Dehradun - The Pioneer
Dehradun - The Pioneer
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He punched, he pummeled and he berated his opponents with the ferocity of a soldier and with an audacity that few could withstand in White America of the 60s. But none could ever fault this boxing genius, not when at 22 he won his first heavyweight title, or when he refused to be conscripted into the US Army and was stripped of his title, or when he converted to Islam to give up his “slave name” or, least of all when he put down giants in the ring with pre-conceived statements of victory. “I am greatest”, he roared and none was able to ever refute that. Cassius Clay, a la Muhammad Ali, is no more. At 74, he breathed his last in a Phoenix hospital after a 32year-long fight with Parkinson’s disease which was fallout of repeated blows on his head during his boxing days and resultant respiratory issues. Besides winning 56 of the <D70<<030;8 Y 90= (#!° °99D=4!! % Y HV¶]]deR_USj2WXYR_ RXRZ_deR]]`UUd+A> ?C8Q 740AC nfazed by terror attacks on its missions, India will continue to extend cooperation in war-torn Afghanistan, Prime Minister Narendra Modi asserted on Saturday after dedicating a C1,700 crore dam in strategically vital Herat province. Modi said other countries may have a “sunset clause” but India’s ties with Afghanistan remain “timeless”. “Our resources may be modest, but our will is boundless. For others, their commitments may have a sunset clause, but our relationship is timeless. We face barriers of geography and politics, but we define our path from the clar- U 2WAcVkT`_WVcd e`aTZgZ]ZR_ RhRcU`_>`UZ Herat: Prime Minister Narendra Modi, on a brief visit to Afghanistan, was on Friday conferred with Amir Amanullah Khan Award, the country’s highest civilian honour. He was bestowed the honour by Afghan President Ashraf Ghani after the inauguration of the landmark Afghan-India Friendship Dam. “A true brotherhood is honoured. PM is awarded the Amir Amanullah Khan Award, Afghanistan’s highest civilian honour,” External Affairs Ministry spokesperson Vikas Swarup tweeted along with a photo. During his 25 minutelong speech after inaugurating the dam, Modi also invoked Chisht-born Sufi saint Khwaja Moinuddin Chishti who settled down in Ajmer and is venerated by thousands of people visiting his shrine. “Khwaja Moiunuddin Chishti, the first of the Chishti saints in India, said that human beings must have the affection of the sun, the generosity of the river and the hospitality of the earth. Turn to Page 4 ity of our purpose,” he said in an address after inaugurating the Afghan- India Friendship Dam along with President Ashraf Ghani. Modi hailed the people of Afghanistan for denouncing terrorism and said division among them will only help those seeking to “dominate” the nation from outside. “It was a war not of Afghan making, but it was one that stole the future of an entire generation of Afghans,” the Prime Minister said, adding that the brave Afghan people are today sending a message that the forces of “destruction and death, denial and domination” shall not prevail. When Afghanistan succeeds in defeating terrorism, the world will be “safer and more beautiful”, he said. The dam, earlier known as Salma Dam, has been built by India at a cost of C1,700 crore on river Harirud in Chist-eSharif in western Herat neighbouring Iran. It will irrigate 75,000 hectares of land and generate 42 MW of power. “This dam has not been built by bricks and mortar, but by the faith of our friendship and the valour of Afghans and first prosecution under IAct,nthethetheamended Juvenile Justice teenager accused in the Mercedes hit-and-run case, who had turned 18 four days after the accident which claimed life of a 33-year-old marketing executive in April this year, will be tried as an adult. The Presiding Officer of the Juvenile Justice Board (JJB) on Saturday passed an order on the application of the Delhi Police seeking to try the accused as an adult, as the offence came under the definition of heinous crime. The police had told the JJB that the teenager was a repeat offender and that he had a history of traffic violations which included over-speeding and he was booked for it on June 17, 2015. He was also booked for driving in violation of traffic regulations on February 25, 2014 and for not wearing a seat belt on September 19, 2014. The Juvenile Justice (Care and Protection of Children) Amendment Act 2015 allows for juveniles 16 years or older to be tried as adults for heinous offences like rape and murder. The Act was amended following public outrage after one of the offenders in the December 16, 2012 gangrape case escaped being tried in the court as he <^SXX]PdVdaPcTb C &RaSP\X] 7TaPcbPhb8]SXP´b cXTbfXcW0UVWP]XbcP] aT\PX]³cX\T[Tbb´ ATQT[fXcW^dc RPdbTAP\EaXZbW SXTbX]UXaTWT[Xc ?aX\T<X]XbcTa=PaT]SaP<^SXfXcW0UVWP]?aTbXST]c0bWaPU6WP]XX]PdVdaPcTb cWT8]SXPUd]STS5aXT]SbWX_3P\X]7TaPc^]BPcdaSPh ?C8 Indians. And, at this moment of pride, we also stand in grief and gratitude for lives sacrificed so that Afghan people will have a future they so richly deserve and so deeply desire,” Modi said. Turn to Page 4 Mathura: Ram Vriksh Yadav, the chief of the violent encroachers in Jawahar Bagh, is among those killed in the clashes, police said on Saturday as the toll mounted to 27 with three more persons succumbing to injuries. IG (Law and Order) HR Sharma said Yadav was among the 11 who were charred to death in the fire that was caused by gas cylinder explosions set off by the encroachers. Uttar Pradesh DGP Javed Ahmed tweeted that the body of Yadav and some others have been identified by his associates and his family has been intimated for confirmation. 60-year-old Yadav was the leader of Azad Bharat Vidhik Vaicharik Kranti Satyagrahi, an outfit claiming to owe allegiance to Netaji Subhash Chandra Bose. Yadav and his supporters had encroached on Jawahar Bagh area for two years and clashed Cf^1XWPac^__Tab :WPSbT`dXcb* UPX[c^R[TPaaTcTbc 72 TgYdSVTc^ EXbW]dAPX2^[[TVT STaTR^V]XbTS 508I0=07<03Q ?0C=0 ihar’s Intermediate Science B topper Saurabh Shrestha and third topper Rahul Kumar, both students of Vishnu Rai College in Vaishali district, have failed the retest, following which the Bihar School Examination Board (BSEB) on Saturday cancelled their initial results. This is the first time in the history of BSEB that the merit list has been changed and results of two toppers cancelled. Another student of the same college, Ruby Rai, the CWTRXaRd\bcP]RTb R^[[TRcXeT[hX]SXRPcT cWPcWTfPbX]SXUUTaT]c c^fPaSb[XUTP]SbPUTch ^U^cWTadbTab^UcWT a^PSQdc\PcdaT T]^dVWc^cWX]Z^U fPhbc^TbRP_TUa^\ [PfUd[_d]XbW\T]c^U cWT^UUT]RT was a few months short of turning 18. In its order, the JJ Board said that accused had the ability to understand the consequences of the offence while committing the crime. The minor accused was in no man- Mostly seen as a synonym for unbridled power, it was sad to see this 6-foot-3-inch fighter of the ring, tremble, shake and lose his speech to the debilitating disease and yet when he lit the Olympic flame for the 1996 Atlanta Olympics, hands shaking uncontrollably, the standing ovation was unusually long and unprecedented. Same at the London Olympics in 2012 when he needed much more assistance to do the same and was wheeled away without speaking a word. “If I had no problem, peo- ^cWTabc^^RWPaaTS c^STPcWX]cWTQ[PiT RPdbTSQh;?6Q[Pbc bTc^UUQhT]Ra^PRWTab topper of Arts stream, who failed to turn up for the retest on Friday, was given another chance to appear for her reexam on June 11. In another major decision, the BSEB derecognised the Vishnu Rai College with immediate effect, said BSEB chairman Lalkeshwar Prasad Singh. This college has a dubious distinction of producing toppers almost every year. This year too, altogether 646 students appeared in intermediate exam from this college of which 534 secured first division with three of them toppers, 96 passed with second division and only 14 failed. Turn to Page 4 +LWUXQNLOOHUVWMXYHQLOHWRIDFHWULDODVDGXOW 0=:8C0D?037H0HQ =4F34;78 61 fights in his three-decadelong career, slaying established names as a precocious youngster, Ali’s greatness was that his major punches also rained on racism, for Black rights and in warzones. When he passed away on Saturday, he had global ovations, awe and heartfelt tributes to take with him into the final sunset. In his death, the world acknowledges that an icon much more than just a heavyweight champion has been lost forever, some even calling him greater than Martin Luther King Jr. ner lacking in mental and physical capacity to commit the alleged offence and on the date of incident he had the ability to understand the consequences of the offence, it added. It further said that he drove very fast and dangerously despite warning of his friends, who were co-occupants of his car at the time of incident. Besides, he did not help the victim and did not even stop after mishap. Rather, he fled from the spot to avoid getting caught for his misdeed, said the court order. The court observed that his conduct before and after the incident clearly reflected that he understood the offence alleged against him. The circumstances collectively indicate that he was indifferent towards life and safety of other users of the road but mature enough to think of ways to escape from lawful punishment of the offence. _a^QTRWPaVT C=A067D=0C70Q <D<108 aving been driven to wall H over allegations of misuse of office and conflict of interest in the Pune land deal and other cases, Maharashtra Revenue Minister and senior BJP leader Eknath Khadse on Saturday finally toed the party line and resigned from his post, prompting Chief Minister Devendra Fadnavis to appoint a retired High Court judge to enquire into the charges against the outgoing Minister. Khadse — whose continuance in office had become untenable after the BJP’s central leadership took serious cognizance of a report submitted by the Chief Minister — drove to Fadnavis’ official residence “Varsha” and offered to put in his papers. An hour later, Khadse addressed a news conference in the presence of State BJP president Raosaheb Danve-Patil and debunked the allegations as “misleading, baseless and defamatory in nature”, but said that keeping in with the BJP’s traditions, he had already told the CM that he would like to put in his papers and would do so after the news conference. Soon after Khadse submitted his resignation, the CM said, “I have accepted it and sent it to Governor Ch Vidyasagar Rao. A retired High Court judge will be appointed to probe charges against Khadse” The countdown for ple would be afraid of me. Now they feel sorry for me. They thought I was Superman. Now they can (say) ‘he is human like us. He has problems’,” he said about his ailment. For once, and perhaps the only time in his life, Muhammad Ali was being publicly modest. For, he fought disease as men rarely do, like an undefeatable soldier fighting his enemy in a fight to the finish. RIP The Greatest. RIP, the man who could float like a butterfly and sting like a bee. RIP American icon, global legend. with police on Thursday when they tried to evict them. The death toll has risen to 27 with three more among the injured encroachers succumbing, IG (Agra) Durga Chandra Mishra said. Chief Medical Officer Vivek Mishra said several other bodies have not been identified as yet. The bodies have to be kept for 72 hours in the mortuary, which will end on Sunday evening, and later postmortem will be done, he said. 18 bodies are in Mathura district centre and seven in Agra, he said. Tight security arrangements remained in place with police preventing BJP MP from Mathura Hema Malini, who led a protest by the party, from entering the violence-hit area, citing combing operation. Sharma said the situation “is normal in Mathura and the ground has been cleared”. Meanwhile, Uttar Pradesh Chief Minister Akhilesh Yadav raised compensation to the next of kin of the two slain police officers from C20 lakh to C50 lakh even as Opposition stepped up attack on him, questioning why he did not visit Mathura. 20?BD;4 2708=B=0C274AB7>>CB 0C2>?5>A0AA4BC183 =Tf3T[WX) 0R^]bcPQ[TfPb bW^cPcQhPRWPX]b]PcRWTaPc 6TTcP2^[^]hU[h^eTafWT]P _^[XRTcTP\WPSV^]Tc^PaaTbc WX\P]SWXbPRR^\_[XRT^] BPcdaSPhPa^d]S #$_\FWT] !!\T\QTa_^[XRTcTP\ ST_[^hTSc^]PQcWTRWPX] b]PcRWTaSd^X]cWTU[h^eTa R^]]TRcX]VRT]caP[3T[WXfXcW 6TTcP2^[^]hcaXTSU[PVVX]V S^f]Pbdb_XRX^dbQXZTQ^a]T Sd^cWThP[[TVTS[h^_T]TSUXaTP bT]X^a_^[XRT^UUXRTabPXS 088<B;0D=274B³03>?C 0?0C84=C´?>;82H CWTR^d]cS^f]U^a:WPSbT´b TgXcWPSQTVd]^]CWdabSPh PUcTa5PS]PeXb\Tc19?´b ]PcX^]P[_aTbXST]c0\XcBWPW P]SbdQ\XccTSP±UPRcdP[ aT_^ac²PQ^dccWTP[[TVPcX^]b UPRTSQhcWT]d\QTacf^ <X]XbcTaX]cWT <PWPaPbWcaP2PQX]Tc Khadse’s exit had begun on Thursday after Fadnavis met BJP’s president Amit Shah and submitted a “factual report” about the allegations faced by the number-two minister in the Maharashtra Cabinet. Having made up its mind to give marching orders to Khadse, the BJP’s central leadership had waited for the Rajya Sabha and State Council polls to get over on Friday, before it formally sounded him out on the need for him to put in his papers. Embroiled as he was in four major controversies — the arrest of a person claiming to be his “personal aide” in a bribery case, the Dawood call log case, the Pune land deal and an expose that his son-in-law Manish Khevalkar moves Turn to Page 4 =Tf3T[WX) 088<B^]BPcdaSPh [Pd]RWTS°PS^_cP_PcXT]c±_^[XRh d]STafWXRWXcbTTZb_dQ[XR S^]PcX^]bU^a_PcXT]cbfW^PaT d]PQ[Tc^R^]cX]dTcWTXa caTPc\T]c^aQTPaR^bc^UQdhX]V T`dX_\T]c]TTSTSU^a aTWPQX[XcPcX^]PcW^\T E4C4A0=02C>ABD;0170 34B7?0=34=><>A4 <d\QPX) ETcTaP] cWTPcaTP]SUX[\ PRc^aBd[PQWP 3TbW_P]ST&( fW^WPSPRcTSX] ]d\Ta^db <PaPcWXP]S7X]SX UX[\bSXTSPcWTa<d\QPX aTbXST]RT^]BPcdaSPhPUcTaP _a^[^]VTSX[[]TbbUP\X[hb^daRTb bPXS CAD<?) 78;;0AHB7>D;3 14908;435>A4<08;B20< FPbWX]Vc^]) 8]PQ[XbcTaX]V PccPRZ^]7X[[Pah2[X]c^]DB AT_dQ[XRP]_aTbXST]cXP[ _aTbd\_cXeT]^\X]TT3^]P[S Cad\_WPbcTa\TSWXb 3T\^RaPcXRaXeP[PbP°cWXTU±P]S bPXScWPcbWTbW^d[SQTX]YPX[U^a WTa°cTaaXQ[T±T\PX[bRP]SP[ UX[\bce! 347A03D=kBD=30H k9D=4$! % 1LFHEXW GLIIHUHQWO\ E96?:468FJD Z_X+CfddV]]4c`hVCjR_8`d]Z_X>Ree 3`^Vc>RcXRcVeBfR]]Vj<Z^3RdZ_XVc CReVU+' "! 520,7 %$*&+, 9`heYVSRee]V`WDZ_Xfc I deRceVU fter Mamata Banerjee romped to an impressive victory in the West Bengal Assembly election a few days ago, it is tempting to look back to Singur, the otherwise nondescript place in Hoogly district, that catapulted her to power, ending the 34-year-old Left regime in 2011. The seventh Left Front Government with Buddhadeb Bhattacharjee as the Chief Minister was sworn in on May 18, 2006. The same day, Bhattacharjee and Tata group chief Ratan Tata announced in Calcutta that a car factory would be set up at Singur. The factory was supposed to come up at Uttarakhand. It is one of the states aside from Himachal Pradesh and Northeastern States where there are several exemptions in terms of taxes and duties for industrialisation. Bhattacharjee had asked Tata days before the election if the small car factory could be located anywhere in West Bengal. Tata had said that setting it up in Uttarakhand was more profitable because of the state providing tax concessions (C18,000 for 1 lakh per car). However, he had assured that he would talk to the members of the board of directors whether it was feasible to have it in West Bengal. Teams had visited around six sites. Bhattacharjee had first proposed Kharagpur for the small car factory. But Tata Motors had not been interested. They had finally selected Singur. This was because of the vicinity of the Durgapur Expressway and Calcutta. A team of representatives from the Tata Motors visited the site earmarked for the proposed car factory on 25 May. Some farmers confined them, protesting against the proposed plant. Around 300 farmers committed to give their lands for the proposed factory at a CPI-M meeting in Singur on 30 May. Some Trinamool Congress activists shouted slogans against the proposed factory the same day. Singur Farmland Protection Committee was formed on 4 June to protest against any plan to acquire land. Mamata Banerjee addressed a public meeting in Singur on 18 June. She lambasted the state government, saying that it might accept if the Tatas asked the chief minister to give them his daughter. Banerjee planted paddy seeds inside the proposed car factory complex by way of token protest against the proposed acquisition of farmlands on 18 July. A notice was issued, proposing to acquire 997.11 acres A D9@HE:>6 of land under five moujas under section 4 of the Land Acquisition Act on 20 July. Trinamool activists blocked Durgapur Expressway, protesting against the notice on 24 July. A case was filed at Calcutta High Court on 28 August, challenging the land acquisition in Singur. But the court refused to stay the government notice. Trinamool activists allegedly beat the ‘willing’ farmers and torched their houses at several places on 8 September. Cheques began to be issued to the owners of the acquired lands from the BDO office on 25 September. Mamata Banerjee arrived in Singur that evening. Police asked her to return to Calcutta in anticipation of violence. But she remained unmoved. Police whiskered her into a car and brought her back to Calcutta the same night. But she began a sit-in under the statue of Mahatma Gandhi on Mayo Road. She alleged that the state government was giving cheques to the CPI-M activists, masquerading as the farmers. She wrote, “I decided to move to Singur after I came to know that a CPI-M co-ordination member had received cheque producing identity of a farmer who had refused to receive the compensation cheque. I left for Singur after informing police an hour before. But conspicuously, police did not follow me. This is because they had made a blue print of a conspiracy. However, I reached Singur safe. When I reached the peasants told me that nobody was being allowed into the BDO office from where cheques were being issued. We decided to stage a sit-in. It was around 5 in the evening when we started the sit-in. It was around 1 am when the attack was launched. Police started charging baton, lobbing tear gas shells and opening fire to disperse the people who were peacefully taking part in the sit-in. The women were not spared. Holding them by their hair, police thrashed them mercilessly. They forced me into a vehicle while holding me by my hair and pounding punches all over my body. Cries ‘beat her, beat her’ rent the air. Some goons threatened that they would murder me. They brought us to my residence at Kalighat. We were shattered. We did not return home. We went to Mayo Road and began a sit-in beside the statue of Mahatma Gandhi. Is there any right, any respect for the common people, any democracy here, I was wondering.” F8C7<44=0:B78A0> =RfXYeVcTYR]]V_XVU 9@FD67F==$ Z_X+2\dYRj<f^Rc2SYZdYV\ 3RTYTYR_CZeVZdY5VdY^f\Y ;RbfV]Z_V7Vc_R_UVd?RcXZd 7R\YcZ=ZdR9RjU`_3`^R_ :cR_Z CReVU+% "! ou expect the kitsch. You expect the buffoonery. You, in fact, await the rollercoaster, nonsensical, loud stupid humour. But that doesn’t happen and Housefull 3 instantly falls into the crevice of an un-happening mount sniggering on its brand value and that of its lead actor Akshay Kumar. Now Akshay Kumar is all gungho in the film, even emulsifying into a twin role as Sandy and Sundy, the latter a pathological rioter who turns so every time he hears the word ‘Indian’. Rest of them, including Riteish Deshmukh and new entrant Abhishek Bachchan, are all ‘maa ki behen ki’ as the film keeps repeating sometimes in a rap, sometimes in Y ³4TaXTbRT]TbVPeT \Tb[TT_[Tbb]XVWcb´ a song and sometimes as background score just to make impact, some kind of, any kind of impact. What kills the film and all the effort of the dudes, bimbos and Boman Irani and his PJ one-liners (the only attraction in the film) is its complete alienation with funny those ones. Whatever is attempted is rather deliberate and thus tediously generated. As compared to the earlier franchises, this one comes way below in the laughter quotient and considering that laughter is the only medicine for such otherwise terminally ill films, not having it questions the basic existence of such a caper. Despite this huge malfunction, Akshay shines in his effort as do Riteish and AB Jr, to a certain extent. Lisa Haydon is miscast, Nargis Fakhri way away from even being a sideshow and Jaqueline is the only saving grace, though one can give very few grace marks to Housefull 3. t’s the 70s, flary booms, long locks, a lot of cigarette (with ‘smoking kills’ warnings imported from 2016), alcohol haze, Nixonian issues and happenings that Americans may know more about than Indians. What we know better, however, are Russell Crowe and Ryan Gosling and what they can do to a film. Here, they indulge in a loosely constructed bromance pivoted around a murder mystery with a tag to those 70s issues that rocked America — like environment protests and the underhand push to the auto lobby, not to mention a corrupt justice department baying, in this case, for its very own daughter’s blood. It all starts with a car crashing into the home of a young boy in the dead of the night with porn star Misty M driving it — yes you guessed right — stark naked. Of course she dies instantly and seems to have no connection with the film, till young girl Amelia hires contract bouncer Crowe to beat up detective March (Ryan) who is on her trail. The film has a sense of humour as stark as the punches that Crowe pulls on many faces without a care in the world, or conscience for that matter. In a way, it is an interesting story to tell though it is not really a global kind of film. The digs taken at Nixon and his administration may make sense only to those who know about it. But other than that, it is a hatke film in which two far-removed guys get together, along with a 15-year-old daughter, to solve the case of Amelia which has left three people dead, goons on trail and a band of funny protestors trying to be dead in the middle of life. What struck me most? The girth and the grizzle of Russell Crowe. He is just too fat and looks veritably unhealthy. Ryan Gosling? Too much in an alcoholic haze to make sense but still makes impact. BWTSTQdcTSfXcW9PbbX9PXbX:^X=PWXP]SQTRP\TPW^dbTW^[S]P\T fXcW:hP7dPPCTaPEPPSPCWXachU^dahTPa^[S<>=0B8=67fX[[]^f TbbPhcWTa^[T^U?PaXSWXX]:PfPRWBWTcP[Zbc^B0=644C0H030E PQ^dccWTRWP[[T]VTb^U_[PhX]VPRWPaPRcTa_^bbTbbTSQhP]TeX[b_XaXc 0RGHUDWHO\ HQJDJLQJ E66?286>FE2?E?:?;2EFCE=6D+@FE @7E96D925@HD Z_X+>VXR_7`iHZ]]2c_Vee=RfcR =Z__VjDeVaYV_2^V]]3cZR_EVV CReVU+& "! arvel has been the centrepiece this year with a trail of comic book heroes visiting Hollywood ever since Deadpool made his debut last year. This one, again from the Marvel closet in quick succession of the much bigger heroes flying around the screen just the other week, is not that much of a marvel as you may have expected from these shadowy monster warriors of New York city. Another matter though, that these ninja turtles hate being seen as monsters and are almost bereft of cohesion as a team once the opportunity to look like humans presents itself at their doorstep. But there’s a mission at hand after a high end criminal is freed by a misplaced scientific genius and used by a slurpy, wet, yucky alien with tentacles to wage a war against humans. There’s a lot of spatial gizmo punctuating the film, including an ozone breaking warship that needs to be assembled through a three-point device that the scientist can put together, and he does before being shipped to Japan as a caged specimen. Turtles, meanwhile, are happy with their pizza dropping high perches over soccer stadiums till they find out about the nasty escape. The mission, in a garbage truck and out of it, strays a lot into personal issues of the turtles and thus take away from all the swinging action. A good one for diehard fans; discharge spewing villains, howsoever daunting, are not everyone’s cup of tea. Add to that turtles with human issues and you might just want to have them in another story, another time. M Q You play Paridhi in Kawach. Tell us more. She is a positive, modern woman with a strong mind. A historian by profession, she falls head over heels in love with Rajbir (Vivek Dahiya) and gets married to him. All hell breaks loose when Rajbir’s obsessive dead lover Manjulika (Maheck Chahal) returns to haunt the couple as an evil spirit. Paridhi has to be her husband’s kawach to save him. Q What drew you to Kawach...? I’ve never played such a character. Paridhi doggedly fights the evil spirit that possesses her and endangers her husband’s life. There were scenes where I bang my head against a wall, talk aggressively and much more. I saw it as a challenging role. I love doing unconventional roles and this one was something that’s never been attempted on TV. Q What was the biggest challenge? To fly mid air on harness was a fabulous experience but to balance on it was a tough task as you have to keep your body at a particular angle so that the harness gets aligned. To have the right cuts and a computerised background, it’s important to be precise. Second was falling and the fire scenes. Then there are action sequences with the ghosts. Q What were the toughest ones? There are a lot of chase sequences with a dog who is trying to kill me. Fortunately, the makers didn’t use a real dog; they created an artificial one through VFX. It’s a bit tricky to work on the croma background as you have to imagine the situation. So it is fun as well as tiring as there is a lot of running around to do. People on the sets would jokingly tell me, ‘bhaag Mona bhaag’. Q How scary will the show be? We aren’t calling this a horror show. It’s based on supernatural activities. There’s possession, exorcism, love, obsession etc. There are funny characters too. The minute you think something scary is going to happen, somebody will crack a joke or something <^]P BX]VW´b _^bbTbbTS [^^ZX]cWT bW^f :PfPRW unexpected will happen to divert your attention. But the show will keep you on the edge. I don’t like horror as a genre but this one is different. Q Your make-up is very scary... Credit goes to my make-up artist Rukesh. We did a couple of tests for reference with grey make-up base, lenses, scars, black smudged kajal and blood on my lips. When I saw myself in the mirror, I freaked out and put the mirror away. But when I went for the promo shoot, people around me wanted to get a selfie clicked with me in my ghost avatar. They loved it so much. So I knew we had got the perfect look. Q Did playing a victim of supernatural element impact you? It did. During the shoot, you don’t get scared as a lot of people are around you but when you are home, your senses are so sharp and you become aware of the slightest noise around you. Listening to the story which is in its fifth and sixth episode, it’s a little eerie and spooky. I couldn’t sleep for days. Most things happen because your mind is playing tricks. It just freaks you out more when you try and not think about situations which are very scary. The best way to deal with it is to totally switch off and do something different altogether. Q Was it really difficult for you to switch off from being Paridhi? When I was doing Jassi Jaisi Koi Nahi, if there were emotional scenes I used to not talk to people the whole day and listen to the saddest songs to keep myself sad. I later realised that I was actually torturing myself. People who don’t come from an acting school learn these things from everyday experiences. So I’ve learnt how to dissociate myself from the characters I play. 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7HOHSKRQHV)D[/XFNQRZ2IILFHWK)ORRU6DKDUD6KRSSLQJ&HQWUH)DL]DEDG5RDG/XFNQRZ7HOHSKRQHV c^f]WP[[" 347A03D=kBD=30H k9D=4$! % 4V_ecVhZ]]Raa`Z_e^`cV[fUXVd+>Z_ ?