Agenda March 21st 2016
Agenda March 21st 2016
LATROBE COUNCIL AGENDA & Attachments COUNCIL MEETING MARCH 21ST, 2016 Commencing at 5.00pm. I certify that with respect to all advice, information or recommendations provided to Council with this Agenda: 1. The advice, information or recommendations are given by a person who has the qualifications or experience necessary to give such advice, information or recommendation; and 2. Where any advice is given directly to Council by a person who does not have the required qualifications or experience, that person has obtained and taken into account in that person’s general advice the advice from an appropriately qualified or experienced person. 3. Councillors are reminded of their obligations under Part 5 of the Local Government Act 1993 in respect to Interests. General Manager GENERAL MANAGER NOTES: S.65(1) of the Local Government Act 1993 requires the General Manager to ensure that any advice, information or recommendations given to the Council (or a Council committee) is given by a person who has the qualifications or experience necessary to give such advice, information or recommendation. S.65(2) forbids Council from deciding any matter that requires the advice of a qualified person without considering that advice. AGENDA NOTICE is hereby given that the next Ordinary Meeting of the Latrobe Council will be held at the Council Chambers, Latrobe on Monday, March 21st, 2016 at 5.00pm at which the following items are listed for discussion. ITEM NO SUBJECT ...................................................................................................... PAGE 14578 APOLOGIES / LEAVE OF ABSENCE:.................................................................. 4 14579 PECUNIARY INTEREST-LOCAL GOVERNMENT (MEETING PROCEDURES) REGULATIONS 2015 – CLAUSE (7): ................................................................... 4 14580 CONFIRMATION OF MINUTES – ORDINARY MEETING HELD 15TH FEBRUARY, 2016:................................................................................................ 4 14581 PUBLIC PARTICIPATION AND QUESTION TIME: .............................................. 4 14582 COUNCIL WORKSHOPS: .................................................................................... 4 14583 COUNCIL DECISION STATUS REPORT: ............................................................ 5 14584 PORT SORELL ADVISORY COMMITTEE – MEETING HELD 8TH MARCH, 2016: ................................................................................................................... 20 14585 LATROBE SPORT AND RECREATION MANAGEMENT COMMITTEE – MEETING HELD 9th MARCH, 2016: ................................................................... 21 14586 BANKSIA CENTRE MANAGEMENT COMMITTEE - MEETING HELD 2ND MARCH, 2016: .................................................................................................... 21 14587 PORT SORELL MEMORIAL HALL COMMITTEE:.............................................. 21 14588 CAMP BANKSIA CONTROLLING AUTHORITY – PROPOSED CHANGE TO A SPECIAL COMMITTEE OF COUNCIL: .............................................................. 22 14589 WARRAWEE MOUNTAIN BIKE MASTER PLAN ............................................... 22 14590 FINANCE REPORT – FEBRUARY 2016: ........................................................... 23 14591 AUDIT PANEL COMMITTEE - MEETING HELD 23RD FEBRUARY, 2016: ........ 23 14592 COMMUNITY ROAD SAFETY COMMITTEE – MEETING HELD 9TH FEBRUARY, 2016:.............................................................................................. 24 14593 BUILDING – APPLICATIONS ISSUED –FEBRUARY 2016: .............................. 24 14594 PLANNING – DEVELOPMENT APPLICATIONS – STATUS REPORT – FEBRUARY 2016:............................................................................................... 25 14595 DEVELOPMENT APPLICATION – PROPOSED SHOP AND SIGNAGE ............. 27 14596 PLANNING AUTHORITY: ................................................................................... 28 14597 CLOSED MEETING: ........................................................................................... 28 14598 14599 14600 14601 14602 14603 14604 14605 14606 14607 14608 Apologies........................................................................................................................................ 28 Leave of Absence .......................................................................................................................... 28 th Confirmation of Minutes – Closed Meeting held 15 February, 2016............................................ 28 Council Decision Status Report February, 2016– Closed Meeting ............................................... 28 th Cradle Coast Authority Board Meeting Minutes held 9 February, 2016 ...................................... 28 th Cradle Coast Authority Representatives Meeting Minutes held 25 February, 2016 .................... 28 th Dulverton Waste Management Authority Board Meeting Minutes held 18 February, 2016 ........ 28 th Lions Club of Port Sorell Inc. Caravan Park Meeting Minutes held 16 February, 2016 .............. 28 nd Municipal Alliances Meeting Minutes held 22 February, 2016 .................................................... 28 Closed Meeting Item Confidentiality .............................................................................................. 28 OPEN COUNCIL: ................................................................................................ 28 Latrobe Council OPEN Agenda 21st March, 2016 Page 2 ATTACHMENTS INDEX ANNEXURE “A” ...................................................................................................................30 TH CONFIRMATION OF MINUTES – ORDINARY MEETING HELD 15 FEBRUARY, 2016 ......................... 30 ANNEXURE “B” ................................................................................................................... 36 PORT SORELL ADVISORY COMMITTEE – MEETING HELD 8 MARCH, 2016 ..................................... 36 TH ANNEXURE “C” ...................................................................................................................44 TH LATROBE SPORT AND RECREATION MANAGEMENT COMMITTEE - MEETING HELD 9 MARCH, 2016 ....................................................................................................................................................... 44 ANNEXURE “D” ................................................................................................................... 51 TH BANKSIA CENTRE MANAGEMENT COMMITTEE – MEETING HELD 24 FEBRUARY, 2016 ............... 51 ANNEXURE “E” ................................................................................................................... 59 PORT SORELL MEMORIAL HALL COMMITTEE – MEETING HELD 28 TH JANUARY, 2016 ..................... 59 ANNEXURE “F” ................................................................................................................... 60 CAMP BANKSIA CONTROLLING AUTHORITY – PROPOSED CHANGE TO A SPECIAL COMMITTEE OF COUNCIL ................................................................................................................................................ 60 ANNEXURE “G” ................................................................................................................... 65 WARRAWEE MOUNTAIN BIKE MASTER PLAN ......................................................................................... 65 ANNEXURE “H” ................................................................................................................... 73 FINANCE REPORT – FEBRUARY 2016 ...................................................................................................... 73 ANNEXURE “I”...................................................................................................................129 RD AUDIT PANEL COMMITTEE – MEETING HELD 23 FEBRUARY 2016 ..................................................129 ANNEXURE “J” ..................................................................................................................133 TH COMMUNITY ROAD SAFETY COMMITTEE – MEETING HELD 9 FEBRUARY, 2016 ..........................133 ANNEXURE “K” ................................................................................................................. 136 DEVELOPMENT APPLICATION – PROPOSED SHOP AND SIGNAGE .................................................... 136 Latrobe Council OPEN Agenda 21st March, 2016 Page 3 14578 APOLOGIES / LEAVE OF ABSENCE: Nil. 14579 PECUNIARY INTEREST-LOCAL GOVERNMENT (MEETING PROCEDURES) REGULATIONS 2015 – CLAUSE (7): The Chairperson is to request whether Councillors have a pecuniary interest in any item on the Agenda. 14580 CONFIRMATION OF MINUTES – ORDINARY MEETING HELD 15TH FEBRUARY, 2016: Author General Manager Annexure “A” Minutes of meeting held 15/02/16 Recommendation That the minutes of the previous meeting of the Latrobe Council, held at the Council Chambers, Latrobe on 15th February, 2016 copies of which have been printed and circulated on Annexure “A” of the Agenda, be taken as read and confirmed. 14581 PUBLIC PARTICIPATION AND QUESTION TIME: Questions and comments will not be accepted in relation to Planning Authority items. GOVERNANCE UNIT 14582 COUNCIL WORKSHOPS: Author General Manager General Manager’s Comments Council Workshops were held on 15th February, 2016 and 29th February, 2016. The following subjects were discussed; • • • • • • • • • • • • • Infrastructure Tasmania Project Pipeline Tree Removal Application to Waiver Planning Fee Tree Preservation Register North West Coastal Pathway Latrobe Camping Area Mersey Community Care Association Inc. Corporate Risks Regional Economic Development Strategy Chapel Road Reconstruction 2015/16 Local Government Association of Tasmania AGM and General Meeting Community Forum Information Sessions Devonport Apex Regatta Association Latrobe Council OPEN Agenda 21st March, 2016 Page 4 • • • LGAT Councillor Workshop Latrobe Lions Club Student Bus Fares The above information is listed as required by Clause 8 (2) (c) Local Government (Meeting Procedures) Regulations 2015. Recommendation That information on topics discussed at the 15th February and 29th February, 2016 Council Workshops be received. 14583 Date COUNCIL DECISION STATUS REPORT: Min Ref 13/10/14 14041 Details Action Required Action Status Officer LATROBE SPORT AND RECREATION MANAGEMENT COMMITTEE – MEETING HELD OCTOBER 1ST, 2014: That the Latrobe Sport and GM Recreation Management Committee Meeting Minutes dated October 1st, 2014 as tabled for the information of Councillors be received and noted and; 1) That the following recommendations contained therein be endorsed: e) That an access ramp be constructed in the kerb to allow wheelchair bound patrons to access the Perkins Park area from the Latrobe Recreation Ground 09/06/15 14298 PLANNING SCHEME That the report by the Planning MPS AMENDMENT Officer dated 1 June 2015 as 01/2015 – circulated on Annexure “G” be CONSIDERATION OF received and the Council resolve to: REPRESENTATIONS 1. Forward the required Section : 39 report to the Tasmanian Planning Commission with a copy of the submissions from the representors and a recommendation that the Amendment be modified to: a. Redefine the boundaries of the land to be included in the Port Sorell and Environs Specific Area Plan by excluding the landscaped berm to a width Latrobe Council OPEN Agenda 21st March, 2016 GM to raise and clarify benefit with this. Preferred option: checking disabled access within ground. Section 39 report and modified amendment sent to TPC on 11 June 2015. Hearing commenced on 30th July, 2015 and adjourned pending submissions from the applicant and Council, due September, 2015. Page 5 Date Min Ref Details Action Required Action Status Officer of 10m along its northern edge; Submission from Council sent to TPC on 21 September, 2015. b. Include an additional Standard for the requirement of landscaping with development; and Decision of TPC required amendment to be substantially modified c. Correct the typographical errors identified. Council directed to prepare modified amendment and lodge with TPC for certification. Modified Amendment certified by TPC and placed on public exhibition for 28 days from 13 February 2016. 13/07/15 14329 PORT SORELL FORMER LANDFILL SITE DEVELOPMENT PLAN: Latrobe Council OPEN Agenda That the Council receive the report prepared by the General Manager and: 1. Submit the endorsed Development Plan to the EPA for approval. 2. Prepare a decommissioning and rehabilitation plan for the establishment of a regional park in line with the Development Plan and in accordance with EPA requirements. 3. Develop a staged plan and budget for implementation of the Development Plan, maximising external funding sources. 4. Prepare a planning scheme amendment for the site to provide an appropriate zoning for the implementation of the Development Plan. 21st March, 2016 GM Council has IPD Consulting appointed to progress with the EPA. GM and ESM met with IPD and EPA in November, 2015. IPD Progressing. Page 6 Date Min Ref 10/08/15 14364 Details SECTION 33 APPLICATION – CERTIFICATE OF TITLE 165525/5 – BURGESS LINK, SHEARWATER: Action Required Action Status Officer 5. Consult with the Port Sorell community to decide on detailed design elements and identify a name for the future site. That the report by the Planning PBSM Officer dated 4 August 2015 concerning Amendment 02/15 be received and Council: 1. Approve the proposed amendment as presented; and 2. Certify the proposed amendment; and Amendment lodged with TPC. TPC advised no representations received during public exhibition period. 3. Advertise the proposed amendment in The Advocate and place it on public exhibition for a period of three weeks. 9/11/15 14446 PORT SORELL ADVISORY COMMITTEE – MEETING HELD 27TH OCTOBER, 2015: That the Port Sorell Advisory Committee minutes dated 27th October, 2015 as tabled for the information of Councillors be received and noted and; a) GM Proposal developed and considered at the December PSAC meeting. That a sign stating, “Shearwater Village …metres” with an arrow to the right be erected on the bank leading into the Industrial Estate on Alexander Street; Further considered at PSAC March meeting. Aged care and medical centre to be included. Await Council approval of PSAC minutes. 14/12/15 14478 BANKSIA CENTRE STEERING COMMITTEE – MEETING HELD 25TH NOVEMBER, 2015: That the Banksia Centre Steering Committee minutes dated 25th November, 2015 as tabled for the information of Councillors be received and noted and; a) Latrobe Council OPEN Agenda GM Progressing. New committee met 2/3/2016. That the Banksia Centre – Committee Terms of Reference 21st March, 2016 Page 7 Date Min Ref Details Action Required Action Status Officer as detailed in the Banksia Sport and Recreation Centre Facility Management Plan for 2015 -16 be endorsed and the Council proceed to appoint; i) Three (3) representatives of Latrobe Council of whom one (1) shall be an elected representative in the position of Committee Chairperson, one (1) shall be the Banksia Centre Manager, and 1 (one) shall be in the position of Committee Secretary; ii) Representatives from seasonal Banksia Centre users and other community groups namely; 14/12/15 14490 PLANNING SCHEME AMENDMENT – (14 LOT SUBDIVISION) – 17 WILMOT STREET, PORT SORELL AND 15 PORT STREET, PORT SORELL: Latrobe Council OPEN Agenda a) Camp Banksia Controlling Authority b) U3A Committee c) John House (Major organiser of rosters) That the report by the Planning PBSM Officer dated 7 December 2015 concerning Draft Amendment 03/15 and DA 168/2015 be received and Council: 1. Approve the proposed amendment as presented; and 2. Certify the proposed amendment; 3. Advertise the proposed amendment in The Advocate and place it on public exhibition for a period of 28 days; 4. Refuse the proposed subdivision Lots 8, 9, 12 & 13 for the following reasons: (a) Unknown outcomes of Port Sorell Stormwater 21st March, 2016 Amendment certified and placed on public exhibition with draft permit for 28 days from 19 December 2015 not including period from 25 December 2015 to 3 January 2016. Seven (7) representations received. Page 8 Date Min Ref Details Action Required Action Status Officer study in respect of those lots and proposed stormwater detention area ; (b) Concern for impact of fill to develop Lots 8,9,12 & 13 on balance of site; (c) Loss of flexibility in achieving aesthetically pleasing drain through development site in future stages; and (d) Concern for impact on Lots 8,9,12 & 13 of proposed coastal inundation hazard code until permanent barrage built; and 5. Approve the proposed subdivision with the following conditions: (a) Consent is for Lots 1-7, 10-11 & 14 substantially in accordance with endorsed plan Job No. 23715 Drwg. No. C01 Rev.A. (b) TasWater The developer shall comply with the conditions, which TasWater has required the planning authority to include in the permit in accordance with Section 56P(1) of the Water and Sewerage Industry Act 2008. These conditions are specified in TasWater’s submission to Council, Reference TWDA 2015/01947-LC, a copy of which is attached and endorsed to be a document forming part of this permit. (c) Construction of Works Latrobe Council OPEN Agenda 21st March, 2016 Page 9 Date Min Ref Details Action Required Action Status Officer (i) Stormwater All necessary stormwater drains and pits to: a) Provide a DN100 connection to the lowest point on each lot to adequately service the building envelope. Latrobe Council OPEN Agenda b) Drain all roadways and nature strips within the subject land and the development frontage. c) Convey stormwater entering the development site to the stormwater network. d) Piped stormwater leaving the development site is not to overload the existing downstream network or impact on the upstream stormwater infrastructure or capacity. e) Construct a detention basin, barrage and associated drainage features as identified within the Pitt and Sherry ‘Proposed Wilmot Street development at Port Sorell, Inundation Vulnerability, the barrage concept and site fill level consideration’ (October 2011) and Engineering Edge 21st March, 2016 Page 10 Date Min Ref Details Action Required Action Status Officer ’17 Wilmot Street Subdivision Stage 1, Site Civil 7 Infrastructure Feasibility’ (October 2015) reports. (ii) (iii) Latrobe Council OPEN Agenda Roads The development frontage of Wilmot Street is to be widened and constructed with the following features: a) Match the existing surface with an appropriately constructed pavement; b) A minimum pavement width of 8m exclusive of kerbs within the existing road reservation; c) Barrier kerb and channel; d) A 1.5m wide concrete footpath. Where possible located against the property boundary and drained to the kerb; e) Kerb returns and road construction to allow future extension east and west. Driveways All lots are to be provided with a 3.6m wide constructed concrete driveway from the edge of road pavement to the property boundary in conformance with TSDR09-v1. 21st March, 2016 Page 11 Date Min Ref Details Action Required (iv) Landscaping A landscaping plan for all road reservations and public land shall be prepared by a qualified Landscape Architect or other competent person. Landscaping as shown on the approved landscape plan shall be completed prior to the issue of a certificate of practical completion for the development works. Any irrigation system proposed is to be detailed for approval. (v) Cut, Fill and Retaining Structures Action Status Officer Any areas within the development site subject to cutting or filling are to be detailed on the engineering plans and show the existing natural surface contours, the proposed surface contours, density and material of compaction to be undertaken and any associated works such as the installation of retaining walls, subsoil drainage and details of any works to existing sea wall as a temporary interim barrage and detention basin. A standard fee of $75 per lot plus $300 is required to be paid to Council for the assessment of plans, liaison and administration during the project period. (d) Underground Electricity and Telecommunications The subdivider to meet all costs involved in providing underground telecommunications and electricity for the subdivision and to install poles for street Latrobe Council OPEN Agenda 21st March, 2016 Page 12 Date Min Ref Details Action Required Action Status Officer lighting in accordance with TasNetworks requirements and a design approved by Council’s Manager of Engineering. (e) Completion of Works All works are to be carried out to Council standards and to the satisfaction of Council’s Manager of Engineering under the direct supervision of a civil engineer engaged by the applicant and approved by Council. Certification that all works have been carried out in accordance with the approved engineering design plans and to Council standards will be required prior to placement on a 12 month maintenance period commencing at the time of Practical Completion. (f) Construction Plans An “As Constructed” plan shall be provided in accordance with Councils requirements and shall be lodged with Council prior to the sealing of the final plan . (g) Easements Easements are required over all services located in private property. (h) Soil and Erosion Control A management plan detailing how soil and water is to be managed during construction is to be completed and made available upon request. The management plan is to include such things as: • Silt fencing and other devices are to be provided, where necessary, to control the loss of silt, gravel, clay and soil from the site; • Access roads around the Latrobe Council OPEN Agenda 21st March, 2016 Page 13 Date Min Ref Details Action Required Action Status Officer site are to be provided to prevent the trafficking of clay etc. onto the street. Humps are to be provided at any downhill access points to divert internal road drainage and soil etc. to the silt fenced area; • Filter screens are to be used at entrances to the existing drainage system to prevent the discharge of gravel, soil and silt etc. to the drainage system; • No environmental nuisance or harm, as determined under the Environmental Management and Pollution Control Act 1994 and associated regulations, to be caused by any activity on the site during the construction phase. (i) Section 71 Agreement Prior to the issue of titles the owner shall enter into an agreement pursuant to Section 71 of the Land Use Planning and Approvals Act 1993 with the Latrobe Council to the effect that the owner of the ‘balance’ lot will: a) Maintain a minimum detention basin working capacity of 5500m3; b) Survey the basin every two years and demonstrate to Council that the necessary capacity is being maintained; c) Keep the basin clear of debris, litter and weeds; Latrobe Council OPEN Agenda 21st March, 2016 Page 14 Date Min Ref Details Action Required Action Status Officer d) Keep the temporary barrage, detention basin and related infrastructure in good working order until any future redundancy and decommissioning made allowable through a planning permit for the future development of the balance title; e) Construct the permanent barrage in the Port Street road reserve upon development of lots that do not have direct access onto Wilmot Street or Darling Street or that are internal lots additional to those created in Stage 1 of the subdivision; f) Develop a final floodway and stormwater detention plan in conjunction with the permanent barrage; g) The intention of the agreement is to bind the owners or their successors in title; and h) The agreement shall end at the time of decommission of the temporary barrage and detention basin. Such agreement shall be placed on the Certificate of Title in accordance with Section 78 of the Land Use Planning and Approvals Act 1993. All costs associated with the preparation and registration of the agreement must be met by the applicant. (j) Final Plan Of Survey The final plan of survey must Latrobe Council OPEN Agenda 21st March, 2016 Page 15 Date Min Ref Details Action Required Action Status Officer include easements for all stormwater drainage maintainable by Council. Council will seal the final plan when all the above conditions have been complied with, or alternatively a bond lodged with Council to cover uncompleted works. All uncompleted works to be completed within 6 months of the sealing of the final plan or Council may call on the bond and complete the works at the developer’s cost. 14/12/15 14491 PLANNING SCHEME AMENDMENT PAINTBALL FACILITY – 37 SPEEDWAY DRIVE, LATROBE: Latrobe Council OPEN Agenda That the report by the Planning PBSM Officer dated 8 December 2015 concerning Draft Amendment 04/15 and DA 184/2015 be received and Council: 1. Approve the proposed amendment as presented; 2. Certify the proposed amendment; 3. Advertise the proposed amendment in The Advocate and place it on public exhibition for a period of 28 days; and 4. Approve the proposed paintball facility with the following conditions: (a) Consent is for the proposed paintball facility substantially in accordance with endorsed plans Drwg. Nos. AS-117251, AS-1174-52 and AS1174-53. (b) Consent is for the proposed 5.0m x 1.0m sign substantially in accordance with endorsed signage detail. (c) Stormwater discharge from the development and overland flows from the property are to be contained on site connected to existing private stormwater or directed to the stormwater drain within the site. Formed surfaces are not to direct water to adjoining properties. (d) Operating hours are to be between 9.00am and 21st March, 2016 Amendment certified and placed on public exhibition with draft permit for 28 days from 19 December 2015 not including period from 25 December 2015 to 3 January 2016. No representations received. S39 report lodged with TPC. Page 16 Date Min Ref Details Action Required Action Status Officer 8.00pm seven (7) days a week. 18/01/16 14527 15/02/16 14556 ROCK FOR FUTURE FORESHORE PROTECTION WORKS: PORT SORELL ADVISORY COMMITTEE – MEETING HELD – 2ND FEBRUARY, 2016: That the report by the Engineering ESM Manager dated 7 January 2016 concerning Rock for Future Foreshore Protection Works be received and; a) Officers determine a suitable location for stockpiling probably more than 2000m3 of loose rock on Council land in the vicinity of the Port Sorell Depot in Hawk Hill Road where it can be held with minimal inconvenience and without relocation. b) Council approve the expenditure of $41,000 for rock supply and delivered to the above site at $10/ton at a mutually agreed fair and justified means to measure the volume and equivalent to tons. c) Council fund 30% of the rock payment ($12,300) from unrestricted cash and the balance amount ($28,700) in the 2016/17 financial year. That the Port Sorell Advisory Committee Meeting Minutes dated 2nd February, 2016 be received and noted and; a) Discussions held with contractor. Details to be finalised. Delivery commenced. GM That John Bowden and Anne Lockett be the representatives of a subcommittee to discuss beach accesses with Council’s Engineering staff; Progressing. PSAC and staff reps have met on site and reported back to PSAC. b) 15/02/16 14557 LATROBE SPORT AND RECREATION MANAGEMENT COMMITTEE – Latrobe Council OPEN Agenda That Council consider the establishment of a Youth Council in lieu of spending funds on reviewing Council’s Youth Policy. That the Latrobe Sport and GM Recreation Management Committee Meeting Minutes dated 3rd February, 2016 as tabled for the information of Councillors be 21st March, 2016 Page 17 Date Min Ref Details Action Required Action Status Officer MEETING HELD 3RD received and noted and; FEBRUARY, 2016: a) That Mr Smith be appointed as the Latrobe Swimming Pool Representative on the Latrobe Sport and Recreation Management Committee. Noted. b) That Cr McLaren’s resignation be received and a letter of appreciation be sent to Cr McLaren in recognition of his service and commitment to the Latrobe Sport and Recreation Management Committee. Letter sent. c) That Mrs Carolyn McLennan’s nomination be accepted as a Community Representative on the Latrobe Sport and Recreation Management Committee. 15/02/16 14559 WARRAWEE MOUNTAIN BIKE MASTER PLAN: d) That Council send a letter of appreciation to Mr Bob Dickson in recognition of his years of service and commitment to the Latrobe Sport and Recreation Management Committee. That the report by Council’s Tourism and Economic Development Officer dated 4th February, 2016 concerning Warrawee Mountain Bike Master Plan, be received and that Council; 1. Advertise the draft master plan for public comment for a period of 21 days; 2. Continue negotiations with: (i) state government land managers (Parks & Wildlife Service and Forestry Tasmania) plus Cement Australia in the Kentish Municipality, with a view to securing a lease agreement over the required land. Noted. Certificate prepared. GM Council has called for expressions of interest with regards to construction of a flying fox. Plan placed on public exhibition. (ii) continue negotiations with the Tasmania Trail Latrobe Council OPEN Agenda 21st March, 2016 Page 18 Date Min Ref 15/02/16 14560 Details MARKET BY THE BEACH: Action Required Action Status Officer management committee for access to their infrastructure. That the report by Council’s GM Community Development Officer dated 10 February 2016 concerning the Port Sorell Surf Life Saving Club’s Market by the Beach initiative be received and the Council commend the Port Sorell Surf Life Saving Club on implementing this additional Summer activity at Port Sorell and; Noted. 1. That Council supports the PSSLSC’s hosting of Market by the Beach on Easter Saturday (March 26, 2016) and a series of markets over the 2016-17 Summer, specifically on Friday, December 30, 2016 and January 8, 15 and 20, 2017 subject to compliance with the Event Management Plan and associated permit. 2. That Council offers ongoing support for the five staging’s of this event (as listed above) with appropriate vegetation management to maximise stallholder participation; the development of a traffic management and parking plan; implementation of the traffic management and parking plan and provide promotional support through avenues available to Council. 15/02/16 14565 3. That this support be funded through “Other Cultural Events” for the Easter market and that an internal annual budget of $840 be allocated and reviewed annually to effect this support for the December 2016 and January 17 Markets and potentially an Easter Market in 2017. AMENDMENT 03/15 - That the report by the Manager PBSM ANALYSIS AND Planning Services dated 9 February CONSIDERATION OF 2016 as circulated be received and MERIT OF Latrobe Council OPEN Agenda 21st March, 2016 S39 report lodged with TPC. Hearing to be Page 19 Date Min Ref Details Action Required REPRESENTATIONS the Council resolve to: RECEIVED DURING 1. Forward the required Section STATUTORY PUBLIC 39 report to the Tasmanian EXHIBITION PERIOD: Planning Commission with a copy of the submissions from the representors and a recommendation that the Amendment be modified to: Action Status Officer held on 7 April. a. require an increase in the setback to 4.0m from the General Residential zone and Residential Precinct for building development in the Mixed Use Precinct; and b. amend the maximum height in the Acceptable Solution for Clause 32.4.6 to 10m for buildings within 4.0m of the General Residential zone and Residential Precinct and 12m for other development as per the desired outcomes for the site set out in the Port Sorell Strategic Plan. N.B. Grey shaded areas are completed and will be deleted off the next report. Recommendation That the February 2016 status report of Open Council Meeting decisions be received. 14584 PORT SORELL ADVISORY COMMITTEE – MEETING HELD 8TH MARCH, 2016: Author General Manager Annexure “B” Minutes of meeting held 08/03/16 Recommendation That the Port Sorell Advisory Committee Meeting Minutes dated 8th March, 2016 be received and noted and; a) That the sign showing Age Care and Medical Centre be recommended to Council as the preferred sign; b) That issues associated with parking at the Woolworths complex be brought to the landowners attention. Latrobe Council OPEN Agenda 21st March, 2016 Page 20 c) That letters be posted to offenders informing them of the regulations in relation to “A” frame signs being placed within the road reserve. d) Council report back to the next PSAC meeting to update members on the number of infringements issued during the peak Easter period; and e) Council consider increasing the 2016/17 budget to cover increased Animal Control patrols over peak holiday seasons. 14585 LATROBE SPORT AND RECREATION MANAGEMENT COMMITTEE – MEETING HELD 9th MARCH, 2016: General Manager Author Annexure “C” Minutes of meeting held 09/03/16 Recommendation That the Latrobe Sport and Recreation Management Committee Meeting Minutes dated 9th March, 2016 as tabled for the information of Councillors be received and noted and; a) That prior to commencement of the 2016/17 cricket season a grant application be submitted to Cricket Tasmania to gain funding for the proposed netting cover. 14586 BANKSIA CENTRE MANAGEMENT COMMITTEE - MEETING HELD 2ND MARCH, 2016: Author General Manager Annexure “D” Minutes of meeting held 02/03/16 Recommendation That the Banksia Centre Management Committee Meeting Minutes dated 2nd March, 2016 as tabled for the information of Councillors be received and noted and; a) That capital works outlined be submitted to Council for consideration; b) That Solid Scoreboards will supply the scoreboard and shot clocks and be installed in a location directed by Mrs Bell and Mr Poulton; and c) That Bendigo Banks proposal be received and the advertising sign be installed with no additional charges subject to review by Mr Poulton of Councils signage policy and location approval by Mrs Bell and Mr Poulton. 