St. Mary Magdalene Catholic Church
St. Mary Magdalene Catholic Church
St. Mary Magdalene Catholic Church Location: 8540 Weirick Road, Corona CA 92883 Mailing Address: 2279 Eagle Glen Pkwy# 112-136 Phone: 951-277-1801 Fax: 951-277-2104 OFFICE HOURS: Monday - Friday HORAS DE OFICINA: Lunes - Viernes 9:00am to 4:00pm Closed: 12:00pm to 12:30pm September 4, 2016 23RD SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME 4 de Septiembre, 2016 XXIII DOMINGO ORDINARIO Our Mission | Nuestra Misión Love Jesus Wholeheartedly | Love Others Unconditionally | Make Disciples Intentionally Ama a Jesús Devotamente | Ama al Prójimo Incondicionalmente | Fomenta Discípulos Intencionalmente Discipleship not only means to follow the Master with our "cross." It also means to reveal the crucified Christ to others. In other words, through our struggles and the consequences of faith, Christ is present, to us and to those who see us. As the old saying goes, "God is in the details." When we put God first in life, we open the door for him to touch people in ways unimaginable. These ways far transcend any religious activities or behaviors we engage in. He works through us! Sunday Masses / Misas Dominicales Saturday/Sábado ................................................... 5:00pm Sunday/Domingo ............... 7:00am, 10:30am & 12:30pm (Español) ………………………….8:30am & 6:30pm Daily Masses / Misas Diarias Monday - Friday .................................................. 9:00am 1st Thursday of the month ................... 9:00am & 7:00pm 1st Saturday of the month .................................... 9:00am Reconciliation / Confesiones Saturday (in English) ........................................... 4:30pm Domingo (en Español) ........................................ 6:00pm or by appointments ........................................... call office Adoration / Adoración Every 1st Friday ................................... 9:30am - 6:00pm Cada Primer Viernes del mes Divine Mercy Chaplet / Daily Rosary Monday - Friday .................................................. 8:30am Library NEW Hours: Sunday ................................................ 11:40am - 2:30pm Tuesday ................................................ 9:40am - 1:00pm [email protected] Baptisms, Weddings / Bautismos, Bodas, Quinceañeras Contact the Coordinator 6 months in advance / Llamar 6 meses de anticipación .......................................277-2513 Parish Staff / Personal Parroquial Pastor Rev. Joseph Than Liem, CMC [email protected] 277-1801 Ext. 406 Vicar Rev. Paul Nuyen, CMC [email protected] Deacon Couples Dcn. Armando Hernandez & Lidia Mendoza [email protected] 277-8304 Dcn. Marlin & Dottie Filipek [email protected] 371-0389 Community Life Director Chris Vital [email protected] 277-1801 Ext. 404 Secretary Laura Ortega [email protected] 277-1801 Ext. 402 Bookkeeper Linda Velasquez [email protected] 277-1801 Ext. 405 Catechetical Ministry Coordinator (English) Margaret Miller [email protected] 277-1801 Ext. 408 Catechetical Ministry Coordinator (Español) Lidia Mendoza 277-1801 Ext. 407 [email protected] Music Coordinator Lexie Coliflores [email protected] 316-0456 SMMOOTH and EDGE Ministries Coordinator Dominick Tecson [email protected] 277-1801 Ext. 409 Chaplains Rev. Vince Connor [email protected] Rev. Francisco Gomez [email protected] 951-742-8958 Mass Intentions • Intenciones de Misa 9/5 Monday / Lunes 9:00am St. Mary Magdalene Benefactors 9/6 Tuesday / Martes 9:00am All relatives of Barrozo Family † 9/7 Wednesday / Miércoles 9:00am Bill Smith † 9/8 Thursday / Jueves 9:00am Eduardo Arroyave † 9/9 Friday / Viernes 9:00am Zachary Pham 9/10 Saturday / Sábado 5:00pm Sheree Evans † 9/11 Sunday / Domingo 7:00am Ann Sauvageau 8:30am Maria Quinn 10:30am Carlos Diaz 12:30pm Louie