Automated Pawn System
Automated Pawn System
Automated Pawn System ™ APS Validation Codes 1. APS Validation Codes ________________________________________________ 1 1.1 Brand Name Codes_______________________________________________ 1 1.2 Category Codes________________________________________________ 106 1.3 Eye Codes ____________________________________________________ 107 1.4 Gun Action Codes _____________________________________________ 107 1.5 Gun Barrel Codes______________________________________________ 107 1.6 Gun Caliber Codes_____________________________________________ 108 1.7 Gem Codes ___________________________________________________ 110 1.8 Gem Color Codes ______________________________________________ 111 1.9 Gem Cut Codes________________________________________________ 111 1.10 Gun Finish Codes ______________________________________________ 112 1.11 Hair Color Codes ______________________________________________ 113 1.12 Item Name Codes ______________________________________________ 114 1.13 Item Color Codes ______________________________________________ 135 1.14 Jewelry Precious Metal Codes ___________________________________ 136 1.15 Jewelry Style Codes ____________________________________________ 136 1.16 Race Codes ___________________________________________________ 137 1.17 State/Province Codes ___________________________________________ 138 1.18 Surname Descriptor Codes ______________________________________ 139 1.19 Transaction Codes _____________________________________________ 139 Automated Pawn System ™ 1. APS Validation Codes The following tables are used to validate the data elements received from pawn and secondhand store management systems. In general, the codes used within APS are based upon the codes used by the National Crime Information Center (NCIC), but have been modified in some cases to better suit the pawn/secondhand environment. Note that when a descriptor for an item is not found in the validation tables and ‘OTHER’ is selected, the actual descriptor for the item must be placed in the Additional_info field in the transaction record. In this way new codes can be identified and added to the validation tables to better reflect the types of items being received by participating licensees. 1.1 Brand Name Codes Brand Name Code Brand Name A ART A BRIL A CAMP A CHAL ADS A HARV A IRON A LIMO A LUTH ARC ASP A TOUR AAARMS AAC AAD AAI AAK AAL AAM AAR AARDVA AAS AAUDIO ABAC ABACUS ABC ABD ABE ABH ABILEN ABINGD ABLETO ABM ABRET American Art American Brilliant American Camper Allis Chalmers ADS American Harvest American Ironhorse American Limoges/Sebring Art & Lutherie A.R.C. Manufacturing Asp American Tourister A.A. Arms Inc. AA Arms Corp. American Arms/Delta American Arms International Arkawa Kogyo K.K. Armalite American Arms & Ammo American Arms Inc. /Eagle Aardvark Armi Atis S.R.L. Ample Audio ABAC Abacus Abercrombie & Fitch (A & F) A.B.Distributers Abadie Aramberry Hermanos Abilene Abingdon Ableton Abesser & Merel Anton Breton 1 APS Validation Codes APS Automated Pawn System™ are Trademarks owned by the City of Minneapolis, MN USA The Automated Pawn System™ copyrighted 1995-2005 by the City of Minneapolis, MN USA C:\WINNT\Profiles\hardymm0\Desktop\codes.doc 3/19/2004 Automated Pawn System ™ Brand Name Code Brand Name ABSLUT ABUGAR ABW AC AC DEL ACA ACB ACC ACCESS ACCULA ACCURA ACCUTO ACCUTR ACCUTU ACD ACER ACH ACI ACK ACL ACN ACO ACOUST ACP ACQUA ACR ACRD ACROSO ACS ACTION ACTIVI ACTN ACTTEC ACU ACURA ADA ADAMAS ADAMS ADAPTE ADC ADCO ADCOM ADDERL ADE ADERRI ADIDA ADL ADMIRA ADNTAC Absolute Abu Garcia American Barlock Wonder Arcus Co. AC Delco Arcoa Alumna Craft Accu-Tek Access Acculab Accurate Accutorq Accutron Accuturn Arcadia Acer Acha/Acha Hermanos Acier Comprime P.O. Ackley Action Arms, Ltd./Britarms (Eng.) Ocean Calixto Arrizabalaga/Sharp Shooter Acoustic/Acoustic Research Arms Corp. of America Acqua Armscor Accord Acrosonic Amerigo Cosmi Actionoptics Activision Action Action Tec Accu-Match Intl. Acura Ada Adamas Adams Adaptec Pedro Arosa Aguirre Adco Adcom Adderley Ares Defense Systems American Derringer Adidas Adler Admiral Advent Acoustic 2 APS Validation Codes APS Automated Pawn System™ are Trademarks owned by the City of Minneapolis, MN USA The Automated Pawn System™ copyrighted 1995-2005 by the City of Minneapolis, MN USA C:\WINNT\Profiles\hardymm0\Desktop\codes.doc 3/19/2004 Automated Pawn System ™ Brand Name Code Brand Name ADOBE ADOLFO ADS ADV ADVELE ADVENT ADW AEAROP AEC AEG AEGIS AEI AEOLIA AER AEROIN AEROSO AES AET AFF AFM AFMKT AFNTN AGC AGENDA AGFA AGILEN AGL AGM AGR AGRIFA AGS AGT AGU AGW AHEAD AIC AII AIK AIL AIM AIMARC AIMPRT AIMSHT AIMTEC AIN AIPTEK AIR AIRBRN AIRCAT Adobe Adolfo Aldens (Chieftain) Advanced Armaments, Inc. Advanced Elements Inc Advent Adlerwaffenwerke Aearo Peltor America El Cazador AEG Aegis Bersa/Bersa Piccola Aeolian American Arms (N Kansas City, MO) Aero Instrument Aerosoles Amero Especialistas Reunidas Aetna Arms Co. American Frontier Firearms American Firearms Mfg. Co. Aftermarket A. Fontaine Armory Gun Co. Agenda Agfa Agilent Atkin, Grant & Lang Ed Agramonte Agristin-Farar-Espana Agri-Fab August Schuler Aguirre y Aranzabal/Aya Aguro Agawam Arms Ahead AIMCO/ARMAS American Industries Inc. Henry Aiken Accuracy Intl., Ltd. American Import Co. Aim Archery Aimport Aimshot Aimtech Armitage Intl. Aiptek Air Airborne Air-Cat 3 APS Validation Codes APS Automated Pawn System™ are Trademarks owned by the City of Minneapolis, MN USA The Automated Pawn System™ copyrighted 1995-2005 by the City of Minneapolis, MN USA C:\WINNT\Profiles\hardymm0\Desktop\codes.doc 3/19/2004 Automated Pawn System ™ Brand Name Code Brand Name AIRE AIRFRE AIRLIN AIROSW AIRS AIRSFT AIRWK AIWA AJD AJLUC AJO AKAI AKG AKK AKROM AKT AKTEO ALA ALAD ALANSG ALB ALC ALCOAF ALD ALE ALEMBI ALESIS ALETTA ALF ALFA R ALFEX ALFRED ALHEAT ALIENW ALL ALLD ALLERA ALLIED ALLPRO ALLSTA ALLTRA ALLY ALM ALMUEL ALN ALP ALPEN ALPHAV ALPINA Aire Airfree Airline (mfr for Montgomery Ward) Air-o-swiss AirStream Air Soft Airwalk Aiwa A. Joseph Defourny A.J. Lucas Alexander James Ordiance Akai AKG Akkar Silah Sanayi TIC, Ltd. Akro-Mils Akliengesellschaft Akteo Alkar/Alkartasuna Aladdin Altec Lansing Akah/Albrecht Kind Armeria El Ciervo Alcoa Fujikura Aldazabal Ethan Allen & Co. Alembic Alesis Aletta Photographics Alfa/Alfaro Alfa Romeo Alfex Alfred Dunhill Allen Heath Alien Workshop Allies De Bersaluze Allied Products Allerair Allied/Allied International All-Pro All Star Alltrade Ally Folding Canoes Alamo Albert And Mueller Allen Alpine Industries Alpen Alphavision Alpina 4 APS Validation Codes APS Automated Pawn System™ are Trademarks owned by the City of Minneapolis, MN USA The Automated Pawn System™ copyrighted 1995-2005 by the City of Minneapolis, MN USA C:\WINNT\Profiles\hardymm0\Desktop\codes.doc 3/19/2004 Automated Pawn System ™ Brand Name Code Brand Name ALPINE ALS ALTECH ALTO ALUMA ALVARE ALW ALX ALXDR AM AM MOT AM PP AM TC AMA AMAIRC AMALFI AMANA AMATI AMBAC AMBAS AMBASS AMC AMCOR AMD AMERDJ AMEREE AMERIC AMES AMF AMH AMI AMIGO AMJ AMK MA AMM AMN AMP AMPEG AMPEX AMPRO AMPROB AMR AMREL AMRIPH AMS AMS T AMT AMTC AMTCHN Alpine/Alpine Archery Allied Arms Altech Systems Alto Aluma Alvarez Allen & Wheelock Alexia Alexander American Arms Co. American Motors American Power Pull American Tool Companies, Inc. America S.A. Amaircare Amalfi Amana Amati Ambiance Acoustics Ambassadeur Ambassadore American Club Amcor American Derringer Corp. American Dj American E&E American Racing Ames AMF American Firearms Corp. American Standard Tool Co. Amigo American Derringer Co. AMK Manufacturing American Steam Works N.P. Ames Armsport Ampeg Ampex Corporation American Pro Amprobe Rossi, Amadeo, & Co. Amrel Ameriphone R.W. Amsden AMS Tech Arcadia Machine & Tool (AMT) A.M.T.C. American Tech Network 5 APS Validation Codes APS Automated Pawn System™ are Trademarks owned by the City of Minneapolis, MN USA The Automated Pawn System™ copyrighted 1995-2005 by the City of Minneapolis, MN USA C:\WINNT\Profiles\hardymm0\Desktop\codes.doc 3/19/2004 Automated Pawn System ™ Brand Name Code Brand Name AMU AMW ANC ANCHOR ANCHRB AND ANDREW ANG ANGEL ANNE K ANO ANS ANTARE ANTENN ANTICA ANTIGU ANVIL ANY ANZ AOA AOC AOSS AP AUD APC APEX APH APHEX APHILE APL APLAOS APLRT APOGEE APPLAU APPLE APR APRILI APT AQCESS AQUABD AQUAFU AQUALE AQUAPU AQUAVU AR AR CAT AR PUM ARA ARABIA ARBOR Martin Amuategui American S & W Anciens Establishments Pieper Anchor Hocking Anchor Bay Andrus & Osborn Andrew Marc Avenger Angel Anne Klein Norberto Arizmendi Anschutz Antares Antenna Specialists Antica Murrina Antigua Anvil Anson & Deeley Zoli, Angelo & Figli Areito-Auriena Auto-Ordiance Corp. AO Sight Systems AP Audio Apache Apex Apaolozo/Apaolozo Hermanos Aphex Corporation Audiophile Apollo Alpa Of Switzerland ART (Applied Research Technologies) Apogee Digital Applause by Ovation Apple Armscor Precision Aprilia American Spirit Arms Corp. Aqcess Aqua Bound Aquafusion Aqua Leisure Aqua Pure Aqua Vu ACR Arctic Cat AR Pump Arana y Cie/El Cano Arabia Arbor 6 APS Validation Codes APS Automated Pawn System™ are Trademarks owned by the City of Minneapolis, MN USA The Automated Pawn System™ copyrighted 1995-2005 by the City of Minneapolis, MN USA C:\WINNT\Profiles\hardymm0\Desktop\codes.doc 3/19/2004 Automated Pawn System ™ Brand Name Code Brand Name ARC ARCAN ARCHOS ARDISA ARE ARF ARG ARGUS ARH ARI ARIA ARIANN ARION ARISTO ARK ARL ARLINK ARM ARMANI ARMIGU ARMINU ARMITR ARMOUR ARMSTR ARN ARNETT ARP ARP IN ARQ ARRI ARROWP ARS ARSEID ART ARTEMP ARTICC ARTLEY ARTURI ARU ARV ARZ AS ASA ASC ASH ASHBUR ASHDIG ASHDOW ASHLEY Armigas-Comega Arcan Archos Ardisam Eusebio Arizaga Armaf S.A. Argler Argus Armament Technology Corp. Arisaka Aria Arianne Arion Aristocrat Mondial (revolvers) AARCO/Arlington Ordinance Arlink Arminex/Trifire Armani Armi Giuseppe Arminus Armitron Tommy Armour Armstrong Arminius/Tiger Arnette Arriola ARP Instruments, Inc. Armera Arri Arrow/Arrow Precision A.R. Sales Co. A.R. Seide Artigis Airtemp Artic Cat Artley Arturia Arva Victor Aramberri & Sons Arizmendi y Goenaga Australia/Australian Automatic Advanced Small Arms Inds. F. Ascaso Ashton (P.H. or W.) Ashbury Ashton Digital Ashdown Ashley 7 APS Validation Codes APS Automated Pawn System™ are Trademarks owned by the City of Minneapolis, MN USA The Automated Pawn System™ copyrighted 1995-2005 by the City of Minneapolis, MN USA C:\WINNT\Profiles\hardymm0\Desktop\codes.doc 3/19/2004 Automated Pawn System ™ Brand Name Code Brand Name ASHWRT ASM ASN ASO ASP AST ASTRA ASTROP ASTROV ASUS ASUSTK AT ATA ATC ATELIE ATG ATH ATI ATL ATLNTS ATM ATN ATO ATOM ATR ATT ATTWOO ATZ AU AUA AUB AUBRT AUDEMA AUDI AUDIO AUDIOB AUDIOC AUDIOL AUDIOP AUDIOS AUDITK AUDIX AUDVOX AUGREY AUO AUP AUQ AURALE AUSAIR Ashworth Armi San Marco Austen Aston (W. or H.) Armi San Paolo AST Astra Astro Pneumatic Astroview Asus Asustek Argentina Artistic Arms ATC Atelier Advantage Arms Arms Technology ATI Atlas Atlantis ATM ATN Auto Nine Corp. Atomic Australian Arms AT&T Attwood Armi Tecniche de Emilio Rizzini Austria Aurora A.J. Aubrey Aubert Audemars Picquet Audi Audio Technica Audiobahn Audio Control Audio Logic Audiophase Audio Source Audiotek Audix Corporation Audiovox Auguste Reymond Automatic Arms Automatic Pistole ZKP Auto Mag/Jurras Auralex Austin Air 8 APS Validation Codes APS Automated Pawn System™ are Trademarks owned by the City of Minneapolis, MN USA The Automated Pawn System™ copyrighted 1995-2005 by the City of Minneapolis, MN USA C:\WINNT\Profiles\hardymm0\Desktop\codes.doc 3/19/2004 Automated Pawn System ™ Brand Name Code Brand Name AUSTIN AUT AUTOLO AUTOTE AVA AVALON AVANTI AVATR AVEN AVI AVILA AVIONI AVITAL AVON AVRMED AVRTEC AVT AWC AWS AXIM AXIOM AXO AYA AYG AYNSLE AYZ AZA AZB AZC AZORES B AUDI B DECK B EAGL B FRAN B FRI B HOWE B LOMB B POIN B SAY B SHER B STRA B TRAN BAA BAB BAC BAC IN BACCAR BACCO BACH Austin Automatique Francaise Autolok Autotek Advantage Avalon Avanti Avatar Aven Avion/Avion Pistolet Avila Avionics Avital Avon Avermedia Averatec Avant Inds. American Weapons Corp. AWC Systems Technology Axim Axiom Axo Matador Aguirre y Cia Aynsley Arizmendi y Zulaica Arrizabalaga & Azanza Arrieta & Azcoaga Antonio Aspiri Azores Butler Audio Black and Decker Brass Eagle Ben Franklin (Benjamin Franklin) Bike Friday Bell & Howell Bausch and Lomb Blue Pointe Ben Sayers Benjamin Sheridan Briggs & Stratton Biketransporter Ballard Arms Baby/New Baby B.A. Co. BAC Industries Baccarat Bacco Bucci Bach 9 APS Validation Codes APS Automated Pawn System™ are Trademarks owned by the City of Minneapolis, MN USA The Automated Pawn System™ copyrighted 1995-2005 by the City of Minneapolis, MN USA C:\WINNT\Profiles\hardymm0\Desktop\codes.doc 3/19/2004 Automated Pawn System ™ Brand Name Code Brand Name BACKLI BACON BAD BAE BAF BAG BAGGS BAGND BAI BAK BAKAR BALDOR BALDWI BALFA BALLY BAM BANDAI BANG O BANTAM BAO BARBER BARBIE BARCLA BARLOW BARNET BAROL BARSK BAS BASF BASSET BASSPR BAT BATAV BAUER BAUME BAY BAZOOK BBA BBC BBD BBE BBESND BBN BBR BBRIAR BBRNCH BC RIC BCA BCHMN Backline Bacon Ballester-Riguad T. Barker Ballard & Fairbanks Barrenechea & Gallestegue L.R. Baggs Bag End Thomas Bailey Baker Gun Co. Bakar Baldor Baldwin Balfa Bally Baltimore Arms Co. Bandai Bang & Olufson Bantam Angelo & Emelis Boniotti Barcus Berry Barbie Barclay Barlow Scrimshawed Gifts Barnett Bartolini Barska Basculant BASF Bassett Bass Pro Shop Batavia/Batavia Leader Batavus Bauer Baume & Mercier Baby Dragoon Bazooka/SAS Bazooka Big Bear Arms Berben Corp. Boston Bull Dog Beebe Arms Co. BBE Sound Bruno Bolognini BBR Big Briar, Inc. Bending Branches BC Rich B.C. Automatic Bachman 10 APS Validation Codes APS Automated Pawn System™ are Trademarks owned by the City of Minneapolis, MN USA The Automated Pawn System™ copyrighted 1995-2005 by the City of Minneapolis, MN USA C:\WINNT\Profiles\hardymm0\Desktop\codes.doc 3/19/2004 Automated Pawn System ™ Brand Name Code Brand Name BCK BDA BDH BDIAMO BDN BEA BEAM BEAR BEARCA BEARIN BEB BEC BED BEDAT BEE BEF BEG BEHRIN BEI BEK BELARI BELDEN BELKIN BELL BELL R BELLEE BELMON BELTRO BEMIS BEN BENCHM BENDPA BENEFI BENHOG BENNER BENNIN BENQ BENRUS BENSLB BEO BEQ BER BERETT BERGER BERKLE BERKLI BERNIA BERTIN BERTOL Becker Breda Broadhead Armory Black Diamond Bordens Accuracy Shop Beaumont-Vitali Beam Bear Bearcat Bearing Buddy Bergereon Becker & Hollander Bernedo Bedat Beesley Berdan Bergmann-Schmeisser Behringer Beistegui/Beistegui Hermanos Berkshire Bellari Belden Belkin Bell Bell & Ross Belleek Belmonte Beltronics Bemis Vicenzo Bernardelli Benchmade Bend-Pak Inc. Benefit Ben Hogan Benner Nawman Bennington Ben Q Benrus Benson Audiolabs Bernardon-Martin Berent Steel Co. Panther Beretta Berger Berkley Berkline Bernia Bertini Bertolucci 11 APS Validation Codes APS Automated Pawn System™ are Trademarks owned by the City of Minneapolis, MN USA The Automated Pawn System™ copyrighted 1995-2005 by the City of Minneapolis, MN USA C:\WINNT\Profiles\hardymm0\Desktop\codes.doc 3/19/2004 Automated Pawn System ™ Brand Name Code Brand Name BERTSC BESSEY BESTAR BESTDA BESWIC BETTER BETTYC BEW BEZED BFA BFC BFD BG BGGME BGW SY BH BHA BHE BHI BHILL BHT BHUNT BI COM BIALET BIANCH BIAS BIGDOG BIGJON BII BIJ BIKE E BIKE P BILNKY BING G BINNEY BINOLX BINOX BIONAI BIOZON BIRD BIRDY BISON BISSEL BIT BITE BJA BJM BJN BJO Bertsch Bessey BeStar Best Data Beswick Better Built Betty Crocker Berns Wholesale Bezed B.F. Arms Manufacturer Bonnell Firearm Co. Baford Arms Belgium Big Game BGW Systems Baby Hammerless B & H Small Arms Belknap Harware Bahia Bay Hill Bushmaster Bounty Hunter BI Communications Bialetti Bianchi BIAS Big Dog Big Jon BII Sales Bijou Bike E Bike Pro Bilenky Bing & Grondahl Binney & Smith Binolux Sport Binox Bionaire Biozone Bird Birdy Bison Bissell Gustav Bittner Bite Juan Antonio Belategui Benjamin Blue Hen/Jellico Hardware Bjorgum 12 APS Validation Codes APS Automated Pawn System™ are Trademarks owned by the City of Minneapolis, MN USA The Automated Pawn System™ copyrighted 1995-2005 by the City of Minneapolis, MN USA C:\WINNT\Profiles\hardymm0\Desktop\codes.doc 3/19/2004 Automated Pawn System ™ Brand Name Code Brand Name BJT BJW BKA BKL BLABEL BLACKH BLADE BLAUPU BLAZE BLAZER BLC BLD BLDRUN BLEEK BLENDT BLENKO BLESNG BLG BLITZ BLKBER BLKBUR BLM BLMFLD BLOCK BLONG BLOOM BLSLND BLU BLUE BLUE M BLUE R BLUE W BLUEAI BLUESP BMAIL BMARK BMBDRI BMI BMKMED BMN BMW BNA BND BNE BNGE BNL BNM BNZ BOB Bellmore-Johnson Tool Co. Blaser Jagdwaffen GmbH Bauska Arms Baikal Black Label Blackhawk Blade Blaupunkt Blaze Blazer Blumenfield Imports Co. Ball & Williams/Ballard C.H. Balderunner Bleek Blendtec Blenko Blessing America Bliss & Goodyear Blitz Rim Blackberry Blackburn Bayliner Marine, Inc. Bloomfield BrakeLock Bob Long Bloom Bluesland Amplifiers Blunt & Syms BLUE Blue Mountain Blue Ridge Blue Willow Blueair Blues Pearl Benoit Maillette Benchmark Bombardier Inc Briley Mfg. Inc. Benchmark Media Beeman BMW Bond Arms Burnsides Andrea Benetti Benge Benelli S.P.A. Martian/Martin A. Bascaran Bonanza Bob 13 APS Validation Codes APS Automated Pawn System™ are Trademarks owned by the City of Minneapolis, MN USA The Automated Pawn System™ copyrighted 1995-2005 by the City of Minneapolis, MN USA C:\WINNT\Profiles\hardymm0\Desktop\codes.doc 3/19/2004 Automated Pawn System ™ Brand Name Code Brand Name BOC BOCA BODUM BOERI BOGEN BOH BOI BOJ BOKER BOLENS BOLLE BOLLIN BONDUS BONES BONIC BONICA BONT BOO BOOKLE BOOMER BOOSHK BOOTHS BOOTL BOR BOREEM BOREL BORLAN BORN BOSCH BOSE BOSS BOSS A BOSSHO BOSTIC BOSTON BOSTWI BOT BOTRON BOU BOUND BOURGE BOUTON BOWFL BOX BOYD BOZ BRA BRADFO BRADY Bohica Boca Research Inc. Bodum Boeri Bogen Borchers Amantino, E.R. (ERA) Bojho Boker Usa Bolens Bolle Bollinger Bondhus Bones Bonic Precision Inc Bronica Bont Daniel Boone Booklegger Boomerang Boosey Hawkes Booths Bootleg Hugo Brochardt Boreem Ernest Borel Borland Born Bosch Bose Boss Boss Audio Boss Hoss Bostitch Boston Bostwick Boltun Botron Bristol Boundary Waters Bourget Bouton Bowflex Brock Boyd Armas Bost Brazier Bradford (mfr For W.t. Grant) Brady 14 APS Validation Codes APS Automated Pawn System™ are Trademarks owned by the City of Minneapolis, MN USA The Automated Pawn System™ copyrighted 1995-2005 by the City of Minneapolis, MN USA C:\WINNT\Profiles\hardymm0\Desktop\codes.doc 3/19/2004 Automated Pawn System ™ Brand Name Code Brand Name BRAUN BRAVO BRB BRDLV BREGUE BREITL BRENTW BREWMA BRF BRG BRGANI BRIANM BRIDGE BRIEL BRIGGS BRIGHT BRIKO BRINKM BRITA BRK BRKGTR BRKSTN BRL BRMN BRN BRNGTO BRNSVL BRO BROKSO BROTHE BROWNI BROWNL BROYHI BRP BRQ BRRVR BRSKA BRT BRTON BRUNNE BRUNOM BRUNT BRUTE BRV BRW BRX BRY BRYNT BRZ Braun Bravo Brandon Breedlove Breguet Breitling Brentwood Brewmatic Bristol Firearms Co. Bridge Gun Co. Borgani Brian Moore Bridgestone Briel Briggs Brighton Briko Brinkmann Brita Brooklyn Arms Co. Brook Guitars Brookstone Karl Bauer Bremen Bren Barrington Brownsville American Browning Broksonic Brother Browning Brownells Broyhill Blue Ridge Precision Gunworks Browerduit Bear River Braska Barett Firearms Manufacturing Breton Blade Runner Bruno Magli Brunton Brute Brevettate Industria Armi Brown Mfg. Co. Brixia Bryco Arms Bryant Brno Zbrojovka 15 APS Validation Codes APS Automated Pawn System™ are Trademarks owned by the City of Minneapolis, MN USA The Automated Pawn System™ copyrighted 1995-2005 by the City of Minneapolis, MN USA C:\WINNT\Profiles\hardymm0\Desktop\codes.doc 3/19/2004 Automated Pawn System ™ Brand Name Code Brand Name BRZER BSA BSAOPT BSC BSF BSL BSLAB BSM BSP BSQ BSR BSS AU BSSO BSTU BSW BTA BTE BTF BTM BUA BUC BUCK BUCKDA BUCKET BUCKMA BUD BUDDA BUE BUELL BUFFAL BUFFET BUFFT BUG BUH BUICK BUJ BULLDO BULOVA BULTAC BUNDY BUNN BUO BUP BUQ BUR BURETT BURLEI BURLIN BURLY Breezer Birmingham Small Arms (BSA) BSA Optics Brescia Armas Bayerische Sportwaffenfabrik Bes-Tof-Al Basslab Guitar BassMaster/BassMaster Boats Bar-Sto Precision B Square BSR BSS Audio Besson Billy Stuart Berlin Suhler Waffen Benet Arms British Enfield Belmont Firearms Bul Transmark, Ltd. Buffalo Arms Corp. Buchel Buck Buckdancers Choice Bucket Boss Buckmaster Buddie Arms Co. Budda Bullfighter Buell Buffalo Buffet Buffalo Tools Burgess Buhag Buick Bass Tracker Corp. Bulldog Bulova Bultaco Bundy Bunn Burgham Bang Up Butler Associates Inc. Karl Burgsmueller Burett Burleigh/Burgess & Leigh Burlington Burley 16 APS Validation Codes APS Automated Pawn System™ are Trademarks owned by the City of Minneapolis, MN USA The Automated Pawn System™ copyrighted 1995-2005 by the City of Minneapolis, MN USA C:\WINNT\Profiles\hardymm0\Desktop\codes.doc 3/19/2004 Automated Pawn System ™ Brand Name Code Brand Name BURRIS BURSWD BURTON BUS BUSCHR BUSH BUSHNE BUT BUTTER BUU BUYETS BVLGAR BVZ BW BWA BWI BWIDOW BYC BYDN BYRDY BZA BZD C ARMS C ASSO C BABY CCS C CORN C COUR C CRAF C CUTL C DEVO C DUCA C ELEC C FORG C HAUS C INLI C MACH C MAST C MATH C PNEU