.cc E-mail: [email protected] B AT T L E L A K E Xanadu Island Bed & Breakfast & Resort 35484 235th Street Battle Lake, MN 56515 800-396-9043, 218-864-8096 Bubba & Margie Shivler ISLAND RETREAT. Step back in time onto a peaceful, secluded five acre estate with a spacious 1920’s lodgestyle home. Relax in lakeview rooms with private baths, jacuzzis and massive stone fireplaces. Canoeing, sailing, boating, swimming, fishing, birding. Crystal clear lake. Nearby antiquing, golfing, biking, hiking, fine restaurants. Full breakfast. Rooms/Suites: 4 Price Range: $89 - $139 Web: www.villacalma.com E-mail: [email protected] BEMIDJI Villa Calma B & B 915 Lake Blvd NE Bemidji, MN 56601 218-444-5554 Harold and Kim Marty Enjoy the quiet ambiance of an Old-World Tuscan Villa; breathtaking view of Lake Bemidji; spacious beautifully landscaped grounds; four richly decorated rooms. Wake to the aroma of a gourmet breakfast and a specialty roasted cup of coffee or tea. Evening wine and snack served. Immediate access to the 17 mile Paul Bunyan Trail around Lake Bemidji. Rooms/Suites: 5 Price Range: $95 - $125 Web: www.whiteleycreek.com E-mail: [email protected] BRAINERD Whiteley Creek Homestead 12349 Whiteley Creek Trail Brainerd, MN 56401 218-829-0654 Adrienne Cahoon 35-acre Green Routes destination 3 mi. from Brainerd. Nutritious breakfast and dessert prepared with organic and locally-grown ingredients served in 1890 railroad car tearoom. Cabins with fireplaces and inn rooms with private baths. Huge fireplace on wraparound porch, on-site canoeing and trails, veggie and flower gardens, hens and bees, antiques, and 1930-40s vehicles. Rooms/Suites: 3 Price Range: $79 - $149 Web: www.thepillarinn.com E-mail: [email protected] COLD SPRING The Pillar Inn 419 Main Street Cold Spring, MN 56320 320-685-3828 Beautiful 3-story mansion with original woodwork, stained glass, fireplace, and wraparound porch. The romantic Grand Suite has private bath, double whirlpool tub and private balcony. A full breakfast can be enjoyed in dining room or in the privacy of suite. Welcome small weddings, receptions, events, meetings. We now offer tea parties! Free wi/fi. Near golf, lakes, and universities. 12 Would you like to do a more specific amenity search? • • • • • • • pet friendly? handicapped accessible? fireplace in room? breakfast in suite? winery tours? bicycle tours? hiking tours? visit us online at www.minnesotabb.org Photo by Marv Eggert Rooms/Suites: 3 Price Range: $120 - $130 Web: www.bbonline.com/mn/bakketopp E-mail: [email protected] F ERGUS FALLS Bakketopp Hus 20571 Hillcrest Road Fergus Falls, MN 56537 800-739-2915, 218-739-2915 Dennis & Judy Nims Lakeside home with decks, sunken flower gardens, stream, fireplaces, antiques, AC, jacuzzi, private baths, and full breakfasts. Here nature’s mysteries abound in prairie, wetlands, forests and through a rich eco-system. Year round birding packages available. Center for the Arts, museums, paved bike trail, horseback riding, and great golfing nearby. Rooms/Suites: 4 Price Range: $70 Web: www.willowcreek-fertile.com E-mail: [email protected] FERTILE Willow Creek B & B 14242 430th St SE Fertile, MN 56540 218-945-6315 Darrell and Carole Larson Rural 1918 prairie home with original woodwork, open staircase, enclosed front porch. Bedrooms have air conditioning, TV, ability to make coffee, cocoa, tea. Granary with collectables for sale. One room school house is available for crafts or events. Close to Map l e , Union and Lake Sarah. Full breakfast served. 13 Rooms/Suites: 16 Price Range: $79 - $125 Web: www.innatmaplecrossing.com E-mail: [email protected] MENTOR The Inn at Maple Crossing 14709 Maple Inn Road SE Mentor, MN 56736 218-637-6600 For a romantic getaway enjoy the quaint ambiance of a lovely turn of the century country inn on picturesque Maple Lake, near Mentor, f e aturing guest library, s t u dy center, cozy sitting rooms, spacious lakeside porches, genteel recreation, n ationally acclaimed gift shop and gracious dining—all this in the heart of three nature preserves. Inquire about retreat s , weddings, meetings and small conferences and educational workshops. ADA Handicapped accessible. Rooms/Suites: 4 Price Range: $95 - $135 Web: www.parkstreetinn.com E-mail: [email protected] NEVIS Park Street Inn 106 Park Street Nevis, MN 56467 218-652-4500 Don & Linda Hayle Cozy Bed and Breakfast located across from the public beach and just a block from the Heartland Bicycle and Snowmobile Trail. Guests feel right at home in this beautifully handcrafted home originally built in 1912. There are 4 guest accommodations – all with private bathrooms, air-conditioning, 2 with whirlpools and 2 with access to a roof-top deck. Rates are for double occupancy and include a full gourmet breakfast. Breakfast is served in the elegant dining room. Rooms/Suites: 5 Price Range: $70 - $165 Web: www.whistlestop bedandbreakfast.com E-mail: innkeeper@whistlestopbed andbreakfast.com NEW YOR K MI LL S Whistle Stop Inn 107 Nowell Street E New York Mills, MN 56567 800-328-6315, 218-385-2223 Jann & Roger Lee Return to an era of elegant train travel. Two antique Pullman train cars & one caboose. Each with fireplace, whirlpool & private deck. Handicapped accessible cottage, with spa bathroom. Rooms in Victorian home all with private baths. Full breakfast delivered to your door or served in our dining room. Rooms/Suites: 6 Price Range: $70 - $105 Web: www.heartlandbb.com E-mail: [email protected] PA R K R A P I D S Heartland Trails B & B 20220 Friar Road Park Rapids, MN 56470 218-732-3252 Renovated 1920’s schoolhouse, AC guestrooms feature private bath, fireplace, TV/VCR with full breakfast. Adjoining Heartland Bike Trail in Dorset (famous for restaurants and shopping), we offer on-site quality bike rental. Close to numerous lakes, golf courses and shopping. 14 Rooms/Suites: 4 Price Range: $109 - $145 Web: www.loonsongbedandbreakfast.com E-mail: [email protected] PA R K R A P I D S LoonSong Bed & Breakfast Lake Itasca, # 27 17248 LoonSong Lane Park Rapids, MN 56470 218-266-3333 Barb & Dennis Cowan Offering something special for everyone. An exceptional wilderness getaway experience located on beautiful Heart Lake, just six miles from Itasca State Park. LoonSong has a warm and inviting charm. A grand staircase greets you in the open great-room with fireplace and spectacular views of the pristine lake.All guest rooms have private baths, refrigerator, patios and are furnished with antiques and collectibles for a cozy and comfortable appeal, with a full country breakfast served. Rooms/Suites: 4 Price Range: $100 - $145 Web: www.heritagehousebbmn.com E-mail: [email protected] S T. C L O U D Heritage House Bed & Breakfast 402 6th Avenue S St. Cloud, MN 56301 888-547-4422, 320-656-5818 Jerry & Deb N ational award winning 1904 Queen Anne on the National Register of Historic Places offers a retreat from the o r d i n a ry. Four elegant rooms reflect the innkeeper’s European heritage. Each include private bath, queen bed, TV/VCR, A/C and free WIFI. A deliciously memorable breakfast is served daily in the dining room where guests are invited to indulge in a traditional Victorian pastime – sharing good food and good conversation. Personalized service a l l ows you to relax and recharge in a setting a century away yet so close. Rooms/Suites: 2 Price Range: $150 Web: www.riversideguesthaus.com E-mail: [email protected] S T. C L O U D Riverside Guest Haus 912 Riverside Drive SE St. Cloud, MN 56304 320-252-2134 Jim & Helen Tingblad Cape Cod home overlooking the Mississippi. St. Cloud University on far shore. Near Munsinger and Clemens Gardens. Rooms are spacious with hardwood floors and lots of windows, private baths, king and queen beds, AC, soft water. A “character” house filled with antiques, sitting areas, balcony, and decking. Recognized as a favorite MN B&B by Mpls./St. Paul Magazine. Rooms/Suites: 3 Price Range: $89.50 - $140 Web: www.vicoaks.com E-mail: [email protected] S T. C L O U D Victorian Oaks Bed & Breakfast 404 9th Avenue S St. Cloud, MN 56301 866-VIC-OAKS, 320-202-1404 I. Louis Foote Historic, antique-filled, gaslight era Victorian home on National Register of Historic Places. Elegant, comfortable, friendly. Lake George Suite has queen-sized brass bed, sitting room, balcony. Blue room has 1850s bedroom set. Garden room has antique king-sized bed, convertible to twins. Fireplaces, stained glass, candlelight breakfasts served on china, crystal and silver. TV/VCRs, A/C, coffee makers. 15 Rooms/Suites: 2 Price Range: $90 - $125 Web: www.carmelappleinn.com E-mail: [email protected] S TA P L E S Carmel Apple Orchard Inn 26144 State 210 Staples, MN 56479 218-894-2796 Marty & Mary Raddatz Quite country 160 acre retreat. Enjoy evening campfires, spectacular sunsets. 