VOLUME 23 J U LY 2015 BIG DATA "THE GOOD THING IS THAT THE DIGITAL REVOLUTION IS NOT ONLY ABOUT TECHNOLOGY – BUT IT IS ULTIMATELY EMINENTLY HUMAN." - MANUEL V PANGILINAN PLDT GROUP CHAIRMAN PLDT ALPHA: Enabling the Digital Enterprise The disruptive nature of the digital-powered economy has flipped the world on a new edge. And with this shift, enterprises across industries need a reliable ICT partner that provides solutions leveraged on social, mobile, analytics, and cloud. PLDT ALPHA Enterprise is more than ready to lead Philippine enterprises through a transformative, digitally powered journey towards continued success. Let’s get to it. Let’s disrupt the world further. DIGITAL Learn more at 88-ALPHA (25742) HAS TURNED THE WORLD UPSIDE DOWN ASC REF. CODE: P069P063015P THINK Jovy Hernandez Editor Nico Alcoseba Mikey Smyth Managing Editors Gerrard Fabie Editorial Adviser Markus Jentes Creative Director Andrew Batiduan Art Director Vickie Perez de Tagle Rissa Golloso Ram Anciro Erika Legaspi Jason Mejia Emily Reyes Murielle Sarmiento Check Trayfalgar Gio Abaquin Editorial Coordinators Michal Perez de Tagle Enrique Estagle Inez Golamco Kaye Pineda Igor Cruz Dessa Malaluan Mac Lubaczewski Paula Venturina Daniella Marfori Patricia Mariano DIGITAL BE Editorial Contributors Executive Producer this issue of Hot Joe, readers will get a better look at how PLDT ALPHA Enterprise is expanding upon its role as your trusted expert end-to-end ICT partner. In an age of increasingly digitally enabled enterprise organizations, we are determined to become your technology leader for a brave new world. Our PLDT Insider feature of Winston Damarillo, PLDT’s new Chief Strategy Officer and CEO of Talas (page 22) is especially relevant, given the new digital realities for enterprise organizations. His comments and views dovetail with our Main Window story (page 6) featuring Big Data. More enterprises are recognizing our earnest efforts and vast investments in improved networks and infrastructure. The recent partnership with AirAsia as well as the challenge set to us by Holcim East Asia’s Dr. Richard Parcia in our Live Wire section (page 14) are great examples. Undoubtedly, our expansion efforts have been bolstered through the fruitful collaboration with NEC and Intel featured in Partner Peek (page 28). More of this great partnership strategy can be seen in the addition of IBM’s SoftLayer to PLDT Cloud’s capabilities in our Sleeper Hit (page 68). On the mobile front, Smart Enterprise and GMS Philippines have likewise partnered for connected e-vehicles on MoBiz (page 72). In our Solved section (page 50) featuring ePLDT Big Data Platform as a Service, it is evident that PLDT is more intent than ever in enabling digital business organizations. The gauntlet has been hurled our way, to continue in our innovation, commitment, and leadership as your true ICT partner. This is a challenge readily accepted in the rapidly transformed and disrupted business landscape we find ourselves in. From now on, when you think digital, think PLDT. Jovy hernandez Editor JULY 2015 VOLUME 23 Calls CLIENT JULY 2015 03 LETTER FROM THE EDITOR Jovy Hernandez on Enabling the Digital Enterprise 05 CLIENT CALLS Letters from actual PLDT clients, written to share their own unique experiences with PLDT. 06 MAIN WINDOW Get to know more about Big Data and how it becomes the catalyst for disruption. 14 28 LIVE WIRE AirAsia Philippines turns to PLDT ALPHA Enterprise and Smart Enterprise for end-to-end digital enablement. Holcim East Asia Business’ Dr. Richard Parcia shares his professorial outlook on Big Data and challenges PLDT ALPHA Enterprise for a stronger, more valuable partnership. 22 14 PLDT INSIDER The remarkable journey of Winston Damarillo– from the Philippines to Silicon Valley and back. 50 54 22 62 20 PARTNER PEEK NEC’s Dr. Yoshiki Seo talks about the infinite possibilities of Big Data, especially for the PLDT Group. Intel’s Eddie Toh shares how his organization provides Big Data computing power to PLDT. 36 WE WANT TO HEAR FROM WERE YOU THERE PLDT ALPHA Enterprise celebrates the Big Data Launch, ALPHA Track Day 2015, and International ICT Awards. 68 72 SOLVED Get a closer look at ePLDT’s state-of-the-art Big Data Platform as a Service. CAUGHT ON PAGE Partnerships with Blue Cross Insurance, ADP-PPC, Ascott, and more. COMING + GOING What’s coming, what’s going, and what’s staying still in the world of tech. SEND YOUR THOUGHTS, COMMENTS, OR FEEDBACK AND RECEIVE PREMIUM ALPHA ITEMS! MOBIZ GMS Philippines talks about how the synergy of M2M and Big Data is fuelling the adoption and usage of e-tricycles. 74 THE ALPHA BITS 76 THE LAST SAY Email: [email protected] Call: 88-ALPHA (88-25742) or visit Bits of knowledge any ALPHA should know. Eric R. Alberto sustaining the leadership position of the PLDT Group in the digital era. I would like to compliment Maria Charina Ann “Chary” S. Mariano for the excellent service she provided NutriAsia and Del Monte Philippines, Inc. from the time she took over our account up until NutriAsia transferred to our new building last July 24, 2013. Chary extended the extra mile in facilitating and ensuring that our voice, network, and Internet requirements are made available before the critical move-in date. She was quick to respond to our requests and even extended support to the other telco links not under her official portfolio (i.e., PLDT accounts under IBM and Unilab), only to make sure that we will not encounter any problems meeting the “D-Day.” I, together with my team, am pleased with the kind of service we received from your company. Ms. Mariano's professionalism and ability to respond to situations quickly far exceeded our expectations. The work that Chary exemplified should be held up as an example for others to try to emulate. Such a commitment to superior customer service is to be commended and recognized. Relationship Managers like Chary, and with the proper guidance that you provide, are what make PLDT great! Sincerely, Cesar R. Canlas Group Head, Information Technology Del Monte Philippines, Inc. and NutriAsia, Inc. Dear Ms. Hilao, Thank you very much for your services. Please extend my appreciation to Ms. Shandra Tecson for the superior support she is giving EasyCall and other TDG member companies. She analyzes our business requirements effectively and gives me comfort that feedback will be provided immediately. She is very efficient, professional, and easy to work with. Our employees are very pleased with the quality of her service and her attitude. Hi Precy and Chet, SLEEPER HIT The PLDT Cloud adds a solid dimension with IBM’s SoftLayer. Dear John, I would like to share my feedback on Ann’s support in managing the Unilever account. She has been a strong pillar of strength in managing Unilever’s requirements– from attending the monthly stakeholder engagement meetings to providing local onground engagement in interlocking with Unilever, those have really provided us with a great success story and a very positive customer feedback. Looking back from when our partnership started in 2014, I am very happy to see the change in customer perception, from us being unhappy clients to eventually becoming happy customers. The issue log tracker with zero open items speaks for itself. I want to thank Ann for her tireless efforts in supporting Unilever’s requirements whilst attending to my numerous calls and emails. I also would like to thank you both for your management level support whenever I reach out with an escalation, especially in closing those DoVs and legal documents. Many thanks Precy, Chet, and Ann for your fantastic support and engagement with Vodafone in managing the Unilever account. Thank you! Subscribe to our e-newsletter, ALPHA Mail, and keep up-to-date with our latest news and offers. Pramod Chalak Regional Service Manager, Asia Pacific Vodafone Global Enterprise I wish you and your team all the best in your future projects. The superior level of service has ensured that I would have no hesitation in recommending PLDT as a telco partner for TDG’s communication requirements. Truly Yours, Renato Vicente R. Martinez General Manager Easycall E-Services, Inc. Hi Amy, Thank you so much. Internet is working perfectly. Its people like you who make a difference! Teej Arboleda HR Director for Asia Microsemi Corporation MAKING ROOM FOR LET’S IMPROVE THE WORLD BY DISRUPTING IT. JULY 2015 It turns out that we are data, or at least we are the generators of immense sets of the bits and bytes that increasingly define us. As we acquire and use more connected devices that track our movements and ultimately our preferences, the mountain that is Big Data grows larger still. For PLDT ALPHA Enterprise, there is no way but forward on Big Data. JULY 2015 early as 2001, Gartner (then the META Group) described the growth of data as having three “v” dimensions: bigger volume, greater velocity and variety. A more recently added “v” is veracity, a dimension that has acquired its own relevance in later years. The PLDT Group has actually been one of the largest Philippine generators and users of Big Data. Everything from locational data on smartphones, water and electricity usage rates across households and industries, and perhaps soon cashless payment patterns—these are just a few types of the large data sets which could inform better business decisions. More effective businesses, in turn, could detect trends earlier and yield an improved customer experience. Retail organizations, for example, can now correlate seemingly unrelated data sets such as point-of-sale information, demographics, and footfall for smarter store site selection. Enterprise organizations and individuals alike have been generating so much data over the years, in fact, that putting a specific number on the bytes puts us squarely in the Carl Sagan territory of cosmic estimation. “Billions and billions and billions” of planets and stars may have nothing on the true size of Big Data. The most sober efforts at placing some kind of figure on that size gives us some idea, and it is quite astounding. In 2012 for example, it was estimated that 2.5 exabytes—that’s 2.5 times 10 with eighteen zeros behind it—was created daily. JULY 2015 “BILLIONS AND BILLIONS AND BILLIONS” OF PLANETS AND STARS MAY HAVE ON THE TRUE SIZE OF Big Today, Small Tomorrow? The final figure is so exceptionally large that quite obviously, it requires massive investments in infrastructure and expertise to manage or capitalize from it. This is not a job for small players. Although as techniques, software, and hardware inevitably improve, data that is considered “big” today may be infinitesimal tomorrow. In addition, it’s still unclear for many exactly what data set size can be useful for management. It may take either side of the tens of hundreds of terabytes mark before insightful patterns can be discerned. This is what makes Big Data a “moving target” for enterprise organizations who are still setting their own Big Data management policies and protocols. This makes the PLDT ALPHA Enterprise proposition on Big Data so compelling. The task of managing a moving target such as Big Data may be too arduous for one or a few enterprise organizations to undertake alone. PLDT ALPHA Enterprise essentially makes Big Data accessible to everyone by “democratizing” the sophisticated technology and expertise through a subscription-based, minimal-risk business model embodied in its Analytics Compute Engine or “ACE” Explorer Kit. In this case, it makes more sense than ever to entrust Big Data tasks to one single expert technology partner. It Will Change Businesses The bottom-line value for Big Data is better and more cost-effective decision making for governments and businesses all over the world. For government agencies in such time-sensitive and critical areas such as healthcare, employment, crime, and natural disaster response, the positive effects of Big Data can be absolutely transformative. In health care research for example, decoding the human genome once took 10 years to accomplish. Big Data techniques can map it out in a day. Clearly there is unmistakable power in Big Data. In manufacturing, processes will become less opaque and more efficient. Big Data will diminish risks in onceuncertain areas such as component availability and real-time factory capabilities. Big Data may spawn an entirely new form of manufacturing called “predictive manufacturing” that, as its name suggests, predicts the probabilities of machine breakdowns and the sustainability of productivity rates. It may do this from massive inputs such as acoustics, pressure, and voltage that is provided from sensors throughout factory floors. Of course one of the more popular terms going around is the Internet of Things or the Internet of Everything. Many experts and analysts agree that it is prime territory for the media industry. As consumers buy, move, marry, have kids, and go through their lives, the heaving mountain of data represents countless “actionable points” from which to launch micro focused campaigns. MANUEL V PANGILINAN PLDT GROUP CHAIRMAN "The good thing is that the digital revolution is not only about technology – but it is ultimately eminently human." JULY 2015 “THE RISK OF GOING DIGITAL Demystifying Digital “A study showed that more than 50% of CEOs would like to go digital, but wouldn't know how to proceed. Many talk about it, but few are actually doing it.” For him, it is absolutely crucial to establish a “path towards embracing digital,” which he himself has taken on for his organization. AND THE COSTS ASSOCIATED MAY BE GREAT. Big Data, the Internet of Everything, the idea of an organization going digital— all these must be embraced by the entire organization, according to Mr. Alberto. There is also a necessary paradigm shift. “Enterprises could shift from the traditional in-house controls of IT to working with—and trusting—an expert IT partner,” he said, later citing a popular adage from Silicon Valley culture. “Don’t be afraid to fail, start small, measure the gains, and move fast. When you decide to go digital, think PLDT,” he said. BUT HOW ABOUT THE EVEN GREATER RISK AND COSTS OF NOT GOING IS THE NEW OIL BECAUSE IT FUELS INNOVATION, EMPOWERS BUSINESSES, AND ERIC R. ALBERTO PLDT EXECUTIVE VICE PRESIDENT AND ePLDT PRESIDENT AND CEO Set to “Disrupt” During PLDT ALPHA Enterprise’s latest Big Data event “Digital Evolution and Transformation,” industry watchers and experts from all over the world gathered to reveal the real face of Big Data. One key insight gleaned was that Big Data will move beyond mere “incremental” business gains. In a larger sense, it may lay the groundwork for unprecedented disruption across industries wherein companies must not look for more business, but they must also seize upon entirely new business models before anyone else. JULY 2015 Disruption may spell profit for the first movers in new transformed economies (see Uber in the new “sharing economy”). It may also outline protracted but certain doom for entrenched businesses that perhaps may have grown too comfortable. PLDT Executive Vice President and ePLDT President and CEO Eric R. Alberto pointed to a classic example: the bricks-and-mortars demise of the much beloved RadioShack brand. Once a mammoth chain of stores across the US that served