=BQ 347A03D= n order to provide justice to the victims, the Central IGovernment is taking measures to fill the vacant posts of judges, said Union Minister of Law and Justice DV Sadananda Gowda while addressing a seminar and training session 2016 on ‘Need of Continuing Legal Education’ for lawyers and law students at a private hotel in Dehradun on Saturday. The two-day seminar was organised by Bar Council of India. The Minister said that from January to April 2015, 31 judges had been appointed in the country. This year, 51 judges have been appointed, he added. He further said that after a collegiums have sent a proposal for the appointment judges the Centre is seriously considering it, he added. The seminar aims at to provide a unique opportunity to the students of law as well as new entrants to the profession of direct interaction with national level legal luminaries, includ- ing judges of the Supreme Court of India and High Courts, said the organisers. Gowda said that this being the era of globalisation, globalisation of legal education poses multiple challenges of legal practice. “We must take the challenge head-on,” he said, adding that they should all work to provide justice to the poor people of the country. Gowda said his ministry had not held back any file regarding appointments. “The appointment of judges is the prerogative of the judiciary. It is decided by the collegiums of judges and the files reach the ministry after the panel of judges decides on it,” he said. Stressing on the urgent need to fill judge posts, the minister said that access to justice cannot be achieved and justice cannot be delivered to people if 3RZHUFXWVDGGWRVXPPHU ZRHVRI'HKUDGXQUHVLGHQWV 7TPehaPX][XZT[hX] R^\X]VSPhb)<Tc ehradun police have arrested Sagar, alias Sahil, native of Meerut, Uttar Pradesh on the charge of hacking his wife Renu, native of Meerut, to death on Friday night. The body was later dumped on the railway tracks at Lachchhiwala in Doiwala. The recover y of the woman’s body by the police from railway tracks created panic in the locality. Senior police officers along with forensic team and dog squad rushed to the incident site. As per preliminary inquiry, the married woman was hacked to death. On the basis of the investigation, police arrested the accused Sahil. Deceased Renu was working as domestic help in Lachchhiwala area, police said, adding that Sahil used to frequently visit Lachchhiwala from Meerut. Rekha, deceased’s sister, living in Lachchiwala area had identified her body. “The accused did not disclose his real name to his wife nor did he disclose that he had married twice prior to marrying her. The accused admitted his offence while being D ehradun reeled under severe heat and humidity D on Saturday. The sky was ?T^_[T^UePaX^db [^RP[XcXTbUPRTS UaT`dT]cb_T[[b^U _^fTaRdcb cWa^dVW^dccWTSPh =Q^^QRRUT V_b[Y\\Y^WgYVU ?=BQ 347A03D= ?=BQ 347A03D= cloudy, spawning expectation of rain. But it eluded till the evening. Frequent power cuts compounded their suffering further. The Met office has forecast light to moderate rain/thunderstorm at isolated places in Dehradun on Sunday. However, the people would get respite from the sultry heat in the coming days as the Met office has issued heavy rainfall warning in Uttarakhand from June 7 to June 9. People of various localities faced frequent spells of powercuts throughout the day, aggravating the people’s suffering. Among the areas worst hit by the power-cuts were Raipur, Premnagar, Shivlok Colony, the posts of the judges lie vacant, he added. The Union minister said they are well aware of the situation. “Things regarding the appointment of judges would be cleared soon. The pending cases are piling up. If things continue this way this would amount to denial of justice,” he said. “In this milieu, the work done by Legal Services Authorities (LSAs) is very sig- EC Road, Badripur, Salawala and Ballupur. In Dehradun, the sky was overcast since the morning on Saturday. It drizzled in the afternoon. However, it failed to cool things even a little. Met director Bikram Singh said that the weather forecast for Dehradun on Sunday is partly cloudy sky and light rain/thunder cloud development in some areas. The maximum and minimum temperatures are likely to be around 36ºC and 24ºC respectively on Sunday. He said his office has issued warning of heavy downpour for three days starting from June 7. Singh further informed that the maximum and mini- mum temperatures were recorded at 35.9ºC (normal) and 24.8ºC (three degree above the normal) in Dehradun while it was 24.2ºC (normal) and 15.7ºC (three degree above the normal) in Mukteshwar, 26.8ºC (normal) and 18.8ºC (normal) in Tehri and 35.8ºC (two degree below the normal) and 27.5ºC (four degree above the normal) in Pantnagar on Saturday. Over the past 24 hours by 8.30 am on Saturday, rainfall was reported in various parts of the state. While 16.3 mm rainfall was reported in Dehradun, it was 3.0 mm in Ranichauri, 3.0 mm in Munsiyari, 1.4 mm in Pithoragarh, 4.2 mm in Mukteshwar and 1.8 mm in Pantnagar, it is learnt. nificant as they clear large number of pending cases. LSAs have not only been making ‘access to justice’ a reality but also relieving courts of enormous burden and pressure,” Gowda said, adding that the most important challenge before LSAs is lack of awareness among the poor and marginalised sections of people about rights. “Some measures have been taken in creating legal awareness among the people of most backward areas of the country. But we need to do more in this direction,” he said. Justice Dipak Misra, judge, Supreme Court of India was the chief guest while other distinguished guests were Justice KM Joseph, chief justice, high court of Uttarakhand, Justice SK Mukherjee, chief justice, High Court of Karnataka, Justice Vimlesh Kumar Shukla, acting chief justice, high court of Allahabad, senior advocate Manan Kumar Mishra, chairman, Bar Council of India and Vijay Bhatt, managing trustee, Bar Council of India Trust. C74A42>E4AH>5 C74F><0=³B 1>3H1HC74 ?>;8245A>< A08;F0HCA02:B 2A40C43?0=828= C74;>20;8CH0B ?4A?A4;8<8=0AH 8=@D8AHC74 <0AA843F><0= F0B702:43 C>340C7 grilled. He married the deceased in 2006. In 2008, he married another woman whom he later divorced. In 2014, he again married,” a police officer probing the case said. Doiwala Police Station incharge inspector Pankaj Gairola said that a case under section 302 of IPC had been registered against Sahil in the Dowiala police station. The police have collected some evidences based on his information, he said, adding that the accused would be sent to jail after being produced in the court on Sunday. *XYIRUPRUHHIIRUWVWRPDNH 8¶NKDQGDOHDGLQJKHUEDO6WDWH ?=BQ 347A03D= ttarakhand Governor Dr U KK Paul stressed the need for more efforts to establish Uttarakhand as a leading herbal State, given its leading role in Ayurveda and its immense herbal wealth. In his address on a symposium on “Herbal Research, Opportunities, Challenges and Beyond”, which was organised at UCOST (Vigyan Dham, Jhajra, Dehradun) by the management of the Universities’ Journal of Phytochemistry and Ayurvedic Heights (UPJAH), Dr Paul said that Uttarakhand has great potential in the area which needs to be tapped and utilised in the interests of the state. He said he hoped this symposium would prove an effective step in this direction. Uttarakhand is virtually an herbal state and the State Medicinal Plants Board had been constituted and the Herbal Research & Development Institute at Gopeshwar had been made the apex agency for synchronising and promoting the sector, he said. “I have had a personal interest in this area, having been a student of Chemistry. I have also visited the laboratory located at Mandal. The unit has not had a Director for quite some time and appeared to be in a state of neglect. I gave them some ideas.” The systematic study on herbs specially on their scientific documentation and research was the need of the day, he stressed while appreciating the fact that the scientists carrying out research on herbs had been present at this fifteenth symposium of the UPJAH. Dr Paul stressed that emphasis should be laid on in-vitro studies of herbs to prove their therapeutic efficacy and thus to standardise the drugs so obtained. “The results obtained should be documented scientifically. The programme for development of the Medicinal Plant sector needs research, development and extension carried out in a planned manner. The responsible use of the natural resources to ensure their availability for the future is a major global concern. Besides, sustainable utilization of Medicinal and Aromatic plants was the most tenable strategy for conserving them,” he said. “It is best to have a policy that allows the extraction of medicinal plants from the wild only up to a sustainable extent C^daXbcbU[^RZc^=PX]X;PZT^]BPcdaSPh and the promotion of large scale cultivation of MAPs to meet the growing demands of industries”. Dr Paul also released the 20th volume of the the bi-annual Universities’ Journal of Phytochemistry and Ayurvedic Heights on the occasion. The journal had motivated a large number of scientists and highlighted their work under the guidance of Dr S Farooq, Dr GK Pathak, Dr IP Saxena and Dr IP Pandey. Dr Dobhal, DG UCOST, briefed the Governor and participants about the activity profile of the UCOST and the progrmme. He added that the Regional Science Centre is attracting a large number of students and common masses and providing platform to create scientific understanding of various principles of Science & Technology. >?0V]XW^caXk?X^]TTa :LOORSHQ,QGLUD$PPD%KRMDQDOD\DFDQWHHQVLQ6WDWH&0 ?=BQ 347A03D= hief Minister Harish Rawat is determined to take his pet C scheme — Indira Amma Bhojanalaya — to the nook and corner of the State. While inaugurating a new one at Chardham Bus Station in Rishikesh on Saturday, he said his Government will open at least 100 more such canteens across the State to enable the common men to have nutritious lunch at wallet-friendly prices. He said that one thing is required and that is land required to house the project. “Such canteens would come up soon after the district panchayats, municipalities and nagar panchayats provide space for the purpose,” he said. BdRWRP]cTT]bf^d[SR^\Td_b^^] PUcTacWTSXbcaXRc_P]RWPhPcb \d]XRX_P[XcXTbP]S]PVPa_P]RWPhPcb _a^eXSTb_PRTU^acWT_da_^bT Aside from providing the people with nutritious lunches, the scheme, deemed as a dream one of the Chief Minister, has been reviving the traditional dishes of Uttarakhand which were dying out fast in the state where they originated and thrived. Besides, the scheme is also bettering the economic condition of the women belonging to the self-help groups that have been involved in it. CM also inaugurated eRickshaw and Rent-a-Bike scheme in Rishikesh and distributed cows and calves to five people. CM informed that the one in Rishikesh was the 20th Indira Amma Canteen in the state. “Those now running are doing good. Most of them are exceeding our expectations. This is what has charged us to go for more,” he said. Further, CM stressed that scenario in Uttarakhand might see a sea-change on the ground if they would rope in more and more all-women self -help groups, Mahila Mangal Dals and various governmental and non- governmental organizations working for the women. “We plan to develop allwomen SHGs as commercial centres in rural and urban areas. Over 100 all-women SHGs have performed exceedingly well in the last one year,” he said. He appealed to the people to use the state’s rural products at least once in a week. “We are trying to make available Chaulay Ladoos as a Parsad to devotees. The all- women SHGs are providing us with the laddoo in Badrinath. Besides, we must promote our handicrafts,” CM said. He said that the Char Dham Yartra going on in full swing tells a success story of the ceaseless efforts being made over the past two years. “We have been successful to spread the message that Uttarakhand is safe for pilgrims and tourists across the globe. A record number of pilgrims are visiting the state. It rains every year and spawns road blocks. But this time, the blocked roads are being opened soon after they are blocked thanks to the thriving system we have put into motion. Things are smooth subsequently,” CM said. Rawat said Uttarakhand could be transformed through change of perspectives. “Village and the poor are the focal points of our policies. Uttarakhand has become a front runner state in the context of social security pensions. We have increased the amount of social pensions from C400 to C1000. Beneficiaries of pension have increased from 1.74 Lakh to seven lakh. We are providing bonus on the cultivation of Mandua, Jhangora, Gahath and the like. Bonus is also being given on tree plantation and milk production. This would combine to help the State stride ahead,” he said. Tourism Minister & GMVN MD Dinesh Dhanai, Commissioner Garhwal Chandra Singh Napchayal and DM Dehradun Ravinath were among those present at the inaugural function. 19?cPaVTcbAPfPc^eTacaP]bUTab /LTRXUVKRSFDWFKHV ?=BQ 347A03D= esolved not to lose a chance to embarrass Chief R Minister Harish Rawat, facing the heat from many quarters, State BJP seized the matter of the PCC chief Kishore Upadhyay suggesting to the CM to send the scam-tainted UPCL MD SS Yadav on forced leave till the probe is over and the State BJP’s chief spokesperson Munna Singh Chouhan asked Upadhyay to suggest the same regarding the CM who has a host of corruption charges tagged to him. “If the PCC chief dares go for it my party would support him heart and soul,” assured Chouhan. Later, taking potshots at the State Government, the BJP leader said that the latter shifting DM/SSPs on whims is resulting in serious law and order problems across the State. “Things are happening at the behest of the Cabinet ministers. This is tantamount to contempt 19?RWXTUb_^ZTb_Tab^]<d]]PBX]VW2W^dWP]PSSaTbbX]V\TSXP^]bPcdaSPh of court as the Apex Court pronounced in Prakash Singh vs Union Government of India case that no IG/police officer/SP is to be changed unless and until he completes two years of his tenure. In case of exigency, the State Government can do things under police establishment act while taking police establishment on board. In Uttarakhand, a police establishment exists. But seldom is its recommendation sought by the State Government,” Chouhan said. Rubbing salt into wounds of the Harish Rawat ?X^]TTa_W^c^ Government, the BJP leader said that the CM is using the transfers of the administrative and police officials to humour the sulking Ministers, while citing the fact that Yashpal Arya is now in a sulk mode. “Whenever such mass transfers are made they are being done under the veneer of public interests. But the people know what is what. They are protesting against such indiscriminate transfers of DMs and others,” he said. Training his guns on the dissident BJP MLA Bhimlal Arya who has been hobnobbing with the Congress, Chouhan said he had bared his fangs recently to the secretary education over the re-appointment of a retired teacher. “The MLA who is now the blue- eyed- boy of the CM threatened the senior education department official, saying that if his plea is not met he would make the officials face dire consequences. He also said that he would in that case do a sit-in outside the CM’s residence. This is dangerous trend and the more the CM allows himself to prove pliable to such diabolical moves the grimmer would be things for the State,” the BJP leader warned. ILUHQHDU$UDJKDU ?=BQ 347A03D= ire broke out in a liquor shop near Araghar police F post under Kotwali police station, Dehradun around 4.55 pm on Saturday. It triggered panic in the area. It took the two fire tenders and two miniwater tenders nearly one and half an hour to put out the blaze. There was no casualty, though liquor worth lakhs are learnt to have been destroyed in the blaze. Dehradun Fire Station officer Shiv Prasad Mamgai said that swift action on their part had stopped the flames from spreading further. Two fire tenders and two mini-water tenders had been rushed to the incident site to put out the flame soon after the information was received, he added. The cause of the fire is yet to be ascertained, he said. Preliminary inquiry, has, however, revealed that short circuit had caused the fire, he further said. Mamgai said that his office had been informed about the fire at 4.55 pm on Saturday. “Soon, two fire tenders were sent to the incident site. Later, two additional miniwater tenders were also sent in about half an hour. Initially, firemen faced difficulties as the entire area was filled with smoke,” he said. The fire in the liquor shop had destroyed liquor worth lakhs of rupees, he said, adding that the damage is yet to be estimated though. The liquor shop owner was yet to submit details of the loss he has incurred till the time of the report being filed. ]PcX^]# 347A03D=kBD=30H k9D=4$! % &_Vh?9ac`[VTede`T`^VfaZ_@UZdYR 6^PWTPSU^a R^]bcadRcX^]^U U[h^eTaPc :WP]SPVXaX P__a^PRWa^PSc^ 8]U^EP[[Th88 BcPcTc^VXeT STcPX[TS_a^_^bP[ ^]c^[[VPcTXbbdTb C748BBD4BA4;0C8=6 C>8<?A>E4<4=C>5 0A>D=3 ( !:<>5 =7AD==8=6 C7A>D67C74BC0C4 F0B38B2DBB43 0=3A4B>;E43 ?=BQ 17D10=4BF0A of flyover at Khandagiri, approach road to Info Valley-II. Go-ahead was given for construction of a flyover at Khandagiri and an approach road to Info Valley-II, both projects being in State capital city. It was also decided that the NHAI would engage retired OAS and OFS officers for expediting the land acquisition and forest diversion proposals. Regarding the issue of shifting of the tollgates and collection of toll fees, both the NHAI and State Government agreed that the State would give a detailed proposal on the matter to the NHAI for consideration of the union Ministry. Decisions would be taken keeping in view the convenience of the people. high-level team from the A National Highway Authority of India (NHAI) led by its Chairman Raghav Chandra interacted with State administration led by Chief Secretary Aditya Prasad Padhi here on Saturday. The issues relating to improvement of around 1,912 km of NH running through the State was discussed and resolved, said an official release. The NHAI Chairman said, “Odisha is a very fast progressing State from the view points of industrialisation and tourism. The State is also very important from the view point of its location.” The progress of the works like 6-laning of the Bhubaneswar-Chandikhol section of NH-5 ( 67 km), 4-laning of the Panikoili-Rimuli section of NH-215 (166 km), 4laaning of the Talcher-DuburiChandikhol section of NH-23 (132 km), 4-laning of the Rimuli-Roxy-Rajamunda section of NH-215 ( 96 km) and 4-laning of the BhubaneswarPuri section of NH-203 (67 km), were reviewed. The matters relating to forest diversion, environmental clearance, availability of road construction materials, disbursement of compensation awards to people, tree felling in forest land, GPS survey, etc., were also discussed and resolved. Timelines were set for each work. The status of upcoming NH projects also figured at the meeting. These project include 4-laning of the SingaraBinjabahal section of NH-6 (104 km), 4-laning of the Binjabahal-Telibani section of NH-6 (77 km), 4-laning of the Cuttack-Angul section of NH42 (112 km), 4-laning of the Angul-Sambalpur section of NH-55 (153 km) and 4-laning of the Biramitrapur-Rajamunda section of NH-23 (76 km). Go-ahead for construction 7ZR%LKDU 329bQYTc233<U^WY^UUbµc `bU]YcUcY^2YXQb:XQb[XQ^T 0B78BB8=70Q 370=103 he Anti-Corruption Wing of the Central Bureau of Investigation (CBI) office in Dhanbad conducted search at two residential and office premises of a Superintendent Engineer (E&T) of Bharat Coking Coal limited here on Saturday. In an ongoing probe relat- T 8=1A845 0AC4G7818C8>=74;3 8=347A03D= 3TWaPSd]) 0a^d]S&$bcdST]cb _PacXRX_PcTSX]cf^SPh[^]V0ac TgWXQXcX^]°:P[PZaXcX! %±WT[SPc cWTW^cT[FWXcT7^dbT3TWaPSd] fWXRWQTVP]^]BPcdaSPhCWT 4gWXQXcX^]XbQTX]VWT[Sd]STacWT PTVXb^UB_P]SP]P]^]V^ec ^aVP]XbPcX^]8]cWTRPcTV^ah\TP]c U^abcdST]cbUa^\8c^BcSG88^eTa !_PX]cX]VbUa^\Pa^d]S&$ bcdST]cbWPeTQTT]SXb_[PhTSU^a cWT_dQ[XR!_PX]cX]VbUa^\bXg X]SXeXSdP[bfTaTP[b^SXb_[PhTSX] cWT>_T]2PcTV^ahCWTT]caXTb fTaTYdSVTSQh3a9PVaXcX3^QWP[ P]SBd\Xc:P_^^aAd_P 2WPZaPQ^achP__aXbTScWT_T^_[T PQ^dccWT_PbcP]S_aTbT]cPRcXeXcXTb WT[SQhcWTb^RXTchB_P]SP] ing to disproportionate assets (DA) case against Srinarayan Singh the Superintendent Engineer (E&T) of the Lodna Area of BCCL, (Dhanbad) the CBI sleuths conducted search operations at Dhanband in Jharkhand and Motihari, Muzaffarpur in Bihar, said PK Manjhi Superintendent of Police CBI Dhanbad. A case was earlier registered against Srinarayan U/s 13(2) r/w 13(1)(e) of the Prevention of Corruption Act, 1988 alleging therein that the accused public servant, during the check period between 1 January 2002 to 31 December 2015, had amassed huge movable and immovable assets an estimated worth of C2 crore which were disproportionate to his known sources of income, said Manjhi. From Page 1 The Vishnu Rai College registered extraordinary performance with 97.52 pass percentage in Science whereas the average result of Bihar was as poor as 67.07 per cent. Singh said of the 13 toppers who took the retest and were interviewed by a panel of experts, 11 passed. Ruby had informed that due to mental depression she could not appear. Even though Ruby, who in an interview said she had “prodical science” as one of her subjects which dealt with cookery, is the most suspected topper, the BSEB decided to give her another chance to prove her merit. Despite the action taken against the two toppers, the entire result of the Class XII has come under cloud. There is wider suspicion that in the order to hide its own wrongdoings the BSEB has acted against the two students. Earlier, the BJP demanded the Nitish Kumar Government to take action against the chairman of BSEB, Vishnu Rai College and the “topper mafia” for the scandal that brought embarrassment to Bihar following the discovery that the toppers of the Intermediate exam did not know the basics of the subjects they studied but still secured highest marks. Former Deputy Chief Minister Sushil Kumar Modi said on Saturday that action against the controversial topper of arts Ruby Rai would be taken but he asked Chief Minister Nitish Kumar to act against the “topper mafia” college principal Bachcha Rai, who is close to RJD supremo Lalu Prasad, and his college and against BSEB chairman Singh whose wife is a JD(U) leader. 1´VPaWZXS]ThcaP]b_[P]c)=7A2 ]^cXRTc^7TP[cWBTRaTcPah ?=BQ 17D10=4BF0A he National Human Rights T Commission (NHRC) has recently issued notice to the State Health and Family Welfare Secretary to submit a report within four weeks over an illegal kidney transplant in Bargarh district. The NHRC gave the direction following rights activist Akhand of Civil Society Forum on Human Rights (CSFHR) lodged a petition before the NHRC in the matter. Akhand brought to the notice of the NHRC that the victim, Anil Swamy, lodged an FIR in Bargarh Police Station on January 2 last that his neighbours Raghabram Dora, Dasarathi Dora, Kanhu Charan Dora and their family members used deceitful tactics to get one of his kidneys removed from his body without his consent and got it transplanted in the body of Raghabram at the Apollo Hospital in Bhubaneswar. As Raghabram needed a kidney transplant, the three brothers planned to get it from Anil, who at the time was suffering from stomach ailments. They forged documents to prove Anil was one of their brothers as a kidney donation can only be accepted from a relative. As per the documents, Anil was named Jayaram Dora and presented as the younger brother of Raghabram, alleged Akhand. Even, the petitioner alleged that they prepared fake ID card, bank passbook and some other documents on which Anil’s operation was conducted at the Apollo Hospital. The transplant took place in 2013. But after operation, the victim realized that one of his kidneys is missing. Akhand alleged that the officials of the Directorate of Medical Education and Training (DMET) and operating hospital Apollo are allegedly involved in the matter. The DMET is the authority to give No Objection Certificate (NOC) in the kidney transplantation. Then how DMET gave permission for transplant of kidney without proper verification of documents? Akhand said. 7PahP]PU^a\b _P]T[U^aTPa[h ^_T]X]V^U:P[_P]P 2WPf[PD]XeTabXch Chandigarh: The Haryana Government has constituted three committees for early operationalisation and monitoring of various works relating to the Kalpana Chawla University of Health Sciences to be established at village Kutail in district Karnal. A spokesman of the Medical Education and Research Department on Saturday said that the committees included Concept Plan Approval Committee, Committee for Evaluation of Detailed Project Report and Monitoring Committee. He said that the Concept Plan Approval Committee would be headed by Additional Chief Secretary, Medical Education and Research. The functions of the committee would be to approve the concept plan so that necessary provisions as per norms of Medical Council of India are included in the concept plan and also the architectural designs and layout of the project. ?=B 92CJ2?2@?9:892=6CE Rd;RedacVaRcVdW`cR_`eYVcdeZc 3ROLFHVHFXULW\DUUDQJHPHQWVKDYHEHHQWLJKWHQHG ZLWKGHSOR\PHQWRISDUDPLOLWDU\SHUVRQQHO ?=BQ 270=3860A7 ith a section of Jat community leaders giving a W call to re-start protests for reservation from Sunday, security arrangements in Haryana have been tightened with the deployment of 4,800 paramilitary personnel and the administration is on high alert. Paramilitary forces and the Haryana Police have been deployed in sensitive areas of Rohtak, Jhajjar, Sonipat, Jind, Panipat and Kaithal districts to ensure that the agitation does not get out of control and turns violent. “Besides adequate deployment of police personnel, as many as 48 companies of paramilitary forces have been deployed at various places in the State keeping in view the stir call from tomorrow. We have asked for 15 more companies from the Centre,” Haryana Additional Chief Secretary (Home) Ram Niwas said. Niwas said, “We are not taking any chance,” even though only one group was going ahead with the dharna. He also said police and paramilitary forces have been deployed to guard the Western Yamuna Canal in Sonipat district. Protesters had disrupted water supply to the national Capital by damaging the CarrierLined Channel (CLC) of Munak Canal during the earlier Jat agitation in February. The administration has T ?PaP\X[XcPahU^aRTbP]ScWT7PahP]P?^[XRTWPeTQTT] ST_[^hTSX]bT]bXcXeTPaTPb^UA^WcPZ9WPYYPaB^]X_Pc9X]S ?P]X_PcP]S:PXcWP[SXbcaXRcbc^T]bdaTcWPccWTPVXcPcX^]S^Tb ]^cVTc^dc^UR^]ca^[P]Scda]beX^[T]c T >UUXRXP[bbPXScWThfTaTfPah^UcWTUPRccWPc_a^cTbcTab\Ph PccT\_cc^Q[^RZ=PcX^]P[7XVWfPhbP]SaPX[caPRZb[XZTX] 5TQadPahP]ScWTaTU^aTcWThWPeT_dc\PgX\d\bTRdaXchc^ _aTeT]cPaT_TPc^UcWTbXcdPcX^] T CWT7PahP]P?^[XRTWPbRP]RT[[TS[TPeT^UP[[_Tab^]]T[ TgRT_cX]T\TaVT]RhRPbTbcX[[UdacWTa^aSTab?a^WXQXc^ah^aSTab d]STaBTRcX^] ##^UcWT2a?RWPeTP[aTPShQTT]X\_^bTSX] bTeT]bT]bXcXeTSXbcaXRcb^U7PahP]P T ?