Together in God`s Mission of Transformation


Together in God`s Mission of Transformation
Sowing Circle Jan-April 20132
Message From The General Secretary
and by turning to a life of
higher values and priorities
of God and God’s Reign.
The Bible Society
and the Church:
Together in
God’s Mission of
Reconnecting with the
Church and thereby the
Bible Society and the
Church working together in
partnership towards God’s
Mission of Transformation
is the need of the hour.
Partnership is possible only
when there is mutual trust and
love. Partnership inculcates
in the partners a sense of
togetherness to engage
together in the cause of the
Mission of God. The central
thrust of God’s Mission is
Transformation of lives. This
is clearly indicated by the life,
work and teachings of our
Lord. The primary message
of our Lord “Repent, for the
Kingdom of God is at hand”
is a call to transformation by
feeling sorry for the way in
which one has lived thus far
A. The Need for
The Bible Society and the
Church have been two great
movements initiated by God
in history to serve as agents
of God’s salvific activity on
earth. By nature, both the
Bible Society and the Church
cater to all, and thereby are
committed to bringing the
message of Transformation
to all peoples on earth.
However, there have been
certain trends prevailing
within both the movements
which have in time prevented
them to be true agents of
God’s Mission, and hence,
there is the need for both the
Bible Society and the Church
to engage themselves in a
critical introspection as to
their roles as agents in God’s
Mission of Transformation.
a. A Spirituality of
Our spirituality is an
‘Other worldly spiri-tuality’.
We conclude that we have
nothing to do with this world.
Bishop Leslie Newbigin, the
famous missionary Bishop
of the Church of South
India used to talk about three
different models to explain
what true spirituality is. The
first model is the Pilgrim
Progress Model, in which
the Pilgrim in the famous
religious classic of John
Bunyan flees from this world
to the other world seeing this
world as a threat. The other
model is the Jonah Model,
in which Jonah, though
reluctant, is commanded
by God to go directly into
Nineveh to engage in God’s
mission. The third model is
the Cross Model, where there
is a vertical and horizontal
dimension to spirituality,
which is visible. Jesus is seen
as completely engaged in
the world in God’s mission
but at the same time is
withdrawn from the world in
communion with the Father.
Our spirituality should not
be one of withdrawal but of
both total identification and
withdrawal in healthy tension.
b. Distorted Interpretation of
the Bible
In our readings of the
Bible, often we commit
certain mistakes. The first is
Bibliolatry is worshipping
the Bible than worshipping
the God of the Bible. Many
a time, it is normal that we
give importance to the Bible
than to the God of the Bible.
We keep the Bible with us
for safety and security and
treat the Bible as a holy
book without realising what
matters more is the God of
the Bible and His plan for
His creation. The second
mistake, we often commit is
Biblicism. Biblicism is literal
reading of the Bible without
Sowing Circle Jan-April 20133
understanding the context of the text and the
author. The third mistake, we often commit
is De-contextualisation. De-contextualisation
is taking a text out of context and using it
in an entirely different context which has no
bearing at all to prove a point. Our reading
and interpretation of the Bible should enable
us to discover the God of the Bible, who is
God who comes in search of us, a God in
pain, a God who sides with the poor and the
marginalized. It is this discovery which makes
our life and work meaningful.
The Bible Society and the Church need
to work together in addressing the above
two trends. Transformation is an ongoing
process. An individual being transformed
by the message of the Gospel is not the
end. The individual transformation is only a
means to a greater end of the transformation
of the community and the entire creation of
God to what God intends God’s Creation to
be as indicated in the Creation narratives in
Genesis. For this, the above two trends need
to be revisited and in this exercise, the Bible
Society can be of help to the Church and the
Church can be of help to the Bible Society.
B. The Bible Society and the Church in
There are three areas where the Bible
Society and the Church can partner together.
a. Through Bible (Scripture) Translation
Translation process can be a very subjective
exercise. There are definite stringent policy
guidelines that are being followed by the Bible
Society in this regard to retain the credibility
and the authenticity of the Biblical text.
The fact of the matter is, translation work is
undertaken by different agencies and at times
at least certain translations project subjective
notions, which harm the overall liberative
emphasis of the Bible. In our translation
exercises, efforts must be taken to let the
liberative focus of the Bible come alive to the
reader so that all would be able to experience
Sowing Circle Jan-April 20134
that life in all its fullness, which our Lord had
come to offer.
b. Through Bible (Scripture) Interpretation.
It is important that the Bible is read,
studied and interpreted in its entirety rather
than adopting a proof text methodology,
culling out texts from here and there to
prove a position or point. In order to aid this
process, the first method that could be used
is what is known as the Integrated Reading
of the Bible. The Bible is to be read as a
whole and not in part. The fact of the matter
is that the Bible contains texts which can be
used to support any point of view. If one
wants to support war or homosexuality etc.,
there are texts in the Bible. If one wants to
argue against Women’s ordination, there are
texts in the Bible. But the point is, when we
use such texts, we do not make an effort to
know the context of the text and as to what
the particular text would have meant in that
particular context. When we use the texts in
this fashion, we are actually abusing the Bible.
The Bible should be read and interpreted as a
whole. Our thrust should be on the Bible as a
whole. When we confront a particular issue,
the question we should raise is, what does the
Bible say in its entirety? This way, the Bible
could be prevented from getting distorted in
the process of interpretation.
The other method that we could adopt
in the reading and the interpretation of the
Bible is Perspectival Reading of the Bible.
It is important that we have a perspective
in our reading of the Bible. The perspective
I adopt is the perspective of life in all its
fullness, which our Lord offers to all. In
the interpretation of the text, the question
that we should ask is, in what way does the
particular text project the theme of life in
all its fullness? In reading the Bible with a
perspective, the liberative message/potential
of the Bible will come through, which in turn
would help the reader to live a transformed
life and thereby contribute towards making
the world a better place to live in.
c. Through Bible (Scripture) Engagement
Bible Translation, Bible Interpretation
and Bible Engagement go hand in hand.
In fact, both Bible Translation and Bible
Interpretation will lose their meaning if both
the exercises do not lead the reader to Bible
(Scripture) engagement. Bible (Scrip-ture)
engagement is the reader engaging with the
Bible (Scripture) . There are two dimensions
to Bible engagement. The first is at a personal
level. The reader engages with the biblical
text critically with questions in his/her
mind. Who am I? Who is the Other? What
is the Church? What is the Mission of God?
Finding answers to such questions is not easy
but then it is very important for our life and
Personally speaking, as a result of rigorous
engagement with the biblical texts, I have
come to find some answers to the above
questions. To the question “Who am I?” I
realise that I am a unique creation of God
in God’s own image intended to radiate the
image of God in and through my being and
action. To the second question “Who is the
Other?” I realise that the Other is also a
unique creation of God created in God’s own
image and hence is not a threat but rather
he/she is an extension of myself. The third
question “What is the Church?” makes me to
realise that the Church is not the Kingdom
of God but rather is only an agency through
which God’s reign is being established on
earth. I also realise that in this process, the
Church is not an exclusive club for the elite
but a place for all. When I wrestle with the
fourth question, I come to understand that
the Mission of God is multi-dimensional
- Contemplation, Evangelism and Social
Action. One cannot emphasise one over the
other. All the three are equally important.
There are other similar questions also which
we can bring to the text as we engage with
the text.
The second dimension of Scripture
engagement is at the Community level-
The Bible is a symbol of the presence
of God of life with them and a resource
in their struggle for survival, liberation
and life. It is this dimension that we
should keep in mind when we read
and interpret the Bible. A liberative
hermeneutics wherein the whole
creation of God including nature and
the earth occupy a central place should
be the goal of Bible Translation, Biblical
Interpretation and Bible (Scripture)
Engagement. This can be achieved only
when both the Bible Society and the
Church work together in partnership
and not in isolation. It is my prayer that
God would bring both the movements
closer to each other so that we can
together engage in God’s Mission of
engaging with the actual life situation of
people. The Bible Society movement around
the world has realised the importance of
Scripture engagement. The Bible Society
of India is very much involved in Scripture
engagement, through the projects, namely,
Equipping Widows and Suffering Women;
Hope for the Inmates of Red light area;
Introducing Children in Orphanages to Jesus;
Purposeful life for School dropouts; God’s
Word for slum dwellers; Empowering the
Youth ; Hope for the victims of Leprosy;
Hope for the Visually challenged, etc.
To conclude, one anecdote from South
Africa comes to my mind. “When the white man
came to our country he had the Bible and we had
the land. The white man said to us “let us pray”.
After the prayer, the white man had the land and
Sowing Circle Jan-April 20135
we had the Bible”. This anecdote points to the
central position that the Bible occupies in the
process of oppression and exploitation. It
also reflects the paradox of the oppressor
and the oppressed sharing the same Bible and
the same faith. However, what is remarkable
about this anecdote is that Desmond Tutu
responded to it after one of its telling by
stating, “….and we got the better deal”. This
response captures something of the reality of
the Bible everywhere. It plays an important
role in the lives of many, particularly the
weak, the poor and the marginalized.
The Bible is a symbol of the presence of
God of life with them and a resource in their
struggle for survival, liberation and life. It is
this dimension that we should keep in mind
when we read and interpret the Bible. A
liberative hermeneutics wherein the whole
creation of God including nature and the
earth occupy a central place should be the goal
of Bible Translation, Biblical Interpretation
and Bible (Scripture) Engagement. This can
be achieved only when both the Bible Society
and the Church work together in partnership
and not in isolation. It is my prayer that God
would bring both the movements closer to
each other so that we can together engage in
God’s Mission of Transformation.
Rev. Dr. M. Mani Chacko
General Secretary
Sowing Circle Jan-April 20136
of India)
(A Publication of The Bible Society
VOL. 29 NO.1 January-A
“LOGOS”, #206, M.G. Road,
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ers of
The Bible Society and the Church:
Together in God’s Mission of
The Bible Society and the Church:
Together in God’s Mission of
Central Council 2013
Triennium Report
Reports from Auxiliaries
& Promotional Office
Hymn Study
BSI Quiz
P.N.S. Chandra Bose
The Rev
First Vice President
The Rt. Revd. Dr. P.C.Singh
Second Vice President
Mrs. Starla Luke
Third Vice President
The Revd. Vanlalbela
d. Premkumar Soans
General Secretary
The Revd. Dr. M.Mani Chacko
Message to the Churches
The Executive Committee Memb
The Bible Society of India
Mrs. C. Lalduhawmi
Mr.Vinay Masih
Mr. S. Baldwin Raju
The Revd. L. Kham Kho Lun
Mrs. Anita Julius Christian
Mr. B.K. Alexander
d. M.O. Oommen Jr.
d. Dr. Joseph Marthoma
The Mo
The Rt. Revd. Ashoke Biswas
The Rt. Revd. Prakash Patole
The Rt. Revd. Pradeep Kumar Sam
Mr. El Yanger Aier
Revd. Dr. Nelson Lakra
The Revd. P.Hynniewta
Mrs. Ratna Sundar
Miss Roselin Kujur
Sowing Circle Jan-April 20137
Contact Information
Elder C. Thangnghilhlova
M. G. Road, Aizawl 796 001
Telephone: 0389 – 2323210, Email: [email protected]
Rev. Dr. Rajan Dass
14, Thornhill Road, Allahabad 211 001
Telephone: 0532-2624107, email: [email protected]
Ph.D (London)
Telephone: 080-4151 1810
Emails: [email protected]
[email protected]
Telephone: 080-2549 4815
Email: [email protected]
Resource Mobilization & Ministry
Telephone: 080-4152 2118
Emails: [email protected]
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D.Theol (SEAGST)
Telephone: 080-2549 4802
Email: [email protected]
Public Relations & AVM
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Email: [email protected]
Telephone: 080 – 4151 1811
Email: [email protected]
Telephone: 080 – 2549 4801
Email: [email protected]
Associate Director Translations
And Translations Consultant
for North East India
D.Th. (Serampore)
The Bible Society of India
Translations Centre,
Arbuthnot Road,
Shillong – 793 003, Meghalaya
Telephone: 0364-2536939
Email: [email protected]
Sowing Circle Jan-April 20138
Rev. Samuel Raja Sekhar Bobbili
Plot No. 79 & 80, No. 6-2-228 & 229, Opp: St. Philomena High
School, New Bhoiguda, Secunderabad – 500 003,
Telephone: 040 – 27534017, 27539042
Email: [email protected]
& [email protected]
Rev. Dr. Z.K. Rochill
NH-39, Near New Dhansiri Bridge
P.B. - 66, Dimapur 797 112
Telephone: 03862 –229087, Email : [email protected]
Rev. Dr. N.G. Parmar
Near Gujarat College, I.P. Mission Compound, Ellis Bridge,
Ahmedabad 380 006. Telephone: 079-2644 6807
Email [email protected],
Rev. Joel Patrick
Mission Press Compound, Napier Town, Jabalpur 482 001
Telephone: 0761 – 2622255/2628512,
Email: [email protected]
Dr. Vasant W. Renick
No.2, Mahatma Gandhi Road, Bangalore 560 001
Telephone : 080 – 22214557, Email: [email protected]
Rev. Dr. Mathew Varkey
Ph.D (Mahatma Gandhi University) Th.D (North Carolina, USA)
Bible Society Junction
PB No. 114, Kottayam - 686 001
Telephone: 0481 – 2562103, Email: [email protected]
Mr. Sajal Kumar Sarkar
23 Jawaharlal Nehru Road, Kolkata - 700 087
Telephone: 033 – 22491898, Email: [email protected]
Rev. Dr. Victor Gollapalli
Malhotra House, Opp. GPO, Fort, Mumbai - 400 001
Telephone: 022-22611707, E-mail [email protected]
Mr. Richard G. Khan
10, Sansad Marg, New Delhi 110 001,
Telephone: 011-23362054, 23366822,
Email: [email protected],[email protected]
The Rt. Rev. Dr. Samson Das
Auxiliary Secretary In-Charge
Bible House, Payton Sahi, Cuttack 753 001
Telephone: 0671-2419691, Email: [email protected]
Mrs. Soma Bhatkar
Old Hazaribagh Road, Ranchi 834001
Telephone: 0651-6455849, Email: [email protected]
Rev. Phidolis Dkhar
Students’ Field, Shillong 793 002
Telephone: 0364-2544051, Email: [email protected]
Mr. C. Jacob Sumithran
Auxiliary Secretary In-Charge
PB No. 502, No. 65, Evening Bazaar Road
Park Town, Chennai 600 003
Telephone: 044 – 25353631,
Email: [email protected] / [email protected]
Mr. Sajal Kumar Sarkar (In-charge)
Office of the Bible Society of India
No.210, 2nd Floor, Suryarao Complex
109, M.G, Road, Middle Point (Goalgar)
P.O. Box 200, HPO, Port Blair 744 101
Andaman & Nicobar Islands
Telephone: 03192-243272,
E-mail:[email protected]
Dear Brothers and Sisters
in Christ:
Grace and peace to you in the
precious name of our Lord Jesus
“The Bible Society and the
Church: Together in God’s Mission
of Transformation”, was the theme
for the Central Council 2013, that was
held at the Infantry Hotel in Bangalore,
on the 29th and 30th January 2013. The
front cover page group photograph personifies the theme and
suggests that the Bible Society and the Church have a mission to
perform, for enhancing transformation in the lives of people and
in the communities, echoing the thought shared by the former
President in her devotional talk. In order to enhance transformation,
we need to turn the Bible – the Word of God. Metropolitan calls us
to understand how the grace of God works in us and how the Holy
Spirit guides us in order to do what we need to do, in our generation.