C POW C PRO CRK C STAF C TECH C TOOL C VEGA CAA CABELA Burris Burswood Burton Buscher Strotmodell Buscher Bush Bushnell Jesse S. Butterfield Butterfly BUSSU Buyers Bvlgari Brevez-AW Bohnmische Waffenfabrik B. West Imports, Inc. Bowers Industries Black Widow Berestian & Cia Boyden Beyerdynamic Berasaluze Areitio Aurtena Bozard & Co. Charter Arms Computer Associates Cry Baby Coleman Cable Systems Crown Corning Crown Court Child Craft Chicago Cutlery Crown Devon Crown Ducal Chicago Electric Central Forge Campbell Hausfeld CCM Central Machinery Channel Master Curtis Mathes Chicago Pneumatic Coleman Powermate California Pro Columbia River Knife & Tool Crown Staffordshire C Technologies Central Tools Cerwin Vega Carcano Cabela 17 APS Validation Codes APS Automated Pawn System™ are Trademarks owned by the City of Minneapolis, MN USA The Automated Pawn System™ copyrighted 1995-2005 by the City of Minneapolis, MN USA C:\WINNT\Profiles\hardymm0\Desktop\codes.doc 3/19/2004 Automated Pawn System ™ Brand Name Code Brand Name CABOT CAC CAD CADENC CADET CADILL CAE CAF CAFE CAG CAIG L CAITHN CAKEWA CAL CAL IN CAL PO CALLOW CALTER CALVIN CAMARK CAMBRI CAMELB CAMOVI CAMPBE CAN CANBAL CANDIE CANNON CANON CAP CAPCOM CAPITA CAPIX CAPODI CAPTUR CAR CARBIT CARDEW CARE CARICA CARL M CARLOS CARLSB CARLTO CAROLA CARR CARRIE CARSAN CARSON Cabot Charco CAD Cadence Cadet Cadillac John Calvert Cafeld Cafe Campo Giro Caig Labs Caithness Cakewalk California Arms Calculated Industries California Pottery Callaway/Calloway Calterm Electronics Calvin Klein Camark Cambridge Camelbak Camovision Campbell Catabria Cannonball Candies Cannon Canon Capitan Capcom Capita Capix Capodimonte Capture Carolina Arms Co. Carbite Cardew Care Carica Carl Martin Carlos Carlsbad Carlton Carol Anderson Carr Carrier Carlos Santana Carson 18 APS Validation Codes APS Automated Pawn System™ are Trademarks owned by the City of Minneapolis, MN USA The Automated Pawn System™ copyrighted 1995-2005 by the City of Minneapolis, MN USA C:\WINNT\Profiles\hardymm0\Desktop\codes.doc 3/19/2004 Automated Pawn System ™ Brand Name Code Brand Name CARTIE CARVEB CAS CASABL CASCAD CASECU CASELO CASIO CASLON CASTLE CASTR CAT CAT PU CATALI CAU CB CB DRU CBC CBI CBROIL CCI CDESIG CDIOR CDM CDT AU CEE CEL CELERS CELEST CELSTI CEMENT CEN TE CENARM CENDYN CENT M CENT W CENTUR CES CET CFI CFISH CFR CH ELL CH ENG CH LOC CHA CHABOT CHAMB CHAMP Cartier Carve Board Ca-Si Precision Casablanca Cascade Case Cutlery Case Logic Casio Caslon Castleton Castor CATCO Cat Pump Catalina Caucelegui Colombia Fuerzas Militares CB Drums CBC (Cia Brazileria de Cartuchos) CBI Char Broil Competitor Corp., Inc. Current Design Christian Dior Criterion Die & Machine Co. CDT Audio Centaure Celta Celerstron Celestion Celestine Guitar Cementex Cen-Tech Century Arms CenDyne Century Motors Century Welders Century Cesar Cetme National Institute of Industry Champlin Firearms, Inc. Carl Fisher Cephyr CH Ellis Champion Engineering Channellock Chatellerault Chabot Chamberlain Champ 19 APS Validation Codes APS Automated Pawn System™ are Trademarks owned by the City of Minneapolis, MN USA The Automated Pawn System™ copyrighted 1995-2005 by the City of Minneapolis, MN USA C:\WINNT\Profiles\hardymm0\Desktop\codes.doc 3/19/2004 Automated Pawn System ™ Brand Name Code Brand Name CHAMPI CHANDL CHAPMA CHAPN CHARDA CHARVE CHASE CHASED CHAUME CHB CHC CHD CHECKP CHEFSC CHEMTR CHERY CHESAP CHESIL CHEVRO CHF CHIMER CHINON CHINTZ CHK CHL CHM CHN CHO CHOPAR CHR CHRYSL CHS CHT CHU CHUBER CHW CHY CIA CIDCO CIE CIL CIM CIMGIT CINEVI CISCO CISLAN CITIZE CITORI CJM Champion Chandler Chapman Chapin/Chapin Guitars Charles David Charvel Chase Chase-Durer Chaumet Chicago Chantecler Charles Daly Checkpoint Chefs Choice Chemtronics Cherry Chesapeake Light Craft Chesilvale Chevrolet Chicago Firearms, Inc. Chimera Chinon Chintz Cherokee Arms Co. Churchill, E.J., Ltd. Chimere Reinoir Chan Chan Chicago Arms Co. Chopard Chicago Derringer Corp. Chrysler Chapuis Chamelot Type Charola-Anitua Charles-hubert Chylewski Cheyenne Century Intl. Arms, Inc. Cidco Johnathon Arthur Ciener Canadian Industries, Ltd. Cimarron Arms Cimarron Guitars Cinevision Cisco Systems Channel Islands Citizen Citori Chopitea Jose Maria 20 APS Validation Codes APS Automated Pawn System™ are Trademarks owned by the City of Minneapolis, MN USA The Automated Pawn System™ copyrighted 1995-2005 by the City of Minneapolis, MN USA C:\WINNT\Profiles\hardymm0\Desktop\codes.doc 3/19/2004 Automated Pawn System ™ Brand Name Code Brand Name CK CKA CL TOO CLA CLAIRO CLARIO CLARKS CLASSI CLAUSS CLAV D CLAV N CLAVIA CLC CLD CLE CLEVEL CLEVO CLI CLIFFO CLIPPR CLK CLM CLS CLSACS CLV CM AUT CMC CMF CMG CMLABS CMP CMR CMS CMT CNC CNCORD CNCRTM CNDALE CNM CNTRN CO POT COACH COALPO COAST COB COBRA COBRAY COBY COC Czechoslovakia (undetermined make) Central Kentucky Arms Classic Tools Clabrough & Sons Clairol Clarion Clarks Classiques Entier Clauss Clavia DDrum Clavia Nord Clavia Digital Instruments Clic-Clac Claridge Hi-Tech Clement Cleveland Clevo Clair Clifford Electronics Clipper Canoes Cannon Block Clerke/Clerke Technicorp. Climax Classic Arms Classic Accessories Cleveland Arms Co. CM Automation Challenger Mfg. Co. Century Mfg., Inc. Covert Arms Mfg. Co. CM Labs Competition, Ltd. Cougar Arms Cooksey Machine Shop Clement-Neurmann COP, Inc. Concord Concertmate Cannondale Cuno Melcher Centron Colorado Pottery Coach Coalport Coast to Coast Cobolt Cobra Cobray Coby Cockerill 21 APS Validation Codes APS Automated Pawn System™ are Trademarks owned by the City of Minneapolis, MN USA The Automated Pawn System™ copyrighted 1995-2005 by the City of Minneapolis, MN USA C:\WINNT\Profiles\hardymm0\Desktop\codes.doc 3/19/2004 Automated Pawn System ™ Brand Name Code Brand Name COD CODE A COE COF COG COI COL COLCLO COLD S COLE H COLEMA COLIBR COLLGT COLT COLUMB COMFR COMMOD COMOTI COMPAQ COMPUS CON CONAIR CONCOR CONN CONNEC CONQUE CONSRT CONTAX CONTEX CONTIC CONTOU CONVER COO COOKCO COOKE COOKES COOLIC COOLLU COOPER COORS COP COPELA COQ CORDIO CORE CORELL CORNET CORNIN CORNWA Cody Mfg. Corp. Code Alarm Connecticut Arms & Mfg. Co. Colton Firearms Co. Cogswell & Harrison Coliat Collath Colclough Cold Steel Cole Haan Coleman Colibri Collings Guitars Colt Columbia Comfort-aire Commodore Co Motion Compaq CompUSA Colonial Conair Concordia Conn Connections Conquest Consort Contax Contex Contico Contour Converse Continental Cooking Com Cooke Cooks Essentials Cool-icam Cool Lux Cooper Tools Coors Pottery Cooper Firearms Mfg. Co. Copeland Continental Arms Co. Cordiox Core Corelle Comet Corning Ware Cornwall 22 APS Validation Codes APS Automated Pawn System™ are Trademarks owned by the City of Minneapolis, MN USA The Automated Pawn System™ copyrighted 1995-2005 by the City of Minneapolis, MN USA C:\WINNT\Profiles\hardymm0\Desktop\codes.doc 3/19/2004 Automated Pawn System ™ Brand Name Code Brand Name CORR CORRIC CORT CORUM COS COSCO COSMOS COSTAD COT COUNTR COUSTI COV COVENT COVER COW COWONS COXREE COYOTE COZ CPI CPK CPN CPS CPT CRAFTS CRAIG CRATE CRDBRD CRE CREATI CREATV CRESCE CRESTA CREWS CRFT CRG CRI CRIMES CRISTA CRITER CRL CRM CRMONA CRO CROSLY CROSS CROSST CROTON CROWN Corr Corriciadan Cort Corum Constabler Cosco Cosmos Optical Costa Del Mar Corrientes Countryman Coustic Car Audio Coovey Coventry Cover Your Axe Cow Boy Cowon Systems Coxreels Coyote Corzo Commerical Products Chipmunk Mfg. Co. Champlin/Champlin-Hasdins CPS Component Metal Products Craftsman Craig Crate The Chordboard Essex Creative Labs Creative Crescent Crest Audio Crews Crafter Crucelegui Criolla CrimeStopper Cristal d Arques Criterion Crestliner Division Crestwood Arms Cremona Crosman Arms Co. Crosley Cross Crosstrak Croton Crown 23 APS Validation Codes APS Automated Pawn System™ are Trademarks owned by the City of Minneapolis, MN USA The Automated Pawn System™ copyrighted 1995-2005 by the City of Minneapolis, MN USA C:\WINNT\Profiles\hardymm0\Desktop\codes.doc 3/19/2004 Automated Pawn System ™ Brand Name Code Brand Name CROWNI CRSMN CRSMNC CRSTLD CRT CRTLND CRU CRUMAR CRUNCH CRUSHP CRUTCH CRV CRVINI CRVLL CRVN CRW CSALIS CSB CSC CSD CSF CSL CSP CSPAS CSS CST BE CST CO CTA CTC CTD CTL CTX CUESGT CUETEC CUISIN CUMPIA CURRI CURTIS CUSA CUSTER CVA CVAELE CVALR CVR CWC CWL CYBIKO CYCLON CYFAC Crown International Crossman Crosman Corp Crystal Decisions Craft Product Co. Cortland Crucero Crumar Crunch Crush Proof Tubing Crutchfield Carlo Riva Cervini Carvelle Carvin Crown City Arms Chrysalis Bruno Castellani Caspian Arms, Ltd. Crusader Arms Co. Crossfire LLC Casual Arms Corp. Coonan Arms California Spas Crossfire CST/Berger CST Corporation Centennial Arms Cotter & Co. Chesterfield Armament Carlo Cassartelli CTX CueSight Cuetec Cuisinart Wm Cumpiano Currie Curtis Camp Usa Custer Products Connecticut Valley Arms CVA Electronica Cavalier Carver Calwestco, Inc. Continental Weapons, Ltd. Cybiko Cyclone Cyfac 24 APS Validation Codes APS Automated Pawn System™ are Trademarks owned by the City of Minneapolis, MN USA The Automated Pawn System™ copyrighted 1995-2005 by the City of Minneapolis, MN USA C:\WINNT\Profiles\hardymm0\Desktop\codes.doc 3/19/2004 Automated Pawn System ™ Brand Name Code Brand Name CYMA CZR CZUSA D DEVI D KARA DMC D MAST D MILL D MINT D W IN DA POT DAA DAB DAC DACOR DAD DADDAR DAEW DAEWOO DAGGR DAHLE DAIHAT DAISY DAIWA DAK DAKAR DAKINE DAL DALE DALLOZ DAMCO DANBY DANDRE DANEIL DANELE DANFUS DANO DANSK DANWES DAP DAQSTR DAR DARKST DARTON DATAVA DATREK DATS DAU DAUM Cyma Czar CZ-USA Dirt Devil Donna Karan Digital Music Corp Drill Masters Duncan & Miller Danbury Mint David White Instruments Dakota Pottery Dakin Davis Industries Dance Bros. & Park Dacor Davis Arms, Davis Martin D Addario Daewoo Daewoo Dagger Dahle Daihatsu Daisy Daiwa Dakota Dakar Dakine Daredevil Dale Dalloz Safety Damco Danby D Andrea Daneille Danelectro Danfuss Dano Dansk Dan Wesson Dardick Corp. D Aquisto Strings Darling (B. or B.M.) Darkstar Darton Datavac Datrek Datsun L. Daudeteau Daum 25 APS Validation Codes APS Automated Pawn System™ are Trademarks owned by the City of Minneapolis, MN USA The Automated Pawn System™ copyrighted 1995-2005 by the City of Minneapolis, MN USA C:\WINNT\Profiles\hardymm0\Desktop\codes.doc 3/19/2004 Automated Pawn System ™ Brand Name Code Brand Name DAUST DAVIS DAW DAX DAY DAYTON DAZORM DBA DBDRIV DBX DCR DCS DCUT DDE DDESIG DDFP DDRUM DEAN DEAN M DEB DEC DEE DEF DEG DEGENH DEH DEI DEK DEL DELFT DELL DELMA DELMHO DELOMM DELPHI DELTA DEM DEN DENI DENON DENSO DEO DER DES DESCO DESTRU DET DEV DEVILB Denise Austin Davis Davis-Warner Arms Corp. Davis Guns Dansk Rekylriffel Syndikat Schouboe Dayton Dazor Mfg. Dubiel Arms Co. DB Drive DBX Roger Dacin DCS Diamond Cut Dornaus & Dixon Enterprises, Inc. Dreamer Designs Dito Dean Food Prep Ddrum Dean Dean Markley Defense Decker Defender (handgun) Defiance Mfr. Inc. Degtyarev Degenhart Henry Deringer Sr. & Jr. G. Decortis Dek-Du Delta Marine, Inc. Delft Dell Delma Delmhorst Instrument Co. DeLomme Delphi Delta/Delta International Fabrica D'Armes F. Delu Demontant Deni Denon Denso Demon Derringer Corp. Destroyer Desco Destructo Detective Detroit Arms Co. Devilbis 26 APS Validation Codes APS Automated Pawn System™ are Trademarks owned by the City of Minneapolis, MN USA The Automated Pawn System™ copyrighted 1995-2005 by the City of Minneapolis, MN USA C:\WINNT\Profiles\hardymm0\Desktop\codes.doc 3/19/2004 Automated Pawn System ™ Brand Name Code Brand Name DEVINE DEWALT DEX DEZ DFORD DGIGT DGK DHD DIA DIA BL DIA PW DIADOR DIAMAU DIAMON DIANAM DIATON DICO DICTAP DIFINI DIG AU DIGIDE DIGIME DIGISE DIGITA DIGITE DIGITW DIGTME DII DIK DILONG DIMARZ DIN DINOSA DIO DIR DIR AU DIS DISELA DISNEY DISTEL DIT DIXIE DK DK AUD DKA DKC DKI DKNY DLEADB Devine Medical DeWalt Deluxe (pistol) Deutsche Treff D.L. DeFord E. Digital DGK DHD Diamond Arms Co. Diamond Blades Diamond Pumps & Water Systems Diadora Diamond Audio Diamondback Diana Marco Daiton DICO Dictaphone Difinity Digital Audio Digidesign Digimedia Digisette Digital Digitech Digitalway Digital Media Desert Industries Dikar Dilonghi DiMarzio Diana Dinosaur Dickson Special Agent Diarm, S.A. Directed Audio/Directed Electronics E.L. Dickinson Sterling (revolvers) Diesel Audio Disney Discovery Telescopes Dictator Dixie-Industries Denmark (undetermined make) Dk Audio Dakota Arms Dickson Capitol Doki DKNY David Leadbetter 27 APS Validation Codes APS Automated Pawn System™ are Trademarks owned by the City of Minneapolis, MN USA The Automated Pawn System™ copyrighted 1995-2005 by the City of Minneapolis, MN USA C:\WINNT\Profiles\hardymm0\Desktop\codes.doc 3/19/2004 Automated Pawn System ™ Brand Name Code Brand Name DLINK DLITE DLONGI DMA DMNDSP DMR DMTER DMX DND DNKY DNR DOBRO DOD DODGE DOEPFE DOK DOLBYL DOM DOMI DON DONPLI DONRUS DOOKS DOOL DOPTIK DOR DORCY DOS DOU DOWNY DOXA DPA DPM DRAGON DRAWM DRE DREMEL DRESDE DRGTN DRILLD DRMART DRO DRU DRUM W DRV DRZ DSA DSC DSM D-link Dashlite Delonghi Demain, Inc. Diamond Supply Co Damar Demeter D-Max Industries John C. Denard Co. Dinky Davis, N.R. & Sons Dobro DOD Dodge Doepfer Danok Dolby Laboratories Dorman Dominion Domino Donald Pliner Donruss Dooks Doolin Guitars Deutsche Optik Dormus Dorcy Dos Leones Douglas Downey Doxa DPA DPMS, Inc Dragon Drawmer Dreadnought Dremel Dresden Dredge Tone Drill Doctor Dr. Martens Demro Tac I Dreux Drum Workshop Drulov Dr. Z DSA, Inc. Dschullnigg Frank de Haas 28 APS Validation Codes APS Automated Pawn System™ are Trademarks owned by the City of Minneapolis, MN USA The Automated Pawn System™ copyrighted 1995-2005 by the City of Minneapolis, MN USA C:\WINNT\Profiles\hardymm0\Desktop\codes.doc 3/19/2004 Automated Pawn System ™ Brand Name Code Brand Name DSOUND DSP DTN DTRAPH DUAL DUBEY DUC DUCATI DUFFRN DUGAN DUNLOP DUO DUPONT DURACR DUT DUTTON DVL DVO DVT DWLAB DWM DWO DYE DYMO DYN DYNA DYNAM DYNAMA DYNAST DYNATO DYNAUD DYNO DYSON E ACOU E ARTS E HOK E KODA E MACH E STAU EAA EAB EAE EAGLE EAGLEC EAGLEM EAM EAR EARTHL EARTHW DSound Discover Detonics Dake Traphagen Dual Dubey & Schaldenbrand Duco Ducati Dufferin Dugan Dunlop Duo DuPont Duracraft Dutch Hembrug Dutton-Lainson Davalon Davidson Firearms Co. W.H. Davenport Firearms Co. DW Labs Deutsche Waffen & Munitions Fabriken Daewoo Stoeger Industries, Inc. Dye Dymo Dynamit Nobel Dyna Dynamics Dynamat Dynastar Dynatour Dynaudio Dyno Dyson Eagle Acoustic Electronic Arts eHockey Eastman Kodak eMachines Erich Stauffer Eagle Arms European American Armory Corp. Eastern Sports Eagle Eagle Claw Eagle Mountain European American Arms Corp. Earthquake Earthlink Earthway 29 APS Validation Codes APS Automated Pawn System™ are Trademarks owned by the City of Minneapolis, MN USA The Automated Pawn System™ copyrighted 1995-2005 by the City of Minneapolis, MN USA C:\WINNT\Profiles\hardymm0\Desktop\codes.doc 3/19/2004 Automated Pawn System ™ Brand Name Code Brand Name EASY B EASYSH EAT EBAC EBCO EBEL EBLITZ EBM EBP EBRLE EBS SW EBTECH ECCLIS ECCO ECHK ECHO ECHOPL ECLIPS ECM ECS ECV EDDIEB EDEN EDGEMA EDGEMR EDIGIT EDIROL EDR EDSE EDY EFC EFLO EFOCUS EGL EGO SY EGW EHARMO EHART EHOLST EIG EIGERL EILEEN EIN EKHO EKLIND ELATN ELB ELC ELCTRA Easy Braid Easy Share Eastern Arms Co. Ebac Ebco Ebel Eblitz E.A. Brown Manufacturing Ed Brown Products, Inc. Eberle EBS Sweden Ebtech Ecclissi Ecco Echenkekars Echo Echoplex Eclipse Excam ECS Hijos de A. Echeverria Vesta Eddie Bauer Eden Electronics Edgemark Edge Memory eDigital Edirol Eusta/Eusta-Schieder Edsel Eddy Mfg. Co. (EMC) Eastern Firearms Co. Easy Flo Everfocus Eagle Gun Co. Ego Systems Enterprise Gun Works Electro Harmonix Elkhart Eholster EIG Cutlery Eiger Labs Eileen Fisher Einhand Ekho Eklind Elation Elderkin & Sons El Cid Electra 30 APS Validation Codes APS Automated Pawn System™ are Trademarks owned by the City of Minneapolis, MN USA The Automated Pawn System™ copyrighted 1995-2005 by the City of Minneapolis, MN USA C:\WINNT\Profiles\hardymm0\Desktop\codes.doc 3/19/2004 Automated Pawn System ™ Brand Name Code Brand Name ELCTRC ELCVC ELE ELECA ELECTR ELECTX ELEKTR ELEVAT ELF ELGIN ELIMIN ELINUX ELIXIR ELL ELLSWO ELMO ELP ELR ELS ELTROL ELTRON ELVAYA ELVEX ELY EM EMA EMAGIC EMC EME EMEDIA EMERSO EMF EMGLO EMI EMINEN EMIS EMK EMLAB EMOTK EMP EMPIRE EMTN EMU EN ENA ENC END ENDERE ENESCO Electrocoustic Electro Voice Eley/Eley-Kynoch Eleca Electrophonic Electrix Elektra Elevation Elf Elgin (Lord or Lady) Eliminator Elinux Com Elixir Elliot Ellsworth Elmo El Perro Elbert Josiah Ellis Electrolux Eltron ElectroVaya Elvex Electric City East Germany (undetermined make) Empire Arms Co. eMagic E.R. Maples Co. EMGE/EM GE Emedia Emerson Early & Modern Firearm Co. Emglo E & R Machine Co. Eminence EMI Emdeko Intl. Electronic Music Laboratories Emotion Kayaks Empire State Arms Co. Empire Evergreen Mountain Emu Britain/England (undertermined make) ABN Industrial/Enterprise Arms ENCOM America Enders Enderes Enesco 31 APS Validation Codes APS Automated Pawn System™ are Trademarks owned by the City of Minneapolis, MN USA The Automated Pawn System™ copyrighted 1995-2005 by the City of Minneapolis, MN USA C:\WINNT\Profiles\hardymm0\Desktop\codes.doc 3/19/2004 Automated Pawn System ™ Brand Name Code Brand Name ENF ENFIEL ENI ENO ENSONI ENVISI EOS EOTECH EPIC EPIHON EPILAD EPMLTD EPOCA EPOQUE EPSON ER ERARD ERATEC ERI ERICKS ERICSS ERM ERNIEH ERNSTB ERPHIL ERQ ERR ESC ESCO ESCORT ESE ESP ESPRES ESPRT ESQ ESR ESTMN ESTN ESTRAD ESX ETA ETERNA ETI ETL ETN ETONIC ETR ETU ETW Enfield/Enfield Lock Enfield Enfield America John Foote and Co. Enders Ensoniq Envision EOS Eotech Epic Epiphone Epilady E P M Ltd Epoca Epoque Epson Erika Erard Era Tech Erl Svendsen Erickson Ericsson Erma/Erma Werke Ernie Ball Ernst Benz Erphilia Erquiaga, Marguruza y Cia Antonio Errasti Escodin ESCO Escort Essential Arms Co. ESP Espressione EuroSport ESQ Espingarda Eastman Easton Estrada Essex Arms Corp. Estal Eterna Emerging Technologies, Inc. EuroStahl Etna Etonic Easter Estul, Inc. Ernst Thelmann Werke 32 APS Validation Codes APS Automated Pawn System™ are Trademarks owned by the City of Minneapolis, MN USA The Automated Pawn System™ copyrighted 1995-2005 by the City of Minneapolis, MN USA C:\WINNT\Profiles\hardymm0\Desktop\codes.doc 3/19/2004 Automated Pawn System ™ Brand Name Code Brand Name EUK EUM EUPHON EUR EUREKA EURO T EUROCL EUROCM EUROPR EUROSL EVANS EVB EVELEC EVENFL EVENTI EVERET EVEREX EVERLA EVERLY EVERST EVETTE EVIL EVINRU EVOLUT EXC EXCALI EXE EXIDE EXP EXPERF EXPLR EXPOBR EXR EXSPRT EXT EXTECH EZ DUP EZONIC F ACT F ALER F MINT F PRIC FAB FABERW FAC FAD FAE FAG FAHREN Euskaro EuroManufacture Euphonix EuroArms Eureka Euro Tool EuroClean EuroCom Euro-pro EuroSled Evans Ever Best Event Electronics Evenflo Eventide, Inc. Everett Everex Everlast Everly Music EverStart Evette Evil Evinrude Evolution Excelsior Excalibur Excel Arms of America Exide Expert Rifle Extreme Performance Explorer Expobar Express Extrasport Ancion-Marx Extracteur Extech EZ-Dupe Ezonics First Act First Alert Franklin Mint Fisher Price Fabrique D'Armes de Guerre de Precision Faberware Freedom Arms Co. Fade Fraser Arms Co. A. Fagnus Fahrenheat 33 APS Validation Codes APS Automated Pawn System™ are Trademarks owned by the City of Minneapolis, MN USA The Automated Pawn System™ copyrighted 1995-2005 by the City of Minneapolis, MN USA C:\WINNT\Profiles\hardymm0\Desktop\codes.doc 3/19/2004 Automated Pawn System ™ Brand Name Code Brand Name FAIRBA FAJ FAL FAM FANCOR FANDRE FANTOM FAO FAR FARBER FARENH FARFIS FAS FATAR FAV FAW FAX FB ROG FBR FBW FCL FCW FD FDA FDL FEC FEDDER FEDERA FEE FEG FEH FEI FEL FELLOW FENDER FENDI FENTON FENWIC FEO FER FERLAD FERNAN FESTIN FET FEU FF FFC FFP FFV Fairbanks Fajen Mfg. Co. Falcon Famars di-Abbiatico & Salvinelli Fancort Franz Andreas Fantom Falco Far Farberware Farenheit Farfisa Farica Armi Sarezzo Fatar Favorit Farwell Arms Co. Fax F.B. Rogers Armi Fabri Falling Block Works/Fix Bros. Alpine Firearms Co., Ltd. C.W. Franklin Finland (undetermined make) Fabrica D'Armas-IWA Federal Laboratories Federal Engineering Corp. Fedders Federal F. da de Escopatos Feg Union Ferlach Feinwerkbau Felia Arms Co. Fellowes Fender Fendi Fenton Fenwick Federal Ordinance Fernwood Gun Supply Ferland Fernandes Festina Feather Enterprises Ferunion Francisfrancis Federal Firearms Co, Fabrica D'Armi Fratelli Pietta Forenade Fabrik Verken (FFV) 34 APS Validation Codes APS Automated Pawn System™ are Trademarks owned by the City of Minneapolis, MN USA The Automated Pawn System™ copyrighted 1995-2005 by the City of Minneapolis, MN USA C:\WINNT\Profiles\hardymm0\Desktop\codes.doc 3/19/2004 Automated Pawn System ™ Brand Name Code Brand Name FGANDR FGN FHQ FI FIAT FID FIE FIELDM FIELDP FIELDS FIESTA FIF FIN FIO FIR FIREST FIRSTI FISCHR FISHER FISHMA FISKAR FITOVE FITQUE FITZ F FJW FKA FLA FLAMBE FLE FLEXOV FLEXPO FLEXST FLG FLK FLO FLOBOT FLOJET FLOTEC FLOW B FLR FLUKE FMC FME FMG FN FNB FOA FOCAL FOCUSR Franz Gander Frigon Franchi Fiala Arms & Equip. Co. Fiat Fidjeland F.I.E. Fieldmaster FieldPro Field & Stream Fiesta Field & Fireside Finnish Lion/Finnish Lion Jr. Fiocchi-Pardini Firearms Intl. Corp. Firestone First International Fischer Fisher Fishman Fiskar Fitovers Fitness Quest Fitz & Floyd Fahrzeug Und Jagdwaffen Frankfort Arsenal, Inc. Flaig's Flambeau Fleming Firearms Flexovit Flexpoint Flexsteel Fritz Werke Felk Industries Florida Flobot Flojet Flotec Flow Blue Forida Firearms Fluke FMC FAME Fabrica de Material de Guerra France (undertermined make) Fabrique Nationale D'Armes de Guerre H & D Folsom Arms Co. Focal Focusrite 35 APS Validation Codes APS Automated Pawn System™ are Trademarks owned by the City of Minneapolis, MN USA The Automated Pawn System™ copyrighted 1995-2005 by the City of Minneapolis, MN USA C:\WINNT\Profiles\hardymm0\Desktop\codes.doc 3/19/2004 Automated Pawn System ™ Brand Name Code Brand Name FOE FOI FONTAN FOR FORD FORSCH FORSQ FORSTE FORTIS FORUM FOS FOSSIL FOSTEX FOSTOR FOWLER FOX FOZ FPI FPT FRABIL FRAMUS FRANCH FRANCI FRANKE FRANKL FRANKO FRANSA FRB FRDRCH FREDER FREECO FRETRO FRG FRI FRIGID FRN FRNCIS FRONDE FRONTI FRONTL FRONTP FROST FRR FRSTYL FSO FST FSTRM FSU FTB G.V. Fosbery Foster Industries Fontanelli Forehand Arms Co. Ford R.H. Forschner Four Square Forster Fortis Forum Foster Hardware Co. Fossil Fostex Fostoria Fowler A.H. Fox (Sterlingworth) Ceska Zbrojovka Fire Power, Inc. F. Pedretti Frabill Framus Franchi Menotti Francini Franklin Electronic Franklin Frankoma Franco Sarto Franconia Friedrich Frederique Constant Freecom Future Retro August Francolette Co. Friedr Frigidaire Frontier Bulldog Franciscan Frontier Designs Frontier Frontier Labs FrontPath Frost Cutlery Ferret Free Style Fausti Stephano Fausto Massi Filterstream Francisco Sarruigarte Fratelli Bertuzzi 36 APS Validation Codes APS Automated Pawn System™ are Trademarks owned by the City of Minneapolis, MN USA The Automated Pawn System™ copyrighted 1995-2005 by the City of Minneapolis, MN USA C:\WINNT\Profiles\hardymm0\Desktop\codes.doc 3/19/2004 Automated Pawn System ™ Brand Name Code Brand Name FTL FTP FTR FUA FUJI FUJICA FUJITS FUJNON FUL FULLTO FULPER FULTON FUN FUNAI FUNIA FURCH FURMSD FURY FUTBEA FUTREC FUTSKI FWF FYLDE FYR G ELEC G FORC G FORE G RACK GAB GABRIE GAD GAE GAF GAGGIA GAGNE GAH GALAXY GALILE GALLIE GALVES GAM GAMEFI GAMETI GAMMA GAMO GAR GARAND GARCIA GARFIE F.T.L. Marketing Fratelli Piotti August Francotte Furr Arms Fuji Fujica Fujitsu Fujinon Fullerton Fulltone Fulper Fulton Fun Funai Funia Furch Furman Sound, Inc. Fury Future Beach Futurecom Global Future Surf Skis Fort Worth Firearms Fylde Andrew Fyrberg & Co. General Electric G-Force George Foreman Gorilla Rack Products Gabbert-Fairfax Gabriel Galand Arms Co. Garate Anitua Tigre GAF Gaggia Gagne Garantazado Galaxy Galileo Gallien Kruger Galveston Gam Game Finder Gametime Gamma Gamo Gordoney Garand Garcia Garfield 37 APS Validation Codes APS Automated Pawn System™ are Trademarks owned by the City of Minneapolis, MN USA The Automated Pawn System™ copyrighted 1995-2005 by the City of Minneapolis, MN USA C:\WINNT\Profiles\hardymm0\Desktop\codes.doc 3/19/2004 Automated Pawn System ™ Brand Name Code Brand Name GARGOY GARMAN GARMIN GARRAR GAS GAT GATEWA GATOR GAV GAYLRD GBGUIT GBK GCCC GCL GCR GDEN GDMAN GDRICH GEA GEARWE GEC GEL GEMEIN GEMINI GEN GEN PS GEN PU GEN TO GENELE GENERA GENERC GENERI GENESI GENEVA GENEVE GENICO GENIE GENTRA GENZ B GEO GERBER GERRY GERSON GES GESIPA GETAC GEV GEVRIL GH Gargoyles Giorgio Armani Garmin Garrard Gastinne Renette Gatling Gateway Gator Armand Gavage Gaylord G.B. Guitars Greenback Great Canadian Canoe Co Gustav, Carl Gercar George Dennis Goodman B.F. Goodrich Galena Industries GearWrench G.C. Dornheim Gecado Gevelot Gemeinhardt Gemini General Precision Corp. General Power Systems General Pump General Tools/General Tool Co. Genelec General Generac Generico Genesis Geneva Geneve Genicom Genie Gen Tran Genz-Benz Geo Gerber Legendary Knives Gerry Gerson Mayday Flare Gun Gesipa Getac Gevarm, S.A. Gevril Grant Hammond Corp. 38 APS Validation Codes APS Automated Pawn System™ are Trademarks owned by the City of Minneapolis, MN USA The Automated Pawn System™ copyrighted 1995-2005 by the City of Minneapolis, MN USA C:\WINNT\Profiles\hardymm0\Desktop\codes.doc 3/19/2004 Automated Pawn System ™ Brand Name Code Brand Name GHA GHM GHS GIA GIANT GIBRAL GIBSON GIC GIEREC GIL GILBER GIM GIORGI GIRMI GIRO GIV GIVENC GL GLA GLAESL GLAND GLE GLENFI GLI GLIDER GLLIDE GLN GLOB A GLOCK GLOOM GLOWAR GLX GLYPH GLZ GMA GMB GMC GMEM GMFACE GMM GMUSIC GNC GND GNO GOA GODIN GODING GOEBEL GOERZ Geha H.M. Gering Leonhardt GHS Giscosa Giant Gibraltar Gibson Gemini Investment Corp. Giere Company Gilbert/Gilbert Equipment Co. Gilbert Armas Gib-Maximo Giorgio Bernini Girmi Giro J.L. Galef & Son Givenchy G And L Guitars Gladiator Glaesel Greatland (Target) Glisenti Glenfield Galil Israel Glider Glidecam Golden State Arms Global Audio Glock G. Loomis Glo-Warm Galaxy Enterprises Glyph William Glaze & Co. General Motors Gamba/Rottweil GMC Generic Memory Gameface G. McMillan Co. General Music Gonic Arms Co. Grendel, Inc Gnom/Gnome A. Gilon Godin Godinger Goebel Goerz 39 APS Validation Codes APS Automated Pawn System™ are Trademarks owned by the City of Minneapolis, MN USA The Automated Pawn System™ copyrighted 1995-2005 by the City of Minneapolis, MN USA C:\WINNT\Profiles\hardymm0\Desktop\codes.doc 3/19/2004 Automated Pawn System ™ Brand Name Code Brand Name GOGTRS GOJAK GOKART GOL GOLDEN GOLDSG GOLDST GOLFPR GOLFSM GOM GON GOODAL GOODBU GOPED GOR GORDON GORHAM GORILL GOSSEN GOUDA GOVIDE GPX GR RV GRA GRABNR GRACO GRAFTO GRANPR GRASSI GRB GRE GREENL GREES GRENGT GRETSC GRF GRG GRH GRI GRIMOL GRINDL GRL GRN GRNDPX GRO GROG GROOVE GRP GRR Go Guitars GoJak Go Kart Goliat Goldenrod Golds Gym Goldstar Golf Pride Golfsmith Go Motorboards Goncz Armament, Inc. Goodall Goodbuddy Goped Pedro Gorosabel Gordon Rush Gorham Gorrilla Gossen Gouda GoVideo GPX Great River Electronics Great American Grabner Inflatables Graco Grafton/Royal Grafton Gran Prix Grassi Gras Greener Martini/W.W. Greener, Ltd. Greenlee Gree-soleus Grendel Basses Gretsch Greifelt & Co. Fabrica Armi Gradoga Griffin & Howe H.F. Grieder Grimoldi Grindley Greeley Arms Greenfield Grand Prix George E. Rose Co. Gregg Rogers Groove Tubes Group Industries Green River Rifle Works 40 APS Validation Codes APS Automated Pawn System™ are Trademarks owned by the City of Minneapolis, MN USA The Automated Pawn System™ copyrighted 1995-2005 by the City of Minneapolis, MN USA C:\WINNT\Profiles\hardymm0\Desktop\codes.doc 3/19/2004 Automated Pawn System ™ Brand Name Code Brand Name GRS GRT GRU GRUEBY GRUEN GRUNDI GRUNDO GRUTTR GS RED GSCI GSE GSF GSG GSHOCK GSI GSL GT GUARDF GUCCI GUESS GUI GUIDEG GUIDPR GUILD GUN GUNAR GUR GUT GUW GUYATO GUZ GVC GW GW COL GWG GWL GYEAR GYM H ARMS H ATLA H BEAC H DAVI H GENE H GERI H GERS H KOCH H PACK H POIN H STAN Gross Arms Co. Grist Mill Manufacturer Gregorelli & Umberti Grueby Gruen Grundig Grundorf Corporation Gary Rutter GS Redline Gsci Griffith & Semple Gunsmoke Enterprises Goal Sport Goods G-Shock GSI/GSI Technologies Gallyon & Sons, Ltd. GT/GT Electronics Guard Father Gucci Guess Guisasola Bros. Guidegear Guide Pro Guild Guardian Gunnar Gueure Tanfolglio, Armi Guiseppe Gun Works, Ltd. Guyatone Guipuzcoana la Industrial GVC Continental, The Great Western Arms Unique G.W. Collection Griswold & Gunnison W.L. Grant Goodyear Garate y Mendiba Heritage Arms Hazel-Atlas Hamilton Beach Harley Davidson Honda Generators Hein Gericke H. Gerstner & Sons H & K ( Heckler & Koch) Hewlett-Packard Hot Point High Standard (or Hi) 41 APS Validation Codes APS Automated Pawn System™ are Trademarks owned by the City of Minneapolis, MN USA The Automated Pawn System™ copyrighted 1995-2005 by the City of Minneapolis, MN USA C:\WINNT\Profiles\hardymm0\Desktop\codes.doc 3/19/2004 Automated Pawn System ™ Brand Name Code Brand Name H WELL H2OPTI HAB HABAN HADLEY HAEGER HAF HAH HAI HAIER HAJ HAL HAL LE HALDEX HALL HALMRK HALOGE HAMILT HAMMER HAMMON HAMPRD HAN HANDS HANDSP HANSON HAO HAP HAQ HAR HAR LA HARBIG HARMNY HARMON HARO HARPER HARPTO HARRIN HARRIS HARTDY HARTKE HARVAR HAS HASSLB HAT HATZ HAU HAURE HAVILA HAW Honeywell H2Opitx Habicht Habanero Hadley Haeger Hamal Hanscomb Hardware Co. Hellenic Arms Industry Haier Haerens Tojhus C.G. Haenel Hal Leonard Haldex Hall Hallmark Halogen Hamilton Hammersley Hammond Hampton Ridge Handy Hands Handspring Hanson Elof Hansson Hauptli Hammerli Hartman Harrison Labs/Harrison Electronics Harbinger Harmony Harmon/Kardon Haro Harper Trucks Inc. Harptone Harrington & Richardson Harris Hart Dynamics Hartke Systems Harvard Frank Harrison Arms Co. Hasselblad Hartford Arms Co. Hatz Haut Rhin Haurex Haviland Hawes 42 APS Validation Codes APS Automated Pawn System™ are Trademarks owned by the City of Minneapolis, MN USA The Automated Pawn System™ copyrighted 1995-2005 by the City of Minneapolis, MN USA C:\WINNT\Profiles\hardymm0\Desktop\codes.doc 3/19/2004 Automated Pawn System ™ Brand Name Code Brand Name HAWKEN HAWKIN HAWTHO HAZ LA HBG HBO HBOSS HCS HDD HDOUGL HDS HEA HEAD HEATHM HEATHZ HEDSTR HEE HEELSI HEET S HEIDEN HEIL S HEISEY HEJ HELBRO HELMR HEM HEMLKC HEN HENCKL Her HERCUL HEREND HERITA HERMES HERON HES HET HEUER HEW HEY HEZ HGW HH HHBCOM HHE HHOY HHP HHQ PE HIFONI Hawken Hawking Hawthorne HAZ Laboratories Hemburg HBO/Rysher Hugo Boss Hercules Henrion & Dassy (H & D) Hunter Douglas Hendrick Sales & Engineering Co. Hecla Head Heath Manufacturing Heath Zenith Hedstrom C.E. Heinzelmann Heelside Heet Sound Heiden Heil Sound Heisey Heinermann Helbros Helmer He-Mo Hemlock Canoe Works Henry Gun Co. J.A. Henckels Herman Herculiner Herend Heritage Hermes Heron Hesse, Ltd Hermitage (Arms or Gun Co.) Heuer Herter's Inc. Heym Hermetic Harris Gunworks Hy Hunter HHB Communications H & H Enterprises Hans Hoyer HHP HHQ Percussion HiFonics 43 APS Validation Codes APS Automated Pawn System™ are Trademarks owned by the City of Minneapolis, MN USA The Automated Pawn System™ copyrighted 1995-2005 by the City of Minneapolis, MN USA C:\WINNT\Profiles\hardymm0\Desktop\codes.doc 3/19/2004 Automated Pawn System ™ Brand Name Code Brand Name HIG HIGEAR HIGHCO HIGHLA HILIFT HILNDS HILTI HIMARK HIMER HIP HIPOIN HIPPO HIS HITACH HITECH HITI HIVIZ HIWATT HJI HJJ HJURG HKE HKI HKR HLD HLITE HLL HLTN HMER HNM HNV HO MET HOAG HOB HOBART HOBIE HOF HOFFCO HOHNER HOL HOLLAN HOLMES HOMAK HOMAX HOMEDI HOMERL HON HONDA HONDO Higgins, JC High Gear High Country Highlander Hi-Lift Highlander Sports Hilti Himark Heimer Hispano Argentina Zonda Hi-Point Hippo Ballester-Molina Hitachi Hi Tech Hiti Hiviz Hiwatt H.J. Industries (H.J.S. Industries) JJ Henry & Sons Hans Jurge Hawke Engineering, Inc. Hawk Industries Hubenbeckler Helicodog Homelite J.H. Hall/Hall-North Holton Hamer H & N Minicraft Hanover Arms Health-O-Meter Hoag Hoban Mfg. Co. Hobart Hobie/Hobie Cat Holland Firearms Co. Hoffco Hohner Hollenbeck Holland Holmes Homak Homax Products Inc./Homax Corp. Homedics Homer Laughlin Hornet Honda Hondo 44 APS Validation Codes APS Automated Pawn System™ are Trademarks owned by the City of Minneapolis, MN USA The Automated Pawn System™ copyrighted 1995-2005 by the City of Minneapolis, MN USA C:\WINNT\Profiles\hardymm0\Desktop\codes.doc 3/19/2004 Automated Pawn System ™ Brand Name Code Brand Name HOOVER HOPKIN HORSEM HORTON HOS HOSA HOT HOT LI HOTPOI HOTROC HOUSE HOWARD HOWE HOWSN HOYA HPP HRC HRIDER HRM HRMNC HRR HRTFLD HSEIGL HSK HSO HSP HTCONT HTE HTN HU HUB HUEBLE HUFFY HUGH K HULL HUM HUMFRE HUMM HUMMEL HUMMIN HUN HUNTER HUNTRO HUNTVW HURRIC HUSH P HUSKY HUSQVA HV Hoover Hopkins & Allen Horseman Usa Horton Horsely Hosa Hotchkiss Hot Licks Hotpoint Hotrocket House Howard Arms Howe Howson Hoya Hoppes Hamilton Rifle Co. Heathrider HRM Harmonic Henry Repeating Rifle Co. Heartfield H. Seigler Haskell Hollis & Sons H.S. Precision, Inc. Heat Controller H.T. Enterprises Holston Enterprises Hungary (undetermined make) Hubertis Huebler Huffy Hughes & Kettner Hull Hummer Humfree Hummer Hummel Hummingbird New Haven Firearms Co. Hunter Huntron Hunters View Hurricane Hush Puppies Husky Husqvarna Hourat et Vie 45 APS Validation Codes APS Automated Pawn System™ are Trademarks owned by the City of Minneapolis, MN USA The Automated Pawn System™ copyrighted 1995-2005 by the City of Minneapolis, MN USA C:\WINNT\Profiles\hardymm0\Desktop\codes.doc 3/19/2004 Automated Pawn System ™ Brand Name Code Brand Name HWA HWRNR HWTT HY HYD HYPE HYPR HYPRO HYS HYUNDA HYUNW I JOHN I RAND I SILV I2GO IAB IAC IACT IAG IAI IAL IAP IAR IASCA IBA IBANEZ IBE IBERIA IBIS IBM ICOM ICP GL IDEAL IDS IFA IFIT IGC IGD IGL IGLOO IGUANA IIJ IJAM IK MUL IKELIT ILL IMAGDY IMAGE IMATIO Howa/Howa Ltd. Hans Werner Hewett Hy Score Hyde Hype Hyper HyPro Hyper-Single Hyundai Hyun Won Iver Johnson Ingersol Rand International Silver Co. I2go Industria Armi Bresciane Indian Arms Corp. Inter Act Industria Armi Galesi Irwindale Arms, Inc. Allen American Intl. Antique Reproductions, Inc. Armotecnia IASCA Gear Ibargun Ibanez Iberian Firearms Iberia Ibis IBM Icom ICP Global Technologies Ideal Intl. Distributors Investarm Fabrica D'Armi Ifit Nutrition Imperial Gun Co., Ltd. IG Destroyer John Inglis Igloo Iguana Iija I-Jam IK Multimedia Ikelite Illinois Arms Co. Image Dynamics Image Imation 46 APS Validation Codes APS Automated Pawn System™ are Trademarks owned by the City of Minneapolis, MN USA The Automated Pawn System™ copyrighted 1995-2005 by the City of Minneapolis, MN USA C:\WINNT\Profiles\hardymm0\Desktop\codes.doc 3/19/2004 Automated Pawn System ™ Brand Name Code Brand Name IMB IMC IMI IMP IMPERI IMPEX IMPULS INA INC IND INDCRK INDIAN INDIGL INFINE INFINI INFITI INFOCU INFOMA ING INH INITIA INL INOVA INR INS INSTAR INSTBL INT INT TB INTEGR INTEL INTERJ INTERM INTERN INTERT INTRNA INTRTH INTTEC INTUIT INV INVINC INY IODATA IOMAGI IOMEGA IONA IOR IOU IOWA M Imbel I .M. Metal I.M.I. (Israeli Military Inds.) Imperial Metal Products Imperial Impex Impulse Industria National de Armes Intratec USA, Inc. Indiana Indian Creek Indian Indiglo Infineon Infinity Infiniti Infocus Informatics Ingram Intl. Harvester Initial Firearms Intl. Industries Inova Interarms, Ltd (Interarmco) Interstate Arms Co. Insta-Ramp Insta Blend Intercontinental Arms International Tool Boxes Integra Intel Interjet Interactive Media International Intertech Internature Intertherm Intermec Technologies Intuit Invicta Invincible Interdynamic I-O Data I/Omagic Iomega Iona Interord IOU Iowa Manufacturing 47 APS Validation Codes APS Automated Pawn System™ are Trademarks owned by the City of Minneapolis, MN USA The Automated Pawn System™ copyrighted 1995-2005 by the City of Minneapolis, MN USA C:\WINNT\Profiles\hardymm0\Desktop\codes.doc 3/19/2004 Automated Pawn System ™ Brand Name Code Brand Name IPAQ IPT P IQAIR IRIS IRIVER IRNHRS IROCK IRONST IROQUO IRP IRWIN IS ISAACM ISH ISI ISL ISOMAC ISR ISTERL ISUZU IT ITC ITECHH ITG ITHGW ITHICA ITM ITRONI ITT IWCO IZH IZZO J BROS J C PE J DEER J KENT J MEEK J MESS J MORT JA JAB JACKSO JACUZZ JAE JAEGER JAG JAGUAR JAM JAMBON Ipaq IPT Pumps Iqair Iris Iriver Ironhorse Irock Ironsighter Iroquois Irwin-Pederson Arms Irwin Industrial Tools Israel (undetermined make) Isaac Mizrahi Rifle Factory of Ishapor Israeli Arms International Indian Sales Isomac Desert Eagle International Sterling Isuzu Italy (undetermined make) Italo Itech Hockey Italguns Intl. Ithaca Guitar Works Ithica or Ithaca Industrial Technical Machine Itronix ITT International Watch Co Izhevsk Izzo Johnson Brothers J.C. Penney John Deere/Deere & Co. James Kent Joe Meek Johnson Messenger James Morton Japan (undetermined make) Jabe/Escopetas Jabe Jackson Jacuzzi Armi Jaeger/Armi Jager Jaeger Lecoultre Jager/Jager & Co. Jaguar Jerry's Gun & Ammo Jambone 48 APS Validation Codes APS Automated Pawn System™ are Trademarks owned by the City of Minneapolis, MN USA The Automated Pawn System™ copyrighted 1995-2005 by the City of Minneapolis, MN USA C:\WINNT\Profiles\hardymm0\Desktop\codes.doc 3/19/2004 Automated Pawn System ™ Brand Name Code Brand Name JAMIS JAN JANSPO JAR JASMIN JASON JAXINC JAZ JBC JBL JBOX JBPLAY JBS JC OPT JCHIGG JDOW JEAN M JEANET JEENYU JEEP JEI JEN JENNA JENNIN JENSEN JET JET PI JFT JGT JHA JIE JIF JJC JKEMP JKI JKS JL AUD JL COO JLETTE JLOLLR JMO JNN JNSRUD JOA JOCKEY JOFA JOH JOHNSO JOMOX Jamis Jannsen/Jannsen Sons & Co. Jansport Jarmann Jasmine Jason Jax Inc Jazz JBC/Just Be Cool JBL Joe Boxer JB Player Joe B. Smith J.C. Optics J.C.Higgins JohnDow Jean Marcel Jeanette Jeenyus Jeep Jennings Firearms Co. Jenkins Special Jenn Air Jennings Jensen Jet Jet Pilot Jennings Fine Tuning, Inc. Guy T. Jones Jackson Hole Arms Co. Jieffeco Jiffy Jacquemart, J. Jeff Kemp J-K Imports William Jenks JL Audio JL Cooper John Letters Jason Lollar J. C. Montgomery Jana Intl. Co. Johnsrud Joha Jockey Jofa Johnson Arms/Johnson Automatics Johnson JoMox 49 APS Validation Codes APS Automated Pawn System™ are Trademarks owned by the City of Minneapolis, MN USA The Automated Pawn System™ copyrighted 1995-2005 by the City of Minneapolis, MN USA C:\WINNT\Profiles\hardymm0\Desktop\codes.doc 3/19/2004 Automated Pawn System ™ Brand Name Code Brand Name JON JONARD JOSS JOT JPE JPF JRE JREDGA JRIDE JSA JSN JTC JTEL JUCEMA JUICE JULESJ JUMPK JUS JUSTRI JVC JWIN JWL K COLE K LOCK K MART KABLEK KACES KAHLES KAL EQ KALIMA KAM KAMAN KANAI KANGUR KAP KARAGH KARCHE KARERA KARHU KAS KASCO KASER KASSNA KASTAR KAW KAWAI KAWASK KAY KAYSCO Johnson, Bye & Co. Jonard Joss Johnson-Tucker J's Pacific Enterprise J.P. Foote/John Pril Foote J & R Engineering Co. Jim Redgate Joyride Johnny's Armory B.F. Joslyn P.S. Justice JTEL Juiceman Juice Goose Jules Jurgensen Jumpking Just, Joset Justrite JVC Jwin John W. Linebaugh Kenneth Cole Kwick-Lock K Mart Kable Keepers Kaces Kahles KAL Equipment Kalimar Kaltmann Kaman Kanai Kanguru Kappora Karaghan Karcher Karera Karhu Kahout & Spol Kasco Kaser Kassnar Kastar Kawaguchiya Firearms Co. Kawai Kawasaki Kay Kaysco 50 APS Validation Codes APS Automated Pawn System™ are Trademarks owned by the City of Minneapolis, MN USA The Automated Pawn System™ copyrighted 1995-2005 by the City of Minneapolis, MN USA C:\WINNT\Profiles\hardymm0\Desktop\codes.doc 3/19/2004 Automated Pawn System ™ Brand Name Code Brand Name KAZ KAZAZ KBAR KBGEAR KCA KDF KDPWR KDS KDTOOL KDU KE AIR KEB KEC KEEPER KEF KELLY KELTY KEMPER KEN KENGS KENMOR KENNER KENO KENSIN KENT KENTOO KENWOO KEPUR KER KERSHA KES KESSLE KETT KETTER KETTLR KEY KEYFAX KEYS KFF KGS KHR KHS KIA KICKER KIE KIKEL KIL KIMAR KIMBAL Ernest Kazik Kazaz Ka Bar KB Gear Kansas City Arms KDF, Inc. Kidpower KDS KDTools Kendu K & E Air Tools Kebler Kerrco Keeper KEF Audio Kelly Kelty Kemper Kentuckian Kengs Kenmore Kenner Keno Kensington Kent Ken-Tool Kenwood Kepur Emil Kerner Kershaw Kessler Arms Corp. Kessler KETT Ketter Kettler Keystone Arms Co. Keyfax Keys Kaffir K and G Services Kahr Arms KHS Kia/Kia Motors Corp. Kicker Kimber Kikel Kirtland Bros. Kimar Kimball 51 APS Validation Codes APS Automated Pawn System™ are Trademarks owned by the City of Minneapolis, MN USA The Automated Pawn System™ copyrighted 1995-2005 by the City of Minneapolis, MN USA C:\WINNT\Profiles\hardymm0\Desktop\codes.doc 3/19/2004 Automated Pawn System ™ Brand Name Code Brand Name KIMEL KINGMA KINMAN KIR KIRBY KIRSCH KITCHE KJL KKB KKC KKS KLARK KLEENT KLEIN KLEINT KLEPPE KLG KLH KLIP KLOOP KLR KMISL KN KNDRK KNG KNGSTO KNI KNIGHT KNILL KNIPE KNOWLE KNR KNSHF KO KOA KOB KOD KODAK KOEI KOH KOHLER KOII KOK KOKAT KOL KOLCRA KOLEAU KOM KONA Kimel Kingman Kinman Guitar Electrix Kirikkale (MKE) Kirby Kirsch KitchenAid KJK Knickerbocker Krico (Kriegskorte & Co.) K.K. Snashin Shojuki Klark Teknik Kleentec Klein Klein Tools Klepper Usa Klein Guenther KLH Klipsch Killer Loop Kolar Arms Karl Meisel North Korea (undetermined make) Kendrick King Kingston Knight Armament/Knight Manufacturing Knight Knilling Knipex Knowles K.K. Nihon Ryoju Seike Seisakusko Kinscherff South Korea (undetermined make) Kobra Kobold Kodiak Mfg. Co. Kodak Koei Kohnke Gun Works Kohler Engines Koiler Kokura Kokatat H.M. Kolb Kolcraft Kole Audio Theodor Kommer/Waffenfabrik Kommer Kona 52 APS Validation Codes APS Automated Pawn System™ are Trademarks owned by the City of Minneapolis, MN USA The Automated Pawn System™ copyrighted 1995-2005 by the City of Minneapolis, MN USA C:\WINNT\Profiles\hardymm0\Desktop\codes.doc 3/19/2004 Automated Pawn System ™ Brand Name Code Brand Name KONAMI KONG KONICA KONIGM KONUS KOO KOOLST KOR KORG KOSS KOTTO KOWA KRA KRAMER KRD KRE KRIEGH KRILLL KRK KRUPS KRYPTO KRZWL KSA KSI KSN KSPROD KSTREL KT C KTC KTEC KTG KTI KTV KUS KUSHLA KUSTOM KUTMAS KWIK KYOCER KYSER KZL L A SO L BOY L C SM L DIAM L GIAN L J ST L LADD L NELS Konami kong Konica Konig & Meyer Konus H. Koon, Inc. Kool Stop Korth Korg Koss Kotto Kowa Krag Kramer J.H. Krider Krepp Krieghoff Krill Lamps KRK Krups Kryptonite Kurzweil