^[XRTXbZTT_X]VPR[^bTfPcRW^]P]h^]TcahX]Vc^ b_aTPSad\^dab^a\PZTX]U[P\\Pc^ahbcPcT\T]cb cWa^dVWb^RXP[\TSXP themselves from the agitation call. AIJASS leader Hawa Singh Sangwan has assured that the protests would remain peaceful. Haryana saw the worst violence in its five decades of existence in February this year during the Jat agitation for reservation. As many as 30 people were killed, 320 others injured and property worth hundreds of crores of rupees was destroyed during the agitation. The State remained paralysed for nearly 10 days. Meanwhile, the Haryana Police has cancelled leave of all personnel except in emergency cases till further orders. Prohibitory orders under Section 144 of the CrPc have already been imposed in seven sensitive districts of Haryana barring gathering of five or more persons and paramilitary forces have been conducting flag marches during the past few days. specified one spot in each district where people can peacefully hold dharna, officials said. However, officials said they were wary of the fact that protesters may attempt to block National Highways and rail tracks, like in February, and therefore they have put maximum security to prevent a repeat of the situation. The call for the renewed agitation has been given by the AllIndia Jat Aarakshan Sangharsh Samiti (AIJASS). Some other sections of the Jat community and its leadership have distanced FT´[[bcP]S Qh0UVWP] ;XQTcUaeYdc From Page 1 Resolving to stand by Afghanistan, the Prime Minister said India’s cooperation will extend to “every part” of the war-torn country and that the partnership will benefit every section of Afghan society. “In your clear eyes, I saw the deep well of affection for India. In your smiles, I saw the joy of this relationship. In the firmness of your embrace, I felt the trust in our friendship,” Modi said. In his around 25-minutelong speech, Modi touched upon the peace process in Afghanistan, the massive terrorist attack on Indian Consulate in Herat and reconstruction activities in that country. “When our people are under attack, the brave Afghans guard us as their own. They put themselves in the line of fire so that their Indian friends are safe. This is the nobility of your heart and the strength of your friendship. I have seen this from the moment I assumed office as Prime Minister. “For on that day, when terrorists launched a massive attack on our Consulate in this city of Herat, the heroic efforts of Afghan soldiers, and of our personnel, saved many lives and prevented a big tragedy,” he said, referring to the 2014 attack on the Indian mission here. From Page 1 around in an illegally modified limousine — Khadse faced a worst-ever political crisis during the last three weeks. Not a day passed since May 14 when the ACB arrested one Gajanan Patil who claimed himself to be his “personal aide” for allegedly demanding a C30-crore bribe from an entrepreneur over a land allotment issue, Khadse did not clarify matters relating to various controversies involving him. Two of the most serious controversies that Khadse faced were: that several calls were received on Khadse’s cell phone no. 9423073667 from Karachibased underworld don Dawood Ibrahim’s wife Mehjabeen Shaikh between September 2015 to April 2016 and he, his wife Mandakini and son-in-law Girish Chaudhary had hatched a conspiracy and cornering a 3acre plot of MIDC land “worth C65 crore” at a nominal price of C3.75 crore. So much so that Pune-based blower Hemant Gawande on Monday lodged criminal complaint against Khadse with the local Band Garden Police station against him, his wife Mandakini, son-in-law Girish Chaudhary for allegedly hatching a conspiracy and cornering a 3-acre plot of MIDC land. What made matters worse was that Shiv Sena’s Industries Minister Subhash Desai went to town suggesting that Khadsehad erred in purchased in land belonging to the Maharashtra Industrial Development Corporation ( MIDC) in the names of family members. The senior MIDC officials publicly opined that the purchase was “illegal”. Earlier in the afternoon when he announced his decision to resign from his post, Khadse made no bones about disgust over the kind of “media trial” that he faced during the last three years. “During my 40 years of political career, I have never experienced the kind of media trial that I faced during the recent weeks. Ever since allegations surfaced, I have clarified matters. I have also demand proof for the baseless allegations that my opponents have been making. None of my opponents has so far provided any proof of the allegations made against me,” he said. Khadse said that he would expose all those behind attempts to destroy his 40-year-long political career through baseless allegations. Meanwhile, in what came as an embarrassment for the ruling BJP, the workers of its ally Shiv Sena celebrated Khadse’s resignation from the State Cabinet by bursting crackers in the Minister’s home district of Jalgaon in north Maharashtra. [P]S\PaZ$ 347A03D=kBD=30H k9D=4$! % 3;AZ_dVRcTY`W4>WRTVW`cFA 8]SXP]=Peh_X[^cbTePRdPcT<P[SXeXP]_PcXT]c =PcX^]P[4gTRdcXeT \TTcPc0[[PWPQPS ^]9d]T ! " \PhcPZTPRP[[ ^]cWTXbbdT 344?0::D?A4C8Q =4F34;78 rompted by internal assessments of poll prospects in Uttar Pradesh, the top BJP leadership has been counseled to adopt the Assam model by projecting a clear-cut Chief Ministerial face, who could connect with the voters and compete with rival CM nominees. The party has, however, failed to zero-in-on a single leader with a ‘Pan-UP’ presence, who is acceptable to a wide section of castes besides commanding ‘loyalty’ to those who are at the helm of the leadership. According to sources, the dominant view that it may go to the polls with ‘development agenda’ without projecting its Chief Ministerial nominee has taken a back seat, after rounds of deliberations and ‘internal assessments’ which advise P D?19?RWXTU:TbWPe?aPbPS<PdahP against repeating the Biharmodel of campaign in UP which is more diverse in caste and religious aspirations. The BJP National Executive at Allahabad on June 12 and June 13, which would be attended by Prime Minister Narendra Modi, may take a call on the issue that is not an easy task given the pulls and pressures of forward and backward castes. The party may be inclined to push “a polarising figure” who is acceptable by a large section of Hindu majority as also to an assorted backward class combination. “After appointing an OBC as State party president, the CM candidate has to come from a forward caste,” said a leader, who had worked on the ground in the UP Lok Sabha polls. New BJP UP head Keshav Prasad Maurya, an OBC and MP from Phoolpur, could get approval for the party post from all castes as he had a 18year-long innings with the Vishwa Hindu Parishad (VHP) as a pracharak. He is a known Hindutva hardliner. The social engineering that goes into winning votes and thereby, polls in UP, has to factor around 13 per cent Brahmins and their inclination to back the projected face in the State. As per an internal survey of the party, “it has to compete hard” with the Bahujan Samaj Party even though officially BJP chief Amit Shah has claimed that it was Samajwadi Party that was its main rival. The survey suggested “an aggressive campaigner”, who could “polarise” votes in favour of the party as against two main rivals with ‘captive caste votes’ and would fit the bill. The names listed as probable CM face included Smriti Irani, Varun Gandhi, Yogi Adityanath and Mahesh Sharma. Union Home Minister Rajnath Singh has at the outset expressed his disinclination to move to the unstable theatre of UP politics. Irani, who has campaigned energetically in her constituency Amethi, however, carries ‘an outsider’ tag and could be opposed by other contenders in the fray. It is understood that Adityanath has the traction with a section of voters but does not have a pan-UP acceptability. Varun has moved high in the popularity charts but is seen to be taking “an independent left of the centre approach” that is not keeping with the party’s stated line. Varun, who has been donating money to drought-hit farmers in the State and distributing cheques, is seen to be ploughing his lone furrow away from BJP’s programmes. The two-time MP is also not understood to have “best of line of communication with the party chief ”. Such is the dilemma of the BJP that at one point of time the name of erstwhile ‘hero’ of Ayodhya and incumbent Rajasthan Governor Kalyan Singh, 84, also did the round on the ground that his re-entry in the centrestage of UP politics may not raise eyebrows of hardliners, OBC voters and not lead to factional feud in the State. 8=380==0EH 70B0;F0HB 144=E4AH ?A><?CC> 4<4A64=2H 0=3B42DA8CH =443B>5 <0;38E4B ?=BQ =4F34;78 ndian Navy pilots on Friday in a special sortie evacuated a Maldivian heart Iattack patient from one of its islands and flew her to capital city Male for treatment. The Advanced Light Helicopter MKIII that was used for medical evacuation (MEDEVAC) was the one gifted to Maldives in April this year. This was the first MEDEVAC sortie of the chopper. The action took place at 3 pm on Friday, when Maldives National Defence Force (MNDF) Advanced Light Helicopter MKIII, provided by Indian Government and based at ISHKANDHAR airbase in Laamu Atoll (Male) was tasked to immediately evacuate one woman named Hareera Ibrahim. She has suffered a massive heart attack and was surviving on ventilator. The patient was in the Regional Hospital on Veymandoo island of Thaa Atoll. The crew of MNDF ALH Helicopter comprising Indian Navy pilots and divers was airborne at 4.15 pm for the MEDEVAC sortie and landed on a football field in Veymandoo. The patient, two doctors and the patient’s son were embarked in the helicopter and quickly flown to Male, where the patient was transferred to Indira Gandhi Memorial Hospital by 6.30 pm. “We wish the patient a speedy recovery,” the Indian Navy spokesperson DK Sharma said while giving out details of the evacuation operation. Indian Navy, which has a strong CWTRaTf^U<=350;77T[XR^_cTaSdaX]VcWTaTbRdT ^_TaPcX^]cT]Sc^cWT_PcXT]c ?X^]TTa_W^c^ presence in the Indian Ocean, has always been very prompt to emergency and security needs of Maldives. Though the Indian Navy has in the past too responded to emergency situations but what makes this trip unique is that this is the first time Indian ALH was used for MEDEVAC. This is the first ALH gifted to Maldives in April this year and is being operated by Indian Navy pilots due to shortage of aviators in the country. However, India is training Maldivian pilots to help them operate this chopper and the Dornier that it plans to give them soon. “This chopper is now asset available to Maldives which they can use for emergency and humanitarian relief situations,” Sharma said. India and Maldives are close maritime neighbours with strong defence and diplomatic relations. The Indian Navy and the Indian Coast Guard, in conjunction with MNDF, regularly undertake surveillance in the Maldivian Exclusive Economic Zone. Apart from looking after maritime security and disaster relief Indian Navy is also helping Maldives in capacity building by providing helicopters and small ships and training their defence personnel. 6WDWH*RYWVFDQSD\SYWGRFVDW&+&VDWSDUZLWKSULYDWHVHFWRUV 0A270=09H>C8Q =4F34;78 CWT\^eTPX\b c^\PZT_dQ[XR WTP[cWbTaeXRTb [dRaPcXeTPb cWPc^U_aXePcT bTRc^ac^\TTc cWTbW^acPVT^U b_TRXP[Xbcb enceforth, the State Governments can shell out pay H packages at par with the private sectors, that can go beyond the C1 lakh mark, for calling on private doctors to treat patients at Community Health Centres (CHCs), first referral points, sub-district hospitals and district hospitals. In a move aimed to make the public health services lucerative as that of private sector to meet the shortage of specialists, the Modi Government has allowed flexibility in its flagship National Health Mission (NHM), to the States to source specialists from the private sector and those retired from Government services. They can be sourced on contract basis or fixed days or hours or surgical sessions, ie as per need. Presently, just 18 per cent of the required specialists are posted at the CHCs CK Mishra, Additional Secretary and Mission Director in BTP[8]S^1P]V[PQ^aSTa^] fPaU^^cX]V)B^]^fP[c^1B5 Guwahati: In what may cheer many in Assam, newly swornin Chief Minister of Assam Sarbananda Sonowal has asked the Border Security Force (BSF) to ensure sealing the porous Indo-Bangladesh border on a war footing. The Chief Minister said this while chairing a highlevel meeting with BSF Director General KK Sharma and urged the border sentinels to ensure erection of fencing expeditiously for a safe and secure border with the neighbouring country. It may be mentioned here that India and Bangladesh share over 4,000 kms of International Border — also the fifth-longest land border in the world — which falls under the jurisdiction of five Indian States — Assam, Meghalaya, Tripura, Mizoram and West Bengal. While West Bengal has the highest length of Indo-Bangla border with 2,217 km, Assam has 262 kms of International Border with Bangladesh, which is guarded by the BSF. The Chief Minister has also asked the BSF to make use of ‘smart technological solutions’ like laser walls and surveillance gadgets to keep security at the frontiers at all times. The Chief Minister also asked the BSF to remove all challenges coming in the way of ensuring a secured border at the earliest. “Erection of fencing along the border including ‘riverine’ areas has to be dealt with resolutely if we want to make our borders safe. It is a part of our pledge that we will completely seal International Border with Bangladesh in order to keep infiltration and smuggling from across the border at bay,” Sonowal said. Terming the BSF’s patrolling the Indo-Bangladesh border as a challenging job, Sonowal assured all help from the Government including technological solutions to seal border and keep the State free from infiltration. It may be mentioned here that Union Home Minister Rajnath Singh had on Friday asked the BSF to be more alert and vigilant to prevent cow smuggling along the Indo-Bangla border and asserted that the criminal activity across the International border has to stop. PNS Union Health Ministry told The Pioneer recently that a detailed guidance note on ‘strengthening specialists in public health facilities’ has been shared with the State Governments in this regard. The Government has already increased the retirement age of its doctors to 65 years. As per plan, the State Governments can engage doctors especially for fixed day in CHCs, sub-district hospitals and district hospitals which are grappling with acute shortage of doctors particularly specialists such as gynecologists and anesthetists, said Mishra. The States have been asked to seek lump sum funds to hire specialists services on part-time basis too. The suggested pool from which the specialists could be drawn from includes those retired from the Government service but continue to be mentally and physically fit, employed in Government medical colleges but who could come on fixed days, from charitable or NGO- run hospitals or those in the private sector working in the surrounding areas, as per the note. These specialists should be deployed at the post for which there are no specialists or where the number is insufficient to meet current caseloads and HR augmentation is required or where periodic shortage occur, the note suggests. The plan also allows annual contract at competitive market rate for specialists whose services are required on a daily basis, fixed number of hours/working days, fixed day/date/week, fixed number of hours/week, fixed surgical sessions/week according to need/disease condition and also case by case basis, on call. The plans aims to improve the efficiency of available specialist resources who at times render nonfunctional, for instance irrational deployment such as surgeons and obstetrician posted at a facility with no anesthetist, lack of appropriate equipment/infrastructure, inadequate support staff, absenteeism and vested interest such as diverting Government patients towards personal practice and using specialists for general duties. As per the World Health Organisation, there is only one doctor per 1,700 citizens in India against the WHO stipulated 1:1,000 ratio. As per the Health Ministry data, as of March 31, 2015, more than 8 per cent of 25,300 primary health centres in the country are without a doctor, 38 per cent without a laboratory technician, and 22 per cent had no pharmacist. Nearly 50 per cent of posts for female health assistants and 61 per cent for male health assistants remain vacant. In community health centres, the vacancy figure is grimmer — surgeons (83 per cent), obstetricians and gynaecologists (76 per cent), physicians (83 per cent), and paediatricians (82 per cent). While the Ministry figures claim that there are about 6-6.5 lakh doctors available, India would need about four lakh more by 2020 50,000 for PHCs; 0.8 lakh for community health centres (CHC); 1.1 lakh for 5,642 sub-centres and another 0.5 lakh for medical college hospitals. 2D:T`_deRS]V^RcejcVUZ_^Z]ZeR_eReeRT\Z_<RdY^Zc :7DAB7443F0=8Q BA8=060A ilitants on Saturday struck M again in south Kashmir’s Anantnag district killing two police personnel, including an assistant sub-inspector. The attack was carried out a day after three Border Security Force (BSF) personnel were shot dead in an ambush by Hizbul Mujahideen militants in Bijbehara town. The two spots where militants struck without being tracked down are barely 8 kilometres apart. Sources said that the policemen were shot at from a close range at around 10:45 am near bus stand on KhanabalPahalgam road, around 50 kilometres south from here. The two policemen were managing traffic when they were targeted, a police officer said. After being hit, they were immediately taken to a local hospital but they had succumbed to injuries before reaching the hospital. The slain cops were identified as ASI Bashir Ahmad Ahangar and Constable Reyaz Ahmad. The attack was carried out barely 18 hours after militants ambushed a Srinagar-bound BSF convoy at Bijbehara, the ancestral town of Chief Minister Mehbooba Mufti on Friday afternoon. Three BSF :PbW\XaXeX[[PVTabP]S_^[XRT^UUXRXP[bRPaahcWTR^UUX]^U1PbWXa0W\PSP_^[XRT^UUXRTaSdaX]VWXbUd]TaP[X];^VX_^aP&$ ZX[^\TcTabb^dcW^UBaX]PVPa^]BPcdaSPh men were killed and eight others wounded in the meticulously coordinated attack owned by pro-Pakistan outfit Hizbul Mujahideen. The outfit had warned of more such attacks. The security forces cordoned off a major area around the site and launched manhunt in an attempt to track down the militants involved in the attack. The authorities are perplexed over the sudden rise in militant activities in the town that has largely remained peaceful during past several hours. The attacks took place at a ?C8 time when campaign for the Anantnag bypoll scheduled for June 21, began. Mehbooba Mufti filed her nomination papers from the constituency that fell vacant after the demise of her father and former Chief Minister Mufti Mohammad Sayeed. The State Government had pleaded for postponement of the bypoll citing law and order situation. However, the Election Commission of India decided to conduct the crucial poll after some rescheduling. Soon after the attack, a picture with two militants armed with automatic rifles and carrying stuffed bags went viral. The picture has been taken some 200 metres away from the spot where the policemen were killed. The source of the picture was not identified. Several legislators took up the matter in the assembly and demanded a resolution be passed against Pakistan for backing up such activities in Kashmir. Speaker Kavinder Gupta said that the House was unanimous in condemning such acts. Rural Development Minister Abdul Haq Khan informed the House that DGP along-with several officers has reached the post to take stock of the situation. The Chief Minister also expressed anguish over the “senseless violence perpetrated by the enemies of peace” and said that the recent attacks once again show the desperate levels to which the militants can go to disrupt peace and normalcy in the State. “Violence is a zero sum game which does not solve any problem but gives rise to more complexities,” she said. “The security forces personnel and the policemen, who are performing difficult duties not out of choice but to earn bread and butter for their families, are losing their precious lives in such dastardly attacks,” she said and added one fails to understand why unsuspecting cops should fall prey to this senseless violence. She also praised the security forces and the police for exercising restraint to ensure that the innocent civilians don’t fall victim to any retaliatory action. Earlier, Mufti visited the Frontier Headquarters of the BSF at Humhama here to lay wreath on the mortal remains of the three BSF personnel killed at Bijbehara on Friday. The Chief Minister expressed solidarity with the Director General BSF KK Sharma who arrived here at the instructions of Home Minister Rajnath Singh. “My heart goes out to the families of the slain BSF personnel and I hope that the perpetrators will be taken to task soon,” she said. Meanwhile, DG BSF called upon Governor NN Vohra at the Raj Bhavan to discuss the obtaining security scenario in the State, particularly in the aftermath of recent ambush on the BSF convoy at Bijbehara. <UQTUbcXY`e^TUbVYbUQd;UbQ\Q@33]UUd 0\\PfaXcTbc^?<^eTaBaX;P]ZP &RQJZRUULHGDERXW SRVVLELOHHURVLRQLQ LWVPDVVEDVH EA90H0A09Q :>278 criticism against the national leadership, demand Iforntense change in State leadership and furious attacks against those who had led the former UDF Government in the State were the highlights of the first day of the two-day Kerala PCC camp executive being held after the devastation the party suffered in the recent Assembly election. The meet, which started on Saturday, is being held at a time when the State Congress is worried about the possibility of further erosion in its mass base which had suffered a massive dent in the Assembly election as an exercise to identify ways for strengthening the organisation through open dialogues and by bringing in fresh norms with regard to its functioning. “The aim is to find solutions for the problems the party is facing through open discussions with an open approach. The meet will also strive to prepare itself to fulfill its mission of being a creative Opposition. We have to find out where we had faltered, what our weaknesses were and other such things,” said State Congress president VM Sudheeran before the start of the camp. In the May 16 Assembly election, the Congress had suffered devastation with its tally in the House getting reduced to just 22 from 38 in the 2011 election. UDF, the then ruling coalition headed by the party, also underwent a similar collapse when its strength in the Assembly came down to 47 from 72. However, what the meeting being held at the Rajiv Gandhi Institute for Development Studies near Neyyar Dam in Thiruvananthapuram saw on the first day, devoted almost totally to analyzing the reasons for the electoral drubbing, was the eruption of ferocious criticisms against the entire leadership. One of the main complaints that came up during the discussions was that the central leadership was totally ineffective and that it did not have the capacity even to carry out agitations. The leader sho put forward this argument also said that senior leaders like AK Antony should not remain silent in total obedience to the central leadership. Sources said that everybody in the top leadership – Sudheeran, former chief minister Oommen Chandy, Opposition Leader Ramesh Chennithala, Chandy’s bête noire in the party, and AK Antony – came under intense criticism. Speakers attacked Chandy saying that corruption in the former Government had contributed heavily to the defeat. While PCC vice-president VD Satheesan, a loyalist of Chennithala, pointed out that the party was not properly prepared to face the election, MM Hassan, another vice-president and Chandy-loyalist, attacked Sudheeran saying that the people had lost trust in the party leadership, adding that it had failed to draw lessons from the defeat in the civic polls of November last. Satheesan called for a generational change in the State leadership, alleging that the present leadership lacked credibility and a secular face and that there was a general feeling that it was neckdeep in corruption. The muchtouted liquor policy of the UDF, which it hoped to help it in the election in a big way, was a totally ineffective, it was alleged. The second day of the executive meeting, Sunday, is expected to see the presentation of a draft policy document on how the party should function in order to avoid further setbacks. One of the main proposals in the draft document is said to be that nobody should be allowed to hold organizational or parliamentary positions for more than three terms. The draft, according to sources, also proposes that those carrying official positions for more than ten years should be removed and that leaders should function with total loyalty to the people. That the lower committees of the party should abide by the instructions of the higher units and that youth and women should be given better representation are some of the other proposals. =Peh´bPbbPd[cb^]8]SXP]UXbWTa\T] Chennai: Tamil Nadu Chief Minister J Jayalalithaa has written a strongly worded letter to Prime Minister Narendra Modi expressing her anguish over the Sri Lankan Navy’s frequent assaults on fishermen from the State. Taking strong objection to Thursday’s arrest of four Tamil Nadu fishermen by the Sri Lankan Navy, Jayalalithaa demanded the Centre to direct the concerned officials in the Ministry of External Affairs to take urgent action to secure the release of 11 fishermen and 90 fishing boats in Sri Lankan custody without any delay. The Tamil Nadu chief minister also asked the Prime Minister not to treat the International Maritime Boundary Line (IMBL) with Sri Lanka as a settled question ‘as the Constitutionality of the 1974 and 1976 agreements have been challenged on extremely valid and legal grounds in the Supreme Court’. The Sri Lankan Navy arrests the Tamil Nadu fishermen who violate the IMBL and fish in the island nation’s side of the Palk Bay. Jayalalithaa reminded the Prime Minister that though she had in the past brought to his attention the Sri Lankan Government’s inhuman and cruel strategy of delaying the release of the boats and the fishing gear of the Tamil Nadu fishermen, the Government of the island nation has not released the seized boats and the fishing gear. “I once again request that the fishing boats and gear of our fishermen should immediately be released and restored to them in a refurbished condition as long periods of disuse would have caused severe damage to them,” said Jayalalithaa in the letter, excerpts of which were released to the media on Saturday. PNS \^]ThfXbT% 347A03D=kBD=30H k9D=4$! % G`]\dhRXV_e`cVTR]]"*= TRcdZ_:_UZRdeRceZ_X;f]j ?C8Q:>;:0C0 n wake of the emission scandal, Volkswagen on Saturday said it will recall 1.90 lakh cars sold in the country starting next month to fix the emission software. The company said that the recall is purely voluntary in nature as it did not face any charges regarding violating emission norms in India unlike the US. This marks the beginning of recall of 3.23 lakh vehicles as announced by the company earlier. “Starting from the second half of 2016, Volkswagen will recall 1.90 lakh cars and continue till ten months,” Volkswagen India head of marketing Kamal Basu told PTI. “Since recall was done in the US to fix the emission software, the company decided to do also the same in India to keep updated with the changes made outside,” he said. Starting from July, com- I CWTR^\_P]hc^^ZcWTaTRP[[\^eTc^ UXgcWTT\XbbX^]b^UcfPaTc^R^\_[h fXcWeX^[PcX^]]^a\bUXgTSX]8]SXP BX]RTXcfPbS^]TX]DBc^UXgcWT T\XbbX^]b^UcfPaTcWTRPa\PY^aWPb P[b^STRXSTSc^S^cWTbP\TX]8]SXP c^ZTT_d_SPcTSfXcWcWTRWP]VTb \PST^dcbXST munication would be sent to the customers regarding this and also to make them understand that the recall was purely voluntary in nature, Basu added. The company also need approval of the regulator for the recall. Volkswagen complied with all the emission norms compliant with Bharat Stage IV standards, he said. The German auto major had admitted use of defeat device in 11 million diesel engine cars sold in the US, Europe and other global markets that allowed manipulation of emissions tests by changing the performance of the vehicles to improve results. 