Therefore, we need to pray with one voice, ‘O God, by your grace,
transform this world’.
Message to the Churches from Central Council 2013
On behalf of the Central Council 2013, the President, Rev. Dr.
P.N.S. Chandra Bose and the General Secretary, Rev. Dr. M. Mani
Chacko have sent the message to the Churches, affirming that the
Bible Society of India and the Church in India are inextricably linked
for the last two Centuries in the ministry of the Word. The needed
infrastructure, expertise, scholarship, human and financial resources
have been facilitated by the Church’s support. The members of the
Central Council 2013 are grateful to God for this valuable partnership.
The Bible Society of India continues to be the Handmaiden of the
Church in India!
Triennium Report:
The Triennium report for the period 2010-2012 shows God’s
faithfulness in the midst of challenges, in enabling the BSI Family, to
fulfil the mission and ministry of the Bible Society of India. As we
have entered into the next Triennium: 2013-2015, we keep looking
ahead with a heart of thanksgiving, expecting great things from God
for the furtherance of the Mission of God.
Dr. E. Leelavathi Manasseh
Chief Editor:
Rev. Dr. M. Mani Chacko
Dr. E. Leelavathi Manasseh
Rev. G.D.V. Prasad,
Dr. P.I. Varghese,
Mr. E. Ashith,
Mr. Cyril D’Souza,
Mrs. Mini George Suna and
Mrs. M. Nirmala Gomez
(Email ID for Sowing Circle:
[email protected])
Sowing Circle is published
for the friends and supporters
of the BSI. Address enquiries
to The Bible Society of India
“LOGOS” # 206, Mahatma
Gandhi Road, Bangalore –
560 001. Be sure to notify
us immediately of any
change in your address.
Send your comments about
the magazine to the Editor.
Opinions expressed in the
articles do not necessarily
carry the views of the BSI.
General information on the
work of the BSI published
herein may be used without
prior permission. However,
articles which mention the
author’s name may be used
only with prior permission
in writing, from the Editor.
copies of publications are
appreciated. Donations for
Bible work may be sent to
the Bible Society of India,
Central Office, Bangalore, or
the Auxiliary nearest to you.
Sowing Circle Jan-April 20139
understand the significance
of this theme, we need to
turn to the Bible. In a modern translation,
Mark 1:1 says, “Jesus
Christ, the beginning of the
Gospel”. There is no Jesus
Gospel. Jesus is the Gospel. We need to communicate
this message to the modern
generation. We need to
remember our call and
election daily as Apostle
Peter says in 2 Peter 1: 3-11
“…… all the more eager
to make your calling and
election sure. For if you do
these things, you will never
By The Most Rev. Dr. Joseph Marthoma
fall, and you will receive a
We are living in a very difficult period of transition. rich welcome into the eternal
Therefore, the theme that the Bible Society of India has kingdom of our Lord and
chosen for the Central Council 2013 is apt. In order to Saviour Jesus Christ.” That
The Bible Society
and the Church:
Together in
God’s Mission of
Sowing Circle Jan-April 201310
was the experience of Adam and Eve in the
garden of Eden – Paradise. Daily experience
of our call and election is the dire need of the
modern day. We must acknowledge that we
are sinful people and also part of the sinful
society. Only then will transformation come. In the King James Version of the Bible, in
Genesis 2:15, we understand the commission
that God has given to all humanity. ‘You dress
it and keep it’. We need to use our imaginative
power and creative ability to make this planet,
which God has created - beautiful, healthier
and fruitful. We need to see that we create a
habitat for the present and future generations.
This process of restoration is envisaged in the
Bible. The call to ‘dress it and keep it’ is part
of the new reign of God, in our generation. We need to work towards repentance of our
corporate sins, reconciliation with people and
the creation, and make the reign of God real. As followers of Christ, it is our bounden
duty to remember that God is good to the
entire creation and all the creation will adore
His name, as the Psalmist says in Psalm
145: 9-10 “ The Lord is good to all; he has
compassion on all he has made. All you have
made will praise you, O LORD; your saints
will extol you.”
I was a participant in the World Council
of Churches conference in Latin America
and our prayer was “O Lord, by your grace,
transform this world!” We need to read the
book of Romans –justification by faith, which
is transformation. We need to understand
how the grace of God works in us. Let the
Holy Spirit guide you. The Holy Spirit will tell
you what you have to do.
May God help the Bible Society, as an
ecumenical body, to work with the Church
– both episcopal and non-episcopal for the
transformation of the world. Let us, with one
voice, pray, ‘O God, by your grace, transform
this world.’ “ Excerpts from the Keynote Address, delivered by the
Metropolitan, The Most Rev. Dr. Joseph Mar Thoma, on
January 29, 2013 at the BSI Central Council 2013
Sowing Circle Jan-April 201311
The Bible Society
and the Church:
Together in
God’s Mission of
By Dr. Mrs. Navamani E. Peter
Sowing Circle Jan-April 201312
The Theme suggests that
there needs to be transformation
in the lives of people and in
the communities and the Bible
Society and the Church have a
mission to perform.
When we remember the
events of 2012, we realise how
scary and hopeless, those were!
We ask, ‘is there any hope for
the world? We know how the
leaders of Nations sit across
the table trying to find solution
for terrorism, land, water and
border disputes. While Nations
continue to talk of human rights,
millions of children are being
and working under
inhuman conditions. They are
totally deprived of their beautiful
childhood. We hear of tribal
people saying while they are
being lured of development
and progress - their land, their
culture, their language have been
destroyed. This is an act of
injustice and violation of human
rights. Governments are trying
to look into these matters.
When we look at the recent
events of inhuman and wicked
acts of human beings we realise
that there are many evil forces
working in the Society to disturb
peace in the communities,
denying the protection to
children and women. We feel
helpless when we read and hear
these things. We even feel like
the Jews in Babylonian captivity
- “How can we sing the Lord’s
song in a foreign land?” (Ps.
137. 4. We are not in a foreign
land but in our own land we feel
dejected, oppressed, helpless and
The Mission of transformation of the
Bible Society and the Church is very relevant
and is to proclaim and act according to the
Word of God in this troubled world. It is in
the midst of the struggles of this world, the
WORD became flesh and dwelt among us
and we have seen His glory, the glory of the
Father’s only son, Jesus Christ, full of grace
and truth.
Transformation takes place where
God’s grace works:
It is interesting to read the meaning of the
word “Transform” in the dictionary. There
are different shades of meaning:
• Transformation takes place when a
Caterpillar turns into Butterfly – an act
of metamorphosis – change occurs in
outward appearance and character
• A year in army has transformed a man in
his character and physique
• A beard may transform a man beyond
These above examples tell us that
transformation occurs outwardly and
inwardly i.e. change occurs outside and
within a person. Our theme suggests that
transformation can occur in the individuals
as well as in the communities.
Transformation can take place in an
individual where God’s grace works. When
there is grace we know that there is a second
chance available to live a transformed life.
The person experiences hope and it is this
hope that Christ brought into this world.
Therefore in Him we can become ‘a new
This grace of God is available to us only
if we are obedient to God’s word and to the
working of the Holy Spirit. Those of us
who are involved in the ministry of the Bible
Society experience God’s grace as we study
God’s word, proclaim, translate, print and
distribute God’s word day after day.
Apostle Paul talks of this transformation
in Romans 12: 12: “Do not be conformed
to this world but be transformed by the
renewal of your mind that by testing.
You may discern what is the will of God,
what is good and acceptable and perfect.”
I salute the Volunteers in our Branches
who give of themselves - giving their
time and effort without expecting any
benefit from the BSI. They are the ones
who visit homes and help people to see
and experience the power of God’s Word.
Therefore, the Bible Society of India plays
a vital role in the mission of transforming
people from of all walks of life the poor and the rich,
men and women.
The Church is a partner in the
Mission of Transformation:
The Church is a family of families and
these families become a community. These
Communities consist of individuals. The
Psalmist reminds us: “Even a sparrow finds
a home and the swallow a nest for herself
where she may lay her young at your altars O
Lord of hosts” (Psalm 84:3-4).
Within this community of believers we find
the poor, the marginalized, the powerless, the
oppressed, the helpless, those who are sad
and burdened, finding shelter at the altars of
God – the Church. These people find safety
in the midst of their struggles. The Church
which is the body of Christ gives them hope
through the nurturing of God’s Word. God’s
Word is the strength for those going through
difficult times in life.
Many young people come to the Church
to worship on Sundays. Many are away from
Sowing Circle Jan-April 201313
home looking for opportunities of work
and study. It is the Church’s responsibility
to discover their material and spiritual needs
and give them the assurance of God’s word
of strength and solace.
Those of us who are part of the Church
Community have a responsibility in this
Mission of Transformation. We are accountable to God because it is God who has
chosen us to be His partners in this mission.
Therefore, the Churches and Christian
organizations which want to be part of this
mission send out missionaries to different
parts of our country and other countries,
There are hundreds of missionaries working
in remote parts of our country – villages in
Rajasthan, Punjab, Madhya Pradesh, Odisha,
Jharkhand, Hima-chal Pradesh, Gujarat,
Uttaranchal, etc. They work under difficult
situations. They leave their homes, learn the
local language, culture and become part of
these communities. They are with the people
in their daily struggles. They give them the
Gospel which strengthens them in their
troubles. They not only help them spiritually
but see to their health, education, physical
and moral needs.
Many communities are being transformed
spiritually, socially and economically by these
servants of God. They walk miles and miles
to reach these communities and by the time
they come back home, their feet are dirty and
Prophet Isaiah calls them – “Beautiful feet”
because they carry the transforming word of
God. They are ordinary men and women
with an extraordinary Mission.
The Church and the BSI are agents of
change. It is God and His spirit which help
these agents to be part of this Mission. We
are part of the BSI and the Church.
Therefore, we too have a role to play in this
Mission of Transformation.
Sowing Circle Jan-April 201314
Transforming People and
We have seen how God’s people and
communities are being transformed through
the Mission of Christ. Apostle Paul talks of
the creation in Roman 8:9, that the whole
creation is groaning and it needs redemption.
The land is being abused, water and air are
polluted and green trees are being cut down to
construct high-rise buildings. We live in such
an environment which needs transformation.
We are responsible for destroying God’s
creation and we must also be agents to
transform this world in which we live. The
challenge before us is to make people aware
of the urgency to save the earth. It is our
responsibility to save God’s creation for the
coming generations.
It is also important that the environment
in which we live and move can be part of
this mission. Our families, the place of work
and study, our neighbourhoods must see the
change for good. A place to work and live
in peace and harmony. A place where we
respect one another. The change in us for
good reflects our transformation. People
will see our life style, our behaviour, our
attitude to people in different situations and
our sense of commitment to values. These
qualities influence our environment. Transformation can be visible. Our surroundings
can be transformed into a place of serenity
- a place that allows us to have a mind which
is clear and not corrupt.
Let us work at the transformation in ourselves, so that the change in us, for the better,
can help transform communities and the
environment where we live – we need God’s
grace to work in us and help us to be part of
this Mission.
(Dr. Mrs. Navamani E. Peter delivered this message
at the 2013Central Council. Dr. Mrs. Peter served as the
President of the Bible Society of India from 2007 to 2012).
Council 2013
The twenty-fifth meeting of the Central
Council was held on January 29 and 30, 2013
at the Infantry Hotel, in Bangalore, under the
leadership of Dr. Mrs. Navamani E. Peter,
President of the Bible Society of India. The
theme of the Council was “The Bible Society
and the Church: Together in God’s Mission of
Transformation”. Every aspect of the Council
addressed the theme with clarity. God blessed
the Central Council immensely.
Dr. Mrs. Peter delivered the welcome
address. The Most Rev. Dr. Joseph Marthoma,
Metropolitan, delivered the keynote address.
Dr. Mrs. Navamani Peter and Rev. Dr.
Richard Howell, General Secretary of the
Evangelical Fellowship of India gave the
devotional messages. Mr. David Thorne
brought greetings on behalf of the United
Sowing Circle Jan-April 201315
Bible Societies. Mrs. Lakshani P. Fernando,
General Secretary of the Ceylon Bible Society
and Mr. Tej Jirel, General Secretary of the
Nepal Bible Society also brought greetings.
Mr. Thorne, Mrs. Fernando and Mr. Jirel
were honoured with shawls.
Dr. Mrs. Navamani E. Peter released the
book “From Thorn to Cyprus”, authored by
Rev. Dr. M. Mani Chacko. Mr. David Thorne
of the United Bible Societies received the
released copy.
Rev. Dr. M. Mani Chacko, the General
Secretary of the Bible Society of India
presented a comprehensive report for the
Triennium 2010-2012, covering all aspects
of the mission and ministry of the Bible
Society of India. After the Hon. Treasurer,
Dr. M. Jesudas presented the financial report
for the Triennium, the Directors presented
their reports. The Award of Excellence for
distribution was given to the Andhra Pradesh
Auxiliary and the Award of Excellence for
contribution was given to the Aizawl Auxiliary,
while appreciating all the Auxiliaries and the
Central Office, for their labour of love.
The Resolutions Committee presented the
message to the Churches that was received
and approved by the Council. The Outgoing
Office Bearers, namely Dr. Mrs. Navamani
Peter, President; Rev. Dr. P.N.S. Chandra Bose,
First Vice President, Mrs. Starla Luke, Second
Vice President, Rev. C. Rosiama, Third Vice
President and Dr. M. Jesudas, Hon. Treasurer
were recognised by the General Secretary,
Rev. Dr. M. Mani Chacko and honoured by
the Metropolitan, The Most Rev. Dr. Joseph
Marthoma, with shawls and mementos.
The outgoing President, Dr. Mrs. Navamani
E. Peter installed the newly elected President,
three Vice Presidents, Hon. Treasurer and
Members of the Executive Committee of
the Bible Society of India. The Metropolitan
The Most Rev. Dr. Joseph Marthoma offered
the prayer of dedication and pronounced the
Sowing Circle Jan-April 201316
Dr. Mrs. Navamani E. Peter expressed her
deep gratitude to the speakers, members of
the Council and the BSI Staff for making the
Central Council 2013, fruitful and effective.
- Reported by Rev. Dr. N. G. Parmar and
Mr. Richard Khan, Senior Auxiliary Secretaries
Activities of
the Central
2013 during
January 29-30,
2013 at the
Infantry Hotel,
Sowing Circle Jan-April 201317
Sowing Circle Jan-April 201318
Sowing Circle Jan-April 201319
Sowing Circle Jan-April 201320
Sowing Circle Jan-April 201321
are available in 66 languages
and the New Testaments in
71. Portions of the Bible are
available in over 65 languages
of the country. 106 Audio
and Video Scripture products
are available in 63 different
languages directed towards
audience needs.
As we look to the beginnings
of BSI’s ministry into its 3rd century of
existence, so many new promises dealing
with the Scriptures in newer languages and
newer media, beckon at us. The dictum:
“The harvest is plentiful but the labourers
are few” still holds good. The task ahead
is indeed overwhelming. There are many
language groups which meet regularly for
worship but do not have the Word in their
own heart languages; therefore our efforts of
translation of the Bible in new languages will
continue for many more years. We believe we
have a responsibility for our generation as well
as for the ones to come. The Council took
note of the fact that the BSI is working on 41
language projects. In addition, the BSI is also
engaged in 25 more value added projects like
the Children’s Bible ‘Wonderful Bible Stories
for Children’, being produced in English and
Hindi, Study Bibles and re-edited Bibles.