14587 PORT SORELL MEMORIAL HALL COMMITTEE: Author General Manager Annexure “E” Minutes of meeting held 28/01/16 Recommendation That the Port Sorell Memorial Hall Meeting Minutes dated 28th January, 2016 as tabled for the information of Councillors be received and noted. Latrobe Council OPEN Agenda 21st March, 2016 Page 21 14588 CAMP BANKSIA CONTROLLING AUTHORITY – PROPOSED CHANGE TO A SPECIAL COMMITTEE OF COUNCIL: General Manager Author Annexure “F” Report dated 08/03/2016 Recommendation That the report of the General Manager dated 8th March, 2016 relating to the transfer of Camp Banksia Controlling Authority to a special committee of council be received and that Council: 1. Abolish the Camp Banksia Controlling Authority in accordance with Section 29(5) of the Local Government Act 1993 as from 30th June, 2016; 2. Prepare a terms of reference for the proposed Camp Banksia Special Committee for consideration at the April, 2016 Council meeting; 3. Implement the Camp Banksia Special Committee as from the 1st July, 2016; 4. Appoint the current Chairman of the Camp Banksia Controlling Authority, Mr Robert Atkinson to the Committee for an initial period of twelve months and pay him a retainer fee of $3,760; 5. Appoint Cr. ……………. (Chairman) and Cr ……………. as a member of the Camp Banksia Special Committee together with Councils Corporate Services Manager, Jan Febey and Councils Building and Facilities Officer, Wes Poulton; 6. Request Camp Banksia Controlling Authority to allow members of the proposed Camp Banksia Special Committee to observe their May and June meetings prior to the formal takeover of management as from the 1st July, 2016; 7. Recommend to the Committee that Council contractor Amanda Wilson should continue to work with manager of Camp Banksia, Samantha Bell to implement the new marketing plan for the Centre; and 8. Present a Certificate of Appreciation to the current Controlling Authority members to recognise their contribution and long term commitment to Camp Banksia. 14589 WARRAWEE MOUNTAIN BIKE MASTER PLAN Author Tourism and Economic Development Officer Annexure “G” Report dated 09/03/16 Recommendation That the Warrawee Mountain Bike Master Plan, prepared by TRC Tourism and dated January 2016, be endorsed, and that Council: a) Continue negotiations with the state government land managers (Parks & Wildlife Service and Forestry Tasmania) plus Cement Australia in the Kentish Municipality, with a view to securing a lease agreement over the required land. Latrobe Council OPEN Agenda 21st March, 2016 Page 22 b) Continue negotiations with the Tasmania Trail management committee as required, though a formal lease is not required. c) Allocate an amount of $7,000 in the current budget for the survey and design development of the proposed Latrobe Mountain Bike Trail Flying Fox, d) Seek the following contributions towards development of stage 1 of the combined Latrobe and Kentish Mountain Bike Plans: Commonwealth Government State Government Latrobe Council Kentish Council $300,000 $150,000 $100,000 $ 50,000 e) Continue discussions with those detailed in point d) above with a view to securing their funding contributions in the 2016-17 financial year and seek a general agreement to complete funding over future stages covering three financial years. CORPORATE SERVICES DEPARTMENT 14590 FINANCE REPORT – FEBRUARY 2016: Author Corporate Services Manager Annexure “H” Financial Report Recommendation That the financial report for the period ending February 29th, 2016 as tabled by the Corporate Services Manager be received. 14591 AUDIT PANEL COMMITTEE - MEETING HELD 23RD FEBRUARY, 2016: Author Corporate Services Manager Annexure “I” Minutes dated 23/02/2016 Recommendation That the minutes of the Audit Panel Committee Meeting dated 23rd February, 2016 as tabled for the information of Councillors be received and noted and; a) That the balance sheet be included in the financial reports on a monthly basis. Latrobe Council OPEN Agenda 21st March, 2016 Page 23 ENGINEERING SERVICES DEPARTMENT 14592 COMMUNITY ROAD SAFETY COMMITTEE – MEETING FEBRUARY, 2016: Author Engineering Services Manager Annexure “J” Minutes of meeting held 09/02/16 HELD 9TH Recommendation That the Community Road Safety Committee Meeting Minutes dated 9th February, 2016 as tabled for the information of Councillors be received and noted. PLANNING AND BUILDING SERVICES DEPARTMENT 14593 BUILDING – APPLICATIONS ISSUED –FEBRUARY 2016: A total of 23 building applications including 1 substantial compliance application were submitted to Council for approval during the month of February 2016. The conservative construction cost for these applications is $3,638,000. The following are the categories of which the applications comprise – dwellings; dwelling extensions; outbuildings and industrial/commercial. Dwellings Number of new Dwelling Applications Individual New Dwellings -14 Change of Class applications Demolition of dwelling Estimated cost of construction 13 Latrobe – 6 (4 Dwelling & 2 Units) Port Sorell –8 (7 Dwellings & 1 Units) 0 0 $3,163,000 Dwelling Additions/Alterations Number of applications Number of joint applications Estimated cost of construction 0 0 $0 Outbuildings Number of outbuilding only applications Number of joint applications Individual # of New Outbuildings Demolition outbuilding Estimated cost of construction 6 1 7 0 $95,000 Commercial & Industrial Total Number of applications Estimated cost of construction 3 $350,000 Other: Plumbing application only Building Certificates Substantial Compliance Estimated cost 1 0 0 1 $30,000 Latrobe Council OPEN Agenda 21st March, 2016 Page 24 Total applications (# in bold) 23 Listed below are the Commercial & Industrial building applications received: Names Address Type of Works Amount D Anderson 167 Gilbert Street J Weeda 143 Gilbert Steet G Lynd 13 Burgess Way Store & boundary Wall Refurbishment of existing Shop (Shadows) 3 x Storage Sheds $20,000 $80,000 $250,000 Recommendation: That the report advising of Building Applications submitted for the month of February, 2016 be received. 14594 PLANNING – DEVELOPMENT APPLICATIONS – STATUS REPORT – FEBRUARY 2016: The following details the development applications received and their status: February 2016 – New applications Number Developer Address 11/2016 D L & A L Tueon 4 Roland View Rise, Latrobe 12/2016 Mr C A Webber 13/2016 M J & M C Blokker 14/2016 15/2016 Jaws Architects Pty Ltd Mrs S A Christie 16/2016 Pfeiffer Family Trust 17/2016 D A & H J Wild 18/2016 T Laughlin 19/2016 G J & O A Jones 20/2016 G W Rattray& M M Maine 21/2016 24/2016 B & I Reeves Family Trust GJ Gardner Homes, Launceston D L Baird & R L Rapley R B Reeves 25/2016 W A & RC Kelly 26/2016 RFS Projects P/L 22/2016 23/2016 Latrobe Council OPEN Agenda 9 Banksia Rise, Shearwater 130 Wesley Vale Road, Wesley Vale 189 Gilbert Street, Latrobe 14 Hamilton Street, Latrobe 39 Freer Street, Shearwater 2/119 Shearwater Boulevard, Shearwater 13 Spring Grove, Latrobe 8 Woodland Rise, Northdown 9138 Bass Highway, Latrobe 63-65 Gilbert Street, Latrobe 23 Franklin Court, Shearwater 74 Browns Road, Port Sorell 2 Dumbleton Street, Hawley Beach 3 Herbert Place, Port Sorell 81 Joyce Street, Proposal Proposed dwelling & shed (reduced setback) Proposed dwelling Decision Pending Proposed sawdust storage shed Renovations to existing service station Proposed shop and signage Proposed shed (Reduced setback & increase in floor area0 Proposed carport Pending proposed 3 unit development Proposed dwelling and ancillary dwelling proposed dwelling extension & carport (reduced setback) Proposed signage Pending Proposed dwelling Pending Proposed dwelling and studio Proposed deck (reduced setback) Proposed dwelling (reduced setback) Proposed dwelling Pending 21st March, 2016 Approved Approved Pending Pending Pending Pending Pending Pending Pending Pending Pending Page 25 27/2016 Huon Aquaculture Group 28/2016 H P Justice Existing Applications 43/2010 H J & A J Ruuskanen Hawley Beach Bass Highway, Sassafras (CT 158261/1) 73 Gumbowie Drive, Port Sorell 1 Castle Drive, Tarleton 61/2012 L Hyatt Frankford Road, Harford (CT151175/1) 102/2013 SR & MJ Reeves 5 Merlot Court, Hawley Beach 88/2014 Mr T V Burford & Mr C W Wall Dr J Joubert 87A Gilbert Street, Latrobe 105 Blacks Road, Wesley Vale 15 Ponsonby Court, Port Sorell 152/2015 Planning Development Services Mr & Mrs I J Jones 199/2015 Mr J P Coward 200/2015 2/2016 All Urban Planning P/L Mr R Natoli 3/2016 P J Atkinson 5/2016 6/2016 Mr G A & Mrs L E Richards Mr B Milverton 8/2016 M J Wright 9/2016 Mr J F Connelly & Ms R Williams Mr G R Crack & Mrs N Hender 167/2014 71/2015 10/2016 Reibey Street, Latrobe (CT168803/1) 18 Estuary Views, Shearwater 110-114 Gilbert Street, Latrobe 108 Tarleton Road, Latrobe 379 Moriarty Road, Latrobe 1/7 Arthur Court, Shearwater 4 Mackenzie Crescent, Latrobe 68 George Street, Latrobe 141 Summerhill Drive, Port Sorell 3 Bryan Street, Shearwater Proposed oil & protein extraction plant Pending Proposed dwelling extension Pending Increase in Statutory Floor Area for a Building Incidental to a Residence in the Rural Residential Zone Proposed shed and reduced minimum building setback – hay shed Reduced minimum building setback for proposed garage & upper floor deck Pending Visitor Accommodation Proposed controlled environment agriculture Proposed 2 lot subdivision Pending Proposed 2 unit development Pending Proposed dwelling (reduced setback for garage) Signage and exterior painting Proposed Exercise Shelters Proposed Shed (reduced setback) Proposed Awning Approved Proposed Dwelling Approved Proposed Fence Pending Proposed Dwelling & shed addition Proposed 2 Unit Development Approved Pending Pending Pending Pending Approved Approved Approved Approved Approved N.B. Grey shaded areas are completed and will be deleted off the next report. Recommendation That the status report of development applications for the month of February, 2016 be received. Latrobe Council OPEN Agenda 21st March, 2016 Page 26 PLANNING AUTHORITY In accordance with Clause 25(1) of the Local Government (Meeting Procedures) Regulations 2015 the Chairperson advised that Council will now act as a Planning Authority. 14595 DEVELOPMENT APPLICATION – PROPOSED SHOP AND SIGNAGE Author Statutory Planning Officer Annexure “K” Report dated 09/03/16 Recommendation That the report by the Planning Officer dated 9 March 2016 concerning development application DA 15/2016 be received and that Council approve the proposed shop and signage at 14 Hamilton Street, Latrobe subject to the following conditions: 1. Consent is for a temporary shop at 14 Hamilton Street, Latrobe substantially in accordance with endorsed ground floor and second floor plans. 2. The temporary shop may only operate for a maximum period of two (2) years from the date of this permit. 3. Consent is for signage at 14 Hamilton Street, 126-132 Gilbert Street and 133-135 Gilbert Street, Latrobe substantially in accordance with endorsed signage detail: pages 4 and 5 and signage location plan. 4. Consent is for the statutory parking requirement to be reduced to zero for the proposed use. 5. A qualified building surveyor is to assess the relevant portion of the building in consideration of the proposed use and, if appropriate, issue a Certificate of Compliance for a change of building classification and occupancy certificate. A copy of the building surveyor’s determination is to be provided to Council prior to the use commencing. 6. Line marking, indicating parking spaces along the George Street frontage at 11 Hamilton Street and along Hamilton Street, between Cotton and Gilbert Streets, is to be established in accordance with AS2890.5 – 1993 - Parking Facilities, Part 5: On-street Parking. Line marking to be established by Council at the developer’s cost. 7. Signage must be erected along Hamilton and George Streets outside the Girl Guides Hall indicating a drop off zone only between the hours of 3:00pm and 6:00pm on Wednesdays. Signage to be established by Council at the developer’s cost. 8. Signage must be erected at the entry to the Senior Citizens parking area indicating that on-site parking is for users only from Monday – Friday. Signage to be established by Council at the developer’s cost. 9. The existing vehicle crossing located in the road reservation from the edge of the roadway to the property boundary is to be used. Latrobe Council OPEN Agenda 21st March, 2016 Page 27 14596 PLANNING AUTHORITY: Recommendation That Council cease to act as a Planning Authority CLOSED MEETING 14597 CLOSED MEETING: Recommendation That the following items be discussed in Closed Session: 14598 Apologies 14599 Leave of Absence (Section 15 (2) (h) Local Government (Meeting Procedures) Regulations 2015) 14600 Confirmation of Minutes – Closed Meeting held 15th February, 2016 (Section 34 Local Government (Meeting Procedures) Regulations 2015) 14601 Council Decision Status Report February, 2016– Closed Meeting Section 15 (2) (g) Local Government (Meeting Procedures) Regulations 2015) 14602 Cradle Coast Authority Board Meeting Minutes held 9th February, 2016 (Section 15 (2) (g) Local Government (Meeting Procedures) Regulations 2015) 14603 Cradle Coast Authority Representatives Meeting Minutes held 25th February, 2016 (Section 15 (2) (g) Local Government (Meeting Procedures) Regulations 2015) 14604 Dulverton Waste Management Authority Board Meeting Minutes held 18th February, 2016 (Section 15 (2) (g) Local Government (Meeting Procedures) Regulations 2015) 14605 Lions Club of Port Sorell Inc. Caravan Park Meeting Minutes held 16th February, 2016 (Section 15 (2) (g) Local Government (Meeting Procedures) Regulations 2015) 14606 Municipal Alliances Meeting Minutes held 22nd February, 2016 (Section 15 (2) (g) Local Government (Meeting Procedures) Regulations 2015) 14607 Closed Meeting Item Confidentiality 14608 OPEN COUNCIL: Recommendation That Council now revert to Open Council. Latrobe Council OPEN Agenda 21st March, 2016 Page 28 Attachments Latrobe Council OPEN Agenda 21st March, 2016 Page 29 Annexure "A" LATROBE COUNCIL MINUTES of an Ordinary Meeting of the Latrobe Council held at the Council Chambers, Latrobe on Monday, 15th February, 2016 at 5.01pm. ATTENDANCE: Councillors: Mayor P. Freshney in the Chair, Deputy Mayor R. Rockliff, Crs. L. Young, G. Sims, M. McLaren, J. Perkins, D. Dennison, G. Brown and G. Wicks. Council Officers: Mr. G. Monson (General Manager), Mrs. J. Febey (Corporate Services Manager), Mrs. S. Holland (Planning and Building Services Manager), Mr J. Magor (Engineering Services Manager) and Mrs. A. Daniel (Executive Assistant). Revd Chris Stafferton opened the meeting in prayer. 14550 APOLOGIES / LEAVE OF ABSENCE: Nil. 14551 PECUNIARY INTEREST-LOCAL GOVERNMENT (MEETING PROCEDURES) REGULATIONS 2015 – CLAUSE (7): The Chairperson requested whether Councillors have a pecuniary interest in any item on the Agenda. 14552 CONFIRMATION OF MINUTES – ORDINARY MEETING 18TH JANUARY, 2016: Cr McLaren moved and Cr Brown seconded that the minutes of the previous meeting of the Latrobe Council, held at the Council Chambers, Latrobe on 18th January, 2016 copies of which have been printed and circulated on Annexure “A” of the Agenda, be taken as read and confirmed. CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY 14553 PUBLIC PARTICIPATION AND QUESTION TIME: There were no questions and comments forthcoming at the meeting. GOVERNANCE UNIT 14554 COUNCIL WORKSHOPS: Cr Rockliff moved and Cr McLaren seconded that information on topics discussed at the 18th January, 2016 Council Workshop be received. CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY Latrobe Council OPEN Agenda 21st March, 2016 Page 30 14555 COUNCIL DECISION STATUS REPORT: Cr McLaren moved and Cr Sims seconded that the January 2016 status report of Open Council Meeting decisions be received. CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY 14556 PORT SORELL ADVISORY COMMITTEE – MEETING HELD 2ND FEBRUARY, 2016: Cr Dennison moved and Cr Perkins seconded that the Port Sorell Advisory Committee Meeting Minutes dated 2nd February, 2016 be received and noted and; a) That John Bowden and Anne Lockett be the representatives of a subcommittee to discuss beach accesses with Council’s Engineering staff; b) That Council consider the establishment of a Youth Council in lieu of spending funds on reviewing Council’s Youth Policy. CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY 14557 LATROBE SPORT AND RECREATION MANAGEMENT COMMITTEE – MEETING HELD 3RD FEBRUARY, 2016: Cr Perkins moved and Cr Young seconded that the Latrobe Sport and Recreation Management Committee Meeting Minutes dated 3rd February, 2016 as tabled for the information of Councillors be received and noted and; a) That Mr Smith be appointed as the Latrobe Swimming Pool Representative on the Latrobe Sport and Recreation Management Committee. b) That Cr McLaren’s resignation be received and a letter of appreciation be sent to Cr McLaren in recognition of his service and commitment to the Latrobe Sport and Recreation Management Committee. c) That Mrs Carolyn McLennan’s nomination be accepted as a Community Representative on the Latrobe Sport and Recreation Management Committee. d) That Council send a letter of appreciation to Mr Bob Dickson in recognition of his years of service and commitment to the Latrobe Sport and Recreation Management Committee. CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY 14558 LATROBE AND DISTRICTS YOUTH CENTRE MANAGEMENT COMMITTEE – MEETING HELD 2ND FEBRUARY, 2016: Cr Young moved and Cr McLaren seconded that the Latrobe and Districts Youth Centre Management Committee Meeting Minutes dated 2nd Latrobe Council OPEN Agenda 21st March, 2016 Page 31 February, 2016 as tabled for the information of Councillors be received and noted and; a) That Council approve the Latrobe and Districts Youth Centre Facility Management Plan. CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY 14559 WARRAWEE MOUNTAIN BIKE MASTER PLAN: Cr Rockliff moved and Cr Dennison seconded that the report by Council’s Tourism and Economic Development Officer dated 4th February, 2016 concerning Warrawee Mountain Bike Master Plan, be received and that Council; 1. Advertise the draft master plan for public comment for a period of 21 days; 2. Continue negotiations with: (i) state government land managers (Parks & Wildlife Service and Forestry Tasmania) plus Cement Australia in the Kentish Municipality, with a view to securing a lease agreement over the required land. (ii) continue negotiations with the Tasmania Trail management committee for access to their infrastructure. CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY 14560 MARKET BY THE BEACH Cr McLaren moved and Cr Dennison seconded that the report by Council’s Community Development Officer dated 10 February 2016 concerning the Port Sorell Surf Life Saving Club’s Market by the Beach initiative be received and the Council commend the Port Sorell Surf Life Saving Club on implementing this additional Summer activity at Port Sorell and; 1. That Council supports the PSSLSC’s hosting of Market by the Beach on Easter Saturday (March 26, 2016) and a series of markets over the 2016-17 Summer, specifically on Friday, December 30, 2016 and January 8, 15 and 20, 2017 subject to compliance with the Event Management Plan and associated permit. 2. That Council offers ongoing support for the five staging’s of this event (as listed above) with appropriate vegetation management to maximise stallholder participation; the development of a traffic management and parking plan; implementation of the traffic management and parking plan and provide promotional support through avenues available to Council. 3. That this support be funded through “Other Cultural Events” for the Easter market and that an internal annual budget of $840 be allocated and reviewed annually to effect this support for the December 2016 and January 17 Markets and potentially an Easter Market in 2017. CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY Latrobe Council OPEN Agenda 21st March, 2016 Page 32 CORPORATE SERVICES DEPARTMENT 14561 FINANCE REPORT – JANUARY 2016: Cr Rockliff moved and Cr McLaren seconded that the financial report for the period ending January 31st, 2016 as tabled by the Corporate Services Manager be received. CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY 14562 2015-16 BUDGET REVIEW AS AT 31 DECEMBER, 2015: Cr McLaren moved and Cr Young seconded that the report by the Accountant dated 10 February, 2016 concerning 2015-16 Budget Review as at 31 December, 2015 be received and Council approve the amendments to the 2015-16 Budget. CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY PLANNING AND BUILDING SERVICES DEPARTMENT 14563 BUILDING – APPLICATIONS ISSUED –JANUARY 2016: Cr McLaren moved and Cr Wicks seconded that the report advising of Building Applications submitted for the month of January, 2016 be received. CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY 14564 PLANNING – DEVELOPMENT APPLICATIONS – STATUS REPORT – JANUARY 2016: Cr McLaren moved and Cr Young seconded that the status report of development applications for the month of January, 2016 be received. CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY PLANNING AUTHORITY In accordance with Clause 25(1) of the Local Government (Meeting Procedures) Regulations 2015 the Chairperson advised that Council will now act as a Planning Authority. 14565 AMENDMENT 03/15 - ANALYSIS AND CONSIDERATION OF MERIT OF REPRESENTATIONS RECEIVED DURING STATUTORY PUBLIC EXHIBITION PERIOD: Cr McLaren moved and Cr Rockliff seconded that the report by the Manager Planning Services dated 9 February 2016 as circulated be received and the Council resolve to: 1. Forward the required Section 39 report to the Tasmanian Planning Commission with a copy of the submissions from the representors and a recommendation that the Amendment be modified to: Latrobe Council OPEN Agenda 21st March, 2016 Page 33 a. require an increase in the setback to 4.0m from the General Residential zone and Residential Precinct for building development in the Mixed Use Precinct; and b. amend the maximum height in the Acceptable Solution for Clause 32.4.6 to 10m for buildings within 4.0m of the General Residential zone and Residential Precinct and 12m for other development as per the desired outcomes for the site set out in the Port Sorell Strategic Plan. The motion was put and voting was as follows: Those for the motion: Deputy Mayor Rockliff Cr Brown Cr McLaren Cr Perkins Cr Sims Cr Young Those against the motion: Mayor Freshney Cr Dennison Cr Wicks The motion was therefore 14566 CARRIED PLANNING AUTHORITY: Cr McLaren moved and Cr Perkins seconded that Council cease to act as a Planning Authority. Council held a short recess at 6.02pm then moved into Closed Session at 6.04pm. CLOSED MEETING 14567 CLOSED MEETING: Cr McLaren moved and Cr Dennison seconded that the following items be discussed in Closed Session: 14568 Apologies 14569 Leave of Absence (Section 15 (2) (h) Local Government (Meeting Procedures) Regulations 2015) 14570 Confirmation of Minutes – Closed Meeting held 18th January, 2016 Latrobe Council OPEN Agenda 21st March, 2016 Page 34 (Section 34 Local Government (Meeting Procedures) Regulations 2015) 14571 Council Decision Status Report January, 2016– Closed Meeting Section 15 (2) (g) Local Government (Meeting Procedures) Regulations 2015) 14572 Camp Banksia Controlling Authority Meeting Minutes held 17th December, 2015 (Section 15 (2) (g) Local Government (Meeting Procedures) Regulations 2015) 14573 Camp Banksia Controlling Authority Meeting Minutes held 21st January, 2016 (Section 15 (2) (g) Local Government (Meeting Procedures) Regulations 2015) 14574 Cradle Coast Authority Board Meeting Minutes held 15th January, 2016 (Section 15 (2) (g) Local Government (Meeting Procedures) Regulations 2015) 14575 Lions Club of Port Sorell Inc. Caravan Park Meeting Minutes held 19th January, 2016 (Section 15 (2) (g) Local Government (Meeting Procedures) Regulations 2015) 14576 Closed Meeting Item Confidentiality CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY 14577 OPEN COUNCIL: Cr McLaren moved and Cr Rockliff seconded that Council now revert to Open Council. CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY As there was no further business the meeting was declared closed at 6.30pm. Confirmed…………………………………..…………… MAYOR Back to Agenda Latrobe Council OPEN Agenda 21st March, 2016 Page 35 Annexure "B" Minutes of the Port Sorell Advisory Committee Meeting held in the Meeting Room of the Port Sorell Memorial Hall on the 8th March, 2016 commencing at 4.00pm. 1. PRESENT Cr Dayna Dennison (Chairman, 4.49pm), Keith Moylan (Vice Chairman), Mayor Peter Freshney (4.06pm), Gerald Monson (General Manager), Anna Daniel (Minute Secretary), John Bowden, Steve Bush, Hayley Crack, Anne Lockett, Ted Melvin, Glen Miles, Sue Moylan, Dudley Parker, Barry Richardson, Russell Townsend, and Rebecca West and Eric Woodcock. Observers: Chris Mole and Marie Barnes. 2. APOLOGIES / LEAVE OF ABSENCE Samantha Abblitt and Sue Moylan. 3. CONFIRMATION OF MINUTES – 2nd February, 2016 Eric Woodcock moved and John Bowden seconded that the minutes of a meeting of the Port Sorell Advisory Committee held 2nd February, 2016 be confirmed as a true and accurate record of the business transacted. 4. BUSINESS ARISING a) Rubicon Estuary Management Plan (Including Weed Eradication) A meeting was held with Jeremy Rockliff MP, Deputy Premier of Tasmania on Wednesday, 9 November, 2015 in relation to “Priority Projects” which included, the Rubicon Estuary Management Plan. Gerald Monson advised that he has spoken to various Members of Parliament in an attempt to try to secure federal funding. The Engineering Services Manager advised that an additional round of Green Army funding for the Rubicon area has been approved. It was resolved that this information be received. b) Police Report The Police Crime Report was not received at the meeting. Noted. c) Community Road Safety Committee (CRSC) Council has written to the Department of State Growth regarding extending the 80km/hr speed limit on Port Sorell Main Road to include the entry to Ghost Rock but is yet to receive a response. It was resolved that this information be received. d) Stormwater Management A Community Stormwater forum was held 27th October, 2015 at the Banksia Centre. Council’s Engineering Services Manager advised that consultation is progressing with investigation and will include consideration of items raised at the community meeting. Mr Jonathan Magor advised that the Consultant has the ‘model’ running and is now refining it and is in the process of shortlisting potential priority projects to be considered by Council in the 2016/17 financial year. Latrobe Council OPEN Agenda 21st March, 2016 Page 36 The General Manager advised that Council is waiting for a Draft Report to be received from the Consultant. It was resolved that this information be received. e) Community Bushfire Mitigation Plan Council’s Engineering Works Coordinator, Mr Jason Bellchambers advised Council constructed a turning head at the end of Squeaking Point Esplanade with landscaping works to be completed by March, 2016. The Engineering Services Manager advised that TasFire is working with a number of property owners in the area to undertake fuel reduction burns. Some adjoining Council land has been identified and agreement made to include it in the scope of works. It was resolved that this information be received. f) Port Sorell Former Landfill Site Development Plan A meeting was held between Council Officers, Consulting Engineers IPD and representatives of the Environment Protection Authority (EPA) in Launceston on Wednesday, 11th November. IPD in consultation with Council staff will now prepare a preliminary rehabilitation development plan for consideration by the EPA. Mr Monson advised that the rehabilitation costs will be significant and Council will seek a period of 6 years to undertake the works. Council’s Engineering Works Coordinator, Mr Jason Bellchambers advised that Consulting Engineers IPD are currently progressing the rehabilitation plan. The General Manager advised that rehabilitation of the site could cost 3.5 to 10 million dollars. Noted. g) Directional Signage Mr Monson previously advised that Councils Tourism and Economic Development Officer, Chris Frankcombe is working on the Shearwater Village sign to be erected at the entrance, (Alexander Street near the Industrial Estate) and the Engineering Services Manager is working on the improved sign into the Industrial Estate. Council’s Engineering Technical Assistant, Mr Nigel Rist, is reviewing the appropriateness of existing residual signage and will prepare a recommendation. The Chairman tabled a report at the October meeting from Mr Chris Frankcombe in relation to Shearwater Village signage. Mr Frankcombe advised that the Shearwater Village retailers had requested either the Alexander Street or Club Drive signs contain a list of the shops in Shearwater Village (generic title like supermarket, pharmacy, etc., not the actual shop name). Mr Monson advised that a sign stating, “Shearwater Village…metres” with an arrow to the right will be erected on the bank leading into the Industrial Estate on Alexander Street. Mr Monson suggested that the Engineering Services Manager meet with Glen Miles to discuss the removal of signage. Melissa Jemison stated that a better sign is needed for the Banksia Centre as people end up going to Camp Banksia instead due to the difficulties in locating the Banksia Centre. Latrobe Council OPEN Agenda 21st March, 2016 Page 37 Mr Jason Bellchambers advised that the Shearwater village sign will be ordered and erected and that the Banksia Centre signage is still being investigated. Mr Jonathan Magor noted that signage for the Banksia Centre should be further considered after the completion of the kerb and channel works along the frontage currently in Councils budget. Members discussed the various sign options. The preference of Council is a) the sign located at the top left as it more closely resembles the road layout. Option c) showing Age Care and Medical Centre is inappropriate as they are individual business activities. The committee resolved that option c) is the preferred and most appropriate sign as members stated that healthcare is not thought of as a business and that residents new to the area need clear signage to locate medical care. It was resolved that this information be received and that the sign showing Age Care and Medical Centre be recommended to Council as the preferred sign. h) Proposed Community Noticeboard Cr Dennison previously advised that she had spoken with the Manager of the Bendigo Bank, Phil Martin regarding the possibility of having a community noticeboard displayed inside. Phil Martin is presenting this proposal to the board for approval. Waiting on the decision from the board. At the October meeting, the Chairman referred to an email received from Cr Dennison by Keith Haines at the Men’s Shed in Port Sorell requesting that Cr Dennison meet with Peter French to discuss costs and various ways of constructing the noticeboard. Cr Dennison advised that a meeting has not yet taken place with Peter French but will arrange a meeting prior to the next PSAC meeting. It was resolved that this item be heldover until the next meeting. i) Shearwater Clock Cr Dennison met with Phil Martin at the Bendigo Bank to discuss the possibility of housing the clock at the Bendigo Bank. Cr Dennison advised that she is still waiting on Phil Martin to contact her with a decision from the Board. Gerald Monson advised that he met with representatives from the Rotary Club who are considering the clock as one of their projects. Discussion revolved around housing the existing clock at the Bendigo Bank as a short term measure. Costings and details of a four sided clock similar to that located in Mornington will be obtained and discussed at the next meeting as a long term option. It was resolved that this information be received. j) Beach Accesses Initial discussions have been held with Replas regarding the design and use of hardwearing recycled plastic products rather than timber or steel. The Engineering Services Manager, Mr. Jonathan Magor previously advised that he is waiting to get quotes back. Mr. Magor advised that; (i) the beach and sand levels continue to change and a number of the proposed sites no longer justify works at the moment; and Latrobe Council OPEN Agenda 21st March, 2016 Page 38 (ii) beach accesses have been reviewed again and discussed with John Bowden. Improvements were recently made to the access at Anderson Street. Council will endeavoùr to have other accesses improved prior to the school holidays. Council’s Engineering Works Coordinator, Mr Jason Bellchambers advised that beach accesses are currently programmed to be constructed during March, 2016. At the last meeting it was decided that John Bowden and Anne Lockett will be the representatives of a sub-committee in relation to beach access issues as required. John Bowden and Anne Lockett will meet with the Engineering Services Manager initially to discuss the pontoon access. The Engineering Services Manager, Jonathon Magor and Works Team Leader, Peter Dawson met with Anne Lockett, Mary Buchanan, John Bowden and Eugene Holloway to review the proposed pontoon access on Friday, 26 February, 2016. John Bowden updated members on the meeting held with Council employees and that the discussion revolved around solutions to the problem. On solution is to place an access or a walkway over the top of the drains so that even if the tide is full you will still be able to walk over the top. Works will commence after Easter. It was resolved that this information be received. k) Youth Council At the 15 February, 2016 Council Meeting, Council adopted the recommendation; “That Council consider the establishment of a Youth Council in lieu of spending funds on reviewing Council’s Youth Policy.” Membership of the Committee and draft terms of reference is currently being researched. The General Manager advised that Council’s Community Development Officer is currently undertaking research and discussions with other councils. Once all the feedback is received, information will be reported back to the committee for discussion. It was resolved that this information be received. At this stage Mayor Freshney congratulated Hayley Crack for being the recipient of the Latrobe Lions Club Youth of the Year Award. 