Annual Report - Belmont Little Athletics Centre


Annual Report - Belmont Little Athletics Centre
 Annual Report
Belmont Little Athletics Centre Inc.
Est. 1970
BELMONT LITTLE ATHELTICS CENTRE INC. Affiliated with Western Australia Little Athletics Page left intentionally blank.
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BELMONT LITTLE ATHELTICS CENTRE INC. Affiliated with Western Australia Little Athletics Table Of Contents President’s Report Page 4 Treasurer’s Report Page 6 Registrar’s Report Page 7 Page 8 Records & Ranking Officer’s Report Page 9 Arena Manager’s Report Broken BLAC Records for the 2008/2009 Season Championship Officer’s Report Page 11 Page 12 Coaching & Development Officer’s Report Page 15 Chief Track Umpire’s Report Page 16 Officer of Official’s Report Page 17 Publicity Officer’s Report Page 18 Administrator of Clubs Report Page 20 Page 21 Club Manager’s Reports Forrestfield Club Kalamunda/Lesmurdie Club Page 23 Kewdale Club Page 25 Appendix “A” – Independent Auditor’s Report Page 27 Appendix “B” – 2008/2009 Profit & Loss Statement Page 28 Appendix “C” – 2008/ 2009 Balance Sheet Page 29 Page 31 Appendix “D” – 2008/2009 Centre Assets Schedule BLAC ANNUAL REPORT 2008/2009
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BELMONT LITTLE ATHELTICS CENTRE INC. Affiliated with Western Australia Little Athletics President’s Report As the dust finally settles on another season I can take the time to reflect on what has been what I consider to be one of the most enjoyable seasons in my nine years of Little Athletics here at Belmont. I have had the opportunity to work with some truly remarkable people and watch some wonderfully talented athletes compete. As a Centre President you could not wish for more. Having said that, the season started with the sad news that the Belmay Little Athletics Club had folded after successive seasons of very low registrations. The Belmay Club had a proud history at the Belmont Centre and was one of the founding Clubs within the Centre. I acknowledge the hard work of all the Belmay Committee who has struggled the past few seasons to ensure that the Club has been not only been able to function, but also fulfil their obligations at the Centre. I was presented with a “Belmay Sportsperson of the Year” shield on the PMH Relayathon Day by the outgoing Belmay Committee which will be displayed in the Centre as recognition of the contribution Belmay has made to the Centre over it’s 39 seasons. There were also concerns over the vacancy in the Canteen Managers position. With a brand new Canteen available it was frustrating not to have some one to use it. The introduction of a fee increase to offset the Centre’s losses was avoided by the last minute appointment of Caroline Noble to the position. Caroline quickly found her niche and did a tremendous job throughout the season. Indeed we all owe her our gratitude for stepping up to fill a position which has seen her away from her own children all season. The introduction of an all‐in‐one fee by the Centre (and shortly there after by WALA) simplified a lot of our financial administration around State events and Centre Championships. The result was an average 6% increase in attendance for Centre Championships based on attendance for the previous three seasons. The process will be further simplified next season with the removal of the requirement to lodge a nomination form for events. The new timing gates had initial teething problems which were soon rectified by our dedicated Short Track Timekeepers. The improvement in the time taken to run each event was not obvious at first, but as the season went on and the process was refined the programs did move through faster. The gates showed their true value during the running of the Christmas Gift, where the very close heats were quickly and easily sorted into finals without the need for two video cameras and a team of judges. With the change in timing techniques we also had to adapt our recorders to the new system. This meant relocating them from the shed to the veranda near the Arena Manager. I thank Christine Christie and Noreen Boyd for their great work throughout the season and congratulate Christine on another professional season as the Records & Ranking Officer. Christine has now completed two seasons in this position and is constantly looking for ways to improve things around the Centre. It is always great to have someone in a Committee that is not afraid to put forward new ideas, and when confronted with an obstacle, develop a solution just as quickly. Some program issues were addressed, such as the swapping of the 800m and 1500m on the two week programs and the replacement of the 500m Walk with a 300m Walk so that all of the Walks events started at the same location. These changes were adapted to quickly by our experienced Arena Manager, Toni Clarke. Toni took on this role just before the beginning of the season and Page 4 of 36
BELMONT LITTLE ATHELTICS CENTRE INC. Affiliated with Western Australia Little Athletics has cemented her reputation as one of the best Arena Managers to grace the Centre. All the programs started on time and finished early, which was appreciated by one and all. I would also like to thank Toni Petts for her three years of dedicated service as the Championships & Special Events Officer as well as the Winter Officer. Toni built up a reputation for herself as a well organised and knowledgeable person about anything to do with State events or Centre Championships. Toni has been a great asset to the Centre with her role during the Christmas Gift, 1500m Invitational and at each and every State event. In the beginning of the season there were a number of courses run and organised by Debbie Jankata to help the Centre improve the level of our Officials and Coaches. It was unfortunate that Debbie’s enthusiasm did not filter through to the many parents who originally showed so much interest. However, this did not deter Debbie and her continued support and energy flowed on through the season to each and every Centre training day. The Little Athletics motto of Fun, family and fitness has been one of the key drivers for the Committee over the seasons. This year saw the introduction of a Tiny Tots race to provide the children who are too young to compete an opportunity to enjoy an event just for fun. It was warmly welcomed by all parents and is now one of the highlights of the competition day. Following on from that success the Committee introduced a “Famiy Fun Day” theme for the PMH Relayathon. With events like throwing water bombs at the clowns, hair spraying, three legged races and wheelbarrow races it was a real “fun day” for all in attendance. Over $500 was raised from those events with a further $266 raised by athletes through sponsorship of their normal weekly events. Well done to everyone involved. While I have been busy with the President’s role this season there has been the added burden of filling the Secretary, Publicity Officer and Equipment Officer’s positions as well as maintaining the Belmont website. While these roles are all rewarding in their own way, I did find at times that they could be overwhelming when trying to address too many issues at the same time. I hope that there will be more people nominating for these roles next season so that the Centre has the benefit of a dedicated person for each of these portfolios. In the first half of the season I was so busy on competition days that I rarely had the opportunity to get out and meet the athletes and parents, but as the season went on and the issues were resolved, I found time to sit back and watch the Belmont athletes compete and socialise. As this season draws to a close I am aware that a numer of the people I have worked with on the Executive Committee will not be returning next season. So it is with a heavy heart that I wish them all the very best for their future endeavours and hope that they may some day look back at their time here as one where they made friends and made a difference to the lives of so many children. I personally will miss their support and above all, friendship. Lastly, and by no menas least, I would like to acknowledge the athletes of the Centre. From the energetic Flying Bees to the charasmatic Under 17’s, you have all performed to the best of your abilities and demonstrated to each and every parent that within each of you there is the potential to be whatever your heart desires. Looking to next season the Centre will be celebrating it’s 40th Anniversary. This is a key milestone in any sport so I wish the new Committee all the best with ensuring it is a memorable season for all involved. Bradley Edwards Chairperson BLAC ANNUAL REPORT 2008/2009
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BELMONT LITTLE ATHELTICS CENTRE INC. Affiliated with Western Australia Little Athletics Treasurer’s Report Once again I have enjoyed taking on the Treasurer’s role, though due to my work commitments I am just basically bookkeeping. Overall the role proved quite easy though I had difficulty reconcilling bank deposits due to Clubs and members not advising me when bank deposits were made and the composition of the bank deposit. Again the ability to reconcile monies receipted against athlete registrations was quite time consuming because of this. The end of year cash balance is certainly greater than I had budgeted for. This is due to funding received from Telstra , Department of Families, Housing, Community Services and Indigenous Affairs and Belmont Rotary Markets, with these funds used in part to purchase a ride‐on mower with trailer and six collapsable shade tents. Next year, I anticipate the only big spend item in the near future will be the replacement of the discus cage, as the current permanent one does not meet the required safety standards. In closing, taking into account the carry over cash balance, I do not anticipate the need to increase the BLAC athlete registration fee for the 2009/2010 season, though fees may increase as any WALA increase will need to be passed on. Please refer to the appendices at the end of the reports for the 2008/2009 season Financial Statements. David Iffla Treasurer Page 6 of 36
