Windbar (wks, lat, lon, u, v) - 大氣科學系
Windbar (wks, lat, lon, u, v) - 大氣科學系
中國文化大學大氣科學系暑期電腦訓練課程:NCL Introduction(day 1) Language Basics(day 1) Input / Output(day 1) 11/02, 11/02,2004@NCU 11/04, 11/04,2004@CCU 3/143/14-16, 16,2005@CWB 10/01 ,2005@NTU 7/27, 7/27,2009@CCU Functions and Statistical methods(day 2) Graphics(day 3) Update:2009.07.23 Function average、 average、summary、 summary、rootroot-meanmean-square standard deviation、 deviation、variance、 variance、 running average climatology、 climatology、seasonal mean Statistic method Correlation、 Correlation、Regression、 Regression、Spectral、 Spectral、FFT、 FFT、EOF SVD、 SVD、Wavelets、 Wavelets、Filter、 Filter、T-Test、 Test、Taylor Diagrams Special vertical integral、 integral、interpolation、 interpolation、gradient、 gradient、dtrend 、moisture、 moisture、Laplacian、 Laplacian、9 point smoothing、 smoothing、Vorticity 、Divergence、 Divergence、stream function、 function、velocity potential Why Learn NCL ※ Integrated processing environment pdf png (Data) (Figures) jpg gif (Datas) Datas) ※ freeware: supported public domain software ※ portable: Linux/Unix, Windows, MacOSX ※ excellent graphics Tu@CCU 1/41 07/23/2009 中國文化大學大氣科學系暑期電腦訓練課程:NCL Software and Paths ● Binaries … Free (Download) ※ ● NCAR PATH ( C-Shell ) ※ setenv NCARG_ROOT /usr/local/lib/ncarg_4.3.1 ※ set path = ( /usr/local/lib/ncarg_4.3.1/bin )(自訂) Useful NCL related URLs ● CSM and NCL links ● NCL functions and procedures ● NCL Graphics Example Pages Tu@CCU 2/41 07/23/2009 中國文化大學大氣科學系暑期電腦訓練課程:NCL Functions and Procedures NCL commitment to help ! Color Table Tu@CCU [email protected] [cc: [email protected] , [email protected]] 3/41 07/23/2009 中國文化大學大氣科學系暑期電腦訓練課程:NCL NCL Fortran {C} • interpreted language – no optimization • compiled language – high optimization {good} • subscripts are 0 based • subscripts are 1 based {0} • row major • column major {row} • right index fastest varying • left index fastest varying {right} • \ continue next line • col 6 [f77]; ; & [f90] continue • ; comment • c [f77]; ![f90] comment { ; } • + string concatenation • // char concatenation {strcat} • built in file handling for nc, grb, ccm, hdf, (hdfeos ) Demo Script: Input/Function/Graphics ODM!ᄃ GPSUSBO!შॾळᇾमள NCL load load load load Fortran {C} dat ( lev , lat , lon ) <=map=> dat ( lon , lat , lev ) dat ( N , M ) <==> dat ( M , N ) dat ( 0 , 0 ) <==> dat ( 1 , 1 ) dat ( 0 , 1 ) <==> dat ( 2 , 1 ) dat ( 0 , 2 ) <==> dat ( 3 , 1 ) dat ( 1 , 0 ) <==> dat ( 1 , 2 ) dat ( 1 , 1 ) <==> dat ( 2 , 2 ) dat ( 1 , 2 ) <==> dat ( 3 , 2 ) begin input = addfile("/ptmp/shea/", "r") ; open netCDF file dat = input->T ; dat (time,lev,lat,lon) wks = gsn_open_wks("pdf", "demo") gsn_define_colormap(wks,"gui_default") ; open a graphic file ; color map hov = dim_avg(dat ( lev|: , lat|: , lon|: , time|: )) ; function res = True res@cnFillOn = True res@gsnSpreadColors = True res@gsnMaximize = True res@cnLineLabelFont = 21 ; change default plot ; use colors ; use entire color map ; max plot size ; Label font (屬性設定) plot = gsn_csm_contour_map_ce(wks, hov(3 , {-60:60} , {100:300} ), res ) end Executing NCL Symbols • Interactive Mode (Command line) ; prompt> ncl <return> ncl> enter commands (no begin/end) ncl> quit <return> – can save interactive commands ncl> record (“file_name”) ncl> stop record @ 設定參數屬性或大小( ex: ex:res@ res@vpXF = 0.12 ) 沿用先前已設定過的字串( var = $vname+ $vname+””-”+$vyr) +$vyr) 設定陣列大小( hov = new((/ny,nx /),"float")) ) new((/ny,nx/),"float") ! 設定陣列維度名稱(ex :hov! 設定陣列維度名稱(ex: ov!0 = “lat” lat” , hov! hov!1 = “lon” lon”) & 設定座標系統下各個維度相對應的數值。(ex :hov& 設定座標系統下各個維度相對應的數值。(ex: ov&lat = rlat) {...} 4/41 註解符號(等同於fortran77 註解符號(等同於fortran77 的 C 或 fortran90 的 !) $ (/.../) • Batch Mode [ < and .ncl are optional ] – prompt> ncl < script.ncl – prompt> ncl script.ncl [also acceptable] – prompt> ncl < script.ncl > &! script.out – prompt> ncl < script.ncl > &! script.out & ※ scripts require begin………end statements ※ appending "&" means put in background ※ note: the >&! & are appropriate for csh and tcsh Tu@CCU " $NCARG_ROOT/lib/ncarg/nclscripts/csm/gsn_code.ncl " " $NCARG_ROOT/lib/ncarg/nclscripts/csm/gsn_csm.ncl " " $NCARG_ROOT/lib/ncarg/nclscripts/csm/shea_util.ncl“ " $NCARG_ROOT/lib/ncarg/nclscripts/csm/contributed.ncl" 在座標系統下設定座標範圍 (ex: hov=hov({ hov=hov({--20:20},{90:200})) : 設定陣列中每個維度的範圍與間隔 ( hov( hov(20:90:2 , ::5) ) | 用於區隔維度名稱與維度 ( hov(:)= dim_avg(dt(lat|:,lon|:)) |:)) ) hov(:)=dim_avg(dt(lat|:,lon \ 連續符號(相當於fortran 第六格的作用,置於最尾端) 連續符號(相當於fortran第六格的作用,置於最尾端) -> 用於資料的 I/O ( dtmp = input). input->olr ) (前後不能有空格 (前後不能有空格). 07/23/2009 中國文化大學大氣科學系暑期電腦訓練課程:NCL Manual Array Creation • array Automatic Array Creation constructor characters (/…/) 【類似 fortran的data宣告 】 • – a_integer = (/1,2,3/) = (/1.0, 2.0, 3.0/) , a_double = (/1., 2, 3.2d0 /) – a_string = (/"a","b","c"/) – a_logical = (/True, False,True/) – a_2Darray = (/ (/1,2,3/), (/4,5,6/), (/7,8,9/) /) = 3 x 3的矩陣 variable to variable assignment – – a_float – • data importation via supported format – • new function [Fortran dimension, allocate] – – x = new (array_size, type, missing value)(missing value is optional) – a = new(3, float) • – b = new(10, double, 1d+20) – c = new( (/ 5, 6, 7 /), integer) y=x y => same size, type as x plus meta data no need to preallocate space for y u = input->U same for subset of data: u = f->U(:, 3:9:2, :, 10:20) – meta data (coordinate will reflect subset) functions return array: no need to preallocate space T42 = f2gsh ( gridi, (/ 64,128/), 42) – gridi(10,30,73,144) Î T42(10,30,64,128) – – d = new(dimsizes(U), string) – – e = new(dimsizes(ndtooned(U)), logical) • new and (/…/) can appear anywhere in script delete T42 = f2gsh_Wrap ( gridi, (/ 64,128/), 42) ; contributed.ncl Attributes Deletes variables, variables, attributes, and coordinate variables. • delete ( data ) assign/access with 「@」 character T@long_name T@wgts – T@x3d – – Example 1 (integer to float) float) = “temperature” = (/ 0.25, 0.5, 0.25 /) = x3D x = (/1,2,3,4,5/) res@vpWidthF res@vpHeightF res@cnMinLevelValF res@cnMaxLevelValF res@cnLevelSpacingF delete(x delete(x)) ; The delete is necessary because x = (/1.,2.,3.,4.,5./) ; was originally an integer array. Example 2 (size remodel) remodel) = = = = = delx dely cmin cmax cint x = (/1,2,3,4,5/) • delete(x delete(x)) ; The delete is necessary because x = (/1,2,3,4/) ; was originally an array of 5 elements. delete can eliminate an attribute – Dimensions ( GrADS ) delete(T@long_name) Name Dimensions ( NCL) XDEF 128 LINEAR 0 2.8125 • May be “named” YDEF 64 LEVELS -87.864 -85.097 -82.313 -79.526 -76.737 -73.948 -71.158 -68.368 -65.578 -62.787 -59.997 -57.207 -54.416 -51.626 -48.835 -46.045 -43.254 -40.464 -37.673 -34.883 -32.092 -29.301 -26.511 -23.720 -20.930 -18.139 -15.348 -12.558 -9.767 -6.977 -4.186 -1.395 1.395 4.186 6.977 9.767 12.558 15.348 18.139 20.930 20.930 23.720 26.511 29.301 32.092 34.883 37.673 37.673 40.464 43.254 46.045 48.835 51.626 54.416 54.416 57.207 59.997 62.787 65.578 68.368 71.158 71.158 73.948 76.737 79.526 82.313 85.097 87.864 87.864 陣列的維度由左至右從零開始(0、1、2、……… )依序編號 ex:T (nz,ny,nx) 【 T(nx,ny,nz) → fortran】 • 設定維度名稱需採用符號「!」 {let T(nz,ny,nx)} 定義完各個座標名稱之後,我們就可以將陣列的維度 – T!0 = "lev" 編排方式依照個人需求重新排列,而座標變數也可以 – T!1 = "lat " 用來代表座標軸的index,例如: reordered_T = T(lon|:,lat|:,lev|:) – T!2 = "lon" • assign dimension name(s) → functions dd= nameDim(dd , dimNames[*] , longName , units) 【T = nameDim (T, (/ "lev" , "lat " , "lon" /), "Temperature", "C") 】 【u = nameDim (u, (/"time","lev","lat","lon"/), "zonal wind","m/s"】 ZDEF 12 LEVELS 1000 925 850 700 600 500 400 300 250 200 150 100 TDEF 5000 LINEAR 15jan1860 1mon Tu@CCU 5/41 07/23/2009 中國文化大學大氣科學系暑期電腦訓練課程:NCL Longitude Manipulators གྷޘҜཉ T ( nz , ny , nx ) -> Tnew ( nx , ny , nz ) 經度 rlon = lonGlobeF (nx, ", "longitude", "degrees_east ") nx, "lon "lon", "degrees_east") lon will run from 0 to (360- 360-rint) rint) Fortran 【註】如果nx 如果nx = 144,那麼經度範圍將會介於 144,那麼經度範圍將會介於 0 到 357.5 之間 rlon = lonGlobeFo (nx, ", "longitude", "degrees_east ") nx, "lon "lon", "degrees_east") lon will run from( from(rint/2) rint/2)to( to(360- 360-rint/2) rint/2) 【註】如果nx 1.25 到 358.75 之間 如果nx = 144,那麼經度範圍將會介於 144,那麼經度範圍將會介於1.25 rlon = fspan(0 , 360 *(nx*(nx-1) /nx /nx , nx) nx) NCL rlon = (/ rlonrlon-180. /) ; grid goes DateLine eastward Lon /Lat/Weights གྷቛშॾᝋࢦ Latitude Manipulators ቛޘҜཉ 緯度 權重 rlat = latGlobeF (ny, ") ny, "lat", "latitude", "degrees_north "degrees_north") gwts = latGauWgt (ny, ") ny, "lat", "gaussian "gaussian weights", "dimension_less "dimension_less") lat will run from 90S to 90N Generate gaussian weights and meta data 【註】如果nx 如果nx = 73,那麼緯度範圍將會介於 73,那麼緯度範圍將會介於 90S 到 90N 之間 gwts = NormCosWgtGlobe(rlat) NormCosWgtGlobe(rlat) rlat = latGlobeFo(ny, ") latGlobeFo(ny, "lat", "latitude", "degrees_north "degrees_north") normalize the cosine wgts lat will run from (-90 +rint/2) (-90+ rint/2)to( to(90- 90-rint/2) rint/2) gwts = SqrtCosWgtGlobe(rlat) SqrtCosWgtGlobe(rlat) 【註】如果nx 如果nx = 72,那麼緯度範圍將會介於 72,那麼緯度範圍將會介於 88.75S 到 88.75N 之間 rlat = latGau 也可以使用 gau_info = gaus(ny/2) (ny, ") ny, "lat", "latitude", "degrees_north "degrees_north") Generates gaussian latitudes and associated meta data. rlat rlat = rlat(::rlat(::-1) ; divide by 2 to get "per hemisphere" 或 gau_info = doubletofloat(gaus(nlat/2)); doubletofloat(gaus(nlat/2)); convert double the float ; grid goes from North → South = gau_info(:,0 gau_info(:,0) ; gaussian latitudes ( 1st dimension of gau_info) gau_info) gwts = gau_info(:,1 gau_info(:,1) ; gaussian weights ( 2nd dimension of gau_info) gau_info) Create and Assign Coordinate Variables geographical coordinate arrays with named dimensions and units • U = new ((/ 12 , 73 , 144 /) , " float " , U@_FillValue) rlon = lonGlobeF (nx, "lon", "longitude", "degrees_east") rlat = latGlobeF (ny, "lat", "latitude", "degrees_north") plev = (/1000,925,850,700,600,500,400,300,250,200,150,100/) plev皆需給定單位) plev@units = "hPa" (rlon、rlat、plev皆需給定單位) named dimensions Latitude Longitude LATITUDE LONGITUDE lat lon Lat Lon LAT LON hlat hlon lat_u lat_t lon_u lon_t Tu@CCU create vector array units degrees_north degrees_east degrees-north degrees-east degree-north degree-east degrees north degrees east degrees_N degrees_E – Degrees_east Degrees_east – • assign dimension name(s) → functions U = nameDim (U , (/ "lev " , "lat " , "lon" /), "zonal wind", "m/s") • assign coordinate variables to U → via『&』 U&lon = rlon U&lat = rlat – U&lev = plev 6/41 07/23/2009 中國文化大學大氣科學系暑期電腦訓練課程:NCL Variable Subscripting (1 of 2) Create and Assign Coordinate Variables 假設 SST 是一個二維陣列,大小為(nlat 是一個二維陣列,大小為(nlat,, nlon),那麼 nlon),那麼 要定義維度的名稱,可以使用符號「! 要定義維度的名稱,可以使用符號「!」,如果要將座標 軸相對應的數值帶入,則可使用符號「& 軸相對應的數值帶入,則可使用符號「&」。 SST!0 SST!1 = = ※ Standard subscripting(標準網格註腳, similar to f90 and f77) 每個註腳的維度開始值從0 到 ( N-1 ) ,由右至左 ( nt, ny, nx ) ,維度之間用逗號 ( , )區隔。標準的註腳寫法 → 【開始值 : 結束值 : 間隔大小】亦可簡化成【:】 "lat" "lon" lon" rlon rlat = = fspan(0.,355.,72) fspan( fspan(-90.,90.,37) rlon@units rlat@units = = "degrees_east" degrees_east" "degrees_north" degrees_north" SST&lon SST&lat = = dat = T( : , {-30:30} , : ) Î 取所有時間和經度,緯度從30S到30N的資料。 dat = T( : , {-20:20} , {90:290:2} ) Î 取所有時間, 緯度從20S到20N 經度從90到290,每間隔2取一筆資料。 Array Dimension Reduction • indicated by 「 | 」(維度名稱與座標位置間的區隔符號) T = nameDim (T , (/ "lev ") "lev " , "lat " , "lon "lon"" /), “Temperature", "m/s "m/s") rlon = lonGlobeF(nx,"lon","longitude","degrees_east") lonGlobeF(nx,"lon","longitude","degrees_east") rlat = latGlobeF(ny,"lat","latitude","degrees_north") latGlobeF(ny,"lat","latitude","degrees_north") plev = (/1000,925,850,700,600,500,400,300,250,200,150,100/) 0, : , : ) Î Tjan(64,128) – Tjan automatically becomes 2D – all applicable meta data copied • plev@units = "hPa "hPa"" T&lat = rlat , T&lon = rlon , T&lev= lev=plev Î makes dd (lat,lon,lev) lat,lon,lev) dd = T(lev|: 90∘E~120∘ 120∘E , 20∘ 20∘S~20∘ 20∘N T(lev|:,,{lon| lon|90:120} 90:120},{lat| lat|-20:20} 20:20}) Î all levels , 90∘ can override dimension reduction Î Tjan( Tjan( 1 , 64 , 128 ) – Tjan = T( 0 : 0 , : , : ) – Tjan = new( /),, typeof(T ), T@_FillValue) new( (/1,64,128 (/1,64,128/) typeof(T), T@_FillValue) Tjan(0,:,:) jan(0,:,:) = T(0,:,:) Î all levels , 90∘ 90∘E~120∘ 120∘E , 20∘ 20∘S~20∘ 20∘N _FillValue Standard and Coordinate Subscripting Latitude coordinate variable (1D) let T ( 12 , 64 , 128 ) – Tjan = T( 假設一個陣列 T(nz,ny,nx) T(nz,ny,nx) • most NCL functions ignore _FillValue named/coordinate subscripting can be mixed Standard T(8:15,1:12) – “missing_value” missing_value” has no special status to NCL Coordinate – if “T” has “missing_value” missing_value” but no “_FillValue ” T({-30:30},{-180:-90}) • T@_FillValue = T@missing_value Combined Tu@CCU Î 1st time index, reverse lat order,1st 51 lon 資料陣列中,每個維度都可用一個一維陣列加以表示,數值大小可以依序增加, 也可逐漸減小,座標標註可用 『 {...}』加以表示。假設T(nt,ny,nx) rlon rlat Longitude coordinate variable (1D) Î 1st time index, all lat, every 5th lon T(0 , : : -1 , : 50 ) ※ Coordinate subscripting(加註座標軸的註腳,similar to GrADS) ※ Named / Coordinate subscripting(加註座標名稱) dd = T(: T(:,29: ,29:45,{ 45,{lon| lon|90:120} 90:120}) Î entire array [ don't use T(:,:,:) ] T( 0 , : , : : 5 ) T( : 1 , 45 , 10 : 20 ) Î 1st 2 time indices, 46th index of lat, 10-20 indicies of lon Variable Subscripting (2 of 2) dd = T(lat|: lev|:)) T(lat|:,, lon|: lon|:,, lev|: T – T@_FillValue = -99.99 T({-30:30}, 1:12) 7/41 07/23/2009 中國文化大學大氣科學系暑期電腦訓練課程:NCL Expressions Data Types Algebraic operators + - * / ^ >, < 加(除了數字加減外,也可用於文字) 減 乘 除(除法的運算速度較慢,所以建議改用乘) 指數(10^2 = 102) 大於, 小於 algebraic operator 5.3 + 7.95 Î 13.25 5.0 * 3.0 Î 15.0 string concatenator "alpha" + (5.3 + 7)Îalpha12.3 "A="+3+" B="+5 ÎA=3 B=5 Do Loops .lt. .le. .gt. .ne. .eq. .and. .xor. .or. .not. Logical 小於 小於等於 大於 不等於 等於 and exclusive-or or Not if (scalar_logical_expression) then [statements] end if do while (expression) [statements] end do if (scalar_logical_expression) then [statements] else [statements] end if break: jump to first statement after end do [f90: exit] 2 2 T (i , j ) = 100 − (8 i ) + (8 j ) do j= 1,ny do i= 1,nx T( j-1 , i-1 ) = 100.0 - sqrt((8.0*i)^2 + (8.0*j)^2) end do ; 88 seconds end do do j= 1 , ny do i= 1 , nx T(j-1,i-1) = i^2 + j^2 end do end do T = 100.0 - sqrt((8.0^2) * T) ※ no if (logical_expression) [statements] print (1 of 3) Minimize Use of Loops (2 of 2) ; <1 sec---------- • Prints out all variable information including – – ispn = ispan( 1 , nx , 1 )^2 jspn = ispan( 1 , ny , 1 )^2 do i= 0,dimsizes(ispn)-1 T(:,i) = ispn(i) + jspn end do T = 100.0 - sqrt((8.0^2) *T ) meta data, values T(lat,lon): print (T) Fortran? Variable: T Type: float Total Size: 32768 bytes 8192 values Number of Dimensions: 2 Dimensions / Sizes: [lat | 64] x [lon | 128] Coordinates: lat: [-87.86379 .. 