With you, for you
With you, for you
With you, for you... 2013 Annual Report Our dear founder, Dr Enver Ören passed away on February 22, 2013. He left behind a huge treasure trove of ideas and works that he pioneered, as well as his exemplary manner. This treasure, which has illuminated everything we have done to date, will continue to light our way. We would like to express our sincere gratitude to him; For the value he added to our country, our economy, İhlas Holding Companies, social life and ourselves, the employees of İhlas Holding, with his boundless energy and visionary perspective; We remember him with longing... 04 CONTENTS 05 06 08 10 12 14 18 İhlas Holding In Brief Main Financial Indicators İhlas Holding Operations And Subsidiaries Message From The Chairman of The Board of Directors Message From The CEO Board of Directors Senior Management CONSTRUCTION AND REAL ESTATE 24 30 31 İhlas Construction Group İhlas Armutlu Holiday Resort Kuzuluk Holiday Resort MEDIA AND COMMUNICATION 34 36 37 38 38 39 40 41 42 43 İhlas Media Holding İhlas Journalism / (Türkiye Newspaper) İhlas News Agency (İHA) Tgrt News TV Tgrt FM Radio Tgrt Documentary TV İhlas Gelişim Publishing İletişim Magazine Journalism İhlas Media Planning And Purchase Services İhlas Net MARKETING AND TRADE 46 47 48 50 51 51 İhlas Marketing Investment Holding İhlas Marketing İhlas Home Appliances Bisan Group Şifa Catering Kpt Logistics ENERGY AND MINING 54 İhlas Mining HEALTH AND EDUCATION 58 59 Türkiye Gazetesi Hospital İhlas Educational Institutions REPORTS 60 61 113 114 115 Compliance Report Board of Directors’ Report Proposal on the Distribution of Profits for the Year 2013 Statement of Responsibility Consolidated Financial Statement and Independent Auditor’s Report İhlas Holding Annual Report 2013 05 İHLAS HOLDING IN BRIEF The foundations of İhlas Holding were laid in 1970 with the establishment of Türkiye Newspaper. Entering the construction industry after nearly 20 years of journalism experience, İhlas Group began to build İhlas Yuva Houses (Yuva Evleri) in 1989. The Holding stepped into the production of electronic devices and home appliances by establishing İhlas Home Appliances Company in 1990 and 1991, and the healthcare services industry by establishing Türkiye Gazetesi Hospital in 1991. In order to transform its journalistic experience to a broader area, the Group achieved a breakthrough in the media sector by establishing İhlas News Agency and TGRT FM radio in 1993, a period in which Türkiye Newspaper broke circulation records, and TGRT News TV in 2004. İhlas Group, aiming to grow further in parallel with economic developments, gathered its different fields of activity under a “Holding” structure in 1993. Thereafter, by focusing on new areas of investment, the Group started to provide services in the fields of internet providing, finance, foods, transportation, insurance and education as of 1995. In 1997-1998, during which the privatisation of the energy sector was initiated, the Group made tenders and received licenses for power distribution and mining. İhlas went for group restructurings to generate synergy between the Group companies and achieve specialisation in its areas of operation. By establishing İhlas Media Holding in 2003, the Group started to operate in the fields of magazine publishing, media planning, fair organisation and digital design, as well as newspaper, agency, TV, and radio journalism. Within the scope of construction and real estate works under the İhlas Construction Holding umbrella, the number of handed-over or under-construction residences, including business centres, holiday resorts, television studios, and educational and housing complexes, has approached 20,000. İhlas Construction Holding has become one of the leading organisations in the sector thanks to its projects, which offer education, health and leisure opportunities together with the natural environment, and geared towards people’s happiness and peace. The Holding has added the production of bicycles, motorcycles, baby carriages and food to its production activities, which started with electronic home appliances. İhlas Marketing Investment Holding was established for the purpose of running the marketing activities of all these products under a single umbrella. The established Energy Group obtained new licenses in order to provide many underground resources such as metallic minerals, coal and industrial raw materials to the economy. İhlas Holding has undertaken a social mission, with a range of activities that have been gathered under the umbrella of the “Education and Healthcare Group”. A special healthcare service, which considers the psychological effects of health problems as well as the physical effects, and makes people feel at home, is provided in Türkiye Gazetesi Hospital, one of our country’s long-established medical institutions, with experienced health professionals and devices with the latest technologies. An education system compatible with the “era of fast processing, producing and sharing information” has been implemented in İhlas Educational Institutions, which provide education at all levels from Kindergarten to high school. A PRINCIPLED AND STABLE STRUCTURE BUILT FROM SOUND FOUNDATIONS... 06 MAIN FINANCIAL INDICATORS According to the Consolidated Financial Statements Prepared in Conformity within the Framework of International Financial Reporting Standards 2013 2,703 2012 2,493 3,000 2,500 2,000 1,500 0 4,200 3,526 3,500 2012 2,800 3,417 2,100 2013 1,400 TOTAL NUMBER OF EMPLOYEES 500 0 1,000 ( MILLIONS) 700 TOTAL ASSETS 200 0 1,200 1,070 1,000 2012 800 821 600 2013 400 SHAREHOLDERS’ ( MILLIONS) EQUITY SHAREHOLDER STRUCTURE * Public %84.77 Ahmet Mücahid Ören %10.57 Parent Company 916 Ayşe Dilvin Ören Other %2.22 Affiliates 2,501 %2.43 * As of 31.03.2014 RATING NOTES 2013 CREDIT RATING NOTES Long Term International Foreign Currency Long Term International Local Currency Long Term National Local Rating Short Term International Foreign Currency Short Term International Local Currency Short Term National Local Rating Sponsor Support Stand Alone CORPORATE GOVERNANCE RATING NOTES : BBB - / (Stable Outlook) : BBB - / (Stable Outlook) : A (Trk) / (Stable Outlook) : A - 3 / (Stable Outlook) : A - 3 / (Stable Outlook) : A - 1 (Trk) / (Stable Outlook) :2 :B İhlas Holding Shareholders Public Disclosure & Transparency Stakeholders Board of Directors & Management : 7.87 AA (Trk) / bb / (Stable) : 7.89 AA (Trk) / bb / (Stable) : 8.53 AAA (Trk) / a / (Stable) : 6.84 A (Trk) / ccc / (Stable) : 7.84 AA (Trk) / bb / (Stable) İhlas Holding Annual Report 2013 2013 1,008 2012 652 1,200 1,000 800 600 0 400 ( MILLIONS) 200 NET SALES 07 SALES INCOME (WITH ELLIMINATIONS ) SALES DISTRIBUTION IN PERCENTAGE 2013 2013 Construction Media %38.30 160,165,827 Motorized, Nonmotorized Vehicles Marketing Marketing 28,210,951 290,462,018 %28.81 Food and Beverage Other %10.08 41,558,328 Food and Beverage Other Construction 101,638,553 386,195,817 Media %15.89 %4.12 Motorized, Nonmotorized Vehicles %2.80 102 2013 86 28 2012 25 42 23 290 245 386 130 160 143 SALES INCOME CHANGE (WITH ELLIMINATIONS MILLIONS) 450 400 350 300 250 200 150 100 50 0 Media Construction Marketing Food and Beverage Motorized, Non-motorized Vehicles Others 08 İHLAS HOLDING OPERATIONS AND SUBSIDIARIES (DIRECT AND INDIRECT) CONSTRUCTION AND REAL ESTATE s÷IMBT÷OùBBU)PMEJOH"ø s÷IMBT:BQ5VSJ[NWF4BöML"ø s÷IMBT÷OùBBU1SPKF5BBIIËU5VSJ[NWF5JDBSFU"ø s"SNVUMV5BUJMWF5VSJ[N÷ùMFUNFMFSJ"ø (İhlas Armutlu Tatil Köyü) s,V[VMVL,BQMDB÷OùBBU5VSJ[N4BöMLWF1FUSPM Ürünleri Ticaret A.Ş. (Kuzuluk Tatil Köyü) MEDIA AND COMMUNICATION s÷IMBT:BZO)PMEJOH"ø s÷IMBT(B[FUFDJMJL"ø5ËSLJZF(B[FUFTJ s÷IMBT)BCFS"KBOT"ø÷)" s5(35)BCFS57"ø5(35'. s5(35%JKJUBM57)J[NFUMFSJ"ø5(35#FMHFTFM57 s÷MFUJùJN.BHB[JO(B[FUFDJMJL4BOWF5JD"ø s÷IMBT.FEZB1MBOMBNBWF4BUOBMNB)J[NFUMFSJ-UEøUJ s÷IMBT/FU"ø İhlas Holding Annual Report 2013 09 MARKETING AND TRADE s÷IMBT1B[BSMBNB:BUSN)PMEJOH"ø s÷IMBT1B[BSMBNB"ø s÷IMBT&W"MFUMFSJ÷NBMBU4BOWF5JD"ø s#JTBO#JTJLMFU.PQFE0UP4BO5JD"ø s#JTJLMFU1B[BSMBNBWF5JD"ø s,15-PKJTUJL5BùNBDML5VS3FL1B[÷ºWF%ù5JD"ø søJGB:FNFLWF(EB±SFUJN5FTJTMFSJ5JD"ø ENERGY AND MINING s÷IMBT.BEFODJMJL"ø s.JS.BEFO÷ùMFUNFDJMJöJ&OFSKJWF,JNZB Sanayi Ticaret Ltd.Şti. HEALTH AND EDUCATION s5ËSLJZF(B[FUFTJ)BTUBOFTJ s÷IMBT&öJUJN,VSVNMBS÷IMBT,PMFKJ *İhlas Holding operates within a structure of legal entity. 10 MESSAGE FROM THE CHAIRMAN OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS Esteemed Shareholders, As the İhlas Group, we sadly started the year 2013 with a sorrowful development. We lost our dear Enver Ören, our founder, doyen and “elder brother”. We miss his always cheerful and smiling face and seminal leadership so much... On his way to eternity, Mr Enver Ören passed to us a flag bearing major responsibilities. The İhlas Group employees and I work ever more diligently, with even greater energy, in order to carry this flag beyond the point from which we inherited it. In the light of our principles shaped by our founder, we have left behind a year during which we made no compromise on our values. Looking back at 2013 in general, we can see that Turkey has continued its growth without being overly affected by the adverse developments in the world. The decisions of the U.S. Central Bank (Fed), which changed the balance of the monetary markets, put a firm stamp on the year. Trying to heal the wounds of the global economic crisis, the European countries strived to maintain the slight and irregular momentum in their economic growth. Unfortunately, the Middle East has continued to experience troubled times. Alongside these developments in the world, many major projects were commissioned in Turkey, or agreements were signed for new projects. Marmaray, described as the “Project of the Century”, entered into service. Power distribution was entirely transferred to the private sector after the privatisation operations were completed. The tender for the 3rd airport to be built in Istanbul was held, and the agreement regarding the nuclear power plant planned to be built in Sinop was signed. At İhlas Group, we also put into place some notable steps in 2013. Türkiye Newspaper, the owner and principles of which have never changed since its establishment, but which has taken every kind of development in communication immediately under its wing, got a second wind and further expanded its team of writers and range of news. This change was also reflected in our newspaper logo. It was an extremely efficient and exciting process for our entire team, from the journalists to the printing units, who have brought Türkiye Newspaper to its present position. For our people, we have developed real estate projects, each one larger than the last, with full earthquake safety, and offering all the facilities and comfort of city life. We have just signed another major project to initiate urban transformation in Gaziosmanpaşa. Over the past year, another key area that we have invested in was our human resources. Many executives, who have made their names and have a say in their fields, joined our Group. With the contribution of the extensive experience and novel ideas of our new friends, who have recently joined us, we aim to always do better in our operations, especially real estate, as well as media, marketing, education, healthcare, construction, and our other areas of production which contribute to a better and easier lifestyle for all. I would like to express my sincerest appreciation to our indispensible employees, who share these aims and our faith with us, to our invaluable customers, who have made us a major part of their lives, and to our dear business partners, and hereby wish everybody a most wonderful and productive year. Yours sincerely, A. Mücahid Ören Chairman of the Board of Directors İhlas Holding Annual Report 2013 IN LIGHT OF THE PRINCIPLES SHAPED BY OUR FOUNDER, WE HAVE LEFT BEHIND A YEAR DURING WHICH WE MADE NO COMPROMISE ON OUR VALUES 11 12 MESSAGE FROM THE CEO Esteemed Shareholders, After 37 years of experience in business life, I joined the İhlas family in the second half of 2013. I immediately found myself in the middle of a very large family, which is highly respectful to humanitarian values, and is principled and extremely friendly. This motivation of the İhlas family’s employees, who work with an eternal commitment, dedication and perseverance, also infected me with great excitement. To witness the commissioning of so many outstanding projects, even in the briefest time since I joined the company, has also been very gratifying to me. We carried out significant investments in 2013 with the principle of “We exist first and foremost for society”. We raised the capacity of our Türkiye Gazetesi Hospital, and added new wards. Our schools added new achievements to the success of their students as a result of their technical equipment, based on three-dimensional education and qualified teaching staff. We will be looking for new opportunities to grow in new locations in the coming years. As one of Turkey’s largest residential builders, we were appointed to the major urban renewal project in Gaziosmanpaşa, and signed up in order to implement the project. Within the past year, we have completed the Bizim Houses (Bizim Evler) 4 and Marmara Houses (Marmara Evleri) 3 projects, and we also announced the launch of the Bizim Evler 6 project. Construction on our Bizim Houses (Bizim Evler) 5 and Kristalşehir projects is still in progress. We instigated many changes in our Media Group, too. TGRT News, TGRT Documentary and TGRT FM moved to their new studios. They have become considerably more dynamic with their renewed technical equipment. We also underwent a complete transformation in Türkiye Newspaper, from its logo to its team of writers, and from the size to the page layout, in 2013. The other good news that made us proud in the past year came from İhlas Home Appliances. Our cleaning robots, Aura Roboclean and Aura Cleanmax, took first prize in their branches with their healthy and ergonomic designs among 4,200 competitors in the “Red Dot” award ceremony held in Essen, Germany. We are going through a reformation and specialisation in the channel structures of İhlas Marketing, in order to be able to deliver our successful home appliances to many different points around Turkey. On the other hand, we have begun to give greater weight to mining and energy issues. With the experience and synergy of our Construction Group, we aim to implement many new energy investments. In 2014, we will continue to generate added value and employment for our country, together with all of our colleagues, by further advancing along the route paved by our dearly departed “Elder Brother Enver Ören”. I would like to express my sincere thanks to our invaluable employees for their unfailing energies as we move towards this goal, and to our dear stakeholders who always place their trust in us. Yours sincerely, Kani BOZBAY Chief Executive Officer İhlas Holding Annual Report 2013 WE CARRIED OUT SIGNIFICANT INVESTMENTS IN 2013 WITH THE PRINCIPLE OF “WE EXIST FIRST AND FOREMOST FOR SOCIETY” 13 14 BOARD of DIRECTORS Ahmet Mücahid ÖREN Chairman of the Board of Directors Zeki CELEP Deputy Chairman of the Board of Directors and Executive Board Member, Responsible for Construction Works Kani BOZBAY Executive Board Member, Responsible for Trade and Marketing A. Mücahid Ören, born in Istanbul in 1972, graduated from the Faculty of Economics at Anadolu University. Between 1989 and 1991, he worked as a Computer Coordinator for Türkiye Newspaper, while also serving as Chief Publishing Advisor for Türkiye Children’s Newspaper. He administered the process whereby Türkiye Newspaper became one of the first newspapers in the Turkish press to be prepared by computer. In 1991, he became General Manager of TGRT. He was in charge of the preparation of the infrastructure and the realisation of the actual broadcast. He served as General Manager and Deputy Chairman of the Board of Directors of İhlas Holding between 1993 and 2013. In February of 2013, he was elected Chairman of the Board of Directors of İhlas Holding. He is a member of a number of professional organisations, various foundations, associations, societies, and institutions operating in various sectors including industry, commerce and service, in Turkey and abroad, and he has published numerous articles. Born in 1939, Zeki Celep graduated from the Military Academy, Gazi Education Institute and Faculty of Law at Ankara University, respectively. He XPSLFEBTBNBOBHFSBU*ùL#PPLTUPSF and at Sabah Newspaper between 1966 and 1972. From 1972 to 1988, he founded İtimat Construction and Antalya Reconstruction, and completed the constructions of Antalya Provincial Bank, Regional Office Complex, Antalya Airport, and also several other construction projects abroad. Since 1990, he has served as the Head of the İhlas Holding Construction Group and he is currently serving as the İhlas Holding Board Member in Charge of Construction. Graduating from Gazi University in 1977 with a degree in Civil Engineering, Kani Bozbay worked as construction supervisor and project manager in various construction companies between 1977 and 1984. In 1984, Mr Bozbay transferred to Tekfen Holding where he signed off on many national and international projects. He served as a manager in highway and infrastructure projects and as a Board Member. Serving as Deputy General Manager in charge of Operations in Tekfen Construction from 2005-2013, Mr Kani Bozbay, has been serving as the Chief Executive Officer of İhlas Holding since 2013. İhlas Holding Annual Report 2013 15 Mahmut Kemal AYDIN Executive Board Member, Responsible for Financial Affairs Abdurrahman GÖK Executive Board Member, Responsible for Legal Affairs Bülent GENÇER Board Member Born in Kastamonu in 1957, M. Kemal "ZEOHSBEVBUFEGSPNUIF*TUBOCVM Academy of Economic and Commercial Sciences. He worked as General Accounting Supervisor at Istanbul University’s Cerrahpaşa Faculty of Medicine Revolving Fund Accounting Office between 1976 and 1982. He served as the Assistant Labour Inspector and Labour Inspector on the Labour Inspection Board of the Ministry of Labour and Social Security between 1985 and 1989. He began working at İhlas Holding in 1989. He was active in the public offering of İhlas Holding in 1993 and 1994. He currently serves as the Executive Board Member in Charge of Financial Affairs. Born in Gaziantep in 1966, Abdurrahman Gök graduated from the Faculty of Law at Istanbul University in 1986. After receiving his attorney license, Mr Gök began working at İhlas Group in 1987, and he enlightened people about legal issues as a live broadcast guest on a nationwide radio channel for 6 years, and a private television channel for one year. Mr Gök has served as legal correspondent for a national newspaper for the last five years, and also founded the AGÖK Law Office. He specialises in Real Estate Law, Financial Criminal Law and Tax Law. Mr Gök was appointed Chief Legal Advisor of İhlas Holding in February 2012. #PSOJO*TUBOCVMJO#ËMFOU(FOºFS graduated from the Military Academy in 1962 and joined the Turkish Armed Forces in 1963 after completing a Basic 'JFME&OHJOFFS$PVSTF.S(FOºFS graduated from the Science Department at the Çapa Educational Institute in 1964. After retiring as service-disabled from the Army, he started to work as a teacher in 1966. In the meantime, he also graduated from the Istanbul Academy of Economic and Commercial Sciences in 1969. Since 1977, he has worked at the various units of ÷IMBT)PMEJOH.S(FOºFSJTDVSSFOUMZB Member of both the Board of Trustees of İhlas Foundation and the Board of Directors of İhlas Holding. 16 BOARD of DIRECTORS Abdullah TUĞCU Board Member Hüsnü KURTİŞ Independent Board Member Müslim SAKAL Independent Board Member Born in Kayseri in 1982, Mr Abdullah 5VöDVHSBEVBUFEGSPNUIF'BDVMUZPG Business Administration at Istanbul University. He then completed his Masters education in Fiscal Law at Marmara University Department of Public Finance. He joined İhlas Group as Financial Affairs Manager of İhlas Mining in 2008. In addition to being a Member of the Board of Directors in İhlas Holding, İhlas Media Holding, İhlas Journalism, TGRT News TV, TGRT Documentary, İhlas News Agency, Promaş Professional Media Advertising and Movie Marketing Services and İhlas Gelişim Publishing, he also serves as the Finance Coordinator of İhlas Media Holding. )ËTOË,VSUJùXBTCPSOJO/JöEFJO After graduating from Adana Academy of Economic and Commercial Sciences in 1975, he worked as Representative of Türkiye Newspaper’s Ankara branch. He later worked as a Personnel Manager in İhlas Holding, as Finance Manager in Huzur Radyo TV, as Deputy General Manager in İhlas Film Prodüksiyon A.Ş., and as Deputy General Manager in İhlas Kargo A.Ş. Hüsnü Kurtiş is currently an Independent Member of the Board of Directors of İhlas Holding. Müslim Sakal was born in Giresun in 1966. He graduated from the Faculty of Economics and Administrative Sciences Department of Public Administration at Gazi University in 1991. He served as Sales Manager and Financial Affairs Manager in Türpa Automotive and Türk Barter from 1994 to 2010. He conducted a number of studies on the compliance of Barter transactions with financial and legal legislation. Mr Sakal served as Financial Affairs Manager of Damla Holding between 2010 and 2012. He has been serving as Financial Affairs Manager in Turex Tourism since 2012. İhlas Holding Annual Report 2013 Salman ÇİFTÇİ Independent Board Member İsmail CENGİZ Independent Board Member #PSOJO4JWBTJO.S4BMNBO JGUºJ received a Bachelor’s Degree in the Department of Economics, Faculty of Economics and Administrative Sciences BU6MVEBö6OJWFSTJUZ5IFTBNFZFBSIF began working as an accounting clerk in Charge of Bank Accounting in İhlas Holding. He worked as a tax auditor in #,3*ùL:FNJOMJ.BMJ.ËùBWJSMJL"ø (Certified Public Accountants) between 1996 and 1997. He also worked as Deputy Accounting Manager and Accounting Manager respectively in İhlas Hayat Sigorta A.Ş. between 1997 and 2004. He worked as Financial Affairs Manager in JFK HOSPITAL between 2004 and 2011, and he has been working as Accounting Group Manager in the German Hospitals Group since 2011. #PSOJO4BSLBNùJO÷TNBJM$FOHJ[ graduated from Eskişehir Academy of Economic and Commercial Sciences. He worked as Financial Affairs Manager in various commercial companies after 1986. In the subsequent period, he served as Financial Affairs Manager and TIBSFIPMEFSPG&S[VSVN%BZBOLM5ËLFUJN ve Ticaret Limited Şirketi. He resigned from the partnership and the company by transfer of shares in 2005. He worked as a partner in a BRSA (BDDK) Structure -BCPSBUPSZJO FSLF[LÆZ5FLJSEBö between 2006 and 2012. He currently holds no partnership or official duties in any commercial enterprise. 17 18 SENIOR MANAGEMENT Kani BOZBAY Chief Executive Officer Kazım ÇALIŞKAN Deputy Chief Executive Officer and Chairman of the Control Commission Murat ŞANAL Deputy Chief Executive Officer, Finance Graduating from Gazi University in 1977 with a degree in Civil Engineering, Kani Bozbay worked as construction supervisor and project manager in various construction companies between 1977 and 1984. In 1984, Mr Bozbay transferred to Tekfen Holding where he signed off on many national and international projects. He served as a manager in highway and infrastructure projects and as a Board Member. Serving as Deputy General Manager in charge of Operations in Tekfen Construction from 2005-2013, Mr Kani Bozbay, has been serving as the Chief. Graduating from Ankara University Faculty of Political Sciences, Department of Economics, Mr BMùLBOSFDFJWFEIJT.BTUFSTJO Economics at Boston University and began his career in the Ministry of Finance. He served as Vice President in Charge of Project Groups at the Prime Ministry Privatisation Administration and as President at the Tobacco and Alcohol Market Regulatory Authority. He assumed the positions of management and Board membership in Turkish Airlines. Having served as CEO for POFZFBSJO%PöBOMBS*OWFTUNFOU )PMEJOH.S BMùLBOKPJOFEUIF İhlas Holding family as Deputy Chief Executive Officer and Chairman of the Control Commission on April 1, 2014. Having graduated from Dokuz Eylül University, Department of Business Administration, Mr Şanal began his career as an Auditor in Deloitte in 1988. He then served as Manager in Charge of Budget and Financial Analysis in Vestel, Budget and Finance Manager in Frimak Foreign Trade, Finance Coordinator in Rodop Tobacco Trade and Industry, General Coordinator in &SJLPöMV)PMEJOHBOEBT$'0BOE $*0JO"MUOZME[5FYUJMFBOE(BSNFOU Factory. As of April 18, 2014, Mr Şanal has been serving as Deputy Chief Executive Officer in Charge of Finance at İhlas Holding. İhlas Holding Annual Report 2013 Mahmut Kemal AYDIN Deputy General Manager, Financial Affairs Yavuz ÖZGÜN İhlas Holding Representative, Ankara Abdurrahman GÖK Chief Legal Advisor Born in Kastamonu in 1957, M. Kemal "ZEOHSBEVBUFEGSPNUIF*TUBOCVM Academy of Economic and Commercial Sciences. He worked as General Accounting Supervisor at Istanbul University’s Cerrahpaşa Faculty of Medicine Revolving Fund Accounting Office between 1976 and 1982. He served as the Assistant Labour Inspector and Labour Inspector on the Labour Inspection Board of the Ministry of Labour and Social Security between 1985 and 1989. He began working at İhlas Holding in 1989. He was active in the public offering of İhlas Holding in 1993 and 1994. He currently serves as the Executive Board Member in Charge of Financial Affairs. Yavuz Özgün was born in Nevşehir in 1949, and is a graduate of Gazi University. He served as Deputy Branch Manager, Branch Manager, Head of Department, Deputy General Manager and General Manager, respectively in the Ministry of National Education. He continued his professional life in the Grand National Assembly of Turkey as Head of Department and as an Advisor, followed by his retirement in 1995. Mr Özgün has provided services as General Manager of TGRT, Head of İhlas Colleges Group, Chairman of the Board of Directors of İhlas Hayat Sigorta (Life Insurance), and Chairman of the Board of Directors and General Manager of İhlas Marketing. Mr Özgün currently serves as the İhlas Holding Representative in Ankara. Born in Gaziantep in 1966, Abdurrahman Gök graduated from the Faculty of Law at Istanbul University in 1986. After receiving his attorney license, Mr Gök began working at İhlas Group in 1987, and he enlightened people about legal issues as a live broadcast guest on a nationwide radio channel for 6 years, and a private television channel for one year. Mr Gök has served as legal correspondent for a national newspaper for the last five years, and also founded the AGÖK Law Office. He specialises in Real Estate Law, Financial Criminal Law and Tax Law. Mr Gök was appointed Chief Legal Advisor of İhlas Holding in February 2012. 19 20 SENIOR MANAGEMENT Selim DÜZGÜN Deputy General Manager, Human Resources and Organisational Development Muammer GÜRBÜZ Deputy General Manager, Administrative Affairs Serdar KAYAOĞLU Deputy General Manager, Information Systems Y. Buğra VARLIK Deputy General Manager, Budget and Planning Born in Mardin in 1979, Mr Düzgün graduated from the Department of Industrial Engineering in Sakarya University and received his Masters from the Department of Management and Organisation in Marmara University. He is currently continuing his doctorate in the TBNFGJFMEJO*TUBOCVM"ZEO University. Having worked as Human Resources and Training Manager in various companies since 2000, Mr Düzgün has been serving as Deputy General Manager of İhlas Holding’s Human Resources and Organisational Development Department since 2013. M. Muammer Gürbüz was born in Istanbul in 1954. He graduated from the *ùL&OHJOFFSJOH'BDVMUZ Department of Electrical Engineering at the Istanbul National Academy of Engineering and Architecture. He worked as an electrical engineer in the private sector for a while. Joining İhlas Holding in 1981, Mr Gürbüz served as Technical Manager, Technical Coordinator and Newspaper Facility Manager. Born in Istanbul in 1959, Serdar ,BZBPöMVHSBEVBUFEGSPN the Air Force Academy. After graduating from the Computer Engineering Department of Middle East Technical 6OJWFSTJUZ.S,BZBPöMVTFSWFE in the Air Force Command as a pilot and an Information Technology Officer, respectively. .S,BZBPöMVCFHBOXPSLJOH at İhlas Group as Information Technology Coordinator in *O.S,BZBPöMV resigned from his position in İhlas Finance Corporation as Deputy General Manager in Charge of Technology and founded his own company. In 2005, he returned to the İhlas Group as CIO. Born in Erzurum in 1981, :#VöSB7BSMLTBODFTUSBM IPNFUPXOJT#BMLFTJS"GUFS graduating from the Department of Industrial Engineering in ,PDBFMJ6OJWFSTJUZ.S7BSML attended Management of Engineering training in Marmara University, and then did his Masters in the International Business Administration Program. Setting out on his career in 5VSLJTI"JSMJOFT.S7BSMLUIFO served at the Business Planning department at TAV. In 2009, he participated in the establishment of TGS Land Services, a joint venture by Turkish Airlines and TAV. Coordinating common studies and projects with #PFJOH*BUBBOE4JUB.S7BSML also executed the data mining activities with IBM PASW Turkey. .S:#VöSB7BSMLIBTCFFO serving as Deputy General Manager in Charge of Planning and Budget at İhlas Holding since 2013. İhlas Holding Annual Report 2013 Abdullah AYDINALEV Deputy General Manager, Business Development and Operations (Construction) Faruk KOCA Chief Physician of Türkiye Gazetesi Hospital Hami KOÇ General Manager of İhlas Colleges Born in Adana in 1968, Mr "CEVMMBI"ZEOBMFWHSBEVBUFE from the Department of Civil Engineering at Çukurova University. He started to work in Tekfen Holding in 1991. Having worked in several positions over 20 years, he also served as Construction Manager and Project Manager in major highway projects in the Adana-Gaziantep regions. He moved to Istanbul in 2011 and started to work as Construction General Coordinator in Yön Group. He then served as Deputy General Manager of #BIBES(SPVQ.S"ZEOBMFWIBT been serving as “Deputy General Manager, Business Development and Operations (Construction)” in İhlas Holding since 2013. Born in Ahlat in 1938, Faruk Koca graduated from the Faculty of Medicine, Department of Dentistry at Istanbul University. After working as a physician for a total of 22 years in the Military Hospitals of Erzincan and Gümüşsuyu, and in Kuleli Military High School, he retired with the rank of Colonel in 1983. He provided services in İhlas Polyclinic, private secretary of the Board of Directors of İhlas Holding, Supervision Department of TGRT and the Administrative Coordination Unit of İhlas Holding, respectively. As of 2004, he has been working as Chief Physician in Türkiye Gazetesi Hospital. Born in Amasya in 1961, Hami ,PºDPNQMFUFEIJTVOEFSHSBEVBUF studies in Marmara University in 1985. Before undertaking his responsibilities as a senior executive within the structure of İhlas Holding and in the private TFDUPS.S,PºXPSLFEBTB teacher, School Vice Principal and Principal in various schools. During this period, he conducted numerous researches and studies in several countries that he visited for training and occupational purposes. As of 2006, he has been serving as the Founder Representative and General Manager of İhlas Educational Institutions. 21 CONSTRUCTION & REAL ESTATE LIVING SPACES WITH HIGH STANDARDS, COMFORTABLE BUILDINGS, COSY HOMES... 24 A TRUSTED BRAND AMONG THE INDUSTRY’S LEADING ORGANISATIONS WITH MORE THAN 19,000 RESIDENTIAL CONSTRUCTIONS, INCLUDING PROJECTS UNDER CONSTRUCTION İHLAS CONSTRUCTION GROUP Operating in the construction sector since 1990, İhlas Holding aims to help meet the requirement for adequate housing in Turkey by developing high quality, safe and socially acceptable housing. To date, İhlas Construction Group has completed, or is currently working on, the construction of more than 19,000 residential units, and maintains its place among the industry’s leading organisations. As well as building habitable cities to high standards on sites purchased or agreed on a flat for land basis, İhlas Holding Construction Group has adopted a mission to improve the quality of living areas by meeting the needs for thermal holiday resorts and time-share systems. Its main target group is the upper middle-class income group, while it targets upper class income groups for villas. For mass-housing projects, the customer portfolio consists of people who desire to escape from the hustle and bustle of Istanbul, while still enjoying the comforts and pleasures of urban life. All of the designed and built residential units and holiday resorts include elements that respond to social needs such as educational institutions, shopping centres, healthcare facilities, and sports and leisure areas. The İhlas Yuva Houses (Yuva Evleri) project, construction of which started in 1990, was the first project of the İhlas Holding Construction Group, which operates as a branch of İhlas Holding. The success of this project, in which the houses were handed over to their owners in 1992, prompted the Group to undertake larger, more extensive new projects. In recent years, the Group has been conducting construction projects through joint ventures consisting of the Group’s subsidiaries. For the purpose of gathering all of the construction companies under a single roof, an umbrella company was established on January 29, 2010, with the title İhlas Construction Holding. Under a holding structure, İhlas Costruction Holding consists of İhlas İnşaat Proje 5BBIIËU5VSJ[N"ø÷IMBT:BQ5VSJ[NWF4BöML"ø"SNVUMV5BUJMWF5VSJ[N÷ùMFUNFMFSJ"øBOE,V[VMVL,BQMDB÷OùBBU5VSJ[N4BöML ve Petrol Ürünleri Ticaret A.Ş. So far, İhlas Construction Group has completed construction of 9,252 apartments, 934 villas, and affiliated social centres in the İhlas Yuva Houses, Marmara Houses I, Marmara Houses II, Bizim Houses I, Bizim Houses II, Bizim Houses III, Bizim Houses IV, Marmara Houses III, Güzelşehir and Marmara Villas projects. Moreover, 3,157 apartments were also constructed in the Kuzuluk Thermal Houses and Armutlu Holiday Resort projects, reaching a total construction of almost 13,000 households. İhlas Holding Annual Report 2013 25 The Construction Group has also built a number of non-residential buildings consisting of the İhlas Holding Head Office, with a total area of 73,000 m2BOEUIF#BIºFMJFWMFS&EVDBUJPO$BNQVTBOE.BSNBSB)PVTFT&EVDBUJPO$BNQVTXIJDICFMPOHUPUIF÷IMBT Holding Education Group. In comparison with its competitors, İhlas Holding completes its projects more quickly, more economically, to a higher standard of quality, more environmentally friendly, and hiring the most qualified technical personnel available. İhlas Holding carries out the necessary topographical studies at the beginning of its projects, before purchasing development land and selling high standard luxury homes at very reasonable prices. The Kuzuluk and Armutlu Holiday Resort projects are among the first examples of thermal time-share projects in our country. With an annual timesharing capacity of 32,340 in Kuzuluk and 37,092 in Armutlu, İhlas Holding has an annual time-sharing capacity of 69,432, representing the largest share in the Turkish thermal timeshare facilities market. Consequent to the overwhelming interest in Bizim Houses (BizimEvler) I, II, III, IV and V, İhlas Holding started the construction of the next phase of the successful concept, Bizim Houses (BizimEvler) VI, with 1,236 residences and 59 commercial units, as of the end of 2013. The Kristalşehir project is currently being developed by one of the Group companies, İhlas İnşaat Proje Taahhüt Turizm ve Ticaret A.Ş., on a total area of 155,346 m2 in Esenyurt, Istanbul. The project will consist of a total of 4,655 residences, 82 commercial units, and social facilities, which will constitute 18 blocks in total. The Kristalşehir Project will be the Group’s most prestigious project and is slated for construction in two stages. Within the context of the 3rd phase of the Marmara Houses (Marmara Evleri) Project, which was started in Beylikdüzü, Istanbul in April, 2012, 396 residences and 38 commercial units were handed over to their owners in October 2013. The Construction Group started work on developing the urban transformation project and constructing in a region covering an area of 988,000 m2JODMVEJOH,BSBZPMMBSBOE:FOJNBIBMMFJO*TUBOCVMT(B[JPTNBOQBùB%JTUSJDUVOEFS-BX/P5IFQSPKFDUXIJDIJTB KPJOUWFOUVSFCZ÷IMBT:BQ5VSJ[N4BöML5JDBSFU"øBOE(B[JPTNBOQBùB.VOJDJQBMJUZXJMMCFHJOEVSJOHUIFGJSTUIBMGPGBTTPPOBT UIF(B[JPTNBOQBùB.VOJDJQBMJUZBOE(B[JPTNBOQBùB÷OùBBU:BUSN5BBIIËU)J[NFUMFSJ4BOBZJWF5JDBSFU"øEFMJWFSUIFMBOECFMPOHJOH to Phase I. It is planned to build 4,500 residential and commercial units for handover, across an area of 350,000 m2. OUR PRIORITY: TO PRODUCE COMPREHENSIVE SOLUTIONS FOR THE SOCIAL NEEDS OF ALL RESIDENCES AND RESORTS 26 10 BLOCKS, COMMERCIAL UNITS, SOCIAL FACILITIES, A SCHOOL AND A LOCAL SHOPPING CENTRE ARE UNDER CONSTRUCTION IN THE SCOPE OF BİZİM HOUSES VI PROJECT ONGOING PROJECTS Kristalşehir The Kristalşehir Project, which is located within the boundaries of Istanbul’s Esenyurt district, on a site with a total area of 155,346 m2, has been developed with one of the Group companies, İhlas İnşaat Proje Taahhüt Turizm ve Ticaret A.Ş. This project will comprise 18 blocks, and will consist of a total of 4,655 residences, 82 office spaces and a social facility. The entire project, covering a total area of 638,454.48 m2, is slated for completion in 48 months. 43% of the whole project has been completed as of December 31, 2013, and 66% of the residences, which is equivalent to 2,135 units, were sold in return for advance payment. These residences, which were sold in return for advance payment, will all be invoiced to the owners by the handover dates. This project is slated for completion by the end of 2015. Bizim Houses V The project, which is developed with a Revenue Sharing in Exchange for Land Purchase (Revenue Sharing Model) agreement, is being DPOTUSVDUFECZ÷IMBT:BQ5VSJ[NWF4BöML"ø6OEFSDPOTUSVDUJPOJO*TQBSUBLVMF"WDMBSPWFSBOBSFBPGm2, and consisting of 710 apartments, the project will be completed by June 2014. 83% of the apartments were sold as of the end of December. There are ten blocks, commercial units and a shopping centre in the project, and each block will consist of 19 stories (basement + ground floor + 18 floors). Bizim Houses VI The project, which is developed with a Revenue Sharing in Exchange for Land Purchase (Revenue Sharing Model) agreement, is being DPOTUSVDUFECZ÷IMBT:BQ5VSJ[NWF4BöML"ø$POTUSVDUJPOPGUIFQSPKFDUXIJDIJTMPDBUFEJO*TQBSUBLVMF"WDMBSTUBSUFEJO0DUPCFS 2013 and is slated for completion in 2016. 6% of the whole project, which is being constructed over an area of 254,888 m2, and consisting of 1,236 apartments and 59 commercial units, has been completed as of the end of December, and 15% of the residences were sold. There are ten blocks, commercial units, social facilities, a school and a shopping centre in the project, and each block will consist of 28 stories (basement + ground floor + 27 floors). İhlas Holding Annual Report 2013 27 COMPLETED PROJECTS Housing Projects Marmara Houses III 5IFQSPKFDUXIJDIXBTEFWFMPQFEPOB'MBUGPS-BOECBTJTXBTDPOTUSVDUFECZ÷IMBT:BQ5VSWF4BöML"ø5IF.BSNBSB)PVTFT*** project, which is located in Beylikdüzü, Yakuplu, included a residential construction site of 69,338 m2 and a commercial construction site that covers an area of 5,895m2. The project, consisting of 396 residences and 38 commercial units, was completed and handed over to the owners in October 2013. Bizim Houses IV 8JUIB3FWFOVF4IBSJOHJO&YDIBOHFGPS-BOE1VSDIBTF3FWFOVF4IBSJOH.PEFM BHSFFNFOUXJUI&NMBL,POVU(BZSJNFOLVM:BUSN 0SUBLMö"ø#J[JN)PVTFT1IBTF*7XBTDPOTUSVDUFECZ÷IMBT)PMEJOH"ø÷IMBT:BQ5VSJ[NWF4BöML"ø+PJOU7FOUVSF The project, which consists of 762 apartments and 100 office spaces, was completed as of the end of December 2012, 8 months prior to the planned date, and opened for occupancy. The construction of the commercial units was also completed in 2013 and all of them were handed over to the owners. Bizim Houses III 8JUIB3FWFOVF4IBSJOHJO&YDIBOHFGPS-BOE1VSDIBTF3FWFOVF4IBSJOH.PEFM BHSFFNFOUXJUI&NMBL,POVU(BZSJNFOLVM:BUSN 0SUBLMö"ø#J[JN)PVTFT1IBTF***XBTDPOTUSVDUFECZ÷IMBT)PMEJOH"ø÷IMBT:BZO)PMEJOH"ø÷IMBT1B[BSMBNB"ø+PJOU Venture. $POTUSVDUFEJO*TQBSUBLVMF#BIºFùFIJSJO*TUBOCVMPWFSBOBSFBPGm2, the project includes 680 apartments, an office space, shopping centre, outdoor sports facilities, a swimming pool and other recreational areas. The project was completed in December 2011. Bizim Houses II 8JUIB3FWFOVF4IBSJOHJO&YDIBOHFGPS-BOE1VSDIBTF3FWFOVF4IBSJOH.PEFM BHSFFNFOUXJUI&NMBL,POVU(BZSJNFOLVM:BUSN 0SUBLMö"ø#J[JN)PVTFT1IBTF**XBTDPOTUSVDUFECZ÷IMBT)PMEJOH"ø÷IMBT:BQ5VSJ[NWF4BöML"ø+PJOU7FOUVSF Bizim Houses Phase II, constructed in Ispartakule, Istanbul opposite Bizim Houses Phase I, consists of 522 apartments, a shopping centre, a mosque, outdoor sports facilities and some other recreational areas. The Bizim Houses II project, which was constructed during 2009, was ready for occupancy in December 2010. HIGH CONSTRUCTION QUALITY COMBINED WITH AESTHETICS AND TRANQUILLITY BECOMES A NEW LIFE CENTRE... 28 İHLAS CONSTRUCTION GROUP HAS BECOME ONE OF THE MOST RELIABLE AND SUCCESSFUL COMPANIES IN THE CONSTRUCTION SECTOR WITH THE RESIDENCES BUILT TO DATE Bizim Houses I Projected and constructed jointly by İhlas Holding and the Housing Development Administration of Turkey (TOKİ), the Bizim Houses are MPDBUFEJOPOFPGUIFNPTUCFBVUJGVMQBSUTPGUIF#BIºFùFIJSEJTUSJDU5IFQSPKFDUXIJDIDPOTJTUTPGBQBSUNFOUCMPDLTXJUIBUPUBMPG 720 apartments, was opened for occupancy in July 2009. Güzelşehir Lying between the districts of Kumburgaz and Güzelce, Güzelşehir is situated on sloping land with excellent sea views, and is just 1 km from the D 100 (E-5) highway. İhlas Holding carried out the Güzelce Villas project by subcontracting the construction. The project, which consists of 675 villas, a number of office spaces and a social facility, has been completed and handed over. The second stage of the Project, consisting of 135 villas and a school, covering a total area of 67,712 m2, was completed by one of the Group companies, İhlas Pazarlama A.Ş. Marmara Houses Phase II The project is built on a total construction area of 256,630 m2 and includes 2,186 apartments. Built on a 170,000m2 plot, all environmental regulations, social facilities and infrastructure in the project were completed and opened for occupancy in August 2001. Marmara Houses Phase I Marmara Houses, the largest and most comprehensive housing project in the region, is situated on a 700,000-m2 plot of land on the IJTUPSJDBM3FùJUQBùB'BSNTJUVBUFEPO"NCBSM#BZJO)BSBNJEFSF*TUBOCVM5IFQSPKFDUDPOTJTUTPGBQBSUNFOUTBOEBTIPQQJOH centre, an elementary school, a polyclinic and social facilities, all of which are situated on a 27,500-m2 plot. The project was completed and handed over to its owners in 1997. Marmara Villas The Marmara Villas, which were constructed by İhlas Holding Construction Group, are situated on the historic Reşitpaşa Farm area in Yakuplu district. The neighbourhood covers 300,000 m2 of land, and consists of 134 villas. The project was completed and handed over to the owners in 1998. İhlas Yuva Houses İhlas Yuva Houses, which began construction in 1990 and were handed over to their new owners within a short period of two years, was the first housing project undertaken by İhlas Holding. The project consists of 23 apartment blocks with a total of 996 apartments on 44,000 m2 of land. İhlas Holding Annual Report 2013 29 TOURISM AND HEALTHCARE FACILITIES Armutlu Holiday Resort The Armutlu Holiday Resort is situated in the Bozburun district of Armutlu, Yalova, and covers a land area of 200,000 m2, fronted by the sea and backed by forest. The village includes 11 apartment buildings, each with thermal waters, and 1,686 apartments and 37,092 time-shares. Completed in the middle of 2004, it is Turkey’s largest and most extensive thermal holiday village. Kuzuluk Holiday Resort The Kuzuluk Thermal Holiday Resort, Turkey’s first thermal time-share ownership scheme, is built on an area of 200,000 m2 surrounded CZGPSFTUTTJUVBUFEJO"LZB[,V[VMVLOFBS4BLBSZB5IFQSPKFDUDPNQSJTFTBQBSUNFOUTXJUIBUPUBMPGUJNFTIBSFT available. In the first stage of the project, a total of 20 buildings housing 1,120 apartments were built. The construction of the second phase of the Kuzuluk Thermal Holiday Resort, consisting of 350 apartments and a total of 7,700 time-shares, began in the autumn of 1997. Work on the project was completed in 2000 and title deeds were handed to the owners. Other İhlas Holding Head Office Built on 16,517 m2 of land, İhlas Holding Head Office Building includes 73,000 m2 of enclosed space, a helicopter pad and a helicopter hangar, and a parking garage for 400 vehicles. In addition, the facility houses a 500-capacity conference hall, a 2000-capacity cafeteria, a fitness centre and a sauna. Bahçelievler Education Campus 5IF#BIºFMJFWMFS&EVDBUJPO$BNQVTIBTm2 of enclosed space, with 78 classrooms, a dormitory for 600 students, a gymnasium, a conference hall for 450 people and a cafeteria capable of seating 750. In addition, there are two medium-sized football pitches. The campus was completed and put into service in 1997. Marmara Houses Education Campus The Marmara Houses Education Campus has an enclosed space of 17,500 m2 with 96 classrooms, a conference hall for 450 people and a cafeteria seating 750. The campus was completed and handed over in 1996. THE BAHÇELIEVLER EDUCATION CAMPUS HAS 78 CLASSROOMS, A DORMITORY FOR 600 STUDENTS, A GYMNASIUM, A CONFERENCE HALL FOR 450 PEOPLE, TWO FOOTBALL PITCHES AND A CAFETERIA CAPABLE OF SEATING 750 30 NATURE AND FACILITIES ENRICHING SOCIAL LIFE ARE INTERTWINED AT THE ARMUTLU HOLIDAY RESORT ARMUTLU TATİL VE TURİZM İŞLETMELERİ A.Ş. (İHLAS ARMUTLU HOLIDAY RESORT) İhlas Holding’s spa resorts are built according to the concept of providing holiday and healthcare services in one convenient package. Following the Kuzuluk Thermal Holiday Resort, İhlas Holding continued its Spa Resorts projects with the Armutlu Thermal Holiday Resort. With running spa water available in each residence, a hillside surrounding the complex, and the blue waters of the Sea of Marmara spread out in front, the Armutlu Holiday Resort presents a comfortable holiday at a reasonable cost, even for large families. The Armutlu Holiday Resort provides healthcare and holiday services as a package, while enabling holidaymakers to benefit from nature and comfortable facilities at the same time. The Armutlu Thermal Holiday Resort, which functions on a time-share system, includes 1,686 apartments in 98-85-70-50 m2 sizes, and each one is fully equipped. In addition to its large and comfortable apartments, the resort also boasts two half Olympic swimming pools, which can be open or closed for winter usage, with separate areas for men and women, an outdoor swimming pool, an aqua park, saunas, therapy centres, massage salons, a bowling hall, a small cinema, football pitches, basketball and volleyball courts, tennis courts, a fitness centre, a squash court, a shopping mall, cafeterias, restaurants and a water games area. During 2010, a Mud Therapy Centre was set up in the Armutlu Holiday Resort. The Salt Cure Room was opened and put into operation in 2011. In 2012, a six-unit Fish Therapy centre was opened, and a second hand sales service unit was established for timeshare owners in 2013. In 2012, the İhlas Armutlu Holiday Resort focused on congress tourism and individual rentals. Total rentals amounted to 102,000 roomnights in 2012 and 113,000 room-nights in 2013. During the same period, the number of institutions organising their meetings at the holiday resort escalated from around 160 in 2012 to 167 in 2013. All of the commercial areas in İhlas Armutlu Holiday Resort are properties of İhlas Holding A.Ş. İhlas Holding Annual Report 2013 31 KUZULUK KAPLICA İNŞAAT TURİZM SAĞLIK VE PETROL ÜRÜNLERİ TİCARET A.Ş. (KUZULUK HOLIDAY RESORT) The Kuzuluk Holiday Resort was the first İhlas Holding investment to combine healthcare and holiday services. This timeshare spa resort is ideal for families to enjoy the health benefits of a spa with the full convenience of a holiday resort, at reasonable cost and IJHIRVBMJUZ,V[VMVL4QBJOUFSTFDUTUIFIFBMUIUPVSJTNBOEDPOTUSVDUJPOTFDUPST5IF4QBJTTJUVBUFEJO"LZB[,V[VMVLOFBS4BLBSZB "EBQB[BS The İhlas Spa Resort, Turkey’s first thermal time-sharing ownership scheme, is built on an area of 200,000 m2 surrounded by forests. The project is made up of 1,479 apartments in 27 apartment blocks. The apartments offer a variety of comforts, and are designed to meet all the needs of a family of four. Spa water is available in the fully furnished apartments at any time of day. In addition, every apartment also has hot and cold running water. A total of 4,000 – 5,000 people can be served at any one time in the holiday resort. The Thermal Resort boasts all manner of comfortable social facilities, including a football field, basketball court, jogging and cycling tracks, playgrounds, outdoor sports equipment, restaurants and leisure centre. The resort ensures a complete holiday, and offers a modern facility in which everything has already been thought of for social activities. The thermal water of the Spa has been certified by the Republic of Turkey Ministry of Health. Its therapeutic specifications are recognised in the following areas: for chronic phases of inflammatory rheumatism (e.g. Rheumatoid arthritis, ankylosing spondylitis), as a bathing cure under the guidance of a doctor, in treatment of chronic lumbagos and non-inflammatory aches in the joints such as osteoarthritis, as supplementary medicine in the treatment of soft tissue disorders such as myositis, tendonitis, trauma, fibromyalgia syndrome, to support mobilisation training after brain and nerve surgery and orthopaedic surgery, in selected neurological illnesses at the chronic stage, in conditions such as cerebral palsy for rehabilitation purposes, as supplementary treatment in general disorders such as stress disorders and neurovegetative dystonia, and in sport injuries. İHLAS KUZULUK TERMAL OTEL (İHLAS KUZULUK THERMAL HOTEL) 0QFSBUJOHXJUIJOUIF,V[VMVL,BQMDB÷OùBBU5VSJ[N4BöML"øUIF÷IMBT,V[VMVL5IFSNBM)PUFMJODMVEFTUXPGBNJMZSPPNTUISFFTVJUFT 60 standard rooms and a total bed capacity of 130. In addition, the hotel has two multipurpose rooms capable of seating 90 and 45 people, an indoor restaurant capable of seating 200 guests and a dining hall with a seating capacity of 150. It contains a 300-capacity outdoor restaurant, children’s playroom, children’s playground, three special thermal baths, two massage rooms, a sauna, sales office, hairdressers and a car park with a capacity of 80 vehicles. İhlas Kuzuluk Thermal Hotel, and its 22 excellent staff, presents warm and debonair service to its customers alongside Kuzuluk’s unique natural beauties and healing hot spring water. Additional investments are planned to turn the Hotel into a health facility serving domestic and international guests with specialist physicians. One of the main targets of the Kuzuluk Thermal Hotel is to be the leading Turkish representative of thermal tourism, which is very popular in foreign countries. TREATMENT OPPORTUNITY WITH HEALING THERMAL WATERS UNDER CONTROL OF SPECIALIST PHYSICIANS... MEDIA AND COMMUNICATION THE CENTRE OF JOURNALISM, KEEPING UP WITH THE RAPIDLY CHANGING TIMES EVERYWHERE, FROM THE REMOTEST CORNER OF TURKEY TO THE FARTHEST POINT IN THE WORLD 34 WE CONSISTENTLY BREAK NEW GROUND IN THE MEDIA WORLD THANKS TO OUR EXPERIENCE AND TECHNICAL INFRASTRUCTURE, UPDATED EVERY YEAR İHLAS YAYIN HOLDİNG A.Ş. (İHLAS MEDIA HOLDING) ÷IMBT:BZO)PMEJOH.FEJB)PMEJOH XBTGPVOEFEPO+VMZJOPSEFSUPDPNCJOFBMMTVCTJEJBSJFTPGUIF÷IMBT(SPVQJOUIFNFEJB sector under one umbrella, and to improve administrative efficiency. İhlas Media Holding oversees all of its subsidiaries’ operations, and provides all the necessary support for every type of investment. Its primary target is to step up the synergy among the companies in its media group. In line with this mission, İhlas Media Holding shares its corporate owned policies with all of its affiliates, within the context of certain methods. Having achieved tremendous accomplishments in the press, as well as in the visual and electronic media, İhlas Media Holding’s subsidiaries started operations with the principle of broadcasting accurate news objectively, impartially and without agitating the public. They have maintained this consistent style since the day the Company was founded. İhlas Media Holding offered its shares to the public on October 25 - 26, 2010, and İhlas Media Holding’s shares began trading on the Borsa Istanbul (BIST) as of November 5, 2010. İhlas Media Holding’s printed media subsidiary, Türkiye Newspaper, is a highly competitive media organ engaged in the media sector, and has an experienced management perception, consistent publishing principles, brand awareness and extensive readership. Another subsidiary of İhlas Media Holding, İHA’s operations provide strong agency support to national, local and regional media channels in terms of rapid and dependable access to information. TGRT News TV has stayed true to its identity as an objective, genuine and honest news bearer, and declares as its principle “Life Itself is the Focal Point of Journalism”. From morning till midnight, TGRT News airs news bulletins every hour, keeping viewers up to date on world and Turkish news. TGRT FM, broadcasting under the entity of TGRT News TV, appeals to every segment of society with a wide spectrum of game shows, children’s shows, cultural, artistic, women’s programs, sports, chat and magazine programs, as well as radio dramas. İhlas Holding Annual Report 2013 35 TGRT Dijital TV has been broadcasting under the name TGRT Belgesel (TGRT Documentary) since April 22, 2010 and serves the purposes of living up to culture, civilization, history and spiritual values as well as providing a service to society by following an editorial policy within this scope. Adopting customer satisfaction as a key principle, İhlas Media Planning and Purchase Services implements a continuous process of self-renewal. The Company conducts operations while enhancing its quality in the highly competitive environment of the advertising sector, and is known in the sector as an advertising agency that provides a full range of services to the customer ÷IMBT(FMJùJN"ø÷IMBT.BHB[JOF(SPVQJTUIFQBSFOUDPNQBOZGPS÷MFUJùJN.BHB[JO÷MFUJùJN.BHB[JOF BOE÷IMBT'VBSDML÷IMBT Exhibition Services) companies. The group enjoys a strong reputation thanks to its sector magazines, inserts, catalogues, official fair brochures and specific projects overseas. %JKJUBM7BSMLMBS%JHJUBM"TTFUT XIJDIDPNNFODFEPQFSBUJPOTJOTIBQFTJUTBDUJWJUJFTJOUIFBXBSFOFTTUIBUPOMJOFNFEJBJTPG crucial importance, now and in the future. As of the end of 2013, the participation share of İhlas Holding in İhlas Media Holding stood at 65.15%. Subsidiaries of İhlas Media Holding and its participation ratios by the end of 2013 Subsidiary Companies İhlas Journalism (Türkiye Newspaper) İhlas News Agency (İHA) TGRT News TV (TGRT News) TGRT Digital TV (TGRT Documentary TV) İletişim Magazine İhlas Exhibition Services İhlas Gelişim Publishing Digital Assets Visual Media and Internet Services İhlas Media Planning and Purchase Services İhlas Holding - İhlas Media Holding and İhlas Marketing Joint Venture Effective Shares (%) 56.55% 75.00% 98.96% 99.63% 79.80% 77.28% 84.00% 93.13% 98.03% 45.00% THE CENTRE OF JOURNALISM, KEEPING UP WITH THE RAPIDLY CHANGING TIMES EVERYWHERE, FROM THE REMOTEST CORNER OF TURKEY TO THE FARTHEST POINT IN THE WORLD 36 TÜRKİYE NEWSPAPER COMPLETELY RENEWED ITS LOGO AND DESIGN WITH THE MOTTO “NEW TURKEY’S NEW TÜRKİYE” İHLAS GAZETECİLİK A.Ş. / İHLAS JOURNALISM (TÜRKİYE GAZETESİ) / (TÜRKİYE NEWSPAPER) Türkiye Newspaper was established on April 22, 1970. It is the only newspaper to have retained the same ownership and publishing policy since its establishment. Türkiye Newspaper is a newspaper committed to the principle of transmitting accurate and real news, uncompromisingly dedicated to press ethics and principles, and faithful to universal and contemporary values. Türkiye Newspaper is one of the most stable institutions in the media sector, as a media organ that has high competitive strength, and has an experienced management perception, consistent publishing principles, brand awareness and extensive readership. In addition to its content, Türkiye Newspaper has a powerful technical infrastructure. The Newspaper boasts printing facilities in Istanbul, Ankara, Izmir, Adana, Trabzon and Antalya. The capacity of the Istanbul facility alone is 55,000 newspapers an hour. The individual printing offices in Ankara, Izmir, Adana, Trabzon and Antalya also produce pages supported by local news to report on regional current affairs. In addition, several national and local newspapers are also printed in these 6 facilities. As well as being sold at newsagents, Türkiye Newspaper is distributed directly to homes and offices through the dealers of İhlas Marketing, one of the İhlas Group’s subsidiaries, and was the first newspaper in Turkey to implement such a system. The manual delivery system, which is used commonly around the world and especially in the USA and Japan, engenders reliable sales stability, in addition to establishing sound communication with readers. The manual delivery network also ensures a strong customer base for İhlas Group’s marketing operations. At the beginning of 2013, by narrowing its dimensions, the Newspaper became easier to handle and read with its new size. Planning to continue this change with “a new vision of journalism” by using the opportunities and technology of the information age, Türkiye Newspaper succeeded in changing its design, content and writing team, while still preserving its professional traditions and values, as of September 17, 2013. Formulating these changes with the motto of “NEW TURKEY’S NEW TÜRKİYE”, Türkiye Newspaper completely revamped its logo and EFTJHOBGUFSMPOHBOESJHPSPVTFWBMVBUJPOT.BOZBDDMBJNFEXSJUFSTTVDIBT.FMJI"MUOPL:MESBZ0öVS#VSºV FUJOLBZB'VBU6öVS Prof Dr Burak Arzova, İbrahim Kahveci, Ercan Gürses and Ceren Kenar were added to the writing team. The sports pages enhanced the “brand” value by transferring two major names of Turkish football, Ümit Karan and Alpay Özalan. The renewal and improvement studies, which started in 2012, regarding the newspaper’s website, www.tg.com.tr (www. turkiyegazetesi.com.tr) continued in 2013, and some significant achievements were obtained as a result of these efforts. The www. turkiyegazetesi.com.tr web site has undersigned outstanding works in internet journalism with its young and dynamic staff. It raised the number of daily hits, which was at around 20,000 – 26,000 two years ago, to the range of 180,000 – 250,000. The shares of İhlas Gazetecilik A.Ş. (İhlas Journalism) began trading on the Borsa Istanbul (BIST) with the code IHGZT ISIN as of June 14, 2010. By the end of 2013, the participation share of İhlas Holding in İhlas Gazetecilik (İhlas Journalism) stood at 6.92%, while 56.55% is held CZ÷IMBT:BZO)PMEJOH÷IMBT.FEJB)PMEJOH İhlas Holding Annual Report 2013 37 İHLAS HABER AJANSI A.Ş. / İHLAS NEWS AGENCY (İHA) İhlas News Agency (İHA), the first news agency in Turkey to broadcast video news, was founded in 1993. İHA, having adopted true, fast and objective reporting as its principle, and continued organisation and technology investments since the date it was established, is now one of the most successful news agencies in Turkey... İHA produces a daily average of 200 video news items, and 850 printed and photo-news items, with over 900 personnel working in cooperation in 140 domestic and international offices. İHA is a respectable Turkish news agency with 1,700 subscribers in 2013, consisting of a number of newspapers, web sites, magazines and institutions, together with more than 100 television channels in Turkey and in various other countries. As well as its video, images and news transmission capacity from almost every town and city in Turkey, in addition to 35 countries around the world, İHA transmits news to subscribers via satellite uplink and the internet. In addition to 250 national and global footage transmission stations, İHA has 32 uplink stations abroad so that it can instantaneously transmit video via satellite to the whole world, by rapidly arriving at the scene of events. İHA started opening foreign offices in 1996, and has since earned its place among the world’s most prestigious news agencies, thanks to its news production on 5 continents, and to its satellite operations. In parallel with the improvement in its technological infrastructure, İHA has enhanced its diversity of service. It started providing news in Arabic and English in 1998. With changing global paradigms following the September 11 attacks, İHA has concentrated its activities in Iran, Iraq, Afghanistan, Pakistan, Russia, Greece, Kosovo, Israel, Palestine and the Central Asian Turkic Republics. Widening its operational field in recent years, İHA has established offices in Washington, Cairo, Khartoum, Athens and Islamabad, blazoning them with fully organised studios and uplink equipment. The system of digitally archiving footage was launched with original software developed by İHA’s own technical team, long before the emergence of similar examples elsewhere in the world. More than 850,000 images have been indexed under this system. Likewise, a total of 3,353,000 news texts and 4,847,000 photographs are digitally stored and indexed. The development project of a software to enable access to these digitally archived treasures, and make them available for users, was initiated in 2012 and still continues. The news automation system, the software of which was developed by İHA, was put into use in 2012 to enable direct entry of news into the system from any location with internet access. This innovation exponentially expanded İHA’s current news reporter and copy editor network and enabled faster transmission of the news to the client. İhlas News Agency has been transferring video news products to subscriber television channels via satellite, first with the VBI system and then with the SDC system, since 1997. As well as this transfer medium, the news will also be transferred to subscribers over the internet via professional software in 2014. In addition to the HD transition services provided currently, it is planned to launch HD (High Definition) video service to domestic and international subscribers and customers. At the same time, the Company is going to make a revised investment of approximately US$ 700,000 in 2014, and plans to purchase 15 medium-sized camcorders, 15 small-sized camcorders and 20 professional cameras in the first phase. The participation shares of İhlas Holding and İhlas Media Holding in İHA as of the end of 2013 stand at 24% and 75%, respectively. IHA: ONE OF THE WORLD’S MOST RESPECTED NEWS AGENCIES, WITH NEWS PRODUCED IN 5 CONTINENTS, AND SATELLITE OPERATIONS 38 TGRT NEWS TV AND TGRT FM: THE AGENDA OF TURKEY AND THE WORLD, VIEWS OF EXPERT GUESTS, ANALYSES CASTING LIGHT ON EVENTS TGRT HABER TV A.Ş. / TGRT NEWS TV Having amassed experience in collating the news on national and international current affairs through Türkiye Newspaper (İhlas Journalism) and İhlas News Agency (İHA), the İhlas Group transferred this amalgamation to TGRT News TV (TGRT Haber TV A.Ş.) when it went on air on October 29, 2004. TGRT News TV has earned the acclaim and trust of viewers, adopting a stable broadcasting concept that addresses expectations, takes responsibility and does not compromise on its objectivity. Operating with the principle, ‘Life Itself is the Focal Point of Journalism’, the channel has stayed true to its identity as an objective, genuine, and honest news carrier. TGRT News TV presents news from both Turkey and the world through 24-hour live news bulletins. Both at home and abroad, the news channel transmits the opinions of guests who are experts in agenda related topics to viewers through live broadcasts. TGRT News TV has been broadcasting its programs in Europe and Asia via the Türksat satellite, and has emerged as a new source of information for Turks living in Europe. Furthermore, it reaches a vast audience through the Digiturk, D-Smart, Teledünya, and Tivibu digital platforms, and over the internet (www.tgrthaber.com.tr) via live broadcast. In 2013, TGRT News TV revamped and updated most of its equipment, from the first step cameras to the final step transmitting antennae, required for broadcasting in HD quality. The studios have been fully renovated as well, and the 16/9 broadcast format has been adopted. A logo change is planned in 2014, and it is aimed to make the broadcast stream more dynamic with new programs. 5IFQBSUJDJQBUJPOTIBSFPG÷IMBT:BZO)PMEJOH÷IMBT.FEJB)PMEJOH JO5(35)BCFS5(35/FXT57 TUBOETBU TGRT FM / TGRT FM RADIO TGRT FM has worked as part of TGRT News TV with a policy of superior broadcasting quality since October 4, 1993. TGRT FM, presenting quality programs with a professional concept of broadcasting to its listeners, uses up-to-date technologies and program broadcasting. TGRT News TV has started providing services from its new location, with all the equipment at one broadcasting, one recording and two editing studios, fully-equipped with professional apparatus, renewed with IP based sound mixers in 2013, and with an infrastructure that has become completely digital. The FM transmitters, whose economic lives have expired, have been replaced with new FM transmitters that provide more RF power with less energy consumption. It is planned to continue these renewal studies in 2014 too. TGRT FM conducted joint broadcasting with TGRT News TV at various times of the day, and especially at the prime news time in the evening, in order to provide a powerful news reporting platform and a better service to listeners in the field of news. It has been decided to continue this broadcasting service in 2014 too. İhlas Holding Annual Report 2013 39 TGRT FM can be received on radio via 125 transmitters throughout Turkey, and via digital satellite transmitters anywhere within Türksat 2A Satellite coverage. Since 2012, TGRT FM has been streamable in 4 different formats from all over the world. You can find updated information about radio frequency and satellite frequency on www.tgrt-fm.com.tr. TGRT DİJİTAL TV HİZMETLERİ A.Ş. (TGRT DOCUMENTARY TV) TGRT Digital TV, which used to broadcast all day long in TV Marketing format under the TGRT Pazarlama (TGRT Marketing) logo, changed its name to TGRT Belgesel (TGRT Documentary TV) on 22 April, 2010, and has been conducting completely scheduled broadcasting under this name since then. TGRT Documentary serves the purposes of living up to culture, civilization, history and spiritual values, as well as providing a service to society, by following an editorial policy within this scope. The contents of TGRT Documentary TV consist of documentaries dealing with history, civilization, culture, art, nature and spiritual values. The channel broadcasts continuously for 24 hours a day with its educational, relaxing and informative broadcasting policy. The most noteworthy feature of the channel, setting it apart from other documentary channels, is that there are no charges or satellite subscription systems required in order to view the channel. Production of new high quality documentaries, prepared in order to promote Turkey’s natural and cultural treasures more broadly, will CFDPOUJOVFEJOUIFOFXQFSJPE5PUIJTFOEQSPEVDUJPOBOECSPBEDBTUJOHPGUIFOFXFQJTPEFTPGUIFQSPHSBNT4FZZBI'BLJS7FMIBTM BOE,ZEBO,ÆùFEFO)JLBZFMFSXJMMDPOUJOVFJO*UJTBMTPQMBOOFEUPQSPEVDFBOECSPBEDBTUBUMFBTUOFXQSPHSBNT On the other hand, the Channel, which researches the traces of Turkish and Ottoman civilization around the world, and has reflected it onto the screen in a most objective way through the documentary program Devri Alem (Around the World) for nearly three years, will also continue to broadcast new foreign sourced nature and animal documentaries. The channel completely revamped and updated its technical infrastructure, and commenced broadcasting from its new studios. It aims to broadcast live programs in 2014. Changing the broadcast format from 4/3 to 16/9 is also among the plans for the coming period. Studies for broadcasting via digital platforms such as TİVİBU and Teledünya in 2014 are ongoing. On the other hand, thanks to the acquisition of the digital terrestrial tender initiated by the Radio and Television Supreme Council (RTÜK), broadcasts will be transmitted to viewers as soon as possible by means of transmitters, and therefore it will be possible to reach a much larger audience. Broadcasts can also be viewed via TGRT Documentary TV’s web page. HOLDING UP A MIRROR TO CULTURE, CIVILIZATION AND THE HISTORY OF MANKIND... 40 SECTOR PUBLICATIONS AND EXHIBITIONS MAKING THE VOICE OF SMEs HEARD, AND PROVIDING THEM AN EFFECTIVE COMMUNICATION PLATFORM İHLAS GELİŞİM YAYINCILIK A.Ş. / İHLAS GELİŞİM PUBLISHING İhlas Gelişim Publishing is an umbrella company that gathers together all of the İhlas Group’s magazine and fair organisation companies. The umbrella company conducts these activities through İletişim Magazin A.Ş. (İletişim Magazine) and İhlas Fuar Hizmetleri A.Ş. (İhlas Exhibition Services). ÷IMBT.BHB[JOF(SPVQXBTFTUBCMJTIFEJO%FDFNCFSVOEFSUIFOBNFi÷IMBT(FMJùJN:BZODML"øv÷IMBT.FEJB)PMEJOHPXOT of this parent company. İhlas Magazine Group enjoys a strong reputation owing to its sector magazines, inserts, catalogues, official fair brochures and overseas specific projects. İhlas Magazine Group enjoys a prominent place in the sector, regularly and continuously offering business development projects to the Turkish economy. The magazine group’s client base consists mainly of craftsmen and SMEs, which also form the client base of Türkiye Newspaper. In 2013, three new magazines, named Sleep Tech, Fashion Turkey and Sustainnovation began distribution, raising the total number of magazines to 30. İhlas Exhibition Services and İletişim Magazine Publishing companies continue their activities in many different sectors. As a result of both the customer-oriented structure and the ability to produce new ideas, the company manages to respond to the needs of customers, and creates a real business development environment in its exhibitions. İhlas Exhibition Services, which also organises domestic and international tourism, summits and similar events, has come to the conclusion that the previously planned education fair wasn’t sought after in the sector in 2013, and organised ISOF - Istanbul Optical and Ophthalmic Goods Fair. İhlas Exhibition Services plans to organise exhibitions in new sectors in the coming years, and is also preparing for the Sleep Well Expo, which will be Turkey’s first bedding fair. İhlas Holding Annual Report 2013 41 İLETİŞİM MAGAZİN GAZETECİLİK SANAYİ VE TİCARET A.Ş. / İLETİŞİM MAGAZINE JOURNALISM Operating under the umbrella of İhlas Gelişim Publishing, İletişim Magazine’s (İletişim Magazin) main fields of activity are the issuing, printing, distribution and marketing of newspapers, magazines, books and encyclopaedias. The Company publishes magazines and newspapers for many different sectors. İletişim Magazine published 3 new magazines in 2013, and boosted the effectiveness of the current publications in domestic and foreign markets. Moreover, İletişim Magazine participated in a larger number of exhibitions, both in Turkey and abroad. All of the magazines were included in the App Store and Android applications. Among its 2014 targets, İletişim Magazine also plans to boost the domestic and international circulation of its current magazines, raise advertising sales for its electronic magazines and, in order to further this end, create collaboration with powerful providers to ensure that the magazines can be read and sold via iPhone, iPad, Android and Windows 8 applications. A- CHILDREN’S MAGAZINES (3 publications) 1- Türkiye Çocuk Dergisi (Children’s Magazine Turkey) 2- Toyuncak Dergisi (Toyuncak Magazine) 3- Baby Store Dergisi (Baby Store Magazine) B- TEXTILE AND INTERIOR DECORATION MAGAZINES (11 publications) 4- Tekstil & Teknik (Textile&Tech Magazine) 5- Konfeksiyon Teknik (Ready-to-Wear / Apparel Tech Magazine) 6- Home Textile Exports Magazine 7- Contract Textile International Magazine 1FSEF4JTUFNMFSJ"LTFTVBSMBS$VSUBJO Systems & Accessories Magazine) 9- Decor Magazine 10- Sleep Well Magazine 11- Sleep Tech Magazine 12- Fiber&Yarn Trends Magazine 13- Fashion Turkey Magazine 14- Sustainnovation Magazine C- CUISINE AND WOMEN MAGAZINES (3 publications) 15- Yemek Zevki (Food Pleasure Magazine) 16- Food Turkey Magazine 17- Beauty Turkey Magazine D- AUTOMOTIVE MAGAZINES (1 publication) 18- Automotive Exports Magazine E- INFORMATICS MAGAZINES (1 publication) 19- IT Network Magazine F- CONSTRUCTION MAGAZINES (4 publications) :BQ.BM[FNF$POTUSVDUJPO.BUFSJBMT Magazine) 21- Nalbur Teknik (Hardware Tech Magazine) 22- Boru ve Teknolojileri (Pipe and Technologies Magazine) 23- Güneş Enerjisi ve Teknolojileri (Solar Energy and Technologies Magazine) G- HEALTH MAGAZINES (2 publications) 24- Medikal Teknik (Medical Tech Magazine) 25- Pharma Turkey Magazine H- DIGITAL PRINTING, PRINTING PRESS, PAPER AND OFFICE SYSTEMS (3 publications) 26- Dijital Teknik (Digital Tech Magazine) 27- Matbaa Teknik (Printing & Publishing Magazine) 28- Print on Demand Magazine I- TOURISM ENTERTAINMENT AND ACCOMMODATION MAGAZINES (1 publication) 26- Hotel Restaurant Hi-Tech Magazine J- ECONOMY PUBLICATIONS (1 publication) 27- Made in Turkey Newspaper THE EXPOSURE OF OUR MAGAZINES, WHICH LEAD THEIR SECTORS, RISES AS THEY ARE MOVED TO VIRTUAL PLATFORMS IN 2014! 42 INTEGRATED SOLUTIONS WILL PUT CUSTOMERS OF İHLAS MEDIA PLANNING AND PURCHASE SERVICES ONE STEP FURTHER AHEAD İHLAS MEDYA PLANLAMA VE SATINALMA HİZMETLERİ LTD. ŞTİ. / İHLAS MEDIA PLANNING AND PURCHASE SERVICES İhlas Media Planning and Purchase Services was established in 2005 to provide service to customers. It aims to be a pioneer for innovations, not a follower, and considers the companies it deals with as business partners rather than customers. İhlas Media Planning and Purchase Services offers its clients all types of advertising services under the title of advertising operations, including promotions, public relations, media purchases and channel marketing. Under the title of visual operations, the Company produces advertising, promotional and educational films, interactive CD / DVDs, 2D3D animations, cartoons, digital and special effects and web design. Under the heading of publishing operations, İhlas Media Marketing and Purchase Services produces graphic designs and all related applications such as print media ads, all forms of printing works, catalogues, brochures, inserts, billboards and signboards, and large size vinyl signboards. Under the title of audio operations, İhlas Media Marketing and Purchase Services presents radio advertising, vocalisation, dubbing and jingles to meet customer requirements. İhlas Media Planning and Purchase Services is engaged in printed media, television, radio, and indoor–outdoor media purchasing services, and also conducts purchasing and marketing activities for attractive channels. In a highly competitive sector, İhlas Media Planning and Purchase Services implements a continuous process of self-renewal, enhances its quality, and is known among its peers as a creative, full service agency. The Company has adopted customer satisfaction as a key principle. There has been a fundamental transformation in all sectors in recent times. As markets are integrated locally and globally, and the media becomes widespread, competition in all sectors will intensify. If one wants to gain ground on the competition, it is crucial to be a brand. İhlas Media Planning and Purchase Services aims to help the companies it deals with take a step forward so that they can compete, especially in times of crisis. İhlas Holding Annual Report 2013 43 İHLAS NET A.Ş. / İHLAS NET Active in the IT sector since 1996, İhlas Net provides internet access and internet based value added services to institutions and companies throughout Turkey. İhlas Net provides internet access and VoIP services via Landlines, Satellite, Wireless and Outdoor Wi-Fi equipment, and has a large corporate client base. İhlas Net pioneers the attraction of new technologies to our country, and within this context it was the first company in Turkey to implement mobile and fixed WiMAX for the General Directorate of Security’s MOBESE infrastructure. İhlas Net continues to apply mobile and fixed WiMAX for the MOBESE infrastructure of the General Directorate of Security and General Commandership of the Gendarmerie in many cities and districts. Solutions offered by İhlas Net: s.PCJMFBOE'JYFE8J."9 s111.18JSFMFTT"DDFTT s.JDSPXBWF#BDLIBVMJOH s(0GGMPBE Services offered by İhlas Net: s71/TFSWJDFT s0VUEPPS8J'JJOUFSOFUBDDFTT s3FHJTUFSJOHBOENBOBHJOH%PNBJO/BNF s5SBGGJDMPHHJOHWJBUIFi4NBSU4FSWFSvBQQMJDBUJPO s&.BJMQSPWJEJOHEJSFDUJOHBOENBOBHJOH s8FC$P-PDBUJPO%FEJDBUFE4FSWFSBQQMJDBUJPOT s/5-JOVYBOE'SFFCTETFSWFST s)PTUJOHBCSPBE s$MPVE$MPVE$PNQVUJOH 4FSWJDFT s&MFDUSPOJDTUSBEFBQQMJDBUJPOT s/FUXPSLTZTUFNBOETFDVSJUZDJSDMFJOTUBMNFOU As the first Turkish Internet Service Provider to obtain the ISO 9001 Quality Certificate and TS Service Compliance Certificate, İhlas Net possesses the “ISO 9001:2008 Quality Management System Standard” and “ISO/IEC 27001:2005 Information Security Management System Certificate”. MARKETING AND TRADING A LARGE VARIETY OF PRODUCTS AND SERVICES IN COMMUNICATION TECHNOLOGY MARKETING AND TRADE BRANDS PROVIDING FLAVOUR AND CONVENIENCE TO OUR LIVES 46 İHLAS MARKETING: NEARLY 1000 POINTS OF SALE AND AN EXTENSIVE MARKETING NETWORK ACROSS TURKEY... İHLAS PAZARLAMA YATIRIM HOLDİNG A.Ş. / İHLAS MARKETING INVESTMENT HOLDING For the purpose of gathering all production and marketing companies under a single roof, an umbrella company with a nominal capital PG5-NJMMJPOXBTFTUBCMJTIFEPO'FCSVBSZXJUIUIFUJUMF÷IMBT1B[BSMBNB:BUSN)PMEJOH"ø÷IMBT.BSLFUJOH*OWFTUNFOU Holding). 5IFTVCTJEJBSJFTBOEBGGJMJBUFTPG÷IMBT1B[BSMBNB:BUSN)PMEJOH"ø÷IMBT.BSLFUJOH*OWFTUNFOU)PMEJOH BOEJUTQBSUJDJQBUJPOTIBSFT within these companies are as follows: Company İhlas Ev Aletleri İmalat San. ve Tic. A.Ş. (İhlas Home Appliances) ,15-PKJTUJL5BùNBDML5VS3FL1B[÷ºWF%ù5JD"ø,15-PHJTUJDT øJGB:FNFLWF(EB±SFUJN5FTJTMFSJ5JD"øøJGB$BUFSJOH Bisiklet Pazarlama ve Tic. A.Ş. (Bicycle Marketing and Trading) İhlas Motor A.