Ranchi - The Pioneer
Ranchi - The Pioneer
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Virtually every State has supported the idea.” Jaitley said, “Tamil Nadu has made some suggestions that have been taken note of.” The Constitutional Amendment Bill needs to be backed by at least half the total number of States. In Delhi, Tamil Nadu Chief Minister Jayalalithaa on Tuesday threw a spanner in the Centre’s moves to push the GST Bill in the forthcoming Parliament Session. In a memorandum submitted to Prime Minister Narendra Modi , she reiterated her stand that the GST Bill would create a huge revenue <0A:4CB D6?D6I ?:7EJ F40C74A <0G"%"2" <8=!%2! ?Pac[hR[^dShbZh;XVWcaPX]cWd]STabc^a\ [XZT[hc^^RRdac^fPaSb]XVWc\^a]X]V 20?BD;4 B0278=74;?BA41D8;3 B27>>;8=F1E8;;064 :^[ZPcP) <PbcTa1[PbcTaP]S APYhPBPQWP\T\QTaBPRWX] CT]Sd[ZPaX]cTaeT]TSc^Ud]S aTR^]bcadRcX^]^UP$ hTPa^[S ]TV[TRcTSbRW^^[X]PcaXQP[ eX[[PVTX]FTbc1T]VP[>]P WTPS\PbcTa³baT`dTbcCT]Sd[ZPa PVaTTSc^aT[TPbTC&%! $U^a cWT²6^QX]SP_da<PZaP\_da BfPa]P\^hTTBPb\P[BXZbWP =XZTcP]³Ua^\WXb<?;03Ud]S 1228<0H0==>D=24 =4F2>0271H9D=4!$ =Tf3T[WX) CWTf^aZX]V R^\\XccTT^U1228fWXRWXb \TTcX]VX]3WPaP\bP[P^]9d]T !#\PhP]]^d]RTcWTWTPS R^PRW^UcWT]PcX^]P[cTP\P _^bccWPcWPbQTT][hX]VePRP]c bX]RT[PbchTPa 0;;F><4==0EHB78? A40274B<0DA8C8DB ?^ac;^dXb<PdaXcXdb) 8]SXP] =Peh³bUXabcP[[f^\T]bPX[X]V cTP\^]CdTbSPhR^\_[TcTScWTXa \PXST]e^hPVTX]^_T]^RTP]Pb cWTXaQ^Pc8=BE<WPSTXQTacWTS Pc?^ac;^dXbPa^d]S !"_\ =Peh^UUXRXP[bbPXS 5>>3?A824B?DB7D? 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The Bill aims at one of the <XcaPQaXTUbcWT\TSXPSdaX]VcWTX]PdVdaPcX^]^UcWT6BC=\TTcX]VfXcWP[[BcPcTb 5X]P]RT<X]XbcTabX]:^[ZPcP^]CdTbSPh ?C8 biggest tax reforms in Independent India by overloss for manufacturing States When the GST Bill was hauling the indirect tax regime like Tamil Nadu. passed in the Lok Sabha last year, and subsuming a number of “GST impacts the fiscal Deputy Speaker Thambidurai federal and State levies and autonomy of States like Tamil objected vehemently, raising the bind the Indians into a customs Nadu... Expect big revenue loss concerns of the State. union of sorts. for a manufacturing State like The major concern of In Kolkata, Jaitley mainTamil Nadu,” Jayalalithaa said in AIADMK was that manufac- tained, “there has been a comthe memorandum, urging the turing States like Tamil Nadu plete consensus on no constituPrime Minister to accept the would suffer a huge revenue tional cap as exigencies may arise amendments brought by the loss as the GST Bill proposes in future to revise the rates.” AIADMK when the Bill was taxing at the last point. The Congress had offered passed in the Lok Sabha. On several occasions, to back the Bill provided the “A number of concerns of Jayalalithaa said that the GST Government agreed to cap the Tamil Nadu need to be Bill would take away the State’s tax rate at 18 per cent besides addressed by the Centre on right to tax the companies creating an independent mechGST. Petroleum products must engaged in manufacturing there. anism to resolve disputes on be kept out of GST,” the memOne of the amendments revenue sharing between States. orandum added. moved by AIADMK was to Jaitley however shot down the demand to write a cap for the Goods and Services Tax. Meanwhile, hailing the general agreement over the Bill, Bengal Finance Minister Amit Mitra who chaired the closed-door meeting of State Finance Ministers said the exercise would facilitate economic reforms. He added that Chief Minister Mamata Banerjee had extended her support to the Bill soon after she came to power. Though no deadline was given for the introduction or passage of the Bill, insiders said it could be tabled as early as the Monsoon Session. After the Bill is passed, the States will be able to draft their own Bills based on the model Union law, albeit with minor variations that may include “State-specific exemptions.” There will be provisions for inter-State movement of goods after the Centre and the States approve the integrated GST law. 5^d]SPcX^]^UBcPcT´b bcf^\T] T]VX]TTaX]VR^[[TVT[PXSX]AP\VPaW 6^eTa]\T]cc^ ^_T]\TSXRP[ R^[[TVTbX]3d\ZP 7PiPaXQPVWP]S 3P[c^]VP]Y ?=BQ A0=278 I n its efforts to empower women by arming them with technical knowledge, the State Government on Tuesday began a massive exercise of opening technical institutions in Jharkhand as Chief Minister Raghubar Das laid the foundation stone of first women’s engineering college Gola in Ramgarh district of the State. The CM also inaugurated Government Polytechnic College on the occasion in Ramgarh and announced that three medical colleges will be opened in Hazaribagh, Daltonganj and Dumka districts soon. The CM said the Government aims to build the proposed Engineering College in 2<APVWdQPa3PbX]PdVdaPcTbBcPcT ?^[hcTRW]XR2^[[TVTP]SF^\T] 4]VX]TTaX]V2^[[TVTPcAP\VPaW^] CdTbSPh3aX]ZX]VFPcTaP]SBP]XcPcX^] <X]XbcTa2?2W^dSWPahP]S^cWabPaT P[b^bTT] ?=B 17 acres with funds of C104 crore in a duration of two years. The newly inaugurated Polytechnic College, built with C21 crore has 300 seats and is spread in 24 acres. Das said the Women’s Engineering College will begin its first session in the year 2019. Addressing a gathering on the occasion, the CM said without empowering women, development of family, society and nation is not possible. “The State Government is working in the direction and for qualitative improvement of higher and technical education a number of institutes will be opened across the State. Three medical colleges in Dumka, Hazaribagh and Daltonganj will be opened and the foundations of the col- leges will be laid in the month of July,” Das said. He said with the foundation laying of the first Women’s Engineering College, Ramgarh has been added in the map of India in the field of technical education. “We have opened four new private universities in the State out of which Sports and Raksha Shakti University are important,” he added. Male and female youths of the State at village level are being trained through skill development programmes so that they become self dependent. Women and Self Help Group (SHG) members are being trained by Jharcraft so that their products such as blankets, towels and other things could be sold by Government departments. The CM said without developing villages neither State can develop nor the nation. “We have set a goal to complete setting up of all Panchayat Secretariats by July and the Centre would release funds worth C80 lakh to Cone crore for development of Panchayats. Talking about corruption, Das said if officials, Ministers and even if the CM comes under corruption allegations, he will not shy away from ordering a probe. “Officials should understand that when the PM and CM of the country and State are servants of the people then they are the ultimate servants because the policies of the Government are made or spoiled by them.” Also, he praised the MP and MLA of Ramgarh calling them thirsty of development. Both the MP and MLA are toiling for development, said the CM. Ramgarh MLA and Minister of Water Resources Chandraprakash Chaudhary, Higher and Technical Education Secretary Ajoy Kumar Singh alongwith senior offcials of distrcit administration were present on the occasion. CP\X[=PSd2WXTU<X]XbcTa99PhP[P[XcWPPRP[[b^]?aX\T<X]XbcTa=PaT]SaP<^SXX]=Tf3T[WX^]CdTbSPh ?8>=44A=4FBB4AE824Q =4F34;78 n her first visit to Delhi after her Assembly elecO tion victory, Tamil Nadu Chief Minister J Jayalalithaa on Tuesday met Prime Minister Narendra Modi and submitted a 29-page memorandum listing State’s demands, including formation of Cauver y Management Board and a water regulation committee. During the meeting at the Race Course residence of the Prime Minister, she also demanded the restoration of water level at Mullaperiyar dam to 152 feet and early commissioning of Unit 2 of Kudankulam nuclear power plant. Interlinking of rivers, retrieval of Katchatheevu Island and inclusion of fishermen in the Scheduled Tribes list are also part of the Tamil Nadu’s memorandum. She also urged the centre to set up an All India Institute of Medical Science in the State along with addressing the issues related to NEET in the State. Soon after her arrival in Delhi, she met 50 MPs (both ³:PXaP]PTg^Sdb]^cR^\\d]P[´ ?=B Q <DI0550A=060A =4F34;78 a volte face, BJP MP IsaidnHukum Singh on Tuesday the “migration” of Hindus from Kairana in western Uttar Pradesh was “not communal” in nature but had more to do with the law and order situation even as he claimed the number of families that had to flee can go up to 400-500. The BJP also set up a committee which will go to Kairana and study the situation. “It is not about communal incidents... It is not about Hindus or Muslims,” the Kairana MP told reporters here, adding it has more to do with the law and order situation. “The list (of those who had to flee) will go on further, I believe. It can go up to 400-500. There is not one accused (who forced people to migrate), they are here in dozens,” Singh said. He had earlier said that from the names of the accused, “one can grasp who are these people”, hinting at involvement of members of the Muslim community. The MP had earlier released a list of 346 families who had been forced to flee the town, which has 85 per cent Muslim population. Kairana is in Shamli district which witnessed communal riots in 2013. On Tuesday, Singh released another list of 63 Hindu families and claimed that they had to flee Kandhla town in Shamli district. “These Hindu families have left under duress,” he claimed. When asked that some Muslim families too have left the area, he said, “Others have gone for their (own) purposes.” Shamli District Magistrate Sujeet Kumar, however, ruled out any communal and law and order issues behind some people leaving the area. “Till now we have investigated the list of 119 families. Around 10-15 families, mentioned in the list, still live in Kairana and around 68 families have migrated from the area 10-15 years ago. They moved out because of economic reasons. Till now, we have not found any case where there has been a law and order problem”. The DM further said, “There is no communal activity, the Kairana town has always been peaceful... During Babri Masjid demolition in 1992, the area remained peaceful, and even during Muzaffarnagar riots of 2013, people here sent a BTP[X]Zc^^_T]a^dcTc^1Tc3fPaZP´baTeP\_ 0A270=09H>C8Q =4F34;78 3PhbPUcTa=XcX]6PSZPaXP__a^eTS_a^_^bP[c^ R^]bcadRcPbTP[X]ZQTcfTT]>ZWPP]S 1Tc3fPaZPXb[P]SbX]6dYPaPc´b3TeQW^^\X 3fPaZPSXbcaXRccWTDaQP]3TeT[^_\T]c <X]XbcahWPbbcPacTSTg_[^aX]VfPhbc^STeT[^_ X]UaPbcadRcdaTX]cWTaT[XVX^db_X[VaX\PVTbXcT d]STa^]T^UXcb2T]caP[bRWT\Tb D ays after Union Minister for Road Transport, Highways and Shipping Nitin Gadkari approved a multicrore proposal for constructing a sea-link between Okha and Bet Dwarka islands in Gujarat’s Devbhumi Dwarka district, the Urban Development Ministry has started exploring ways to develop infrastructure in the religious pilgrimage site under one of its central schemes. Bet Dwarka is an island in the Arabian Sea off the coast of Dwarka. According to legends, Bet Dwarka, considered as the original residence of lord Krishna, was the old port during the ancient times of Krishna before Okha port was developed in Dwarka. Union Urban Development Secretary Rajiv Gauba told The Pioneer that a team of officials headed by Joint Secretary B Anand is on a visit to the island to assess the possibility of development works that can be undertaken in the region. “Once the team submits its report, we will decide the further course of action in the matter,” said Gauba. Sources in the UD Ministry said that fund might be allocated under the Heritage City Development and Augmentation Yojana (HRIDAY) scheme, which was announced early last year with a focus on holistic development of heritage cities. An official from the Gujarat Tourism Ministry said the Central Ministry intervention would ensure better amenities like roads, pavements and public facilities to the visitors. About 10,000 people visit there per day during festival seasons. Gujarat’s Dwarka is already covered under the scheme that ?C8 Lok Sabha and Rajya Sabha) of her party, the largest regional group in Parliament before she drove to Modi’s residence. Lok Sabha Deputy Speaker Thambidurai, Special Advisor Sheela Balakrishnan and TN Chief Secretary Rama Mohan Rao accompanied her. Sri Lankan Tamils issue, lifting of the ban on the conduct of bull taming sports of Jallikattu and declaring Tamil as an official language were also among the demands made by the Chief Minister. Continued on Page 4 aims to preserve and revitalise the soul of the heritage city to reflect the city’s unique character by encouraging aesthetically appealing, accessible and secured environment. Seven other cities approved for the mission are Varanasi, Mathura, Ajmer, Badami (Karnataka), Warangal (Telangana), Amaravati (Andhra Pradesh) and Vellankini (Tamil Nadu). A total fund of C431 crore has been allocated under the scheme to be completed by 2017. Dwarka has been allocated around Rs 20 crore under the scheme to make it more visitor friendly through landscape development, footpaths and provision of other amenities. As per legend, a trip to Dwarka is considered incomplete without a visit to Bet Dwarka. There are many historical temples on the island, and the most revered one is the temple of Lord Krishna. According to legends, the Bet Dwarka is also believed as a very place where Lord Krishna met his childhood friend Sudama. strong message of brotherhood.” Top BJP leaders, who were in Allahabad for the two-day National Executive meeting, raked up the issue of alleged migration of Hindus from Kairana to attack the Samajwadi Party Government in the State ahead of the Assembly election to be held early next year. BJP president Amit Shah, in his address to the National Executive on Sunday, had said, “The migration happening in Kairana due to violence is a matter of serious concern. There is an atmosphere of violence. The lack of development and the lack of governance in the largest State of India, that is Uttar Pradesh, is becoming a matter of serious concern.” UP Chief Minister Akhilesh Yadav accused BJP leaders of being “dishonest” and “lying” on the issue and said he would like to see “better work” from the party. “BJP is alleging that the Samajwadi Party Government forced the people to flee from Kairana... BJP can be dishonest to this extent,” Yadav had told reporters on Monday. “We have received reports from media that the BJP is Continued on Page 4 8`aR]CRZXZgVd faEcR_da`ce5Vae `_YVR]eYXc`f_Ud E8B70EQ =4F34;78 Minister Gopal Rai Shisenior was on Tuesday replaced by Cabinet colleague Satyendar Jain as the Transport Minister after the former had sought to be relieved of the charge on health grounds. However, political opponents refused to buy the “excuse” of health grounds and linked his “resignation” with the premium bus service “scam”. Responding to the allegations, Rai tweeted, “Some people are spreading lies that I resigned due to premium bus scheme. There was neither any corruption in that scheme nor have I resigned because of it… I have left Transport Department due to health reasons. I will continue to work as Labour, Employment Development and GAD Minister.” ]PcX^]! A0=278kF43=4B30H k9D=4 $! % <fahRcRXf_WZXYe+% d`]UZVcdZ_[fcVU :7DAB7443F0=8Q BA8=060A our soldiers have been F injured in an ongoing gunfight between infiltrators and security forces near the Line of Control (LoC) in Macchil sector of north Kashmir’s Kupwara district on Tuesday. An Army spokesman said that the encounter was going on but nothing could be said on the situation till Wednesday morning. Police sources confirmed that the soldiers of 56 Rashtriya Rifles intercepted a group of militants at Katwara near the LoC early on Tuesday morning. The soldiers tracked the suspicious movement in the forested area before a siege was laid. The militants reportedly opened fire on the security ?^[XRTb^daRTb R^]UXa\TScWPccWT b^[SXTab^U$% APbWcaXhPAXU[Tb X]cTaRT_cTSP Va^d_^U\X[XcP]cb Pc:PcfPaP]TPa cWT;^2TPa[h^] CdTbSPh\^a]X]V forces triggering an encounter. “Three soldiers sustained injuries. They have been immediately airlifted to 92 Base Hospital in Srinagar for treatment,” sources said. A spokesman of XV Corps said that the encounter continued till late in the evening. The area has been cordoned off. “We can’t say anything (about the gunbattle) till tomorrow morning. The area is under darkness,” the spokesman told The Pioneer. Sources said that sepoy Nikhil and sepoy Lakashman Das have received bullet injuries. Das is reportedly in critical condition. The encounter triggered off at a time when Army chief General Dalbir Singh Suhag arrived here to oversee the security situation along the LoC and the hinterland. The Kashmir Valley has witnessed spurt in militant violence in the recent days. Earlier this month, two policemen and three BSF troopers were shot dead by militants in two separate attacks in south Kashmir’s Anantnag district. 9PhPbTTZb From Page 1 Union Minister Nirmala Sitaraman and Pon Radhakrishnan also called on the Jayalalithaa in Tamil Nadu house in the evening. The memorandum described as “meagre recompense” the release of Rs 552 crore by the Centre to Tamil Nadu from the special allocation made in the Budget for schemes to be approved by Niti Aayog. “I request you to enhance the annual special grant to Tamil Nadu to Rs 2,000 crore in each of the remaining four years of the 14th Finance :PXaP]P Tg^Sdb From Page 1 sending a fact-finding committee here, but we have not received any information in writing till now. A team can come and do their investigation. We have no problem with that,” the District Magistrate added. Meanwhile, the Centre has sought a detailed report from the Uttar Pradesh Government on the alleged migration of Hindus from Kairana village in the State. In a communication, the Home Ministry asked the State Commission award period up to 2019- 20. “We have a ready shelf of large projects that could be funded out of this special allocation, including the comprehensive special package for the diversification of fisheries, desalination projects and several infrastructure projects under the Vision Tamil Nadu 2023,” the Chief Minister said in the memorandum. Referring to release of further assistance towards restoration and reconstruction in the wake of last year’s floods, it said the Government of India has so far released only Rs 1,737 crore from the national disaster fund against a demand of Rs 25,912 crore for temporary and permanent restoration. Government to verify the allegations and send a detailed report to it as early as possible. Official sources said the communication was sent three days back but no reply has been received. “If people have to leave their homes in their own country, then the State Government should take the responsibility. If the State government seeks any help, we will definitely give them,” he had said. The CPI on its part targeted the BJP over its claims of migration of Hindus from Kairana in Uttar Pradesh, saying it’s a tactic to “communally polarise” voters ahead of the Assembly polls in the State next year as the party is “not confident of the Prime Minister’s popularity helping it win there.” 8=1A845 2<0;;>20C4B5D=3B5>A18CB8=3A8 2<APVWdQPa3PbP[[^ccTSC ($Ra^aTbUa^\bTccX]Vd_R^\_dcTaRT]caTP]SR^\QX]TSQdX[SX]V^U8CP]S 2^\_dcTaST_Pac\T]cbPc18CBX]SaXX]3WP]QPSCWTR^]bcadRcX^]bPaT\TP]cc^T`dX_cWTT]VX]TTaX]V RaPS[TfXcWcTRW]^[^VXRP[PSeP]RT\T]cbd]STabZX[[STeT[^_\T]cX]XcXPcXeT 5D=3B0;;>20C435>A=DCA8C8>=?A>942C >]^aSTabUa^\2<APVWdQPa3Pb2WX[SP]SF^\T]3TeT[^_\T]c3T_Pac\T]cWPSRWP[ZTS^dc_a^YTRcb f^acWAb"Ra^aTU^aPSSaTbbX]V]dcaXcX^]XbbdTbX]f^\T]P]SRWX[SaT]5d]Sbc^cWTcd]T^UAb'(% Ra^aTbWPeTQTT]P[[^RPcTSX]cWXbaTVPaSU^aUX]P]RXP[hTPa! % &<D02cP_TbT[TRca^]XRfTXVWX]V \PRWX]TbP]SVa^fcWRWPacbfX[[QTVXeT]c^adaP[823BRT]caTbU^aPbRTacPX]X]V]dcaXcX^][TeT[bFPcTa _daXUXTabfX[[QTbd__[XTSc^daQP]P]SbT\XdaQP]823BRT]caTb 3320BB4BB4B3>1702>=BCAD2C8>= AP]RWX332EXaT]SaP:d\PaBX]VWPbbTbbTScWT_a^VaTbb^US^QWPR^]bcadRcX^]d]STa <6=A460X]:P]ZTQ[^RZ^]CdTbSPhBX]VWU^d]ScWPc!%&UPa\_^]SbWPeTQTT] R^]bcadRcTSX]cWTQ[^RZfWXRWXb[TbbcWP]_[P]]TS7T^aSTaTScWPccWTUPa\_^]Sb fWXRWPaTQTX]VR^]bcadRcTSbW^d[SQTR^\_[TcTSQTU^aTcWT^]bTc^U\^]b^^] H>60B78E8A5>A740;C7F>A:4AB CWTWTP[cWP]SUP\X[hfT[UPaTST_Pac\T]cfX[[^aVP]XiTH^VPBWXeXaU^acWTWTP[cWf^aZTabPcH^VP2T]caT bXcdPcTSPc9PX[<^aTX]AP]RWXCWT^UUXRTabX]RWPaVTWPeTaT`dTbcTSP[[cWTT\_[^hTTbST_dcTSPcePaX^db _[PRTbc^_PacXRX_PcTX]cWT_a^VaP\\Tb[PcTSUa^\9d]T $c^9d]T! ³=038?D90=´1HE8:0B170AC8>=60=603DBB74A0 EXZPb1WPacXR^]SdRcTSP]PfPaT]TbbSaXeTU^aXcb²=PSX?dYP]³X]XcXPcXeT^]cWT^RRPbX^]^U6P]VP3dbbTWaP ;^RP[R^\\XccTTbfX[[R^]SdRc²=PSX?dYP]³X] $Q[^RZb^U9WPaZWP]S^]6P]VP3dbbTWaPcWXbFTS]TbSPh CWTPfPaT]TbbSaXeTfPbX]cT]STSc^T]bdaT\PgX\d\_dQ[XR_PacXRX_PcX^]X]cWTX]XcXPcXeT 9704;42C430>8?A4B834=C 3aA:9WP2WXTU^U<TSXRP[BTaeXRTbP]S7TPS^U3T_Pac\T]cX]4=C22;6P]SWX]PVPa 2T]caP[7^b_XcP[WPbQTT]T[TRcTSPb?aTbXST]c^U0>81XWPaP]S9WPaZWP]SAP]RWX RWP_cTaCWTSTRXbX^]fPbcPZT]SdaX]VP\TTcX]V^]Bd]SPhd]STacWTVdXSP]RT^UbT]X^a 4=CbdaVT^]3aAPVWPeBWPaP]Tg?aX]RX_P[?a^UTbb^aP]S7TPS^U4=CA8<B =BD8<4<14AB?A>C4BC =PcX^]P[BcdST]cb³D]X^]^U8]SXP=BD8\T\QTab_a^cTbcTSPVPX]bc2<APVWdQPa 3PbV^eTa]\T]c^]CdTbSPh=^cPQ[hcWTbcdST]cd]X^]WPbQTT]ST\P]SX]V bRW^[PabWX_bU^acWTT[XVXQ[T\PcaXRd[PcTRP]SXSPcTb^UbcPcTX]R[dSX]V[P]SU^a =X[P\QTa?XcP\QTaD]XeTabXchP]SX\_[T\T]cPcX^]^U9WPaZWP]SR^PRWX]V0Rcc^RdaQ cWTPaQXcaPaX]Tbb^UePaX^dbR^PRWX]VX]bcXcdcTbUd]RcX^]X]VPRa^bbcWTbcPcT 59228C7A4430HH>6020<? 59228X]R^[[PQ^aPcX^]fXcWH^VP<XcaP<P]SP[fX[[^aVP]XbTUaTTh^VPRP\_PcXcb^UUXRTbX]2WP\QTa 1WPfP]Ua^\9d]T %c^ 'CWTRP\_fX[[QT^aVP]XbT^]cWTTeT^U8]cTa]PcX^]P[H^VP3Ph^]9d]T! <P]SP[³bh^VPcaPX]Ta3WPa\P_aT\P3WPa\T]SaPBX]VWfX[[R^]SdRccWTh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cP[" A0=278kF43=4B30H k9D=4 $! % 4Zej]R\Vda`_Ude`XVeR_Vh]VRdV`W]ZWVd``_ 1Pa]fP[^aSTab _a^QTPVPX]bc 970;2> a bid to provide clean and ^UUXRXP[b environment along Ithenhygienic water bodies, ponds and ?=BQ A0=278 ?=BQ A0=278 S ecretary to CM Sunil Kumar Barnwal ordered investigation to be initiated against JHALCO Regional Manager, Dumka and Junior Engineer Anirudh Kumar in light of allegations of forming bogus beneficiaries’ committee made against them in Jan Samwad. The complainant from Araji Amgaachhi accused the JHALCO officials of appointing the lakes located in the State capital are being renovated under the ‘beautification of water bodies’ drive of the State government. Kanke and Hatia dams too, will be properly lit up during the night so that people could spare quality time there with their friends and families. “Overall beautification work of all dams will be done, under which Kanke dam is also being renovated. It will be properly lit with street lights around it besides the construction of permanent stairs over 200 m stretch beside the dam where there was stone pitching,” said Executive Engineer of Gonda Division Rajesh Rai. All inlets to the dam are also being cleared to ensure free flow of water inside the dam, added Rai. In order to keep it neat and clean all over the year, a separate pool measuring 20 feet by 30 feet is being dug up at Kanke Road for throwing Puja materials and immersion of idols after the celebration of various festivals. According to the engineer, the pool was being constructed in such a way that water could flow from dam to the pool or vice versa, but puja waste cannot pass into the dam. The dam has also been cleared of the hyacinth which had been covering the water body, he said. Similarly, beautification of Hatia Dam is also being done under which it will be properly lighted with the construction of PCC roads on all the four sides. According to Executive Engineer of Hatia Division AK Verma, all inlet points of the dam are also being cleared to so that the rain water does not get blocked. It is a C4 crore project to be completed within one and a half year time starting from December 2015, added Verma. “Several trees will be along the dam side to make it greener and shady for the visitors, said Verma. Ranchi Municipal Corporation on the other hand, is also doing beautification F^aZTabQdbhX]R^]bcadRcX^]f^aZPc:P]ZT3P\X] AP]RWX^]CdTbSPh EX]Ph<da\dk?X^]TTa_W^c^ work of ponds and pools making them deeper and cleaner. According to Deputy Mayor, it was a C 50-52 crore project “The beautification work of all ponds and pools is to be completed within 9 months involving C 50-52 crore. 22-23 crore has already been spend in this regard under which de-siltation of ponds was to be done along with the construction of walking zone around them, proper arrangement of lights around it,” said Deputy Mayor Sanjeev Vijayvargiya. DaQP]b^[XSfPbcT\P]PVT\T]c_a^VaP\\TVTcbQ^^bc 7TP[b^^aSTaTSc^ X]eTbcXVPcTfWTcWTacWT W^c\Xg_[P]cbTcd_Qh BfPa]X\2^]bcadRcX^]X] EXbWaP\_da?P[P\dWPb cPZT]aT`dXaTSR[TPaP]RTb Ua^\?^[[dcX^]2^]ca^[ 1^PaSCWTd]XcXbRPdbX]V _a^Q[T\bc^cWT[^RP[b committee’s chairman and secretary from the same family without consulting the villagers. It was requested that the repair of pond should be restarted after investigating the matter. While reviewing the Jan Samwad complaints on Tuesday, Barnwal ordered that the role of the two accused officials is ascertained in the entire scenario and police complaints to be filed against them if they are found guilty. He also wrote to Principal Secretary, Water Resources to probe this matter. The matter of Scheduled Tribes Residential Middle School being closed for the past two years was also raised in the review meeting. The present officials clarified that the school is open and a MoU has been signed with Vikas Bharti for its operation. Barnwal ordered Sahebganj DSE to sort out the delays in awarding pension to Mohammad Sultan, retired assistant teacher from Kunwarpur. He also ordered to investigate whether the hot mix plant set up by Swarnim Construction in Vishrampur, Palamu has taken required clearances from Jharkhand State Pollution Control Board. The unit is causing problems to the locals. The Secretary to CM instructed that a team is formed to find out the culprits behind the yet unsolved rape case of Jalil Ansari from Patan, Palamu. One Kunal Deep had complained that he had secured first place in Jharkhand State Powerlifting Championship in 2015 but has not received his certificates. Listening to this, Barnwal ordered the officials to issue the certificate today itself and disband sports federations who treat sportspersons like this. allotted by Urban Development Department where more than 35 ponds across the capital city are to be renovated. ?=BQ A0=278 P 6^eTa]^a^U6^P<aXSd[PBX]WPAP[^]VfXcW?Pa[XP\T]cPah0UUPXab<X]XbcTaBPahdA^haT[TPbTb³HdVP]cPa?PcaXZPSdaX]VP _a^VaP\\TPcB:8?0X]AP]RWX^]CdTbSPh5^aTbcP]S0]X\P[Tg_Tac?PS\PBWaX?a^UTbb^aA:BX]WPP[^]VfXcWePaX^db ^cWTaSXV]XcPaXTbfTaTP[b^_aTbT]c^]cWT^RRPbX^]2WXTU6dTbc<aXSd[PBX]WPb_TPZX]V^]cWTX\_^acP]RT^U\PVPiX]TbPXS Xcb_^fTaR^d[S]^cQTd]STaTbcX\PcTSPbTeT]P[PaVT\^eT\T]cR^d[SQTbcPacTScWa^dVWP\PVPiX]TBX]WPUdacWTaPSSTS cWPcbWTfXbWTScWPccWT\PVPiX]T_dcbPSXUUTaT]cX\_aTbbX^]^U9WPaZWP]SPRa^bbcWTR^d]cah EX]Ph<da\dk?X^]TTa_W^c^ lan to set up solid waste management system in towns gets a fillip with the Government approving plants and all desired infrastructure for four ULBs. Ranchi Municipal Corporation (RMC) along with Dhanbad Municipal Corporation and Chakulia and Pakur municipal councils have been released funds for the purpose. The State Cabinet, in its meeting, approved the proposal that would see the solid waste management plants and other facilities coming up on PPP mode. “The Cabinet has approved the plan for Chakulia costing total of C 38.10 crore of which C 18.51 crore has been sanctioned as State share. Similarly, C258.68 crore project for Dhanbad that would be contributed by the Centre and the State with C 36.43 crore and C 44.70 crore, respectively has also been approved for this year,” said Cabinet Secretary SS Meena on Tuesday. 2WXTU<X]XbcTaAPVWdQPa3PbWP]Sb ^eTaP__^X]c\T]c[TccTac^PbdRRTbbUd[ RP]SXSPcT^U$cW9?B2TgP\Pc?a^YTRc QdX[SX]VbTRaTcPaXPcX]AP]RWX^] CdTbSPh APcP];P[k?X^]TTa 2018=4C342834B Y C RaU^aQT]RWSTbZU^a bTR^]SPahP]SWXVWTa bTR^]SPahbRW^^[b Y !_^bcbRaTPcTSX]7XVWTa P]SCTRW4SdRPcX^] 3XaTRc^aPcT Y 4bcX\PcTU^a0VaX^UUXRTPc The official further added that C269.67 crore has been approved as total cost for <^]b^^]bTcc^WXc=4b^dcWTa]_Pac^UBcPcTb^^] ?=BQ A0=278 T he denizens in the State capital will receive the first monsoon showers within a week. As per the MET department expert prediction, the monsoon will first hit the north eastern (NE) and southern part of the state within 4-5 days giving respite from heat waves and humidity soon. “The southwest monsoon has further advanced into remaining parts of the east central Bay of Bengal, some more parts of west central, some parts of sub Himalayan West Bengal and Sikkim. Conditions are favourable for southwest monsoon into some more parts of central Arabian Sea and first shower of monsoon will be 6Xa[bcPZT^dccWTXad\QaT[[Pb^]P Wd\XSbd\\TaSPhX]AP]RWX^] CdTbSPh EX]Ph<da\dk?X^]TTa experienced within 4 to 5 days in Jharkhand,” said, Indian Meteorological Department (IMD) Ranchi observatory, Director, BK Mandal. The denizens in the State Capital were experiencing heat wave like condition with high humidity and the chances is likely to prevail in the isolated pockets of the state for another 48 hours. “The upper air cyclonic circulation over northern parts of Bihar and adjoining sub Himalayan west Bengal and Sikkim expending up to 0.9 Km above mean sea level is the reason behind high humidity including the north south trough from east Bihar to North Bay of Bengal is also influencing the weather condition at present. There are also chances of heavy rainfall at isolated pockets of the state,” added, Mandal. Thunderstorm and lightning with light rain occurred on Tuesday in the north eastern direction of Ranchi at a distance of 40-80 Km influencing other areas which include Ramgarh, Hazaribagh, Koderma, Barhi and Giridih, informed the MET expert. On Monday, Ranchi registered maximum 38.8 degree Celsius and minimum 26.5 degree Celsius whereas at Jamshedpur maximum temperature was recorded 37.1 degree Celsius and minimum 27 degree Celsius was registered. However, Daltonganj which seems to be singeing in comparison to other districts of the state recorded maximum 42.4 degree Celsius and minimum 27.6 degree Celsius was registered there. No warning of instant weather change has been issued by Ranchi Observatory Centre till June 16. Moreover, chances of heavy rainfall are feeble in the State capital in the coming days yet few isolated areas in State may receive light drizzles. 3T^VWPaaTeXbTSc^C &&Ra Y Ad[TbU^aP__^X]c\T]c^U _PaP\TSXR^bPcYPX[W^b_XcP[b Y 9DE=;VTcbVaP]c^U C &$Ra Y (%%_^bXcX^]bX]"8C8b^U cWTBcPcTRaTPcTS the system for RMC of which the State would chip in with C79.68 crore. “For Pakur, the cost has been kept at C95.18 crore of which C39.40 comes as State fund,” he said. The cost of the project is for five years duration under which solid waste management plant along with entire garbage collection, transportation and disposal would be taken care of. This apart, the Cabinet also approved guideline for service, promotion and other conditions for clerks posted in Collectorates across the State. This would pave way to the formation of a separate cadre of clerks involving lower division, upper division, head clerk etc positions. Importantly, all clerical staffs of Collectorates are on strike demanding formation of cadre and fixing recruitment related rules for them. The Cabinet, at the same time, also decided to allot 28.80 acre of GM land at Tender of Kanke to the Welfare Department for the purpose of building residential school for ST students. No money would be charged against the land. 2<^aSTab021_a^QTPVPX]bc caPSTabU^acPgTePbX^] ?=BQ A0=278 M Raghubar Das on Tuesday ordered the AntiC Corruption Bureau to investigate fraudulent activities and tax evasion by certain businessmen in various districts of Jharkhand. The Commercial Tax Department found that some businessmen have done several deals but have not intimated the Department about the financial details of these deals. It has also been found that bulk of merchandise has been sent out or brought into Jharkhand by acquiring road permits without paying any taxes. These activities have been supported by some circle officers CWT2^\\TaRXP[ CPg3T_Pac\T]c U^d]ScWPcb^\T QdbX]Tbb\T]WPeT S^]TbTeTaP[STP[b QdcWPeT]^c X]cX\PcTScWT 3T_Pac\T]cPQ^dc cWTUX]P]RXP[ STcPX[b^UcWTbT STP[b too, according to reports. State Government is serious about revenue generation, stated the CM. Those found guilty of tax evasion will be subjected to lawful penalties, he added. FT´aTPWTPS^U9<<Ua^\QTVX]]X]V)<PWTbW?