87.86379] lon: [ 0. 0 .. 357.1875] Number of Attributes: 2 long_name: Temperature units: C (0,0) -31.7 (0,1) -31.4 (0,2) -32.3 (0,3) -33.4 (0,4) -31.3 etc. [entire T array will be printed] T = onedtond(ispan(1,nx,1),(/ny,nx/)) T!0 = "x" T!1 = "y" T = 100.0 - sqrt((8.0*T(:,:))^2 + (8.0*T(y | :, x | :))^2) Tu@CCU complex NOT supported ; 136 seconds ※ “end if ”, “end do” ※ do loop 運算速度非常緩慢,盡量避免使用。 ; <1 sec • • parameters for each example: – nx=1000, ny=1000 – T=new( (/ny,nx/),float) ※ no “else if ” continue: proceed to next iteration [f90: cycle] character float (32 bit) integer (32 bit) double (64 bit) long (32 bit) [SGI 64] short (16 bit) byte ( 8 bit, 0-255) Minimize Use of Loops (1 of 2) If Statements do n = start , end , skip [statements] end do • • • • • • • 8/41 07/23/2009 中國文化大學大氣科學系暑期電腦訓練課程:NCL print (2 of 3) • print (3 of 3) can be used to print a subset of array – – • meta data, values T(nlat,nlon): print( T(:,103) ) or print( T(:,{110}) ) print with embedded strings – – no meta data print ( "min(T)="+min(T)+" max(T)="+max(T) ) (0) min(T)=-53.8125 max(T)=25.9736 Variable: T (subsection) Type: float Total Size: 256 bytes 64 values Number of Dimensions: 1 Dimensions / Sizes: [lat | 64] Coordinates: lat: [-87.86379 .. 87.86379] Number of Attributes: 3 long_name: Temperature units: C lon: 109.6875 [ added ] (0) -40.7 (1) -33.0 (2) -25.1 (3) -20.0 (4) -15.3 etc. • sprintf and sprinti provide formatting - often used in graphics - print ( "min(T) = "+ sprintf("%5.2f ", min(T)) ) • sprinti can left fill with zeros (ex: let n=3) - fnam = "h" + sprinti ("%0.5i", n) + ".nc" - print("file name = "+fnam) printVarSummary • Print out variable (data object) information – – – – type dimension information coordinate information (if present) attributes (if present) • printVarSummary (u) Variable: u Type: double Total Size: 1179648 bytes 147456 values Number of Dimensions: 4 Dimensions / Sizes: [time | 1] x [lev | 18] x [lat | 64] x [lon | 128] Coordinates: time: [4046..4046] lev: [4.809 .. 992.5282] lat: [-87.86379 .. 87.86379] lon: [ 0. 0 .. 357.1875] Number of Attributes: 2 long_name: zonal wind component units: m/s Supported formats in NCL ● ASCⅡ ASCⅡ ● Fortran Binary ( sequential / direct ) [open(11,form="unformatted", access="sequential")] [open(11,form="unformatted",access =direct",recl=_)] [open(11,form="unformatted",access= direct",recl=_)] ● NetCDF (Network Network Common Data Format) ● GRIB (Grid Grid in Binary; WMO standard) ● HDF (Hierarchical Data Format (Scientific Data Set only) ) ● HDFHDF-EOS (Earth Observing System) ● CCMHT (CCM History History Tape) Tu@CCU 9/41 07/23/2009 中國文化大學大氣科學系暑期電腦訓練課程:NCL Reading / Writing ASCII files Reading head = readAsciiHead (fname:string , opt:numeric) opt:numeric) data = asciiread (fname:string , dimensions , datatype:string) datatype:string) remove any previously exist file data = readAsciiTable (fname:string , ncol:integer , datatype:string , opt) system (path+"/rm "+ofn) Writing asciiwrite (fname:string , dat) dat) write_matrix → 2D number of rows and columns 行 列 nrow = numAsciiRow ( ifn : string) ncol = numAsciiCol ( ifn : string) ASCII file:Time Series Data Assume you have the file "test.dat " "test.dat" DARWIN SEA LEVEL PRESS 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 行 列 YEAR JAN FEB MAR 1951 1952 1953 1954 1955 …… [snip] 5.3 5.1 6.7 7.1 0.4 -1.6 1.0 -1.2 -1.1 2.9 APR MAY JUN JUL AUG SEP SEP 7.0 9.4 11.9 11.2 13.3 13.2 13.2 12.5 8.3 10.3 10.3 12.5 13.0 12.6 12.1 -1.4 -0.1 -3.6 -0.5 -0.2 -3.1 -2.4 -0.5 0.6 0.4 -0.5 0.4 1.3 0.3 0.1 -0.8 1.4 1.7 2.7 2.0 2.5 OCT NOV 11.4 9.9 -0.3 0.1 2.5 DEC 9.5 7.7 -0.7 0.2 2.2 8.9 8.4 -1.1 2.4 1.7 【方法一】 方法一】 【方法二】 方法二】 ncol = numAsciiCol("test.dat ") numAsciiCol("test.dat") soi nm = 13 head = readAsciiHead( readAsciiHead( ifn , 2 ) soi = new((/nt, nm/),"float") /),"float") new((/nt,nm nrow = numAsciiRow("test.dat") numAsciiRow("test.dat") head = readAsciiHead( ") readAsciiHead( ifn , "YEAR "YEAR" SOI = readAsciiTable(ifn, readAsciiTable(ifn, nm, nm, "float", 2 ) SOI = asciiread(ifn , (/nt,nm /),"float" ) (/nt,nm/),"float" SOI = readAsciiTable(ifn, YEAR") ") readAsciiTable(ifn, nm,"float"," nm,"float","YEAR = new((/nt, nm/),"float") /),"float") new((/nt,nm 由於不需要使用do 由於不需要使用do loop讀取資料,所以必須給定剛好的時間筆數 loop讀取資料,所以必須給定剛好的時間筆數 నᇾᐝΒӣᇴф YEAR MON NINO1+2 NINO1+2 ANOM NINO3 NINO3 ANOM NINO4 NINO4 ANOM NINO3.4 NINO3.4 ANOM 2004 1 2004 2 2004 3 2004 4 2004 5 2004 6 2004 7 2004 8 2004 9 2004 10 2004 11 2004 12 -1.64 -1.85 -0.43 -0.76 -1.14 -0.74 -0.41 -0.44 -0.71 -0.57 -1.15 -0.64 -0.73 -1.24 -1.09 -1.28 -0.92 -0.79 -0.73 -0.91 -1.37 -0.77 -1.23 -1.01 -1.50 -1.77 -0.73 -0.94 -1.47 -0.70 -0.48 -0.59 -1.09 -0.57 -1.09 -0.93 23.49 24.56 25.59 23.84 23.41 21.70 20.74 20.52 19.82 20.19 20.46 21.92 -1.00 -1.49 -0.89 -1.62 -0.93 -1.32 -1.11 -0.30 -0.65 -0.72 -1.22 -0.92 23.97 24.51 26.65 26.65 25.91 25.64 25.17 24.51 24.12 24.32 23.80 24.44 27.41 26.77 27.00 27.12 27.72 27.85 27.84 27.54 27.12 27.64 27.13 27.27 25.01 24.92 26.41 26.75 26.30 26.79 26.59 26.11 25.56 26.03 25.42 25.54 (0,0) 1 (0,1) 2 (0,2) 3 SST (0,3) 4 head = readAsciiHead( ifn , 1 ) (0,4) 3.4 (0,6) SST = asciiread(ifn , (/nm,nn/),"float" ) 1 SST = readAsciiTable(ifn, nn, "float", 1) (0,7) 23.49 (0,8) -1 (0,9) 23.97 【方法二】 (1,0) -1.64 nn nn = 10 (1,1) 27.41 SST = new((/nm,nn/),"float") nm = 12 (1,2) -0.73 head = readAsciiHead( ifn , 1 ) SST = new((/nm,nn/),"float") head = readAsciiHead( ifn , "YEAR" ) SST = readAsciiTable(ifn, nn, "float", 1) SST = asciiread(ifn , (/nm,nn/),"float" ) SST = readAsciiTable(ifn, nn,"float","YEAR") Tu@CCU = new((/nt,nn/),"float") (0,5) 2004 【方法一】 = 10 【方法一】 (1,3) 25.01 (1,4) -1.5 10/41 YEAR MON NINO1+2 ANOM NINO3 ANOM NINO4 ANOM NINO3.4 ANOM 2004 1 2004 2 2004 3 2004 4 2004 5 2004 6 2004 7 2004 8 2004 9 2004 10 2004 11 2004 12 -1.64 -1.85 -0.43 -0.76 -1.14 -0.74 -0.41 -0.44 -0.71 -0.57 -1.15 -0.64 -0.73 -1.24 -1.09 -1.28 -0.92 -0.79 -0.73 -0.91 -1.37 -0.77 -1.23 -1.01 -1.50 -1.77 -0.73 -0.94 -1.47 -0.70 -0.48 -0.59 -1.09 -0.57 -1.09 -0.93 23.49 24.56 25.59 23.84 23.41 21.70 20.74 20.52 19.82 20.19 20.46 21.92 -1.00 -1.49 -0.89 -1.62 -0.93 -1.32 -1.11 -0.30 -0.65 -0.72 -1.22 -0.92 23.97 24.51 26.65 26.65 25.91 25.64 25.17 24.51 24.12 24.32 23.80 24.44 27.41 26.77 27.00 27.12 27.72 27.85 27.84 27.54 27.12 27.64 27.13 27.27 25.01 24.92 26.41 26.75 26.30 26.79 26.59 26.11 25.56 26.03 25.42 25.54 07/23/2009 中國文化大學大氣科學系暑期電腦訓練課程:NCL Writing ASCII files ifn ofn nx ny dat write_matrix(dat [*][*], format, write_matrix(dat[*][*], format, opt) prettypretty-print 2D array to standard out integer, float, double = "/glacier2/tu/data/xy.asc" = "new.asc "new.asc"" = 144 = 73 = asciiread ( ifn , (/ny,nx /) , " float " ) (/ny,nx/) user format control (format) T(7,5): write_matrix (T, " 5f7.2 ", False) Æ 在螢幕上顯示結果 4.35 4.36 9.73 4.91 0.17 -0.63 -4.29 asciiwrite (ofn, ofn, dat) dat) 0.8400397 0.55219 0.2622927 -0.02875445 ……… 4.39 4.66 -5.84 4.59 3.68 -4.12 0.07 0.27 3.77 0.89 -3.09 5.08 -2.51 5.85 -3.35 -1.66 8.46 7.55 0.14 1.76 0.87 -6.90 4.06 10.39 4.56 -5.63 -1.43 8.65 • can also create an ASCII file Example Reading/Writing Binary files (STAND TAHITI - STAND DARWIN) SEA LEVEL PRESS YEAR JAN FEB MAR APR MAY JUN JUL AUG 1951 2.7 1.0 -1.3 -1.1 -1.7 -0.5 -2.3 -1.2 1952 -2.0 -1.8 0.0 -0.9 1.0 0.8 0.7 -0.7 1953 0.4 -1.6 -1.4 -0.1 -3.6 -0.5 -0.2 -3.1 1954 1.0 -1.2 -0.5 0.6 0.4 -0.5 0.4 1.3 1955 -1.1 2.9 0.1 -0.8 1.4 1.7 2.7 2.0 Direct SEP -2.1 -0.4 -2.4 0.3 2.5 OCT -2.3 0.3 -0.3 0.1 2.5 NOV -1.6 -0.3 -0.7 0.2 2.2 DEC -1.6 -2.6 -1.1 2.4 1.7 specified direct record Sequential multiple unformatted sequential records Cray Sequential ; ################################################# load "$NCARG_ROOT/lib/ncarg/nclex/gsun/gsn_code.ncl" load "$NCARG_ROOT/lib/ncarg/nclex/gsun/gsn_csm.ncl" load "$NCARG_ROOT/lib/ncarg/nclscripts/csm/shea_util.ncl" load "$NCARG_ROOT/lib/ncarg/nclscripts/csm/contributed.ncl" ; ################################################## begin 0.00 -0.90 ifn = "aa.asc" nm = 13 -1.40 -0.10 nt = 5 -0.50 0.60 soi = new((/nt,nm/),"float") single unformatted sequential record Cray(C block IO write) 1.00 0.80 0.70 -3.60 -0.50 -0.20 0.40 -0.50 0.40 mimics a C block IO write ※ “rec” which start at 「 soi = readAsciiTable(ifn,nm,"float",2) data = fbindirread (ifn,rec,dim,type) fbindirwrite (ofn,data) data = fbinrecread (ifn,rec,dim,type) fbinrecwrite (ofn,rec,data) data = craybinrecread (ifn,rec,dim,type) fbinwrite (ofn,data) data = cbinread (ifn,dim,type) cbinwrite (ofn,data) 」 ※ “type” : double、float、integer、byte……………. ※ 文字或資料型態設定採用雙引號。(var=“sst” , “float” , ……………) ※ sequential中的“rec”如果設為「 end 」,表依個人所要求之陣列大小輸出。 Reading NetCDF & Grib & HDF files sequential binary format fbinrecwrite (path+ofn,-1, lat) fbinrecwrite (path+ofn,-1, lon) fbinrecwrite (path+ofn,-1, sst) lat=fbinrecread(ifn,0, ny, "float") lon=fbinrecread(ifn,1, nx, "float") sst=fbinrecread(ifn,2,(/ny,nx/),"float") real rlon(nx), rlat(ny), sst(nx,ny) open (11,file=ofn,form="unformatted" ,access="sequential") read (11) rlat read (11) rlon read (11) sst Fortran ; output subsection (lat,lon) only do m=0,nm-1 fbinrecwrite(ofn,-1,dd(m,:,:)) end do do m=1,nm read(11)((dd(i,j,m),i=1,nx),j=1,ny) enddo Tu@CCU direct binary format SST dat ifn ofn = = = = ※ 資料的副檔名必須依檔案類型作設定。 「NetCDF」→「nc」 或「cdf」 「GRIB」 →「grb」或「grib」 「HDF 」 →「hdf」或「hdfeos」 new ((/nt,nm,ny,nx/),"float" ) new ((/nm,ny,nx/),"float" ) "OIMSST_V2_1982_2003_mon.bin" "OIMSST_V2_1982_2003_cli.bin" do l=0,nt-1 do m=0,nm-1 【 read / write】 【 read only】 【 read / write】 ※ 讀取相關類型資料之function input = addfile (fname:string , status:string)→ 讀取單個檔 input = addfiles(fname:string , status:string)→ 讀取多個檔 rec = m + l*nm SST( l , m , : , : ) =fbindirread(ifn,rec,(/ny,nx/),"float") end do end do status = “r” (表示 read, 適用於所有格式之資料) status = “c” (表示 create,適用於NetCDF和HDF4) status = “w” (表示 write, 適用於NetCDF和HDF4) do m=0,nm-1 fbindirwrite (ofn,dat( m , : , : )) end do open (11,file=ofn, form="unformatted“ ,access="direct", recl=nx*ny) 可以利用「print (input)」 ※ 範例 input= addfile(""," r ") 確認變數名稱 dims= filevardimsizes(input,"sst") dd = new((/dims(0),dims(1),dims(2)/),float) dd = input->sst do m=1,nm read (11,rec=m) & ((dat(i,j,m),i=1,nx),j=1,ny) end do 11/41 07/23/2009 中國文化大學大氣科學系暑期電腦訓練課程:NCL ncdump Reading NetCDF files ncl dimensions: lon = 144 ; lat = 73 ; time = UNLIMITED ; // (12 currently) variables: float lon(lon) ; lon:units = "degrees_east" ; lon:long_name = "Longitude" ; lon:actual_range = 0.f, 360.f ; float lat(lat) ; lat:units = "degrees_north" ; lat:actual_range = 90.f, -90.f ; lat:long_name = "Latitude" ; double time(time) ; time:units = "hours since 1-1-1 00:00:0.0" ; time:long_name = "Time" ; time:actual_range = 0., 8016. ; time:delta_t = "0000-01-00 00:00:00" ; time:avg_period = "0000-01-00 00:00:00" ; time:ltm_range = 17338824., 17487096. ; short olr(time, lat, lon) ; olr:long_name = "OLR monthly means" ; olr:valid_range = 0.f, 500.f ; olr:actual_range = 134.9129f, 293.3665f ; olr:units = "W/m^2" ; olr:add_offset = 327.65f ; olr:scale_factor = 0.01f ; olr:missing_value = 32766s ; olr:var_desc="Outgoing Longwave Radiation\n", "O" olr:dataset = "NOAA Interpolated OLR\n", input = addfile("","r") 【抓取資料維度(dimensions)】 dims = filevardimsizes(input,"olr") ; nlat = filevardimsizes(input,"lat") mlon = filevardimsizes(input,"lon") print(dims) ; ####### Variable: dims Type: integer Total Size: 12 bytes 3 values Number of Dimensions: 1 Dimensions and sizes: [3] Coordinates: (0) 12 (1) 73 (2) 144 【讀variables之資料】 data = input->olr(0,:,:) rlon = input->lon rlat = input->lat time = input->time 【讀variables內之參數】 unit = input->olr@units add = input->olr@add_offset scale = input->olr@scale_factor spv = input->olr@missing_value begin ; ############## path = " /glacier1/ECMWF/ERA15/PRS/PRS_1990/ " ifn = "ERA15_T106_PRS_1990_mon.grb " input = addfile(path+ifn,"r") ; ############## printVarSummary(input) end ; ####### begin unit = input->olr@units add = input->olr@add_offset scale = input->olr@scale_factor spv = input->olr@missing_value path = "/glacier1/OLR/src/" ifn = "OLR"" ofn = "NOAA_OLR_1979_2004.bin" ifn = path+ifn ; ####### input = addfile(ifn,"r") ; ####### dd = inputinput->olr ; ####### dims = filevardimsizes(input,"olr") nt = dims(0) ny = dims(1) nx = dims(2) print(dims) print(dims) dd = new((/dims(0),dims(1),dims(2)/),"float") ; ####### do m=0,dims(0)-1 fbindirwrite(ofn,dd(m,:,:)) end do ; ####### end begin (reading ; ####### ifn = "ERA15_T106_PRS_1990_mon.grb" ofn = "ERA15_T106_T_1990_mon.bin" input = addfile(ifn,"r") ; ####### system("/bin/rm "+ofn) ; ####### dims = filevardimsizes(input," T_GDS4_ISBL_10 ") print(dims) ; ####### dd = new((/dims(0),dims(1),dims(2)/),"float") ; ####### dd = input->T_GDS4_ISBL_10 ; ####### do m=0,dims(0)-1 fbindirwrite(ofn,dd(m,:,:)) end do ; ####### end GRIB HDF Variable: input (0) filename: ERA15_T106_PRS_1990_mon path: /glacier1/ECMWF/ERA15/PRS/PRS_1990/ERA15_T106_PRS_1990_mon.grb file global attributes: dimensions: initial_time0 = 12 lv_ISBL1 = 17 g4_lat_2 = 160 g4_lon_3 = 320 initial_time4 = 12 variables: float T_GDS4_ISBL_10 ( initial_time0, lv_ISBL1, g4_lat_2, g4_lon_3 ) center : European Center for Medium-Range Weather Forecasts - Reading long_name : Temperature units : K _FillValue : -999 level_indicator : 100 grid_number : 255 parameter_number : 130 forecast_time : 19 grib) get dimension sizes Numerous functions to query contents of supported file − getfilevarnames dpath = "/fs/cgd/data0/shea/ccm/" file = "H200503" getfilevardims − getfilevaratts − getfilevardimsizes − getfilevartypes − isfilevar − isfilevaratt − isfilevardim − isfilevarcoord − ext ifn • returns the dimension sizes of a variable • will return 1D array of integers if the array queried is multi-dimensional. = ".ccm" = addfile(dpath+file+ext , " r ") dimsizes (針對陣列) vname = getfilevarnames (ifn) if (isfilevarcoord(ifn, "U", "lat")) then … end if Tu@CCU filevardimsizes (針對變數檔案) 12/41 begin input=addfile("", "r") ; ####### dd =input->olr dims = dimsizes(dd) ; ####### dims = filevardimsizes(input,"olr") ; ####### print(dims) end 07/23/2009 中國文化大學大氣科學系暑期電腦訓練課程:NCL get dimension sizes begin input = addfile(“”,”r”) Type: integer fnames = (/ "reAnal1","reAnal2","reAnal3","reAnal4"/) Total Size: 16 bytes • t 4 values = input->T Number of dimensions: 1 Dimensions and sizes:(4) print(dims) (1) 25 (2) 116 print ("rank="+rank) (3) 100 end (0) rank=4 addfiles • input = addfiles (fnames, "r") − fnames is a 1D array of file names (strings) − can be used for any supported format T = input[:]->T − read T [values only] from each file in list 'input' T will not have any meta data − T must exist in each file and be same shape [rank] − a list is used to sequence results of addfiles − normal file variable selection is used with "[…]" (0) 12 rank = dimsizes(dims) • (1 of 2) • spans multiple files Variable: dims dims = dimsizes(t) • addfiles addfiles (2 of 2) begin 2 options on variable merging − ListSetType (a, "cat") − ListSetType (a, "join”) fnames = (/ "reAnal1","reAnal2","reAnal3","reAnal4"/) input = addfiles (path+fnames, "r") [default; “cat” => concatenation] ListSetType (input, "cat") ListSetType (input, "join") when to use "cat" and "join" [rule of thumb] − cat : continuous record − join : creating ensembles a record dimension will be added T = input[:]->T Number of Dimensions: ListSetType (a, "join”) creating ensembles cat Dimensions and sizes: Number of Dimensions: meta data to variable Tu@CCU 2 options on variable merging ListSetType (a, "cat") continuous record end suggest using addfiles_GetVar [contributed.ncl] −attaches • T1(time,,lon) join Dimensions and sizes: 13/41 07/23/2009 中國文化大學大氣科學系暑期電腦訓練課程:NCL Conversion between data types function integertobyte (int_val : integer) function doubletobyte (double_val : double) function integertocharacter (int_val : integer) function doubletocharacter (double_val : double) function integertoshort (int_val : integer) function doubletoshort (double_val : double) function shorttobyte (short_val : short) function doubletointeger (double_val : double) function shorttocharacter (short_val : short) function doubletolong (double_val : double) function longtobyte (long_val : long) function longtocharacter (long_val : long) function doubletofloat (double_val : double) function longtoshort (long_val : long) function charactertodouble (char_val : character) function longtointeger (long_val : long) function charactertofloat (char_val : character) function floattobyte (float_val : float) function charactertolong (char_val : character) function floattocharacter (float_val : float) function charactertoshort (char_val : character) function floattoshort (float_val : float) function charactertostring (char_val : character) function floattointeger (float_val : float) function charactertointeger (char_val : character) function floattolong (float_val : float) function stringtocharacter (char_val : string) function stringtodouble (char_val : string) function stringtofloat (char_val : string) function stringtointeger (char_val : string) function stringtolong (char_val : string) function stringtoshort (char_val : string) abs( value:integer) → computes absolute value for integer input ( abs(-2) = 2) fabs(value:numeric) → computes absolute value for numeric input (fabs(-1.2) = 1.2) sin(value:numeric) → computes sin from radian input (sin(3.1415/180*45)=0.707) asin(value:numeric) → computes inverse sin in radians cos(value:numeric) → computes cosine from radian input acos(value:numeric) → computes inverse cosine in radians tan(value:numeric) →computes tangent from radian input(tan(3.1415/180*45)=1.0) atan(value:numeric) → computes inverse tangent in radians atan2(y:numeric,x:numeric) → returns the arctangent of y/x in radians tanh(value:numeric) → computes hyperbolic tangent from radian input exp(value:numeric) → computes e to the power of the input(exp(1)=2.718282) log(value:numeric) → computes natural log (log(10)=2.302585) log10(value:numeric) → computes log base 10 (log10(10)=1.0) sqrt(value:numeric) → computes square root of input (sqrt(2)=1.414) max(arg:numeric) → returns the maximum value of an array min(arg:numeric) → returns the minimum value of an array 從長字串中擷取出某個片段字串 假設有一個字串 "2005120800Z" 若欲取出 “1208” 1208” 則可按照下面的方式 time = "2005120800Z" word = stringtocharacter(time) stringtocharacter(time) nwod = charactertostring(word(4:7)) nwod 就會等於 1208 求餘數 val = 182 print(val%3) Î 2 Scalar regridding routines 假設原本資料之陣列維度為 dd( dd(nlat,nlon) nlat,nlon),轉換後之新資料維度為 gnew( gnew(ny,nx) ny,nx) 【Example 1】 =73, nlon=144 )轉換不同解析度之固定網格(ny ny=181 =181 , nx=360 ) 1】由固定網格(nlat 由固定網格(nlat=73, nlon=144)轉換不同解析度之固定網格( nx=360) f2fosh f2fsh from one fixed grid to another using spherical harmonics f2gsh from one fixed grid to a Gaussian grid using spherical harmonics fo2fsh gnew = f2fsh( f2fsh(dd ,(/ny,nx/ ny,nx/)) from one fixed grid (including pole points) to a fixed-offset grid using spherical harmonics 【Example 2】 =73, nlon=144 )轉換不同解析度之固定網格(ny ny=72 =72 , nx=144 ) 2】由固定網格(nlat 由固定網格(nlat=73, nlon=144)轉換不同解析度之固定網格( nx=144) gnew = f2fosh( f2fosh(dd) dd) 【Example 3】 =72, nlon=144 )轉換不同解析度之固定網格(ny ny=73 =73 , nx=144 ) 3】由固定網格(nlat 由固定網格(nlat=72, nlon=144)轉換不同解析度之固定網格( nx=144) gnew = fo2fsh( fo2fsh(dd) dd) from one fixed-offset grid (including pole points) to a fixed grid using spherical harmonics 【Example 4】 =73, nlon=144 )轉換到高斯網格(T42 T42)( )(ny ny=64 =64 , nx=128 ) 4】由固定網格(nlat 由固定網格(nlat=73, nlon=144)轉換到高斯網格( nx=128) g2fsh from one Gaussian grid to a fixed grid using spherical harmonics g2gsh from one Gaussian grid to another using spherical harmonics gnew = f2gsh( f2gsh(dd ,(/ny,nx/ ny,nx/), 42) 42) 【Example 5】 ) (nlat=96, ) 5】由高斯網格(T63 由高斯網格(T63) nlat=96, nlon=192) nlon=192) 轉換到固定網格 (ny=73 ny=73 , nx=144 nx=144) gnew = g2fsh( g2fsh(dd ,(/ny,nx/ ny,nx/)) 【Example 6】 )轉換到高斯網格((T42)( ) 6】由高斯網格( 由高斯網格(T63)( T63)(nlat=96, nlat=96, nlon=192 nlon=192)轉換到高斯網格 T42)(ny=64 ny=64 , nx=128 nx=128) f:包含極點。fo:不包含極點。g:gaussian grid points Tu@CCU gnew = g2gsh( g2gsh(dd ,(/ny,nx/ ny,nx/), 42) 42) 14/41 07/23/2009 中國文化大學大氣科學系暑期電腦訓練課程:NCL linint2 Vector regridding routines Interpolates from one grid to another grid using bilinear interpolation. interpolation. f2foshv function linint2 ( xold, xold, yold, yold, data, CyclicX , xnew, xnew, ynew, ynew, opt0 ) if the rightmost dimension of data is cyclic. Set CyclicX to True interpolates a vector pair on a fixed grid to a Gaussian grid using spherical harmonics fo2fshv interpolates a vector pair on a fixed-offset grid (including pole points) to a fixed grid using spherical harmonics interpolates a vector pair on a Gaussian grid to a fixed grid using g2fshv spherical harmonics g2gshv interpolates a vector pair from one Gaussian grid to another using spherical harmonics Compute Wind field - Global 假設原本資料之陣列維度為 → u(nt, nt,nlat,nlon)、 nlat,nlon)、 v(nt, nt,nlat,nlon) nlat,nlon) 轉換後之新資料維度為 harmonics f2gshv sst (time,lat,lon) time,lat,lon) 1x2degree grid , @_FillValue @_FillValue is assigned lats go from 64N to 74S , lons from 1 to 359E... latnew = ispan (-74,64,2) lonnew = ispan (1,359,2) sstr = linint2_Wrap (sst&lon,sst&lat,sst (sst&lon,sst&lat,sst,, True, lonnew,latnew, lonnew,latnew, 0) fixed-offset grid using spherical harmonics interpolates a vector pair from one fixed grid to another using spherical f2fshv xi = (30,33,35,39,....., 80) [does not have to be equally spaced] spaced] yi = (0,1,2,3,....,28,29) xo = (any coordinates between 30 and 80) [inclusive] yo = (any coordinates between 0 and 29) [inclusive] fo = linint2 (xi,yi,fi (xi,yi,fi,, False, xo,yo, xo,yo, 0) interpolates a vector pair on a fixed grid (including pole points) to a → unew( unew(nt, nt,ny,nx)、 ny,nx)、 vnew( vnew(nt, nt,ny,nx) ny,nx) uv2dvf (u,v,div) uv2dvg (u,v,div) uv2vrf (u,v,vor) uv2vrg (u,v,vor) uv2vrdvf (u,v,vor,div) uv2vrdvg (u,v,vor,div) uv2sfvpf (u,v, sf, vp) uv2sfvpg (u,v, sf, vp) dv2uvf (div, udiv,vdiv) dv2uvg (div, udiv,vdiv) vr2uvf (vor,urot,vrot) vr2uvg (vor,urot,vrot) vrdv2uvf(vor,div,uu,vv) vrdv2uvg(vor,div,uu,vv) sfvp2uvf(sf,vp,uu,vv) sfvp2uvg(sf,vp,uu,vv) 【Example 1】 =73, nlon=144 )轉換不同解析度之固定網格(ny ny=181 =181 , nx=360 ) 1】由固定網格(nlat 由固定網格(nlat=73, nlon=144)轉換不同解析度之固定網格( nx=360) f2fshv( f2fshv( u , v , unew , vnew) vnew) 【Example 2】 =73, nlon=144 )轉換不同解析度之固定網格(ny ny=72 =72 , nx=144 ) 2】由固定網格(nlat 由固定網格(nlat=73, nlon=144)轉換不同解析度之固定網格( nx=144) f2foshv( f2foshv( u , v , unew , vnew) vnew) 【Example 3】 =72, nlon=144 )轉換不同解析度之固定網格(ny ny=73 =73 , nx=144 ) 3】由固定網格(nlat 由固定網格(nlat=72, nlon=144)轉換不同解析度之固定網格( nx=144) fo2fshv( fo2fshv( u , v , unew , vnew ) 【Example 4】 =73, nlon=144 )轉換到高斯網格(T42 T42)( )(ny ny=64 =64 , nx=128 ) 4】由固定網格(nlat 由固定網格(nlat=73, nlon=144)轉換到高斯網格( nx=128) f2gshv( f2gshv( u , v , unew , vnew , 42) 42) 【Example 5】 ) (nlat=96, ) 5】由高斯網格(T63 由高斯網格(T63) nlat=96, nlon=192) nlon=192) 轉換到固定網格 (ny=73 ny=73 , nx=144 nx=144) g2fshv( g2fshv( u , v , unew , vnew ) 【Example 6】 )轉換到高斯網格((T42)( ) 6】由高斯網格( 由高斯網格(T63)( T63)(nlat=96, nlat=96, nlon=192 nlon=192)轉換到高斯網格 T42)(ny=64 ny=64 , nx=128 nx=128) g2gshv( g2gshv( u , v , unew , vnew , 42) 42) ; u,v ==> divergence ; u,v ==> relative vorticity ; u,v ==> divergence and vorticity ; u,v ==> stream function + velocity potential ; div ==> divergent wind components ; vor ==> rotational wind components ; vor,div =>reconstruct original wind ; sf,vp ==> reconstruct original wind Variable Shaping Compute Wind field - Regional vor = uv2vr_cfd (u,v,lat,lon (u,v,lat,lon,, opt) ==> vor (nlat,mlon) nlat,mlon) div = uv2dv_cfd (u,v,lat,lon (u,v,lat,lon,, opt) ==> div (nlat,mlon (nlat,mlon)) • can and should be done without loops – opt =0 :boundary point are set to the missing value (=u (=u@_FillValue) @_FillValue) – use NCL syntax or functions very fast for variables in memory Fortran : 3DÆ1D =1 :the u and v arrays are cyclic in longitude. longitude. The arrays should NOT include the cyclic point. The upper and lower boundaries will be set to missing (=u (=u@_FillValue) @_FillValue) dd(nx,ny,nz) Æ dd1(nn) =2 :boundary points are estimated using oneone-sided difference schemes normal to the boundary. =3 :the u and v arrays are cyclic in longitude. The arrays should NOT include the cyclic point. The upper and lower boundaries are estimated using a oneone-sided difference scheme normal to the boundary. boundary. Tu@CCU 15/41 07/23/2009 中國文化大學大氣科學系暑期電腦訓練課程:NCL • returns a 1D array of integers or floating – beginning with start and ending with finish. ndtooned ( val ) onedtond ( val , dims : integer ) ispan ( start:integer, start:integer, finish:integer, finish:integer, stride:integer ) a = (/ (/1,2,3/) , (/4,5,6/) , (/7,8,9/) /) → 3 x 3 print (ndtooned(a )) (ndtooned(a)) → (/ 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 /) 1 4 7 2 5 8 建立一組等間隔的整數序列 3 6 9 time = ispan(1990,2001,2) print (time) a = (/1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8/) print (onedtond(a ,(/ 2 , 4 /))) (onedtond(a,(/ time=ispan(1990,2001,2)*1.0 → a = ( / (/1,2,3,4/) , (/5,6,7,8/) / ) → 4 x 2 time would be Type: float any、all、num fspan ( start:float, start:float, finish:float, finish:float, num:integer ) 常用於 「if statement」 statement」 建立一組等間隔的實數序列 any :Returns True if any of the values of its input evaluate as True. all :Returns True if all the elements of the input evaluate as True. num :Counts the number of True values in the input. returns a 1D array of evenly spaced floating point numbers • num is the number of points including start and finish • begin b = fspan( 2, 6, 11 ) print(b) end Example 2 Example 3 x = new(5,float,new(5,float,-999) x = new(5,float,new(5,float,-999) a = (/1,2,3,4,5/) x = (/1.,2.,(/1.,2.,-999,4.,5./) x = (/1.,2.,(/1.,2.,-999,4.,5./) print(num( → 2 print(any( print(all( print(all( N = num(.not.ismissing (x)) )) num(.not.ismissing(x ; should be True ; should be False print(any( if(all(ismissing (x))) ))) then if(all(ismissing(x ; should be False print("x print("x contains all missing values, cannot print(any( continue.") ; should be False return end if mask mask use mask function to mask out a range of the data sets values to _FillValue that DO NOT equal mask array range_only = sst range_only = mask( sst , ( , True ) load "$NCARG_ROOT/lib/ncarg/nclscripts/csm/gsn_code.ncl" load "$NCARG_ROOT/lib/ncarg/nclscripts/csm/gsn_csm.ncl" begin ; read in netCDF file in = addfile("/wp/cgd/murphys/Data/ATMOS/","r") ts = in->TS(0,:,:) oro = in->ORO(0,:,:) ; mask out ocean or land data ; ocean=0, land=1, sea_ice=2 land_only = ts ocean_only = ts land_only = mask(ts,oro,1) ocean_only = mask(ts,oro,0) end Tu@CCU Example 1 range_only = mask( sst , ( , True ) 16/41 07/23/2009 中國文化大學大氣科學系暑期電腦訓練課程:NCL ঈ෪૱ϡᇴጯࢍზё ঈ෪૱ϡᇴጯࢍზё Fortran do I = 1 , nn ….. enddo A(nz,ny,nx)、B(nz,ny,nx) C(nz,ny,nx) C = A+B 或 C=A-B 或 C=A*B 或 C=2A+B T(nz,ny,nx)、P(nz,ny,nx) θ(nz,ny,nx) T(nt,nz,ny,nx)、P(nz) θ(nt,nz,ny,nx) sum θ= T * ( 1000/P ) ^0.286 function conform (A:numeric , B:numeric , ndim:integer) 【例】dd = conform (x(time|:,lat|:,lon|:,lev|:), dp, (/0,3/)) → x(time,lev,lat,lon)、dp(ntim,klvl)、dd(ntim,nlat,mlon,klvl) 【例】dd = dim_sum(q*conform(q,dz,3)) → q(nt,ny,nx,nz)、dz(nz) → dd(nt,ny,nx) avg → 得到一個數值大小 stddev ex : val = avg(dd) avg(dd) 、 val = sum(dd) sum(dd) variance θ= T * (1000/conform(T,P,1))^0.286 不同維度陣列的對應 計算所有資料的總和、平均、標準差、變異數。 