MW101 - Jooma Admin User Guide


MW101 - Jooma Admin User Guide
Microwaves101 Joomla 3.1 CMS User Guide
User Guide for Web Content Managers
Version: 1.6 – November 26, 2015
Copyright 2015 IEEE
Table of Contents
ABOUT THIS GUIDE ................................................................................................................................ 8
LOGIN IN/LOG OUT FOR ADMIN PANEL .......................................................................................... 9
Logging In to Administration Area ................................................................................................... 9
Logging Out ...................................................................................................................................... 9
FRONT-END ADMIN AREA (FOR AUTHORS & EDITORS) ....................................................................... 10
Login ............................................................................................................................................... 10
Logging out ..................................................................................................................................... 10
ADMINISTRATION AREA ........................................................................................................................ 9
DISCUSSION BOARD AREA ................................................................................................................... 11
Login to Discussion Board area ..................................................................................................... 11
Logging Out ................................................................................................................................ 11
ACCESS ROLES ....................................................................................................................................... 13
GENERAL REVIEW ................................................................................................................................ 13
FRONT-END GROUPS............................................................................................................................. 13
Registered Users ............................................................................................................................. 14
Author ............................................................................................................................................. 14
3.2.3 Editor .................................................................................................................................................. 15
3.2.4 Publisher............................................................................................................................................. 15
CREATE ARTICLE (PAGE) ON FRONT-END ............................................................................................ 15
ADMINISTRATION SECTION GROUPS ..................................................................................................... 18
Manager .......................................................................................................................................... 19
Administrator .................................................................................................................................. 19
Super Administrator ........................................................................................................................ 20
WORK WITH CATEGORIES ................................................................................................................ 21
CREATE A NEW CATEGORY ................................................................................................................. 21
MANAGE EXISTING CATEGORIES ......................................................................................................... 24
WORKING WITH ARTICLES ............................................................................................................... 26
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CREATE A NEW ARTICLE (PAGE) ......................................................................................................... 26
General Options .............................................................................................................................. 26
Publishing Options .......................................................................................................................... 28
Metadata Options............................................................................................................................ 29
Anchor Links ................................................................................................................................... 31
Insert Article ................................................................................................................................... 35
Insert Image Gallery ....................................................................................................................... 36
Insert Link into Article .................................................................................................................... 38
Add Page Break .............................................................................................................................. 38
Add “Read more” link .................................................................................................................... 39
MANAGE AN EXISTING ARTICLE (PAGE) .............................................................................................. 43
Add Article to Alphabetical Filter (Encyclopedia) .......................................................................... 44
Insert/Edit Link. .............................................................................................................................. 45
Insert/Edit Anchors. ........................................................................................................................ 47
Remove Article from Alphabetical filter (Encyclopedia) ................................................................ 48
External References .................................................................................................................... 40
LOCK/CHECK-IN .................................................................................................................................. 50
Checking Items In............................................................................................................................ 50
Automatic Check-in (without saving) .............................................................................................. 51
DELETING AN ARTICLE ........................................................................................................................ 52
FORBIDDEN WORDS REPLACER ............................................................................................................. 53
Delete item from ReReplacer module.............................................................................................. 56
List of articles with bad words ........................................................................................................ 56
AUTHOR OF ARTICLE ........................................................................................................................... 58
ARTICLE TEASER ................................................................................................................................. 61
WORKING WITH MODULES ............................................................................................................... 65
CHANGING CONTENT BLOCKS ON FRONT PAGE ................................................................................... 65
6.1.1. Modules. Position: header ................................................................................................................. 67
6.1.2. Modules. Position: navigation ........................................................................................................... 67
6.1.3. Modules. Position: content-top-slider ............................................................................................... 68
6.1.4. Modules. Position: content-top1 ........................................................................................................ 69
6.1.5. Modules. Position: content-top2 ........................................................................................................ 69
6.1.6. Modules. Position: content-top3 ........................................................................................................ 70
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ADD NEW MODULE ON FRONT PAGE .................................................................................................... 72
6.2.1. Add “Article” module to Front page. ................................................................................................ 73
6.2.2. Add “Custom HTML” module to Front page. ................................................................................... 76
MANAGE MAIN SLIDER ON FRONT PAGE ............................................................................................. 77
Add Image/Video/Presentation to slider ......................................................................................... 77
Styles/Effect/Caption Options ......................................................................................................... 81
CHANGE SOCIAL MEDIA ICONS IN THE HEADER .................................................................................. 83
CHANGE “YOUR COMMENTS AND SUGGESTIONS ARE WELCOME.” ....................................................... 84
MANAGE DFP BANNERS ...................................................................................................................... 87
Manage Code 1 for DFP banners ................................................................................................... 88
Manage Code 2 for DFP banners ............................................................................................... 91
How to add banner to specific page............................................................................................ 93
6.6.4. Redirecting the old page to the new page with Ads ........................................................................... 97
6.6.5. Types of banners currently added in admin panel ............................................................................. 97
WORKING WITH MENUS ..................................................................................................................... 99
CREATE A NEW MENU ITEM ................................................................................................................ 99
EDITING TOP MENU ........................................................................................................................... 103
EDITING MAIN MENU ........................................................................................................................ 105
EDIT FOOTER MENU .......................................................................................................................... 106
REVISIONS ............................................................................................................................................. 108
CONTENT REVISIONS/VERSIONS ........................................................................................................ 108
CONTENT EDITOR (JCE) AND FILE MANAGER .......................................................................... 112
CONTENT EDITOR - TOOLBAR ............................................................................................................ 112
JCE - SPELL CHECKER ....................................................................................................................... 114
JCE – PASTE FROM WORD FEATURE. ................................................................................................. 115
MEDIA MANAGER. ............................................................................................................................. 116
Insert Image .................................................................................................................................. 119
Uploading images using the Insert Image screen ......................................................................... 120
Search in File Browser ................................................................................................................. 122
MANAGE DISCUSSION BOARD .................................................................................................... 123
DISCUSSION BOARD ON FRONT PAGE ................................................................................................. 123
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10.1.1. Manage module with Introductory text .......................................................................................... 124
10.1.2. Manage Latest Posts Module ......................................................................................................... 124
DETAILED VIEW OF DISCUSSION BOARD ............................................................................................ 126
10.2.1. Manage Categories........................................................................................................................ 126
10.2.2. Manage Users ................................................................................................................................ 127
10.2.3. Configuration................................................................................................................................. 127
MANAGE CALENDAR (THIS FEATURE IS CURRENTLY HIDDEN) .................................... 129
MANAGE EVENTS ............................................................................................................................... 129
MANAGE EVENT CATEGORY .............................................................................................................. 130
HELP DESK ........................................................................................................................................ 132
INTRODUCING .................................................................................................................................... 132
MANAGE PEOPLE SECTION ................................................................................................................. 133
CREATE TICKET/ISSUE ....................................................................................................................... 133
PROJECTS ........................................................................................................................................... 135
TEMPLATES FOR EMAIL NOTIFICATIONS ............................................................................................. 136
PRIORITIES ......................................................................................................................................... 137
MANAGING MOBILE SITE ............................................................................................................ 138
MENUS ............................................................................................................................................... 138
9.2.1. Main Menu on front page. ............................................................................................................... 138
9.2.2. Pop-up Menu on inside pages.......................................................................................................... 141
9.2.3. Bottom Menu on inside pages. ......................................................................................................... 142
EXPORT DATA .................................................................................................................................. 143
EXPORT ARTICLES ............................................................................................................................. 143
EXPORT USERS .................................................................................................................................. 145
CDNIFY CACHING ........................................................................................................................... 146
DISABLE CACHING ............................................................................................................................. 146
APPROVAL GRAPHICS ........................................................................................................................ 148
REVIEWERS ........................................................................................................................................ 151
REVIEWER FOLDERS .......................................................................................................................... 154
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APPENDIX .......................................................................................................................................... 158
APPENDIX A: USEFUL ARTICLES........................................................................................................ 158
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Document History
Changed By
What Changed
Larisa Boiko
Version 1.4
Updated section: 6.6. Manage
DFP banners.