^SSPa B0=C>B7=0A0H0=Q A0=278 e was nowhere in the scene when murmur H about the Rajya Sabha poll started in Jharkhand. However, Mahesh Poddar, who has been holding the treasurer post in the State BJP for last 20 years, emerged as real dark horse when the election concluded on June 11. The Pioneer talked to the newly elected ‘Elder’ on policy matters, his way for development of Jharkhand and of course the game, which he describes as race, played out for the lone seat. Excerpts: Winning the election as a ‘local’ candidate, a rarity for Jharkhand, what would be your priorities? For me, GST is the biggest issue which has implications all over the countr y. Even Congress people are willing to do it barring a few. Other smaller parties are also ready. I guess that they would not be able to stop it in terms of number instead, they would try to create obstacles to wash out the Monsoon Session. Our priority would be to pass the GST Bill in the Rajya Sabha since there are lots of things involved in it like making the entire country as one economic zone like the European Union. I believe that role of GST is going to be the biggest in showcasing NDA Government’s performance ahead of next general elections. How do you think Jharkhand is going to be benefited out of GST? Take for example Jharkhand is the only State where three big steel plants are located. Besides, here is iron ore, coal and several other minerals. The State gets just 2 per cent CST on these minerals when sold to the consumers or stock transfer takes place. If GST happens, the flow of revenue would grow immensely to the State. This would lead to more expenditure and the entire economy of the State go for a churn with more employment generation etc. It has always been a matter of debate about which model Jharkhand should adopt which can balance its industrial face with humani- tarian values. What are your views on that? I firmly believe that no business has right to continue if is being done by ignoring the humanitarian ethos. Human first. We have to balance human aspect and trade and none can sustain at the cost of the other. Due to historic reasons there are suspicions in the back of the mind of the people. They are apprehensive that their future would deteriorate further particularly because of displacement. But the fact is that you cannot stop displacement entirely. If you want to bring new things like industry, more employment opportunities, infrastructure etc then you need space which can be obtained only through relocating people. But, you cannot just pay them for their land and chase them out. I think, rehabilitation is the only way to deal with displacement. People of the State have been in poverty and do not know how to handle money. Often we see the compensations paid are misused and they got cheated by mid- ±8UXa\[hQT[XTeTcWPc]^QdbX]TbbWPb aXVWcc^R^]cX]dTXUXbQTX]VS^]TQh XV]^aX]VcWTWd\P]XcPaXP]TcW^b7d\P] UXabcFTWPeTc^QP[P]RTWd\P]Pb_TRc P]ScaPSTP]S]^]TRP]bdbcPX]PccWT R^bc^UcWT^cWTa² dlemen. Instead, the displaced should be provided means of livelihood to sustain. Often we have seen that MPs going to Rajya Sabha from Jharkhand remain mute spectators and do not actively participate in debate. How would you be able to correct the image? See when regional parties go there they do get much time to speak since their strength is low. Since I would be representing the BJP, which is a ruling party, if you have talent, you get sufficient time. I expect that I would be getting sufficient time. How would be able to become a bridge between the Centre and the State and play your role in implementing policies? What I see the Centre and State are working in tandem at present. The Centre is providing all help to the State which, in turn, is equally responding by implementing policies for the wellbeing of Jharkhand. For example, take massive water conservation drive. I wish this coordination to continue. The election has also been outstanding in terms of the BJP in the State. It won two seats out of nowhere. How this is going to boost the stature of the Chief Minister? When the Chief Minster accepted this challenge and had fielded second candidate the intention was to win. When the election started both we and JMM were equal with 19 votes on each side. We were at the same position at the starting line. Both of us have to arrange supports which both tried. But at the end we remained just nose ahead of them. We had started race on equal footing. How this has boosted the image of the party? The win has grown our confidence a lot and their’s taken a dip. We emerged better united while they are defragmented and rattled lot. Their coming together against the BJP is far from understood when they have fought Assembly byepoll so fiercely not long ago among themselves. The united Opposition reduced noting but to a gathering which was unholy. But the perception also went out that the way the election was managed was kind of dirty politics in the annals of Jharkhand. I feel politics is not dirty. It is raised by those who acquire everything for themselves but object to the others. For example, look at the Congress stand a few weeks before the election and when an AICC leader comes at the end from Delhi. The JVM said they are against dynastic politics! What transpired since then? That is dirty politics by their own definition. We were seeking votes based on conscience from Independents. Allegations are machineries were misused to stop some MLAs from voting? This is a vague allegation. Had there been any truth in this, the matter would have reached to the court. Their lawyer went to Supreme Court where they did not get any relief. Were you sure about your win from the beginning? Yes. I was sure to win. My party was sure to win. We tried very hard though, like they did. Somehow we managed to remain ahead in the end while their steps shacked probably due to power they were getting from got disconnected. YWPaZWP]S# A0=278kF43=4B30H k9D=4 $! % HVdeDZ_XYSYf^T`ad_RSYRcUT`cV?RiR] BTeT]W^dacaPUUXRRd\_^fTaQ[^RZ c^SPh*bTeTaP[caPX]bRP]RT[[TS 4YR\c`4YR\ZWc`^2_UYcRAcRUVdY 1TPaX]VPaTfPaS^UC ![PZW2WPZXXbPRRdbTS^U2WPXQPbPYPX[QaTPZX]RXST]c ?0AE8=34A170C80Q 90<B743?DA n a major breakthrough, a hardcore Naxal Chakro IChaki who was one of the accused in the December, 2014 Chaibasa jailbreak , was arrested by West Singhbhum police from Vishakhapatnam in Andhra Pradesh. Chaki who carried a reward of C 2 lakh on his head was working as a labourer at a construction site at Vishakhapatnam from where the police nabbed him. He was wanted in connection with 13 cases which are pending in the Chaibasa district court. Revealing about the achievement, West Singhbhum district superintendent of police Michael Raj said that Chaki who was a hardcore rebel of CPI-Maoist was arrested on the basis of a tip off. "We had received a tip off from our sources. We even had a photograph of the rebel, a team of police officials went over to Vishakhapatnam and arrested him from a construction site where he was working," said Raj. The superintendent of police informed that Chaki (35) who is a resident of Sonua block in West Singhbhum had left the rebel outfit after fleeing the Chaibasa divisional jail and had taken to working in a 2WPXQPbP9PX[ construction site. "We are grilling him to dig out more information. Though Chaki had left the outfit and had started working, we arrested him as 13 cases related to naxal violence were pending against him in Chaibasa court alone. He will be put back in the Chaibasa divisional jail once again," said the senior police officer. Chaki had fled the Chaibasa divisional jail along with 15 others undertrial prisoners while they were being taken inside the jail premises after their production in Chaibasa civil court. The escape by the undertrial prisoners was pre-planned and they had even used chili powder for the escape. Notably, undertrail prisoners had fled the Chaibasa Divisional Jail in the afternoon of December 9,2014, when they were bring brought into the jail premises from a prison van. On seeing the undertrial fleeing the jail premises, the police had opened fired causing two of them to die on the spot and three others to sustain bullet injuries. 15 of the undertrial prisoners, however, managed to flee. Of those killed were identified as Tipa Das and Ram Bilas Tanti, both rebels and the three injured were identified as Sanko Chaki, Birsingh Hiburu and Hesa Purty, who were also naxalites. Seven of the 15 who managed to escape were naxals. SP, West Singhbhum said seven of those fled the jail were naxals. He pointed out only one of them, Budha Nag, who was also a naxal, had surrendered in the court in 2015, but the rest of the fugitives were on the run. ?=BQ 90<B743?DA rain ser vices in Chakradharpur division T of South Eastern Railway ( SER) will hit for seven hours due to a traffic-cum-power block for launching of a Limited Height Subway (LHS) between Adityapur and Gamharia stations. The traffic-cum-power block from 12 noon to 7 pm is required for launching of the subway which will replace an unmanned level crossing. A circular has been issued by Garden Reach, headquarters of SER in this regard. It said that several passenger trains will remain cancelled tomorrow (June 15) while several other trains will be either short terminated , rescheduled or run in diverted routes. The trains which will be cancelled tomorrow include the Up and down TatanagarKharagpur Passenger, Asansol–Tatanagar-Express, Asansol-Tatanagar Passenger, Tatanagar-Gua Passenger. The Howrah-Barbil Janshatabdi Express ( 12021) will be short terminated at Tatanagar and will run as Barbil-Howrah Janshatabdi Express ( 12022) from Tatanagar to Howrah on its return journey as per its schedule time in the evening. Thus, services of the train will remain cancelled between Tatanagar and Barbil. Similarly, another trainHatia-Tatanagar Passenger ( 58662) will be short terminat- CWTcaPUUXRRd\ _^fTaQ[^RZUa^\ ! P\c^&_\Xb aT`dXaTSU^a [Pd]RWX]V^UcWT bdQfPhfWXRWfX[[ aT_[PRTP] d]\P]]TS[TeT[ Ra^bbX]V ed at Gamharia. The train ( 58661) will resume its return journey from Gamharia instead of Tatanagar. The services of that train will remain cancelled between Gamharia and Tatanagar. The Dhanbad-Tatanagar Subarnarekha Express ( 13301) will be short terminated at Kandra. The return journey of the train ( 13302) will resume from Kandra instead of Tatanagar. Thus, services of the train will remain cancelled between Kandra and Tatanagar. As per the railway circular as many as 11 trains will be rescheduled. The Rourkela- Muri-Jammu Tawi Link Express ( 18109) has been rescheduled to leave Rourkela at 3.35 pm instead of 11.35 am. The Tatanagar-Jammu Tawi Express ( 18101) will be rescheduled to leave Tatanagar at 7.05 pm instead of 2.50 pm. The Tatanagar-Rourkela-Alappuzha Link Express ( 18189) has been rescheduled to leave Tatanagar at 7.15 pm instead of 3.30 pm. The Howrah-Mumbai Gitanjali Express ( 12860) will be rescheduled to leave Howrah at 3.50 pm instead of its schedule departure of 1.50 pm. The Santragachi-Hazur Sahib Nanded Express ( 12768) will be rescheduled to leave Santragachi at 4.05 pm instead of 2.50 pm. The DanapurTatanagar Express ( 18184) will be rescheduled to leave Danapur at 9 am instead of 6 am. The Tatanagar-Barkakana Passenger (58023) will be rescheduled to leave Tatanagar at 7.10 pm instead of 3 pm. 0BB>270<c^^aVP]XbTbd\\XcRd\PfPaSTeT]c ;/5,ZHOFRPHVQHZEDWFKRIVWXGHQWV EX[[PVT4g_^bdaT ?a^VaP\\T\PST R^\_d[b^ah ?=BQ A0=278 T he Associated Chambers of Commerce & Industry of India (ASSOCHAM) in order to provide a fillip to Start-Up programme initiated by the Centre as well as the State Governments is going to organise a summit cum award programme on June 17. Informing about the initiative taken by the business conglomerate, Rajeev Gupta, who has been made chairman for the purpose, said that role of startups in the context of Jharkhand would be looked into. “There is immense potential in Jharkhand and we have sufficient number of professionals and willing people. But they may not be aware about this properly or facing challenges in getting desired information, assistance or even funding. The summit is being organised to remove the obstacles coming in the way of start-ups in Jharkhand,” he said. Asscoham’s Bharat Jaiswal added that the body’s previous initiatives to bring budding innovators to Jharkhand had not yielded. “We want to correct the perspective about the State through this. All educational institutions have been ?=BQ 90<B743?DA avier School of Management ( XLRI) on X Tuesday welcomed the new C74A48B8<<4=B4?>C4=C80;8=970A:70=3 0=3F470E4BD558284=C=D<14A>5 ?A>54BB8>=0;B0=3F8;;8=6?4>?;41DCC74H <0H=>C140F0A401>DCC78B?A>?4A;H>A 5028=6270;;4=64B8=64CC8=634B8A43 8=5>A<0C8>=0BB8BC0=24>A4E4=5D=38=6 C74BD<<8C8B148=6>A60=8B43C>A4<>E4 C74>1BC02;4B2><8=68=C74F0H>5BC0AC D?B8=970A:70=3 invited to share their perspectives which are the potential incubation centers for startups. All the stakeholders would be single platform to share their ideas and present assistance for each other,” said Jaiswal. Prestigious awards in different 12 categories would be given to young entrepreneur and dynamic start-ups. Entrepreneurs besides financers, mentors and other stakeholders would be engaged to collaborate across the world and share ideas, best practices, develop solutions and partnerships. ?Tca^STP[TabbTTZaTSdRcX^]X]E0C [TeXTS^]_Tca^[Td\_a^SdRcb ?=BQ A0=278 S tate petroleum dealers appealed Jharkhand Government to reduce the Value Added Tax (VAT) levied on petroleum products on the grounds that the present tax rates have made diesel and petrol costlier in Jharkhand in comparison to neighbouring States, translating to decline in sales here. Presently, dealers have to pay C15 per litre for petrol and C8.37 for diesel or 22 per cent on both, whichever is higher, in addition to a cess of C1 per litre as VAT. West Bengal, Bihar and Uttar Pradesh have lower tax rates, due to which transporters and travellers prefer to buy fuel for their vehicles from these neighbouring states instead of Jharkhand, stated Jharkhand State Petroleum Dealers Association president Ashok Kumar Singh in a press conference on Tuesday. An alarming decline of 23,546 KL was observed in sales volume of diesel during April and May alone, Singh said. “Sales along NH-2 have gone down by 60 to 70 per cent. Heavy vehicles plying this thoroughfare get cheaper diesel in Uttar Pradesh on one end and in West Bengal on the other. If corrective measures are not taken soon, it will be fatal for petroleum sector in Jharkhand,” he added. 0]P[Pa\X]VSTR[X]T^U!"$#%:; fPb^QbTaeTSX]bP[Tbe^[d\T^U SXTbT[SdaX]V0_aX[P]S<PhP[^]T BX]VWbPXS±BP[TbP[^]V=7!WPeT V^]TS^f]Qh%c^&_TaRT]c 7TPeheTWXR[Tb_[hX]VcWXb cW^a^dVWUPaTVTcRWTP_TaSXTbT[X] DccPa?aPSTbW^]^]TT]SP]SX] FTbc1T]VP[^]cWT^cWTa Meanwhile, West Bengal and Bihar are experiencing a growth in sale of petroleum products at Jharkhand’s expense, said Singh. “Jharkhand saw immense growth in diesel sales back in 2013-14 and 201415 when tax rates were lower despite dismal business at national level. Sales have gone down drastically due to higher VAT this year even with good national average,” he said. According to the Association, had the VAT rates not been increased in February last year, the revenue earned by government had been higher than what it had considering the then growth rate of petroleum sector in Jharkhand. “State Government earned C1284.56 crores last year in VAT from petroleum dealers in Jharkhand against actual sale of 15.34 lakh kilolitres. With previous tax rates, the sales could have gone up to 18.41 lakh kilolitres, meaning C1309.42 crores VAT to government,” said Singh. Transporters, hauling petroleum products and goods both, farmers and commuters of Jharkhand, all have to suffer due to higher prices of diesel and petrol, he further said. The Association demanded that the VAT rates are lowered in order to bring down prices as compared to neighbouring states ‘as it has always been in the past’. “VAT on patrol and diesel should be lowered rationally and fixed, like in West Bengal and Uttar Pradesh. C 8234 should be charged as VAT one every kilolitre of diesel and C12, 340 per kilolitre of petrol. As per our estimation, these changes will not decrease revenue generation in any manner even if crude oil prices fluctuate,” Singh said. The Association also submitted a memorandum to Chief Secretary Rajbala Verma featuring their demands and estimations. The further course of action will be decided after the memorandum is considered by the Chief Minister. batch of students at a ceremony of commencement of the new academic session of 2016. A total of 537 students joined the illustrious XLRI student fraternity, including the three flagship programmes: Business Management (PGDM-BM: 2016-18 batch) — 183 students, Human Resource Management (PGDM-HRM: 2016-18 batch) - 182 students, Fifteen-months General Management Programme (PGDM-GM: 2016-17 batch) — 119 students, along with: Three years Postgraduate Diploma in Management (PGDM-BM, Part Time: 201619 batch) — 39 students;. Students in new batch of Fellow Programme in Management (FPM) and Executive Fellow Programme in Management (EXEC-FPM) were also welcomed at today's ceremony. Fr. E. Abraham, S.J., Director, XLRI, welcomed the students and said : “Many organisations consider their greatest asset to be their good name or reputation. Big and small firms and lately even educational institutions should nurture their organizations and brands in a sustainable and responsible manner, day-inand-day-out, or else one fine morning decades of brandbuilding might suddenly collapse. Having a high disposable income in your hands does not in any way justify irresponsible celebration thereby harming yourself and other innocent people, and consequently wrecking one’s career and bringing a bad name to one’s organization or educational institution.” “XLRI views ethical and responsible behavior as being an integral part of their graduate’s attributes. A student’s ethical awareness includes the ability to understand ethical standards and professional conduct both within the classroom and outside. It is expected that you will hold and nurture personal values and beliefs consistent with your role as responsible members of local, national and professional communities”, he added. The new students will be taken through a Special Orientation Programme drawn up by XLRI to update their knowledge before regular classes commence. The first year students will also be taken for XLRI’s compulsory Village Exposure Programme and the Outbound Programme. Both the programmes have been specially designed for the students to create awareness about the realities rural India. Introducing the new batch of students to the accomplished faculty members of the institute, Prof. Pranabesh Ray, dean [academics], XLRI commented: “XLRI is known for its academic excellence as well as instilling in its students the right values through courses, activities, events and the environment it creates. A unique feature in the first term will be the Village Exposure Programme and the Outbound Programme. Both the programmes have been designed to create awareness among the students of life in rural India, as well as the importance of team spirit. Such an integral and value-based formation will impel the future managers to be innovative, competent and creative leaders.” 8]RT_cX^] _a^VaP\\T ^aVP]XbTSU^a 2[PbbG8bcdST]cb 1IEC8b_`UcY^I_WQ dbQY^UbcV_b:e^U"!UfU^d ?=BQ 1>:0A> yur veda, Yoga and Naturopathy, Unani, A Siddha and Homoeopathy n a bid to provide information to the parents about the Ibasic conduct expected at the school an inception programme for students of Class XI and their parents was organised at DPS, Bokaro on Monday. They were given a comprehensive idea about the current education system prevailing in the school inclusive of the rules and regulations to be followed. On this occasion, a team of experts comprising of Dietician, Psychologist, Psychiatrist, and Career Counsellor were also present for providing guidance to the students. Dr. Hemlata. S. Mohan, Director and Principal, DPS, Bokaro said that the main objective of the school is overall development of the students by providing holistic education. She said it is important for the parents to understand the feelings of their children for their development. She stressed that parents should not pressurize their wards to do things as per their aspirations. She urged the parents to spend quality time with their wards and regularly check the school almanac& website for updates from the school. ?=BQ A0=278 (AYUSH) department of the State has roped in a few major Yoga experts from renowned training institutes like Patanjali, Art of Living, Munger school of Yoga and other institutes for guiding the participants and encouraging public to adopt the century’s old practice in their day to day life for healthy lifestyle. The decision was considered after receiving the communiqué from PMO to conduct yoga across State by ensuring the presence of maximum public in various programmes as planned by the State Government. “AYUSH is following all the set norms as prescribed. Various experts from leading training institutes will guide and train public in various ‘Aashans’. There are limited resources but we have contacted experts of Pantanjali, Art of Living including Munger School of Yoga. The department is also trying to consult few private agencies for imparting Yoga teachings among denizens on international day,” said, AYUSH Director, Dr. Numaan Ahmed. Notably, according to sources, seats of yoga practitioners under Jharkhand State AYUSH Medical Council are vacant since the establishment of the AYUSH department in the state. Moreover, the officials claim that the international events will be successfully conducted under the experts’ supervision. “For the time being, we have roped in few Yoga experts or institutes engaged in Yoga teaching practice for International event. As far as, recruitment process is considered, the seats will be filled soon,” Ahmed, pointed out. Similarly, after School Literacy and Education Department issued circular to all the DEOs and DSEs to ensure the participation of children in the grand event, the school authorities too are on toes and have made all essential arrangement for the international event. “Approximately, 20 thousands high schools are there in state, where there is already a provision for yoga teachers and those schools where Yoga experts are not present, they can tie up with local Yoga associations. Moreover, the department has also written to all the DCs to coordinate accordingly as per the requirement. Two to three schools experts together can also train kids and can manage the programme,” said, School Education and Literacy department, Secretary, Aradhana Patnaik. A preparation for the D Day is in full swing in the state capital. “Few experts from Art of living institute will conduct meditation classes for school kids. Headmasters can also appoint few local yoga experts for the purpose as per their convenience. From June 15, as per the instructions issued, training classes will be initiated for kids. We have demarcated Zila School premises, where 1000 schools children will be trained under the expert supervisions for June 21 event. The event will be held at Morabadi ground in the state capital,” said, Ranchi DEO, Rajkumar Prasad Singh. ]PcX^]$ A0=278kF43=4B30H k9D=4 $! % 8=B7>AC 4`_XViaV]d'>=2dW`c 30XUJHV0LQVWRPDNH 2P]³cWT[_h^d UXgUaXSVT)BfPaPY Tc`ddg`eZ_XZ_CDa`]]d \RJDDPDVVPRYHPHQW H B2B44B=>DA64=2H8= A4;40B8=6³58C´?0C84=CB ?C8 Q =4F34;78 ?PachhTcc^PRc^eTa P[[TVTSbPQ^cPVT QhTg2<7^^SP ?=B Q =4F34;78 he Congress on Tuesday finally expelled six MLAs, T including one from Amethi, who cross voted in the Rajya Sabha elections in Uttar Pradesh against party candidate Kapil Sibal last week. The MLAs, who were expelled for six years, are Sanjay Pratap Jayaswal (Basti district), Madhuri Verma (Bahraich), Vijay Dube (Kushinagar), Mohammed Muslim (TiloiAmethi), Dil Nawaz Khan (Bulandshahar) and Nawab Kasim Ali Khan (Rampur). The party, however, is yet to act over the alleged sabotage by former Chief Minister Bhupinder Singh Hooda and other 13 party MLAs, who allegedly foiled the prospect of Congress-backed candidate R K Anand in the Haryana Rajya Sabha biennial polls. Congress has since petitioned the Election Commission, and sources said that any action in Haryana would be done only after a response from the election watchdog. AICC General Secretary Janardan Dwivedi announced the decision of UP expulsions in presence of senior leader Ghulam Nabi Azad, who was the party’s authorised representative in the RS elections in Uttar Pradesh last Saturday. Sibal edged past Preeti Mahapatra, put up by BJP in the cliffhanger, securing his Rajya Sabha berth with support from other parties. With only 25 first preference votes to his credit and his final tally adding up to 34, Sibal fared only marginally better than his MLC colleague Deepak Singh did in the UP Legislative Council polls on Friday. Azad, who is now AICC General Secretary in charge of Uttar Pradesh, said while three of the six expelled MLAs voted in favour of the BJP, three others sided with BSP. Azad, who is the Leader of the Opposition in the Rajya Sabha, utilised the occasion to target the BJP, alleging that the cross voting in Uttar Pradesh and the controversy in Haryana showed that the saffron party went all out to win the polls through “misuse of power”. Attacking BJP for putting up Mahapatra as an additional candidate, when it had as many as 27 less votes, he said this was first such example he was seeing in his long political career. Taking a jibe at the Prime Minister, Azad said while Narendra Modi talks of cooperative federalism on one hand, the ruling party at the Centre uses money power and Government influence to win RS elections through unfair means. Alleging the involvement of Government of India in the “big conspiracy” in RS elections in Haryana, he said this portends danger for democracy. ?=B Q =4F34;78 A head of the International Yoga Day on June 21, Prime Minister Narendra Modi has sought the support of all Union Ministers and department heads to make yoga a “mass movement” for better physical and mental well being. In a letter to all the Ministers, Modi said the International Day of Yoga was a way of making yoga an integral part of our lives. “The International Day of Yoga is not simply an event. It is a way of making yoga an integral part of our lives. It is a means of popularising yoga among the masses, across social strata, in different age groups so that we can enhance our mental and physical well being. It is towards this end that I solicit your support,” he said in the letter. “It has been decided to take forward the momentum generated last year with greater and more active participation of all sections of the society, particularly the youth,” the letter said. The national event of mass yoga demonstration will be held in Chandigarh on June 21. Similar events will also be held across the nation and the world. “Our efforts should be to make it a people’s programme by highlighting the benefits of yoga for better physical and mental health and social harmony,” the Prime Minister said in the letter. The Ministry of AYUSH has designed a >DA455>ACBB7>D;314C><0:4 8C0?4>?;4³B?A>6A0<<41H 7867;867C8=6C74 14=458CB>5H>605>A 14CC4A?7HB820;0=3 <4=C0;740;C70=3 B>280;70A<>=H common yoga protocol for this event. Modi also enclosed with this letter, a booklet and a DVD on this protocol. He said that along with the mass yoga demonstration at Chandigarh, the Centre aims to organise similar demonstrations at the State, district, block and panchayat levels and each State has been requested to plan its activities in tandem with the national effort. “The State Governments have also been requested to encourage the use of locally made yoga mats and apparel, preferably with locally available raw-material to provide employment oppoprtunities to local artisans and small entrepreneurs. Special effors would be made to involve persons with disabilities in all the celebrations,” he added. elp f ix my f ridgeExternal Affairs Minister Sushma Swaraj was on Tuesday requested by a netizen, but had to plead that she was not in a position to oblige. Swaraj, often praised for her prompt assistance to distressed Indians abroad, was approached on the twitter by a complainant who tweeted “@irvpaswan @SushmaSwaraj Dear Ministers, @Samsung_IN sold me a defective refrigerator, they are not ready to replace. “ @ i r v p a s w a n @ S u s h m a S w a r a j @Samsung_IN Please look into this issue. They delivered defective product and it stopped working in two months” and also gave product details. However, Swaraj replied, “Brother I cannot help you in matters of a Refrigerator. I am very busy with human beings in distress.”Since the post last night, Swaraj’s tweet has been retweeted and ‘liked’ by over 6000 people. 99CS99DcQ]_^W1cYQµcd_`% fQbcYdYUc ?=B Q =4F34;78 Institute of Science (IISc), Bangalore and four IIITsndian — Mumbai, Delhi, Madras and Kanpur — figure in the list of Asia’s top 50 universities, as per the QS University Rankings for 2016. IISc, which is placed 33rd this year, had emerged as the highest-ranked Indian institute last year as well when it was placed at 34th. Most of India’s institutions have climbed to higher positions from last year. IIT-Mumbai has jumped 11 positions, while IITDelhi has climbed six places from 42nd rank last year. IITMadras jumped 13 places, IITKanpur 10, IIT-Kharagpur 16, IIT-Roorkee 14 and IITGuwahati four places from the last year’s rankings. IIT-Mumbai has been ranked 35th, closely followed by IIT-Delhi (36th), IIT-Madras (43rd) and IIT-Kanpur (48th). IIT-Kharagpur was placed 51st and two other IITs -- Roorkee (78) and Guwahati (94) -- made it to the top 100. Delhi University (DU), which had got 91st position last year, has jumped several steps and was ranked 66th. University of Calcutta was ranked 108th, a big jump from 149th last year, University of Mumbai 145th, while Banaras Hindu University is placed at 155th position. Panjab University is in the 251 to 300 bracket. Overall, like last year, National University of Singapore (NUS) has been ranked the best university in Asia, followed by University of Hong Kong. India’s performance in these rankings is the fifth best among the 17 countries that feature in the ratings. While India has 23 universities in the list of 350, it is outperformed by Taiwan (34), South Korea (54), Japan (72) and China (82), who also dominate the list of top 10 institutions. Other Indian institutions which figure in the rankings are Amrita University (169), University of Pune (176), Amity University (195), Manipal Academy of Higher Education (200) and Anna University (251-300 band). Indian Institute of Information Technology, Allahabad, Pondicherr y University and Andhra University are in the 301st350th band. QS had evaluated 920 universities from the Asia region for this year’s rankings. IISc, Bangalore, which emerged as the top Indian institution in the QS rankings, was also rated as the best Indian university in the HRD Ministry’s first ever National Institutional Ranking Framework (NIRF) released earlier this year. As per a statement released by QS rankings, “IISc’s success is partly due to its highly impactful research and it achieved the perfect weightage score for papers per faculty.” This year, the QS rankings also introduced ‘Staff with PhD’ to analyse teaching quality, the statement said. B ills introduced three decades ago are amongst the 45 Bills that are pending in the Rajya Sabha. The legislations pending in the Upper House include the contentious Constitution (One Hundred and Twenty-second Amendment) Bill, 2014, known as the GST Bill, which was moved in the Upper House in August last year after being passed by Lok Sabha. The Lok Sabha too is yet to dispose of five Bills at the end of the last session of Parliament in May 2016. Some of the Bills pending for decades include the Indian Medical Council (Amendment) Bill, 1987, the Participation of Workers in Management Bill 1990 and the Constitution (79th Amendment) Bill 1992. Another key Bill is the Whistle Blowers Protection (Amendment) Bill, 2015, which was moved in December last year in the Upper House but the discussion on it remained inconclusive. In the Budget Session this year, this Bill could not be taken up. In the Lok Sabha, important Bills pending include the Consumer Protection Bill 2015 and the Benami Transactions (Prohibition) Amendment Bill, 2015. Indicating that the long-pending GST Bill can see a forward movement in the next session of Parliament, Finance Minister Arun Jaitley had expressed confidence that “legislation activity” can proceed at a faster face with the increase in strength of those parties which support the Bills in the Rajya Sabha and do not “obstruct” proceedings. He was asked about the implications of results of the recent Rajya Sabha elections that saw a dip in Congress’ number, and the prospect of the GST Bill which is being blocked by the main Opposition party seeking amendments. The last few sessions of Parliament have seen sparrings even though the second part of the Budget Session recorded relative improvement as far the completion of Government business was concerned. But the problem of pending bills is not limited to the two years of the NDA Government. On the Medical Council Bill, the report of the Joint Committee was presented way back in July 1989 while on the Workers Management Bill, the report of the Department-related Parliamentary Standing Committee on DccPaPZWP]S6^eTa]^a::?Pd[RP[[b^]cWTD]X^]7^\T<X]XbcTaAPY]PcWBX]VWX]=Tf3T[WX^]CdTbSPh Labour and Welfare was laid on the table of the Rajya Sabha in December 2001, 11 years after it was introduced. Other important pending bills are the Waqf Properties (Eviction of Unauthorised Occupants) Bill 2014, The Right to Fair Compensation and Transparency in Land Acquisition, Rehabilitation and Resettlement (Amendment) Bill 2015 and The Enemy Property (Amendment and Validation) Bill 2016. Another Bill pending in the Upper House since 2007 is the Private Detective Agencies (Regulation) Bill, 2007 of the Home Ministry on which the report of the Department-related Parliamentary Standing Committee on Home Affairs was presented way back in February, 2009. n a major achievement in the health sector, India has Ibecome the first country in the world to get the Yaws-free certificate by the WHO. The certificate came quite late though as no case of yaws, a bacterial infectious disease, had been reported from the country for the last one decade. This is the third major momentous public health feat for India, which was declared polio-free two years ago, elimination of maternal and neonatal tetanus early this year and now becoming free from Yaws, a chronic bacterial infection caused by Treponema pallidum subsp Pertenue. Poor socio-economic conditions facilitate the spread of yaws. A senior official in the Ministry said that they want Prime Minister Narendra Modi to announce this historic feat at an event planned to be held soon. A WHO team had last year visited to tribal areas in in Khammam, Phulbani, Koraput, Mayurbhanj and Chandrapur besides a few others which have reported yaws in the past. But they did not find any evidence of the transmission of the disease among children. Terming it a major milestone, SK Jain, from Department of Parasitic Diseases of the NCDC, said, India is the first nation in the world to get such a prestigious tag. “Currently, at least 13 countries are reporting the disease to the WHO. The WHO roadmap targeted yaws for eradication by 2020 but India has achieved this land- ?C8 6^ecc^_dQ[XRXbTePRP]RXTb X]2T]caTR^d]cahfXST ?