The Swift Flash
The Swift Flash
THE SWIFT FLASH 36 YEARS SERVING VILLAGE COMMUNITIES Griffindale Ltd. (Printers), Bank Street, Lutterworth, Leicestershire LE17 4AG 01455 557486 Issue 1816 • 5th October 2016 Hr ing 24 wer ce s vi An Ser Part of the Community Serving the Community Charlotte Graham & Daughters INDEPENDENT FUNERAL DIRECTORS 8 Green Road, Broughton Astley, Leicester, LE9 6RA unity munity Private Chapels of Rest • Pre-paid funeral plans ce Headstones and Memorials • Floral tributes Tel: 01455 699 647 als Email: [email protected] Web: THE LINDEN TREE RESTAURANT & BAR Events Coming Soon Halloween Murder Mystery Dinner Death at Downton Abbey 29th October, 7pm – Midnight Tickets: £35pp. Join Earl and Lady Corky as they open their doors for dinner. There’ll be gossip and intrigue from upstairs and downstairs, but who will end up face first in the fountain, or toes up in the topiary? Includes delicious 3-course dinner & entertainment. Find out more at Fungi Foraging with Geoff Dann Sunday 16th October, 10am – 4pm Tickets: £65pp. Fascinated by fungi? Expert Geoff Dann will show you how to find and identify some of Britain’s varied fungi and other autumnal edibles during a foraging expedition around the beautiful grounds. Places are limited to 20. Find out more at Catthorpe Manor, Lilbourne Lane, Catthorpe, Nr. Lutterworth, Leics, LE17 6DF W: E: [email protected] T: 01788 860599 Fully Qualified Clinical Dental Technician: Brian Newell HE Dip CDT (Uclan) Brett Read RDT Natural looking complete dentures expertly designed to suit your individual requirements • Precision partial dentures • Implant retained denture stabilisation • Copy dentures • Denture Repairs - while you wait service available • Professional denture cleaning service • Denture relines - 24 hour service available • Over 30 years experience • Providing a comprehensive service to the denture wearer N.B Patients with natural teeth or requiring implant solutions will also need to see our associated dentist. For a FREE consultation contact one of our clinics 17 Leicester Road Blaby 32 Church Street Rugby 0116 255 3544 07773 089666 01788 553533 07964 073970 ACCOMMODATION/LAND £10.00 for each property, 2 lines of text, including phone number or email address. Anyone offering full or part livery or agencies acting for third parties should book a Display Advertisment. WANTED: Professional couple with a dog require a rental property in roughly 5 mile radius of Lutterworth, minimum 2 beds. References available. Please call 07961 274639 GARDEN TRANSFORMATIONS OFF SEASON DISCOUNT 10 - 20% OFF. October Only Jungles trained,wildest borders cleared, patios, walls, paths and rockeries. Huge choice of slabs, bricks and rockery stone. Ponds, waterfalls, streams etc. Imaginative design ideas. Hundreds of photographs plus visits arranged to existing clients to help you choose and to reassure. Fencing, turfing, planting, tree work. Any garden project, however small, large or unusual. All work guaranteed and insured. Friendly professional service. LUTTERWORTH LANDSCAPES 01455 209396 (Daytime) 07795 210038 (Anytime) CONDITIONS OF ACCEPTANCE Although every effort will be made to meet advertisers wishes, the publishers do not accept responsibility for innaccuracies in advertisements or in consequences arising. Furthermore, the publishers do not accept any responsibility for one or more of a series of advertisements being omitted for any cause whatsoever nor do they guarantee the insertion of any advertisement on a specified date, or in a specified section of the paper. They reserve the right to amend or omit or reclassify or suspend any advertisement previously ordered without giving a reason or prior notice to the advertiser. No responsibility is accepted for the loss or damage to copy, or error in the printing. It is the responsibility of the advertiser to ensure conformity with current legislation. All advertisements are accepted in good faith. Placing an order with THE SWIFT FLASH will signify acceptance of the above conditions. to sell or let your house and we will d onate £100* to Children in Need 2, Station Road, Lutterworth, Leics. LE17 4AP 01455 886670 9, St Marys Road, Market Harborough, Leics. LE16 7DS 01858 461888 [email protected] *applicable to all sole agency instructions received on or before Friday 18th November 2016 Hornsby Properties Property Letting & Management Services HUSBANDS BOSWORTH ............................£475pcm 2 bed ground floor flat, open plan living/kitchen with appliances, electric heating, ORP, communal gardens. LUTTERWORTH ...........................................£475pcm 1 bed cottage near town centre. Fitted kitchen with white goods, double bedroom with shower, courtyard. LUTTERWORTH ........................................