2006 - Bike Works


2006 - Bike Works
Our 10th Year of Programming!
Greetings From New Staff And Board
The fall of 2006 marks our tenth year of programming, and we’re charging
into this next phase excited for the opportunities and challenges ahead! Our
staff is stronger than ever, our board is energized, and our programs are
growing. 2006 has been a great year – it has been so busy we can hardly
believe the summer is coming to an end. Already we’ve had some amazing
Warm greetings from the Bike Works staff and Board! I started as the Executive Director in January; I was immediately impressed at the amazing work
that takes place in our funky little house on Ferdinand Street. If you haven’t
seen this in action, I encourage you to come for a personal tour. Seeing our
space speaks volumes about who we are and what we do. Wheels, bikes, and
tires hang from all available ceiling space. Crates of used parts line the walls in
our classroom. Inner tubes outnumber the dishes and cutlery in our kitchen.
Three meticulously maintained work benches are decked with full sets of
color coded tools for our youth mechanics. The wall of volunteer photos
gives the illusion of a staff 20 times our size. It doesn’t take long to see that
Bike Works is an organization that does a lot with a little. Our staff works
magic with youth in our classroom and with bikes in our shop. And our
community loves what we do, and can’t get enough of it. As you can tell, I’m
thrilled to be here, and look forward to leading Bike Works into this next
phase of growth.
• Business in our shop is up 30% from last year!
Building sustainable communities by educating youth and promoting bicycling
• Our 4th Annual Auction in March was incredibly successful,
raising over $50,000 – an 88% increase from 2005!
• A new Bicycle Leaders Apprenticeship program already has an
Earn-A-Bike graduate working as a Bike Works mechanic!
• Our Kids Bike Swap in May served a record-breaking 120 families!
• A new Bicycle Touring 101 Summer Camp launched its first safe
and successful trip!
• We received a generous grant from REI this year: $14,500, which
includes $5,000 cash to support our programming, and a fleet of
10 Novara Randonee Touring Bikes!
Moving into our tenth year of programming is a natural time to take stock and
set the direction for our next ten years. In early 2007, we will launch a full
scale strategic planning process to answer questions about our future growth
and development.
We also have other exciting new additions to our team: in January we
welcomed Joseph Parietti as Program Coordinator, and Duy Tran to our
Board of Directors. In July we invited four more board memebers to our
ranks: Johnny Carrillo, Jack Hunter, Bill Lippe, and Kerry Van Der Veen.
A warm hello from all of us, and a big Thank You to our community and
supporters for making this work possible! Dara Ayres, Executive Director
Who should we serve?
Should we expand
our operations?
Should we move to a larger venue,
or open another location?
PERMIT #5529
BIKE WORKS 3709 South Ferdinand Street / Seattle, WA 98118
We look forward to hearing your ideas about these questions, and will host a
few community meetings to gather input.
PHONE 206.725.9408 / EMAIL [email protected] / WEB bikeworks.org
SHOP HOURS Tue – Fri 11am-7pm / Sat 10am - 6pm / Sun 11am - 5pm
new bike! We
r test rides her
e Swap custome
rage price of $1
s May for an ave
get new bikes thi
helped 120 familie
This special issue of our Flat Tire Flyer includes a “Report to our
Community” for 2005 - our way of sharing our accomplishments and
being accountable to our community. You’ll also find an entire section
devoted to youth writing – excerpts from youth essays and a report
from the field. (Street Burner Page Turner)
an 85 mile tour through the San Juan Islands this
Our Bicycle Touring 101 Summer Camp completed
alumni and our 3 incredible instructors who
summer! Congratulations to the 8 outstanding EAB
out our new 12 bike rack system! Thanks
made this pilot project safe
to Thule for making it affordable!
Kids Bike Swap Creates Many Smiles
Street Burner PageTurner
Each year, Bike Works organizes a community Kids Bike Swap that facilitates
the flow of affordable bicycles into our community and keeps bikes out of our
landfills. Families come to this annual spring event to trade in kids bikes that
have been outgrown, for bigger ones that fit! It is a fabulous way to get and
keep kids and families on bikes.
At Bike Works we believe that if youth would talk a little bit more, and adults would talk a little bit less, the world would
be transformed. To honor this, we’re devoting a column of our newsletter to words written entirely by Bike Works youth
participants. Over time, we’d like to see this column turn into a dedicated issue of our newsletter, or better yet, a Bike
Works ‘zine’ written by youth. This is a small step in that direction. Enjoy!