Larisa Boiko
Version 1.5
Added section: 15 CDNIFY
Larisa Boiko
Version 1.6
Added section: 16 New
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1 About This Guide
This document describes how to work with content on the Microwaves101 Joomla 3.1 site.
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2 Login In/Log Out for Admin Panel
2.1 Administration Area
2.1.1 Logging In to Administration Area
To log into the main Joomla Administration Area:
Follow this link -
Enter your username and password.
2.1.2 Logging Out
To log out from the Administration Area, click on the Logout link in the top right corner:
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Front-end Admin Area (for Authors & Editors)
2.2.1 Login
To login to the Authors & Editors admin area go to:
Enter your username and password.
2.2.2 Logging out
To log out from the Authors & Editors admin area, click on the Logout link in the top left
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2.3 Discussion Board Area
2.3.1 Login to Discussion Board area
To login to Discussion Board admin controls, go to:
Enter your username and password.
Logging Out
To logging out from Discussion Board area, go to
Click on Logout link.
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This page has been left blank for notes.
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3 Access Roles
3.1 General review
Access Control Levels (ACL) govern the permissions that are associated with the individual User
levels. There are seven (7) User Groups/levels within Joomla. Four (4) only have access to the
site front-end for limited content management and editing as well as Discussion Board
moderation: Registered, Author, Editor, and Publisher. There are also three (3) levels with
access to the full Joomla Administrator Back-end: Manager, Administrator, and Super
Administrator. In addition to the registered User Groups listed above there is a Public
(unregistered) or Guest, level.
3.2 Front-end groups
Login at
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Front-end admins, have access to Admin Menu on front-end. This menu is placed on the right
side of 4 pages:
1. Edit Profile:
2. Create Article:
3. List of Articles:
4. Login/Logout:
Admin Menu is available for users logged-in on the front-end:
3.2.1 Registered Users
Registered - This allows the public to login to the front-end and post to the Discussion Board.
3.2.2 Author
Author - This level allows users to post content. They can submit new content, select options to
show the item on the front page, and select dates for publishing. They cannot directly publish
any content or access the work of other Authors. When content is submitted by an Author level
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user, they receive the message, “Thanks for your submission. Your submission will now be
reviewed before being posted to the site.” They can log back in to edit their own articles, but only
when that article has been published and is visible.
3.2.3 Editor
Editor - This level allows a user to post and edit any (not just their own) content both published
and unpublished. Editors cannot publish or change the publishing status of any articles,
including their own.
3.2.4 Publisher
Publisher - This level allows a user to post, edit and publish any (not just their own) content
item. Publishers can review all articles, edit and change publishing options, and determine when
an article is ready for publication.
3.3 Create Article (page) on Front-end
As written above, Authors, Editors and Publishers have the ability to create a new Article. Use
this URL:
Or click on “Create Article” menu item in the Admin Menu:
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Fill-in title of an Article, and add full text to JCE Editor, as is shown on screen below:
Select Category of new Article, in Publishing tab.
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Click on Save link to save an Article:
When an Author, Editor or Publisher has saved a new article, all top level Administrators will see
Notification about submitted Article at the bottom of Joomla admin panel.
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When an administrator clicks on envelope at the bottom of the page, he/she can see Message
about submitted Article:
The administrator should navigate to Content -> Article Manager, locate the unpublished article
added by Author, Editor or Publisher, and review. Upon approval, simply click to publish on the
live site.
3.4 Administration section groups
There are three (3) Administration section groups that allow access to Joomla.
Administration groups can login to the Administrative interface:
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3.4.1 Manager
Manager - This level allows access to content creation and other system information on the
Joomla backend. They can create or edit any content, access some Backend-only features like
adding, deleting and editing Sections and Categories or editing the Front Page and Menus. They
don’t have any access to the “mechanics” of Joomla, like user management or the ability to
install components or modules.
These menu items are available for Manager:
1. Content: Article, Category, Media Managers and Featured Articles.
2. Components: Kunena Forum (Discussion Board) and Simple Image Gallery Pro. Other
components are not useful.
3.4.2 Administrator
Administrator - This group allows access to most administration functions. An Administrator
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has all the privileges of a Manager, but they also have access to set options, install/delete
components, modules and bots, User Manager access, and can view the site statistics. What
they cannot do is change, edit or install Site Templates or make any changes to the site’s Global
configuration options. When an Administrator accesses the User Manager list, they will see all
users at their access level or below. They can modify any user EXCEPT a Super Administrator –
in fact, they will not even see Super Administrator accounts in the list. Also, they cannot create
additional Super Administrator level accounts, only a Super Admin can do that.
Administrators see these menus in the Joomla Admin panel:
3.4.3 Super Administrator
Super Administrator - This group allows access to all administration functions. Only another
Super Administrator can create or edit a Super Administrator user account. Full access to ALL
AREAS is given to Super Administrators, and once created they cannot be as easily deleted.
You must change the user's group to something other than Super Administrator first in order to
delete them.
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4 Work with Categories
A Category is a collection of Articles. Each Category can have articles assigned to it. An Article can
be associated with one Category only.
4.1 Create a New Category
To create a new Category, navigate to Content -> Category Manager -> Add New Category
1) Fill in these fields:
Category Title
Description of the category
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2) Publishing Options tab - these entries are optional.
Joomla automatically creates default entries for these values.
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3) Options tab - set the category options for better optimization.
4) Metadata Options tab – add SEO information for the category.
After all changes are done, click the Save & Close button at the top left of the page.
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4.2 Manage Existing Categories
To manage Categories, go to Content -> Category Manager.
Every Article should be related to one Category. There can be multiple Articles in one Category.
For example, the categories Encyclopedia and Acronyms consist of multiple articles.
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To edit a Category, choose the name from the general list and click on it:
After your changes are done, click the Save & Close button. Click the Close button if nothing has
been changed.
Use Filter to search for articles by category. Navigate to Content->Article-> Select Category box:
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5 Working with Articles
5.1 Create a New Article (Page)
5.1.1 General Options
Navigate to Content -> Article Manager -> Add New Article.
Or use New button under the Articles section.
 Fill in the Title.
 Choose the Category. Each article must have a category. See full list of categories
 Fill in the body text of the new page.
Please see screenshot below of how the inside page of an Article looks in admin panel.
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NOTE: You should click on the “Save & Close” button to save your changes. If you click
only the “Save” button, other users may not be able to edit the Article when they login at
a later time.
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5.1.2 Publishing Options
To manage publishing options, use the Publishing tab. This tab allows you to enter parameters
for an Article, as shown below:
These entries are optional. Joomla automatically creates default entries for these values.
Created by. Name of the Joomla user who created this item. This will default to the currently
logged-in user. If you want to change this to a different user, click the Select User button.