hobbyists and self-proclaimed proud geeks, RadioShack was in danger once those geeks found their natural environment—online. “The risk of going digital and the costs associated may be great. But how about the even greater risks and costs of not going digital?” he said at the recent conference. ENERGIZES THE ECONOMY." NERISSE RAMOS ePLDT GROUP CHIEF OPERATING OFFICER JULY 2015 "IN ANY DIGITAL TRANSFORMATION, "BIG DATA IS NOT AN END, IT'S A YOU HAVE TO HAVE A WILLING TO TAKE THE RISK." DR. BHASKAR CHAKRAVORTI WINSTON DAMARILLO PLDT CHIEF STRATEGY OFFICER THE FLETCHER SCHOOL AT TUFTS UNIVERSITY SENIOR ASSOCIATE DEAN "WE'RE SEEING A "WE CAN TRANSFORM THE WORLD THROUGH THE DR. YOSHIKI SEO NEC BIG DATA STRATEGY DIVISION SENIOR EXPERT JULY 2015 " FROM REACTIVE TO PROACTIVE." GREGORY SHEA HORTONWORKS PRINCIPAL FOR APAC BUSINESS DEVELOPMENT AND STRATEGIC PARTNERSHIP JULY 2015 A PLDT ALPHA ENTERPRISE AND SMART ENTERPRISE SOAR WITH AIRASIA TO HIGHER SUCCESS. The AirAsia success journey is well-documented in the annals of enterprise history. In a span of just over a decade, Tony Fernandes turned around a debtladen Malaysian airline into one of Southeast Asia’s largest low-cost regional carriers. In the process, the transformed airline has won sustained recognition such as the World’s Best Low Cost Airline in the annual World Airline Survey by Skytrax for six consecutive years. JULY 2015 JULY 2015 “PLDT ALPHA ENTERPRISE AND SMART ENTERPRISE HAVE THE CAPABILITY TO MAKE OUR CONNECTION BECOME SEAMLESS.” ATTY. JOY CAÑEBA AirAsia President and CEO Taking Southeast Asia By Storm With their operations primarily based in countries under the Association of Southeast Asian Nations or ASEAN, it is no surprise that AirAsia is at the forefront of encouraging both SEA-based and foreign travelers to experience the beauty and wonder of the entire region. “In an effort to boost travel by making it a seamless experience within the SEA region,” said AirAsia President and CEO Atty. Joy Cañeba, “we started offering the ASEAN Pass and ASEAN Pass+.” It essentially allows travellers to fly with pre-paid credits to any ASEANmember nation, such as the Philippines. In addition, they are lobbying for an ASEAN Single Aviation Market or ASAM, JULY 2015 which will spur region-wide aviation development and regulation, as well as an ASEAN common visa for travellers. A Stronger Local and Regional Presence Their presence in the Philippines began in 2011 with their hub located in Clark, Pampanga. Two years later, the company sealed a strategic partnership with Ambassador Alfredo Yao’s Zest Air to form AirAsia Zest. This prompted a move to the more accessible Ninoy Aquino International Airport (NAIA). The strengthened group now serves top destinations here in the Philippines as well as selected countries within the Southeast Asian region. According to Atty. Cañeba, their transfer to NAIA back in 2013 came at an opportune time to demonstrate their added dimensions in value. “It allowed us to better promote ourselves not only as a low-fare carrier, but also one that values the customer experience throughout all points of the journey– from the purchase of a ticket to ultimately reaching the destination.” And she fully believes in using ICT to help enhance the customer experience. “We are constantly investing in technology to make flying easier, more enjoyable, and comfortable for our guests,” she says. She also added that as an airline, they rely on multiple channels of communication running 24/7 to help them immediately respond to any concern whatsoever. To further realize that goal, AirAsia Philippines teamed up with PLDT ALPHA Enterprise and Smart Enterprise as a key digital enabler. Collaboration Towards Digital-Powered Innovation “We needed a partner who can provide the right infrastructure to enhance the services we provide to our customers,” she said. “PLDT ALPHA Enterprise and Smart Enterprise have the capability to make our connection become seamless.” Through the newly formed partnership, solutions from PLDT (led by its IP VPN and iGate solutions) and Smart, (with its mobile plans and Smart Messaging Suite solutions) buttress the AirAsia Philippines IT network. It greatly contributes towards better communication with more discerning customers. Atty. Cañeba praised the people behind PLDT ALPHA Enterprise and Smart Enterprise for their dedication and expertise. She noted that they fully understood AirAsia Philippines’ requirements, mindful of the neverending stresses and demands on her organization. She also values the team’s engaging and forthcoming attitude. “They kept us updated on every step and alerted us on what to expect in coming days,” she said. They were pleased that through the collaborative process, their vendorclient relationship evolved into a true collaborative partnership. PLDT Corporate Relationship Business Head Ben Melasa, PLDT Relationship Manager Luis Asistio, Smart Enterprise Senior Manager for Segment Marketing Debbie Ledesma, PLDT Vice President and Head of Corporate Relationship Management Precy Katigbak, PLDT First Vice President and Head of PLDT ALPHA Enterprise and Smart Enterprise Jovy Hernandez, AirAsia President and CEO Atty. Joy Cañeba, AirAsia CFO Franz Lopez, AirAsia Commercial Head Gibby Peñaflor, and PLDT Project Manager Vener Mendoza “Big Data, nowadays, is a necessity for any business,” opined Atty. Cañeba, “because we all have our digital footprints.” She added that a modernday business should be able to know and predict customer behavior. “With AirAsia, the enhancement from Big Data is getting all this raw data and properly analyzing them to give us a better glimpse of the market’s many facets,” she said. Today the company is more empowered to better provide responsive customer services. “If you don’t add value for your customers,” she said in summary, “I think you should be out of business.” The PLDT ALPHA Enterprise, Smart Enterprise, and AirAsia Philippines partnership has kicked off on high spirits. They are optimistically looking forward to further collaboration, exploring digital innovation on what one may call a stratospheric level. “The digital world presents a paradigm shift in how we work, serve, and engage with our customers. As the digital enterprise enabler, PLDT ALPHA Enterprise and Smart Enterprise look forward to further collaborate with AirAsia in finding new and better ways to use digital technologies to optimize business and enhance customer experience.” PLDT FVP and Head of PLDT ALPHA Enterprise and Smart Enterprise Jovy Hernandez Big Data Taking Flight Atty. Cañeba is pleased that AirAsia Philippines, PLDT ALPHA Enterprise, and Smart Enterprise share an insatiable drive for innovation. “We don’t stop at this point,” she says; “we just keep on looking for ways to improve ourselves.” During the contract signing ceremony, the PLDT team gave a brief presentation to Atty. Cañeba and AirAsia Philippines on how their state-of-theart Big Data solution can impact their business. Reflective of all AirAsia offices worldwide, Atty. Cañeba doesn’t have her own separate unit. She encourages her employees to approach her anytime to share ideas and concerns. JULY 2015 THE HOT JOE CHATS WITH HOLCIM EAST ASIA’S DR. RICHARD PARCIA ON THE REALITIES OF BIG DATA AND THE DELICATE TASK OF CEMENTING PARTNERSHIPS. Upon entering the office of Holcim East Asia Head of IT Infrastructure and Operations Dr. Richard Parcia, it is hard to miss a certain sentence scribbled on top of his white board. JULY 2015 JULY 2015 “WHEN ENTERING THIS OFFICE, PRACTICE CONSTRUCTIVE CONFRONTATION.” “We are not even talking about total cost of ownership. We are talking about value.” Parcia, an IT industry veteran with years of solid experience under his belt, elaborated that he took this philosophy to Holcim East Asia from one of his previous employers, Intel. “Constructive confrontation,” he says, “means that if somebody violates or is not following the values of the organization, anybody has the right to call out that person, regardless of that person’s position.” That philosophy challenges organizations to instill an egalitarian and honest culture, one in which ideas trump rank or position. In a way, “constructive confrontation” did set the stage for our almost two-hour interview with him, one that was as illuminating as it was provocative. Big Data and Its Value As a concurrent lecturer at the University of Santo Tomas Graduate School, Dr. Parcia presaged his answer in academic terms, when asked about Big Data. For Dr. Parcia, there’s little that’s new to the main concept of Big Data, at least as we know it today. According to him, Big Data is merely an “expansion of your recognition or cognition that data is actually all over you.” The difference today is of course, that technology is available to process and capitalize on it. “Before, when you talk about multivariate statistics,” he said, “it usually doesn’t go out of academic circles.” But JULY 2015 with today’s availability of machines and platforms that are finally able to process all this data, it has all transcended theory and is applicable towards real business world usage. But his professorial tone soon turned pragmatic as he shared with us a perspective on Big Data, sans the hype. This is where he puts on his regional head hat. “A lot of companies are cognizant of the fact that there is a need for them to expand their data source,” he said. “But the important thing is that you also have to identify what kind of data you should be processing.” Otherwise, it may lead an organization to process way too much data, to the point that it won’t be able to make decisions anymore (aka analysis paralysis). Instead of making things easier, data could become a chokepoint. According to Dr. Parcia, this is why in order to make Big Data effective for an organization, it needs people who have wisdom, experience, and intelligence to understand not only how to utilize the tools and technology, but also how to ultimately interpret the data according to Dr. Parcia (middle) is joined by PLDT Head of Corporate Relationship Business Jeff Mendoza (left) and PLDT Corporate Relationship Manager Eena Samonte. what is appropriate and what is applicable. Of course, he was quite reticent on the specifics of Holcim’s Big Data strategy. But he assured that it is “on their radar screen” as the company is already equipped with the right data, technology, and people to make it happen. At the end of the day, Big Data and other disruptive technologies should generate greater dimensions of value including positive effects to both top and bottom lines. “In this day and age, we are not only talking anymore about ROI,” he said. “We are not even talking about total cost of ownership. We are talking about value,” measured both quantitatively and qualitatively. the case of PLDT ALPHA Enterprise and other providers, Dr. Parcia issues a challenge to discard the traditional vendorprovider identity and become Holcim East Asia’s true partner in the strictest sense of the word. With any vendor he partners with, he requires an exacting level of trust. An organization as huge and global such as Holcim will depend on a true partner’s technology and manpower to maintain and manage an evermore complicated IT and network infrastructure for them in the long term. But beyond that, they must also trust that a partner provides them only with the solutions that add greater value for the company. This goes way beyond selling just for selling sake. And for Dr. Parcia, once trust is built, a partnership is– by default and undeniable logic– built for the long haul. Through this “constructive confrontation,” Dr. Parcia has set a challenge for PLDT ALPHA Enterprise to become that trusted end-to-end ICT partner as well as a technology leader for his organization. Needless to say, PLDT ALPHA Enterprise rises to the challenge. Unmistakably, there is vast potential in the horizon for the two companies in forming a true partnership that ultimately leads to mutually enriching each other’s value. The Partnership Challenge As Dr. Parcia is currently assessing and forming Holcim’s regional enterprise architecture, he noted that he is also facing the same challenges common among organizational IT departments. “We are in an age right now wherein IT departments are shrinking,” he said. “But that doesn’t necessarily mean that the functions or the technology is also shrinking– in fact, it’s evolving and becoming more complex.” With less manpower handling increased demand for performance, organizations such as Holcim are calling on vendors to outsource larger portions of in-house IT responsibilities. And in Strummin’ the Blues Playing the guitar is one of the ways Dr. Parcia deals with stress. In fact, he jams with some of the country’s biggest Blues acts after work hours and on weekends. He treated us with an impromptu performance of the B.B. King classic, “The Thrill is Gone.” JULY 2015 MEET MR. WINSTON DAMARILLO AND HIS VISION OF PLDT AS DIGITAL ENABLER As the PLDT Group’s new Chief Strategy Officer and CEO of Talas, PLDT’s Big Data Unit, Winston Damarillo is here to shake things up. And it comes at a time when the company wants it most, to seamlessly bridge its transition from a technology provider into a technology leader in this digital age. JULY 2015 JULY 2015 new stint at PLDT represents his first formal job in 15 years. Prior to PLDT, he was a Silicon Valley veteran, developing successful ventures for Intel Capital and founding various startups as a serial entrepreneur. In addition to his stellar work experience, one of his larger goals is to contribute to building a world of “digital inclusion.” “The world will be better when we achieve digital inclusion, no matter how it comes,” he says. One of its aspects involves a cashless society that may include Smart Money, RFID– things that make transactions as digital as possible. Ultimately, it is better for the country because this way more people can participate in the economy, and it eliminates bad lenders and financial predators. Lessons from Silicon Valley and New Realities Winston has a proven track record in transforming businesses from the inside. Intel was a company he had wanted to work for since graduating from De La Salle University and arriving in America. He successfully sold a suite of software to Intel that was instrumental in helping the company make its “pivot” into the new realities of the digital age. Those new realities center on the continuing wave of disruption that is washing over traditional— some would say overly comfortable— business models and power structures. Driving that disruption is the digital transformation apparent right now in many levels of society and the economy. VOIP disrupted phone carriers. Airbnb disrupts the hospitality industry, including giant hotel chains. Uber has disrupted taxi services that, in some jurisdictions, still operate on archaic licensing and regulatory arrangements that serve entrenched interests. A Wave of New Opportunities for Filipinos Disruptive new technology gives rise not only to new threats but new opportunities, creating a world of possibility in the burgeoning creative and digital economies in the region. Winston is a staunch believer in the Filipino potential to shine in the strengthening creative