【註】如果陣列中有特殊值,可以利用下面的方式避開 設定欲忽略之特殊值 → dd@_FillValue = - 99.99 min 計算實際運算之點數 → N = num(.not.ismissing(dd)) num(.not.ismissing(dd)) max x = (/3., 2., 5., 1., 5., 2., 5., 1., 3., 2./) minind i = maxind(x maxind(x)) maxind j = minind(x minind(x)) let SST be (100,72,144) and SICE = -1.8 (scalar) SST = SST > SICE [f90: where ( sst = sice] Compute n dimension index Compute the rightmost dimension index dim_avg dim_sum dim_stddev dim_min dim_max dim_median dim_num dim_rmsd dim_rmvmean dim_rmvmed dim_variance dim_stat4 dim_standardize dim_avg_n dim_sum_n dim_stddev_n dim_min_n dim_max_n dim_median_n dim_num_n dim_rmsd_n dim_rmvmean_n dim_rmvmed_n dim_variance_n dim_stat4_n compute the rightmost (n(n-1 th) th) dimension at all other indices 計算最後一個維度 的平均、總和、標準差、去除平均值… …等。 計算最後一個維度的平均、總和、標準差、去除平均值 【例】dd1 = new((/nt,nm /),"float") → 定義陣列大小 new((/nt,nm/),"float") dd3 = new((/3,nt/),"float") → 定義陣列大小 dd1!0 = "yy "yy"" → 定義第一個維度的名稱為 “yy” yy” dd1!1 = "mm" → 定義第二個維度的名稱為 “mm” mm” dd3(0,:) = dim_avg(dd1(yy|:,mm|5:7)) → 計算JJA 的平均 計算JJA的平均 dd3(1,:) = dim_sum(dd1(yy|:,mm|5:7))→ 的總和 dim_sum(dd1(yy|:,mm|5:7))→ 計算JJA 計算JJA的總和 dd3(2,:) = dim_rmvmean(dd3(0,:)) → 去掉平均值 計算平均時,如果採用一般的點數作計算,則裡面所使用的維 度範圍需用整數,如果已用實際經緯度作對應則無此限制。 wgt_runave(dat, wgt [*], opt) → pass filter wgt_areaave wgt_areaave(dat, wgty[*], wgtx[*], opt) wgt_areaave2 wgt_areaave2(dat, wgt [*][*], opt) wgt_areasum2 wgt_areasum2(dat, wgt [*][*], opt) wgt_arearmse wgt_arearmse(dat1,dat2,wgty[*],wgtx[*],opt) qAvgTime = dim_avg_n( dim_avg_n( q, 0) )) qAvgLon = dim_avg_n( dim_avg_n( q, 2 ) 【例】 Let q be defined q( time , lev , lat , lon ). qSum = dim_sum_n(x dim_sum_n(x,, (/ 0 , 1 /)) ঈ෪૱ϡᇴጯࢍზё ; ########################################## rlon = lonGlobeF(nx, "lon", "longitude", "degrees_east") rlat = latGau (ny, "lat", "latitude", "degrees_north") wgty = latGauWgt(ny, "lat", "gaussian weights", "dimension_less") ; ########################################### dd = nameDim (dd, (/"time","lat","lon"/), “Temp", “K") dd&lat = rlat dd&lon = rlon wgty!0 = "lat" wgty&lat = rlat ; ############################################# gb = wgt_areaave(dd( : ,{-90:90}, : ) , wgty({-90:90}), 1.0, 0) nh = wgt_areaave(dd( : ,{ 0:90}, : ) , wgty({ 0:90}), 1.0, 0) sh = wgt_areaave(dd( : ,{-90: 0}, : ) , wgty({-90: 0}), 1.0, 0) ; ############################################# wgt_arearmse2(dat1,dat2, wgt[*][*],opt) wgt_volave(dat1,dat2,wgtz[*],wgty[*],wgtx[*],opt) wgt_volrmse dimensions "time", "latitude" and "longitude", Available in version 5.1.1 or later. wgt_runave wgt_volave 【例】Let q be of size ( nt, nt, ny, ny, nx) nx) and with named dim_standardize_n qSum = dim_sum_n(x ,(/ 2 , 3 /)) dim_sum_n(x,(/ ঈ෪૱ϡᇴጯࢍზё wgt_arearmse2 計算某個維度的平均、總和、標準差、去除平均值… 計算某個維度的平均、總和、標準差、去除平均值…等。 zonalAve wgt_volrmse(dat1,dat2,wgtz[*],wgty[*],wgtx[*],opt) zonalAve opt = 0, the area average is calculated using available non-missing data. opt = 1, then if any point in dat is missing, the area average is not computed. Tu@CCU Computes a zonal average of the input array. zonalAve ( x : numeric ) reture_val : typeof (x) 17/41 07/23/2009 中國文化大學大氣科學系暑期電腦訓練課程:NCL ̂ঈۏநณ angmom_atm Compute gradient、detrend、Laplacian 計算大氣的相對角動量(relative angular momentum,單位=kg * m^2/s) angmom_atm(u, dp,lat[*],wgt[*]) ( containing gaussian weights if u is on a gaussian grid. Otherwise, set to a scalar (typically 1.0). ) ram_NH = angmom_atm (u(:,:,{0:90},:), dp, lat({0:90}), 1.0) ; ==> ram_NH(time) fluxEddy fluxEddy(x,y) → x‘y’ = ave{x*y} - X*Y(其中x=X+x‘ and y=Y+y’) The rightmost dimension must be "time". Missing values should be indicated by x@_FillValue 【例】upvp = fluxEddy (u(lev|:,lat|:,lon|:,time|:), v(lev|:,lat|:,lon|:,time|:)) upvp will be a 3-dimensional array dimensioned klev x nlat x mlon. lclvl Calculates the pressure of the lifting condensation level(LCL). dtrend dtrend (y:numeric , return_info: logical) gradsf (dat , grad_x , grad_y) 【例】yDtrend = dtrend_msg (y&time, y(lat|:,lon|:,time|:), True, False) lclvl(P , T , Td)(units=hPa and K) Given a scalar z, compute its Laplacian via Spherepack. lapsF lapsG lapsf lapsg lapvf lapvg computing the geopotential height using the hydrostatic equation hydro( P: numeric, Tv : numeric, Zsfc : numeric) P:pressure (hPa) (last dimension is nlvl and Pressure must start at the surface) Tv:virtual temperature (K) at each P(Tv= (T+273.15)*(1.+q*0.61)) Zsfc:surface geopotential height (gpm) (same dimensions as P) 【例】Tnew = T(time|:,lat|:,lon|:,lev|:)zh=hydro(conform(Tnew,P,3),Tnew, Zsfc) (ntim,nlat,mlon,klev) prcwater_dp 計算球面座標下x和y方向的梯度(gradient) dtrend_msg(x[*],y,remove_mean:logical,return_info: logical) dtrend_msg 【例】yDtrend = dtrend (y(lat|:,lon|:,time|:), False) dtrend_quadratic 【例】plcl = lclvl (1000, 15+273.15, 4+273.15) ; plcl = 848.6 【例】plcl = lclvl (P, T, Td) ; P&T&Td(nt,ny,nx)、plcl(nt,ny,nx) hydro gradsf gradsg computing column precipitable water(unit= [kg/m2]) prcwater_dp(q : numeric, dp : numeric) q :specific humidity (kg/kg). The rightmost dimension must be “level". dp :pressure layer thickness (Pascals). 【例】q = (/ 20.8,19.4,16.5, ... , 1.7 ,1.0 /) ; [g/kg] dp = (/ 10., 30. , 50., ... , 100., 50. /); [hPa] pw = prcwater_dp(q*0.001,dp*100.) ; [kg/m2] lapsF( z : numeric ) lapsG( z : numeric ) lapsf ( z : numeric, zlap : float ; or double ) lapsg ( z : numeric, zlap : float ; or double ) Given vector quantity (u,v), compute the vector Laplacian via Spherepack lapvf ( u : numeric, v : numeric, ulap : float, vlap : float ) lapvg ( u : numeric, v : numeric, ulap : float, vlap : float) z :scalar function array (input, two or more dimensions, last two dimensions must be nlat x nlon and input values must be in ascending latitude order). ilapsF ilapsG zlap:Laplacian array (output, same dimensions as z, values will be in ascending latitude order) Running average function runave( runave( dat : numeric, nave : integer, kopt : integer) Model dat :1或N維資料陣列。可利用 「dat@_FillValue」設定陣列之 dat@_FillValue」設定陣列之 特殊值。若沒設定,於計算過程中將被當作真實值計算。 nave :Number of points to be included in the running average (一般使用奇數) 一般使用奇數) kopt :邊界條件 kopt < 0 : utilize cyclic conditions kopt = 0 : set unsmoothed beginning and end pts to x@_FillValue kopt > 0 : utilize reflective (symmetric) conditions Dtrend dd3(3,:) = runave(dd3(0,:),12,0) → 計算12 個月的滑動平均 計算12個月的滑動平均 linear interpolation and smoothing int2p int2p(prsin , dat , prsout , linlog[1] : integer) linear interpolation (=1) or linear interpolation in ln (≠1) 【Example】 plev@units = "hPa" plev = (/1000,925,850,700,600,500,400,300,250,200,150,100/) plevn = ispan(100,1000,50) ddt = int2p(plev,tmp,plevn(::-1),2) vertical average: v2p = dim_avg(int2p(plev({lev1:lev2}),dat(:,:,{lev1:lev2}),plevn(::-1),linlog)) smth9 1------8------7 | | | 2------0------6 | | | 3------4------5 Tu@CCU 18/41 performing nine point local smoothing on a 2D grid smth9 (x[*][*] : numeric , p : numeric , q : numeric , wrap : logical) f0 = f0 + (p/4)*(f2+f4+f6+f8-4*f0) + (q/4)*(f1+f3+f5+f7-4*f0) x :二維或以上之網格資料陣列。平滑只取最右邊兩個維度 若有特殊值需先作x@_FillValue的設定。 p,q:權重。(通常p設為0.5,q則設為0.25) 【註】 q = -0.25 → results in "light" smoothing q = 0.25 → results in "heavy" smoothing. q = 0.0 → results in a 5-point local smoother. wrap :True when the rightmost dimension is treated as cyclic. False if the rightmost dimension is not to be treated as a cyclic. 【Example】xsmth = smth9 (x , 0.50, 0.25, True) ; heavy local smooth 07/23/2009 中國文化大學大氣科學系暑期電腦訓練課程:NCL triple2grid2d 將非網格點資料內差成二維網格點資料 grid = triple2grid2d(xlon,ylat,zVal, lon,lat, lon,lat, False) triple2grid ( x [*], y [*], data [*], xgrid [*], ygrid [*], option) opt = True ; setting options opt@mopt = 1 grid = triple2grid2d(xlon,ylat,zVal, lon,lat, lon,lat, opt) triple2grid2d ( x [*], y [*], data [*], xgrid [*][*], ygrid [*][*], option) option=False, option=False, the function will operate under default mode that is, all grid points will be assigned a value. option= option= True, this variable may have associated with it the attributes mopt and/or distmx. distmx. Setting the option@ option@distmx option will result in any observation greater than distmx to be not used: option@mopt - an integer value of 0 or 1 option@ option@mopt=0 mopt=0 (default) - use a quick approximation to determine the distance of an x/y location to a grid point. option@ option@mopt=1 mopt=1 - calculate the distance using the great circle distance formula. ( in slower execution times.) opt@distmx = 1.2 ; observation more than 1.2 will not be used option@distmx grid = triple2grid(xlon,ylat,zVal, triple2grid(xlon,ylat,zVal, lon,lat, lon,lat, opt) Any observation greater than option@ option@distmx from a grid point will not be used. If this option is used, it is possible for some grid points to be be returned as missing Compute climatology and anomaly opt = True opt@mopt = 0 opt@distmx = 10.0 res@sfXArray = rlon hov = triple2grid(rlon,rlat,rain,rlon1,rlat1,opt) res@sfYArray = rlat plot = gsn_csm_contour_map(wks,rain,res) gsn_csm_contour_map(wks,rain,res) hov = smth9(hov,0.5,0.25,False) plot = gsn_csm_contour_map(wks,rain,res) gsn_csm_contour_map(wks,rain,res) clmMon 計算氣候平均值,時間需為12的倍數。(計算速度慢,所需計算時間大約是 dim_avg的三倍) mean = clmMonLLT (x[*][*][*]:numeric) (lat,lon,time) mean = clmMonLLLT (x[*][*][*][*]:numeric) (lev,lat,lon,time) mean = clmMonTLL (x[*][*][*]:numeric) (time,lat,lon) mean = clmMonTLLL (x[*][*][*][*]:numeric) (time,lev,lat,lon) 【註】執行前需先設定陣列中每個維度的名稱,例如: x!0 = "time" x!1 = "lat" x!2 = "lon" calcMonAnom 計算距平值 anom = calcMonAnomLLT(x[*][*][*], xAve[*][*][12]) anom = calcMonAnomLLLT(x[*][*][*][*],xAve[*][*][12]) anom = calcMonAnomTLL(x[*][*][*], xAve[12][*][*]) stdMon 計算均方根 x = stdMonLLT (x[*][*][*]:numeric) x = stdMonTLL (x[*][*][*]:numeric) x = stdMonLLLT (x[*][*][*][*]:numeric) x = stdMonTLLL (x[*][*][*][*]:numeric) rmMonAnnCyc ; x(lat,lon,time) ; x(time,lat,lon) ; x(lev,lat,lon,time) ; x(time,lev,lat,lon) Removes thae Annual Cycle from monthly (nmos=12) data. x = rmMonAnnCycLLT(x) ; input dim. x(lat,lon,time) x = rmMonAnnCycTLL(x) ; input dim. x(time,lat,lon) x = rmMonAnnCycLLLT(x) ; input dim. x(lev,lat,lon,time) 【結果與下面計算式相同】 xAve = clmMonLLT(x) xAnom = calcMonAnomLLT(x,xAve) Compute seasonal mean month_to_season Vertical integration 計算季節平均 Function for doing vertical integration in pressure using beta factors [ DJF , JFM , FMA , MAM , AMJ , MJJ , JJA , JAS , ASO , SON , OND , NDJ ] 執行前需先設定陣列中每個維度的名稱,資料比數必須被12整除。資料必須從一月 開始擺放,計算時頭尾兩筆資料實際上是兩個月的平均(DJF=JF , NDJ=ND) function vibeta( p : numeric , x: numeric , linlog : integer , psfc: numeric , pbot: numeric , ptop: numeric) usage result = month_to_season (xMon:numeric, SEASON:string) vibeta example for : xMon(time,lat,lon) , result : xJJA(time/12,lat,lon) xJJA = month_to_season (xMon, "JJA") 計算n個季節平均值 【Example】:Let dat(nt,nz,ny,nx) , psfc(nt,ny,nx) , p(nz) → vint(nt,ny,nx) vint = vibeta (p ,dat(time|:,lat|:,lon|:,lev|:) , linlog , psfc , pbot , ptop) [ DJF , JFM , FMA , MAM , AMJ , MJJ , JJA , JAS , ASO , SON , OND , NDJ ] month_to_seasonN usage result = month_to_seasonN (xMon:numeric, SEASONS[*]:string) ftcurvi example for : xMon(time,lat,lon) , result : xJJA(n,time/12,lat,lon) xJJA = month_to_seasonN (xMon, (/"JJA","JFM"/)) integrates a sequence datasets using cubic splines cub = ftcurvi(lev2,lev1,plev({lev2:lev1}),dat(:,:,{lev2:lev1})) Integrate a sequence of equally spaced points using Simpson's Rule simpeq function simpseq ( dat: numeric , dx[1] : numeric ) [ DJF , JFM , FMA , MAM , AMJ , MJJ , JJA , JAS , ASO , SON , OND , NDJ ] result = simpson ( f (lev|:,lat|:,lon|:,time|:) , dt ) ; result(nz,ny,nx),dt = 1.0(constant interval between points) usage result = month_to_season12 (xMon:numeric) Integrate a sequence of unequally spaced points using Simpson's three-point formula. 計算季節的氣候平均值 month_to_season12 p :pressure levels(氣壓值從低層(bottom)往上層(top)排) X :dat(the rightmost dimension of dat must be same length as p) linlog:內差方式。「= 1」表使用線性內差;「= 2」表使用log內差。 Psfc :地面氣壓(必須與dat相同維度) pbot, ptop:欲積分範圍。pbot表最底層,ptop表最上層。 simpne example for : xMon(time,lat,lon) , result : xJJA(12,lat,lon) xJJA = month_to_season (xMon) Tu@CCU 19/41 function simpne(x: numeric,y: numeric) 【Example】Let p(nz) and f(nt,nz,ny,nx) → result(nt,ny,nx) result = simpne(p,f(time|:,lat|:,lon|:,lev|:)) 07/23/2009 中國文化大學大氣科學系暑期電腦訓練課程:NCL Statistic method:correlations ͧᒅăЪͧă࠹၆ᒅޘ relhum ( Ta: numeric , w: numeric , prs: prs: numeric ) (給定溫度、混合比、氣壓,計算相對濕度(單位為%)) mixhum_ptrh ( prs: prs: numeric , Ta: numeric , rh: rh: numeric , opt: integer ) (給定氣壓、溫度以及相對濕度,計算比濕或混合比) mixhum_ptd( mixhum_ptd( prs: prs: numeric , Td: numeric ,opt : integer ) (給定氣壓和露點溫度,計算比濕或混合比) prs Ta Td rh w opt :pressure (hPa/mb (hPa/mb)) (any dimensionality) :temperature (K) at each p (same dimensionality as p) :dew point temperature (K) at each p :relative humidity (%) (same dimensions as p) : Mixing ratio (kg/kg) :opt = 1, mixing ratio (kg/kg). 。 = -1( g/kg) g/kg) opt = 2, specific humidity (kg/kg)。 (kg/kg)。 = -2( g/kg) g/kg) prs=(/ ; hPA prs=(/ 1008.,1000.,950.,900.,850.,800.,750.,700.,650.,600/) ta=(/ ta=(/ 29.3, 28.1, 23.5, 20.9, 18.4, 15.9, 13.1, 10.1, 6.7, 3.1 /) /) ; ℃ rh=(/ rh=(/ 75.0,60.0, 61.1, 76.7, 90.5, 89.8, 78.3, 76.5, 46.0,55.0 /) ; % w=(/20.38, 19.03,16.14,13.71,11.56,9.80,8.33,6.75,6.06,5.07/) ;g/Kg ccr = esacr(dat1,maxlag) ccr = esccr(dat1,dat2,maxlag) ; auto correlations ; cross correlations( data1 lead data2) ccr = esacv(dat1,maxlag) ccr = esccv(dat1,dat2,maxlag) ; auto covariances ; cross covariances ccr = escorc(dat1,dat2) ccr = escovc(dat1,dat2) ; between two variables at zero lag only 【註】假設 q(t) and s(t+k) ,"k" 從0 到 mxlag auto correlations:c(k) = SUM [(q(t)-qAve)*(q(t+k)-qAve)}]/qVar cros correlations:c(k) = SUM [(q(t)-qAve)*(s(t+k)-sAve)}]/(qStd*sStd) auto covariancesc(k) = SUM [(q(t)-qAve)*(q(t+k)-qAve)}]/N cross covariancesc(k) = SUM [(q(t)-qAve)*(s(t+k)-sAve)}]/N cov = SUM [(X(t)-Xave)*(Y(t)-Yave)}]/(NT-1) cor = SUM [(X(t)-Xave)*(Y(t)-Yave)}]/(Xstd*Ystd) q = mixhum_ptrh (prs , ta+273.15 , rh*0.01 rh*0.01 , 1 ) ; mix ratio (kg/kg) rh = relhum(ta+273.15 , w*0.001 , prs*100.) prs*100.) Statistic method:correlations ;************************************************ ; calculate cross correlations ; note, the max lag should not be more than N/4 ;************************************************ x_Lead_y = esccr(x,y,mxlag) maxlag = 25 ccr = esccr(T1,T2,maxlag) (T1,T2,maxlag) xcd = ispan(0,maxlagispan(0,maxlag-1,1) ;************************************************ wks = gsn_open_wks("ps","corel") gsn_open_wks("ps","corel") res = True ; make plot mods res@tiMainString = "37.7N 180E vs 23.72S 149W" res@tiXAxisString = "LAG" ; xx-axis label ;************************************************ plot = gsn_xy(wks,xcd,ccr,res) gsn_xy(wks,xcd,ccr,res) ; plot correlation Auto & cross correlation x(nt) x(nt) , y(nt) y(nt) x(nt) x(nt) , y(ny,nx,nt y(ny,nx,nt)) x(nz,nt x(nz,nt)) , y(ny,nx,nt y(ny,nx,nt)) x(nb,na,nt x(nb,na,nt)) , y(nz,ny,nx,nt y(nz,ny,nx,nt)) x(ny,nx,nt x(ny,nx,nt)) , y(ny,nx,nt y(ny,nx,nt)) → c(mxlag) c(mxlag) → c(ny,nx,mxlag) c(ny,nx,mxlag) → c(nz,ny,nx,mxlag) c(nz,ny,nx,mxlag) → c(nb,na,nz,ny,nx,mxlag) c(nb,na,nz,ny,nx,mxlag) → c(ny,nx,mxlag) c(ny,nx,mxlag) ccr2 between two variables x(nt) , y(nt) → val (a scalar) x(nt) , y(ny,nx,nt) → c(ny,nx) x(nz,nt) , y(ny,nx,nt) → c(nz,ny,nx) x(nb,na,nt) , y(nz,ny,nx,nt) → c(nb,na,nz,ny,nx) x(ny,nx,nt) , y(ny,nx,nt) → c(ny,nx) ccr1 ;************************************************ maxlag = 25 totlag = maxlag * 2 ;************************************************ ccr1 = esccr((T1,T2,maxlag) ,maxlag) ccr2 = esccr((T2,T1,maxlag) ,maxlag) ;************************************************ ccrs = new( (/totlag /),float) (/totlag/),float) ccrs(maxlag:) = ccr1(1:maxlagccrs(maxlag:) ccr1(1:maxlag-1) ccrs(0:maxlagccrs(0:maxlag-1) = ccr2(0:maxlagccr2(0:maxlag-1:1:-1) xcd = ispan(ispan(-maxlag+1,maxlagmaxlag+1,maxlag-1,1) ;************************************************ plot = gsn_xy(wks,xcd,ccrs,res) gsn_xy(wks,xcd,ccrs,res) Statistic method:Regression (1/3) rc = regline( x: numeric , y: numeric ) Calculates the linear regression coefficient between two series ;************************************************ T1 = new(/ny,nx,nt/) T2 = new(/ny,nx,nt/) ccr = new(/ny,nx,maxlag/) ;************************************************ maxlag = 2 ccr = esccr(T1,T2,maxlag) regline also returns the following attributes: xave :average of x (scalar, float or double) yave :average of y (scalar, float or double) tva :t-statistic (assuming nullnull-hypothesis) nptxy :number of points used yintercept:y intercept lag = 0 res@tiMainString = "Correlations at lag "+lag plot = gsn_csm_contour_map_ce(wks,ccr(:,:,lag),res) Tu@CCU 20/41 07/23/2009 中國文化大學大氣科學系暑期電腦訓練課程:NCL Statistic method:Regression (2/3) y = mx+b Statistic method:Regression (3/3) ycd = inin->TS(:,{60},{180}) ; extract time series at 60N,90 ;************************************************ xcd = new((/nn /),"float") new((/nn/),"float") ycd = new((/nn /),"float") new((/nn/),"float") dat = new((/2,nn/),"float") ; ############### xcd = ispan(0,dimsizes(ycd)ispan(0,dimsizes(ycd)-1,1)*1. 『regCoef』which calculate the least squared regression for a mulit-dimensional array. rc = regline(xcd,ycd) regline(xcd,ycd) ;************************************************ ; create xcd and calculate the regression coefficient ; note regline works on one dimensional arrays. ;************************************************ ; y = mx+b ; m is the slope : rc returned from regline ; b is the y intercept : rc@yave attribute of rc returned from regline ; ############### dat(0,:) = ycd ycd = T(lat|:,lon|:,time|:) ; reorder variable ;************************************************ ; create x and calculate the regression coefficient ; note regline works on one dimensional arrays. ;************************************************ xcd = ispan(0,dimsizes(ycd&time)-1,1)*1. rc = regCoef ( xcd , ycd ) ;************************************************ plot = gsn_csm_contour_map_ce(wks,rc,res) gsn_csm_contour_map_ce(wks,rc,res) dat(1,:) = rc*( xcd--rc@xave) rc*(xcd rc@xave) + rc@yave or dat(1,:) = rc*( xcd)) + rc@yintercept rc*(xcd ; ############### plot = gsn_csm_xy (wks,xcd,dat(:,:),res) wks,xcd,dat(:,:),res) sst = new((/nt/),"float") iopt = 0 ; 0=>remove mean , ; 1=>remove mean + detrend smth = 7 ; smooth: should be at least 3 and odd pct = 0.10 ; percent tapered: (0.0 <= pct <= 1.0) ; ################################# ; calculate spectrum spct = specx_anal(dat(:,9),iopt,smth,pct) ;####################################### ; calculate confidence interval [here 5 and 95%] ; return 4 curves to be plotted ;######################################### spsn = specx_ci (spct, 0.05, 0.95) ;######################################### res@xyLineThicknesses = (/3.,2.,2.,2./) res@xyDashPatterns = (/0,0,1,1/) res@xyLineColors = (/"black","green","blue","red"/) ; ################################# ; plot = gsn_csm_xy(wks,spct@frq,spct@spcx,res) plot = gsn_csm_xy(wks,spct@frq,spsn,res) sst = new((/nt/),"float") iopt = 0 ; 0=>remove mean , ; 1=>remove mean + detrend smth = 7 ; smooth: should be at least 3 and odd pct = 0.10 ; percent tapered: (0.0 <= pct <= 1.0) ;***************************************************** ; calculate spectrum spec = specx_anal( sst, iopt, smth, pct ) ;***************************************************** plot=gsn_csm_xy(wks,spec@frq,spec@spcx,res) Statistic method:FFT Reconstruct the signal of period 30~60 days : (nx=144,nt=365) dd(nx,nt) → cf = ezfftf (dd) dd) ==> cf (2,nx,nt/2) ; cf@xbar = 0.0 cf ( : , : , 0:4) = 0.0 ; set the wavenumber 0-4 to zero cf ( : , : , 12:181) = 0.0 ; set the wavenumber 12-181 to zero d36 = ezfftb (cf, cf@xbar) Reconeconstruct function ezfftf( x[*]...[*] : numeric) Æ get a0 、 an 、 bn function ezfftb( cf[2][*]...[*] : numeric,xbar[*]...[*] : numeric ) function fourier_info(x:numeric, nhx:integer, Phase : numeric) 【Example 1】 Let x(N) where N=2000 cf = ezfftf (x) -- > a0 , an , bn cf will be (2,1000) → fourier coefficients (2 , ….. , npts/2 ) npts/2) cf@xbar will contain the series mean cf@npts = 2000. The frequency spacing is 1./N. The frequencies that the cf variable corresponds to are: Band Pass Filter cf(0,0) and cf(1,0) is 1./N → wave number 1 cf(0,1) and cf(1,1) 2./N → wave number 2 cf(0,2) and cf(1,2) 3./N → wave number 3 Tu@CCU 21/41 07/23/2009 中國文化大學大氣科學系暑期電腦訓練課程:NCL Statistic method:High/Low/Band Pass Filter High Pass (<30days) <30days) ; nwt : The total number of weights (must be an odd number; nwt >= 3) ; The more weights, the better the filter, but there is a greater loss of data. ; ihp : A scalar indicating the low-pass filter: ihp = 0; high-pass ihp = 1; band-pass ihp = 2. ; fca : The cut-off frequency of the ideal high or low-pass filter: (0.0 < fca < 0.5). ; fcb : The second cut-off frequency and used only when a band-pass filter is desired.(fca<fcb<0.5) ; nsigma : A scalar indicating the power of the sigma factor (nsigma >= 0). nsigma=1. is common. ; ####### ; ####### ihp fca fcb sig ; bps = (/ 2 , (1./60) , (1./30), 1 /) ; 2 -> Band Pass (fca < fcb < 0.5) ; bps = (/ 1 , (1./30) , -999.0 , 1 /) ; 1 -> High Pass (0.0 < fca < 0.5) bps = (/ 0 , (1./60) , -999.0 , 1 /) ; 0 -> Low Pass (0.0 < fca < 0.5) ; ####### nwt = (nt-1)/2-1 Band Pass (30~ 30~60days) 60days) Low Pass (> 60days) 60days) ihp = floattointeger(bps(0)) sig = floattointeger(bps(3)) wgts = filwgts_lancos(nwt,ihp,bps(1),bps(2),sig) hov = wgt_runave(hov(lat|:,lon|:,tim|:),wgts,1) ; ####### dtm = dim_avg(hov) ; ####### do l=0,nt-1 hov(:,l) = hov(:,l) + dtm(:) end do Statistic method:EOF neof = 3 ; 表示取前三個模態 function eofunc(dd : numeric, neval : integer, optEOF : logical) ne = 0 ; 表示畫出第一個模態 function eofunc_ts(dd : numeric, evec : numeric, optETS: logical) dtmp = dd(::4,::8,:) ; dd(ny,nx,nt) function eofunc_varimax(evec : numeric, optEVX: logical) dtmp = rmMonAnnCycLLT(dtmp) rmMonAnnCycLLT(dtmp) ; remove annual mean dd( ny,nx,nt ) ; compute eigenvector evec = eofcov_Wrap( eofcov_Wrap( dd , neof ) evec = eofcov_Wrap(dtmp,neof) eofcov_Wrap(dtmp,neof) pcs = eofcov_ts_Wrap(dtmp,evec) eofcov_ts_Wrap(dtmp,evec) → evec( evec( neof , ny , nx ) pcent = evec@pcvar(ne) plot(ne) plot(ne) = gsn_csm_contour_map_ce(wks,evec(ne,:,:), gsn_csm_contour_map_ce(wks,evec(ne,:,:), res) ; principle component pcs = eofcov_ts_Wrap( eofcov_ts_Wrap( dd , evec ) → pcs ( neof , nt ) plot(ne) plot(ne) = gsn_csm_xy(wks,xcd,pcs(ne,:),resxy) gsn_csm_xy(wks,xcd,pcs(ne,:),resxy) ; ################################################### ; Normalize time series: ; The resulting principal component time series is normalized ; by the weights used to get the time series of the mean area amplitudes ; ################################################### dint = 10 dtmp= ddc({slat:elat:dint},{slon:elon:dint},:) evec = eofcov_Wrap(dtmp,neof) ; eigenvector pcs = eofcov_ts_Wrap(dtmp,evec) ; time series coef dims nnx sumWgt pcs Tu@CCU 22/41 = dimsizes(dtmp) = dims(1) = nnx * sum(sqrt(wgty({lat|slat:elat:dint}))) = pcs / sumWgt 07/23/2009 中國文化大學大氣科學系暑期電腦訓練課程:NCL 原始資料 Tu@CCU MJO Climate Variability 標準化 23/41 07/23/2009 中國文化大學大氣科學系暑期電腦訓練課程:NCL NCL program 各類資源代號 load "$NCARG_ROOT/lib/ncarg/nclex/gsun/gsn_code.ncl "$NCARG_ROOT/lib/ncarg/nclex/gsun/gsn_code.ncl"" load "$NCARG_ROOT/lib/ncarg/nclex/gsun/gsn_csm.ncl "$NCARG_ROOT/lib/ncarg/nclex/gsun/gsn_csm.ncl"" load "$NCARG_ROOT/lib/ncarg/nclscripts/csm/shea_util.ncl "$NCARG_ROOT/lib/ncarg/nclscripts/csm/shea_util.ncl"" load "$NCARG_ROOT/lib/ncarg/nclscripts/csm/contributed.ncl "$NCARG_ROOT/lib/ncarg/nclscripts/csm/contributed.ncl"" begin nx = 144 ny = 73 hov = new((/ny,nx /),"float") new((/ny,nx/),"float") wks = gsn_open_wks ("ps ", figname ) ("ps", res = True res@txFont = 21 res@txFontHeightF = 0.012 ……. ……. plot = gsn_csm_hov(wks, gsn_csm_hov(wks, hov(:,{slon:elon}), hov(:,{slon:elon}), res) am:annotation manager cn:contour ca:coordinate arrays gs:graphical style lb:label bar lg:legend mp:maps pm:plot manager pr:primitive sf:scalar field st:streamlines ti:title tm:tickmark tx:text tr:transform vf:vector field vc:vector plot vp:view port wk:workstation ws:workspace xy:xy plot end graphic format wks = gsn_open_wks ("檔案格式", "輸出檔名" ) . 檔案格式: "x11"、"ps"、"eps"、"epsi"、"ncgm"、"pdf " 也可以轉換成點陣圖,如: " gif " 、 " jpg " 、 " png " ,方法如下: system("convert -rotate -90 -density 108 -crop 0x0 "+fname+".ps "+fname+".png" ) 設定前景與背景顏色 setvalues wks Windiw Size 黑色 wkWidth : 800 "wkForegroundColor" wkForegroundColor" : (/0.,0.,0./) "wkBackgroundColor" wkBackgroundColor" : (/1.,1.,1./) end setvalues setvalues wks "wkForegroundColor" wkForegroundColor" : (/0.,0.,0./) wkHeight : 800 "wkBackgroundColor" wkBackgroundColor" : (/1.,1.,1./) 白色 end setvalues User Define Color map Color map Using RBG triplets gsn_define_colormap(wks,"BlAqGrYeOrRe") colors = (/ (/255,255,255/), (/0,0,0/),\ ; Defines a color map Named colors colors = (/"white","black",\ (/255,255,255/),\ "white",\ (/244,255,244/), \ "royal blue",\ (/217,255,217/), \ "light sky blue",\ (/163,255,163/),\ "powder blue",\ gsn_retrieve_colormap ( wks) ; return_val [*][3] : float gsn_reverse_colormap(wks) ; reverse colormap (/106,255,106/),\ "lightgreen",\ gsn_draw_colormap(wks) ; draw the color map (/43,255,106/),\ "palegreen",\ (/0,224,0/), \ "wheat",\ (/0,134,0/)\ "brown",\ gsn_merge_colormaps (wks,colormap1,colormap2);merge ;merge two color maps (/255,255,0/),\ "purple ",\ i = NhlNewColor(wks,0.8,0.8,0.8) will add the gray to colormap. (/255,127,0/) /) / 255.0 gsn_draw_named_colors(wks,colors,(/rows,cols/)) ; draw the named colors. gsn_define_colormap(wks,colors) Tu@CCU 24/41 "pink"/) gsn_define_colormap(wks,colors) 07/23/2009 中國文化大學大氣科學系暑期電腦訓練課程:NCL Two types of coordinates List of Named Colors 1.0 90 【NDC: NDC:Normalized Device Coordinates】 Coordinates】 To use the full colormap: gsnSpreadColors = True PLOT Plot coordinates You can select a start and stop -90 0 point with: 360 NDC or Page coordinates gsnSpreadColorStart = 15 0.0 0.0 gsnSpreadColorEnd = 220 1.0 gsn_draw_colormap(wks) 設定圖形大小 Text functions (can not be paneled) call set (x1,x2,y1,y2,rlon1,rlon2,rlat1,rlat2,1) NDC coordinates title = “a title in ndc space” space” Plot coordinates a title in ndc space res = True 90 y = .95 res@vpOn = True or False:啟動 viewport設定。 設定。(( Default: True ) False:啟動viewport res@vpXF = 0.2 : txres = True PLOT (Default: 0.2) 0.2) res@vpYF = 0.8 : (Default: 0.6) 0.6) res@vpHeightF = 0.6: 0.6: (Default: 0.6) 0.6) -90 0 gsn_text(wks,plot,text,100,3,txres) res Tick Mark(X / Y Labels) = True 設定上、下、左、右座標軸之屬性 res@gsnDraw = False res@gsnFrame = False text ; change maj lon tm spacing = “text in plot space” res@gsnMajorLonSpacing = ; text resources ; change maj lat tm spacing text in plot space tres -90 0 360 90 = True res@gsnMajorLatSpacing = tres@txFontHeightF = 0.012 ; no lon minior tickmarks plot(0) = gsn_csm_contour(wks,data,res) x1=gsn_add_text(wks,plot(0),text,0,3,tres) PLOT2 plot(1) = gsn_csm_contour(wks,data,res) text in plot space -90 0 360 360 txres@txFontHeightF = 0.012 gsn_add_text (can be paneled) PLOT1 gsn_text_ndc(wks,title,x,y,txres) gsn_text_ndc(wks,title,x,y,txres) text = “text in plot space” space” ※視窗大小從0 視窗大小從0 ~ 1 90 txres@txFontHeightF = 0.015 text in plot space (Default: 0.8) 0.8) res@vpWidthF = 0.6 : x = 0.5 res@tmXBOn = res@tmXBMinorOn = x2=gsn_add_text(wks,plot(1),text,0,3,tres) gsn_panel(wks,plot,(/2,1/),pres) Tu@CCU 25/41 07/23/2009 中國文化大學大氣科學系暑期電腦訓練課程:NCL res@tmXB BorderOn res@tmXBBorderOn res@tmXB LabelsOn res@tmXBLabelsOn res@tmXB LabelFont res@tmXBLabelFont res@ LabelFontHeightF res@tmXB tmXBLabelFontHeightF res@ LabelFontColor res@tmXB tmXBLabelFontColor res@ LabelFontAngleF res@tmXB tmXBLabelFontAngleF res@ LabelFontDirection res@tmXB tmXBLabelFontDirection res@ Style res@tmXB tmXBStyle res@ Mode res@tmXB tmXBMode res@ Values res@tmXB tmXBValues res@ Labels res@tmXB tmXBLabels res@tmXB MinorValues res@tmXBMinorValues = False( False(True) True) 設定上邊線 res@tmXBOn = False( False(True) True) 設定標記 = font number 設定字形 res@tmXBMajorLengthF res@tmXBMajorOutwardLengthF 大TM向外延伸長度 = font size 設定字形大小 res@tmXBMajorLineColor 大TM之顏色 = indices 設定字形顏色 res@tmXBMajorThicknessF = angles( angles(ex: 90) 90) 設定字形角度 res@tmXBMinorOn = "Across" or " Down" 字形直書或橫書 = Linear、 Linear、Log、 Log、Irregular 設定座標樣式 res@tmXBMinorLengthF res@tmXBMinorOutwardLengthF 小TM向外延伸之長度 = Automatic、 Automatic、Manual、 Manual、Explicit 自訂座標模式 res@tmXBMinorLineColor 小TM之顏色 = (/1,121,241/) 標定文字位置 res@tmXBMinorThicknessF = (/"1990","2000"/) 對應之標記文字 res@tmXMajorGrid res@tmYMajorGrid = False 