2005 Guest House has deck overlooking the apple orchard and duck pond. 2 spacious suites, A/C, vaulted ceilings with fans, private full baths and gas fireplaces. Relax with a good book in the cozy sitting room. Our coffee beans are roasted daily to compliment your 3 course breakfast. Homemade delicious baked goods, fruits and preserves from our orchard. Rooms/Suites: 7/2 Price Range: $85 - $125 Web: www.morancreekbedandbreakfast.com E-mail: [email protected] S TA P L E S Moran Creek Villa 44357 Red Oak Rd Staples MN 56479 218-894-3852 Steve & Gayle Grossman Relax in a 320 acre nature area with picnic areas, hiking, biking and birding, along woods and water. Reunions, weddings, business gatherings all in a private setting with wine and fine dining. Pets Welcome! Rooms/Suites: 4 Price Range: $75 Web: www.berriesandmarigolds.com E-mail: [email protected] S TA R B U C K Berries & Marigolds 311 E 7th Street, PO Box 622, Starbuck, MN 56381 320-239-4868 Paul & Jeannie Pladsen Victorian house built in 1897. Lake Minnewaska, bike and walking paths, Holly Skogen park, kayaking, Glacial State Park. Each room has a private bath and is named for a person in the innkeepers family. Full breakfast, children welcome, no smoking, no pets. Gift barn on the premise. Relax in sitting room or front porch. Rooms/Suites: 4 Price Range: $85 Web: www.homesteadinnmn.com E-mail: [email protected] VERGAS The Homestead Inn 606 East Frazee Avenue Vergas, MN 56587 218-342-2141 Frank & Michelle Vana True relaxation awaits you at our “just like Grandma’s” restored 100 year old homestead on 25 rolling acres overlooking Long Lake in the quiet town of Vergas. Enjoy homemade desserts upon check-in. Cozy a/c, antique filled rooms with private baths. Awaken to the delectable smell of a homecooked breakfast. Check website for specials and activities all year long. 16 Journal Entry We are grateful that you are willing to share the beauty and serenity of this place. We are “country people” and so were captivated by the antiques, history, and natural surroundings. Where to start? - the lake, the trails through the meadows and woods, the screened porch, the open front porch, the just right Adirondack chairs, the cozy nest of the bed, the birdsong and loon calls... Margaret and Dick Rooms/Suites: 5 Price Range: $110 - $215 Web: www.loghousebb.com E-mail: [email protected] VERGAS Log House & Homestead on Spirit Lake P.O. Box 130 Vergas, MN 56587 800-342-2318, 218-342-2318 Suzanne Tweten An elegant lakeside B&B enjoying its 19th year of operation. Luxury, pampering, privacy and 1 mile of lakefront are its hallmark. In-room breakfasts, lakeside balconies, fireplaces, whirlpools. Three miles of hiking trails through fields, wetlands, hills and maple woods on the 115 acre property. Canoes, snowshoes provided. Antiques, museums, art galleries, golfing nearby. Rooms/Suites: 3 Price Range: $95 - $145 Web: www.embracingpines.com E-mail: [email protected] WALKER Embracing Pines 32287 Mississippi Road Walker, MN 56484 218-224-3519, Fax 218-224-3592 Charlyne & Dennis LaVoie We are located on the Kabekona River near Leech Lake. Enjoy seasonal activities, biking, hiking, snowmobiling, canoeing, or cross-country skiing. Relax in the sauna or by the fire. At the end of your day discover the privacy of your room via the handcrafted cedar staircase. In the morning you’ll awake to the aroma of fresh coffee and a freshly prepared breakfast. Planning a wedding? visit the wedding page at www.minnesotabb.org Think of B&Bs for receptions, honeymoon spots, grooms’ dinners, showers. 17 Last night I heard a wolf howl. I thought that only happened in movies. There is nothing I could want for right now. The legendary North Shore and Lake Superior in front of me, the Iron Range behind me, the amazing Boundary Waters to one side, shopping, dining, golfing and much more to the other side. Thanks to you, I have had a chance to find some new friends, and a part of me that I didn't realize was there. You are the best... Photo by Don Trueman 18 Rooms/Suites: 5 Price Range $125 - $180 Web: www.acweissinn.com E-mail: [email protected] DULUTH A. Charles Weiss Inn (A return to Victorian Duluth) 1615 E Superior Street Duluth, MN 55812 800-525-5243, 218-724-7016 Timothy & Karla Edwards A Victorian Inn with five guest rooms, one with whirlpool. Relax near a fireplace in the parlour, library, dining or music room. Furnished with antiques to capture the charm of early Duluth. Near Lakewalk. Full breakfast, smoke-free, private baths, air conditioned guest rooms, on site massage. Rooms/Suites: 7 Price Range $119 - $299 Web: www.thomsonhouse.biz E-mail: [email protected] DULUTH A.G. Thomson House 2617 E 3rd Street Duluth, MN 55812 877-807-8077, 218-724-3464 Angie & Tim Allen Casual comfort, graceful elegance, and majestic Lake Superior views call you home to our 1909 Dutch Colonial. Nestled in tranquility amid towering pines on 2 acres of park-like grounds; seclusion in the heart of the city. Luxurious amenities include spacious whirlpools, fireplaces, LCD HDTV/DVD, A/C, private baths, Wi-Fi. Sumptuous breakfasts. Rooms/Suites: 7 Price Range $155 - $265 Web: www.cottonmansion.com E-mail: [email protected] DULUTH Cotton Mansion 2309 E 1st Street Duluth, MN 55812 800-228-1997, 218-724-6405 Ken & Kimberly Aparicio A relaxing, romantic retreat just blocks from Lake Superior, offering beautiful appointed guest suites with fireplaces, whirlpools, private baths and candlelight breakfasts. Inquire about our sweetheart and honeymoon packages. One of Minnesota Bride’s top 10 romantic getaways. Full gourmet breakfast. No children/pets/smoking. Rooms/Suites: 4 Price Range $109 - $189 Web: www.elleryhouse.com E-mail: [email protected] DULUTH Ellery House 28 S 21st Avenue E Duluth, MN 55812 800-355-3794, 218-724-7639 Jim & Joan Halquist 1890 Victorian Inn renowned for its tradition of unobtrusive pampering. Rooms/suites feature fireplaces, porches, fresh flowers, luxurious robes, private baths with showers, deep tubs and Aveda amenities. Full breakfast served ensuite or in dining room. Fair trade coffee, lattes and evening refreshments. Spa packages, gift certificates, and Romance/Honeymoon packages. Environmentally friendly/smoke free. Wireless internet. 19 Rooms/Suites: 5 Price Range $179 - $249 Web: www.firelightinn.com E-mail: [email protected] DULUTH The Firelight Inn on Oregon Creek 2211 E 3rd Street Duluth, MN 55812 888-724-0273, 218-724-0272 Jim & Joy Fischer Featured in Better Homes & Garden magazine, this historic 1910 traditional-style mansion is your luxury B&B experience. Located on a secluded dead-end street adjoining Oregon Creek in Duluth’s historic mansion district. Over-the-top hospitality includes a bountiful breakfast delivered to your suite. Honeymoon/Anniversary/Romance packages, soup suppers and on-site relaxation massage therapy. Rooms/Suites: 5 Price Range $95 - $185 Web: www.1890inn.com DULUTH Mathew S. Burrows 1890 Inn B & B 1632 E First Street Duluth, MN 55812 800-789-1890, 218-724-4991 Kathy & Alan Fink 1890 Victorian with extensive carved woodwork and stained glass, common areas and summer porches. Suite w/fireplace and original wrap-around shower. Two bedroom optional suite. Full breakfast. Children over 11 welcome. No pets/smoking. Rooms/Suites: 6 Price Range $135 - $235 Web: www.olcotthouse.com E-mail: [email protected] DULUTH Olcott House B & B Inn 2316 E 1st Street Duluth, MN 55812 800-715-1339, 218-728-1339 David & Jerry Grand 1904 historic Georgian colonial mansion and Carriage House. Noted one of Minnesota’s Architectural gems! This luxury Inn offers exquisitely decorated spacious romantic suites with fireplaces & private baths. Library, music room, parlor and grand porch! Enjoy lake views, fine antiques, delicious candlelight breakfasts and our exclusive array of complimentary evening wine and cheese. Located in Duluth’s historic East End, just above Lake Superior. AAA approved. TV/DVD, A/C. V/MC/D Rooms/Suites: 5 Price Range $145 - $240 Web: www.solglimt.com E-mail: [email protected] DULUTH Solglimt on the Water 828 Lake Avenue S, Duluth, MN 55802 877-727-0596, 218-727-0596 Brian & Mary Grover Located on the shore of Lake Superior one block from the Aerial Lift Bridge and historic Canal Park. State bike trail in the front, 7 mile sand beach in the back. Relaxing guest suites with fireplaces, hydro massage tubs and fabulous views of Lake Superior. Romance and biking packages “ G r e e n ” addition opening in 2009. 20 Rooms/Suites: 2 Price Range: $89 - $99 Web: www.homeinthepines.net E-mail: [email protected] DUQUETTE Home in the Pines 88816 Wild Oak Loop Duquette, MN 55756 218-496-5855 or -5825 Two rooms of solitude await you forty miles south of Duluth between Jay Cook and Banning State Parks at this 1905 country home. The Balcony room features a private bath with a steam shower and the Northwoods room is done in lodge décor and also has a private bath. Rooms/Suites: 5 Price Range $125 - $168 Web: www.blueheronbnb.com E-mail: [email protected] E LY Blue Heron B & B 827 Kawishiwi Trail Ely, MN 55731 218-365-4720 Jo Kovach Lakeside lodging in the wilderness adjoining the BWCA. Canoes and sauna included with rooms. Hiking, ski and bike trails. Wildlife abounds. Five rooms, all private baths, king or queen beds, 2 family-sized suites. Lunch and dinner optional. Children/pets by arrangement. No Smoking. Rooms/Suites: 5 Price Range $64 - $169 Web: www.macarthurhouse.net E-mail: [email protected] GRAND MARAIS MacArthur House B & B 520 W 2nd Street P.O. Box 1270 Grand Marais, MN 55604 800-790-1840, 218-387-1840 Max & Sherri Bichel A premier B&B in Grand Marais. Spacious guestrooms, views of Lake Superior, 19’ cathedral ceilings, whirlpool suite, private baths, fireplace, deck. Cross-country skiing, hiking, biking, downhill skiing, snowshoeing, snowmobiling minutes away. Children over 12. No pets/smoking. Rooms/Suites: 3 Price Range $115 - $148 Web: www.poplarcreekbb.com E-mail: [email protected] GRAND MARAIS Poplar Creek Guesthouse Bed & Breakfast 11 Poplar Creek Drive Grand Marais, MN 55604 800-322-8327, 218-388-4487 Barbara & Ted Young Gunflint trail, Mission inspired, overlooking BWCA and canoe only lake. Whirlpool or double shower rooms. Guest kitchen, fireplace and deck. All rooms have private baths, queen beds, phones and wireless internet. Hike, bike, ski, snowshoe trails on premises. Firepit overlooking lake and picnic area. Full breakfasts. No pets/smoking. 