Created By Alias. This optional field allows you to enter an alias for the Author of an Article.
Created Date. This field defaults to the current time the Article was created. You can enter in a
different date and time or click on the calendar icon to find the desired date.
Start Publishing. Date and time to start publishing. Use this field if you want to enter content
ahead of time and then have it published automatically at a future time.
Finish Publishing. Date and time to finish publishing. Use this field if you want to have
content automatically removed from the site by changing to the Unpublished state at a future
time (for example, when it is no longer applicable).
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If an Article was published but then expired (due to a finish date being entered as per previous
paragraph) an orange symbol is displayed in the list of Articles:
Modified By. Displays who last edited the article. Note this field is non-editable.
Modified Date. Date and time the article was last modified. Note this field is non-editable.
Revision. This indicates the number of times an article has been edited. Note this field is noneditable.
Hits. The number of times an item has been viewed.
5.1.3 Metadata Options
To add meta tags, use the Metadata section displayed on Publishing tab.
This section allows you to enter Metadata information for an article. Metadata is information
about the Article that is not displayed but is available to search engines and other systems to
classify the Article. This gives you more control over how the content will be analyzed by these
programs. All of these entries are optional. Metadata is shown inside HTML meta elements. The
entry screen is shown below:
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Meta Description. An optional paragraph to be used as the description of the page in the
HTML output. This will generally display in the results of search engines.
Meta Keywords. Optional entry for keywords. Must be entered separated by commas and may
be entered in upper or lower case.
Key Reference. Optional text key that an Article may be referenced by (for example, a help
reference). A normal Joomla! link to an Article is in the form "<home
URL>/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=22&Itemid=34". In this example, Joomla!
is using the "com_content" component, using an "article" layout, showing the Article whose ID is
"22", and using the Menu Item whose ItemID is "34". The Key Reference of an Article can be
used in a URL instead of the Article's ID. For example, if an Article's Key Reference is
"", then the URL "<home
w" could also be used to display the page. The "task=findkey" tells Joomla! to search by Key
Reference, and the "" provides the Key Reference to search for. Using the Key
Reference to link to Articles is more flexible than using Article ID, since you can edit the Key
Reference field of existing Articles. Note that, if more than one Article has the same Key
Reference, this URL will only find the first Article with this Key Reference.
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Robots. The instructions for search robots that browse to this page.
Use Global: Use the value set in the Component→Options for this component.
Index, Follow: Index this page and follow the links on this page. THIS IS DEFAULT.
No index, Follow: Do not index this page, but still follow the links on the page. For
example, you might do this for a site map page where you want the links to be indexed
but you don't want this page to show in search engines.
Index, No follow: Index this page, but do not follow any links on the page. For example,
you might want to do this for an events calendar, where you want the page to show in
search engines but you do not want to index each event.
No index, no follow: Do not index this page or follow any links on the page.
Author. Optional entry for an Author name within the metadata. If entered, this creates an
HTML meta element with the name attribute of "author" and the content attribute as entered
Content Rights. Optional entry that shows what rights others have to use the content in the
article. If entered, this creates an HTML meta element with the name attribute of "rights" and the
content attribute as entered here.
External Reference. An optional reference used to link to external data sources. If entered,
this creates an HTML meta element with a name attribute of "xreference" and a content attribute
equal to the entered text.
5.1.4 Anchor Links
Insert/Edit Anchor. An anchor is a marker inside an article that lets you link directly to a
sentence in the article. To insert an anchor, move the cursor to the desired location within the
article and click this button. A window will display. Enter the name of the Anchor and press
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A small anchor icon will then show at the location of the anchor. You can edit the name of the
anchor by clicking on it and pressing this button. You can delete the anchor just by selecting it
and pressing the delete key.
Insert/Edit Link. To insert or edit a link, select the linked text and press this button. A popup
dialog displays that lets you enter details about the link.
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Anchors added earlier to an article are displayed in the Article Anchors section.
For example, in the image below, the anchors #standingwave, #vswr, #other, and #mismatch
are displayed below the "Voltage standing wave ratio (VSWR)" article they are contained in.
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Anchors from other articles are displaying at the Browse-> Content section in pop-window.
You can navigate directly to the content item and the anchor will be listed below the item. All you
need to do is select it and update the link.
Clicking on the anchor item will insert the article link with the anchor appended into the URL
field, for example: /encyclopedias/452-vswr#standingwave.
Click on Save & Close button to save your changes.
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5.1.5 Insert Article
Click on Insert Article button below article toolbar to insert an Article to current article.
In the pop-up window, select the data to insert and click on one of the article links. They will
insert tags with syntax: {article ID/Title/Alias}{Data}{/article}. Also, you can manage display of
Titles, Content, “Read more” link and Maximum text length.
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5.1.6 Insert Image Gallery
Click on Simple Image Gallery Pro button below article toolbar to insert an image gallery into
current article.
Select gallery in pop-up window and click on Insert button.
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Inserted Gallery will have this view on the front end.
Images will be opened in pop-up window as is show below.
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5.1.7 Insert Link into Article
Click on the Article button below the article toolbar to insert a link inside the current article.
A list of all articles will be shown in a pop-up window. Click on the article which you need to add
a link to.
5.1.8 Add Page Break
Page break enables a long article to be split into pages. Position the cursor where you want a
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page break to occur. Click on Page Break button below article.
A small dialogue box appears above the editor. The Page Title is likely to be the name of the
heading or main content of the next part of the article. If you do not enter anything, this becomes
the page number by default.
Enter the name of the page
Click Insert
When the article is saved there will be an index and also navigation at the bottom of each page.
5.1.9 Add “Read more” link
“Read more” enables the article to be read in full following a few 'teaser' lines. There are some
pages where a short teaser extract gives enough information for readers to grasp the content of
the article. This is often used for news or blogs where there is limited room on the main page,
and readers are not interested in all content. A good solution is to use the “Read More” format.
Open the article for editing
Make sure that the first few lines (which are going to be the 'teaser' text) give a good
idea of the content of the rest of the article
Place the cursor at the end of the teaser text
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Click on the Read more button underneath the Editor screen.
A dotted line is inserted into the article. Save the article.
Only the teaser text is displayed on the front-end. At the end there is a READ MORE link. Click
on this to display the rest of the article.
External References
You can refer to the contents of Articles on another web-site by creating an external reference.
A list of external references added in the admin panel are displayed at the bottom of the article.
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To add external reference, in the admin panel open the article to which you want to add external
references. Navigate to Images and links tab, as shown below. You can add external
references to block Link A, Link B, Link C.
Link A (B, C) – The actual link to which users will be redirected. Must be a full URL, including
http:// or other protocol.
Link A (B, C) Text – Text to display for the link.
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URL Target Window – Target browser window when the menu item is clicked.
You can add a maximum of 3 External References below each Article.
Click Save & Close button to save added links.
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5.2 Manage an Existing Article (Page)
To manage Articles go to Content -> Article Manager.
Use search field to search for the article, or use a filter on the left side to filter articles by
Category. Click on the desired Article to manage it.
Click on the article you wish to change. After changes are done, click the Save & Close button.
Click the Close button if nothing has changed.
5.3 Add/Remove Article to/from Alphabetical Filter
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5.3.1 Add Article to Alphabetical Filter (Encyclopedia)
Step 1. To add articles to the alphabetical filter in Encyclopedia section, go to Components ->
Kaoz Designs Glossary -> Terms Administration -> Add Term
Click on green box “Add a term”
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Step 2.