Keystone Sporting Arms KBI, Inc. KSN Industries K And S Products Kestrel KT&C Kel-Tec Ktec KTG Firearms Kintrek, Inc. KTV A. Krausser Kushlan Kustom Kutmaster Kwik Kyocera Mita Kyser Keszler La Sound Lawn Boy L.C. Smith Longer Diamond Little Giant Lear Jet Stereo, Inc. Louisville Ladder Lord Nelson 53 APS Validation Codes APS Automated Pawn System™ are Trademarks owned by the City of Minneapolis, MN USA The Automated Pawn System™ copyrighted 1995-2005 by the City of Minneapolis, MN USA C:\WINNT\Profiles\hardymm0\Desktop\codes.doc 3/19/2004 Automated Pawn System ™ Brand Name Code Brand Name L PICC LA LAA LAB LABELL LABORS LABTEC LAC LAD LAF LAKEWO LALIQU LAM LAMAR LAMARQ LAN LANDWA LANEY LANGE LANIER LANZAR LAO LAP LAPAVO LAR LARGAN LARIN LARIVE LAS LASERJ LASONI LASSAL LAT LATHEM LATINP LAW LAWSN LAZ LB LBA LBC LBEAN LBI LBU LCN LCROSS LDA LDPI L LDY Lucien Piccard J.H. Lau & Co. Larand Lanber Armas LaBella Labor Savi Labtech Lacha Ladies Pet Lauf Pence Lakewood Lalique J.G. Landmann Lamar LaMarque F. Langenhan LandWare Laney Lange Lanier Lanzar Larose Lampo La Pavoni Larson Industries, Inc. Largan Larin Larivee La France Specialties LaserJamb LaSonic Lassale Lahti Lathem Time Latin Percussion Harry Lawson Co. Lawson Inc Lazzeroni Lob Le Basque Lebeau-Courally L. L.. Bean Les Baer Custom, Inc. Luigi Belleri Lorcin Engineering Co., Inc. Lacrosse Lenoir & Logue LDPI Lighting Leader Dynamics 54 APS Validation Codes APS Automated Pawn System™ are Trademarks owned by the City of Minneapolis, MN USA The Automated Pawn System™ copyrighted 1995-2005 by the City of Minneapolis, MN USA C:\WINNT\Profiles\hardymm0\Desktop\codes.doc 3/19/2004 Automated Pawn System ™ Brand Name Code Brand Name LE CRE LE SMI LEATHE LEB LEBLC LEC LECOUL LED LEDGE LEE LEEDOM LEESON LEF LEFTON LEGACY LEGEND LEGO LEH LEI LEICA LEK LEKI LEL LEM LEMOND LEN LENNOX LENOX LENTEK LEO LEP LEQ LEQUIP LER LEROY LESLIE LET LEU LEUPOL LEV LEVITO LEVOLO LEW LEWS LEX LEXAR LEXICO LEXMAR LEXUS Le Creuset L.E. Smith Leatherman Lebel Le Blanc J. Lloyd Lewis Le Coultre Le Dragon Leading Edge Lee Arms Co. Leedom Leeson Lefever Lefton Legacy Legend Lego Lee Enfield Lefaucheux Leica Le Fulgor Leki Legia Demontants Le Majestic Lemond Lefner Lennox Sound Lenox Lentek LeMartiny Le Mat Le Novo L Equip Le Page Leroy Leslie Sound Company Le Protecteur Le Rapide Leupold Lepco Leviton Levolor G.E. Lewis Lews Le Sane Parei/Le Sans Pareil Lexar Lexicon Lexmark Lexus 55 APS Validation Codes APS Automated Pawn System™ are Trademarks owned by the City of Minneapolis, MN USA The Automated Pawn System™ copyrighted 1995-2005 by the City of Minneapolis, MN USA C:\WINNT\Profiles\hardymm0\Desktop\codes.doc 3/19/2004 Automated Pawn System ™ Brand Name Code Brand Name LEZ LFA LFB LFJ LFRAL LFS LG LGB LGIC LHV LIA LIB LIBERT LID LIFE LIFEST LIFETI LIG LIGHTA LIKKO LIM LIMES LIMOGE LIN AU LIN EL LINCOL LINDEN LINDSP LINDST LINE LINEA LINEAR LINEAX LINEX LINHOF LINN E LINTON LIONEL LIQ LIQLOG LIQUID LIR LISLE LIT LITTON LJG LJU LKE LLADRO Lester, L.M.. & G.H. Le Tout Acier Duc Lewis/Lewes Left Destroyer Lindy Fralin Lee's Firearms Co. LG Lasagabaster Hermanos Lgic Hans V. Lidl Little Pal Liberty Arms Co. Liberty Lindsay Mfg. Co. Life Lifestride Lifetime Lignose Lightning Audio Likko Little Tom Limes Limoges Lincoln Automotive Lincoln Electric Lincoln Linden Lindahl Specialties Lindstrom Line Linea Paolo Linear LinearX Systems Inc. Linex International Linhof Linn Electronics Linton Lionel Liquid Liquid Logic Liquidynamics Little All Right (palm pistol) Lisle Lightning (pistol) Litton Ljungman Ljutic Arms Co. Lakefield Sales Ltd. Lladro 56 APS Validation Codes APS Automated Pawn System™ are Trademarks owned by the City of Minneapolis, MN USA The Automated Pawn System™ copyrighted 1995-2005 by the City of Minneapolis, MN USA C:\WINNT\Profiles\hardymm0\Desktop\codes.doc 3/19/2004 Automated Pawn System ™ Brand Name Code Brand Name LLAMA LLYTE LMF LMI LND LNDHAU LNDR LOAD H LOADMA LOB LOCCIN LOCMAN LOCTIT LOE LOETZ LOGAN LOGICA LOGITE LOGO A LOIS H LOMO LOMONO LON LONGIN LOPERI LOPEZ LOR LORUS LOS LOTUS LOUISV LOV LOWELL LOWRAN LOWREY LOY LRA LRK LRN LRW LSC LSS LST LTG LU LUC LUCASI LUCENT LUCY A Llama Laserlyte Lar Manufacturing Miguel Larranaga Leinad Lindhaus Land Rover Load Handler LoadMaster Lobo Lorcin Locman Loctite Loewe, Lugwig Loetz Logan Logical Logitech Logo America Lois Hill Lomo Lomonosov Long Range Winner Longines Lite On Peripherals Nancy Lopez John P. Lower Lorus Losada Lotus Louisville Lovell Arms Co. Lowell Arms Lowrance Lowrey Loyola Luciano Rota Lark Leech & Rigdon Liberty Arms Works L.E.S. Corp Le Secours Stefano Lucheni Lithgow Lun Ebrug Luchsgewehrfabrik Lucasi Lucent Lucy Ann 57 APS Validation Codes APS Automated Pawn System™ are Trademarks owned by the City of Minneapolis, MN USA The Automated Pawn System™ copyrighted 1995-2005 by the City of Minneapolis, MN USA C:\WINNT\Profiles\hardymm0\Desktop\codes.doc 3/19/2004 Automated Pawn System ™ Brand Name Code Brand Name LUDWIG LUE LUGER LUMEDY LUMINE LUMINO LUN LUNT LURAY LUREEY LUT LUTHER LUX LWDN LXI LYM LYNX LYON LYRC LZBOY LZL M AUDI M BRAD M CHEF M COFF M DYNA M FALL M K AR M KOTA M LOC M MECH M MORE M SOLU M TOWN M TROW M WARD M WOOD M3 MA AUD MAB MAC MACGRE MACINT MACK MACKIE MAD MADERA MADRVR MADSHU Ludwig/Ludwig Bell Lutetia Luger Lumedyne Lumineze Luminox Lund American, Inc. Lunt LuRay Lure-eyes Luttick Gregory Furan Lutherie Lux/Fruhuf Lowden LXI Lyman Gun Co. Lynx/Lynx Studio Technology Lyon Lyric La-Z-Boy Laszlo M-Audio Milton Bradley Magic Chef Mr. Coffee Mobile Dynamics Millers Falls MK Arms, Inc. Minn Kota MasterLock Master Mechanic Music And More Micro Solutions Morgantown Marshalltown Trowel Company Montgomery Ward Manor Wood M3 MA Audio Manufacture Automatiques de Bayonne (MAB) Mac MacGregor Macintosh Mack Mackie Madsen Madera Mad River Madshus 58 APS Validation Codes APS Automated Pawn System™ are Trademarks owned by the City of Minneapolis, MN USA The Automated Pawn System™ copyrighted 1995-2005 by the City of Minneapolis, MN USA C:\WINNT\Profiles\hardymm0\Desktop\codes.doc 3/19/2004 Automated Pawn System ™ Brand Name Code Brand Name MAE MAESTR MAF MAG MAGELL MAGGIE MAGGIN MAGIX MAGLIT MAGNA MAGNAD MAGNAL MAGNAV MAGRES MAH MAIMAT MAIN E MAJ MAJEST MAJETC MAJOLI MAK MAKARO MAKITA MALCO MALIB MALTBY MAM MAMIYA MAN MANCO MANLEY MANTIS MAO MAP MAPEX MAR MARANT MARBLS MARC J MARCH MARCO MARIN MARINE MARK1 MARKII MARKOF MARKSM MARLIN Modele des Armes Maestro Manufrance MAG Technology Co./Mag Innovision Magellan Maggie Lawrence Maggini Magix Maglite Magna Magnadyne Corp. Magnalite Magnavox Magnum/Magnum Research Maltby & Henley Maximatic Main Engineering Corp. Mfg. D'Armes a Feu Majestron Majestic Majolica Markwell Arms Co. Makarov Makita USA Inc. Malco Malibu Maltby Massachusetts Arms Co. Mamiya Manlicher Manco Manley Labs, Inc. Mantis J. Manton & Co. Marksman Products Mapex Mark Marantz Marbles Marc Jacobs Martin Archery Marco Marin Mariner Mark1 Mark II Mark of the Unicorn Marksman Marlin 59 APS Validation Codes APS Automated Pawn System™ are Trademarks owned by the City of Minneapolis, MN USA The Automated Pawn System™ copyrighted 1995-2005 by the City of Minneapolis, MN USA C:\WINNT\Profiles\hardymm0\Desktop\codes.doc 3/19/2004 Automated Pawn System ™ Brand Name Code Brand Name MARMOT MARSH MARTIN MASONS MASTER MATCO MATON MATROX MATSUC MATTEL MATTH MAUBOU MAUIJI MAUSER MAUTHO MAVERI MAW MAX MAXAM MAXELL MAXFLI MAXON MAXTOR MAXX N MAY MAYHEW MAYTAG MAZDA MB QUA MBA MBL MBLANC MBR MCC MCCOY MCCULL MCDERM MCELRO MCG MCH MCI MCL MCM MCRAFT MCS MD GOL MDF MDI MDL Marmot Marshall/Marshall Electronics Martin Masons Master Matco Maton Matrox Matsucom Mattel Matthews Mauboussin Maui Jim Mauser Mobile Authority Maverick William M. Marston Maxim Maxam Knives Maxell Maxfli Maxon Maxtor Maxx New York Mayor/Francois Mayor Mayhew Maytag Mazda MB Quart M. B. A. /MB Associates Marble Arms Corp. Monte Blanc Mars (pistols) Maltby, Corliss & Co. McCoy McCulloch McDermott McElroy Merex Corp. Gebruder Manchester Arms Machine Crafters, Inc. McLaughlin Gun Mfg. Harris McMillan Gunworks, Inc. Mastercraft MCS M D Golf Mfr. D'Armas de Fuego Maadi Mandall Supply Co. 60 APS Validation Codes APS Automated Pawn System™ are Trademarks owned by the City of Minneapolis, MN USA The Automated Pawn System™ copyrighted 1995-2005 by the City of Minneapolis, MN USA C:\WINNT\Profiles\hardymm0\Desktop\codes.doc 3/19/2004 Automated Pawn System ™ Brand Name Code Brand Name MDM MDZ MEA MEADE MEADIN MEB MEC MECHWE MED MEDALL MEDANA MEDIA MEE MEF MEGGER MEISSE MELITT MELLOT MEMBER MEMINC MEMORE MEMPHI MENCCI MEOPTA MEPHIS MEPROL MER MERCED MERCUR MERIDI MERKUR MERLIN MESA MET METALP METERM METLOX METROB METROP METZ MEV MEYER MEZZ MFA MGL MGRAVE MGREEN MGRP MGT Manufacture Imperial de Mutzig Mendoza Melina Meade Meadin Alfred Merwin & Bray Mexican Model Mechanixwear E.C. Mecham Arms Co. Medallist Medana Media Merkel Meriden Firearms Co. Megger Meissen Melitta Mellotron Members Only Mid East Mfg Inc Memorex Memphis Mencci Meopta Prerov As Mephisto Meprolight Mereilleux Mercedes-Benz Mercury Meridian Merkur Merlin Mesa/Mesa Boogie Meteor Rifles Metal Pro Meterman Metlox MetroBook Metrophones Metz/Metz-werke Merveilleux Meyer Mezz Fabrica de Armas Mexico City Mitchel-Mogal Michael Graves Michael Green Av Design Mace Group MagTech Recreational Products, Inc. 61 APS Validation Codes APS Automated Pawn System™ are Trademarks owned by the City of Minneapolis, MN USA The Automated Pawn System™ copyrighted 1995-2005 by the City of Minneapolis, MN USA C:\WINNT\Profiles\hardymm0\Desktop\codes.doc 3/19/2004 Automated Pawn System ™ Brand Name Code Brand Name MGUIDE MGV MGX MH MHN MHU MIA MICHEL MICROB MICROH MICROI MICROS MICROT MICVID MID MID AT MIDIMN MIDISO MIDLAN MIDO S MIDWIN MIE MIELE MIF MIG MIH MII MIKASA MIL MILE M MILLET MILLIK MILT I MILWAU MIM MINERV MINI MINMI MINOLT MINOX MINTEK MINTON MIO MIRAGE MIRAND MIRRO MIS MISSIO MITAC Motorguide Musgrave MGX Merwin & Hubert (M & H) Manhurin, S. A. Mathieu Arms & Development Midland Gun Co. Michele Microboards Microhouse Micro Innovations Microsoft Microtek Micro Video Milady Middle Atlantic Midiman Midi Solutions Midland Mido Swill Watches Midwinter Mieg. Armand Miele Minneapolis Firearms Co. Mightly Midget Michigan Armament MIL, Inc. Mikasa Military Automatic Mile Marker Millett Milliken Milton Industries, Inc. Milwaukee Minima Minerva MiniScooter Minami Minolta Minox Mintek Minton Mio Mirage Miranda Mirro Mississippi Valley Arms Co. Mission Mitac 62 APS Validation Codes APS Automated Pawn System™ are Trademarks owned by the City of Minneapolis, MN USA The Automated Pawn System™ copyrighted 1995-2005 by the City of Minneapolis, MN USA C:\WINNT\Profiles\hardymm0\Desktop\codes.doc 3/19/2004 Automated Pawn System ™ Brand Name Code Brand Name MITCHE MITSUB MITUTO MITYVA MIXMAN MIYANC MIZUNO MK DIA MK MOR MKA MKB MKS MKS PR MLRN MM MMA MMATS MMC MML MMULE MND MNG MNHDWR MNI MNQUE MNS MNSTON MNT MNTAGU MOA MOAB MOB MOBPRO MOC MODULU MOEN MOG MOGAMI MOJA MOMENT MOMO D MON MONETT MONGOO MONROE MONSTE MONTRE MOOG M MOORCR Mitchell Mitsubishi Mitutoyo MityVac Mixman Miyanchi Mizuno MK Diamond M.K. Morse Mikkenger Arms MK Ballistic Systems MKS Supply, Inc. MKS Professional Malerne Mexico (undetermined make) Master Mag Mmats Monomac Modern Muzzle Loading Corp. Mighty Mule Mondial (blank pistols) Renato Menegon Mountain Hardwear Morini Competition Arms Monique Minnesota Arms Co. Moonstone Mentz Montague Mosin-Nagant Moab Montenegrin Mobilepro MOA Corp. Modulus Moen Mondragon Mogami Mojave Momentus Momo Design Moneta-Guernica Monette Mongoose Monroe Monster Cable Montres Moog Music Moorcraft 63 APS Validation Codes APS Automated Pawn System™ are Trademarks owned by the City of Minneapolis, MN USA The Automated Pawn System™ copyrighted 1995-2005 by the City of Minneapolis, MN USA C:\WINNT\Profiles\hardymm0\Desktop\codes.doc 3/19/2004 Automated Pawn System ™ Brand Name Code Brand Name MOP MOR MORLEY MORSAF MOS MOSER MOSQTO MOSSBE MOSSER MOSSI MOT MOTION MOTO G MOTOBE MOTORO MOTU MOULT MOV MOVADO MOW MPA MPC MPCCOM MPIO MPULS3 MQUEST MRA MRC MRF MRG MRHEAT MRI MRK MRL MRM MRR MRS MRX MS MSC MSI MSK MSP MSQ MSR MSS MT MTA MTC Morley & Murphy Hdwe. Co. Morrisburg Morley MorSafe Lakefield Moser Mosquito Mossberg Mosser Mossi Monitor Motion Sound Moto Guzzi Motobecane Motorola Motu Moulton Mt. Vernon Arms Co. Movado Mowery Gun Works Masterpiece Arms Inc. Meister Products Co. MPC Computers Mpio MPuls3 Music Quest Alex Martin, Ltd. Merill Co. Marochi & Figli Margolin Mr. Heater Maroccini Marks J. H. Merrill & Co. Maverick Arms Merrimack Arms Mears Armas Marixa Modesto Santos (MS) Marshwood Masieri Meiji Seika Kaisha Man-Stopper Masquelier MSR M-S Safari Arms Mountaineer Mateba Mitchell Arms 64 APS Validation Codes APS Automated Pawn System™ are Trademarks owned by the City of Minneapolis, MN USA The Automated Pawn System™ copyrighted 1995-2005 by the City of Minneapolis, MN USA C:\WINNT\Profiles\hardymm0\Desktop\codes.doc 3/19/2004 Automated Pawn System ™ Brand Name Code Brand Name MTD MTT MTX MUC MUE MUK MUL MULTIT MUNCIE MUNRO MUNSEY MURAN MURATA MURRAY MUSICM MUSICP MUSICS MUSTEK MUTEC MUTRON MUZIC MVC MVI MVNCL MXPRO MXR MXW MYD MYOTT MYR MYS MZA MZW N AMER N ENGL N HYDR N INDT N PRO N STAR N TRAC N WARE N WOOD NAC NADY NAG NAKAMI NAMCO NAMHNT NAN MTD MTT MTX Samuel Marson & Co. Maeleer Musketeer Mueller Multiple Technologies Muncie Munro Munsey Murano Murata Murray Music Man Music People MusicStore Mustek Mutec Mu-Tron Muzic M. V. T. DiContento Eugenio Mavi di Salvinelli Movincool Mxpro MXR Maxwell Arms Maynard Myott Mayer & Riem Mayer & Sons Muguruza & Co. Merz Werke North American Arms New England Northern Hydraulics Northern Industrial Tools Northern Pro NorthStar Nordic Track Nordic Ware Northwood NAC Incorp NADY/Nady Systems, Inc. Nagant (revolvers) Nakamichi Namco North American Hunter Naniwa Kogyo K. K. 65 APS Validation Codes APS Automated Pawn System™ are Trademarks owned by the City of Minneapolis, MN USA The Automated Pawn System™ copyrighted 1995-2005 by the City of Minneapolis, MN USA C:\WINNT\Profiles\hardymm0\Desktop\codes.doc 3/19/2004 Automated Pawn System ™ Brand Name Code Brand Name NAPA NAPCO NAS NASH NATEYE NATION NATIVE NATURA NAUTIC NAVY S NAXA NAXOS NBLT NCI NCKAYA NCM NCR NE NEB NEC NECKYK NEE NEELY NEF NEI NEJ NEL NEM NEN NEOWVE NEP NES NESCO NESPRE NETGEA NETWOR NETZER NEUMAN NEUTRI NEVERC NEVSUM NEW NEW BA NEWCOM NEWCON NEXIBK NEXTEL NFA NHM Napa Napco Nashville Arms Nash Native Eyewear National Native Instruments Naturalizer Nautica Navy Seal Naxa Electronics Naxos Noblet North China Industries NC Kayaks Nowlin Custom Mfg. NCR Netherlands (undetermined make) Newman Brothers NEC Necky Kayak New England Arms Co. Neely New England Firearms New Empire Ned. Magaziji New Liberty Nemrod Newton Arms Co. Neo Wave Newport Nesika Bay Precision, Inc. Nesco American Harvest Nespresso Net Gear Network Associates Netzero Neumann Neutrik Never Compromise Never Summer Newton New Balance Newcomb Newcon Nexibike Nextel North Fulton Arms N.H. Mayer/NHM 66 APS Validation Codes APS Automated Pawn System™ are Trademarks owned by the City of Minneapolis, MN USA The Automated Pawn System™ copyrighted 1995-2005 by the City of Minneapolis, MN USA C:\WINNT\Profiles\hardymm0\Desktop\codes.doc 3/19/2004 Automated Pawn System ™ Brand Name Code Brand Name NHTC NICHOL NICKER NICKLA NIGHTO NIKE NIKKO NIKON NIKONO NIKR NILES NINA NINE W NINTEN NIPPON NISHIK NISSAN NITEIZ NITRO NIV NIXON NJK NLFSK NMC NMNDY NMP NMR NOBLE NOBLX NOD NOFACE NOH NOI NOKIA NOL NOM NONIN NORCNT NORDIC NORELC NORINC NORM NORMAR NORTAC NORTEL NORTHG NORTHW NORTON NOS National Hand Tool Co. Nicholson Nickerson Nicklaus NightOwl Nike Nikko Ceramics, Inc Nikon Nikonos Nikkor Niles/Niles Audio Nina Nine West Nintendo Nippon Nishiki Nissan Nite Ize Nitro Niva Nixon Nihon Juho Kogyosho Nilfisk Noramco/Norton Armament Co. Normandy Nambu (pistols) Norrahammar Noble Noblex Nordheim The North Face North & Savage National Ordinance, Inc. Nokia Norwich Lock Mfg. Co. Norma Nonin Norcent Nordica Norelco Norinco Norman Normark NorTrac Nortel Northgate Northwestern Norton Simeon North 67 APS Validation Codes APS Automated Pawn System™ are Trademarks owned by the City of Minneapolis, MN USA The Automated Pawn System™ copyrighted 1995-2005 by the City of Minneapolis, MN USA C:\WINNT\Profiles\hardymm0\Desktop\codes.doc 3/19/2004 Automated Pawn System ™ Brand Name Code Brand Name NOT NOU NOV NOVACR NOVARA NOVATI NOVAX NOVELL NOW NOWAVE NOWEVO NOY NOYES NQQ NRC NRL NSC NSIMON NSP NTK NTVISI NUA NUMARK NUMAT NUTONE NUVICO NUVO NUWAY NVA NVL NVTA NW NWSUPP NYC NYX O LIFT O ROAD O SULL OAC OAK OAKLEY OAL OBI OBR OBRIEN OBRWRK OBSRVR OCASSI OCCIDE Not Nac Mfg. Co. Nouveau Novamatic Nova Craft Novara Novation Electronic Music Systems Novax Novell Nopwich Arms Northwave Nowevolution Noyo Noyes Golden Eagle Norica Non-Raye Norris & Clement Nuova Simonelli National Sports Products Nighthawk Firearms Nature Vision Nuarmco Numark Numatic Nutone Nuvico Nuvo Nu-Way Navy Arms Co. Naval Co. NVT America Norway (undetermined make) Northwest River Suppliers Nippon Yuki Co., Ltd. NYX Omega Lift Equipment Open Road O Sullivan Oddity Arms Co. Oak Leaf Oakley Oregon Arms, Ltd. O'Brien Rifle Co. Obregon O Brien Oberwerk Observer Oleg Cassini Occidental Leather 68 APS Validation Codes APS Automated Pawn System™ are Trademarks owned by the City of Minneapolis, MN USA The Automated Pawn System™ copyrighted 1995-2005 by the City of Minneapolis, MN USA C:\WINNT\Profiles\hardymm0\Desktop\codes.doc 3/19/2004 Automated Pawn System ™ Brand Name Code Brand Name OCEANW OCWHIT ODC ODI ODYSSY OER OFF TH OGA OGIO OK IND OKAYAK OKIDAT OKTAVA OKUMA OLDFOR OLDS OLDSMO OLDTWN OLP OLSN OLY OLYMPI OLYMPU OMC OMD OME OMEGA OMRON ON STA ONA ONAN ONE PC ONEIDA ONKYO OPCODE OPL OPTIMA OPTIMU OPTLOG OPTOLY OPTRON ORAL B ORB ORBAN ORD ORECK ORESCI ORION ORITRO Ocean Waves O C White Ordinance Design Co. O.D.I., Inc. Odyssey OER Off The Wall Firearms Development Co. Ogio OK Industries Ocean Kayak Okidata Oktava Okuma Oldforge Tools Olds Oldsmobile Old Town Olympic Olson Olympia Pistole Olympia Olympus Ordinance Mfgr. Co. (OMC) Omega Defensive Industries Omega (handguns) Omega Omron On-Stage Onandia Onan One Piece Oneida Onkyo Opcode Systems, Inc. Opel Optima Batteries Optimus Optic Logic Optolyth Optronics Oral B Orbea/Orbea Hermanos Orban Ordinanza Oreck Oregon Scientific Orion Oritron 69 APS Validation Codes APS Automated Pawn System™ are Trademarks owned by the City of Minneapolis, MN USA The Automated Pawn System™ copyrighted 1995-2005 by the City of Minneapolis, MN USA C:\WINNT\Profiles\hardymm0\Desktop\codes.doc 3/19/2004 Automated Pawn System ™ Brand Name Code Brand Name ORLIM ORM ORT ORVIS OSC OSCARD OSCHMI OSG OSIN OSIRIS OSP OST OSTER OTARI OTBOX OTC OTE OTHER OTY OUT ED OVATIO OVO OWENS OWN OYE OZ MUS OZAT P AIR P ASAH P BELL P BOWE P BROS P CABL P CARD P ELLI P FORM P HOUS P MATE P QUAL P STOC P WIZ PAA PAASCH PAC PAC LS PACE PACER PACIFD PACIFI Orlimar Ormachea, Fernando Ortgies Orvis Oscilante-Azul Oscar De La Renta Oscar Schmidt Osgood Gun Works Original Sin Osiris Osprey/Osprey International Osteneichisha Oster Otari Corporations Otter Box OTC Oterr-Sterr Other Ordinance Technology Outdoor Edge Ovation Ovo Owens Owen Oyez Oz Music Code Ozat Prime Air Pentax Asahi Packard Bell Pitney Bowes Parker Brothers Porter Cable Pierre Cardin Perry Ellis Pro Form Princess House PhoneMate Pro Qualifier Preferred Stock Pocket Wizard Palmetto Armory Paasche Par & Case Pacific Laser Systems Pace Pacer Pacific Digital Pacific 70 APS Validation Codes APS Automated Pawn System™ are Trademarks owned by the City of Minneapolis, MN USA The Automated Pawn System™ copyrighted 1995-2005 by the City of Minneapolis, MN USA C:\WINNT\Profiles\hardymm0\Desktop\codes.doc 3/19/2004 Automated Pawn System ™ Brand Name Code Brand Name PACOUS PAD PADEN PAG PAH PAHA PAI PAISTE PAL PALADI PALM PALMER PAM PANASO PANAVI PANOPT PAO PARADI PARAMO PARKER PARKPR PARKTL PAS PASLOD PASQ PASSPO PATHFI PAUL F PAUL G PAULN PAW PBY PCE PCH PCHOK PCI PCS PDA PDI PEAK PEAR PEARL PEAVEY PEAVY PEC PECHAU PED PEDULL PEERLE Power Acoustic Padre Paden City Page-Lewis Parker-Hale Paha Pacific Arms Co. Paiste Paraga Paladin Palm Palmer Paramount Panasonic Panavise Panoptx Pagoma Paradigm Paramount Pictures Parker Parkpre Park Tools William Parkhurst Paslode Pasquini Passport Pathfinder Paul Frank Paul Green Paulin Police Automatic Weapon Service (PAWS) H.O. Peabody Palmer Chemical & Equipment Co., Inc. Pachmayr Gun Works Poly-choke Mountain Arms Co./Precision Industries Precision Liegeoise Pasadena Firearms Pneu-Dart, Inc. Peak Pearson Pearl Peavey Peavy Perfect Pechauer Pedersoli Pedulla Peerless 71 APS Validation Codes APS Automated Pawn System™ are Trademarks owned by the City of Minneapolis, MN USA The Automated