Chassis Numbers Booklet - The Rolls
Chassis Numbers Booklet - The Rolls
Rolls-Royce and Bentley Motor Cars Postwar Vehicles - 1946 to 1999 Engine Settings Chassis Numbers Booklet es, it Also Proudly provided by the Rolls-Royce Owners Club of Australia for all Rolls-Royce and Bentley Enthusiasts rht September 2008 This booklet provides information on Chassis Numbers, Year of Manufacture and Specification Changes during the Production of Rolls-Royce Motor Cars until the end of the Silver Shadow II Series cars and Derivatives, and of Bentley Motor Cars from 1933 until the end of the Bentley T2 Series T.S.D. Publication Cars 4552 and Derivatives. Whilst this information is given In qood faith based upon the latest knowledge available, Rolls-Royce Motors Limited gives no warranty or representation concerning such information and such information must not be taken as forming part of or establishing any contractual or other commitment on the part of Rolls-Royce Motors Limited. Published by Rolls-Royce’Motors Limited Crewe Cheshire CWl 3PL England It includes information on the late, 50,000-Series Coachbuilt Silver Shadow II and Bentley T2 Derivatives equipped with LHM Hydraulic System Mineral Oil Suspension and Braking Systems. Printed in England by Delmar Press, Nantwich 1O/83/1 M Contents The information contained in this publication is applicable to Rolls-Royce and Bentley motor cars up to the introduction of Vehicle Identification Numbers (VIN). LongWheelbase .._.......................... Continental . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , . . . . . . . . . . . . . Page Production Summary Bentley ............................ Rolls-Royce ......................... 1 1 ............... 1 . . . . . . . . , . . . . . _, . . . . . . . . . 3 Litre . . . . . . . , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 Bentley MK. V . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 Bentley MK. VI 3 Rolls-Royce and Bentley Bentley 3’/2 Litre Bentley S2 Standard Saloon ............................. LongWheelbase.. ........................... Continental ................................. 9 10 11 Bentley S3 Standard Saloon ............................. LongWheelbase.. ........................... Continental ................................. 11 12 13 Roils-Royce .... ..... ..... 14 15 H.P. . . . . ..... .. . 14 20H.P. .... . . *. 14 ..... 14 10H.P. 41/4 Page 7 8 . . .. ............. Bentley ‘R’ Type .. .. Saloon . . . . . . . . . . ..__............... Continental .. .,..................,... . 5 5 ... 30 H.P. ... Legalimit ................................... Silver Ghost Bentley Sl Standard Saloon ......, ...... . ... ...... . 5 20H.P. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . _. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..I.............. 14 14 14 CONTENTS Page Page Rolls-Royce (continued) 20125 H.P. . . . . . . . Rolls-Royce and Bentley . .... . 25/30 H.P. ................. .. ... ................ Wraith ............................. Phantom1 Phantom11 ....... .................................. ................................. Phantom111 ......... Silver Dawn .. . ....................... .... ... . ..... 25 16 Silver Shadow, Sliver Shadow II, Silver Wraith II .... 27 16 TSeriesandT2.. 27 16 Corniche 17 Phantom VI . . . . . . . 17 Camargue.. 17 . . . . . . . . . . . . . .._....._...... ............................. 19 20 Phantom IV . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21 Silver Cloud I Standard Saloon . . . . . . . . . . . . LongWheelbase............................. 21 22 Silver Cloud II Standard Saloon . . . . . .. LongWheelbase............................. Silver Cloud III Standard Saloon ............................. Long Wheelbase ............................. Coachbuilt .................................. ........ Phantom V . . ... Srlver Wraith ShortWheelbase Long Wheelbase ... 15 .. ..., .... .. .. .. . ... 22 23 24 24 25 .... .. ... ............................ ................................. .... ................................ .. . - 27 27 27 . ’ Production Summary Productton EngineSize Model 1922-1929 2SS6cc Legalmlt ;nvlslble engine 1905-l 906 V8 3’h Litres Sliver Ghost 19061910 6 7 036 cc Sliver Ghost 1910-1925 6 7 438cc New Phantom or P I 1925-l 929 6 7 668 cc Phantom II 1929-1935 6 7668cc 1936-l 939 VI2 734occ Bentley 3 Lrtre 41h Litre 1927 1931 4 398 cc 4’h 1929-1931 4 398 cc Litre (Supercharged1 61/z Litre (Std.) @2 Litre (Speed SIX) 1926-l 930 1929-1930 6 597 cc 6 6 597 cc Production Cylinders EngineSize 8 Lttre 1930-1931 7 982 cc Phantom Ill 4 Lrtre 1931 3915cc. Twenty (20 Ii P I 1922-192s 6 3127~~ 3’h Litre 1934-1936 3669cc 20125t-l P 1926-1936 6 3669cc 41/4 Litre 1936-1940 6 4 257 cc 25/30 Ii P 1936-l 936 6 4 257 cc MKV 19391940 6 4257~~ Wrarth 1939 6 4 257 cc MKVI 1946-1952 6 1946-1951 1951.1952 SrlverWratth 1947-1959 4 257 cc 4 556 cc 6 19451951 1951-1955 1955-l 959 4257~~ 4556~~. 48a7cc 6 19451952 1952-1955 4 257 cc 4556cc. ‘R’ Type 1952-l 955 6 4 556 cc ContInental 1952-1955 6 4 556 cc 4887cc. S Tvpe 1955-1959 6 4867cc s2 s3 19601962 1962-1965 V8 6 230 cc V8 ROIIS-R0yCfl 10H P 1904-l 906 2 1.8or 2 Litres 4 Litres 15l-l P 1904-1906 20H P 1904-1906 4 30H P 1904-1906 6 Sliver Dawn 1949-l 955 Phantom IV 1950-l 956 8 5675 cc. Silver Cloud I 1955-1959 6 4887cc Srlver Cloud )I 1959-1962 VB 6230~~ Srlver Cloud Ill 1962-1965 V8 6 230 cc Phantom V 1959-1968 V8 6230~: 19651969 V8 1969-1976 6230 cc 6750~~ 3 Litres Rolls-Royce end Bentley Sliver Shadow 2 T Senes 1965-l 969 V8 1969-1976 6 230 cc 6750~~ T2 1976-1980 V8 6 750 cc Phantom VI 1968-1978 V8 197ETo date 6 230 cc 6750~~ Cornche 1971-Todate V8 6750~~ Camargue 1975To date V8 675Occ Bentley 9 Series Chassis number Modification Introduced 193314 A BAE 1 to BAE 203 B-AH 2 to B-AH 198 Centre-pornt radratormountrng B. 33-AE 1933/4 B B-BL 1 to B-BL201 B-BN 2 to B-BN 99 lmprovedfrontdamper B 155.BL 19334 C B-CR 2 to B-CR 200 B-CWl toBCW203 Drillad-upconn. rods Controlled dampers 1935 D B-DG 2 to BUG 200 Concealed front Xmember; clutch springdrivedeleted; propeller shaft damper; Dunlop road wheels; rubber rearengrne mountfng Approximate OeliveFydates 1 Bentley3% litre 1935 D 1935 E 1935 &ntby 1936 F B-DK 1 to B-DK 199 B-EF 2 to B-EF 200 B-EJ 1 to B-EJ 203 B-FB 2 to B-FB 206 B-FC 1 to B-FC 159 support Headlamp strffener. rear axle oil seal extra cylinder lubm. Aemfitepistcms; r.w. road whads; geared starter drive; light fNwheel and clutch Water excfuders 1939 M B-MR 2 to B-MR 200 BMX 1 to B-MX 203 BGA2toBGA260 B-GP 1 to B-GP 203 3.5’ boremgm.; Borg and Beck clutch; au coofed dynamo; fiftersonrearxmember. Bottlatypafuses EHK2toBHK200 B-HM 1 to B-HM 203 1937 J B-JD2toBJD200 BJY 1 to B-JY 203 Prop. shaft damper reinstated B-KT 2 to B-KT 206 B-KU 1 to B-KU 203 K. B-LS 2 to B-LS 200 B-LE 1 to B-LE 203 Dverdnvegearbox; 6.50x 17 tjrres; lOx43rearaxle; Maries steering; rmprovedcamshaft. thermostat with dummy shutters 10% BanuayMk.vl Nov.46 to Jul.47 Apr.47 to Dct.47 A B2AKtoB254AK Bl AttoB247Al B. 87-DK 8.189DK Jun.47 to Jan.48 Sep.47 to Mar.48 B B2BHtoB480BH 81 BGtoB401 BG B. 153-EJ B. 62-GA Dec.47 to Aug.48 Mar.48 to Dec.48 B 53JY Improved scraper rings De-turbulsted cyi. head Short pendulum lever B. l-KU Whrte-metaf No. 7 bearing Thermord clutch liners Open type fuses B. 112-LS B. 182-LS B 63-LE B. 175KU Servodamper Squwt hole in connecting rods Shock absorber screw? inserts Twin ignition coils Parkerisedtappets j Hardened push rods Modifii horn push button AC air deaner SCcarburetter needles Strengthenedwheai disc flange Heaterretumtapdeteted Heeterdraintapadded Pfovi%ovi~r5~~ Modified interior door locks lncreasedsynchrocamangles M0difii distriiordrfve sprinsrinp lncreasedfrontshockabso~r win0 Nehsrrockercoverjt Export body modifiitions 4% utra G Introduced B2AWtoB34AW 1939141 B. Isolated gaar lever; w.b. bumpers H 1938 Serier Chaaaisnumber B0ntkyMk.V 1936 1937 Approximate Delivery dates C B2CFtoB5OOCF BlCDtoB5OlCD Aluminium tappet doors Largerrearhubbeerings I Bronze exhaust vafve guides Modified clutch thrust race Solid door striker pletes Homsuppresaor Dunklpjacks W&opening radiator shutters 2.4” sewo b&me lever 5”dynsmo B. 70-AK B. 126-AK B. 256AK B. l-Al B. 31-Al B. 185AJ B. 2BH 8. 7O-BH B. 112-BH B. 19B-Bf-l B. PPBBH B .292-BH B. 39B-BH B. 1BBBG B.30386 B. 321~BG B. 2CF B. 26-CF B. 164-CF B.206-CF B. 21B-CF B. 236CF B.32O-CF B. 344CF B.426CF 3 BENTLEY Approximate Delivery dates Series olassis number Dee 47 to Aug 48 Mar 48 to Dee 48 (contrnued) C Jul48toMay49 Ott 48 to Jan 49 Feb 49 to Nov.49 Jun 49 to Feb.50 0 E B2CFtoB500CF BlCDtoB501 CD BlDAto8500DA BlDZtoB501 DZ B2EYtoB5OOEY BlEWtoB601 EW Modification C &A cyknder headgasket 0 i CD Accelerator countershaft guard I 13’brake expanders I3 17.CD 25” servo cams 1 Mcdrfred coolant pump B 1150-I Improved rubber door seals El 347CD Servo protectron plate I Modrfredqurckkft wrndow stop B 363.CD Extended petrol tank breather El 475.CD Low lift camshaft Lucas screen wtpers t Modified core plugs 011caps In No 7 Journal Bench type spring dnve Longer upper tnangle levers Short cyltnder Inserts Rear shock damper Jrnkage modifrcatron Battery chargrng plug Larger frontal area radiator Anti-spill valve In radtator I Chromium-pfated servo plate Strengthened door hrnges lncreaseddtameter scuttledrarn %arn cyknder studs N S. front window wrnder Improved wrndow run channels Square edge bearngs. 1St and 3rd mot shafts Strengthened 3rd mot shaft spknes 81~” deflectton front springs Radiator heated de-mister 1 D~pand swatch headlamps Modtfred underseat heater Export features on all cars 1 Frxed gurde to front windows 22 la0 servo cams, 3” balance levers Heater return tap re-Introduced Revised Inter-shoe brake lrnkage 4 F 82FVtoBWOFV Bl FUtoB601 FU B Z-DA I3 B B B 62.DA 128-DA 134DA 144-DA Approximate Delivery dates Apr 50 to Sep 50 Jul50toJan 51 Jul 50toMar 51 Serves Chassis number G H 81 GTtoB401 GT 82HRtoB250HR BlHPtoB251HP B ZOC-DA B. 252-DA B 270-DA B 384-DA B 420.DA B 492-DA B 95-DZ B 117.DZ B. 131.DZ B 150-D,? B 159-02 B 237-DZ B 241-DZ B 273-02 B 493.DZ Closerfrttcng tappets Graded pistons Commonrsed dash Forged rear spnng shackle brackr B 2-EY B 120.FY B 162-EY B 264-EY B 466-EY IB 126LEY) B l-EW B. 57-EW B ill-EW B. 273~EW B 403-EW Internal oil feed IO dtstr Longer gear lever Modified rears d plates Tnco wlndscreen washer B 2-FV B 13&FV B.444-FV B. I-FU Split skrrt prstons Granodrsed pston rings Portable hand inspectron tamp Luggage boot water trap Progressrve bump stops 3~ In dra. rear axle bolts Sep 49toMar.50 Dee 49 to Jul.50 Introduced Modification Introduced Modrhed s s tube socket Modrfred x.s tube sockets B 244.FU 8 581.FU Revised steering geometry Thrcker lrpped brakedrums Annrumble brakes 2nd mod to rear s d. plates Four foot mounted arr srlencer Improved rear no plate box Revrsad Blur pipes to rear shackles I Reduced speed fan Keyhole sockets on gear control One prece rear brake equ-lever B l-GT 0 67 GT 8 111.GT B 165.GT I3 213.GT B 28i-LGT El 381.GT Alumrntum camwheel Electncclock Low rate011feed toclutch thrust El 11 ” clutch (kght type) 3 bush rear brakeequ-support Mod starter solenord swatch Lower bush rsd. linkdeleted B B Speedodrp wamrng lrght Large borecarburetters B Mod clutch sprgot bearing I Closerfrttrng 2nd &3rd speed B bushes Triple pass de-mtster Inter schemeB Longer bosses on r.s d. plates B 2-HR llO-HR 31-HP 83.HP 95-HP 149-HP 179-HP Sep 50 to Feb 51 Nov 50 toMay J B2JOtoB25OJO Bl JNtoB251 JN Thrcker r s d plates Mod. water pumpgland ring 8.154JO B 61-JN Jan 51 to Jul 51 Feb 51 toAug 51 K BZKMtoBZOOKM 81 KLtoB201 KL Triple pass r h. demrster (frnal) Modified ammeter New type rgnrtron condenser B 2-KM B 64-KM B. 117.KL BZLJtoB4OOLJ B 1 LHtoB401 LH Steel oil caps In crankshaft 011feed adaptor arr bottle 11” heavy type clutch B 40-LJ B 170-LJ B 300LJ Mar 51 to Sep 51 May51 toDec.51 Jul51 to Jan 52 Sep 5 1 to Feb 52 M B2MDtoB400MD Bl MBtoB401 MB 35m In. boreengine Thrckened crankshaft webs I B. ?-MD Full flow oil filter Twrn exhaust system tr h cars only) I Sde scuttleventilators B 29-MB B 313.MB Insulated dynamo Nov 51 to May 52 Feb 52 to Sep 52 N BZNZtoB500NZ B 1 NYtoB501 NY B ZlO-NZ lncreasedfrontdamprng Twrn condensers B 292-NZ SP carb needles (r h. cars only) B 478NZ Shorldwelldetentonlstgear f B 500NZ \ B 360-LNZ selector Reposrtroned 011gauge corm B 123-NY on crankcase B 164NY Mk. II headlamp B 253-NY Strffenedclutchcasrng 3-posction heater and de-mrster \ switches B 311-NY 120” opening ventrlator wrndows Rear wrndow demrster BENTLEY Awroximate Series Chassisnumber Apr 52 lo Jut 52 Jun 52 to Aug 52 Sep.52 to May 53 Jan 53 to May 53 P B2wtoB300w Bl PlJtoB301 PU Revenron to old type front wheel studs Sold prns and shreld on servo Hot and cold de-mrster Exhaust heat shrelds Needle rollers rn clutch release levers Reduced fnctron on steenng connecttons I Introduced Ccmpensator popebetween front and rear servo I3 183WG R 60-XF B I-YA B 22-PV B 284-PV B 53-PU B 159-PU May 54 to Jul54 X BZXFtoB14OXF Strengthenedfaws on front brakeoperating lrnks Y B 185-PU Jun 54toOct 54 Aug 54 to Nov 54 BlYAtoB331YA B2YDtoB330YD 12141rear axle (all cars) Elrrnrnatron of chromrum-plated servo pressure plate Long stroke starterprnron Flexrbox seal on water pump Bentley conttnental type de-mrstmg Et 215PU Ott 54 to Jan 55 Dee E-4to Feb 55 R S BZRTtoBlZORT BlFiStoBlZlRS B2SRtoB5OOSR BlSPtoB5OlSP 1 Apr 53 to Sep 53 .Jun 53 to Dee 53 Modification Deiivery dates Bentlay ‘R’ Type Saloon Jun 52 to Apr 53 Sep 52 to Apr 53 Series Chassis number Introduced &&vet-v dates T B 1 TOtoB401 TO B2TNtoB6OOTN Revrsed luggage boot Automatrc SU carburetters \ Revised attttude rear springs Revised rear shock damper knkage Two speed windscreen wiper Pop-out crgar lighter Separately housed main fuse Caster angle wedges Corrugated bottom water hose connectron B Taper roller beanngs on rear axle pnion (except 12/4 1 axle) 31~2seconds slow leak on front shockdampers Parco lubrized tappets Taper roller beanngs on rear axle prnkxt 12/41 axle 2-RT 68-RT 2 BlZXtoR251ZX 62NtoB250ZY Jun.52 to Apr 53 BCl AtoBC26A Apr 53 to Sep 53 BC1 BtoBC25B Aug 53 to Jul54 BCt CtoBC78C B 61-SP B 425~SP B 433~SP Ott 53 to Dee 53 Nov 53 to May 54 U Bl ULtoB251 UL B2UMtoB25OUM Alumrnrum flywheel housing B 35.UL Improved type underseat tool tray R 66UM lntroductron of B-VI tYpe gearbox be rod B 212~UM Jan 54toMay54 Mar 54 to Jun 54 W B2WHtoB3OOWH Bl WGtoB301 WG Flywheel inertra nng on cars wtth auto gearbox Dynamo type mountrng strap on starter motor Thrcker 3rd matron shah thrust washer B 236-WH B 270.WH B 89.WG B 246YD B B 1-2X 73zx B 212.ZY Bmtley ‘R’ Type Continental B. 38OSR 6.75 compressron ratio cylrnder head 8. 