21 Rooms/Suites: 2 Price Range $105 - $170 Web: www.superioroverlookbb.com E-mail: [email protected] GRAND MARAIS Superior Overlook Bed & Breakfast P.O. Box 1146 Grand Marais, MN 55604 218-387-9339, 877-387-9335 Barb & Larry Spaulding On a rock ledge, just 200’ from Lake Superior, this year-round B & B has private baths, whirlpool, sauna, sundeck, large family room with TV/DVD, wood stove and kitchenette. Enjoy year round beauty and spectacular views. Wooded path leads to a cove on the lake, just the place for a romantic fire or a fun evening of s’mores! Rooms/Suites: 4 Price Range $90 - $125 Web: www.morningglorybandb.com E-mail: karen@morning glorybandb.com GRAND RAPIDS Morning Glory Bed & Breakfast 726 NW 2nd Avenue Grand Rapids, MN 55744 866-926-3978, 218-326-3978 Karen & Ron Herbig Stroll the gardens in summer and relax by the living room fireplace in winter. All spacious two-room suites have private baths, tv’s with vcr, dvd and phone. Two have gas fireplaces, one with whirlpool. Full breakfast; join us for wine/appetizers on weekends. Close to downtown, golfing, ski trails, Mesabi Bike Trail, scenic byway and shopping! Rooms/Suites: 5 Price Range $75 - $150 Web: www.mitchell-tappanhouse.com HIBBING Mitchell-Tappan House 2125 4th Avenue E Hibbing, MN 55746 888-662-3862, 218-262-3862 Pam & Mike Turnbull Located near historic downtown Hibbing, “the town that moved,” this 1897 historic Victorian was also moved. Feel at home, away from home in the living room with fireplace and grand piano or curl up in the comfy sunroom. This antique filled home offers a full breakfast and the cozy guest rooms include TV/VCR. No smoking – no pets. Rooms/Suites: 5 Price Range $155 - $225 Web: www.woodlandtrails.net E-mail: [email protected] HINCKLEY Woodland Trails Bed & Breakfast 40361 Grace Lake Road Hinckley, MN 55037 320-655-3901 John & Sandy Built in 2003, the rustic décor, generous common areas and modern construction set Woodland Trails B & B apart from restored Victorian facilities. Spacious guest rooms feature private bath with whirlpool, fireplace and private deck or patio. Outdoors enjoy a stroll around the Pond or hike down 4 miles of Private Trails. 22 Rooms/Suites: 3 Price Range $79 - $199 Web: www.voyageurcountry.com/ hundredacrewoods E-mail: [email protected] ORR Hundred Acre Woods Bed & Breakfast 5048 Old Highway 53 Orr, MN 55771 218-757-0070 Veronica Holman Set in the backwoods of Northern Minnesota with a theme that captures the heart of the Northwoods, centered around Bear & Moose decor, includes double whirlpool, sauna w/shower, Fireplace. Near Vince Shute Bear Sanitary, Orr Arrowhead State Snowmobile Trail, Fishing, Birding, Hiking, Snowshoeing, Canoe and Hunting nearby. Full Breakfast, Evening refreshments. Children over 12 welcome. Pets outside, Smoking limited to outside. Rooms/Suites: 3/1 Price Range $86 - $184 Web: www.baptismriverinn.com E-mail: [email protected] S I LV E R B AY Baptism River Inn 6125 Highway 1 Silver Bay, MN 55614 877-353-0707, 218-353-0707 Andy & Lura Quiet, cozy log inn on 32 wooded acres alongside the Baptism River. Beautifully appointed bedrooms with private baths and whirlpool tubs. Private guest living area with stone fireplace. Grand Marais and Duluth equally close. Hiking, skiing snowshoeing and the splendor of Lake Superior just minutes away. North Shore serenity beckons. Rooms/Suites: 4 Price Range $109 - $169 Web: www.lighthousebb.org E-mail: [email protected] TWO HARBORS Lighthouse Bed & Breakfast 1 Lighthouse Point P.O. Box 128 Two Harbors, MN 55616 218-834-4898 Experience the uniqueness of falling asleep under a Mariner’s guiding light in one of our fully restored century old four guest rooms, all with Lake Superior views. Enjoy a full Scandinavian breakfast, then explore the yearround activities the North Shore has to offer. Children by arrangement. No pets. I N N K E E P E R S ’ FAV O R I T E 23 We explored the Lanesboro area on a tour of Scenic Bluff Country, enjoying the beauty and charm from a horse-drawn carriage, took a step back in time to Old Order Amish Country. Then as you recommended we visited the cold water fish hatchery and rode Molly the Trolley! Tomorrow we ride our bikes – on trails that slice through this majestic countryside. We have slowed our pace to the pace of the horse drawn carriages and our senses are awakened. Thank you, gracious hosts, for providing this respite in this oasis. 24 Rooms/Suites: 6 Price Range: $110 - $235 Web: www.oakenwaldterrace.com E-mail: [email protected] C H AT F I E L D Oakenwald Terrace B & B 218 Winona Street Chatfield, MN 55923 507-867-3806 Experience the charm of another era in this elegant, Victorian home. Located at the gateway to Historic Bluff Country, twenty minutes or less from Lanesboro or Rochester. Enjoy the Inn’s library, fireplaces, musical instrument collection and extravagant dining room shining with silver. In-house intimate dinners are available on weekends. Rooms/Suites: 4 Price Range: $65 - $125 Web: www.icehaus.com E-mail: [email protected] DEXTER Ice Haus Bed & Breakfast 65150 220th Street Dexter, MN 55926 888-ICE-HAUS, 507-584-0101 Mike & Shirley Rest, relaxation, romance or hibernation await you at the Ice Haus Bed & Breakfast. Located in the heart of Minnesota’s ‘Southern Gateway’ and ‘Historic Bluff Country’ near Rochester’s Mayo Clinic and Austin, Minnesota, Home of the SPAM Museum. Rooms/Suites: 4 Price Range: $95 - $125 Web: www.hendersonhousemnbb.com E-mail: hendersonhouse@ frontiernet.net HENDERSON Henderson House 104 North Eighth Street Henderson, MN. 56044 507-248-3356 Henderson House, Circa 1875, 2003 Preservation Alliance award winner! Period antiques, rooms with private and shared baths. Full country breakfast, fresh eggs from our backyard flock. Antiquing, mushroom hunting, golf, fishing and country relaxation. Rooms/Suites: 5 Price Range: $55 - $75 Web: www.lllfarmbb.com E-mail: [email protected] HENDRICKS Triple L Farm Bed & Breakfast 1110 280th Street Hendricks, MN 56136 507-275-3740 Family style comfort in upgraded 1890 farm home. 4 rooms/AC/private or shared bath. 2 bunkhouses. Walk or bike back roads. Observe the sunrise, sunset, starry night, wild flowers, and listen to the birds. Near dining, lake, golfing, hunting areas and wind turbines. Pets and smoking limited to bunkhouses. 25 Rooms/Suites: 3 Price Range: $89 - $109 Web: www.fenelonplace.com E-mail: [email protected] JANESVILLE Fenelon Place 215 Mott Street N P.O. Box E Janesville, MN 56048 507-234-5705 Pauline Fenelon From its solid limestone foundation to the whimsical peak of its three-story tower, this 1903 Queen Anne awaits you. Our mission: to provide a haven you will want to return to again and again. No children/pets. Smoking on porch only. Rooms/Suites: 2 Price Range: $115 - $135 Web: www.dancingwinds.com E-mail: [email protected] KENYO N Dancing Winds Farmstay Retreat 6863 County 12 Blvd. Kenyon, MN 55946 507-789-6606 1856 Norwegian farmstead: rolling prairie with spruce and pastoral views. Working goat farm-hiking trails, 60’ labyrinth birdwatching, bonfires, stargazing, sunrises/sets. Feed/milk friendly goat s . S t ate park, bike trails, canoeing, skiing, antiques nearby. Private guesthouse sleeps 6: living room, kitchen, deck, pond, bedroom upstairs with full bath. L u x u ry Loft sleeps 2: kitchen, fireplace, hot tub, bath with show e r. Make own breakfast with local foods provided – including goat cheese! Children welcome. M a s s ages by appointment. Rooms/Suites: 3 Price Range: $85 - $115 Web: www.itctel.com/bentonhs E-mail: [email protected] LAKE BENTON Benton House 211 W Benton Street P.O. Box 324 Lake Benton, MN 56149 507-368-9484 Carl & JoAn Burk Enjoy Minnesota’s four seasons in one of three elegantly appointed Victorian guest rooms/private baths/suite with double whirlpool; full or continental breakfast, other amenities. Lake Benton area offers fun shopping and outdoor activities. Children welcome, but not recommended. No pets (kitty on premises). No smoking. Rooms/Suites: 4 Price Range: $125 - $150 Web: www.redgablesinn.com E-mail: [email protected] LAKE CITY Red Gables Inn Bed & Breakfast 403 N High Street Lake City, MN 55041 888-345-2605, 651-345-2605 Mary & Doug DeRoos 1865 Italianate/Greek Revival home decorated w/Victorian antiques. Wraparound porch, bedrooms w/ private baths and AC. Near golf, downhill and cross-country skiing. Eagles, swans, warblers, fishing, boating and hiking. Complimentary twilight wine and hors d’oeuvres. Full breakfast buffet. Children over 13 welcome. No pets. Smoking on porch. 26 Rooms/Suites: 5 Price Range: $95 - $195 Web: www.berwood.com E-mail: [email protected] LANESBORO Berwood Hill Inn 22139 Hickory Road Lanesboro, MN 55949 800-803-6748 Overlooking the valley, this country estate has received numerous awards and has been featured on WCCO’s “Finding Minnesota” (aired 11/16/08) for its fabulous grounds, elegant décor and fine cuisine. “Berwood is nothing short of art” - Minneapolis Star Tribune. Rooms/Suites: 3/3 Price Range: $115 - $225 Web: www.habberstadhouse.com E-mail: [email protected] LANESBORO Habberstad House Bed & Breakfast 706 Fillmore Avenue S, Lanesboro, MN 55949 507-467-3560 Dave & Nancy Huisenga Historic 1897 Queen Anne Victorian. Large yard with gardens, in quiet neighborhood. All rooms have private baths, C/A, WIFI, some with private balcony, fireplace, 2-person whirlpool, TV/VCR/DVD/cable, king, queen or 2 full size beds. Renowned breakfast. Walk to bike trail, river, shops, dining, theatre. “One of 10 Most Remarkable Retreats” – Minnesota Monthly. Rooms/Suites: 4 Price Range: $95 - $140 Web: www.hillcresthideaway.com E-mail: [email protected] LANESBORO Hillcrest Hide-Away Bed & Breakfast 404 Hillcrest Street E, Lanesboro, MN 55949 800-697-9902, 507-467-3079 Marvin & Carol Eggert Immerse yourself in the tranquil setting of our spacious Craftsman Home situated atop a scenic bluff in Lanesboro. Spacious rooms, large yard featuring 35 varieties of flowering and decorative plants plus a landscape labyrinth. Homemade bread delivered to your door when you awake plus a full breakfast daily. Rooms/Suites: 6 Price Range: $100 - $225 Web: www.scanlanhouse.com E-mail: [email protected] LANESBORO Historic Scanlan House Bed & Breakfast Inn 708 Parkway Ave. S. Lanesboro, MN 55949 800-944-2158, 507-467-2158 Romantic, s t ately Queen Anne Victorian Mansion (1889), splendidly decorated in Victorian style. All guest rooms and suites have private bath, AC, CD/stereo, TV, hair-dryer, 2-person whirlpool and/or fireplace. Six blocks from the Root River and Trail. Famous multi-course breakfast! Children over 8 welcome. No pets/smoking. Recently recognized as one of top ten places to wake up in Minnesota. 