In Term Details window, select Term Categories
Step 3.
Term field - add title of Article. This term determines how
the link is stored for future editing but it does not appear in
the encyclopedia index. If you want to edit the link later, this
term is how you access it. It can be unpublished or edited
later. Also, it can be removed completely by clicking on the
“Delete” button.
For example: ABCs of Amplifiers
Step 4.
Term Characteristics field - add title of Article and link it to
article. Please see detailed explanation below how to add
For example: ABCs of Amplifiers.
This is the term that appears in the encyclopedia index
Click on Save button to save your changes.
5.3.2 Insert/Edit Link.
Step 1. To insert or edit a link, select the linked text and press this button. A popup dialog
displays that lets you enter details about the link.
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Step 2. Fill in URL field in the pop-up window which appears when you click on Link button. Or,
find the Article which you want to link to current phrase. Go to Browse->Content section in popup window, select category (for example: Encyclopedia) and click on the Article title, shown
Step 3. Click on Insert button, to add link.
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5.3.3 Insert/Edit Anchors.
Step 1. To insert or edit an anchor link, select the linked text and press this button. A popup
dialog displays that lets you enter details about the link.
Step 2. To add Anchors from another articles navigate to Browse-> Content section in popwindow.
Select category (for example: Encyclopedia). You can navigate directly to the content item and
the anchor will be listed below the item. All you need to do is select it and update the link, as is
shown below.
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Step 3. Clicking on the anchor item will insert the article link with the anchor appended into the
URL field, for example: /encyclopedias/260-abcs-of-amplifier#pulsed.
Step 4. Click on Save button to save your changes.
5.3.4 Remove Article from Alphabetical filter
To remove Articles from Alphabetical filter in Encyclopedia section, go to Components -> Kaoz
Designs Glossary -> Terms Administration
Use the search tool to find the link you want to change.
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Select the Term which you want to delete and click on “Un-publish” button at top. Or click on
green check (tick) in Active column.
If item is unpublished (green) check red X as shown below:
Select the Term which you want to delete permanently and click on “Delete” button.
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5.4 Lock/Check-in
Sometimes you may see a padlock next to a specific item. These padlocks may be displayed
next to Content Items, Menu Items, Modules, etc.
The Joomla! system places these padlocks next to an item to indicate that a user is currently
editing the item (i.e. the item is "checked out"). The lock is removed when the user clicks on the
"Save&Close" or "Close" button for that item. If the user never clicks "Save&Close" or "Close"
and instead clicks on the “Save” button, or simply navigates to another page, then the item
remains locked. If a different user needs to work with an item that is in the "checked out" state he
or she must first ask a manager or administrator to check the item back in (release the item)
before any new changes can be made.
5.4.1 Checking Items In
There are three ways of checking items back in. One way is to contact the person that has the
item checked out to see if they are finished. You can hover the cursor above the lock and the
tooltip popup will display the name of the user who checked out the article.
If you have top-level admininstrator rights, and can click on the padlock to check only this item
back in, or click on Site->Maintenance->Global Check-in to check all items in.
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The latter option should be used very carefully, especially in multi-user environments. This single
action checks in all previously checked out items, whether they were checked out by you or not.
Possible undesirable side effects may be that multiple editors end up working on the same
document. In this case whoever clicks the save button last has their version saved as the final
5.4.2 Automatic Check-in (without saving)
Automatic check-in happens after 1 hour of no action on a page. In such case, changes are not
saved on the page.
Also, automatic check-in (without saving your changes) happens if you click on the Close button,
or close your browser tab and click on “Leave Page” button.
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5.5 Deleting an Article
Go to Content > Article Manger on the toolbar menu.
Check the box next to the article(s) that you want to delete. Then click Trash button.
If you want to make sure that the Article is completely gone from the system (so no further roll
back is available), go to Content > Article Manager and select “Trashed” in Search Tools.
Select the article which you want to delete (this action is not available to administrators with only
Manager's privileges), click on Empty Trash button, and Delete button in pop-up window.
NOTE: This action cannot be undone.
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5.6 Forbidden words replacer
ReReplacer module searches for any words (which you add to ReReplacer) throughout the site.
To replace words inside an article, you enter them into the ReReplacer module and tell it to
replace them with a chosen new word. Add Forbidden words to ReReplacer module
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Go to Components > NoNumber Replacer on the toolbar menu.
Click on green box “New” to add new item.
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Fill-in these fields in the “Details” tab:
1. Search – bad word which was added to Article by user.
2. Replace – text, to which bad word should be replaced.
3. Title – this title is how item is stored in ReReplacer module for future editing.
Open “Search Areas” tab to enable replacing of bad words in specific section in admin panel
and front-end.
In list of ReReplacer items you can see all settings for each record:
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5.6.1 Delete item from ReReplacer module
Select item which you want to delete and click on “Trash” button.
5.6.2 List of articles with bad words
Click on blue button “List of articles with bad words” to see list of pages where words were
If bad word was automatically found and replaced on some pages, a list of those pages is
displayed in the right column.
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If bad word was NOT found on any pages, the right column is empty.
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5.7 Author of Article
Most Articles have an Author’s block at the bottom of page.
“Author: The Unknown Editor” is selected by default for each new Article.
If Author has avatar or/and title, additional info will be displayed in Author’s block below article.
If there are 2 or more Authors of current Article, text “Author” is changed to “Co-Author”.
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To change Author, open Article and go to “Fields and Filters” tab. Select Author, which you
want to assign to current Article.
Click on “Save & Close” button to save your changes.
“Fields and Filters” tab just displays labels of Users, which are registered in admin panel.
If you want to change name of Author, you should go to Users -> Users Manager
and select User, which you want to edit. For example: Unknown Editor.
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To change First or Last Name of User, open “Account Details” tab:
To upload Avatar and add Title of User, open “Author Info Box Profile Data” tab:
Then go to “Account Details” tab and re-enter password of user:
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Click on “Save & Close” button to save your changes.
If this user is assigned as an Author to an Article, the user’s name will be automatically changed
below each Article.
NOTE: When a new user-author is added to the Joomla system, contact Handmade
Interactive to add this new author as a filter.
5.8 Article Teaser
To manage “Article Teaser” module go to Extensions -> Module Manager -> Articles Related Articles.
NOTE: The module Related Article is currently turned off until the volunteer group
adjusts all articles (as per stated requirements - each article needs to have an intro
image loaded inside Joomla admin).
Article Teaser – is a short description of Article A, which is displayed on Article B, which is
related to Article A by Meta Keywords.
For example we have 2 articles related by keywords. Articles "Group Delay in Filters" and
"Filters" have the same keyword "filters".
1. Group Delay in Filters -> <meta name="keywords" content="filters, delay, group" />
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2. Filters -> <meta name="keywords" content="filters" />
Since the articles are related, on top of Filters page we can see the Article Teaser of the "Group
Delay in Filters" page:
Article Teaser shows these parameters for an article:
1. Title of article (page). For example: "Group Delay in Filters"
2. Intro image – can be uploaded in admin panel, at “Images and links” tab of an article:
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If Intro image is not uploaded, the default image is displayed in Related Articles:
3. Link of Article is adding by default to Title and Intro Image.
Left blank for notes.
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Meta keywords can be added on the Publishing tab of an Article, as shown below:
Click on “Save & Close” button to save your changes.
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6 Working with Modules
6.1 Changing Content Blocks on Front page
To manage Modules, go to Extensions -> Module Manager.