Throughout the year Bike Works receives kids bike donations, many of
which fuel our Kids Bike Swap in the spring. Leading up to the event, we focus
our weekly drop-in volunteer mechanics on overhauling and safety checking
all of the bikes. This year, Bike Works overhauled over 80 kids bikes to kick
off the Swap.
From the Field
The Youth Led South Seattle BMX Park Project
The community always anticipates the big day. This year we served roughly
120 families, and each family who brought a bike to swap needed only an
average of $12 to take home a newly recycled ride. We see many faces who
return year after year, many families who consistently support our work, and
lots of new folks. We encourage you to look for the Swap next May!
The Youth Led South Seattle BMX Park Project is a group of dedicated youth
looking for a safe, fun place for BMXers to ride without worrying about traffic
or other dangers that come from riding on the street or out in the rest of the
world. There are already many such places in Seattle, but none close enough
to the South Seattle neighborhood for people without driver’s licenses to
access them.
Our mission is to build a BMX park accessible by bike to kids in the South end
of Seattle. By doing this, we could make biking a part of our every day lives
instead of a rare treat, giving us something to pour our energy into that would
be constructive and educational.
Since September of 2005 we have been meeting at Bike Works to work
together and make our dream come true. So far we’ve:
• Sent out letters to congressmen and congresswomen, company
owners, neighbors, and other people in the Seattle area, alerting
them of our efforts and gaining support.
• Attended a number of community meetings, to see what other
people in our area have been up to and what we have to build off of.
• Talked to the mayor and gotten his attention and support.
• Researched different areas and sites that would possibly be good
to build on. So far, the best option seems to be a spot next to the
Chief Sealth trail. We are still researching this area to find out how
it is zoned and who it is licensed to.
Thank you to all the people who have given support. If you would like to get
involved, you can write or call the mayor’s office, supporting the idea of more
BMX facilities in Seattle, or for more info contact:
Thanks to REI for taking
our bicycle touring
[email protected]
programs to the next level!
Earlier this year, we applied for a grant from REI to support our ongoing Youth
Ventures rides and activities, and to further develop Bicycle Touring into our
year-round programming.
REI not only approved our $5,000 cash grant, but also donated 10 brand new
Novara Randonee 2007 Touring Bikes! With our own fleet of touring bikes,
the opportunities for taking youth on overnight, self-supported trips are
limitless. A HUGE thank you to REI for making this dream a reality! What’s
next? Our long-term dream is to take a group of Bike Works youth across
the county. Meanwhile, we’re excited to get some of our kids out to explore
the great Pacific Northwest.
Exerpts From Youth Essays
Hi my name is Gloria and I’ll be telling you about how Bike Works has taught
me skills like how to take apart a bike and put it back together. In the future
I will probably fix my kid’s bike. Bike Works has changed me at home by
making me take more bike rides. At school and home I’m making better
choices of food, actually at school I’m eating the vegetarian lunches. At Bike
Works I have learned about how many kinds of bikes there are and how to
fix them. The best thing I like about Bike Works is that they take us for bike
rides. I think about all the good times I had, like when I’m usually fixing bikes I
get my hands all greasy. I spend my time here because its fun - and its fun
because you make friends and learn.
Earning my bike was a hard task because I thought I would never get it. I
remember I had a hard time on my brakes. I remember that after I picked out
my bike I was so excited - I could hardly wait to work on it. Going to Bike
Works is something I look forward to every week. Having a good prize
system where you get to pick your own reward makes me feel honored. My
dad could not have afforded a bike as nice as the one I got. It has stayed in very
good condition since I got to take it home. I now look forward to getting my
next bike.
When I first joined Bike Works I knew only how to pump up a tire. Now I
can solve just about any problem on any bike. With the skills I learned from
Bike Works I fixed all my neighbors’ bikes (7 in all) and I fix up bikes that I find
at sales and have an annual bike sale in August.
One reason why I like bikes is because if you are bored and you don’t have
anything to do you could work on a bike and get better and better at fixing
bikes. It helps me spend time in a very positive way. The more I learn about
fixing bikes the more I can help others fix their bikes. So far I have helped to
fix my cousin Dwayne’s bike and my little brother’s tricycle. Right now
working on bikes is like my favorite hobby.