5. OTHER BUSINESS a) Town Planning Review (Steve Bush) It is now several years since the “community Port Sorell town plan and future direction” meetings and policy. Has the plan been achieved? What has been completed and what is remaining. Which parts of the plan has the community been happy with and benefitted from, and perhaps most importantly….do we need to make some changes moving forward? Mr Monson advised that the major review undertaken in 2008 was to develop a 30 year plan for the area. He agreed with Mr Bush that a review was now appropriate. It was resolved that this information be received and that this item be added to a future Council Workshop. Cr Dayna Dennison arrived at this stage, 4.49pm. Latrobe Council OPEN Agenda 21st March, 2016 Page 39 b) Security Cameras – Burgess Drive Industrial Estate, Shearwater (Steve Bush) Can the Latrobe Council install security cameras in the Burgess Drive industrial estate at Shearwater? We are getting plenty of through traffic and plenty of “action“ at night. I understand some federal money is available to local government for security as some sort of “national plan”? We are probably talking 3 cameras. As our office at Mountain Dew Ice is open 5 days a week we are willing to have the feed. Council advised that the Minister for Justice had opened the second round of funding under the Safer Streets Programme. The funding is available for eligible organisations to fund projects to install security-related infrastructure or remove environmental characteristics (such as a lack of lighting or poor natural surveillance) that facilitate street crime in local retail, entertainment and commercial precincts or public parks that have been identified as experiencing problems with criminal or anti-social behaviour. However, this round for applications closed on 2 March 2016. There are currently no plans for a third round. It was generally agreed that it was a responsibility of the private sector to install security cameras to monitor their premises. It was resolved that this information be received and that this item be added to a future Council Workshop for discussion. c) Woolworths Car Park (Steve Bush) The Woolworths car park has extended parking bays for caravans, boats, trucks etc. which are needed and well used, particularly with 4 wheel drives towing long vans. These vehicles all face the Salvos shop which is really the only way they end up facing. Unless they break the law and go through the “no exit” sign to the right of the Salvos they can’t get out. (There is a fine for this.) So for the third time in the last 2 weeks I’ve watched them try to get out. They can’t back out because the cars park around them and restrict their swinging room. They can’t go forward and turn. The only way out is through the no exit or in the bigger tow trucks over the curb. Just a really stupid situation which needs fixing and quickly. Council’s Engineering Services Manager advised that this is a private carpark and is not managed by Council as such the Bendel group would need to be approached. It was resolved that this information be received and that it be recommended to Council that issues associated with parking at the Woolworths complex be brought to the landowners attention. d) Kerbside Signage (Glen Miles) Over recent weeks it has become obvious that businesses have been blatantly ignoring the fact that a permit is required from Council to place signs outside business premises. The signs placed on the kerbside along Alexander Street represent a potential hazard to traffic, apart from being unsightly and untidy. Has the time come for council to notify all the offenders in writing, informing of their obligations to apply for permits and warning them that council has the right to remove any signage that does not meet with the regulations and is placed on the kerbside which is council land? In the past, Council officers have dealt with problematic signs on a case by case basis in a manner similar to parking infringements. Glen Miles advised that she had spoken with Council’s Engineering Technical Assistant, Nigel Rist who informed her that Council has the option to remove the signs if they are located on council land. It was resolved that this information be received and that letters be posted to offenders informing them of the regulations. Latrobe Council OPEN Agenda 21st March, 2016 Page 40 e) Signage at Roundabouts (Glen Miles) With the new signage in place indicating industrial areas, shopping precincts, medical centre, aged care centre and after consultation with Council Officer Nigel Rist the poles at the roundabouts at the end of Port Sorell Road and Alexander Street and Club Drive have largely become redundant. They are unsightly, bearing too many signs and drivers entering the roundabout should not be looking at small signs for direction and with the aid of GPS, and other devices most people seem to be able to find directions. Council’s Engineering Services Manager, Mr Jonathon Magor advised that the pole blade signs indicate individual businesses and can be readily changed from time to time. The recent installations are to highlight locations rather than specific operators. As such it is considered that there is merit for both. The General Manager, Gerald Monson to follow-up in relation to the removal of signs and straightening leaning signs. It was resolved that this information be received. f) Lack of Sun Cover on Play Equipment at Shearwater Park (Anne Lockett) I raised it briefly at the Feb meeting & was not satisfied by The General Manager's explanation for not having any cover. Gerald stated that "young people are in the habit of wearing sun hats". I refer to Council's target statement below. “To fulfil Council’s statutory responsibilities through the Public Health Act 1997 by protecting and promoting the health of Tasmanian communities and to reduce the incidence of preventable illnesses, with regard to public health. This includes the health and safety of people gathered in places to which the public have access.” The General Manager advised the quote referred to was referencing feedback from Cr. Dennison in regard to previous discussions regarding the erection of sun cover over playground equipment. Council’s Environmental Health Officer, Glenys Nichols advised that to use the target rationale for covering the playground equipment would require every walking track to have shade. Cr Dennison provided background information to the decision made at the time not to have shade cloth. At the time the community preferred to have a large playground rather than shade cloth as children normally wear hats and sunscreen and there are trees nearby. It was resolved that this information be received. g) Dogs on Non-Dog Beaches (Anne Lockett) Many residents of Hawley have asked for statistics in regard to number of dogs on beaches. Are we able to request the number of fines which have been given out during the summer for the whole of the Port Sorell area, please? The issue does not appear to have improved since the Council declared a zero-tolerance policy to dogs on beaches (except those designated beaches & times) in the November 2015 issue of "Council Coast & Country" plus an article in the "Advocate". Councils animal control contract provides for nine routine hours per week, (3 hours -Monday Wednesday and Friday). Beach patrols are undertaken during designated routine hours; therefore this limits the maximum number of patrols during a month to 12, unless Council pays for additional hours. 7 beach patrols were undertaken in November, 10 during December and 12 in January. February statistics are not yet available. Matters such as dog attacks, which Latrobe Council OPEN Agenda 21st March, 2016 Page 41 can be time consuming, sometimes prevent the contractor from maximising the number of patrols. The following infringements were handed out between November and 19 February, 2016; ∗ An on the spot fine to a lady on Freers Beach 4 November, 2015, ∗ On the spot fine 16 December, 2015, ∗ Infringement notice for a dog large tied near the beach by a member of the public; and ∗ Infringement notice issued 22 February, 2016 for a dog being on the beach. The Animal Control Officer, Mr Ray McGinty advised Council that he can only issue infringements if he sees someone in an area where they shouldn’t be. Quite often he goes to the beaches and doesn’t see anyone on the beach with a dog and on occasion not even a single person can be spotted on the beach. It was resolved that this information be received and that: i) Council report back to the next PSAC meeting to update members on the number of infringements issued during the peak Easter period; and ii) Council consider increasing the 2016/17 budget to cover increased Animal Control patrols over peak holiday seasons. 6. MATTERS PENDING / ACTION LIST DATE July 28th, 2015 ISSUE Track to the beach down either side of the Pontoon Ramps. COMMENT At a previous meeting Council’s Engineering Services Manager had advised that erosion would need to be addressed in order to make the track accessible and the likely cost would be approximately $2,000, and although the location is at the highwater mark, and is arguably part Council and part State responsibility, the State is highly unlikely to assist. The committee had endorsed that work be undertaken to address the erosion on the track to the beach on either side of the Pontoon Ramps, in order to make the track accessible, and the report be referred to Council for their consideration and for an allocation in the 2015/16 budget. The General Manager advised that the funding for 2015/16 has been allocated in Council’s budget. Works are likely to be incorporated and consistent with those identified in item 5i in the 2015/16 financial year. In the current budget. Would like completed before summer. Reviewed and to be actioned with item 5 l. September Alexander Street / Port 29th, 2015 Sorell Main Road Entrance to Shearwater and Port Sorell Areas Cr Dennison mentioned that this topic should be considered in 2016 when discussions on forward strategic planning are taking place. PLEASE NOTE: Shaded items will be deleted off the next Action List. At this stage Cr Dayna Dennison congratulated Rebecca West on her success of being elected girl Captain at Latrobe High School. Latrobe Council OPEN Agenda 21st March, 2016 Page 42 7. AGENDA ITEMS FOR NEXT MEETING – 5 APRIL 2016 Agenda items will be accepted by the Secretary up until 24 March 2016. There being no further business the Vice Chairman declared the meeting closed at 5.23pm. Back to Agenda ………………………….. ANNA DANIEL MINUTE SECRETARY Latrobe Council OPEN Agenda 21st March, 2016 Page 43 Annexure "C" LATROBE SPORT AND RECREATION MANAGEMENT COMMITTEE Minutes of the Latrobe Sport and Recreation Management Committee held at the Function Centre, Latrobe Recreational Ground on Wednesday 9th March, 2016 commencing at 5.30pm. 1. Attendance: Deputy Mayor Rick Rockliff – Chairman (Latrobe Council) Cr Gerrad Wicks – Acting Chairman (Latrobe Council) Wes Poulton (Latrobe Council) Adrian Ryan (Latrobe Bicycle Race Club - Proxy) until 6.20pm Shelley Dodd (Softball Club) Darren Nicolle (Latrobe Cricket Club) Stephen Pearce (Tennis Club) David Richards (Latrobe Federal Band) Wayne Jaffray (Caretaker) Adam Jeffrey (Sassafras Cricket Club) Ursula Klug – Observer (Softball Club) Carolyn McLennan – Observer (Community Representative) Paul Smith (Latrobe Swimming Pool Committee) 2. Apologies: Gerald Monson (General Manager – Latrobe Council), Jason Sims (Latrobe Works), Donna Gillam (Latrobe and Districts Youth Centre Management Committee), Jeanice Hinds (Latrobe Football Club), Rob Beveridge – Acting Chairman (Community Representative) 3. Confirmation of Minutes – 2nd December, 2015 Mr Richards moved and Mr Nicolle seconded that the minutes of the LSRMC meeting held on 3rd February, 2016 as circulated be confirmed as a true record of the business transacted. CARRIED 4. Finance Report The finance report to the end of February 2016 was circulated. It was resolved that the finance report to the end of February, 2016 be received. 5. New Lease Agreement Draft lease agreements have been distributed to the Latrobe Federal Band, Latrobe Bicycle Race Club of Tasmania, Latrobe Cricket Club and the Latrobe Football Club. Mr Poulton tabled the revised draft lease agreement for the Latrobe Softball Club for review and signing. Latrobe Tennis Club have returned their signed agreement and negotiations are under way with Latrobe Football Club. Mr Pearce requested that a copy of the finalised agreement be provided to the Clubs after both parties have signed and that the lease amount payable by the Port Sorell Tennis Club be provided to the Latrobe Tennis Club. Latrobe Council OPEN Agenda 21st March, 2016 Page 44 It was resolved that this information be received and Mr Poulton arrange copies of finalised agreements to Clubs. 6. 10 Year Draft Capital Works and Maintenance Program The Football Club at a previous meeting advised that approximately 250 new chairs are required for the Function Centre. Rob Beveridge advised that the Thirlstane Golf Club asked members to purchase a new chair as a way of replacing their supply. The Deputy Mayor advised that he together with the Mayor were each willing to donate five replacement chairs for the Football Club as a way of starting a campaign to get the new chairs as requested. Jeanice Hinds from the Latrobe Football Club advised that the Tennis Club and the Latrobe Federal Band had each requested that they be given access to some of the better chairs that are to be replaced. Jeanice advised that she would discuss this proposal with the Football Club. The Committee is currently waiting on feedback from the Football Club. Mrs Hinds queried whether the Council would fund the 250 chairs. Mr Poulton advised that Council would not fund purchase of the chairs. The Council has invited the Committee to submit their proposals for 2016/17 annual budget and long-term capital works projects. Each project will be assessed against objective criteria and prioritised for inclusion in future capital works programs. Submissions should include sufficient detail to enable Council to understand the entirety of the project. In regards to above the Committee are requested to review and if required re-prioritise any proposals documented in the Latrobe Sport & Recreation Management Plan – Budget Priority List. Include any new proposals to the list or add capital work that has been identified and minuted throughout the year. The projects that have been completed and are scheduled for completion in the 2015/16 budget are:a. Recreation ground water connections $ 50,000.00 b. Reseal adjacent to the Grandstand $ 80,000.00 c. Reseal car parking in front of Youth Centre $120,000.00 Minuted work throughout the 2015/16 budget:c. Proposal of storage above gymnasium d. Nets over practice wickets - - $ 16,000.00 $ 18,000.00 Capital Works allocation throughout 2015/16 budget:e. Power assessment works - $ 60,000.00 Mr Poulton commenced discussions on the Capital Works budget working through the current budget priority list. The discussion became focused more on the Bandroom requirements and the likely costs involved if the Latrobe Federal Band were to stay in the current location as this has a large impact on other works that have been proposed to be completed at the facility. The Latrobe Council OPEN Agenda 21st March, 2016 Page 45 possibility for the Latrobe Federal Band to relocate was also discussed and the benefits placed forward to the committee regarding storage were outlined. It was resolved that this item be received and that: i) This item be further discussed at the 6th April 2016 meeting with Mr Monson present. ii) Mr Poulton meet with the Latrobe Federal Band members to discuss and gain further understanding of what is required by the Latrobe Federal Band and apply this when weighing up all possible proposals, planning and outcomes. 7. Storage at the Recreation Ground Mr Monson advised that he had received an estimate from Mr Peter Dawson, the Team Leader of Latrobe Works, that it would cost approximately $16,000 to open up the stairwell, install stairs, construct the door frame and fit the door at the base of the stairs and make good and fit balustrades along the cricket side and around the stairwell. At the September 30th meeting Darren requested a copy of the brief for the stairwell to be provided so that they could provide an alternative quotation. Darren Nicolle advised that the brief had been received and that he has already received one quote but that he was waiting on a couple more quotes that should be available in time for the next meeting. It was resolved that this item be held over until other quotations are received. 8. Latrobe Recreation Ground Power Assessment Jason Aherne, Electrical Contractor, had been commissioned to undertake an audit of the Football Club Function Centre, the main Grandstand (southern end) and the bandrooms. A report on the audit has been received by Council and the Committee’s recommendation that an allocation of $60,000 be included in the 2015/16 Council Budget to upgrade electrical wiring under the grandstand including a complete re-wiring of the band rooms was approved by Council at its May meeting. Mr Monson advised that estimates had been obtained to upgrade power within the recreation precinct (excluding the area under the grandstand). Council’s Engineering Services Manager, Mr Magor suggested this item be heldover until a decision is made on the future home of the band rooms. David Richards advised the committee that Latrobe Federal Band was not interested in moving to other premises within the precinct. The concerns raised relate to noise complaints if the band has a late rehearsal and being able to leave equipment setup at all times. Wes Poulton and Latrobe Federal Band members have met and marked up a preliminary sketch of proposed changes to the existing building. The design will incorporate an additional external security light to the southern stand over the Groundsman’s storage shed. Mr Poulton advised that Council are still keeping options open for possible relocation of the Latrobe Federal Band. It was resolved that this information be received. Latrobe Council OPEN Agenda 21st March, 2016 Page 46 9. Latrobe Hockey Club At the September meeting Shelley advised that the Hockey Club queried whether there was an appropriate location for their honour board which had recently been removed. Club representatives were asked to consider an appropriate location for the honour board noting that it was preferable to have the board remain in its current location. Darren advised that he would check on the measurements to see if a junior soccer field could be located on Perkins Park with access to the clubrooms. Mr Nicolle advised that the current fields are too short for junior soccer. Council are in receipt of a letter regarding establishing a Latrobe Croquet Club utilising the existing Latrobe Women’s Hockey Ground and clubrooms. A meeting will be arranged with Croquet representatives, to discuss their proposal and an invitation to the next Sport and Recreation Committee meeting will also be offered to brief the committee. It was resolved that this information be received. 10. Potential Risk Issues – Use of Cricket Nets Adjacent to Tennis Court Area The President of the Latrobe Tennis Club, Stephen Pearce and the President of the Latrobe Cricket Club, Paul Dickson have both raised issues with balls flying from the cricket nets onto adjacent land with potential near misses of tennis players, pedestrians and cars parked in the vicinity of the area. The General Manager met with Mr Pearce, Mr Dickson and with the Ground Caretaker, Jason Sims at the nets on Thursday, 22nd October, 2015 when it was agreed that: 1. The gate leading into the area should be shut each week day at 4.00pm during daylight savings hours and signs erected advising of this new arrangement; 2. Costings be obtained to place a net over the two turf wickets; and 3. A costing be obtained to install a gate onto the large area where the macrocarpa pines stood and the stumps be removed to allow for parking during the summer period. Jason Sims advised that he has obtained quotes to have a roof put on and to have the stumps removed. Jason stated that netting to cover the whole turf area will cost $4,300 and advised that a cheaper option would be to have bird netting to cover the same turf area at a cost of around $400 although it would need to be replaced frequently. More quotes are forthcoming. Stephen Pearce advised that the Friday night cricket users are parking in an unorderly way in the carpark restricting access to the tennis club. Darrin Nicolle advised he would follow up and discuss with the user group. A proposed plan and budget totalling $18,000.00 has been completed by Council with a copy forwarded to the Latrobe Cricket Club for review and to provide further advice regarding partial funding by Cricket Tasmania. Mr Nicolle proposed a 2nd option to reinstate turf wicket in the 2x existing practice nets running from north to south. Mr Poulton followed up with Mr Paul Dickson (Latrobe Cricket Captain) and received correspondence detailing the following:Latrobe Council OPEN Agenda 21st March, 2016 Page 47 “have spoken to Nathan Dennis (cricket tas) and forwarded him the netting proposal and pricing. Cricket Tas grants are available at the beginning of each season, and one third of project cost is available to be funded by them - so in this case approx 6 thousand dollars ! He is very confident that this project will qualify for the funding, but we cannot submit the application until leading into next season (septemberish ??). We have stopped using the turf nets since our major issues with the safety of the tennis club, which probably has been of some disadvantage to us, but we are willing to stomach that for this season! Using the other nets Darren suggested may alleviate some of our issues, but I fear it may just create others, essentially shifting our problems ! I am happy to discuss or meet you mate anytime if you have any further questions. Or call me on 0418382537 anytime.” regards Paul Dickson President Latrobe Cricket Club It was resolved that this information be received and it be recommended to Council that prior to commencement of the 2016/17 Cricket season that a grant application be submitted to Cricket Tasmania to gain part funding for the proposed netting cover. 11. Water Meter Rationalisation Work Mr Poulton would encourage any feedback regarding how the project was delivered and completed by Council. Mr Pearce advised that the Tennis Club had no water at the end of one working day as the main stop tap to the facility was not turned back on. Mr Pearce subsequently called Mr Peter Dawson and this was rectified that afternoon. Mr Poulton advised that the water would be required to be turned off from 4:30pm Thursday 10th March 2016 for rectification of a leak on the Last St side to occur. It was resolved that this information be received. 12. Latrobe Football Usage Latrobe Football Club and the Council have met and discussed 3 additional games and training during this season. These include senior ladies, junior ladies and under 12 sides. Council have been requested to investigate possible options for this to move forward. Possible options put forward are Perkins Park, Softball Ground or Latrobe High School. It was tabled and discussed about upgrading both Perkins park and the Junior Grounds utilising these more for training to ease the pressure on the main ground. It was mentioned that the current fields have a hard surface and contribute to injuries. It was the belief of some members that this lower usage of the main ground would offset the cost providing funds to maintain the other fields. It was resolved that this information be received and Mr Poulton will review costs associated with upgrading both Perkins Park & Junior Grounds surfaces with advice from Mr Sims, and provide feedback to the Committee at the 6th April 2016 meeting. 13. Caretaker’s Report Latrobe Council OPEN Agenda 21st March, 2016 Page 48 Mr Jaffray advised that the ease lever on the hot water pressure relief valves could be removed resolving the issue of them being engaged water continually running out. Mr Peter Dawson to review and remove ease levers to the three (3) cylinders at the rear of the change area. The concert being proposed for the March 2016 long weekend is not going ahead. The Committee and Council were supportive of this but the private organiser could not gain the required support from others. It was raised that due to the amount of users of the facility that a drinking fountain be installed in close proximity to the grounds. Mr Poulton will provide information, detail on where or if this could be installed. 14. Groundsman’s Report No Report 15. Club Reports 15.1 Latrobe Federal Band The Latrobe Federal Band will be performing at the Latrobe Memorial Hall on the 20th March in preparation for their upcoming National Competition in Adelaide held over the Easter period. This event will be open to the public and all are welcomed to come along. Mr Richards advised that $34,000.00 has been raised to fund the trip since December 2015. 15.2 Latrobe Football Club No Report 15.3 Softball Club Mrs Dodd advised that the Softball Club is now moved into its winter roster which is played on Sundays and will be sharing the kitchen facilities with Junior Football. The Softball Club advise that they were not aware of this and require clarification on how this is to work. Mr Poulton will arrange a meeting between the two (2) clubs and resolve a way forward. A reminder to all users upon leaving the facility that the clubrooms are left clean, the lights are turned off and the door locked. 15.4 Sassafras Cricket Club Mr Jeffrey advised that the club have not gained a positon in the finals this year for the first time in many years. The club is continuing to work on their grant application to extend the club premises and that “A Day for Butt” held on the 21st February raised $3,500.00. Mr Jeffrey advised that the fundraiser will only run for one more year. 15.5 Latrobe Cricket Club No report. 15.6 Latrobe Bicycle Race Club No report. 15.7 Latrobe Tennis Club Mr Pearce advised due to overwhelming member numbers that the Latrobe Tennis Club are now not actively recruiting new members but will also not turn away new members. Latrobe Tennis Club is negotiating with Devonport Tennis Club and Port Sorell Tennis Club to provide a local competition gaining further interest in the sport and utilising the three Latrobe Council OPEN Agenda 21st March, 2016 Page 49 (3) facilities to deliver this. Mr Pearce proudly announced that one of their junior U12 girls is currently ranked number 1 on the northwest coast and ranked 4th in Tasmania. 15.8 Latrobe and Districts Youth Centre No report 15.9 Latrobe Swimming Pool Mr Smith thanked the Committee & Council for his appointment as the Latrobe Swimming Pool representative and looks forward to working with all into the future. 15.10 Community Representatives No report 16. Next Meeting The next meeting for 2016 will be held on Wednesday, 6th April, 2016 at 5.30pm. There being no further business, the Acting Chairman thanked members for their attendance and closed the meeting at 6.30pm. Back to Agenda Wes Poulton Secretary Latrobe Council OPEN Agenda 21st March, 2016 Page 50 Annexure "D" BANKSIA CENTRE COMMITTEE Minutes of the Banksia Centre Committee held at the Banksia Centre on Wednesday 2nd March, 2016 at 10.00am 1. ATTENDANCE Cr Garry Sims‐ Latrobe Council ‐ Chairperson Mrs Samantha Bell ‐ Manager, Camp Banksia Mr Wes Poulton – Latrobe Council, Building and Facilities Officer Mr Warren Lockett – U3A Mr Rob Atkinson – Camp Banksia Controlling Authority Invited Guest Mr Rob Beveridge – Bendigo Bank Representative 2. APOLOGIES Mr Gerald Monson‐ Latrobe Council, General Manager Mr John House – (Major organiser of rosters) 3. CONFIRMATION OF MINUTES ‐ 25TH November, 2015 Mrs Bell moved and Mr Poulton seconded that the minutes of the Banksia Centre Committee meeting held on Wednesday 25th November, 2015 as circulated be confirmed as a true record of the business transacted. CARRIED 4. U3A COMMITTEE REPRESENTATIVE Mr Warren Lockett has been appointed by the U3A as their nominee and subsequent representative for the Banksia Centre Committee. Mr Lockett is the current President of the Port Sorell U3A, previously a committee member of the Thirlstane Golf Club and Port Sorell District Community Bank steering committee. He has extensive experience in various sectors of management, strategic, operational, financial and directorial responsibilities. Cr Sims welcomed Mr Lockett to the committee as the representative of the U3A. 5. BANKSIA CENTRE – DEFECT LIST At the last meeting Samantha circulated a defect list which she had prepared relating to the formal takeover of the Banksia Centre. Mr Leigh Dell from Artas attended the meeting to discuss these issues. Mr Dell advised that Artas was holding a bond of $53,000 and although the maintenance period finished in October the roof maintenance period had been extended indefinitely until the leaks were fixed and other defect items would be carried forward until complete. It was agreed at the meeting that Mr Poulton in conjunction with Mrs Bell to monitor and follow up defect items with Artas until all completed. In conjunction with the defect list it has been noted that the hot water line is not Latrobe Council OPEN Agenda 21st March, 2016 Page 51 lagged with insulation. Artas will be notified to address with contractor and add this to defect list It was resolved that this information be received. 6. FINANCE REPORT The Finance Report to the end of January, 2016 was circulated for consideration. Mrs Bell noted that Camp Banksia has provided approximately 40% of the current revenue for Banksia Centre. It was resolved that the finance report to the end of January, 2016 be received. 7. 8. 10 YEAR DRAFT CAPITAL WORKS Mr Monson has received correspondence from The Council has invited the Committee to submit their proposals for 2016/17 annual budget and long‐term capital works projects. Each project will be assessed against objective criteria and prioritised for inclusion in future capital works programs. Submissions should include sufficient detail to enable Council to understand the entirety of the project. Mr Lockett raised concerns with time allowed to complete planning of capital works and requests that more time be required in the future. Mrs Bell tabled a list of capital works for consideration. Items being: ‐ a. Folding stage to Performing Arts $12,000.00 b. Non‐folding stage to Performing Arts $4,000.00 $5,000.00 c. Lounge suit to foyer d. Protective floor coverings to court surfaces $35,000.00 It was also suggested that further consideration in the future capital works for roll out tiered seating be installed in the Performing Arts. Mr Poulton to review products, costs, how this would work in the area available and present to the committee for review. It was resolved that this information be received and the capital works outlined be submitted to Council for consideration. PITCAIRN St FENCING Quotations have been received on three (3) different proposed types of fencing for the frontage along Pitcairn St. Mr Poulton tabled fence quotations of rural type fencing, chainmesh fencing, galvanised steel post and rail fencing all with powdercoated options. An additional product produced by Replas manufactured out of recycled plastic was also tabled. Discussions were completed and it was agreed that a raw product would be acceptable in lieu of powdercoated or painted surfaces. During the discussion it was raised that a Treated Pine post and rail fence should be considered and priced. Mr Poulton will complete budget costing and provide information to the committee. Latrobe Council OPEN Agenda 21st March, 2016 Page 52 It was resolved that this information be received and Mr Poulton provide an estimate for Treated Pine post and rail fencing. 9. TRANSITION TO COMMITTEE OF MANAGEMENT At the previous committee meeting it was recommended to the Council that the Banksia Centre Management Steering Committee should be wound up and replaced by a management committee for the Banksia Centre comprising of representatives from; Council Camp Banksia Controlling Authority Camp Banksia Manager Port Sorell Primary School U3A Committee John House (Major organiser of rosters) Council employee (Secretary) Mr Monson advised that the following is an extract from the Facility Management Plan for 2015‐16 relating to the Banksia Centre – Committee Terms of Reference. “The Banksia Centre Committee is a Special Committee of Latrobe Council established pursuant to Section 24 of the Local Government Act 1993. The Committee is closely aligned with the Camp Banksia Controlling Authority and shares operational and marketing resources and support of the Camp Banksia Managers. 1. Responsibilities of the Banksia Centre Committee Maintain a Management Plan for the facility with the assistance of Council staff that is reviewed and adopted annually Identify and support activities to achieve the Banksia Centre Management Plan goals, particularly relating to growing and maintaining Centre usage Represent users of the Banksia Centre in matters relating to facility maintenance, functionality, administration and cleaning Reach consensus within the Banksia Centre Committee on the prioritisation of maintenance and capital works Provide recommendations to the Centre manager on maintenance priorities Provide recommendations to the Latrobe Council on capital works requests via processes outlined in the Facility Management Plan Seek sponsorship, donations, grants and fundraising opportunities for the Banksia Centre with the assistance of Council staff Make decisions on any requests to display, affix, paint or exhibit any permanent signage / sponsorship logos on the interior or exterior of the Banksia Centre Monitor the Banksia Centre operational budget and provide guidance to Centre managers to assist operational decision making Submit to Council no later than 31st March each year, a Banksia Centre fee Latrobe Council OPEN Agenda 21st March, 2016 Page 53 proposal and a prioritised capital works list for the following financial year (July 1st to June 30th) Ensure compliance with Latrobe Council’s risk management policy and procedures. 