Ş. (İhlas Motor) Share (%) 17.60% 98.30% 91.00% İhlas Home Appliances, one of the subsidiary companies of İhlas Marketing Investment Holding, is the largest shareholder of İhlas Mining, with a participation of 63.82%. Thus, İhlas Mining is an indirect subsidiary of İhlas Marketing Investment Holding. In the same way, since the Izmir-based bicycle manufacturer Bisan Bisiklet Moped Otomotiv A.Ş. (Bisan Bicycle), is 99.88% owned by Bisiklet Pazarlama (Bicycle Marketing), it is also an indirect subsidiary of İhlas Marketing Investment Holding. ÷IMBT1B[BSMBNB:BUSN)PMEJOH"ø÷IMBT.BSLFUJOH*OWFTUNFOU)PMEJOH 4IBSFIPMEJOH4USVDUVSF Company Partners İhlas Holding A.Ş. (İhlas Holding) İhlas Pazarlama A.Ş. (İhlas Marketing) Ahmet Mücahid Ören "CEVMMBI5VSBM Sedat Kurucan Total Share Rate (%) 37,00% 60,00% 2,00% 0,50% 100,00% Share Amount (TL) 68.080.000 110.400.000 3.680.000 920.000 184.000.000 İhlas Holding Annual Report 2013 47 İHLAS PAZARLAMA A.Ş. / İHLAS MARKETING İhlas Marketing, within the framework of dealer structures, mainly distributes electric and electronic home appliances for the İhlas Group through its main and secondary dealer points and its nationwide marketing network. İhlas Marketing is the domestic distributer of products manufactured by İhlas Ev Aletleri (İhlas Home Appliances). Within this framework, as well as products bearing the Aura brand manufactured by one of the Group Companies, İhlas Ev Aletleri, carrying significant weight in terms of endorsement and added value, wholesale marketing of many other products is also conducted through the same dealer network. The product range was diversified for sale in dealer shops. In particular, new products in the small household appliances, kitchenware and electronics segments were introduced to the market. In addition to the products produced and sold with the Aura and Ora brands, well known global brands such as Braun, Philips, Tefal, and LG are sold in İhlas shops. İhlas Marketing boasts one of the strongest marketing and distribution networks in the country, with 1,025 sales points (94 İhlas shops, 266 demonstration offices, 439 distribution offices and 226 certified service outlets and depots) operated by its dealers throughout Turkey. İhlas Marketing is working to improve the utilisation of this distribution network and to augment its market share. İhlas retailers keep in close touch with both İhlas Marketing personnel and customers, thereby ensuring that the marketing channel remains efficient and effective. The necessary studies are conducted on a regular basis for more efficient functioning of the system. A bilateral data flow system allows marketing personnel to receive information pertaining to products and their technical specifications directly from suppliers. In return, suppliers receive information on market conditions from İhlas Marketing’s personnel. With this data flow, companies can immediately adapt themselves to changing market conditions, and improve their product quality. İhlas Marketing places top priority on people’s happiness and customer satisfaction, and constantly takes into account any and all feedback from customers, and then modifies the diversity and quality of products in accordance with first hand suggestions from these customers. By the end of 2013, İhlas Holding’s share in İhlas Marketing stood at 98.77%. AN INNOVATIVE PERSPECTIVE APPRECIATING CUSTOMERS’ EXPECTATIONS AND IDEAS 48 İHLAS HOME APPLIANCES PRODUCTS CATER TO A BROAD CONSUMER GROUP IN 49 COUNTRIES İHLAS EV ALETLERİ İMALAT SAN. VE TİC. A.Ş. / İHLAS HOME APPLIANCES Since the day it was established, İhlas Home Appliances (IHEVA) has effectively introduced customers to an extensive range of small household appliances, which focus on human health and basic needs, and facilitate daily home life. IHEVA’s main products are cleaning robots, ‘reverse osmosis’ water purification devices, water heaters, carpet washing machines, wet and dry vacuum cleaners, quartz stoves, and electronic scales. IHEVA goods are introduced to the market under the Aura, Aura Cleanmax, Aura Roboclean, Aura Cebilon, Aura QVac and Aura Wdry brand names. All IHEVA products are marketed domestically by İhlas Pazarlama, with an approach geared towards ensuring unconditional consumer satisfaction through a widespread dealership organisation and sales channels. Preparatory works have been carried out to ensure compliance of all goods to national and international standards, and with TSE, SGS, UL, TÜV, KEMA KEUR, and NMI certificates, this compliance was duly registered. IHEVA long ago commenced CE stamping practices, which aim to engender improvements on health, the environment, security and customer protection issues in industrial products, and continues its production in accordance with these standards. IHEVA, always a pioneer in the sector, confirmed the quality of the Aura Cebilon Reverse Osmosis Water Purifying System with the NSF (NATIONAL SANITATION FOUNDATION) certificate, as an outcome of 3 years of hard work and effort. IHEVA products are sold in 49 countries, notably Kazakhstan, Poland, Germany, Hungary, S. Arabia, Greece, Malaysia, Uzbekistan, Denmark, Azerbaijan, Italy, Hong Kong and Russia. Regional distributions of overseas sales, which amounted to USD 9.96 million in 2013, are 49% to the Turkic Republics, 13% to the EU, and 38% to other countries. In 2014, country visits geared at attending international expos and marketing research studies will continue, and the primary target market will be African countries. Having been formed de facto since 2005, the TQM (Total Quality Management) system was extended to cover all of the company functions, and obtained the international ISO 9001:2008 certificate in 2012. İhlas Holding Annual Report 2013 49 IHEVA shares have been trading on the Borsa İstanbul (BIST) since September 26, 1996, and 74.83% of the Company’s shares are free floated as of the end of 2013. Accordingly, IHEVA shares have been traded in the BIST National 100 Index since October 1, 2007. Our Company has been listed on the BIST Corporate Management Index since December 29, 2010. JCR Eurasia Rating Agency has conducted an evaluation of the Corporate Management Applications of İhlas Home Appliances. The results indicated that the Company’s level of Compliance with Corporate Governance Principles was graded at 7.80 points out of 10, and its outlook was determined as Stable. Since our Compliance with Corporate Governance Principles grade is above the threshold grade (7), the Company will continue to be listed in the BIST Corporate Governance Index. With innovative features, the economical, effective and silent cleaning robot project, whose design and engineering studies were carried out entirely by the IHEVA R&D Department, was approved for support by TÜBİTAK. The project was completed and launched on the market in 2013. The highly innovative Reverse Osmosis Water Purifying Device Development project was approved for support by TÜBİTAK. The project is slated for commercialisation and market release in 2014. More innovation brings us the economical, effective and silent cleaning robots, Aura Roboclean and Aura Cleanmax, which took first prize in their segments for their healthy and ergonomic designs, among 4,200 competitors in the “Red Dot” award ceremony held in Essen, Germany. IHEVA heightens the significance of sustainability and environmental studies with myClimate Turkey. The company took the most crucial step to reduce environmental impact with the Corporate Carbon Footprint report implemented under the IS0 14064 standard. Conducting intensive studies to incorporate many quality standards with the goal of establishing an integrated quality management system, İhlas Home Appliances reported the Carbon Footprint this year, for the first time ever. In 2014, IHEVA will boost its targets, maintaining full speed, and participate in the CDP reporting, to which it first responded in 2013. Thus, it will continue to take place among the international organisations that responded to the survey and had their transparency and performance rated in the context of CDP (Carbon Disclosure Project). So far, IHEVA has reached the completion stage in studies for the following certifications; 14001 Environmental Management System, 18001 Occupational Health and Safety Management System, and 14064 Greenhouse Gas Accounting and Verification. We expect to reflect our “Carbon Emission Reduction” targets, which are internalised by our blue and white-collar employees, and accepted as the part of our corporate policy, to the CDP 2014 survey to be conducted this year, and to reach an even better position than our current level. THE CLEANING ROBOTS, AURA ROBOCLEAN AND AURA CLEANMAX, WERE AWARDED THE “RED DOT” FOR THEIR HEALTHY AND ERGONOMIC DESIGNS 50 BİSAN: 430 DEALERS, 827 AFTER-SALES SERVICE POINTS, AND 23 SPARE PARTS WHOLESALERS THROUGHOUT TURKEY... BİSAN GRUBU / BİSAN GROUP When you mention bicycles in Turkey, the first brand to come to mind is Bisan. Founded in April 1963, and with 50 years of experience, it is one of the country’s premier industrial institutions, with superior quality and large production capacity. It continues its production facilities in the Izmir Kemalpaşa Organised Industrial Zone. As well as producing and assembling bicycles, mopeds, motorcycles, scooters, wheelchairs and their spare parts, Bisan also imports electric motorcycles and motocargos, and trades children’s tools and equipment. Bisan employs 203 personnel, and has a network of 430 dealers, 827 after-sales service points, and 23 spare parts wholesalers throughout Turkey. Bisan Bicycle, holds all the necessary licenses concerning quality and warranty in bicycle production, and achieved a production capacity of 25.43% in bicycle production and 58.06% in motorcycle production in 2013. Looming large in Turkey and abroad with its quality, Bisan has an annual production capacity of 225,000 bicycles, 1,377 mopeds, 18,144 motorcycles, 2,016 electric motorcycles, 72,000 cross trainers, 25,000 electric bicycles, 16,000 treadmills, 22,500 wheelchairs and 2,500 electric chairs during the same period on a single shift basis. İhlas Holding’s subsidiary, İhlas Marketing Investment Holding, holds a 98.30% share in Bicycle Marketing, while Bicycle Marketing holds a 99.88% share in Bisan Bicycle Moped Automotive. İhlas Holding Annual Report 2013 51 ŞİFA YEMEK VE GIDA ÜRETİM TESİSLERİ TİC. A.Ş. / ŞİFA CATERING The reason for the establishment of Şifa Catering was to present traditional Turkish cuisine to customers with the highest technology, using natural ingredients as much as possible in order to avoid chemical additives, and to enhance food diversity. Şifa Catering has continued its commercial activities, which it initiated as a limited company in 1998, as a Joint-stock company since 2003. Şifa Catering employs 96 people, and its daily production is between 6,000 and 7,000 table d’hôtes. In 2013, Şifa Catering received a plaque for participating in the CNR Expo Halal and Healthy Products Fair. The production licenses were converted to a business registration certificate, in compliance with the changing law. A service contract was signed with Uzman Food Laboratory within the context of international food hygiene. The priority target for 2014 was determined as the creation of market areas for delicatessen products manufactured with 6-month shelf lives, and without any chemical additives (Nitrite – Nitrate - Sodium Mono Glutamate, etc.), through intensive promotions and advertising. KPT LOJİSTİK TAŞIMACILIK TUR. REK. PAZ. İÇ VE DIŞ TİC. A.Ş. / KPT LOGISTICS KPT Logistics meets all of its customers’ logistics requirements, with operational strength, service diversity, experience and assurance, as well as alternative logistics solutions, generating the advantage of the most appropriate cost and competition. KPT Logistics covers approximately 2.5 million km yearly, and plans the storage and transfer of products, ensures their delivery to their final destination in appropriate vehicles and conditions, and within the minimum requested time, thanks to its well-trained personnel and modern fleet. KPT Logistics demonstrates its differentiation in every link of the chain, also including inventory management. The materials’ inventory records are taken at the first moment of purchase, and all material movements in warehouses are monitored and recorded. KPT Logistics performs the complete or partial transportation of the products to every point within the boundaries of Turkey. KPT LOGISTICS: OPERATIONAL STRENGTH, COST EFFECTIVE SOLUTIONS ŞİFA CATERING: QUALITY AND DIVERSITY COMBINED IN HALAL PRODUCTS ENERGY AND MINING A VISION TOWARDS PLANNING A FUTURE OF PROVIDING LOCAL ENERGY RESOURCES TO THE ECONOMY 54 İHLAS MINING PROVIDES OUR LOCAL RESOURCES TO THE COUNTRY’S ECONOMY İHLAS MADENCİLİK A.Ş. / İHLAS MINING Mining, along with agriculture, is one of the two key raw material producing sectors for the economy. The sector is of utmost significance, not only for its direct contribution to the economy, but also for its input to other sectors, especially the manufacturing industry. The equivalent of 87 mining fields, for which İhlas Mining took over the exploration licenses, and indexed to studies on the priority situation of the fields, operating projects for 84 sites were passed to MİGEM (General Directorate of Mining Affairs), and operating licenses were obtained for 3 sites. The mining fields that İhlas Holding owns are categorised into three main groups. These areas include gold, metal mines, and coal and industrial raw materials. 5IFSFBSFUXPPQFSBUJOHMJDFOTFTPXOFECZ.JS÷ºWF%ù5JDBSFUBTVCTJEJBSZPG÷IMBT.JOJOH5IFQSPCBCMFSFTFSWFTPOUIFGJFMETPXOFE CZ.JS÷ºWF%ù5JDBSFUBNPVOUUPUPOTHSBEFEBT1C-FBE BOE;O;JOD 5IJTSFTFSWFDBMDVMBUJPOXBTNBEF by the MTA Institute, and has been determined by use of the results of 74 cathode-drilling analyses, hundreds of splitting analyses, and around 3,000 chemical analyses. Shares of İhlas Madencilik are traded on the BIST Second National Market. In 2013, İhlas Mining completed the feasibility studies for the poly metal field in Salihli, and evaluated the investment budget. Accordingly, a 10-year lease agreement was signed for the 120 acres of privately owned land located in the license area. The studies required for the operating permit were completed, and the permit applications were sent to the relevant authorities, pending response. İhlas Holding Annual Report 2013 55 Again in 2013, the feasibility studies for concentrated zinc + lead production with a monthly capacity of 500 tons in two fields with zincMFBEPQFSBUJOHMJDFOTFTJOUIF#BZOESSFHJPOXIJDICFMPOHTUP.JS÷ºWF%ù5JDBSFU.JS*OUFSOBMBOE&YUFSOBM5SBEF BTVCTJEJBSZPG İhlas Mining, was completed and the budget was evaluated. Studies on searching and extending the reserves are ongoing in the fields. A 7-acre privately owned plot of land located in the operating license area, which is rich in lead minerals, was also purchased. Alternative energy projects were evaluated in order to use the lignite deposits located in our license areas in Elbistan for power generation purposes. Pre-project planning activities and a feasibility study regarding a power plant were initiated. İhlas Mining continued reserve exploration works in its current mining fields during 2013, performed geophysical studies in 28 fields, and requested 84 intra-site operating licenses. Meanwhile in 2014, it is planned to activate primarily the capacity building investment for UIF#BZOES[JODoMFBEQMBOUBOEUIFQPMZNFUBMJOWFTUNFOUJOUIFMJDFOTFBSFBJO4BMJIMJBOEUPDPNQMFUFUIFQSFMJNJOBSZQSFQBSBUJPOT for the power plant investment in Elbistan. The reserve exploration and development studies in other areas will also be continued, and other investment projects will be included in the 2014 business program according to the results of our operating license applications for these projects. PRE-PROJECT PLANNING ACTIVITIES WERE INITIATED FOR THE POWER PLANT INVESTMENT IN ELBİSTAN HEALTH AND EDUCATION HEALTHCARE SERVICE THAT MAKES YOU FEEL AT HOME, WITH EXPERIENCED HEALTH PROFESSIONALS, THE LATEST TREATMENT METHODS, AND DEVICES WITH THE LATEST TECHNOLOGIES... “A JOURNEY THAT AIMS FOR PERFECTION IN EDUCATION” 58 LATEST TECHNOLOGY IN HEALTHCARE: MODERN EQUIPPED LABORATORIES, DIAGNOSIS UNITS AND OPERATION THEATRES TÜRKİYE GAZETESİ HASTANESİ / TÜRKİYE GAZETESİ HOSPITAL For İhlas Holding, the provision of health services represents another means to fulfil its obligation to society. The Holding continues its activities in this sector in a human-focused approach. An average of 600 outpatients receive treatment each day, along with 900 inpatients per month, and 800 operations are performed each month in the 70-bed capacity hospital. The Hospital boasts a modern laboratory equipped with state-of-the-art medical equipment, diagnosis units and operation theatres. With 90 medical specialists (50 of whom are directly employed by the hospital), and 268 health and administrative personnel, it is an outstanding health institution, providing an elegant service. In Türkiye Gazetesi Hospital, all diagnoses and treatments are performed with modern methods in the Internal and Surgical Medicine departments, including Internal Medicine, Respiratory Diseases, Gastroenterology, Neurology, Dermatology, Physical Treatment and Rehabilitation, Nutrition and Dietetics, Cardiovascular Surgery, Cardiovascular Surgery, Cardiology, Neurosurgery, General Surgery, Paediatric Surgery, Anaesthesiology and Reanimation, Orthopaedics and Traumatology, Ear Nose and Throat, Plastic Surgery, Urology, Obstetrics and Gynaecology, Paediatric Health and Diseases, and Dental and Oral Surgery. New doctors have started to provide service in areas such as Obstetrics and Gynaecology, Perinatology, Pulmonary Diseases, Radiology, Physical Treatment, Paediatrics, Child and Adolescent Psychology, and Nutrition and Dietetics. The Ophthalmology and Laser Eye Surgery Unit at Türkiye Gazetesi Hospital is one of Turkey’s leading eye clinics. Within the previous period, studies were commenced on the establishment of the “Automated Voice Appointment Reminder System”, which makes automatic phone calls over the internet to patients who have received appointments from the hospital, for their appointment approvals. Furthermore, integration studies have been commissioned to establish the Qbuton system, which digitally evaluates and reports patient satisfaction and complaints, and the performance of our personnel. As Turkey’s first private hospital to operate with a fully automated system, Türkiye Gazetesi Hospital closely follows all technological developments in the health informatics industry, in parallel with the continuous change and development of the healthcare industry and QBUJFOUFYQFDUBUJPOT"MMOFDFTTBSZBQQMJDBUJPOTJODMVEJOH4BöMLOFUEBUBUSBOTNJTTJPOTZTUFN&QSFTDSJQUJPOBOE&SFQPSUIBWFCFFO absorbed into the Hospital Information Management System. The PACS (Picture Archiving and Communication Systems) was established to distribute, evaluate and digitally archive (CD) all radiological pictures taken in our hospital such as X-Ray, Magnetic Resonance (MR), and Computerised Tomography (CT). Instead of the TS EN ISO 9001:2008 Quality Certificate, granted by TSE since 2004, our quality certificate was renewed after reaching an agreement with the MEYER and TÜV institutions. At the end of the audits performed, our hospital was awarded the TS EN ISO 9001:2008 Quality Certificate by the MEYER and TÜV institutions. In addition, Türkiye Gazetesi Hospital passed the Service Quality Standards (SQS) inspection, which is performed by the Ministry of Health, in 2013 for the 4th time. The Hospital proved its quality service approach and maintained sustainability, with a grade of 82 points out of 100. Türkiye Gazetesi Hospital earned the ‘2010 EU Quality Award’ at the 2nd International EU Quality Summit, which was held by the Consumer Academy in Brussels on May 29, 2010. The Hospital was also honoured with the International Brand Leadership Award in 2013. İhlas Holding Annual Report 2013 59 İHLAS EĞİTİM KURUMLARI / İHLAS EDUCATIONAL INSTITUTIONS Another of the services provided by İhlas Holding, in accordance with its understanding of social responsibility, is education. Moving forward with the vision of becoming an exemplary educational institution, regarded as a world reference point, İhlas Private Schools has been active in the world of contemporary education since 1996. The schools affiliated to İhlas Educational Institutions are as follows: 1SJWBUF#BIºFMJFWMFS÷IMBT&MFNFOUBSZ4DIPPM 1SJWBUF#BIºFMJFWMFS÷IMBT4FDPOEBSZ4DIPPM Private İhlas Anatolian High School Private İhlas High School Private İhlas Anatolian Vocational School Private İhlas Science High School Private Marmara Houses İhlas Elementary School Private İhlas Kindergarten Güzelşehir Private Marmara Houses İhlas Secondary School Private İhlas Kindergarten Bizim Houses - 2 Private Marmara Houses İhlas Anatolian High School Private İhlas Kindergarten Bizim Houses - 3 Private İhlas Mixed Anatolian High School The İhlas Private Schools are far removed from Istanbul’s dense traffic and clamour, and situated on clean, spacious, green sites. Classes consist of 18 - 24 pupils to a classroom. The earthquake-resistant buildings include two staircases, two emergency exits, and elevators. The buildings were built to meet all modern educational needs in the most efficient manner. They are acclaimed as ideal school buildings, both in Turkey and abroad. İhlas Private Schools include kindergartens, indoor-outdoor, large-small sized sports halls, auditoriums, an assessment and evaluation unit, an IT unit, two computer clusters, leisure rooms, laboratories for natural science (physics, chemistry and biology) classes, science and technology rooms, story rooms, interactive classrooms, art workshops, libraries, foreign language rooms, outdoor playgrounds, and large and roomy corridors. Our expert doctors and nurses follow students’ health and physical development processes closely in fully equipped infirmaries on the campuses. Pupils at the schools receive ordinary courses, support courses, special programs for national college exams, computer supported education programs, and intensified foreign language programs. Lessons make use of technological multimedia equipment, including 3D videos, projectors and computers to support education. Following the ‘Tablet Lesson’ project, which was implemented in 2012, İhlas Private Schools collaborated with Vodafone and Samsung, and provided all students and teachers with the use of tablets and internet under appropriate conditions in 2013. An application was made to open a Science High School, to commence education in 2014 in the Beylikdüzü Campus. It is also planned to open a Kindergarten in Bizim Houses 4. İhlas Educational Institutions became eligible to become a certified testing centre for the ECDL (European Computer Driving License) in the 2006 - 2007 academic year. This system, which tests individual computer skills in 146 countries and in 36 different languages, is also applied by İhlas Educational Institutions along with some universities. With the incorporation of the Microsoft IT Academy Program, a worldwide training program, which is used globally in elementary, secondary and high schools, İhlas Educational Institutions has become an IT Education Centre. Hence, İhlas Educational Institutions grants a Microsoft certificate, free of charge, to its pupils and teachers upon completion of the program. AN EDUCATIONAL INSTITUTION CREATING A MODEL IN TURKEY THANKS TO ITS STABILITY IN STUDENT AND PARENT SATISFACTION, WELL-EQUIPPED TEAM OF EXPERTS, MODERN INFRASTRUCTURE, AND PIONEERING PRACTICES 60 İhlas Holding Annual Report 2013 REPORTS İHLAS HOLDİNG A.Ş. BOARD OF DIRECTORS’ REPORT REGARDING THE ACCOUNTING PERIOD 01.01.2013 - 31.12.2013 61 62 İHLAS HOLDİNG ANONİM ŞİRKETİ BOARD OF DIRECTORS’ REPORT PREPARED WITH REGARD TO THE COMMUNIQUE, SERIAL NO: II, NO: 14,1 a) Period of the Report: Annual report for the period of January 1 - December 31, 2013 b) The Company’s trade name, trade registered number, contact information of the headquarters, and the branches, if any, and the web site address, if any: The Trade Name of the Company: İhlas Holding Anonim Şirketi (Company) The Central Registration System Number (MERSIS) is: 176956 Contact Information of the Headquarters and the Branches: Merkez Mah. 29 Ekim Cad. İhlas Plaza No: 11 B/21, 34197 Yenibosna-Bahçelievler / İstanbul Tel: +90 (212) 454 20 00 - Fax: +90 (212) 454 21 36-37 Apart from our Headquarters, we have offices at 10 locations listed in the following table, including 8 educational institutions, a hospital and a construction site, under İhlas Holding’s legal entity. İhlas College Marmara Mah. Mudanya Cad. Okul Sok. No:1 Beylikdüzü / Istanbul Marmara Primary School Marmara Mah. Mudanya Cad. No:2 Beylikdüzü / Istanbul Marmara Mixed High School Marmara Mah. Mudanya Cad. No:2 Kat:3 Beylikdüzü / Istanbul Yenibosna Primary School Çobançeşme Mah. Fatih Cad. No:1 A-Blok Yenibosna / Behçelievler-Istanbul Yenibosna High School Çobançeşme Mah. Fatih Cad. No:1 B-Blok Yenibosna / Behçelievler-Istanbul Türkiye Hospital Merkez Mah. Darülaceze Cad. No:14/1 Şişli / Istanbul Kristal Şehir Site Atatürk Mahallesi Adnan Kahveci Bulvarı 23 C-1 A1 B Pafta 1088 Ada 1 Parsel Esenyurt -Istanbul Bizimevler Kindergarten Tahtakale Mah. T42 Sokak Çarşı Bloğu No:8-10 D:1 Avcılar / Istanbul Güzelşehir Kindergarten Bahçelievler Mah. Hayrettin Altınok Cad. Sosyal Tesis No:1-450 Kumburgaz / Büyükçekmece-Istanbul Bizimevler 3 Kindergarten Tahtakale Mah. T38 Sokak D Blok No:2-10 D:1 Avcılar / Istanbul Web Address: www.ihlas.com.tr İhlas Holding Annual Report 2013 63 İHLAS HOLDİNG ANONİM ŞİRKETİ BOARD OF DIRECTORS’ REPORT PREPARED WITH REGARD TO THE COMMUNIQUE, SERIAL NO: II, NO: 14,1 c) The Company’s organisational, capital and shareholding structure and the relevant changes during the period: As of December 31, 2013, İhlas Holding’s capital and shareholding structure is as follows: COMPANY PARTNERS Ahmet Mücahid Ören Ayşe Dilvin Ören Ali Tubay Gölbaşı Other Publicly Held TOTAL % 9.37 2.22 3.62 0.02 84.77 100.00 SHARE AMOUNT 74,036,676.60 17,578,888.50 28,604,200.00 126,371.20 670,053,863.70 790,400,000.00 ç) Explanations regarding the privileged shares, if any, and the voting rights of shares: The Company’s registered (authorised) capital is TL 2,000,000,000.00. The registered capital comprises 200,000,000,000 shares, each with a nominal value of 1 Kr. The Company’s issued capital is TL 790,400,000.00. The issued capital comprises 79,040,000,000 bearer shares, each with a nominal value of 1 Kr. TL 790,355,000.00 of the issued capital is Group A bearer shares whereas the remaining TL 45,000.00 is Group B bearer shares. The capital is fully paid-in and it has been distributed to the partners of the Company in proportion with their shares. Each of the partners of the Company, or their proxies, possess 1 voting right for each share they own or represent at the Ordinary and Extraordinary General Assembly meetings. As of the date of the Balance Sheet, the breakdown of the Holding’s privileged shares (Group B shares) is as follows: Name/Title of Shareholder Ahmet Mücahid Ören Ayşe Dilvin Ören Ali Tubay Gölbaşı Zeki Celep Class I I I I Group B B B B Bearer/ Registered Bearer Bearer Bearer Bearer Number 3,453,750 542,250 378,000 126,000 AMOUNT 34,537.50 5,422.50 3,780.00 1,260.00 The Group (B) shareholders of the Company are privileged in the selection of the Members of the Board of Directors. The article pertaining to the privileges included in the Articles of Association is provided below. ARTICLE - 9: PRIVILEGES If the General Assembly of the Company decides that the Board of Directors consist of 5 people, at least 3 of the Members of the Board of Directors are selected among candidates nominated by group (B) shareholders. Similarly, at least 5 of the members are selected among those candidates if a board of 7 people is decided, at least 7 of the members are selected among those candidates if a board of 9 people is decided, and at least 9 of the members are selected among those candidates if a board of 11 people is decided. 64 İHLAS HOLDİNG ANONİM ŞİRKETİ BOARD OF DIRECTORS’ REPORT PREPARED WITH REGARD TO THE COMMUNIQUE, SERIAL NO: II, NO: 14,1 d) Information on the governing body, senior management and number of staff: Board of Directors Position Chairman and General Manager Name Surname Ahmet Mücahid Ören Board Member Executive Board Member Responsible for Trade and Kani Bozbay** Marketing Chief Executive Officer Board Member and Executive Member Responsible for Mahmut Kemal Aydın Accounting Deputy Chairman and Executive Member Responsible for Construction Zeki Celep Board Member and Executive Member Responsible for Legal Affairs Abdurrahman Gök Board Member and Chairman of the Audit Committee Hüsnü Kurtiş Board Member Member of the Audit Committee Chairman of the Early Detection and Management of Risk Committee Board Member and Chairman of the Corporate Governance Committee Müslim Sakal Salman Çiftçi Board Member Member of the Corporate Governance Committee Member of the Early Detection and Management of Risk Committee Board Member Board Member and Member of the Corporate Governance Committee Board Member Board Member and Executive Member Responsible for Trade Board Member Executive Board Member Responsible for Trade and Marketing İsmail Cengiz Bülent Gençer Abdullah Tuğcu*** Mahmut Erdoğan Ceyhan Aral* Murat Odabaş** Limits of Authority Is Independently Authorized to Represent and Has Binding Power Concerning the Company Is Jointly Authorized to Represent and Has Binding Power Concerning the Company Is Jointly Authorized to Represent and Has Binding Power Concerning the Company Is Jointly Authorized to Represent and Has Binding Power Concerning the Company Is Jointly Authorized to Represent and Has Binding Power Concerning the Company Member - Is Not Authorized to Represent and Has Binding Power Concerning the Company Member - Is Not Authorized to Represent and Has Binding Power Concerning the Company Member - Is Not Authorized to Represent and Has Binding Power Concerning the Company Member - Is Not Authorized to Represent and Has Binding Power Concerning the Company Member - Is Not Authorized to Represent and Has Binding Power Concerning the Company Member - Is Not Authorized to Represent and Has Binding Power Concerning the Company Member - Is Not Authorized to Represent and Has Binding Power Concerning the Company Is Jointly Authorized to Represent and Has Binding Power Concerning the Company Is Jointly Authorized to Represent and Has Binding Power Concerning the Company Terms of Office Start and End Date 01.06.2012 2015 31.10.2013** 2015 01.06.2012 2015 01.06.2012 **2015 25.02.2013 2015 01.06.2012 2015 01.06.2012 2015 01.06.2012 2015 01.06.2012 2015 01.06.2012 2015 07.11.2013 2015 28.03.2013* 07.11.2013*** 01.06.2012 28.03.2013* 25.02.2013 31.10.2013** Mr. Enver Ören, the Chairman of the Board of Directors, passed away on February 22, 2013. Mr. Alaattin Şener, a Member of the Board of Directors, resigned due to health problems on February 25, 2013. İhlas Holding Annual Report 2013 65 İHLAS HOLDİNG ANONİM ŞİRKETİ BOARD OF DIRECTORS’ REPORT PREPARED WITH REGARD TO THE COMMUNIQUE, SERIAL NO: II, NO: 14,1 It was decided at the Board of Directors Meeting held on February 25, 2013 that; Mr. Murat Odabaş and Mr. Abdurrahman Gök would be elected as members of the Board of Directors, to be submitted for the approval of the first General Assembly, and to serve until the end of their predecessors’ terms of office. At the same meeting, it was also decided that; Mr. Ahmet Mücahid Ören will serve as the Chairman of the Board of Directors of the Company and continue to serve as the General Manager, Mr. Zeki Celep, one of the Members of the Board, will serve as the Deputy Chairman, Mr. Abdurrahman Gök will serve as the Executive Member of the Board responsible for Legal Affairs while the remaining members of the Board will maintain their positions. * Mr Ceyhan Aral, an Executive Board Member Responsible for Trade, resigned on March 28, 2013. He has been superseded by Mr Mahmut Erdoğan. Pursuant to Article 363 of the Turkish Commercial Code (TCC), persons having legal qualifications were elected to the vacant Board Memberships by the other Board Members, and were submitted for the approval of the first General Assembly. At the General Assembly meeting held on March 30, 2013, Board Membership of the aforementioned persons were approved by the General Assembly, and they will serve until the end of their predecessors’ terms of office. ** Mr Murat Odabaş, an Executive Board Member Responsible for Trade and Marketing and the General Coordinator, resigned on October 31, 2013. He has been superseded by Mr Kani Bozbay as the Executive Board Member Responsible for Trade and Marketing and the Chief Executive Officer. *** Mr Mahmut Erdoğan, a Board Member, resigned on November 7, 2013. He has been superseded by Mr Abdullah Tuğcu. Pursuant to Article 363 of the Turkish Commercial Code (TCC), persons having legal qualifications will be elected to the vacant Board Memberships by the other Board Members and will be submitted for the approval of the first General Assembly. Senior Management Name Surname Ahmet Mücahid Ören Kani Bozbay Zeki Celep Mahmut Kemal Aydın Abdurrahman Gök Ali Tubay Gölbaşı M. Selim Düzgün Hasan Alsancak Eyüp Ömer Kardaş Kubilay Gökçe Kılıç Onur Akansel Serdar Kayaoğlu Muammer Gürbüz Faruk Koca Necati Sönmez Hami Koç İrfan Arvas Abdullah Aydınalev Yusuf Buğra Varlık Yavuz Özgün Duty Chairman and General Manager Board Member, Executive Board Member Responsible for Trade and Marketing, Chief Executive Officer Deputy Chairman and Executive Member Responsible for Construction Board Member, Executive Member Responsible for Accounting Deputy General Manager (Accounting) Board Member, Executive Member Responsible for Legal Affairs Deputy General Manager (Finance) Deputy General Manager (Human Resources and Organizational Development) Deputy General Manager (Strategic Business Development and External Affairs) Technology and R&D Consultant General Manager of Digital Assets General Manager of Real Estate Development and Investment Deputy General Manager (IT Systems) Deputy General Manager (Administrative Affairs) Chief Physician of Türkiye Hospital Managing Director of Türkiye Gazetesi Hospital General Manager of the Education Group Social Affairs Manager Deputy General Manager (Business Development and Operations) Deputy General Manager (Budget and Planning) Ankara Representative Professional Experience 24 years 33 years 46 years 37 years 26 years 33 years 12 years 10 years 26 years 14 years 8 years 30 years 32 years 50 years 36 years 26 years 20 years 23 years 8 years 42 years The Group’s total number of employees is 3,417 (December 31, 2012: 3,526), 916 of which (December 31, 2012: 965) are employed in the Parent Company. There are no applications of collective agreement in the Group. Personnel expenses included in İhlas Holding’s operating costs within the period stood at TL 42,235,301.93. In addition to their salaries, the employees are also provided with food and transportation between the workplace and their residences. Furthermore, vocational trainings are provided, in house or externally, in order to improve their professional knowledge and skills. 66 İHLAS HOLDİNG ANONİM ŞİRKETİ BOARD OF DIRECTORS’ REPORT PREPARED WITH REGARD TO THE COMMUNIQUE, SERIAL NO: II, NO: 14,1 e) Information on the transactions, if any, carried out by the members of the governing body with the company on behalf of himself or other persons, within the framework of the permissions granted by the Company’s General Assembly, and their activities within the scope of the prohibition of competition. Within the framework of the permissions granted by the Company’s General Assembly pursuant to Articles 395 and 396 of the Turkish Commercial Code, the members of the governing body have worked in the governing bodies of subsidiaries and affiliates REMUNERATIONS OF THE MEMBERS OF THE GOVERNING BODY AND THE SENIOR EXECUTIVES a) The total amount of financial benefits provided such as honorarium, wages, premiums, bonuses and dividend Within the context of the Articles of Association, no payments are made to the Members of the Board of Directors other than the rights and benefits designated by the General Assembly. However, remunerations are paid to executive members of the Board of Directors for their executive duties. In this context, it was decided to pay TL 1,700 of gross monthly “Honorarium”, and TL 250 attendance fee per meeting, to the members of the Board of Directors at the 2012 General Assembly Meeting held on March 30, 2013. Although these criteria are not taken into account for the independent members, attention is paid to the protection of their independence level in the remuneration of the Independent Members of the Board of Directors. A total of TL 665,796.56 was paid to the members of the Governing Body and TL 1,442,250.65 was paid to the Senior Executives during the 01.01.2013 - 31.12.2013 period. The details are given below: Members of the Board of Directors Enver Ören Ahmet Mücahid Ören Alaettin Şener Ceyhan Aral Abdurrahman Gök Kani Bozbay Mahmut Erdoğan Murat Odabaş Mahmut Kemal Aydın Hüsnü Kurtiş Bülent Gencer Müslüm Sakal Zeki Celep Salman Çiftçi İsmail Cengiz Abdullah Tuğcu Amount 2,946.67 75,400.00 6,650.00 18,600.00 73,759.00 87,466.31 18,850.00 94,641.25 69,900.00 33,900.00 42,433.33 33,900.00 33,900.00 33,900.00 33,900.00 5,650.00 665,796.56 Senior Executives Kani Bozbay Ahmet Tokdemir Onur Akansel İrfan Arvas Kubilay Gökçe Kılıç Eyüp Ömer Kardaş Yavuz Özgün Hami Koç Necati Sönmez Faruk Koca Mehmet Selim Düzgün Hasan Alsancak Ali Tubay Gölbaşı Serdar Kayaoğlu Muammer Gürbüz Abdullah Aydınalev Yusuf Buğra Varlık Amount 38,770.96 74,250.65 180,209.60 26,400.00 53,720.91 36,000.00 36,000.00 107,295.50 76,320.00 78,000.00 145,908.00 254,869.21 36,000.00 36,000.00 128,320.50 41,287.09 92,898.23 1,442,250.65 b) Information on the total amount of allocated allowances, travel, accommodation and representation expenses, in-kind and cash resources, insurances and other warrants None. RESEARCH AND DEVELOPMENT ACTIVITIES OF THE COMPANY There are no research and development activities carried out by the Company. İhlas Holding Annual Report 2013 67 İHLAS HOLDİNG ANONİM ŞİRKETİ BOARD OF DIRECTORS’ REPORT PREPARED WITH REGARD TO THE COMMUNIQUE, SERIAL NO: II, NO: 14,1 THE COMPANY’S ACTIVITIES AND SIGNIFICANT DEVELOPMENTS RELATED TO THESE ACTIVITIES a) Information on the investments made by the Company during the relevant accounting period: There are no investments conducted by the Company during the relevant accounting period. The company hasn’t benefited from any incentives. b) Information on the Company’s internal control system and internal audit activities, and the opinion of the Governing Body on this issue: In our company, the internal control system includes all the measures and methods accepted and applied in order to protect the plan and the assets of the business organisation, investigate the correctness and reliability of the accounting information, enhance the efficiency of the activities, and encourage commitment to predetermined Corporate Governance policies. Within the context of the Internal Audit activities, the control points are continuously investigated by the Internal Auditors in order that the internal control system, which is accepted as a basic Corporate Governance function contributing to the achievement of the Company’s objectives, being embedded in the nature and in itself of all administrative activities, business, transactions and processes carried out, and including all control activities, ensures a more efficient and systematic structure. The Internal Audit Unit consists of Adnan Gümül, Fuat Kanmaz and Ömer Faruk Birpınar. Internal audit is a consulting activity which helps provide an independent, objective assurance in order to evaluate whether or not the resources are used in accordance with the principles of economy, effectiveness and efficiency, and serves as a guide for adding value to, and developing the operations of, our Company. In our Company, these activities are performed with a systematic, continuous and disciplined approach in accordance with generally accepted standards, to evaluate and improve the effectiveness of the management and control structures of the administrations, and risk management, management and control processes of their financial operations. As can be understood from the definition of the internal audit, we can state that the first of its functions is to provide reasonable assurance, and the second is to provide a consulting service. Assurance Function; provides sufficient assurance, both inside and outside the organisation, that there is an effective internal control system in the organisation, the internal control system and the operational processes work effectively, the information produced is accurate and complete, the assets are protected, corruption and irregularities are prevented, and the activities are performed in an effective, and economical as well as efficient manner in compliance with the legislations. Consultancy Function; provides suggestions for the systematic and regular development and evaluation of activities and the processes for the achievement of the objecti s of the administration. Within this framework, the Internal Control system of İhlas Holding is tested every three months by means of questionnaires prepared by the Internal Auditors. The audit questionnaires; are prepared by the Internal Auditors so that they contain the Internal Control System in its entirety under the main titles of; Safe, Bank, Checks Received and Paid, Sales, Accounts Receivable and Notes Receivable, Purchase, Inventory, Fixed Assets, Investments and Related Income, Accounts Payable and Notes Payable, Wage System, and Shareholders’ Equity. It is targeted that the activities of the Company are planned and implemented in accordance with the Company’s aims and policies, programs, strategic plans, performance programs and legislations, the sources are used effectively, economically and efficiently, and the reliability, integrity and timely availability of information is ensured. The results obtained at the end of the conducted studies are reported with Internal Audit Forms to the Audit Committee in the relevant periods. Opinion of the Governing Body Internal audit, which is carried out under the supervision of the Audit Committee, is a consulting activity which helps provide an independent, objective assurance in order to evaluate whether or not the resources are used in accordance with the principles of economy, effectiveness and efficiency, and serves as guide for adding value to, and developing the operations of, our Company. It is performed with a systematic, continuous and disciplined approach in accordance with generally accepted standards, to evaluate and improve the effectiveness of the management and control structures of the administrations, and risk management, management and control processes of their financial operations. Due to the positive contribution of these activities carried out by the committees, Mr Ömer Faruk Birpınar has participated in the internal audit staff in order that they can perform their studies even more effectively. 68 İHLAS HOLDİNG ANONİM ŞİRKETİ BOARD OF DIRECTORS’ REPORT PREPARED WITH REGARD TO THE COMMUNIQUE, SERIAL NO: II, NO: 14,1 c) Information on the Company’s direct affiliates and their share rates: Trade Name İhlas Yayın Holding A.Ş. İhlas Pazarlama A.Ş. Field of Activity Media Electric Home Appliances Marketing Issued / Paid-in Capital 200,000,000 The Nature Amount of Company’s of the Company’s Share Relationship Share Capital with the Capital Currency Ratio (%) Company 130,300,000 TL 65.15 Subsidiary 950,000,000 938,294,158.99 İhlas Pazarlama Yatırım Holding A.Ş. Marketing Services 184,000,000 68,080,000 İhlas Gazetecilik A.Ş. Newspaper Printing 120,000,000 8,304,075 İhlas Net A.Ş. Internet Services 5,380,000 5,353,100 İhlas Haber Ajansı A.Ş. Reporting Services 14,000,000 3,360,000 İhlas Genel Antrepoculuk ve Ticaret A.Ş. Warehousing Services 1,600,000 662,880 Kuzuluk Kaplıca İnşaat Turizm Sağlık ve Petrol Ürünleri Ticaret A.Ş. Spa Management 14,000,000 200,000 İhlas Madencilik A.Ş. Mining Activities 79,542,538 7,755,018.36 İhlas Motor A.Ş. Automotive Services 14,000,000 135,400 Mir Maden İşletmeciliği Enerji ve Kimya Sanayi Ticaret Ltd. Şti. Mining Activities 1,575,000 177,000 Kıbrıs Bürosu Marketing and Distribution 10 10 İhlas Holding A.Ş.İhlas Yayın Holding A.Ş.İhlas Pazarlama A.Ş. Ortak Girişimi-3 Building Construction Services 100,000 10,000 İhlas Holding A.Ş.İhlas Yapı Turizm ve Sağlık A.Ş. Ortak Girişimi-4Building Construction Services 100,000 10,000 İhlas İnşaat Holding A.Ş. Building Construction Services 70,000,000 49,000,000 Tasfiye Halinde İhlas Finans Kurumu A.Ş. Financial Activities 10,000,000 5,027,000 Tasfiye Halinde Kia-İhlas Motor Sanayi ve Ticaret A.Ş. Automotive Manufacturing 3,900,000 2,067,000 Tasfiye Halinde İhlas Oxford Mortgage İnşaat ve Ticaret A.Ş. Mortgage Services 150,000 72,000 Doğu Yatırım Holding A.Ş. Construction Services 875,000 12,500 İhlas Holding A.Ş.Belbeton Beton Elem. San. Ür. ve Tic. A.Ş.-Ulubol İnş. Haf. Gıda Tur. San. ve Tic. Ltd. Şti. Adi Ortaklığı Construction Services 100,000 51,000 İhlas Ev Aletleri İmalat San. Small Home Appliances ve Tic. A.Ş. Production and Marketing 191,370,001.38 14,445,794.96 TL 98.77 Subsidiary TL TL TL TL 37.00 6.92 99.50 24.00 Affiliate Affiliate Subsidiary Affiliate TL 41.43 Affiliate TL TL TL 1.43 9.75 0.97 Affiliate Affiliate Affiliate TL TL 11.24 100.00 Affiliate Subsidiary TL 10.00 Affiliate TL TL 10.00 70.00 Affiliate Subsidiary TL 50.27 Subsidiary TL 53.00 Subsidiary TL TL 48.00 1.43 Affiliate Affiliate TL 51 Subsidiary TL 7.55 Affiliate İhlas Holding Annual Report 2013 69 İHLAS HOLDİNG ANONİM ŞİRKETİ BOARD OF DIRECTORS’ REPORT PREPARED WITH REGARD TO THE COMMUNIQUE, SERIAL NO: II, NO: 14,1 ç) Information on the Company’s acquisition of its own shares: The Company hasn’t acquired any of its own shares. d) Information on the special audit and public scrutiny conducted during the accounting period: The Company was subject to independent audit in accordance with the Capital Markets Board regulations as of June 30, 2013 and December 31, 2013. No public scrutiny was conducted. e) Information on material lawsuits filed against the Company, which might have material impact on the Company’s financial status and activities, and the possible outcomes of such lawsuits Summary information on the lawsuit and executions related to the Group as of December 31, 2013 is as follows: Ongoing lawsuits that were initiated by the Group Enforcement proceedings conducted by the Group(a) Ongoing lawsuits that were initiated against the Group(b) Enforcement proceedings conducted against the Group Amount (TL) 1,441,128 17,690,653 16,451,840 1,154,682 As presented in the chart above, The Group has allocated provisions of TL 6,038,711 for the ongoing lawsuits filed against the Group which amount to TL 16,451,840, and the Group has not allocated provisions for the remaining lawsuits, which amount to TL 10,413,129 since it is deemed that the Group is highly likely to win these lawsuits. (a)TL 8,915,860 of the executive proceedings conducted by the Group belongs to İhlas Marketing, one of the Group companies, and the subject of this executive proceeding is as follows: “A bankruptcy lawsuit was filed against Ar Faktoring Financial Services and an executive proceeding of TL 8,915,860 was commenced since the receivables from the aforementioned company could not be collected. A provision has been made for the aforesaid receivables, and the lawsuit and execution process is still ongoing.” (b) “In our material disclosure dated April 29, 2011, we declared that the Company split the total debt of TL 5,210,784 to Toroslar Elektrik Dağıtım A.Ş. into 18 instalments to be paid over 36 months within the context of the Law Numbered 6111 “Concerning the Restructuring of Certain Receivables, Social Security and the Amendment of the General Health Law and Certain Other Laws and Decrees with the Force of Law”. Then, in our material disclosure dated November 14, 2011, we declared to the public that Toroslar Elektrik Dağıtım A.Ş. recounted our debt as a result of the review in their systems, and our debt to Toroslar A.Ş. was amended to TL 4,184,267. Our Company has regularly paid the instalments to Toroslar Elektrik Dağıtım A.Ş. as required by law since the debt was split into instalments. Our remaining debt is TL 1,859,668 and the next payment date is February 28, 2013. The Company will continue to pay TL 232,459 every two months. The total number of remaining instalments is 8, and the payments will have been completed as of April 30, 2014. Following the above disclosures, in our latest disclosure about the issue on June 6, 2012, we declared that Toroslar Edaş Gaziantep Province Directorate sent us a payment order of enforcement proceedings without judgment worth TL 6,821,383.50 through Gaziantep 12th Directorate of Execution, and our Company did not have any debts other than the aforementioned debt which was being paid in instalments in accordance with the Law numbered 6111. We also declared that as a result of our Company’s investigation, the aforesaid debt of TL 6,821,383.50 belonged to Tampa Tekstil A.Ş., one of the affiliate companies of the Okan Group, the former owner of Okan Tekstil ve Sanayi Ticaret A.Ş., to which the former İhlas Madencilik was transferred and merged. The debt was split into instalments by Tampa Tekstil A.Ş. within the context of the Law Numbered 6111. However, the instalment was infringed due to negligence in instalment payments. The above information was submitted for the information of the public and a stay of exaction was obtained on the relevant proceedings. According to the new notification sent to us, a lawsuit was filed against our Company by Toroslar Edaş Gaziantep Province Directorate at Gaziantep Commercial Court of First Instance for the cancellation of our objection to the execution proceeding. We would like to express that, although Tampa Tekstil, a former leaseholder of our Company between November 5, 2003 and March 29, 2006, requested to sign a subscription agreement with Toroslar Edaş in 2003, Toroslar Edaş took a contrariwise decision, and in response, Tampa Tekstil had Toroslar Edaş’s decision cancelled by applying to the Administrative Court and obtained the right to sign a subscription agreement including the retrospective periods. Tampa Tekstil consumed electric power during the leasing period including the judgment process, and this consumption was reported by Tampa Tekstil to Toroslar Edaş Administration and adjudicated by court. Finally, as explained above, although Tampa Tekstil structured its debts regarding its own consumptions within the context of the Law numbered 6111, independent from our Company’s debts, and signed a mutual protocol with Toroslar Edaş, it is obviously illegal that Toroslar Edaş requests this debt from our Company, who has no name or signature on the relevant protocol. Thereafter, the Company has no such liability. Since the request of another company’s debts to be paid by our Company is unjust and unlawful, the necessary legal transactions will be initiated by the Company in time.” The Group has not allocated provisions for the aforementioned lawsuit since it is deemed that the Group is highly likely to win this lawsuit. (a) 70 İHLAS HOLDİNG ANONİM ŞİRKETİ BOARD OF DIRECTORS’ REPORT PREPARED WITH REGARD TO THE COMMUNIQUE, SERIAL NO: II, NO: 14,1 f) Information about administrative or judicial sanctions imposed on the Company and the members of the governing body due to practices in violation of applicable legislation There are no administrative or judicial sanctions imposed on the Company and the members of the governing body due to practices in violation of the applicable legislation. g) Information and assessments on whether the targets set in the previous periods are achieved, whether the resolutions of the general assembly are fulfilled, and the justifications if the targets failed to be achieved or the resolutions failed to be fulfilled The Company has achieved the targets set and the resolutions of the General Assembly have been fulfilled. ğ) Information about the Extraordinary general assembly meeting including the date of meeting, resolutions taken in the meeting and the transactions performed in this regard if any extraordinary general assembly meeting is held within the year, No extraordinary general meeting was held in 2013. h) Information about donations and aids made by the company during the year, and the expenses incurred within the framework of social responsibility projects, The company hasn’t made any donations during the year. ı) In the event that the company is affiliated with a group of companies; all legal transactions the company conducted in the previous activity year with the holding company, with a company dependent on the holding company, through the direction of the holding company that serves to its advantage or the advantage of its dependent company, and all other measures taken or refrained from being taken to the advantage of the holding company or of its dependent company. The company is not a subsidiary of a group of companies. i) In the event that the company is affiliated with a group of companies; pertaining to Article (k), in the circumstances and conditions known to the board at the time at which the company conducted the legal proceeding, or took or refrained from taking any measures, whether appropriate counter-performance in relation to each legal proceeding was obtained or not, and whether or not the company incurred any loss due to taking or refraining from taking the measure, and if the company incurred loss, whether or not the loss has been compensated. The company is not a subsidiary of a group of companies. FINANCIAL STATUS a) Analysis and assessment of the management body with regard to the financial condition and activity results, degree of implementation of the planned activities, the position of the company against the targets determined There is a loss of TL 229,838,654 in İhlas Holding’s consolidated Balance Sheet as of December 31, 2013. Despite the expansion in bank loans, the maturities of the loans are spread to long-term. The activities of the Company continue as planned. b) Information on the sales, efficiency, revenue creating capacity, profitability and debt/shareholders’ equity proportion of the company during the year as compared to previous years, and other issues that may give an idea about the results of the company’s activities and expectations for the future Consolidated Financial Statements Data CONDENSED BALANCE SHEET Current Assets Non-current Assets TOTAL ASSETS Short-Term Liabilities Long-Term liabilities Shareholders’ Equity TOTAL LIABILITIES AND SHAREHOLDERS’ EQUITY 31.12.2013 1,927,310,192 775,895,154 2,703,205,346 1,286,347,971 595,465,894 821,391,481 2,703,205,346 31.12.2012 1,788,624,178 704,215,817 2,492,839,995 871,517,212 551,182,715 1,070,140,068 2,492,839,995 İhlas Holding Annual Report 2013 71 İHLAS HOLDİNG ANONİM ŞİRKETİ BOARD OF DIRECTORS’ REPORT PREPARED WITH REGARD TO THE COMMUNIQUE, SERIAL NO: II, NO: 14,1 CONDENSED INCOME STATEMENT 31.12.2013 1,008,231,494 (847,477,283) 160,754,211 (236,189,738) 128,467,621 (71,026,549) (17,994,455) (19,266,988) 0 (173,845,822) (211,107,295) (38,656,676) (16,067,857) (22,588,819) (249,763,971) 0 (249,763,971) 31.12.2012 651,897,908 (544,406,061) 107,491,847 (123,957,260) 66,555,391 (47,117,390) 2,972,588 65,057,630 420,291 (102,287,372) (33,836,863) (14,887,377) (7,524,813) (7,362,564) (48,724,240) (130,418) (48,854,658) (19,925,317) (229,838,654) 4,956,022 (53,810,680) Balance sheet Current Assets Non-current Assets TOTAL ASSETS Short-Term Liabilities Long-Term liabilities SHAREHOLDERS’ EQUITY Parent Company Equity Minority Interests TOTAL LIABILITIES AND SHAREHOLDERS’ EQUITY 31.12.2013 1,927,310,192 775,895,154 2,703,205,346 1,286,347,971 595,465,894 821,391,481 566,908,882 254,482,599 2,703,205,346 Ratio analysis 71.30% 28.70% 100.00% 47.59% 22.03% 30.39% 20.97% 9.41% 100.00% Income Statement Sales Income Cost of Sales (-) GROSS PROFIT / LOSS Operating expenses Other operating income Other operating expenses (-) OPERATING PROFIT / LOSS Income from Investment Activities Expenses from Investment Activities (-) Shares in Profit / Loss of Investments Accounted with Equity Method OPERATING PROFIT / LOSS BEFORE FINANCING EXPENSES Continuing operations Tax Income (Expense) PRETAX PROFIT / LOSS OF CONTINUING OPERATIONS CEASED OPERATIONS PROFIT / LOSS FOR THE PERIOD AFTER TAX PROFIT / (LOSS) OF THE PERIOD OF CEASED OPERATIONS PROFIT / LOSS FOR THE PERIOD Distribution of Net Profit / (Loss) for the Period Non-Controlling Interests Parent Company Shares 31.12.2013 1,008,231,494 (847,477,283) 160,754,211 (236,189,738) 128,467,621 (71,026,549) (17,994,455) 74,523,888 (93,790,876) 0 (37,261,443) (38,656,676) (211,107,295) Ratio analysis 100.00% -84.06% 15.94% -23.43% 12.74% -7.04% -1.78% 7.39% -9.30% 0.00% -3.70% -3.83% -20.94% 0 (249,763,971) 0.00% -24.77% (19,925,317) (229,838,654) -1.98% -22.80% Revenues Cost of Sales Gross Profit / Loss from Trade Operations Operating income Other operating income Revenues Other operating loss Revenues (-) OPERATING PROFIT / LOSS Income / Expenses from Investment Activities Shares of Investments Valued by Equity Method in Profit / (Loss) Financing Expenses PRETAX PROFIT / LOSS OF CONTINUING OPERATIONS Continuing operations Tax Income (Expense) - Tax Income of the period - Deferred Tax Income (expense) OPERATING PROFIT / LOSS CEASED OPERATIONS PROFIT / LOSS PROFIT / LOSS FOR THE PERIOD DISTRIBUTION OF NET PROFIT / (LOSS) FOR THE PERIOD Non-Controlling Interests Parent Company Shares RATIO ANALYSIS 72 İHLAS HOLDİNG ANONİM ŞİRKETİ BOARD OF DIRECTORS’ REPORT PREPARED WITH REGARD TO THE COMMUNIQUE, SERIAL NO: II, NO: 14,1 Ratios Liquidity Ratios Current Ratio Liquidity Ratio Cash Ratio Financial Structure Ratios Financial Leverage Total Liabilities / Equity Short-Term Liabilities / Total Resources Long-Term Liabilities / Total Resources Financial Debts / Equity Financial Debts / Total Assets 31.12.2013 1.50 1.00 0.29 0.70 0.73 0.48 0.22 0.75 0.23 c) Detections and evaluations of the governing body pertaining to whether or not the capital of the company is unreturned or debt-choked. As a result of scrutinising Shareholders’ Equity group account items included in the Company’s financial statements dated December 31, 2013, the capital of the Company is returned and it is not debt-choked. The items included in the aforesaid account group are provided below. SHAREHOLDERS’ EQUITY Parent Company Equity Paid-in Capital Share Premiums / Discounts Other comprehensive income/expense not to be reclassified to profit or loss - Profit/Losses from Revaluation and Measurement - Other profits and losses Other Capital reserves Restricted Reserves Derived from Profit Other Reserves Prior Years’ Earnings / Loss Net Profit / Loss for the Period Non-Controlling Interests 31.12.2013 821,391,481 566,908,882 790,400,000 7,925,000 62,488,314 63,105,757 (617,443) 5,656,722 15,722,572 (55,412,085) (30,032,987) (229,838,654) 254,482,599 31.1.2012 1,070,140,068 798,385,951 790,400,000 7,925,000 66,263,484 66,957,602 (694,118) 5,656,722 14,690,296 (18,767,431) (13,971,440) (53,810,680) 271,754,117 ç) The measures, if any, considered to be taken in order to improve the financial structure of the company The company improves its financial structure by spreading the maturities of the bank loans to long terms and incurring liabilities in TL or foreign exchange, in accordance with the circumstances observed in the general economic backdrop. d) Information about the profit sharing policy and proposal, together with its justification, on how the undistributed profit shall be used if profit distribution is not be made İhlas Holding A.Ş. ‘s dividend policy for 2013 and subsequent years, which has been amended pursuant to Articles 19 and 20 of the Capital Markets Law No. 6362, and to the Capital Markets Board’s Communiqué on Dividend Distribution Numbered II- 19.1 and dated January 23, 2014, which was published referring to these Articles, to the Dividend Directory and the relevant provisions of the Articles of Association, will be submitted to the approval of the shareholders at the first General Assembly meeting. İhlas Holding Annual Report 2013 73 İHLAS HOLDİNG ANONİM ŞİRKETİ BOARD OF DIRECTORS’ REPORT PREPARED WITH REGARD TO THE COMMUNIQUE, SERIAL NO: II, NO: 14,1 THE DIVIDEND DISTRIBUTION POLICY In order for the investor’s acquisition of dividend income by taking the expectations of our shareholders, our Company’s growth trend, profitability status, strategic objectives, investment projects and the fund requirements of the working capital into consideration in accordance with the Turkish Commercial Code, Tax Procedure Law, Capital Markets Law and similar legislations, and the relevant provisions of the Company’s Articles of Association; a) 5% is set aside as a legal reserve fund until it reaches 20% of the paid-in capital of the Company, after deduction of the previous year’s losses (if any) from the remaining current profit of the Company as shown in the Balance Sheet as of the end of the related fiscal year, less the general expenses and overheads, along with the amounts mandatory to be paid or to be set aside by the Company pursuant to the legislation and the relevant provisions of the Company’s Articles of Association. b) 5% is set aside as the first dividend over the amount calculated by adding any donations granted during the relevant fiscal year to the remaining amount. c) The General Assembly has the right to decide to distribute dividends to the members of the Board of Directors, employees, foundations established for various purposes and similar organisations. However, unless all reserves required by law are set aside and the dividend determined for the shareholders as per these Articles of Association are distributed in cash and/or as gratis shares, it cannot be resolved to set aside other reserve funds, or to carry forward profit to the next year, or to distribute profit to the members of the Board of Directors, officers and other employees, foundations established for various purposes and similar persons and/or entities. ç) No rate has been determined for the dividend to be distributed to the members of the Board of Directors, employees, foundations established for various purposes and similar organisations. This decision will be made in accordance with the Capital Markets Law, Communiqué and policy decisions. d) As for the remainder of the relevant net profit after deduction of the amounts referred to in sub-paragraphs (a), (b) and (c) hereof, the Board of Directors determines the ratio of dividend distribution by taking the benefits of the Company and the shareholders into consideration, and submits to the approval of the General Assembly. The General Assembly may accept the aforesaid proposal in kind or with amendments or reject it. It is always possible that the General Assembly can decide to distribute dividends at a higher rate than that proposed by the Board of Directors. e) If a decision for the dividend distribution is granted, the Board of Directors decides on how the distribution will be performed, in cash and/or by bonus shares, and this decision is submitted to the General Assembly for approval. f) The timing of the distribution of the dividend resolved to be distributed will be decided by the General Assembly upon a proposal of the Board of Directors. The dividend is then distributed to the shareholders, in accordance with the relevant legal regulations and Article 31 of the Company’s Articles of Association, within the statutory deadlines subsequent to the proposal of the Board of Directors and the approval of the General Assembly of Shareholders, and on the date determined by the General Assembly. g) If it is decided to distribute the dividend in cash, it can be paid in equal or varying instalments provided that it is also decided by the General Assembly in which the dividend distribution was resolved. The number of instalments shall be determined by the General Assembly or by the Board of Directors provided that it is expressly authorised by the General Assembly. h) There are no privileges in the distribution of dividends. Dividends are distributed equally, regardless of the amount of existing shares or the existing shares’ dates of issue and acquisition. ı) The Board of Directors may distribute dividend advance payments to the shareholders provided that it has been authorised by the General Assembly and that such payments are in compliance with the Capital Markets Law and the relevant Capital Markets Board regulations. i) The total dividend advance to be paid in an accounting period may not exceed 50% of the previous fiscal year’s profit. The authorisation of dividend advance payment granted by the General Assembly to the Board of Directors is limited to the fiscal year in which such authorisation is granted. No resolution can be made for the payment of an additional dividend advance and/or for dividend payment unless the dividend advance for the previous year is totally offset. There is a loss of TL 229,838,654 in İhlas Holding’s consolidated Balance Sheet as of December 31, 2013. The authority to decide whether or not to distribute dividend is at the disposal of the General Assembly as required by law, and the Board of Directors has the authority to make proposals in this regard. 74 İHLAS HOLDİNG ANONİM ŞİRKETİ BOARD OF DIRECTORS’ REPORT PREPARED WITH REGARD TO THE COMMUNIQUE, SERIAL NO: II, NO: 14,1 RISKS AND EVALUATION OF THE GOVERNING BODY a) Information on the risk management policy, if any, that the company shall apply against the risks stipulated Risk in Collection The Group’s risk in collection generally arises from its trade receivables. Trade receivables are evaluated by the Holding management in the light of past experiences and current market conditions and provisions for doubtful receivables are allocated at reasonable levels. Exchange Rate Risk Exchange rate risk arises from changes in the value of any financial instrument due to variations in exchange rates. FX risk emerges in cases where the TL rises in value against other currencies (or in cases where the value of the TL declines against foreign currencies). Liquidity Risk Liquidity risk refers to the risk of any enterprise encountering difficulty in raising funds in order to fulfil their commitments regarding financial instruments. The Group manages its liquidity risk by balancing the maturity distribution of its assets and liabilities. Customer Demand Risk This is the type of risk which sources from changes in the priorities and preferences of the customer, and from failure in meeting customer demands effectively due to late recognition of the changes in the market. b) Information on the works and reports of the early detection and management of the risk committee, if established Pursuant to the Capital Markets Board Communiqué Serial: IV, No: 63 amending Communiqué Serial: IV, No: 56, it was decided to establish a committee to perform the duties of the Early Detection of Risk Committee, which used to be carried out by the Corporate Governance Committee, at the General Assembly meeting held on March 7, 2013. It was also decided at the same meeting that Mr Müslim Sakal shall chair the Early Detection of Risk Committee and Mr İsmail Cengiz was appointed a member of the committee. The activities carried out in relation to Risk Management; A special risk management model was constructed for the Company by obtaining outsourced support for the studies to be conducted in accordance with the relevant Article of the TCC, and a “Risk Assessment and Management Process (RAMP) Table” was prepared in relation to the steps of the constructed model. The Risk Assessment and Management Process consists of; Detection of the Risks, Assessment Table, Assessment of the Probabilities, Impact Analysis, Determination of the Risk Level, Assessment of the Controls, Detection of Potential Risk Areas, Action Guide and Action Plan. Determination and identification of risks that may affect the Company’s operations was made under the main categories of strategic, financial, services, labour and information. In the process of risk identification, the main risks, which may affect the administrators and the Company, and the specific risks under these main risks, were clarified. The identified main risks and specific risks were reflected in the “Categories and Risk Classes Table”. As a result of the studies conducted within this framework, the effect of all of the main risks and the specific risks on the company was evaluated without including the risk reducing effects of the current strategies, applications and controls, by discussing only the determined and identified main risks and specific risks. By considering all activities for the whole Company, negotiations were held with all administrators about the 5 effective risk categories consisting of 20 main risks and 155 specific risks. Each and every specific risk occurring as a result of this assessment was discussed in isolation, without including the risk reducing effects of the current strategies, applications and controls to the assessment. The possible effect of the occurrence of the specific risk on the Company without the risk reducing effects of the current strategies, applications and controls was evaluated, and the “Impact Levels Table” and “Risk Impact Assessment Table” were created. The probability of occurrence of the risks and sub-risks over the categories was evaluated by means of the “Risk Impact Assessment” table. The “Probability Levels” table and the “Probability-Impact Assessment Matrix” have been prepared as a result of this evaluation, and the probability of occurrence of the risk in current risk studies has been adopted as a standard through negotiations with all administrators. İhlas Holding Annual Report 2013 75 İHLAS HOLDİNG ANONİM ŞİRKETİ BOARD OF DIRECTORS’ REPORT PREPARED WITH REGARD TO THE COMMUNIQUE, SERIAL NO: II, NO: 14,1 The “Risk Exposure Levels” table was prepared by means of the “Control Levels Table” and the “Risk Control Assessment Matrix” in order to use the impact approach. The assessments were made in Strategic Management and Investment, Education and Health Services, Finance, Labour and Information categories by means of these tables, and the results were reflected in the “Risk Impact Assessment” table. The control of all risks and specific risks included in the aforementioned categories and rated as critical, high or medium, the existing strategies, and the measures taken, were all assessed by the relevant administrators. The “Risk Level Action Degrees Table” and the “Action and Action Officer Table” were created as a result of this assessment. The actions to be taken against all risks and specific risk rated as critical, high or medium in the Strategic Management and Investment Category, and the responsible officers, were stated in the Action and Action Officer Table, with the help of the Risk Level Action Degrees Table. Our studies on other categories are still in progress. c) Prospective risks on sales, efficiency, revenue-raising capacity, profitability and debt/equity ratio and similar issues Under its own legal entity, the Holding is involved de facto only in the construction, health, education and domestic trade sectors. Our Company will also be affected by both global and domestic crises, and may be exposed to collection risk, liquidity risk and foreign currency risk as a result. In addition, changes in customer preferences and amendments in legislation may be a source of risk. Construction sector; The VAT rate in the construction sector was amended, and the 17% difference between the VAT rates of new and old projects had a positive effect on ongoing projects in January 2013. This system, which became a destock opportunity, rekindled the interest of indecisive buyers. This situation is not expected to interrupt the ongoing construction projects. What we consider to be a risk is the initiation of a new project. Starting a new Project next to apartments in the same region that are sold at a 1% VAT rate presents serious sales risks. The decline in housing loan rates and the extension of terms in 2013 boosted the housing sector. Urban transformation areas were chosen as a target in order to manage the risk of starting new projects in the housing sector. The government, providing key support with the “Law on Transformation of Areas Under Disaster Risk” (Urban Transformation), determined the VAT rate in these areas as 1%. Another option is to focus on commercial buildings with a stable VAT rate of 18%. The reciprocity principle in property sales to foreigners was cancelled by means of the amendment to law in 2012. This arrangement has boosted the sector and will become more effective by the day. 2013 has met expectations. A short-term decline is expected in the sector during the period until the election, due to the fact that 2014 is an election year. A 30% hike in the value of the dollar and euro has directed investor customers and foreign customers towards the real estate market. It is expected that purchases will continue until a corresponding rise in construction prices. Uncertainty will disappear after the elections, and customers will start purchasing again after the recession of the first months. Sales are expected to rise to significant levels after the election. It is thought that manufacturing for customers in the B-level income group will be correct in 2014, too. Sales of offices and residential houses to be built for the A-level income group are expected to decline. Flexible payment alternatives are expected to affect sales positively. Education Sector; The most outstanding development in education in 2013 was the studies regarding the conversion of preparatory schools to private schools. The Ministry of National Education stated, “Our children will need the knowledge and skills acquired in the classroom rather than the skills acquired in the preparatory schools”, and added that the national high school entrance exams (SBS) would be cancelled, and preparatory schools would be converted to private schools. There has been a higher than expected boost in the number of private schools, especially in the big cities. The establishment of a surfeit of Private Vocational Schools of Health, far beyond expectations, the transformation of Public Schools, and the emergence of Open Education High Schools were the other significant developments. Infrastructure studies on education with tablet computers, which started about 3 years ago, have begun to bear fruit. Education with tablet computers has been implemented in many classrooms in our schools, including kindergartens, during the 2013 – 2014 academic year. Trainings and seminars have been provided throughout the year to our teachers, in order to achieve quality education with tablets. As a result of these seminars, our teachers use the tablets efficiently and also provide content for the tablets. Negotiations have been conducted with the companies that produce educational materials for tablets around the world. Experiences are shared reciprocally, and even agreements are signed with manufacturers from different countries, in order to improve the quality of our education. We also have a team to produce content. İhlas Private Schools collaborated with Vodafone and Samsung, and provided students and teachers with the use of tablets and internet under appropriate conditions in 2013. Content continues to be provided to our students at İhlas Private Schools, pioneer of 3D education in Turkey. For this reason, negotiations are ongoing with many content-producing companies, and our students are introduced with richer materials in accordance with the curriculum. 76 İHLAS HOLDİNG ANONİM ŞİRKETİ BOARD OF DIRECTORS’ REPORT PREPARED WITH REGARD TO THE COMMUNIQUE, SERIAL NO: II, NO: 14,1 Health Sector; As Turkey’s first fully automated private hospital, Türkiye Gazetesi Hospital closely follows technological developments in the health informatics industry, in parallel with the continuous change and development of the healthcare industry and patient expectations. Because of ever more prevalent electronic processes in the health sector, our local area network and internet infrastructure were strengthened with fibre optic connection, and our patients can easily access wireless internet. All necessary applications, including the Sağlık.net data transmission system, E-prescription and E-report, have been adapted into the Hospital Information Management System. PACS (Picture Archiving and Communication Systems) was established to distribute, evaluate and digitally archive all radiological pictures taken in our hospital, such as X-Ray, Magnetic Resonance (MR), and Computerised Tomography (CT). Studies for the flight doctor certificate have been initiated. All of the usual control tests and inspection services that must be done during certain periods of the year at the health care institutions authorised by the Directorate General of Civil Aviation will also be provided at our hospital. The Hospital has participated in Health Tourism, which has become a major industry in recent years, continued with the incentives and support of the Ministry of Health. In this context, foreign patients are now accepted by contacting the institutions via foreign connections. We have also started negotiations and agreements with domestic institutions for foreign patients who come to our country as tourists and require medical services. OTHER MATTERS a) Amendments to the Articles of Association during the period and reasons therein The Company applied to the Capital Markets Board (CMB) on February 14, 2013; a) for the amendments of the Articles of Association in Article 3 (Scope and Purpose of the Company), Article 6 (Capital), Article 8 (Transfer of Shares), Article 9 (Privileges), Article 12 (Meetings and the Quorum of the Board of Directors), Article 13 (Duties of the Board of Directors and Represent Bind), Article 15 (Auditors), Article 16 (Duties of Auditors), Article 17 (Remuneration of Auditors), Article 18 (General Assembly), Article 19 (Place of Meeting), Article 20 (Participation of a Ministry Official in the Meeting), Article 23 (Deprivation of Voting), Article 24 (Representation by Proxy), Article 26 (Method of Voting), Article 28 (Annual Reports) and Article 31 (Date of Distribution of Profit), in order to comply with the Turkish Commercial Code numbered 6102, b) for the update of the Company address in Article 4 (Head Office and Branches of the Company), c) for the amendments of Article 30 (Distribution of Profit), Article 8 (Legal Reserve), and Article 9 (Capital Market Instruments), in order to comply with the Capital Markets Law numbered 6362. The required permits were obtained through the Capital Markets Board’s approval letter numbered 2305 dated March 8, and the letter of Customs and Trade Ministry General Directorate of Domestic Trade, numbered 1765 dated March 13, 2013. The amendments were approved by the shareholders at the General Assembly meeting held on March 30, 2013. b) Other Matters That Are Not Included In The Financial Statements But Will Be Helpful For Users Approval of the consolidated financial statements The consolidated financial statements dated December 31, 2013 were approved by the Board of Directors and permission was given for them to be published on March 11, 2014. Only the General Assembly is authorised to make changes to the consolidated financial statements after they are published by the partners of the Holding or by third parties. Other Matters that Significantly Affect the Financial Statements or are Required to be Disclosed in terms of the Clarity, Interpretability and Intelligibility of the Financial Statements a) Explanations on Ongoing Construction Projects According to the Holding’s material disclosure dated November 13, 2013, it was stated that İhlas Yapı Turizm ve Sağlık A.