Pawn System™ copyrighted 1995-2005 by the City of Minneapolis, MN USA C:\WINNT\Profiles\hardymm0\Desktop\codes.doc 3/19/2004 Automated Pawn System ™ Brand Name Code Brand Name PEGASU PEI PEL PELINT PELLE PELOUZ PEN PENDUL PENNCR PENSK PENTAX PENZEL PEO PER PERF T PERFTU PERINC PERLIN PERMAT PERREL PES PETERM PETRI PETZL PEUGEO PFAFF PFALTZ PFLITE PFLUEG PFRESC PFRETZ PG PG MUS PGA PHAROS PHASEL PHE PHGOLD PHIL C PHIL P PHILCO PHILLI PHILMO PHILNI PHOENI PHOENS PHOLT PHONIC PHR Pegasus/Pegasus Technologies Perrin Pelican Pelican International Pelle Pelouze Penguin Pendulum Audio Penncrest (JC Penney) Penske Pentax G Penzell Peote Alonzo D. Perry Performance Tools Perfect Tune Perception Inc Perlina Permatex Perrelet Precision Small Parts (PSP) Peterson Manufacturing Petri Petzl Peugeot Pfaf Pfaltzgraff Powr Flite Pflueger E R Pfreschner Pfretzscher Paxton & Gallegher (P & G) PG Music Pga Tour Pharos Phase Linear Phoenix Arms Co. Phoenix Gold Philippe Charriol Philippe Patek Philco Phillips Philippe Monet Philips Nike Phoenix Phoenix Systems Pullman Holt Phonic Phillip and Rodgers 72 APS Validation Codes APS Automated Pawn System™ are Trademarks owned by the City of Minneapolis, MN USA The Automated Pawn System™ copyrighted 1995-2005 by the City of Minneapolis, MN USA C:\WINNT\Profiles\hardymm0\Desktop\codes.doc 3/19/2004 Automated Pawn System ™ Brand Name Code Brand Name PHSK PIAGET PIC PICKAR PIF PIGNOS PIK PILGRI PIM PINE PINE H PING PINNAC PINPT PINSYS PINTEC PINTNL PIONEE PIT PJA PJARD PKP PKR PKRAFT PLA PLANAR PLANET PLANO PLASPL PLATTL PLAYSK PLEWS PLM PLYMOU PMC PMI PNA PNC PND PO POC POD POGO POH POI POLAR POLARO POLK POLLEN P & H Sea Kayaks Piaget Precise Import Co. (PIC) Pickard Flobert/Pistolet Flobert Pignose Friedrich Pickert Pilgrim Pacific Intl. Manufacturing Corp. Pine Pine Harbour Ping Pinnacle Pinpoint Pinnacle Systems Pintech P3 International Pioneer Pitt Paul Jaeger Paul Jardin Powell Knife/Pistol Co. Parkington & Richardson Powr Kraft Plant's Mfg. Co. Planar Planet Waves Plano Plasplugs Platt & LaBonia Playskool Plews Palmetto Plymouth Plainfield Machine Co. PMI Penn/Penn Arms Prince Peregrine Industries Poland (undetermined make) Police Ordinance Co. Para Ordinance Pogo Powder Horn Prosper Polain Polar Polaroid Polk Pollenex 73 APS Validation Codes APS Automated Pawn System™ are Trademarks owned by the City of Minneapolis, MN USA The Automated Pawn System™ copyrighted 1995-2005 by the City of Minneapolis, MN USA C:\WINNT\Profiles\hardymm0\Desktop\codes.doc 3/19/2004 Automated Pawn System ™ Brand Name Code Brand Name POLO POLRIS POLYCM POM POMONA PON PONTIA POOLE POPE G PORSCH PORT P PORTLA PORTME PORTPO POS POT POULAN POW POWERA POWERF POWERL POWERP POWLNK POX POY PPI PRD PRE PRECEP PRECPT PREDAT PREMIE PRESOC PRESON PRESTN PRESTO PRETIN PRF PRG PRIME PRIMER PRIMO PRINCE PRL PRM PRN PRNCTN PRO PRO MA Polo Polaris Polycom Pompeya Pomona Lucius W. Pond Pontiac Poole Pope Grosser Porsche Portable Products Portland Portmeirion Porto-Power Pride of Spain (POS) Polytechnologies Poulan Powell Power Acoustik Powerflex Powerlite Power Probe Power Link Powermag Pony PPI Pardini E.A. Prescott Precept Preception Predator Premier Premiership Soccer Presonus Prestone Presto Prestini Perfecta Progress Prime Primera Primo Prince Pro Professional Ordinance Prima Paragon Princeton Protector Pro Mariner 74 APS Validation Codes APS Automated Pawn System™ are Trademarks owned by the City of Minneapolis, MN USA The Automated Pawn System™ copyrighted 1995-2005 by the City of Minneapolis, MN USA C:\WINNT\Profiles\hardymm0\Desktop\codes.doc 3/19/2004 Automated Pawn System ™ Brand Name Code Brand Name PROCO PROEL PROFIL PROFOR PROFRM PROGEN PROGRE PROGYM PROLIF PROLOC PROMAR PROPEL PROSC PROSCA PROSND PROTEC PROTEK PROXIM PRR PRT PRUFR PRZ PSC PSE PSG PSILEX PSION PSPORT PTBLNK PTEAM PTEC PTEKNI PTF PTRONI PUD PULSAR PUMA PUNCH PUP PURESP PURINT PURSUI PURWRE PUTNAM PWA PWRGR PWRHSE PYLE PYRAMI Proco Proel Profile Pro Force Proform Progen Progressive Pro Gym ProLift ProLock Pro Mark Propellerhead Prosonic Proscan Pofessional Sound System Pro Tec Protek Proxima Protector Arms Co. Patriot Pruefer Perazzi PSC PSE Peter Stahl Proctor Silex Psion Connect ProSport Point Blanks Proteam Princeton Tec Performance Teknique Pirlot/Pirlot Freres Plantronics James Purdey & Sons Pulsar Puma Punch Puppy PureSpin Purinton Pursuit PureWare Putnam Pack West Arms (PWA) Power Gear Powerhouse Pyle Pyramid 75 APS Validation Codes APS Automated Pawn System™ are Trademarks owned by the City of Minneapolis, MN USA The Automated Pawn System™ copyrighted 1995-2005 by the City of Minneapolis, MN USA C:\WINNT\Profiles\hardymm0\Desktop\codes.doc 3/19/2004 Automated Pawn System ™ Brand Name Code Brand Name PYRAN Q LOGI QAK QCC QFI QKSEE QSC QSHOT QSR QUA QUADRI QUALCO QUALIT QUANTU QUARTZ QUASAR QUASIM QUD QUICKL QUIKLO QUIKSI QUIMPE QUINCY QWIKTU R ALBE R BART R BAYR R BREA R C DE R CHIN R COPE R DOUL R DUMT R DUX R ENFI R RAND R SHEF R STAF R STAN R WEIL R WIN R WOR R WRIG R ZIP RAB RAC RAD RADIAL RADIOF Pyranah Q-logic H. M. Quackenbush QCC Quality Firearms, Inc. Quick2see QSC Quick Shot Mercury Marine Quan-Doi Cao-Dai Quadriga Laser Tools Qualcomm Quality Quantum Quartz Quasar Quasi-Midi Quan-Doi Quoc. Gia. L.M. Quick Lok Quik-Lok Quiksilver Quimper Quincy QwikTune Royal Albert Reed & Barton Royal Bayreuth Ritchey Breakaway Royal Crown Derby Royal China Royal Copenhagen Royal Doulton Renee Dumont Royal Dux Royal Enfield Remington Rand Regent Sheffield Royal Staffordshire/wilkinson Royal Standard Raymond Weil Royal Winton/Grimwades Royal Worcester Russel Wright Roto Zip Ran Replica Arms Co. Radom Radial Radio Flyer 76 APS Validation Codes APS Automated Pawn System™ are Trademarks owned by the City of Minneapolis, MN USA The Automated Pawn System™ copyrighted 1995-2005 by the City of Minneapolis, MN USA C:\WINNT\Profiles\hardymm0\Desktop\codes.doc 3/19/2004 Automated Pawn System ™ Brand Name Code Brand Name RADIOS RADO RAF RAGE RAICHL RAINBO RALEIG RALLY RALPHL RAM RAMB RAMPAR RAMSET RAMSEW RANDAL RANDIX RANE RANGER RAP RAPALA RAPCO RAPIDR RAR RAS RAT RAT C RATZAP RAV RAWLIN RAXXES RAY RAYBAN RAYMAR RAYOVA RAYTEK RAYTH RAZOR RBC RBF RBI RBL RBY RC RCA RCF RCK RCKWD RDER RDERBY Radio Shack Rado Rapid Fire Rage Raichle Rainbow Raleigh Rally Ralph Lauren Ramo, Inc. Rambler RampArts Ramset Ramsey Winch Randall Randix Rane Corporation Ranger Rapid-Maxima Rapala Rapco Rapid Reel Raymond & Robitaille Rast & Gasser Ratmil Rat Cues Rat Zapper Raven Arms Co. Rawlings Raxxess Rayon Rayban Raymarine Ray-O-Vac Raytek Raytheon Razor Robar Co., Inc. R.B. Industries Rubi Robbins & Lawrence Rouby China, People's Republic of (undeter. make) RCA RCF Reck/Recky Rockwood Raider Roller Derby 77 APS Validation Codes APS Automated Pawn System™ are Trademarks owned by the City of Minneapolis, MN USA The Automated Pawn System™ copyrighted 1995-2005 by the City of Minneapolis, MN USA C:\WINNT\Profiles\hardymm0\Desktop\codes.doc 3/19/2004 Automated Pawn System ™ Brand Name Code Brand Name RDK REA REALIS REC RED SO RED WI REDBAR REDDYH REDFEA REDFLD REDLIN REDMON REE REEBOK REELCR REESE REFLEX REGAL REGENC REGENT REGINA REIDEL REJ REL RELIAB RELIC RELTON REMING REMSOL RENAUL REP RESEAR RESONI REU REV REVEAL REVERE REVERW REVO REVOLU REX RFLOW RFM RFY RGI RGR RGRND RHAPSO RHI Robar et Dekerhove Renegade Realistic Record Match Pistols Red Sound Red Wing Red Barron Reddy Heater Redfeather Redfield Redline Redmon Red Chieftan Reebok Reelcraft Reese Reflex Regal Regency Regent Regina Reidell James Reid E.M. Reilly & Co. Reliable Relic Relton Remington Remote Solution Renault Republic Research in Motion Resonite Revelation Revelli Reveal Revere Revere Ware Revo Revolution Rex Airflow Roberts Firearms Manufacturing Reynolds, Plant, & Hotchkiss Sea Ranger Marine, Inc. Ranger Arms, Inc. Rio Grande Rhapsody Rhode Island Arms 78 APS Validation Codes APS Automated Pawn System™ are Trademarks owned by the City of Minneapolis, MN USA The Automated Pawn System™ copyrighted 1995-2005 by the City of Minneapolis, MN USA C:\WINNT\Profiles\hardymm0\Desktop\codes.doc 3/19/2004 Automated Pawn System ™ Brand Name Code Brand Name RHINO RHO RHODES RHY BA RHY TE RHYNE RIA RIBNIC RICCAR RICCI RICHLA RICKEN RICOH RID RIDGID RIDGWA RIG RIGEL RINGER RIO RIOT RISPOR RITTER RIVAL RJB RKTEK RKYMT RLI RM RMA RMC RMO RMP RMT RND RNLDS RNSNG ROADGE ROADIE ROADMA ROADP ROB ROBAIR ROBERT ROBIC ROBIN ROBINS ROBOTC ROBOTO Rhino Rhoner/Rhonie Rhodes Rhythm Band Rhythm Tech Rhyne W. Richards Ribnick Furs Riccar Ricci Richland Rickenbacker Ricoh Rigaud Ridgid Ridgway John Rigby & Co. Rigel Optics Ringers Gloves Rio Riot Risport Ritter Rival R.J. Braverman Rock Tek Rocky Mountain Ram Line, Inc. Ram Rocky Mountain Arms Corp. Romak-Romarm/Gugir Remo Rampro Corporation Ranger Machine & Tool Randall Mfg. Co. Reynolds Rainsong Roadgear Roadie Rench Roadmaster Roadpro Robinson Armament Company Robinair Roberts Robic Robin Robinson Robot Coupe RoboToolz 79 APS Validation Codes APS Automated Pawn System™ are Trademarks owned by the City of Minneapolis, MN USA The Automated Pawn System™ copyrighted 1995-2005 by the City of Minneapolis, MN USA C:\WINNT\Profiles\hardymm0\Desktop\codes.doc 3/19/2004 Automated Pawn System ™ Brand Name Code Brand Name ROBOVE ROCES ROCESG ROCHE ROCK F ROCK N ROCKFO ROCKMA ROCKST ROCKT ROCKTR ROCKWE ROCKY RODE RODRIQ ROE ROF ROG ROGERL ROGUE ROH ROI ROJ ROK ROK AX ROK SA ROKU ROLAIR ROLAND ROLATA ROLEX ROLLEI ROLLER ROLLS ROM ROME RON RONCO ROOKWO ROOMBA ROP ROPER ROR RORU ROS ROSENT ROSINA ROSSI ROSSIG RoboVector Roces Roces Gaal Roche Thomas Rockford Fosgate Rock-N-Roller Rockford Rockman RockStand Rocket Rocktron Rockwell Rocky Rode Rodriquez Rogers & Spencer Roth Frommer Roger Roger Linn Rogue Romer/Romerwerk Rock Island Armory Red Jacket Rogak, Inc. Rok-Axe Rok Sak Roku Rol-Air Compressors Roland Rolatape Pro Rolex Rollei Rollerblade Rolls Rohm Rome Rollin White Arms Ronco Rookwood Roomba Rock Pistol Mfg. Roper Ross Rifle Road Runner Roth-Sauer Rosenthal Rosina Rossi Rossignol 80 APS Validation Codes APS Automated Pawn System™ are Trademarks owned by the City of Minneapolis, MN USA The Automated Pawn System™ copyrighted 1995-2005 by the City of Minneapolis, MN USA C:\WINNT\Profiles\hardymm0\Desktop\codes.doc 3/19/2004 Automated Pawn System ™ Brand Name Code Brand Name ROTARY ROTH ROTHEN ROTOSO ROU ROV ROW ROWENT ROWLEY ROXY ROY ROYAL ROYCE ROZ RPA RPB RPC RPROJ RRA RRC RRI RRIDE RRIG RRN RRT RS PRU RSE RSF RSP RST RTA RTHWKS RTS RUBBER RUBICO RUFF G RUGER RUGGED RUKO RUP RUR RUSSSO RUU RUUD RVNDL RWS RXO RYAN RYE Rotary Roth Rothenberger Rotosound Routledge Mfg. Co. Royal Service Waldo Rosebush Rowenta Cynthia Rowley Roxy Royal Gun Co. Royal Royce Royal Small Arms Republic Arms, Inc. RPB Industries Phillip Clay Roettinger Rudy Project Rock River Arms Riedl Rifle Co. Rogue Rifle Co. Road Rider Ready Rig Rome Revolver & Novelty Co. R & R Enterprises RS Prussia Arsenal Co. Republic Arms of South Africa RSP Roth-Steyr Romtehnica Earthworks Ranch & Silva (RTS) Rubbermaid Rubicon Ruff Grip Ruger Rugged Notebook Ruko Ruppertus Pat. Pistol Mfg. Co. Rural Russound Russo-Chinois Ruud Rivendale RWS Rexio S.R.L. Ryan Ryan, E., Pistol Mfg. Co. 81 APS Validation Codes APS Automated Pawn System™ are Trademarks owned by the City of Minneapolis, MN USA The Automated Pawn System™ copyrighted 1995-2005 by the City of Minneapolis, MN USA C:\WINNT\Profiles\hardymm0\Desktop\codes.doc 3/19/2004 Automated Pawn System ™ Brand Name Code Brand Name RYOBI RZO S ARMS S CORO S DUNC S FE S HOLT S POTT S SAUE S SERI S THOM S TOOL S VAC SAA SAAB SAB SABINE SABINO SABN SAD SADLER SAE SAECO SAF SAFTLI SAGER SAH SAI SAK SAKURA SALEM SALOMO SALTER SALTON SAM SAMICK SAMIGO SAMPLE SAMPO SAMSN SAMSNG SAMSON SAMSUN SAMTRO SAMYAN SAN SANBOR SANDIS SANDP Ryobi Razno Specialty Arms Smith-Corona Seymour Duncan Santa Fe Sam Holt Southern Potteries Sig Sauer S Series Seth Thomas Snap-on Tools Shop Vac Sabatti & Tanfolglio Saab S.A. Automatique Sabine Sabino Sabian Sanders Sadler Sanderson Saeco Sabatier Saf-T-Lite Sager St. Hubert St. Louis Arms Co. Sako Sakura Salem Salomon Salter Weigh-troni Salton Sarmco Samick Samigon Sampler Sampo/Sampo Corp. Samson Samsung Samsonite Samsun Samtron Samyang Optical Sangenhau Sanborn San Disk Simon And Patrick 82 APS Validation Codes APS Automated Pawn System™ are Trademarks owned by the City of Minneapolis, MN USA The Automated Pawn System™ copyrighted 1995-2005 by the City of Minneapolis, MN USA C:\WINNT\Profiles\hardymm0\Desktop\codes.doc 3/19/2004 Automated Pawn System ™ Brand Name Code Brand Name SANDS SANGO SANSUI SANTIN SANTNA SANYO SAO SAP SAQ SARGEN SAS SASCHA SATURN SAUDER SAVAGE SAVOIR SAWAY SAY SBEAM SBI SBIRD SBLIZZ SBQ SCAMER SCANGL SCANPO SCE SCF SCH SCH RO SCHAEF SCHAER SCHALL SCHATT SCHAUE SCHBEN SCHECT SCHLAM SCHMAN SCHMEL SCHN SCHONB SCHONS SCHRAD SCHROE SCHUMA SCHWIN SCI SCK Sea And Sea Sango Sansui Santini Santana Sanyo St. Gotthardt Sporting Arms Mfg. Felix Sarasqueta & Co. Sargent Sahsho, Ltd./Sansho, Ltd. Sascha Brastoff Saturn Sauder Savage Arms Savoir Vivre Sail Away Suinaga y Aramberri (S.A.) Sunbeam Armi Sabatti Songbird Spy Blizzard Seahawk Boat Corp. Scotty Cameron Scientific Anglers Scanport Kaschie (Karl Schieder) Wien Schoulhof A.W. Schwarzlose Scher & Roth Schaefer Schaerer Schaller Schatten Deisgn Schauer Schmidt Bender Schecter Schlampps Schumann Schmelke Schon Schoenberg Schonstedt Instruments Schrade Cutlery Schroetter Schumacher/Schumaker Schwin Schintad Shin Chuo Kogyo, K.K. 83 APS Validation Codes APS Automated Pawn System™ are Trademarks owned by the City of Minneapolis, MN USA The Automated Pawn System™ copyrighted 1995-2005 by the City of Minneapolis, MN USA C:\WINNT\Profiles\hardymm0\Desktop\codes.doc 3/19/2004 Automated Pawn System ™ Brand Name Code Brand Name SCL SCM SCN SCORP SCOSCH SCOTT SCOTTH SCQ SCR SCRAFT SCREAM SCRIPT SCRUZ SCT SCU SCUSTO SCY SD SDA SDEJ SDESIG SDG SDGC SE SEAGAT SEAGLE SEAGUL SEAKNF SEALIF SEARS SEBAGO SEBO SEC SECTOR SED SEEMO SEGA SEIKO SEJ SEK SEKONI SELMER SEM SENCO SENECA SENNHE SENSOR SENTIN SENTRY Schultz/Larson Schmeisser/Schmeizer Schonberger Scorpion Scosche Industries Scott Scott Heli Schmidt-Rubin Sport Craft, Inc. Sportcraft Scream Scripto Santa Cruz Scott Arms Co. Scout Sierra Custom Security Industry of America, Inc. Saco Defense Stallard Arms Sergei De Jonge Soundesign Sucesor de e Guisasola South Dakota Gold Co R.F. Sedgley, Inc. Seagate Sea Eagle SeaGull Sea Knife Sealife Sears Sebago Sebo Sea Craft, Inc. Sector Sedco Industries Seemore Sega Seiko Johann Springer's Erbin Sea King Sekonic Selmer Semmerling Corp. Senco Seneca Sennheiser Sensory Science Sentinal Sentry 84 APS Validation Codes APS Automated Pawn System™ are Trademarks owned by the City of Minneapolis, MN USA The Automated Pawn System™ copyrighted 1995-2005 by the City of Minneapolis, MN USA C:\WINNT\Profiles\hardymm0\Desktop\codes.doc 3/19/2004 Automated Pawn System ™ Brand Name Code Brand Name SEP SEPCO SERA SERENG SERYL SES SESSIO SESTO SET SEVYLO SEWARD SEYMOU SF SFA SGS SGU SGW SHA SHADOE SHAKES SHANNO SHARK SHARP SHARPI SHARPS SHB SHC SHD SHE SHEAFF SHEFFI SHENAN SHER P SHERID SHERLI SHERWO SHG SHI SHIMAN SHINTO SHK SHKR SHM SHN SHOKTC SHOWTI SHP SHREDD SHUBB Seecamp, L.W. Sepco Sierra Serengeti Serylor Spesco Session Sesto Meucci Sentinel Arms Sevylor Seward Seymour South Africa (undetermined make) Freses Ames Schroeder Stan's Gunsmithing Service State Arms Gun Co. SGW Enterprises C. Sharps & Co. (Sharps & Sons) Shadow Electronics Shakespeare Shannon Shark Sharp Sharper Image Sharps Sharps-Borchardt C.S. Shattuck Arms Co. Shadow/Shadow Indy Sheridan Products, Inc. Sheaffer Sheffield Shenango Sherman Productions Sheridan Sherline Products Sherwood Schuyler, Hartley, & Graham Schilling Shimano Shintom Sharps & Hankins Shaker Schimel August Schnle Shock Tech Showtime Ent. Shapleigh Hardware Co. Shredder Shubb 85 APS Validation Codes APS Automated Pawn System™ are Trademarks owned by the City of Minneapolis, MN USA The Automated Pawn System™ copyrighted 1995-2005 by the City of Minneapolis, MN USA C:\WINNT\Profiles\hardymm0\Desktop\codes.doc 3/19/2004 Automated Pawn System ™ Brand Name Code Brand Name SHURE SHURFL SHV SIBELI SIC SIDL SIE SIEMEN SIEMON SIERRA SIG SIGHTR SIGMA SIGNAL SIGNAT SII SIL SIL EA SILBR SILENC SILHOU SILSTR SILVER SIMERP SIMMON SIMPLI SIMPSO SIMSDI SINAR SINGER SINN SIPIX SIS SIT SITEX SIV SIZ SJC SK TOO SKAGEN SKB SKB DE SKECHE SKHAND SKI SKIDOO SKIL SKN SKO Shure, Incorportated Shurflo Schover Sibelius Sickles Arms Co. (Sickles & Preston) Seidel Sierra Arms Co. Siemens Siemon Sierra Designs S.I.G. (Swiss Industrial Gesellschaft) Sightron Sigma Signal Flex Signature Springfield Firearms Sil Distributors, Inc. Silver Eagle Marc Silber Silencio Silhouette Silstar Silvertone Simer Pump Co. Simmons Simplicity Simpson Sims Digital Sinar Singer Sinn Sipix Sivispacem Sites Specter Sitex Simonov Sea Crest, Inc. Sebring Boats SK Tools Skagen/Skagan SKB Firearms Co. SKB Design Skechers S-K Hand Tools Shiki Skidoo Skil Corporation Shinkosha Skoda 86 APS Validation Codes APS Automated Pawn System™ are Trademarks owned by the City of Minneapolis, MN USA The Automated Pawn System™ copyrighted 1995-2005 by the City of Minneapolis, MN USA C:\WINNT\Profiles\hardymm0\Desktop\codes.doc 3/19/2004 Automated Pawn System ™ Brand Name Code Brand Name SKS SKYGOL SKYLRK SKYMX SKYPIK SKYPRO SKYQ SLAZEN SLC SLF SLH SLIME SLINE SLITZR SLK SLM SLOGIC SLUG SLV SLVRCR SM PRO SMA SMANOR SMBA SMF SMITH SMK SMM SMN SMO SMORE SMP SMPRTS SMRTDS SMS SMT SMWESS SMZ SN SNAKEE SNAPPE SNB SND SNDOG SNDSTM SNDSTR SNI SNN SNP SKS Skygolf Skylark Skymax Sky Pickups Skyprobe Sky Quest Slazenger Solingen Cutlery Salford Imports Shiloh Products Slime S-Line Slitzer Storm Lake Machine, Inc. Steel City Arms Studio Logic Slug Slavia Silver Creek SM Pro Audio Smimura Strausbourg Manor Simba Steelville Mfg. Co. Smith Smok Otis A. Smith Shooters Arms Manufacturing John M. Smythe Mdes. (Hdwe.) Co. Sea And More Simplex Small Parts Smartdisk Smith-Sonian Smith Manufacturing Co. Smith & Wesson Sarsicmaz Sun Snake Eyes Snapper Santa Barbara Sendra Corp. Snarling Dogs Soundstream Soundstorm Sundance Industries Shinn-A-Sipja Smith Enterprises 87 APS Validation Codes APS Automated Pawn System™ are Trademarks owned by the City of Minneapolis, MN USA The Automated Pawn System™ copyrighted 1995-2005 by the City of Minneapolis, MN USA C:\WINNT\Profiles\hardymm0\Desktop\codes.doc 3/19/2004 Automated Pawn System ™ Brand Name Code Brand Name SNRSP SNT SOC SOCKET SOD SOG SOK SOL SOLIS SOLO SOMGY SON SONEO SONIA SONIC SONICB SONICF SONICR SONOMA SONTAG SONY SOO SOP SOP SOS SOSPEN SOT SOTEC SOULMA SOUNDK SOUNDS SOUNDT SOUTHE SP SPALDI SPARTS SPARTU SPB SPC SPCY SPD SPDCHK SPDFRK SPE SPECFL SPECIA SPECSO SPECTO SPECTR Sunrise Pickups Scheintod/Scheintot Societe Anonyme Socket Societe D'Armes SOG Sokolovsky Corp. Solway Solis Solo Somogyi Solothurn S101 Sonia Sonic Sonicblue Sonic Foundry Sonic Reality Sonoma Sonntag Sony Stanley Tool Co. (The Stanley Works) Scorpion Power Boats Soper Guilio Sosso Sospenders Southwest Manufacturing Sotec Soul Mate SoundTrek Sounds Good SoundTech Southern Arms Spain (undetermined make) Spalding Spartan/Spartan Sports Spartus Spiller & Burr Standard Products Co. SpringCycle Spandau Speedcheck Speed Freaks Special Service Spectraflex Specialized Spectrasonics Spector Spectra 88 APS Validation Codes APS Automated Pawn System™ are Trademarks owned by the City of Minneapolis, MN USA The Automated Pawn System™ copyrighted 1995-2005 by the City of Minneapolis, MN USA C:\WINNT\Profiles\hardymm0\Desktop\codes.doc 3/19/2004 Automated Pawn System ™ Brand Name Code Brand Name SPENCE SPG SPI SPIDEM SPIRIT SPL SPM SPO SPODE SPOON SPORTB SPORTI SPORTL SPOTNC SPP SPR SPRING SPRINT SPRTN SPS SPSYST SPTSCP SPW SPX SPY SPYDER SQ SQB SQENTL SQTWO SQUARE SQUIER SRA SRC SRD SRE SRF SRI SRM SRN SRQ SRS SRV SSDOW SSE SSG SSI SSIAM SSK Spencer Spencer Rifle Spirlet Spidem Spirit San Paulo Sportsman Sportco Spode Spoon SportBrain Sportiva Sportline SportInc Sportarms Springfield Arms Co. Springfield Sprint Sporten Spesco Corp. SP Systems Sport Scope Spreewerk Sphinx Engineering, S.A. Spy Spyderco Sweden (undetermined make) Squire/Squire's Bingham Sequential Square Two Squaresoft Squier Sporting Arms Co. Charles Steen Armament Co. Sardius Industries Spitfire Mfg. Co. Serrifile, Inc. Shilen Rifles, Inc. Storm Stern Victor Sarasqueta Seristan Service Armament Co. Silver Shadow Sites Schmeisser & Simpson SSI SSI America S.S. Kresge 89 APS Validation Codes APS Automated Pawn System™ are Trademarks owned by the City of Minneapolis, MN USA The Automated Pawn System™ copyrighted 1995-2005 by the City of Minneapolis, MN USA C:\WINNT\Profiles\hardymm0\Desktop\codes.doc 3/19/2004 Automated Pawn System ™ Brand Name Code Brand Name SSONIC SSP