Baker Brook Sawmill - JD Irving, Limited
Baker Brook Sawmill - JD Irving, Limited
Cooks Crossing Indian Dalhousie Ranch Indian Reserve Dalhousie Darlington Junction Maple Green 11 Glen Levit ZONE 4 Mann's Mountain ZONE 3 Dawsonville Summit Depot 260 Saint-Martin-de-Restigouche Five Fingers Saint-Quentin 180 Rang-des-Lavoie ZONE 4 Jardine Brook J.D.I. (Baker Brook) ZONE 1 Dube Siegas Lake Settlement Prime Sainte-Anne-de-Madawaska Parents Notre-Dame-de-Lourdes Harrison Brook Settlement Nictau Moulin Cote Saint-Hugues-de-Ramsay 430 Saint-Amand 255 St. Woodville Andrè Grand Falls Station Blue Mountain Bend Burgess Settlement Ennishone Caldwell Canton Quatre-Coins Grand FallsDrummond Davis 130 Station Mill Foley Drummond Brook Violet Station New Denmark Ennishore Station Desjardins 108 Denmark Road Salmonhurst New Peterson Argosy Denmark Hilldale Ortonville McCluskey Undine Corner Upper California Aroostook Tobique Indian Aroostook Junction Reserve 20 Rowena Tobique Narrows Maliseet Carlingford Currie 109 Bowmaster Flat Beaconsfield Lower Perth Inman 560 Upper Kent Piercemont Monquart Beechwood Upper Knoxford Wakem Corner Orchard Lower Corner 110 Centreville 550 Murphy Corner North Divide Ridge Juniper Biggar Ridge Aberdeen East Glassville MacIntosh Mill ZONE 5 Juniper Station Glassville Half Moon Pit East Knowlesville Armond South Knowlesville Windsor Howard 580 Brook Napadogan Plymouth 95 555 150 550 103 Grafton Maple Grove Green Hill 585 Woodstock Bedell Upper 165 Settlement Northampton Dibblee Ferryville Green McKenzie Woodstock 23 Corner Mapledale Teeds Bulls Road Mills Elmwood Creek Station Northampton Richmond Elmwood Kilmarnock Debec Union Junction Speerville Corner Lower Blowdown Wickham Northampton Oak Oak Mountain Hillman Irish Settlement Boyds Corner Limekiln Fredericksburg RL Y O E TO RK N Riceville Springfield Kirkland Monument Scott Siding Maxwell Graham Corner Eel River Lake North Lake Fosterville 122 Skiff Lake South Waterville Howland Ridge Maple 605 Ridge Upper Hainesville Caverhill East Waterville Pinder Otis Nackawic Cullerton Ritchie Dow 2 Settlement Dorrington Hill 630 Carroll Ridge Central Waterville Campbell Hartfield Settlement Bates Rossville Settlement Temple Marne Hartin Settlement Canterbury Dead Creek Bright Upper Caverhill Birdton Lower Upper Hainesville Hayne Stoneridge Jones Stoneridge Forks Brewers MacLean Lower 104 Mills 617 Settlement Stoneridge Burtts Wiggins Greenhill Corner Mill Staples Pughs Morehouse Lower Settlement Crossing Corner Caverhill 615 610 Springfield Upper Queensbury Day Hill Barony Hawkshaw Southampton Pokiok Dumfries Davidson Lake Granite Queensbury 105 Hill Lower Bear Island Bear Island Rosborough Settlement Prince William Allandale Pokiok Settlement ZONE 5 Kings Landing Blaney Ridge Dorn Ridge Barton 616 Keswick Scotch Ridge Mouth Settlement of Keswick Jewetts Mills Scotch Lake Mactaquac Lower Line Queensbury 2 Lake 635 George Donnelly Settlement Newmarket Magundy 636 102 Keswick 8 Shinnickburn Bettsburg Boiestown N OR Covered