Dear Friends,
The Bible Society and the Church:
Together in God’s Mission of
Warm greetings from the Bible Society of
India in the shared fellowship of the Word of
God - the Living Word, Jesus Christ!
The Worldwide Bible movement started
on 7th March 1804 with the formation of the
British and Foreign Bible Society in England.
Soon, thereafter, the Bible Society of India
came into being on 21st February 1811,
with its headquarters in Calcutta. The BiCentenary celebrations of this movement,
providing the Word of God for the peoples
of this land in several languages of this
country, culminated at a National gathering
in Guntur during 19th – 21st February 2011. It
was a time of thanksgiving and re-dedication
for the gift of the Life Giving Word, the Holy
Bible, vowing to continue to participate and to New Versions:
witness the cause of translation, production
With the awareness that languages keep
and distribution of Scriptures for the peoples
changing for new successive generations, we
of this land.
have produced and updated the New Versions
in 54 languages; it means 25 Scriptures offer
The Word to the World:
The Bible is the Word of God and it has a choice of 2 or more versions of the Holy
the potential and purpose to guide the life Bible or New Testament.
of every human being in a meaningful way;
it carries with it the message of love, peace
and redemptive power for a World struggling
with violence and strife. Our ministry of
sharing the Good News is directed to touch,
transform and infuse a new meaning for
the lives of the people. The printed Bibles
Sowing Circle Jan-April 201322
The Rural Audience:
The bulk of the population of India
still resides in rural areas. We have a large
percentage of people who are either illiterate,
semi-illiterate or can read but won’t read; the
medium of the Audio Scripture products
is ideally suited to their needs. Apart from
Psalms (Bhajan Sanhita) in 8 languages, BSI
has so far successfully produced 7 New
Testaments and we are moving towards
producing whole Bibles in 5 languages in
audio format in the near future. Efforts are
seriously on, to bringing the Holy Scriptures
in a digital format for people to be able to
download the same from their computers,
thus catching up with the need and demand
for the Word of God in a format which
people would like to have: CDs, DVDs, Pen
drives, Phones etc. The BSI site presented on
the World Wide Web is up and running. Our
Special Audience and Special
There are constituencies among us whose
needs are to be identified and specifically
targeted; to that extent, special Scriptures
are produced for targeted engagement with
God’s Word for the visually handicapped,
the deaf and dumb, HIV/Aids affected,
commercial sex workers, transgendered, etc.
This is a continuing challenge for the Bible
Society of India to ensure that no gaps are
left in achieving Shalom (Wholesomeness)
that is expected of God’s Living Word to be
reached out to the ends of the Earth.
New Products:
There is also a great demand for Scriptures
with study materials and additional tools
particularly for language groups where the
Church is well established. Added to this
is the need to re-edit many of the existing
Scriptures, as over a period of time certain
features of language become archaic. New
scripture products, which can communicate
effectively in the changing environment, are
also urgently required.
The Challenge of Rising Costs:
A great challenge to the BSI as a publisher
of printed Scripture items (the second largest
publisher in South Asia) is the dialectic
between the demand for better quality
products, in terms of paper and multicolour
printing on the one hand, and the increasing
costs of materials and labour on the other.
The need, therefore, is to harness the available
publishing resources to maintain the low cost
of production while simultaneously striving
for excellence in the quality of output. The
bottom line in the BSI ministry is affordability
of the Holy Bible in a format that people
Resource Mobilization:
We would like to appeal to you as
representatives of the BSI as well as the
Church, of the continuing partnership we
take for granted about the ‘Living Word’. We
thank you for the feedback we receive and for
the support that has kept us going, adding to
our efforts in Resource Mobilization. Thank
you. We look to your generosity and your
support to fulfill all the projects of the Bible
we described in the forgoing lines.
Our Vision:
The BSI and the Church in India are
inextricably linked for the last two Centuries
in the ministry of the Word. The needed
infrastructure, expertise, scholarship, human
and financial resources have been facilitated
by the Church’s support. We are grateful
to God for this valuable partnership. BSI
continues to be the Handmaiden of the
Church in India.
By providing Scriptures in more and more
languages and formats, the BSI is assisting the
Churches and other Christian organizations
in their growth as well as mission. It is our
vision to provide more and more Scriptures
to all language groups in their own languages,
at affordable prices.
India is surging ahead in technology and
also on the economic front. Therefore, it is
our vision to mobilize enough support for the
Bible Cause within our country. We need your
help and support in actualizing this vision and
Sowing Circle Jan-April 201323
make the Bible truly ‘Good
News’. It was, therefore,
the communication and
relationship with Churches,
other Christian organizations
and individuals in order to
mobilize the needed support
for the Bible cause.
The Bible Society of India,
in the pursuit of excellence in
the Translation, Production
and Distribution of the
Bible, seeks to retain its
preeminent position, guided
by God. In the process,
looking into the future, the
BSI will strive to emerge as a
model Christian organization
and movement where there is
display of sincerity, integrity
and accountability in its life
and work. The BSI will work
towards passing on its vision
to the next generation of
youngsters to excel in their
task to pass on the beacon
of Light giving Word. The
BSI will work towards living
out in practice the life of
‘The Bible Family’ all over
the Country - Life in all
its fullness. Proud of its
pedigree as an ecumenical
movement, rooted in the
the BSI seeks together with
you to explore continuously
new avenues of partnership
with different Churches and
Ministries in our Country.
May we ensure that the
Word spurs positive living,
and that the promises of life
are not spurned?
We, the members of the
Sowing Circle Jan-April 201324
Central Council of India BSI met in Bangalore during 29th
and the 30th January 2013. The theme of this Council
meeting was The Bible Society and the Church: Together in God’s
Mission of Transformation. After reviewing the functioning of
the BSI over the past three years we commend this message
to you.
“All Scripture is inspired by God and is useful for teaching, for
reproof, for correction, and for training in righteousness, so that everyone
who belongs to God may be proficient, equipped for every good work”
2 Timothy 3:16,17
Revd. Dr. P.N.S. Chandra Bose
Revd. Dr. M. Mani Chacko
General Secretary
representative sent by the Government of
India and the Chief Minister of Mizoram
– Mr. Lal Thanhawla. On this occasion
the English-Hindi Diglot Bible (Pulpit), the
English-Hindi Diglot Bible (Demy), the
Bengali Thumb Index Compact Bible and the
Nepali Thumb Index Compact Bible were
It is a matter of great pride for me and for
all of us that the work of various departments
in the Central Office is being carried out by
Dear Colleagues in the Mission of God,
a team of committed and efficient persons.
I have great pleasure in greeting you in the A brief outline of the activities of these
most exalted and loving name of our Lord departments is given below:
and Saviour Jesus Christ! With gratitude to
God, I present the report for the triennium A. TRANSLATIONS DEPARTMENT
Language Projects
We have 76 on-going language projects and
the category-wise listing is as follows:
The British and Foreign Bible Society
started the Bible Society of India in Calcutta
(now Kolkata) on February 21, 1811. The OT/Bibles (First time)
year-long celebrations of the Bicentennial 1 Badaga (Tamil) OT
took place from February 2010 to February
2011. The opening event was held in Kolkata 2 Bhojpuri (Devanagari) OT
from the 19 to the 21st February 2010 in 3 Chattisgarhi (Devanagari) OT Indo-Aryan
which more than 5000 people from Kolkata
and all over India took part. A few members 4 Dungra Bhil (Gujarati) OT
Tibetofrom the United Bible Societies and the 5 Galo (Roman) OT
British Bible Society, also participated in it.
The closing event was held in Guntur from 6 Gondi: Betul OT
the 19th to the 21st February 2011, in which a
large number of people from Andhra Pradesh 7 Kachhi (Gujarati) OT
and all over India participated. Leaders from 8 Kuvi (Oriya) OT (NT Revision) Dravidian
the United Bible Societies Family also took 9 Lambadi (Telugu) OT
part in this event. One of the unique features
of the Opening Event held at Kolkata was
the release of the Postage Stamp and First
TibetoDay Cover, brought out by the Government 10 Lamkang Naga OT
of India in honour of the 200 glorious years
of the work of the Bible Society of India. 11 Lepcha (Tibetan) OT
TibetoHis Excellency Shri. M. K. Narayanan, the
Governor of West Bengal, released these in
12 Malto (Devanagari) OT
the presence of Mr. Gautam Bhattacharya,
Post Master General, Kolkata Region, a
Sowing Circle Jan-April 201325
13 Maring Naga (Roman) OT
Kharia (Devanagari) NT
14 Maram Naga (Roman) OT
Lambadi (Kannada) NT with
Ps & Pr
15 Mising (Roman) OT
Mal-Paharia (Devanagari) NT
16 Monsang Naga (Roman) OT
Mundari (Oriya) NT
17 Moyon Naga (Roman) OT
18 Nokte Naga (Roman) OT
19 Nyishi (Roman) OT
10 Paniya (Malayalam & Tamil)
11 Sadri (Devanagari) NT
12 Sajolang: Miji (Roman) NT
13 Tarao (Roman) NT
20 Pochury Naga (Roman) OT
14 Tiwa/Lalung (Roman) NT
21 Rabha (Assamese) OT
15 Toda (Tamil) NT
22 Sadri OT (Devanagari)
23 Sindhi: Hindustani
Portions/NRP (First time)
1 Bhili (Devanagari) Portions
24 Sourashtra (Tamil) OT
25 Thangal Naga (Roman) OT
Bishnupuriya Manipuri 4
26 Tangsa Naga (Roman) OT
Inpui Naga(Roman)NRP I-V
Pareer (Kannada) NRP I-V
27 Urdu (Devanagari) OT
28 Varli (Gujarati) OT
29 Vasavi: Central (Gujarati) OT
Study Bible
1 Bengali Study Bible
Gujarati Study Bible
Khasi (Roman) Study Bible
NT (First time)
1 Apatani (Roman) NT
Bibles/OT/NT (Revision/Re-editing/
Common Language)
Assamese OT CL
Biate (Roman) Bible Revision
Boro (Roman) OT CL
Chothe Naga (Roman) NT
Irula: Kunjapanai (Tamil) NT
Irula: Velliangadu (Tamil) NT
Kaipeng (Roman) NT with
Sowing Circle Jan-April 201326
Boro (Devanagari) Bible
Garo (Roman) Bible OV
Haka Chin Bible Revision
The following is a summary of Scripture
publications which have been brought out by
BSI thus far:
Khasi (Roman) OT CL
Komrem (Roman) Bible
Liangmai Naga (Roman) Bible
Bible (first time translation)
New Testament (first time
Bible (updated versions)
New Testament (updated
10 Malayalam Bible CL
Study Bible
11 Marathi Bible RV Re-editing
Children’s Bible
12 Marathi Bible CL Revision
Portions/NRPs/Selections etc.
13 Nepali Bible OV (Re-editing)
14 Nicobarese (Roman) Bible
Revision -
15 Paite (Roman) Bible OV Reediting -
16 Punjabi (Gurumukhi) Bible OV Indo-Aryan
(Re-edit) 17 Punjabi (Gurumukhi) Bible CL Indo-Aryan
18 Rengma Naga (Roman) Bible
Revision -
19 Rengma(N)Naga(Roman)Bible TibetoRe-edg)
20 Sanskrit OT (Re-editing)
21 Tamil Bible OV Re-editing
22 Tamil Bible CL Revision
23 Tamil Bible Reference OV Reediting
24 Telugu Bible CL
25 Vaiphei(Roman)Bible(Minor
This Triennium has seen the following new
publications carved out of the above mentioned
Bison Horn Madiya NT (first)
Maithili NT (Arabic numerals)
Maithili NT (Devanagari
numerals) (first)
Urdu (Dev) The Answer (first) March 2010
Urdu (Dev) Aasmaani Kitaben March 2010
(Tawrat, Injil &Zabur)
Tangkhul Naga Bible CL
April 2010
Desia/Deshia NT (first)
May 2010
Thangkhal NT (first)
July 2010
Mirgan (Oriya) NT (first)
July 2010
10 Oriya Study Bible (first)
11 Nokte Naga NT (first)
12 Rathwi Bareli (Dev) NRP I-V
Series (first)
13 Kannada Study Bible (first)
Sowing Circle Jan-April 201327
14 Vasavi: Dehwali (Gujarati) NT
34 Hmar Bible CL
15 Adivasi Oriya (Telugu) NT
35 Molsom NT (first)
16 Kashmiri Bible (first)
36 ESV-Malayalam Diglot Bible
17 Kachhi: Gujarati (formerly
Kutchchhi) NT
37 Wancho Naga Bible (first)
18 Mizo Bible OV (Re-edited)
38 Marathi NT with Psalms &
Proverbs RV (Re-edit)
19 ESV-Hindi Diglot Bible
39 Poumai Naga Bible (corrected) November
20 ESV-Tamil Diglot Bible
40 Varli: Dogri NT (first)
21 ESV-Telugu Diglot Bible
41 Adi Bible (Re-edited)
22 Kumaoni Mini Bible
23 Varli (Gujarati) NT (first)
May 2011
24 Kurux (Chattisgarhi dialect)
Mark (first)
May 2011
25 Gondi: Telugu Mark (first)
June 2011
26 Konyak Naga Bible (Revised)
27 Rajbanshi/Kamtapuri (Bengali) October
28 Surjapuri (Devanagari) Luke
29 Surjapuri (Bengali) Luke
30 Angika (Devanagari) Luke
31 Panchapargania (Devanagari)
32 Sangtam Naga Bible (Revised)
33 Dimasa NT (re-edited) with
Psalms & Proverbs
Sowing Circle Jan-April 201328
Construction of the Bi-Centenary Building
for the Translations Centre in Shillong was
completed and inaugurated on the 22nd
September 2012 by Rev. Dr. Robert R.
Cunville, President of the United Bible
Societies in the presence of many dignitaries
representing the BSI, UBS and Churches
in the North-East. The ground floor
measures 2,780 square feet and the first floor
measures 3,000 square feet. The building
has a conference hall, a digital library, three
bed-rooms with bath attached, sitting room,
common kitchen and a dining room for the
visiting translators in the ground floor and on
the first floor there are two apartments each
measuring 1,500 square feet to house two
translations advisors and their families.
As part of modernization of the BSI
Departments, the Translations Department
office at the William Carey Centre, Hall Road
is given a facelift with separate enclosures for
the Translations Advisors and partitions for
the staff besides shelves with glass shutters for
securing records and translational materials.
CAP/Typesetting process is fully functional
both at the Central Office, Bangalore and
at the Translations Centre, Shillong. This
facility has become very helpful in all spheres
of text processing.
and to make them available for the Digital
Bible Library (DBL) as well. As a result of
the workshop many a Bible text in Indian
languages is poised for digitization. Rev.
Dr. D.J. Nathaniel, Rev. Premraj Nag, Mr.
