Anual Report 2014


Anual Report 2014
Annual Report 2014
Montalegre, 5
08001 Barcelona
T. 933 064 100
A consortium of
20 Years of the CCCB
Espriu. I Looked upon this Land
Metamorphosis. Fantasy Visions in Starewitch,
Švankmajer and the Quay Brothers
The Start of Tomorrow.
Mancomunitat of Catalonia: 100 years
Shared Cities.
European Prize for Urban Public Space 2014
Big Bang Data
Under Siege. Mariam Ghani and Omer Fast.
Installation and conversations
World Press Photo. International Professional
Photojournalism Exhibition
Arissa. The Shadow and the Photographer, 1922-1936
Shadowland by Kazuhiro Goshima
and Open Formats
Festivals and Open Formats
Children’s and Family Programme
Spaces for Debate
and Reflection
Debates and Lectures
In Collaboration
Courses, Postgraduate Certificates
and Master’s degrees
Networked Projects
European Prize for Urban Public Space
European Prize
for Urban Public Space
of the CCCB
CCCB Education
Social Programme
Beyond the CCCB
CCCB Holdings
Archives in Collaboration
General Details
Collaborating Institutions and Companies
Speakers at Debates and Lectures
Use and Rental of Spaces
Visiting Figures and Audience
CCCB Staff
Selection from the Press 120
20 Years of the CCCB
The year 2014 marked the 20th Anniversary of
the CCCB. Over the course of its first 20 years,
the Centre has substantially increased its range
of activity and its outreach. Furthermore, its
field of activity has grown to embrace virtually
all formats and languages, always placing
the emphasis on contemporary thinking and
creation. It has also expanded in physical terms:
in 2011, it officially inaugurated its new multipurpose building, the Teatre CCCB, opening up
new potential and offering a venue ideally suited
to the performing arts, music and audiovisuals.
Throughout this period, the “CCCB formula” – if we can call it that – has demonstrated not only vitality
in terms of its productive output but a proven capacity to surprise, go beyond convention, make significant contributions, and offer exhibitions and activities of extremely high quality. This track record has
earned it notable renown, in both Catalonia and Spain, and very importantly, in the international sphere.
This is a source of great satisfaction, for us and for everyone who has formed part of the Centre or has
collaborated with it over the last two decades.
Our major objective today is to take advantage of these 20 years of valuable experience as we usher
in a new phase of renewal – and of exploration that is not exempt of risk – to enable the CCCB to
embrace and adapt to the myriad dramatic changes that are transforming society. These affect
people’s lifestyles and view of their surrounding reality and of the world in general. Similarly, they
are restructuring the relationship between the individual, thinking, and creation, and, ultimately, are
causing an evolution in our approach to and enjoyment of culture.
This 20th anniversary offers an excellent opportunity for the CCCB to reaffirm its commitment to
constant renewal, which requires openness towards society and a strong, close connection with
everything taking place outside of our walls. This commitment, largely comprising attitude and determination, should allow us to explore new ground and reach a larger audience, as well as try out new
ways of working. We need to pay greater attention to processes and collaboration through networking,
which means opening the door to new proposals and providing support and opportunities to groups
and creators who hold promise for the future.
For the CCCB, experimentation and change are part of its DNA. Taking advantage of the occasion, it
proposed to initiate a new phase intended to be one of impetus. This should allow it to continue standing as an essential reference model for high-quality culture made available to all audiences. The 20th
anniversary celebration marked, therefore, this commitment to renewal, which must make its mark on
our institution’s immediate future.
In this new phase we also propose to raise awareness of the CCCB and of its range of activities,
especially among people in Barcelona and Catalonia who are still unacquainted or unfamiliar with us.
Improving connections with society, with creative communities and with the public at large also means
making the most of the possibilities offered by the digital environment – Internet, social media networks, etc. This should be understood not only in instrumental terms, as a tool for disseminating and
enhancing the Centre’s constant activity, but also as a medium that allows us to offer specific contents.
In this sense, our challenge now is to make the CCCB a fully integrated cultural venue, i.e., one that
functions on both a physical and a virtual level.
The CCCB wanted to start to express its desire for renovation for 2014 with a set of activities and
proposals designed for an active, curious and creative citizenry, a series of actions to celebrate the 20
years of the CCCB.
These are the actions that were carried out or commenced in the year 2014 to give sense and materialise the CCCB’s commitment with permanent innovation:
— Cultural Ring. Connective Space
— Brunch Electronik Barcelona
— New Friends of the CCCB Card for people born in 1994
— Short films competition – Gandules 2014
— Culturnauts. The CCCB’s summer school
— The CCCB with the Raval
— Room 1418
— CCCB Alzheimer Programme Sessions
— The Idea of Europe
— Lapsus Festival
— New open spaces. Visit to the Mirador
— New line of Beta exhibitions
— Pantalla CCCB online. A Month, An Artist
— Cultural Innovation International Prize
— Internet Universe
CCCB © Miquel Taverna
I Looked upon this Land
30 October 2013 — 16 March 2014
Sala 3
Idea and original script —
Xavier Bru de Sala
Interior graphic design —
Opisso Estudi
Executive curators —
Julià Guillamon
Graphic design
of publicity material —
Josep Bagà
Advisors —
Ramon Balasch, Sebastià Bonet,
Rosa Delor, Julià de Jòdar, Víctor
Martínez Gil and Agustí Pons,
with the collaboration of Gabriel
Coproduction —
Espriu Year (Government
of Catalonia) and CCCB
Collaborating media —
Ara and Catalunya Ràdio
© La Fotogràfica
Space design —
VA62 Arquitectos
Organisation —
The year 2013 marked the commemoration of 100 years since the
birth of Salvador Espriu (1913-1985). The CCCB, in collaboration
with the Catalan Government’s Ministry of Culture, organised one
of the central events of Espriu Year: the exhibition “Espriu. I Looked
Upon This Land”, which offered the public an approach to the creative career and life history of the writer, to show not only the capital
importance of his figure for Catalan culture, but also the complexity
and richness of his work which transcends any label and thus establishes Espriu as a timeless classic.
The exhibition developed different aspects of his biography, of his
literary world and of the public repercussions of his work. It also
defended the currency of Salvador Espriu, and the validity of his
themes and viewpoints in the world today, based on the triple perspective that the exhibition proposed: the mythical and symbolic
world, social transcendence and indomitable criticism.
A poet, narrator and playwright, Espriu asks himself about the great
human questions. The exhibition evoked the myth of Sinera; ethical
commitment when faced with the Civil War and the post-war years;
the defence of Catalan culture in difficult times; the Espriu phenomenon, when he became an indispensable reference point in Spanish
Culture; his vision of the “bull’s hide” based on dialogue and tolerance; his candidature for the Nobel Prize, and his imaginary world
– sometimes grotesque, sometimes evocative, but always of an extraordinary power.
The exhibition presented a great quantity of unpublished materials originating from archives and private collections. The last part
of the exhibition recreated one of Espriu’s fundamental ideas: the
world as a grotesque labyrinth, based on a gallery of characters that
inhabit his narrative, his poetry and his plays, presented in animations produced by young creators. The characters of this gallery
were integrated into an animated tale, of surprising currency, that
allowed the visitor unfamiliar with the Espriu universe to enter it
from a new perspective.
“‘I Looked Upon This Land’ takes us to Espriu’s gaze towards his
land and towards his world: sometimes critical and wildly amusing, but also understanding and full of compassion towards human
weaknesses.” (Julià Guillamon)
Related activities
Audiovisuals, “The Writer’s Image”, Soy cámara. El programa del
CCCB, no. 34, 1 March, see p. 25
Friends of the CCCB, see p. 79
Educational offering, see p. 84
Social programme, see p. 90
Project management —
Rosa Ferré
Fantasy Visions in Starewitch,
Švankmajer and the Quay Brothers
Curator —
Carolina López Caballero
26 March — 7 September
Sala 2
Interior graphic design —
Mario Eskenazi and Dani Rubio
“Metamorphosis. Fantasy Visions in Starewitch, Švankmajer and
the Quay Brothers” presented the work of four essential figures
in animated film: the Polish (Russian-born) Paris-based pioneer
Ladislas Starewitch (1882-1965), the Czech master Jan Švankmajer
(1934) and the Quay Brothers (1947), twins born in Pennsylvania
and resident in London for the last three decades. Three singular
filmographies that, even so, share many things in common: an eccentric, dreamlike universe in which innocence, cruelty, voluptuousness, magic and madness coexist. A troubling, poetic and lucid
landscape, at times grotesque and at times phantasmagorical, of
characters who love the unproductive and the futile.
Theirs is a cinema of resistance against narrative conventions which
is impervious to the rationalising hygiene modernity has imposed.
In the face of the world of the adult and the correct, Starewitch’s
imagination, Švankmajer’s provocation and the Quay Brothers’ permanently convalescing characters put themselves forward as an unexpected invitation to freedom. Animated cinema is the demiurgic
art par excellence: matter comes to life and is transformed in the
hands and imaginations of the creators. They, more than anybody,
know about the secret life of objects.
The exhibition also showcased a large number of literary, artistic
and cinematographic references which traced the spheres of interest defended by these filmmakers: fairy tales, horror stories, the
Space design —
Estudi Francesc Pons
Graphic design of publicity
material —
Cat and cat
Graphic design of the
catalogue —
Estela Robles
Organisation —
Coproduction —
CCCB and La Casa Encendida
Collaboration —
Athanor-Film Production Company,
Moritz and Centro Checo
Collaborating media —
El Periódico, TV3 and Catalunya
world of dreams, cabinets of curiosities, pre-Enlightenment science, alchemy and illusionism.
This is the first time that the work of these four artists had been
presented in depth in our country, but what represented a truly international event was the bringing together in a single space of the
work of these animators who maintain an explicit dialogue between
themselves: the Quay twins acknowledge that they are admirers of
Jan Švankmajer and all three enjoy the company of Starewitch.
The exhibition presented works by the following creators: Leonardo Alenza, Arnold Böcklin, Walerian Borowczyk, Charles Bowers,
Luis Buñuel, Émile Cohl, Gustave Courbet, Segundo de Chomón,
Salvador Dalí, Monsu Desiderio, James Ensor, Max Ernst, Francisco de Goya, Jean Grandville, Emma Hauck, Max Klinger, Alfred
Kubin, Eugenio Lucas, Marey, Josep Masana, Méliès, Joaquim Pla
Janini, Lotte Reiniger, Bruno Schulz, Irène Starewitch, Eva Švankmajerová and Robert Walser.
Related activities
Friends of the CCCB, see p. 79
Educational offering, see p. 84 and 87
Social programme, see p. 90
Beyond the CCCB, see p. 96
Lectures and debates, see p. 48
The Start of Tomorrow
Mancomunitat of Catalonia: 100 years
8 April — 20 July
Sala -1
Curator —
Víctor Batallé
Organisation —
Advisors —
Albert Balcells, Jaume Barrull Pelegrí,
Núria de Ventura Bosch, Pere
Izquierdo i Tugas, Jordi Llobet, Teresa
Mañà Terré, Teresa Navas, Ferran
Sabaté i Casellas, Mila Segarra, Rosa
Serra i Rotés, and Imma Tubella
Coproduction —
Diputació de Barcelona, Diputació
de Lleida, Diputació de Tarragona
and Diputació de Girona
Executive curatorship, interior
design, graphic design of communication and catalogue —
Collaborating media —
La Vanguardia, TV3 and Catalunya
This exhibition project was created to commemorate one hundred
years since the creation of the Mancomunitat of Catalonia. It explained and highlighted the initiatives of an institutional organisation that acted for a decade with unusual energy to create solid tools
for connectivity and growth across Catalonia.
duction to the healthcare and social policy of the Mancomunitat,
which was of a modern and innovative nature inspired by the industrialised countries of Europe and which permitted the transition of 19th-century hygiene into modern public health, and from
charity to social welfare.
The Diputació de Barcelona, in collaboration with the Diputació de
Girona, the Diputació de Lleida and the Diputació de Tarragona,
presented a set of exhibitions that analysed the history, architects,
thought and work carried out by the Mancomunitat de Catalunya,
a century after its creation. It consisted of a generic exhibition and
of six themes that were presented at six different venues around the
Catalan territory.
The other thematic exhibitions that formed the project were the
following: “New Structures for Education” (Escola Industrial, Barcelona, 9 April-20 July), “Connecting the Territory: Telephony
and Public Works” (Institut d’Estudis Ilerdencs, Lleida, 10 April-1
June), “Boosting Scientific Knowledge” (Institut d’Estudis Catalans,
Barcelona, 11 April-4 June), “Network of Public Libraries” (Palau
de la Diputació de Tarragona, 13 June-7 September) and “Standardisation of the Language” (Casa de Cultura de Girona, 17 June-27
At the CCCB, two exhibitions were presented. Firstly, “The Start
of Tomorrow. Mancomunitat de Catalunya: 100 Years”, an introductory exhibition devoted to analysing the history, main figures,
thought and work carried out by the Mancomunitat de Catalunya;
and secondly, “From Charity to the Public Health Service”, an intro-
Related activities
Friends of the CCCB, see p. 79
Shared Cities
Production design —
David Bravo and Mario Corea
European Prize for Urban
Public Space 2014
Graphic design —
Spread: David Lorente / Tomoko
25 April — 4 June
Sponsorship —
Copcisa, Fundació Abertis
and Escofet
© Glòria Solsona
Production —
Collaboration —
The Architecture Foundation
(London), Architekturzentrum Wien
(Vienna), Cité de l’architecture
et du patrimoine (Paris), Museum
of Finnish Architecture (Helsinki),
Deutsches Architekturmuseum
(Frankfurt) and Museum of
Architecture and Design (Ljubljana)
The form of the city is closely related to democracy. This is the theory of the European Prize for Urban Public Space which, since the
year 2000, has been recognising and disseminating processes of
transformation and improvement of public spaces in Europe.
Cities are far from being an idyllic paradise. Now, when more than
half the world’s population lives in urban environments, cities are
facing threats that raise serious doubts about their future. Europe
which, throughout history, has created cities that are exemplary in
terms of density, human scale and complexity, is no longer exempt
from these risks. Exorbitant growth, social and spatial segregation,
neglect of outlying areas and predominance of the private vehicle are some of the problems that presently endanger the ideals of
equality and freedom, which have been associated with the European city since its very beginnings.
Fortunately, however, Europe also offers many admirable examples of improvement in its public spaces. These are works which,
sensitive to their context, value the political and social dimensions
of urban spaces. They look respectfully back to the past while also
holding out sustainable solutions with future generations in mind.
They embody good practice in taking care of the limits of the city
since they do so in the awareness that peripheral zones are part of
its identity and that contact with nature, and with water, is a resource that must be conserved and integrated, in the best interests
of everyone. These are proposals that understand public space as
a place for equality, redistribution of resources and recognition of
minorities. They are interventions that give priority to access over
barriers of every kind, and encourage appropriation of the city by its
citizens. From Glasgow to Istanbul, and from Lisbon to Bucharest,
the European Prize for Urban Public Space has become a privileged
observatory of the problems and solutions which have now come to
characterise European cities.
“Shared Cities” is the exhibition of twenty-five of the best works
presented for the eighth edition of the Prize, an event that the
CCCB organises in collaboration with The Architecture Foundation (London), Architekturzentrum Wien (Vienna), Cité de l’architecture et du patrimoine (Paris), Museum of Finnish Architecture
(Helsinki) the Museum of Architecture and Design (Ljubljana) and
the Deutsches Architekturmuseum (Frankfurt).
Related activities
European Prize for Urban Public Space 2014, see p.66
Lectures and debates, see p. 46
Beyond the CCCB, see p. 99
Big Bang Data
Project management —
Rosa Ferré
Coproduction —
CCCB and Fundación Telefónica
9 May — 16 November
Sala 3
Curator —
Olga Subirós and José Luis
de Vicente
Space design —
Olga Subirós Studio
Sponsorship —
Generalitat de Catalunya,
Fundació Banc Sabadell, HP,
Fujifilm, Fotoprix and Grundig
Interior and publications
graphic design —
David Torrents and Silvia Míguez
Collaborating media —
El País, TV3 and Catalunya Ràdio
© Gunnar Knechtel
Graphic design
of publicity material —
Collaboration —
Moritz, Telefónica I+D, Bcnlab,
Mediapro, IAAC-Fab Lab, Loop
Barcelona, Sonar +D, OFFF
and Fab Festival
“Big Bang Data” was a project that made inroads into the phenomenon of the data explosion in which we find ourselves immersed.
Over the last five years, a broad awareness has existed between the
academic and scientific sectors, the administrations, enterprise and
culture that generating, processing and above all interpreting data
is radically changing our society.
We all generate data, with our mobile phones, through sensors,
social networks, digital photographs and videos, purchase transactions and GPS signals. What is new is that it is increasingly easy to
store and process these vast quantities of data that detect patterns
(of incidents, behaviour, consumption, voting, investment, etc.).
This fact is very quickly and completely changing the way decisions
are made at all levels.
Different creators participated in the project such as Timo Arnall,
Christopher Baker, Chris Jordan, Ingo Gunther, Erik Kessels, David Bowen, Aaron Koblin, Eric Fischer, Near Future Laboratory,
Bestiario, researchers, activists, designers, analysts, cartographers,
engineers, economists, architects, communicators, programmers,
journalists among many others.
New line of Beta exhibitions at the CCCB
On its third floor the CCCB has opened a central space for exhibition projects that deal in an integrated way with 21st-century culture and the major transformations of the digital era.
“Big Bang Data” was the first of this series of proposals that tackle areas of friction that come with these changes: from science
through technological and social innovation and political, economic and cultural challenges.
During over five months of the duration of “Big Bang Data”, the
exhibition space acted as a platform for meeting and debate around
this issue of maximum currency, which hosted workshops, hackathons, educational programmes and meetings of local and international communities.
Project website:
Related activities
Beta Station activities programme, see p. 32
Under Siege
Mariam Ghani and Omer Fast.
Installation and conversations
9 September — 9 November
Hall of the CCCB
Within the context of the commemoration of the 300th anniversary of the Siege of Barcelona by Bourbon troops in the year
1714, the CCCB proposed an audiovisual installation and a programme of activities to offer a reflection on the most contemporary aspects of cities under siege. The objective of the activities
was to transfer the notion of siege to the world of today, from the
forms in which in the present the besieging of cities continues
to be a fully current warfare strategy (Beirut, Sarajevo and Gaza,
among so many examples), to the subtlety with which today new
urban realities spread based on segregation and marginalisation;
or how the new obsession with security in the great metropolises
has allowed the normalisation of forms of control and surveillance over their citizens.
Curator —
Chus Martínez
Within the context of —
Tricentenari BCN 1714-2014
Space design —
Liliana Antoniucci
With the support of —
European Union’s Culture
Programme, in the context of the
“Europe City” initiative
Graphic design of the venue
and publicity material —
Opisso Studio
Organisation and production —
Collaborating media —
The CCCB’s reflection placed the emphasis on all those realities of
the contemporary city that condemn its citizens to live under new
forms of siege. Moreover, the activities also explored the opposite of
the besieged city: the open city, a city where the inhabitants do not
live under the shadow of a threat that places in question their liberties. It offered a reflection on which elements are necessary to make
an open city possible.
Related activities
“The New Sieges”, a series of lectures, see p. 52
World Press Photo
International Professional
Photojournalism Exhibition
Organisation and production —
Fundació Photographic Social
© Abbie Trayler-Smith
6 November — 8 December
Sala -1
The tenth edition of the international World Press Photo exhibition, organised by the Fundació Photographic Social Vision, was
installed for one month at the CCCB with the 130 winning photographs from the prestigious international prize for photojournalism. This year, the selection included five winners from Barcelona
itself: Pau Barrena, in the category “Observed Portraits”; Moisés
Samán, second prize in the “General News”; category; and the team
formed by David Airob, David Ramos and José Bautista, who obtained third prize in the Short Features category within the competition’s multimedia section.
This unmissable event for photography lovers has become one of
the most notable landmarks in culture and visual journalism in
Barcelona, which year after year attracts thousands of visitors. An
opportunity to witness, through the eyes, the state of the world and
the global reality that surrounds us. Views, stories and realities, that
are translated into images capable of transporting you, changing
you and moving you, or even, of helping you understand the world.
In this edition a total of 5,754 photographers of 123 different nationalities took part, of which 254 were Spanish. In total 98,671 images were received, classified into categories (General News, Spot
News, Contemporary Issues, Daily Life, Observed Portraits, Staged
Portraits, Nature, Sports Action and Sports Feature).
Related activities
Friends of the CCCB, see p. 79
Educational offering, see p. 84
The winning photograph was by the American photographer John
Stanmeyer, for National Geographic.
The Shadow and the Photographer,
14 November 2014 — 12 April 2015
Sala 3
Antoni Arissa (Sant Andreu, 1900-Barcelona, 1980) was probably the photographer who used in the most interesting way the
principles of the New Vision in our country and is one of the
most outstanding photographers of the 20th century. The gradual introduction of the principles of the typophoto, as promoted
by László Moholy-Nagy, would favour the birth of a new visual
language in which photography became a substitute for drawing,
renewing the design of posters, books, magazines and newspapers. Arissa, a printer by trade, working from Barcelona, was fully
a part of this trend.
The exhibition hosted by the CCCB consisted of over 160 photographs in black and white that covered his career in three stylistic
blocks: pictorialism, between 1922 and 1928; the evolution towards
modern visual solutions of modernity up to the early 1930s and the
New Vision, from 1930 to 1936, when Arissa became fully incorporated into the ranks of the photographic avant-garde.
The exhibition photographs originate from the collections of negatives preserved by the Fundación Telefónica and the Institut d’Estudis Fotogràfics de Catalunya and incorporated the few runs made
by the author that are still conserved on paper. The project is the
Curator —
Rafael Levenfeld and Valentín
Space design —
Àlex Papalini
Graphic design of the venue and
publicity material and adaptation of the catalogue —
Marc Valls and Oriol Soler
Coproduction —
Fundación Telefónica and CCCB
Support —
Institut d'Estudis Fotogràfics de
Collaboration —
Collaborating media —
TV3 and Catalunya Ràdio
culmination of the efforts of the Fundación Telefónica in the recovery of photographic archives, a task that began with the company’s
photographic archive and was expanded subsequently with photographers such as Luis Ramón Marín, Josep Brangulí (to whom
the CCCB dedicated an exhibition in 2011) and Virxilio Vieitez.
With the presentation in parallel of the projects “Arissa. The Shadow and the Photographer” and “Shadowland” by Kazuhiro Goshima (see the next page), two artistic adventures were related that,
while set a century apart, are connected by their research into composition and light.
Workshop space
The exhibition included a workshop space with different materials
and scenes for completing the visit with a photographic experience
based on light and shadow. This activity was available at weekends
and on bank holidays, and was free of charge with the exhibition
admission ticket.
Related activities
Friends of the CCCB, see p. 79
Educational offering, see p. 84
by Kazuhiro Goshima
A 3D Audiovisual Installation
Graphic design
of publicity material —
Marc Valls and Oriol Soler
Organisation —
Collaboration —
Collaborating media —
TV3 and Catalunya Ràdio
14 November 2014 — 12 April 2015
Sala 3
This 3D short feature by Japanese artist Kazuhiro Goshima is the
product of the combination of what we call “found animation” and
an innovative stereoscopic technique. Night after night, countless
vehicles tour the world’s metropolises, their headlights producing
fleeting, moving shadows on the multiple surfaces of these big cities. The shadows are tirelessly cast on the walls of a building and in
this way, a transitory image is created from which an instant in the
life of the city transpires.
With the presentation in parallel of the projects “Arissa. The Shadow and the Photographer” (see the previous page), and “Shadowland” by Kazuhiro Goshima, two artistic adventures were related
that, while set a century apart, are connected by their research into
composition and light.
Shadowland received the honorary Ars Electronica award in Linz
(2014). © Albert Uriach
and Open
Festivals and Open Formats
The Cinema of the CCCB
Organisation —
Directed by —
Carolina López
Programme —
Celeste Araújo, Gonzalo de Lucas,
Oriol Sánchez, João Laia, PhilippeAlain Michaud, Andrey Shental and
Mark Webber
January — December
In its 13th season, Xcèntric was consolidated also as a place for the
interpretation of essential cinema. The screenings programme for
2014 took as its starting point the films mentioned in the exhibition
“Metamorfosis.. Fantasy Visions in Starewitch, Švankmajer and the
Quay Brothers”.
Xcèntric Workshops
Súper-8: Film, Process, Edit, Screen!
Dates: 6-9 November
Organisation: CCCB
Collaboration: Crater-Lab
For the inaugural session, the CCCB enjoyed the presence of Antoni
Pinent, a Catalan author established in Switzerland who has collaborated closely with Xcèntric as a programmer and a curator. In his
“Between Perforations”, masterclass, Pinent reviewed his film work
and explained his creative process (from theory and technique, with
special emphasis on montage, while making reference to the pieces
by other experimental filmmakers who have influenced him.
A practical workshop for beginners in Super-8 in four sessions,
in which participants learned to work their camera, to shoot film
based on a collective shooting exercise, to manually process the
film and to prepare and mount the resulting material and finally to
screen it. Aimed at artists, filmmakers, students and anyone interested in audiovisual creation and the material aspects of film.
Highlights in the programme included the session devoted to the
portrait of three singular filmmakers: Margaret Tait, Ute Aurand
and Marie Menken, the programme of works unreleased in Spain
by Chris Marker and by Robert Gardner (anthropologist and producer of ethnographic documentaries), a programme of scientific
films viewed through the prism of avant-garde art; a monographic
of Canadian experimental filmmaker, Arthur Lipsett (one of the
maximum reference points for appropriation and collage); in film)
and another dedicated to the young Lois Patiño, whose camera
captures the beauty of landscapes with a unique sensitivity, and the
marathon session “Sublime Desire” held during Museums Night.
Together with the team of regular programmers, in 2014 the guest
programmer was Josetxo Cerdán, professor at the Universitat Rovira i Virgili in Tarragona, and the author of various publications on
documentary cinema.
Aula Xcèntric
The Wild Image Infiltrations and Paths Towards Outsider
Dates: 4-27 November
Organisation: CCCB and Institut d’Humanitats de Barcelona
With the support of: Diputació de Barcelona
This course directed by Jordi Costa (film critic, scriptwriter and
audiovisual producer) and taught by Jordi Costa, Juan Bufill, Andrés Hispano, Carles Prats and Juan Antonio Suárez, had as its aim
the tracing of the underground history of outsider film through its
intermittent infiltrations to the dominant discourse and the appropriations that it makes of the latter, as well as analysing the conditions for the possibility of a wild cinema in the era of the democratisation of tools and technological sophistication.
Related activities:
Xcèntric Archive (see page 103)
Festivals and Open Formats
Poetry Slam Barcelona
Organisation —
Hipnotik Faktory and Red927
Collaboration —
CCCB and ICUB-Ajuntament de
11 January, 8 February, 15 March,
5 April, 3 May, 7 June, 12 July, 4 October
and 13 December
© Marta Torras
For the second year running, the CCCB once again became the
stage for the monthly competitions of Poetry Slam Barcelona in its
fifth season. The Poetry Slam is, in essence, an oral poetry competition, but it has also become consolidated as a new way of disseminating the art of the word and of the performance. The complicity
of the poets with the audience is also one of the most characteristics
elements of each competition in which the role of the spectators is
fundamental for evaluating the expressive skills of the creators. In
the winter months, the monthly date with the poetry slam was held
in the Hall, and with the arrival of the good weather, the competitions moved outdoors to the Pati de les Dones.
Soy Cámara
Organisation —
Production —
The CCCB’s TV Programme
One Saturday each month on TVE’s La 2
In 2014 broadcasting continued by TVE’s La 2 of the programme
Soy Cámara, a monthly thirty-minute programme that in the year
2014 had a total of 932,000 viewers.
Each programme reflects around themes taken from the CCCB’s
exhibitions and activities, with the intention of showing a different
way of seeing and understanding the Centre. To produce it, a combination of specially filmed material and the holdings of the CCCB
Archive is used.