£625pcm Redecorated 2 bed town house. New carpets throughout, kit, lounge/diner, built in robes, DG, gas CH, ORP. LUTTERWORTH ........................................£670pcm 2 bed semi, ent hall, kitchen, lounge/diner, main bed with robes, elec shower, DG, gas CH, gardens, ORP. LUTTERWORTH ........................................£695pcm Semi det 2 bed bungalow. Storm porch, sit room & open fire, re-fit kit, bath/shower, cons, gardens, garage, sheds. KIMCOTE ......................................................£750pcm A deceptively spacious and attractive period cottage in rural location. 2 double beds, lounge with log burner, kitchen/diner, sitting room, enclosed rear garden. LUTTERWORTH ..........................................£770pcm 3 bed semi. Porch, entrance hall, cloakroom, fitted kitchen, lounge/diner, conservatory, fitted wardrobes, family bathroom, garage, ORP, gardens to front and rear. WALCOTE ......................................................£950pcm Large det bungalow. 4 good sized bedrooms, bath, sep shower cubicle, lounge, fit kit, garage, ORP, oil CH. LEIRE ........................................................£1,000pcm 6 month let only. 5 bed det home. Lounge, dinging room, snug, fit kit, laundry room, study, downstairs cloaks, en-suite, gas CH, ample ORP, garage, enclosed rear gardens. Tel. 01455 557001 CLASS I & II Three wheeled vehicles - up to 450 kg (unladen weight) CLASS IV CLASS VII Goods vehicles between en 3.0 and 3.5 tonnes DGW GW 10% off with this adver t Unit 5 Turnpike Close (off Bilton Way)) Lutterworth, LE17 4YB Lutterworth MOT Centre @LutterworthMOT From concept to design through to installation. Simply Kitchens... Bringing your kitchen to life from £35 per 1000* *A5 leaflet prepaid, excluding VAT 01455 557486 Waiting room with free hot drinks Cars, vans/goods vehicles icles (under 3.0 tonnes DGW), W), motorhomes, 4x4s, taxis, axis, 3-wheeled vehicles over 450 kg, some quads. ds. Leaflet Distribution Service Griffindale Ltd Free retests CLASS III 01455 202050 P • R • I • N • T • E • R • S ... ... Motorcycles, including those with sidecars THE SWIFT FLASH NO REPAIRS just fast, fair MOT tests Visitour Visit ourshowroom showroom 12 Road, Blaby, 12 Lutterworth Lutterworth Road, Blaby, Leicester. LE8 4DN Leicester. LE8 4DN 0116 278 0116 2784800 4800 Lutterworth Sports Centre JOIN TODAY! GET 2 MONTHS HALF PRICE * USE PROMO CODE ‘HALFPRICE’ 17th - 23rd October m r e T f l a H r e b o t c O h o th wor uttttteerrw a Lu at Activities SpSpooorrttss Centtrrree at ! Find out more es ti vi ti ac n fu of ns to ve We ha re su ei hl ug ro bo ar .h w w w Lutterworth Sports Centre Coventry Road, Lutterworth, Leicestershire, LE17 4RB Tel: 01455 200800 /GymIn Harb /SwimIn Harb @GymInHarb @SwimInHarb *Valid for ‘non-members’ only, see website for full Terms & Conditions. †Applies to certain membership types only. BURBAGE LOGS SUPPLIES Established 20 Years Seasoned Hardwood cut to your requirments Respectful and confidential counselling when you need it most. From quiet, comfortable rooms in Market Harborough. Evening appointments available. Reduced rate first session. Contact Harriet now: Telephone 07766 850295 Email: [email protected] 1 ton bag 3 ton bags Pick up load FREE £50 DELIVE RY £130 £140 Please call for your individual requirments DISCOUNTS FOR OAPS Mobile: 07552 054842 Office: 01455 273981 COMING EVENTS £10.00 per advertisement, 2 lines of text, for charitable/fundraising purposes only, and should include either details of the charity or the purpose of the fundraising event (e.g. in aid of...). ‘Race Nights’ and ‘Auctions of Promises’ may not be advertised here. All trade advertisers (pubs, non charitable organisations, etc) should book a Display Advertisment. THU 6th OCT: LUTTERWORTH Club, Leicester Road, charity MEAT BINGO. This year’s charity is Dementia & Alzheimer’s Research. 8 houses, 8 lines, 2 cash flyers. Bingo tickets onsale 7.30pm, eyes down 8.00pm THU 6th OCT: and every Thursday, LUNCH CLUB at United Reformed Church, George St, LUTTERWORTH. A short service of worship 1212.30pm followed by a 3 course lunch, £3.50, or come to the lunch only at 12.30pm. Everyone will be made welcome 01455 552594 THU-SAT 6-8th OCT: WDG present ‘See How They Run’ a hilarious FARCE by Philip King at LUTTERWORTH College at 7.30pm. Tickets from Aspect Stationers, Church St, or Box Office 07913 880663 FRI 7th OCT: and every Friday - April: recommencing of the WHIST DRIVE at LUTTERWORTH Bowling Club, (next to the Leisure Centre) 2-4pm. £3 to include tea & biscuits and raffle. Everyone welcome. SAT 8th OCT: Lutterworth WINE FAIR, Wycliffe Rooms, George St, LUTTERWORTH 12 noon-6pm. Taste a wide range of special wines, from around the