N. Subramani, Rev. Zambolis Sawkmie, Mrs.
Training Workshops
The staff had the benefit of attending M.M. Neena Seth and Mr. C. Thiyagarajan
several training workshops to update took part in the workshop.
themselves. The details of the training
There has been a major move in digitizing
programmes are as follows:
Bible texts and the United Bible Societies was
keen on Indian texts being made available in
a. CAP Workshop / Digital Bible Library
digital application. The BSI has been closely
and Indian Scripture texts
monitoring the conversion from Legacy font
A CAP workshop was held from 18-23 to Unicode (Paratext) compatible font and we
October 2010 at the Translations Centre, are in full swing in the conversion process. In
Shillong. Mr. Zeth Bitjoli, a CAP official the coming years we expect to digitize many
from UBS trained a team of CAP personnel Indian language texts.
in Shillong on script conversion techniques.
b. UBS (Asia Pacific Region) Consultation
Rev. Dr. Daud H. Soesilo, Rev. Dr. Reinier
de Blois and Mr. Zeth Bitjoli from UBS visited
Asia-Pacific Translation Consultation 2010
BSI during 18-21 July 2011. They held a series and Annual Conference of the Society of
of talks on Computer Aided Publishing Asian Biblical Studies were held in Hong
(CAP), and the meetings were productive. It Kong from the 7th to the 16th June 2010. Rev.
was an initiative for the computer personnel Dr. D.J. Nathaniel, Rev. Dr. Zaihmingthanga,
with the BSI to upgrade their skills.
Mr. N. Subramani, Rev. Aheto Sema and
Mr. C. Thiyagarajan, Computer Assistant, Rev. Zambolis Sawkmie participated and
attended the Publishing Assistant-4 workshop presented papers in these two events.
in Seoul, Korea from the 26th September
to the 3rd October, 2011, and he has learnt c. UBS Translation Acceleration Training
the latest technology in computerization of
Rev. Dr. D.J. Nathaniel and Mr. N. Subramani
Bible texts.
attended a training event organized by UBS
Ms Onita Kharnarry, Computer Assistant, from the 7 to the 11 November 2011 in
attended the CAP training workshop in Antalya, Turkey. The workshop was very
Jakarta, Indonesia from the 28th November helpful in providing new insights for making
to the 2nd December 2011. The training was our translation work more efficient and faster.
mainly for learning the latest technology in
d. Translations Workshop
computerization of Bible texts.
A major translations workshop was held at
A training workshop was held in Bangalore
from the 12 to the 21 March 2012 on text the Rural Resource Training Centre, Umran
conversion techniques for non-Roman Indic in Shillong from the 22nd to the 28th October
languages. Mr. Nathan Miles and Mr. Zeth 2011. Participants from the ten translations
Bitjoli from the United Bible Societies were projects in the North East India, participated
the resource persons. The main purpose of in it. Rev. Dr. D.J. Nathaniel, Rev. Dr.
the workshop was to assist with the inputting Zaihmingthanga, Rev. Aheto Sema and Rev.
of the various BSI Bible texts in Unicode, Zambolis Sawkmie were the resource persons.
Sowing Circle Jan-April 201329
e. Translators’ Meet
Translators from 31 language groups met
at the Laitumkhrah Presbyterian Church,
Shillong, on the 22nd and 23rd September 2012
for sharing their experiences and learning
from each other. The programme was chaired
by Rev. Zambolis Sawkmie, BSI Translations
f. UBS Translations Workshop
As part of the ongoing skill development
programme of the Translations personnel,
UBS conducted a translation workshop
during 7-19 October 2012 in Jakarta,
Indonesia. There were 30 participants from
the Asia Pacific region in the two weeklong
intensive programme. Rev. Dr. D.J. Nathaniel
and Rev. Premraj Nag from Bangalore; Dr.
Along Jamir, Rev. Aheto Sema and Rev.
Zambolis Sawkmie from Shillong attended
the workshop.
g. Indian Bible Translators Review Meet
The annual event was held in Coimbatore
during February 2012. Our Senior
Translations Advisors - Rev. Premraj Nag
and Mr. N. Subramani participated in it, as
resource persons.
h. Project Roundtable
Rev. Dr. D.J. Nathaniel participated in the
Project Roundtable 2011 organized by UBS
from the 5th to the 7th July 2011 in Lima,
Peru. Sixty national Bible Society leaders
participated from across the globe.
The 2012 Project Roundtable was held
at Safari Park Hotel, Nairobi, from the
19th to the 22nd June 2012. The General
Secretary, Rev. Dr. M. Mani Chacko, Dr. A.M.
Prabakaran, Director (Computers) and Rev.
Dr. D.J. Nathaniel, Director (Translations)
participated in it and represented the Bible
Society of India.
Toukkari, Mission Programme Officer, Rev.
Ms Anne Marketta Huoponen, Mission
Programme Officer and Ms Katrina Hannale
Partanen, IT Manager from the Finnish Bible
Society visited the Bible Society of India
Central Office, Bangalore from the 23rd
to the 25th August 2011 and the Shillong
Translations Centre from the 26th August to
the 8th September.
All available records on matters related to
translation and staff as well as manuscripts
are in the process of archiving.
Staff Development
Rev. Premraj Nag, Senior Translations
Advisor, who was on study leave for his
4-year doctoral programme at the Trinity
Theological College, Singapore, returned
to Bangalore and rejoined duty at the
Translations Department from the 1st June
Mr. N. Subramani, Senior Translations
Advisor is undergoing his doctoral studies
at Union Biblical Seminary, Pune, from June
2012. He is financially sponsored by Dr. Lee
Soo Ann, former General Secretary, Bible
Society of Singapore.
Partnership with other
We continue to be in partnership with
Indian Bible Translators, Indian Evangelical
Mission, Friends Missionary Prayer Band,
Summer Institute of Linguists (South Asia
Group) and New Life Computer Institute.
Cross-cultural translations are the outcomes
of these Bible translation agencies.
Translations Committee
and the North East India
Translations Advisory
Committee (NEITAC)
Visit of the Finnish Delegation
The work of the Translations Department
A team comprising Ms Satu Kirsi Hannele was carried out under the supervision of
Sowing Circle Jan-April 201330
the Translations Committee and the North
East India Translations Advisory Committee
(NEITAC). The Translations Department is
grateful for their timely advice and help.
(Report provided by Rev. Dr. Jonadob Nathaniel,
Director, Translations Department)
The Production Department organizes the
procurement of most of the raw materials
required for production of Scripture items
and identifies suitable printers who can
produce different varieties of the Scriptures. This department also periodically reviews the
rates for printing and binding of the Scriptures
and endeavors to keep the production cost to
the lowest possible minimum.
Over a period of time, the production of
Bibles and New Testaments has been on
the increase. The demand for better quality
Scripture items has been increasing steadily.
This is mainly due to the improvement
in economic status of individuals and the
growth of the Church. We observed a great
demand for high quality products and new
varieties of Scriptures. During the past three
years we focused our efforts on improving
the quality of Scripture products, developing
new varieties and producing value added
Scripture items.
Purchase of Raw Materials
The Bible is printed on the thin opaque
paper technically called 28 gsm paper. There
is only one paper mill in India which produces
this kind of paper. The total cost of this
paper forms the bulk of the cost of raw
materials. We constantly monitor the available
supply around the world and import a certain
quantity of this paper. We also negotiate
with the paper mills so that we get the paper
at the lowest possible price. Apart from this
other varieties of paper are also procured
locally. Traditionally we have been binding
our Missionary Editions Bibles with plastic
covers. During this triennium there has been
an increased demand for Bibles bound with
poly-eutherine, bonded leather and genuine
leather. Suitable sources for the supply of
these raw materials have been identified. New Varieties
Commemorating the two hundred years
of the ministry of the BSI we introduced
Giant Pulpit Bibles in six languages (each
weighing 4.5 kgs) with gilt edging and a hard
cover binding with PVC cover jacket and a
gift box. These Bibles are specially made to
be kept in a Church’s pulpit. These very large
size Bibles were designed and introduced for
the first time in India. These Bibles are well
accepted by Churches.
The demand for smaller size and sleek
Bibles are also on the increase. We also
provided genuine leather bound Bibles in the
Telugu language as a special requirement for
the Andhra Pradesh Auxiliary. Apart from
these Bibles we have for the first time printed
the Malayalam Diglot Bible with English, in
Royal size, bonded leather and with a gold
edge gilding. There is a good demand for these
Diglot Bibles. We will be locally producing
the Diglot Bibles in other languages also. In
addition to the Missionary Edition, Standard
Edition, Deluxe Edition & Classic Edition
Bibles a fifth variety known as ‘Project Bible’
was introduced in the market. These Project
Bibles are sold to those organizations which
distribute them free of cost and the BSI also
distributed these Bibles free of cost in some
Improving the Quality
The quality of our products like Bibles
depend on paper, binding materials and
all other raw materials that are used in the
manufacture. This triennium we focused
our efforts on developing new varieties and
improving the quality of Bible products. We
introduced Bibles using better quality paper
and providing them with silver and gold
gilding instead of the red colour.
Sowing Circle Jan-April 201331
One of our staff is specifically assigned
with the responsibility of maintaining quality
of all Scripture products. He has been
stationed in Chennai where there are three
printers. He will also travel to other printers
to ensure better quality of the products. New Scripture Items
The Translations Department is working
on many translation projects. Some are a
first time translation and some are a revision. As and when the project is completed, we
undertake the publishing of the Scripture
items. These we call as new Scripture items.
The number of new Scripture items thus
produced during the past three years is as
given below.
N.R. Portions
3 6 1
The mission of the Marketing Department
of the Bible Society of India is to support
all Churches, Christian Organisations and
evangelists who are committed to reach
people with the Word of God. To achieve this
primary objective, the Marketing Department
is constantly engaged in developing
Scriptures in new formats, sizes and prices, in
various languages and making them available
throughout the length and breadth of our
vast country, at a price people can afford.
In the last Triennium, our country suffered
the impact of the global economic downturn
which had badly affected the American and
European economies. As a result of this,
Production Details:
The production of Scripture items during the past three years is as follows.
Triennium Total
(Report provided by Dr. A.M. Prabakaran, Former Director and Mr. E. Ashith, Director, Production
Sowing Circle Jan-April 201332
financial support from UBS and Sister Bible
Societies dwindled. Besides this, our country
also witnessed a high ‘cost-push’ inflation.
This resulted in the cost of paper, freight
and all other inputs of production constantly
rising to our disadvantage. During this
period, the Church and Evangelists in many
places also faced stiff opposition to Scripture
distribution and Christian witnessing a
from religious fundamentalists. Freedom to
witness one’s faith, though guaranteed by the
Constitution is often ignored by those who
oppose proclamation of the Gospel.
Despite all the hurdles faced, God has
been faithful and assisted us in our efforts
in distributing God’s Holy Word. We were
also faced with the problem of piracy of our
Tamil and Malayalam Bible texts, in the States
of Tamil Nadu and Kerala and unhealthy
competition in the market. To counter
stiff and unhealthy competition, we have
developed varieties of Bibles in major Indian
languages. Several Bibles in new formats were
produced with good customer acceptance
and church endorsement. Giant print Bibles,
Large print Bibles, Compact Bibles, Thumb
Index Bibles, Bilingual Bibles, Ultra Slim
Bibles, Leather bound gilt edged Bibles are
a few of the many varieties that we currently
produce and market.
By cutting down all unwarranted expenses,
using a judicious mix of marketing and
distribution efforts, we increased our
cash flow to meet our operational and
administrative expenses. Where there was
opposition to evangelism, we tried different
methods and strategies to distribute the
Scriptures. We give God all glory for the
success in distribution of the Scriptures and
exceeding the targets each year, in spite of
opposition, economic downturn, and high
inflation, during the Triennium.
Along with the challenges, the BSI also
found new opportunities in marketing our
Bibles and Scriptures to Sister Bible Societies
in the neighbouring countries. With the
population of our country now over a billion,
our responsibility has also equally increased.
The Bible market is growing steadily. During
the last three years we have distributed over
a 2 million Bibles each year. Despite growing
competition from many Bible agencies,
we were able to get the market leadership
because of the loyalty and the trust that the
Indian church has in the time-tested texts of
the Bible Society of India.
Another growing segment of the Bible
market is the Children’s Bible and Scriptures.
Children constitute over 40% of our total
population and they are an important target
group for the BSI to reach with the Word
of God. We have developed a range of
the Children’s Scriptures, for different age
groups, with colourful and lively attractive
illustrations. These Children’s Scriptures are
a complete success and many of these titles
have been translated into the major Indian
languages. We are also finding a niche export
market for the Children’s Bible and related
Our distribution effort to reach all
segments of people with God’s precious
Word, challenges us to develop special
Scriptures for the marginalised - prisoners,
HIV positive people, terminally ill patients,
lepers, orphans and the traumatised. Specially
formatted ‘Project Bibles’ and Scriptures
addressing to their ‘felt needs’ are distributed
in all major Indian languages, along with
items of primary need, by our Auxiliaries
and also directly by the Central office. This
effort of BSI has been lauded not only by the
Churches and Mission Organisations but also
by Government officials.
In all our distribution and marketing efforts,
we look to God for God’s continued grace,
guidance and wisdom. We are ever thankful
to the leadership of the Church in India, who
place their trust in the Scriptures published
by our Bible Society and partnering with us
in the distribution of the translated Word of
Sowing Circle Jan-April 201333
Distribution figures of different categories of Scripture for the last Triennium is
given below:
(Report provided by Dr. P.I. Varghese, Director, Marketing Department)
This Department exists as the servant of the
Church, to promote the Word of God among
all age groups, namely, Children, Youth and
Adults, for a meaningful and purposeful life,
in order to serve the Church and the Nation,
as well as to mobilize resources for meeting
Scripture needs, aligning with the overarching
mission and ministry of the Bible Society of
India. Aligning with the overarching vision
of the Bible Society of India, the vision of
this Department is, “Applying God’s Word in
the World”.
I. National Awareness
Branch Officers Meeting: During the
Triennium, our 15 Auxiliaries held the
Annual Branch Officers’ Meeting/Seminars/
Conferences/Workshops. It was a time of
appreciation and looking back for taking stock
as well as planning for the future. Branches
have been multiplying in some regions and
new branches have come up in some regions.
The Auxiliary Leadership played a significant
role in strengthening and sustaining the
Volunteers’ Training workshops were
held in some Auxiliaries as per their needs,
with the guidance of the Director (RM & M
National Summit: A National Summit was
held during May 2011 in Shimla, Himachal
Pradesh in which the Auxiliary Secretaries
Sowing Circle Jan-April 201334
participated. It was led by Dr. E. Leelavathi
Manasseh. The Auxiliary Secretaries
presented papers and made power point
presentations, which enabled us to see the
steady growth both in ministry and resource
mobilization in every region, in the midst
of many challenges. It was noted with an
attitude of gratitude, the involvement of the
local Churches, in terms of observing Bible
Sunday, Voluntary services in mobilizing
prayer and financial support for the work of
the Bible Society of India. It was also noted
that there has been an encouraging response
to the Scripture Engagement among school
dropouts, commercial sex workers and widows
& suffering women. Dr. Mrs. Navamani E.
Peter, Rev. Dr. P.N.S. Chandra Bose, The Rt.
Rev. P.K. Samantaroy, Dr. Leela Bose and Mr.
Richard Khan served as Resource Persons.
National Women Leaders Conference:
The BSI National Women Leaders Conference
was held at Pandita Ramabai Mukti Mission,
Kedgaon, Pune, during October 2012, under
the leadership of Dr. Miss E. Leelavathi
Manasseh. 85 women leaders from all
Auxiliaries and Auxiliary Secretaries/Officers
participated in the Conference, around the
theme, “Applying God’s Word in the World”.
The women leaders have returned to their
Auxiliaries with renewed vision, passion
and love for Bible Work. Rev. Dr. M. Mani
Chacko delivered the inaugural address and
Dr. Miss E. Leelavathi Manasseh delivered
the keynote address. Mrs. Starla Luke, Rev.
Barnabas Goodae, Mrs. Grace Mathews,
Elder C. Thangnghilhlova, Dr. Vasant W.