7HODQJDQD*RYW &DOLIRUQLDLQN0R8 SOHGJHFRRSHUDWLRQ HYDERABAD: Telangana Government has inked a memorandum of understanding (MoU) with California state of the US for cooperation in a number of sectors, including business innovation, alternative energy and education. “This MoU will open new avenues for exchange of innovative ideas between startups in Telangana and Silicon Valley. I am confident that startups in both geographies would benefit immensely from this MoU,” Telangana IT Minister KT Rama Rao said. The southern Indian state and the California Governor's office have pledged to work together in alternative energy, environmental technology, health, agriculture, business innovation, technologybased industries, research and development, among others, for which a delegation led by Rao signed the MoU. PTI &DUWHU86ZRUNLQJ RQFKDQJLQJH[SRUW FRQWUROSROLF\RQ,QGLD SINGAPORE: The US is working ‘very hard’ on changing its ‘outdated’ export control policy on India as the two strategic partners seek to continue working together on a large number of projects, including in the military sector, Defence Secretary Ashton Carter said on Saturday. “The United States is working very hard on changing India’s status in the US export system which is also somewhat outdated,” he said in response to a question on what was expected from Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s visit to the US next week. He said he along with his Indian counterpart Manohar Parrikar would ‘identify new ways’ to co-operate in defence sector in advance of Modi's visit. The US and India are committed, as part of our growing security coverage, to co-development and co-production of military capabilities, Carter said at the 15th Shangri-La Dialogue here. “That is something we have not had since the birth of the modern Indian state, and we had two systems which grew up apart and we are trying to bring them together – that would be very productive thing to do,” he said. “We have a large number of projects we are working on together which will be developed and launched in coming months” elaborated Carter, adding that he had recently visited India's aircraft carrier INS Vikramaditya. PTI jca^l <h[P]1X^R^]R^]UXa\TUUXRPRh bPUTch^UcaPbcdid\PQQX^bX\X[Pa NEW DELHI: Global pharma major Mylan Inc, and Biocon have confirmed the efficacy and safety of MYL-1401O, a proposed biosimilar trastuzumab co-developed by the firms, in comparison to Roche's branded Herceptin used for treatment of cancer. The companies will present data from a clinical study during the American Society of Clinical Oncology (ASCO) Annual Meeting being held in Chicago from June 3-7, Biocon said in a statement. “As one of the first companies in the industry to successfully complete a confirmatory efficacy and safety study comparing a proposed biosimilar to a branded cancer drug, this is a significant milestone for Mylan’s biosimilar program,” Mylan President Rajiv Malik said on Saturday. There is an urgent, unmet need for more affordable versions of biologic products and through “our col- laboration with Biocon we are well-positioned to be at the forefront to help deliver these complex products to patients around the world,” he added. Trastuzumab is indicated for treatment of a type of breast cancer, Biocon said. “The positive outcomes of the global Phase III clinical study with our proposed biosimilar trastuzumab for HER2-positive breast cancer patients are a significant milestone in our joint biosimilars development program with Mylan,” Biocon Chairperson and MD Kiran Mazumdar Shaw said. The trial will enable regulatory filings of the product in the developed markets, she added. Mylan and Biocon are exclusive partners on a broad portfolio of biosimilar and insulin products. The proposed biosimilar trastuzumab is one of the six biologic products co-developed by Mylan and Biocon for the global marketplace, the company said. PTI ?Zc^R]R]Zded`fe c`RU^RaW`c2A NEW DELHI: Listing out initiatives she has taken for de velopment of Andhra Pradesh as the Rajya Sabha member from the state, Union Minister Nirmala Sitharaman on Saturday said she has utilised the entire amount under the MPLAD scheme and facilitated setting up of several projects. “M PL ADs, just for records: fully utilised both years’ funds for development a l work. Had Bhimavaram and Vizag declared centers of export excellence. Money for building export infrastructure comes through,” Sitharaman said in a series of tweets. PTI <X]XbcTa^UBcPcTU^a4]eXa^]\T]c5^aTbcP]S2[X\PcT2WP]VT8]ST_T]ST]c2WPaVT?aPZPbW9PePSTZPa X]PdVdaPcTbcWT³1XaS0eXPahPccWT9PcPhP2^]bTaePcX^]1aTTSX]V2T]caT?X]Y^aTX]7PahP]P^]BPcdaSPh D]X^]<X]XbcTaU^aF^\T]P]S2WX[S3TeT[^_\T]c<P]TZPBP]YPh6P]SWXP]ScWT<X]XbcTa^UBcPcTU^a 2d[cdaT8]ST_T]ST]c2WPaVTC^daXb\8]ST_T]ST]c2WPaVTP]S2XeX[0eXPcX^]3a<PWTbWBWPa\P WXVW[XVWcX]VcWTcf^hTPaPRWXTeT\T]cb^UcWTD]X^]6^eTa]\T]cX]7PahP]PPcA^WcPZ^]BPcdaSPh BTRaTcPah <X]Xbcah^U =Tf AT]TfPQ[T 4]TaVh D_T]SaP CaX_PcWhPc cWT2dacPX] APXbTa ?aTbb 2^]UTaT]RT ^]cWT =PcX^]P[ F^aZbW^_ ^]A^^UC^_ B^[Pa ?^fTaX] =Tf3T[WX ^] BPcdaSPh D=858436D834;8=4B5>A;?638BCA81DC>AB78?B8BBD43 CWT<X]Xbcah^U?Tca^[Td\P]S=PcdaP[6Pb<^?=6XbR^\\XccTSc^_a^eXSTR[TP]UdT[c^P[[ W^dbTW^[SbX]cWTR^d]cahfXcWZThU^Rdb^]adaP[P]SSXUUXRd[c PaTPb8]cWXbT]STPe^dabcaT]VcWT]X]Vbd__[hRWPX]^U;?6 SXbcaXQdcX^]Xb^]T^UcWTZThX]XcXPcXeTb^UcWT<X]Xbcah8]cWXb SXaTRcX^]PUcTaP]T[PQ^aPcTP]SR^\_aTWT]bXeTaTeXTf^UcWT TgXbcX]VSXbcaXQdc^abWX_bT[TRcX^]_^[XRXTbP]TfbTc^U6dXST[X]Tb WPeTQTT]UX]P[XbTSfXcWcWT^QYTRcXeT^UbcaT]VcWT]X]V;?6bd__[h RWPX]fXcWU^Rdb^]adaP[PaTPbP]SRaTPcX]VY^Q^__^acd]XcXTb cWa^dVWbd__[hRWPX]bhbcT\D]X^]<X]XbcTa^UBcPcT82 ?Tca^[Td\P]S=PcdaP[6Pb3WPa\T]SaP?aPSWP]^]BPcdaSPh d]eTX[TScWTVdXST[X]TbD]XUXTS6dXST[X]TbfX[[_PeTcWTfPhU^aP \^aTQa^PSQPbTS_PacXRX_PcXeTP]ScaP]b_PaT]cbhbcT\^UbT[TRcX^] ^USXbcaXQdc^abPRa^bbcWTR^d]cah8]cWXbhTPacWT>X[<PaZTcX]V 2^\_P]XTbfX[[bcPaccWT_a^RTbbU^abT[TRcX^]^U]TfSXbcaXQdc^abX] ]Tf[^RPcX^]bBTccX]Vd_^UcWTbT]TfSXbcaXQdc^abWX_bfX[[ VXeTPcaT\T]S^dbQ^^bcc^cWTadaP[T\_[^h\T]c^__^acd]XcXTb <X]Xbcah^U;PQ^da4\_[^h\T]c6^8^aVP]XbTSE8:0B?0AEP]TgWXQXcX^]^]cf^hTPabSTeT[^_\T]cbP]S bT\X]Pa^]ePaX^dbbRWT\Tbc^WXVW[XVWccWTPRWXTeT\T]cb^UcWT2T]caP[6^eTa]\T]cX]cWT;PQ^daP]S 4\_[^h\T]cBTRc^aSdaX]VcWT[Pbccf^hTPab^]BPcdaSPhPc:^c[PEXYPhQWPbZPaATSSh8]S^^aBcPSXd\ H^dbdUVdST7hSTaPQPS7Xb4gRT[[T]RhcWT6^eTa]^a^U0]SWaP?aPSTbWCT[P]VP]P4B;=PaPbX\WP]VaPRTS cWT^RRPbX^]Pb2WXTU6dTbc<X]XbcTa^UBcPcT8]ST_T]ST]c2WPaVT6^81P]SPad3PccPcaThP_aTbXSTS^eTacWT Ud]RcX^]<X]XbcTaU^a7^\T?aXb^]b5XaTBTaeXRTbBPX]XZFT[UPaT;PQ^da4\_[^h\T]c6^ec^UCT[P]VP]P =PhX]X=PaPbX\WPATSShP[b^VaPRTScWTUd]RcX^]PbVdTbcb^U7^]^da1TbXSTbcWXbcWTUd]RcX^]fPbP[b^ VaPRTSQh\P]h^cWTaSXV]XcPaXTbUa^\<X]Xbcah^U;PQ^da4\_[^h\T]cfXcWPRcXeT_PacXRX_PcX^] f^a[S& 347A03D=kBD=30H k9D=4$! % µEYZVW¶9Z]]RcjdY`f]USVZ_[RZ]dRjdEcf^a ?C8Q F0B78=6C>= n a blistering attack on Hillary Clinton, Republican presidential presumptive nominee Donald Trump has termed his Democratic rival as a “thief ” and said she should be in jail for her “terrible” email scandal. “Hillary Clinton is a weak person. Hillary Clinton is totally scripted. Hillary Clinton is a thief. And Hillary Clinton should be in jail for what she did to our national security,” Trump said. “I think she (Clinton) is pathetic. I think she should be in jail for what she did with her e-mails. OK?.. She should be in jail for what she did with those e-mails,” Trump told his supporters at an election rally in California yesterday where the primary elections are scheduled on Tuesday. Trump, 69, is assured of his presidential nomination as he I has already got the required number of delegates, whereas Clinton is facing a tough battle from her Democratic primary rival Senator Bernie Sanders from Vermont. However, over the last few days the war of words between Clinton and Trump has reached a new height. Yesterday at a campaign event in California, Clinton compared Trump to a dictator. “We are trying to elect a president, not a dictator. I don’t understand Donald Trump running a whole cam- paign based on nothing but denigrating immigrants. At some point you have to ask yourself, is this nothing but a political stunt?” Clinton said at a campaign stop in San Bernardino. “It’s all about him getting attention. All about him getting his name in the newspaper and seeing his face on TV. That is not a good enough reason to be president,” she said. Describing Clinton as a “very weak” candidate, Trump claimed that he can win in California, a Democratic bastion. “What the hell are they talking about? We have to win, right? We have to win. We didn’t come this far to lose. So we’re going to play California, because I think Hillary is very weak,” Trump said. “I mean, the only problem is I’d like to run against her, if you want to know the truth. But she shouldn’t be. What she’s done is terrible,” Trump said. Trump alleged that by using a personal email hosted over a private server, Clinton risked the national security. “For her to do what she did puts our country at risk. She’s Secretary of state. She’s got people like Huma (Abedein), she’s the wife of Anthony Weiner. Now, how would you like Anthony Weiner to be having all these secrets? Well, guess what? She tells Anthony Weiner everything there is. I know Anthony Weiner. I don’t want him knowing anything, folks. OK?” he said. PTI BhaXP:daSXbWUXVWcTabW^\TX]^]8B8BQPbcX^] 5Xabc;PSh<XRWT[[TcPZTbSXVPc _aTbd\_cXeTAT_dQ[XRP]]^\X]TT Washington: Formally joining the anti-Trump bandwagon, US First Lady Michelle Obama took a dig at the presumptive Republican presidential nominee by saying that America does not build “walls” to keep immigrants out. “Here in America, we do not give into our fears. We do not build up walls to keep people out because we know that our greatness has always depended on contributions from people who were born elsewhere but sought out this country and made it their home,” Michelle, 52, said in her address to students of City College of New York yesterday. “From innovations like Google and eBay to inventions like the artificial heart, the telephone, even the blue jeans; to beloved patriotic songs like “God Bless America” like national landmarks like the Brooklyn Bridge and the White House — both of which were designed by architects who were immigrants,” she said amidst applause from the audience. Being the First Lady, she said that she had the privilege of travelling aroundthe world and visiting dozens of different countries. PTI >QP\PR^]ST\]beX^[T]RT PcCad\_³b2P[XU^a]XPaP[[h Washington: US President Barack Obama has condemned the violence at a California rally of presumptive Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump, saying “that is not what our democracy is about”. “It is very important for us to remind ourselves of who we are and what is best about American democracy and not slip into some of the bad habits that currently manifest themselves in the other party,” Obama said at a fundraiser in Florida. “We saw in San Jose these protesters starting to pelt stuff on Trump supporters. That is not what our democracy is about. That is not what you do. There is no room for violence. “There is no place for shouting. There is no room for a politics that fails to at least listen to the other side even if you vehemently disagree because I believe if you have got the better argument, you do not need to do that. Just go out there and organise and persuade,” Obama said referring to the violence against Trump supporters at a California rally. PTI &KLQDVD\VLWZLOO 2WX]PaTYTRcbDBaT_^ac^]RaPRZS^f] LJQRUH6RXWK&KLQD ^]8b[P\XRcTaa^aXb\X]GX]VYXP] 6HDODZVXLWGHFLVLRQ <hP]\Pa³b P]cX<db[X\ \^]ZbaTVa^d_ PcHP]V^] 05?Q 148ADC ussian-backed Syrian R troops pushed into the Islamic State (ISIS) group’s bastion province Raqa on Friday, threatening to catch the jihadists in a pincer movement as US-backed Kurdish-led fighters advance from the north. The lightning advance from the southwest with Russian air support brought the army to within 40 kilometres of the Euphrates Valley town of Tabqa, site of the country’s biggest dam, the Syrian Observatory of Human Rights said. The dam, 40 kilometres upstream from the jihadists’ de facto Syrian capital Raqa city, is also the target of the Washington-backed offensive which Kurdish-led fighters launched late last month. It was the first time that Government troops had entered Raqa province since they were ousted by IS fighters in August 2014. Regular Army troops were backed by militia newly trained by the regime’s ally Russia, Observatory director Rami Abdel Rahman told AFP. He said that the twin offensives which threaten to cut off ISIS-held Raqa from jihadist-held territory along the Turkish border raised suspicions that Moscow and Washington were covertly coordinating operations by their respective Syrian allies. “It seems there has been an undeclared coordination between Washington and Moscow,” he said. ?C8 Q 14898=6 0? Q B8=60?>A4 hina on Friday said it will ignore the decision of C an international arbitration panel in a Philippine lawsuit against Beijing’s sweeping territorial claims in the South China Sea. “To put it simply, the arbitration case actually has gone beyond the jurisdiction” of a UN arbitration panel, said Rear Adm. Guan Youfei, director of the foreign affairs office of China’s National Defence Ministry. The Philippines has filed a case in the United Nations under the UN Convention on Law of the Sea, questioning China’s territorial claim in the South China Sea. An arbitration panel is expected to rule on the case soon. The Permanent Court of Arbitration ruled last year that it has jurisdiction over the case despite China’s rejection. “Because the territorial and sovereignty disputes have not been subjected to the arbitration, we think the arbitration is illegal,” Guan told reporters on the sidelines of 6;>14 CA>CC8=6 CA>CC8=6 B0A:0A1A40:B8=C>F854´B 7><4:8;;B74A ;^b0]VT[Tb) <PX]PZBPaZPacWT 8]SXP]0\TaXRP]cTRWXTQTWX]S cWTD2;0\daSTabdXRXSTbTT\b c^WPeTU^aRTSWXbT]cahX]c^WXb TbcaP]VTSfXUT³bW^\TQTU^aT bW^^cX]VWTaSTPSP]SQ^PaSTSP Qdbc^cWTePabXchc^ZX[[WXbU^a\Ta R^[[TVT_a^UTbb^aPdcW^aXcXTb bPXS^]5aXSPh 64A<0=64=>2834E>C4 70B=>E0;D4)4A3>60= 8bcP]Qd[)CWT6Ta\P]?Pa[XP\T]c aTb^[dcX^]aTR^V]XbX]VPb VT]^RXSTcWT\PbbPRaTb^U 0a\T]XP]bd]STacWT>cc^\P] 4\_XaTWPb°]^eP[dT±P]Sf^]³c RWP]VTCdaZTh³b_^bXcX^]^]cWT \PccTa?aTbXST]cATRT_CPhhX_ 4aS^VP]bPXS^]5aXSPh "!=864ACA>>?B:8;;438= 2;0B7F8C71>:>70A0< =XP\Th)CWXachcf^ca^^_bWPeT QTT]ZX[[TSX]PR[PbWfXcW1^Z^ 7PaP\YXWPSXbcb^]=XVTa³bQ^aSTa fXcW=XVTaXP=XVTa³b3TUT]RT <X]XbcahbPXS^]5aXSPh 8=380=>A868=B2A814 384B8=B8=60?>A4 BX]VP_^aT)8]SXP]^aXVX]BP]c^ZW BX]VW6aTfP[^]T^UBX]VP_^aT³b _a^\X]T]cY^da]P[XbcP]S PS\X]XbcaPc^aSXTS^]BPcdaSPh fWX[TfPcRWX]VcWTR^d]cah³b ]PcX^]P[U^^cQP[[ an international security conference. “Therefore, we do not participate in it not accept it.” Guan’s statement is a reiteration of China’s longstanding position that it wants to settle its disputes with various countries on a bilateral basis and that it will not accept international mediation. Still, it gains significance because of the overtures made by Philippine President-elect Rodrigo Duterte, who said recently that he is open to bilateral negotiations with China. This has given Beijing an opening that it hopes to leverage in the event the panel r ules in favour of the Philippines. China also has conflicting claims in the sea with Taiwan, Indonesia, Vietnam and Brunei, who all are looking for US help, much to Beijing’s chagrin. “The new Philippine leader also said that the Philippines hopes to conduct a dialogue with China,” Guan said. “We hope the Philippines could get back on to the track of dialogue. The door to dialogue is always open.” hina has rejected a US report on terrorism, saying C that it carried “false accounts” of its crackdown on East Turkistan Islamic Movement in the volatile Xinjiang province. China is “dissatisfied” with the false accounts relating to China in a US State Department report on terrorism, Foreign Ministr y spokesperson Hua Chunying said. In the “Country Reports on Terrorism 2015,” the US blamed China for primarily At least 26 jihadists and nine government troops and militia were killed in the army’s advance, according to the Britain-based Observatory, which relies on reports from medics and activists on the ground. Tabqa dam has a huge reservoir named Lake Assad after President Bashar alAssad’s late father and predecessor Hafez. When IS overran the area with its garrison and airbase in 2014, it summarily executed 160 captured regime troops. focusing on East Turkistan Islamic Movement (ETIM) in its international counterterrorism. “China is dissatisfied with the false accounts relating to China, and regrets the unobjective remarks concerning China-US counterterrorism cooperation,” Hua was quoted as saying by state-run Xinhua news agency. “China does not accept the US making irresponsible comments about the counterterrorism policies of other countries including China,” Hua said. The report alleged that China had implemented stricter controls and curbs on religious practice in Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region, and that there is a lack of transparency and information provided by it about violent incidents in China that the government characterised as terrorism. Calling terrorism the “arch-enemy of human civilisation,” Hua said joint counterterrorism efforts were a pressing task and the responsibility of the international community and double standards will do little to help international cooperation. 86YRZVµDFWLRQV¶LI&KLQDEXLOGV QHZ6&KLQD6HDVWUXFWXUHV 05? Q B8=60?>A4 hinese construction on a South China Sea islet claimed by the Philippines would C prompt “actions being taken” by the United States and other nations, US Defence Secretary Ashton Carter warned on Friday. Speaking at a security summit in Singapore, Carter said Beijing risks building a “Great Wall of self-isolation” with its military expansion in the contested waters, but he also proposed stronger bilateral security cooperation to reduce the risks of a mishap. “I hope that this development doesn’t occur because it will result in actions being taken both by the United States, and actions being taken by others in the region that will have the effect of not only increasing tensions but isolating China,” Carter said when asked about Scarborough Shoal in a forum also attended by senior Chinese military officials. Yangon: Over a thousand hardline Buddhists gathered on the outskirts of Yangon for the annual summit of their ulta-nationalist group on Saturday, as the anti-Muslim network looks to stay relevant under Myanmar’s new civilian leadership. Maroon-robed monks, nuns and other followers filled the monastery in northern Yangon to mark the third anniversary of the founding of Ma Ba Tha, which has been at the forefront of anti-Muslim sentiment in Myanmar in recent years. The group proved a potent political force under the former military-backed Government, who they successfully lobbied to pass a series of controversial laws that rights groups say discriminate against women and religious minorities. But the organisation ultimately lost out in November elections that saw their allies in the incumbent party trounced by Aung San Suu Kyi’s National League for Democracy (NLD), which is now leading the former junta-run country’s first civilian administration in half a century. AFP 'RQDOG¶VDWWDFNRQMXGJH XSVHWVFRQVHUYDWLYHV Washington: The federal judge who’s hearing a Trump University lawsuit is “a hater of Donald Trump” and ought to be removed from the case. So says Donald Trump, in just one of the recent comments by the presumptive Republican presidential nominee that have legal experts worrying about his commitment to an independent judiciary and his views on presidential powers. In the midst of a heated presidential campaign, Trump has expressed unusually personal criticism focusing on the judge’s Mexican heritage though his lawyers have never actually sought to have the judge removed. His comments are bringing overwhelming disapproval from politicians and lawyers in his own Republican Party. Yesterday, House Speaker Paul Ryan said of the statements about the judge: “It’s reasoning I don’t relate to, I completely disagree with the thinking behind that.” And conservative legal scholars say Trump’s statements reinforce their worries. AP 347A03D=kBD=30H k9D=4$! % 7C6?49BF66?>F8FCFK2 2[PX\bUXabc6aP]SB[P\cXc[TQTPcX]VBTaT]P&$%#*3T]XTbFX[[XP\bWTa!!]S 0?Q ?0A8B he day before the French Open final, Serena Williams' coach, Patrick Mouratoglou, was discussing whether his player would need to lift her level to beat Garbine Muguruza and collect a recordequaling 22nd Grand Slam title. "I don't know why everybody's so impressed with Garbine," Mouratoglou said. "Did she win a Slam ever?" His comment, accompanied by a chuckle, was intended in a lighthearted way. About 24 hours later, his question required a new answer. Muguruza won her first major trophy and prevented Williams yet again from collecting No. 22, outplaying the defending champion in a 7-5, 6-4 victory at Roland Garros on Saturday. "She has a bright future, obviously," said Williams, who at 34 is 12 years older than her Spanish opponent. "She knows how to play on the big stage and ... clearly, she knows how to win Grand Slams." The fourth-seeded Muguruza used her big groundstrokes to keep No. 1 Williams off-balance and overcame signs of nerves in the form of nine double-faults. Most impressively, Muguruza broke Williams four times, including three in a row. "I can't explain with words what this day means to me," Muguruza said. This was her second major final; she lost to Williams at Wimbledon last year. But Muguruza has won her past two matches against Williams on the clay of Roland Garros, including in the second round in 2014. So dating to the start of the 2013 French Open, Williams is 0-2 in Paris against Muguruza, 21-0 against everyone else. "I have grown up playing on c l a y , " Muguruza said during the trophy ceremony, "so for Spain, and for me, this is amazing." For Williams, whose timing was not exactly right much of the afternoon, Saturday's loss postponed her pursuit of S t e f f i Graf 's Open-era mark of 22 major singles championships. Margaret Court holds the all-time record of 24. Williams got No. 21 at Wimbledon in 2015, her fourth major title in a row. Since, she was beaten in the U.S. Open semifinals by Roberta Vinci, in the Australian Open final by Angelique Kerber, and now by Muguruza. It's the first time in Williams' career she lost T ?PcX[P__[XTbU^a8]SXP] cTP\R^PRWb_^bc ?C8Q <D<108 ust a few days after the BCCI invited applications for the vacant post of India senior men's team head coach through its website, chief selector Sandeep Patil has thrown his hat into the ring for the high-profile job. "I have just applied (for the post)," Patil said. He did not confirm or deny whether anyone from the BCCI had asked him to do so. There was speculation that the former dashing batsman and ex-coach of Kenya had been advised by higher-ups in the Board to apply for the job as the senior selection panel headed by him has already completed most of its top-level assignments till September when his term is scheduled to come to an end. Sanjay Bangar has been named the interim coach of the new-look side to Zimbabwe, to be led by Mahendra Singh Dhoni. If he gets the job of head coach before September, he will have to quit his current job in the selection panel. J singles @Y\_dccdbY[UdXbUQdXQ^Wc_fUb5eb_ PARIS: BcaXZTbQhaPX[f^aZTabP]SU[^^SX]V SXbad_cTS 5aP]RT hTbcTaSPh Pb cWT ]Tf cWaTPc^UP_X[^cbbcaXZTWd]V^eTa4da^! % U^^cQP[[ c^da]P\T]c P fTTZ QTU^aT cWT c^da]P\T]c ZXRZb ^UU D]X^]b _aTbbTS ^] fXcWcWTaPX[bc^__PVTbU^aPcWXaSUd[[SPhQdc cWT ]d\QTa ^U bcPUU cPZX]V _Pac UT[[ c^ Ydbc PQ^eT _TaRT]c cWT B=25 aPX[ ^_TaPc^a bPXSBTaeXRTbX]?PaXbfTaTWXcQdcP[\^bc P[[ WXVWb_TTS caPX]b fTaT ^_TaPcX]V 7^fTeTa cWT caPX] bcaXZT fPb Tg_TRcTS c^ RPdbT\^aTSXbad_cX^]^eTacWTfTTZT]S8] cWT RP_XcP[ P]S UdacWTa b^dcW PccT]cX^] WPb bWXUcTSUa^\cWT[X]VTaX]VbcaXZTbc^cWTf^abc U[^^SX]VU^acWaTTSTRPSTb E561VY^U2QbSU\_^Q DUBLIN: B_P]XbW RWP\_X^]b 1PaRT[^]P bPXScWThWPeTQTT]UX]TS $Tda^bQh back-to-back Slam finals. Mouratoglou said Saturday that chasing a 22nd major "isn't an obsession" for Williams. "She doesn't wake up every morning thinking about it. That's for sure." But he added: "The pressure of leaving an indelible mark on history is incomparable." Williams credited Muguruza with playing "unbelievable," adding: "The only thing I can do is just keep trying." This year's visit to Paris hardly could have started off more inauspiciously for Muguruza: She lost the first set she played, against 38th-ranked Anna Karolina Schmiedlova. But, oh, how Muguruza turned things around. She won her next 14 sets, displaying take-the-ballearly aggressiveness. The final began under a slate ceiling of clouds, but at least there was none of the heavy rain that led to flooding in Paris and a temporary shutdown of the Louvre museum. The showers jumbled the tournament schedule, and Williams was in action a fourth straight day in the final. She did not blame that or a problem with a leg muscle. "I don't think it's like something that I would say: 'Oh, that was the reason,'" Williams said. Muguruza won the coin toss and let Williams serve first, a fascinating choice given the American's prowess with that part of the game. And the decision seemed only more dubious as Muguruza put the ball on play on only one of the first six points Williams served. And yet, it all wound up working out. And how. Muguruza won all six points of 10 shots or more in the first set and, indeed, there was no junkballing on this day. Both women hit hard, trading bold forehands and backhands from the baseline that made it seem unfair to characterize nearly anything as an "unforced error." Williams finished with 39 forced errors, 18 more than Muguruza. After a run of breaks gave Muguruza the first set and a lead in the second, Williams never recovered. She did, however, cast aside a quartet of match points for Muguruza at 5-3. There was nothing Williams could do about the fifth, which Muguruza converted with a delightful lob that landed right on the baseline. Williams applauded. Maybe stunned by that shot, maybe stunned that she was now a Grand Slam champion, Muguruza turned toward her coach and other supporters in the stands with a blank expression. Soon, she was flat on her back, caking her dress and arms with the rustcolored clay she will never forget. "Just goes to show you, you really have to play the big points well," Williams said, "and I think she played the big points really well." %LJ6XQGD\ 3Y^Z^eXR\TTcb<daaPhX]YdXRh 5aT]RW>_T]5X]P[c^SPh 0?Q ?0A8B hen Roger Federer won a record 15th Grand Slam W title — a number he has since pushed to 17 — at Wimbledon in 2009 it seemed to put to bed tennis' enduring argument about who is the greatest man to have played the game. By beating Federer in his prime at Wimbledon in 2008, winning the 2010 US Open for titles at all four major tournaments and with a record nine French Open wins in his overall haul of 14 Grand Slam trophies, Nadal left-armed his way into the conversation. With victory on Sunday in the French Open final against Andy Murray, Novak Djokovic would become part of that debate, too. Not simply because it would give him the complete collection of titles at all four majors without which no player can pretend to have been among the very best, but because he will achieve a rare feat that eluded both Federer and Nadal: winning four consecutively. Murray, who will be Britain's first French Open champion since Fred Perry in 1935 if he beats Djokovic for a third time in a Grand Slam final, sometimes gives the impression that willpower, more than his play, is the backbone of his game. But the Scot, so irascible on court, so seemingly normal off it, has the full armory of strokes and the tennis brain needed to break down Djokovic's defenses. He shot-by-shot dismantled, rather than simply beat, Stan Wawrinka in the semifinals, not letting last year's champion find his bearings in a 6-4, 6-2, 4-6, 6-2 performance that seven-time major winner Mats Wilander described as "the greatest tactical masterpiece I've ever seen at Roland Garros." Mentally, neither player has a clear edge: Murray benefits from the knowledge that he won their last meeting on clay, 6-3, 6-3 in the final in Rome last month; No. 1 Djokovic can draw on the inspiration of having beaten his understudy in the rankings in the Australian Open final in 2016, 2015, 2013 and 2011. Murray won their other two Grand Slam championship matches: at Wimbledon in 2013 and, in another five-setter, at the 2012 US Open. Ultimately, any argument about greatest players may never get a conclusive answer. How, after all, can the woodenracket era of Rod Laver — the last man to win the Australian Open, French Open, Wimbledon and US Open in a row, in 1969 — be fairly compared to the furious game played now? Murray, as good as he is, isn't close to knocking on the door of tennis' pantheon of true legends. Not so Djokovic. He stands on the cusp of greatness. Win on Sunday, and that will be beyond doubt. 