economy, which is built on the creation and valuation of intellectual property. Filipino firms in such fields as advertising, architecture, design, R&D, and technology are already making an impression in a hyperconnected global marketplace that is free to interact and transact across “The world will be better when we achieve digital inclusion, no matter how it comes.” JULY 2015 borders, all made possible by digital technology. In contrast to the knowledge economy, which is built on the value generated through the storage and processing of information, the creative economy presents yet another opportunity by producing and distributing content through new platforms, technologies, and other creative outlets. It would be easy to delineate the creative economy in terms of industries that we generally consider “creative,” such as those in the arts, music, and entertainment, but this would be an incomplete description. The full breadth of participants also include workers who participate in industries that generate new knowledge and information, even those in science, engineering, and education. All told, it is estimated that the creative economy employs 38 million workers in the United States, comprising about 30% of the workforce and generating new ideas, technologies, and creative content that all together is valued at around $1.3 trillion. Those are astounding numbers, and they represent a crescendo in productivity that the Philippines may one day realize if it successfully makes a transition into a developed nation. By helping to nurture a creative economy in the country, Winston sees an opportunity for the Philippines. Like many stakeholders in the rising creative economy, Winston sees people and their creative output as valuable economic assets. Talent is increasingly becoming the key definer of capital. And most experts agree that the Philippines has the kind of talent conducive to building a creative economy. In addition to nurturing a creative economy, the Philippines is also in a good position to usher in the “digital economy,” the new ecosystem fueled by the Internet and the widespread availability of new digital devices. In this economy, people spend a good amount of time to search, shop, and consume content on digital devices. The creative economy scales itself through technology and by taking advantage of mass participation in the digital environment. Key players in JULY 2015 this system include telcos who develop digital connectivity, enterprises who offer digital services to their consumers, and consumers who demand these services as daily necessities. Furthermore, the application of Big Data helps the digital economy thrive because data leads to discoveries, insights, and better decisionmaking crucial to the creation of new products and services. Part of Winston’s mission is to ensure we invest in the technology infrastructure and human capital needed for us to lead in the new digital economy. Entrepreneurial Lens Coming from a family that was keen on business, Winston is always fascinated and involved with how things work. He graduated with twin degrees in Mechanical and Industrial Engineering from De La Salle University. As digital technologies started to make their transformative power felt, he soon “taught himself ” coding, and landed a job at Intel mainly by selling them a key suite of software. To this day his tinkering passion continues; he even designed his own modular office furniture, an eye-pleasing play of levels and layers that are simply yet elegantly designed. “Let’s not forget that Intel was number one in microprocessors; and when you’re very successful, you’re used to success,” he said in describing the inertia that is harder to overcome in large corporations. “It’s hard to pivot.” And perhaps it is this reality which gave the PLDT Group the foresight to recruit a disruptive innovator like Winston. At Intel, he also headed its Venture Capital group, scouting for– and eventually financing– new technology startups and coming in as a key managing partner. This is a model he seeks to emulate through PLDT Capital that will fulfill the same role for homegrown startups. Time to Pivot “You may look at PLDT, and say ‘they’ve sold all the phones they can.’” Winston describes PLDT as a massive telco organization ready for its own pivot. “One thing unique I’d like to bring JULY 2015 in aside from my experience in Silicon Valley is my culture, different office procedures, different approach.” One gets the impression Winston appreciates the fact that PLDT knows where it needs to go, and what it needs to do to get there. “Everyone has to enjoy the journey.... if they don’t have fun then they’ll half-bake it. To avoid that, we make it a fun place.” The Digital Spine Winston has an interesting take on the Big Data picture for PLDT. “Internally, we’d refer to Big Data as our digital spine. If we tie in all PLDT assets, a single thread producing data, which combined with intelligence, tells us how PLDT is doing.” And several companies within the MPIC Group are enthusiastic for leveraging Big Data in this way. To individual and enterprise customers of course, Big Data’s benefits are well known in delivering new and personalized services. “Business customers can opt in, engage with PLDT Big Data, and utilize geo-fences.” As an example, Winston cites benefits for quick-service restaurants. Geo-fencing can influence potential restaurant diners who are in the immediate vicinity by means of customized offers based on customer profiles and the time of day. In Winston’s view, Big Data becomes the “great equalizer” for businesses who must now engage with customers on a more personalized basis. Customers, in turn, enjoy more responsive and differentiated services and products. Addressing worries of data privacy and security, Winston allays these fears by pointing out a key fact. “PLDT is a staunch protector of data. Who owns most of the data in the country? It’s PLDT, and we can protect it from the likes of Google or other third parties,” he says, adding, “Big Data is a trust business.” Adhering to the country’s data privacy laws, PLDT utilizes advanced data anonymization techniques to safeguard the Personally Identifiable Information (PII) of its users. “PLDT is a better steward of data because it’s publicly listed, and conscientious in reporting.” This is certainly a reputation and standing that the group will not forsake in the name of mishandled or bungled data. The PLDT Group will be utmost professionals, as always, in handling all forms of customer data. The New Role of Telcos Looking ahead on the mission at PLDT, Winston is optimistic and determined in navigating his latest pivot. “Like all telcos, our business in PLDT is saturating. We should no longer think of PLDT as a backbone of messaging and conversing but of digital enablement, e-commerce, and as thought influencers.” With this new outlook, it’s easy to be optimistic about the bright future ahead for PLDT. "Big Data is a trust business." JULY 2015 HOT JOE SITS DOWN WITH NEC’S DR. YOSHIKI SEO TO DISCUSS THE VALUE OF BIG DATA AND NEC’S COLLABORATIVE PARTNERSHIP WITH THE PLDT GROUP. HOT JOE first met NEC Big Data Strategy Division Senior Expert Dr. Yoshiki Seo during the ePLDT Big Data Platform as a Service launch at the Makati Shangri-La, an event widely seen as a watershed moment in the emerging Philippine digital economy. His presentation, titled “Transforming the World Through Big Data,” was one of the afternoon’s showstoppers, receiving praises for its clarity, depth, and revelatory power. JULY 2015 JULY 2015 Big Applications: From the Konbini to the Churn very next day, we went to the headquarters of NEC Philippines to get to know more about this veritable Big Data master. We exchanged pleasantries, mindful of intricate Japanese decorum. Knowing how particular the Japanese are in being addressed, we asked if we should call him Seo-sensei for this interview. (In Japanese, the “-sensei” suffix is used to properly call someone who is a teacher or a doctor.) “Just call me Seo-san or Yoshiki,” he replied, permitting himself a little laugh afterwards. Behind the simple, mild-mannered man of humble understatement is a true computer science Superman who coauthored numerous scientific papers and co-owns various patents for data-based inventions that laymen will never fully understand. We decided to continue calling him Dr. Seo out of much deserved respect. “Big Data has the big power to change businesses drastically,” said Dr. Seo when asked of its importance in today’s world, adding that it is a critical facet in any organization’s digital transformation. To gently guide us through a concept that is as potentially overwhelming as Big Data, he pointed out concrete examples of Big Data in action. The first involved an integral operation of the quintessential Japanese retail institution: the convenience store, colloquially referred to as the konbini. “In the old days,” Dr. Seo illustrated, “the store managers have to do the ordering of items, particularly fresh food, three times a day on a daily basis.” He added that these store managers put a lot of effort using their personal experience on determining how many items must be ordered at their particular konbini in order to minimize waste. “A lot of the burden goes to them.” Eliminating the flawed human factor and its pitfalls, a Big Data solution uses a sophisticated, data-driven, demandforecasting model to change the item ordering process. The result: a smarter way for a store to fulfill daily orders of fresh food items such as rice balls (onigiri) with very minimal wastage. Dr. Seo’s second notable Big Data example concerned something of high value for their partner telco provider: churn management, or the art and science of making sure your customers stay with you. “You have to get the probability of each customer to churn and rank him or her accordingly to properly address this concern,” he said. As compared to the tedious, manual-based churn management process, Big Data can drastically quicken the pace by analyzing different customer data sets simultaneously. This informs and designs effective, intelligent, data-driven, campaigns aimed to minimize churn and enhance customer loyalty. Big Challenges: Value, Expectations, and Determination As it is a fairly new– yet revolutionary– technology concept, even Dr. Seo recognizes that there are big challenges with regards to selling Big Data to enterprises. “The first challenge,” he noted, “is determining the customer value.” He said that a Big Data seller has to clearly present at the onset to its prospective customer how Big Data can radically affect the top and/or bottom line. The second challenge relates to expectations. “You (as a Big Data provider) have to clearly set with the customer how the data available can be applied to achieve the desired target.” Finally, Dr. Seo noted the challenge of inspiring determination within and around the customer’s organization. “It has to be top-down,” he says. “And you have to make them understand that there are risks involved.” It was easy to see that top determination within the PLDT Group in its drive for digital transformation. And this was one of the many reasons NEC selected them as their first Big Data partner in the Philippines. Big Partnership Towards a Bigger Future “PLDT has a lot of potential for Big Data,” Dr. Seo said, noting the group’s diversity as well as its ubiquity. “In the Philippines, it is in the best position to do Big Data as it can easily access a variety of data. It also has the best way to provide the desired result to end users through its numerous channels.” “We at NEC are very proud that we have a lot of excellent machine-learning based technologies,” Dr. Seo said, noting that this technology is one of the main value drivers for PLDT’s Big Data solution. It can analyze immense amounts of unstructured data– notably text and images– all with a shorter processing time, using lower memory capacity, and with fewer errors. Beyond technology, NEC also brings considerable expertise to the table. Dr. Seo said that this partnership might capitalize on NEC’s long experience in handing Japan’s Big Data needs. This may prove invaluable in addressing the Philippines’ own unique needs. “PLDT and NEC are doing something great together for the Philippines with Big Data,” he said near the conclusion of our interview, saying that they are always on the lookout for new technologies and solutions that ultimately add value to Big Data. He looks forward to more discussions with the PLDT Group on how their close partnership can transform the Philippines and the world through Big Data, in ways we can only yet imagine. “BIG DATA HAS THE BIG POWER TO CHANGE BUSINESSES DRASTICALLY.” JULY 2015 JULY 2015 BIG DATA INTEL’S EDDIE TOH GIVES US THE SKINNY ON THEIR BIG DATA EFFORTS AS WELL AS HOW THEIR TECHNOLOGY IS EMPOWERING THE PLDT GROUP’S STATE-OF-THE-ART BIG DATA PLATFORM AS A SERVICE. JULY 2015 Intel’s ubiquity is hard to match in the tech world of giant and innovative players. Upon the dawn of the digital age, consumers and businesses alike chose to use only computers with “Intel Inside”– the gold standard in computer processing then and now. JULY 2015 HOT JOE: What is Intel’s history with Big Data? When did the company start to pursue Big Data technologies? no surprise then, that the tandem of the PLDT Group and NEC looked to the power of Intel to engineer those CPUs to process the voluminous Big Data into Big Insights. HOT JOE was privileged to chat with Intel Regional Director, Data Center Marketing, APJ Eddie Toh, to learn more about his vision of Big Data and how their technology presents a unique advantage for PLDT’s impressive new solutions package. Eddie Toh: Intel has been involved in the various Hadoop1 research projects since 2009, and by late 2011, we have started working with customers to jointly develop solutions in harnessing the capability of Hadoop. The goal is to accelerate customer adoption of Big Data solutions, making it easier for companies of all sizes to obtain increased business value from data by deploying Apache Hadoop solutions, and to create the platform of choice for Big Data analytics. Intel’s investment in Big Data underpins Intel’s strategy to aggregate machine-to-machine data (e.g. sensors) generated by the “Internet of Things” and create value through the power of Big Data analytics. Through the Intel, NEC, and PLDT collaboration, businesses can more rapidly build Big Data solutions and extract business insights. for Big Data analytics to be applied to the data captured by these sensors. HJ: In your view, what opportunities does Big Data present for Philippine enterprise organizations? HJ: What are some examples of how Intel’s Big Data technologies have changed the world today? Eddie: Big Data will help organizations in the Philippines capitalize on the data they already own, to monetize and drive transformational projects for customer engagement and experience, as well as making improvements to product and service delivery. For governments, it represents an opportunity to improve the lives of ordinary citizens by deploying smart city technologies like smart grids, intelligent transportation systems, digital security surveillance, smart homes