93-TO Defetron of noncppposed springs in side steering tube B 313.TO B 349TO All welded frames Metal facta 1 B 2-TN Cabfeoperated hot and cold de-mIster and underseat heater j Hard clay gasket B 373-TN De&on of reduced fnctton modiiifim on steenng connectrons B 390.TN Revrsedthrottlecontrolsfor synchromeshgearbox B 436-TN Improved cold startrng device 2nd speed start Ferodo washers and dram slots rn crankshaft vrbratron damper B 123.YD B 138-YD a 160-YD Jul 54toMar55 BClDtoBC74D Apr 55 to Apr 55 BCl EtoBCSE Reduced compressron herght prstons Commonrsedcylrnderhead Deletron of non-opposed springs tn side steering tube All welded frame Deletron of reduced fnctton modrfrcatrons on steering connectrons lntroductron of B.VI type gearbox be rod Flywheel rnerba rings on cars frtted wrthautogearbox Thtckerthrrd motion shaft thrust washer BC 19-A BC 4-C BC 18C BC 21-C BC 30-C BC. 50-C BC 7&C BC 78-C 3%” boreengtne Compensator popebetween front \ BC 1-D I and rear servo Strengthenedfawsonfront brake BC 5-D operatrng knks Elrmrnatron of chromrum-plated BC 12-D servo pressure plate BC 35-D Flexrbox seal In water pump BC. 37-D Long stroke starter prnron Improved cold startrng devrce BC 43-D BC 47-D 2nd speed start Bmtley Sl Standard Saloon Apr 55 to Nov 55 SeD 55 to Feb 56 A B2ANtoB5OOAN BlAPtoB501AP Increased diameter rear engine mountrng boltsand modrfted bracket B.268-AN 5 BENTLEY Series Chessrsnumber Modificetion A ModIf& butterflyvalveand countersunk screws, SU carburetter lntroductlon of thick washer under fulcrum bracket bolt lock plate to compensate for dlstortton of lugsonfront pan Steering ball joint castle nuts wtth Increased beanno surface Front spnng sup&t plate with welded on stabilizer bracket attachment Modlfled bosses to increase strength of rear axle tube Increased fnctton on brake shakeback stops and Increased load on servo return spring Improved seakng between windscreen washer and wiper mounting and body Setscrews in pfaceof studs for mam beanng caps lmoroved water and 011mist seahng on servo Strengthened spring support plates on front suspension Modified rear loom to Cut Out brake ltght on side on which flasheris Inoperatton Modhd flanges on exhaust flttlngs Brake wheel cvlinder mate& changed f rofn &minium to cast iron Filter in brake fluid supply tank Stronger clamps for rear anti-roll bar Prowsan of drag IInks wtth greater resistance to kmktng under compression Mod&d type of rear engtne mounting introduced Daiivery dates Apr.55 to Nov.55 Sep.55toFeb.56 (contlnuedj Dec.55 to Mar.56 Feb.56 toApr.56 6 B B2ANtoBSOOAN B1APtoBljOlAP B2BAtoB25OBA Bl BCtoB251 BC lntrcductlonof alumlntum brake master cylinder Modified push button and door handle Increased number of finng holes in rear axle tube Folding arm rests II-Ifront seats Steering lever with taper roller bearings in place of bushes Strengthened front suspension fulcrum bracket Mcdifii shekeback stop on front and rear brake assembfiis Dual brake master cylinders Approrimete Delivery dates Series Chassis number Apr56toJlil 66 Jul56 to Nov 56 c 62CKtoB5OOCK 81CMtoB501CM B. 270-AN B 296AN B 340-AN B 430-AN B. 47&AN B. 492-AN B 492AN Sep.56 to Nov 56 Ott 56 to Jan 57 D B2DBtoB350DB Bl DEtoB351 DE 8. 39AP B 41-AP B. 67AP B 155AP B. 257-AP B. 273AP B 2B7AP B.341-AP B 383AP B 411~AP B 20-BA B.15SBA B 196-BA B 21C-BA 8. 51-BC B 109BC B. 115BC B. 246-BC Jan 57 to Jul.57 Jul57 to Dee 57 E 82EGtoB65OEG Bl EKtoB651 EK Modification Radiatoranddraln tap sultable for revised frame Modlfled sealing ring. centre steenng operattng lever (P A S ) Modifled dynamo and voltage regulator Welded frame stiffeners on each srde of jacking bracket Introduction of copper petrol popes Reach nut and washer to suit new spot facing of ball and trunnloniolnt body. output shaft to prop. shaft Uphlll run pipes from twin master cyltnden to supply tank Revtsed frame (splayed ends) Reversal of power cyltnder mounttngbolt (P.A.S.1 lntrcductton of 16 7 steering ratlo on left handdrivecars Increased number of fixing holes in rear axle centre casing Voltage regulator with swamp reststance (H type) lntroductton of oit deflector plate tn rear shock damper Strengthened front shockdamper body (Introduction of sleeve in mountfng bolt bore1 Stronger front shockdamper casing Combtned InertIaand starter ring. modified starter dove and stiffened clutch casing Stronger fulcrum pm. axle yoke New tnm oadcl~os and retainers Improved’propeiler shaft centn w button 2’1 ratlodynamopulley Stiffenedcamwheel Improved typedcor seals 4-Pomr flxlngof number plate and reversing lamp Modified rear axle shaft flange 6: 1 compresslon rat10engine Dunlop P AS. expansible hose altematlvetoCh@ar M&fled stub axle yoke seal Stronger drag IInks Modlfted ashtray fInisher Strengtheneddoor hinges lntroductlon of shock dampers with Increased sue end cover studs Introduced B 60-CK B. 176CK B 166-CK B PlB-CK B 326-CK B.352-CK B 376-CK B. 27CM 8.262~CM B. 46LOB B 122.DB B 25-DE B 249-DE . B 170-EG B. 316-EG B 530.EG B 54?-EG B 544.EG 8 562.EG B 628~EG B 41-EK B lOl-EK B 133.EK B 243.EK B 257.EK B 375-EK B 377 EK B. 379.EK B 369-EK B.471.EK B 555-EK Introduction of ‘Rota’ ftnlshed 6 627-EK I BENTLEY Approximate Delivery deter Jan 57 to Jul57 Jul57 toDec.57 (contrnued) Nov 57 to Jun 66 Jun 58 to Mar 59 Modification E B2EGtoB65OEG B 1 EKtoB651 EK lntroductron of strengthened adjustrng sleeve, steenng cam OR.3 windscreen wiper motor F B2FAtoB65OFA B 1 FDtoB651 FD Stronger rear stock damper lrnk bushes Deletionof rdler lever lubncatron Pipe Modrfrect rearsrlencer mounting to prevent burning mountrng rubber lntennedrate healer and de-mater contrds Introduction of 6” dnve pulley, compressor clutch t * R R ” rntenor coolingj Improved front doorventilator sealing Wee type drps on propeller shaft grease seal Improved type mar brake expander Final tyfm m&fled stubaxles Twrnfet. centrally mounted windscreen washer Improved propeller shaft seal Grease lubnceted track rods Improved window channel gurdes to ease openqf in adverse weather $~e~diimeter rear axle shaft Greaselubncated centre steenng Enlarged shakebackstop slot In brake shoe web Modified NIT of hand brake cable Strengthened front hubs C.48~ Introduction of plain washers at each end of pvot drstance pece on braking system dtrect and intermedffteknkage Improved type of horn footswttch Wlonal) Repfacementof ,260” dra. wing andvalance plate bofts and screws with .3125” dra. M~onlif door handles with button Introduced Series Chassis number B 54-FA B 136FA Feb 59 to Apr 59 Mar 59 to May 59 G BlGDtoB125GD 92GCtoB126GC B 336.FA B 350sFA B 186FA B. 38SFA B. 438-FA B. 454-FA B. 458-FA 8.472-FA B. 352-FA B 666FA B. 55&FA B. 590-FA B. 644-FA B. B. B. B. 43-FD 45FD 65-FD 71-FD Modification Thermal conductor type water temperature gauge Modifiedwindow regulator handle to prevent fouling of tnm pad S~mplrf;ed starter relav mountrng Specral battery kd for export car; B 635-EK B.635-EK Seal between beanng housrng and body front shockdamper Modified form of front brake shoe lrnk Extended neck on propeller shaft seal Modtfred heaterandde-mister connections on radiator R L. headlght unn Modrfied chps n electnc wtndow wrnder fuse box Introduction of purolator arr filter on carswrth rntenor cookng B 637-FD a. 645FD 9 649.FD B 649FD I3 35-GD B 4-GC B 4-GC B B 24-GC 22-GC B 118-GC a 126-m May 59 to Jun 59 May 59 to Jun 59 H Bl HBtoB45HB B2HAtoB50HA No recordable modrfrcatrons Nov.57 to Jul 59 A ALB 1 to ALB 35 Wire type clips on propeller shaft grease seal Frnaltypemodtfredstubaxles Improvedtype rear brake ALB 6 ALB- 6 expander wedges ALB- 6 Twrnlet centrally mounted wrndscreen washer Grease lubncated track rods Strengthened front hubs Grease lubricatedcentresteerino Mod~fii run of hand brake cableErdFn~gb~aack stop sfot in ALB-11 ALB-14 ALB-17 ALB-17 ALB-17 ALB-17 B. 129FD B 159FD B. 359FD B. 433-FD Sun visor with improved dnver’s vision Free wheeltng boot lock Defeticn of check valve In brake fluid supply pipes Increased capacity boot type refngeration Modified window channels to reduce winding bads under adverse weathercwdrtions Aporoximete Deiivery dates B.457.FD B.513-FD B.513-FD Replacement of ,250” dia. wing andvalence pfate boltsand screwswith .3125”dii. C.48dpWO Sun vtsors with improved dnver’s vision Modrfied window channels to reduce winding lo&i under adverse weather conditions introduction of pfarn washer at each end of pivot drstance piece on braking system drrect and Intermediate linkage Mod&d window regulator handle to prevent fouling of trim pad ko&sd door handles with button B 579FD B. 607-FD Freewheeling boot lock Modified heater and de-mister connections on radiator ALB-21 ALB-21 ALB-24 ALB-24 ALB-25 ALB-26 ALB-26 ALB-26 ALB-29 7 BENTLEY Approximate Delivery dates Series Chesais number Nov 57 to Jul.59 (continued) A ALR 1 to ALB 35 Introduced Modification Thermal conductor type wate! temperaturegauge Extended neck on propeller shaft seal Slmphfled starter relay mounhng Seal between beanng housmg and body front shock damper Modiffed formof front brakeshoe knk MJdtffedfuses. efectnc wrndow wmder fuse box Modtfredfuses. mafn fusebox lntroductfonof purolatoralr filter on cars with fntenorcoollng Approximate Delivery dates Series Chassis number Steenng lever mth taper roller bearings in place of bushes Strengthened front suspensron fulcrum bracket Modfffed shakeback stoo front and rear brake assembkes Dual brake master cylinders Mod~freddynamoandregulator 8 1 compression rat10cylinder headwfth larger inlet valve Modfffed sealing nng on centre steenngoperatmglever (P A S ) Welded stiffeners on each side of ladkIng bracket lntroductton of copper petrol pipes Uphrll run popesfrom twfn master cylinders to supph/ tank Reach nut and washer to suft spot facing of ball jofnt and trunnloc body, output shaft to propeller shaft Radfator and drawntap sunable for modified frame Revmd frame (splayed ends) Increased number of ffxlng hofes in rear axle centre casing Reversal of power cylinder mounting bolt (P AS ) Introduction of oil deflector plate for rear shock damper Voltage regulatorwdh swamp resistance Al-B-29 ALB30 ALB30 ALB30 ALB-31 ALB-32 ALB-32 ALB-35 sentle~ Sl Contkwntal Mar 55 to Feb 56 8 Feb 56 to Jan 57 A B BClAFto EC 101 AF BClBGto BClOlBG Spreadrng the loadof the fulcrum bracket bolt over a braer area to compensate for distortion of the lugs on the front pan Modified butterfly valve and countersunkscrews. SU carburetter Modff ied bosses to mcrease strength of rear axle tube Setscrews in place of studs for mafn bearing capa Improved water and 011mist sealing on servo Steering ball joint castle nuts with increased beanng surface Increased friction on brake shakeback stopa and increased load on servo return spring Brake wheel cylinder matenal changed from alumfnium to cast iron Stronger clamps for rear antlroll bar Filter In brake fluid supply tenk Revfsed tyPe of rear engine mounting Provtston of drag lrnks with greater resrstance to kinkfng under compression Introduciin of aluminium brake master cyimder Increased diameter rear engme mountfng bolts and modified bracket Strengthened spring support plates. front suspensfon lncreasednumber in rear axle tube BC. 1l-AF BC ll-AF BC 12.AF BC. 16AF BC. l&AF BC. 19AF Jan 57 to Jul57 C EClCHto EC 51 CH BC. Zl-AF BC. 69AF BC. 69AF BC. 70-AF Jul57 to Jan 56 D BC 79AF BCl DJto BC51 DJ BC. 81-AF BC BBAF BC 96AF BC 96AF of f\xmrtgholes BC I-BG Modification Ott 57 to Jun 58 E BCl ELto BC 51 EL Strengthened front shock damper body (fntroductfon of sleeve in mountfng bolt bore) Stronger front shockdamper casrng Combfned tnertia and starter ring. modified starter drive and stfffened clutch casrtg Stronger fulcrum ptn. axle yoke Introduced BC 2-BG BC 3-BG BC 6BG BC 16BG BC 21-BG BC 21-BG BC 23-BG BC 27-BG BC. 28BG EC. 28.BG BC. 26BG BC 36BG i3C 37-BG BC. 62BG BC. 70.BG BC. 92-BG BC. 96BG BC. l-CH BC 7-CH BC. 31.CH BC 41-CH Improved propeller shaft seal Modified stub axle yoke seal Mcdtfwd rearaxleshaft flange Stronger drag hnk lntroducbon of ‘Aoto’ ffnfshed pulleys lntroductfonof strengthened adjusting sleeve steering cam lntroductfon of shock dampers wfth Increased size endcover studs EC. I-DJ BC 8-DJ BC. lo-DJ BC.36DJ DR 3 wlndscreen wrper motor Stronger rear shockdamper knk bushes BC l-EL BC 3-EL BC. 42-DJ EC. 44-DJ BC 47.DJ 1 BENTLEY Approxrmate Delivery dates Series Chassis number Jun 58 to Jan 59 F Modification BCl FMto BC 51 FM Introduced BC l-FM BC l-FM BC l-FM Approximate Delivery dates Series Chassis number Hollow camshaft replaced by solldcamshaft Automatic choke otter switch Sealed thermal deby swatch Improved type crown wheel bolts Pb?.eZ) Engine vrbratron cushron frtted Improved throttle controls on left-handdnvecars BC l-FM BC I-FM BC. l-FM BC l-FM BC l-FM Jan 60 to May 60 May 60 to Aug. 60 B B 1 BRtoB501 BR BZBStoB5OOBS BC. 1-f-M BC l-FM BC l-FM BC l-FM BC BC l-FM l-FM BC II-FM BC 14.FM system drrect and intermedrate lrnkage Defehon ot check valve rn brake flurd supply popes Dee 58 to Apr 59 G BClGNto BC31 GN BC. 31-FM BC 44FM Slmplrfred starter relay BC. l-GN mountrng Thermal conductor tvpe water BC 9-GN temperaturegauge Seal between bearing housrng