27 Rooms/Suites: 5 Price Range: $99 - $125 Web: www.scandinavianinn.com E-mail: [email protected] LANESBORO Scandinavian Inn 701 Kenilworth Avenue S. Lanesboro, MN 55949 507-467-4500 Peter & Vicki Torkelson An environmentally-sensitive bed and breakfast, 1892 Victorian home with original woodwork and period furnishings. Geothermal heating/cooling system. Full breakfast includes organic and regionally-grown produce, free-range eggs and meals and shade grown fair trade coffee. Natural soaps, detergents and cleaning products, scents kept to a minimum, comfort without clutter. Rooms/Suites: 4 Price Range: $85 - $140 Web: w w w. t h e m a r s h a l l e s t ate.c om E-mail: [email protected] LITCHFIELD The Marshall Estate and B & B 611 N Marshall Avenue Litchfield, MN 55355 320-593-8170 Mary Jo Smith Quaint 1920 English Tudor Revival Estate. Antiques, hardwood floors, built-ins with leaded/beveled glass, Wi-Fi, Grand fireplace, curved window seating, candlelit breakfast, gardens, porches, courtyard, fire pit. A new 1920’s style Carriage House. I also host weddings, showers, scrapbookers/quilters/pastoral retreats, murder mystery dinners, all gatherings. Near downtown, GAR Hall, Anderson Gardens, Lake Ripley, antiques, skiing, walking and biking paths. Rooms/Suites: 5 Price Range: $99 - $159 Web: www.butlerhouse.com E-mail: [email protected] M A N K AT O Butler House Bed & Breakfast 704 S Broad Street Mankato, MN 56001 507-387-5055 Relax, refresh, renew in exquisite English-style (1903) mansion, elegantly furnished, cozy window seats, palatial porch, beautiful suites, canopy beds, whirlpools, fireplace, private baths. Hand-painted Frescoes, Steinway grand, delicious full breakfasts. Murder Mystery Dinners and other events. Children over 12. No pets/smoking. Rooms/Suites: 1 Price Range: $90 - $110 Web: www.arborinnbb.com E-mail: [email protected] MARSHALL Arbor Inn Bed & Breakfast 305 N 5th Street Marshall, MN 56258 507-532-2457, 507-828-0317 (cell) Jerry & Kathy Lozinski Home built in 1886 holds a cozy 5-room suite with private entrance, queen bed, kitchenette, sitting room, eating area and bath with corner shower and claw foot tub. Fireplace, TV, VCR, wireless internet and basket breakfast. Children 12+. No pets/smoking/accept credit cards. 28 Rooms/Suites: 4/1 Price Range: $109 - $169 Web: www.deutschestrasse.com E-mail: [email protected] NEW ULM Auf Deutsche Strasse (on German Street) Bed & Breakfast 404 S German Street New Ulm, MN 56073 866-226-9856, 507-354-2005 Gary & Ramona Sonneberg Enjoy Comfort, Cuisine and Coffee! Our tastefully decorated rooms feature queen and king sized beds.All rooms have private baths; some with whirlpools or fireplaces - perfect for the romantic, the casual traveler, or the business person. Homemade four-course gourmet breakfasts served daily at a time to accommodate our guests. Four blocks from unique specialty shops, restaurants & attractions. Rooms/Suites: 4 Price Range: $129 - $199 Web: www.beyerhaus.com E-mail: [email protected] NEW ULM Beyer Haus Bed and Breakfast 224 S Broadway New Ulm, MN 56073 507-354-3180, fax 507-354-3146 Bill and Peggy Beyer The Beyer Haus is an 1895 Queen Anne Victorian. Ascend the grand staircase to the second floor, where each guest room is located on a corner of the house, adding comfort and privacy. The rooms are very spacious with high ceilings, lots of windows, a seating area and a private bath. Each room is lovingly decorated in its own unique style. Rooms/Suites: 4 Price Range: $99 - $219 Web: www.bingham-hall.com E-mail: [email protected] NEW ULM Bingham Hall B & B 500 South German Street New Ulm, 56073 800 486-3514 507-354-6766 Shannon McKeeth The four guest rooms feature; queen size beds, down comforters, Chenille bath robes, Egyptian cotton sheets, 32 inch television with cable, DVD, high speed internet access, private bath, central air conditioning. Three rooms have whirlpool baths, two rooms have fireplaces. Last but not least, we create a breakfast that will appeal to your culinary palate. Rooms/Suites: 3 Price Range: $100 - $195 Web: www.magicdoorbb.com E-mail: [email protected] NORTHFIELD The Magic Door 818 Division Street S Northfield, MN 55057 507-581-0445 Pamela Sanford A cozy, elegant retreat, just two blocks from downtown. Great beds, comfortable furnishings, whirlpools, fireplaces, cable TV, DVD players, WIFI. Our guests love the extra amenities: fruit and cheese trays with complimentary wine, chocolates, cookies, sherry and a diverse selection of movies. Delicious breakfasts and warm hospitality. Come savor the magic!! 29 O W AT O N N A Rooms/Suites: 5/1 Price Range: $80 - $179 Web: www.TheNorthropHouse.com E-mail: [email protected] The Northrop Oftedahl House B & B 358 E Main Street Owatonna, MN 55060 507-451-4040 Jean Stewart & Gregory Northrop One of Owatonna’s 12 historical homes – 1898 Victorian; stained glass, original family furnishings, 6-ft. clawfoot bathtub; Home of the late Dr. Harson A. Northrop, candidate for governor, U.S. Senate, and Tessie Oftedahl Northrop, humanitarian. Three blocks downtown, 38 mi. Mayo Clinic, 6 mi. Cabela’s, 50 mi. Mall of America. Antiques/collectibles from estate for sale. Rooms/Suites: 12 Price Range: $65 - $189 Web: www.jailhouseinn.com E-mail: [email protected] PRESTON Jailhouse Inn 109 Houston Street NW PO Box 422 Preston, MN 55965 507-765-2181 “Bed and breakfast worth going to jail for.” 12 room Inn features antique tubs, whirlpools, fireplaces, porches and patios. Three blocks to paved trail and trout stream. Great served, full breakfasts each morning of your stay. Rooms/Suites: 2 Price Range: $125 - $149 Web: www.therivernest.com E-mail: [email protected] READS LANDING River Nest B & B 20073 County Road 77 Reads Landing, MN 55968 651-560-4077 Bill & Carol Dunn Enjoy our new B&B overlooking the Mississippi River. View train, boat, and bird activities. Our eagle viewing is fantastic! Two large suites: Queen bed, complete bath, private sitting room, and deck/patio; fireplace, Jacuzzi, cable, DVD, and WiFi. Terrace suite is wheelchair friendly. Full breakfast includes dessert. No one leaves hungry! Journal Entry When my husband asked me what I wanted for Christmas I told him I wanted to get away for a night – just the two of us. He said “That’s not a present. I want to give you something you can keep.” It took a while to convince him good memories are just that - s t u f f you can keep. And here we are - I was right as usual and I got him to say it again. “Yeah - you were right!” Love it! Todd and Julie 30 Rooms/Suites: 5 Price Range: $119 - $229 Web: www.candlelightinn-redwing.com E-mail: [email protected] RED WING The Candlelight Inn 818 W Third Street Red Wing, MN 55066 800-254-9194, 651-388-8034 Zig & Lynette Gudrais Step back in time. Five enchanting bedrooms, all with private bathrooms and fireplaces, some with whirlpools. Voted “Best Antiques” and “Best in the Midwest.” Stained glass windows and quezal light fixtures complete the authentic look. Full gourmet breakfast. No children/pets/smoking. Rooms/Suites: 5 Price Range: $149 - $235 Web: www.goldenlantern.com E-mail: [email protected] RED WING Golden Lantern Inn 721 East Avenue Red Wing, MN 55066 888-288-3315, 651-388-4388 Gary & Pat McKenna Built by Red Wing Shoe Co.’s owner, this B&B offers a wonderful setting for your next getaway. Whirlpools, fireplaces, balconies and breakfast in bed are a few amenities to enjoy. Full breakfast with early morning coffee and fresh baked cookies at arrival. Children by arrangement. No pets/smoking. Rooms/Suites: 5 Price Range: $149 - $229 Web: www.hungrypointinn.com E-mail: proprietor@ hungrypointinn.com RED WING Hungry Point Inn 1 Olde Deerfield Road, Welch, MN 55089 651-437-3660 Tom & Merriam Last Charming colonial New England-style home furnished with 200-year-old antiques. Romantic guest rooms, some with fireplace, canopy bed, whirlpool, rain showers. Also, private century old log cabin with double whirlpool. Minutes from historic Red Wing, Welch Village and Cannon Valley Trail. One of Minnesota Monthly’s top ten. Full country breakfast. Intimate weddings, massage by appointment. Rooms/Suites: 5 Price Range: $125 - $219 Web: www.moondanceinn.com E-mail: [email protected] RED WING Moondance Inn 1105 W 4th Street Red Wing, MN 55066 866-388-8145, 651-388-8145 An 1874 National Historic B&B featuring turn of the century Steuben and Ti f f a ny chandeliers, rich butternut oak and walnut woods, plus two great rooms. All bedrooms have private baths and two-person whirlpools. Gourmet breakfast, complimentary wine and appetizers on weekends. Massage by appointment. No pets/smoking. Children by arrangement. 