and other smart city technologies. The successful implementation of a smart city requires thousands of sensors to be installed and Eddie: One such smart city implementation is in Zhejiang Province in China, which has deployed an Intelligent Transportation System to track commercial vehicles and for security surveillance. The deployment requires the installation of more than 3,000 cameras across the city and GPS terminals in each commercial vehicle. Using Apache Hadoop, the Zhejiang government was able to solve this Big Data challenge– storing, monitoring, searching, and analyzing in real time approximately 2.5Petabytes of data each month– the equivalent of all the information contained in all the books in the US Library of Congress about 170 times over! Another example of Big Data in action is in life sciences, specifically genomics analytics. The dramatic reduction in whole human genome sequencing costs, from USD100 Million per genome in 2001 to USD4,500 per genome in 2014, combined with the increasing performance gains in computing technology, have revitalized the healthcare and life sciences industries in ways only imagined a few years ago. With Big Data, the healthcare and life sciences industries now have the capability of shifting from population-based healthcare to personalized medicine where diagnoses and treatments are prescribed based on each person’s health history and genetic profile. "PLDT’s efforts in these areas demonstrate their understanding of technology and, most importantly, the impact that these technologies can have on Philippine businesses." HJ: What can you say about the PLDT Group’s various endeavors in championing the usage of third platform technologies– cloud, M2M, Big Data– for Philippine businesses? Eddie: PLDT’s efforts in these areas demonstrate their understanding of technology and, most importantly, the impact that these technologies can have on Philippine businesses. By providing the infrastructure or platform for these technologies, PLDT will enable Philippine businesses to make a positive business impact as they develop new and improved products and services of their own in a timely and cost-efficient manner. HJ: Looking forward, what other plans are on the horizon for the partnership of Intel and PLDT? Eddie: This is a new start to the Intel and PLDT relationship. We will work together to promote the Big Data as a service platform and ensure its success. Over time, we hope to extend this to include other Intel based products ranging from PCs, mobile laptops, tablets, and other solutions. HJ: Please tell us more about your partnership with the PLDT Group. How does Intel contribute to empowering the group’s new Big Data solutions? Eddie: Intel is very focused on ensuring that our CPUs continue to deliver the best performance and energy efficiency for our customers’ data centers. We are pleased that PLDT has chosen to partner with NEC whose solution is based on JULY 2015 the latest Intel CPUs so that PLDT’s Big Data as a service platform will deliver industry-leading performance to PLDT’s customers. In addition to that, we hope to continue to work with PLDT to jointly promote Big Data analytics and PLDT’s innovative Big Data as a service platform so that more customers can reap the benefits of Big Data. 1 Apache Hadoop is an open-source software framework essential for Big Data processing, as it is responsible for distributed processing of Big Data chunks across one or more servers. JULY 2015 Y WERE YOU THERE WERE YOU THERE Were OU There 1 DIGITAL EVOLUTION AND TRANSFORMATION WITH BIG DATA PLDT CELEBRATES A NEW MILESTONE AS IT LAUNCHES NEW BIG DATA SOLUTIONS AT THE GLOBAL DIGITAL ECONOMY FORUM. The recently celebrated Digital Evolution and Transformation forum gathered top executives from across key industries at the Makati Shangri-La Hotel to learn more about how they can make the most out of this breakthrough technology through PLDT’s brand new Big Data solutions offering. Organized by PLDT ALPHA Enterprise, the event was hosted by thought leaders and digital experts from NEC and the Open Data Platform, as well as top-tier professors from the Massachusetts-based Institute for Business in the Global Context of the Fletcher School. “Data is the new oil! Because it fuels innovation, powers up businesses, and energizes the economy. And that’s what we hope to do – empower you with global insights from thought leaders present today, on how to best unlock the power of your data assets to remain competitive in this increasingly evolving digital economy,” enthused ePLDT Group Chief Operating Officer Nerisse Ramos as she warmly welcomed the guests during her opening speech. Following her was a series of enlightening talks given by Big Data experts such as The Fletcher School at Tufts University Senior Associate Dean Dr. Bhaskar Chakravorti, NEC Big Data Strategy Division Senior Expert Dr. Yoshiki Seo, and Hortonworks Principal for APAC Business Development and Strategic Partnership Gregory Shea. They were then joined by PLDT Executive Vice President and ePLDT President and CEO Eric Alberto and PLDT Chief Strategy Officer Winston Damarillo for a panel discussion on digital transformation, which was moderated by Smart FVP and Public Affairs Group Head Mon Isberto. Mr. Alberto delineated the true meaning of digital transformation. “Digital is about connecting people-to-people, machine-to-machine, and people-tomachine on a real-time basis. But beyond technology, digital transformation requires a cultural change. This simple observation underlies a lot of the latest breathtaking achievements due to the rise of digital technologies,” he said. For his part, Dr. Chakravorti discussed that “Big Data is not an end, it's a means. There is a ton of data from multiple spheres that you can derive patterns from– and this can inform your decisions.” Lastly, Mr. Damarillo highlighted why company leaders should invest in today’s evolving business landscape, noting that “in any digital transformation, you need a leader willing to take the risk, able to recruit a team that is willing to pioneer the way for the rest of the company.” PLDT Group Chairman Manny V Pangilinan then delivered the keynote address, expounding on the human angle of digital transformation. “We’re intensely pursuing technology not for the elegance of it – but in the belief that technology’s whole purpose is improvement of lives. Thus viewed, the effectiveness of PLDT and Big Data should be judged not on the basis of how sophisticated our networks or platforms may be – but on how both serve the needs of our people,” he proclaimed. To officially launch PLDT’s breakthrough Big Data services, a ceremonial toast was led by the PLDT Group and NEC executives. It was followed by an engaging discussion on “Getting a Head Start on Big Data” from PLDT Head of Corporate Business Solutions Nico Alcoseba, Smart AVP for Big Data Insights MM Yunque, and AGSX Managing Director Jerry Rapes, where they provided the guests an overview of the unveiled Big Data services: Expert Consulting, Managed Platforms, and Breakthrough Insights. The gathering of great minds continued, where guests got the chance to mingle while a select few were lucky to take home raffle prizes such as Samsung’s new S6 Edge phones and iPhone 6 Plus units. A walkthrough of interactive, live demo booths were also set-up for the guests to have a firsthand experience of how PLDT’s solutions can revolutionize their business. The Digital Evolution and Transformation forum truly proved to be an avenue of new learning and insights from great technology and business leaders. Just the first of many more forums to come, the launch truly left the guests enlightened, positively enraptured, and definitely looking forward to what’s next. 3 4 5 JULY 2015 2 6 1. PLDT Group Chairman Manuel V Pangilinan 2. PLDT Executive Vice President and ePLDT President and CEO Eric R. Alberto 3. NEC General Manager for Greater China and Asia Pacific Global Business Unit Takeshi Tsukamoto, NEC Vice President and General Manager of Information Technology Platform Division Tomoyasu Nishimura, PLDT EVP and ePLDT President and CEO Eric Alberto, PLDT Group Chairman Manuel V Pangilinan, Smart Chief Wireless Advisor Orlando Vea, ePLDT Group Chief Operating Officer Nerisse Ramos, and PLDT Group Chief Strategy Officer Winston Damarillo toast to PLDT Group’s launch of Big Data services in the country. 4. The panelists respond to questions posed to them by the audience. 5. Senior Associate Dean at The Fletcher School at Tufts University in Boston, MA, and the founding Executive Director of Fletcher’s Institute for Business in the Global Context Dr. Bhaskar Chakravorti 6. NEC Big Data Strategy Division Senior Expert Dr. Yoshiki Seo 7. Hortonworks Principal for APAC Business Development and Strategic Partnership and BYG Group Co-founder and CEO Gregory Shea 7 JULY 2015 WERE YOU THERE WERE YOU THERE 8 9 10 16 17 18 11 8. Smart First Vice President and Public Affairs Group Head Mon Isberto 9. PLDT Group Chief Strategy Officer Winston Damarillo 10. PLDT Head of Corporate Business Solutions Nico Alcoseba 11. A row of interactive booths gave guests a chance to examine some Big Data technologies and capabilities for themselves. 12. AGSX Managing Director Jerry Rapes 13. Smart AVP for Big Data Insights MM Yunque 12 13 19 20 14. Contact Center Association of the Philippines Chairman and President Benedict Hernandez and American Chamber of Commerce Chariman Don Felbaum 16. Izushi Uehara, Yue Guan, Koji Uno, and Takeshi Tsukamoto 17. ePLDT Group Chief Operating Officer Nerisse Ramos 18. Ben Melasa, Franz Lopez, John Gonzales, and Gerard Penaflor 15. Founder and Group Chairman of Transnational Diversified Group Robbie Delgado and ePLDT Group COO Nerisse Ramos 19. Dr. Jay Sabido, Lope Doromal, Jr., Henry D. Lee, and Vic Tria 20. Jay Lagdameo and Mon Duarte 14 JULY 2015 15 JULY 2015 WERE YOU THERE WERE YOU THERE 21 22 24 26 25 27 28 24. Accenture’s Arie Sayson together with IPC’s Dave de Leon, Nino Valmonte, and Rene Huergas 21. Mike Toledo, Manuel V Pangilinan and Eric Gutierrez 25. SYKES Asia's SVP Regional Operations, APAC Mike Henderson and CuroTeknika General Manager Jojo Uligan 22. Mitch Locsin, Bernard How, and Eric Alberto 23. ASIAPHIL Operations Manager Bong Paggabao, ASIAPHIL Group President and CEO Victor Batungbacal, and PLDT VP and Head of Corporate Relationship Management Precy Katigbak 26. Regus Country Head Omer Softic and Distribution Head of AIG Scott Judy 27. Dinno Cabanban and Emerson Reyes 28. Luis Pineda and Alvin Martinez 29. Butch Valenzuela, Jeffrey Villanueva, and Jun Yupitun 23 JULY 2015 29 JULY 2015 WERE YOU THERE WERE YOU THERE 2 3 4 6 1 OFF THE BEATEN TRACK PLDT ALPHA ENTERPRISE TAKES THE ANNUAL ALPHA TRACK DAY TO NEW, DISRUPTIVE FRONTIERS WITH AN UNFORGETTABLE ALLTERRAIN DRIVING EXPERIENCE. For the first time in its five-year history, ALPHA Track Day 2015 took the rougher roads less travelled. This year’s event provided attendees an adventurous and challenging off-road experience, staged amidst the deeply eroded, ash-filled base of the ruggedly picturesque and historic Mount Pinatubo in Clark, Pampanga. This literal change of scenery and terrain was allusive to the paradigm shift of PLDT ALPHA Enterprise towards a more digitalcentered, maverick identity. After registering at the Green Canyon Resort, guests were transported to a majestic ALPHA oasis– a grandiose Moroccan-inspired ALPHA tent situated near Mount Pinatubo. There, renowned race car driver and ALPHA Track Day 2015 Chief Instructor Georges Ramirez walked the participants through a lineup of the adrenaline-pumping automotive JULY 2015 activities: Adventure Trail, Jeep OffRoad Experience, UTV Ride and Drive, Gymkhana, Target Shooting, Driving Range, and Segway relay. One of the highlights of this year’s ALPHA Track Day was the Adventure Trail, where the participants embarked on an amazing 4x4 journey through the laharinfested and highly uneven base of Mount Pinatubo. It was a rough-and-tumble test of driving skills and techniques on the best all-terrain vehicles, and it left unmistakable smiles on every thrill-seeking ALPHA gearhead afterwards. Also contributing to the success of this year’s highly anticipated ALPHA Track Day were various automotive partners: Pampanga 4x4 clubs, Jeep, and Nissan X-trail and Navarra. The celebration continued amidst a more relaxed ambience as they returned to the Green Canyon Resort. Everyone feasted on the delectable dinner, as Amber Davis serenaded the crowd throughout her sultry performance. The night concluded with the awarding of star players during the day’s off-road activities. As part of every ALPHA event experience, lucky audience members also took home exciting raffle prizes such as GoPro cameras, Samsung LED TVs, and units of the newest Samsung Galaxy S6 Edge. “Congratulations to all the winners of this year’s ALPHA Track Day,” said PLDT FVP and Head of PLDT ALPHA Enterprise and Smart Enterprise Jovy Hernandez during his closing speech. “We have pushed the limits to make this year’s event equally enjoyable for you, as it has been for us. This event is a testament of our enduring partnership, as we continue to reach the extent of our capabilities to give you an accelerating and supreme ALPHA experience as your trusted expert end-to-end ICT partner.” “PLDT always makes an effort to raise the bar and it definitely had taken this event to the next level.” 5 7 8 9 10 – Rolly del Rosario, BBS 1. Going through the muddy terrain is cakewalk for these 4x4 SUVs. 2. ALPHA Track Day Chief Instructor Georges Ramirez gave the low down on the fun activities that were in store for the day. 3. James Deakin was once again this year’s ALPHA Track Day host. 4. PLDT FVP and Head of PLDT ALPHA Enterprise and Smart Enterprise Jovy Hernandez is seen here delivering the opening remarks. 5. This convoy of 4x4s brought ALPHA Track Day participants through the Adventure Trail. 6. Richard Echon surely aimed for the kill at this target practice activity. 7. These men happily flash the ALPHA sign in front of a monster truck. 8. After registration, participants moved from the Green Canyon Resort to the activity site amidst the ash-filled grounds of Pampanga. 9. This group listened to a briefing by the facilitator prior to an activity. 10. This group posed for the camera while waiting for their turn at the Gymkhana course. JULY 2015 WERE YOU THERE 11. In the middle of the scorching, lahar-infested desert left by Mt. Pinatubo in Pampanga stood this Morrocan-themed tent that served as a cool oasis for the participants. WERE YOU THERE 11 “A great event professionally organized.” – Irfan Mahomed, B/E Aerospace 12. Standing: Kent de la Calzada, Vic Tria, and Eileen Oliveros; Seated: Antonio Reyes, Erick Suliguin, and Natalie Azarcon 13. Titos Castro, Quiel Delgado, and Ed Doctolero – Raymund Austria, Teleperformance 14. While waiting for their turn at one of the activities, Team Orange was seen chilling out at one of the ALPHA Track Day Tents. 15. Jovinz Tiongson, Jojo Gendrano, and PJ Cruz “Definitely raising the bar. Just when you thought and psyched that this will be another day at the race. The rules change. Definitely raising the excitement to the next level.” 