Coliflores † 6:30pm Albert Gonzales Prayer For Health: Pat Rickabaugh, Albert Gonzales, Dcn. Marlin, Ana Hoa, Phyllis Whitlock, Fernand & Ann Sauvageau, Rest in Peace: Michael Lorge, Guadalupe, Maria, Jesus y Jose Vazquez, Felix & Rosario Montes de Oca, Beto Meza, Rocio Leal, For Prayer Corner request call 951-277-1801 Help Lines Counseling Programs Catholic Charities Food Pantries St. Vincent de Paul [email protected] St. Edward’s Food Pantry Our Lady of Perpetual Help Services Corona Life Services Rachel’s Vineyard Domestic Violence Hotline Child Abuse Hotline 909-763-4970 Weekly Donations Sunday Collection for August 28, 2016 $5,732.38 277-2270 549-6000 689-8921 Faith Direct Donations August 2016 Monthly Donations—Information not yet available Thank You! Building Fund Pledges 272-3670 877-467-3463 800-799-7233 800-442-4918 Total Amount Pledge: $1,033,302.00 Pledges Year to Date: $270,551.93 Non Pledges Year to Date: $31,696.20 Faith Direct Pledges Year to Date: $209,148.05 Total: $511,396.18 Thank You! Weekly Calendar Monday, September 5, 2016 All day Labor Day Holiday - Office Closed 8:20am Rosary - WA 9:00am Mass - WA 10:00am Health Exercise Program - Mercy Hall 7:00pm Pueblo de Sal y Luz - HFH Tuesday, September 6, 2016 8:20am Rosary - MPR 9:00am Mass - MPR 9:00am Ministry Closed - HFH All rooms 6:00pm Consoling Ministry - HFH/Library 7:00pm Divina Misericordia Choir Practice - Mod 2 7:00pm Knights of Columbus - MPR 7:00pm St. Vincent de Paul - HFH/CR Wednesday, September 7, 2016 8:20am Rosary - WA 9:00am Mass - WA 10:00am Health Exercise Program - Mercy Hall 11:00am Chair Fitness Program - Mercy Hall 11:00am Office Volunteer Training - Office 6:30pm Span Sac. Prep. Yr 1 & 2 - WA, MPR, Mod 2, HFH 7:00pm RCIA - Mercy Hall Thursday, September 8, 2016 8:20am Rosary - MPR 9:00am Mass - MPR 10:00am Health Exercise - Mercy Hall 5:00pm Quince Rehearsal - WA 7:00pm Communion Service - MPR 7:00pm Development Meeting - WA 7:00pm Santa Cecilia Coro Rehearsal - Mod 2 Friday, September 9, 2016 8:20am Rosary - MPR 9:00am Mass - MPR 6:00pm SMMOOTH Band - Mod 2 7:00pm Marriage Building - Mod 1 7:00pm Divina Misericordia - HFH/CR Saturday, September 10, 2016 9:00am Private Baptism - WA 12:00pm Quince Alondra - WA 4:30pm Confession - Chapel 5:00pm Mass - WA 6:30pm Courageous Heart Ministry - HFH Sunday, September 11, 2016 7:00am Mass - WA 7:00am Coro Rehearsal - Mod 2 8:00am Blood Drive - Parking lot 8:30am Misa - WA 10:30am Mass - WA 12:30pm Mass - WA 2:00pm SMMOOTH - MPR & WA 5:00pm Coro Practice - WA 6:00pm Confessions Spanish - Chapel 6:30pm Misa - WA Ministry Leaders Information The Ministry Leader Workshop has been moved from Saturday, September 10th to Saturday, October 8th. The time remains the same. Please make a note of that in your calendar. Parish Basic Guidelines In order to keep our church clean, please don’t chew gum inside the church during our service; especially during Communion. Also, don’t stick your gum under the seats or on the floor. Please get rid of the gum before entering the church. We will have a “gum collection” soon!. Music Ministry Volunteers Needed Please contact Lexie Coliflores if you are interested in playing an instrument or singing at any of the Masses. Contact information for Lexie is: 951-316-0456 or [email protected]. Parish Prayer Support The Prayer line is up and running. We are praying for those who are ill, those awaiting a diagnosis, and those looking for work, and other needs. With the recent violence around the world, we are adding prayers for peace. Won't you join us in this effort? Let's "storm heaven" with our pleas for peace. If you have a request or would like to join the Prayer Line, please send your email address to [email protected]. Let us pray for you and your loved ones and let's all