開啟X軸網格線條 res@tmXMajorGridLineColor res@tmYMajorGridLineColor = 1 設定X軸網格線條顏色 res@tmXMajorGridThicknessF res@tmYMajorGridThicknessF = 1.0 設定X軸網格線條粗細 res@tmXMajorGridLineDashPattern res@tmYMajorGridLineDashPattern = 2 設定X軸網格線條樣式 小標文字位置 = False 設定 大TM 大TM之粗細 = False 設定小TM 小TM之粗細 call set (x1,x2,y1,y2,rlon1,rlon2,rlat1,rlat2,1) ; turn on built°」) built-in tickmarks(經緯度標上「 tickmarks(經緯度標上「° res@pmTickMarkDisplayMode = " " ; label independently mon = (/"DEC","JAN","FEB","MAR" ,"APR","MAY" /) idy = (/ 0. , 30., 61., 89., 120., 150. /) res@tmYLMode = "Explicit " res@tmYLValues = idy res@tmYLLabels = mon 若作上面的設定,則下面的設定將無作用 res@gsnMajorLonSpacing = 50 labx = (/1880,1900,1920,1960,1980/) idxx = (labx-1880)*12+1 res@gsnMajorLatSpacing = 20 res@tmXBMode = "Explicit " res@tmXBValues = idxx res@tmXBLabels = labx res@tiMainString = “This is the main title" ; 寫入標題文字 res@tiMainFont = 21 ; 設定字形 res@tiMainFontHeightF = 0.05 ; 設定字體大小 res@tiMainFontColor = 1 ; 設定字體顏色 res@tiMainFontAngleF = 45.0 ; 設定字體旋轉角度 res@tiMainFontDirection = "Across" or "Down" ; 橫書or直書 res@tiMainFontQuality = "High" or "Low" ; 設定字體品質 res@tiMainSide = "Botton" or "Top" ; 決定座標軸文字位置 (上或下) res@tiMainPosition = "Center" or "Right" or "Left" ; 決定座標軸文字位置 (左中右) res@gsnLeftString = "LeftString" ; 附加小標題(左邊) res@gsnCenterString = "centerstring" ; 附加小標題(中間) res@gsnRightString = "RightString" ; 附加小標題(右邊) res@gsnLeftString =" " ; 表示不打字 res@gsnStringFont = 21 ; 設定小標題字型 res@gsnStringFontHeightF = 0.012 ; 設定小標題字體大小 res@gsnLeftStringFontHeightF = 0.012 ; 設定左側小標題字體大小 res@gsnCenterStringFontHeightF = 0.012 ; 設定中間小標題字體大小 res@gsnRightStringFontHeightF = 0.012 ; 設定右側小標題字體大小 Tu@CCU One Dimension Title Lines or Bar Charts(Time Series) 不同SCALE 不同SCALE 26/41 07/23/2009 中國文化大學大氣科學系暑期電腦訓練課程:NCL 定義X或Y座標軸的範圍 One Dimension Lines or Bar Charts(Time Series) res@trXMinF = -90. res@trYMinF plot = gsn_csm_xy( wks, xcd(nn), ycd(nn), res) res@trXMaxF = 90. plot = gsn_xy(wks, xcd(nn), ycd(nn), res) res@trXReverse =True /False = - 10. res@trYMaxF = 50. res@trYReverse = True/False 定義X&Y座標軸最小值 定義X&Y座標軸最大值 確定是否將座標軸反轉 plot = plot_xy2(wks, xcd(nn), ycdL(nn),ycdR(nn),resL, resR) plot = gsn_csm_xy(wks,xcd,ycd,res) plot = plot_xy3(wks, xcd(nn), ycdL(nn),ycdR(nn), ycdR2(nn), resL, resR,resR2) plot = plot_x2y (wks, xcd1(nn), xcd2(nn), ycd(nn), resL, resR) res@tiMainString = "Basic XY plot" plot = plot_x2y2(wks, xcd1(nn), xcd2(nn), ycdL(nn),ycdR(nn),resL, resR) plot = gsn_csm_xy (wks,u&lat,u(0,:,{82}),res) plot = gsn_add_polyline(wks, plot: graphic, xcd(nn), ycd(nn), res) gsn_polyline(wks,plot,(/xcd1,xcd2/),(/ycd1,ycd2/),False)(畫直線) res@xyLineThicknessF res@xyLineThicknesses res@xyLineColor res@xyLineColors = 2.0 ; 設定線條粗細 = (/1.0,2.0/) = red ; 設定單條線顏色 = (/"blue","red"/) ; 設定多條線顏色 res@xyDashPattern res@xyDashPatterns res@xyExplicitLegendLabels res@xyXStyle res@xyYStyle = 2 ; 設定單條線型式 = (/0,2/) ; 設定多條線型式 res@xyLabelMode = "Custom" "NoLabels" "Lettered" ; label a line res@xyExplicitLabels res@xyLineLabelFont res@xyLineLabelFontHeightF res@xyLineLabelFontColor res@xyLineLabelFontThicknessF res@xyLineLabelConstantSpacingF = "label" = 21 = 0.02 = "red" = 2.0 = 0.02 ; text to use = (/"EQ","20N","40N"/) = Log, Linear, Irregular, Time, and Geographic ; 設定座標軸樣式 res@xyMarkLineModes res@xyMarker res@xyMarkerColor res@xyMarkerSizeF = = = = res@tmLabelAutoStride = True ; 選定mark的模式 ; 設定mark的樣式 ; 設定mark的顏色 ; 設定mark的大小 ; nice tick mark labels res@gsnXYBarChart res@gsnXYBarChartColors res@gsnXYBarChartColors2 res@gsnXYBarChartPatterns res@gsnXYBarChartPatterns2 res@gsnXYBarChartBarWidth res@gsnYRefLine res@gsnYRefLineColor res@gsnAboveYRefLineColor res@gsnBelowYRefLineColor = True ; create bar chart res@gsnAboveYRefLineBarPatterns res@gsnBelowYRefLineBarPatterns "Markers" 16 "red" 0.01 ;bar is up or down = 0 = "black" = "red" = "blue" = 1 or = (/1,3,4/) = 1 or = (/1,3,4/) res@gsnXYBarChartPatterns2 ; between 0 and 1 res@xyMarkLineModes= "Markers" res@xyMarker = 2 res@xyDashPattern = 2 Scatter Plot res@tiMainString = "Scatter Plot" ; res@xyMarkLineModes = " Lines " res@xyMarkLineModes = " " res@xyMarkers = 16 res@xyMarkerColor = " red " res@xyMarkerSizeF = 0.01 plot = gsn_csm_xy (wks,xcd,ycd,res) Tu@CCU 27/41 07/23/2009 中國文化大學大氣科學系暑期電腦訓練課程:NCL data = new((/2,dimsizes(u&lat)/),float) data(0,:) = u(:,{82}) data(1,:) = u(:,{-69}) res@tiMainString = "Mulitple XY plot“ res@xyLineThicknesses = (/ 1.0 , 2.0 /) res@xyLineColors = (/"blue","red"/) res@xyDashPatterns = (/ 0 , 2 /) plot = gsn_csm_xy (wks,u&lat,data,res) 相同SCALE gsn_csm_xy3(wks,lon,t,u,v,res1,res2,res3) wks = gsn_open_wks("ps","xy") gsn_open_wks("ps","xy") res1 = True res2 = True res3 = True res1@gsnMaximize = True res1@trXMaxF = 360. resL@xyLineThicknesses = 2. resL@tiYAxisString = " Temperature [solid]" resL@trYMinF = 0. resL@trYMaxF = 16. resL@tiMainString = "Curves Offset“ resL@xyLineColors = "blue" resR@xyDashPatterns = 1 resR@xyLineThicknesses = 2 resR@tiYAxisString = " Year-Month" resR@trYMinF = 1008. resR@trYMaxF = 1024. resR@xyLineColors = "red" 不同SCALE res1@xyLineColor = "red" res2@xyLineColor = "green" res3@xyLineColor = "blue" res1@tiYAxisString = "t" res2@tiYAxisString = "u" res3@tiYAxisString = "v" res3@trYMinF = -8. res3@amOrthogonalPosF = 0.72 plot = gsn_csm_xy3(wks,lon,t,u,v,res1,res2,res3) plot = plot_xy2(wks , xcd , t , p , resL , resR) res@gsnFrame res@trYMinF res@trYMaxF = False = -3.0 ; min value on y-axis = 3.0 ; max value on y-axis res@gsnYRefLine res@lgAutoManage = False res@pmLegendDisplayMode = "Always" res@pmLegendSide = "Top" res@pmLegendWidthF = 0.13 ; Change width and res@pmLegendHeightF = 0.10 ; height of legend. res@pmLegendParallelPosF = 0.12 res@pmLegendOrthogonalPosF = -0.425 res@lgPerimOn = True ; res@lgPerimFill = 0 ; res@lgPerimFillColor = "green" res@lgLabelFont = 21 res@lgLabelFontHeightF = 0.016 Legends = 0.0 res@gsnAboveYRefLineColor = “red” res@gsnBelowYRefLineColor = “blue” polyres@gsLineThicknessF = 3.0 polyres@gsLineDashPattern = 1 plot = gsn_csm_xy (wks,xcd,soi,res) gsn_polyline(wks,plot,xcd,soi2,polyres) res@xyExplicitLegendLabels res@xyLineColors res@xyMarkLineModes res@xyDashPatterns res@xyLineThicknesses frame (wks) res@gsnXYBarChart = True ; create bar chart plot = gsn_csm_xy (wks,xcd,soi,res) res@lgLabelFont = 21 ; change font res@lgLabelFontColor = 10 ; change font color res@lgLabelFontHeightF = 0.03 (在此設定下才能夠改變字體大小 res@lgAutoManage=False) res@lgLabelAngleF = 280. ; angle of legend label res@lgLabelFontHeightF = .03 ; label font height res@xyExplicitLegendLabels = (/"U","V"/) ; explicit labels res@xyMarkLineModes = (/"MarkLines","Lines"/) ; line style res@xyMarkers = (/14,0/) ; marker style res@xyMarkerColor ="red" ; marker color res@xyLineThicknesses = (/2.,2.,2.,2./) ; line thickness res@xyLineColors = (/"black","green","blue","red"/) Tu@CCU = (/" Global "," NH "," SH "/) = (/"black","red","blue"/) = (/"Lines","Lines","Lines"/) = (/0,0,0/) = (/4.,4.,4./) Two Dimension-Contour 28/41 07/23/2009 中國文化大學大氣科學系暑期電腦訓練課程:NCL Pressure vs. Longitude or Latitude or Time Generic Interfaces gsn_contour plot= gsn_csm_pres_hgt (wks, dat(nz,nx), res) gsn_streamline plot= gsn_csm_pres_hgt_vector (wks, dat(nz,nx), v(nz,nx), w(nz,nx), res) gsn_vector gsn_vector_scalar gsn_csm interfaces gsn_csm_contour gsn_csm_map gsn_csm_contour_map_ce gsn_csm_streamline_polar gsn_csm_vector hov!0 hov!1 hov&prs hov&lon "prs" "lon" or "lat" or "time " hov&plev hov&rlon or hov&lat = hov&rlat or hov&time= hov&date plot = gsn_csm_pres_hgt(wks, hov, res ) vv = new((/nz,ny,nx/), "float") (vertically from top to bottom) dps = new((/ny,nx/), "float") (unit=Pa) psi = new((/nz,ny/), "float") (unit=Kg/s) Hadley Cell 計算緯向平均之經向環流(zonal 計算緯向平均之經向環流(zonal mean meridional stream function),也就是計算 Local Hadley Cell。 function),也就是計算Local Cell。 需要給定經向風、緯度、垂直氣壓層以及地面氣壓等資料 rlat = latGlobeF(ny,"lat","latitude","degrees_north") plev = (/1000,925,850,700,600,500,400,300,250,200,150,100/) psi = nameDim(psi,(/"lev","lat"/)," ","Kg/s") psi = zonal_mpsi ( v [*,*,*] , lat[*] , plev[*] plev[*] , ps [*,*] ) v :經向風 = = = = psi&lat = rlat psi&lev = plev 三(lev,lat,lon )或四維(time,lev,lat,lon time,lev,lat,lon)陣列。單位必須用「公尺 )陣列。單位必須用「公尺//秒(m/s 三(lev,lat,lon)或四維( 秒(m/s )」。需特別注意的是,資料擺放必須從頂層(Top )往底層(Bottom Bottom)置 )置 )」。需特別注意的是,資料擺放必須從頂層(Top)往底層( 入(i.e. 入(i.e. p(0) < p(1) < p(2) ...) ...) 。 psi@_FillValue = -99.99 lat:緯度位置 lat:緯度位置 一維陣列。 ; ###################################################################### plev:垂直氣壓層 plev:垂直氣壓層 一維陣列。單位必須是「帕( )往底層( 一維陣列。單位必須是「帕(Pascals) Pascals)」,排序從頂層(Top 」,排序從頂層(Top)往底層( Bottom)置入。頂層必須大於 5 hPa( 1005hPa Bottom)置入。頂層必須大於5 hPa(500Pa),最底層則必須小於 500Pa),最底層則必須小於1005hPa (100500Pa) (也就是 500 < p(0) < p(1) < ... < 100500.) 100500.) psi = zonal_mpsi(vv(::-1,:,{slon:elon}),rlat,plev(::-1)*100.,dps(:,{slon:elon})*100.) ps:地面氣壓 ps:地面氣壓 二(lat,lon )或三維(time,lat,lon time,lat,lon)陣列。單位須是「帕 )陣列。單位須是「帕((Pascals) 二(lat,lon)或三維( Pascals) ; ###################################################################### psi:經向流函數 psi:經向流函數 為輸出之二(lev,lat )或三維(time,lev,lat time,lev,lat)陣列。單位是「 )陣列。單位是「Kg/s Kg/s」 」 為輸出之二(lev,lat)或三維( plot = gsn_csm_pres_hgt( wks , psi({lev1:lev2},{slat:elat}) , res ) psi(:,:) = psi(::-1,:) * 1.e-10 Time vs. Latitude Time vs. Longitude (Hovmueller) plot = gsn_csm_lat_time(wks, hov(ny,nt), res) plot = gsn_csm_time_lat(wks, hov(nt,ny), res) plot = gsn_csm_hov(wks, hov(nt,nx), res) res@tiMainString hov!0 = "lat " hov!1 = "time " hov&lat = hov&rlat hov&time = hov&time hov@long_name = "SST " hov@units = "C" hov = dim_avg(sst(lat|:,tim|ism:iem,{lon|slon:elon})) plot = gsn_csm_lat_time(wks, hov({slat:elat},:), res) = "Pacific Region" res@cnLevelSelectionMode = "ExplicitLevels" res@cnLevelSpacingF = res@cnMinLevelValF = -10.0 2.0 res@cnMaxLevelValF = 10.0 res@cnLineLabelsOn = True res@cnFillOn = True res@gsnSpreadColors = True res@lbLabelAutoStride = True hov!0 hov!1 hov&time hov&lat = "time " = "lat “ = hov&time = hov&rlat hov@units = "C " res@lbOrientation = "Vertical" hov = dim_avg(sst(lat|:,tim|ism:iem,{lon|slon:elon})) plot = gsn_csm_time_lat(wks, hov(:,{slat:elat}), res) hov = dim_avg(dda(tim|ism:iem, lon|:,{lat|slat:elat})) plot = gsn_csm_hov(wks, hov(:,{100:220}), res) Tu@CCU 2π ⋅ Ra ⋅ cos(lat ) ∫P V (lev, lat )dp g Ps zonal _ mpsi (lev, lat ) = 29/41 07/23/2009 中國文化大學大氣科學系暑期電腦訓練課程:NCL Creating Time Coordinates from Scratch labx = sprinti("%4i",ispan(1996,2000,1)) idxx = fspan(0 , 4*12 , 5) 整數或實數與文字模式的轉換(常用於標示時間序列的年份或月份) sprinti (format [1] : string, array: integer):將整數轉換成文字 sprintf (format [1] : string, array: float or double):將實數轉換成文字 【說明】格式以『%』開頭,欲轉換之數字格式結尾『i, f, e/E, g/G.』,例如:【"%+0.4i"】 print( sprinti ("%6.0i", 219) ) = print( sprinti ("%6.4i",-219) ) = -0219 219 總位數六位,但有效位數為四位,不足補零 print( sprinti ("%0.4i", -219) ) = -0219 總位數四位,有效位數四位,不足補零 print( sprinti ("% 0.3i", 21) ) = 有效位數三位(不含負號),不足補零 print( sprinti ("%+0.4i", 21) ) = +0021 有效位數四位,正數強迫加正號,不足補零 print( sprinti ("%+0.4i", -21) ) = -0021 有效位數四位,負數強迫加負號,不足補零 print( sprintf ("%7.4f", 20.65) ) = 20.6500 總位數七位,小數點後有效位數四位 print( sprintf ("%7.2f", 20.65) ) = 20.65 總位數七位,小數點後有效位數兩位 print( sprintf ("%+0.3f", 20.65) ) = +20.650 總位數七位,小數點後有效位數三位 print( sprintf ("%12.4e", 20.65) ) = 2.0650e+01 總位數十二位,小數點後有效位數四位 print( sprintf ("%0.4e", 20.65) ) = 2.0650e+01 小數點後有效位數四位 print( sprintf ("%0.4g", 20.65) ) = 20.65 取四位數字(不包含小數點) print( sprintf ("%0.3g", 20.65) ) = 20.6 取三位數字(不包含小數點) print( sprintf ("%0.2g", 20.65) ) = 21 取二位數字(不包含小數點) 021 總位數六位(不含正負號),不補零 Map(1/6) - Projection res@mpProjection = Orthographic Map(2/6) - boundary ;投影方式 Stereographic LambertEqualArea Equal-Area projection. Gnomonic res@mpShapeMode = "FreeAspect" 地圖不按X/Y比例繪製 res@mpLeftMapPosF res@mpRightMapPosF res@mpBottomMapPosF res@mpTopMapPosF = 0.2 = 0.8 = 0.4 = 0.8 地圖位置(x1) 地圖位置(x2) 地圖位置(y1) 地圖位置(y2) res@mpCenterLonF res@mpCenterLatF res@mpCenterRotF = 180.0 = 0.0 = 0.0 地圖投影中心(經度) 地圖投影中心(緯度) 地圖投影中心(旋轉角度) res@mpMinLonF res@mpMaxLonF res@mpMinLatF res@mpMaxLatF = = = = 地圖繪製範圍 AzimuthalEquidistant Satellite Mollweide Mercator CylindricalEquidistant LambertConformal Robinson Map(3/6)- Outline Changing the Aspect Ratio of a Map res@mpShapeMode = “ res@vpWidth = 0.8 res@vpHeight = 0.4 100 300 -30 60 ” res@mpFillPattern =0 res@mpOceanFillPattern =0 res@mpLandFillPattern =0 res@mpInlandFillPattern =0 Fill pattern #17 is a special stippling pattern:(「0」 for solid fill) Tu@CCU 30/41 res@mpOutline = False or True ; res@mpOutlineBoundarySets = "National" ; 開啟國界線 res@mpGeophysicalLineColor = "Navy" ; res@mpGeophysicalLineThicknessF = 1.5 ; 海岸線粗細 res@mpOutlineBoundarySets = "NoBoundaries" res@mpOutlineSpecifiers = (/"Continents"/) ; continents only res@mpNationalLineColor = “Black” ; res@mpNationalLineDashPattern = 2 res@mpNationalLineDashSegLenF = 0.2 res@mpNationalLineThicknessF =1.5 07/23/2009 中國文化大學大氣科學系暑期電腦訓練課程:NCL MapĞ4/6ğĈనؠঔăౙăസ̝ڿᗞҒ gsn_define_colormap(wks,"wh-bl-gr-ye-re") res@mpFillOn = True res@mpLandFillColor = 164 設定 底色 res@mpOceanFillColor = 90 設定 底色 res@mpInlandWaterFillColor = 54 設地 顏色 res@mpOutlineOn res@cnFillDrawOrder = True = “Predraw” Map(5/6)- Grid Line 啟動填色功能 是否畫出地圖的邊界線 先作此設定,背景地圖才會出現 res@mpGridAndLimbOn = True turn on lat/lon lines res@mpGridSpacingF = 30. 經緯度線格線間距 res@mpGridLonSpacingF = 60. 經度線格線間距 res@mpGridLatSpacingF = 30. 