world & local vineyards; sample beers from 2 award-winning local micro breweries. Entry just £3. All monies to local charities SAT 8th OCT: TABLE TOP SALE at ULLESTHORPE Village Hall 11am-2pm. Tables available at £5. To book phone Jenny on 01455 209485 SAT 8th OCT: 9am-12 noon LUTTERWORTH & District Choral Society annual COFFEE MORNING in the Town Hall. Home baking, cream teas, tombola, lucky squares, hamper prizes, accessories & jewellery. Do drop in! SAT 8th OCT: INDOOR TABLE TOP SALE in aid of Macmillan. BILTON Methodist Church, Main St, Rugby CV22 7NQ. Sellers 9am, public 10am-12 noon. Entry 50p. Tables £5. To book a table call 07428 141149 SAT 8th OCT: DAFFODIL PLANTING, TABLE TOP SALES & BREAKFAST! Come along to WALTON & KIMCOTE Village Hall and help us plant over 7000 bulbs between the two villages, donated by local resident Derek Abbott. Tables £8, contact Louise 07773 817268 TUE 11th OCT: 7.50pm An ILLUSTRATED TALK at CLAYBROOKE School Hall by Dr. John Sutton on the “Changing face of crime & punishment in Leicestershire 1800-1964”. Members £2, visitors £4. All welcome. THU 13th OCT: Gilmorton GARDEN Club presents Matthew Wilson, award winning Chelsea Garden designer & TV presenter ‘A Tale of Two Gardens’ WALTON Village Hall 8pm. Tickets £14 available from Glenda, telephone 01455 552006 THU 13th OCT: 2-5pm APPLE DAY DISPLAY, Sulby Gardens, SULBY NN6 6EZ. 12 acres inc Victorian Kitchen garden & orchard, ice house, woodland, flower meadows, ponds, stream. NGS entry £4, children free. Homemade teas & apple juice. Stout footwear SAT 15th OCT: DUNTON Goes Green APPLE PRESSING & COFFEE MORNING 10.30am-12.30pm Village Hall. See our impressive apple press in action & try apple juice from our own orchard - bring plastic bottles, pour ‘n’ store bags or demi johns. Juice £1 & £3 or 50p & £1.50 with own apples. Stalls: bring & buy, cakes & raffle. Find out about thermal imaging & sign up for village clean up in 2017 SAT/SUN 22/23rd OCT: The Creative Art Group ART EXHIBITION 10am-4pm ASHBY PARVA Village Hall, LE17 5HS. Free entry (donations). Artwork for sale. Refreshments, raffle of Christmas hamper, sale of Christmas cards for local charity TUE 25th OCT/22nd NOV: 10am-12 noon at the Wycliffe Rooms, LUTTERWORTH Bestlife provides free WELL BEING SUPPORT for people with long term health conditions. Drop-in session with complementary therapies. These dates replace original sessions to avoid clash with U3A. Contact Audrey Larkins 07582 143622 FRI 28th OCT: ROLLING BACK THE YEARS tribute 7.30pm in the Wycliffe Rooms, LUTTERWORTH. The Fantoms, Elvis Presley tribute act, Scott Dee as Engelbert Humperdinck. For Motor Neurone Disease & Prostaid. Tickets £15 inc hot supper from Max Electrical or Ruth 01162 478279 Mondays: Childrens AFTER SCHOOL CLUB 3.30 - 5.00pm at the United Reformed Church, George St, LUTTERWORTH. We have a story time, games, craft, making pizzas etc. For primary school age children. We have lots of fun. Everyone welcome 01455 552594 Wednesdays: 10.00-11.30am COFFEE MORNING at COSBY Community Church, Croft Road, Cosby. You will be made very welcome. If Care matters to you, join Hales. Recruiting NOW in Syston, Birstall, Anstey, Rothley, Blaby, Cosby, Countesthorpe, Lutterworth and Narborough! Our Care Workers get: paid travel time paid for fuel paid for holidays paid for training over 6,500 shopping discounts and vouchers tax benefits on other expenses paid for DBS* & Uniforms *Subject to conditions To apply and for more information: Call us on 0116 260 2181 or Email [email protected] COSBY TREECARE Foxlands Farm, Croft Road Cosby, Leicestershire Stump Grinding Tree Felling & Pruning All work fully insured Sales of Hardwood Logs & Bark Mulch Grass Cutting All aspects of Landscaping & Garden Design For comprehensive free quotes ring 0116 286 4227 • 07711 430472 ANDREW RANDLE PLUMBING & HEATING ● ● ● ● ● Central Heating installation & update Boiler changes and Repairs Bathroom Design and Installation Wall & Floor Tiling 24-Hour Service 01455 233934 07976 526827 .....the complete skincare specialists Bliss & Beauty would like to invite you to our DERMALUX OPEN EVENING. Come and discover how this amazing multi award winning LED light technology treats acne, rosacea, ageing skin and heals from within. Enjoy drinks and nibbles with the Bliss & Beauty team, and let us answer your skincare problems, as well as enjoy exclusive event-only offers. Monday 10 October from 3-8pm Book now for your half hour taster treatment on 01858 571 244 or text on 0777 323 5433 Bliss & Beauty, Smiths Yard, Dog Lane, South Kilworth LE17 6DY. Visit our website at to get our full range of treatments, book online and find special offers. ALL MADE UP FOR COMPLETE BEGINNERS BLINDS & SHUTTERS New Ballroom