BELMONT LITTLE ATHELTICS CENTRE INC. Affiliated with Western Australia Little Athletics Registrar’s Report In writing this report I would like to acknowledge the great work done by Angie Eyles who filled this role up until Christmas. Angie’s enthusiasm and attention to detail ensured that every “t” was crossed and every “i” was dotted. I thank Angie for all her effort and dedication. There were no additional registrations in the New Year, so as it turned out Angie had performed all the hard work before she handed over the portfolio, which made my job so much easier. The only additional items were blank bibs to replace lost ones before Centre Championships and Zones. There were also a large number of IGA patches lost during the season which became an issue leading into Centre Championships and trying to enforce them as part of the uniform. Registrations were up from 200 last season to 255, which was above the 230 set by WALA for our registration target. Of this only 248 ever competed during the season, with two athletes withdrawing prior to the season start and receiving full refunds (minus the administration fee) and one athlete transferring to another Centre one week before the start of the season. I would like to applaude the Kalamunda/Lesmurdie Club for their great efforts this season with respect to registration increases. Last season they had 25 registered athletes and through a lot of consciencious effort they managed to raise it to 73 this season – well done! I would also like to thank all of the Club Registrar’s who have continued to adapt to the changes we have implemented with both the ‘Flying Bee’ registration forms and depositing the registration payments direct into the BLAC account. There were some hiccups when the process was not followed, but for the most part it simplified the Centre accounting and double handling of fees. All registrations have now been finalised and the surplus registration materials returned to the WALA office. WALA have also confirmed that we are currently up to date with all our registration payments and there are no outstanding issues. Boys Club B6 B7 B8 B9 B10 B11 B12 B13 B14 B15 B16 B17 Total CR 2 7 4 4 2 5 1 1 0 0 0 1 27 FF 1 2 1 3 4 4 1 7 1 0 0 1 25 HW 1 3 0 2 3 4 3 3 1 0 1 0 21 KEW 2 3 3 0 4 0 2 0 2 0 3 1 20 KL 5 4 4 4 7 11 1 2 4 0 1 0 43 11 19 12 13 20 24 8 13 8 0 5 3 136 Girls Club G6 G7 G8 G9 G10 G11 G12 G13 G14 G15 G16 G17 Total Overall CR 1 3 1 3 7 3 0 0 1 0 2 0 21 48 FF 0 1 2 1 3 6 1 4 1 0 1 0 20 45 HW 0 5 4 0 3 0 3 1 0 2 0 0 18 39 KEW 0 0 2 3 7 4 4 3 1 4 2 0 30 50 KL 3 5 1 3 4 2 6 4 1 1 0 0 30 73 4 14 10 10 24 15 14 12 4 7 5 0 119 255 Bradley Edwards A/g Registrar BLAC ANNUAL REPORT 2008/2009
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BELMONT LITTLE ATHELTICS CENTRE INC. Affiliated with Western Australia Little Athletics Arena Manager’s Report It was great to be back as the Arena Manager for Belmont Little Athletics Centre (BLAC) for the 2008/2009 season. Fortunately for me this season the calendar of events and programming were finalised and already prepared when I nominated for this position, so I was ready to start on our first day. As usual we started off slowly, however as the season progressed we were able to run through our programs quicker and more efficiently. We did have a couple of programs where we had to postpone some events due to safety concerns, but we were able to "catch up" by rescheduling these events to a later competition date for the athletes. A big thanks goes out to all the officials who assisted out on sites throughout the season. The program would not run smoothly if we did not have helpers marshalling our athletes, escorting them to sites, marking, sweeping, fetching, recording or whatever the duty may be on any of the given sites. To all the Key Officials who controlled their sites, who let me know that they were nearly finished on site, getting ready for their next age group and then packing away their sites I extend a big thankyou. It just made my job so much easier when we all worked together. Last but not least, I wish to thank the BLAC committee ‐ Bradley, Christine, Debbie, Mike, Toni P, Angie and Gary for all your support throughout the season, what a great team we made this year. Good luck to BLAC for many seasons to come. Toni Clarke Page 8 of 36
BELMONT LITTLE ATHELTICS CENTRE INC. Affiliated with Western Australia Little Athletics Records and Ranking Officer’s Report New Events ‐ The 2008‐2009 season included 1 inaugural event for the FB’s, U7’s & U8’s in the 300m walks which replaced the 500m walks. Records – It was an exciting year records wise with 57 Centre and Centre Championship records being set, of which 12 were inaugural records and 3 were equal records (see attached sheet). Records were set throughout the disciplines and age groups with some quite substantial PB’s and the athletes are to be applauded for their hard work and determination. We had 3 missed records in the short track events during the first couple of weeks of the season. This was due to the difficulty in checking the records using the old format (now that the new timing gates were in operation), however the problem was solved by changing the presentation of the records so that they could be checked more easily be the timekeepers. We were advised at the start of the year by the Southern Gazette that although they had previously published details of the top 3 athletes results in each event in their sports section, they would be unable to do so in the future due to space constraints. After some discussion, concessions were made to include only the results for the top athlete in each event. Thank you to the Southern Gazette for agreeing to continue publishing the results in this shortened format. Timing Gates – The introduction of the timing gates this year has gone really well and once the younger athletes understood the importance of running in the correct lane they provided clear and accurate recording of the short track events. It was agreed that the timing gate times would be accepted for allocation of new records. There were a few hiccups at the start of the year when the gates did not register a time for an athlete but with the help of the longtrack timekeepers all athletes were awarded their correct placement points and no records were affected. These hiccups were sorted out and I would like to thank Craig Middleton‐White, Adam York, Steve Murtagh and Mike Monroe for a great job ensuring the accurate recording of all the athlete’s times for short & long track events. Centre Championships eligibility – It was agreed last season that changes be made so that athletes who marshal for a cancelled event would still be credited with having been available to compete in that event and therefore it would count as an event for Centre Championships eligibility. This worked very well this year with any cancelled events (due to weather or other circumstances) marshalled so that attendance could be signed off. If these events were then not able to be re‐run then all athletes who had previously marshaled were credited with points for attendance and eligibility. Thank you to Bradley Edwards who set up the website so that it was possible for athletes results to be posted on the website, which he did religiously each week. This enabled athletes to easily check their results and the number of times they had taken part in each event. With the help of the Club Managers, who ensured that all athletes and their parents were aware of this, there were very few problems with only 1 parent disputing the number of events their child had taken part in. This made the Centre Championships a pleasanter and easier event than the previous year Centre Championships – This went very well with some very exciting finals and huge PB’s resulting in some very surprising results. There were 19 Centre Championship records of which 6 were BLAC ANNUAL REPORT 2008/2009
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BELMONT LITTLE ATHELTICS CENTRE INC. Affiliated with Western Australia Little Athletics inaugural records and 2 equal records. The athletes put a lot of work in this year which was apparent in their results at the end of the year. They all did very well. Club Records and Ranking Officers – I would like to thank the Club Records and Ranking Officers, Sue Lewis, Diane Wallace‐Gibb, Toni Clarke, Cheryl Short and Bradley Edwards for their support and assistance all year with ensuring that any queries were quickly resolved and mistakes rectified. Recording – A big thank you to Noreen Boyd & Cheryl Short who have worked tirelessly all year with the assistance of Christina Mold & Neil Christie in recording results, cheerfully and accurately and in particular during the Centre Championships, making sure that the Centre Championship results were provided promptly so that the Medals could be awarded. Without them the input of results and maintaining of records would have been a much harder job . . . they were fantastic !! Christine Christie Records & Ranking Officer Page 10 of 36