緯度線格線間距 res@mpGridLineDashPattern = 2 樣式 res@mpGridLineDashSegLenF = 0.15 (for a viewport width of 0.6) res@mpGridLineThicknessF = 2.0 粗細 res@mpGridLineColor = 5 顏色 res@mpGridMaskMode = "MaskLand" = "MaskOcean" 陸地或海洋不標經緯線 Satellite Projection Lambert Projection(Native) Native) res@gsnAddCyclic = False ; regional data = False ; regional data res@mpProjection res@mpProjection = "LambertConformal" ; color of cont. outlines res@mpGeophysicalLineColor= "Black" res@mpLimitMode = "Corners" ; thickness of outlines res@mpGeophysicalLineThicknessF = 2.5 res@mpLeftCornerLatF = slat res@mpLeftCornerLonF = slon res@gsnAddCyclic = "Satellite" res@mpOutlineBoundarySets = "National" res@mpNationalLineColor = "Black" res@mpNationalLineThicknessF = 2.5 res@mpNationalLineDashPattern = 0 res@mpRightCornerLatF = elat res@mpRightCornerLonF = elon res@mpLambertParallel1F= (slat+elat)*0.5 res@mpLambertParallel2F= (slat+elat)*0.5 res@mpLimitMode res@mpMinLatF res@mpMaxLatF res@mpMinLonF res@mpMaxLonF = "LatLon" = slat = elat = slon = elon res@mpCenterLonF res@mpCenterLatF = 110. = 40. res@mpLambertMeridianF= (slon+elon)*0.5 Default coast is better suited for global domains. http://www.io If not on NCAR system, must download RANGS-GSHHS database. rangs(0).zip gshhs(0).zip rangs(1).zip gshhs(1).zip Medium level coastline is best for large subregions e.g. Atlantic rangs(2).zip gshhs(2).zip rangs(3).zip gshhs(3).zip mpDataBaseVersion ="Ncarg4_1" rangs(4).zip gshhs(4).zip You must download all ten of these files, unzip High resolution coastline is best for very small regions them, and either put them in the default directory "$NCARG_ROOT/lib/ncarg/database/rangs" mpDataBaseVersion =“highres” Tu@CCU 31/41 07/23/2009 中國文化大學大氣科學系暑期電腦訓練課程:NCL Contour:Cylindrical Equidistant Projections plot = gsn_csm_map_ce (wks,res) mpDataBaseVersion ="Ncarg4_1" plot = gsn_csm_contour_map_ce(wks,dat(ny,nx),res) mpDataBaseVersion = "highres" plot = gsn_csm_streamline_contour_map_ce(wks,uu,vv,dat,res) plot = gsn_csm_vector_scalar_map_ce(wks,uu,vv,dat,res) res@cnFillOn res@cnLinesOn res@cnFillDrawOrder res@cnLineColor res@cnLineDashPattern res@cnLineThicknessF Default = True = True = "Predraw" = 12 = 2 = 1.5 = 0. res@gsnContourZeroLineThicknessF res@gsnContourLineThicknessesScale = 2. res@gsnContourNegLineDashPattern = 11 Contour Interval 開啟填色功能 繪製等值線條 先畫等值線再疊地圖 等值線顏色 等值線虛線格式 等值線寬度 設定零值線的粗細 等值線粗細 虛線樣式 設定等值線相關訊息("CONTOUR FROM $CMN$ TO $CMX$ BY $CIU$") res@cnInfoLabelOn = False res@cnInfoLabelFont = 21 res@cnInfoLabelFontHeightF = 0.012 res@cnInfoLabelFontColor = 10 等值線最大值 res@cnInfoLabelAngleF = 90 等值線間距 res@cnInfoLabelTextDirection = “down” or “Across” 直書或橫書 res@cnInfoLabelPerimOn = False 關閉等值線訊息邊匡 res@cnInfoLabelSide = “Top”、”Bottom”、”Right”、”Left” res@cnLevelSelectionMode = " ManualLevels " 自訂等值線 res@cnMinLevelValF = -10.0 等值線最小值 res@cnMaxLevelValF = 35.0 res@cnLevelSpacingF = 1.0 關掉等值線相關訊息 res@cnLevelSelectionMode = "ExplicitLevels" 自訂等值線 res@cnLevels res@cnInfoLabelOrthogonalPosF = - 0.07 = (/20,25,30,35/) 自訂等值線數值大小 res@cnInfoLabelParallelPosF = 0.07 res@cnFillColors = (/26,30,135,50,44,/) 自訂等值線顏色 res@cnInfoLabelString ="CONTOUR FROM $CMN$ TO $CMX$ BY $CIU$" res@gsnSpreadColors = True 將所定義之顏色全部用上 設定等值線訊息位置 automatically create nice min/max/cint values for blue/red colortable symMinMaxPlt (u,20,False,res) 設定等值線Label的背景顏色 Contour Label information res@cnLineLabelsOn = True turn on line labels res@cnLineLabelBackgroundColor = -1 or “white” 設定等值線標記數值背景顏色 res@cnLineLabelInterval = 1(default = 2) 等值線數值標示間距 res@cnLineLabelDensityF = 3.0 res@cnLineLabelFont = 21 res@cnLineLabelFontColor = 1 res@cnLineLabelFontHeightF = 0.012 res@cnLineLabelFontThicknessF = 1.5 res@cnLineLabelAngleF = 0 Tu@CCU 左圖:res@cnLineLabelBackgroundColor 左圖:res@cnLineLabelBackgroundColor = 右圖:res@cnLineLabelBackgroundColor 右圖:res@cnLineLabelBackgroundColor = 標記密集度< 1.0 = less, >1.0 = more 32/41 07/23/2009 中國文化大學大氣科學系暑期電腦訓練課程:NCL 左圖:設定標註Label的間隔(default = 2) res@cnLineLabelInterval = 1 右圖:設定Label密集度。<1.0 = less, >1.0 = more res@cnLineLabelDensityF = 3.0 rlon rlat = lonGlobeFo(nx,"lon","longitude","degrees_east") = latGlobeFo(ny,"lat","latitude","degrees_north") hov = nameDim(hov,(/"lat","lon"/),"SST","C") hov&lat = rlat hov&lon = rlon res@mpCenterLonF = plot = gsn_csm_contour_map_ce(wks,hov(::2,::2),res) Contour Label Bars (1/2) res@lbLabelBarOn = "True" or "False" res@lbLabelFont = 21 or "Helvetica-Bold" res@lbLabelFontHeightF Contour Label Bars (2/2) 字型 字的大小 = 0.012 res@lbTitleOn = True ; turn on title res@lbTitleString = "m/s" ; title string res@lbTitlePosition = "Right" ; title position res@lbTitleFontHeightF = .015 ; make title smaller res@lbTitleDirection = "Across" ; title direction res@lbFillPattern = 1 res@lbLabelFontColor (Default: Foreground ) 字的顏色 res@lbLabelAngleF = 0.0 字的角度 res@lbLabelStride = 4 標示數字的間隔 res@pmLabelBarSide = "Top"、"Bottom"、"Right"、"Left" res@lbOrientation = "Vertical" or "Horizontal" 垂直或水平擺放 res@pmLabelBarParallelPosF = 0.5 res@lbLabelPosition res@lbLabelAlignment = "Center" or "Right" or "Left" = "BoxCenters" res@lbLabelDirection = "Across" or "Down" res@lbLabelStrings = (/"1","2","3","4","5"/) label orientation 直書或橫書 label文字 ; Color bar水平位置(與軸之距離) res@pmLabelBarOrthogonalPosF = 0.005 ; Color bar垂直位置(與軸之距離) res@pmLabelBarWidthF = 0.15 ; Color Bar的寬度 res@pmLabelBarHeightF = 0.6 ; Color Bar的高度 res@cnLabelBarEndLabelsOn = True ; 將最小與最大值標在Color Bar的左右邊 gsn_reverse_colormap(wks) ; 將color bar 排序反轉 overlay Overlays one plot object on another. overlay ( base_id [1] : graphic, transform_id [1] : graphic ) res@gsnContourZeroLineThicknessF = 2. res@gsnContourNegLineDashPattern = 1 res@cnLineColor = "Red" plotu = gsn_csm_pres_hgt(wks, u, res ) res@cnLineColor = "Blue" res@cnLineThicknessF = 2. res@gsnRightString = " " res@gsnLeftString = " " res@gsnCenterString = " " plotv = gsn_csm_contour(wks, gsn_csm_contour(wks, v, res ) overlay(plotu,plotv) overlay(plotu,plotv) ; now over lay plots Tu@CCU 33/41 07/23/2009 中國文化大學大氣科學系暑期電腦訓練課程:NCL res res@gsnDraw res@gsnFrame res@sfXArray res@sfYArray = True ; plot mods desired = False ; don't draw yet = False ; don't advance frame yet ; ############################################# ; res@mpDataBaseVersion = "MediumRes" = rlon ; res@mpDataBaseVersion = "Ncarg4_1" = rlat res@mpDataBaseVersion = "highres" ; ############################################# ; ############################################# polyres = True res@mpLimitMode = "LatLon" polyres@gsMarkerIndex = 16 ; polymarker style res@mpCenterLonF = 180. polyres@gsMarkerSizeF = 5. ; polymarker size res@mpMinLonF = bndmap(0) polyres@gsMarkerColor = "red" res@mpMaxLonF = bndmap(1) ; ############################################# res@mpMinLatF = bndmap(2) plot = gsn_csm_contour_map(wks,rain,res) res@mpMaxLatF = bndmap(3) ; ############################################# ; ############################################# pmark = gsn_add_polymarker(wks,plot,rlon,rlat,polyres) res@mpFillOn = False ; ############################################# ; res@mpFillOn = True draw (plot) res@mpLandFillColor = "Gray" frame (wks) ; res@mpOceanFillColor = "light sky blue" ; ############################################# ; res@mpInlandWaterFillColor = "pink" opt = True opt@mopt = 0 opt@distmx = 10.0 res@sfXArray = rlon hov = triple2grid(rlon,rlat,rain,rlon1,rlat1,opt) res@sfYArray = rlat plot = gsn_csm_contour_map(wks,rain,res) gsn_csm_contour_map(wks,rain,res) hov = smth9(hov,0.5,0.25,False) plot = gsn_csm_contour_map(wks,rain,res) gsn_csm_contour_map(wks,rain,res) ; ############################################# ; ########## res@mpGeophysicalLineColor = "Red" ; color of cont. outlines res@mpGeophysicalLineThicknessF = 2.5 ; ########## ; res@mpOutlineBoundarySets = "National" ; res@mpOutlineBoundarySets = "NoBoundaries" ; res@mpOutlineSpecifiers = (/"Continents"/) ; continents only ; ########## res@mpNationalLineColor = "Red" res@mpNationalLineDashPattern = 0 res@mpNationalLineThicknessF = 3.0 Streamline gsn_csm_streamline (wks,uu,vv,res) Two Dimension-Vector gsn_csm_streamline_map_ce(wks,uu,vv,res) gsn_csm_streamline_map_polar(wks,uu,vv,res) gsn_csm_streamline_contour_map_ce(wks,uu,vv,dat,res) gsn_csm_streamline_contour_map_polar(wks,uu,vv,dat,res) gsn_csm_pres_hgt_streamline(wks,dat,xcd(nx),zcd(nz),res) Wind Vector gsn_vector(wks,uu,vv,res) gsn_csm_vector_scalar(wks,uu,vv,dat,res) gsn_vector_map(wks,uu,vv,res) gsn_csm_vector_map_ce(wks,uu,vv,res) gsn_csm_vector_map_polar(wks,uu,vv,res) gsn_csm_vector_scalar_map_ce(wks,uu,vv,dat,res) gsn_csm_vector_scalar_map_polar(wks,uu,vv,dat,res) gsn_csm_streamline_contour_map_ce (wks , uu , vv , sst , res) res@stArrowLengthF = 0.004 箭頭大小 res@stMinArrowSpacingF = 0.004 箭頭之間的距離 res@stMinDistanceF = 0.03 流線間距 res@stArrowStride =3 箭頭間隔 res@stLineThicknessF = 1.5 流線粗細 res@stLineColor = "orange" 流線顏色 res@stStreamlineDrawOrder = PreDraw or Draw or PostDraw Wind Vector - Minimum Arrow i = NhlNewColor(wks,0.7,0.7,0.7) res@mpLandFillColor = "gray" res@lbOrientation = "Vertical" res@pmLabelBarOrthogonalPosF = -0.01 res@lbLabelStride =4 res@cnLevelSelectionMode = "ManualLevels" res@cnMinLevelValF = 24.0 res@cnMaxLevelValF = 29 res@cnLevelSpacingF = 0.10 res@stArrowLengthF = 0.015 res@stArrowStride = 1 plot= gsn_csm_streamline_contour_map_ce(wks,u,v,sst,res) Tu@CCU res@vcGlyphStyle = "CurlyVector" = "LineArrow" = "FillArrow" = "WindBarb" ; turn on curley vectors res@vcLineArrowColor = "white" ; vector color res@vcLineArrowThicknessF = 2.0 ; vector thickness res@vcVectorDrawOrder = "PostDraw" ; draw vectors last res@vcMinDistanceF = 0.017 ; thin out vectors res@vcMonoLineArrowColor = False ; create color vectors res@gsnSpreadColors = True ; use full colormap res@lbLabelStride = 2 ; every other label res@gsnSpreadColorEnd = -3 ; don't use added gray res@vcMinAnnoArrowLineColor 34/41 07/23/2009 中國文化大學大氣科學系暑期電腦訓練課程:NCL Reference Arrow gsn_csm_vector_scalar_map_ce (wks , uu , vv , sst , res) res@vcRefAnnoOn (Reference Annotation) = Trun res@vcRefAnnoFont res@vcRefAnnoFontColor gsnScalarContour = True res@vcRefAnnoFontHeightF res@vcRefAnnoFontAspectF res@vcRefAnnoFontThicknessF res@vcRefAnnoConstantSpacingF res@vcRefAnnoAngleF res@vcRefAnnoTextDirection ="Down"or"Across" res@vcRefAnnoBackgroundColor res@vcRefMagnitudeF = 4.0 ; define vector ref mag res@vcRefLengthF = 0.045 ; define length of vec ref res@vcRefAnnoParallelPosF = 1.0 res@vcRefAnnoOrthogonalPosF = -1.0 ; move reference vector up res@vcRefAnnoArrowLineColor = "black" ; change ref vector color res@vcRefAnnoArrowUseVecColor = False ; don't use vec color for ref res@vcRefAnnoSide =Top、Bottom、Right、Left res@vcRefAnnoString2On = True ; turn on second string res@vcRefAnnoString2 = "m/s" ; unit string res@gsnScalarContour = True ; contours desired res@gsnSpreadColorStart = 17 res@gsnSpreadColorEnd = 200 i = NhlNewColor(wks,0.7,0.7,0.7) ;add gray to colormap res@mpLandFillColor = "gray" ; set land to be gray res@vcRefAnnoSide =Top res@vcRefMagnitudeF = 4.0 res@vcRefLengthF = 0.045 res@vcRefAnnoOrthogonalPosF = -1.0 res@vcRefAnnoArrowLineColor = "black“ res@vcRefAnnoString2On = True res@vcRefAnnoString2 = "m/s " res@vcGlyphStyle = "CurlyVector" res@vcLineArrowColor = "white" res@vcLineArrowThicknessF = 2.0 res@vcVectorDrawOrder = "PostDraw" plot=gsn_csm_vector_scalar_map_ce(wks,u(:,:),v(:,:), sst(:,:),res) 原始資料僅涵蓋部分區域時之設定方式 gsn_csm_vector_scalar_map_ce ;----------- Begin first plot ----------------------------------------resources = True gsn_csm_vector_scalar_map_polar nlon = dimsizes(lon) nlat = dimsizes(lat) res@vfXCStartV = slon ; Define lat/lon corners res@vfXCEndV = elon ; for vector plot. res@vfYCStartV = slat res@vfYCEndV = elat map = gsn_vector_map(wks,u,v,res) ; Zoom in on the plot area. res@mpLimitMode = "Corners" res@mpLeftCornerLonF = slon res@mpRightCornerLonF= elon res@mpLeftCornerLatF = slat res@mpRightCornerLatF = elat res@vpXF = 0.1 res@vpYF = 0.92 res@vpWidthF = 0.75 res@vpHeightF = 0.75 map = gsn_vector_map(wks,u,v,res) Set gsnScalarContour = True to get vectors on top of contours. Wind Bars res@vcGlyphStyle = " WindBarb" res@vcWindBarbColor = " Black " res@vcWindBarbLineThicknessF = 1.0 Wind Barb res@vcRefMagnitudeF res@vcWindBarbTickAngleF = 10. ; make vectors largervc res@vcRefLengthF = 0.050 ; ref vec lengthvc res@vcGlyphStyle = "WindBarb" ; choose wind barbsvc res@vcWindBarbTickLengthF = 0.3 res@vcMonoWindBarbColor = False ; color barbs by scalar vc res@vcWindBarbTickSpacingF = 0.125 res@vcMinDistanceF = 0.025 res@vcWindBarbCalmCircleSizeF = 0.25 res@tiMainString = "WindBarbs colored by a scalar map" res@vcWindBarbScaleFactorF = 1.0 plot=gsn_csm_vector_scalar_map_ce(wks,u,v,t,vcres) Tu@CCU 35/41 ; thin out windbarbsvc 07/23/2009 中國文化大學大氣科學系暑期電腦訓練課程:NCL Weather Map load "$NCARG_ROOT/lib/ncarg/nclscripts/csm/wind_rose.ncl" wrData = wr_GenBogusData (200) Wind Rose wspd = wrData(0,:) wdir = wrData(1,:) wspd@long_name = "Wind Speed" wspd@units = "m/s" wdir@long_name = "Wind Direction" numPetals WcircFr spdBounds = 8 ; N, NE, E, SE, S, SW, W, N = 10. = (/ 10., 20., 30., 100. /) RoseCol = (/ "blue", "green", "yellow", "red" /) plot(0) = WindRoseBasic (wks,wspd,wdir,numPetals,circFr,res) plot(1) = WindRoseThickLine (wks,wspd,wdir,numPetals, circFr,spdBounds,res) plot(2) = WindRoseColor (wks,wspd,wdir,numPetals,circFr,spdBounds,colorBounds,res) numPetals = 4 ; N, E, S, W plot(3) = WindRoseColor (wks,wspd,wdir,numPetals,circFr,spdBounds,colorBounds,res) Weather Map wmbarb(wks, xcd, ycd, u, v) wmbarbmap(wks, lat, lon, u, v) Draws wind barbs wmbarb( wks, x [*] : float, y [*] : float, dx [*] : float, dy [*] : float ) Draws wind barbs over maps (does not call frame) wmbarbmap( wks, lat : float, lon : float, u : float, v : float ) Plots special symbols and icons wmlabs( pname [1] : string, pval ) Plots station model data wmstnm ( wks, x : float, y : float, imdat : string of 50 characters ) Draws weather front lines wmdrft( wks, y [*] : float, x [*] : float ) Retrieves parameter values for selected Wmap routines. wmgetp( pname[1] : string ) Draw vector wmvect(wks, wmvect(wks, 0.375, 0.4, u, v) Windbar (wks, lat, lon, lon, u, v) Name Type EZF integer LWD float Description A flag to be used only in NCL codes that, when set different from -1, indicates wmap functions are to be used with the NCL mapping functions. Line width used when parameter WTY=1 (see below) Windbar (wks, lat, lon, lon, u, v) Description Default Flag indicating orientation of the wind barb (=0 barbs point away from wind direction; =1 barbs point toward wind direction). A value of 1 is the meteorological convention. 0 WDF integer 0.00275 WBL float Size of the text labels in the station model display, expressed as a fraction of the shaft length. PAI integer UNT integer Flags whether to use imperial units (the default) or metric units in a station model display. WBA float Angle that the wind barb tics make with the wind barb shafts. 