and Latin Class MADE TO MEASURE Fresh inspiration and expert, friendly advice. Roman, Roller & Vertical Metal & Wooden Venetian Wooden Shutters Pleated & Panel Conservatory Blinds & Roof Sails Order Deadline For Shutters Fitted Before Christmas 14/10/16 All Made Up, Your Local Family Run Business - We Care! 01455 556922 / 07712 569719 Cotesbach, Lutterworth Starts Tuesday 18th October, 8pm at Burbage Dance Studio Come along if you want to keep fit, have fun and meet new friends. To book your place or for more info Burbage Dance Studio call Norman on: 01455 616146 Email: [email protected] Web: Aston Flamville Rd, Burbage LE10 3AA Broughton Astley M.O.T Centre Ltd Car & Commercial Repairs Swannington Rd, Cottage Lane Ind Est. Broughton Astley, LE9 6TU 01455 289 777 Any Make WE M.O.T: Petrol & Diesel, Class IV, VII Any Model WE REPAIR: Ca Cars • Vans • Light Commercial ial al Horse Boxes • Motorhomess 24 HR Race Transporters BREAKD OW OPEN 6 DAYS A WEEK Mon - Fri 8am to 6pm Astley Kitchens & Bedrooms Kitchen and Bedroom Design and Installation, Property Extensions/Alterations, Flooring and Project Management N & RECO VERY SERVIC E • Professional 3D design & planning service. • All makes of appliance & surfaces supplied. • Family run business. • Emphasis on quality, design & service which is second to none. • We offer a large range of traditional, modern & contemporary kitchens & bedrooms. • All budgets catered for. Sat 8am to 4pm INSURANCE APPROVED Vehicle Bodywork Fl p Commercial Fleet Specialists TYRES TY YR RES Supplie ed d & Fitted d Supplied Open Tuesday-Saturday 9am-3.30pm Visit our showroom: 26 Green Road, Broughton Astley, Leics LE9 6RA 01455 286254 • [email protected] PERMANENT AND TEMPORARY JOBS AVAILABLE Customer Service Advisors - MAGNA PARK PERMANENT Full time: 37.5 hours a week, 8am - 8pm, Monday - Friday. 1 in 3 Saturday’s (a day off in the week). £15,500 a year plus bonus Part time: 18 hours a week, 5pm - 8pm, Monday - Friday + 3 hours on a Saturday flexible. £7.95 per hour plus bonus. TEMPORARY Full time: 37.5 hours a week, 8am - 4.30pm (some flexibility needed), Monday - Saturday with a day off in the week). £7.95 per hour. Part time: 18 hours a week, 5pm - 8pm, Monday - Friday + 3 hours on a Saturday flexible. £7.95 per hour. If you enjoy giving GREAT Customer Service, have clear communication skills, are a confident IT user, please call Damien or Henry on 01788 298040 or email your CV to [email protected] The Kibworth School MAN FRIDAY Property Maintenance & Handyman HOME OWNERS AND LANDLORDS LETTING AGENTS PROPERTY REPAIRS DECORATION INSIDE AND OUT GENERAL HOUSEHOLD REPAIRS An 11-16 Leicestershire Academy Smeeton Road, Kibworth Beauchamp, Leics. LE8 0LG Tel: 0116 2792238 • LEARNING SUPPORT ASSISTANT All jobs considered • Free quotes • Fully insured Permanent, Term time only + 5 days to include Teacher Training Days Call Dave on: 07842 307220 Email: [email protected] Hours - Between 8:30-15:10 Monday to Friday (2 unpaid breaks during the day) BASED IN BROUGHTON ASTLEY Accept all major credit & debit cards (2% fee) Part Time requests would be considered. Grade 5 (Points 9-11) Salary £15,507-£16,192 FTE (Actual Salary £10,855-£11,334) Barker Chartered Accountants Closing date for all applications is 9.00am on: Friday 14 October 2016 NEED HELP WITH iXBRL? We now offer a stand alone iXBRL conversion and filing service for Accountants and Bookkeepers. Provisional date for interview: w/c 24 October 2016 Further details and application forms can be downloaded from our website at the above address or email: [email protected] & CO TO START AS SOON AS POSSIBLE We are looking for Learning Support Assistants to join the school as we move forward in our 11-16 expansion. This post presents a superb opportunity for you to contribute to the development of our high attaining school. Call: 01788 833760 Street Ashton Farmhouse Stretton Under Fosse, Rugby, CV23 0PH. We are committed to safeguarding and promoting the welfare of children and the successful applicant will be subject to an enhanced DBS check. E: [email protected] FOR SALE £10.00 per private advertisement of up to 6 items, 2 lines of text, but not including Vehicles, Boats, Caravans, Trailers or the products, by-products, surpluses (including Fixtures & Fittings) or waste of any Trade or Business. Any business or trade advertiser should book a Display Advertisment. Trade/Business is defined as providing goods or services for remuneration or reward. WARDROBE & chest of DRAWERS, Ikea ‘leksvik’ £55; stripped pine SIDE TABLE £25; Ikea tub CHAIRS, ‘white’ £20 ea; Ikea ‘billy’ BOOKCASES, 4 dark, 1 light stain £10 ea; TRAVEL COT £25; FRIDGE £25; garage CHEST FREEZER £15; Ikea king-size BED FRAME £40 07734 236075 Beko DISHWASHER, less