Dara Ayres / SHOP MANAGER David Wiktorski
Tina Bechler / PROGRAM COORDINATOR Joseph Parietti
Isaac Gmazel, Dawn Hardin, Zak Hinderyckx, Will McCann, and Edward Moore
The best thing I like
about Bike Works is
that the y take us for
Craig Lorch / MEMBERS Johnny Carrillo,
Jack Hunter, Bill Lippe, David Mozer, and Kerry Van Der Veen
bike rides.
Kids, Bikes, & Sweat Equity
Do you remember the sense of accomplishment and pride you felt the first
time you built something with your own hands? And what about the freedom
and sense of adventure you felt from your first bike? Put those two together,
and you have an idea of what Bike Works means to youth. In our signature
Earn-A-Bike program, kids build skills and self-confidence as they work with
their hands and learn how to repair bikes. They also experience what it means
to give back to their community, as they contribute community service hours
refurbishing bikes which are donated to local nonprofits serving disadvantaged populations. After logging 18 hours of community service, kids earn
their own bikes and build them with their own hands! In 2005, we offered six
EAB classes – two per school quarter. We experimented with all-girls and allboys classes, which proved successful. Our classroom is at maximum capacity
with ten students, making our total EAB participation 63 youth in 2005. Fifty
percent of those youth earned their own bikes, along with locks and, of
course, helmets!
Community Partnerships
Many youth in the neighborhoods we serve don’t have opportunities to
become involved in after-school activities, and can’t attend our regular EAB
classes. Our Community Partnerships program connects us with schools and
community organizations to reach kids who need us the most: low-income
and homeless youth; youth at risk for negative behaviors like drug use and
crime; and youth underserved by after-school opportunities.
We reached 347 youth through these programs in 2005. We partnered with
nine community based organizations including:
• New Futures, an enrichment program for low-income South
King County youth
• New Holly Community Center, a low-income housing development
• Rainier Community Center
• South Park Community Center
• Public and private schools - including Orca Elementary School,
Mercer Middle School, and the Seattle Girls School.
bikes the more I can help
others fix their bikes.
The more I learn about
AND 2005 Program Highlights
Summer Camps Educating Youth! FinFisancial
al Year Endi
Our summer camps continue to be a huge success! In 2005, we offered four
summer camps: two two-week Earn-A-Bike camps (one Beginning Mechanics
and one Advanced Mechanics); and two one-week Ride All Day (RAD) camps.
Last year, we served 37 youth in these camps over the summer
Ride It
Like You
Earned It!
Our Youth Ventures program keeps youth from our Earn-A-Bike and partnership classes engaged in bicycling. It is not enough to help kids earn bikes and
learn to fix them; youth in our programs often come from homes where
bicycling is not a common activity; without support and a riding partner, it is
difficult to make cycling a part of their regular activities. In 2005, our Youth
Ventures program (code-name “Street Burners” for the youth) engaged 400
youth in over 100 activities - including neighborhood rides, safety rodeos, field
trips to community and cycling events, mountain biking, BMX trick riding,
and track racing. Our tag-line “Ride It Like You Earned It!” captures the spirit
of this program.
• 410 Youth served in our Earn-A-Bike classes, camps,
and community partnerships
• 870 Hours of community service logged by youth
• 50% of EAB students earned bikes (plus helmets and locks, of course)
• 50% of students received scholarships to cover class fees
Promoting Bicycling!
ng 12/31/2005
Earned Income from Shop & Programs
Corporate Sponsorship & Matching
Individual Contributions
Special Events / Auction
Total Revenue
• 400 Youth engaged in Youth Ventures activities and rides
• 103 Activities offered including neighborhood rides, mountain biking,
BMX trick riding, track racing, safety rodeos, and field trips to community
and cycling events
• 1180 Miles ridden by youth
Fundraising & Special Events
• 6 Youth completed the Group Health Seattle to Portland Bicycle Classic!
Total Expenses
Recycling Bicycles!
• 1163 Bikes donated to Bike Works
• 85% (989 bikes) Redistributed back into the community, including:
• 158 Bikes donated to nonprofits
• 331 Bikes sold through our shop
• 150 Bikes distributed to youth in our programs and Kids Bike Swap event
• 350 Bikes sent to villages in Ghana
Community Bike Shop
Each and every bicycle donated, refurbished, and recycled back into the
community is one less bike in the landfill, and potentially one less car on the
road. Our bike shop sells affordable, refurbished bicycles, and runs entirely on
bikes donated from people just like you! One hundred percent of income
raised in our shop goes to support youth programming - accounting for over
50% of our annual operating revenue. In 2005, our Bike Shop was rated Best
Bicycle Repair Shop” by the Seattle Weekly. Last year, we recycled 331 bikes
back into the community, donated 158 bikes to local nonprofit organizations,
distributed 150 bikes to youth through our programs and annual Kids Bike
Swap, sent 350 bicycles to Ghana, and recycled many tons of scrap metal!