2. Restrictions on Committee powers The Committee does not have the power to impose fees, taxes, rates or charges; rebate rates or charges; award grants; borrow money; make a by‐law; execute a deed; sign a contract; institute a legal proceeding; call for tenders; provide direction to Council staff; and advertise for and/or appoint an employee. 3. Responsibilities of Latrobe Council To insure the Banksia Centre building, fixtures and any contents owned by the Council Insure the Committee members in respect of public liability Consider through its budgeting process all capital works improvements recommended by the Committee Provide feedback to the Committee via the Chairperson on the status of Committee recommendations If requested by the Centre manager, provide support to the Camp Banksia maintenance staff via the Latrobe Council Works Department Endorse an annual operational budget prepared for the facility by the Centre manager for inclusion in the Banksia Centre Management Plan Manage and maintain employment agreements for Camp Banksia staff to enable Banksia Centre operations Nominate representatives of Council to be members of the Banksia Centre Committee Via Camp Banksia management, prioritise and schedule maintenance works taking into consideration the recommendations of the Committee Via Camp Banksia management, maintain seasonal user agreements and document any new agreements for the Banksia Centre. Committee Membership The Committee shall consist of at least seven (7) and no more than ten (10) members, comprised of the following: Three (3) representatives of Latrobe Council of whom one (1) shall be an elected representative in the position of Committee Chairperson, one(1) shall be the Banksia Centre manager, and one (1) shall be in the position of Committee Secretary Between three (3) and six (6) representatives from seasonal Banksia Centre users and other community groups One (1) representative of the Camp Banksia Controlling Authority. 4. Representatives of seasonal users of the Banksia Centre can be invited by the Chairperson to join the Committee at any time. The appointment of new Latrobe Council OPEN Agenda 21st March, 2016 Page 54 Committee members is to be recorded in the Committee meeting minutes. The Secretary issues agendas in accordance with the Chairperson’s instructions, and records and distributes meeting minutes. All Committee membership positions are held on a volunteer basis. 5. Meetings Ordinary meetings of the Banksia Centre Committee take place once per quarter in February, May, August and November at a Banksia Centre meeting room to transact ordinary business and any other business on the agenda The February meeting is when the Committee finalises the maintenance and capital works request list and hire fee structure for submission to Council. May is when the Committee reviews the Centre’s Management Plan for the coming financial year The ordinary meeting procedures will include these matters: o Welcome and apologies o Confirmation of minutes of the last meeting o Banksia Centre manager’s report on the status of facility bookings, maintenance items, cleaning issues, and security matters o Review of operational budget o New maintenance issues and/or improvement ideas o Progress of Management Plan activities o General business o Confirmation of next meeting and meeting close. The Chairperson may at any time convene special meetings of the Committee and must also convene a special meeting if requested by the Committee The Chairperson, or in his/her absence, the Secretary, is to preside at any meeting of the Committee The person presiding at a meeting may take any reasonable steps to remove a person from a meeting if the person disrupts or tries to disrupt the meeting The quorum at any meeting of the Committee is an absolute majority of the members appointed to the Committee A meeting may only make recommendations to Latrobe Council if a quorum is present. 6. Declaration of Interest A member must not participate in any Committee discussion or vote on any matter regarding a potential supplier, service provider or contractor for the Banksia Centre where the member has an interest; or is aware or ought to be aware that a close associate has an interest A member must declare any interest in a matter before discussion on that matter commences. On declaring an interest, the member is to leave the room in which the meeting is being held for the duration of the discussion and decision Latrobe Council OPEN Agenda 21st March, 2016 Page 55 The secretary is to ensure that the declaration of interest is recorded in the minutes of the meeting If a member fails to comply with this section, Council may bar the member for a period not exceeding 7 years and dismiss the member from the Committee. 7. Minutes The Secretary is to record in the minutes of ordinary or special meetings, details of: Any matter discussed at the meeting; and Any decision/recommendation made at the meeting The minutes of an ordinary or special meeting are to be: Circulated to all members; and Forwarded to the Council General Manager; within one (1) week of the meeting taking place. The minutes of an ordinary or special meeting are to be confirmed as a true record at the next meeting by motion of the Committee and signature of the Chairperson. It was resolved that this information be received with further clarity for Committee members regarding Council responsibilities in setting fees. 10. ITEMS PENDING a) Risk Management Procedures Council’s WHS/ Risk Officer completed a risk assessment of the facility following the project completion. The following actions had been listed in the Assessment and Management Plan and were updated at the last meeting: Person Responsible Check requirements for gas cylinder restraints Architect Install placarding for flammable gas storage Camp Banksia Install light covers low hanging lights orig sections Camp Banksia Install signage in rooms – hot surfaces Camp Banksia Inspect outside areas old barbed wire and remove Camp Banksia Install padding to all steel H sections old stadium Camp Banksia Install flyscreen sleeping quarters window Camp Banksia Install covers light fittings in corridor Architect Install wire mesh exit lights original section Camp Banksia Replace backboard and hoop in new stadium Council Install visual aid entrance window Architect b) Progress Completed Completed Pending Completed Completed Completed Completed Not Required Defect List Completed Not Required It was resolved that this information be received. Scoring equipment Latrobe Council OPEN Agenda 21st March, 2016 Page 56 ACROMAT have provided an estimate of $7,168.70 for an electronic scoreboard. Council had approved the Committee request to provide an allocation within its 2015/16 capital budget. Mr Poulton will table further information and details on the other brands that have been sourced. It was resolved that Solid Scoreboards will supply the scoreboard and shot clocks and be installed in a location directed by Mrs Bell and Mr Poulton. c) Port Sorell District Committee Enterprise Limited – Request to install Promotional Signage inside the Port Sorell Community Centre Mr Rob Beveridge, Sponsorship/Marketing Committee wrote stating, “As a bank that gives back to its local community, we feel it would be appropriate to place signage in the Centre. We are all about sharing profits and making a real difference in our community, and to help get that message across we are looking at installing signage in suitable areas. The Board of Port Sorell District Community Enterprises Limited already supports the Community Centre by holding all its monthly Board meetings in the meeting room. Any extra workshops are also held there. We are hopeful you will give permission for our signage, and look forward to hearing from you. Representatives from the Bendigo Bank have been invited to attend the meeting and discuss their proposal. Mr Beveridge attended the meeting and outlined Bendigo Banks proposal. The Committee was supportive of the proposal as Bendigo is a not‐for‐profit organization and provides 80% of funding back into the community. The advertising sign size would be approximately 1m high x 1.5m wide and be fixed to an internal wall in the gymnasium. It was resolved that it be recommended to Council that Bendigo Banks proposal be received and the advertising sign be installed with no additional charges subject to review by Mr Poulton of Councils signage policy and location approval by Mrs Bell and Mr Poulton. 11. MARKETING It was discussed that a marketing strategy is required for the Centre starting with a review of the usage plan. The Committee agreed that Miss Amanda Wilson would be ideal to assist in creating the framework and providing advice after an initial preliminary process being commenced by the Committee. During this discussion it was also a request that a marketing budget be provided by Council helping to guide the committee through the process. It was resolved that this information be received and the usage plan be discussed at the May 2016 meeting. Latrobe Council OPEN Agenda 21st March, 2016 Page 57 12. GENERAL BUSINESS – ISSUES FROM PREVIOUS MEETING a) Light Switch Mr Monson advised that he had raised this issue with the architects, (no light switch to enter the foyer of the Centre from the Camp Banksia side. Mr Dell advised Artas will follow up with JMG Engineers regarding this. It was resolved that this information be received and followed up with the defects. b) Signage Mr Monson advised that signage would be reviewed as part of the upgrade to Pitcairn Street roadworks. It was resolved that Mr Poulton provides preliminary designs for the signage and circulates for Committee members to review. c) Car Parking – Bollards Mr Monson advised that this item was included in the 2015‐16 budget. Mr Poulton advised that bollards have been received and Mr Peter Dawson will be in contact to arrange installation. d) Entry ‐ Trees Cr Sims raised that three (3) trees at the entrance require removal and replacement. Mrs Bell advised that there is no provisions at the front of the building to access water. It was resolved that Mr Poulton will address installation of tap and discuss replacement of trees with the Latrobe Works Horticulturist. e) Committee Meeting Dates Mr Poulton will provide the Committee meeting dates and times for the remainder of the year. th 13. NEXT MEETING – 10:00am WEDNESDAY 25 May, 2016 There being no further business the Chairman thanked members for their time and closed the meeting at 11:00am Back to Agenda Latrobe Council OPEN Agenda 21st March, 2016 Page 58 Annexure "E" PORT SORELL MEMORIAL HALL COMMITTEE MINUTES OF MEETING HELD ON JANUARY 28TH 2016 at 7.08pm PRESENT - A & R Donoghue, R Townsend, J Nicholls, D Dennison, C Smith D & L King & Wes Poulton. APOLOGIES - C & J Mulligan; M Badcock; E Woodcock & pending new member R Bramich. MINUTES OF PREVIOUS MEETING - As read, moved A Donoghue seconded J Nicholls. MATTERS ARISING • A Donoghue advised Playgroup to removed tables & clutter, in the storeroom. • Council will attend to all high maintenance work. • R Donoghue has repaired holes in the storeroom wall. • Thank you to D King for the wash down of the Hall before Christmas. • Thanks to Judith Bramich for donating fry pans from the P S Lions Relay for Life. • A Donoghue & I to purchase oven trays. Moved D King seconded C Smith. • Thanks to E Woodcock, re-locks on the doors. • The hot water overflow has to stay where it is in the kitchen. • Hall cladding was discussed with Wes Poulton from the council. He advised Ultra colour bond was best for this (sea salt area) We will decide on colours later. He will return to the Feb. meeting re-sketches of cladding designs. • Letter on “Authority controlling” was explained by D Dennison. • It was mentioned that Glen Miles or Michelle Dutton may help with applying for a grant for the cladding. • Budget submission - R Donoghue & I to sort. CORRESPONDENCE Inward • Controlling Authorities notice from Council. • Letter from Council re-external cladding. • Letter from Council re-Budget submission. Outward Emails - AGM & General meeting notes sent to D Dennison & Council. moved D Dennison seconded J Nicholls carried. FINANCIAL REPORT - as distributed - moved C Smith seconded D King. GENERAL BUSINESS • Carpet was cleaned at the end of 2015 • D King mentioned we should put Historic photo’s up in the Hall. • It was decided by all members not to charge Historic group for their display on Aust. Day & also Port Sorell Lions “Relay for Life” book sale. • R Townsend mentioned Fred Bishop may attend the Anzac Day as a guest. • A notice for starting the oven needs to be laminated & displayed on the wall. NEXT MEETING - Thursday 25th February 2016 at 7pm. Meeting closed - 8.25pm Latrobe Council OPEN Agenda 21st March, 2016 Page 59 Annexure "F" SUBJECT: CAMP BANKSIA CONTROLLING AUTHORITY – PROPOSED CHANGE TO A SPECIAL COMMITTEE OF COUNCIL AUTHOR: GENERAL MANAGER, GERALD MONSON DATE: 8 MARCH 2016 FILE REF: 1. PURPOSE OF REPORT To consider a recommendation by the Council’s General Manager to abolish the Camp Banksia Controlling Authority in accordance with section 29(5) of the Local Government Act 1993 and to replace it with a special committee of Council. 2. BACKGROUND INFORMATION In 2005 the Council established the Camp Banksia Controlling Authority in accordance with Section 29 of the Local Government Act 1993. The Authority was established to manage and administer Camp Banksia including: i) promoting its use as a recreational, educational and residential camp facility and by the local community; and ii) the granting of subleases or other rights to use areas within that property. Prior to the establishment of the Controlling Authority the State Government had proposed to sell the land and following strong opposition from the local Port Sorell community the State Government agreed to transfer the property under the lease arrangement to the Latrobe Council. The Controlling Authority, consisting of three independent members, has worked hard over the last ten year period and has greatly improved both the appearance and operation of the Camp. However, following recent discussions with the Controlling Authority members it has become clear that substantial capital funds are required to upgrade the Camp to meet current customer needs with no guarantee that the Camp will operate without significant operating losses into the future. The current Capital Works Program for Camp Banksia includes the following priorities: 2016/17 Camp Banksia Redevelopment Study – pedestrian pathways $12,500 2017/18 Camp Banksia Redevelopment Study – upgrade She-oak cabins $80,000 2018/19 Camp Banksia Redevelopment Study – upgrade Blackwood cabins $80,000 2019/20 Camp Banksia Redevelopment Study – upgrade Boobyalla cabins $80,000 Camp Banksia Redevelopment Study – seating and landscaping in community zone Camp Banksia Redevelopment Study – level and resurface sports field $15,000 $30,000 Latrobe Council OPEN Agenda 21st March, 2016 $297,500 Page 60 The Camp Banksia Controlling Authority has also listed the following improvement works to improve Camp Banksia over future years; • • • • • • • • Resurface sports fields including appropriate irrigation and drainage Resurface tennis courts Provide adventure based and physical fitness equipment Provide new workshop facilities Provide additional self-contained accommodation Improve the outdoor floor surface of the self-catering kitchen ($14,680) Install in-ground watering system ($5,600) Install an in-ground fire pit ($5,000) The estimated loss on the operation of Camp Banksia for the 2015/16 financial year is $39,960. The operating cost is expected to increase by approximately $50,000 when the ownership of Camp Banksia is transferred to Council in the near future and a full depreciation charge on the buildings is included within Council’s budget. The General Manager met with members of the Camp Banksia Controlling Authority on Thursday, 25 February, 2016 when the future of the camp was discussed. There was general agreement that the Controlling Authority has done all that it could within the existing budget constraints and they could understand that it may be best for Council to take on management of Camp Banksia and work with the Port Sorell community on future use of the site. 3. COMPLIANCE WITH STRATEGIC PLAN The Council’s Strategic Plan titled, “Our Place, Our Plan” details as an objective under section 1.3; Buildings and Community Facilities, “to ensure Council owned buildings are maintained to a safe and functional standard and meet community needs.” Strategies included under this objective are: 1.3.4 Consider the recommendations contained in the Camp Banksia redevelopment Study 2010 Report and include in the 10 Year Capital Works Program; and 1.3.5 Secure ownership of the Camp Banksia site. 4. FINANCIAL IMPLICATIONS The Camp Banksia Redevelopment Study 2010 report recommended that significant expenditure be undertaken at the Camp over the next ten year period to enhance the site and future phases of the development of the Banksia Centre. The Controlling Authority recently advised Council that priority should be given to projects and enhancements that have the greatest probability of maximising the utilization of the site, both by camp groups and the community. The Controlling Authority acknowledged that future development decisions should rightly be influenced by the contribution they would make to the overall financial viability of Camp Banksia. Camp Banksia has incurred the following losses over the last four year period: 2012/13 $59,601 2013/14 $24,565 2014/15 $2,714 2015/16 $39,960 (estimated) Latrobe Council OPEN Agenda 21st March, 2016 Page 61 Camp Banksia has a capital value of $3million which would incur an annual depreciation charge of approximately $50,000 when the full ownership of the land and buildings are transferred to Council. Council’s Engineering Department has flagged that due to the current condition/age of the buildings at the Camp, building maintenance costs are likely to increase in the future. A preventative maintenance plan for the facility is to be drafted. 5. RISK ISSUES Camp Banksia has provided many fond memories for camp users over many years and Council will have to give careful consideration to future use of the facility. Long term planning – Council commissioned a redevelopment study for the site in 2010. The subsequent development plan provided a vision for the camp and considered the current and future needs of the community and proposed future uses and improvements to the site. Significant changes have occurred since approval of the development plan, i.e. the construction of a new community centre and the Port Sorell Primary School. Further community consultation regarding any future upgrade and use of the site will ensure that Council’s strategic direction for the Camp meets community expectations. Financial - Significant capital expenditure is required to enhance the buildings and site to meet modern day camping standards. A long term asset management plan for the facility should be prepared to enable the Committee and Council to make informed decisions about the future maintenance requirements. Governance – The terms of reference and creation of the Camp Banksia Special Committee are in accordance with the requirements of the Local Government Act 1993. 6. CONSULTATION The General Manager has met with the Chairman of the Camp Banksia Controlling Authority and with board members. At the meeting held with board members on Thursday, 25th February, 2016, there was general agreement that the current Authority be abolished and replaced by a Council committee of management. There has been no consultation with the Port Sorell community on this issue. The General Manager proposes that if Council agrees to abolish the Authority, then he will meet with Camp Banksia staff as a matter of urgency to explain the change in management structure and emphasise that in the short term there would be no significant Latrobe Council Agenda 21st March, 2016 Page 62 changes to OPEN the operation of the camp facility. 7. STATUTORY REQUIREMENTS Section 29 of the Local Government Act 1993 states that; “A Council may abolish a Controlling Authority.” The Act also states that “if a Controlling Authority is abolished, its rights and liabilities rest in the council which abolished it.” Section 24 of the Local Government Act 1993 provides the mechanism to establish a special committee of Council and states; (1) A council may establish, on such terms and for such purposes as it thinks fit, special committees. (2) A special committee consists of such persons appointed by the council as the council thinks appropriate. (3) The council is to determine the procedures relating to meetings of a special committee. 8. OPTIONS FOR COUNCIL The existing Camp Banksia Controlling Authority has performed well over its ten years of operation. The camp is in a much better condition than when it was taken on by Council just over ten years ago however, major capital works have been identified over the next ten year period to enhance the operation of the camp facility. The Controlling Authority has endeavoured to operate the Camp without incurring an operating deficit however; this has become increasingly difficult over recent years. Use of the camp by fruit pickers contributed to reducing the deficit in 2014/15. Camp Banksia Controlling Authority have advised that they continue to receive less Camp bookings with fewer camp participants which has made it difficult to operate the Camp on a sustainable basis. It was hoped that the operation of the new Banksia Centre would assist to obtain extra bookings at the Camp however, this has not yet eventuated. The Camp has however contributed to approximately 40% of Banksia Centre revenue with camp users hiring the stadium. Council recently made contractor Amanda Wilson available to work on a marketing plan for Camp Banksia and this is in the process of being implemented. The Council currently pays Controlling Authority members the following annual remuneration: • Chairperson $6,298 • Director $3,761 x 2 • Total Directors remuneration; $13,820 The General Manager believes that with the expertise available within the Council office that it is an appropriate time to abolish the Camp Banksia Controlling Authority and replace it with a committee of management which would comprise a mixture of Councillors and Council employees. It is suggested that in the short term the existing Chairman of the Camp Banksia Controlling Authority, Mr Robert Atkinson be invited to be a member of the new committee of management which should enable a smooth transition to the new structure. It is also suggested that Council contractor Amanda Wilson should continue to work with the manager of Camp Banksia, Samantha Bell to implement the new marketing plan for the Centre. Latrobe Council OPEN Agenda 21st March, 2016 Page 63 9. RECOMMENDATION That the report of the General Manager dated 8 March, 2016 relating to Camp Banksia Controlling Authority, to a special committee of council be received and that Council: 1. Abolish the Camp Banksia Controlling Authority in accordance with Section 29(5) of the Local Government Act 1993 as from 30th June, 2016; 2. Prepare a terms of reference for the proposed Camp Banksia Special Committee for consideration at the April, 2016 Council meeting; 3. Implement the Camp Banksia Special Committee as from the 1st July, 2016; 4. Appoint the current Chairman of the Camp Banksia Controlling Authority, Mr Robert Atkinson to the Committee for an initial period of twelve months and pay him a retainer fee of $3,760; 5. Appoint Cr. ……………. (Chairman) and Cr ……………. as a member of the Camp Banksia Special Committee together with Councils Corporate Services Manager, Jan Febey and Councils Building and Facilities Officer, Wes Poulton; 6. Request Camp Banksia Controlling Authority to allow members of the proposed Camp Banksia Special Committee to observe their May and June meetings prior to the formal takeover of management as from the 1st July, 2016; 7. Recommend to the Committee that Council contractor Amanda Wilson should continue to work with manager of Camp Banksia, Samantha Bell to implement the new marketing plan for the Centre; and 8. Present a Certificate of Appreciation to the current Controlling Authority members to recognise their contribution and long term commitment to Camp Banksia. Latrobe Council OPEN Agenda 21st March, 2016 Page 64 Annexure "G" SUBJECT: WARRAWEE MOUNTAIN BIKE MASTER PLAN AUTHOR: TOURISM & ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT OFFICER, CHRIS FRANKCOMBE DATE: MARCH 9, 2016 FILE REF: ATTACHMENTS: WARRAWEE MOUNTAIN BIKE MASTER PLAN 1. PURPOSE OF REPORT To endorse the Warrawee Mountain Bike Master Plan prepared by TRC Tourism and consider its implications. 2. BACKGROUND INFORMATION In August 2015, Council voted to engage a professional consultant to develop a Master Plan to provide the business case, strategic direction, design and construction guide for a mountain bike trail system at Warrawee Reserve, plus overland trails linking that trail network to its “sister development’’ in the Kentish municipality. In October 2015, Council engaged international tourism consultancy TRC Tourism, who oversaw the development of the Kentish Mountain Bike Master Plan (2015), were the designers and developers of the Blue Derby mountain bike trails in Tasmania’s north-east, and many other leading mountain bike developments in Australia. In February 2016, the draft Warrawee Mountain Bike Master Plan was tabled at the ordinary monthly meeting and put out for three weeks of community consultation. That public consultation period expired on March 9, 2016, and one submission was received. The report is now ready for Council’s consideration for endorsement. 3. COMPLIANCE WITH STRATEGIC PLAN 2.1 Business Development: 2.1.3 Support the diversification of industries within the municipality to reduce reliance on major industry. 2.4 Community Services & Facilities: 2.4.2 Continue to improve walkways and bikeways within the Council area. 4. FINANCIAL IMPLICATIONS Development Cost: The cost of the Warrawee trail cluster, linking trails to Kentish, trailhead infrastructure and signage, is $1.45m. Note: The total project cost stated above varies from that contained in the Warrawee Mountain Bike Master Plan because the Master Plan includes the cost of the full length of the Warrawee-Railton linking trail and the Warrawee-Kimberleys Lookout trail. However, only about 25% of the Warrawee-Railton trail (Trail 27) and 60% of the WarraweeKimberleys trail (Trail 28) are in the Latrobe Municipality. Removing the cost of the trails in Kentish Municipality reduces the cost of the linking trails from the $802,850 figure in the Latrobe Council OPEN Agenda 21st March, 2016 Page 65 Master Plan, to $462,150; and the overall project cost from $1,896,825 in the Master Plan to $1,456,125. Latrobe Council will seek funding assistance from the Federal and/or State governments to develop this facility. Discussions with both governments have started. However, Latrobe Council will also need to make a direct contribution to construction, over multiple years, to attract state and federal government assistance. This Council contribution may take the form of direct cash, in-kind support, and/or building of some specific projects related to this development. Some of the proposed methods of Council contribution discussed so far include: 2016-17 financial year: • Construction of the flying fox across Mersey River at Warrawee (100,000). • Applying for grant programs such as Green Army, LandCare, Work-for-the-Dole and other government initiatives that can assist with construction. Council will be required to make an in-kind or direct financial contribution to secure this funding. Inkind support will include the Tourism & Economic Development Officer’s time and other expenses in relation to developing the project to this point. As this time has already been spent, it would not involve a further financial outlay by Council, only recognition of staff time (and cost) already contributed (Council’s TEDO contribution already approximately $15,000). • The Green Army, Work for the Dole and other programs work best if the Council assists by providing materials (such as importing a truck load of rocks if required, or delivery of construction materials, that enable the government-funded program to focus on providing labour and thus maximise the benefit to Council. At this point difficult to quantify accurately (probable cost $3000). • Local mountain bike enthusiasts have volunteered to help build some of the Warrawee trails. Newly legislated volunteer worker obligations require the Council to supply a safety induction process, and provide safety equipment. It is proposed to provide a one-hour safety induction by Council Risk Management & Workplace Health & Safety Officer, Jo Keygan. Safety equipment, including sunhat, safety boots, short & trousers are estimated at $250 per volunteer, for a total cost (based on 15 volunteers) of $3750. • Total cost to Council in 2016-17: $118,750. 2017-18 financial year: • Annual maintenance budget. This is predicted to be $15,000 per year normally, but as less than half the trails will be constructed by 2017-18, this annual maintenance cost is more likely to be $10,000 or less. • A direct financial contribution to attract significantly greater federal and state government funding assistance (nominally $100,000). • Total cost to Council in 2017-18 financial year: $110,000. 2018-19 financial year: • The construction of remaining Warrawee trails and some trailhead infrastructure may be required to cater for increasing user numbers (Council’s contribution nominally $50,000). • Ongoing annual maintenance cost: $15,000 per year. • Total cost to Council in 2018-19 financial year: $65,000. • Latrobe Council OPEN Agenda 21st March, 2016 Page 66 Beyond 2018-19 financial year: • It is anticipated track and trailhead construction will be concluded by the end of the 2019 financial year and therefore no additional construction funding will be required from Council beyond then. • Maintenance costs: $15,000 per year • Total cost to Council for each year beyond 2018-19 financial year: $15,000 Ongoing costs: While the annual track maintenance cost is likely to be in the order of $15,000 per year, the maintenance cost will be higher in the first year, as the track “beds in’’ and remains soft. It is proposed to meet this cost through a combination of: 1. An annual Council financial contribution; 2. Income from a portion of revenue from mountain bike and multi-sport events; 3. 2-3 volunteer working bees by Cradle Coast Mountain Bike Club members per year (thus reducing cost); 4. Using government work skills and environment programs, such as Work for the Dole, Landcare and Green Corp, which will reduce maintenance costs. Revenue: There are elements of this project that could have direct and indirect effects on Council revenue. 1. It is proposed to host minor and major mountain bike events at the facility. A portion of income from these events (from entry fees, etc) are proposed to be directed to Council to assist in the cost of ongoing maintenance of the trails. This income may be in the order of $2000-$6000 per year. 2. The Master Plan identifies many business opportunities will arise from this development and the Council will likely experience an increase in income as the result of additional rates, licences and other fees. Budget allocation: There has not yet been a budget allocation for Council’s financial contribution to the construction of the tracks. Council may consider allocating a sum in the 2016-17 budget, and beyond. 5. RISK ISSUES A Risk Management Plan for the project is attached to this report. The key risks contained in the document are: Human resources Financial Legal and regulatory Asset management Reputation/corporate image Operational The report identifies the biggest risk, is failure to procure a federal or state financial contribution. This would result in Council having to apply for multiple grants, which would be a piecemeal approach and would likely result in a higher contribution by Council (perhaps as much as 50% of the total project cost). “Medium risks’’ identified include the risk of budget over-runs, the failure of the trail to be built to the expected standard, and failure to deliver the project on time, although mitigation methods have been planned to avoid or minimise all of these and they are not considered any greater risk than in any other project of this scale. Latrobe Council OPEN Agenda 21st March, 2016 Page 67 6. CONSULTATION Extensive consultation has been undertaken with: • Cradle Coast Mountain Bike Club, individual local mountain bikers, Australian Mountain Bike Association and trail standards were taken from International Mountain Bike Association guidelines; • some local residents; • land managers Parks & Wildlife Service and Forestry Tasmania; • trail design experts and tourism industry experts; • Kentish Council, Cradle Coast Authority and Devonport City Council; • Devonport-Cradle Tourism Association and local accommodation operators; • operators of mountain bike developments in Tasmania and mainland Australia; and • Commercial mountain bike businesses such as shuttle services and bike repairs. A three-week public consultation period was advertised in The Advocate, Council, Coast & Country newsletter, and on the Council website. One submission was received, from Latrobe Municipality resident Peter McIntee, who raised concerns about: o access to the facility via Old Deloraine Rd; o the impacts additional traffic might have on local residents; o if this facility will encourage more illegal trail bike and 4WD activity in the region. Mr McIntee’s concerns are valid, and have been considered during the research and development of this proposal. 1. There will be no access to the facility from Old Deloraine Rd. The only two access points are from the existing Warrawee Reserve entry on Shale Rd, and from the Warrawee picnic area. In fact, this development may reduce entry to Warrawee through the illegal entry points off Old Deloraine Rd, as part of this project will include means of reducing illegal access points. 