=B Q =4F34;78 I n an effort to disseminate information regarding Government job generation, the Centre on Tuesday said that all Central Government vacancies would be publicised countrywide through local employment exchanges and ‘Employment News’ newspaper among others. The decision by Department of Personnel and Training (DoPT) assumes significance as over 2 lakh posts which are estimated to be created by the Central Government in its various departments by 2017. The Centre has been striv- 9^TYQVYbcdd_WUdIQgcVbUUSUbdYVYSQdU 0A270=09H>C8Q =4F34;78 0=>C74AB4C102:5>A 2>=E82C434G<? =Tf3T[WX)CWTBd_aT\T2^dac ^]CdTbSPh^]RTPVPX]aTUdbTS c^VaP]cdaVT]cWTPaX]Vc^P _[TP^UU^a\Ta<?D\PZP]c HPSPebTTZX]Vbdb_T]bX^]^U WXbR^]eXRcX^]P]SPbTeT]hTPa bT]cT]RTX]PU^aVTahRPbTc^ T]PQ[TWX\R^]cTbccWT d_R^\X]V0bbT\Q[hT[TRcX^]b X]cWTDccPa?aPSTbWX]! & CWT_[TPfPb\T]cX^]TSQTU^aT PEPRPcX^]1T]RWR^\_aXbX]V 9dbcXRTb0:6^T[P]S; =PVTbfPaPAP^fWXRWbPXS cWTaTfPb]^daVT]RhX]cWT \PccTafWXRWRP]QTcPZT]d_X] SdTR^dabT <>A4F><4=F8;;9>8= 0A<435>A24B)?0AA8:0A \UROG%LOOVDPRQJOHJLVODWLRQVSHQGLQJLQ56 ?=B Q =4F34;78 =Tf3T[WX)CWTBd_aT\T2^dac ^]CdTbSPhaTUdbTSc^PRR^aS P]daVT]cWTPaX]Vc^P_[TP bTTZX]VaT[TPbT^U\P[TP]S UT\P[T_PcXT]cbfW^PaTUXcU^a SXbRWPaVTUa^\P\T]cP[ W^b_XcP[X]1PaTX[[hX]DccPa ?aPSTbW0EPRPcX^]1T]RW^U 9dbcXRTb0SPabW:d\Pa6^T[ P]S;=PVTbfPaPAP^bPXS cWTaTfPb]^daVT]RhP]ScWT \PccTaR^d[SQTcPZT]d_PUcTa cWTbd\\TaQaTPZ^UcWTP_Tg R^daccWXb\^]cWT]S3daX]V cWTWTPaX]VcWTQT]RWP[b^ PbZTS_TcXcX^]TaPSe^RPcT 6PdaPe:d\Pa1P]bP[fWhWT WPS]^cP__a^PRWTScWT7XVW 2^dacX]cWXbaTVPaS mark much earlier. The final cases were reported in 2003,” he added. Jain said following the successful implementation of the yaws Eradication Programme (YEP) India had declared eradication of the disease in 2006 itself. It had sought WHO certification in 2011. But, it had to wait in the absence of clear guidelines on the roadmap for eradication and elimination of the disease from the WHO on the eradication of the yaws. Humans are the main reservoir of infection and children bear the brunt of the disease. It is transmitted primarily through skin contact with an infected person. If left untreated, multiple lesions appear all over the body, leading to chronic disfigurement and disability. ing to create more jobs in the country. It had recently decided that all proposals seeking approval of appraisal bodies like Foreign Investment Promotion Board (FIPB) and Core Group on Disinvestment need to mandatorily mention “employment generation potential”. Citing the instructions it had issue earlier, the DoPT aid all vacancies to be filled on regular basis, except those which fall within the purview of Union Public Service Commission and Staff Selection Commission, are to be notified in the local employment exchange or central employment exchange. =Tf3T[WX) 8]cWTR^\X]V hTPabcWTPa\TSU^aRTbfX[[bTT [PaVTa_PacXRX_PcX^]^Uf^\T] 3TUT]RT<X]XbcTa<P]^WPa ?PaaXZPa^]CdTbSPhbPXS°CWXb XbYdbccWTQTVX]]X]VB[^f[h f^\T]X][PaVT]d\QTabfX[[QT _Pac^UcWTPa\TSU^aRTb± ?PaaXZPac^[SaT_^acTabWTaT fWT]PbZTSfWTcWTa\^aT f^\T]f^d[SQTT]R^daPVTS c^Y^X]cWTPa\TSU^aRTb7T fPbb_TPZX]VPcP]TeT]cfWTaT WTUT[XRXcPcTScWTUXabcTeTaP[[ VXa[b=PcX^]P[2PSTc2^a_b =22cTP\fWXRWWPSR[X\QTS cWT<^d]c4eTaTbc 055>A4BC0C8>=)6>EC >:´BC %#2A5>AA09 =Tf3T[WX)CWT4]eXa^]\T]c <X]Xbcah^]CdTbSPhbP]RcX^]TS C %#Ra^aTU^aAPYPbcWP]P]S C $%Ra^aTU^aCT[P]VP]P U^[[^fX]VP\TTcX]V^] 2^\_T]bPc^ah0UU^aTbcPcX^] 5d]S<P]PVT\T]cP]S ?[P]]X]V0dcW^aXch20<?0 fXcWcWTcf^BcPcTbCWT\^]Th WPbQTT]bP]RcX^]TSU^a PUU^aTbcPcX^]aT[^RPcX^]P]S ^cWTaQX^SXeTabXchf^aZbX]cWT cf^BcPcTbCWT<X]XbcTabPXS cWPcPRR^aSX]Vc^R^dac³b VdXST[X]Tb^][h _TaRT]c^U cWTUd]SbRP]QTaT[TPbTScWXb hTPa 6^ecRPdcX^db[hP[[^fb PVT]cbX]3TUT]RTSTP[b ?C8 Q =4F34;78 F oreign Defence firms can now appoint ‘agents’ to market their products to the armed forces and the Government but with strict oversight, which includes opening up of company’s books to scrutiny besides not allowing any success bonus or penalty fees among other measures. The Government will also have the veto power to reject or accept, at any point of time, an agent proposed by the company. The new set of guidelines are now part of the Defence Procurement Procedure (DPP), 2016 that was put out in public last week as the Government works on ensuring transparency in the murky world of Defence deals. While previous DPPs also had a window for foreign companies to hire agents, it is for the first time that a detailed set of guidelines has come out. The previous mechanisms had failed to ensure transparency even though Defence agents continued to play crucial roles in Defence contracts. In an interview to PTI earlier, Defence Minister Manohar Parrikar had drawn a distinction between agents and middlemen, saying the Government will not leave room for any “hanky- panky”. DEAde`SV^`_Ze`cVU#%I(e`TfcSa`]]feZ`_Z_]R\Vd ?=B Q =4F34;78 he Environment Ministry is planning round-the-clock T monitoring of Sewage Treatment Plants (STPs) to combat pollution in Bangaluru lakes. Recently, thousands of dead fish were washed ashore at Ulsoor Lake raising concerns about water pollution in the city. Further, thick froth formed on the Yamlur Lake was also a CP\X[=PSd2WXTU<X]XbcTa9PhP[P[XcWPPVaTTcbcWT\TSXPP]ScWTbd__^acTabPbbWT[TPeTbC=7^dbTc^\TTccWT?aX\T<X]XbcTa source of concern. There are =PaT]SaP<^SXX]=Tf3T[WX^]CdTbSPh ?C8 about 70 lakes in the city and nearly half of its sewage is going untreated into these lakes. The Environment Ministry is also considering bringing in an overarching law for lake preservation in the city. The decision came in the wake of a meeting with the Environment Minister Prakash Javadekar with the Minister of Chemicals & Fertilizers, Ananth Kumar, who is also the MP of Bangaluru. Also present in the meeting was Karnataka Environment Minister Ramanath Rai, along with senior state officials. Discharge of untreated sewage being generated in the city into the lakes is a major cause for their degradation. Against present sewage generation of around 1320 MLD (million litres per day), installed treatment capacity is 721 MLD. The effective treatment capacity of these STPs is however 600 MLD. CPCB had earlier under section 18 (1)(b) of the Water Act had directed that all local bodies in Karnataka will have to establish STPs. The waste water can only be released into water bodies after treating it. In this connection, the state elaborated that to bridge the gap between sewage generation and treatment, Bengaluru Water Supply & Sewerage Board is working towards the enhancement of its sewage treatment capacity upto 1761 MLD by 2020. It is expected to complete installation of 336 MLD STP capacity by December 2018, 515 MLD capacity by December 2019 and 189 MLD capacity by December 2020. Listing out the other initiatives, the meeting decided that efforts will also be taken for the bio-development of lakes in Bengaluru which will include parameters of oxygenation of the lakes. While plastic has been banned an authority has been formed for preparing a lake by lake restoration plan with a timeline. The corporate sector will also be involved in the process of preservation of lakes. ]PcX^]% A0=278kF43=4B30H k9D=4 $! % 8318;>0=5A0D3<>=4H;0D=34A8=620B4 >R]]jRUVT]RcVUµac`T]RZ^VU`WWV_UVc¶ ?<;0R^dac^aSTa \P]SPcTb<P[[hP c^P__TPaQTU^aT 43fXcWX]"SPhb C=A067D=0C70Q <D<108 Prevention of Money Laundering Act (PMLA) A court here on Tuesday declared Vijay Mallya a “proclaimed offender”, in a development that would help the Enforcement Directorate (ED) to mount pressure on the debt-trapped industrialist to join its investigations in the IDBI loan fraudcum-money laundering case. Having heard a petition filed by the ED on Friday, Special Judge PR Bhavke ruled: “The ED application is allowed and proclamation is issued against Vijay Mallya”. The court declared Mallya a “proclaimed offender” under Section 82 of the Criminal Procedure Code (CrPC), which makes it mandatory on the offender to appear before the ED within 30 days of the publication of proclamation. The Section 82 of CrPC reads thus: “If any Court has reason to believe (whether after taking evidence or not) that any person against whom a warrant has been issued by it has absconded or is concealing himself so that such warrant cannot be executed. Such Court may publish a written proclamation requiring him to appear at a specified place and at a specified time not less than thirty days from the date of publishing such proclamation”. However, if Mallya fails to comply with the proceedings launched under section 82 of Cr.PC, the ED has kept its open of invoking section 83 of Cr.PC to seek an order from the PMLA court to any property, both movable and immovable, belonging to him. Seeking an order declaring Mallya as a “proclaimed offender” under Section 82 of the Cr PC, the ED had on Friday informed the PMLA court that “multiple” arrest warrants were pending against him -- including a non—bailable warrant (NBW) under the PMLA. In its plea seeking to declare Mallya as “proclaimed offender” in the IDBI loan fraud case, the ED had also briefed the PMLA court of the status of the investigations in the case and the need for the accused businessman to join the probe. It also told the court that arrest warrants pending against the debt-trapped businessman included a cheque bounce and the money laundering cases. The declaration of Mallya being a “proclaimed offenders” within three days after the ED attached United Breweries Holding Ltd (UBHL) and Mallya assets worth Rs 1,411 crore in cities like Mumbai, Bangalore, Coorg and Chennai, in connection with its money laundering case. The ED has been after Mallya to join its investigations in the IDBI loan fraud-cummoney laundering case. In a first step toward towards putting pressure on Mallya – who is believed to be based in the United Kingdom – to return to India for the ongoing investigations against him, the Union government had on April 15 suspended his diplomatic passport. After he failed to appear before its investigators despite three summons having been issued against him on March 10, March 18 and April 2, the ED moved the PMLA and obtained a Non-Bailable Warrant (NBW) against Mallya on April 18. Subsequently on May 12, the ED requested the Interpol to issue a Red Corner Notice against the fugitive liquor baron. Given that Britain has declined to deport Mallya to India, the ED is planning to invoke the India-United Kingdom Mutual Legal Assistance Treaty (MLAT) to extradite Mallya from Britain. The ED is investigating the overall financial structure of the now defunct Kingfisher Airlines and is also looking into any payment of kickbacks to secure 950 crore loan from the IDBI Bank. 0[PQ^daTaSahX]VbTeXXhP]cWX]eTa\XRT[[XPcPUPRc^ahU^acWTd_R^\X]VUTbcXeP[4XSd[5XcaX]0VPacP[P^]CdTbSPh ?C8 9bQ^Y_RZUSdcd_ecU 4`dPcX^]bRWP]VX]VX]:TaP[P´b2^]V _V´TUQbµV_bXUb 6a^d_b³P]cXBdSWTTaP]QXSX]TUUTRcXeT Patna: Union HRD Minister Smriti Irani and Bihar Education Minister Ashok Choudhary were on Tuesday locked in a war of words over the latter addressing her as “dear”. “Dear@smritiraniji, when will we get new Education policy..? when will year 2015 end in your calender..?” Choudhary wrote in his twitter account. But, the use of the word “dear” did not go down well with the Union HRD Minister. “Mahilaon ko ‘dear’ keh ke kab se sambodhit karne lage Ashokji?” Irani replied in her tweet message. Choudhary answered to her objection by another message on his micro blogging site. “Not to disrespect but educate...Professional email start with “dear”. Smritiraniji kabhi mudde pe jawab dijiye, don’t circle around it,” Chowdhary replied. “@AshokChoudhaary all my communications to you or any other person start with ‘adarniya’, but since you are now communicating allow me 1/3,” Irani said in another tweet. On the Bihar Education minister’s query about the new education policy she replied “@AshokChoudhaary have not received state views on education policy neither did you in your 1 on 1 meeting with me give any suggestions 3/3.” The war of words with the Bihar Education Minister came on a day when she was on a visit to Bhagalpur in connection with “Vikash Parv” observed by NDA on completion of two years in the office. Ashok Choudhary is also the state president of Congress. Before arriving here Irani tweeted: @Ashok Chaudhary “Mahilaon ko ‘dear’ keh ke kab se sambodhit karne lage Ashokji?” Choudhary answered to her objection by another message on his micro blogging site. “Not to disrespect but educate...Professional email start with “dear”. Smritiraniji kabhi mudde pe jawab dijiye, don’t circle around it,” Chowdhary replied. An embarrassed Chaudhary explained that he addressed her as dear out of respect. “If she felt offended I am sorry,” he said. PTI EA90H0A09Q :>278 E quations are changing and some kind of polarization is taking place in Kerala’s Congress party, which is yet to make a sincere effort to find out the exact reasons for its devastation in the May 16 Assembly election, with several managers of the two major groups controlling the party beginning to lose faith in their bosses due to their alleged inability and lack of resolve to take on “common enemy” VM Sudheeran, State Congress president. If leaders of the ‘A’ and ‘I’ groups in the State Congress which have so far been controlling the party are to be believed, a strange kind of polarisation is taking place within the Congress with leaders who have so far been staunch loyalists of the two faction bosses showing willingness to declare allegiance to Sudheeran, whose mission is to end factional activities. The immediate reason for the loss of faith of groups managers in their bosses, former chief minister Oommen Chandy heading the ‘A’ group and former Home Minister Ramesh Chennithala leading the ‘I’ group, is that both of them adopted total silence when the issue was to be discussed with the high command in Delhi during a meeting last Saturday. The ‘A’ and ‘I’ groups, which have been battling against each other all these years, had recently joined hands in order to get Sudheeran, trusted very much by the high command, removed as Kerala PCC president by somehow establishing that he was solely responsible for the drubbing the Congress and the UDF it leads had suffered in the Assembly polls. The understanding between the two factions was said to be that Chandy should become the KPCC chief once they succeeded in removing Sudheeran as Chennithala has already been elected as the Opposition Leader in the State Assembly. It was in accordance with this plan that Chandy had refused to take up the post of the chairman of the UDF despite immense pressure. “There is enough evidence >^\\T]2WP]Sh now to believe that this was the ultimate objective of the concerted attacks unleashed against Sudheeran at the KPCC executive camp by the trusted loyalists of Chandy and Chennithala. That was just the first step in the strategy to remove Sudheeran as PCC chief,” said a group-neutral Congress leader. According to sources in the Congress, the plan was to escalate this campaign against Sudheeran after the executive camp but the stand of the high command was not conducive to it. “It was in this context (that the group managers) had intensified their attacks against Sudheeran E<BdSWTTaP] CWT³0´P]S³8´ Va^d_bfWXRW WPeTQTT] QPcc[X]VPVPX]bc TPRW^cWTaP[[ cWTbThTPabWPS aTRT]c[hY^X]TS WP]SbX]^aSTac^ VTcBdSWTTaP] aT\^eTS forcing Rahul Gandhi to call all the three leaders to Delhi for discussions,” said the leader. Those in the forefront of the attacks against Sudheeran AP\TbW2WT]]XcWP[P were PCC vice-president MM Hassan, a trusted lieutenant of Chandy, and ‘I’ group’s former MLA Joseph Vazhakkan and former MP K Sudhakaran, both PCC general secretaries. Their mission was to build a base for how Chandy and Chennithala should argue their case against Sudhakaran before Rahul Gandhi. But the strategy collapsed when Chandy and Chennithala sat like “extremely studious boys” in front of Rahul without even making a murmur about the demand for Sudheeran’s ouster. “Instead, they came back like decent gentlemen calling for 93B<;0Q^^ZTSU^ae^cTU^aRPbW :4BCDAE0BD:8Q 14=60;DAD s per the direction of the Election Commission of A India an FIR has been filed 5^daf^\T]QXZTabUa^\BdaPcaTPRW6dfPWPcX^]CdTbSPhc^_a^\^cT?aX\T<X]XbcTa´bRP\_PXV]±1TcX1PRWP^1TcX?PSWP^²X]B^dcW4Pbc0bXP]R^d]caXTb]P\T[h =T_P[1WdcP]8]SXP<hP]\PaCWPX[P]S;P^b2P\Q^SXPEXTc]P\<P[PhbXPP]SBX]VP_^aT against Janata Dal(S) Legislator Mallikarjun Khuba (Basavakalyan) by Karnataka Legislative Assembly S ecretar y S Mur thy on Tuesday for his alleged involvement in ‘vote for cash’ deal which was exposed in a sting operation by a private English TV channel ahead of Rajya Sabha elections held to four seats from Karnataka. Murthy filed his FIR against the MLA at Vidhanasoudha police station. The FIR was lodged based on the direction of the Election Commission of India (ECI) which went through the report submitted by State Chief Electoral Officer Anil Kumar Jha after the ‘sting ?C8 operation’ were beamed by some TV channels. In its order, the ECI said the whole matter should be entrusted to the CBI for a deeper probe so that all those who may be involved in such nefarious activities are exposed and duly punished under the law. Explaining why it did not countermand or defer the Rajya Sabha polls held on June 11. In the sting operation and the transcripts of the footage showed Khuba openly demanding a certain amount of money to cast his vote in favour of the candidate of the party which gives him such money. Khuba had allegedly said to the TV reported that, ‘’if you want my vote, it will not be Rs 1 crore or Rs 2 crore. Give election money, it is settled. My offer is above Rs 5 crore. For team, it is same rate.’’ Khuba also allegedly made the claim that he could get the votes of certain other MLAs if they are also paid the price mentioned by him. However Election Commission did not take cognizance of the media trail in the entire episode and cancel the election. The Congress with the help of JD(S) rebels and independents could win three seats and BJP got one seat in the biennial Rajya Sabha polls. Congress leaders Jairam Ramesh, Oscar Fernandes and he third candidate KD Rammurthy got elected along with BJP’s Union Minister Nirmala Sitharaman who contested for the first time from Karnataka to Rajya Sabha. The JD(S) faced internal rebellion and suspended eight legislators for defying the whip issued by the party for cross voting. BPRWX]R^\Tb^dcc^WT[_aTQdX[S ?XRc^aXP[QX^VaP_Wh^U1P_dc^QT_dQ[XbWTS 78=3BF0A09 ]TV[TRcTSbRW^^[X]F1caXQP[eX[[PVT N C>14?D1;8B743 =0H0=30E4Q 07<430103 ?C8 Q :>;:0C0 his die-hard cricket fans, Tendulkar is ‘God’, ToSachin something a tribal village in West Bengal swears by after the Rajya Sabha MP intervened to fund the reconstruction of a 51year-old neglected school. Moved by a headmaster’s request, Tendulkar agreed to release C76,21,050 for the “Gobindapur Makrampur Swarnamoyee Sasmal Siksha Niketan” from his MPLAD fund. The school is located on NH-6 under Narayangadh police station about 140 kilometres southwest of Kolkata in the Midnapore (West) district. Tendulkar has already released 75 per cent of the amount, which was paid in three installments, while the remaining amount would be given on production of the utilisation certificate, which was recently submitted. It was nothing but a “miracle” for headmaster Uttam Kumar Mohanty who was left “frustrated and endured sleepless nights after making door to door” pleas to the local MPs and MLAs for financial assistance to the school which was on the verge of collapse. Ten years after his struggle, one fine day in 2013, the idea of writing to Tendulkar occurred to him. The iconic cricketer, at that time, was one year into his new profile and was criticised for his rare appearances in the Upper House. Mohanty searched the internet for Tendulkar’s official email address and he finally wrote to him on March 13, 2013, requesting for assistance for the school building. “I had little hope after being ignored by Suryakanta Mishra (a five-time MLA) and Prabodh Panda (who was in the House from 2001-14). It was out of sheer frustration,” Mohanty told PTI from his residence in Kharagpur. More than a year passed by and when Mohanty had almost forgotten, the “miracle” happened on August 7, 2014 when Tendulkar replied assuring him of all the assistance for the school with more than 1000 students. avjivan Trust — one of the premiere Gadhian institutions in Ahmedabad will published pictorial biography of Mahatma Gandhi on his upcoming birth anniversary on October 2 this year in lines with Amar Chitra Katha. Founded by Mahatma Gandhi himself in 1929, Navjivan Trust is a publishing house which has published over 800 books in over 15 different languages. The trust is also in the process to bring out audio-video version (animation) on Mahatma Gandhi. “We have roped in around 15 artists and an agency for around 150 page 11 XII inches book to tell Bapu’s story in pictorial form. The book will have on and average nine graphical picture frames per page. It would cover everything right from Mahatma Gandhi’s childhood to his struggle for India’s freedom,” said Vivek 8= 5>A<0CB CWT=PeYXeP]Cadbc XbTg_[^aX]V ^_cX^]b^U^][X]T bT[[X]V^UQ^^Zb X]R[dSX]VcWT d_R^\X]V_XRc^aXP[ QX^VaP_Wh Desai, managing trustee of Navjivan Trust. The purpose of Gandhi Bapu’s complete life story in graphic form or comics illustration is to reach out maximum number of young people, so that they know more about the ‘father of nation’, said Desai Navajivan Trust will launch the latest 10 editions of Hind Swaraj, the most popular and widely read book penned by Mahatma Gandhi on Wednesday. Hind Swaraj or Indian Home Rule is a book written by Mahatma in 1909 in his mother tongue - Gujarati, while travelling from London to South Africa on-boardSS Kildonan Castle (ship) between 13 to 22nd November that year. The new edition of the book will be available in three languages-Gujarati, Hindi and English, with 10 different formats including e-books. adding, “The pictorial biography of Mahatma Gandhi would lead them to further read Mahatma Gandhi’s work. The pictorial biography is meant for those who are looking light easy to understand reading.” Apurva Ashar, digital and print publication consultant of the trust said that unlike in other comics where dialogues are written by others, Mahatma’s Chitra Katha would carry his own words which would be more authentic. Initially the graphic illustration biography will be in three languages - Gujarati, Hindi and English, but later on it would be in various other Indian languages too, he added. The trust is also exploring options of online selling of books including the upcoming pictorial biography of Mahatma through internet marketing sites such as Amazon and Flipkart. The trust has already launched 170 e-books and in last two years it has sold 10500 copies. The management of the trust is working on preparing a kindle like tablet with 200 books preloaded on it. total unity in the party,” said a junior manager of the ‘I’ group based in Kochi. Murmurs of dissent have already started coming out of both the ‘A’ and ‘I’ groups over the faction bosses’ bid to put all the blame on Sudheeran for the poll defeat without sincerely examining its actual reasons and for the same reason most of the group managers on both the sides are unhappy about the whole development. “Sudheeran had become KPCC chief just two-and-a-half years back and everybody knows that he was working almost in total isolation,” the ‘I’ group manager said. Demands have started coming up from both the groups to find out who — whether those who had led for 30 months or those who had been in charge for over a decade — were responsible for this, he added. Sources in the two camps now admit that Sudheeran has emerged stronger particularly because of the high command’s support. In this context, a polarisation is gaining strength in the ‘A’ and ‘I’ groups and many leaders are said to be preparing to switch camps and declare support for Sudheeran. >f^SRZT`fce ZddfVdac`TVdd RXRZ_deC8GW`c 8R_VdYehVVed C=A067D=0C70Q <D<108 Mumbai court has issued process against Bollywood A director Ram Gopal Verma for his series of comments against Lord Ganesha on twitter, in the run-up to the Ganesh Chaturthi in 2014. After hearing a criminal lodged against RGV by social activist and a corporate communication firm owner Vivek Shetty, Metropolitan Magistrate A D Lokhande of 66th Court, Andheri, Mumbai ruled: “After going through the verification statement and enquiry conducted by Cyber Cell Crime Branch, I hold that the complainant has prima facie made out a case against the accused”. The Magistrate went onto issue the process against RGV under sections 295(A),505 of Indian Penal Code and 66(A) of Information Technology Act. The process is returnable on July 17, 2016. It may be recalled that RGV had put out a series of tweets in the run-up Ganesh festival in the last week of August 2014. “Does Lord Ganesha eat much more than other Gods? My doubt is becos all the other Gods are either trim or muscular..Did Lord Ganesha have a paunch in his childhood too or did it develop in the recovery time of the elephant head operation?...” he had tweeted on August 29,2014. “I would really love to know from Lord Ganesha’s devotees a list of what obstacles he removed in all the years they prayed to him..... All concerned pls undrstand tht my questions nd observations on Ganesha are coming from both my innocence nd ignorance on the subject matter,” he had gone to tweet. RGV’s tweets had sparked an outcry in the social media so much so that the twitterati trolled him all through that day and some of them even questioned his sanity. ]PcX^]& A0=278kF43=4B30H k9D=4 $! % 2ddR^57@RccVdeVUW`cXcRWe 021b[TdcWbaTR^eTa PQ^dcC"Ra^aTX] RPbWWdVT`dP]cXch ^UfX[SP]X\P[_Pacb 0=D?B70A<0Q 6DF070C8 n a major operation, the Anti-Corruption Branch I(ACB) of the Assam Police has arrested a Divisional Forest Officer (DFO) in Assam after he was caught red-handed while accepting a bribe of C30,000. During raids on his two residences later, ACB sleuths recovered close to C3 crore in cash and several animal parts, including a tiger skin, deer skin and elephant tusks. The ACB officials said that Mahat Chandra Talukdar, Divisional Forest Officer (DFO) of eastern Assam’s Dhemaji district was first arrested redhanded after he accepted a bribe of C30,000 from a businessman in his office on Monday evening. Later, the ACB officials raided his official residence in Dhemaji and recovered C62,25,420. At the same time, another team of the ACB sleuths raided his house in Guwahati and recovered C4,27,000, a tiger skin, a deer skin, some elephant tusks and some other wildlife parts. The ACB sleuths, however, could not open three secret lockers in his Guwahati BXgaPRTW^abTb SXTX]C=\XbWP_ EX[[d_daP\C=)BXgaPRTW^abTb fTaTZX[[TSP]SUXeT_T^_[TfTaT X]YdaTS^]CdTbSPh]TPaWTaT PUcTacWTcadRZX]fWXRWcWT W^abTbfTaTQTX]VcaP]b_^acTS fT]c^dc^UR^]ca^[P]Sc^__[TS _^[XRTbPXS°CWTW^abTbUT[[^] ^]TP]^cWTafWT]cWTcadRZfT]c ^dc^UR^]ca^[P]Sc^__[TSD]STa cWTX\_PRccWTP]X\P[bfTaT ZX[[TS±3T_dch?