Bridge Saint Zionville Marys Gaspereau Briggs Forks Corner Salmon Fowlers Corner Creek Humphrey Corner Sunbury Douglas Mount Hope North Minto Slope Road New England Wall Newcastle Settlement Street Bridge Scale Minto Rothwell 8 Killarney Road Penniac Albrights Corner Devon Douglas Island McKeens View Springhill Corner Silverwood French Village Kingsclear Indian Central Reserve 6 Kingsclear Sandyville Marysville Fredericton Beaver Dam Noonan 10 Fernmount Lower St. Marys Applewood Acres Starlight Highland Kingarth Acres McNallys Mazerolle Village Sunrise Hanwell Settlement Estates 640 101 Charters Settlement Nasonworth Ripples 105 7 Lincoln Upper Maugerville McGowans Sheffield Corner Maugerville Goan Burton Oromocto Waasis 655 Lower Burton Burpees Corner 102 2 Rusagonis Alcorn Upper Burton Randall Corner Lakeville Corner Swan Creek Clarks Corners Maquapit Lake Scotchtown Upper Gagetown The Range Lower Range Cumberland Bay Youngs Cove Union Settlement Douglas Harbour Grant Settlement Bagdad Chambres Corner Lakeview 105 715 695 Cambridge-Narrows Hersey Corner Pattridge Valley Youngs Cove Road Waterborough Mill Cove 2 Whites Cove Hammtown Service Area Boundary (Miles) North Shore Madawaska Primary Hwy Carleton-Victoria Forest Road York-Sunbury-Charlotte Secondary Hwy Railroad Water Northumberland County Southeast New Brunswick Southern New Brunswick 112 Canaan Rapids Codys Long 710 Creek Thornetown Johnston Sheba Starkey Salmon Highfield Creek Renous Indian Reserve 12 Annidale Marketing Boards Baker Brook Sawmill Bronson Rees Princess Park 690 The Ridge Coal Creek 10 Clarks Corner Canning 670 Pennlyn Newcastle Centre South Minto Flowers Cove Newcastle Cox Creek Point New Avon New Zion Redbank East Chipman Kings Dufferin Mines Iron Camp Bound Cove Wegesegum Midland 628 Harley Road Chipman Hardwood Ridge Cantor Nashwaak Manzer McLeod Hill Upper Gaspereau 116 Bridge Nashwaak Village Kingsley KEN T Q UE ENS North Forks Upper Durham Lower Durham Durham Hurlett THU MBE RL SUN BUR A ND Y ZONE 5 Bantalor Taymouth Hamtown Corner 123 Lower Rear Maugerville Maugerville 8 Woodlands 3 Arbeau Settlement Grand Lake Road North Cains Nashwaak Bridge Tay Pleasant Ross Valley Valley Howard 8 South Road Settlement Storeytown Nelson Hollow McGivney Ward Settlement Sutherland Cross Siding Creek Station English Settlement Red Rock 107 Royal Road 40 Sofware: ESRI ArcDesktop 9.3. 1 Projection: NAD_1983_CSRS_New_Brunswick_Stereographic Data: J.D. Irving Dissemination Database Tay Falls Tripp Settlement Purchase Wood Trucking Zones Baker Brook Sawmill 625 Cardigan Southampton Central Junction Hainesville Hainesville Nortondale West 595 Waterville Pikes Peak 105 Tay Mills Woodman Clarkville CA Benton 540 620 Lower Tay North Tay Woodlands Hurlutt Creek Carrolls Crossing O'Donnells Priceville McNamee Hazelton Clearwater Cross Creek Maplewood Bull Lake Taxis River Williamsburg Carr Harten Corner Mavis Mills Keenan Siding The Lots Smith Crossing Morehouse Astle Maple Grove Station Giants Glen Currieburg Stanley