The programme, which has a desire for experimentation both
in its formal language and its narrative treatment, presents a patchwork structure with a friendly and intelligible approach, constructed based on a large number of voices and audiovisual fragments,
originating from archives from all eras, textures and genres. There
is no presenter or voiceover narrator, and the title varies with each
episode, as does the typography, style and thread of the programme,
which to date has had the collaboration of twenty-five different directors and scriptwriters.
The subjects tackled in 2014 were, among others, the following:
the art of provocation, the nouveau poor, poetic expression and the
word, artists and the visualisation of data, cities under siege and the
power of images.
Festivals and Open Formats
Off Programme
Organisation —
Unplanned regular audiovisual
January — December
Off Programme is a space for all those audiovisual works that emerge
from the commitment and solidarity of their authors, the screening of
which is enhanced by a debate with participation by the audience and
the presence of the producers, of experts or of people directly involved
in the subject. In the year 2014, three sessions were held.
On 22 January, there was a screening of the investigative documentary Economia col·lectiva. L'última revolució d'Europa (Eulàlia
Comas, Spain, 2013) which gave rise to a debate on the situation of
cooperativism in our country and its feasibility in times of economic
crisis. On 10 July, the premiere took place simultaneously in some
thirty Spanish cities of Yo decido. El tren de la libertad (CIMA, Spain,
2014), a documentary produced by the Collective of Women Filmmakers against the reform of the abortion law, which recorded the
demonstration of 1 February in Madrid and gave testimony of the
opposition from women from all around Spain to this reform. On 23
October, at a session of the 22nd International Exhibition of Women’s
Films of Barcelona titled “Silenced Sexual Violence”, the screening
took place of 475: Break the Silence (Hind Bensari, Morocco, 2014)
a documentary on the impunity of rapists in Morocco, which in the
debate with the presence of its director, invited people to a deep introspection on our perception of sex, rape and its different consideration
in the legislations of different countries.
Animac at the CCCB
Organisation —
Animac (Lleida) and CCCB
The International Animated Film
Festival of Catalonia
7 February, 17 — 18 May
and 24 September
Hybrid animation and its capacity for integration into all kinds of
formats was the theme of the 18th edition of Animac, held in Lleida from 20 to 23 February and organised by the City Council. On 7
February, at a preview session at the CCCB, the director of the exhibition, Carolina López, officially presented the programme for 2014.
This was followed by the screening of Ryan, a short film that won
the Oscar 2014 for the Best Animated Short, written and directed by
Chris Landreth, an American animator who lives in Canada and specialises in computer-generated animation (CGI), of a hybrid, experimental and, as he himself affirms, “psycho-realist” nature. From 17
to 18 May, coinciding with Museums Night, in collaboration with the
CCCB and the Centre d’Art la Panera, Animac prepared “Stop-Motion, yes! New talents in animation” (60’), a special programme for
all audiences with a selection of the best stop-motion films of recent
creation included in the Animac 2014 programme.On 24 September
2014, as every year on the day of La Mercè, there was a presentation
of the programme “Animac Camina. Híbrid” (69’), a selection of the
most representative works from Animac 2014. In addition, the programme “Petit Animac Camina” (62’) covered an international selection of six titles with different techniques and styles, representative of
the Exhibition and designed for a children’s audience.
Festivals and Open Formats
Emergència! 2014
Organisation —
CCCB and Analogic Té
Collaboration —
Moritz and Centset
Independent Music Festival
15 February
The sixth edition of this independent music festival once more featured names from the local, national and international scene: Cold
Pumas (Brighton, UK), Cuello (Valencia), Escarlata (Madrid/Barcelona), Desert (Barcelona), Gente Joven (León), Kíar (La Garrotxa,
Girona) and Montgomery (Seville).
As in previous years, the CCCB programmed a festival that showed
a piece of the emerging music scene and featured seven projects ranging from pop to folk and including dream-pop and rock.
OVNI. In Limbo:
Falling and Flying
Video and documentary festival
Organisation —
Observatori de Vídeo No Identificat
Collaboration —
Sponsorship —
Cultural Initiative Support Office
(OSIC)-Generalitat de Catalunya,
ICUB-Ajuntament de Barcelona,
Videolab, Cintex and HP
27 February — 2 March
For another year, the OVNI (Unidentified Frame Observatory) video festival returned to the CCCB with an audiovisual programme
critical with contemporary culture and society and the desire to offer a space for reflection.
In this new edition and under the title “In Limbo: Falling and
Flying”, OVNI proposed a selection of films prominently including
Fall and Winter. A Survival Guide for the 21st Century (USA, 2013)
by Matt Anderson, an epic journey across the USA in search of the
causes of the expansion of the global crisis; Detroit Ville Sauvage
(France, 2009), a documentary by Florent Tillon on the capacity
of the inhabitants of the ghost town of Detroit to reorganise themselves; De chair et de lait (France, 2013) by Bernard Bloch, sixteen
extraordinary stories about the intertwined destinations of the cow
and human beings, and Antibiografies (Barcelona, 2014) by Khalid
Ghali, about the lives of homeless people in Barcelona.
Festivals and Open Formats
Music in process
CCCB © Miquel Taverna
6 March, 16 April, 15 May, 2 October,
and 13 November
International Festival of Short Films
and Animation of Barcelona
Organisation —
Coordinated by —
Ingrid Guardiola
Programme —
Los Cuatro Cocos and Sidewalk
Bookings (#1); Boston Pizza
Records and Domestica Records
(#2); Gent Normal and La Fonoteca
(#3); Sones and Aurelio Santos
(#4), and Indigestió, Fundación
Robo and Internet 2 (#5)
Mondo Sonoro
Since 2006, BCNmp7 has been dedicated to creation and reflection
around the music scene of the present. In 2014 it consisted of five sessions,
programmed by two cultural professionals/collectives, who defend an
own conception of music and of what it means to be a music programmer. The first session, “Uncontrollable Music”, revolved around the DoIt-Yourself culture. The participating groups were Pharmakon, Una bèstia incontrolable and Coàgul. The second session, “The Industrial/New
Wave scene in Barcelona in perspective”, was dedicated to the beginnings
of the most unknown and avant-garde electronic scene of the early ‘80s
in Barcelona, including a debate with three pioneering musicians (Víctor Nubla, Gat and J.J. Ibáñez) and a performance by Philippe Laurent
and Tvnnel. The third session, “It kills me but I like it: genealogy of Zeidun”, aimed to reunite one of the best emo, hardcore and post-hardcore
bands ever created in Catalonia: Zeidun. With members of the original
band and some of the bands that they created subsequently. The fourth
session “Barcelona, magnetic city” brought together some of the city’s
most charismatic musicians in jazz, funk, bossa-nova and experimental
rock. With performances by Za!, Llibert Fortuny, Munir Hossn, David
Soler and Pablo Schvarzman. With the title “Musical politics”, the fifth
session approached political drive within the music context, with a radio
programme and live music session with Filastine and Dick el demasiado.
Organización —
Organisation —
CCCB, Cinemes Girona, Antic
Teatre, Institut français, Arts Santa
Mònica and Fàbrica Moritz
Collaboration —
ICAA-Generalitat de Catalunya,
ICUB-Ajuntament de Barcelona,
Diputació de Barcelona, El
Periódico, AIRBNB, CI&VI,
Videolab, Filmin, Canal+, ZeroIU,
Eastpak and Moritz
7 — 16 March
Mecal, the International Festival of Short Films and Animation of
Barcelona, held part of the programme for its 16th edition over two
weekends at the CCCB. The festival presented a selection of short
films, animations and documentaries made from over 5,000 works
received from all over the world, and that were screened at the different Mecal venues.
The first weekend at the CCCB focused on the International
section, with the best highlights of current production on a worldwide scale; and the Oblique section, with the most daring and original works. The second weekend was devoted to animation in all its
aspects, as well as hosting lectures, a masterclass and workshops by
renowned illustrators such as Rosto, Phil Mulloy and Hisko Hulsing.
Festivals and Open Formats
Brunch Electronik
Organisation —
Ex-Centris Production
With the collaboration of —
16 March, 20 April and 18 May
© Astrid Bosch Miskovic
The CCCB hosted the first edition of Brunch Electronik Barcelona,
the city’s spring date with electronic music, culture and gastronomy.
During three Sundays in March, April and May, the Plaça de Joan
Coromines was converted into a stage to enjoy a Sunday brunch to
share table, activities and experiences to the beat of the most original Djs on the local and international scene.
The morning programming offered activities for all ages, and
from three in the afternoon the live electronic performances converted the last day of the week into a total celebration. With the performances of DJs Pau Roca, Ben Ufo, Pearson Sound and Pangaea
(16 March); Morgan Hammer, Danton Eeprom, Crazy P Soundsystem and Matías Aguayo (20 April); and Baldo, Tiger & Woods,
Coma and Acid Arab (18 May).
Electronic Music Sessions
Organisation —
Associació Cau d’Orella
Collaboration —
CCCB, Moritz, Twincam, Eumen,
Plàstic, Sonopro and the UB’s
Sound Art Lab
21 — 22 March
The fourth edition of the Caudorella (CDO) sessions was, for another
year, the meeting point for artists, labels and professionals from the
scene of electronic music created in Catalonia, with a programme
open to all audiences. For the first time the CCCB hosted in its hall
the Caudorella fair for record labels and festivals, which also included
stands from record shops and musical instrument stores. In addition,
the programme was completed with small format concerts (CDO
Play), exhibitions of visual arts (CDO Visuals), training activities
(CDO Lab) and talks and debates offered by professionals from the
scene (CDO Formació).
With the participation of Plàstic, Eumes, Sonopro, Lapsus,
Lovethechaos, Simposio, Anòmia, End of dayz, Spark, Foehn, Discontinu, Galleta, Bons records, xx records, Nereida records, Tracy,
Discos Paradiso, Discos Juando, Lostrack records, Microfusa, Knob
and Chándal Zero.
Festivals and Open Formats
Lapsus Festival
Avant-garde electronic
music festival
Organisation —
Sponsorship —
Moritz and Arnette
Coproduction —
Collaboration —
Red Bull Music Academy
© Judit Contreras
4 — 5 April
Kosmopolis. The Amplified
Literature Fest
For two days the Teatre CCCB hosted the first edition of the Lapsus
Festival, an avant-garde electronic music festival. With a programme of
concerts, performances and an installation in the Sala Raval, the festival
presented innovative proposals of audiovisual art and electronic music
from a broad variety of national and international artists.
One of the highlights was the elaborate staging at different
spaces in the Teatre CCCB, with the aim of offering a unique experience to the audience. The first edition of the Lapsus Festival was
born as a showcase of the annual activity of the Lapsus project, an
artistic platform active since 2004 directed by Albert Salinas, Carles
Guajardo and Albert Miralles.
Participants in the music sphere were 1991 (Sweden), Fennesz
(Austria), Dalhous (United Kingdom), Etch (United Kingdom),
Jenseg Sportag (United States), Kangding Ray (France), Kelpe
(United Kingdom), Olde Gods (Spain), Playmodes (Spain), Sau
Poler (Spain) and Shape Worship (United Kingdom). In the visual
sphere participants included Videocratz, Alba G. Corral and Oscar
Sol (Spain), and the installation was the work of MID (Spain).
Organisation —
Ongoing Programme 2014
22 April, 15 May, 29 May, 18 June,
27 and 28 October, 12 December
The year 2014 saw consolidation of the Ongoing Programme which
Kosmopolis has consistently scheduled outside the festival dates
since its launch in 2002. Featuring activities such as dialogues, lectures, workshops and discussions, it keeps the festival’s spirit alive
during the periods between its successive editions.
The Ongoing Programme strives to provide continuity, enabling a consistent and essential link between the festival and literature fans. The following activities were programmed in 2014:
CCCB © Miquel Taverna
House of Leaves. Cult Literature
Date: 22 April
Collaboration: Alpha Decay and Pálido Fuego
Dialogue between Mark Z. Danielewski and cultural journalist Javier
Blànquez, where they discussed the keys of the American writer’s literature: a body of work that is experimental and daring both formally
and narratively speaking, and which has made him a cult author.
With the participation of Mark Z. Danielewski and Javier Blànquez.
Festivals and Open Formats
Narrating Google
Date: 15 May
A writing workshop taught by Sergio Chejfec and a lecture given
by Jordi Carrión, two writers who in their work have dealt with the
effects of Google on film, literature, photography, contemporary art
and, in short, on our way of narrating the world.
With the participation of Sergio Chejfec and Jordi Carrión.
An Evening with Neil Gaiman
Date: 18 June
Collaboration: British Council and Editorial Roca
Neil Gaiman is a creator of science fiction and fantasy stories that
are converted into novels, comics, films and plays. His imagination captivates children, young people and adults from all over the
world, who find in his work a gateway into a universe that is simultaneously terrifying and marvellous.
With the participation of Neil Gaiman and Patricia Escalona.
Mirador Kosmopolis. Unknown Classics and New Writers
Fecha: 18 de junio
Collaboration: Institut Ramon Llull, Projecte Schowb, Edicions de
1984, Sajalín Editores and Minúscula
An evening focusing on the literary canon from the viewpoint of publishers from all over Europe committed to publishing unknown classics
and books by new writers, including literature produced in Catalonia.
With the participation of Jordi Nopca, Valeria Bergalli, Laura Baena, Marina Espasa, Jenn Díaz, Daniel Osca, Muge Sökmen, Oscar
Van Gelderen, David Gálvez and Yannick Garcia.
International Art House Film Festival of
Transmedia Narrative Design Workshop
Dates: 27 and 28 October
Collaboration: Transmedia Week, Institució de les Lletres Catalanes de la Generalitat de Catalunya, Outliers School and Química Visual
Transmedia narratives are narratives that develop their storyline
across different media or formats, each representing a different entry point into the same story. As part of Transmedia Week 2014, we
hosted this practical workshop for tackling transmedia narrative as
it applies to the field of fiction.
With the participation of Carlos A. Scolari, Montecarlo and Laura
Anniversary Promenade. Joan Vinyoli Tribute
Date: 12 December
Collaboration: Institució de les Lletres Catalanes de la Generalitat
de Catalunya and Any Vinyoli
An evening of poetry and music with several generations of Catalan
poets and jazz musicians reciting and performing poems by Joan
Vinyoli. This was one of the final events of Vinyoli Year, held in 2014
to commemorate the centenary of the poet’s birth and the thirtieth
anniversary of his death.
With the participation of Mireia Calafell, David Castillo, David Caño, Enric Casasses, Miquel De Palol, Jordi Llavina, Núria
Martínez-Vernis, Francesc Parcerisas, Josep Pedrals, Blanca Llum
Vidal and Andrea Motis & Joan Chamorro with The New Catalan
Organisation —
Collaboration —
CCCB, ICEC-Ministry of Culture
of the Generalitat de Catalunya,
ICUB-Ajuntament de Barcelona,
Fundació SGAE, Filmoteca de
Catalunya, Diputació de Barcelona
and the Spanish Ministry of Culture
25 April — 4 May
D’A reached its fourth edition with the best independent cinema
being produced around the world and the best local productions.
In 2014 it presented around sixty films with leading names from
art-house film, both top directors and creators making their debut, selected from among the best films seen at the international
festivals, daring works and gems discovered from among over 300
proposals received.
This new edition reinforced the presence of the directors and
promoted dialogue with the public through a series of talks and
workshops open to everyone. For the second year running, the Teatre CCCB hosted part of the programme of this date with cinema.
Festivals and Open Formats
Beta Station
Activities programme for the “Big Bang
Data” Exhibition
5-11 May
Big Data Week
5 May
Inaugural session of Big Data
Week, “#Opendata, Open for
Whom?”, with Catalunya Dades
6-7 May
Workshops prior to the Big Data
Week Hackathon, with Óscar
Marín and ZZZINC
8 May
Big Data Week Conference,
with Marc Garriga, Mònica Garriga,
Àlex Hinojo, Aldo de Jong, Roger
Magoulas, Julià Minguillón,
David Nogué, Josep Perelló
and Genís Roca
9-11 May
Big Data Week Hackathon,
with Óscar Marín and ZZZINC
12 May-22 June
Free online course,
“Introduction to Open Data”,
with Julià Minguillón
15 May
Citizens’ Science Meetup: data
in our hands, “What is citizens’
science?”?”, with the Barcelona
Lab’s Citizens’ Science Office
and Josep Perelló
16 May
Lecture presenting the projects
of Google Creative Lab’s Data Arts
Team, with Aaron Koblin
20 May
Research and Big Data discussion,
“Big Data in companies”, with
Albert Diaz-Guilera and Roger
29 May, 26 June, 18 September
and 16 October
Data Jam, with Óscar Marín
and Telenoika
1 June and 28 September
Family workshop, “Us in
cyberspace”, with La Mandarina
de Newton
3 June
Research and Big Data discussion,
“eARTh Observation: Data,
Knowledge, Territories and Smart
Cities”, with Jordi Corbera, Víctor
López and Vicenç Palà
5 June
Barcelona Urban Beers Meetup
7 June
“Software Takes Command”
lecture, organised by Loop
Barcelona, with Lev Manovich
8 June and 5 October
Family workshop, “Let’s
geolocate!”, with La Mandarina
de Newton
10-13 June
Sónar+D Festival, Data Cooking
Workshop with Moritz Stefaner
10 June
“Big Data in astronomy: from
Ancient Greece to our times”
Directed by Xavier Luri, Carme
Jordi and Jordi Portell
11 June and 10 July
Guided visit to the Barcelona
Supercomputing Center – Centro
Nacional de Supercomputación
(BSC-CNS) exclusively for
Friends of the CCCB
22 May, 19 June
and 9 October
Data journalism work sessions,
“Data for evaluating and mapping”
(IV), “Data and new narratives”
(V) and “Observing the data of
my municipality” (VI), with Carlos
Alonso, Xavier Badosa, David
Casado, Pedro García, Eduard
Martín-Borregón, Álvaro Millán,
Karme Peiró, Idoia Sota and
Federico Todeschini
12 June
Citizens’ Science Meetup: data
in our hands, “Trap the tiger!”
and “Observers of the sea”,
with ICREA-Movement Ecology
Laboratory and Institut de
Ciències del Mar
23-24 May
Conference and workshop:
“Who’s in charge”, with Eva
Belmonte, David Cabo and Civio
15 June and 19 October
Family workshop, “Satellites
and tracks”, with La Mandarina
de Newton
28 May
Discussion on Research and
Big Data, “A global computation
network for the Large Hadron
Collider”, with Josep Flix Molina
and Antonio Pérez-Calero
15 June
Festival of Science, Technology
and Innovation, “Experiment #3”,
organised by ICUB-Ajuntament de
Barcelona, with Data and Ethics
Working Group and Barcelona
Lab’s Citizens’ Science Office
14 June
Sónar+D Festival, Presentation
of Data Cooking Project by Moritz
16-18 June
Enter Forum 2014, 1st International
Internet Privacy Forum
20-21 June
Web Visions
25 June, 16 July,
17 September and 1 October
Open Data Workshops, Kick Off (I),
Data Capture (II), Data Analysis (III)
and Data Visualisation (IV),
with Julià Minguillón
30 June - 1 August
Culturnauts, the CCCB’s summer
school, with La Mandarina
de Newton
2 July
#8daysbcn Festival,
Open & Maker & Collaborative Fest
9 September
Research and Big Data discussion,
“The technology behind Big Data”,
with Mario Macías
19-20 September
Workshop with the Institut de
Govern i Polítiques Públiques
(IGOP), “Use of Big Data in Social
and Political Research”, with Mayo
Fuster, Rubén Martínez and Jorge
Luis Salcedo Maldonado
25 September
Citizens’ Science Meetup:
Data in Our Hands,
“” and “Urban Flora and
Allergy, Want to Cooperate?, with
Freshwater Ecology Management
Research and Punt d’Informació
27 September
Guided tour exclusively for Friends
of the CCCB of the exhibition
“Big Bang Data”, with the Societat
Catalana d’Estadística
30 September
Research and Big Data Workshop,
“Will You Help Us Decipher
the Brain? Large-scale projects
for deciphering the brain”,
with Jaime de la Rocha and Albert
30 September
Research and Big Data discussion,
“Supercomputing and Cardiology”,
with Francesc Carreras, Fernando
Cucchietti and Mariano Vázquez
2 October
Session on Big Data in Humanities
studies, with Gemma Avenoza,
Núria Bel, Elena González-Blanco,
María Morrás, Núria Rodríguez and
Antonio Rojas
3 October
Creative programming meetup:
“Data visualisation”, with
Telenoika, MIRA and ZZZINC
7 October
Research and Big Data discussion,
“EPNet: Big Data in History”,
with Albert Diaz-Guilera,
Alessandro Mosca, José Remesal
and Xavier Rubio Campillo
8 October
Research and Big Data discussion,
“Big Data Analytics Applied
to Client Marketing”, with Pau
Agulló and Manuel Bruscas
11 October
Astronomic Hackaton,
“A Universe of Data”,
with Sebastián Pérez, Outliers
14 October
Research and Big Data
discussion, “Big Data in Studying
the Brain”, with Albert Barqué
and Joan Guàrdia
15 October
Research and Big Data discussion,
“Big data and Genomics”,
with Cédric Notredame and
Modesto Orozco
21 October
Research and Big Data discussion,
“Natural Language Processing and
the Semantic Web”,
with Toni Badia, Gerard
Casamayor, Horacio Saggion,
Francesco Ronzano
22 October
“Big Data in Telefónica R&D’s
Innovation”, session with José
Luis Agúndezi, Enrique Frías,
Alexandros Karatzoglou and
Rafael Pellón
23 October
Barcelona Urban Beers Meetup
24 October
Citizens’ Science Meetup: Data
in Our Hands, “Human Mobility
and Other Experiments in Human
Behaviour”, with ComplexitatLab,
ICREA-Movement Ecology
Laboratory and OpenSystemsUB
29 October
Research and Big Data
discussion, “Cultural Data. Open
Data and Social Networks at
Cultural Institutions”, with Àlex
Hinojo, Encarna Segura and Olga
7-8 November
“The Cold Web. Self-Protection
and Defence of Privacy in the Age
of Mass Surveillance”, sessions,
organised by Obra Social
“La Caixa”, in collaboration with
the CCCB
Festivals and Open Formats
Primera Persona
Organisation —
Directed by —
Kiko Amat and Miqui Otero
© Glòria Solsona
8, 9 and 10 May
Museum Day and Night
of Museums
Collaboration —
Gent Normal, Alpha Decay,
Anagrama, Blackie Books,
Ediciones La Cúpula and Literatura
Random House
The third edition of First Person was again a venture into the stage
representation of the self through three days of narrative, pop music
and monologues, and it expanded the programme from two days to
three, with two sessions per day.
The CCCB’s stage was trodden by musicians such as the American Calvin Johnson, perhaps one of the most influential in American indie music, founder of bands such as Beat Happening; Gerard
Love, member of the Scottish pop group Teenage Fanclub, who
was accompanied by young Mallorcans Beach Beach, and Manolo
García (El Último de la Fila), who talked about his career with musicians such as Extraperlo, El Último Vecino, Esther Margarit and
Miqui Puig i l’Agrupació Cicloturista Puig.
The literary representatives were Scottish writer Irvine Welsh,
author of the well-known novel-made-film Trainspotting; New York
novelist Jonathan Lethem, who talked about the most autobiographical
fragments of his work with his sister, Barcelona-based translator Mara
Lethem; Canadian Sheila Heti, one of the most applauded writers of
her generation, or the British writers David Nobbs and Jonathan Coe,
who talked about Sad comedy in a train carriage. Moreover, the author
of Yo, precario, Javier López Menacho, explained his adventures in the
precarious world of work, and writer and professor Jorge Carrión paid
tribute to the great American explorer Burton Holmes.
Organisation —
CCCB and ICUB-Ajuntament
de Barcelona
17 and 18 May
For another year, the CCCB joined around seventy cultural centres
in Barcelona and its Metropolitan Area to participate in Museum
Day and the Night of Museums. The centre opened its doors free
of charge and organised an entire series of activities to great success
among the public.
During the Night of Museums, held on 17 May, free admission
was offered to the exhibitions (“Metamorphosis. Fantasy Visions
in Starewitch, Švankmajer and the Quay Brothers”, “The Start of
Tomorrow. Mancomunitat de Catalunya: 100 Years”, “Shared Cities” and “Big Bang Data”). In addition, a film marathon was programmed titled “Metamorphosis. Sublime Desire” and a selection
of animated films was screened under the title “Animac presents...
Stop-Motion, Yes!”
During Museum Day, which was held the following day, in addition to free admission and the selection of animated films, there
was a series of screenings titled “Visual Moves and Female Transfigurations”, in a unique session that formed part of the programme
of the Barcelona Women’s Film Festival.
Festivals and Open Formats
Organisation —
Paral·lel 40
Collaboration —
International Documentary Festival
of Barcelona
26 May — 1 June
DocsBarcelona held its 17th event, with five days of film screenings,
talks with the directors and master classes, based around the world of
documentary films.
This new edition came with a proposal of over forty national and
international titles brimming with unique stories and characters fighting for a better world. The programme kicked off with the screening of
The Good Son (Shirley Berkovitz, Israel, 2013), the story of Or, a 22-year
old Israeli man who breaks the limits of family trust to find his role in
the world and make his most longed-for dream come true. The final
touch was given by the premiere of Five Days to Dance (Rafa Molés
and Pepe Andreu Spain, 2014), the story of two dancers who have five
days to make a group of teenagers dance; very little time for a major
challenge: moving people when the world paralyses us.
DocsBarcelona also organised the Pitching Forum, one of the
most important markets in Europe for funding documentary projects, with over 400 accredited professionals. The festival also featured
the section Docs&Teens, devoted to children and young people aged
12 to 16 years. Over 700 students took a closer look at documentary
films to discover other realities. DocsBarcelona was held at the CCCB
(Auditori and Teatre) and at different venues around the city (Aribau
Club, Arts Santa Mònica and Auditori de La Pedrera).
Organisation —
Casal Lambda
Collaboration —
Opening night
28 June
© Joako Ezpeleta
FIRE!!, Barcelona’s International Gay and Lesbian Film Festival,
presented a festive and popular opening night at the CCCB coinciding with the 19th edition, dedicated to David Bowie, which was
held from 2 to 13 July. FIRE!! surrendered itself to the charms of the
glam movement of the sixties – a tribute to freedom, music and sexual diversity – and presented a glam music session led by DJ Nene,
followed by the screening of the film Velvet Goldmine.
Velvet Goldmine (Goldmine (Todd Haynes, United Kingdom,
1998) with Ewan McGregor, Jonathan Rhys-Meyers and Christian
Bale, inspired by characters such as Bowie, Lou Reed and Iggy Pop,
presents the story of Brian Slade, a young rock star who in the London of the seventies broke away from the hippie movement and became the main exponent of glam rock.
Festivals and Open Formats
Grec Experimental CCCB
Shakespeare on the Beat and Nadia
Coproduction —
CCCB, Grec 2014 Festival de
Barcelona, Factea Produccions
and La Conquesta del Pol Sud
Coordinated by —
Velvet Events
8 — 13 and 24 — 27 July
The CCCB continued with its renewed line of collaboration with the
Grec Festival of Barcelona and presented the works Shakespeare on the
Beat, by Moisès Maicas and Anna Soler Horta, and Nadia, by Nadia
Ghulam and theatre company La Conquesta del Pol Sud. The programme was accompanied by a set of parallel activities that offered a
space to take an in-depth look at the storylines of the works presented
and go beyond the moment of the show.
Based on A Midsummer Night’s Dream, the youth musical
Shakespeare on the Beat situated in today’s world the action of one
of Shakespeare’s best-known plays. In this version, to the beat of
hip-hop, Titania rapped and Puck was a b-boy. As for parallel activities aimed at different groups, on 8 July an open rehearsal was
presented and on 9 July, a special function.
Nadia is a documentary play about the experience of Nadia
Ghulam, a young Afghan woman who, after suffering in her own
skin the consequences of the civil war in her country, came to Barcelona in 2006. As regards parallel activities, on 23 July a special
function of the work for specific collectives was performed, and on
17 July, there was a lecture by Nadia Ghulam “A Living Experience,
An Artistic Process, A Dialogue between Cultures”.