31 Rooms/Suites: 3 Price Range: $110 - $150 Web: www.prattaberinn.com E-mail: [email protected] RED WING Pratt-Taber Inn 706 W. 4th Street Red Wing, MN 55066 651-388-7392 Debra Bylander Come visit this newly restored Italianate built in 1876. Located just two blocks from downtown, its’ casual elegance invites you to relax and enjoy. Incredible woodwork, fireplaces, private baths and porches galore! Full breakfasts, homemade soaps, line dried linens. Queen, king and twin beds (perfect for those “girls weekends”!) Rooms/Suites: 5 Price Range: $159 - $249 Web: www.roundbarnfarm.com E-mail: [email protected] RED WING Round Barn Farm B & B & B 28650 Wildwood Lane Red Wing, Mn. 55066 866-763-2276 651-385-9250 Elaine & Robin Kleffman Gorgeous country setting; 35 acres of woodlands, fields and bluffs; 3 story bracketed country manor home built on a plan from 1861. Tour of historic Dammon Round Barn. Queen or king beds, private baths, 2 person whirlpools and fireplaces; 3 course breakfast; outdoor wood-fired bread oven and award-winning homemade bread to take home. Rooms/Suites: 3 Price Range: $100 - $110 Web: www.tatankabluffsbandb.com E-mail: [email protected] RE DW OOD FALLS Tatanka Bluffs B & B 103 East Second Street Redwood Falls, MN 56283 507-627-1875 Diane Zuidema This newly renovated bed and breakfast in the heart of Redwood Falls offers three guest rooms with private baths. After enjoying a delicious breakfast, guests can tour the beautiful back roads and historic sites along this part of the Minnesota River Valley. Ask about our golfing and casino packages. Rooms/Suites: 5 Price Range: $108 - $150 Web: www.meadowsinn.com E-mail: [email protected] RUSHFORD Meadows Inn Bed & Breakfast 900 Pine Meadows Lane Rushford, MN 55971 507-864-2378 Enjoy a great visit and our 10th anniversary specials! Located in Southeastern Minnesota’s Historic Bluff Country. Experience thoughtfully prepared fresh breakfasts with yummy homemade breads and jams. Beautiful and comfy rooms, woodsy setting near paved Root River Trail – a secluded retreat. 32 Rooms/Suites: 3/2 Price Range: $95 - $175 Web: www.wwsmithinn.com E-mail: [email protected] SLEEPY EYE W.W. Smith Inn 101 Linden Street SW. Sleepy Eye, MN 56085 800-799-5661, 507-794-5661 Leo & Marcia Derkowski Elegant early 1900s mansion and carriage house on a tree-shaded quiet village street with ornate woodwork, stained glass, leaded glass, period pieces and rare light fixtures. Enjoy parlor, sitting room and library. Gourmet breakfast served in formal dining room. Unique rooms and suites with private baths, fireplace and whirlpool suites. No smoking/no pets. Rooms/Suites: 18 Price Range: $116 - $187 Web: www.spicercastle.com E-mail: [email protected] SPICER Spicer Castle Inn P.O. Box 307 Spicer, MN 56288 800-821-6675, 320-796-5870 Mary Swanson Two hours driving time west of the Twin Cities brings you to a fun getaway, the Spicer Castle. We offer mirth filled murder mystery dinners and relaxing dinner cruises on Green Lake. We are well known for great lodging, food and hospitality. Member of the Better Business Bureau. Rooms/Suites: 4 Price Range: $80 - $120 E-mail: somewhereintime @centurytel.net S P R I N G VA L L E Y Somewhere in Time Bed & Breakfast 310 N Broadway Spring Valley, MN 55975 507-346-1940, 507-273-9460 Suzanne Gardner Our passage to 1878 begins with gourmet breakfasts by candlelight, charming afternoon teas and Victorian luxury. Indulge yourself in relaxation in front of the crackling fireplace or sit awhile on the porch overlooking the water pond and gardens. Salon and spa services now available. Rooms/Suites: 3/1 Price Range: $110 -$125 TRACY Valentine Inn B & B 385 Emory Street Tracy, MN 56175 507-629-3827 Joe and Sis Beierman 3 story Victorian home built 1902, 4 rooms all private baths.AC Decorated for holidays, 6 miles from Laura Ingalls Wilder Pageant in Walnut Grove. Full breakfast. Small town ambiance with front porch hospitality. 33 Rooms/Suites: 5 Price Range: $65 - $85 Web: www.thewhittlerslady.com E-mail: [email protected] TRUMAN The Whittler’s Lady B & B 621 W Ciro, P.O. Box 324 Truman, MN 56088 507-776-8555 Lowell & Yvonne Noorlun Relax in an elegantly decorated, turn of the century home. Baby Grand piano, seasonal breezeway, whittling studio, luncheons, slumber parties and Murder Mystery pkg. Extended stay rates. Full candelight breakfast. AC/private baths. No pets/smoking, children by arrangement. 10 miles off I-90 - 2 hrs. to Rochester, Sioux Falls and Mpls. Rooms/Suites: 6 Price Range: $120 - $185 Web: www.bridgewatersbandb.com E-mail: [email protected] WABASHA Bridgewaters Bed & Breakfast 136 Bridge Avenue Wabasha, MN 55981 651-565-4208 Welcome to a tranquil paradise. Enjoy evening refreshments in our cozy parlor. Six beautiful romantic guest rooms. Two Jacuzzi suites, one with fireplace. Awake to a bountiful, full-course breakfast. Children by arrangement. No pets. Smoking limited to porch. Rooms/Suites: 2 Price Range: $169 - $229 Web: www.eaglesontheriver.com E-mail: [email protected] WABASHA Eagles on the River Bed & Breakfast 1000 Marina Drive, P.O. Box 185, Wabasha, MN 55981 800-482-8188, 651-565-3509 Dewey & Sandy Romantic getaways in the privacy of Eagles On The River B & B. Enjoy a whirlpool, wood burning fireplace, sauna or one of Sandy’s personalized Romance Packages. Full breakfast and private baths. Walk along the Mississippi River to one of our fine dining experiences in our historic downtown. Your “Getaway to Remember”. Smoking outside area only. Rooms/Suites: 4 Price Range: $70 - $120 E-mail: [email protected] WASECA Pine Cone Bed & Breakfast 522 - 2nd Avenue NE Waseca, MN 56093 507-835-5863 Charles & Linda Cone This historic landmark home is on the National Historical Register; a Queen Anne Victorian house built in 1895 and purchased in 1900 by a merchant and businessman W.R. Wolf. The home is decorated to reflect the Victorian era with an ornate fireplace and an open oak staircase leading to four guest rooms. 34 Rooms/Suites: 4 Price Range: $149 - $220 Web: www.alexandermansionbb.com E-mail: lynn@alexander mansionbb.com WINONA Alexander Mansion Historic B & B 274 E Broadway Winona, MN 55987 507-474-4224 Lynn and Frederic Ihrke Circa 1886 Victorian Mansion with turn-of-the-century craftsmanship and opulence will transport you to a bygone era. Lavishly appointed spacious rooms, afternoon hors d’oeuvres and five-course breakfast served in formal elegant dining room. Wonderful attention to every detail. You will be impressed! Midweek discounts. Rooms/Suites: 4 Price Range: $99 - $159 Web: www.chbb.com E-mail: [email protected] WINONA Carriage House Bed & Breakfast 420 Main Street Winona, MN 55987 507-452-8256 Deb & Don Salyards Four cozy guest rooms w/antique furnishings, elegant Victorian decor and private baths. Jacuzzi’s and fireplaces in some rooms. Free single and tandem bike use. 1929 Model A Ford rides in warm months. Breakfast includes hot muffins, croissants, famous Bloedow’s bakery sweet rolls, fresh fruit & a variety of beverages. Rooms/Suites: 6 Price Range: $120 - $195 Web: www.windompark.com E-mail: [email protected] WINONA Windom Park Bed & Breakfast 369 W Broadway, Winona, MN 55987 866-737-1719, 507-457-9515 Craig & Karen Groth Gracious 1900 Colonial Revival home in a historic neighborhood. Formal parlor & dining room w/marble fireplaces. Great room with copper hooded fireplace. Spacious rooms all with private baths. Two-rooms with Jacuzzi and fireplaces. Celebrated 5-course full breakfast. Evening refreshments. Rooms/Suites: 2 Price Range: $110 - $150 Web: www.daytonhouse.org E-mail: [email protected] WORTHINGTON The Historic Dayton House 1311 4th Avenue, Worthington, MN 56187 507-727-1311 Nestled in a quiet neighborhood, the newly restored former home of George Draper Dayton combines 1890s elegance with modern luxuries for a restful stay. Spacious suites feature private sitting rooms, full baths, antique furnishings and chandeliers, high speed wireless internet, flat screen TVs, plush linens, and continental breakfast. National Historic Register/Preservation Alliance Award recipient. 35 Rooms/Suites: 2 Price Range: $125 Web: www.burroaks.com E-mail: [email protected] Z U M B R O FA L L S Burr Oaks 349 Burr Oak Road Zumbro Falls, MN 55991 507-753-3133 Nestled in a serene country valley, Burr Oaks is a restored 1890 farmhouse offering two bedrooms with shared bath. Dine alfresco in the gazebo’s park-like setting or enjoy the many varieties of birds just outside the sunny diningroom bay window. Full breakfast. Z U M B R O TA Rooms/Suites: 4 Price Range: $99 - $159 Web: www.barteauhouse.com E-mail: [email protected] The Barteau House Bed & Breakfast 10 Jefferson Drive, P.O. Box 51 Zumbrota, MN 55992 866-227-8328, 507-732-4466 Scott & Kim Jensen Elegant 1895 Queen Anne located on 4+ secluded acres. Four spacious beautiful guest rooms with private baths, whirlpools, fireplaces. Relaxing wraparound porch near fountains & gardens with evening refreshments. Delicious full breakfast served by candlelight in dining room. Crafting Retreat Weekends at The Gathering Place on site. Voted Most Affordable Getaway 2006! High Speed Wireless Internet. Spa services available by request. No smoking/pets. Children 12+. 