2^[^\QXPbWPccTa0\TaXRP]SaTP\X]2^_P 05?Q B0=C02;0A0DB0 olombia wrecked the United States' hopes of a winning start to C the Copa America Centenario as goals from James Rodriguez and Cristian Zapata gave the South Americans a comfortable 2-0 victory. AC Milan's Zapata and Real Madrid star Rodriguez struck in the first half before a sell-out 67,439 crowd at the Levi's Stadium in northern California to puncture American hopes of emerging from a difficult Group A. US coach Jurgen Klinsmann's side had hoped to score an upset victory to emulate the Americans' famous defeat of Colombia at the 1994 World Cup in the United States. But for long periods here Friday Klinsmann's men were chasing shadows as the skilful 2014 World Cup quarter-finalists delivered a stinging reality check. Klinsmann sought to put a positive spin on the game, insisting his team had competed as equals. "For our players it's really important that they can see we can beat them," Klinsmann said. "The end result is 2-0. But the players will take a lot out of this game." Klinsmann admitted the defeat left his team with little margin for error in their remaining group games against Costa Rica and Paraguay. "Obviously we have even more hunger in our second game now," Klinsmann said. We have our backs against the wall and we need three points against Costa Rica. But there's a lot of positives." A disastrous first half for the host D450PUcTabT_PaPcXbcU[PVbfTaTU[^f]X]cWT 2P\_=^dSdaX]V2WP\_X^]b;TPVdTVP\Tb [Pbc bTPb^] 8] P bcPcT\T]c cWT B_P]XbW RWP\_X^]b bPXS hTbcTaSPh cWPc cWTh f^d[S S^ TeTahcWX]V c^ ^eTacda] P _d]XbW\T]c fWXRW cWTh STbRaXQTS Pb c^cP[[h d]Ydbc P]S>__^bTSc^cWTTgTaRXbT^UcWTUaTTS^\ ^UTg_aTbbX^]>UcWTUX]T$Tda^bfX[[ QTbdb_T]STSXUcWTaTXb]^aT_TPc^UUT]RTX] cWT]Tgccf^hTPab ST 9P]TXa^ QTcfTT] 0dVdbc ! P]S # CWT X]ST_T]ST]cbT[TRcX^]_a^RTbbU^[[^fbP]Tf _a^RTSdaTU^aaTRadXc\T]c^U8>2\T\QTab QPbTS ^] cWT >[h\_XR 0VT]SP !! aTR^\\T]SPcX^]b >]RT T[TRcTS bWT fX[[ R^]cX]dTc^QTP\T\QTad]cX[cWTPVT^U& 0\QP]X Xb cWT UXabc 8]SXP] f^\P] c^ QT ]^\X]PcTS c^ cWT 8>2 P]S cWXb R^\Tb Pb P aTR^V]XcX^] ^U WTa _PbbX^]PcT f^aZ X] cWT PaTP^UTSdRPcX^]P]Sb_^acb 89S_^WbQde\QdUc>YdQ1]RQ^Y 3XY[[Q3X_gbQcYQgY^<_eYc@XY\Y``U NEW DELHI: 7^RZTh 8]SXP ^] BPcdaSPh R^]VaPcd[PcTS =XcP 0\QP]X 5^d]STa P]S 2WPXa_Tab^] ^U AT[XP]RT 5^d]SPcX^] U^a QTX]V]^\X]PcTSPbPRP]SXSPcTc^QTP]Tf \T\QTa ^U cWT 8]cTa]PcX^]P[ >[h\_XR 2^\\XccTT 8>2 CWT T[TRcX^] U^a cWT ]Tf 8>2 \T\QTa _^bXcX^] fX[[ QT WT[S Pc cWT !(cW8>2BTbbX^]cWPcfX[[cPZT_[PRTX]AX^ BENGALURU: B 2WXZZPaP]VP__P P]S BWXe 2W^faPbXPY^X]TSWP]Sbc^_d[[cWTadVUa^\ d]STa cWaTTSPh [TPSTab 3Te 2WP]SXVPaWb UTTcc^R[X]RWcWT;^dXb?WX[X__T2d_?a^6^[U ;TPVdT U^a CPZT 2WT]]PX Pc cWT :60 V^[U R^dabT WTaT ^] BPcdaSPh CWT Sd^ bcXcRWTS c^VTcWTaPSPii[X]V]X]Td]STa "$U^aPUX]P[ cP[[h^U! d]STa$$$c^cPZTW^\TcWTcTP\ nation saw Colombia take a vice-like grip on the contest. The Colombians took the lead after only eight minutes, when poor marking at a set-piece gifted a chance to the Italy-based Zapata. Stoke City defender Geoff Cameron was caught ball-watching as Edwin Cardona's corner was curled in, and Zapata stole in front of his man to thunder home the finish. The USA struggled to build any sort of momentum after that, with Colombia flooding midfield and pressing the Americans relentlessly. Colombia dominated territory and possession and carved out the better chances with Sebastian Perez forcing a diving save from Aston Villa's Brad Guzan in the 16th minute with a rasping drive. Monterrey's Cardona proved to be a menace to the USA back four throughout, tormenting Cameron and DeAndre Yedlin in quick succession midway through the half before shooting on goal. The only USA chance of note was a 36th-minute run and shot from Clint Dempsey, whose curling effort whistled just past Ospina's upright. But within minutes of that fleeting US opportunity, the hosts were dealt a killer blow when Yedlin was adjudged to have flicked a hand out to block Farid Diaz's cross. America's players protested but referee Roberto Garcia was in no doubt and pointed to the spot. Rodriguez duly stepped up to stroke home the spot-kick and Colombia were in total control. Colombia threatened again early in first half, with Cardona testing Guzan with a fierce shot. SaP\PcXRfX] 9^TYQ^X_S[UiUfUc\_cUd_:Q`Q^ Q^d]ch ^U C"% [PZW fXcW cWT cWaTT cWaTT \T\QTab _^RZTcX]V C ! [PZW TPRW 2WXZZPaP]VP__P WPS cWT PSSXcX^]P[ bPcXbUPRcX^] ^U _XRZX]V d_ C" [PZW \^aT U^a UX]XbWX]V^]c^_^UcWTX]SXeXSdP[[TPSTaQ^PaS PUcTa cWT U^da a^d]Sb fXcW P] ^eTaP[[ PVVaTVPcT ^U d]STa !&' PUcTa cWT U^da a^d]Sb7Ta^d]STSd_WXbUX]TbW^ffXcWP UXeT d]STa %& cWPc P[^]V fXcW 2W^faPbXPb U^dad]STa%'fPbT]^dVWc^R^\_[TcTcWT DARWIN: 8]SXP] TeTb aTcda]TS T\_ch WP]STS Ua^\ cWT U^da]PcX^] X]eXcPcX^]P[ c^da]P\T]cWTaTPUcTa[^bX]V !c^9P_P]X] cWT Qa^]iT \TSP[ _[Ph^UU \PcRW ^] BPcdaSPh8]SXPbcPacTScWTVP\T^]PQaXVWc ]^cT _dbWX]V 9P_P] ^]c^ cWT QPRZ U^^c X\\TSXPcT[h P]S _T]TcaPcTS cWT ^__^]T]c RXaR[TbTeTaP[cX\TbX]cWTUXabcUXeT\X]dcTb 9P_P]aP[[XTSQPRZP]Sb[^f[hV^cR^]ca^[^U cWT _a^RTTSX]Vb Pb cWT 8]SXP]b Sa^__TS QPRZ9P_P]V^ccWTUXabcaTP[RWP]RT^UcWT VP\T Qdc fTaT ST]XTS Qh P QaX[[XP]c SXeX]V bPeT Ua^\ BPeXcP X] Ua^]c ^U cWT 8]SXP] V^P[9P_P]bTRdaTScWTXacWXaS_T]P[chR^a]Ta X] cWT bTR^]S `dPacTa Qdc 8]SXP STUT]STS bc^dc[hPbQ^cWcWTcTP\bUPX[TSc^QaTPZcWT STPS[^RZPcWP[UcX\T 0VT]RXTb >QbY^UcY^[c C1Y^G9b_]` 05?Q ?A>E834=246DH0=0 Narine snared career-best figures of six for 27 on his return to West Indies colours as the hosts defeatSed unil South Africa by four wickets in the opening match of the Tri-Nation One-Day International series at the Guyana National Stadium on Friday. Forced to remodel his action after it was deemed illegal during the Caribbean side's last ODI campaign in Sri Lanka last November, the 28-year-old mystery spinner was at his mesmerising best on a turgid surface where the South Africans were dismissed for 188 off 46.5 overs. They found it difficult to establish any sort of momentum despite two useful partnerships at the top of the order. Narine's returns were not only a personal milestone but also the best-ever by any opponents in one-day cricket against South Africa. Kieron Pollard, back in the good graces of West Indies selectors after 20 months in the ODI wilderness following the shock abandonment of the tour of India in October of 2014, then lifted his team to the target with a robust unbeaten 67 that included six sixes. It was the first time in 15 years that the Caribbean side had defeated the South Africans in a one-dayer on home soil. Rilee Rossouw topscored with 61 and featured in a 78-run third-wicket partnership with skipper AB de Villiers. That effort followed an opening stand of 52 between Quinton de Kock and Hashim Amla. However the Proteas collapsed from the comparative comfort of 160 for three, their last seven wickets falling for just 28 runs. ce^TQi ]QWQjY^U :e^U%" !& 8cWX]ZSfT[[X]V ^]^cWTa_T^_[T´b _TaRT_cX^]^Uh^d XbcWTa^PSc^ R^\_[TcT\PS]Tbb d]U^acd]PcT[h8 cahP]SaTbXbccWPc °:PcT1TRZX]bP[T 5 A > < 5VSf_\Z_Xdf^^Vc^jeYd 0_^_d[Pa\hcWXbcWPcSaX]ZX]VTXVWc V[PbbTb^UfPcTaSPX[hXbT]^dVWc^ QTPccWTWTPc1dcXcbW^d[SP[b^QT T]aXRWTSfXcWTbbT]cXP[]dcaXT]cb C 7 4 8 = B 8 3 4 2WR_¶daVcWVTeecZSfeV 0bTT\2WWPQaPPccT\_cbc^QaX]V BWPbWX:P_^^aQPRZX]_dQ[XR \T\^ahfXcWWXbaTRT]c[haT[TPbTS QX^VaP_Wh^UcWT[TVT]SPahPRc^a EYVeYcVReZdXVeeZ_XcVR] 6[^QP[fPa\X]V\Ph]^cQTR[TPa[h ^QbTaePQ[TQhX]SXeXSdP[bX]cWTXa [XUTcX\TQdcX]cWTR^]cTgc^UcWT TPacWXcXbWP__T]X]V`dXcTUPbc 7KHIXWXUHLVK\EULG CWT]^XbTPQ^dcSXTbT[_^[[dcX^]WPbQTT]aXeTcX]VcWTPdc^\^cXeTX]SdbcahX]8]SXP8cWPbP[b^aTeTP[TS_PX]Ud[[h b[^f_a^VaTbbc^\^eTc^fPaSbUd[[WhQaXSeTWXR[Tb7hQaXSbPaT]^fbTccX]VcWT_PRTPRa^bbcWTf^a[S]^c[TPbc ^]cWTT]SdaP]RTaPRTb^UcWTf^a[SfWTaT\P]dUPRcdaTabX]R[dSX]V0dSXP]S?^abRWTPaTfX]]X]VaPRTbbdRWPb cWT_aTbcXVX^db!#7^dab^U;T<P]b B^fWhPaT]³cWhQaXSbQTX]V_a^\^cTSX]8]SXP.:DB70= <8CA0UX]Sb^dc n 2012 at the prestigious 24 Hours of Le Mans, the world’s most demanding endurance race, something strange happened. It was not the first time that the German carmaker Audi had won the race, indeed they had won 11 of the previous 13 runnings of this race. But this was the first time that two hybrid cars had crossed the finish line in such a famous race to take the top two positions. The R18 e-tron was the culmination of many years of work, not just of the aerodynamicists and engine developers but also incredible electrical engineering that allowed a battery pack and diesel engine to work together towards victory. It may not sound like a traditional racecar, missing the thunderous noise of a Chevrolet Corvette or the highpitched scream of high-revving Ferrari, the R18 almost whooshes by, the main noise on the car being it slicing through the air, yet one cannot argue with success. Even as the Audi R18 lost at Le Mans last year, it lost to a Porsche 919, which was also a hybrid. The racetrack is the crucible of major automotive development. Everything from the rear-view mirror to the synchromesh gearbox that many of us take for standard today stem from developments made on the racetrack. The hybrid technologies that were developed for the racetrack are getting more and more advanced. And Audi, which developed the ‘etron’ technology for the hybrid-electric R18, is now making its way into products such as the Audi A3, the carmaker’s entry-level sedan. Porsche, Ferrari and McLaren have all made their latest supercars into hybrid monsters. Today, hybrid technology is becoming increasingly standard, and now there is even an all-electric racing series, the FIA Formula E championships, in its second season. Even in Formula 1, cars regenerate energy lost both in braking I and in heat. A lot of Mercedes-Benz F1 success in the past three seasons is derived from their expertise in such systems. However, in India the debate about the virtues of the internal combustion engine has taken centre stage as the pollution issue comes to the fore. Obsessed with producing low-cost cars and (until recently) Governments unwilling to promote alternative energy systems as well as a systematic bias towards diesel, which was heavily subsidised, have left the Indian auto industry in a sort of strange situation. Across the rest of the world, in America in particular, where the cult of the car remains strong, electric vehicles from carmakers such as Tesla have become increasingly popular. Other carmakers, like Toyota, have made cars such as the Prius — the poster-car for hybrid vehicles — a best-seller. In Europe, cities are toying with the concept of shared electric cars made by companies such as Smart. Even in China now there is a move to electric and hybrid cars. In India unfortunately, despite incentives by the Government and the development work undertaken by manufacturers such as Mahindra, the adoption rate of electrics and hybrids is minimal. Indeed, cars with rudimentary hybrid systems, ‘partial hybrids’ are being sold by Maruti but these are not vehicles that have additional battery systems. Such cars are, however, going to become standard as stricter Corporate Average Fuel Efficiency (CAFE) norms kick in for carmakers. There is the Faster Adoption and Manufacturing of (Hybrid and) Electric vehicles in India scheme (FAME India) that was launched by the Heavy Industries Ministry in 2014. This incentivises the manufacture of such vehicles. Despite the fanfare and quite generous incentives — C1.24 lakh for the Reva E2O and C1.38 lakh for the E-Verito — C7450<4B274<4 F7827F0B;0D=2743 8=! #8=24=C8E8B4B C74<0=D502CDA4>5 BD27E4782;4B1DC 34B?8C4C7450=50A4 0=3@D8C464=4A>DB 8=24=C8E4B¯ C !#;0:75>A C74A4E04!>0=3 C "';0:75>AC74 4E4A8C>¯B0;4B 70E4=>CB7>CD? sales have not shot up. The Reva E2O slashed prices after the scheme was launched and despite the car having no VAT in Delhi as well as a relaxation of road tax and registration, it is still very expensive at C4.9 lakh for what is essentially a micro-car. Mahindra went one step further this past week and launched a battery-powered version of their Verito sedan. Arvind Matthews, of Mahindra Electric, pointed out that every day over 800,000 vehicles go on to Indian roads for ‘employee transportation’ and these vehicles use a combined 3.2 billion litres of fuel every year, “for a nation with a huge fuel bill, this is a travesty”. In Bangalore, Mahindra Electric has sold 140 of its E2O cars to ‘Lithium’, an electric cab company, which in conjunction with 23 fastcharging stations, the cabs are covering an average of 220 kilometres a day. “Any distance over 100 kilometres, an electric vehicle blows an internal combustion engine out of the water,” Matthew adds. The new e-Verito has a running cost of C1.15/km (assuming power is C7 a unit) and has been launched in Delhi, where the Arvind Kejriwal-led Government has committed to build 140 fast-charging stations, where a car can get 80 per cent of charging in under two hours. However, the high price of electric cars, even with the FAME scheme, impacts the e-Verito as well, with the basic version of the car selling for a steep C9.5 lakh even with Central Government incentives more than double the price of a regular Verito sedan. Even as several State Governments, notably Delhi, Rajasthan and Tamil Nadu, have drastically reduced VAT and Road Tax on electric cars or removed them altogether, the high upfront cost of an electric car might scare away many buyers. However, Pravin Shah, President, Mahindra Automotive, believes that with the Delhi Government incentivising electric cars and building fast-charging stations, such vehicles could become very popular with environmentally conscious commuters as well as taxi companies. Mahindra has one advantage that many other electric car manufacturers do not. As a participant in the Formula E championship, it is able to gain insights into battery and motor technology that is being proven on the racetrack. The Formula E championship might lack the noise and the speeds of Formula 1, but it is becoming increasingly popular and the lower carbon footprint of the series is allowing races to take place in city-centre racetracks. The growing popularity of Formula E has forced Formula 1 to become more friendly, while F1 cars are not technically full-hybrids like the Audi R18, they are increasingly moving in that direction with battery power filling playing a bigger role in the car’s performance with 140 horsepower out of the total of 800+ horsepower coming from the battery pack. //a# ce^TQi C78B8B0B42>=31>>:>5501;4B C70C8?A4B4=CC>C74?D1;828 70E4C>02:=>F;4364C70CC74 6A40C4BC?0AC8B8=B?8A435A>< ?8;?0H0=8=380=B064 ¯940=34;05>=C08=4 ]QWQjY^U ?QHPQNA :e^U%" !& @UbVUSddbYRedU d_9^T_9bQ^dYUc CWTUPRbX\X[TaT_a^SdRcX^]^U:P[X[PeP3X\]PRP[[XVaP_WTSQh Bd[cP]<dWP\\PSX]cWTCX\daXS_TaX^SP]S_aTbTaeTSPccWT APiP;XQaPahX]AP\_daXbPW^\PVTc^cWT²R^dbX]Rd[cdaTb³ ^UcWTcf^R^d]caXTbfaXcTb?a^UTbb^a;>:4B7270=3A0 his facsimile edition of the Kalila va Dimna is a tribute to the cultural interflow between India and Iran over millennia, attested by the nexus of the Rigvedic hymns and Gathas of Zarathushtra, coming down to the reign of Akbar, who introduced Persian as the language of administration in India which continued till the middle of the 19th century under the East India Company. The Persian version of the Kalila va Dimna entitled Anwar-i Suhayli had the historic destiny of being the textbook for learning Persian to run the Government of the day. India and Iran are the “we together” in the glory of language, with similar divinities in classical times, the Gathas and Vedic hymns with mindprints of common essence, Iranians of Parthia and Sogdiana translating Buddhist Sutras into Chinese, Iranian doctors curing Samba, the son of Lord Krishna, or Jivaka, the physician of Lord Buddha, studying under “white clad medicos”: Endless sharings throbbing with harmony. The dynasty of Sasan were hereditary priests of a Zoroastrian temple. The grandson of Sasan Ardashir I defeated the Parthian king Ardavan I in 224 AD and founded the Sasanian dynasty. He advised his son Shapur I (ruled 241-72): “Know that faith and kingship are brothers, one cannot survive without the other. Faith is the foundation of a kingdom, and the kingdom defends the faith”. There is a similar saying in Sanskrit: “Dharmo rakshati; Dharmo hato hanti.” He conquered the Kushan kingdom of Bactria, and the Sasanian kings came close to India. Shapur I ordered the collection and translation of religious, astronomical, medical and philosophical texts from the Byzantine Empire and from India. The books of moral precepts (andarz) were an important genre in Sasanian literature. Pahlavi inscriptions of Kartir, who was a dominant figure in the Zoroastrian church in the reign otBahram II (276-293), refer to Buddhists and Brahmans in Iran. King Khusrau I (Susravas in Sanskrit) came to the throne in 531 and had a four decade-long rule till 579. His reign is famous for the final redaction of the 21 divisions of the Avesta, the vitalisation of the Iranian state, the blossoming of art and literature, and the translation of many Indian works into Pahlavi. His epithet was Anushirvan “of immortal soul”. He was an enlightened monarch. When Justinian closed Plato’s Academy at Athens, which had been a centre of Greek culture and philosophy, some philosophers took refuge at his court. Greek and Sanskrit works began to be translated into Pahlavi. Several collections of andarz or “advice” or “mirrors for princes” from his period have survived. The Pahlavi adaptation of the Panchatantra was the prime mirror for princes and commoners. The Avestan alphabet is also attributed to his reign. The pomp and glory of his reign can be seen in the immense size of the aivan or central arch of Taqi Kisra in Ctesiphon. The numerous quotations in Ibn Qutayba no longer reproduce AlMuqaffa’s text word to word. An edition for school use was done as late as 1910. T :0;8;0E038<=0 F0BCA0=B;0C43 8=C>B4E4A0; ;0=6D064B BD270B6A44: 741A4F;0C8= 64A<0=8C0;80= 8CF0B01>>: C70C8=B?8A43 C744=C8A4 <0=:8=3 Wisdom (andarz) literature was cultivated by writers, priests and royalty as ethical and practical precepts, maxims and epigrams. The Sasanians considered history and myth as validating social and political ideals and institutions. Visnusarma states in the opening of the first book of the Panchatantra that it is a collection of the essence of all the arthasastras, composed as delightful lessons in polity. It was designed to teach polity and statecraft to young princes in the form of fascinating stories and fables. With a penetrating insight into human affairs and a sense of humour, it reveals social consciousness in its mobility and treachery, in its maturity and worldly wisdom. King Khusrau Anushirvan sent his physician Burzoe to India to get books on royal governance, particularly, the Panchatantra. Burzoe translated the Sanskrit Panchatantra into Pahlavi and expanded it from other Indian sources: Its chapters 11-13 are from the Mahabharata 12.138, 139, 111, and the other five chapters have to be traced in Indian sources. This Pahlavi translation is lost. Syriac version: The Pahlavi was translated into Syriac by Periodeut Bud in 570, and it survives in manuscripts. Ibn al-Muqaffa translated the Pahlavi into Arabic as a stylistic work of art intended for literary connoisseurs. Its stories became very popular and that led to frequent changes in its wording. Arabic version: It was put into Arabic verse three times — the first version was by al-Laqiki, a contemporary of AlMuqaffa. It has been lost. The second verification was by Ibn al-Habbariya in 1100 with the help of both versions, in elegant and flowing language. The third versification was by Abd alMumin completed in 80 days on November 15, 1242. A Syriac priest translated AlMuqaffa’s text again into Syriac and endeavoured to give it a Christian tinge. Poet Rudhaki (died 916) put the book into Persian verse, but only 16 verses have survived as quotations in Asadi’s Lughat-i Furs. Nasr Allah reproduced AlMuqaffa’s work in all rhetorical adornments of prose in 1144. On its basis Al-Tusi Qani composed a metrical version in the 13th Century. In 1504, Kashifi gave a new version in a more florid style and it had unparalleled success. He called it Anwar-i Suhayli in honour of the minister of the king in whose court he was. It was printed in England in 1836 as a text book for the examination of English officials in India in Persian. It was translated into several Indian languages. It was translated twice into Eastern Turki, into old Ottoman Turkish, Ethiopic, Hebrew, Greek, Malay and several European languages. The Mongol translation was read by the Yiian Emperor Mongke Khan (ruled 1251-58) as a treatise on political theory and practice. Kalila va Dimna inspired Iranian artists of the pre and post-Mongol schools and there is a large number of illustrated manuscripts. Kalila va Dimna led to numerous translations into European languages: Greek (11th Century), Hebrew (12th Century), Latin (1480), German (1483), Italian (1563). Its distant echo is to be found in the charming fables in La Fontaine as late as the 17th Century. Ph Wolff calls it a book “that inspired the entire mankind and was held in reverence by kings and princes”. The present facsimile reproduction of the manuscript, calligraphed by Sultan Muhammad in the Timurid period and preserved in the Raza Library at Rampur, Uttar Pradesh, is a homage to the “cousin cultures” of India and Iran. It reminds of Emperor Akbar’s desire to come close to the Iranians, for which he prepared the ground for Iranian intellectuals to flourish in India. Poet Salim Tehrani went so far as to say: “Henna did not acquire colour till it came to India.” Humankind has to envision the emergence of a new awareness which will make life harmonious within ourselves and without with the world, to shake off the dust of minds. Humans have to wash their inkstone of its profane words, leaving body and soul transparently pure. As poet Rumi says: “You dance inside my chest, Where no one sees you. But sometimes, I do, And that sight becomes this art.” 'HP\VWLI\LQJ VXPPHUP\WKV 9dbcSaX]ZX]VTXVWcV[PbbTb^UfPcTaSPX[hXb]^cT]^dVW CWTfPcTabW^d[SQTT]aXRWTSfXcWTbbT]cXP[]dcaXT]cb \X]TaP[bP]SeXcP\X]bcWPcPaTTgcaT\T[hRadRXP[U^a ^]T³bVa^fcWP]SSTeT[^_\T]cbPhb3a0170H:D<0A ummer is the season for more outdoor fun and leisure activities. It is the time of the year where people plan their vacations to relax, destress from the daily routine work. In addition to refreshing trips, the season brings with it a host of health problems. Prolonged exposure to sun can cause health issues such as sunstroke, food poisoning, dehydration, prickly heat and skin infection. In fact, it could not only cause extreme stress and irritability but can lead to fatality. In the recent past, deaths due to extreme summer temperature have seen a sharp rise. With the temperature soaring this summer, one should not remain negligent about one’s health. However, before we offer any solutions or precautionary measures to combat the health risks associated with the inevitable heat, it is important to break certain myths and beliefs that people have about summer. S Myth 1: More than eight glasses of water are a necessity during summer. Reality: Water is the body’s principal component, which makes up about 70 per cent of the body’s weight and is the most important nutrient of our diet. Most of us believe that drinking 8-10 glasses of water will help in staying hydrated during summers. Although water should be an integral part of our diet, it is important to note that mere consumption of eight glasses of water is not enough. It’s important to ensure that the water you drink is not only safe, but also enriched with essential nutrients, minerals and vitamins that are extremely crucial for one’s growth and development. In addition to these nutrients and vitamins, human body also requires adequate amount of calcium and magnesium that helps in increasing the efficiency and regulates migraines. With technological advancements at your doorstep, one can choose optimum purification methods with Mineral Absorption Technology (MAT) that magnetises the water and is able to produce and provide these essentials in water. MAT makes it easy for body cells to absorb the nutrients, thereby helping in energising, activating, cleansing and detoxifying the body in summer. Myth 2: ACs best way to beat heat, ensure clean air. Reality: Air conditioners are considered to be an integral part of every household and workplace during summers. People prefer to spend most of their time indoors to enjoy the chilled air and avoid the heat outside. They often believe that air conditioners will help them beat the heat and cool their bodies, thereby also purifying the air. However, the fact is that air conditioners affect our health negatively in the longer run. Constant exposure to ACs dries out the mucus membranes, causing sore throat and sneezing, and makes us more susceptible to colds and upper respiratory tract infections. Also, natural ventilation is blocked, which further leads to accumulation of contaminated air inside the room. Moreover, air conditioners recirculate the same air over and over again around the room which is harmful for us. While ACs are inevitable in today’s time and age, one should not be overexposed to them. To breathe cleaner air indoors, one can instead install an air purifier. We often believe that air conditioners have pre-filters in them which can trap pollutants but fail to realise that they are not effective against all micro-organisms. An air purifier with a high efficiency particulate air filtration (HEPA) filter or a purifier with ultra-precision purification process that has double the efficiency to eliminate sub-micron respirable particles and infection-carrying microbes in the air could be a better option. Myth 3: Any drink alone can quench your thirst and rehydrate you. Reality: During summers, most of us tend to rely on sodas and iced water to quench our thirst and feel that they are sufficient enough to keep us rehydrated on a hot day. In reality, this is a myth. It is important to understand that consuming too much of iced water tends to slow down the digestion process. Moreover, the sugary drink that you consume might actually cost your body more fluids and make it work extra hard to metabolise them and will further dehydrate you. The best way to keep yourself hydrated and beat this scorching heat is to drink plenty of water which has the essential nutrients and minerals, keeping you energetic and active at all times. CWTfaXcTaXbfXcW4daTZP5^aQTb8]bcXcdcT^U4]eXa^]\T]c CWTfaXcTaXb?aTbXST]c822A 5 A > < ?0 6 4 his is why carmakers in the West have decided that the mass market will be addressed by hybrid cars. The market for electric cars in 2015 crossed 287,000 of which 40 per cent came from China, yet hybrid car sales in the United States alone exceeded half a million in 2015. This is because while hybrid cars can become fully electric for shorter distances, the petrol or diesel engines can be used as generators to recharge the engine and boost performance, and when the battery runs dry, hybrid cars can always become regular cars. But carmakers are seeing the trend; Audi is now seriously contemplating the introduction of their road-going ‘etron’ technology as the Supreme Court sticks to its guns with the ban on highcapacity diesel cars in Delhi. Audi India’s Joe King noted that the FAME scheme should T also incentivise the ‘adoption’ part so manufacturers can seed the market with cars brought in from overseas. King also pointed out that hybrids and electric vehicles avoided schemes like the odd-even programme that impacted cars in Delhi. “We feel that short-term decisions lead to increased uncertainty and ambiguity for the future, not just for manufacturers but also for dealers and customers. As manufacturers, we need clarity on policy direction so that we can amend our strategy in line with the customer demand. The need of the hour is a multi-pronged 360 degree cohesive approach, which looks at the entire environmental issue holistically, without affecting the business environment.” Carmakers in India are basically asking for more incentives to promote electric DXUVedebUYcXiRbYT FXcWcWTU^Rdb ^]T[TRcaXRP]S WhQaXS\^QX[Xch 8]SXPRP]aTSdRT ST_T]ST]RT^] X\_^acTSUdT[ P]SP[b^aTSdRT PXa_^[[dcX^] and hybrid vehicle usage. The schemes by the Government are a start but in a cost-conscious country like India such cars cannot have the massive premiums they have right now because they will then be stuck with a small sliver of users. Given the high levels of taxation on motor vehicles, the Government has a lot of wiggle room over here and should promote such vehicles. And while the National Green Tribunal and the Supreme Court want to ban big diesel engines, they should look at the huge advancements made in hybrids and electrics and question the high taxation levels on such cleaner cars. Cars are still an aspiration for millions of middleclass Indians, and unlike a city-state like Singapore, India cannot tax that aspiration heavily. Also with patchy public transport infrastructure, it will be a decade before most city commuters in cities like Delhi can ditch cars altogether. However, with an improving electricity grid and the focus on electric and hybrid mobility, India can not only reduce its dependence on imported fuel but also reduce air pollution. And to convince people of the impact of hybrid and electric vehicles, it may not be a bad idea to promote a Formula E or an endurance race of hybrids, such as the Audi R18, here. ce^TQi ]QWQjY^U >KKGO A4038=64=70=24B<4<>AH 4E4AHC8<4H>DA403 B><4C78=6=4FH>DA1A08= <0:4BA>><C>58C8C8= :e^U%" !