Pròxims Festival
Organisation —
Legal Music and Producciones
18 July
Collaboration —
Sponsorship —
Estrella Damm
The fourth edition of Pròxims, a pop, folk and rock music festival featuring Catalan bands that is now a summer classic, moved its Barcelona stage to Plaça de Joan Coromines. In 2014 it presented a double
edition, adding to its July event in Barcelona a second date in Calonge
on 9 August.
In Barcelona, Pròxims brought together Mishima, presenting one of the season’s most awaited albums, L’ànsia que cura, and
Standstill, who after two years focused on their Cènit project returned to offer a more classic version of their live show. They were
accompanied by La iaia, presenting their second album On és la
màgia?; Joan Dausà, one of the stars of early 2014 thanks to his new
album On seràs demà?, and Halldor Mar, an Icelandic musician and
Catalan music fan who presented his album Winds, with versions
in English of Nova Cançó classics. The line-up was completed by
the up-and-coming new band Pribiz, winner of the first Pròxims
Talent Competition.
Festivals and Open Formats
Gandules 2014
- Gas Natural Fenosa
Organisation —
Collaboration —
Sponsorship —
Gas Natural Fenosa
Away from Home
5 — 21 August
(Tuesdays, Wednesdays and Thursdays)
The Gandules’14 programme focused on contemporary films that
revolve around migrants today, reflecting the arduous and perilous
journeys they take to reach destinations where they hope and dream
they will find what their home country could not give them. Films
that tell of journeys full of unknowns, poverty and disappointments:
the problems posed by finding housing and jobs in an alien environment, the difficulties of adapting to cultural and social differences, the
experience of a life far away from family and friends.
With the title “Away from Home”, a total of ten films were
screened al fresco. All sessions were accompanied by one of the nine
short films that were runners-up in the CCCB’s 20th Anniversary
competition. In addition, during August, Filmin offered a selection
of titles related with the season’s theme on its website.
Gandules'14 Short Films Competition
While continuing with the centre’s line of making the audience participate and in the context of 20 Years / 20 Actions of the CCCB,
a short films competition was organised based around the theme
Away from Home. After a round of online voting for all the works
received, the nine most-voted shorts were screened during the sessions of Gandules’14 and a jury selected the best short film, which
won a cash prize of 500 euros.
Hipnotik Festival
13 September
Organisation —
Hipnotik Faktory
Participation —
INAEM and Fundación Autor
Production —
CCCB and Hipnotik Faktory
Support —
Carnet Jove, Imagine and TMB
Collaboration —
CCCB, ICUB-Ajuntament de
Barcelona and Ministry of CultureGeneralitat de Catalunya
Sponsorship —
Red Bull, Damm, Puma
and Wacom
The eleventh edition of Hipnotik Festival, the annual event for hiphop in the city centre, defended freedom of expression through
hip-hop, a culture based since its beginnings on the free expression
of ideas through words, music, painting and dance. Hipnotik 2014
presented ten hours of music, competitions, battles, graffiti, breakdance and lectures.
With performances by Rapsusklei, Toteking + Special Guest,
Los Chicos del Maíz, Ivan Nieto, PutoLargo & Legendario, Baghira
and DJ Sayya on the main stage in Plaça Joan Coromines; and performances by Tremendo, H. Kanino, Factor Canadá, Pablo Hasél
and Rapgenoma on the stage in the Pati de les Dones.
Also presented were the hip-hop rhyming battles Hipnotik MC
Battle, T3 (Tag Team Tournament) and Hipnotik Battle of Bands;
and the dance competitions Crew to Crew BBoying, 1vs 1 BBoying
and 2vs 2 BBoying at the Teatre CCCB.
Festivals and Open Formats
The OCC Autumn Concerts
Organisation —
Associació Orquestra de Cambra
Collaboration —
Sponsorship —
ICUB-Ajuntament de Barcelona,
Diputació de Barcelona, AIE and
2 November
The Catalan Chamber Orchestra (OCC), directed by Joan Pàmies,
presented the concert Encontres, a varied and original proposal
that brought together composers from Catalonia with very different aesthetics: Xavier Boliart, Olaf Sabater, Feliu Gasull and Albert
Guinovart. The concert also presented a highly emotive piece by
Dutch composer Marius Flothuis and concluded with one of the
best known waltzes by Strauss, with the performance of a group of
OCC soloists and the participation of Marta Arbonés, Montserrat
Gascón, Jordi Torrent and Carla Otero.
Pantalla CCCB
Organisation —
A month, an artist
4 November — 31 December
“Pantalla CCCB: a month, an artist”, is a space for audiovisual works
by authors who experiment and innovate with new aesthetic, formal
and narrative languages.
It is presented simultaneously on a screen at the Espai Audiovisual and as an online screening on the CCCB website. Our idea is
to open a new channel for disseminating and exhibiting audiovisual
works, in a way that allows their observation and contemplation in
a similar way to the other visual arts.
The programme was launched in November with Los Ingrávidos (Mexico), an audiovisual collective that defends the destructuring of the grammar and aesthetics typical of television and cinema.
In December, it featured Dostopos (Catalonia), a collective
whose mission is to experiment with all the possible montage techniques in audiovisual creation, producing works of different genres
such as video clips, video creations, documentaries, etc.
Festivals and Open Formats
Zeppelin 2014:
Acousmatic Memories
Organisation —
Orquestra del Caos
Collaboration —
Electroacoustic Music and Sound
Art Festival
Sponsorship —, ICUB-Ajuntament
de Barcelona, Nau Côclea,
Secretariat of Foreign Affairs
of Mexico and AMCID
14 — 15 November
© Clara Garí
Zeppelin reviewed the history of acousmatic music, created with
recorded or synthetic sounds, transformed and remade, sound
realities through loudspeakers. With the work of the late Bernard
Parmegiani as a reference point, José Iges, Beatriz Ferreyra, Manuel
Rocha and fourteen composers from the ESMUC explained how
they see the history of acousmatic music and how their work is related with this history that is not yet over.
21st Independent Film Festival
of Barcelona
17 — 23 November
Organisation —
La Fàbrica de Cinema Alternatiu
Collaboration —
CCCB, IDEC-Ministry of Culture
of the Generalitat de Catalunya,
ICUB-Ajuntament de Barcelona,
ICAA -Spanish Ministry of Culture,
Filmoteca de Catalunya, SDE and
Media Antena
Sponsorship —
Institut français in Barcelona,
El Periódico, Goethe Institut
and Catalunya Film Festivals
The 21st edition of the festival remained faithful to the initial philosophy of contributing to the discovery and recovery of stimulating
and surprising films and authors, that dare to flee the conventional
and risk remaining on the margin of commercial circuits, and of
promoting a cinema committed to cinematographic language, to
creative expression and to the viewer.
Apart from the competitive official sections, the parallel sections and the free programme at L’Alternativa Hall, the festival presented a series of training and participative activities such as workshops with film schools, debates, master classes, sessions and advice
for professionals, workshops for children and young people, parties
and concerts.
As for awards, the prize-winning films were the following: Ben
O Değilim (Jo no sóc ell) by Tayfun Pirselimoğlu (best feature film),
Brûle la mer by Nathalie Nambot and Maki Berchache (special
mention), The Claustrum by Jay Rosenblatt (best short film), Ser e
voltar (Ser i tornar) by Xacio Baño (special mention and audience
prize), Ciutat morta by Xavi Artigas and Xapo Ortega (best feature
film script), Escolta by Pablo García Pérez de Lara (best short film
script) and Salóme by Yrsa Roca Fannberg (Panorama Rencontres
Cinématographiques de Cerbère-Portbou prize).
Festivals and Open Formats
The Influencers 2014
Directed by —
Bani Brusadin
y 0100101110101101.ORG
Non-conventional Art,
Guerrilla Communication and Radical
Production —
Coproduction —
FCForum and
Support —
Ministry of Culture-Generalitat
de Catalunya, ICUB-Ajuntament de
Barcelona, European Commission
and Goethe Institut
Collaboration —
27 — 29 November
CCCB © Miquel Taverna
The Influencers is an alternative, intense and impassioned festival
that explores a little-known territory where art is mixed with new
digital cultures, a desire for social change and the dynamics of the
collective imagination. At the heart of this tenth edition of The Influencers were projects that experimented with the creative fermentation of digital folklore, the beauty of urban decadence, the ethics
of trolls and new forms of intervention in the symbolic and material
fabric of the information society.
The Influencers 2014 took place within the context of Masters
& Servers, a joint project between Aksioma (Slovenia), Drugo more
(Hungary), Abandon Normal Devices (United Kingdom), Link Art
Center (Italy) and d-i-n-a / The Influencers (Spain).
With the participation of Julia Solis, John Law (The Lost Hour),
Julian Oliver, David Horvitz, Biella Coleman, Olia Lialina, Center
for PostNatural History, Bill Drummond and other guests.
20th Conference on Quality Television
29 — 30 November
Coordinated by —
Ingrid Guardiola
Production —
Organisation —
Department of Communication
of the Universitat Pompeu
Fabra, Televisió de Catalunya,
Televisión Española, Department
of Audiovisual Communication
of the Universitat Autònoma
de Barcelona, Universitat de
Lleida, Universitat Ramon Llull,
Tecnocampus Mataró and CCCB
Collaboration —
Universitat de Girona and
Universitat Rovira i Virgili
Miniput is an exhibition of quality television with the year’s most
innovative, provocative, educational and public service vocation
programmes. The programmes that are screened are those most
suited to its innovative, committed and experimental proposal, because they propose a new television format, because they make use
of new technologies, or because they have generated controversy.
The programmes are presented by television professionals and in
some cases their directors are also present.
Festivals and Open Formats
The Living Room
Organisation —
Collaboration —
Sampler Series
17 December
This concert, which formed part of the Sampler Series programme
of L’Auditori de Barcelona, was a presentation of Still Distant Still,
the first album of free-jazz trio The Living Room, formed by some of
the most prominent musicians on the contemporary Nordic scene:
Torben Snekkestad (sax), Søren Kjærgaard (piano) and Thomas
Strønen (drums). A project of exploration into sound; an instrumental approach that goes beyond conventional and non-conventional disciplines.
Organisation and production —
Associació Drap-Art
Collaboration —
International Artistic Recycling
Festival of Catalonia
Sponsorship —
Grupo HERAHERA and
Ajuntament de Barcelona
Support —
Pronóstica, Riscarti, Galería N2
19 December 2014 — 4 January 2015
© Klaus Pichler
To coincide with International Recycling Year, Drap-Art presented
a special programme that featured such interesting guests as Austrian artist Klaus Pichler and his project One Third, which talks about
food waste in the West. Cosima Dannoritzer presented her new
documentary La tragèdia electrònica, and Albert Merino presented
his fake documentary El vol de la gallina.
With the aim of making creative recycling more accessible,
Drap-Art '14 featured collective exhibitions of works of art and
design items produced using recycled materials, plus participatory
workshops, shows, audiovisuals and environmental films.
From 2 to 4 January 2015, the Fair of Art, Design and Crafts
using recycled materials took place at the Hall of the CCCB.
Festivals and Open Formats
The Shortest Day
Short Films Festival
21 — 22 December
Organisation —
Marvin & Wayne and Catalunya
Film Festivals
Collaboration —
CCCB, Moritz and Videolab
Support —
Ministry of Culture-Generalitat
de Catalunya and Diputació de
The short films festival (which was held simultaneously in other
countries) returned this year with a total of 90 hours of programming and 115 short films. This year’s edition of The Shortest Day
lasted two days longer than last year’s and, as is now tradition, was
spread around various venues in the city.
For two days, the CCCB hosted part of these activities with
screenings of national and international high-level and awarded
works, in order to strengthen, dignify and disseminate the role of
short films in the audiovisual industry sector.
Festivals and Open Formats — Children’s and Family Programme
Children’s and Family Programme
Viu el Teatre
Organisation —
Viu el Teatre
Collaboration —
Programme of shows for children
aged 0 to 12 years
December 2013 — March 2014
Viu el Teatre is an organisation that promotes quality and innovative performing arts for children aged from 0 to 12 years with the
aim of drawing closer and facilitating the relationship between creators and spectators. The organisation presents every season in Barcelona a programme of shows from October to April at the Teatre
Poliorama and at the Teatre CCCB, with weekend functions aimed
at families and weekday functions for schools.
At the CCCB, the Viu el Teatre family programme came to convert Saturday afternoons into a festival of emotions to share with all
the family. This season the Sala Kids hosted four multidisciplinary
proposals from companies who through puppets, dance and music transported the spectators to the world of dreams. And the Sala
Babies presented two innovative proposals aimed at babies aged 0
to 3 years to initiate the tiniest members of the family in the magic
of live art.
Festivals and Open Formats — Children’s and Family Programme
Organisation —
Collaboration —
Children’s and Young People’s Literature
and Arts Festival
19 January
Sponsorship —
Plan for Encouraging ReadingMinistry of Education, Culture
and Sport, Institució de les
Lletres Catalanes, Supermercats
Bonpreu-Esclat, Institut français
and ICUB-Ajuntament
de Barcelona
© Tristán
© Tristán
FLIC is a children’s and young people’s arts and literature festival
whose aim is to take literature to all audiences, encouraging reading
by opting for innovation and experimentation in literary transmission and promotion. From December 2013 to February 2014 it held
its fourth edition with a tour around various Catalan towns and cultural venues.
At the CCCB, for the third year, it held a day with activities for all
the family, with a programme that put the spotlight on stories, exhibitions, shows and short films. Participants in the creation workshops
were photographer Tanit Plana and artists Sandra March, Mercè Galí,
Neus Moscada and Sílvia Burset; meanwhile Yoshi Hioki, Roser Ros
and Patricia McGill were in charge of telling stories.
Món Llibre
Organisation —
ICUB-Ayuntamiento de Barcelona
Sant Jordi for children
Sponsorship —
El Periódico and Qué Leer
12 — 13 April
Collaboration —
CCCB, MACBA, Biblioteca
de Barcelona and Office of Quebec
in Barcelona
With the support of —
Over 40 publishers of children’s
and young people’s literature
In 2014, the literature festival for children, Món Llibre, celebrated
its tenth anniversary with a weekend full of activities conceived to
bring books closer to the younger members of the household. Over
the course of the weekend of 12 and 13 April, the CCCB’s Hall, the
Pati de les Dones and the Plaça de Joan Coromines hosted over 50
activities to continue making Sant Jordi for children an essential literary festival for families and children’s and young people’s literature.
In this edition, the guest illustrator was Quebec artist Marianne
Dubuc, the author of books such as In Front of my House (2010) and
The Carnival of animals (2012), translated into over ten languages.
To mark the 10 year anniversary of the festival, in 2014 Món Llibre
expanded the three days prior to the weekend festival with a programme aimed at schools.
CCCB © Miquel Taverna
for Debate
and Reflection
Spaces for Debate and Reflection — Debates and Lectures
Open City
The Barcelona Debate
With the support of —
The European Union’s Culture
Programme and Tricentenari BCN
Collaboration —
Institut français de Barcelona,
Istituto Italiano di Cultura
di Barcellona, British Council,
Collège d’études mondiales,
Edicions Bromera, Editorial
Anagrama, Editorial Siberia,
Proa, Grupo Planeta/Editorial
Destino Infantil y Juvenil, Arola
editors, Editorial Afers, Fragmenta
Editorial, Edicions de 1984
and Editorial Seix Barral
CCCB © Jordi Gómez
27 January — 24 March
Organisation —
“Open City” consisted of a set of eight lectures within the framework of the project “Europe City”, with the support of the European
Union’s Culture Programme and of Tricentenari BCN 1714-2014.
“Open City” was framed within the line of permanent reflection on the human condition in today’s world which began with
the series “Passions” (2005), and continued with the debates “Life”
(2006), “Sense” (2007), “The Human Condition” (2008), “Impurities” (2009), “Thinking the Future” (2010), “Crisis” (2011) “Virtues”
(2012) and “In Common” (2013).
From the city, every day, a new city emerges, the result of the
incessant movement of its inhabitants, of the juxtaposing of their
stories, of the never-ending friction and mixture of life in its streets.
In the same way that the street, the “room of the collective”, is the
basic cell of the urban form, openness is the condition and essence
of the city, the measure of its vitality and its creative force. Inevitably, however, this condition brings with it ambiguity, conflict, novelty and risk.
For that reason, the tension between closure and openness is
constant, and even though the city is by definition something that
is unfinished, polymorphous, resistant to determination and control, mechanisms and strategies proliferate for closure, limits and
boundaries that aspire to discipline, integrate and reduce the gen-
uine heterogeneity of the city. The open city is a tool for thinking:
an aspiration, a utopian condition, an ideal horizon. Its matrix, imperfect and incomplete, makes it possible to dream of the city as a
space for emancipation, to imagine other ways of living together
and evidencing the logic of exclusion, strategies for survival, the inevitable discord that arises from life in common..
With the participation of Bruce Bégout, introduced by Neus
Ballús; Josep Maria Benet i Jornet, introduced by Toni Casares;
Rafael Chirbes, introduced by Marina Espasa; Manuel Forcano,
introduced by Susana Rafart; Erri de Luca, introduced by Valeria
Bergalli; Evgeny Morozov, introduced by Joan Subirats; Marta Segarra, introduced by Fina Birulés; and Kamila Shamsie, introduced
by Najat El Hachmi.
Related publications
No. 66, 67 and 68 of the Breus CCCB collection (see 105)
Spaces for Debate and Reflection — Debates and Lectures
Turó de la Rovira:
The Invisible Intervention
Organisation —
CCCB and 15-L. Films
Documentary screening and debate
CCCB © Eduard Coll
20 February
The Brain
Turó de la Rovira, the highest point in Barcelona’s urban fabric, has
an exceptional heritage value: from Iberian village and agricultural
settlement it went on to repel the attacks by the fascist aviation during
the Civil War and, subsequently, it precariously hosted the mass immigration that came to the city. In the year 1992 the last shanty huts
were demolished and in 2009 the architectural intervention began
that achieved the landscape restoration of the summit and that won
the European Prize for Urban Public Space in 2012.
The documentary, La intervenció invisible, by Adrià Lahuerta
and Carlota Coloma, gives a voice to the protagonists of this reform,
and uses the eye-witness reports of the neighbourhood’s residents
to trace a panoramic of the history of the Turó.
The debate following the documentary premiere allowed talk of
the past, present and future of the Turó de la Rovira, as well as its
integration into the neighbourhood and the whole of the city of Barcelona. There was also reflection on the preservation of the historical
memory and on shanty towns and the need for housing, a problem
that the economic crisis has once more made more current than ever.
With the participation of David Castillo, Carlota Coloma, Paco
González Díaz, Adrià Lahuerta and Josep Llinàs.
Organisation —
CCCB and Institució Catalana
de Recerca i Estudis Avançats
Collaborating media —
CCCB © Eduard Coll
11 March — 1 April
“The Brain” was the third of the ICREA-CCCB Debates, a stable collaboration launched in 2013 for presenting to the general public the
advances and challenges of high-level research being carried out in
The brain directs our body: it controls all the other organs and
coordinates our thoughts and actions. Instinctive traits, just like
speech, reflexive capacity or the emotions are all dependent on the
train. However the functioning of the thousands and millions of
neurons and neurotransmitters that make up the brain continues to
be a great unknown, perhaps one of the most fascinating challenges
that the scientific community has before it.
Aware of the capital importance of this research, the European
Commission has chosen the “Human Brain Project” as the flagship
research of its investment in science, because it will generate advances in information technologies that will result in benefits for
industry and society alike.
In this series of conferences, four Catalan scientists explained the new
horizons that have been opened by the latest discoveries in neurosciences.
With the participation of Albert Costa, Ruth de Diego, Mavi
Sánchez-Vives and Ricard Solé, introduced by Àlex Argemí, David
Bueno i Torrens, Josep Corbella and Jaume Vilalta.
Spaces for Debate and Reflection — Debates and Lectures
Possibilities for Dialogue
Organisation —
A meeting with Jan Švankmajer,
the Quay Brothers and Léona-Béatrice
Martin-Starewitch, granddaughter
of Ladislas Starewitch
26 March
CCCB © Eduard Coll
The exhibition “Metamorphosis” rediscovered a set of artists with
a radical imagination, positioned on the margin of the dominant
discourses, and the activities organised in parallel with the exhibition allowed a re-reading and contextualisation of their subversive
potential within the current framework.
In parallel with the exhibition “Metamorphosis”, “Possibilities
for dialogue”, a conversation moderated by Carolina López, the exhibition’s curator, featured the presence of filmmakers Jan Švankmajer and the Quay Brothers, and of Léona-Béatrice Martin-Starewitch, granddaughter of Ladislas Starewitch.
Lessons from the Wave
of Protests in Europe
Organisation —
Centre for Liberal Strategies,
Sofia, Bulgaria
Menschen (IWM), Charles Stewart
Mott Foundation, Robert Bosch
Stiftung and CCCB
Collaboration —
Open Society Foundations, Institut
für die Wissenschaften vom
26 April
CCCB © David Bravo
The mobilisations in Kiev at the start of 2014 were added to a long
wave of social protests that in recent times have toured different
European cities. Why did people take to the streets and what results
were they expecting? What was the lack of will or the incapacity
to generate a political alternative due to? What role did the social
networks play in the mobilisations?
Political activists and analysts from the Ukraine, Russia, Turkey,
Bulgaria and Spain shared their experiences and drew some conclusions for the future of democracy in Europe.
With the participation of Ayse Akalin, Jaume Asens, Ivan Krastev,
Maria Lipman and Oleksandr Sushko, moderated by Jordi Vaquer
Spaces for Debate and Reflection — Debates and Lectures
The Idea of Europe
Organisation —
With the support of —
European Union’s Culture
5 May — 2 June
Collaboration —
Instituto Polaco de Cultura,
Instituto Camões de
Barcelona, British Council,
Goethe-Institut Barcelona,
Institut français de Barcelona,
CCCB © Eduard Coll
Lectures at the CCCB
Collège d'études mondiales,
Círculo de Bellas Artes
de Madrid, SOS Racisme
Catalunya, Debate, Editorial
Seix Barral, Edicions del
Periscopi, Literatura Random
House, Capitán Swing Libros,
Galaxia Gutenberg, Rosa dels
Vents and Quaderns Crema
Collaborating media —
Ara and L’Avenç
Within the context of the exhibition on the European Prize for Urban
Public Space 2014, a series of thinkers and creators reflected on the
common future to try to define what should “the idea of Europe” for
the 21st century be.
Peace and reconciliation between old enemies were the driving
force behind European integration; however, with the uncertainties
of times of crisis, the disaffection of Europeans towards the integration project is growing and it seems that the peace ideal is no longer
enough for generations who did not live through or have no direct
memory of the Second World War. What are the values on which the
sense of the European project can be rebuilt? How can we imagine a
new, stronger, more legitimate, renewed and hopeful Europe?
The series consisted of a conversation between Nancy Fraser
and Michel Wieviorka, introduced by Josep Maria Martí i Font; and
of lectures by Anne Applebaum, introduced by Carme Colomina;
Owen Jones, introduced by Carles A. Foguet; and Gonçalo M. Tavares, introduced by Gabi Martínez.
In addition, a round table was held on cultural Europe titled “A
Common Culture”, moderated by Josep Maria Muñoz and which
featured the participation of Cecilia Dreymüller, Raül Romeva and
Francesc Serés.
Related publications
No. 69 and 70 of the Breus CCCB collection (see 105)
Unbranding Barcelona
Lecture by Marina Garcés
Organisation —
Master’s Degree in Tourism
and Humanities of the UAB,
Institut d’Humanitats de Barcelona
and CCCB
Support —
Diputació de Barcelona
23 May
This lecture from the Institut d'Humanitats de Barcelona closed the
2013-2014 academic year of the Master’s Degree in Tourism and Humanities, taught by the Escola de Turisme i Direcció Hotelera and the
Facultat de Filosofia i Lletres of the Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona, and directed by BCF Consultors. It took place within the framework of the exhibition “Shared Cities. European Prize for Urban
Public Space 2014”, which could be visited at the CCCB until 4 June.
What challenges does the mass tourism experience raise today?
How to tackle the relationship between tourism and public space
without feeling the “Barcelona brand” in one’s skin? Far from falling
into the snobbery and elitism of easy criticism of tourists, philosopher Marina Garcés proposed linking the analysis of tourism to the
economic paradigm of extractivism, to the capitalist growth model
that consists of exploiting the common resources of a place until they
are exhausted. Normally, this is applied to the context of the current
emerging countries, and to their exploitation of energy and natural
resources, but what if our extractivism is tourism? There would be
three possible paths: a runaway flight forward, sustainable development or reduction. According to Marina Garcés, Barcelona is still
stuck on the first route. The challenge today is unbranding the city:
that Barcelona marks its distance from runaway capitalism and that
its people peel off the brand that we have tattooed on our skin.
Spaces for Debate and Reflection — Debates and Lectures
The Future
of the European City
Organisation —
Conversation between Hans Ibelings
and Eugeni Bach
30 May
Architectural critic Hans Ibelings, former editor of A10 New European Architecture and author of European Architecture Since 1890
reflected on what is the essence, in his opinion, of the European city.
On the one hand, he defended why he believes that the concept of
public space and public domain, which at times we assume is universal, is based on very European notions that are not necessarily
shared by the rest of the world. On the other, he analysed the current state of European architecture as well as its perspectives for the
future, where he forecast important changes due to the economic
crisis and above all the demographic evolution of Europe.
Highlighting that architecture is always a reflection of the culture
of the place, Ibelings talked about the European city in dialogue with
architect Eugeni Bach and within the framework of the exhibition
“Shared Cities. European Prize for Urban Public Space 2014”.
A Story of Marginality
Organisation —
Where is the Periphery?
Creation, Obsession, Subversion
4 June
CCCB © Eduard Coll
In 1995 the Quay Brothers made the film Institute Benjamenta, or
This Dream People Call Human Life, based on Robert Walser’s novel
Jacob von Gunten, published ninety years earlier.
In parallel with the exhibition “Metamorphosis”, which revealed a set of artists with a radical imagination, positioned on the
margins of the dominant discourses, the debate “A Story of Marginality” raised the question of why it is necessary to read Walser
today and what real power is held by what is deemed marginal or
With the participation of Dora García, Enrique Vila-Matas and
Jordi Costa.
Spaces for Debate and Reflection — Debates and Lectures
The Shout of Literature
Organisation —
Women and Literature Centre
of the Universitat de Barcelona,
Institut d’Humanitats de Barcelona
and CCCB
Lecture by Hélène Cixous
Collaboration —
Editorial Icaria, Ellago Ediciones
and Arena Libros
With the support of —
Institut français de Barcelona
17 June
CCCB © Eduard Coll
This lecture, introduced by Marta Segarra, was framed within the
sessions on “Policies of the emotions. Dialogues from the gender
and sexuality angle”, organised on 13, 17 and 19 June.
Hélène Cixous is, undoubtedly, one of the most original voices in contemporary literature and thought. Her lecture – poetic
meditation, literary discourse, personal introspection – reflected
on literature as a means for affirming our existence, entering into
dialogue with voices from the past and facing up to the inevitability
of death. Cixous says: “First we shout. Then we write: we translate
into the ultra silence of writing the acute and brief cries of reality.
Literature is for long-lasting howls, for shouting out to music; the
right to the cries that reality and community life prohibit us from
emitting. Just as at dawn, birds share the acoustic territory – have
you heard it, that orchestra of the indecisive hour? – so I hear the
squeak of the mole of literature”.
A History of Jealousy
Lecture by Javier Moscoso
Organisation —
Women and Literature Centre
of the Universitat de Barcelona
and CCCB
Collaboration —
Editorial Taurus
18 June
This lecture was given within the context of the “Politics of the
Emotions”, sessions organised by the Women and Literature Centre
of the Universitat de Barcelona in collaboration with the Institut
d'Humanitats de Barcelona and the CCCB.
Do passions have a history? What relationship exists between
private feelings and collective experiences? How do the emotions
that we feel today fit into the history of modernity?