36 Located less than an hour SE of the Twin Cities and north of Rochester in the Cannon Ri ver Valley, Welch Village Resort has expanded from 50 to 61 runs fo r the 08-09 season with the addition of the New Back Bowl. E l e ven new runs, a new quad chairlift, and additional snow m a king will make Welch Village one of t he l argest i n t he r egion, o ffering s ome o f t he b est t e r rain, s now m a king a nd g rooming, w hile remaining one of the fa v o r i tes of Midwest skiers and boarders. From Heidi’s H ollow t o Chicke n a nd the back bowl chutes, we offer te r rain for all levels and abilities. At our Skilink Learning C e n te r, where the emphasis is on families, lesson packages are geared to get the beginner h o o ked on skiing or riding for a great va l ue while enticing them to become part of our season membership. Wi n ter camping for groups and two chalets which include our new Snow f l a ke Deli a nd Madd Jaxx Grille and Bar add to the great experience of skiing or riding at Welch Vi l l a g e . Spend time looking at a 100 year old church window, marvel at the new designs worked on or just stroll through the studio. This is the most unique glass shop in the Midwest. www.sestainedglass.com 135 Main Street • Sleepy Eye, MN 37 • 507-794-6449 Ya know, we're not city people by nature, but your lodging let us explore the Twin Cities of Minneapolis and St. Paul and still enjoy all the comforts of home. There is theatre, dining and activities the likes of which I used to just read about. And just a short ways away, there's the history and beauty of the St. Croix River Valley. Thanks so much for being our hosts, guides, and even more, our new friends. Luv ya, man. 38 Rooms/Suites: 25 Price Range: $79 - $285 Web: www.aftonhouseinn.com E-mail: [email protected] AFTON Afton House Inn 3291 S St. Croix Trail, Box 326 Afton, MN 55001 877-436-8883, 651-436-8883 Kathy & Gordy Jarvis Romantic and elegant rooms feature Jacuzzi and fireplaces. St. Croix River views, balconies and walkout patios enhance many of the rooms. Romance and massage packages, wine dinners. Fine dining in the Wheel Room and Pennington. Casual dining in the Catfish Café. River cruises May-October. Children welcome. No pets. Rooms/Suites: 4 Price Range: $110 - $175 Web: www.ticknorhill.com E-mail: [email protected] ANOKA Ticknor Hill Bed & Breakfast 1625 Third Avenue Anoka, MN 55303 763-421-9687 Dave & Debbie Wallace Enjoy the tradition, beauty and history of an 1867 home. Four spacious guest rooms, all with private bath, fireplaces and air conditioning. Two whirlpool suites. Bountiful breakfasts and within walking distance to unique shopping and dining. Full breakfast. Children by arrangement. No pets. Smoking limited to porches. Rooms/Suites: 3 Price Range: $95 - $175 Web: www.summitinn.us E-mail: [email protected] CENTER CITY Summit Inn Bed & Breakfast 208 Summit Avenue, P.O. Box 264 Center City, MN 55012 651-257-4987 Elaine Sommer National Historic District home, overlooking North Center Lake. Enjoy cottage gardens, porches, fireplaces. Near Taylors Falls & Lindstrom, 4 state parks, antiques, golfing, skiing. Two BR w/shared bath (with clawfoot tub). 3rd floor suite w/private bath, whirlpool, fireplace. Sumptuous breakfast. No smoking/pets. Rooms/Suites: 5 Price Range: $99 - $189 Web: www.peacockinn.net E-mail: [email protected] CHASKA The Peacock Inn 314 Walnut Street N Chaska, MN 55318 952-368-4343 Joyce & Jens Bohn Exceptional 1910 Bankers Mansion with beautiful antique furnishings. On City Square Park w/free summer concerts. Fe atured on HGTV and Mpls. Star-Tribune “Favorite Romantic Getaw a y ” . Nearby shopping, antiquing, dining, entertainment, walking/biking pat h s . Evening wine with cheese or dessert tray available for small charge. Perfect for Teas, Weddings, P r i v ate Parties, and Special Event. Free WI-FI. 39 Rooms/Suites: 3 Price Range: $95 - $185 Web: www.tcdavis bedandbreakfast.com E-mail: tcdavisbedandbreakfast @charter.net FARMINGTON TC Davis Manor 520 Oak Street Farmington, MN 55024 651-460-3923 Steve and Lisa Bolduc This charming Bed and Breakfast built in 1887, stands out in the City of Farmington and has been classified as an area historic landmark. Hike or bike along the Vermillion River walkways or stay and relax in the elegance of the 1800’s atmosphere. Rooms/Suites: 8 Price Range: $117 - $277 Web: www.classicrosewood.com E-mail: [email protected] HASTINGS Classic Rosewood Inn & Spa 620 Ramsey Hastings, MN 55033 651-437-3297 Dick & Pam Thorsen Every choice made for this 1880 Queen Anne during the saving, restoring and polishing was by a desire to slow the pace and soothe the weary soul. Famous for luxury baths with double whirlpool and fireside dining, In-suite massage, quiet, privacy and really fine food (local and organic). Breakfast is always to guests’ scheduled place and time. WIFI Rooms/Suites: 5 Price Range: $109 - $189 Web: www.nicolinmansion.com E-mail: [email protected] J O R DA N Nicolin Mansion B & B 221 Broadway St. S Jordan, MN 55352 800-683-3360, 952-492-6441 Kevin & Terri Knox A haven of classic charm in the historic district. Pamper yourself with modern amenities while relaxing in this 1888 Victorian refuge. Distinctive rooms with fireplaces, private baths, some with whirlpools; gourmet candlelight breakfast, double parlor, courtyard garden and pond. Walk to antique shops, restaurants, parks beside Sand Creek and waterfall. Rooms/Suites: 4 Price Range: $129 - $179 Web: www.asaparkerbb.com E-mail: [email protected] MARINE ON S T. C R O I X Asa Parker House 17500 St. Croix Trail N. Marine on St. Croix, MN 55047 651-433-5248 Tim & Tibbe Built in 1865, this quaint inn is located 10 miles north of Stillwater in historic Marine on St. Croix. Featuring four beautifully decorated rooms with a gourmet breakfast. Complimentary wine and other beverages available. Children by arrangement. No pets/smoking. 40 Rooms/Suites: 8 Price Range: $95 - $110 Web: www.thehistoricheights.com E-mail: [email protected] MINNEAPOLIS Historic Heights B & B and Events 3980 5th St NE Minneapolis, MN 55421 763-475-1950 An Uncommon Urban Bed and Breakfast - Country Pampering~City Convenience. Join us at the beautifully decorated and completely restored 1900’s Arts and Craft era former hotel. L o c ated on 3 city lots, guests enjoy ample space, gardens, patios, g r e at food and amenities while just steps away from the energy of Minneap o l is/St. Paul. Rooms/Suites: 4 Price Range: $115 - $175 Web: www.randhouse.com E-mail: [email protected] MONTICELLO The Rand House 506 Territorial Road Monticello, MN 55362 763-295-6037 Airy hilltop 1884 country estate, built as wedding gift. Stately rooms, period antiques, five fireplaces, private baths, AC. Sunny solarium, parlors, grand piano, porches, three acres of lawns, gardens, fountains, pond. Just 40 minutes from Minneapolis...but 100 years away!SM No pets/smoking. Rooms/Suites: 3 Price Range: $125 - $145 Web: www.butterflyinnmn.com E-mail: [email protected] MONTROSE Butterfly Inn 150 Nelson Blvd. Montrose, MN 55363 763-675-4170 The elegance and down-home ambiance of this 1910 Victorian is refreshing and relaxing. State parks, bike trails, golf and antiquing nearby. A full gourmet breakfast will get your day off to a great start. Professional therapeutic massage is available and our art studio is open to your creativity! Multiple night discounts available. A/C Rooms/Suites: 2 Price Range: $95 - $135 Web: www.naturesnestfarm.com E-mail: [email protected] MONTROSE Nature’s Nest 5412 Brighton Ave. SE. Montrose, MN 55363 763-972-6891 Catherine Rose & Donald Davis Nestled along the Crow River, offering a peaceful private retreat on an organic farm. Relax in the privacy of the suite or choose popular log cabin. Canoe the river, walk the trails, bathe in garden tub or nap in hanging bed in the gardens! Full breakfast with farm fresh eggs. 41 Rooms/Suites: 1 Price Range: $120 NORTH BRANCH Soleil Levant Bed & Breakfast Inn 42190 Ferry Road Harris, MN 55032 651-674-7361 Soleil Levant is French for sun-rising, the name given the Sunrise River by French fur traders as early as 1752. Authentic 1850’s hand-hewn log cabin with stone fireplace. Sleeps five. Antique beds and furnishings. Detached private ‘outhouse’ with modern plumbing and heat. Rooms/Suites: 2/1 Price Range: $115 - $165 Web: www.bbonthehill.com E-mail: [email protected] S T. PA U L Cathedral Hill B & B 488 Holly Avenue St. Paul, MN 55102 651-225-1686 Katy & Bill Gray This 1896 Victorian, in the historic district of St. Paul, combines pure comfort and true elegance. Choice of continental, standard or full breakfast. In-room internet access and Direct TV, private meeting space in Victorian parlor. Nearby: Summit, Selby and Grand Avenues, downtown, several colleges, museums, 15 minutes to airport and 15 minutes to Minneapolis. Rooms/Suites: 4 Price Range: $140 - $235 Web: www.covingtoninn.com E-mail: [email protected] S T. PA U L Covington Inn 100 Harriet Island Rd B3 St. Paul, MN 55107 651-292-1411 On board the historic towboat Covington, the region’s only floating B&B. State rooms feature baths, fireplaces and nautical appointments. Relax on spacious decks, walk or bike along Mississippi River trails or enjoy downtown St. Paul. A world away in the heart of the city. ADA handicapped accessible. Full breakfast. Children over 12 welcome. No pets/smoking. Rooms/Suites: 1 Price Range: $135 - $240 Web: www.wynneinne.com E-mail: crystaldreamsB&B@ wynneinne.com S T. PA U L Crystal Dreams B & B at the Wynne Inne 1483 Wynne Avenue St. Paul, MN 55108 651-644-7447 1886 Queen Anne Victorian “Painted Lady.” Gorgeous fireplaces, hardwoods, chandeliers, furnishings from five centuries. Jacuzzi® bathtub, multi-jet shower. Optional 2nd bedroom, king-size Sleep Number® beds in antique frames. A/C. Wireless internet. Sumptuous breakfasts. No pets. Outside smoking. Your well-behaved children welcomed. 