& 0dcW^aP]SUX[\RaXcXR0bTT\2WWPQaPcT[[b0=0=H01>A6>708=fWPcXcfPbcWPcbTcBWPbWX:P_^^aP_PacUa^\ ^cWTaPRc^ab^UWXbcX\TWXbcahbcfXcWcWTPcaTP]S7X]SXRX]T\PPbfT[[PbW^fWTXb8]SXP³bUXabcX]cTa]PcX^]P[bcPa uring the shooting of a scene in James Ivory’s Bombay Talkie, actress Jennifer Kendal’s car is stopped on the road for a funeral procession where a crowd gathers. Among the junior artistes assembled in the crowd was a young Amitabh Bachchan who mysteriously disappeared after a day of shoot. As is revealed years later, Amitabh was upset to have lost out on earning C50 for being an extra in the film but its star Shashi Kapoor had told him, “Don’t do these bits parts. You are made for better things.” Such was the magnanimity and vision of the legendary actor who has somehow faded away from the public eye today. The Bharat Ratna awardee is said to be so humble and unfazed by fame that even at the peak of his career, he used to introduce himself to everyone on his film sets and say, “Mera naam Shashi Kapoor hai”, as if they did not know. Saif Ali Khan was so fond of “Shashi uncle” in his childhood that once in the middle of shooting for Paap Aur Punya (with Saif ’s mother Sharmila Tagore), the villain who was strangling Kapoor, screamed. Saif had secretly crawled up to him and had bitten on his leg, to rescue his Shashi uncle! Unknown anecdotes and facets such as these are a part of popular, New York based film critic Aseem Chhabra’s book, Shashi Kapoor: The Householder, the Star. In a freewheeling interaction, Chhabra divulges further about the enigmatic artiste. D QWhat questions would you have had for Shashi Kapoor if you could interact with him? I would have probably asked him about certain decisions he had made; what opinions he had, what he could not do, and so on. After Jennifer Kendal’s death, he not only sought refuge in alcohol, but also in food, something that Jennifer had always been strict about. It led him to obesity and subsequently, a heart attack and partial paralysis. Today, he is said to be suffering from dementia. So meeting him wouldn’t have been a possibility. But over a year, I interviewed several personalities from the film fraternity like Amitabh Bachchan, Shyam Benegal, Govind Nihalani, Sharmila Tagore, Shabana Azmi, Aparna Sen, Simi Garewal, among many others. Karan Johar wrote the foreword and Shashi Kapoor’s children, Kunal and Sanjna, as well as James Ivory lent several insights into his life, and so did Rishi Kapoor and Neetu Singh Kapoor. QHow is he regarded in the industry today? He has been out of sight for so long that one could argue that he has been forgotten. The ones who remember him do so largely because of films like Namak Halaal, Deewar and Kabhi Kabhie, which are also considered to be Amitabh Bachchan’s feats. That is where the need to write this book was felt. He’s the performer who also gave us Heat and Dust, Benazir, Junoon, Shakespeare Wallah, The Householder, Jab Jab Phool Khile, New Delhi Times etc. 7KHHQLJPDWLF.DSRRU Shashi and Jennifer’s love blossomed. QDid Geoffrey Kendal accept him completely? D92D9:<2A@@C 2dVV^4YYRScR CfaRC$*& doing Inferno with Tom Hanks too. Many from the industry wrote back to me, thanking me for bringing Shashi Kapoor back in public memory. The objective behind writing the book was to familiarise people with his spectacular legacy of work, particularly the young generation. I hope I have attained that. QIt’s still rarely known that he was the first international star from India. Oh yes, he indeed was. QBut wasn’t it Himanshu Rai (the founder of Bombay Talkies) in the 1920s? Well, Himanshu Rai brought foreigners to India to work on his productions. So they were international artistes working on Indian films. Shashi Kapoor, on the other hand, did American films. For instance, Siddhartha (1972) was written by Conrad Rooks and Paul Mayersberg, directed by A =4F 0AA8E0;B C74B20=30; 9^W]6aXbWP\ 7PRWTccTC!(( 8³\cWT[PfhTaP]Sh^d³aTcWT R[XT]c<hPSeXRTc^h^dXbc^ QdahcWXbP]S]^ccT[[Pb^d[ =TeTa6^cXc.CWT^S^aT1^^]T R^daca^^\WTa^P]ScWT^][hZXS[PfhTaX] c^f]XbUPRX]VPc^dVWfTTZPcbRW^^[ fXcWWXbTgP\b1dccWX]VbcPZTPcda]U^a cWTf^abTfWT]PWdVTbRP]SP[Xb aTeTP[TS¯Qh]^]T^cWTacWP]WXbQTbc UaXT]S0_aX[0]SfWT]0_aX[\PZTbP STRXbX^]cWPcCWT^S^aTPSeXbTbPVPX]bc cWTbRP]SP[bdSST][hQ[^fbd_P]SXbP[[ ^eTacWT]TfbCWTXaUdcdaTbPaT^]cWT [X]TP]S0_aX[³bad]]X]VbRPaTS 6>;33DBC>5 146D<BD;C0=B IdQPXSPBd[cP] Ad_PC$ 0_^fTaUd[bc^ahbTcX]_^bc '$&A^WX[ZWP]SFTbcTa] DccPa?aPSTbWcWXbXbPQ^dc Y^da]ThbUa^\cWT_[PX]bc^cWT\^d]cPX]b <^WP\\PS_da0[XVPaW=PX]XcP[8]cWXb X]cT]bT[h_PcaXPaRWP[bTccX]VcWTQ^^Z Tg_[^aTb0ZQPa0[X:WP]³bW^dbTW^[S _PaPS^gXRP[[hS^\X]PcTSQhbca^]V1TVd\b PRa^bbcWaTTVT]TaPcX^]b@P\PaIP\P]X 9PWP]PaPP]SBWTWiPSXCWT=PfPQbP]S BPWXQiPSPbfPcRWWT[_[Tbb[hPbcWTXa U^acd]TbSfX]S[TP]ScWTbca^]V cT\_Tbcd^db\PcaXPaRWbR^\Tc^cWTU^aT C747>DB4 >5F8E4B BX\^]2W^P9^W]bc^] AP]S^\7^dbTC#(( 4\P]dT[P]P\QXcX^db 9TfXbW\TaRWP]cfP]cbc^ \PZTWXbU^acd]TQhcaPSX]V^_Xd\fXcW 2WX]P>eTacWTT]bdX]VSTRPSTb 4\P]dT[³bbdRRTbbfX[[QTSTcTa\X]TSQh cf^aT\PaZPQ[Tf^\T]BT\PWWXbSdcXUd[ UXabcfXUTX]2P[RdccPfW^bTS^fahUd]Sb cWT\TaRT]PahTg_TSXcX^]c^7^]V:^]V P]S?TPa[cWTQTPdcXUd[2WX]TbTVXa[fW^\ WTUP[[bX][^eTfXcW3Tb_XcTcWT^_T] W^bcX[XchQTcfTT]cWTcf^f^\T]4\P]dT[ X]bXbcbcWPccWTh\dbcP[[[XeTc^VTcWTaX] WXb7^]V:^]V\P]bX^]cWPc[^RP[bRP[[ cWT7^dbT^UFXeTb ll Of Us In Our Own Lives is a simple story which essays the lives of three women — Ava Berriden, Indira Sharma and Sapana to address complex issues of feminism, feminist ideologies and the female condition in Nepal. Ava is a Canadian-Nepali adopted by a rich philanthropic Canadian dentist couple. Sapana inhabits the interiors of a Nepali village with dreams of change and revolution. Indira, placed between the ‘Canadian’ and the village girl is the ‘modern’ woman — the deputy co-director of WDS-Nepal. The novel opens with Ava deliberating over her life as a lawyer in Canada, Indira’s disappointment in living with ‘no joy, no refinement’… ‘merely eating the needful done’ and Sapana’s insistence on making sure her brother Gyanu comes home for the last rites of their father. It advances by employing the ripple effect philosophy where the actions of one individual are never her own. It is thus not merely what an individual progresses with but also what they discard, ‘the path not taken’ which bears consequences on the lives of others. Sapana wonders if ‘all lives are a part of a whole’. The effects and possibilities connected with individual actions, depicted by Thapa, bear resemblance to what Jeanette Winterson’s postmodern novel Sexing the Cherry affirms: ‘Every journey conceals another journey: The path not taken and the forgotten angle’. The journey which Ava embarks on brings her to Nepal. It brings Indira in touch with Ava and Sapana not only becomes the beneficiary of what Indira and Ava work towards through the NGOs and CBOs but also an agent of change by working at the micro level to improve the condition of women in her village. The plot ends just how it begins, with each of these women in their own lives again but transformed by the moment where their lives coincide and they collaborate. In Thapa’s novel, all three waves of feminism find representation. Women suffrage, equal sexual and reproductive rights and traditionally established phallocentrism, heteronormativity and sexual liberty are addressed through Ava, Indira, Maleah, Chandra, Surya and Sapana. All the women in Thapa’s novel, irrespective of their intellectual, economic and social stature feel they are ‘just women’. One might assume that girls from the lower rung of the social fabric like Sapana or Durga are the ones most exploited, but even Indira as a women occupying a posi- Rooks, edited by Willy Kemplen, and distributed by Columbia Pictures. QBut Irrfan had already done New York, I Love You where he was paired with Natalie Portman and A Mighty Heart with Angelina Jolie… Yes, but you see, Natalie and Irrfan’s film in the anthology New York, I Love You was directed by Mira Nair who had already directed him in The Namesake. A Mighty Heart also happened around the same time. So, I like how a Priyanka and an Irrfan are maintaining themselves internationally. Shashi Kapoor, on the other hand, did not have these advantages. QWhy do we not know of this then? QYou have mentioned his initial struggle with Back then, there was no social media; internet was not an option. Simi Garewal’s nude scene in Siddhartha was controversial in India and the Indian censor board at that time did not allow it to be shown. Besides, there was no trace of the kind of publicity and promotional strategies that are planned today. There were no DVDs too. For this reason, I must say I appreciate how Priyanka Chopra approaches showbiz. Be it her stint with music or her Hollywood projects, she always tweets or posts about what she did throughout the day at the end of it. Irrfan Khan is doing right too. From The Namesake or Slumdog Millionaire to Life of Pi and Jurassic Park and The Amazing Spiderman, that’s quite a feat. He’s now English theatre. But eventually, he was more of a theatre artiste than a film actor. How? Yes, initially when he joined Jennifer’s father, Geoffrey Kendal’s theatre group, Shakespeareana Theatre Company, he had to struggle with the Shakespearean phrases and their delivery. But he soon learned the craft and later aced it. Once when Shashi was backstage during a performance of Deewar at the Royal Opera House, he caught a glimpse of Jennifer Kendal through the curtains. It was love at first sight. When Shakespeareana fell short of actors, Shashi was aksed to join the team. Geoffrey Kendal apparently wrote to Prithviraj Kapoor to loan Shashi to his company for a while. That is also how Geoffrey was extremely possessive of his children, particularly Jennifer, his star performer. In fact, he’d also often ridicule Shashi and scorn his accent. Jennifer and Shashi, on the other hand, were underslept and underfed during their theatre days. They would contemplate affording half a parantha and would then see Geoffrey have a huge meal with beer while they strolled on the streets! So when Jennifer and Shashi left Shakespeareana, it was the ultimate blow to Geoffrey. But yes, he eventually reconciled with them in 1960, when their son Kunal was born. In fact, after watching Shakespeare Wallah, Geoffrey wrote in a letter to younger daughter Felicity, “He should go into films in English with foreign directors who know how to exploit him.” QThe initial years after separating from Shakespeareana were difficult for the couple. Is that how Shashi Kapoor turned to films? Jennifer and Shashi were without money after they got married. So he turned to acting in films for financial security. In fact, he signed almost every film that came his way. Coming from a strong theatre background, he was also uncomfortable with many aspects of a movie. For instance, he didn’t want to lip sync. But eventually went on to do several films, both petty and sublime. QWhat were Shashi Kapoor’s complexities? I think it’s interesting how he was part of films that were so progressive and others that were absolutely regressive. Aa Gale Lag Jaa, Haseena Maan Jayegi, Pyar Ka Mausam, were all different. At the same time, Chor Machaye Shor was repulsively derogatory with its mishandling of rape. And then it was the same man who also produced films like 36 Chowringhee Lane, Vijeta, Utsav, Kalyug etc. Also, what is fascinating about him was that he was consistent. While Amitabh Bachchan had his share of bad times and Rajesh Khanna saw a remarkable rise and then a steep fall; Shashi Kapoor always maintained a status quo. QCan you think of more actors (and actresses) like him? I would say Shah Rukh Khan is one such selfmade person. Although Shashi was a Kapoor, Prithviraj or Raj Kapoor never lobbied for him. For Shah Rukh to reach such heights on his own is remarkable. P]P]hP_X^]TTa/V\PX[R^\ <h[XUT^da[XeTb ;XZTX]WTa_aTeX^db]^eT[bX]cWXbQ^^Zc^^PdcW^a <P]YdbWaTTCWP_PbTP\[Tbb[hQaX]Vbc^VTcWTacWT_Tab^]P[ P]ScWT_^[XcXRP[fXcWaT_aTbT]cPcX^]Ua^\TeTahf^a[SbWT WPbbTT]Z]^f]P]STg_TaXT]RTSfaXcTb<470?0=34 tion of power is oppressed by the ‘rules’ set out for the ‘daughter-in-law of a Nepali household’y Muwa. Ava acts as a counterfoil, a possibility of both what could have been Ava’s life and what should be the lives of Indira and Sapana. Indira’s model of feminism could be problematic for some readers especially in instances where she tells her daughter how men will be waiting to marry her one day, or how she gets Durga married when Durga utters that she a life. Through Indira’s character, Thapa does drive home the point of living in a phallocentric universe but Indira’s success being dependent on failing a man, fails the struggle of her character to be free. However, put into the context of Nepal, with its ‘constitution’s privileging of the male bloodline over the female’, one does empathise with Indira and her anguish against men becomes understandable. The novel incorporates both the beauty and filth of Nepal. There are the Himalayas which invoke a sense of awe in Ava and then there is Sapana’s village where the life and condition of the inhabitants leave her crestfallen. The earthquake and its impact on human life and condition strain the heart of the reader. The social and economic exclusion and backwardness are gut wrenching and the earthquake only catalyses the already crumbling lives and homes of people crushing their houses, quite literally. The inner workings of the aid work in Nepal are insightful with the NGOs, their funding and the corruption involved in training and utilising the aid granted for philanthropic purposes brought to the forefront by Thapa. The demand for a democratic constitution and its adoption amid much protest and rebel- 2==@7FD:? @FC@H?=:G6D >R_[fdYcVVEYRaR 2]VaYC%** lion in September 2015 linger at the back of the novel. What drives Thapa’s text is its female characters, but the male characters too are varied. Gyanu (Sapana’s brother), Thulo Ba (the Chairman and village patriarch), Luke (Ava’s brother), Indira’s husband (Uday Sharma) and her bosses are characters well crafted and extremely pertinent to the representation of multifarious associations between men and women which is essential to intricacies of the plot. Thapa gives her readers a lucid, comprehensive and thoroughly researched novel. Those not familiar with the technicalities and jargon of the corporate world might find the first few pages somewhat tedious. It moves rather slowly, where boards meetings and corporate dealings are concerned but paces up by the time one reaches its first half. Settled in Canada, originally form Nepal, Thapa’s novel is rich and refreshing to read in the day and age where South Asian diasporic writing is moving towards a certain form which tends to be formulaic — tales of nostalgia, loss and a crisis of identity for the immigrants settled abroad. Like in her previous novels, Thapa seamlessly brings together the personal and the political with representation from every world she has seen, known and experienced. With its insights into the condition of Nepal, the condition of women and the functioning of institutions it indeed is a short but insightful read about Nepal — one that entertains and also educates. ?P]STcTPRWTb4]V[XbW;XcTaPcdaTPc0ahPQWPccP2^[[TVT3D ce^TQi ]QWQjY^U 6D4BC2>;D<= =0344<5?0A0270 EYVHVde¶dWZcde [ZYRUViaVcZ^V_e ]WXb!$Q^^Z0\TaXRPP]SD]aTbcX]cWT<db[X\F^a[SeTcTaP] XST^[^VdT^UcWT9P\PPcX8b[P\X:WdabWXS0W\PSfa^cTcWPccWT_^[X Rh^UbXSX]VfXcWFTbcTa]_^fTabTb_TRXP[[hcWTDBSdaX]VcWT2^[S FPafPbP\XbcPZTQh²8b[P\XRU^aRTb³0Ra^bbcWT (%b (&bP]SP [^c\^aTeTWT\T]c[hX]cWT ('bePaX^dbAXVWcfX]V8b[P\XRVa^d_bX] B^dcWP]S4Pbc0bXPP]ScWT<XSS[T4PbcfTaTR^]bcP]c[h[P\QPbcTSQh cW^bT^]cWT;TUcU^acPZX]Vd_cWTFTbc³bUXVWcPVPX]bcB^eXTcP]S 2WX]TbTQPRZTSR^\\d]Xb\P]S\^aTb^PVPX]bcWhQaXS;TUcXbcX]]^ ePcX^]bbdRWPb0aPQ]PcX^]P[Xb\ 0[cW^dVW98³bU^d]STaP]SbRW^[Pa0Qd[0[P<PdSdSXWPSTg_[PX]TScWXb PbPcPRc_Pac]TabWX_QTcfTT]²QT[XTeTab³<db[X\bP]S2WaXbcXP]bPVPX]bc ²]^]QT[XTeTab³cWTR^\\d]Xbcb\P]hhTPab[PcTaWXbR^]cT\_^aPah 0W\PSR^]UTbbTScWPccWTXSTPfPb[PaVT[hU[PfTS8cXbX]cTaTbcX]Vc^]^cT cWPc<PdSdSXP_a^[XUXRfaXcTafPbPbbdb_XRX^db^UbTRd[PaXb\PbWTfPb^U R^\\d]Xb\P]Sb^RXP[Xb\1dcWTbPfcWT\T]cX^]TS_Pac]TabWX_Pb^]T fWXRWfPbQTcfTT]<db[X\P]S2WaXbcXP]_^fTabP]S]^cQTcfTT] <db[X\bP]ScWTbTRd[PaFTbc =TeTacWT[Tbb0W\PSX]WXbaTPbbTbb\T]c^U98³b_^[XRXTbSdaX]VcWT 2^[SFPa[P\T]cTScWTU^[[h^UbXSX]VfXcWcWTFTbc1dcWTSXS]^c_^]STa fWTcWTacWXbP[b^\TP]ccWPccWT8b[P\XRVa^d_bbW^d[SWPeTbXSTSfXcWcWT B^eXTcD]X^]P]S;TUcXbc^dcUXcbX]bcTPS0W\PSfa^cTcWPccWT8b[P\XR Va^d_bWPSR^\\XccTSPcPRcXRP[Taa^afWXRWWT[_TScWTFTbcT[X\X]PcTcWT B^eXTcD]X^]P]S\^eTUaTT[hc^^eTafWT[\cWTTR^]^\XR_^[XcXRP[P]S b^RXP[aTb^daRTb^U<db[X\R^d]caXTb8cXbPS\XaPQ[TcWPcPbRW^[PaUa^\P bcTPSUPbc_^[XcXR^aT[XVX^db^dcUXcf^d[STg_^bTWXb_Pachc^bT[URaXcXRXb\ QdccWTfPh^dcUa^\cWT`dPV\XaTXcU^d]SXcbT[UX]PUcTacWTT]S^UcWT2^[S FPaXb]^c`dXcTPbfT[[cW^dVWc^dcQhWX\PbXbWXbbT[UST_aTRPcX^] 0W\PSPSeXbTbcWPccWT8b[P\XRR^\\d]Xchd\\PW\dbc]^f°_daXUh XcbaP]ZbP]SQTR^\TPW^\^VT]^dbR^\\d]XchcWPcRP]\^QX[XbTPVPX]bc cWT0\TaXRP]IX^]Xbc7X]Sd_[^cc^bdQSdTcWT<db[X\f^a[S±7^fTeTa WTS^Tb]^c`dXcTTg_[PX]TgPRc[hfWPcf^d[SQTcWT]PcdaT^UcWT_a^RTSdaT fWXRWf^d[S°_daXUhcWTaP]Zb± 8]0W\PS³bbT[URaXcXRXb\cWTaTXbP]^eTaPaRWX]V\Xg^UcWTcaPVXRP]S cWTVaP]SX^bT7TPaVdTbcWPccWT8b[P\XRU^aRTbWPSWT[_TSP]P[[hc^fX_T ^dc6^S[TbbR^\\d]Xb\QdcfTaTQTcaPhTS^]RTcWTB^eXTcD]X^]R^[ [P_bTSCWTcadcWXbbdRWU^aRTbfTaT_^[XcXRP[[hUTTQ[TFTPZTaU^aRTbX] bdRWPR^]cTgcPaTdbdP[[hfX[[X]Vc^STaXeTbcaT]VcWP]S_^fTaUa^\^dcbXST PUcTacWThUPX[c^UX]SXcUa^\fXcWX] CWdbcWTbTU^aRTbfX[[X]V[hQTRP\T_Pac^UcWT_[P]bSaPf]d_QhcWT DBPVPX]bcXcb\PX]]T\TbXbcWT²B^eXTcQ[^R³SdaX]VcWT2^[SFPaCWTh bPfbdRWP]P[[XP]RTPbP]^__^acd]Xchc^VPX]_^[XcXRP[_a^\X]T]RTBcPcTb PaTT]cXaT[hSaXeT]QhbT[UX]cTaTbcCWTaTPaT]^aTP[UaXT]SbYdbc_a^eXbX^]P[ P[[XTbP]S^UR^dabTPRWP]VX]VbTc^UT]T\XTb<dRW^UcWTR^\QPcXeT Pb_TRcb^UcWT2^[SFPaQTcfTT]cWTDBP]ScWTB^eXTcD]X^]fTaTST\^] bcaPcTSQh^dcUXcbQ^cWUa^\cWT[TUcP]ScWTaXVWc^_TaPcX]V^dcbXSTcWTDB P]ScWTB^eXTcD]X^]QdcQPRZTSQhcWTcf^1dcbT[UX]cTaTbcfPbP[b^Pc cWTWTPac^UcW^bTUXVWcX]VcWTQPcc[T^]QTWP[U^UcWTbTcf^bcPcTb FWT]98P]S^cWTabdRW^dcUXcbX]ePaX^db<db[X\R^d]caXTbP[[XTS cWT\bT[eTbfXcWcWTDBcWThSXSb^^][hc^Q^[bcTacWTXa^f]bcP]SX]VX] bRT]PaX^bX]fWXRWcWThfTaTT[TRc^aP[[hfTPZ^aWPSUPX[TSc^VPcWTaP]h \Pbb\^\T]cd\CWTFTbcTa]bXSTb^UcWT2^[SFPabcaT]VcWT]TScWTbT U^aRTbP[^]VfXcWR^]bTaePcXeT<db[X\aTVX\TbP]S\^]PaRWXTbb^cWPc cWThf^d[S]^ca^[[c^fPaSbcWTB^eXTcbXST^UcWTSXeXSTCWXbQTRP\TR^] eT]XT]cc^S^QTRPdbTPVPX]fTPZTaU^aRTbPaTdbdP[[hfX[[X]Vc^STaXeT _^fTaUa^\^dcbXSTPUcTacWThUPX[c^UX]SXcUa^\fXcWX] 5^aTgP\_[TcWT²0UVWP]YXWPS³PVPX]bccWTB^eXTcbfPbU^dVWcP]S Ua^]cTSQhbdRWU^aRTbCWTXaX]cTaTbcX]S^X]Vb^WPS\^aTc^S^fXcWVPX] X]VTPacW[h_^[XcXRP[_^fTaP]S\^]TcPahQT]TUXcbCWThfTaTQP]Za^[[TSQh TgcTa]P[_^fTabfW^bTX]cTaTbcbc^^fTaTT]cXaT[hcWTXa^f]P]SWPS]^cW X]Vc^S^fXcWYXWPS1dccWTfW^[TR^]RT_c^UYXWPSfWXRWfPbb^eTWT \T]c[h_a^_PVPcTSSdaX]VcWT\T]cX^]TSR^]U[XRcQhPeTaXch^UP]cXB^eXTc T]cXcXTbP]SUd]STSQhP]^]<db[X\_^fTafPb]³c`dXcTbdRWPd]X`dT _WT]^\T]^]8cfPb]³ccWTUXabccX\T]^]<db[X\_^fTabWPSbcXaaTSd_cWT XSTP^UYXWPSfXcWcWTWT[_^U<db[X\P[[XTbc^R^d]cTaPR^\\^]T]T\h CWTUXabcfT[[S^Rd\T]cTSQdc[PaVT[hU^aV^ccT]T_Xb^STX]cWXb aTb_TRcc^^Z_[PRTSdaX]VcWT5XabcF^a[SFPa ( # 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A traveller coming this way at sunset — this traveller, coming this way, now, along the lakeshore road-might believe himself to be approaching the throne of a monarch so fabulously wealthy that he could allow a portion of his treasure to be poured into a giant hollow in the earth to dazzle and awe his guests. And as big as the lake of gold was, it must only be a drop drawn from the sea of the larger fortune...” Thus began Salman Rushdie’s tenth novel, The Enchantress of Florence (Random House), with the arrival of Mogor dell’Amore (Mughal of Love) at Fatehpur Sikri, the red sandstone capital city of Emperor Akbar. Mogor dell’Amore is carrying with him a secret so startling that, once told to the emperor, it will force another secret to come tumbling out of the royal family’s musty cupboards stuffed with nasty tales of gore and lofty stories of Mughal glory, forcing Akbar to order the redrawing of his genealogical tree by the palace artist, a brooding man given to dark thoughts. In this book Rushdie has tried to recreate life in two cities separated by land and sea. There’s Fatehpur Sikri, where Akbar agonised over faith, fidelity and filial loyalty — when and how would Salim, remarkably cruel as a young boy, turn on him? — while unbridled hedonism prevailed in the bed chambers of princes, princesses and others less privileged. Then there’s Niccolo Machiavelli’s Florence where seductive mistresses cast I magical spells — tulips painted on underclothes — and authority is exercised through appalling torture even as humanist philosophy sprouts from its violence scorched soil. What is common to both places is the brutality of power. Mogor dell’Amore, with his distinctive European features and yellow hair, gets to tell his secret to Akbar after demonstrating his ‘magical powers’: He is the son of a Mughal princess, the forgotten youngest half-sister (the Mughal court, let’s not forget, till it lasted, was teeming with half-siblings, each conspiring against the other) of Babar, the grandfather of Akbar. How Qara Koz (Lady Black Eyes) becomes the mistress of Argalia, a Florentine soldier of fortune, and the rest of the tale is told in the manner of The Thousand and One Nights. But Rushdie, for all his efforts to create magic through words — “His hair was long and black as evil and his lips were full and red as blood”; “It was as if every man in the city had turned werewolf and was howling at the moon”; “So it was that Shah Ismail of Persia drowned in the 17-year-old princess’s black eyes”; “She unleashed the beauty she had kept veiled and he was lost” — failed to take his readers (or at least this reader) on a magical mystery tour. His first historical novel, woven around romance and fantasy, heavily researched (as the detailed bibliography shows) and strenuously crafted, did not quite add weight to his admirable repertoire of fiction. Rushdie began to slip with The Moor’s Last Sigh, and hasn’t quite stopped sliding down the hill since 8cS^Tb_a^eXSTP V[X\_bT^UfWPc[XUT \PhWPeTQTT][XZT fXcWX]cWTfP[[b^U 0ZQPabRXchfWTaT RWPa[PcP]bP]S _WX[P]STaTab U[PccTaTabP]S RWPccTaTab R^]]XeTSP]S _[^ccTSPbP<dVWP[ \TVP[^\P]XPR]^c `dXcTbdaT^UWXb UPXcWPbP[b^cWPc^U ^cWTab_aTbXSTS ^eTacWTSTbcX]h ^U7X]SdbcP] then. His ethereal Jodha Bai, who satiated the mortal Akbar’s desire by scratching him — “she was adept at the seven types of unguiculation, which is to say the art of using the nails to enhance the act of love” — is a pathetic parody of history. Was there ever a Jodha Bai in Akbar’s palace? “She existed,” writes Rushdie, “She was immortal, because she had been created by love.” To his credit, though, Rushdie stopped short of venerating Akbar, and mocked at those who refer to him as ‘Akbar the Great’, for that would be tautology and utterly silly. And when Akbar would say, “Allaho-Akbar”, as he did before chopping off the “unnecessary head” of a “pompous little twerp”, the Rana of Cooch Naheen (that’s what Hindu rulers, including in brave Rajputana where tales of valour outnumber the grains of the desert’s sand, had allowed themselves to be reduced to under Mughal tutelage) did he mean “God is Great” or “God is Akbar”? That’s a question nobody would dare ask, for secular mythmaking has placed a glowing halo around the head of Akbar, who in real life was as great and merciful as his god but of which little is mentioned in our history books. In an interview to Reuters, Rushdie said writing The Enchantress of Florence “saved him from the wreckage of his divorce from fourth wife Padma Lakshmi”. By spinning a yarn from palace intrigue and bedroom politics, by taking refuge in magical realism, he managed to escape the real world which, at that moment, had turned cold to him. “It was a good place to go at a time when my private life was in a state of wreckage, and yes it was, I suppose, a bit of a refuge,” Rushdie told Reuters. “I think in the end what got me through it was the long familiarity of the necessary discipline of writing a novel. I found that in the end a lifetime’s habit of just going to my desk and doing a day’s work and not allowing myself not to do it is what got me back on track. I was derailed for a while. I was in bad shape and it brought me back to myself,” the writer explained. While that cathartic experience may have helped him survive a personal crisis, it did not really produce a book that’s worth comparing to his early novels. But then, it does provide a glimpse of what life may have been like within the walls of Akbar’s city where charlatans and philanderers, flatterers and chatterers, connived and plotted as a Mughal megalomaniac, not quite sure of his faith as also that of others — “In the melancholy after battle, as evening fell upon the empty dead, below the broken fortress melting into blood, within earshot of a little waterfall's nightingale song... the emperor in his brocade tent sipped watered wine and lamented his gory genealogy... He was not only a barbarian philosopher and a crybaby killer, but an egotist addicted to obsequuiousness and sycophancy... He felt burdened by the names of the marauders past, the names from which his name descended in cascades of human blood”, presided over the destiny of Hindustan. As for life in Florence, we will leave that for another day. (The writer is a current affairs analyst based in NCR) 5 4 4 3 1 0 2 : =Q]QdQcUh`UbY]U^d gYdX[XYSXTYS_Q\YdY_^ Reader response to Swapan Dasgupta’s column, Usual Suspects, published on May 29: The election race: Even if the BJP trudges along as it is doing, and be blessed with a good monsoon this year alongwith a low price of oil, it will remain in power at the Center in 2019. However, if the banks are cleaned up and the economy begins to recover, the BJP’s victory in 2019 is guaranteed. Bihar Chief Minister Nitish Kumar is the only possible challenger to Prime Minister Narendra Modi because the former is ambitious as well as smart and unprincipled enough to look like he is principled. Nitish can hurt Modi. But can he defeat the Prime Minister in the 2019 election? This is very doubtful. Jackxon Hypocritical debate: For a third front to emerge victorious, there has to be a strong revulsion against a party/coalition that is in power. Will the voters vote for just any alternative to the BJP? The writer has rightly adviced West Bengal Chief Minister Mamata Banerjee to focus on her State. As for Bihar Chief Minister Nitish Kumar, the jungle raj is back in Bihar and is fast catching up his national ambitions. Aam Aadmi Party chief Arvind Kejriwal has been unable to manage his chief ministerial post. So, it is likely that the BJP will win the 2019 election. Jitendra Changing politics: Bihar Chief Minister Nitish Kumar is an opportunist who has no principles of his own. First, he betrayed the Bharatiya Janata Party and then Dalit leader Jitan Ram Manjhi. Moreover, his party has no presence in any other State except Bihar. As for West Bengal Chief Minister Mamata Banerjee, she won the Assembly election by appeasing the minorities. Moreover, industrialists are fleeing Bihar and West Bengal, reason, increased cases of harrassement, violence etc. The khichdi coalition of regional parties and comminists are supporters, worshipers and backers of the Congress. However, the voters are no fools, they are educated and cannot even be fooled by the media. Premolal ?