^[XRTBd_TaX] cT]ST]cD[[d]Sda_Tc: APSWPZaXbW]P]bPXS7TbPXSXc P__TPaTScWPccWT\XbWP_fPb SdTc^cWT]TV[XVT]RT^UcWT SaXeTa°CW^dVWcWTRaTfX]R[d SX]VcWTSaXeTafTaTX]YdaTScWTh PaTbPUT±WTbPXSCWT\XbWP_ ^RRdaTSPc?PcW^^a^UU D[d]Sda_TcCWTcadRZfPb WTPSX]Vc^fPaSb2WT]]PXUa^\ :^SPXZP]P[fWTaTcWTP]X\P[b WPScPZT]_PacX]P]TeT]c ?C8 ever, granted only 24 hours custody of Talukdar. Talukdar who had been posted in Dhemaji since 2014, was supposed to retire on March next year. Talukdar had served as a DFO in famous Kaziranga national park for four years between 1989 to 1993 and 89 one-horned rhinos have been poached in the park during that period. While the ACB had registered a case against Talukdar for accepting bribe they are likely to register another case against him for having assets disproportionate to his known source of income. Meanwhile, Assam Chief Minister Sarbananda Sonowal said that action will be taken against the officer as per the law and reiterated that his Government is committed to follow transparency and corruption-free practices and that the every Minister in the Government is bound to root out corruption from the State. The arrest and seizure of 0]cX2^aad_cX^]D]XcSXb_[PhbA^hP[1T]VP[CXVTa´bbZX]fWXRWfPbaTR^eTaTSUa^\ PaaTbcTS35><PWPc2WP]SaPCP[dZSPaPc3XaTRc^aPcT^UEXVX[P]RTP]S0]cX2^aad_cX^]X] the huge amount from a DFO 6dfPWPcX^]CdTbSPh ?C8 came at a time when there is a change of guard in Assam and residence which were locked the money is on and we expect the new Government had taken that the amount will cross over over barely three weeks back. using some digital password. Talukdar was brought to C2 crore. Meanwhile, we have The new Forest Minister of the Guwahati by the ACB sleuths produced him in the court of State, Pramila Rani Brahma on Tuesday and opened the the Chief Judicial Magistrate had been taking up strong three lockers, which led to (CJM) on Tuesday and sought steps to streamline the Forest recovery of over C2 crore in him in three days remand,” said and Environment departments cash and over one kg of gold a senior ACB official while and particularly to stop the jewellery. “The counting of adding that the court has how- poaching of one-horned rhinos. b 7&RQJVWUXJJOHVWRVWHP 2PZTfXcW>fPXbX´ _XRcdaTRdc^]APY WLGHRIGHIHFWLRQVWR756 CWPRZTaPh´bQXacWSPh ><4A50A>>@ Q 7H34A0103 he decision of a MP, MLA and some other leaders to T join Telangana Rashtra Samiti has left the Congress in Telangana in a deep crisis sending the top party leadership in to a huddle on how to stem the tide of defections to the ruling party. The decision of Congress MP from Nalgonda Gutta Sukhinder Reddy to join TRS has especially come as a big shock as he was in the forefront in attacking the TRS and leveling charges of corruption in Government schemes especially in Mission Bhagirath for drinking water supply. He had even written letters to the Central Government agencies on the issue evoking the ire of the TRS. But now in a volte face he said he was quite impressed by the function of the KCR Government in the State. Apart from Gutta Sukhinder Reddy, Congress MLA from Miryalaguda in Nalgonda disrtrict N Bhaskar Rao and the lone CPI MLA representing Devarkonda Ravindra Kumar have also decided to join the TRS. Other senior Congress leaders joining the same queue were two sons of veteran Dalit Congress leader G Venkata Swamy, G Vinod and G Kumar Reddy on Tuesday CWTSTRXbX^]^U met the party general secre2^]VaTbb<?Ua^\ tary in charge of the State affairs Digvijay Singh. On =P[V^]SP6dccP Wednesday the situation will BdZWX]STaATSShc^ be discussed in details in the party coordination committee Y^X]CABWPb meeting, he said. Tb_TRXP[[hR^\TPb Sukhinder Reddy’s move evoked a sharp reaction PQXVbW^RZc^cWT has from the other leaders of 2^]VaTbbPbWTfPb Congress. Party’s senior X]cWTU^aTUa^]cX] leader Mallu Ravi demanded explanation f rom PccPRZX]VcWTCAB an Sukhinder Reddy and charged Chief Minister K P]S[TeT[[X]V Chandrasekhar Rao with lurRWPaVTb^U ing the leaders of other parR^aad_cX^]X] ties by offering them money. “Sukhinder Reddy was 6^eTa]\T]c elected twice as MP from bRWT\TbTb_TRXP[[h Nalgonda by taking a oath X]<XbbX^]1WPVXaPcW that he will serve the people of the district. Now I would U^aSaX]ZX]V like to know what reply he will give to the people”, asked fPcTabd__[h Vivekanand. Both these leaders were in the news before the elections for their plans to join the TRS but Congress persuaded them to stay back and both of them lost the elections. Sukhinder Reddy said that he was forced to take the step by the internal bickering in Telangana Congress. In the backdrop of these developments Telangana State Congress president Uttam Mallu Ravi. Another Congress leader K Venkat Reddy challenged both Gutta Sukhinder Reddy and N Bhaskar Rao to resign from their seats and face fresh elections. “If the party orders me I am ready to face Gutta in elections from Nalgonda Lok Sabha seats”, he said. Interestingly K Venkat Reddy had recently met the TRS leaders amid speculations that he was also planning to join the TRS. ?C8 Q <D<108 cake with the image of AIMIM leader Asaduddin A Owaisi was cut during the celebrations to mark the birthday of MNS chief Raj Thackeray here on Tuesday, evoking a strong reaction from the Hyderabad-based party. Raj was greeted by his supporters at his residence ‘Krishna Kunj’ at Dadar in Central CWTPRcX^]SaTf R^]ST\]PcX^]Ua^\ 08<8<fW^bT<;0 FPaXb?PcWP] ST\P]STSPRcX^] PVPX]bccW^bTfW^ RdccWTRPZT Mumbai, where some supporters brought the cake with Owaisi’s image on it and cut it. The action drew condemnation from AIMIM, whose MLA Waris Pathan demanded action against those who cut the cake. Raj had targeted Owaisi triggered a row early this year saying he would not chant ‘Bharat Mata ki Jai’, even if a knife is put to his throat. “C ome to Maharashtra, I will put a knife to your throat,” the MNS chief had said. 19?ST\P]Sb58AX] <^]b^^]\PZX]V]^ 9: 2<PbZb0a\hc^ \X]X\XbTeXbXQX[XchX] P[[TVTSP__^X]c\T]c _a^VaTbbX]C0? RXeX[XP]PaTPb^UBcPcT XaaTVd[PaXcXTbX]1XWPa W ><4A50A>>@ Q 7H34A0103 ?C8 Q ?0C=0 mid Bihar’s Education department’s ‘Operation A clean up’ initiative to better the quality of education in the State, the BJP on Tuesday demanded lodging of FIR in the alleged irregularities in the appointment of Assistant Professors in Agriculture University at Sabour in Bhagalpur. Senior Bihar BJP leader Sushil Kumar Modi also demanded registration of FIR in the alleged irregularities in Maulana Mazharul Haque Arabic & Persian University, Patna and Sanskrit Shiksha Board, Patna. “Merely carrying out a probe into the irregularities committed in these institutions will not serve any purpose. So the State Government should initiate action by lodging FIR in the irregularities of Agriculture University, Arabic & Persian University and Sanskrit Shiksha Board on the lines of toppers scandal,” Sushil said. He said the alleged irregularities in the appointment of Assistant Professor-cum-Junior Scientist were apparent and glaring, the recruitment for which was carried out when Mewalal Choudhary was the Vice-Chancellor who was now JD(U) MLA. He alleged that the candidates who ranked 1st, 2nd and 3rd were made ineligible for the appointment as they were given 0.1 to 0.5 marks out of 10 each in interview and presentation whereas those who had “very very poor” academic performance were selected as the interview board gave 10 out of 10 marks each in interview and power presentation. “Is it possible that a candidate can get 0.1 and 0.5 out of 10 in interview or presentation while another candidate scored 10 out of 10 marks...I have not seen such marking,” he said. The BJP leader alleged that presentation was not made by any candidate, but marks were added for it. He further alleged that the Agriculture University conducted interviews for all subjects such as plant pathology, entomology, nematology, agriculture zoology with one expert Dr D Prasad who was an expert for plant pathology. The university appointed Dr RB Verma, who was working as Recruitment Officer in the University, in the interview board which cleared the selection of his (Verma’s) son Vijay Kumar as junior scientist, horticulture college, Noorsarai while his son-inlaw R ahul Kumar was appointed in Krishi Vigyan Kendra, Lakhisarai, he said. Similarly, Mewalal Choudhary, the then VC, appointed Dr C Prasad as exp er t for Agriculture Extension subject. Choudhary was the brother-in-law of Dr C Prasad. The rules do not permit to appoint one’s relative to any interview board, he said. The university had come out with an advertisement for filling up 281 posts of Asst Professor-cum-Junior Scientist against which about 175 posts were filled, the process for which continued till 2013, he said. ith the south-west monsoon becoming weak in the absence of strong winds over the southern Indian Ocean, there has been no progress of monsoon into the two Telugu States of Andhra Pradesh and Telangana. With no significant monsoon rainfall in the two States, the temperatures were once again rising adding to the discomfiture and apprehensions of the people. The southwest monsoon which had set over Kerala on June 8, a week behind the expected day, it made some progress over the next 48 hours touching the parts of Rayalaseema and Andhra. However since then it has weakened and there has been no progress over the region as well as in neighbouring Marhatwada region of Maharashtra. Though there had been isolated rains at a couple of places like Beed and Latur in Maharashtra and Nizambad in Telangana over the last two days, the expectations of monsoon moving in over the last weekend were belied. Indian Meteorological offi- :7DAB7443F0=8Q BA8=060A J 8<3^UUXRXP[bbPhcWPccWT_aTbT]c fTPcWTaR^]SXcX^]bPaT]^cUPe^daPQ[T U^acWT_a^VaTbb^U\^]b^^] cials had last week forecast that the monsoon may reach Telangana and Maharashtra in four days but now they say it has weakened temporarily. It is the replay of the last year when the monsoon had initially made some good progress but later came to halt over Rayalaseema failing to reach Telangana for a long time leading to deficient rainfall over Andhra Pradesh and Telangana. IMD officials say that the present weather conditions were not favourable for the progress of monsoon. “If the winds were strong over southern Indian Ocean, monsoon will move faster”, a senior weather department official said. Private weather forecaster Skymet also said that the monsoon will remain subdued over Karnataka, Rayalaseema and Telangana. With no rainfall most of the places in Telangana have recorded two to three degrees above normal temperature. IMD has forecast the weather to remain hot for another three days. ammu & Kashmir Chief Minister Mehboob Mufti on Tuesday asked the Indian Army chief to ensure minimum visibility of Army troops in the civilian areas and tourist places in the restive State. Chief of Army Staff Gen Dalbir Singh called upon the Chief Minister here to discuss the issues related to internal security in the region. The Army chief is on a visit to the embattled State. An official spokesman said that Mufti and Gen Singh discussed important matters relating to the internal and external security management in Jammu & Kashmir and the general geopolitical situation in the region. The Chief Minister was briefed by top Army commanders including the General officer commanding-in-chief, northern command, Lt Gen DS Hooda and Srinagar based XV Corps chief Lt Gen Satish Kumar Dua on the overall security scenario and steps being taken to maintain peace in the state through greater public participation. Mehbooba called for min- 9:2<P]S0a\h RWXTUSXbRdbbTS \PccTabaT[PcTSc^ X]cTa]P[P]S TgcTa]P[bTRdaXch \P]PVT\T]c X]cWTBcPcT imising the visibility of the troops from the civilian areas and tourist places in the State. She said the troops should ensure that no civilian is harmed and there is minimum damage to civilian properties during encounters with the militants. “While the Army is competent enough to deal with the situation along the borders, for internal security, police and paramilitary forces should shoulder the greater responsibilities,” she said. The CM urged upon the Army commanders to help consolidate and carry forward the State Government’s confidence building measures on the security front and initiative of border tourism which would go a long way in ensuring peace and tranquillity along the borders and within the mainland. ^_X]X^]' A0=278kF43=4B30H k9D=4 $! % gggTQY\i`Y_^UUbS_] aRaVchZeYaRddZ`_ 9`SS]VUZ_9RcjR_R 5.$QDQG¶VGHIHDWH[SRVHV&RQJUHVVZHDNQHVV cPcX\TfWT]cWT2^]VaTbbXbUPRX]VP]TgXbcT]cXP[RaXbXbUa^\<PWPaPbWcaP c^0ad]PRWP[?aPSTbWcWTSTUTPc^UA:0]P]ScWT_PachQPRZTSRP]SXSPcT X]cWTaTRT]c[hR^]R[dSTSAPYhPBPQWP_^[[X]7PahP]PTg_^bTbcWTSTT_ bRWXb\X]cWTBcPcT[TPSTabWX_0ccWXbYd]RcdaTcWT2^]VaTbbXbUPRX]VWT[_[Tbb ]TbbbX]RTXcbc^_[TPSTabWX_WPb]^cQTT]PQ[Tc^STRXSTPbW^fc^YdbcXUhcWT R^]cX]dTSaT[TeP]RT^UcWT²6P]SWXUP\X[hPVPX]bccWT<^SXBWPWYdVVTa]PdcPRa^bb cWTR^d]cahFWT]XcR^\Tbc^cWT2^]VaTbbX]7PahP]PUXabc^UP[[1Wd_X]STa BX]VW7^^SPPbT]X^a_Pach[TPSTaP]SU^a\Ta2WXTU<X]XbcTa^UcWTBcPcTWPb QTT]_^bX]VRWP[[T]VTc^cWT?aPSTbW2^]VaTbb2^\\XccTT?22RWXTU0bW^Z CP]fPaUa^\cWTQTVX]]X]VCWTaTU^aTcWT_PachbW^d[SWPeTcPZT]_aTRPdcX^] bT]bX]VTXcWTaPRa^bbe^cX]V^aPbX[T]caTe^[cUa^\cWT<;0bQT[^]VX]Vc^cWT 7^^SPRP\_bPQ^cPVX]VcWTAPYhPBPQWP_^[[0[b^cWT_PachbW^d[SWPeTRPd cX^db[haTPScWTPVT^[SP]X\^bXchQTcfTT]cWT2^]VaTbbP]S8]SXP]=PcX^]P[ ;^Z3P[8=;3QTU^aTU^aVX]VP]d]STabcP]SX]VU^aPY^X]cRP]SXSPcT8cXbUT[c PRa^bbcWT_^[XcXRP[b_TRcad\X]7PahP]PcWPcP[TPSTa[XZT7^^SPRP]]TeTaP__a^eT ^UP]T[TRc^aP[P[[XP]RTfXcWcWT8=;35dacWTaPb7^^SPXbUPRX]VP[^c\P]hRWPaVTb X]R[dSX]VcWTRPbTbaT[PcTSc^cWT[Pbc9Pc`d^cPPVXcPcX^]b^XcXb]PcdaP[cWPcWT WPb_[PhTScWTb_^X[b_^acP]SWT[_TS cWT19?QPRZTSRP]SXSPcTc^fX]CWT P__PaT]c UPdg _Pb _[PhTS Qh 7^^SP \PhfT[[X]SXRPcTWXbX]cT]cX^]c^VTc cT\_^aPah aT[XTU Ua^\ cWT RdaaT]c T]`dXah PVPX]bc WX\ CWT UP{PST ^U TeT]cbcWPcWPb[TSc^cWTR^]UdbX^] X]cWTAPYhPBPQWP_^[[X]7PahP]PX]SX RPcTbcWPcTXcWTa7^^SP^ab^\T<;0b QT[^]VX]Vc^cWT2^]VaTbbWPSP\Pb cTa_[P]c^STUTPccWT_PachQPRZTSRP] SXSPcTCWXbXbcWTbcPcT^UPUUPXabX]cWT 2^]VaTbb X] 7PahP]P fWXRW aTU[TRcb W^f CP]fPa WPb ]^c QTT] PQ[T c^ T]U^aRTWXbSXZcPcb^eTa_Pach<;0b STb_XcTQTX]V?22RWXTU4eT]SdaX]V cWT [Pbc 0bbT\Q[h T[TRcX^] Q^cW 7^^SPP]SCP]fPafTaTUXVWcX]VcXRZ TcbU^acWTXa^f]]^\X]TTbP]SUX]P[ [h cWT U^a\Ta _aTePX[TS CWXb APYhP BPQWPT[TRcX^]X]7PahP]PWPbTg_^bTSW^f7^^SPXbbX]ZX]VSTT_X]P\Tbb RaTPcTSQhWX\X]cWT_Pbc8]RaTPbX]V[hQTR^\X]VUadbcaPcTSP]SX\_PcXT]cUXabc PUcTa[^bX]VcWT0bbT\Q[h_^[[[PbchTPaP]S\^bcX\_^acP]c[hU^a\PZX]VWX\ bTaeTd]STa\dRWh^d]VTa?22Q^bb[XZTCP]fPa7^^SPXb]^fd_X]Pa\bPVPX]bc cWT2^]VaTbbc^_QaPbb=^fcWT_PachWXVWR^\\P]SPc 9P]_PcWXbX]PUXg ¯_aTbXST]cB^]XP6P]SWXRP]]TXcWTa^dcaXVWc[hcPZTP]hPRcX^]PVPX]bc7^^SP fW^XbP]^[SfPaW^abT]^aRP]bWTPUU^aSc^UXaTCP]fPafW^XbPbcPd]RWbd_ _^acTa^UWTab^]WTXaP]S2^]VaTbbeXRT_aTbXST]cAPWd[6P]SWX 0bAPYhPBPQWPXbaTVPaSTSPbcWT7^dbT^U4[STabP]SPUTSTaP[RWP\QTa XcWPbP]PRR^d]cPQX[Xchc^f^aZU^acWTd]XchP]SX]cTVaXch^UcWT]PcX^]fWXRW X]cda]f^d[SaTX]U^aRTcWTUPXcW^UcWT_T^_[TX]_Pa[XP\T]cPahST\^RaPRhCWT RdaaT]c]PaaPcXeTbR^\\T]cPaXTbP]S\P[_aPRcXRTbcWPccWTR^d]cahWPbfXc]TbbTS X]aTVPaSc^cWTT[TRcX^]^UAPYhPBPQWP\T\QTabXbWPaS[haPXbX]VP]hbXV]^U XcbV[^aX^dba^^c8cbbPScWPcQPaaX]VPUTf\T\QTabcWTD__Ta7^dbTWPbQTR^\T PWPeT]U^acWTaTcXaTSP]ScWTR^aad_cfW^\PZT]^TUU^acbc^aPXbTcWTbcP] SPaS^USTQPcTX]cWT7^dbT^aRWTRZcWTad[X]VSXb_T]bPcX^] 0 <V[cZhR]gd>`UZRXRZ_ 'HOKL&KLHI0LQLVWHUGUDJV3UHVLGHQWLQWRILJKW T[WX2WXTU<X]XbcTa0aeX]S:TYaXfP[WPbR^\T^dcfXcWPQ[PRZThTYdbcPQ^dc TeTahcX\TWTWPbSaPVVTS?aX\T<X]XbcTa=PaT]SaP<^SXX]c^P]d]]TR TbbPahUXVWcBcX[[b^\T^UWXbTPa[h\XbPSeT]cdaTbR^d[SWPeTQTT]PccaXQ dcTSc^_^[XcXRP[]PXeTc|P]SWXb_T]RWP]cU^aR^]bcP]c_dQ[XRXch8cfPbW^_TS cWPcfXcWcX\TP]STg_TaXT]RT:TYaXfP[f^d[SaTP[XbTcWPcbdRWR^]Ua^]cPcX^]b ^][hSXbcaPRcTSUa^\WXbV^eTa]P]RTPVT]SPP]SSXbad_cTSfWPcbW^d[SXSTP[[h QTPb\^^cWaT[PcX^]bWX_fXcWcWT2T]caTD]U^acd]PcT[hcWXbWPb]^cQTT]cWT RPbTCWT[PcTbcT_Xb^STX]:TYaXfP[bb_XcP]SbR^^c_^[XcXRbeXbveXb<^SXXb cWTR^]ca^eTabh^eTa3T[WXb?Pa[XP\T]cPahBTRaTcPaXTb>]<^]SPh?aTbXST]c ?aP]PQ<dZWTaYTTSTR[X]TSc^VXeTWXbPbbT]cc^cWT3T[WX<T\QTab^U;TVXb[PcXeT 0bbT\Q[hAT\^eP[^U3Xb`dP[XUXRPcX^]1X[[! 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The senior Cabinet Minister does not appear wholly enthusiastic about returning to State politics, though he can certainly be expected to abide by party directives. Nonetheless, as the driving force behind the electoral campaign, Rajnath Singh will have many advantages which few leaders of the BJP from Uttar Pradesh can boast of. The first is his experience in both Government and organisation. He has served as the Chief Minister of the State, Union Minister, and national president of the party. His performance in these high-profile assignments has been creditable — in most opinion polls recently conducted, he has fared well in public perception as the incumbent Minister for Home Affairs; the BJP won the 2014 Lok Sabha election under his presidentship, and his stint as Uttar Pradesh Chief Minister (and earlier as a Minister in Kalyan Singh’s regime) is remembered for its dose of good governance. The second advantage he enjoys is that of a high stature, which comes partly from the assignments he has handled and partly from his connect with the party workers and the people. In a State party unit ridden with factionalism and weighed down by a sense of despondency which comes with being out of power for more than two decades now, Rajnath Singh is seen as someone who has the capacity to unite and inject enthusiasm. Factional leaders respect him and would be willing to listen to him because they appreciate his understanding of ground realities. They would be prepared to forge understandings with one another under his guidance for the party’s larger good in view of the coming election. And his third advantage is his caste. With the BJP having recently appointed a member of the Other Backward Class community as its State party unit chief, there has been talk that the party will now reach out to its traditional upper caste voters. If Rajnath Singh, a Kshatriya, becomes the party’s face in Uttar Pradesh, it will gladden the hearts of voters of his upper caste community in particular and the higher castes in general. It would not be surprising if in the days to come, the party offer important roles to senior leaders from the Brahmin community as well. Here, thus, we arrive at what is arguably the most challenging task that all parties face in Uttar Pradesh: How best to address the caste conundrum? The caste cauldron is always boiling in the State, and it begins to overflow in the run-up to an election. The BJP will need to find the right balance at the right time and in the right constituency in case it hopes for a fighting chance against caste-based parties such as the Samajwadi Party and the Bahujan Samaj Party. Nobody understands the challenge better than Rajnath Singh, and given that he will certainly be a key strategist of the party’s Uttar Pradesh election campaign, his inputs will be critical in decid- DXUcUWYQ^dcdbYTUc Y^dXU9^TYQ7XQ^Q RY\QdUbQ\g_e\T^_d XQfURUU^`_ccYR\U gYdX_eddXUQSdYfU b_\U_VdXU4YQc`_bQ @bUcYTU^d ±@bQ^QR=e[XUbZUU =>1>3H D=34ABC0=3BC74 270;;4=6414CC4A C70=A09=0C7B8=67 0=368E4=C70C74 F8;;24AC08=;H140 :4HBCA0C468BC>5 C7419?B4;42C8>= 20<?086=78B 8=?DCBF8;;14 2A8C820;8=342838=6 C74?0ACHB 02C8>=?;0= ing the party’s action plan. It is natural for all parties including the BJP to concentrate on the OBC segment because that is the single largest bloc — though it doesn’t vote en bloc. From the BJP’s perspective, the Yadav community will largely stick to the Samajwadi Party in the State election, regardless of the fact that a large percentage voted for the BJP (for Narendra Modi actually) in the 2014 Lok Sabha poll; the Muslim vote will get divided between the Samajwadi Party and the Bahujan Samaj Party (while it appears for the moment that the latter has the edge, the BJP cannot count on their support in general); the Dalits will go with the Bahujan Samaj Party (with a section possibly voting for the BJP); and the non-Yadav OBC voters will largely back the BJP. Given the scenario, what can tilt the balance is the direction the upper castes go. This assumes all the more significance for the BJP because the Congress is shoring up its B>D=318C4 D_dXUDQ\YRQ^*CdQ^TY^W QWQY^cd`U_`\Uc TU]Q^T_V`UQSUgY\\ dQ[Ui_e^_gXUbU 1VWXQ^1 1]RQccQT_b d_ddXUE EC ±8Q]Te\\QX=_XYR plans to regain influence there. The Congress’s new strategist, Prashant Kishor, who had worked with the BJP in the 2014 election and with Nitish Kumar to craft the latter’s win in Bihar, is now burning the midnight oil to wean the upper castes to the Congress’s side. The upper castes have been migratory in nature over the years, largely shifting from the Samajwadi Party to the Bahujan Samaj Party and back to the former. The two-way movement is because they had been left with no other option following the loss of stature in Uttar Pradesh of their ‘natural’ parties — the BJP and the Congress over the past two decades. Since the BJP wouldn’t want the Congress to grab this floating vote, it has to reach out to the section — and this is where Rajnath Singh can be of use. There are, of course, other upper caste influential leaders in the party, such as Mahesh Sharma and Yogi Adityanath, but the advantage they bring to the table gets virtually neutralised by their polarising nature. Polarisation may work in certain constituencies but it can also take away votes from the party across the State. Rajnath Singh, despite his one-time hardliner image, is today seen as a moderate. None of this, however, provides an answer to the milliondollar question: Who will be the BJP’s chief ministerial candidate? The lazy way out for the party to deal with the issue is to simply not announce a candidate. This can be fatal given that both the regional parties have clear leaders in Akhilesh Yadav and Mayawati, and that the Congress, in a fit of desperation may rope in Priyanka Vadra as the party’s leading light in the Uttar Pradesh election. Will it be an outlier like Varun Gandhi (his freshness and youth are an advantage, but his equations with the BJP central leadership remain speculative; they are not said to be in the pink of health), or will it be an ‘outsider’ like Smriti Irani or Uma Bharti (both being feisty politicians who get as good as they get, and this will really delight the rambunctious voters of Uttar Pradesh), or will it eventually be a tested but for-now reluctant warhorse like Rajnath Singh (in case a consensus eludes the party’s senior leadership)? (The writer is a senior journalist and commentator) 9d2_]RQi83 _bTUb _^DScP?d]YPQYc^µd QR_edQ^i_^UcfYSd_bi _bTUVUQd2UYd3263 _b9DTU`Qbd]U^d `U_`\USQ^Q``UQ\d_ QXYWXUbQedX_bYdi 3263S SXYUV ±@QX\QZ>YXQ\Q^Y ;4CC4ABC>C74438C>A 9^db_c`USdY_^dY]U Sir — This refers to the article, “IPS is well past its expiry date” (June 13) by Deepak Sinha. Agreed, a lot of clean up is required in defence procurements. The generals who behave like nawabs, who get personal golf courses and sell out defence lands, must also be dealt with. It’s time for introspection. Madhumita Via web 6YWXdS_bbe`dY_^ Sir — This refers to the article, “IPS is well past its expiry date” (June 13) by Deepak Sinha. Reforms will come only when we stop thinking in our silos. As far as corruption is concerned, it plagues everyone including the defence forces. Abhijit Via web 2\Q]U`_\YdYSYQ^c Sir — This refers to the article, “IPS is well past its expiry date” (June 13) by Deepak Sinha. I agree with the views expressed in the article. In our country, it is the responsibility of the Government to ensure the well being of the society as a whole. ?VVU`WY`fcZde`cVgR^a TcZ^Z_R][fdeZTVdjdeV^ C WXbaTUTabc^cWTPacXR[T°8?BXbfT[[_PbcXcbTg_XahSPcT±9d]T "Qh 3TT_PZBX]WPCWTPdcW^a³bPbbd\_cX^]cWPc^][hcWT_^[XRTbhbcT\Xb aTb_^]bXQ[TU^a_^^aR^]ca^[^eTaRaX\TP]SRaX\X]P[bXb\Xb_[PRTS 2^]ca^[Xb_^bbXQ[T^][hfWT]cWTT]cXaTRaX\X]P[YdbcXRTbhbcT\Ud]RcX^]b WPa\^]X^db[hP]STUUTRcXeT[h5^aTgP\_[TXUPaXRWQaPcPbbPd[cbP_^[XRT ^]SdchfWPcbW^d[ScWT^UUXRTaS^. CWT_^[XRTRP]]^cRPcRWWX\^acWaPbW WX\Qdc^][hPaaTbcWX\P]S\PZTWX\P__TPaX]R^dac1dccWT^UUT]STa fX[[QT^dc^]QPX[QTU^aTWXbRPbTaTPRWTbcWTR^dac0]SQhcWPccX\TP[[ X]ST_T]ST]cfXc]TbbTbcda]W^bcX[TaTbd[cX]VX]PR`dXccP[ FWX[TXcXbR^aaTRccWPccWT8?BWPbc^aTX]eT]cXcbT[Uc^_TaU^a\cWT Ud]RcX^]bXcXb\TP]cU^acWT_dQ[XR\dbcfPZTd_c^fWPcV^Tb^]X]cWT bhbcT\P]SfWPceTbcTSX]cTaTbcbWPeTQTT]RaTPcTSCWT]TTS^UcWTW^da Xbc^RaTPcT_aTbbdaTc^aTeP\_cWTRaX\X]P[YdbcXRTbhbcT\PbPfW^[T 2ahX]VU^a_^[XRTaTU^a\bP[^]TfX[[]^cVTcdbP]hfWTaT ?S\P[PeXhP EXPfTQ Politicians are responsible for bringing down the credibility of the system, the judiciary and the police force. We need to think what can best serve our needs and devise systems and ensure they are made to work. Shishir Ghosh Via web BUV_b]c^UUTUT Sir — This refers to the article, “IPS is well past its expiry date” (June 13) by Deepak Sinha. I agree with the views of the author as far as it relates to reforms. Police is doing a very difficult job. The idea of decentralised system is not bad like in the UK. In India, we need to be careful in totally dismantling British institutions but reform is necessary in the bureaucracy. What will happen if in a State, local officers join the rebellion? IPS is needed. But one service that needs to be abolished it is IAS. Pat Via web ;UZbYgQ\µc`b_R\U] Sir — This refers to the report, “President rejects office of profit bill” (June 14). The Delhi Members of Legislative Assembly (Removal of Disqualification) (Amendment) Bill 2015, was sought by Delhi Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal to “preempt” possible disqualification of 21 MLAs under office of profit provisions being appointed as parliamentary secretaries to his Cabinet. Kejriwal’s angry reaction to President Pranab Mukherjee’s negative decision on the former’s fond measure, seemed typical of his loose tongue, targeting Prime Minister Narendra Modi. “Modiji says make them all sit at home. No one will do any work,’ Kejriwal tweeted. Isn’t this ridiculous? If nearly one-third of his MLAs are not appointed as parliamentary secetaries, will they be idle? What about their constituencies and their problems? The trouble with Kejriwal is that he has not yet realised that he is not the master of all he surveys. He is a Chief Minister of a Union Territory and he has to seek “mandatory legal and Constitutional sanctions” from the Union Government on all matters Unfortunately, he has not been able to understand and accept this fact as of yet. M Ratan Via email BT]Shh^daUUTTSQPRZcc^) [TccTabc^_X^]TTa/V\PX[R^\ "aSThT( A0=278kF43=4B30H k9D=4 $! % @?9>D2>D=C4A@?9>D CWT?aTbXST]cS^Tb]^ccPZTP]hSTRXbX^]?a^QPQ[hcWT UX[TS^Tb]cTeT]V^c^WX\CWTSTRXbX^]^]>UUXRT^U ?a^UXcXbbdTWPbQTT]cPZT]QhcWT6^eTa]\T]c °3T[WX2WXTU<X]XbcTa 0AE8=3:49A8F0; :_^V^`cj`W2SYVUR_R_UR 58ABC 2>;D<= H^d:TYaXfP[WPeT_^[XcXRP[P\QXcX^]bP]S aXVWc[hb^1dcU^aV^SbbPZTS^]cST\TP] cWTRaTSXQX[Xch^UcWT?aTbXST]c^U8]SXP °19?b_^ZTb_Tab^] B0<18C?0CA0 DCC0<6D?C0 A]fXXZ_XW`ceYVa``c Z_RhV]WRcVdeReV CWXbhTPaPbfTR^\\T\^aPcTcWT $cWQXacWP]]XeTabPah^UBfP\X0QWTSP]P]SPfT\dbc\TSXcPcT^]cWTb_XaXcdP[]PcX^]P[Xbc³bT_^RWP[ R^]caXQdcX^]c^8]SXPbbT[UW^^SBdRWPaTZX]S[X]V^UX]cTaTbcXbX\_TaPcXeTU^acWTbdRRTbb^U^da]PcX^]P[`dTbcU^aP]X]cTVaP[bT[UaT[XP]RT T CWT<^SX6^eTa]\T]cWPbb^dVWcc^_[dVcWT[TPZPVTb X]cWTfT[UPaTST[XeTah\TRWP]Xb\8c\dbc]^fbdbcPX] cWT\^\T]cd\c^PRWXTeTS^dQ[TSXVXcVa^fcWaPcTb WaTTSTRPSTbPV^?aX\T<X]XbcTaAPYXe6P]SWXTbcX\PcTScWPc^][h $_PXbT^dc^UTeTahad_TT\TP]cU^acWT_^^aPRcdP[[haTPRWTS cWT\QTRPdbT^U[TPZPVTbX]cWTST[XeTahbhbcT\CWXbfPbPcPRXc PS\XbbX^]cWPcQaPiT][^^c^U_dQ[XR\^]ThfPbWP__T]X]VQdc]^cW X]VfPbQTX]VS^]Tc^RdaQXcBdRRTbbXeT_^[XcXRP[TbcPQ[XbW\T]cbWP_ _X[haTRP[[TScWTbcPcT\T]cQdc]TeTaX]ca^b_TRcTS^]XcbbTaX^db]Tbb 8]WXbcf^hTPabX]^UUXRT?aX\T<X]XbcTa=PaT]SaP<^SX]^c ^][hP]P[hbTScWT\^Sdb^_TaP]SX^UW^fcWTaTb^daRTb\TP]cU^a cWT_^^afPbQTX]V\XbP__a^_aXPcTSQdcP[b^VP[eP]XbTScWTT]cXaT 6^eTa]\T]c\PRWX]Tahc^bcT\cWTa^cCWT^dcR^\T^UcTP\<^SXb TUU^acbTb_TRXP[[hX]ZThPaTPb^UbdQbXSh^];?6U^^Sd]STacWT _dQ[XRSXbcaXQdcX^]bhbcT\?3BZTa^bT]T_T]bX^]P]S_Ph\T]cb d]STacWT<PWPc\P6P]SWX=PcX^]P[AdaP[4\_[^h\T]c6dPaP]cTT 0Rc<6=A460PaTcWTaTU^aP[[c^bTT0[[^UcWTbT_^X]cc^fPaSb X\\T]bT^__^acd]XcXTbU^aVPa]TaX]VWdVTbPeX]VbQPS[h]TTSTS c^Ud[UX[cWTQPaT\X]X\d\]TTSb^UcWT_^^a DbX]VcWT0PSWPPaQPbTSbhbcT\U^aSXaTRcQT]TUXccaP]bUTafWTaT X]bdQbXShXbSXaTRc[hRaTSXcTSc^cWTQT]TUXRXPahbQP]ZPRR^d]cSd[h PdcWT]cXRPcTSfXcW0PSWPPa]d\QTacWT6^eTa]\T]cWPbXST]cXUXTS ²Q^Vdb³QT]TUXRXPaXTbP]STgR[dSTScWT\Ua^\cWTP\QXc^UfT[UPaT bRWT\Tb8];?6PfW^__X]V"$\X[[X^]Q^VdbQT]TUXRXPaXTbWPeTQTT] fTTSTS^dc[TPSX]Vc^PbPeX]V^UC! %&!Ra^aTC #%&!Ra^aTSda X]V! #! $P]SC&Ra^aTSdaX]V! $! % 8]U^^S %\X[[X^]Q^VdbaPcX^]RPaSbfTaTXST]cXUXTSX]0]SWaP ?aPSTbWCT[T]VP]P?dSdRWTaahP]S3T[WXP[^]T1hbc^__X]VcWTaT[TPbT ^UbdQbXSXbTSU^^S^]cWTbTRPaSbcWT6^eTa]\T]cbPeTSPQ^dcC Ra^aT;XZTfXbTfTTSX]V^dcSd_[XRPcTbd]STa<6=A460aTbd[cTSX] PbPeX]V^UC"Ra^aTSdaX]V! #! $;TPZPVTbX]bRW^[PabWX_b P]S_T]bX^]bRWT\TbX]DccPa?aPSTbW7PahP]P:TaP[PP]S<PSWhP ?aPSTbWP[b^_[dVVTSbPeX]Vbc^cWTcd]T^UC!Ra^aT 0[[_dcc^VTcWTacWT6^eTa]\T]cbPeTSC"%$Ra^aTCWXbXbYdbc cWT cX_ ^U P] XRTQTaV FWT] fW^[Tb^\T R^eTaPVT P[[^eTa 8]SXP Xb PRWXTeTSbPeX]VbfX[[QT\P\\^cW0RR^aSX]Vc^^UUXRXP[b_dccX]V?3B P]S<6=A460_Ph\T]cbd]STa0PSWPPaQPbTSbhbcT\P[^]TfX[[bPeT PQ^dcC Ra^aT0]ScWTbTbPeX]VbfX[[PRRadTTeTahhTPa CWTbTbPeX]VbPaT'_TaRT]c^U8]SXPbVa^bbS^\TbcXR_a^SdRc PQ^dccf^caX[[X^]S^[[PabCWdbQhT[X\X]PcX]VQ^VdbQT]TUXRXPaXTb SdaX]VcWTRdaaT]chTPacWT6^eTa]\T]cRP]PRWXTeTUXbRP[STUXRXc^U !&_TaRT]cPVPX]bcPcPaVTc^U"$_TaRT]c5^a! &! 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In fact since 2013 we have entered such a phase which gives occasion to commemorate those lives which made decisive interventions in the definition and renewed expression of the Bharatiya psyche, its world view and its essentiality. The year 2013 marked the 150th year of Swami Vivekananda’s eternal birth. Then, 2014, apart from the political sea-change that it announced, was also the centenary of the Mother’s (Mirra Alfassa) first visit to India and her first meeting with Sri Aurobindo in Puducherry (then Pondicherry). It was a meeting that inaugurated a new era in India’s unending spiritual evolution. The year 2014 was also the centenary of that seminal treatise, Radha Kumud Mookerjee’s The Fundamental Unity of India, which asserted, for the first time, in modern idioms and in response to colonial rejection of Indian unity, the thesis of India’s cultural unity and articulated cultural nationalism. This year marks the birth centenary year of Pandit Deendayal Upadhyaya, a visionary nationalist who, through his politics and political philosophy, gave a mighty push that gradually re-oriented the course of post-independence India’s political march. While 2017 herald’s the 150th year of Sister Nivedita’s birth, that idealist who wished to serve India till her last breath, this year herald’s the 150th birth anniversary of another epochal mind — a spiritual nationalist who was a monk and a revolutionary at the same time. Kali Prasad Chandra (Swami Abhedananda) was born on October 2,1866, in Calcutta and at the age of 18, a certain restlessness brought him to Sri Ramakrishna. Abhedananda’s life was marked out by a spirit of directness, of independence, of an unwavering goal of achieving spiritual mastery, a towering intellectual capacity and an intrinsic and inseparable identity with the spirit and soul of India. His early years with the master saw Abhedananda rapidly ascend the ladder of yogic realisation, the master once told him, “I consider you to be one of the most intelligent of the boys.” The early days at Baranagore, after the master’s samadhi saw Abhedananda engrossed, like Naren, in “study and meditation.” “Kali”, observed Vivekananda “was the most studious of us all. He even surpassed me in this respect.” Indeed Abhedananda’s life was a multi-dimensional one. While his chief identity and driving force was that of a direct disciple of Sri Ramakrishna, Abhedananda was also an interpreter of Indian traditions and knowledge, a defender of India’s civilisational achievements and high-water marks — he combined in himself the philosopher and the historian — an articulate and consistent advocate of its freedom and a dreamer of its self-reliant future — each of these blended and enmeshed seamlessly with the other. This passion for India, this obsession for its greatness, this pre-occupation with its state of bondage, Abhedananda, like his “guru-bhai”, Vivekananda, absorbed from the soil and the air of India. Before he came onto the world scene, Abhedananda too “travelled throughout the length and breadth of Hindusthan, from the Himalayas down to Rameshwaram and from Jagannath to Dwarka, barefooted, without touching money, without thinking of the morrow and with one blanket as his bed and garment.” It was this phase of internalising India that saw him later, in 1905, in the peak of the Swadeshi movement in India; deliver his “Brooklyn lectures” at the Brooklyn Institute of Arts and Sciences, in New York on India and her people. As one of his outstanding biographers, Moni Bagchi noted, “The patriot emerged out of the preacher and since, 1905, he fought almost single-handed with unabated zeal and undaunted heart for the cause of India in the face of vehement opposition, bitter criticism, racial prejudice and the sectarian jealousy then prevalent in America.” The lectures were compiled and published in 1906 by the Vedanta Society of New York as, “India and Her People” and was dedicated “To the People of India with deep fellow feelings and earnest prayers for the restoration of their ancient glory and national freedom.” The book, though promptly proscribed by the colonial Government in India, became, along with Vivekananda’s “Lectures from Colombo to Almora”, the driving gospel in revolutionary circles. This same attachment of his to civilisational and eternal India found utterance in Abhedananda’s philosophical and religious treatises as when he wrote in the introduction to his seminal study “Bhagavad Gita — the Divine /HVVRQVIURPFXOOLQJRIQLOJDLV CWTaTRT]cR^]ca^eTabh^eTacWTRd[[X]V^U]X[VPXbX]1XWPaWPb_dcd]STacWTb_^c[XVWc8]SXP³b b^\TcX\TbPSW^R TUU^acbc^\P]PVTfX[S[XUTP]S_aTeT]c\P]P]X]P[R^]U[XRc T he Union Ministry of Environment, Forests and Climate Change is in the throes of a controversy regarding the killings of blue bulls (known as nilgais) in Bihar and monkeys in Himachal Pradesh, after it permitted these two species to be declared as vermin by placing them under Schedule V of the Wildlife Protection Act 1972. A public outcry was launched by Union Minister Maneka Gandhi who is also an animal rights activist. The outcry attracted media attention as within a span of a few days around 200 nilgais were killed in Bihar where the animal is revered. This controversy has brought to fore the problems with the way wildlife is being managed in this country and the inherent conflict with humans on account of wildlife habitat destructions due to the degradation of forests and human encroachments. As far as declaring these two animals as vermin is concerned, the Ministry has, after a long time, rightfully accepted the principle of scientific population control of wildlife, and Press reports and criticism need to be analysed objectively. Nilgais (Boselaphus tragocamelus) is the largest Asian antelope and should never be treated as a cow which belongs to a separate sub-family of ungulates. It normally avoids dense forests and lives in open forests and, hence, often strays into farmers fields. On the other hand, the menace of monkeys in the midst of climatic vagaries is a real threat to the livelihood of a large number of farmers, especially in Uttarakhand and Himachal Pradesh. The two reasons for rising monkey menace in the country are: First, dwindling tree cover; the plantation activities by the forest department, barring a few cases, have largely neglected the plantation of fruit trees. Second, people have been feeding monkeys due to religious reasons forcing them to live on roads and fringes. Similarly, wild boars, nilgais and elephants are damaging crops of farmers, thereby, making it as a serious issue for the Ministry. Leopards are often found straying