Blackville Ludlow Hogwallow Flats McKenna East Newbridge Newbridge Porter Cove Porter Brook Bloomfield Gordon Ridge 107 East Coldstream Newburg Pembroke Big Hole Brook Holtville Vale Parker Ridge Knowlesville Hemphill Corner Esdraelon Mount Pleasant Hayesville Deersdale Underhill Blissfield Tugtown West 107 Argyle Glassville Highlands 570 White Rapids McCann Bartholomew Weaver Siding Gilks Beaufort Centre Glassville South Gordonsville East Florenceville Hartford Renous North Renous Welch Johnville Lockharts Mill Belleville 108 Upper Blackville ZONE 5 Watson Settlement 108 Pineville Grainfield Kent Oakland Connell Good Stickney Lansdowne Corner Williamstown Middle Charleston Simonds Bannon Lower 560 Strong Carvell Peel Windsor Cloverdale Corner Carlisle Brookville East Brighton Coldstream Rockland Lakeville Pioneer 2 Mainstream Hale Bloomfield Upper Simonds Mountain Avondale Brighton View Ashland 104 Beckim Deerville Settlement Hartland Cloverdale Lower Upper Bloomfield Pole Waterville 575 Lower Somerville Weston Hill Victoria Brighton East East Corner Cloverdale Brighton Jacksontown Upper Lindsay Jacksonville Briggs Oakville Rosedale Briggs Jackson Corner Corner 105 Falls Lower Wakefield Wakefield Shewan 540 Digby Corner McGraw Brook ZONE 5 ORIA VICT TON LE CA R Kenneth Carlow Upper Derby 415 Summit Chapmanville 103 Riverbank Bradley Corner Warwick Settlement Gray Smiths Rapids Crossing Barnettville 118 ZONE 4 Bristol Orchards Corner Royalton Cassilis Lockstead Giberson South Settlement Johnville Lower Greenfield 420 108 Lampedo Bath Wicklow Whitney Sunny Corner Breadalbane Tarrtown 565 Upper Royalton Knoxford Longley Gordon Beveridge D AN RL BE UM RT H Y O RK NO Listerville Halcomb Harris Brook Settlement Garden Rock Dennis Odell River Odell Moose Killoween Mountain Kilfoil Halls Holmesville Mineral Corner Red Bank Indian Reserve 4 Licford Birch Gladwyn Ridge Pearl Buck Yone Glen Lower Kintore Kintore Bon Accord Blue 105 Hill Kincardine Bairdsville Dover Kilburn Hill Muniac Pratts Camp 390 Upper Kintore Beech Glen Matthews Exmoor Red Bank Indian Reserve 7 Sillikers Garden Boom Road Road 8 Piccadilly Hillside Loggie Lodge ZONE 4 108 Plaster Rock St. Almo South Tilley Big Hole Ramsay Lodge Weaver Sisson Bedford Road McLaughlin Anderson Road Currie Road Lerwick Four Falls 190 Crombie ZONE 3 105 Medford 2 Morrell North Tilley Lower California Curventon Big Hole Tract Indian Maple Reserve 8 Glen Burntland 385 Sisson Brook Brook North Enterprise View Mapleview 380 Bell Anfield 395 Grove California Sevogle 425 VI C T Y O OR I A RK 375 Lumsden Road Oxbow Hazeldean Blue Bell New Denmark Corner Blue Bell Limestone Corner Trout Brook Two Brooks Everett ZONE 2 Wayerton D Martin Siding ZONE 5 N LA ER MB H U OR IA T VI C ZONE 3 Comeau Ridge Levesque Settlement Rang-des-Bourgoin Riley Brook RT 144 Bellefleur Station Service No: WK00258947 Created by: ERJ Date Printed: 05/28/3013 Bathurst Mines Heath Steele NO Cyr Junction N NO OV VA A S SC CO O TT II A A 360 Indian Falls Depot ZONE 5 385 17 