20 12 13 21 20. This year’s ALPHA Track Day activities were held amidst the majestic, rugged terrain near Mt. Pinatubo. 16. Luis Pineda, Quiel Delgado, Dan Reyes, Chito Dychioco, Jay Nebrao, and John Rowe 17. Jude Tiongco, Andrew Gascoigne, and Neil Foster 21. Lerry Sangalang, Alvin Martinez, Dipesh Patel, Jay Nebrao, and Chito Dychioco 18. These three happily smile for the camera while waiting for their turn at the next activity. 22. Ariel Dela Cruz and Willy Tee Ten 19. Martin Gurion, Raymond Serion, and Gary Repchuk 23. Team Blue shows smiles for the camera before heading out to their next activity. 24. Accompanying ALPHA Track Day 2015 attendees were these alluring ALPHA Girls. 14 "Congratulations on the best ever Track Day! You have mastered the art of customer intimacy! Looking forward to the next event!" 22 23 “Great day with the entire PLDT ALPHA Enterprise team. Great opportunity to meet the ALPHA team, meet friends in the industry and renew bonds with old associates.” – Jose Dante Marra, OPARR “It was a very fun day, well organized and thought out.” – Jude Tiongco, St. Peter Life Plans – Abertito Castro, Total Oil Asia Pacific 15 16 17 18 19 “Previous ALPHA Track Days was being FAST ... This year, it's being FURIOUS. I think this applies very well to Track Day 2015 since the events were not meant for being fast, but being furious!” JULY 2015 – Francis Paul Cuenca, Teleperformance 24 JULY 2015 WERE YOU THERE WERE YOU THERE 31 “It was a terrific event that I enjoyed immensely. Looking forward to next year!” 32 – Lorenzo Guerrero, IFFSI (Shakey’s) “The event was beyond my expectations. Everything was considered up to the details.” 25 26 – Chito Dychioco, AFPMBAI 27 28 “A very creative and enjoyable day. Thank you.” – Ian Grist, Transcom “Nice change from the normal fast cars. It was fun to off-road and play in the dirt!” 33 34 29 31. This UTV participant expressed his satisfaction at the conclusion of this activity. 32. Participants also tried out the latest Jeep SUVs at the Jeep Off-Road Experience. – Hans Montenegro, Manulife 33. It was a fun UTV ride as Diana Tibba splashed around the course. 34. Team Green was all go as they flashed the ALPHA sign before heading out to their assigned activity. 25. Team Violet does the ALPHA sign for the camera. 26. These two tried out these off-road ready Segways. 30 27. True to their color, Team Red is seen here unfazed by the summer heat. 36 37 38 39 40 35. Jovy Hernandez (leftmost) and Georges Ramirez (rightmost) present the Driving Range activity award to Niccolo Jose of Green Canyon Resort Raffle Winners 36. Andrew Gascoigne 28. The Adventure Trail provided breathtaking views for participants in these SUVs. 37. Jude Tiongco 29. Team Yellow takes a short break from their fun-filled activities to pose for the camera. 38. Quiel Delgado (center), joined by John Gonzales 39. Jose Dante Mara of OPARR (right), joined by Nico Alcoseba 30. The lahar field was easy for this all-terrain buggy and its driver. “Hats off to an event well done.” JULY 2015 35 – Jovinz Tiongson, Banco de Oro 40. Dan Reyes of Genpact Philippines, joined by Boy Castañeda JULY 2015 WERE YOU THERE WERE YOU THERE 2 3 1 OUR GROWING IT-BPM SUPERIORITY PLDT ALPHA ENTERPRISE JOINS THE CANADIAN CHAMBER OF COMMERCE AND THE IT AND BUSINESS PROCESS ASSOCIATION OF THE PHILIPPINES IN RECOGNIZING INDUSTRY EXCELLENCE AT THE 9TH ANNUAL INTERNATIONAL ICT AWARDS. Major players in the Information Technology and Business Process Management (IT-BPM) industry and respected corporate leaders once again gathered for the prestigious 9th Annual International ICT Awards. Held at the Manila Ballroom of Marriott Hotel, PLDT ALPHA Enterprise had the privilege of contributing to the success of the event as title sponsor. Organized by the Canadian Chamber of Commerce (CanCham) and the Information Technology and Business Process Association of the Philippines (IBPAP), the Annual International ICT Awards aims to recognize outstanding individuals and organizational excellence in the field of Information Technology and Business Process Management (IT-BPM). This year is indeed more promising, with six new categories adding up to a total of thirteen awards that were given away to companies and individuals that have exemplified dynamic business growth and diversified innovations. For its part, title sponsor PLDT ALPHA Enterprise presented one of the night’s top honors, the Best Company of the Year Award, to Cognizant Technologies, Inc. This key award gave tribute to Cognizant’s exceptional business track record for the past year. “On behalf of the PLDT Group, I congratulate Cognizant for winning the best company of the year award. We will sustain our unwavering commitment to building a more dynamic, vibrant, and globallycompetitive ICT ecosystem, together with you, our partners in this shared role of nation-building,” said PLDT Head of Corporate Business Solutions Nico Alcoseba after the announcement of the winner. 2015 International ICT Awards Winners 4 Cognizant Technologies Solutions, Inc. • Best Company of the Year • Best Emerging IT-BPM Company for Healthcare Lexmak Cebu • Best Employer of the Year • Best Company of the Year Outside NCR • Most Innovative Company of the Year PointWest Technologies Corporation • Best Filipino-Owned Company of the Year • Best Mobile App of the Year (for Arko) ANZ Bank Global Services • Best Global In-House Center The Results Companies • Best Voice Excellence Company of the Year AffinityX • Best Emerging IT-BPM Company for Creatives SPi Global’s Maulik Parekh • Best ICT CEO of the Year Fred Ayala • Individual Contributor of the Year Accenture • Hall of Fame 5 6 JULY 2015 7 1. 2015 International ICT Awards winners pose with Bb. Pilipinas Universe Pia Wurtzbach (7th from left), Canadian Chamber of Commerce of the Philippines President and CEO Julian Payne (8th from left), Information Technology and Business Process Association of the Philippines President and CEO Jomari Mercado (2nd from right), and Awards Night Host Ricky Alegre (rightmost). 2. The representative from Cognizant Philippines (center) receives the Best Company of the Year Award from Ms. Wurtzbach (left) and PLDT Head of Corporate Business Solutions Nico Alcoseba (right). 3. Ms. Wurtzbach (3rd from left) and Mr. Alcoseba (rightmost) poses with the finalist and winner of the PLDT ALPHA Enterprise Best Company of the Year Award. 4. The awards night was attended by the who’s who of the Philippine IT-BPM industry. 5. PLDT and CanCham officials pose together for this photo opportunity. 6. PLDT VP and Head of Corporate Relationship Management Precy Katigbak (center) poses with the winners of the Best Dressed Male award, sponsored by PLDT ALPHA Enterprise. 7. Mr. Alcoseba shares a few words prior to awarding the Best Company of the Year Award. JULY 2015 Ever since the beginning of history, mankind has depended on data to make sense of the world. The ancient Mesopotamians invented writing in order to keep records, and it was these crude lists of data that centralized and organized manpower and resources. This, in turn, gave rise to the first civilizations. The Roman Empire took careful censuses, and in fact this is how many surmise that the Holy Family had been in Bethlehem. In 1854, it was careful data gathering and analysis that allowed London doctors to pinpoint the origin of a deadly cholera outbreak. But it is only now, with the rise of modern sensor and network technology, that data is truly coming into its own. An unprecedented amount of data is available to increasingly sophisticated analysis mechanisms, allowing people to gather refined insights on a scale and level once only imagined. THE OF DATA JULY 2015 PLDT ALPHA ENTERPRISE OFFERS COMPANIES A WAY TO EMBARK ON THEIR BIG DATA JOURNEYS. A World of Data at Your Fingertips Big Data applications and sources span across industries, cultures, and sources, ranging from demographic figures to sales records to context-sensitive copy relevant on a per-person level. It can be drawn from inventory levels, competitor activity, weather data, industry forecasts, telemetrics, or energy usage patterns. And using that information, Big Data can bring about dramatic cost reductions, substantial improvements in reaction/production time requirements, and support internal business decisions. Results are already quite promising. GE estimates that Big Data can help airlines achieve a 1% fuel reduction by optimizing engine performance. That would result in a $30 billion savings for the commercial airline industry over 15 years. Similarly, every 1% efficiency improvement in gas-fired power plant turbines could yield $66 billion savings in fuel consumption globally. The Difficulty of Starting Big Data The rewards of Big Data can be great, but companies must commit an equally great amount of resources and effort in order to fully reap the benefits. Big Data, by definition, involves data that is not easily handled by existing business intelligence facilities– mind-boggling amounts of data, generated at a speed too fast for humans to comprehend. All this is drawn from a variety of sources both structured and unstructured, and everything needs verification. A Big Data platform needs immense storage for mountains of data, platform infrastructure for the high-performance processing of that data, software and hardware, and experts who can manage the entire process– data scientists with high levels of IT expertise and the ability to manipulate data. This is a lot for any company to pull off on its own. In fact, a 2013 survey of data management professionals found that of 339 companies, 71 percent admitted that they “have yet to begin planning” their big data strategies. Again, major Big Data initiative investments are substantial, and cause most enterprises some apprehension. It has been described by some as a “moving target.” Aside from the upfront startup costs, companies need to continuously provision for the storage and management of large amounts of data, as well as for the massive computing power and skilled manpower necessary to analyze all that data. JULY 2015 Experts in Big Data PLDT ALPHA Enterprise has found a way to ease Philippine companies’ entry into the world of Big Data. As the first ASEAN member of the Open Data Platform, it is PLDT’s mission to enable various improvements in the country through Big Data. The Open Data Platform (ODP) is a worldwide consortium of Big Data global technology leaders, with members including GE, Hortonworks, IBM, Infosys, SAS, Verizon Enterprise Solutions, and VMware. ODP aims to standardize the core platform and accelerate Big Data delivery across markets, and is a leading organization in the ever-growing Big Data sector. Ultimately, the PLDT Group aims to establish a Center of Excellence for Big Data in the ASEAN region that will pioneer world-class data science expertise, carrier-grade analytics infrastructure, and market-attuned Big Data services to include platforms, real time analytics, and insights. And to this end, they developed an easy, low-risk way for companies to get started on their own Big Data initiatives. PLDT is now offering Big Data Platform as a Service, the only one of its kind in the country to offer end-to-end enablement from expert consulting, managed platforms, and breakthrough insights. Expert Consulting On its own, the PLDT Group already handles huge amounts of data, specifically 70 terabytes of call records and logs and related information daily. So they are in a natural position to transfer hard-earned expertise and resources to peers in other industries. PLDT’s Big Data team, staffed with worldclass experts, has successfully implemented Big Data initiatives and transformed some of the largest corporations in the ASEAN region in industries such as retail, banking, telecommunications, healthcare, and more. They have integrated Big Data into the operations of leading hospitals, banks, retail chains, and telcos in Jakarta, Singapore, and the Philippines. That’s what makes their Big Data Expert Consulting such a boon for companies eager to begin their Big Data journey. Each company, after all, is unique; with its own sources of data, its own management structures and hierarchies, its own production methods and institutional knowledge, its own market and targets and corporate culture. JULY 2015 PLDT takes all this into account, working closely with the company to form a digital strategy roadmap designed specifically for whatever that company's unique situation and assets are. They define Big Data's business value for that particular company, and come up with a bespoke technology roadmap, encompassing an overall direction, positioning, and value propositions for this technology implementation. It also includes the necessary activities, laid out in detail, enabling your company to successfully integrate Big Data into your business operations. Technology transfer, also called transfer of technology (TOT), refers to the process of transferring skills, knowledge, technologies, methods of manufacturing, samples of manufacturing and facilities between organizations. PLDT ALPHA Enterprise's team will get a company's people, processes, and existing technology ready for Big Data implementation through this process. Finally, with the necessary infrastructure and knowledge in place, a company partnered with PLDT can put together an accelerated proof-of-concept, demonstrating the systems integration and throughput that can be achieved in the configuration finalized in previous consultations. This accelerated infrastructure strategy is an excellent way for the business to evaluate the effects and expected benefits of their Big Data implementations. Managed Platforms The Big Data Platform as a Service runs off PLDT's Big Data Analytics Computing Engine (ACE). ACE was co-developed with PLDT's technology partner, NEC of Japan, and is designed for agility and versatility. The ACE Appliance is a pre-configured RTAP (Real Time Analytics Platform) that can be deployed on-premise or hosted in the nearest ePLDT VITRO Data Center. It runs on a Big Data software stack composed of the Hortonworks Hadoop Data Platform, a special Big Data file system, a resource manager, and Apache Ambari – which takes care of Hadoop provisioning, monitoring, and configuration management. Additionally, clients may opt to enable and disable a wide variety of software components to fully customize their Big Data platform for their own particular situation. The ACE managed platform uniquely presents full functionality in a single appliance, is subscription-based, and able to easily scale as needed. This managed platform service offers a preview of a fullscale Big Data implementation on a low-risk model, perfect for companies who are just starting to explore their Big Data potential. Breakthrough Insights Their data also gives the PLDT Group a unique way to contribute towards a corporation’s understanding of the world around it as well as unique operations and customer profiles. By drawing on information and analyzing it carefully, PLDT’s Big Data can help answer questions like “What is the best location for me to open a new branch? What kind of store should I open? How should I vary my marketing for different areas? What is the profile of the crowd passing through these areas, and how does it vary according