Ş. (İhlas Yapı), one of the Group companies, started works on developing the urban transformation project and constructing in a region covering an area of 988,000 m2, including Karayolları and Yenimahalle of Gaziosmanpaşa District in Istanbul, under Law No. 6306. In this context, İhlas Yapı signed a contract with Gaziosmanpaşa İnşaat Yatırım Taahhüt Hizmetleri Sanayi ve Ticaret A.Ş., a subsidiary of Gaziosmanpaşa Municipality, and paid USD 3,000,000, which is necessary for the agreement to enter into force. The relevant municipality and municipal company shall make the necessary agreements with rights holders and hand over the empty site to İhlas Yapı. As a result of the studies to be developed on this project, the Group shall leave a maximum of 40% of the construction to the right holders and the municipal company. The construction of the remaining 60% shall be evaluated by İhlas Yapı. Taking the size of the specified area into account, İhlas Yapı will carry out the project in its own set Phases. The project, which is a joint venture by İhlas Yapı Turizm Sağlık Ticaret A.Ş. and Gaziosmanpaşa Municipality, will begin during the first half of 2014, as soon as the Gaziosmanpaşa Municipality and Gaziosmanpaşa İnşaat Yatırım Taahhüt Hizmetleri Sanayi ve Ticaret A.Ş. hand over the land belonging to Phase I. It is planned to build 4,500 residential and commercial units, and generate turnover of approximately USD 1.86 billion, over an area of 350,000 m2 to be handed over. İhlas Holding Annual Report 2013 77 İHLAS HOLDİNG ANONİM ŞİRKETİ BOARD OF DIRECTORS’ REPORT PREPARED WITH REGARD TO THE COMMUNIQUE, SERIAL NO: II, NO: 14,1 According to the Holding’s material disclosure dated January 6, 2011, it was stated that the Holding has developed a construction project (KRİSTALŞEHİR) with one of the Group companies, İhlas İnşaat Proje Taahhüt Turizm ve Ticaret A.Ş. on a site that covers a total area of 142,796.98 m2, located in Esenyurt, Istanbul. This project will consist of a total of 18 apartment blocks and social facilities, and within the scope of the project a total of 4,655 residences and 82 office spaces will be built. A total of 638,454.48 m2 will be constructed, including the communal areas. The entire project is slated for completion in 48 months. The Holding will carry out a project on a portion of this site that covers an area of 36,675.89 m2, on a flat for land basis, and will be completed in 36 months. 28.75% of this project, which is equivalent to 322 residences and 6 office spaces, will be handed over by the Holding to the Municipality of Esenyurt in return for land. 798 flats will be owned by the Holding at the end of this project. One of the Group companies, İhlas İnşaat Proje Taahhüt Turizm ve Ticaret A.Ş. will carry out the remaining part of the project, equivalent to 106,121.09 m2. This company’s project is also on a flat for land basis, and the project is planned for completion in 48 months. 31.77% of the Project, which is equivalent to 1,123 residences and 23 office spaces, will be transferred to the site owners upon completion. A total of 2,412 residences and 53 office spaces will be constructed within the scope of this part of the project. 43% of the project has been completed as of December 31, 2013, and 2,130 of the residences, corresponding to 66% of the total residences owned by the Group, and 9 office spaces were sold in return for advance payment. These residences will all be invoiced to the owners by the handover dates. This project is planned for completion by the end of the year 2015. According to the Holding’s material disclosure dated March 28, 2012, it was announced that İhlas Yapı Turizm ve Sağlık A.Ş., one of the Group companies, signed a real estate sales contract in order to develop a Project on a Revenue Sharing Method with the owners of the following sites: 21,168 m2 of land in Block 546 Parcel 2, 46,024 m2 of land in Block 547 Parcels 5 and 6, and 90,914 m2 of land in Block 540 Parcel 1, for a total of 158,106 m2 in Istanbul’s Firuzköy neighbourhood, Ispartakule locality, Avcılar district. The Holding developed the “BİZİM HOUSES V - BİZİMEVLER V” Project on the following sites among the aforementioned lands: 21,168 m2 of land in Block 546 Parcel 2 and 46,024 m2 of land in Block 547 Parcels 5 and 6 in Istanbul’s Firuzköy neighbourhood, Ispartakule locality, Avcılar district. 710 residences will be built in this Project, of which 35% will be given to the landholders. The Project is slated for completion in 2014. 69% of the project has been completed as of December 31, 2013, and 579 residences, corresponding to 82% of the total residences, were sold in return for advance payment. The invoicing process of the residences sold in return for advance payment will begin with the delivery of the residences after the completion of the Project. Also, according to the Holding’s material disclosure dated June 4, 2013, it was announced that İhlas Yapı Turizm ve Sağlık A.Ş., one of the Group companies, developed the “BİZİM HOUSES VI - BİZİMEVLER VI” Project on 90,914 m2 of land in Block 540 Parcel 1 in Istanbul’s Firuzköy neighbourhood, Ispartakule locality, Avcılar district. 882 residences and 59 office spaces will be built in this Project, of which 35% will be given to the landholders. The Project is slated for completion in 2016. 4% of the project has been completed as of December 31, 2013, and 189 residences, corresponding to 21% of the total residences, were sold in return for advance payment. The invoicing process of the residences sold in return for advance payment will begin with the handover of the residences after the completion of the Project. According to the Holding’s material disclosure dated 29.03.2012, the Holding signed a construction contract with İhlas Yapı Turizm ve Sağlık A.Ş., one of the Group companies, on a “flat for land and distribution of income after the provision of sale of land” basis, where 40% is owned by the landholders on a plot of land with an area of 24,282.84 m2, which is registered in its assets, in the Marmara neighbourhood, in Beylikdüzü, Istanbul. In addition, İhlas Yapı Turizm ve Sağlık A.Ş., one of the Group companies, signed a contract with the shareholders of the land covering an area of 22,819.04 m2 next to the aforementioned land, on a “flat for land and distribution of income after the provision of sale of land” basis, where 40% is owned by the landholders. Thereby, İhlas Yapı Turizm ve Sağlık A.Ş., one of the Group companies, declared that the company will conduct a construction project titled “Marmara Houses III - Marmara Evleri III” on a site covering a total area of 47,101.88 m2, which will consist of 396 residences and 38 office spaces of various sizes. It is announced by İhlas Yapı Turizm ve Sağlık A.Ş. that the construction of the Project is slated for completion in 2014, and 73 of the flats and 10 of the office spaces will be given to the landholders as compensation for the value of the land. 323 flats and 28 office spaces will remain in the Project for the Company. The project was completed, and 318 of the residences and 26 of the office spaces included in the Group’s share were invoiced and handed over to the owners as of the date of the Balance Sheet. 5 residences and 2 office spaces remain unsold as of the date of the Balance Sheet. According to the Holding’s material disclosure dated July 4, 2008 and January 2, 2009, the Holding signed a construction contract with İhlas Motor A.Ş., one of the Group companies, in return for one apartment floor. According to the signed contract, İhlas Motor A.Ş. will build an “Automotive Manufacturing Plant” on the Holding’s 13.26 hectare site in the district of Çiftlikköy, in Yalova province, in accordance with the draft project to be approved by the Holding, and a building complex of 300 residences on the Holding’s 4.85 hectare site, also in the district of Çiftlikköy in the province of Yalova. While the Holding will retain ownership of the constructed automotive plant, the Holding will incur no expense in the construction work. In return for the construction of the plant, ownership of the building complex of 300 residences will be transferred to İhlas Motor A.Ş. In addition, the right of disposition of 277 of the dwellings to be constructed on this land will belong to İhlas Motor A.Ş., whereas 23 will be the property of the Holding. The construction of the Plant building was completed and delivered to the Holding in 2011. 98% of the housing project has been completed as of December 31, 2013, and 299 residences were sold in return for advance payment. The occupancy permit of this project has been received as of the date of the report and the delivery and invoicing process of the residences sold in return for advance payment, is still in progress. 78 İHLAS HOLDİNG ANONİM ŞİRKETİ BOARD OF DIRECTORS’ REPORT PREPARED WITH REGARD TO THE COMMUNIQUE, SERIAL NO: II, NO: 14,1 According to the Holding’s material disclosure dated December 24, 2009, Emlak Pazarlama İnşaat Proje Yönetimi ve Ticaret A.Ş. transferred the rights and liabilities, which are set forth in the contract it signed with respect to the construction project (BİZİM HOUSES IV - BİZİMEVLER IV) titled “Istanbul, Bahçeşehir, Ispartakule, Region 2, Section 3, Block 543, Parcel 1 distribution of income after the provision of sale of land”, to İhlas Holding A.Ş. - İhlas Yapı Turizm ve Sağlık A.Ş. Joint Venture - 3, in which the Holding and one of the Group companies - İhlas Yapı Turizm ve Sağlık A.Ş. possess partnership ratios of 10% and 90% respectively. The project includes a residential construction site of 131,998 m2, and a commercial construction site that covers an area of 26,545 m2. The project, consisting of 762 residences and 100 office spaces, was completed in 2012, and 712 of the residences and 98 office spaces were transferred to the owners together with invoices. A stock of 50 residences and 2 office spaces remains as of the date of the Balance Sheet. b) Receivables assigned from İhlas Finans Kurumu A.Ş. in Liquidation with regard to the sales of goods, sales of services and cash payments made to creditor parties by the Group companies during the periods 01.01 - 31.12.2013 and 01.01 31.12.2012 Amount of Assignment Made Company Title 01.01-31.12.2013 01.01-31.12.2012 İhlas İnşaat Proje Taahhüt Turizm ve Tic. A.Ş. 2,697,124 16,179,880 İhlas Motor A.Ş. 1,125,257 425,236 İhlas Pazarlama A.Ş. 959,357 2,957,979 Total 4,781,738 19,563,095 c) Reclassification In accordance with formats, the Communiqué on Principles Regarding Financial Reporting in Capital Markets enacted as of the interim periods ending after March 31, 2013 for the companies included in the scope of the Communiqué on Principles Regarding Financial Reporting in Capital Markets pursuant to the resolution of the CMB taken at the meeting numbered 20 / 670 held on June 7, 2013, some of the account items provided in the Group’s consolidated financial statement dated December 31, 2012 and in the consolidated other comprehensive income statement belonging to the 01.01 - 31.12.2012 accounting period, had been reported after being reclassified. Therefore, the Group made some reclassifications in the previous period’s consolidated financial statements and consolidated comprehensive income statement. In addition, some of the expenses, formerly included in cost of sales, were reclassified in general administrative expenses. The aforesaid classifications are as follows: In the financial position statement and the comprehensive income statement for the period 01.01 - 31.12.2012; “Prepaid expenses for future months” and “advances given”, which were formerly disclosed in “Other current assets”, were reclassified to “Prepaid expenses”. “Prepaid tax receivables”, which was also formerly disclosed in “Other current assets”, was reclassified to “Current tax assets”. “Advances”, which was also formerly disclosed in “Other fixed assets”, was reclassified to “Prepaid Expenses” in the “Fixed Assets” section. “Revolving loans”, which was formerly disclosed in “Other financial liabilities”, was reclassified to “Short-term borrowings”. “Current portion of long-term loans”, which was formerly disclosed in “Short-term borrowings”, was reclassified to “Current portion of long-term borrowings”. “Social Security Premiums Payable”, which was formerly disclosed in “Short-term liabilities”, was reclassified to “Short-term Employee Benefits”. “Advances”, which was formerly disclosed in “Short-term liabilities”, was reclassified to “Deferred Income”. “Actuarial gains/ losses”, which was formerly disclosed in “Cost of Sales” and “General Administrative Expenses”, was reclassified to “Other Comprehensive Income/ Expense not to be Reclassified to Profit or Loss”. “Maturity and Foreign Exchange Rate Expenses/ Income”, which was formerly disclosed in “Financial Expenses/ Income”, was reclassified to “Other Operating Expenses / Income”. “Profit on Sale of Marketable Securities” which was formerly disclosed in “Financial Income”, was reclassified to “Income from Investing Activities”. “Profit on Sale of Fixed Assets”, “Financial Investments appreciation/ impairment and sales profit / loss”, “Provisions / Cancellations for Financial Investment Impairment” and “provisions for investment property impairment”, which were formerly disclosed in “Operating Income/ Expenses”, were reclassified to “Income / Expenses from Investment Activities”. İhlas Holding Annual Report 2013 79 İHLAS HOLDİNG ANONİM ŞİRKETİ BOARD OF DIRECTORS’ REPORT PREPARED WITH REGARD TO THE COMMUNIQUE, SERIAL NO: II, NO: 14,1 Reclassified Items Prepaid Expenses (Reclassified in Current Assets) Assets Related to Current Tax Other Current Assets Prepaid Expenses (Reclassified in Fixed Assets) Other Fixed Assets Short-term Borrowings Current Portion of Long-term Borrowings Other Financial Liabilities Employee Benefits Payable Short-term Deferred Income Other Short-term Liabilities Cost of Sales General Administrative Expenses Other Operating Income Other Operating Expenses Income from Investing Activities Expenses from Investing Activities Financial Expenses Financial Income Other Comprehensive Income/ Expense not to be Reclassified to Profit or Loss Actuarial Gains / (Losses) from Pension Plans Amount Before Reclassification 01.01-31.12.2012 Amount Reclassified Amount After Reclassification 01.01-31.12.2012 133,485,841 68,500,731 2,374,857 (70,875,588) 68,500,731 2,374,857 62,610,253 13,217,841 239,975,245 181,120,660 147,674,262 (544,575,289) (100,357,209) 102,310,457 (31,577,792) (187,708,639) 99,184,233 13,217,841 (13,217,841) 133,243,113 47,877,547 (181,120,660) 8,183,277 122,611,863 (130,795,140) 169,228 457,543 (35,755,066) (15,539,598) 86,677,489 (21,619,859) 37,159,457 (50,922,423) 13,217,841 373,218,358 47,877,547 8,183,277 122,611,863 16,879,122 (544,406,061) (99,899,666) 66,555,391 (47,117,390) 86,677,489 (21,619,859) (150,549,182) 48,261,810 - (626,771) (626,771) 80 İHLAS HOLDİNG ANONİM ŞİRKETİ BOARD OF DIRECTORS’ REPORT PREPARED WITH REGARD TO THE COMMUNIQUE, SERIAL NO: II, NO: 14,1 Related Party Disclosures A. Current account balances (net book values) of the Holding with its shareholders, major companies having indirect capital, management and business relations with the Holding through its shareholders, and the key personnel as of December 31, 2013 and December 31, 2012 are as follows (Trade receivables / payables from some related parties, which were inadvertently not listed among the related parties in the previous independent audit report, are included and presented in columns of December 31, 2012): Fikirevim Rekl. Görsel Etkinlik Tic. Ltd. Şti. Konak İnş. Proje Taah. Tic. Tur. A.Ş. İHA GMBH İhlas Medya Trade Center GMBH Mute Grup Medya İç ve Dış Ticaret A.Ş. Klas Dış Ticaret A.Ş. İhlas Dış Ticaret A.Ş. Voli Turizm Seyahat Tic. Ltd. Şti. Yakamoz Sektörel Petrol Ürünleri Yapı Gıda Ltd. Şti. İhlas Finans Kurumu A.Ş. in Liquidation Net İletişim Hizmetleri Ltd. Şti. Antalya İmar Ltd. Şti. Tasfiye Halinde Kia-İhlas Motor Sanayi ve Ticaret A.Ş. Plus Gayrimenkul Ticaret A.Ş. NETTEC Otomasyon ve Çevre Teknolojileri A.Ş. (Former Title: İhlas Net Ltd. Şti.) İhlas Vakfı İhlas Oxford Mortgage İnşaat ve Ticaret A.Ş. in Liquidation VAV İnternet Hiz. Paz. Tic. Ltd. Şti. Zela İnş. Otom. Tur. San. ve Tic. A.Ş. Balsa Balıkesir Meşrubat San. Tic. A.Ş. Milenyum Oto Kir. ve Otom. Tur. Tic. Ltd. Şti. İhlas Genel Antrepo Nakliyat ve Tic.A.Ş. İhlas Vakfı Yurt ve Eğitim Hiz. İktisadi İşl. Alternatif Gör. İşitsel Bil. ve İle. Sis. Ltd. Şti. İstanbul Uluslararası Dan. Hiz. Tic. Ltd. Şti. Other Related Parties Total Trade Receivables 31.12.2013 13,314,754 7,119,884 1,803,523 1,503,216 998,159 540,356 420,787 324,692 103,458 53,279 27,951 16,165 8,810 5,588 Trade Liability 31.12.2013 3,295,595 9,145,867 225,560 10,876 98,673 48 25,114 735,836 37,814 2,403 1,358 891 384 126 184,630 26,430,414 79,038 2,879 369,927 93,939 83,633 53,807 9,992 408 212,727 14,481,733 Advances Given Advance Payments for Purchases Received 31.12.2013 31.12.2013 1,133 1,133 7,172,004 7,172,004 İhlas Holding Annual Report 2013 81 İHLAS HOLDİNG ANONİM ŞİRKETİ BOARD OF DIRECTORS’ REPORT PREPARED WITH REGARD TO THE COMMUNIQUE, SERIAL NO: II, NO: 14,1 Fikirevim Rek. Görsel Etkinlikler Tic. Ltd. Şti. Mute Grup Medya İç ve Dış Tic. Ltd. Şti. İHA GMBH İhlas Dış Ticaret A.Ş. İhlas Media Trade Center GMBH Klas Dış Ticaret A.Ş. Bimeks Bilgi İşlem ve Dış Tic. A.Ş. Voli Turizm Seyahat Tic. Ltd. Şti. İhlas Finans Kurumu A.Ş. in Liquidation Çağlar Sağ. Güz. Ev Aletleri Paz. İth. İhr. A.Ş. Yakamoz Sekt. Pet. Ürün. Yapı Gıda Ltd. Şti. Milenyum Oto Kir. ve Oto. Tur. Tic. Ltd. Şti. Net İletişim Hizmetleri Ltd. Şti. İhlas Oxford Mortgage İnş. ve Tic. A.Ş. in Liquidation İhlas Vakfı Yurt ve Eğitim Hizmetleri İhlas İletişim Hizmetleri A.Ş. NETTEC Otomasyon ve Çevre Teknolojileri A.Ş. (Former Title: İhlas Net Ltd. Şti.) Antalya İmar Ltd. Şti. Kia-İhlas Motor Sanayi ve Ticaret A.Ş. in Liquidation Plus Gayrimenkul Ticaret A.Ş. İhlas Genel Antrepo Nakliyat ve Tic.A.Ş. İhlas Uluslararası İnşaat ve Tic.A.Ş. İhlas Vakfı Zela İnşaat Otomotiv Turizm San.ve Tic.A.Ş. M. Muammer Gürbüz Total Shareholders and Senior Executives Ahmet Mücahid Ören Ali Tubay Gölbaşı Ayşe Dilvin Ören Dursun Şahin Ömer Faruk Demir Fevzi Darende M, Fatih Soslu Ceyhan Aral Other Total Trade Receivables 31.12.2012 9,012,884 1,139,303 1,059,751 753,623 737,604 469,409 177,840 139,170 92,286 79,903 76,303 73,820 44,224 31,479 19,037 11,915 Trade Liability 31.12.2012 825,673 11,104 9,970,414 277,809 135,683 158,805 47 46,177 463 47,551 158 11,015 8,011 7,464 3,497 1,058 630 377 13,950,603 151,757 241,740 171,285 97,981 12,136,647 Advances Given Advance Payments for Purchases Received 31.12.2012 31.12.2012 14,197 - Other receivables 31.12.2013 31.12.2012 6,258,003 2,909,710 9,167,713 - 14,197 1,591,410 55,000 1,646,410 Other Debts 31.12.2013 31.12.2012 1,516,169 12,400 980,000 35,000 250,000 150,000 115,000 1,937 118 118 2,531,287 529,455 B) Sales and purchases of goods, services, advertising, rent, interest and assets of the Holding with its shareholders and certain companies having indirect capital, management and business relations with the Holding through its shareholders, during the periods January 1 - December 31, 2013 and January 1 - December 31, 2012 are as follows (Purchase and sale transactions from some related parties, which were inadvertently not listed among the related parties in the previous independent audit report, are included and presented in columns of January 1 - December 31, 2012.): 82 İHLAS HOLDİNG ANONİM ŞİRKETİ BOARD OF DIRECTORS’ REPORT PREPARED WITH REGARD TO THE COMMUNIQUE, SERIAL NO: II, NO: 14,1 Fikirevim Rekl. Görsel Etkinlik Tic. Ltd. Şti. İhlas Medya Trade Center GMBH Mute Grup Medya İç ve Dış Ticaret A.Ş. İHA GMBH Ulubol İnşaat Harfiyat Gıda Tur. San. ve Tic. Ltd. Şti. İhlas Finans Kurumu A.Ş. in Liquidation Klas Dış Ticaret A.Ş. İhlas Vakfı Yurt ve Eğitim Hiz. İktisadi İşl. Antalya İmar Ltd. Şti. Voli Turizm Seyahat Tic. Ltd. Şti. Yakamoz Sektörel Petrol Ürünleri Yapı Gıda Ltd. Şti. İhlas Genel Antrepo Nakliyat ve Tic. A.Ş. İhlas Vakfı İhlas Dış Ticaret A.Ş. Plus Gayrimenkul Ticaret A.Ş. Çağlar Sağlık Güzellik ve Ev Aletleri Paz. İth. ve İhracat A.Ş. Net İletişim Hizmetleri Ltd. Şti. Alternatif Gör. İşitsel Bil. ve İle. Sis. Ltd. Şti. EMS Mobil Sistemler ve Hast. Malz. İnş. San. ve Tic. A.Ş. Milenyum Oto Kir. ve Otom. Tur. Tic. Ltd. Şti. Konak İnş. Proje Taah. Tic. Tur. A.Ş. İstanbul Uluslararası Dan. Hiz. Tic. Ltd. Şti. VAV İnternet Hiz. Paz. Tic. Ltd. Şti. NETTEC Otomasyon ve Çevre Teknolojileri A.Ş. (Former Title: İhlas Net Ltd. Şti.) File Prodüksiyon Hizmetleri İnş. Yayın. Bilg. Rek. ve Org. Ltd. Şti. CDC Kurumsal Gelişim Merkezi Ltd. Şti. Ekip Teknoloji Bilişim Hiz. Ltd. Şti. Balsa Balıkesir Meşrubat San. Tic. A.Ş. Other Related Parties Total Sales Made 01.01-31.12.2013 31,719,840 1,207,280 761,634 461,109 452,162 262,156 222,772 126,979 81,564 69,617 68,024 40,687 32,319 13,942 12,814 7,255 6,674 3,313 2,978 2,397 1,750 1,299 938 541 405 217 17 1,615,619 37,176,302 Purchases Made 01.01-31.12.2013 7,949,408 773,758 9,865 954,578 154,375 300,584 877,455 544 1,300,238 2,626 467,217 46,437 55,568 16,343,928 39,525 17,122 21,634 1,285,284 279,694 30,879,840 Fikirevim Rek. Görsel Etkinlikler Tic. Ltd. Şti. İHA GMBH İhlas Media Trade Center GMBH Bimeks Bilgi İşlem ve Dış Tic. A.Ş. Mute Grup Medya İç ve Dış Tic. Ltd. Şti. Klas Dış Tic. A.Ş. İhlas Finans Kurumu in Liquidation İhlas Vakfı Yurt ve Eğitim Hizmetleri Çağlar Sağ. Güz. Ev Aletleri Paz. İth. İhr. A.Ş. Antalya İmar Ltd. Şti. Plus Gayrimenkul Ticaret A.Ş. İhlas Dış Ticaret A.Ş. Yakamoz Sekt. Pet. Ürün. Yapı Gıda Ltd. Şti. İhlas Genel Antrepo Nak. ve Tic. A.Ş. Net İletişim Hizmetleri Ltd. Şti. Voli Turizm Seyahat Tic. Ltd. Şti. NETTEC Otomasyon ve Çevre Teknolojileri A.Ş. (Former Title: İhlas Net Ltd. Şti.) İhlas İletişim Hizmetleri A.Ş. İhlas Uluslararası İnşaat ve Tic. A.Ş. Milenyum Oto Kir. ve Oto. Tur. Tic. Ltd. Şti. Other Related Parties Total Sales Made 01.01-31.12.2012 27,993,576 1,489,324 1,196,747 856,103 756,028 351,396 260,414 201,009 103,580 66,513 45,420 43,147 35,276 28,689 5,546 3,462 3,018 1,958 734 394 42 33,442,376 Purchases Made 01.01-31.12.2012 3,380,381 1,245,717 681,129 121,747 69,285 355,017 276,366 7,844 400,000 3,400 1,555,185 78,902 1,022,055 320,138 294,949 9,812,115 İhlas Holding Annual Report 2013 83 İHLAS HOLDİNG ANONİM ŞİRKETİ BOARD OF DIRECTORS’ REPORT PREPARED WITH REGARD TO THE COMMUNIQUE, SERIAL NO: II, NO: 14,1 Sales of Tangible Fixed Assets Aziz Erdoğan Alternatif Gör. İşitsel Bil. ve İle. Sis. Ltd. Şti. M. Muammer Gürbüz Total 01.01-31.12.2013 114,950 24,450 139,400 01.01-31.12.2012 105,941 105,941 Purchases of Tangible Fixed Assets EMS Mobil Sistemler ve Hast. Malz. İnş. San. ve Tic. A.Ş. Mute Grup Medya İç ve Dış Tic. Ltd. Şti. Klas Dış Tic. A.Ş. Net İletişim Hizmetleri Ltd. Şti. Fikirevim Rek. Görsel Etkinlikler Tic. Ltd. Şti. Bimeks Bilgi İşlem ve Dış Tic. A.Ş. İhlas İletişim Hizmetleri A.Ş. Total 01.01-31.12.2013 103,390 10,000 17,240 15,157 6,500 152,287 01.01-31.12.2012 131,230 30,628 4,000 146,068 4,088 316,014 Share Sales Ahmet Mücahid Ören 01.01-31.12.2013 6,258,003 01.01-31.12.2012 - Konak İnş. Proje Taah. Tic. Tur. A.Ş. İHA GMBH İhlas Dış Ticaret A.Ş. Klas Dış Ticaret A.Ş. Voli Turizm Seyahat Tic. Ltd. Şti. Net İletişim Hizmetleri Ltd. Şti. Yakamoz Sektörel Petrol Ürünleri Yapı Gıda Ltd. Şti. NETTEC Otomasyon ve Çevre Teknolojileri A.Ş. (Former Title: İhlas Net Ltd. Şti.) Kia-İhlas Motor Sanayi ve Ticaret A.Ş. in Liquidation İhlas Finans Kurumu A.Ş. in Liquidation İhlas Oxford Mortgage İnşaat ve Ticaret A.Ş. in Liquidation İhlas Medya Trade Center GMBH Zela İnş. Otom. Tur. San. ve Tic. A.Ş. Total Interest Issued 01.01-31.12.2013 536,415 182,649 161,455 44,016 10,696 3,380 2,760 1,325 1,193 201 50 944,140 Interest received 01.01-31.12.2013 48 925,430 59,915 985,393 İhlas Dış Ticaret A.Ş. Klas Dış Tic. A.Ş. Voli Turizm Seyahat Tic. Ltd. Şti. İhlas Oxford Mortgage İnş. ve Tic. A.Ş. İhlas Finans Kurumu A.Ş. in Liquidation Kia-İhlas Motor Sanayi ve Ticaret A.Ş. in Liquidation İhlas İletişim Hizmetleri A.Ş. NETTEC Otomasyon ve Çevre Teknolojileri A.Ş. (Former Title: İhlas Net Ltd. Şti.) Net İletişim Hizmetleri Ltd. Şti. Zela İnşaat Otomotiv Turizm San.ve Tic.A.Ş. Bimeks Bilgi İşlem ve Dış Tic. A.Ş. Total Interest Issued 01.01-31.12.2012 41,526 19,000 7,474 3,409 1,485 834 959 472 472 75,631 Interest received 01.01-31.12.2012 33,207 8,221 41,428 84 İHLAS HOLDİNG ANONİM ŞİRKETİ BOARD OF DIRECTORS’ REPORT PREPARED WITH REGARD TO THE COMMUNIQUE, SERIAL NO: II, NO: 14,1 İhlas Medya Trade Center GMBH İhlas Vakfı Yurt ve Eğitim Hiz. İktisadi İşl. İhlas Finans Kurumu A.Ş. in Liquidation Antalya İmar Ltd. Şti. Mute Grup Medya İç ve Dış Ticaret A.Ş. Klas Dış Ticaret A.Ş. Net İletişim Hizmetleri Ltd. Şti. Yakamoz Sektörel Petrol Ürünleri Yapı Gıda Ltd. Şti. Fikirevim Rekl. Görsel Etkinlik Tic. Ltd. Şti. Plus Gayrimenkul Ticaret A.Ş. İhlas Dış Ticaret A.Ş. NETTEC Otomasyon ve Çevre Teknolojileri A.Ş. (Former Title: İhlas Net Ltd. Şti.) İhlas Vakfı Zela İnş. Otom. Tur. San. ve Tic. A.Ş. Tasfiye Halinde İhlas Oxford Mortgage İnşaat ve Ticaret A.Ş. Milenyum Oto Kir. ve Otom. Tur. Tic. Ltd. Şti. Voli Turizm Seyahat Tic. Ltd. Şti. Other Related Parties Total Rent Issued 01.01-31.12.2013 1,408,040 183,350 163,380 33,403 26,531 22,741 11,677 10,091 7,720 6,706 4,981 3,784 1,819 1,310 1,107 31,870 1,918,510 Rent Received 01.01-31.12.2013 5,000 283,077 17,332 30,500 335,909 İhlas Media Trade Center GMBH İhlas Finans Kurumu A.Ş. in Liquidation İhlas Vakfı Yurt ve Eğitim Hizmetleri Klas Dış Tic. A.Ş. Çağlar Sağ. Güz. Ev Aletleri Paz. İth. İhr. A.Ş. Antalya İmar Ltd. Şti. Yakamoz Sekt. Pet. Ürün. Yapı Gıda Ltd. Şti. Plus Gayrimenkul Ticaret A.Ş. İhlas Dış Ticaret A.Ş. Fikirevim Rek. Görsel Etkinlikler Tic. Ltd. Şti. İhlas İletişim Hizmetleri A.Ş. Voli Turizm Seyahat Tic. Ltd. Şti. NETTEC Otomasyon ve Çevre Teknolojileri A.Ş. (Former Title: İhlas Net Ltd. Şti.) Net İletişim Hizmetleri Ltd. Şti. İhlas Vakfı Zela İnşaat Otomotiv Turizm San.ve Tic.A.Ş. İhlas Oxford Mortgage İnş. ve Tic. A.Ş. in Liquidation Zahav Otomotiv A.Ş. in Liquidation Alaettin Şener Mute Grup Medya İç ve Dış Tic. Ltd. Şti. Other Related Parties Total Rent Issued 01.01-31.12.2012 1,127,631 203,603 172,825 60,995 44,460 27,500 26,984 21,105 8,354 7,284 7,140 5,378 3,570 3,570 1,715 1,552 1,044 1,035 326 142 1,726,213 Rent Received 01.01-31.12.2012 836 123,579 44 25,375 149,834 All of the purchases - sales, rental income - expenses, interest income – expenses, and all other purchases - sales deriving from the Holding’s subsidiary companies that have been included in the consolidation, have been eliminated during the consolidation process. Therefore, they are not presented in the consolidated financial statements. C) Key executive personnel refers to those individuals with direct or indirect authority and responsibility to plan, manage and control the Group’s operations, including any manager of the Group (administrative or other) and there are two types of benefits provided. Shortterm benefits consist of wages, social security contributions, bonuses, compensated absences and honorarium. These types of shortterm benefits are reported under “Employee Benefits Payable”, whereas benefits to be paid out in the event of dismissal consist of the Group’s liability for severance pay. These types of benefits are reported under “Provisions for Employee Benefits”. The total short-term benefits paid out to key personnel during the period 01.01 - 31.12.2013 are TL 8,763,838 (01.01 - 31.12.2012: TL 5,774,114); whereas the total benefits to be paid out in the in the event of dismissals of key personnel during the period 01.01 31.12.2013 amount to TL 3,262,190 (01.01 - 31.12.2012: TL 2,256,905). There are no long-term benefits provided to the Group’s key personnel during the periods 01.01 - 31.12.2013 and 01.01 - 31.12.2012. TL 726,221 (01.01 - 31.12.2012: TL 89,000) of benefits including wages, honorarium, etc. were paid out to resigned / dismissed key personnel of the Group. No share-based payments are made. İhlas Holding Annual Report 2013 85 İHLAS HOLDİNG ANONİM ŞİRKETİ BOARD OF DIRECTORS’ REPORT PREPARED WITH REGARD TO THE COMMUNIQUE, SERIAL NO: II, NO: 14,1 REPORT ON COMPLIANCE WITH CORPORATE GOVERNANCE PRINCIPLES: The Holding’s Corporate Governance Principles Compliance Report format has been renewed according to the Board of Directors’ Decision No. 2/35 dated January 27, 2014, pursuant to the Capital Markets Board’s Communiqué on Corporate Governance numbered II-17.1, which came into force on January 3, 2014. İhlas Holding’s Corporate Governance Principles Compliance Report, which has been renewed within the scope of the relevant legislation, will be submitted for the information of the shareholders at the first General Assembly meeting. 1- Declaration of Compliance with Corporate Governance Principles Among the Corporate Governance Principles (Principles) included in the annex titled Communiqué on Corporate Governance numbered II-17.1 (Communiqué) in the annual activity period 01.01.2013 - 31.12.2013; a) Unimplemented mandatory Principles and justification: Our Company has complied with all of the mandatory Corporate Governance Principles. Our Company is included in the third group within the scope of determination of mandatory corporate governance principles. Therefore, the third paragraph of Principle No. 4.3.7, and the second paragraph of Principle No. 4.3.8, are not among the mandatory principles for our Company. b) Unimplemented non-mandatory Principles and justification: PRINCIPLE RESOLUTION NO. 1.3.11 General Assembly meetings can be held in public, including the stakeholders and the media, without the right to speak, and a provision can be added to the Articles of Association in this regard. JUSTIFICATION The General Assembly meetings are held in public, including the stakeholders and the media, without the right to speak. While there are no provisions in the Articles of Association in this regard, the following provision is included in Article 5 of the “Internal Directive on the Working Principles and Procedures of the General Assembly” which was submitted to and approved by the 2012 General Assembly held on March 30, 2013: “The shareholders, who are registered with the list of participants prepared by the Board of Directors within the framework of Article 417 of the TCC, or their representatives, members of the Board of Directors, the auditor, if any, the Ministry’s representative, if appointed, and the persons, who may be elected or appointed for the meeting council, are allowed to enter the meeting place. In addition; persons such as other managers of the Company, employees, audio and video recording technicians, and press members, are also allowed to enter the meeting place with the consent of the Chairman of the Meeting.” 1.5.2. Minority rights can also be recognised for persons possessing less than one twentieth of the capital, by means of the Articles of Association. The scope of the minority rights can be regulated and expanded in the Articles of Association. The issue of making the necessary regulations regarding the minority rights in the Articles of Association will be considered in the coming periods. 3.1.2. An effective and expeditious opportunity of indemnity is provided in case of violation of the rights of the stakeholders protected by legislation and relevant agreements. The company provides the necessary convenience for the use of mechanisms, such as indemnity, provided to the stakeholders by the relevant legislation. Moreover, the company constitutes a staff indemnity policy for its employees and discloses it to the public through the corporate web site. Models that encourage the participation of the stakeholders, especially the company’s own staff, in the management of the company, are developed without disrupting the activities of the company. The aforementioned models, which are adopted by the company, are included in the company’s internal regulations or Articles of Association. The Company already provides an effective and expeditious opportunity of indemnity in case of violation of the rights of the stakeholders protected by legislation and relevant agreements, and also provides the necessary convenience for the use of mechanisms, such as indemnity, provided to the stakeholders by the relevant legislation. Moreover, the issue of constituting a staff indemnity policy for our employees will be considered in the coming periods. The issues of developing models that encourage the participation of the stakeholders in the management of the company and including these models in the company’s internal regulations or Articles of Association will be considered in the coming periods. 3.2.1. 86 İHLAS HOLDİNG ANONİM ŞİRKETİ BOARD OF DIRECTORS’ REPORT PREPARED WITH REGARD TO THE COMMUNIQUE, SERIAL NO: II, NO: 14,1 4.2.5. It is essential to separate the authorities of the Chairman of the Board of Directors and the Chief Executive Officer / General Manager clearly and to state this distinction in writing in the Articles of Association. No one in the company may be entrusted with unlimited authority to decide on an individual basis. Although the Chairman of the Board of Directors holds the title of General Manager in our Company, there is also a chief executive officer. The actual performance of the company is carried out by means of the chief executive officer. The issue of separating the authorities of the Chairman of the Board of Directors and the Chief Executive Officer / General Manager clearly, and stating this distinction in writing in the Articles of Association, will be considered in the coming periods. 4.2.8. Any damages caused by the members of the Board of Directors due to their negligence during the fulfilment of their duties are insured at an amount exceeding 25% of the Company’s capital, and this matter is disclosed in PDP. A plan is under consideration in order to insure any damages caused by the members of the Board of Directors due to their negligence during the fulfilment of their duties at an amount exceeding 25% of the Company’s capital. 4.3.9. The company determines a target ratio, which is not less than 25%, and determines the timing or the ratio of female members in the Board of Directors, and constitutes a policy to achieve these targets. The Board of Directors annually evaluates the improvement in reaching these targets. Currently, there are no female members in the Board of Directors, and the target ratio of female members is determined as 25% in accordance with the principles. It is aimed to achieve the determined ratio in the coming periods. 4.4.7. The serving of a member of the Board of Directors for some other duties outside the company is regulated and restricted by certain rules. Although the serving of the members of the Board of Directors for some other duties outside the company is not regulated and restricted by certain rules, the administrators make their plans without disrupting their current duties. There is no conflict of interest occurring due to failure in fully complying with the above-described Principles. The company has a number of future plans to make changes in the governance practices within the framework of the aforesaid Principles. In the event of a significant change in the above-mentioned explanations during the period, the related change will be included in the interim activity reports. In order to enhance the level of compliance with the principles and to follow all developments in Corporate Governance, the Company continues to participate in trainings, panel discussions and seminars, and strives to participate in the relevant activities. The majority of these activities take place under the umbrella of the Corporate Governance Association of Turkey, of which we are a member, and the Turkish Investor Relations Society. As a result of ongoing compliance works, a contract with JCR Avrasya Derecelendirme A.Ş. was signed on December 8, 2010 for rating compliance with Corporate Governance Principles. As a result of the rating evaluation process, İhlas Holding has been included in the “BIST Corporate Governance Index” as of December 29, 2010. In the context of “Period Revision of the Corporate Governance Rating Evaluation” process held in 2013, JCR - Eurasia Rating has evaluated İHLAS HOLDING’s Corporate Governance applications within the scope of CMB regulations, and rated the Holding’s general compliance level regarding these principles as (8.15) out of “10 full points”, while identifying the overall outlook as “Stable”. Digitized compliance values of the four main sections are as follows: s'PSTIBSFIPMEFST s'PSQVCMJDEJTDMPTVSFBOEUSBOTQBSFODZ s'PSTUBLFIPMEFST s'PSUIFCPBSEPGEJSFDUPSTBOEFYFDVUJWFT The rating methodology has been amended in accordance with the decision taken at the Capital Markets Board’s (the Board) meeting dated February 1, 2013 and numbered 4/105. With these changes made by the CMB, a two-stage scoring system, consisting of the base and full scoring methods, is being implemented. In the new system, all of the rules and practices contained in the CMB principles were considered as the minimum components within the scope of the changes made, and the base score of a maximum of 85 points is obtained in the first stage. In the second stage, an additional 15 points may be awarded depending on the efficient implementation and value creation achieved through rules and practices, which are the minimum components. In addition, the Communiqué on Corporate Governance numbered II-17.1, which was prepared in the scope of compliance with the Capital Markets Law numbered 6362, was published in the Official Gazette numbered 28871, and came into force on January 3, 2014. The corporate governance principles issued by the Board were updated in accordance with the aforementioned Communiqué. İhlas Holding Annual Report 2013 87 İHLAS HOLDİNG ANONİM ŞİRKETİ BOARD OF DIRECTORS’ REPORT PREPARED WITH REGARD TO THE COMMUNIQUE, SERIAL NO: II, NO: 14,1 The corporate compliance scores given in 2013 were updated within the framework of the new methodology on March 1, 2014 in order to ensure its comparability for the above-described reasons. The emphasis on functional compliance beyond solely formal compliance, and the two-stage scoring method, exerted downward pressure on the scores mathematically. The reason for the decline in the scores is completely mathematical and methodological, and it in no way reflects on our company. This change (mathematical decline) applies not only to our company, but also to all rated institutions in Turkey. As a result of the adjustments made by JCR - Eurasia Rating within the framework of the changing methodology, JCR - Eurasia Rating rated our Company’s general compliance level on Corporate Governance Principles as (7.87) out of “10 full points”, while affirming the overall outlook as “Stable”. According to the methodological infrastructure and notation representation of JCR-ER; the revised score of the Holding for Compliance with Corporate Governance Principles corresponds to the category of [AA (Trk)/Merit] as the convergence level, and to [bb/Good] as the notch degree. The compliance scores, which have been changed according to the new methodology, are shown in the table below. The numerical compliance levels of the four main fields are; s For shareholders sFor public disclosure and transparency sFor stakeholders sFor the board of directors and executives 7,89 8,53 6,84 7,84 SECTION I - SHAREHOLDERS 2. Investor Relations Department The Investor Relations Unit was set up in 1999 under the name of the Investor Relations Unit, and has provided services to all shareholders and investors since then. Orhan Tanışman has undertaken the management of the unit. His contact information is provided below: İhlas Holding A.Ş. Investor Relations Unit Merkez Mah. 29 Ekim Cad. İhlas Plaza No: 11 B/21, 34197 Yenibosna-Bahçelievler / Istanbul Phone e-mail web : +90 (212) 454 24 28 - Fax: +90 (212) 454 24 27 : [email protected], [email protected] : www.ihlas.com.tr ( (investors section) H. Alev Volkan, who possesses both the “Capital Market Activities Advanced Level License” and the “Corporate Governance Rating Specialist License”, is in charge of meeting obligations arising. Contact information Phone : +90 212 454 20 62 e-mail : [email protected] Compliance with Article 11 of the Communiqué, dated January 3, 2014 and numbered II-17.1, which was issued by the Capital Markets Board, will be ensured by June 30, 2014. By the end of December 2013, over 1000 phone calls and 75 e-mails received by the Company were responded to, presentations about the Company were made to specialists who came from domestic or international brokerage houses and investment banks, and the questions they submitted were also answered in written form. During the period, questions forwarded by the economic press were also answered. The Investor Relations Unit has performed an active role in the preparation of the Company’s annual report. This way, investors are kept fully informed of developments. The Company’s Investor Relations Unit updates the corporate website in line with developments and changes in the corporate organisation and in accordance with the Corporate Governance Principles issued by the CMB, and became accessible as of January 1, 2005. Since then, it has been updated in accordance with principles. 88 İHLAS HOLDİNG ANONİM ŞİRKETİ BOARD OF DIRECTORS’ REPORT PREPARED WITH REGARD TO THE COMMUNIQUE, SERIAL NO: II, NO: 14,1 The Investor Relations Unit, in essence, works to perform the following activities: - To protect and facilitate shareholder rights, especially the rights to obtain and analyse information. -Make available to the shareholders such information and disclosures as may have an effect on the exercise of shareholding rights, on the Company website in an up-to-date manner - Ensure maintenance of the records about Shareholders in a healthy, secure and up-to-date manner, - Respond to the Shareholders’ and potential investors’ written information requests about the Company, apart from those that are not publicly disclosed and are of a confidential and/or commercial confidential nature, - Ensure that the General Assembly Meetings are convened in accordance with the applicable legislation, the Articles of Association and other internal regulations, -Prepare any and all documents the Shareholders may make use of in the General Assembly, - Ensure that the results of the voting are recorded and the reports thereon are sent to the Shareholders, -Observe and comply with all considerations pertaining to public disclosure, including legislation and the Company’s Disclosure Policy, - Ensure representation of our Company in investor relations meetings organised in Turkey or abroad by international establishments through participation in such events, -To prepare and update as necessary the presentation materials to be used in the meetings. The Investor Relations unit submitted the report prepared in relation to its activities conducted during 2013 to the Board of Directors on February 13, 2014. 3. Use of Shareholders’ Right to Obtain Information The Investor Relations unit conducts activities that ensure the protection and facilitation of shareholder rights, especially the right to receive and review information. During the period, questions regarding the company’s operations and performance in the stock market were responded to, unless the information had not been publicly disclosed, was deemed as being confidential, or contained trade secrets, as defined by the CMB regulations and the Turkish Commercial Code. The Company’s Annual Report and the latest financial statements were presented during visits to the company by the press, intermediary institutions and investment banks. Furthermore, all inquiries received via telephone or e-mail were responded to orally and/ or in writing. All information and explanations that might affect the use of shareholder rights are published promptly on the company’s website. There is no regulation in the Articles of Association regarding the request to appoint a private auditor. The changes to be made by the Partnership within the framework of this principle will be considered in the coming periods. No requests for the appointment of a Private Auditor were received during the period. 4. General Assembly Meetings The 2012 Ordinary General Assembly of the Shareholders convened at the Holding’s Head Office on March 30, 2013 at 16:00 local time, with the attendance of 94 participants holding 32.31% of the capital stock. 30 shareholders personally attended the meeting, while 64 shareholders attended by remote. The announcement for the General Assembly was published in the Turkish Trade Registry Gazette on March 8, 2013. The General Assembly announcement and the general assembly information documents were also published through the corporate website and the Public Disclosure Platform. Amendments to the Articles of Association were approved at the aforementioned General Assembly. “All Privileged Shareholders” participated in our Company’s Ordinary General Assembly with 100% attendance. A separate General Assembly of Privileged Shareholders (Special Assembly) meeting was not organised pursuant to Clause 2 of Article 5 of the “Regulation on the Procedures and Principles of the General Assembly Meetings of Joint Stock Companies and Representatives of the Ministry of Customs and Trade to Attend These Meetings”, which was published in the Official Gazette dated November 28, 2012. Documents pertaining to the General Assembly, the Board of Directors’ Annual Report, Auditors Report, Summary of the Independent Audit Report of İrfan Bağımsız Denetim Yeminli Mali Müşavirlik A.Ş., as well as the Summary of the Balance Sheet and Income Statement which were prepared according to the provisions of CMB’s Communiqué - Serial XI, No. 29, the Balance Sheet and Income Statement prepared according to legal records, and the Board of Directors’ proposal in respect of the results of the 2012 period, were submitted for the attention of shareholders at the Company’s registered office, and on the Company’s corporate web site, 21 days prior to the date of the General Assembly. Fax or e-mail messages including the information about the General Assembly announcement were sent to those who had requested information by telephone. No investors among the shareholders used their right to submit questions during the General Assembly. No agenda suggestions were made to the General Assembly meeting by the Shareholders. The “Internal Directive on Working Principles and Procedures of the General Assembly” prepared by the Board of Directors was submitted for information and voted on by the shareholders, at the 2012 General Assembly held on March 30, 2013. İhlas Holding Annual Report 2013 89 İHLAS HOLDİNG ANONİM ŞİRKETİ BOARD OF DIRECTORS’ REPORT PREPARED WITH REGARD TO THE COMMUNIQUE, SERIAL NO: II, NO: 14,1 In order to raise the attendance of shareholders at the General Assembly, it is aimed to hold the meetings without any inequalities between shareholders, and to enable shareholders to attend these meetings at a minimum cost. Pursuant to the Articles of Association, the General Assembly meetings take place at the registered office of the Company, or at any convenient place in the city where the Head Office of the Company is situated. The General Assembly meetings are held in public, including the stakeholders and the media, without the right to speak. While there are no provisions in the Articles of Association in this regard, the following provision is included in Article 5 of the “Internal Directive on Working Principles and Procedures of the General Assembly” which was submitted to and approved by the 2012 General Assembly, held on March 30, 2013: “Shareholders who are registered on the list of participants prepared by the Board of Directors within the framework of the Article 417 of the TCC, or their representatives, members of the Board of Directors, the auditor, if any, the Ministry’s representative, if appointed, and persons who may be elected or appointed to the meeting council, are allowed to enter the meeting place. In addition; persons such as other managers of the Company, employees, audio and video recording technicians, and press members are also allowed to enter the meeting place with the consent of the Chairman of the Meeting.” The General Assembly takes decisions and makes the necessary announcements in accordance with the subjects pertaining to the responsibilities of the general assembly in the Turkish Commercial Code, the Capital Market Board’s Communiqué on Corporate Governance Principles, and the provisions of the Articles of Association of the Company. In order to facilitate participation in the General Assemblies, the utmost attention is paid to full compliance with the points stipulated by the legislation, and it is believed that our shareholders do not face any difficulties with regard to participation in General Assemblies. To date, no notifications to the contrary have been received from our Shareholders. Minutes of the General Assembly meetings are delivered, if requested, to the shareholders upon conclusion of the meeting, submitted to the Public Disclosure Platform (PDP), and are made available on the Company’s corporate internet site in order to keep nonparticipating shareholders informed. The minutes of the last 5 years’ General Assembly meetings are available on the Company’s corporate internet site. Care is taken that General Assembly announcements cover: - The meeting date and hour, the meeting place (defined clearly), agenda, necessary information about the agenda items, - The address at which the annual report, financial statements, and other documents related to the General Assembly can be examined. Along with the general assembly meeting announcement and the documents that should be made available at least 3 weeks prior to the general assembly meeting, excluding the dates of announcement and meeting, for review of the shareholders within the framework of Article 437 of the Turkish Commercial Code No. 6102, and the disclosures and explanations that should be made pursuant to relevant regulations, the following information is also provided on the website and the PDP. a) Information on the total number of shares and voting rights reflecting the shareholding structure of the Company, number of shares and voting rights representing each privileged share group, if any, in the company’s capital, and the nature of the privileges as of the date of the disclosure. b) The Company’s explanation and justifications for any changes in the management and activities of the Company and its subsidiaries and affiliates, that have taken place in the previous accounting period, or are planned for future periods c) The justifications for dismissal or changes if the general assembly meeting agenda includes the dismissal, change or election of the members of the board of directors, the CVs of the persons who have declared their nomination for board membership to the company, the duties they’ve performed within the last 10 years and their reasons for leaving those positions, the nature and level of significance of their relations with the company and the related parties of the company, whether they have the required qualifications for independence, and information on similar subjects that may affect the company’s activities in the event that these individuals are elected as board members. ç) Requests by the company’s shareholders to add items to the agenda communicated in writing to the Investor Relations Unit, and unaccepted proposals, if any of the proposals of the shareholders are not accepted by the board of directors, and the grounds for refusal. d) In the event of an amendment to the Articles of Association featuring on the agenda, the former and new versions of the amendments to the Articles of Association, along with the resolution of the board of directors. In the preparation of the General Assembly agenda, due care is paid to include each proposal under a separate heading, to word the agenda headings clearly and in such a manner as to avoid differing interpretations, and not to insert any agenda items such as “others” or “various”. The chairman of the meeting has knowledge of the Turkish Commercial Code, Capital Markets Law and other legislation. He shows utmost care about the communication of the issues included on the agenda in an objective and detailed way, with a clear and understandable method. The shareholders are entitled to the rights to express their opinions and ask questions under equal conditions. Each question directed by the shareholders at the General Assembly meeting, which is not considered a trade secret, is answered directly by the Chairman during the General Assembly meeting. 90 İHLAS HOLDİNG ANONİM ŞİRKETİ BOARD OF DIRECTORS’ REPORT PREPARED WITH REGARD TO THE COMMUNIQUE, SERIAL NO: II, NO: 14,1 In the event that the question is not about the agenda, or cannot be answered immediately, it will be answered in written form by the Investor Relations Unit within 15 (fifteen) days of the General Assembly. All questions posed during General Assembly meetings and their answers shall be published in 30 (thirty) days on the Company’s website. The Company’s Board of Directors, other relevant individuals, officials and auditors responsible for drawing up the financial statements, and an official from the Independent Audit Company auditing the financial statements of the Company are invited to the General Assembly meetings for the specific subjects included in the agenda. The Company Donations and Aid Policy were submitted for the information of the shareholders in the 2011 General Assembly meeting, which was held in 2012. The fact that no donations or aid were made in 2011 was submitted for the information of the shareholders in the 2012 General Assembly under a separate agenda number. There are no amendments in the Donations and Aid Policy. In the event that shareholders who control the management, the members of the Board of Directors, the executive managers and their first and second degree relatives by blood or by marriage, have carried out transactions that may result in conflicts of interest, either with the Company or its subsidiaries, and/or have carried out transactions in the same line of business as the Company or its subsidiaries, by themselves or on behalf of others, or have become partners without limits of liability in a company that is engaged in the same line of business, the aforementioned transactions are included in the general assembly agenda, presenting detailed information with regard to such transactions, and are written in the General Assembly minutes. Persons other than those mentioned above, who have the opportunity to access the Company’s information in a privileged manner, shall inform the Board of Directors to be added to the agenda in order to ensure that information regarding transactions conducted on behalf of themselves, in the scope of the Company’s field of activity, is provided in the General Assembly. For Shareholders who will have themselves represented by proxy at the General Assemblies, a specimen of a proxy statement is publicised along with the meeting announcements, and is also made available to Shareholders on the electronic medium. The procedures and principles of voting in our Company’s General Assemblies are listed below: - Each Group A share and Group B share possess 1 voting right. - Our Shareholders may participate in the General Assemblies personally or have themselves represented by proxy. - Open voting by a show of hands is employed in General Assemblies. Voting rules and methods are also announced to the Shareholders at the beginning of the meeting. 5. Voting Rights and Minority Rights Although there is no privilege in the Company’s Articles of Association for voting rights, Group B shareholders have the privilege of electing the majority of the members of the Board of Directors. In case of reciprocal shareholding, these companies do not vote at each other’s general assemblies. Minority is not represented on the board. There are no provisions regarding minority rights in the Articles of Association. The issue of making changes in the governance practices within the framework of this principle will be considered by the company in the coming periods. There is no conflict of interest occurring due to the absence of this provision in the Articles of Association. 6. Right to Distribution of Profits There is no privilege regarding the participation in the profit of the Company. The Company already has a profit distribution policy disclosed to the public. The aforementioned policy was published in the annual report and it was also disclosed to the public through the Company’s corporate internet site. At the meeting held on March 8, 2013, the Company’s Board of Directors took the following decision regarding the period results for the year 2012, and made a proposal to the General Assembly held on March 30, 2013. By the end of the fiscal year 2012, our Company’s loss for the period was TL 54,315,622, according to the consolidated Balance Sheet prepared according to International Accounting / Financial Reporting Standards, in compliance with the provisions of Communiqué Serial: XI, No.: 29. The Company showed a total of TL 8,977,577.64 net loss for the period in the unconsolidated statutory documents prepared in accordance with the provisions of the Tax Procedure Law (TPL). However, the Board of Directors decided to make a proposal to the General Assembly that 2012 profit should be offset against the previous period losses, and that no profits should be distributed, due to the fact that there is a previous period loss of TL 22,136,404.09 in the legal records of the Company, prepared according to the Tax Procedure Law (TPL). This proposal was accepted as is by the General Assembly. İhlas Holding Annual Report 2013 91 İHLAS HOLDİNG ANONİM ŞİRKETİ BOARD OF DIRECTORS’ REPORT PREPARED WITH REGARD TO THE COMMUNIQUE, SERIAL NO: II, NO: 14,1 İhlas Holding’s Dividend Distribution Policy for 2013 and subsequent years, which has been revised within the framework of Articles 19 and 20 of the Capital Markets Law No. 6362, the Communiqué on Dividends (Serial II No: 19.1, dated January 23, 2014), issued accordingly by the Capital Markets Board, the Dividend Guide, and the relevant provisions of the Company’s Articles of Association, and will be submitted for the approval of the shareholders during the first General Assembly meeting, is as follows. DIVIDEND DISTRIBUTION POLICY In order for the investor’s acquisition of dividend income by taking the expectations of our shareholders, our Company’s growth trend, profitability status, strategic objectives, investment projects and the fund requirements of the working capital into consideration in accordance with the Turkish Commercial Code, Tax Procedure Law, Capital Markets Law and similar legislations, and the relevant provisions of the Company’s Articles of Association; a) 5% is set aside as legal reserve fund until it reaches 20% of the paid-in capital of the Company, after deduction of the previous year’s losses (if any) from the remaining current profit of the Company, as shown in the Balance Sheet as of the end of the related fiscal year, less the general expenses and overheads, along with the amounts mandatory to be paid or to be set aside by the Company pursuant to the legislation and the relevant provisions of the Company’s Articles of Association. b) 5% is set aside as the first dividend over the amount calculated by adding any donations granted during the relevant fiscal year to the remaining amount. c) The General Assembly has the right to decide to distribute dividends to the members of the Board of Directors, employees, foundations established for various purposes and similar organisations. However, unless all reserves required by law are set aside, and the dividend determined for the shareholders as per these Articles of Association are distributed in cash and/or as gratis shares, it cannot be resolved to set aside other reserve funds, or to carry forward profit to the next year, or to distribute profit to the members of the Board of Directors, officers and other employees, foundations established for various purposes, and similar persons and/or entities. ç) No ratio has been determined for the dividend to be distributed to the members of the Board of Directors, employees, foundations established for various purposes and similar organisations. This decision will be made in accordance with the Capital Markets Law, Communiqué and policy decisions. d) As for the remainder of the relevant net profit after deduction of the amounts referred to in sub-paragraphs (a), (b) and (c) hereof, the Board of Directors determines the ratio of dividend distribution by taking the benefits of the Company and the shareholders into consideration, and submits said ratio for the approval of the General Assembly. The General Assembly may accept the aforesaid proposal as is or with amendments, or reject it. It is always possible that the General Assembly can decide to distribute dividends at a higher rate than that proposed by the Board of Directors. e) If a decision for the dividend distribution is granted, the Board of Directors decides on how the distribution will be performed, in cash and/or by bonus shares, and this decision is submitted to the General Assembly for approval. f) The timing of the distribution of the dividend resolved to be distributed will be decided by the General Assembly upon a proposal of the Board of Directors. The dividend is then distributed to the shareholders, in accordance with the relevant legal regulations and Article 31 of the Company’s Articles of Association, within the statutory deadlines subsequent to the proposal of the Board of Directors and the approval of the General Assembly of Shareholders, and on the date determined by the General Assembly. g) If it is decided to distribute the dividend in cash, it can be paid in equal or varying instalments, provided that it is also decided by the General Assembly in which the dividend distribution was resolved. The number of instalments shall be determined by the General Assembly or by the Board of Directors, provided that it is expressly authorised by the General Assembly. h) There are no privileges in the distribution of dividends. Dividends are distributed equally, regardless of the amount of existing shares or the existing shares’ dates of issue and acquisition. ı) The Board of Directors may distribute dividend advance payments to shareholders, provided that it has been authorised by the General Assembly and that such payments are in compliance with the Capital Markets Law and the relevant Capital Markets Board regulations. i) The total dividend advance to be paid in an accounting period may not exceed 50% of the previous fiscal year’s profit. The authorisation of dividend advance payment granted by the General Assembly to the Board of Directors is limited to the fiscal year that such authorisation is granted. No resolution can be made for the payment of an additional dividend advance, and/or for dividend payment, unless the dividend advance for the previous year is totally offset. ARTICLES INCLUDED IN THE ARTICLES OF ASSOCIATION DISTRIBUTION OF PROFITS (Turkish Trade Registry Gazette dated April 17, 2013 No. 8302) Article - 30: After the deduction of amounts such as the general overheads of the Company or various depreciation costs that must be paid or set aside by the Company, and taxes that must be paid out by the company from the income determined at the end of the year, the balance, and if applicable the net profit on the annual financial statement, shall be deducted from the total amount of losses from previous years and distributed in the following manner: Primary Legal Reserve: a) A legal reserve of five percent (5%) of the net profit is allocated, up to (but not exceeding) 20% of the paid-in capital. 92 İHLAS HOLDİNG ANONİM ŞİRKETİ BOARD OF DIRECTORS’ REPORT PREPARED WITH REGARD TO THE COMMUNIQUE, SERIAL NO: II, NO: 14,1 First Dividend: b) A first dividend is allocated pursuant to the Turkish Commercial Code and the Capital Markets legislations from the amount, adding donation amounts during the year if any, remaining after the sum described in paragraph (a) is deducted from the profit. c) After the above deductions are made, the General Assembly has the right to distribute the profit to the Members of the Board of Directors, employees, personnel, blue-collar workers, foundations established for different purposes, and to similar individuals and associations. Second Dividend d) The General Assembly is authorised to distribute, partially or completely, the amount remaining after the sum described in paragraphs (a), (b) and (c) is deducted from the net profit, as a second dividend, or to allocate it as a legal reserve according to its own wishes, in accordance with Article 521 of the Turkish Commercial Code. As long as the legal reserves are not allocated as per the legislations, and the first dividend determined for the shareholders in the Articles of Association is not distributed as cash and/or stock; it cannot be decided to allocate another legal reserve, to transfer profit to the following year and to distribute share of profit to the members of the Board of Directors and to the employees, personnel and bluecollar workers, foundations established for different purposes and to similar individuals and associations. Dividend is distributed equally to all existing shares by the accounting period, without taking their issue and acquisition dates into consideration. The distribution time and method of the profit allocated for distribution is determined according to the relevant proposal of the Board of Directors. According to the provisions of this Articles of Association, the decision of profit distribution taken by the General Assembly cannot be withdrawn. Dividend advance can be distributed if authorised by the Board of Directors, and complying with article 20 of the Capital Markets Law and other communiqués of the Capital Markets Board. The total dividend advance allocated in an accounting period cannot exceed half of the previous year’s profit. The authorisation for dividend distribution, granted to the Board of Directors at the General Assembly, is limited to the year in which the authorisation is given. As long as the advance dividend of a previous year is not fully entered into account, it cannot be decided to give an extra dividend advance and/ or distribute dividends. DISTRIBUTION DATE OF THE PROFIT: (Turkish Trade Registry Gazette dated April 17, 2013 No. 8302) Article - 31: The date and method of distribution of profit are determined by the General Assembly upon proposal of the Board of Directors in accordance with the provisions of the Turkish Commercial Code and the Capital Markets Law. 7. Transfer of Shares All corporate shares are issued as bearer shares, and there are no limitations for the transfer of the bearer shares. The article regarding transfer of shares in the Articles of Association is as follows. TRANSFER OF SHARES: Article - 8: Bearer shares can be freely transferred on condition of compliance with the provisions of law. SECTION II - PUBLIC DISCLOSURE AND TRANSPARENCY 8. Information Policy İhlas Holding’s Disclosure Policy, which has been revised within the framework of the Capital Markets Law No. 6362 and the Communiqué Serial II No:15.1 on Special Cases issued accordingly by the Capital Markets Board, and will be submitted to the approval of the shareholders during the first General Assembly meeting, is as follows. Purpose It is the primary principle of our Company’s information policy to publicise accurately, completely and with sufficient information content in due time, any developments which might have an impact on the value of all capital market instruments offered by our Group; to make no discrimination among Capital Market Participants (shareholders, investors, capital markets experts, brokerage houses) in the employment of information review rights; to offer the information publicised by the company in a comprehensible and interpretable manner, accessible at low cost and equally by those individuals and corporations who will benefit from such information in making their own decisions. İhlas Holding Annual Report 2013 93 İHLAS HOLDİNG ANONİM ŞİRKETİ BOARD OF DIRECTORS’ REPORT PREPARED WITH REGARD TO THE COMMUNIQUE, SERIAL NO: II, NO: 14,1 Regarding public disclosures, arrangements drawn up by the Capital Markets Board (CMB) and Borsa İstanbul (BIST) are complied with, and maximum attention is paid to the implementation of principles set forth in CMB’s Principles of Corporate Governance. It is the primary principle of the Company’s Information policy to use the internet, electronic mail, press releases, and media organisations effectively in addition to the means anticipated by laws and regulations; and to comply with all the rules promulgated or to be promulgated by the CMB. Responsibility The Board of Directors is responsible for the monitoring, reviewing and development of the Information Policy. The Corporate Governance Committee provides information and offers suggestions to the Board of Directors, Board of Auditors and Financial Affairs Coordination Unit on the “Information Policy”. Mr. Mahmut Kemal Aydın, Financial Affairs Coordinator, is in charge of the application of the Disclosure Policy. Public Disclosure Methods and Instruments Basic public disclosure methods used by the Company are; - To release the necessary material disclosure to the Public Disclosure Platform (PDP), and to announce such disclosures on our website www.ihlas.com.tr by means of the forms stated in the CMB’s Communiqué on Principles Regarding Public Disclosure of Material Events (Serial: II, No: 15.1), pursuant to the provisions of the Capital Markets Law and Turkish Commercial Code (TCC). - To announce financial statements and their footnotes, independent audit reports, declarations and annual reports to the Public Disclosure Platform and on our website, - To include the prospectus in the Turkish Trade Registry Gazette and on our website and to place the circular note in daily newspapers and our website during a capital increase exercise, - To ensure that declarations and announcements such as summons for the General Board, dividend payments, etc. are published in the Turkish Trade Registry Gazette and daily newspapers. Legislation-based explanations mentioned above, issued by our Company to the capital market participants, are submitted to investors: - By appearing in written and visual media or through data distribution institutions such as Reuters, Forex, etc. or - At informative negotiations and meetings held in person or through teleconference with capital market participants Public Disclosure of Financial Statements Our Company’s financial statements and their footnotes are prepared on a consolidated basis and in accordance with International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS). Financial statements are subject to independent audit, based on independent audit standards published by the Capital Markets Board and submitted for the approval of the Board of Directors following the approval of the Audit Committee. After the attestation is signed by the authorized members of the Board of Directors, financial statements are disclosed to the public. Following the approval of the Board of Directors, financial statements and their footnotes, as well as independent audit reports and their annexes are submitted to the Public Disclosure Platform for publication in line with CMB and ISE regulations. Financial statements and their footnotes are also submitted through an electronic environment via PDP (Public Disclosure Platform) submission. The reports can be accessed retrospectively from the company’s website. Public Disclosure of the Annual Report The Annual Report is prepared in accordance with the Turkish Commercial Code, and the Communiqués and Principle resolutions of the Capital Markets Law, submitted for the approval of the Board of Directors, and disclosed to the public on our website. Capital market participants may obtain the Turkish and/or English version of the annual report from our Company’s Investor Relations Department. The Annual Reports can be accessed retrospectively from the company’s website. Public Disclosure of Material Events The Company’s disclosures of material events are prepared under the responsibility of the Deputy General Manager in Charge of Financial Affairs and signed by authorised members of the Board of Directors, and then submitted to the Public Disclosure Platform. Maintenance of the Confidentiality of Information until Material Events are Disclosed to the Public Other parties who are in relationships with the employees of İhlas A.Ş., having access to internal information, are informed of their obligation to maintain the confidentiality of such information during the occurrence of a material event, and within the period of time from the occurrence of that event until the disclosure is made to BIST. As a general principle, İhlas Holding, and the persons who work for and on behalf of İhlas Holding, shall under no circumstances disclose any information that can be considered as a material event, and that is not yet disclosed to the public, to any third parties. If it is determined that internal information has been disclosed to any third parties unintentionally, and it is concluded that the confidentiality of the information cannot be maintained, then a material event disclosure is made immediately in accordance with the regulations of the Capital Markets Board. 