42 Rooms/Suites: 4 Price Range: $119 - $239 Web: annbeanmansion.com E-mail: [email protected] S T I L LW AT E R Ann Bean Mansion 319 West Pine Street Stillwater, MN 55082 877-837-4400, 651-430-0355 Erin & Jeremy Drews Historic Stillwater’s grand gem! Choose from five spacious Victorian rooms with king/queen size beds, working wood-burning and gas fireplaces, private baths and double whirlpool tubs. Enjoy your gourmet breakfast with other guests or have it brought to your room! Our double Parlor and Dining Room is ideal for weddings and business meetings (wireless internet and air conditioning). Rooms/Suites: 5 Price Range: $129 - $249 Web: www.aurorastaplesinn.com E-mail: [email protected] S T I L LW AT E R Aurora Staples Inn 303 N 4th Street, P.O. Box 59 Stillwater, MN 55082 800-580-3092, 651-351-1187 Cathy & Jerry Helmberger 1892 Queen Anne Victorian only 4 blocks from the St. Croix River and historic Main Street shopping.All our guest rooms have double whirlpool tubs, fireplaces and private baths. Come and find peace in Victorian splendor. Available for small weddings and gift certificates. Rooms/Suites: 4 Price Range: $129 - $149 Web: www.countrycove.com E-mail: [email protected] S T I L LW AT E R Country Cove Bed & Breakfast 11591 McKusick Road N. Stillwater, MN 55082 800-646-5122, 651-430-3434 Nestled in a private country setting just five minutes from downtown historic Stillwater, near Gateway Bike Trail, on Sawmill Golf Course, a birding paradise. The Inn has four oversized bedrooms, each with a private bath, a homemade breakfast served daily. Discover tranquility at Country Cove. Rooms/Suites: 4 Price Range: $99 - $195 Web: www.coverpark.com E-mail: [email protected] S T I L LW AT E R Cover Park Manor 15330 58th Street N Stillwater, MN 55082 651-430-9292 Chuck and Judy Dougherty This 1850s home is privately secluded on over an acre, bordered by Cover Park on the east and on the west by 100 acres of Valley View Park and trails. Experience the luxury and privacy in each of the guest suites, all with private baths, double whirlpool and fireplace.The famous award winning full breakfast is served to the privacy of your room. This is a truly secluded getaway. 43 Rooms/Suites: 4 Price Range: $139 - $289 Web: www.elephantwalkbb.com E-mail: [email protected] S T I L LW AT E R The Elephant Walk 801 W. Pine Street Stillwater, MN 55082 888-430-0359, 651-430-0359 Rita J. Graybill Tour the world one room at a time. Award winning Elephant Walk emanates a luxurious atmosphere for your escape from everyday stress. All rooms with private baths, double whirlpools, fireplaces, sound systems, stocked refrigerators. Glorious gardens, sumptuous gourmet breakfasts and more! No pets/smoking. Rooms/Suites: 5/2 Price Range: $99 - $249 Web: www.jamesmulveyinn.com E-mail: [email protected] S T I L LW AT E R James Mulvey Inn 622 W. Churchill Street Stillwater, MN 55082 800-820-8008, 651-430-8008 Teary O’Hara Built in 1878 by lumberman James Mulvey, this elegant Italianate estate provides guests with a grand parlor, formal dining room, and Victorian porch overlooking serene, sprawling gardens. Seven fabulously decorated rooms with whirlpools and private baths, most with fireplaces and balconies as well. An unparalleled breakfast is served each morning! Rooms/Suites: 9 Price Range: $115 - $245 Web: www.outinglodge.com E-mail: [email protected] S T I L LW AT E R The Outing Lodge 11661 Myeron Road N, Stillwater, MN 55082 800-439-4330, 651-439-9747 Lee & Carlota Gohlike Recently selected as ”one of the most remarkable retreats in the Midwest” and a favorite Inn for the Winter Holidays, this 19th century style country house is located in a 300 acre park with access to horseback riding, skiing & biking trails. Theme dinners and special events, specialize in weddings. Rooms/Suites: 9 Price Range: $175 - $325 Web: www.rivertowninn.com E-mail: [email protected] S T I L LW AT E R River Town Inn 301 West Olive Street Stillwater, MN 55082 651-430-2955 Enter a world of Victorian Splendor perched atop downtown Stillwater. Indulge in lavish chef-prepared 3 course breakfast, social hour with wine and hors d’oeuvres, plush robes and goose down pillows. Rooms feature fireplace and whirlpool. 44 Rooms/Suites: 41 Price Range: $99 - $229 Web: www.waterstreetinn.us E-mail: [email protected] S T I L LW AT E R Water Street Inn 101 S Water Street Stillwater, MN 55082 651-439-6000 Judy & Chuck Dougherty Historic Water Street Inn in the heart of downtown Stillwater. All guestrooms with double whirlpools, most with fireplaces and balconies overlooking the river. Restaurant with indoor and outdoor seating, Irish Pub overlooking the river, meeting, banquet and wedding facilities for 2 to 300 people. Stillwater’s only Inn on the River. Rooms/Suites: 6 Price Range: $129 - $249 Web: www.sauntrymansion.com E-mail: [email protected] S T I L LW AT E R The William Sauntry Mansion 626 N 4th Street Stillwater, MN 55082 800-828-2653, 651-430-2653 Tom & Sandy Lynum Stillwater’s only National Historic Registry B & B. King and queen beds for your comfort, whirlpool tubs to relax you. Voted 2006 Arrington’s Inn Traveler – Best Breakfast. Voted 2003 Arrington’s Inn Traveler – Most Historic Charm. Rooms/Suites: 1 Price Range: $120 - $140 Web: www.the-cottage.com E-mail: [email protected] TAY L O R S F A L L S The Cottage Bed & Breakfast 950 Fox Glen Drive Taylors Falls, MN 55084 651-465-3595 Eleanore Collins Designed as 18th century English country house on secluded wooded bluff overlooking St. Croix River. English/French country decor. AC. Suite w/private entrance and bath, fireplace, TV, DVD, DSL. Minutes from state parks, golf, skiing, canoeing, water park and antiques. Gift certificates. Weekday discount. Full breakfast. No children/pets/smoking. Rooms/Suites: 3 Price Range: $159 - $169 Web: www.highwoods.net E-mail: [email protected] TAY L O R S F A L L S High Woods B & B 35930 Wild Mountain Road Taylors Falls, MN 55084 651-465-5307 Mary Jo Mandell Enjoy hiking along the river, then relax in our outdoor hot tub, nestled in the woods beneath the stars. Afterwards, curl up and warm your toes by our cozy fireplace with your favorite book. Full breakfast served. Children over 12 welcome. No pets/smoking. 45 Bed & Breakfast Inns of the Scenic St. Croix Valley Summit Inn 651-257-4987 Wissahickon Farms Country Inn 1-715-483-3986 High Woods 651-465-5307 The Cottage 651-465-3595 Pleasant Lake 1-800-294-2545 St. Croix River Inn 1-800-645-8820 Asa Parker House 651-433-5248 WISCONSIN Outing Lodge 651-439-9747 Water Street Inn 651-439-6000 Cover Park Manor 651-430-9292 Escape By The Lake 1-715-381-2871 Phipps Inn 1-888-865-9388 Looking for special all-inclusive packages? MINNESOTA Historic Afton House Inn 1-877-436-8883 Kinni Creek Lodge & Outfitters 1-715-425-REST visit us online at www.minnesotabb.org Classic Rosewood Inn & Spa 651-437-3297 Tour the inns during the famous Chocolate March. Visit our website for special packages & chocolate and wine tours! For Availability Update 651-998-0185 www.innsofthevalley.com 46 47 Home of Award Winning Classic Rosewood 48 Close to Home Not so long ago…..Once upon a time people knew the farmers, bakers and candlestick makers who made all of the things that were a part of everyday life. These people were our neighbors, a beloved part of our community. The good people who grow our food, build our furniture and tailor our clothes were our friends and neighbors. Well as many inn travelers know, the B & B industry has been in a time warp. Inns for the most part are located in small towns where the farmer, baker and candlestick maker are still neighbors and still in business. Even urban B & Bs stay connected to buying local close to home products and this may be because many innkeepers are transplants from the bigger corporate world seeking a simpler lifestyle This green movement as it is called is not really new to B & B owners. It is what they do and for many what they have always done. In fact MBBA members include farmstays (at least a dozen at last count) Plus living where you work affords time to volunteer in the community and really knowing the community is an important part of being a good innkeeper and host. Minnesota B&B Association Members are proud to be part of their communities and have the ability to work together with a wide variety of local producers of crops and products. They stand ready to serve you the best Minnesota has to offer. The MBBA is proud to partner with Renewing the Countryside (w w w . r e n e w i n g t h e c o u t r y s i d e . o r g ) a nonprofit inspiring sustainability in small business. We also promote the Minnesota Grown Program. Their Directory may be picked up at many MBBA inns. Visit w w w . m i n n e s o t a g r o w n . c o m for online listings. Plan your next B & B getaway along a Green Route (w w w . g r e e n r o u t e s . o r g ) and visit the farm where your breakfast eggs came from or pick berries or apples on your journey. And then settle in at a B& B where they serve up fresh Minnesota home grown! 