Heteroepitaxy of Organic Nanofibers: Example of
Heteroepitaxy of Organic Nanofibers: Example of
Article pubs.acs.org/crystal Heteroepitaxy of Organic Nanofibers: Example of Ternaphthalene on p‑Hexaphenyl Clemens Simbrunner,*,† Günther Schwabegger,† Roland Resel,‡ Theo Dingemans,⊥ Francesco Quochi,§ Michele Saba,§ Andrea Mura,§ Giovanni Bongiovanni,§ and Helmut Sitter† † Institute of Semiconductor and Solid State Physics, Johannes Kepler University, Altenbergerstrasse 69, A-4040 Linz, Austria Institute of Solid State Physics, Graz University of Technology, Petersgasse 16, A-8010 Graz, Austria ⊥ Faculty of Aerospace Engineering, Delft University of Technology, Delft, The Netherlands § Dipartimento di Fisica, Universita di Cagliari, SLACS-INFM/CNR, I-09042 Monserrato, Cagliari, Italy ‡ S Supporting Information * ABSTRACT: Nowadays heteroepitaxy is well understood and investigated for inorganic compounds. In contrast, the epitaxial growth of organic−organic multilayer structures is rarely reported. By a comprehensive comparison between experiments and simulations, we demonstrate that highly anisotropic, needle-shaped p-hexaphenyl (p-6P) crystallites can efficiently act as an organic template and that the epitaxial overgrowth by 2,2′:6′,2″-ternaphthalene (NNN) yields a high molecular order and optical anisotropy of the nucleated NNN crystallites. It is shown that surface corrugations formed by the p-6P template are responsible for a parallel molecular alignment and a geometrical adoption of the herringbone stacking sequence of NNN. On the basis of the obtained results, it can be concluded that, in contrast to inorganic heteroepitaxy, lattice matching plays a minor role, whereas a geometrical adoption of the molecular stacking is directly connected with an optimized adsorption energy. In that sense, polarization-dependent photoluminescence studies prove a significantly increased optical anisotropy of NNN crystallites, when a p-6P template layer is inserted between NNN and the muscovite mica substrate. The organic interlayer is also responsible for the formation of a different NNN contact plane and the suppression of islandshaped crystal morphologies which are a fingerprint for standing molecular configurations. Consequently, only highly anisotropic, lying molecular orientations are obtained, which is relevant for the design of future organic-based optoelectronic devices. ■ INTRODUCTION Rod-like small organic molecules are well-known for their tendency to form highly anisotropic crystal shapes which are frequently called nanofibers or nanoneedles.1−7 In particular phexaphenyl (p-6P) when deposited on muscovite mica has been recognized as a promising material combination for the fabrication of highly parallel-oriented, blue fluorescent nanofibers, which can act as optical waveguides8,9 or random lasers.10 Moreover, it has been recognized that p-6P is an ideal model compound with respect to its geometry and ability to adsorb onto a muscovite mica surface.11 As sketched in Figure 1a(i) a tilted adsorption geometry of molecules, e.g., sexi-thiophene (6T),4,12 relative to the mirror plane of muscovite mica leads to a reduced anisotropy due to the generation of mirror symmetric adsorption sites.11 In contrast, p-6P (the molecular structure is sketched in Figure 1b) adsorbs with its long molecular axis (LMA) approximately normal to the mirror symmetry plane.11,13 As indicated in Figure 1a(ii), the latter configuration leads to a coincidence with the mirror symmetric twin molecules, which are characterized by their LMA*. As the © 2014 American Chemical Society optical transition dipole is aligned along the LMA, a parallel molecular orientation is key to the fabrication of photonic devices yielding highly polarized emission or adsorption.14 On the basis of these considerations, it can be understood that the fabrication of organic nanofibers requires a precise control on the molecular adsorption and LMA orientation. As sketched in Figure 1a(iii), it has been demonstrated that organic−organic heteroepitaxy of 6T/p-6P nanofibers allows forcing of a realignment of 6T molecules parallel to the LMA of p-6P within an organic template fiber.15 On the basis of structural analysis and polarization-dependent photoluminescence, it has been shown that the LMA of 6T aligns parallel to p-6P molecules when deposited on top of a p-6P template.15,16 Besides a precise control of the crystallographic and structural order, mainly tunable electronic properties and in particular the energy level alignment at the organic−organic heterojunctions are critical not only to improve the device Received: July 2, 2014 Revised: September 22, 2014 Published: October 6, 2014 5719 dx.doi.org/10.1021/cg500979p | Cryst. Growth Des. 2014, 14, 5719−5728 Crystal Growth & Design Article general concept of overgrown p-6P fibers for the fabrication of organic−organic heterojunctions. ■ EXPERIMENTAL SECTION Synthesis of 2,2′:6′,2″-Ternaphthalene (NNN). NNN was prepared using standard Suzuki cross-coupling procedures.27,28 This all-aromatic compound could be obtained in high yield by coupling 2 equiv of 2-naphthaleneboronic acid (1) with 1 equiv of 2,6dibromonaphthalene (2).25 The final product, NNN, was obtained as a colorless product, which appears to be highly insoluble in common solvents and could only be recrystallized from 1,2,4trichlolorobenzene (colorless platelets). Sample Preparation. All samples have been fabricated on muscovite mica (001) substrates (SPI - Structure Probe, Inc.). Muscovite mica is a representative of sheet silicate minerals and provides a layered structure of aluminum silicate sheets weakly bound by layers of potassium ions. Each layer is characterized by a high symmetry direction identified by parallel aligned surface grooves. Between the individual sheets, the high symmetry direction alternates by 120° leading to a periodic αβαβ stacking sequence along the (001) direction.13 Immediately after cleaving, the mica substrates were transferred to the hot wall epitaxy (HWE) chamber. The HWE technique was applied for the deposition of the organic material, which allows one to perform the growth process close to thermodynamic equilibrium and as a further consequence relatively high vapor pressure of the organic deposit in the substrate region can be achieved. Therefore, the requirements concerning vacuum conditions are reduced as compared to, for example, molecular beam