BELMONT LITTLE ATHELTICS CENTRE INC. Affiliated with Western Australia Little Athletics Broken BLAC Records for the 2008/2009 Season
Age Sex Club 7 16 17 7 6 6 6 7 8 6 7 8 17 6 7 16 7 6 6 7 8 6 7 8 8 13 6 17 17 6 9 6 6 6 6 6 6 7 7 8 13 13 13 6 6 7 8 16 16 6 6 9 7 13 13 16 16 Reg No Athlete Name G CR 554 Zarina Faridzal G CR 687 Brittany Fare B FF 569 Christopher Dale G CR 554 Zarina Faridzal G KL 1338 Charlotte Edenburg B KL 1327 Murray Jones G KL 1338 Charlotte Edenburg G CR 554 Zarina Faridzal G KL 590 Sasa Vanek B KL 1327 Murray Jones B CR 723 Harry Ladhams B CR 728 Justin Russell B FF 569 Christopher Dale G KL 1338 Charlotte Edenburg G CR 554 Zarina Faridzal G CR 687 Brittany Fare G CR 554 Zarina Faridzal B KL 1327 Murray Jones G KL 1338 Charlotte Edenburg B KEW 659 Tiare Sugden B KL 7689 Harry Edwards G KL 1338 Charlotte Edenburg G CR 554 Zarina Faridzal G KL 590 Sasa Vanek B CR 677 Kael Everett G FF 650 Jessica Davies B KL 1328 Brodie Roche B FF 569 Christopher Dale B FF 569 Christopher Dale B KL 1328 Brodie Roche B FF 694 Carlo Vinci G KL 1338 Charlotte Edenburg B KL 1339 Lleyton Sewell B KL 1339 Lleyton Sewell B KL 1326 Llachlan Pavlinovich B KL 1326 Llachlan Pavlinovich B KL 1328 Brodie Roche B CR 680 Cale Oborne B CR 680 Cale Oborne B KL 7689 Harry Edwards B KL 7667 Jake O'Dowd B FF 660 Brody McInerney B FF 660 Brody McInerney G KL 1338 Charlotte Edenburg G KL 1338 Charlotte Edenburg G CR 554 Zarina Faridzal G KL 590 Sasa Vanek G KEW 656 Stephanie Lam G KEW 656 Stephanie Lam B KL 1327 Murray Jones B KL 1327 Murray Jones B FF 694 Carlo Vinci G CR 554 Zarina Faridzal G FF 650 Jessica Davies G FF 650 Jessica Davies G CR 687 Brittany Fare G CR 687 Brittany Fare Event Date 400m 1500mW 1500m 400m 400m 400m 60mH Mini 300mW 300mW 300mW 300mW 300mW 1500m 300mW 300mW 1500mW 400m 60mH Mini 300mw Shot Put 300mW 300mW 300mW 300mW 300mW Javelin 400m 1500m 800m 400m Turbo Jav. 400m 60mH Mini 60mH Mini 60mH Mini 60mH Mini 300mw 300mw 300mw 300mw 200mh Triple Jump
Triple Jump
60mH Mini 300mw 300mw 300mw 200mh 200mh 100m 400m Turbo Jav. 400m Javelin Javelin 1500mW 1500mW 18/10/08
Record Type Perf. Record Centre Open Champ 1.50.83 1.44.83
x 11.13.24 10.06.47
x 4.41.61 4.32.07
x 1.44.83 1.41.20
x 2.08.62 2.08.38
x 1.58.28 1.56.46
x 16.01
x 2.24.99
x 2.10.63
x 2.23.69
x 2.06.26
x 2.13.54
x 4.32.07 4.22.56
x 3.56.28
x 2.24.99 2.17.76
x 10.06.47 10.02.51
x 1.41.20 1.39.88
x 15.48
x 3.56.28 2.52.68
x 6.43
x 2.13.54 2.05.28
x 2.52.68 2.34.61
x 2.17.76 2.14.11
x 2.10.63 1.54.13
x 2.05.28 2.00.67
x 31.78
x 1.56.46 1.53.58
x 4.22.56 4.17.61
x 2.08.48 2.03.94
x 1.53.58 1.50.66
x 25.46
x 2.08.38 2.05.74
x 15.87
x 14.78
x 14.78
x 14.78
x 2.30.67
x 2.02.50
x 2.06.26 2.02.50
x 2.04.37
x 30.30
x 11.13
x 11.13
x 16.40
x 3.54.46
x 2.20.05
x 2.01.89
x 32.34
x 32.30
x 21.15
x 2.36.65 1.50.86
x 22.07
x 1.53.54 1.43.16
x 31.64
x 31.93
x 11.13.24 9.35.38
x 10.02.51 9.35.38
x Comments Inaugural Inaugural Inaugural Inaugural Inaugural Inaugural Equal record Inaugural Inaugural Inaugural Equal record Inaugural Inaugural Inaugural Equal record Page 11 of 36
BELMONT LITTLE ATHELTICS CENTRE INC. Affiliated with Western Australia Little Athletics Championships & Special Events Officer’s Report It has been another great year for our centre. Congratulations to all of our athletes on a great season. I hope all our athletes, old and new will be back for Belmont’s 40th year in the 2009‐2010 season. Below is a brief report on the major events of the season. IGA PB CHALLENGE – November 2008 (replaced Quadrathon) The Belmont Centre came 2nd over all from the eight Centres that competed. 23 athletes participated with 58 P.B.’s attained on the day. 8 athletes were placed in the top 3 greatest PB’s. It was a very enjoyable day with most athletes getting through to the afternoon finals. All athletes received IGA show bags and certificates for their P.B.’s. Nearly everyone turned up and parents filled the rosters. ALLSOP TWILIGHT RELAYS – November 2008 Lots of teams entered this year. Coaches worked hard to get teams together and train in a short time before this event. U13 boys won the medal in 4x400m and blitzed the 4x100m but were unfortunately disqualified for changing out of the box. Belmont were the only centre who turned up to help Southern Districts and were commended for this. This event as always was a good practice for State Relays. PARENT RELAY – December 2008 Congratulations to Carlisle/Rivervale for winning the Parent 4 x 100m relay in a time of 59.83 seconds. All Clubs entered a team on the day and provided a great spectacle for the athletes. The Carlisle/Rivervale Parents went on to run against the U12 Girls 4 x 100m relay team on the Closing Day where the U12 Girls won a close race with a time of 1 min. 0.65 secs. STATE TRACK AND FIELD RELAYS – December 2008 This was a great day which was well supported by the Centre with 13 track teams and 11 field teams. Many personal bests were attained in the field events on a very hot and uncomfortable day. Medal Winners: U/13 Boys Field Relay Bronze U/13 Boys 4 x 100m Gold U/13 Boys 4 x 400m Gold For some of these boys this was their first State medal. Congratulations to all competitors who did their best. Parents also supported the Centre by fulfilling their duties on the roster (apart form a few no shows on the day). Despite having a total of 24 teams there were still a few blank spots on the roster! Page 12 of 36
BELMONT LITTLE ATHELTICS CENTRE INC. Affiliated with Western Australia Little Athletics CHRISTMAS GIFT – December 2008 This event went very well, but it was a very late finish. This was probably because the Walks were on the same program. Girls Junior 1st
Zarina Faridzal (C/R) nd
Kayla Cuthbertson (Kew) 3rd
Grace McGehan (H/W) Senior
Stephanie Lam (Kew) nd
Sarah Lewis (C/R) 3rd
Imogen Howes (Kew) Boys Junior 1st
Connor Van Der Merwe (K/L)
Harry Edwards (K/L) rd
Tyler Clatworthy (H/W) Senior
Peter Murphy (Kew) 2nd
Rowan Davis (H/W) rd
Justin Westwood (C/R) 1500M INVITATIONAL – January 2009 There were eight visiting athletes which was a little disappointing, but a good turn out by the Belmont athletes for this event. All places were awarded to Belmont Athletes this year with some amazing personal bests achieved – especially the boys who were really going hard for a medal. Jake O’Dowd (K/L) got a 22 second PB and Peter Murphy (Kew) a 34 second PB. Christopher Dale (F/F) was 4 seconds faster over the 1500m than his recent Centre record, which was an amazing achievement. Unfortunately no records could be recorded due to the handicapped start of the event. Thanks to our Long Track Officials for their help with this event which proved to be somewhat stressful for them due to counting the laps of runners all starting at different times. The last male runner started six and a half minutes after the first scratch runner. Thanks to Christine Christie for working out all the handicaps and being so organised. Thanks to Bradley Edwards for starting the races and Steve Murtagh for starting off the runners very efficiently. Girls 1st
Peta Lewis (F/F) Deborah Short (Kew) Jessica Davies (F/F) Boys
Justin Westwood (C/R) Peter Murphy (Kew) Jake O’Dowd (K/L) STATE MULTI EVENTS CHAMPIONSHIPS – February 2009 Twelve athletes competed with many personal bests attained on the day and some of them being quite outstanding personal bests. Many thanks to Dennis Fare and Paul Partington for taking the tents and getting there early (before their shift) to put them up. Thanks also to all the parents who filled their rostered duties. We had less families attending than roster positions which made it difficult. There was unfortunately no placings this year even though our athletes performed very well overall. ZONES – March 2009 There were big changes this season for Zones and States. U7’s competed at Zones for the first time and were awarded medals along with the U8’s, who competed only at Zones and did not go to BLAC ANNUAL REPORT 2008/2009
