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PLUG INS • C O N V E R T E R S/ P A R T S/ A C C E S S O R I E S/ R E P A I R S • REMOTE CONTROLS • CABLE MODEMS/ACCESSORIES • LINE GEAR CONTRACT TECHNOLOGIES INTERNATIONAL, INC. PRODUCT CATALOG CONTRACT TECHNOLOGIES INTERNATIONAL, INC. TABLE OF CONTENTS PLUG-INS Scientific Atlanta GI Motorola C-Cor/Phillips Blonder Tongue 01 02 02 - 03 03 CONVERTERS New and Refurbished Digital Set Tops New and Refurbished Analog Set Tops 04 - 05 05 CONVERTER COSMETIC PARTS DCT Cosmetics DCH Cosmetics Pioneer Cosmetics 06 - o7 07 08 CONVERTER ACCESSORIES Who We Are Cables Switches & Modules Additional Parts We are a diversified company providing the CATV industry with product solutions and manufacturing services both domestically and internationally. Cables For the past twenty ones year, we have been recognized as one of the leaders in the CATV industry. We are proud to be recognized and certified as a MWBE (Minority & Women-Owned Business Enterprise) for the State of New York as well as UNYMSDC certified (Upstate New York Minority Supplier Development Council a NY Division of NMSDC). GI/MOTOROLA TERAYON RCA OTHER PRODUCTS 09 09 10 HDTV CABLE 11 - 12 CABLE MODEMS 13 13 14 14 CONTRACT TECHNOLOGIES INTERNATIONAL, INC. TABLE OF CONTENTS CABLE MODEM ACCESSORIES 12V 1A (2.1) Power Packs (Compatible w/ RCA, SA, & Toshiba Modems) 12V 1A (2.5) Power Packs (Compatible w/ Motorola & SA Modems) 12V 1A (2.1 & 2.5) Power Packs w/ Power Surge 15 15 (Compatible w/ Motorola, SA, RCA, & Toshiba Modems) 15 12V 1.25A (8 Pin) Power Packs w/ Power Surge (Compatible w/ Motorola SBV Modems) 10V 1A (2.1) Power Packs (Compatible w/ Ambit & Terayon Modems) USB 2.0 A to B Cables Cat-5 Ethernet Cables (3, 7, 10, 25 & 1000 Ft) 16 16 17 REMOTE CONTROLS New and Refurbished Remote Controls 18 LINE GEAR New and refurbished Line Extenders and Trunk Stations 19 How We’ve Grown EQUIPMENT REPAIRS First established in 1982 as Long Cable Electronics (L.C.E.), CTI has grown from one of the industry’s premier cable converter repair companies to a diversified wholesale/manufacturing company which includes the distribution of new and refurbished head end equipment, digital and analog converters, multi-function remote controls, pads & eqs, HDTV, modem accessories and many more. Equipment Repair Program(s) 20 MANUFACTURING SERVICES Manufacturing Services 21 CONTRACT TECHNOLOGIES INTERNATIONAL, INC. PLUG-INS PLUG-INS Contract Technologies International, Inc. carries a wide array of new plug-ins compatible for most major brands such as Scientific Atlanta, General Instrument, Philips Magnavox, C-Cor and more. From 450 MHz to 1 GHz all meeting or exceeding OEM specifications and resembling original equipment. All of our Plug-Ins are stocked and ready to be shipped immediately when ordered. At competitive prices and immediate availability we can help you complete your project quickly and economically. Please browse our online inventory to view a listing of all the Plug-Ins we carry and sell. SA (SCIENTIFIC ATLANTA) ATTENUATOR PADS: 860MHz Short Yellow (T) Top Attenuator Pads 1Ghz Attenuator Pads for Gainmaker EQUALIZERS: 450, 550, 750, 860MHz Cube Shaped Forward EQ's 870MHz & 1GHz Forward EQ's for Gainmaker 870MHz Linear Forward EQ's for 6940 Nodes 30T & 40Mhz Cube Shaped Reverse EQ's 40MHz Reverse EQ's for Gainmaker 750, 870 & 1000MHz Cable Simulator (Inverse) EQ's 75 Ohm Jumper EQ's for Gainmaker 870MHz Internal Splitter & Directional Coupler EQ's for Gainmaker DIPLEX FILTERS & FEEDERMAKERS: 1, 2, 3 & 4 Way 550MHz Feedermakers 5-40 550MHz Diplex Filters FUSES: Scientific Atlanta Plug-In Products 4pc. (3 Black, 1 Red) Fuse Shunts for Gainmaker 1 CONTRACT TECHNOLOGIES INTERNATIONAL, INC. PLUG-INS PLUG-INS (CONTINUED) GI MOTOROLA ATTENUATOR PADS: 550MHz Short Black (JXP) Attenuator Pads 1GHz Short Black (JXPA) Attenuator Pads 1GHz 2pc. Breakaway (JXPB) Attenuator Pads EQUALIZERS: GI Motorola Plug-In Products 450, 550, 750 & 870MHz Forward EQ's 750, 870 & 1GHz Ergonomic Forward EQ's (w/Blue Covers) 40 & 42MHz Reverse EQ's 40 & 42MHz Ergonomic Reverse EQ's (w/Blue Covers) 750MHz Cable Simulator EQ's 870MHz & 1GHz Ergonomic Cable Simulator EQ's (w/ Blue Covers) 870MHz Internal Splitter EQ's & Directional Coupler EQ's 1GHz Internal Splitter EQ's & Directional Coupler EQ's (w/Blue Covers) DIPLEX FILTERS: 5-40 550MHz Diplex Filters C-COR/PHILIPS ATTENUATOR PADS: 550MHz “L “Shaped (PB Series) Attenuator Pads 860MHz (SPB Series) Attenuator Pads 1GHz (SPB Series) Green Molded Attenuator Pads 1GHz (NPB Series) Tall Green Attenuator Pads 860MHz (IPB Series) Attenuator Pads for Nodes 550MHz (7A Series) Attenuator Pads for Legacy Philips 750MHz (9A Series) Attenuator Pads for Legacy Philips 1GHz (9A/WC Series) Attenuator Pads w/Blue Cover C-COR Plug-In Products 2 CONTRACT TECHNOLOGIES INTERNATIONAL, INC. PLUG-INS PLUG-INS (CONTINUED) C-COR/PHILIPS (CONTINUED) EQUALIZERS: 550, 750, 870 & 1GHz Forward EQ's 450, 550, 750 & 870MHz Forward EQ's Legacy Philips 870MHz Linear EQ's for C-Cor Nodes 550, 750, 870 & 1GHz Cable Simulator EQ's 750 & 870MHz Cable Simulator EQ's for Legacy Philips 42 & 55MHz Reverse EQ's 42MHz Reverse EQ's w/Covers for Legacy Philips 1000MHz Internal 2 Way Splitter & Directional Coupler EQ's for C-Cor 870MHz Internal 2 Way Splitter & Directional Coupler EQ's for Legacy Philips (w/Blue Covers) FEEDERMAKERS: Philips Plug-In Products 1, 2, 3 & 4 Way 550Mhz Feedermakers for Legacy Philips (7S-*A Series) BLONDER TONGUE EQUALIZERS: 860MHz Forward EQ's 860MHz Inverse EQ's 860MHz Trim-Network EQ's ATTENUATOR PADS: 1000MHz Attenuator Pads Blonder Tongue Plug-In Products 3 CONTRACT TECHNOLOGIES INTERNATIONAL, INC. CONVERTERS CONVERTERS Contract Technologies International, Inc. stocks a wide variety of new and refurbished converters to meet your system’s growth or upgrade needs. DCT 1000 Series DCT 2000 Series We carry most major analog & digital converter brands such as: GI/Motorola, Scientific Atlanta, Pioneer, Tocom, Zenith and many more. All units are refurbished by highly trained technicians to meet the highest quality standards and includes full warranties. New converters also available at discounted prices. GI/MOTOROLA Motorola DCT Set Top Boxes Motorola DCH Set Top Boxes Motorola DSR 410/470 DCT 6400 Settop DCH 6200 Settop DSR 470 DCT 700 Settop 4 CONTRACT TECHNOLOGIES INTERNATIONAL, INC. CONVERTERS CONVERTERS (CONTINUED) SCIENTIFIC ATLANTA SA Explorers Explorer 2000 Series Also, available Pioneer, Tocom, Zenith, SA & GI Analog Converters 5 CONTRACT TECHNOLOGIES INTERNATIONAL, INC. CONVERTER COSMETIC PARTS CONVERTER PARTS CTI provide solutions to Cable Systems & Repair Facilities for all their DCT parts needs. We carry a full line of DCT parts such as the Bezels, Lens, Cases and Buttons for DCT 1000, 2000, 3000, 5000, 6200 & 6400 Series Set Tops. We now also carry parts for certain Motorola DCH and Pioneer Digital Set Tops as