This lecture by Javier Moscoso talked about three aspects related with the history of jealousy. Firstly, he examined variations
in forms of understanding and expressing this passion between the
17th and 19th centuries. Secondly, he concentrated on the medicalisation of this social passion in the early 19th century. Finally,
he suggested a reading of the birth of morbid jealousy linked to the
compulsive collecting of proof and evidence. The particular case of
jealousy allowed him to make some more general indications on
the cultural history of the emotions.
Spaces for Debate and Reflection — Debates and Lectures
Barcelona, from George
Orwell to Democracy
Organisation —
Collaboration —
Ara Llibres, Lumen and Pen Català
Lecture by Colm Tóibín
8 July
In 1975, a young Colm Tóibín disembarked in Barcelona, fascinated
by the city described y George Orwell in his classic Homage to Catalonia. He discovered a city in full political and cultural flux, which he
immortalised in his book Homage to Barcelona.
Within the context of Orwell Day 2014 and introduced by Miquel Berga, Tóibín revisited the work of the British author, examined other sources of history regarding the start of the civil war in
Barcelona and remembered the atmosphere in the city where he
lived forty years later, when it was just emerging from the dictatorship.
On 8 July itself, a literary route was organised around the Barcelona of George Orwell, in Catalan, Spanish and English, guided by
Nick Lloyd, Manu Valentín and Alan Warren, respectively.
Related publications
No. 71 of the Breus CCCB collection (see 105)
Under Siege
Organisation —
CCCB and Tricentenari BCN
Conversation and debates
in parallel with the installation
With the support of —
The European Union’s Culture
Programme and Editorial Crítica
Collaboration —
Tricentenari BCN 1714-2014
Collaborating media —
CCCB © Jordi Gómez
16 September — 3 October
Within the context of the commemoration of the 300th anniversary
of the siege of Barcelona, a reflection was proposed on the more contemporary aspects of cities under siege, with the aim of translating the
notion of siege to today’s world and offering a complementary and
multidisciplinary view of it based on specific cases of recent conflicts.
Firstly, there was presentation of an installation with two audiovisual pieces by artists Mariam Ghani and Omer Fast, which was
accompanied by a conversation between Mariam Ghani and curator Chus Martínez on artistic practice within the context of the
siege, titled “Working under Siege”.
Secondly, three sessions were organised with journalists and researchers around differential and characteristic aspects of contemporary sieges: “Gaza. The Permanent Siege”, lecture by Ahron Bregman;
“Drones. Siege at a Distance”, debate with Chris Woods, Tonje Hessen
and Jordi Pérez Colomé, with the screening of the documentary Drone;
and “Syria. Information Under Siege”, a debate with Leila Nachawati,
Lali Sandiumenge and Marc Marginedas.
Finally, “Bajo asedio”, (Under Siege), the December episode of the
Soy cámara television programme produced by the CCCB, va offered a
summary of the reflections covered in the different activities.
Spaces for Debate and Reflection — Debates and Lectures
The Human Animal
Organisation —
CCCB and Institut d’Humanitats
de Barcelona
Conversation between Francisco
J. Ayala and Víctor Gómez Pin
Collaboration —
6 October
CCCB © Jordi Gómez
Just as we ask ourselves what differences us from the other animal
species and makes us specifically human, can we consider what circumstances animalise us? What strips us of our humanity? Or, to put
it another way, what socioeconomic, political or educational conditions prevent us from deploying the faculties that are specifically
The expert in evolutionary biology Francisco J. Ayala was in
conversation with philosopher Víctor Gómez Pin, author of Reducción y combate del animal humano (2014). The event also featured
the participation of philosopher Jaume Casals.
The New World Disorder
Organisation —
CCCB and Galaxia Gutenberg
Lecture by Pankaj Mishra
7 October
Capitalism is facing a crisis of a worldwide scope, nation-states are
imploding and the world map has to be re-drawn every week. This
is not the new world order promised by the United States and its
allies after the defeat of communism, in 1989. History itself seemed
to have come to an end that year and have found its end in liberal
democracy and capitalism. Both had to reign together across the
world, and rescue billions of people from poverty and oppression to
bring them to regimes that would guarantee prosperity and individual rights. This seems to have been, however, an even bigger illusion
than the promise of revolutionary communism. How do we view
the new world disorder, its roots and its causes?
With the participation of: Pankaj Mishra, introduced by Joan Roura.
CCCB © Eduard Coll
Related publications
No. 72 of the Breus CCCB collection (see 105)
Spaces for Debate and Reflection — Debates and Lectures
Stem Cells: A Future
without Diseases?
Organisation —
CCCB and ICREA (Institució
Catalana de Recerca i Estudis
Collaboration —
CCCB and Societat Catalana
de Biologia
CCCB © Eduard Coll
21 October — 11 November
Catalonia in the Mirror
of Immigration
This was the fourth of the ICREA-CCCB Debates, a stable collaboration for presenting to the public the advances and challenges of
high-level research being carried out today in Catalonia.
The regeneration of tissues has been a subject that has fascinated humans since ancient times. A part of the adult organism is
capable of regenerating itself according to a process that revolves
around a basic concept: stem cells. These cells have the ability to
differentiate themselves in other cell types, something that allows
them to act as a repair system for the body, and substitute other
cells while the organism is still alive. It is believed that, in the future, stem cells will have the potential to tackle numerous human
diseases, and that they will be used to repair specific tissues or to
substitute entire organs. In addition, it is being seen in recent times
that understanding the behaviour of stem cells is essential for understanding processes such as cancer or ageing.
With the participation of Salvador A. Benitah, introduced by
Cristina Sáez; Pura Muñoz, introduced by Daniel Closa; Ángel
Raya, introduced by Gema Revuelta; and Joan Seoane, introduced
by Ana Macpherson.
Organisation —
CCCB and L’Avenç
Presentation of the book by Andreu Domingo
17 November
CCCB © Eduard Coll
Catalonia today is defined largely by its relationship with immigration. Some 70% of the Catalan population has its origins in the
migrations of the 20th century, and these constant migratory flows
have shaped the country as it stands today. However, the analysis of
immigration has always been linked to prejudices and very diverse
interpretations. Who are we Catalans? Where and how do we live?
What family models do we create? What role does language play
in the process of integration of newcomers? How has international
migration changed the Catalan demos?
The presentation of the book Catalunya al mirall de la immigració
(2014), by demographer Andreu Domingo, allowed the sweeping
way of clichés and offered, from the standpoints of geography, urban planning and culture, a portrait of Catalonia today.
The debate, moderated by Carles Capdevila, featured the participation of Neus Ballús, Andreu Domingo, Oriol Nel·lo and Francesc Serés.
Spaces for Debate and Reflection — Debates and Lectures
Body: Sexual Identities
in China
Organisation —
Master’s Degree Programme in
Chinese Studies of the Universitat
Pompeu Fabra and Slumber
Conversation with Li Yinhe, Cui Zi’en
and Dolors Miquel
Collaboration —
21 November
CCCB © Eduard Coll
Somewhere between the free market and state socialism, China is
presently in a phase of vibrant transformation, in which the struggles for sexual freedom, debates on gender and homosexuality are
evermore present in society.
Two of the most prominent people giving voice to these issues,
sexologist Li Yinhe and filmmaker Cui Zi’en, explained the victories that have been won so far and the frictions they have generated
in art and society. These viewpoints were compared with the view
of poet Dolors Miquel, who has incorporated into her work reflections on power and genders, sexuality and eroticism in poetry and
art. At the end of the event there was a screening of the short film
El amor de Sísifo, directed by Lin Yu.
The conversation was introduced by Manel Ollé and featured
the participation of Dolors Miquel, Li Yinhe and Cui Zi’en.
Urban Planet: Mobility
in Cities of the Future
Organisation —
and ISGlobal
Lecture by John Urry
CCCB © Miquel Taverna
24 November
This debate marked the start of a collaboration between the scientific institutions ISGlobal, CREAL, B·Debate and the CCCB, to
heighten visibility of the importance of the effects of urban growth
on the environment and on people’s health.
Urban growth seems to be unstoppable. It is calculated that, by
2050, some 70% of the world’s population will be living in urban
environments and, even today, some cities in the world already have
more than twenty million inhabitants. Furthermore, contemporary
society is characterised by a lifestyle notable for its intensive mobility and the mass use of mobility systems based on fossil fuels has a
huge impact on the environment and health, and presents major
challenges in an evermore urbanised world. Is it possible to redirect
urban growth and mobility towards a healthier, more sustainable
and socially just future?
PTo reflect on these questions, the session featured a lecture by John
Urry, Chair Professor of Sociology at the University of Lancaster, expert
on mobility and tourism, and their impact on ways of life in the contemporary world, and co-author of After the Car (2009).
The subsequent debate, moderated by Mark Nieuwenhuijsen,
featured the intervention of Salvador Rueda.
Spaces for Debate and Reflection — Debates and Lectures
In Praise of Adventure
Organisation —
CCCB © Miquel Taverna
26 November — 10 December
Beyond Identity
5th Philosophical Seminar of Barcelona
Collaboration —
Editorial Taurus, Círculo de Bellas
Artes de Madrid, PhD Programme
of the Faculty of Philosophy
of the UNED and Ara
Uphold adventure. This could be the programmatic ideal of a new
era in which the future has recovered its true condition and suddenly reveals the dark zones, unanswered questions and doubts that
have always characterised it. Revived by the crisis, words like “risk”,
“uncertainty”, and “instability” have re-joined our vocabulary after
decades of exile during which we believed the future was under
control. Today we have been launched into an unpredictable, hazardous journey far from familiar and foreseeable territory.
However, what do we find when we are lost? What boundless
horizons open up when we stray from the path to wander, explore
and ramble? Is not this impulse to head for the unknown also the
seed of knowledge, the trigger of artistic creation, and the necessary condition for imagining and discovering other worlds? The
horizons that we, today’s adventurers, must explore will be reached
by alternative paths, byways that lead us to discover new ways of
inhabiting the world.
With the participation of Frédéric Gros, introduced by Miguel
Morey; Fredric Jameson, introduced by Eloy Fernández Porta; and
Sergio Rossi, introduced by Xavi Ayén.
Organisation —
Arts Santa Mònica, Institut français
de Barcelona and CCCB
Collaboration —
Group and Research Group
in Political Theory of the
Universitat Pompeu Fabra
2 December
The 5th Philosophical Seminar of Barcelona questioned individual and collective identity. The purpose of the inaugural session at
the CCCB was to reflect on the function and limits of individual
identity and group identity from a political standpoint and, more
precisely, within the framework of the contemporary state as a basic
space of recognition. The session, introduced by Felip Martí-Jufresa
and Xavier Bassas, featured the participation of philosophers Vicent
Descombes and Daniel Weinstock.
In addition, the second session, held at the Arts Santa Mònica, tackled the role of the media in defining and creating identities.
Meanwhile the third session, at the Institut français reflected on the
different relations between language and state.
Spaces for debate and reflection — In Collaboration
CCCB © Eduard Coll
In Collaboration
And Now What?
An economic model for Catalonia
16 January
Cosmopolitism, Patriotism,
Nationalism: Three Roads
to Modernity?
Lecture by Anthony Pagden
2 April
Organisation —
Collaboration —
Organisation —
Institut d’Humanitats de Barcelona
Collaboration —
Under the title “And Now What?”, the newspaper Ara launched a
series of debates to consider the issues affecting Catalonia and to
reflect on how the Catalonia of the future must be constructed from
a social, economic and political viewpoint.
The CCCB hosted the second of these debates which, with the
title “An Economic Model for Catalonia”, featured the participation
of economists Xavier Sala i Martín and Germà Bel, and was moderated by journalist Antoni Bassas.
The debate could be followed live on the website of the newspaper Ara and on Twitter, by following the hashtag #iaraquè. Alba
Om read ou tthe most prominent tweets which were answered by
the speakers.
Support —
Tricentenari BCN
de Barcelona
“I am a citizen of the world” Since this famous phrase uttered by
Diogenes of Sinope, there has been ceaseless discussion over the
course of history regarding which entity should attract the loyalty
of individuals and call on their sense of belonging. The world, the
homeland or the nation have been and are the main stations on this
Historian Anthony Pagden sketched in broad outline the history of these concepts and asked himself about their pertinence in the
contemporary world. Josep M. Fradera introduced the conference
and moderated the debate with the audience.
Spaces for debate and reflection — In Collaboration
Urban Passages
Lecture by Marcel Smets and launch
of the Passages_Passatges project
Enter Forum 2014
1st International Forum on Internet
and Privacy
16 — 18 June
3 June
Organisation —
Institut pour la ville en mouvement,
Consorci Besòs and Àrea
Metropolitana de Barcelona
Collaboration —
Organisation —
Enter Forum
Collaboration —
Within the context of the exhibition “Shared Cities. European Prize
for Urban Public Space 2014” and coinciding with the launch of
the international project Passages_Passatges, a lecture was given by
Marcel Smets, architect and town planner, and director of the Scientific and Guidance Council of the Institut pour la ville en mouvement (IVM).
There was a presentation of the IVM’s International Programme, “Passages, espaces de transition pour la ville du 21è siècle,
la petite échelle qui change tout”, in which different cities are participating from the USA, Latin America, China and Europe. The
presentation was given by Mireille Appel-Muller, general delegate
of the IVM.
Enter Forum was born with the aim of opening a constructive, responsible and multidisciplinary dialogue on the use of new technologies and, at the same time, of becoming a space for debate and
reflection. It featured the participation of specialists of international
prestige, who explained their viewpoints on the five major spheres
around which the talks were organised: legal, educational, humanistic, social and relational.
The interventions were followed by a round table with the attending audience. The objective was to connect different collectives
that share the same concerns via the Internet and offer them a space
for dialogue, a meeting point with lectures, screenings of documentaries and workshops.
This forum, organised within the framework of the exhibition
“Big Bang Data”, featured the participation of Yair Amichai-Hamburguer, Victòria Camps, Michael W. Carroll, Milad Doueihi, Eva
Illouz, Isaki Lacuesta, Geert Lovink, Antoni Muntadas, César Rendueles, Paula Sibilia and Bernard Stiegler.
Talks in the Old City
The City is Not for Selling
but for Living
Identity and Planning:
lecture by Alessandro Scarnato
2 July
Meeting of the international Collective
Architectures network
10 July
Organisation —
Xarxa Veïnal de Ciutat Vella
and Col·lectiu Accions Urbanes
Collaboration —
The Xarxa Veïnal de Ciutat Vella (Ciutat Vella Neighbourhood
Network) and the Col·lectiu Accions Urbanes (Urban Actions Collective) organised these “Xerrades per Ciutat Vella” (Talks in the
Old City), five discussions among activists and academics about the
identity and future of Barcelona city centre as a way of reflecting
upon a district which, far from being a leisure ghetto or theme park,
is still the heart that beats to keep the whole city alive.
In each session, an academic talked about some outstanding aspect of Ciutat Vella, touching on different spheres (history, architecture,
demography, commerce) with the aim of contributing points of view
and knowledge about how the old centre has changed and is changing.
This talk was followed by an activist’s comments on the subject under
discussion, thereby encouraging debate with those attending.
The talks took place at different places in Ciutat Vella, one for
each neighbourhood, and the CCCB hosted the final meeting,
which focused on identity and planning.
With the participation of Josep Bohigas, David Bravo, Gala Pin
and Alessandro Scarnato.
Organisation —
Xarxa d’Arquitectures Col·lectives
Collaboration —
Collective Architectures is an open, constantly growing international network of individuals and groups interested in participative
construction of the urban environment. Since 2007 a symposium
has been held in a different city each year with the aim of strengthening the network and consolidating alternative ways – from people
and for people – of creating cities that differ from the official model.
In 2014, the annual gathering was held in Barcelona from 6
to 13 July with the theme “The City is Not for Selling but for Living”, an essential idea, today more than ever, especially in a city like
Barcelona which is beset by a host of human and urban problems
caused by the global capitalist system.
At the activity hosted by the CCCB, new collectives were introduced that had joined the Collective Architectures network, and
there were debates on possible forms of collaboration in order to
strengthen the network on an international scale.
Spaces for debate and reflection — In Collaboration
OpenWalls Conference
Urban Art Festival and Lectures
The Music Industry 3.0:
a Business Scenario
24 — 25 October
PrimaveraPro StartUps
30 October
Organisation —
Collaboration —
Organisation —
PrimaveraPro y Seed&Click
Collaboration —
Second edition of the OpenWalls Conference (OWC), an urban art
festival that aims to bring street art to society by including artists,
institutions and residents. Through a programme that includes mural interventions, workshops and talks, the OWC also has the aim of
generating debate to promote the creation of a model for managing
urban art in Barcelona.
Among all the activities held at different points in the city, the
CCCB hosted two days of presentations of international and international projects related with the management of public space for
artistic interventions.
With the participation of Javier Abarca, Jens Besser, Lee Nathan
Bofkin, Todd W. Bressi, Monica Campana, Nicolás de la Carrera,
Leon Cullinane, David Demougeot, Teresa Latuszewska-Syrda,
Jorge Rodríguez-Gerada, Will Shank and Veronica Werckmeister.
The music industry business model is in the throes of change, but
where is it headed? What opportunities exist for entrepreneurs and
investors? What can be learned from other sectors?
Coinciding with Primavera Club 2014, PrimaveraPro and
Seed&Click organised a round table at the CCCB featuring Dídac
Lee, director of Grup Inspirit and of FC Barcelona’s Technology
Area; Xavier Carrillo, CEO of Digital Legends Entertainment; and
Alberto Guijarro, director of Primavera Sound. The moderator was
Juan Álvarez de Lara, CEO of Seed&Click.
With this meeting of experts, the aim was to shed some light
on entrepreneurship in the music industry and on possibilities for
investment in the sector. A further aim was to discuss the type of
projects sought, the opportunities that exist in this field and how
the music industry can learn from the gaming ecosystem, among
other issues.
Philosophy and the Life
of Others
The Shaping of an Identity.
A History of Catalonia
Lecture by Remo Bodei
Conversation with Josep Fontana
on his latest book
20 November
Organisation —
Barcelona Pensa, Universitat de
Barcelona, Chair of Contemporary
Philosophy UB and Herder
15 December
Collaboration —
The life of others is a continual questioning of our own way of life.
There are many ways of experiencing this interpellation: tolerance,
indifference, violence or the imaginative act of seeing ourselves as
another. The lecture proposed philosophy and literature as tools for
imagining the life of people who we call “others”.
Within the framework of “Barcelona Piensa”, the Barcelona
Philosophy Festival, held between 17 and 22 November, this lecture by Italian philosopher Remo Bodei was offered, introduced by
Manuel Cruz.
Organisation —
Eumo Editorial
Collaboration —
Why are we Catalans today a people with such a strong sense of identity? Where does this sense of belonging to a collective that shares a
language, culture, and some ways of understanding the society and
the world come from?
Historian Josep Fontana tries to follow over the course of time,
from the 18th century to the current time, the process that has ended up shaping this identity and gives us the keys in a simple and
understandable book, La formació d’una identitat. Una història de
Catalunya (2014).
The meeting, introduced by Josep M. Muñoz, featured the participation of historians Josep Fontana, Joaquim Albareda, Borja de
Riquer, Josep M. Salrach and Eva Serra.
Spaces for debate and reflection — In Collaboration
José Antonio Martínez
Lapeña and Elías Torres
Presentation of the book covering
their career
Science at Christmas
Lectures by Ricard Solé,
Carles Lalueza Fox and Gustavo Deco
23 December
18 December
Organisation —
José Antonio Martínez Lapeña
& Elías Torres Architects
and Lampreave
Collaboration —
After forty-five years of a professional career in common, architects
José Antonio Martínez Lapeña and Elías Torres have expressed an extensive selection of their work in a book in Spanish and English that
covers over two-hundred works carried out by their studio. Published
by Lampreave, the book features texts by Peter Buchanan, Lluís Clotet, Rafael Moneo, Josep Quetglas, José Ramon Sierra, Akira Suzuki,
Billie Tsien and Miguel Usandizaga.
The CCCB’s Teatre, renovated by Martínez Lapeña and Torres
in 2011, hosted the presentation of this book at an event with the
participation of the authors accompanied by colleagues and friends,
and in which the book was discussed along with works by the studio from 1968 to the present day.
With the participation of Lluís Clotet, Flora Dominich, José Antonio Martínez Lapeña, Rafael Moneo, Aureli Mora, Carles Muro,
Ricardo Sánchez Lampreave, Elías Torres and Miguel Usandizaga.
Organisation —
ICREA, Institut de Biologia
Evolutiva and Parc de Recerca
Biomèdica de Barcelona
Collaboration —
CCCB and Fundación Botín
A responsible and critical society has to incorporate scientific knowledge into its education system, but also into its everyday debates. It is
necessary to defend knowledge and rational thinking as an essential
part of our culture. As Carl Sagan said, “science is a candle in the
dark”, a candle whose flame needs to be kept alive.
This was the spirit of the second edition of the Science at Christmas lectures, which were held for the first time at the CCCB, and also
counted on support from the Fundación Botín.
With the participation of Gustavo Deco, Carles Lalueza Fox
and Ricard Solé.
Spaces for debate and reflection — Courses, Postgraduate and Master’s Programmes
Courses, Postgraduate and Master’s Programmes
Master’s Degree in the Design Public space. Urban
Policies and Citizenship
and Production of Spaces
Fifth edition
Postgraduate programme
October 2014 — June 2015
October 2014 — October 2015
Organisation —
UPC School, Institut d’Humanitats
de Barcelona and CCCB
Directed by —
Jordi Borja, Itziar González
and Joan Subirats
Collaboration —
Space is not one-sided. Each of us has their own concept of space,
whether interior or exterior, whether for habitat or to accommodate
an exhibition. It is clear that for each of these processes you need a different mentality and a set of specific reference tools in order to think
about empty space and how to fill it. Spaces are places where people do
all kinds of activities, from the most private areas such as living spaces
to collective and participative spaces such as exhibition spaces.
The Master’s Degree in the Design and Production of Spaces
brings together different professional concerns and is built based
on two postgraduate courses. Firstly, the postgraduate course “Design of Interiors”, in the professional field of Interior Design, a discipline with a brilliant tradition in Barcelona and that needs its own
reference points. This course seeks to fill a void in the educational
offerings in this area that existed until now. Secondly, the postgraduate course “The Exhibition Space” seeks to work with space as a
meeting point between people and culture within the framework
of creative museography. By taking these two postgraduate courses
students can earn the Master's diploma.
This programme is directed by Arnaldo Basadonna, architect and
lecturer; Mario Corea, engineer and member of the CCCB assembly
team; and Paco Pérez Valencia, painter, museographer and responsible
for the Espacio Escala (Col·lecció Cajasol).
Organisation —
City Management and Urban
Planning Department (UOC) and
Institute of Government and Public
Policies (IGOP, UAB)
The public space brings together the main values of the city but
also reveals its inequalities. It is an integrating instrument for urban
planning but at the same time a setting and a space for conflicts.
These postgraduate studies aim to offer theoretical and practical
training to think about, design and manage urban public space in
an integrated way, assuming the complexity of the urban reality and
enhancing its democratic virtues.
The CCCB contributes to the programme its wealth of experience from the European Prize for Urban Public Space and its constant reflection on urban themes.
Spaces for debate and reflection — Courses, Postgraduate and Master’s Programmes
Courses of the Institut
All year
From philosophy to literature, from history to art, and including
film and theatre, the Institut d’Humanitats de Barcelona has the aim
of making inroads into the world of humanities and discovering
different disciplines through the opinion of relevant intellectuals
and thinkers. Through series of conferences with a weekly guest or
specialised seminars taught by a single lecturer, the aim is to favour
exchange between the diverse cultural spheres, collaborate in their
dissemination and contribute to the reception of the most important displays of European culture.
The Great Civilisations of Europe, 2. The Roman Civilisation
8 October 2013-4 March 2014
Course directed by Jordi Llovet, with the participation of Esther Artigas, Carles Buenacasa, Antoni Conejo, Jordi Cornudella, Adolfo
Egea, Jaume Juan, Noemí Moncuill, Carles Múrcia, Alejandra de
Riquer and Glòria Torres
The Art of the Novel. The European Novel of the 20TH Century
1 April-27 May
Directed by Jordi Llovet, with the participation of Sam Abrams,
Margarida Casacuberta, Ignacio Echevarría, Andreu Jaume, Jordi
Llovet, Marisa Siguán and Alain Verjat
The Architecture of Conflict and of Pleasure
6 October-15 December
Directed by Joan Sureda, with the participation of Hannah Collins,
Manuel Delgado, Eva March, Rosa Navarro, Carme Narváez, Joan
Sureda, Isabel Valverde and Gerard Vilar
The Great Civilisations of Europe, 3. The Mediaeval Civilisation
14 October 2014-4 March 2015
Directed by Jordi Llovet and Anton M. Espadaler, with the participation of Jaume Aurell, Almudena Blasco, Jordi Bolòs, Lluís Cifuentes, Stefano M. Cingolani, Victoria Cirlot, Antoni Conejo, Anton M. Espadaler, Sergi Grau, Jordi Llovet, Raffaele Pinto, Isabel de
Riquer, José E. Ruiz-Domènec and Eduard Vilella
Love, a Force that Never Lets Us Rest
10 October 2013-23 January 2014
Directed by Francisco Bengoechea
I and Others, Archetypes for Representing the World
2 January-5 March
Directed by Gisela Llobet and Enric Puig Punyet
Thought and Life
5-26 May
Directed by Josep Maria Esquirol
Ten Love Stories
2 October-18 December
Directed by Francisco Bengoechea
Readings of William Shakespeare
22 October-10 December
Directed by Andreu Jaume and organised in collaboration with the
Shakespeare Festival
Film Criticism Workshop
4 February-20 March
Directed by José Enrique Monterde et al. and organised in collaboration with the Associació Catalana de Crítics Cinematogràfics
Aula Xcèntric 2014. The Wild Image Infiltrations and Paths
towards an Outsider Cinema
4-27 November
Coordinated by Jordi Costa and organised in collaboration with the
CCCB’s Xcèntric experimental cinema programme
Cosmopolitism, Patriotism, Nationalism:
Three Roads to Modernity?
2 April
Lecture by Anthony Pagden, organised with the support of Tricentenari BCN 1714-2014
Unbranding Barcelona
16 May
Lecture by Marina Garcés. Closing lecture of the UAB Master’s Degree in Tourism and Humanities, organised with the collaboration
of the Institut d’Humanitats de Barcelona and the CCCB
A History of Jealousy. The Modern Medicalisation of Passions
19 May
Lecture by Javier Moscoso, organised in collaboration with the
Centre for Women and Literature (UB) and the CCCB
Classic Principles of the Natural Order versus Quantum Postulates
6 October
A tribute to John Bell, 11th Ontology Congress, organised by the
Fundación Paidea Galiza, the UNESCO, Universidad del País Vasco, the UAB and the UPF, with the collaboration of the Institut
d’Humanitats de Barcelona and the CCCB
The Human Animal
6 October
Conversation between Francisco J. Ayala and Víctor Gómez Pin, organised by the CCCB and the Institut d’Humanitats de Barcelona,
with the collaboration of Ariel
The Power of Money: Timon of Athens
29 October
Open lecture with Andreu Jaume, David Selvas and Sergi Pompermayer, organised in collaboration with the Shakespeare Festival
Spaces for debate and reflection — Courses, Postgraduate and Master’s Programmes
CUIMPB Programme
The mission of the Consorci Universitat Internacional Menéndez
Pelayo Barcelona (CUIMPB) - Centre Ernest Lluch is the management of the permanent centre of the Universidad Internacional
Menéndez Pelayo (UIMP) in Barcelona. Legally, the CUIMPB-Centre Ernest Lluch is constituted by Ajuntament de Barcelona, Diputació de Barcelona, the UIMP and the CCCB.