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BELMONT LITTLE ATHELTICS CENTRE INC. Affiliated with Western Australia Little Athletics States. The U16’s & U 17’s automatically qualified for States and did not compete at Zones. It was fantastic to see some of our younger athletes receive medals at Zones. We had 85 athletes nominate for Zones with only 71 actually competing on the day. Of these 56 athletes qualified for States. Bradley Edwards had the huge task of drawing up the roster for our Zone and organizing key officials from each centre. We filled all of our key official positions and stepped up on the day to fill even more. After weeks of nagging we had almost filled our own roster and over the weekend managed to fill all our rostered positions by asking some parents to do an extra shift. Zones was a fantastic weekend and athletes and parents did a great job. CENTRE CHAMPIONSHIPS – February & March 2009 Championships went very smoothly this season. A huge thank you to Christine Christie, our Records and Ranking Officer for the time she put into checking all the athlete’s eligibility. This saved a lot of time, not to mention tears on the day. I finalized all the heats and finals before each day of championships and forwarded the information to our Arena Manager. Meetings of all key officials and starters and marshals before each championships day also aided the smooth running of the events. STATE TRACK AND FIELD CHAMPIONSHIPS – March 2009 Fifty of our most talented athletes made it to the semi‐finals of the State Championships. Forty five actually competed on the day. Of those forty five, twenty one made it in to the top eight of one or more events. Of those twenty one, six were awarded medals (totaling nine medals in all). One of our very talented U17 athletes, Christopher Dale (F/F), broke two State records in the 800m and 1500m events. It has been a long time since a Belmont athlete has broken a State record and all athletes and parents in attendance applauded him across the line. Congratulations to Christopher who trains by running 70kms a week! We wish him well for his senior athletics career. NATIONAL U13 TEAM CHAMPIONSHIPS – April 2009 One of our U13 athletes made it to the State squad and was later selected for the State Team. Brody McInerney (F/F) was the first Belmont athlete to achieve this in four years ‐ congratulations to Brody. After three years this is my final season as Championships Officer. I have thoroughly enjoyed this role and am proud to have been associated with the Belmont Little Athletics centre in this capacity. I wish the centre, it’s athletes and families all the best for the future. I will be involved in coaching and officiating at State events as a key official next season and will still be representing Belmont. Enjoy the winter break and good luck to all our athletes competing in the cross country and road walks. Toni Petts Championships Officer & Winter Officer Page 14 of 36
BELMONT LITTLE ATHELTICS CENTRE INC. Affiliated with Western Australia Little Athletics Coaching and Development Officer’s Report This season has been a very busy one. It started back in October with a Walks Clinic with Jackie Cattermole, a Walk Judge’s Clinic with Kathy Avery and an Officials Coaching clinic at the Belmont Centre. We had a lot of parents take their level D and C Official’s exams as well this season. The most exciting thing this season was the introduction of the new electronic timing gates. Once a routine was established the program ran very well, although I think some finer tuning with the program, long track and short track and the possibility of 2 short track starters we may be able to progress this further. Having two electronic guns meant we could start the 100m and 200m events alternatively with 2 starters, and also share with the with the long track. Some of the track events took a while at Centre Championships only due to the restrictions on availability of lanes. We will be able to iron out these problems next season I am sure. Another highlight this season was the “Introduction to Coaching Clinic”. With the help of Dena Davies and Toni Petts we were able to go through the basics of each event to a handful of interested parents. The course gave those parents the basic knowledge to help out at training or the interest to perhaps progress further to level one. With a large amount of names on the list only a handful showed up to participate, but this should not be a deterrent to running it again. I would suggest having it earlier in the season or even pre season. Again this season the centre training sessions were a success and I would like to thank all of the coaches who supported me every evening. The quality of our athletes at Belmont shows with the number of track and field records that were broken during the season, and with the selection of Brody McInerney for the State Team. I am sure next season there will be even more. Thank you, Debbie Jankata BLAC ANNUAL REPORT 2008/2009
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BELMONT LITTLE ATHELTICS CENTRE INC. Affiliated with Western Australia Little Athletics Chief Track Umpire’s Report Firstly I would like to thank the committee for accepting my nomination to take on the role of Chief Track Umpire for the 2008/09 season. It was a show of faith in someone who for many years had no interest in Little Athletics and as such had little exposure to the sport. Juggling the roles of Chief Track Umpire, LT Timekeeper and LT Starter (for part of season) proved cumbersome at times, however it ensured that I was never idle and competition days went quickly. The season as a whole was a great season, seeing many familiar athletes and many new athletes, particularly the Flying B’s and U7’s. Inaugural records were set for the 300m Walks which replaced the 500m Walks in the Flying B’s, U7’s and U8’s age groups. Old records were broken across all age groups from the Flying B’s through to our Senior Athletes in a number of long track events. No protests were lodged during the season with regards to long track events with no disqualifications in either short or long track events due to failure to adhere to the rules or for un‐
sportsmanship behaviour. No “Red Cards” were issued to athletes, although some warnings were required for some of our younger athletes for minor issues. An issue that did arise frequently during the season was the sheer number of athletes that were marshalled at long track on occasion, particularly the Flying B’s and U7’s for their events. This did create problems with having so many youngsters in one area at the one time. I acknowledge that this is a programming issue and is fluid dependant on the number of registered athletes in these age groups. A further issue that I need to raise is the timing of the 400m events. These are a short track event and therefore should be timed using the gates to ensure that the times are universal. Whilst long track can assist where needed, this should be the exception rather than the rule. In closing I thank the invaluable support of Steve Murtagh of Carlisle/Rivervale & Glenn Bartlett of Kalamunda/Lesmurdie and wish the Belmont Little Athletics Centre a successful 40th season in 2009/2010. Mike Munro Chief Track Umpire Page 16 of 36
BELMONT LITTLE ATHELTICS CENTRE INC. Affiliated with Western Australia Little Athletics Officer of Officials Report Firstly and foremost I would like to thank Toni Petts for her continued hard work in ensuring that for all State events Belmont had it’s officials signed up and ready to go before the event, and then for ensuring that each of them was signed on and out on site during the event. It is not an easy job and the Centre has been fortunate to have Toni fulfilling this role in addition to her work as Championships and Special Events Officer. Following on from that I would like to thank the Executive Committee and the majority of the parents on the Club Committees who have supported Toni in this role by filling Key Official and helper positions when ever they were able to and where ever we were short. It was still good to see some new parents stepping up for the WALA subsidised Level 1 Coaching course this season. WALA have already advertised two courses for next season which will also be subsidised by 50% to encourage more parents to become involved. Additionally WALA will subsidise one parent per Centre for the Level 2 Coaching course which the new Executive Committee will need to discuss as part of the future growth of Officials at the Centre. This season I encouraged Clubs to once again make sure that their Key Officials and helpers completed the Level D Officials exams to help them improve their efficiency on site as well as providing our athletes with better qualified officials. Disappointingly, while we had 17 Level D accreditations, 10 Level C accreditations and 2 Level B accreditations they were only from ten parents. Congratualtions to Debbie Jankata in obtaining her Level B in Discus and Long/Triple Jump – well done. I would also like to thank Debbie Jankata for her support. While Debbie worked hard at the beginning of the season, in particular organising a Walks Clinic, Walks Judges Clinic and Introduction to Coaching Clinic at the Centre they were poorly attended. Even after a large expression of interest was shown by the parents during competition days barely a handful turned out to support the clinics. This will unfortunately taint any future interest in running these types of clinics, even though they would be of great benefit to our athletes. The biggest issue that seems to haunt the Centre, and indeed all Centres, is the lack of support on sites each and every week. This season it was identified by the Centre Executive that apart from the traditional site rosters there were in fact a number of additional positions which are required on competition days to ensure that they run smoothly and efficiently. Two proposals were put forward late in the season to help address this problem, but due to the high workload with Centre Championships, Zones and State Championships the Executive Committee elected to defer taking any action until the new Committee was elected. It is hoped that the new Committee, after consultation with the Clubs, will be able to implement a fair process for the allocation of sites and rosters which can be used for many seasons to come. Finally, I would like to thank all the parents involved in the Centre at every level for ensuring that each competition day we were able to have our children out enjoying themselves either running, jumping or throwing. There is a lot of work required in setting up, running sites and packing away each weekend and it was great to see everyone getting involved and supporting each other regardless of what Club they are in. Bradley Edwards A/g Officer of Officials BLAC ANNUAL REPORT 2008/2009