to the time and date? Where do subscribers go most often, and whom do they socialize with? When are they most likely to go to certain areas?” In short, PLDT ALPHA Enterprise's Breakthrough Insights service can be used to create intelligent actions precisely calibrated for a company's target market and situation. A company can create marketing campaigns designed to achieve viral-level popularity, achieve highly accurate churn prediction and white-space customer targeting, and provide dynamic recommendations and promotions that adjust to each individual customer's profile. Companies can also opt for Data Science as a Service, granting them access to a team of highly-trained expert data scientists who will collate and analyze the company's data sources for actionable insights. This service can be scaled according to the exact volume and needs of a company at any given time, and thus saves them the expense and trouble of having to find, enlist, integrate, and maintain data scientists on their payroll. Additionally, they can also utilize external data insights, derived from PLDT Group assets. This includes the use of market research platforms, which allows them to launch highly effective data-gathering campaigns, location-based insights, and device analytics. Location-based insights analyze mobility patterns to identify repeated behaviors and predict future destinations. This allows users to access data about their target market like popular locations, home and work locations, and most frequently visited clusters. Device Analytics uses data from automatically tracking each device-related event on any single customer's device. It can inform clients of such matters as the top devices, market share by brand, level of smartphone penetration, and more. Clients can utilize this data to evaluate an addressable market, qualify investment decisions, analyze churn rate, run contextual campaigns based on locations, know premium advertising inventory, and more. By expanding market research scope to include all the capabilities of Big Data, companies can significantly improve business results and overall market valuations. By infusing analytics with the vast amount of consumer behavioral data now available, and correctly utilizing the resulting knowlege, companies can gain a huge competitive advantage. These insights are made possible through the PLDT Group’s collection of relevant data and their ability to analyze this data for actionable information, while ensuring compliance with data privacy laws to ultimately deliver real value to customers. Enriched Decisions Transport companies can use Big Data to achieve advanced route optimization, reaping the benefits in fuel and maintenance savings, improved performance, and higher customer satisfaction. One of the best examples of this is UPS’s ORION (On-Road Integrated Optimization and Navigation) project. ORION uses fleet telematics and advanced algorithms for advanced route optimization, analyzing more than 250 million data points to deliver tens of thousands of route optimization changes per minute, adapting constantly and in real-time to changing conditions. UPS CTO Dave Barnes noted, during an interview with Bloomberg, that a saving of 1 mile per day per driver could result in a saving of 1.5 million gallons of fuel per year, which equals $50 million in savings annually. In the case of banks with their large amounts of multi-faceted data, Big Data can be used to provide unmatched insights into their customers’ mindsets and needs. Banks are using Big Data to create a 360-degree view of each customer. Analyzing how each individual acts based on their transactions and interactions gives valuable insights. Mexico’s Banorte is using Big Data and analytics innovations along with marketing automation so that its employees know which products best suit the individual needs of each customer. This creates an experience that feels more personal and intimate. Or, consider retailing. Big Data can help predict what customers want before they themselves may know it. It can help retailers formulate the “next best action,” focus and time their offers, and improve customer acquisition and conversion. Data-driven retailing utilizes recommendation and decision engines, which allows them to use predictive modeling to rank-order individual consumers by their likelihood to respond to any given offer. This type of retailing was pioneered by online giants like Netflix and Amazon, and has contributed amazingly to their bottom line. So, with managed platforms, expert consulting, and breakthrough insights offered at easy, scalable, OPEX-based payment models, the time has never been better for Philippine enterprises to plunge into the ocean of Big Data. The rewards of Big Data can be great, but companies must commit an equally great amount of resources and effort in order to fully reap the benefits. JULY 2015 PLDT GROUP CEMENTS DATA CENTER LEADERSHIP WITH P1.3B CLARK FACILITY ASCOTT GLOBAL CITY MANILA TAPS PLDT ALPHA ENTERPRISE FOR PREMIUM INTERNET CONNECTIVITY Ascott Limited Philippines signed a contract with PLDT ALPHA Enterprise to provide them premium Internet connectivity for guests of the newly-built Ascott Bonifacio Global City Manila Hotel. PLDT and Ascott officials sealed the partnership through a contractsigning ceremony. Ascott Bonifacio Global City Manila is the first serviced residence in the Bonifacio Global City area. It is an addition to The Ascott Limited’s luxurious collection of international serviced residences. The Ascott Limited is a Singapore-based company renowned for developing and operating JULY 2015 international serviced residences. It has facilities in over 80 cities spread over the Asia Pacific, European, and the Gulf regions. Currently, it has five properties in the Philippines. As a premier business hotel, Ascott Global City Manila requires consistently fast and reliable Internet connectivity for its discerning clientele. Thus, they have subscribed to PLDT ALPHA Enterprise’s Dedicated Internet Access Service (iGate). “PLDT has an extensive global Internet gateway. It also has the most resilient network infrastructure covering the entire Philippine archipelago,” says Ascott Hotel Residence Manager Philip Barnes. “On behalf of the entire PLDT Group, I would like to express my sincere gratitude to the Ascott Limited for selecting PLDT ALPHA Enterprise to provide Internet connectivity for the brand new Ascott Global City Manila. With more foreign investors coming to the Philippines to set up shop– specially from the O&O sector– serviced apartments such as Ascott must be equipped to accommodate their needs. We are thoroughly dedicated in providing them with innovative solutions as their trusted expert end-to-end ICT partner,” says PLDT First Vice President and Head of PLDT ALPHA Enterprise Jovy Hernandez. Photo shows PLDT FVP and Head of PLDT ALPHA Enterprise Jovy Hernandez (second from left) and Ascott Limited Philippines Regional General Manager – Philippines and Thailand Arthur Gindap (second from right) at the contract signing. They are joined here by PLDT VP and Head of Corporate Relationship Management Precy Katigbak (leftmost) and Ascott Bonifacio Global City Manila Residence Manager Philip Barnes (rightmost). Leading telecoms and multimedia service provider PLDT, through its ICT subsidiary ePLDT, has reinforced its undisputed leadership in the local Data Center space as it starts building its fifth facility under its VITRO Data Center line in Clark, Pampanga. Including the three data centers operated by ePLDT subsidiary IP Converge Data Services, the PLDT Group now will have eight data centers with rack capacity of over 8,000– the largest in the country. PLDT's continued expansion in data center facilities is part of its commitment in creating the nation's digital infrastructure. Located in the heart of the Clark ecozone, VITRO Clark, once fully operational, will cater to the region’s thriving business communities and planned IT hubs in Central Luzon, that could also serve the disaster recovery requirements for other businesses elsewhere. With a total investment of Php 1.3 billion when completed, the construction of the VITRO Clark facility will boost the growth of ICT-demanding industries in the area like the Business Process Outsourcing, Outsourcing & Offshoring, and retail. “This new data center will be compliant to global standards with enough rack space to accommodate the production requirements of the enterprises based here in Luzon, as well as the disaster recovery requirements of those based elsewhere. We are confident that the PLDT Group will again make our mark in Philippine ICT history,” said PLDT EVP and ePLDT President and CEO Eric Alberto. “We are not doing this just for the prestige of becoming the largest data center operator in the country. We are doing this because we want to enable local enterprises to compete in the global arena and help fulfill our country’s destiny to become the next Asian Economic Tiger,” he added. Adding an additional 1,230 rack capacity to the PLDT Group, the 5-storey building will have 8 level access security control and redundant infrastructures to ensure highest uptime service level. When fully complete, the PLDT Group will have eight operational commercial data centers with a combined rack capacity exceeding 8,000. The planned data center is anticipated to boost the region’s business communities and growing IT hubs. Recently, Metro Clark was reported to enter the top 100 list of 2015 Tholons International Top 100 Outsourcing Destinations Report, making it the 8th Philippine city in the list. “PLDT has added value to Clark, with VITRO coming here, this adds to this landscape that will make businesses want to invest and set up here. We are excited to partner with PLDT for this as we have always known them for quality service, and a provider of employment in the country,” said Clark Development Corporation President Atty. Arthur Tugade during the groundbreaking of the PLDT VITRO Clark facility. Much like the new VITRO facility in Makati, the VITRO Clark will be based on TIA-942 and LEED standard guidelines and will undergo certifications once completed, ensuring global standards are implemented that will make it at par with data centers in advanced countries. Present during the VITRO Clark groundbreaking event were PLDT VP Renato Castañeda, ePLDT VP Dave Simon, ePLDT COO Nerisse Ramos, Clark Development Corp. Chairman of the Board Eliseo Santiago, PLDT EVP and ePLDT President and CEO Eric R. Alberto, Clark Development Corp. President Atty. Arthur Tugade, PLDT FVP and Head of Enterprise, International, and Carrier Business Revenue and Operations Group Cesar Enriquez, and PLDT SME Nation AVP and Marketing Head Amil Azurin. JULY 2015 ADP PHARMA CORPORATION AND PASCUAL PHARMA CORP. MAKE THE SMARTER SWITCH ADP Pharma Corporation and Pascual Pharma Corp. (ADP-PPC) recently made the SMARTer switch, migrating all their mobile voice lines to Smart Enterprise. The switch was formalized with a contract signing at the ADP Pharma Corporation office in Ortigas, which was attended by top officials from ADP-PPC, PLDT ALPHA Enterprise, and Smart Enterprise. ADP-PPC is the owner and trader of known products such as Propan TLC food supplement and Glucolyte Plus oral rehydration salts, Releaf, and Oncology JULY 2015 medicines. With the switch to Smart Enterprise, ADP-PPC will now use Smart-powered plans to communicate within and outside the organization. “They’re willing to really work with us as partners – they never force a solution on us. Instead, we collaborate to come up with a solution that really fits our needs. As a company that values innovation, it’s helpful to us to have a partner who’s also constantly innovating in terms of products and processes,” says ADP-PPC Chairman of the Board Atty. Martin Pascual. “In my eyes, we share the same passion in terms of growing our businesses. The dedicated way we have conducted ourselves is the same characteristic I see in Smart and PLDT ALPHA Enterprise,” added ADP-PPC President Virgilio Gomez. “On behalf of PLDT ALPHA Enterprise and Smart Enterprise, I thank ADP-PPC for switching to Smart Enterprise for their mobile communication requirements. We value the ever-growing partnership between our organizations and we look forward to continuously collaborating with the organization for further enhancement of their business as their trusted expert end-to-end ICT partner,” said PLDT VP and Head of Corporate Relationship Management Jay Lagdameo. (L-R): PLDT Corporate Business Head Jeff Mendoza, PLDT Corporate Relationship Manager Eena Samonte, PLDT VP and Corporate Relationship Management Head Jay Lagdameo, ADP-PPC Chairman of the Board Atty. Martin Pascual, ADP-PPC President Mr. Virgilio S. Gomez, and ADP-PPC Chief IT Consultant Engr. Felix C. Narito, Jr. BLUE CROSS INSURANCE MAKES THE SMARTER SWITCH BACK Blue Cross Insurance, Inc. has once again chosen Smart Enterprise, making the SMARTer switch back, migrating all their mobile lines to the wireless solutions provider. This was formalized recently at the Blue Cross headquarters in Makati City, attended by top officials from the two organizations. Blue Cross Insurance is a market specialist in medical, travel, and accident insurance. In addition to its Philippine operations, the company has a strong regional presence with sister companies in Thailand, Indonesia, Vietnam, and Hong Kong. Blue Cross has returned to Smart Enterprise, choosing them again as their wireless solutions provider to address their constantly changing requirements. With the switch, the Blue Cross team is now powered with Smart postpaid lines for better communication within the organization as well as with their evergrowing clientele. “What do you do when your business is growing? You have to go with the leader. You have to partner with somebody who can ably satisfy all your requirements. And we found that with Smart Enterprise,” says Blue Cross Insurance SVP for Medical Sales Maria Victoria Munsayac. “We thank Blue Cross for once more entrusting their mobility requirements to Smart Enterprise. We eagerly rejoin them in their journey towards further success through future-proof connectivity solutions and insightful applications that will hopefully prove instrumental in serving all their enterprise ICT needs,” says PLDT FVP and Head of PLDT ALPHA Enterprise and Smart Enterprise Jovy Hernandez. PLDT VP and Head of Corporate Relationship Management Jojo Gendrano, PLDT FVP and Head of PLDT ALPHA Enterprise and Smart Enterprise Jovy Hernandez, Blue Cross Insurance SVP for Medical Sales Maria Victoria Munsayac, and Blue Cross Insurance SVP and Actuary Gerry Salas JULY 2015 PLDT ALPHA ENTERPRISE REAPS MAJOR AWARDS AT 2014 PHILIPPINE QUILL Leading telecoms and multimedia service PLDT through its corporate enterprise arm, PLDT ALPHA Enterprise received five awards for its communications campaigns during the awarding ceremonies at the 2014 Philippine Quill organized by the International Association of Business Communicators (IABC) Philippines. Receiving Awards of Excellence were its internal business feature magazine Hot Joe in two categories while its “I AM ALPHA” audio-visual presentation and Unified Communications as a Service JULY 2015 audio-visual