The programme of courses for 2014 by the CUIMPB-Centre
Ernest Lluch was divided into four major thematic blocks: Urban
policies, Public policies and welfare state, New regional scenarios
in the world, and Science, technology and society. In total around
fifteen courses and sessions, led by professors who are renowned
authorities, and featuring the participation of notable personalities in the world of science, economics, politics, international relations, communication, etc., and with the support of different
public and private institutions. Also, during the summer, courses
are organised on Spanish language and Catalan culture for foreign
students, mainly from the USA. The 2014 programme included, in
addition, collaboration with the Universitat de Barcelona on the
dissemination and organisation of a discussion on the control of
space. In total over 1,000 students passed through the classrooms
of CUIMPB-Centre Ernest Lluch, located at the CCCB’s premises.
University students have a reduced enrolment fee when registering for summer and autumn courses and can validate them as
free choice credits at the majority of Catalan public universities. Enrolment is formalised online on the website of the CUIMPB-Centre
Ernest Lluch:
Programme of Courses 2014
13th International Discussion on Geocriticism, the Control of Space
and Spaces of Control, 5-10 May (collaboration)
Summer Courses
— Architectures Madrid/ Barcelona. Approaches, Affirmations,
Exchanges, 17-19 June
— Lobbies and Conflicts of Interest: Regulations and Experiences,
30 June and 1 July
— The Transparent Brain, 3-4 July
— Economic Aspects of the Reform of Local Governments,
7-9 July
Spanish Courses
— June Courses, 2 June-27 July
— July Courses, 2 July-29 July
Autumn courses
— Municipal Financial Management: Times of Change in the
Forms of Municipal Management and Control, Funding and
Organisation, 1 October
— Management of Social Housing Pools, 7-8 October
— Care for Chronic Illness: More is Sometimes Less,
14-15 October
— Public-private Collaboration in the Redefinition of the Local
Public Sector, 21-22 October
— Forest Fires at the Urban Interface: Towards the Integration
of Risk into Territorial Planning, 27-29 October
— The Application of the Reform of Local Governments,
5-6 November
— Memory and City: “Remembering to Avoid Repetition”,
14 November
— The Temporary Use of Urban Voids, 24-26 November
CCCB © Masha Zrncic
Prize for
Space 2014
European Prize for Urban Public Space 2014
European Prize
for Urban Public
Space 2014
Date of award
25 April
25 April
4 June
Sponsors —
Copcisa, Abertis and Escofet
Within the context of —
Europe City Project, with
the support of the European
Commission’s Culture Programme
Organisation —
Collaboration —
Museum of Architecture
and Design MAO (Ljubljana),
The Architecture Foundation AF
(London), Museum of Finnish
Architecture MFA (Helsinki),
Cité de l’architecture et du
patrimoine (Paris), Deutsches
Architekturmuseum DAM
(Frankfurt) and Architekturzentrum
Wien Az W(Vienna))
CCCB © Glòria Solsona
8th Edition of the Prize and
the Exhibition “Shared Cities”
European Prize for Urban Public Space 2014
In 2014 the European Prize for Urban Public Space reached its
eighth edition. Created in the year 2000, the prize is a biennial competition organised with the aim of acknowledging and stimulating
the creation, recovery and improvement of public space in our cities. With a clearly European vocation, the Prize places the accent on
the social and political dimension of architecture.
At this eighth edition, a total of 274 projects were presented from
194 towns and cities and 30 European countries. The International
Jury was chaired by architect Carme Ribas, in representation of the
CCCB; and featured the participation of Matevž Čelik, director of
the MAO, Sarah Ichioka, director of the AF; Juulia Kauste, director
of the MFA; Francis Rambert, director of the Cité; Peter Schmal,
director of the DAM; and Katharina Ritter, head of exhibitions of
Az W. David Bravo i Bordas, in representation of the CCCB, acted
as secretary.
The Jury decided to award, from among 25 finalists, two joint winners and four special mentions:
Joint Winners
Rénovation du Vieux-Port, Marseilles (France), 2013
The renovation of the Vieux-Port cleared the docks of obstacles and
vehicles, making the presence of leisure boats compatible with access and enjoyment by any citizen. “La vall trenada”, Elx (Spain), 2013
A braided network of paths and footbridges have transformed the
bed of the Vinalopó River into a linear park that re-stitches together the neighbourhoods through which it passes, connecting them
with natural spaces to the north of the city.
Special mentions
Opening of Rainham Marshes, London (United Kingdom), 2014
TA peripheral area of surprisingly well conserved natural richness
has been made accessible to Londoners so that they can discover
it, learn to love it and protect it from probable urban sprawl depredation.
Islamic Cemetery, Altach (Austria), 2012
The construction of a cemetery apt for Muslim rites meets the requirements of a very considerable minority, enabling many immigrants to bury their dead in the land where they have settled. “Baana“, pedestrian and bicycle corridor,
Helsinki (Finland), 2012
A deep railway cutting which sliced through the urban fabric has
been converted into a pedestrian and bicycle corridor in a resource-saving collaborative process that also preserves the memory
of an industrial past.
Teatre La Lira, Ripoll (Spain), 2012
A porch and a footbridge give new life to an empty space left by the
demolition of an old theatre, shaping a frame for a view of the mountains and opening up a gateway to the old town centre.
The event for the award presentation of the European Prize for Urban Public Space 2014, which took place on 25 April in the main
foyer of the CCCB, culminated with the inauguration of the exhibition “Shared Cities”, where works presented for the eighth edition
of the prize were displayed. Once its stay at the CCCB was over, the
exhibition began a tour that over the course of two years has taken
it to visit various European and American cities.
Europe City Project
Fourteen years after its beginnings, the European Prize for Urban
Public Space is taking a qualitative leap to explore, interpret and assess in depth an accumulated legacy of around 500 experiences featuring over 200 cities. With this wish, three of the seven European
institutions that, being linked to architecture or the city, regularly
award the Prize, have decided to join forces and place in common
their experience in order to give impetus to the Europe City project.
Backed by funding from the European Union’s Culture Programme
(2007-2013), the CCCB, the Museum of Architecture and Design
of Ljubljana and the Museum of Finnish Architecture of Helsinki
came together to develop over two years, until August 2015, a series
of networked activities designed to update, foster and disseminate a
European idea of the city.
Among other initiatives, the three institutions co-produce and host
a touring exhibition on the lessons that can be extracted from the
Prize, and organise series of debates and lectures regarding the public space as well as developing workshops designed to raise awareness among people so that they become more actively involved in
the common task of making the city. Some of these workshops are
aimed at children and teenagers as incipient citizens. The Prize’s
website is also being consolidated ( to expand
and diversify its contents and extend its network of complicities.
Ultimately, Europe City has come into existence to fuel the ranks of
those aware that the city belongs to everyone.
CCCB © Miquel Taverna
Blog and Social Networks
The CCCB Lab Blog has been running since 2009 as a window of the CCCB
department specifically devoted to research and innovation in the cultural sphere.
Over the course of the years it has gradually become consolidated as a periodical
publication: a digital magazine with a publishing and art line, and planning of contents
linked to the CCCB’s activities programme: articles, reports and interviews that are
complemented with in-house and external contents (“Resources”). The blog has a clear
vocation of dissemination: it is an attempt to circulate among a broad audience issues
and questions that determine the present and profile the future of the cultural sphere,
often in relation with the important social, economic and political changes caused
by the technological revolution of the last decades.
During 2014, the blog has given support to the following CCCB
— “Big Bang Data” exhibition: incubation of the exhibition,
starting to publish articles before its opening on the datification
of the world and on the consideration of the new exhibition space
model proposed with it (Beta Station).
— Internet Universe: articles and educational contents for a
project that reflects on the effects of the Internet on our lives and
that the Lab carries out in collaboration with CCCB Educació.
— Cultural Innovation International Prize: interviews produced in house with heads of projects and participants visiting the
CCCB, on the new audiences for culture, the central theme of the
first edition of the Prize.
Over the course of 2014 the blog has published contents with a
weekly periodicity: interviews with participants and chronicles
commenting on the different activities of CCCB Lab and, above all,
30 previously unpublished articles written by Jordi Bernabeu, Marcus Hurst, Sandra Álvaro, José Luis de Vicente, Ramon Sangüesa,
Juan Mateos García, Tijana Tasich, Maria Ángeles Cabré, the team
of Paisaje Transversal, Karma Peiró, Jordi Carrión, Josep Perelló,
Cristina Sáez, César Reyes-Nájera, Carles Sora, Quima Farré, Clara
Bofill, Rubén Martínez, Carlos Bajo Erro, Roc Jiménez de Cisneros, Ignasi Labastida, Sebastián Pérez, Juan Insua, Gemma Galdon,
Alessandro Ludovico, Elisabet Roselló and Enric Senabre.
This year has represented the consolidation of the blog in terms
of the number of visitors: a total of 81,369 users have stopped by,
amply doubling the number in 2013 (40,331) and almost tripling
that of 2012 (28,921). This growth has paralleled the increase experienced in the main social networks of CCCB Lab, which serve as
spreaders and amplifiers of the blog’s contents.
Cultural Innovation International Prize
CCCB © Miquel Taverna
The Cultural Innovation International Prize is a new biennial award organised
by the CCCB with the aim of stimulating projects that explore the possible cultural
scenarios of coming years, encouraging research and practice. The first call for
applications was opened in October 2014, coinciding with the CCCB’s 20th anniversary,
and it remained open until February 2015. This prize represents another step in
the creative history of our institution, characterised from its origins by research into
new languages and formats for presenting contents. It also expressed the CCCB’s
desire to adapt to the intense transformations of a local and global city context
that converts research in culture into a demand.
Each edition of the Prize will propose a theme on which the competing projects must work. In this first edition, the theme chosen
focused on the dilemmas around the concept of Audience/s: Which
genres and formats will survive the digital revolution and the economic crisis? What type of exhibitions and how will they be visited by
digital natives? What evolution (or involution) will the great call for
participation of recent years undergo? What effects will be caused by
the excess of information and what tools exist for creating an intelligible world? How will the link between the analogical and the digital
world develop? Will the nexuses between humanistic and scientific
disciplines be consolidated? What forms of recommendation will be
accepted (or not) by what was “previously known as audience”? What
styles of mediation will be necessary between experts and professionals, amateurs and prosumers? How will the concept of “programación”? How will cultural institutions have to change to guarantee
democratic access to knowledge and to the means of production and
reproduction, the inalienable rights of citizens?
The winning proposal – which received a prize of 10,000 euros and
the possibility of carrying out the project at the CCCB – will was
selected by an international jury formed by Marcos García (director
of MediaLab Prado), Nina Simon (director of the Santa Cruz Museum of Art and History MAH, California), Mark Miller (head of
youth programmes at the Tate London, Johan Moerman, (director
of Rotterdam Festivals and founder of the Audiences Europe Network-AEN), Conxa Rodà (head of Strategy and Communication
at the Museu Nacional d'Art de Catalunya-MNAC) and Juan Insua
(head of projects of CCCB Lab). Jury’s decision was made public in
June 2015.
Internet Universe
This project’s aim is a critical and creative reflection on the set of technologies
connected to the Internet and the unseen and accelerated transformation that it
is causing in our lives. These changes have consequences at different levels – cognitive,
social, economic, educational, political, environmental, etc. – and they affect a large part
of Humanity. The impact of the web in this last decade represents a kind of Big Bang
of a new Universe whose laws, consequences and boundaries we still do not fully know.
CCCB © Miquel Taverna
Internet Universe aims to offer an overall view of the nature and consequences of the
World Wide Web, one that generates intelligible contents and reflects opinions and theories
of different types in order to offer a complete view of the phenomenon. During 2014 a first
project phase was completed, in close collaboration with the CCCB’s education service: a
course aimed at educators and a prototype of an educational briefcase linked to the project.
Teacher Training Course
Educational Briefcase
Dates: 5-14 February
A series of four training sessions (theoretical introduction, workshop and associated educational material) to offer a global view of
the Internet and of how it affects our lives at three impact levels: on
the person, on the city and on the planet.
Addressing professionals and students in the education sphere, as
well as people linked to the training of children and young people,
the programme has a dual aim: to progressively construct a global
view of the Internet and its effects and to give tools to the educators
in order for this knowledge to be transferred to the classroom.
The themes of the four sessions were the following: 1. Introduction to
the series, with a global view of the world wide web and how it has been
built; 2. Person. What effects do the Internet and technologies have on
the cognitive system?; 3. City. A critical and constructive look at the social media networks; and 4. Planet. Is the Internet as “virtual” as it seems?
What ecological impact does it have and how can it be minimised?
With the participation of Jordi Bernabeu, Efraín Foglia, Marcus
Hurst, Juan Insua, Irene Lapuente, Jordi Oliver, Isidre Plaza, Senén
Roy and Cristina Sáez.
The educational briefcase emerged from the teacher training workshops that were held at the CCCB in February 2014 and its aim is
to transfer reflections from the project to the classroom. The briefcase circulated in physical format and as a prototype around nine
schools all over Catalonia on a test period during the 2014-2015
academic year, and in its virtual format, it can be freely downloaded from the CCCB Educació website. Based on the assessment and
contributions of the schools that used the briefcase, an improved
model will be produced which during the academic year 2015-2016
will be distributed via the Educational Resources Centres.
The network is formed by five educational units that allow analysis
of the impact of the Internet and the technologies that are derived
from it at three incidence levels – person, city and planet – and from
different viewpoints.
The themes of the five units are as follows: 1. Building the web, 2. The
logic of programming, 3. Social media networks and community
action, 4. The ecological impact of the Internet, and 5. Building
Data Journalism
It is a discipline that the main international news media have all incorporated
in recent years. It offers readers visualisations and treatments of data to explain
the news in a clear and understandable way.
Since 2013, the CCCB has been hosting data journalism work sessions and an annual
conference devoted to the subject, organised in collaboration with the Spanish section
of the OKFN-Open Knowledge Foundation, the Blanquerna School of Communication
and Medialab-Prado.
CCCB © Miquel Taverna
In the year 2014, the data journalism activities combined with “Big Bang Data”,
the CCCB’s exhibition on the datification of the world, and the work sessions from June
to October were held at the Beta Station, the exhibition’s work space.
Data Journalism Work Sessions
Dates: 22 January, 20 March, 22 May, 19 June, 9 October,
19 November and 10 December
Collaboration: OKFN-Open Knowledge Foundation
and Karma Peiró
2nd Data Journalism and Open Data
Date: 25 April
Collaboration: OKFN- Open Knowledge Foundation, Blaquerna
School of Communication and Medialab-Prado
The work sessions were aimed at journalists, IT specialists and designers. They were meetings of a practical nature with a dual aim:
to present local data journalism projects and to provide participants
with tools that allow the processing of data and their visualisation.
The second edition of these sessions specialising in data journalism and the visualisation of open data for journalistic, scientific and
business projects, which were held in parallel in Barcelona and Madrid between 24 and 27 April.
In 2104 the following subjects were covered:
The CCCB hosted the programme for 25 April: keynote lectures with international experts and the MeetUp Data + Moritz, an informal meeting
for sharing and learning about experiences in the local sphere.
Good practices in data searching and visualisations, Practical advice for understanding statistical data, Data for evaluating and
mapping, Data and new narratives, Observing the data of my municipality, Who guarantees data quality and authenticity?, How are
data worked with at the Los Angeles Times?
With the participation of Xavier Badosa, Eduard Martín Borregón,
David Casado, Antonio Delgado, Pedro García, Àngels Llorens, Natalia Mazzote, Álvaro Millán, Diego Pasqual, Víctor Pascual, Enric
Pons, Joan Soler, Idoia Sota, Federico Todeschini and Ben Welsch.
With the participation of Eva Belmonte, Mar Cabra, Juan Francisco
Caro, Jesús Escudero, Nicola Hughes, Karma Peiró, Josep Perelló, Gabriela Rodríguez, Mar Santamaria, Mariana Santos and Joan Soler.
And the presentation of the following local data journalism cases:
Govern Obert, Mapa InfoParticip@, Fuga2, AtNight, Data’n Press,
Projecte Colibrí, Historias de gasto, Oficina Ciencia Ciudadana,
Timeline15M, Vist al DOCG, Observatoris Ciutadans Municipals,
desideDatum, Vidas Contadas and Partit Obert.
Collaborative Networked Production
Collaboration —
P2Pvalue Project, IGOPnet (UAB)
and P2P Foundation
CCCB © Miquel Taverna
22 January
On 22 January a debating session was held with the presentation of
P2Pvalue, a European project for research and action around commons-based peer production.
The results of the research served for the development of a digital
platform based on decentralised architecture and the design of public policies that promote the commons.
Commons-based peer production is an emerging and innovative
production model in which the creative energy of a large number of
citizens is coordinated, generally with the support of a digital platform – outside the parameters of the traditional hierarchical organisation – to give as a result the public provision of commons-based
resources. In this way, such well-known projects have been built as
Linux, Wikipedia, SETi and Open Street Map, etc. and recently it
has been expanding to many other areas of activity, such as citizen
science, product design, the management of common spaces and
open data sources.
With the participation of Adam Advirsson, Marco Berlinguer (moderator), Samer Hassan, Primavera de Filippi and Mayo Fuster Morell.
The P2Pvalue Project is based on an exercise of mapping of the dissemination and hybridisation of production between peers, and it
researches the conditions that favour collaborative creation, as well
as the value logic of these emerging forms: How does value function in emerging organisational forms? What conditions favour
networked collaborative production? What distinguishes the commons from traditional hierarchical and commercial organisations?
CCCB Lab — Associated Projects
Associated Projects
CCCB © Miquel Taverna
One of the missions of the CCCB Lab is the creation of distributed networks
that favour the cooperation and exchange of experiences between different cultural
projects. In the year 2014 we have worked on collaborations with:
Barcelona Lab
Latin America-Europe
Cultural Ring
This is a space for innovation open to citizens and promoted by
Barcelona City Council’s Directorate of Creativity and Innovation,
together with other cultural institutions, research centres and companies in the city. The CCCB Lab is a natural ally of this project that
aims to convert Barcelona into an international reference point in
the new scenario of cities that generate intelligence, creativity and
The Latin America-Europe Cultural Ring is a network of co-creation, collaboration and participation that links Latin America and
Europe in the field of contemporary cultural action based on the
intensive use of information and communication technologies and
second-generation Internet.
Institut de recherche et d’innovation
In 2008, the CCCB, together with Microsoft, joined the Institut de
recherche et d’innovation (IRI), created in 2006 by the Centre Georges Pompidou and directed by philosopher Bernard Stiegler. This is a
space for research related with the application of new technologies to
the creation, production and formalisation of cultural activities.
CCCB © Miquel Taverna
of the CCCB
Friends of the CCCB
Friends of the CCCB
This year was a special year. Coinciding with the 20th anniversary of the CCCB, a
campaign was carried out to attract new Friends; all those who accredited that they
would be 20 years old in 2014 were gifted a CCCB Young Friend card giving them free
access to all the activities produced by the CCCB for the whole year. This was a huge
success, as nearly 1,000 new Young Friends were recruited.
All of our Friends, a total of 1,900, counting all the card modalities, were offered
a series of activities: some exclusive, such as the guided tours of the exhibitions
or the Reading Klub, and others together with the Articket Friends of Museums
or with other communities, as well as special promotions, excursions, etc. The total
number of people attending the different activities was approximately 970.
Friends of the CCCB
Visits to exhibitions at the CCCB
As for the exhibitions and activities of the CCCB, the following activities were organised:
— Presentation and visit to the exhibition “Espriu. I Looked upon this Land” for Friends of the CCCB, the MACBA, the MNAC, the Fundació Antoni Tàpies and the Fundació Joan Miró, 21 January
— Guided tours of the exhibition “Metamorphosis. Fantasy Visions in Starewitch, Švankmajer and the Quay Brothers”, 9 and 24 April
— Guided tours of the exhibition “Big Bang Data”, 14 and 20 May
— Guided tours of the exhibitions “The Start of Tomorrow. Mancomunitat of Catalonia: 100 Years” and of “From Charity to the Public
Health Service”, 22 May
— Guided tour of the exhibition “World Press Photo 14”, 20 November and 4 December
— Guided tour of the exhibition “Arissa. The Shadow and the Photographer, 1922-1936”, led by Rafael Levenfeld, curator of the exhibition, 2 and 3 December
Other Activities at the CCCB
— 22nd Seminar on Catalan Translation, 1 March
— “Salvador Espriu: Salvation through the Word”, a lecture by Ramon Riera with recital of poems by Jordi Brau, 5 March
— Loop Studies Lab: How to Imagine New Models of Leadership in Cultural Production and Programming, 6 June
— Visit to the selection of objects from the collector’s cabinet made by the Quay Brothers, Museu Frederic Marès, 12 June
— Enter Forum, international meeting on the impact of Internet and the social networks, 16 and 18 June
— Web Visions, 20 and 21 June
— El Grec 2014 Audiences Workshop, 30 June and 20 July
— Inroads into the world of Big Data hand in hand with the Societat Catalana d’Estadística, 27 September
— Guided itinerary by bicycle “From Pedralbes to Sant Joan Despí”, 12 October
Outside the CCCB
— Guided tour of the exhibition “I Rebel, We Exist”, 11 January
— Guided tour of the exhibitions of Danny Lyon, with the series “The Bikeriders” and “Uptown”, Foto Colectania, 11 March
— Presentation of the Exhibition “Allan Kaprow. Other Ways”, led by Soledad Gutiérrez, curator of the exhibition,
Fundació Tàpies, 11 March
— Presentation and visit to the exhibition “I Work the Street. Joan Colom, Photographs 1957-2010”,
Museu Nacional d'Art de Catalunya, 3 April
— Guided visit to the Barcelona Supercomputing Centre (BSC-CNS), 11 June and 10 July
— Visit to the exhibition “Salvadoriana. Treasure of Scientific Heritage”, Jardí Botànic de Barcelona, 2 and 3 July
— Visit to Fab Lab Bcn, Institut d’Arquitectura Avançada de Catalunya, 16 October
— Discussion and tour of the Barri de Sant Pere with some of the authors of the publication El quarter de Sant Pere. Història d’un barri
amagat de Ciutat Vella, 30 October
— Presentation and visit to the exhibition “Barcelona, Neutral Zone (1914-1918)”, Fundació Joan Miró, 6 November
— Presentation and visit to the exhibition “Carles Casagemas. The Artist Behind the Myth”,
Museu Nacional d'Art de Catalunya, 25 November
Reading Klub
— La pell de brau [The Bull-Hide], Salvador Espriu, 15 January
— Foundation, Isaac Assimov, 12 February
— Reading of interviews to analyse journalistic texts, 12 March
— Tot allò que una tarda morí amb les bicicletes [Everything That One Afternoon Died with the Bicycles], Llucia Ramis, 7 May
— Violence, Slavoj Zizek, 21 May
— Atonement, Ian McEwan, 18 June
— El silenci dels arbres [The Silence of the Trees], Eduard Márquez, with the presence of the author, 17 September
— In Praise of Shadows, Junichiro Tanizaki, and Fear and Trembling Amélie Nothomb, 12 November
Exclusive Offers for Friends of the CCCB
— Campaign: “This Christmas give (yourself) the gift of Friends of the CCCB”, 4 December-7 January
— Special discount for Friends of the CCCB on Courses at the Writing School of the Ateneu Barcelonès, 4-27 March
— Prior function of “Carnaval de Màgia. De Brossa a Hausson”, La Seca-Espai Brossa, 25 March
— Function prior to the first night of La Dama de les Camèlies, directed by Hermann Bonnín, La Seca-Espai Brossa, 27 April
— Fronteras, TNC, 29 May and 8 June
— 2x1 admission to the show M.A.R.I.L.U.L.A., by Lena Kitsopoulou, La Seca-Espai Brossa, 10 September
— 25% discount for Cels, by Wajdi Mouawad, La Perla 29, 30 September and 19 October
— Admission to the performance of Cels and subsequent discussion directed by journalist Gemma Ruiz, La Perla 29, 4 October
CCCB Education
CCCB Education
The CCCB’s educational proposal creates a place of convergence between
the cultural world and the educational world beyond the classrooms. It presents
a set of activities aimed at school groups and educators that includes, among others,
guided visits to the exhibitions, activities and workshops related with the centre’s
programme, urban itineraries and an educational briefcase. At the same time,
it includes a social programme aimed at people at risk of exclusion and the project
Sponsor your facility, which strengthens the relationship between education
centres and cultural facilities in the Raval.
At weekends the educational programme is also aimed at a more general audience
and offers a set of activities designed for enjoyment by all the family.
CCCB © Miquel Taverna
Besides the activities at the centre, the website constitutes
a platform for knowledge, dissemination, learning and participation, a network that
enables the sharing of work, experiences and educational resources.
CCCB Education
Forging a cultural and educational network
CCCB Education aims to be an open door for collectives, organisations and projects
working between the cultural and the educational world, through digital tools and also
the free loan of CCCB venues so that they can programme their activities.
1. Digital tools
First of all, the website constitutes a network for sharing educational proposals and contents, understanding education
in a broad sense and not only restricted to the classroom. It is open to schools, institutes, academies and universities alike, as well as other
organisations that run activities for them. Currently this virtual space constitutes an archive of some 906 experiences that develop their
work between the educational world and the cultural world.
CCCB Education publishes highlights on its website to offer tools and reflections to the cultural and educational world. At a time of information overload on the net, we want to be critical intermediators for educational contents, taking iver the role of filtering.
Secondly, the Twitter account @CCCBeducacio echoes all of those initiatives that emerge in the shared terrain of both worlds. We currently
have 6,000 followers.
2. Free loan of CCCB venues
A way of exploring the relations between the activities programmed by the Centre and the cultural life of the city is by seeking complicities
in the very spaces of the CCCB.
In 2014, among others, the following activities were hosted:
Light on the Waves
Date: 10 October
The ICFO-Institut de Ciències Fotòniques organised, for the third time, a science fiction competition for secondary school students. The
aim of the competition was to show the capacity of literature and music to talk about science, and the capacity of science to inspire artistic creativity. At the same time, contemporary musicians converted the winning texts into songs, which were presented at a concert on 10
October 2014 at the CCCB.
Ravals 2014
Dates: 14 — 16 November
This collaboration was framed within the various actions that are carried out understanding culture as a driving force for social change
and a generator of coexistence and dialogue. It was an open and participative festival that made known some of the many facets
of the cultural life of the district, encouraging links between organisations and people, through the creation of joint cultural actions.
Dates: December 2013 — July 2015
Voxprima is a collective associated to the CCCB for educational subjects. It carries out the Picto-writing Programme in Ciutat Vella
which is backed by the Education Consortium and has an impact on 600 primary school pupils from the Ciutat Vella district by improving
their level of reading and writing through drawing. It also collaborated on the design of educational activities for the exhibition
“Espriu. I Looked Upon This Land”.
CCCB Education
Schools programme
Work focused on temporary and permanent educational proposals connected with
the contents programmed by the various departments of the CCCB taking into account
two premises: that the proposals should be linked to curricular needs and that they
contributed tools that allowed participants to create cultural value.
“Espriu. I Looked upon this Land”
Dates: 30 October 2013 — 16 March 2014
This exhibition allowed work in the field of languages, a highly curricular subject.
“Metamorphosis. Fantasy Visions in Starewitch, Švankmajer and the Quay Brothers”
Dates: 26 March — 7 September
This exhibition took us fully into the creative process of the audiovisual.
Món Llibre for schools
Dates: 10 and 11 April
On the occasion of the 10th anniversary of Món Llibre, an advance of the festival was offered with activities designed for schools during
the Thursday and Friday prior to the opening for the general public.
“The Start of Tomorrow. Mancomunitat of Catalonia: 100 years”
Dates: 8 April — 20 July
This exhibition took an in-depth look at the history of Catalonia.
“Big Bang Data”
Dates: 9 May — 16 November
This exhibition allowed us to share the technological sphere with the artistic sphere.
“World Press Photo. International Professional Journalism Exhibition”
Dates: 6 November — 8 December
Educational offering related with this exhibition and organised by Photographic Social Vision.
“Arissa. The Shadow and the Photographer 1922-1936”
Dates: 14 November 2014 — 12 April 2015
This exhibition allowed us to work in the artistic sphere.