well. DCT CONVERTER PARTS DCT 1000-6000 Cases DCT 1000-6000 Lens New Large Cases for DCT 1000 & 2000 Series New Small Cases for DCT 2000 Series New Black Cases for DCT 2500 Series New Lens Covers for DCT 1000-6000 Series DCT 1000 Bezel DCT 2000 Bezel New Bezel Covers (Buttons included) for DCT 1000 & 2000 Series New DCT 2500 Bezels New Small Inner Bezels for DCT 3400, 5100, 6200, & 6400 Series DCT 2500 Bezel DCT 3000, 5000, 6000 Small Inner Bezel New Large Outer Bezels for DCT 5000 & 6000 Series (3 Types: HD, HD/DVR, Dual Tuner/DVR) New Silver Cases for DCT 5100, 6200 (w/pin), & 6400 Series DCT 5000 & 6000 Bezels 6 CONTRACT TECHNOLOGIES INTERNATIONAL, INC. CONVERTER COSMETIC PARTS DCH CONVERTER PARTS New Silver Cases for DCH 100, 200 and 70 Series New Silver Cases for DCH 3200, 3416, 6200 and 6416 Series (Texture) New DCH 100, 200 and 70 Bezels New DCH 3200, 3416, 6200 and 6416 Bezel with Lens DCH Bezels w Lens DCH Cases 7 CONTRACT TECHNOLOGIES INTERNATIONAL, INC. CONVERTER COSMETIC PARTS PIONEER CONVERTER PARTS New Pioneer Standard Top Cases New Pioneer BD-V3501/BD-V3510HD Bezel w/Lens Pioneer Cases Pioneer BD-3501/BD 3501HD Bezels w/Lens 8 CONTRACT TECHNOLOGIES INTERNATIONAL, INC. CONVERTER ACCESSORIES CONVERTER ACCESSORIES CTI maintains a large inventory of many types of accessories for analog & digital set tops. CABLES New Bin., 4-Ft. & 6-Ft. RG-6 Coax Quad Shield Jumper Cords w/Compression Fittings New 6-Ft. AC Cords for Digital and Analog Converters 6 ft. AC Cord 8in. & 3 ft. RG-6 Jumper Cords SWITCHES AND MODULES A/B Switches for CFT-2200's RF Bypass Switches for Motorola DCT's RF Bypass Switches AB Switch 9 CONTRACT TECHNOLOGIES INTERNATIONAL, INC. CONVERTER ACCESSORIES CONVERTER ACCESSORIES (CONTINUED) ADDITIONAL ACCESSORIES Security Tab Drill Bit Hand Held Bit Security Tab CTI Lithium Batteries Drill Bit Hand Held Bit CTI Lithium Batteries for DCTs 10 CONTRACT TECHNOLOGIES INTERNATIONAL, INC. HDTV CABLE HDTV Cable CTI carries a full line of broadband products to both the CATV and Broadband industry solving their daily needs to deliver connectivity, high speed internet, data and video to their customers. All of our products meet OEM specifications, UL Listed and FCC approved to provide the highest quality product out there to our customers at competitive prices. ACCESSORIES 6 ft. & 12 ft. RCA 5 Pair Component Cable 6 & 12-Ft. 5 pair Component Cable (Red, Green, Blue, Red, White) 6 & 12-Ft. 3 Pair Component Cable 6 & 12-Ft. RCA 3 Pair (Video) Component Cable (Red, Green, Blue) New 6-Ft. DVID (male) - HDMI (Female) Cable New DVID (male) - HDMI (Female) Adapter New 6, 10 & 12-Ft. HDMI-HDMI Cable 6, 10 & 12-Ft. HDMI-HDMI Cable 6-Ft. & 12-Ft. S-Video Cable 6 & 12-Ft. S-Video Cable 6 & 12-Ft. RCA AV Patch Cable (Yellow, White, Red) Bin. RCA “Y” Adapter (1 Mail - 2 Female) 6 & 12-Ft. Single SPDIF Dolby Digital 5.1 Audio Cable (Orange) 10-Ft. 2 Pair Audio L&R Cable (White, Red) 6-Ft. & 12-Ft. Single SPDIF Audio Cable 6-Ft. & 12-Ft. RCA AV Patch Cable 11 CONTRACT TECHNOLOGIES INTERNATIONAL, INC. HDTV CABLE ACCESSORIES 6 & 12-Ft. Optical Toslink to Toslink Cable 10-Ft. DVI-D Dual Mode 24 Pin Cable 6 & 12-Ft. 3 Pair (Red, White, & Yellow) RCA A/V Cable 6 & 12-Ft. 5 Pair (Red, White, Green, Blue, & Red) HD Component Cable 6-Ft. & 12-Ft. Optical Toslink - Toslink Cable 6 & 12-Ft. Single SPDIF Dolby Digital 5.1 Audio Cable (Orange) 10-Ft. DVI Dual Mode 24 Pin Cable New 6 & 12-Ft. Optical Toslink - Toslink Cable6-Ft. HDMI - HDMI Cable 10-Ft. DVI-D Dual 24 Pin Cable 10-Ft. 2 Pair Audio L&R Cable (White, Red) 8in. RCA "Y" Adapter (1 Male - 2 Female) 10-Ft. 2 Pair Audio L&R Cable 8in. RCA “Y” Adapter 12 CONTRACT TECHNOLOGIES INTERNATIONAL, INC. CABLE MODEMS CABLE MODEMS CTI stocks a variety of new & refurbished Cable Modems for Motorola, SA, RCA, Toshiba, Terayon & more. GI/MOTOROLA SB-3100 SB-3100D SB-4100 SB-4200 SB-5100 SB-5101 SBV-4200 SBV-5120 SBV-5220 Motorola SB & SBV Modems TERAYON TJ-615 TJ-715 Motorola SBV-5220 Terayon TJ-715 13 CONTRACT TECHNOLOGIES INTERNATIONAL, INC. CABLE MODEMS CABLE MODEMS (CONTINUED) OTHER PRODUCTS AVAILABLE RCA DCM SA Webstar Ericsson Piperider RCA DCM 425 3Com Com21 SA DPX 1000 COM 21 DP1110 Ericsson HM200C Piperider Ericsson HM200C 14 CONTRACT TECHNOLOGIES INTERNATIONAL, INC. CABLE MODEM ACCESSORIES CABLE MODEM ACCESSORIES CTI carries a large stock of new cable accessories & power packs for cable modems. 12V 1A(2.1) Power Packs 12V 1A (2.1) Desk Mount Power Supply Compatible with RCA, SA, & Toshiba Modems 12V 1A (2.5) Power Packs Compatible with Motorola & SA Modems 12V 1A (2.5) Desk Mount Power Supply 12V 1A (2.1 & 2.5) Power Packs with Power Surge Compatible w/ Motorola, SA, RCA, & Toshiba Modems New 12V1A (2.1 & 2.5) Power Supply with Power Surge 15 CONTRACT TECHNOLOGIES INTERNATIONAL, INC. CABLE MODEM ACCESSORIES CABLE MODEM ACCESSORIES (CONTINUED) 12V 1.25A (8 PIN) Power Packs Compatible with Motorola SBV Modems New 12V1.25A (8 Pin) Power Supply for SBV Voip Modems 10V 1A (2.1) Power Packs Compatible with Ambit & Terayon Modems New 10V1A (2.1) Power Supply 16 CONTRACT TECHNOLOGIES INTERNATIONAL, INC. CABLE MODEM ACCESSORIES CABLE MODEM ACCESSORIES (CONTINUED) USB 2.0 A TO B CABLE New 6 Ft. USB A to B Cable CAT-5 ETHERNET CABLE CAT-5E ETHERNET CABLE COMING SOON - USB 3.0 & Cat - 6 Ethernet Cable New 3, 7, 10, 25 & 1000 Ft. Cat-5 Cable 17 CONTRACT TECHNOLOGIES INTERNATIONAL, INC. REMOTE CONTROLS REMOTE CONTROLS CTI carries a wide array of new & refurbished remote controls from single function remotes to 6in1 function remotes for analog & digital set tops. CTI 6 in 1 Universal Remote 18 CONTRACT TECHNOLOGIES INTERNATIONAL, INC. LINE GEAR LINE GEAR CTI stocks a variety of new and refurbished line equipment from 450-1GHz for SA, Motorola, Philips and C-Cor. Trunk Stations 19 CONTRACT TECHNOLOGIES INTERNATIONAL, INC. EQUIPMENT REPAIR EQUIPMENT REPAIR CTI offers a variety of repair and service programs to our customers. Our service programs are for Motorola DCT digital set tops, Cable Modems & Line Equipment. With low rates, experienced and well trained technicians our programs are designed to maximize the life of your equipment at cost effective savings. 20 CONTRACT TECHNOLOGIES INTERNATIONAL, INC. MANUFACTURING SERVICES MANUFACTURING SERVICES Contract Technologies International, Inc. has overseas factories which allow us to provide factory direct manufacturing services for a variety of products. This factory-direct option gives our customers high quality manufacturing at the best possbile price, which means total customer satisfaction. 21 PLUG INS • C O N V E R T E R S/ P A R T S/ A C C E S S O R I E S/ R E P A I R S • REMOTE CONTROLS • CABLE MODEMS/ACCESSORIES CONTRACT TECHNOLOGIES INTERNATIONAL, INC. 1 2 2 8 A L B A N Y S T R E E T, S C H E N E C T A D Y, NY 1 2 3 0 4 NEW YORK PH: 518.382.5762 FX: 518.382.5730 FLORIDA PH: 407.568.0102 EM: S A L E S@ CONTRACTTECHNOLOGIES.C O M • LINE GEAR