Most modules are displayed only on the Main page. See below an image-map of all the positions
of modules on Main page. The positions of modules are: header, navigation, content-topslider, content-top1, content-top2, content-top3.
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6.1.1. Modules. Position: header
To manage Modules in the “header” position, go to Extensions -> Module Manager, then select
“header” in the left-panel filter. Note the list of modules which are displayed in the header on the
main page. Click on any module to edit.
6.1.2. Modules. Position: navigation
To manage the “navigation” module, go to Extensions -> Module Manager, then select
“navigation” in the left-panel filter. There is only one module in this position. Click on module to
edit it.
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6.1.3. Modules. Position: content-top-slider
To manage the “content-top-slider” module, go to Extensions -> Module Manager, then
select “content-top-slider” in left-panel filter. There is only one module in this position. Click on
the module to edit it.
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6.1.4. Modules. Position: content-top1
To manage the Module “content-top1”, go to Extensions -> Module Manager, then select
“content-top1” in the left-panel filter. You’ll see a list of the modules which are displayed in the
content-top1 position on main page. Click on any module to edit.
6.1.5. Modules. Position: content-top2
To manage Modules in the “content-top2” position, go to Extensions -> Module Manager,
then select “content-top2” in left-panel filter. Click on any module to edit it. Modules with
“green” status are published. Modules with “red” status are unpublished.
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6.1.6. Modules. Position: content-top3
To manage Modules in the position “content-top3”, go to Extensions -> Module Manager,
then select “content-top3” in left-panel filter. Click on any module to edit it.
Modules with “green” status are published. Modules with “red” status are unpublished.
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For example: To work with the Microwave Encyclopedia block on the front page, go to edit
module page and click on the Edit link, as shown below.
On the Custom Output tab you can change text:
Click on the Save&Close button when content changes are done, or on the Close button if
nothing was changed.
To edit the other sections of the home page, take the same steps as described before.
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6.2 Add new module on Front Page
Navigate to Extensions ->Module Manager -> Add New.
Select a module type: Article – Single, or Custom HTML
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6.2.1. Add “Article” module to Front page.
Navigate to Extensions ->Module Manager -> Add New -> Select a module type: Article –
Fill in title field and select position of module in Details tab.
There 3 available positions on Home page: content-top1, content-top2, content-top3.
Detailed description of positions on Front page is in item 5.1.
Fill in Article ID in Options tab.
Navigate to Content -> Article Manager -> Find Article to add to module on Front page. Copy
Article ID, as is shown in picture below,
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You can manage other settings of module in theOptions tab:
Select Only on the pages selected option and click on Home check-box in Menu Assignment
Click on Save&Close button to save your changes.
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The full text of your Article will be displayed on front page.
Navigate to Content -> Article Manager -> Find Article
Place Read More link in the appropriate place in article.
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6.2.2. Add “Custom HTML” module to Front page.
Navigate to Extensions ->Module Manager -> Add New -> Select a module type: Custom
Fill in title field and select position of module in Details tab.
There are 3 available positions on Home page: content-top1, content-top2, content-top3.
A detailed description of positions on the front page is in item 5.1.
Add text for module at Custom Output tab:
Select Only on the pages selected option and Home check-box in Menu Assignment tab:
Click on Save&Close button to save your changes.
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6.3 Manage Main Slider on Front Page
Homepage slider allows the functionality to display a slideshow of images or videos.
• User interface supports browse/upload, as well as drag/drop to the upload interface.
• May include a link on each slide.
• May include a caption on each slide.
• May order slides or have them displayed randomly.
• Compatible with responsive design (mobile devices) if properly configured.
6.3.1 Add Image/Video/Presentation to slider
Navigate to Extensions ->Module Manager.
Click on the “Homepage Slider” item.
Manage slides on the Slides manager tab.
Use Select an image link for adding/changing the slide’s images.
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Select “slider” directory in the pop-up window.
Scroll to the bottom of the pop-up window and click on the Browse button. Browse to your
image file. Click on Start Upload icon.
Click on the uploaded image. This will automatically fill the image URL for you. Scroll down, fill in
a Title and Description.
Click in the Insert button to insert the image into a slide.
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Next, set the slide transition time. For example, enter 5000ms to display the slide for
approximately 5 seconds (or skip this step to use the default found in Effects options).
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In the Description field, add the slide’s text. This will be displayed at the bottom of the slide on
the front-end.
Under the Link options button, enter a URL. If opening content outside domain, you may want to
open in a new window from the Target drop-down.
If you want to add video-slide to slider, click on Video options button and add link to video.
Video will play inside slider.
If you want to add a PowerPoint Presentation to slider:
1. Upload image of Presentation in the same way as described above.
2. Upload .pptx file of presentation to Dropbox.
3. Click on Link options button and add link to presentation (copy link from Dropbox).
Use Add a slide button, at the bottom, for adding a new image/video.
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To delete any slide, click the icon
. Or click the Select an image for changing the slide
6.3.2 Styles/Effect/Caption Options
You can manage styles in Styles Options tab. There are numerous options here that can make
your slider unique.
Click on Skin drop-down to choose color skin for slider.
Please see below a scheme of the parameters: width, height, loader, navigation, thumbnails,
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All these parameters can be managed at the Styles Option tab:
You can manage effects in Effects Options tab. You can set the time of the rotations and the
effects as the images/videos slide by. There are auto play options, image adjustment options,
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You can set different parameters for slider captions at Caption styles tab. These options are
available: font style, margins, background, rounded corners, shadow, borders.
Click Save&Close button after the slides are changed or click Close button if nothing has been
6.4 Change Social Media Icons in the Header
Navigate to Extensions ->Module Manager-> Follow links
Make changes under the Custom output tab.
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Click the Save&Close button after all changes are done or click Close if nothing has changed.
6.5 Change “Your comments and suggestions are welcome.”
Most pages have the text “Your comments and suggestions are welcome.” at the bottom.
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To manage this text go to Extensions -> Module Manager -> Select Position “bottom-inside”
Click module to edit it.
Fill in such fields below:
Link field: Add email in such format: mailto:[email].
For example: mailto:[email protected]
Text field: Add text of current link.
For example: Your comments and suggestions are welcome.
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In Menu Assignment tab select on which pages current module should be displayed.
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6.6 Manage DFP banners
DFP banners consists of 2 types of codes:
1. Code 1 – should be placed in Header;
2. Code 2 – should be placed in Body.
In example below code 1 is displayed in blue, code 2 in green.
Note: Code 1 always consists of 2 parts as is shown below. Part #1 in code 1 is the same for all
banners. Since part #1 of “code 1” is already added to template, you can add only part #2 of
“code 1” to plugin “HeadTag” as is written below.
-----------------------------------------------------CODE 1: Filter Lower Skyscraper
Place this code into the HEAD element of the web page
-----------------------------------------------------<script type='text/javascript'>
var googletag = googletag || {};
googletag.cmd = googletag.cmd || [];
(function() {
var gads = document.createElement('script');
gads.async = true;
gads.type = 'text/javascript';
var useSSL = 'https:' == document.location.protocol;
gads.src = (useSSL ? 'https:' : 'http:') +
var node = document.getElementsByTagName('script')[0];
node.parentNode.insertBefore(gads, node);
<script type='text/javascript'>
googletag.cmd.push(function() {
googletag.defineSlot('/4906012/Filters_LowerSkyscraper', [160, 600], 'div-gpt-ad-14034394079670').addService(googletag.pubads());
---------------------------------------------------------------CODE 2: Place this code where this unit should show in the page body
---------------------------------------------------------------<!-- Filters_LowerSkyscraper -->
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<div id='div-gpt-ad-1403439407967-0' style='width:160px; height:600px;'>
<script type='text/javascript'>
googletag.cmd.push(function() { googletag.display('div-gpt-ad-1403439407967-0'); });
6.6.1 Manage Code 1 for DFP banners
Code 1 should be placed to the <head></head> tag in the template.