Violette Settlement 2 M MA A II N NE E Kanes 430 Popple Depot Grand River Flemming St. Leonard N NE EW W B BR RU UN NS SW W II C CK K Brunswick Legresley Blue Mines Mountain Settlement Violette Brook Grand-Ruisseau P PR R II N NC CE E E ED DW WA AR RD D II S S LL A AN ND D Northesk Veneer Sirois Rang-des-Deschêne Quisibis E CH OU ND IG L T R A S BE RE M THU OR UM K E BE R N T LA ND Green 144 River ZONE 2 Fourche-à-Clark ZONE 3 Black Brook ZONE 5 NO RT H Davis Mill Montagne-des-Roy Montagne-de-la-Croix Imhoff Middle Rio River Grande SU N QU BUR EE Y NS Montagne-des-Therrien 2 ST I VI C G O U TO C H E RI A 17 Miller Line Cache N RE Jalbert 180 Simpsons Field 180 Hazen Caribou Depot Ramsay Sheds Limerick ZONE 2 Connors Q QU UE EB BE EC C North Tetagouche South Tetagouche Y SU O R NB K UR Y 205 Sainte-Louise Robertville Val-Michaud Dunlop Lugar 322 Sormany Sainte-Anne 10 0 ZONE 1 St. Basile Indian Reserve 10 Nicholas Denys Petit-Ouest 80 Rang-des-Collin MichaudVal-Morneault Riceville Lac Concession-de-Baker-Brook Saint-Castin Baker Ouellette Soucy Rang-Saint-Joseph Concession-des-Ouellette Baker Concession-des-Lang Brook 215 Crockett 120 Lac-Unique Les Rapides Concession-des-Viel Concession-des-Vasseur Ledges Saint-François-de-Madawaska Clair Concession-des-Launes Val Oakes Mann Mountain 60 Verret Whites Brook MADAWASKA VICTORIA Edmundston ZONE 5 Upper Crossing Moose Meadows Indian Reserve 4 Lincour Winton Crossing 17 Upper Siegas 134 Madran Devereaux Thibault Edmundston-Est Green Point Petit-Rocher-Nord Sainte-Therese Massabielle Guitar 11 315 Alcida Laplante Dauversière Tremblay Free Saint-Laurent Grant ER N D ST LA CE ER OU M B GL H U RT Boundary Turgeon Belledune Station Sainte-Rosette Rang-des-Bossé Francoeur Mitchell Settlement RE S G L TI G O OU CE UCHE ST ER RE S M A T IGO DA U WA CHE SK A ZONE 1 Boucher Napier Addington Quatre-Milles Grimmer Petite-Réserve Kedgwick Six-Milles River Hodgin Halfway NO Val-Nadeau Pinniquine Val-Lambert Rang-des-Morneault Ennemond Lorne Belledune River Culligan Sunnyside ZONE 4 Deuxième-Sault Saint-Joseph-de-Madawaska Moulin-Morneault Levesque Saint-Jacques Plourd Paradis Quatre-Coins Petite-Rivière-à-la-Truite Menneval ZONE 2 Archibald Settlement Upsalquitch Millerville Ciquart Rang-des-Couturier Colborne Jacquet River Becketville Durham Mann Siding Halfway Depot Rivière-à-la-Truite Saint-Arthur Saint-Jean-Baptiste-de-Restigouche Madawaska Patrieville Blackland Benjamin River Sea Side Black Point Gravel Hill Nash Creek Barberie ZONE 3 Castonguay New Mills River Charlo Glenwood Adams Gulch Tracy Depot Heron Island McKendrick Val-Melanson Squaw Cap Camp Harmony Robinsonville Rapids Depot Grandmaison Eel River Shannonvale Crossing McLeods Campbelton Upper Eel River Dundee Dundee Cove Upper Richardsville Charlo Craig 134 Atholville Mountain Selwood Brook Lac-des-Lys Saint-Aubin Balmoral Val-d'Amour Simpsons Upper Glencoe Blair Balmoral Maltais Athol Saint-Maure Christopher Malauze SCALE 1:300,000
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