ILI-Cd ueIUXnT - Analogue Seduction
ILI-Cd ueIUXnT - Analogue Seduction
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aql lo puel eql uloll uotltladtuor lf,erp leeJou seq lt se '6eg r{1auo1 sl I Z [-Cd aq1 '{1pe5 teq^^aurose 6u1{11 'r{elsol lreq {1nt1pue llam st ;Autn1eq1 u se u e d e J 6 u r b p e l m o u l r e A 1 . r e a 1 r 'a u e e f,rsspl)e uor1 luelur lo lueulalPls qladns e sr lr lnq '1eq1[1uo loN imeu puerq s,leq] auo pue alqeluJnlueuxnl Aq e sg{;;earsrql'a1e1stul aq1 a6e1u14 uorl3esA erAeU olur palqurnlsl.ueneqno{ o rellltAlned:qelqrlu|suepv:^ el^ad rlsself uDrsap etPpo} dn }Ll6lJ {6o;ouqre}urapoul-el}ln Joasnaq} Ll6nolq} l ZL-Cd au slrJouollfnpolluleLllq]!M A;lens e r n6ur t qo ] 6 u t u t es tu e u l x n l' a lq Plu ln L ^ ILI-Cd ueIUXnT % % iiri$,li:iir The5kgaluminiumplatterisfitted ABOVET andtight top endwith superblevelsof lamp coverfor the stylusillumination handles screw-in aid of two removable with the crispness. impressive to an allied detail sockethasa Luxmanlogoon it. removable The mat. by a rubber is topped to the fore and came particular strength 'ready This play' quite to 1 isn't PD1 7 The the loweredstylus the title trackfrom postilluminates with my nextselection, is straightfromthe boxbut assembly LP Road Copperhead Earle's Steve [MCA aidedby clearinstructions, straightforward, the mat with my Achromat,re-checked featuresa Theintroduction MCF3426l. meantthat headshell andthe removable once Earle Steve cued uP and arm VTA performing together guitar B cartridge mandolinand a I hadmy OrtofonKontrapunkt more.Thingstook a turn for the better: them out andthe Luxmanseparated fittedand readyto go in no time at all. yet openedup furtherandthe the soundstage and remainedcomposed beautifully was stillperfectlyintact. treble pace sweet of the track main the 'ff connrosuRE ANDcRrsPNEssinsightfulwhen moreof a senseof was there Now can sometimes picked Lesser turntables up. to fitting only Feelingthat it seemed with this particular weightbehindthosedrumstrikesandthey becomea littlesplashy start with some musicfrom the era to took on properform,ratherthan suddenly pressing, but the w hichthePD-17 1cou ld along that j ustgrumbled bei ng somethi ng 71 brought PD-'l uP I cue d w e ll belon g, now Luxman The backdrop. perfectly distant in the everything The LeagueUnlimited much and of authority feeling better had a while fore, to the Orchestra'sLove And keeping greaterdetailto its low end,thusmaking simultaneously Dancing [Virgin OVED6] morecomPlete. control its overallperformance i mmacul ate an and was very pleasedto easilY was This transformation all times. at h ear t hat th e Lu xma ncan fromt he repeatabl S e.pi nni ng' B urnout' Giventhe fine m ost cert ain lych an ne l Every album 2OO2 'l Orchestra's Cinematic spatiality, of sense a true 980s vibe when rubber the 59] with Zen Tune Day deck's the enjoying thoroughly of I was [Ninja pleasing sense has a Thedeck required. mat backin placehadthe track'sdoublebut with the occasional impactandfluidity,makingthe percussion oerformance, of a congested bassrenderedassomething was a little something that feeling nagging skipalongwith intent,andcapturing Achromat to the switching whereas lump, rolled across drums the backing As lacking. synthesisers analogue of the essence the upon back detail conferred fluidity, I realised added time' for the third the soundstage playingon the track. thing whole the made and instrument customary the lack their to seemed they that with wasalsoimbued Theperformance entitY. muchmoreof a cohesive