94 İHLAS HOLDİNG ANONİM ŞİRKETİ BOARD OF DIRECTORS’ REPORT PREPARED WITH REGARD TO THE COMMUNIQUE, SERIAL NO: II, NO: 14,1 The internal information is principally disclosed by the Company to the public as soon as the obligation of disclosure arises. However, the Company may postpone the disclosure of internal information to the public when necessary, in accordance with Article 6 of the Communiqué, by ensuring the confidentiality of information in order to prevent its legitimate interests, legal rights and interests from being impaired. In order to postpone the disclosure of the internal information to the public, the Company will undertake that this postponement is made to protect the legal rights of the Company, and the decision for this postponement is made upon the approval of the Board of Directors to ensure that there will be no risk that the investors may be misled, and that all reasonable precautions are taken to maintain the confidentiality of such information. As soon as the reasons for the postponement of the public disclosure of internal information are removed, a disclosure regarding that internal information shall be made immediately by the Company to the Public Disclosure Platform. A “List of Persons with Access to Internal Information” has been prepared to ensure the consideration of rules regarding the use of internal information. The statements of the persons on this list, declaring that they are aware of their liabilities of maintaining said information and not using it inappropriately, have been taken. Attention is paid to take such statements from any persons added subsequently to this list. In order to maintain the confidentiality of internal information until material events are disclosed to the public, no information other than that which had already been disclosed to the public is disclosed in one-to-one or collective meetings/negotiations with capital market participants/third persons. Within the confines of the law, information is provided to the public about company management, legal status, and company projects through disclosures made by management and Board of Directors under Information Management. Officers Authorized to Disclose Information to the Public Apart from the notifications stated above, written and/or verbal information requests submitted by capital market participants are replied to by the Financial Affairs Coordination Unit or the Investor Relations Department depending on the content of the request, provided that confidential information or trade secrets are excluded. Only the Chairman of the Board of Directors, CEO or the Financial Affairs Coordinator are allowed to issue press statements to written and/or visual media or data distribution channels such as Reuters, Forex, etc. Apart from the above persons, company employees are not permitted to answer questions forwarded to them by capital market participants, unless they are specially commissioned. Incoming information requests are forwarded to the Financial Affairs Coordination Unit or the Investor Relations Department. In line with the information management policy, information regarding the Company’s management, legal status and the Company’s projects is only disclosed to the public by the commissioned managers or the members of the Board of Directors, with the exception of information requested in line with respective legislation. Criteria Sought in the Determination of People with an Administrative Responsibility The Capital Markets Law has been taken into account in the determination of the persons to hold administrative responsibility. The persons who hold administrative responsibility are the members of the Board of Directors of İhlas Holding, or those who have direct or indirect regular access to the Company’s internal information, and the authority to make administrative decisions which may affect the future development and commercial targets of the issuer, even though they are not Board members. Communication with Capital Market Participants Our Company does not direct regarding the expectations of the results of semi-annual and annual activities. Instead, it prefers to share critical matters affecting the results of its activities, its strategic approaches and the significant factors that allow the sector and the environment where the Company operates to be better understood by capital market participants. Unless otherwise stated in the information policy, only those officers authorized to disclose information to the public may communicate with capital market participants on behalf of our Company. No information not yet disclosed to the public or important/private information is disclosed in non-public negotiations held with capital market participants. Face-to-Face Meetings or Phone Calls Face-to-face meetings or meetings held by phone with capital market participants personally or in groups are a significant part of the investor relations development programs. In such an environment, our Company shall not disclose any new information, shall not update information which was previously disclosed to the public or shall not disclose any important and/or private information which was not formerly disclosed to the public. İhlas Holding Annual Report 2013 95 İHLAS HOLDİNG ANONİM ŞİRKETİ BOARD OF DIRECTORS’ REPORT PREPARED WITH REGARD TO THE COMMUNIQUE, SERIAL NO: II, NO: 14,1 Furthermore, investor information meetings shall be organised where the company’s operations are required to be shared with investors in detail and/or as required by the Board of Directors. Requests for appointment with the Board of Directors or management by the press will be evaluated by the Investor Relations Department, and appointments will be organised with the approval of the Corporate Governance Committee. Use of the internet will be encouraged for forwarding questions in writing by potential investors, shareholders, stakeholders, the press and financial institutions representing investors. However, all questions will be answered by the Investor Relations Department under the information policy. Announcements, presentations and reports presented during investor briefings or press meetings are published on the company’s website. Informing Small Investors In order to provide interactive information and prevent speculation, no new information shall be disclosed; information previously disclosed to the public shall not be updated; and private information not previously disclosed to the public shall be disclosed in presentations and/or reports made public in introduction meetings, information meetings or press conferences held with specific groups of investors. All such disclosures shall without fail be included in the website. The primary principle of the Company’s Information Policy is to use the internet, electronic mail, press releases, and media organisations effectively in addition to means anticipated by laws and regulations; and to comply with all the rules published or to be published by the CMB. News and Rumours in Media Organs or Internet News and rumours about the Company appearing in media organs and in the public are followed by our Investor Relations Department on an up-to-date basis. When news or rumours appear in media organs and/or in the public regarding our Company, and in the event that they are of a degree of significance such that they affect the investment decisions of investors or influence the value of capital market instruments, and which had not been disclosed by individuals authorized to represent our Company (other than information already disclosed to the public through special situation announcements, prospectuses, circular notes, proclamation texts approved by the Board, financial reports and other public disclosure documents), necessary explanations shall be provided by the associates in pursuance with Article 18 “Confirmation of News and Rumours” of the Communique on whether such news and/or rumours are true or sufficient. In the event that the news or rumours in question are related to the information, public disclosure of which is postponed, it is accepted that the reasons for postponement are no longer valid, and a public disclosure is then made by the company. However, no special situation announcement shall be made if the information in such news and/or rumours is composed of information which had been disclosed through special situation announcements, circular notes, prospectuses, promulgation texts approved by the Board and financial reports and did not include any additional information. Disclosure of Future Oriented Information Our Company may sometimes announce its Future Oriented Information in compliance with its information policy. The assumptions that the disclosed information are based on, the grounds it was prepared in accordance with, and the required data, shall also be explained in the written documents in which future oriented information is stated. Such explanations shall clearly state that the actual results may differ from expectations due to possible risks, uncertainties or various other reasons. Future-oriented information included in public disclosures shall be explained along with the grounds on which forecasts are based, as well as statistical data. The future oriented information shall be announced only by decision of the Board of Directors or with the written consent of the persons authorised, if any, by the Board of Directors. The disclosures can be made by explicitly expressing the above stated warnings, or by making reference to an existing written document (such as press release, information document, disclosure formerly made within the framework of the Capital Markets Law, etc.), which is already disclosed to the public. The future oriented information shall be disclosed to the public at most four times in a year. In the event of the occurrence of a significant change in the future oriented information that has already been disclosed to the public, the disclosure shall be made in accordance with the provisions of the legislation, without being subject to the limitation contained in this subparagraph. 96 İHLAS HOLDİNG ANONİM ŞİRKETİ BOARD OF DIRECTORS’ REPORT PREPARED WITH REGARD TO THE COMMUNIQUE, SERIAL NO: II, NO: 14,1 Website (www.ihlas.com.tr) In public disclosure, as suggested in the CMB’s Corporate Governance Principles, the Company’s website on the Corporate Website internet address (www.ihlas.com.tr) is actively used. Explanations made on the Company’s website shall not replace the notifications and the special situation announcements that have to be made pursuant to Capital Markets Regulations. All public disclosures shall be made available for access through the website. The website contains the following information: Trade registry information, current shareholding and management structure, information about privileged shares, date and number of the Turkish Trade Registry Gazettes in which the amendments are published, the latest version of the Articles of Association, material disclosures, stock price information, annual and interim reports, periodical financial statements and reports, explanation notes and public offering circulars, agendas of the General Assembly meetings, lists of attendees and minutes of the meetings, and proxy voting forms and similar forms. The website also contains the dividend distribution policy, disclosure (information) policy, corporate governance compliance report, corporate rating report, rules of ethics formulated by the Company, frequently asked questions, subsidiaries, and contact information. The contact information of the Investor Relations Unit is also published on the website for investors who would like to receive information. The website is configured and partitioned in accordance with the information required by the provisions of the Corporate Governance Principles and similar legislation. All required security measures regarding the website are taken. The website is prepared in Turkish and English, and arranged to follow the form and content as stipulated in the CMB’s Principles of Corporate Governance. In particular, space on the website is given over to announcements for Annual General Meetings, items on the agenda, information documents related to agenda items, other information, documents and reports related to the items on the agenda and information regarding methods of participating in the General Board in a proper manner. Efforts to effect improvements in the website are continuously ongoing. 9. The Company’s Website and Content Consisting of the same title as the Company, the Company’s official internet address, www.ihlas.com.tr is easy to find and access. In public disclosure, the Company’s corporate website is used actively and the content is updated regularly. The information published on the Company’s website is the same as, and/or consistent with, any announcements made pursuant to the relevant regulations. It does not contain contradictory or incomplete information. The Company’s corporate internet address is also published on all Company letterheads. The Company’s corporate website contains the following information: Trade registry information, current shareholding and management structure, detailed information about privileged shares, date and number of the Trade registry gazettes in which the amendments are published, the latest version of the Articles of Association of the Company, material disclosures, financial reports, annual reports, explanation notes and public offering circulars, agendas of the General Assembly meetings, lists of attendees and minutes of the meetings, and proxy forms and similar forms. The website also contains the profit distribution policy, disclosure policy, aids and donations policy, information on transactions with related parties, rules of ethics formulated by the Company, and the remuneration policy for the Board of Directors and the senior management. Within this context, information pertaining to the last 5 years at least is published on the website. Information on the website is published in English for the benefit of foreign investors. On the website: The “Corporate” page includes the company management organisation, The “Sectors” page includes information about all of the Company’s operations, The “Investor” page includes all financial information, which is required to be publicised, all information required to be disclosed under the Corporate Governance Principles and the organisation of the company and participations, The “News” page includes all announcements made by the company and press information; and The “Career” page includes application procedures and contact information for those seeking employment in our Group. 10. Annual Report All of the following information listed in Corporate Governance Principles is included in the Annual Report. - Duties undertaken by the members and the executives of the Board of Directors outside of the Company, and statements of independence of the Board members, - Operating principles of the committees formed within the Board of Directors including committee members, meeting frequency, and the activities they carry out, as well as the Board of Directors’ assessment on the effectiveness of the committees, - The number of meetings of the Board of Directors and the attendance performance of the members of the Board of Directors at the aforementioned meetings, - Amendments to the legislation which might materially affect the Company’s operations, - Material lawsuits brought against the Company, and the possible results, - Conflicts of interest between the Company and the institutions which provide services concerning subjects such as investment consultancy and rating, and the measures taken by the Company to prevent such conflicts, - Reciprocal shareholdings above 5%, - Corporate social responsibility activities regarding the activities of the Company which have social and environmental results, such as the social rights and vocational trainings of the employees. İhlas Holding Annual Report 2013 97 İHLAS HOLDİNG ANONİM ŞİRKETİ BOARD OF DIRECTORS’ REPORT PREPARED WITH REGARD TO THE COMMUNIQUE, SERIAL NO: II, NO: 14,1 SECTION III - STAKEHOLDERS 11. Informing Stakeholders The stakeholders are described as any person, institution or interest group that is involved in the activities of the corporation and that helps to achieve its aims. In this regard, our stakeholders are our shareholders, employees, creditors, customers, suppliers and various non-governmental organisations. The Company provides the necessary protection for the rights of the stakeholders as provided via legislations and mutual contracts, in its transactions and operations. In cases where stakeholders’ rights are not protected by laws and regulations, stakeholders’ interests are protected within the framework of bona fide principles and to the extent of the Company’s ability. All questions forwarded by stakeholders during the period have been answered by the relevant units. No special medium was developed for such purposes, and existing information channels were used. The stakeholders of the Company are informed both through negotiations and disclosures made via e-mail or BIST on any matters concerning them. The Company’s official e-mail address, [email protected], has been used most effectively in this regard. All the necessary steps are taken for customer satisfaction in the marketing and sales of goods and services. In this respect, the company swiftly meets customer demands regarding the products and services purchased by the customer, and communicates the necessary information to the customer. The company conforms to quality standards on goods and services and takes special care to maintain standards. The company takes due care regarding privacy of information about customers and suppliers, under commercial privacy. The quality studies, carried out with all subsidiaries, were also conducted within this context, and it was ensured that these studies were updated regularly. Based on this context, in-service trainings were provided, all customer problems were approached with the philosophy that the customer is always right, and relevant solutions were created accordingly. 12. Participation of Stakeholders in the management An e-mail address, [email protected], was introduced and announced to employees, facilitating participation in management and freely communicating all complaints and suggestions. Furthermore, it has been noted that suggestions sent to the official e-mail address should also be taken into consideration. Meetings have been held with the Group’s subsidiaries, generally the retailers and the regional representatives, their suggestions have been taken into consideration and where deemed to be appropriate, were applied. The issue of conducting the necessary studies to ensure more active participation of stakeholders in the management will be considered in the coming periods. 13. Human Resources Policy The Basic Principles of the Human Resources Policy The aim of the Human Resources policy is to enable İhlas Holding to achieve a domestic and international competitive advantage by keeping the employees efficient, effective and happy. The basic principles of the Company’s human resources policy to achieve this purpose are stated below; 1- To develop and apply candidate supply, testing and orientation systems in order to select and recruit staff whose level of competence fits the qualifications required for a position, 2- To ensure that the personnel work in appropriate positions according to their knowledge and skills, 3- To maintain the efficiency and effectiveness of Company personnel at the highest level, 4- To provide personnel with the opportunity to develop themselves and build their careers by means of an effective training plan and program, 5- To ensure that the senior executives are raised from among the body of the Company, except for very special positions, with the implicit approval of the General Manager, 6- To maintain the highest level of personnel motivation at all levels, 7- To protect and improve the financial and spiritual rights of the personnel, 8- To create a business environment which helps develop the will to work of the personnel, including all administrators, and to expend great effort in order to establish healthy human relations. 9- To ensure the development of a sense of working for a common cause among all personnel, without any discrimination with regard language, religion, race, sex and physical attributes, 10- To make it attractive to work in the Company by meeting the social and cultural requirements of the personnel to the best of the budget limits, and by ensuring that all personnel benefit from the social services and aids in a balanced manner. 98 İHLAS HOLDİNG ANONİM ŞİRKETİ BOARD OF DIRECTORS’ REPORT PREPARED WITH REGARD TO THE COMMUNIQUE, SERIAL NO: II, NO: 14,1 The Human Resources department is responsible for listening to all kinds of employee problems, suggestions and expectations, and for solving these problems within the bounds of possibility. Mr. Mustafa Özcan is in charge of this position in the department. In addition, employees can communicate their complaints and suggestions to the new e-mail address, [email protected]. All problems and suggestions sent to this address are evaluated and a response is always provided. No complaints regarding discrimination have been communicated to date. The applications in the company are very clear and transparent. No one has been discriminated against for his/her religion, language, race or sex. This issue is one of the core tenets of our HR policy. Work analysis studies have been initiated by the Human Resources department in order to establish a fair wage policy by means of the determination of job descriptions, authorities and responsibilities, and the job evaluation of the employees. After the completion of the work analysis, a target and competence based performance assessment system will be developed. Once the system is fully edited, a Performance Assessment manual will be produced, and it will be put into practice after the required trainings are provided to the employees and the administrators. The regulation for personnel recruitment and placement, dismissal and disciplinary regulations, and the regulation for the titles that can be used have been published. In this context, revision studies for employees’ titles are ongoing, as well as the training activities provided to the employees and other related units for the trainings, implementation arrangements, and follow-up regarding the published regulations. Furthermore, studies related to the other subjects (Personal rights, Wage management, etc.) are still in progress. When completed, the relevant disclosures will be made. Our organisational structure has been reconfigured. After the completion of the organisational structure, an organisation handbook will be prepared, and the new job descriptions will be communicated to the employees. 14. Rules of Ethics and Social Responsibility The following rules of ethics have been developed by the Board of Directors for the Company and its employees. These rules of ethics have been published, on the website, to Company employees and to the public, in accordance with the Company’s disclosure policy. Rules of Ethics Our Board of Directors; Believes that the capital markets are, first and foremost, based on trust, and therefore rules of ethics are crucial. However, first among these rules of ethics should stand the supremacy of law and the defence of this supremacy. The Company’s General Manager, the Executive Director of Financial Affairs and Accounting- Finance Department Administrators are entrusted to: sESBXVQDPNQMFUFUSVFGBJSUJNFMZBOEVOEFSTUBOEBCMFEJTDMPTVSFTJOBMMSFQPSUTBOEEPDVNFOUBUJPOQVCMJTIFEPSTVCNJUUFEUPUIF authorities of the capital markets of which the Company is a member, sDPNQMZXJUIBMMUIFMBXTSFHVMBUJPOTBOEQSJODJQMFTCJOEJOHUIF$PNQBOZJUTFMGBOEUIF$PNQBOZTSFMBUJPOTXJUIJUTTIBSFIPMEFST sFOTVSFDPNQMJBODFXJUIUIFTQJSJUBTXFMMBTUIFMFUUFSPGUIFTFSVMFTPGFUIJDTBOEUPFYQFOEFGGPSUUPQSPNPUFUIFEFWFMPQNFOUPGB company culture which forms the basis of compliance with laws and company policies in all activities. In addition to these, individuals within the Company who are in a position to obtain information regarding the financial statements, which nevertheless is not yet publicised, are expected to keep such information confidential in accordance with the rules of ethics. Our employees: sBSFIPOFTUBOESFMJBCMFQFPQMFXIPQBZEVFDBSFUPFUIJDBMBOENPSBMWBMVFTBOENBLFOPDPNQSPNJTFPOUIFTFWBMVFT sQFSGPSNUIFJSEVUJFTJOUIFJSVOJUTPSEFQBSUNFOUTGPSUIFCFOFGJUPGUIF$PNQBOZTFMGMFTTMZBOEDBSFGVMMZBOEJOBEJTDJQMJOFEBOE objective manner, in compliance with the principles of confidentiality; sGVMGJMUIFJSEVUJFTJOUIFCFTUQPTTJCMFNBOOFSUPFOIBODFUIF$PNQBOZTQSPGJUBCJMJUZBOENBSLFUTIBSF sBSFBMXBZTSFBTPOBCMFBOEDPOTJEFSBUFJOUIFJSMBOHVBHFNBOOFSTBOEBUUJSF sBSFBXBSFPGUIFTJHOJGJDBODFPGIJFSBSDIZBOEDVTUPNFSSFMBUJPOTJOCVTJOFTTMJGFBOEPSHBOJTFUIFNTFMWFTBDDPSEJOHMZ sIBWFBQPTJUJWFJNQBDUPOUIFQFPQMFUIFZBEESFTTCPUIXJUIJOBOEPVUTJEFUIF$PNQBOZXJUIUIFJSSFTQFDUGVMNPEFSBUFNPEFTU active and positive attitudes; sNFUJDVMPVTMZDPNQMZXJUIUIFMBXTQSPGFTTJPOBMQSJODJQMFTBOEUIFSFMFWBOUSFHVMBUJPOT sUBLFUIFNPTUFGGFDUJWFTPVOEBOEBQQSPQSJBUFEFDJTJPOTGPSUIF$PNQBOZCZFWBMVBUJOHEJGGFSFOUJEFBTQFSTQFDUJWFTBOETVHHFTUJPOT with a conciliatory attitude; sSFGSBJOGSPNQPMJUJDBMSFMJHJPVTPSFUIOJDBSHVNFOUTJOWPMWJOHEJTDSJNJOBUJPOBOEBMMPUIFSVOMBXGVMBDUJWJUJFT sQPTTFTTUIFSFRVJTJUFLOPXMFEHFBOEFYQFSJFODFGPSUIFKPCUIFZBSFQFSGPSNJOHBOEEFNPOTUSBUFDPOUJOVPVTFGGPSUUPEFWFMPQUIFJS general knowledge, professional knowledge and skills. Employees should fulfil their responsibilities in the best possible manner with all these qualifications and values that they possess. İhlas Holding Annual Report 2013 99 İHLAS HOLDİNG ANONİM ŞİRKETİ BOARD OF DIRECTORS’ REPORT PREPARED WITH REGARD TO THE COMMUNIQUE, SERIAL NO: II, NO: 14,1 Social Responsibility The founders and employees of İhlas Group have united around the maxim, “the most auspicious of people is the one who serves the people”, and undertake to perform their work within this frame. Our priority is the “auspiciousness of all services to humanity” regardless of religion, language, race, sex or age. Effective and efficient usage of the world’s resources, respect for the environment and honouring social responsibilities are indispensable aspects of serving humanity. Individual peace of mind is primarily achieved through a good education and a healthy life. The Boards of Directors of the companies are authorised in providing financial support, proportional with the companies’ internal resources, to social, art, cultural, sports, etc. projects which provide social benefits. The shareholders and the stakeholders are informed in full and on time in the event of such aids and donations. Within this context, the Corporate Social Responsibility Policy of İhlas Holding is gathered under 3 titles: Ethical Values; Being aware of the reputation and the value of the name of İhlas, its name and the relevant brands can only be used in activities permitted by the members of the Board of Directors. Utmost care is paid to the discharge of social responsibilities towards the employees, shareholders, society and the environment in all fields of activity. İhlas Holding is sensitive about the protection of the confidentiality of the private information of the employees and customers. Human; The assurance of the people’s peace of mind primarily derives from a good education and then from a healthy life. For this reason, there is special sensitivity about education and health. Respect is shown to human rights, an internationally valid concept, and all measures are taken in order not to contribute to human rights violations. The rights and freedom of the employees are protected, and no personnel are employed in contravention of labour standards. Utmost attention is paid to the freedom of labour union and collective labour contract, and all efforts are made to eliminate any form of unfree or forced labour. An honest, fair and healthy work environment is ensured. Discrimination for any reason such as language, race, belief, sex, political views and physical attributes is not allowed. Efforts are made to completely eliminate child labour. It is accepted as a duty to fight against corruption as required by work ethics. Environment; All actions are taken in full awareness of the scarce resources of the world, which are the common property of humanity, and the responsibility towards new generations, in the effective and efficient use of resources. It is aimed to minimise any and all possible environmental risks resulting from our activities. Every kind of activity and organisation raising environmental responsibility is supported. Environment-friendly technologies are followed, and a deliberate approach is supported on environmental difficulties. The Company is not involved in any activity that contaminates or causes damage to the environment, and has not faced any legal or financial court cases pertaining to this issue. The Company’s Mission, Vision and Strategic Goals Our Mission s5PDBSFBCPVUTPDJBMQFBDFQPQVMBSCFOFGJUBOEQFBDFPGNJOEJOBMMTFSWJDFTXFPGGFS s5PQMBZBQJPOFFSJOHSPMFJOBMMPVSTFDUPSTPGPQFSBUJPO s'PSUIF.FEJB(SPVQUPCFFOHBHFECZBXPSLTDIFEVMFEFGZJOHUJNFBOEMJNJUT s'PSUIF.BSLFUJOH(SPVQUPBDDFTTUIFNPTUEJTUBOUQBSUTPGUIFDPVOUSZ s'PSUIF$POTUSVDUJPO(SPVQUPPGGFSUIFTBGFTUBOENPTUTVJUBCMFIPNFTUPDPOTVNFSTBUUIFNPTUSFBTPOBCMFQSJDFT Our Vision s5PTQSFBEPVSTFOTFPGQFBDFUPUIFXIPMFXPSME s'PSUIF.FEJB(SPVQUPDPNFVQXJUIUIFGBTUFTUBOENPTUFGGFDUJWFDPOUFOUOFXTFOUFSUBJONFOUJOGPSNBUJPO s'PSUIF.BSLFUJOH(SPVQUPPGGFSBMMQSPEVDUTUIBUXPVMECSJOHCFOFGJUUPDPOTVNFSTVOEFSGBWPVSBCMFDPOEJUJPOT s'PSUIF$POTUSVDUJPO(SPVQUPQMBZBSPMFJOFOBCMJOHBMM5VSLJTIDJUJ[FOTUPBDRVJSFIPNFTXIJDIBSFBTTQBDJPVTBOEDPNGPSUBCMFBT they desire. 100 İHLAS HOLDİNG ANONİM ŞİRKETİ BOARD OF DIRECTORS’ REPORT PREPARED WITH REGARD TO THE COMMUNIQUE, SERIAL NO: II, NO: 14,1 Our Values s5IFCFTULJOETPGQFPQMFBSFUIPTFXIPQSPWJEFHPPETFSWJDF s&BSOJOHQFPQMFTUSVTUQSFDFEFTFBSOJOHUIFJSNPOFZ s*OEJWJEVBMTDBOOPUMJWFJOQFBDFBOEQSPTQFSJUZXJUIPVUBTUSPOHTUBUF s"NBOBHFNFOUTUZMFPQFOUPDIBOHFUPCSJOHUIFDPNQBOZJOMJOFXJUIDPSQPSBUFRVBMJUJFTCFGJUUJOHUIFHMPCBMFDPOPNZTUSPOH infrastructure and human resources unique to our Group. Our Strategy s5PFNQMPZUIFMBUFTUUFDIOPMPHZJOUIFNPTUFGGFDUJWFXBZ s5PTFFLUIFNPTUFGGFDUJWFXBZTUPBDDFTTDVTUPNFST s5PQSPEVDFUIFNPTUVQUPEBUFBOEFGGFDUJWFDPOUFOU s5PVTFSFTPVSDFTFGGJDJFOUMZBOEQSPEVDUJWFMZ s5PCFOFGJUGSPNUIFTPDJBMLOPXMFEHFBOETFDUPSFYQFSJFODFPGBEWBODFEDPVOUSJFTBOEUPMFBSOGSPNUIFJSNJTUBLFT s5PEFWFMPQDPOUFOUBOEQSPEVDUTXIJDINFFUUIFOFFETPGBMMJOEJWJEVBMTPGTPDJFUZXPNFODIJMESFOFMEFSMZFUD s5PCFBDDFTTJCMFBUBMMUJNFTJOBMMQMBDFT s5PDPPQFSBUFXJUIUIFMFBEJOHPSHBOJTBUJPOTPGUIFXPSMEJOUIFTFDUPSTXFPQFSBUF The Board of Directors periodically and regularly performs an overview of the extent to which targets have been met, operations, and past performance. The Board aims to reflect this on performance following objective criteria. SECTION IV - BOARD OF DIRECTORS 15. The Structure and Composition of the Board Directors Members were elected to the Board of Directors to serve for 3 years in the 2012 General Assembly. The report prepared by the Corporate Governance Committee (which has also undertaken the responsibilities of the Nomination Committee) on whether or not the candidates for independent membership of the Board of Directors meet the independence criteria, dated May 8, 2012, was submitted to the Board of Directors on the same day. Dr. Enver Ören* Ahmet Mücahid Ören Zeki Celep Kani Bozbay** Mahmut Kemal Aydın Ceyhan Aral* Murat Odabaş* Alaettin Şener* Abdurrahman Gök* Mahmut Erdoğan* Abdullah Tuğcu*** Bülent Gençer Hüsnü Kurtiş Müslim Sakal Salman Çiftçi İsmail Cengiz Chairman of the Board (Non-Executive Member) Chairman of the Board and CEO (Executive Member) Deputy Chairman of the Board and Executive Director Responsible for Construction (Executive Member) Board Member, Executive Board Member Responsible for Trade and Marketing, Chief Executive Officer (Executive Member) Board Member and Executive Director Responsible for Accounting (Executive Member) Deputy General Manager Board Member and Executive Director Responsible for Trade (Executive Member) Board Member, Executive Board Member Responsible for Trade and Marketing, General Coordinator Board Member and Executive Director Responsible for Legal Affairs (Executive Member) Board Member and Executive Director Responsible for Legal Affairs (Executive Member) Board Member (Non-Executive Member) Board Member (Non-Executive Member) Board Member (Non-Executive Member) Board Member and Chairman of the Audit Committee (Independent Member) Board Member and Member of the Audit Committee Chairman of the Early Detection and Management of Risk Committee (Independent Member) Board Member and Chairman of Corporate Governance Committee (Independent Member) Board Member and Member of Corporate Governance Committee Member of the Early Detection and Management of Risk Committee (Independent Member) * The current members of the Board of Directors are listed in the above table. Mr. Enver Ören, the Chairman of the Board of Directors died on February 22, 2013. And Mr. Alaattin Şener, a Member of the Board of Directors resigned due to health issues on February 25, 2013. İhlas Holding Annual Report 2013 101 İHLAS HOLDİNG ANONİM ŞİRKETİ BOARD OF DIRECTORS’ REPORT PREPARED WITH REGARD TO THE COMMUNIQUE, SERIAL NO: II, NO: 14,1 It was decided at the Board of Directors Meeting held on February 25, 2013 that; Mr. Murat Odabaş and Mr. Abdurrahman Gök would be elected as members of the Board of Directors, to be submitted for the approval of the first General Assembly, and to serve until the end of their predecessors’ terms of office. At the same meeting, it was also decided that; Mr. Ahmet Mücahid Ören will serve as the Chairman of the Board of Directors of the Company and continue to serve as the General Manager, Mr. Zeki Celep, one of the Members of the Board, will serve as the Deputy Chairman, Mr. Abdurrahman Gök will serve as the Executive Member of the Board responsible for Legal Affairs while the remaining members of the Board will maintain their positions. * Mr. Ceyhan Aral, an Executive Board Member Responsible for Trade, resigned on March 28, 2013. He has been superseded by Mr. Mahmut Erdoğan. Pursuant to Article 363 of the Turkish Commercial Code (TCC), persons possessing the relevant legal qualifications were elected to the vacant Board Memberships by the other Board Members, and were submitted for the approval of the first General Assembly. At the General Assembly meeting held on March 30, 2013, Board Membership of the aforementioned persons was approved by the General Assembly, and they will serve until the end of their predecessors’ terms of office. ** Mr. Murat Odabaş, an Executive Board Member Responsible for Trade and Marketing, and the General Coordinator, resigned on October 31, 2013. He has been superseded by Mr Kani Bozbay as the Executive Board Member Responsible for Trade and Marketing, and the Chief Executive Officer. *** Mr. Mahmut Erdoğan, a Board Member, resigned on November 7, 2013. He has been superseded by Mr. Abdullah Tuğcu. Pursuant to Article 363 of the Turkish Commercial Code (TCC), persons possessing the relevant legal qualifications will be elected to the vacant Board Memberships by the other Board Members, and will be submitted for the approval of the first General Assembly. Until February 25, 2013, our Board of Directors, in which the Chairman and the Chief Executive Officer were two different people, were composed of 11 members: five executive, two non-executive and four independent members. Accordingly, more than half (six members) of our Board of Directors is composed of non-executive members and one third (four members) of the Board is composed of independent members. After the General Assembly meeting, the Company’s Board of Directors held another meeting on April 3, 2013, and determined the new distribution of duties of the Board of Directors. Although Mr. Ahmet Mücahid Ören will serve both as the Chairman of the Board and the General Manager, Mr. Murat Odabaş, an Executive Board Member Responsible for Trade and Marketing, was also appointed the “General Coordinator” in order to carry out all kinds of executive operations. Mr Murat Odabaş resigned on October 31, 2013. He has been superseded by Mr Kani Bozbay as the Executive Board Member Responsible for Trade and Marketing, and the Chief Executive Officer. There hasn’t been any case dissolving the independence of the independent members during the period. All Independent Members of the Board of Directors have satisfied the independence criteria. The Independent Members of the Board of Directors, Müslim Sakal, Hüsnü Kurtiş, Salman Çiftçi, and İsmail Cengiz, declared on May 2, 2012 that, “they (in person, spouses or relatives by blood or by marriage up to the third degree) have not been involved with any subsidiary or Group company under İhlas Holding, in a position where they have a direct or indirect interest regarding employment, capital or trade, in the past five years”. They also declared that, “they have not taken part in the independent auditing process in the past five years”. In addition, their statements of independence, which were revised on February 20, 2014, pursuant to the Renewed Corporate Governance Principles, are as follows. 102 İHLAS HOLDİNG ANONİM ŞİRKETİ BOARD OF DIRECTORS’ REPORT PREPARED WITH REGARD TO THE COMMUNIQUE, SERIAL NO: II, NO: 14,1 STATEMENT OF INDEPENDENCE (HÜSNÜ KURTİŞ) I hereby declare that; There is no employment relationship between myself, my spouse, relatives by blood or by marriage up to the second degree and the Company, the partnerships of which the Company holds or significantly affects the management control, or shareholders who hold or significantly affect the management of the Company, or any legal entities of which these shareholders hold the management control, at a managerial position to undertake major duties and responsibilities in the last five years; I do not have, together or alone, more than 5% of the Company’s capital or voting rights or privileged shares, nor do I have a business relationship of a significant nature, I have not served as a partner (5% and above), at a managerial position to undertake major duties and responsibilities and / or as a board member in the companies, particularly those conducting the auditing, grading and consulting of the Company, to or from which the company has sold or purchased a significant amount of products or services in the framework of the investigations, during the periods of selling or purchasing products or services, in the last five years, I have the requisite professional training, knowledge and experience in order to fulfil the tasks that I will assume in the Company as an independent member of the Board of Directors, I am not working in any public institutions or organisations on a full-time basis as of the current situation, I am considered a resident in Turkey according to the Income Tax Act, I have strong ethical standards, professional reputation and experience to contribute positively to the Company’s activities, to maintain my objectivity in conflicts of interest between the company and the shareholders, and to decide freely considering stakeholders’ rights, I will spare enough time for the Company’s affairs in order to follow up the functioning of the Company’s activities and to fully meet the requirements of the duties that I will assume. 20.02.2014 STATEMENT OF INDEPENDENCE (MÜSLİM SAKAL) I hereby declare that; There is no employment relationship between myself, my spouse, relatives by blood or by marriage up to the second degree and the Company, the partnerships of which the Company holds or significantly affects the management control, or shareholders who hold or significantly affect the management of the Company, or any legal entities of which these shareholders hold the management control, at a managerial position to undertake major duties and responsibilities in the last five years; I do not have, together or alone, more than 5% of the Company’s capital or voting rights or privileged shares, nor do I have a business relationship of a significant nature, I have not served as a partner (5% and above), at a managerial position to undertake major duties and responsibilities and / or as a board member in the companies, particularly those conducting the auditing, grading and consulting of the Company, to or from which the company has sold or purchased a significant amount of products or services in the framework of the investigations, during the periods of selling or purchasing products or services, in the last five years, I have the requisite professional training, knowledge and experience in order to fulfil the tasks that I will assume in the Company as an independent member of the Board of Directors, I am not working in any public institutions or organisations on a full-time basis as of the current situation, I am considered a resident in Turkey according to the Income Tax Act, I have strong ethical standards, professional reputation and experience to contribute positively to the Company’s activities, to maintain my objectivity in conflicts of interest between the company and the shareholders, and to decide freely considering stakeholders’ rights, I will spare enough time for the Company’s affairs in order to follow up the functioning of the Company’s activities and to fully meet the requirements of the duties that I will assume. 20.02.2014 İhlas Holding Annual Report 2013 103 İHLAS HOLDİNG ANONİM ŞİRKETİ BOARD OF DIRECTORS’ REPORT PREPARED WITH REGARD TO THE COMMUNIQUE, SERIAL NO: II, NO: 14,1 STATEMENT OF INDEPENDENCE (SALMAN ÇİFTÇİ) I hereby declare that; There is no employment relationship between myself, my spouse, relatives by blood or by marriage up to the second degree and the Company, the partnerships of which the Company holds or significantly affects the management control, or shareholders who hold or significantly affect the management of the Company, or any legal entities of which these shareholders hold the management control, at a managerial position to undertake major duties and responsibilities in the last five years; I do not have, together or alone, more than 5% of the Company’s capital or voting rights or privileged shares, nor do I have a business relationship of a significant nature, I have not served as a partner (5% and above), at a managerial position to undertake major duties and responsibilities and / or as a board member in the companies, particularly those conducting the auditing, grading and consulting of the Company, to or from which the company has sold or purchased a significant amount of products or services in the framework of the investigations, during the periods of selling or purchasing products or services, in the last five years, I have the requisite professional training, knowledge and experience in order to fulfil the tasks that I will assume in the Company as an independent member of the Board of Directors, I am not working in any public institutions or organisations on a full-time basis as of the current situation, I am considered a resident in Turkey according to the Income Tax Act, I have strong ethical standards, professional reputation and experience to contribute positively to the Company’s activities, to maintain my objectivity in conflicts of interest between the company and the shareholders, and to decide freely considering stakeholders’ rights, I will spare enough time for the Company’s affairs in order to follow up the functioning of the Company’s activities and to fully meet the requirements of the duties that I will assume. 20.02.2014 STATEMENT OF INDEPENDENCE (İSMAİL CENGİZ) I hereby declare that; There is no employment relationship between myself, my spouse, relatives by blood or by marriage up to the second degree and the Company, the partnerships of which the Company holds or significantly affects the management control, or shareholders who hold or significantly affect the management of the Company, or any legal entities of which these shareholders hold the management control, at a managerial position to undertake major duties and responsibilities in the last five years; I do not have, together or alone, more than 5% of the Company’s capital or voting rights or privileged shares, nor do I have a business relationship of a significant nature, I have not served as a partner (5% and above), at a managerial position to undertake major duties and responsibilities and / or as a board member in the companies, particularly those conducting the auditing, grading and consulting of the Company, to or from which the company has sold or purchased a significant amount of products or services in the framework of the investigations, during the periods of selling or purchasing products or services, in the last five years, I have the requisite professional training, knowledge and experience in order to fulfil the tasks that I will assume in the Company as an independent member of the Board of Directors, I am not working in any public institutions or organisations on a full-time basis as of the current situation, I am considered a resident in Turkey according to the Income Tax Act, I have strong ethical standards, professional reputation and experience to contribute positively to the Company’s activities, to maintain my objectivity in conflicts of interest between the company and the shareholders, and to decide freely considering stakeholders’ rights, I will spare enough time for the Company’s affairs in order to follow up the functioning of the Company’s activities and to fully meet the requirements of the duties that I will assume. 20.02.2014 104 İHLAS HOLDİNG ANONİM ŞİRKETİ BOARD OF DIRECTORS’ REPORT PREPARED WITH REGARD TO THE COMMUNIQUE, SERIAL NO: II, NO: 14,1 BIOGRAPHIES OF MEMBERS OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS Ahmet Mücahid ÖREN A. Mücahid Ören, born in Istanbul in 1972, graduated from the Faculty of Economics at Anadolu University. Between 1989 and 1991, he worked as a Computer Coordinator for Türkiye Newspaper, while also serving as Chief Publishing Advisor for Türkiye Children’s Newspaper. He administered the process whereby Türkiye Newspaper became one of the first newspapers in the Turkish press to be prepared by computer. In 1991, he became General Manager of TGRT, Turkey’s first private radio and television channel. He was instrumental in setting up studios, upgrading technical equipment and establishing a new infrastructure for broadcasting. He served as General Manager and Deputy Chairman of the Board of Directors of İhlas Holding between 1993 and 2013. In February 25, 2013, he was elected Chairman of the Board of Directors of İhlas Holding. He is a member of a number of professional organisations, various foundations, associations, societies, and institutions operating in various sectors including industry, commerce and service, in Turkey and abroad, and he has published numerous articles. Mr. A. Mücahid Ören speaks fluent English. He is married with one child. Zeki CELEP Mr Celep was born in 1939. He graduated from elementary school in 1950, secondary school in 1953, Kuleli Military High School in 1956, and the Turkish Military Academy in 1958. He finally graduated from the Faculty of Law at Istanbul University in 1966. He worked as a manager at Işık Bookstore and at Sabah Newspaper between 1966 and 1972. From 1972 to 1988, he founded İtimat Construction and Antalya Reconstruction, and completed the constructions of Antalya Provincial Bank, Regional Office Complex, Antalya Airport, and also several other construction projects abroad. Zeki Celep has been serving as Head of the Construction and Real Estate Group at İhlas Holding since 1993. He has participated and still participates in the Group’s construction activities, including İhlas Yuva and İhlas Marmara Houses Phases I, II and III, İhlas Armutlu Holiday Resort, and İhlas Bizim Houses Phases I, II, III, IV and V. He currently serves as General Manager of the Construction Group and Executive Board Member in Charge of Constructions at İhlas Holding. Kani BOZBAY Born in Denizli in 1953, Kani Bozbay graduated from Gazi University with a degree in Civil Engineering. Kani Bozbay started his professional career as a civil engineer in the Ministry of Industry and Technology, Department of Organised Industry in 1976. Afterwards, he was transferred to the private sector and served as a site supervisor in the constructions of Antalya Airport and Korkuteli Industrial Estate. In 1984, Mr Kani Bozbay transferred to Tekfen Holding where he served as a Project Manager, Board Member and Chairman in the Saudi Arabia - Taif water-infrastructure project, and numerous national highway projects. Mr Bozbay started to work in İhlas Holding in 2013. He is married with 3 children. Mahmut Kemal AYDIN Born in Kastamonu in 1957, M. Kemal Aydın graduated from the Istanbul Academy of Economics and Commercial Sciences. He started his professional career as a clerk at Istanbul University’s Cerrahpaşa Faculty of Medicine Revolving Fund Accounting Office between 1976 and 1982. After completing his military service, he returned to his position at Istanbul University. He then served as General Accounting Supervisor at Cerrahpaşa Faculty of Medicine Revolving Fund Accounting Office. He served as Assistant Labour Inspector and Labour Inspector on the Labour Inspection Board of the Ministry of Labour and Social Security between 1985 and 1989. He passed the language exam held by the Near and Middle East Studies Institute while he was working for the Ministry of Labour and Social Security. He studied English in the foreign language course of the aforementioned institute for 9 months during 1985 and 1986. In April 1989, he resigned from the labour inspectorate and began working at İhlas Holding (Former title: “İhlas Printing Journalism and Health Services”). He was active in the public offering of İhlas Holding in 1993 and 1994. He currently serves at the same company as Executive Board Member in Charge of Financial Affairs. Mr Aydın is married with two children. Bülent GENÇER Born in Istanbul in 1941, Bülent Gençer graduated from the Military Academy in 1962 and joined the Turkish Armed Forces in 1963 after completing a Basic Field Engineer Course. Mr Gençer graduated from the Science Department at the Çapa Educational Institute in 1964. After retiring as service-disabled from the Army, he started to work as a teacher in 1966. In the meantime, he also graduated from the Istanbul Academy of Economic and Commercial Sciences in 1969. Since 1977, he has worked at the various units of İhlas Holding. Mr Gençer is currently a Member of the Board of Directors of İhlas Holding. İhlas Holding Annual Report 2013 105 İHLAS HOLDİNG ANONİM ŞİRKETİ BOARD OF DIRECTORS’ REPORT PREPARED WITH REGARD TO THE COMMUNIQUE, SERIAL NO: II, NO: 14,1 Murat ODABAŞ Born in 1959 in Çorum, Mr. Murat Odabaş completed his primary and secondary education in Alaca. He graduated from the Kuleli Military High School in 1977 and then from the Department of Economics at the Turkish Military Academy in 1981. He served as an officer in the Turkish Armed Forces in many positions in Turkey and abroad. After his retirement, he started his career at İhlas Holding as İhlas Motor A.Ş. Assistant General Manager. While working as Private Secretary to the İhlas Holding General Manager in 1996, he was also serving simultaneously as the Secretary of the Executive Board. He became the İhlas Holding Assistant General Manager in charge of Administrative Affairs in 1999. He left this job in 2001 and worked abroad for a period. When he returned to Turkey, he first started serving as Vice President of İhlas Ankara Media Group, and then he became the Ankara Representative of TGRT HABER TV in 2007. He presented the program “Ankara’nın Gündemi” (The Ankara Agenda) while in this position. He produced 440 programs with many politicians and bureaucrats including Mr. President and Mr. Prime Minister. Abdurrahman GÖK Born in Nurdağı, Gaziantep in 1966, Mr. Abdurrahman GÖK is the fifth child of a civil servant. He graduated from Kahramanmaraş High School in 1982 and entered the Faculty of Law at Istanbul University in the same year. After completing his internship, he started his professional career as a lawyer registered with the Istanbul Bar Association in 1987. He wrote articles on legal issues for Türkiye Newspaper in his column named “Hukukçu Gözüyle” (From a Lawyer’s Point of View) for many years. He also presented live broadcast programs on legal issues on TGRT FM for several years. He participated in live broadcast programs on legal issues on TGRT TV, too. He has trained many interns. He is the founder and owner of the AGÖK Law Office. He specialised in Real Estate Law and Financial Criminal Law. Mr Gök was appointed as The Principal Legal Advisor of İhlas Holding in 2012. He is married and he has two children. Mahmut ERDOĞAN Born in Balıkesir in1958, Mahmut Erdoğan graduated from the Vocational High School. He is married with two children. Mr Erdoğan worked in the beverage sector and at various joint stock companies, both before and after his military service, serving in publicly traded companies listed in BIST, and in various sector associations and institutions as General Manager, Chairman of the Board and Vice Chairman. He was engaged in trade for a while. Mr Erdoğan took active roles in the establishment of Kristal Kola & Beverage in 1994, its public offering, the foundation of its marketing and distribution channels, inclusion of new facilities to the company’s assets, and the improvement of its technological infrastructure. Currently, Mr Erdoğan serves as Vice Chairman of Kristal Kola & Beverage. Abdullah TUĞCU Born in Kayseri in 1982, Mr Abdullah Tuğcu complated his primary, secondary and high school education in Kayseri. He graduated from the Faculty of Business Administration at Istanbul University. He then completed his Masters education in Fiscal Law at Marmara University Department of Public Finance. He started his business career at an Independent Audit Company as an assistant auditor in 2003. He joined İhlas Group as Financial Affairs Manager of İhlas Mining in 2008. He currently serves as Finance Coordinator at İhlas Media Holding, and as a Board Member of some of the Group companies. He holds a Certified Public Accountant (CPA) certificate. Hüsnü KURTİŞ Hüsnü Kurtiş was born in Niğde in 1953. After graduating from Adana Academy of Economic and Commercial Sciences in 1975, he worked as Representative of Türkiye Newspaper’s Ankara branch. He later worked as a Personnel Manager in İhlas Holding, as Finance Manager in Huzur Radyo TV, as Deputy General Manager in İhlas Film Prodüksiyon A.Ş., and as Deputy General Manager in Huzur Kargo A.Ş. Hüsnü Kurtiş is currently retired and married and he has two children. Müslim SAKAL Müslim Sakal was born in Tirebolu, Giresun in 1966. He graduated from the Faculty of Economics and Administrative Sciences Department of Public Administration at Gazi University in 1991. He completed his military service in 1992. He worked as a dealer coordinator at Kia Motor in 1993-1994. He served as Sales Manager and Financial Affairs Manager in Türpa Automotive and Türk Barter from 1994 to 2010. He conducted a number of studies on the compliance of Barter transactions with financial and legal legislation. Mr Sakal served as Financial Affairs Manager of Damla Holding between 2010 and 2012. He has been serving as Financial Affairs Manager in Turex Tourism since 2012. He is married and he holds a Certified Public Accountant and Financial Advisor certificate. 106 İHLAS HOLDİNG ANONİM ŞİRKETİ BOARD OF DIRECTORS’ REPORT PREPARED WITH REGARD TO THE COMMUNIQUE, SERIAL NO: II, NO: 14,1 Salman ÇİFTÇİ Born in Sivas in 1971, Mr Salman Çiftçi received a Bachelor’s Degree in the Department of Economics, Faculty of Economics and Administrative Sciences at Uludağ University in 1993. The same year, he began working as an accounting clerk in Charge of Bank Accounting in İhlas Holding. He worked as a tax auditor in BKR Işık Yeminli Mali Müşavirlik A.Ş. (Certified Public Accountants) between 1996 and 1997. He also worked as Deputy Accounting Manager and Accounting Manager respectively in İhlas Hayat Sigorta A.Ş. between 1997 and 2004. He worked as Financial Affairs Manager in JFK HOSPITAL between 2004 and 2011, and he has been working as Accounting Group Manager in the German Hospitals Group since 2011. He holds a Certified Public Accountant and Financial Advisor certificate and also new certificates related to New TCC (Turkish Commercial Code) and SME IFRS (International Finance Reporting Standards). He is married and has two children. İsmail CENGİZ İsmail Cengiz was born in 1957 in Sarıkamış. He graduated from Eskişehir Economic and Commercial Sciences Academy in 1979. Having started work at Dadaş Bookstore in Erzurum in 1981, İsmail Cengiz completed his military service in 1982. After completing his military service, he worked as chief financial officer in various commercial companies in 1986. After that period, he served as Financial Affairs Manager and shareholder of Erzurum Dayanıklı Tüketim ve Ticaret Limited Şirketi. He resigned from the partnership and the company by transfer of shares in October 2005. He worked as a partner in a BDK Structure Laboratory in Çerkezköy, Tekirdağ between 2006 and 2012. He currently holds no partnership or official duties in any commercial enterprise. The following points are considered in the election of the Members of the Board of Directors that: - the candidates be present at the meeting, - information about the candidates be given to shareholders, - the shareholders have the right to ask questions to the candidates, - the shareholders be informed during our General Assembly meetings as to whether candidates for the Board of Directors serve on the boards of other organisations and whether the company’s exclusive internal regulations are complied with. The Chairman and the Chief Executive Officer are not the same person. (This was the case until the demise of Mr. Enver Ören on February 22, 2013.) After the General Assembly meeting held on March 30, 2013, the Company’s Board of Directors held another meeting on April 3, 2013, and determined the new distribution of duties of the Board of Directors. Although Mr Mücahid Ören will serve both as the Chairman of the Board and the General Manager, Mr Murat Odabaş, an Executive Board Member Responsible for Trade and Marketing, was also appointed the “General Coordinator” in order to carry out all kinds of executive operations. Mr Murat Odabaş resigned on October 31, 2013. He has been superseded by Mr Kani Bozbay as the Executive Board Member Responsible for Trade and Marketing, and the Chief Executive Officer. Currently, the Chairman of the Board of Directors and the Chief Executive Officer / General Manager are not the same person. The authorities of the Chairman of the Board of Directors and the Chief Executive Officer / General Manager have not yet been specified in the Articles of Association, and compliance with the principle in this regard will be ensured soon. Currently, there are no female members in the Board of Directors, and the target ratio of female members is determined as 25% in accordance with the principles. It is aimed to achieve the determined ratio in the coming periods. According to our Articles of Association; membership criteria, election, working principles, fields of duties of the members of the Board of Directors, number and qualification of the independent members, constitution, field of duties and the working principles of the committees in the Board of Directors are carried out pursuant to the Turkish Commercial code, Capital Markets Law and other relevant legislations. The Board of Directors consists of at least five, and at most eleven, members as required by the Articles of Association. The Board of Directors consists of eleven members including both executive and non-executive members. This enables the Board of Directors to execute its operations actively. In addition, committees were established in order that the studies within the body of the Board of Directors are efficient. Within the above-mentioned general framework, the minimum qualifications sought in Board of Directors member candidates are as follows: a- The ability to read and analyse financial statements and reports, b- A basic knowledge of the legal regulations to which the Company is subjected to, in both daily and long-term transactions and savings, c- To have the will and commitment to attend all of the Board of Directors meetings during his term of office. The Company does not impose any rules or restrictions on the members of the Board of Directors pertaining to assuming additional duties outside of the Company. The members of the Board of Directors serve as members or executives in Group companies. İhlas Holding Annual Report 2013 107 İHLAS HOLDİNG ANONİM ŞİRKETİ BOARD OF DIRECTORS’ REPORT PREPARED WITH REGARD TO THE COMMUNIQUE, SERIAL NO: II, NO: 14,1 The Duties of Members of the Board of Directors outside the Company; Ahmet Mücahid Ören İhlas Yayın Holding A.Ş. İhlas Haber Ajansı A.Ş. İhlas Oxford Mortgage İnşaat ve Ticaret A.Ş. in Liquidation* İhlas İnşaat Holding A.Ş. İhlas Pazarlama Yatırım Holding A.Ş. TGRT Haber TV A.Ş. Kia-İhlas Motor Sanayi ve Ticaret A.Ş. in Liquidation* Chairman of the Board Chairman of the Board Chairman of the Board Chairman of the Board Chairman of the Board Chairman of the Board Chairman of the Board * İhlas Oxford Mortgage İnşaat ve Ticaret A.Ş. applied to the Commercial Court for dissolution on May 10, 2012 and the liquidation process was started. * Kia-İhlas Motor Sanayi ve Ticaret A.Ş. applied to the Commercial Court for dissolution on May 10, 2012 and the liquidation process was started. Mahmut Kemal Aydın İhlas İnşaat Proje Taahhüt Turizm ve Ticaret A.Ş. İhlas İnşaat Holding A.Ş. İhlas Motor A.Ş. İhlas Dış Ticaret A.Ş. Bisiklet Pazarlama Sanayi ve Ticaret A.Ş. Bisan Bisiklet Moped Otomotiv San. ve Tic. A.Ş. Board Member Board Member Board Member Board Member Deputy Chairman of the Board Board Member Ceyhan Aral İhlas Oxford Mortgage İnşaat ve Ticaret A.Ş. in Liquidation* İhlas Motor A.Ş. İhlas Dış Tic. A.Ş. Board Member Board Member Deputy Chairman of the Board * İhlas Oxford Mortgage İnşaat ve Ticaret A.Ş. applied to the Commercial Court for dissolution on May 10, 2012 and the liquidation process was initiated. Zeki Celep İhlas Yapı Turizm ve Sağ. A.Ş. İhlas İnşaat Holding A.Ş. İhlas Holding A.Ş. - İhlas Yapı Turizm Sağlık A.Ş. Ort. Gir. 4 İhlas Holding A.Ş.- İhlas Yayın Holding A.Ş.- İhlas Pazarlama A.Ş. Ort. Gir. 3 Abdullah Tuğcu İhlas Yayın Holding A.Ş. İhlas Gazetecilik A.Ş. İhlas Haber Ajansı A.Ş. TGRT Haber TV A.Ş. TGRT Dijital TV Hizmetleri A.Ş. İhlas Medya Planlama ve Satın alma Hizmetleri Ltd. Şti. İhlas Gelişim Yayıncılık A.Ş. Chairman of the Board Board Member The Company Officer The Company Officer Board Member Board Member Board Member Board Member Board Member Company Director Board Member 108 İHLAS HOLDİNG ANONİM ŞİRKETİ BOARD OF DIRECTORS’ REPORT PREPARED WITH REGARD TO THE COMMUNIQUE, SERIAL NO: II, NO: 14,1 16. Principles for the Activities of the Board of Directors The agenda for the Board of Directors meeting is identified upon the requests of Company management and committees; with the request made by managers for a meeting in situations where a Board of Directors resolution is required for Company operations, and whenever required by current events during the period in question. The Board of Directors convenes at least once each month. Each member of the Board of Directors has one voting right. The following agenda items can only be approved by the Board members who attend the Board meeting in person: - Determination of the Company’s line of business and approval of business and financing plans, - Decision to invite the General Assembly for an ordinary/extraordinary meeting and matters concerning the organisation of such meetings, - Finalisation of the annual report to be submitted to the General Assembly, - Election of the Chairman or the Vice Chairman of the Board of Directors and appointment of new Board Members, - Establishment or abolishment of administrative units, - Establishment of committees, - Determination of the Company’s dividend policy or the amount of the dividend to be paid out, - Raising or reducing the Company’s capital Besides the election of the Chairman of the Board of Directors and the Vice Chairman, the decisions concerning the distribution of duties and the establishment of the committees are taken at the first meeting following the election of the Board of Directors. s5IF#PBSEPG%JSFDUPST4FDSFUBSJBUJTBVUIPSJ[FEUPPSHBOJTFBOEBOOPVODFUIF#PBSEPG%JSFDUPSTNFFUJOHBHFOEBBOETFSWFOPUJDFT for the call to meetings; to inform the Board of Directors members and to draw up all documents related to the Board of Directors. Ahmet Çalışkan acts as the Secretary for the Board of Directors. Board members are invited to attend meetings by the Board of Directors Secretariat via e-mail or telephone, informing Board members of the venue, date and time of the meeting. sNFFUJOHTXFSFIFMEBTPGUIFFOEPG%FDFNCFSXJUIBQBSUJDJQBUJPOSBUFSFDPSEFEPWFSUIFNFFUJOHTIFMEUISPVHI this period. The decisions were taken unanimously with the vote of the participants of the meeting. s/PPCKFDUJPOXBTSFRVJSFEUPCFSFDPSEFEBTPGUIFFOEPG%FDFNCFS/PPQQPTJOHWPUFTXFSFTVCNJUUFECZ*OEFQFOEFOU Members during the same period. s*UIBTCFFOFOTVSFEUIBUBMMPGUIFJOEFQFOEFOUNFNCFSTPGUIF#PBSEPG%JSFDUPSTBUUFOEUIFNFFUJOHTJOQFSTPOGPSUIFNBUUFSTMJTUFE in articles 1.3.10 and 4.4.7 of the CMB Corporate Governance Principles. s2VFTUJPOTGPSXBSEFEBUUIFNFFUJOHTBSFOPUSFDPSEFE s.FNCFSTPGUIF#PBSEPG%JSFDUPSTBSFOPUFOUJUMFEUPQSFGFSFOUJBMWPUFTBOEPSWFUPSJHIUT5IFSFTVMUTPGUIFWPUJOHBOEUIFEFDJTJPOT to be taken are considered to be fair since each of the members of the Board of Directors has one voting right. A plan is under consideration in order to insure any damages caused by the members of the Board of Directors due to their negligence during the fulfilment of their duties, at an amount exceeding 25% of the Company’s capital. 17. Number, Structure and Independence of the Committees Established by the Board of Directors The Audit Committee, Corporate Governance Committee, and the Early Detection and Management of Risk Committee, have been established among the Company’s Board of Directors in accordance with the principles. Both committees consist of two independent members, namely a president and a member. Therefore, it is considered that all of the members of the Board of Directors serving in these committees have the natural advantage of acting independently and making objective decisions. Among the Board members, four of them are independent members. A member of the Board of Directors takes responsibility in more than one committee in order to ensure that all of the Board members in the committees are independent members. Since the “Nomination Committee” and “Remuneration Committee” could not be established separately due the structure of the Board of Directors, the Corporate Governance Committee undertakes the responsibilities of these committees in accordance with Article 4.5.1 of Communiqué Serial: IV, No: 56 of the Capital Markets Board. At its meeting held on March 7, 2013, the Board of Directors decided to establish a separate Early Detection and Management of Risk Committee, the tasks of which used to be carried out by the Corporate Governance Committee, pursuant to Communiqué Serial: IV, No: 63 of the Capital Markets Board, which amended Communiqué Serial: IV, No: 56. The procedure to be followed in the performance of committee activities is designated as such: “Committees act within the scope of their authorities and responsibilities and make recommendations to the Board of Directors. The duties of the Committees have been determined by the Board of Directors, and the Committees meet as often as required by their duties. İhlas Holding Annual Report 2013 109 İHLAS HOLDİNG ANONİM ŞİRKETİ BOARD OF DIRECTORS’ REPORT PREPARED WITH REGARD TO THE COMMUNIQUE, SERIAL NO: II, NO: 14,1 Audit Committee Hüsnü Kurtiş Chairman of the Audit Committee (Independent Board Member) Müslim Sakal Member of the Audit Committee (Independent Board Member) It consists of independent Board members within the Board of Directors. The committee; - Oversees whether or not the financial tables and other financial information are true, clear and consistent with legislation and international accounting standards, and reports to the Board of Directors considering the independent audit firm’s views. - Oversees the functioning and effectiveness of the Company’s accounting system, public disclosure of financial data, independent audit and internal control system. - Reviews and takes action on complaints lodged by shareholders and stakeholders regarding the Company financial tables, internal control system, independent audit system or Company activities. The committee investigates and resolves internal and external complaints pertaining to company accounting, internal audit system and independent audit within the framework of the privacy principle. - Supervises compliance with legal and internal regulations. - Performs other supervision and monitoring activities requested by the Board of Directors. - The committee works through the efficiency of the internal control system and the internal audit activities, follows their works and pursues their efficient performance. It evaluates the evidence obtained pertaining to the internal control system, and reports it to the Board of Directors. - The committee evaluates the significance of the internal audit and risk management, and whether a proper and efficient “audit culture” has been established within the Company. It investigates whether or not the warnings and suggestions about the internal control made by the Internal Audit Unit have been put into practice. It analyses compliance with the working principles of the Internal Audit Unit. It observes the efficiency of the internal audit activities. It ensures that the required measures are taken in order that the internal audit is performed transparently. Together with the Company’s legal unit, it analyses any kind of legal situation that may have effects on the financial reports. -Reviews the annual report to be published and crosschecks whether the information declared via disclosure is correct and consistent with the information the Committee has. - Monitors the compliance of disclosures and analyst presentations relating to financial information, particularly with the laws and regulations and ‘Disclosure Policy’ of the Company. It reports the amendments on accounting policies, internal control system and the legislations that may significantly affect the preparation of the Company’s financial tables, to the Board of Directors. It monitors whether or not the activities of the Company are performed in accordance with the legislations and internal regulations. The Audit Committee held 6 meetings in 2013 and the recommendations arising from these meetings have been adopted by the Board of Directors. Corporate Governance Committee Salman Çiftçi Chairman of the Corporate Governance Committee (Independent Board Member) İsmail Cengiz Member of the Corporate Governance Committee (Independent Board Member) It consists of independent Board members within the Board of Directors. Since the Nomination Committee and Remuneration Committee could not be established separately due the structure of the Board of Directors, the Corporate Governance Committee undertakes the responsibilities of these committees. The committee; - Performs studies on the compliance of the Company with Corporate Governance Principles, - provides assistance and support to the Board of Directors by conducting studies together with the Investor Relations Unit on public disclosure, - shall review, evaluate and make proposals related to the systems and processes that have been or will be created by the Company with regard to the implementation of performance enhancing management practices. The Committee monitors the implementation of Corporate Governance Principles within the Company. Should these Principles fail to be implemented, the Committee determines the reasons thereof, identifies any resulting conflicts of interest, and makes suggestions for remedial action to the Board of Directors. -ensures the institution and adoption of the significance and benefits of the Corporate Governance Principles within the Company. The Committee makes suggestions to the Board of Directors to ensure that the infrastructure relating to the Corporate Governance applications aiming to enhance the performance of the Company functions healthily, is understood and adopted by the employees, and is supported by the management. 110 İHLAS HOLDİNG ANONİM ŞİRKETİ BOARD OF DIRECTORS’ REPORT PREPARED WITH REGARD TO THE COMMUNIQUE, SERIAL NO: II, NO: 14,1 - follows developments in the literature on Corporate Governance and researches the effects of these developments on the Company management. It performs other activities requested by the Board of Directors, which may be considered within the context of Corporate Governance. - undertakes efforts to create a transparent system to identify qualified candidates for the Board of Directors and executive management positions, and formulates the relevant policies and strategies, - sets forth the recommendations regarding the remuneration principles for members of the Board of Directors and senior executives, in light of the Company’s long-term objectives, - determines the criteria associated with the performance of the Company and the member, which may be used in the remuneration. It submits a remuneration proposal for Board members and senior executives to the Board of Directors, taking into consideration the level of achievement with respect to the criteria used in remuneration. It also develops proposals for the number of Board members and senior executives. The Corporate Governance Committee held 4 meetings in 2013, and the recommendations arising from these meetings have been adopted by the Board of Directors. Early Detection and Management of Risk Committee Müslim Sakal Chairman of the Early Detection and Management of Risk Committee (Independent Board Member) İsmail Cengiz Member of the Early Detection and Management of Risk Committee (Independent Board Member) This committee consists of independent Board members within the Board of Directors. The committee performs studies on the; - establishment of effective internal control systems for the purposes of identifying, assessing, monitoring and managing the risk elements that may affect the achievement of the Company’s goals on the basis of their impact and probability - integration of risk management and internal control systems to the corporate structure of the Company, and monitoring their effectiveness, - through suitable controls, measurement and reporting of the risk elements by the risk management and internal control systems of the Company, and their use in decision making mechanisms. - determination and revision of risk management policies, approach and standards throughout the Company, - taking the decision and implementation of any kind of actions pertaining to the identified risks. The Early Detection and Management of Risk Committee held 5 meetings in 2013 and the recommendations arising from these meetings have been adopted by the Board of Directors. 18. Risk Management and Internal Control Mechanism Pursuant to the Capital Markets Board Communiqué Serial: IV, No: 63, amending Communiqué Serial: IV, No: 56, it has been decided to establish a committee to perform the duties of the Early Detection of Risk Committee, which used to be carried out by the Corporate Governance Committee, at the General Assembly meeting held on March 7, 2013. It was also decided at the same meeting that Mr Müslim Sakal shall chair the Early Detection of Risk Committee, and Mr İsmail Cengiz was appointed a member of the committee. The activities carried out in relation to Risk Management; A special risk management model was constructed for the Company by obtaining outsourced support for the studies to be conducted in accordance with the relevant Article of the TCC, and a “Risk Assessment and Management Process (RAMP) Table” was prepared in accordance with the steps of the constructed model. The Risk Assessment and Management Process consists of; Detection of Risks, Assessment Table, Assessment of the Probabilities, Impact Analysis, Determination of the Risk Level, Assessment of the Controls, Detection of Potential Risk Areas, Action Guide and Action Plan. In the process of risk identification, the main risks, which may affect the administrators and the Company, and the specific risks under these main risks, were clarified. Determination and identification of risks that may affect the Company’s operations was made under the main categories of strategic, financial, services, labour and information. The identified main risks and specific risks were reflected in the “Categories and Risk Classes Table”. The effect of all of the main risks and the specific risks on the company was evaluated without including the risk reducing effects of the current strategies, applications and controls, by discussing only the determined and identified main risks and specific risks. By considering all activities for the whole Company, negotiations were held with all administrators about the 5 effective risk categories, consisting of 20 main risks and 155 specific risks. Each and every specific risk occurring as a result of this assessment was discussed in isolation, without including the risk reducing effects of the current strategies, applications and controls to the assessment. İhlas Holding Annual Report 2013 111 İHLAS HOLDİNG ANONİM ŞİRKETİ BOARD OF DIRECTORS’ REPORT PREPARED WITH REGARD TO THE COMMUNIQUE, SERIAL NO: II, NO: 14,1 The possible effect of the occurrence of the specific risk on the Company, without the risk reducing effects of the current strategies, applications and controls, was evaluated, and the “Impact Levels Table” and “Risk Impact Assessment Table” were created. The probability of occurrence of the risks and sub-risks over the categories was evaluated by means of the “Risk Impact Assessment” Table. The “Probability Levels” table and the “Probability-Impact Assessment Matrix” have been prepared as a result of this evaluation, and the probability of occurrence of the risk in current risk studies has been adopted as a standard through negotiations with all administrators. It was decided to conduct the said assessment with the impact approach. The “Risk Exposure Levels” table was prepared by means of the “Control Levels Table” and the “Risk Control Assessment Matrix” in order to use the impact approach. The assessments were made in the Strategic Management and Investment, Education and Health Services, Finance, Labour, and Information categories by means of these tables, and the results were reflected in the “Risk Impact Assessment” table. As a result of this assessment, the actions to be taken were determined with the help of the Risk Level Action Degrees Table, and the actions contemplated and the responsible officers were also determined by preparing the Action and Action Officer Table in the Strategic Management and Investment Category. The studies conducted were submitted to and approved by the Board of Directors. In our company, the internal control system includes all the measures and methods accepted and applied in order to protect the plan and the assets of the business organisation, investigate the correctness and reliability of the accounting information, enhance the efficiency of the activities, and encourage commitment to predetermined Corporate Governance policies. Within the context of the Internal Audit activities, the control points are continuously investigated by the Internal Auditors in order that the internal control system, which is accepted as a basic Corporate Governance function contributing to the achievement of the Company’s objectives, being embedded in the nature and in itself of all administrative activities, business, transactions and processes carried out, and including all control activities, gains a more efficient and systematic structure. The Internal Audit Unit consists of Adnan Gümül, Fuat Kanmaz and Ömer Faruk Birpınar. Internal audit is a consulting activity which helps provide an independent, objective assurance in order to evaluate whether or not the resources are used in accordance with the principles of economy and effectiveness, as well as efficiency, and serves as a guide for adding value to and developing the operations of our Company. In our Company, these activities are performed with a systematic, continuous and disciplined approach in accordance with generally accepted standards, to evaluate and improve the effectiveness of the management and control structures of the administrations, and risk management, management and control processes of their financial operations. As can be understood from the definition of the internal audit, we can state that the first of its functions is to provide reasonable assurance, and the second is to provide consulting services. Assurance Function; provides sufficient assurance both inside and outside the organisation that there is an effective internal control system in the organisation, the internal control system and the operational processes work effectively, the information produced is accurate and complete, the assets are protected, corruption and irregularities are prevented, and the activities are performed in an effective, economical, and efficient manner in compliance with the legislations. Consultancy Function; provides suggestions for the systematic and regular development and evaluation of activities and processes for the achievement of the objectives of the administration. Within this framework, the Internal Control system of İhlas Holding is tested every three months by means of questionnaires prepared by the Internal Auditors. The audit questionnaires; are prepared by the Internal Auditors so that they contain the Internal Control System in its entirety under the main titles of; Safe, Bank, Checks Received and Paid, Sales, Accounts Receivable and Notes Receivable, Purchase, Inventory, Fixed Assets, Investments and Related Income, Accounts Payable and Notes Payable, Wage System and Shareholders’ Equity. It is targeted that the activities of the Company are planned and implemented in accordance with the Company’s aims and policies, programs, strategic plans, performance programs and legislations, the sources are used effectively, economically and efficiently, and the reliability, integrity and timely availability of the information is ensured. The results obtained at the end of the conducted studies are reported with Internal Audit Forms to the Audit Committee in the relevant periods. 