To manage code 1 for DFP banners, go to Extensions -> Plugin Manager -> HeadTag
Open “Menu Item Rules” tab to assign specific code for specific pages. Menu items for Main
web-site are displayed in section “main-global” as is shown below:
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Select Tag Type “Custom Tag” and insert part #2 of code 1 to “Custom Tag” field.
For example code below (from the sample in section “6.6 Manage DFP banners”):
<script type='text/javascript'>
googletag.cmd.push(function() {
googletag.defineSlot('/4906012/Filters_LowerSkyscraper', [160, 600], 'div-gpt-ad-14034394079670').addService(googletag.pubads());
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If you want to add several codes #1 to HEAD section – select another menu items as was
described above.
Each menu item can have 1 – 4 Custom Tags.
For example: page “Connector Color Code” has 3 specific banners:
Skyscrapers(right-side), Baseboard(bottom), Leaderboard(top):
That’s why page “Connector Color Code” has 3 Custom Tags. Samples of Custom Tags for
each menu item are shown on image below:
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6.6.2. Manage Code 2 for DFP banners
To manage Code #2 for banners, go to Extensions -> Module Manager -> Search by
There are 4 types of banners on Main and Mobile sites:
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- right-side banners on inside pages on main site (position: aside-right);
- bottom banners on inside pages on main site (position: bottom-inside);
- banners on mobile site (position: ims-mobile-content-footer);
- top banners on inside pages on main site (position: top-inside);
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To manage a banner, click on it first. For example, click on module “Banner Right (KR
Electronics)”. This banner is displayed on the right side of specific inside pages of main site.
Click on Module tab and click on “Toggle Editor” to switch OFF HTML editor and insert banner
code #2. For example:
<!-- Filters_LowerSkyscraper -->
<div id='div-gpt-ad-1403439407967-0' style='width:160px; height:600px;'>
<script type='text/javascript'>
googletag.cmd.push(function() { googletag.display('div-gpt-ad-1403439407967-0'); });
6.6.3. How to add banner to specific page
The Joomla CMS only allows banners to be assigned to specific menu items (not specific
pages). We have already created all menu items for all existing pages in Encyclopedia and
Acronyms sections.
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To place a banner on a specific page, which is created after 10/24/14, an administrator must
create a separate menu item for that page.
These menu items are sub-items of the Encyclopedia or Acronyms menu item in Menus ->
Main Global section in admin panel:
See section 7.1 in the user guide for an explanation of how to create a new menu item. You
should select “Encyclopedia” as the Parent menu item for new sub-items.
After you have created a menu sub-item for a specific page, go to the banner module
(Extensions -> Module Manager) and click on Menu Assignment tab to select the specific
pages on which this banner should be displayed.
Please notice: Currently “Run of the site banners” (Skyscraper, Baseboard, Leaderboard) are
displaying on all inside pages of Encyclopedia section, except for pages listed in section “6.6.5.
Types of banners currently added in admin panel” in this guide.
If you create new specific banner and want to assign it to specific page, which already has “Run
of the site banners” –> open “Run of the site banners” (3 separate modules) and take them OFF
from specific page. Then assign new module with specific banner to specific page (as is written
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Click on Save&Close button to save your changes.
“Banner Right (KR Electronics)” is displayed on right-side of 6 pages, including Microwave
filters page:
Please notice, since user created new menu item for "Filters" page, this menu item has new URL
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URLs of new menu items are creating by such logic: [domain name] + [main menu item] +
[menu sub-item alias]
[menu sub-item alias] can be copied from Menus section in admin panel:
In our case it is: [] + [encyclopedias] + [filters]
So, page with new banners has new URL now:
Old URL of page (without menu item):
If URL of page was changed we should do one more step - to change URL of Article in
Encyclopedia Alphabetical filter:
In this sample, we should change link of "Filters" article in Encyclopedia Alphabetical filter.
Explanation about editing links in Encyclopedia Alphabetical filter is written in section "5.3
Add/Remove Article to/from Alphabetical Filter (Encyclopedia)" in this User Guide.
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6.6.4. Redirecting the old page to the new page with Ads
We added feature of automatic redirecting the old page to the new page with Ads.
It works if alias of menu item is the same as alias of page.
For example:
Old page has alias "connector-color-code" and id "778":
Menu item for new page has alias "connector-color-code":
In such case old page is automatically redirecting to the new page: ->
6.6.5. Types of banners currently added in admin panel
1. Banner on inside Mobile pages.
2. Run of site banners:
Skyscraper(right-side), Baseboard(bottom), Leaderboard(top) on all inside pages, except for
those listed below:
3. Copper Mountain pages:
Skyscraper(right-side), Baseboard(bottom), Leaderboard(top):
4. Maury Microwave pages:
Skyscrapers(right-side), Baseboard(bottom), Leaderboard(top):
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5. Filter pages:
Skyscrapers(right-side), Baseboard(bottom), Leaderboard(top):
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7 Working with Menus
7.1 Create a New Menu Item
For adding a new item to the Top menu, navigate to Menus ->Top menu -> Add New Menu
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For adding a new item to the Main menu, navigate to Menus -> Main Global -> Add New
Menu Item
For adding a menu item, use the New button in the top left corner on the Edit Menu page.
On the New Menu Item page make changes in the following fields:
a) Menu Item Type – select content type to link to.
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- If the link goes to a simple article (page) in a pop-up window, select Articles ->
Single Article, see below:
- If the link will go to an external URL – select System Links -> External URL, see
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b) If you selected Single Article, you need to select the article in the Select
Article field. Click on the Select button to view a pop-up with Search content.
In the Filter field enter the name of the article and then choose your article from the
search results list, as shown below:
After you select the article, notice that the Select Article field is filled as shown
c) Next, add the link title to Menu Title field.
d) To open the page in a new browser window, select New Window With Navigation
in the Target Window field as shown below:
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e) Click the Save&Close button at the top to add a new link.
7.2 Editing Top Menu
In Administrator Area, navigate to Menus -> Top menu
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To change the order of links in the menu, drag and drop using the icon
in front of each menu
item on the list.
Click the Save&Close button after all changes are done or click Close if nothing has changed.
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7.3 Editing Main Menu
Navigate to Menus -> Main Global
The Main menu (Main Global) contains all the links of the main site navigation.
On the edit menu item page, click the Save&Close button after changes are done or click Close
if nothing has changed.
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7.4 Edit Footer Menu
Navigate to Menus -> Footer menu
Click on any item to edit.
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Click the Save&Close button after all changes are done or click Close if nothing has changed.
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8 Revisions
8.1 Content Revisions/Versions
The Versions module is a security feature for your content. Versions allow you to keep copies of
previous versions of articles every time you save a change.
The Versions button appears in the toolbar at the top of the articles screen:
Every time you save an article, the new version will be accessible via this pop-up window.
The current version of the article is marked by a gold star.
To compare the current version with a previous version, check the boxes next to the versions
and click Compare.