than 12 months old, excellent condition, white £60 ono 07885 302031 BEDROOM SUITE: traditional mahogany effect, comprising tallboy, bedside cabinets, pedestal dressing table, vgc £60; matching 4’6” Myers HEADBOARD £30; smalll burgundy leather SOFA £40; other household & electrical items, buyer collect 01455 282264 or 07930 205557 Celebrity MOBILITY SCOOTER, 2 new batteries in April, good condition £300; Halfords TOP BOX in black £50 ono; MOBILITY WHEELCHAIR, large rear wheels £35 ono. Call Dave 01162 478329 16.3hh tb GELDING: 15 yrs, very genuine horse; 100% to shoe, load, catch; huge potential in any discipline; bombproof in traffic, never spooky; he is blind in left eye, hence low price, but does not affect him in any way £1250 07786 877225 DFS two seat SOFA, colour Mulberry, 6 month old, only sat on few times, was in spare room, need the space, was £300, now £150 ovno 07805 472729 Please mention The Swift Flash when replying to adverts mega Kitchens Leicestershire LTD. DESIGN - SUPPLY - INSTALLATION satellite &d digital igital FREE AERIAL A ERIAL SIGNAL TEST TES ST T TV RECEPTION SPECIALISTS ae eria all installations installatiionss tv & radio aerial m tv t extensions multiroom WIND DAMAGE, TV SET UPS, SATELLITE DISH INSTALLATIONS, TV WALL MOUNT, SOUND BARS, FREE SURVEYS O1455 633505 FREE PHONE 0800 0281517 WWW.SWITCHBOXVISION.CO.UK GENUINE LOCAL FAMILY BUSINESS SERVING VILLAGE COMMUNITIES FOR OVER 30 YEARS The Orchard Medical Practice ULLESTHORPE Part Time Cleaner required Stylish, quality kitchens, bedrooms & dining furniture to complement your home. Visit our stunning showroom and talk to the experts. Alexandra House | Bilton Way Leicester Road | Lutterworth Leicestershire | LE17 4JA 01455 203 333 Accessories supplied by to work at our Branch Surgery in Ullesthorpe and to provide cover at our Main Surgery in Broughton Astley. Hours to be worked are as follows: Monday, Wednesday and Friday 3.5 hours per day. Total 10.5 hours per week, either morning or afternoon as suits the successful candidate. Must be flexible & available to provide holiday/sickness cover as necessary. Rate of pay: £7.20 per hour. Annual leave: NHS Agenda for Change Entitlement. For an application form, please contact: Kaye Heath on 01455 282599 or [email protected]. Closing date: Friday 21st October 2016 VEHICLES £10.00 for each Vehicle, Boat, Caravan or Trailer, 2 lines of text, (Private Sales only) including phone number (not website) pre-paid. Anyone connected with the motor trade or selling a vehicle previously used for business should book a Display Advertisment. Trade/Business is defined as providing goods or services for remuneration or reward. 04 VOLKSWAGEN GOLF 1.6 SE Petrol: Silver; 97,500 miles; 12 months MoT; good condition and reliable £1800 ono 07702 409990 ‘01 HONDA CIVIC Executive 1.6l Petrol, manual: 123k miles; air con; central locking; electric windows; leather heated seats; service history; MoT to May ‘17; 2 owners £650 ono 07939 214425 52 reg FORD FOCUS Hatchback 1.8 Petrol, manual: Silver; 77,000 miles; 12 months MoT; in good condition; only 2 owners; £1,000 ono. To view call 07974 587939 03 reg VW POLO 1.9 SDi; 117,000 miles; MoT until 5/17; maintained by Ashby Magna garage; very reliable and economical; ideal first car £745 ono 01455 209358 07 reg VAUXHALL CORSA Club 1.2cc 3 door: a/c; 5 months MoT; runs and drives superb; silver/grey; 102,000 miles; £1450 ono 01162 799039 01 reg VAUXHALL ZAFIRA 1.8 Comfort: Silver; 9 months MoT; 109,500 miles; good all-purpose vehicle £600 ono 07845 786747 51 reg FORD FOCUS 5 door: Metallic green; lady owner; very reliable £375 ono 07749 180776 A NEW ERLOHUfrom * just £1,620 (inc. VAT) or £7 per week Includes fitting, up to 10 years warranty, plus a price match guarantee. &DOOWRGD\IRUD)5((VXUYH\À[HGSULFHTXRWH 0116 287 8000 | *See website for terms & conditions. 5663 Leicestershire’s local installer of boilers & central heating for over 20 years. YOUR TRUSTED HOME SERVICE PARTNER ALL WEATHER WINDOWS AND CONSERVATORIES s er yal ory ild o at bu ter R serv e Th ices Con Le ’s of ary m r nfi I FENSA Registered Company Conservatory Showroom ULLESTHORPE GARDEN CENTRE LLOYD’S OF LONDON* 10 Year Insurance Backed Guarantee *Available VICTORIAN CONSERVATORIES £3999 0800 783 4110 anytime 3m X 3m inc. Base, Fitting & VAT Credit Cards SKIP HIRE BASH ★ ★ PC and Laptop Laptop PC and Repairs& & Support Support Repairs ★ Mini, Midi, Maxi & Jumbo Skips Available ‘NEW to BASH......Grab Hire now available’ Special rates for Soil, Hardcore and Greenery only skips Call Kate, Toni or Louise now on For Homes and Businesses Repairs and Upgrades • Virus Removal Recover deleted files • Computer Tune-up Remote Online Support • Networking Broadband, Wireless and