bodvandfrontshockdamper EC 16-GN Extended neck on propeller shaft BC 25GN seal Modifred form of front brake shoe BC 28.CN lrnk lntroductron of purofetor arr filter on cars with rntenor coolrng BC 30.GN Bentley 52 Stmdmd Woon Aug 59 to Dec.59 Nov 59 to Jan 60 A BlAAtoB325AA BZAMtoB326AM Improved type crown wheel bolts B 186-W (Phase 1) lntroductron of seamless propeller B 2-AM shaft Modification Sep 60 to Nov 60 Nov.60 to May 61 C B 1 CTtoB445CT BZCUtoB756CU Automatrcchokelagged air pipes br-metal cover butterfly valve Modified hydraulrctappets S 1 type front stlencer wrth modified pipes and flanges Modrfied starter motor S U carburetters Fast idlecam bracket New front shock damper mounttng plate Brake pedal gap plate Shortened extensron cone on fan mountrng; extension of radiator bottom outlet pipe and new bottom water hose New radiator filler cap seal New starter motor Valves andfrttrngs Intenor kghts - changes to swrtchrng arrangements for rnstrument and capping rail lights andnew map lamp Dynamo mountrng bracket Cyknder head assembly and valves. etc. Operatrng handle fitted to centre vane of capprng rail outlet duct Crgar fighterwith amber glow nng New silencer assembles Addatonal cold arr intake Horns under front apron Instead of front wrno f&w front &ock damper body Valve rockers and shafts Arr condniontng unrt undersheets changedfromfibreglass to steel Front brakes - matenal of front brake clews pats changed Ash trays In new front seat backs Introduced B 80-AM (except B 322-AM) B 1 12.LAM B 192-AM B 258-AM B 288-AM B 310~LAM B B B B 409-BR 437.BR 471-BR 246BS 8.418.BS B. 422-BS B. 452-88 B 462-85 B B l-CT l-CT B 18CT B 223CT B 417~CT B 372~CU B 2-CU B B 2-CU 52-CU B 52-W B 18OCU B 180-W B. 28OCU B 362-W B 362~CU B. 392-W B 3%~CU \ B. 504CU B 554-W B 556-W 9 BENTLEY Approximate DeliverY dates Series Chassisnumber Sep 60 to Nov 60 Nov 60 to May61 tcontlnued) C Apr 61 toDec 61 Dee 61 to Aug 62 Jan 6OtoDec60 D A BlCTtoB445CT BZCUtoB756CU Bl DVtoB501 DV B2DWtoB376DW LBA 1 to LBA 26 Modification Addrhonal parcel shelf speaker on nondrvlsron cars Crankcase modrfted to raise 011 level in camshaft trough Arrcondrtronrng -Tecumseh HH compressor repfaced bY York Shrpley 47’ servo cams reducrnu f rant to \ rear brake ratlo Accelerator pedal stop on righthand dnve cars Gearbox throttle valve control ot r rtght-handdnve cars 13’38 ratio crown wheel changed I to 13.40 Sparewheel compartment cover New boot lockcam Petrol tank breather Top mountrng assembly electric wfndow I& Heatsrnk rntroduced Into automatic choke srjtem New rear bumper support springs Sparking plug waterproof adaptor Rear seat footrests Two matrices instead of one In heahng and demishng system Rearwindow de-mister swatch moved to rnstrument panel Sliding door to front door cubbv box Inter& mirror support stiffened Blueffoodfiihtlng to instruments Hand brakewarning kght fitted Flasher and headlamp flrck swrtchfnted improved heating system New starter ring Smaller ball catches and striker plates on fall tables In rear of front seats New crgar lrghters In rear Dwr seals Modified water connecttons Fuel pump capactty Increased Improvedvalve rockers Rear bmps Brake pedals ball crank lever Lrghter steenng on left-hand drive cars Reversion to ongrnal starter nng New method of lubncatrng cem wheel lntroduchon of seamless propeller shaft Introduced Approximate DeliverY dates Series Chassisnumber Hollow camshaft replaced by solrd camshaft Sealed thermal delay swatch Improved type crown wheel bolts (Phase 2) Engine vibration cushion fitted Improved throttle Lontrols on left-hand drive cars Modrfred hydraulic tappets S 1 type front silencer wfth modified pipes and flanges Modified starter motor S U. carburetters Fast rdle cam bracket New front shock damper mounting plate Brake pedal gap plate Shortened extensfon cone on fan mounting; extension of radiator bottom outlet pipe and new bottom water hose New radiator filler cap seal New starter motor Valves and frttrngs Interior kghts-changes to switchng arrangements for rnstruments and capping rail lights and new map lamp Dynamo mounting bracket Cylinder head assembN and valves. etc. Crgar fighter with amber glow nng New silencer assemblres Valve rockers and shafts Ash trays In new front seat backs Addrtlonal parcel shelf speaker on nondrvisron cars Crankcase modrfred to raise 011 level In camshaft trough Arr condrhonrng -Tecumseh HH compressor replaced by York Shipley Accelerator pedal stopon righthand drive cars Gearbox throttle valve control on rrghthanddnvecars Spare wheel compartment cover B 556.CU B 562.CU B 57OCU B 576.ClJ B 576~Cl: 6 592.CU B B 69-DV 81.DV B 167-DV B B B B 175-DV 231 -DV 231 -DV 415.DV B 415-DV B 415-DV B 415.DV B 415DV B. 415OV B. 415~DV 8.415-C& B 415DV B 457.DV B 467-DV B 493.DV B 497-DV B 22-LDW B. 2EDW B 142-DW B 148DW B 154-LDW Jan161toSep62 B 192-LDW B 208-DW B 222-DW LBA 4 Modification B LBB 1 to LBB 33 New boot lock cam Petrol tank breather Top mounting assembly electric wtndow lift Heatsink introduced Into automattc choke system New rear bumper support spring Sparking plug waterproof adaptor Rearwindowde-mrster switch moved to intrument oanel lntrnduced LBA 1 LUA 1 LBA 2 LBA 1 CBA 1 LBP. 17 L6Al8 LBA18 LBA 19 LBA19 LBA18 LBA 18 LBA18 LBA19 LBA 26 LLBA 22 LLBA22 LLBA 22 LLBA 23 LLBA 23 LBA 25 LBA 26 LLBA 23 LBA25 LBA21 LBA21 LBA 25 LBA25 LLBA 23 LLBB 11 LLBB 11 LLBB 11 LBBlO LLBB 15 LLBB 15 LLBB 19 BENTLEY Approximate Delivery dates Series Chassis number Jan.61 to Sep 62 (contrnued) B Jul59 to Jun 60 Jun 6OtoJul61 Chassis number Modification Introduced New radrator ftller cap seal New starter motor Valves and frttrngs lnterror lghts -changes to swrtchrng arrangements for instrument and capprng rarl lrghts and new map lamp Dynamo mounting bracket Cylinder headassembly and valves, etc Cigar lighter wrth amber glow rrng New srlencer assemblres New front shock damper body Valve rockers and shafts Crankcase modrfred to rarse or1 level rn camshaft trough BC 21.BY BC 40-BY BC 46-BY De/ivory dates LBB 1 to LBB 33 Bentley S2 Continentd . hri8S Modification A B BClARto BClSlAR BClBYto BClOl BY Slrdrng door to front door cubby box lntenor mrrror support strffened Blue floodlrghtrng to rnstruments Hand brake warning lght fatted Flasher and headlamp flrck swrtchfrtted Front brakes - materral of front brakeclevrs prns changed Improved heatrng system New starter rrng Smallerballcatchesand stroker plates on fall tables rn rear of front seats Door seals Modrfred water connectrons Fuel pump capacity increased Improved vafve rockers Rear lamps Brake pedafs ball crank lever Lghter steenng on left-hand drive cars Reversion to origrnal starter nng New method of lubrrcatrng cam wheel Improved type crown wheel bolts (Phase 1I Introductionof seamless propeller shaft Hollow camshaft replaced by sokd camshaft Automatrc choke otter swrtch lagged air pipes b-metal cover butterfly valve Sealed thermal delay swrtch Improved tvpa crown wheel Phase2) Engrne vrbratron cushron fitted Improved throttle controls on left-hand drrve cars Modified hydraulic tappets S.U. carburetters St typefront srlencerwith modtfred pcpesand flanges Modrfred starter motor Fast idlecam bracket New front shock damper mountrngplate Brakepedalgappfate Shortened extensron cone on fan mountrng; extensron of radiator bottom outlet pipe and new bottom water hose LLBB LLBB LLBB LLBB 19 19 19 19 LBB 20 LBB 25 LLBB 28 LLBB 19 LLBB 24 LB8 24 LBB 25 LBB 25 LLBB 29 LLBB 30 LLBB 29 A~condrtronrng - Tecumseh HH compressor replaced by York Shtpley 47”servocams reducrng front to rear brake ratro Accelerator peda! stopon nghthand dnve cars Gearbox throttle valve control on rght-hand drive cars 13 38 ratto crown wheel changed to 13:40 LLBB 30 LLBB 30 LLBB 30 BC 45AR BC 66-AR Feb 61 toAug 62 C BC. 38AR BClCZto BC 139CZ BC 166AR BC 112~AR BC. 137AR BC. 114~AR BC 1lAR BC BC 52-AR l-AR BC 2AR BC. 139-AR BC 149-AR BC 16-LBY E i:: BC BC I-BY l-BY BC t O-BY BC BC 72.BY 51-B\, BC 51.BY BC BC EC BC 72-BY 76BY 92-BY 7%BY BC 74.BY (except BC 97.BY) BC 90.BY BC 93-BY BC. 99.BY BC 99.BY BC. 1oo-BY Petroltank breather Heatsrnk Introduced Into automatic choke system Sparkrng plug waterproof adaptor Bluefloodlrghtrng to Instruments Hand brake wamrng lrght fitted Flasher and headlamp flick swrtch fitted New starter nng Modrfted water connectrons Fuel pumpcapacrty Increased Improved valve rockers Rear lamps Brake pedals ball crank lever Ltghter steerrrg on left-hand dnve cars Reversion to oflginal starter nng New method of lubrrcatrng cam wheel BC 28 CZ BC BC BC BC 43 CZ 66-CZ 78-CZ BC BC. BC BC 70-CZ 85CZ 169-CZ 1120 8. 16AV B ‘C-CN October 62 A BZAVtoB26AV Lengthened starter relay cable Not Issued B Not Issued No recordable modrfrcatrons Sep 62 to Oct.63 C B2CNtoB828CN Arrconditroning unrtwatertaps and mounting plates i: ‘%s BC 136LCZ BC. 135LCZ BC 137-LCZ BC 139-CZ 11 BENTLEY Aooroximate Dkiivery dates Senes Chassis number Sep 62 to Ott 63 lcontlnuedl C B2CNtoB828C.N Inrroduced Improved radiator pressure relle: valve AddItIonal sight glass on C61 refrigerated units and re-routed low pressure hoseson righthand dnve cars Top aqd bottom hoses StaInless steel wheel discs Steenng box modlfled to allow trapped air to be bled WIndscreen wtper stops for positive parklng Carburettors with modified float chamber Ild and needle valve Automatccgearboxtoruscover Hand brake cable systems on right--hand drivecars Sep 63 to Dee 63 Nov 63 to Jun 64 C E B2DFtoB198DF B2ECtoB530EC Steenng hose re-routedand heat shield fltted to steenng box mounting arm on left-hand dnve cars Improved heated rearwlndow glass New voltage regulator Improved rear seat and side arm rests Heat shield fltted to right--hand exhaust manifold Choke Introduced rnto reversing light clrcult Increased bore of carburetter vent pipes Reversing and rear number plate lamp Wtder rtms on rear wheels AdditIonal coid acrIntake controls May 64 to Dee 64 B2FGtoB350FG Dynamo bracket Flywheel houstng - bell housing underpan fltted (except export models to troplcal or dusty countries) Steenng box spool valve and houslng Stop/flasher relays dlscontlnued Link stnp In place of starter solenoid cable New speedometer and flexible dnve Aooroximate Deiiverydates Series Chassis number Steertng - rrodlfled power cylinder head Improved copper type battery cable Steering hoses rerouted on right--hand dnvecars 6 176.LCN B 260~CN B 388~CN B 404~CN Ott 64toJan 65 G B2GJtoB200GJ B 420~CN B 496-LCN B 508.CN B 712~CN (except B 724~CN; 30-LDF B 126-DF B 38EC B 70-EC 10.GJ B 136.GJ B 190-GJ B2HNtoB400HN Camshaft B BZJPtoB40JP Interference ht cylnder liners New fuel pump, S U type AUF 400 B. 2-JP B 36-JP 34-HN Bmley S3 Long Wl~wlbase Nov 62toMay63 A BAL 2 to BAL30 B 412-EC B 484~EC B 50&EC 8-FG B 12-FG (except B lB-FG) B 206-FG B B 126-GJ H B 340.EC (except B. 368, 412and 491 -EC) B 152.FG B 290-FG B 348.FG J B 222-EC B 116-FG B 152.FG B 222-FG Jan 65 to Jul.65 B.210-EC B New H T lgnltron cabies with resistive cores Electrcally-operated wtndowsstop bracket Tappet blockand tappet block assemblies Ventilation holes provided to flywheel housing bell houslng Introduced Jtd 65 toSep 65 B 738~CN B Modiffcatlon Jun 64 to Jan 65 B BBL 2toBBL12 Lengthened starter relay cable Air-condltloning unit water taps and mounting plates Top and bottom hoses StaInless steel wheel discs Steenng box modified to allow trapped air robe bled Windscreen wiper stops for posltlve parkmg Carburetters with modlfled float chamber Ild and needle valve Automatic gearbox torus cover Hand brakecablesystemon nghthand dnve cars Steenng hose rerouted and heat shield fltted to steenng box mounting arm on left-hand dnve cars Improved heated rear wtndow glass New voltage regulator Heat shieldfittedtonght-hand exhaust manifold Choke Introduced Into reversing light cirult Increased bore of carburetter vent ptpes Petrol filter reposItIoned BAL 2 BAL 28 BAL 28 Reversmg and rear numberplate lam0 Wider rims on rear wheels AddItIonal coldalr Intakecontrols Dynamo bracket BBL BBL BBL BBL BAL 2 BAL 8 BAL & BAL 8 BAL 8 BALlO BALlO BAL 18 LBAL 14 BAL 16 BAL16 BAL 18 BPL 20 2 4 4 2 BENTLEY Approximate Delivery dates Senes Chassis number Modification Jun 64 to Jan 65 (continued) B Flywheei houslng - bell houslng underpan fltted (except edport models to tropicai or dusty countnesl Steerng box spool valve and houslng Stop/flasher relays dscontlnueo Link stnp in placeof starter solenoid cable New speedometerand flextble dnve Steering- modtfed power cylinder head Improved copper type battey cable Steenng hoses re routed on right--hand dnvecars New H 7 tgnltlon cable with resstlve cores Electncally~perated windows stop bracket Tappet blockand tappet block assemblies Feb 65 to Sep 65 C BBL2toBBL12 BCL 2 IO BCL 22 Venttlatlon holes provided to flywheel houslng bell houslng Camshaft Interference fit cylinder liners New tuel pump, S U type AUF 400 Introduced Jun 63 to Set 63 Nov 63 to Nov 65 A B C BC2XAlO BC 174XA 1cngthened starter relay cable Improved radiator pressure rellel valve 1op and bottom hoses Stainless steel wheel discs Steenng box modifled to allow trapped air to be bled Two-shoe front brakes Series Chassis number BBL 2 Modrfication Introduced dynamo bracket Flywheel housng - bell housmg underpan fltted (except export models lo ?roplcal or dusty countries) BC 148.XC BBL 8 BBL 8 Steenng box spool valve and houstng Link strIpIn place of starter solenoid cable Steering - modlhed power cylinder head Improved copper type battery cable Steenng hoses re-routed on nghthand dnve cars New H T lgnltlon cables with reststtve cores BBL 8 BBL 8 BBL I3 BBL 8 BBL 10 BBLlO BBL 10 BBL 10 BCL 2 BCL 7 BCll4 BCL18 Bentley S3 Continental Sep 62 to Jul63 Approximate Delivery dates BC- 24.LXA BC- 72-LXA BC-144-l-M BC-144~XA Feb 65 to Apr 65 D BC2XDto BC 28 XD Ventilation holes provided !o flywheel houslng bell houslng Mar 65 toAor 65 E BCZXEto BC 88 XE Camshaft Alrcondltronlng - Introduction of standard S3de-mister blower unit on coachbullt cars. also electrlcallyoperatedvalvesand taps Increased capacity wlndscreen wipermotorfPark’Ward2door) Interference fit cvilnder liners Newfuel pump, s.U typeAlJF 400 BC-152.XC rexcem BC 154.XC) BC 156.XC BC-158 xc BC-15%XC BC-172.XC BC-182-XC BC-l&&XC BC- 22-X0 BC- 6-XE lexcepr BC- 8-XFt EIC- 34.XE BC- 34.XE BC- 64.XF BC- 68XE BC-152~XA BC-166-LXA BC2XBto BC 100x8 Carburetters wtth modihed tloat chamber Itd and needle valve AutomaW gearbox torus cover Steenng hose rerouted and heat shield fitted to steenng box mounting arm on left-hand dnve cars BC2XCto BC 202 XC BC- 6%xc New voltage regulator Hand brake cabie system on nghtBC-loo-XC hand dnve cars Heat shield fatted to rght-hand BC-11 &XC exhaust manifold Choke Introduced into reversing BC 122.XC lght clrcutt Increased bore of carburetter BC-124 XC vent popes BC- 12-LXB BC- 74.XB BC- 12-LXB 13 Rolls-Royce Production Chassis numbers Chassisnumbers Rolls-Royce 10 HP. 1904-l906 20150-20169 Rolls-Royce415 HP. 1905-l 906 23924.24272,24273,26330,26331,26332 Rolls-Royce20tl.P. 1905-l906 (*) f”) 24263.24264.26350-26354.26370.26356-26359 Some Spnngfreld models Spnngfield models Rolls-Royce 30 H.P. 1905-l 906 23927.24274.24275.26370-26375.60500-60538 (also26355 only known survrvor) Rolls-Royce Legdimit 1905-l 906 Series Chassis number Modification Rolh-R0yce20 H.P. 80500 Legalimrt) 40518 Landaulet) None bekeved to sutvtve Rollr-ftoyce Sihmr Ghost 1907-l 925 Approximate Delivery dates 1907-60539-60592 1907/8-607OG-60799 190&9-919-1015 1909/10-llOO-1199&1200-1399 1910/11-1400-1499 1911-1500-1799 1912-1800-1999 1912/13-2OGG-2699 1913-CA 1913/14-NA 1914.MA.AB. EB, RB, PB, YB. UB. LB. GB 1914/15-TB 1915.BD.AD.ED 1915/16-RD 1916-PD.AC 1919.PP. LW 1919121 -X (motor show chassis) 1920--l’W. CW. FW. BW.AE, EE. RE, PE, YE 1920/21-GE 1*20/27 - WO (armoured car chassrs) 1921 -WE. LE. TE, CE, (*). -NE (‘1. LG (‘1. - JG (‘). SG (‘1 1921/22-AG f’), MG f”), UG f’). 