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Text that has been removed is marked in red and text that has been added is marked in green.
Joomla stores all content and the settings for this content.
In this example, you can see that the version on the right has been changed so that Featured is
set to Yes.
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To roll back to a previous version, check the box next to the version and click Restore:
Options to see changes more easily:
Because all of the options for the article are saved, it can be easier to see only what has
Click Changed Values in the top-right corner.
You'll now see only the article options that were changed.
By default, versions will show only the article text. Note there is a Show HTML Code button:
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This will show you the underlying HTML code in the article:
This HTML feature will be useful because currently the versions don't display images. Even if
they did, there wouldn't be room inside the pop-up to cleanly display large images.
Versions limit.
The number of versions that are stored is limited to 20.
The function “Keep forever” prevents selected versions from being deleted automatically.
NOTE: "Keep forever" function is not supported by the current version of
Joomla, however a Joomla update is scheduled for late 2014. This will activate
the function.
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9 Content Editor (JCE) and File Manager
9.1 Content Editor - Toolbar
The JCE (common industry abbreviation for “Joomla Content Editor”) in Joomla is enabled for all
HTML-rich content fields.
For Microwaves101 it is configured to have a set of common editing functions, as shown in the
screenshot below:
Useful hot keys combination to speed up your work using JCE:
Press the ENTER key to make a new paragraph;
Press the SHIFT+ENTER keys simultaneously to make a line break within the
same paragraph.
The Toolbar is the area where you can activate most of the editing features. A number of them
replicate content editing features from MS Word editing software (Bold, Editing, Justification,
Lists, Bullet Points). These most commonly-used features are not part of this document
overview, since we assume all Microwaves101 content editors are skilled in basic document
The features specific to web document processing are:
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Converts or removes the text in hyperlinks. It may also be used to manage file uploads and links to files on the web server.
Create and edit anchors
Inserts images into the document.
Two Paste options:
Pastes content copied from Microsoft Word or similar applications.
Pastes text without the formatting.
Removes the formatting from the highlighted text.
Cleans up messy code.
Applies predefined content styles.
Insert or remove a Blockquote
Select a special character from a dialog to insert
Expand the editor to full the screen. Preview the current article
Preview the current article
Edit the HTML source code of an article
Insert and Edit Tables. Includes tools for inserting, removing and merging cells and
Toggle Visual Aids.
Toggle Visual Blocks, a visual representation of block elements.
Insert a non-breaking space
XHTML Extras. Add additional properties on an element such as Insertion,
Deletion, Acronym and Abbreviation.
Insert and edit Joomla Readmore and Pagebreak elements
Spellchekcer using the Google Spell Checking service or as an interface for PSPell,
Aspell or Enchant.
The text format is included in the [Toggle Editor] link above the Body field.
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Clicking [Toggle Editor] will disable/enable the editing toolbar at the top of the Body
field. You will be able to enter text and HTML code into the field.
9.2 JCE - Spell Checker
How spell check works:
1. Click on Spell Check icon.
2. Incorrect words are underlined by red line.
3. Click on underlined word with right button of your "mouse".
4. A list of correct suggestions will appear. Click on word which is more suitable.
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9.3 JCE – Paste from Word feature.
It is important to use the Paste from Word button whenever coping/pasting texts from Word
documents. This will remove the invisible formatting code that Word inserts. The following steps
describe the process.
Inside the JCE editor toolbar click the Paste from Word button.
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In a new pop-up window, paste the text copied from the Word document.
Click the Insert button.
Inserted text will appear into JCE editor. Adjust formatting if needed.
9.4 Media Manager.
The Media Manager is accessible from 2 core locations in the Microwaves101 Admin:
1) Main access: available as a ‘Media Manager” link on Joomla Dashboard:
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2) Via HTML JCE Editor through Link or Image tools.
In this use case the File Manager is represented by the following icon
The screenshot below shows both Link and Image tools highlighted:
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The below screenshot shows Insert / Edit Link pop-up activated. The additional link to File
is available to the far right of the Link URL field:
The below screenshot shows the Insert / Edit Image pop-up activated.
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9.4.1 Insert Image
Choose where you would like your image placed in the flow of the text by moving the
cursor and clicking the Image editor button at the bottom of the screen.
The Insert Image screen will open over the top of the Edit Article screen. Choose an image by clicking on it.
 You may also move directory by clicking on the folder icons.
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Use the drop down Directory field to quickly select a directory and click
the Up button to go up a directory level.
Set the image properties as required:
 Alternative text: A short description of an image.
 Align: Sets the image alignment. If left blank the align attribute is not set.
Click the Insert button to insert the image. The Insert Image screen will close and the image will be displayed in the editor.
Click the Cancel button to leave the Insert Image screen.
9.4.2 Uploading images using the Insert Image screen
You may also upload new images using the Upload section of the Insert Image screen.
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Click the Browse button to open a file browser.
Select the image files you wish to upload. Click Open in the file browser to confirm the
selection. Note: The file browser style and layout depends on the browser and operating
system you are using.
To remove selected files before uploading, click the red icon next to the listed
The selected file(s) appear as a list at the bottom of the Insert Image screen. Click
Upload to begin uploading files.
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When the upload is complete, a green checkmark will appear next to the file.
You may now select and insert the uploaded image as before.
9.4.3 Search in File Browser
Search in File Browser works as an alphabetical filter in chosen folder.
To activate Search (filter) field click on “binoculars” icon as is show below:
By default Root folder is opening in File Browser. To Search files in specific folder, choose folder
in left column and start typing first letters of files in middle column.
For example, if you want to find file “ieee-logo.jpg”, you can just type first letters of this file “ieee”.
File with the same first letters appears in top of list:
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10 Manage Discussion Board
10.1 Discussion Board on Front page
The Discussion Board on Front page consists of 2 types of modules:
1. Discussion Board (Introductory text)
2. Latest Posts (Discussion Board)
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10.1.1. Manage module with Introductory text
To edit the introductory text of the Discussion Board on the front page, go to the edit module
page and click on the Edit link, as shown below.
On the Custom Output tab, change text:
Click on the Save&Close button when content changes are done, or on the Close button if
nothing was changed.
10.1.2. Manage Latest Posts Module
To manage the Latest Posts on the front page, go to edit module page and click the Edit link,
as shown below.
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On the Options tab you can manage module output, time period, post limit, post text limit,
post image, etc.:
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10.2 Detailed view of Discussion Board
To manage a detailed view of Discussion Board, navigate to Components -> Kunena Forum:
10.2.1. Manage Categories
To manage the categories on the Discussion Board, navigate to Components -> Kunena
Forum -> Category Manager
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Create sub-categories for parent category “Board Categories”, as shown below:
Select “User Groups” access control type in tab Category Permission:
10.2.2. Manage Users
To manage the users of the Discussion Board, navigate to Components -> Kunena Forum ->
User Manager
You can enable/disable users, ban users, or changed users’ access level to Moderator.
10.2.3. Configuration
To manage Configuration of Discussion Board, navigate to Components -> Kunena Forum ->
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You can use General, Frontend, Users, Security, etc. tabs to manage configuration.
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11 Manage Calendar (This feature is currently hidden)
11.1 Manage events
To manage events on the Calendar, navigate to Components -> Spider Calendar Lite ->
Calendar -> Manage Events
Click on New button to add new events, as shown below:
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11.2 Manage Event Category
To manage event categories in the Calendar, navigate to Components -> Spider Calendar Lite
-> Event Category.