49 Tourism that makes a difference Sustainable B & Bs Are you concerned about the environment? If so, you’re not alone! Recent research estimates 8 of 10 travelers consider themselves environmentally conscious! Minnesota has options for you! Whether it’s lodging, lighthouses or lounging at an art museum, you can find destinations and attractions that are making a difference to protect Minnesota’s resources. While Minnesotan’s have long recognized the value of their resource, only recently have they formally started sharing the good things they do for Minnesota’s environment, including Minnesota travel. A series of conferences, spearheaded by the University of Minnesota Tourism Center. brought ‘sustainable tourism’ to the forefront for the Minnesota tourism industry. A coalition led by Explore Minnesota Tourism created a ‘travel green’ vision for Minnesota. As a result, you can now find attractions and destinations that are taking environmental action at exploreminnesota.com. In the advanced search feature, just look for the environmental/green practice area. Find more details on each attraction’s website. The International Ecotourism Society encourages travelers to contact operators, ask questions and choose wisely. Make a different in Minnesota tourism: Find attractions and destinations that are taking environmental action at exploreminnesota.com. In the advanced search feature, just look for the environmental/green practice area. To explore ways travel organizations can improve their environmental practices, visit www.travelgreen.umn.edu The Tourism Center (www.tourism.umn.edu) prepares and supports the tourism industry for success and sustainability through education, research and engagement. Many B & Bs in Minnesota have a “green policy”. When making your reservation if this is something you have interest in, you might ask if the owners have a green policy in effect. Often you can find it on their website before you make your reservation. Many have it posted at their inn or in an inn room notebook. It may be as simple as their techniques for recycling or it may be as complicated as to project what their intentions are for the future. The board of the MBBA has committed to encouraging sustainable practices among its members and will be adding details to their Quality Assurance program in reference to this. A collaboration of the College of Food, Agricultural & Natural Resource Sciences & University of Minnesota Extension 50 Can’t decide which B&B to give? GI V E A MBBA GI F T CE RT I F I C AT E A N D L E AV E T H E C H O O S I NG U P TO YOU R R E C I P I E N T No matter how you wrap it, Time is a gift valued by everyone. But how do you wrap time? A Minnesota Bed & Breakfast Getaway Gift Certificate Time away from the craziness of life Time to explore the beautiful state of Minnesota Time alone together at last TO ORDER CALL 651-438-7499 Order online at www.minnesotabb.org Redeemable at all participating MBBA member B & B’s “My son and daughter-in-law were thrilled with this gift and I get the grandkids. This is my third year getting them an MBBA Certificate and they choose a different B&B each year. Much thanks!” Margaret Wilson, St. Cloud 651-438-7499 www.minnesotabb.org 51 (Twin Cities) The perfect gift for B & B Fans! More Minnesota Mornings and Beyond A COOKBOOK AND TRAVEL GUIDE Enjoy the newest cookbook from the Minnesota B & B members. Discover why some of Minnesota’s finest cooks become innkeepers. T h ey share a fine va riety of recipes from rhubarb custard pie, bacon crepes Florentine, and featherbed eggs to croissant breakfast pudding. And “beyo n d breakfast”because the hospitality and fine food does not stop when you get up from the morning table with recipes like vegetarian chili with avocado salsa, Greek Style crostini, lamb cutlet with red onion jam or how about vanilla and cinnamon poached pears and clove crëme sauce.We imagine you will be fascinated with M o re Minnesota Mornings and Beyond. Follow this adventure in cooking as the pages guide you to recipes with new ingredients or reinterpret familiar flavors and entice you to taste and travel Minnesota B & Bs. $15.95 each or 2 books for $30. Order the cookbook by visiting our website or giving us a call. 651-438-7499 www.minnesotabb.org 52 THESE RECIPES LIKE SO MANY IN THE BOOK HIGHLIGHT LOCALLY GROWN MINNESOTA PRODUCTS. 53 No matter where you’re B&Bing in Minnesota, you’re never far from one of our 22 Scenic Byways. Established in 1991, the Federal Highway Administrations’ National Scenic Byways Program promotes the recognition and enjoyment of America’s memorable roads, and Minnesota now has 2,800 miles of beautiful back roads officially designated as Scenic Byways. Scenic Byways The longest, the King of Trails, is the 414 mile-long portion of a Native American trail which stretched from the Gulf of Mexico north into Canada. Great River Road follows the Mississippi River through historic river towns. Grand Rounds is the country’s longest continuous system of public urban parkways surrounding Minneapolis. 56 Hundreds of outdoor adventures await along the Rushing Rapids Parkway, the North Shore Scenic Drive, the Lake Country, the Otter Trail, the Glacial Ridge, and the Paul Bunyan Scenic Byways. The Edge of Wilderness, the Lady Slipper, and the Avenue of Pines all access the Chippewa National Forest.Waters of the Dancing Sky links Lake of the Woods with Voyageurs National Park, and Superior National Forest Scenic Byway links the Iron Range with Lake Superior. There are no towns along the Gunflint Trail, but side roads lead to B & B’s, resorts, campgrounds, canoe outfitters and boat ramps.The Duluth Skyline Parkway offers superb views of our largest lake. Far to the south, the Historic Bluff Country, the Apple Blossom, and the Shooting Star Scenic Byways meander through historic towns and villages. Two of our trails follow two of our most beautiful river valleys - the St.Croix, and the Minnesota River Valley Scenic Byways.And if you like river frontage, the Veterans Evergreen Memorial Byway is not to be missed. MINNESOTA 57 58 Try a Trail! State trails offer something for everyone in every season of the year. These trails are perfect for a close-to-home workout in an outdoor setting, a fun day trip, or an adventurous weekend getaway exploring Minnesota’s remote reaches. These trails link urban places to country spaces and let you explore all the beauty of Minnesota at your own pace. Historic sites, parks, forests, lakes and creeks, and charming small towns are waiting for you to discover them. You can trek through Minnesota’s snowy north woods on hundreds of miles of groomed snowmobile trails or bicycle across sunlit prairies and rolling pastoral landscapes in central Minnesota. If you haven’t yet enjoyed the limestone cliffs and caves, sparkling trout streams, delicate spring wildflowers, and flashy fall colors of Minnesota’s southeastern blufflands, you are in for a treat! Small towns along the trails have put out the welcome mat for visitors to their cafes and bed-and-breakfast inns. Equipment rental is available in many trail towns. Special events are held on the trails year-round, such as candle-lit crosscountry ski outings. Three-day bike tours for charitable causes use parts of the Willard Munger State Trail. Other trail towns sponsor marathons, bike tours and trail festivals. Check with trail towns or trail associations for further information on special events! Maps for individual trails, showing greater detail, can be obtained from the DNR website or by calling the DNR Information Center. Happy Trails to You! Map and Trail Information Courtesy of State of Minnesota, DNR www.dnr.state.mn.us 59 Minnesota Bed and Breakfast Association Presents... Beginner and Refresher Workshop Dreaming about innkeeping? The MBBA Beginner and Refresher Innkeeper Workshop is designed for those dreaming of owning an inn or new owners already realizing the dream, and is scheduled twice per year (preceding annual conference in April and typically again in November). This workshop features a panel of experienced Minnesota innkeepers who will share with you the facts, fallacies and fantasies of the B&B industry through presentation and discussion. You’ll learn : zoning • licensing • innkeeping responsibilities • marketing legalities • insurance • bank issues • websites and great breakfasts Cost of the all day workshop is $250 and $150 for the second person from the same inn sharing materials. The fee includes a comprehensive notebook, break refreshments and lunch. MBBA Beginner and Refresher Innkeeper Workbook $100 Incredible Value for those inspiring to become a B & B innkeeper with specifics related to Minnesota licensing and codes. Included in the workbook: • Sample Business Plan for a B & B • Allied Membership $100 value by itself – will receive email newsletters, notices of B & B events, inns for sale mailings • Current industry study • Class worksheets from Aspiring Innkeeper Workshops done in Minnesota on marketing, insurance, policies and procedures, financial questions and legal issues. • Gift Certificate for $50 valid at any participating Minnesota B & B Association member • Current Inns For Sale and all future inns for sale in the Midwest will be sent to purchaser of workbook For more information, get in touch with us: 651-438-7499 Fax: 651-437-4129 Email: [email protected] www.minnesotabb.org 62 Location, location, location! Value, value value! “Location, location, location” applies to the B & B industry because you get a chance to visit an area you might not ordinarily travel to and we are very lucky in Minnesota to have a lot of ways to expand your B & B adventures. To aid you in your hunt, the map section has been expanded to include a birding area map, winery map, scenic byway map and even a DNR trail map. Look at the B & B locations on the map in the front of this guide and then match them up with your interests on the maps in the back of the guide. B& B hopping is part of the adventure of this type of travel. In this economy, think value, value, value because there is quite simply no better traveler value than B & B lodging. The biggest added value is in the full homemade breakfast often from local ingredients. The breakfast offerings are as diverse and remarkable as the operations in this industry. When making your reservations, you might ask about the breakfast schedule if planning on doing some early morning birding for example. Some even offer a portable breakfast for “early birders” Also look for packages from B& Bs where the meals, birding, biking is included. Some innkeepers are packaging with other B & Bs to ease your “B & B hopping” in a practical value packed way too. Visit www.exploreminnesota.com for packaging ideas as well as www.minnesotbb.org 63