epitaxy.29 The source materials p-6P and NNN were purified twice by thermal sublimation before they were filled into the quartz tube of the HWE reactor. The deposition was performed thereafter under a base pressure of 9 × 10−6 mbar. For the deposition of NNN/p-6P heterostructures, p-6P nanofibers were fabricated by the deposition of p-6P (TCI) source material. The optimized evaporation temperature for p-6P is given at 240 °C leading to a nominal growth rate of 2 nm/min. It has to be stated that the nominal layer thickness is defined as the average fiber height within the present article. In order to avoid temperature gradients during growth and to reduce adsorbed species on the surface, the substrate was preheated at 120 °C for 30 min. After p-6P was deposited for 30 min (≅60 nm fiber height), the sample was transferred in air to a HWE chamber providing NNN as the source material. After the evacuation of the chamber, the p-6P template was preheated at 80 °C for 20 min. Subsequently, NNN was deposited for 20 min at 80 °C. Morphological Investigation. Scanning force microscopy (SFM) studies of the deposited organic films were performed using a Digital Instruments Dimension 3100 in the tapping mode. The 10 × 10 μm2 images were acquired at scan speeds of 4−6 μm/s using SiC tips exhibiting a cone angle of 40°. Nominal values for resonance frequency and tip radius are 325 kHz and 10 nm, respectively. For better readability, height information on the SFM image was normalized (h = 0 nm) to the mean height value correlated with the muscovite mica substrate surface. X-ray Diffraction Experiments. X-ray diffraction (XRD) measurements were carried out on a Philips X’pert X-ray diffractometer using Cr Kα radiation (= 2.29 Å) and a secondary graphite monochromator. Specular scans were performed in Bragg− Brentano configuration by varying the z-component of the scattering vector q. Consequently it is possible to detect lattice planes which are parallel to the sample surface. X-ray diffraction pole figure measurements were performed in a Schultz reflective geometry.30 Pole figures are acquired by measuring at a constant length of q and only varying its direction. The unit cell parameters of NNN, which are used for analysis are defined by a = 8.1478 Å, b = 5.978 Å, c = 19.452 Å, and β = 94.58°.31 For the analysis of p-6P/NNN bilayers, the following unit cell parameters of p-6P were used: a = 8.091 Å, b = 5.568 Å, c = 26.241 Å, and β = 98.17°.32,33 Force Field Simulations. In order to obtain the data for the presented force field calculations a self-written C program was Figure 1. (a) Sketched influence of substrate surface mirror symmetry on the molecular adsorption. (i) In general, mirror symmetry leads to a doubling of the energetically equivalent molecular adsorption sites. Consequently, the orientation of the long molecular axis (LMA) and LMA*, which is defined by the orientation of the mirrored twin molecule, is aligned not parallel, e.g., sexi-thiophene (6T) deposited on muscovite mica. (ii) In contrast, the molecular adsorption of phexaphenyl (p-6P) represents an extraordinary configuration. As the LMA is oriented normal to the mirror plane, the LMA* coincides. (iii) By using p-6P nanofibers for organic−organic heteroepitaxy 6T molecules can be forced to follow the molecular alignment within the organic template. (b) The chemical structure of 2,2′:6′,2″-ternaphthalene (NNN) and p-hexaphenyl (p-6P). The orientation of the long molecular axis (LMA) is also indicated. performance but also to enlarge the scope of possible applications.17,18 In that sense, recent results based on the 6T/p-6P system have demonstrated a successful implementation of type-I heterojunctions19 to tune the emission color20 and to broaden the wavelength range21 of highly polarized fluorescent organic nanofibers. On the basis of these results, the question arises if the chosen concept of organic−organic heteroepitaxy on p-6P nanofibers can be extended to a wider spectrum of molecular species. A positive answer would certainly open novel perspectives for the realization and improvement of functional devices. In that sense a possible utilization of molecular engineering to tune the material properties22,23 could further broaden the covered lasing range or allow the implementation of photovoltaic devices by moving to type-II organic−organic heterojunctions.24 Consequently, the main motivation of the present paper is to discuss the potential of heteroepitaxy on p-6P template fibers as a general concept for the fabrication of organic−organic heterojunctions. When taking a look at the terminating surface of a p-6P (111̅) stack, strong surface corrugation becomes visible, which is generated by edge-on and tilted p-6P molecules. On the basis of this observation, it can be assumed that not only 6T but in general chain-like carbon-based molecules should have a strong affinity to adsorb along these corrugations and consequently parallel to the p-6P molecules of the organic template. In order to verify the latter hypothesis, we have selected NNN as a proper candidate. On the one hand, analogous to 6T4,12 the epitaxial growth of NNN on plain muscovite mica (001) yields the formation of multidirectional oriented, fiber-like crystallites.25 On the other hand, NNN is characterized by a chain-like molecular structure. As indicated in Figure 1b, the molecule is built up by three naphthalene units, which should also complement and contrast reported investigations on thiophenes.15,16,26 On the basis of a combined experimental and theoretical approach, the epitaxial growth of NNN on p-6P template fibers is investigated. All methods provide a consistent picture and serves as basis to answer the raised question concerning a 5720 dx.doi.org/10.1021/cg500979p | Cryst. Growth Des. 2014, 14, 5719−5728 Crystal Growth & Design Article compiled. The algorithm is based on force field parameters, which are taken from the universal force field.34 Moreover, a dominant van der Waals interaction was assumed and is expressed by a Lennard−Jones 6-12 type potential. The atomic distances for the p-6P surface are deduced from its equilibrium bulk structure.33 For the presented adsorption data of NNN, the binding energy for each combination of φx = {− 180°, −175°, ...180°}; φy={−20°, −16°, ...20°}; φz = {0°, 5°, ..180°} was optimized. This has been done by the following algorithm. (1) The molecule is positioned at h = 10 Å above the p-6P (111)̅ template layer. (2) The molecule is moved within the substrate surface unit cell (100 × 100 points) and for each position the molecular adsorption energy is calculated, yielding Ead(φx, φy, φz, x, y, h). (3) In order to optimize the distance to the substrate surface, the molecule is continuously approached with steps of Δh = −0.1 Å, and the described procedure for calculating Ead(φx, φy, φz, x, y, h) is repeated. The algorithm is stopped if all values Ead(φx, φy, φz, x, y, h) have passed a minimum in adsorption energy versus adsorption height h. (4) Finally Ead(φx, φy, φz) is obtained by searching the minimum of Ead for the lateral degrees of freedom (x, y, h). A detailed discussion concerning the force field simulations can be found in the Supporting Information. Polarization Dependent Photoluminescence. Samples were excited at 370 nm wavelength by a frequency-doubled Ti:sapphire oscillator operating at 82 MHz repetition frequency. The optical emission was analyzed by a rotating linear polarizer, and emission spectra were measured using a single 500 mm grating spectrometer equipped with a liquid-N2-cooled CCD. The optical detection apparatus placed after the linear polarizer was assessed to have a negligible polarization sensitivity. ■ the p-6P template fibers, height levels at about 185 nm can be interpreted as fingerprints for nearly parallel oriented, rectangularshaped NNN crystallites, which have nucleated on top of p-6P nanofibers. As analogous film morphologies are also reported for 6T/ p-6P nanofibers,15 film morphology already hints toward the successful implementation of organic−organic heteroepitaxy as a means to gain control of the azimuthal molecular adsorption. Polarization Dependent Optics. In order to substantiate morphological investigations, polarization-dependent photoluminescence (PL) measurements were chosen as a next step. Polarization resolved PL allows for analyzing the molecular orientation on the basis of Malus’ law; that is, the emitted PL intensity is proportional to cos2(Δφ), where Δφ is the angle between the in-plane component of the molecular transition dipole axis and the polarizer axis. On the basis of the latter concept, the degree of optical anisotropy should be compared between NNN deposited on plain muscovite mica and p-6P template fibers. PL intensity spectrograms versus wavelength and polarizer axis’ angle are reported in Figure 3. Panels a and b relate to NNN fibers directly deposited on muscovite mica, whereas panels c and d relate to NNN on p-6P template fibers. The zero angle of the polarization was set in correspondence to the minimum emission intensity. The emission intensity reaches its maximum value when the polarizer is turned by 90°. PL spectra measured at 0° and 90° are shown in the top panels. NNN fibers exhibit a complex vibronic emission structure. Owing to the herringbone packing, implying side-by-side interactions between nearest neighboring molecules, NNN crystals are inferred to be H aggregates. The weak band at ≈375 nm wavelength is thus attributed to the 0−0 (pure electronic) transition, while the peaks at ≈397 nm, ≈424 nm, and ≈455 nm are vibronic replicas generated by the aromatic C−C stretching mode. Additional replicas are present in between the main vibronic peaks, arising from additional phonon modes weakly coupled to the electronic transitions. The pure NNN PL spectrum measured at 90°, SNNN(λ), and the one of p-6P measured instead in a reference p-6P nanofibers’ sample at the same polarization angle, Sp‑6P(λ), are used as references in the analysis of the angle dependence of the NNN and p-6P emissions. For each polarization angle, the overall PL spectrum is fitted with a linear combination of the two reference spectra: EXPERIMENTAL RESULTS Epitaxial Growth of NNN on p-6P Nanofibers. In a first step ≈60 nm height p-6P template fibers were grown on muscovite mica (001), and subsequently NNN was deposited for 20 min at the same substrate temperature. A scanning force microscopy (SFM) analysis of the fabricated organic−organic heterostructure is reported in Figure 2. Whereas the S(λ) = ANNNS NNN(λ) + A p ‐ 6pSp ‐ 6p(λ) and the fit values of the ANNN, Ap−6P weights are reported in the PL polar plots (Ap−6P = 0 for NNN fibers on muscovite mica). It turns out that the overall azimuthal order of NNN on muscovite mica is weak and that p-6P template fibers tend to align NNN molecules parallel to the p-6P ones, thereby increasing their azimuthal order. Assuming (i) that the optical transition dipoles are parallel to the LMAs and (ii) that zero angle of the polarization coincides with the mirror symmetry plane of muscovite mica, a quantitative analysis of the polar plots of the PL intensities is done by fitting the following function to the data: Figure 2. Scanning force microscopy (SFM) image of NNN/p-6P nanofibers fabricated on muscovite mica. As indicated by the extracted height level histogram, three characteristic structural morphologies can be observed and are labeled by arrows. The area marked by p-6P (61 nm) can be correlated to p-6P nanofiber templates. Height levels, which are labeled as NNN (185 nm), indicate a preferred nucleation of NNN crystallites on top of p-6P, whereas no organic material is observed in between the fibers. f (ϕ) = A[cos2(ϕ − δ) + cos2(ϕ + δ)] = A[1 − cos(2δ) + 2 cos(2δ) cos2(ϕ)] where δ represents the angle between the LMA and the mirror symmetry plane of muscovite mica. The signal amplitude (A) and δ are free parameters of the fit. For NNN deposited on muscovite mica, best fit yiels δNNN,mica = 51°. This result of the fit nicely agrees with the ±49° LMA(*)NNN orientations deduced from structural investigations reported elsewhere.25 As for NNN deposited on p-6P template fibers, the highly polarized p-6P emission is best fitted with δp−6P = 74°, and is in very good agreement with the value of ≈80° inferred by XRD analysis;13 the smaller angle value δNNN,p‑6P = 61° obtained for NNN is attributed to the poor fit of the NNN/p-6P emission spectral function, which is in turn traced back to the fact that the NNN and p-6P spectra used for spectral decomposition were measured in different samples. A possible explaination for the observed deviation could originate from different crystal orientations35 of NNN on p-6P template fibers and plain mica, NNN/mica was used as reference sample. Indeed, a sample morphology of NNN deposited