Renick, Rev. Dr. Mathew Varkey, Rev. Pratap
Chandra Jena and Rev. Phidolis Dkhar III. Sowing Circle:
ministered as resource persons.
The Sowing Circle is an organ of the Bible
Society of India, which continues to serve
II. Ministry through the
as a tool for Christian discipleship, ministry
Church in India:
and public relations. Since BSI Updates
Bible Sunday: During the Triennium
E-News letter has been introduced and the
“Bible Sunday” was observed from January to
BSI Website has been revitalized, three issues
December as per the convenience of the local
of Sowing Circle are published annually since
Churches, across the nation. Our Auxiliary
leadership and Secretaries organized Bible
Sunday and ministered along with our Staff. IV. National Bible Quiz and
Scripture Engagement Projects for Symposium: were conducted during the
Women and School Dropout girls: closing event of the Bicentennial in Guntur
From 2008 to 2010 we handled the Project during February 2011, in which young
“Equipping Widows and Suffering Women people from the Auxiliaries participated
of India” with the help of our Auxiliaries enthusiastically.
and Ministry Partners. From 2011-2012
we have been handling three Projects, V. Spiritual Life of the BSI
namely, “Equipping Widows and Suffering Family:
Women of India”, which is a repeat Project; This department assisted in uplifting the
“Equipping School Dropouts” and “Hope spiritual life of the BSI Family, through
for the Inmates of Red Light area”. One of Morning Prayer, Quarterly Prayer fellowship,
the outcomes of the above projects is the UBS Day of Prayer and observance of
publication of “Meet Me At The Corner, Special Days (as declared by the NCCI, UNO,
O, Lord!”. This has been translated and UNESCO, etc.).
published in Telugu and Gujarati. We were
able to identify Indian Christian Women VI. Overseas Programmes
Writers and conduct Writers’ workshops in
Elder C. Thangnghilhlova and Mrs. Soma
order to encourage team work to bring out Bhatkar, our Auxiliary Secretaries participated
this book, which has been well received by in the Donor Acquisition and Global Web
the Church in India.
Workshop, that was held by the United
Children, Youth and Families: Conscious Bible Societies during November 2011 in
efforts were made to mobilize children, youth Kathmandu, Nepal, under the leadership of
and families to give importance to Bible Rev. Dr. Ashley Scott.
reading, Bible Study and Bible Conventions,
The BSI Youth Team – Anurag Philip,
through the local Churches with the help Thomas,Payal Gosami, Dhirah, Akansha and
of our Auxiliaries. Various Churches also Ibashisha participated in the International
invited us to help them as resource persons. Youth Conference, that was held during June
Mary Jones Clubs: Continue to serve 2012, in Colombo, under the leadership of
as catalysts for fulfilling the Mission of Mrs. Lakshni Fernando, General Secretary,
God through the Bible Cause. These Clubs Ceylon Bible Society.
enhance Bible Study, prayer, discipleship
Dr. Miss E. Leelavathi Manasseh
and fund raising. This movement started participated in the Pre-Assembly Mission
under the leadership of Dr. Mrs. Leela Bose, Event, that was held by the Commission on
President of Mary Jones Clubs of Andhra World Mission and Evangelism of the World
Pradesh Auxiliary.
Council of Churches, in Manila, during
Sowing Circle Jan-April 201335
March 2012. She responded to the keynote
address “Re-articulating Christian Mission
and Evangelism”, delivered by Dr. Roderick
R Hewitt.
VII. National Contribution
For The Triennium 2010-2012
By the conscious and consistent team efforts
of the Auxiliaries and the Central Office
(including the Promotional Office) the local
Contribution graph has seen a steady growth
during the Triennium. The Target for the
Triennium, 2010-2012 was Rs. 26,74,10,618.
God enabled us to raise Rs. 32,43,19,743, in
the midst of many challenges. We are grateful
to God and the Church in India!
(Report provided by Dr. Miss Elizabeth Leelavathi
Manasseh, Director, Resource Mobilisation &
Ministry Department)
2010 Actuals
2011 Actuals
2012 Actuals
01 Aizawl
02 Allahabad
03 Andhra Pradesh
04 Dimapur
05 Gujarat
06 Jabalpur
07 Karnataka
08 Kerala
09 Kolkata
10 Mumbai
11 North West India
12 Orissa
13 Ranchi
14 Shillong
15 Tamil Nadu
16 Central Office &
Promotional Office, Port
The BSI through the Finance Department
has been handling the resources God has
made available to us from time to time in a
very careful and responsible manner. The
Sowing Circle Jan-April 201336
accounts of the BSI have been audited every
year by its statutory auditors and the audited
accounts have been filed with the relevant
Government Departments overseeing our
work such as the Home Ministry, Incometax Department, Sales-tax Department,
Professional-tax Department and Registrar
of Societies. The Internal Audit Department
of the BSI also checks and reports on the
accounts of the Auxiliaries and certain
activities of the Central Office.
Budget Workshops were held
in the Central Office each year involving all
the 15 auxiliaries, the Shillong Translations
Centre and the Promotional Office at Port
Blair. During these workshops, time was
spent in evaluating our performance and also
planning for the future with special emphasis
on Distribution and Fund Raising.
The BSI Budget submitted to the
UBS is in the form of Project Proposals
prepared by different departments of the BSI.
These Project Proposals are posted by the
UBS in the Project Registry on the Intranet
Website from where potential donors pick
up the Projects that interest them and make
a donation. Later on, the donor is given a
report on the impact of the Project.
(Report provided by Mr. David M. Vergis,
Director, Finance Department)
The Audio Video and Media Department
has taken up several initiatives as follows in
promoting God’s Word:
TV Programmes
Television Program episodes are prepared
by BSI partner, Emmanuel Vision and are
being telecast through DD1 and Prarthana
Channel. Feedback along with life changing
testimonies and photographs are collected by
Odisha Auxiliary and reported to UBS/ABS
time to time. It is hoped to soon undertake
seekers feedback workshop on this program
in Odisha.
Kannada TV program “Atma Shanti”
through Namma TV channel completed one
year in May 2012 successfully.
Radio Programmes
“Nilayana Varthai” completed one year
broadcast through TWR successfully this
March 2012.
“Dil Se Dil Tak”, Radio Program started
through FM Rainbow India (AIR) in the
month of June 2012, is reaching 91% of
India and also Pan India on Mondays and
Tuesdays from 10.00 to 10.15 pm. Average
responses are being handled carefully with
the help of NWI Auxiliary, in regards to
SMSs(1000-1500), phone calls(400-500) as
well as a number of emails.
Reaching Seekers through
Audio Video Scriptures
Bhajan Sanhita in Goan-Konkani, Marathi,
Varali and Santali have been released. Audio
New Testaments in Hindi, Bhojpuri & Maithili
were released at Ranchi. Urdu, Sanskrit,
Punjabi and Telugu Audio Testaments
recording is completed. Hindi whole Bible
recording is completed and is going through
the process of final mixing with background
music; it is poised for release around Easter
time this year. For the first time we are also
undertaking the recording of full Bible in
Telugu, Tamil, Malayalam, Kannada and
In collaboration with the MD and the Special
Audience Department, we are producing in
English and Hindi the Children’s wonderful
Bible Stories for Children in audio-video
format. In November, in partnership with
the International Mission Board 10,000 (ten
thousand) CDs of John’s Gospel in Hindi
(Divya Vachan),were distributed in Rajastan
among seekers. Follow up workshop is
awaited in Jaipur in the last week of February
2013. In December 2012 the extensive 6
hour long DVD designed for distribution
among the sea of pilgrims at the ensuing
MAHA KUMBHA MELA, was released in
ONMobile initiative continues to take
shape in order to make God’s Word accessible
to Mobile users all over the country on a daily
Mega Voice (pocket sized solar audio Bible)
training program was conducted with the
Sowing Circle Jan-April 201337
help of Mr. Ed Zagofsky from Israel in the
month of July 2012 for a few staff of Central
Office to equip them to be able to assemble
the Mega Voice devices for Audio Scriptures.
In the second week of November the CEO
of MEGAVOICE, Mr.Charles Cybene
signed the partnership agreement with GS of
BSI. This venture has potential to carve out
a special niche of listener constituency for
God’s Word.
Three AVM Workshops were conducted
for all Auxiliaries in Ranchi, Kodiakanal
and Ahmedabad alongside the PPW. The
emphasis was on designing effective Audio
Visual Scriptures/programs for the unreached
people groups, awareness among Churches
about BSI AVM products. Various children
and youth products were displayed through
multimedia presentations.
In a world, the balance of which is
gradually shifting from written down word
to the verbally grasped Word, producing and
distributing Scriptures in Audio format is
gaining more and more importance
The Public Relations Department had
its Church Leaders Conferences at Delhi,
Jabalpur, Ranchi and Allahabad in 2012. The
General Secretary, Rev. Dr. M. Mani Chacko
and Rev. G.D.V. Prasad, Director, ministered
and encouraged the Pastors and the Church
Heads of the different regions to collaborate
with BSI Auxiliaries, so that the Bible Ministry
may realize its fullest potential for the
generations of the 21st Century. Rev. G.D.V.
Prasad also ministered in different Churches
on Sundays in various cities of the country
like Delhi, Hyderabad, Ranchi, Ahmadabad,
Mumbai, Allahabad and Gwalior.
The initiative, together with the National
Council of Churches in India, to evolve BSI
workplace policies took wing with workshop
held at Bangalore and Mumbai. It is hoped
that the year 2013 will help BSI to evolve
a definite WPP especially dealing with the
Sowing Circle Jan-April 201338
stigmatized and the marginalized among
whom and with whom we work.
(Report provided by Rev. G.D.V. Prasad,
Director, PRD and AVM)
The Information Technology Department
of the Bible Society was initiated in the
year 1989 with just two computers. At the
Central Office, we have 4 Fileservers, 84
desktop computers, 55 printers, 16 UPS and
6 Scanners. We have provided laptops to the
General Secretary and to all the Directors
and Sr. Managers, totalling to 23. Based
on the Executive Committee’s approval
for provision of laptops to the Auxiliary
Secretaries, we have so far provided laptops
to 12 Auxiliary Secretaries. The Auxiliaries
are provided with 80 desktop computers,
55 printers and 66 small UPS and we have
provided 15 desktop computers, 4 laptop
computers, 7 printers, 2 UPS and one scanner
to the Shillong Translations Centre.
The IT Department handles databases,
data communication and the BSI Website. All
the Auxiliaries and the Shillong Translations
Centre are connected through Internet and
this facilitates regular exchange of data. This
year we have re-designed the BSI website and
it is updated once a week.
Management Tools:
Computers are used in the Bible Society
of India as Management Tools. The modules
used in our office are Production Monitoring,
Production Accounts, Distribution Monitoring, Budget, Finance, HRA, Payroll,
IBSTA, Provident Fund and Pension,
The distribution data entered in the
Auxiliaries are collated in the Central
office at Bangalore. This provides up-todate information of Scripture distribution.
Similarly the entire production process is
monitored through the information provided
by these systems.
Using the Citrix server located at the Hall
Road Office of the Bible Society of India, we
can access the servers in the Central Office
from anywhere. This server connects the
computers in the Auxiliaries, Logos Office
and Warehouse at Kalkere. We have a Storage
Server where archives of published Scripture
texts are stored.
New Software Genesys
Windows Based Programme:
In the year 2001 when the United Bible
Societies came up with the suggestion of
replacing the old software Dataflex by new
software called Epicor, as this was expensive,
BSI opted to develop its own program called
GeneSys 1.0. Windows based Inventory
System was developed in house and installed
in the Auxiliaries in the year 2004.
GeneSys 1.0 includes Sales, General
Ledger, Petty Cash Customer Ledger, Donor
and Payroll modules. These programs are
updated as per the users’ request and the
Auxiliary Staff trained accordingly.
Recently we have developed GeneSys 2.0,
programs for HRA, Payroll and General
Ledger for the Central Office. This was
launched in April 2012 and this system is
under evaluation.
During the period under review our staff
had visited the Auxiliaries to train the staff in
the GeneSys and other programs.
(Report provided by Dr. A.M. Prabakaran,
former Director and Mr. David Maben, Sr. Manager
of IT Department)
The Special Audience Department develops
and provides specially developed Scriptures
for reaching ‘people of other faiths’ and the
visually challenged with Braille Bibles and
Audio Bibles. Even though, Hinduism is the
dominant faith in India there is a significant
high percentage of Muslims and a substantial
number of Buddhists and Sikhs in India.
In addition, we have the largest number of
visually challenged people in the world. It is
the vision and challenge of the Bible Society
of India to reach them all with God’s Word.
Ministry to the Visually
BSI has developed and published a
wide range of Braille Scriptures in twelve
languages to meet the Scripture needs of
the visually challenged. This Braille Scripture
range includes: Braille Bible (in forty three
volumes), Pocket calendars with Scripture
verses, New Reader Portions and Children’s
Braille Scriptures. For those not schooled to
read Braille, we have the ‘Audio Bibles’. To
make the ministry to the visually challenged
holistic, we distribute ‘White Canes’ and
‘Braille Slates’ to the visually impaired
Our Auxiliaries from time-to-time organise
special programmes to benefit the visually
challenged. Braille Scriptures, Audio Bibles
and other aids are distributed during these
The Braille Scriptures and other items
distributed during the period under report
were as follows:
Braille Scriptures
29,500 Nos.
32,500 Nos.
30,805 Nos.
Audio Bibles: 2,502 Nos. in three years
White Canes: 3200 Nos. In three years
TAZI is the acronym for Tawrat, Anbiya,
Zabur and Injeel. India has the second largest
number of Muslims in the world. We have
produced a very wide range of Scriptures to
reach this audience. Text Workshops were
held periodically to develop new Scriptures
for evangelism, nurture and study. The
Scriptures are brought out in progressive
Sowing Circle Jan-April 201339
levels to meet the spiritual needs of the
The distribution of EASA and TAZI
audience and Mission Organisations working Scriptures through Christian Mission
among them.
Hospitals and medical practitioners has been
found to be very effective. The encouraging
Following are the TAZI Scripture titles support received from the Chaplaincy
printed and distributed:
Department in mission hospitals, evangelical
minded medical doctors and staff have
• Holy Gospel (NT Study Edition)
• Prophet Series (Series of 7 booklets: resulted in the starting of regular ‘fellowship
groups’ to counsel new believers and conduct
Adam, Noah, Abraham,
• Joseph, Moses, David, Solomon & Jesus) ‘follow-up’ programmes in the hospitals
– especially CMC, Vellore. The placing
• God’s Message to the world
of specially developed ‘Acrylic Scripture
• Raheemat-é-Khuda
Dispensers,’ with BSI logo, in strategic places
• Aasmani Kitaben
at the hospitals have facilitated the easy access
• Teaching & Love of Isa Masih
to Scriptures to patients, relatives and friends.
• The Answer
It is encouraging to see doctors and surgeons
e-mailing their friends and colleagues in other
• The One who loves and cares for you
hospitals recommending the use of these
• ZABUR: Passages from Psalms and Scriptures in their clinics and hospitals.
As a sequel to the large distribution
Scriptures, we receive about thirty to
EASA is an acronym for the majority
audience in East Asia and South Asia. Based forty letters, on an average, everyday from
on field research and feedbacks received, ‘people of other faiths’ and from all walks
BSI has published for distribution more than of life. At times, we also receive letters from
thirty publications addressing to different students, prisoners, alcoholics, drug addicts,
Scripture needs of this audience. Most of prostitutes and patients infected with HIV &
these Scriptures are translated into almost AIDS. Suitable replies along with appropriate
all major Indian languages. A few of the Scripture are sent to them. Many volunteers
and Chaplaincy department in hospitals help
Scripture titles are as follows:
us in this effort.