112 İHLAS HOLDİNG ANONİM ŞİRKETİ BOARD OF DIRECTORS’ REPORT PREPARED WITH REGARD TO THE COMMUNIQUE, SERIAL NO: II, NO: 14,1 19. Strategic Objectives of the Company The strategic objectives of the Company are determined by the Board of Directors and updated according to the general market conditions. Due to the fact that the Company is a Holding Company in terms of structure, it participates in the capital growth of its subsidiaries and affiliate companies, and pioneers the establishment of new companies in order to enhance the capital structure of its subsidiaries and affiliate companies. Moreover, in order to finance and enhance the financial structures of its subsidiaries and affiliate companies, the Company either directly supports or helps them improve their organisational structure by taking the necessary steps to find resources, and also provides consultancy to these companies when required. The company also operates in the fields of construction, education and health. The housing market is monitored, and construction activities are carried out by participating in public tenders, as well as conducting independent projects. The goal of the educational activities is to provide a quality education, conforming to the requirements of the day, and the necessary visual and experimental methods to enable the students to learn in class. It is also aimed to ensure that the students are involved in the educational process for the discovery of their skills and abilities. The main objective in the field of health is to protect patients’ rights and enhance satisfaction. The innovations and technological advancements in this field are closely monitored. The Board of Directors observes the activities and the past performance of the Company through financial reports on a quarterly basis, and observes the development of the process by making the necessary controls in the relevant operational process if any decision is taken and implemented regarding the activities. The economic situation of both the world and Turkey, and the financial position and benefits of the Company, are at the forefront in the decision-making phase. 20. Financial Benefits The principles of remuneration of the members of the Board of Directors and the senior executives were written by the Corporate Governance Committee, and submitted for the information and approval of the shareholders in the 2011 General Assembly meeting, held on June 1, 2012. The remuneration principles have been announced on PDP and are also published on our website. - Within the context of the Articles of Association, no payments are made to the members of the Board of Directors other than the rights and benefits designated by the General Assembly. However, remunerations are paid to executive Board of Directors members for their executive duties. - No performance based payment method exists which reflects performance within the Company. - The Company does not extend loans or make available credits to members of the Board of Directors and Company managers. - No credits have been made available under the name of personal credit via the mediation of third persons, and no guarantees have been given such as surety in favour. - Care is paid to protect the level of independence in the remuneration of the independent members of the Board of Directors. Stock options or performance-based payment plans are not used. - Wages and all other benefits provided to the members of the Board of Directors and the senior executives are explained in the annual report, under the heading of “Board of Directors and Senior Executives” Wages paid to the Members of the Board of Directors and persons with administrative responsibility are described on a person-byperson basis in the Board of Directors’ annual report. İhlas Holding Annual Report 2013 113 İHLAS HOLDİNG ANONİM ŞİRKETİ PROPOSAL ON THE DISTRIBUTION OF PROFITS FOR THE YEAR 2013 By the end of 2013 our Company’s; The loss for the period was -TL 229,838,654 in the consolidated Balance Sheet prepared according to the TAS (Turkish Accounting Standards)/ TFRS (Turkish Financial Reporting Standards) provisions issued by the Public Oversight, Accounting and Auditing Standards Authority (POA), in compliance with the provisions of the Capital Markets Board’s Communiqué Serial: II-14.1 on “Principles Regarding Financial Reporting in Capital Markets”. The Company has a total of TL 7,046,856.75 net loss for the period in the unconsolidated statutory documents prepared in accordance with the provisions of the Tax Procedure Law (TPL). However, the Board of Directors decided by a unanimous vote of the participants to make a proposal to the General Assembly that no profits should be distributed. We hereby declare that; Our above explanation is in compliance with the provisions of the Capital Markets Board’s Communiqué on Material Events in effect, reflects precise and correct information obtained on this subject / subjects; the information is in conformity with the books, records and our documents; we have made all efforts to obtain precise and correct information about the subject, and we are responsible for these explanations. Respectfully yours, Mahmut Kemal Aydın Board Member Abdurrahman Gök Board Member 114 STATEMENT OF RESPONSIBILITY AS PER ARTICLE II/9 OF THE CAPITAL MARKETS BOARD COMMUNIQUE SERIAL: II, NO.: 14,1 DATE: 11.03.2014 UPON THE APPROVAL OF FINANCIAL TABLES AND ANNUAL REPORTS BOARD OF DIRECTORS’; DECISION DATE: 11.03.2014 DECISION NUMBER: 2014/06 STATEMENT OF RESPONSIBILITY AS PER SECTION 2 ARTICLE 9 OF THE CAPITAL MARKETS BOARD COMMUNIQUE SERIAL: II-14.1 We hereby declare that, The Consolidated Financial statements and the annual report of İhlas Holding, which were prepared as of December 31, 2013, according to the TAS (Turkish Accounting Standards)/ TFRS (Turkish Financial Reporting Standards) provisions issued by the Public Oversight, Accounting and Auditing Standards Authority (POA), in compliance with the provisions of the Capital Markets Board’s Communiqué Serial: II-14.1 on “Principles Regarding Financial Reporting in Capital Markets”; a) Were examined by our side; b) Did not include any explanation contrary to the facts with respect to important matters or any gaps that could be misleading as of the date when the explanation was made, to the extent of the information we have as per our duty and responsibility within the Enterprise; c) To the extent of the information we have as per our duty and responsibility within the Company, financial statements along with those under the scope of consolidation, which were prepared in accordance with Communiqué Serial: II-14.1, truly reflect the Company’s assets, liabilities, financial status and profit/loss; and the annual report solely reflects the truth regarding the development and performance of the business; and the annual report, along with those under the scope of consolidation, reflects the truth regarding the Company’s financial status together with the significant risks and uncertainties it faces, Yours Faithfully Mahmut Kemal Aydın Board Member Abdurrahman Gök Board Member İhlas Holding Annual Report 2013 115 REPORTS İHLAS HOLDİNG A.Ş. Consolidated Financial Statements And Independent Auditor’s Report For The Accounting Year January 1, 2013 December 31, 2013 116 İhlas Holding Anonim Şirketi Independent Auditor’s Report For The Accounting Year January 1 - December 31, 2013 To the Board of Directors of İhlas Holding, We have audited the accompanying consolidated financial statements (balance sheet) of İhlas Holding Anonim Şirketi (“the Holding” or “the Company”), applicable for December 31, 2012, and the related comprehensive statements of income, changes in shareholders’ equity and consolidated cash flows, important accounting politics and footnotes to these statements applicable for the year ending on the aforementioned date. The Responsibilities of the Holding Management in Relation to the Financial Statements The management of the Holding is responsible for the preparation and correct disclosure of the consolidated financial tables in accordance with the financial reporting standards announced by the Capital Markets Board (CMB). This responsibility incorporates the preparation of consolidated financial tables in a manner free from any material errors which may stem from mistakes and/or deceptions and irregularities, the design, application and maintenance of internal auditing systems to enable a fair representation of the state of the company, the establishment of accounting projections proper for relevant conditions and the determination of proper accounting policies. The Responsibility of the Independent Audit Company Our responsibility is to release a view on these consolidated financial tables based on the results of our independent audit. Our independent audit was carried out in accordance with independent auditing standards set out by the Capital Markets Board. These standards require compliance with ethical standards and the completion of an independent audit to provide sufficient confidence in the ability of the consolidated financial statements to present an accurate reflection of the state of the company. Our independent audit incorporates the use of independent audit techniques in order to provide an independent audit of the consolidated financial tables and footnotes. We were responsible for the determination of the independent audit techniques, including the matter of whether there are any errors, which may stem from mistakes and/or deceptions and irregularities in the consolidated financial tables. The internal risk system of the Holding was taken into consideration in this risk appraisal. However, our aim is not to disclose a view on the efficiency of the internal audit system, but to illustrate the relationship between the consolidated financial tables prepared by the management and the internal audit system in order to develop independent techniques, which are proper for the relevant conditions. Our independent audit also incorporates the appraisal of the compatibility between accounting policies accepted by the Holding management and accounting projections, and the presentation of consolidated financial tables as a whole. We believe in that the independent audit results obtained through our internal audit are sufficient and proper to establish such a view. Opinion In our opinion, the enclosed consolidated financial statements truly and fairly reflect İhlas Holding’s financial status as of December 31, 2013, as well as its financial performance and cash flows for the fiscal year ending on the same date, within the framework of the TAS. Although not influencing our opinions, we would also like to draw attention to the matter below: The consolidated financial statements of the previous period presented comparatively with the attached consolidated financial statements of the Holding dated December 31, 2013 were audited by another independent auditing firm. Unauthorised positive opinion has been expressed for the aforementioned consolidated financial statements. İhlas Holding Annual Report 2013 117 Report on Independent Auditor Responsibilities Arising From Other Regulatory Requirements In accordance with Article 402 of the Turkish Commercial Code TCC) no. 6102, the Board of Directors submitted to us the necessary explanations and provided the required documents within the context of audit. Additionally, no significant matter has come to our attention that causes us to believe that the Group’s bookkeeping activities for the period 1 January – 31 December 2013 are not in compliance with the code and provisions of the Company’s Articles of Association in relation to financial reporting. Pursuant to Article 378 of the Turkish Commercial Code no. 6102, Boards of Directors of publicly traded companies are required to form an expert committee, and to run and develop the necessary system for the purposes of: early identification of causes that jeopardise the existence, development and continuity of the company; apply the necessary measures and remedies in this regard; and manage the related risks. According to subparagraph 4, Article 398 of the Code, the auditor is required to prepare a separate report explaining whether the Board of Directors has established the system and authorised committee stipulated under Article 378 to identify risks that threaten or may threaten the company, and to provide risk management, and, if such a system exists, the report, the principles of which shall be announced by the POA, shall describe the structure of the system and the practices of the committee. This report shall be submitted to the Board of Directors along with the auditor’s report. Our audit does not include evaluating the operational efficiency and adequacy of the operations carried out by the management of the Group in order to manage these risks. As of the Balance Sheet date, POA has not yet announced the principles of this report, so no separate report has been drawn up relating to it. On the other hand, the Group formed the aforementioned committee on March 7, 2013, and it comprised of two members. The committee has met six times, from its formation to the reporting date, for the purposes of early identification of risks that jeopardise the existence of the Holding and its development, applying the necessary measures and remedies in this regard, and managing risk, and has submitted the relevant reports to the Board of Directors. Istanbul, March 11, 2014 BİLGİLİ BAĞIMSIZ DENETİM ve YEMİNLİ MALİ MÜŞAVİRLİK A.Ş. Rafet KALKAN Responsible Partner, Chief Auditor Chartered Accountant 118 Consolidated Financial Statements 120-121 Statements of Consolidated Profit or Loss and Other Comprehensive Income 122-123 Consolidated Statement of Changes in Shareholders’ Equity 124-125 Consolidated Cash Flow Statements 126 Footnotes to the Consolidated Financial Statements 127 Note 1 - Organisation and Line of Activity of the Group 127-129 Note 2 - Principles Regarding the Presentation of Financial Statements 129-151 Note 3 - Business Mergers 151-152 Note 4 - Shares in Other Entities Note 5 - Reporting According to Departments Note 6 - Cash and Cash Equivalents 152 153-154 155 Note 7 - Financial Investments 155-158 Note 8 - Borrowings and Current Portion of Long Term Borrowings 158-160 Note 9 - Other Financial Liabilities Note 10 - Trade Receivables and Trade Payables 160 160-161 Note 11 - Other Receivables and Payables 161 Note 12 - Receivables and Payables from Activities in the Finance Sector 161 Note 13 - Inventories 162 Note 14 - Live Assets 162 Note 15 - Derivative Instruments 162 Note 16 - Investments Valued by the Equity Method 162-163 Note 17 - Investment Properties 163-165 Note 18 - Tangible Fixed Assets 165-166 Note 19 - Intangible Fixed Assets 167-168 İhlas Holding Annual Report 2013 119 Note 20 - Governmental Grants and Incentives Note 21 - Provisions, Conditional Assets and Liabilities, Commitments 168 168-171 Note 22 - Employee Benefits and Employee Benefits Payable 172 Note 23 - Pension Plans 172 Note 24 - Prepaid Expenses and Deferred Income 173 Note 25 - Current Tax Assets 174 Note 26 - Other Assets and Liabilities 174 Note 27 - Capital, Reserves and Other Equity Items 174-177 Note 28 - Revenue and Cost of Sales 177 Note 29 - Operating Costs 178 Note 30 - Qualitative Distribution of Expenses 178-179 Note 31 - Other Operating Income / Expenses 179 Note 32 - Income/ Expenses from Investing Activities 180 Note 33 - Financial Expenses 180 Note 34 - Financial Revenues 180 Note 35 - Non-Current Assets Held-for-Sale and Discontinued Operations 180-181 Note 36 - Income Taxes 181-183 Note 37 - Earnings/ (Loss) per Share 183 Note 38 - Related Party Disclosures 184-189 Note 39 - Nature and Extent of Risks Arising from Financial Instruments 189-198 Note 40 - Financial Instruments (Disclosures on Fair Value and Hedge Accounting) 198-199 Note 41 - Events After the Date of the Balance Sheet Note 42 - Other matters that may affect the financial statements to a significant extent or matters which are required to be explained in order for the financial statements to be clear, interpretable and understandable 199 199-202 120 İHLAS HOLDİNG ANONİM ŞİRKETİ Consolidated Financial Statements as of December 31, 2013 and December 31, 2012 (All amounts expressed in Turkish Lira (“TL”) unless otherwise stated.) Independently Footnote References Assets Current Assets Cash and Cash Equivalents Financial investments Trade receivables - Trade Receivables from Related Parties - Trade Receivables from Non-Related Parties Receivables from financial sector operations Other receivables - Other Receivables from Related Parties - Other Receivables from Non-Related Parties Inventories Derivative Instruments Prepaid Expenses Current Tax Assets Other Current Assets (Sub Total) Current Assets Hold-for-Sale Fixed Assets Financial Investments Trade receivables Finans Sektörü Faaliyetlerinden Alacaklar Other receivables Investments by Equity Method Real Estate for investment purposes Tangible assets Intangible assets - Goodwill - Other Intangible assets Prepaid Expenses Deferred Tax Assets Other Fixed Assets TOTAL ASSESTS 6 7 10 10-38 10 12 11 11-38 11 13 15 24 25 26 35 7 10 12 11 16 17 18 19 19 24 36 26 Audited 31.12.2013 Audited (Reclassified) 31.12.2012 1,927,310,192 206,948,736 163,934,868 767,170,119 26,430,414 740,739,705 0 16,930,135 9,167,713 7,762,422 642,284,099 0 64,230,624 983,462 61,765,643 1,924,247,686 3,062,506 775,895,154 909,974 138,040,741 0 1,922,241 0 265,733,761 276,747,475 45,048,797 33,147,627 11,901,170 4,950,580 42,541,585 0 2,703,205,346 1,788,624,178 97,590,105 352,642,316 697,122,302 13,950,603 683,171,699 0 1,307,477 0 1,307,477 506,476,137 0 68,500,731 2,374,857 62,610,253 1,788,624,178 0 704,215,817 2,781,974 143,045,799 0 792,325 2,111,316 42,644,480 383,350,546 48,074,026 37,200,833 10,873,193 13,217,841 68,197,510 0 2,492,839,995 İhlas Holding Annual Report 2013 121 İHLAS HOLDİNG ANONİM ŞİRKETİ Consolidated Financial Statements as of December 31, 2013 and December 31, 2012 (All amounts expressed in Turkish Lira (“TL”) unless otherwise stated.) Footnote References Liabilities and Shareholders’ Equity Short-Term Liabilities Short-term Borrowings Current Portion of Long-term Borrowings Trade Liability - Trade Payables to Related Parties - Trade Payables to Non-Related Parties Employee Benefits Payable Other Debts - Other Payables to Related Parties - Other Payables to Non-Related Parties Deferred Incomer Tax Liability Profit for the Period Short-term Provisions - Short-term Provisions for Employee Benefits - Other Short-term Provisions Other short-term liabilities (sub total) Liabilities Associated with Assets Classified as Held for Sale Long-term liabilities Long-term Borrowings Other Financial Responsibilities Trade Liability Other debts - Other Payables to Related Parties - Other Payables to Non-Related Parties Deferred Income Long-term Provisions - Short-term Provisions for Employee Benefits - Other Short-term Provisions Current Tax Payables Deferred Tax Liability Other Long-term Liabilities EQUITY Shareholder Equity belonging to Parent Company Paid-in Capital Share Premiums / Discounts Other Comprehensive Income/ Expense not to be Reclassified to Profit or Loss - Profit/Losses from Revaluation and Measurement - Other Profits and Losses Other Capital reserves Restricted Reserves Derived from Profit Other Reserves Prior Years’ Earnings / Loss Net Profit / Loss for the Period Non-Controlling Interests TOTAL LIABILITIES AND SHAREHOLDERS’ EQUITY 8 8 10 10-38 10 22 11 11-38 11 24 36 22 21 26 35 8 11 11-38 11 24 22 21 36 26 27 27 27 27 27 27 27 27 37 27 Independently Audited Audited (Reclassified) 31.12.2013 31.12.2012 1,286,347,971 417,473,277 61,503,593 353,521,052 14,481,733 339,039,319 14,171,497 2,531,287 2,531,287 0 414,392,741 3,381,976 5,484,317 0 5,484,317 13,888,231 1,286,347,971 0 595,465,894 140,140,462 0 0 152,449 0 152,449 391,580,670 36,659,587 33,131,584 3,528,003 0 26,928,843 3,883 821,391,481 566,908,882 790,400,000 7,925,000 871,517,212 373,218,358 47,877,547 293,396,157 12,136,647 281,259,510 8,183,277 14,455 14,455 0 122,611,863 4,660,178 4,676,255 0 4,676,255 16,879,122 871,517,212 0 551,182,715 68,713,136 0 0 759,111 515,000 244,111 424,193,200 26,275,885 24,741,422 1,534,463 0 29,248,480 1,992,903 1,070,140,068 798,385,951 790,400,000 7,925,000 62,488,314 63,105,757 (617,443) 5,656,722 15,722,572 (55,412,085) (30,032,987) (229,838,654) 254,482,599 2,703,205,346 66,263,484 66,957,602 (694,118) 5,656,722 14,690,296 (18,767,431) (13,971,440) (53,810,680) 271,754,117 2,492,839,995 122 İHLAS HOLDİNG ANONİM ŞİRKETİ Statements of Consolidated Profit or Loss and Other Comprehensive Income for the Periods January 1 - December 31 2013 and January 1 - December 31 2012. (All amounts expressed in Turkish Lira (“TL”) unless otherwise stated.) Footnote References Revenues 28 28 Cost of Sales (-) Gross Profit / Loss from Trade Operations Gross Profit / (Loss) from Financial Sector Operations Cost of Financial Sector Operations (-) Gross Profit / (Loss) from Financial Sector Activities GROSS PROFIT / LOSS General Administration Expenses (-) Marketing Expenses (-) Research Development Expenses (-) Other Operating Income Other Operating Expenses (-) OPERATING PROFIT / LOSS Income from Investing Activities Expenses from Investing Activities (-) Shares of Investments Valued by Equity Method in Profit / (Loss) OPERATING PROFIT / LOSS BEFORE FINANCING EXPENSES Financing Expenses (-) Financing Income PRETAX PROFIT / LOSS OF CONTINUING OPERATIONS Continuing operations Tax Income (Expense) - Tax Income of the period - Deferred Tax Income (expense) OPERATING PROFIT / LOSS CEASED OPERATIONS PROFIT / LOSS PROFIT / LOSS FOR THE PERIOD Distribution of Net Profit / (Loss) for the Period Non-Controlling Interests Parent Company Shares Earnings per Share - Earnings per Share from Continuing Operations - Earnings per Share from Discontinued Operations Diluted Earnings per Share - Diluted Earnings per Share from Continuing Operations - Diluted Earnings per Share from Discontinued Operations 28 28 29-30 29-30 29-30 31 31 32 32 16 33 34 36 36 36 35-37 37 37 37 37 37 37 37 Independently Audited Audited (Reclassified) 01.01.201301.01.201231.12.2013 31.12.2012 1,008,231,494 (847,477,283) 160,754,211 0 0 0 160,754,211 (201,825,157) (32,756,419) (1,608,162) 128,467,621 (71,026,549) (17,994,455) 74,523,888 (93,790,876) 651,897,908 (544,406,061) 107,491,847 0 0 0 107,491,847 (99,899,666) (22,725,866) (1,331,728) 66,555,391 (47,117,390) 2,972,588 86,677,489 (21,619,859) 0 (37,261,443) (206,132,797) 32,286,945 (211,107,295) (38,656,676) (16,067,857) (22,588,819) (249,763,971) 0 (249,763,971) 420,291 68,450,509 (150,549,182) 48,261,810 (33,836,863) (14,887,377) (7,524,813) (7,362,564) (48,724,240) (130,418) (48,854,658) (19,925,317) (229,838,654) (0.291) (0.291) - 4,956,022 (53,810,680) (0.068) (0.068) (0.000) - The accompanying footnotes form an integral part of the consolidated financial statements. İhlas Holding Annual Report 2013 123 İHLAS HOLDİNG ANONİM ŞİRKETİ Statements of Consolidated Profit or Loss and Other Comprehensive Income for the Periods January 1 - December 31 2013 and January 1 - December 31 2012. (All amounts expressed in Turkish Lira (“TL”) unless otherwise stated.) Footnote References PROFIT / LOSS FOR THE PERIOD 37 Independently Audited Audited (Reclassified) 01.01.201301.01.201231.12.2013 31.12.2012 (249,763,971) (48,854,658) OTHER COMPREHENSIVE PROFIT 45,300,758 18,945,851 Items not to be reclassified to profit or loss in subsequent periods: Defined Benefit Plans Remeasurement Gains / Losses 27 Tangible Fixed Assets Revaluation Increase / Decrease 18-27 Deferred Tax Expense/ Income on Other Comprehensive Income not to be Reclassified to Profit or Loss 27 45,300,758 232,592 47,489,143 18,945,851 (626,771) 20,570,755 (2,420,977) (998,133) OTHER COMPREHENSIVE INCOME 45,300,758 18,945,851 TOTAL COMPREHENSIVE INCOME (204,463,213) (29,908,807) Distribution of Total Comprehensive Income Non-Controlling Interests Equity Holders of the Parent (10,783,631) (193,679,582) 4,857,823 (34,766,630) The accompanying footnotes form an integral part of the consolidated financial statements. 31.12.2013 27 27 Non-controlling Shareholders 27 Diğer kâr yedeklerindeki değişim Transactions with in a Loss of Control in a Subsidiary that do not Result Changes in Ownership Interests Increase / Decrease through 27 27 Transfers Capital Commitment Payments 790,400,000 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Comprehensive Income 27 27 37 Capital 790,400,000 Ref. Total Comprehensive Income Total Other from Pension Plans Actuarial Gains and Losses Revaluation Increase Tangible Fixed Assets Other Comprehensive Income Net profit for the period Comprehensive Income 01.01.2013 (Reclassified) Paid-in Fn 7,925,000 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 7,925,000 Discounts Premiums / Share 5,656,722 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 5,656,722 Reserves Capital Share Other 15,722,572 128,796 0 0 0 903,480 0 0 0 0 0 14,690,296 from Profit Allocated Reserves Restricted (All amounts expressed in Turkish Lira (“TL”) unless otherwise stated.) (55,412,085) 0 (36,644,654) 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 (18,767,431) Reserves Other 63,105,757 0 0 0 0 (39,934,242) 36,082,397 36,082,397 0 36,082,397 0 66,957,602 Measurement Revaluation and Losses from Profit / (617,443) 0 0 0 0 0 76,675 76,675 76,675 0 0 (694,118) Pension Plans (Losses) from Gains / Actuarial (30,032,987) 0 0 (1,281,629) 0 (14,779,918) 0 0 0 0 0 (13,971,440) Loss Earnings / Prior Year’ (229,838,654) 0 0 0 0 53,810,680 (229,838,654) 0 0 0 (229,838,654) (53,810,680) period for the Profit / Loss 254,482,599 383,343 (6,435,187) (2,488,543) 2,052,500 0 (10,783,631) 9,141,686 109,398 9,032,288 (19,925,317) 271,754,117 Interests Controlling Non- 821,391,481 512,139 (43,079,841) (3,770,172) 2,052,500 0 (204,463,213) 45,300,758 186,073 45,114,685 0 (249,763,971) 1,070,140,068 Total Consolidated Statement of Changes in Shareholders’ Equity as of January 1 - December 31, 2013 and January 1 - December 31, 2012 İHLAS HOLDİNG ANONİM ŞİRKETİ 124 0 0 0 31.12.2012 (Reclassified) Non-controlling Shareholders Transactions with in a Loss of Control in a Subsidiary that do not Result Changes in Ownership Interests Increase / Decrease through 27 27 27 Capital Commitment Payments 790,400,000 0 0 0 0 0 27 Total Comprehensive Income Transfers 0 27 27 37 Capital 790,400,000 Ref. Total Other Comprehensive Income from Pension Plans Actuarial Gains and Losses Revaluation Increase Tangible Fixed Assets Other Comprehensive Income Net profit for the period Comprehensive Income 01.01.2012 (Reclassified) Paid-in Fn Other 5,656,722 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 5,656,722 Reserves Capital Share 14,690,296 0 367,567 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 14,322,729 from Profit Allocated Reserves Restricted (18,767,431) (18,767,431) 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Reserves Other Profit / 66,957,602 0 0 0 0 19,548,992 19,548,992 0 19,548,992 0 47,408,610 Measurement Revaluation and Losses from (694,118) 0 0 0 0 (504,942) (504,942) (504,942) 0 0 (189,176) Pension Plans (Losses) from Gains / Actuarial (13,971,440) 0 4,247,874 0 (85,187,827) 0 0 0 0 0 66,968,513 Loss Earnings / Prior Year’ The accompanying footnotes form an integral part of the consolidated financial statements. 7,925,000 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 7,925,000 Discounts Premiums / Share (All amounts expressed in Turkish Lira (“TL”) unless otherwise stated.) (53,810,680) 0 0 0 85,187,827 (53,810,680) 0 0 0 (53,810,680) (85,187,827) period for the Profit / Loss 271,754,117 (680,939) (2,225,555) 1,125,000 0 4,857,823 (98,199) (121,829) 23,630 4,956,022 268,677,788 Interests Controlling Non- 1,070,140,068 (19,448,370) 2,389,886 1,125,000 0 (29,908,807) 18,945,851 (626,771) 19,572,622 0 (48,854,658) 1,115,982,359 Total Consolidated Statement of Changes in Shareholders’ Equity as of January 1 - December 31, 2013 and January 1 - December 31, 2012 İHLAS HOLDİNG ANONİM ŞİRKETİ İhlas Holding Annual Report 2013 125 126 İHLAS HOLDİNG ANONİM ŞİRKETİ Consolidated Cash Flow Statements as of January 1 - December 31, 2013 and January 1, December 31, 2012 (All amounts expressed in Turkish Lira (“TL”) unless otherwise stated.) Footnote References Cash flows from operating activities Profit / loss for the period 37 Adjustments to Net Income / Loss Reconciliation Adjustments to Depreciation and Amortisation Expenses 18-19 Adjustments to Provision for Employee Termination Benefits 22 Adjustments to Tax Expense / Income 36 Profit / Loss from Non-controlling Interests 37 Adjustments to Interest Income 34 Adjustments to Interest Expense 33 Provisions for impairment of investment purpose real estate properties 32 Adjustments to Gains / Losses from Disposal of Fixed Assets 32 Adjustments to Actuarial Gains and Losses from Pension Plans 27 Financial Investments Appreciation / Impairment Net Adjustments to Other expenses / income not requiring cash inflow / outflow Changes in Working Capital Adjustments to increase/(decrease) in Financial Investments Adjustments to increase/(decrease) in Trade Receivables Adjustments to increase/(decrease) in Other Receivables Adjustments to increase/(decrease) in Inventories Adjustments to increase/(decrease) in Prepaid Expenses (Current Assets) Adjustments to increase/(decrease) in Current Tax Assets Adjustments to increase/(decrease) in Other Current Assets Adjustments to increase/(decrease) in Prepaid Expenses (Fixed Assets) Adjustments to increase/(decrease) in Trade Payables Adjustments to increase/(decrease) in Employee Benefits Payable Adjustments to increase/(decrease) in Deferred Income (Short and Long Term) Adjustments to increase/(decrease) in Other Payables Adjustments to increase/(decrease) in Other Short and Long Term Payables Cash Flows Generated from Operating Activities Tax Payments 36 Payments for Employee Termination Benefits 22 Net cash generated from operating activities (A) Cash Flows from Investing Activities Purchases of tangible fixed asset and real estate for investment purpose 17-18 Intangible fixed assets purchases 19 Cash Inflows from Sale of Tangible Fixed Assets and Investment Properties Net Cash Outflows from Purchase or Sale of Non-controlling Interests 27 Cash inflows from capital commitment payments of subsidiaries 27 Cash inflows from government incentives 20 Net cash generated from investment activities (B) Cash Flows from Financing Activities Interest payments 33 Interest received 34 Cash inflows from borrowings Net cash used in financial activities (C) Net Increase/ (Decrease) In Cash and Cash Equivalents (D=A+B+C) Cash and Cash Equivalents at the Beginning of the Period (E) 6 Cash Balance of New Acquisitions at the Beginning of the Period (F) Cash and Cash Equivalents at the End of the Period (G=E+F) 6 Independently Audited Audited (Reclassified) Current Period Previous Period 31.12.2013 31.12.2012 (229,838,654) (53,810,680) 15,236,586 16,940,474 38,656,676 (19,925,317) (18,673,015) 169,393,042 (59,627,580) (3,021,505) 232,592 1,504,000 845,356 19,642,270 8,045,360 14,887,377 4,956,022 (41,851,131) 143,171,299 2,405,559 (2,634,098) (626,771) (64,873,594) 3,078,126 189,075,448 (64,812,407) (16,752,574) (135,807,962) 4,270,107 1,391,395 1,098,195 8,267,261 59,957,035 5,988,220 259,168,348 2,249,908 1,928,819 63,368,466 (606,317) 1,509,485 (196,175,886) 25,611,104 (814,066) (19,558,362) (3,121,808) 86,235,954 1,314,808 149,375,085 661,979 6,424,266 (17,346,059) (8,550,312) 201,848,077 (3,536,130) (3,722,307) 139,356,010 (28,237,595) (3,833,127) 3,731,941 (45,356,122) 2,052,500 512,139 (71,130,264) (14,152,740) (3,110,394) 4,760,987 (19,448,370) 1,125,000 41,123 (30,784,394) (169,393,042) 18,673,015 129,308,291 (21,411,736) 109,306,077 97,590,105 52,554 206,948,736 (143,171,299) 41,851,131 11,780,861 (89,539,307) 19,032,309 78,505,615 52,181 97,590,105 The accompanying footnotes form an integral part of the consolidated financial statements. İhlas Holding Annual Report 2013 127 İHLAS HOLDİNG ANONİM ŞİRKETİ Footnotes to the Consolidated Financial Statements as of December 31, 2013 (All amounts expressed in Turkish Lira (“TL”) unless otherwise stated.) Note 1 - Organisation and Line of Activity of the Group İhlas Holding A.Ş. (the “Holding” or “Company”) was founded under the name of İhlas Matbaacılık ve Dağıtım Anonim Şirketi” on December 25, 1980. The Holding changed its name first to İhlas Matbaacılık ve Sağlık Hizmetleri A.Ş. on March 6, 1986, and subsequently to İhlas Holding A.Ş. on August 2, 1993. As a result of a series of amendments to its Articles of Association based on the steady improvement in the business success of its own companies and associated companies, the Holding added printing, newspaper and magazine publishing, construction, healthcare, marketing, domestic trade, education and soft drink production to its field of business. Although the Articles of Association of the Holding included some diversification, at the report date the Holding was only active in the construction, healthcare, education services and domestic trade sectors under its own juristic personality. The Group’s workforce totalled 3.417 employees (December 31, 2012: 3.526), of which 916 (December 31, 2012: 965) were employed in the Parent Company. The address of the Holding’s head office is “Merkez Mahallesi, 29 Ekim Cad., İhlas Plaza No:11, B/21 Yenibosna - Bahçelievler / Istanbul”. The Holding’s shareholder structure is as follows: Name/Title 31.12.2013 of Shareholder Share Ratio Share Amount Free Float 84.77% 670,053,864 Ahmet Mücahid Ören 9.37% 74,036,676 Ali Tubay Gölbaşı 3.62% 28,604,200 Ayşe Dilvin Ören 2.22% 17,578,889 Enver Ören Other 0.02% 126,371 Total 100.00% 790,400,000 Share Ratio 85.27% 1.66% 2.83% 10.16% 0.08% 100.00% 31.12.2012 Share Amount 673,943,870 13,086,005 22,402,520 80,315,554 652,051 790,400,000 The breakdown of the Holding’s privileged shares (Group B shares) is as follows: Name/Title of Shareholder Ahmet Mücahid Ören Ayşe Dilvin Ören Ali Tubay Gölbaşı Zeki Celep Class I I I I Group B B B B Bearer/ Registered Hamiline Hamiline Hamiline Hamiline Number 3,453,750 542,250 378,000 126,000 AMOUNT 34,537.5 5,422.5 3,780 1,260 If the General Assembly of the Holding decides that the Board of Directors consist of 5 people, at least 3 of the Members of the Board of Directors are selected among candidates nominated by group (B) shareholders. Similarly, at least 5 of the members are selected among those candidates if a board of 7 people is decided, at least 7 of the members are selected among those candidates if a board of 9 people is decided, and at least 9 of the members are selected among those candidates if a board of 11 people is decided. Information regarding the operations of the participations and subsidiaries of İhlas Holding A.Ş. is provided below, listed on the basis of their effective share and number of privileged shares. Subsidiaries Included in the Consolidation (on an effective share basis) 1. İhlas Pazarlama A.Ş.: Active in the purchase and sale of electricity, electronic, mechanical kitchen appliances and durable goods, construction works. 2. İhlas Gazetecilik A.Ş.: Publishes, sells, distributes and markets newspapers and all other types of publications, in Turkish and in foreign languages, both in Turkey and abroad. 3. İhlas Ev Aletleri İmalat San. Tic. A.Ş.: Manufactures electric home appliances. 4. İhlas Haber Ajansı A.Ş.: A news agency engaged in the dissemination of all types of publications and documents, both of domestic and foreign origin. 5. İhlas Yayın Holding A.Ş.: Founded with the purpose of participating in the share capital, management and control of companies, whether existing or to be established, which are, or will be, involved in the fields of printed, audio-visual publishing, advertising, news agency activities and in other related segments, as well as establishing businesses and companies personally to engage in the above listed business sectors. 7. Mir Maden İşletmeciliği Enerji ve Kimya San. Ltd. Şti.: Involved in mining, energy and chemical activities. 8. Kuzuluk Kaplıca İnşaat Turizm Sağlık ve Petrol Ürünleri Tic.A.Ş.: Operates a hot spring and health facility in Akyazı, Kuzuluk Village/Sakarya. 128 İHLAS HOLDİNG ANONİM ŞİRKETİ Footnotes to the Consolidated Financial Statements as of December 31, 2013 (All amounts expressed in Turkish Lira (“TL”) unless otherwise stated.) 9. İhlas Motor A.Ş.: Active in the manufacture, assembly, trade and export of mopeds, motorcycles and other similar motor vehicles and their spare parts; also performs sales and commercial representation in the real estate and durable/non-durable goods sectors. 10. TGRT Haber TV A.Ş.: Broadcasts, produces and performs audio and visual recordings for television and radio programs, television films, videos and commercials, leases TV channels and sets up radio stations. 11. TGRT Dijital TV Hizmetleri A.Ş.: TBroadcasts, produces and performs audio and visual recordings for television and radio programs, television films, videos and commercials, leases TV channels and sets up radio stations. 12. Bisan Bisiklet Moped Oto. San. Tic. A.Ş.: Active in the manufacture and trade of bicycles, mopeds, automotive components and spare parts. 13. Bisiklet Pazarlama ve Tic. A.Ş.: Markets bicycles, mopeds and their spare parts. 14. İhlas Net A.Ş.: Offers IT and internet services, sets up networks and trades computers and computer components. 15. İletişim Magazin Gazt. Yan. San ve Tic. A.Ş.: Prints and markets newspapers, magazines, books, etc. 16. İhlas Yapı Turizm ve Sağlık A.Ş.: Involved in construction, installation and undertaking projects; also invests, builds, sells and operates tourism and health facilities. 17. Cyprus Office: Established in the Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus as a branch of İhlas Holding, this company distributes newspapers and markets electric home appliances. 18. İhlas Medya Planlama ve Satınalma Hiz. Ltd.Şti.: Acts as an agent of advertising, publicity and photography. 19. İhlas Gelişim Yayıncılık A.Ş.: The Company’s core business line is to circulate, sell, distribute and market newspapers and all forms of publications in Turkish and foreign languages in Turkey and foreign countries. 20. İhlas Fuar Hizmetleri A.Ş.: The Company’s core business lines are to organise trade and advertising exhibitions and fairs in Turkey and abroad, to provide travel agency and advertising services in its own field and to publish periodicals. 21. Detes Enerji Üretim A.Ş.: The Company’s core business lines are to establish, operate and rent an electric power generation plant, to generate electric power, and to sell generated electric power and/or capacity to customers. 22. Armutlu Tatil ve Turizm İşletmeleri A.Ş.: Operating as a thermal spring tourism entrepreneur, the Company also manages the İhlas Armutlu Timesharing Holiday Village. 23. İhlas Holding A.Ş. - İhlas Yapı Turizm ve Sağlık A.Ş. Joint Venture - 3: The joint venture was assigned its rights and liabilities, to the İhlas Holding A.Ş. - İhlas Yapı Turizm ve Sağlık A.Ş. Joint Venture, which were stated on the contract signed with Emlak Pazarlama İnşaat Proje Yönetimi ve Ticaret A.Ş. with respect to the construction project entitled “Istanbul, Bahçeşehir, Ispartakule, Region 2, Section 3, Block 543, Parcel 1 distribution of income after the provision of sale of lands”. This project includes a residential and commercial construction site of 120,170 square metres. The company was established to undertake the joint venture of the project entitled “distribution of income after the provision of sale of lands” with respect to the lands in question. 24. İhlas Holding A.Ş. - İhlas Yayın Holding A.Ş. ve İhlas Pazarlama A.Ş. Joint Venture: It assigned its rights and liabilities, to the İhlas Holding A.Ş. - İhlas Yayın Holding A.Ş. - İhlas Pazarlama A.Ş. Joint Venture, which were stated on the contract signed with Emlak Pazarlama İnşaat Proje Yönetimi ve Ticaret A.Ş. with respect to the construction project entitled “Istanbul, Bahçeşehir, Ispartakule, Region 2, Section 1, Block 548, Parcel 1 distribution of income after the provision of sale of lands”. This project includes a residential construction area of 85,700 square metres. The company was established to undertake the joint venture of the project entitled “distribution of income after the provision for the sale of land” with respect to the land in question. 25. Kristal Kola ve Meşrubat Sanayi Ticaret A.Ş.: The Company’s field of activity consists of manufacturing plastic bottles used in the cola and soft drinks industry, in addition to the manufacturing, importing, exporting, trading, wholesale and retail marketing of water, soft drinks, cola drinks, fruit juices, and carbonated and non-carbonated beverages. 26. Kristal Gıda Dağıtım Pazarlama San. ve Tic. A.Ş.: The Company is engaged in the distribution, marketing and trading of all kinds of food and beverages. 27. İhlas Meşrubat Üretim ve Pazarlama A.Ş.: The Company is engaged in the production and trading of all kinds of food and packaging materials, in addition to the trading of electrical and electronic components. 28. İhlas İnşaat Holding A.Ş.: The main purpose of the Company is to participate in the management and capital of companies that are either established, or are to be established in the future, which operate primarily within the construction industry, in addition to establishing commercial, industrial and financial enterprises that serve this purpose. 29. İhlas Pazarlama Yatırım Holding A.Ş.: The main purpose of the Company is to participate in the management and capital of companies that are either established, or are to be established in the future which operate especially within the marketing industry, in addition to establishing commercial, industrial and financial enterprises that serve this purpose. 30. İhlas İnşaat Proje Taahhüt Turizm ve Tic. A.Ş.: Involved in tourism investments and business, real estate transfer, construction projects. 31. Dijital Varlıklar Görsel Medya ve İnternet Hiz. Ltd. Şti. (Former title: Alternatif Medya Görsel İletişim Sis. Ltd. Şti.): Provides representation, consultancy, import, export and domestic trading activities for all kinds of advertising, publicity, photography and announcements, and for the advertising agencies 32. Şifa Yemek ve Gıda Üretim Tesisleri Tic. A.Ş.: The Company’s main areas of operation are the production and marketing of foodstuffs. 33. KPT Lojistik Taşımacılık Tur. Rek. Paz. İç ve Dış Tic. A.Ş.: The Company’s main areas of operation are domestic and international shipping, personnel transport, storage and bonded warehousing.. 34. İhlas İletişim Hizmetleri A.Ş.: Established to perform all kinds of telephone and telecommunication services, as well as provide similar communication services. İhlas Holding Annual Report 2013 129 İHLAS HOLDİNG ANONİM ŞİRKETİ Footnotes to the Consolidated Financial Statements as of December 31, 2013 (All amounts expressed in Turkish Lira (“TL”) unless otherwise stated.) Subsidiaries Not Included in the Consolidation (On an effective share basis) 1. İhlas Dış Ticaret A.Ş.: Involved in tourism investments and business, real estate transfer, construction projects. 2. İhlas Finans Kurumu A.Ş. In Liquidation: Formed for the purpose of investing funds collected through private current accounts and profit/loss sharing accounts. At the date this report was prepared, the company was inactive and was in the process of liquidation. 3. Kia-İhlas Motor San. ve Tic. A.Ş. In Liquidation: This Company is no longer active following the transfer of İhlas Holding A.Ş.’s license to distribute Kia branded motor vehicles.The Company applied to the Commercial Court for dissolution as a result of the Board of Directors’ decision taken on May 9, 2012. 4. İhlas Holding A.Ş. - Belbeton Beton Elemanları Sanayi Üretim ve Tic. A.Ş. - Ulubol İnşaat Harfiyat Gıda Tur. San. ve Tic. Ltd. Şti. Joint Venture: Established to engage in construction activities. 5. İhlas Mining Ltd. Şti.: Founded in Ghana in 2008 by İhlas Madencilik A.Ş., one of the group companies, the Company’s core business line is in mining. Subsidiaries and Long-Term Marketable Securities that are not Included in the Consolidation (According to the active ratio) 1. İhlas Oxford Mortgage İnş. ve Tic. A.Ş. (in liquidation) : Involved in developing and selling all types of real estate. The company is in the process of liquidation. 2. Swiss PB AG: With premium and corporate clients throughout the world, the company is one of Switzerland’s prime international financial institutions involved in asset management and professional brokerage. 3. Doğu Yatırım Holding A.Ş.: The Company was established to undertake investments in Eastern and Southeastern Anatolia. Note 2 - Principles Regarding the Presentation of Financial Statements A. Basic Principles Regarding Presentation Applied Accounting Standards The Holding keeps its accounting records and statutory financial statements in Turkish Lira (TL) in compliance with commercial legislation, financial legislation and Uniform Chart of Accounts requirements issued by the Ministry of Finance. The consolidated financial statements have been based on the legal records of the Holding and they have also been prepared by subjecting to certain changes, including adjustments and classifications, in order to comply with the communiqués of the Capital Markets Board (CMB). In the preparation of financial statements, the Enterprises refer to the TAS (Turkish Accounting Standards)/ TFRS (Turkish Financial Reporting Standards) provisions issued by the Public Oversight, Accounting and Auditing Standards Authority (POA), in compliance with the provisions of the Capital Markets Board’s Communiqué Serial: II-14.1 on “Principles Regarding Financial Reporting in Capital Markets”. Therefore, the accompanying consolidated financial statements have been prepared according to the TAS/TFRS, and the related appendices and interpretations. Related Parties TAS 24 “Related Party Disclosures Standards” defines entities which may directly or indirectly control or significantly influence the counterparty through shareholding, contracted rights, family relations or in similar means as related entities (parties). Shareholders and the Holding’s management are also deemed to be related parties. Transactions between related parties include the transfer of sources and liabilities among related parties with or without charge. For the sake of these consolidated financial statements, the Holding’s partners and group companies with indirect capital relationships with the Holding, as well as Board Members and senior managers and other key executive personnel are defined as “related parties”. “Key executive personnel” refers to those individuals with direct or indirect power and responsibility to plan, operate and control the Holding’s operations, including any manager of the Holding (administrative or other). (Note 38) Transactions undertaken with related parties in accordance with usual operations are generally carried out at prices that fit market conditions. Please refer to Note 38 for the balances of the Holding regarding the companies with direct or indirect relationships and all kinds of transactions made with them. Comparative Figures and Correction of Previous Year’s Financial Tables In order to determine the financial situation and identify performance trends, the Holding’s consolidated financial tables are prepared on a comparative basis with respect to the previous period. When the presentation and categorisation of financial table items change, the previous year’s financial tables are re-categorised accordingly to enable comparison. 130 İHLAS HOLDİNG ANONİM ŞİRKETİ Footnotes to the Consolidated Financial Statements as of December 31, 2013 (All amounts expressed in Turkish Lira (“TL”) unless otherwise stated.) In accordance with formats, the Communiqué on Principles Regarding Financial Reporting in Capital Markets, enacted as of the interim periods ending after March 31, 2013 for companies included in the scope of the Communiqué on Principles Regarding Financial Reporting in Capital Markets, pursuant to the resolution of the CMB taken at the meeting numbered 20 / 670 held on June 7, 2013, some of the account items provided in the Holding’s consolidated financial statement, dated December 31, 2012, and in the consolidated other comprehensive income statement belonging to the 01.01 - 31.12.2012 accounting period, had been reported after being reclassified. Therefore, the Holding made some reclassifications in the previous period’s consolidated financial statements and consolidated comprehensive income statement. Please refer to Note 42 for the information pertaining to the aforementioned reclassification. Footnotes shall be provided regarding the financial statements (Balance Sheet) pertaining to at least 3 previous periods, and regarding the statements belonging to 2 previous periods for each of the other statements (consolidated statement of other comprehensive income, consolidated statement of cash flows, consolidated statement of changes in equity, etc.), in the event of retrospective application of any of the Holding’s accounting policies, or retrospective adjustment of figures stated on an Enterprise’s financial statements, or reclassification of items in financial statements. The Holding presents its consolidated balance sheet at the following periods: sBUUIFFOEPGUIFDVSSFOUQFSJPE sBUUIFFOEPGUIFQSFWJPVTQFSJPEBOE sBUUIFFBSMJFTUQFSJPEJODPNQBSJTPO Explanation Regarding Inflation Accounting and the Reporting Currency In accordance with a decision taken by the CMB dated March 17, 2005, with effect from January 1, 2005, companies operating in Turkey and preparing their financial statements in accordance with CMB principles are not required to apply inflation accounting. Therefore, the TAS 29 standard entitled “Accounting Standard on Financial Statements in Hyperinflation Periods” published by IASB was not applied on the Company’s consolidated financial statements dated 31.12.2013. The enclosed financial attachments, including the consolidated financial tables dated December 31, 2013 and the consolidated financial data of previous periods to be used for comparison, were prepared in Turkish Lira (TL) terms. As per the TAS 21 standard “Effects of Changes in Foreign Exchange Rates”, the Holding registers FX transactions in terms of the functional currency over the amount calculated by applying the spot FX rate between the foreign currency and the functional currency on the transaction date. Closing FX rates published by the Central Bank of Turkey as of December 31, 2013 and December 31, 2012 are as follows: Foreign Exchange Type USD EURO GBP SEK CHF Exchange Rates (TL / Currency) 31.12.2013 31.12.2012 2.1343 1.7826 2.9365 2.3517 3.5114 2.8708 0.32779 0.27219 2.3899 1.9430 İhlas Holding Annual Report 2013 131 İHLAS HOLDİNG ANONİM ŞİRKETİ Footnotes to the Consolidated Financial Statements as of December 31, 2013 (All amounts expressed in Turkish Lira (“TL”) unless otherwise stated.) New and revised standards and comments The accounting policies adopted in preparation of the consolidated financial statements, belonging to the accounting period ending as of 31 December 2013, are consistent with those of the previous financial year, except for the adoption of new and amended TFRS and TFRIC interpretations effective as of 1 January 2013. The effects of these standards and interpretations on the Holding’s financial position and/or performance have been disclosed in the related paragraphs. The new standards, amendments and interpretations which are effective as of January 1, 2013 are as follows: TFRS 7 Financial Instruments: Disclosures – Offsetting Financial Assets and Financial Liabilities (Amendment) The amendment requires the disclosure of the rights of the entity relating to the offsetting of the financial instruments, and some information about the related regulations (e.g., collateral agreements). New disclosures would provide users of financial statements with information that is useful in; i) evaluating the effect or potential effect of netting arrangements on an entity’s financial position and, ii) analysing and comparing financial statements prepared in accordance with TFRSs and other generally accepted accounting standards. New disclosures have to be provided for all the financial instruments in the Balance Sheet that have been offset according to TAS 32. Such disclosures are applicable to financial instruments in the Balance Sheet that have not been offset according to TAS 32, but are available for offsetting according to the main applicable offsetting regulations, or other financial instruments that are subject to a similar agreement. The amendment affects disclosures only, and did not have any impact on the consolidated financial statements of the Holding. TAS 1 Presentation of Financial Statements (Amendment) – Presentation of Items of Other Comprehensive Income The amendments change only the grouping of items presented in other comprehensive income. Items that could be reclassified (or ‘recycled’) to profit or loss at a future point in time would be presented separately from items that will never be reclassified. The amendment affects presentation principles only, and did not have an impact on the financial position and/ or performance of the Holding. TAS 19 Employee Benefits (Amendment) Numerous changes or clarifications are made under the amended standard. Among these numerous amendments, the most important changes are removing the corridor mechanism, and making the distinction between short-term and other long-term employee benefits based on the expected timing of settlement rather than employee entitlement. The Group used to recognise accounting of the actuarial gain and loss in the income statement prior to this amendment of the standard pertaining to the accounting of actuarial gain/loss. The impact of the amendment on the financial position and/ or performance of the Holding with regards to the accounting of actuarial gain/ loss in the other comprehensive income statement has been retrospectively adjusted. TAS 27 Separate Financial Statements (Amendment) As a consequential amendment to TFRS 10 and TFRS 12, the POA also amended TAS 27, which is now limited to accounting for subsidiaries, jointly controlled entities, and associates in separate financial statements. This amendment did not have an impact on the financial position and/ or performance of the Holding. TAS 28 Investments in Associates and Joint Ventures (Amendment) As a consequential amendment to TFRS 11 and TFRS 12, the POA also amended TAS 28, which has been renamed as TAS 28 Investments in Associates and Joint Ventures. As a result of the amendments, the joint ventures shall also use equity methods in accounting, as well as the associates. This amendment did not have an impact on the financial position and/ or performance of the Holding. TFRS 10 Consolidated Financial Statements TFRS10, TAS 27 Consolidated and Separate Financial Statements address the accounting for consolidated financial statements. A new definition of “control” is introduced, which is used to determine which entities shall be consolidated. This is a principle-based standard and leaves greater scope for the preparers of financial statements to exercise significant judgment. This amendment did not have an impact on the financial position and/ or performance of the Holding. 132 İHLAS HOLDİNG ANONİM ŞİRKETİ Footnotes to the Consolidated Financial Statements as of December 31, 2013 (All amounts expressed in Turkish Lira (“TL”) unless otherwise stated.) TFRS 11 Joint Arrangements The standard describes the accounting for joint ventures and joint operations with joint control. Among other changes introduced, under the new standard, proportionate consolidation is no longer permitted for joint ventures. This amendment did not have an impact on the financial position and/ or performance of the Holding. TFRS 12 Disclosure of Interests in Other Entities TFRS 12 includes all disclosure requirements about an entity’s interests in associates, joint ventures, subsidiaries and structured entities. The amendment affects disclosures only and did not have any impact on the explanations given by the Holding. TFRS Fair Value Measurement The new Standard provides guidance on how to measure fair value under TFRS but does not change the procedure when an entity will use and/or is required to use fair value. It is a single source of guidance under IFRS for all fair value measurements. The new standard also brings new disclosure requirements for fair value measurements. The new disclosures are only required for periods beginning after TFRS 13 is adopted - that is, comparative disclosures for prior periods are not required. Some of these disclosures regarding financial instruments are also required to be presented in the financial statements pursuant to TAS 34.16 A (j). The amendment did not have any impact on the consolidated financial statements of the Holding. TFRIC Interpretation 20 Stripping Costs in the Production Phase of a Surface Mine: The Interpretation clarifies when production stripping should lead to the recognition of an asset and how that asset should be measured, both initially and in subsequent periods. This interpretation did not have an impact on the financial position and/ or performance of the Holding. Transition Guidance (Amendments to TFRS 10, TFRS 11 and TFRS 12) The amendments only change the transition guidance to provide further relief from full retrospective application. The date of initial application is defined as ‘the beginning of the annual reporting period in which TFRS 10 is applied for the first time’. The assessment of whether control exists is made at ‘the date of initial application’ rather than at the beginning of the comparative period. If the control assessment is different between TFRS 10 and TAS 27/SIC-12, retrospective adjustments should be determined. However, if the control assessment is the same, no retrospective application is required. If more than one comparative period is presented, additional relief is given to require only one period to be restated. For the same reasons, TFRS 11 and TFRS 12 have also been amended by the POA to provide transition relief. These amendments did not have an impact on the financial position and/ or performance of the Holding. Improvements to TFRSs Annual Improvements to TFRSs – 2009 – 2011 cycle, which are explained below, are effective for annual periods beginning on or after January 1, 2013. This project did not have an impact on the financial position and/ or performance of the Holding. TAS 1 Financial Statement Presentation: Clarifies the difference between voluntary additional comparative information and the minimum required comparative information. TAS 16 Property, Plant and Equipment: It clarifies that major spare parts and servicing equipment that meet the definition of property, plant and equipment are not inventory. TAS 32 Financial Instruments: Presentation: Clarifies that income taxes arising from distributions to equity holders are accounted for in accordance with TAS 12 Income Taxes. The amendment removes existing income tax requirements from TAS 32 and requires entities to apply the requirements in TAS 12 to any income tax arising from distributions to equity holders. TAS 34 Interim Financial Reporting: Clarifies the requirements in TAS 34 relating to segment information for total assets and liabilities for each reportable segment. Total assets and liabilities for a particular reportable segment need to be disclosed only when the amounts are regularly provided to the chief operating decision maker and there has been a material change in the total amount disclosed in the entity’s previous annual financial statements for that reportable segment. İhlas Holding Annual Report 2013 133 İHLAS HOLDİNG ANONİM ŞİRKETİ Footnotes to the Consolidated Financial Statements as of December 31, 2013 (All amounts expressed in Turkish Lira (“TL”) unless otherwise stated.) Standards issued but not yet effective and not early adopted Standards, interpretations and amendments to existing standards that are issued but not yet effective nor early adopted by the Holding up to the date of issuance of the financial statements are as follows. The Holding will make the necessary changes if not indicated otherwise, which will affect the consolidated financial statements and disclosures, after the new standards and interpretations come into effect. TAS 32 Financial Instruments: Presentation-Offsetting Financial Assets and Financial liabilities (Amendment) The amendments clarify the meaning of “currently has a legally enforceable right to set-off” and also clarify the application of the TAS 32 offsetting criteria to settlement systems (such as central clearing house systems), which apply gross settlement mechanisms that are not simultaneous. These amendments are to be retrospectively applied for annual periods beginning on or after January 1, 2014. This amendment is not expected to have a significant impact on the financial position and/ or performance of the Holding. TFRS 9 Financial Instruments – Classification and measurement As amended in December 2012, the new standard is effective for annual periods beginning on or after January 1, 2015. Phase 1 of this new TFRS 9 introduces new requirements for classifying and measuring financial assets and liabilities. The amendments made to TFRS 9 will mainly affect the classification and measurement of financial assets and measurement of fair value option (FVO) liabilities, and requires that the change in fair value of a FVO financial liability attributable to credit risk is presented under Other Comprehensive Income. Early adoption of this standard is permitted. The Holding is in the process of assessing the impact of the amendment on the financial position and/ or performance of the Holding. TFRIC Interpretation 21 Levies The interpretation clarifies that an entity recognises a liability for a levy when the activity that triggers payment, as identified by the relevant legislation, occurs. It also clarifies that a levy liability is accrued progressively only if the activity that triggers payment occurs over a period of time, in accordance with the relevant legislation. For a levy that is triggered upon reaching a minimum threshold, the interpretation clarifies that no liability should be recognised before the specified minimum threshold is reached. The interpretation is effective for annual periods beginning on or after January 1, 2014, with early implementation permitted. Retrospective application of this interpretation is required. This interpretation does not apply to the Holding and is not expected to have a significant impact on the financial position and/ or performance of the Holding. IAS 36 Impairment of Assets-Recoverable Amount Disclosures for Non-Financial assets (Amendment) The TASB, as a consequential amendment to TFRS 13 Fair Value Measurement, modified some of the disclosure requirements in TAS 36 Impairment of Assets, regarding measurement of the recoverable amount of impaired assets. The amendments required additional disclosures about the measurement of impaired assets (or a group of assets) with a recoverable amount based on fair value less costs of disposal. The amendments are to be applied retrospectively for annual periods beginning on or after January 1, 2014. Early implementation is permitted if the company has already implemented TFRS 13. The amendment has affected disclosure principles and will not have any impact on the financial position and/ or performance of the Holding. IAS 39 Financial Instruments: Recognition and Measurement-Novation of Derivatives and Continuation of Hedge Accounting (Amendment) In June 2013, the IASB issued amendments to IAS 39 Financial Instruments: Recognition and Measurement that provides a narrow exception to the requirement for the discontinuation of hedge accounting in circumstances when a hedging instrument is required to be novated to a central counterparty, as a result of laws or regulations. The amendment is to be applied retrospectively for annual periods beginning on or after January 1, 2014. This amendment will not have any impact on the financial position and/ or performance of the Holding. The new or amended standards and interpretations that are issued by the International Accounting Standards Board (IASB) but not issued by POA The following standards, interpretations and amendments to existing IFRS standards are issued by the IASB but not yet effective up to the date of issuance of the financial statements. However, these standards, interpretations and amendments to existing IFRS standards are not yet adapted/issued to TFRS by the POA, thus they do not constitute part of TFRS. The Holding will make the necessary changes to its consolidated financial statements after the new standards and interpretations are issued and become effective under TFRS. 134 İHLAS HOLDİNG ANONİM ŞİRKETİ Footnotes to the Consolidated Financial Statements as of December 31, 2013 (All amounts expressed in Turkish Lira (“TL”) unless otherwise stated.) IFRS 10 Consolidated Financial Statements (Amendment) IFRS 10 is amended to provide an exception to the consolidation requirement for entities that meet the definition of an investment entity. The exception to consolidation requires investment entities to account for subsidiaries at fair value through profit or loss in accordance with IFRS 9 Financial Instruments. This amendment will not have any impact on the financial position and / or performance of the Holding. IFRS 9 Financial Instruments - Hedge Accounting and amendments to IFRS 9, IFRS 7 and IAS 39 -IFRS 9 (2013) In November 2013, the IASB issued a new version of IFRS 9, which includes the new hedge accounting requirements and some related amendments to IAS 39 and IFRS 7. Entities may make an accounting policy choice to continue to apply the hedge accounting requirements of IAS 39 for all of their hedging transactions. The standard does not have a mandatory effective date, but it is available for application now. A new mandatory effective date will be set when the IASB completes the impairment phase of its project on the accounting for financial instruments. The Holding is in the process of assessing the impact of the amendment on the financial position and/ or performance of the Holding. Improvements to IFRSs: In December 2013, the IASB issued two cycles of “Annual Improvements” to IFRSs – 2010–2012 Cycle and IFRSs – 2011–2013 Cycle. Other than the amendments that only affect the standards’ “Basis for Conclusions”, the changes are effective as of July 1, 2014. Annual Improvements to IFRSs – 2010–2012 Cycle IFRS 2 “Share-based Payment”: Definitions relating to vesting conditions have changed, and the performance condition and service condition are defined in order to clarify various issues. The amendment is effective prospectively. IFRS 3 “Business Combinations”: Contingent consideration in a business combination that is not classified as equity is subsequently measured at fair value through profit or loss, whether or not it falls within the scope of IFRS 9 Financial Instruments. The amendment is effective for business combinations prospectively. IFRS 8 “Operating Segments”: The changes are as follows: i) Operating segments may be combined/aggregated if they are consistent with the core principle of the standard. ii) The reconciliation of segment assets to total assets is only required to be disclosed if the reconciliation is reported to the chief operating decision maker. The amendments are effective retrospectively. IFRS 13 “Fair Value Measurement”: As clarified in the Basis for Conclusions, short-term receivables and payables with no stated interest rates can be held at invoice amounts when the effect of discounting is immaterial. The amendment is effective immediately. IAS 16 “Property, Plant and Equipment” and IAS 38 “Intangible Assets”: The amendment to IAS 16.35 (a) and IAS 38.80 (a) clarifies that revaluation can be performed, as follows: i) adjust the gross carrying amount of the asset to market value, or ii) determine the market value of the carrying amount and adjust the gross carrying amount proportionately so that the carrying amount is equal to the market value. The amendment is effective retrospectively. IAS 24 “Related Party Disclosures”: The amendment clarifies that a management entity – an entity that provides key management personnel services – is a related party subject to the related party disclosures. The amendment is effective retrospectively. Annual Improvements to IFRSs – 2011–2013 Cycle IFRS 3 “Business Combinations”: The amendment clarifies that: i) Joint arrangements are outside the scope of IFRS 3, not just joint ventures, ii) The scope exception applies only to the accounting in the financial statements of the joint arrangement itself. The amendment is effective prospectively. IFRS 13 “Fair Value Measurement”: Clarifies that the portfolio exception in IFRS 13 can be applied to the contracts as well as the financial assets and financial liabilities. The amendment is effective prospectively. İhlas Holding Annual Report 2013 135 İHLAS HOLDİNG ANONİM ŞİRKETİ Footnotes to the Consolidated Financial Statements as of December 31, 2013 (All amounts expressed in Turkish Lira (“TL”) unless otherwise stated.) IAS 40 “Investment Property”: The amendment clarifies the interrelationship of IFRS 3 and IAS 40 when classifying property as investment property or owner occupied property. The amendment is effective prospectively. IFRS 14 – “Interim Standard on Regulatory Deferral Accounts”: The IASB issued this standard in January 2014. IFRS 14 permits first-time adopter rate regulated entities to continue to recognise amounts related to rate regulation in accordance with their previous legislation when they adopt IFRS. Existing IFRS preparers are prohibited from adopting this Standard. The Standard will be applied on a full retrospective basis and is effective for annual periods beginning on or after January 1, 2016. Earlier application is permitted. These amendments are not expected to have a significant impact on the financial position and/ or performance of the Holding. Resolutions promulgated by the Public Oversight Authority In addition to those mentioned above, the POA has promulgated the following resolutions regarding the implementation of Turkish Accounting Standards. “The financial statement examples and user guide” became immediately effective at its date of issuance; however, the other resolutions shall become effective for the annual reporting periods beginning after December 31, 2012. 2013-1 Financial Statement Examples and User Guide The POA promulgated “financial statement examples and user guide” on May 20, 2013 in order to ensure the uniformity of financial statements and facilitate their audit. The financial statement examples within this framework were published to serve as an example to financial statements to be prepared by companies obliged to apply Turkish Accounting Standards, excluding financial institutions established to engage in banking, insurance, private pensions or capital market. The Holding has made the classification stated in Notes 2 and 42 in order to comply with the requirements of this regulation. 2013-2 Accounting for Business Combinations under Common Control In accordance with the resolution, it has been decided that i) combination of entities under common control should be recognised using the pooling of interest method, ii) and thus, goodwill should not be included in the financial statements and iii) while using the pooling of interest method, the financial statements should be prepared as if the combination has taken place as of the beginning of the reporting period in which the common control occurs and should be presented comparatively from the beginning of the reporting period in which the common control occurred. This resolution did not have any impact on the consolidated financial statements of the Holding. 2013-3 Accounting for Preferred Stock Clarification has been provided on the conditions and circumstances when the preferred stock shall be recognised as a financial liability or equity based financial instruments. This resolution did not have any impact on the consolidated financial statements of the Group. 2013-4 Accounting for Cross Holding Investments If a subsidiary of an entity holds shares of the entity then this is defined as cross shareholding investment. Accounting of this cross investment is assessed based on the type of the investment, and different recognition principles adopted accordingly. With this resolution, this topic has been assessed under three main headings below and the recognition principles for each one of them has been determined. i) the subsidiary holding the equity based financial instruments of the parent, ii) the associates or joint ventures holding the equity based financial instruments of the parent iii) the parent’s equity based financial instruments are held by an entity, which is accounted as an investment within the scope of TAS 39 and TFRS 9 by the parent. This resolution did not have any impact on the consolidated financial statements of the Holding. Net Settlement Assets - liabilities and incomes - costs shall not be entered into accounts, unless standards or interpretations envisage or permit. Assets and liabilities shall be explicitly demonstrated in cases that there is necessary legal right, there is any intention to explicitly evaluate such assets and liabilities, or acquisition of assets takes place at the same time as the fulfilment of liabilities. The demonstration of net assets after valuation accounts, such as provisions for low inventory value or provisions for suspicious receivables, are deducted is not deemed as net settlement. 