My dad could not have afforded
a bike as nice as the one
I got at Bike Works.
An EA B stu de nt tig
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U 2005 Donors
A Huge THANKto
The following foundations, corporate sponsors, individuals, and local businesses
made gifts to Bike Works between January 1 and December 31, 2005. Thank
you so much for your commitment to kids, bikes, and community!
Foundations & Sponsors
Anderson Family Foundation • Cascade Bicycle Club Education Foundation
City of Seattle • Cone Family Foundation • Kawabe Foundation • King County
Kongsgaard-Goldman Foundation • New Belgium Brewing Company
Pride Foundation • REI • Seattle Foundation • United Way of King County
Washington Women's Foundation • Windermere Foundation
Matching Gift Programs
Adobe Systems • Attachmate/WRQ • Microsoft Corporation
NMS Communications • Real Networks • Safeco
Individuals & Local Businesses
Aaron's Bicycle Repair
Steve Adam
Brenda Ajbour
Al Young Bike & Ski
Alki Bike & Board
Emily Allen
Alpine Hut
Jean Amick
Broderick Anderson
Joel Arabia
Arctic Ice Cream Company
Anthony & Becca Aue*
Chuck Ayers
Orion Baker
Alexander Barnett
Chris & Gary Bauch
L. Allen Beard
Judi Beck & Tom Alberg
Stephen Beimborn & Carol Carlson
Peter Berner-Hays
Chris Bernhardt
Tom Bertulis
Bicycle Alliance
Bicycle Paper
Bike Station
Bob's Quality Meats
Bon Accord Charters
Boomtown Cafe
Beatrice Booth
Borracchini Bakery
Becky Brady
Jonathan W. Brown
Michael Brown
Robert Brown
Donald Brubeck
Bryant's Catering
Burke Museum
Dick Burkhart & Mona Lee
Patty Burrow
April Butcher & Barbara Codd
Café Luna
Amimonte Calvo
Floyd Campbell
Mark Canizaro
Allison Capen
Augusto & Lena Cardoso
Michael Carey & Marilyn Gauthier
Suzanne Carlson*
Bill Carr
Merry Carson
Ken Cederstrand
Century Ballroom
Raman Chandrasekar
William & Kathy Chin
Daniel Christensen
Chalo Colina & Datri Bean
Columbia City Ale House
Jonathan & Kirsten Rechholtz Commons
Concepts in Wood
Richard Conlin*
C. David Cook
Laura & Scott Cooper
Cora Bike Rack
Robert Cornwell
Counterbalance Bikes
Wendy Crabb
Marilyn Cummings
Cathy Curley
King & Kathy Cushman
Erik Davidson
Jennifer Davis
Brian Debenedetti
Joel Delman
Bruce Devereaux
Ted Diamond
Dana Dick
David Dockendorf
Jenny Domoto
Duane Draper
Debbie Driver* & Rich Blanco
Frank Duckstein
Jane C. Dudley
Carolyn Dunn
Dave Dunneback
William Dussler
E.B. Foote Winery
Jeff Eagan
Julie Edsforth & Jabez Blumenthal
Eight Limbs Yoga Centers
Elliott Bay Bicycles
Bob Ellis
Emily Emerson & Andy Darring
Empty Space Theater
Kathleen Emry
Environmental Home Center
Erickson Cycles
Susan Ernsdorff
Essential Baking Company
Margaret Evans
Frank Evanson
Experience Music Project
Leslie Fairbairn
Faith Haney Illustration & Design
Aram Falsafi & Wendy Call
Mary Jane Ferguson
Curt Firestone
Fitzgerald-Peterson Family
Lisa Fitzhugh
Erich Fleck
Amy Fleetwood & Craig Bradshaw
Terri & Geoff Fletcher
Mary Fordyce
Bruce Forgrieve
Rebecca Fox & Robert Heller
Chris Fraser
Pauline Freund
Julie Friedman
Jennifer Gaer
Lorie Gail
David Gillin
Thomas Goldstein*
Ahava & Gary Goldwater
Caroline Goodell
David Gordon
Henry & Max Gordon
Aaron & Gypsie Goss
Douglas Graham & Diane Dorow
Wendy & David Graves
Bruce & Connie Walker Gray
Gregg's Greenlake Cycles
Jim Greiner
Kristen Griggs