1522 - BG. TG (‘). KG f’). PG. RG. YG 1922123 40Gl-50G0 1923 5OSl- 8oso. 8OHl-60H0. 70Al-80AO. 80Kl-9OK0, GA 1923124 GF 1924 GH. GAK. GMK. GRK 1924125 GDK 1925 GLK. GNK. GPK 1925126 GSK 1926 G GCKl toGCK81 GOK 1 toGOK GZK 1 toGZK41 1926 H GZK 42 to GZK 81 GUKl toGUK81 GYK 1 toGYK81 1926/27 1927 J GMJ 1 toGMJ81 GHJ 1 toGHJ81 1927 K GAJ 42 to GAJ 81 GRJ 1 toGFIJI GUJ 1 to GUJ 81 GAJl toGAJ41 “New Departure” thrust brg GOK-44 Prvot fnctrondevrce W.8 wheels front hydrls 700 steering GHJ-72 two terminal condenser-GA&l Spnng loaded X stg tube battery crossmember _GAJ-42. F.W 8 squeakdamper-GRJ.73 Introduced ROLLS-ROYCE Approximate Delivery dates Series Chassis number Modification 1927/28 1928 L GXL i to GXL 81 GYL 1 toGYL81 GWL 1 toGWL4l Pgall reserve, Zenith filter, 5 ring pls!on GXL-~~, tungsten GXL-59. rear hydrls. - GYL-1 1928 M GBMl toGBM81 GKM 1 to GKM 81 GTM 1 to GTM 41 Oval webcrankshaft. Improved steennggeometrq. semi ngld dlstr contacts 1928129 1929 NA GFN 1 lo GFN 81 GLN 1 toGLN21 Mlxturecontroloncolumn. vertical radiator shutters 32” x 6” tyres - GFN-7 1 1329 NB GLN22toGLNSl GEN 1 toGEN Dash 2” wtder. rad 1 5” hlghel Dash 75” higher 1929 OA GEN42toGEN81 GVO 1 toGV0 10 Cadmium plated springs - GEN-72 1929 0 GVOlltoGVO81 GXOltoGXOlO Centralised lubrn , Enots petroi filter. “Mechanics” prop shaft, “K S ” petrol gauge Rolls-Royce 20125 H.P. 1929 0 GXOlltoGXOlll 20/25 H.P. 3 l/4” bore engine 1929130 P GGP t toGGP81 GDP 1 toGDP81 GWP 1 toGWP41 Castdash. narrowhubs, 8 00-19 tyres. single level petrol tank, largerdta. crankshaft GTR 1 to GTR 41 3” longerchasscs. new type co11 5.25. 1 camp., new exhaust manlfoid. flexrble engine suspension; RW-1 magneto GLR-55 1930 9 t 1930131 1931 S GNS 1 toGNS81 GOS 1 toGOS81 GPS 1 toGPS41 Grooved road spnngs; servodamperGOS-22 1931/32 TA GFT 1 toGFT81 G8Tl toG8TPl Rubber fan belt, reserve petrol sum; antt-splash rad cap, indented matrix tubes, 2 5” prop shaft, front axle modlfn GFT-32 1931!32 1932 TB GBT27toGBT81 GKTl toGKT21 Diamond engine mounting. radiator4”deeper. thermostetlc shutters, copper matnx tubes; spilt piston shock abs; flip-flap bonnet shutters, front apron; one-shot lubm. scheme; mod. R brake shaft iubm.; hlngedflller cap; remote control petrol reserve, two rate charging scheme 1932 T8 GKl22toGKT41 Synchmmesh gearbox 5 75 1 camp.; hlghl&cams; heavyexh valves, low inertia sprtng drive, balancedcrankshaft; stronger clutch springs with higher pedal leverage, new exhaust system, introduced Approximate Delivervdates Series Chassisnumber Modification 3” prop shaft, pIvoted front brakeshoa, N2 roadwheels. overhanglng bonnet 1932 GAU 1 toGAU 81 GMU 1 toGMU 21 R A D 11 clutch liners. B brg servo cams, 1e-gall petrol tank electnc petrol gauge, modlfled 3rd motion shaft GAU 58 Provwon for dyno brake GAU 76 1932 V GMU 22 toGMU 81 GZU 1 to GZU 41 1932 :932/33 W GHW 1 toGHWB~ GRW 1 loGRW81 GAW 1 toGAW41 Dynamodrtve brake, R A D 13 servo liners GRW-22 1933 X GEX 1 toGEX81 GWX 1 toGWX81 GDX 1 toGDX41 1933 Y GSY 1 toGSY 101 Relay starter switch. casr Iron rearbrakedrumsGEX-1 Three ratecharge scheme, resonant type stlencer GWX-22 improved clutch nng GSY-33 1933 Z GLZ 1 toGLZ81 GTZ 1 toGTZ81 GYZ 1 lo GYZ41 Rear brake bronze brg. LuvaxByur lubrn, ajr silencer GLZ 1. nltralloycrankshaft GLZ-28 sllent2ndgear. front axle control, new type shock dampers, cast Iron front brake drums GLZ-52 1333 A2 GBAl toGBA81 CGA 1 toGGAB GHAl toGHA Hand lubrn to servo GGA-1 Marston type radiator GGA-22 1933;34 i934 02 GXB 1 to GX8 81 GUB 1 toGUB81 GLB 1 toGL841 Spnng drive In clutch, stiffercrankshaft GXB-27. cam balancer GX8-62 1934 c2 GNC 1 toGNC81 GRC 1 toGRC81 GKC 1 to GKC 41 D.W.S.lacks, needle brg. prop shaft GKC-22 1934 02 GEDl toGED GMD 1 to GMD8f GYDl toGYD4t Felt 011nng tocrankshaft. provlslon fordampercontrol, largeoilf~ller; new type carburetter. controllable dampers 1934 E2 GAE 1 toGAE81 GWE 1 toGWE 81 GFE 1 toGFE41 1934 1934135 1935 F2 GAF 1 to GAF 81 GSF 1 toGSF 81 GRF 1 toGRF41 Easy brakead] , modtfied cam balancer, voltage controlled dynamo. flexlbleengineand exhaust mounttng GAF-52. modifledsynchro-mesh sleeve GSF-2 1935 G2 GI-G 1 toGLG81 GPG 1 toGPG81 GHGl toGHG41 T C C condenser; concealed front X member; clutch spnng dnve deleted; propeller shaft damper. Introduced ROLLS-ROYCE Approximate Delivery dates Series Chassisnumber Modification 1935 iconrmuect) G2 GLG 1 to GLG 81 GPG 1 toGPG81 GHG 1 toGHG41 car buretter balance pipe. externalclutch adjustment 1935 H2 GYH 1 to GYH 81 GOH 1 toGOH 81 GEH 1 to GEH 41 @voted rearbrake shoes, 35”servocams-GOH-22 1935 J2 GBJl toGBJ81 GLJ 1 toGLJ81 GCJ 1 toGCJ41 Torque reactton dampers 1935136 1936 K2 GXK 1 to GXK 81 GBKl toGBK81 GTK 1 toGTK41 Fully floating servo, Isolated gear lever-GBK-22 GTK 42 to GTK 53 AdditIonal 2005 H P chassrs with B B clutch, manes stg , and hypold axle 1936 Rolls-Roycs L2 GULl toGULf GTL 1 to GTL 81 GHL 1 toGHL41 16 3.5” boreengrne, Stromberg carb. S U petrol pumps; air cooled dynamo; Borg & Beckclutch, Marlessteenng. 9 x41 hypordaxle. geared starter, petrol filter on rear X member 1936137 M2 GRM 1 toGRM81 GXM 1 to GXM 81 GGM 1 toGGM 41 Mellotone horns; Seapak noise Insulation ‘L’sectronprston rmgsGRM-72. P S damper rernstated GXM-72 1936137 N2 GAN 1 toGAN GWN 1 toGWN81 GUN 1 toGUN Improved radiator New type steering controls 1937 02 GAO 1 toGROB GHOl toGHO GM0 1 to GM0 81 1937 P2 GRP 1 toGRP81 GMP 1 toGMPB1 GLP 1 to GLP41 De-turbulated cvl head 1937138 1938 R2 GAR 1 to GAR 81 GGRl toGGR81 GZR 1 toGZR41 Thermold clutch lonersGGR-29 Rolls Royca Wraith 1938i39 A WXAl toWXA109 1938i39 1939 I3 WRBl toWRB81 WMB 1 toWMB81 WLB 1 toWLB41 1939 C WEC 11to WHC toWHC81 WEC 74 Approximate Delivery dates Rolls-Roycs 1925 Senes Chassis number v 1925 1925126 1926 1926 Introduced Modification Phantom I MC1 toMC122 RC 1 to RC 125 HCltoHC109 HCllOtoHC122 LCl toLC131 SC1 tosc7 1926 25130 H.P. 1936/37 Introduced W rad. 1” hrgher FL f”) X SC8toSC121 DC 1 toDC87 1926 Y DC88toDC121 TC 1 toTC70 1926 A2A TC71 toTC 121 YC 1 toyc50 Tubular luggagegrid 720 lead steenng 38.TC 1926 1926/27 A2B YC51 toYC 123 NC1 toNC30 Servo dampmg nng 59-YC 1926/27 82 NC31 toNC 131 Autovac restnction valve, front hydrls, kght clutch 1927 C2A EF 1 toEF 101 R. brg throttle; kghtfront axle, 3-gall. reserve, SL Xstg tube: W B. wheels RM I FM , PM(“) 1927 1927 C2B LFltoLFlOl Servo frictron devrce. tappet lub. 65LF 1927 D2A RF 1 to RF 101 Rear hydrls. new sfde levers 1927 D2B UFltoUFlOl Srlencer heat shteld - 79-UF RP. FP. KP(“) 1928 E2A EH 1 toEH 101 1928 E2B FHltoFHlOl 1928 F2A ALltoALlOl Axle control dampers. stiffer crankshaft semr-ngtddlst. cant , chokevalve lub 1928129 F2B CL1 toCLlO1 Alum cyl head; rearsparewheel camel; 10” pendulum lever Tungsten 37 EH, strutted cyls 73EH 1926/29 G2A WRltoWRlOl ilextbleengrne 1928129 1929 G2B WR 102toWR131 KRl toKR71 Cast dash, side-by-side brakes, Zennh petrol filter. rad. 1” hrgher; batteryIn frame: felt pads 1-KR 1929 H2 KR72toKR131 OR1 toOR Cadmium plated springs 19-OR 1929 KR (“) 1929 IB I”) suspension ROLLS-ROYCE Approximate Delivery dates , Series Chassisnumber 1930 MR f”) 1930131 PR (“1 Modification Introduced Approximate Delivery dates Series Chassis number 1933 34 P2 PY 2 to PY 206 1934 R2 RY3toRY211 1934 s2 SK2toSK196 Modiffcation Rolls-Royca Phantom II 1929/30 J2 WJ 1 toWJ 133 XJ 1 toXJ71 II 1929130 1930 K2 XJ72toXJ204 GN 1 toGN68 Low lnerha damoer 173.XJ 92”thermometors 18-GN to 50-GY 1930 L2 GN69toGN202 GY 1 toGY68 NewtYpeco1169GN. exhaust heatedthrottle 126GN; rear axle beanng modffn 120-GN, copper cyl. head tubes 111GN, 20x7tyres.169GN 1930 1931 M2 GY 69 to GY 205 GXf toGX68 Riveted hardy fabric 11C-GY, rubberfan belt 156GY; 3gall reserve 178-GY, stronger ban. support 1GX 1931l32 1931.03 N2 JSl toJS61 (R.H. chassis) AJS 201 to AJS 276 (L.H. chassis) Thermostattc shutters, stngle point rad. susp.. extra cyl lubn.; frontapron; 60” track, one shot chassis lubn., pivoted front brakeshoes; wider footbrakeshoes; s/s tn. brake liners; hanged filler cap; tworate charge scheme. servo damper; remote control petrol reserve; 6O%thicker rear brakedrums; F. axle modrfn c 1931/32 1932 1931/33 1932734 JS62toJS64 MS2toMS44 (R.H. chassis) AJS277 toAJS303 AMS 201 to AMS 224 (L H.chasstsl Dlemond engine mountrng; prvoted rear brake shoes; auto-klean oil filter; carb. acr cleaner; split piston shock abs; flipflap bonnet shutters 1932 MS46toMS Synchro-mesh gearbox, 2 75” prop. shaft; stronger clutch springs; overhanging bonnet; keyedS.M. rockingshaft- 122-MS. anti-shimmy shackle 140-MS 1933 MY2toMY106 1933 N2 170 MY 102toMY 190 MW3toMW107 Heavy exhaust valves; increased front braking, 7.00-l 9 tyres, cast iron brake drums; B. brg servo cams; R.A.D. 13 servo liners; R.A.D. 11 clutch liners44MY 5.25 : 1 romp.; htghliftcams, semr-expandq cam.; carb. air silencer; new reverse mechm 102-MY. new shock dampers; silent 2nd. gear 65MW iown gean lever knob, dropped front Xmember 58-SK. needle brg. prop. shaft 96SK, exhaust valves stepped 102.SK, 12x41 rearaxle 136SK 1934/35 T2 TA 1 to TA 201 Fully ffoating servo, easy brake adj, modrfied hot-spot plpn, corm. rod with 5 clips, external clutch add.; large choke carburetter, low kft camshaft, flexrbleenglnemounttng. synchro-mesh Lndgear 1935 u2 UK2toUK82 T C C condenser Rolls-Royce Phantom Ill 1936 A 3-AZ 20 to 3AZ 238 3-AX 1 to 3-AX 207 Petrol filler on 2nd X member 3-AX-35 1936137 1937 B 3-BU 2 to3-BU 200 3-BT 1 to 3-BT 203 Rubber mounted rearaxle 1937 1937l38 C 3-CP2103CP200 3-CM 1 to 3-W 203 Petrol pump In frame - 3CM-35 “Long” clutch plate- 3CM-79 3-DL 2 to 3-DL 200 3-DH 1 to 3-DH 203 4-Port q4 head; solid tappets, srnglevalve spnngs. open tYpe fuses, Hall’s metal btg ends, otl coolerdeleted, modlfied starter 3-DL44 5 x 18 road wheels 3-DL-78 OverdrIve gearbox 3-DL-172 SBA 2 to SBA 138 SCA 1 to SCA 63 C&A cyknder head gasket 3e In. dla rear axle bolts Modified S S tube socket (LSBA-76) Modified X S tube sockets (LSBA-106) One piece shackle bracket Longer gear change lever 1938139 1939 D Rolls-Royce Sihrer Dawn Apr 49 to Jun.50 Jun 50 to Mar 51 A 1 Modified throttle return sprir19 SBA-16 SBA-26 (except LSBA-28) LSBA-28 17 ROLLS-ROYCE Approximate Dehvery dates Serres Chassrs number Modification Apr 49 to Jun 50 Jun 50toMar 51 icontmued) A Felt bush rn steenng COI gearchange Modrfred R S D plates Revrsed linkage & rubber grommet rn steenng column gear change Rear shackle Br]ur prpes revrsed M&fed carburetter SBA 2 to SW 138 SCA 1 to SCA 63 Approximate Deltvery dates Modrfred speed0 and dnve 2nd mod to rear spnng plate Revrsed steenng geometry Antr-rumble front brakes Thrcker lrpped brake drums i Mcxfrfred rear No plate box Keyholesocketsongearcontrol Reduced speed fan One prece rear brake equ-lever Alumrnrum cam wheel 3 bush rear brake equ-support JuI 51 to Jui 52 B C SDB 2 to SDB 140 SFC2toSFC160 t-8 D SHD2toSHD60 LSBA-76 SBA-140 SBA-128 (LSBA-131) SBA-130 LSBA 138 Jul 52 toJan 53 NW 52 to Mav 53 E SKE 2 to SKE 50 SLE 1 to SLE 51 LSCA-11 LSCA-9 LSCA-i 7 LSCA-23 SCA-27 (LSCA-23) SCA-2 J SCA-29 LSCA-41 SCA-45 \ kt$~:bosses on RS D. plates j Trrple pass de-mrster Inter scheme LSCA 53 Thrcker rear SD. plates Triple pass R.H de-mrster (frnal) Modrfred water pumpgland rrng New type rgnrtron condenser Side scuttle ventrlators Steel or1caps rn crankshaft Heavy type clutch LSDB-2 LSDBS SDB-12 SDB-40 SDB44 LSDB-58 SOB.76 LSCA-51 3% In. boreengrne Thrckened crankshaft webs Full flow or1filter I Insulated dynamo increased front damprng Twin condensers 120”openrng ventrlator wrndows I Rearwrndow demrster 3-positron heater andde-mister 1 swatches Single choke Zenrth ! carburetter Short dwell detent on 1st gear selector SFC-122 Reposrtroned or1gauge connectron on crankcase Strffenedclutch casrng LSHD-6 SHD-18 I Mar 52 to Sep 52 LSBA-44 LSBA-46 SCA-1 Modrfred starter solenord swatch Low rate 011feed to clutch Lower bush R S D lrnkdeleted 11” clutch (kght type1 SCA-27 Modrfred clutch sptgot beanng Closer frtttng 2nd & 3rd speed Nov 50 to Aug 51 Serres Chassis number Dee 52 to Sep 53 Jul53 to Feb 54 F SMF 2 to SMF 76 SNF 1 toSNF 125 1 VC-2 SFC64 SFC-92 SFC-94 Feb 54 to Aug 54 Mar 54 to Sep.54 G SOG2toSOGlOO SPG 1 toSPG 101 LSFC-102 Feb 54 toAug.54 Aug.54 to Ott 54 H SRH2toSRHlOO STH 1 toSTH 101 Modifrcatron Introduced Reversron to old type front wheel studs Mark II headlamps LSHD-56 Revrsed luggage boot Revrsedattrtude rear springs ’ Redesigned rear shock damoer lrnkage Two speed windscreen wiper Hot and cold demrster Reducedfnctronon steermg connecttons ) Needle rollers on clutch release fevers Caster angle wedges Deletronof hand throttle control Pop-out cigar lrghter Separately housed marn fuse Solid prns and shreld on servo f Corrugated bottom water hose connection Taper roller bearings on rear axle prnron (except 12/41 axles) 3tn seconds slow leak on front shockdampers Taper roller bearings on rear axle pinion (12 x41 axles) Parco lubnzed tappets 6 75 compressron ratro cylrnder head B VI camshaft (L H cars only) Deletron of non-opposed springs In srde steenng tube All welded frame Cable operated hot and cold de-mIster and underseat heater 1 Hardclaygasket Deletronof reduced frrctron modifrcatrons on steenng connectrons Improved type underseat tool tray lntroductron of B VI type gearbox tre rod Flttlng of rnertra nng on flywheel Dynamo type mountrng strapon starter motor Compensator popebetween front and rear servo Thrcker thrrd motion shaft thrust washer Twrn exhaust system 12/41 rear axle (all cars) I Strengthenedfawson front brake operatrng lrnks SKE- 2 SKE-10 SLE-11 SLE-31 SMF-42 SME-50 SMF-62 SMF-66 SMF-70 SNF- 1 SNF-15 SNF-27 SNF-109 SNF-113 SOGSG SPG-11 IRH) SPG-37 SRH- 2 SRH 4 ROLLS-ROYCE Approximate Delivery dates Series Chassts number Modification Introduced Feb.54toAug.54 Aug 54 to Ott 54 (conttnued) Ii Eltmtnattonof chromtum-plated sefvopressureplate Dynamo tvpa mounting strap on starter motor Alumtncum flywheel housmg Long stroke starter ptnlon SRHSRI-i(CH) SWSTH- Ott 54 to Jan 55 Nov 54 to Apr 55 I404ot33Stm Wraith Feb 47 to Jul47 Aug 47 to Jan 48 Ott 47 to Aug 48 A SRH2toSRHlOO STH 1 to STH 101 SUJZtoSUJ130 SVJ 1 to SVJ 133 Bentley contInental type demtsttng 2nd speed start Ferodo washer and drain slots I” crankshaftvtbratlondamper WTA i toWTA85 WVA 1 toWVA81 WYAl toWYA87 Sew0 damper Squtrt hole tn corm rods Twtn tgnttton COIIS Parkensed tappets Hardened push rods Alumtntum bonnet Shock absorber screwed Inserts Heater return tap deleted Heater drain tap added I Modtfted horn push button Provision for 5” dvnamo Increased synchro cam angles Modtfteddtstn dnvespring nng Approximate Delivery dates Series Chassis number 72 57 SUJ- 14 SUJ- 50 . Apr 48 to Jul48 Jul48 to Sep 48 Sep 48 to Apr 49 B WZB 1 IO WZB 65 WA0 1 to WAB 65 WCB 1 to WC0 73 . Dec.48 to Jul49 May 49 to Nov 49 Sep 49 to May 50 C WDC 1 to WDC 101 W!=C 1 toWFC 101 WGCl to WGC 101 Nebar rocker cover lolnt 5” dynamo Rocker cover breather Modified clutch thrust race Horn suppressor Dunlop jacks 2 4” balance lever C &A cvknder head gasket Eironreexhaustvalvegutdes Modtfied coolant pump Accelr countershaft guard Servo protectton piate Modtftedcoreplugs Extended petrol tank breather Bench type spnng dnve Short cvknder tnserts Longer upper trtangle levers 011caps In No 7Lournai WTA- 48 WTA- 79 W’JA- 5 WVA-16 WVA-41 WVA- 66 WZB- Aor BOtoJan 51 D WHOltoWHDlOl 1 I WZB-15 WZB-23 WZB-43 WZB- 55 WZB-61 WAB- 2 WA& 14 WAB- 23 WA& 25 WAB 58 WCB- 21 I WCB-26 I Spkt sktrt pistons Lucas screen wipers Batter charging plug Chromtum-plated servo plate Rearshockdamper ltnkage I modtftcatton Ann-sptllvalve In radiator WOC- 1 Introduced 1F brakeexpanders WOC-31 3,%In cylinder studs I WOC- 38 Otp and switch headlamps woe- 59 Alumcntum tappet doors Strengthened3rd mot shaft WOC.63 spknes WDC 76 81~” deflectton front springs 22tn” servo cams 3” balance WDC- 98 levers Heater return tap re-Introduced WDC 100 Modifted underseat heater Radiator heated de-mtster \ WFC- 1 Square edge bearings. 1st and 3rd mot shaft \ WFC- 39 Revtsed inter-shoe brake knkage WFC- 50 Addttronallack skdes Portable hand tnspectlon lamp WFC- 63 Granodtsed ptston rings I (WFC-83) Progresstve bump stops (LWFC- 65) WGC- 6 Closer fttttng tappets Graded pistons WGC- 11 3~ In dta rear axle bolts I Revtsed brake knkage WGC- 44 Internal oil feed to dtstr Commontseddash WGC- 50 WGC- 87 Modtf~ed rear SO plates 50 72 WYA- 1 WYA-19 WYA- 34 Modification Tnco windscreen washer Modtfted S S tube socket ModtftedX S. tubesockets Revtsed ltnkage & rubber grommet tn steering column gear change One piece shackle bracket Reduced speed fan Keyhole sockets on gear control One ptece rear brake equ-lever Modtfled starter solenotd swatch Alummrum cam wheel 3 bush rear brake equ-support Longer boss rear spring plate Nov 50toMay51 Apr 51 toNov 51 E WLE 1 to WLE 35 WME 1 to WME 96 Low rate oil feed to clutch Modtfted flywheel clutch bearrng Ttghter fatting gearbox bushes Thcker R S 0 dates R Ii de-mtster’tnter scheme Rear shackle Btjur ptpes revtsed Revcsed steering geometry \ Antt-rumble front brakes 1 Thtcker lipped brakedrums Triple pass R H de-mister (fInal) Modtfted water pumpgland nng WHOWHOWHD- 1 3 8 LWHOWHOWHOLWHOWHDLWHOWHDWHDWHDLWHD- 12 31 77 78 82 84 86 87 88 97 WLE- 1 LWLE- 10 WLE- 6 WLE- 7 WLE- 26 WLE- 27 WMEWME-34 WME-35 1 19 ROLLS-ROYCE Introduced Approxrmate Delivery dates Series Chassis number Nov 5CtoMay51 Apr 51 toNov 51 (conttnued) E WLE 1 to WLE 35 WME 1 to WME 96 New type rgnttton condenser Steel 011 caps on crankshaft 011feea adaptor atr bottle Lower bush RSD knk deleted Ott 51 toMav52 F WOF 1 to WOF 76 3% In bore engtne Thickened crankshaft webs Full flow 011falter 7 50 x 16 tyres (certain export cars only) insulated dynamo Twrn condensers Aor 52 to Dee 52 G WSG 1 to WSG 76 Dee 52 to Nov 53 Stngle choke Zenith carburetter Short dwell detent on 1st gearselector Reposltroned 011gauge corm on crankcase Sttffenedclutchcastng 3-posttron heater& de-mtster swatches Change-over swatch In headlamps Reversion to old type front wheel studs Two speed wtndscreen wper Hot and cold de-mtster Reduced frtctron on steenng connectlons Caster angle wedges Deletron of hand throttle control 1L.H chasscs) Separately housed marn fuse Solid prns and shreld on servo Needle rollers on clutch release levers 18 7 1 ratro steenng Taper roller beanngs on rear axle ptnton (except 12/41 axle ratto) Parco lubrlred tappets Approximate Delivery dates Series Chassisnumber WME-47 WME- 51 WME-61 WME- 68 WOF- Increased frontal area radrator rnatnx Cable operated not and cold de-mtster and underseat heater I Hardclaygasket Welded frame 1 Mar 54 to Aug 54 C CLW 1 tocLw43 WOF-37 WOF- 54 WOF 72 1 WSG 7 Jun 54 to Mar 55 D DLW 1 to DLW 172 WSG- 16 WSG-41 WSG 45 WSG- 48 WSG-61 I I WVH- 1 Ott 55toMav56 E ELW 1 toELW 101 WVH-12 WVH- 43 WVH- 77 WVH- 98 May 56 to Jun 57 F FLWltoFLWlOl Rolh-Royca Silver Wraith Long Whatbme Jan 52 to May 53 A ALWl toALW51 Hot and cold de-mister Reduced fnctron on steenng connections Caster angle wedges Needle rollers In clutch release levers \ ALW- 27 I Bentley camshaft frtted Parco lubrlzed tappets Deletton of non-opposed springs In srde steering tube 4” longer bonnet Modification ALW-29 BLW 15 BLW- 17 BLW 39 Jul 57 to Jan 58 G GLW 1 toGLW26 Fitting of rnertra nng on flywheel Dynamo type mountrng strap on starter motor Compensator prpe between front and rear servo Thrcker 3rd motton shaft thrust washer Strengthenedfaws on front brakeoperating links Eltmrnation of chromtumplated servo pressure plate Alumtntum flywheel houstng Dynamo type mounting strap on starter motor Long stroke starter pinton Bentleyconttnental type de-mtsttng 2nd speed start Ferodo washer and dram slots In crankshaft vtbratton damper Matn beanng cap studs replaced by set screws New flanges on exhaust frttrngs lncorporatron of spherical clevts bearings to servo push rod lntroductron of ‘S’ type engrne mountrng Aeposttronlng of voltage regulator Modtftedvoltage regulator Modtfteddynamoand regulator Reach nut and washer to suit spot facing of ball lotnt and trunnion body. output I shaft to propeller shaft Modrfred radrator bottom tank and matnx (P A S I lntroductton of 8 1 compresston ratto Voltage regulatorwcth swamp rescstance Introduction of orldeflector plate for rear shock damper Introductronof 18 7 steering ratlo on left-hand dnve cars No recordable modtflcatlons Introduced Bi-W-43 BLW-48 CLW- 24 CLW- 35 (R H ) CLW- 37 CLW-40 DLW- 15 DLWDLWDLWfL H ) DLW- 32 40 59 65 DLW- 80 DLW- 83 DLW-124 ELW- 18 ELW- 48 ELW- 49 IL C) ELW-64 ELW-87 ELW-81 ELW-87 FLW- 1 FLW- 20 FLW- 60 FLW-68 FLW- 74 LFLW- 96 ROLLS-ROYCE Approximate Delivery dates Mar 58 to Ott 58 Senes Chassis number Modification ti No recordable modrflcatlons HLW i to HLW 52 Introduced Approximate Dellvery dates Series Chassisnumber Revised type of rear engine rnountmg Modlhed push button and door handle Increased numberof flxlng holes In rearaxletube Foldrngarm rest in front seats Steenng lever with taper roller bearings In place of bushes Modlfled shakeback stopfront and rear brake assembites Strengthening front slrspenslon fulcrum bracket Rolls-Royca Phantom IV No recordable modlflcatlons Mar 51 to Jun 52 A 4AF2to4AF22 Mar 53 to Ott 55 0 4BP1 to4BP7 Norecordable mocilflcatlons Nov 55 to Dee 56 C 4CS2to4CS6 No recordable modlfcatlons Rolls-Royce Silver Cloud I Standard Saloon Apr 55 to Jan 56 Jan.56 to May 56 A SWA 2 to SWA 250 SXA 1 to %A251 l, Modrfred butterflyvalveand countersunk screws SU carburetter Introducuon of thrck washer under fulcrum bracket bolt lock plate tocompensate for drstortron of lugs on I front pan Setscrews Instead of studs for marn beanng caps Improved seakng between wrndscreen washer and wiper mountrng and body Steenngballfoint castle nuts wrth Increased beanng surface lncreasedfnctron on brake shakeback stops and Increased load on servo return spring I Increased drameter rear englne mountrng bolt and modified bracket Modified bosses to Increase strength of rear axle tube Improved water and 011mrst seakng on servo i Strengthening spring support plate. front suspension Modified rear loom to cut out brake light on side on which flasher is rn operation Modified flanges on exhaust fittings Wheel cyknder matenal changed from alumrnrum to cast Iron Stronger clamp for rear anti-roll bar Filter m brake fluid supply tank Introductionof alumrnrum brake mastercyknder Provrslon of drag knks with greater resistance to kinkIng under compresston Modification SWA 14 Mar 56 to Jun 56 Jun 56 to Sep 56 i3 SYB2toSYB250 SZB 1 to SZB 251 SWA- 24 SWA- 40 SWA- 56 SWA- 62 Aug 56 to Ott 56 Ott 56 IO Apr 57 C SBC 2 to SBC 150 SCCl toscc151 SWA-70 SWA- 72 SWA-126 SWA-136 Feb 57 to May 57 Apr 57 to Aug 57 D SDD 2 to SD0 450 SED 1 toSED451 SWA-146 SWA-152 SWA-162 Aug 57 to Jan.58 Dee 57 to Jul58 SWA-168 E SFE 1 toSFE 501 SGE 2 to SGE 500 Modlfled seahng ring, centre steermg operated lever (PAS) Dual brake master cyltnders Modified dynamo and voltage regulator Radiator and dram tap suttahle for modlfred frame lntroductlonof copper petrol wes Reach nut and washer to sun new spot facfng of ball and trunnlonfomt body. output shaft to propeller shaft llphill run pipes from twin master cylinders Weldedframestlffenersonea ch srde of fackq bracket Revised frame fsdaved ends1 Reversal ot power c+inaer mountfng bolt (P A S ) Increased number of fixing holes m rear axle centre casing Voltage regulator wtth swamp reststance (H type) Introduction of 18 7 steering ratro on left-hand dnve cars Introduction of oil deflector plate for rear shock damper Introduced SWA-206 WA- 51 9% 67 SXA137 DA-151 %A-167 SYB- 2 SYB- 50 SYB- 90 SYB-116 SZFJ 29 SZB- 35 SZB- 69 SZB-113 SZB’39 SZB-183 SK-112 see- 33 SCC- 69 see-1 19 Strengthenedfront shockdamper body - rntroductlon of sleeve In mountrng bolt bore Strongerfront shockdamper casing Combrned InerttMand starter nng. modlfled starterdnve and sttffened clutch casing SOD-350 8 1 compression ratioengine Modrffed stub axle voke seal Strengthened door’hinges SFE- 9 SFE- 23 SFE- 75 SDD- 98 SED-131 21 ROLLS-ROYCE Approximate Delivery dales Series Chassisnumber Modification Introduced Aug 57 to Jan 58 Dee 57 to Jul 58 (contrnued) t Strongerdrag ltnks DR 3 w1pf3 motor Stronger rear shock damper llnk bushes lmprovedpropallershaftsedl SFE-109 SE-279 SFF.1 tc SFE 501 SGE 1 to SGE 500 SHF 1 to SHF 251 SJF 2 to SJF 250 JuI58 toNov 58 Ott 58 to Jan 59 Jan 59 toFeb 59 Feb 59 to Apr 59 G Mar 59 to Jun 59 Mav 59 to Jut 59 H Deletton of lubncatlon pope on Idler lever Modtfted mounttng of rear SllenCer to prevent bWWtQ mounttng rubber Improved type rear brake expanderwedges TWIT jet centrally mounted wmdscreen washer Grease lubncated track rods Larger dtametcr rear axle shaft splines Grease lubncated centre steenng lntermedtate heater and de-mrster controls Wtre type clips on propeller shaft grease seal Strengthened front hubs C 48dynamo Ftnal scheme strengthened stubaxle Modrfted door handle with button sealing Freewheekng boot lock mechanrsm Feb 58 to Jan 59 22 A SHF- 1 St+ 1 SHF- ! St-IFSHF- 1 1 SHF- 1 SHF- 1 SHF- 1 SHF- 1 SHF- 1 SHF- 43 B SKG-119 Extended neck on propeller shaft seal SMH- BLC 1 toBLC51 Modtfred rear stlencer mount1 “9 to prevent burntng mounting rubber Improved propeller shaft centnng button and seal Deletron of Idler lever lubncatton prpe Intermediate heaterand de-muster controls Wtre type ckps on propeller shaft grease seal C SKG- ALC Aug 59 to Dee 59 Nov 59 to Mar 60 A SPA 2 to SPA 326 SRA 1 to SRA325 1 Feb 60 to Apr 80 Apr 60 to Sep 60 B Jun 60 to Dee 60 Nov 60 to Feb 61 C STB 2 to STB 500 SVB 1 to SVB 501 3 15 ALC- 19 ELC- 1 BLC- 1 BLC- 1 BLC- 1 BLC 5 Modtfteddoor handleswtth button sealtna Extended neik on propeller shaft seal Deletton of check valve In brake fluid supply prpes Introduced BLC- 11 BLC- 11 BLC- 18 BLC- 18 BLC- 28 BLC- 38 BLC 39 BLC- 38 CLC- 8 CLC- 26 CLC 31 Rolls-Royce Silver Cloud II Standard Saloon SJF-168 SMH 