136 İHLAS HOLDİNG ANONİM ŞİRKETİ Footnotes to the Consolidated Financial Statements as of December 31, 2013 (All amounts expressed in Turkish Lira (“TL”) unless otherwise stated.) B. Changes in Accounting Policies Users of financial statements may compare the entity’s financial statements over time in order to determine its financial status, performance and trends in its cash flow. Therefore, the same accounting policies are applied in every interim and accounting period. The following is not deemed to be a change in accounting policies: - Implementation of an accounting policy for transactions or events which are essentially different from those that previously took place; - Implementation of a new accounting policy for transactions or events which did not take place before or which are not important. The Holding applies the same accounting policies in line with the principle of consistency among periods. C. Changes and Errors in Accounting Policies and Estimates Any change in the accounting policies resulted from the first time adoption of a new standard is made either retrospectively or prospectively in accordance with the transition requirements, if any. Changes without any transition requirement, material changes in accounting policies or material errors are corrected retrospectively by restating the prior period consolidated financial statements. If changes in accounting estimates are related to only one period, they are recognised in the period when changes are applied; if changes in estimates are related to future periods, they are recognised both in the period where the change is applied and future periods prospectively. D. Summary of Significant Accounting Policies Cash and Cash Equivalents Cash and cash equivalents comprise cash in hand, demand deposits and other short-term highly liquid investments, where their original maturities are three months or less, that are readily convertible to a known amount of cash, and are subject to an insignificant risk of changes in value. The book values of these assets are close to their fair values. Financial investments Financial investments are categorised under three groups: marketable securities (whose fair value difference is accounted for in the income statement) in the trade book, marketable securities to be held until maturity, and financial assets available for sale. Accounting of securities whose fair value difference is not reflected to the profit/loss, transaction costs directly associated with the acquisition of such securities are added to the fair value in question. Marketable securities are composed of securities that are acquired to generate profit from short-term price fluctuations and similar occurring in the market, or those securities that are a part of a portfolio aiming to generate profit in the short-term independently of the reason for its acquisition, as well as bank deposits whose maturity is longer than three months. Marketable securities are initially recognised and subsequently re-valued at their fair value. All transactions costs associated with the acquisition of such securities are added to the fair value and held subject to assessment at their fair values in subsequent periods following their recognition. Earnings and losses calculated during assessment are included in profit/loss accounts. Marketable financial investments not actively traded are indicated over their cost prices in subsequent periods. Interest and dividends generated during the possession of marketable securities are indicated under interest incomes and dividend incomes, respectively. Trade transactions of marketable securities are recognised or de-recognised based on their “delivery date”. Investments to be held until maturity are financial investments wherein the enterprise has the intent and potential to hold until maturity, and which include fixed or determinable payments and have a fixed maturity. Financial investments to be held until maturity are indicated over their cost price, which is calculated and amortised by means of the effective interest method, in periods following their recognition. Earnings and losses calculated during assessment are included in the profit/loss accounts. The effective interest method is the name given for the method of calculating amortised costs of a financial asset (or a group of financial assets) and indicating related interest incomes or costs in the associated period. The effective interest rate is the rate that precisely reduces the projected future cash payments and collections associated with a financial instrument or debt during its expected lifespan or within a shorter period of time, if appropriate, to the net book value of the related financial asset or debt. Financial investments available-for-sale are such financial investments which are not identified as investments to be held-until-maturity, or such financial investments whose fair value difference is not reflected to profit/loss. Financial assets available-for-sale are assessed at their fair value in the case of an active market and earnings and losses calculated during assessment are indicated under shareholder equity until such assets are sold. If such assets are not traded actively, they are assessed over their cost price. İhlas Holding Annual Report 2013 137 İHLAS HOLDİNG ANONİM ŞİRKETİ Footnotes to the Consolidated Financial Statements as of December 31, 2013 (All amounts expressed in Turkish Lira (“TL”) unless otherwise stated.) Trade Receivables Trade receivables arising from forward sales are assessed over their costs amortised through the use of the effective interest method. Short-term trade receivables that have no specified interest rate are evaluated based on the invoice amount in the event that the impact of the accrued interest is insignificant. The imputed rate of interest is taken as a basis in the event that the effective interest rates of commercial receivables are unknown. The Group uses LIBOR rates as the active interest rates due to the facts that its receivables and payables bear no cash value as required by commercial customs and late interest is not applied to the sales. Notes and checks, which are classified as trade receivables, are subjected to rediscount, and reported at their values (amortised cost values) reduced by means of the effective interest method. The difference between the nominal value and the amortised value of trade receivables is accounted as interest expense pursuant to the “TAS 39 Financial Instruments: Recognition and Measurement” standard. Provisions for doubtful receivables are recognised as expenses. Provisions are the amount estimated by the Holding management and believed to cover losses that may be associated with economic circumstances or risks born by the account due to its nature. There are different indicators, as mentioned below, to indicate whether or not a receivable is suspicious: a) Data related to receivables which could not be collected in previous years, b) The debtor’s solvency, c) Extraordinary circumstances appearing in the sector and the present economic environment. Inventories Inventories are valued at their cost or their net realisable value, whichever is the lower. Cost elements included in inventories include total purchase costs, transformation costs and other costs incurred in bringing the inventories to their present location and condition. The unit cost of inventories is determined on a moving weighted average basis. The distribution of fixed general production costs into transformation costs is based on the assumption that production activities will be carried out at normal capacity. “Normal capacity” is the expected average level of production for one or more periods or seasons under normal conditions, also taking into account low capacity utilisation that may arise due to planned repair-maintenance activities. If the real production level is close to the normal capacity this capacity may be accepted as normal capacity. The net realisable value is the amount which is found by subtracting the sum of estimated completion costs and estimated sales costs necessary for the completion of the sale from the estimated sale price within the normal course of business. The renewal cost of starting material and supplies can be the best measure to reflect the net realisable value. Inventory acquisition costs are reduced to their net realisable values on the basis of each inventory item. Such reduction is carried out by allocating provisions for low inventory value. In other words, if the cost value of inventories exceeds the net realisable value, the cost value is reduced to the net realisable value by allocating provisions for the low inventory value. Otherwise, no transaction is performed. In the event that the inventories were acquired with a deferred payment option, or in the event that the difference between the advance purchase price and the paid amount include sources of finance, such sources are accounted for as interest costs in the period when they were provided. Investment Property Investment property comprises freehold and leasehold properties (land or building -or a part of building- or both) that are held to earn rental income or for capital appreciation or both, rather than for any of the following purposes: a) To use in the manufacture or the supply of goods and services or for administrative purposes, or b) To sell within the framework of normal business flow. Investment properties are held to earn rental income or for capital appreciation or both. An investment property is accounted by the Group as an asset, provided that it meets the following criteria: a) Inflow of property-related future benefits to the enterprise is likely; and b) The cost of the investment property may be measured reliably. 138 İHLAS HOLDİNG ANONİM ŞİRKETİ Footnotes to the Consolidated Financial Statements as of December 31, 2013 (All amounts expressed in Turkish Lira (“TL”) unless otherwise stated.) An investment property is measured according to its cost at the beginning. Transaction costs are also included in the initial measurement. However, investment properties acquired through leases are accounted at their fair value or the current value of minimum rental income, whichever is lower Investment purpose real estate properties are evaluated by choosing either one of fair value method or cost method. The Company uses the fair value method in the evaluation of its investment purpose real estate properties. The fair value of investment purpose real estate properties; is determined as the amount for which an asset could be exchanged or a debt is paid between knowledgeable, willing parties in an arm’s length transaction. The fair value is determined according to the best estimation in the event that the real estate properties don’t have a market. From this point of view, the fair value may vary depending on the estimation and changes in market conditions. In the evaluation of the fair value, characteristic risks, market conditions and the depreciation of the asset based on experts’ views are taken into consideration. Within this context, the Group associated the impairment occurring in the current period with the income from investing activities (Note 32) in the comprehensive income statement as a result of the studies conducted on whether or not any impairment or appreciation has occurred on investment properties. The information regarding this assessment is presented in detail in Note 17. Gains or losses arising from changes in the fair value of an investment property shall be included in the profits or losses of the enterprise in the period when such a change took place and accounted under other operating incomes or revenues. In the current period, transfers have been made between the land and building shares, based on up-to-date valuation reports. Land and buildings are separable assets and are dealt with separately for accounting purposes, even when they are acquired together. The real estate properties leased to and used by parent company or subsidiaries are not recognised as investment purpose real estate properties in the consolidated financial statements. These properties are recognised as properties used by their owners and reported among fixed assets. Tangible and Intangible Fixed Assets The cost of a tangible or intangible fixed asset item is included in the financial statements, if the following conditions are met: a) It is likely that future economic benefits related to these items will be transferred to the enterprise; and b) The cost of the related item may be reliably measured. An item of property, plant or equipment that is recognised as a tangible or intangible fixed asset shall be measured initially at its cost, and subsequently by applying the Cost Model or Revaluation Model. The initial cost of the fixed assets includes the purchase price, including import duties and non-refundable purchase taxes, and any costs directly attributable to bringing the asset to the location and condition necessary for it to be capable of operating. Cost Model; After initial recognition as an asset, an item of property, plant and equipment shall be carried at its cost less any accumulated depreciation and any accumulated impairment losses. Revaluation Model; After initial recognition as an asset, an item of property, plant and equipment, whose fair value can be measured reliably, shall be carried at a revalued amount, being its fair value at the date of the revaluation less any subsequent accumulated depreciation and subsequent accumulated impairment losses. Revaluations shall be made with sufficient regularity to ensure that the carrying amount does not differ materially from that which would be determined using fair value at the reporting date. The appreciations occurring as a result of the valuation are associated with the growth fund in the equity. If there are previously occurred appreciations, the impairments are deducted from these appreciations. Otherwise, they are expensed by being recorded under expenses from investing activities. The Group goes to revaluation in the event that signs of significant changes are observed for the real estate properties for which it uses the revaluation method. The Group uses the cost method for intangible fixed assets and tangible fixed assets other than its real estate properties, since there is no active market for them. The Group confirmed that there has been an appreciation in the current period as a result of the studies conducted on whether there has been impairment or appreciation in relation to its real estate properties. Information regarding the valuation is presented in detail in Note 18. İhlas Holding Annual Report 2013 139 İHLAS HOLDİNG ANONİM ŞİRKETİ Footnotes to the Consolidated Financial Statements as of December 31, 2013 (All amounts expressed in Turkish Lira (“TL”) unless otherwise stated.) When a fixed asset item is revalued, the accumulated depreciation as of the date of the revaluation is corrected in proportion with the change in the gross book value of the asset, and therefore the book value of the asset after the revaluation is equalised with the revalued value. The provisions of the standards TAS 2 “Inventory” and TAS 16 “Fixed Assets” are applied in the transfers of the Group from its inventories to fixed assets to be used in operational activities. According to this, the fair value as of the date of the transfer is taken as a base. Depreciation is measured by the straight-line method based on a pro-rata basis according to the useful lives and methods indicated below: Useful Life (Years) Method Land improvements 5-50 Linear Buildings 50 Linear Properties, plants and equipment 3-15 Linear Vehicles, tools, and instruments 3-10 Linear Fixture and fittings 3-15 Linear Other fixed assets 3-10 Linear Rights 1-10 Linear Mining rights, research and preparation expenses 0-10 Linear Other intangible fixed assets 5-15 Linear The useful life and amortisation method is reviewed on a regular basis and attention is thus paid to whether the method and the duration of amortisation are in compliance with the economic benefit to be acquired from the respective asset. Land and buildings, even if purchased together, are separable fixed assets and thus accounted for separately. No provision is allocated for the amortization of such assets as land and estates whose useful life cannot be determined or, in other words, which have an indefinite useful life. Property, plant and equipment are reviewed for impairment losses whenever events or changes in circumstances indicate that the carrying amount may not be recoverable. In the event that such indications are found, or the carrying amount exceeds the realisable value, such assets are discounted to their realisable values. The realisable value is the higher of the asset’s net selling price or its value in use. During the calculation of the asset value in use, estimated cash flows in the future are discounted to their current value at the discount rate before tax, which reflects the risks particular to the asset in question. The realisable value of assets which do not solely and independently require a substantial volume of cash inflow is calculated for the portion of such assets leading to cash inflow. Related tangible fixed assets are depreciated over their remaining useful economic lives. Depreciation amounts and impairment losses of tangible fixed assets are recorded under general management costs on the income statement. Other operating expenses and those corresponding to the cost of sales and non-operating costs are recorded under non-operating costs. Impairment losses are recorded under expenses from investing activities. As impairment tests carried out by the Holding for assets; “second-hand market values” of some assets, and “depreciated renovation costs” of the assets which don’t have a second-hand market are taken into consideration when their net selling prices are determined. It hasn’t been considered necessary to calculate the values of use of these assets, and no provision of impairment has been allocated for them since their net selling prices are equal to or greater than their net book values. However, for some other assets (e.g. goodwill), the impairment test is carried out by taking their values of use as a basis in the event that it’s impossible to determine their net selling prices. Intangible fixed assets represent rights, rights related with mining investments, research and preparation costs and other intangible asset items. Intangible fixed assets represent rights, research costs and other intangible asset items. Intangible assets which were acquired before January 1, 2005 are recorded at their restated cost as of December 31, 2004. Intangible assets which were acquired after January 1, 2005 are recorded at their cost, less accumulated amortisation and impairment. Intangible fixed assets are amortised principally on a straight-line basis considering expected useful lives from the date of purchase, provided that such periods do not exceed their useful economic lives. Moreover, there is no asset with an indefinite useful life among intangible fixed assets. The depreciation amount for intangible fixed assets is recorded under general management costs and those corresponding to the cost of sales and non-operating costs are recorded under non-operating costs. The profit or loss derived from the disposal of tangible or intangible fixed assets is determined by comparing the net book value and the cost of sales, and is recorded under other operating income and expense account. 140 İHLAS HOLDİNG ANONİM ŞİRKETİ Footnotes to the Consolidated Financial Statements as of December 31, 2013 (All amounts expressed in Turkish Lira (“TL”) unless otherwise stated.) Rights with respect to mining investments included in intangible fixed assets are evaluated over the cost price as per the standard “TFRS 6: Exploration for and Evaluation of Mineral Sources” and amortised according to useful lives taking into account their license period. If obtaining an economic benefit in the future is highly possible, all the rights and expenditure on research and preparation concerning mining investments within intangible fixed assets are capitalised over their cost price and are amortised by taking the economic benefit into consideration, as required by “TFRS 6: Standard Regarding the Exploration for and Evaluation of Mineral Resources”. The rights and expenditure on research and preparation that are written off directly or through amortisation cannot be capitalised afterwards, even if a mineral reserve of a commercial nature is detected as a result of these actions. In the initial accounting of exploration and evaluation assets, expenditures with respect to the acquisition of exploration rights, as well as topographic, geological, geochemical and geophysical studies, exploratory drilling, digging, etc. are included in the cost price. Expenditures with respect to the development of mineral resources are not accounted for as exploration and evaluation assets. Accounting of assets generated as a result of development activities is based on the provisions of “Conceptual Framework on the Principles of Preparing and Presenting Financial Statements” and the standard “TAS 38: Intangible Fixed Assets”. Obligations for removal and restoration arising for a specific period as a result of the undertaking of the exploration for and evaluation of mineral resources are reflected in financial statements according to standard “TAS 37: Provisions, Contingent Liabilities and Contingent Assets”. Assets, debts, incomes and expenses arising from the exploration for and evaluation of mineral sources, as well as information with respect to cash flows originating from operations and investments are presented in the report footnotes. Non-current Assets Classified as Held for Sale and Discontinued Operations Non-current assets are classified as held for sale if their carrying amount is aimed to be recovered principally through a sale transaction rather than through continuing use. These assets may be a component of an entity, a disposal group, or a separate tangible asset. The disposal of non-current assets held for sale is expected to be realized within twelve months following the date of the Balance Sheet. Events or circumstances may extend the period to complete the sale beyond one year. An extension of the period required to complete a sale does not preclude an asset (or disposal group) from being classified as held for sale if the delay is caused by events or circumstances beyond the entity’s control and there is sufficient evidence that the entity remains committed to its plan to sell the asset (or disposal group). A discontinued operation is a component of an entity that either has been disposed of, or is classified as held for sale, and (a) represents a separate major line of business or geographical area of operations, (b) is part of a single co-ordinated plan to dispose of a separate major line of business or geographical area of operations or (c) is a subsidiary acquired exclusively with a view to resale. A non-current asset held for sale is measured at the lower of its residual cost and fair value. The impairment occurring in the event that the fair value is lower than the residual cost is recorded under the consolidated income statement of that period. The Holding associated the financial data related to İhlas Genel Antrepo Nakliyat ve Tic. A.Ş., which was sold in 2014, with the noncurrent assets held for sale (See Note 35). There is no partnership of the Holding with İhlas Net Ltd. Şti. in the current period, and the necessary information is provided in the footnote of discontinued operations. (See Note 35). Impairment of Assets Assets that are subject to amortisation are subjected to impairment test whenever events or changes in circumstances indicate that the carrying amount may not be recoverable. An impairment loss is recognised for the amount by which the asset’s carrying amount exceeds its recoverable amount. The recoverable amount is the higher of an asset’s fair value less the cost to sell and value in use. For the purposes of assessing impairment, assets are grouped at the lowest levels for which there are separately identifiable cash flows (cash-generating units). Non-financial assets that are impaired are reviewed for possible reversal of the impairment at each reporting date. Taxation and Deferred Tax The Holding’s tax expense/income is the sum of its current tax costs/income and deferred tax costs/income. The current year tax liability shall be calculated over the part of profit period subject to taxation. Profit subject to taxation differs from the profit stated in the income statement as it excludes taxable or deductible income and expense items in previous years as well as the non-taxable or non-deductible items. The Holding’s current tax liability was calculated at the legal tax rate, or the rate that shall, with certainty, be valid as of the balance sheet date. İhlas Holding Annual Report 2013 141 İHLAS HOLDİNG ANONİM ŞİRKETİ Footnotes to the Consolidated Financial Statements as of December 31, 2013 (All amounts expressed in Turkish Lira (“TL”) unless otherwise stated.) Current tax payables are settled with taxes paid in advance in the event that they were paid or will be paid to the same tax authority. Deferred tax assets and liabilities are settled in the same manner. Deferred tax is calculated by means of the unit credit method based on temporary differences between the recognised values of deferred tax assets and liabilities stated in consolidated financial statements and their tax values (Balance Sheet method / Balance Sheet liability method). Such differences may be classified into two groups, reducible and taxable. They are recognised as deferred tax assets for all temporary differences in the form of taxable expenses, provided that there is sufficient taxable income to deduct these expenses in future periods. Deferred tax is recorded if the related transaction is not a part of a corporate merger or the debt does not originate from its initial accounting. All temporary differences subject to taxation are accounted for as a deferred tax debt. However, no deferred tax debt is accounted for on temporary differences appearing in the initial accounting of goodwill, or appearing in the initial accounting of any asset or debt, or originating from transactions other than corporate mergers. According to tax legislation, the previous year’s financial losses and tax advantages which were not yet used are accounted for as deferred tax if it is likely to generate taxable income of an amount sufficient to be recorded in subsequent periods. As per tax legislation, the tax rates in effect as of the balance sheet date will be used in the calculation of deferred tax. While the deferred tax liability is calculated for all temporary differences, deferred tax assets arising from deductible temporary differences are calculated, provided that the company is highly likely to benefit from such differences by generating profit subject to taxation in the future (please refer to Note 36). Deferred tax assets and liabilities are mutually set off, provided that they are both subject to the tax legislation of the same country, in the event that there is a legally applicable right with respect to the setting off of current tax assets from current tax liabilities. A total of 75% of the properties recognised in a corporation’s assets for at least two full years, and the revenues it generates from the sale of its shares in its associates, founder’s shares, dividend shares and preferential rights, are exempt from corporate tax. In order to benefit from the tax exemption, such earnings must be held in a fund account under liabilities and not withdrawn for at least 5 years, as well as the fact that the selling price must be collected by the end of the second calendar year following the year in which the sale transaction was completed. Therefore, 25% of the difference related to these assets is considered as temporary differences. Goodwill Purchasing method is used for the recognition of all business mergers. The implementation of the purchase method is applied by adhering to the following steps: a) Identifying the entity that conducts the acquisition, b) Identifying the cost of the business merger, and c) Deploying the cost of the business merger among the assets acquired, the liabilities undertaken and the contingent liabilities on the date of the business merger. Goodwill is the difference between the cost of the acquired partnership, or the acquired assets as of the date of the acquisition, and the fair value of their net assets (or just the asset, for acquired assets). If the price of acquisition is more than the fair value of the acquired net assets, then the difference between these is reflected in the balance sheet as goodwill. If the price of acquisition is less than the fair value of the acquired net assets, then the difference is reflected in the income statement as profit derived from business mergers. According to TFRS 3 “Business Mergers”, a provision of impairment in relation to goodwill is allocated if the goodwill’s recoverable value is less than its book value, and if there are issues that can be considered as an indication of impairment in an asset. Conditions which are considered as an indicator of reduction in the value of an asset include, presence of major changes in the fields of activity of the acquired entity, presence of major changes between the projected estimates made on the acquisition date and the actual results, if the product, service or technology belonging to the acquired entity is outdated or out of use, and the presence of other similar issues indicating that the book value of the asset in question is no longer recoverable. 142 İHLAS HOLDİNG ANONİM ŞİRKETİ Footnotes to the Consolidated Financial Statements as of December 31, 2013 (All amounts expressed in Turkish Lira (“TL”) unless otherwise stated.) Leasing Financial Leasing: Financial leases envisioning the transfer of all risks and benefits related to the ownership of the asset that was leased to the Holding, shall be recognized by reflecting one of the following as a basis, depending on which of the two is the lesser amount: the fair value of the asset subjected to leasing, or the present value of lease payments. Financial lease payments are allocated as capital and finance expenses all through the lease term, so that they would generate a constant periodic rate of interest over the remaining debt balance. Financing expenses are directly reflected in the income statement in periods. Capitalized leased assets are subjected to depreciation over the asset’s estimated useful life. The fair value used in financial leasing is the value of the asset determined between the parties, and used in the acquisition of the asset. The minimum lease payments contain the total liabilities such as capital, interest and taxes. They are accounted with their acquisition values since their current values are not lower than the acquisition values (capital). Operating Lease: The form of leasing in which the lessor party holds all the risks and benefits of the leased asset to themselves is classified as operational leasing. All through the lease term, the operating lease payments are recognized as expenses in the consolidated and comprehensive income statement, using the straight-line method. Provisions for Employee Benefits Provision for employment termination benefits indicates the reduction of the estimated total provisions for possible future liabilities to the value of the balance sheet date for the following conditions or terms: if the employee of the Holding becomes retired in conformity with the “Law on Arrangement of Relationships Between Employees Working In Press and Turkish Labor Law”, or if the employee’s employment relationship is discontinued after completing at least one year of service (at least five years of service for Press employees), if the employee is called to duty for his military service, or in the event of the employee’s death. The actuarial valuation method is used for the reduction of liabilities for employee termination benefits. In order to do this, actuarial assumptions were made. The most important of these is the discount rate used in performing the reduction. The ratio used for discounting the benefit obligations (provisions for employee termination benefits) after the release of the employee is determined by observing market returns regarding high quality corporate bonds on the date of the balance sheet. Due to the lack of a deep market for such bonds, the real interest rate was used by taking the market returns (compound interest rates) of state bonds (on the date of the balance sheet) into consideration. In other words an interest rate (real interest rate) which is net of the effects of inflation is used (Note 22). Within this context, as an institution subject to business law, a provision for severance pay was calculated in accordance with the “International Accounting Standard Regarding Benefits Provided to Employees” (TAS 19), and by using the actuarial method for future liability amounts which may arise if the entire personnel were to become retired, discontinued their working relations after completing a minimum of one year of service, if they were all called to duty for their military service, or in the event of death, the calculated severance pay is recognized in the attached consolidated financial statements. The assumptions used in the calculation of the provision for employment termination benefits are described in Note 22. Provisions, Contingent Assets and Liabilities Provisions are recognized only if the Group has a liability (legal or structural) that has been carried over from the past, if there is a probability that the Group’s benefit generating resources might have to be sold because of this liability, and if the amount of the liability can be determined in a reliable manner. If another party is expected to partially or entirely compensate the expenditure required for fulfilling the obligations of the liability, the related compensation is also included in the financial statements. However, in this scenario, it must be highly probable that if the Group was to fulfill the obligations of the liability, the related compensation would be acquired by the Group. When allocating a provision, one of three methods is applied. The first of these methods is applied when the time value of money is important. When the loss of value encountered by money over time gains importance, provisions are reflected by the reduced value (on the date of the balance sheet) of the expenses likely to occur in the future. When the reduced value is used, the increases that are going to occur in the provisions due to the passage of time are recognized as interest expenses. For the provisions in which the time value of the money is of importance, it is assumed that there are no risks or uncertainties when determining the estimated cash flows. The reduction of these provisions is performed by using the estimated cash flow and the risk free discount rate which is based on similar term government bonds. The second method is the expected value method. This method is applied when the provision is related to a large batch or a large number of incidents. With this method, the liability is estimated by taking all possible results into consideration. Meanwhile, the third method is applied when there is only a single liability or an incident. The application of this method involves reflecting the provision to the financial statements by estimating the most likely outcome. İhlas Holding Annual Report 2013 143 İHLAS HOLDİNG ANONİM ŞİRKETİ Footnotes to the Consolidated Financial Statements as of December 31, 2013 (All amounts expressed in Turkish Lira (“TL”) unless otherwise stated.) If a liability or an asset is of an uncertain nature, they are not included in the financial statements and they are considered as contingent liabilities and assets. Therefore, they are explained in the footnotes. This uncertain nature might be caused by past events, the asset’s or liability’s existence within the structure of the Group might be dependent on a condition over which the Group does not have full control, or it might be dependent on an event in the future which is not certain on the reporting date. (See: Note 21) Provisions for Guarantee Provisions for guarantee are allocated in lieu of maintenance-repair costs incurred by companies for the goods they manufacture and sell, labour and material costs incurred by authorized services within the guarantee period for such goods while charging nothing to their customers, and initial maintenance costs undertaken by companies, as well as estimated levels of possible returns and repairs of such goods in consequent years, products whose turnover was recorded as income in the current year, based on the previous year’s data (See: Note 21). Revenues Revenue occurs when it is probable that an economic benefit is going to be received by an entity and it is recognized when the amount of income can be measured in a reliable manner. Revenues are shown in their net forms, which are obtained after deducting discounts, value added tax and sales taxes. For the formation of a revenue, the following criteria are required to be fulfilled. Sale of Goods Revenue is considered as occurring when the risks and benefits of the goods sold are transferred to the buyer, and when the amount of revenue can be calculated in a reliable manner. Net sales consist of the invoiced selling price, after the deduction of discounts and commissions are performed. Sales of Services: When income from the sale of a service achieves a measurable completion level, it is considered as having occurred. In cases where a gain obtained from an agreement made cannot be measured reliably, the income is accepted by the recoverable amount of the expenses incurred. Interest; Interest income is accrued on a timely basis, by reference to the principal outstanding and at the effective interest rate applicable, which is the rate that exactly discounts estimated future cash receipts through the expected life of the financial asset to that asset’s net carrying amount. The Group’s forward sales interest income arising from trade receivables are recognised in other operating income. Dividends: Dividend income generated from equity investments are recognised as shareholders gain dividend rights. Revenues are measured by the fair value of a fee which is either obtained or will be obtained. If the sales are performed with a maturity, according to the standard “TAS 39 Financial Instruments: Recognition and Measurement”, the difference between the nominal amount of the sales price and the fair value (the discounted value) is recognized as an interest income. In cases where the result of a transaction related to a sale of services can be estimated in a reliable manner, the revenue regarding the transaction is recognized by taking into consideration the completion level of the procedure on the date of the balance sheet. Level of completion regarding the service transaction is determined by using various methods. Depending on the nature of the transaction, the preference made is based on which method provides a reliable measurement. Depending on the nature of the transaction, these methods are as follows: a) investigations related to the work done, b) the ratio of the services to be provided until the date of the balance sheet, to the total of the services provided, and c) the ratio of total costs incurred until the present day within the estimated total costs. Construction Income; The Holding’s partnership subjected to joint management, which has been consolidated according to the equity method, does not have a progress price within its construction activities. Therefore, the provisions of TAS 11 are not applied and income regarding construction activities is measured by the standard TAS 18 “Revenue”. The terms of reflecting sales of goods and services in financial statements are indicated in TAS 18, and the Group’s construction proceeds are reflected in the financial statements in accordance with these terms. For sales that are performed in return for receipt of advance payment, the Group holds the risk until the product has been delivered and invoiced. The Group does not have any revenues until the delivery and invoice time. 144 İHLAS HOLDİNG ANONİM ŞİRKETİ Footnotes to the Consolidated Financial Statements as of December 31, 2013 (All amounts expressed in Turkish Lira (“TL”) unless otherwise stated.) Financing Income/Expenses which have not been Accrued Financing income/expenses which have not been accrued, represent financial income and expenses regarding sales and purchases with terms. During the period of the credit sales and purchases, these revenues and expenses are calculated with the use of the effective interest method and they are shown under the item titled financial income and expenses. Borrowing Costs Borrowing costs that are directly attributable to the acquisition, building or manufacturing of a specific asset are recognised as a part of the cost of the related asset. Other borrowing costs are recognised as expenses in the consolidated income statement in the period they are incurred. Borrowing costs that are directly attributable to the acquisition, construction or production of a qualifying asset are capitalised as part of the cost of that asset. Such borrowing costs are capitalised as part of the cost of the qualifying asset, when it is probable that they will result in future economic benefits to the entity, and the costs can be measured reliably. All other borrowing costs are charged to the income statement when they are incurred. In the following periods, these borrowing costs are presented in the financial statements at a discounted value. The difference between the provided cash entry and the repayment value is written off in the income statement throughout the borrowing period. Earnings Per Share Earnings per share is calculated by dividing the part of the net profit or loss for the period that corresponds with the holders of ordinary shares, by the weighted average number of ordinary shares within the period. The weighted average of the total number of shares in circulation during the period is calculated by also taking the shares (bonus) issued into consideration without causing an increase in the sources. Financial Instruments Recognition and Derecognition of the Financial Instruments: The Group reflects financial assets or financial liabilities in its balance sheet only and only if the Group is defined as a party in the agreement of the financial instrument. The Group removes the financial asset or a portion of the financial asset from its books only and only if the Group cedes control over its contractual rights regarding the assets in question. The Group removes a financial liability from its books, only and only if the Group’s liability as defined in the contract or agreement is eliminated, is cancelled or is subjected to expiry. The fair value of financial instruments: The fair value of a financial instrument represents the amount for which the financial instrument in question can be exchanged between informed and willing parties through a current transaction under circumstances that the amount would not be affected by any relationship between the parties. If applicable, the fair value of a financial instrument is best determined by using a market price. The estimated fair values of financial instruments are determined by the Group through the use of existing market information and the appropriate valuation methods. However, when estimating a fair value, the interpretation of the market data is left to the Group’s decisions. As a result, the estimates presented herein, may not be an indication of the actual values which may be obtained by the Group in a current market transaction. Financial Assets: Financial assets, other than those that are classified as financial assets at fair value through profit and loss, are initially measured at fair value, net of transaction costs, except for those financial assets classified as at fair value through profit or loss, which are initially measured at fair value. Investments are recognised and derecognised on a trade date, where the purchase or sale of an investment under a contract, whose terms require delivery of the investment within the timeframe established by the market concerned. Other financial assets are classified into the following specified categories: “financial assets at fair value through profit or loss”, “held-tomaturity investments”, “available for sale financial investments”, and “loans and receivables”. The classification depends on the nature and purpose of the financial assets and is determined at the time of initial recognition. Effective interest method Effective interest method is a method of calculating the amortised cost of a financial asset and of allocating interest income over the relevant period. The effective interest rate is the rate that exactly discounts estimated future cash receipts through the expected life of the financial asset, or, where appropriate, a shorter period. Income is recognised on an effective interest basis for the financial assets classified as held-to-maturity investments, held-for-sale financial assets and loans and receivables. İhlas Holding Annual Report 2013 145 İHLAS HOLDİNG ANONİM ŞİRKETİ Footnotes to the Consolidated Financial Statements as of December 31, 2013 (All amounts expressed in Turkish Lira (“TL”) unless otherwise stated.) Financial Assets Available for Sale Equity securities and long term marketable securities held by the entities are classified as financial assets available for sale, and such assets are measured at their fair value. Equity instruments that do not have a quoted market price in active markets, and whose fair value cannot be measured reliably, are carried at cost less accumulated provision for impairments. Except for the impairment losses, interest income calculated by the effective interest method, and foreign exchange gains or losses, profits or losses arising from the changes in fair values are recognised directly in the investment revaluation reserve in the equity. In the event that the investment is disposed of, or permanently impaired, the total profits or losses, which previously were recognised in the investment revaluation reserve, are then transferred to the period income. Dividends associated with equity instruments available for sale are recognised in the other comprehensive income statement, after the entity is entitled to receive the related payments. Receivables Trade and other receivables are initially recorded at fair value. In subsequent periods, they are measured at amortised cost using the effective interest method. Impairment of financial assets Financial assets, other than those at fair value through profit or loss, are subjected to assessment as to whether there are indicators of impairment of a financial asset, or a group of financial assets, at each Balance Sheet date. Financial assets are impaired where there is objective evidence that as a result of one or more events that occurred after the initial recognition of the financial asset, the estimated future cash flows of the investment have been adversely impacted. For the receivables, the amount of the impairment is the difference between the asset’s carrying amount and the present value of estimated future cash flows, discounted at the original effective interest rate. The carrying amount of the financial asset is reduced by the impairment loss directly for all financial assets, with the exception of trade receivables where the carrying amount is reduced through the use of an allowance account. When a trade receivable is uncollectible, it is written off against the allowance account. The changes in the allowance account are recognised in other comprehensive income. With the exception of available for sale equity instruments, if, in a subsequent period the amount of the impairment loss decreases and the decrease can be associated objectively to an event occurring after the impairment was recognised, the previously recognised impairment loss is reversed through profit or loss to the extent the carrying amount of the investment at the date the impairment is reversed does not exceed what the amortised cost would have been had the impairment not been recognised. In respect of available for sale equity securities, any increase in fair value subsequent to an impairment loss is recognised directly in other comprehensive income. The fair values of the foreign currency denominated balances, which are converted at period end exchange rates, are considered to approximate their carrying values. Since the fair values of the financial assets, including the cash, bank and bank deposits, which are recognised at their cost values, have short term maturities and negligible losses in receivables, they are considered to approximate their carrying values. Foreign exchange income/ losses, arising from the valuation of the foreign currency balances included in the cash and demand deposits, are reported in financial income/ expenses. Term deposit (restricted and unrestricted) amount is measured by the effective interest method. The fair value of investment securities were estimated based on market prices at the Balance Sheet date. Trade receivables are measured by the effective interest method. 146 İHLAS HOLDİNG ANONİM ŞİRKETİ Footnotes to the Consolidated Financial Statements as of December 31, 2013 (All amounts expressed in Turkish Lira (“TL”) unless otherwise stated.) Financial Liabilities; The Group’s financial liabilities and equity instruments are classified in accordance with the contractual arrangements and recognition principles of a financial liability and equity instrument. An equity instrument is any contract that evidences a residual interest in the assets of the Holding after deducting all of its liabilities. The significant accounting policies for certain financial liabilities and equity instruments are described below. Financial liabilities are classified as either financial liabilities at fair value through profit and loss or other financial liabilities. Other financial liabilities, including bank borrowings, are initially measured at fair value, net of transaction costs. Other financial liabilities are subsequently measured at amortised cost using the effective interest method, with interest expense recognised on an effective yield basis. The effective interest method is a method of calculating the amortised cost of a financial liability and of allocating interest expense over the relevant period. The effective interest rate; is the rate that exactly discounts estimated future cash receipts through the expected life of the financial asset, or, where appropriate, a shorter period. Short-term and Long-term bank loans are presented with their amortized cost values. Long-term loans with foreign currencies as their currency unit are exchanged by using the foreign exchange rates available at the end of the respective periods. In the event the Group is planning or preferring to refinance or rotate its financial liability within at least twelve months after the reporting period, this liability is classified as a long-term liability, even if the new payment program is short-termed. However, if the refinancing or the rotation of the liability is not subject to the Group’s preference or choice (for example, if a refinancing agreement is not present), the probability of a refinancing is not taken into consideration and the liability is classified as a short-term liability. Trade payables and financial liabilities are measured by the effective interest method. Impairment in Financial Instruments At the end of each reporting period, the existence of any indicators that a financial asset, or group of similar financial assets, measured at cost or amortized cost may be impaired should be assessed. If such an indicator exists, an impairment loss is evaluated. It may not be possible to determine a unique and separate event that causes impairment. Sometimes there may be more than one reason. (Please refer to Note 39-e). Derivative financial instruments and hedge accounting Derivative financial instruments are initially measured in the Balance Sheet at cost value and are subsequently re-measured at their fair value. The method of calculating the profit or loss arising as a result of the transaction depends on the features of the item being hedged. Changes in the fair values of the derivative financial instruments, which are considered as an effective cash flow hedge, are recognised as hedge fund in the equity. If a hedged commitment or possible future transaction becomes an asset or liability, the profits or losses regarding these transactions, which are recognised in the equity, are then transferred from these items to the initial cost or carrying amount of this asset or liability. The profit or losses included in the initial cost or carrying amount of the hedged instrument are recognised in the comprehensive income statement if they affect the net profit / loss. Hedge accounting is discontinued when the hedging instrument expires or is sold, terminated, or exercised, or no longer qualifies for hedge accounting. At that time, for forecast transactions, any cumulative gain or loss on the hedging instrument recognised in equity is retained in equity until the forecasted transaction occurs. If a hedged transaction is no longer expected to occur, the net cumulative gain or loss recognised in equity is transferred to profit or loss for the period. The Holding does not have any derivative instruments as of the end of the period. İhlas Holding Annual Report 2013 147 İHLAS HOLDİNG ANONİM ŞİRKETİ Footnotes to the Consolidated Financial Statements as of December 31, 2013 (All amounts expressed in Turkish Lira (“TL”) unless otherwise stated.) Financial Risk Management Collection Risk A collection risk might be an issue for the Holding, due to the Group’s trade receivables in general. Trade receivables are evaluated by the Group management in light of market conditions and by taking past experiences into consideration. After this evaluation, a provision for doubtful receivables is allocated accordingly. A provision is allocated for doubtful receivables which will occur until the date of the report (Note 39). Foreign Currency Risk Foreign currency risk occurs due to changes in the value of a financial instrument which depend on changes in foreign The balances of the Holding’s transactions in foreign currencies resulting from its operating, investment and financial activities, as of the date of the report, are described in Note 39. A foreign currency risk arises when TL currency loses value against foreign currencies. (Please refer to Note 39). Liquidity Risk The liquidity risk refers to the risk of encountering difficulties in providing funds to fulfil an entity’s commitments regarding its financial instruments. The Holding has been managing its liquidity risk by balancing the distribution of its assets and liabilities over time. (See: Note 39). Effects of Changes in Foreign Exchange Rate The functional currency of the Holding is Turkish Lira (“TL”). The Holding uses the exchange rates prevailing at the dates of the transactions during the initial recognition of the foreign currency (other than the functional currency of the relevant entity) transactions in the functional currency. Foreign currency denominated monetary assets and liabilities are measured at the exchange rates prevailing at the Balance Sheet date, and the resulting exchange losses or gains are recognised in other comprehensive income in the relevant period. All monetary assets and liabilities were translated at period end exchange rates and these foreign exchange differences were recognised in other comprehensive income. Foreign currency denominated non-monetary items, measured at cost value, are translated into the functional currency using the exchange rates at the initial transaction date. Foreign currency denominated non-monetary items measured at fair value are translated into the functional currency using the exchange rates prevailing at the date of fair value determination. Dividends Dividend receivables are recognised as revenue in the period in which they are declared. Dividend payables are recognised in consolidated financial statements as a liability in the period in which they are declared as a part of profit distribution. Paid-in Capital Ordinary shares are categorised under shareholder equity. Costs related to the issue of new shares are deducted from the amount collected from such issuance with the tax impact reduced accordingly, and are recognised under shareholder equity. Share Premiums Share premiums represent the difference occurring as a result of the sale of shares held by associates owned by the Holding, or the Group’s investments assessed with the equity method at a price higher than their nominal value, or as a result of the difference between the nominal and fair values of shares issued by the Holding in respect of the companies it acquires. Subsequent Events Subsequent events refer to all events taking place in favour of or against the enterprise between the balance sheet date and the date when the balance sheet was authorized for publication. As per the provisions set forth in “IAS 10: Events After the Reporting Period” standard, in the event that new evidence appears in respect of the presence of such events as of the balance sheet date, or such events occur subsequent to the balance sheet date, and if such events require a correction in financial statements, the Holding makes the necessary corrections to the consolidated financial statements. However, if such events do not require any correction in the consolidated financial statements, they are disclosed in the accompanying notes (please refer to Note 41). Government grants and incentives Government grants and incentives are recognised at fair value when there is assurance that these grants and incentives will be received, and the Holding has met all the requisite conditions. Government grants and incentives regarding the costs are recognised as income on a consistent basis during the periods matching with the costs they meet. 148 İHLAS HOLDİNG ANONİM ŞİRKETİ Footnotes to the Consolidated Financial Statements as of December 31, 2013 (All amounts expressed in Turkish Lira (“TL”) unless otherwise stated.) Statement of Cash Flows In terms of a cash flow statement, cash consists of the cash within the entity and the demand deposits of the entity. Whereas cash equivalents stand for investments which have an amount that can be easily converted into a certain amount of cash, these are Shortterm investments with high liquidity and the risk derived from changes occurring in their conversion is insignificant. Cash equivalents are assets that are retained for Short-term cash liabilities and they are not used for investment purposes or other similar purposes. In order to consider an asset as a cash equivalent, it must be easily converted to a cash amount with a precisely detectable value, and it is essential that the risk of changes in its value should be insignificant. Accordingly, investments with a maturity of 3 months or less are considered as cash equivalent investments. Investments done on marketable securities which represent the shareholder equity are not considered to be cash equivalents, unless they are fundamentally cash equivalents to begin with (for example, preferential stock shares which have a certain date of amortization written on them and which are acquired in a short period of time before their maturities). The Group prepares its cash flow statements in order to inform the financial statement users about its ability to orient changes in its net assets, its financial structure, the amount of its cash flows and the timing of its cash flows, in accordance with changing conditions. In the cash flow statement, the cash flow for the period is reported according to the classification made on the basis of its business, investment and financing activities. Cash flows derived from operating activities, represent the cash flows which are derived from issues included in the Group’s field of activity. Cash flows related to investment activities indicate the cash flows obtained by the Group through the investing activities (fixed investments and financial investments). Cash flows related to financing activities indicate the sources used by the Group in its financing activities, and the reimbursement of these sources. Reporting According to Operation Departments Within the structure of an entity, an operation department can be defined as follows: (a) An operation department is engaged in the business activities from which the entity is able to obtain revenues and perform payments (including revenues and expenses related to transactions performed with other parts of the same entity), (b) An operation department is reviewed on a regular basis by the authority assigned by the entity, who is authorized to make decisions in the related activities. The purpose of this review is decision making regarding the resources to be provided for the department, evaluating the operating results and assessing the performance of the department, and (c) An operation department represents a part of an entity with separate financial information. Reportable Departments: The Holding reports the following information regarding each and every operation department with a separate report: - Those determined as in compliance with the above mentioned paragraphs (paragraphs a, b and c) or the results obtained from combining two or more related departments together, and - Those exceeding the threshold values presented in the following article consisting of the numerical lower limits, are reported separately. Criteria for combining: The Holding may combine two or more than two segments into just one segment if the following is similar for each of them: 1) Nature of products and services offered, 2) Type or class of customers for products and services offered, and 3) Methods they use to deliver products and or render services. In line with this, the Holding combined operations of those companies that bear the above-mentioned similarities in reporting by operating segment, which is presented in Note 5. Numerical Lower Limits: The Holding prepares a separate report containing information about an operation department that meets any of the following numerical lower limits: (a) If the reported revenues obtained by the operation department, including sales to non-business customers and interdepartmental sales or transfers, constitute 10 percent or more of the total values of all operation departments, both inside the entity and outside the entity, (b) If the absolute amount of the profit or loss reported by an operation department is 10 percent or more than the absolute figures of the profit report prepared by combining all of the operation departments that have not declared a loss, or 10 percent or more than the absolute figures of the loss report prepared by combining all of the operation departments that have declared a loss, (c) If the assets of an operation department is 10 percent or more than the total assets of all the operation departments. İhlas Holding Annual Report 2013 149 İHLAS HOLDİNG ANONİM ŞİRKETİ Footnotes to the Consolidated Financial Statements as of December 31, 2013 (All amounts expressed in Turkish Lira (“TL”) unless otherwise stated.) The reportable segments are determined based on the activities of the Group with its subsidiaries, affiliate companies and business partnerships, in which each company and the revenue and expenditures can be determined separately. Since each of the companies within the context of the consolidation is considered as reportable activity segments by the Group, the report in Note 5 was prepared in accordance with this criterion. The acquisition-sales of goods and services between these companies are generally performed in compliance with the market values. Group Accounting a) Consolidated financial statements include the accounts of the parent company, İhlas Holding A.Ş. and its subsidiaries (collectively referred to as the “Group”). The financial statements of the companies included in the scope of consolidation have been prepared as of the date of the consolidated financial statements, and are based on statutory records maintained under the historical cost convention and in accordance with TFRS standards, and apply uniform accounting policies and presentation. The results of the operations of the subsidiaries and associated companies are included or excluded in these consolidated financial statements subsequent to the date of acquisition or the date of sale, respectively. b) The consolidated financial statements of the Group represent the companies in which the Group literally has the authority and the power to control financial and operating policies in line with the Group’s interests, either by using the authority granted by the Group’s voting rights derived from the shares which belong to the Group either directly and/or indirectly if they exceed a 50% ratio, or by using the Group’s active control on the companies’ financial and operating policies if the Group does not have the authority to use more than 50% of the voting rights. The Subsidiary Companies included in the consolidation as of the date of the balance sheet and their percentages of Effective shares are given in the following table: Consolidated Subsidiary Companies İhlas Gazetecilik A.Ş.(*) İhlas Ev Aletleri İmalat San. Tic. A.Ş.(*) İhlas Pazarlama A.Ş. İhlas Haber Ajansı A.Ş. İhlas Yayın Holding A.Ş. İhlas Madencilik A.Ş.(*) Kuzuluk Kapl. İnş. Tur. Sağ. Petr. Ür. Tic. A.Ş. İhlas Net A.Ş. İhlas Motor A.Ş. TGRT Haber TV A.Ş. TGRT Dijital TV Hizmetleri A.Ş. Bisan Bisiklet Moped Oto. San. Tic. A.Ş. Bisiklet Pazarlama ve Tic. A.Ş. İletişim Magazin Gazt. Yayın San. ve Tic. A.Ş. İhlas Yapı Turizm ve Sağlık A.Ş. Cyprus Office İhlas Medya Planlama ve Satınalma Hiz. Ltd.Şti. Mir Maden İşletmeciliği Enerji ve Kimya San. Tic. Ltd. Şti.(*) İhlas Gelişim Yayıncılık A.Ş. İhlas Fuar Hizmetleri A.Ş. Detes Enerji Üretim A.Ş.(*) Armutlu Tatil ve Turizm İşletmeleri A.Ş. İhlas Holding A.Ş. - İhlas Yapı Turizm ve Sağlık A.Ş. Joint Venture 3 İhlas Holding A.Ş.- İhlas Yayın Holding A.Ş. ve İhlas Pazarlama A.Ş. Joint Venture Kristal Kola ve Meşrubat San. Tic. A.Ş.(*) Kristal Gıda Dağıtım Pazarlama ve Ticaret A.Ş. İhlas Meşrubat Ür. ve Paz. A.Ş.(*) İhlas İnşaat Holding A.Ş. İhlas Pazarlama Yatırım Holding A.Ş. İhlas İnşaat Proje Taahhüt Turizm ve Tic. A.Ş. Dijital Varlıklar Görsel Medya ve İnternet Hiz. Ltd. Şti. (Former Title: Alternatif Medya Görsel İletişim Sis. Ltd Şti. ) Şifa Yemek ve Gıda Üretim Tesisleri Tic. A.Ş. KPT Lojistik Taşımacılık Tur. Rek. Paz. İç ve Dış Tic. A.Ş. İhlas İletişim Hizmetleri A.Ş. Effective Shares% 46.25 24.49 98.77 75.83 69.10 29.21 91.68 99.87 89.42 68.38 68.90 94.51 94.63 56.04 93.12 100.00 69.69 38.02 58.04 53.40 24.45 90.90 93.81 85.54 38.36 61.24 37.81 94.69 96.26 89.96 69.20 91.45 91.45 58.76 Although İhlas Holding holds a stake of less than 50% in this company, the Group actively holds the authority and power to exercise actual dominant influence over the financial and operating policies of the companies in question to the full consolidation, according to the Group’s own interests. The Group’s authority and power to control arises from its right to select the qualified majority of the Board of Directors of these companies thanks to its preferred shares. (*) 150 İHLAS HOLDİNG ANONİM ŞİRKETİ Footnotes to the Consolidated Financial Statements as of December 31, 2013 (All amounts expressed in Turkish Lira (“TL”) unless otherwise stated.) The balance sheets and income statements of the subsidiaries are fully consolidated on a line-by-line basis and the carrying value of the investment held by the Holding and its subsidiaries is eliminated against the related shareholder equity. The Group considers the purchase and acquisition transactions of the minority shares of the subsidiaries currently controlled by the Group as the use of the parent entity extension method. In additional purchase and acquisition transactions of shares outside the parent entity, the difference between the acquisition cost and the book value of the net assets at the acquired rate of the partnership is accounted for as equity. In other words, changes occurring with no loss of control, despite the change in the ownership ratio of a parent entity in its partnership, are accounted for as equity transactions. Inter-company transactions and balances between the Holding and its subsidiaries are eliminated upon consolidation. The cost of, and the dividends arising from, shares held by the Holding in its subsidiaries are eliminated from shareholder equity and income for the year, respectively. The financial statements of those subsidiaries whose financial position at the balance sheet date and the result of operations ending on the same date are deemed to be insignificant in the overall consolidated financial statements are not consolidated on the grounds of immateriality. Such subsidiaries are classified as financial assets in these consolidated financial statements (See: Note 7) c) In the event that the Group holds between 20% and 50% of the voting rights of an entity, in which direct or indirect investment is made, it is accepted that there is a significant impact in the aforementioned transaction and the invested entity is considered as a subsidiary, unless the opposite can be stated. Investments in the subsidiaries are consolidated through the equity method. According to the equity method, the subsidiary investment is initially recorded with the acquisition cost. After the date of acquisition, the book value of the investment is increased or decreased in order to reflect the share of the investor in the profit or loss of the invested subsidiary in the financial statements. The share of the investor in the profit or loss of the invested subsidiary is accounted for as the profit or loss of the investor. Also, the goodwill relating to the subsidiary is included in the book value of the subsidiary investment. Joint ventures are the companies controlled by the Group and one or more entrepreneur partners in which an economic activity is undertaken with a contract. The Group used the equity method in the consolidation of the joint venture. In the equity method, the joint venture is recorded in the consolidated Balance Sheet with the addition of the changes after the purchase of the Group’s share in the net assets of the joint venture and the deduction of the provision for a possible impairment from the costs. The consolidated other comprehensive income statement reflects the share of the Group in the operating results of the joint venture. d) The marketable voting securities which are owned up to 20% by the Group are classified as financial assets ready for sale, and recognised as required by standard TAS 39. These assets are valued at their fair values if possible, otherwise at their cost values. (See: Note 7) E. Significant Accounting Assessments, Estimates and Assumptions Preparation of financial statements involves the amounts of assets and liabilities reported as of the date of the balance sheet, the disclosure of contingent assets and liabilities and the use of estimates and assumptions which may have an affect over the amounts of income and expenses that are reported throughout the accounting period. Accounting assessments, estimates and assumptions are continuously evaluated by taking reasonable expectations into account. These reasonable accounts involve past experience, other factors and future events based on conditions of the present day. Although these estimates and assumptions are based on the management’s best information regarding current events and transactions, the actual results may vary from the assumptions. İhlas Holding Annual Report 2013 151 İHLAS HOLDİNG ANONİM ŞİRKETİ Footnotes to the Consolidated Financial Statements as of December 31, 2013 (All amounts expressed in Turkish Lira (“TL”) unless otherwise stated.) The important estimates and assumptions used by the Group while preparing its consolidated financial statements are included in the following footnotes: Note 2/D Note 36/B Note 21 Note 22 Note 2/D,17,18,19 Note 7 and 39/E Note 10 and 39/E Note 13 Determination of fair values Deferred tax assets and liabilities Provisions for litigation and other liabilities Provision for employee termination benefits Useful lives and provisions for impairment of investment purpose real estate properties, tangible and intangible fixed assets Provision for impairment of financial investments Provision for impairment of trade receivables Provision for impairment of inventories The descriptions provided below include assumptions regarding the upcoming period which carry a particular risk that may lead to significant alterations on the assets and liabilities of the balance sheet in the next reporting period. The descriptions also include the sources of uncertainty in the calculations. a) Within the framework of the established accounting policies, The Holding annually tests goodwill carrying amounts for impairment in case the circumstances indicate impairment. The goodwill is tested for impairment by comparing the carrying amount with the recoverable amount. The recoverable amount is determined based on value in use calculations. (See: Note 19) b) Deferred taxes are recognized in the books only in the event of a detection indicating the probability of a taxable income in the years to come. If a taxable income is considered to be probable, the calculation regarding deferred tax assets is based on the unused accumulated losses and all deductible temporary differences. (See: Note 36) The Holding has reviewed the transferred tax losses as of December 31, 2013. c) The management has also used some assumptions and projections during the determination of useful lives, determining the provision for doubtful receivables (See: Note 10 and 39), the calculation of provisions for litigations (See: Note 22 - 23), and the calculation of the provision for employment termination benefits (See: Note 22). Note 3 - Business Mergers Current Period: It was decided by the Board of Directors’ resolution dated December 18, 2013 to incorporate Promaş Profesyonel Medya Reklam ve Film Hizm. A.Ş. into İhlas Medya Planlama ve Satınalma Hiz. Ltd.Şti., by taking over all of its assets and liabilities in their entirety, in accordance with the provisions of Article 451 of the Turkish Commercial Code No. 6762, Articles 19 and 20 of the Corporate Income Tax Law No. 5520. No goodwill was derived since the aforementioned merger was completed between the companies included in the consolidation. Previous Period: It was decided by the Shareholders’ Assembly resolution, dated May 21, 2012, to incorporate Mir İç ve Dış Tic. Maden San. Ltd. Şti. into İhlas Kimya Ltd. Şti., which was included in the financial assets available-for-sale in the current period, by taking over all of its assets and liabilities in their entirety, in accordance with the provisions of Article 451 of the Turkish Commercial Code No. 6762, Articles 19 and 20 of the Corporate Income Tax Law No. 5520, and to change the name of İhlas Kimya Ltd. Şti to “Mir Maden İşletmeciliği Enerji ve Kimya San. Tic. Ltd. Şti.” 152 İHLAS HOLDİNG ANONİM ŞİRKETİ Footnotes to the Consolidated Financial Statements as of December 31, 2013 (All amounts expressed in Turkish Lira (“TL”) unless otherwise stated.) There was no goodwill since this merger was not an acquisition and the fair values of the definable assets and liabilities derived from the merger are as follows: Cash and Cash Equivalents Other current assets Tangible fixed assets Intangible fixed assets Trade payables (short-term) Payables to Related Parties (Short-term) Other payables Other Short-term and Long-term liabilities Fair Value of the Assets and Liabilities Derived from Merger, Net 52,181 117,958 13,237 2 (1,743,589) (1,175,416) (24,874) (234,247) (2,994,748) In the meeting of the Board of Directors of the Holding held on July 4, 2012, it was decided to sell its shares in Kuzuluk Kaplıca İnşaat Turizm Sağlık ve Petrol Ürünleri Ticaret A.Ş., one of the Group companies, to İhlas İnşaat Holding A.Ş., one of the Group companies, with a nominal value of TL 2,600,000, out of its total shares with a nominal value of TL 2,800,000, for TL 3,127,500 over TL 16,840,202 which is the total value of the company stated in the measurement report prepared by an independent audit firm. Again, in the meeting of the Board of Directors of İhlas Pazarlama A.Ş. held on July 4, 2012, it was decided to sell its shares in Kuzuluk Kaplıca İnşaat Turizm Sağlık ve Petrol Ürünleri Ticaret A.Ş., one of the Group companies, to Armutlu Tatil ve Turizm İşletmeleri A.Ş., one of the Group companies, which have a nominal value of TL 2,791,320, corresponding to 19.94% of the total capital of TL 3,357,000 over TL 16,840,202 which is the total value of the company stated in the measurement report prepared by an independent audit firm. No goodwill was derived since the aforementioned acquisition was performed between companies included in the consolidation. In the meeting of the Board of Directors of İhlas Yayın Holding A.Ş, one of the Group companies, held on January 23, 2012, it was decided to purchase the total shares of İhlas Pazarlama A.Ş., one of the Group companies in İhlas Haber A.Ş., which have a nominal value of TL 3,500,000, corresponding to 25% of the total capital for TL 22,625,000 over TL 90,556,326 which is the total value of the company stated in the measurement report prepared by an independent audit firm. No goodwill was derived since the aforementioned acquisition was performed between companies included in the consolidation. Transactions with the partners recorded in equities: The transactions with the partners recorded in equities are not in the context of the Standard TFRS 3 “Business Mergers”, and the aforementioned transactions are explained in detail in Note 27. Note 4 - Shares in Other Entities The details of the subsidiaries valued by equity method, which are presented as the Group’s interests in other entities, are disclosed in Note 16. 784,399,940 95,634,420 398,499,647 (3,199,757) (3,219,087) 19,330 172,247,247 (149,238,264) 23,008,983 (49,771,057) 21,411,222 (10,685,675) (16,036,527) 12,817,440 - Media 82,716,044 143,543,685 7,659,388 7,297,685 361,703 103,862,252 (86,991,752) 16,870,500 (7,454,775) 4,070,473 (6,196,335) 7,289,863 7,822 - 92,627,480 164,157,309 (10,684,808) (6,757,116) (3,927,692) 54,929,589 (49,849,242) 5,080,347 (12,068,689) 5,960,787 (6,219,185) (7,246,740) 543,365 (53,741) Motorized non-motorized Beverages vehicles 295,555,789 337,205,772 (72,975,435) (33,531,293) (39,444,142) 119,119,369 (80,055,341) 39,064,028 (60,842,746) 36,948,028 (4,666,507) 10,502,803 49,664,505 (93,698,601) Other (*) (421,242,491) (421,242,491) - - (218,439,052) 201,874,148 (16,564,904) 23,235,703 (6,786,045) 115,246 - Intra - group Eliminations 1,881,813,865 2,703,205,346 (211,107,295) (37,261,443) (173,845,852) 1,008,231,494 (847,477,283) 160,754,211 (236,189,738) 128,467,621 (71,026,549) (17,994,455) 74,523,888 (93,790,876) The Group (*) TL 119,119,369 of total sales revenues reported as ‘other’ in the current period, TL 39,768,218 was generated from medical activities (hospital, etc.), TL 23,793,278 from educationrelated activities, TL 22,641,457 from tourism and hotel management activities, TL 9,800,859 from catering activities, TL 8,926,507 from logistics activities, TL 4,078,903 from fair organisation activities, TL 3,887,387 from IT operations, TL 797,492 from mining activities, and the remaining TL 5,425,268 from other activities. 952,122,683 Total Liabilities (209,677,325) 77,770,642 1,094,771,723 (79,657,800) (130,019,525) 78,606,168 (835,526) 986,269,701 364,909,923 (370,753,953) (5,844,030) (110,344,038) 64,999,000 (39,959,488) (91,148,556) 11,490,756 - Marketing 411,602,166 (312,462,879) 99,139,287 (18,944,136) 1,864,156 (3,414,605) 78,644,702 (38,534) Total assets Revenues Sales Revenues (-) Gross Profit / Loss Operating Expenses Other Incomes from Main Operations Other Operating Expenses (-) Operating Profit / (Loss) Income from Investing Activities Expenses from Investing Activities (-) Operating Profit / (Loss) Before Financial Expense Financial Incomes / Expenses,net Profit / (Loss) Before Tax from Continuing Operations Construction a) Within the structure of an entity, an operation department can be defined as follows: For the period January 01 - December 31, 2013: Note 5 - Reporting According to Departments (All amounts expressed in Turkish Lira (“TL”) unless otherwise stated.) Footnotes to the Consolidated Financial Statements as of December 31, 2013 İHLAS HOLDİNG ANONİM ŞİRKETİ İhlas Holding Annual Report 2013 153 (17,244,008) (120,702,328) 1,153,361,667 Total assets 78,568,311 779,017,483 748,192,696 36,280,393 35,950,912 329,481 - 156,390,233 (119,802,210) 36,588,023 (2,144,819) 2,023,077 (520,492) 35,945,789 5,123 - Construction 60,369,266 113,803,926 (3,787,459) (3,815,866) 28,407 - 53,907,404 (49,093,169) 4,814,235 (6,683,621) 1,754,109 (3,868,265) (3,983,542) 167,676 - 70,958,173 153,939,343 3,225,175 6,525,095 (3,299,920) - 52,295,294 (41,105,974) 11,189,320 (9,059,658) 9,101,850 (4,721,645) 6,509,867 15,228 - non-motorized Beverages vehicles 86,239,772 297,367,902 68,763,715 67,656,361 1,107,354 420,291 102,434,307 (68,181,771) 34,252,536 (56,058,075) 25,054,470 (12,024,631) (8,775,700) 82,208,568 (6,196,798) Other(*) (342,629,670) (343,002,022) (372,351) (372,351) - - (186,893,549) 171,764,335 (15,129,214) 20,595,924 (17,539,112) 11,700,051 (372,351) - Motorized Intra - group Eliminations 1,422,699,927 2,492,839,995 (33,836,863) 68,450,509 (102,287,372) 420,291 651,897,908 (544,406,061) 107,491,847 (123,957,260) 66,555,391 (47,117,390) 2,972,588 86,677,489 (21,619,859) The Group b) Reporting according to geographical region The majority of investments and projects are handled in Turkey. Therefore, no geographical based report has been prepared. (*) TL 102,434,307 of total sales revenues reported as ‘other’ in the current period, TL 34,949,486 was generated from medical activities (hospital, etc.), TL 22,822,067 from tourism and hotel management activities, TL 20,541,413 from education-related activities, TL 9,534,070 from catering activities, TL 7,426,775 from logistics activities, TL 2,030,356 from fair organisation activities, TL 929,089 from IT operations, TL 751,027 from mining activities, and the remaining TL 3,450,024 from other activities. 