much more... We also sell new PC’s and Laptops Windows 7, 8.1 and 10 01455 209505 01455 209149 Please mention The Swift Flash when calling for your quote Like our page WE COME TO YOU No call-out charge - Qualified Technician Debit / Credit cards accepted Claim your free scratch card in store Over 1000 prizes to be won! GLENFIELD 3 Stamford St 0116 287 1025 BLABY 3 Sycamore Corner 0116 277 7733 LUTTERWORTH 16 High St 01455 556 053 KITCHEN FITTER Professional Kitchen & Bedroom Installations Speedy Free Quotations • Fully Insured 20 Years Experience • Trade Enquiries Welcome RECOMMENDED HOWDENS INSTALLER PAY UP TO 50% LESS THAN THE BIG STORES Call Lee on: 01455 377455 or 07900 680954 No purchase necessary Roof Maintenance ALL-IN All works professionally undertaken. No job too big or small. FREE Before & after photos. Friendly and Reliable. Specialising in Re-roofs Office: 01455 643352 Mob: 07545 633187 UPVC SOFFITS FASCIA & GUTTER CLEANING FULL REPLACEMENTS • RIDGES AND TILES MOSS REMOVAL • CHIMNEYS • DRY VERGES REPOINTING • LEAD WORK & MUCH MORE FULLY INSURED ABSTRACT A PJ CHIMNEY SWEEP PJ Chimney Sweep offers a clean and friendly service, tested and certified by “The Chimney Sweep Academy”. A premier association approved by AXA insurance company. Based in Lutterworth we cover the whole of The Swift Flash area. We are able to carry out all chimney sweep associated tasks: INSPECTIONS SWEEP AND CLEAN BIRD NEST REMOVAL REPAIRS FREE SERVICE CERT (For your Home ins) And much more Please see website: If you are looking for a chimney sweep or just advice then please call: Office: 01455 643352 or Mobile: 07545 633187 WWW.LUTTERWORTHTYRES.CO.UK THINK DIFFERENTLY HOUSE PLANS PLANNING APPLICATIONS BUILDING REGS For your FREE initial consultation 01455 203527 07764 603017 [email protected] OR VISIT OUR WEBSITE K BATC O S CH O O LE R O FF It’s soon time for schools to reopen and before the roads get busier it’s the ideal YRCEK! time to check FREE TH E TY C your tyres! SAFE TEL: 01455 559675 FREE ACCIDENTAL DAMAGE TYRE WARRANTY Design & Plan Planning Appl. Building Regs PROTECT YOUR TYRES AND GET COMPLETE PEACE OF MIND SITUATIONS VACANT £10.00 per advertisement, 2 lines of text, for each position for individuals and organisations seeking Staff for themselves. Advertisement should be a short description, including phone number or email address. If applications are required in writing or if you are an agency recruiting or advertising for third parties or individuals or if you are an organisation seeking to employ individuals on a self-employed basis, please book a Display Advertisment. We are an ordinary, friendly family who need a care assistant for the personal & domestic needs of a disabled lady and her family Thursday & Friday 7.45am-11.45am; Thursday 11.45am-6.30pm and 1 in 4 Saturdays 9am-11.30am. No experience necessary as training will be given. Good rates of pay. Ability to cover holidays & sickness is preferred. After 6.30pm 01455 556946 Kitchen staff required at The White Swan in Shawell. Competitive salary plus excellent tips. Call 01788 860357 Small village preschool requires an experienced & enthusiastic part time early years practitioner to join the team. Qualifications Level 3 & above and experience essential. For more details email [email protected] or call Emma 07719 600179 Are you passionate about offering care to individuals allowing them to remain in their own homes? If so, a local care & support agency is looking for reliable & caring staff, full or part time. Please call Matthew 01455 240920 Self-employed assistant manager/ess 16-24 hours per week including some Saturdays. Must be fit and able as job involves heavy lifting. Please contact Lesley, Bloodwise Charity Shop 01455 556649 Office cleaner & a working supervisor required to work evenings on Magna Park. 15 hours per week, 5-8pm. Good working conditions, rates of pay and paid holidays, uniform provided. Previous experience preferred but not essential. Call Amanda on 07800 665559 Little Rainbows Community Preschool is looking for a qualified childcare practitioner. Part time position, good rates of pay. For more information or an application form, please call 01455 558241 Seasonal operative wanted for general grounds maintenance duties. Contact [email protected] Domestic help required 3 hours per week, near Laughton. Must have own transport. Please phone 07732 730844 Hair stylist/barber required for busy Lutterworth Salon. Please call 01455 553250 Bar staff required for The Fox Inn, Lutterworth. We are looking for enthusiastic bartenders/barmaids to provide a good guest drinking experience. Experience is not essential as full training will be given. Please call Simon on 07743 339066 NOTICES £10.00 per advertisement, 2 