Urban Itineraries
Dates: the entire academic year
These itineraries worked the social dimension of the city, the neighbourhoods and the people, in the sphere of the public space. Firstly,
four itineraries were organised, which were also offered at weekends for adults: El Raval: cosmopolitan territory. El Carmel and Nou Barris.
From the Right to Housing to the Right to a City; Besòs. From Frontier to Public Space; and Poblenou. The productive city (see details in
the Programme for Adults section). And, secondly, a specific itinerary for school groups: The Eixample. The Shape of the City.
Photography Workshop: The City of Photographers
Dates: the entire academic year
This workshop is a joint activity organised by MACBA and CCCB, within the framework of Photography in Course, an A Bao A Qu
programme. This edition worked on the social dimension of the city, the neighbourhoods and the people, in the sphere of the image.
CCCB Education
Teacher Training Programme
The relationship with teaching staff is an imperious need for the CCCB, which seeks
their complicity to produce the proposals that it subsequently offers them. The aim is
to find out their needs in order to provide them with tools for working with pupils.
Internet Universe
Dates: 5, 7, 12 and 14 February
A series of four sessions that offers a global view of the Internet and how it affects our lives at three impact levels: on the person,
on the city and on the planet.
Picto-writing Programme in Ciutat Vella
Dates: 19 and 26 November, 3 and 10 December
Teacher training programme in the fields of picto-writing hand in hand with designers and professional illustrators.
Programme for Adults
At weekends the educational programme was also addressed at a more general
public and included guided visits to the exhibitions and urban itineraries by foot,
by coach or by bike.
Guided tours of the Exhibitions
At the weekends admission to the exhibition allowed participation in a guided tour without any extra cost, on Sundays in Catalan and on
Saturdays in Spanish. Furthermore, visits were organised for groups of at least 20 people.
Itineraries Programme
The CCCB’s itineraries programme comprises a series of walks around different areas of the city that help us reflect on the questions that
the contemporary city is asking us today.
In 2014 the following urban itineraries were organised:
— Urban Itineraries on Foot
El Raval. Cosmopolitan Territory
Dates: 19 January, 30 March and 18 October
What was once the emptiest sector of walled Barcelona is today the most densely populated neighbourhood in the city. In this process
the Raval has been enriched, but it has never managed to free itself of the effects of marginalisation. How is it possible to favour a mixture
of uses, cultures and classes without excluding anyone?
El Poblenou. The Productive City
Dates: 9 February, 5 April and 25 October
The utopian socialism of Cerdà saw in Poblenou the possibility of a New Icaria. Pla 22@ is a testing bench for exploring the knowledge
society. De-industrialisation has filled it with abandoned factories and the collective memory of the workers and the cooperatives has
charged it with meanings. What must the city live on after de-industrialisation?
El Carmel and Nou Barris. From the Right to Housing to the Right to a City
Dates: 23 February, 26 April, 8 November
The need for a roof over people’s heads is more imperative than any urban planning regulation. The fight of the neighbourhoods
of El Carmel and Nou Barris to achieve dignified housing is full of lessons for tackling a challenge that is still all-too-pressing today:
how can we ensure that the city accommodates everyone?
CCCB Education
— Urban Itineraries by Coach
Besòs. From Frontier to Public Space
Dates: 9 March
What was once a frontier between urban peripheries is now a nerve centre that transcends the municipal sphere and is helping to configure a new metropolitan city. Today the Besòs is a privileged space for interconnection within a context in which planning and urban vision
on a large scale have become fundamental.
— Urban Itineraries by Bicycle
Led by Bici Cultura BCN, specialists in architecture and urban planning
La Sagrera - Sant Andreu - Sant Martí: Three Neighbourhoods Undergoing Transformation
Dates: 22 November
The La Sagrera area is the place where the largest urban transformation in the city of Barcelona is taking place, with the construction of
the great new railway station of Barcelona for the high-speed train and the incorporation of a linear park from the bridge on Bac de Roda
to the Trinitat interchange. The route leads around the sector first above it and then below it.
From Montgat to the Barceloneta. A Variety of Seafronts
Dates: 18 April
The stretch from Montgat to the river Besòs is marked by the alternation of consolidated urban fronts and industrial sectors situated right
along the coastline. Having crossed the Besòs, two urbanistic operations serve to date the transformation of Barcelona’s urban front:
the Forum and the Vila Olímpica. La Barceloneta, the city’s port and fishing district since the 18th century, is today adapting to the new
challenge presented by the advent of mass leisure and tourism.
El Llobregat The edges of the urban soil
Dates: 9 May
How to resolve the point where city meets nature? Along the last stretch of the Llobregat the capital question is raised of how to resolve
the point where the city meets nature. In this ambiguous territory where major infrastructures coexist with green spaces of great quality, a
growing sensitivity towards the edges of the urban soil can be sensed. Facilitating that people are acquainted with it, fond of it and defend
it is perhaps the best way to preserve it.
— Literary Urban Itinerary
Lavínia, the Barcelona of Salvador Espriu
Dates: 11 and 25 January
A tour around the prose and the biography of Salvador Espriu, with Maria Nunes, and including a visit to the exhibition.
Programme for Under 18s
Room 1418
Proposal for the 14-18 community
Dates: 15 February-20 December
Organised by: MACBA and CCCB
Room 1418 is a new space for activity for a public aged 14 to 18 years, an opening meeting point every Saturday afternoon
that aims to reach young people in the metropolitan area and develop a special bond with the Raval. Under the direction of video
creator Fito Conesa, this highly flexible platform deployed a continuous activities programme and allowed free use to be made
of the resources that the MACBA and the CCCB made available to participants.
Between Images
Photography and Cinema Workshop for children aged 6 to 12 years
Dates: 5 April, 17 May, 7 June and 28 June
Organised by: La Virreina. Centre de la Imatge, Fundació Foto Colectania, Arxiu Fotogràfic de Barcelona and CCCB.
Curated by A Bao A Qu.
This was an educational proposal from four institutions with the aim of working on visual literacy and offering tools to distinguish, interpret
and understand fixed images or images in motion in an educational but entertaining way. Every Saturday morning a workshop was held at
one of the four institutions. At the CCCB, the sessions were titled XCèntric Tours.
CCCB Education
Visits to the exhibitions
Activities to share with the family
Firstly, support material was given to be able to make a more dynamic visit in a more independent way for families who came to see
the exhibitions “Metamorphosis” and “Espriu”. Secondly, activities related with the exhibitions were organised, such as workshops
on “Metamorphosis” and “Big Bang Data”.
CCCB © Jordi Gómez
For children aged 6 to 16 years
Dates: 30 June-1 August
Organised by: CCCB with A Home in Progress Film and La Mandarina de Newton
The CCCB’s summer school constituted a journey through the galaxy of contemporary culture for explorers aged 6 to 12 years
and 13 to 16 years. For five weeks the Summer School worked on the lines developed in the exhibitions and programmes that the CCCB
presented over the course of 2015, and it does so through workshops, combined with other recreational activities that took place at different spaces within the CCCB. Every week a proposal is offered with an independent centre of interest but complementary with the rest.
The aim was to offer a creation laboratory with a large dose of experimentation and new formats, culture with a large dose of technology
to help us understand our present.
Social Programme
Social Programme
Since it first opened its doors, the CCCB has honoured its responsibility of offering a space
where everyone can access culture. In this sense, the Centre’s social programme includes
the Apropa Cultura (Closer to Culture) Programme, the Alzheimer Programme, the Raval
Programme, the Open All Areas Programme, and the community practice blog on Museums
and Accessibility, as well as a PQPI work experience agreement and a remunerated
scholarship with the Casal d’Infants del Raval (Children’s and Youth Centre) and a system
of grants for Culturnauts, the CCCB’s summer school.
Apropa Cultura
Apropa Cultura (Closer to Culture) stands as a door to inclusion and aims to ensure accessibility for all citizens to cultural facilities. It is an initiative that brings together theatres, auditoria and museums with organisations from the social sector to make culture accessible to everyone. The
CCCB has taken part in the programme since 2013 and offers visits to exhibitions and urban itineraries, as well as visits to the Casa Provincial
de Caritat (former Almshouse).
During the year 2014, the following activities were carried out with a total of 661 visitors:
— Itinerary “The Raval. Cosmopolitan Territory”, 10 groups, 125 people
— Itinerary “The Eixample. The Shape of the City”, 6 groups, 84 people
— Workshop “The City of Photographers”, 4 groups, 54 people
— Visit to the exhibition “Espriu. I Looked upon this Land”, 2 groups, 23 people
— Visit to the exhibition “Metamorphosis”, 5 groups, 63 people
— Visit to the exhibition “Big Bang Data”, 3 groups, 40 people
— Visit to the exhibtion “World Press Photo”, 19 groups, 273 people
CCCB Alzheimer Programme
Within the framework of the Apropa Cultura (Closer to Culture) Programme, the CCCB continued with its Alzheimer Programme,
aimed at people affected by the illness, their families and carers. This programme offers guided tours of the exhibitions at the
CCCB and of the building housing the Centre (the former Almshouse) plus a special programme of films.
During the year 2014, the following activities were carried out with a total of 167 visitors:
— Visit to the Casa de la Caritat (former Almshouse), 6 groups, 95 people
— Programme “Let’s go the the cinema”, 4 groups, 56 people
— Visit to the exhibition “Arissa. The Shadow and the Photographer 1922-1936”, 2 groups, 16 people
In addition, over the course of 2014, other activities and actions were carried out as detailed below.
— “Learning and Service” Programme
Upon the proposal of La Blanquerna-Universitat Ramon Llull, the CCCB participated in the “Learning and Service” Programme with the
aim that some of its students learned by providing a community service. Two classes were taught at the university to students in the
morning and the afternoon group. Afterwards the students visited the AFAB to get to know the users whom they would be addressing and
finally, on 28 and 30 April, the same students carried out an activity designed by themselves with users of the AFAB at the CCCB.
Social Programme
— Participation in 6 day sessions
— Open All Areas Day, Rome, 10 and 11 April, The Alzheimer Project “The Memory of Beauty”.
— 2nd International Congress on Education and Accessibility in Museums and Heritage: In and With All Senses, Towards Social Integration in Equality, Huesca, 3 and 4 May. Presentation of the paper: “Culture and Memory. The CCCB Alzheimer Programme”.
— DKV Congress, Art and Health 2, Hospital of Denia, 12 June. Presentation of the paper: “Culture and Memory. The CCCB Alzheimer
— 4th Seminar on Creativity and Social Inclusion, Picasso Museum of Malaga, 6 and 7 November.
— Diputació de Barcelona Day, The Tactile View. Presentation of the paper: “Culture and Memory. The CCCB Alzheimer Programme”.
— Organisation of the sessions as part of the acts commemorating 20 years of the CCCB, “CCCB Alzheimer Programme”, 23 October.
— Museums and Accessibility Work Group
The CCCB continued forming part, together with other museums from Barcelona and its metropolitan area, of a work group focusing on
accessibility at museums, with coverage of their experiences in the Community Practice Blog on Museums and Accessibility.
Raval Programme
CCCB Educació, in collaboration with other cultural organisations from the neighbourhood, is working to forge links between
schools in the Raval neighbourhood and our institutions.
During the year 2014, the following actions were carried out:
1. Free admission
Pupils from schools in the neighbourhood enjoyed free admission to guided tours of the exhibitions, the urban itineraries and educational
activities in general.
2. Programme of talks with secondary schools
With the collaboration of the Documentation and Debate Centre, the CCCB went out into the neighbourhood and programmed talks with
figures of international renown who discussed issues of current importance in the lives of young people and our society. In 2014 one
meet-up was organised with Kamila Shamsie (24 March) and another with Pankaj Mishra (7 October).
3. Picto-writing Programme in Ciutat Vella
In collaboration with the Libraries Network and the CCCB’s Education Service, VoxPrima has designed a programme addressing state
schools in the Ciutat Vella district in order for their pupils to have access to this creative learning technique in schools during the 20132014 and 2014-2015 academic years.
With the aim of significantly improving children’s written expression capabilities and serving as a stimulus for teaching staff by contributing
new focuses for working on writing, during 2014 four days of teacher training were held on the CCCB premises along with ten workshops
with pupils held at the CCCB premises and at libraries in the neighbourhood.
Work Experience at the CCCB
The CCCB has an agreement with the Casal dels Infants del Raval (Children’s and Youth Centre) that establishes work experience at the
CCCB’s Maintenance Service within the framework of the Initial Professional Qualification Programmes (PQPI). In addition, if students
show satisfactory performance on the work experience scheme, they have the chance of accessing a remunerated scholarship designed
exclusively for registration fees and educational material, with the aim of being able to continue with their formal training and gain initial
work experience. In 2014, there was a work experience pupil who was subsequently granted the remunerated scholarship.
Culturnauts Grants
From 30 June to 1 August, Culturnauts, the CCCB’s summer school was held. This space was designed to encourage the capacity for
exploring and discovering, to arouse the curiosity of each participant, an inclusive activity that honoured the CCCB’s responsibility of
offering a space where everyone can access training through a cultural experience. It took place thanks to a strong partnership with the
Fundació Pere Tarrés which, with over 50 years of experience, guaranteed the weekly organisation of the project and the educational and
social work with the participants. In addition, the Obra Social “La Caixa” awarded 35 grants to children and young people of the Raval
neighbourhood that allowed them to enjoy this activity, approved by Barcelona City Council, at affordable prices.
the CCCB
Beyond the CCCB
Beyond the CCCB
Beyond the CCCB — Exhibitions
Bolaño Archive. 1977-2003
In Buenos Aires
19 December 2013 — 20 February 2014
Curators —
Valérie Miles and Juan Insua
Production —
CCCB, with the participation
of the Government of the City
of Buenos Aires
Organisation —
CCCB, Centre Cultural Recoleta
and Government of the City
of Buenos Aires
A decade after his death and revolving around Bolaño’s known devotion to Argentine literature (he was a voracious reader of Roberto Arlt, but also of Macedonio Fernández, Jorge Luis Borges and
Julio Cortázar), the City of Buenos Aires wanted to be the first to
pay its own tribute to him by hosting the exhibition “Bolaño Archive. 1977-2003” at the Centro Cultural Recoleta. The exhibition
received a spectacular reception in the Argentinian press and on
the social networks.
“Bolaño Archive” was the result of collaboration between the
CCCB and the heirs of Bolaño. Beyond the thematic focus, the
innovative museographic elements and other aspects, the strong
point of the exhibition is the presentation of previously unpublished material from the archives of Roberto Bolaño: novels, short
stories, poems, various texts and exercise books, correspondence,
family photographs, magazines and fanzines, his personal library,
a plethora of interviews, strategy board games and other valuable
materials, that provide a greater comprehension of the creative universe of Bolaño and contribute to a freer and more prolific interpretation of his work.
After the presentation of the exhibition at the CCCB and in
Buenos Aires, it is planned for it to be presented at the Casa del
Lector in Madrid from 10 February to 20 July 2015.
Pasolini Rome
Curators —
Gianni Borgna, Alain Bergala
and Jordi Balló
Organisation —
CCCB and Cinémathèque
française (Paris)
Coproduction —
CCCB, Cinémathèque française
(Paris), Palazzo delle Esposizione
(Rome) and Martin Gropius Bau
This project has been financed
with the help of the European
In Paris
14 October 2013 — 26 January 2014
“Pasolini Rome” is an eminently collective project conceived from
the outset to tour to four major European capitals. The work of the
four centres as a network takes an in-depth look at this capital figure of the 20TH century and has strata of views according to the
speciality of the centre hosting the exhibition. Thus it is possible to
evaluate with greater transversality the legacy of Pier Paolo Pasolini
for the European culture of the 21st century.
At the Cinémathèque française in Paris, the exhibition, which
offers a close view of Pasolini throughout a multiple and thrilling
life in permanent tension, the life of a creator and fighter on all
fronts, was accompanied by an extensive programme of parallel
activities; a complete retrospective on Pasolini the filmmaker,
staged readings and performances of his poetry and theatrical
texts, and study sessions on one of the most important European
intellectuals of the last century. Participants intervening included Serge Toubiana, Alain Bergala, Jordi Balló, Bernard Benoliel,
Stéphane Bouquet, René de Ceccatty, Hervé Joubert-Laurencin,
Georges Didi-Huberman, Dacia Maraini, Roberto Chiesi and
Ninetto Davoli, among others.
With this presentation, the Cinémathèque made a great impact
in the media and achieved a notable attendance by the public, with
close to 42,000 visitors. The Cinémathèque also created, with the
collaboration of the rest of its co-producers, a joint online platform
( and
which has attracted over 30,500 virtual visits.
In Rome
15 April — 20 June
Curators —
Gianni Borgna, Alain Bergala and
Jordi Balló
Coproduction —
CCCB, Cinémathèque française
(Paris), Palazzo delle Esposizione
(Rome) and Martin Gropius Bau
In no other place could showing the “Pasolini Roma” acquire more
meaning than in the city to which it is dedicated. Perhaps because
of this, and the fact that the exhibition was accompanied by an
extensive programme of meetings with witnesses, experts and intellectuals; by a retrospective of films; and by a long list of events
for discovering the close relationship Pasolini had with music, the
project was visited by 70,000 visitors.
For Pasolini, Rome was not just a stage set or a simple place
of residence. Rome had a physical, carnal and passionate existence,
as much for the man as for the writer, the poet and the filmmaker.
His encounter with Rome was for the author like a great love story,
with all its disappointments, its betrayals and its mixed feelings of
Organisation —
CCCB and Palazzo delle
Esposizione (Rome)
Financed with the help
of the European Commission.
passion and hatred, phases of attraction and phases of rejection, of
distancing and return. The difficult circumstances of his arrival in
Rome catapulted him into a world and a language that were not his
own: the precarious state of his finances forced him to live in the
world of the sub-proletariat of the periphery. From the discovery of
this new universe, a powerful inspiration was born from which he
found the theme of his first novels and films. Later, for Pasolini, the
public man, for the tireless analyst of Italian society, Rome became
the main point of observation, his permanent field of study, of reflection, of action and of persecution.
Beyond the CCCB — Exhibitions
In Berlin
15 September — 6 January 2015
Curators —
Gianni Borgna, Alain Bergala
and Jordi Balló
Coproduction —
CCCB, Cinémathèque française
(Paris), Palazzo delle Esposizione
(Rome) and Martin Gropius Bau
Organisation —
CCCB and Martin Gropius Bau
Financed with the help
of the European Commission.
“Pasolini Rome” lastly was presented at the Martin Gropius Bau
in Berlin where the exhibition highlighted an extremely lucid Pier
Paolo Pasolini who was awkward for Italy, who did not hesitate to
use the languages necessary at any given time, to explore them and
make them his own in order to commit, above all, to life. Using poetry, novel and film, he revolutionised the social and political conventions of his time, questioning both the middle-class sphere and
the conventional left. The exhibition was the discovery of a Rome
that was distanced from monumentality to stress its marginal ways
of life, with which Pasolini identified in that he felt marginal himself
because of his condition as a poet, a homosexual and a communist.
There is a new Rome after Pasolini, as well as a new way of looking
at his time and facing it.
To accompany the exhibition different sessions and seminars
were organised with different personalities from the German and
Italian cultural arenas, who rediscovered some of the aspects of the
exhibition and of the extensive work of Pasolini as a thinker and
impassioned artist: Moshe Kahn, Ijoma Mangold, Dacia Maraini,
Maike Albath, Dorothea Dieckmann and Walter Siti, Peter Kammerer, Mario Fortunato, Peter Schneider, Andrea Bajani, Agnese
Grieco, Peter von Becker, Volker Schlöndorff, Hans Ulrich Reck
and Ulrich Gregor, among others. The Arsenal–Institute for Film
and Video Art organised the retrospective in Berlin.
Curators —
Carolina López Caballero
Fantasy Visions in Starewitch,
Švankmajer and the Quay Brothers
In Madrid
Coproduction —
CCCB and La Casa Encendida
Organisation —
CCCB and La Casa Encendida,
of the Fundación Especial Caja
2 October 2014 — 11 January 2015
For nearly ten years the CCCB has been collaborating with La Casa
Encendida on projects where cinema of resistance against narrative
conventions takes on a specific importance.
On this occasion the CCCB and La Casa Encendida co-produced the exhibition “Metamorphosis. Fantasy Visions in Starewitch, Švankmajer and the Quay Brothers” which presented the
work of four essential figures in animated film – little known by the
general public, but who have been and are enormously influential
and are reference points in various spheres of contemporary creation: Ladislas Starewitch (1882-1965), Jan Švankmajer (1934) and
the classification-defying Quay Twins (1947).
The “Metamorphosis” experience, the exhibition and the parallel activities programmed in both Barcelona and Madrid, rediscovered this group of artists that, due to their radical nature, their
imagination and their own positioning, it is pertinent to re-read in
the framework of the cultural present and contextualise their subversive potential.
Accompanying the exhibition at La Casa Encendida (which has
been visited by over 121,800 visitors), screenings were programmed
of the films of Ladislas Starewitch in the company of the animals
that star in them at the Museo Nacional de Ciencias Naturales; and
an exhibition at the Museo Lázaro Galdiano, a selection of the jewels from his permanent collection in relation with the creative universe of Jan Švankmajer.
Beyond the CCCB — Exhibitions
The Complete Letters
In Paris
16 April — 30 July
Film is confirmed today as a central element of visual culture. Since
it was opened, the Centre Georges Pompidou placed it at the central core of its programming. After having screened it, exhibited it,
shown its process of creation, it proposes a new series of manifestations conceived on the basis of the exhibition The Complete Letters
which was presented at the CCCB in 2012.
In this singular tour of the exhibition, that takes the name of
Cineastes en correspondence, the Centre Georges Pompidou invited as guests the duos of filmmakers that made the filmed letters
Curator —
Jordi Balló
Coproduction —
La Casa Encendida (Madrid),
Centro Cultural Universitario
Tlatelolco (Mexico), Acción Cultural
Española (ACE) and CCCB
Organisation —
CCCB and Centre Georges
Pompidou (Paris)
separately: at the end of 2012 they programmed Jonas Mekas and
José Luis Guerín; in 2013 the Centre hosted the proposal by Albert
Serra and Lisandro Alonso; and from April 2014 Jaime Rosales and
Wang Bing presented their filmed correspondence formed by three
shorts, a retrospective of their films, the pre-premiere of Les Trois
soeurs du Yunnan (San Zimei), an unreleased film by Wang Bing,
a video installation by the Chinese filmmaker, and a meeting between the two film directors.
In Berlin
8 — 19 May
Curator —
Jordi Balló
Coproduction —
La Casa Encendida (Madrid),
Centro Cultural Universitario
Tlatelolco (Mexico), Acción Cultural
Española (ACE) and CCCB
Communicating international cinematographic culture in a living
way is the objective of Berlin’s renowned Arsenal Institute for Film
and Video Art. At the meeting point between practice and theory,
this institution creates a space for cross-disciplinary thinking
of culture and directs its attention towards independent and
Organisation —
CCCB and Arsenal – Institute
for Film and Video Art (Berlin)
experimental cinema as a platform for network communications,
promoting a dynamic exchange of cinema, art and science.
In this context, from 8 to 19 May, it programmed “The Complete Letters” with the presence of director José Luis Guerín.
In Istanbul
11 — 19 October
Curator —
Jordi Balló
Organisation —
CCCB y Pera Museum (Estambul).
Coproduction —
La Casa Encendida (Madrid),
Centro Cultural Universitario
Tlatelolco (México), Acción
Cultural Española (ACE) y CCCB
Since 2005 the Pera Museum has been one of the leading temporary exhibition venues in Istanbul. One of the most innovative parts
of its activity lies with Pera Films which periodically programmes
classic and experimental cinema, animation, documentaries, short
films and video art screenings.
In October it presented “The Complete Letters. Filmed Correspondence” which investigates the creative relationship between
filmmakers in the exchange of filmed ideas, where they consider affinities and differences, mutual respect and the simultaneity of their
interests. As a part of this programme, the Pera Museum invited
Catalan film director Albert Serra to a conversation with Rosa Ferré, the CCCB’s director of exhibitions..
In Jihlava
23 — 27 October
Curator —
Jordi Balló
Coproduction —
La Casa Encendida (Madrid),
Centro Cultural Universitario
Tlatelolco (Mexico), Acción Cultural
Española (ACE) and CCCB
Jihlava International Documentary Film Festival has organised, every
year since 1997, and in the month of October, the leading documentary film and creation festival in Central and Eastern Europe, under the
theme “Thought through Cinema”.
Organisation —
CCCB and International
Documentary Film Festival (Jihlava)
At the seventeenth edition of the Festival it presented the project
“The Complete Letters. Filmed Correspondence” with the presence of
the project curator Jordi Balló, and some of the filmmakers that took
part by sending epistolary works defined by cinematographic creation,
such as Albert Serra, José Luis Guerín and Jaime Rosales.
Beyond the CCCB — European Prize for Urban Public Space
European Prize for Urban Public Space
Every edition of the European Prize for Urban Public Space is accompanied
by a touring exhibition that displays the most prominent works. At each venue,
apart from the adaptation of the exhibition, various complementary parallel activities
are organised such as debates, workshops or conferences, which have attracted
close to 16,000 visitors.
In Favour of Public Space
Production —
Organisation —
Universidad San Francisco
de Quito
Exhibitions and debates around
the European Prize for Urban Public
Space 2012
In Quito
23 January — 7 February
The capital of Ecuador hosted the exhibition “In Favour of Public
Space” at the Universidad San Francisco de Quito (USFQ). The exhibition was inaugurated with a lecture by Josep Llinàs, chair of the
Jury of the seventh edition of the Prize, who offered a balance of the
prize-winning works.
The event was held at the neighbouring Teatro Calderón de la
Barca and attracted the presence of some two hundred people, including university authorities, teachers and students of the university
and general public.
In Athens
18 February — 10 March
Production —
Organisation —
Onassis Foundation
Athens hosted a retrospective exhibition on the thirteen works that
were winners over the course of the seven first editions of the European Prize for Urban Public Space (2000-2012). Examples of good
practices originating from Mollet del Vallès, Dublin, Zuera, Leipzig,
Terol, Begues, Zaanstadt, Zadar, London, Magdeburg, Oslo, Ljubljana and Barcelona were shown at the Arsakeion Buildings in the
Greek capital, within the framework of a broader exhibition titled
“Rethinking Athens: Towards a New Urban Centre”.
Organised by the Onassis Foundation – a private, non-profit
organisation – together with a series of public institutions such as
Athens City Council and various ministries of the Greek Government, the exhibition occupied, over all, nineteen commercial premises in this former shopping arcade that, despite a privileged location on Panepistimiou Street, was forced to close its doors due to
the economic decline of recent years and the progressive decadence
of the urban centre.
In Caen
26 February — 23 March
The exhibition on the European Prize for Urban Public Space 2012
was presented in Caen, in the north of France. It was hosted at the Pavillon de Normandie, an old industrial building situated on the banks
of the Basin Saint-Pierre and that the City Council Caen acquired to
convert it into a space for reflection and debate on the city. The capital of Lower Normandy was at that time facing an ambitious urban
transformation that is now underway and affects the old factory area
of La Presqu’île. This stretch of earth that reaches the Atlantic and
Production —
Organisation —
Atelier public d'urbanisme de Caen
that de-industrialisation had left infertile is to home new cultural facilities, as well as tertiary sector and residential buildings.
The pavilion, which occupies the end of La Presqu’île closest
to the urban centre, opened its doors in 2014 to become the centre
point of this transformation, the place where citizens can heighten
their awareness and debate its effects on the social and economic
future of the city.
In Luxembourg
1 April — 11 May
After Caen, the exhibition was presented at the Fondation pour l’architecture et l’ingénierie in Luxembourg within the framework of
the activities of Design City.
The city, which has a long tradition of reflection on public space,
is connected with the movement of pedestrianization of the historical
centres so common in Europe. Currently, Luxembourg is seeking to
solve the problems stemming from its dispersion over the territory,
Production —
Organisation —
Fondation pour l’architecture
et l’ingénierie
it has a system of shared bicycles that has become very popular and
is preparing to adapt to the governmental obligation that determines
that all buildings be passive in energy terms from the year 2017. The
exhibition of the 2012 Prize sought to enter into dialogue with the
main questions linked to public space that the city has raised.