1 to SMH 265 SNH2toSNH262 Improved typedoor seals Stronger rear shock damper knk bushes Dee 58 tc Jul.59 CLC 1 to CLC 47 SJF-140 Deletan of checkvalve tn brake flurd supply popes Modtfted heater and de-mtster connecttons on radtator Modification Twtn jet centrally mounted wlndscreen washer Ftnal type modtfted stubaxles Modrfted rear brake expander wedges Grease lubricated track rods Grease lubncated centre steenng Strengthened front hubs C 48 dynamo Modtfted radiator heater and de-mtster connecttons SJF-122 SKG 1 to SKG 125 SLG 2 to SLG 126 ALC 1 to ALC 26 Series Chassisnumber SFE-367 SGE 160 Rolls-Royce Silver Cloud I Long Wheehse Nov 57 to Jun.68 Approximate Delivery dates swc 2 to swc 730 SXC 1 to SXC 67 1 Stepped type crown wheel bolts lntroductton of seamless prop shaft ~ntroductronof soltdcamshaft Sealed thermal delay swatch Improved typeof crown wheel bolts Improved throttle control linkage (left-hand cars) Engtne vtbratron cushion fttted lmprovedcarburetterchoke operatlon Sl type front stlencer Shortened fan extenston cone Flatted tappets Strengthentngof front shock damper casq (new mt’g plate) Modtftedcarburetters -fuel vaponsatcon Modrftedmethcdof mounting fast idle cam bracket Improved type radtator filler cap seal M6dlfw.i crankcase to Improve cam and tappet lubncatlon Improved Instrument facla ctgar lighter Addtttonal coM air Intake Operattng handle fltted to cappcng r&l outlet duct Improved type starter motor SPA-260 SPA-272 SPA-31 4 SRA- 33 SRA-181 LSRA-315 SRA-32 1 STB-282 STB-370 SVB- 17 SVB-431 swc- 44 swc-130 swc-184 SWC-232 SWC-320 sxc 1 ROLLS-ROYCE Approximate Delivery dates Senes Chassts number Modification Jun 60 to Oec 60 Nov 60 to Feb 61 (continued) C lntroductlon of spare wheel compartment cover Introduction of map light and newswttchbox Loud speaker In parcel shelf and radfo balance control lntroducoon of valve stem packings Hardenedallover bushless rockersand flatted rocker shaft Lowered exhaust pipe Strengthening of front shock damper casing (new shock damper bodies) swc 2 to swc 730 SXC 1 to SK 671 r’ Feb 61 toAug 61 Jun 61 toDec 6, Dee 61 to Aug 62 D E SYD 2 to SYD 550 SZD 1 to SZD 551 SAE 1 to SAE 685 Improved choke operation heat sink IntroducGon of petrol tank breather Improved top mounting bracket dssy. fOreleWG?llyoperated ww?dow Ml Waterproof spark plug adaptors Plasticduct in front doors to prevent lngressofwater EOW Slldlng door for front door cubby box Central heater duct to rear compartment Introduction of blue Instrument lghtlng Rear wlndow de-mister switch on Instrument facla lntroductlon of handbrake warmnghght Combtned flasher and fltck switch Stiffened intenof mirror stem Clews pin material changes front brakes New cgar lighter In RH companion Improved coolant and heater hoses lntroductlon of totally enclosed crankcase breathmg (LH cars only) FIbreglass air silencer AdditIonal washeron bell crank lever inter brake system ILH cars only) Revised rear lamp&mod to rear lamp platform Sealed beam light unit Lighter steenng (LH cars) Revised taming gear 011let Introduced Approximate Delivery dates Series Chassis number Modification Introduced Rolls-Royce Silver Cloud II Long Wheelbase sxc- 1 Sep 59 to Aug 60 A LCA ito LCA 76 i sxc- 19 SXC-389 sxc-393 sxc-623 SYD-336 SYD-408 SYD496 SZD- 39 2 11 LCA- 16 LCA- 19 LCA- 29 LCALCALCALCA- 31 57 69 70 LCA- 76 LCB 1 toLCB 101 Strengthening of front shock damper casing (new mt’g plates LCB- 1 only) Modified carburetters - fuel I LCB- 8 vaponsation M&fled method of mounting fast Idlecam bracket Modlfled crankcase to Improve cam and tappet lubncatton LCB- 29 Improved type starter motor LCB- 41 U D 5692 Improved Instrument facla ctgar !Ighter lntroductlon of spare wheel LCB- 42 compartment cover Introduction of map Ilght and new switchbox lnrroduction of valve stem packings LCB- 48 LCB- 63 Lowered exhaust pipe Hardened all over bushless rockers and flatted rocker shaft LCB- 67 1oud speaker In parcel shelf LCB- 73 and radlobalancecontrol Strengthenrng of front shock damper casing (new shock LCB- 81 damper bodies) Apr 61 to Jul62 C LCC 1 to LCC 101 Improved choke operatton heat sink lntroductlonof petrol tank breather Improved topmountlng bracket assy for electncally operated window hft LSZD-603 1 LSAE- 85 LSAE- 91 LSAE-371 SAE-389 SAE-407 LSAE-441 SAE-507 LCA LCA 1 B SZD-347 LSAE-379 LLCA- Aug 60toMay61 SZD-341 SAE- Improved throttle control linkage (LH cars) Sealed thermal delay swatch EngInevIbratIon cushion fltted lntroductlon of solld camshaft Stepped type of crown wheel bolts Improved type of crown wheel bolts lntroductlon of seamless prop shaft Improved carburetter chcke operation Sl typefront silencer Flatted tappets Shortened fan extension cone Improved type radlatorflller cap seal LCC- 1 LCC- 16 ccc- 21 23 ROLLS-ROYCE Approximate Delivery dates Series Chassisnumber Apr 61 to Jut 62 (conttnuedi C Jun 62toDec 62 ROUS-RO Stanclar sllva Moon Ott 62 Cloud LCD 1 to LCD 25 Waterproof sparklng plug adaptor Rear wIndow demlster swatch on Instrument facta Sliding door for front door cubby box IntroductIonof handbrake warning light Combined flasher and headlamp flck switch Introduction of blue Instrument ltghtlng StIffened Intenor rnlrror stem Plastic duct In front doors to prevent Ingress of water to E.0 W Clews punmaterial change, front brakes lntroductlon of totally enclosed crankcase breathing (LH cars onlv) lmdroved codantand heater hoses Standard S2 type heattng and de-misting Fibreglass air stlencer Addltmnal washer on bell crank lever Inter brake system ILH cars only) Sealed beam light unit Lighter steering (LH carsonly) Revised rear lamp and mod to rear lamp platform Aevtsedttminggearoll)et Introd!,ced Aooroximate Deiivew dates Series Chassis number LCC- 48 Sep 63 io Jan 64 E SEV 1 to SEV 495 Ram feed hose re-routed Single bolt seat belt anchorages USA &Canada Lucas RB 340 regulator and rnountlng bracket Wider rear seats N 16 Y sparking plugs (except USA) Ccc 63 to Jul64 F SFU : to SFU 803 88°C thermostat Increased borecarburetter vent PWS Pre-load prop shaft centre beanng FreshaIr Intakecontrol knob re-positloned Vented flywheel casing under cover Jun 64 to Nov 64 SGT 1 to SGT 659 Nemag speedometer Rear wheels with wider nms Deletion of stop/flasher relay Ott 64toFeb 65 SHS 1 to SHS 357 Re-routed steenng hoses Jan 65 to Jun 65 SJR 1 toSJR623 New type casting for tappet blocks Ventilated bell housing Fuel pumpwlth nylon barner diaphragm SKP 1 to SKP423 Heat treated chtlled iron tappets lnlerference fit cylmder hners NewfuelpumpS U typeAUF400 (Home cars) Modlfled type scraper rings LCC- 49 LCC- 51 LCC- 7? LLCC- 74 LLCC- 92 LCD- 5 LLCD- 7 LCD 8 LLCD- 11 Introduced Starter relay pos. cable re-routed Stronger torus cover sprtngs Introduction of handbrake pulley (RH cars) LCC- 78 LLCC- 83 Modtfication May65 to Sep 65 K LLCD- 14 LCD- ‘9 Ill From G Senes onwards, the letter ‘C’ following the chassis number lndlcates a coachbull car A SAZltoSAZ61 Bracket ‘A’ bankdowntake pipe Not issued B Not Issued Not tssued Sep 62 to May 63 C sex 1 to sex 877 New water tap and steady post Starter nng with hardened teeth tips Handbrake warning lamp Master cyl. -bracket bolted on enclosed crankcase breather 8: 1 C/A pistons forcertaln cars only Front wing tensioner stay Deletion of camshaft bushes Wax fllled thermostat StaInless steel wheel discs May 63 to Ott 63 24 D LCC 1 toLCC 101 Modification D SDW 1 to SDW 601 WIndscreen wiper stop S.U carb float chambers revised Fuel pump flexible pipes New door seals Rolls-Royca Silver cloud ill Long Wheelbase Ott 62 to Jan 63 A CAL 1 to CAL 83 New water tap and steady post Starter nng wrth hardened teeth tips Handbrakewamtng lamp Master cyl .- bracket bolted on enclosed crankcase breather Jan 63 to Jun 63 CBLltoCBLGl Wax filled thermostat Deletion of camshaft bushes Stainless steel wheel discs Modlfled twin S.U. fuel pumps Jun 63 to Feb 64 CCL 1 toCCL 101 Windscreen wiper stop Fuel pump flexible pope Door seals Starter relay pos cable rerouted Stronger torus cover springs ROLLS-ROYCE Approximate Delivery dates Series Chassts number Jun.63 to Feb 64 (continued) C CCL 1 to CCL 101 lntroductton of handbrake pulley (AH cars) Ram feed hose rerouted Srngle bolt seat belt anchorage (USA&Canada) Lucas RB 340 regulator and mounttng bracket N 16 Y sparking plugs (except USA) Choke tn reverse lamp ctrcun Wider rear seats Feb 64toAug D CDL 1 to CDL95 88°C thermostat Increased borecarburetter vent ptpes Pre-load prop. shaft centre beanng Fresh atr Intake control knob repositionea Rear wheels with wider nms Vented flywheel casing undercover 64 Modification , Sep 64 to Jun 65 E Jun 65 to Aug 65 Aug 65 to Sep 65 a G CELl toCtL105 Introduced Approximate Delivery dates Series Chassisnumber Heat treated chilled Iron tappets lnterferencefttcyltnder liners Modified type scraper nng CGL 1 to CGL 29 New fuel pump S.tJ type AUF 400 (Home cars) Feb 61 to Jul61 Aug 61 to Jan 62 B 5BVlto5BVlOl 5BX2to5BXlOO ROlb-flo~ safer Cloud Ill Coachbuitt Apr 65 to Dee 65 Nov 65 to Feb 66 B C CSCl Bto CSC 141 B Fuel pumpwtth nylon barner draphragm Heattreatedchtlled tron tappets lnterferencefttcyltnderltners NewfuelpumpSU typeAUF400 (Home cars) Modtftedtypescrapernng Nov 61 to Nov 62 csc1cto csc 19c The ftrst senes of these cars were included wtth the Standard Saloons and tdenttfted by the letter folbwtng the chassis number. Rolls-Rep Phantom V Sep 59 to J~l.60 Aug.GO to Feb 61 A 5ASl to5ASlOl 5AT2to5ATlOO Sealed thermal delay swatch Engtne vtbratton cushton flmd lmprovedthrottlecontrol lmkagn (LH cars) 5AS I Introduced Introductton of soltd camshaft 5AS39 Stepped type crown wheel bolts 5 AS 47 Improved type crown wheel bolts 5 AS 67 Introduction of seamless prop shaft 5ASb5 lmprovedcarburetterchoke operation 5AT20 Sl type front silencer 5AT32 Flatted tappets 5AT50 Modtftedcarburetters-fuel vaponsatton 5AT60 Mcdtfied method of mounting fast tdlecam bracket 5AT82 Shortened fan extension cone 5AT86 Improved type radtator ftlier cap seal 5AT96 Nemag speedometer Rerouted steenng hoses New type casttng for tappet blocks Ventilated bell housing CFL 1 toCFL41 Modification 3 C 5CGlto5CG79 Strengthened front shock damper casrng (new mt’g plate 0nlY) Modtfted crankcase to Improve I camandtappet lubncatton Improved h/pe starter motor I lntroductton of valve stem packings Hardened allover bushless \ rockers and flatted rocker shaft Improved Instrument facta cgar kghter Strengthened front shockdamper casing (new shockdamper bodies) Throughtheframeexhaust (intermediate) Improved choke operation heat sink Waterproof spark plug adaptor lntroductton of petrol tank breather Combated flasher and head \ lampfkckswttch lntroductsn of blue I cnstrumentltghttng Throwhtheframeexhaust (final) Introductton of handbrake warnatg light Revtsed rear lamp & mod to rear lamp platform Clews pin matenal change. front brakes Improvedcoolant and heater hoses Heavter gauge stone guard to reduce damage to petrol pump Underseat heater hoses rerouted to prevent chaftng 5BV 1 5BVlS 5BV21 5BV95 5BV99 5BX52 58X54 5BX64 5BX96 5CGll 5LCGlS 5CG33 5CG47 5CG51 5 LCG 65 25 ROLLS-ROYCE Introduced Series Chassis number Delivery dates Nov 61 toNov.62 konttnued) C 5CG 1 to 5CG 79 to5VA123 lntroductton of totally enclosed crankcase breathtng (LH cars onlv) Addtttonal washer on bell crank lever triter brake system (LH cars onlyi Revtsed ttmtng gear oil )et Lghter steenng (LH cars only) Sealed beam light untt Fibreglass air stfencer Handbrakewamtng lamp Starter nng with hardened teeth ttps Enclosed crankcase breather Wax filled thermostat Delebon of camshaft bushes Fuef pump ffexiMe pipes Stronger torus cover spring Sep.62 to Mar 64 A 5VAl Nov 63 to Aor. B 5VB 1 to5VB51 New refngerabon compressor mounttngbracket Barn feed hose m-routed Lucas RB 340 regulator and mountcng bracket N 16 Y sparktng plugs (except USA) Apr 64 to Oct.64 C 5vc 1 to5vc51 Stainless steel exhaust @3T thermostat increased bore carburetter vent DIDBS bearing Vented flywheel castng undercover 26 to5VDlOl Dimmer refaYrear lamps Nemag speedometer Steering hoses rerouted New type casttng for tappet blocks Ventitated bell housmg Addttconalheater matnx wtth revised piping Fuel pump with nylon barrier dlephwm Sep 64 to Sep 65 D 5VDl Sep.65 toMar 66 E 5VE 1 to5VE51 New fuel pump S.U. type AUF 4OOtHome cars) Interference fii cyltnder kners . . ._. Modlt~ed tvpe scraper rings Heat treated chilted Iron tappets Mar.66 to Apr 66 F 5VF 1 to5VF163 New fuel pump S U type AUF 400 (All cars) 5 LCG 65 5 LCG 75 5 LCG 79 5 LCG 79 Rolls-Royce suvBrshBdow ii!isz%” rsda Lkhe PhwttomVl Camargw and Bentley , 1965 to I976 1976 to 1960 1976 to 1960 1965 to 1976 1976 to 1960 1971 to date 1966 to date 1975 to date The first letter of the car serial number denotes the body stylrng S Standard saloon (Standard sedan in the USA) C Two-door saloon (Twodoor coupe at the USA) 0 Convemble L Long wheelbase saloon {Long wheelbase formal sedan in the USA) Phantom VI Camargue The second letter differentrates Srlver Shadow motor cars from the Bentley T Serves . R Rolls-Royce B Bentley The thad letter denotes whether the car is left or nght-hand dnve X Left-hand dnve (not applicable to North American cars after 1972) H Rrght-hand drive A North Amerrcs 1972 model year B North America 1973 model year C North Amenca 1974 model year D North Amenca 1975 model year E North Amenca 1976 model year F North America 1977 model year G North Arnenca 1978 model year K North America 1979 model year L North Amenca 1966 model year In a&bon, a fetter ‘C’ IS used as a suffix letter after the car senal number to rndrcate that the vehtcle hasbeen produced to the 1966 Caltfornran specrfrcatron (e g SRL 39754 C) Not.: All coachburit cars were denoted by the prefix C (e g CRX) up to car serral number CRX 6646 Convertrble cars produced after CRX 6646 however. are denoted by the preftx D (e g DRX). while Twodoor saloons continue to be denoted by the prefix