impactandsoundedsomewhat'dead'.At a veryfinesenseof clarity,asthe PD-17 1 A Loverln Berlin' Bremnes' Kari Equally, the replaced the LP, this point,I removed showeditselfto havea veryclean,clear from her NorwegianMood album[Kirkelig 2211now soared ARS-FXLP Kulturverksted by underpinned from my loudspeakers, bass with acoustic fulsome taut and to this a came actually Luxman in turntables, names more notable one of the a properlydefinednotestructure'Ms seqmentof the market quite late comParedto some of its competitors,like largerthan voicewasfabulous, Bremnes' Micro Seiki, with venture a as SonVand Pioneer.With most decksdesigned ioint the centre in rock-solid absolutely players life and like the offering good Although name. a established it soon however, rendered The finely soundstage. of the PX'101,Luxmanis best remembered PD-254and linear-tracking semi-automatic percussive backingeffectswerealso for the range-toppingdeckssuchas the belt-drivePD-350and direct-drivePDfocusedbut neverintrudedon the sharply 441 and PD-444,thelatter capableof acceptingtwo arms.Luxmanwas also mainactionasthe Luxmanwasmorethan t" ttild the LPin place-Lessermodels ;t;;;;;;-ffi;J;l"tt"tt capacious ""'Lr"l" ableto renderthis recording's PD'555 range-toPping twin-arm, as the such some but were manuallyoperated, senseof depth. - came complete with an electric pump. All its deckswere well engineeredand Civenthat the LuxmanhadProven capableof fine performance,with secondhandvaluesreflectingthis' itselfto be sucha championin termsof G> 'TheLuxman certainlychannels a true l980svibe whenrequired' 20l3 I| 33 DECEMBER T , t I 7 TIIXMAN PD-T?I c :i ABOVE: Sturdyisolatingfeet support the PD-171 and are adjustablefor levelling.The undersideof the cabinet is a hybrid wood/metal constructionfor good damping the excavationof filigreedetail' I d ecideda ch alle ng ewa s in or der a n d slippeda coPYof Ba ch ' sC m inor Concertofor two harPsichords and orchestra,with the Sarre .. CO directed bY Karl RistenPart ,! [ NonesuchH 7 1 0 1 9 ] o nto t he I platter.My coPYof this is well .li playedbut still more than capable i of deliver in ga ura l de ligh tsand t he ,,1 LuxmanPositivelylaPPedit uP' :.i rne two harpsichordsProviding lt tne main structure of the Allegro I finale were as distinct as I have ever heardt hem, a nd th e suPP or t ing orchestrawas Positionedat just t he right dista ncebe hin dthem ' providinga Perfect backdroPbut without ever intruding' I have generallYfound that t h e f iner a turn tab le'sd esignand construction,the better it is at pickingapart the layersof a musical performanceYet simultaneouslY presentingthem with Precision and eleg a nce,ra the rth an jus t as an overwhe lmingba rrag eof det ail. The P D -171Pro ve ditse lfto be an absolutevirtuoso in this resPect, I c onf irmingth e e arlYsusPic ions had formed that it reallyis quite an enginee ringmasterPie ce . SOFTLYDOESIT the Havingmostcertainlydelivered goodswith rathermoreebullient recordedmaterial,I waskeen to knowhow the Luxmanwould performwith somethingquieter' andto thisend Pickedout FlashAnd alb u mIEn s i g n Th ePa n ' sepony m ous 6] andthe track ENVY Records 'Wa l ki n Ign T heRain' . Thisis a softlyperformedPiece with spokenvocalsbackedbYa b a ssg u it arandallunder P i n n ebdY Whenwell reproduced synthesisers. it hasa hauntingsenseof intimacY thisinnate andthe Luxmanrevealed Thebassline characterperfectly. wasvivid,with eachnotecleanlY separatedfrom its neighbours'and the relativelysparseinstrumentation behind these aspectscarriedthe As an added track along