• Assurance of God’s help
• Fear Not
CONCLUSION: We are grateful to you
for your involvement, prayer and financial
• In your Anxiety
support. Please continue to pray for us. To
• Ray of Hope
God be the glory for God has done great
• Life for Ever
• Daddy where are you ?
• Is Liquor the answer?
• Sathya Marga
General Secretary
• Discover the Good News
• True Friend
• Divya Marga
God’s work done in God’s ways
• What do you seek ?
will not lack God’s resources
• Why divorce ?
• What makes a nation great ?
Sowing Circle Jan-April 201340
Sowing Circle Jan-April 201341
News and Views
News and Views from across the nation and
around the world are covered in this section
in order to encourage people to know what
the Lord has been doing in every situation
and engage them in the activities of God. Bibles and Tracts.
Obituaries, as received are also included.
M.C. Mary Kom: Yes! I am from
Kangathei Village. It is good to know that
you have been to my village.
Rochill: Please tell me about your family
background. Are your parents still alive?
M.C. Mary Kom: I am from a poor family.
A Press Conference with
My parents are God-fearing and they are still
Mrs. M.C. Mary Kom:
alive. We struggled a lot and God has been
The Bible Society of India had deputed our strength!
Rev. Dr. Z.K. Rochill, Sr. Auxiliary Secretary,
Rochill: During your childhood and
the BSI Dimapur Auxiliary, to have a Press adolescent period, what was the impact of
Conference with Mrs. M. C. Mary Kom, God’s presence through the Church and the
Olympic Medalist. The Press Conference Holy Bible?
was held on November
20, 2012 at 9.00 a.m. at
the residence of Mrs. M.C.
Kom in Imphal, Manipur.
Rev. Dr. Z.K. Rochill
greeted Mrs. M.C. Kom,
on behalf of the BSI family
and the General Secretary,
Rev. Dr. M. Mani Chacko.
Congratulations! The BSI
family is proud of you.
I am happy to know that
you are from Kangathei
Village. I have been to your
village and distributed the
Sowing Circle Jan-April 201342
M.C. Mary Kom:
International games, I
pray, fast and read the
Bible. I remember the
story of David and
Goliath. I trust God
Rochill: What was
the driving force behind
you to resolve to excel in
your chosen profession?
M.C. Mary Kom: I
trust God always and
therefore, I felt that one
day I will be somebody!
Rochill: Do you think the Bible helps in
your achievement?
M.C. Mary Kom: Yes, I do believe that
the Bible gives me strength.
Rochill: Do you get support from your
M.C. Mary Kom: When I have to go for
the games, my Church members pray for me!
Rochill: What message do you want to
convey to the youth of our country, today?
M.C. Mary Kom: I want to convey to
the youth of our country this message: “ To
love God always, so that God will lift them
up one day!”
Rochill: This time you got Bronze medal
and I am sure you wish to get Silver or Gold
medal during 2016 Olympics at Rio?
M.C. Mary Kom: I will keep on trying.
Rochill: The Bible Society of India
translates the Word of God, publishes and
distributes the Bible to unreached people. The
BSI Dimapur Auxiliary
looks after 111 different
tribes and I want you to
be the family member
of the Bible Society of
India. Will you?
M.C. Mary Kom:
Yes! I will.
Rochill: When you
happen to come to
Dimapur, you are most
welcome to the Bible
House. Please visit us,
have a cup of tea and we
will pray together. May
God bless you always!
Sowing Circle Jan-April 201343
The BSI Family Christmas
The Christmas programme organized by
the Bible Society of India Central Office was
held on December 19, 2012 at the Holy Ghost
Church Parish Hall, Bangalore. Children from
St. Thomas orphanage were invited to share
the joy of Christmas with the BSI family.
The Chief Guest, Fr. Dr. M.K. George,
Director, Indian Social Institute, delivered a
practical Christmas message. Congregational
Carol singing, special numbers by families
and presentations by the children of St.
Thomas orphanage and the BSI children were
enjoyable. Mrs. Kochu Chacko, distributed
the gifts to the children. The BSI President,
Dr. Mrs. Navamani Peter gave away prizes to
the winners of various sports competitions.
Bishop Eila Peter offered the closing prayer
and pronounced the benediction. Mrs.
Christie Renick, the anchor of the event
proposed the vote of thanks. The fellowship
dinner was an opportunity for meeting the
families of the Staff.
Sowing Circle Jan-April 201344
The Week of Prayer for
Christian Unity
The Bible Society of India observed the
week of Prayer for Christian Unity on January
24, 2013 at the Central Office, William Carey
Centre, Bangalore, and reflected on the
theme, “What does God require of us?”
(Micah 6:6-8).
It was my privilege to present a brief
history and the purpose of the Unity Octave
Prayer. After giving the Call to Worship,
Dr. Leelavathi Manasseh, introduced the
congregational hymn, “The Church’s One
Foundation” and led in singing it. A prayer
dance by the students of Maria Nivas
School children was well appreciated. Rev.
Dr. M. Mani Chacko, our General Secretary
welcomed the gathering and introduced
the Guest Speakers - Dr. Roland S. Werner,
the National General Secretary of YMCA
Germany (CVJM Deutschland) and Rev.
Solomon Benjamin, Associate Faculty,
International YMCA University of Applied
Sciences, Kassel, Germany. They brought
greetings to the
Church in India.
Nuns, Lay leaders
and the Staff of
the Bible Society of
India participated
Arokiasamy read
the prayer of praise
and thanksgiving.
Sister Mary read
the Bible text –
Micah 6: 6-8 and
Dr. Roland gave an
inspiring message
based on that text.
Rev. A.S. Kurian
read the prayer
Rev. Solomon Benjamin greeting
and assurance of pardon. The prayers of
Intercession were read by Rev. Fr. Antony
and Dr. T.K. Chandy. Rev. Fr. Terence Franz
pronounced the Benediction. Rev. G.D.V.
Prasad gave the Vote of Thanks,
which was followed by breakfast
fellowship arranged by Mr. E.
Solomon and his team.
The week of Prayer for
Christian Unity is an occasion for
all Christians to experience the
oneness in Christ and join together
in prayer and fellowship.
-Mr. F. T. Fernandes, Sr. Manager,
Production Department, The Bible
Society of India
Dr. Roland Werner
delivering an inspiring Message
Breakfast Fellowship
Sowing Circle Jan-April 201345
64th Republic Day
Celebration at Central Office
The 64th Republic Day was celebrated at
the Central Office, William Carey Centre,
Bangalore on the 26th January 2013 at 7.30
a.m. After Dr Miss E Leelavathi Manasseh
welcomed the gathering, introduced the
64th Republic Day and offered the opening
prayer, the congregational hymn “O Lord my
God, when I in awesome wonder’, was led by
Mr. John Abraham and Mr. Immanuel. The
General Secretary shared the importance of
Republic Day Celebration and hoisted the
flag. After the national anthem was sung, Mr.
A.B. Bosco offered prayer for the nation.
Mr. F.T. Fernandez, Sr. Manager (Production
Department) delivered an inspiring message,
drawing our attention to the first Republic
Day. Dr. E. L. Manasseh gave a brief
historical sketch of the song “O God of every
Nation”, and encouraged all to sing the song
with an attitude of gratitude to God for the
Dr. Chacko
the flag
Mr. Fernandez delivering the Message
people of our nation. Mrs. Premila Ramesh
proposed the vote of thanks. Rev. Surendra
Kumar Sahu pronounced the benediction.
Mr. E. Solomon and Team arranged breakfast
for all. Rev. Dr. M. Mani Chacko thanked the
Religious Affairs Committee for organising
this celebration and the Staff for taking part
in it.
-Reported by Mr. Desmond Snell, BSI Staff
It is indeed a great joy to work together as the
BSI family, for the Bible Cause. It is not easy
to say ‘goodbye’ to our colleagues, when they
leave us. The farewell function that the BSI
organises is very meaningful as we send our
colleagues with goodwill and prayer. We are
grateful to God for the following colleagues
and thank them
for their friendship,
fellowship and service. They served the
Bible Society of India with commitment,
dedication and devotion.
Sowing Circle Jan-April 201346
Farewell to Dr. A. M.
Prabakaran and Mr. N.
A farewell function was organized in honour
of Dr. A.M. Prabakaran, Director (Computer,
Rev. Dr. M.
Production), Project Coordinator and former
Mani Chacko
Director of Audio Visual Media (AVM)
as well as Mr. M. Prabhudanam, Manager,
Mr. M.
Production Department on February 28,
2013 at the Central Office, William Carey
Centre, Bangalore at 12 noon.
and Mrs. Gladys Loganathan felicitated Mr.
The function began with prayer by M. Prabhudanam, Manager, Production
Rev. Dr. Jonadob Nathaniel, followed by Department.
It was noted that Mr.
Prabhudanam contributed his best to the
ministry of the Bible Society of India for
about 27 years.
After the BSI choir rendered a special song,
our General Secretary, Rev. Dr. M. Mani
Rev. Dr. M.
Chacko greeted the two colleagues and their
Mani Chacko
families; and presented a gift, a memento and
a shawl to the two colleagues. Dr. Prabakaran
Dr. A.M.
and Mr. Prabhudanam expressed their
gratitude to God and to all in the BSI family.
After Rev. G.D.V. Prasad offered the closing
the congregational hymn, “Great is Thy prayer and pronounced the benediction, Mr.
faithfulness” led by Mr. Joel Abraham and Pradeep Kumar Suna, the anchor of this
Mr. John Abraham. Mrs. Mini Suna read the function, proposed the vote of thanks. The
programme concluded with fellowship lunch
Scripture text - Psalm 91.
organized by Mr. E. Solomon and team. It
Mr. Ashith and Mr. David V. Maben was indeed a joyful occasion!
felicitated Dr. A.M. Prabakaran, who served
the Bible Society of
India for about 23
years. It was noted
that during his tenure,
he developed the
Computer Department,
which is now known
Technology Department, and contributed
his best to the Bible
Society of India and the
United Bible Societies.
Mr. F.T. Fernandez
Sowing Circle Jan-April 201347
Farewell to Rev. S.K. Sahu,
Mr. Appadurai and Mrs.
Clara Joseph
It was a solemn occasion on March 27,
2013 when the BSI family gathered together
at the Central Office, William Carey Centre,
Bangalore, to bid farewell to our colleagues
namely, Rev. Surendra Kumar Sahu, Mr. S.
Appaadurai and Mrs. Clara Joseph.
The opening prayer was offered by Mr. M.
David Vergis. The felicitation was done by Dr.
P.I. Varghese for Rev. Surendra Kumar Sahu,
Mr. Pradeep Kumar Suna for Mr. Appadurai
and Dr. E. Leelavathi Manasseh for Mrs.
Clara Joseph. The BSI Choir rendered a
special song. Our General Secretary, Rev. Dr.
M. Mani Chacko greeted the families of the
three outgoing colleagues, and presented to
each one of them, a gift, a memento, and a
Rev. Dr. M. Mani Chacko honouring
Rev. Surendra Kumar Sahu
Rev. S.K. Sahu, Senior Manager, of the
Bible World served the BSI effectively for
about 15 years. It was noted that he joined
the BSI as the Auxiliary Secretary of the
Odhisha Auxiliary.
Mr. S. Appadurai served the BSI for about
36 years. He had a humble beginning, and
rose to the rank of Assistant Administrative
Officer, due to his dedication and hard work,
in the Production Department.
Rev. Dr. M. Mani Chacko honouring
Mr. S. Appadurai
Mrs. Clara Joseph served the BSI effectively
for about 23 years and retired as the Assistant
Administrative Officer of the Resource
Mobilisation and Ministry Department.
Rev. S.K. Sahu, Mr. Appadurai and Mrs.
Clara Joseph expressed their gratitude to
God and to all in the BSI family. Mr. E.
Ashith offered the closing prayer. Mr. Joji
Jacob Kaden, the anchor of this function,
proposed the vote of thanks. The function
concluded with the BSI family greeting the
outgoing colleagues, and having fellowship
tea with them and their family members.
Sowing Circle Jan-April 201348
Rev. Dr. M. Mani Chacko honouring
Mrs. Clara Joseph
Farewell to Mr. R.C. Shekar
A farewell function was organized in
honour of Mr. R.C. Shekar on April 30, 2013
at the Central Office, William Carey Centre,
Bangalore. It was noted that Mr. R.C. Shekar
gave his life, as the Maintenance Officer, to
the growth of the Bible Society of India, for
about 43 years, with sacrifice and dedication.
It was also noted that Mr. Shekar, a Hindu,
buys Bibles and distributes freely to people
in need.
The opening prayer was offered in English
and Tamil by Dr. Miss E. Leelavathi Manasseh.
Mrs. Nirmala Gomez read the Scripture text –
Psalm 23 in Tamil. Mr. E. Solomon felicitated
Shekar, through a Tamil song and Mr. A. B.
Bosco, using his humorous approach, talked
about Mr. Shekar. The BSI choir rendered
a special song. Rev. Dr. M. Mani Chacko
greeted his family and presented a gift, a
Rev. Dr. M. Mani Chacko honouring
memento and a shawl to him.
Mr. R.C. Shekar
Mr. Shekar was so overwhelmed that he
became speechless, yet he thanked the BSI
family, affirming their love and solidarity. The BSI family enjoyed greeting Mr. Shekar
After Mr. David Vergis offered the closing and having fellowship tea with his family.
prayer, Mrs. Christie Renick, the anchor of
-Reported by Mrs. Nirmala Gomez and
this function proposed the vote of thanks. Mr. Desmond Snell, BSI Staff
Mr. Ashith has been on the staff of the Bible Society
of India since September 1, 1983. He is appointed as
Director (Production) effective from February 1, 2013.
He is married to Phebe Sheela Rani, who is a teacher
at the Baldwin Girls’ School, Bangalore. Mr. and Mrs.
Ashith worship at the Wilson Garden Methodist Church,
Bangalore. Let us uphold them in our prayers.
Sowing Circle Jan-April 201349
the Bible Society of India
Executive Committee
and India Bible Society
from 2003 to 2006.
Precious in the sight of the LORD (is)
He was instrumental
the death of His saints. Psalms 116:15
in building the Bible
House at Cuttack,
Rev. Dr. Alick Patrick George:
which will always
Rev. Dr. Alick Patrick George, father of
Rev. Joel Patrick, Auxiliary
Secretary of the BSI
Jabalpur Auxiliary,
served several national
was called Home
of various
on 8th October
Christian Organisations such as Evangelical
2012. Rev. Dr.
Fellowship of India, Christian Education
M. Mani Chacko
Department of the Evangelical Fellowship of
was able to visit
India, Scripture Union, Christian Endeavour
and other Mission Bodies. Engr. Jachuck
family, as he was
was noted for his humility, forthright spirit
in Jabalpur for
and honesty. He was an admirer and friend
Rev. Joel Patrick’s
of the Staff of the Bible Society of India.
installation service.
His beloved wife, Mrs. Salila Jachuck and
The Patrick family
family need our prayer support. The Odhisha
needs our prayers.
Auxiliary Secretary and the Staff represented
the BSI family at the funeral service.