pray for peace. Health & Fitness Ministry Exercise Program Monday - 10:00am - Dancercise Wednesday - 10:00am - Dancercise Wednesday - 11:00am - Chair Renewal Thursday - 9:45am - Zumba Tone Classes are held at the Mercy Hall Lead by our own expert! It’s only $6.00 per session or $20.00 Monthly fee for unlimited classes. Married and Engaged Couples Did you know that Natural Family Planning is just as effective as hormonal contraceptives and does not have harmful side effects? A series of classes in NFP is starting on Saturday, September 24, and will continue on October 22 and November 19, from 2:00pm-4:30pm here at St. Mary Magdalene in the Holy Family House. For more information contact Greg or Peggy Leger at (719) 291-3426 or [email protected] To register visit Cost $130 and S/H, scholarships/installment plan available. The Knights of Columbus will host a Blood Drive with the UC Irvine Blood Donor Center on Sunday, September 11th, from 8:00 am - 2:00 pm in the bloodmobile located in the corner of the church parking lot. During the summer months, the blood supply often experiences critical shortages, so eligible donors are encouraged to donate blood. Please consider donating blood; you never know when you or a member of your family might need it. Perspective donors must be at least 17 years old and in good health. Additional information can be found on-line at Refreshments will be provided. The Knights will be outside the church after masses on September 3-4 taking sign-ups for specific donation times. Otherwise, you can still donate on September 11th. The blood drive is being held in recognition of the Knights of Columbus World Day of Prayer for Peace, which commemorates the tragedy of September 11th, and hopes that its remembrance will be the foundation for a day of prayer for peace in the world. Couples Retreat MARRIAGE ENRICHMENT RETREAT Save the Date: September 17-18 at Hampton Inn East Corona/Riverside. Couples for Christ invites all married couples to experience a retreat with your spouse. It will include time for dialogue, affirmation, reflection, prayer and worship. This retreat is open to all married couples. Space is limited. Registration fee is only $180/ couple which includes all food and overnight stay. For more information or to register contact Laura Ortega at the parish office or Ray & Mary Sanchez at [email protected]. St. Mary Magdalene FAMILIES Parents: we urge you to please support your kids in signing up for our Altar Servers Ministry; if your child already finished the sacrament of First Communion, encourage them to participate in this ministry. We are currently looking for a coordinator to lead this Ministry. We also need new Ministry Leaders. Come, there is a place for you too! Some of the masses need more help than others, so encourage your family to sign up now. · Lector · Eucharist Minister of the Holy Communion EMHC · Sacristan · Master of Ceremony We are currently looking for someone to take over the coordination of the EMHC, Altar Servers and Master of Ceremony Ministries; we need you!! For more information, please call Lidia Mendoza at 951-277-1801 Ext 407 Parish Reader Formation & Training If you have emotional or spiritual wounds as a result of a past abortion, please consider attending our upcoming Rachel’s Vineyard weekend retreat September 9-11. It’s an opportunity for women and men to experience God’s love, forgiveness and compassion. Lives are restored and peace is found. Participation is strictly confidential. For more information, please contact Mary Huber at 909-475-5353 or [email protected] or visit the website (6 week Certification) Mondays, September 12, 19, 26, October 3, 10 & 17, 6:30 pm - 9:30 pm St. Christopher’s Church 25075 Cottonwood Avenue, Moreno Valley 92553 Beginners Courses: Learning how to read Music, 6:30 pm - 9:30 pm Learning how to play the Guitar, 6:30 pm - 9:30 pm Mondays, September 12, 19, 26, October 3, 10 & 17, Diocesan Pastoral Center Formation for Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion (Intermediate Level), Readers, Ministry of Hospitality/Ushers, Altar Server Coordinators/Sacristans Saturday, September 17 ~ 9 am – 3 pm St. Martha, Murrieta Bailando y Construyendo La Comunidad de la Iglesia Católica de Santa María Magdalena en Corona les invita: Sábado, 17 de Septiembre 6:00pm to 11:00pm Salón Circle City Center 365 N. Main St. Corona Gran Baile de recaudación de fondos para la nueva Iglesia. No se pierda esta fabulosa oportunidad. Amenizaran: La Migra Amy y la Sonora Los Cadetes de Linares Se Necesita Su Ayuda PADRES DE FAMILIA Si su hijo/a hiso su primera comunión en el año 2013-2014-2015, a ustedes Padres se les dio un “LIBRO ROJO” “Catecismo Católico de los Estados Unidos para Adultos” A todos ustedes que tengan este libro y no lo estén usando en su casa; les pedimos que por favor lo regresen a la Iglesia, lo pueden traer cuando vengan a misa o lo pueden dejar en la oficina, de lunes a viernes de 9am a 4pm. Gracias. FELIGRECES!! Habrá venta de comida, bebidas, y rifas. Se rifara una TV y otros diversos premios Donación $35.00 en la puerta $40.00 RIFA DE BOLETOS PARA DISNEYLAND! Así es, estamos rifando 4 boletos para ir al parque de Disneyland por solo $10 dólares. Por favor compre sus boletos después de Misa. Gracias por su apoyo! Por favor visite la pagina web para las reglas de la rifa. Lecturas Semanales Domingo 4 de Septiembre al 11 de Septiembre 2016. XXIII Semana del tiempo Ordinario Dom- Sab 9, 13-19. Salmo 89. Heb 11, 1-2. 8-19 EvLc 12, 32-48. Atención Familia de Santa Maria Magdalena, les hacemos una cordial invitación a que forme parte de los ministerios de esta parroquia. Tiene hijos entre las edades de 9 a 15 años de edad y ya hicieron su primera comunión. Necesitamos Monaguillos, apoye a sus hijos a que sirvan en esta ministerio para niños y adolescentes. Actualmente se necesita un coordinador para este ministerio. También necesitamos nuevos miembros en estos Ministerios, venga también usted tiene un lugar aquí! · · · · Lector Ministro Extraordinario de la Eucaristía Sacristán Maestro de Ceremonia Vengan! como familia activa de esta parroquia puede ayudar en cualquiera de estos Ministerios. Para información llame por favor a Lidia Mendoza al 951-277-1801 Ext. 407 Lun- 1 Cor 5, 1-8. Salmo-5. Ev- Lc 6, 6-11 Mar- 1 Cor 6, 1-11. Salmo 148. Ev- Mt Lc 6, 12-19 Mie- 1 Cor 7, 25-31. Salmo 44. Ev- Lc 6, 20-26 Jueves 8 de Sep- Fiesta de Natividad de la Santísima Virgen María Miq 5, 1-4. O Rom 8, 28-30. Salmo 12 Ev- Mt 1, 1-16. 18-23 Viernes 9 de Sep- Memoria de San Pedro Claver, presbítero 1 Cor 9, 16-19. 22-27. Salmo 83. Ev- Lc 6, 39-42 Sab- 1 Cor 10, 14-22. Salmo 115. Ev- Lc 6, 43-49 Dom- Ex 32, 7-11. 13-14. Salmo 39. 1 Tm 1, 12-17 EvLc 15, 1-32 CATEQUISTAS de LITURGIA PARA NIÑOS El grupo de Catequistas que enseñan la palabra para niños está buscando nuevas catequistas que quieran servir en este Ministerio: Le gusta compartir tiempo con los niños? Jugando, cantando, leyendo y compartiendo? Venga comparta sus dones con los pequeñines de esta parroquia que están aprendiendo de la Palabra de Dios. Para más información por favor llame a Lidia Mendoza al 951-277-1801 Ext. 407 Building Up While Dancing Saturday, September 17th 6:00pm to 11:00pm Circle City Center 365 N. Main St. Corona, CA Fundraiser Dance! For our new St. Mary Magdalene Church! Don’t miss this opportunity to dance like you use to!! Or like you always dreamed!!! Three Great Performers! La Migra / Amy y la Sonora / Los Cadetes de Linares Food! Drinks! Raffles! And much more entertainment! Donation: $35 At the door $40 (Food and drinks are not included) RAFFLE TICKETS FOR DISNEYLAND! You heard right!, $10 dollars for 4 tickets to go to Disneyland. Please purchase your tickets during the weekend after Mass. Thanks for your support! Please visit our website for the rules of the raffle. Join us for our Elevate Conference in Beach, October 1st All your favorite Immaculate Heart personalities will be there to speak and sign Tickets and information can be at Contact Nicole if you would volunteer at this upcoming event in Beach. [email protected]. Library News Book of the Month Mother Teresa: Come Be My Light: The Private Writings of the Saint of Calcutta Mother Teresa: By Mother Teresa (author), Brian Kolodiejchuk (Editor) “If I ever become a Saint–I will surely be one of “darkness.” I will continually be absent from Heaven–to light the light of those in darkness on earth.” –Mother Teresa of Calcutta During her lifelong service to the poorest of the poor, Mother Teresa became an icon of compassion to people of all religions; her extraordinary contributions to the care of the sick, the dying, and thousands of others nobody else was prepared to look after, has been recognized and acclaimed throughout the world. Little is known, however, about her own spiritual heights or her struggles. This collection of letters she wrote to her spiritual advisors over decades, almost all of which have never been made public before, sheds light on Mother Teresa's interior life in a way that reveals the depth and intensity of her holiness for the first time. A moving chronicle of her spiritual journey– including moments, indeed years, of utter desolation–these letters reveal the secrets she shared only with her closest confidants. She emerges as a classic mystic, whose inner life burned with the fire of charity and whose heart was tested and purified by an intense trial of faith, a true dark night of the soul. The library also has other books and multiple DVDs on Mother Teresa. Long Radio books. found like to Long FELLOWSHIP OF CATHOLIC CHRISTIAN WOMEN MINISTRY Cordially invites you to join in a study called: "Sharing the Faith that You Love" by John & Therese Boucher We meet on the 2nd & 4th Thursday of the month Afternoon: 3:30pm - 5:00 pm Contact: Vicki Crouch (760) 468-1978 Evening: 7:00pm - 9:00 pm Contact: Ladella Babb (951) 737-9583 First Meeting: Thursday, September 22, 2016 All women are welcome to attend! Signup after all Masses weekend of September 17-18. Website: SMM Library Corner To Love Christ you must Know Him! In Knowing and Loving Him, You Will Serve Him!! Hi to all parishioners! Our SMM library’s “Free Hot Dog Luncheons” have been changed from once a month to the following Sundays: October 30th, 2016; January 29th, 2017; April 30th, 2017; and July 30th, 2017. Hope to see you there for fellowship, children activities and patron card sign-ups. Please mark your calendars and watch for the bulletin announcements for times. The library is still open every Tuesday and Sunday. Please come by and see the excellent supply of books, DVDs and CDs that are available for checking out. Watch for a listing of all our sources for your viewing in the MPR and library itself. Learn & grow in your Faith! Please check front of bulletin for opening hours. Library Book and Item Drop-Off Bin is in the Kitchen between the MPR and Main Sanctuary for your convenience. Please email Sue Reister for more info at [email protected] with any questions. Thanks MINISTRY COORDINATORS • COORDINADORES DE MINISTERIOS Adoration Team Altar Linens Altar Servers [email protected] Luci Ruiz 733-2449 [email protected] Desiree Romano 288-6424 [email protected] Art & Environment [email protected] Norma de la Cruz 916-513-0923 Baptism Adrienne Krock 277-1801 Ext 408 Bautismos