C ROLLS-ROYCE AND BENTLEY Approximate Delivery dates Chassisnumber Modification Feb 1978 Chassis number Modifrcatron All cars 1965 to 1980 except Phentom VI Rolls-Royce Phantom VI Apn 1966 Approximate Debvery dates 4108 4636 4874 PGH 101 134 1St Phantom VI Antr-theft rgnrtron co11 Last Phantom VI prtor to GM 400 gearbox and all power brakes rntroductron of Phantom VI with GM 400 gearbox and all power brakes Last PhantomVI prior tovehicle rdentrfrcatron numbers WINI Sepr 1965 Aug 1966 1001 1060 1365 1467 1740 Harmoolc damper to crossmembet %s In dla heatrng system Lighter brake pedal Steel accumulator casing 2000 2499 2639 2641 2832 2951 Chrlled Iron tappets Strffened tappet cover Starterdrsconnected from splrt parkrng 88’C thermostat Drain hole In starter motor Ott 1967 ;Ez 3034 3552 3969 Sagrnaw steenng pump all cars Ankle freezer deleted from front passenger compartment Breatherongearboxactuator New boot lid seal Addrtronal dram holes rn body Fixedquarter lrght Reverse gear lock relay deleted 4008 4084 4129 4316 4386 4469 4483 4874 Brake lrnkage prvot prns Simpler sealing rn rear rams Stiffened bell housrng Thrckerbatterycable Revised handbrake All cars - GM 400 transmrssan Nocars producedafter4874untrl5001 5192 5512 5603 New alternator tan Newlockrng strip, srde steenng levers No cars produced after 5603 untrl6000 3253 3369 Apr 1968 Mar 1968 Aug 1969 28 6000 6300 6300 6545 6725 6771 6792 6996 Vtscous coupkng on fan New wlndscreen washer Hrgher steertng ratio Hub yoke nut wrth htgher tlghtenlng torque lnhrbrtor tabfets rn fuel tank Flat ledge nm road wheels All bodres to FSS spec Bleed valve In ‘G’ valve 7Oc6 7152 7209 7318 7325 7404 7500 7500 7500 7532 Strengthened accumulator clamprng rrng Longer bonnet locatrng dowels Splrt pm rn steenng box Swung needlecarburetters Front heyht control deleted AC U.onallcars C A V alternator Permanent magnet wrper motor Steel fan cowl ROLLS-ROYCE AND BENTLEY Approximate Delivery dates Dee 1369 June 1970 Chassis number 7600 7620 7650 7694 7924 7850 7904 7917 Modlfled battery cover Stamless exhaust Strengthened handbrake callper Ttnterne petrol tanks 15 lb sq/tn relief header tank Hot Idlecompensator Modified hazard warning swatch RIgId pump to accumulator pipes 8ooo 8000 8101 8200 8222 8254 8510 8532 8569 8601 0742 8861 Modsfled mdtcatorswltch Reposltoned s!l! control tads Hardened seat In accumulator Smaller steenngwheel Flexible hose wtth staInless cover Woodvllledlaphragm In accumulator Anklefreezerdeleted, right--hand Asymetnc alternator fan Increased clearance seat to console 63/c litre engine No cars produced after 8861 until 9001 9001 9001 9113 9131 9200 9240 9380 9393 3400 9577 9584 3630 3650 3678 9170 9898 ~~ 3336 Jan. 1971 Modification Addnlonal radio suppresslon Splgoned roadheels Wfck In battery box European suspension -all but USA An&roll baron coachbullt New brake callpers Increased helghtcontrol sensltlvttv Whites speedometer drive New windscreen wiper box Steel distribution valve New front seat mechanism Centrahsed door locking New ‘0’ ring in brake pump All coachbullt cars to Corniche spec\ficatlon Tnco windscreen washer New camshaft Strengthened torque arm New petrol pipe clap 10000 10000 10245 10322 10346 10400 lo500 10550 10600 10851 Raw edge fan belts Terylene fan belts Speed control optlonal Window in battery box Wash-wipesystem Ventilated front wheel discs ImprovedVHF suppresson Balanced rotor andvented dlstnbutor Triangle levers to clear exhaust 11000 11130 ‘1155 1. ‘Q 112!” Green brake flud Lighter brake pedal (USA & Canada) ModIfIeddistributor 1 2.1 fan (Improved hoses) Aooroximate Delivery dates Nov 1971 Modification 11466 11501 1 1600’ 11690 11732 11800 11882 11802 11900 11970 Long stroke dampers 17 5 1 steenng ratto Mk V speedometer head Alumtnlum door lock roller Ashtray In top roll Larger tappets houstng brake pump 1971 package deal New swltchbox casing Press-In wheel studs Modlfled height control valve 12000 12000 12380 12428 12461 12490 12566 12657 12720 12728 12734 12760 12800 12858 12888 Feb 1972 Sept 1972 Feb 1973 June 1971 Chassis number 1306 13000 13051 Improved rear seat Dagenlte white top battery (except USA1 Kangol seat belts (USA only) New door striker plate RIgId pipes 0 375 In. 0.D pump to accumulator Tudor wlndscreen washer bottle New piston nng matenal New windscreen wIperand panel swttch Rofan alternator belt Cornlchecompllant front suspenston Improved controls labelling Nylon ball III accumulator deleted Modlfled expansion tank Slmpllfled radio mounttng 13178 13326 13485 13754 13861 13880 13922 Fiofan fan belts New dlstnbutor advance for full emtssion control engines PhIllips double cone speaker Spherical faced cam follower Compliant front suspensmn (all cars1 1972 electrical package deal Lighter brake pedal (Comiche) Weakener cut-off swttch inchoke hsg New rear calipers (export Comtcheb 14000 14097 14122 14198 14472 14643 14674 14746 14889 14954 14980 Slale air outlet Improved speed control connection 6lastc seal on valve collets New heater tap hoses Smaller air silencer FF Introduction of Camargue . Steenng column heat shield MetnccalipersM170pads (coachbuIlt 1973 Detox regulations Modlfled hydraulic flutd reservoir 15OOa 1!io59 15302 15487 15630 15638 Larger brake ‘On’ stop (Amencan saloon) Actuator vent into heater duct Improved door hanging (Comiche) 714 In. UNF accelerator pedal clamplng bolt Castro1RR363 hydraulic flutd 29 ROLLS-ROYCE AND BENTLEY Approximate Delivery dates June ‘1973 Chassisnumber Modification 15815 15854 15855 15896 15941 15950 VentedfrontdtscsM170padsLLWBt Lighter brake pedal H/Lamp washIwpe (Swedtsh cars) increased stlent padding (Saloon OTA) 15” ttmlng marks All vented front brake dtscs M 170 pads 16060 16060 16079 16130 16174 16214 16252 18458 16563 16573 16576 16600 16657 16666 16672 16685 16899 16877 16877 16928 Headrest fttttng tn seat back (approx. Std.) Foot operated parking brake LH 90.1 sensitmty HC system 1973 package steering column 1973 packagedeal Alloy spring pot cover Improved speedometer cable (saloon) Blue spot tape player Polyesterwoodwork-Comlche Improved speedometer cable (coachbuIlt) Strengthenedtoquearm bkt (approx.1 Deeper fan spigot fLW8) Compftant stde steering fever Moon) Improved front engtne cover (LWB) Piasttc bulheye LLWB) Hvdraultc antt-surge baffle Elrmtnatton of overload on fuse 5 Vinyl topdresstng (LWB) FD crossmemberwith through bolts (LWB) 17000 17056 17072 17100 17270 17381 17408 17509 17515 17516 17567 17571 17619 17629 17672 17768 17685 17919 17980 011hangup mod kzonvertrble) Carpets with Velcro except LW8 Compliant side steenng fever (Corntchef 011hang-up mod (Comiche saloon) Newfuelptpe run Addiitortaldashboatddra~n Deletton of throttle stop (Corntche) 1974 Detox regs. (Corntche) Mirror. s/control. tape, Wrest (standard) De&ton of keywamtng buzzer (OTA Comlchel Deletion of throttle step (standard) New Bosch radii 1974 Detox regs. Moonl Deletion of key warning buzzer (OTA saloon) 011hangup mod Mandardl Deletton of chargng plug Deletion of two level fiihtrng (Comchel Dwper fan spigot (Comtchej Feb. 1974 - 30 c :r% 16171 18227 18254 18269 18270 18340 Reposnloned G vafve screw (Camargue) Deeper fan spQot (standard) Improved front engtnecover Lcoachbuiltl Imptwedfront engrnecover (SWB) 1974packagephasel -wtdetracklsakxM Pfastic bullseyes Lsaloon) Sundym standard~saloon. except UK W Germany 81Australta) Approximate Delivery dates Chassisnumber 18436 185% 18552 18563 18626 18627 18670 18836 18865 18878 18935 June 1974 19000 19037 19063 19076 19088 19094 19121 19201 19232 19289 19378 19419 19443 19498 19535 19577 19577 19605 19615 19640 19668 19673 19700 19731 19741 19754 19800 19893 Modification Improved carburetter T piece (SWB) Eltmtnation of overtoad on fuse 5 (SWB) Vtnyl top dressing (4 door saloon) 1974 package phase 1 -wide track (Cornlche) Softer engtne mountings (Camargue) FD crossmember wtth through bofts Radiator shell mounting bolts USA lSW8J Improved brake dtsc cnmpng (standard) KPH speedo’s Australia (SWBI Improved brake disc cnmping fconverttble) Improved brake disc cnmptng (Cornche saloon) Improved mascot (LWBJ Improved brake disc crimping (LWB) KPH speedo’s Australta (LWB) Pioneer QP444 tape player (CamargueJ Throttle levers (Camargue) Repostttoned G vafve screw (LWB) Reposittoned G valve screw (SWB) Reposittoned G valve screw fcoachbutltj KPH speedo’s Australia (coachbuilt) Preservattve coated brakedtscs fLW8) Preservativecoated brake discs (coachbutlt) Softer engine mountings (LWB) Australten type top rofl toall SWB Softer seat for starter Interlock (1WB) Improved mascot focatton LongwheelbssenondivtslonHR70HR15 Australian top roll to all LWB Preservativecoated brakediscs (SWB) LongwheelbasediiisionHR7OHR15 Device to prevent premature tllumtnatton of brake fknd warning light tLW8) Shorter wheel studs (Camargue) New hoses (brake) Ptoneer OP444 tape player kxtachbutltJ First Sobx and Dpus (Camargue) F?oneerQP444 tape player (LWB) New switch diaphragm Softer seat for starter Interlock (SWB) Nov 1974 20019 20058 20120 20171 20181 20200 20201 20345 20579 20628 20665 Shorter wheet studs (LWBj Rocker type companion swatch Ptoneer QP444 tape player tSW8) Shorter wheel studs (coachburltl CentreexitmantfoldIcatafyst (coachbutltl Shorter wheel studs (SWB) ImprovedCDL Dewce to prevent premature illuminatton of brake fluid warning ~YIVB) Modded thermostat coil assv(machbutltl Modded thermostat coil assy (LWB) Centre extt manfotd/catafyst fLW8) Mod&d thermostat assy (SWB) ROLLS-ROYCE AND BENTLEY Approximate Delivery dates Feb. 1975 Chassis number Modification Approximate Delivery dates Chassis number 20712 20755 20797 Seat beltwarntng(USAcoachbutlt) Centre exit manifofd/catalyst (SWB) 1975 speciftcatton (Japan) No\ 1975 23000 23024 23040 21666 21164 21177 21324 21366 214.41 21729 21933 21998 23059 Ham bulbs-all LHcars except Sweden h USA Seat belt warning (USA SWB) Moddad throttle levers (coachbuIlt) k&id& throttle levers (LWB) Moddad throttle levers (SWB) Comtche cars (USAJ - with automatic air condttroning unit. new facia/instrument boardandfuelvepouremtsstoncontrol Prestone UT184 anti-freeze (OTA LWB) Corntche cars IOTAI - with automatic atr board and&&s June 1975 22000 22073 22088 22118 22192 22415 22448 22490 22503 22572 22583 22587 22600 22648 22673 22781 22847 22939 i&ion 23332 23527 23603 23808 23644 Feb 1976 with new plugs (LWB) deletton of master cylinder/rear fog (amps. High pressure accumulator swttch High pressure fuel pump-flow Check valve fuel vapour control (USA) Prestone anti-freeze UT1 84 (OTA SWB) LSWB)Opus ignition new plugs (OTA) Rearfoglamps (all cars) high pressure accumulator switch/deletion of master cylinder. High pressure pump and fuel flow check valve. fuel emisston vapour control (USAoars only) 1976USACamarguespectftcatton Smafler capachy accumulator sphere (SWB) Self cancelling door locks (Camargue) 1976 USA SW8 specification 1976 USA LWB speciftcation. smaller capacity accumulator sphere (LWB USAJapan Australii) Vacuum advancedistnbutor Comtcha coupe DRH UK spectftcation. With automatic airconditrontng unit anti newfacia4nstrument board Srnallercepacitv accumulator sphere (Camargue) Vacuumadvancedistributor(SW8 USA-Japan-Australia) Corntche saloon CRH UK specification With automatr air conditiontng untt and new fact&nstrument board Opus tgnitron. New plugs (OTA LWB) Improved wtndow lift motor ltmtt swatches (Comcheonfy) Low fluid washer bottle and improved pump(Comche) Low fluidwasher bottle and tmproved pump iSW@ 24000 24129 24331 24431 24482 24500 24506 24806 24811 Modification Steenng pump pulley interference fit on shaft Low fluid washer bottleand washer pump (LWB) 1976 USA spectfrcatton (Cornchel vacuum advance distnbutor for USA, Australia and Japan Htgh pressure accumulator switch Stiffened ‘A’ post on Camargue to use Corniche cubby box lght switch and door stop Improved kiikdown swatch (LWB) Improved kickdown switch (coachburltl Automattc bulls-eye operation (Camargue) improved kickdown switch (SW81 Improved expanstonvalve for automattc ACU Grooveless front main beanng shells (Japanese coachbutlt) AddItional temperature sensing switch and electric cooltng fan. Catafyttcexhaust and warntng buzzer. Exhaust fire shield (Japanese SWB) Addittonal temperature sensing switch and electrtc cooling fan. Catalrttc exhaust and wamtng buzzer. Exhaust fire shteld Combtnedfront lamp with flasher lens (Italtan Comche) Dwers mirror to EEC regulations (UK Camargue only) Dnvers meror to EEC regulattons (UK Corntche only) Engine mounted speed control bellows (all cars) / /’ June 1976 25328 25565 25566 25618 25623 25625 25741 Aug 1976 26000 26159 Date of manufacture plate fltted to dash (JapanesecoachbutftI Prov~sm of chikf restraint anchorages (Australian Comiche) Improvedquarterelectncwindow (lft (Comiche convertible) 1976 regulatlcosspectficattonchanges (SWB. USAand Canada) 1976 regulations specification changes (LWB. USAand Canada) Dnvers mirrorto EEC regulations (Camargue to EEC countries. except UK) Proviston of chtkf restratnt anchorages (Austrakan Camarguel 1976 regulattons speciftcatton changes ISWB. all countries other than USA and Canada) 1976 regulattons spectfiition changes (LWB. all countries other than USAand Canada) 1976 regulattons spectficatron changes (Corm&e convertible to all countries) Improved catch for petrol filler box (Camargue fuel lntegnty cars only) 31 ROLLS-ROYCE AND BENTLEY Approximate Delivery dates Nov 1976 Chassis number Modification Japanese regulation door mounted mrror (Japanese Camargue only) 31885 31961 26708 Last of the Shadow I senes motor cars Nocars producedafter 26708 until 30001 31962 Mlcheltn tyres fltted (NA cars) Improved radiator matrix (Camargue) Improved throttie progresston (LH Cemargue NAand Japan) Speedometerwired through No 2 fuse (Camargue) 30001 Introduct!on of Sliver Shadow II senes and BentleyT2 motorcars lmprovedgearandoutput shaft operatlon