on plain muscovite mica (001) was dominated by multidirectional nanofibers and island-like structures,25 the SFM analysis of the fabricated p-6P/NNN bilayers now reveals only the presence of highly parallel crystallites. As indicated in the right panel of Figure 2, three peaks appear at 0 nm (muscovite mica substrate), 61 nm (p-6P) and 185 nm (NNN) when extracting a height histogram from the SFM data. For a better comparison, corresponding areas are labeled in the SFM image by white circles. Whereas the height levels at ≈61 nm can be attributed to 5721 dx.doi.org/10.1021/cg500979p | Cryst. Growth Des. 2014, 14, 5719−5728 Crystal Growth & Design Article Figure 3. Polarization-dependent photoluminescence (PL) intensity spectograms versus wavelength and polarizer axis’ angle are reported in panel (a, b) for NNN fibers deposited on plain muscovite mica and (c, d) on p-6P template fibers. PL spectra acquired for minimum intensity (0°) and maximum intensity (90°) are extracted and plotted by black solid lines in the top panel of (a, c). The spectral emission for the p-6P/NNN bilayer structure (c, d) is characterized by contributions from both, p-6P template fibers and NNN crystallites. In order to separate both components, the spectral emission is fitted (red solid line) by weighted superposition of the p-6P (blue line) and NNN (green line) reference spectra. The obtained fit values of the NNN and p-6P weights are reported in the PL polar plots in panel (b, d). Whereas the PL of NNN on plain mica (b) is characterized by relatively weak polarization, the p-6P/NNN heterostructure reveals high polarization for both molecular components. different contact plane is found by structural investigations, which is discussed in the next section. Moreover, PL measurements verify an increased optical anisotropy of NNN/p-6P bilayers in comparison to NNN fibers fabricated on plain muscovite mica, which can be stated by |45° − δNNN,mica| < |45° − δNNN,p‑6p|. Similar values for δp‑6P and δNNN,p‑6P further underline a nearly parallel orientation of both molecular species, forced by organic−organic heteroepitaxy. Structural Investigations. In the next step, X-ray diffraction (XRD) was chosen, and Θ/2Θ scans were acquired on NNN/p-6P organic−organic heterostructures. As an example, an obtained diffraction pattern for 120 nm/60 nm height NNN/p-6P nanofibers is reported in Figure 4a. The obtained pattern is dominated by a series of {00.2n} diffraction peaks (indicated by arrows and a black solid circle) stemming from the muscovite mica (001) substrate. In contrast to the specular XRD scan for NNN deposited on plain mica,25 no diffraction peak at qz = 0.324 Å−1 can be observed anymore. Consequently, no traces of {001}NNN oriented NNN crystallites are found. As such crystallites would be characterized by an island-shaped surface morphology, the obtained XRD data are perfectly consistent with SFM analysis presented in Figure 2. In contrast, a peak arises at qz = 1.38 Å−1 which is characteristic for {111}̅ oriented p-6P crystallites,13 and a small shoulder becomes visible in between the muscovite mica (004)M and p-6P (111)̅ p‑6P diffraction peak at qz = 1.31 Å−1. The observed position correlates well with the {110}NNN diffraction peak of NNN as indicated by the arrow in the bottom part of Figure 4. In contrast, no contributions of the {111}NNN diffraction peak (qz = 1.36 Å−1) can be detected anymore, which hints at a different adsorption mechanism and orientational geometry of NNN as compared to plain muscovite mica.25 A more detailed analysis can be found in Supporting Information. In order to study the azimuthal alignment of the organic crystallites, XRD-PFs were acquired, and two representative diffraction patterns are reported in Figure 4b,c. Whereas the XRD-PF in Figure 4b was taken with a maximum sensitivity to {111}NNN diffraction peaks (q = 1.36 Å−1), {201}NNN netplanes (q = 1.61 Å−1) are probed in the polefigure of Figure 4c. For both measurements, the acceptance angle of 5722 dx.doi.org/10.1021/cg500979p | Cryst. Growth Des. 2014, 14, 5719−5728 Crystal Growth & Design Article the XRD setup additionally allows the detection of diffraction peaks, which stem from p-6P crystallites. In particular, the setup used for collecting the data presented in Figure 4b is also sensitive to diffraction intensities which originate from scattering at their {111̅}p‑6P (q = 1.38 Å−1) netplanes. In contrast, contributions of {203̅}p‑6P diffraction peaks (q = 1.63 Å−1) can be found in the XRD-PF presented in Figure 4c. Moreover, diffraction peaks originating from the muscovite mica (001) and indicated by red circles allow an unique determination of the substrate’s alignment. Before discussing the diffraction pattern obtained by XRD-PF measurements, the main properties of a (111̅) oriented p-6P crystallite should be summarized: The fast growth direction or long needle axis (LNA) of the generated nanofibers is characterized by the zone axis of the p-6P (001) low energy plane and (111̅) contact plane and consequently defined by the [11̅0] crystallographic direction.14 In contrast, the long molecular axis (LMA) can be approximated by the [302] direction of p-6P.14 The LMA is slightly tilted by ≈5° out of the contact plane, and p-6P molecules do not pack perfectly orthogonal to the LNA but are tilted by ≈15°.13 Both properties are indicated in Figure 5 by a sketch of the p-6P fiber. The red box symbolizes a perfect cuboid oriented along the LNA to stress the generated oblique angles of the p-6P molecules within the stack, indicated by yellowshaded objects. Further details including a graphical sketch of the molecular alignment and geometry of p-6P (111)̅ and NNN (110) are summarized in the Supporting Information. In a further step, Figure 4 visualizes the geometrical alignment of poles (red/blue squares) scanned by XRD-PF measurements. Whereas poles stemming from scattering at {111}̅ netplanes are located at Ψ = 0° and Ψ = 69.8°, surface normals derived from {203̅} planes cut the upper hemisphere at Ψ = 55.5°. Crystallographic directions representing the LMA [302] and LNA [11̅0] orientation are also indicated by red crosses. Beside each polar plot the corresponding real space model of the p-6P stack is sketched. When comparing the simulated pole distribution in Figure 5 (1) with the experimental results a nice correlation with the observed diffraction peaks can be observedmarked