presentations, and Smart M2M Event all received awards of Merit under the Communications Skills categories. The Philippine Quill is the most prestigious and relevant award for business communicators held annually. It recognizes excellent communication programs, skills, and creative work, managed by seasoned communication professionals in the industry. Above Photo: PLDT Head of Corporate Business Solutions Nico Alcoseba, PLDT ALPHA Enterprise Corporate Customer Engagement Head Mikey Smyth, and PLDT FVP and Head of PLDT ALPHA Enterprise and Smart Enterprise Jovy Hernandez share this success with the entire ALPHA group. Left Photo: Smart Enterprise AVP Chet Alviz, PLDT ALPHA Enterprise Corporate Customer Engagement Head Mikey Smyth, PLDT Category Head for Enterprise Voice Fay Ocampo, Smart Enterprise Product Manager Gio Abaquin, and PLDT ALPHA Enterprise Customer Engagement Graphic Designer Ram Anciro receive the trophies during the Philippine Quill Awards night. PLDT ALPHA ENTERPRISE HONORED AS ALLIANCE PARTNER FOR POLYCOM PLDT ALPHA Enterprise, the corporate business group of leading telecom company PLDT, was recently named the Alliance Partner for Polycom by renowned regional distributor Transition System Philippines. The distinction was awarded to PLDT during the Polycom Appreciation and Awards Gala at the New World Hotel, held by Transition System Philippines to celebrate its strategic partnerships and recognize the outstanding work and contributions of its valued partners. The Alliance Partner distinction is given to Polycom partners whose services drive value for its line of products. As a recipient of this honor, PLDT ALPHA Enterprise was recognized for its strategic approach in mobilizing complete communication capabilities to provide topnotch collaboration suites for its enterprise customers. “We thank Polycom for this Alliance Partner Award, as this reflects our unceasing efforts to make our technology partners’ innovative solutions available to our customers,” said PLDT First Vice President and Head of PLDT ALPHA Enterprise Jovy Hernandez. “We remain committed to providing our clients with top-tier ICT solutions which is part of our mandate in Enabling the Digital Enterprise.” Polycom is one of the top providers of business collaboration solutions across the globe. Ranking second in IDC’s Worldwide Enterprise Videoconferencing and Telepresence Equipment Qview, Polycom currently has a 23.8% share of the worldwide market. In the Philippines, Polycom products are part of the PLDT ALPHA Enterprise portfolio of services, enabling PLDT customers to enjoy world-class collaboration solutions such as audio and video conferencing. Polycom Regional Manager for Thailand, Vietnam, Indochina, and Philippines Thep Ritrangkla, Microsoft Office Division Business Group Lead Tovia Va’aelua, PLDT Product Manager for Conferencing Suite John Lao, PLDT Product Manager for Managed Unified Communications Laramarie Tubino, PLDT Head of Enterprise Voice Category Fay Ocampo, Transition Systems Philippines Converged Group General Sales Manager Mira Osis, and Polycom Country Systems Engineer Kim Malinao JULY 2015 PHILIPPINE DISASTER RECOVERY FOUNDATION RECEIVES SUBSTANTIAL DONATION FROM 2014 MVP CUP RAFFLE WINNER The Philippine Disaster Recovery Foundation (PDRF) recently received a substantial donation from James Dantow of Netsuite, who won the top raffle prize at the prestigious 13th MVP Cup golf tournament. Declining his prize of a brand new Toyota Altis, Mr. Dantow asked instead to have its cash equivalent donated towards the continued rehabilitation efforts in areas affected by Typhoon Yolanda. Co-chaired by PLDT and Smart Chairman Manny V Pangilinan, the JULY 2015 PDRF is the country's major private organization coordinating national disaster management. Backed by the country’s biggest conglomerates, it is active in Typhoon-stricken areas, focused on shelter, livelihood, education, environment and water, infrastructure, sanitation and health. The MVP Cup is an annual golf tournament hosted by PLDT ALPHA Enterprise for its officers, partners, and clients. It was during the 2014 tournament that Mr. Dantow won the top raffle prize, and his substantial donation is one of the many other philanthropic efforts made by MVP Cup attendees. Each player donated his or her share through purchased mulligans during the golf tournament. PDRF also received additional pledges from other guests. In his heartfelt message to the PDRF, Mr. Dantow asked the organization to continue pushing for donations. “The larger you sow, the larger you get. Keep on doing what you are doing,” he said. “We thank Mr. Dantow for this selfless gesture to contribute his winnings to PDRF. We hope that our peers in the business community take Mr. Dantow’s exemplary cue to continue pledging their help for ongoing rehabilitation efforts in devastated areas still reeling from the effects of Typhoon Yolanda and other similar calamities,” said PLDT Executive Vice President and ePLDT President and CEO Eric R. Alberto. (L-R) PLDT Corporate Relationship Manager Catherine Arellano, Netsuite’s James Dantow, PDRF President Butch Meily, and PLDT Vice President and Head of Corporate Relationship Management Mitch Locsin PLDT GROUP, SAMSUNG PH EXPAND PARTNERSHIP TO BENEFIT LARGE ENTERPRISES Leading telecoms and multimedia service provider PLDT, its wireless business group Smart Communications, and leading electronics manufacturer Samsung are expanding their longstanding partnership to deliver fullservice packaged business solutions for the large enterprise market. Following an already fortified partnership model, PLDT/Smart and Samsung Philippines are extending the tie-up in support of developing and offering Samsung devices with PLDT/ Smart service offerings designed for corporate clients like the Smart M2M (Machine-to-Machine) solutions. “We are excited to further strengthen our ties with a globally admired brand such as Samsung. This partnership definitely adds value to the services we provide our customers and bolsters our position as the preferred trusted ICT provider of large enterprises,” said PLDT EVP and ePLDT President and CEO Eric Alberto. “We are confident that through this continued support and partnership, the PLDT Group will sustain its leadership and bring forth exciting solution bundles, both in hardware and software offerings to the market,” he adds. Through this partnership, PLDT/ Smart and Samsung will co-develop specialized business solutions for the enterprise level with an “Operated Dedicated Support” agreement including dedicated after-sales hotlines for business-to-business handset models, and full participation in commercialization and co-branding in marketing efforts. “We are looking forward to this extended tie-up as this will greatly benefit our market in terms of marketability of Samsung when partnered with a longstanding enabler such as PLDT and Smart. We are hopeful that this collaboration can give compelling business innovations suitable for the current market,” shared Samsung Philippines President Harry Lee during the formal contract signing. Since partnering with Samsung, PLDT/Smart has offered specialized business packages that bundle unique Samsung devices with business connectivity and solutions targeted at both Enterprise and SME Businesses. This extended partnership aims to develop solutions primarily for the large enterprise level and will greatly enhance service offerings of the PLDT Group as it heavily promotes business mobility solutions for enterprise markets such as the PLDT Cloud, M2M, and the Internet of Things. (Seated, L-R) Smart Segment Marketing Manager Debbie Ledesma, PLDT First Vice President and Head of PLDT ALPHA Enterprise and SMART Enterprise Jovy Hernandez, PLDT EVP and ePLDT President and CEO Eric Alberto, Samsung Electronics Philippines President Harry Lee, Samsung Electronics Philippines Business Manager for Enterprise James Kwon, and Samsung Electronics Philippines Sales Leader for Enterprise Arnold Carlos, together with other PLDT/Smart and Samsung executives (standing) during the partnership contract signing ceremony. JULY 2015 COMING COMING In this section, HOT JOE puts on its Tech Forecaster hat and takes a look at the future BIOFUEL KFC KEYBOARDS KFC recently rolled out a series of paper-thin Bluetooth keyboards, served on trays in German KFC outlets. Designed to pair with customers’ smartphones and tablets, the keyboard is a smart way to allow customers to enjoy their greasy, “finger-licking-good” fried chicken while still using their phones without messing up the screen. It is also a very clever marketing campaign. The so-called Tray Typers are so popular that every single customer who tried them out took the thin, KFC-branded keyboards home with them. Fuel sources are becoming an issue of increasing importance. People all over the world are actively exploring alternate energy sources, like biofuels. Biofuels are organic energy sources made from living things, or the waste that living things produce. In the UK, for example, the “Bus Hound” (named for the British Bloodhound supersonic car) runs on biomethane, which is produced by the anaerobic digestion of cow biological waste in a bioreactor. Recently, it established a top speed of 76.8 miles per hour at the Millbrook Proving Ground in Bedfordshire– breaking the record for regular bus speeds. The bus (which is painted black and white in the characteristic “cow” pattern) is a shining example of the viability of biofuels, which may become a significant part of our power infrastructure in years to come. BIO-ROCKS The degradation and destruction of coral is of rising concern globally. In Gili Trawangan, a small island in Indonesia, scientists are trying out a novel way of saving coral reefs - electrified “bio-rocks.” Metal sculptures made out of rebar and wire mesh (shaped like giant manta rays, dolphins, turtles, and more) are placed in the water, where a weak current is run through the metal. The electricity reacts to minerals in the seawater and causes limestone to ‘grow’ on the sculptures. This optimum anchor point eventually becomes the perfect breeding ground for marine life. Divers who come across injured or damaged JULY 2015 coral can transplant fragments to these structures in order to ‘rehabilitate’ them. Injured coral on bio-rocks heals 20 times faster, and has up to 50 times better survival rates. Once healed, the coral is returned to its natural habitat. The bio-rocks have helped increase biodiversity and the water quality in the region, as well as slowing the erosion of beaches by providing a wave-break. Certain parts of the local beach have grown 15 meters in a few years. They have also proven resistant to natural disasters, having survived the 2004 Indian Ocean tsunami, which killed 230,000 people. JULY 2015 COMING COMING ULTRA-THIN TELEVISIONS THE FILIMIN Even simple things like lamps are going online. The Filimin is a WiFi-enabled lamp that changes color when you touch it. But because it’s online, its colorchanging capabilities go beyond that. If you pair your Filimin with another one, your lamp’s color can be changed by just a touch from your Filiminowning friend or family– no matter how many miles away they are, and vice versa. The lamps’ different colors can stand for different messages, and so turn the lamps into long-range messaging devices. JULY 2015 Televisions have gone from chunky CRT sets to sleek flat screens that get slimmer every year. Now LG Display has produced a proof-of-concept set that is thinner than your finger and so light that it could be stuck to the wall through simple magnets. The flexible 55-inch screen is only 0.97 mm thick, and is a demonstration of LG’s investment into OLED (organic light-emitting diode) technology. Also called the “wallpaper screen,” the television is a symbol of LG’s commitment to OLED. “We will put everything into OLED as we are confident that it will replace LCD as the TV standard in the coming years,” LG spokesman San Kim said. JULY 2015 What things are on the way out GOING GOING VOICEMAIL In the 1970s we saw the beginning of the technology soon to be known as “voicemail”– first dubbed “Voice Message Exchange” (VMX). Too advanced for its time, it was not until the 1980s that it came into its own. But now voicemail is on the decline, supplanted by more advanced technologies. Vonage reported in 2012 that the number of voicemails its customers were leaving fell by 8%. Even more telling, the rate of voicemails actually retrieved slid 14% from the previous year. More recent stats suggest voicemail has declined even more: in the six months between October 2014 and ARABICA COFFEE The best coffee is made up of Arabica coffee beans, which produce a smooth, complex flavor. However, Arabica is a fragile plant and can only be grown in very specific environments. It is particularly sensitive to changes in temperature and rainfall. In 2012, research by a team from the UK's Royal Botanic Gardens included a computer modelling exercise to predict how environmental changes would affect Arabica for the rest of the century. Their findings: by 2080, JULY 2015 the number of locations where wild Arabica coffee can grow may decrease by 88%– with a worst-case scenario of 99.7%. “If we don't do anything now and over the next 20 years, by the end of the century, wild Arabica in Ethiopia could be extinct– that's in the worstcase scenario,” says Dr. Aaron Davis, head of coffee research at Kew, who led the project. April 2015, the amount of voicemails left or checked fell by 8%, as compared to the same period in the previous year. And in a real-life manifestation of this phenomenon, JPMorgan Chase & Co. cut off its voicemail service for most of its consumer bank employees in June 2015. It is estimated that this would save the company about 3.2 million (U.S.) dollars. Instead of voicemail, people are opting for more convenient, advanced alternatives such as Skype voice messages, Google Voice, and unified communication solutions that integrate the functions of voice, voicemail, and text services into a single easy interface. Voicemail may be fading away, but its legacy lives on in its nextgeneration descendants. SAMSUNG WALLET Samsung is getting ready to roll out Samsung Pay, a new payment technology embedded right into its newest handsets. It relies on Magnetic Secure Transmission and allows users to pay using almost any magnetic stripe payment gateway. This means that Samsung will be shuttering its previous payment app, the Samsung Wallet service. Samsung told Wallet users that they would stop taking purchases by June 30th of this year. JULY 2015 HARDCORE WITH IBM PLDT AND IBM JOIN FORCES TO OFFER AN ENTERPRISE CLOUD SOLUTION THAT HAS THE BEST OF ALL WORLDS. JULY 2015 SOFTLAYER Cloud computing has recently seen remarkable exponential growth, and then some. What was once exotically termed technology, used exclusively by startups as a developer’s sandbox, has erupted into an essential enterprise tool with infinite iterations and manifestations. It is hard to find a forward-thinking business nowadays who hasn’t offloaded a significant portion of its operations to the cloud. JULY 2015 IaaS Redefined there’s the rub. Even as the cloud has proven revolutionary and cost-effective, only a handful of large-scale