Beyond the CCCB — European Prize for Urban Public Space
Production —
Organisation —
Center for Architecture Foundation
Seven Lessons from the European
Prize For Urban Public Space
In New York
27 March — 21 June
The European Prize for Urban Public Space was presented for the
first time in the United States. The Center for Architecture in New
York hosted “Polis”, the retrospective exhibition of the first seven
editions of the Prize (2000-2012).
This centre, the New York branch of the American Institute of
Architects (AIA) and of the Center for Architecture Foundation, is
located near to the park at Washington Square. The space opened its
doors in 2003 and since then its efforts to disseminate the qualities
of the architecture and urban fabric of New York have made it a
cultural reference point for the city.
The Centre for Architecture hosted a retrospective of the 35
winning works over the course of the first seven editions of the
Prize. Far beyond limiting itself to giving an account of the results
of the competition, the exhibition placed emphasis on the lessons
that can be learned from them.
For this reason, the works exhibited were grouped under seven
headings that emerged in an empirical fashion: Periphery, Complexity, Voids, Water, Mobility, Memory and Democracy. All of
these confirm the social and political dimension that impregnates
the city and that is so well reflected in the Greek term polis, which
was also the name of the exhibition.
Shared Cities
Production —
Organisation —
Mairie de Bordeaux
Exhibitions and debates around
the European Prize for Urban Public
Space 2014
8 — 14 September
“Shared Cities” is the exhibition of works that were recognised as
winners, special mentions and finalists in the eighth edition of the
European Prize for Urban Public Space 2014.
Its European trek started in Bordeaux, in the French Atlantic
zone. The city itself has experienced a major urban transformation
in recent decades, making it the ideal witness for hosting the exhibition of the prize.
The exhibition was presented at the City Council Salons within
the framework of “Agora 2014. Biennale d’architecture d’urbanisme
et de design“. Making manifest the desire to accompany the new
character of the town culturally, this space was created to bring urban
planning and architecture to the general public through activities in
different disciplines (film, literature, photography, etc.) which open
the way toward reflection and debate on European urban space.
In Szczecin
16 — 26 October
Production —
After stopping off at Bordeaux, the exhibition was presented in
Szczecin, the largest port city in Poland. The exhibition was framed
within the context of the eighth edition of Westival, the international
architecture competition celebrated this year’s edition under the title
“City, a Public Thing”. Through conferences, debates, workshops and
exhibitions on urban spaces of Szczecin and of other Polish and European cities, the festival aimed to investigate the role played by the
city in our lives, especially from 1989 onwards. It asks how the public
spaces of different cities and cultures are conceived and experienced,
and how space should be to best encourage coexistence.
The exhibition was presented at the Philharmonic by Judit Carrera, director of the European Prize for Urban Public Space; Michel
Devigne, one of the winners of the 2014 prize for the reform of the
Vieux-Port in Marseille; and Francis Rambert, Director of the Cité de
l’architecture et du patrimoine in Paris and member of the Prize jury.
Organisation —
Fondation pour l’architecture
et l’ingénierie
© Marina Palà
CCCB Holdings — Archives
CCCB Archive
Organisation —
The CCCB Archive is the digital and multimedia collection that
contains all the CCCB’s past material and makes it accessible to the
public with a broad variety of resources on key issues in contemporary culture and society, from the first exhibitions to the most
recent debates and festivals.
Currently, visitors to the CCCB Archive can consult over 10,000
multimedia references (recordings of lectures; performances, recitals and concerts; in-house audiovisuals; photographs; information
on activities and their participating authors, curators and speakers),
which represent 100% of the historical holdings of the CCCB, and
to which all the materials generated by its programming are gradually incorporated.
In addition to its aim of communication, the Archive also has the
vocation of being a space for recording the CCCB’s history, and an area
for all visitors offering an area for reception, reading and relaxation.
Public Space
Organisation —
Within the context of —
Europe City Project, with
the support of the European
Commission’s Culture Programme.
Collaboration —
Museum of Architecture and
Design MAO (Ljubljana), The
Architecture Foundation AF
(London), Museum of Finnish
Architecture MFA (Helsinki),
La Cité de l’architecture et du
patrimoine (Paris), Deutsches
Architekturmuseum DAM
(Frankfurt) and Architekturzentrum
Wien Az W (Vienna)
Sponsorship —
Copcisa, Abertis and Escofet
Public Space is the CCCB’s portal on city and public space. Structured around the European prize for Urban Public Space, it offers
information on the projects presented, texts by authoritative authors, and all the news on the debates, exhibitions and festivals with
an urban theme. Currently, the website contains details of around
450 interventions in the public space featuring over 300 cities.
Thanks to the Europe City Project, which enjoys the support of
funds from the European Union’s Culture Programme (2007-2013),
the project has started to explore, interpret and evaluate in depth
all of this legacy accumulated over nearly 14 years. Thus, the Prize’s
website aims to continue expanding its contents, extend its network
of complicities and become consolidated as one of the reference
websites in urban themes.
CCCB Holdings — Archives
Xcèntric Archive
Organisation —
The CCCB’s archive of art-house cinema
In 2014 the archive became part of the exhibition “Metamorphosis”
and served as a space for viewing the films by those filmmakers cited
in the exhibition. During the 2013-2014 academic year, the Archive’s
guest audiovisual project was ”El video del minut: un espai propi, un film
col·lectiu” [The One-Minute Video: an own space, a collective film]. Until 2 October it was possible to view a selection of films made by women,
lasting one minute in duration and in a single shot, made by Virginia
García del Pino (filmmaker) and Elena Oroz (researcher and teacher).
During the second half of the year, educational activities were carried out such as workshops and special presentations of the new incorporations. As a new feature, guided visits for groups were offered, and
together with the CCCB’s Education Service, itineraries were prepared
for the archive’s contents and other educational materials aimed at a
teenage audience. And, through the Drac Màgic collective, for the first
time the Archive received visits from school groups. The Xcèntric Archive opens from Tuesday to Sunday, from 11.00 to 20.00, on Floor -1
of the CCCB and admission is free of charge. Furthermore, it proposes
a service for groups with a guided tour of the contents of the archive
subject to prior booking at [email protected]. The list of films can be
consulted at
CCCB Holdings — Archives in Collaboration
Organisation —
Observatory Archives
The Unidentified Frame Observatory Archives are of an intentional
and thematic nature: the aim is to facilitate a critique of contemporary culture using different strategies (video art, independent documentary and mass media archaeology). The Archives contain an
entire constellation of disparate works, the common denominator
of which is their free expression and reflection on individual and
collective fears and pleasures. Together they build up a view with
numerous facets, of thousands of tiny eyes that explore our world in
depth, or announce other possible worlds; a discourse whose main
values are heterogeneity, contradiction and subjectivity, and that
aims to be a salutary lesson against the cloning and repetition of the
corporate mass media.
Organisation —
Orquestra del Caos and CCCB
Sound Art Archive
Sonoscop is the permanent collaboration project between Orquestra del Caos and the CCCB. Its aim is the creation of a multimedia archive of experimental music and sound art accessible to
the public, whether through physical presence, or through other
forms of electronically-derived presence, such as the web. The total
number of sound archives now exceeds one thousand but, furthermore, the archive includes catalogues, hand programmes, publications on paper, audiovisual material and CD-ROMs.
CCCB Holdings — Publications
© Marina Palà
Exhibition Catalogues
Fantasy Visions in Starewitch, Švankmajer and the Quay Brothers
Anonymise Yourself
Electronic Self-Defence Handbook
Presentation and journey through the work and references of filmmakers Ladislas Starewitch, Jan Švankmajer and the Brothers Quay,
to trace the lines of intersection and convergence between their imaginaries. Although these are three very personal universes of great
richness and multiple nuances, they often share an atmosphere or
reference points or sinister, surreal, humorous poetics in which the
fairy tale coexists with the cabinet of curiosities, Renaissance science,
magical illusions and a certain intellectual, aesthetic and literary legacy originating from the Eastern Europe of the early 20TH century.
Within the context of the “Big Bang Data” exhibition, Anonymise
Yourself. Electronic Self-Defence Handbook, offers a set of recommendations, tools and practices to preserve privacy in the PostSnowden world.
Texts by Philippe M. Frowd, Gemma Galdon Clavell, Olga Subirós,
José Luis de Vicente and José María Zarvala
Catalan-English / Spanish-English
20 pages, 32 images in b/w and colour / 29 x 37 cm
Published by: CCCB, with the support of Palau Macaya
of Obra Social “La Caixa”
Texts by Jordi Costa, Brian Dillon, Andrés Hispano, Carolina López,
François Martin and Pascal Vimenet
Catalan-English / Spanish-English
192 pages, 250 images in b/w and colour / 17 x 24 cm
ISBN: 978-84-9803-513-1 (Catalan) / 978-84-9803-668-8 (Spanish)
Published by: CCCB, La Casa Encendida and the Communication
Department of the Diputació de Barcelona
The Start of Tomorrow
Mancomunitat of Catalonia: 100 years
On 6 April 1914 and presided over by Enric Prat de la Riba, the
Mancomunitat de Catalunya constituted a political project that
consisted of associating the four provincial councils (diputacions)
of Catalonia. Despite having no own resources beyond the budgets
of the provincial councils, the Mancomunitat carried out impressive work and was capable of creating and transforming the country. It acted over the course of a decade with great energy to create
solid tools for connectivity and growth in Catalonia.
The Shadow and the Photographer 1922-1936
In the work of photographer Antoni Arissa Asmarats (Barcelona,
1900-1980), one of the most important figures in the photographic
avant-garde, we find a clear and explicit artistic ambition. For him,
photography is not just a way of reflecting and documenting reality,
but the possibility of delving deeper into his creative dimension. His
artistic ambitious, the constant searching and experimentation, situate his work in the pictorialism of the first era, to evolve later towards
the New Vision, undoubtedly his most modern and important phase.
Texts by Rafael Levenfeld and Valentín Vallhonrat
Catalan-English / Spanish-English
200 pages / 200 images in b/w and colour / 17 x 24 cm
ISBN: 978-84-617-2303-4 (Catalan, paperback) / 978-84-15282-04-4
(Spanish, hardback)
Published by: CCCB and Fundación Telefónica
208 pages, 145 images in b/w and colour / 17 x 24 cm
ISBN: 978-84-9803-685-5
Published by: CCCB and Department of the Communication
of the Diputació de Barcelona
CCCB Holdings — Publications
© Marina Palà
Dixit Collection
© Marina Palà
Breus CCCB Collection
Begun in the year 2006 and with 72 titles published, the Breus collection covers, in abbreviated format and in the original version accompanied by a Catalan or Spanish translation, some of the most
significant lectures offered at the CCCB within the framework of
debates, seminars, series of conferences and symposiums.
The result of collaboration between the CCCB and the Argentinian
publisher Katz Editores, Dixit publishes, in Spanish, a selection of
lectures previously published in the Breus collection. With Dixit, the
CCCB makes accessible to the public from the rest of Spain and of
Latin America the best lectures given at the CCCB.
Breus published in 2014:
Dixit published in 2014:
66. Evgeny Morozov, Democràcia, tecnologia i ciutat / Democracy,
Technology and the City
21. Eva Illouz, El futuro del alma / La creación de estándares
76 pages / 12.5 x 17 cm
64 pages / 11 x 20 cm
ISBN: 978-84-617-2761-2
ISBN: 978-84-15917-11-3
Published by: CCCB
Published by: CCCB and Katz Editores
67. Marta Segarra, L’habitació, la casa, el carrer / Room,
House, Street
84 pages / 12.5 x 17 cm
ISBN: 978-84-617-2581-6
Published by: CCCB
68. Kamila Shamsie, Karachi, la ciutat sense mapa / Karachi,
the Unmapped City
64 pages / 12.5 x 17 cm
ISBN: 978-84-617-2583-0
Published by: CCCB
69. Gonçalo M. Tavares, Breus notes sobre Europa / Breves notas
sobre Europa
70 páginas / 12,5 x 17 cm
ISBN: 978-84-617-2585-4
Edición: CCCB
70. Nancy Fraser, Repensar el capitalisme / Rethinking Capitalism
70 pages / 12.5 x 17 cm
ISBN: 978-84-617-2587-8
Published by: CCCB
71. Colm Tóibín, Orwell i Barcelona / Orwell and Barcelona
88 pages / 12.5 x 17 cm
ISBN: 978-84-617-2588-5
Published by: CCCB
72. Pankaj Mishra, El nou desordre mundial. La crisi del model
occidental / The New World Disorder. The Western Model Is Broken
64 pages / 12.5 x 17 cm
ISBN: 978-84-617-2589-2
Published by: CCCB
CCCB © Miquel Taverna
General Details
Collaborating institutions and companies
A consortium of:
Amb el suport del programa
Cultura de la Unió Europea
Collaborating Media:
General Details
0100101110101101.ORG/d-i-n-a, 15-L. Films, A Home in Progress Film, AFAB, Analogic Té, Anilla Cultural Latinoamérica-Europa,
Animac (Lleida), Any Vinyoli, Apropa Cultura, Ara Llibres, Architekturzentrum Wien (Viena), Àrea de Gestió de la Ciutat i Urbanisme
(UOC), Àrea Metropolitana de Barcelona, Arena Libros, Arola editors, Arsenal-Institute for Film and Video Art (Berlín), Arts Santa Mònica,
Arxiu Fotogràfic de Barcelona, Associació Cau d’Orella, Associació Drap-Art, Associació Orquestra de Cambra Catalana, Atelier public
d'urbanisme de Caen, Athanor-Film Production Company, B·Debate, Barcelona Lab, Barcelona Pensa, Barcelona Supercomputing
Center-Centro Nacional de Supercomputación (BSC-CNS), Barcelona Urban Beers, Bcnlab, Biblioteca de Barcelona, Blackie Books,
Blanquerna-Universitat Ramon Llull, British Council, Capitán Swing Libros, Casal dels Infants del Raval, Casal Lambda, Catalunya
Dades, Catalunya Film Festivals, Càtedra de Filosofia Contemporània de la UB, Center for Architecture Foundation (Nova York), Centre
Cultural Recoleta, Centre Dona i Literatura de la Universitat de Barcelona, Centre for Liberal Strategies (Sofia, Bulgària), Centre Georges
Pompidou (París), Centro Checo, Centset, Charles Stewart Mott Foundation, Círculo de Bellas Artes de Madrid, Cité de l’architecture
et du patrimoine (París), Civio, Col·lectiu Accions Urbanes, Collège d’études mondiales, ComplexitatLab, Consorci Besòs, Consorci
Universitat Internacional Menéndez Pelayo Barcelona (CUIMPB)-Centre Ernest Lluch, Crater-Lab, CREAL, Creative Lab de Google,
Data and Ethics Working Group, Debate, Departament de Comunicació Audiovisual de la UAB, Departament de Comunicació de
la UPF, Departament de Cultura-Generalitat de Catalunya, Deutsches Architekturmuseum (Frankfurt), Difusor, Ediciones La Cúpula,
Edicions Bromera, Edicions de 1984, Edicions del Periscopi, Editorial Afers, Editorial Alpha Decay, Editorial Anagrama, Editorial Ariel,
Editorial Crítica, Editorial Icaria, Editorial Minúscula, Editorial Pálido Fuego, Editorial Roca, Editorial Seix Barral, Editorial Siberia, Editorial
Taurus, Ellago Ediciones, Enter Forum, Escola d’Escriptura de l’Ateneu Barcelonès, ESMUC, Eumo Editorial, Ex-Centris Production,
Fab Festival, Factea Produccions, Facultat de Comunicació Blanquerna, FCForum, Festival #8daysbcn, Festival Sónar+D, Filmin,
Filmoteca de Catalunya, Fondation pour l’architecture et l’ingénierie, Fragmenta Editorial, Freshwater Ecology Management Research,
Fundació Antoni Tàpies, Fundació Foto Colectania, Fundació Joan Miró, Fundació Onassis, Fundació Palau i Fabra, Fundació Pere
Tarrés, Fundació SGAE, Fundación Autor, Fundación Botín, Galaxia Gutenberg, Gent Normal, Gobierno de la Ciudad de Buenos Aires,
Goethe-Institut Barcelona, Grec 2014 Festival de Barcelona, Grup de Recerca en Teoria Política de la Universitat Pompeu Fabra, Grup
de recerca GRIPES-UB/UAB/UPF, Grupo Planeta/Editorial Destino Infantil y Juvenil, Herder Editorial, Hipnotik Faktory, IAAC-Fab Lab,
ICAA-Ministerio de Cultura, ICEC-Departament de Cultura de la Generalitat de Catalunya, ICREA-Movement Ecology Laboratory, ICUBAjuntament de Barcelona, IGOPnet (UAB), INAEM, Institució Catalana de Recerca i Estudis Avançats (ICREA), Institució de les Lletres
Catalanes de la Generalitat de Catalunya, Institut d’arquitectura avançada de Catalunya, Institut d’Estudis Fotogràfics de Catalunya,
Institut d’Humanitats de Barcelona, Institut de Biologia Evolutiva, Institut de Ciències del Mar, Institut de Ciències Fotòniques (ICFO),
Institut de Govern i Polítiques Públiques (IGOP, UAB), Institut de Recherche et d’Innovation (IRI), Institut français de Barcelona, Institut
für die Wissenschaften vom Menschen (IWM), Institut pour la ville en mouvement, Institut Ramon Llull, Instituto Camões de Barcelona,
Instituto Polaco de Cultura, International Documentary Film Festival (Jihlava), ISGlobal, Istituto Italiano di Cultura di Barcellona, Jardí
Botànic de Barcelona, José Antonio Martínez Lapeña & Elías Torres Architects, Katz editores, L’Auditori, La Conquesta del Pol Sud,
La Fàbrica de Cinema Alternatiu, La Mandarina de Newton, La Perla 29, La Seca-Espai Brossa, La Virreina. Centre de la Imatge,
Lampreave, Lapsus, Legal Music, Literatura Random House, Loop Barcelona, Lumen, Mairie de Bordeaux, Marvin & Wayne, Màster
en Estudis Xinesos de la Universitat Pompeu Fabra, Màster en Turisme i Humanitats de la UAB, Mecal, Media Antena, Medialab-Prado,
Mediapro, Miniput, Ministerio de cultura, MIRA Festival, Mondo Sonoro, Museu d’Art Contemporani de Barcelona (MACBA), Museu
Frederic Marès, Museu Nacional d'Art de Catalunya (MNAC), Museum of Architecture and Design (Ljubljana), Museum of Finnish
Architecture (Hèlsinki), Noucinemart, Obra Social “La Caixa”, Observatori de Vídeo No Identificat (OVNI), OFFF, Oficina de Ciència
Ciutadana del Barcelona Lab, Oficina del Québec de Barcelona, OKFN-Open Knowledge Foundation, Open Society Foundations,
OpenSystemsUB, Orquestra del Caos, Outliers School, P2P Foundation, P2Pvalue Project, Palau Macaya, Paral·lel 40, Parc de Recerca
Biomèdica de Barcelona, Pen Català, Pera Museum (Istambul), PrimaveraPro, Proa, Producciones Animadas, Programa de Doctorat
de la Facultat de Filosofia de la UNED, Projecte Schowb, Punt d’Informació Aerobiològica, Quaderns Crema, Química Visual, Red927,
Robert Bosch Stiftung, Rosa dels Vents, Sajalín Editores, SDE, Seed&Click, Slumber Studio, Societat Catalana d’Estadística,
Societat Catalana de Biologia, Sonar +D, SOS Racisme Catalunya, Tantàgora, Teatre Nacional de Catalunya (TNC), Tecnocampus Mataró,
Telefónica I+D, Telenoika, The Architecture Foundation (Londres), Transmedia Week, Universidad San Francisco de Quito, Universitat
de Barcelona, Universitat de Girona, Universitat de Lleida, Universitat Ramon Llull, Universitat Rovira i Virgili, UPC School, Velvet Events,
Viena Edicions, Viu el Teatre, Voxprima, Web Visions,, Xarxa d’Arquitectures Col·lectives, Xarxa de Biblioteques, Xarxa Veïnal
de Ciutat Vella, ZZZINC
General Details
Speakers at Debates, Lectures, Courses and Workshops
Isidre Plaza, Senén Roy
and Cristina Sáez
Lessons from the Wave
of Protests in Europe
Antoni Bassas, Germà Bel
and Xavier Sala i Martín
Turó de la Rovira:
The Invisible Intervention
Data journalism work
David Castillo, Carlota
Coloma, Paco González
Díaz, Adrià Lahuerta and
Josep Llinàs
Ayse Akalin, Jaume
Asens, Ivan Krastev,
Maria Lipman, Oleksandr
Sushko and Jordi Vaquer
An economic model
for Catalonia
16 January
22 January, 20 March,
22 May, 19 June, 9 October,
19 November and 10 December
Xavier Badosa, Eduard
Martín Borregón, David
Casado, Antonio Delgado,
Pedro García, Àngels
Llorens, Natalia Mazzote,
Álvaro Millán, Diego
Pasqual, Víctor Pascual,
Enric Pons, Joan Soler,
Idoia Sota, Federico
Todeschini and Ben
22 January
Adam Advirsson, Marco
Berlinguer (moderator),
Samer Hassan, Primavera
de Filippi and Mayo Fuster
Open City
27 January-24 March
Neus Ballús, Bruce
Bégout, Josep Maria
Benet i Jornet, Valeria
Bergalli, Fina Birulés,
Toni Casares, Rafael
Chirbes, Marina Espasa,
Manuel Forcano, Najat
El Hachmi, Erri de Luca,
Evgeny Morozov, Susanna
Rafart, Marta Segarra,
Kamila Shamsie and Joan
Internet Universe
5-14 February
Jordi Bernabeu, Efraín
Foglia, Marcus Hurst,
Juan Insua, Irene
Lapuente, Jordi Oliver,
20 February
26 April
The Idea of Europe
5, 12,19 and 26 May and 2 June
The Brain
11, 18 and 25 March and 1 April
David Bueno i Torrens,
Josep Corbella,
Albert Costa, Ruth
de Diego, Ricard Solé
and Jaume Vilalta
Possibilities for Dialogue
26 March
Carolina López,
Léona-Béatrice MartinStarewitch, Germans Quay
and Jan Švankmajer
Cosmopolitism, Patriotism,
Nationalism: Three Roads
to Modernity?
2 April
Josep Maria Fradera
and Anthony Pagden
House of Leaves.
Cult Literature
22 April
Mark. Z. Danielewski
and Javier Blànquez
2nd Data Journalism and
Open Data Conference
25 April
Eva Belmonte, Mar
Cabra, Juan Francisco
Caro, Jesús Escudero,
Nicola Hughes, Karma
Peiró, Josep Perelló,
Gabriela Rodríguez, Mar
Santamaria, Mariana
Santos and Joan Soler
Anne Applebaum,
Carme Colomina, Cecilia
Dreymüller, Carles A.
Foguet, Nancy Fraser,
Owen Jones, Josep Maria
Martí Font, Gabi Martínez,
Josep Maria Muñoz, Raül
Romeva Rueda, Francesc
Serés, Gonçalo M. Tavares
and Michel Wieviorka
Courses and workshops
at the Beta Station
5 May-8 November
Pau Agulló, José Luis
Agúndezi, Carlos Alonso,
Gemma Avenoza, Toni
Badia, Xavier Badosa,
Albert Barqué, Núria Bel,
Eva Belmonte, Manuel
Bruscas, David Cabo,
Francesc Carreras,
David Casado, Gerard
Casamayor, Albert
Compte, Jordi Corbera,
Fernando Cucchietti,
Albert Diaz-Guilera, Josep
Flix Molina, Enrique
Frías, Mayo Fuster, Pedro
García, Marc Garriga,
Mònica Garriga, Elena
González-Blanco, Joan
Guàrdia, Roger Guimerà,
Àlex Hinojo, Aldo de Jong,
Carme Jordi, Alexandros
Karatzoglou, Aaron Koblin,
Víctor López, Jorge Luis
Salcedo Maldonado,
Xavier Luri, Mario Macías,
Roger Magoulas, Lev
Manovich, Óscar Marín,
Eduard Martín-Borregón,
Rubén Martínez, Álvaro
Millán, Julià Minguillón,
María Morrás, Alessandro
Mosca, David Nogué,
Cédric Notredame,
Modesto Orozco, Vicenç
Palà, Karme Peiró, Rafael
Pellón, Josep Perelló,
Sebastián Pérez, Antonio
Pérez-Calero Yzquierdo,
Jordi Portell, José
Remesal, Genís Roca,
Jaime de la Rocha, Núria
Rodríguez, Antonio Rojas,
Francesco Ronzano,
Xavier Rubio Campillo,
Horacio Saggion, Encarna
Segura, Idoia Sota, Moritz
Stefaner, Olga Subirós,
Federico Todeschini
and Mariano Vázquez
Narrating Google
15 May
Sergio Chejfec and Jordi
Unbranding Barcelona
23 May
Miquel Flamarich
and Marina Garcés
An evening with Neil
29 May
Neil Gaiman and Patricia
The Future
of the European City
30 May
Eugeni Bach
and Hans Ibelings
Urban Passages
3 June
Carles Llop
and Marcel Smets
General Details
A Story of Marginality
Under Siege
4 June
16 and 25 September,
and 2 and 3 October
Jordi Costa, Dora García
and Enrique Vila-Matas
Enter Forum 2014
16 and 18 June
Yair Amichai-Hamburguer,
Victòria Camps, Michael
W. Carroll, Milad
Doueihi, Eva Illouz, Isaki
Lacuesta, Geert Lovink,
Antoni Muntadas, César
Rendueles, Paula Sibilia
and Bernard Stiegler
The Shout of Literature
17 June
Hélène Cixous
and Marta Segarra
A History of Jealousy
18 June
Helena González
and Javier Moscoso
Mirador Kosmopolis.
Unknown Classics
and New Writers
18 June
Jordi Nopca, Valeria
Bergalli, Laura Baena,
Marina Espasa, Jenn
Díaz, Daniel Osca,
Muge Sökmen,
Oscar Van Gelderen,
David Gálvez
and Yannick Garcia
Talks in the Old City
2 July
Josep Bohigas, David
Bravo, Gala Pin and
Alessandro Scarnato
Barcelona, from George
Orwell to Democracy
8 July
Miquel Berga
and Colm Tóibín
Catalonia in the Mirror
of Immigration
17 November
Ahron Bregman, Judit
Carrera, Mariam Ghani,
Tonje Hessen Schei,
Marc Marginedas, Chus
Martínez, Leila Nachawati,
Lali Sandiumenge and
Chris Woods
Neus Ballús, Carles
Capdevila, Andreu
Domingo, Oriol Nel·lo
and Francesc Serés
The Human Animal
Remo Bodei, Jordi
Boixaderas, Juan Manuel
Forte and Rosa Rius Gatell
6 October
Francisco J. Ayala,
Jaume Casals and Víctor
Gómez Pin
The New World Disorder
7 October
Pankaj Mishra
and Joan Roura
Stem Cells: A Future
without Diseases?
21 and 28 October,
4 and 11 November
Salvador A. Benitah,
Daniel Closa, Ana
Macpherson, Pura Muñoz,
Ángel Raya, Gema
Revuelta, Cristina Sáez
and Joan Seoane
OpenWalls Conference
24 and 26 October
Javier Abarca, Jens
Besser, Todd W. Bressi,
Monica Campana,
Nicolás de la Carrera,
Leon Cullinane, David
Demougeot, Teresa
Lee Nathan Bofkin, Jorge
Will Shank and Veronica
Transmedia Narrative
Design Workshop
27 and 28 October
Carlos A. Scolari, Montecarlo
and Laura Borràs
and the Life of Others
20 November
Body: Sexual Identities
in China
21 November
Dolors Miquel, Manel Ollé,
Li Yinhe and Cui Zi’en
Urban Planet: Mobility
in Cities of the Future
24 November
Mark Nieuwenhuijsen,
Salvador Rueda
and John Urry
Blanca Llum Vidal and
Andrea Motis & Joan
Chamorro with The New
Catalan Ensemble
The Shaping of an Identity.