Dcn. Armando Hernandez 277-1801 Ext. 407 Building Committee [email protected] Rick Lee (562) 716-9035 Catholic Divorce Care [email protected] Dottie Filipek 371-0389 Children's Liturgy [email protected] Cindy Baytosh 277-3038 Consoling Ministries [email protected] Laureen Mendenhall 310-1273 Couples for Christ [email protected] Ray and Mary Sanchez 277-5125 Coro en Español [email protected] Evelyn Subero 751-9748 Cursillos Miguel Diaz 818-8801 Development Team [email protected] Rick Lee (562) 716-9035 Divina Misericordia José & Delia Soto 259-0374 Divine Mercy [email protected] Evelyn Del Rio 768-2115 or Kathy Woehrer 277-2145 EDGE Ministy [email protected] Dominick Tecson 277-1801 Ext 409 Eucharistic Ministry [email protected] Ed Stow 734-3623 Families of the Sacred Heart [email protected] Josie Edmisten 279-1782 Fellowship of Catholic Christian Women Maestros de Ceremonias Masters of Ceremonies Juan Vazquez 738-8716 [email protected] Audrey Miller 264-9742 Middle School - Grades 6-8 [email protected] Margaret Miller 277-1801 Ext 408 Ministerio Eucarístico Eloisa Rivera 272-4610 Mariluz Garcia 314-9584 Ministry to the Sick [email protected] Laureen Mendenhall 310-1273 Monaguillos Rudy Murillo Jr. 264-9761 Natural Family Planning [email protected] Greg & Peggy Leger (719) 291-3426 Pastoral Council [email protected] Jose Soto 422-7058 Peace & Justice [email protected] Alice Bennett (714) 510-1191 Palabra Para Niños Marissa Correa (714) 296-7870 Pueblo de Sal y Luz [email protected] Paul Flores 949-468-6189 Quinceañeras Maricela Rojas 532-8129 Rite of Christian Initiation for Adults (RCIA) [email protected] Kellie Clover 283-0178 Sacristanes Eddie Correa 833-2801 Sacristans [email protected] Walt Dworschak 520-3894 SMMOOTH Ministry [email protected] Dominick Tecson 277-1801 Ext 409 SMMOOTH Band [email protected] Lexie Coliflores 316-0456 Sri Lankan Ministry [email protected] Dushantha Kurera (909) 974-9199 Stewardship Committee [email protected] St. Gabriel’s Horn SMM evening: Sylvie Chavez 951-737-2214 [email protected] Trilogy afternoon: Vicki Crouch 760-468-1978 [email protected] St. Joseph Workshop Filipino Ministry St. Martha's Kitchen [email protected] Fe Sepulveda 603-0731 Finance Council [email protected] Joe Pileggi 638-5002 Forever Young [email protected] Marc & Evelyn Del Rio 642-2303 or 768-2115 Guadalupanos Rosa Hernandez 992-2876 Hispanic Ministry [email protected] Irma Jaramillo 603-3640 Xóchitl Salas 722-8578 [email protected] Fred Saldana 314-8593 Knights of Columbus [email protected] Tom Garcia 805-7474 Lectores Alva Murillo 277-0165 Lectors [email protected] Terri Pollino 333-1123 Liturgy Committee [email protected] Lidia Mendoza 277-1801 Ext 407 Marriage Preparation/Preparación Matrimonial [email protected] Dcn. Armando Hernandez & Lidia Mendoza 277-1801 Ext 407 Hospitalidad Hospitality [email protected] Stephanie Smith 218-6783 [email protected] [email protected] Chenta Quintana 432-7153 St. Mary Magdalene Library Sue Reister 310-3733 St. Vincent de Paul [email protected] Helping Hands Line 277-2270 Tercera Edad Irma Jaramillo 603-3640 The Courageous Heart [email protected] (LGBTQ Ministry) Kellie Clover 283-0178 Tweens - Grades 3-5 [email protected] Margaret Miller 277-1801 Ext 408 Welcoming Ministry [email protected] Dori Lee 278-3706 Ext 2 Widow/Widowers [email protected] Marlene Cervantes 277-2460 Revive I 40 Band [email protected] Lexie Coliflores 316-0456 Youth Ministry - Grades 9-12 [email protected] Margaret Miller 277-1801 Ext 408 New Extension Numbers Please notice that Margaret Miller and Lidia Mendoza have a new phone and extension number. Now you will be able to reach them by dialing 951-277-1801 and the appropriate extension number. All the Parish Staff has new Extension Numbers. Place Ads Here.