into cities which is becoming a threat to human life. It is a matter of concern that the wildlife is already finding it difficult to find food, water and living space due to human encroachments on their habitats and degradation of forests. Going through the orders and notifications available on the website of the Ministry, it appears that the criticism relates more to the perfunctory manner in which this matter was handled. It was wrong on part of the Ministry to proactively seek information on declaring these animals as vermin because it is the job of the State Government and its Chief Wildlife Warden to take up the matter with the Ministry, indicating the areas where agriculture and human property is being damaged and the period for which a particular species is to be declared as vermin alongwith a foolproof mechanism of culling under strict supervision of the wildlife staff. The killing of nilgais is then reflective of a wellintentioned idea going haywire due to lack of accountability on part of the State authorities. The Ministry must take this as an opportunity to set a foolproof mechanism of scientific management of wildlife population and their habitat improvements by taking note of the impending challenges. The Union Government should only act as approving authority as per the Wildlife Protection Act 1972. In fact, the Chief Wildlife Wardens have immense powers and flexibility to manage Wildlife in their respective areas. State Governments, while sending proposals for approval to the Ministry must contain measurable details of the damages done during past three years, areas affected and villages to be taken up, alternative means tried and proposed, duration and population of the species to be culled in the area, and in the State and how the culling operations shall be undertaken under the supervision of a Gazetted officers of the forest and revenue/agriculture departments. This writer, while heading the Indian Council of Forestry Research had taken up with all the Principal Chief Conservator of Forests to disperse seasonal tree-based fruit seeds like mango, litchi and other fruit seeds during monsoon season in the forests areas within the vicinity of villages and also add up on priority at least 30 per cent planta- Message”, “Waves of conquest and religious fanaticism have come to India from the West, one after another, and have swept away by their tremendous on-rush millions and millions of lives and the most glorious spiritual monuments which this country had produced, but still the marvellous ideal and spiritual kingdom of Sri Krishna have remained for ages firm as the unshakeable Himalayas, defying their strength and destructive powers.” After a quarter of a century stay in the West, Abhedananda returned to an India, that it was in the throes of the struggle for freedom and he took “immense pain to study and understand the problems of his countrymen.” He advocated industrial and scientific self-reliance for India. His Jamshedpur lectures of 1922, for example, give an insight into his thinking then. In one such on “progressive Hinduism”, he exhorted his countrymen thus, “You must encourage the industry of your own country. I have a great desire to have an ideal Institute of national industry established in India. One Tata project is not enough for India. She must have other factories in other parts of India...You must work or perish.” In course of this period, one of his most crucial and active one, as a spiritual nationalist and a patriot-monk, a number of leaders came in touch with Abhedananda, starting with Deshbandhu CR Das who had struck a particularly deep bond with him. In 1925 he had interesting meeting with Mahatma Gandhi in Darjeeling. “You are doing the work started by Ramakrishna and Vivekananda”, Abhedananda told the Mahatma, “in the lines of removing untouchability and in encouraging cottage industries. Therefore, I bring you blessings. You know that though a high caste Brahmin by birth, the master once prayed to the divine mother to take away egoism or ahamkara from his mind that a Brahmin is superior to sweeper on account of his birth to enable him to realise that the atman (soul) of a sweeper is just as divine as that of a high caste Brahmin; and in order to realise this grand truth he went to the doors of a sweeper and wiped the dirt of his door with his flowing long hair which he then had on his head. Thus Ramakrishna set an example of the removal of untouchability which is the higher religion of this age.” When Subhas Chandra Bose came calling, upon being elected Congress president, an ailing and confined Abhedananda rose up and embracing Subhas, blessed him with the words, “Be thou victorious”, thus putting his seal behind Subhas’s actions for freeing India. In this 150th year of his birth thus, we would do well to commemorate and to meditate on Swami Abhedananda’s epochal contribution to India’s selfhood, a rekindling of that interest is imperative for the success of our national quest for an integral self-reliance. (The writer is director, Dr Syama Prasad Mookerjee Research Foundation, New Delhi) WKLQN QRZ E:107D6D=0 tion of ficus and other local fruit species in the afforestation programmes and Compensatory Afforestation Fund Management and Planning Authority plantations of the departments. This will not only bring back the food habitats of monkeys and other primate species within a few years, but will strengthen the food chain of the wild ecosystem. The concept of overall habitat management by integrating the local wildlife’s needs and bio-diversity management in the afforestation programmes is missing. The Ministry must make this a condition while granting funds under its various schemes and clearances while granting permission for declaring the species vermin. This will give a big fillip to climate change mitigation programmes. (The writer is former Principal Secretary, Government of Tripura) C WTX]cT]cX^]b^UcWT RhQTa]TcXRc^cP[XbccaXQTPaT V^^SCWThPaTbX\_[h U^[[^fX]VP_PcWcWPcfPbQ[PiTS X]TPa[XTacX\TbQhfT[[\TP]X]V 5aTdSXP]bP]S<PagXbcb°P]S8 S^]c\TP]cWPcX]P_TY^aPcXeT fPh<^eT\T]cbPbb^RXPcTSfXcW 5aTdSP]S<PagQ^cWR[PX\TS U^d]SPcX^]bX]aPcX^]P[XchP]ScWT bRXT]cXUXRd]STabcP]SX]V^UcWT f^a[S1^cW_TaRTXeTS cWT\bT[eTbc^QTPcfPafXcWcWT fTXaS\P]X_d[PcXeTUP]cPbXTb^U aT[XVX^]b0]ShTcQ^cWX]eT]cTS cWTXa^f]UP]cPbXTbcWPcfTaT YdbcPbfTXaS °9Pa^];P]XTa H^d0aT=^cP6PSVTc \^]Th A0=278kF43=4B30H k9D=4 $! % CWTDBX]eTbc^abPaT eTahT]cWdbXPbcXR PQ^dc8]SXPP]S_^[XRh RWP]VTbP]ScWT aTVd[Pc^aSTeT[^_\T]c cWPcWPbcPZT]_[PRTX] 8]SXPCWThPaTP[b^ eTah^_cX\XbcXRPQ^dc cWTTR^]^\h B4182708A<0= D:B8=70 2]]`_]Z_V afcTYRdVde` ReecRTe8DE dRjd^`UV]]Rh =4F 34;78) All purchases made online will attract a uniform Goods and Services Tax, likely to take effect from April next year, according to the model GST law approved by state finance ministers on Tuesday. The tax, in lieu of local levies, will be imposed at the first point of financial transaction. This clears the air on applicability of GST in ecommerce in cases where goods were being sold in one state but was being bought in another state. The model GST law, which has 162 clauses and 4 schedules, has also suggested a jail terms of up to 5 years and fine for violation of the provisions of the statute. It prescribes a threshold of C9 lakh annual turnover for applicability of the new levy and C4 lakh for businesses in North Eastern states including Sikkim. Revenue S ecretar y Hasmukh Adhia said the Empowered Committee of State Finance Ministers at their meeting today in Kolkata approved the model GST law. ?C8 2EJJ 6B?= C529 7 7?FD 8cXbX]cX\PcTScWPcCaPXXbT\_^fTaTSQh cWTCaPX0Rcc^[PhS^f]cWTbcP]SPaSb^U `dP[Xch^UbTaeXRTc^QT_a^eXSTSQhcWT bTaeXRT_a^eXSTabB^Pbc^_a^cTRccWT X]cTaTbc^UcWTR^]bd\Tab^U cT[TR^\\d]XRPcX^]bTaeXRTBX]RTCaPX WPbfXSTaP]VX]V_^fTabcWT]TTSc^ RWP]VTcWTCaPX0RcXb]^cUT[cPccWXb Yd]RcdaT C4;42><<8=8BC4A A0E8B70=:0A?A0B03 DVSZSVXZ_dac`TVVUZ_Xde` 7HOHFRP0LQLVWHUUXOHV cVT`gVcC&&!!!TcWc`^UVWRf]eVcd =4F 34;78) Markets regulator Sebi has initiated recovery proceedings against defaulters to collect more than C55,000 crore, largely on account of its clampdown on illicit money-pooling schemes. Ever since it was given powers in October 2013 to recover penalties and investors’ money collected fraudulently, Sebi has initiated nearly 900 recovery proceedings, of which more than 200 have been fully completed. The amount involved in these proceedings stands at C55,015 crore, including C52,959 crore in the last financial year. This include a total of C52,912 crore in cases related to collective investment scheme (CIS) and deemed public issues and another C47 crore to recover penalties. More than 2,500 attachment notices have been issued during the period under review, including over 600 in 2015-16. Interestingly, an amount of C250 crore has been recovered in 207 cases. Promising high returns to the investors, several firms have raked in unauthorised funds through various mechanisms. The capital was raised through realty schemes and ‘buffalo purchase’, among others. Also, funds have been garnered by issuing securities to investors without complying with public issue norms. To recover pending dues, the Securities and Exchange Board of India (Sebi) has attached properties, bank and demat accounts of the default- RXWSHQDOSRZHUWR7UDL =4F34;78)Rejecting demand for giving penal power to telecom regulator Trai, Telecom Minister Ravi Shankar Prasad has said the authority has enough power to protect the interest of consumers. “It is intimated that Trai is empowered by the Trai Act to He also said anti-money lay down the standards of quallaundering regime in India ity of service to be provided by is very widely appreciated the service providers...So as to all over the world. protect the interest of the con“Inve s tors wor r i e d sumers of telecommunication about governance in India service. are fully assured that the “Since Trai has wide rangregime in India is compliant ing powers, the need to change with the rest of the world,” the Trai Act is not felt at this Sinha said. Moreover, Sinha juncture,” Prasad said in a letsaid there is an element of ter dated June 9 to MP Rajeev lowreciprocity from certain Chandrasekhar. economies when it comes to There was no immediate laws related to taxation or reply to query made to the anti-money laundering. Telecom Ministry over the Further, he said every matter. country is entitled to poliChandrasekhar had writcy change. However, it was ten to Prasad over net neutrali mp or t ant n ot t o h ave ity which included reference to norms which have a retroconsumer rights in telecom spective effect. and internet space like privacy, “Foreign investors need quality of service norms. assurances that there should “Trai has to have broad not be change in policy power to protect consumers. with retrospective impleThere is need to for legitimate mentation,” Sinha said. ?C8 public debate on this. Entire technology sector has changed since the time Trai Act was The Act also provides for made. I believe that the regusetting up of a special court to lator must have more power,” expedite the cases filed by Sebi. Chandrasekhar said in the letThe Government in consulta- ter. tion with the high courts have To check the call drop set up special courts in menace and improve compliMumbai, Kolkata and Chennai. ance to its rules, Trai has Besides, constitution of a approached the Department special court in Delhi is in of Telecom (DoT) to amend the progress. However, a desig- Trai Act to empower it to nated court is already dealing impose fine of C10 crore on with Sebi cases. ?C8 operators as well jail term of up 86LQYHVWRUVRSWLPLVWLFDERXW ,QGLDQHFRQRP\VD\V8.6LQKD <D<108)Sebi Chairman UK Sinha on Tues day s aid investors in the US have a high level of optimism ab out India, esp ecially because of the policy initiatives in the past two y e a r s by t h e Mo d i Government. “The US investors are ver y enthusiastic about India and policy changes and the regulator development that has taken place in India,” Sinha, who was recently on a visit to the US, told reporters here. “ They are also ver y optimistic about the economy,” he said. Sinha was talking on the sidelines of T h e G at e w ay of In d i a Dialogue. Sebi chief, who met the investors in mutual fund industry, pension funds and academic people in the US, said “compared to what was the situation two years back, today we see a lot of optimism on policy front. They are appreciating the positive direction in which the government has moved and clarity which has been provided in matter of law and long-term policies”. Noting that American investors had no major issues with India, Sinha said they had questions on double taxation avoidance treaty with Mauritius and measures taken by the Sebi on Participatory Notes (PNotes). “The details were given and they were assured that whatever has been thought of, has been thought of from prospective date,” Sinha said. ers. Besides, the regulator has sold shares attached in recovery proceedings in various defaulters in 744 trading sessions and realised an amount of over C11 crore. Through amendments in the Securities Laws Act, the government had enhanced powers of Sebi to take action against illegal money-pooling activities. It has been empow- ered to recover penalties imposed by the Adjudicating Officer, amount directed to be disgorged and money ordered to be refunded to the regulator. The recover y powers include attachment of bank as well as demat accounts, sale of assets of the defaulters and arrest and detention of the defaulter. 2PQX]Tc\PhcPZTd_PeXPcX^]_^[XRhc^SPh 7cVVU`^#&" =4F34;78)The Union Cabinet is likely to take up the much-awaited Civil Aviation Policy at its meeting on Tuesday , which may unveil a slew of passenger-friendly measures including capping of airfares at C2,500 for an hour-long flight. “The Union Cabinet is likely to take up the proposed aviation policy for its approval tomorrow,” official sources said. The Civil Aviation Ministry had sent the proposed policy to Cabinet for approval on June 3. The NDA Government had for the first time unveiled the policy draft in November 2014, subsequently replacing it with another draft in October 2015. Initially, the policy was expected to be finalised in the last financial year as certain proposals were to be implemented from April 1, 2016. Since then, the Government has been moving back and forth on the matter, primarily to strike a balance between various stakeholders on their glaring differences over issues like the 5/20 rule that allows a carrier to fly abroad only if it has 20 aircraft and has flown domestic for five years. The policy aims to bolster the domestic aviation sector by tapping its high growth potential with provisions such as capping airfares at Rs 2,500 for a one-hour flight, auctioning of unilateral traffic rights, tax incentives for airlines, maintenance and repair works of aircraft besides mooting 2 per cent levy on all air tickets to fund regional connectivity scheme and providing viability gap funding for airlines to encourage operate on regional routes. The issue of international flying norm or the 5/20 rule has witnessed extensive debate, with legacy carriers opposing any changes to the rule, while start-up airlines frantically demanding its scrapping. Civil Aviation Minister Ashok Gajapathi Raju had last week virtually disapproved the continuance of this rule asking who has benefited from it, indicating that the government could even mull scrapping it. Interestingly, exactly 10 years ago, on June 8, 2006, then Aviation Minister Praful Patel had said that “the draft civil aviation policy is ready and could be taken up by the Union Cabinet for approval this month itself.” ?C8 little-known company that ran into controversy after announcing a C251 ‘smartphone’, on Tuesday claimed it will start deliveries of the handset to customers from June 28. Deliveries will start to customers who have registered for buying the phone, Noida-based company’s director Mohit Goel said. “We will start shipment of Freedom251 from June 28 to customers who paid for it earlier on COD (cash-ondelivery) basis,” he said . Ringing Bells began selling the handset, Freedom251, via its website in February. But the launch of the smartphone, touted to be the world’s cheapest, swirled into controversy, with some calling it a ponzy scheme. to two years to company executives for any violation of regulatory framework. The move came after the Supreme Court on May 11 quashed a Trai order which mandated mobile service providers to compensate C1 for every call drop with maximum of C3 a day. Telecom operators are lobbying hard against giving penal power to Trai, and has termed such powers as ‘draconian’. Telecom Secretar y JS Deepak too has said that giving penal power cannot be “one and final solution” to the call drop menace. “I am not sure penal power will be one and final solution to this. In my personal opinion I do not agree that for every call drop a person has to be sent to jail,” he had said after a review meeting with telecom operators last week. Most of the mobile service providers have frequently failed in quarterly sample call drop tests conducted by Trai but telecom operators have contested the results saying that they comply with benchmark set by the regulator. Responding to net-neutrality concern raised by Chandrasekhar, Prasad said, “Regarding net neutrality regulation issue, it is intimated that Trai had initiated public consultation on over-the-top service vide its consultation paper which included specific reference to net neutrality.” The DoT has sought Trai’s recommendations on net neutrality and the regulators recommendation will be taken into account by the department in arriving at final viewpoint on various aspects of net neutrality, he said. At present, disputes between consumers and telecom operators are not taken up by consumer courts as a Supreme Court judgement of 2009 had barred seeking any such relief under the Consumer Protection Act, saying a special remedy is provided under the Indian Telegraph Act. The National Telecom Policy 2012 envisages to undertake legislative measures to bring disputes between consumers and telecom service providers within the jurisdiction of consumer forums established under the Consumer Protection. The Policy envisages “to review the TRAI Act with a view to addressing regulatory inadequacies/ impediments in effective discharge of its functions” but Government is yet to execute it. ?C8 :KROHVDOHLQIODWLRQDW LQ0D\IRRGYHJSULFHVVRDU ARjZd_¶eVgVcjeYZ_X :_UZR_dacVWVcµZUVR]¶ [`SdRjd2U`SV prices of egg, meat and fish paced up by 9.75 per cent and in cereals and fruits the rise was 4.60 per cent and 3.80 per cent. However, kitchen staple onion continued to witness decline at (-) 21.70 per cent. With such trend on price movement on food and vegetables, India Inc calls for an immediate action from the Government. “Policymakers need to address through supply side responses the continuous rise in prices of commodities like pulses, food articles, cereals, wheat and other items,” Assocham Secretary General DS Rawat said. Experts, however, said a favourable base effect and a good monsoon would lead to some dip in wholesale food inflation in the immediate term. “The trajectory of the WPI inflation would be shaped by global commodity price movements. If crude oil prices sustain at current levels, average WPI inflation is likely to exceed 3 per cent this fiscal,” ICRA Senior Economist Aditi Nayar said. =4F34;78)Indian office workers UV]ZgVcZVde` SVXZ_;f_V#)+ ?=BQ =4F34;78 spike in food and vegCZ_XZ_X3V]]d With etable prices, the whole=4F34;78) Ringing Bells, a CA0870BC>70E4 1A>03?>F4AC> ?A>C42C2>=BD<4AB C74A48B=443C>5>A ;468C8<0C4?D1;82 3410C4>=C78B4=C8A4 C427=>;>6HB42C>A 70B270=643B8=24C74 C8<4CA0802CF0B <034814;84E4C70C C74A46D;0C>A<DBC 70E4<>A4?>F4A 270=3A0B4:70AB083 8=C74;4CC4A sale inflation has inched up 0.79 per cent in May. A sharp augment of vegetable prices supplemented by the price rise of food articles, may be the reason behind the rise in inflationary pressure. The price of food articles is seen at 7.88 per cent in May as against 4.23 per cent in April. With the firming up of both wholesale and retail inflation the Reserve Bank of India (RBI) may delay the interest rate cut despite a poor industrial output figures. As per the Government data released on Tuesday, the April Wholesale Price Index (WPI)-based inflation was at 0.34 per cent and in March it was (-) 0.45 per cent while it stood at (-) 2.20 per cent in May last year. Inflation in vegetables stood at 12.94 per cent, a sharp rise from 2.21 per cent, a month earlier. Pulses inflation remained stubborn at 35.56 per cent. As per the inflation data, are more positive and flexible compared to those surveyed in the US and the UK and half of them would choose to move to their ‘ideal’ job, even for less pay, says a survey. Interestingly, the Indian lot love their job so much that a whopping 98 per cent confirmed that they would keep working even if they win the lottery, as per Adobe’s report titled ‘Work in Progress’. Around 83 per cent of Indian office workers love their jobs and access to cutting-edge technology emerged as the top contributor to their overall satisfaction, above perks like food and slick office design. Moreover, pay isn’t everything for Indian employees. Nearly half of the Indian workers would choose to move to their ‘ideal’ job, even for less pay, said the report, which surveyed more than 500 Indian office workers who use computers daily as part of their jobs, on their attitudes about work and the future of technology in the workplace. ?C8 %UH[LWWDNHVRSLQLRQSROOOHDGIRUILUVWWLPHLQ8. ?C8Q ;>=3>= O pinion polls on Tuesday showed a clear lead for the ‘Brexit’ camp in favour of Britain’s exit from the European Union (EU) in the June 23 referendum. The so-called Brexit side edged ahead in a key survey just over a week before Britain votes on its future within the economic bloc next Thursday. A YouGov survey for The Times puts “Leave” on 46 per cent, up three points since the end of last week, and “Remain” is on 39 per cent, down three — giving Brexit its largest lead since the start of the campaign. 11 per cent of people do not know how they will vote and 4 per cent plan to abstain. Once the “don’t knows” and “will not votes” are excluded, 54 per cent would vote to leave and 46 per cent would vote to remain, the biggest lead for the Brexiteers so far. An ICM poll for The Guardian yesterday gave the Brexit campaign a six-point lead, with Leave on 53 per cent and Remain on 47 per cent, while an ORB poll for The Daily Telegraph has put “Leave” on 49 per cent among those certain to vote on June 23, one point ahead of Remain at 48 per cent. John Mills, chair of the Labour Leave campaign, said “The polls are swinging our way, which is very good news but we must not be complacent”. Leading Labour MPs within the “Remain” camp, including Keith Vaz and Virendra Sharma, issued a fresh plea of their own to Indian-origin and other ethnic minority voters. “The Leavers’ false claim is that, if we leave, there can be higher non-EU immigration while bringing down overall numbers. Let’s not be seduced by this lie from people who are anti-immigration and who have spent their lives campaigning against the interests of working people,” they wrote in the Guardian today. In a direct attack on Conservative party’s most prominent Indian-origin voice in favour of Brexit, Priti Patel, they add “Where there are shortages in certain sectors, like our curry houses, it’s Government rules that are the root of the problem”. “Prominent ‘Leave’ campaigner, Patel, who is the Employment Minister, has responsibility in this area, so she is in fact the source of the problem while claiming to be the solution,” they said. The British Election Survey (BES) released last month had found that 51.7 per cent of Indian-origin voters are against Brexit, compared to 27.74 per cent in favour of leaving the economic bloc. However, there is a signif- icant percentage (16.85 per cent) of those who fell into the “don’t know” category, who are likely to hold the key in the referendum and this is the group both camps are now focusing on. Opinion polls are not being seen as a reliable reflection of the mood of the voters by either side ever since they had decisively predicted a hung Parliament in the May 2015 general election which threw up one of the largest Conservative party majorities in history. The momentum, however, does seem to be titling in favour of Brexit with the Sun newspaper also coming out in favour of leaving the EU today. The Rupert Murdochowned tabloid is famous for mostly backing the winning horse in elections in the UK. In a front page editorial under the headline “BeLeave in Britain”, the paper warned that staying in the EU would be worse for immigration, worse for jobs, worse for wages and “worse for our way of life”. “This is our last chance to remove ourselves from the undemocratic Brussels machine and it’s time to take it,” it said. Prime Minister David Cameron-led “Remain” camp received its own boost with a European Court ruling in favour of UK’s right to curtail state benefits handed out to EU immigrants. A legal action brought by the European Commission against the British Government over planned tests for foreigners to claim benefits was thrown out by Europe’s highest court. Britain had a right to impose a more stringent test for child benefit and child tax credit – known as a “right to reside” – for EU migrants in order to protect its finances, the court said. \^]Th A0=278kF43=4B30H k9D=4 $! % 26C2T`^Vd`fehZeYeV_eReZgV TVZ]Z_XW`cRZca`ced¶TRaZeR]T`ded ?C8Q =4F34;78 irport tariff regulator AERA A has come out with a tentative ceiling on capital costs incurred by aerodrome operators as it seeks to put in place a ‘reasonable benchmark’ for determining the fee charged from users and curb possible ‘gold plating’ of expenses. The move comes at a time when the Government plans to revive and establish more airports in order to boost regional connectivity. As many as 25 regional airports are to be developed in the current fiscal. The Airports Economic Regulatory Authority (AERA) has asked airport operators to relook at the costs proposed in their submissions and justify the increase that is above the tentative ceiling rates. The regulator has set a tentative ceiling cost of ‘C65,000 per square metre (sqm) of the terminal building and C4,700 per sqm for the runway/taxiway/apron (excluding earthwork up to sub-grade level)’. Ceiling costs are being fixed as a ‘reasonable benchmark ,66'$KDLOV*RYW¶V LQLWLDWLYHLQVWHHO SURGXFWV¶TXDOLW\ FRQWURO0DWKXU ?=BQ =4F34;78 ndian Stainless Steel Development Association I(ISSDA), the apex body representing the stainless steel industry applauds the Government’s move for introducing the Stainless Steel Products Quality Control Order, 2016. President of ISSDA, NC Mathur said, “This is a move in the direction as envisioned by Prime Minister, Narendra Modi in his 68th Independence Day address calling the Indian industry to move towards ‘Zero Defect’ manufacturing. This order will ensure competitiveness and growth of India’s manufacturing sector.” ISSDA would like to reemphasise that Stainless Steel Quality Control Order (QCO) 2016 is in the larger interest of the domestic stainless steel industry. It must be noted that this QCO does not cover Raw Material (Stainless Steel) containing less than 1 per cent nickel. While stainless steel containing less than 1 per cent nickel is mostly used for kitchen utensils. Moreover, this QCO is not restrictive, as the end user is free to use other grades of stainless steel which is not covered in the QCO. Therefore, the onus to supply ISI marked stainless steel rests exclusively on the stainless steel manufacturer rather than the end user. for evaluating capital costs to be incurred by airport operators of major airports for the purpose of tariff determination on a tentative basis’, the watchdog said. The limits would be in place till finalisation of a norm to decide on capital costs through a more rigorous process. The tentative limit has been decided after taking the cost run up by Cochin International Airport Ltd (CIAL) -the operator of Cochin airport in Kerala. “There is a need to have at least a tentative basis to fix the ceiling cost of terminal building and apron for the airports while evaluating the tariff proposals of various airport operators and determine the tariffs for the second control period, for which certain guidelines require to be formulated,” the order issued on Monday said. Putting a ceiling on cost per sqm of the terminal building would help mitigate the possibility of ‘gold plating’, according to minutes of a meeting held in June 2014 between AERA and the stakeholders. The delibera- CWT04A0WPbPbZTSPXa_^ac^_TaPc^abc^ aT[^^ZPccWTR^bcb_a^_^bTSX]cWTXa bdQ\XbbX^]bP]SYdbcXUhcWTX]RaTPbTcWPcXb PQ^eTcWTcT]cPcXeTRTX[X]VaPcTbCWT aTVd[Pc^aWPbbTcPcT]cPcXeTRTX[X]VR^bc^U ÌC%$_Tab`\^UcWTcTa\X]P[QdX[SX]V P]SC#&_Tab`\U^acWT ad]fPhcPgXfPhP_a^]TgR[dSX]V TPacWf^aZd_c^bdQVaPST[TeT[´2TX[X]V R^bcbPaTQTX]VUXgTSPbP³aTPb^]PQ[T QT]RW\PaZU^aTeP[dPcX]VRP_XcP[R^bcbc^ QTX]RdaaTSQhPXa_^ac^_TaPc^ab^U\PY^a PXa_^acbU^acWT_da_^bT^UcPaXUU STcTa\X]PcX^]^]PcT]cPcXeTQPbXb´ tions took place on a consultation paper regarding normative approach to building blocks in economic regulation of major airports, mainly with regard to capital costs. Gold plating refers to inflating project costs due to avoidable expenses which are then sought to be passed on to the end-users. AERA has also made it clear that the ceiling rates would apply “only in case of new projects where the works are yet to be awarded. In case of awarded pro- jects, the capital costs will need to be examined by the committee approved for the purpose”. In its latest order, AERA said major airports have submitted their multi-year tariff plans for the second control period. Tariff control period implies a time span to which a particular tariff is applicable. “It would not be prudent to allow capital costs that are significantly higher than what has been incurred at Cochin,” it noted. “There may be certain variations due to cost of financing, loca- <PWP]PVPa6PbUXgTb_aXRT QP]S^UC"'#! U^a 8?> 6DWLQ&UHGLWFDUH WRUDLVHCNFUWR H[SDQGJURZWK MUMBAI: Mahanagar Gas Ltd (MGL), India’s second biggest CNG retailer, on Tuesday fixed the price band of C380-421 for its initial public offer (IPO) to raise around C1,040 crore. The company, promoted by GAIL and BG Asia Pacific Holdings Pte Ltd, is making an offer for sale of up to 24,694,500 equity shares of C10 each. The Mumbai-based gas distributor has proposed sale of up to 12,347,250 equity shares by Maharatna public sector undertaking GAIL and up to 12,347,250 equity shares by BG Asia Pacific. The money raised through the IPO would accrue to the promoters who are selling their stake. The IPO will open on June 21 and close on June 23. The IPO is being managed by Kotak Investment Bank and Citigroup. MGL, a major distributor of compressed natural gas (CNG) and piped natural gas (PNG) in Mumbai and adjoining areas, receives gas at its stations located at Wadala, Mahape, Ambernath and Taloja through pipelines owned by GAIL. “We plan to increase penetration in Mumbai and its adjoining areas by reaching out to new customers for CNG, domestic PNG, commercial PNG and industry PNG use. We are also expanding our pipeline network and adding more CNG stations. We have a supply network of over 4,600 kms pipelines,” MGL Managing Director Rajeev Mathur told reporters here. PTI 368EDQNVWRFNVVXUJHXSWR RQ5%, VPRYHRQVWUHVVHGDVVHWV MUMBAI: Shares of PSU banks on Tuesday gained up to 8 per cent after the RBI came out with a scheme for resolution of bad loans of large projects wherein a portion of the debt will be converted into equity or other instruments. The scrip of Punjab National Bank surged 7.90 per cent and Bank of India gained 3.37 per cent on the BSE. Shares of Allahabad Bank went up by 2.98 per cent, SBI rose by 2.65 per cent, Canara Bank (2.39 per cent), Indian Overseas Bank (2.13 per cent) and Bank of Baroda (1.99 per cent). “The latest restructuring scheme is yet another attempt to provide additional tool to corporate lenders to address the continuing NPA problem,” said Dhananjay Sinha, Head Institutional Research, Economist & Strategist, Emkay Global Financial Services. RBI on Monday came out with a scheme for resolution of bad loans of large projects wherein a portion of the debt will be converted into equity or other instruments under supervision of IBA’s Overseeing Committee. PTI jca^l 0Q[^^SS^]PcX^]RP\_fPbR^]SdRcTS^]cWT^RRPbX^]^U³F^a[S1[^^S3^]^a3PhPcBWPbcaX?PaZ28B5D]Xc3<A23T[WX ^]CdTbSPh0cTP\^US^Rc^abP]S^cWTa_PaP\TSXRP[bcPUUUa^\6dadCTV1PWPSda7^b_XcP[3X[bWPS6PaST]3T[WXfTaT Pbb^RXPcTSU^aQ[^^SS^]PcX^]RP\_>]cWXb^RRPbX^](28B5^UUXRTabP]S_Tab^]]T[^U28B5D]Xc3<A2X]R[dSX]V386 28B5APVWdeXa;P[Ba2^\\P]SP]c0\Xc<PcWdaP]SBa2^\\P]SP]c?2WP]SaPS^]PcTScWTQ[^^SU^acWT]^Q[TRPdbT 174;2><<8BB8>=B0=>C74A ($<FC74A<0;D=8C8=1870A 2^]cX]dX]VXcb_a^YTRcR^\\XbbX^]X]V\^\T]cd\1WPaPc7TPeh4[TRcaXRP[b;X\XcTS174;WPbbdRRTbbUd[[h R^\\XbbX^]TSP]^cWTa ($\fcWTa\P[d]XcX]1XWPaCWXbXbcWTbTR^]S ($\fd]Xcc^QTR^\\XbbX^]TSQh 174;PccWT!g ($\f<diPUUPa_daCWTa\P[?