enterprises are using it as the bedrock of their IT infrastructure. Conventional ICT wisdom dictates that as all resources are virtualized and shared in the cloud, many CIOs find their roles upended. Those CIOs with control, performance, and trust issues think twice before raising the possibility of full adoption at the next board meeting. It takes faith to make a leap of faith, after all. PLDT and IBM are shifting the paradigm through an enterprise cloud that offers more choices and control with SoftLayer Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS). Bare Essentials The “traditional cloud” is founded on skillfully layering multiple “virtual” servers in one rack. Space saving and agile as this may be, real-time performance (needed for instant analytics churning and online gaming) is somewhat sacrificed in the process. For those time-sensitive purposes, real “bare metal” servers with their full access to raw computing power are used. JULY 2015 SoftLayer stands out from other IaaS vendor offerings because of the way it was designed from the ground up. It is a truly bespoke, hybrid cloud solution that makes the most out of an organization’s IT budget. SoftLayer allows you to bridge all the gaps in your IT infrastructure layout using a combination of dedicated and shared virtual environments and bare metal server infrastructure. Yes, most– if not all– cloud providers can offer hybrid clouds, with interacting virtual private and public cloud spaces. But SoftLayer brings a third dimension of value through high-performance bare metal servers. This way, you can now provision all enterprise IT requirements to the cloud: sensitive data and applications on private cloud; sandbox environments or applications that require instant scalability on public cloud; and input-output (I/O) intensive applications such as Big Data analysis on bare metal servers. Plus, its Flex Images™ technology allow administrators to easily and quickly move data and applications throughout these three environments. The Cloud with No Smoke and Mirrors Other IaaS vendors may let you know the general zone or the data center where your data and applications might be located. But IBM believes that transparency begets trust and eventually, faith. That is why with SoftLayer, you always know the exact data center your IaaS profile is based on, as well as the exact pod, rack, rack unit, power port, server profile, network controllers, firmware versions, and serial numbers of all the equipment your data and applications are swimming in. You can also view an audit trail of all actions concerning your data. You do get the space saving convenience of the cloud, but you still retain the visibility and control that was once reserved for on-premise IT infrastructure. With SoftLayer, PLDT and IBM further proves that the cloud is here to stay. And with its inclusion of high-performance bare metal servers as well as unprecedented transparency and visibility, Philippine CIOs can refresh their cloud strategy. Ultimately they may make unimagined gains with an enterprise now totally unanchored by archaic and rigid IT. Because this time, they can now freely innovate further– and bolder– in this digital-driven global economy. (Seated) PLDT Head of Corporate Business Solutions Nico Alcoseba, PLDT FVP and Head of PLDT SME Nation Kat Luna-Abelarde, ePLDT Group Chief Operating Officer Nerisse Ramos, PLDT EVP and ePLDT President and CEO Eric Alberto, IBM Asean General Manager Kellar Nevill, IBM Philippines President and Country General Manager Luis Pineda, IBM AP Cloud Strategy and Integration Executive Victor Silvino, and IBM AP Director of Sales and Distribution for Telecom and Media Industry Steven Deskovic, together with other PLDT and IBM officials (standing) during the recent partnership contract signing. Other Features of IBM SoftLayer International Presence with 13 Data Centers and 17 Points of Presence Granular Application Program Interface (API) to better control your SoftLayer system Triple-network architecture with easy access across public, private, and managed networks Anytime, anywhere management with a full-featured, web-based customer portal Predictive billing with no surprise usage fees JULY 2015 A SMARTER MOVE TO GLOBAL MOBILITY SERVICE PHILIPPINES, INC. AND SMART ENTERPRISE SCALE UP E-TRICYCLE ADOPTION THROUGH ITS DISRUPTIVE PLATFORM: THE MOBILITY-CLOUD CONNECTING SYSTEM (MCCS) Powered by a Smart M2M SIM, Global Mobility Service Philippines, Inc.’s MCCS-enabled e-tricycle was featured during the 2015 M2M Business Platforms Event. JULY 2015 Love them or hate them, tricycles are one of the quintessential forms of Philippine public transportation. But in the light of greater environmental efforts and technological innovations, a more eco-friendly, silent, and emission-free alternative is now emerging: electric tricycles. Unfortunately, owning one is close to impossible for the common trike driver as an e-trike is painfully more expensive, as most new technology typically is. For a time, it looked like the story of a better and greener Philippine public transport had ended on the first page. But one Japan-based company followed through to the happy ending it deserved by literally changing the way we look at ownership and usage policies. They did this through M2M and their proprietary technology platform. To learn more, Hot Joe sat down with Global Mobility Service Philippines, Inc. (GMS) President and CEO Tokushi Nakashima to talk about how their M2Mpowered technology together with Big Data spurs e-tricycle adoption through a redefined business model. use the e-tricycle only by charging prepaid payment to the platform, which is powered by the Smart SIM card. To consistently track payments, GMS has a simplified and automated payment record scheme for the drivers. Those who consistently pay on time for 3 to 5 years will receive financial assistance from GMS so they can eventually own the unit. However, once they fail to pay the required amount, the vehicle will be remotely deactivated. Through this system, GMS can secure their assets, making the units more sustainable. A Disruptive Economic Platform The advent of Big Data adds more value to GMS’ solutions. Through telematics, vehicle owners can now monitor and control vehicle usage more conveniently. They can track average speed and location, even the driver’s behavior or implied road etiquette on any mobile device. The data gathered ultimately adds more value by ensuring the safety of all passengers and providing a fair, objective assessment of drivers. Through the Usage-Based Insurance (UBI), drivers pay cheaper premiums depending on their monitored driving behavior. Needless to say, this unprecedented amount of data and insights can be quite profitable. Installed for free on e-tricycles, the MCCS allows for the voluntary sharing of real-time information, which can be sold as useful insights and information to other organizations. At the core of the GMS-powered e-tricycle service is a revolutionary device that is about the same size as today's small tablets. Called Mobility-Cloud Connecting System or MCCS, it facilitates remote control and tracking of e-tricycles via the Internet. The MCCS sports features such as remote control immobilizer, anti-theft indicator, fare and charging authentication systems, as well as customer relationship management. In ultimately improving the quality of their services, GMS teamed up with Smart Enterprise in providing M2M SIM cards that are installed in the MCCS, giving each unit a reliable data connection over the country’s largest network. It essentially enables a revolutionary and effective e-tricycle lease-to-own model. The tricycle driver can activate and fully The Power of Big Data GMS Philippines President and CEO Tokushi Nakashima fondly talks about the disruptive potential his tech have, not only on e-vehicles, but on car ownership as a whole. At present, GMS is now serving the Quezon City Government and other local government units (LGUs). It is also tapping into other industries through continuing initiatives that promote the large-scale adoption of e-vehicles. In fact, Mr. Nakashima also mentioned that the company is developing a web-based transportation application that easily connects potential end users to e-tricycle drivers. In this way, passengers can ensure their security and safety, as well as choose preferred vehicles or operators. Towards the end of our interview, Mr. Nakashima pointed out that GMS’ disruptive platform may eventually initiate a paradigm shift in vehicle ownership - one that is leaning towards a pay-per-use system rather than a heavy one-time automobile investment. Moreover, utilizing big data changes the way one considers vehicle cost. He added that with a more manageable OPEX-centric outperforming a CAPEXextensive economic model, GMS is poised to improve the transportation system in our country, as well as the living standards of Filipino tricycles drivers. For more information, you may email Mr. Kazumasa Nakashima of Global Mobility Service Philippines, Inc. at [email protected]. JULY 2015 Making Cities More Efficient REAL WORLD IN THE SOME INTERESTING WAYS BIG DATA IS BEING APPLIED ALL OVER THE WORLD. JULY 2015 Winning Regattas Considering the highly technological and competitive nature of team sponsors, it’s not surprising to find out that BMW Oracle Racing’s victory in the 33rd America’s Cup yacht race in February 2010 was largely driven by Big Data. Their sloop rigged racing trimaran, the USA-17, was fitted out with 250 sensors generating performance data points 10 times a second. Every one hour’s worth of sailing generated 90 million data points. Using Oracle Big Data technology, these data points were reviewed daily by crew members, and later streamed to a data center for deeper insights by a dedicated team of data analysts. Ian Burns, design coordinator for BMW Oracle Racing, credits Big Data for dramatic increases in USA-17’s speed and performance. Organizing the Australian Open Tennis Australia, which operates the Australian Open, leverages IBM’s real-time data analytics software to examine the tournament schedule of play, player popularity, historical data logs and volume of social media conversations to predict the data demands from fans viewing the tournament website, and assign the appropriate level of computing power required based on their findings. To us it sounds like game, set, and match for Big Data from now on. With smart parking meters, smart bus stops, and a citywide sensor network, Barcelona is using Big Data to make city life even more efficient and enjoyable. A Big Data system built on Microsoft Azure to process and analyze all generated data points ensures that Barcelona residents can receive real-time updates on available parking spaces, city temperature, air quality, noise level, and pedestrian traffic. Bus passengers can even enjoy real-time updates on their route via touchscreen. Their public transportation is optimized, their events are better managed, and they can better understand the seasonal impact of tourism - all through the power of Big Data. Helping Your Dog Easing Traffic Boston is using data from Waze, Uber, and street cameras to ease congestion in the busy American city. Officials at Boston’s traffic management center draw on their Big Data sources and analytics to control traffic lights, compare conditions, and more. Daniel Koh, Chief of Staff to Boston Mayor Martin Walsh, noted one concrete benefit with using this data. The traffic center has learned to hold a green light if a bus is coming, which has resulted in a 15%-20% reduction of commute time. Happily, Big Data is extending the lifespans of our beloved pet dogs. Whistle is a dog collar with numerous sensors, equipped to monitor a dog’s activity. But it is not only good for monitoring your dog. Through the power of Big Data, Whistle can give you information that could prolong your dog’s life. Whistle can analyze millions of individual data points per animal, looking for patterns or “vectors” such as restless sleep or interrupted play that would indicate something amiss. Users input their dog’s breed, age, and weight, and Whistle compares the dog’s activity against its database of similar dogs. It uploads all that data to the cloud, and users can generate detailed reports for their vets that help them make better diagnoses. JULY 2015 Say Last Eric r. Alberto PLDT Executive Vice President and ePLDT President and CEO JULY 2015 our privilege of serving the top enterprise organizations in the country, I’ve had the honor of exchanging ideas with the most inspiring C-level leaders in the land. Among them are CIOs who share our vision concerning the coming digital transformation that shall disrupt businesses anew. A common remark I often hear implies the need to, first of all, demystify “digital” in business. The basis behind present emerging technologies such as M2M, the cloud, and now more recently Big Data, have actually been with us all along. The community has necessarily affixed these terms to give them a certain easy branding identity, and in the process, has made them sound cool. And they are actually cool, make no mistake about it. In our evolving digital business sphere we’ve also heard hot new descriptions of significant new economic sectors such as the “knowledge economy” and the “creative economy,” both of which have leveraged greatly on ICT. But there should always be a measured evaluation of these new terms and trends. For example, experts cite the need to make the creative economy more efficient and fair. In some examples, platforms have actually driven the value to core creatives—the essential building blocks of the creative economy– down. And this brings me back to demystifying digital. As I had mentioned during PLDT’s recent Big Data launch and at other PLDT-led forums, our team had grappled for a simple concise definition of the digital concept as it applies to business. We concluded that digital is about connecting peopleto-people, machine-to-machine, and people-to-machine on a real-time basis, producing efficiencies, by leveraging four factors: Social, Mobile, Analytics, and Cloud (SMAC for short). PLDT, through its ubiquity and leadership has continued on in making significant investments in all these facets of the digital business concept. Leadership and real genuine partnership with our enterprise clients will be the only way to prepare us to ride the crest of the digital wave, instead of being swamped by it. A common agreement I usually reach with my learned CIO friends is that a pitfall for enterprise would be adopting a certain technology for the simple elegance of it– to adopt or acquire everything shiny and new in the new digital reality of business. We need effective and mature leadership to see past the flash of digital, and get down to its powerful essence, in order to make the best concerted use of all its elements. In that sense PLDT is determined to be your technology leader in this emerging digital age, just as we’ve always strived to be your trusted expert end-toend ICT partner throughout your journey. It’s a role we’ve dedicated ourselves to for the past 86 years, and we’re certainly not stopping now, or ever.
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