^QVQcddbQS[^_g+Red RUgQbU_VXebT\Uc`\QSUT Reader response to Shivaji Sarkar’s guest column, published on March 8: Overcoming hurdles: I do not agree with the writer’s hypothesis. First, devaluation of the rupee vis-à-vis the dollar only gave export competitiveness a fighting chance, and it was not artificially done, as was the case with the Chinese yuan. India is underdeveloped as compared to the US and Europe, and is gradually being transformed from primarily agricultural economy to an industrial one. We lag behind in terms of technology and consequently, the quality of products we produce. Our produce, the artisinal and low value-addition kind, found a ready market in the developed world only because of huge price differential which also incentivised our exporters and added the dimension of import substitution to our industry as an attractive option. Exchange rates are great equalisers and now with increasing exports and investment, it will naturally follow the development curve to make the Indian currency appreciate. Second, the problem is not diesel as much as it is about the huge subsidy given to the polluting fuel that has led to irrational exuberance in it’s consumption. There is no qualms if it was following the polluter pays principle in it’s pricing and it wasn’t cross-subsidised from petrol which is at least six to seven times cleaner, apart from the cost to the exchequer in terms of artificially keeping it’s price low on the pretext that it is used by poor transporters and agriculture sector, when actually the rich are using it to run their huge, costly, powerful over two litre engine capacity vehicles, and their personal generator sets during power cuts. Moreover, private car manufacturers are selling vehicles like hot cakes, earning thousands of crores of rupees because the lure of cheap fuel has given a huge fillip to their sale causing traffic congestion and pollution. Even now, the Modi Government has not been able to make the fuels cost the same, as it is in other developing countries. So, the consumption of diesel fuel is not a silly pretext and making it cost as much as the cleaner fuel will go a long way towards environment protection. Ashish Rai ce^TQi ]QWQjY^U bd]SPh Vd_bWd_ 70A8B70=:0AEH0B >=?G>KJA 022>A38=6C>0! !BCD3H >=;H( ?4A24=C>538B01;43 0A4<0CA82D;0C4B""?4A 24=C0A46A03D0C4B0=3( ?4A24=C70E4?6346A44B :e^U%" !& )ROORZLQJHPEDUUDVVLQJHOHFWLRQ URXW&RQJRSWVIRUFKLQWDQVKLYLU A fter three years, the Congress is planning another chintan shivir this month. Though the venue has not been decided, there are speculations that it will be held in one of the Congress-ruled States ie Himachal Pradesh, Uttarakhand or Karnataka. Before that, a CWC meeting will be organised to reach consensus on Rahul Gandhi’s promotion to the post of party President as well as for finalising the agenda of the chintan shivir. Before the meeting, Congress leaders have started a campaign for Rahul. After Kamal Nath and Kumari Selja, now Capt Amarinder Singh has put demands to promote Rahul, which is strange since just before May 19, ie before the results of five States were announced, the Captain was speaking in favour of Sonia Gandhi. He had said that Sonia should leave the post only when she would be tired. Now, he is saying that Sonia is 70 years old and must have tired so Rahul should take command. However, sources say that leaders close to Sonia want her to lead and that there must be a superstructure in the Congress. But probably Sonia would not be ready for that. Congress has joined the bandwagon. This year, in the biennial elections of Rajya Sabha, the Congress is sending three advocates. Sibal, who is looking after the legal battles of the party as well as Sonia and Rahul, will now represent UP. Chidambaram will represent Maharashtra and Tankha will represent Madhya Pradesh. The Congress had earlier sent a big advocate, Anand Sharma, to Rajya Sabha. Abhishek Manu Singhvi is already there. After all, the party will need experienced lawyers in the National Herald and AgustaWestland cases. In the same manner, Lalu Prasad Yadav, who had been convicted in the fodder scam, has sent Ram Jethmalani to Rajya Sabha. Ezaz Ahmed, a leader of RJD, was so annoyed with this move that he openly posed this question to Lalu: “Has Jethmalani promised to get relief for him in the fodder scam?” Mayawati has also sent her lawyer Satish Sharma to Rajya Sabha for the third consecutive term. Samajwadi Party has not sent any big lawyer to Rajya Sabha, but a party leader says Amar Singh is sufficient from all aspects. F40:4=4310674;A0F0C hupesh Baghel in Chhattisgarh and B Harish Rawat in Uttarakhand have weakened themselves after Rajya Sabha 1A07<8=;4034AB02C8E4 efore the Assembly Elections in UP, B all Brahmin leaders of the BJP have become active. There is speculation that CWTRWX]cP]bWXeXa fX[[ QTWT[SX]^]T^UcWT 2^]VaTbbad[TSBcPcTb cWXb\^]cW1dcQTU^aT cWPcP2F2\TTcX]V fX[[QT^aVP]XbTSc^ aTPRWR^]bT]bdb ^]APWd[6P]SWX³b _a^\^cX^]c^cWT_^bc^U _Pach?aTbXST]cPbfT[[ PbU^aUX]P[XbX]VcWT PVT]SP^UcWTbWXeXa ngaging in a discourse on disability helped me know a lot about a domain which otherwise I had little knowledge of. Going to the field presented before me an opportunity to get acquainted with the state of affairs of disability in our country, which of course, was alarming. My journey as a researcher in this field has just begun and during the previous few months, I have made a number of observations about this issue. I see different fragments of reality from the groups, the stakeholders, and the laymen. My standpoint as a researcher is strongly rooted in voicing the experiences and lived realities of persons with disabilities (PwDs). I take this as an opportunity to present some glimpses of reality in the lives of PwDs, by voicing their concerns through some interview excerpts, my own observations and reviewing what others who empathise with this issue have to say on it. My field site is the city of Kanpur, UP. E B>280;0?0C7H In a report by the World Health Organization (WHO), it was estimated that in the year 2011, 15.3 per cent of the world’s population dealt with disability of one kind or the other. According to the latest Census compiled in 2011, there are about 26.8 million PwDs in India, which is approximately 2.4 per cent of the population. The 2011 Census puts India’s disabled at 2.21 per cent of the population. The obsession with ‘normality’, the binary construction of ‘normal’ and ‘abnormal’ and lack of an acknowledgement of diversity in human beings led to inhumane treatment of people who are differently abled. Such a viewpoint is further fueled by an age where ‘perfect flawless bodies’ dominate the popular social discourse and ‘able bodies’ dominate the economic front. This has led to dehumanisation against people who do not fit in these definitions — PwDs being one such category. because KP Maurya has been made party President, a Brahmin face can also be projected as CM candidate of the party. While the names of Kalyan Singh and Smriti Irani are doing the rounds, some BJP leaders feel that almost 13 per cent of Brahmin voters have not decided anything yet and if a Brahmin face is projected, they might come into the BJP fold. That is perhaps why the BJP has given the Rajya Sabha seat from UP to Shiv Pratap Shukla. However, this can’t be denied that Mahesh Sharma is the most active face among Brahmins. He also looks after the work at the Prime Minister’s parliamentary constituency. Sources say if the party thinks about projecting a Brahmin face, he will be first in the race. Apart from him, the national Vice-President of the party, Dinesh Sharma, is also active. Central Minister Kalraj Mishra has also been spending more and more time in Lucknow. His supporters say if the name of Kalyan Singh can be discussed, then the party should also think about Kalraj as he is younger than Kalyan. Before Shukla’s name was announced for Rajya Sabha, the BJP’s media in-charge Shrikant Sharma was also very active. 19?340;BC74A867C20A3B he BJP seems to have kept the caste equation in mind while finalising the names for Rajya Sabha. In UP, there is a need for Brahmin votes and polarisation of Hindu votes, so Mukhtar Abbas Naqvi was sent to Jharkhand where elections will be held after three and a half years. In the same manner, MJ Akbar was sent to Madhya Pradesh from Jharkhand. From MP, Najma Heptulla is the Rajya Sabha member and her tenure will end in 2018, just before the Assembly Elections. In the same manner, the BJP has hit the bull’s eye in giving a ticket to Vikas Mahatme. He belongs to Dhangar caste, for which Sharad Pawar had demanded reservation. In Rajasthan, the BJP sent an outsider, Venkaiah Naidu, but also kept the equation in mind while finalising names of the other three candidates. At the same time, the BJP also kept Vasundhara Raje in the loop. In Rajasthan, the BJP has fielded a second candidate and has tried to reap the benefit of contradiction of opponents. Now, it will be a com- T pulsion for the Congress to push JMM candidate or the BJP can win both seats. 2>=6´B?>>A27>824B hile the BJP has finalised names of W Rajya Sabha candidates after giving proper consideration to political and caste equations and the strength of the Opposition, the Congress has only considered loyalty to the Gandhi family. Some of the names have even been finalised under compulsion. For example, some of the Congress leaders are not able to understand the logic behind Kapil Sibal’s candidature from UP. Next year, Assembly Elections are scheduled in UP, and before that the Congress has sent Sibal to Rajya Sabha. The Congress was supposed to play the Brahmin, Dalit and Muslim card. It is said that strategist of the party, Prashant Kishor, was not in favour of giving Rajya Sabha tickets to any outsider, but nobody paid heed to him. The Congress was only calculative for Uttarakhand, where Assembly polls will be held next year, and gave a ticket to Pradeep Tamta, a Dalit candidate. In the same manner, the Congress was compelled to give a ticket to P Chidambaram. The party has many spokespersons and almost all senior leaders in Rajya Sabha. Despite that if Chidambaram has been sent there, it only shows the legal compulsions of Sonia and Rahul. In fact, three lawyers — Chidambaram, Sibal and Vivek Tankha — have been sent to RS under this strategy. From Karnataka, Oscar Fernandes has been sent to Rajya Sabha as he is loyal to the Gandhis. He always takes forward the interests of the family on every platform. Ambika Soni, another loyalist, has been sent to Rajya Sabha from Punjab. One experiment has been done in Chhattisgarh but seemingly it is of no use. Lightweight Chhaya Verma was given a ticket in place of Mohsina Kidwai and State President Bhupesh Baghel was behind this. ;0FH4AB8=A09H0B0170 arlier, regional stalwarts who were stuck in legal battles would send big E lawyers to Rajya Sabha. The same is happening now too, and this time, the ticket announcement. After they nominated Pradeep Tamta from Uttarakhand and Chhaya Verma from Chhattisgarh, all is not well in the party. In Chhattisgarh, Baghel was at loggerheads with Ajit Jogi and all other leaders were supporting Baghel with a motive to get rid of Jogi. But as soon as Baghel became adamant about sending Chhaya to Rajya Sabha, all leaders turned hostile towards him. Now, people are saying that many opponents of Jogi can go with him and create problems for Baghel. Many leaders had camped in Delhi to put pressure to change the candidature of Chhaya, but Sonia and Rahul didn’t pay much attention to them. On the other hand, Rawat’s supporters say he has strengthened his position by sending his close associate Tamta to Rajya Sabha. Tamta is a Dalit and will play a big role in the Assembly Elections. But sources say the party is not in a very strong position after Vijay Bahuguna and Harak Singh Rawat left it, so Rawat could have strengthened his position by sending a strong leader to Rajya Sabha. He should have sent a leader who could have saved him in the State from the attacks of the Opposition and would lobby for him in Delhi. Tamta would be incapable to doing this for him. 2?2=E6C?2E6C62=:EJ CWTV[^^\haTP[Xch^UcWTbcadVV[T^U?f3bc^VTccWTXaQPbXRaXVWcbXbQTRPdbT ^UbhbcT\XRRWP[[T]VTbP]SP_PcWh^UcWT\PbbTbfaXcTb344?8:0B70A<0 A complicated web of negative attitudes and cultural discourses and discrimination in the form of environmental barriers, inefficient policies, stagnant laws, systemic challenges results in economic marginalisation and social exclusion, thereby further disadvantaging PwDs. ;02:>50224BB818;8CH Speaking about loco motor disability, accessibility is an important problem hampering this particular section from participating as social and economic members of society. This inability is aggravated by environmental and attitudinal barriers. In India, accessibility becomes an important issue as the basic disabled-friendly transportation facilities for the PwDs are limited and the architectural barriers exempt them further from engaging with society in a more meaningful way. My interactions with many persons with physical disability have helped me know how lack of accessible buildings exempts them from basic rights, needs and services. I am tempted to mention an instance of gross negligence on the part of the system engaged in working for this particular group. For instance, every Wednesday, there is a special arrangement for issuing disability certificates for such persons at a Government hospital (the State disability centre where certificates are made) in Kanpur. As I went there to observe and interact, I was baffled to see the circum- stances. There is a small wing with two small rooms for the service providers and a small hall for people to sit as they wait for their turn. At least 200-250 people gather there every Wednesday and the room is just not sufficient to accommodate all. Even for submitting their application forms, there is a small window and PwDs have to struggle a lot to make their way through it. Some PwDs were lucky enough to get a seat, while others stand outside, some with one leg, others with crutches, and also others who crawl their way to get inside. Some came with a family member or a friend, while those who came all by themselves were the ones who faced the most hardships. And of course, each person’s entry to the main chamber, which is where the team of doctors evaluate and declare their eligibility for a disability certificate is intervened by a “group of staff ”, which as per my observation were the real deciders of who makes it first to the room. The application forms were in English and since many of the PwDs were either from nearby villages and low socio-economic background, they were unable to read, confused and thus helpless. Due to unavailability of any help, each one was trying the best to help the other. I remember filling up a lot of forms for them eventually. Interacting with them I realised, how unaware they were of their basic rights, the facilities and Government schemes that are there for them. The gloomy reality of the struggle of PwDs to get their basic right is because of systemic challenges and apathy of the masses. 6>E4A=<4=CB274<4B The Government has launched a number of schemes for them, but most of them do not reach them and even if they manage to gather information about those schemes, there is a long toil of struggle, inaccessibility and callous attitude of people around which comes in their way to get these services. As during one of my interactions with PwDs, an amputee exclaimed how travelling in trains was an arduous task because of the general apathy of the masses. He said: “The coaches for PwDs are always full with ‘normal’ people and they refuse to give us seats; it becomes a painful experience when you have stand on one leg for a long journey.” This issue becomes complicat- ed as service providers themselves complain of inadequate resources to perform efficiently, the PwDs struggle with challenges in every sphere of life to get their basic rights and meanwhile the laymen’s apathetic responses which further adds to it. One can always turn a blind eye to it by blaming it on the system. However, it is important we change our thinking and bring about attitude changes by being more open to human diversity and embracing it. Another differently abled person had something really meaningful to say. He said, “The usage of one word or the other for us does not really make a difference, it is the intention and attitude which matters; we want to be accepted for who we are, is it too much to ask for?” The least we can do to fight this inaccessibility and exclusion is by being sensitive to people around us whose needs are a little different from ours. It is time we paused, reflected and tried to meaningfully touch the lives of people by being the way one would want other persons to be towards them and which is something that every human being deserves, that is, respect and dignity. I would quote a few powerful lines by a 28-year-old who lost his right leg in an accident and is now fighting against all odds with his strong will power: “No individual with disability wants out and out support and care, all they seek is a little respect for themselves and an opportunity to prove themselves. We can certainly work hard and contribute to society for we have a strong will power than any of the ‘normal’ people around, however we do need an accessible society for that to happen.” DA10==>=DA10=A40;8CH Referring to the context of my field site, it is important to realise that urban and non-urban realities are different and this holds true for PwDs and their needs. This becomes all the more crucial as the percentage of disability in rural India is more than that in urban regions. Spreading awareness about their basic rights, disability legislation and the different Government schemes is of utmost importance as most people are not even aware of these. Together with this, it is essential to monitor the disability certificate obtaining process, as this certificate opens up an access to a better living for the PwDs. One might always question the viability of such a certificate as the percentage of disability mentioned in it becomes a deciding factor for being recognised as a PwD and get access to the basic facilities thereafter. The reality as mentioned above portrays a state of affairs where PwDs are often at the mercy of the State and its authorities for getting disability certification and thereby get assistance in the form of free mobility aids, transport passes etc. The State disability offices (where certification and other documents are made) should be made more accessible and disabled friendly as they clearly become the epitome of the actual lived reality of PwDs. Also, such offices should cater to people’s confusions about their basic rights and services by spreading awareness about the same. The authorities in charge should be accountable, better informed and treat it as the basic right of PwDs and not as a favour endowed on them. CWTfaXcTaXb_dabdX]V?W3 X]?bhRW^[^VhUa^\88C:P]_da ce^TQi ]QWQjY^U B284=C8BCB70E45>D=3 "$?4A24=C>52>A0;3403 >A3H8=68=C74=>AC74A= 0=324=CA0;B42C8>=B>5 C746A40C10AA84AA445 EJPANJ=PEKJ=H :e^U%" !& 2D;CDA4 ;0=4 µ?Vie3`_Uh`_¶eSVhY`j`fViaVTe¶ he actor chosen to play the next James Bond will be an unexpected candidate, the franchise’s outgoing director has said, suggesting favourite Tom Hiddleston may not land the 007 role. British filmmaker Sam Mendes said the choice for the next star of the hugely successful franchise lies solely with producer Barbara Broccoli. He also confirmed he will not be returning to direct the next film, saying he is ready to work on something new. Speaking at the Hay festival, Mendes, who directed Skyfall and Spectre, said: “I’m a storyteller and at the end of the day I want to make stories with new characters.” He said he had loved the “incredible adventure” of working on Bond, but that he thought it was “time for somebody else to do a great job”. Speculation is rife as to which actor will next step into the spy’s impeccably polished shoes to replace Daniel Craig 10 years after he first took the helm with Casino Royale. Tom Hiddleston, Aidan Turner, Idris T Elba, Damian Lewis and most recently Billy Elliot star Jamie Bell have all been touted as possible 007s. Bookmakers recently suspended betting on Hiddleston landing the gig, after the star of the BBC’s hit series The Night Manager was pictured meeting with executives linked to the Bond franchise. Mendes said the director and lead role were likely to be unexpected. 7ZceYZ_dfS^RcZ_VUZdRdeVcWZ]^ scar winner Colin Firth is reportedly to star in the submarine disaster movie Kursk for Far from the Madding Crowd’s Thomas Vinterberg, Variety reports. Based on Robert Moore’s 2002 book A Time to Die: The Untold Story of the Kursk Tragedy, the film is being produced by France’s EuropaCorp. Kursk may be a more cerebral creature than the Luc Besson-owned studio’s usual staple of exploitation-tinged action movies, including Taken. A Time to Die details events that took place in 2000 in the Barents Sea in the Arctic Circle. Captain Gennady Lyachin was engaged in a torpedo exercise on board the submarine K141 Kursk, called “the pride of the Russian navy”, when the missile exploded, instantly killing seven men in the ship’s forward compartment and leaving the other 111 crew members’ lives in danger. The movie will tell the story of the battle for survival on board the submarine and the desperate efforts of O BdbP]2PX]bQ^^ZXbPQ^dccWT_^fTa^UX]ca^eTacbX]Pf^a[ScWPcYdbcf^]³cbc^_ cP[ZX]VhTcW^fcWThPaTd]STaTbcX\PcTSUa^\TPa[h^]X][XUTbPhb<0A80;0;;H n the opening page of her new book, Quiet Power, author Susan Cain is introduced as someone who “prefers listening to talking, reading to socialising, and cosy chats to group settings”. Yet Susan’s first book, Quiet: The Power of Introverts in a World That Won’t Stop Talking, became a New York Times bestseller, with more than two million copies sold. Her TED talk on the same subject has been viewed more than 13 million times, making it one of the most popular talks on the site. All of which proves Susan’s theory that introverts can have huge amounts of often untapped talent — because their quiet natures are undervalued, overlooked or wasted by a society geared towards extroverts. Introverts, says Susan, are underestimated from early on in life: “From parents telling their child to join in at a party, to them being graded on class participation, which happens in the US, the message is clear.” In fact, Susan’s own childhood — and the reaction to her first book — are the reasons she wrote her second, which aims to help introverted children and their parents. “When I was a child, I was very conscious of being shyer than my peers and more reflective,” she says. “I was asked why I was so quiet by friends and teachers, who said I should speak up more. I also loved to read. Especially stories involving quiet children like me who went off and had adventures. All the traits of an introvert. “But despite the fact I got signals from those around me that I wasn’t supposed to be this way [in her book she talks about going to summer camp aged nine and being made to feel self-conscious for reading rather than ‘joining in’], I grew up in a very scholarly family where it was fine to be me.” In fact, as she got older, Susan realised that many of her introverted traits — being a good listener, thinking before acting, forming close, loyal relationships, enjoying time alone (she says great ideas spring from solitude) and a calm approach to tense situations — were pretty powerful. In other words, introverts can be successful because of, rather than in spite of, their quiet nature. And Susan, now 48 and living near to New York City with her husband and two sons, certainly I became successful. After graduating from Princeton University she attended Harvard Law School and became a Wall Street lawyer, before giving it up to become a writer. It was during this time that she became interested in the psychology of human nature and published her first book about introverts in 2012. So, what is her definition of an introvert? “It’s to do with where you get your energy from,” she explains. “If you’re an introvert you get your energy from quieter settings, have two or three close friends rather than lots of acquaintances, spend a lot of time “in your own head” and probably don’t enjoy small talk. “You enjoy the company of others but also need time alone. If you’re an extrovert, the opposite is true and you get your energy from busy, chaotic settings.” Susan says that introverts aren’t necessarily shy (although they can be). A shy person may be nervous of speaking up in a meeting in case they get something wrong, whereas an introverted person may know what to say but is happier listening and observing. She adds that many introverts appear socially confident and are professionally successful, but still have insecurities: “After my first book came out and I did the TED talk, I became this great confessor for successful introverts. People started telling me how they truly felt. Many CEOs and actors admitted they were putting on a front in their professional or social lives, but underneath they had insecurities. “One time, I interviewed the leader of a large bank in New York. He was tall, athletic, with a firm gaze — all markers of confidence. But he told me he felt shy in certain situations. Such experiences make me see there is fragility in the unlikeliest of people.” After the TED talk, Susan founded Quiet Revolution, a mission-based organisation focused on schools and workplaces — two places she says have long been designed with extroverts in mind. Its aim is to raise awareness and introduce initiatives aimed at harnessing the talent of introverts. Susan says certain industries — like banking and PR — have typically valued extroverts, but hopes this will soon change. This issue, she argues, usually starts within the family, then moves out F><4=70E4<>A4 2D;CDA0;?4A<8BB8>= C>14@D84C1DC0A4 BD??