2. There will be no traffic impacts on Old Deloraine Rd residents as there will be no access from this road to the mountain bike trails. 3. 4WDs will not be a concern as we are building trails that are in most instances are only 90cm wide, which will be of no use to 4WDs. The trail bikes are, however, a legitimate concern and several measures are planned to minimize their potential impact. These include: a. Disincentives: i. – building trails that are too tight and bendy for enjoyable trail bike riding (mountain bikers like bends, trail bikers like straight open sections where they can “open up’’ the accelerator. ii. Building wooden or rock chicanes at the formal entry points that involve a tight 180 degree turn. Mountain bikes can turn in the chicane but trail bikes have wider turning circles so could not turn the corner. The experience in locations that use this method is that locals ride their trail bike on the track once, but find it no fun and don’t bother going back. b. Education: i. one of the key ways of reducing vandalism by locals is to develop among locals a sense of “ownership’’ of the facility – to create in the community a sense that these are “our trails’’. ii. The first stage of this community education process is to engage the pupils of local primary and21st secondary Latrobe Council OPEN Agenda March, 2016 schools in the project, including Page 68 in some construction works and naming of particular features on the paths. The intention is that if the students have helped build the facility, and their class named a part of the track, they will likely feel ownership and inclusion, and not want others to damage “their bike trails’’. We hope this will foster peer pressure, in which youths influence others’ behaviour. iii. While the adult trail bike community is difficult to engage and communicate with (since they are mostly individuals, not a formal club), the education of adult riders will take time. On-site signage and articles in the Latrobe Council’s Council, Coast & Country newsletter will help explain the rules around the facility. iv. It is also believed the increased activity at Warrawee (people riding mountain bikes on mountain bike tracks) will reduce illegal vehicular activity in the area, just because people undertaking illegal activities tend not to do so when other people are around. Certainly local mountain bike enthusiasts will roost any trail bike rider off the tracks c. Pecuniary penalties: i. Fines may be considered for people who undertake illegal activities in Warrawee Reserve. d. Providing an alternative facility for trail bike riders. Council’s Tourism Officer is presently talking to a commercial operation considering developing a facility for trail bike riders at Dulverton. This option cannot yet be relied upon, because the business may decide not to pursue it. Alternatively, Kentish Council officers have also been generally discussing the issue (as it is just as relevant there) and had also previously proposed the idea of a designated area for trail bike riders, somewhere near Dulverton, that is readily accessible by Latrobe, Railton, Sheffield and Devonport trailbike riders. 7. STATUTORY REQUIREMENTS The trails have been designed and will be constructed in accordance with Tasmanian and Federal environmental protection laws, and cultural relic protection laws. Cultural and environmental assessments have been conducted. 8. PROJECT STAGING The project can be divided into multiple stages, over multiple years, though this would delay the benefit to the community and economy. The staging of the project is a practical option to implement this major $4m Latrobe & Kentish Mountain Bike Park over a number of years and is likely to appeal to the state and federal governments given their financial constraints at this time. The implementation over a number of years will also enable a contribution to track construction by participants in federally funded programs such as Work for the Dole, Green Army and work skills programs, as well as about 20-30 local mountain bike enthusiasts who have expressed strong interest in volunteering to build some of the trails. Some preliminary discussions have been held with state and federal Members of Parliament who have indicated a preference for a staged development of the project. Stage 1 could include: 1. Warrawee flying fox - $100,000. 2. Warrawee to Railton link trail (track 27) (construction of 6km of new trail from Warrawee to Native Rock Rd, then use the existing gravel access road for most of the remaining 5km into Railton). The remaining 5km into Railton could be completed in Latrobe Council OPEN Agenda 21st March, 2016 Page 69 Stage 2. The existing Tasmania Trail could be used to get riders from Railton to Sheffield in the interim, enabling users to ride all the way from Latrobe to Sheffield from the beginning of this project – cost $151,500. 3. Some Warrawee trails – this would enable a Green standard loop trail around Warrawee, some Blue trails for MTB enthusiasts, and a Black trail for local serious riders – cost $154,350. 4. Signage: Approximately $15,000. 5. Total Stage 1 cost (in Latrobe Municipality): $405,850. 6. Some Railton trailhead facilities. 7. Some Kentish trails. 9. OFFICER’S COMMENTS The Master Plan meets the outcomes of Project Brief, by detailing expected demand; identifies mountain bike market trends; outlines the business case for the project; estimates cost; estimates job creation; predicts economic impact; includes detailed trail design and required trailhead infrastructure; identifies characteristics of a successful mountain bike destination; outlines brand positioning and marketing strategies; and prescribes a maintenance strategy including costs. The Master Plan identifies a mountain bike experience that is potentially distinct in the Australian mountain bike market and includes features that will make it attractive to local, state, interstate and international mountain bike tourists, but also for local recreational riders and families who seek a relaxed and enjoyable excursion. The highlights of the Master Plan, and a summary of the key implications for Council and the community, were detailed in the February Council workshop agenda. 10. RECOMMENDATION That the Warrawee Mountain Bike Master Plan, prepared by TRC Tourism and dated January 2016, be endorsed, and that Council: i) Continue negotiations with the state government land managers (Parks & Wildlife Service and Forestry Tasmania) plus Cement Australia in the Kentish Municipality, with a view to securing a lease agreement over the required land. ii) Continue negotiations with the Tasmania Trail management committee as required, though a formal lease is not required. iii) Allocate an amount of $7,000 in the current budget for the survey and design development of the proposed Latrobe Mountain Bike Trail Flying Fox, iv) Seek the following contributions towards development of stage 1 of the combined Latrobe and Kentish Mountain Bike Plans: Commonwealth Government State Government Latrobe Council Kentish Council $300,000 $150,000 $100,000 $ 50,000 v) Continue discussions with those detailed in point iv) above with a view to securing their funding contributions in the 2016-17 financial year and a general agreement to complete funding over future stages covering three financial years. Latrobe Council OPEN Agenda 21st March, 2016 Page 70 Latrobe Council OPEN Agenda 21st March, 2016 Page 71 Latrobe Council OPEN Agenda 21st March, 2016 Page 72 Annexure "H" Latrobe Council Financial Report 29 February 2016 Contents Finance Report - Summary Cashflow, Investment, Rate Collection & Debtors Reports Operational Summary Capital Report Capital Works Construction Program Latrobe Council OPEN Agenda 21st March, 2016 Page 73 Latrobe Council Finance Report 2016 – Summary Cash balance at 29 February 2016 was $8.6m compared to $8.2m at 31 January 2016. Weighted average return on cash (including term deposits) was 2.84% for February. Rates outstanding at 29 February 2016 were $906,998 (13.6%) compared to the previous year: $921,127 (14.1%). After adding back rates received in advance, rates outstanding at 29 February 2016 were $1.02m of which $122,550 relates to arrears from prior years. Comparisons to budget within this report are to the revised budget adopted at the Council meeting held on the 15th of February 2016. Operating budget variances identified for February: There are some instances where the actual timing of income and expenditure varies from the budgeted timing. Due to a decrease in commodity prices for steel, metal recyclers are now charging to remove scrap metal from the Port Sorell Waste Transfer Station. The YTD budget variance is $4,975. Costs to operate Camp Banksia are $21,187 less than YTD budget, however the expected income for the operation was also revised downwards in the second quarter by $45,000. Operating budget variances identified in previous reports: Previous budget variances have been addressed in the first and second quarter budget reviews. Capital budget variances identified for February: Roads: Chapel Road – Stage 3. The project is currently $49,782 or 10% over budget. As discussed at the Council workshop held on 29/02/2016 the total cost of the project is now expected to be around $750,000 including additional costs for earthworks, road base, land acquisitions and payments for non‐council assets such as fencing and power pole relocation. The project has been substantially funded by Roads to Recovery grants of $634,237. Footpaths: Wilmot St – Rice St to Kermode St. Telstra pit relocations and variations to the original scope of works have resulted in this project being $9,268 over budget. Private works reimbursements yet to be allocated to this project amount to $3,782. Capital budget variances identified in previous reports: Previous budget variances have been addressed in the first and second quarter budget reviews. Latrobe Council Finance Report February 2016 – Summary Latrobe Council OPEN Agenda 21st March, 2016 Page 74 The following report shows the year to date Income Statement of the Council compared to the year to date budget and annual budget. It should be noted that Council does not accrue all income and expenses on a monthly basis. Also, this report does not include committed costs. Latrobe Council Income Statement for Period Ended 29 February 2016 YTD Budget YTD Annual Budget YTD Variance YTD % Variance $ Note Revenue Rate Income Government Grants User Charges Interest Other Revenue Amortisation of Donor Fees Share of Profit of Associates Distributions - Water Corporation Total Revenue 6,490,150 1,195,582 1,187,862 157,695 588,928 60,000 0 110,359 9,790,576 6,457,704 6,632,061 878,464 1,382,700 1,164,532 1,716,961 152,832 214,252 494,032 694,094 60,000 90,000 0 33,750 85,073 573,000 9,292,637 11,336,818 32,446 317,118 23,330 4,863 94,896 0 0 25,286 497,939 0.5% 36.1% 2.0% 3.2% 19.2% 0.0% n/a 29.7% 5.4% √ x √ √ x √ Expenses Employee Costs Materials and Contracts Depreciation and Amortisation Borrowing Costs Government Contributions/Levies Other Expenses Total Expenses 2,106,555 2,396,850 1,797,896 9,674 170,649 561,968 7,043,592 1,995,922 3,206,286 2,843,836 4,229,607 1,847,040 2,696,815 9,671 18,940 172,330 344,660 612,118 496,906 7,480,917 10,993,214 110,633 -446,986 -49,144 3 -1,681 -50,150 -437,325 5.5% -15.7% -2.7% 0.0% -1.0% -8.2% -5.8% √ x √ √ √ √ 2,746,984 0 0 1,811,720 0 0 343,604 60,000 1,250,000 935,264 0 0 51.6% n/a n/a 0 0 2,746,984 0 0 1,811,720 0 735,000 2,388,604 0 0 935,264 n/a n/a 51.6% Underlying Surplus Before: Net Gain/(Loss) on Disposal of Surplus Assets Grants Specifically for New/Upgraded Assets Contributions Specifically for New/Upgraded Assets Physical Resources Received Free of Charge Net Surplus/(Deficit) x 1 2 3 4 √ √ √ √ Notes: Variance less than 10% - within acceptable limits Variance more than 10% - explanation needed √ x 1 Timing variance 2 Timing variance 3 Timing variance 4 Timing variance - Roads to Recovery funding has been received in full. Includes Dulverton dividends. Taswater income tax equivalents and loan guarantee fees. Includes street maintenance, road maintenance, street lighting, EPU building maintenance consultancy, kerbside recycling and IT expenditure. Latrobe Council Finance Report February 2016 – Summary Latrobe Council OPEN Agenda 21st March, 2016 Page 75 Latrobe Council 2015/16 Financial Year CASH FLOW BUDGET 2015/2016 ACTUAL 29-Feb-16 Cash Receipts $ 12,124,047 $ 9,620,286 Cash Payments $ 12,354,130 $ 8,605,141 SURPLUS/(DEFICIT) $ $ 1,015,145 OPENING CASH 1-JUL-15 CLOSING CASH (230,083) $ 6,632,619 $ 7,586,967 $ 6,402,536 $ 8,602,112 INVESTMENT SUMMARY Opening Balance Movement YTD Closing Balance Special Committee & Cash Floats $ 187,580 $ 94,238 $ 281,818 At Call Cash Accounts $ 1,813,371 $ 6,923 $ 1,820,294 Term Deposits $ 6,146,648 $ 353,352 $ 6,500,000 CLOSING CASH $ 8,147,599 $ 454,513 $ 8,602,112 Latrobe Council OPEN Agenda 21st March, 2016 Page 76 Latrobe Council Investment Summary 29 Feb 2016 CASH AND INVESTMENTS BY INSTITUTION Institution Number Investment of Term Rating (S&P short/long term) Deposits AMP TD ANZ TD BOQ TD BOS TD CBA TD ME Bank TD Mystate TD NAB TD Westpac TD A1 / A+ A1+ / AA A2 / A‐ Govt. Guaranteed A1+ / AA A2 / BBB+ A2 / BBB+ A1+ / AA‐ A1+ / AA‐ Total Term Deposits At Call Deposits 2 1 1 0 0 0 4 1 2 $ 1,000,000 $ 1,000,000 $ 500,000 $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ 2,500,000 $ 500,000 $ 1,000,000 11 $ 6,500,000 $ 123,168 A1+ / AA Total Funds YTD Average Term Interest (Days) Earned Current Amount Invested $ 16,600 $ 21,043 $ 11,846 $ 1,808 $ 1,673 $ 5,492 $ 10,860 $ 41,690 $ 12,156 $ 1,970,912 $ 31,652 11 Average Interest Rate 182 182 183 3.02% 2.97% 2.95% 206 181 182 2.98% 3.10% 3.12% % of Total Funds Investment Policy Maximum 11.81% 11.81% 5.90% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 29.51% 5.90% 11.81% 45% 45% 20% 45% 45% 20% 20% 45% 45% 76.73% n/a $ 8,470,912 $ 154,820 23.27% 45% 100.00% CASH AND INVESTMENTS BY RISK CATEGORY Investment Rating (S&P Short term) Current Amount Invested % of Total Funds Investment Policy Maximum A1+ $ 4,470,912 52.78% 100% A1 $ 1,000,000 11.81% 100% A2 $ 3,000,000 35.42% 60% A3 $ ‐ 0.00% 20% Unrated $ ‐ 0.00% 0% Govt. Guaranteed $ ‐ 0.00% 100% Total Funds $ 8,470,912 100% Reconciliation to Cashflow Report Investment Balance Above Special Committee Balances Bank Reconciliation ‐ unpresented items Closing Cash per Cashflow Report Latrobe Council OPEN Agenda $8,470,912 $281,818 ‐$150,618 $8,602,112 21st March, 2016 Page 77 Latrobe Council Investment Report 29 Feb 2016 30/06/2015 Investment Details Quoted Interest Rate Effective Annual Interest Interest Accrued Investment Body Investment Rating (S&P Short / Long Term) Date Lodged CBA TD A1+ / AA 6/02/2015 6/08/2015 $500,000.00 181 3.30% 3.33% $1,673 $0 $0 $1,673 NAB TD A1+ / AA‐ 7/02/2015 7/08/2015 $509,326.03 181 3.30% 3.33% $1,750 $0 $0 $1,750 Maturity Date Amount Invested Term (Days) Balance 29/02/2016 Q1 Q2 Jan‐16 Feb‐16 Mar‐16 Q3 Total YTD ANZ TD A1+ / AA 10/02/2015 10/08/2015 $500,000.00 181 3.31% 3.34% $1,859 $0 $0 $1,859 ANZ TD A1+ / AA 12/02/2015 12/08/2015 $509,174.79 181 3.31% 3.34% $1,986 $0 $0 $1,986 ANZ TD A1+ / AA 7/05/2015 7/11/2015 $1,000,000.00 184 2.90% 2.90% $7,310 $3,019 $0 $10,329 NAB TD A1+ / AA‐ 18/05/2015 18/11/2015 $583,163.47 184 2.90% 2.90% $4,263 $2,270 $0 $6,533 NAB TD A1+ / AA‐ 25/05/2015 25/11/2015 $595,771.43 184 2.90% 2.90% $4,355 $2,651 $0 $7,006 NAB TD A1+ / AA‐ 29/06/2015 29/12/2015 $500,000.00 183 2.95% 2.95% $3,718 $3,718 $0 $7,436 NAB TD A1+ / AA‐ 2/07/2015 29/12/2015 $250,000.00 180 2.95% 2.97% $1,818 $1,859 $0 $3,677 BOQ TD A2 / A‐ 14/07/2015 14/01/2016 $500,000.00 184 2.92% 2.92% $3,120 $3,680 $560 $7,360 ME Bank TD A2 / BBB+ 14/07/2015 12/10/2015 $750,000.00 90 2.97% 3.00% $4,760 $732 $0 $5,492 BOS TD Govt. Guaranteed 16/07/2015 12/10/2015 $250,000.00 88 3.00% 3.03% $1,562 $247 $0 $1,808 AMP TD A1 / A+ 4/08/2015 2/02/2016 $500,000.00 182 2.90% 2.92% $2,264 $3,655 $1,231.51 $79.45 $1,311 $7,230 AMP TD A1 / A+ 6/08/2015 2/02/2016 $500,000.00 180 2.90% 2.92% $2,185 $3,655 $1,231.51 $79.45 $1,311 $7,151 NAB TD A1+ / AA‐ 7/08/2015 7/02/2016 $517,660.84 184 2.95% 2.95% $2,259 $3,849 $1,296.99 $292.87 $1,590 $7,698 NAB TD A1+ / AA‐ 10/08/2015 10/02/2016 $500,000.00 184 2.90% 2.90% $2,026 $3,655 $1,231.51 $397.26 $1,629 $7,310 Westpac TD A1+ / AA‐ 19/08/2015 19/01/2016 $500,000.00 153 2.90% 2.92% $1,668 $3,655 $754.79 $755 $6,078 Westpac TD A1+ / AA‐ 19/08/2015 19/01/2016 $500,000.00 153 2.90% 2.92% $1,668 $3,655 $754.79 $755 $6,078 BOQ TD A2 / A‐ 12/10/2015 12/04/2016 $500,000.00 183 2.95% 2.95% $0 $3,233 $1,252.74 $2,425 $5,658 MyState TD A2 / BBB+ 15/10/2015 15/05/2016 $500,000.00 213 2.95% 2.95% $500,000 $0 $3,112 $1,252.74 $1,171.92 $2,425 $5,536 ANZ TD A1+ / AA 7/11/2015 7/05/2016 $1,000,000.00 182 2.95% 2.97% $1,000,000 $0 $4,364 $2,505.48 $2,343.84 $4,849 $9,214 $500,000 $560.00 $1,171.92 MyState TD A2 / BBB+ 20/11/2015 20/06/2016 $500,000.00 213 2.95% 2.95% $500,000 $0 $1,657 $1,252.74 $1,171.92 $2,425 $4,082 MyState TD A2 / BBB+ 26/11/2015 26/06/2016 $500,000.00 213 2.95% 2.95% $500,000 $0 $1,414 $1,252.74 $1,171.92 $2,425 $3,839 NAB TD A1+ / AA‐ 8/01/2016 7/07/2016 $500,000.00 181 3.08% 3.10% $500,000 $0 $0 $970.41 $1,223.56 $2,194 $2,194 MyState TD A2 / BBB+ 20/01/2016 21/07/2016 $1,000,000.00 183 3.05% 3.05% $1,000,000 $0 $0 $919.18 $2,423.29 $3,342 $3,342 AMP TD A1 / A+ 2/02/2016 2/08/2016 $500,000.00 182 3.00% 3.02% $500,000 $0 $1,109.59 $1,110 $1,110 AMP TD A1 / A+ 2/02/2016 2/08/2016 $500,000.00 182 3.00% 3.02% $500,000 $0 $1,109.59 $1,110 $1,110 Westpac TD A1+ / AA‐ 11/02/2016 11/08/2016 $500,000.00 182 3.10% 3.12% $500,000 $0 $764.38 $764 $764 Westpac TD A1+ / AA‐ 11/02/2016 11/08/2016 $500,000.00 182 3.10% 3.12% $500,000 $0 $764.38 $764 $764 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $4,829 $27,099 ANZ Online Saver Account A1+ / AA at call $1,059,010.01 365 2.80% 2.84% $1,059,010 $11,697 $10,573 CBA Online Saver Account A1+ / AA at call $101.56 365 1.50% 1.51% $102 $0 $0 CBA Working Account A1+ / AA Working a/c $911,800.69 365 1.40% 1.41% $911,801 $1,682 $1,438 $855 $578 $8,470,912 $63,623 $66,090 $19,370 $18,634 Totals Latrobe Council OPEN Agenda $1,970,912.26 21st March, 2016 $2,048 $2,781 $0 $0 $0 $1,433 $4,553 $38,004 $167,718 Page 78 Latrobe Council OPEN Agenda 21st March, 2016 Page 79 OUTSTANDING DEBTORS REPORT 31st January,2016 ACCOUNTS RECEIVABLE Balance brought forward $ 276,846.22 Levied during month $ 106,517.88 Less paid during month Adjustments/Credit notes Refund $ $ $ 165,682.63 23,683.29 50.00 Current balance $ 194,048.18 Current 30 days 60 days & over $ $ $ 78,563.86 26,736.75 88,747.57 Latrobe Council OPEN Agenda 21st March, 2016 Page 80 Latrobe Council ‐ Monthly Variance Report Master Accounts Feb 2016 2016 Monthly Variances Master Level count Numb 1101 1102 1112 1122 1132 1142 1151 1152 1162 1172 1181 1182 1261 1262 1271 1272 1301 1302 1311 1312 1322 1331 1332 1342 1401 1402 1411 1412 1421 1422 1431 1432 1441 1442 1491 1492 1502 1511 1512 1521 1522 1532 1542 1551 1552 1561 1562 1571 1572 1581 1582 Account Description Roads General ‐ Revenue Roads General ‐ Expenditure Urban Sealed Streets ‐ Expenditure Urban Unsealed Streets ‐ Expenditure Rural Sealed Roads ‐ Expenditure Rural Unsealed Roads ‐ Expenditure Footpaths ‐ Revenue Footpaths ‐ Expenditure Kerb & Channel ‐ Expenditure Carparks ‐ Expenditure Bridges ‐ Revenue Bridges ‐ Expenditure Latrobe Stormwater Scheme ‐ Revenue Latrobe Stormwater Scheme ‐ Expenditure Port Sorell Stormwater Scheme ‐ Revenue Port Sorell Stormwater Scheme ‐ Expenditure Latrobe Memorial Hall ‐ Revenue Latrobe Memorial Hall ‐ Expenditure Latrobe Youth Centre ‐ Revenue Latrobe Youth Centre ‐ Expenditure Latrobe Swimming Pool ‐ Expenditure Latrobe Recreation Ground ‐ Revenue Latrobe Recreation Ground ‐ Expenditure Hampden Street ‐ Expenditure Port Sorell Hall ‐ Revenue Port Sorell Hall ‐ Expenditure Port Sorell Tennis Club ‐ Revenue Port Sorell Tennis Club ‐ Expenditure Camp Banksia ‐ Revenue Camp Banksia ‐ Expenditure Port Sorell Recreation Ground ‐ Revenue Port Sorell Recreation Ground ‐ Expenditure Banksia Centre ‐ Revenue Banksia Centre ‐ Expenditure Moriarty Hall ‐ Revenue Moriarty Hall ‐ Expenditure Council Chambers ‐ Expenditure Elderly Persons Units ‐ Revenue Elderly Persons Units ‐ Expenditure Regional Arts Building ‐ Revenue Regional Arts Building ‐ Expenditure Historic Centre ‐ Expenditure Senior Citizens Club ‐ Expenditure Sherwood Hall ‐ Revenue Sherwood Hall ‐ Expenditure Lewis Street Property ‐ Revenue Lewis Street Property ‐ Expenditure 1317 Port Sorell Main Road 1317 Port Sorell Main Road ‐ Expenditure Australian Axemens Hall of Fame ‐ Revenue Australian Axemens Hall of Fame Latrobe Council OPEN Agenda 2015/16 Budge YTD Budget YTD Actual Previous (1,259,180) (604,387) (929,040) (207,131) 240,510 156,763 139,171 116,820 465,207 330,816 242,809 216,504 9,380 4,443 4,334 4,220 1,079,835 725,251 709,640 647,463 268,022 230,777 156,507 139,959 ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ 211,058 122,702 160,246 144,590 169,488 116,979 110,279 97,526 34,938 21,255 22,078 19,097 (20,160) (15,120) (15,122) (10,081) 175,704 116,620 104,603 91,982 (500) ‐ (1,050) (500) 162,340 105,691 99,748 88,110 (500) (500) (2,150) (1,600) 264,586 180,287 168,981 154,444 ‐ ‐ (80) (80) 57,261 40,915 32,243 29,315 (13,141) (6,038) (4,782) (4,600) 105,252 68,099 70,066 59,553 162,998 118,989 113,064 95,689 (67,548) (40,841) (22,302) (19,504) 311,748 206,250 194,457 170,774 6,108 3,363 2,623 2,113 (8,499) (3,460) (7,412) (7,412) 33,383 23,296 25,047 24,170 (9,200) ‐ (8,262) (4,362) 18,044 8,414 11,323 11,080 (339,000) (225,548) (214,624) (188,372) 416,580 261,024 239,837 206,152 (500) ‐ ‐ ‐ 22,945 15,345 8,436 7,680 (11,500) (7,668) (14,672) (13,862) 100,386 66,308 65,478 58,610 (1,500) ‐ ‐ ‐ 16,035 9,339 6,073 5,423 144,585 97,974 85,875 75,594 (449,999) (302,362) (309,579) (272,424) 421,246 296,490 266,264 245,545 (3,600) (2,400) (1,558) (1,558) 12,575 8,662 5,905 5,515 7,535 5,109 1,562 1,446 22,303 14,692 10,313 9,501 (749) (389) (467) (467) 27,139 12,885 8,213 7,263 (11,000) (7,040) (7,480) (6,600) 12,707 7,438 4,241 3,995 (10,200) (6,390) (5,992) (4,753) 9,272 6,404 9,166 7,966 (79,001) (78,167) (77,376) (76,976) 208,940 206,037 160,296 151,913 Movement This Month Variance ‐ YTD Budget (721,909) 22,351 26,306 114 62,178 16,549 ‐ 15,656 12,753 2,981 (5,041) 12,621 (550) 11,639 (550) 14,537 ‐ 2,928 (182) 10,513 17,375 (2,797) 23,683 511 ‐ 877 (3,900) 243 (26,252) 33,685 ‐ 757 (810) 6,868 ‐ 649 10,281 (37,155) 20,719 ‐ 389 116 812 ‐ 951 (880) 246 (1,239) 1,200 (400) 8,383 (324,653) (17,592) (88,007) (109) (15,611) (74,270) ‐ 37,544 (6,700) 823 (2) (12,017) (1,050) (5,943) (1,650) (11,306) (80) (8,672) 1,256 1,967 (5,925) 18,539 (11,793) (740) (3,952) 1,751 (8,262) 2,909 10,924 (21,187) ‐ (6,909) (7,004) (830) ‐ (3,266) (12,099) (7,217) (30,226) 842 (2,757) (3,547) (4,379) (78) (4,672) (440) (3,197) 398 2,762 791 (45,741) 21st March, 2016 Variance % 53.72% ‐11.22% ‐26.60% ‐2.46% ‐2.15% ‐32.18% 0.00% 30.60% ‐5.73% 3.87% 0.01% ‐10.30% 0.00% ‐5.62% 330.00% ‐6.27% 0.00% ‐21.20% ‐20.80% 2.89% ‐4.98% ‐45.39% ‐5.72% ‐21.99% 114.22% 7.52% 0.00% 34.57% ‐4.84% ‐8.12% 0.00% ‐45.02% 91.34% ‐1.25% 0.00% ‐34.98% ‐12.35% 2.39% ‐10.19% ‐35.08% ‐31.83% ‐69.42% ‐29.80% 20.04% ‐36.26% 6.25% ‐42.98% ‐6.23% 43.13% ‐1.01% ‐22.20% Status (check if variance over 5% and over $10,000) Check Check Check Ok Ok Check Ok Check Ok Ok Ok Check Ok Ok Ok Check Ok Ok Ok Ok Ok Check Check Ok Ok Ok Ok Ok Ok Check Ok Ok Ok Ok Ok Ok Check Ok Check Ok Ok Ok Ok Ok Ok Ok Ok Ok Ok Ok Check Comments Timing varies to budget, yearly allocation of Roads to Recovery funds have been receieved in full. Timing varies to budget, street lighting Timing varies to budget, base maint, profiling, overheads Timing varies to budget, drainage (Roads) Timing varies to budget, footpath maintenance Timing variance ‐ Bridge maintenance Timing variance ‐ Pipe maintenance, creek cleaning, minor works Possible budget variance ‐ Reimbursements from Community groups Timing varies to budget, building maintenance, power Possible budget variance ‐ Lower staff costs Timing varies to budget ‐ Maintenance, power Timing varies to budget ‐ Building maintenance Timings variance, AHOF building depreciation Page 81 Latrobe Council ‐ Monthly Variance Report Master Accounts Feb 2016 count Numb Account Description 1592 37 Faulkner Drive 1601 Bells Parade ‐ Revenue 1602 Bells Parade ‐ Expenditure 1612 Atkinson/Thompson's Parks ‐ Expenditure 1622 Kings Park ‐ Expenditure 1632 St Georges Park ‐ Expenditure 1682 Latrobe Town Walking Tracks ‐ Expenditure 1692 Other Latrobe Reserves ‐ Expenditure 1702 Foreshore Reserves ‐ Expenditure 1712 North Freers Reserve ‐ Expenditure 1722 Shearwater Park ‐ Expenditure 1732 Panatana Family Park ‐ Expenditure 1742 Pitcairn Bush Reserve ‐ Expenditure 1752 Lucks Reserve ‐ Expenditure 1762 Squeaking Point ‐ Expenditure 1782 Town Walking Tracks ‐ Expenditure 1792 Other Port Sorell Reserves ‐ Expenditure 1801 Latrobe Town ‐ Revenue 1802 Latrobe Town ‐ Expenditure 1812 Station Square ‐ Expenditure 1822 Post Office Park ‐ Expenditure 1831 Latrobe Cemetery ‐ Revenue 1832 Latrobe Cemetery ‐ Expenditure 1852 Port Sorell Towns ‐ Expenditure 1862 Addisons Reserve ‐ Expenditure 2101 Elected Members ‐ Revenue 2102 Elected Members ‐ Expenditure 2201 Executive Management ‐ Revenue 2202 Executive Management ‐ Expenditure 2211 General Operations ‐ Revenue 2212 General Operations ‐ Expenditure 2221 Government Contributions/Levies ‐ Revenue 2222 Government Contributions/Levies ‐ Expenditure 2301 Community Development ‐ Revenue 2302 Community Development ‐ Expenditure 2311 Community Grants ‐ Revenue 2312 Community Grants ‐ Expenditure 2321 Cultural Events ‐ Revenue 2322 Cultural Events ‐ Expenditure 2331 Community Newsletter ‐ Revenue 2332 Community Newsletter ‐ Expenditure 2342 Youth Services ‐ Expenditure 2352 Community Participation ‐ Expenditure 2402 Tourism ‐ Expenditure 2411 Latrobe Visitor Information Centre ‐ Revenue 2412 Latrobe Visitor Information Centre ‐ Expenditure 2431 Caravan Park ‐ Revenue 2432 Caravan Park ‐ Expenditure 2501 Land Development ‐ Revenue 2502 Land Development ‐ Expenditure 2512 Business Development ‐ Expenditure 3101 Corporate Services ‐ Revenue 3102 Corporate Services ‐ Expenditure Latrobe Council OPEN Agenda 2015/16 Budge YTD Budget YTD Actual Previous 10,395 9,140 2,577 2,320 (400) (227) (87) (87) 105,728 66,780 68,625 63,343 12,410 7,640 5,769 5,061 65,607 48,086 53,883 49,917 2,099 1,234 1,048 959 38,423 22,803 11,773 10,179 11,973 7,487 9,988 9,030 91,347 54,222 64,040 55,268 1,877 974 1,263 1,263 13,953 7,689 12,525 12,054 33,105 20,419 25,279 22,098 4,074 1,246 207 207 2,895 1,913 596 596 14,157 7,267 7,328 6,737 4,256 1,798 927 657 23,467 16,851 18,738 16,894 (1,500) (609) (3,544) (1,364) 205,366 118,221 131,218 114,015 27,212 15,443 16,024 14,151 6,857 4,036 4,795 4,415 (3,200) (2,328) (1,609) (1,609) 12,896 9,407 10,088 9,526 116,792 80,358 89,256 79,129 23,367 12,410 15,219 13,122 ‐ ‐ (1,305) (1,305) 259,441 153,270 146,978 129,635 (116,152) (77,548) (76,289) (66,762) 383,310 237,299 231,929 206,451 (2,764,360) (398,280) (453,540) (384,139) 191,926 160,117 146,724 144,475 (358,452) (351,558) (352,456) (351,374) 344,660 172,330 170,649 170,649 ‐ ‐ (225) (225) 67,923 38,818 35,402 30,994 ‐ ‐ (3,601) (3,601) 48,642 44,022 34,688 32,202 (4,300) (4,100) (5,251) (5,251) 74,107 49,164 38,821 34,440 ‐ ‐ (1,845) (1,845) 27,195 17,645 18,289 17,355 13,361 8,611 1,689 1,689 8,292 4,334 3,071 2,723 75,146 50,311 37,872 24,924 (801) (340) (7,199) (3,769) 68,442 37,322 32,916 28,776 (333,701) (238,981) (235,713) (235,028) 320,394 193,371 192,773 190,856 (1,280,000) ‐ (3,566) (3,566) 1,269,727 29,586 15,530 10,388 13,250 8,176 7,710 5,633 (390,931) (259,586) (182,975) (182,975) 390,935 260,777 189,427 182,975 Movement Variance ‐ This Month YTD Budget 257 (6,563) ‐ 140 5,282 1,845 708 (1,871) 3,966 5,797 89 (186) 1,594 (11,030) 957 2,501 8,772 9,818 ‐ 289 470 4,836 3,181 4,860 ‐ (1,039) ‐ (1,317) 590 61 270 (871) 1,845 1,887 (2,180) (2,935) 17,203 12,997 1,873 581 380 759 ‐ 719 562 681 10,127 8,898 2,097 2,809 ‐ (1,305) 17,344 (6,292) (9,527) 1,259 25,478 (5,370) (69,402) (55,260) 2,249 (13,393) (1,082) (898) ‐ (1,682) ‐ (225) 4,408 (3,416) ‐ (3,601) 2,486 (9,334) ‐ (1,151) 4,381 (10,343) ‐ (1,845) 934 644 ‐ (6,922) 348 (1,263) 12,948 (12,439) (3,430) (6,859) 4,140 (4,406) (685) 3,268 1,917 (598) ‐ (3,566) 5,142 (14,056) 2,076 (466) ‐ 76,611 6,452 (71,350) 21st March, 2016 Variance % ‐71.81% ‐61.76% 2.76% ‐24.49% 12.06% ‐15.07% ‐48.37% 33.40% 18.11% 29.62% 62.89% 23.80% ‐83.42% ‐68.82% 0.84% ‐48.44% 11.20% 481.88% 10.99% 3.76% 18.79% ‐30.88% 7.24% 11.07% 22.63% 0.00% ‐4.10% ‐1.62% ‐2.26% 13.87% ‐8.36% 0.26% ‐0.98% 0.00% ‐8.80% 0.00% ‐21.20% 28.07% ‐21.04% 0.00% 3.65% ‐80.38% ‐29.14% ‐24.72% 2017.23% ‐11.80% ‐1.37% ‐0.31% 0.00% ‐47.51% ‐5.71% ‐29.51% ‐27.36% Status (check if variance over 5% and over $10,000) Comments Ok Ok Ok Ok Ok Ok Timing varies to budget, development work Check Ok Ok Ok Ok Ok Ok Ok Ok Ok Ok Ok Timing varies to budget, street cleaning, mowing, weed spraying Check Ok Ok Ok Ok Ok Ok Ok Ok Ok Ok Timing varies to budget, Dulverton dividend, Taswater ITE Check Timing varies to budget, insurance, legal fees, CCA Check Ok Ok Ok Ok Ok Ok Ok Timing varies to budget, Henley on the Mersey, Arts Competition Check Ok Ok Ok Ok Timing varies to budget, Consultancy, Marketing & Promotion Check Ok Ok Ok Ok Ok Timing varies to budget, land development costs, Land Tax Check Ok Timing varies to budget, overhead allocation Check Possible budget variance ‐ Accounting Services overhead Check Page 82 Latrobe Council ‐ Monthly Variance Report Master Accounts Feb 2016 count Numb Account Description 3111 Office Operating Costs ‐ Revenue 3112 Office Operating Costs ‐ Expenditure 3121 Property & Rates ‐ Revenue 3122 Property & Rates ‐ Expenditure 3131 IT Services ‐ Revenue 3132 IT Services ‐ Expenditure 3141 Risk Management ‐ Revenue 3142 Risk Management ‐ Expenditure 3152 Customer Service ‐ Expenditure 3162 Records Management ‐ Expenditure 3201 Financial Services ‐ Revenue 3202 Financial Services ‐ Expenditure 3211 3212 3221 3222 3502 3512 3521 3522 3901 3902 3911 3912 3921 3922 4101 4102 4201 4202 4211 4212 4221 4222 4232 4241 4242 4401 4402 4411 4412 4421 4422 5101 5102 5201 5202 5211 5212 5402 5411 5412 Accounting Services ‐ Revenue Accounting Services ‐ Expenditure Accounts Payable/Receivable ‐ Revenue Accounts Payable/Receivable ‐ Expenditure Council Payroll ‐ Expenditure Council Employee Development ‐ Expenditure Council Human Resource Management ‐ Revenue Council Human Resource Management ‐ Expenditure Council Overheads ‐ Revenue Council Overheads ‐ Expenditure Council Employee On‐costs ‐ Revenue Council Employee On‐costs ‐ Expenditure Council Plant Hire ‐ Revenue Council Plant Hire ‐ Expenditure Development Services ‐ Revenue Development Services ‐ Expenditure Building Services ‐ Revenue Building Services ‐ Expenditure Planning Services ‐ Revenue Planning Services ‐ Expenditure Health Services ‐ Revenue Health Services ‐ Expenditure Regulatory Services ‐ Expenditure Animal Control ‐ Revenue Animal Control ‐ Expenditure Waste Management Services ‐ Revenue Waste Management Services ‐ Expenditure Household Collection ‐ Revenue Household Collection ‐ Expenditure Port Sorell Waste Transfer Station ‐ Revenue Port Sorell Waste Transfer Station ‐ Expenditure Engineering Services ‐ Revenue Engineering Services ‐ Expenditure Technical Services ‐ Revenue Technical Services ‐ Expenditure Asset Management ‐ Revenue Asset Management ‐ Expenditure Natural Resource Management ‐ Expenditure State Emergency Service ‐ Revenue State Emergency Service ‐ Expenditure Latrobe Council OPEN Agenda 2015/16 Budge YTD Budget YTD Actual Previous (400) (325) (200) (192) 76,962 47,045 53,438 47,950 (5,540,632) (5,372,096) (5,392,604) (5,378,709) 307,007 225,930 251,622 234,841 (332,960) (257,180) (159,369) (159,369) 286,495 199,817 185,463 164,382 (30,276) (20,184) (22,443) (19,540) 89,364 50,466 56,518 50,848 119,740 84,100 75,493 69,058 58,799 38,339 34,316 30,901 (304,152) (209,202) (212,051) (185,719) 173,711 103,454 97,960 68,427 Movement This Month (9) 5,489 (13,895) 16,780 ‐ 21,081 (2,902) 5,671 6,436 3,415 (26,332) 29,533 Variance ‐ YTD Budget 125 6,393 (20,508) 25,692 97,811 (14,354) (2,259) 6,052 (8,607) (4,023) (2,849) (5,494) Variance % ‐38.32% 13.59% 0.38% 11.37% ‐38.03% ‐7.18% 11.19% 11.99% ‐10.23% ‐10.49% 1.36% ‐5.31% (190,806) (127,978) (82,997) (81,739) 168,195 112,921 91,688 81,739 (90,680) (58,587) (43,196) (43,196) 90,684 59,240 48,708 43,196 48,064 23,553 29,883 27,264 30,069 16,502 21,512 16,675 (1,999) (1,601) (1,412) (856) 17,468 12,109 7,847 7,847 (791,660) (382,138) (311,510) (311,510) 791,660 510,269 356,651 356,651 (589,231) (319,145) (372,858) (326,832) 589,231 402,683 352,080 317,525 (77,880) (51,920) (38,294) (34,478) 77,877 52,808 47,082 41,084 (8,311) (3,634) (14,744) (14,484) 8,311 3,229 14,923 14,484 (268,626) (180,052) (186,979) (155,875) 320,232 201,496 177,330 159,952 (234,398) (142,283) (173,904) (158,366) 435,873 289,296 249,406 223,055 (18,500) (16,546) (16,716) (16,466) 111,089 71,969 64,477 58,114 3,184 2,270 2,518 2,518 (63,678) (53,333) (61,396) (60,001) 98,259 51,823 56,175 54,081 (789,069) (789,069) (795,859) (794,981) 264,237 112,500 113,793 48,933 (100) (100) (83) (83) 572,331 340,483 331,832 285,390 (66,501) (57,101) (53,735) (52,728) 221,871 133,850 165,456 135,780 (455,173) (286,979) (219,852) (212,065) 455,170 281,192 226,145 212,387 (155,837) (98,338) (106,974) (106,756) 155,842 102,653 101,920 89,391 (134,130) (85,571) (17,403) (17,039) 99,335 57,427 41,884 34,404 27,436 6,528 9,308 6,405 (16,630) ‐ ‐ ‐ 36,760 25,691 20,969 19,514 (1,257) 9,949 ‐ 5,512 2,619 4,837 (557) ‐ ‐ ‐ (46,026) 34,555 (3,816) 5,998 (259) 439 (31,104) 17,377 (15,538) 26,350 (250) 6,364 ‐ (1,395) 2,094 (878) 64,860 ‐ 46,442 (1,007) 29,676 (7,787) 13,758 (217) 12,528 (364) 7,480 2,902 ‐ 1,455 44,982 (21,233) 15,391 (10,532) 6,330 5,010 189 (4,262) 70,628 (153,618) (53,713) (50,603) 13,626 (5,726) (11,110) 