A History of Catalonia
15 December
Joaquim Albareda, Josep
Fontana, Josep Maria
Muñoz, Borja de Riquer,
Josep Maria Salrach
and Eva Serra
José Antonio Martínez
Lapeña & Elías Torres
18 December
Lluís Clotet, Flora
Dominich, José Antonio
Martínez Lapeña, Rafael
Moneo, Aureli Mora,
Carles Muro, Ricardo
Sánchez Lampreave,
Elías Torres and Miguel
Science at Christmas
23 December
In Praise of Adventure
26 November
and 3 and 10 December
Xavi Ayén, Eloy Fernández
Porta, Frédéric Gros,
Fredric Jameson, Miguel
Morey and Sergio Rossi
Beyond Identity
2 December
Xavier Bassas, Vincent
Descombes, Felip
Martí-Jufresa and Daniel
Anniversary Promenade.
Joan Vinyoli Tribute
12 December
Mireia Calafell, David
Castillo, David Caño, Enric
Casasses, Miquel De
Palol, Jordi Llavina, Núria
Martínez-Vernis, Francesc
Parcerisas, Josep Pedrals,
Gustavo Deco, Carles
Lalueza Fox and Ricard
General Details
Use of spaces and rental of spaces
Accenture, S.L.U
Pakistan Constitution Day
Agència Catalana
de Turisme (Catalan
Tourism Board)
Press conference - 1st
Accessible Tourism
Ajuntament de Barcelona
(Barcelona City Council)
Department of Social
Presentation of the Municipal
Plan for Elderly People 20132014
Ajuntament de Barcelona
(Barcelona City Council)
Commerce and Consumer
Affairs Department
12th European Urban
Commerce Conference
Ajuntament de Barcelona
(Barcelona City Council)
Institut Barcelona Esports
(Barcelona Sports Institute)
“Count to Three” Prize
Awards Ceremony
Presentation of the SchoolAged Sports Plan for the city
of Barcelona 2014-2015
Presentation of the survey
on the sporting habits of
the school population of
Amics de la Unesco
de Barcelona (Friends
of UNESCO of Barcelona)
School literary competition
in languages of origin and
Diversacat Audiovisual
for the Development
of Female Talent
The Seed of Transformation
Arquitectura Lúdica SL
AIA CAE Conference
Asociación Poros
(Poros Association)
Barcelona Freudian Field
Foundation Seminar
Asociación Agile Spain
(Agile Spain Association)
Agile Spain 2014 Conference
Asociación Cultural
(Demanoenmano Cultural
social market
Associació Professional
d'Il·lustradors de Catalunya
(Professional Illustrators
Association of Catalonia)
Professional Illustrators
Conference 2014
Asociación de agencias
de Branding en Rusia
(Branding in Russia
Agencies Association)
Visual Communication Forum
Autoritat del Transport
Metropolità (Metropolitan
Transport Authority - ATM)
Presentation of the Mobility
Master Plan 2013-2018
Asociación Ibérica de
Fotocatálisis (Iberian
Photocatalysis Association)
Decontaminating Paving
and Buildings Conference
B Mount (Nakport
Europe SL)
Mazda (localisation)
por la Tolerancia
(Pro-Tolerance Association)
13th Pro-Tolerance Film
Associació de Fotògrafs
Professionals (Association
of Professional
Lux 2014 Prizes Award
Associació d'Escriptors
en Llengua Catalana
(Association of Catalan
Language Writers)
22nd Seminar on Translation
in Catalonia
Associació per a la Clínica
i l'Ensenyament de la
Psicoanàlisi (Association
for Clinical Practice and
Teaching of Psychoanalysis
14th Joint Conference
of the Clinical Schools
in the Clinical Formations
of the Lacanian Field
Associació per a potenciar
el patrimoni cultural,
històric i de la natura
(Association for the
Promotion of Cultural,
Historical and Natural
Heritage, TARA)
Initiation in Heruka
and Manjusrhy
Associació per la
Divulgació Quàntica
(Association for Quantum
Quantum Congress
Barcelona 3D School S.L
4th Forum on New
Audiovisual Contents. 3D
Barcelona Graduate School
of Economics
Economics XII Meeting
Barcelona Supercomputing
Center – Centro Nacional
de Supercomputación
Severo Ochoa Retreat
Bcn Analytics
Inaugural event
Biocat. Fundació BioRegió
de Catalunya (BioRegion
Foundation of Catalonia)
European Biomedical
Investor's Day
Brau edicions
Presentation of the book
La via alemanya by Martí
Casio España S.L.
CCOO de Catalunya
Complementary Social
Security Area
Tenth Conference on
Complementary Social
Centre for Liberal Strategies
Protest Waves Seminar
Centre Maurits Coppieters
Conference on “The Right to
Decide. Democratic Quality
for a New State”
CEPS Projectes Socials
(CEPS Social Projects)
Digital Discrimination and
Social Networks International
Coalició electoral La
Izquierda Plural (Plural Left
Electoral Coalition)
Conference on: “Is the Euro
Crisis Over?”
Coalició per Europa
(Coalition for Europe)
Convergència i Unió event
Col·legi de Dissenyadors
d'Interiors i Decoradors
de Catalunya (School of
Interior Designers and
Decorators of Catalonia)
Codic 2014 Prizes Awards
Col·legi oficial de Treball
Social de Catalunya
(Official Social Work
Association of Catalonia)
Col·legi oficial de Treball
Social de Catalunya
(Official Social Work
Association of Catalonia)
Talk on: “The Collapse of the
System: Bases for Thinking
About the New Millennium”
Compromís per Barcelona.
Our proposal
Consorci per a la
Normalització Lingüística
(Consortium for Linguistic
2nd Conference on Learning
Languages in the 21st
Dialogue between Josep
Ramoneda and Álvaro
Martínez Majado: “Social
Movements and Capacity for
Change”. Dialogue between
Iñigo Méndez de Vigo and
Laura Batalla: “Europe, A
Common Horizon?”
Diputació de Barcelona
(Barcelona Provincial
Conference to coincide with
World Rare Diseases Day
Diputació de Barcelona
(Barcelona Provincial
Council) International
Relations Department
Training seminar: “European
Subsidies 2014-2020
for Cultural Projects”
General Details
Information sessions on the
LIFE community programme
Diputació de Barcelona
(Barcelona Provincial
Council) Libraries Services
Library Day
Diputació de Barcelona
(Barcelona Provincial
Council) Cultural
Heritage Office
8th Municipal Archives
General Linguistic Policy
How is communicative
excellence measured?
Edicions del País
Valencià, S.A
Citizen Science Prize
ERC. Municipal Group
Barcelona, Capital
of the Catalan Republic
ESADE Alumni
Big Bang Data SADE Alumni
Marketing Club
Escola Superior de Disseny
i Arts Plàstiques (Higher
School of Design and
Plastic Arts)
ESDAP inaugural event
ETICAS Research
& Consulting
Surveillance Congress
Eurosolar Espanya
Solar Prizes 2014
Eventisimo S.L.
Unstoppable (Schweppes)
Extreme Networks
Extreme Networks
Partner Circle
Factor Clave
Comunicación, S.L.
Google event
Federació de Barcelona
d'Esquerra Republicana
de Catalunya (ERC
Barcelona Federation)
Debates with candidates
for the Barcelona mayoral
primary election 2015
Foundation for P2P
P2P Value
Fundació Acadèmia
(Academy Foundation)
Closing Session of the
Catalan Society for
Psychiatry and Mental Health
Fundació Blanquerna
(Blanquerna Foundation)
Celebration of 20 years
of the Blanquerna School
of Communication and
International Relations
Fundació Carme
Serrallonga (Carme
Serrallonga Foundation)
Lecture “My Villena
and the Country’s Villena”
and concert by the Villena
Jazz Quartet
Foundation, Centre for
Research in Environmental
Retreat 2014- Resources
Management in the ISGlobal
Fundació Cultura
de Paz (Culture of Peace
Culture of peace and
democratic regeneration:
citizens, participation and
Fundació EINA
(EINA Foundation)
Eina Graduation Promotion
Event 2014
Fundació Escola Cristiana
de Catalunya (Christian
School Foundation
of Catalonia - FECC)
FECC Multilingual School
Project / Total English for
Fundació Jaume Bofill
(Jaume Bofill Foundation)
2nd Education Today
Conference. Who should
promote the ethical
commitment of teaching
staff?. Who are the new
social and political leaders?
Fundació per la Pau
(Foundation for Peace)
Disarmament: Victories
and Challenges
Fundació Pere Tarrés (Pere
Tarrés Foundation)
Summer Schools Film
Festival 2014
ICFO The Institute
of Photonic Sciences
QIP (Quantum Information
Processing) 2014
Fundació Universitat
Oberta de Catalunya
(Open University of
Catalonia Foundation)
UocMeet: networks,
communication and political
Institut Català
Internacional per la Pau
(International Catalan
Institute for Peace - ICIP)
Seminar on Armamentism
and Militarism. Celebration of
15 Years of the Centre Delàs
Fundació Víctor Grífols
i Lucas (Víctor Grífols
i Lucas Foundation)
7th Josep Egozcue Lectures.
Peter Singer
InteRed Catalunya
“Act with Care” Campaign
Fundación Esteyco
(Esteyco Foundation)
Event to present the book
A la luz de San Petersburgo
Generalitat de Catalunya
(Catalan Government).
Ministry of Education
2nd Art and Design
Conference: From School
to Business
Generalitat de Catalunya
(Catalan Government).
Ministry of Culture. General
Department of Cultural
Creation and Enterprises.
Streaming 2nd Art and
Design Conference: From
School to Business
Generalitat de Catalunya
(Catalan Government).
Secretariat for Universities
and Research
SMW Science and
Social Media Event, BCN
Tercentenary 1714-2014
Gran Logia de España
(Grand Lodge of Spain)
1st Forum on Ethical
Grupo de los Verdes / ALE
en el PE (Greens / EFA)
Presentation of the
documentary Ulysses,
rellançant Europa des del
Sud (Ulysses, Relaunching
Europe from the South)
Health XL
Healthees Europe
IAE Savoie Mont-BlancUniversité de Savoie
EMBS Seminar
Joventut Nacionalista de
Catalunya (Nationalist
Youth of Catalonia)
National Council of the
Joventut Nacionalista de
Ketchum SA
Oracle Webcenter
Mamma Team SL
Médicos Sin Fronteras
(Doctors without Borders)
Co-Week 2014
International Road Safety
Association E. V.
Training and assessment
of drivers in Europe. A
challenge for improvement
Observatori de Salut
Mental de Catalunya
(Mental Health
Observatory of Catalonia)
5th Catalan Congress on
Mental Health in Childhood
and Adolescence
General Details
Visiting figures and audience
Arissa + Shadowland
Big Bang Data
Espriu. I Looked Upon This Land
Shared Cities
The Start of Tomorrow. Mancomunitat de Catalunya 6.187
Under Siege
World Press Photo 14
Art Futura
Between images workshop
Big Bang Data Workshop
Brunch Electronik Barcelona
Cabinet of curiosities workshop
CCCB Alzheimer Programme
Christmas screenings
Concert La llum a les ones
Concert-screening Metamorphosis
D'A Festival
Exhibition «Ciutat subterrània»
Friends of the CCCB
Grec Experimental CCCB
Group itineraries
Lapsus Festival
Més curtmetratge que mai!
Mundo Libro
Music industry 3.0
Night of Museums
Off Programme
One-Minute Video workshop
Picto-writing Programme
Poetry Slam Barcelona
Primera Persona
Pròxims Festival 2.200
Room 1418
Screening of the video Mancomunitat
The City of Photographers workshop
The Influencers
Visit to the Mirador
Viu el Teatre
Weekend interaries
Xcèntric workshop
Ahora es la hora: Iniciativa reforma horaria
Big Data Week
Open city
Lecture by Anthony Padgen
Lecture by Colm Tóibín
Lecture by Hugh Forrest
Lecture by Javier Moscoso
Lecture by Lev Manovich
Lecture by Marina Garcés
Lecture by Pankaj Mishra
Lecture by Hélène Cixous
WPP 14 Lectures
Body: Sexual Identities in China
CUIMPB Courses
Institut d'Humanitats Courses
Metamorphosis Debates
ICREA-CCCB Debates. The Brain
ICREA-CCCB Debates. Stem Cells
Under Siege Debates
Women' Day
Dialogue between Iñigo Méndez and Laura Batalla
House of Leaves Dialogue
The Future of the European City
In Praise of Adventure
Enter Forum
And Now What?An economic model for Catalonia
CCCB Alzheimer Sessions and Museums
The Idea of Europe
The Human Animal
Las cartas de la Pirenaica
Lessons from the Wave of Protests in Europe
European Prize for Public Space Award ceremony
Master’s Degree in the Design and Production of Spaces 1.080
Mirador Kosmòpolis
Narrating Google
OpenWalls Conference
Data Journalism Sessions
Possibilities for Dialogue
Presentació Crític
Presentation CCCB Programme 2014 Salvador Espriu: Salvation through the Word 160
Transmedia Narrative Design Workshop
Turó de la Rovira
An evening with Neil Gaiman
Internet Universe 250
5th Philosophical Seminar of Barcelona
CCCB Archive
Xcèntric Archive
Venue use-hire
Corporate events
Venue uses
General Details
Total Visiting figures and audience
Average daily visitors to the exhibitions
Arissa + Shadowland
Big Bang Data
Espriu. I Looked Upon This Land
Shared Cities
The Start of Tomorrow. Mancomunitat de Catalunya
Under Siege
World Press Photo 14
Days open
Visitors / day
General Details
Visiting audiences
— Most visited activities
315.902 visitors
313.580 visitors
427.804 visitors
Visiting audiences increased over 2014, growing by 36% in
comparison with 2013. With a total of 427,804 visitors in 2014, the
CCCB hit its all-time record for the number of visits in a single year,
beating the 2001 total figure of 426,617 visitors.
This increase is the product of various factors:
The main reason is the success of some of the exhibitions presented during the course of 2014. Both “Big Bang Data” and “Metamorphosis” can be considered two hits with critics and the public alike.
Moreover, “Big Bang Data”, with 62,780 visitors, was the fourth
most-visited exhibition in the 20 years of existence of the CCCB.
Also evident is an increase in spectators at the Centre’s activities,
with numbers growing from 88,760 in 2013 to 134,645 in 2014.
Visits to the Mirador (15,374 visitors), Món llibre (24,486 visitors)
and Brunch Electronika Barcelona (10,430 visitors) have contributed to this increase.
Another reason should be sought in the increase in activity undertaken to commemorate the CCCB’s 20th anniversary. Throughout
the year 2014 a series of actions were organised, some with public
in attendance and others as virtual events. The events with attendance represented alone a total of 91,685 people, accounting for
21% of total visitors to the CCCB during 2014.
Finally, it should be mentioned that during 2013, the Centre’s
exhibitions remained closed during October due to the escalators
being replaced, representing a loss of 20,000 visitors with respect
to this year.
It is also necessary to take into account that, during 2014, a
campaign ran to attract Friends of the CCCB from among people
who were born, like the Centre, in 1994. The number of new
Friends reached 1,050, out of an overall total of 1,900 Friends of
the CCCB.
— Most visited exhibitions
Big Bang Data
Total exposiciones
62.780 visitors
50.516 visitors
203.824 visitors
The exhibitions “Metamorphosis” and “Big Bang Data” attracted a
large audience during the months of August, July and September,
whereas there is usually a fall in numbers of visitors to the CCCB
during the summer months. Around 44% of visitors to “Metamorphosis” were tourists.
With both exhibitions, furthermore, word of mouth proved very
successful. Between 20% and 22% of visitors chose to go to the
CCCB because someone else recommended it to them.
Món Llibre
Visit to the Mirador
Brunch Electronik
Total activities
Total debates
Total archives
24.486 visitors
15.374 visitors
10.430 visitors
134.795 visitors
24.268 visitors
19.177 visitors
— Visitors to the CCCB’s touring exhibitions
134.900 visitors. 5 exhibitions at a total of 11 venues
336.900 visitors. 6 exhibitions at a total of 20 venues
The following exhibitions were especially prominent:
“Metamorphosis”, La Casa Encendida (Madrid), 121,800 visitors
“Pasolini Roma”, Palazzo delle Esposizione (Rome) and Martin
Gropius Bau (Berlin), 90,000 visitors
“Bolaño Archive”, Centro Cultural Recoleta (Buenos Aires), 60,000
Virtual Audience
For some time now the audiences of cultural centres have no
longer been limited to people who actually visit the facilities. Growing in importance is the so-called virtual audience: visitors who do
not physically visit the Centre but who, via the Internet, take part in
its activities.
When we talk about the virtual audience we are referring to a very
diverse group, which uses different online channels to relate with
cultural centres. In the case of the CCCB, these channels include
the Centre’s websites and blogs, its social networks and the online
projects created for specific activities.
It is important to understand the relationship established
between the public and the CCCB, and what visitors to our online
windows are seeking. Thus, the access channel is as important
as the contents accessed and the participation dynamics generated. Accordingly, we can distinguish three major CCCB virtual
audience categories according to visitor behaviour: those
who receive information, those who consult contents
and those who actively participate.
General Details
CCCB Websites and Blogs
— Visits
— Photographs
20122013 2014
659.311670.976 584.695 51.657 10.938 22.73923.689 16.910 11.30923.156 19.853
28.92140.331 81.369
28.18864.575 43.109
768.841874.384 756.874 *
* Note: In May 2014, technical changes were made to the website in
ensure compliance with the new regulations relating to cookies. From this
date onwards, Google Analytics has only counted users who accept the
use of cookies, for this reason there is a decline in visitor numbers.
Social media networks
— Followers of the CCCB’s Twitter accounts
29.12650.173 78.579
3.3855.104 6.258
10.14515.325 18.885
- 9881.424
- 9101.277
3.1274.689 5.197
- -723
7611.496 2.048
46.544 78.685113.644
— Fans of the CCCB’s Facebook pages
CCCB page
CCCB Lab page
Kosmopolis page
PublicSpace page
27.70140.233 49.079
— Videos (Vimeo)
TOTAL videos published: 1,430 (since July 2011)
Videos published in 2014: 303
20122013 2014 2012 2013
67.36199.621 130.496 811.9171.083.548
*Plays: number of times that any user clicks on the play button of a video.
*Loads: Every time that the video is loaded on any website (on Vimeo
or wherever it is embedded). In other words, every time that somebody
opens a page where there is a CCCB video.
TOTAL images published: 6,637 (since November 2008)
Photos published in 2014: 2,092
Albums created
2012 20132014
20 1924
Album most viewed in 2014: Big Bang Data
Profile opened in July 2014
Photographs: 58
Followers: 599
Likes: 1.105
Online projects
Big Bang Data -
Habitació1418 -
Pantalla CCCB -
Cultural Innovation International Prize -
Activities via streaming
The CCCB retransmitted 30 activities via streaming that were
followed by a total of 6,055 spectators.
Television audiences
Soy Cámara Programme
837.000 viewers
The CCCB and RTVE coproduced 8 instalments of Soy Cámara. El
programa del CCCB which were broadcast on TVE’s La 2.
932.000 viewers
The CCCB and RTVE coproduced 10 instalments of Soy Cámara.
El programa del CCCB which were broadcast on TVE’s La 2 twice
each (Saturday night and Monday morning).
General Details
Initial forecast Actual income at 31-12-2014
Direct income from activities 1.109.610,00
Contributions from public organisations 7.931.458,00
Asset capitalisations 130.000,00
Capital transfers for financing of investments 111.475,00
Initial forecast Actual expenditure at 31-12-2014
Activity and structure
Financial expenses 2.000,00
Current transfers Real investments 111.475,00
Result before adjustments
Financing variations and credits financed with surpluses
Direct income
from activities 12%
from public
organisations 86%
(-) 319.711,38
(-) 219.092,10
Personnel 44%
Capital transfers
capitalisations 1%
and structure
investments 3%
transfers 0%
General Details
CCCB Staff
General Director
Marçal Sintes i Olivella
Vicenç Villatoro i Lamolla
Assistant Managing
Elisenda Poch i Granero
Head of the Exhibitions
Rosa Ferré Vázquez
Head of the
and Debate Centre
Judit Carrera Escudé
Head of Projects CCCB Lab
Juan Insua Sigeroff
Head of Technical
and General Services
Manel Navas Escribano
Head of Promotion
and External Resources
Imma Mora Boguñá
Head of Audiovisuals and
Multimedia Service
Àngela Martínez García
Head of the Systems
Gerard Bel Torres
Head of the Financial
Sara González Puértolas
Head of the Contracting
and Human Resources
Cori Llaveria Díaz
Head of the FinancialBudgeting Section
Anna Sama Vaz
Montse Mitats Flotats
Exhibitions Service
Carlota Broggi Rull
Anna Escoda Alegret
Mònica Giménez Moreno
Montserrat Novellón
Coordination Unit
Mònica Ibáñez Dalmau
Teresa Anglés Pérez
Liliana Antoniucci
Eva Gimeno Cases
Miquel Nogués Colomé
Registration and
Conservation Unit
Neus Moyano Miranda
Susana García San Vicente
Àlex Papalini Lamprecht
Josep Querol Pugnaire
Production Unit
Mario Corea Dellepiane
Francisco García Rodríguez
José Luis Molinos López
Òscar Monfort Pastor
Gabriel Porras Zambrano
Rosó Tarragona Ramírez
and Debate Centre
Sònia Aran Ramspott
Neus Carreras Font
Marta Giralt Romeu
Elisabet Goula Sardà
Anna Ibàñez Tudoras
Masha Zrncic
Eva Alonso Ortega
Maria Farràs Drago
Education Service
Bàrbara Roig Isern
Cultural Activities Service
Manel López Jiménez
Olga Pratdesaba Druguet
Belén Simón Bazán
Audiovisuals and
Multimedia Service
Eduard Coll Deopazo
Toni Curcó Botargues
Marc Desmonts
Glòria Fernández Vilches
Jordi Gómez Farran
Juan Carlos Rodríguez
José Antonio Soria Soria
Ígor Viza Serra
Promotion and External
Resources Service
Eulàlia Muñoz CastanyerGausset
External Resources
Management Unit
Amàlia Llabrés Bernat
Teresa Pérez Testor
Publications Unit
Marina Palà i Selva
Rosa Puig Carreras
Audiences Unit
Maria Ribas Bruguera
Matilde Betoret González
Carme Blanco Pérez
Magda Llaberia Cots
Elena Martínez Bermúdez
Gabriela Salvadó Bon
Communication Unit
Susana Fernández Alonso
Teresa Roig Sitjar
Núria Salinas Calle
Press Unit
Mònica Muñoz CastanyerGausset
Lucía Calvo Bermejo
Irene Ruiz Auret
Technical and General
Francesc López Artero
Emili Maicas Guillén
José Antonio Pérez Barrera
Maribel Zamora Gómez
Systems Section
Guillem Bellmunt Duran
Lluís Sangermán Vidal
Contracting and Human
Resources Section
Mònica Andrés Beltran
Núria Ferrer López
Lara Martín Tarrasón
Eva Sancho Izquierdo
and Budgets Section
M. Dolors Aran Perramon
Xavier Boix Lara
Remei Jara Cuenca
Jordi Jornet Espax
Montse Martínez Izquierdo
CCCB © Miquel Taverna
from the Press
Selection from the Press — 20 years of the CCCB
20 years of the CCCB
El Periódico
Selection from the Press — Exhibitions
El País
Selection from the Press — Exhibitions
Selection from the Press — Exhibitions
El Periódico
Selection from the Press — Exhibitions
Selection from the Press — Exhibitions
Big Bang Data
Rolling Stone
Selection from the Press — Exhibitions
Big Bang Data
El Periódico
Selection from the Press — Exhibitions
Big Bang Data
El Cultural
Selection from the Press — Exhibitions
Under Siege
El Periódico
Selection from the Press — Exhibitions
El País
Selection from the Press — Exhibitions
La Vanguardia
Què fem?
Selection from the Press — Exhibitions
World Press Photo
El Punt Avui
Selection from the Press — Festivals and Open Formats
Soy cámara
La Vanguardia
Selection from the Press — Festivals and Open Formats
La Vanguardia
Selection from the Press — Festivals and Open Formats
El Punt Avui
Selection from the Press — Festivals and Open Formats
La Vanguardia
Selection from the Press — Festivals and Open Formats
Off Programme
El Mundo
Selection from the Press — Festivals and Open Formats
La Razón
Selection from the Press — Festivals and Open Formats
El País
Selection from the Press — Festivals and Open Formats
El Pais
Selection from the Press — Festivals and Open Formats
The Shortest Day
El Periódico
Gran Barcelona
Selection from the Press — Festivals and Open Formats
Poetry Slam
El Punt Avui
Al dia
Selection from the Press — Festivals and Open Formats
El Mundo
Selection from the Press — Festivals and Open Formats
El Mundo
Selection from the Press — Festivals and Open Formats
El Periódico
Selection from the Press — Festivals and Open Formats
El Pais
Selection from the Press — Festivals and Open Formats
Brunch Elektronik
Mondo sonoro
Selection from the Press — Festivals and Open Formats
Selection from the Press — Festivals and Open Formats
Primera Persona
El Periódico
Selection from the Press — Festivals and Open Formats
Primera Persona
La Vanguardia
Selection from the Press — Festivals and Open Formats
Que hacer
Selection from the Press — Festivals and Open Formats
Grec Experimental
El Periódico
Selection from the Press — Festivals and Open Formats
Grec Experimental
La Vanguardia
Selection from the Press — Festivals and Open Formats
Pròxims Festival
Selection from the Press — Festivals and Open Formats
Hipnòtik Festival
La Vanguardia
Què fem?
Selection from the Press — Festivals and Open Formats
The Influencers
El Periódico
Selection from the Press — Festivals and Open Formats
Drap Art
El País
Selection from the Press — Spaces for debate and reflection
Catherine Malabou
La Vanguardia
Selection from the Press — Spaces for debate and reflection
Bruce Bégout
El Punt Avui
Selection from the Press — Spaces for debate and reflection
Bruce Bégout
El Punt Avui
Selection from the Press — Spaces for debate and reflection
Erri de Luca
La Vanguardia
La Contra
Selection from the Press — Spaces for debate and reflection
European Prize for Urban
Public Space 2014
El Periódico
Gran Barcelona
Selection from the Press — Spaces for debate and reflection
Breus CCCB
Selection from the Press — Spaces for debate and reflection
Alan Touraine
Ara diumenge
Selection from the Press — Spaces for debate and reflection
Alan Touraine
Ara diumenge
Selection from the Press — Spaces for debate and reflection
Owen Jones
El Mundo
Selection from the Press — Spaces for debate and reflection
Hélène Cixous
La Vanguardia
Selection from the Press — Spaces for debate and reflection
Colm Tóibín
El Mundo
Selection from the Press — Spaces for debate and reflection
Dacia Maraini
La Vanguardia
Selection from the Press — Spaces for debate and reflection
Dacia Maraini
El Pais
Selection from the Press — Spaces for debate and reflection
Dacia Maraini
El Periódico
Gran Barcelona
Selection from the Press — Spaces for debate and reflection
Victòria Camps
El Pais
Selection from the Press — Spaces for debate and reflection
Victòria Camps
El Pais
Selection from the Press — Spaces for debate and reflection
Francisco José Ayala
Selection from the Press — CCCB Lab
Data Journalism
El Mundo
Selection from the Press — CCCB Lab
Internet Universe
Ara criatures
Selection from the Press — CCCB Lab
Data Privacy
El Mundo
Selection from the Press — CCCB Education
Room 1418
El Periódico
Gran Barcelona
Selection from the Press — CCCB Education
Alzheimer Programme
El Correo Gallego
Selection from the Press — CCCB Education
Between images
La Vanguardia
Què fem?
Selection from the Press
Vicenç Villatoro
El País
Selection from the Press
Vicenç Villatoro
El Periódico
Published by —
Design —
Printed by —
Ediciones Gráficas Rey, S.L.
© Centre de Cultura Contemporània de Barcelona (CCCB), 2015. All rights reserved.