by blue ovals (1) in Figure 4b,c. Whereas the (1̅11) diffraction peak is located on the left side of the muscovite mica [11̅ 0̅ ]M crystallographic direction in Figure 4b, traces from scattering at (203̅) planes can be found on the opposite side as shown in Figure 4c. In a next step the p-6P crystal is rotated by 180° around the growth direction. Both the obtained polar plot as well as the crystal sketch are presented in Figure 5 (2). When comparing the obtained diffraction Figure 4. (a) Specular X-ray diffraction (XRD) scan, acquired on NNN/p-6P nanofibers deposited on muscovite mica (001). The obtained diffraction pattern is dominated by a series of {00.2n} diffraction peaks stemming from the muscovite mica (001) substrate (indicated by arrows and a black solid circle). In comparison to NNN on plain muscovite mica, no traces of {001}NNN-oriented NNN crystallites can be observed at qz = 0.324 Å−1. Diffraction peaks at qz = 1.38 Å−1 and 1.31 Å−1 can be attributed to {111}̅ p‑6P and {110}NNN crystallites, respectively. The panels below depict XRD-PF measurements probing the orientation of {111}NNN (b) and {201}NNN netplanes (c). The acceptence angle of XRD setup allows a simultanous sensitivity to diffraction at {111}̅ p‑6P (b) and {203}̅ p‑6P (c) netplanes. Diffraction spots, which allow a unique determination of the muscovite mica substrate’s orientation, are marked in (b) by red circles. Figure 5. Simulated orientation of {111̅} and {203̅} poles (red/blue rectangles) and ⟨302⟩ (LMA), ⟨11̅0⟩ (LNA) directions (red/blue crosses), which can be obtained by 180° rotation of the p-6P stack either along the growth- (vertical) or LNA-direction (horizontal). A 180° rotation along the LNA flips the upper and lower hemisphere and the stack changes from a (111̅) to a (1̅1̅1) orientation, which is indicated by a blue box of the corresponding modeled stack. To underline that also all detected poles in the upper hemisphere change their sign, blue symbols are chosen in the corresponding pole figures. 5723 dx.doi.org/10.1021/cg500979p | Cryst. Growth Des. 2014, 14, 5719−5728 Crystal Growth & Design Article molecules are tilted by ≈14° out of the contact plane and do not pack perfectly orthogonal to the LNA axis but are tilted by an angle of ≈22°. A more detailed discussion can be found in the Supporting Information. In order to distinguish the modeled NNN stack from p6P* crystallites, tilted NNN molecules are typified by cyan-shaded objects in Figure 6. pattern in Figure 4b,c with the simulated alignment of (1̅11) and (203̅) poles, it can be concluded that in contrast to the previously discussed crystal orientation (1), much weaker diffraction patterns, marked by blue ovals (2), can be correlated. At this point it should be stated that the intensity distribution is consistently observed for {111̅} and {203̅} diffraction peaks in Figure 4b−c and also in agreement with reported XRD-PFs in the literature.13,15 Consequently, we exclude possible alignment effects being responsible for the obtained intensity distribution and correlate the observed intensity variation with a non equal fraction of both crystal geometries. Indeed, neither the muscovite mica (001) substrate surface11,14 nor the (111̅) oriented p-6P substrate surface unit cell provide 2-fold rotational symmetry which explains the observed behavior. Nevertheless, as XRD-PFs underline the presence of both crystal configurations, the adsorption energy of type (2) crystals seems only slightly different in contrast to type (1). Analogous to the previously discussed rotational operation, the crystal type (2) is now rotated by 180° around the LNA orientation. The resulting pole Figure (1*) and model stack is presented in the bottom right panel of Figure 5. As a 180° rotation along the LNA flips the upper and lower hemisphere, the p-6P stack changes from a (111̅) to a (11̅ 1̅ ) orientation. For a bettervisualization, also a blue box is chosen for the corresponding modeled stack. Certainly, also detectable poles in the upper hemisphere are subject to this operation which becomes visible by blue symbols and an inversion of the corresponding indices in Figure 5 (1*). As the LNA represents the zone axis of the p6P contact- and low-plane, it is aligned at Ψ = 90° and consequently not subject to any changes. In contrast, the ≈5° tilt of the LMA relative to the contact plane is responsible for the fact that the [302] crystallographic direction now points in the direction of the lower hemisphere. The latter observation is also indicated in the sketched model stack in Figure 5 (1*). Taking a closer look to the original crystal configuration in Figure 5 (1) and the previously discussed geometry (1*) further reveals an interesting geometrical correlation. Obviously, the double rotational operation led to the generation of the mirror symmetric crystal type where the mirror plane is spanned up by the growth direction and the vertically aligned LNA axis. The latter observation also explains the chosen labeling by an asterisk to indicate the mirror symmetric crystal types. The simulated pole figures further reveal that mirror symmetry is also reflected by the alignment of the netplanes and crystallographic orientations. At this point it should be stated that the generation of mirror symmetric crystallites by a double rotation additionally requires the presence of inversion symmetry, which becomes visible by an alternating blue/red color of the mirror symmetric poles. As both discussed organic crystal types, namely, p-6P and NNN, possess an inversion center, and analogous considerations also hold true for NNN. A comparison of the observed diffraction pattern (marked by oval 1*) in Figure 4b,c and the geometrical alignment of the p-6P poles presented in Figure 5 (1*) again reveals a nice geometric overlap. Additionally and in contrast to crystal types (2), also the detected diffraction intensities correlate between (1) and (1*) crystal types. The latter observation can be explained by the presence of a mirror symmetry plane along [11̅ 0̅ ]M for an α-terminated surface,13,14 which is indicated by a vertical solid line in Figure 4b,c. Consequently, energetically equivalent adsorption sites must be found for crystals of type (1) and (1*). Certainly, analogous considerations hold true for crystals of type (2) and (2*), which can be verified by comparing the acquired XRD-PFs with Figure 5 (2, 2*). In order to increase