>B43C>14 B>280;;HE8E028>DB <4=0A468E4=C74 B>284C0;<4BB064 C>140;?70H4C 8=CA>E4AC43<4= 70E40=40B84AC8<4 >58C1420DB4B>284CH 6A0=CBC74<C70C 0DC7>A8CH to school and then into society and the workplace. “In some families, the quiet, thoughtful child who loves to read is the ideal child. In other families, that child wouldn’t be considered outgoing, boisterous or confident enough. “Gender plays a role, too, but it can get confusing. On one hand, women have more cultural permission to be quiet (especially in childhood) but on the other they’re supposed to be socially vivacious and great hosts. Men are given the societal message to be alpha and authoritative, yet in a way introverted men have an easier time of it because society automatically grants them that authority.” Traditionally the British, with our stereotypical ‘stiff upper lip’, have been allowed to be introverted in a way that Americans haven’t, according to Susan. “I used to read British books for kids, like Enid Blyton’s Malory Towers series, which feature an American character who was loud, enthusiastic and everything she said was in capital letters with exclamation marks. There’s perhaps more expectation on Americans to be extroverts. “However, American leaders — and self-confessed introverts — like Bill Gates and Mark Zuckerberg are changing this view. “My company is doing lots of work with large organisations to help them harness the power of introverts in their workforce. They’re really beginning to understand there are two common and valid ways of being — introverted and extroverted — and both have strengths that will help a business.” Susan wrote Quiet Power after a huge number of adult readers of her first book told her they were still carrying around scars from childhood, after being told they should be more like their outgoing sister, speak up more in class or join in. “And this message was being delivered by the people they loved most in life. Others said they wished the book had been around when they were raising introverted children. For years society has drummed in the message that to be happy, you should spend your time in highly social ways. But why? There are great strengths to being introverted,” continues Susan. Or to borrow a quote from Gandhi, as Susan did in her book: “In a gentle way you can shake the world.” CWT3PX[hCT[TVaP_W the crew’s families to persuade authorities to mount a rescue effort. The Danish film-maker Vinterberg, known for his part in forming the rules of the Dogme 95 movement alongside Lars von Trier, has recruited his Far from the Madding Crowd star Matthias Schoenaerts to join the cast. It’s not known whether Firth or Schoenaerts will play Lyachin. D`ccjT`ajcZXYe+µHVUZU_¶edeVR]eYZd¶ krillex has responded to a lawsuit filed by the artiste Casey Dienel which claims he and Justin Bieber stole a loop from the vocalist’s song to use as part of their 2015 single, Sorry. “SORRY but we didn’t steal this,” Skrillex tweeted, adding a video which showed how the section of the song was produced. Bieber retweeted him, adding the hashtag “#wedontsteal”. Dienel, also known as White Hinterland, claims the pair used her vocal loop without permission on their No1 track. The clip in question is used repeatedly through her 2014 song Ring the Bell, and she reportedly claims that S the “unique characteristics of the female vocal riff ” have been copied. When asked about the case, US DJ Diplo, who worked with Bieber and Skrillex on the Jack Ü project, told TMZ: “I thought they sampled it, but I thought they cleared it. I’m sure they’ll work out a deal with her. They don’t want to go to court with it.” Sorry was instrumental in launching the credible comeback of Bieber, topping the charts in countries including the US and the UK. It has been streamed more than 6.5m times on Spotify, while Ring the Bell has racked up 500,000. > 3 3 ;H 4=>D67 CA40BDA47D=C4ABC>60C74A 5>A24;41A0C8>=8==4F<4G82> F4338=6>=1>0C8=C4AAD?C43 F74=B78?AD=B06A>D=3 6;0BB4B;45C0CB0=5A0= <DB4D<<8BC0:4=5>A0AC <0=F0:41>0A3B C7A>D6720=0;BF40A8=6CDG The Santa Fe New Mexican reports that people are expected to gather this Saturday for ‘Fennboree’ and a screening of the documentary, Fenn’s Searchers. The annual gathering is inspired by author Forrest Fenn, who stated in his 2010 memoir that he had hidden a chest containing nearly $2 million in coins. The treasure has drawn interest for years. Randy Bilyeu, of Colorado, disappeared in January after telling family he planned to search for it. Some critics have said the search should be stopped because of the dangerous terrain. Organisers of ‘Fennboree’ say they will honor Bilyeu with a moment of silence. in Boston Harbor. The Majesty, a Boston Harbor Cruises vessel, became stuck around 7 pm last Saturday. There were 152 people aboard, including 137 passengers. No one was injured. A Boston Harbor Cruises spokeswoman told The Boston Globe that all passengers were safely transferred to the Asteria, another Boston Harbor Cruises vessel. Coast Guard Petty Officer Andrew Barresi says five boats operated by the Coast Guard, state police, state environmental police and the Massachusetts Port Authority helped transfer the passengers. It’s unclear why the ship grounded. There’s no word on whether the couple tied the knot later on dry land. glasses on the gallery floor. TJ Khayatan shared photos of the prank to his Twitter page showing groups of patrons observing the glasses while some even photographed them. Khayatan told Buzzfeed that he and his friends came up with the idea after observing one piece on display in the museum that they found puzzling. “We stumbled upon a stuffed animal on a gray blanket and questioned if this was really impressive to some of the nearby people,” he said. The group then decided to leave the glasses on the floor and watched as several visitors gathered around to observe the “art”. Khayatan was surprised by both the reaction to the prank and its viral success, but said that his group generally enjoyed the museum’s exhibits. “Some may interpret it as a joke, some might find great spiritual meaning in it. At the end of the day, I see it as a pleasure for open-minded people and imaginative minds,” he said. Amsterdam while dressed in formal wear. Casey Neistat shared a video of himself traversing Amsterdam’s canal systems while wearing a full tuxedo. Neistat was propelled by a jet ski throughout the water channels as he and members of his crew noted the freezing temperatures of the water. He fell into the water several times but was equipped with both a wet suit and a life vest underneath his tuxedo as shown in his behind-the-scenes video. After completing the trip, Neistat was met by The Next Web CEO Boris Veldhuijzen van Zanten, whose company was holding its annual The Next Web Conference. earchers fixated with finding a treawedding reception aboard a boat group of pranksters confused visiYouTube creator known for his Sof Santa A A A sure hidden in the mountains north got off to a rocky start when the tors at the San Francisco Museum extreme sports stunts travelled by Fe will converge in the city. vessel ran aground off Georges Island of Modern Art by placing a pair of eyewakeboard throughout the canals of 0? 0? D?8 D?8 (C724=CDAH1>0C5>D=3 D=34A=4F94AB4H7><4 onstruction crews discovered a large C 19th century wooden boat underneath a New Jersey woman’s home. Russell Card of the Historical Society of Highlands shared photos of the boat which he described as a 43-foot long coal barge which had long been rumored to be underneath the house. “It was beyond amazing,” Card told the Asbury Park Press. “I’ve heard about it before and the first time I ever saw it was yesterday. I never realised it was so big. I was amazed at the craftsmanship.” The boat was discovered when the beachside bungalow rented out by Eileen Scanlon were raised on pilings for construction. Scanlon, who lives next door, said she was aware the boat was supposedly underneath the property and had seen something resembling a rudder through a crawlspace when she purchased the home in 2010, but was shocked by the actual size of the vessel. D?8 <>C74AB70A4B?7>C>>5101H F7>;>>:B;8:46>A3>=A0<B0H ordon Ramsay responded to a mothG er who said her baby looks a lot like him, saying: “I feel sorry for the baby!!!” The celebrity chef acknowledged a post that poked fun at the idea he may be the father to the newborn, whose mother is Twitter user Claire Dempster. “This is our baba — have you been in Wales for any reason around 10 months ago?” Dempster tweeted at Ramsay. As a joke, despite being misconstrued by some fans as his claiming the baby as his, Ramsay replied, “Yes about 11 months ago.” Once internet outlets began picking up the story, Ramsay retweeted an article from The Scottish Sun, adding: “I feel sorry for the baby.” In response to an article by the Today Show, Ramsay simply wrote, “Poor kid.” And in response to reporters on Twitter, mother Dempster said her photo’s sudden virality was “a bit mad”. Earlier this month, Ramsay confirmed he is expecting his fifth child with wife Tana Ramsay. The 49-year-old celebrity chef is also father to four teenage daughters. D?8 ce^TQi 270A02C4A20==>C14 34E4;>?438=40B40=3@D84C >=;HC7A>D674G?4A84=24>5 CA80;0=3BD554A8=620=C74 B>D;14BCA4=6C74=43 ¯74;4=:4;;4A ]QWQjY^U OLENEPQ=HEPU :e^U%" !& >]RTfTXST]cXUhfXcWcWTb^d[fTfX[[QTPQ[Tc^_XRZd_UaT`dT]RXTb cWPccWTb^d[XbRP_PQ[T^UaTRTXeX]VfaXcTbB0=CA098=34AB8=67 78334=B>D;B ?A0<>3?0C70: $GDWHZLWK HQYLURQPHQW 629>CD17B1= =1I@B5493D1<3?8?<9C= ^RXP[\TSXPdbTab³_^bcb BPQ^dcP[R^W^[RP]WT[__aT SXRcP[R^W^[_a^Q[T\bP\^]V R^[[TVTbcdST]cbP]TfbcdSh U^d]S7PeX]VcWXbch_T^U °P[R^W^[XST]cXch±X]RaTPbTb cWTbcdST]cb³aXbZb^USTeT[^_ X]VQ^^iTXbbdTbATbTPaRWTab Ua^\>WX^D]XeTabXchP]S =^acW2Pa^[X]PBcPcT D]XeTabXchU^d]ScWPcP[R^W^[ aT[PcTS_^bcb^]b^RXP[\TSXP PaTQTccTaX]SXRPc^abR^\ _PaTSfXcWPRcdP[[hWPeX]VP SaX]ZBcdShR^PdcW^a;h]bTh A^\^=^acW2Pa^[X]PBcPcT D]XeTabXch³bPbbXbcP]c_a^UTb b^a^UR^\\d]XRPcX^]bPXS cWPccWTbcdShWXVW[XVWcb b^RXP[]Tcf^aZX]VbXcTb³ TbbT]cXP[a^[TX]WT[_X]VR^[ [TVTbcdST]cbPSeTacXbTP]S UPRX[XcPcTcWTXa^f]SaX]ZX]V Tg_TaXT]RTbCWTUX]SX]VbP[b^ bdVVTbcTScWPcb^RXP[\TSXP bXcTbRP]WT[_XST]cXUhcWTbcd ST]cbfW^WPeTcWTWXVWTbc aXbZb^USTeT[^_X]VP[R^W^[ _a^Q[T\b°CWTbca^]VTbc_aT SXRc^a^UQ^cWSaX]ZX]VP[R^W^[ P]S_^bcX]VPQ^dcXc^]B=Bb fPbTb_^dbX]VP]P[R^W^[ XST]cXch¯\TP]X]VcWPccWT X]SXeXSdP[bR^]bXSTaTSSaX]Z X]VP_Pac^UfW^cWThPaT± bPXScWTbcdSh 19B@?<<ED9?> =1IE@851BD49C51C5B9C; ^]VcTa\Tg_^bdaTc^ ;PXa_^[[dcX^]\Ph X]RaTPbTcWTaXbZ^USTeT[ ^_X]VWTPacSXbTPbTP]Tf bcdShX]cWTDBWPb fPa]TSCWTSTRPST[^]V bcdSh^UcW^dbP]Sb^U 0\TaXRP]bU^d]ScWPc_T^ _[T[XeX]VX]PaTPbfXcW \^aT^dcS^^a_^[[dcX^] PRRd\d[PcTST_^bXcbX]cWT PacTaXTbcWPcbd__[hcWT WTPacUPbcTacWP]S^_T^_[T [XeX]VX][Tbb_^[[dcTS PaTPb?aTeX^dbbcdSXTb WPeTbW^f]Pbb^RXPcX^]b QTcfTT]_PacXR[T_^[[dcX^] aTUTaaTSc^Pb_PacXRd[PcT \PccTaP]SWTPacSXbTPbT 8cWPbQTT]d]R[TPaW^f TeTaW^fTg_^bdaTc^_Pa cXRd[PcT\PccTa[TPSbc^SXb TPbTb^UcWTRPaSX^ePbRd[Pa bhbcT\=^fPbcdSh^U \^aTcWP]%_T^_[T Ua^\bXgDBBcPcTbbW^fb cWPcPXa_^[[dcX^]PRRT[Ta PcTbPcWTa^bR[Ta^bXb >5GB5C51B38 D?85<@I?E251D:5D<17 Uh^dPaTPUaT`dT]ccaPe T[[TaP]SVTcQ^VVTSS^f] QhYTc[PVfXcWTeTahU[XVWc WT[_Xb^]cWTfPh ATbTPaRWTabWPeTSTbXV]TS ]Tf\^[TRd[TbcWPcRP]WT[_ \^SXUhcWTWd\P]QX^[^VXRP[ R[^RZc^\P]PVTb[TT_ ST_aXeTScaPeT[[TabPbfT[[ PbX\_a^eTcaTPc\T]cU^a b[TT_SXb^aSTab<^bc[XeX]V ^aVP]Xb\bX]R[dSX]V Wd\P]bWPeTPRXaRPSXP] aWhcW\^acWT!#W^daQX^ [^VXRP[R[^RZcWPcaTVd[PcTb Ud]RcX^]bbdRWPbb[TT_ fPZTRhR[TbW^a\^]T bTRaTcX^]P]S\TcPQ^[Xb\ CWXbRhR[T^UcT]VTcbSXb ad_cTSX]bXcdPcX^]b[XZTYTc [PVP]Sb[TT_SXb^aSTab[XZT b[TT_P_]TPfWTaT[^]V cTa\b[TT_[^bbT]bdTb°FT RP]\PZTQX^PRcXeT\^[T Rd[TbcWPcRP]R^]ca^[cWT RXaRPSXP]aWhcW\^UP]X\P[b P]SVPX]UdacWTaX]bXVWcX]c^ cWTRXaRPSXP]R[^RZ\TRWP ]Xb\fWXRWfX[[R^]caXQdcT c^\TSXRP[P__[XRPcX^]b U^^S_a^SdRcX^]P]S PSeP]RTbX]R[^RZaTbTPaRW± bPXSCPZPbWXH^bWX\daP _a^UTbb^aPc=PV^hP D]XeTabXch³b8CQ<X]9P_P] 8 oday is the World Environment Day. Well, yet another environment day because it has been a few decades since we have been shouting environment-environment even as temperatures rise, monsoons go astray and catastrophes with fanciful names keep striking mankind, year after year. With one trend, though. Their frequency is rising. So things have hardly changed. Yes, there is more awareness about the threat environment degradation is posing to mankind. Yes, there are events being organised to promote environment consciousness. And yes, more and more people are talking about their concern for environment. But is anybody listening? This perhaps is the biggest issue. There are distinct lobbies. From green technologists, to green crusaders to green businessmen. But the objective still eludes as global warming continues to increase and the warning is loud and clear — the efforts are too little and much more is needed. We are experiencing a planetary emergency with the fever of the earth continuously rising. Ambient air quality tells that the suspended particulate matter is reaching danger levels in more and more cities. The groundwater is receding and is reaching vanishing point. The soil quality is becoming more and more alkaline. The forests are getting denuded and the rivers are gradually disappearing. But what is mankind doing? Organising meets to think what to do and there are as many views as the number of people. All this may sound pessimistic and cynical but can we afford to be optimistic when with each passing year there is more and more disheartening news? Striking a cautionary note may well be in order and timely when despite so much environmentalism and environmentalists, the quality of environment fails to pick up. Hard statistics suggest that summers are getting warmer and longer with every passing year. In fact, we are slowly approaching the threshold after which catastrophes will sweep civilisations. Awareness time is over and enough warning has been sounded. It is time to act, and act fast. What needs to be done may not be a difficult question to answer if we realise just one basic truth that the state of the environment is more a matter of ethics and morality than science and technology; law and governance. The fault lines can be seen in the consumption pattern and lifestyle changes that the rise in vulgar consumerism has brought about in society. Marketers and manufacturers on one hand, and poverty and misery one the other are both contributing towards environment degradation. Greed of the rich and need of the poor have made strange bedfellows in creating environmental mess in a developing, nay, fast-developing country like India. Solution lies in changing the ways of life that is the consumption pattern. The kind of food that is wasted by passengers travelling in the elite express trains like Rajdhanis and Shatabdis may well be an eye-opener as to where we are going wrong. The volume of water that those RO purifiers waste is yet another pointer. To make one glass of water families that have installed the ROs spill three glasses. Petro fuel wastage and electric energy misuse are a massive drain on our scarce resources. More than the technologies it is our thinking that needs to change. Global warming may not be clearly observable by individuals in their lifetime, but in the context of the earth it is actually happening very fast.We need to act faster! T EYVde`cj`W`fcd`f] soul is sent to a life in the human body for a certain period of time. When the soul inhabits a body, the soul is still a part of God and is still one with God. The soul, however, is now overpowered by powerful forces, such as the mind, the body and the outer world, which cause the soul, over time, to forget itself. The soul slowly begins to identify itself with the body and mind and world outside. It suddenly begins to think that it can only receive information from the outer world through the senses. Thus the soul has become attuned to only one channel — the channel of the world. If we think about our life as watching a television programme, we have multiple choices as to what to watch. Just as there are a dozen network stations and then dozens if not hundreds of cable stations from which to choose, so, too, there are many activities in this world that we can engage in. Now, let us take a look at the other choices available to us. This physical planet is not a separate offshoot from all of creation and God. Most religions believe that there are higher regions or existence to which the soul goes after it dies. Scientists and doctors have tried to verify this by documenting accounts of people who were declared clinically dead but had near-death experiences and described A something beyond this world. The question is, where are these realms? They are not zones in outer space delineated by borders. All these realms exist concurrently with this one. The reason we are not aware of them is because they operate on a different frequency or vibration. The saints and mystics tell us that we have the choice to either stay tuned to this physical world, or to tune into the channels of God. God wants us to watch his programming. God is available 24 hours of the day, 365 days of a year. God’s programming does not turn off at 3 am like some networks do. It is a free station broadcasting all the time without any cable fees. We only need to know how to tune into God’s station. The hook-up to God is not hard. It is just a matter of making the choice that this is what we want to do. The steps to do this are very simple. Step one is to stop identifying with the body, mind, and world outside, and identify with the soul. Step two requires that when we identify with our soul that we shift our attention to the frequency or the higher realms and ultimately to God. That is all we must do. God did not make it hard for us to become aware of our true home. It is we who have made it complicated. So how do we accomplish step one and two? To accomplish step one, we must withdraw our attention here will be less suffering in the world if we have a greater percentage of spiritual mentors amongst us. Who do I call a spiritual mentor? These are some of the qualities such a person must possess. First and foremost is sufficient knowledge of spiritual science. Next, he should be able to explain it to others and remove their doubts. He should be in a mood of disseminating such knowledge. Rather he must love doing so because he does not wish to leave his body without sharing with others; he is not miserly about it. The third requirement is that he must be a practitioner of whatever he is preaching, and must show by his own example that spiritual knowledge is practical and not just theories or blind faith. He should never claim to be God; it is difficult enough for a common man to have faith in the real God; he only makes it difficult for people to develop faith in God. Such a person should not make false promises in the name of God; his job is just to make people aware of the spiritual reality. Why have I avoided the term spiritual master, which is commonly used? This is because people get confused about what the word master means. It is open to misinterpretation. The real meaning in this context is master of spirituality, and not a master of a person. The Sanskrit word ‘guru’ is much better because it cannot be misinterpreted. It only means: One who teaches. There is nothing like someone becoming someone’s master. Such a teacher should not claim to have some kind of special privilege, the kind feudal masters exercised over their bonded labourers. Such a person should allow others to keep their independence of thought and action. The Bhagavad Gita guides per- T 6>38B0E08;01;4 !#7>DAB>5C74 30H"%$30HB>5 0H40A6>3³B ?A>6A0<<8=6 3>4B=>CCDA= >550C"0<8C³B 05A44BC0C8>= 1A>0320BC8=6 0;;C74C8<4 F8C7>DC544B F4>=;H=443 C>:=>F7>F C>CD=48=C> 6>3³BBC0C8>= from our body, mind, and the world outside. We must decide to turn off the outer programming. When that programming is in the off mode, then in the silence we will experience ourselves as soul. That is the step that we call self-knowledge. Once we identify with the soul, we will be able to pick up frequencies that the soul is capable of receiving. We can do a gradual shift in which we go from the consciousness of one region to consciousness of the spiritual realms. Once someone asked one of the greatest saints of the past century, Hazur Baba Sawan Singh Ji Maharaj, how long it took to get from the physical region to the highest spiritual region. Hazur closed his eyes and opened them. He told them, “I have just been there and back.” He was showing that the shift of attention could be done in the blink of an eye. Why? Because we are not going anywhere physically, we are merely shifting our attention from one state of consciousness to the other. The other state of consciousness does not exist in time or space. They are operating concurrently. We are simultaneously in the other realms and with God at the same time but we are not aware of it because our attention is only focused on one region — the physical. So, for step one, if we meditate accurately we will experience ourselves as soul. Once we identify with the soul, then we will also be aware of the inner light and sound that is the radiance and vibratory sound of God within us. If we absorb ourselves in the light and sound within, we can then attain step two. We can shift our attention into the light and sound, which attracts our soul to higher levels of vibration. The light and sound function at different vibratory rates in different regions. As we shift our attention, we find ourselves conscious of being in different regions. Ultimately, the light and sound function at their highest vibratory rate, which is the power of God itself. It is simply a matter of choosing where we want to put our attention. That is the true meaning of the anecdote about Saint Bulleh Shah and Saint Inayat Shah. When Bulleh Shah asked his master, Inayat Shah (who was a gardener by profession), “How can I find God?” Inayat Shah pulled out a plant and replanted it in another place. When Bulleh Shah questioned what that demonstration meant, Inayat Shah said, “To find God it is merely uprooting your attention from one place and planting it in another place.” That is the simplicity of spirituality. God did not make things complicated. It is simple. It is only we who have to choose to transplant the flower of our attention from the world into God’s garden. CWTfaXcTaXbPb_XaXcdP[[TPSTa CWTfaXcTaXbP_a^UTbb^a^U\P]PVT\T]cP]S_dQ[XR b_TPZTa7TRP]QTaTPRWTSPc__PcWPZXb\/V\PX[R^\ =TTSU^a\^aTb_XaXcdP[\T]c^ab 098C:D<0A18B7=>8QT[XTeTbcWTf^a[S]TTSb\^aTVT]dX]Tb_XaXcdP[\T]c^ab P]ScWPcfT\dbcR^]bd[ccWT\QTU^aT\PZX]VP[[\PY^aSTRXbX^]b^U^da[XeTb fectly in this regard, “Know that from the real knowers of truth by honouring them, properly enquiring from them and serving them. By approaching them thus, they will give you wisdom. (4.34) Before I go any further, I must address the ques- tion of the need for a guru. The following two examples will clarify. Someone has an ear infection; should he go to a medical college to learn about the ear to try to cure his infection? Someone bought a new computer, and needs to install it. There is an instruction manual of 600 pages. What is practical? Get a technician from the supplier. Similarly, if we have a question on spirituality, it will be much easier and practical to approach a spiritually-wise person, rather than begin studying voluminous scriptures. Therefore, let us agree that we need a guru, all of us do. Even the most knowledgeable approach others for clarifications. Today’s world needs gurus more than any other time in our history. The mode of darkness — the lowest mode — is becoming quite prominent, which is causing enormous damage to society. Absence of illumination (real knowledge), lack of motivation towards duty, carelessness and foolishness are the symptoms of this mode. (14.13) If we add greed, unrest and craving for sense gratification — the symptoms of the mode of passion (14.12) to the above — we have a very dangerous cocktail. How will spiritual mentors help in making the world a better place to live in? They will be able to explain that there is no clash between religions. The underlying principles behind all of them are love, cooperation, serving, helping, etc. We don’t have to be divided due to the rituals we practise; we just need to stick to the core values behind every religion. People will not be confused about what actual dharma is. Gurus will clarify that that dharma is not a set of rituals only. It is essentially what God expects us to. This includes doing duties according to time, place and circumstances; purity; equality; justice, which includes impartiality, what is justified; what is proper, and is lawful; good character; and moral values, which motivate one to be good, for doing good deeds. Finally, they should be able to tell what is proper and what is not in different situations from the spiritual perspective — the highest yardstick. Can we now agree that the world needs more spiritual mentors — the genuine ones — and we need to consult them before taking major decisions? Then, we can expect the world to be a better place. 1XbW]^XXbPb_XaXcdP[faXcTaP]SRP]QT aTPRWTSPcb_XaXcdP[/PYXcQXbW]^XR^\ ce^TQi ]QWQjY^U P=NKP C74;4BBF434B4AE4 6>>35>ACD=4C74 <>A4F47>?45>A8C ¯;D28DB0==04DBB4=420 :e^U%" !& H>DA F44: 07403 <037D:>C8H0 2C:6D <PaRW! =6@ 9d[h!"0dVdbc!" D28:EE2C:FD=^e!"3TR!" 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What does this call for? First, one needs to become aware of the true nature of mind — construct, driving tools and their operative mechanism, as well as its chemistry. Knowing this, one becomes aware of how to drive the instrument of the mind to one’s best advantage. Next comes becoming aware of the dynamics of life in holistic terms. It offers us a lesson in the ‘art of living’. For, one then becomes aware that this universe is a unified organism where no existence has a reality independent of the entirety. And that the existential order is set into an interdependent mechanism. In this scheme of things, all and sundry have to essentially complement and supplement the efforts of each other to together meet our existential needs. Had this not been true, every individual would have been capable of meeting one’s existential needs all by oneself. It thus becomes imperative upon us to improve our inter-personal relationship skills so as to relate well to all and sundry, overriding all individual limitations, and be in harmony with the C $ZDUHQHVVNH\WRRUGHUO\PLQG rest. In this context, it is worth quoting Australian physicist Paul Davies: “For a naive realist, this world is a collection of objects. For a quantum physicist, it is an inseparable web of vibrating energy patterns, where no one component has a reality independent of the entirety, and included in that entirety is the observer.” Here again, it needs to be appreciated that all form existences in this world find presence following play and interplay of progressively evolving energy chain excited by the ‘primordial source’. So, each being has ‘energy presence’, which makes the above quote quite relevant in practical terms. Remember, going by established scientific perception, energy and matter are inter-convertible. Having of late lost the sense of ‘unity in diversity’, being the defining principle of the existential order, people are day by day becoming more and more self-centric, intolerant and impatient. That is how peace and harmony is missing in our family, society, and the world at large. The reason: Earlier, in the ancient days, making people aware of the dynamics of life used to be a part of curriculum, which in today’s time has been ignored. It is pertinent to note here that just becoming academically aware of the above reality is not enough. The idea has to sink in the deep realm of our mind for it to spontaneously find reflection in our day-to-day conduct. The irony, however, is that our indwelling limitations of mind and aspirational urges, coming as they may as Karmic carryover from the past, do not let us easily move beyond their precincts. For they become a part of our habit. And habits die hard. In a way they seem to involuntarily create a security ring, which keeps pulling us back again and again, if we ever try to even explore beyond their confines. Ordinarily, human minds remain entrapped in pushes and pulls between shadows of the past and futuristic aspirations. Caught up in this crossfire, the mind’s attention gets fractioned, whereby often it loses the sense of alert needed to invoke our most profound empowerment tool, buddhi, for due diligence. Consequently, the mind’s orderly functioning gets compromised, whereby one often loses sense of direction. The mind then becomes a trickster. One thus becomes vulnerable to unmindfully picking up inappropriate leads, often at cross purposes with the callings of larger orderliness of nature. And our per- forming self becomes a natural casualty. What’s the way out then? First, one has to resolve to come out of inherent limitations of the mind. Second, one needs to invoke one’s faith element so as to believe and get motivated to carry forward the task. Third, detoxify one’s mind of all the negative memory imprints as would be habitually misleading us, and create fresh mind-space to add on fresh educative inputs. This, however, can’t come about easy just by oneself, as it is difficult to dispassionately identify one’s own infirmities for necessary correction. Also, standing on a plane, which holds the key to our frailties, would not offer us any lead beyond. Here comes into play the role of a proven guru/mentor. He will first dispassionately let you see your true mirror image. He will then lead you through a course correction step by step. The process involves cleansing and strengthening of mind, sharpening intelligence, and learning the fundamentals of life in small digestible doses. 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