Sinterklaas and Zwarte Piet
Sinterklaas and Zwarte Piet
[email protected] 22/11/2013 Tomato Talk Sinterklaas and Zwarte Piet By: Teddy Hriskova Saint Nicholas or Sinterklaas is a celebration specifically for children and in the Netherlands it takes place on the December has many holidays. First we celebrate the 5th of December. Sinterklaas is celebrated by the whole feast of St Nicholas, known as Sinterklaasfeest in the family. From the day Sinterklaas arrives in our country Netherlands, which is followed by Christmas Day on the until the 5th of December, children are allowed to place 25th and Boxing Day on the 26th of December. Both their shoe near the chimney or the radiator. together are known as the “Christmas Days” in Holland. Traditionally, the shoe should go near the fireplace After this, the year ends with ‘Oud en Nieuw” or New because Zwarte Piet, Sinterklaas’ black assistant, comes Year’s Eve plus New Year’s Day . Many of our colleagues down from the roof, through the chimney. In homes are originally from Poland, Latvia, Lithuania and without a chimney, the shoe is usually put near the Hungary and naturally, these people do not know how radiator or at the front or back door. The next morning, Sinterklaasfeest is celebrated. So I’ll try and explain this children find some sweets in their shoe. The most for you. delicious and typical Sinterklaas candy includes things like speculaas (tastes a bit like gingerbread), kruidnoten (ginger biscuits), pepernoten (spiced biscuits), chocolate Dutch erwtensoep or pea soup. We were surprised that letters and marzipan. It is much appreciated if the we were allowed to ladle the soup from a large pot on children do something in return, like make a special the table ourselves. It was also the first time we drank drawing they put near their shoe or leave a carrot or a Glühwein! All in all, we had a very pleasant evening. We suger lump for Sinterklaas’ horse. were presented with many small gifts and learned a few new Dutch words. No, I’ll certainly never forget my first My first introduction to the Sinterklaasfeest was in Sinterklaas! December 2001. At the time, I was doing a work placement at a tree nursery in Boskoop. Together with This year, Sint (short for Sinterklaas) on his white horse two of my girlfriends, I was invited by a Dutch family and will visit our company with his assistant Zwarte Piet we were aware of the fact that it was a Dutch tradition to on the 30th of November. The employees’children will exchange gifts. We had made up our faces with special definitely have a lovely afternoon with many surprises, black cream and we had brought a bag full of presents. gifts and sweets. In other words, we had dressed up as Zwarte Pieten or “Black Petes”. We were having fun and looking forward Have a great time! to the evening. On that occasion, we also ate typically I wish you all happy holidays in December! Honingtomaten® has a ‘little’ brother! After a long search for a bigger tomato that is all you have ever dreamt of, we came across a new variety. We have given this variety the name Droomtomaten® (Dream Tomatoes). We will shortly introduce these Droomtomaten®. In order to give people some idea of the arrival of our new tomato, we have sent birth announcement cards. Let us introduce… Donna Turk For the last few weeks, Donna Turk of Ernst & Young has village near Alphen a/d been working at Looije in Maasdijk on a temporary basis. Rijn. Earlier this year I Donna will continue to work with us for another couple finished my studies at of weeks. She is happy to introduce herself through this The Hague University interview. of Applied sciences and I recently started Welcome to our company, what will you be doing working for EY. exactly? After work I enjoy I am employed by accountancy company EY. This going to the gym, company has become Looije’s accountant as per this spending evenings year. Our audit requires that we find out more about out with my Looije’s current administrative organisation and internal girlfriends, dining out, going to the cinema and doing lots management. Because there is no clear description of this of other fun things! I also enjoy travel and I have a long as yet, I am in the process of mapping things and making list of countries and cities in the world that I still want to the necessary recommendations for improvements. At this visit. moment, I work at Looije in Maasdijk for purpose of my research. What is your favourite dish? I am very much into healthy eating. At the weekends I What are your first impressions of Looije? enjoy cooking and trying out new recipes! I don’t really I like the atmosphere; I have worked here for a few weeks have one single favourite dish but for sushi you can wake now and I really feel at home. Looije as a company gives me up anytime of the day or night! its employees a lot of freedom and also involves everybody to a high extent in its management and developments as a When did you last really laugh out loud? whole. The staff is very helpful and has already assisted me I have a good laugh at least once every day and I am in my investigations a great deal. known to laugh at my own jokes (of course that’s very bad). The most recent person who made me laugh Tell us a bit about yourself, who is Donna? uncontrollably was Russell Brand. I went to one of his I am 23 years old and originally from Ter Aar, a small shows last week and that man is really, very funny! Update new premises By: Michiel Hoogenboom As you all know, people are working extremely hard to finish the new packaging hall. Starting from week 2, the first machines will be moved from Maasdijk to the new hall in Naaldwijk. We expect the actual move to take place by the end of week 4, so before this can happen, a lot still needs to be done! To give you an idea of how things are looking on the inside, we have taken a few pictures. Have fun dreaming of your new workplace. /looijetomaten Cheerful canteen We have received many drawings for Sinterklaas; the canteen now looks wonderfully decorated!! Sint will be ever so pleased!! On Saturday the 30th of November Sinterklaas will visit us in Maasdijk from 14.00-16.00 hrs. BIRTHDAYS Katarzyna Cichowska 22-11 Jolanta Polak 28-11 Jaroslaw Lindenberg 27-11 Lars van Haasteren 1-12 Szymon Szymkowski 27-11 What keeps you busy... Leszek Porwit My name is Leszek Porwit. I am 42 years old and originally ... in the world? from Bytom, a town in the Śląskie province in Poland. I I am mainly interested in current affairs in Poland and in currently live in Rotterdam. I have been working at the the rest of the world. Looije company since August last year. ... in your personal life? I work in the Netherlands together with my wife and I have got to know many interesting people over here. I am interested in MMA fighting and love playing computer games. In my leisure time I enjoy watching a good film. ... in your work? I work in the Burgerveen greenhouse where my current task consists of lowering the vines; previously I took care of leaf removal.
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