readability, only one crystal type will be discussed in the next paragraphs, and it should only be stated that a mirror symmetric twin exists, for both NNN and p-6P, which is characterized by an inverse orientation, e.g., (1) p-6P (111̅) and (1*) p-6P (1̅1̅1). A detailed analysis can be found in Supporting Information. In a final step, the azimuthal alignment of a (110) oriented NNN crystallites on top of a (1̅1̅1) p-6P* template should be discussed. Analogous to previous analyses for p-6P, the LMA of NNN (110) can be approximated by the [101̅] crystallographic direction, whereas the LNA is characterized by [11̅0].25 In the latter configuration, NNN Figure 6. Sketch of (110) oriented NNN crystallites (red box) on top of a (1̅1̅1) p-6P* template (blue box). Configuration (a) is characterized by a parallel orientation of [11̅0]NNN relative to [110̅ ]p-6P. Panel (b) sketches the crystal alignment obtained by a 180° rotation along the growth direction. As indicated by the cyanshaded objects, additionally to a tilt out of the contact plane, the LMA of NNN is not perfectly orthogonal to the LNA but ≈22° tilted. Simulated orientations of {201} and {111} poles (red/blue hexagons) and [101̅] (LMA), [11̅0] (LNA) directions (red crosses) of NNN are also indicated. The blue cross marks the molecular orientation of a (1*) p-6P* crystallite. As underlined by the graphical sketch of the p6P* template (blue) and NNN crystal (red), only one configuration of the NNN crystallite (b) fits the template concerning the molecular tilt out of the contact plane. Again, simulated poles for two, azimuthally 180° rotated configurations of NNN crystallites are presented in Figure 6a,b. Whereas poles stemming from scattering at {111} netplanes of NNN are located at Ψ = 13.8° and Ψ = 74.1°, diffraction patterns attributed to {201} planes are located at Ψ = 54.5°. Crystallographic directions representing the LMA [101̅] and LNA [11̅0] orientation are also indicated by red crosses. By comparing the diffraction pattern, which was acquired with maximum sensitivity to (201) diffraction peaks, presented in Figure 4c, with the simulated poles in Figure 6 at Ψ = 54.5° it can be concluded that also NNN crystallites follow 1-fold symmetry as discussed for the p-6P template fibers. Strong diffraction peaks stemming from organic crystallites can only be detected in the lower part of Figure 4c and are marked by (1, 1*). NNN crystal types (2) do not follow the template geometry, which can be underlined by taking a closer look to the LMA orientations of p-6P* [3̅02̅] and NNN [101̅], indicated in the simulated pole figure of Figure 6a. Whereas the corresponding red (NNN) and blue (p-6P*) crosses are aligned in an azimuthally nearly parallel configuration (indicated by a green line), they are located in an opposite sector which correlates with a different molecular tilt angle out of the contact plane. This is also sketched by the real space model in Figure 6a. In contrast, NNN crystal types (1) which correlate with strong diffraction peaks in Figure 4b−c lead to an alignment of both crystallographic directions within the same sector of the pole figure (indicated by a green oval in Figure 6b). The latter observation correlates with a perfect geometrical adoption of the NNN molecules 5724 dx.doi.org/10.1021/cg500979p | Cryst. Growth Des. 2014, 14, 5719−5728 Crystal Growth & Design Article Figure 7. (a) Simulated top view onto the molecular alignment of a NNN/p-6P* heterostructure. In order to obtain a parallel alignment of the long molecular axes (LMA), the long needle axes (LNA) are characterized by a tilt of ≈3.5° relative to each other. Corresponding surface unit cells and vectors are also indicated for both crystal types. (b) Simulated side view onto a heterostructure demonstrating the herringbone stacking at the NNN/ p-6P* interface. 6P (111̅)15 prevents the nucleation of standing molecular configurations at their side walls. (II) We demonstrated by using a combined approach of polarization-dependent optics and XRD-PF analysis that NNN molecules tend to adopt the geometrical molecular alignment of the p-6P template layer, which is characterized by (1) A preferred azimuthal parallel molecular alignment In order to investigate the molecular adsorption mechanism in more detail and to estimate the potential of organic−organic heteroepitaxy concerning a precise control on the azimuthal molecular order, force field simulations were performed. In particular, the adsorption energy Ead of a rigid, single NNN molecule on a p-6P (111̅) terminated surface is probed as a function of three lateral (x,y,z) and angular degrees of freedom (φx, φy, φz). While φz is representative for the azimuthal adsorption geometry of NNN, φx describes the herringbone angle and φy the molecular inclination relative to the substrate surface, respectively. A graphical representation of a NNN molecule and the orientation of the chosen rotational axes is indicated in the bottom right of Figure 8a. On the basis of the performed simulations, Figure 8a depicts a color-coded representation of Ead versus φz and φx. As an adsorbed NNN molecule is characterized by 2-fold symmetry, the angular range for φz is selected from 0° to 180°, whereas a missing mirror plane explains the presentation of φx by choosing the full angular range. As indicated by the blue shaded areas, which characterize energetical preferable adsorption geometries, pronounced minima for Ead can be found at φz = 105°. It should be stressed that these minima are independent from the probed herringbone angle φx (dotted white line). For a better visualization, the bottom panel of Figure 8a depicts the most favorable Ead versus φz, yielding a deep global minimum at φz = 105°. As sketched in Figure 8b(A), φz is defined relative to the LNA of the p-6P stack, namely, the crystallographic [11̅0] orientation. Consequently, the energetic minimum coincides with a parallel alignment of the NNN’s LMA relative to the p-6P molecules. The latter observation is perfectly consistent with polarization-dependent PL and XRDPF analysis and can be interpreted by the presence of strong surface corrugations of the p-6P template layer (more details see Supporting Information). As analogous observations are also reported for 6T/p-6P,15,20 it can be concluded that carbonbased, rod-like molecules seem to provide a strong tendency to adsorb within the corrugation of the p-6P template layer. This