Birgit Grimlund
Ken Gross
Eric Gunnerson
Don Guthrie
Audrey Haberman & Marge McGinty
Jenny Habetler
Anne Hallett
Kate Handley
Timothy Hanold
Hylton Hard
Lee Harper
Mike & Dawn Harris
Lisa Hartman
Duncan Hass
Kelly Hawkins
Summer Hayes & Jeff Aken
Jeffrey Hedgepeth & John Medlin
Elizabeth Heintschel
Jeanette Henderson
Chris Herman
Tedd Higgins
David Hiller
Jennifer Hodgdon
Ray & Jemae Hoffman*
Paul Hopkins & Sarah Klevit
James Hopper
Diane Horn
Lisa Hornfeck
Ardy Horton
Sissi K. Horton
Carolyn & Chris Houser
Kristen Gillise Howe & Michael Howe
Pat Howe
D.M. Hoyt & Heidi Smets
Joan Hsiao & James Bromley
Jack Hunter* & Jessica Ludders
Frederick & Joan Hutto
Eileen Hynes & Tom Hoffman
Ideal Pet Stop
Il Vecchio Bicycles
Noah Iliinsky
Imperial Lanes
David Ingram & Jodie Nathan
Rusenia & Michael Ingram
Albert Israel
Terri Iverson
Jackson-Spieker Family
Andrea Jacobson
Larry Jacobson
Ruth & Louis Jacobson
Michael & Laverne James
Terry & Jon Jarvis
Aaron Johnson
Sandra Johnson
Jones BBQ
Simon Kahan
Todd Karam
Greg Katz & Leslie Wall
Phil Katzen
Sarah Kavage*
Steve Keithly
Kristin Kennell
David Keppel
Reiley Kidd
Karen Kinney
Marydina Kirkby
Angela & Jacob Kirkman
Nicole Kistler
Jerry Sale & Rachel Klevit
Adam Kline
Richard Knox
Leah Kosik
Ellen Lackermann
Deborah Ladd
Solveig & Klaas Langhout
Ginny Larkins
Johnine Larsen
Stanley Larsen
Mike Larson & Linda Schwartz
Sara Lawrence
Jay Lazerwitz
Anne Leder
Deborah Lee
Judith Lee
Patricia Lee
Martha Lester
Erika Lim
June & Jim Lindsey
Micki & Bill Lippe*
Francesca Lo & Jeff Birdsall
Loose Ends
Glenn & Claire Lorch
Craig Lorch* & Julia Haack
Lotties Lounge
Lorna Luebbe
Rick & Jillian Lum
Donald MacDonald
Shawn MacDougall
Jane MacPherson & David George
Jennifer Macuiba
Charlie Madden
Michelle Maeda
Frith Maier
Jeff & Ben Maki
Laurence Malleis
Patrick Marek
Larry & Linda Martinez
Marymoor Velodrome Association
John Masterjohn
Janet Masuo
Linnea Mattson
Maya's Mexican Restaurant
James & Sandy McCrae
Stuart McFeely
Joseph & Paula McGee
Jeannie McGinnis
Louise McGrody
Paul & Anna McKee
David McLean
William McMahan
Geoffrey McNeely
Frederica Merrell
Fredric Michel
Cathy Miller
Richard Miller
Jean Millican
Charles Mitchell
Donald Moe
Alan Moores
Robert Morgan & Lynn Graves
David & Susan Morris
Helen Morrison
Kari Mosden
Jack Moshcatel
Sharon & Patrick Moynihan
David Mozer*
Harold & Susan Mozer
Meredith Muller & Michael Goodwin
Bobby Mullins
Ryan Murtfeldt
Mutual Fish Company
John & Lee Neff
C.E. Neiswender
Dennis & Joy Neuzil
Mark Newell
Christopher Newman
Northwest Trek Wildlife Park
Elizabeth Norvell
James O'Callaghan
Albert Odmark & Nancy Ritzenthaler
Claire O'Flaherty
Akiko & Todd Oki
Felicia Von Olsen & Stephen Olsen
Marya & Shane O'Neil
Ben Ostrom & Kathleen Gillespie
Aaron Ostrom & Sarah Jaynes
Richard & Alinda Page
Christina Pappas
Carl Parker
Michael Parks
Sara Patton
Dean Pedersen
Karen Pederson
Dwight Pelz
Carol Pencke
Mike Pencke
Felipe Perez
Perfect Wheels
Paul Peterson
Judith Pettet
Fred Pfeil
Laura Pierce
Pike & Western Wine Shop
Pike Place Market Creamery
Pioneer Organics
Pizzuto's Italian Cafe
Place Architects
Planet Bike
Tamara Plush
Port of Seattle
Mary Jo Porter
Dan Posel
Kenneth Pounds
Benjamin & Kelly Powers*
Mary Terrance Powers
Prestige Custom Builders Inc.