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BELMONT LITTLE ATHELTICS CENTRE INC. Affiliated with Western Australia Little Athletics Publicity Officer’s Report Disappointingly once again this position was vacant for the fourth consecutive season. It can be both a very rewarding and enjoyable position, but the perception is that it requires a person with a specific skill set to achieve great results. While this is the ideal outcome of the position, it should be viewed that any person who is willing to fill this position and dedicate some time to it would be a positive step forward for the Centre in lieu of leaving the position vacant. The Centre started the season with a great effort by Stacey Spencer and a number of other Kalamunda/Lesmurdie parents who ran the canteen at the Winter Cross Country Championships that Belmont hosted at Jorgensen Park. The Centre raised approximately $1250.00 from this event as well as receiving some very positive feedback about the event from participants, other Centres and WALA. Producing the Centre Yearbook this season was a lot quicker and easier since establishing a standard layout. It now means that simple changes and updates can be completed with minimum fuss and effort. The delivery of the Yearbooks was accomplished once again just in time for the Opening Day. It should be noted for future reference that approximately four weeks delivery time is required from approval of the final draft. I would also encourage next seasons Publicity Officer to begin talks early with the printer in preparation for the Centre’s 40th Anniversary. The Centre’s profile within the Belmont Community has continued to be both positive and promising. This has been evident from it’s communications with local council, members of parliament, local businesses and other community clubs and organisations. I have been fortunate to represent the Centre at a number of morning teas and dinner functions throughout the season during which I have sort to not only to raise the profile of the Centre but to highlight some of the issues surrounding our continued operation and success. The official opening of the new Clubrooms was well supported by a small group of people from the Centre which included Life Members, Kevin Kentish – President of the Forrestfield Club and Catherine Geneste from the Kewdale Club. I thank them all for their attendance. The Belmont City Council proposed two events prior to the start of the season – a “Physical Activity Day” which would be attended by children from the local schools and a “Club Development Day” during which children would be able to sample the different sports offered by the local clubs and associations. Unfortunately neither event was well supported by the schools or by the clubs and associations and therefore never eventuated. I would however still encourage next seasons Committee to support the Belmont City Council’s endeavours if they should propose these types of events again in the future. Not only does it provide an opportunity to promote the Centre to the Community, but it also demonstrates to the Belmont City Council the Centre’s commitment and support of their efforts within the community. Simply, the Centre needs to show that it is willing to support the Belmont City Council if we in turn are to expect their support. Once again the Centre was asked by the Belmont Rotary Club to provide people to watch the gates at the February Belmont Rotary Markets. This year the Centre received a cheque for $1434.20 for our efforts in respect to this event. This is the third season we have participated in this event and it continues to be a very worthwhile one with very little effort required for the substantial return. Page 18 of 36
BELMONT LITTLE ATHELTICS CENTRE INC. Affiliated with Western Australia Little Athletics It should be noted that the Centre has already secured the Belmont Rotary Markets again for next season in November, 2009. The Centre has been lucky to have received sponsorship this season from “Power Industrial Supplies” who sponsored the Tiny Tots race throughout the season. On behalf of the Centre I thank them for their support and look forward to their continued support next season. The Tiny Tots race in itself has been a positive for the Centre and has been well received by the parents of the younger children. It’s success was no more evident than when it was run on the Closing Day in front of a grandstand full of parents and athletes and in front of our Life Members and special guests. Additionally the Centre has received financial support from Forrestfield Physiotherapy and Farrwest Lawn Care. In the hope of obtaining additional sponsorship and support the Executive Committee employed the assistance of Sharon Carter from the Forrestfield Club to actively seek out additional revenue sources. Whilst Sharon had a number of promising leads they may not be realised until the next full season begins. I thank Sharon for her efforts and hope that she is able to secure the sponsorship offered. A Telstra grant of $1200 was received for the purchase of six new Oztrail collapsible shade tents. These shade tents are considerably more durable than those previously purchased and we can look forward to a number of seasons use from them. The Centre also received a grant of $5000 from the Department of Families, Housing, Community Services and Indigenous Affairs to purchase a ride‐on mower and trailer with water tank and pump. The water tank will be used to water down the long jump pits prior to competition and the ride‐on mower will greatly assist with setup and packup as well. The Executive Committee has also approved the purchase of a Post Office Box for Centre correspondence. This will not only provide a more professional appearance for the Centre, but should also reduce the amount of lost correspondence, some of which is still being delivered to addresses that are four seasons old. One of the big positives for the season has been the establishing of the Centre website. It has been a source for parents and athletes to access news, officials exams and photos. It will also allow the Centre to advertise our sponsors and supporters. But by far the most frequently accessed page on the site is the athletes results page where athletes can enter their WALA registration number and display their seasons results in a simple table which highlights their PBs and any Centre records achieved. To date the site has received nearly 1600 visits for it’s first season in which it has received limited publicity. Bradley Edwards A/g Publicity Officer BLAC ANNUAL REPORT 2008/2009
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BELMONT LITTLE ATHELTICS CENTRE INC. Affiliated with Western Australia Little Athletics Administrator of Clubs Report I would like to thank all of the Committee members from each of the five Clubs last season for their efforts in helping their Club and in turn the Belmont Centre. I am sorry I was not able to get around to all of the Clubs in the Centre, but the ones I was able to visit I found to be run very well. I suspect that this was mostly due to the experience of the Club Committees, whose members include parents who have been in Little Athletics for a number of years. It was disapponting that there were not more parents willing to help with the running of the Clubs and also the Centre. It always appears to be the same parents that are out running the sites, fundraising and training the athletes that are also working on the Committees. I suggest that there should be more recognition for the members of the Committees that do so much extra work for the children. This may be an issue for the Clubs to address themselves to generate some interest from amongst their parents to nominate for Club Committee positions. One thing that was evident during my visits was that not all of the Club positions are being filled. At Club level some parents are covering two or more positions to ensure that the Club remains functioning. It has been suggested by WALA to cut back on the number of Club Committee positions to a bare minimum of around four positions – President, Secretary, Treasurer and Coach. The individual structure of the Clubs is governed by the Clubs themselves, but a simplisitic approach may benefit some Clubs who are struggling to fill positions. I wish all Clubs the best for the coming season and I hope that you have many new members on your Committees. Kind regards, Evan Jones Administrator of Clubs Page 20 of 36
BELMONT LITTLE ATHELTICS CENTRE INC. Affiliated with Western Australia Little Athletics Forrestfield Little Athletics Club – Club Manager's Report The 2008/2009 season started and ended before I knew it. We had our ups and downs as I am sure all Clubs do. The resignation of both our Senior and Assistant Coaches threw us into turmoil. However, I would like to thank the unstoppable Toni Petts for stepping up into a Coaching role. As well as Toni, who is a Level 2 Coach, we had Evan Jones (Level 1) and myself (Level 2). So, really we had no lack of experience between us, although none of us wanted to commit to the Coaching role “Officially”. I am very proud of all of our Athlete's overall performances this year and would like to congratulate each and every one of them for their efforts. Quite a few of our athletes attended the Multi Event held at Gosnells and the attendance from Forrestfield Athletes at the PB Challenge and Multi Event at Perry Lakes was excellent. Some of our major achievers this season include: • Carlo Vinci ‐ Won a Gold Medal at the Gosnells Multi Invitational Event. He also did very well at Zones and went on to win a Silver Medal in Discus at States and was 6th in the State in the Turbo Javelin. Amongst his other achievements, Carlo broke the U9B Turbo Javelin Centre Record and the U9B Turbo Javelin Centre Championship Record at Belmont as well. th