11,694 (6,927) (24,167) (31,621) (39,890) (170) (7,492) 248 (8,063) 4,352 (6,790) 1,293 17 (8,651) 3,366 31,606 67,127 (55,047) (8,636) (733) 68,168 (15,543) 2,780 ‐ (4,722) ‐35.15% ‐18.80% ‐26.27% ‐17.78% 26.87% 30.36% ‐11.78% ‐35.20% ‐18.48% ‐30.11% 16.83% ‐12.57% ‐26.24% ‐10.84% 305.71% 362.17% 3.85% ‐11.99% 22.22% ‐13.79% 1.03% ‐10.41% 10.91% 15.12% 8.40% 0.86% 1.15% ‐17.30% ‐2.54% ‐5.89% 23.61% ‐23.39% ‐19.58% 8.78% ‐0.71% ‐79.66% ‐27.07% 42.58% 0.00% ‐18.38% 21st March, 2016 Status (check if variance over 5% and over $10,000) Comments Ok Ok Ok Timing varies to budget, valuation costs, printing, rate enquiries Check Possible budget variance, overhead allocation Check Timing varies to budget, software Check Ok Ok Ok Ok Ok Ok Timing variance ‐ includes reimbursement of staff positions from labour hire arrangements and overhead reallocations Check Timing variance ‐ Kentish Council Services Check Timing varies to budget, overhead allocation Check Timing varies to budget, staff costs Check Ok Ok Ok Ok Timing varies to budget, overhead allocation Check Timing varies to budget, overhead allocation Check Timing varies to budget, oncost allocation Check Timing varies to budget, annual leave and superannuation Check Timing varies to budget, fuel, maintenance re‐allocation Check Ok Budget variance ‐ interim management & IT overhead allocation Check Budget variance ‐ interim management & IT overhead allocation Check Ok Possible budget variance ‐ Building Surveyor, Plumbing Inspector Check Budget variance ‐ Planning charges, public open space contributions Check Possible budget variance ‐ Planning staff & IT overhead allocation Check Ok Ok Ok Ok Ok Ok Ok Ok Ok Ok Timing variance, greenwaste, site maintenance, scrap metal removal Check Budget variance ‐ includes Asset Management position re‐allocation Check Budget variance ‐ includes Asset Management position Check Ok Ok Budget variance ‐ Asset Management position re‐allocation Check Budget variance ‐ Asset Management position Check Ok Ok Ok Page 83 Latrobe Council ‐ Monthly Variance Report Master Accounts Feb 2016 count Numb Account Description 5422 Special Projects/WFTD ‐ Expenditure 6101 Works Manager ‐ Revenue 6102 Works Manager ‐ Expenditure 6111 OH&S Co‐ordinator ‐ Revenue 6112 OH&S Co‐ordinator ‐ Expenditure 6121 Team Leaders ‐ Revenue 6122 Team Leaders ‐ Expenditure 6131 Administrative Support ‐ Revenue 6132 Administrative Support ‐ Expenditure 6201 Latrobe Depot/Workshop ‐ Revenue 6202 Latrobe Depot/Workshop ‐ Expenditure 6211 Port Sorell Depot ‐ Revenue 6212 Port Sorell Depot ‐ Expenditure 6501 Latrobe Works Payroll ‐ Revenue 6502 Latrobe Works Payroll ‐ Expenditure 6511 Latrobe Works Employee Development ‐ Revenue 6512 Latrobe Works Employee Development ‐ Expenditure 6521 Latrobe Works HRM ‐ Revenue 6522 Latrobe Works HRM ‐ Expenditure 6531 Protective Clothing/Uniforms ‐ Revenue 6532 Protective Clothing/Uniforms ‐ Expenditure 6811 Private Works ‐ Revenue 6812 Private Works ‐ Expenditure 6901 Latrobe Works Overheads ‐ Revenue 6902 Latrobe Works Overheads ‐ Expenditure 6911 Latrobe Works Employee On‐costs ‐ Revenue 6912 Latrobe Works Employee On‐costs ‐ Expenditure 6921 Latrobe Works Plant Hire ‐ Revenue 6922 Latrobe Works Plant Hire ‐ Expenditure Latrobe Council OPEN Agenda 2015/16 Budge YTD Budget YTD Actual Previous 2,050 (6,168) 234 234 (69,671) (34,834) (28,923) (28,923) 69,676 43,206 37,135 30,629 (1,350) ‐ ‐ ‐ 1,354 336 ‐ ‐ (167,860) (111,707) (90,179) (90,177) 167,863 108,479 101,389 92,335 (69,781) (41,363) (45,924) (45,924) 69,757 42,084 53,877 48,796 (75,379) (48,465) (35,247) (35,247) 75,382 44,990 40,272 34,595 (14,480) (12,188) (4,031) (4,031) 14,480 8,321 4,651 4,142 (28,181) (17,503) (14,619) (14,619) 28,184 17,286 16,617 14,965 (17,310) (12,624) (13,211) (13,211) 14,303 9,658 13,775 13,775 (10,051) (8,055) (3,310) (3,310) 10,043 4,006 3,954 3,314 (10,781) (8,823) (8,913) (8,913) 10,781 9,053 10,451 8,963 (25,001) (16,495) (21,663) (13,540) 20,193 12,804 27,860 27,189 (461,589) (215,560) (210,234) (210,234) 461,590 313,369 237,657 237,657 (358,950) (158,324) (185,303) (162,337) 358,952 228,638 297,863 262,396 (389,772) (259,848) (239,249) (207,574) 389,774 256,399 281,245 248,791 (2,388,604) (1,811,720) (2,628,645) (2,496,506) Movement This Month ‐ ‐ 6,506 ‐ ‐ (2) 9,053 ‐ 5,081 ‐ 5,677 ‐ 509 ‐ 1,652 ‐ ‐ ‐ 640 ‐ 1,488 (8,123) 671 ‐ ‐ (22,966) 35,467 (31,674) 32,455 (132,138) Variance ‐ YTD Budget 6,402 5,911 (6,071) ‐ (336) 21,528 (7,090) (4,561) 11,793 13,218 (4,718) 8,157 (3,670) 2,884 (669) (587) 4,117 4,745 (52) (90) 1,398 (5,168) 15,056 5,326 (75,712) (26,979) 69,225 20,599 24,846 (816,925) 21st March, 2016 Variance % ‐103.79% ‐16.97% ‐14.05% 0.00% ‐100.00% ‐19.27% ‐6.54% 11.03% 28.02% ‐27.27% ‐10.49% ‐66.93% ‐44.10% ‐16.48% ‐3.87% 4.65% 42.63% ‐58.91% ‐1.29% 1.02% 15.44% 31.33% 117.59% ‐2.47% ‐24.16% 17.04% 30.28% ‐7.93% 9.69% Status (check if variance over 5% and over $10,000) Comments Ok Ok Ok Ok Ok Timing varies to budget, overhead allocation Check Ok Ok Timing varies to budget, staff costs, minor operating expenses Check Timing varies to budget, allocations Check Ok Ok Ok Ok Ok Ok Ok Ok Ok Ok Ok Ok Budget variance ‐ offset by Private Works Reimbursements Check Ok Timing varies to budget, includes leave variances Check Timing varies to budget, re‐allocations, insurance reimbursements Check Timing varies to budget, annual leave, AL loading, LSL, personal leave Check Timing varies to budget, plant hire allocations Check Timing varies to budget, plant maintenance Check Page 84 Operating Revenue and Expenditure - February 2016 Original Budget Revised Budget 11 - Roads (Surplus)/Deficit 1,211,053 12 - Services (Surplus)/Deficit 425,926 425,926 13 - Buildings (Surplus)/Deficit 1,056,402 16 - Parks & Reserves (Surplus)/Deficit 786,261 YTD Budget 1,374,802 1,206,099 Movement this Month Actual Costs Committed Costs Total Cost YTD Variance Budget Remaining (555,442) 689,798 15,708 705,506 500,593 669,296 285,478 25,076 228,660 36,870 265,529 19,949 160,397 1,122,000 805,870 67,829 633,298 15,178 648,477 157,393 473,523 812,761 503,120 57,786 521,383 21,964 543,348 (40,228) 269,413 (28,756) 2,807 (25,948) 159,517 (1,666,002) 63,530 (4,927,426) 7,205 (4,920,221) 60,292 (105,125) 20 - Governance (Surplus)/Deficit (2,017,326) (1,691,950) 133,569 30 - Corporate Services (Surplus)/Deficit (4,932,296) (5,025,346) (4,859,929) (276) 40 - Development Services (Surplus)/Deficit 623,704 586,204 (35,202) 143,170 (136,947) 9,441 (127,506) 92,304 713,710 50 - Engineering Services (Surplus)/Deficit 69,127 14,823 (3,565) 29,755 54,923 1,308 56,230 (59,795) (41,407) (4,824) (7,824) 36,432 218,084 7,857 225,940 (73,100) (233,764) (132,138) (2,746,983) 816,925 240,041 60 - Latrobe Works (Surplus)/Deficit Operating (Surplus)/Deficit 152,840 (2,781,973) (2,388,604) (1,811,720) 118,338 (2,628,645) February 2016 Latrobe Council OPEN Agenda 21st March, 2016 Page 85 Operating Revenue and Expenditure - February 2016 11 - Roads Original Budget Revised Budget (1,399,299) (1,259,180) YTD Budget Movement this Month Actual Costs (604,387) (721,909) (929,040) 156,763 22,351 133,881 (795,159) Committed Costs Total Cost YTD Variance Budget Remaining (929,040) 324,653 (330,140) 5,290 139,171 17,592 101,339 5,290 (789,869) 110 - Roads General Total Roads General - Revenue Total Roads General - Expenditure 110 - Roads General (Surplus)/Deficit 238,310 240,510 (1,160,989) (1,018,670) (447,624) (699,559) - 342,245 (228,801) 111 - Urban Sealed Streets Total Urban Sealed Streets - Expenditure 111 - Urban Sealed Streets (Surplus)/Deficit 465,207 465,207 465,207 465,207 330,816 26,306 242,221 589 242,809 88,007 222,398 330,816 26,306 242,221 589 242,809 88,007 222,398 4,443 114 4,334 - 4,334 109 5,046 4,443 114 4,334 - 4,334 109 5,046 725,251 62,178 709,791 (150) 709,640 15,611 370,195 725,251 62,178 709,791 (150) 709,640 15,611 370,195 112 - Urban Unsealed Streets Total Urban Unsealed Streets - Expenditure 112 - Urban Unsealed Streets (Surplus)/Deficit 9,380 9,380 9,380 9,380 113 - Rural Sealed Roads Total Rural Sealed Roads - Expenditure 113 - Rural Sealed Roads (Surplus)/Deficit 1,079,835 1,079,835 1,079,835 1,079,835 February 2016 Latrobe Council OPEN Agenda 21st March, 2016 Page 86 Original Budget 11 - Roads Revised Budget YTD Budget Movement this Month Actual Costs Committed Costs Total Cost YTD Variance Budget Remaining 114 - Rural Unsealed Roads Total Rural Unsealed Roads - Expenditure 114 - Rural Unsealed Roads (Surplus)/Deficit 268,022 268,022 268,022 268,022 230,777 16,549 153,514 2,993 156,507 74,270 111,515 230,777 16,549 153,514 2,993 156,507 74,270 111,515 - - 115 - Footpaths Total Footpaths - Revenue 0 - - - - - - Total Footpaths - Expenditure 211,058 211,058 122,702 15,656 154,602 5,644 160,246 (37,544) 50,812 122,702 15,656 154,602 5,644 160,246 (37,544) 50,812 116,979 12,753 110,182 97 110,279 6,700 59,209 116,979 12,753 110,182 97 110,279 6,700 59,209 21,255 2,981 20,832 1,245 22,078 (823) 12,860 21,255 2,981 20,832 1,245 22,078 (823) 12,860 (15,120) (5,041) (15,122) 115 - Footpaths (Surplus)/Deficit 211,058 211,058 116 - Kerb & Channel Total Kerb & Channel - Expenditure 116 - Kerb & Channel (Surplus)/Deficit 169,488 169,488 169,488 169,488 117 - Carparks Total Carparks - Expenditure 117 - Carparks (Surplus)/Deficit 34,938 34,938 34,938 34,938 118 - Bridges Total Bridges - Revenue (41,590) (20,160) - (15,122) 2 (5,038) February 2016 Latrobe Council OPEN Agenda 21st March, 2016 Page 87 Original Budget 11 - Roads Total Bridges - Expenditure 175,704 Revised Budget 175,704 118 - Bridges (Surplus)/Deficit 134,114 155,544 11 - Roads (Surplus)/Deficit 1,211,053 1,374,802 YTD Budget Movement this Month Actual Costs Committed Costs Total Cost YTD Variance Budget Remaining 116,620 12,621 104,603 - 104,603 12,017 71,101 101,500 7,580 89,482 - 89,482 12,018 66,062 1,206,099 (555,442) 689,798 15,708 705,506 500,593 669,296 (1,050) 1,050 550 126 - Latrobe Stormwater Scheme Total Latrobe Stormwater Scheme - Revenue Total Latrobe Stormwater Scheme - Expenditure 126 - Latrobe Stormwater Scheme (Surplus)/Deficit (500) 162,340 161,840 (500) 162,340 161,840 - (550) (1,050) - 105,691 11,639 98,128 1,620 99,748 5,943 62,592 105,691 11,089 97,078 1,620 98,698 6,993 63,142 1,650 1,650 127 - Port Sorell Stormwater Scheme Total Port Sorell Stormwater Scheme - Revenue Total Port Sorell Stormwater Scheme - Expenditure (500) 264,586 (500) 264,586 127 - Port Sorell Stormwater Scheme (Surplus)/Deficit 264,086 264,086 12 - Services (Surplus)/Deficit 425,926 425,926 (500) (550) (2,150) - (2,150) 180,287 14,537 133,731 35,250 168,981 11,306 95,605 179,787 13,987 131,581 35,250 166,831 12,956 97,255 228,660 36,870 265,529 19,949 160,397 285,478 25,076 February 2016 Latrobe Council OPEN Agenda 21st March, 2016 Page 88 13 - Buildings Original Budget Revised Budget YTD Budget Movement this Month Actual Costs Committed Costs Total Cost YTD Variance Budget Remaining 130 - Latrobe Memorial Hall Total Latrobe Memorial Hall - Revenue 0 - - - Total Latrobe Memorial Hall - Expenditure 57,261 57,261 40,915 2,928 32,015 227 40,915 2,928 31,935 227 130 - Latrobe Memorial Hall (Surplus)/Deficit 57,261 57,261 (80) - (80) 80 80 32,243 8,672 25,018 32,163 8,752 25,098 131 - Latrobe Youth Centre Total Latrobe Youth Centre - Revenue Total Latrobe Youth Centre - Expenditure 131 - Latrobe Youth Centre (Surplus)/Deficit (13,141) (13,141) (6,038) 101,902 105,252 68,099 10,513 67,885 62,061 10,331 118,989 118,989 88,761 92,111 (182) (4,782) - (4,782) (1,256) (8,359) 2,182 70,066 (1,967) 35,186 63,103 2,182 65,284 (3,223) 26,827 17,375 112,141 924 113,064 5,925 49,934 17,375 112,141 924 113,064 5,925 49,934 (22,302) (18,539) (45,246) 132 - Latrobe Swimming Pool Total Latrobe Swimming Pool - Expenditure 132 - Latrobe Swimming Pool (Surplus)/Deficit 162,998 162,998 162,998 162,998 133 - Latrobe Recreation Ground Total Latrobe Recreation Ground - Revenue Total Latrobe Recreation Ground - Expenditure 133 - Latrobe Recreation Ground (Surplus)/Deficit (67,548) (67,548) (40,841) (2,797) (22,302) 311,748 311,748 206,250 23,683 192,788 1,669 194,457 11,793 117,291 165,409 20,886 170,486 1,669 172,156 (6,747) 72,044 244,200 244,200 - February 2016 Latrobe Council OPEN Agenda 21st March, 2016 Page 89 Original Budget 13 - Buildings Revised Budget YTD Budget Movement this Month Actual Costs Committed Costs Total Cost YTD Variance Budget Remaining 134 - Hampden Street Total Hampden Street - Expenditure 134 - Hampden Street (Surplus)/Deficit 6,108 6,108 6,108 6,108 3,363 511 2,623 - 2,623 740 3,485 3,363 511 2,623 - 2,623 740 3,485 (7,412) - (7,412) 3,952 (1,087) 140 - Port Sorell Hall Total Port Sorell Hall - Revenue Total Port Sorell Hall - Expenditure 140 - Port Sorell Hall (Surplus)/Deficit (8,499) (8,499) (3,460) 33,383 33,383 23,296 877 25,047 - 25,047 (1,751) 8,336 19,836 877 17,635 - 17,635 2,201 7,249 - (3,900) 24,884 24,884 - 141 - Port Sorell Tennis Club Total Port Sorell Tennis Club - Revenue Total Port Sorell Tennis Club - Expenditure 141 - Port Sorell Tennis Club (Surplus)/Deficit (9,200) (9,200) 18,044 18,044 8,844 8,844 8,414 8,414 243 (3,657) (8,262) - (8,262) 8,262 (938) 11,232 91 11,323 (2,909) 6,721 2,970 91 3,061 5,353 5,783 142 - Camp Banksia Total Camp Banksia - Revenue Total Camp Banksia - Expenditure 142 - Camp Banksia (Surplus)/Deficit (384,000) (339,000) (225,548) (26,252) (214,624) 416,580 416,580 261,024 33,685 239,237 35,476 7,433 24,613 32,580 77,580 - (214,624) (10,924) (124,376) 600 239,837 21,187 176,743 600 25,213 10,263 52,367 February 2016 Latrobe Council OPEN Agenda 21st March, 2016 Page 90 Original Budget 13 - Buildings Revised Budget YTD Budget Movement this Month Actual Costs Committed Costs Total Cost YTD Variance Budget Remaining 143 - Port Sorell Recreation Ground Total Port Sorell Recreation Ground - Revenue Total Port Sorell Recreation Ground - Expenditure 143 - Port Sorell Recreation Ground (Surplus)/Deficit (500) 22,945 22,445 (500) 22,945 22,445 - - - - - - (500) 15,345 757 8,346 91 8,436 6,909 14,509 15,345 757 8,346 91 8,436 6,909 14,009 (810) (14,672) - (14,672) 7,004 3,172 144 - Banksia Centre Total Banksia Centre - Revenue Total Banksia Centre - Expenditure 144 - Banksia Centre (Surplus)/Deficit (11,500) (11,500) (7,668) 100,386 100,386 66,308 6,868 65,478 - 65,478 830 34,908 58,640 6,058 50,806 - 50,806 7,834 38,080 - - - - - - 9,339 649 6,073 - 6,073 3,266 9,962 9,339 649 6,073 - 6,073 3,266 8,462 97,974 10,281 85,568 307 85,875 12,099 58,710 97,974 10,281 85,568 307 85,875 12,099 58,710 88,886 88,886 149 - Moriarty Hall Total Moriarty Hall - Revenue Total Moriarty Hall - Expenditure 149 - Moriarty Hall (Surplus)/Deficit (1,500) (1,500) 16,035 16,035 14,535 14,535 (1,500) 150 - Council Chambers Total Council Chambers - Expenditure 150 - Council Chambers (Surplus)/Deficit 144,585 144,585 144,585 144,585 February 2016 Latrobe Council OPEN Agenda 21st March, 2016 Page 91 13 - Buildings Original Budget Revised Budget YTD Budget Movement this Month Actual Costs Committed Costs Total Cost YTD Variance Budget Remaining 151 - Elderly Persons Units Total Elderly Persons Units - Revenue Total Elderly Persons Units - Expenditure 151 - Elderly Persons Units (Surplus)/Deficit (449,999) (449,999) (302,362) (37,155) (309,579) 421,246 421,246 296,490 20,719 259,321 (16,436) (28,753) (28,753) (5,872) - (309,579) 7,217 (140,420) 6,943 266,264 30,226 154,982 (50,259) 6,943 (43,315) 37,443 14,562 (1,558) - (1,558) 152 - Regional Arts Building Total Regional Arts Building - Revenue Total Regional Arts Building - Expenditure 152 - Regional Arts Building (Surplus)/Deficit (3,600) (3,600) (2,400) 12,575 12,575 8,662 389 5,905 - 5,905 2,757 6,670 6,262 389 4,346 - 4,346 1,916 4,629 5,109 116 1,562 - 1,562 3,547 5,973 5,109 116 1,562 - 1,562 3,547 5,973 14,692 812 10,313 - 10,313 4,379 11,990 14,692 812 10,313 - 10,313 4,379 11,990 8,975 8,975 - (842) (2,042) 153 - Historic Centre Total Historic Centre - Expenditure 153 - Historic Centre (Surplus)/Deficit 7,535 7,535 7,535 7,535 154 - Senior Citizens Club Total Senior Citizens Club - Expenditure 154 - Senior Citizens Club (Surplus)/Deficit 22,303 22,303 22,303 22,303 155 - Sherwood Hall February 2016 Latrobe Council OPEN Agenda 21st March, 2016 Page 92 Original Budget 13 - Buildings Total Sherwood Hall - Revenue Total Sherwood Hall - Expenditure 155 - Sherwood Hall (Surplus)/Deficit (749) 27,139 26,390 Revised Budget (749) 27,139 26,390 YTD Budget Movement this Month (389) - Actual Costs (467) Committed Costs - Total Cost (467) YTD Variance Budget Remaining 78 (282) 12,885 951 8,104 109 8,213 4,672 18,926 12,496 951 7,637 109 7,746 4,750 18,644 156 - Lewis Street Property Total Lewis Street Property - Revenue Total Lewis Street Property - Expenditure 156 - Lewis Street Property (Surplus)/Deficit (11,000) (11,000) (7,040) (880) (7,480) - (7,480) 12,707 12,707 7,438 246 4,241 - 4,241 3,197 8,466 398 (634) (3,239) - (3,239) 3,637 4,946 - (5,992) 1,707 1,707 440 (3,520) 157 - 1317 Main Road Port Sorell Total 1317 Port Sorell Main Road Total 1317 Port Sorell Main Road - Expenditure 157 - 1317 Main Road Port Sorell (Surplus)/Deficit (10,200) (10,200) (6,390) (1,239) (5,992) (398) (4,208) 9,272 9,272 6,404 1,200 9,086 80 9,166 (2,762) 3,094 80 3,174 (3,160) (4,102) (791) (1,625) 106 (928) (928) (5,001) (79,001) (78,167) 208,940 206,037 8,383 158,342 1,955 160,296 45,741 48,644 127,870 7,983 80,966 1,955 82,920 44,950 47,019 14 (39) 158 - Australian Axemens Hall of Fame Total Australian Axemens Hall of Fame - Revenue Total Australian Axemens Hall of Fame 158 - Australian Axemens Hall of Fame (Surplus)/Deficit 117,692 112,691 129,939 (400) (77,376) - (77,376) February 2016 Latrobe Council OPEN Agenda 21st March, 2016 Page 93 Original Budget 13 - Buildings Revised Budget YTD Budget Movement this Month Actual Costs Committed Costs Total Cost YTD Variance Budget Remaining 159 - 37 Faulkner Drive Total 37 Faulkner Drive 10,395 10,395 159 - 37 Faulkner Drive (Surplus)/Deficit 10,395 10,395 13 - Buildings (Surplus)/Deficit 1,056,402 1,122,000 9,140 257 2,577 - 2,577 6,563 7,818 9,140 257 2,577 - 2,577 6,563 7,818 805,870 67,829 633,298 15,178 648,477 157,393 473,523 February 2016 Latrobe Council OPEN Agenda 21st March, 2016 Page 94 16 - Parks & Reserves Original Budget Revised Budget YTD Budget Movement this Month Actual Costs Committed Costs Total Cost YTD Variance Budget Remaining 160 - Bells Parade Total Bells Parade - Revenue Total Bells Parade - Expenditure 160 - Bells Parade (Surplus)/Deficit (400) 105,728 105,328 (400) 105,728 105,328 (227) - (87) - (87) (140) (313) 66,780 5,282 68,625 - 68,625 (1,845) 37,103 66,553 5,282 68,538 - 68,538 (1,985) 36,790 7,640 708 5,769 - 5,769 1,871 6,641 7,640 708 5,769 - 5,769 1,871 6,641 48,086 3,966 33,883 20,000 53,883 (5,797) 11,724 48,086 3,966 33,883 20,000 53,883 (5,797) 11,724 1,234 89 1,048 - 1,048 186 1,051 1,234 89 1,048 - 1,048 186 1,051 22,803 1,594 11,773 - 11,773 11,030 26,650 161 - Atkinson/Thompson's Parks Total Atkinson/Thompson's Parks - Expenditure 161 - Atkinson/Thompson's Parks (Surplus)/Deficit 12,410 12,410 12,410 12,410 162 - Kings Park Total Kings Park - Expenditure 162 - Kings Park (Surplus)/Deficit 65,607 65,607 65,607 65,607 163 - St Georges Park Total St Georges Park - Expenditure 163 - St Georges Park (Surplus)/Deficit 2,099 2,099 2,099 2,099 168 - Latrobe Town Walking Tracks Total Latrobe Town Walking Tracks - Expenditure 38,423 38,423 February 2016 Latrobe Council OPEN Agenda 21st March, 2016 Page 95 16 - Parks & Reserves 168 - Latrobe Town Walking Tracks (Surplus)/Deficit Original Budget 38,423 Revised Budget 38,423 YTD Budget Movement this Month Actual Costs Committed Costs Total Cost YTD Variance Budget Remaining 11,030 26,650 22,803 1,594 11,773 - 11,773 7,487 957 9,879 109 9,988 (2,501) 1,985 7,487 957 9,879 109 9,988 (2,501) 1,985 54,222 8,772 64,002 38 64,040 (9,818) 27,307 54,222 8,772 64,002 38 64,040 (9,818) 27,307 974 - 1,263 - 1,263 (289) 614 974 - 1,263 - 1,263 (289) 614 7,689 470 12,525 - 12,525 (4,836) 1,428 7,689 470 12,525 - 12,525 (4,836) 1,428 169 - Other Latrobe Reserves Total Other Latrobe Reserves - Expenditure 169 - Other Latrobe Reserves (Surplus)/Deficit 11,973 11,973 11,973 11,973 170 - Foreshore Reserves Total Foreshore Reserves - Expenditure 170 - Foreshore Reserves (Surplus)/Deficit 91,347 91,347 91,347 91,347 171 - North Freers Reserve Total North Freers Reserve - Expenditure 171 - North Freers Reserve (Surplus)/Deficit 1,877 1,877 1,877 1,877 172 - Shearwater Park Total Shearwater Park - Expenditure 172 - Shearwater Park (Surplus)/Deficit 13,953 13,953 13,953 13,953 173 - Panatana Family Park February 2016 Latrobe Council OPEN Agenda 21st March, 2016 Page 96 16 - Parks & Reserves Total Panatana Family Park - Expenditure 173 - Panatana Family Park (Surplus)/Deficit Original Budget 33,105 33,105 Revised Budget 33,105 33,105 YTD Budget Movement this Month Actual Costs Committed Costs Total Cost YTD Variance Budget Remaining 20,419 3,181 24,855 424 25,279 (4,860) 7,826 20,419 3,181 24,855 424 25,279 (4,860) 7,826 1,246 - 207 - 207 1,039 3,867 1,246 - 207 - 207 1,039 3,867 1,913 - 596 - 596 1,317 2,299 1,913 - 596 - 596 1,317 2,299 7,267 590 7,328 - 7,328 (61) 6,829 7,267 590 7,328 - 7,328 (61) 6,829 1,798 270 927 - 927 871 3,329 1,798 270 927 - 927 871 3,329 174 - Pitcairn Bush Reserve Total Pitcairn Bush Reserve - Expenditure 174 - Pitcairn Bush Reserve (Surplus)/Deficit 4,074 4,074 4,074 4,074 175 - Lucks Reserve Total Lucks Reserve - Expenditure 175 - Lucks Reserve (Surplus)/Deficit 2,895 2,895 2,895 2,895 176 - Squeaking Point Total Squeaking Point - Expenditure 176 - Squeaking Point (Surplus)/Deficit 14,157 14,157 14,157 14,157 178 - Town Walking Tracks Total Town Walking Tracks - Expenditure 178 - Town Walking Tracks (Surplus)/Deficit 4,256 4,256 4,256 4,256 February 2016 Latrobe Council OPEN Agenda 21st March, 2016 Page 97 16 - Parks & Reserves Original Budget Revised Budget YTD Budget Movement this Month Actual Costs Committed Costs Total Cost YTD Variance Budget Remaining 179 - Other Port Sorell Reserves Total Other Port Sorell Reserves - Expenditure 179 - Other Port Sorell Reserves (Surplus)/Deficit 16,967 16,967 23,467 23,467 16,851 1,845 17,718 1,020 18,738 (1,887) 4,729 16,851 1,845 17,718 1,020 18,738 (1,887) 4,729 2,935 2,044 180 - Latrobe Town Total Latrobe Town - Revenue Total Latrobe Town - Expenditure 180 - Latrobe Town (Surplus)/Deficit (1,500) 185,366 183,866 (1,500) 205,366 203,866 (609) (2,180) (3,544) - (3,544) 118,221 17,203 131,082 136 131,218 (12,997) 74,148 117,612 15,023 127,538 136 127,674 (10,062) 76,192 15,443 1,873 16,024 - 16,024 (581) 11,188 15,443 1,873 16,024 - 16,024 (581) 11,188 4,036 380 4,795 - 4,795 (759) 2,062 4,036 380 4,795 - 4,795 (759) 2,062 (1,609) - (1,609) (719) (1,591) 181 - Station Square Total Station Square - Expenditure 181 - Station Square (Surplus)/Deficit 27,212 27,212 27,212 27,212 182 - Post Office Park Total Post Office Park - Expenditure 182 - Post Office Park (Surplus)/Deficit 6,857 6,857 6,857 6,857 183 - Latrobe Cemetery Total Latrobe Cemetery - Revenue (3,200) (3,200) (2,328) - February 2016 Latrobe Council OPEN Agenda 21st March, 2016 Page 98 16 - Parks & Reserves Total Latrobe Cemetery - Expenditure 183 - Latrobe Cemetery (Surplus)/Deficit Original Budget 12,896 9,696 Revised Budget 12,896 YTD Budget Movement this Month Actual Costs Committed Costs Total Cost YTD Variance Budget Remaining 9,407 562 10,088 - 10,088 (681) 2,808 9,696 7,079 562 8,479 - 8,479 (1,400) 1,217 116,792 80,358 10,127 89,251 5 89,256 (8,898) 27,536 80,358 10,127 89,251 5 89,256 (8,898) 27,536 12,410 2,097 14,987 232 15,219 (2,809) 8,148 12,410 2,097 14,987 232 15,219 (2,809) 8,148 503,120 57,786 521,383 21,964 543,348 (40,228) 269,413 185 - Port Sorell Towns Total Port Sorell Towns - Expenditure 185 - Port Sorell Towns (Surplus)/Deficit 116,792 116,792 116,792 186 - Addisons Reserve Total Addisons Reserve - Expenditure 23,367 23,367 186 - Addisons Reserve (Surplus)/Deficit 23,367 23,367 16 - Parks & Reserves (Surplus)/Deficit 786,261 812,761 February 2016 Latrobe Council OPEN Agenda 21st March, 2016 Page 99 20 - Governance Original Budget Revised Budget YTD Budget Movement this Month Actual Costs Committed Costs Total Cost YTD Variance Budget Remaining 210 - Elected Members Total Elected Members - Revenue 0 - - - Total Elected Members - Expenditure 259,441 259,441 153,270 17,344 146,337 641 153,270 17,344 145,033 641 210 - Elected Members (Surplus)/Deficit 259,441 259,441 (1,305) - (1,305) 1,305 1,305 146,978 6,292 112,463 145,674 7,596 113,767 220 - Executive Management Total Executive Management - Revenue Total Executive Management - Expenditure 220 - Executive Management (Surplus)/Deficit (116,152) (116,152) (77,548) (9,527) (76,289) 383,310 383,310 237,299 25,478 231,434 267,158 159,751 15,951 155,145 (2,764,360) (398,280) (69,402) (453,540) 160,117 2,249 146,173 267,158 - (76,289) (1,259) (39,863) 495 231,929 5,370 151,381 495 155,640 4,111 111,518 (453,540) 55,260 (2,310,820) 551 146,724 13,393 221 - General Operations Total General Operations - Revenue Total General Operations - Expenditure 221 - General Operations (Surplus)/Deficit (3,069,931) 191,926 191,926 (2,878,005) (2,572,434) - (238,163) (67,153) (307,368) 551 (306,817) (1,082) (352,456) - (352,456) 170,649 - 170,649 45,202 68,654 (2,265,617) 222 - Government Contributions/Levies Total Government Contributions/Levies - Revenue Total Government Contributions/Levies - Expenditur (358,452) (358,452) (351,558) 344,660 344,660 172,330 - 898 1,682 (5,996) 174,012 February 2016 Latrobe Council OPEN Agenda 21st March, 2016 Page 100 20 - Governance 222 - Government Contributions/Levies (Surplus)/Deficit Original Budget (13,792) Revised Budget YTD Budget (13,792) (179,228) Movement this Month (1,082) Actual Costs Committed Costs Total Cost YTD Variance Budget Remaining (181,808) - (181,808) 2,580 168,016 (225) - (225) 225 225 230 - Community Development Total Community Development - Revenue 0 - - - Total Community Development - Expenditure 67,923 67,923 38,818 4,408 35,402 - 35,402 3,416 32,521 38,818 4,408 35,177 - 35,177 3,641 32,746 230 - Community Development (Surplus)/Deficit 67,923 67,923 231 - Community Grants Total Community Grants - Revenue 0 - - - Total Community Grants - Expenditure 48,642 48,642 44,022 44,022 231 - Community Grants (Surplus)/Deficit 48,642 48,642 (3,601) - (3,601) 3,601 3,601 2,486 34,688 - 34,688 9,334 13,954 2,486 31,087 - 31,087 12,935 17,555 232 - Cultural Events Total Cultural Events - Revenue Total Cultural Events - Expenditure 232 - Cultural Events (Surplus)/Deficit (4,300) (4,300) (4,100) 99,107 74,107 49,164 94,807 69,807 - (5,251) - (5,251) 1,151 951 4,381 38,821 - 38,821 10,343 35,286 45,064 4,381 33,570 - 33,570 11,494 36,237 - - 1,845 1,845 233 - Community Newsletter Total Community Newsletter - Revenue 0 - (1,845) - (1,845) February 2016 Latrobe Council OPEN Agenda 21st March, 2016 Page 101 Original Budget 20 - Governance Total Community Newsletter - Expenditure 233 - Community Newsletter (Surplus)/Deficit 27,195 27,195 Revised Budget 27,195 27,195 YTD Budget Movement this Month Actual Costs Committed Costs Total Cost YTD Variance (644) Budget Remaining 17,645 934 18,289 - 18,289 8,906 17,645 934 16,444 - 16,444 1,201 10,751 8,611 - 1,689 - 1,689 6,922 11,672 8,611 - 1,689 - 1,689 6,922 11,672 4,334 348 3,071 - 3,071 1,263 5,221 4,334 348 3,071 - 3,071 1,263 5,221 50,311 12,948 37,423 449 37,872 12,439 37,274 50,311 12,948 37,423 449 37,872 12,439 37,274 (7,199) 6,859 6,398 32,916 4,406 35,526 234 - Youth Services Total Youth Services - Expenditure 234 - Youth Services (Surplus)/Deficit 13,361 13,361 13,361 13,361 235 - Community Participation & Contributions Total Community Participation - Expenditure 235 - Community Participation & Contributions (Surplus)/Deficit 8,292 8,292 8,292 8,292 240 - Tourism Total Tourism - Expenditure 240 - Tourism (Surplus)/Deficit 60,146 60,146 75,146 75,146 241 - Latrobe Visitor Information Centre Total Latrobe Visitor Information Centre - Revenue Total Latrobe Visitor Information Centre - Expenditu (801) 58,442 (801) 68,442 (340) 37,322 (3,430) (7,199) 4,140 32,564 353 February 2016 Latrobe Council OPEN Agenda 21st March, 2016 Page 102 20 - Governance 241 - Latrobe Visitor Information Centre (Surplus)/Deficit Original Budget 57,641 Revised Budget 67,641 YTD Budget Movement this Month Actual Costs 36,982 710 25,365 (685) (235,713) Committed Costs 353 Total Cost 25,718 YTD Variance Budget Remaining 11,264 41,923 243 - Caravan Park Total Caravan Park - Revenue (333,701) (333,701) (238,981) Total Caravan Park - Expenditure 300,589 320,394 193,371 1,917 192,454 318 192,773 243 - Caravan Park (Surplus)/Deficit (33,112) (45,610) 1,232 (43,259) 318 (42,941) - - (3,566) - (3,566) 3,566 (1,276,434) 1,254,197 (13,307) - (235,713) (3,268) 598 (97,988) 127,621 (2,669) 29,634 250 - Land Development Total Land Development - Revenue Total Land Development - Expenditure 250 - Land Development (Surplus)/Deficit (1,280,000) (1,280,000) 1,269,727 1,269,727 29,586 5,142 15,530 - 15,530 14,056 (10,273) 29,586 5,142 11,964 - 11,964 17,622 8,176 2,076 7,710 - 7,710 466 5,540 8,176 2,076 7,710 - 7,710 466 5,540 (10,273) (22,237) 251 - Business Development Total Business Development - Expenditure 251 - Business Development (Surplus)/Deficit 20 - Governance (Surplus)/Deficit 13,250 13,250 13,250 13,250 (2,017,326) (1,691,950) 133,569 (276) (28,756) 2,807 (25,948) 159,517 (1,666,002) February 2016 Latrobe Council OPEN Agenda 21st March, 2016 Page 103 30 - Corporate Services Original Budget Revised Budget YTD Budget Movement this Month Actual Costs Committed Costs Total Cost YTD Variance Budget Remaining 310 - Corporate Services Total Corporate Services - Revenue Total Corporate Services - Expenditure 310 - Corporate Services (Surplus)/Deficit (390,931) (390,931) (259,586) 390,935 390,935 260,777 1,191 4 4 - (182,975) - (182,975) (76,611) (207,956) 6,452 189,427 - 189,427 71,350 201,508 6,452 6,452 - 6,452 (5,261) (6,448) (125) (200) 311 - Office Operating Costs Total Office Operating Costs - Revenue Total Office Operating Costs - Expenditure 311 - Office Operating Costs (Surplus)/Deficit (400) 70,962 70,562 (400) 76,962 76,562 (325) (9) (200) - (200) 47,045 5,489 52,029 1,409 53,438 (6,393) 23,524 46,720 5,480 51,829 1,409 53,238 (6,518) 23,324 20,508 (148,028) (25,692) 55,385 - (5,140,983) (5,183) (92,642) - (159,369) (97,811) (173,591) 185,463 14,354 101,032 312 - Property & Rates Total Property & Rates - Revenue Total Property & Rates - Expenditure 312 - Property & Rates (Surplus)/Deficit (5,540,632) 307,007 (5,540,632) (5,372,096) 307,007 225,930 (5,233,625) (5,233,625) (5,146,166) (13,895) 16,780 (5,392,604) 251,622 2,885 (5,140,983) - (159,369) - (5,392,604) 251,622 313 - IT Services Total IT Services - Revenue Total IT Services - Expenditure (332,960) (332,960) (257,180) 332,945 286,495 199,817 21,081 180,463 5,000 February 2016 Latrobe Council OPEN Agenda 21st March, 2016 Page 104 30 - Corporate Services 313 - IT Services (Surplus)/Deficit Original Budget (15) Revised Budget YTD Budget (46,465) Movement this Month Actual Costs Committed Costs (57,363) 21,081 21,094 5,000 Total Cost YTD Variance Budget Remaining 26,094 (83,457) (72,559) 314 - Risk Management Total Risk Management - Revenue Total Risk Management - Expenditure 314 - Risk Management (Surplus)/Deficit (30,276) (30,276) (20,184) (2,902) (22,443) 89,364 89,364 50,466 5,671 55,723 30,282 2,768 84,100 59,088 59,088 - (22,443) 2,259 (7,833) 795 56,518 (6,052) 32,846 33,280 795 34,076 (3,794) 25,012 6,436 75,493 - 75,493 8,607 44,247 84,100 6,436 75,493 - 75,493 8,607 44,247 38,339 3,415 34,316 - 34,316 4,023 24,483 38,339 3,415 34,316 - 34,316 4,023 24,483 315 - Customer Service Total Customer Service - Expenditure 315 - Customer Service (Surplus)/Deficit 119,740 119,740 119,740 119,740 316 - Records Management Total Records Management - Expenditure 316 - Records Management (Surplus)/Deficit 58,799 58,799 58,799 58,799 320 - Financial Services Total Financial Services - Revenue Total Financial Services - Expenditure 320 - Financial Services (Surplus)/Deficit (274,152) (304,152) (209,202) (26,332) (212,051) - (212,051) 2,849 (92,101) 173,711 173,711 103,454 29,533 97,960 - 97,960 5,494 75,751 (105,748) 3,201 8,343 (16,350) (100,441) (130,441) (114,091) - (114,091) February 2016 Latrobe Council OPEN Agenda 21st March, 2016 Page 105 30 - Corporate Services Original Budget Revised Budget YTD Budget Movement this Month Actual Costs Committed Costs Total Cost YTD Variance Budget Remaining 321 - Accounting Services Total Accounting Services - Revenue Total Accounting Services - Expenditure 321 - Accounting Services (Surplus)/Deficit (200,806) (190,806) (127,978) (1,257) (82,997) - (82,997) (44,982) (107,810) 200,795 168,195 112,921 9,949 91,688 - 91,688 21,233 76,507 (15,057) 8,692 8,692 - 8,692 (23,749) (31,303) - (43,196) - (43,196) (15,391) (47,484) (11) (22,611) 322 - Accounts Payable/Receivable Total Accounts Payable/Receivable - Revenue Total Accounts Payable/Receivable - Expenditure 322 - Accounts Payable/Receivable (Surplus)/Deficit (90,680) (90,680) (58,587) 90,684 90,684 59,240 5,512 48,708 - 48,708 10,532 41,976 653 5,512 5,512 - 5,512 (4,859) (5,508) 23,553 2,619 29,883 - 29,883 (6,330) 18,181 23,553 2,619 29,883 - 29,883 (6,330) 18,181 16,502 4,837 21,512 - 21,512 (5,010) 8,557 16,502 4,837 21,512 - 21,512 (5,010) 8,557 4 4 350 - Council Payroll Total Council Payroll - Expenditure 350 - Council Payroll (Surplus)/Deficit 48,064 48,064 48,064 48,064 351 - Council Employee Development Total Council Employee Development - Expenditure 351 - Council Employee Development (Surplus)/Deficit 30,069 30,069 30,069 30,069 February 2016 Latrobe Council OPEN Agenda 21st March, 2016 Page 106 30 - Corporate Services Revised Budget Original Budget YTD Budget Movement this Month Actual Costs Committed Costs Total Cost YTD Variance Budget Remaining 352 - Council Human Resource Management Total Council Human Resource Management - Reve (1,999) (1,999) (1,601) Total Council Human Resource Management - Expe 17,468 17,468 12,109 352 - Council Human Resource Management (Surplus)/Deficit 15,469 15,469 10,508 (557) - (557) (1,412) - (1,412) (189) (587) 7,847 - 7,847 4,262 9,621 6,434 - 6,434 4,074 9,035 390 - Council Overheads Total