certainly underlines the high potential of organic−organic relative to the p-6P template for both, the azimuthal orientation and the molecular tilt angle out of the contact plane, as depicted by a real space model in Figure 6b. On the basis of the XRD-PF analysis (a detailed analysis is presented in Supporting Information), a top view onto the NNN/p6P* interface is deduced and depicted in Figure 7a. The real space model visualizes a parallel alignment of both molecular species, which perfectly correlates with polarization-dependent PL analysis presented in Figure 3c,d. The surface unit cells and vectors are also indicated, yielding an ≈3.5° tilt of [11̅0]NNN relative to [11̅0]p‑6P. As both crystallographic directions characterize the crystals’ LNA the obtained molecular packing is consistent with the observed needle-like morphology, presented in Figure 2. Red- (NNN) and blue- (p-6P) crosses further indicate the heads of the LMA which point in the upper hemisphere. Figure 7b finally sketches a side view onto the NNN/p-6P* interface, and it can be shown that the obtained crystal configurations are also characterized by a nearly perfect adoption of the herringbone stacking sequence (see also Supporting Information). Moreover, the obtained crystal geometry results in an adoption of the NNN molecular (10.09 Å) stacking period relative to the p-6P template (9.82 Å), yielding a mismatch of ≈2.7%. ■ DISCUSSION On the basis of the presented optical, morphological and structural analysis, a clear molecular picture emerges on how p6P templates NNN versus using plain muscovite mica (001). In particular, the following conclusions can be drawn: (I) Morphological and structural analysis revealed that the nucleation of (001) oriented NNN crystallites25 can be prohibited by introducing a p-6P template layer. Consequently, the formation of an island-shaped surface morphology, due to the nucleation of NNN in a standing molecular configuration, can be suppressed and only lying molecular configurations are formed. These crystal types coincide with a needle shaped morphology. The latter observation is further consistent with other reports on p-6P/6T organic−organic heterostructures,4,15 and the results presented herein are relevant to the design of optoelectronic devices as the emission efficiency is directly related to the alignment of the optical transition dipole.36,37 Most likely, the observed behavior can be attributed to the geometrical alignment of the p-6P low energy facets relative to the substrate surface. In that sense, the nucleation of standing molecular configurations of 6T4 and NNN25 is traced back to ledge-directed epitaxy at the relatively strongly tilted side facets of needle -shaped crystallites. In contrast, the formation of a nearly rectangular cross-sectional needle shape in the case of p5725 dx.doi.org/10.1021/cg500979p | Cryst. Growth Des. 2014, 14, 5719−5728 Crystal Growth & Design Article is characterized by a clear minimum at φx = 10° (labeled as B). For a better visualization, real space models of the selected adsorption geometries (A−B) are presented in Figure 8b. Whereas edge-on NNN molecules (φx = 90°) represent the least favorable configuration (Ead = −1.63 eV), force-field simulations yield the best adsorption geometry for an approximately flat-on molecule (φx = 10°, Ead = −2.59 eV). Again, the obtained result can be understood by a maximization of the molecular contact area. It should be stated that calculations for a single NNN molecule do not take into account molecule−molecule interactions, which certainly play a major role when increasing the molecular surface coverage. In that sense, the observed discrepancy to the expected stacking sequence, visualized in Figure 7b, can be explained. In order to overcome that drawback, force-field simulations were preformed for a closed monolayer (ML) of NNN (details see Supporting Information), and the energetically most favorable adsorption geometry is presented in Figure 8c. Strikingly, the deduced real space model now reveals a nearly perfect adoption of the NNN’s herringbone stacking sequence to the p-6P template stack. In summary, the experimentally observed adopted alignment of NNN relative to p-6P can be explained by an energetically preferred adsorption geometry. Certainly, analogous considerations also hold true for other carbon-based rod-like molecules, and a similar behavior can be expected for a broad spectrum of organic compounds, which would allow a precise tuning of the obtained material properties by a proper molecular selection. Consequently, the observed behavior underlines the potential of organic−organic heteroepitaxy based on p-6P fibers for the fabrication of organic optoelectronic devices. Moreover, it should be stated that the obtained results implyin contrast to inorganic heteroepitaxy38,39a minor role of lattice match during the formation of the organic−organic interface but a dominant role of the molecular adsorption geometry. (III) NNN molecules tend to crystallize with a different contact plane on p-6P nanofibers. Whereas a (110) orientation is found on top of p-6P template crystals, a (111) contact plane was verified for NNN/muscovite mica (001).25 This observeration is closely connected to the previously discussed geometrical aligment. As indicated in Figure 7 the formation of a (110) contact plane not only enables a nearly perfect adoption of the molecular tilt angles relative to the template, but also provides a nearly parallel molecular stacking sequence along the LNA. The latter observations imply that NNN molecules do not have to align across step edges, formed along the LNA of the p-6P stack. In contrast, a (111) oriented NNN crystallite cannot fulfill all these criteria simultanously, which correlates with a disadvantageous adsorption geometry (see Supporting Information for more details). (IV) XRD-PF analysis has revealed that not only p-6P template crystallites lack of a 2-fold rotational symmetry but also NNN crystals which nucleated on top of the template fibers. The latter observation allows two valuable conclusions: (1) Concerning the nucleation of organic crystallites the atomic configuration of the muscovite mica (001) surfaces must play a dominant role. Previous investigations11 already demonstrated that the presence of surface corrugations on the muscovite mica substrate is sufficient to break a quasi hexagonal symmetry40 to avoid