Mrs. Mousumi Clement:
Mrs. Mousumi, wife of Mr. Clement Carey Mrs. Achamma Varghese:
and daughter of our former Kolkata Auxiliary
Mrs. Achamma Varghese Kunjunjamma
Secretary, Mr. S. Biswas, was called Home on
October 11, 2012 at Bangalore. The General slept in the Lord on January 15, 2013 at the
Secretary and the Central Office Team blessed age of 74. She served as the Joint
represented the BSI family at the funeral Secretary of the BSI Kozhencherry Branch,
Kerala Auxiliary. Her beloved husband service.
Mr. Joy Thollayirakkuzhiyil and family need
our prayer support.
Engineer M.L.J. Jachuck:
Engr. M.L.J. Jachuck received his Home
Call on November 26, 2012, at his residence Mrs. Lydia P. Manasseh
Mrs. Lydia P. Manasseh slept in the Lord
in Cuttack. Engr. Jachuck was a prominent
and key figure in the mission and ministry on March 5, 2013 at the blessed age of
of the Bible Society of India, as he served 77. Mrs. Lydia Manasseh is the mother of
the BSI in various capacities. He served as Dr. Miss Elizabeth Leelavathi Manasseh,
the Auxiliary Secretary of the Odisha Auxiliary Director of the Resource Mobilization and
from 1990 to 1997. He also served the Ministry Department of the Bible Society
Odisha Auxiliary Committee for several years of India. The Manasseh family needs our
in various capacities. He was a member of prayer support. The General Secretary and
Sowing Circle Jan-April 201350
the Central Office Team,
the Karnataka Auxiliary
Secretary and the Staff,
represented the BSI
family through their
visits and presence at
the funeral and burial
Rev. Jnanendra Nath
Rev. Jnanendra Nath slept in the Lord at
the blessed age of 84, on March 12, 2013.
Rev. Jnanendra Nath is the father of Mrs.
Soma Bhatkar, who is currently serving
the Bible Society of India as the Auxiliary
Secretary of the Ranchi Auxiliary. The Nath
family needs our prayer support. The BSI
family was represented by Mr. Sajal Kumar
Sarcar, Auxiliary Secretary of the BSI Kolkata
Mr. V. E. Korah
Mr. V. E. Korah slept in the Lord on March
18, 2013. He served the Bible Society of India
in the capacity of the Executive Committee
Member from 2000 to 2003 and also as the
Honorary Treasurer and Officiating Auxiliary
Secretary of Kerala Auxiliary of the BSI. Mr.
V. E. Korah’s golden moments will always be
remembered and cherished by the BSI family,
as a loving and faithful servant of God. The
Auxiliary Secretary and Staff of the BSI
Kerala Auxiliary represented the entire family
of the Bible Society of India at the funeral
service that was held on the same day. The
Korah family needs our prayers.
Sowing Circle Jan-April 201351
Literacy classes bringing change in rural Niger
These men are absorbed in the literacy materials they are studying
In Niger, the Bible Society
has begun literacy classes
to combat illiteracy rates,
which are as high as 92% in
rural areas.
Niger is a desperately
poor country and the Bible
Society hopes that the
classes will not only teach
literacy skills but will also
begin to educate people
about issues, such as hygiene
and basic farming skills.
The classes, which are
being held in two languages,
Hausa and Zarma, should
also help to give others
a more positive view of
Christianity and the Bible.
s in Benin
arned to read o
“I didn’t go to sc ine, a young mother from B ses
write,” says Cat ey were going to run literacy
“When I heard h, I couldn’t believe it.”
at the local chu
Society Website
-Courtesy: New
Let us praise God for the impact of the Literacy Project in many nations
around the world through the Bible Societies and continue to pray for
the empowerment of children, youth and adults.
Sowing Circle Jan-April 201352
Up Front
We are grateful to God for the encouraging response that we receive
from individuals, families, Churches, Organizations, Institutions and
Mission Bodies for distributing God’s Word to people from all walks of
life, promoting the Study of God’s Word and raising contributions for
the Bible Cause.
Sowing Circle Jan-April 201353
Auxiliary Secretary
Auxiliary Secretary
By Elder C. Thangnghilhlova
64th Republic Day Celebration
We celebrated the 64th Republic Day at
the Bible House on January 26, 2013 at 7.30
a.m. Rev. Vanlalbela, the President of the
Auxiliary hoisted the flag and all of us sang
the national anthem. Rev. Vanlalbela gave the
message and we prayed for the nation.
The celebration concluded with breakfast
By Rev. Dr. Rajan Dass
Christian Leaders Consultant
The Christian Leaders Consultant
Conference was on the 17th December 2012
at the Lalbagh Methodist (English) Church, in
Lucknow and 60 local leaders participated in
it. Rev. Ashish Joseph Maxton, Minister-InCharge of the this Church coordinated and
organized the Conference, with the support
of the congregation.
Award of Excellence
We are grateful to God and to the
Churches, Mission Bodies, Individuals and
Families in Mizoram for enabling the Aizawl
Auxiliary to excel in raising contributions
during the Triennium 2010-2013. We were
given the award of excellence during the
Central Council 2013, held on the 29th and
30th January 2013 in Bangalore. We value
your involvement through prayer, financial
support, distribution of Scriptures and
Scripture Engagement.
Bishop Phillip S.
Masih, the Bishop of
the Lucknow Regional
Conference of the
Methodist Church in
India was the Guest of
Honour, who graced
the Conference with a
devotional message and
prayer. Bishop Masih
encouraged the Church
leaders to render their
support to the mission
and ministry of the Bible
Sowing Circle Jan-April 201354
Society of India. He further emphasised the
need to relate to the Allahabad Auxiliary of
the BSI, in distributing the Bibles and raising
contributions for the Bible Cause. Bishop
Masih extended a warm welcome to Rev. Dr.
M. Mani Chacko, the General Secretary of
the BSI, on behalf of the Lucknow Regional
Rev. Dr. M. Mani Chacko and I were the
main resource persons. We addressed issues
related to the Theme: “Into the 3rd Century,
the Bible Society of India and the Churches
in India”.
Dr. Mani Chacko spoke on ‘The Bible
Society of India together with the Church’.
He emphasized the importance of the united
efforts of The Bible Society of India and the
Church for the Bible Cause.” Several Church
leaders, namely, Rev. Dr. Komal Masih (
a senior retired Pastor of the Methodist
Church) and Rev. Daniel Subhan (Presbyter,
All Saints Garrison Church) and young men
responded positively to the messages.
Receiving the Bible
Dr. Chacko and Dr. Rajan Dass speaking
Sowing Circle Jan-April 201355
Further Dr. M. Mani Chacko presented a
Hindi Large Print Bible to a senior widow who
was also a participating in the conference. All
the participants were given a Hindi version
of the devotional book ‘My Utmost for His
Highest’ (authored by Oswald Chambers).
Rev. Dr. Arun Kumar Mohanthy, Rev.
Dr. Pratap Sinha, Dr. Mrs. Leela Bose, Dr.
Miss. Leelavathi Manasseh and I ministered
together in this conference. Rev. Dr. P. N.
S. Chandra Bose, President of the Bible
Society of India, delivered an inspiring and
challenging message in the closing session.
It was a joy to listen to the testimonies and
reports of the 300 participants from 45 Mary
Jones Clubs and 40 branches of the BSI.
It was observed that this conference has
motivated them to rejuvenate their clubs as
they return to their native places.
Award of Excellence
We are grateful to God for enabling us to
Auxiliary Secretary
excel in the distribution of the Bibles and
Scripture portions during the Triennium
Mary Jones Club Conference
2010-2012. We are thankful to all our
I am happy to share with you that with
Branches for their hard labour of love in
the initiative taken by Dr. Mrs. Leela Bose,
distributing God’s Word and encouraging
President, Andhra Pradesh State Mary Jones
people to engage with it.
Club it was decided in the 172th Auxiliary
Committee Meeting to organise a Mary Jones
Club (MJC) State Conference. Accordingly,
the MJC Conference was held from the
14th to the 15th January 2013 at the AMG
India-International, Chilakaluripet, Guntur
District. We are thankful to Rev. Dr. Arun
Kumar Mohanthy, Director, AMG IndiaInternational for hosting the conference and
also for the benevolent gifts of “bundles of
love” from AMG given to all the participants.
We are also thankful to the event Coordinators
Brother John Raj and Brother Raja Rao, other
AMG Officers and the Staff for making all
the arrangements meticulously.
By Rev. Samuel Raja Sekhar Bobbili
Leaders and Participants at the 2013 Mary Jones Club Conference
Sowing Circle Jan-April 201356
By Rev. Dr. Z.K. Rochill
Sr. Auxiliary Secretary
among people in
Under the guidance
of Director (RMM)
we have been able
to reach out to
programme called,
‘Developing Skills for
Empowering People
in Need. Through Scripture Engagement”, in partnership with the local Churches.
Empowerment Programme for Children
Empowerment Programme
for Women at Risk
By Rev. Dr. N.G. Parmar
Sr. Auxiliary Secretary
The following programmes were held
in honour of the 190th Anniversary of the
Gujarati Bible.
Youth Festival
The Youth Festival was held at Netrang,
South Gujarat area, supported by the local
Bishop Silvanus inaugurating
Sowing Circle Jan-April 201357
Part of the Gathering
Churches of the Church of North India,
on the 23rd February 2013. 650 teenagers
participated enthusiastically in this Festival.
The Rt. Rev. Silvanus Christian, Bishop of
the CNI Gujarat Diocese gave a challenging
message on the theme, “The Lord Needs
You”. We could witness the work of the
Holy Spirit amidst the young people, as many
dedicated their lives to the Lord Jesus Christ.
We praise God for leaders like Rev. Hiralal
Vasava, Rev. Ravish Vasava and Rev. Dalsukh
Vasava for hosting this Youth Festival. The
Pastors and Leaders from Raj – Ankleshwar
area were also with us. We pray that the seed
sown will bear much fruit in the days to come.
National Book Fair
With the support of the local CNI Churches
and the BSI Branch in Surat we were able to
have a BSI Book Stall at the Annual National
Book Fair in Surat from the 22nd to the 28th
February 2013. We were able to distribute the
Scriptures worth Rs. 3,00,000/- to thousands
of people at a subsidized rate. Kindly pray for
the follow up work among the new seekers.
Sowing Circle Jan-April 201358
People at the BSI Book Stall
Handwritten Bible Project
This project has been going on well.
Everyday 10 people come to participate in this
Bible writing project, from all over Gujarat.
They come with a sense of dedication and
love for the Holy Word of God.
A view of the Handwritten Bible Project
in action
The Auxiliary Secretary leading the Bible Rally
Bible Rally
A Bible Rally was
arranged in the city
of Ahmedabad by the
Ranipur CNI Church, in
which 500 people took
part from 3.00 p.m. to
6.30 p.m. walking for
about 25 kilometres at a
stretch. This has resulted
in children, young people
and adults showing greater
interest for Bible reading
and Bible study.
Auxiliary Secretary
Sr. Auxiliary Secretary
By Rev. Joel Patrick
Gondi Bible Project
From the 12th to the 18th January 2013 Rev.
Premraj Nag, Senior Translation Advisor,
Translations Department, Central Office,
Bangalore, Auxiliary Staff, Mr. Pramod and I
travelled to Padhar, Betul district to meet the
Gondi Translator - Pastor C.P. Singh, Rev. G.T.
Biswas – the BSI Branch President and also to
visit the Gonds and local congregations. Rev.
Premraj Nag and I ministered together.
The Translation of the Bible into Gondi
language has been completed. Rev. Premraj
Nag checked the manuscript and made some
comments. Pastor C.P. Singh will re-visit the
translation work and do the needful. Please
pray for this work to be completed soon.
Rev. P. Nag and the Auxiliary Secretary
with Pastor C.P. Singh
By Dr. Vasant W. Renick
Christmas Programme for
With the guidance of the Director of
the Resource Mobilisation and Ministry
Department of the BSI, we were able to
hold the Christmas fellowship meeting
for Devadasis on the 28th December 2012
at the Assembly of God Church in the
Bapujinagar area in Bellary.
Rev. N. Satyam, Pastor of the Assembly
of God Church opened the meeting with
prayer and Mr. Kamal Raj led the gathering
in praise and singing. Mr. Chidanand
James, the Marketing Officer shared the
Christmas message and the ministry of the
Bible Society of India, before distributing
the Christmas gifts to the Devadasis. Some
of the Devadasis gave their testimonies
and expressed their gratitude to the BSI.
Pastor Fredrick Benjamin thanked the
participants and prayed for them. The
meeting was concluded with prayer and
benediction by Rev. N. Satyam. The
Participants are able to lead a meaningful
life, as the Christian community in Bellary
has come forward to fellowship with them.
Sowing Circle Jan-April 201359
Mr. Chidanand James distributing the Christmas gifts to the Devadasis
The Devadasis are seen with Mr. Chidanand James
By Rev. Dr. Mathew Varkey
Auxiliary Secretary
Branch Officials Camp
The Branch Officials Camp was held
in February 2013 at the Santhigiri Asram,
Aluva. Rev. Dr. M. Mani Chacko, our General
Secretary graced the occasion through his
presence and an inspiring message. The
Rt. Rev. Dr. C.V. Mathew, President of the
Sowing Circle Jan-April 201360
Auxiliary Secretary presenting the Report
Auxiliary, delivered a challenging message. These Branch
officials work hard to raise prayer and financial support
for the Bible Cause. We are thankful to them.
By Mr. Sajal K. Sarkar
Auxiliary Secretary
The Bangla Academy
Rev. Dr. C. V. Matthew giving the message
The Bangla Academy is
considered as a place for the
cultural epicentre. On August
24, 2012, a Panel Discussion
was held at the historic “Bangla
Academy” of Kolkata, on the
topic “The Bible and World
Prof. Dr. Amlan Das Gupta
(Department of
Jadavpur University), Prof.
Dr. Lalthangliana Khiangle
(Principal Serampore College)
and Prof. Dr. Sanjukta Das,
(Principal, Sanskrit College,
Kolkata) were the speakers.
Rev. Dr. M. Mani Chacko giving the message
A view of the gathering
Professors, Principals and
the people associated with
different areas of education,
participated in it.
The question-answer session
was extremely good as most of
them had high appreciation
for the Bible and its impact on
the world literature, as well as
on the society, at large.
Bishop S. Biswas was the
moderator of the Panel and
Prof. Kushal Andrew Biswas,
was the key coordinator of
this event. All the participants
received a free copy of the
Good News Bible, which was
sponsored by a well-wisher of
the BSI Kolkata Auxiliary.
Sowing Circle Jan-April 201361
The Panel Discussion
By Rev. Dr. Victor Gollapalli
Auxiliary Secretary
Christmas Programme for Women at
God has given us the love and burden for
the women at risk in the Red light area. Every
year we try to bring them together during
Christmas time, for a special programme. We
organised a special programme for them in
Kamathipura on December 21, 2012, with
the guidance of the Director (Resource
Mobilisation and Ministry Department).
Brother Daniel, Brother Ajay Chavan
and their team members ministered through
music, enabling them to worship the Lord.
This was followed by Mr. Sunil Pawar and Mrs.
Saloni Jadhav’s inspiring songs of adoration
Sowing Circle Jan-April 201362
and assurance.
Pastor Vivian
Fernandes delivered a challenging
message, which helped them to see
how the Lord loves them and cares
for them. Brother Daniel’s testified
how God accepted him, in Christ
Jesus, when he was a street gangster,
which created hope in them, for their
children, who need acceptance. I
had the joy of presenting the mission
and ministry of the BSI. New
Testaments, Gospels, Psalms and
Project Bibles in Marathi, Hindi and
English were distributed along with
the Audio CD ‘Asha’, to them and
also to their families.