• Mitchell Carter ‐ Won a Bronze Medal in the Turbo Javelin at Zones and finished 5 in Discus. His Brother Hayden finished 4th in Discus at Zones, 6th in Shot Put and 3rd in Javelin. • Zac Partington ‐ Did well at the Gosnells Multi Event and at Zones. He went on to win Bronze in the 1500m Walks at States. • Brody McInerney – Brody has had another very successful season. He finished it off with a Bronze in the 100m at States, a Silver in the 200m and a Gold in the 400m. He was selected in the top 30 to go to the Nationals in Adelaide. Brody also broke the U13B Triple Jump Record at Belmont. • Peta Lewis won the 1500m Invitational at Belmont and even completed an extra lap before she was told she had finished!!! She qualified for most of her events at Zones. th
• Jessica Davies won a Silver at the Gosnells Multi Invitational Event. She finished 4 in the State th
in the U13G Javelin, narrowly missing by 1cm for a Bronze Medal. She finished 5 in Discus at States, 8th in the 1500m Walks (this was only her 6th Walk ever) and 8th in the 100m Final. Jess also broke the Centre and Centre Championship Records for the U13G Javelin. • Taylavie Frost‐Kelemete put in a great effort at Zones and in her first year of competition did extremely well to win a Silver Medal in the Triple Jump at the State Track and Field Championships. Her brother Bodie also did very well at Zones for his first year of competition. th
• Michael Carcione – Finished 5 in the U13 Boys Javelin at States. • Christopher Dale – He is an exceptional Athlete and very committed to his training. He won a Gold Medal at the State Track and Field Championships in both of his events, the 800m and the 1500m. Christopher broke (smashed) the records for both of these events at States and is now, not only the Title Holder for these events, but the State Record Holder as well. He broke the U17B 800m and 1500m Records at Belmont several times over this season also. Good luck to Chris for the future...... • The Lovely Hannah Kentish was awarded her 9 year award. “Congratulations Hannah”..... We had 4 of our Athletes break Records at Belmont. BLAC ANNUAL REPORT 2008/2009
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BELMONT LITTLE ATHELTICS CENTRE INC. Affiliated with Western Australia Little Athletics Whilst we don't have a medal winner in every one of our athletes, they are all considered winners at Forrestfield and the amount of PB's we have in the Club, is a good indication of how well they went during the past season. All of our Athletes put in a huge effort at training and those that were not interested in training, came to socialise. I feel the majority of our team were friendly and sociable. For some of our Athletes, the season does not end at States, but continues with Cross Country and Road Walking. Thankyou to all Athlete's from the other Clubs who provided great competition for FLAC Athletes. We finished the season with a wind up and Trophy presentation at Wet and Wild in Kalamunda. A great time was had by all. This was also our AGM and we had the Committee filled in no time. We look forward to another successful season next year at FLAC. Dena Davies Secretary/Club Manager Forrestfield Little Athletics Club Page 22 of 36
BELMONT LITTLE ATHELTICS CENTRE INC. Affiliated with Western Australia Little Athletics Kalamunda/Lesmurdie Little Athletics Club – Club Manager's Report At our AGM in July 2008 a new committee was elected; President/Secretary – Christine Christie Club Manager/Registrar – Stacey Spencer Jnr Coach – Nicci Roche Snr Coach – Glenn Bartlett Recorder – Cheryl Short BLAC Delegate – Glenn Bartlett Treasurer – Meredith Rubery The Club started the season with 73 registrations compared with 25 registrations in the previous year, 55 were new registrations and 18 were renewals. Of these, 3 athletes did not turn up at all, 4 athletes did not attend Saturday competition (having joined with the intention of only attending training sessions) and of the other 66 athletes we lost 6 members before Xmas (3 families who were unable to continue due to changes in circumstances or because the children did not enjoy the sport). The remaining 60 athletes continued to the end of the season, competing in the Centre Championships. We continued to train at Walliston Primary School Oval. Training was held on Tuesday nights between 3.45 and 5.00pm (with some late training sessions later in the seasons) under the tutelage of Nicci Roche and Glenn Bartlett ably assisted by a large number of parents who had received training on the various disciplines by our coaches (with a couple of parents attending the Centre training sessions). We also had two parents Glenn Bartlett and Justin Pavlinovich attend the Level 1 Coaching Course provided through WALA. Our athletes worked hard this year with some of them representing the centre at the IGA PB Challenge, Multis, State Relays, Zones, State Championships. It was an excellent experience and they thoroughly enjoyed themselves. With so many new athletes this year we were very pleased to see so many of them have a go. We also have quite a lot of athletes who are intending to take part in the Winter competition this year (for the first time) and we wish them lots of luck. Our parents were fantastic again this year, pulling out all the stops, be it training, Club fundraising, filling our site positions, helping with recording, covering additional Belmont positions etc. They were always willing to get out there and help without pressure or argument ‐ we are very proud of the parents we have in our Club. A big thank you to them all !! Our wind up was held on the 28th March, 2009 at Stirk Park, giving our athletes the chance for some fun and a sausage sizzle to accompany the presentations. This was continued at Kalamunda Wet and Wild for those who were interested. The following athletes were presented with extra recognition for their efforts and sportsmanship; Senior all round athlete – Rosie Collyer Junior all round athlete – Harry Edwards Most Promising Senior athlete – Jake O’Dowd Most promising Junior athlete – Brodie Roche New Senior athlete award – Casey Roney BLAC ANNUAL REPORT 2008/2009
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BELMONT LITTLE ATHELTICS CENTRE INC. Affiliated with Western Australia Little Athletics New Junior athlete award – Senior Athletes training awards – Junior Athletes training awards – Lachlan Schultz Jesse Rheinlander & Kaylee Halse James Pavlinovich, Duncan Jones & Sasa Vanek Club Captains this year were Kyle Christie & Kelly Pickles. We would also like to acknowledge those Club members who stood up and helped fill Belmont Centre positions this year. As a Club we would like to thank all of those people who took the time to help run the Belmont Centre this year. Without their time and enthusiasm it would not have been possible for our athletes to have had such a rewarding and fulfilling year ... Thank you !! Our AGM is due to take place in July 2009 at which stage all positions will become vacant and nominations will be asked for. Christine Christie for Stacey Spencer, Club Manager Page 24 of 36
BELMONT LITTLE ATHELTICS CENTRE INC. Affiliated with Western Australia Little Athletics Kewdale Little Athletics Club ‐ Club Manager’s Report In writing this report I acknowledge the hard work of both Mary Darr who filled this role until Christmas and of Jana Tetlaw who then took over the role part‐time amongst her many other roles at the Club since the New Year. Kewdale had 50 registered athletes on paper, but two children withdrew before the season had even started and one transferred to another Centre. This only highlights the great efforts of those remaining athletes to win the coveted “Joy Hardman Shield” for Champion Club Handicap. The athletes further demonstrated their abilities by setting 53 new Club Records and 1315 personal bests for the season. Centre Competition The season overall was a great success for our athletes at the Centre. A large number of Kewdale athletes medalled during the three days of the Centre Championships, with Kewdale being well represented in the both the Christmas Gift and 1500m Invitational. Kayla Cuthbertson finished 2nd in the junior girls. Stephanie Lam finished 1st and Imogen Howes 3rd in the senior girls. Peter Murphy finished 1st in the senior boys. 1500m Invitational: Deborah Short finished 2nd in the girls. Peter Murphy finished 2nd in the boys. Christmas Gift: A special mention for Tiare Sugden who set a new U7 Boys Shot Put record of 6.49m this season. The record has stood since 2000 and we hope that Tiare will continue on with his promising athletics career. State Competition Kewdale athletes have always enjoyed representing their Centre, and the season started with some newer Club athletes attending the first “IGA Personal Best Challenge Day”. The Club also sent 19 athletes to Zones, with 11 of those athletes qualifying for the State Championships. Although no athletes received a medal, all athletes obtained personal bests in one or more events on the weekend. The Club was honoured for the second season in a row by having another of our under 15 athletes nominated for the Doug Hancy award. This season it was Vincion Geneste who was nominated for and won the Doug Hancy award. Vincion follows Stephanie Lam from last season who was also the girls winner for this accolade. Club News Not only did the athletes do well, but the Club’s parents also achieved success this season with Michael Munro receiving the “Centre Official of the Year” award, Catherine Geneste receiving the “Centre Coach of the Year” award and Bradley Edwards receiving the “Centre Administrator of the Year” award. The Club Captains this season were Thomas Wedge and Aundrea Grayson. When Aundrea left after the New Year to return to Sydney Stephanie Lam took on the role for the remainder of the BLAC ANNUAL REPORT 2008/2009