Council Overheads - Revenue Total Council Overheads - Expenditure 390 - Council Overheads (Surplus)/Deficit (791,660) (791,660) (382,138) - (311,510) - (311,510) (70,628) (480,150) 791,660 791,660 510,269 - 356,651 - 356,651 153,618 435,009 128,131 - 45,141 - 45,141 82,990 (45,141) - - 391 - Council Employee On-Costs Total Council Employee On-costs - Revenue Total Council Employee On-costs - Expenditure 391 - Council Employee On-Costs (Surplus)/Deficit (589,231) (589,231) (319,145) (46,026) (372,858) - (372,858) 53,713 (216,373) 589,231 589,231 402,683 34,555 352,080 - 352,080 50,603 237,151 83,538 (11,471) (20,778) - (20,778) 104,316 20,778 - - 392 - Council Plant Hire Total Council Plant Hire - Revenue Total Council Plant Hire - Expenditure (77,880) (77,880) (51,920) (3,816) (38,294) - (38,294) (13,626) (39,586) 77,877 77,877 52,808 5,998 47,082 - 47,082 5,726 30,795 February 2016 Latrobe Council OPEN Agenda 21st March, 2016 Page 107 30 - Corporate Services 392 - Council Plant Hire (Surplus)/Deficit 30 - Corporate Services (Surplus)/Deficit Original Budget (3) Revised Budget (3) YTD Budget 888 (4,932,296) (5,025,346) (4,859,929) Movement this Month 2,182 Actual Costs 8,788 63,530 (4,927,426) Committed Costs - Total Cost YTD Variance 8,788 (7,900) 7,205 (4,920,221) 60,292 Budget Remaining (8,791) (105,125) February 2016 Latrobe Council OPEN Agenda 21st March, 2016 Page 108 40 - Development Services Revised Budget Original Budget YTD Budget Movement this Month Actual Costs Committed Costs Total Cost YTD Variance Budget Remaining 410 - Development Services Total Development Services - Revenue Total Development Services - Expenditure 410 - Development Services (Surplus)/Deficit (8,311) (8,311) (3,634) (259) (14,744) - (14,744) 11,110 6,433 8,311 8,311 3,229 439 14,923 - 14,923 (11,694) (6,612) (405) 180 180 - 180 (585) (180) - - 420 - Building Services Total Building Services - Revenue Total Building Services - Expenditure 420 - Building Services (Surplus)/Deficit (268,626) (268,626) (180,052) (31,104) (186,979) 320,232 320,232 201,496 17,377 177,152 21,444 (13,727) (9,827) 177 - 51,606 51,606 177 (186,979) 6,927 (81,647) 177,330 24,167 142,903 (9,650) 31,094 61,256 (173,904) 31,621 (60,494) 421 - Planning Services Total Planning Services - Revenue Total Planning Services - Expenditure 421 - Planning Services (Surplus)/Deficit (234,398) (234,398) (142,283) (15,538) (173,904) 435,873 435,873 289,296 26,350 247,077 2,329 249,406 39,890 186,467 147,013 10,812 73,173 2,329 75,502 71,511 125,973 201,475 201,475 422 - Health Services Total Health Services - Revenue Total Health Services - Expenditure (18,500) (18,500) (16,546) 111,089 111,089 71,969 (250) 6,364 (16,716) 60,318 4,159 (16,716) 64,477 170 7,492 (1,784) 46,612 February 2016 Latrobe Council OPEN Agenda 21st March, 2016 Page 109 40 - Development Services 422 - Health Services (Surplus)/Deficit Original Budget 92,589 Revised Budget 92,589 YTD Budget Movement this Month Actual Costs Committed Costs Total Cost YTD Variance Budget Remaining 7,662 44,828 55,423 6,114 43,602 4,159 47,761 2,270 - 2,218 300 2,518 (248) 666 2,270 - 2,218 300 2,518 (248) 666 423 - Regulatory Services Total Regulatory Services - Expenditure 423 - Regulatory Services (Surplus)/Deficit 3,184 3,184 3,184 3,184 424 - Animal Control Total Animal Control - Revenue Total Animal Control - Expenditure 424 - Animal Control (Surplus)/Deficit (63,678) (63,678) (53,333) (1,395) (61,396) - (61,396) 8,063 (2,282) 98,259 98,259 51,823 2,094 56,175 - 56,175 (4,352) 42,084 34,581 34,581 (1,510) 699 (5,221) - (5,221) 3,711 39,802 (878) (795,859) - (795,859) 6,790 6,790 440 - Waste Management Services Total Waste Management Services - Revenue Total Waste Management Services - Expenditure 440 - Waste Management Services (Surplus)/Deficit (789,069) (789,069) (789,069) 264,237 264,237 112,500 64,860 113,793 - 113,793 (1,293) 150,444 (676,569) 63,982 (682,066) - (682,066) 5,497 157,234 (100) - (83) - (83) (524,832) (524,832) 441 - Household Collection Total Household Collection - Revenue Total Household Collection - Expenditure (100) 572,331 (100) 572,331 340,483 46,442 331,832 - 331,832 (17) 8,651 (17) 240,499 February 2016 Latrobe Council OPEN Agenda 21st March, 2016 Page 110 40 - Development Services 441 - Household Collection (Surplus)/Deficit Original Budget Revised Budget 572,231 572,231 YTD Budget 340,383 Movement this Month 46,442 Actual Costs 331,749 Committed Costs - Total Cost 331,749 YTD Variance Budget Remaining 8,634 240,482 442 - Port Sorell Waste Transfer Station Total Port Sorell Waste Transfer Station - Revenue (29,001) (66,501) (57,101) (1,007) (53,735) Total Port Sorell Waste Transfer Station - Expenditu 221,871 221,871 133,850 29,676 162,979 442 - Port Sorell Waste Transfer Station (Surplus)/Deficit 192,870 155,370 76,749 28,669 40 - Development Services (Surplus)/Deficit 623,704 586,204 (35,202) 143,170 - (53,735) (3,366) (12,766) 2,477 165,456 (31,606) 56,415 109,244 2,477 111,721 (34,972) 43,649 (136,947) 9,441 (127,506) 92,304 713,710 February 2016 Latrobe Council OPEN Agenda 21st March, 2016 Page 111 50 - Engineering Services Original Budget Revised Budget YTD Budget Movement this Month Actual Costs Committed Costs Total Cost YTD Variance Budget Remaining (219,852) (67,127) (235,321) 55,047 229,025 510 - Engineering Services Total Engineering Services - Revenue Total Engineering Services - Expenditure 510 - Engineering Services (Surplus)/Deficit (455,173) (455,173) (286,979) (7,787) (219,852) 455,170 455,170 281,192 13,758 225,823 322 226,145 (5,787) 5,971 5,971 322 6,293 (217) (3) (3) - (12,080) (6,296) 520 - Technical Services Total Technical Services - Revenue Total Technical Services - Expenditure 520 - Technical Services (Surplus)/Deficit (155,837) (155,837) (98,338) 155,842 155,842 102,653 12,528 4,315 12,311 (5,054) - (364) (17,403) 5 5 (106,974) - (106,974) 101,920 - 101,920 8,636 (48,863) 733 53,922 (5,054) 9,369 5,059 - (17,403) (68,168) (116,727) 521 - Asset Management Total Asset Management - Revenue Total Asset Management - Expenditure 521 - Asset Management (Surplus)/Deficit (134,130) (134,130) (85,571) 134,135 99,335 57,427 7,480 41,884 - 41,884 15,543 57,451 (28,144) 7,116 24,481 - 24,481 (52,625) (59,276) 6,528 2,902 8,413 895 9,308 (2,780) 18,128 6,528 2,902 8,413 895 9,308 (2,780) 18,128 5 (34,795) 540 - Natural Resource Management Total Natural Resource Management - Expenditure 540 - Natural Resource Management (Surplus)/Deficit 27,436 27,436 27,436 27,436 February 2016 Latrobe Council OPEN Agenda 21st March, 2016 Page 112 50 - Engineering Services Original Budget Revised Budget YTD Budget Movement this Month Actual Costs Committed Costs Total Cost YTD Variance Budget Remaining 541 - State Emergency Service Total State Emergency Service - Revenue Total State Emergency Service - Expenditure 541 - State Emergency Service (Surplus)/Deficit (16,630) (16,630) 36,760 36,760 20,130 20,130 - - - - - - (16,630) 25,691 1,455 20,879 91 20,969 4,722 25,691 1,455 20,879 91 20,969 4,722 (839) (6,168) - 234 - 234 (6,402) 1,816 (6,168) - 234 - 234 (6,402) 1,816 54,923 1,308 56,230 (59,795) (41,407) 15,791 542 - Special Projects/WFTD Total Special Projects/WFTD - Expenditure 21,554 2,050 542 - Special Projects/WFTD (Surplus)/Deficit 21,554 2,050 50 - Engineering Services (Surplus)/Deficit 69,127 14,823 (3,565) 29,755 February 2016 Latrobe Council OPEN Agenda 21st March, 2016 Page 113 60 - Latrobe Works Original Budget Revised Budget YTD Budget Movement this Month Actual Costs Committed Costs Total Cost YTD Variance Budget Remaining 610 - Works Manager Total Works Manager - Revenue Total Works Manager - Expenditure 610 - Works Manager (Surplus)/Deficit (69,671) (69,671) (34,834) 69,676 69,676 43,206 6,506 36,761 8,372 6,506 - 5 5 - (28,923) - (28,923) (5,911) (40,748) 374 37,135 6,071 32,541 7,838 374 8,212 160 (8,207) - - - - - (1,350) 611 - OH&S Co-ordinator Total OH&S Co-ordinator - Revenue Total OH&S Co-ordinator - Expenditure 611 - OH&S Co-ordinator (Surplus)/Deficit (1,350) (1,350) 1,354 1,354 336 - - - - 336 1,354 4 336 - - - - 336 4 4 612 - Team Leaders Total Team Leaders - Revenue Total Team Leaders - Expenditure 612 - Team Leaders (Surplus)/Deficit (167,860) (167,860) (111,707) 167,863 167,863 108,479 3 3 (2) (90,179) - (90,179) (21,528) (77,681) 7,090 66,474 9,053 100,954 435 101,389 (3,228) 9,051 10,775 435 11,210 - (14,438) (11,207) 613 - Administrative Support Total Administrative Support - Revenue Total Administrative Support - Expenditure (69,781) (69,781) (41,363) 69,757 69,757 42,084 5,081 (45,924) 51,805 2,072 (45,924) 4,561 (23,857) 53,877 (11,793) 15,880 February 2016 Latrobe Council OPEN Agenda 21st March, 2016 Page 114 60 - Latrobe Works 613 - Administrative Support (Surplus)/Deficit Revised Budget Original Budget (24) (24) YTD Budget 721 Movement this Month 5,081 Actual Costs Committed Costs Total Cost YTD Variance Budget Remaining 5,881 2,072 7,953 (7,232) (7,977) (35,247) (13,218) (40,132) 620 - Latrobe Depot/Workshop Total Latrobe Depot/Workshop - Revenue Total Latrobe Depot/Workshop - Expenditure 620 - Latrobe Depot/Workshop (Surplus)/Deficit (75,379) (75,379) (48,465) 75,382 75,382 44,990 5,677 39,664 608 40,272 4,718 35,110 (3,475) 5,677 4,417 608 5,024 (8,499) (5,021) - (4,031) (8,157) (10,449) 3 3 - (35,247) - 621 - Port Sorell Depot Total Port Sorell Depot - Revenue Total Port Sorell Depot - Expenditure 621 - Port Sorell Depot (Surplus)/Deficit (14,480) (14,480) (12,188) 14,480 14,480 8,321 509 4,560 91 4,651 3,670 9,829 (3,867) 509 530 91 620 (4,487) (620) - (2,884) (13,562) - - (4,031) - 650 - Latrobe Works Payroll Total Latrobe Works Payroll - Revenue Total Latrobe Works Payroll - Expenditure 650 - Latrobe Works Payroll (Surplus)/Deficit (28,181) (28,181) (17,503) 28,184 28,184 17,286 3 3 (14,619) - (14,619) 1,652 16,617 - 16,617 (217) 1,652 1,998 - 1,998 (12,624) - (13,211) - (13,211) 669 11,567 (2,215) (1,995) 651 - Latrobe Works Employee Development Total Latrobe Works Employee Development - Reve (14,310) (17,310) 587 (4,099) February 2016 Latrobe Council OPEN Agenda 21st March, 2016 Page 115 60 - Latrobe Works Total Latrobe Works Employee Development - Expe 651 - Latrobe Works Employee Development (Surplus)/Deficit Revised Budget Original Budget 14,303 (7) 14,303 (3,007) YTD Budget Movement this Month Actual Costs Committed Costs Total Cost YTD Variance Budget Remaining 9,658 - 13,775 - 13,775 (4,117) 528 (2,966) - 564 - 564 (3,530) (3,571) - (3,310) - (3,310) (4,745) (6,741) 652 - Latrobe Works HRM Total Latrobe Works HRM - Revenue Total Latrobe Works HRM - Expenditure 652 - Latrobe Works HRM (Surplus)/Deficit (10,051) (10,051) (8,055) 10,043 10,043 4,006 640 3,954 - 3,954 (4,049) 640 645 - 645 - (8,913) - (8,913) (8) (8) 52 6,089 (4,694) (653) 653 - Protective Clothing/Uniforms Total Protective Clothing/Uniforms - Revenue Total Protective Clothing/Uniforms - Expenditure 653 - Protective Clothing/Uniforms (Surplus)/Deficit (10,781) (10,781) (8,823) 10,781 10,781 9,053 1,488 10,451 - 10,451 (1,398) 230 1,488 1,538 - 1,538 (1,308) (1,538) (8,123) (21,663) - (21,663) 5,168 (3,338) - - 90 (1,868) 330 681 - Private Works Total Private Works - Revenue Total Private Works - Expenditure 681 - Private Works (Surplus)/Deficit (25,001) (25,001) (16,495) 20,193 20,193 12,804 (4,808) (4,808) (3,691) 671 (7,452) 26,834 1,026 27,860 (15,056) (7,667) 5,171 1,026 6,197 (9,888) (11,005) 690 - Latrobe Works Overheads February 2016 Latrobe Council OPEN Agenda 21st March, 2016 Page 116 Original Budget 60 - Latrobe Works Total Latrobe Works Overheads - Revenue Total Latrobe Works Overheads - Expenditure 690 - Latrobe Works Overheads (Surplus)/Deficit Revised Budget YTD Budget Movement this Month Actual Costs Committed Costs Total Cost YTD Variance Budget Remaining (461,589) (461,589) (215,560) - (210,234) - (210,234) (5,326) (251,355) 461,590 461,590 313,369 - 237,657 - 237,657 75,712 223,933 97,809 - 27,423 - 27,423 70,386 (27,422) 1 1 691 - Latrobe Works Employee On-Costs Total Latrobe Works Employee On-costs - Revenue (358,950) (358,950) (158,324) (22,966) (185,303) - (185,303) 26,979 (173,647) Total Latrobe Works Employee On-costs - Expenditu 358,952 358,952 228,638 35,467 297,863 - 297,863 (69,225) 61,089 70,314 12,501 112,559 - 112,559 (42,245) (112,557) - (239,249) (20,599) (150,523) 691 - Latrobe Works Employee On-Costs (Surplus)/Deficit 2 2 692 - Latrobe Works Plant Hire Total Latrobe Works Plant Hire - Revenue Total Latrobe Works Plant Hire - Expenditure 692 - Latrobe Works Plant Hire (Surplus)/Deficit 60 - Latrobe Works (Surplus)/Deficit Operating (Surplus)/Deficit (389,772) (389,772) (259,848) (31,674) (239,249) 389,774 389,774 256,399 32,455 277,994 3,251 281,245 (24,846) 108,529 (3,449) 780 38,745 3,251 41,997 (45,446) (41,995) 152,840 36,432 218,084 7,857 225,940 (73,100) (233,764) 816,925 240,041 2 (4,824) 2 (7,824) (2,781,973) (2,388,604) (1,811,720) (132,138) (2,746,983) 118,338 (2,628,645) February 2016 Latrobe Council OPEN Agenda 21st March, 2016 Page 117 2,016.00 Capital Expenditure February 2016 Original Budget Revised Budget Total Cost 989,998 1,102,963 777,864 325,099 80,001 95,001 - 95,001 72 - Reseals 364,300 417,300 405,706 11,594 73 - Footpaths 507,999 536,335 245,037 291,298 74 - Kerb & Channel 500,000 500,000 255,440 244,560 75 - Bridges 177,000 177,000 170,645 6,355 76 - Carparks 79,499 89,199 44,326 44,873 92 - Miscellaneous 10,000 - - - 2,708,797 2,917,798 1,899,018 1,018,780 433,702 464,999 372,330 92,669 433,702 464,999 372,330 92,669 84 - Buildings 429,780 488,423 106,016 382,407 91 - Land Improvements 244,500 298,217 90,925 207,292 62,539 67,944 20,804 47,140 736,819 854,584 217,745 636,839 93 - Furniture & Equipment 61,000 71,714 54,271 17,443 94 - Motor Vehicles 88,000 88,000 67,151 20,849 94 - Plant 15,000 15,000 - 15,000 95 - Plant 82,000 234,736 127,268 107,468 Program Total 246,000 409,450 248,690 160,760 Total Capital 4,125,318 4,646,831 2,737,784 1,909,047 71 - Road Reconstructions 72 - Asphalt Overlay Program Total 83 - Stormwater Program Total 92 - Miscellaneous Program Total February 2016 Latrobe Council OPEN Agenda 21st March, 2016 Budget Remaining Page 118 Capital Expenditure February 2016 Original Budget Revised Budget Previous Month Current Month Committed Costs Actual Cost Total Cost Budget Remaining A - Roads 71 - Road Reconstructions 1113 3720 Frederick Street - Reconstruct & Improve 1113 3722 New Roundabout - Gilbert/Victor Streets 1113 3813 Club Drive - Reconstruction 1113 60,000 172,509 165,376 5,745 2,409 171,121 173,530 300,000 291,707 7,875 - 1,091 7,875 8,966 282,741 40,000 40,000 27,359 - - 27,359 27,359 12,641 3815 Alternate exit rear of 152 Gilbert St 34,999 34,999 - - - - - 34,999 1113 3817 Faulkner Drive / Speedway Road Access 20,000 20,000 9,518 - - 9,518 9,518 10,482 1113 3818 Weld Street and Hamilton Lane 34,999 34,999 - - - - - 34,999 1133 3732 Chapel Rd - Stage 2 Widen/Reconstruction - 8,749 8,708 - - 8,708 8,708 41 1133 3812 Chapel Rd - Stage 3 500,000 500,000 95,326 203,907 250,549 299,234 549,782 989,998 1,102,963 314,162 209,653 254,049 523,815 777,864 325,099 80,001 80,001 - - - - - 80,001 - 15,000 - - - - - 15,000 Category Total 80,001 95,001 - - - - - 95,001 1113 3822 Coal Hill Rd - Corner to end of seal 16,100 - - - - - - - 1113 3824 Hawkins St (West) - Monaghan St to Twiss 17,800 17,800 16,557 - - 16,557 16,557 1,243 1113 3825 Last St (West) - River Rd to Eastern End 8,800 15,300 8,017 - - 8,017 8,017 7,283 1113 3826 Manouka Drive - Parkers Ford Rd to S/End 11,500 11,500 13,090 - - 13,090 13,090 (1,590) 1113 3827 Monaghan St - Forth St to Hawkins St W 8,300 34,800 34,923 - - 34,923 34,923 (123) 1113 3831 Parkers Ford Rd - St Louis Dve to Bush H 20,200 20,200 20,797 - - 20,797 20,797 (597) 1113 3832 Percival St - Fenton St to width change 8,800 8,800 6,804 - - 6,804 6,804 1,996 1113 3834 St Louis Dve Parkers Ford to Western end 18,500 18,500 17,351 - - 17,351 17,351 1,149 1113 3835 Twiss St - Last St (West) to N'thern end 2,000 2,000 2,456 - - 2,456 2,456 Category Total (1,021) (49,782) 72 - Asphalt Overlay 1113 3816 Lat Rec Ground - Reseal carpark 1113 3892 Gilbert St - Asphalt 72 - Reseals February 2016 Latrobe Council OPEN Agenda 21st March, 2016 Page 119 (456) Original Budget 1133 3819 Ballahoo Rd - Coal Hill Rd to End of sea 1133 Revised Budget Previous Month Current Month Committed Costs Actual Cost Total Cost Budget Remaining 4,100 4,100 4,845 - - 4,845 4,845 (745) 3820 Bush Haven Drive - Parkers Ford Rd to We 10,000 10,000 10,462 - - 10,462 10,462 (462) 1133 3821 Churchills Rd - Corneilius Rd to Native 45,100 65,100 64,632 - - 64,632 64,632 468 1133 3822 Coal Hill Rd - Corner to end of seal - 16,100 17,133 - - 17,133 17,133 (1,033) 1133 3823 Craigie W - Oppenheims Rd to End of seal 1,800 1,800 1,993 - - 1,993 1,993 (193) 1133 3828 Native Plains Rd - Bass Highway to Churc 59,700 59,700 60,044 - - 60,044 60,044 (344) 1133 3829 Oppenheims Rd - (Driveway) 439 to Beveri 32,400 32,400 28,988 - - 28,988 28,988 3,412 1133 3830 Oppenheims Rd - Bass Highway to (Drivewa 31,500 31,500 29,291 - - 29,291 29,291 2,209 1133 3833 Redhills Rd - Wescombes Rd to Southern E 11,900 11,900 11,446 - - 11,446 11,446 454 1133 3836 Wescombes Rd - Moriarty Rd to (Driveway) 29,000 29,000 30,554 - - 30,554 30,554 1133 3837 Wesley Vale Rd - Darbys Rd to Frankford 26,800 26,800 26,321 - - 26,321 26,321 479 364,300 417,300 405,706 - - 405,706 405,706 11,594 Category Total February 2016 Latrobe Council OPEN Agenda 21st March, 2016 Page 120 (1,554) Original Budget Revised Budget Previous Month Current Month Committed Costs Actual Cost Total Cost Budget Remaining 73 - Footpaths 1153 3747 Archer St - Rice to Darling (240m) 1153 28,001 39,390 37,515 - 1,257 37,515 38,772 618 3748 Forth to William St Pathway (150m) - - 84 - - 84 84 1153 3751 Shearwater Park - Widen existing to 2.5m - - - - - - - - 1153 3753 Gilbert St - Tactile Indicators 20,000 20,000 - - - - - 20,000 1153 3754 Hamilton St - Reibey to New Subdivision 32,000 39,946 39,165 - 788 39,165 39,953 1153 3756 Cotton St - Stanley to Existing (300m) - - - - - - - 1153 3811 Torquay Rd - Pedestrian Crossing - - 60 - - 60 60 (84) (7) (60) 1153 3838 Alexander St - Footpath (Western Side) 50,000 50,000 - - - - - 50,000 1153 3839 Alexander St - Info Bay to Roundabout 55,000 55,000 - - - - - 55,000 1153 3840 Cotton St - Footpath 30,000 30,000 - - - - - 30,000 1153 3841 Gilbert St - Paving or alternative 50,000 50,000 344 - - 344 344 49,656 1153 3842 Gilbert St - Install curved seats 10,000 10,000 - - - - - 10,000 1153 3843 Lewis St - Bonney's Creek to Reiby St 33,000 33,000 22,928 - 270 22,928 23,198 9,802 1153 3844 Lewis Street - Reiby St to Benny St 21,999 21,999 398 20,660 1,656 21,058 22,714 1153 3845 Monaghan St - Forth St to Northern end 25,001 25,001 12,845 - 100 12,845 12,945 12,056 1153 3846 Moriarty Rd - Percival St to Palmers Rd 23,000 23,000 17,047 - - 17,047 17,047 5,953 1153 3847 Provisional Projects 15,000 15,000 2,517 - - 2,517 2,517 12,483 1153 3848 Short St - Wilmot St to Edward St 44,999 54,000 127 - 37,665 127 37,792 16,208 1153 3849 William St - Replace seal with concrete 30,000 30,000 344 - - 344 344 29,656 1153 3850 Wilmot St - Rice St to Kermode St 39,999 39,999 10,661 37,967 639 48,628 49,267 507,999 536,335 144,034 58,627 42,376 202,661 245,037 291,298 Category Total (715) (9,268) 74 - Kerb & Channel 1163 3851 Bradshaw/Benny/Lewis St - Kerb & Channel 130,000 130,000 99,247 22,368 2,465 121,614 124,080 5,920 1163 3852 Pitcairn St - Anderson St to Road Res. 220,000 220,000 2,720 - - 2,720 2,720 217,280 1163 3853 Short St - Wilmont St to Edward St 150,000 150,000 128,001 - 640 128,001 128,641 21,359 500,000 500,000 229,968 22,368 3,105 252,335 255,440 244,560 Category Total February 2016 Latrobe Council OPEN Agenda 21st March, 2016 Page 121 Original Budget Revised Budget Previous Month Current Month Committed Costs Actual Cost Total Cost Budget Remaining 75 - Bridges 1183 3854 Bakers Beach Rd- Sheepwash Creek Category Total 177,000 177,000 165,645 - 5,000 165,645 170,645 6,355 177,000 177,000 165,645 - 5,000 165,645 170,645 6,355 57,499 55,247 25,300 - - 25,300 25,300 29,947 - 11,952 2,968 - - 2,968 2,968 8,984 22,000 22,000 2,709 - 13,350 2,709 16,059 5,941 79,499 89,199 30,976 - 13,350 30,976 44,326 44,873 10,000 - - - - - - - 10,000 - - - - - - - 2,708,797 2,917,798 1,290,492 290,647 317,879 1,581,139 1,899,018 1,018,780 76 - Carparks 1173 3762 Perkins/Pool/George St - Prep & Reseal 1173 3763 Youth Centre/Skate Park - Prep & Reseal 1173 3855 Station Square - Reseal carpark Category Total 92 - Miscellaneous 1113 3856 Signage - Shearwater Village Category Total Program Total February 2016 Latrobe Council OPEN Agenda 21st March, 2016 Page 122 Original Budget Revised Budget Previous Month Current Month Committed Costs Actual Cost Total Cost Budget Remaining B - Services 83 - Stormwater 1263 3136 River Rd - Madeline St to Caravan Park 1263 - - - - 140 - 140 (140) 3579 Reibey St - Divert Open Drain (c/fwd) 19,700 18,997 - - - - - 18,997 1263 3676 Moriarty Road drainage improvements 20,001 20,001 15,012 - - 15,012 15,012 4,989 1263 3678 Provisional Projects - Stormwater - - - - - - - - 1263 3857 Bowls Club & 47 Gilbert St Latrobe 10,000 10,000 3,801 - - 3,801 3,801 6,199 1263 3858 Continue existing in Reiby St to Joeseph 100,000 100,000 99,388 - 1,879 99,388 101,267 1263 3859 Provisional Projects 20,000 20,000 1,046 - - 1,046 1,046 18,954 1263 3860 Stanley St - Opposite High School oval 12,000 12,000 7,992 - - 7,992 7,992 4,008 1273 3861 Alexander St - Opposite supermarket 20,000 20,000 11,102 - - 11,102 11,102 8,898 1273 3862 Alexander St / Hawk Hill Rd intersection 200,000 232,000 231,506 - 363 231,506 231,869 131 1273 3863 Quinlan Crescent near Estuary Views 25,001 25,001 - - - - - 25,001 1273 3864 Short Street, Port Sorell 7,000 7,000 101 - - 101 101 6,899 Category Total 433,702 464,999 369,949 - 2,381 369,949 372,330 92,669 Program Total 433,702 464,999 369,949 - 2,381 369,949 372,330 92,669 February 2016 Latrobe Council OPEN Agenda 21st March, 2016 Page 123 (1,267) Original Budget Revised Budget Previous Month Current Month Committed Costs Actual Cost Total Cost Budget Remaining C - Property, Parks and Reserves 84 - Buildings 1313 3769 Lat Youth centre- Remove/Block up N Wall 40,000 40,000 - - - - - 40,000 1313 3865 Lat. Youth Centre - Reclad N Wall & Sign 80,000 80,000 - - - - - 80,000 1313 3866 Lat. Youth Centre - replace lighting 30,000 30,000 - - - - - 30,000 1323 3771 Lat Swim Pool - Concrete Under Shelters - 2,382 2,511 - - 2,511 2,511 (129) 1323 3772 Latrobe Swim Pool - Fence Toddlers Pool 8,000 8,000 7,218 - - 7,218 7,218 782 1323 3773 Lat Swim Pool - Heating Toddler Pool - 11,674 9,380 - 2,635 9,380 12,015 (341) 1323 3774 Lat Swim Pool - Shade Prot Toddler Pool 10,000 10,000 9,494 - - 9,494 9,494 506 1323 3775 Lat Swim Pool - Play Equip/Pump Upgrade 8,000 7,955 3,253 - - 3,253 3,253 4,702 1323 3867 Latrobe Swim Pool - HWC, shower timers 20,000 20,000 206 - - 206 206 19,794 1333 3591 Rec Ground - Construct Skate Park - - - - - - - - 1333 3681 Lat Rec Ground-Replace Jun.Cricket Floor 7,380 7,380 - - - - - 7,380 1333 3777 Lat Rec Ground - Redevelop U Grandstands 39,200 45,599 45,599 - - 45,599 45,599 - 1333 3805 Lat Rec Ground - Convert Scout Hall - - 24 - 240 24 264 1333 3868 Lat Rec Ground - Electrical wiring 60,000 60,000 - - - - - 60,000 1403 3869 Port Sorell Hall - Cladding 36,000 36,000 - - - - - 36,000 1503 3870 Council Chambers - LED Lighting/Air Pear 15,000 15,000 - - - - - 15,000 1513 3783 EPUs - Replace Formaldehyde Insulation - - - - - - - - 1533 3784 Insulate Roof - Library/Historic/Online 2,500 9,898 - - - - - 9,898 1583 3787 Axemans Hall - Refurbish Museum 23,700 23,787 11,218 - - 11,218 11,218 12,569 1583 3893 Axemans Hall - Install gutter guard - 8,718 - - - - - 8,718 1583 3894 Axemans Hall - Hieght saftey system - 8,615 - - - - - 8,615 (264) 1603 3871 Bells Parade toilets 50,000 50,000 - - - - - 50,000 1793 3896 Port Sorell Reserves - Hot Water System - 6,200 5,172 - - 5,172 5,172 1,028 6203 3891 Council Depot - Council Office IT Link - 7,215 9,064 - - 9,064 9,064 (1,849) 429,780 488,423 103,140 - 2,875 103,140 106,016 Category Total February 2016 Latrobe Council OPEN Agenda 21st March, 2016 382,407 Page 124 Original Budget Revised Budget Previous Month Current Month Committed Costs Actual Cost Total Cost Budget Remaining 91 - Land Improvements 1113 3814 George St - traffic calming near pool 20,000 20,000 10,302 - - 10,302 10,302 9,698 1333 3872 Lat Rec Ground - Meter rationalisation 50,001 50,001 36 - 24,785 36 24,820 25,181 1443 3873 Road frontage carpark / bollards 44,999 44,999 - - - - - 44,999 1603 3874 Bells Parade - Interpretation signage 10,000 10,000 - - - - - 10,000 1603 3875 Bells Parade - Repair damage to Weir 10,000 25,000 3,603 - 24,712 3,603 28,315 1603 3876 Bells Parade - Restore bronze plaques 5,000 5,000 - - - - - 5,000 1603 3877 Bells Parade Playground equip and fence 35,000 35,000 - - - - - 35,000 1703 3897 Foreshore Reserve Erosion Control - 12,300 - - - - - 12,300 1723 3696 Shearwater Park-Seats,Picnic tables,BBQ 20,000 20,000 - - - - - 20,000 1723 3878 Shearwater Park Development Plan 16,000 16,000 46 6,055 - 6,101 6,101 9,899 1853 3856 Signage - Shearwater Village - 10,000 183 - - 183 183 9,817 2503 3793 PS Landfill Site - Rehab Consultancy 30,000 44,985 13,142 - 5,847 13,142 18,990 25,995 6123 3800 Lock Replacement - Depot/Tfr Station etc 3,500 4,932 2,214 - - 2,214 2,214 2,718 244,500 298,217 29,527 6,055 55,344 35,582 90,925 207,292 5,197 5,197 6,036 - - 6,036 6,036 (839) - 5,547 5,709 - - 5,709 5,709 (162) Category Total (3,315) 92 - Miscellaneous 1423 3879 Camp Banksia - Commercial Washer Dryer 1443 3680 Banksia Centre Capital 1443 3880 Electronic Scoreboard 8,500 8,500 - - - - - 1443 3881 Backboard Raising/Lowering Mechanism 8,500 8,500 9,059 - - 9,059 9,059 1803 3671 Gilbert St-Pedestrian Refuges (2) 10,000 10,000 - - - - - 10,000 1833 3697 Lat Cemetery-New Plinth/Headstones 5,342 5,200 - - - - - 5,200 4423 3614 PS Transfer Station Design for new site 25,000 25,000 - - - - - 25,000 Category Total 62,539 67,944 20,804 - - 20,804 20,804 47,140 Program Total 736,819 854,584 153,471 6,055 58,219 159,526 217,745 636,839 February 2016 Latrobe Council OPEN Agenda 21st March, 2016 8,500 (559) Page 125 Original Budget Revised Budget Previous Month Current Month Committed Costs Actual Cost Total Cost Budget Remaining D - Plant & Equipment 93 - Furniture & Equipment 1503 3882 Audio Visual Equipment 3133 4,000 4,000 222 - 2,186 222 2,407 1,593 3795 IT Services - Councillors I-Pads 10,000 10,000 10,022 - - 10,022 10,022 (22) 3133 3796 Replace Telephone System 30,000 35,714 41,272 180 390 41,452 41,842 (6,128) 5203 3883 Survey instruments 7,000 12,000 - - - - - 12,000 5213 3884 Asset Management Software Upgrade 10,000 10,000 - - - - - 10,000 Category Total 61,000 71,714 51,516 180 2,576 51,696 54,271 17,443 3923 3885 Plant 9 - Planning Services Manager 22,000 22,000 - - - - - 22,000 6923 3886 Plant 71 - Utility - Parks 22,000 22,000 19,960 - - 19,960 19,960 2,040 6923 3887 Plant 73 - Utility - Parks 22,000 22,000 19,960 - - 19,960 19,960 2,040 6923 3888 Plant 76 - Utility - Parks 22,000 22,000 27,232 - - 27,232 27,232 (5,232) 88,000 88,000 67,151 - - 67,151 67,151 20,849 15,000 15,000 - - - - - 15,000 15,000 15,000 - - - - - 15,000 7,000 7,000 11,085 - - 11,085 11,085 75,000 90,736 - - - - - 90,736 - 137,000 - 116,183 - 116,183 116,183 20,817 Category Total 82,000 234,736 11,085 116,183 - 127,268 127,268 107,468 Program Total 246,000 409,450 129,752 116,363 2,576 246,115 248,690 160,760 4,125,318 4,646,831 1,943,663 413,065 381,056 2,356,728 94 - Motor Vehicles Category Total 94 - Plant 6123 3801 Plant 1 - Replace Ford Falcon XT Category Total 95 - Plant 1423 3889 Camp Banksia - Replace ride on mower 6923 3890 Plant 30 - Truck (Tipper) - Roads 6923 3895 Plant 90 - JCB Backhoe Total Capital February 2016 Latrobe Council OPEN Agenda 21st March, 2016 (4,085) 2,737,783.68 1,909,047 Page 126 Latrobe Council OPEN Agenda 21st March, 2016 Page 127 Latrobe Council OPEN Agenda 21st March, 2016 Page 128 Annexure "I" Date: 23/02/2016 Latrobe Council Audit Panel Meeting Minutes Venue: Time: Kentish Council Chambers 10.46am – 11.58am Attendees: Mr Ben Coull -Chairman & Independent Panel Member Cr. Dayna Dennison – Audit Panel Member Mrs Jan Febey - Manager Corporate Services Mr Andrew Cock – Accountant Mr Joshua Jackson – Accountant Mr Gerald Monson – General Manager Representative - Tasmanian Audit Office Cr. Lesley Young – Audit Panel Member Apologies: Item ID 1.0 1.1 1.2 1.3 Subject The Chairman declared a potential conflict of interest relating to his accounting firm submitting an expression of interest to Dulverton Waste Management Authority to provide accounting services. Confirmation of Minutes of the previous meeting held 24 November 2015. Matters arising/outstanding actions from the previous meeting held 24 November 2015 Matters arising/outstanding actions from the previous meeting held 24 November 2015 Matters arising/outstanding actions from the previous meeting held 24 November 2015 Latrobe Council OPEN Agenda Action/Outcome Noted By Who Minutes to be confirmed Audit Panel Minutes of the meeting of the Audit Panel held on the 24th of November 2015 were confirmed. Deed of Confidentiality agreement to be forwarded to and signed by the Chairman. The Corporate Services Manager is to include commentary in the 2014-15 Annual Report regarding the Audit Panel. A more formal report is to be considered for inclusion in the 2015-16 Annual Report. The General Manager will provide an update regarding the cost of rehabilitating the Port Sorell Waste Transfer site. 21st March, 2016 By When Completed? Yes Chairman 23/02/2016 Yes Corporate Services Manager 14/12/2015 Yes General Manager 23/02/2016 Yes Page 129 Item ID 2.0 3.0 4.0 Subject Reportable Incidents - standing agenda item TAO - Correspondence Minister for Local Government Correspondence Action/Outcome Management is waiting on further guidance from the Environmental Protection Authority (EPA) regarding the extent of the works required to rehabilitate the site. Based on current estimates, the proposed works are in the order of $6M, however if a full cap profile as per the Landfill Sustainability Guide 2004 is adopted, then the project cost is likely to be closer to $10M to $12M and the project timing is likely to extend significantly, and could be in the order of 8 years. Nil. Attachment to agenda re Legislative Compliance Audit to be discussed/noted by the Audit Panel. By Who By When Completed? Audit Panel 23/02/2016 Yes 23/02/2016 Yes The Panel noted that Tasmanian Audit Office recently advised they were conducting a compliance audit. The audit covered a wide range of areas including compliance with the Dog Control Act, the Building Act, the Local Government Act regarding expiry of by-laws and Ministerial Orders regarding asset management indicators. Management has provided all information as requested . Attachment to agenda re change to eligibility Audit Panel requirements for Audit Panel members to be discussed/noted by the Audit Panel. The changes are directed at councils that have engaged employees from other councils as audit panel members. Latrobe Council OPEN Agenda 21st March, 2016 Page 130 Item ID Subject 5.0 Budgeting 5.1 Budgeting Action/Outcome In the context of the resource sharing arrangement with the Kentish Council, resource shared staff attend both Kentish and Latrobe Audit Panel meetings, however, as the staff are involved in support roles only and not as Audit Panel members , the changes in legislation have no effect on the current arrangement. Noted. Review existing budget estimate preparation process (e.g level of consultation and source of assumptions) The budget timetable and level of community consultation was discussed, including input into the budget process from committees. Sensitivity analysis and consideration of risks was also discussed. The Panel endorsed the current process and will consider the draft budget in due course. Review long term financial plan and asset management plan, including reasonableness of underlying assumptions and fit with Council strategy. By Who By When Audit Panel 23/02/2016 Audit Panel 23/02/2016 Completed? As the annual budget is framed within the long term financial plan and asset management plans, the long term plans will need to be reviewed and updated to include new information such as the revised costs of rehabilitating the Port Sorell Waste Transfer Station. The Panel endorsed the plans and processes. Latrobe Council OPEN Agenda 21st March, 2016 Page 131 Item ID 6.0 Subject Internal financial reporting Action/Outcome Review current financial reporting format to Council, including performance indicators, with a view to suggesting improvements in quality and relevance of reporting to Council. By Who Audit Panel By When 31/03/2016 Audit Panel 24/05/2016 Mr. Ben Coull Mr. Andrew Cock 24/05/2016 Completed? The current financial reports were discussed and compared to the financial reports prepared for other Council’s in the region. 7.0 Whistle-blower protocols 8.0 New Business / Additional Items 9.0 Next Meeting: 24th May, 2016 - Latrobe Council Office at 10.30am. Latrobe Council OPEN Agenda The Audit Panel recommended that the balance sheet is included in the financial reports on a monthly basis. Review policies ensuring Council employees have unfettered ability to report illegal or unethical activities. Obtain an understanding of the level of awareness among employees of council procedures and ethical standards generally. Due to time constraints the item was not discussed and has been deferred to a future meeting. To investigate the possibility of a joint meeting between the Latrobe and Kentish Audit Panels to discuss common agenda items which would enable efficient use of resource shared staff time. Following the joint meeting each individual Panel would then meet for Council specific issues. Confirm meeting date 21st March, 2016 Audit Panel Page 132 Annexure "J" MEETING MINUTES 9:30AM 9 FEBRUARY 2016 KENTISH COUNCIL Present Cr Penny Lane (Kentish Council), John Perkins (Latrobe Primary School), Chris Clark (CDYO), Norman Targett (Tasmanian Motorcycle Council), Amanda Hicks (School Bus Driver) and Kellie Parker (Horse Riders) Apologies Cr Lesley Young (Latrobe Council), Jonathan Magor (MES) and Ken Geeves (Neighbourhood Watch Port Sorell). Confirmation of Minutes Amanda Hicks moved and John Perkins seconded that the minutes of the meeting held 1 December 2015 were a true and accurate representation of what occurred. CARRIED CURRENT AGENDA ITEMS 1. BUSINESS ARISING 1.1 RECOMMENDATIONS FROM PREVIOUS MEETING At its January meeting, Latrobe Council endorsed the recommendation of the CRSC to write to the Department of State Growth requesting they extend the existing 80km/h speed limit from near Appleby Road to include the access for the Ghost Rock Vineyard as an interim measure until the access to the vineyard can be upgraded. 