By: Mr. G. Richard Khan
Sr. Auxiliary Secretary
Bible Sunday in 43 Churches
Bible Sunday was observed during
August 2012 in 43 local Churches in
and around Delhi area. Rev. G.D.V.
Prasad, Director (PRD and AVM)
and Mr. Dilip Sahu, Manager (AVM)
joined our team in ministering in
the local Churches. We are grateful
to the Presbyters and Pastors for
welcoming us.
2012 Women’s Retreat in New
A One-day Retreat was organized
by the Women Working Committee
on 15th September 2012 at Butler
Memorial Senior Secondary School in
New Delhi, around the theme “The Role of Women
in the Bible and in the present time” The resource
person for the Retreat was Mrs. Vineeta Shaw,
Founder-Director of Disha (NGO), Madam Sudipta
Mondal and Bishop S. Mondal and I were there for
the lightening of the inauguration lamp. Women
from different Church denominations participated in
the retreat. Mrs. Reena Mark Wilson, the Principal
of the School and her staff were actively involved
in organizing the retreat. It was indeed a meaningful
and blessed retreat.
Songs of Praise in Ambala
The Songs of Praise event was organized by Mr. P.
Baldev in Ambala, which attracted several choirs
from diffeent local Churches. The purpose of this
event was to encourage unity and harmony among
different congregations. Mrs. Daisy Irani Shukla
delivered inspiring messages of hope, unity and
harmony. She urged them to grow in the grace and
knowledge of the
Lord Jesus Christ,
through Bible Study.
Spiritual Revival
Mr. P. Baldev, our
Marketing Assistant
Sowing Circle Jan-April 201363
80,000/- was raised for the Bible
Cause. Actually, this was the follow up
of the Women Leaders’ Conference
that we had organised earlier, in
which our Director for Resource
Mobilisation and Ministry had
ministered, along with our Auxiliary
Women leaders. They encouraged
the local Women Leaders to move
forward in their efforts to empower
women, children, youth and families,
through Scripture Engagement.
Revival Meetings in Delhi and National
Capital Region (NCR). Mrs. Daisy Irani
Shukla a renowned, Bollywood actress
ministered in these meetings. She shared her
testimony which was a blessing to all. She also
encouraged people to help the Bible Cause.
The Satya Marg Baptist Church, the ABC
Church -Vaishali, the Holy Church of Daya
Sagar-Kondli and the Fellowship of Believers
Church-Rohini, hosted these meetings.
Bible Sunday Celebrations in Ambala
The Bible Sunday was conducted in nine
different Churches and we had the joy of
sharing the Good News with them. Dr.
Sadique, the Director of Philadelphia Hospital
made all the arrangements for our stay.
The BSI Staff and the Volunteers gathered
together at LOGOS Faith Foundation
Church for fellowship lunch arranged by Rev.
Dr. Daniel Kamaraj.
First Annual Garden Fete in
The Women Working Committee of the
BSI Chandigarh Branch had organized the
First Annual Garden Fete on the 14th October
2012 in the premises of the Chandigarh
Baptist School. Various local congregations
had put up stalls. Mr. Parvaiz Baldev, Mr.
Anup Khes, Mr. Alexander Afzal and I took
part in it. Sports, singing and other activities
were organised for different age groups. Rs.
Sowing Circle Jan-April 201364
Ministries in Ambala
The BSI Auxiliary Diamond
Jubilee Inauguration &
Thanksgiving Service
Inaugural Thanksgiving
On the occasion of the Diamond
Jubilee of North West India
Auxiliary (on the 11th February
2013) an Ecumenical Thanksgiving
Service was organized on Sunday the
17th February 2013 at the Cathedral
Church of the Redemption, of the
Church of North India, in New
Delhi. We praise and thank God for
the co-operation and participation of
all the Churches of Delhi and NCR.
The Episcopal Leaders, Pastors,
Lay Leaders and Congregations
participated enthusiastically in this
Branches and Women Working
Committee from Chandigarh,
Meerut, Delhi, Jodhpur, and the
Auxiliary constituency, also were
present. Choirs from three local
congregations, namely, the Christ
(Hindi), the Delhi
AO Baptist Church
(English) and the
Mar Thoma Choir
(Hallelujah Chorus),
numbers and led
Rev. Dr.
M. Mani Chacko,
General Secretary,
of the BSI, delivered
an inspiring message.
Leaders and Guests
were felicitated. The
fellowship dinner was
a time of renewing
The Bible procession
Lighting the Lamp
Sowing Circle Jan-April 201365
Thanksgiving Service
at the Bible House
On the 18th February 2013 a brief
programme was organized on the driveway of the Bible House, to thank God for
His abundant blessings and faithfulness to
the Auxiliary over 60 years. The Auxiliary
Committee Members, Patron members, the
Staff from the YWCA, the Volunteers and
the BSI Staff were present. The Deputy
Moderator, Bishop Samantaroy and a few
members of the Chandigarh Working
Committee were also present. Rev. Dr. M.
Mani Chacko said, “Jubilee
provide dignity, equality
and life for all.”
Mr. J. S. Rathore,
Council Member and Hon.
Treasurer of the Auxiliary
and thanksgiving to the
Lord and to all. Bishop
Samnataroy conveyed the
greetings and good wishes,
on behalf of the Church of
North India. The General
Secretary felicitated the
Sowing Circle Jan-April 201366
Staff and Volunteers, with a momento of the
Diamond Jubilee.
A plaque to commemorate the Diamond
Jubilee of the Auxiliary was unveiled by the
General Secretary and the Exhibition-cumSale in the Bible House was inaugurated by
Bishop Smantaroy. The vinyl-lit sign-board
with the Diamond Jubilee logo was unveiled
by Mr. Anil Gazan. Dr. Chacko,
Bishop Samantaroy and I had
the privilege of cutting the 60th
Anniversary cake.
Although, the Diamond
Jubilee Celebration will be
held in various cities of our
North West India region, the
main focus is to provide
God’s Word to the people of
the region in much greater
number than it has been done
in the past. By God’s Grace
and provision, we would like
to distribute 1,00,000 Bibles;
50 thousand NTs & 6 lakhs
of Portions and Selections
during the Diamond Jubilee Year. Also,
we hope to come up with 2 or 3 new products
(Scriptures in print and non-print) because,
we believe we can “Attempt great things for God,
expecting great things from Him”.
By The Rt. Rev. Dr. Samson Das
Auxiliary Secretary
Rev. Pratap C. Jena resigned from
ser vices of the Bible Society of India the
Auxiliary Secretary of the Odisha Au the
I have been appointed as Auxiliary Sec
In-Charge until a suitable person is app
Please continue to pray for the Auxili
ary, the
Staff and all the ongoing activities.
By: Mrs. Soma Bhatkar
Auxiliary Secretary
We continue to ser ve the Lord of
gladness in our situation in the mid you
many challenges. We are grateful
for praying for us. Please
for us. I attended the Central Counc hip
meeting and it was a joy to renew frie
and fellowship with the BSI family.
By: Rev. Phidolis Dkhar
Auxiliary Secretary
We are grateful to God for
faithfulness in enabling us to experie
favour in the sight of the people of
Church denominations in our area.
I had
the joy of attending the Central Co
2013 meeting in Bangalore. We see il
hand of God upon the Bible Society the
By: Mr. Jacob C. Sumithran
Auxiliary Secretary
Bible Society of India Fellowship
Meeting & Get Together
The Auxiliary Team
conducted two
fellowship meetings on the 8th and 9th
February 2013.
On the 8th the Bible Society of India
Bible Fellowship Meeting was held at St.
Paul’s Church, (CSI) Chennai at 7.00 p.m.
Around 50 participants attended the meeting,
including our staff members. Rev. Martin J.
Philip, Presbyter of St. Paul’s Church and
Rev. P. Selvam, Presbyter of the Harwoodraw
Church of the Church of South India, were
the resource persons. They motivated the
participants to contribute cheerfully towards
the ministry of the Bible Society of India.
I was able to narrate two incidents of how
the contributors called me over the phone
told me of their willingness of offer their
ornaments for the Bible Cause.
On the 9th February, the Bible Society of
India Fellowship Get-Together was held at
the SACCE Hall, St. Andrew Kirk, Chennai,
from 10.00 a.m. to 1.00 p.m. 30 persons
attended the meeting. Mr. P.C. R. Suresh, Vice
President, Standard Chartered Bank, Chennai
gave an inspiring talk on “The Importance of
the Word of God”. Rev. Devaputhiron, Hon.
Secretary, Church of South India, Madras
Diocese spoke about “Our Development
of the Word of God”. Rev. G.D.V. Prasad,
Director (Public Relations & AVM) spoke
about the history of the BSI and how the BSI
and the Church together, can make an impact
in the third century.
The meeting concluded with prayer by Rev.
Devaputhiron, followed by fellowship lunch.
Sowing Circle Jan-April 201367
By: Mr. Sajal Kumar Sarkar
We are thankful to you for your prayers denominations for the Bible Cause. Kindly
as we continue to face many challenges in continue to pray for the Bible work in this
the Island. We deeply appreciate the help region.
and support that we receive from all Church
Enjoy as a family the Hymn story and study and the BSI Quiz
Hymn Story and Study: The Church’s
One Foundation
All throughout history God’s people have
used songs to teach. We can see this as early
as Exodus 15 where Moses records the song
Israel sang after crossing the Red Sea. It taught
everyone who heard and sang it about God’s
character in that great act of delivering His
people. In the New Testament we encounter
simple but important truths in the earliest
Christian hymns.
truths confessed” in that article, along with
a list of the Scripture passages supporting
it. “The Church’s One Foundation” was the
hymn he wrote for article 9 of the Creed,
which affirms belief in “the holy catholic
church” and “the communion of saints.”
“The Church’s One Foundation” is the best
known of the twelve hymns in this collection.
The hymn’s long legacy undoubtedly owes to
the many sweet doctrines it includes, its use
of the words and concepts of Scripture to
express them, and its uniqueness in teaching
The Rev. Samuel John Stone was well the doctrine of the Church.
aware of the effectiveness of singing when
he wrote and published Lyra Fidelium in 1866.
The Church’s one foundation
As a curate in the small town of Windsor,
Is Jesus Christ her Lord,
She is His new creation
England, he was aware of his congregation’s
By water and the Word.
habit of using the Apostles’ Creed in their
From heaven He came and sought her
private prayers. But he was concerned that
To be His holy bride;
many of them did not grasp the meaning of
With His own blood He bought her
what they said. The prose felt too academic,
And for her life He died.
disconnected from the average worshipper,
and lacking a devotional spirit.
She is from every nation,
Yet one o’er all the earth;
It was in this context that he wrote Lyra
Her charter of salvation,
Fidelium, which consisted of twelve hymns, one
One Lord, one faith, one birth;
for each article of the Apostles’ Creed. With
One holy Name she blesses,
each hymn he included a short “summary of
Partakes one holy food,
Sowing Circle Jan-April 201368
And to one hope she presses,
With every grace endued.
The Church shall never perish!
Her dear Lord to defend,
To guide, sustain, and cherish,
Is with her to the end:
Though there be those who hate her,
And false sons in her pale,
Against both foe or traitor
She ever shall prevail.
Though with a scornful wonder
Men see her sore oppressed,
By schisms rent asunder,
By heresies distressed:
Yet saints their watch are keeping,
Their cry goes up, “How long?”
And soon the night of weeping
Shall be the morn of song!
‘Mid toil and tribulation,
And tumult of her war,
She waits the consummation
Of peace forevermore;
Till, with the vision glorious,
Her longing eyes are blest,
And the great Church victorious
Shall be the Church at rest.
(Source: Taken from the website: Hymn Stories)
Activity: You may kindly use this activity
in your Family Get-Together/Family Prayer/
Family Recreation.
Let us:
• Enjoy singing this hymn together.
• Talk about the hymn and reflect on
each stanza.
• Think about our local Church and ask
some relevant questions: How does the
congregation get involved in every aspect
of the local Church? Are there families
that need help in some areas – health,
education, employment opportunities,
etc.,? How to make the Worship service
creative and meaningful? How to
strengthen the Sunday School, Youth
Fellowship, Men’s Fellowship, Women’s
Fellowship, Bible Study programmes,
Outreach programmes, Community
development, prayer ministry, music
ministry, etc.?
• Pray for the relationship between the
Church and the Bible Society of India.
(Prepared by Mrs. Susan Suganthi, a Volunteer of
the BSI)
The British and Foreign Bible Society started the Bible Society of India in Calcutta (now
Kolkata) on February 21, 1811. The year-long celebrations of the Bicentennial took place
from February 2010 to February 2011, celebrating God’s faithfulness and remembering the
people whom God used in the history of the Bible Society of India. Enjoy the BSI Quiz
time with your family and close with prayer for the BSI family. You may kindly pick up prayer
points, as you browse through this Sowing Circle issue.
A. Choose the correct answer: The Presidents of the Bible Society of India
1. Who was the first President of the Bible Society of India?
a. Rt. Rev. V.S. Azariah b. The Rt. Rev. CK. Jacob c. The Most Rev. H. L. J. De Mel
Sowing Circle Jan-April 201369
2. Who succeeded The Most Rev. Dr. Alexander Mar Thoma, the President of the
BSI in 1982?
a. Dewan Bahadur K Mathan b. Mr. J.S.S. Malelu c. The Most Rev. Dr. R.S. Bhandare
3. Who took over from Prof, R.V. Kant, Acting President, in 1994?
a. The Most Rev. Eric S. Nasir b. The Most Rev. Dr. P.V. Premsagar
c. The Rev. Dr. Robert Cunville
4. When was The Most Rev. Dr. K.J. Samuel, the President of the BSI?
a. 2000-2006 b. 1994-2000 c. 1988-1994
5. Which woman leader became the first President of the Bible Society of India?
a. Dr. Sukhalata Das b. Dr. Mrs. Navamani E Peter c. Mrs. Bhandare
6. Who is the current President of the Bible Society of India?
a. The Revd. Dr. P.N.S. Chandra Bose b. The Rt. Rev. Dr. P.C. Singh c. Mrs. Starla
Match the following: The General Secretaries of the Bible Society of India
1. The Rev. J.S.M. Hooper
1. 1947-1949
2. The Rt. Rev. G. Sinker
2. 1949-1958
3. Mr. P. Mahanty
3. 1944-1947
4. Miss M.S. Harrison (Acting)
4. 1958-1959
5. Rev. W. Park Rankin
5. Jan-July 2011
6. The Rev. Dr. A.E. Inbanathan
6. 1982-1985
7. Maj Gen. O.M. Mani (Hony)
7. 2011-
8. Mr. T. Albert Manoraj (Hony)
8. 1959-1960
9. Mr. T.J. Ramakrishnan (Contract)
9. 1981-1982
10. Dr. B.K. Pramanik
10. 1985-2010
11. Dr. M. Jesudas (In-Charge)
11. July/Aug 1981
12. The Rev. Dr. M. Mani Chacko
12. 1960-1981
(Prepared by the BSI Volunteers - Veda Selvakumar and Priyadarshini)
Presidents of the BSI: 1-a; 2-c; 3-c; 4-a; 5-b; 6-a
General Secretaries of the BSI: 1-3; 2-1; 3-2; 4-4; 5-8; 6-12; 7-11; 8-9; 9-6; 10-10; 11-5; 12-7
Sowing Circle Jan-April 201370
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