SSS SSTTXX SSU ST ST AUD ST CLA STABIL STACKO STAFFO STALTN STAMIN STANDA STANGL STANLE STANTO STAR STARRE STARTR STARWA STATPO STB STCROI STD STE STEARN STECK STEINB STEINE STEINW STELTH STERLI STERLN STEUBE STEVEM STEVEN STH STIHL STINGE STJ STL HO STL MA STM STMFST STMORI STNSMT STO STONEW Supersonic Silma Sporting Gun Seacam Subsea Systems STX Secret Service Stevens/J. Stevens Arms Co. ST Audio St. Clair Stabila Stack-On Staffordshire Stalton Stamina Products Standard Stangl Stanley Stanton Star Starrett Star Trac StarWarnings StatPower Staggs Bilt Products St. Croix Standard Arms Co. Steyr Stearns Steck Steinberg Steiner Steinway Stealth Sterling Arms Sterling Steubenville Steve Madden Steven Strayer, Tripp, Intl. Stihl Stinger Electronics Joseph Land Steel Horse Steelman Starr Arms Co. Steam Fast St. Moritz Mountainsmith Franz Stock Stoneware 90 APS Validation Codes APS Automated Pawn System™ are Trademarks owned by the City of Minneapolis, MN USA The Automated Pawn System™ copyrighted 1995-2005 by the City of Minneapolis, MN USA C:\WINNT\Profiles\hardymm0\Desktop\codes.doc 3/19/2004 Automated Pawn System ™ Brand Name Code Brand Name STOOLS STR STR GL STRAC STRAIT STRATA STRATO STRBRS STREN STRIKE STRIKK STRMLT STSPD STT STU STU STUBE STUEBE STURTE STUWEI STV STW STWIRE STX STY STZ SUBARU SUBZON SUD SUDINI SUI SUMMAU SUN SUNEXT SUNGAL SUNN SUNPAC SUNPNT SUNREE SUO SUP SUPERS SUPERT SUPERW SURECA SURFIR SURRAI SUSIEC SUTTNE SuperiorBilt Tools A. Stroeger Street Glow Sun Tracker Strait-Line Strata Stratocaster Starburst Stren Strikemaster Strike King Streamlight Litespeed Titanium Scotti Australian Automatic Arms Studebaker Short Tube Stueben Sturtevant Stuart Weitzman Eugene Stoner Stewart Streetwires Alexander Stocking & Co. Stanley Arms Co. Stoeger Arms Subaru Subzone Sudarev Sudini Superior Summit Audio Sun Microsystems Sunex Tools Sungale Sunn Sunpack/Sunpak Sunpentown Sunreed Instruments Suomi Super Destroyer Superscope Super Talent Superwinch Sure Care Sure Fire Surround Air Susie Cooper Suttner 91 APS Validation Codes APS Automated Pawn System™ are Trademarks owned by the City of Minneapolis, MN USA The Automated Pawn System™ copyrighted 1995-2005 by the City of Minneapolis, MN USA C:\WINNT\Profiles\hardymm0\Desktop\codes.doc 3/19/2004 Automated Pawn System ™ Brand Name Code Brand Name SUUNTO SUV SUZUKI SVT SWAOV SWATCH SWAUDI SWEETP SWF SWH SWIFT SWIKS SWISHE SWISSA SWL SWP SWR SWS SX SYC SYDST SYL SYLVAN SYM SYMAN SYMBOL SYMPHO SYMTEC SYMTRX SYNSON SYRACU SYSTMX SYSX SZ T INST T JAME T MOB T REDL T REX T SHOP T SM T TACOMA TACSTR TAG HE TAHARI TAI TAKAHA TAKAMI TAKE2 Suunto Survival Arms Suzuki Strayer-Voigt Swarovski Swatch Swiss Audio Sweet Pea Swift Mfg. Co. Sterlingworth II Swift Intl Kwik Site Swisher Swiss Army Special Weapon LLC Select Weapon Systems, Inc. SWR Sound Specialized Weapons and Survival Systems Russia (undetermined make) Syco Double Hammerless Sydney Street Systema la Lira Sylvania Sympathique Symantec Symbol Symphonic Symtech Symetrix Synsonics Syracuse China Systemax System X Switzerland (undetermined make) Texas Instruments Trevor James T-Mobile Terry Redlin T-Rex Tool Shop Taylor Smith & Taylor Tacoma Tacstar Tag Heuer Tahari Taico Takahashi Takamine Take2 92 APS Validation Codes APS Automated Pawn System™ are Trademarks owned by the City of Minneapolis, MN USA The Automated Pawn System™ copyrighted 1995-2005 by the City of Minneapolis, MN USA C:\WINNT\Profiles\hardymm0\Desktop\codes.doc 3/19/2004 Automated Pawn System ™ Brand Name Code Brand Name TAL TALFA TALON TAMA TAMRON TANDY TANFOL TANJO TANNER TANNOY TAPCO TAPPAN TAR TE TARGUS TASCAM TASCO TAT TATUNG TAURUS TAW TAY M TAYLOR TBR TBS TC ELE TCA TCRAFT TDI TDK TDS TE TOO TEAC TEAM M TEAMG TEAMW TECHN TECHNI TECHNO TECHRG TECRA TECUMS TEDWIL TEI TEIGEN TEKTRO TELEDY TELEVU TELEX TELLIO Gaucho Tracanzan Alfa Talon/Talon Industries, Inc. Tama Tamron Tandy Tanfolglio Tanjor Tannery West Tannoy Tapco Tappan Target Tech Targus Tascam Tasco Tatra Tatung Taurus Texas Armory TaylorMade Taylor Tiber Thomas Bland & Sons TC Electronic Techno Arms Treasure Craft Traditions, Inc. TDK Thermal Dynamic Systems T & E Tools TEAC Team Mechanix Team Gravity Team W Technine Technics Technomarine Technology Research Group TECRA Tecumseh Ted Williams Teis Teigen Tektronix Teledyne Water Pik Televue Telex Trace Elliot 93 APS Validation Codes APS Automated Pawn System™ are Trademarks owned by the City of Minneapolis, MN USA The Automated Pawn System™ copyrighted 1995-2005 by the City of Minneapolis, MN USA C:\WINNT\Profiles\hardymm0\Desktop\codes.doc 3/19/2004 Automated Pawn System ™ Brand Name Code Brand Name TEMPO TEMPST TEN TENRYU TERRA TERRAT TEU TFAL TFG TGE TGO TH THAMES THE THERMA THERMO THERMR THH THINSU THOMAS THOMPS THOMS THOMSO THREET THUMP THY TIARA TIC TICA TIEDOW TIFFAN TIFFEN TIG TO TIG WA TIGER TIMBER TIMBKN TIMBLA TIME TIMEX TIN TIP TIRECO TIS TISSOT TITANT TITLEI TITUS TIW Tempo Tempest Ten Star Tenryu Saw Blades Terra Terratec Teuf-Teuf T-Fal Fabrica d'Armi F. Lli Tanfolglio Tokyo Gas & Electric Three G. Ordinance Thailand (undetermined make) Thames/Thames Arms Co. The American Thermador Thermos Thermo-Rador J. Thomas Thinsulate Thomasville Thompson/Thompson Center Arms Thomas Thomson Consumer Electronics Threet Thump Thayer, Robinson, & Cary Tiara Tri-C-Corp Tica Tie Down Tiffany Tiffen Tiger Tool Tiger Wall Tiger Timber Top Timberline Knives Timberland Time Timex Tingle Tippmann/Tippman Arms Co. Tireco Tisan Tissot Titan Tiger Titleist Titus Tiwa 94 APS Validation Codes APS Automated Pawn System™ are Trademarks owned by the City of Minneapolis, MN USA The Automated Pawn System™ copyrighted 1995-2005 by the City of Minneapolis, MN USA C:\WINNT\Profiles\hardymm0\Desktop\codes.doc 3/19/2004 Automated Pawn System ™ Brand Name Code Brand Name TKA TKK TKO TLA TLITTL TLR TMASTE TMC TML TMP TNW TOB TOCA TODD TOF TOG TOI TOJ TOL TOM BA TOM HI TOMAC TOMAHA TON TONE TONKA TOOLAI TOOLSM TOP TOPFLI TOPPS TOR TORNAD TORO TOSAT TOSCAN TOSHIB TOTEVI TOUR TOUR E TOW TOWLE TOYO TOYOTA TOYOTO TOZAI TPC TPE TRA Tokyo Arsenal Tikka/Tikkakoski TKO Texas Longhorn Arms Tony Little Felling Toastmaster Titan/Titan Manufacturing Corp. Tradewinds Marine, Inc. Techniarm Metal Products TNW Technetwork Tobin Arms Mfg. Co. Toca Todd Tanfolglio, Francisco Tokagypt Tobin Simplex Taiyo-Juki Toledo Firearms Co. Tommy Bahama Tommy Hilfiger Tomac Tomahawk Trading Co Tonolini Tone Tonka Tool Aid Toolsmith Torpille Top Flite Topps Torkelson Arms Co. Tornado Toro Tohatsu Toscany Toshiba ToteVision Tour Tour Edge Townley Metal Co. Towle Toyo Toyota Toyotomi Tozai The Perfect Club Triple-S Development Co. Trap's Best 95 APS Validation Codes APS Automated Pawn System™ are Trademarks owned by the City of Minneapolis, MN USA The Automated Pawn System™ copyrighted 1995-2005 by the City of Minneapolis, MN USA C:\WINNT\Profiles\hardymm0\Desktop\codes.doc 3/19/2004 Automated Pawn System ™ Brand Name Code Brand Name TRACRA TRANE TRD TRE TREADC TREK TREND TRF TRIANG TRIDEN TRIJIC TRIKKE TRIPPL TRIUMP TRJ TRL TRNR TRO TROJAN TROUTU TROYBI TRQ TRR TRS TRT TRUETE TRUETO TRUFIT TRUGLO TRUMRK TRV TRW TRX TRY TSA TSC TSD TSQUAR TSR TSURUM TTECH TTI TTU TUA TUBBS TUBEWO TUDOR TUE TUFFY TracRac Trane Trade William Tranter Treadclimber Trek Trend Traff Triangle Fans Trident Trjicom Trikke TrippLite Triumph Trejo Trocaola, Aranzabal Turner Triomphe Trojan Saw Stands Trout Unlimited Troybilt Trico Trent Metal Industries Tripp Research Tru-Test True Temper Truetone TruFit Truglo Trumark Triplett & Scott Tradewinds Tirmax Edward Tryon & Co. Texas Automatics Top Snap Champion Triumph Sports Distributor Towne Square Taser/Taser Intl. Tsurumi Pump T-Tech Ttibar Pistola Tressitu Tokarev Tubbs Tubeworks Tudor Tue-Tue Tuffy/Tuffy Security Products 96 APS Validation Codes APS Automated Pawn System™ are Trademarks owned by the City of Minneapolis, MN USA The Automated Pawn System™ copyrighted 1995-2005 by the City of Minneapolis, MN USA C:\WINNT\Profiles\hardymm0\Desktop\codes.doc 3/19/2004 Automated Pawn System ™ Brand Name Code Brand Name TURK TURN TURTLE TUSCAN TUTHIL TW TWINHD TY TYCO TYR U CUTL U DECK U POTT U S RO U WHEE UAE UBE UBISOF UGA UGB UHAUL UKSPRT ULA ULINAR ULT ULTIM ULTIMA ULTRA ULTRAL ULU ULY UMAX UNA UNBRAN UNC UNICOM UNIDEN UNIRAM UNIVEG UNIVER UNIVOP UNIVOX UNTY UNU UNV UNWIRE UPD URAL URBANA Turkey (undetermined make) Turn Ltd Turtle Beach Tuscan Tuthill Taiwan (undetermined make) Twinhead TY Tyco Tyrol (rifles) United Cutlery Upper Deck Universal Potteries US Robotics Ultra-Wheels U.A.E. (Union Armera Eibar) Uberti, Aldo Ubisoft Ignacio Ugartechea Martin Ugarteburu U Haul Uk Sports Ultra Light Arms Ultra Linear Ultra Hi Ultimate Ultimate Support Ultra Ultralux Ulu Knifes Ultimate Accuracy Umax Union Unbranded Uncle Sam Unicom Uniden Uniram Univega Universal Universal Office Products Univox Unity Unique Universal Firearms Corp. Unwired Technology Uplander Ural Urban Audio 97 APS Validation Codes APS Automated Pawn System™ are Trademarks owned by the City of Minneapolis, MN USA The Automated Pawn System™ copyrighted 1995-2005 by the City of Minneapolis, MN USA C:\WINNT\Profiles\hardymm0\Desktop\codes.doc 3/19/2004 Automated Pawn System ™ Brand Name Code Brand Name URE URG URK US ACO US GLA USA USAHOC USAMPS USC USDENT USG USL USP UST USWEST UTICA UZI UZU V KILN VAC VACHER VADEM VAI VAL VAN VAN BR VAN CL VANELI VANGUA VAO VAPOR VAR VARAD VAS VAUGHA VCI VEA VEB VECTOR VED VEI VEILLE VELBON VELOX VENEZI VENTNA VENTUR VEO VER Urrejola Uriguen Urko US Acoustics U.S. Glass Krag-Jorgenson USA Hockey US Amps Union Sales Co. US Dent Tools Ultramatic Sportwaffen GmbH U.S. Arms & Cutlery Co. United Sporting Arms United States Arms Corp. U.S. West Utica Uzi Uzumlu Arms Vernon Kilns Vac Vacheron Constanti Vadem Vainqueur Valiant/Valiant Rifle Vandalis Van Briggle Van Cleef and Arpels Vaneli Vanguard Valor Vapor Varmeter Varad Varsity Mfg. Co. Vaughan Virginia Capes Importers Vedett Velobrom Vector/Vector Research Venecedor Velomith Veillette Velbon Velox Veneziana Ventana Ventura Veo Vergo 98 APS Validation Codes APS Automated Pawn System™ are Trademarks owned by the City of Minneapolis, MN USA The Automated Pawn System™ copyrighted 1995-2005 by the City of Minneapolis, MN USA C:\WINNT\Profiles\hardymm0\Desktop\codes.doc 3/19/2004 Automated Pawn System ™ Brand Name Code Brand Name VERBAT VERDI VERDUC VERITA VERON VERSAC VESP VESTAX VESTIL VET VEXLAR VGA VIA SP VICENC VICNOX VICT VICTOR VIDALS VIEWSO VII VIK VIK AI VIKING VIL VILLAW VILLER VINCI VIO VIPER VIRGIN VISEGR VISION VISONI VISUAL VITAM VITAMA VITO VIVEND VIVITA VIVONI VIZA VIZIO VLC VLN VNC VNDSL VNT VOCALP VOCE Verbatim Verdi Verducci Veritas Verona Versace Vespa Vestax Vestil Vetterli Vexilar Vega Via Spiga Vicence Victorinox Victory Victory Multimedia Vidal Sassoon ViewSonic Vici Vickers-Armstrong Viking Air Tools Viking Vilar Villaware Villeroy & Boch Vinci Victor Viper Virginia Vise-Grip Vision Technologies Visonik Visual Sound Vitamix Vitamaster Vito Vivendi Vivitar Vivonic Viza Vizio Volanic Vulcan Vinceta y Cia Van Dessel Verchrmont Vocal Power Institute Voce 99 APS Validation Codes APS Automated Pawn System™ are Trademarks owned by the City of Minneapolis, MN USA The Automated Pawn System™ copyrighted 1995-2005 by the City of Minneapolis, MN USA C:\WINNT\Profiles\hardymm0\Desktop\codes.doc 3/19/2004 Automated Pawn System ™ Brand Name Code Brand Name VOGELZ VOI VOIGTL VOIT VOL VOLFEN VOLKSW VOLVO VONZIP VOODOO VOR VORNDO VOX VPLUS VRN VTECH VTO VTR VUARNE VUC W AUTO W ELEC W MORE W SONS W THNG WAC WACOAL WADE WAE WAF WAG WAGNER WAHL WALDOR WALKMA WALLAC WALLEN WALTHA WALTHE WAO WARING WARNER WARR WARWIC WAS WASHBU WATEC WATERF WATERL Vogelzang Valley Ordinance, Inc. Voigtlander Voit Volunteer Enterprises, Inc. Volfenhag Volkswagen Volvo Vonzipper Voodoo Lab Volcanic Repeating Arms Co. Vornado Vox Visual Plus Vorenbach V Tech Valtro Vektor Vuarnet Vulcain Western Flyer (Western Auto) Western Electric Westmoreland Wood & Sons Wild Thing Western Arms Corp. Wacoal Wade Warner-Counet Walch Firearms Co. Don Austin Wagenknecht Wagner Wahl Waldorf Walkman Wallace Wesley Allen Waltham Walther Warren Arms Corp. Waring Warner/Warner Bros. Warrior Warwick Warrior Pistols Washburn Watec Waterford Waterloo 100 APS Validation Codes APS Automated Pawn System™ are Trademarks owned by the City of Minneapolis, MN USA The Automated Pawn System™ copyrighted 1995-2005 by the City of Minneapolis, MN USA C:\WINNT\Profiles\hardymm0\Desktop\codes.doc 3/19/2004 Automated Pawn System ™ Brand Name Code Brand Name WATERM WATT WAU WAVERL WAVES WAYNER WBEND WBN WCLOX WDIGIT WDP WE WEAREV WEATHE WEAVER WEBER WEBGAT WEDGWO WEE WEEDEA WEF WEG WEH WEI WEIDER WEIN WEK WEL WELBIL WELDEX WELLER WELLIN WEM WEN WENGER WENZEL WEO WERICK WERNR WES WESBAR WESCO WESLO WESTEN WESTER WESTIN WESTPT WEV WFHARR Waterman Watt Wautauga Waverly Waves Wayner West Bend Ward Burton Westclox Western Digital WDP Weher Wear Ever Weatherby Weaver/Weaver Arms Weber Webgate Wedgewood/Wedgwood G.S. Webber Weedeater Webley-Fosbery Werder Lightning Wesson & Harrington Herman Weihrauch Weider Wein Wesson, Frank Wegria-Charlier Welbilt Weldex Weller Wellington Wesson, Stevens & Miller Western Marshall Wenger Wenzel Wesson Firearms Co., Inc. Wolff Erickson Werner Westley Richards Wesbar Wesco Weslo Western Westernfield Westinghouse Westpoint Western Valley Arms W F Harris 101 APS Validation Codes APS Automated Pawn System™ are Trademarks owned by the City of Minneapolis, MN USA The Automated Pawn System™ copyrighted 1995-2005 by the City of Minneapolis, MN USA C:\WINNT\Profiles\hardymm0\Desktop\codes.doc 3/19/2004 Automated Pawn System ™ Brand Name Code Brand Name WFR WG WGP WHALEN WHALL WHARFE WHE WHI WHIRLP WHIRLW WHISTL WHITNE WHP WHT WI WIC WIDEBN WIH WIL WILEY WILIER WILKIN WILSON WILTON WINCHE WINDME WINFIE WINN WIP WIQ WIR WIRED WIRTH WIS WISNER WITTNA WIY WIZARD WKING WKN WLC WLDRNS WLK WLKABT WLM WLT WMS WNDCHS WNK Waffen Franconia West Germany (undetermined make) WGP Whalen Whitehall Wharfedale Whitneyville Armory Whitney Firearms Co. Whirlpool Whirlwind Whistler Whitney Whippet Witchita Classic Wedmer Wischo Wideband Winch Winslow Arms Co. Wiley Wilier Wilkinson Arms Wilson Wilton Winchester Windmere Winfield/Winfield Arms Co. Winn Wilkar Products, Inc. Wilshire Arms Co. Winco Arms Co. Wired Wirth Co. Witshire Arms Co. Wisner Wittnauer Wildey Firearms Co. Wizard Detectors Weather King Wilksinson & Sons Wilson Combat Wilderness Systems Walker/Walkers WalkAbout Wilmont Arms Co. Wesson & Leavitt Williams Windchaser Winkler-Ferlack 102 APS Validation Codes APS Automated Pawn System™ are Trademarks owned by the City of Minneapolis, MN USA The Automated Pawn System™ copyrighted 1995-2005 by the City of Minneapolis, MN USA C:\WINNT\Profiles\hardymm0\Desktop\codes.doc 3/19/2004 Automated Pawn System ™ Brand Name Code Brand Name WNT WOD WOE WOF WOFLTN WOLVER WOO WOODS WOODSM WOODSP WOR WORDPE WORRG WORTH WRANGL WRIGHT WRL WROGER WS WSONOM WST WSTHF WTRSKE WTW WTY WUR WURLIT WWESTI WWF WYA WYOMK WYSE XACTO XEMEX XEROX XIKAR XIRCOM XPL XPR XR1000 XSOUND XSW XTANT XTRA S Y MACH Y MAN YA YAMAHA YAO Wichester Wesco Ordinance E. Woerther Wolf Wolfetone Wolverine James Woodard & Sons Woods Woodsman Wood's Powr-Grip Worthington Arms Co. WordPerfect Worr Games Worth Wrangler Wright Tool Werndl Wm Rogers Webley & Scott Williams-sonoma Waffenfabrik-Stenda Werke Wusthof Waterskeeter Whitworth Rifle Co. E. Whitney Wurfflein Wurlitzer White Westinghouse Weiner Waffenfabrik Wyoming Arms Wyoming Knife WYSE X-Acto Xemex Xerox Xikar Xircom X-Ploraco of Texas, Inc. Expert XR1000 Xtreme Sound Ski Boats, Inc. Xtant Xtra Seal Yard Machines Yard-Man Young America Yamaha Yato 103 APS Validation Codes APS Automated Pawn System™ are Trademarks owned by the City of Minneapolis, MN USA The Automated Pawn System™ copyrighted 1995-2005 by the City of Minneapolis, MN USA C:\WINNT\Profiles\hardymm0\Desktop\codes.doc 3/19/2004 Automated Pawn System ™ Brand Name Code Brand Name YASCHI YG YJS YOKOGA YONEX YORKVI YORX YOUNGB YOV YSS YTI YUAN YUKON ZAA ZAB ZALZ ZAP ZAPCO ZAR ZAS ZAV ZAY ZEAL ZEB ZEBCO ZEELIN ZEH ZEISS ZEL ZELCO ZENITH ZEOS ZEP ZEROCO ZHUMEL ZILDJI ZIRCON ZIT ZLU ZMW ZOI ZOL ZOOM ZOU ZSCOOT ZZZ B52 ARB K2 Yashica Yugoslavia (undetermined make) Yamamoto Juho Seisakusho Yokogawa Yonex Yorkville Sound York Young Bros. Stamp Works Yovanovitch YSS Firearms Co. Yeti Yuan Yukon Ascencio Zabala Zabala Brothers/Zabala Hermanos Zalzer Z. Aut. Pistole Zapco Fabrica de Armas Zaragosa Zastaza (Zavodi Crevena) Zavady Jana Svermy Zayre Zeal/Zeal Optics Zebra/Zebra Technology Zebco Zee Line Zehna/Emil Zehner Zeiss Zella Zelco Zenith Zeos Zephyr Zero Corp. Zhumell Zildjian Zircon Fabio Zanotti Zulu ZM Weapons Zoli, Antonio Zoli, Giuseppe Zoom Zouave Zscooter Unknown or unlisted gun make B-52 AR-7 Industries K-2 104 APS Validation Codes APS Automated Pawn System™ are Trademarks owned by the City of Minneapolis, MN USA The Automated Pawn System™ copyrighted 1995-2005 by the City of Minneapolis, MN USA C:\WINNT\Profiles\hardymm0\Desktop\codes.doc 3/19/2004 Automated Pawn System ™ Brand Name Code Brand Name GE RADG TECH21 KR CN AIE SIGN20 3 COM 3M 3MS LINE 6 20CENT 121 G 2000 Germany (pre-1945/post-1989 undeter. make) Rad 2 Go Tech 21 Korea prior to 1948 (undetermined make) China (prior to 1949 undetermined make) Amtec 2000 Signature 2000 3Com 3M Company 3MS Pedals Line 6 20th Century Fox 121 Gateway 2000 105 APS Validation Codes APS Automated Pawn System™ are Trademarks owned by the City of Minneapolis, MN USA The Automated Pawn System™ copyrighted 1995-2005 by the City of Minneapolis, MN USA C:\WINNT\Profiles\hardymm0\Desktop\codes.doc 3/19/2004 Automated Pawn System ™ 1.2 Category Codes Category Code Category Description APPL AUDIO AUTO BIKE CAM CHILD CLOTH COIN COMM COMP GAME GUN HOUSE HTOOL INDUS INSTR JEWEL KEEP LAWN MARIN MED OFF OTHER PERS PTOOL SPORT UNCAT VIDEO WEAPN Home Appliances Audio/Stereo/Radio Automotive Bicycles/Equipment Camera/Optical Equipment Child Accessories Clothing Coins Telecommunications Computers/Printers/Equip. Games/Gambling Apparatus Guns Household Items/Furnishings Tools, Hand Industrial/Construction Equip. Musical Instruments Jewelry Keepsakes/Collectibles Lawn & Garden Marine Equipment Medical Equipment Office Equipment Other Personal Items Tools, Power Sports/Exercise/Recreational Equip. Uncategorized Video/Television Weapons (nonGun) 106 APS Validation Codes APS Automated Pawn System™ are Trademarks owned by the City of Minneapolis, MN USA The Automated Pawn System™ copyrighted 1995-2005 by the City of Minneapolis, MN USA C:\WINNT\Profiles\hardymm0\Desktop\codes.doc 3/19/2004 Automated Pawn System ™ 1.3 Eye Codes Color Code Color Name AQU BLK BLU BRO GRN GRY HAZ OTH VIO Aqua Black Blue Brown Green Grey Hazel Other Violet 1.4 Gun Action Codes Action Code Action Description A B C D F G H I J K L N P R S T U V W Automatic Action Bolt Action Carbine Derringer Flare Gas or Air Flintlock Semi-Automatic Jet Propelled Blank Lever Action Launcher Pump Action Revolver Single Shot Recoilless Percussion (caplock) Tear Gas Matchlock 1.5 Gun Barrel Codes Barrel Code Barrel Description E O S W X Double Barrel Over and Under Single Barrel Three Barrels Four or more Barrels 107 APS Validation Codes APS Automated Pawn System™ are Trademarks owned by the City of Minneapolis, MN USA The Automated Pawn System™ copyrighted 1995-2005 by the City of Minneapolis, MN USA C:\WINNT\Profiles\hardymm0\Desktop\codes.doc 3/19/2004 Automated Pawn System ™ 1.6 Gun Caliber Codes Caliber Code Caliber Description/Examples 0 4 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 16 17 20 22 24 25 28 30 32 32 35 36 38 40 41 44 45 50 54 58 60 65 75 177 221 222 223 243 250 256 257 260 264 270 280 Other 4 gauge 6mm 7mm 8mm or 8 gauge 9mm 10mm or 10 gauge 11mm 12.5mm/.50 Caliber/12-gauge 13mm 14 gauge 16 gauge .17 caliber 20 gauge .22 Caliber 24 gauge .25 caliber 28 gauge .30 caliber 32 gauge or 14mm 32 gauge/14mm or .32 ACP .35 caliber/.350 caliber .36 caliber .38 Caliber .40 caliber .41 caliber .44 Magnum or .44 Special .45 Caliber .50 caliber .54 caliber .58 caliber/.577 caliber .60 caliber/.600 caliber 6.5mm/.65 caliber 7.5mm/.75 caliber .177 caliber .221 caliber .222 caliber .223 or 5.56 mm .243 Winchester .250 caliber/.250-3000 Savage .256 caliber .257 caliber .260 caliber .264 caliber .270 Winchester or Weatherby Magnum .280 caliber/7mm Express 108 APS Validation Codes APS Automated Pawn System™ are Trademarks owned by the City of Minneapolis, MN USA The Automated Pawn System™ copyrighted 1995-2005 by the City of Minneapolis, MN USA C:\WINNT\Profiles\hardymm0\Desktop\codes.doc 3/19/2004 Automated Pawn System ™ 284 300 303 308 338 351 357 375 380 401 405 410 444 455 458 460 556 635 735 762 763 765 3006 3030 3220 4570 9999 .284 caliber .300 caliber .303 caliber .308 