1.2 LOWER BARRINGTON SPEED COUNTER MES provided CDYO with the results from the traffic counter located on Sheffield Road at Lower Barrington to table at the meeting. The results were as follows: Speed Limit Compliance Less than 60km/h 70km/h 92.6% 48.9% 50km/h 30% 80.8% The findings suggest that a speed limit of 60km/h would be a more suitable speed limit for the intersection of road than the current 50km/h and the following motion resulted: John Perkins moved and Kelli Parker seconded that the Manager of Engineering Services write to the Department of State Growth and request the 50km/h speed limit at Lower Barrington be increased to 60km/h. CARRIED Latrobe Council OPEN Agenda 21st March, 2016 Page 133 2. SAFER ROADS 2.1 ENGINEERING No report this month. 3. SAFER SPEEDS 3.1 SCHOOL BUSES Amanda Hicks noted that bus drivers she had spoken to suggested most students and parents were being safe around school bus stops. The awareness campaign delivered in the lead up to the first school term appears to have work in reinforcing the 40km/h speed limit however there are still those who do not obey the flashing signs. 4. SAFER PEOPLE 4.1 MOTORCYCLISTS Norm Targett informed the committee that Ride Kentish Safely brochures were distributed at the recent North West Motorcycle Show. The Spirit of Tasmania has agreed to display motorcycle safety brochures from the Tasmanian Motorcycle Council (TMC) free of charge. The TMC is submitting a grant to produce a video that will be displayed on the Spirit of Tasmania that informs motorcyclists of some of the hazards present on Tasmanian roads. Such a campaign is relevant to both council areas as many hundreds of motorcyclists from interstate ride the roads each year. CDYO said a letter of support on behalf of the committee could be prepared if the TMC believe it would assist. 5. SAFER VEHICLES No current actions. 6. PROJECT UPDATES 6.1 FACTOR THE TRACTOR AND SEE US SAFELY CDYO circulated an email to the committee in late January, advising of the commencement of the radio advertising for the Factor the Tractor and See us Safely projects. CDYO noted that due to the time taken to create the ads and the need to have them on air now in peak tourism season and harvesting season, it was not practical to have them approved by the committee. CDYO noted the speed trailer has been in operation since late December, located at Lower Barrington and displaying messages related to agricultural machinery. 7. GENERAL BUSINESS 7.1 ROAD KILL CDYO had undertaken some investigation into how other councils approach the issue of road kill. Many do not remove the road kill unless it is located in an urban area or causing a significant hazard on the road. 7.2 BICYCLE NETWORK PARTNERSHIP CDYO met with Phil Joughlin who is the Ride2School co-ordinator for Bicycle Network. Bicycle Network is providing a one day training course for up to 80 young people utilising the Kentish Road Safety Bike Park. It is expected this event will occur in March 2016. 7.3 SHEFFIELD ROAD CRASHES Amanda Hicks noted that there have been a number of warning signs installed at the Jowett’s Hill location to caution motorists of the slippery conditions. Latrobe Council OPEN Agenda 21st March, 2016 Page 134 7.4 DISABLED PARKING BAY Cr Lane on behalf of a Kentish resident requested the installation of a disabled parking bay outside the Hub. Action: MES to investigate the feasibility. 7.5 COMMUNITY REPRESENATION John Perkins requested schools be invited to attend meetings and informed that the committee was available if they had a pressing road safety issue they would like addressed. Action: CDYO to contact schools and invite them to attend future meetings. Meeting closed 10:35am NEXT MEETING 15 March 2016 at Camp Banksia Latrobe Council OPEN Agenda 21st March, 2016 Page 135 Annexure "K" SUBJECT: DEVELOPMENT APPLICATION – PROPOSED SHOP & SIGNAGE AUTHOR: LEE-ANNE RYAN – STATUTORY PLANNING OFFICER DATE: 9 MARCH 2016 FILE REF: DA 15/2016 ATTACHMENTS: COPY OF REPRESENTATIONS 1. SUMMARY INFORMATION Applicant: S A Christie Project: Proposed Shop & Signage Zone: General Residential Address: 14 Hamilton Street, Latrobe Use Category: General Retail and Hire Discretions invoked: Re-use of heritage listed building Reduction in parking provision Signage Recommendation: 2. Approval with Conditions PROPOSAL Council is in receipt of an application made under Section 57 of the Land Use Planning and Approvals Act 1993 (LUPAA) for a proposed shop and signage at 14 Hamilton Street, Latrobe. The proposal is to utilize part of a heritage listed dwelling as a temporary shop for the retail business, Reliquaire, which was destroyed by fire in December 2015. The opening hours of the business are 9:00am to 5:00pm, 7 days a week. The proposed shop floor area is approximately 210m². The ground floor comprises merchandise areas, a public toilet, kitchen and café. The second storey comprises a merchandise area and an office. Use of the existing shed is also proposed for hardware merchandise and storage. The balance of the building will be retained as a private area for residential use. The proposal includes signage comprising a hanging pole sign, a free standing sign and two signs attached to the fences of both 126-132 Gilbert Street and 133-135 Gilbert Street. A copy of the building floor plans, signage location plan and signage detail for the proposal are shown in Figures 1 - 3. Latrobe Council OPEN Agenda 21st March, 2016 Page 136 Figure 1 Ground floor plan Latrobe Council OPEN Agenda 21st March, 2016 Page 137 Figure 2 Second floor plan Latrobe Council OPEN Agenda 21st March, 2016 Page 138 Figure 3 Signage Location Plan Latrobe Council OPEN Agenda 21st March, 2016 Page 139 Figure 4 Signage detail 3. SITE AND LOCALITY The subject title (CT 120628/5) comprises 1212.4m². Heritage Register and contains a dwelling. It is listed on the Tasmanian The adjoining titles to the north and south-west contain single dwellings and outbuildings. A laneway adjoins the title to the north-west. The adjoining title to the south contains the Senior Citizens Club. The titles immediately opposite in Hamilton Street are corner lots, one of which contains a single dwelling and the other contains the Girl Guides Hall. An aerial view showing existing use and development on the subject title and those surrounding it is shown in Figure 5. Latrobe Council OPEN Agenda 21st March, 2016 Page 140 Figure 5: Aerial View 4. PLANNING SCHEME CONSIDERATIONS The site is located within the General Residential zone under the Latrobe Interim Planning Scheme 2013 as shown in the zoning map in Figure 6. Figure 6: Zoning Map Latrobe Council OPEN Agenda 21st March, 2016 Page 141 Overlays and Specific Areas The site is located within the Latrobe Conservation Area under the Planning Scheme. Clause E5 Local Heritage Code of the Planning Scheme specifies the provisions relevant to this area. 5. ADVERTISING / CONSULTATION The proposal was advertised in accordance with the Land Use Planning and Approvals Act 1993 on 13 February 2016 and 12 representations were received. 6. REFERRALS The application was referred to the Tasmanian Heritage Council. The following response was received: Latrobe Council OPEN Agenda 21st March, 2016 Page 142 Latrobe Council OPEN Agenda 21st March, 2016 Page 143 INTERNAL REFERRALS The application was referred to Council’s Engineering, Environmental Health and Building departments. Engineer’s report and recommended conditions. Comments: Nil Condition: The existing vehicle crossing located in the road reservation from the edge of the roadway to the property boundary is to be used. Environmental Health Officer’s report and recommended conditions Comments: Site inspected on the 8th January 2016 and determined suitable to provide food. Note: Rooms used for food preparation must comply with the Australian Standard AS4674-2004 construction and fit out of a food premises and Australian and New Zealand Food Standards Code - Standard 3.2.3 Food Premises and Equipment. Building Department’s report and recommended conditions. Comments: Building Application to be lodged with Council for change of building class. Condition: A qualified building surveyor is to assess the relevant portion of the building in consideration of the proposed use and, if appropriate, issue a Certificate of Compliance for a change of building classification and Occupancy Certificate. A copy of the building surveyor’s determination is to be provided to Council prior to the use commencing. 7. SERVICES The subject title fronts a fully constructed Council maintained road. It has existing connections to TasWater’s reticulated water and sewer mains, Council’s stormwater network, TasNetworks electricity infrastructure and Telstra’s telecommunications infrastructure. 8. DEVELOPMENT STANDARDS AND RELEVANT ASSESSMENT The application was received as a Section 57 application under the Land Use Planning and Approvals Act 1993. It is required to be assessed under the Latrobe Interim Planning Scheme 2013. The Latrobe Interim Planning Scheme 2013 The application will be considered as per the requirements of Clause 8.10, which sets out the matters that Council shall take into consideration when assessing an application. Clause 8.10 reads as follows: 8.10 Determining Applications 8.10.1 In determining an application for any permit the planning authority must, in addition to the matters required by ss51(2) of the Act, take into consideration: a) all applicable standards and requirements in this planning scheme; and b) any representations received pursuant to and in conformity with ss57(5) of the Act, but in the case of the exercise of discretion, only insofar as each such matter is relevant to the particular discretion being exercised. Latrobe Council OPEN Agenda 21st March, 2016 Page 144 8.10.2 In determining an application for a permit for a discretionary use the planning authority must, in addition to the matters referred to in subclause 8.10.1, have regard to: a) the purpose of the applicable zone; b) Any relevant local area objective or desired future character statement for the applicable zone; c) the purpose of any applicable code; and d) the purpose of any applicable specific area plan. but only insofar as each such purpose, local area objective or desired future character statement is relevant to the particular discretion being exercised. 8.10.3 In determining an application for any permit the planning authority must not take into consideration matters referred to in Clauses 2.0 and 3.0 of the planning scheme. Clause 9.5 sets out matters to be considered where an application includes a change of use of an heritage listed building. Clause 9.5 reads as: 9.5 Change of Use of a Heritage Place 9.5.1 Notwithstanding any other provision of this planning scheme, whether specific or general, the planning authority may at its discretion approve an application for a site containing a building, area or place included on the Tasmanian Heritage Register in accordance with the Historic Cultural Heritage Act 1995 for one or both of the following – a) a use that would otherwise be prohibited; b) development that would otherwise not be permitted. 9.5.2 The planning authority may approve such an application if the proposed use or development would facilitate the restoration, conservation and future maintenance of the historic cultural heritage significance under the Historic Cultural Heritage Act 1995 for the building, area or place, provided the approved use or development does not conflict with any mandatory provision required under the Land Use Planning and Approvals Act 1993. 9.5.3 In determining an application the planning authority must have regard to all of the following – a) the purpose and provisions of the zone and any applicable codes; b) the potential for land use conflicts with the use and development permissible under the planning scheme applying for the site and for land in the vicinity of the site; c) the degree to which the restoration, conservation and future maintenance of the historic cultural heritage significance of the place is dependent upon the establishment of the proposed use or development. The subject title (CT 120628/5) is listed on the Tasmanian Heritage Register and contains a dwelling. It is proposed to operate a temporary shop within an existing dwelling and shed on a fully serviced lot that has an established access onto Hamilton Street. The balance of the building will be retained as a private area for residential use. The subject site is located within the General Residential zone. The purpose of the General Residential zone is: Latrobe Council OPEN Agenda 21st March, 2016 Page 145 To provide for residential use or development that accommodates a range of dwelling types at suburban densities, where full infrastructure services are available or can be provided. To provide for compatible non-residential use that primarily serve the local community. Local Area Objective, Clause 10.1.2 (e) (i), states that the amenity and character of suburban residential use is commensurate with the location of housing and support activity. Account must be given to the likely impact on residential use from the occurrence and operation of non-housing activity. Desired Future Character Statement, Clause 10.1.3 (a), states that housing is a predominant, but not exclusive, form of development. The proposal is for the temporary use of the building by the business known as Reliquaire, to enable its ongoing operation following the fire at its Gilbert Street premises until a permanent site can be determined. The operating hours of the business are from 9:00am to 5:00pm, 7 days a week. Operation of the proposed business has the potential to result in noise caused by an increase in pedestrian and traffic activity and added pressure on existing car parking opportunities in Hamilton Street. The subject site is located in close proximity to the Latrobe business area and is approximately 90m from Gilbert Street. The subject title is a large residential lot with an area of 1212.4m². The existing dwelling is setback approximately 14m from the adjoining dwelling to north, 27m from the nearest dwelling to the north-west and 37m from the adjoining dwelling to the south-west. The existing dwelling provides greater separation between buildings than other dwellings in the area, which are setback a minimum of 4m from each other. The subject site contains a large hedge along the northern and western title boundaries, which provides an additional buffer to mitigate any impact on adjoining dwellings. The adjoining lot to the south contains the Senior Citizens Club and a lot immediately opposite at 13 Hamilton Street contains the Girl Guides Hall. These are both community purpose buildings used intermittently for meetings and entertainment. The proximity of the site to the Gilbert Street makes the site easily accessible for visitors to this area. It is not unusual for retail customers and staff of existing businesses in Gilbert Street to park in Hamilton Street which provides ready access to the Latrobe business area. Retail customers are itinerant by nature. Due to the separation distances of the existing buildings on the site from adjacent dwellings and the current use of Hamilton Street as an overflow area for parking for users of the Latrobe business area the proposed shop will result in minimal change to residential amenity and use of community purpose buildings in the area. The continued maintenance of the heritage listed property is dependent on the ability of the owners to provide the financial means to achieve this. The owners of the property are also the owners of the business Reliquaire, which previously provided an income to facilitate maintenance of the heritage listed property. Operation of the business from 14 Hamilton Street, Latrobe will provide an income for the owners and therefore the means to maintain the 125 year old building which is part of the Latrobe historical streetscape. Codes E9 Traffic Generating Use and Parking Code E9.5.1 Provision for parking Objective: Provision is to be made for convenient, accessible, and usable vehicle parking to satisfy requirements for use or development without impact for use or development of other land Latrobe Council OPEN Agenda 21st March, 2016 Page 146 or for the safety and operation of any road Acceptable Solutions Performance Criteria A1 P1 Provision for parking must be - (a) It must be unnecessary or unreasonable to require arrangements for the provision of vehicle parking; or (a) the minimum number of on-site vehicle parking spaces must be in accordance with the applicable standard for the use class as shown in the Table E9A; (b) motor bike parking at a rate of 1 space for every 20 vehicle parking spaces; (c) parking spaces for people with disabilities at the rate of 1 space for every 20 parking spaces or part thereof; and (b) Adequate and appropriate provision must be made for vehicle parking to meet (i) anticipated requirement for the type, scale, and intensity of the use; (ii) likely needs and requirements of site users; and (iii) likely type, number, frequency, and duration of vehicle parking demand (d) bicycle parking at the rate of 1 space for every 20 vehicle parking spaces or part thereof Table E9A requires provision of 1 space per 30m² gross floor area for General Retail and Hire. The floor area of the proposed shop is approximately 210m², which equates to the provision of 7 car parking spaces. No on-site parking is included for the proposal. Council has discretion to consider a reduction in provision of on-site parking provided: a) It is unnecessary or unreasonable to require arrangements for the provision of vehicle parking or; b) Adequate and appropriate provision is made for vehicle parking to meet – i. Anticipated requirement for the type, scale and intensity of the use; ii. Likely needs and requirements of site users; and iii. Likely type, number, frequency and duration of vehicle parking demand. The proposal is for the business known as Reliquaire, to maintain its ongoing operation following the fire at its Gilbert Street premises until a permanent site can be determined. The previous site did not provide for on-site parking. Parking for the use was accommodated on both sides of Gilbert Street, Station Square Car Park and Reisz’s Car Park. In addition, streets adjacent to Gilbert Street are often used for convenient parking associated with business activity due to their proximity to the Latrobe business area. Hamilton Street is one of these streets and currently is used for this purpose. The subject site is located approximately 90m from Gilbert Street and 155m from the previous location of the business. It would be unreasonable to require the provision of on-site vehicle parking for the temporary shop. In this manner, the proposal satisfies Performance Criteria P1 for this Standard. Latrobe Council OPEN Agenda 21st March, 2016 Page 147 E9.5.2 Provision for loading and unloading of vehicles Objective: Provision is made for conveniently located and accessible areas for the loading and unloading of goods and materials and for the pick-up and set-down of passengers from vehicles Acceptable Solutions Performance Criteria A1 P1 There must be provision within a site for - (a) It must be unnecessary or unreasonable to require arrangements for loading and unloading of vehicles; or (a) on-site loading area in accordance with the requirement in Table E9A; and (b) passenger vehicle pick-up and setdown facilities for business, commercial, educational and retail use at the rate of 1 space for every 50 parking spaces (b) Adequate and appropriate provision must be made for the loading and unloading of vehicles to meet– (i) likely volume, type and frequency of vehicles associated with the delivery and collection of goods and passengers; and (ii) likely frequency and duration of requirements for delivery and collection of goods or people Table E9A requires provision for 1 small rigid truck space per 400m² gross floor area. No on-site parking provision is included in the proposal. Council has discretion to consider waiver of on-site provision for the loading and unloading of goods and materials provided: a) It is unnecessary or unreasonable to require arrangements for loading and unloading of vehicles; or b) Adequate and appropriate provision is made for the loading and unloading of vehicles to meet – i. Likely volume, type and frequency of vehicles associated with the delivery and collection of goods and passengers; and ii. Likely frequency and duration of requirements for delivery and collection of goods or people. The proposal is for the business known as Reliquaire, to maintain its ongoing operation following the fire at its Gilbert Street premises until a permanent site can be determined. The previous site did not provide a designated area for the loading and unloading of goods. There is adequate area within the existing access driveway on Hamilton Street for the unloading of delivery vehicles. In this manner, the proposal satisfies Performance Criteria P1 for this Standard. E5 Local Heritage Code The site is located within the Latrobe Conservation Area under the Planning Scheme. Clause E5 of the Planning Scheme specifies the provisions relevant to this area. Latrobe Council OPEN Agenda 21st March, 2016 Page 148 E5.7.8 Signs Objective: Signs does not advsersely impact on the heritage significance of a listed building or a conservation area Sign does not adversely impact on the heritage significance of a listed building or a conservation area Acceptable Solutions A1 Performance Criteria P1 (a) There must be – (i) not more than 2 signs on a building without an awning; and (ii) not more than 3 signs on a building with an awning; A sign must not adversely impact on the heritage significance of a listed building or a conservation area (b) A sign must be of a type, dimension and location indicated in the Table for clause E5.7.8; and (c) A sign must not – (i) obscure the façade or architectural detail of a building within the Latrobe Conservation Area; and (ii) use florescent or iridescent colour or illuminated gas filled tubing The proposal includes four signs advertising the business as follows: A hanging pole sign located at the front of the building. This sign is 0.8m high x 0.8m wide and the bottom of the sign is 2.700m from ground level. A free standing portable sign to be located in the nature strip outside 14 Hamilton Street, Latrobe. The dimensions of this sign are 1.2m high x 0.8m wide. Two signs, 0.8m high x 0.8m wide, one of each to be attached to fences of the properties at 126-132 Gilbert Street (on Hamilton Street ) and 133-135 Gilbert Street (on Gilbert Street). All signs use colours from a heritage colour palette. The two signs at 14 Hamilton Street meet the Acceptable Solution and have permitted status. The Performance Criteria gives Council discretion to consider off-site signage provided the signs do not adversely impact on the heritage significance of a listed building or a conservation area. The application was referred to the Tasmanian Heritage Council who issued a certificate of exemption for the proposed works. The two off-site signs each have an area of 0.64m² and are attached to the fences of two properties on the corner of Gilbert and Hamilton Streets. These signs are small, employ heritage colours and being attached to the fences will have minimal impact, if any, on the streetscape. The proposed signage will not adversely impact on the heritage significance of the Latrobe Conservation Area. The proposal satisfies Performance Criteria P1 for this Standard. Latrobe Council OPEN Agenda 21st March, 2016 Page 149 Twelve (12) representations were received following public exhibition of the proposal. Copies of the representations are attached to this report. The aerial view shown in Figure 7 indicates the relationship between the seven (7) properties owned by the representors in the immediate vicinity of the subject title. The other five representors do not live in close proximity to the subject site. Figure 7 Relationship between subject title and properties owned by representors in the immediate vicinity The issues raised by the representations are as follows: a) Support for the proposal; b) Impact from increase in traffic on safety and off-street parking in a residential area; c) Impact on residential amenity; d) Impact on historic area and streetscape; e) Alternate sites available in the commercial zone; f) Impact on property values; Council’s Planning Officer makes the following comments in response to these concerns: a) One representor, who lives directly opposite to the site, is supportive of the proposal. Latrobe Council OPEN Agenda 21st March, 2016 Page 150 b) The subject site is located close to the Latrobe business area, being approximately 90m from Gilbert Street and 155m from the previous location of the business. The proposal is for the business known as Reliquaire, to maintain its operations following the fire at its Gilbert Street premises until a permanent site can be determined. There was no on-site parking provided at the previous site. Parking for the use was accommodated on both sides of Gilbert Street, Station Square Car Park and Reisz’s Car Park as well as adjacent streets and lanes. Streets adjacent to Gilbert Street are often used for convenient parking associated with business activity due to their proximity to the Latrobe business area. Hamilton Street is one of these streets and is already used for this purpose. There are concerns that the Hamilton/Gilbert Street intersection is already congested. Council is currently considering a solution for this intersection. In regard to deliveries to the shop, the access driveway to the title will be used for unloading of delivery vehicles. Should a permit be issued for the shop, it could be conditioned requiring this as well as deliveries only between certain hours. Hamilton Street and George Street are public streets and provide opportunities to accommodate car parking for all members of the public, be they residents and their visitors or patrons of community purpose uses in the area and the Latrobe business zone. The operating hours of the business are from 9:00am to 5:00pm, 7 days a week. The proximity of the site to the Gilbert Street makes the site easily accessible for visitors to this area. Retail customers are itinerant by nature and would not be parked in an area for any great length of time. Car parking can be controlled through allocation and signage. The property at 11 Hamilton Street has quite a long frontage. The owners of this property have lodged a representation in support of the proposal and state in their representation that utilisation of their George Street frontage for car parking does not pose a problem to them. Car parking could be formalised to maximise the number of car parking spaces available in the area. Should a permit be issued for the shop, it could be conditioned to require line marking indicating parking spaces in the area. There is sufficient room in this area to provide for 8 car spaces, which is 1 more than the number required by the Planning Scheme for the proposed use. The Girl Guides Association has concerns in regard to the safety of children being dropped off and collected from the Girl Guides Hall, which is on the other side of George Street. Should a permit be issued for the shop, it could be conditioned to require signage to be erected outside the Girl Guides Hall prohibiting parking on Wednesdays between the hours of 3:00pm and 6:00pm, which are the hours the Girl Guides use the hall. The Senior Citizen’s Club has concerns in regard to use of their car park by persons not using their building. Should a permit be issued for the shop, it could be conditioned to require signage to be erected outside the Senior Citizens parking area indicating that on-site parking is for users of the clubrooms only from Monday Friday. c) The proposal is for a temporary shop while a permanent site can be established for the Reliquaire business. The proposed opening hours are 9:00am to 5:00pm, 7 days a week. Hamilton Street is a public street and provides opportunities to accommodate car parking for all members of the public, be they residents and their visitors or patrons of community purpose uses in the area and the Latrobe business zone. Latrobe Council OPEN Agenda 21st March, 2016 Page 151 The subject title is a large residential lot with an area of 1212.4m². The existing dwelling is setback approximately 14m from the adjoining dwelling to north, 27m from the nearest dwelling to the north-west and 37m from the adjoining dwelling to the south-west. The existing dwelling provides greater separation between buildings than other dwellings in the area which are setback a minimum of 4m from each other. The subject site contains a large hedge along the northern and western title boundaries, which provides an additional buffer to mitigate any impact on adjoining dwellings. The Senior Citizens Club adjoins the subject title to the south and the Girl Guide Hall is located to the east of Hamilton Street. Both are community purpose buildings and provide a buffer between the subject title and the residential area to the south and east. Due to the separation distances of the existing buildings on the site from adjacent dwellings and the current use of Hamilton Street as an overflow area for parking for users of the Latrobe business area the proposed shop will result in minimal change to residential amenity and use of community purpose buildings in the area. d) Hamilton Street is a public street and provides opportunities to accommodate car parking for all members of the public, be they residents and their visitors or patrons of community purpose uses in the area and the Latrobe business zone. As previously stated the subject site is in close proximity to the Latrobe business area and this section of Hamilton Street is already used as a convenient car parking option by users of the business area. There is no change proposed to the buildings at 14 Hamilton Street. The opportunity to continue operating the Reliquaire business at 14 Hamilton Street, Latrobe will provide an income for the owners and therefore the means to maintain the 125 year old building that makes a significant contribution to the Latrobe Conservation Area and its historic streetscape. e) As previously stated, the proposal is for a temporary shop while a permanent site can be established for the Reliquaire business. There are limited vacant premises in the Latrobe business area that are large enough or suitable for the proposed temporary shop. The subject site provides an opportunity to utilise a building owned by the operators of the business to open a temporary shop, whilst they pursue future development opportunities. Should a permit be issued for the shop, it could be conditioned to limit its operations to a maximum of two (2) years only. In this manner, the shop could only operate for two years and no extension could be granted without a further application being lodged with Council for consideration. f) The Planning Scheme does not require Council to consider the impact of use and development on property values in any area. 10. RECOMMENDATION That the report by the Planning Officer dated 9 March 2016 concerning development application DA 15/2016 be received and that Council approve the proposed shop and signage at 14 Hamilton Street, Latrobe subject to the following conditions: 1. Consent is for a temporary shop at 14 Hamilton Street, Latrobe substantially in accordance with endorsed ground floor and second floor plans. 2. The temporary shop may only operate for a maximum period of two (2) years from the date of this permit. 3. Consent is for signage at 14 Hamilton Street, 126-132 Gilbert Street and 133-135 Gilbert Street, Latrobe substantially in accordance with endorsed signage detail: pages 4 and 5 and signage location plan. 4. Consent is for the statutory parking requirement to be reduced to zero for the proposed use. Latrobe Council OPEN Agenda 21st March, 2016 Page 152 5. A qualified building surveyor is to assess the relevant portion of the building in consideration of the proposed use and, if appropriate, issue a Certificate of Compliance for a change of building classification and occupancy certificate. A copy of the building surveyor’s determination is to be provided to Council prior to the use commencing. 6. Line marking, indicating parking spaces along the George Street frontage at 11 Hamilton Street and along Hamilton Street, between Cotton and Gilbert Streets, is to be established in accordance with AS2890.5 – 1993 - Parking Facilities, Part 5: On-street Parking. Line marking to be established by Council at the developer’s cost. 7. Signage must be erected along Hamilton and George Streets outside the Girl Guides Hall indicating a drop off zone only between the hours of 3:00pm and 6:00pm on Wednesdays. Signage to be established by Council at the developer’s cost. 8. Signage must be erected at the entry to the Senior Citizens parking area indicating that on-site parking is for users only from Monday – Friday. Signage to be established by Council at the developer’s cost. 9. The existing vehicle crossing located in the road reservation from the edge of the roadway to the property boundary is to be used. Note: Rooms used for food preparation must comply with the Australian Standard AS4674-2004 construction and fit out of a food premises and Australian and New Zealand Food Standards Code Standard 3.2.3 Food Premises and Equipment. 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