the formation of multidirectional oriented p-6P nanofibers. Strikingly, experimental investigation presented herein show that the distortion of the Figure 8. (a) Color-coded adsorption energy Ead (φx, φz) of a single NNN molecule on a p-6P (111)̅ template layer. For each data point the energetically most favorable molecular tilt angle φy has been chosen. Labels A−B mark selected adsorption geometries which are sketched as real space models in panel (b). The color-coded representation indicates a sharp minimum at φz = 105° independent of the herringbone angle φx. The latter observation is further underlined by plotting the most favorable Ead versus φz in the bottom panel. The graph in the right panel presents the adsorption energy Ead versus herringbone angle φx at the optimized azimuthal orientation (φz = 105°). The best adsorption geometry is found for an almost flat lying NNN molecule (φx = 10°) (B). (b) Real space models for the molecular adsorption of a single NNN (red) for selected herringbone angles (φx = 90°, 10°). For all representations φz = 105° and φy = 4° are found to be the energetically most favorable geometries. The obtained value of φz = 105° coincides with a parallel alignment of the probed NNN molecule relative to the p-6P molecules within the template layer. (c) Obtained geometries for a closed monolayer of two NNN (red) molecules per surface unit cell on a p-6P (111̅) template stack (blue). A nearly perfect adoption of the NNN’s herringbone stacking sequence to p-6P is visualized. heterostructures to gain control of the azimuthal alignment of a broad spectrum of organic molecules. (2) An adoption of the molecular tilt out of the contact plane XRD-PF analysis revealed the presence of NNN/p-6P crystal pairs where both molecular species are characterized by the same molecular tilt out of the contact plane. Force-field simulations, which investigate the adsorption energy Ead versus φz and φy (see Supporting Information) underline the experimental findings. In particular, simulations reveal an energetic minimum for Ead, when NNN molecules are tilted ≈4° to adopt the out of plane tilt of the p-6P template layer. The observed behavior can be explained by the molecular planarity and a desirable optimized atomic distance to reach the global minimum of the Lennard−Jones potential. (3) The herringbone stacking angles In order to discuss the influence of the herringbone stacking angles of the p-6P template on the NNN molecular geometry, the right panel of Figure 8a presents Ead at the energetically preferable azimuth (φz = 105°) versus φx. The obtained curve 5726 dx.doi.org/10.1021/cg500979p | Cryst. Growth Des. 2014, 14, 5719−5728 Crystal Growth & Design ■ muscovite mica (001) surface, which reduces its symmetry to cm,14 is also sufficient to force a different adsorption energy of 180° azimuthally rotated p-6P crystallites. At this point it should be mentioned that the observed imbalance of both crystal types cannot be explained with models implying the existence of 2-fold rotational symmetry or do not take into account the atomic configuration within the surface unit cell of the muscovite mica substrate, e.g., pure lattice match.41,42 (2) As the discussed imbalance is also reflected by NNN crystallites, which have nucleated on top of p-6P template fibers, it can be further concluded that also the generated p1 geometry at the p-6P/NNN interface, caused by (a) the herringbone stacking angles and (b) the tilt of ≈5° of p-6P molecules out of the contact plane plays a major role during the crystal nucleation at the organic−organic interface. Article ASSOCIATED CONTENT S Supporting Information * A detailed description of the performed force field simulations, structural investigations, and X-ray pole figure analysis. This material is available free of charge via the Internet at http:// pubs.acs.org. ■ AUTHOR INFORMATION Corresponding Author *E-mail: [email protected]. Notes The authors declare no competing financial interest. ■ ■ ACKNOWLEDGMENTS This work has been financially supported by the Austrian Science Fund (FWF): P25154 and by the Federal Government of Upper Austria (Project “Organische Nanostrukturen”). SUMMARY AND CONCLUSION By a combined experimental and theoretical approach, NNN/ p-6P organic−organic bilayers were investigated. We successfully demonstrated that all methods yield a consistent picture which underlines the potential of organic−organic heteroepitaxy to gain control on the azimuthal molecular order of rodlike molecules. In particular we demonstrated that NNN tends to adopt the geometrical alignment of the p-6P molecules in the organic template layer. We showed by experiments and simulations that (1) an azimuthal parallel molecular alignment, (2) an adoption of the molecular tilt out of the contact plane , and (3) an adoption of the herringbone angles is correlated with an energetically preferable adsorption geometry. In that sense, force-field simulations underline the major role of strong surface corrugations from the p-6P template surface, which should act as highly attractive adsorption sites not only for NNN. As an azimuthal parallel molecular orientation correlates with high anisotropy and molecular order, the obtained results highlight the potential of the chosen strategy for the fabrication of optoelectronic devices. Besides a detailed discussion on the formation of the organic−organic interface, a comparison of the prepared NNN/p-6P heterostructures with NNN deposited on plain mica is presented. We showed that the insertion of a p-6P template layer not only leads to (1) an increased molecular and optical anisotropy, but (2) the formation of a different crystal contact plane and (3) the suppression of island shaped crystal morphologies. In particular, it is shown that only flat lying molecular configurations of NNN nucleate on top of the p-6P fibers, which is relevant for the fabrication of optoelectronic devices. Finally, X-ray pole figure analysis reveals that both p-6P and NNN crystallites do not follow 2-fold rotational symmetry. Consequently, experimental investigations show that the distortion of the muscovite mica (001) surface is sufficient to force a different adsorption energy for 180° rotated crystals. The observed imbalance of both crystal types questions models, which postulate 2-fold rotational symmetry, e.g., pure lattice matching. 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