62. WBC float Diameter of sky cover circle at base of wind barb, expressed as a fraction of the shaft length. 0.3 WBD float Spacing between tick marks along a wind barb expressed as a fraction of the wind barb shaft length. 0.1 WBF integer Tu@CCU Type -1 Current parameter array index used in specifying internal parameters that are arrays. Flag indicating whether the base of a wind barb should be drawn to allow for the sky cover circle at its base (WBF=1 means yes; WBF=0 means no). Name Default 0.17 1 WBR float Radius of the larger circle drawn for calm, as a fraction of the wind barb shaft length. 0 WBS float The size, expressed as a fraction of the maximum screen height, of a wind barb shaft. WBT float Length of wind barb full tick as a fraction of its shaft length. 0.33 WHT float Height of characters, expressed as a fraction of the maximum screen width, of the characters used for regional weather labels (plotted with WMLABW or c_wmlabw). 0.014 WTY integer 0 36/41 Flag indicating whether linewidths are to be implemented via GKS (WTY=0), or simulated internally (WTY=1). 07/23/2009 0.25 0.035 0 中國文化大學大氣科學系暑期電腦訓練課程:NCL wmlabs (wks,lat,lon,symbol) wks,lat,lon,symbol) Symbol = HI、 HI、LOW、 LOW、ARROW、 ARROW、DOT (Plots special symbols and icons for daily weather ) 1 'SUN' 2 'WIND' 3 'ICE' 4 'CLOUD' 5 'RAIN' 6 'SNOWFLAKES' 7 'MC' (Mostly cloudy) 8 'MS' (Mostly sunny) 9 'RS' (Rain and snow) ? ? ? 10 'IT' (Sunny, T-storms) ? 11 'THUNDERSTORM' 12 'IS' (Intermittent showers) wmsetp("pname",val) High、Low SHT SHT, HIF, HIB, HIS, HIC - for high symbols HIB SHT, LOF, LOB, LOS - for low symbols HIC AOC, ARD, ARL, ARS , ASC, AWC - for arrows HIF SHT, COL, - for icons HIS DBC, DTC, DTS - for dots LOB CC1, CC2, CC3 - for clouds LOC Height of symbols, expressed as a fraction of the maximum screen width, for all the special symbols. float integer 0 integer Color index of the circumscribed circle for the "H" drawn for the high pressure symbols. 1 integer Color index for the "H" drawn for the high pressure symbols. 1 integer Color index for the shadow of the high pressure symbols 1 integer Color index for the background of the "L" drawn for the low pressure symbols. 1 integer Color index for the circumscribed circle for the "L" drawn for the low pressure symbols. 1 0 0 LC1, LC2, LC3 - for lightning bolts LOS integer Color index for the shadow of the low pressure symbols. SC1, SC2, SC3, SC4 - for suns LOF integer Color index for the "L" drawn for the low pressure symbols. Arrows ARS ARD ARL float float float Icons、Dot 0.035 Size of arrows Direction of arrows, expressed in degrees. COL 0. length of an arrow's tail 1. Color index for the outlines of arrows (outlines drawn only if AOC is non-negative). -1 Color index for the shadows of arrows ASC integer (drawn only if ASC is non-negative). -1 AWC integer Color index for the interior of arrows. 1 180 0 270 Tu@CCU integer Color index to use for all objects 1 integer The color index to be used for backgrounds of city and daily high/low labels. 1 CHT float Height of characters, expressed as a fraction of the maximum screen width, of the city labels and daily high/low temperatures. 0.0105 CMG float Size, expressed as a fraction of the maximum screen height, of the margins used for the city labels. 0.002 DBC integer The color index to be used for the background shadow for the dots marking the city locations. 0 DTC integer The color index to use for the dots marking the city locations. 1 DTS float CBC 90 AOC integer ARD Î 0.02 Background color index for the "H" drawn for the high pressure symbols. 37/41 Size, expressed as a fraction of the maximum screen height, of the dots used to mark cities. 07/23/2009 0.006 中國文化大學大氣科學系暑期電腦訓練課程:NCL Cloud、Lightning、Sun Plots station model data CC1 CC2 CC3 integer Color index for the interior of a cloud symbol. 2 wmsetp ("wbs",0.20) (Specify the size of the wind barb) integer Color index for the outline of the cloud symbol. 1 wmstnm (wks,xcd,ycd,imdat wks,xcd,ycd,imdat)) integer Color index for the shadow of the cloud symbol. 1 (Station model ) LC1 integer Color index for the interior of the lightning bolt symbol 2 integer Color index for the outline of the lightning bolt symbol. 1 integer Color index for the shadow of the lightning bolt symbol 1 SC1 integer Color index to be used for the center of the sun symbol. 2 SC2 SC3 SC4 integer Color index for the points of the sun symbol. 3 integer Color index for the outline of the sun symbol. 1 integer Color index for the shadow of the sun symbol. 1 LC2 LC3 A string of 50 characters encoded as per the WMO/NOAA guidelines. the characters are numbered from left to right, starting at character number 0 imdat="11212833201001120000300004014752028601117706086792" imdat="RXhvvNddff1sTTT2sTd3PO4PPP5appp6RRRR7www1w28NhClCmCh" character25 characters 26-29 character 30 character 31 characters 32-34 character 35 characters 36-38 character 39 character 40 characters 41-42 character 43 character 44 character 45 character 46 character 47 character 48 character 49 wmstnm(wks,xcd,ycd,imdat) character0 characters 1 character 2 character 3-4 characters 5 character 6-7 characters 8-9 character 10 character 11 characters 12-14 character 15 character 16 character 17-19 character 20 character 21-24 = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = iR - the precipitation data indicator iX - weather data and station type indicator h W N dd ff “1" - height above ground of base of lowest cloud sn - visibility in miles and fractions - total amount of cloud cover - direction from which wind is blowing - wind speed in knots - sign of temperature - current air temperature TTT - sign of temperature “2" sn - 2nd most sig. past weather Td - dew point temperature “3" Po - station pressure (not plotted) = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = “4" PPPP “5" a ppp “6" RRR tR “7" ww W1 W2 "8" Nh CL CM CH - pressure reduced to sea level - characteristic of barograph - pressure change, last 3 hrs. - precipitation - time duration of precipitation - present weather - most significant past weather - 2nd most sig. past weather - Fraction of sky cover - cloud type, low clouds - cloud type, medium clouds - cloud type, high clouds ALO integer A weather front is at the surface or aloft (0 is surface; 1 is aloft). 0 Draw front ARC float Length of current front line (retrieval only) 0. BEG float space before first symbol on front line 0.015 wmdrft(wks, xlat, xlon) BET float space between symbols on a front line 0.045 END float space after last symbol on front line 0.015 COL integer Color index to use for all objects 1 CFC integer Color index to use for cold front symbols. 1 WFC integer Color index to use for warm front symbols. CS1 float Slope of the left edge of a front line (used when SLF=0,2, or 3). (retrieval only) N/A CS2 float Slope of the right edge of a front line (used when SLF=0,1, or 3). (retrieval only) N/A DWD float Line widths for front lines that do not have symbols along them (like tropical fronts and convergence lines). FRO string Tu@CCU 38/41 Front type (one of 'WARM', 'COLD', 'OCCLUDED', 'STATIONARY', 'SQUALL', 'TROPICAL', or 'CONVERGENCE'). 1 2.0 WARM 8. LIN float MXS integer Maximum number of symbols allowed along a weather front line. NBZ integer The number of points to use in the Bezier curves for the symbols along the warm fronts. 51 NMS integer number of symbols along a front line -1 line widths for the more common fronts 07/23/2009 200 中國文化大學大氣科學系暑期電腦訓練課程:NCL REV reverses direction of front symbols SLF integer flag for end slopes (0=use SL1 & SL2; 1=use SL1 only; 2=use SL2 only; 3=use neither SL1 or SL2). When either SL1 or SL2 is not used, it is calculated internally. SL1 float slope at beginning of front line 0.0 SL2 float slope at end of front line 0.0 3 integer float Width of a symbol along a weather front SIG float Specifies the tension factor for tension spline calculations for drawing front lines. Small values (~0.001) produce near cubic spline interpolation; larger values (~20.) produce near linear interpolation. T1C integer One colors for tropical fronts T2C integer A second colors for tropical fronts OER integer smoothing spline calculations for drawing front lines. The default is 0.005 times the absolute value of the maximum data value. Only applies when SMF flags smooting spline usage. SMF integer Specifies whether tension spline interpolation (=0) or smoothing spline approximation (=1) is done to draw front lines. 0 float Specifies a degree of smoothing for smoothing spline approximations when drawing a front line. The default is 50 x the number of input data points. depen ds SMT ; Draw a stationary front. wmsetp("ezf",1) ; using an existing map projection. wmsetp("lin",1.0) ; Line width of front curve. wmsetp("fro","stationary"); Specify stationary front. wmsetp("cfc",3) ; Use blue for the triangles. wmsetp("wfc",2) ; Use red for the bumps. wmsetp("swi",0.04) ; Increase the size of the bumps and triangles. wmdrft(wks, rlat, rlon) ; Draw front. all 2s STY SWI specify type of symbols along a front line. (1=cold; 2=warm). ; res@gsnDraw = False res@gsnFrame = False ………… plot = gsn_csm_contour_map(wks,hov,res) N/A integer 0.0325 0.001 1 1 ; Draw a couple of High symbols. wmsetp("hib",4) ; Cyan for background. wmsetp("his",1) ; Black for shadow. wmsetp("hic",5) ; Magenta for bounding circle. wmsetp("sht",0.02) ; Increase size. wmlabs(wks, rlat, rlon, "HI") ; Draw symbols. depen ds frame (wks) Others SkewT - LogP Opts = True skewt_bkgd = skewT_BackGround (wks, Opts) draw (skewt_bkgd) Opts@DrawColAreaFill = True Opts@DrawHeightScale = True Opts@DrawHeightScaleFt= False Opts@DrawFahrenheit = False skewt_bkgd = skewT_BackGround (wks, Opts) Opts = True Opts@DrawColAreaFill = True Opts@DrawHeightScale = True skewt_bkgd=skewT_BackGround (wks, Opts) draw (skewt_bkgd) Tu@CCU draw (skewt_bkgd) 39/41 07/23/2009 中國文化大學大氣科學系暑期電腦訓練課程:NCL load "$NCARG_ROOT/lib/ncarg/nclscripts/csm/skewt_func.ncl" nlvl = 30 ncol = 16 TestData = asciiread (path+ifn , (/nlvl,ncol/), "float") P = TestData (:,0) ; pressure [mb/hPa] (surface to top) Ta = TestData (:,1) ; temperature [C] Td = TestData (:,2) ; dew pt temp [C] Z = TestData (:,4) ; geopotential [gpm] wspd = TestData (:,5) ; wind speed [knots or m/s] wdir = TestData (:,6) ; meteorological wind direct wspd@_FillValue = -999. wdir@_FillValue = -999. ; Create a few "pibal" reports hght = (/ 1000., 3000., 7000., 25000. /)/3.208 ; hgt in M hspd = (/ 50., 27., 123., 13. /) ;speed hdir = (/ 95., 185., 275., 355. /) ;direction Plcl: Lifting Condensation Level [hPa] Tlcl: Temperature at the LCL Shox: Showalter Index Pwat: Total Precipitable Water [cm] Cape:[Joules] dataOpts = True dataOpts@PlotWindH = True ; plot wind barbs at height lvls dataOpts@HspdHdir = True ; wind speed and dir [else: u,v] dataOpts@Height = hght ; height of wind reports dataOpts@Hspd = hspd ; speed [or u component] dataOpts@Hdir = hdir ; dir [or v component] dataOpts = True dataOpts@Wthin = 3 ; plot every n-th wind barb skewtOpts@DrawColAreaFill = True ; default is False skewtOpts = True skewtOpts@DrawColAreaFill = True ; default is False skewtOpts = True skewtOpts@DrawColAreaFill = True skewtOpts@DrawHeightScale = True skewtOpts@DrawHeightScaleFt= False skewtOpts@DrawFahrenheit = False skewt_bkgd = skewT_BackGround (wks, skewtOpts) skewt_data = skewT_PlotData (wks,skewt_bkgd,p,ta,td,z,wspd,wdir,dataOpts) draw (skewt_bkgd) draw (skewt_data) frame(wks) skewt_bkgd = skewT_BackGround (wks, skewtOpts) skewt_data = skewT_PlotData (wks , skewt_bkgd , P , Ta , Td , Z , wspd , wdir , dataOpts) draw (skewt_bkgd) draw (skewt_data) frame(wks) Special Topics: Equations Superscript: 10~S~o~N~ gsn_text_ndc(wks ,"Created and placed by parts", xcd , ycd , res) txres@txFontHeightF = 0.025 txres@txJust = "CenterLeft" ; Default is "CenterCenter" ℃ or(℃) 2 W /m Hk-1 H:B:k-1:N: 【法一】eqn = ":V1::F21:W:F21:/:F21:m:S:2:N:" Greek Character: 【法二】eqn = ":V1::F21:W:H-35::V-5::F21:___:H-40::V-35::F21:m:S:2:N:" (v ⋅ q ′) (v ′ ⋅ q ) r ( v ⋅ q )′ − Subscript: eqn = ":V1::S:o:N::F21:C:" or eqn = ":V1::F21:( :S:o:N::F21:C:N: )" W m2 10oN σ ~F33~s eqn1 = ":V1::F21: ( v:N::H-22::V20::F8:-:N::V-20::F21: q:S::F0:':N::F21: )" eqn2 = ":V1::F21: ( v:S::F0:':N::F21: q:N::H-20::V20::F8:-:N::V-20::F21: )" eqn3 = ":V1::F21: ( vq:N::F21: ):S::F0:':N::F21:" eqn1 = ":V1::F8: - :V20::F21:1:H-25::V-7::F21:__:H-22::V- 「:H:」水平移動距離。『:V:』垂直移動距離 ):S::F0:':N::F21: dp:N:" 「S」上標。「B」下標。「N」中斷先前的設定 1 500 30::F21:g:H20::V20::Y300::X200::F34:r:Y::X::H-10::V-50::F21: :B:1000:H(v ⋅ ∇q)′dp 30::V90::F21:500:N::V-45::F33: ( :N::F21:v:V8::F21: . :V-8::F18:t:F21:q:F33: g ∫1000 【註】「:H:」水平移動距離。『:V:』垂直移動距離。「S」上標。「B」下標。「N」中斷先前的設定 Example Tu@CCU 40/41 07/23/2009 中國文化大學大氣科學系暑期電腦訓練課程:NCL • Create a graphical array gsn_panel plot = new(3, graphic) • Create individual plots a members of the graphical array res (/3,1/) (/3,2/) (/3,2/) A panel plot = True res@gsnDraw = False res@gsnFrame = False plot(0) = gsn_xy (wks, x, y1, res) • plot(1) = gsn_xy (wks, x, y2, res) pres = True plot(2) = gsn_xy (wks, x, y3, res) pres@gsnPanelRowSpec = True Pass the graphical array to gsn_panel gsn_panel(wks,plot,(/1,3,2/),pres) gsn_panel (wks, plot, (/3,1/),pres) plot = new(2,graphic) ; create a plot array plot(0) = gsn_csm_contour_map_ce(wks,u,res) plot(1) = gsn_csm_contour_map_ce(wks,v,res) res@gsnFrame = False don't advance panel plot res@gsnPanelCenter = False layout is for the plots to be centered res@gsnPanelRowSpec = True tell panel what order to plt res@gsnPanelLabelBar = True add common colorbar res@gsnPanelBottom = 0.0 move bottom up res@gsnPanelTop = 0.5 draw up to the bndry of upper plot res@gsnPanelYWhiteSpacePercent =5 res@gsnPanelXWhiteSpacePercent =5 Adds the white space to the panel plot res@gsnPanelFigureStrings = (/"a)","b)"/) add strings to panel gsn_panel(wks,plot,(/2,1/),res) Shell Scripts #!/bin/csh foreach yr ( 1997 1991 1982 ) setenv YRENSO $yr ncl cc.ncl end load "$NCARG_ROOT/lib/ncarg/nclscripts/csm/contributed.ncl" begin csy = stringtointeger(getenv("YRENSO")) end Tu@CCU 41/41 07/23/2009