^fTaBcPcX^]C?BBcPVT88^U:P]cX1XY[TTDc_PSP]=XVP\ ;X\XcTS:1D=;PY^X]ceT]cdaT^U=C?2;cSP]S1B?62;X]1XWPaCWTUXabc ($\fd]XcPc<diPUUPa_da C?BBcPVT88fPbR^\\XbbX^]TSTPa[XTaQh174;X]<PaRW! $8cXbcWT[TPSX]Vbd__[XTa^UR^P[QPbTS\PX] _[P]cT`dX_\T]cc^=C?2P]SXcbY^X]ceT]cdaTbfXcWP]^eTa'_TaRT]cbWPaTX]cWTXaX]bcP[[TSRP_PRXch 174;bbR^_T^Uf^aZX]<diPUUPa_da_a^YTRcT]eXbPVTSSTbXV]T]VX]TTaX]V\P]dUPRcdaTbd__[hTaTRcX^] P]SR^\\XbbX^]X]V^UBcTP\CdaQX]Tb6T]TaPc^abP]S1^X[TabP[^]VfXcWPbb^RXPcTS0dgX[XPaXTbP]S 4[TRcaXRP[bQTbXSTbbcPcT^UcWTPac2^]ca^[b8]bcad\T]cPcX^]28P]S4[TRca^bcPcXR?aTRX_XcPc^ab4B?b 4Pa[XTaX]cWT ('bXcWPSTgTRdcTScf^d]Xcb^U \fTPRWPccWXb_a^YTRcfWXRWPaTbcX[[^_TaPcX^]P[CWT bdRRTbbUd[R^\\XbbX^]X]V^UcWTbTd]XcbWPbaTX]U^aRTS174;b_a^eT]RP_PQX[XcXTbX]TgTRdcX^]^UcWTa\P[ _^fTa_a^YTRcbX]e^[eX]Vbd__[h^UbcPcT^UcWTPacT`dX_\T]cbdXcTSc^8]SXP]R^P[P]S8]SXP]R^]SXcX^]b &#BCD34=CB>5>8;BD?4A"2A02:C7488C4=CA0=244G0<8=0C8>=! % D]STa>8;Bd_Ta"&#bcdST]cbWPeTRaPRZTScWT88CT]caP]RTTgP\X]PcX^]cWXbhTPa>8;Bd_Ta" fWXRWXb^]T^UcWT\^bcX\_PRcUd[2BA_a^YTRcb^U>X[8]SXP;X\XcTS>8;d]STa4SdRPcX^] fXc]TbbTS&#^dc^U $bcdST]cbX]cWTQPcRW`dP[XUhcWT\^bc_aTbcXVX^db88C0SeP]RTT]caP]RT TgP\X]PcX^]X]cWTR^d]cahCWT_a^YTRcWPb^]RTPVPX]PccPX]TSVaTPcbdRRTbbX]Xcb^eTaP[[^QYTRcXeT ^UcaP]bU^a\X]VcWT[XeTb^Ud]STa_aXeX[TVTSbcdST]cbUa^\cWT\PaVX]P[XbTSbTRcX^]b^UcWTb^RXTch CWT>8;Bd_Ta"_a^YTRcXbfW^[[hbd__^acTSQh>8;8]SXPb!]S[PaVTbc=PcX^]P[4g_[^aPcX^] ?a^SdRcX^]2^\_P]hP]SXbX\_[T\T]cTSQh2T]caTU^aB^RXP[ATb_^]bXQX[XchP]S;TPSTabWX_2BA; =Tf3T[WXPRa^bbUXeTRT]caTb^U6dfPWPcX9^aWPcP]S3XQadVPaWX]0bbP\9^SW_daX]APYPbcWP]P]S 8cP]PVPaX]0ad]PRWP[?aPSTbWC^SPhXcWPbQTR^\TPW^dbTW^[S]P\TU^acWTUP\X[XTbbcdST]cbP]S TSdRPcX^]XbcbX]cWT=^acW4PbcTa]aTVX^]Pb^]T^UcWTQTbcZ]^f]2BAX]XcXPcXeTb^U>8;8]SXP ;X\XcTSCWTRT]caTfXbTaTbd[cb^UcWT>8;Bd_Ta"?a^YTRcPaTPbd]STa)BcdST]cbfW^WPeT`dP[XUXTS 9440SeP]RTSX]! %Ua^\9^SW_da!(9^aWPc $3XQadVPaW !8cP]PVPa 6dfPWPcX&,C^cP[&# NEW DELHI: Microfinance lender Satin Creditcare Network Limited (SCNL)onTuesdaysaiditplanstoraise C5,000croreinthecurrentfiscaltoexpand growth. It has raised an amount of C25 crore by issuing non-convertible, redeemable shares on preference basis to Karvy Capital, it said in a BSE filing. In April, it had raised a similar amount by issuing 2.5 crore preference shares on private placement basis to persons belonging to non-promoter group. “During 2016-17, the co plans to raise a total of C5,000 crore, including both debt and equity,” it said in a release. It has been raising funds through term loans, Tier II capital, NCDs, preference shares, external commercial borrowings, commercial paper and securitisation in keeping with the firm’'s strategy to diversify resource profile, firm said. PTI tional advantages, etc. Even allowing for these variations, the costs are not likely to exceed the figure of `65,000 per sqm as given in consultation paper dated June 12, 2014”. As per the AERA consultation paper put out in 2014, the cost per sqm of a modern airport terminal building in India varied between C43,333 (Cochin) to C1,45,000 (Bengaluru). Significantly, the Airports Authority of India Employees Union has on several occasions in the past accused private airport operators of passing on the high costs to fliers. Global airline's body International Air Transport Association (IATA) has also termed the Indian airports (primarily private ones) as the ‘most expensive’ in the world. At present, there are six airports -Delhi, Mumbai, Hyderabad, Bengaluru, Cochin and Nagpur -running in the PPP (public-private partnership) mode. Stating that airport being a public infrastructure project, AERA on Monday said the related assets need to be created through ‘efficient costs on value for money basis’. 6^ec\d[[bC ZRa QX^T]TaVh\XbbX^] Ua^\]TgcUXbRP[ NEW DELHI:The Centre is planning to launch an integrated bioenergy mission with an outlay of C10,000 crore from next fiscal to enhance use of bio-fuels like ethanol and biogas for reducing consumption of fossil fuels. “The Ministry of New and Renewable Energy is working on an integrated bioenergy mission with an indicative outlay of C10,000 crore from 2017-18 to 2021-22,” a senior official said. The objective of the mission would be to reduce green house gases emissions as agreed in the Nationally Determined Contributions at COP21. The Centre wants to achieve this objective by progressive blending or substitution of fossil fuels such as coal, petrol, diesel, natural gas and LPG with biomass pellets, bioethanol, bio-diesel, bio-methane, and similar green fuels, both for electrical and non-electrical uses. The official added the National Institute of Bio-Energy at Kapurthala is likely to be upgraded and developed into a worldclass institution to support the mission. Government had decided to form a panel under AK Dhussa, ex-Advisor, MNRE, to make the action points into schemes, and thence to formulate the base document for the mission. PTI 0\d[ZTT]^]C#Ra _a^YTRcX]Sa^dVWcWXc EXSPaQWPbPhb6PSZPaX NEW DELHI: Dairy major Amul is keen on setting up a C400 crore project in drought-hit Vidarbha region of Maharashtrawhere farmers are committing suicides, Union Minister Nitin Gadkari said on Tuesoday. “We have requested Amul to set up dairy projects in Vidarbha where farmers are committing suicide. They have shown interest in C400 crore project. With their cooperation we will increase milk production by four to five times. Farmers will get much relief,” Gadkari, who is an MP from Nagpur that is in the Vidarbha region, told PTI. Vidarbha which houses 75 per cent of forests of Maharashtra has so far not been able to be successful in dairy business and west Maharashtra's Kolhapur district has much better production, the Road, Transport, Highways and Shipping Minister said. The Gujarat Cooperative Milk Marketing Federation (GCMMF) markets the Amul brand of milk and dairy products and the Amul Model of dairy development is a three-tiered structure. PNS 2ZceV]DZ_XeV]eVR^faW`cUReR SfdZ_VddZ_$#&TZeZVdX]`SR]]j NEWDELHI:Singapore Telecommunications and Bharti Airtel have joined hands to deliver high-speed data network coverage across 325 cities in the Asia-Pacific, the Middle-East, Africa, Europe and the US under one network. “This association will strongly enhance our value proposition for enterprise customers by offering them a wider global reach and the largest reach within India under a single platform," Bharti Airtel Director, Strategic Ventures Manish Prakash said. This, in particular, will benefit companies in pharmaceutical, IT and IT-enabled services as well as financial segments, which are branching out to international locations rapidly, Prakash added. PTI Cd_`bUSbeYd]U^d_V TQY\igQWUbc_bVQSU QSdY_^*7_fdd_TU`dc ?=BQ =4F34;78 A ll Central Government ministries were on Tuesday asked to stop recruitment of daily wagers failing which disciplinary action would be taken against officials concerned. They have been asked to assess the work being done by regular employees for output and productivity so that the work of casual employees could be given to them. The move comes after it was observed that in spite of strict guidelines on engagement of casual labour, various ministries continued to engage casual workers for work of regular nature against the Government’s policies. “It is, therefore, reiterated that all ministries or departments may ensure strict compliance of the guidelines on engagement of casual labourers.” “Negligence in the matter of implementing these guidelines should be viewed seriously and brought to the notice of the appropriate authorities for taking prompt and suitable action against the defaulters,” the Department of Personnel and Training (DoPT) said in a directive issued to secretaries of all Central Government ministries. “The departments may also review the norms of staff for regular work and take steps to get them revised. If considered necessary,” DoPT said, referring to its earlier instructions issued on the matter. In a related development, the Central Government has proposed to give one-day paid off to a casual worker in a week. The development comes following an order by Central Administrative Tribunal. As per the instructions, the offices observing a five-day week are required to work a minimum of 40 hours per week. “Therefore, the casual labourers working in such offices may be allowed one paid weekly off provided they have worked for 40 hours in the said week,” as per the proposed rules. All concerned have been asked to give their feedback on this proposed change to the DoPT in the next four days i.E. By June 18. f^a[S ! A0=278kF43=4B30H k9D=4 $! % #'YfceRdac`eVdeVcd 8]SXPX]=B6fX[[Wdac >]T\]_T^_[Tc^QT B0bXP)2WX]TbTSPX[h aTbTcc[TSX]! &)D= T]RdYhZeYT`adZ_ARcZd I 80=BQ 14898=6 05?Q ?0A8B S everal hundred masked protesters hurled objects at police in Paris on Tuesday as the latest demonstration against disputed labour reforms in France descended into violence. The clashes erupted as the international spotlight was turned on France as the host of the Euro 2016 football championships, which have also been marred by violence between fans. Strikes closed the Eiffel Tower and disrupted transport links as tens of thousands of fans poured into the country for Europe’s showcase football event. Authorities made 15 arrests and at least 26 people were hurt in the unrest, according to an AFP reporter at the scene, as demonstrators stormed a building site and began to hurl wooden palettes at riot police. Pictures showed one man being led away by officers in riot gear with blood streaming from a wound above his eye, his white T-shirt splattered with blood. The strike is the latest in months of industrial action 6;>14 CA>CC8=6 :8;;438=740EH A08=B8=278=0 1TXYX]V) 0c[TPbc^]T_Tab^]fPb ZX[[TSfWT]PQdX[SX]VR^[[P_bTS P]ScWT\XbbX]VfPbbfT_cPfPh QhPU[^^SP]SP]^cWTafT]c \XbbX]VPUcTaWTPehaPX][PbWTS 2WX]Pbb^dcWTa]6dP]VgXIWdP]V 0dc^]^\^dbATVX^]R^]UXa\TS GX]WdP]TfbPVT]Rh ?0:C>1DHDB435 % 55A><9>A30= 8b[P\PQPS) ?PZXbcP]Xb_[P]]X]V c^QdhdbTS5 %UXVWcTaYTcbUa^\ 9^aSP]PUcTaPSTP[c^VTcTXVWc UXVWcTaYTcbUa^\cWTD]XcTSBcPcTb UT[[cWa^dVWQTRPdbT^UcWT aTUdbP[^UcWTDB2^]VaTbbc^ UX]P]RTcWTSTP[aT_^acb_PZXbcP]X ]Tfb_P_TaCWT?PZXbcP]X\X[XcPah P[b^bTTbcWTPXaRaPUcPbeXcP[X] RPbT^UfPaPVPX]bc8]SXP &<8;8C0=CB:8;;43 8=05670=8BC0=>? :PQd[) 0c^cP[^U &\X[XcP]cb fTaTZX[[TSX]\X[XcPah^_TaPcX^]b [Pd]RWTSQh0UVWP]bTRdaXch U^aRTbfXcWX]cWT[Pbc!#W^dab cWTR^d]cahbSTUT]RT\X]Xbcah bPXS^]CdTbSPh ADBB800=3D:A08=4 BF0??A8B>=4AB <^bR^f) AdbbXPP]SDZaPX]TWPb TgRWP]VTSU^da_aXb^]TabX]P \^eTR^^aSX]PcTSQhcWTXa 6^eTa]\T]cbCWTbfP_U^[[^fb [Pbc\^]cWbaT[TPbT^UDZaPX]XP] _X[^c=PSXhPBPeRWT]Z^PUcTacf^ hTPabX]PAdbbXP]_aXb^] BPeRWT]Z^fPbbfP__TSU^acf^ AdbbXP]bR^]eXRcTS^UUXVWcX]VX] TPbcTa]DZaPX]TE[PSX\Xa?dcX] _PaS^]TS6T]]PSh0UP]PbhTe that has seen air and rail transport severely disrupted, fuel shortages and rubbish piled up on the streets of Paris. “I’ve been to all the demos since March because I want to live in dignity, not just survive,” said Aurelien Boukelmoune, a 26-year-old technician marching in Paris. “I want the reforms to be withdrawn, pure and simple. Only then will it stop. For the Government’s sake, they should withdraw the law, otherwise we'll block the economy.” With France on high alert due to the threat of terrorism during Euro 2016, overstretched security authorities feared the demonstrations could turn violent and banned 130 known troublemakers from taking part. The terrorism threat was thrust back into the spotlight after a man claiming allegiance to ISIS jihadists killed a policeman and his partner at their home in a northwestern Paris suburb late Monday. The latest in a wave of protests that began in March coincides with a French Senate debate on the reforms, which are aimed at making the job market more flexible and reducing high unemployment but which critics see as too pro-business. President Francois Hollande’s Socialist Government has voiced hope the latest day of protest will be a last stand for the movement. But Philippe Martinez, head of the far-left CGT union that spearheaded last month's blockades of fuel depots and an ongoing rail strike, predicted a “very strong mobilisation”. The CGT laid on more than 600 buses to transport demonstrators to Paris and said it hoped to attract more support than in March, when it claimed 1.2 million people took to the streets. Authorities put the March figure at 3,90,000. For Tuesday’s protest, Paris police chief Michel Cadot said he expected “maybe more than 50,000 demonstrators” in the capital alone. Two further protest days are set for later this month. At a time when Paris would normally be reaping the benefits of high tourism boosted by the football, the demonstrations have dampened the flow to the world's most-visited city. ndia’s entry into the Nuclear Suppliers Group (NSG) will worsen the security situation in South Asia, a Chinese daily said on Tuesday. “China’s concern about India's inclusion into the NSG comes out of the security dynamic in South Asia,” the state-run Global Times said in a commentary. “India’s application for NSG membership and its potential consequences will inevitably touch a raw nerve in Pakistan, its traditional rival in the region,” it said. “As Pakistan is not willing to see an enlarging gap in nuclear power with India, a nuclear race is a likely outcome. This will not only paralyze regional security, but also jeopardize China's national interests.” In the commentary titled “India must not let nuclear ambitions blind itself ”, the daily said that nuclear powered India and Pakistan keep alert to each other's nuclear capabilities. “A peaceful regional and global environment is in the interests of all stakeholders. China's concern about India’s inclusion into the Nuclear Suppliers Group comes out of the security dynamic specially in South Asia. “Only when New Delhi and Islamabad take another step forward in their non-proliferation commitments can the region avoid being dragged into a nuclear confrontation,” it said. China has emerged as the major stumbling block to India's membership of the NSG.The plenary meeting of the NSG is expected to be held in Seoul on June 24. The Global Times said the US and some NSG members had given a push to India's membership bid, “but the reported opposition from most countries, especially China, seems to have irritated India. “Beijing insists that a prerequisite of New Delhi's entry is that it must be a signatory to the Non-Proliferation Treaty, while India is not.”Despite acknowledging this legal and systematic requirement, the Indian media called China's stance 'obstructionist” .India had its own calculations for joining the NSG. And the US was backing New Delhi to sell it nuclear technology, says Chinese daily >a[P]S^bW^^cTa\XVWcWPeTQTT]VPh)4gfXUT ?C8Q =4FH>A: 2 9-year-old Omar Mateen, who gunned down 49 people at a gay club in Orlando, himself might have been gay but chose to hide his true identity out of anger and shame, his former wife has said as authorities looked into reports that he had visited the Florida club several times and also used a gay dating app. Sitora Yusufiy said she had met Mateen online in 2008 and the two got married in 2009. He “might have been gay but chose to hide his true identity out of anger and shame”, she said. A New York Times report cited a senior federal law enforcement official as saying that the FBI was looking at reports that Mateen had used a gay dating app. Patrons of Pulse, the club where he killed 49 people in the worst shooting case in US history, were quoted as saying that he had visited the club several times.Yusufiy said that her ex- husband had told her that he frequented nightclubs before their marriage, but that he did not tell her they were gay clubs. CBS News said in a report that club-goers have told investigators that Mateen had been at Pulse previously. The Orlando Sentinel and other news organizations also quoted regular customers at the gay bar as saying they had seen Mateen there a number of times.”Sometimes he would go over in the corner and sit and drink by himself, and other times he would get so drunk he was loud and belligerent,” said Ty Smith, a patron at the bar. Smith said he saw Mateen inside the club at least a dozen times.Yusufiy, during an interview at her home in Colorado, said Mateen had seemed “perfect American enough for her free spirit and Muslim enough to please her traditional family. “This man was a simple, Americanised guy that was also from my culture. And, y, had the same religion,” she said. 80=BQ D=8C43 =0C8>=B he office of the UN High Commissioner for T Refugees (UNHCR) has said around 1.19 million persons will need resettlement in 2017. “With a multitude of conflicts and crises causing record displacement around the world, resettlement has become an increasingly vital part of UNHCR's efforts to find solutions and advocate for fairer responsibility-sharing for refugees,” UN spokesman Stephane Dujarric said at a daily news briefing here. “Despite increased resettlement quotas from some countries, the number of people in need of resettlement far surpasses the opportunities for placement in a third country,” Xinhua news agency quoted Dujarric as saying. In 2017, Syrians are projected to account for 40 percent of needs, followed by Sudan, Afghanistan and Congo, he added.UNHCR also reported that 2015 was a record year for submissions which reached 134,044, up 29 percent from the previous year. In 2015, the US accepted 62 percent of all submissions, followed by Canada, Australia, Norway and Britain. According to the Projected Global Resettlement Needs 2017, the agency resettled more than one million refugees in more than 30 resettlement countries in the past decade. The number of people in "$8]SXP]bPR`dXaTS 4DRXcXiT]bWX_X]! # 80=BQ 1ADBB4;B round 35,000 Indians acquired citizenship of a member state of the European Union in 2014. Around 890,000 persons globally acquired EU citizenship, of whom 35,300 were Indians, according to Eurostat. The EU’s statistical bureau said 63.6 percent Indians opted for citizenship in Britain, 14.2 percent for Italy and 8.3 per cent for Ireland. The number of Pakistanis acquiring an EU citizenship in 2014 was 25,100, of whom 51.7 per cent took the citizenship of Britain, 16.8 per cent of Italy and 13.2 per cent of Spain. The largest number of citizenship of an EU member state in 2014 was acquired by Moroccans (92,700 persons), ahead of Albania (41,000), Turkey (37,500) followed by India, Eurostat reported. need of resettlement in 2017 will likely represent an increase of 72 percent on the projected needs of 691,000 in 2014, before the large-scale resettlement of Syrians began. “We are seeing resettlement taken to a new level and that enhanced resettlement can be an effective means of sharing the responsibility for refugee protection,” UN High Commissioner for Refugees Filippo Grandi said. “But much more needs to be done to keep pace with the growing numbers of acutely vulnerable.”UNHCR expects to submit 170,000 refugees for resettlement next year, an increase from a current target of some 143,000 in 2016 and more than 100,000 in each of 2015 and 2014. “Resettlement is now more important than ever as a solution, and we must grasp this opportunity to increase the number of refugees benefitting from it, as well as other avenues for admission,” Grandi said. UNHCR estimates more than one million are in need of resettlement because they are unable to return home or integrate into host countries for a variety of reasons.The Syrian crisis marked a major shift in the focus of resettlement. By 2014, Syrians were the largest group referred for resettlement and, by 2015, an average 2 out of every 5 submissions were Syrians compared to one out of five in 2014. A "&WT[SX]1P]V[PSTbWX RaPRZS^f]^]8b[P\Xbcb 80=BQ 370:0 ecurity forces in Bangladesh have arrested 11,307 people, Sincluding over 100 suspected Islamists, in a nationwide crackdown following a spate of killings of secularists and minorities. “As many as 3,115 more people were arrested on the fourth day of the drive,” Xinhua news agency quoted a senior police official as saying. Police earlier detained 8,192 people, including 119 suspected militants, in the first 72 hours of the clampdown. At least 18 people, including atheist bloggers, foreign aid workers and religious minorities, have died in attacks in Bangladesh over the past two years. Two Hindus were killed in separate incidents last week.The attacks have alarmed the international community and raised questions whether the government can protect minorities and secular intellectuals in the Muslimmajority country.Most of the 145 suspected militants arrested so far are members of banned Jama'atul Mujahideen Bangladesh. Amid a new surge in militancy, Bangladesh on Friday launched a special drive aimed at dismantling terror outfits, after the wife of a police superintendent, who led operations against Islamist militants and drug cartels, murdered in Chittagong city. 2WX]PfPa]bDB Cad\_aTe^ZTb?aTbbRaTST]cXP[b C^_9<1\X[XcP]cWT[SX]1STbW ^eTa3P[PX;P\P ^UCWTFPbWX]Vc^]?^bc 1TXYX]V) E^XRX]VXcbbca^]V ^__^bXcX^]c^?aTbXST]c1PaPRZ >QP\Pb_a^_^bTS\TTcX]VfXcW cWT3P[PX;P\PP]ScWTd_R^\X]V \PXST]DBeXbXcQhCPXfP]b]Tf ?aTbXST]cCbPX8]VfT]2WX]P c^SPhbPXScWPc0\TaXRPbW^d[S ZTT_Xcb_a^\XbTc^PQXSTQhcWT ²>]T2WX]P_^[XRh °CWT #cW3P[PX;P\P^UcT]_dcb d_cWTUPRPST^UaT[XVX^]c^_TSS[T X]cTa]PcX^]P[[hWXb_^[XcXRP[_^bXcX^] ^Ub_[XccX]V2WX]P±5^aTXV] <X]Xbcahb_^ZTb\P];d:P]Vc^[S aT_^acTabaT_[hX]Vc^P`dTbcX^] ^]cWTCXQTcP]b_XaXcdP[[TPSTab R^\\T]cbcWPcWXb\TTcX]VfXcW DB?aTbXST]cXb[XZT[h°FTST\P]S ]^R^d]cah^a6^eTa]\T]cVXeT WX\P]hb_PRTU^abdRWPRcXeXcXTb P]SbW^d[SRTacPX][h]^cS^ P]hcWX]VcWT "QX[[X^]_T^_[T^U 2WX]Pf^d[SaTb^[dcT[h^__^bT± WTbPXS3Tb_XcT2WX]Pb ^__^bXcX^]>QP\PWPS\Tc3P[PX ;P\PX]cWT_Pbc ?C8 ?C8Q F0B78=6C>= R epublican presumptive presidential nominee Donald Trump has revoked press credentials of The Washington Post, a leading American daily, accusing it of writing falsely about him. Winner of several Pulitzer prizes and considered to be the flag bearer of journalism standards and ethics, The Washington Post is one of the most influential global newspapers. “Based on the incredibly inaccurate coverage and reporting of the record setting Trump campaign, we are hereby revoking the press credentials of the phony and dishonest Washington Post,” Trump wrote on his Facebook page.”I am no fan of President (Barack) Obama, but to show you how dishonest the phony Washington Post is, they wrote, Donald Trump suggests President Obama was involved with Orlando shooting' as their headline. Sad!” he wrote in another post. However, The Post, as the leading daily is popularly known as, said in a statement that it would continue to cover Trump as usual.”Donald Trump's decision to revoke The Washington Post’s press credentials is nothing less than a repudiation of the role of a free and independent press,” said The Washington Post Editor Martin Baron. “When coverage doesn't correspond to what the candidate wants it to be, then a news organisation is banished,” he alleged.”The Post will continue to cover Donald Trump as it has all along honorably, honestly, accurately, energetically, and unflinchingly. We’re proud of our coverage, and we’re going to keep at it,” Baron said in a statement.The Trump Campaign stood by its decision. “The Washington Post unfortunately covers Mr Trump very inaccurately,” the campaign said in a statement.”Today’s headline, ‘Donald Trump Suggests President Obama Was Involved With Orlando Shooting’ is a perfect example. We no longer feel compelled to work with a publication which has put its need for 'clicks' above journalistic integrity,” the campaign said. Dhaka: A top militant leader associated with banned Islamist group JMB was on tuesday arrested in Bangladesh where over 11,600 have been detained in a nationwide crackdown to halt a spate of deadly attacks on minorities and secular writers in the Muslim-majority nation. The 60-year-old extremist, identified as Garibullah Akand, was arrested in Muktagachha of northern Mymensingh area along with 26 sus- pected militants, police said. Akand was a close associate of Jamaatul Mujahedeen Bangladesh's executed leader Siddikul Islam Bangla Bhai, Muktagachha police station's chief Fazlul Karim said. Akandh was being looked for a number of murder charges as an associate of Bangla Bhai, who was executed in 2007 after trial along with three other top leaders of the militant outfit. PTI PeT]dTb " A0=278kF43=4B30H k9D=4 $! % AE?D5?6D8541I AXVWcTSdRPcX^]bW^d[SWT[_cWT bcdST]c]^c^][hc^STeT[^_WXb RP_PRXcXTbQdcc^d]STabcP]S WXb^f]WXVWTbcX]cTaTbc °9:aXbW]P\dacX FX]S^fb ! % 0520C A s NEET phase-II comes nearer, anxiety and stress over the preparatory stages increase, as this is the first time NEET is going to replace AIPMT. The Supreme Court’s final verdict to implement NEET from this year itself on July 24, 2016, might have come as good news for medical aspirants, but many are now worrying about the change in the pattern of questions and the overall syllabus as compared to AIPMT. However, aspirants can heave a sigh of relief, as the pattern as well as the syllabus remains unchanged. There are two categories of students who will be appearing for NEET phase-II this year; the ones who have already appeared for NEET phase-1 and will now appear for phase-II and others who are appearing for just phase-II. NEET is mandatory in order to get admissions into all Central Government medical colleges, private medical colleges, and prominent universities. The upcoming NEET phase-II is, therefore, important for all medical aspirants. Candidates need to pull up their socks in order to prepare for the entrance exam which will decide their career path. What should be the most appropriate strategy to prepare for NEET phase-II as the countdown to the D-Day begins? Here are a few tips and tricks that will stand students in good stead as they take on this new avatar of the medical entrance exam. A42>;;42C Since you have already prepared for the entrance exam once, it will be easier for you to prepare for phase-II. However, don’t start taking things lightly. It’s very important to recollect topics and the concepts which were discussed in the syllabus and might have faded from your mind in the two-month gap. The best companions for recollection at this time are the notes that you had prepared at the time of NEET phase-I. If you hadn’t compiled notes during your preparation in phase-I, you can start afresh and try to put down all the concepts you remember on paper by dividing them into chapters, covering all the important points. A4E8B4 After analysing how much you remember, it is important to brush up the weak points and to strengthen the ones that you are thorough with. Apart from the notes created by you, it is important to go through the NCERT coursebooks focusing specifically on Biology and Chemistry. Also test yourself by solving old AIPMT test papers and by giving mock tests to prepare for the D-Day. A4027>DC If there are points that you might have for- ,W¶V1((7 FXcW=44C88=PcX^]P[ 4[XVXQX[Xch2d\4]caP]RT 4gP\YdbcP\^]cWPfPh 00:0B7270D37AH VXeTb^dcX\_^acP]c _aT_PaPcX^]cX_b gotten or still aren’t clear about, take help from mentors and teachers who will help clear your doubts. You can even join crash courses at reputed coaching institutes which focus on revision, mock tests, and clearing doubts through oneto-one sessions. The second category of candidates who will be appearing in NEET phase-II are those who have just prepared for CET of their respective state or any other state that has decided to choose NEET. Here are some tips for the students who have not prepared for AIPMT but need to give NEET phase-II due to the new rule: Q Read: Since you are preparing from scratch, it is important to get hold of all the test papers from the previous AIPMT tests to analyse the question pattern. They might not look like other medical exams that you have appeared for at first, but with enough preparation, you will easily be able to solve these questions. Many of these are trick questions, aimed at confusing you. But if your concepts are clear, solving them will be a piece of cake. Next, it is imperative to read all the topics with a special focus on Chemistry and Biology, from NCERT textbooks. As there are only a few days left for the exam, it is very important to identify the style of learning that suits you. You can go for visual, auditory or tactile media or a combination of all of them. For instance, you can include visual aids such as maps, graphs, pictures charts and diagrams which might help in forming a mnemonic image or you can record the important parts and listen to them while try- >UgS_ebcU T he Knowledge Workers (TKWs) launches a new course, Global PG Diploma in Banking and Finance, in India. The course aims at preparing students to become a global finance professional, who is proficient in financial planning and handling international trade transactions. The programme combined best of global orientation along with strong industry exposure. The course duration is oneyear and student would be studying subjects like banking operation, wealth management, trade finance, forex, SME finance etc. They students will be trained on computer business communication and stock marketing trading. The institute organises various professional events like leadership camp and bankers meet in order to boost knowledge. It’ll prepare the students to meet various challenges of industry. The students, who are in the third year of graduation or graduates, are eligible to apply for it. Those, who have scored 50 per cent of marks in graduation, may get scholarship. They must have to appear in banking aptitude test and personal interview. The Institute also provide IBPS classes to get student Government jobs. For more details contact @tkwsibf.org. mier global B-school, announced the launch of a new series of four courses. Three premier ISB faculty— Vaidya Nathan, Vikram Kuriyan and Ramabhadran Thirumalai — teach the four course Specialisation: Introduction to Financial Markets; Portfolio and Risk Management; Behavioral Investing and Investment Strategy, Philosophy, Client Management and Current Trends. In order to earn a specialisation certificate, learners are required to complete a final capstone project that involves managing assets and securities in collaboration with the Oxford and Cambridge Society of India. The new ‘UK Alumni Digital Innovation Fund’ was launched that will simulate alumni associations in India, especially the 25 chapters of the Association of British Scholars, with new digital innovations to increase their membership across the country. The British Council will award five winning ideas that help build connections between alumni and current students to foster a sense of community and continuity between generations. The competition is open to UK University networks in India may also apply. Interested can- for a person or a company using portfolio management and behavioural aspects. The importance of sound financial planning and investment management in helping an individual to achieve financial goals can hardly be over emphasised. And yet, studies have shown that individuals commit mistakes on choosing their personal investment portfolios. In 2015, the S&P’s Ratings Services Global Financial Literacy Survey found that close to 76 per cent of Indian adults do not adequately understand key financial concepts – lower than the worldwide average of financial literacy. 7^[XbcXRSTeT[^_\T]c B 2^\\^]0S\XbbX^]CTbc 0520CP]S 4]VX]TTaX]V:]^f[TSVT CTbc4:CR^]SdRcTS U^aQ^cW\T]P]S f^\T]U^aVaP]cX]VBW^ac BTaeXRT2^\\XbbX^]BB2 STVaTTX]U[hX]VQaP]RWP]S _Ta\P]T]cbW^acbTaeXRT R^\\XbbX^]X]cTRW]XRP[P]S Va^d]SSdchQaP]RWTb ing to catch all the points. Repeated writing always helps. 4;86818;8CH Q Remember: Reading and finishing your course might go in vain if you are not able to remember the formulae or definitions in the different chapters of your course. It is recommended to join a crash course, the kind discussed earlier. These courses can help you remember the important parts by repeated revision, mock tests, and practice sessions. These will also help you identify the important points in the course which might be asked in the exam. Q 5[hX]VQaP]RW) CWTRP]SXSPcTb \dbcQTVaPSdPcTbX]P]h SXbRX_[X]TUa^\PaTR^V]XbTS d]XeTabXchP]S\dbcWPeTPccPX]TS \X]X\d\%_TaRT]cX] PVVaTVPcTP]SbW^d[SWPeT _PbbTS<PcWbP]S?WhbXRbPc 2[PbbG88^a\dbc_^bbTbbP14 1CTRWSTVaTTU^dahTPa _a^VaP\\TUa^\PaTR^V]XbTS d]XeTabXchfXcW\X]X\d\%_Ta RT]cX]PVVaTVPcTCWTRP]SXSPcTb fW^WPeTUPX[TScWT 2^\_dcTaXbTS?X[^cBT[TRcX^] BhbcT\2?BB?01CX]P] TPa[XTaPccT\_c^aP5[XVWc2PSTc bdb_T]STSUa^\U[hX]VcaPX]X]VPc 0Xa5^aRT0RPST\hfX[[]^cQT T[XVXQ[Tc^P__[hCWT\X]X\d\ PVT^UcWTRP]SXSPcTbbW^d[SQT !hTPabP]S\PgX\d\!