690,176,592 (15,916,296) (1,327,712) (21,577,346) (99,124,982) Total Liabilities - - 369,176,483 157,320,157 (133,613,557) 23,706,600 (42,696,497) 14,032,830 (11,212,054) (16,169,121) 252,825 - 316,444,062 (304,373,715) 12,070,347 (27,910,514) 32,128,167 (26,470,354) (10,182,354) 4,028,069 (15,423,061) Media Revenues Sales Revenues (-) Gross Profit / Loss Operating Expenses Other Incomes from Main Operations Other Operating Expenses (-) Operating Profit / (Loss) Income from Investing Activities Expenses from Investing Activities (-) Shares of Investments Valued by Equity Method in Profit / (Loss) Operating Profit / (Loss) Before Financial Expense Financial Incomes / Expenses,net Profit / (Loss) Before Tax from Continuing Operations Marketing For the period January 01 - December 31, 2012: (All amounts expressed in Turkish Lira (“TL”) unless otherwise stated.) Footnotes to the Consolidated Financial Statements as of December 31, 2013 İHLAS HOLDİNG ANONİM ŞİRKETİ 154 İhlas Holding Annual Report 2013 155 İHLAS HOLDİNG ANONİM ŞİRKETİ Footnotes to the Consolidated Financial Statements as of December 31, 2013 (All amounts expressed in Turkish Lira (“TL”) unless otherwise stated.) Note 6 - Cash and Cash Equivalents 31.12.2013 3,264,902 166,153,815 21,488,633 1,670,746 142,994,436 458,701 35,814,276 35,807,656 6,620 1,257,042 206,948,736 Cash Banks Demand Deposits Unrestricted term deposit Restricted term deposits(*) Cheques Due Date of Balance Sheet Financial Assest Type B Liquid Funds Repo Other Cash Equivalents Total (*) 31.12.2012 2,921,974 83,254,693 25,456,363 1,745,620 56,052,710 818,122 9,538,341 9,267,532 270,809 1,056,975 97,590,105 Information regarding restricted term deposits is explained in detail in Note 21. The interest rate for the term deposits in TL is between 5% and 9.4% (31.12.2012: 6.50% - 10%). Interest rate for blocked deposits in USD is 3.35% (31.12.2012: None). Note 7 - Financial Investments Financial assets whose fair value differences are recognised in the profit / loss statement Stocks Provisions for Stock Value Appreciation (+) / Impairment (-) Banks Restricted time deposits with maturity of more than 3 months(*) Unrestricted deposits with maturity over three months Short Term Financial Investments (*) 31.12.2013 31.12.2012 4,756,000 8,095,522 (3,339,522) 159,178,868 159,178,868 163,934,868 188,448,009 160,022,514 28,425,495 164,194,307 162,276,879 1,917,428 352,642,316 Information regarding restricted term deposits is explained in detail in Note 21. Interest rates for blocked deposits in TL are between 5.3% and 7.9% (31.12.2012: 6.75% and 10.13%). Interest rates for blocked deposits in USD are between 2.7% and 3.1% (31.12.2012: 3.35% and 3.5%). Long-Term Financial Investments Current Period Financial Assets That Are Ready For Sale A- Non-consolidated Subsidiaries İhlas Dış Ticaret A.Ş. (İhlas Dış Ticaret) In liquidation İhlas Finans Kurumu A.Ş. (İFK) In liquidation Kia İhlas Motor San. ve Tic. A.Ş. (Kia) İhlas Holding A.Ş. - Belbeton Beton Elemanları San. Ür. ve Tic. A.Ş. - Ulubol İnşaat Harfiyat Gıda Tur. San. ve Tic. Ltd. Şti. Ordinary Partnership (Ordinary Partnership) İhlas Mining Ltd. Şti. (Mining)(*) B- Non-consolidated Participations In liquidation İhlas Oxford Mortgage İnş. ve Tic. A.Ş. (Mortgage) C- Long-term Marketable Securities Doğu Yatırım Holding A.Ş. Swiss PB AG Total Effective Share% Amount of Participation Capital Commitments Provision for Impairment of Inventory Net Value 88.89 55.25 53.00 1,800,000 5,537,061 2,067,000 (2,067,000) (1,800,000) (5,537,061) - - 51.00 26.29 51,000 328,185 (51,000) - 48.00 72,000 - 1.43 0.43 12,500 726,365 10,594,111 (12,500) (2,130,500) (144,576) 183,609 (72,000) - - 726,365 (7,553,637) 909,974 156 İHLAS HOLDİNG ANONİM ŞİRKETİ Footnotes to the Consolidated Financial Statements as of December 31, 2013 (All amounts expressed in Turkish Lira (“TL”) unless otherwise stated.) Although the effective owned shares are less than 50%, the Group is entitled and authorized to actively control the operating and financial policies of these companies subject to full consolidation for the Group’s own benefit. The Group’s authority and power to control arises from its right to select the qualified majority of the Board of Directors thanks to its preferred shares. (*) Reasons for not including those companies which have relations with the Parent Company and the subsidiaries in terms of capital, management and auditing, and the shares held by the Parent Company in the participations in the consolidation: sİhlas Finans Kurumu A.Ş. is in the process of liquidation. The Group has allocated a provision for the whole of its participation value, in other words, the financial statements of the aforementioned subsidiary have no more financial importance according to the consolidated financial statements, and the company was not therefore included in the consolidation. The Group has no responsibility for the aforementioned subsidiary other than the capital it has contributed. Because, according to Article 480 of Turkish Commercial Law, the only obligation of the shareholders can be the capital contribution undertaken by the respective shareholder to the company and this obligation is limited to the amount of capital that each shareholder has undertaken to contribute, and this obligation ends with the contribution of the capital to the subsidiary. s4JODFUIFGJOBODJBMTUBUFNFOUTPGUIF÷IMBT)PMEJOH"ø#FMCFUPO#FUPO&MFNBOMBS4BO±SWF5JD"ø6MVCPM÷OùBBU)BSGJZBU(EB Tur. San. ve Tic. Ltd. Şti. Ordinary Partnership do not have financial importance according to the consolidated financial statements, and do not provide cash flow at a considerable level, they weren’t included in the consolidation.The Group has no responsibility for the aforementioned subsidiaries other than the capital it has contributed. sThe financial statements of the company named İhlas Mining Ltd. Şti., with a capital of USD 300,000, which was established in Ghana on July 11, 2008, have no more financial importance according to the consolidated financial statements, and the company was not therefore included in the consolidation. The Group has no responsibility for the aforementioned subsidiary other than the capital it has contributed. The financial statements dated 31.12.2013 of this company could not be presented as they haven’t yet been prepared as of the date of the report. sIn liquidation Kia İhlas Motor San. ve Tic. A.Ş. is inactive and no investments have been made by the Group; thus it has no impact on the consolidated financial statements herein. The company has therefore been excluded from the scope of the consolidation. The Group has no responsibility for the aforementioned subsidiariy. sİhlas Oxford Mortgage İnş. ve Tic. A.Ş. is in the process of liquidation. Since the financial statements of the aforementioned subsidiary no longer bear financial importance according to the consolidated financial statements and do not provide cash flow at a considerable level, the company was therefore not included in the consolidation. The Group has no responsibility for the aforementioned subsidiary other than the capital it has contributed. These subsidiaries and the participations which are not included in the consolidation were recorded in the consolidated financial statements after the reduction, if any, of the provisions for impairment. Previous Period Financial Assets That Are Ready For Sale Effective Rate% A- Non-consolidated Subsidiaries İhlas Net Ltd. Şti. (Net Ltd. Şti.) İhlas Dış Ticaret A.Ş. (İhlas Dış Ticaret) In liquidation İhlas Finans Kurumu A.Ş. (İFK) Kia İhlas Motor San ve Tic. A.Ş. (Kia) İhlas Mining Ltd. Şti. (Mining)(*) B- Non-consolidated Participations In liquidation İhlas Oxford Mortgage İnş. ve Tic. A.Ş. (Mortgage) C- Long-term Marketable Securities Doğu Yatırım Holding A.Ş. Swiss PB AG Total Amount of Capital Participation Commitments 94.88 88.36 55.22 53.00 22.34 237,500 1,800,000 5,537,061 2,067,000 328,185 (237,500) (2,067,000) - 48.00 72,000 - 1.43 0.43 12,500 726,365 10,780,611 (12,500) (2,317,000) Provision for Impairment of Inventory Net Value - 1,800,000 (5,537,061) (144,576) 183,609 - 72,000 726,365 (5,681,637) 2,781,974 Although the effective owned shares are less than 50%, the Group is entitled and authorized to actively control the operating and financial policies of these companies subject to full consolidation for the Group’s own benefit. The Group’s authority and power to control arises from its right to select the qualified majority of the Board of Directors thanks to its preferred shares. (*) İhlas Holding Annual Report 2013 157 İHLAS HOLDİNG ANONİM ŞİRKETİ Footnotes to the Consolidated Financial Statements as of December 31, 2013 (All amounts expressed in Turkish Lira (“TL”) unless otherwise stated.) Reasons for not including those companies which have relations with the Parent Company and the subsidiaries in terms of capital, management and auditing, and the shares held by the Parent Company in the participations in the consolidation: sİhlas Finans Kurumu A.Ş. is in the process of liquidation. The Group has allocated a provision for the whole of its participation value. In other words, the financial statements of the aforementioned subsidiary have no more financial importance according to the consolidated financial statements, and the company was not therefore included in the consolidation. The Group has no responsibility for the aforementioned subsidiary other than the capital it has contributed. Because, according to Article 480 of Turkish Commercial Law, the only obligation of the shareholders can be the capital contribution undertaken by the respective shareholder to the company and this obligation is limited to the amount of capital that each shareholder has undertaken to contribute, and this obligation ends with the contribution of the capital to the subsidiary. sİhlas Dış Ticaret A.Ş., and İhlas Net Ltd. Şti. are inactive and the Group provisioned their entire participation value, and these companies were therefore not included in the consolidation. The Group has no responsibility for the aforementioned subsidiaries other than the capital it has contributed. sThe financial statements of the company named İhlas Mining Ltd. Şti., with a capital of USD 300,000, which was established in Ghana in July 11, 2008, have no more financial importance according to the consolidated financial statements, and the company was not therefore included in the consolidation. The Group has no responsibility for the aforementioned subsidiary other than the capital it has contributed. sKia İhlas Motor San. ve Tic. A.Ş. is inactive and no investments have been made by the Group; thus it has no impact on the consolidated financial statements herein. The company has therefore been excluded from the scope of the consolidation. The Group has no responsibility for the aforementioned subsidiariy. s÷IMBT0YGPSE.PSUHBHF÷OùWF5JD"øJO-JRVJEBUJPOJTJOUIFQSPDFTTPGMJRVJEBUJPO4JODFUIFGJOBODJBMTUBUFNFOUTPGUIF aforementioned subsidiary no longer bear financial importance according to the consolidated financial statements, and do not provide cash flow at a considerable level, the company was therefore not included in the consolidation. The Group has no responsibility for the aforementioned subsidiary other than the capital it has contributed. These subsidiaries and the participations which are not included in the consolidation were recorded in the consolidated financial statements after the reduction, if any, of the provisions for impairment. Information related to the financial statements of the subsidiaries and the participations among the ready-for sale financial assets is given below: 31.12.2013 İhlas Foreign Trade Ordinary Partnership Mortgage Kia 899,751 237,894 1,583,018 (445,372) 450 (511,726) 1,890,634 3,979 1,896,421 (1,808) (1,808) 53,312 1,114 71,168 (4,206) 22,249 165,947 (143,698) (4,020) Net Ltd. Mortgage 673,691 428,495 245,196 904,837 6,354 126,641 51,267 75,374 (485) Current Assets Fixed Assets Short-Term Liabilities Long-Term Liabilities Shareholder equity Net Sales Net Profit / Loss For The Period 31.12.2012 İhlas Foreign Trade Current Assets Fixed Assets Short-Term Liabilities Long-Term Liabilities Shareholder equity Net Sales Net Profit / Loss For The Period 1,131,639 564,379 1,627,116 68,902 206,747 (279,107) Mining Kia (Currency: USD) 22,254 160,908 (138,654) (3,448) 56,562 15,000 71,562 (3,877) 158 İHLAS HOLDİNG ANONİM ŞİRKETİ Footnotes to the Consolidated Financial Statements as of December 31, 2013 (All amounts expressed in Turkish Lira (“TL”) unless otherwise stated.) İhlas Finans Kurumu A.Ş. (In Liquidation) Cash Values Banks Investments to be Liquidated Bank Loan Reserves Other Receivables Fixed Assets Other Assets Funds Collected Taxes Payable and Legal Liabilities Other Debts Other Liabilities Provisions Shareholders Equities Total of Incomes Total of Expenses Net Profit / Loss For The Period 31.12.2013 9,677 20,705 467,268,358 (45,144,124) 12,045 44,483 4,400,194 400,839,213 617,967 19,605,682 5,356 518,888 5,024,232 5,714,429 (5,603,241) 111,188 31.12.2012 12,004 23,011 392,621,557 (39,095,836) 10,060 61,198 1,207,051 332,606,251 80,477 16,298,695 49,930 614,552 5,189,140 3,152,020 (3,727,213) (575,193) 31.12.2013 417,473,277 370,311,764 46,944,736 216,777 61,503,593 57,291,723 4,211,870 140,140,462 135,474,364 4,666,098 31.12.2012 373,218,358 311,770,319 61,448,039 47,877,547 45,497,174 2,380,373 68,713,136 65,064,376 3,648,760 Note 8 - Borrowings and Current Portion of Long Term Borrowings Short-term Borrowings Bank loans Intermediary Loans Financial Leasing Operations Current Portion of Long Term Borrowings Bank loans Financial Leasing Operations Long-Term Financial Liabilities Bank loans Financial Leasing Operations Details of Intermediary Loans: Currency Unit Intermediary Loans TL Maturity Maturity is not certain. 31.12.2013 Amount in TL Currency 46,944,736 46,944,736 31.12.2012 Amount in TL Currency 61,448,039 61,448,039 Details of Bank Loans: 31.12.2013 Currency Unit Short-term loans Long-term loans Applied Interest Rate (%) Maturity Amount in TL Currency Minimum Maximum Maturities and interest rate ranges of Revolving Loans vary. 155,314,934 TL 8.00% 18.90% up to three months 15,374,701 USD 3.50% 8.75% up to three months 77,220,989 EURO up to three months 0 TL 8.75% 18.90% 3 to 12 months 63,971,025 USD 5.04% 8.75% 3 to 12 months 26,307,635 EURO 7.50% 14.00% 3 to 12 months 32,122,480 370,311,764 TL USD EURO 11.00% 6.75% 4.00% 15.60% 6.95% 14.00% 1 to 5 years 1 to 5 years 1 to 5 years 99,575,314 24,267,115 11,631,935 135,474,364 İhlas Holding Annual Report 2013 159 İHLAS HOLDİNG ANONİM ŞİRKETİ Footnotes to the Consolidated Financial Statements as of December 31, 2013 (All amounts expressed in Turkish Lira (“TL”) unless otherwise stated.) Current Portion of Long Term Borrowings TL USD EURO TL USD EURO 11.50% 6.95% 4.00% 11.00% 6.75% - 14.40% 6.95% 14.00% 15.00% LBR+5.93% - up to three months up to three months up to three months 3 to 12 months 3 to 12 months 3 to 12 months 6,683,647 888,040 1,298,257 37,549,795 10,871,984 0 57,291,723 31.12.2012 Currency Unit Applied Interest Rate (%) Minimum Maximum Maturities and interest rate ranges of Revolving Loans vary. Maturity Amount in TL Currency 119,672,621 Short-term loans TL USD EURO TL USD EURO 10.00% LBR+4.00% 8.60% 4.13% EULBR+5.50% 15.60% 8.75% 14.60% 8.75% EULBR+5.50% up to three months up to three months up to three months 3 to 12 months 3 to 12 months 3 to 12 months 45,210,885 8,442,664 0 19,659,914 87,802,957 30,981,278 311,770,319 Long-term loans TL USD EURO 10.56% 5.04% 14.00% 15.60% 8.75% 14.00% 1 to 5 years 1 to 5 years 1 to 5 years 42,631,284 18,052,402 4,380,690 65,064,376 10.56% 5.04% 10.56% 5.04% - 15.60% 8.75% 15.60% 8.75% - up to three months up to three months up to three months 3 to 12 months 3 to 12 months 3 to 12 months 11,484,565 1,756,058 0 26,966,255 5,290,296 0 45,497,174 31.12.2013 155,314,934 101,465,634 170,822,919 135,474,364 563,077,851 31.12.2012 119,672,621 66,894,172 170,700,700 65,064,376 422,331,869 Current Portion of Long Term Borrowings TL USD EURO TL USD EURO The maturity analyses as of December 31, 2013 and December 31, 2012 are shown below: Revolving Loans up to three months 3 to 12 months 1 to 5 years The maturity analyses of Long-term financial leasing debts as of December 31, 2013 are shown below: Year 2015 2016 2017 2018 TOTAL Amount 79,335,965 46,690,062 9,312,173 136,164 135,474,364 160 İHLAS HOLDİNG ANONİM ŞİRKETİ Footnotes to the Consolidated Financial Statements as of December 31, 2013 (All amounts expressed in Turkish Lira (“TL”) unless otherwise stated.) Details of Financial Leasing Operations Short-Term Leasing Payables Currency Unit TL USD EURO TL USD EURO Maturity up to 3 months up to 3 months up to 3 months Between 3 and 12 months Between 3 and 12 months Between 3 and 12 months TL USD EURO Between 1 and 5 years Between 1 and 5 years Between 1 and 5 years TL USD EURO TL USD EURO up to 3 months up to 3 months up to 3 months Between 3 and 12 months Between 3 and 12 months Between 3 and 12 months Long-Term Leasing Payables Current Portion of Long-Term Finance Lease Obligations 31.12.2013 31.12.2012 Amount in TL Currency 28,555 0 29,868 106,349 0 52,005 216,777 326,937 415,507 3,923,654 4,666,098 Amount in TL Currency 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 122,364 1,179,848 2,346,548 3,648,760 393,150 362,835 599,750 0 896,669 1,959,466 4,211,870 53,705 289,947 287,828 79,355 805,710 863,828 2,380,373 As the financial leasing operations are reported over the lesser of the current value and the fair value of the minimum leasing payments, the fair values (acquisition values, capital payments) were observed to be lower than the current value of the minimum leasing payments, as a result of the evaluations. As of the date of the balance sheet, financial leasings were reported at their fair values. Note 9 - Other Financial Liabilities 31.12.2013: None (31.12.2012: None). Note 10 - Trade Receivables and Trade Payables Trade receivables from related parties(*) - Buyers and post-dated checks, notes (net after discount) - Provision for doubtful trade receivables (-) Trade receivables from third parties - Buyers - Post-dated checks and notes receivables - Rediscount regarding trade receivables (-) - Provision for doubtful trade receivables (-) Total Trade Receivables (Short-term) Post-dated checks and notes receivables Rediscount regarding post-dated checks and notes (-) Total Trade Receivables (Long-term) (*) 31.12.2013 26,430,414 32,804,484 (6,374,070) 740,739,705 542,750,379 471,782,820 (91,633,501) (182,159,993) 767,170,119 195,136,445 (57,095,704) 138,040,741 31.12.2012 13,950,603 14,452,962 (502,359) 683,171,699 505,246,158 325,280,942 (61,923,264) (85,432,137) 697,122,302 198,291,258 (55,245,459) 143,045,799 Related details are described in Note 38. Some of the related party balances, which were inadvertently presented in trade receivables in the previous term by the Holding, have been reclassified to trade receivables from related parties, and presented in the appended consolidated financial statements of the previous period. The aging analysis and the provisions reserved, if any, for the overdue assets, provisions for impairment of which are reserved or not reserved, are explained in detail in Note 39-E. Maturity analysis of trade receivables (net) which were not overdue as of 31.12.2013 and 31.12.2012 is presented in Note 39-E. İhlas Holding Annual Report 2013 161 İHLAS HOLDİNG ANONİM ŞİRKETİ Footnotes to the Consolidated Financial Statements as of December 31, 2013 (All amounts expressed in Turkish Lira (“TL”) unless otherwise stated.) The statements related with the provisions for doubtful trade receivables are shown below: 31.12.2013 (85,934,496) 3,655,882 (106,255,449) (188,534,063) 31.12.2012 (84,136,684) 5,848,416 (6,089,130) (1,557,098) (85,934,496) 31.12.2013 14,481,733 339,039,319 167,528,430 185,570,854 (14,059,965) 353,521,052 31.12.2012 12,136,647 281,259,510 171,788,471 115,262,748 (5,791,709) 293,396,157 Other Receivables (Short-term) Other receivables from related parties(*) Other receivables from third parties - Receivables from State Offices - Deposits and guarantees given - Receivables from personnel - Other various receivables Other Receivables (Long-term) Deposits and guarantees given 31.12.2013 16,930,135 9,167,713 7,762,422 6,773,445 450,754 277,375 260,848 1,922,241 1,922,241 31.12.2012 1,307,477 1,307,477 494,716 413,189 207,486 192,086 792,325 792,325 Other Payables (Short-term) Other Payables to related parties(*) Other Payables (Long-term) Deposits and guarantees taken Other Payables to related parties(*) 31.12.2013 2,531,287 2,531,287 152,449 152,449 - 31.12.2012 14,455 14,455 759,111 244,111 515,000 Balance as of January 1 Provisions that are no longer required in the period (Note 31) Amount of current period provisions (Note 30) Provisions at the beginning of the Period arising from Business Merger Balance as of the end of the period Trade payables to related parties(*) Trade payables to third parties - Vendors - Post-dated checks and the gross amount of notes payable - Rediscount regarding trade payables (-) Total trade payables (Short-term) (*) Related details are described in Note 38, Note 11 - Other Receivables and Payables (*) Related details described in Note 38. Note 12 - Receivables and Payables from Activities in the Finance Sector 31.12.2013: None (31.12.2012: None). 162 İHLAS HOLDİNG ANONİM ŞİRKETİ Footnotes to the Consolidated Financial Statements as of December 31, 2013 (All amounts expressed in Turkish Lira (“TL”) unless otherwise stated.) Note 13 - Inventories Raw materials and supplies Goods In Process Ongoing Constructions (Kristalşehir Project) (Refer to Note 42-a) Ongoing Constructions (Bizimevler-5) (Refer to Note 42-a) Ongoing Constructions (Bizimevler-6) (Refer to Note 42-a) Ongoing Constructions (Yalova-Çiftlikköy) (Refer to Note 42-a) Ongoing Constructions (GOP Project) (Refer to Note 42-a) Ongoing Constructions (Marmara Evleri-3) (Refer to Note 42-a) Other Ongoing Constructions Other Goods In Process (Other than Constructions) Finished Goods Construction Inventory (Bizimevler-4) (Refer to Note 42-a) Construction Inventory (Marmara Evleri-3) (Refer to Note 42-a) Construction Inventory (Bizimevler-3) Construction Inventory (Other) Other Finished Goods (Other than Constructions) Merchandise Goods in Transit(*) Other Inventory Provision for impairment of inventory (-) TOTAL 31.12.2013 58,269,013 499,636,358 228,488,168 138,577,293 89,061,426 35,019,728 6,044,393 1,775,941 669,409 42,578,169 20,887,383 7,725,228 3,586,085 10,379,473 36,944,165 11,931,946 643,724 (7,719,276) 642,284,099 31.12.2012 44,093,131 287,384,591 161,698,525 70,113,352 22,421,881 31,828,794 480,122 841,917 149,768,563 115,755,343 21,605,896 4,933,234 7,474,090 22,651,749 9,258,662 714,694 (7,395,253) 506,476,137 The goods in transit consist of goods that are billed and sent to the Group by foreign vendor firms as of the date of the balance sheet, but not yet retrieved from customs by the Group. (*) Reconciliation regarding the provision for impairment of inventory is as follows: Balance as of January 1 Current Period Provisions that are no longer required (Note 28) Current Period Provisions for reduction in value (Note 28) Provisions at the beginning of the Period arising from Business Merger Balance as of December 31 31.12.2013 (7,395,253) 751,138 (1,075,161) (7,719,276) 31.12.2012 (11,429,212) 5,593,049 (861,981) (697,109) (7,395,253) Note 14 - Live Assets 31.12.2013: None (31.12.2012: None). Note 15 - Derivative Instruments 31.12.2013: None (31.12.2012: None). Note 16 - Investments Valued by the Equity Method Current Period None. According to the material disclosure made on February 25, 2014, it was declared that the Holding sold all of its shares in İhlas Genel Antrepo Nakl. ve Tic. A.Ş., which was valued by the equity method in the previous period. For this reason, İhlas Genel Antrepo Nakl. ve Tic. A.Ş. has been transferred to non-current assets held for sale in the current period. In the current period, the Group raised its share and power in İhlas İletişim Hizmetleri A.Ş., which was valued by the equity method in the previous period. Therefore, İhlas İletişim Hizmetleri A.Ş. has been included in the full consolidation in the current period. İhlas Holding Annual Report 2013 163 İHLAS HOLDİNG ANONİM ŞİRKETİ Footnotes to the Consolidated Financial Statements as of December 31, 2013 (All amounts expressed in Turkish Lira (“TL”) unless otherwise stated.) Previous Period Consolidated Associates (By Equity Method) Effective Shares% Amount of Participation Capital Commitments Provision for Increases (Reductions) In Value 41.43 23.82 1,185,327 300,000 1,485,327 - 792,936 (166,947) 625,989 İhlas Genel Antrepo Nakl. ve Tic. A.Ş. İhlas İletişim Hizmetleri A.Ş. TOTAL 01.01-31.12.2013 - Increase (Reduction) In Value of Participation Net Value 1,978,263 133,053 2,111,316 01.01-31.12.2012 420,291 Summary information of the financial tables of İhlas Genel Antrepo Nakl. ve Tic. A.Ş. is as follows: 31.12.2012 2,429,273 3,862,053 1,356,710 159,664 4,774,952 6,002,486 1,507,374 Current Assets Fixed Assets Short-Term Liabilities Long-Term Liabilities Shareholder equity Net Sales Net Profit / Loss For The Period Summary information of the financial statements of İhlas İletişim Hizmetleri A.Ş. for 2012 is as follows: 31.12.2012 536,491 125,451 186,509 31,923 443,510 885,652 (531,507) Current Assets Fixed Assets Short-Term Liabilities Long-Term Liabilities Shareholder equity Net Sales Net Profit / Loss For The Period Note 17 - Investment Properties January 01 - December 31, 2013 Investment Property Lands and Parcels Buildings Total 01.01.2013 Acquisitions Appreciations Transfers(*) 31.12.2013 10,065,668 32,578,812 42,644,480 3,300 3,300 45,915,288 13,712,292 59,627,580 89,509,245 73,949,156 163,458,401 145,490,201 120,243,560 265,733,761 The Group has made transfers from the tangible fixed assets account to the investment property account in the current period. Also, transfers have been made between value of the lands and buildings taking the current appraisal into consideration. (*) January 01 - December 31, 2012 Investment Property Lands and Parcels Buildings Total 01.01.2012 Acquisitions Disposals Provision for Impairment 31.12.2012 10,936,655 36,002,226 46,938,881 - (870,987) (1,017,856) (1,888,843) (2,405,558) (2,405,558) 10,065,668 32,578,812 42,644,480 164 İHLAS HOLDİNG ANONİM ŞİRKETİ Footnotes to the Consolidated Financial Statements as of December 31, 2013 (All amounts expressed in Turkish Lira (“TL”) unless otherwise stated.) The Group had a valuation conducted, through appraisals and other experts, for lands and buildings held for the purpose of rental income or price gains, in the current period. The appreciations have been revealed according to the appraisal reports (fair value method). Information about the valuation process is as follows: List of Investment Properties Independent Sections No. 2-3-4-5 (Head Office, Yenibosna, ISTANBUL) Building in Block 17 Parcel 464/1 (GERMANY)(1) Factory Building and Land (empty) (1st Organised Industrial Zone, Gaziantep) Factory Building and Land (empty) (Çiftlikköy, YALOVA) Aquapark (Armutlu Holiday Resort, YALOVA) Marketplace, Block 19 (Armutlu Holiday Resort, YALOVA) Independent Section No. 1 (Head Office, Yenibosna, ISTANBUL) Independent Section No. 13 (Head Office, Yenibosna, ISTANBUL)(2) Independent Section No. 7 (Head Office, Yenibosna, ISTANBUL) Office (Konak / Izmir) Independent Section No. 6 (Head Office, Yenibosna, ISTANBUL) Independent Sections No. 8-10-11-12 (Head Office, Yenibosna, ISTANBUL(3) Pool and Office Blocks No. 12, 21 and 24 (Armutlu Holiday Resort, YALOVA) Social Facility and Office (Akyazı, SAKARYA) Land (Sections 11-12, Parcel 8158)(Armutlu, YALOVA) Complete Building (Çankaya, ANKARA) 64 Kuzuluk Spas and Full Timeshares (Kuzuluk, SAKARYA) Hotel (Osmangazi, BURSA) Warehouse and Its Land (Block 1927 Parcel 187) (Yüreğir/Adana) Sports Complex (Güzelce, Büyükçekmece, ISTANBUL) Land (Parcel 1708) (Akyazı, SAKARYA) Market Block (Armutlu Holiday Resort, YALOVA) Land (Section 38, Parcel 3884) (Armutlu YALOVA) Villa No. 186 (Güzelşehir Villas, Büyükçekmece, ISTANBUL) Complete Building (Altındağ, ANKARA) Residence (Block 723, Parcel 15) (Çiftlikköy, YALOVA) Land (Block 276, Parcel 2) (Armutlu, YALOVA) 3 Offices, 12 Residences (Bayrampaşa, ISTANBUL) Complete Building (Full Timeshare) (Block 143, Parcel 24) (SAKARYA) Offices (Blocks No. 11, 16, 18, 22, and 23) (Armutlu Holiday Resort, YALOVA) Office (Block 520, Parcel 6, No. 2) (Avcılar-Tahtakale, ISTANBUL) Office (Block 520, Parcel 6, No. 9) (Avcılar, ISTANBUL) Office (Kuyumcukent, Yenibosna) Land (Parcel 2455) (Kuzuluk, SAKARYA) Various Properties Total Appraisal Values Values as of Resulting 31.12.2012 Appreciations Valuation dates Valuation Methods Used 28,665,000 20,444,525 24,572,870 20,444,525 4,092,130 - 20.12.2013 03.01.2011 Peer Comparison Approach Discounted Income Approach and Cost Approach 19,380,000 18,920,000 18,650,000 19,380,000 2,935,223 17,985,000 15,984,777 665,000 09.12.2013 31.12.2013 25.12.2013 Peer Comparison Approach Peer Comparison Approach and Cost Approach Replacement Cost Approach 18,107,000 12,761,472 5,345,528 25.12.2013 17,500,000 16,989,955 510,045 20.12.2013 Replacement Cost Approach Peer Comparison Approach and Discounted Income Approach 12,055,500 10,026,131 2,029,369 20.12.2013 Peer Comparison Approach 11,995,000 8,000,000 10,790,832 4,993,667 1,204,168 3,006,333 20.12.2013 03.01.2014 9,415,000 5,871,622 3,543,378 17.12.2013 Peer Comparison Approach Peer Comparison Approach, Discounted Income Approach and Cost Approach Peer Comparison Approach, Cost Approach and Discounted Income Approach 6,938,750 5,936,341 1,002,409 20.12.2013 Peer Comparison Approach 7,290,000 6,750,000 6,630,000 4,900,000 7,290,000 6,460,000 2,224,463 3,907,440 290,000 4,405,537 992,560 25.12.2013 06.01.2014 25.12.2013 31.12.2013 4,838,500 4,547,897 290,603 10.12.2013 Replacement Cost Approach Replacement Cost Approach Peer Comparison Approach Peer Comparison Approach, Cost Approach and Discounted Income Approach Peer Comparison Approach 4,080,000 3,430,000 650,000 30.12.2013 2,424,000 393,883 2,030,117 03.01.2014 3,025,000 3,015,000 3,000,000 2,655,000 2,869,034 2,620,000 2,701,880 710,000 155,966 395,000 298,120 1,945,000 19.12.2013 06.01.2014 25.12.2013 25.12.2013 2,596,000 2,350,000 2,165,000 1,850,000 1,730,000 173,525 1,874,000 2,165,000 1,245,100 180,874 2,422,475 476,000 604,900 1,549,126 29.11.2013 31.12.2013 04.02.2014 25.12.2013 18.12.2013 1,370,000 1,200,389 169,611 31.12.2013 1,320,000 1,000,000 320,000 25.12.2013 Peer Comparison Approach Peer Comparison Approach and Cost Approach Peer Comparison Approach Peer Comparison Approach Peer Comparison Approach and Cost Approach Peer Comparison Approach and Cost Approach Replacement Cost Approach 1,272,000 647,613 624,387 31.12.2013 Peer Comparison Approach 1,067,500 1,050,000 36,840 1,000,000 1,030,660 50,000 31.12.2013 20.12.2013 1,024,000 9,260,986 265,733,761 857,465 5,883,140 206,106,181 166,535 3,377,846 59,627,580 09.01.2014 Peer Comparison Approach Peer Comparison Approach and Discounted Income Approach Replacement Cost Approach Peer Comparison Approach, Cost Approach and Discounted Income Approach Peer Comparison Approach and Cost Approach Replacement Cost Approach Peer Comparison Approach Replacement Cost Approach Peer Comparison Approach The previous valuation amount was used since the valuation study was incomplete as of the date of the consolidated financial statements. (2) 37% of the independent section (TL 7,120,250), the total appraisal value of which is TL 19,175,750, is used by the Group, and is classified as tangible fixed assets. (3) 73% of the independent sections (TL 18,833,750), the total appraisal value of which is TL 25,722,500, is used by the Group, and is classified as tangible fixed assets. (1) İhlas Holding Annual Report 2013 165 İHLAS HOLDİNG ANONİM ŞİRKETİ Footnotes to the Consolidated Financial Statements as of December 31, 2013 (All amounts expressed in Turkish Lira (“TL”) unless otherwise stated.) There are mortgages of TL 662,091,615, USD 58,015,000 and Euro 17,669,378 on the Holding’s properties accounted in tangible fixed assets and investment properties (31.12.2012: TL 422,498,000, USD 99,715,000 and Euro 17,669,378). Some of these mortgages are given jointly, and are related to the properties listed in the tangible fixed assets account, as well as in the investment properties. Therefore, the mortgage information related to properties is not provided separately for the tangible fixed assets and investment properties, but is presented collectively here. There are no investment properties, which were acquired by the Group through financial leasing, with ongoing liabilities as of the accounting period. Since investment properties aren’t considered in the context of the qualifying assets defined in the Standard TAS 23 “Borrowing costs”, financial expenses pertaining to investment properties are associated with the comprehensive income statement, and are not capitalised. Note 18 - Tangible Fixed Assets Current Period 01.01.2013 Acquisitions Cost Lands and Parcels, above ground and underground plants Buildings Machinery, plant and equipment Floorings, fixtures and vehicles Ongoing Investments Other Tangible Fixed Assets Total Minus: Accumulated Depreciation Above ground and underground plants Buildings Machinery, plant and equipment Floorings, fixtures and vehicles Other Tangible Fixed Assets Total Tangible Fixed Assets, net Revaluation Funds Transfers(*) Disposals 31.12.2013 95,798,043 253,741,019 225,598,556 141,549,085 2,854,016 2,326,178 721,866,897 2,650,453 11,155,151 7,737,422 6,330,176 176,471 184,622 28,234,295 34,818,964 12,069,568 46,888,532 25,304,186 (201,020,836) (175,716,650) (360,913) (409,034) (364,787) (3,490,082) (4,624,816) 158,210,733 75,535,868 232,971,191 144,389,179 3,030,487 2,510,800 616,648,258 (233,595) (12,517,953) (198,840,659) (124,952,467) (1,971,677) (338,516,351) 383,350,546 (95,695) (878,998) (6,700,131) (5,261,454) (205,920) (13,142,198) 600,611 600,611 47,489,143 8,162,872 8,162,872 (167,553,778) 15,909 330,650 2,647,724 2,994,283 (329,290) (4,617,559) (205,210,140) (127,566,197) (2,177,597) (339,900,783) 276,747,475 The Group has transferred real estate properties worth TL 163,458,401 from the tangible fixed assets account to the investment property account in the current period, since the Group earned rental income, expected a gain in the price, and the property wasn’t used by the Group. The Group has transferred land worth TL 4,095,377 to the construction inventory in order for use in commercial activities. Also transfers have been made between lands and buildings, taking the current appraisal value into consideration. (*) 166 İHLAS HOLDİNG ANONİM ŞİRKETİ Footnotes to the Consolidated Financial Statements as of December 31, 2013 (All amounts expressed in Turkish Lira (“TL”) unless otherwise stated.) Previous Period 01.01.2012 Cost Lands and Parcels, above ground Buildings Machinery, plant and equipment Floorings, fixtures and vehicles Ongoing Investments Other Tangible Fixed Assets Total Minus: Accumulated Depreciation Above ground and underground plants Buildings Machinery, plant and equipment Floorings, fixtures and vehicles Other Tangible Fixed Assets Total Tangible Fixed Assets, net Derived from Business Acquisitions Mergers Growth Funds Transfers Disposals 31.12.2012 46,569,347 283,822,616 221,121,308 136,111,627 2,834,085 1,938,521 692,397,504 1,311,591 811,738 4,843,346 6,778,477 19,931 387,657 14,152,740 12,403 4,175 16,578 14,212,593 4,495,607 18,708,200 33,755,110 (34,397,610) (642,500) (63,001) (991,332) (366,098) (1,345,194) (2,765,625) 95,798,043 253,741,019 225,598,556 141,549,085 2,854,016 2,326,178 721,866,897 (1,504,840) (7,120,741) (192,254,182) (121,292,522) (1,865,493) (324,037,778) 368,359,726 (37,584) (5,969,307) (6,919,558) (4,778,680) (106,184) (17,811,313) (5) (5) 1,838,925 1,838,925 20,547,125 1,308,829 (1,308,829) - 41,999 333,081 1,118,740 1,493,820 (233,595) (12,517,953) (198,840,659) (124,952,467) (1,971,677) (338,516,351) 383,350,546 Tangible fixed assets, which were acquired by the Group through financial leasing, with ongoing liabilities as of the accounting period is as follows: Cost Machinery, plant and equipment Total Minus: Accumulated Depreciation Machinery, plant and equipment Total Tangible Fixed Assets, net Cost Machinery, plant and equipment Total Minus: Accumulated Depreciation Machinery, plant and equipment Total Tangible Fixed Assets, net 01.01.2013 Acquisitions Disposals 31.12.2013 8,806,795 8,806,795 4,173,893 4,173,893 - 12,980,688 12,980,688 (3,071,276) (3,071,276) 5,735,519 (722,115) (722,115) - (3,793,391) (3,793,391) 9,187,297 01.01.2012 Acquisitions Disposals 31.12.2012 7,997,411 7,997,411 809,384 809,384 - 8,806,795 8,806,795 (2,485,565) (2,485,565) 5,511,846 (585,711) (585,711) - (3,071,276) (3,071,276) 5,735,519 Since the tangible fixed assets aren’t considered in the context of the assets defined in the Standard TAS 23 “Borrowing costs”, financial expenses pertaining to tangible fixed assets are associated with the income statement. Mortgages on properties of the Group are presented in Note 17. Therefore, the mortgage information pertaining to properties is not provided separately for the tangible fixed assets and investment properties, but is presented collectively here. İhlas Holding Annual Report 2013 167 İHLAS HOLDİNG ANONİM ŞİRKETİ Footnotes to the Consolidated Financial Statements as of December 31, 2013 (All amounts expressed in Turkish Lira (“TL”) unless otherwise stated.) Note 19 - Intangible Fixed Assets A) Goodwill: Movements of the goodwill between December 31, 2013 and December 31, 2012 are provided in the following table: 31.12.2013 37,200,833 (4,053,206) 33,147,627 Balance as of January 1 Provisions for impairment during the period (Note 31) Balance as of December 31 31.12.2012 37,200,833 37,200,833 The Group compared the goodwill amounts accounted in the consolidated financial statements in the impairment studies with values of use of the relevant cash generating units, as of December 31, 2013 and December 31, 2012. A provision of impairment worth TL 4,053,206 pertaining to the goodwill has emerged in Şifa Catering as a result of these transactions, in the current period. This provision has been associated with other operating expenses. The assumptions used in the impairment test of Şifa Catering, in which an impairment of goodwill has emerged, in the current period are given below: s8FJHIUFE"WFSBHF$BQJUBM$PTUXIJDIJTDBMDVMBUFEQSFWJPVTQFSJPE XBTVTFEBTUIFEJTDPVOUSBUFPGUIFWBMVFJO use within the context of the Financial Assets Pricing System. s5IFQSPKFDUJPOTXFSFDPOWFSHFEUPJOGJOJUZCZNFBOTPGUIFDBMDVMBUFEEJTDPVOUSBUF s5IFJOGMBUJPOFTUJNBUFTGPSUIFDVSSFOUZFBSBOEUIFGPMMPXJOHUXPZFBSTXFSFEFUFSNJOFEBDDPSEJOHUPUIFFYQFDUBUJPOTPGUIF$FOUSBM Bank of the Republic of Turkey. s5IFUSFOEPGUIFTFDUPSPGUIFDPNQBOZXIPTFHPPEXJMMJTDBMDVMBUFEXBTUBLFOBTBCBTFJOUIFEFUFSNJOBUJPOPGUIFTBMFTJODPNFJO the projection period. The aforementioned goodwill carried out in the consolidated financial statements was derived from the acquisition of the companies listed below: 31.12.2013 31.12.2012 Şifa Yemek 9,692,733 13,745,939 KPT Lojistik 10,145,478 10,145,478 Kristal Gıda 8,880,790 8,880,790 Mir Maden 3,982,079 3,982,079 İhlas Meşrubat 446,547 446,547 Total Goodwill 33,147,627 37,200,833 B) Other Intangible Fixed Assets: January 01 - December 31, 2013 Cost Rights Mine Search Expenditures Other Intangible Fixed Assets Total Minus: Accumulated Redemptions Rights Mine Search Expenditures Other Intangible Fixed Assets Total Intangible Fixed Assets, net 01.01.2013 Acquisitions Disposals 31.12.2013 151,648,932 2,748,670 33,661,143 188,058,745 1,642,877 41,742 2,148,508 3,833,127 (1,027,418) (1,027,418) 153,291,809 2,790,412 34,782,233 190,864,454 (145,607,244) (1,793,754) (29,784,554) (177,185,552) 10,873,193 (299,537) (18,783) (1,776,068) (2,094,388) 316,656 316,656 (145,906,781) (1,812,537) (31,243,966) (178,963,284) 11,901,170 168 İHLAS HOLDİNG ANONİM ŞİRKETİ Footnotes to the Consolidated Financial Statements as of December 31, 2013 (All amounts expressed in Turkish Lira (“TL”) unless otherwise stated.) January 01 - December 31, 2012 Cost Rights Mine Search Expenditures Other Intangible Fixed Assets Total Minus: Accumulated Redemptions Rights Mine Search Expenditures Other Intangible Fixed Assets Total Intangible Fixed Assets, net 01.01.2012 Acquisitions New Acquisitions Disposals 31.12.2012 150,448,937 2,452,091 32,047,322 184,948,350 1,199,994 202,667 1,707,733 3,110,394 1 93,912 (93,912) 1 - 151,648,932 2,748,670 33,661,143 188,058,745 (145,417,384) (1,757,778) (28,179,433) (175,354,595) 9,593,755 (189,860) (14,086) (1,627,011) (1,830,957) (21,890) 21,890 - - (145,607,244) (1,793,754) (29,784,554) (177,185,552) 10,873,193 There are no pledges, restrictions or mortgages on the Group’s intangible fixed assets. (31.12.2012: None). Note 20 - Governmental Grants and Incentives İhlas Ev Aletleri İmalat Sanayi ve Ticaret A.Ş., one of the Group companies, obtained R&D investment incentives of TL 512,139 (previous year: TL 41,123) from TUBITAK in 2013 in relation to its newly developed cleaning robot. These incentive amounts, which reached TL 553,262 by the end of the current period, are recognised among the restricted reserves allocated from profits in the equity. Furthermore, the Group also obtained TL 3,038,531 (previous year: TL 1,878,939) of R&D investment incentives which are eligible for tax deduction, wherein the amount of this deduction is subject to deferred tax. Moreover, Kristal Kola ve Meşrubat Sanayi Ticaret A.Ş., one of the Group companies, received the investment incentive certificate, dated October 9, 2013 No. A-112108, from the Ministry of Economy General Directorate of Incentives Implementation and Foreign Direct Investment, for its modernisation and expansion investments planned for the facilities 20 km along the Bursa Road in Balıkesir’s Yeniköy District. The certificate is valid from September 26, 2013 until September 26, 2016. This Incentive Certificate covers USD 7,664,900 (FOB) of new imported machines, TL 12,736,100 of new domestic machines, and other expenses to be made amounting to TL 922,300. The support items recorded in the incentive certificate are as follows. 1. VAT Exemption 2. Customs Duty Exemption 3. Tax Rebate rate (60%, 25% Contribution Rate to Investment) 4. Contributions Covering Employers’ Share of Insurance Premiums (5 years) 5. Interest Rate Support Note 21 - Provisions, Conditional Assets and Liabilities, Commitments Provisions Short-Term Provisions from Agreement Provision for Damages for Psychological Trauma Other Long-Term Provision for Guarantee Provision for Court Damages The Provisions for Penalties Charged by the Municipality 31.12.2013 5,484,317 4,697,117 787,200 3,528,003 675,481 554,394 2,298,128 31.12.2012 4,676,255 3,883,148 787,200 5,907 1,534,463 692,503 841,960 - İhlas Holding Annual Report 2013 169 İHLAS HOLDİNG ANONİM ŞİRKETİ Footnotes to the Consolidated Financial Statements as of December 31, 2013 (All amounts expressed in Turkish Lira (“TL”) unless otherwise stated.) Commitments, guarantees, pledges and mortgages given by the Group: Tables corresponding to the position of guarantee, pledge and mortgage (GPM) given by the Group as of 31 December 2013 and 31 December 2012 are as follows: GPMs Given by the Group (31.12.2013) USD Balance EURO Balance TL Balance A. The Total Amount of GPMs Given by the Main Partnership in Favour of Own Legal Entity 9,665,000 13,067,751 431,373,493 B. i. The Total Amount of GPMs Given by the Main Partnership in Favour of Subsidiary Companies that are Included in the Full Consolidation 50,242,803 13,290,973 343,077,313 B. ii. The Total Amount of GPMs Given by the Subsidiary Companies that are Included in the Full Consolidation to Each Other in Favour ofTheir Own Legal Entities 2,627,765 43,868,616 152,529,600 B iii. The Total Amount of GPMs Given by the Subsidiary Companies that are Included in the Full Consolidation in Favour of the Main Partnership 50,312,500 7,500,000 449,166,030 C. The Total Amount of GPMs Given by the Group for Assuring the Liabilities of Other 3rd Parties so that the Group’s Ordinary Commercial Activities can be Executed 26,278,800 99,061,515 D. The Total Amount of Other GPMs Given 1,000,000 i. The Total Amount of GPMs Given by the Group in Favour of the Main Partner ii. The Total Amount of GPMs Given by the Group in Favour of Other Group Companies which are not Included iii. The Total Amount of GPMs Given by the Group in Favour of Third Parties Which are not Included in the Scope of Article C 1,000,000 Total 139,126,868 77,727,340 1,476,207,951 Total Equity of the Group (Note 27) The ratio of the other GPMs given by the Group over the Group’s shareholder equity TOTAL (In TL Currency) GPMs Given by the Group (31.12.2012) USD Balance EURO Balance A. The Total Amount of GPMs Given by the Main Partnership in Favour of Own Legal Entity 38,665,000 22,237,129 B. i. The Total Amount of GPMs Given by the Main Partnership in Favour of Subsidiary Companies that are Included in the Full Consolidation 56,109,069 10,830,411 B. ii. The Total Amount of GPMs Given by the Subsidiary Companies that are Included in the Full Consolidation to Each Other in Favour ofTheir Own Legal Entities 5,719,006 37,263,111 B iii. The Total Amount of GPMs Given by the Subsidiary Companies that are Included in the Full Consolidation in Favour of the Main Partnership 67,555,500 7,500,000 C. The Total Amount of GPMs Given by the Group for Assuring the Liabilities of Other 3rd Parties so that the Group’s Ordinary Commercial Activities can be Executed 26,278,800 D. The Total Amount of Other GPMs Given i. The Total Amount of GPMs Given by the Group in Favour of the Main Partner ii. The Total Amount of GPMs Given by the Group in Favour of Other Group Companies which are not Included iii. The Total Amount of GPMs Given by the Group in Favour of Third Parties Which are not Included in the Scope of Article C Total 194,327,375 77,830,651 Total Equity of the Group (Note 27) The ratio of the other GPMs given by the Group over the Group’s shareholder equity TL Balance TOTAL (In TL Currency) 171,944,828 293,164,113 321,911,739 447,401,642 160,758,481 258,584,839 304,178,035 442,240,219 32,500,000 1,019,824 79,344,589 1,019,824 - - 19,824 19,824 1,000,000 992,312,907 1,000,000 1,521,755,226 1,070,140,068 490,374,953 489,339,469 286,958,230 578,571,749 155,148,358 1,000,000 1,000,000 2,001,392,759 821,391,481 0.12% 0.10% 170 İHLAS HOLDİNG ANONİM ŞİRKETİ Footnotes to the Consolidated Financial Statements as of December 31, 2013 (All amounts expressed in Turkish Lira (“TL”) unless otherwise stated.) Details regarding the contingent assets, liabilities, and commitments presented in the GPM table that require explanation are as follows: - A purchase and engineering service agreement of Euro 30,200,000 was signed between Detes Enerji Üretim A.Ş., one of the Group companies, and an engineering company, Envirotherm GmbH headquartered in Essen, Germany. The agreement entailed German Lurgi patented BGL (British Gas Lurgi), converting solid fuel to energy with environmental-consciousness and high efficiency and producing energy with its gasifiers. The agreement included the dismantling of the facility, consisting of BGL gasifiers and a methanol production unit, from its location in Germany and brought to Turkey to be assembled and commence operations. İhlas Ev Aletleri İmalat Sanayi ve Ticaret A.Ş., one of the Group companies, signed this agreement as a guarantor. Based on this agreement Detes Enerji Üretim A.Ş. paid Euro 3,000,000 of the agreement cost in advance to the engineering company, Envirotherm GmbH and as the guarantor, the amount from İhlas Ev Aletleri İmalat Sanayi ve Ticaret A.Ş. as of the balance sheet date, fell to Euro 27,200,000. - İhlas Pazarlama Yatırım Holding A.Ş.’s shares of İhlas Ev Aletleri İmalat Sanayi ve Ticaret A.Ş., with a nominal value of TL 21,600,000, were transferred to Halk Bankası as security for existing debts and debts that will arise in the future. - İhlas Pazarlama Yatırım Holding A.Ş.’s shares of İhlas Ev Aletleri İmalat Sanayi ve Ticaret A.Ş., with a nominal value of TL 6,000,000, were transferred to Ziraat Bankası as guarantee for existing debts, and debts that will arise in the future. - İhlas Pazarlama Yatırım Holding A.Ş.’s shares of İhlas Ev Aletleri İmalat Sanayi ve Ticaret A.Ş., with a nominal value of TL 6,000,000, were transferred to KWV Kooperationsgell schaft für Warenverkehr Mbh. as guarantee for existing debts, and debts that will arise in the future. - İhlas Holding A.Ş.’s shares of İhlas Yayın Holding A.Ş., with a nominal value of TL 40,000,000, were transferred to Ziraat Bankası as guarantee for existing debts, and debts that will arise in the future. - İhlas Holding A.Ş.’s shares of İhlas Ev Aletleri İmalat Sanayi ve Ticaret A.Ş., with a nominal value of TL 8,000,000, were transferred to Ziraat Bankası as guarantee for existing debts, and debts that will arise in the future. - İhlas Holding A.Ş.’s shares of İhlas Madencilik A.Ş., with a nominal value of TL 7,275,000, were transferred to Ziraat Bankası as guarantee for existing debts, and debts that will arise in the future. - İhlas Holding A.Ş.’s shares of İhlas Gazetecilik A.Ş., with a nominal value of TL 5,500,000, were transferred to Ziraat Bankası as guarantee for existing debts, and debts that will arise in the future. - İhlas Ev Aletleri İmalat Sanayi ve Tic. A.Ş.’s shares İhlas Madencilik A.Ş., with a nominal value of TL 5,485,454 (market value: TL 39,275,851) were blocked as a guarantee for loans used by İhlas Ev Aletleri İmalat Sanayi ve Tic. A.Ş. from Oyak Yatırım Menkul Değerler A.Ş. - Term deposits worth TL 20,000,000 and USD 36,650,000 in the account of the Holding were blocked with its own consent, as a guarantee for loans used by one of the Group companies, İhlas Pazarlama A.Ş. - Term savings deposits worth TL 97,500,000 and $ 26,278,800 that belong to İhlas Pazarlama A.Ş., one of the Group companies, are blocked with the Company’s own consent, as a guarantee for loans used by 3rd parties (its retailer companies). - Term savings deposits worth TL 7,600,000 that belong to TGRT Dijital TV Hizmetleri A.Ş., one of the Group companies, are blocked with the Company’s own consent, as a guarantee for loans used by İhlas Media Holding A.Ş., one of the Group companies. - Term deposits worth TL 10,000,000 that belong to one of the Group companies, İhlas Yapı Turizm ve Sağlık A.Ş., were blocked with the Company’s own consent, as a guarantee for loans used by one of the Group companies, İhlas Pazarlama A.Ş. - Term savings deposits worth TL 2,242,698 and demand savings deposits worth TL 1,340,592 that belong to Yapı Turizm ve Sağlık A.Ş., one of the Group companies, are blocked in connection with the Marmara Evleri - 3 and Bizimevler -5 Project constructed by the company. - Demand savings deposits worth TL 102,777 that belong to İhlas Madencilik A.Ş., one of the Group companies, are blocked. - Pursuant to the contract of distribution of income after the sale of land between the Group companies, İhlas Holding A.Ş. - İhlas Yapı Turizm ve Sağlık A.Ş. Joint Venture - 3, and Emlak Konut G.Y.O. A.Ş., term savings deposits worth TL 20,819,841 in Vakıfbank are blocked. Pursuant to the contract of distribution of income, Joint Venture - 3’s share of this account is in the process of being released according to progress payments. - Pursuant to the contract of distribution of income after the sale of land between the Group companies, İhlas Holding A.Ş. - İhlas Yayın Holding A.Ş. and İhlas Pazarlama A.Ş Joint Venture, and Emlak Konut G.Y.O. A.Ş., term savings deposits worth TL 259,355 in Vakıfbank are blocked. Pursuant to the contract of distribution of income, İhlas Holding A.Ş. - İhlas Yayın Holding A.Ş. and İhlas Pazarlama A.Ş. Joint Venture’s share of this account is in the process of being released according to progress payments. İhlas Holding Annual Report 2013 171 İHLAS HOLDİNG ANONİM ŞİRKETİ Footnotes to the Consolidated Financial Statements as of December 31, 2013 (All amounts expressed in Turkish Lira (“TL”) unless otherwise stated.) The summarized information on litigations and performances related to the Group as of 31.12.2013, is as follows: Ongoing lawsuits that were initiated by the Group Enforcement proceedings conducted by the Group(a) Ongoing lawsuits that were initiated against the Group(b) Enforcement proceedings conducted against the Group Amount (TL) 1,441,128 17,690,653 16,451,840 1,154,682 As presented in the chart above, the Group has allocated provisions of TL 6,038,711 for the ongoing lawsuits filed against the Group which amount to TL 16,451,840, and the Group has not allocated provisions for the remaining lawsuits, which amount to TL 10,413,129 since it is deemed that the Group is highly likely to win these lawsuits. TL 8,915,860 of the executive proceedings conducted by the Group is related to İhlas Pazarlama A.Ş., one of the Group companies, and the subject of this executive proceeding is as follows: “A bankruptcy cases filed against Ar Faktoring Finansal Hizmetler A.Ş., due to the failure in the collection of the receivables from the said company, and an executive proceeding worth TL 8,915,860, has been initiated. A provision has been allocated for these receivables, and the litigation and execution process is ongoing.” (b) TL 6,821,384 of the lawsuits filed against the Group pertains to İhlas Madencilik, one of the Group companies. The relevant material disclosure of İhlas Madencilik dated February 27, 2013 is as follows: “In our material disclosure dated April 29, 2011, we declared that the Company split the total debt of TL 5,210,784 to Toroslar Elektrik Dağıtım A.Ş. into 18 instalments to be paid over 36 months within the context of the Law Numbered 6111 “Concerning the Restructuring of Certain Receivables, Social Security and the Amendment of the General Health Law and Certain Other Laws and Decrees with the Force of Law”. Then, in our material disclosure dated November 14, 2011, we declared to the public that Toroslar Elektrik Dağıtım A.Ş. recounted our debt as a result of the review in their systems and our debt to Toroslar A.Ş. was amended to TL 4,184,267. Our Company has regularly paid the instalments to Toroslar Elektrik Dağıtım A.Ş. as required by law since the debt was split into instalments. Our remaining debt stands at TL 1,859,668 and the next payment date is February 28, 2013. The Company will continue to pay TL 232,459 every two months. The total number of remaining instalments is 8 and the payments will have been completed as of April 30, 2014. Following the above disclosures, in our latest disclosure about the issue on June 6, 2012, we declared that Toroslar Edaş Gaziantep Province Directorate sent us a payment order of enforcement proceedings without judgment worth TL 6,821,383.50 through Gaziantep 12th Directorate of Execution, and our Company did not have any debts other than the aforementioned debt which was being paid in instalments in accordance with the Law numbered 6111. We also declared that as a result of our Company’s investigation, the aforesaid debt of TL 6,821,383.50 belonged to Tampa Tekstil A.Ş., one of the affiliate companies of the Okan Group, the former owner of Okan Tekstil ve Sanayi Ticaret A.Ş., to which the former İhlas Madencilik was transferred and merged. The debt was split into instalments by Tampa Tekstil A.Ş. within the context of the Law Numbered 6111. However, the instalment was infringed due to negligence in instalment payments. The above information was submitted for the information of the public and a stay of exaction was obtained on the relevant proceedings. According to the new notification sent to us, a lawsuit was filed against our Company by Toroslar Edaş Gaziantep Province Directorate at Gaziantep Commercial Court of First Instance for the cancellation of our objection to the execution proceeding. We would like to express that, although Tampa Tekstil, a former leaseholder of our Company between November 5, 2003 and March 29, 2006, requested to sign a subscription agreement with Toroslar Edaş in 2003, Toroslar Edaş took a contrariwise decision, and in response, Tampa Tekstil had Toroslar Edaş’s decision cancelled by applying to the Administrative Court and obtained the right of signing a subscription agreement including the retrospective periods. Tampa Tekstil consumed electric power during the leasing period including the judgment process, and this consumption was reported by Tampa Tekstil to Toroslar Edaş Administration and adjudicated by court. (a) Finally, as explained above, although Tampa Tekstil structured its debts regarding its own consumptions within the context of the Law numbered 6111, independent from our Company’s debts, and signed a mutual protocol with Toroslar Edaş, it is obviously illegal that Toroslar Edaş requests this debt from our Company, who has no name or signature on the relevant protocol. Thereafter, the Company has no such liability. Since the request of another company’s debts to be paid by our Company is unjust and unlawful, the necessary legal transactions will be initiated by the Company on time.” The Group has not allocated provisions for the aforementioned lawsuit since it is deemed that the Group is highly likely to win this lawsuit. 172 İHLAS HOLDİNG ANONİM ŞİRKETİ Footnotes to the Consolidated Financial Statements as of December 31, 2013 (All amounts expressed in Turkish Lira (“TL”) unless otherwise stated.) Note 22 - Employee Benefits and Employee Benefits Payable Payables to personnel (wages, employment termination, etc.) Social security premiums payable Employee Benefits Payable 31.12.2013 11,179,395 2,992,102 14,171,497 31.12.2012 5,896,042 2,287,235 8,183,277 Provisions for severance payments 31.12.2013 33,131,584 31.12.2012 24,741,422 Pursuant to the Turkish Labor Code, the Company is required to pay termination benefits (severance payments) to each employee whose employment is terminated without due cause, who is called up for military service or who dies, provided that the employee has completed at least one year of service, or each employee who reaches the retirement age (58 for women and 60 for men) after having completed 25 years (20 years for women) of service. As of 31.12.2013, the maximum payable amount is one month’s salary for each employee for each year of service, subject to an upper limit of 3,254.44 TL (31.12.2012: 3,033.98 TL) On the other hand, according to the Law on the Regulation of Relationships between Employees and Employers Engaged in the Profession of the Press, the Company is obliged to pay severance to each employee who is subject to this law and worked for a minimum of 5 years and whose employment is terminated without due cause. The maximum payable amount is 30 days’ salary for each year. There is no severance payments cap application for press personnel. Apart from the above-mentioned legal regulations, there are no arrangements for pension commitments. Early retirement rights of people working in press, publishing, packaging and printing works have been nullified since October 1, 2008. No funds were allocated since there is no obligation for fund allocation. Provisions for severance payments were calculated based on the estimated value, as of the balance sheet date, of the Group’s liability to arise in the future due to the retirement of its personnel. The standard “TAS 19 - Employee Benefits” requires use of actuarial evaluation methods for the estimation of companies’ liabilities within the scope of their specific social rights plans. Accordingly, actuarial assumptions and existing legal obligations were used in the calculation of the total amount of liabilities for each company. Discount rate Rate of non-payment of severance payment liabilities 31.12.2013 3.32% 8% 31.12.2012 3.81% 9% 31.12.2013 24,741,422 (8,550,312) 30,580 (1,616,096) 18,525,990 33,131,584 31.12.2012 20,418,369 (3,722,307) (618,624) 8,663,984 24,741,422 Flow chart of the provisions for severance payments is as follows: Provision as of January 1 Payments Provisions derived from new acquisitions at the beginning of the period Provisions no longer required (Note 31) Period Provision (including interest and actuarial differences) Balance at the End of the Period Not 23 - Pension Plans Apart from the legal regulations outlined in Note 22, there are no arrangements regarding pension commitments. İhlas Holding Annual Report 2013 173 İHLAS HOLDİNG ANONİM ŞİRKETİ Footnotes to the Consolidated Financial Statements as of December 31, 2013 (All amounts expressed in Turkish Lira (“TL”) unless otherwise stated.) Note 24 - Prepaid Expenses and Deferred Income 31.12.2013 43,368,122 19,440,124 1,338,069 84,309 64,230,624 4,707,914 242,666 4,950,580 409,626,417 4,352,696 413,628 414,392,741 388,155,871 3,424,799 391,580,670 Advances Given for Purchases(1) Work Advances Expenses for Future Months Advances Given to Personnel Prepaid Tax Receivables Prepaid Expenses (Classified in Current Assets) Advances Given Income Relating to Future Years Prepaid Expenses (Classified in Non-Current Assets) Advance Payments Received(2) Income Relating to Future Months Expense accruals Deferred Income (Short-Term) Advance Payments Received(2) Income Relating to Future Years Deferred Income (Long-Term) (1) (2) 31.12.2012 48,437,522 17,873,850 2,172,930 9,576 6,853 68,500,731 12,126,013 1,091,828 13,217,841 121,853,469 392,335 366,059 122,611,863 424,193,200 424,193,200 Balances, regarding the related parties, of the advances given are detailed in Note 38. Details of the advances received are provided below, and the balances regarding the related parties are detailed in Note 38. Short-Term Advances Received against Orders (Bizimevler-5 Construction Project Advances) (Refer to Note 42-a) Advances Received against Orders (Kristalşehir Project Advances) (Refer to Note 42-a) Advances Received against Orders (Yalova-Çiftlikköy Construction Project Advances) (Refer to Note 42-a) Advances Received against Orders (Marmara Evleri-3 Project Advances) (Refer to Note 42-a) Advances Received against Orders (Bizimevler-4 Construction Project Advances) (Refer to Note 42-a) Advances Received against Orders (Bizimevler-6 Construction Project Advances) (Refer to Note 42-a) Advances Received against Orders (Bizimevler-3 Construction Project Advances) Advances Received against Orders (Other Advances Received against Construction) Advances Received against Orders TOTAL Long-Term 31.12.2013 31.12.2012 31.12.2013 31.12.2012 195,639,162 - - 51,730,705 144,458,314 - 313,590,814 372,462,495 32,470,716 29,342,755 - - 13,653,084 57,228,225 - - 6,276,816 19,366,414 - - - - 74,565,057 - 13,329 9,315,989 - - 2,174,750 14,940,246 409,626,417 931,186 5,668,900 121,853,469 388,155,871 424,193,200 174 İHLAS HOLDİNG ANONİM ŞİRKETİ Footnotes to the Consolidated Financial Statements as of December 31, 2013 (All amounts expressed in Turkish Lira (“TL”) unless otherwise stated.) Note 25 - Current Tax Assets Prepaid tax assets Current Tax Assets 31.12.2013 983,462 983,462 31.12.2012 2,374,857 2,374,857 31.12.2013 61,765,643 61,765,643 9,738,768 2,306,544 464,911 1,378,008 13,888,231 3,883 3,883 31.12.2012 62,610,253 62,610,253 5,807,838 9,257,157 1,394,756 419,371 16,879,122 1,527,984 464,919 1,992,903 Note 26 - Other Assets and Liabilities Transferred VAT and other VAT Other Current Assets Other Non - Current Assets Taxes Payable, Fee and Other Deductions Overdue, deferred, installed tax liabilities Default Interests owed to TEDAŞ Other Other Short-Term Liabilities Overdue, deferred, installed tax liabilities Default Interests owed to TEDAŞ Other Long-Term Liabilities Note 27 - Capital, Reserves and Other Equity Items A. Paid-in Capital As of December 31, 2013, the Holding’s registered and issued capital comprises 79,040,000,000 (31.12.2012: 79,040,000,000) shares, each with a nominal value of 1 Kr. The Holding’s registered authorized capital is TL 2,000,000,000. The Holding’s registered and issued capital and its capital structure as of December 31, 2013 and December 31, 2012 were as follows: Name/Title of Shareholder Publicly Held Ahmet Mücahid Ören Ali Tubay Gölbaşı Ayşe Dilvin Ören Enver Ören Other Total Capital Share Ratio 84.77% 9.37% 3.62% 2.22% 0.02% 100.00% 31.12.2013 Share Amount 670,053,864 74,036,676 28,604,200 17,578,889 126,371 790,400,000 31.12.2012 Share Ratio Share Amount 85.27% 673,943,870 1.66% 13,086,005 2.83% 22,402,520 10.16% 80,315,554 0.08% 652,051 100.00% 790,400,000 The breakdown of the Holding’s privileged shares (Group B shares) is set out below: Name/Title of Shareholder Ahmet Mücahid Ören Ayşe Dilvin Ören Ali Tubay Gölbaşı Zeki Celep Class I I I I Group B B B B Bearer / Registered Bearer Bearer Bearer Bearer Number of Shares 3,453,750 542,250 378,000 126,000 Value of Shares 34,537,5 5,422,5 3,780 1,260 If the General Assembly of the Holding decides that the Board of Directors consist of 5 people, at least 3 of the Members of the Board of Directors are selected among candidates nominated by group (B) shareholders. Similarly, at least 5 of the members are selected among those candidates if a board of 7 people is decided, at least 7 of the members are selected among those candidates if a board of 9 people is decided, and at least 9 of the members are selected among those candidates if a board of 11 people is decided. İhlas Holding Annual Report 2013 175 İHLAS HOLDİNG ANONİM ŞİRKETİ Footnotes to the Consolidated Financial Statements as of December 31, 2013 (All amounts expressed in Turkish Lira (“TL”) unless otherwise stated.) B. Accumulated Other Comprehensive Income/ Expense not to be Reclassified to Profit or Loss Accumulated other comprehensive income / expense not to be reclassified to profit or loss consist of tangible fixed assets revaluation increase and actuarial gains / (losses) from pension plans. And their transaction table is as follows: Balance as of January 1 Tangible fixed assets revaluation increase incurred in the period (net of deferred tax effect) Transfers to retained earnings/ losses(*) Balance as of December 31 31.12.2013 66,957,602 36,082,397 (39,934,242) 63,105,757 31.12.2012 47,408,610 19,548,992 66,957,602 TL 47,489,143 of appreciation of tangible fixed assets has been incurred in the current period, and TL 2,374,458 of this amount has been subjected to deferred tax. TL 36,082,397 portion of the resulting revaluation increase of tangible fixed assets belongs to the parent company, whereas TL 9,032,288 portion belongs to non-controlling interests. The appreciations incurred in the previous period related to the tangible fixed assets, which have been transferred to investment properties in the current period. (*) Balance as of January 1 Actuarial gains / (losses) fund from pension plans incurred in the period Balance as of December 31 31.12.2013 (694,118) 76,675 (617,443) 31.12.2012 (189,176) (504,942) (694,118) TL 232,592 of actuarial gains / (losses) from pension plans has been incurred in the current period, and TL 46,519 of this amount has been subjected to deferred tax. TL 76,675 portion of the resulting actuarial gains / (losses) fund from pension plans belongs to the parent company, whereas TL 109,398 portion belongs to non-controlling interests. C. Other Capital Reserves 31.12.2013 5,656,722 Other Capital Reserves 31.12.2012 5,656,722 The return on equity related with the merger occurred due to the capital reduction process in the merger of the Group Companies, İhlas Madencilik A.Ş. and Bayındır Madencilik A.Ş. D. Share Premiums 31.12.2013 7,925,000 Share Premiums 31.12.2012 7,925,000 E. Restricted Reserves Allocated from Profit The first legal reserve is appropriated out of the statutory profits at the rate of 5%, until the total reserve reaches a maximum of 20% of the revalued paid-in capital. The second legal reserve is appropriated at the rate of 10% of all recent dividend distributions in excess of the revalued capital. Within the framework of the provisions set forth in the Turkish Commercial Code, legal reserves may be used to offset accumulated losses only, but not for any other purposes unless they exceed 50% of the paid-in capital. (a) Restricted Reserves Allocated from Profit Legal Reserves Statutory Reserves Special Reserves(b) 31.12.2013 15,722,572 2,894,220 337,093 12,491,259 31.12.2012 14,690,296 2,689,705 337,093 11,663,498 (a) TL 903,480 of restricted reserves allocated from profits has been transferred to retained earnings / losses in the current period. There has been a change of TL 128,976 to R&D incentives in the same period. There was a change of TL 367,567 in the previous period, due to changes in share rates of subsidiaries that did not result in loss of control. The majority of this amount consists of capital reserves paid by the partners to the Group companies in order to cover the taxes paid pursuant to the Law numbered 5811 on Integration of Some Assets into the National Economy, and the remaining amount consists of capital reserves and TUBITAK R&D incentives paid by the partners to the Group companies in order that the related companies do not experience capital loss, in accordance with the Turkish Commercial Code. (b) 176 İHLAS HOLDİNG ANONİM ŞİRKETİ Footnotes to the Consolidated Financial Statements as of December 31, 2013 (All amounts expressed in Turkish Lira (“TL”) unless otherwise stated.) F. Other Reserves Balance as of January 1 Other Reserves (Transactions with non-controlling shareholders) Balance as of December 31 31.12.2013 (18,767,431) (36,644,654) (55,412,085) 31.12.2012 (18,767,431) (18,767,431) İhlas Pazarlama A.Ş. and İhlas Ev Aletleri İmalat Sanayi ve Ticaret A.Ş., two of the Group companies, acquired 6,166,957 lots of İhlas Madencilik A.Ş’s publicly traded share for TL 45,676,509. In addition, İhlas Pazarlama A.Ş., one of the Group companies, sold 999,387 lots of İhlas Yayın Holding’s publicly traded shares, and provided cash inflow of TL 320,387. The aforementioned purchase and sales transactions are considered as purchase and sales transactions for non-controlling interests between the partners, since it didn’t result in a control change within the context of TAS 27. The difference of TL 43,079,841 between the share corresponding to the rate of acquisition at fair value of the acquired net assets of the Group, and TL 45,356,122, which is the acquisition amount (net purchase price) of the Group, was accounted in the equities. The negative impact of the aforementioned transactions on the equities belonging to the Group’s parent company was TL 36,344,654. The non-controlling interests were reduced to TL 680,939 as a result of these transactions. The negative impact of the aforementioned transactions to the Group’s cash flow was TL 19,448,370. The shares without power of control was reduced to TL 6,435,187 as a result of this transaction. The negative impact of the aforementioned transaction to the Group’s cash flow was TL 45,356,122. G. Profit/Loss for the Previous Year In accordance with the CMB regulations effective until January 1, 2008, ”Capital, Share Premiums, Legal Reserves, Statutory Reserves and Extraordinary Reserves” were recorded at their statutory carrying amounts and the inflation adjustment differences related to such accounts were recorded under “equity inflation adjustment differences” during the initial application of inflation accounting. “Equity inflation adjustment differences” related to all equity items could have been utilised in issuing bonus shares and offsetting accumulated losses only, whereas the carrying amount of extraordinary reserves could have been utilized in issuing bonus shares, cash dividend distribution and offsetting accumulated losses. In accordance with the Communique, Serial No: XI, No: 29, and related announcements of CMB, effective from January 1, 2008, “Paid-in Capital”, “Reserves on Retained Earnings” and “Share Premiums” shall be carried at their statutory amounts. The valuation differences arising during the exercise of the Communique shall be classified as follows: - The difference arising from the “Paid-in Capital” and not yet transferred to capital, shall be classified under “Inflation Adjustment to Share Capital”; - The difference associated with the inflation adjustment of “Reserves on Retained Earnings” and “Share Premiums” and the amount not yet utilised in dividend distribution or capital increase, shall be classified under “Retained Earnings”. The other shareholders’ equity items are shown with the amount valued in the frame of CMB Capital Markets Board Standards. (*) The transaction table of Profits/Losses for Previous Years during the period is as follows: Profit/Loss for the Previous Year 31.12.2013 31.12.2012 Balance as of the beginning of the period Net profit / (loss) for the previous period (Note 37) Transfers from Profit / Losses from Revaluation and Measurement Transfers from Restricted Reserves Allocated from Profit Increase / decrease due to changes in share rates of subsidiaries that do not result in loss of control Balance as of the end of the period (13,971,440) (53,810,680) 39,934,242 (903,480) 66,968,513 (85,187,827) - (1,281,629) (30,032,987) 4,247,874 (13,971,440) İhlas Holding Annual Report 2013 177 İHLAS HOLDİNG ANONİM ŞİRKETİ Footnotes to the Consolidated Financial Statements as of December 31, 2013 (All amounts expressed in Turkish Lira (“TL”) unless otherwise stated.) Dividend Distribution Publicly held companies conduct their dividend distribution according to the CMB’s communiqué on Dividend Distribution Serial II-1.19, which came into force as of February 1, 2014. Partnerships distribute their dividends with the decision of the General Assembly, within the framework of the dividend policy to be determined by the General Assembly, and in compliance with the provisions of the relevant legislation. Within the scope of this Communiqué, a minimum distribution rate has not been determined. The companies shall make dividend payments as stated in their Articles of Association and dividend policies. In addition, the dividend shall be able to be paid in equal or different instalments, and it shall be able to be distributed in cash over the profit stated in the interim financial statements. Unless the reserves required by the TCC and the dividend determined for the shareholders stated in the Articles of Association and dividend policy are allocated, it cannot be decided to allocate other reserves, transfer profit to the following year and distribute dividend to holders of preferred stock, board members, employees of the partnership and persons other than shareholders. And these persons cannot receive any dividend unless the dividend determined for the shareholders is paid in cash. There is no period profit in the legal records and consolidated financial statements of the Holding as of December 31, 2013. Therefore, there isn’t any profit to be subjected to dividend distribution. H. Non-Controlling Interests Balance as of the beginning of the period Capital commitment payments to non-controlling interests Increase/ decrease due to changes in share rates of subsidiaries that do not result in loss of control Increase in Profit / Losses from Revaluation and Measurement Transactions with non-controlling shareholders Actuarial gains / (losses) fund from pension plans incurred in the period Period profit / loss of non-controlling interests Increase in other profit reserves (TUBITAK R&D incentives) Balance as of the end of the period 31.12.2013 271,754,117 2,052,500 31.12.2012 268,677,788 1,125,000 (2,488,543) 9,032,288 (6,435,187) 109,398 (19,925,317) 383,343 254,482,599 (2,225,555) 23,630 (680,939) (121,829) 4,956,022 271,754,117 01.01-31.12.2013 987,171,602 45,303,717 (7,308,463) 1,025,166,856 (16,935,362) 1,008,231,494 (847,477,283) 160,754,211 01.01-31.12.2012 612,915,180 46,253,454 2,179,625 661,348,259 (9,450,351) 651,897,908 (544,406,061) 107,491,847 01.01-31.12.2013 (802,869,604) (53,884,061) (51,857,751) (144,431,959) 205,566,092 (847,477,283) 01.01-31.12.2012 (536,709,930) (25,323,602) (23,786,786) (130,350,078) 171,764,335 (544,406,061) Note 28 - Revenue and Cost of Sales Domestic Sales Export Sales Other Sales Total Gross Sales Sales Deductions (-) Net Sales Cost of Sales (-) GROSS SALES PROFIT The details of the cost of sales are given below; Cost of Raw Materials, Supplies and Goods Cost of Direct Labour Cost of General Production Cost of Services Sold Intra-Group Eliminations Cost of Sales Cost of sales includes TL 324,023 of net inventory impairment provisions, which is directly recognised as expense. (Previous period: There is a reversal of TL 4,531,068 of net inventory impairment provisions which is directly recognised as expense) 178 İHLAS HOLDİNG ANONİM ŞİRKETİ Footnotes to the Consolidated Financial Statements as of December 31, 2013 (All amounts expressed in Turkish Lira (“TL”) unless otherwise stated.) B) Interest, Salary, Premium; Commission and Other Revenues: None (01.01-31.12.2012: None) Note 29 - Operating Costs General Administrative Expenses Marketing Expenses Research & Development Expenses Total 01.01-31.12.2013 (201,825,157) (32,756,419) (1,608,162) (236,189,738) 01.01-31.12.2012 (99,899,666) (22,725,866) (1,331,728) (123,957,260) Note 30 - Qualitative Distribution of Expenses The breakdown of expenses as of the periods 01.01-31.12.2013 and 01.01-31.12.2012 are as follows: General Administrative Expenses Benefits Provided to Personnel Depreciation and Redemption Expenses Outsourced Benefits and Services Taxes, Duties and Charges Other Various Expenses(*) (*) 01.01-31.12.2013 (201,825,157) (48,396,317) (10,792,038) (8,996,126) (4,291,132) (129,349,544) 01.01-31.12.2012 (99,899,666) (44,923,406) (8,289,904) (14,225,837) (2,921,338) (29,539,181) Details regarding the various other expenses that were included in General Management Expenses are as follows: Provision expenses for doubtful receivables Other provision expenses Damage, loss and compensations paid Bank charges Rental Expenses Travelling and accommodation expenses Insurance and maintenance - repair expenses Stationery Expenses Advertising and Promotional Expenses Title deed, litigation and enforcement expenses Other Total 01.01-31.12.2013 (106,255,449) (4,632,395) (4,344,738) (2,682,227) (2,406,087) (1,674,575) (1,310,926) (1,232,227) (759,042) (187,074) (3,864,804) (129,349,544) 01.01-31.12.2012 (6,089,130) (7,663,657) (3,109,884) (1,551,611) (1,662,967) (1,632,072) (1,173,768) (1,453,145) (1,040,275) (267,846) (3,894,826) (29,539,181) Marketing Expenses: Benefits Provided to Personnel Advertising and Promotional Expenses Outsourced Benefits and Services Distribution and Transportation Expenses Guarantee Expenses Travelling and Accommodation Expenses Depreciation and Redemption Expenses Other Various Expenses 01.01-31.12.2013 (32,756,419) (13,196,380) (9,789,125) (5,054,673) (1,763,299) (1,294,341) (1,229,022) (55,123) (374,456) 01.01-31.12.2012 (22,725,866) (8,741,338) (5,877,631) (3,896,430) (743,892) (1,023,468) (879,645) (15,548) (1,547,914) Research and Development Expenses Benefits Provided to Personnel Outsourced Benefits and Services Other Various Expenses 01.01-31.12.2013 (1,608,162) (1,004,520) (31,297) (572,345) 01.01-31.12.2012 (1,331,728) (925,227) (17,093) (389,408) İhlas Holding Annual Report 2013 179 İHLAS HOLDİNG ANONİM ŞİRKETİ Footnotes to the Consolidated Financial Statements as of December 31, 2013 (All amounts expressed in Turkish Lira (“TL”) unless otherwise stated.) Benefits Provided to Personnel Marketing Expenses: Gross wage expenses (net salaries and deductions) Provisions for severance pay and payments Other General Management Expenses Gross wage expenses (net salaries and deductions) Provisions for severance pay and payments Other Research and Development Expenses Gross wage expenses (Net salaries and deductions) 01.01-31.12.2013 (13,196,380) (11,441,577) (755,651) (999,152) (48,396,317) (38,412,791) (8,493,831) (1,489,695) (1,004,520) (1,004,520) 01.01-31.12.2012 (8,741,338) (8,381,842) (174,316) (185,180) (44,923,406) (38,894,504) (5,226,575) (802,327) (925,227) (925,227) 01.01-31.12.2013 (4,280,187) (10,792,038) (55,123) (109,238) (15,236,586) 01.01-31.12.2012 (11,165,047) (8,289,904) (15,548) (171,771) (19,642,270) Depreciation and Redemption Share Expenses Production costs General administration expenses Marketing Expenses Other operating costs Total Depreciation and Redemption Share Expenses Note 31 - Other Operating Income / Expenses The breakdown of other operating income / expenses as of the periods 01.01-31.12.2013 and 01.01-31.12.2012 are as follows: Other operating income revenues Financial income from forward sales Foreign currency translation gain Provisions no longer required - doubtful receivable provisions Rental income Provisions no longer required - business advance provisions Provisions no longer required - severance pay provisions Provisions no longer required - other provisions Other 01.01-31.12.2013 128,467,621 87,710,217 21,338,908 3,655,882 2,830,956 2,104,493 1,616,096 2,582,110 6,628,959 01.01-31.12.2012 66,555,391 31,805,863 18,500,868 5,848,416 4,275,023 1,494,310 618,624 1,517,938 2,494,349 Other operating expenses Financial expenses from forward purchases Foreign currency translation expenses Goodwill impairment provisions Litigation and penalty provisions Donations and grants Tax and default interests Commission expenses Idle capacity expenses and losses Savings Deposit Insurance Fund receivables provision Other 01.01-31.12.2013 (71,026,549) (41,157,658) (14,940,533) (4,053,206) (3,366,917) (3,179,148) (1,690,439) (1,082,927) (109,238) (1,446,483) 01.01-31.12.2012 (47,117,390) (21,674,657) (15,467,323) (1,794,807) (1,075,750) (79,036) (401,411) (171,771) (4,909,671) (1,542,964) 180 İHLAS HOLDİNG ANONİM ŞİRKETİ Footnotes to the Consolidated Financial Statements as of December 31, 2013 (All amounts expressed in Turkish Lira (“TL”) unless otherwise stated.) Note 32 - Income / Expenses from Investing Activities The breakdown of other income/ expenses from investing activities as of the periods 01.01-31.12.2013 and 01.01-31.12.2012 are as follows: 01.01-31.12.2013 01.01-31.12.2012 Income from Investing Activities 74,523,888 86,677,489 Gain on sales and revaluation income of financial investments 10,698,285 83,427,582 Revaluation income of investment properties 59,627,580 Profit from sales of fixed assets 3,113,780 2,634,216 Revaluation income of non-current assets held for sale 1,084,243 Profit on Sales of Marketable Securities 615,691 Expenses from Investing Activities Loss on sale and provisions for impairment of financial investments Provision for impairment of long-term financial investments Loss from sales of fixed assets Provisions of Impairment for Investment Properties Loss on Sales of Marketable Securities 01.01-31.12.2013 (93,790,876) (91,826,601) (1,872,000) (92,275) - 01.01-31.12.2012 (21,619,859) (19,196,706) (118) (2,405,559) (17,476) Note 33 - Financial Expenses The breakdown of other finance expenses as of the periods 01.01-31.12.2013 and 01.01-31.12.2012 are as follows: Financial Expenses Interest expenses Foreign currency translation expenses Other financial expenses 01.01-31.12.2013 (206,132,797) (169,393,042) (36,739,755) - 01.01-31.12.2012 (150,549,182) (137,419,394) (7,377,883) (5,751,905) Note 34 - Financial Revenues The breakdown of other finance income as of the periods 01.01-31.12.2013 and 01.01-31.12.2012 are as follows: Financial Revenues Interest revenues Foreign currency translation gain Other financial revenues 01.01-31.12.2013 32,286,945 18,673,015 13,613,930 - 01.01-31.12.2012 48,261,810 41,195,329 6,410,679 655,802 Note 35 - Non-Current Assets Held-for-Sale and Discontinued Operations A. Non-Current Assets Held-for-Sale Current Period According to the material disclosure made on February 25, 2014, it was declared that the Holding sold all of its shares in İhlas Genel Antrepo Nakl. ve Tic. A.