on auto ACU contrds Simpltfled InstallatK)n of otter switch Improved run of cables US radiator matrix used on Japanese Corntche WIS 4-way window Ltftc:lrcult breaker (4 door cars) New boot handle (German 4 door cars) EEC dnvers mirror (continental EEC countnesl 75 ampalternator (Cornlche) New extenor door handles (4 door cars1 1st Silver Wraith II (nondlwislonl Coolant pump seal fltted into housing with Chassis number Modification 26706 30008 30012 E: 30083 30300 30446 30827 30886 30904 30987 June 1977 31000 31113 31130 31142 31337 31363 31386 31389 31411 31497 31572 31643 31702 31742 31768 31839 31876 31877 31879 31882 32 L New mounting bush for Menascn units (NAcars) Modlfled Davall EWLclutch (UK Comlche) 1st Silver Wraith II (dlvlslon) Modlfled Davall EWL clutch (NA Cornlche) kr-cored Instruments Posltlve seal on petrolgauge Strengthened door hinge plates (Cornlchel Decreased hood cbsmg tenslon Side marker lamps deleted (OTA LW8) Side marker lamps deleted (OTA SWB) Strengthened door hatge plates (Camargue) RR tested HIF7 carburetter fbats New rear ram seals Improved water pump seal Radiused radiator shell (w German Camargue only) Mlchelln tyes fatted (NA Camargue) Modtfied Davall EWLclutch (Camargue) Protective sleeve fltted on steering hose Lengthened, beaded fuel tank filler tube (NA Camarguel improved adjustment of lower quantity flap Plam washers togearchange macro-switches (Camargue) Screenwash pnming valve and Improved motel (Camargue) Spansil fuel tank float (Camargue) Improved fuel vapour roll-over valve Fuelvapourvalve AddItIonal hazard warning Ight (W Euro Camargue) Aooroximate Dbiivery dates act 1977 32035 32036 32101 32176 32180 32181 32204 32212 32269 32274 32285 32328 32330 32337 32394 32408 32414 32433 32443 32449 32484 32485 32488 32500 32554 32555 32563 32631 New ram seals (Cornlchel SY steenngwheel fitted Goetz rack pinion seal (Camargue) Lengthened fuel filler hose (NACamargue) Speclfted poundage reduced on front spnngs. extra packing washer to rear springs (OTA Camarguel Tectyl coated accumuiator/frame hoses (Camargun) Screenwash pnmlng valve and Improved motor (Comiche) Packing washer under front suspension bump stop (Camargue) New speed control bellows (Camargue) Lengthened, beaded fuel tank filler tube (NAComtieonly) 10/20gbss (Camargue) Plain washers to gearchange micro-switches (Cornichel New assemblydlstnbutorandco~l (Camargue) Lengthened, beaded fuel tank filler tube (NA SWB only) Improved fuel vapour rollover valve Spans11fuel tank float fitted (Cormhe) Improved ACIJ fan and compressor fuse carrier (Camargue) Lengthened, beaded fuel filler tube (NA LWB only) Spansll fuel tank float htted (LWB) Improved radiator matnx (Cornche) Improved heed restraint escutcheon Screenwashprimlngvalveandtnrproved motor (SWB) Plain washers togearchange micro-switches W’JW Reduced run-out on brake discs Goetz rack pinion seal (Cornlche) Lengthened fuel f&r hose (NA convertibles only) Additional clip on choke solenoid wlnng to prevent chafing Improved throttle progresston (NA and Japan LH Cornlche) Fuelvapour valvefitted Additional hazardwarning lights fitted M/Euro. Cornlche) Improved fuel vapour rollover valve Atr diverter valve fatted (Australian Comiche) ROLLS-ROYCE AND BENTLEY Approximate Delivery dates ChassIsnumber 32633 32635 32653 32700 32709 32712 32716 32750 32772 32790 32795 32796 32810 32852 32859 32673 32905 32910 32934 32948 32975 Modification SY steering wheel fltted (Cornchel Packing washerunderfront suspension bump stop (ComIche; SpansllfueltankfloatftttedISWB) lmprovedcarburetterfloats ICornlche) Newassemblydtsrnbutorandco~l (Corntchel Lengthened fuel filler hose (NA Cornlche) Bosch relays in gearchange actuator (Camargue) Uprated EWLmotors fSWl3I Uprated EWL motors [LWBJ improved Ozus fuse cover fastener (Cornlchel Tectyl coating on accumu!ator/frame hoses (Cornichel d New doorframes and mirrors (Camargue) improved throttle progresston (NA& Japan LH SWB) Improved throttle progresston (NA & Japan LH LWBJ Specified poundage reduced on front spnngs. extra packing washer under rear spnngs lOTALWBl &diti&~~i\azard warning Itght (LWB) Specified poundage reduced on front spnngs. extra packing washer under rear springs (OTA Cornlche) Loctite used on cyltnder head core plugs lmoroved radiator matnx (SWB & LWB) Lengthened fuel filler hose (NA LWB) Modified boot lid handles to meet EEC regulations AddItIonal hazard warning light (SWBJ Approximate Delivery dates Chassis number Apr 1978 34ooo 34000 34050 34100 34127 34174 34187 34301 34310 34380 34396 34486 34510 34573 34599 34715 34740 Aug. 1978 35488 35512 35630 35834 Jan 1978 33097 33160 33167 33171 33174 33107 33217 33252 33526 New temperaturesensor wheel for ACU Packing washer under front suspension bump stop. Fuel vapour valvefttted (W Euro LWB) Improved carburetterfloats (LWBI Revtsed posltlonlng of passenger door mirror Loctfleusedoncrankcasecoreplugs Alrdlvertervalvefitted(Australlan LWB) Improved OEUSfuse cover fastener (LWB) New assemblydirectlon indicator switch (Camargue) Goetz rack pmon seal {SWB & LWB) Tectyl coating on accumulator/frame hoses (LWBI ImprovedEWLmotorsealing Rev& brakeliaht switch settlna method ;g;?r under bimp stop on f roni suspension lengthened fuel filler hose (NA SWBl Atr dlvetter valve fitted (Australian SWB) New headlamps to suit Improved washlwlpe system Speedometer wtred through tgnltlon Newadapterfor bumper mounting 35000 35320 35380 35427 35430 Nov 1978 36000 36035 36179 36350 36371 36581 36506 36670 36670 36705 36718 36806 36833 36077 Modificatton Improved sealing of fuel tank sender units Improved Dzus fuse cover fastener (SWB) Steel washer deleted from sub-f1ame mounts Tectyl coatedaccumula!or/frame hoses (SWB) Speclflcd poundage reduced on front sprtngs. extra packing washer under rear springs (OTA SWB) New homologation plate (Italtan cars.1 Spectfled poundage reducedoq front spnngs. extra packing washer under rear springs (OTA LWB) New speedcontrol bellows (LWB) New speedcontrol bellows (SWB) New speed control bellows Kornlche) lmprovedaccumulatordlaphragms Gearchange actuator, held In Park unless lgnrtion on lY78 electrical package, lncludlng headlamp wash/w!pe New wormshaft and motor in gearchange actuator New arrangement rack and plnlon steenng gear tncludlng modtfled Inner tubesand end aovers New Repa front seat belts Ae-styled mounting bracket for centrecon: New Dunlop steel braced tyres New assembly tool ktit EGR solenoid deleted (new pope) Rear balance plpedeleled New hydraulic reservoir Re-locatlon of water tap Re-styled mascot New rear pads (Mmtex) and callpers New parktng brake matenal New front padsandcaltpers together with new ‘M’ springs Reduced run-out tolerance on brake discs 1979 model year gearbox Metric bolts to flexplate Improvedcoolant radiator improved desgn of radiator tank seam Revised wiper motor mounting New &or assembly courtesy light switch New steering column heat sheId Single leg EWL motor Revised speed0 mounts Newassemblyboot light switch (LWB) Bosch relays In gearchange actuator (LWBI Improved fuel cooler (Japanand USA) Bosch relays In gearchange actuator (SWBt New assembly boot light switch (SWB) 33 ROLLS-ROYCE AND BENTLEY Approximate Delrvery dates l d Chassis number Modificatron 36938 36863 Lower poundage front road springs improved ACU fan and compressor fuse earner (4 door cars) Approximate Delivery dates Chassisnumber Modification Two nrna-way sockets repiace one twenty-way socket orl gearbox actuator loom (4 door LH) Mar 1980 Apr 1979 37000 37000 37027 37034 37141 37170 37173 37266 37300 37325 37429 37443 37570 37663 37735 37765 37766 37811 37903 37848 Improved header tan& wrth addrtronal baffles Ptoneer KP292 tape player 6WBI Dtscharge hose and srlencer for ACU compressor improved accumulator draphragms Lucas dtp swatch replaces Delco swatch New fan speed module mounhng bracket Srlencers frtted to ACU compressordrscharge hose (USAonly) Redesgnedshaftandlevergearboxactuator Proneer KP292 tape player Redestgned CDL solenotd, corrosron resrstant CDL plungers Starnless steel exhaust New assemblydrrectron tndrcator swatch Posrtrvednveantr-streak wiper mechanrsm (LHD) New outside temp. sensor (LWB) Improved petrol pump performance (OTA) New outside temp sensor (SWBf Modrfredstoplampswrtch Modified window lift motors wrth Increased corrosion reststance Posrtrve dnve anti-streak wiper mechanrsm (RHD) sopt 1979 Nov 1979 38106 38222 38352 Deletcon of floor temp sensor (Japanese cars) New loudspeakers (all cars) Extra heatshreid for RH catalyst (NA and Japan1 Corrosion resistant starter reby - neoprene 38536 38659 36192 38916 38852 38972 38884 Aevrsed throttle lrnkage to cure cold stall (OTA) New speedo tocomply wrth FMV SS 127 New Portescap ACU actuator Metnc steenng pump (LWB) New radro balance potenhometer Improved cotter for inlet and exhaust valves 14108 engine 39ooo 39ooo 39524 39639 38748 39976 Improved toproll adhesive capable of wrthstandrng highertemperatures Loctrte 225 rntroducedon threadsof steenng rack end cover seal Mcdifrcatron to GM400 gearbox @rag clutch) New steering rack rncorporatrng lock stops Stiffener applied to rear bumper srde moukftngs Metric steenng pump (SWB) New valvegurdes ImprovedGirirngsuspensrondampers New Kangol seat belts (NAand Japan) 40245 40253 40271 40341 40542 40714 40719 40748 40768 40773 40836 40875 June 1980 41000 41000 41191 41385 41420 41557 41571 41592 41686 Petrol Infectron (Calrfornran cars) More accurate ACU compressor ambrent cutout switch (SWB NA) More accurate ACU compressor ambrent cutout swttch (SWB RH) Axle pinion 011seals replaced (LWBI More accurate ACU compressor ambrent cutout switch (SWB LH) Axle ptnron or1seals replaced (SWBj Starter relay-starnless steelarmature pull-off sphng (4door LH) New Ice warning sensor (SW@ Longer Bosch Frankfurt SIXbutton radro (SWR) Improvedotter swtrch forair srlencerelbow New Ice warnmg sensor (LWS! Longer Bosch Frankfurt SIX button radio (LWB) Two nrne-way sockets replace one twenty-way socket on gearbox actuator loom (4 door RH) New brake hoses and heat shrelds (4 door Japan and NA) Improved torquearm mounts Improved wiper wheelboxes New feed hose steering pump to rdck (LWB) New feed hose steenna oumo to rack (SWBJ Hot box tested brake pr%-rpsi4door cars.1 Lock tab for 011pick-up setscrews Revised throttle progression (4 door NAI Improved cookng fan fastenrng fLWB NAI Last of the Shadow II senos motor cars ROLLS-ROYCE AND BENTLEY Aooroximrte oiih~ dates Chassis number Modification Mar 1979 50001 Introductron of hydraulic system mrneral or1on Cornrche and Carnargue cars Reduced run-out tolerance on brake discs 1979 model year gearbox (Cornrche) New outside temp. sensor ICornlche) Bosch relays rn gearchange actuator New assembly boot light swnch New outstde temp. sensor (Camargue) Self retarnmg clamp on exhaust grass fire shrelds (Japanese cars) 3 In 1 dgttaldrsplay KP292 Ptoneer cassette player (Cornrche) Improved Grrkng suspensron dampers (Corn&e converttble) Improved ACU fan and compressor fuse carrier (Comiche) New assemblydrrectron rndrcator swatch (Comrche) Reintroductron of leather covered steenng wheel (Comiche) New Portescap ACU actuator (Cornche) Rerntroductron of leather covered steenng wheel More accessrble bleed screw for levellrng system (Camargue) New Portescap ACU actuator (Camargue) More accessible bleed screw for levellrng system (ComIche) Improved hazardwarnrngswrtch rod retentron (Camargue) Ne.w drop glass seal (Camargue) Corrosron resistant wiper motor (Camargue) New steerrng rack rncorporating lock stops (Comrche) Improved Glriing suspensiondampers (Comichesafoonf Metnc steering pump (Comiche) Srmpfified wash&pa system (Camargue) Metric steenng pumpfCamargue1 Axle pinion oil seals replaced (Comrche) Axle pinion oil seals replaced (Camargue) More accurate ACU compressor amblent cut-out swrtch (Camargue) More accurate ACU compressor ambtent cut-out switch Starter relay-starnless steel armature pulloff spring Longer Bosch Frankfurt SIX button radro (Comche) New courtesy fit switch (Cornrchel Hgher pouh+ rear spring (Comrche) Revised CDL solenoid mounting (Cornlchel Longer Bosch Frankfurt SIXbutton radio (Camargue) New heght control rod to create a greater standaq height (Comlchej Two nmeway sockets replaceone twentv-way socket on gearbox actuator loom (ComIche) 50003 50004 50043 50050 50085 50106 50112 50139 50152 50157 50234 50238 50245 50260 50292 50294 50295 50351 50352 50386 50435 50448 50460 50461 50501 50521 Approximate Delivery dates Chassisnumber 50546 50547 50550 50569 50576 50582 50600 50608 50622 50626 50630 50642 50644 50660 50673 50712 50724 50745 50751 50755 50756 50776 Modtfrcation New herght control red tocreate a greater standng herght (Camargue! Hrgher poundage rear spnng (Camargue) Restnctor between levellrng valve and mrmmum pressure valve (Cornrchel New Ice warnrng sensor!Camargue) Revised throttle progressron (NA Cornrche) Two nine-way sockets replace one twenty way socket ongearboxactuator loom (Camarguer New feed hose, steenng pump to rack (Cornrchel Hot box tested brake pumps (2 door cars) Deletronof cruciform mountrng bracket Restnctor between levellrng valve and mrnimum pressurevalve (Camargue) Improved cooling fan retention (Cornrche) New feed hose, steering pump to rack Qmargue) Revrsed throttle progressron (NA Camargue) Improved coolrng fan retentron (Camargue) Lock tab for otl pickup setscrews (Cornchei New tre rod end connections (Corntche) Lock tab for orl pick-up setscrews (Camargue) New tre rodendconnectrons (Camargue) New cigar kghters (Camargue) Separation of speed control and stop lamp switches (Cornrche) Improved011 seal, frnaldnve (Comiche) Last Cornrche pnortoVehrcle ldenttftcatron Numbers WIN) Separatron of speed control and stop lamp swatches (Camargue) Last Camargue pnor to Vehrcle ldentrfrcatron Numbers fVIN) 35
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