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BELMONT LITTLE ATHELTICS CENTRE INC. Affiliated with Western Australia Little Athletics season. Peter Murphy was selected as one of the Centre Captains along with Hannah Kentish from Forrestfield and they both represented BLAC well. The Club unfortunately suffered from the over‐commitment of it’s Committee filling a number of roles at the Centre on competition days. This left the Club with limited numbers of parents able to fill Key Official positions on the three sites we were allocated. The Key Officials who did fill these sites were therefore required to keep filling them week after week and this in turn meant that there were no senior parents left in the Kewdale Club area to offer assistance to our new parents and athletes. We hope that the Centre will address the problem of parents from Clubs who are commited to Centre roles on competition days that take them away from their Clubs, and thereby reducing the number of parents available to fill their Club’s rosters. This lead to a number of families leaving the Club after the Christmas/New Year break because they were continually on site week after week. I would like to thank the Kalamunda/Lesmurdie Club’s parents for their assistance on Shot Put site one which the Kewdale Club was allocated, and indeed for their help in filling any other position which needed filling. In particular I would like to thank Christine Christie for her support throughout the season. I would also like to thank the parents of all the Clubs for ensuring that their sites ran so that our athletes could compete, as well as the athletes of each Club for providing such great competition for our athletes. The Club endeavoured to make itself a family orientated Club with a sausage sizzle before the season began to welcome new families and another one before Christmas. A pizza night on the first competition day back after the New Year was followed by an overnight camp at Gerry Archer by a small group of athletes and parents. The Club windup and AGM was held at Kalamunda Wet & Wild on the 29th of March. With a number of this season’s Committee members not returning next season the opportunity is there for some of the newer parents to step forward and be more involved in their child’s sport. It is hoped that the combination of both new and old Committee members will only further secure the continued success of the Club for many seasons to come. In summary the Kewdale Club has had a great season athletically, and has hopefully established a strong core group of athletes who will only improve over the coming seasons. The Club should look forward to the coming season with both confidence and high expectations. Along with the Centre, the Kewdale Club will be celebrating it’s 40th Anniversary next season. This should be acknowledged as a great milestone for the Club and I hope that there are many, many more to come. Bradley Edwards, for Mary Darr & Jana Tetlaw Club Managers. Page 26 of 36
BELMONT LITTLE ATHELTICS CENTRE INC. Affiliated with Western Australia Little Athletics Appendix “A” – Independent Auditor’s Report BLAC ANNUAL REPORT 2008/2009
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BELMONT LITTLE ATHELTICS CENTRE INC. Affiliated with Western Australia Little Athletics Appendix “B” – 2008/2009 Profit & Loss Statement Page 28 of 36
BELMONT LITTLE ATHELTICS CENTRE INC. Affiliated with Western Australia Little Athletics Appendix “C” – 2008/2009 Balance Sheet BLAC ANNUAL REPORT 2008/2009
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BELMONT LITTLE ATHELTICS CENTRE INC. Affiliated with Western Australia Little Athletics Appendix “D” – 2008/2009 Centre Assets Schedule Asset Group Item Qty. Unit Cost Sub‐total Athletic Equip. Discus ‐ 1.0Kg 2 $8.90 $17.80 Athletic Equip. Discus ‐ 1.5Kg 2 $9.90 $19.80 Athletic Equip. Discus ‐ 350g 2 $5.80 $11.60 Athletic Equip. Discus ‐ 500g 7 $6.00 $42.00 Athletic Equip. Discus ‐ 750g 11 $6.50 $71.50 Athletic Equip. High Jump ‐ Bun Cover (Orange) 2 $100.00 $200.00 Athletic Equip. High Jump ‐ Bun Cover (Vinyl) 2 $250.00 $500.00 Athletic Equip. High Jump ‐ Bun Strap 2 $50.00 $100.00 Athletic Equip. High Jump ‐ Buns 6 $1,300.00 $7,800.00 Athletic Equip. High Jump ‐ Buns (old) 5 $1,250.00 $6,250.00 Athletic Equip. High Jump ‐ Green Mat 2 $500.00 $1,000.00 Athletic Equip. High Jump ‐ Cross Bar 2 $105.00 $210.00 Athletic Equip. High Jump ‐ Scissor Jump Mat 1 $750.00 $750.00 Athletic Equip. High Jump ‐ Measuring Stick 2 $25.00 $50.00 Athletic Equip. High Jump ‐ Uprights (Set of 2) 3 $100.00 $300.00 Athletic Equip. Hurdle ‐ Junior 46 $145.00 $6,670.00 Athletic Equip. Hurdle ‐ Mini (training) 38 $12.00 $456.00 Athletic Equip. Javelin ‐ 400g 6 $95.00 $570.00 Athletic Equip. Javelin ‐ 600g 13 $95.00 $1,235.00 Athletic Equip. Javelin ‐ 700g 5 $95.00 $475.00 Athletic Equip. Javelin ‐ 800g 1 $110.00 $110.00 Athletic Equip. Javelin ‐ Turbo Javelin 6 $75.00 $450.00 Athletic Equip. Long Jump ‐ Chalk Bottle 3 $2.50 $7.50 Athletic Equip. Long Jump ‐ Mat 0.20m 3 $30.00 $90.00 Athletic Equip. Long Jump ‐ Mat 0.50m 3 $60.00 $180.00 Athletic Equip. Long Jump ‐ Mat 1.00m 3 $120.00 $360.00 Athletic Equip. Long Jump ‐ Mat Chalk (Box) 1 $50.00 $50.00 Athletic Equip. Long Jump ‐ Mat Spikes 8 $1.50 $12.00 Athletic Equip. Shot Put ‐ 1.0Kg 5 $7.20 $36.00 Athletic Equip. Shot Put ‐ 1.5Kg 4 $7.90 $31.60 Athletic Equip. Shot Put ‐ 2.0Kg 6 $9.00 $54.00 Athletic Equip. Shot Put ‐ 3.0Kg 4 $12.00 $48.00 Athletic Equip. Shot Put ‐ 4.0Kg 4 $14.50 $58.00 Athletic Equip. Shot Put ‐ 5.0Kg 3 $19.90 $59.70 Athletic Equip. Shot Put ‐ Portable Stop Board 1 $99.00 $99.00 Athletic Equip. Track ‐ Ear Muffs 2 $12.00 $24.00 Athletic Equip. Track ‐ Finish Post 2 $25.00 $50.00 Athletic Equip. Track ‐ Lap Bell 1 $25.00 $25.00 Athletic Equip. Track ‐ Lap Counter 1 $100.00 $100.00 Athletic Equip. Track ‐ Line Marking Template 2 $10.00 $20.00 Athletic Equip. Track ‐ Place Sticks (Set) 2 $50.00 $100.00 Athletic Equip. Track ‐ Relay Batons (50cm) 13 $3.90 $50.70 Athletic Equip. Track ‐ Starting Blocks (Set) 3 $125.00 $375.00 BLAC ANNUAL REPORT 2008/2009
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BELMONT LITTLE ATHELTICS CENTRE INC. Affiliated with Western Australia Little Athletics Asset Group Item Qty. Unit Cost Sub‐total Athletic Equip. Track ‐ Starting Caps (Box) 5 $7.50 $37.50 Athletic Equip. Track ‐ Starting Guns 3 $25.00 $75.00 Athletic Equip. Track ‐ Stop Watch, Standard 9 $32.50 $292.50 Athletic Equip. Track ‐ Stop Watch, 100 Lap Multi‐timer 1 $55.00 $55.00 Athletic Equip. Track ‐ Stop Watch, Seiko 100 Digital Stopwatch & Printer 1 $500.00 $500.00 Athletic Equip. Track ‐ Stop Watch, Seiko 300 Digital Stopwatch & Printer 1 $565.00 $565.00 Athletic Equip. Track ‐ Stop Watch, Seiko 300 Paper Rolls 6 $5.00 $30.00 Athletic Equip. Track ‐ Stop Watch, Cadbury 30 $1.00 $30.00 Athletic Equip. Track ‐ Timing Gate metal framework 1 $1,655.00 $1,655.00 Athletic Equip. Track ‐ Electronic timing unit (ATP301D) 1 $2,620.00 $2,620.00 Athletic Equip. Track ‐ 10 Lane reflectors & sensors kit 1 $5,700.00 $5,700.00 Athletic Equip. Wireless RF starting system (ESS3) 2 $750.00 $1,500.00 Athletic Equip. Track ‐ Modified JEX202 starting gun 3 $85.00 $255.00 Awards Awards ‐ Perpetual Trophy for Jumps 1 $50.00 $50.00 Awards Awards ‐ Perpetual Trophy for Throws 1 $50.00 $50.00 Awards Awards ‐ Perpetual Trophy for Middle Dist. 1 $50.00 $50.00 Awards Awards ‐ Perpetual Trophy for Sprints/Hurdles 1 $50.00 $50.00 Awards Awards ‐ Perpetual Trophy for Walks 1 $50.00 $50.00 Awards Awards ‐ Honour Board (BLAC Champs & Comm.) 1 $500.00 $500.00 Awards Awards ‐ Honour Board (BLAC Champs & Comm.) 1 $500.00 $500.00 Awards Awards ‐ Honour Board (BLAC State Reps.) 1 $500.00 $500.00 Awards Awards ‐ Pre 2008 Medallion (Gold) 25 $3.50 $87.50 Awards Awards ‐ Pre 2008 Medallion (Silver) 25 $3.50 $87.50 Awards Awards ‐ Pre 2008 Medallion (Bronze) 25 $3.50 $87.50 Awards Awards ‐ 2008/2009 Medallion (Gold) 27 $5.06 $136.62 Awards Awards ‐ 2008/2009 Medallion (Silver) 29 $5.06 $146.74 Awards Awards ‐ 2008/2009 Medallion (Bronze) 31 $5.06 $156.86 Awards Awards ‐ Club Badge (100) 61 $5.00 $305.00 Awards Awards ‐ Club Badge (200) 78 $5.00 $390.00 Awards Awards ‐ Club Badge (300) 45 $5.00 $225.00 Awards Awards ‐ Club Badge (400) 34 $5.00 $170.00 Awards Awards ‐ Club Badge (500) 8 $5.00 $40.00 Awards Awards ‐ Club Badge (600) 20 $5.00 $100.00 Awards Awards ‐ Club Badge (700) 0 $5.00 $0.00 Clothing Shirt ‐ Pre 2009 Size 8 Small (Old Style) 3 $15.00 $45.00 Clothing Shirt ‐ Pre 2009 Size 8 (Old Style) 1 $15.00 $15.00 Clothing Shirt ‐ Pre 2009 Size 10 (Old Style) 2 $15.00 $30.00 Clothing Shirt ‐ Pre 2009 Size 14 (Old Style) 2 $15.00 $30.00 Clothing Shirt ‐ Pre 2009 Size 16 (Old Style) 4 $15.00 $60.00 Clothing Polo Shirt ‐ Size 6 (New Style) 2 $22.00 $44.00 Clothing Polo Shirt ‐ Size 8 (New Style) 4 $22.00 $88.00 Clothing Polo Shirt ‐ Size 10 (New Style) 5 $22.00 $110.00 Clothing Polo Shirt ‐ Size 12 (New Style) 3 $22.00 $66.00 Clothing Polo Shirt ‐ Size 14 (New Style) 5 $25.00 $125.00 Clothing Polo Shirt ‐ Size 16 (New Style) 4 $25.00 $100.00 Page 32 of 36