Click on the previously created Category to manage it, or click on New button to add a new
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Left blank for notes
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12 Help Desk
12.1 Introducing
Help Desk allows you to create Tickets/Tasks and assign them to Joomla users.
To start work, click on the Help Desk icon at top Navigation menu in Administration Area:
On the Help Desk Dashboard you can create issues (tickets) and projects, and add new
See detailed description below.
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12.2 Manage People section
Navigate to Help Desk -> People in Administration Area.
You should assign Admin and Staff roles for the user before we can assign tasks for them.
Admin – indicates weather the user is Issues administrator.
Staff – used to separate staff members in a select list for assignment of issue.
Notify – send notification for user about issues.
Published – indicates if user is active to resolve/create issues.
12.3 Create Ticket/Issue
Navigate to Help Desk -> Issues in Administration Area.
Click on New button to create new record, or click on existing record to manage it.
Fill in the required fields at Issues Details tab, as shown below:
Identified by the person who reported the issue.
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Project id – unique identifier of project (new Projects can be added to list in: Help Desk ->
Summary – summary of the issue;
Description – detailed description of the issue;
Fill in the required fields on the Progress Information tab, as is shown below:
Assigned Person – person assigned to investigate an issue;
Issue Type - new Types can be added to list in: Help Desk -> Types;
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Status – short name of the issue status. New Status can be added in: Help Desk -> Statuses;
Priority - new Types can be added to list in: Help Desk -> Priorities;
If task is finished, Issue Status can be changed to Close.
12.4 Projects
Navigate to Help Desk -> Projects in Administration Area.
Click on New button to create new record, or click on existing record to manage it.
Now there are 5 types of projects:
- Unspecified Project
- Encyclopedia
- Acronyms
- Calculators
- Discussion Board
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12.5 Templates for email notifications
Navigate to Help Desk -> Email in Administration Area.
Please see below list of templates for email notifications about issues/tasks to users.
Click on New button to create new template for email notifications. Or, click on existing template
to manage it.
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12.6 Priorities
Navigate to Help Desk -> Priorities in Administration Area.
Please see below list of priorities for issues/tasks.
Click on New button to create a new type of priority. Or, click on existing priority to manage it.
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13 Managing Mobile Site
13.1 Menus
9.2.1. Main Menu on front page.
To manage Main Menu of Front page, navigate to: Menus -> Mobile Frontpage Menu
For adding a new item to the Main menu, navigate to Menus -> Mobile Frontpage Menu ->
Add New Menu Item. Or use the New button in the top left corner of Edit Menu page.
On the New Menu Item page make changes in the following fields:
a) Menu Item Type – select content type to link to.
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- If the link goes to a simple article (page) in a pop-up window, select Articles ->
Single Article, see below:
- If the link goes to an external URL – select System Links -> External URL, see
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b) If you selected Single Article, you then need to select the article in the Select
Article field. Click on the Select button to view a pop-up with Search content.
In the Filter field enter the name of the article and then choose your article from the
search results list, as shown below:
After you select the article, the Select Article field is filled as shown below:
c) Next, add the link Title – Menu Title field.
d) To open the page in a new browser window, select New Window With Navigation
in the Target Window field as shown below:
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e) Click the Save&Close button at the top to add a new link.
9.2.2. Pop-up Menu on inside pages.
The pop-up menu on inside pages matches the menu on the front page. The only difference
between these two menus is in the position of modules. To manage the Pop-up Menu on inside
pages, navigate to Menus -> Mobile Frontpage Menu
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9.2.3. Bottom Menu on inside pages.
To manage the Bottom Menu on the mobile site, navigate to Menus -> Mobile Footer Menu.
Please see full description of menu managing in item 9.2.1
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14 Export Data
14.1 Export Articles
To export Articles, navigate to Components -> HexData -> Profiles
Click on Export link, near Export Articles field, to export articles with default settings.
Click on Export Articles link to manage settings of .csv file, with exported Articles.
You can manage the settings for exporting Articles located below Article Options title:
Order by, Filter Category, ID, Title, Alias, Intro text, Full text, Status, Category, Created Date,
Created By, Created by Alias, Modified Date, Modified By, etc.
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Select Include, to include this option to .csv file, with exported Articles.
Select Skip, to exclude this option from .csv file.
Click on Save&Close button to save your settings. Click on Export link, near Export Articles
field, to export articles with default settings.
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14.2 Export Users
To export Users, navigate to Components -> CC JUserExport -> Data export
Downloaded Excel file has the following columns: Name, Login, Email, Group users, Active,
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15 CDNIFY caching
15.1 Disable caching
CDNIFY is caching such types of files:
- Images (bmp, gif, jpg / jpeg, ico, png, tif / tiff, svg)
- Documents (doc / docx, odt, pdf, rtf, txt)
- Web Files (css, js)
CDNIFY is NOT caching:
- text changes in admin panel;
To disable all caching on web-site, change status of CDN plugin to “Disabled” in admin panel:
Extensions -> Plugin Manager -> System - NoNumber CDN for Joomla!
If you want to avoid caching of some types of files, you can switch off caching of specific
elements in admin panel, as is shown on image below:
Extensions -> Plugin Manager -> System - NoNumber CDN for Joomla!
Also, you can use field "Ignore Files" to add a comma separated list of (part of) path/file names
to ignore (URLs will not be changed to CDN server).
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16 New Features: Approval Graphics, Reviewers,
Reviewer’s Folders.
16.1 Approval Graphics
At the bottom of each Encyclopedia page you can display Approval Graphics for verified articles.
To assign Approval Graphics to an article, do the following:
- navigate to Content > Articles or open the link
- choose the article which you want to edit, then click it.
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On the edit page, click the "Fields and Filters" tab at the top of page:
Select needed checkboxes in "Approval" block:
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Click the Save & Close button to save your changes.
IMPORTANT: You should click on the “Save & Close” button to save your changes. If you click
only the “Save” button, other users may not be able to edit the Article when they login.
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16.2 Reviewers
The engineers who review the articles are listed on "Reviewers" page:
a) Administrator can add/edit Reviewers list in admin panel.
To do this, do the following:
- navigate to Components > Fields and Filters -> Fields or open the link
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- click “Values”, as is shown on screen-shot below.
“Values” opens list of Reviewers:
To add new Reviewer, click “Add New” button:
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b) To assign Reviewers to the article, do the following:
- navigate to Content > Articles or open the link
Open article, which you want to edit.
Click the "Fields and Filters" tab at top of the page.
Select needed checkboxes in "Reviewers" block:
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Click the Save & Close button.
16.3 Reviewer Folders
How it works now:
a. Admin can add new folder/sub-folder, can upload file.
b. All files and folder are sorting by title.
c. Admin can filter folders or files.
d. Admin can upload all types of files: pdf, tiff, doc, docx, txt, rtf, tif, xlsx, htm, ods, xls, pptx, ppt,
xml, html, odt, jpeg, jpg, mp3
e. These folders are stored in a new section of the admin and only be accessible to logged-in
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1. To create new or edit Review Folder go to Components > JiFile > Filesystem
or open the link administrator/index.php?option=com_jifile&task=filesystem.
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To create new folder write the name of this folder and click Create folder
To upload file - click Choose File select the file you want to upload, and click Upload file.
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To delete a file or folder, choose file and then click Delete File or Folder
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17 Appendix
17.1 Appendix A: Useful Articles
“Read more”:
Access roles:
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