Winchester/7.62x51mm NATO .338 caliber .351 caliber .357 Caliber .375 caliber .380 ACP .401 caliber .405 caliber 410 gauge .444 Caliber .455 Caliber .458 caliber .460 caliber 5.56mm NATO/.223 Remington 6.35mm/.25 ACP 7.35mm/.32 ACP 7.62 X 39 7.63mm/.30 Mauser/7.62mm Tokarev 7.54mm Luger/.30 Luger .30-06 .30-30 .32-20 .45-70 Grenade Launchers/Electrically charged dart guns 109 APS Validation Codes APS Automated Pawn System™ are Trademarks owned by the City of Minneapolis, MN USA The Automated Pawn System™ copyrighted 1995-2005 by the City of Minneapolis, MN USA C:\WINNT\Profiles\hardymm0\Desktop\codes.doc 3/19/2004 Automated Pawn System ™ 1.7 Gem Codes Gem Code Gem Name ALEX AMB AMET AMTH AQUA CIT COR DIA EMER GARN HEMA IOL JADE LAPI MARC MOIS MOTH ONYX OPAL PERI PRL QUAR RHOD RUBY SAPH TANZ TOP TOUR TURQ UNK ZIRC Alexandrite Amber Ametrine Amethyst Aquamarine Citrine Coral Diamond Emerald Garnet Hematite Iolite Jade Lapis Marcasite Moissanite Mother-of-Pearl Onyx Opal Peridot Pearl Smoky Quartz Rhodolite Ruby Sapphire Tanzanite Topaz Tourmaline Turquoise Unknown Cubic Zirconia 110 APS Validation Codes APS Automated Pawn System™ are Trademarks owned by the City of Minneapolis, MN USA The Automated Pawn System™ copyrighted 1995-2005 by the City of Minneapolis, MN USA C:\WINNT\Profiles\hardymm0\Desktop\codes.doc 3/19/2004 Automated Pawn System ™ 1.8 Gem Color Codes Gem Color Code Color Name AMB BLK BLU BRO CLR DBL DGR GRN LAV LBL LGR OTH PLE PNK RED TRQ WHI YEL Amber Black Blue Brown Clear Blue, Dark Green, Dark Green Lavender Blue, Light Green, Light Other Purple Pink Red Turquoise White Yellow 1.9 Gem Cut Codes Gem Cut Code Gem Cut Description A B C E H M N O P R S T Rectangle Baguette Chip Emerald Heart Marquise Cabochon Oval Pear Round Square or Princess Trillion or Triangle 111 APS Validation Codes APS Automated Pawn System™ are Trademarks owned by the City of Minneapolis, MN USA The Automated Pawn System™ copyrighted 1995-2005 by the City of Minneapolis, MN USA C:\WINNT\Profiles\hardymm0\Desktop\codes.doc 3/19/2004 Automated Pawn System ™ 1.10 Gun Finish Codes Finish Code Finish Color Name BGE BLK BLU BRO BRZ CAM COM CPR CRM DBL DGR GLD GRN GRY LAV LBL LGR MAR ONG OTH PLE PNK RED SIL TAN TRQ WHI YEL Beige Black Blue Brown Bronze Camouflage Chrome/Stainless Stl Copper Cream/Ivory Blue, Dark Green, Dark Gold Green Grey Lavender Blue, Light Green, Light Burgundy/Maroon Orange Other Purple Pink Red Silver/Aluminum Tan Turquoise White Yellow 112 APS Validation Codes APS Automated Pawn System™ are Trademarks owned by the City of Minneapolis, MN USA The Automated Pawn System™ copyrighted 1995-2005 by the City of Minneapolis, MN USA C:\WINNT\Profiles\hardymm0\Desktop\codes.doc 3/19/2004 Automated Pawn System ™ 1.11 Hair Color Codes Color Code Color Name AUB BLD BLK BLO BLU BRO GRN GRY ONG OTH PLE RED WHI Auburn Bald Black Blonde Blue Brown Green Grey Orange Other Purple Red White 113 APS Validation Codes APS Automated Pawn System™ are Trademarks owned by the City of Minneapolis, MN USA The Automated Pawn System™ copyrighted 1995-2005 by the City of Minneapolis, MN USA C:\WINNT\Profiles\hardymm0\Desktop\codes.doc 3/19/2004 Automated Pawn System ™ 1.12 Item Name Codes Category Code Item Name Code Item Name APPL APPL APPL APPL APPL APPL APPL APPL APPL APPL APPL APPL APPL APPL APPL APPL APPL APPL APPL APPL APPL APPL APPL APPL APPL APPL APPL APPL APPL APPL APPL APPL APPL APPL APPL APPL APPL APPL APPL APPL APPL APPL APPL APPL APPL APPL AIRCON AIRPUR BLENDE BRDMAC BUFFER BUGLIG COFFEE COMPAC CONVEC DEHUMI DISHWA DISPOS DOOROP DRYER FAN FDMXR FOODPR FREEZE FRYER FURNAC HEATPU HNDMXR HOOD HUMIDI ICEMAK ICREMA IRON JUICER KNIFE MEATSL OPENER OTHER OVEN OXIMET POPCOR PURIFI RANGE REFRIG ROAST SHAMPO SOFTEN SPACEH STEAMC TOASTE TSTOVN VACATT Air Conditioner Air Purifier Blender Bread Machine Floor Polisher/Buffer/Waxer Bug Light (Zapper) Coffee Maker Trash Compactor Oven, Convection Dehumidifier Dishwasher Garbage Disposal Garage Door Opener Dryer, Clothes Fan, Cooling or Ceiling Food Mixer Food Processor Freezer Fryer Furnace/Oil Burner Heat Pump Electric Mixer, Hand-held Range Hood Humidifier/Vaporizer Ice Maker Ice Cream Machine Iron/Garment Steamer Juicer Knife, Electric Meat Slicer Can Opener Other Oven, Microwave Oximeter Popcorn Maker Water Purifier/Filtration System Stove/Oven/Range Refrigerator/Ice Box Oven, Roaster Shampooer, Rug Water Softener Space Heater Carpet Cleaner, Steam Toaster Toaster Oven Vacuum Cleaner Attachments 114 APS Validation Codes APS Automated Pawn System™ are Trademarks owned by the City of Minneapolis, MN USA The Automated Pawn System™ copyrighted 1995-2005 by the City of Minneapolis, MN USA C:\WINNT\Profiles\hardymm0\Desktop\codes.doc 3/19/2004 Automated Pawn System ™ Category Code Item Name Code Item Name APPL APPL APPL APPL AUDIO AUDIO AUDIO AUDIO AUDIO AUDIO AUDIO AUDIO AUDIO AUDIO AUDIO AUDIO AUDIO AUDIO AUDIO AUDIO AUDIO AUDIO AUDIO AUDIO AUDIO AUDIO AUDIO AUDIO AUDIO AUDIO AUDIO AUDIO AUDIO AUDIO AUDIO AUDIO AUDIO AUDIO AUDIO AUDIO AUDIO AUDIO AUDIO AUDIO AUDIO AUDIO AUDIO AUDIO VACUUM WASHER WATERH YGRTMC ACTUAT ADAPTO AMPLIF ATAPE AUDIOM CARTRI CBRADI CDISC CDPLAY CDREC COMBO CROSSO DIRECT ENHANC EQUALI FMCONV HEADSE INTERC JUKEBO KARAOK MICROP MP3 NEEDLE NOISER OTHER PATCHB PEDAL PHONOG POWERB POWERP PREAMP PROCES RACK RADICD RADIO RADIOR RADIOT RADITA RECEIV REVERB SCANNE SOUNDM SPEAKE STEREO Vacuum Cleaner/Electric Broom/Sweeper Washing Machine (Clothes Washer) Water Heater Yogurt Machine Actuator, Antenna Adaptor Amplifier (including Music) Audio Tape (All Types) Audiometer Stereo Tone Arm Cartridge CB (Citizens Band) Radio CD (Compact Disc), Audio/Laser CD (Compact Disc) Player/Changer CD (Compact Disc) Recorder Radio/CD Player or /Cassette Player Combination Crossover (for Stereo System) Direction Finder, Radio Stabilizer/Enhancer Equalizer ( Stereo/Sound Equipment) Converter, FM Headset/Earphones Intercom Jukebox Karaoke Microphone MP3 Player Stereo Needle (excludes Cartridge) Noise Reduction Unit Other Patch Bay Pedal, Guitar Effect Record Player/Phonograph, Mono Power Booster/Pick Rechargeable Battery Pack Preamplifier Processor Stereo Rack System CD Player/Radio Combination Radio Radio/Record Player Combination Radio/Television Combination Radio/Tape Player Combination Receiver, Stereo Reverberator Scanner, Radio Sound Mixer or Board Speaker Stereo Record Player/Phonograph 115 APS Validation Codes APS Automated Pawn System™ are Trademarks owned by the City of Minneapolis, MN USA The Automated Pawn System™ copyrighted 1995-2005 by the City of Minneapolis, MN USA C:\WINNT\Profiles\hardymm0\Desktop\codes.doc 3/19/2004 Automated Pawn System ™ Category Code Item Name Code Item Name AUDIO AUDIO AUDIO AUDIO AUDIO AUDIO AUDIO AUDIO AUDIO AUDIO AUDIO AUDIO AUDIO AUTO AUTO AUTO AUTO AUTO AUTO AUTO AUTO AUTO AUTO AUTO AUTO AUTO AUTO AUTO AUTO AUTO AUTO AUTO AUTO AUTO AUTO AUTO AUTO AUTO AUTO AUTO AUTO AUTO AUTO AUTO AUTO BIKE BIKE BIKE STFPLT SWITCH TAPEDE TAPEPL TAPERE TRANSC TRANSM TUNER TURNTA TVREC VOICEC WALKIE WOOFER ALARM ANTENN ATV BATCHG BRAKE CABLES CALIPE CREEPE CSTERE DETECT DIAGSC GPOSYS HELMET HUBCAP JACK LUGRAC MCYCLE OTHER PC POLISH RACK RAMP SPEAKE TACHMT TIMING TIRE TK TRAILE VESCTO WHEELB WINDRK WLIGHT BICYCL BPART CHLDST Stereo Face Plate Switcher Tape Deck (Deck only) Tape Player (Plays only) Tape Recorder (Records and Plays) Transceiver Transmitter Tuner Turntable Radio/Televsion/Record Player, Combo Voice Control Unit Walkie Talkie Woofer Alarm Antenna ATV (All Terrain Vehicle) Battery Charger, Automobile Brake Jumper cables Caliper Creeper Stereo, Automotive Radar Detector Diagnostic Scanner (handheld, automotive) Navigation System (vehicle navigation guide) Helmet Hub Cap Jack Luggage Rack Motorcycle Other Car, passenger Polisher/Waxer Bicycle Rack Ramps, Portable Speaker Tachometer Timing Light Tire Truck, passenger Trailer, except boat Scan Tool, Automotive (for diagnostics) Balancer, Wheel Windshield Repair Kit Trouble Light, Work Light Bicycle Bicycle Parts/Accessories Child Seat 116 APS Validation Codes APS Automated Pawn System™ are Trademarks owned by the City of Minneapolis, MN USA The Automated Pawn System™ copyrighted 1995-2005 by the City of Minneapolis, MN USA C:\WINNT\Profiles\hardymm0\Desktop\codes.doc 3/19/2004 Automated Pawn System ™ Category Code Item Name Code Item Name BIKE BIKE BIKE BIKE BIKE CAM CAM CAM CAM CAM CAM CAM CAM CAM CAM CAM CAM CAM CAM CAM CAM CAM CAM CAM CAM CAM CAM CAM CAM CAM CAM CAM CAM CAM CAM CAM CAM CAM CAM CAM CAM CHILD CHILD CHILD CHILD CHILD CHILD CHILD HELMET OTHER SHOCKS TRICYC UNICYC BACK BINOCU BODY CABLE CAMERA CAMKIT CASE CHARGE DIGCAM DOCKIN DRYER ENLARG FILTER FLASH LENS LIGHTM MAGAZI MEMORY MICROS MOTORD MREAD NGTVSG OTHER PERISC POWERP PROJEC RANGEF SCOPE SCREEN SECURI TRIPOD VIDEOC VIEWER VIEWFI WEBCAM WINDER CHGTAB CHLDST CRIB DIAPER HCHAIR OTHER PLYPEN Helmet Other Bicycle Shocks Tricycle Unicycle Camera Back Binoculars/Field Glasses/Spy Glass Camera Body Cables, Cords, Connectors Camera Accessory Kit Camera Case Battery Charger Digital camera (still or video) Docking Station Dryer, Photo Enlarger Filter, Camera Flash Lens, Camera Meter, Light (Exposure) Film Magazine Memory (all types) Microscope Motor Drive Memory Card Adaptor or Reader Night Vision Goggles Other Periscope Rechargeable Battery Projector, Movie/Slide Range Finder Scope (Gun or Telescope) Screen Security Camera/System Tripod Video Camera (not Digital) Viewer Viewfinder Webcam/Spy/Pen/PC camera Winder, Camera (Auto or Power) Table, Changing Car Seat Crib/Cradle Diaper Bag High Chair Other Play Pen 117 APS Validation Codes APS Automated Pawn System™ are Trademarks owned by the City of Minneapolis, MN USA The Automated Pawn System™ copyrighted 1995-2005 by the City of Minneapolis, MN USA C:\WINNT\Profiles\hardymm0\Desktop\codes.doc 3/19/2004 Automated Pawn System ™ Category Code Item Name Code Item Name CHILD CHILD CLOTH CLOTH CLOTH CLOTH CLOTH CLOTH CLOTH CLOTH CLOTH CLOTH CLOTH CLOTH CLOTH CLOTH CLOTH COIN COIN COIN COIN COIN COIN COIN COIN COIN COMM COMM COMM COMM COMM COMM COMM COMP COMP COMP COMP COMP COMP COMP COMP COMP COMP COMP COMP COMP COMP COMP STRLLR WALKER CAPE COAT DRESS FCOAT FHAT FJKT FUR GOWN HAT JACKET LCOAT LHAT LJKT LVEST OTHER ASSORT BULLIO COIN EXONUM FCOIN FNOTE OTHER USCOIN USNOTE CABLE CAIDB CELTEL DIALER OTHER PAGER TELEPH BARCOD CASE CD RW CDRECO CDROMD CIRCUI COMPUT CONSOL CONTRO CPU CRT DIGIT DISK DOCKIN DOCSCN Stroller Walker Cape Coat, Cloth Dress Coat, Fur Hat, Fur Jacket, Fur Fur Stole Gown Hat, Cloth Jacket, Cloth Coat, Leather Hat, Leather Jacket, Leather Vest, Leather Other Assorted Coins Bar/Ingot/Bullion (Gold or Silver) Coin Sets (Commemorative/Mint/Proof/Collection) Exonumia (tokens, medals, elong. coins, etc.) Foreign Coin(s) Foreign Paper Money/Currency/Banknotes Other U.S. Coin(s) U.S. Paper Money/Currency/Banknotes Cable (Telecommunication) Caller ID Box/Unit Cellular Telephone/Car Phone Telephone Dialer, Automatic Other Pager/Beeper Telephone Bar Code Reader/Kit Case, Carrying for Portable Computer CD-ROM Read/Write Drive DVD Player/Recorder CD-ROM Read Only Drive Card/Board, Circuit/Memory/Chip/Sound/Video/Mother Computer (except Mainframe) Console/Control Panel/Plugboard Controller, Automatic CPU/Central Processing Unit Computer Monitor/Display Screen/CRT Digitizer/Data Tablet Disk, Computer (Floppy, Hard, Diskettes) Docking Station Scanner, Document 118 APS Validation Codes APS Automated Pawn System™ are Trademarks owned by the City of Minneapolis, MN USA The Automated Pawn System™ copyrighted 1995-2005 by the City of Minneapolis, MN USA C:\WINNT\Profiles\hardymm0\Desktop\codes.doc 3/19/2004 Automated Pawn System ™ Category Code Item Name Code Item Name COMP DOCSYS COMP COMP COMP COMP COMP COMP COMP COMP COMP COMP COMP COMP COMP COMP DPLCTR DRIVES ELCDCT ELCENC ELCORG ELCSPL EPROMP EXDATA EXTEND FAXMOD GPS GRINDB HANDCO HANDPC COMP COMP COMP COMP COMP COMP COMP COMP COMP COMP COMP COMP COMP COMP COMP COMP COMP COMP COMP COMP COMP COMP COMP COMP COMP COMP COMP COMP COMP COMP COMP INTERF JOYST KEYBOA KEYPAD KEYPUN LAPTOP LIGHTP LINEFI MEMORY MLTPRS MODEM MOUSE MULTIP OTHER PIANO POWERP POWERS PRINTE PWRPRT READER SFTWRE SPEECH SPEKRS STAND TAPE TELETE TELETY TERMIN VOICER WCOMP WEBCAM Document Processing System (printer, scanner, fax, copier combination) CD-ROM or Diskette Duplicator (stand-alone) Disk/Tape Drive System Electronic Dictionary Electronic Encyclopedia Electronic Organizer Electronic Speller EPROM Programmer External Data Storage Device (such as zip drive) Extender Fax Modem (External or Internal) Global Positioning System Graphic Input Drawing Board Controls, Hand-Held (Paddle/Trackball) Handheld personal computer (such as PDA, “Palm Pilot”) Interface Module/Buffer Joystick, Computer Keyboard, Computer Keypad, Computer Keypunch (All Key Data Entry Devices) Laptop/Notebook/Powerbook Computer Light Pen Line (Surge) Protector/Static Filter Memory Module (all types) Multimedia Presenter/PC-TV/VCR Converter Modem, (Accoustic Coupler/ Digitizer/Modulator/Dem Mouse Multiplexor (includes Concentrators) Other Musical Instrument-Direct Computer Interface Battery, Rechargeable (for computers) Power Supply (Computer) Printers, Plotters, Label Writers (All Types) Line Power/Protection Device Microfiche/Microfilm, Optical Character Reader Software, Computer Synthesizer, Speech (Voice) Computer Speakers Stand, Computer Equipment Tape, Computer (Blank, Encoded) Module, Teletext Decoder Teletypewriter Terminal, Computer Voice Recognition Device/Synthesizer Wrist Computer Webcam/Spy/Pen/PC camera 119 APS Validation Codes APS Automated Pawn System™ are Trademarks owned by the City of Minneapolis, MN USA The Automated Pawn System™ copyrighted 1995-2005 by the City of Minneapolis, MN USA C:\WINNT\Profiles\hardymm0\Desktop\codes.doc 3/19/2004 Automated Pawn System ™ Category Code Item Name Code Item Name COMP GAME GAME GAME GAME GAME GAME GAME GAME GAME GAME GAME GAME GAME GAME GAME GAME GAME GUN GUN GUN GUN GUN GUN GUN GUN GUN GUN GUN GUN GUN GUN GUN GUN GUN GUN GUN GUN HOUSE HOUSE HOUSE HOUSE HOUSE HOUSE HOUSE HOUSE HOUSE HOUSE WORDPR AIRHOC ARCADE BGAME CHESS DART ELGAME FOOSBA OTHER PCUE PINBAL POOLTA RCBOAT RCCAR RCPLNE RCTRCK SLOTMA VRGLAS A B BPOWDE C D E F G H I J K M O P Q R S V Z BAROME BED BENCH BOOKCA BSCALE BTHTUB CABINE CANDLE CARPET CHAIR Word Processor Air Hockey Arcade Game (includes Coin Operated) Board Game Chess board/set Dart board or game Electronic Game Foosball Other Pool Cue Pinball Machine Pool Table (Billiard, Snooker, Bumper) Remote Control Boat Remote Control Car Remote Control Airplane Remote Control Truck Slot Machine Virtual Reality Glasses (Cyber Shades) Canon Submachine Gun/Pistol Black Powder Rifle-Shotgun Combination Disguised Gun Shock Gun, Electric Ammunition Grenade Bomb Mine Missile Rocket Machine Gun Mortar Pistol Shotgun Pistol Rifle Shotgun Silencer Other Barometer Bed Bench (Stool, Ottoman) Bookcase Bathroom Scale Bathtub Cabinet (except File Cabinet) Candlesticks Carpet/Rug, Oriental Chair/Recliner/Rocker 120 APS Validation Codes APS Automated Pawn System™ are Trademarks owned by the City of Minneapolis, MN USA The Automated Pawn System™ copyrighted 1995-2005 by the City of Minneapolis, MN USA C:\WINNT\Profiles\hardymm0\Desktop\codes.doc 3/19/2004 Automated Pawn System ™ Category Code Item Name Code Item Name HOUSE HOUSE HOUSE HOUSE HOUSE HOUSE HOUSE HOUSE HOUSE HOUSE HOUSE HOUSE HOUSE HOUSE HOUSE HOUSE HOUSE HOUSE HOUSE HOUSE HOUSE HOUSE HOUSE HOUSE HOUSE HOUSE HOUSE HOUSE HOUSE HOUSE HOUSE HOUSE HOUSE HOUSE HOUSE HOUSE HOUSE HOUSE HOUSE HOUSE HOUSE HOUSE HOUSE HTOOL HTOOL HTOOL HTOOL HTOOL CHALIC CHANDL CLOCK COATRA COOKWA COOLER COUCH CRYSTA DESK FIREEX FLASHL FLATWA FRAME FUTON GRILL HOTTUB KNIFE LAMP LOCK MIRROR MNDOLN NEWSRA NGTSTN OTHER PLATE RUG SCISSO SCRUBB SEWING SILCHE SILVER SMOKED STEMWA TABLE THERMO THERMS TIMECL TOILET TRASHB VASE WASTEB WOODST WRACK ANGLE BIT BLADE BOLTCU CHISEL Chalice Chandelier Clock Coat Rack/Tree Cookware Cooler, Portable Sofa/Loveseat/Couch/Settee/Davenport Crystal Serving Pieces Desk Fire Extinguisher Flashlight (includes Rechargeable) Flatware Frame, Picture Futon Grill/Barbeque Hot Tub/Whirlpool Bath Knife/Cutlery Set Lamp, Table/Floor Lock (All Types) Wall Mirror Mandolin (Kitchen Tool) Magazine/ Newspaper Rack or Stand Nightstand Other Dinnerware Set Rug Scissors Scrubber Sewing Machine Silverware Chest Silver Serving Pieces Smoke Alarm/Detector Stemware Table, Dining/Folding Thermometer Thermostat Clock, Time Toilet, Portable/Standard Trash Barrel (Poly Cart) Vase Wastebasket Stove, Woodburning Wine Rack Angle Bit (Non-Well Drilling) Blade, Saw Bolt Cutter Chisel 121 APS Validation Codes APS Automated Pawn System™ are Trademarks owned by the City of Minneapolis, MN USA The Automated Pawn System™ copyrighted 1995-2005 by the City of Minneapolis, MN USA C:\WINNT\Profiles\hardymm0\Desktop\codes.doc 3/19/2004 Automated Pawn System ™ Category Code Item Name Code Item Name HTOOL HTOOL HTOOL HTOOL HTOOL HTOOL HTOOL HTOOL HTOOL HTOOL HTOOL HTOOL HTOOL HTOOL HTOOL HTOOL HTOOL HTOOL HTOOL HTOOL HTOOL HTOOL HTOOL HTOOL HTOOL HTOOL INDUS INDUS INDUS INDUS INDUS INDUS INDUS INDUS INDUS INDUS INDUS INDUS INDUS INDUS INDUS INDUS INDUS INDUS INDUS INDUS INDUS INDUS CLAMPS COMPAS DIESET FILE HAMMER HANDTR LADDER LEVEL LOCKSM MITERB OTHER PLANE PLIERS ROLLER SCREWD SEAGUN SHEARS SOCKET TAPDIE TAPEME TATOO TOOLBO TOOLSE VISE WIREST WRENCH ACCOIL AIRHAN ANALYZ ARCSMS ATTENU BAILER BALANC BINDER BIT BLOCK BLOWER BLOWOU BREAKE CALIBR CATHEA CATWOR COLLAR CORD COUNTE COUPLE CRPTOL CUTTER Clamps Compass Die Tool Set File Hammer (All Kinds) Hand Truck Ladder Level Locksmith Tools Miter Box Other Plane Pliers Roller (Hand-Held, Walk-Behind) Screwdriver Gun, Caulking/Glue/Sealant Shears Wrench, Socket Set Tap & Die Set Tape Measure Tatooing Instruments/Equip. Toolbox Tool Set, Assorted Hand Tools Vise Wire Stripper Wrench Coil for Air Conditioning Unit Airhandling Unit Analyzer Antenna and Radar Cross-Section Measurement System Attenuator Bailer (includes cleanout) Balancer Binder Bit, Well Drilling Block, Crown/Traveling Blower Blowout Preventer Breaker Calibrator Cathead (Breakout and Makeup) Catwork Collar (Die and Drill) Extension cord Counter Coupler Carpet Laying Iron/Kicker/Power Stretcher Cutter (not otherwise coded) 122 APS Validation Codes APS Automated Pawn System™ are Trademarks owned by the City of Minneapolis, MN USA The Automated Pawn System™ copyrighted 1995-2005 by the City of Minneapolis, MN USA C:\WINNT\Profiles\hardymm0\Desktop\codes.doc 3/19/2004 Automated Pawn System ™ Category Code Item Name Code Item Name INDUS INDUS INDUS INDUS INDUS INDUS INDUS INDUS INDUS INDUS INDUS INDUS INDUS INDUS INDUS INDUS INDUS INDUS INDUS INDUS INDUS INDUS INDUS INDUS INDUS INDUS INDUS INDUS INDUS INDUS INDUS INDUS INDUS INDUS INDUS INDUS INDUS INDUS INDUS INDUS INDUS INDUS INDUS INDUS DOSIME DRAWWO DRILL DRILLU DUMPT DWELLM ENGINE EONVEY EQUALI EVAPOR EXPLOS FILTER FRNRCM FUSE GAUGE HAMMER HYDRAH INDICA INVERT KELLYS KSWIPE LASER LGTMXR LKDTCT LMDEVI LORAN MEASUR MEGOHM METER MILLIN MOTOR MPTANK MULTIM NIBBLE OTHER PACKER PARKME PLOW PLPIG POWERP POWERS PRESS PROBE PULLER INDUS INDUS INDUS PUMP PUMPUN PUNCH Dosimeter Drawworks Drill (Rock and Blasthole) Drilling Unit, Rotary Table Dumpster Dwell Meter Engine (Nonvehicle) Conveyor Equalizer (Equipment not Stereo/Sound) Evaporator Explosive Filter Refrigerant Recovery Unit Fuse Gauge Rotohammer Hydra Hook Indicator Inverter Kelly Spinner Wiper, Keyseat Laser Light Mixer Leak Detector Laser Measuring Device Navigation Unit, Long Range (LORAN) Radio Telemetry System Megohmmeter Meter Milling Machine Motor Mud Pit Tank Multimeter Nibbler Other Packer Meter, Parking Plow Pipeline, Pig Power Pack Power Supply Press Probe (Temperature, Digital, Pulser) Bearing Puller (used to pull bearing w/o dismantling machinery) Pump Pumping Unit Punch 123 APS Validation Codes APS Automated Pawn System™ are Trademarks owned by the City of Minneapolis, MN USA The Automated Pawn System™ copyrighted 1995-2005 by the City of Minneapolis, MN USA C:\WINNT\Profiles\hardymm0\Desktop\codes.doc 3/19/2004 Automated Pawn System ™ Category Code Item Name Code Item Name INDUS INDUS INDUS INDUS INDUS INDUS INDUS INDUS INDUS INDUS INDUS INDUS INDUS INDUS INDUS INDUS INDUS INDUS INDUS INDUS INDUS INDUS INDUS INDUS INDUS INDUS INDUS INDUS INDUS INDUS INDUS INDUS INDUS INDUS INDUS INDUS INDUS INDUS INDUS INDUS INDUS INDUS INSTR INSTR INSTR INSTR INSTR INSTR PYROME RANGEE REAMER REGULA RHGUID ROLLER SCAFFO SCALES SEPARA SEWERC SEXTAN SHOCK SPADER SPIDER SPINWR SPRAYG SSHAKE STABIL STILTS SUB SWITCH SWIVEL TAMPER TANK TAPER TESTER THREAD TIMER TONG TONGS TOOLJO TRANSD TRANSF TRANSI TRANSP VALVE VALVEC VIBRAT WASHOE WATTME WINCH WLIGHT ACCORD AMPLIF AUTOHA BAGPIP BANJO BARITO