Ş., which was valued by the equity method in the previous period. For this reason, İhlas Genel Antrepo Nakl. ve Tic. A.Ş. has been transferred to non-current assets held for sale in the current period. The company’s net value is TL 3,062,506 as of December 31, 2013. Appreciation of TL 1,084,243 has been calculated and associated with the income from investing activities for the current period Previous Period None. İhlas Holding Annual Report 2013 181 İHLAS HOLDİNG ANONİM ŞİRKETİ Footnotes to the Consolidated Financial Statements as of December 31, 2013 (All amounts expressed in Turkish Lira (“TL”) unless otherwise stated.) B. Discontinued Operations There is no partnership of the Holding with İhlas Net Ltd. Şti., which used to be classified in long-term financial investments in previous periods. No profit/ loss related to this transaction has been observed in the current period. The activities of İhlas Barter A.Ş. in Liquidation, İhlas Zahav Otomotiv A.Ş., İhlas Holding - İhlas Yapı Joint Venture - 2 and İhlas Enerji Üretim Dağıtım ve Tic. A.Ş., which used to be classified in long-term financial investments in previous periods, were terminated in the current period. Profit / Loss of Discontinued Operations 01.01-31.12.2013 - 01.01-31.12.2012 (130,418) Note 36 - Income Taxes A. Current Period Tax Assets and Liabilities Corporate Tax rate is 20%. Dividends paid to corporations generating income through an office or a permanent agency in Turkey and corporations located in Turkey shall not be subject to withholding tax. Dividend payments other than these shall be subject to withholding tax at a rate of 15%. Addition of profit to the capital shall not be deemed as dividend distribution and thus, no withholding tax shall be levied. Corporations shall pay advance tax at a rate of 20% over their three-month financial profits. While advance taxes paid during the year shall pertain to that year, they shall be deducted from the corporate tax of the subsequent year, which will be calculated based on the corporate tax statement to be submitted. Dividend revenues generated by corporations from participating in the capital of another corporation subject to full tax obligations (excluding dividends earned from mutual funds’ participation certificates and investment trusts’ stocks) shall be exempt from corporate tax. A total of 75% of the properties recognised in a corporation’s assets for at least two full years, and the revenues it generates from the sale of its shares in its associates, founder’s shares, dividend shares and preferential rights, are exempt from corporate tax. In order to benefit from the tax exemption, such earnings must be held in a fund account under liabilities and not drawn for at least 5 years, as well as the condition that the selling price must be collected by the end of the second calendar year following the year when the sale transaction was completed. According to Turkish Tax Legislation, financial losses written on the tax statement may be deducted from the corporation’s earnings in the current period, provided that the period of deduction does not exceed 5 years. Primary tax expense items as of December 31, 2013 and December 31,2012 were as follows: Current period tax provision Taxes paid in advance (-) Total 31.12.2013 16,067,857 (12,685,881) 3,381,976 31.12.2012 7,524,813 (2,864,635) 4,660,178 The main components of tax expense reflected in the income statement as of the periods 01.01-31.12.2013 and 01.01-31.12.2012 are as follows: 01.01-31.12.2013 01.01-31.12.2012 Current period corporate tax provision (16,067,857) (7,524,813) Deferred tax income / (expense) (22,588,819) (7,362,564) Balance as of the end of the period (38,656,676) (14,887,377) B. Deferred Tax Assets and Liabilities The Holding calculates its deferred tax assets and liabilities by taking into account the impact of temporary differences arising as a result of separate evaluation of balance sheet items in accordance with TFRS standards and tax legislation. In substance, the principal temporary differences arise from the differences in the periods of the recognition of income and expenses in accordance with TFRS and tax legislation. 182 İHLAS HOLDİNG ANONİM ŞİRKETİ Footnotes to the Consolidated Financial Statements as of December 31, 2013 (All amounts expressed in Turkish Lira (“TL”) unless otherwise stated.) Corporate Tax rate for the year 2013 is 20% (31.12.2012: 20%). Therefore, the rate to be applied to deferred tax receivables and liabilities, which are calculated over temporary differences according to the liability method, is 20%. The breakdown of accumulated temporary differences and deferred tax assets and liabilities, prepared through the use of effective tax rates, as of 31.12.2013 and 31.12.2012 is set out below: Total Temporary Differences Deferred tax liabilities Rediscount regarding payables and orders (59,457,131) Temporary differences regarding tangible fixed assets (53,182,599) Value increases of tangible fixed assets that are associated with the Value Increase Fund (VIF) (20,702,989) Temporary differences regarding intangible fixed assets (1,024,606) Term Deposits Interest Accruals (274,189) Increase in the Value of Financial Investments (2,701) Gross deferred tax liabilities (134,644,215) Deferred tax assets Rediscount regarding receivables and orders 59,571,971 Provision for doubtful receivables 26,259,569 Provisions for severance payments 31,297,115 Accrued interest for borrowings Provisions of Impairment for Financial Investments 3,707,522 Temporary differences regarding intangible fixed assets 14,728,407 Temporary differences regarding tangible fixed assets 8,189,898 Provisions for business advances 7,154,330 Provisions for the reduction in the inventory 4,604,800 Investment Discount (R&D Discount) 3,038,531 Provisions for expenses for future months 4,080,439 Outstanding social security accruals 1,198,749 Provisions for guarantees and litigation 762,431 Undiscounted financial losses 48,114,165 Gross deferred tax assets 212,707,927 Net deferred tax assets / (liabilities) 78,063,712 31.12.2013 Deferred Tax Asset/ (Liability) 31.12.2012 Total Deferred Tax Temporary Asset/ Differences (Liability) (11,891,426) (10,636,520) (65,875,142) (23,505,748) (13,175,028) (4,701,150) (4,140,598) (204,921) (54,838) (540) (26,928,843) (19,378,363) (453,021) (6,184,566) (30,845,558) (146,242,398) (3,875,673) (90,604) (1,236,913) (6,169,112) (29,248,480) 11,914,394 5,251,914 6,259,423 741,504 2,945,681 1,637,980 1,430,866 920,960 607,706 816,088 239,750 152,486 9,622,833 42,541,585 15,612,742 106,525,532 62,808,338 24,431,654 23,559,827 2,420,063 16,370,576 11,552,482 8,036,577 3,695,344 1,878,939 551,488 1,675,368 792,253 76,689,107 340,987,548 194,745,150 21,305,106 12,561,668 4,886,331 4,711,965 484,013 3,274,115 2,310,496 1,607,315 739,069 375,788 110,298 335,074 158,451 15,337,821 68,197,510 38,949,030 31.12.2013 38,949,030 (22,588,819) (2,374,457) 1,502,879 124,109 15,612,742 31.12.2012 47,309,385 (7,362,564) (998,133) 342 38,949,030 Flow chart of the net deferred tax assets is as follows: Balance on January 1 Deferred tax income / (expense) that is recognised in the income statement Deferred tax income / (expense) related to profit and losses from revaluation and measurement Deferred tax effect of the revaluation funds transferred to retained earnings / loss Deferred tax income / expense from new acquisitions at the beginning of the period Balance at the end of the period The Group calculated deferred tax assets in its consolidated financial statements, which were prepared pursuant to the TAS 12 “Income Taxes”, pertaining to the reporting year ended on December 31, 2013, for financial losses of TL 48,114,165 (31.12.2012:TL 76,689,107) which may be appropriated. İhlas Holding Annual Report 2013 183 İHLAS HOLDİNG ANONİM ŞİRKETİ Footnotes to the Consolidated Financial Statements as of December 31, 2013 (All amounts expressed in Turkish Lira (“TL”) unless otherwise stated.) The maturities of the said financial losses are as follows: 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 Total 31.12.2013 4,459,004 15,121,928 3,294,058 1,010,198 24,228,977 48,114,165 31.12.2012 8,335,478 5,785,208 15,847,511 24,531,620 22,189,290 76,689,107 Deferred tax assets were recognized to the extent that the Group is likely to generate financial profit, which may be made use of for all deductible temporary differences. The Group’s financial losses, which may be appropriated, and whose deferred tax asset cannot be calculated, and which amounted to TL 242.153.124 as of December 31, 2013 (31.12.2012: TL 77.679.781), and their maturities are as follows: 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 Total 31.12.2013 7,642,577 1,564,973 24,965,081 77,333,697 130,646,796 242,153,124 31.12.2012 10,224,919 6,322,249 954,679 4,045,950 56,131,984 77,679,781 Note 37 - Earnings/ (Loss) per Share The weighted average number of the Holding’s shares as of 31.12.2013 and 31.12.2012 and the calculation of earnings per unit share are as follows: 01.01-31.12.2013 01.01-31.12.2012 Earnings / (Loss) per share from continued operations: Net profit period / (loss) incurred by the Parent Company as a result of continued operations (229,838,654) (53,810,680) Weighted average number of shares, each with a nominal value of 1 Kr 79,040,000,000 79,040,000,000 Earnings / (Loss) per share from continued operations (Kr): (0.291) (0.068) Earnings / (Loss) per share from discontinued operations: Net profit period / (loss) incurred by the Parent Company arising from discontinued operations (130,418) Weighted average number of shares, each with a nominal value of 1 Kr 79,040,000,000 79,040,000,000 Earnings / (Loss) per share from discontinued operations (Kr) (0.000) Earnings / (Loss) per share: Net profit / (loss) for the period (249,763,971) (48,854,658) Net period profit / loss of non-controlling interests (19,925,317) 4,956,022 Net profit / (loss) for the period pertaining to the Parent Company (229,838,654) (53,810,680) Weighted average number of shares, each with a nominal value of 1 Kr 79,040,000,000 79,040,000,000 Earnings / (Loss) per share (Kr) (0.291) (0.068) Diluted Earnings per Share have not been calculated since the Holding doesn’t have any potential common shares with dilutive effect (Previous period: None). There are no dividends accrued in the current period (Previous period: none). There are no share-based payments. (Previous period: none). Earnings per share are calculated by dividing the net profit of the current period by the weighted average of the number of shares circulating during the period. 184 İHLAS HOLDİNG ANONİM ŞİRKETİ Footnotes to the Consolidated Financial Statements as of December 31, 2013 (All amounts expressed in Turkish Lira (“TL”) unless otherwise stated.) Note 38 - Related Party Disclosures A. Current account balances (net book values) of the Holding with its shareholders, major companies having indirect capital, management and business relations with the Holding through it shareholders, and the key personnel as of December 31, 2013 and December 31, 2012 are as follows (Trade receivables / payables from some related parties, which were inadvertently not listed among the related parties in the previous independent audit report, are included and presented in columns of December 31, 2012.) Fikirevim Rekl. Görsel Etkinlik Tic. Ltd. Şti. Konak İnş. Proje Taah. Tic. Tur. A.Ş. İHA GMBH İhlas Medya Trade Center GMBH Mute Grup Medya İç ve Dış Ticaret A.Ş. Klas Dış Ticaret A.Ş. İhlas Dış Ticaret A.Ş. Voli Turizm Seyahat Tic. Ltd. Şti. Yakamoz Sektörel Petrol Ürünleri Yapı Gıda Ltd. Şti. İhlas Finans Kurumu A.Ş. in Liquidation Net İletişim Hizmetleri Ltd. Şti. Antalya İmar Ltd. Şti. Kia-İhlas Motor Sanayi ve Ticaret A.Ş. in Liquidation Plus Gayrimenkul Ticaret A.Ş. NETTEC Otomasyon ve Çevre Teknolojileri A.Ş. (Former Title: İhlas Net Ltd. Şti.) İhlas Vakfı İhlas Oxford Mortgage İnşaat ve Ticaret A.Ş. in Liquidation VAV İnternet Hiz. Paz. Tic. Ltd. Şti. Zela İnş. Otom. Tur. San. ve Tic. A.Ş. Balsa Balıkesir Meşrubat San. Tic. A.Ş. Milenyum Oto Kir. ve Otom. Tur. Tic. Ltd. Şti. İhlas Genel Antrepo Nakliyat ve Tic. A.Ş. İhlas Vakfı Yurt ve Eğitim Hiz. İktisadi İşl. Alternatif Gör. İşitsel Bil. ve İle. Sis. Ltd. Şti. İstanbul Uluslararası Dan. Hiz. Tic. Ltd. Şti. Other related parties Total Trade Receivables 31.12.2013 13,314,754 7,119,884 1,803,523 1,503,216 998,159 540,356 420,787 324,692 Trade Payables 31.12.2013 3,295,595 9,145,867 225,560 10,876 98,673 Advances Given for Purchases 31.12.2013 1,133 Advance Payments Received 31.12.2013 - 103,458 53,279 27,951 16,165 8,810 5,588 48 25,114 735,836 37,814 - - 2,403 1,358 891 384 126 184,630 26,430,414 79,038 2,879 369,927 93,939 83,633 53,807 9,992 408 212,727 14,481,733 1,133 7,172,004 7,172,004 İhlas Holding Annual Report 2013 185 İHLAS HOLDİNG ANONİM ŞİRKETİ Footnotes to the Consolidated Financial Statements as of December 31, 2013 (All amounts expressed in Turkish Lira (“TL”) unless otherwise stated.) Trade Receivables 31.12.2012 Fikirevim Rek. Görsel Etkinlikler Tic. Ltd. Şti. 9,012,884 Mute Grup Medya İç ve Dış Tic. Ltd. Şti. 1,139,303 İHA GMBH 1,059,751 İhlas Dış Ticaret A.Ş. 753,623 İhlas Media Trade Center GMBH 737,604 Klas Dış Ticaret A.Ş. 469,409 Bimeks Bilgi İşlem ve Dış Tic. A.Ş. 177,840 Voli Turizm Seyahat Tic. Ltd. Şti. 139,170 İhlas Finans Kurumu A.Ş. in Liquidation 92,286 Çağlar Sağ. Güz. Ev Aletleri Paz. İth. İhr. A.Ş. 79,903 Yakamoz Sekt. Pet. Ürün. Yapı Gıda Ltd. Şti. 76,303 Milenyum Oto Kir. ve Oto. Tur. Tic. Ltd. Şti. 73,820 Net İletişim Hizmetleri Ltd. Şti. 44,224 İhlas Oxford Mortgage İnş. ve Tic. A.Ş. in Liquidation 31,479 İhlas Vakfı Yurt ve Eğitim Hizmetleri 19,037 İhlas İletişim Hizmetleri A.Ş. 11,915 NETTEC Otomasyon ve Çevre Teknolojileri A.Ş. (Former Title: İhlas Net Ltd. Şti.) 11,015 Antalya İmar Ltd. Şti. 8,011 Kia-İhlas Motor Sanayi ve Ticaret A.Ş. in Liquidation 7,464 Plus Gayrimenkul Ticaret A.Ş. 3,497 İhlas Genel Antrepo Nakliyat ve Tic. A.Ş. 1,058 İhlas Uluslararası İnşaat ve Tic. A.Ş. 630 İhlas Vakfı 377 Zela İnşaat Otomotiv Turizm San. ve Tic. A.Ş. M. Muammer Gürbüz Total 13,950,603 Shareholders and Senior Executives Ahmet Mücahid Ören Ali Tubay Gölbaşı Ayşe Dilvin Ören Dursun Şahin Ömer Faruk Demir Fevzi Darende M. Fatih Soslu Ceyhan Aral Other Total Trade Payables 31.12.2012 825,673 11,104 9,970,414 277,809 135,683 158,805 47 46,177 463 47,551 158 Advances Given for Purchases 31.12.2012 14,197 - Advance Payments Received 31.12.2012 - 151,757 241,740 171,285 97,981 12.136,647 14,197 1,591,410 55,000 1,646,410 Other Receivables 31.12.2013 31.12.2012 6,258,003 2,909,710 9,167,713 - Other Payables 31.12.2013 31.12.2012 1,516,169 12,400 980,000 35,000 250,000 150,000 115,000 1,937 118 118 2,531,287 529,455 B) Sales and purchases of goods, services, advertising, rent, interest and assets of the Holding with its shareholders and certain companies having indirect capital, management and business relations with the Holding through it shareholders, during the periods January 1 - December 31, 2013 and January 1 - December 31, 2012, are as follows (Purchase and sale transactions from some related parties, which were inadvertently not listed among the related parties in the previous independent audit report, are included and presented in columns of January 1 - December 31, 2012): 186 İHLAS HOLDİNG ANONİM ŞİRKETİ Footnotes to the Consolidated Financial Statements as of December 31, 2013 (All amounts expressed in Turkish Lira (“TL”) unless otherwise stated.) Fikirevim Rekl. Görsel Etkinlik Tic. Ltd. Şti. İhlas Medya Trade Center GMBH Mute Grup Medya İç ve Dış Ticaret A.Ş. İHA GMBH Ulubol İnşaat Harfiyat Gıda Tur. San. ve Tic. Ltd. Şti. İhlas Finans Kurumu A.Ş. in Liquidation Klas Dış Ticaret A.Ş. İhlas Vakfı Yurt ve Eğitim Hiz. İktisadi İşl. Antalya İmar Ltd. Şti. Voli Turizm Seyahat Tic. Ltd. Şti. Yakamoz Sektörel Petrol Ürünleri Yapı Gıda Ltd. Şti. İhlas Genel Antrepo Nakliyat ve Tic.A.Ş. İhlas Vakfı İhlas Dış Ticaret A.Ş. Plus Gayrimenkul Ticaret A.Ş. Çağlar Sağlık Güzellik ve Ev Aletleri Paz. İth. ve İhracat A.Ş. Net İletişim Hizmetleri Ltd. Şti. Alternatif Gör. İşitsel Bil. ve İle. Sis. Ltd. Şti. EMS Mobil Sistemler ve Hast. Malz. İnş. San. ve Tic. A.Ş. Milenyum Oto Kir. ve Otom. Tur. Tic. Ltd. Şti. Konak İnş. Proje Taah. Tic. Tur. A.Ş. İstanbul Uluslararası Dan. Hiz. Tic. Ltd. Şti. VAV İnternet Hiz. Paz. Tic. Ltd. Şti. NETTEC Otomasyon ve Çevre Teknolojileri A.Ş. (Former Title: İhlas Net Ltd. Şti.) File Prodüksiyon Hizmetleri İnş. Yayın. Bilg. Rek. ve Org. Ltd. Şti. CDC Kurumsal Gelişim Merkezi Ltd. Şti. Ekip Teknoloji Bilişim Hiz. Ltd. Şti. Balsa Balıkesir Meşrubat San. Tic. A.Ş. Other related parties Total Sales Made 01.01-31.12.2013 31,719,840 1,207,280 761,634 461,109 452,162 262,156 222,772 126,979 81,564 69,617 68,024 40,687 32,319 13,942 12,814 7,255 6,674 3,313 2,978 2,397 1,750 1,299 938 541 405 217 17 1,615,619 37,176,302 Purchases Made 01.01-31.12.2013 7,949,408 773,758 9,865 954,578 154,375 300,584 877,455 544 1,300,238 2,626 467,217 46,437 55,568 16,343,928 39,525 17,122 21,634 1,285,284 279,694 30,879,840 Fikirevim Rek. Görsel Etkinlikler Tic. Ltd. Şti. İHA GMBH İhlas Media Trade Center GMBH Bimeks Bilgi İşlem ve Dış Tic. A.Ş. Mute Grup Medya İç ve Dış Tic. Ltd. Şti. Klas Dış Tic. A.Ş. İhlas Finans Kurumu in Liquidation İhlas Vakfı Yurt ve Eğitim Hizmetleri Çağlar Sağ. Güz. Ev Aletleri Paz. İth. İhr. A.Ş. Antalya İmar Ltd. Şti. Plus Gayrimenkul Ticaret A.Ş. İhlas Dış Ticaret A.Ş. Yakamoz Sekt. Pet. Ürün. Yapı Gıda Ltd. Şti. İhlas Genel Antrepo Nak. ve Tic. A.Ş. Net İletişim Hizmetleri Ltd. Şti. Voli Turizm Seyahat Tic. Ltd. Şti. NETTEC Otomasyon ve Çevre Teknolojileri A.Ş. (Former Title: İhlas Net Ltd. Şti.) İhlas İletişim Hizmetleri A.Ş. İhlas Uluslararası İnşaat ve Tic. A.Ş. Milenyum Oto Kir. ve Oto. Tur. Tic. Ltd. Şti. Other related parties Total Sales Made 01.01-31.12.2012 27,993,576 1,489,324 1,196,747 856,103 756,028 351,396 260,414 201,009 103,580 66,513 45,420 43,147 35,276 28,689 5,546 3,462 3,018 1,958 734 394 42 33,442,376 Purchases Made 01.01-31.12.2012 3,380,381 1,245,717 681,129 121,747 69,285 355,017 276,366 7,844 400,000 3,400 1,555,185 78,902 1,022,055 320,138 294,949 9,812,115 İhlas Holding Annual Report 2013 187 İHLAS HOLDİNG ANONİM ŞİRKETİ Footnotes to the Consolidated Financial Statements as of December 31, 2013 (All amounts expressed in Turkish Lira (“TL”) unless otherwise stated.) Tangible Fixed Assets Sales Aziz Erdoğan Alternatif Gör. İşitsel Bil. ve İle. Sis. Ltd. Şti. M. Muammer Gürbüz Total 01.01-31.12.2013 114,950 24,450 139,400 01.01-31.12.2012 105,941 105,941 Tangible Fixed Assets Purchases EMS Mobil Sistemler ve Hast. Malz. İnş. San. ve Tic. A.Ş. Mute Grup Medya İç ve Dış Tic. Ltd. Şti. Klas Dış Tic. A.Ş. Net İletişim Hizmetleri Ltd. Şti. Fikirevim Rek. Görsel Etkinlikler Tic. Ltd. Şti. Bimeks Bilgi İşlem ve Dış Tic. A.Ş. İhlas İletişim Hizmetleri A.Ş. Total 01.01-31.12.2013 103,390 10,000 17,240 15,157 6,500 152,287 01.01-31.12.2012 131,230 30,628 4,000 146,068 4,088 316,014 Share Sales Ahmet Mücahid Ören 01.01-31.12.2013 6,258,003 01.01-31.12.2012 - Konak İnş. Proje Taah. Tic. Tur. A.Ş. İHA GMBH İhlas Dış Ticaret A.Ş. Klas Dış Ticaret A.Ş. Voli Turizm Seyahat Tic. Ltd. Şti. Net İletişim Hizmetleri Ltd. Şti. Yakamoz Sektörel Petrol Ürünleri Yapı Gıda Ltd. Şti. NETTEC Otomasyon ve Çevre Teknolojileri A.Ş. (Former Title: İhlas Net Ltd. Şti.) Kia-İhlas Motor Sanayi ve Ticaret A.Ş. in Liquidation İhlas Finans Kurumu A.Ş. in Liquidation İhlas Oxford Mortgage İnşaat ve Ticaret A.Ş. in Liquidation İhlas Medya Trade Center GMBH Zela İnş. Otom. Tur. San. ve Tic. A.Ş. Total Interest Paid 01.01-31.12.2013 536,415 182,649 161,455 44,016 10,696 3,380 2,760 1,325 1,193 201 50 944,140 Interest Received 01.01-31.12.2013 48 925,430 59,915 985,393 İhlas Dış Ticaret A.Ş. Klas Dış Tic. A.Ş. Voli Turizm Seyahat Tic. Ltd. Şti. İhlas Oxford Mortgage İnş. ve Tic. A.Ş. İhlas Finans Kurumu A.Ş. in Liquidation Kia-İhlas Motor Sanayi ve Ticaret A.Ş. in Liquidation İhlas İletişim Hizmetleri A.Ş. NETTEC Otomasyon ve Çevre Teknolojileri A.Ş. (Former Title: İhlas Net Ltd. Şti.) Net İletişim Hizmetleri Ltd. Şti. Zela İnşaat Otomotiv Turizm San. ve Tic. A.Ş. Bimeks Bilgi İşlem ve Dış Tic. A.Ş. Total Interest Paid 01.01-31.12.2012 41,526 19,000 7,474 3,409 1,485 834 959 472 472 75,631 Interest Received 01.01-31.12.2012 33,207 8,221 41,428 188 İHLAS HOLDİNG ANONİM ŞİRKETİ Footnotes to the Consolidated Financial Statements as of December 31, 2013 (All amounts expressed in Turkish Lira (“TL”) unless otherwise stated.) İhlas Medya Trade Center GMBH İhlas Vakfı Yurt ve Eğitim Hiz. İktisadi İşl. İhlas Finans Kurumu A.Ş. in Liquidation Antalya İmar Ltd. Şti. Mute Grup Medya İç ve Dış Ticaret A.Ş. Klas Dış Ticaret A.Ş. Net İletişim Hizmetleri Ltd. Şti. Yakamoz Sektörel Petrol Ürünleri Yapı Gıda Ltd. Şti. Fikirevim Rekl. Görsel Etkinlik Tic. Ltd. Şti. Plus Gayrimenkul Ticaret A.Ş. İhlas Dış Ticaret A.Ş. NETTEC Otomasyon ve Çevre Teknolojileri A.Ş. (Former Title: İhlas Net Ltd. Şti.) İhlas Vakfı Zela İnş. Otom. Tur. San. ve Tic. A.Ş. İhlas Oxford Mortgage İnşaat ve Ticaret A.Ş. in Liquidation Milenyum Oto Kir. ve Otom. Tur. Tic. Ltd. Şti. Voli Turizm Seyahat Tic. Ltd. Şti. Other related parties Total Rent Paid 01.01-31.12.2013 1,408,040 183,350 163,380 33,403 26,531 22,741 11,677 10,091 7,720 6,706 4,981 3,784 1,819 1,310 1,107 31,870 1,918,510 Rent Received 01.01-31.12.2013 5,000 283,077 17,332 30,500 335,909 İhlas Media Trade Center GMBH İhlas Finans Kurumu A.Ş. in Liquidation İhlas Vakfı Yurt ve Eğitim Hizmetleri Klas Dış Tic. A.Ş. Çağlar Sağ. Güz. Ev Aletleri Paz. İth. İhr. A.Ş. Antalya İmar Ltd. Şti. Yakamoz Sekt. Pet. Ürün. Yapı Gıda Ltd. Şti. Plus Gayrimenkul Ticaret A.Ş. İhlas Dış Ticaret A.Ş. Fikirevim Rek. Görsel Etkinlikler Tic. Ltd. Şti. İhlas İletişim Hizmetleri A.Ş. Voli Turizm Seyahat Tic. Ltd. Şti. NETTEC Otomasyon ve Çevre Teknolojileri A.Ş. (Former Title: İhlas Net Ltd. Şti.) Net İletişim Hizmetleri Ltd. Şti. İhlas Vakfı Zela İnşaat Otomotiv Turizm San.ve Tic. A.Ş. İhlas Oxford Mortgage İnş. ve Tic. A.Ş. in Liquidation Zahav Otomotiv A.Ş. in Liquidation Alaettin Şener Mute Grup Medya İç ve Dış Tic. Ltd. Şti. Other related parties Total Rent Paid 01.01-31.12.2012 1,127,631 203,603 172,825 60,995 44,460 27,500 26,984 21,105 8,354 7,284 7,140 5,378 3,570 3,570 1,715 1,552 1,044 1,035 326 142 1,726,213 Rent Received 01.01-31.12.2012 836 123,579 44 25,375 149,834 Since all of the Holding’s receivables and payables, rent revenues and expenses, interest revenues and expenses and all other receivables and payables from affiliate companies already recognised in the consolidation were offset within the consolidation, they are not recognised in the consolidated financial statements. C) Key executive personnel include all people who have direct or indirect power and responsibility to plan, manage and control the Enterprise’s operations (administrative or other), including any of its managers, are entitled to two types of benefits. Short-term benefits cover salary, social security aid, bonus payments, paid vacations and attendance fees. Such short-term benefits are reported under the “Other Short-Term Liabilities” account. Benefits to be provided during layoff cover severance payment liabilities of the Group. Such benefits are reported under the “Provisions for Benefits provided to the Personnel” account. İhlas Holding Annual Report 2013 189 İHLAS HOLDİNG ANONİM ŞİRKETİ Footnotes to the Consolidated Financial Statements as of December 31, 2013 (All amounts expressed in Turkish Lira (“TL”) unless otherwise stated.) The total short-term benefits provided to key personnel during the period 01.01 - 31.12.2013 are TL 8,763,838 (01.01 - 31.12.2012: TL 5,774,114); whereas the total benefits to be paid out in the event of dismissals of key personnel during the period 01.01 - 31.12.2013 amount to TL 3,262,190 (01.01 - 31.12.2012: TL 2,256,905). There are no long-term benefits provided to the Group’s key personnel during the periods 01.01 - 31.12.2013 and 01.01 - 31.12.2012. TL 726,221 (01.01 - 31.12.2012: TL 89,000) of benefits including wages, honorarium, etc. were paid out to resigned / dismissed key personnel of the Group. No share-based payments are made. Note 39 - Nature and Extent of Risks Arising from Financial Instruments A) Capital risk management In capital management, while the Holding strives to provide sustainability of its operations on one hand, it aims to enhance its profitability and market value by efficiently ensuring the balance between liabilities and shareholder equity on the other. The Holding’s capital structure comprises liabilities including the loans mentioned in Note 8, cash and cash equivalents, and equity items disclosed in Note 27, including paid-in capital, capital reserves and previous year’s profits. The Holding’s capital cost and the risks associated with each type of capital are evaluated by the Holding’s senior management. During such examination, the senior management reviews capital cost and risks associated with each type of capital and presents those that are subject to the decision of the Board of Directors to the Board’s consideration. Based on the evaluations conducted by the senior management and the Board of Directors, the Holding aims to optimise its capital diversification by means of borrowing new debts, repaying existing debts and/or capital increase. The Holding’s overall strategy remains unchanged compared to the previous period. The Holding keeps track of its capital adequacy by applying the net debts/shareholder equity ratio. This ratio is found by dividing the net debt by the total equity. The net debt is calculated by deducting cash and cash equivalents from the total amount of debts (comprising loans, trade payables and other debts indicated in the consolidated financial position table (consolidated balance sheet). Total debts (Note 8) Minus: Cash and cash equivalents (Note 6) Net debt Total shareholder equity Net debt / equity ratio 31.12.2013 619,117,332 (206,948,736) 412,168,596 821,391,481 50% 31.12.2012 489,809,041 (97,590,105) 392,218,936 1,070,140,068 37% B) Significant accounting policies The Holding’s significant accounting policies related to financial instruments are outlined in the section “Financial Investments” under Footnote 2; “Summary of Significant Accounting Policies”. C) Targets in financial risk management The Holding monitors and manages the level and size of the risks that the Holding faces, or may face, related to its facilities by following the developments in domestic and foreign markets on a regular basis. The Holding’s significant financial risks include FX risk, interest rate risk and liquidity risk. 190 İHLAS HOLDİNG ANONİM ŞİRKETİ Footnotes to the Consolidated Financial Statements as of December 31, 2013 (All amounts expressed in Turkish Lira (“TL”) unless otherwise stated.) A special risk management model was constructed for the Holding by obtaining outsourced support, and a “Risk Assessment and Management Process (RAMP) Table” was prepared in relation to the steps of the constructed model. Determination and identification of risks that may affect the Company’s operations was made under the main categories of strategic, financial, services, labour and information. In the process of risk identification, the main risks that may affect the administrators and the Holding, and the specific risks under these main risks, were clarified. The identified main risks and specific risks were reflected in the “Categories and Risk Classes Table”. The Risk Assessment and Management Process consists of; Detection of the Risks, Assessment Table, Assessment of the Probabilities, Impact Analysis, Determination of the Risk Level, Assessment of the Controls, Detection of Potential Risk Areas, Action Guide and Action Plan. The actions to be taken against all risks and specific risk rated as critical, high or medium in the Strategic Management and Investment Category, and the responsible officers, were stated in the Action and Action Officer Table, with the help of the Risk Level Action Degrees Table. Our studies on other categories are still in progress. D) Market risk As a result of its operations, the Holding is subject to financial risks related to price risks, and changes in exchange rates and interest rates. The Holding management continuously keeps track of the breakdown of revenues and expenses in terms of foreign currency, and the breakdown of liabilities in terms of foreign currency, and by floating / fixed interest rates. The changes in market conditions that lead to market risk include changes in the benchmark interest rate and changes in the price, cost price, FX rate and price or ratio indices of another entity. Management of stock price changes (price risk) The Group is subject to price risk since its selling prices are affected by the changing prices of raw material stocks. There is no derivative instrument that can be used to avoid the impact of negative price movements on sales margins. The Group reviews the balance between ordering manufacturing-purchasing activities by taking into account possible future movements in raw material prices, and tries to reflect changing raw material prices in its sale prices. Interest rate risk management: The Group borrows loans at fixed and floating interest rates. The Group obtains loans at fixed and floating interest rates. Interest rates pertaining to the Group’s liabilities are disclosed in detail in Footnotes 6, 7 and 8. Interest Position Table Financial instruments with fixed interest rate Financial liabilities Assets whose fair value is reflected to profit/loss Assets to be held in hand till maturity Financial liabilities Financial instruments with floating interest rate Financial assets Financial liabilities 31.12.2013 31.12.2012 35,807,656 303,850,670 416,857,662 9,267,532 222,263,446 308,688,381 202,259,670 181,120,660 As of December 31, 2013 and December 31, 2012, if the interest base point changed by 100 points, a 1% point rise in the interest rate, with all other variables remaining the same, would lead to a net interest expense of TL 1,999,898 (Previous period: TL 764,027) because of the changing interest rate of financial instruments with fixed interest rates, and in this case the period net profit/loss before tax would be TL 1,999,898 (Previous period: TL 764,027). İhlas Holding Annual Report 2013 191 İHLAS HOLDİNG ANONİM ŞİRKETİ Footnotes to the Consolidated Financial Statements as of December 31, 2013 (All amounts expressed in Turkish Lira (“TL”) unless otherwise stated.) Group’s interest rate sensitivity is as follows: Interest Rate Sensitivity Analysis Table 31.12.2013 Profit / Loss Increase of Decrease of Base Point Base Point In case of a 100 base points (1%) rate change: TL (775,588) 775,588 USD (253,549) 253,549 EURO (924,499) 924,499 Total Effect of Fixed Rate Financial Instruments (1,953,636) 1,953,636 In case of a 100 base points (1%) increase: TL (46,262) 46,262 USD EURO Total Effect of Floating Rate Financial Instruments (46,262) 46,262 TOTAL (1,999,898) 1,999,898 31.12.2012 Profit / Loss Increase of Decrease of Base Point Base Point (314,137) (388,417) (61,473) (764,027) 314,137 388,417 61,473 764,027 (764,027) 764,027 FX risk management: As of December 31, 2013 and December 31, 2012, the carrying values (net) of foreign currency denominated financial assets and liabilities are as follows: 31.12.2013 31.12.2012 A, Assets in foreign currency 150,779,017 129,680,791 B, Liabilities in foreign currency 248,221,174 208,327,896 Net exchange position (A-B) (97,442,157) (78,647,105) 192 İHLAS HOLDİNG ANONİM ŞİRKETİ Footnotes to the Consolidated Financial Statements as of December 31, 2013 (All amounts expressed in Turkish Lira (“TL”) unless otherwise stated.) FOREIGN EXCHANGE POSITION TABLE Equivalent 31.12.2013 Amount in TL 1. Trade Receivables 7,403,781 2a. Monetary Financial Assets (Cash, bank accounts) 139,430,025 2b. Non-Monetary Financial Assets 3. Other 3,886,769 4. Current Assets (1+2+3) 150,720,575 5. Trade Receivables 6a. Monetary Financial Assets 6b. Non-Monetary Financial Assets 7. Other 58,442 8. Fixed Assets (5+6+7) 58,442 9. Total Assets (4+8) 150,779,017 10. Trade Payables 48,225,686 11. Financial Liabilities 152,609,980 12a. Other Monetary Liabilities 12b. Other Non-Monetary Liabilities 7,147,297 13. Short-Term Liabilities (10+11+12) 207,982,963 14. Trade Payables 15. Financial Liabilities 40,238,211 16a. Other Monetary Liabilities 16b. Other Non-Monetary Liabilities 17. Long-term Liabilities (14+15+16) 40,238,211 18. Total Liabilities (13+17) 248,221,174 19. Net asset / (liability) position of Foreign Currency Derivative Instruments outside the Statement of Financial Position (19a-19b) 19a. Amount of Foreign Currency Derivative Assets outside the Statement of Financial Position 19b. Amount of Foreign Currency Derivative Liabilities outside the Statement of Financial Position 20. Net FX Asset / (Liability) Position) (9-18+19) (97,442,157) 21. Monetary Items Net Foreign Asset / (Liability) Position (l+2a+5+6a-10-ll-12a-14-15-16a) (94,240,071) 22. Total Fair Value of Financial Instruments used for Foreign Exchange Hedge 23. Amount of Hedged FX Assets 24. Amount of Hedged FX Liabilities 25. Exports 45,303,717 26. Imports 86,584,644 USD 1,233,703 EURO 1,624,618 CHF - GBP - OTHER - 64,991,184 1,343,542 67,568,429 27,382 27,382 67,595,811 5,598,908 54,607,203 1,493,105 244,736 347,096 2,216,450 2,216,450 12,333,687 12,280,547 1,348,736 282 282 282 12,125 - 5,793 - 26,680 - 61,699,216 11,564,739 - 25,962,970 5,297,323 - 12,125 - 5,793 - 26,680 - 11,564,739 73,263,955 5,297,323 31,260,293 12,125 5,793 26,680 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - (5,668,144) (29,043,843) (11,843) (5,793) (26,680) (5,545,963) (28,042,203) (11,843) (5,793) (26,680) - 13,818 - 13,400,824 27,860,153 7,169,340 14,079,398 İhlas Holding Annual Report 2013 193 İHLAS HOLDİNG ANONİM ŞİRKETİ Footnotes to the Consolidated Financial Statements as of December 31, 2013 (All amounts expressed in Turkish Lira (“TL”) unless otherwise stated.) FOREIGN EXCHANGE POSITION TABLE Equivalent 31.12.2012 Amount in TL 1. Trade Receivables 5,846,302 2a. Monetary Financial Assets (Cash, bank accounts) 115,764,553 2b. Non-Monetary Financial Assets 3. Other 8,026,102 4. Current Assets (1+2+3) 129,636,957 5. Trade Receivables 6a. Monetary Financial Assets 6b. Non-Monetary Financial Assets 7. Other 43,834 8. Fixed Assets (5+6+7) 43,834 9. Total Assets (4+8) 129,680,791 10. Trade Payables 44,020,245 11. Financial Liabilities 136,520,565 12a. Other Monetary Liabilities 12b. Other Non-Monetary Liabilities 1,827,598 13. Short-Term Liabilities (10+11+12) 182,368,408 14. Trade Payables 15. Financial Liabilities 25,959,488 16a. Other Monetary Liabilities 16b. Other Non-Monetary Liabilities 17. Long-term Liabilities (14+15+16) 25,959,488 18. Total Liabilities (13+17) 208,327,896 19. Net asset / (liability) position of Foreign Currency Derivative Instruments outside the Statement of Financial Position (19a-19b) 19a. Amount of Foreign Currency Derivative Assets outside the Statement of Financial Position 19b. Amount of Foreign Currency Derivative Liabilities outside the Statement of Financial Position 20. Net FX Asset / (Liability) Position)(9-18+19) (78,647,105) 21. Monetary Items Net Foreign Asset / (Liability) Position (l+2a+5+6a-10-ll-12a-14-15-16a) (84,889,443) 22. Total Fair Value of Financial Instruments used for Foreign Exchange Hedge 23. Amount of Hedged FX Assets 24. Amount of Hedged FX Liabilities 25. Exports 46,253,454 26. Imports 79,640,256 USD 1,564,718 EURO 1,299,926 CHF - GBP - OTHER - 64,509,144 612,055 66,685,917 24,590 24,590 66,710,507 4,624,472 58,559,201 1,004,778 326,393 2,948,543 4,574,862 4,574,862 15,190,366 13,663,704 15,512 1,482 1,482 1,482 12,128 - 33 33 33 7,888 - 46,667 46,667 46,667 26,700 - 64,188,451 10,788,876 - 28,869,582 2,860,585 - 12,128 - 7,888 - 26,700 - 10,788,876 74,977,327 2,860,585 31,730,167 12,128 7,888 26,700 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - (8,266,820) (27,155,305) (10,646) (7,855) 19,967 (7,898,687) (30,088,336) (10,646) (7,855) (26,700) 17,553,100 23,857,919 6,636,449 15,813,206 - 4,931 - As of December 31, 2013 and December 31, 2012, the Group’s hedging ratio of total foreign currency liabilities arising from total imports is the coverage ratio of the exchange rate risk by means of a derivative instrument. There is no hedging ratio of total foreign currency liabilities, since the Group has no futures trading. 194 İHLAS HOLDİNG ANONİM ŞİRKETİ Footnotes to the Consolidated Financial Statements as of December 31, 2013 (All amounts expressed in Turkish Lira (“TL”) unless otherwise stated.) If there was a change of 10% in the value of the TL against the USD, Euro and other foreign currencies simultaneously, and if all other variables remained the same as of December 31, 2013 and December 31, 2012, the net period profit / loss before tax as a result of net foreign exchange gains / losses arising from the assets and liabilities in these currencies, would be: 31.12.2013: TL 9,744,216 lower / higher. 31.12.2012: TL 7,864,711 lower / higher. The FX risk sensitivity analysis related to the Group’s FX position is as follows: FX Sensitivity Analysis Table December 31, 2013 Profit / Loss Foreign Foreign Currency Currency Valued Valued In the case of value of US$ changed by 10%: 1- Net asset / (liability) in US$ (1,209,752) 1,209,752 2- Part protected against US$ risk (-) 3- US$ Net Effect (1+2) (1,209,752) 1,209,752 In the case of value of Euro changed by 10%: 4- Net asset / (liability) in Euro (8,528,725) 8,528,725 5- Part protected against Euro risk (-) 6- Euro Net Effect (4+5) (8,528,725) 8,528,725 In the case of value of other currencies changed by 10%: 7- Net asset / (liability) in other currencies (5,739) 5,739 8- Part protected against other currencies risk (-) 9- Other Currency Assets Net Effect (7+8) (5,739) 5,739 Total (3+6+9) (9,744,216) 9,744,216 December 31, 2012 Profit / Loss Foreign Foreign Currency Currency Valued Valued (1,473,643) (1,473,643) 1,473,643 1,473,643 (6,386,114) (6,386,114) 6,386,114 6,386,114 (4,954) (4,954) (7,864,711) 4,954 4,954 7,864,711 E) Credit and collection risk management The Group’s credit and collection risk is essentially related to its trade receivables. The amount recognised in the financial position table (balance sheet) is the net value calculated after doubtful receivables estimated by the Group management based on its previous experiences and current economic circumstances are deducted. The Group’s credit risk is mitigated since the Group works with many customers and thus, there is no significant credit risk increase. Moreover, the Group performs effective risk management by providing guarantees with respect to its trade receivables. İhlas Holding Annual Report 2013 195 İHLAS HOLDİNG ANONİM ŞİRKETİ Footnotes to the Consolidated Financial Statements as of December 31, 2013 (All amounts expressed in Turkish Lira (“TL”) unless otherwise stated.) Credit risk exposure of types of financial instruments December 31, 2013 Maximum credit risk exposure as of the reporting date (A+B+C+D)(1) Part of maximum risk secured by Guarantee etc. A, Net book value of financial assets which are neither overdue nor subjected to impairment(2) B, Net book value of assets which are overdue but not subjected to impairment(5) C, Net book value of assets subjected to impairment(3) - Overdue (gross book value) - Impairment (-) - Part of net value secured by Guarantee etc, - Undue (gross book value) - Impairment (-) - Part of net value secured by Guarantee etc, D, Items outside statement of financial position with credit risk(4) Receivables Trade Receivables Other Receivables Related Other Related Other Party Party Party Party 26,430,414 - 878,780,446 626,203 9,167,713 - 9,684,663 Bank Deposits Other 361,146,959 9,736,645 - - - 26,030,964 845,208,121 9,167,713 9,628,013 361,146,959 4,980,645 - - - - - - 399,450 33,572,325 6,773,520 215,732,318 (6,374,070) (182,159,993) - - 56,650 314,002 (257,352) - - 4,756,000(*) 8,095,522 (3,339,522) - - - - - - - Consist of shares being followed in the financial investments account Factors such as received guarantees, which enhance loan credibility, are not taken into account in the determination of the amount. (2) Financial assets which are not overdue or not subject to impairment are not expected to be subject to impairment in the future either; thus, no credit risk is expected. (3) The ageing analysis for financial assets which are overdue but not impaired as of 31.12.2013 is as follows: (*) (1) Trade Receivables Provision Amount for Doubtful Overdue Receivables 1 - 30 days overdue 1 - 3 months overdue 3 - 12 months overdue 1 - 5 years overdue More than 5 years overdue Total Part secured by Guarantee etc. 8,545,934 3,295,647 76,084,914 98,503,299 36,076,044 222,505,838 - (5,634,645) (2,520,683) (47,030,569) (97,272,122) (36,076,044) (188,534,063) - Other Receivables Provision Amount for Doubtful Overdue Receivables 56,650 257,352 314,002 - (257,352) (257,352) - There are various indicators which would normally be met for a receivable to be deemed as doubtful:a) Data related to receivables which could not be collected in previous years, b) Debtor’s solvency, and c) Extraordinary circumstances appearing in the sector and the present economic environment. d) applying to the trial stage due to problems in the collection of the receivable Provision is allocated for the entire amount of the receivables, which are subject to executive proceeding and in the trial stage, due to the weakening of the ability in collection of these receivables. (4) (5) There are no guarantees or irrevocable credit commitments received from the companies under credit risk. There are no overdue financial assets that are not impaired. 196 İHLAS HOLDİNG ANONİM ŞİRKETİ Footnotes to the Consolidated Financial Statements as of December 31, 2013 (All amounts expressed in Turkish Lira (“TL”) unless otherwise stated.) December 31, 2012 Maximum credit risk exposure as of the reporting date (A+B+C+D)(1) Part of maximum risk secured by Guarantee etc. Receivables Trade Receivables Other Receivables Related Other Related Other Party Party Party Party Bank Deposits Other 13,950,603 826,217,498 - 2,099,802 - 570,603 - - 794,189,909 - 2,099,802 - - - - - 32,027,589 117,459,726 (85,432,137) - - 257,352 (257,352) - - - A, Net book value of financial assets which are neither overdue nor subjected to impairment(2) 13,950,603 B, Net book value of assets which are overdue but not subjected to impairment(5) C, Net book value of assets subjected to impairment(3) - Overdue (gross book value) 502,359 - Impairment (-) (502,359) - Part of net value secured by Guarantee etc. - Undue (gross book value) - Impairment (-) - Part of net value secured by Guarantee etc. D. Finansal durum tablosu dışı kredi riski içeren unsurlar(4) - 256,987,341 193,245,080 - - 256,987,341 193,245,080 Factors such as received guarantees, which enhance loan credibility, are not taken into account in the determination of the amount. Financial assets which are not overdue or not subject to impairment are not expected to be subject to impairment in the future either; thus, no credit risk is expected. (3) The ageing analysis for financial assets which are overdue and impaired as of 31.12.2012 is as follows: (1) (2) 1 - 30 days overdue 1 - 3 months overdue 3 - 12 months overdue 1 - 5 years overdue More than 5 years overdue Total Part secured by Guarantee etc. Trade Receivables Provision Amount for Doubtful Overdue Receivables 1,051,272 (105,127) 43,394,769 (15,155,072) 5,039,172 (2,875,282) 39,949,921 (39,272,064) 28,526,951 (28,526,951) 117,962,085 (85,934,496) - Other Receivables Provision Amount for Doubtful Overdue Receivables 257,352 (257,352) 257,352 (257,352) - There are various indicators which would normally be met for a receivable to be deemed as doubtful: a) Data related to receivables which could not be collected in previous years, b) Debtor’s solvency, and c) Extraordinary circumstances appearing in the sector and the present economic environment, d) applying to the trial stage due to problems in the collection of the receivable Provision is allocated for the entire amount of the receivables, which are subject to executive proceeding and in the trial stage, due to the weakening of the ability in collection of these receivables. (4) (5) There are no guarantees or irrevocable credit commitments received from the companies under credit risk. There are no overdue financial assets that are not impaired. İhlas Holding Annual Report 2013 197 İHLAS HOLDİNG ANONİM ŞİRKETİ Footnotes to the Consolidated Financial Statements as of December 31, 2013 (All amounts expressed in Turkish Lira (“TL”) unless otherwise stated.) F) Liquidity risk management The Group manages its liquidity risk by regularly keeping view of estimated and actual cash flows and by providing continuity of adequate funds and borrowing reserves by matching the maturities of its financial assets and liabilities. 31.12.2013 Maturities as per the terms of agreement Non-Derivative Financial Liabilities Bank Loans Finance Lease Liabilities Trade Payables Other Debt and Liabilities Book Value Total Cash Outflows as per the Terms of Agreement Less than 3 months Between 3-12 months Between 1-5 years 616,050,240 407,762,917 9,094,745 180,220,026 18,972,552 632,359,751 420,903,768 9,094,745 183,388,686 18,972,552 197,584,969 103,018,086 1,414,158 93,060,124 92,601 290,276,251 178,057,132 3,014,489 90,328,562 18,876,068 144,498,531 139,828,550 4,666,098 3,883 Total Expected Cash Outflows Less than 3 months Between 3-12 months Between 1-5 years 1,280,085,008 202,259,670 199,511,742 845,953,382 32,360,214 45,682,235 20,302,014 2,083,540 23,296,681 793,550,492 202,259,670 179,209,728 410,122,812 1,958,282 440,852,281 433,747,030 7,105,251 Book Value - The Sum of Cash Inflows and Outflows Expected/as per the Terms of Agreement - Less than 3 months - Between 3-12 months - Between 1-5 years - Book Value Total Cash Outflows as per the Terms of Agreement Less than 3 months Between 3-12 months Between 1-5 years 442,809,649 302,659,246 6,029,135 113,103,470 21,017,798 456,560,886 313,734,309 6,029,135 115,779,643 21,017,799 139,872,920 71,357,732 631,480 67,757,744 125,964 242,092,814 172,514,293 1,748,895 47,452,791 20,376,835 74,595,152 69,862,284 3,648,760 569,108 515,000 Book Value Total Expected Cash Outflows Less than 3 months Between 3-12 months Between 1-5 years 925,900,376 181,120,660 180,292,687 546,046,667 18,440,362 990,031,548 181,120,660 194,073,498 596,397,029 18,440,361 48,448,040 27,349,585 2,723,516 18,374,939 445,031,148 181,120,660 166,723,913 97,121,153 65,422 496,552,360 496,552,360 - Book Value - The Sum of Cash Inflows and Outflows Expected/as per the Terms of Agreement - Less than 3 months - Between 3-12 months - Between 1-5 years - Expected Maturities Book Value Non-Derivative Financial Liabilities 1,205,703,198 Bank Loans 202,259,670 Trade Payables 173,301,026 Advances Received for Purchase Orders 797,782,288 Other Debt and Liabilities 32,360,214 Maturities Expected (or as per the terms of agreement) Derivative Cash Inflows Derivative Cash Outflows 31.12.2012 Maturities as per the terms of agreement Non-Derivative Financial Liabilities Bank Loans Finance Lease Liabilities Trade Payables Other Debt and Liabilities Expected Maturities Non-Derivative Financial Liabilities Bank Loans Trade Payables Advances Received for Purchase Orders Other Debt and Liabilities Maturities Expected (or as per the terms of agreement) Derivative Cash Inflows Derivative Cash Outflows 198 İHLAS HOLDİNG ANONİM ŞİRKETİ Footnotes to the Consolidated Financial Statements as of December 31, 2013 (All amounts expressed in Turkish Lira (“TL”) unless otherwise stated.) G) Hedge Accounting The Group doesn’t perform forwards, futures, options and swaps transactions for hedging the risks arising from derivative products trading transactions and foreign exchange and/ or interest rate (fixed and floating). Note 40 - Financial Instruments (Disclosures on Fair Value and Hedge Accounting) In accordance with TAS 39 “Financial Instruments: Recognition and Measurement”, financial assets are classified into four categories, whereas financial liabilities are classified into two categories. Financial assets categories include “financial assets, fair value (FV) changes of which are reflected to the income statement”, “held-to-maturity investments”, “loans and receivables”, and “available for sale financial investments”. And financial liabilities categories include “financial liabilities, fair value (FV) changes of which are reflected to the income statement” and “other financial liabilities”. Values and classification of the financial assets and liabilities as of December 31, 2013 and December 31, 2012 are as follows: 31.12.2013 Financial Assets at Fair Value through Income Statement and Liabilities Credits and receivables Financial Assets that are Ready for Sale Other/ Debts Measured at Amortised Costs Not Ref. 144,671,802 159,178,868 - 905,210,860 18,852,376 909,974 - - 6 7 10 11 - - - - 619,117,332 353,521,052 2,683,736 8 10 11 Financial Assets at Fair Value through Income Statement and Liabilities Financial assets to be kept until maturity Credits and receivables Financial Assets that are Ready for Sale Other/ Debts Measured at Amortised Costs Not Ref, 39,520,966 188,448,009 - 58,069,139 164,194,307 - 840,168,101 2,099,802 2,781,974 - - 6 7 10 11 - - - - 489,809,041 293,396,157 773,566 8 10 11 Financial Assets Cash and cash equivalents Financial Investments Trade receivables Other receivables Financial Liabilities Financial Debt Trade Payables Other Payables 31.12.2012 Financial Assets Cash and cash equivalents Financial Investments Trade receivables Other receivables Financial Liabilities Financial Debt Trade Payables Other Payables Financial assets to be kept until maturity 62,276,934 4,756,000 - Fair value measurements are disclosed in the respective accounting policies of each financial asset and liability. There is no other event that requires a valuation process. The carrying values of the cash and banks are considered to approximate fair values. İhlas Holding Annual Report 2013 199 İHLAS HOLDİNG ANONİM ŞİRKETİ Footnotes to the Consolidated Financial Statements as of December 31, 2013 (All amounts expressed in Turkish Lira (“TL”) unless otherwise stated.) The Group classifies the fair value measurement of each class of financial instruments, reflected with their fair values in the consolidated financial statements, according to the source of their inputs, using the three-level hierarchy, as follows: Level 1: Market price valuation techniques for the determined financial instruments traded in markets (unadjusted) Level 2: Other valuation techniques including inputs that are observable directly or indirectly Level 3: Valuation techniques not including observable market inputs The fair value measurement hierarchy table as of December 31, 2013 is as follows: Financial assets carried to statement of financial position from fair value Cash and cash equivalents Financial Investments (Stocks) Level 1 4,756,000 Level 2 62,276,934 - Level 3 - Level 2 39,520,966 - Level 3 - The fair value measurement hierarchy table as of December 31, 2012 is as follows: Financial assets carried to statement of financial position from fair value Cash and cash equivalents Financial Investments (Stocks) Level 1 188,448,009 Note 41 - Events After the Date of the Balance Sheet Approval of the consolidated financial statements The Board of Directors has endorsed the consolidated financial statements dated 31.12.2013, and on March 11 ,2014 they granted the authorization necessary for the consolidated financial statements to be published. Once the Holding’s financial statements are published by the Holding’s partners or by other parties, the Board of Directors of the Holding has sole authority to make amendments to the financial statements. Note 42 - Other matters that may affect the financial statements to a significant extent or matters which are required to be explained in order for the financial statements to be clear, interpretable and understandable a) Explanations Regarding Construction Projects in Progress According to the Holding’s material disclosure dated November 13, 2013, it was stated that İhlas Yapı Turizm ve Sağlık A.Ş. (İhlas Yapı), one of the Group companies, commenced works on developing the urban transformation project and constructing in a region covering an area of 988,000 m2, including Karayolları and Yenimahalle of Gaziosmanpaşa District in Istanbul, under Law No. 6306. In this context, İhlas Yapı signed a contract with Gaziosmanpaşa İnşaat Yatırım Taahhüt Hizmetleri Sanayi ve Ticaret A.Ş., a subsidiary of Gaziosmanpaşa Municipality, and paid USD 3,000,000, which is necessary for the entry into force of the agreement. The relevant municipality and municipal company shall make the necessary agreements with rights holders, and hand the empty area over to İhlas Yapı. As a result of the studies to be developed on this project, the Group shall leave a maximum of 40% of the construction to the right holders and the municipal company. The construction of the remaining 60% shall be evaluated by İhlas Yapı. Taking the size of the specified area into account, İhlas Yapı will carry out the project in its own set Phases. The project, which is a joint venture by İhlas Yapı Turizm Sağlık Ticaret A.Ş. and Gaziosmanpaşa Municipality, will begin during the first half of 2014, as soon as the Gaziosmanpaşa Municipality and Gaziosmanpaşa İnşaat Yatırım Taahhüt Hizmetleri Sanayi ve Ticaret A.Ş. hand over the land belonging to Phase I. It is planned to build 4,500 residential and commercial units and make approximately USD 1.86 billion turnover over an area of 350,000 m2 to be handed over. 200 İHLAS HOLDİNG ANONİM ŞİRKETİ Footnotes to the Consolidated Financial Statements as of December 31, 2013 (All amounts expressed in Turkish Lira (“TL”) unless otherwise stated.) In the Holding’s Disclosure of Special Cases dated 06.01.2011, it was stated that the Holding has developed a construction project (KRİSTALŞEHİR) with one of the Group companies, İhlas İnşaat Proje Taahhüt Turizm ve Ticaret A.Ş. on a site that covers a total area of 142,796.98 m2, located in Esenyurt, Istanbul. This project will consist of a total of 18 blocks and social facilities, and within the scope of the project a total of 4.655 residences and 82 office spaces will be built. A total of 638.454,48m2 will be constructed, including the communal areas. The entire project is expected to be completed in 48 months. The Holding will carry out a project on a portion of this site that covers an area of 36,675.89 m2, on a flat for land basis, and will be completed in 36 months. 28.75% of this project, which is equivalent to 322 residences and 6 office spaces, will be handed over by the Holding to the Municipality of Esenyurt in return for land. 798 flats will be owned by the Holding at the end of this project. One of the Group companies, İhlas İnşaat Proje Taahhüt Turizm ve Ticaret A.Ş. will carry out the remaining part of the project, equivalent to 106,121.09 m2. This company’s project is also on a flat for land basis, and the project is planned for completion in 48 months. 31.77% of the Project, which is equivalent to 1.123 residences and 23 office spaces, will be transferred to the site owners upon completion. A total of 2.412 residences and 53 office spaces will be constructed within the scope of this part of the project. The project, is 32% complete as of 31.12.2012, and the 1,977 houses and 10 office (30%) have been sold in advance. The invoicing process will be conducted on the transfer of the deeds. The Holding’s part in this project is slated for completion by the end of the year 2014, whereas the remaining part is planned for completion by the end of the year 2015. According to the announcement made by the İhlas Holding Construction and Tourism company on 28.03.2012, sites with 546 blocks on 21,168 m2, with 547 blocks on 46,024 m2 and with 540 blocks on 90.914 m2, totalling 158,106 m2 in Firuzkoy neighbourhood, Ispartakule district, Avcılar-Istanbul, it has been stated that the contract has been signed between the site owners and the company. The Holding developed the “BİZİM HOUSES V - BİZİMEVLER V” Project on the following sites among the aforementioned lands: 21,168 m2 of land in Block 546 Parcel 2 and 46,024 m2 of land in Block 547 Parcels 5 and 6 in Istanbul’s Firuzköy neighbourhood, Ispartakule locality, Avcılar district. 710 residences will be built in this Project, of which 35% will be given to the landholders. The Project is slated for completion in 2014. 69% of the project has been completed as of December 31, 2013, and 579 residences, corresponding to 82% of the total residences, were sold in return for advance payment. The invoicing process of the residences sold in return for advance payment will begin with the delivery of the residences after the completion of the Project. Also, according to the Holding’s material disclosure dated June 4, 2013, it was announced that İhlas Yapı Turizm ve Sağlık A.Ş., one of the Group companies, developed the “BİZİM HOUSES VI - BİZİMEVLER VI” Project on 90,914 m2 of land in Block 540 Parcel 1 in Istanbul’s Firuzköy neighbourhood, Ispartakule locality, Avcılar district. 882 residences and 59 office spaces will be built in this Project, of which 35% will be given to the landholders. The Project is slated for completion in 2016. 4% of the project has been completed as of December 31, 2013, and 189 residences, corresponding to 21% of the total residences, were sold in return for advance payment. The invoicing process of the residences sold in return for advance payment will begin with the delivery of the residences after the completion of the Project. According to the Holding’s material disclosure dated March 29, 2012, the Holding signed a construction contract with İhlas Yapı Turizm ve Sağlık A.Ş., one of the Group companies, on a “flat for land and distribution of income after the provision of sale of land” basis, where 40% is owned by the landholders on a plot of land with an area of 24,282.84 m2, which is registered in its assets, in the Marmara neighbourhood, in Beylikdüzü, Istanbul. In addition, İhlas Yapı Turizm ve Sağlık A.Ş., one of the Group companies, signed a contract with the shareholders of the land covering an area of 22,819.04 m2 next to the aforementioned land, on a “flat for land and distribution of income after the provision of sale of land” basis, where 40% is owned by the landholders. Thereby, İhlas Yapı Turizm ve Sağlık A.Ş., one of the Group companies, declared that the company will conduct a construction project titled “Marmara Houses III - Marmara Evleri III” on a site covering a total area of 47,101.88 m2, which will consist of 396 residences and 38 office spaces of various sizes. It is announced by İhlas Yapı Turizm ve Sağlık A.Ş. that the construction of the Project is slated for completion in 2014, and 73 of the flats and 10 of the office spaces will be given to the landholders as compensation for the value of the land. 323 flats and 28 office spaces will remain in the Project for the Group. The project was completed, and 318 of the residences and 26 of the office spaces included in the Group’s share were invoiced and handed over to the owners as of the date of the Balance Sheet. 5 residences and 2 office spaces remain unsold as of the date of the Balance Sheet. According to the Holding’s material disclosure dated July 4, 2008 and January 2, 2009, the Holding signed a construction contract with İhlas Motor A.Ş., one of the Group companies, in return for one apartment floor. According to the signed contract, İhlas Motor A.Ş. will build an “Automotive Manufacturing Plant” on the Holding’s 13.26-hectare site in the district of Çiftlikköy, in Yalova province, in accordance with the draft project to be approved by the Holding, and a building complex of 300 residences on the Holding’s 4.85-hectare site, also in the district of Çiftlikköy in the province of Yalova. While the Holding will retain ownership of the constructed automotive plant, the Holding will incur no expense in the construction work. In return for the construction of the plant, ownership of the building complex of 300 residences will be transferred to İhlas Motor A.Ş. In addition, the right of disposition of 277 of the dwellings to be constructed on this land will belong to İhlas Motor A.Ş., whereas 23 will be the property of the Holding. The construction of the Plant building was completed and delivered to the Holding in 2011. 98% of the housing project has been completed as of December 31, 2013, and 299 residences were sold in return for advance payment. The occupancy permit of this project has been received as of the date of the report, and the delivery and invoicing process of the residences sold in return for advance payment is still in progress. İhlas Holding Annual Report 2013 201 İHLAS HOLDİNG ANONİM ŞİRKETİ Footnotes to the Consolidated Financial Statements as of December 31, 2013 (All amounts expressed in Turkish Lira (“TL”) unless otherwise stated.) According to the Holding’s material disclosure dated December 24, 2009, Emlak Pazarlama İnşaat Proje Yönetimi ve Ticaret A.Ş. transferred the rights and liabilities, which are set forth in the contract it signed with respect to the construction project (BİZİM HOUSES IV - BİZİMEVLER IV) titled “Istanbul, Bahçeşehir, Ispartakule, Region 2, Section 3, Block 543, Parcel 1 distribution of income after the provision of sale of land”, to İhlas Holding A.Ş. - İhlas Yapı Turizm ve Sağlık A.Ş. Joint Venture - 3, in which the Holding and one of the Group companies - İhlas Yapı Turizm ve Sağlık A.Ş. possess partnership ratios of 10%, and 90%, respectively. The project includes a residential construction site of 131,998 m2, and a commercial construction site that covers an area of 26,545 m2. The project, consisting of 762 residences and 100 office spaces, was completed in 2012, and 712 of the residences and 98 office spaces were transferred to the owners together with invoices. A stock of 50 residences and 2 office spaces remains as of the date of the Balance Sheet. b) Assignment receivables regarding sales of goods, sales of service, cash payments etc. performed by the Group companies to parties that are payees from İhlas Finans Kurumu A.Ş. in Liquidation for the periods 01.01-31.12.2013 and 01.01-31.12.2012. Company Title İhlas İnşaat Proje Taahhüt Turizm ve Tic. A.Ş. İhlas Motor A.Ş. İhlas Pazarlama A.Ş. Total Amount of Assignment Made 01.01-31.12.2013 01.01-31.12.2012 2,697,124 16,179,880 1,125,257 425,236 959,357 2,957,979 4,781,738 19,563,095 c) Re-classification In accordance with formats Communiqué on Principles Regarding Financial Reporting in Capital Markets enacted as of the interim periods ending after March 31, 2013 for the companies included in the scope of the Communiqué on Principles Regarding Financial Reporting in Capital Markets pursuant to the resolution of the CMB taken at the meeting numbered 20 / 670 held on June 7, 2013, some of the account items provided in the Group’s consolidated financial statement dated December 31, 2012, and in the consolidated other comprehensive income statement belonging to the 01.01 - 31.12.2012 accounting period, had been reported after being reclassified. Therefore, Group made some reclassifications in the previous period’s consolidated financial statements and consolidated comprehensive income statement. In addition, some of the expenses, which were formerly included in cost of sales, were reclassified in general administrative expenses. Furthermore, some of the related party balances, which were inadvertently presented in trade receivables / payables in the previous term by the Holding, have been reclassified to trade receivables from related parties, and presented in the appended consolidated financial statements of the previous period. The aforesaid classifications are as follows: In the statement of financial position and the comprehensive income statement for the period 01.01 - 31.12.2012; “Prepaid expenses for future months” and “advances given”, which were formerly disclosed in “Other current assets”, were reclassified to “Prepaid expenses”. “Prepaid tax receivables”, which was also formerly disclosed in “Other current assets”, was reclassified to “Current tax assets”. “Advances”, which was also formerly disclosed in “Other fixed assets”, was reclassified to “Prepaid Expenses” in the “Fixed Assets” section. “Revolving loans”, which was also formerly disclosed in “Other financial liabilities”, was reclassified to “Short-term borrowings”. “Current portion of long-term loans”, which was formerly disclosed in “Short-term borrowings”, was reclassified to “Current portion of long-term borrowings”. “Social Security Premiums Payable”, which was formerly disclosed in “Short-term liabilities”, was reclassified to “Short-term Employee Benefits”. “Advances”, which was formerly disclosed in “Short-term liabilities”, was reclassified to “Deferred Income”. “Actuarial gains/ losses”, which was formerly disclosed in “Cost of Sales” and “General Administrative Expenses”, was reclassified to “Accumulated Other Comprehensive Income/ Expense not to be Reclassified to Profit or Loss”. “Maturity and Foreign Exchange Rate Expenses/ Income”, which was formerly disclosed in “Financial Expenses/ Income”, was reclassified to “Other Operating Expenses / Income”. 202 İHLAS HOLDİNG ANONİM ŞİRKETİ Footnotes to the Consolidated Financial Statements as of December 31, 2013 (All amounts expressed in Turkish Lira (“TL”) unless otherwise stated.) “Profit on Sale of Marketable Securities”, which was formerly disclosed in “Financial Income”, was reclassified to “Income from Investing Activities”. “Profit on Sale of Fixed Assets”, “Financial Investments appreciation/ impairment and sales profit / loss”, “Provisions / Cancellations for Financial Investment Impairment” and “provisions for investment property impairment”, which were formerly disclosed in “Operating Income/ Expenses”, were reclassified to “Income / Expenses from Investment Activities”. Re-classified Items Prepaid Expenses (Reclassified to Current Assets) Current Tax Assets Other Current Assets Prepaid Expenses (Reclassified to Fixed Assets) Other Fixed Assets Short-term Borrowings Current Portion of Long-term Borrowings Other Financial Liabilities Employee Benefits Payable Short-term Deferred Income Other Short-Term Liabilities Cost of Sales General Administrative Expenses Other Incomes from Main Operations Other Operating Expenses Income from Investing Activities Expenses from Investing Activities Financial Expenses Financial Revenues Accumulated Other Comprehensive Income / Expense not to be Reclassified to Profit or Loss Actuarial Gains / (Losses) from Pension Plans Situation before the classification 01.01-31.12.2012 133,485,841 13,217,841 239,975,245 181,120,660 147,674,262 (544,575,289) (100,357,209) 102,310,457 (31,577,792) (187,708,639) 99,184,233 Classified Amount 68,500,731 2,374,857 (70,875,588) 13,217,841 (13,217,841) 133,243,113 47,877,547 (181,120,660) 8,183,277 122,611,863 (130,795,140) 169,228 457,543 (35,755,066) (15,539,598) 86,677,489 (21,619,859) 37,159,457 (50,922,423) Re-classified Version 01.01-31.12.2012 68,500,731 2,374,857 62,610,253 13,217,841 373,218,358 47,877,547 8,183,277 122,611,863 16,879,122 (544,406,061) (99,899,666) 66,555,391 (47,117,390) 86,677,489 (21,619,859) (150,549,182) 48,261,810 - (626,771) (626,771) DIRECTORY İhlas Holding Annual Report 2013 203 İhlas Holding A.Ş. Merkez Mahallesi 29 Ekim Cad. İhlas Plaza No:11 B/21 34197, Yenibosna / Bahçelievler / Istanbul Tel : (+90 212) 454 20 00 Fax : (+90 212) 454 21 36 - 37 www.ihlas.com.tr [email protected] ihlasholdingcorp @IhlasHoldingAS İhlas Medya Planlama ve Satınalma Hizmetleri Ltd.Şti. 29 Ekim Cad. Istanbul Vizyonpark 2.Plaza B-1 Blok Kat:9 No:84 34197 Yenibosna / Bahçelievler / Istanbul Tel : (+90 212) 454 42 00 Fax : (+90 212) 454 42 42 www.ihlasmedya.com.tr [email protected] İhlas Yayın Holding A.Ş. Merkez Mah. 29 Ekim Cad. İhlas Plaza No: 11 B/31 34197 Yenibosna / Bahçelievler / Istanbul Tel : (+90 212) 454 24 22 Fax : (+90 212) 454 24 27 www.ihlasyayinholding.com.tr [email protected] İhlas Yapı Tur. ve Sağlık A.Ş. Merkez Mah. 29 Ekim Cad. No: 11 A/Z1 Yenibosna / Bahçelievler / Istanbul Tel : (+90 212) 454 45 50 Fax : (+90 212) 454 45 60 www.ihlasyapi.com.tr [email protected] İhlas Gazetecilik A.Ş. (Türkiye Gazetesi) Merkez Mah. 29 Ekim Cad. İhlas Plaza No: 11 A/41 34197 Yenibosna / Bahçelievler / Istanbul Tel : (+90 212) 454 30 00 Fax : (+90 212) 454 34 55 www.ihlasgazetecilik.com.tr [email protected] turkiyegazetesi @turkiyegazetesi İhlas Haber Ajansı A.Ş. (İHA) Merkez Mah. 29 Ekim Cad. İhlas Plaza No: 11 A/21 34197 Yenibosna / Bahçelievler / Istanbul Tel : (+90 212) 454 33 33 Fax : (+90 212) 454 33 35 www.iha.com.tr [email protected] iha.com.tr @ihacomtr TGRT Haber TV A.Ş. Merkez Mahallesi 29 Ekim Cad. İhlas Plaza No:11 A/51 34197 Yenibosna / Bahçelievler / Istanbul Tel : (+90 212) 454 70 70 Fax : (+90 212) 454 56 56 www.tgrthaber.com.tr [email protected] tgrthabertv @tgrthabertv TGRT Dijital TV Hizmetleri A.Ş. TGRT Belgesel TV Merkez Mahallesi 29 Ekim Cad. İhlas Plaza No:11 B/51 34197 Yenibosna / Bahçelievler / Istanbul Tel : (+90 212) 454 54 92 Fax : (+90 212) 454 56 56 www.tgrtbelgesel.com.tr İletişim Magazin Gazt. Yayın San. ve Tic. A.Ş. Merkez Mah. 29 Ekim Cad. İhlas Plaza No:11 A/11 34197 Yenibosna / Bahçelievler / Istanbul Tel : (+90 212) 454 25 00 Fax : (+90 212) 454 25 98 www.img.com.tr [email protected] iletisimagazin @iletisimagazin İhlas İnşaat Proje Taahhüt Turizm Tic. A.Ş. Merkez Mah. 29 Ekim Cad. İhlas Plaza No: 11 B/21 34197 Yenibosna / Bahçelievler / Istanbul Tel : (+90 212) 852 68 00 Fax : (+90 212) 852 68 88 www.ihlasinsaat.com.tr [email protected] İhlas Armutlu Tatil Köyü Karşıyaka Mah. Zafer Cad. 205 M Blok No:4 Armutlu / Yalova Tel : (0226) 531 10 00 Fax : (0226) 531 10 03 www.ihlasarmutlu.com [email protected] Kuzuluk Kaplıca Evleri Kuzuluk Beldesi, Akyazı / Sakarya Tel : (0264) 421 00 20 (pbx) Fax : (0264) 421 00 40 (0264) 421 01 35 www.ihlaskuzuluk.com [email protected] İhlas Kuzuluk Termal Otel Kuzuluk Beldesi, Akyazı / Sakarya Tel : (0264) 421 00 20 (pbx) Fax : (0264) 421 01 50 www.ihlaskuzuluk.com [email protected] İhlas Pazarlama A.Ş. Merkez Mah. 29 Ekim Cad. İhlas Plaza No: 11 B/11 34197 Yenibosna / Bahçelievler / Istanbul Tel : (+90 212) 454 62 00 Fax : (+90 212) 454 62 92 www.ihlaspazarlama.com.tr [email protected] İhlas Ev Aletleri İmalat Sanayi Ticaret A.Ş. Beylikdüzü Organize Sanayi Bölgesi Mermerciler Sitesi 7. Cad. No: 12 34524 Beylikdüzü / Istanbul Tel : (+90 212) 875 35 62 Fax : (+90 212) 875 39 87 (+90 212) 875 36 64 www.iea.com.tr [email protected] Bisan Ankara Asfaltı 25. Km. Kemalpaşa / İzmir Tel : (0232) 877 00 28 Fax : (0232) 877 07 54 www.bisan.com.tr [email protected] Şifa Yemek ve Gıda Üretim Tesisleri Tic. A.Ş. Fatih Cad. No: 1 34197 Yenibosna / Istanbul Tel : (+90 212) 503 73 53 Fax : (+90 212) 551 86 46 www.sifayemek.com.tr [email protected] KPT Lojistik Taşımacılık Turizm Paz. İç Dış Tic. A.Ş. Hastane Mah. Hadımköy Nakkaş Yolu Cad. No: 21 34555 Arnavutköy / Istanbul Tel: 444 0 834 Fax: (+90 212) 798 26 13 www.kptlojistik.com.tr [email protected] İhlas Madencilik A.Ş. Merkez Mah. 29 Ekim Cad. İhlas Plaza No: 11 C/51 34197 Yenibosna / Bahçelievler / Istanbul Tel : (+90 212) 454 00 00 Fax : (+90 212) 454 00 00 www.ihlasmadencilik.com [email protected] Türkiye Gazetesi Hastanesi Merkez Mah. Darülaceze Cad. No: 14/1 34381 Şişli / Istanbul Tel : (+90 212) 314 14 14 Fax : (+90 212) 314 14 15 www.turkiyehastanesi.com [email protected] İhlas Eğitim Kurumları Bahçelievler Kampüsü Fatih Cad. No: 1 34197 Yenibosna / Bahçelievler / Istanbul Tel : 444 44 39 www.ihlaskoleji.k12.tr Beylikdüzü Kampüsü İhlas Marmara Evleri 1. Kısım Sitesi Yakuplu / Beylikdüzü / Istanbul Tel : 444 44 39 www.ihlaskoleji.k12.tr İhlas Net A.Ş. Merkez Mah. 29 Ekim Cad. İhlas Plaza No: 11 A/51 34197 Yenibosna / Bahçelievler / Istanbul Tel : (+90 212) 454 26 00 Fax : (+90 212) 454 26 15 www.ihlasnet.com.tr [email protected] İhlas Fuar Hizmetleri A.Ş. Merkez Mah. 29 Ekim Cad. İhlas Plaza No: 11 A/11 34197 Yenibosna / Bahçelievler / Istanbul Tel : (+90 212) 454 25 03 Fax : (+90 212) 454 25 06 www.ihlasfuarcilik.com [email protected] ihlasfuar @ihlasfuar İhlas Holding A.Ş. İhlas Holding Merkez Binası Merkez Mahallesi 29 Ekim Caddesi İhlas Plaza No:11 B/21 Yenibosna - Bahçelievler / ISTANBUL Tel: (0212) 454 20 00 Fax: (0212) 454 21 36 - 37
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