lines of text, (including Wanted, Personal Announcements, Results, Registered Childminding etc.). Any business or trade advertiser should book a Display Advertisment. Trade/Business is defined as providing goods or services for remuneration or reward. ELLIOTT-MASTERS Mel passed away peacefully at home on Saturday 3rd September 2016 aged 69 years. Mel was a much loved friend to all and will be greatly missed by those who knew her. Mel’s funeral service will be held at The Parish Church of St Denys, Pailton, on Friday 7th October at 11.00am followed by a private cremation. Family flowers only please but donations, if wished, for Cancer Research UK. All enquiries and donations c/o Wilf Smith & Son Funeral Director, Mill Road, Ullesthorpe, Leics LE17 5DE. Tel. 01455 209236 HARRIS - Faith passed away on 23.9.16 aged 87 years. Loving mum, nannie and great nannie. Funeral service to take place at Chapel St Christian Fellowship, Chapel St, Lutterworth LE17 4EU on Wednesday 12th October at 11am followed by burial at Frolesworth Road Cemetery, Broughton Astley. Family flowers only, however, donations in lieu of flowers for Evangelis, Chapel St Christian Fellowship. Further enquiries to The Co-operative Funeralcare, 1 George Street, Lutterworth LE17 4EG 01455 558713 LEWIN - Derek of The Firs, Arnesby, passed away on 14th September 2016, aged 78 years, after a short illness. Funeral service has taken place. Donations in Derek’s memory for the Fleckney School Association and Friends of Kilby Primary School can be made online at or sent to J Stamp & Sons, Funeral Directors, 15 Kettering Rd, Market Harborough LE16 8AN 01858 462524 NICHOLS - Sheilagh Elizabeth of Glebe Farm, Willey, passed away peacefully at St. Mary’s Nursing Home, Harborough Magna on Sunday 25th September aged 93 years. Much loved wife of the late George and loving mum to John, Richard, Steven & Julie, special grandma to Graham & Emily. Funeral to take place at St. Leonards Church, Willey on Thursday 13th October at 2.30pm followed by burial in the churchyard. Family flowers only, donations to St. Leonards Church Restoration Fund. All enquiries to Wilf Smith & Son Funeral Director, Mill Road, Ullesthorpe, Leicestershire LE17 5DE 01455 209236 STACEY - Elayne sadly passed away 24th September following a short battle with ilness. The funeral will be held at Countesthorpe Crematorium on 07/10/16 at 1pm, following on to The Shires Inn, Peatling Parva. Flowers have been arranged by the family. Gladys CHAMBERS: 1 year has passed without you on the 3.10.2015. Always in our hearts. Missing you Caroline & Paul x ANDERSON - George: The family would like to thank everybody who attended George’s funeral, for the cards, donations to The Salvation Army and for the kindness and support shown to us. A special thank you to Brian Gilbert for a lovely service and to Louise, Maggie and all the staff at Heightons. Celebrating your GOLDEN ANNIVERSARY: Alan & Barbara (née Banbury) Hinson. Lots of love from Kristina, Sally, Mark, Darren, Sophia, Katy, Danny & Jack, Jess, Molly & Ruby and all the horses! LOST: a pair of Michael Kors red sunglasses, possibly in Costa Coffee, Lutterworth. Reward if found. Contact 07711 380420 or 07909 526065 WANTED: Old hickory shafted golf clubs sought by a local collector. Top prices paid. Cash on collection. Bill 07860 702188 THANKS: 1st Lutterworth Scouts would like to give huge thanks to Lutterworth MoT Centre and everyone who contributed to the great success of their annual car show and donating all proceeds to the group, enabling us to purchase 3 new fire pits. The Lutterworth Medical Centre: both practices will be closed for GP and staff training on Thursday 6th October from 12.30pm. In case of emergencies please ring your GP surgery and you will be re-directed to the Out of Hours Service who will provide emergency cover. POLICE BEAT SURGERY will be at Lutterworth Library on Friday 7th October between 2.30 and 4.30pm. I will be there to meet members of the public and discuss any questions they may have. Is your BATHROOM or KITCHEN looking tired? Are you overwhelmed by the choices available? Do you have a budget in mind but don’t want to compromise on quality and service? If you have answered YES to any of these questions, then we can help you! IN HOUSE WE CAN OFFER • Friendly showroom consultants offering expert advice. • Full design and planning service tailored to your specification. • Project management from design to installation. • A small team of dedicated and professional tradesmen. • Competitive prices and excellent customer service. For more information and to receive a no obligation quote, call us today. Country Ceramics & Bathrooms Country Kitchen Design Ltd Telephone: 01455 556155 Telephone: 01455 