Pyrometer Range Expander Reamer (Enlargers and Openers) Regulator Rathole Guide Roller, Casing Scaffold Scales Separator Sewer Cleaner Sextant Shock(s) Spader, Air Tubing, Spider (Elevator) Wrench, Spinning (Well drilling) Gun, Spray Shale Shaker Stabilizer Stilts, drywall Sub (Kick, Shear, Pin, Rod, and Basket) Switches (All Types) Power Swivel Compactor/Tamper, Construction Tank (Acetylene, Hydrogen, Oxygen, Propane) Drywall Tape Applicator, Automatic Tester Threader Timer Power Tong Tongs Joint Tool Transducer Transformer Transit Survey Transponder Valve Valve Controls Vibrator Washover Shoe Well Meter Winch Work light, Trouble Light Accordion Amplifier Autoharp Bagpipes Banjo Baritone 124 APS Validation Codes APS Automated Pawn System™ are Trademarks owned by the City of Minneapolis, MN USA The Automated Pawn System™ copyrighted 1995-2005 by the City of Minneapolis, MN USA C:\WINNT\Profiles\hardymm0\Desktop\codes.doc 3/19/2004 Automated Pawn System ™ Category Code Item Name Code Item Name INSTR INSTR INSTR INSTR INSTR INSTR INSTR INSTR INSTR INSTR INSTR INSTR INSTR INSTR INSTR INSTR INSTR INSTR INSTR INSTR INSTR INSTR INSTR INSTR INSTR INSTR INSTR INSTR INSTR INSTR INSTR INSTR INSTR INSTR INSTR INSTR INSTR INSTR INSTR JEWEL JEWEL JEWEL JEWEL JEWEL JEWEL JEWEL JEWEL JEWEL BASS BASSOO BELLS BUGLE CASE CELLO CLARIN CORNET CYMBAL DRUM DRUMMA FHORN FLUTE GUITAR HARMON HARP HORN KEYBOA MANDOL MELLOP OBOE ORGAN OTHER PEDAL PIANO PICCOL RECORD SAXOPH SOUSAP STAND SYNTHE TONOME TROMBO TRUMPE TUBA UKULEL VIOLA VIOLIN XYLOPH ANKLET BRACEL CHARM CUFFLN EARRIN GEM LOCKET MEDALL MONEYC Bass Bassoon Bells, Marching Band or Orchestra Bugle Case, Musical Instrument Cello Clarinet Cornet Cymbal Drum Drum Machine French Horn Flute Guitar Harmonica Harp Horn Keyboard Mandolin Mellophone Oboe Organ Other Pedal, Guitar Effect Piano Piccolo Recorder (Woodwind Instrument) Saxophone Sousaphone Stand, Music/Instrument Synthesizer Tonometer Trombone Trumpet Tuba Ukulele Viola Violin/Fiddle Xylophone Anklet Bracelet Charm w/o chain Cufflinks Earring Gem Stones Locket Medallion Money Clip 125 APS Validation Codes APS Automated Pawn System™ are Trademarks owned by the City of Minneapolis, MN USA The Automated Pawn System™ copyrighted 1995-2005 by the City of Minneapolis, MN USA C:\WINNT\Profiles\hardymm0\Desktop\codes.doc 3/19/2004 Automated Pawn System ™ Category Code Item Name Code Item Name JEWEL JEWEL JEWEL JEWEL JEWEL JEWEL JEWEL JEWEL KEEP KEEP KEEP KEEP KEEP KEEP KEEP KEEP KEEP KEEP KEEP KEEP KEEP KEEP KEEP KEEP KEEP KEEP KEEP KEEP KEEP KEEP KEEP KEEP KEEP KEEP KEEP KEEP KEEP KEEP KEEP KEEP KEEP KEEP KEEP KEEP LAWN LAWN LAWN LAWN NECKLA OTHER PENDAN PIN RING SCRAP TIETAC WATCH ADVERT ALBUM ANIMAT ARTGLA ARTPOT BEANIE BOOK BREWER CARNIV CHINA COMIC CRYPTO CUTGLA DEPRES DISNEY DOLL EPHEM EXONUM FIGURI GLASSW HISTOR MILITA MODEL NEONSN OTHER PAINTI PAPERW PLATE PRINT SCARDS SCRIPO STAING STAMP SWORD TOBAC VASE BLADE CLIPPE EDGER HEDGEC Chain/Necklace Other Pendant w/o chain Pin/Brooch Ring Scrap Tie Tac/Clasp Watch Advertising Memorabilia Record Albums/Collection Animation Art Art Glass Art Pottery/China Beanie Baby Book, Collectors (rare) Breweriana Carnival Glass China, Dinnerware Comics Cryptography Cut Glass Depression Glass Disneyana Dolls/Collectibles Ephemera Exonumia (tokens, medals, elong. coins, etc.) Figure/Figurine/Statue Glassware, Collectible Historical Memorabilia Militaria Model/Collectible/Miniature/Replica Neon Art/Sign Other Painting Paperweight Plate (Collector, Signed, Numbered) Print (Art) Sports Cards, Collectible Scripophily (vintage stock/bond certificates) Stained Glass Stamp Collection Sword Tobacciana Vase (Numbered) Blade, Mower Clippers Edger Hedge Cutter 126 APS Validation Codes APS Automated Pawn System™ are Trademarks owned by the City of Minneapolis, MN USA The Automated Pawn System™ copyrighted 1995-2005 by the City of Minneapolis, MN USA C:\WINNT\Profiles\hardymm0\Desktop\codes.doc 3/19/2004 Automated Pawn System ™ Category Code Item Name Code Item Name LAWN LAWN LAWN LAWN LAWN LAWN LAWN LAWN LAWN LAWN LAWN LAWN LAWN LAWN LAWN LAWN LAWN LAWN LAWN MARIN MARIN MARIN MARIN MARIN MARIN MARIN MARIN MARIN MARIN MARIN MARIN MARIN MARIN MARIN MARIN MARIN MARIN MARIN MARIN MARIN MARIN MARIN MARIN MARIN MARIN MED MED MED HOE LEAFBL LOGSPL MOWER OTHER POST PRRAKE PSWEEP RAKE RMOWER RSNOWB SHOVEL SNOWBL SODCUT SPREAD SPRINK TILLER TRIMME WEEDER ANCHOR BASSBO BTRAIL CANOE CATAMA CHRONO DINGHY INRAFT JETSKI KAYAK LORAN MAST NAVIGA OARS OTHER OUTBRD PADDLE PROPEL ROWBO RUNABO SAIL SAILBO SEXTAN SPINNA TARP TROLL APNMON CARDIO CRUTCH Hoe Leaf Blower Log Splitter Lawnmower (Nonriding) Other Post-Hole Digger Power Rake/Thatcher Sweeper, Outdoor Power Rake Lawnmower, Riding Snowblower/Snowplow (Riding) Shovel Snowblower/Snowplow (Nonriding) Sod Cutter Spreader Sprinkler Tiller/Rototiller/Cultivator Trimmer Weeder/Weed Cutter Anchor Bass Boat Trailer, Boat Canoe Catamarran Chronometer Dinghy Raft, Inflatable Jet Ski Kayak Navigation Unit, Long Range (LORAN) Mast Navigation Meter Oars Other Motor, Outboard Paddle Boat Propeller Row Boat Runabout Sail Sail Boat Sextant Spinnaker Boat Cover/Tarp Motor, Trolling Heart (Apnea) Monitor Cardiograph Crutches 127 APS Validation Codes APS Automated Pawn System™ are Trademarks owned by the City of Minneapolis, MN USA The Automated Pawn System™ copyrighted 1995-2005 by the City of Minneapolis, MN USA C:\WINNT\Profiles\hardymm0\Desktop\codes.doc 3/19/2004 Automated Pawn System ™ Category Code Item Name Code Item Name MED MED MED MED MED MED MED MED MED MED MED MED MED MED MED MED OFF OFF OFF OFF OFF OFF OFF OFF OFF OFF OFF OFF OFF OFF OFF OFF OFF OFF OFF OFF OFF OFF OFF OFF OFF OFF OFF OFF OFF OFF OFF OFF DEFIBR DOPPLR EEGMCH EKGMCH HANDPI LABEQU NRVSTM OTHER RESPIR RESUSC SPHYGM STETHO TONOME ULTRS WHEELC XRAY ACCOUN ADDING ADDRES ANSWER CALCUL CART CASHRE CASTIN CHAIR CHANGE CHECKW COMPTO CONTAI COPIER CRT DESK DICTAT DRAFT DTABLE ENVMCH FAX FILECA FOLDER IMPRIN LABELE LAMINA LANGUA LECTER MAILIN MOMACH MULTIP ORDRMA Defibrillator Doppler for Measuring Fetal Heartbeat EEG Machine EKG Machine Dental Handpiece Lab Equipment (not otherwise coded) Nerve Stimulation Unit Other Respirator Resuscitator Blood Pressure Instrument/ Sphygmomanometer Stethoscope Tonometer Ultra Sound Machine Wheelchair (Nonmotorized) X-Ray Equipment Accounting Machine Adding Machine Addressing Machine Answering Machine, Telephone Calculator Cart Cash Register Casting Machine Chair, Office Money Changer (Bill and Coin) Checkwriter/Check Protector Comptograph Storage/Shipping Container (not Overseas) Copy Machine, Ditto/Duplicator/Mimeograph/Photocop Screen, Computer Desk Dictating machine Drafting Machine Drafting Table Envelope Machine FAX Machine/Telecopier File Cabinet (Lateral or Vertical) Folding Machine Imprint Machine Labeler Laminating Equipment Language Teaching Machine Podium/Lectern Mailing Machine Money Order Machine Multiplier Ordering Machine 128 APS Validation Codes APS Automated Pawn System™ are Trademarks owned by the City of Minneapolis, MN USA The Automated Pawn System™ copyrighted 1995-2005 by the City of Minneapolis, MN USA C:\WINNT\Profiles\hardymm0\Desktop\codes.doc 3/19/2004 Automated Pawn System ™ Category Code Item Name Code Item Name OFF OFF OFF OFF OFF OFF OFF OFF OFF OFF OFF OFF OFF OFF OFF OFF OFF OFF OFF OFF OFF OFF OFF OTHER PERS PERS PERS PERS PERS PERS PERS PERS PERS PERS PERS PERS PERS PERS PERS PERS PERS PTOOL PTOOL PTOOL PTOOL PTOOL PTOOL PTOOL OTHER PASYST POSTAG POSTIN POWERP READER SAFE SHREDD SLIDER STAMPM STENCI STENOT TABULA TAPEDI TELETE TIMECL TRANSC TYPESE TYPEWR VALIDA VENDIN VOICEW WATERC OTHER CASE DRYER EYEGLA FOOTMA GSTEAM HEARIN JEWBOX LIGHTE LUGGAG MASSAG OTHER PENSET PORTFO PURSE SHAVER SUNGLA WALLET ACCHGS AIRBRS AIRCHI AIRFIL AIRWRN AMMETE APUMP Other Public Address System Postage Meter Posting Machine Power Pack, Computer Reader Safe Shredder (Paper, etc.) Slide Ruler Stamp Machine Stencil Machine Stenotype Tabulator Tape Dispenser, Automatic Decoder Module, Teletext Time Clock Transcriber Typesetter Typewriter/Composer Validation Plate Post Office Vending Machine (Candy/Soft Drink) Voicewriter Water Cooler Other Brief Case/Attache Case Hair Dryer Eyeglasses, Eyeglass Frames Foot Massager Steamer, Garment Hearing Aid Jewelry Box/Armoire Cigarette Lighter Luggage/Suitcase Massager Other Pen/Pencil Set Portfolio/Organizer, Leather Purse Shaver/Razor Sun Glasses Wallet Air Conditioning Charging System Air Brush Air Chisel Air File Air Wrench Ammeter Air Pump 129 APS Validation Codes APS Automated Pawn System™ are Trademarks owned by the City of Minneapolis, MN USA The Automated Pawn System™ copyrighted 1995-2005 by the City of Minneapolis, MN USA C:\WINNT\Profiles\hardymm0\Desktop\codes.doc 3/19/2004 Automated Pawn System ™ Category Code Item Name Code Item Name PTOOL PTOOL PTOOL PTOOL PTOOL PTOOL PTOOL PTOOL PTOOL PTOOL PTOOL PTOOL PTOOL PTOOL PTOOL PTOOL PTOOL PTOOL PTOOL PTOOL PTOOL PTOOL PTOOL PTOOL PTOOL PTOOL PTOOL PTOOL PTOOL PTOOL PTOOL PTOOL PTOOL PTOOL PTOOL PTOOL PTOOL PTOOL PTOOL PTOOL PTOOL PTOOL PTOOL PTOOL PTOOL PTOOL PTOOL PTOOL AUGER CHAINS CHARGE CMIXER COMPRE CONDEN DRILL DRILLP ENGRAV FINISH GEIGER GENERA GRINDE GYROSC HAMMER HOIST JOINTE LAMINA LATHE LIFT LOCKSM MICROM NAILGU OHMMET OSCILL OTHER PIPETH PLANER PROLL PSTRPR RATCHE RIVETG ROTARY ROUTER SANDER SANDSL SAW SAWZAL SCREWG SEISMG SENSOR SHARPE SLICER SNAKE SOLDER SPINWR SPRAYE STAPLE Auger Chain Saw Battery Charger (Nonautomobile) Mixer, Cement Compressor, Air Condenser Drill Drill Press Engraver Finishing Machine Geiger Counter Generator (Nonautomobile) Grinder Gyroscope Hammer/Jackhammer/Airgun/Impact Hoist Jointer Laminating Machine Lathe Lift Locksmith Tools Micrometer Nail Gun Ohmmeter Oscilloscope Other Pipe Threading Machine Planer (Power Tool) Power Paint Roller Paint Stripper/Scraper Air Ratchet Riveter (Rivet Gun) Rotary tool Router Sander Sandblaster Saw (not Chain Saw) Sawzall, Reciprocating Saw Screw Gun Seismograph Sensor Sharpener (All Types) Slicer Snake, Electric Soldering Iron/Gun Wrench Spinning Sprayer (All Types) Stapler (Staplegun) 130 APS Validation Codes APS Automated Pawn System™ are Trademarks owned by the City of Minneapolis, MN USA The Automated Pawn System™ copyrighted 1995-2005 by the City of Minneapolis, MN USA C:\WINNT\Profiles\hardymm0\Desktop\codes.doc 3/19/2004 Automated Pawn System ™ Category Code Item Name Code Item Name PTOOL PTOOL PTOOL PTOOL PTOOL PTOOL PTOOL PTOOL PTOOL SPORT SPORT SPORT SPORT SPORT SPORT SPORT SPORT SPORT SPORT SPORT SPORT SPORT SPORT SPORT SPORT SPORT SPORT SPORT SPORT SPORT SPORT SPORT SPORT SPORT SPORT SPORT SPORT SPORT SPORT SPORT SPORT SPORT SPORT SPORT SPORT SPORT SPORT SPORT STUDGU TACKER TATOO TORCH TRENCH TROWEL VOLTME WATERB WELDER APNMON AUGER BALL BBALL BBGUN BENCH BGLOVE BOCCE BOW BPACK CAMPIN CHAIR CLIMB CREEL CROQUE CSTOVE DECOY DEPTHF ECYCLE FISHIN FKNIFE FLASHL GBAG GBALL GLOVE GOGGLE GOKART GOLFCA GOLFCL GPS HELMET HKNIFE HOMGYM HORSER HSHOES ICEHOU ISKATE LANTER LASGUN Studgun/Nailgun/Ramset Tacker, Electric Tatooing Instruments/Equip. Torch, Cutting Trencher (Hand-Powered) Trowel, Power Voltmeter Pressure Washer(Water Blaster) Welder, Arc Heart Rate Monitor (all types) Ice Auger Ball Bowling Ball BB Gun Bench, Exercise/Incline Boxing Gloves Bocce Ball Set Bow Backpack Camping Equipment Massage Therapy Chair Climbing Gear (not otherwise listed) Creel Croquet Set Stove, Camping Decoy (all types) Depthfinder (Depthsounder/Fathometer) Cycle, Exercise Fishing Rod/Pole Knife, Filet Flashlight (includes Rechargeable) Golf Bag Golf Balls Baseball Glove Goggles Go-Kart Golf Cart, Nonmotorized Golf Clubs Global Positioning System Helmet Knife, Hunting Gym, Home Harness/Horse Racing Equipment Horse Shoes Ice House, portable Skates, Ice Lantern Laser Tag or Paint Ball Gun 131 APS Validation Codes APS Automated Pawn System™ are Trademarks owned by the City of Minneapolis, MN USA The Automated Pawn System™ copyrighted 1995-2005 by the City of Minneapolis, MN USA C:\WINNT\Profiles\hardymm0\Desktop\codes.doc 3/19/2004 Automated Pawn System ™ Category Code Item Name Code Item Name SPORT SPORT SPORT SPORT SPORT SPORT SPORT SPORT SPORT SPORT SPORT SPORT SPORT SPORT SPORT SPORT SPORT SPORT SPORT SPORT SPORT SPORT SPORT SPORT SPORT SPORT SPORT SPORT SPORT SPORT SPORT SPORT SPORT SPORT SPORT SPORT SPORT SPORT SPORT SPORT SPORT UNCAT UNCAT UNCAT UNCAT UNCAT UNCAT UNCAT LEGMAC LIFEPR MSCOOT OTHER PARACH PBALL PEDOME PNGPNG RACK REEL ROCKET ROLBLD ROWING RSKATE SADDLE SBAG SBOARD SCOOT SCUBA SHELL SKATEB SKBOOT SKIMAC SKIS SLANTB SNOWMO SONAR SSHOE STOPWA STPEXM SURFBO SWORD TACKLE TENNIS TENT TREADM TREEST VOLLEY WADERS WCOMP WEIGHT ALARM AUTOPI BRTANL DETECT HANDCU HOLSTE KEYMAK Leg Developing Machine Life Preserver Scooter, Motorized Other Parachute Paintball Equipment Pedometer (all types) Ping Pong Table Rack, Bicycle/Ski Reel Rocket Roller Blades/In-Line Skates Rowing Machine Skates, Roller Saddle Sleeping Bag Snowboard Scooter, Non-motorized Scuba/Aqualung Shell Reloading Equipment Skate Board Ski Boots Ski Machine (Cross-Country) Skis Slant Board Snowmobile Fish Locator (Sonar) Snowshoes Stop Watch Exercise-Step Machine Surfboard Sword Tackle, Fishing Tennis Racket Tent Jogging Machine/Treadmill Tree Stand Volleyball/Badminton Set Waders/Hip Boots Wrist Computer Weightlifting Equipment Alarm (any type) Automatic Pilot Breath Analyzer/Tester Radar Detector Handcuffs Holster Key Making Machine 132 APS Validation Codes APS Automated Pawn System™ are Trademarks owned by the City of Minneapolis, MN USA The Automated Pawn System™ copyrighted 1995-2005 by the City of Minneapolis, MN USA C:\WINNT\Profiles\hardymm0\Desktop\codes.doc 3/19/2004 Automated Pawn System ™ Category Code Item Name Code Item Name UNCAT UNCAT UNCAT UNCAT UNCAT UNCAT UNCAT UNCAT UNCAT UNCAT UNCAT UNCAT VIDEO VIDEO VIDEO VIDEO VIDEO VIDEO VIDEO VIDEO VIDEO VIDEO VIDEO VIDEO VIDEO VIDEO VIDEO VIDEO VIDEO VIDEO VIDEO VIDEO VIDEO VIDEO VIDEO VIDEO VIDEO VIDEO VIDEO VIDEO VIDEO VIDEO VIDEO VIDEO VIDEO VIDEO VIDEO VIDEO LOCKSM METALD NEONSN OTHER RADAR SIGN SPOTLI STROBE TATOO TEARGA TRAFFI VEST ACTUAT ADAPTO ANTENN CABLE CABLEC CABLEL CAMCOR CASE CDPLAY CDRECO CHANNE DELAY DESCRA DIGREC DVDTV DVDVCR EDITOR ELGAME ENHANC FMCONV GAMCAR HANDCO MONITO OTHER POWERB POWERP PROCES PROMPT RADIOT REMOTE SATDSH STAND SWITCH TELEVI TELVCR TVGAME Locksmith Tools Metal Detector Neon Sign or Light Other Radar Sign (not neon) Spotlight Strobe Light Tatooing Instruments/Equip. Mace/Tear Gas Traffic Counter Bulletproof (Riot) Vest Actuator, Antenna Adaptor Antenna Cable (except Telecommunication) Cable TV Box/Converter/Decoder/HBO Unit/Z-Box Cable Locator/Lasher Camcorder Carrying Case for Video Equipment Digital Video Disk Player Digital Video Recorder Channel Selector Digital Delay Processor Descrambler (Decodes Satellite Signals) Receiver, Digital Satellite DVD/TV Combo DVD/VCR Combo Editor, Film or Video Tape Electronic Game (not otherwise coded) Stabilizer/Enhancer Converter, Film/Slide to Video TV game cartridge or disk Hand/Keypad Controls (Paddle, Joystick, Trackball) Monitor Other Power Booster/Pick Rechargeable Battery Pack Processor Prompting Machine/Teleprompter Radio/Television, Combination Remote Control Unit/Video/TV/Stereo Satellite Dish Video Equipment Stand Switcher Television VCR/TV Combo Game, Electronic Television 133 APS Validation Codes APS Automated Pawn System™ are Trademarks owned by the City of Minneapolis, MN USA The Automated Pawn System™ copyrighted 1995-2005 by the City of Minneapolis, MN USA C:\WINNT\Profiles\hardymm0\Desktop\codes.doc 3/19/2004 Automated Pawn System ™ Category Code Item Name Code Item Name VIDEO VIDEO VIDEO VIDEO TVREC VCONVE VCRWN VDISK VIDEO VIDEO VIDEO VIDEO VIDEO VIDEO VIDEO VIDEO VIDEO WEAPN WEAPN WEAPN WEAPN WEAPN VIDEOC VIDEOD VIDEOR VIDEOT VMULTI VPRINT VPROJ VTAPE WEBTV KNIFE OTHER SBLADE SPEAR SWORD Radio/Televsion/Record Player, Combo Video Converter Film/Slide Video Cassette Rewinder Changed from Video Disk (CED and LV) to Video Disk (DVD, CED, and LV) Camera, Video Video Disk Recorder/Player VCR/Player Video Tuner/Timer Multiplexor, Video (Rabbit) Printer, Video-Still Video Projector, (LCD, LED, Overhead) Video Tape/Movies Web TV Knife Other Switch Blade Spear Sword 134 APS Validation Codes APS Automated Pawn System™ are Trademarks owned by the City of Minneapolis, MN USA The Automated Pawn System™ copyrighted 1995-2005 by the City of Minneapolis, MN USA C:\WINNT\Profiles\hardymm0\Desktop\codes.doc 3/19/2004 Automated Pawn System ™ 1.13 Item Color Codes Color Code Color Name AMB AQU BGE BLK BLO BLU BRO BRZ CAM CLR COM CPR CRM DBL DGR GLD GRN GRY LAV LBL LGR MAR MUL ONG OTH PLE PNK RED SIL TAN TRQ VIO WHI YEL Amber Aqua Beige Black Blonde Blue Brown Bronze Camouflage Clear Chrome/Stainless Steel Copper Cream/Ivory Blue, Dark Green, Dark Gold Green Grey Lavender Blue, Light Green, Light Burgundy/Maroon Multicolored Orange Other Purple Pink Red Silver/Aluminum Tan Turquoise Violet White Yellow 135 APS Validation Codes APS Automated Pawn System™ are Trademarks owned by the City of Minneapolis, MN USA The Automated Pawn System™ copyrighted 1995-2005 by the City of Minneapolis, MN USA C:\WINNT\Profiles\hardymm0\Desktop\codes.doc 3/19/2004 Automated Pawn System ™ 1.14 Jewelry Precious Metal Codes Precious Metal Code Precious Metal Name BHG CPR NIC OTH P SIL SS TRI TWO WG YG Black Hills Gold Copper Nickel Other Platinum Silver/Aluminum Sterling Silver Tri-Color Two-Tone White Gold Yellow Gold 1.15 Jewelry Style Codes Jewelry Style Code Style Description ANCHOR ANIMAL BAND BANG BEAD BISMAR BOX BUT BUTTER BYZANT CAM CHAN CHAND CHAR CLAS CLUS COCKTA COIN CURB DANG DIA DOME ENGAGE FIG FIL FREE GUCCI HAM HERR Anchor Link Animal Motif Band Bangle Bead Chain Bismark Link Box Link Button Butterfly Link Byzantine Cameo Channel Set Chandelier Charm Class/School Cluster Cocktail/Dinner (Ring) Coin Curb Link Dangle/Drop Diamond Cut Dome Engagement Ring Figaro Filigree Free Form Gucci Link Hammered Herringbone 136 APS Validation Codes APS Automated Pawn System™ are Trademarks owned by the City of Minneapolis, MN USA The Automated Pawn System™ copyrighted 1995-2005 by the City of Minneapolis, MN USA C:\WINNT\Profiles\hardymm0\Desktop\codes.doc 3/19/2004 Automated Pawn System ™ Jewelry Style Code Style Description HOOP ID INIT LASR LINK LOCK MOTHER NUG OMEGA OTHER PANTH PAVE PEND RAILRO RELIG ROLO ROPE SERP SIG SNAKE SOL STACK STAMP STUD TEN TURK WED WHEAT Hoop I.D. Initial/Monogram Laser-Cut Link Locket Mother's Ring Nugget Omega Other Panther Link Pavé Set Pendant Railroad Link Religious Rolo Link Rope Serpentine Signet Snake Link Solitaire Stackable Stampado Stud Tennis Turkish Wedding Set Wheat Link 1.16 Race Codes Race Code Race Description A B H I O P W Asian Black Hispanic Native American/Eskimo Other Pacific Islander White 137 APS Validation Codes APS Automated Pawn System™ are Trademarks owned by the City of Minneapolis, MN USA The Automated Pawn System™ copyrighted 1995-2005 by the City of Minneapolis, MN USA C:\WINNT\Profiles\hardymm0\Desktop\codes.doc 3/19/2004 Automated Pawn System ™ 1.17 State/Province Codes State/Province Code AB AK AL AR AZ CA CO CT DC DE FL GA HI IA ID IL IN KS KY LA MA MB MD ME MI MN MO MS MT NB NC ND NE NF NH NJ NM NS NT NV NY OH OK ON OR PA State/Province Name Alberta Alaska Alabama Arkansas Arizona California Colorado Connecticut District of Columbia Delaware Florida Georgia Hawaii Iowa Idaho Illinois Indiana Kansas Kentucky Louisiana Massachusetts Manitoba Maryland Maine Michigan Minnesota Missouri Mississippi Montana New Brunswick North Carolina North Dakota Nebraska Newfoundland New Hampshire New Jersey New Mexico Nova Scotia Northwest Territories Nevada New York Ohio Oklahoma Ontario Oregon Pennsylvania 138 APS Validation Codes APS Automated Pawn System™ are Trademarks owned by the City of Minneapolis, MN USA The Automated Pawn System™ copyrighted 1995-2005 by the City of Minneapolis, MN USA C:\WINNT\Profiles\hardymm0\Desktop\codes.doc 3/19/2004 Automated Pawn System ™ State/Province Code State/Province Name PE RI SC SD SK TN TX UT VA VT WA WI WV WY YT Prince Edward Island Rhode Island South Carolina South Dakota Saskatchewan Tennessee Texas Utah Virginia Vermont Washington Wisconsin West Virginia Wyoming Yukon Territory 1.18 Surname Descriptor Codes Surname Descriptor Code I II III IV Jr Sr 1.19 Transaction Codes Transaction Code Transaction Description B C E N P R S T X Buy/Purchase Consignment Extend Renew Pawn Redeem Sell Trade Confiscate 139 APS Validation Codes APS Automated Pawn System™ are Trademarks owned by the City of Minneapolis, MN USA The Automated Pawn System™ copyrighted 1995-2005 by the City of Minneapolis, MN USA C:\WINNT\Profiles\hardymm0\Desktop\codes.doc 3/19/2004
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