#hTPab Pb^]9d[h ! & Q Recognise: It is important to recognise the fact that the duration of NEET phase-II paper can differ from the State CET exam that you had appeared for. Hence, it is crucial to put extra emphasis on the speed of solving the problems along with being accurate as there is a negative marking system in the exam. In the last few weeks before the exam, focus on revision, and don’t take too much stress. It is imperative to recognise your weak and strong points to revise better. Q CTRW]XRP[1aP]RW 0Ta^]PdcXRP[4]VX]TTa 4[TRca^]XRb)CWTRP]SXSPcTb \dbcWPeTd]STaV^]TP\X]X\d\ ^UU^dahTPab^UbcdShU^aP STVaTT`dP[XUXRPcX^]Ua^\P aTR^V]XbTSd]XeTabXch^aR[TPaTS bTRcX^]0P]S1TgP\X]PcX^]^U 0bb^RXPcT<T\QTabWX_^U 8]bcXcdcX^]^U4]VX]TTab8]SXP^a 0Ta^]PdcXRP[B^RXTch^U8]SXP^a VaPSdPcT\T\QTabWX_ TgP\X]PcX^]^UcWT8]bcXcdcT^U 4[TRca^]XRbP]S CT[TR^\\d]XRPcX^]4]VX]TTab CWTPVT^UcWTRP]SXSPcTb\dbc ]^cTgRTTS!%hTPabP]S\dbcQT \X]X\d\!hTPabPb^]9d[h ! & Q Relax: You need to relax and get adequate sleep during the lastminute preparatory phase and especially a day before the exam. An exhausted or agitated mind is unable to grasp and contain much while a relaxed mind is able to analyse questions and absorb information more efficiently. harti Foundation,the philanthropic arm of Bharti Enterprises, has signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) with Magic Bus, India’s leading childhood to livelihood NGO, to help shape the future of 1700 children (8-14 year olds) from some of the poorest areas of Mumbai and Delhi. The three-year programme will work towards facilitating holistic development of the children, ensuring that they attend school, learn well, and attain basic life skills. The aim of the joint initiative is to empower them to secure a livelihood of their choice and succeed in it, giving them a fair chance of moving out of poverty by the time they turn 18 years of age. Bharti Airtel will provide financial assistance to this initiative. Bharti Foundation will monitor the programme and support 1700 poor children from Rafiq Nagar and Bhalaswa slums in Mumbai and Delhi respectively. The key drivers of this initiative are the 68 young volunteers, who are also from the same area as the children. The on-site volunteering’s approach will helps build deeper community connect and enable the programme to be run more efficiently. didates can refer to competition details at https://www.britishcouncil.in/programmes/ukalumni/uk-alumni-digital-innovation-fund. The deadline for applications is the August 1. British Council has also launched FameLab, a national talent competition for young scientists, with a special focus on young female students. FameLab helps early-career researchers acquire valuable skills to communicate their work accessibly and attractively to a non-scientific audience. The competition offers contestants training masterclasses, which focus on presentation and communication he Graduate Management Admission Council (GMAC), in T partnership with Wiley, has launched Official Guide for GMAT Review 2017 series. As the only GMAT study guide to contain actual questions retired from the exam, this year’s edition contains 15 percent new content— including 220 never-beforeseen questions across the quantitative, verbal and integrated reasoning sections of the GMAT exam. The Official Guide for GMAT Review includes: Q The Official Guide for GMAT Review with Online Question Bank and Exclusive Video priced C1799 Q The Official Guide for GMAT Quantitative Review with Online Question Bank and Exclusive Video T skills and aim to empower individual scientists and researchers in speaking about their work. The winner of FameLab India will travel to The Times Cheltenham Science Festival in the UK to represent India at the FameLab International grand finale. For more information, log on to https://www.britishcouncil.in/programmes/higher-education/famelab. With an overarching objective of supporting future UKIndia cultural relations, they also announced 291 new GREAT scholarships, an increased number of Chevening awards, Commonwealth and Charles Wallace scholarships. The 2016 UK-India Year of Education, Research and Innovation is a year-long campaign that aims to highlight the strength and mutual benefits between India and UK. Both the countries have been driving further UK- India partnerships and encouraging organisations and institutions to collaborate at national, regional and state level to create a new 21st century framework as partners in education, research and innovation, in the global context. Department for Business, Innovation and Skills and Ministry of Human Resource Development are the lead Government departments and key owners of the campaign. 7=13_VVYSYQ\WeYTU priced C799 Q The Official Guide for GMAT Verbal Review with Online Question Bank and Exclusive Video priced C799. The guides offer a comprehensive set of questions for all types of test takers and they represent a significant first step for those who want to advance their careers through graduate management education. It comprising the Official Guide for GMAT Review, the Official Guide for GMAT Quantitative Review, and the Official Guide for GMAT Verbal Review — offers access to more than 1,500 past GMAT ques- 2__[_^71D5 he Pearson India has launched the new Crack the GATE series for aspirants of 2017 Graduate Aptitude Test in Engineering (GATE) examination. The new exhaustive preparatory series has been prepared by a consortium of highly-experienced faculties engaged in training GATE candidates. The series covers key elements of GATE examination through four separate books: Q GATE Computer Science and Information Technology 2017 Q GATE Electrical Engineering 2017 Q GATE Electronics and Communication Engineering 2017 Q GATE Mechanical Engineering 2017 These books are divided into three parts Q 6a^d]S3dch 1aP]RWTb)CWT\X]X\d\PVT^U cWTRP]SXSPcTbbW^d[SQT! hTPabP]S\PgX\d\!%hTPabPb ^]9d[h ! &5^a PS\X]XbcaPcX^]P]S[^VXbcXRb ST_Pac\T]ccWTRP]SXSPcTb bW^d[SWPeTPR`dXaTSP 1PRWT[^abSTVaTTX]P]h SXbRX_[X]TUa^\PaTR^V]XbTS d]XeTabXch^aX]bcXcdcT5^a PRR^d]cbST_Pac\T]ccWT RP]SXSPcTbbW^d[S_^bbTbbP 1PRWT[^a^U2^\\TaRTSTVaTT Ua^\PaTR^V]XbTSd]XeTabXch^a X]bcXcdcT5^aTSdRPcX^] ST_Pac\T]ccWTRP]SXSPcTbfXcW <10<20^a<0<BRSTVaTTX] 4]V[XbW?WhbXRb<PcWT\PcPcXRb 2WT\XbcahBcPcXbcXRb8]cTa]PcX^]P[ aT[PcX^]b8]cTa]PcX^]P[ BcdSXTb3TUT]RTbcdSXTb ?bhRW^[^Vh2^\_dcTaBRXT]RT 8C<P]PVT\T]c<Pbb 2^\\d]XRPcX^]9^da]P[Xb\?dQ[X RAT[PcX^]bPaTT[XVXQ[Tc^P__[h 4G0<?0CC4A= WT0520CfX[[QT^Ucf^W^dab CSdaPcX^]P]SfX[[R^]bXbc^U \d[cX_[TRW^XRT`dTbcX^]bQPbTS ^]eTaQP[PQX[Xch]d\TaXRP[ PQX[XchaTPb^]X]VVT]TaP[ PfPaT]TbbP]S\X[XcPahP_cXcdST 4]VX]TTaX]V:]^f[TSVTcTbcfX[[ QTWT[SU^a#$\X]dcTbP]SfX[[ QTR^]SdRcTSPUcTa0520C 8<?>AC0=C30C4B ATVXbcaPcX^]U^acWTP__[XRPcX^]b ^][X]TP]S^UU[X]TfX[[R[^bT^] 9d]T"! %CWTTgP\Xb bRWTSd[TSc^QTWT[S^] BT_cT\QTa!'! % D6?A>6A0<<4B CWTfaXcTaXb3XaTRc^a 0PZPbW4SdRPcX^]P[ 8]SXP?ec;cS he British Council recently hosted the 2nd GREAT 5VgV]`a^V_e:_ZeZReZgVd T Oxbridge Lecture in New Delhi 022&SURJUDPPHV oursera, the world’s largest open online education provider, and the C Indian School of Business (ISB), a pre- WT8]SXP]0Xa5^aRTX]eXcTb CP__[XRPcX^]bU^a0Xa5^aRT tions. The Official Guide for GMAT Review also includes a 100 question diagnostic test to help focus test preparation studies. The print guides are accompanied by exclusive online resources including access to an online question bank that lets students create their own practice sets and exams based on content type and/or difficulty level. It also incorporates exclusive videos that provide valuable insights and tips on how to be fully prepared on exam day. The 2017 Official Guide Series is available at mba.com/store, bookstores and on web portals. covering— General Aptitude, Engineering Mathematics and Technical Section (Computer Science and Information Technology/ Electronics and Communication Engineering / Mechanical Engineering/ Electrical Engineering). These books includes complete set of solved 2016 GATE online papers with detailed analysis and over 1600 plus solved problems and 6000 plus practice questions. It’s elaborate question bank covering previous 10 Years GATE question papers. It includes five free online mock tests based on the latest pattern of GATE Exam. Priced at C949 each, these books will be available at all leading stores across the country. T Rama University, Kanpur, invites application for various courses including BCom ECommerce, BBA/ MBA Digital Marketing, Microsoft B Tech, Dental, Nursing, Management, Law, science and others. The last date to apply for the programmes is June 20, 2016. Candidates appearing in the final examination 2016 can also apply. Selection is based on entrance exams, group discussion and personal interview. Scholarships are available for meritorious students. For more information, log on to www.ramauniversity.ac.in 4=68=44A8=6 Manipal University has opened admissions to its 23rd batch of International Engineering Twinning programme offered by Manipal University’s International Centre for Applied Sciences (ICAS). The last date for application is July 10, 2016. Students can choose any engineering branches namely Architecture, Automotive Engineering, Aviation/ Aerospace Engineering, Biomedical Engineering, Chemical Engineering, Civil Engineering, Computer Science/Engineering, Electrical and Electronics Engineering, Electronics & Communication Engineering, Industrial Biotechnology, Industrial Production Engineering, Mechanical Engineering and Mechatronics Engineering. Students will get to study their first two years of Engineering in Manipal University campus and the last he Delhi Metropolitan Education organised Make My Choice seminar in Noida on Why one should pursue Law? Seminar took students to insightful look into career opportunities through the study of Law. The seminar was taken by Justice Bhanwar Singh, former Judge Allahabad High Court, chairman UP Judicial Training Academy and director general of DME; and Nitin Wadhwa, corporate lawyer. Questions like — How is BALLB different from BBALLB, What are the job prospects, remuneration expected, Should one join two years in any of the foreign universities where they would receive their international Engineering degree. The programme will be offered to 250 students across India. To apply online, visit http://manipal.edu/icas. After completion of the course, the students will be awarded international engineering degree from reputed foreign university, global placement opportunity at par with full-time foreign students. <0=064<4=C The Jagan Institute of Management Studies, Rohini, invites applications for its two-year full time PGDM programmes, equivalent to MBA, with in Marketing, Finance, HR and Operations. Specific programmes are available in International Business (PGDM–IB) and Retail Management (PGDM–RM). The new batch will commence from July 4, 2016. Aspirants should be a graduate in any discipline with minimum 50 per cent marks. The final year students may also apply. The selection criteria will be on the performance evaluation in academic, CAT/MAT/XAT /CMAT/ ATMA etc, group discussion & personal interview. 6HPLQDURQODZ judicial service and become a Judge, Am i eligible for Government jobs as a legal officer — were addressed by the dignitaries. Prof. Vikram Dutt principal, Delhi Metropolitan Education said: It is important to select the best college for choice of your career. At DME, we have out- standing judges on board as guest faculty including Justice Iqbal, former Supreme Court Judge, Salman Khurshid, former law Minister and senior advocate and outstanding academicians associated with us. We prepare students, not only for law examination but also for a career in Law. PeT]dTb # E` a a V c e R ] V d A0=2788F43=4B30H9D=4 $! % $1,0(6+ %2+$5$ 'HOKL¶VWRSSHU RIWKLV\HDU¶V -RLQW(QWUDQFH ([DPIRU,,7V VKDUHVZLWK $1*(/$ 3$/-25WKH FKDOOHQJHVKH IDFHGLQ FUDFNLQJWKH H[DPDQGWKH \HDUVRI GHGLFDWLRQ UHTXLUHGWR DFKLHYHDQ DOO,QGLDUDQNRI LQ-(( µEYVcVhRd_`#_U`aeZ`_¶ D knowledge and crack the pattern of the paper. FIIT JEE was able to provide the guidance needed for the JEE preparation. It became a platform to get my fundamentals strong along with a continuous elevation of my knowledge in a particular subject,” Animesh tells you. Most aspirants tend to give up due to the huge stress as the examination nears. Sometimes, they start to lose their drive to keep studying dedicatedly. But Animesh’s parents provided a strong source of motivation, constantly encouraging him to keep going and doing his best. Ask him what he did when he needed to relax a little or take a break from his hectic study schedule, he tells you, “I planned my schedule in such a way that I was able to go out to play twice a week and spend quality time listening to music. I even managed to play computer games and go outside to play with my friends, albeit the last being a little less frequently.” Getting to the 19th rank among 2 lakh students competing for 11,000 seats in the IITs is no mean feat. But Animesh is too grounded a person to be carried away by the enormity of his achievement. Right now, Animesh has his eye only on one goal — to go to IIT Bombay and do his BTech in Computer Engineering. He says that he is all set to experiment and ready to find out what lies ahead for him in this field. elhi boy Animesh Bohara has made the city proud with his outstanding performance in the Joint Entrance Examination (JEE), the nationwide exam held for admission to the coveted IITs and other top engineering colleges. His all-India rank (AIR) is 19, higher than last year’s Delhi topper Anjishnu Bose, who had an AIR of 26. A students of KIIT School, Pitampura, Animesh garnered a score of 94 per cent in his class XII Board exams. Animesh says that his heart was set on engineering for a long time. It was his keen interest in Science and Mathematics that groomed him for the dedication and seriousness needed to top the State. “I was quite sure of my preparation. So, I did not keep a second option,” says Animesh, relaxed after cracking the exam dreaded by many. While many appear for papers like this, there are a few who are able to balance out the stress and the time required, something that Animesh excelled at. For this meritorious performer, studying is just the beginning. Testing himself further is the next step. “Managing time was the hardest aspect,” he tells you. However, he was able to overcome it after taking a series of mock tests. These tests boosted not only his performance but also his confidence. “I started my coaching from the IX standard. I wanted ample time to cultivate my =Q^QWUi_ebbYc[ BD170B78B=0C7VXeTbh^dcWTX]b^dcb^UPRPaTTaX]aXbZ\P]PVT\T]c F70C8BA8B:<0=064<4=C. Businesses across the world are in the phase of rapid growth, integration and globalisation. To continue to grow at an accelerating pace, businesses are required to take risks. They have to deal with the changing risk landscape, including market volatility, geopolitical crises, widespread economic changes, regulatory reforms and cyber threats. This presents an opportunity to take advantage of the potential of risk. Risk management is beyond financial and regulatory risk mitigation; it looks at the overall business environment and encompasses managing of strategic, operational, regulatory, compliance and financial risk of an organisation. Risk management is required across all industries — manufacturing, retail, telecommunication, hospitality, services etc and is also relevant even for an entrepreneur. For an enterprise to be successful and not let risks jeopardise the company’s stability, a holistic approach to risk management is vital. <0A:4C>E4AE84F Q The risk advisory services has a market size of more than $10 bil- lion, growing at the fast year-on-year rate of about 40-45 per cent. Q The top 250 companies spend around $30-50 million each on risk- related activities. This kind of a market size translates into a great career opportunity in risk management. With no structured and comprehensive programme in India, or even globally, to address the skill set gap, trained risk management professionals will have an edge. . 4E>;E8=6A>;48=<=2B A good risk manager should be able to recognise and examine the business environment, assess risks the business is exposed to, and define a risk mitigation strategy. The risk manager gets the opportunity to learn business nuances across the value chain of an organisation and not just confine their knowledge to functions like marketing, production, finance etc. They are also expected to analyse risks across all business functions and help define an apt risk mitigation strategy for the firm. 4;86818;8CH2A8C4A80 As risk management is an extremely vast and dynamic area, this specialisation is dependent on the qualification one acquires dur- ing their graduation. Thus, graduates from commerce, economics, statistics, arts, engineering or any other field can take this up as a specialised post graduation option. The qualities needed are — analytical bent of mind towards problem solving, ability to think out of the box to design solutions, willingness to learn, extremely good communication skills and dynamic personality. class risk management curriculum will create an ecosystem enabling all large corporates to hire trained risk managers. This talent is required by organisations globally, and thus, it is a passport to a global career. 20A44A?A>B?42CB A student armed with a risk management qualification has bright chances of getting hired as a risk consultant in MNCs and other large corporate organisations across verticals. The potential recruiters of risk managers are large consulting and risk consulting organisations like Accenture, EY, KPMG, PwC, Deloitte, Protiviti, Grant Thornton etc. Organisations like General Electrics (GE), Tata Group, PepsiCo etc are also potential recruiters. BCD3H24=CA4B ^[h\TaT]VX]TTabf^aZX]cWT ?UXT[S^U_[PbcXRbSTeT[^_\T]c University of Strathclyde, Glasgow , invites applications for full-time MBA Scholarships 2016 from Indian students for pursuing MBA (one-year full-time study) commencing in September, 2016. A maximum value of £7000 will be awarded Eligibility: The university seek applications from highly experienced candidates from a variety of industry backgrounds who will offer the MBA class of 2016 a valuable and alternative perspective to enhance the learning experience of the whole class. Applicants will be considered on the basis of their MBA applications and interview performance. In addition, university will ask each applicant to complete a 1000 word (maximum) statement on a current issue impacting Indian business and your views on how this issue can be resolved. Applicants from India are eligible to apply for these scholarships. How to apply: Candidates should apply online at https://www.sbs.strath.ac.uk/ap ps/scholarships/mba/ Deadline: June 30, 2016. Cardiff University has announced plans to offer scholarships of up to £5,000 to high-performing Indian appli- cants for the 2016-17 academic year. Eligibility: The scholarships are available to new applicants and existing Cardiff University applicants for academic programmes at undergraduate and postgraduate taught levels. How to apply: Applicants should apply through one of Cardiff University’s approved representatives in India. All applicants will be considered for awards of £5,000. There are also a number of £2,000 awards available. Deadline: The last date to apply for these scholarships for Indian students is July 1, 2016. For more details, visit: http://www.cardiff.ac.uk/for/pr ospective/international/funding/international-scholarshipfund/postgraduate-scholarships.html TKWS Institute of Banking & Finance has launched three scholarships, based on various criteria, that will help students get a discount on their tuition fee. How to apply: After getting IBFs Selection Letter student must write a letter addressed to the chairman with attached copies of mark sheets. For the Maa Saraswati scholarship (for students who have achieved Top 3 rank in their school or college), a certificate from the school/college must be produced with the application, certifying the rank. ?>C4=C80;A42AD8C4AB There is a huge demand for trained risk managers across consulting firms and corporate houses globally. At present, all risk consulting firms, spend large number of hours and effort in training risk management concepts to the resources hired, leading to lower productivity from these resources in the initial few years. Once these organisations get trained resources in risk management, they can achieve upto 30-35 per cent higher productivity as compared to a generic masters’ student. On the other hand, corporate houses do not have the internal machinery to provide best-in-class career enhancement training programmes to its employees in the risk domain, and hence, they have historically stayed away from hiring less experienced professionals. With a specialised risk management qualification, corporates get an opportunity to induct relevant and uniquely trained students in their organisation at an earlier stage, allowing for better career progression. Professionals with education in risk management are believed to have faster career tracks, as compared to their peers who join with more generic qualifications. This will hold true for all professionals pursuing a career in the domain of risk, compliance, controllership and internal audits. Thus, this positions the risk management trained resource in a premium bracket in a market which has infinite demand across industry sectors. A talent pool of professionals trained on a world CWThWT[_X]STeT[^_X]V]Tf ch_Tb^U_[PbcXRb^aT]VPVTX] cWTcTbcX]VP]STeP[dPcX^]^U _a^SdRcb?[PbcXRbT]VX]TTaX]V R^]bXbcb^U_a^RTbbX]V STbXV]X]VSTeT[^_\T]cP]S \P]dUPRcdaT^U_[PbcXRb _a^SdRcb2WT\XRP[T]VX]TTaX]V XbcWTUPcWTa^U_^[h\Ta T]VX]TTaX]VCWT\X]X\d\ aT`dXaT\T]cU^acWXbUXT[SXbP QPRWT[^abSTVaTTX]_^[h\Ta T]VX]TTaX]V^aPaT[PcTSbdQYTRc CWTaTPaT\P]hd]XeTabXcXTb fWTaT_^[h\TaT]VX]TTaX]VXb ^UUTaTS7TaTPaTb^\T) Q 2T]caP[8]bcXcdcT^U?[PbcXRb 4]VX]TTaX]VCTRW]^[^Vh ;dRZ]^f2^dabTb)0aP]VT^U QPRWT[^ab\PbcTabP]S?6 SX_[^\P_a^VaP\\Tb Q 3T_Pac\T]c^U2WT\XRP[P]S ?^[h\Ta4]VX]TTaX]V1Xa[P 8]bcXcdcT^UCTRW]^[Vh<TbaP 9WPaZWP]S2^dabTb)<PbcTab^U 4]VX]TTaX]V?^[h\Ta*?^[h\Ta BRXT]RTP]SCTRW]^[^Vh Q 3T[WXCTRW]^[^VXRP[ D]XeTabXch =Tf3T[WX2^dabTb) 1CTRWX]?^[h\TaBRXT]RTP]S 2WT\XRP[ CTRW]^[^Vh ?0HB20;4 Students with specialisation in this field may earn an attractive salary starting from an initial band of C6-8 lakh per annum. The vast range of career options across industries andfunctions is: Q Industry opportunities: Services, Manufacturing, Insurance, Banking, Retail, Healthcare Q Corporate governance function of any organisation Q Controllership/ Audit department of any organisation Q Finance function B284=24>;H<?8030F0A3B and 22 countries participated in the exams during 2015-16. There were cash prizes awarded for three different ranks to a number of winners of CCand C each. The top 10 principals and top 40 teachers, whose students put up an exceptional performance, were rewarded with cash prizes, mementos and citations. <>DB86=43 Dell and Shiv Nadar University have signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) to collaborate and drive excellence in research and innovation. Through this partnership, Dell has set up two laboratories jointly with the university to integrate theoretical concepts with practical experience. Dell will also engage with faculty members to mentor students and work on technology pro- jects in Big Data, Cloud Computing and Internet of Things. Dell will also share best practices, introduce students to next-gen technologies and help build a future-ready talent pool through continuous exchange of knowledge and information. The laboratories will allow students to gain hands-on experience by working on projects related to key business issues. 5A44<>2:20C Triumphant Institute of Management Education Pvt Ltd (TIME), India’s leading testprep institute, is conducting a free All India Online Mock CAT on June 19, 2016. This test is an online computer-based invigilated test, replicating the exact test atmosphere of the actual CAT. This test will be conducted at numerous locations across the country and will be written by a wide cross-section of stu- E ducation is witnessing a tremendous revolution, owing to advances in technology. Computers and mobile devices like phones and tablets have introduced exciting opportunities for techbased interventions like innovative communication, interactive textbooks, pragmatic learning, web-based study, differentiated learning and gamification. This has brought a change in the traditional classroom practices. Today, technology is ubiquitous in education, opening up new frontiers for everyone involved. Its intervention has drastically revolutionised the educational landscape with new learning trends that are making academic learning extremely accessible for everyone. With all the technology trends in the last decade, it is the smartphone that has the potential to be the most influential and powerful tool in enhancing education around the world. With access to the Internet, students can use smartphones to virtually meet any instructor across the globe, enabling access to vast realms of information and endless educational opportunities. This technology allows the students to search for and consume relevant information, thus enjoying the responsibility and liberty of charting their own progress. Exciting times are underway for education with schools, colleges and universities across India enhancing their learning spaces to facilitate this new model of education. This is promoting more interaction and driving learner engagement in the teaching process. This evolution of technology has notably created a new pattern in education, making it easier for teachers to create instructional materials and allowing students to learn and work in innovative ways. In recent years, the dependency on Learning Management Systems (LMSs) has increased among students for the convenience and invaluable educational resource they offer. LMSs, at their core, allow institutions to track attendance as well as organise and administer all facets of learning. But the LMS is just a concept and can do more to lead the changing face of education. LMSs are also becoming crucial for higher education as well with students taking up at least one online or hybrid course by the time they finish college. Perhaps, the main reason is that this system is bringing students in touch with institutions that have greater accountability and transparency features. Educational institutions, on the other hand, are required to ensure that student information and teaching ‘transactions’ are secure so as to be able to integrate the online teaching environment with its administrative systems. With the digital footprint provided by LMSs, they are able to substantiate quality assurance and personalised development to students. Although this system has proved to be successful in solving pain points and creating efficiencies for an individual college, it hasn't yet sparked fundamental improvements across institutions or higher education as a whole. But this may change going forward. Today, technology is opening doors to enable LMSs to create the kind of innovation we hoped for. However, without seamless Internet connectivity, teaching multiple users across geographies while retaining the live and interactive nature of a classroom remains a distant dream. Therefore, to make sure that LMSs are able to bring about a speedy progression in education, more and more students and teachers should embrace the use of smartphones in education. By ensuring that we all are connected, we can enable the LMS to play a vital role in improving education. There will always be room for traditional classroom-based education. The LMS will evolve only to revitalise it, ushering in an impactful and exciting new educational environment for the forthcoming era. CWTfaXcTaXb9^bT_W5aTTS R^U^d]STaP]S24>1h]Sa CWTfaXcTaXbBdQWPbWXb=PcWb_^ZTb_Tab^] 6[^QP[AXbZ<P]PVT\T]c8]bcXcdcT 8=1 1A845 Science Olympiad Foundation (SOF) organised a felicitation function to recognise and award the international winners, teachers and principals of Olympiad exams held during the academic year 2015-16. The top three international rank holders from classes I-XII were awarded. About 45 lakh students from over 34,000 schools from 1400 cities across India <8=38C 30C0>=278;3;8C4A02H Close to 1.4 million child labourers in India in the age group of 7-14 years cannot write their names, an analysis of Census data by Child Rights and You (CRY) reveals. This means that one in three child labourers in the said age group are illiterate. For children who support the family economy by working for less than six months in a year, education of two million of them has been compromised. The situation is also reflected in State figures. While 45% of child labourers in Bihar are illiterate, in Rajasthan and Jharkhand, the figure stands at 40%. Madhya Pradesh and Andhra Pradesh also have a figure of about 38% The Census 2011 data for children in labour states that 6.5 million children in India in the age group of 5-14 years work in agriculture and household industries, ie, 64.1%. CRY’s onground experience reveals that a large number of children engaged in these occupations are working with their families, thus exempting them from the proposed ban. Allowing children to work in family enterprises affects not only their education and learning outcomes but also their health and overall development. 20A44AB>;DC8>=B5>A8C5A4B74AB TalentSprint, a Youth Career Accelerator, has unveiled a series of new digital programmes aimed at fresh B Tech and BSc graduates hailing from non-metros and seeking their first job in the IT sector. With a mission to empower one million youth realise their career dreams, TalentSprint intends to position these holistic programmes as one-stop career solutions that can help rural and semi-urban youth overcome traditional barriers of gender, geography and privilege. While young college graduates across the nation continue to aspire for the best jobs the IT sector has to offer, the intrinsic pattern of entry-level IT recruitment itself is undergoing a seismic shift. Commenting on this latest initiative, Dr Santanu Paul, MD & CEO, TalentSprint said, “Our digitally intelligent plat- form and these new digital courses will empower every young person to prepare for exciting, high-value IT careers. In effect, we are trying to create a backstop for the systemic failures in higher education. As we have seen with our digital courses in the banking and financial sectors, the appetite for high quality employability courses, made available digitally, is practically unlimited.” 4=CA0=244G0<CA08=8=60?? dents. Based on the performance in the free online mock CAT, a student can get attractive discounts from TIME on their test series (AIMCATs) and classroom programmes for CAT 2016. These discounts will depend on the student’s overall performance in the paper, subject to the attainment of a certain minimum percentile score in each section. TCYonline has launched its new app, Top Edge, which could be a boon for students preparing for competitive exams. The app mainly focuses on the General Knowledge (GK) section of all banking exams, and contains information like exam notification. The app is likely to give an edge to students in keeping themselves abreast with events happening all over the globe. The app will act as a complete online encyclopaedia for static GK, general studies (History, Geography, Literature etc) and dynamic GK (Business, Sports, Politics, Economics etc) There is special emphasis on current affairs, infotainment, and technological developments in India and the world. It will also provide: Thorough coverage on punch lines, CEOs, advertisements, new products and related corporate news; Complete coverage of exam notifications of various competitive exams; GK Practice Tests in the competitive examination format. This App is useful for exams like CSAT (UPSC), BANK (RBI, SBI, IBPS — PO/Clerical, SO), RRB, Govt/PSU, Intelligence Bureau (IB), Insurance, LIC, SSC, UGC, NDA, CDS, Railways etc. b_^ac $ A0=278kF43=4B30H k9D=4 $! % =Z]]VacVaRcVdW`cWZVcTVSRee]V AdbbXPUPRTB[^ePZXPfXcWUP]bX]b_^c[XVWcPUcTaD450X\_^bTb &UX]Tbdb_T]STSSXb`dP[XUXRPcX^]U^a6^[ST]4PV[Tb 05?Q ;8;;45A0=24 F resh from holding England in Marseille in their Euro 2016 Group B opener, Russia face Slovakia in Lille on Wednesday knowing a win would all but secure progression to the last 16. Russia’s opening game on Saturday was overshadowed by the trouble that flared in the city of Marseille and in the stands at the Stade Velodrome at full time. UEFA has since opened disciplinary proceedings against Russia for the crowd disturbances, as well as racist behaviour and the letting off of fireworks, and has threatened them with expulsion from the competition if violence flares again. And with England and Wales playing each other in nearby Lens on Thursday, the threat of more incidents between rival supporters in Lille will be of serious concern to local authorities. But on the pitch in Marseille there was a happy ending for Leonid Slutsky’s side as captain Vasili Berezutski’s stoppage-time equaliser saw them earn a 1-1 draw against the Group B favourites. That also means a victory at the Stade Pierre Mauroy, a day before England face Wales just along the road, would pile pressure on Roy Hodgson’s men in particular. “I am not a saviour and one point does not really mean that much,” Berezutski told UEFA.Com, playing down the significance of his goal before Slutsky’s side travelled to the northern city of Lille to face the Slovakians. Russia saw key midfield duo Igor Denisov and Alan Dzagoev withdraw from their squad due to injury before the tournament, while back-up goalkeeper Yuri Lodygin missed training on Tuesday. Meanwhile midfielder Denis Glushakov, who was used from the bench against England, could come into the Russian starting line-up providing he shakes off a calf strain. For Slovakia there is even greater urgency in their search for a first European Championship finals win after they conceded late on to lose 2-1 against Wales in their opener in Bordeaux on Saturday. :>4<0=C0:4B 270A64>54E4AC>= AdbbXP]__[PhTabWWTPSQQP[[bSSdaX]VccWTXa caPX]X]VbbTbbX^]^^]TTeT^^UccWTXa\ \PcRWPPVPX]bc B[^ePZXP^^]CCdTbSPh 0? ³FX[[PQXSTQhTgRTbbXeT D450_d]XbW\T]c´ <^bR^f) AdbbXP^]CdTbSPhPRRT_cTSPD450 ad[X]VcWPcXcfX[[QTZXRZTS^dc^U4da^! %XU cWTaTXb]TfbcPSXd\d]aTbcPUcTacWT4da^_TP] V^eTa]X]VQ^Shb[P__TScWTR^d]cahfXcWPUX]T P]Sbdb_T]STSSXb`dP[XUXRPcX^] °FT fX[[ R^\_[h fXcW D450³b STRXbX^] FWPc ^cWTa _^bXcX^] RP] cWTaT QT.