558017 Open Monday, Tuesday, Thursday & Friday 8.30am - 4.30pm Wednesday - Closed Saturday 10am - 1.30pm Elizabethan House, Leicester Road, Lutterworth, Leicester. ULLESTHORPE COURT HOTEL & GOLF CLUB J. Wells & Son TV & RADIO SPECIALISTS Sales ◆ Rental ◆ Service Wedding Showcase Sunday 9th October 2016 12noon - 4pm Meet our Wedding team, take a guided tour & view our Wedding Suites. Meet some of our recommended suppliers including; Cakes, Cars, Florists, Chair Covers, Dresses, Menswear, Photographers & Holidays. Please visit for a full list of those attending Frolesworth Road, Ullesthorpe, Leicestershire LE17 5BZ. T: 01455 209023 E: [email protected] @bwullesthorpe Dear Customer, On 31st October we are closing the doors at 4 Station Road. We will continue to offer great value & ‘proper service’ on your TV set-up whether purchased from us or not. We will still supply Televisions, Humax recorders and even our wonderful Roberts Radios - with delivery, set up & demonstration FREE in the Swift Flash area. Peter Wells You can still call us 01455 552683 email: [email protected] visit Serving the Community since 1933 LUTTERWORTH PERFORMING ARTS CENTRE Hall Lane, Hall Park, Lutterworth LE17 4LN Tel: 01455 553878 D! GOO FEEL CONTEMPORARY FUSION PILATES & STRETCHING WORKOUT MONDAYS / WEDNESDAY 10.00am / 11.00am AND 6.15pm / 7.15pm PILATES IMPROVERS CLASSES MONDAYS: 11.15am / 12.00pm WEDNESDAYS: 5.30pm / 6.15pm PILATES CARDIO WORKOUT SIMPLY EFFECTIVE TUESDAYS: 6.15pm - 7.05pm • Improves muscular balance • Improves body control & co-ordination • Energy • With the use of rubber bands, fitball, overball, light weights and Gymsticks Info: 07894 555353 Email: [email protected] Facebook: lauravasconcellos ONE TO ONE ALSO AVAILABLE First for the Creative Curtains by Alexandra Lea For Made to MeasureSwags & Tails Blinds & Pelmets All Soft Furnishings Valances Conservatories Full Fitting Service Interior Design Service Home Visits with Fabric Samples & Photographs Shop & Showroom: 31B Windsor St. Burbage Call: Alexandra on 01455 616742 Mobile: 07764 233120 Amazing Weed Killer Offer CHEAPEST TYRES Exhausts and Brakes in LUTTERWORTH 1 st CLASS TYRES & Autocare Ltd 01455 559007 The Old Sorting Office, Misterton Way, Lutterworth LE17 4AB FREE EASY PARKING Weeds are ugly and now Countryside Creations will make you WEED FREE forever!!! Countryside Creations Established for 25 years We are rated 5 star on Rated People which only allow professional tradesman. We certainly don’t use gimmicks of facebook to advertise ourselves! We have an amazing offer that every household will welcome our services. We come to you and spray all areas however big or small and kill all areas required, then we return in 14 days to repeat the procedure and kill the weeds off. We are offering 2 years of weed killer worth £200, plus a sprayer that comes free. We teach you the mixing of the weed killer and demonstrate how to use so you will then be in total control of your garden forever. Due to buying our weed killers in mass bulk direct from the manufactures we can offer you this at 20% of shop prices. The cost of our package is £99 for an average 3 bedroom property, yes only £99 and you get £200 worth of weed killer and garden sprayer as well as our travelling costs, labour and knowledge for only £99. Once you run out we simply give you more. We also won’t be beaten on price or quality for: Fencing • Block Paving • Hardcore Bases • Turfing • Rendering • Edging • Soakaways • Tree Felling Bedding Planters • Gravel Drives • Decking • Storm Drains • Retaining Walls • Asphalt Drives & Walkways Railings for disabled & elderly • Concrete disabled Ramps for access • Gutter Cleans Roof Scrapes and then roofs treated to prevent growth coming back ★ ★ ★ ALL BUILDING AND ROOFING WORKS UNDERTAKEN AND FULLY INSURED ★ ★ ★ Not to mention special prices on our Fascia and Roofing products and guarantee to beat any other quote by legitimate registered companies and safe knowledge WE GUARANTEE you are getting the best quality and service by professional tradesman. TO BEAT ANY So call us today on 01455 558354 or 07921 630180 OTHER QUOTE Festive Leisure Day Treat yourself to a day of pampering Special offer your Upgrade m only fro t n e tm a tre £10 Hot Chocolate, Coffee or Tea on arrival Full use of Leisure Facilities Only Between 10am-4pm Choose one of the following: Deep Cleansing And Purifying Back Treatment (half hour) Tranquility Scalp (half hour) Discovery Facial (half hour) £39.95 per person November & December 2016 Festive Afternoon Tea Use of Robes for the day @UCHLeisureclub Frolesworth Road, Ullesthorpe, Leicestershire LE17 5BZ Telephone: 01455 209023 Email: [email protected] ★★★★ Hotel
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