Alan Preston
Patty Puz
Chris Quigley* & Jennifer Bennett
Lisa Quinn*
R & E Cycles
Stephanie Ragland-Johnson
Rain City Skate Park
Ransacked Dignity
Marika Rausa
Laurie Rechholtz*
Brian Reeh
C.B. Reingold
Laura Strauss
Joseph & Dyann Strecker
Theresa Sullivan
Sharon Kay Swenson
Tails of the City
Mits Tamura
Eddie Tate
The Boeing Company
The Rose Club
The Service Board
Gail Thompson
Ti Cycles
Norman Tjaden
Helen Todd
Jack Tomkinson
Stokely Towles
Trips for Kids Seattle
True North
Bing Tso & Janet Gwilym
Leslie & Ian Tubbs
Utilikilts Co.
Joaquin Uy
Genevieve Vayda
Peter Verbrugge
Julie Vergeront & Robert Wallach
Gwen Vernon
Vertical World
Caryn Vertucci & Cisco Sabin
Jane Vitkushe
William Vivian
Carla Vogel
Todd Vogel* & Karen Hust
Sharon Wagner
Bob Washburn & Denise LaRoque
Cristal Weber
Tom & Kristina Weir
Jennifer Wengeler
David Whedbee
Martha Wheeler
AJ White* & Diane Davies
Robert Wicklein
Barbara Wilkie
Lori Williams
Colleen Willoughby
Ruth Wilson
Wendy Woldenberg
Wolf, Block, Schorr & Solis-Cohen
Fritz & Susan Wollett
John Wronosky
Janice Yee
Rebekah Yozell-Epstein
Jadine Riley
Bonnie Robertson
Drew Robertson
Gerry & Kris Ronningen-Fenrich
Katherine Ropp & Jonathan Castrodale
Natasha Rosenblatt
Mary Rourke
Roy Rubin
Rodney Rutherford
A. Sadler
Julie & Eric Salathe
Salkin Architecture
San Juan Excursions
Rebecca Sayre
Michael Schaefer
Cynthia Scheiderer
Jodie Schimke
Kristiann Schoening & Peter Davis
Tim Schottman
Seattle Art Museum
Seattle Athletic Club
Peter Seitel & Jan Geier
Amy Shaftel
David Shapiro & Jennifer Dixon
Michael & Molly Shaw
Nancy Shawn
Anne Shields
Lynn Shimamoto
Walt Shostak
Theresa Sickmiller
Gretchen Siegrist & Edward Lambert
Melyvn Simburg
Cheryl Sizov
Rebecca Slivka
John Sloane
Lucas Smith
Steven Smith
Snowboard Connection
Matt Sosnow
Spectrum Dance Theater
Andrew Speier
Bill Spence
Helen Baker St. John
Robert Stack
Hal Stanley
Starbucks Rainier Valley Plaza
Paul & Kristen Steele
Russ Steele
Thomas Stempel
Norma Steveley
Rick Stevens
Jennifer & John Stewart
Stewart Lumber Company
Don Stone
Beth Stonebury & Matt Foster
Gary Strauss
If your name is missing from this list or incorrect,
we sincerely apologize, and please let us know.
* Current or former Board Member
Mentor in our classroom
Build bikes at Volunteer Mechanic Thursday nights
Volunteer at our events
Make a contribution!
Make an online contribution at
Make a corporate matching gift
Donate an item for our Auction
Road Bikes 54cm and lower
Please, no rusted out bikes or steel rims
Mountain Bikes with Shocks
Kids bikes of all sizes