4/14/2016 Bio 125 Lecture #22: 4/14/16 Reminder: Field trip for lab next weekCarpinteria Salt Marsh. Lab begins & ends there Direction on p 1 of lab WOD: placoid scale I. Phylum Chordata, Subphylum Vertebrata, Class Chondrichthyes (cartilaginous fishes) con’t A. Subclass Elamsmobranchii (sharks, rays, etc) 1. Reproduction 2. Ray & skate body plan B. Subclass Holocephali (ratfish, chimeras) II. Class Sarcopterygii (lobe-finned fishes) III. Class Osteichthyes: Bony Fishes A. Distinguishing Characteristics (9) B. Locomotion 1. Muscles 2. Fins C. Coloration D. Respiration - counter current gas exchange Phylum Chordata, Class Chondrichthyes Rays & skates: benthic Chondrichthyes Reproduction: 1. Ovipary 2. Ovovivipary 2. (skates, swell, horn sharks) (Most common) 3. Vivipary (requiem sharks) Phylum Chordata, Class Chondrichthyes Rays & skates -midwater Devil ray Spotted eagle ray manta ray Phylum Chordata, Class Chondrichthyes Subclass Holocephali (ratfish & chimeras) Phylum Chordata, Class Sarcopterygii Coelocanths (lobe-finned fishes) http://whyevolutionistrue.wordpress.com/2009/09/28/thats-notratfish-genitalia-thats-ratfish-genitalia/ 1 4/14/2016 Osteichthyes: bony fishes Distinguishing Characteristics of Bony Fishes 1. Bony skeleton Preps & Photos: Steve Huskey, LKU Distinguishing Characteristics of Bony Fishes 2. Scales (in most) - thin, flexible, overlapping Ctenoid Scales – spiny border Cycloid Scales - smooth Ctenoid scales of a Paradise Fish, Macropodus opercularis. Photographer:Sue Lindsay © Australian Museum Distinguishing Characteristics of Bony Fishes 3. Single gill slit covered by an operculum A freshwater digression: Arapaima gigas http://news.sciencemag.org/sciencenow/2012/02/a-piranha-proof-fish.html?ref=em Distinguishing Characteristics of Bony Fishes 4. Homocercal caudal fin Vs. Chondricthyes: Heterocercal tail 2 4/14/2016 Distinguishing Characteristics of Bony Fishes 5. Fin rays Distinguishing Characteristics of Bony Fishes 6. Mouth - terminal Vs. Chondricthyes: Stiff, cartilagenous fins Distinguishing Characteristics of Bony Fishes Vs. Chondricthyes: Ventral mouth Distinguishing Characteristics of Bony Fishes 8. Teeth attached to jawbone 7. Protrusible jaws Key to success vs. Chondrichthyes: embedded in flesh http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=m2lcBaqYK1o Distinguishing Characteristics of Bony Fishes Distinguishing Characteristics of Bony Fishes 9. Swimbladder (in most) 10. Awesome diversity! Shapes, lifestyles, behaviors.. 3 4/14/2016 Bony Fish Locomotion Myomeres: 1. Musculature bands of muscles Coloration Chromatophores: pigment cells in skin Iridophores: Crystals – reflect light Fish can be up to 75% muscle! Coloration Coloration 2. disrupt outline;eyes spots 1. Camouflage: Match background Counter-shading Coloration 3. Advertise Osteichthyes: Respiration Gill chamber Gill arches: support gills Gill filaments 4 4/14/2016 Osteichthyes: Respiration Lecture #22 (4/14/16): Study Questions 1. How can you distinguish the gender of Chondrichthyes? 2. What about the life cycle of Chondrichthyes makes them vulnerable to overfishing? 3. Name & describe the 3 different methods of reproduction found within Class Chondrichthyes. 4. Which reproductive mode of Chondrichthyes is most common? 5. List 2 ways that rays & skates differ from sharks. 6. List 7 characteristics of Subclass Holocephali (ratfishes/chimeras). 7. Describe a physical characteristic of coelacanths (Class Sarcopterygii) that indicates an evolutionary link with tetrapods (4-legged animals). 8. What habitat do coelacanths require? 9. List 9 distinguishing characteristics of Class Osteichthyes (bony fishes). 10. List 4 properties of bony fish scales. 11. How are the scales of Arapaima structurally different from other fish? What is the benefit of this structure? 12. What advantages do protrusible jaws provide? 13. Bony fish can be up to _____% muscle. Why so much? 14. Describe 2 different ways fish can camouflage. 15. Describe respiration in fishes, including how they maintain a maximum of oxygen absorption from the water. 16. Describe the anatomy of a fish gill, defining the following terms: operculum, gill arches, gill rakers, gill filaments, lamellae. 17. Define: clasper, cycloid scale, ctenoid scale, myomere, chromatophores, iridophore, gill arch, gill filament, gill rakers, fish operculum, homocercal, protrusible jaw, swim bladder 5