± B_^acb <X]XbcTaP]SAdbbXP]5^^cQP[[D]X^]_aTbXST]c EXcP[h<dcZ^c^[SC0BB ]TfbPVT]Rh <dcZ^ [PcTa c^[S cWT AB_^ac ]Tfb fXaT cWPccWT_d]XbW\T]cfPb°TgRTbbXeT±QdccWPc cWTaT fPb ]^ °]^ bT]bT± X] P__TP[X]V cWT STRXbX^] D450STR[PaTSAdbbXPaTb_^]bXQ[TU^acWT bcPSXd\ SXbcdaQP]RTb aPRXbc RWP]cX]V P]S UXaTf^aZb cWa^f] SdaX]V cWT VP\T fXcW 4]V[P]SX]<PabTX[[T^]BPcdaSPh 8c ^aSTaTS cWT °bdb_T]STS SXb`dP[XUXRPcX^]±^UcWTcTP\X]cWTTeT]c^UP]h \^aTSXbcdaQP]RTbX]bXSTbcPSXd\bSdaX]VcWT c^da]P\T]c P]S UX]TS cWT AdbbXP] 5^^cQP[[ D]X^] $Tda^b & 05? ADBB80E B;>E0:80 7403C>7403 ?[PhTS) ' AdbbXPf^])" B[^ePZXPf^])! 3aPf]) " 5PXbT[5TPcdaTb 5^aB[^ePZXPcWTaTXb TeT]VaTPcTadaVT]RhX] cWTXabTPaRWU^aPUXabc 4da^_TP] 2WP\_X^]bWX_UX]P[b fX]PUcTacWTh R^]RTSTS[PcT^]c^ [^bT! PVPX]bcFP[Tb X]cWTXa^_T]Ta ❝ FTPaTbdaT^da UP]bfX[[]^cS^cWTbP\T cWThfX[[]^cVXeTP]h aTPb^]bc^SXb`dP[XUhcTP\ ¯;T^]XSB[dcbZh about the World Cup that it will host in two years. Sanctions that UEFA is considering against Russia over pitched fights, racist chants and fireworks hurled around the European Championship game against England have been a new blow to Russia’s reputation. Images of fans preparing for battle with gumshields and batons, charging through Marseille’s old town with chairs over their heads ready to throw have gone around the world. Russia’s Sports Minister Vitaly Mutko has predicted his country will merely be fined. But there is a lot of damage limitation to be done. Mutko is already struggling with international enquiries into doping in Russian athletics and other sports. The International Association of Athletics Federations is to decide on Friday whether to readmit Russia into international competition so it can take part in the Rio Olympics in August. Following accusations of “statesponsored” doping in athletics, Russia is also under investigation by the World Coach Jan Kozak will want more from his star creator, Napoli’s Marek Hamsik, and has admitted that changes to his lineup are a certainty. That could mean Ondrej Duda of Legia Warsaw, who came off the bench to score against Wales, could be promoted to the starting XI. “There will definitely be changes, but I cannot say which ones yet. We’ll see what shape the players are in after their recovery session,” Kozak said from the Slovakian camp in the central French town of Vichy. While Slovakia are making their debut at a European Championship as an independent nation, this fixture evokes memories of key games at past tournaments for them. A^\P]XP_[PhTabSdaX]VcWTXacaPX]X]VbTbbX^]PWTPS^UcWTXaVP\TPVPX]bcBfXciTa[P]S 0? ?0A8B)Switzerland and new Arsenal signing Granit Xhaka go in hunt of a second victory in Euro 2016 on Wednesday against a Romania side fighting for survival. Romania came close to frustrating France in tournament-opening match before Payet’s sublime winner gave French a last-gasp 2-1 win. The Swiss meanwhile had to fight before Fabien Schaer’s forceful header secured a 1-0 win over Albania. Schaer, the 1.86 metre (6ft 3in) Hoffenheim defender, makes a habit of scoring for the national side — his decisive goal on Saturday was his sixth in 21 appearances. Victory at Parc des Princes would almost certainly guarantee Switzerland a ticket for the round of 16 from Group A — and they will not want to be facing France in Lille on Sunday. But Schaer said his teammates had taken note that coach Anghel Iordanescu’s team were unlucky to lose to the French. “We watched France against Romania, and Romania matched them for the majority of the game,” he said. Romanians received glowing praise from their usually critical national press for their performance against France and atmosphere in camp is relaxed after they enjoyed a barbecue with their families at team hotel 05? on Monday. players lost at Albania in a match devoid of passion or creativity. It was the low point of his coaching career with the national team, and he was scathing about the performance of his players. On Wednesday, France will head into a European Championship match againstAlbania looking to win its 11th match in 12 games, having scored 15 goals in the past five, and with two players who fared badly in that game now in their best form. Striker Olivier Giroud and attacking midfielder Dimitri Payet were both taken off at halftime in Elbasan, with Giroud’s touch deserting him as passes bounced off him, and a forlorn Payet fearing his international career was over following that match. Last Friday, those two ensured France’s national team Anti-Doping Agency over allegations that doping samples were fixed at the 2014 Sochi Winter Olympics. Swiss prosecutors are also still probing how Russia was awarded the 2018 World Cup as part of their look at FIFA’s affairs. Mutko knows he has a job on his hands to convince the football world that all will be well in 2018. Russia’s fans “are disgracing the country and think this is normal,” he said.As hosts of the future world championship, we must preserve our image and people shouldn’t spoil it,” he added. Racism is commonplace at Russian football matches. Fans have thrown bananas at black players and Zenit St Petersburg’s Brazilian striker Hulk, has repeatedly complained of being a target of racial insults at Russian league matches. A 2014 law punishes fan violence with up to eight years in prison. A draft law submitted to parliament last month that would set up a blacklist of violent fans who would be barred from sporting events. “Some people won’t like this of course, it is extra money for stadiums, but security is most important thing,” the head of the Russian lower house of parliament’s sports committee, Dmitry Svishchev told R-Sport news agency. 6fc` 1hcTb ?>;824?4AB>==4;:8;;43 5aT]RW ?aTbXST]c 5aP]R^Xb 7^[[P]ST bPXS WT fP]cb PSSXcX^]P[bTRdaXchTUU^acbc^QTST_[^hTSP]SeXVX[P]RT c^ QT X]RaTPbTS c^ °Xcb WXVWTbc [TeT[± PUcTa cf^ _^[XRT ^UUXRXP[bfTaTZX[[TSQhP]PccPRZTaR[PX\X]VP[[TVXP]RT c^cWT8b[P\XRBcPcTVa^d_7^[[P]STb_^ZT^]CdTbSPh X] cWT 4[hbTT ?P[PRT Pb _^[XRT PaT X]eTbcXVPcX]V cWT <^]SPh ]XVWc PccPRZ X] cWT ?PaXb bdQdaQ ^U <PV]P]eX[[T 7^[[P]ST SXS ]^c VXeT STcPX[b PQ^dc cWT TgcaPbTRdaXch\TPbdaTb5aP]RTXbP[aTPShd]STaPbcPcT ^U T\TaVT]Rh PUcTa 8B PccPRZb ^] ?PaXb X] =^eT\QTa P]S ( bTRdaXch U^aRTb PaT ST_[^hTS U^a cWT 4da^_TP]2WP\_X^]bWX_b^RRTac^da]P\T]c ne year ago, France coach Didier Deschamps O watched with frustration as his !#B42DA8CH5>A245>A4=6F0;4B60<4 5aP]RT_[PhTabcaPX]X]VWPaSU^acWTXaVP\TPVPX]bc0[QP]XP got Euro 2016 off to a positive start with a 2-1 win over Romania — Giroud scoring the opening goal with a header from Payet’s cross, and Payet scoring a last-minute winner with a thunderous shot into the top left corner. It was Payet’s third straight eye-catching goal for Les Bleus — following expertly struck free kicks against Russia and Cameroon — while Giroud scored for the eighth time in eight games to largely silence the critics who would rather see Benzema playing up front. 0? They will be closely watched by an Albanian side weakened by the loss of captain Lorik Cana, a veteran of 92 international games who is crucial to his side. Needing points in Group A, Albania may need to take a more attack-minded approach against the French; and the onus will be on striker Armando Sadiku to repeat the form he showed in pretournament friendlies, when he scored in consecutive games against Luxembourg, Qatar and Ukraine. 9dQ\icdQbdcgYdXQRQ^W <^aTcWP]!#bTRdaXch^UUXRXP[bfX[[QTST_[^hTS X] ;T]b Pb cWT c^f] _aT_PaTb U^a P] P]cXRX_PcTS X]U[dg^U#c^$4]V[P]SP]SFP[TbUP]b U^a CWdabSPh³b 4da^_TP] 2WP\_X^]bWX_ VP\T PdcW^aXcXTbbPXS^]CdTbSPhCWT_^[XRX]V^_TaPcX^] X] cWT c^da]P\T]c³b b\P[[Tbc W^bc RXch P]S Xcb "$RP_PRXchbcPSXd\WPbQTT]X]cT]bXUXTSPUcTa R[PbWTbX]e^[eX]V4]V[P]SP]SAdbbXPUP]bPa^d]S cWTXa^_T]X]V6a^d_1VP\TX]<PabTX[[TCWTBcPST 1^[[PTac3T[T[Xb RP] UXc cWT T]cXaT _^_d[PcX^] ^U ;T]bfW^bT]Paa^fbcaTTcbfX[[QT^][^RZS^f]U^a cWTeXbXc^UcWT1aXcXbWbd__^acTab 2>DAC2>=E82CB%50=B5>AA8>C8=6 0 <PabTX[[T R^dac R^]eXRcTS bXg 4]V[XbW b^RRTa UP]b <^]SPhP]SWP]STS_aXb^]bT]cT]RTbaP]VX]VUa^\ ^]Tc^cWaTT\^]cWbc^UXeT^UcWT\U^aX]e^[eT\T]c X] aX^cX]V Pc cWT 4da^_TP] 2WP\_X^]bWX_ CWT bfXUc caXP[b P]S bT]cT]RX]V P__TPaTS PX\TS Pc bT]SX]V P \TbbPVT c^ _^cT]cXP[ W^^[XVP]b U^a cWT aTbc ^U cWT \^]cW[^]V c^da]P\T]c QTX]V _[PhTS X] RXcXTb cWa^dVW^dc5aP]RT3TUT]bT[PfhTa7T]aXEXVdXTabPXS cWT bT]cT]RTb fTaT P R^]bT`dT]RT ^U P R[X\PcT ^U UTPabdaa^d]SX]V4da^! %P]S°X]P]^cWTaR^]cTgc cWTbT]cT]RTbf^d[SWPeTQTT]c^cP[[hSXUUTaT]c± 34?>AC43102: well to knock the ball into his path. The deadlock was finally broken in the 32nd minute when Bonucci found Giaccherini inside the Belgium area with a lofted 40meter ball over the defense. Giaccherini controlled it with a fine touch and curled his shot past Courtois. The match ended with a frantic finish, with Pelle volleying home in stoppage time. 3P]XT[ FPa[^f !#hTPab^[S [TPeTb 1Xa\X]VWP\ <PVXbcaPcTb³ 2^dac X] 1Xa\X]VWP\ RT]caP[ 4]V[P]S ^] CdTbSPh PUcTa WT fPb WP]STSPUXeThTPaU^^cQP[[QP]]X]V ^aSTaU^aWXbX]e^[eT\T]cX]eX^[T]c SXb^aSTa PWTPS ^U 4]V[P]S³b ^_T]X]V 4da^ \PcRW PVPX]bc AdbbXP 0 _^[XRT ^UUXRTa b_^ccTS WX\ X] cT[TeXbX^] _XRcdaTb ^U cWT SXb^aSTa QTcfTT] 4]V[P]S P]S AdbbXP] UP]b X] <PabTX[[Tb^dcWTa]5aP]RT 0VT]RXTb <TgXR^c^_Va^d_PUcTaSaPf place in the quarterfinals of the tournament and is likely to be the top of Group D baring the highly unlikely scenario of a Bolivia win and a barrage of goals scored by Chile against Panama. 8cP[h_[PhTabRT[TQaPcTcWTXafX]^eTa1T[VXd\PUcTacWThf^]!^]<^]SPh J ampaging football fans have opened up a new sporting crisis for Russia R as it battles doping scandals and doubts 0? Q ?0A8B he jubilant scenes were reminiscent of Italy’s triumph at the T 2006 World Cup after the final esus Manuel “Tecatito” Corona’s goal in the 80th minute gave Mexico a 1-1 tie against Venezuela on Monday night and first place in Group C of the Copa America. Corona had missed several opportunities to score before he took on five defenders before firing off a shot from 10 yards to tie it and thrill the overwhelmingly pro-Mexico crowd. By winning their group, El Tri avoids a quarterfinal matchup with Lionel Messi and tournament favorite Argentina. They’re likely headed for an easier matchup with Chile in the knockout round, leaving Venezuela to face mighty Argentina. Venezuela surprised Mexico with an early goal. The Vinotinto used a free kick to get 05?Q <>B2>F BF8BB4H4;0BC %14AC7 $ORWKDVFKDQJHGIRU)UDQFH 0?Q ;H>= 0?Q 7>DBC>= =TfRaXbXbU^aAdbbXP]b_^ac AdbbXP5^^cQP[[cTP\R^PRW ;8E4A?>>;)Ronald Koeman was hired to manage Everton on Tuesday after quitting rival Southampton. Southampton said it has begun a search for Koeman’s replacement. The 53year-old former Barcelona player had only a year remaining on his contract at Southampton, which he led to seventh and sixth place in his two years in charge. “Everton is a club with a great history and real ambition, and it is a proud feeling for me to be part of what we want to go and do,” Koeman said after signing a three-year contract at Everton. The northwest England club, which fired Roberto Martinez last month after finishing 11th, has greater financial power since the recent takeover by Iranian-British businessman Farhad Moshiri. “We are really pleased to have secured the man who was our No. 1 target from the moment we set out to appoint a new manager,” chairman Bill Kenwright said. “Ronald has such a strong track record in the game, instantly commanding respect for what he achieved as a player, and for his qualities and accomplishments as a manager.” Koeman has coached across Europe, winning the Dutch league twice with Ajax and domestic cups with Benfica in Portugal and Valencia in Spain. AP 8]cWXbBPcdaSPh9d]T ! %_W^c^AdbbXP]bd__^acTabPccPRZP]4]V[P]SUP]PccWTT]S^UcWT4da^ ! %6a^d_1\PcRWQTcfTT]4]V[P]SP]SAdbbXP 0? 0? whistle in Lyon on Monday night. Italy’s substitutes surged onto the pitch to celebrate, while veteran keeper Gianluigi Buffon ran the length of the field shouting as the song “Seven Nation Army” — the team’s unofficial anthem since the 2006 WC — blared out of the stadium’s speakers. Another goal in stoppage time from Graziano Pelle, combined it in the box, and Jose Manuel Velazquez gave Venezuela the lead in the 10th minute after taking an assist on a header from Christian Santos and volleying it in for the goal. Venezuela had a chance to take the lead in the 84th minute, but goalkeeper Jose de Jesus Corona saved a bicycle kick shot by Josef Martinez. Mexico has won 11 in a row and has a 22-game unbeaten streak, which is its with excellent defending, helped Italy to its resounding win over one of the tournament favorites. Victory against the odds also sent Italy to the top of Group E, after Ireland opened its campaign with a 1-1 draw against Sweden. Fielding a team with top Premier League players including Eden Hazard, Kevin De Bruyne and Romelu Lukaku, Belgium longest unbeaten streak ever. Mexico is 9-1-0 since Juan Carlos Osorio took over for interim coach Ricardo Ferretti last fall. The team has scored 16 goals and allowed just two since he took over. Mexico had a chance to tie it in the 49th minute, but Oribe Peralta could not get a foot on the ball from 5 yards off a short pass from Hirving Lozano. Another opportunity came in the 56th minute when Tecatito took a shot from 20 yards, but it dominated the early stages but was made to pay for the errors of a makeshift defense and a lack of finishing up front. A fine move led to Belgium’s first shot on goal after 10 minutes. Roma midfielder Radja Nainggolan forced Buffon to make a save with a dipping shot from outside the box after Lukaku and Marouane Fellaini had combined sailed wide off the far post. <4BB84G?42C43C>?;0HEB1>;8E80 <TgXRP]_[PhTabRT[TQaPcTPV^P[ 0? Seattle: Even with little at stake, the expectation is Lionel Messi will play in Argentina’s final group game. But Argentina manager Gerardo Martino was coy on Monday as to whether Messi will be on the field from the start, or if it’ll be another supporting performance off the bench from the star forward who has been dealing with a back injury. Argentina is already assured of a DAD6D0H140C90<0820" Santa Clara: Abel Hernandez scored in the first half, Mathias Corujo added a late breakaway goal and Uruguay beat Jamaica 3-0 to snap a five-game Copa America winless streak. Uruguay took its first lead of the 2016 tournament in the 21st minute. Uruguay went ahead 2-0 in the 66th minute on Je-Vaughn Watson’s own goal. In the 88th, Corujo raced to win a glancing header of a long goal kick and he beat Jamaica goalkeeper Andre Blake in a one-on-one battle. b_^ac % A0=278kF43=4B30H k9D=4 $! % H9:E6H2D9@?:?5:2¶D>:?5 FXcWbTaXTbP[aTPShX]QPV<T]X]1[dT\PhTg_TaX\T]cQT]RWbcaT]VcWX]UX]P[>38 ?C8Q 70A0A4 T he series already pocketed, India would look to hand Zimbabwe a third successive whitewash while testing more youngsters when they take on the lacklustre hosts in the third and final One-day International here on Wednesday. Mahendra Singh Dhoni gave enough hints on changes in the playing eleven after two easy wins against the hosts, who have proved no match even for a second string Indian team. The series so far has been a lopsided affair and fans of either side will be hoping for a closer contest at the Harare Sports Club to help generate some interest in the short rubber, to be followed by three T20 Internationals at the same venue. A win on Wednesday will give India a third successive series clean-sweep after the triumphs in 2013 and 2015. Going by the words of skipper Dhoni, more changes are likely in the Indian batting order as only top three batsmen have got substantial time in the middle. Opener Lokesh Rahul, who scored a memorable ton on his ODI debut, can be rested alongside number three Ambati Rayudu. The two have by far faced the most number of balls, 165 and 164 respectively. If they are indeed benched, uncapped Faiz Fazal can open with Karun Nair, who made 39 off 68 balls in the run chase on Monday after a failure in the first match. Taking Rayudu's place could be another uncapped batsman Mandeep Singh, who was a surprise pick in the 16-man squad alongside Fazal. Barring the top three, the rest of the batsmen have not got an outing, so any other change in that department looks unlikely. In fast bowling, Dhoni can rest either Barinder Sran, Dhawal Kulkarni or Jasprit Bumrah as all three performed their roles well in the earlier games. If any of them is left out, the recalled Jaydev Unadkat can get a game and so could all-rounder Rishi Dhawan, who made his India debut during the ODI series in Australia in D:?8=6D ³4;8681;420=3830C4BC>148=C4AE84F43´ Mumbai: 1228bTRaTcPah0YPhBWXaZTbPXS^]CdTbSPhcWPc cWTP__[XRPcX^]baTRTXeTSU^acWT8]SXP]RaXRZTccTP\bWTPS R^PRWb_^bcUa^\$&RP]SXSPcTbf^d[SQT_ad]TSQTU^aTcWT bW^ac[XbcTS]P\Tbf^d[SQTRP[[TSU^aX]cTaeXTfbCWTUXabc bcT_Xbc^\PZTcWT[XbcUa^\$&c^cWTT[XVXQ[TP]ScWT]XcfX[[ V^U^aUdacWTabRadcX]hP]ScWT]cWT\^bcT[XVXQ[TRP]SXSPcTb fX[[V^cWa^dVWP_a^RTbb^UX]cTaeXTfb_aTbT]cPcX^]b0[[^U cWXb fX[[ QT S^]T P]S cWT QTbc RP]SXSPcT fX[[ QT UX]P[XbTS BWXaZT c^[S aT_^acTab WTaT BWXaZT fPb ]^] R^\\XccP[ ^] fWT]cWT]TfUd[[cX\TWTPSR^PRWU^acWTcTP\f^d[SQT UX]P[XbTS 0[[ 8 RP] bPh Xb cWPc cWTaT PaT \TaXc^aX^db U^aTXV]Tab P]S \TaXc^aX^db 8]SXP]b fW^ WPeT b^dVWc cWT Y^QWTPSSTS B70A0?>E00??40;BC>20B LAUSANNE: <PaXPBWPaP_^ePP__TP[TSWTacf^hTPaS^_X]V QP] c^ cWT WXVWTbc R^dac X] b_^acb ^] CdTbSPh fXcW P] Tg_TSXcTS ad[X]V c^ QT XbbdTS ]Tgc \^]cW PWTPS ^U cWT >[h\_XRbX]AX^ST9P]TXa^BWPaP_^ePUX[TSP]P__TP[c^cWT 2^dac^U0aQXcaPcX^]U^aB_^acbTTZX]Vc^^eTacda]^aaTSdRT cWT bdb_T]bX^] X\_^bTS Qh cWT 8]cTa]PcX^]P[ CT]]Xb 5TSTaPcX^] [Pbc fTTZ PUcTa cWT AdbbXP] cTbcTS _^bXcXeT U^a \T[S^]Xd\PccWT0dbcaP[XP]>_T]X]9P]dPah20BbPXSQ^cW bXSTbPVaTTSc^P]Tg_TSXcTS_a^RTSdaTfWXRWfX[[P[[^fcWT R^dacc^XbbdTXcbad[X]VQh9d[h 'PccWT[PcTbcCWTcX\X]V \TP]b cWPc XU cWT bdb_T]bX^] Xb cWa^f] ^dc BWPaP_^eP f^d[SQTT[XVXQ[Tc^R^\_TcTPccWTAX^6P\TbfWXRW^_T] ^] 0dV $ 20B bPXS Xc WPb]c STRXSTS fWTcWTa c^ W^[S P WTPaX]V^a]^c B08=07>?4BC>A4C08=066A4BB8>= 1>CC><;45C) <PWT]SaPBX]VW3W^]XfXcWIX\QPQfTbR^PRW<PZWPhP=cX]X*8]SXP]_[PhTabcaPX]^]CdTbSPh January. Leg-spinner Yuzvendra Chahal, who made the cut after a fruitful IPL, has impressed in the two chances he has got and that included a three-wicket haul on Monday. If off-spinner Jayant Yadav gets to make his debut, either Chahal or Axar Patel will be benched. Dhoni has had no doubts about putting Zimbabwe in after winning two tosses in a row amid prevailing cold conditions here. It will be interesting to see what he opts for at the toss tomorrow, provided he gets third-time lucky. A more batting-friendly pitch than the surfaces used so far can also add the much-needed spice to the game. Though the wicket used yesterday was better than the series opener, strokemaking remained a challenge. Zimbabwe, on the other hand, can only go up from the current scenario and give their fans something to cheer about. The home team has been throughly outplayed in all areas of the game so far. The batsmen have failed to apply themselves against a spirited Indian attack, which has made most of the friendly morning conditions. Zimbabwe did manage to gain some flow into the innings on Tuesday, largely due to the effort of Vusi Sibanda, who ended up with a gritty 53 off 69 balls and shared a 67-run stand with Sikandar Raza. However, that partnership was the lone positive for the minnows, who collapsed to 126 all out after losing their last six men for 20 runs. Captain Graeme Cremer partly blamed the toss for the poor batting effort after the last game before adding that his boys were capable of putting up 1228 a much better show. On the bowling front, Zimbabwe have kept things tight with the new ball but that has not helped them as the bowlers have not looked like taking wickets. Cremer will be hoping to get lucky with the toss and then the under-pressure batters to give his bowlers something to defend. Even with a host of changes, India are expected to breeze through to the T20 series, but a closer contest would be more than welcome. LIVE from 12:30pm on Ten Network. Hyderabad: Bda_aXbTS Pc WTa ]Tf U^d]S PVVaTbbX^] 8]SXPb =^ bWdcc[Ta BPX]P =TWfP[ Xb R^]UXST]c cWPc bWT f^d[S_TabXbcfXcWWTaPccPRZX]Vbch[T^U_[PhfWXRWT]PQ[TS WTac^fX]0dbcaP[XPBd_TaBTaXTb2WP\_X^]bWX_9dbc[XZT bWTWPS\T]cX^]TS^]WTacfXccTaPRR^d]cBPX]PPccaXQdcTS WTa PccPRZX]V bch[T c^ EXaPc :^W[Xb aTRT]c Tg_[^Xcb 8] 0dbcaP[XP 8 fPb bda_aXbTS c^ bTT \hbT[U QTX]V \^aT PVVaTbbXeT8fPb]^cS^X]VcWPcU^aP[^]VcX\T1dcWTaT8 fPbPccPRZX]VP[^c\^aT8fPbeTaheTahPVVaTbbXeTP]S cWPcbfWPc8WPeT[TPa]c8W^_TX]UdcdaT\PcRWTbP[b^8 aTcPX]\hPVVaTbbX^]P]SR^]cX]dTPccPRZX]VBPX]Pc^[S^] CdTbSPh 2XcX]V cWT TgP\_[T ^U 8]SXPb CTbc RP_cPX] BPX]P bPXS)0[[cWT_[PhTabXUh^dbTTQPS\X]c^]2Pa^[X]P<PaX] bWT V^c eTah PVVaTbbXeT VP\T 8 aTP[[h fXbW c^ WPeT cWPc PVVaTbbXeT]Tbb W^f EXaPc :^W[X WPb V^c 7T Xb eTah PVVaTbbXeT ^] cWT UXT[S B^ cWT \^aT PVVaTbbXeT h^d PaT cWT QTccTa h^d _TaU^a\ 1TRPdbT Xc VXeTb [^c \^aT R^]UXST]RT [^c \^aT b_TTS c^ \^eT ^] cWT R^dac CWPcb fWPc8WPeTQTT]bTTX]V^]cWTUXT[S E0=84H4B5>DAC7C8C;40C406;4C>= Bengaluru: 5aTbW Ua^\ WTa Tg_[^Xcb X] cWT ;PSXTb 0bXP] C^daEP]X:P_^^afX[[[^^Zc^ZTT_cWT\^\T]cd\V^X]VX] cWT 'cW [TV ^U cWT 7Ta^ F^\T]b ?a^UTbbX^]P[ 6^[U C^da bcPacX]V^]FTS]TbSPhBWTUX]XbWTScXTS$cWX]cWT7^]V :^]V;PSXTb<PbcTaP]SfX[[QTThTX]VcWTc^__^bXcX^]X] cWT7Ta^>aSTa^U<TaXcPbcWTC^daaTbd\TbPUcTaPVP_^U cWaTT \^]cWb CWT C% TeT]c UTPcdaX]V " _a^UTbbX^]P[b P]S [^]T P\PcTda BdRWXcaP AP\TbW fX[[ Rd[\X]PcT ^] 9d]T & 3T[WX h^d]VbcTa EP]X Xb RdaaT]c[h _[PRTScWXaSX]cWT7Ta^>aSTa^U<TaXcfXcWc^cP[TPa]X]Vb^U C##%!X]U^daP__TPaP]RTbfXcWcWaTTfX]bcWXbbTPb^] 7^fTeTabWTXbTg_TRcTSc^UPRTPRWP[[T]VTUa^\cWT[XZTb ^U=TWPCaX_PcWX0\P]STT_3aP[[P]S6dabX\Pa1PSfP[WTaT PccWT4PV[Tc^]6^[UATb^ac 0VT]RXTb CQ]eU\cdQ[UcGY^TYUc 1228F^aZX]V X_]UQWQY^cd1ecdbQ\YQ 2^\\XccTTc^ \TTc^]9d]T!# 0?Q 10BB4C4AA4 arlon Samuels scored 92 off 87 balls to guide the West Indies to M a four-wicket victory over Australia on Monday in the fifth match of the limited-overs tri-series. Samuels struck eight fours and four sixes as the hosts reached 266-6, surpassing the victory target with 4.2 overs to spare. Earlier, Usman Khawaja was run out for 98 after piloting the Australians to 265-7 off 50 overs. The West Indies' victory pursuit was given impetus by an opening stand of 74 inside 10 overs by Johnson Charles (48) and Andre Fletcher (27). The openers benefited from chances to Khawaja before Australia hit back by dismissing both as the score dipped to 85-2. Samuels then anchored the chase in successive half-century stands with Darren Bravo (39) and Denesh Ramdin (29). The 35-year-old Samuels had the crowd on its feet with three successive sixes against leg-spinner Adam Zampa as the victory neared. But he was run out by a slick direct hit from wicketkeeper Matthew Wade when in sight of his 10th ODI century. Paceman Nathan Coulter-Nile dismissed Ramdin and captain Jason Holder to add to home team nerves before Kieron Pollard (16 not out) sealed the crucial victory. Australia remains top of the threeteam standings on nine points from four matches, with West Indies on eight points from three matches and South Africa on five from three. The West Indies and South Africa meet in the sixth match of the tournament at this same venue on Wednesday. MUMBAI: The Working Committee of the Cricket Board is to meet in Dharamsala on June 24 to take stock of matters, including appointment of the Indian team's head coach. Although BCCI sources said "it's the normal agenda" (about ratification of decisions taken by various sub committees), the all-powerful panel is expected to rubber stamp the identification of a new coach less than a fortnight before the Indian squad leaves for the West Indies. The Board has invited applications for the head coach's post through its website and has received 57 applications, including those of former India captain Anil Kumble, former team director Ravi Shastri and current selection panel chairman Sandeep Patil.Apart from the naming of the head coach, the Working Committee also has to ratify the decisions taken by the Board's Technical Committee, including holding of Ranji Trophy games in the upcoming season at neutral venues. Also this is, by all accounts, expected to be the last meeting of the Working Committee before the Supreme Court gives its verdict on the Justice Lodha Committee's recommendations for sweeping reforms in the Board. ?C8 5A><;45C) 6^[UTabB2WXZZPaP]VP__PBB?2WPfaPbXPP]S:WP[X]9^bWX^UCPZT2WT]]PXW^[SP[^UccWT;^dXb?WX[X__T2d_Ca^_WhX]1T]VP[dad^]Bd]SPh ?C8 &KDZUDVLD*DQJMHHOHDG ?Xbc^aXdb\dbc_Ph)BcTT]ZP\_bUPcWTa ,QGLDQTXHVWDW4XHHQ V&XS 05?Q ?A4C>A80 eeva Steenkamp's father broke down in court on R Tuesday as he told a dramatic sentencing hearing that Oscar Pistorius must "pay for his crime" of murdering his daughter three years ago. The Paralympic athlete killed Reeva Steenkamp in the early hours of Valentine's Day in 2013, saying he mistook her for a burglar when he fired four times through the door of his bedroom toilet. In March, Pistorius's lawyers failed to reverse an appeal judgement that upgraded his original conviction from culpable homicide — the equivalent of manslaughter — to murder. "It has been very difficult for me to forgive... I feel that Oscar has to pay for what he did. He has to pay for his crime," Barry Steenkamp, 73, said shaking with emotion and in tears. Reliving how his daughter, 29, died, Steenkamp said: "What she must have gone through in those split seconds — she must have been in so much fear and pain. That is what I think of, all the time. It must have been absolutely awful." He also said that he believed the couple had argued on the night of the murder — disputing Pistorius's claims. Pistorius held his head in his hands and appeared to be sobbing during the testimony at the High Court in the South African capital Pretoria. Barry Steenkamp, a former racehorse trainer, described the chaos and panic when his wife June rang him at work early in the morning after Reeva, a model and law graduate, was shot. "June grieves like I do, all the time. I hear her at night, I hear her crying, I hear her talking to Reeva," he added, saying that June had tried to forgive Pistorius to help her cope with the loss of her daughter. You must still understand that he must pay for that, although June has forgiven," he said. The original trial judge Thokozile Masipa is due to hand down a new sentence for murder after arguments from both prosecution and defence. The hearing — held in the same courtroom as the original trial — is scheduled to last until Friday. Pistorius faces a minimum 15-year jail term for murder, but his sentence could be reduced due to time already spent in prison and mitigating factors, including his disability. He was released from jail last October to live under house arrest at his uncle's mansion in Pretoria after serving one year of his five-year sentence for culpable homicide. Earlier Tuesday, the mother of a disabled child and Pistorius's pastor gave evidence as character witnesses for his defence. Ebba Gudmundsdottir, from Iceland, told how Pistorius had befriended her family when she was pregnant with a child who would be born without legs. "He gave us his phone number for us to ask him or consult with him anytime we needed it, which we did and that was lovely," she told the court. Gudmundsdottir said Pistorius has been an "inspiration" to her son, and they had gone to see him compete three times in the Paralympics. Pistorius once gave her son a gold medal and said "This is for you champion". ?C8Q B0<D8 SP Chawrasia and Rahil Gangjee will lead a strong Indian challenge at the SQueen's Cup golf beginning at the Santiburi Samui Country Club here on Wednesday. As Chawrasia tries to get into top gear in the run-up to the European summer, where he is headed after this followed by the Olympic Games, Gangjee is still seeking his second Asian Tour title, 12 years after his first one. Other Indians in the fray at the $300,000 Asian Tour event are Chiragh Kumar, who made the cut last week in Austria, one-time Asian Tour winner Himmat Rai, two-time winner on Asian Development Tour S Chikkarangappa, Shubhankar Sharma, Khalin Joshi and Amardip Malik. Abhijit Chadha and Shankar Das are among reserves who could make the main field should there be some pull-outs. Gangjee, who has enjoyed three top10s and two top-20s this season, is anticipating a good week in Samui, both on and off the golf course. "It doesn't matter what the prize purse we play here. Everybody loves coming to Samui. This place is amazing. You have to be on your game to play on this golf course. I've had a few top-10s here, but this place has been blowing hot and cold for me. It treats me well and then it treats me badly! But this year, I'm feeling good," said Gangjee, who is currently ranked 14th on the Order of Merit. He credited his strong start to 2016 to work done with a sports psychologist where the focus has been on his post-shot attitude. "We've done some things which have helped me. Things like how I handle my reaction after a shot, that's helped me stay calmer on the golf course," he said. "It's been a year now working with the psychologist (Jay Lee Nair). There's a lot of neuro linguistic stuff, a lot of hypnosis which I've done before too. We get into a deep relaxation state and (she starts) feeding positive sentences. You're still in control but your mind accepts instructions easier." He added, "I'm working with Jay Lee Nair, who is based in Singapore. I needed a system put in place. There are questions which I ask and it's answered. I speak to her regularly on the phone and rarely face to face." Chawrasia said, "I have been playing well and I love coming to Samui, it's a lovely place and this week was free, so I decide to play here. I also love the course here." He added, "After this there is a lot of events in Europe and I am also looking for- ward to the Olympic Games in Rio." Former Asian Tour number one Liang Wen-chong of China will be gunning for a winning debut at the Queen's Cup to revive his hopes of qualifying for the Olympic Games. The Chinese star was bumped out of the race to Rio de Janeiro following countryman Wu Ashun's victory in Austria over the weekend but he has vowed to keep fighting starting with this week's Asian Tour stop. Other top stars in the field include title holder Prayad Marksaeng of Thailand, bighitting Aussie star Scott Hend, Korea's rising star Jeunghun Wang and Bangladeshi Siddikur Rahman. With Wu rising to 127th in the latest Official World Golf Ranking and Li Haotong lying seven rungs below, the 195th ranked Liang has four more tournaments to overtake either golfer to qualify for China's two-man team for Rio. Straight-shooting Siddikur is happy to return to his happy hunting ground where in six previous appearances at the Queen's Cup, he has finished top-three on three occasions and not finished lower than 16th place. The 31-year-old is also keen to atone for the disappointment of losing to Wang at the AfrAsia Bank Mauritius Open last month where he led by three shots with three holes remaining.