BELMONT LITTLE ATHELTICS CENTRE INC. Affiliated with Western Australia Little Athletics Asset Group Item Qty. Unit Cost Sub‐total Clothing Polo Shirt ‐ Size 18 (New Style) 5 $25.00 $125.00 Clothing Muscle Shirt ‐ Size 6 (New Style) 0 $20.00 $0.00 Clothing Muscle Shirt ‐ Size 8 (New Style) 8 $20.00 $160.00 Clothing Muscle Shirt ‐ Size 10 (New Style) 9 $20.00 $180.00 Clothing Muscle Shirt ‐ Size 12 (New Style) 10 $20.00 $200.00 Clothing Muscle Shirt ‐ Size 14 (New Style) 8 $23.00 $184.00 Clothing Muscle Shirt ‐ Size 16 (New Style) 5 $23.00 $115.00 Clothing Muscle Shirt ‐ Size 18 (New Style) 4 $23.00 $92.00 Clothing Muscle Shirt ‐ Size 20 (New Style) 5 $23.00 $115.00 Communications PA ‐ FM Wireless Microphone & Receiver 1 $75.00 $75.00 Communications PA ‐ Horn Speaker ‐ 8 Ohm 0 $45.00 $0.00 Communications PA ‐ Microphone 3 $40.00 $120.00 Communications PA ‐ Microphone extension lead 4 $10.00 $40.00 Communications PA ‐ System (100W) Type TA‐268 1 $500.00 $500.00 Communications Two Way (Walkie Talkie) ‐ Field 10 $75.00 $750.00 Communications Two Way (Walkie Talkie) ‐ Track 8 $75.00 $600.00 Communications Desktop charger for Two Way ‐ Field 5 $25.00 $125.00 Communications Desktop charger for Two Way ‐ Track 4 $50.00 $200.00 First Aid First Aid ‐ Kit (St. Johns Outdoor) 1 $149.50 $149.50 First Aid First Aid ‐ Folding bed 1 $100.00 $100.00 First Aid First Aid ‐ Bed sheets 2 $10.00 $20.00 First Aid First Aid ‐ Blanket 1 $20.00 $20.00 First Aid First Aid ‐ Pillow 2 $10.00 $20.00 First Aid First Aid ‐ Additional first aid items (kit). 1 $250.00 $250.00 First Aid First Aid ‐ Sharps Removal Kit 1 $15.00 $15.00 Food & Cleaning Kitchen ‐ BBQ ‐ 2 Burner Gas (Patio Master) 1 $100.00 $100.00 Food & Cleaning Kitchen ‐ BBQ ‐ Gas Bottle 8.5Kg 1 $50.00 $50.00 Food & Cleaning Kitchen ‐ Bucket, Plastic 3 $5.00 $15.00 Food & Cleaning Kitchen ‐ Electric Kettle 1 $20.00 $20.00 Food & Cleaning Kitchen ‐ Foam Cups 750 $0.05 $37.50 Food & Cleaning Kitchen ‐ Fridge 1 (Model: P423G) 1 $250.00 $250.00 Food & Cleaning Kitchen ‐ Fridge 2 (375L) 1 $250.00 $250.00 Food & Cleaning Kitchen ‐ Fridge 3 (400L Approx.) 1 $250.00 $250.00 Food & Cleaning Kitchen ‐ Food Warmer/Pie Oven 1 $300.00 $300.00 Food & Cleaning Kitchen ‐ Hot Water Urn (50L?) 1 $150.00 $150.00 Food & Cleaning Kitchen ‐ Microwave (M595) 1 $100.00 $100.00 Food & Cleaning Kitchen ‐ Microwave (MA‐650ME) 1 $100.00 $100.00 Food & Cleaning Kitchen ‐ Mop (Squeeze) 1 $15.00 $15.00 Food & Cleaning Kitchen ‐ Mop (Standard) 2 $5.00 $10.00 Food & Cleaning Kitchen ‐ Mop Bucket 1 $5.00 $5.00 Food & Cleaning Kitchen ‐ Paper Towel (Roll) 5 $2.50 $12.50 Food & Cleaning Kitchen ‐ Sandwich Toaster 1 $25.00 $25.00 Food & Cleaning Kitchen ‐ Squeeze mop head replacement 1 $5.00 $5.00 Food & Cleaning Kitchen ‐ Toilet Tissue ‐ Rolls 25 $0.50 $12.50 Food & Cleaning Kitchen ‐ Toilet Tissue (Box) 111 $0.50 $55.50 BLAC ANNUAL REPORT 2008/2009
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BELMONT LITTLE ATHELTICS CENTRE INC. Affiliated with Western Australia Little Athletics Asset Group Item Qty. Unit Cost Sub‐total Furniture Furniture ‐ Chair, metal frame & wood 12 $5.00 $60.00 Furniture Furniture ‐ Chair, metal frame & plastic 42 $5.00 $210.00 Furniture Furniture ‐ Table Legs (for Trestle Table) 3 $20.00 $60.00 Furniture Furniture ‐ Table Tops (for Trestle Table) 2 $20.00 $40.00 Furniture Furniture ‐ Table, Wood top with metal frame 1 $50.00 $50.00 Furniture Furniture ‐ Table, Wooden Folding 8 $50.00 $400.00 Furniture Furniture ‐ Cupboard (wooden TV cabinet) 1 $100.00 $100.00 Furniture Furniture ‐ Cupboard (metal equipment) 1 $100.00 $100.00 Furniture Furniture ‐ Cupboard (gray metal) 1 $100.00 $100.00 Furniture Furniture ‐ Chest of drawers (wooden) 1 $100.00 $100.00 Manual Aids Ride‐on Mower 1 Manual Aids Trolley ‐ Site (Blue) 9 $110.00 $990.00 Manual Aids Trolley ‐ Fridge 1 $50.00 $50.00 Manual Aids Trolley ‐ Garden Cart for Ride‐on Mower 1 $250.00 $250.00 Manual Aids Trolley ‐ Hurdle (Green) 1 $500.00 $500.00 Manual Aids Trolley ‐ High Jump (Orange) 1 $500.00 $500.00 Manual Aids Trailer ‐ Water tank & pump. 1 Miscellaneous Miscellaneous ‐ Extension Cord (10m) 4 $10.00 $40.00 Miscellaneous Miscellaneous ‐ Extension Cord (15m) 2 $15.00 $30.00 Miscellaneous Miscellaneous ‐ Finish Podium 1 $250.00 $250.00 Miscellaneous Miscellaneous ‐ Orange Bunting 0 $35.00 $0.00 Miscellaneous Miscellaneous ‐ Rope (on a roll) 1 $50.00 $50.00 Miscellaneous Miscellaneous ‐ Star Picket 7 $7.50 $52.50 Miscellaneous Miscellaneous ‐ Water Container (2.5L) 0 $25.00 $0.00 Miscellaneous Miscellaneous ‐ Water Container (30L) 1 $100.00 $100.00 Miscellaneous Miscellaneous ‐ Water Container (5L) 0 $35.00 $0.00 Office Equip. Balloon Pump 3 $10.00 $30.00 Office Equip. Stationary ‐ Paper Guillotine (38cm) 1 $50.00 $50.00 Office Equip. Stationary ‐ Printer Cartridge (E31) for FC290 Photocopier 2 $269.00 $538.00 Office Equip. Stationary ‐ Printer Cartridge (EP‐22) for LBP1120 Printer 1 $109.00 $109.00 Office Equip. Stationary ‐ Printer Cartridge (TN‐2025) for Brother MFC7420 0 $112.00 $0.00 Office Equip. Stationary ‐ Stapler 2 $5.00 $10.00 Office Equip. Electronic – Power board (6‐way) 2 $20.00 $40.00 Office Equip. Electronic ‐ Photocopier (Canon FC290) 1 $390.00 $390.00 Office Equip. Electronic ‐ Laptop (Dell) 2 Office Equip. Electronic ‐ Multi‐function Printer (MFC 7420) 1 $399.00 $399.00 Paint Hurdle ‐ Marking Paint (Black) 1 $12.50 $12.50 Paint Hurdle ‐ Marking Paint (Blue) 12 $12.50 $150.00 Paint Hurdle ‐ Marking Paint (Green) 0 $12.50 $0.00 Paint Hurdle ‐ Marking Paint (Orange) 0 $12.50 $0.00 Paint Hurdle ‐ Marking Paint (Pink) 0 $12.50 $0.00 Paint Hurdle ‐ Marking Paint (White) 0 $12.50 $0.00 Paint Hurdle ‐ Marking Paint (Yellow) 6 $12.50 $75.00 Recording Records ‐ Clipboard (Small) 6 $5.00 $30.00 Recording Records ‐ Clipboard (Large) 19 $5.00 $95.00 Page 34 of 36
$3,500.00 $3,500.00 $1,500.00 $1,500.00 $1,500.00 $3,000.00 BLAC ANNUAL REPORT 2008/2009
BELMONT LITTLE ATHELTICS CENTRE INC. Affiliated with Western Australia Little Athletics Asset Group Item Qty. Unit Cost Sub‐total Recording Records ‐ Electric Table Fan 1 $15.00 $15.00 Recording Records ‐ Filing Tray 6 $2.50 $15.00 Recording Records ‐ White Board (for Track Records) 1 $50.00 $50.00 Shades Shade Tent ‐ Assorted Poles 45 $10.00 $450.00 Shades Shade Tent ‐ Assorted Ropes 30 $10.00 $300.00 Shades Shade Tent ‐ Green/White (medium) 2 $135.00 $270.00 Shades Shade Tent ‐ Green/White (small) 2 $115.00 $230.00 Shades Shade Tent ‐ Marquee 2 $500.00 $1,000.00 Shades Shade Tent ‐ McDonalds 1 $1,270.00 $1,270.00 Shades Shade Tent ‐ Oztrail (blue collapsible) 6 $250.00 $1,500.00 Shades Shade Tent ‐ Poles for Marquee (Set) 2 $200.00 $400.00 Shades Shade Tent ‐ Tarpaulin 9 $15.00 $135.00 Shades Shade Tent ‐ Timekeepers (plus two poles) 1 $100.00 $100.00 Shades Shade Tent ‐ Tent Pegs (S) 6 $2.00 $12.00 Shades Shade Tent ‐ Tent Pegs (M) 14 $3.00 $42.00 Shades Shade Tent ‐ Tent Pegs (L) 17 $4.00 $68.00 Shades Shade Tent ‐ Tent Pegs (XL) 6 $5.00 $30.00 Signage Sign ‐ Marshalling (cross) 2 $100.00 $200.00 Signage Sign ‐ Orange Number Cover 8 $5.00 $40.00 Signage Sign ‐ Registration Day Banner 1 $100.00 $100.00 Signage Sign ‐ Site Numbers 1 to 11 (Set) 1 $550.00 $550.00 Signage Sign ‐ Starters black boards 2 $50.00 $100.00 Signage Sign ‐ Timekeeper (lollipop) 1 $30.00 $30.00 Signage Sign ‐ Timekeeper (stop/go) 2 $30.00 $60.00 Site Equipment Flag ‐ Orange 3 $2.00 $6.00 Site Equipment Flag ‐ Red 27 $2.00 $54.00 Site Equipment Flag ‐ White 14 $2.00 $28.00 Site Equipment Flag ‐ Yellow 16 $2.00 $32.00 Site Equipment Measuring ‐ Fibreglass Tape (50m) 1 $110.00 $110.00 Site Equipment Measuring ‐ Fibreglass Tape (100m) 0 $250.00 $0.00 Site Equipment Measuring ‐ Place Markers (Set of 20 numbers) 6 $145.00 $870.00 Site Equipment Measuring ‐ Spike 8 $16.50 $132.00 Site Equipment Measuring ‐ Tape 10m 0 $12.50 $0.00 Site Equipment Measuring ‐ Tape 15m 0 $12.90 $0.00 Site Equipment Measuring ‐ Tape 20m 0 $14.00 $0.00 Site Equipment Measuring ‐ Tape 30m 7 $16.00 $112.00 Site Equipment Measuring ‐ Tape 50m 2 $23.00 $46.00 Site Equipment Measuring ‐ Tape 100m 3 $50.00 $150.00 Stationary Paper ‐ Blue (ream of 500 sheets) 3 $5.00 $15.00 Stationary Paper ‐ White (ream of 500 sheets) 2 $5.00 $10.00 Stationary Paper ‐ Yellow (ream of 500 sheets) 3 $5.00 $15.00 Stationary Pens ‐ Blue 20 $1.00 $20.00 Tools Tools ‐ Battery Charger 12V Car 1 $25.00 $25.00 Tools Tools ‐ Bike Pump 0 $5.00 $0.00 Tools Tools ‐ Broom, Garden (large) 2 $20.00 $40.00 BLAC ANNUAL REPORT 2008/2009
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BELMONT LITTLE ATHELTICS CENTRE INC. Affiliated with Western Australia Little Athletics Asset Group Item Qty. Unit Cost Sub‐total Tools Tools ‐ Broom, Garden (medium) 1 $15.00 $15.00 Tools Tools ‐ Broom, Garden (small ‐ 40cm) 1 $10.00 $10.00 Tools Tools ‐ Broom, House 3 $10.00 $30.00 Tools Tools ‐ Garden Hose 2 $15.00 $30.00 Tools Tools ‐ Hammer (Ball Pein) 1 $20.00 $20.00 Tools Tools ‐ Hammer (Claw) 1 $20.00 $20.00 Tools Tools ‐ Line Marking Machine (used by soccer club) 1 $400.00 $400.00 Tools Tools ‐ Sand Leveller, Wooden 3 $20.00 $60.00 Tools Tools ‐ Measuring Wheel 1 $75.00 $75.00 Tools Tools ‐ Rake, Steel Garden 3 $20.00 $60.00 Tools Tools ‐ Rake, Plastic Leaf 1 $10.00 $10.00 Tools Tools ‐ Shovel 1 $30.00 $30.00 Tools Tools ‐ Spade 1 $30.00 $30.00 Tools Tools ‐ Spot Light 1 $25.00 $25.00 Page 36 of 36