seamlessly. bonus,the long sYnthnotes in the backgroundremainedsteadYat all t im es , s peak ingv o l u m e sf o r t h e qualit yof t he PD- 17 1 'sd r i v e s y s t e m and its speed stabilitY. Throughout mY time with the Luxmanturntable, I found mYself r eallyquit e t ak en bYt h e w a Y i n which it presentsmusic.There is no senseof added colorationor unwanted artificeto its playing' but yet neither does it Paint a grey and drab sonic picture. At all t im es , I f oun d t h a t instrumentswere lifelike,crisp' and cleanlyrenderedwith immaculate timbre and dePth and the interPlaY between them all was PerfectlY controlled and reproducedfaithfully. However,don't think for one m inut e t hat t he deck i s 'c o n t r o l l i n g ' and r at her bland as a c o n s e q u e n c e - rather,it simPlYstePsasideand let s t he m us ict hr ou g h i n a h i g h l Y captivatingmanner.As a result,it's easyto lose hours at a time listening t ot he PD- 171,bec a u s ei t n e v e r f a i l s t o engage on an em o t i o n a ll e v e l . I motor,substantialsyntheticbelt With its servo-controlled and 'massy'(5kg)alloyplatter,Luxman'sPD-171.offersvery. of qood low-ratespeedstability,reflectedin the 'sharpness' ihe wow & flutter profile[seeCraph1' below].Peakwow is just 0.03%althoughthe varioushigherrateflutter sidebands (the shoulders) amountto 0.05%'Thechamferredspindleis beautifullymachinedand restson a Teflonbearingwhose directrumblecontributionis iust shyof -70d8. Rumbleis only fractionallyhigherat -58.3d8 via the Plattermat andvinyl groove.Moreover,the screeningaroundthe motor,and the inherentscreeningof the platterplusthe considereddressing of the arm cables,alsokeepsany electricalnoiseto a very low -64dB (re.Pick-upoutput at scmisec).Powerconsumptionis a little highe;than the 'average'belt-diiveat 18W reflectingthe 'high output audioamplifier'and 'hightorque AC motor'that form Luxman'sdrivesYstem, tonearmofiersvery low levelsof The partneringS-siraped friction i- t Omg)in both plun"t but, likethe OrtofonTA-110 upon which it is evidentlybasedIHFNMar '1 2], there is some slightplayin both planes.The arm looksslightlycloserto the 'l ncousticiolid-brandedWTB21 derivativeIHFNJan'1 3] with its reduced229mm effectivelengthand almostidentical cumulativedecayspectrum[Craph2, below]'The main beam modesare at a low-ishfrequency(14OHzand 170Hz)despite showingthe samecomplexbehaviourexpectedof an 'S-shaped' tube. Readersare invitedto view full QC Suitereportsfor Luxman'sPD-17 1 turntableand tonearmby navigatingto www' the red 'download'button' PM @ <<Frequency>> txt ABOVE:Wow and flutter re' 315OHztone at 5cm/sec (plottedt150Hz, 5Hz per minor division).Note the low correlated wow but minor -+25H2 flutter n 4 fi;:-ifuj,l,}'ii;.: Althoughlookinglikesomething of a throwbackto the 1980s' 71'sstYlish the LuxmanPD-'1 exteriorconcealsa designthat contemPorarY' is absolutelY With stunningengineering and intelligentdigitalcontrol electronics, Plusimmaculate the P D -171 s ty l i n ga n d P o l i sh, is a turntablethat is a veritable delightto offersa captivatingand immensely enjoyablemusicalPerformance. ABOVE:Cumulativetonearm resonantdecay spectrum,illustratingvariousbearing,pillar and 'tube' vibration modesspanning 100H2'10kHzover 4Omsec Turntable speed error at 33.33rPm l 3.29fpm ( - 0.12% ) Rumble {silentgroove,DINB wtd) Rumble (throughbeafing,DIN B wtd) Hum & Noise {unwtd, 5cm/sec) (luatity: 80% Sound g..:1- - .: -: a- : ' 100 465x 140x 390m mi 2 3 k g DECEMBER20l3 i www' i 35
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